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DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE WORKS VARANASI Inspection Check Sheets for 3-Phase (WAP-7/WAG.9) Electric Loco (Electrical, Pneumatic and Brake system) CLW's Ref. W.I.NO. W.60.101, VERSION: 02, Format No. F60.812 LOCO No. HAI - 569 PAGE NO. 1 OF 7 DATE OF INSPECTION: INSPECTED BY: ‘Test Preparation. Chesk all end Cocks are Properly closed & all Pn Multiple hose couplings are Properly secured on dummy couplings. Open all drain cocks of reservoir. Drain condensed air and close them properiy. ‘ In chiving end (CAB) Keep Direct Brake Controller Handle is in RELEASE Position & Automatic Brake Controller Handle is in RUN Position, Parking brake is Applied As & When stated to RELEASE. Air Dryer By-Pass Cock Handle is in Close Position. Vigilance Isolating Cock?4F Brake Pipe Isolating Cock70F Handle is in Open Position. Hom & Wiper Isolating Cock Hanale is in Open Position. Ensure Isolating Cock 47 F (in E70 Panel) is closed. In Non Driving end ( CAB ) Keep Direct Brake Controller Handle is in RELEASE Position & Automatic Brake Controller handle is in NEUTRAL Position. During the leakage tests, no attempt is o be made to stop the E70 pressure regulator (Choke) bleeding. This specification has been combined with a test record sheet which appears on the right-hand side of the page. ( Result Columns ) When the operation is performed correctly a tick with Value obtained can be placed along side the relevant paragraph ( Result Column ) Also where Needed Achieved Value should Be Recorded with date. All the Electronics Signals Should Be Checked by Laptop and a tick (_) can be placedjin Result Column with Date. ee) Signature oat Signature of Tester land \ 64-8) DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE WORKS VARANASI INSPECTION CHECK SHEETS FOR 3-PHASE (WAP-7IWAG-9) ELECTRIC LOCO ELECTRICAL, PNEUMATIC AND BRAKE SYSTEM (CLWs Ref. W.LNO. W.60.101 VERSION: 02, Format No. F60.812 LOL0 No. DATE OF INSPECTION: PAGE NO. 20F 7 INSPECTED BY: [S¥-No. Teatto be Conducted Standard Result Gab] cabo r [Auxiliary Compressor. (Pantograph & VCB) 1-7 [Ensure Ari compel Veried fom Locamotve. Pano Gauge Flied at TestPont27F —[Preumina Tine | Yp™ | yg Hun ON BL Key Now NGPA Starts Record Pr Bull up Time. Check PS-26F vB is [Open Ears Un Eanh VB. Open (Blue Key) KABA Key fom HOM Switch, Faitin36F nPn |p cos0.sskgicw? | gree | Broo Pane ¢ Spt aitenion Take Key From VCB Dont USE Spare Key} iese oo: 1sKcicy? | 7:00 _| Pree [2 — | heck Safety Vale 29F Operates at 83010 870-018 KG/GNG Pressure not Exceed —Jps0s0 20Kgicwr | gy | RI 9.5:0.2ka Above opening Pressure. Jo ss0.2K9 ey | er FS [Pantoaraph Selection switch sn Ao Poaon,Gpen SF OFT 182 & TOF by Be Rey oe [ou [4 [Pan Swich Cab-1 Pan UP in Panel A See Pan 2 Rises Cote VCB Than Open Check |OperiCiose Bs] Signal Cong Fie 058 MPrSWPan-2/ PS.097 Chock (Repeat tha tet Fem Cad2As0 [ysoua taxgeu? | 4s | MS" [check signa psmasskoc | So | Ss _| [iS |Glose ara Pan 2 Fal Down/Open OFT Pan Rise & Cae EF Pan? Down F.S— [Pan Sw Pant Gai Pan UP n Panel A Sea Pan 1 Rises. Signal Cont Fle 5A lGpeiCiose a luPrswran-1 Pis.oart Check. Close @F/ 1 Pan 1 Fal Down Open F/t Pan se & — lesosaraxoice® | Yay | 44" Ciose 38F Pan 1 Down, csorsacut | sig | Sus [c7 [Set Pan Switch Pan 2Cab Pan UP in Panel A See Pan 2 Rises Chea Sgnat Cong Fle losa werswPen-2 se leak FB [Record Pantogaph Rise Tine, (Panograph Rise Time) Josie T0Second [Pg P29 ft [Record Panograph Lowering Time. (Pantograph Fal Tive) J0s10 10Seeond —[P-1t0 [P29 [5 —[Panto Une Frescura Drop Lass than OT KG/CM hone (OT) MS oro ws 2 a E = 21 [Compressor System. = oe f22 [Fittest Gauge ai Test Paint No, - «0m Machine room Be | [23 [isolate Compressor No. 2 Run Compressor No, Record PY Blip Time 2 Wax D [Check Low MR Pressure Switch 37, Close at 6 4020.13K/OMF Check Signal Config Fie” [62510655 ae locder Sw Low Mi fy é eck Low Me Presse Swich 35, Clase at 10:020KQIOMF Check Signal onig Fie [PBR IZ | 9 9p oss.Pr Sa bar 24 Icheck Low MR Pressure Switch 35. Open at 20 20KGICMF Chexk Signal Config Fie: O6E 7010 8.20 aii lpr sua par Low we Pressure Switch 37. Opon at 66020. 1EKG'GNF Check Signal Gonfg Fie 06E- _[ESTS7S be le seLow ia [25 —solte Compressor No 1 Run Gampressor-No 2 Record Pr Buldup Tine. Check 17 Wax ro Compressor Pressure Sitch 36 Clase t 1020 20KG/CM2 Check Signal Config Fe: O6E- [2.0 10 10.20, verse 75 bar 990 ] [25 | Check Compressor Pressure Switch 38 Open al 820 20KG/GNT Check Signal Cong Fie: [76019820 Tie lose-er sw 7S bar P27 —|Run Both Compressor Record Pv Butaup Tine (Bath Compressor aTA Tine dng JOS Wa a |Stendord Alowed Leakage) fe [28 |Atthe time of omp sia up for GP Uniaader T opeate Yr Approx 10" Check Signal [Approx ir | Contig Fie: 0s0-BPCPUntode [2 —JAtthe time of Comp startup for Compressor Unoader 12 operate fo Approx 10" Check] Annrox 1 1 Signal Config Fle: 060-BEPCPUniode ine F770 —|Check Auto cain Valve 124 & 87 Operates When Compressor Hare fae oil [2:17 _[Brain Ai Below 6 Ka to Sant Boh Compressor [ork Sarto 7 a [2:12 —|Orain Ar rom Nain Reservoi-Oi by Drain Cock 50 Up To U7 Kg San Compressor Cheek |Record Time ae Pressure Bul Up Tine From 06 Kg 09 Kg From ndividual Compressor ISSIUp ISet Locomotive for Cneck up of CP Oelvery SN. slate DnB. OH COC & By Pass COD an fer: | areaay Cesea Run CP Ovect By GLCP Suatch in Panel A. Fit Test Compressor lene = 213 | Check Operation of Compressor Safety Vave 107.11. 16-1185 fsa 5K | [214 — |Gheck Operation of Compressor? Safely Vave 1072 T1160 118530.35 1502035 Kg/om? [2:15 Pr doesnot Exoned 1.2 KG/CM? Above opening Pr fr220 35 fate fios20 35 [Sefely Vaive 10 resets by 1.2 KQ/GM Below opening Pr Signature of Inspector Signature of Tester DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE WoRKS VARANASI (wy INSPECTION CHECK SHEETS FOR 3-PHASE (WAP-7IWAG-9) ELECTRIC LOCO ELECTRICAL, PNEUMATIC AND BRAKE SYSTEM (CLWIs Ref. W.LNO. W.60.101 VERSION: 02, Format No. F60.812 LocoNo, DATE OF INSPECTION: PAGE NO. 3 OF 7 INSPECTED BY: [SI.No. Test to be Conducted [Standard Result) J2.17_ [Safety Valve 10 resets by 1.1 Kg/CM” Below, ‘opening Pr. [9.640.35 Be 2 18 Run Compressor Dect through BLCP Swich eee ae [2.10 —|Cheek Operation of Salty Vave 30 MRD TOSSTSTTCS fo Teo 35 Kou? Te 3. [Main Reservoir Equilzing Pipe Equipmont a [5.5 Isolate Compressor Oran Pressure by Dian cSOkGUaT Tal Ma RSSSOO a [5:2 |Siert Compressor Check Setting Pr. Of Duplex Gh Valve, SOF -4.80 1s 520 5080.20 Ken isa | 8.3 [FlTest Gauge in Test Point 107F Feed Pips Tot Pont [54 [Open so cock 136F Feed Pipe Pr-S 016620 Iso0s020KgGu | bbe 5:5 Open end Gock Feed Pipe Ensure Bath Cony as W BOSSE ax 29 see nie] 3-6 |Check Pressure switch 34F. Open/Close at 5.00 / §.6020.10 KgiCM® OpeniCiose [creck signal Conti: 00 ter Sw Gxt Is00r010Kgcut | $0 |5.6040. 15 Kg/CM” S-b0 a7 [Fit end hose in Dummy Hoider. a) [nr Oryer Operation, Record Make & SING. of A Der aro DET (SNOB ALOH/ cee £1 [Open Orain Coc 80 of and Res. To start Compressor PSS GpaAToS TOR reel] ED savelayfaene 4.2 [Air Dryer towers to change in Every 1 Min = 10 sec Min 4 ‘Changes of CP-1. 50 Sec - 70 Sec SWIL 7 [Check Signal Config Fila: 060 B ait Dryer. (bee [53 ir Oiyer towers to change m Every 1 Min = 10sec Min @ Changes TCP OSG TOSeCSWL] PR [Check Signal Config Fle 06D B Ar Dryer 44 |lose Drain Cock - 80 of 2nd MR. Check Air dryer Tower stop Just Compressor Stop. | |eneck Signal Conse 050 5 Ar Dryer 45 [Close Isolating Cock - 13,14. Open By Pass Cock 184(D-off} Pr Build as Compressor [Normal"D Off Close” | tarts, Close By Pass Iso Cock (D-off) Seal Handle in Isolated Position 90 Open |Opan "13, 14" dow Vsclating Cock 13, 14 fain reservoir System [5.7 [Setup Loco it Nowa orm Any Gab fo AcWaTan Wr DTG TSE } 52 [Pressure Drop at Test Point - 40 Is 0.35 Kg/CM" In Mts. 2” setting time to be Given. |[0.35/5 Mis oO} 53 _ [Fut Aute kin Ful Senvce Dect Brake in ON nS Mis-D sling Ume Guer Gabt | SSE Me 33 [5.4 [Put Auto Bk in Full Service Direc! Brake in ON In 5 Mis 2 Seiting time Given Cab 2_|0.35/5 Mis OF 55 _|Brake Pipe Line Pressure Diop nS Wis at BP TPP settee es om ws ee [58 | Giose io Cock +4. Open Drain Cock 90 of Bnd Wain Res Fl Gauge at AU Res ose a Drain Cock 90 Check Pressure Dron 6. [Brake Test. (Automatic Brake Operon) = JET Record Brake Pine & Brake CylinterProscure at Each Wap Tab] CEP Check Poreportonalty of Auto Brake Systems a Auto BP Pr BC-WRODEWADS | BE=WABE Controlier ts Posi oh RON SWOT 0 TH] sob Inia 4.60401 40207 0752015 | yr8eL, 2 pa Ful Senos 335307 250407 5758090] 3.5 Vy od [Emergency —| “Less han 0 250207 5152030] 94 wee zr J52— |Check Signal For Acual rake Pipe Cantal Res Pressure Th [OSOmING Ko= too] bs'| yy check Signal Config Fe: 06H FLO2‘01_O*XprautoBktn fe Pressure [63 |Reecord Time to Brake Pipe Pressure Fall to 350 Kg mn 05 1 10 Se lds2 Sec Paliee | Ensure Automatic Brake Controller Handi in Fut Senos toms hon [6.4 |Operate Asst Driver Emergency Cock, BP Pressure Drops Below 2. 50 KgiCM? |Ciose chest Presture Sich GF Oneras Clo Goa ro pe ee pretas-asing | 480 fe | (Pressure Switch) Brake Pipe Close / Open - 4.2#0.15 Kg /3.0 0.15 KgiCM) a wine ee we op prses-srKg [iy [ay] ance Dinesh Ker. gai Signature of Tester CA ON DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE WORKS VARANASI INSPECTION CHECK SHEETS FOR 3.PHASE (WAP-TIWAG-9) ELECTRIC LOCO ELECTRICAL, PNEUMATIC AND BRAKE SYSTEM CLWis Ref, W.LNO. W.60.101 VERSION: 02, Format No. F60.812 19 Loco we. PAGE NO. 40F7 DATE OF NSPECTION: INSPECTED BY: st Test tobe Conducted ‘Standard Result [No Gaba | cab? |B5 |B Fling Time to Within 04 Kg/CN Le. 05% of Max BC Developed BC Apply time WAPS-421 Sec BC-5.120.3 KgICM? ee cae e WAP?-7.581.5 See 8C-2.5020.1 KC? 0s -09 sec aie WAGS-21435ec __8C-2.6040.1 Ka/CM? 18-24 See [55 |BC Felcase Tine to fall 8C Pressure 00.4 Kg/CM Le, 95% JBC Felease Time WAPS & WAPT-17.542.5 Sec BC -< 04 Ko/GM? 15-20 ec Weel 3see WAGS-52.5:7.5 Sec OC =< 04 Kg/CM? = 45-60 Sec. 57” ilove Auto Brake Controller Hencle to Release BP Pr steady at 650202 Kg/CMPn 60108) _|BP-54- 50 apy | [Sec #er Led-S in Electronic Enclosure in €-70 Panel star's to Blink, 2 ]EB|Wnes Brake Pipe Pressure comes to 6.10 Kg/CM Approx Make an inflal Applicaton. Gheck [BP PrFals to 4.620.10 Ko/OM! Retumn Cont to Run BP Pr Goes to 5.50 Kg Aller 20 Sec Make intial Ater 20 Soc Bring Cont to Run BP should §.50:0.2 KgICME. Held for 60 to 60 Sec 7 © [heton socauewn sat [55" |Recou Brake Pipe Pressure Reduction (Normalza) tine To Low Pressure love harge is 160220 Sec in Normal Brake Pipe Pressure - 502.1 Kg/CM? [5.10 Fit7 Mit Leak How at Non Operative End in BP End Hose Then Open End Cock BP Brake Pipe Pressure Mantz Higher than 4.00 KgICM? [577 |kiove Auto Handle to Release Brake Pipe Pressure Maintain Higher than 425 KG/CM [f-72 soi Bake Cyinder iso COC-6a/1 BC Gauge or BC 2 Show Pressure n Both Cab BC |Ciose-OSTDBOKG | gg [ogo Gauge. check Pr Swten - 64/1 Open at 0.204015 Kg Open Cock 64/1 Close at 0.8520.15. JOpen -0.08-0.35 Kg [check signal Config File: O68 MPr Sw BkCyI- O35 | ogy [5-15 [Stale Brake Cylinder Iso COC-6BN BC Gauge la BCT Shaw Pressure inBoth Cab BC |Obse O500B0K) | O-Co| Oxte [Gauge, check Pe Switch - 64/1 Open at 0.2020, 15 Kg Open Cock 641 Close at 0.6510 15. [Open- Kg [Check Signal Config File: O6A MPr Sw BkCyk2 __| 035) 6:35 [5°14 [Auto 8k Contin Ful Serves Prese Dr End Paddle awilch PVEF BO Comes 160 eee ta | [615 [Clase Cock TOF Check Signal Cong Fie: BA LeoexarCon, Sel [5:76 [Close Cock 74F Check Signal Conf Fil OGA LemgBkOut ae [7 [Oynaie Brake (Blending Brake) 7+ [This testto be done By Fareng Signal by Laplop OGH Actual BE El = 100% EBVAPE- 5.15 Kg 7 | This testo be done By Foraing Signal by Laplop OOH Actual BE ET= 0% 25a 255 Ka 6. [Direst Brake [8+ [From Cab-1 Check Direct Brake (FD-1) Apply Dvect Brake in Ful Brake Oyinder Pris 320-270 Ky s.5040.20 in WAP7, WAGS & WAPS 5.1840 3 Kg, Check DBP (yelow End Hose) is 9.50202 [485-535 kg CM inal Loco, Check Pressure Suten 59F Kar close at0.6520.1 Kg/Ct2, Check Signal Config Fl 084 MprSwLocoBk 0.65 0.76 Kg [82 [Release Direct Brake, Bk Oyinder Pressure Switch 69F Open at 0220.1 KYIGN? o-70- 050K: Check Signal Contig Fie: OBA MprSwi.oco fk [ES [Apply Direct Brake Full On. Recora Brake Cyknder Fling Time axe See 4 [Repeat Test- 6.8 26.3 Fiom Cab-2 ignore Direct Brake Pipe Check [85 [Close Compressor & Isolate - 13,14, 7OF Drain Main Reservoir Equalizing Pipe by End Cock |BOP=SEE 16 KG ee [Appi fut Direct Brake in Cab gauge Full Broke Cyinder. Pressure come's I. 3.5 WAPS-S.15 |DBP-.00 Kg y lin End Hose Yellow No Pressure | JB [Oven 19.74, 7OF Ohk in 601 Mood Apply 35 Kg ExXArin OB. BGP come 387518 Kq202 [BCP S505 15K Se Ika sparking Brake. a [5 fPerkBrake Applied PS Lamp Giow i PanelA Auto & Dvedt Brake Raleasa Drain MR Below a5 kg_Charge Aux Res Through Main Compressor Running 152 [Pross Reloaso Bullon PO released in each Ave, Lamp OF in Panel A rn PB Cab Not eaves fr [check Signal Contig Fie: 088 BEPRelPex Gauge 60g np? [83 [Press Apply Buton PB Appied in each Ani, Lamp Glow i PanelA Prin PB ca [check Signal Config File! 058 SEPApIyPBK [Gauge 0 kg Signature of Inspector 1 KsSiaby es Signature of Tester 4] DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE WORKS VARANASI INSPECTION CHECK SHEETS FOR 3-PHASE (WAP-7/WAG-9) ELECTRIC LOCO ELECTRICAL, PNEUMATIC AND BRAKE SYSTEM, CLWis Ref, WiLNO. W.60.101 VERSION: 02; Format No. FEX812 Loco No PAGE NO SOF Z INSPECTED BY: Standard ~ Fest to be Conducted os [Mevaly Press 30 Releate PS released in each AN Lamp Oifin PanalA Check Pressure Switch Prin PB Gauge 6 0K [32r-Close, 60040.1 Kg I4.90 105.19 Kg 5 |Matolly Pres 30 F Release PB rleatad in oath hae Lamp Gow h PaneVa Gheck Praia [rer PCOS CaaGE D [Sui 32F-Open. 40080 1 kg ko. 3.0010 4.10 Ko | [35 |PulManal Releaser in Each Ade PS Release im Whedl [axe-23RH, 45UH, 2-7 | Resei Manualiy 30F Wait 0 Sec Apply By 30F PE Applied in Each Axle Gheck Signal Cont FAS CSB BEP Analy Bi Not reqlires tr [98___[Check 17 Tum fockin sovenond Vawe 30F [S0F Locking her” | [2.5 | Gheck Prin PB Gauge with 10 Ka MR-6 Kgs. 15 KgiCM? [5.85-6.15 Ko [9.10 "| Fit Test Gauge in Aux Res (Close 47F) Remove PB Hose 101 Tam Body side | [Gauge in Dv 30 [217 [Rease PS, Prin Aux Res Test Gauge i More fran “6.00% [Pressure im AuxRes & Ensure Park Brake i incicatod as Applied (Lamp in Panel’ Glow) Higher Than-6.00 Ke ansines by Potcioncheie (C2 [roar Pa sire connec Bog tows TOT BGT SS ho—|annsip brace : fOr Sona by apa THB ASST Daan RENO hea. 102 |For SunatbvLssion vos seve neater Shee [i |Pasional rate Comoro 117” | Gees Brose Back Caras BSTSSTOMAT A FSG TEU 10-1 MM ens se |e'3 Min Passenger (ED to [| ang Locomotrs Operation (Gat Brake Fame For ang Lace OPORTO [2 | Connect ext supply BP Line Wait 2 Mis to fil CR No Leak in Rake Rack fPn Pavel] 122" | Drop Brake Pipe Pressure to 4 Kg Brake Cynder Pressure comes [aC=1 007300 KG [Above 1.00 Kg in WAP7 & WAGSAWAPS - 2.00 Kg [12.3 | Diop Brake Pipe Pressure to 0 Kg Brake Cyinder Pressure comes IBC-2EOE TE KS | 2.50 Kg In WAPT & WAGS/WAPS - 5.15 Kg 124 |trereese Brake Pipa Pressure fo 4 Kg Brake Cynder Pressute comes Lass Wan 200 Ke In WAPY & [2 0004.00 Kp )WAGSMWAPS- Less than 4 Kg 125" [Increase Brake Pipe to”S Ka Brake Gyinder Pressure comes 0 Ro [00K 3. | Dead Engine Working: 4 13.1" ORT oco Drain Air Below 2 Kg from Aux Reservor Isolating Cook hm Pa Panel 70F, TaF136F close |Open isolating Cock 47F * [Connect ext supply in Brake Pipa Line 5 Kg Aux Res to 4.8 Kg [gil Conral Reservar [Diop Brake Pipe to 4 Ka Grake Cylinder comes Above > [BC-108r. 00K 1.00 Kg in WAP7 & WAGSIWAP.5 2.00 Kg d 134" |Orop Brake Pipe PressurePr to 0' Kg Brake Gylinder Pressure comes 250 Kg in WAPT % [BC-2.5016 15 Ke IWAGSWWAPS 5.15 Kg 15.5 |irerease ‘Brake Pine Pressure Pr fo 4 Kg Brake Gyinder Pressure comes Less han 200 KOI |Z00 00 Ke WAP? & WAGSWAPS - Lass than 4 Kg 1365 [Increase Brake Pipe Pressure Pr to = Kg Brake Cylinder Pressute comes ORG [oR | 13.7__|Re install loco in Correat Position 47 Closed 4. [Sending Equipment. [cab-t [cava Jered Stang Cos TPs pen poslion, Pek argh Pail twicha Fond OWSGSR Sand Gh Ral Pao foe |Chack Signal Config File: BEPSand-1&3.(To Confirm EP Valve Operate) . a "42 [Chk So Cock TF isin open paaion, Pras sander Paddle swich in Reverse DVton, Chast [Sand On Ral Rear} EC ee. Signal Contig File: BEPSand.284 (To confirm EP Valves Operate) ['6. [Gab Equipments (Gab Gauge Check) [35.1 [Cheek Cab Gauge with Test Gauge Against Te Value Show: 18.2 [MR Gauge in Both Gab Permitad Errors0.15 KG/CM) 18.3 [FP Gauge in Both Cab. (Permited Error-40 15 Kg/OM*) 184” [BP Gauge in Both Cab. (Permitted Error-40.10 Kglowy 15'5 JBC Gauge sin Both Cab, (Permitted Error-£0.15 Kg/OM") BC-1 8 BO2 [PS Gauge in Both Cab. (Permitted Error-20.15 Kg/GM) UBT [Panto Gauge in Pn Panel Permitted Error-40 15 KgIGM!) at TATE —Vehnl. Signature of Mspector Signature of Tester Md Said] wor DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE WoRKS VARANASI INSPECTION CHECK SHEETS FOR 3-PHASE (WAP-TMWAG-8) ELECTRIC LOCO ELECTRICAL, PNEUMATIC AND BRAKE SYSTEM e Lis eo WIND. WEB 101 VERSION: 02 Format No, F60.812 L@c0 Ho PAGE NO 6OF Date OF msPecioN : ___wspecteo av sts Tenia bs Cond - and “57 Pama Gaage a Pa Para (Peri eaocao TOGA mF ar {8 [Rom Waminaye Frat oat Oat Os Cesing TE |Opan Rotting Ca 707 Move ier Si Tors 3 Ving Vane Nona WGA VERGO — HE SS or sona 201 Move Horn 2 Nay Va non Osc Oven Et Hom Sou Closely Cock Horn Oot Sean kr Her Sound "52 oltng Coc 202 Wove Aaa Dart TN 7 Way VEN TONGS T FT Ta SOE 7 orecion Hom Soune Move Aas Horn? ay Vane Kandonseaktorcioncrion | fan enen a ssura cove cain Cock em Dont Ss , Ibiver/vasner: (Wiper take) ie Saja Wipe tae Vara ASSO OAT ico 7 Torn On Wir Saas Chee Wists Ske Pes Mae (seen — e 46.5 [Check Manual operating Handle Is as per Requirement ( Tightened) [Che to Tight ole TE [baryon Waser Tests por Tea Spee TY ter Stay a "57 _ [Say On Tet of Parka Poston Wier Aah AR 7 [agance eet Jen WI [heck Vighanes CORT ORR BY TRE WonTor Ua FUT OPE FeO OR RTO Ie Vianea Un Grn LED On AA Toca SndaTen Poo Wing WaNeT Fn STG TCS any Cab Cresco A Leskoe From Bemis wave TE tsconomal | O/C | 0 Se Re SapyRT [ea — Jer 27.1 Ps) Vgiancs site rks Pipe Now Re Charo (Vig by. Paste Vain Senco 11.3 [Tum Vigiance Isolation Switch 237. 1lo 0-Pos PSU Green Lamp in VGU Unil Goes OFF +: ove Fae Speed Excecing 10 Kp Ate EO+8 Sac No Vig Woming Come ok |x Na so Sw. 2371 oNomma, Viglen inservice. ig Worn Came Aer 608 Sez | 174 [Gloss Tso Cock TaF Grk Indication Tn DOS Screen. [74F isolated TS SpeeaRoove TOR ATor G05 Sec Hams Sound BGT RSTO SHS PORGHVE FSIS [Applied to 2.5/ WAPS-5. 15Kgicm Reset possible alter 115 Sec. SL | ok TT [Sreed Roos 10 Kgl Ate HOH Does Pada Ow WREST OT TS SOOT AC to sex Penaty x appa BP Fast 2 skeen Reet poetic te 160 Ser feos Peer [Cont to OFF, Press BPVR, Operate Foot Sw Vig EnsuroVig reset. eK [ok 177 Speed Rave TO Kp AY 2 Froval Sanday Resa or 0 FRG Wve TGS [Cont One Notch Vig Reset for 60° SE le. Ti Speed above Ta Rep Ar 20 ESTE Sango V RT OT TA OT WOVE THR contre Nt Bt tin OF vig Reel or 0 Pres BEV Aas Dr On Pape ae 179 [Speed Above 10 Krmph After Wait Alarm Come Press O1.Vs Paddle Vig Reset Next on Arm nie a Preset eG As! Orig eet Nex on Al esl Santer esa eset an” : Pena Aap est rovie Aer 123 See i TTP cite Cons nO Spees Above 10 Rig Wat Aaa Cons SEs DV Fae Fn ato sk above 22 ita 0 Soc ite iv Rs Bx Asm Gome When BG Pr Cae oe than 1.3Kg. Speed to 1 KMPH No Vig Waming Oe ok THT Frotte Coat aot OF Speed Roar TORT Ae Wal Nan Cons PEGE Ores Va PATS spy Ato Bk ative 22 Kg Ata 90 Sec Vg Norm Ral Bk Amn Gone Vien oe Pr bees Less than 13kq, Speed o 4 KMPH No ig Waning, CK lore 18] Detection Spat“ TPOU} Ga? Fre STO T6_[Sine Soke aes Pape Sm Ae OW BOE BH FOR DION |THE] — ao. are alo Pipe ConneiodinFOU Unt Popa stom Come eo TSE |Ghock Gat Fe rahng Stn pops eT Bo CE UR pa TS ETT Etec car Gas we rom ea Hass (unnel, Cevk Sytem em Dat Cas ears Gok [Sas Pressure coe Gn Cpnder Gane nth Gos ek [ok cauton [Take cae, Ae Coa Goss Herm to Human Live Persona 13 —|AGE/ Tain Paring Syctamn Cocomatre TT Oheck Rem Gran Fo System Wars Prop TSS 192 _[nece Tian Paring System Werks Propety In Locometve on | K 2 Fanon TEST Do not carry out te felcwing ests unless you are sure thatthe mechanical Brakes are fully ere hele lopecatonat Sie Be sional : 69-8) 1S> DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE WorRKS VARANASI INSPECTION CHECK SHEETS FOR 3:PHASE (WAP-7/WAG-9) ELECTRIC LOCO ELECTRICAL, PNEUMATIC AND BRAKE SYSTEM CLWis Ref, W.1.NO. W.60.101 VERSION: 02, Format No. F60.812 Loco No. PAGE NO.7 01 DATE OF NSPECTION: INSPECTED BY _ Si. Test to be Conducted Standard Result No. 20.1 [Setup the loco in cooling mode and hy to drive. 1 should not be possible 20.2 ” | Test emergency stop push button and functionally of mechanical brake, This lest must be carried out on both cabs, Set up loco in driving mode [Raise pantograph and close V.C.B, 20.3 [Brake loco by means of the Auto air brake In infial Brake Gylinder Pressure mist inease (Check gauge in panel 8) Start Run Interlock will Come. 20.4 | Setreverser 140 forward position, set throttle 150 and move loco with a low ‘speed + \ Qa (More than 10Kim/h) Push Emergency Stop in Operating Cab VCB must open [Peniograph must lower. Emergency brake Applied & loco must stop. 55 [Sup exon avg noe. Rave pantograph and Goes VCE Nove BGSWETS TSW sped ere an 10 Kran) rake bas by ing fe Coe Bone ee iene naa tee Pte toca wh aw speed re at 70 KATH Bass By Wa WS AS Ta intl sence Loco ml ate and ton 8 Sat Par enor aa }20.7|Test Emergency brake. oa nis tant flowing cab con, hich aciate he emergency Brake must oe fosed afte tncersir aca ssstant vers Enarvency brake Cock Driver brake controler Emergency Betas POS [Feet equvant pounce Hae 5 Setup Joon dn mous, Mave oes a sped aur 20 Kn ina sgh epeerobe being oy cot sae Frveagh tic 150 more nen IOAN Ac oe eat man Conteris fu service Brake ron ee ees 0 Exner pictus tonic at [Tost vince sulpment tne er Spacer OE { PA [Locoisin saad att Neca {ae} 2 Jtocomanes es tan TS CTS Neeson ame IQ [tecsmeves mre tz Raves ar Ses vane naring ana Sec Vala pena teed pak ae ee : He Lace aves more and var Ne UGTSRGS war TGVona S7TETEE Woe PT.5 | No vaildnce warning W- Prose of sanding padale Swich Vigilance Drivers Foot Padale Switch = 21.6 |Press of ascistant Drivers push bution a Panel D- on 207 [By Pass Vigilance System By Roatory Swich 287.1 "Switch Postion 21.8 [Move Loco more that 10 Kmihr- After 60 see No vigilance waiting, Normal roatory Switch 237.1 "Switch Pos-1" [Move Loco more that 10 Kmihr - After 60 sec Vigilance warning Come. 122. |Vigilance System OK. Ht [23. | RE-INSTALING OF LOCOMOTIVE AFTER TEST. [Remove all est Gauges Plug Which are fitted for at the time of test. Ensure Electrical tems of Pa Panel & Terminals are tight and Cover's are Secured Pproperly. Lock Electronic Enclosure of Pneumatic Panel in Closed Position. Ensure all isolating Co jand other items of Locomotive are in their Normal & Safe working Position ~ | REMARKS Any: i a Sigi Of inspector Signature of Tester Gower tar] 1 E LOCO HISTORY FILE CONTENT LIST (HIGH HP LOCO) 1. Inspection Report of Final Mechanical testing of Loco. Reference Document | Document No of | Page ages i [WINS/LTS-Mech. Loco dispatch & Loco handing over “Form” 14 [ata 2. Inspection Report of Sheet Metal Shop (SMS) i] U/INS/SMs/19 ‘Trimming/Lining Works of CAB of WAP7/WAGS Locos 1 15 ] 3. Inspection Report of TMS. i [Uins/Tms ‘Check Sheet of Bogie Assembly stage inspection WAP7/WAGS [7 | 16-22 3. Inspection Report of Electrical Assembly & testing i VINS/LTS-Elect. | Testing & Commissioning Format for 3 Phase Electricloco. | 17 | 23-39 Inspection report of Locomotive Assembly (LAS &:TAS) i L/INS/LAS/18 | Inspection sheet of LAS for WAP7/AWAGS locos: 15] 40-54 | ii, L/INS/TAS. Equipment particular of 3-Phase Electric Loco, 20 55-74 5. Test Report provided by Production TP (E) i [Testing & index i 75 Commissioning Power & Aux Cable continuity at TAS 6 | 7681 Format for 3 Phase [ HV Meggaring 2 82.83 Electric Locomotives. | Battery cable continuity 2 84-85 (DLW/DD/39 Loco | Continuity test of screened cables and measurement of | 10 86-95 Jinspection check | resistance, sheet) ‘Auxiliary Contactors cable continuity 96-104 Sequence test Polarity & Ri | Minimum Voltage relay &Maximum Current Relay Setting ‘Aux. Machine contactors sequence test # Damping measurement of FO cables 110 Downloading of software to VCU Processor cards iit 9 2 105-106 1 1 1 1 1 Current sensor test ie = [aaa 2 L 2 1 2 1 107 108 109 test First charging in cooling & driving mode with safety tripping 113-114 Rotational and functional test of Auxiliary Machines 115 Current measurement of all Auxiliary Machines 116-117 BUR redundancy in HT = 18 Simulation Mode checking 119-120 Rotary Switches function 121 Traction and Braking in HV 14 [322-135 [= Testing and commissioning format for hotel load conv. a1 | 136-146 |i, Inspection check | Electrical, Pneumatic and Brake System 7 147-153 sheet a { ‘ i Document No. -L/INS/LTS-Mech. : Page No. -20f 14 Date of origin- 04.01.2020 Version “2.4 = Effective Date- 29.06.2020 Issued by CEE/INSPECTION Loco Dispatch & Loco Handing Over ‘Form “Type: WAP-7/WAGSH Loco No.37542 Dated 4 02}202d. Gate 9955NO 4. BI-Do- To, The Sr. DEE/ (TRS) Electric Loco Shed DLS |4b.. NER... Roiiwoy C suis: ospateh ot uw Loco Nob. 5:65. Loco Road No, 37542 Type: WAP ‘The above mentioned locomotive is being dispatched to your shed along with loose component as, mentioned in page No. 02 of 03. Of this ‘Form’. It is certified that the Loco can move on its own power. Kindly acknowledge of receipt of the same through return FAX to the following address. Dy. Chief Electrical Engineer/inspection Diesel locomotive works. Post: DLW, Dist. Varanasi Uttar Pradesh, Indio, Pin 221 004 Oo FAX NO. 0542 2270189 | Ma For Dy.CEE/insp. DLW/Varanasi Copy to: RPF in charge-DLW, Main gate, Cc PFA/DLW For Dy.CEE/insp. DLW/Varanasi - @ . ‘ Document No. -L/INS/LTS-Mech. PageNo. -0f 14 5 Date of origin- 04.01.2020 Version Lt Effective Date- 29.06.2020 Issued by CEE/INSPECTION Loco Dispatch & Loco Handing Over ‘Form ‘T) WAP-7/WAGSH Received Loco Not Gr-=-SG9.Road No.37542 of, Type. Pap... Along with loose Components ‘as Mentioned in page No. 3 of 6 of this ‘Form’ and it is also checked that the Loco can move on its own power. SL. Date Received by | Design ion | Signature a e a : Legos Sta LOO _ ew a0 Wofaer sish Bom ap | BS Cc ‘Signature of SSE/JE vone facile Date Be ft fderf— J Document No. -L/INS/LTS-Mech. PageNo. Sof 14 : Date of origin- 04.01.2020 Version 11 Effective Date- 29.06.2020 Issued by CEE/INSPECTION INSPECTION FORMAT FOR WAP-7/WAGSH TYPE LOCO AFTER WHEELING ON MOTORISED BOGIE FORMAT NO : F.60.810(Ref. CLW) et. W1.NO.W60.209 LoconDVAR SS. Road no.37542 BOGIE NO. (1) Inspected By — BOGIE NO.(2) —~ | Description | Standard | Loco End 7 Remarks | nate 1 et Buffer height 1090415 = : “5mm | i C8.Cheight 103015 | eee | 5mm | Buffer Length [ease2 | “1.5 mm | 3 | @ | €BClength yea | 1 “1.5 mm 2 _ 2 5. 1 =2r [=a bo (ea = 2) [=20 | tesa? L 1 S26 153-9 | 668.143.0100 ; 6. | secondary spring mm [2 sas sas | | | 3 Eee le foe = E 7. Rail guard height 1523 [a 1210-02.140- | from raitlevel__| mm z oo1 carl Gap between | 1011-005313 t | STOP(Both vertical | and lateral) and U/E Cattle guard height HE ior from rail level }mm 1 [from - | Fe pe | Height of Battery Box | 279mm tH 25 [954 | | from rail level | [299 [29-9 ; | DEFICIENCY SUMMERY an ee Me is Document No. -L/INS/LTS-Mech. Page No. -6 of 14 Date of origin- 04.01.2020 Version -1.2 Effective Date- 29.06.2020 Issued by CEE/INSPECTION “STAGE-_ CHECKSHEET OF ELECTRIC LOCO(BEFORE OHE) - = Sa | INSPECTION | SIGNATURE PANTO CALLIBRATION | EXTERNAL PRESSURE OF 6 TO 8 KG/CM? PUT ON SERVO | MOTOR & PANTOWORKING & CALIBRATION CHECKED & | | ADJUSTED. 7 KG WEIGHT PUT ON PANTO FOR CALUBRATION. | 7- i ||. 0.5 M HEIGHT PANTO SHOULD BE STABLE | | | 2. AT2.M HEIGHT PANTO SHOULD BE STABLE | 3.AT 15 IV HEIGHT PANTO SHOULD BE STABLE | AT 1.75 M HEIGHT PANTO SHOULD BE STABLE. 1 Ensure n@ coolant leakage or overtiow from the | converter during coolant filing. "M BOOT APPICATION TO BE CHECKED AND ENSURE ALL EASTNERS ARE APPUED REMARKS 7 “EXTERNAL PRESSURE OF10 KG/CM PUT ON MR COC & BOTH | | HAND BRAKE TO BE CHECKED AND ENSURE AFTER t RELEASING, BREAKBLOCKS TO WHEEL TRADE FREE MENT. PANTO THROTTLE VALVE WORKING & CHECKED FOR ANY A/L ENSURE NO AIR LEAKAGE IN PANTO PIPE LINE AND \CB PIPE LINE. | Alp BRAKE TEST. | AlLRessuRE ro se cHanctD, | I.CHECK NO AIR LEAKAGE IN UNDERFRAME MR-1 | PIPE LINE, BC PIPE LINE, FP PIPE LINE, DB PIPE LINE. Tr sure no air leakage from H.T horn base. BUFFER AND COUPLER HEIGHT TO BE CHECKED | RANGE{1085-1105MIM.) Check both side BP & FP (FRONT AND REAR) angie cock | operates freely. | CHECK BC METAL PIPE UNDER AL I |AME) CLAMP PROPERLY, i @ Document No. -L/INS/LTS-Mech. at page No. -Tofi4 Date of origin- 04.01.2020 Version -L.d Effective Date- 29.06.2020 Issued by CEE/INSPECTION F PNEUMATIC TEST PARAMETERS OF 3-PHASE ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVES UNDER OHE (STAGE-1I) & Test to be Conducted Standard |<, ese 1.0 [Auxiliary Compressor. (Pantograph & VCB.) 7 lereas Aru omplany Voaed ton Locmene Fan One and auton (CEUTIOG. TLE™ (G8 \arr Turn ON BL Key Now MCPA Starts Recoa Pr Bud up Teme. creck PS26F. it [OPE NCB is Cart Un Earth VOB, Open Blue Key KABA Key from HON Swicn FH — | cous asym? | @*OD| GOD 38 in Pr Pane! ( Spi Atenion Take Key From VCB Dont USE Spare Key ) Bi TE” | Gheck Safety Vahe 23F Operates af 03010 8702 0.718 KGIONA ProcaureratExceed |asts0z20Kgeu" | @*S | BS 19.520.2Kq Above opening Pressute. [9.520.2Ka USO aeST| rlograph Selection sich i in Alo Psilon open SF. 6F/ 182 & 3 by Blue Ki n Suntch Cab-1 Pan UP in Panel A Sea Pan 2 Rleas Case VCB Than Open. Check |openiCaae lee Cc [Staol Cn 054 MPrSwUPan-2)P5-002 Check Repeat hi tast From Cab2 |e aye (ASS |4eST | [also Cneck Signo, t Ta [Close aF/2 Pan 2 Fall DowniOpen GF Pan Rin & Close SHF Pan 2 Gown _ 2 I 1B” [Pan Sw Pont Cab Fan UPin Pan Soe Pan | ies Sal orf re OBR enim < fuerSvean- P/09/1 Check, Close GF 1 Pant Fall own / Open GF Pan isa & “ Cees yn sonnet | 5 [Ar | 77" ]set pan Switch Pan 2cab Pan UP is Pane’ A See Pan 2 Fikes, Check Signal Conta [uel Fie 058 MPrSWPan-2 "TE [Recors Paniograph ise Tine. Panlopraph Rico Te) Geto Second (PR | [18 [Recers Pantograph Lonocng Time (Pantograph Fal ime) loote 10 Second (1 I [Pano ie Pressure opi Less han 07 KorGM2 in one OT) o.7001 wis aE ‘Ar Supply. oo ‘Compressor System. t 7 Fit Test Gauge at Test Pini Nom Machine room t 23" isolate Compressor No.2 Run Compressor No.1 Record Pr Buldup Te, ite ; [check Low MR: Pressure Switch 37. Close et 6 40=0.1SKQ/GM* Check Signal Config |g a5 19 6.55, | ée Ye |e: Nee Sa Low MR [Chock Low MR Pressure Suntch 35. Grose a 1020 20KQ/GM" Check Sina Conf PIE ga 9 10.20 | 06-MPr Sw bar _|%qo | "Za |Check Law MIR Presure Swich 5: Open at 620 20KgiGM" Cheek Signal Conte Fie [7916.20 oe |ose-tter Swan ¢ ow ith Pressure Swith 37. Opan ot 6020.15Kq/GM? Ghec Signal Conia Fla OFE- |p an i0 578 we | MPS ME = | [BE Tlkeiae Compressor No 7 Run Compressor - No 2 Record Pr Buidup Time, Check [+> ygy 12° [Compressor Pressute Switch 95 Cows a 02D 2OKQICM2 Cneck Signal Conta Fle: |S NO 5 a9 |___ltce-werow 7.5 bs ang 75 | Cheek Compressor Pressure Switch 36 Open al 6r0.20KQ/CM" Check Signal Gani 7.80 16 820 Elle, OE MPr Sw 75 hae + "ET [Run Doth Cempreaser aaord Pr Buldup Tuma (Bath Compressor at ATime Wel yay “| Standard Allowed Leakage) - | [7B Jartne time of Comp sian up Yor GP-1 Unload 12 operate for Approx TO" Check Sonal [ace oy age 1 | Icons Fi: 06 0-2e>cPUniode. a ‘Fa [Ate time of Comp stan up for Conpressor-2 Unloader 12 operate for ADPTOX TO accra 4g Chet Sel Cong Fe. tBD serch te, Tit [ones as none 120 6 Opti When Cope a : a Zi [bran Air Blow 0 Sian Bath Compressors oaeatie | eee] EAE [ran Atom Wn esonor Ot by Ban Cock Up TW O7 Ka STOMA Tesco tne | es rene udp Te en O8 Kate 00 om indus Congransx 'SeIUP [Set Locomotive for Check up af CP Delivery SIV. Isolate Dn/ D. Of COC & By Pass | 118 Coc ie Abeady Closed fun CP Dice Gy SLOP Suachin Paal A Fk Tet Compressor. | jl Lap Signature of inspector Document No. -L/INS/LTS-Mech. PageNo. -Bof 14 Date of origin- 04.01.2020 Version = “Ld Effective Date-29.06.2020 Issued by CEE/INSPECTION SiN. Test to be Conducted Standard 219 | Check Operation f Compressor Salely Valve TOM. 1116-1185, een [2d] Gieck Operation of Compressar2 Safely Valve Tore 1.1610 11 6540.6 1508038 KgIGn? 2:18 |Prdoes not Exceed 1.2 Kg/ON Above opening Pr é i205 2.16 _| Safety Valve 10 resets by 1.2 KoIGM? Below opening Fr. 10:340:35 [BAT _| Sefety Valve 10 resets by 1.1 KgiCW Below opening Pr 620.35 "2.16 _| Run Comaressor Direct through BLGP Switch in Panel A. is 72.19 | Check Operation of Safety Valve 38 MR 2. 10.36 to 11.05 10.7040.35 KgiGM? 3,0 [Main Reservoir Equalizing Pipe Equipment = “3.1 [Ikolate Compressor Orain Pressure by Orain cock 80 of ist Main Resevoir 3.2 _| Stan Compressor Check Selling Pr_ Of Duplex Ch Valve. G2F - 4.80 0 5.20 [020 20 KgiCu | "3.3 [Fi Test Gauge in Test Point 107F Feed Pipe Test Point 3.4 [Open iso cock 136F Feed Pipe Pr.§ 6010 6.20 '.0020.20 KaicF ‘Open end Cock Feed Pipe Ensure Both Comp stars in 28 c0c8. Max 29 sec (Check Pressure switch 34F, Open/Close at 8.001 5.6020 10 KgIGM™ [Open/Close | Gheck Signal Config File: 06€-MPr SwBKFP. 5.0080 10 Kgicn \5.6020.15 Ko/CM? Fit end hose in Durnmy Holder ‘Air Dryer Operation. Record Make &S1.No. OF Air Dryer. Make’ [Oven Drain Cock-60 of 2nd Res. To star Compressor Leave open for Test._ ‘Air Dryer towers to change in Every 1 Min = 10 sec Min 4 Changes of CP-1_ Check Signal Config File: 060 B Air Dryer. [50 S26 70 Sec SWIL ‘43 |Air Diyer towers to chenge in Every 1 Min # 10 sec Min 4 Changes of CP-2 [a0 Sec- 70 Sec SWIL [hast Signa Cont Fe 06D B Ar Dye 2 GA [Close Drain Cock - 90 of 2nd MR. Check Air aryer Tower stop Just Compressor Stop. | [hock Sgn Con Fie 0808 AF Dryer | “5 | Close Isolating Cock - 12, 14. Open By Pass Cock 184{D-off) Pr Build as Compresser|Normal "D Off Close" Stans Gove by Pats no Cock Doth Sel Mande h lied Poot 90. Open [Opon""3, 4" Bonw| [stetng cece 138 5.0 _| Main reservoir System. s {Sep Lass neva tn Any Cab Yor Ravan a Diving Wood i Pressure Drop at Test Point - 40 Is 0.35 KgiCM? In Mis. 2° setting time to be Given. _|0.96/5 Mts {Bais Ben ut Sarea Geet rake ON nS Mis 2 ating time Gen Cab | [0.3/6 Mis [Path Ben Fo Sorc Das Brake a ON 5 WZ sangre Gven Cob 2. [0/5 ma Brake Pie ine Pressure Diop n§ Mis a BT 2 sing ive Ge, 05 Mis rane as Cock 1 Ghar ran Coal OE af rd Wan Res Fi'Gauge at A Roe” [0155 Ws Drain Cock 90 Check Pressure Drop f sere PEE cy Name Baad Document No. -L/INS/LTS-Mech Page No. Sof 14 04.01.2020 Version “1.1 i Effective Date- 29.06.2020 : Issued by CEE/INSPECTION Test to be Conducted Standard -eapheBuk Brake Tost. (Aulomatic Brake Operation) Record Brake Pipe & Brake Cylinder Pressure at Each step. (Cheek Proporonality of Auto Brake System. ‘Auto Beer po-wacsawarz | ‘8C-WAPS 61 500 0.00 200) } 4.50:0. 0.40807 trois | 46 oni 336102 2.5040.1 1540.30 7B [Emergency | Less than 03 2.50201 [s1s090| 9 + ga. [check Signal ForRetual Bake Pipe Convl Res Pressure in Locomotive, BKO= Tyo |_ 82 [check signal Cong Fie: 00H FLG2:01_01XprAutoBKLn CR Preskure Record Time to Brake Pipe Pressure Fall 03.80 Kg in 05 0 10 Sec. © [82 Ensure Automate Brake Contr Handle isn Ful Sore fm Fn pose |S 8 Operate Asst Driver Emergency Cock, BP Pressure Drops Below 2.50 KgicM? [Close 431 4:3) 54. [Cheek Pressure Switch 69 Operates, Close Cock 113 PS O9F Resets BP-4.08-4.35 Kg {Pressure Switch) Brake Pipe Close / Open 4220.15 Kg /3.020.15 KgicM?) Open |__| check Signat Config Fie: O84 MPrSw Emg Bk pP205-315Ko [S15] Qa BC Filing Time to Witin 0.4 KOICM Le. 85% af Max BC Developed T BC Apply tine WAPS=4:1 Sec BC-5:120.3 KgICat 03-05 see 8s WAPT 7.51.5 Sec 8C-2.5020.1 KyiCM® 08-09 Sec. Kau) 54 | WAGD. 212320 96-2 s040 1 Kau? fre-24see BG Release Tine to ab AC Preseure 19 0.4 KGICM? 0.95% 66 |ac teloese Tine WAPS & WAPT-TT-5:28 Sec BC -<0.4KglON? 15. 20500 z WAGO.52 67.6 See BC-<0-4 KalOMF 45. 00 Sec. {7 _ [owe hut Brake Contole Hane to Release BP Pr steady at $5010 2 KGIOM In 6010 80l pas 4 eg soot Led n Cacrone Ensure in E70 Panel star's to Blink rat Then Brae Pipe Pressure cones lo 5.10 KaCM?Apprex Make an Inia! Appcaton Opec) 9 |2P Pr Faso 464010 KgICU? Return Cont to Run BP Pr Goes to 6.50 Kg Aer 20 Soo ake ka, Ate 20 Sec Bring Con o Run BP shoul 6.50202 Ka/GMF, Held er 60 t0 99 Sec Beloe lewd down Sar Reco Brake Pip Fressre Redictan (otal) ine o Low Presse Loverchaige is 80:20 Secin Nomal Brake Pipo Pressure £0s.1KalCM <¢ FIL7 Mid Leak Hole at Non Operative End in BP End Hose Then Open End Cock 2F Brake Pipe Pressure Maintain Higher than 4.00 KICM* Nove Aulo Handle to Release Brake Pipe Pressure Maintain Higher than 4.25 Kg/Cl™ Isolate Brake Cylinder leo COC-63/1 BC Gauge fer BG 2 Show Pressure in Bath Cab BC | os 50.0 80 Kg 612. |Gauge, Check Pr Stitch - 64/1 Open at 0.2020. 15 Kg Open Cock 54/1 Cos at 8510-15. |O.em o.06-0.35 Ko [Check Signal Conig Fie 084 MPISH BKC! - ~ Tecate Brake Cylinder leo COC-€3/1 BC Gauge for BC 1 Show Pressure in Boln Cab BC 1619. |Gauge. Check Pr Seiten - 64/1 Opan at 0.2040.15 Kg Open Cock 64/1 Close t 0.8520 15, | Check Signal Con Fle: O64 MPrSw BkCyi2 6.14 [Auto Bk Contin Ful Service Pross Dr End Padele switch PVEF BC Comes 1°0 ose -0.50-0.80 Ks (Open -0.05-0.35 Kg 6.15 | Close Cock 70F Chack Signal Config File GBA LeoekBKCon, 16.16 | Close Cock 74F Check Signal Contig File: 064 Lemg@KO. Signature of inspector Namne-STEHA. FEM 7) Document No. -L/INS/LTS-Mech. yf PageNo. 10 of 14 Date of origin- 04.01.2020 Version = “1.1 Effective Date- 29.06.2020 Issued by CEE/INSPECTION ale ; Sondera |___Pesult Test to be Co ndard jo No. eee sic \cab-1] Cab-2| 7.0_| Dynamic Brake. (Blending Brake) 71 [het sb nw By Fring Say apap Oh Acta BE ET = 100% pion 7a [oeton cn by Fors Sali Lanna =H ne 8.0 [Direct Brake. = Paes cae Shed Graa Bata FO") Ap Ded Saka Fulbake Gnesi /39079 70%, gy [Senaamimorines sans’ e 8ang CrectDegetor urns 8a. 348 |3.50#0.2 Kg.CM” in all Loco. Check Pressure Switch S9F. KTP ite oD 86201 at Chase Sl Cun Pe: UA MSD O58: 076K0 Renae vec Bat, Bk Ger Presue Sich 6 Ope at 2:01 FGF fo10-0:30K9 _| check Signal Conia File: 06A MprS cco Bk Z ‘Apoly Dect Brake Full On, Record Brake Cynder Filing Tine. See Repeat Test 818283 From Cab? gore Ded Grate Pipe GREE t Gace Compressor sole 13:4, TOF Oran Meh Resor Eqvalang Pipe by End Cook [acme ga io ig. | Soeautiectscde rican gue roi ona Pensa met ie agimre [PCPrSMRIE MG |S Se 13 Kg mena Hose Yetow No Pressure be aa fpr cay TURAN OFERTAS ler seomios | $67 3.0 _| Frictional Brake Component. i [of [ete Ske Bo Ceerans oan Feat TBU | {D1 Si cata oii Pasonr (APO) Dk {bi |Taling scons Opraton [st rate Fee for eng ozs Opa) 101 | Connect xt supply in BP Line Wat 2 Nis il CR Neo Leak in Brake Rack (Pa Pane) "2 |B Bake Poe Pasir oak Brat yan Pome coven ome 10 Kn WAPT& WAGSrMAPS 200% '80-1.0072.00 Ka Drop Stake Pipe Pressure oO Kg Brake Cyinder Pressure comes \ 105 | 250 Kg in WAPY & WAGQWWAPS 5.15 KO Poe sorE Tnerease Brats Pipe Pressure to # Kg Sake Cynder PraceureComos Less han 200 Kg in toa heteae Bak Pie Pe 1g Sake Cylinder Tess ame lant 705 | nereace Brake Pipa to 5 KG Brake Cylinder Pressure comes OK "14.0 [Dead Engine Working. ‘Of. Drain A Below 2 Kg Wom Aux Reservar clang Cock Pi Panel TOR T4F_ 190 “onnact et eupaly in Brake Pipa Una 5 Ky Aux Ree t 4 Kg w Wi Con Reservar “1g [9p Brake Pips fo 4 Kg Brake Gyinder comes Above Tot 1.00 Kg in WAPT & WAGSIWAP-5 2.00 Kg heist i Diop Sate Pp Pose Pa fa rane Cynder Pos cones 230g WPT sg [Bupsiate Pe Pes eo 2608 15K ry [neste “aca Pipe Prstze Pie 4 ra Cyd Pres mos Les han 20916 5 tinea wacorwnee tee tun at 200%00%5 TB incase Sake Pe Pressure ro Ka Sak Gnd Pose cones OG “em “F.7 [Re nal incon Cored Poston 47 Corea 1 ing Equipment. T 2 slain Cock-134F im open poston Press sander Pads awthin FowardDracon. Shek Sign! Cont ve" BC PSand 29 (To Consrm EP valve Operate) Sand On Rai Fron Cixi Cock 134° iin pan poston, Pres sander Passe evthin Reverse Deaton, Check |carwonnainear | Oe ‘Signal Config File: BEPSard-284 (To confirm EP Valves Operate) een % Signature of inspettor NameTACHD + GAIT Document No. -L/INS/LTS-Mech. @ Page No. -110f 14 Date of origin- 04.01.2020 Version “Lt Effective Date-29.06.2020 Issued by CEE/INSPECTION Z| Test to be Conducted standard |. Repult | {a0 | Sm upon aD ge Ce] TESS Scene Cogs sate Vane Si 722 |r Gage Oah ab ra Eo Ka) ai 153. | Fe Gauge in Both Cab. (Peniied Eor-20.15 Ka/OM"T aed "Sa [ee cnaeienn Gm. femmes 2KGO¥) [35 [ec Gauge; in Both Cab. (Pormited Error40.15 KgiCM") BC-1 & BC2 136 [Goan na Cab. ees Era. IEKGO “a7 [Pee Gege iP Prelate ror 2016 KEM) TPE PTDG (Pneumatic Time Dependent Controlier Operation) in case 71 aut ail Fins weben a cesta con OAT SAIMGE SYSTEM Tein GFF Pr Poe 8 127.18 na pane vid [EatR PER COG Pa Poe Hob POS Hosa © io [rere Ces ae Cenotrs naive per ana Oe rake pipe through PTDC Valve fitted in Driver Desk by moving handle of ] PTDC valve in Pos. | [BP Charges in loco up to 5 Kg/em®& BC comes to'0' (Note: If direct Brake 45 rece 20 TP on 20-GP on PnPanel & release) Drop GP preseue by moving Rendle of PTOC In sighy towards Pos GP |_| | 146 | Fall & BC Pr develops. | MU tea Crem ound ne aang Goo of Den end va2 |Srecnnt or boo ewe ust Be ton ?inyvvenince ees Decon Tom | Ym Some cee ne wouseg Geen DoS eae tipo ashor. (Wiper Make) ; ak == pee ey fags eee eh lfc Reser carro tea fa On Wer Ges Choi Sie Pu Ms a a” | econ aerate Sreven | 16 (Vigilance. 2 [chock Vince Cows Unb Tent Wenor Unt E01 of BB EU OFT WaT | | 10.1 {in vigtance Unitreen LED w On Auivate Loco Stwalalon Pualion TaDiiing Made” Trem [Gatuptorcheck Tape | co | |Any Cab, Check No Ait Leakage From Exhaust Valve-71F. Loco Normal | Turn OF Vig Elect Supply Brake Pipe Pr Fall twough Valve 7% Turn switch [No Supply in 74 1 | Vigiance isolate Brake Pipe Now Re Charge Vig By. Passed) ___|novain sev eciaton Swi 297 Tio O-Pos PSU Grees Lar in VGU Uni Goes OFF, 163 | Give False Speed Exceeding 10 Km After 60*% See Novis Waming Come Vise Sw. 297.1 Normal, Vigtnes is inservice. Vig Warring Come After 808 Sec ices iso Cock TaF Cheek ndeaion in DOS Seren Sis faspector Name~2- des =f , Document No. -L/INS/LTS-Mech. © Page No. -12of 14 Date of origin- 04.01.2020 ‘ Version -2.a Effective Date- 29.06.2020 Issued by-CEE/INSPECTION st. Result No. Test to be Conducted [Standard . Cab-t 165 | Speed Above 10 kmph After 60:5 Sec Alarm Sound After 6tot0 Sec Penalty BF Falls & a Sf Apples to 2 5! WAPS:S 1sKolem Reset possible afte’ 119 See Speed Above 10 Kinph Aker 30" Hod Depressed Paddle Swi. Aer 60" Alar Sound 166. |Afer Gct6 Sec Penaty Sk Appleo BP Falls o 2 Kgiem Reset possbie ater 160 See Return Power Con fo GFF, Press BPUR, Operate Four SaVigenouceVig reset a ot [Speed Above 10 Kmph After 20°Press/Rel Sander Vig Reset for 60" Further 80" Move Tat os ae He 167 _|Throtle 768 [Speed Above 10 Kmph After 20’Press/Rel Sander Vig Reset for 60° Further 60° Move ‘Throtle Cont One Notch But Not i Off Vig Reset for 60 Press BPVG AssiDr On Panet- D| 16. | Speed Above 10 Kmph After Wait Alarm Come Press Dr. Vig Paddle Vig Reset Next on Alarm PressiRel BPUG Asat Dr Vig Reset Next on Alar PressiRel Sander Vig Does noi Reset Than Penaty Bk Applied Reset Possible After 125 Sec Throtle Cont is in OF Speed Above 10 Kmph After Wat Alarm Come Press Dr.Vig = 16.10 | Paddle Apply Auto Bk above 22 Ko Alter $0 Sec Vig No Alarm RelBk Alarm Come When [BC Pr Come Less than 1 3Kg. Speed to 1 KMPH No Vig Warning Cc Throttle Cont is out of Of Speed Above 10 kmoh After Wait Alarm Come Press Diver 16.11 |VagPadcle Aoply Auto Bk above 22 Kg Ater 30 See Vig Ne Alarm RelBK Alarm Come ‘517 |Whene Pr al 47.9 | Fire Detoction System, (FDU ) & Co2 Fire System. [ ‘Ghesk Soke lube Properly Laid down in Machine oom & Holes ae In Proper postion [Gt a 174_|Eaerin'Ois And abe pee Connected n FOU Unt rope. maton emo |! a [ [Gheak Coz Fire fighing System is propery Ried in Both Cab ite operaies he system | liza __|Thon'check Co2 Gas Paws rom each Nozze (Funnel), Gece System from Both Cab. ot | ot Jsaion_|Rocord God Gas Pressure in Gad Gas Cynder Gauge m Both CaO Take care. AsCo2 Gas is Haru Human /Live Personal _ = 48.0 |ACP./ Train Parting System in Locomotive 18:1 | Chea Alarm Chain Pull System Works Propery In Lecomte =f ae 182 | Check Train Parting System Works Properly In Locomative en —TTRACK TEST a a a | 19.0 |Do not carry ovt the folowing tests unless you are sure thatthe mechanical Brakes are ot | ae fully Operational 19.1 |Set up the loco in cooling mode and try to drive, It should net be possible, 4 | Tesi ernardency sop push button and funevenaly af mechanical bake. Ths Test wet ] 192 |be cared out on both cabs. Setup lca in diving mode | | | _8* | Rese pantograph and ose V.GB | € Se sy aa oem AAS TST Tl BS OT POG aT Inoresse (Check gauge in pane) Start Run interlock wll Come | |" Setrevereer 140 omar’ posi ‘set throttle 150 and move loco with alow speed a = 194. |(More than 10kmihe) Push Emergency Stop in Operating Cab VOB must open Pantograph must lower. Emergency brake Applied & loco must stop. = [Set up loco in driving mode Rise pantograph and close VGB Mave loco with @ low 419.5. |Spees (More than 10 Kmv/n), Brake loco by using the Direct Brake loco must brake and| Stop. Start Run Interlock will Come. Move; loco with a low speed (More than 10 Km). Brake loco by using the Auto brake \ 196 Jin ful service. Loco must brake and stop & Start Run Interlock wit Come, "Test Emergency brake, In ths test the following cab controls, which activate the emergency Brake must be “Tested of thei functionality on bath cabs, Assistant driver's Emergency brake Cock Driver's brake controller Emergency 197 Signatur of inspector wame-feHeSIAI

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