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The Toleransi of Islam


Dosen pengampu: DR(c) JONI HELANDRI ,M.Pd.

Opta sari: ( 23862070004)
Hilda : (23862080012)

Sekolah tinggi Agama Islam ( STAI)

Bumi Silampari Lubuklinggau

Tahun 2023

Thank God for the presence of Almighty God. Due to His grace and guidance, the writing of the paper
can be completed, the paper entitled “Islamic tolerance” as one of the lecture assignments can be
completed on time.

Papers prepared to fulfill English course assignments. Apart from that, this paper aims to increase
insight into the principles of selecting and using learning methods.

The author would like to thank all parties who have helped so that the author can complete this

The author realizes that this paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, suggestions and constructive
criticism are expected for the perfection of this paper.

Lubuklinggau, Oktober 2023

CHAPTER I..............................................................................................3


A Background.........................................................................................4

B. Formulation of the Problem...............................................................4

C. Problem Goal.....................................................................................4


A. Definition of Tolerance...............................................................5
B. Toleransi dalam pandangan Islam .............................................5
C. Tolerance in the Islamic view.. ...................................................6
D. Various tolerances.. ...................................................................5
E. Benefits of Error Tolerance! Bookmark not defined....................7

CHAPTER III............................................................................................8


A Kesimpulan .........................................................................................9

B. Saran...................................................................................................9



A. Background

Islamic tolerance in English means defined as an attitude or action that prohibits discrimination in
certain communities that are different or cannot be accepted by people in general.

Tolerance is an attitude of mutual respect, acceptance and respect for cultural diversity and
differences in expression. An attitude of Islamic tolerance in religious life will be realized wherever
there is freedom in society to embrace religion according to one’s beliefs.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the meaning of tolerance?
2. How is tolerance seen in Islam?
3. What are the benefits of tolerance?
C. Problem Objectives
1. To know the meaning of tolerance
2. To understand the meaning of tolerance in Islam.
3. To find out the benefits of tolerance


A.meaning of tolerance

Tolerance comes from the Latin, “tolerare” which means ret patient, respecting other people’s
opinions, being open-hearted and le towards people with different views or religions. In the Big
Indonesian Dictionary, it is explained that tolerance is the nature or attitude of being tol (respecting,
allowing, allowing) stances (opinions, views, beliefs, habits and behavior) that are different or
contrary to one’s own stance.

Tolerance comes from the Latin, “tolerare” which means restraint, being patient, respecting other
people’s opinions, being open-hearted and tolerant towards people with different views or religions.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, it is explained that tolerance is the nature or attitude of being
tolerant (respecting, allowing, allowing) positions (opinions, views, beliefs, habits and behavior) that
differ from one’s own views.

In general, the term tolerance refers to an open attitude, open mindedness and gentleness. UNESCO
defines tolerance as an attitude of mutual respect, mutual acceptance, mutual respect amidst
cultural diversity, freedom of expression and human character. Tolerance must be supported by a
broad horizon of knowledge, an open attitude, dialogue, freedom of thought and religion. In short,
tolerance is equivalent to a positive attitude and respect for other people in order to exercise basic
human freedoms.

In English, “tolerance” means the attitude of allowing, recognizing and respecting other people’s
beliefs without requiring approval. Whereas

In Arabic, this term refers to the words “tasamah permitting or facilitating each other. 2 namely

Meanwhile, in the view of experts, tolerance has various meanings. Micheal Wazler (1997) views
tolerance as a necessity in the individual and public sphere because one of the goals of tolerance is
to build peaceful coexistence between various groups of people from different historical, cultural and
identity backgrounds. Meanwhile, Heiler stated that tolerance which is manifested in words and
deeds must be used as an attitude towards facing religious plurality that is based on scientific
awareness and must be carried out in friendly cooperative relations between religious adherents.

B. Tolerance in the Islamic view

In the history of Muslim life, an attitude of tolerance was established when the Prophet Muhammad
saw first built the State of Medina. Shortly after the Prophet Muhammad saw migrated to the city of
Medina, the Prophet immediately saw the plurality that existed in the city of Medina. The plurality
that the Prophet faced was not only due to ethnic differences, but also differences caused by
religion. Medina is not homogeneous in terms of religion, but in Medina, apart from Muslims, there
are also residents who are Jews and Christians. Seeing this religious plurality, the Prophet took the
initiative to build togetherness with people of different religions. This initiative later gave birth to
what is known as the Medina Charter. In the view of Nurcholish Madjid (1992:195) the Medina
Charter was the first official political document that laid down the principles of freedom of religion
and business. In fact, the Prophet also made a separate agreement that guaranteed the freedom and
security of Christians everywhere, at all times.

In the history of Muslim life, an attitude of tolerance was established when the Prophet Muhammad
saw first built the State of Medina. Shortly after the Prophet Muhammad saw migrated to the city of
Medina, the Prophet immediately saw the plurality that existed in the city of Medina. The plurality
that the Prophet faced was not only due to ethnic differences, but also differences caused by
religion. Medina is not homogeneous in terms of religion, but in Medina, apart from Muslims, there
are also residents who are Jews and Christians. Seeing this religious plurality, the Prophet took the
initiative to build togetherness with people of different religions. This initiative later gave birth to
what is known as the Medina Charter. In the view of Nurcholish Madjid (1992:195) the Medina
Charter was the first official political document that laid down the principles of freedom of religion
and business. In fact, the Prophet also made a separate agreement that guaranteed the freedom and
security of Christians everywhere, at all times.

Another example of Islamic tolerance towards other religions was shown by Umar ibn al-Khattab.
Umar made an agreement with the people of Jerusalem, after the holy city was conquered by the
Muslims. The contents of the agreement read, among other things, “... He (Umar, pen) guaranteed
them security for their lives and property, and for their churches and crosses, as well as those in
sickness and health, and for their religion as a whole. The Church “Their churches will not be
occupied or damaged, and nothing will be taken away from the churches or their surroundings...”
(Nurcholish Madjid, 1992:193).

Tolerance cannot be interpreted as recognizing the truth of all religions and nor can it be interpreted
as a willingness to follow other religious practices. Allah has determined that the religion that is
acceptable to Him is Islam. There may be similarities between the Islamic religion and other
prophetic religions, but it cannot be avoided that there have been differences in several things,
which according to Islamic beliefs have occurred.

Due to human intervention. The same is true between Islam and other religions

Prophethood, there may be similarities, especially in his moral teachings,

Because human reason can arrive at conclusions that are in line with revelation.
D. Various types of tolerance

Tasamuh tolerance consists of two types, namely: tolerance towards fellow Muslims and tolerance
towards non-Muslims.

a) Tolerance towards other Muslims is an obligation, because apart from

being a social guide, it is also a form of brotherhood bound by the same
faith, even in the Prophet’s hadith it is explained that a person is not
perfect in his faith if he does not have a sense of compassion and
tolerance for his other brothers. .
b) As for tolerance towards non-Muslims, there are certain limits as long as
they are willing to respect us, and not expel us from their hometowns. We
must also respect them because they are basically the same as creatures
of Allah SWT.
E. Benefits of tolerance

The benefits obtained from an attitude of tolerance include:

1. Avoid divisions.

2. Strengthen relationships and accept differences.

3. Satisfying other people’s minds because they can take their rights as they should.

4. The inner satisfaction reflected in the expression on his face makes the brotherly
relationships with other people stronger.

5. Close, good relationships with other people can facilitate this realization

Good cooperation in community life

Can expand opportunities to gain sustenance from many relationships.



A. Conclusion

An attitude of tolerance is very important for a person and must exist within every individual, as well
as a student who must have an awareness of the importance of an attitude of tolerance from an
early age, not only towards friends but also towards other people and the wider community.


As input material for parties who pay attention to the world of education, both institutions and

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