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Orientation to Social issues in the Community

The name Pakistan literally means ‘land of the pure’. Pakistan is unique among Muslim countries in that
it is the only country to have been created in the name of Islam. There is so much to admire about
Pakistan including Pakistan army, Edhi Foundation etc but there are so many issues of Pakistan which
needs to be resolved.

These issues are from various origins having long lasting impact on the stability of the economy and the
goodwill of country.

Terrorism – Illiteracy – Poverty – Child labor – Corruption – Inflation – Drug abuse – Justice –
Discrimination of gender – Racial discrimination – Over population – Poor health facilities – Smuggling –
Dating – Violence – Ageism – Disability rights – Disloyal leaders – Food & Water crisis

1. Illiteracy:

Education is considered as the cheapest defense of a nation. Education is the major social issue of
Pakistan. The literacy rate of Pakistan is 49.9% which makes them fall on the ranking of 136th in the
world which shows that Pakistan is kept away from Education. The primary completion rate in Pakistan,
given by Date Center of UNESCO, is 33.8% in females and 47.18% in males, which shows that people in
the 6th largest country of the world are unable to get the basic education. In Pakistan mostly people
don’t bother to educate girls inspite of the fact that woman can play an important role for the
betterment of the country. Without education how we can play our role for the betterment of the
country. Unequal education system: Different medium of instruction in Public and private sector.
Regional disparity (standard of education varies in different provinces of Pakistan). In FATA, the literacy
rate is deplorable constituting 29.5% in males and 3% in females. Gender discrimination: primary school
ratio of boys & girls which is 10:4 respectively. lack of technical education. the allocation of funds for
education are very low. It is only 1.5 to 2.0 percent of the total GDP. Untrained and non-professional

Solution: Education should be compulsory at least till Inter and girl’s education should be focused. It’s
not that time where women were bound to stay at home and stay in the kitchen. It’s 20th century
women should come forward in every field of Life and there should be free education or less fee for
those who can’t afford high fees. In this way we can educate our country well.

Increase education budget. Establish more schools and appoint qualified and trained teachers. Technical
education must be given to all the classes. Promote primary education

2. Gender Discrimination:

Gender Discrimination is another major issue and it is so common in Pakistan. We are living in 20th
century but still we are facing this issue. Now Women are leading in every field of life but still women
are not given equal rights. We still give priority to men whether it is a work place or something else. In
so many cases we don’t bother about woman’s acceptance even we don’t bother to ask her and take
her Life decisions. Woman have to sacrifice all the time.

Solution: Eliminate this gender discrimination from our society. Now women should be given proper
rights as Islam has given her rights. There is nothing that woman can’t do it’s not that woman should be
placed equal to man. No woman has her own status and man has his own status and both should be
treated with justice

3. Terrorism in Pakistan:

Terrorism has become a major and highly destructive phenomenon in recent years. Annually so many
people die because of this terrorism in Pakistan. People Life are not safe here even Foreigners get afraid
to visit Pakistan because of this terrorism. Pakistan has become a country where blood flows on the
streets. People scream for their loved ones. After stepping out from house You don’t know whether you
will come safe and sound or not.

The major causes of Terrorism in Pakistan are:

1- Political Instability
2- Economic Conditions
3- Standard of Living
4- Religious Extremism

Solution: By proper education and by eliminating this unemployment we can overcome this terrorism.
Unemployment can be eliminated if we start giving jobs on the basis of talent not on the basis of Sifarish
and there should be more opportunities for teenagers in this way no one will remain unemployed.
Somehow we can overcome terrorism

1- The real solution is to kill the root of Terrorism and systematically change the attitude of those
peoples who are involved in terrorism
2- Military operations against terrorists are also very necessary.
3- Education, Justice, Pour politics can stop the Terrorism.
4- Preventing and resolving conflicts with Taliban and other religious groups.
5- Strengthening the protection of weak targets.
6- A fully demarcated border with Afghanistan which will prevent the foreign intrusion in the country.

4. Divorce in Pakistan:

It refers to dissolution of marriage, final termination of marital union, cancelling the legal duties and
responsibilities between two parties. The ratio of divorce has risen so high in the past few years. People
are unable to manage their marital Life even the ratio of divorce in Love marriages are too high. Divorce
has become a reality. In Pakistan marriage has become a fun for people where they demand divorce on
little issues and then marry other person without any fear.

Solution: Stop forcing your children for marriage. They should not marry unless or until they are not
ready for it because it is a heavy responsibility when you are not ready you can’t handle it well. There
should be strict policies for divorce so that no one dare to demand it on small issues.

5. Unemployment:

In Pakistan people even after getting higher education remains unemployed The ratio of unemployment
in Pakistan is so high that people doing masters or M.s are driving Auto-rickshaw due to this
unemployment. In fact there are many cases in Pakistan where young generation has commit suicide
because of this unemployment. Many terrorists are because of this unemployment when they will not
find anything to eat than unwantedly they will choose this illegal Path.

Solution: Unemployment can be eliminated if we start giving jobs on the basis of talent not on the basis
of Sifarish and there should be more opportunities for teenagers in this way no one will remain

6. Suicide in Pakistan:

There is an alarming rise of teenage suicide in Pakistan. It mostly occurs due to over stress, Problems in
relationship, Forced Marriage, Strict Parents, Fear of anything or any other cause. Teenagers find it easy
way to get rid from their problems instead of dealing their problems and it mostly occurs by Poison,
Drugs, hanging from fan or sleeping pills.

Solution: Suicide is mainly due to unemployment, Financial issues, Stress, forced marriages, Family
disputes etc. etc. when all the above issues will be resolved than we can overcome the ratio of suicide
too. and all the items like drugs or poison should be ban in the market.

7. Corruption:

Corruption in Pakistan is Widespread, particularly in the government and lower levels of police forces.
Pakistan has had this problem of corruption since it came into being.

8. Overpopulation

It is a condition where an organization number exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat.
Overpopulation is another prime concern on the way of development as it emerged in the preliminary
Census Report of 2017, ranking Pakistan the world’s 6 th most populous country with more than 200
million inhabitants while in 1955 it was ranked 14 th? Pakistan has 2.7% of world’s total population,
having 60% rural and 40% urban inhabitants. Fewer job opportunities, lack of facilities, fewer
resources and weak infrastructure augment the crisis of the rural population. This ongoing
manipulative phenomenon is a big push for the rural population to shift towards urban areas. The
urban growth rate has reached 3.5%, which is one of the highest in South Asia that turns out to be a
huge administrative and socio-economic crisis in urban and rural areas. This massive flow gave birth
to the launch of illegitimate housing societies on the fertile agricultural lands resulting in
inappropriate expansion of cities. High prices and less production of cash crops and the less
availability of agricultural raw material for the local industry are other associated issues.
9. Food and water crisis

We are facing the crisis of water nowadays. The increase in demand due to population growth, and
infrequent rainfall, is aggravating the situation day by day. Insufficient no. of reservoir is also one of the
cause of water crisis. Perpetual silting of water reservoirs, lakes, canals, rivers and waterways is one of
the major reasons of shrinking water storage capacity. The problem has now reached a critical decision-
making stage. There are two obvious solutions to the problem:

1. Make new water reservoirs to make up for the depleting capacity of old reservoirs, as well as to
cater for increase in demand.
2. Maintain the storage capacity of old reservoirs. Make new reservoirs only to meet the
requirement of additional demand.

The world’s financial experts have placed Pakistan on a list of 36 countries that face a serious food crisis.
it has two sides; one is unavailability of edibles and second is soaring prices due to gap in demand and
supply of edibles.

10. Dating

It refers to social activity. It is about mutual understanding between two individuals in order to access
other suitability of a partner for choosing the relationship for spouse. It is used in various senses. But it
usually refers to act of meeting are agreeing in a social activity mutually agree upon on social activities
of couples.

11. Justice

It is the concept of moral rightness, based on ethics, rationality, law, religion, fairness along with the
punishment of the breach (violation) of the set ethics.

12. Violence

It is the use of physical force to cause injury, damage or death. E.g. aggression.

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