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(Application Form for LEAVE / OFFICE DUTY)

(Deans/Dy.Deans/HoDs-(Teaching-Admin), Faculty, Admin & Lab Staff members)
Date of application: ………………………… of application (by HR Section)- ……………
Name of employee: …………………………………………….. Designation…………………………………………
Department: ………………………………………. Type of Leave:(EL/CO/LWP) ……………OR Office Duty…….
Leave/OD Duration: From(date) ……………To (date) ……………… Total no. of days- ……………………………
Reason/Purpose for Office Duty/ Leave…………………………………………………………………………………
Address during Leave (Full Address with Contact No.)-………………………………………………………..
Name of employee(s) (to whom assigned the duty for leave duration)- ……………………. Designation- ………….
(Note-Write on reverse side for substitute arrangement of classes/labs/other responsibilities)

Signature of employee(s) (to whom assigned the duty) Signature of Applicant

Signature-Recommending Authority Signature- Approving Authority

-------------- for HR Section only-----------------
Leave Balance on the day of leave application (as per office record): EL- ……… Comp. off- …………
Status of leave application: Timely submission as per policy- Yes/No
If No, date of late submission-……………. Remarks (if any)- ……………………………
Leave application may be considered/ not considered to proceed further
Approved/ Not Approved

HR Coordinator HR Manager Registrar/ Deputy Registrar

-------------- Receipt of leave application----------------- of application (by HR Section)- ……………………… Date- ………………………………….
Date of submission- …………………………… Time of submission- ………………………………..

Application received by- HR Coordinator (Signature) OR HR Manager (Signature)


(Application Form for LEAVE / OFFICE DUTY)
(Deans/Dy.Deans/HoDs-(Teaching-Admin), Faculty, Admin & Lab Staff members)
Date of application: ………………………… of application (by HR Section)- ……………
Name of employee: …………………………………………….. Designation…………………………………………
Department: ………………………………………. Type of Leave:(EL/CO/LWP) ……………OR Office Duty…….
Leave/OD Duration: From(date) ……………To (date) ……………… Total no. of days- ……………………………
Reason/Purpose for Office Duty/ Leave…………………………………………………………………………………
Address during Leave (Full Address with Contact No.)-………………………………………………………..
Name of employee(s) (to whom assigned the duty for leave duration)- ……………………. Designation- ………….
(Note-Write on reverse side for substitute arrangement of classes/labs/other responsibilities)

Signature of employee(s) (to whom assigned the duty) Signature of Applicant

Signature-Recommending Authority Signature- Approving Authority

-------------- for HR Section only-----------------
Leave Balance on the day of leave application (as per office record): EL- ……… Comp. off- …………
Status of leave application: Timely submission as per policy- Yes/No
If No, date of late submission-……………. Remarks (if any)- ……………………………
Leave application may be considered/ not considered to proceed further
Approved/ Not Approved

HR Coordinator HR Manager Registrar/ Deputy Registrar

-------------- Receipt of leave application----------------- of application (by HR Section)- ……………………… Date- ………………………………….
Date of submission- …………………………… Time of submission- ………………………………..

Application received by- HR Coordinator (Signature) OR HR Manager (Signature)

(Substitute arrangement of classes/labs/other responsibilities)
Name of the Signature of the
Day Date Subject with code Period Faculty member Concerned
assigned Faculty member

Signature of Applicant: ………………………

Signature-Recommending Authority Signature- Approving Authority

(Substitute arrangement of classes/labs/other responsibilities)

Name of the Signature of the
Day Date Subject with code Period Faculty member Concerned
assigned Faculty member

Signature of Applicant: ………………………

Signature-Recommending Authority Signature- Approving Authority

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