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In India, many people are born great and Jawaharlal Nehru was one of them.
Jawaharlal Nehru was an Indian revolutionary and the first prime minister
of independent India. Born on 14th November 1889, Jawaharlal Nehru was
a major figure in the freedom struggle of India and politics too. He
participated actively in uniting the suffering masses for the nationalist
movement for freedom of our country.

He is believed to create the contemporary Indian Nation State: a secular,

socialist, sovereign and democratic republic. He started 5 years plan and
constructed multipurpose projects.

He was honored with the ‘Bharat Ratna Award’ which is the highest civilian
honor for his significant contribution in the freedom struggle. His writings,
thoughts, works, books and speeches are still followed by masses. Needless
to say, our country achieved heights of success under his leadership.
Interestingly, he is addressed with several names such as Pandit Nehru
owing to his birth in the Kashmir Pandit community and Chacha Nehru due
to his great love for children.

Chacha Nehru strongly believed that children are considered as the building
blocks of the nation. Children are very small but have the capability to
change the nation positively. They are the responsible citizens of the
tomorrow as development of the country lies in their hands. He spent most
of his precious moments with children and lover their innocence. It is
because of his great love and affection towards children, his birthday is
celebrated as Children’s Day in India.

Currently another program named Bal Swachhta Abhiyan has been

launched by the India government to be celebrated on his birth anniversary
for the wellness, safety and health of the children forever in India.

So, Paulites, let us take a pledge on this day to follow the ideal path shown
by our beloved Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru to secure the present and the future
of India.

Thank You and Happy Children’s Day

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