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ME 223: Solid Mechanics and Strength of Materials

Autumn 2023, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Prof. R. Ganesh

Tutorial/Homework 5
20 October 2023

Problem 1
The following two dimensional problems have mixed boundary conditions involving both traction and displacement
boundary conditions (see fig. 1). Using the appropriate equilibrium equations, strain displacement relations, and
constitutive equations, formulate all boundary conditions for each problem solely in terms of displacements.

Figure 1

Problem 2
An elastic material (E, ν) fits exactly in a square cavity of sides 2a and height L, as shown in fig. 2. Assume that
the cavity is made in a rigid block, and that there is a cap for the cavity which is pressed on to the elastic material
with force F0 . Determine the length of the elastic material after deformation due to force F0 .

Figure 2

ME 223, Tutorial 5

Problem 3
Consider a body subjected to plane stress conditions (σz = τxz = τyz = 0). Show that in the absence of body
forces, the equilibrium equations will be satisfied if the stresses are given by the expressions
σx =
∂y 2
σy =
τxy = − ,
where ϕ = ϕ(x, y) is referred to as the Airy Stress function. Write down a simplified version of the stress-strain
relationship for the case of plane stress, and using the compatibility relationship for strains, derive the equation(s)
that ϕ has to satisfy. The compatibility relationship for the strains is (the factor of 2 is missing in the class
∂ 2 ϵx ∂ 2 ϵy ∂ 2 ϵxy
+ 2
∂y ∂x ∂x∂y

Problem 4

Figure 3

Consider a beam (shown in fig. 3) carrying a uniformly distributed transverse loading on its top surface. As-
suming plane stress conditions, and the trial Airy stress function
A4 5
ϕ(x, y) = A1 x2 + A2 x2 y + A3 y 3 + A4 x2 y 3 −y ,
determine as many constants as possible by applying the boundary conditions on the top and bottom surface. Then,
determine the total traction on the left and right ends (assume that the ends are simply supported). Determine the
net moment due to the traction on the left and right ends.

Problem 5
Derive the Lamé solution for a pressurized hole in an infinite medium (see fig. 4). First, repeat the steps discussed
in class, and derive the exact expressions for the radial displacement, and radial and tangential stresses (assume a
state of plane strain in the medium). Then apply the boundary conditions for this specific problem.

Problem 6
Consider a solid disk subjected to a constant rotation (ω). The rotational motion generates centrifugal acceleration,
which can be considered as a body force
Fr = ρω 2 r,
where ρ is the mass density of the solid. The problem is axisymmetric and thus the equilibrium equations reduce
∂σr σr − σθ
+ + ρω 2 r = 0.
∂r r
What are the boundary conditions you will apply for this problem? Using the appropriate boundary conditions,
determine the radial and tangential stress distribution in the disk (assume plane stress conditions for this problem).

Note: For all the following problems, you can use the Lamé solution directly.

ME 223, Tutorial 5

Figure 4: A pressurized hole in an infinite medium.

Problem 7
A circular plate of outer radius a has a small central hole of radius c, and is subjected to an pressure p on the outer
surface. Calculate the maximum normal stress in the plate as c/a → 0. Calculate the ratio of this maximum stress
to the maximum stress which would exist in a solid circular plate of radius a loaded with outer pressure p.

Problem 8
A thick-walled tube (ri = 10 cm, and ro = 15 cm) is subjected to an external pressure p. If E = 200 GPa and
ν = 0.3, and the maximum shear stress is limited to 0.2 MPa, determine the value of p and the change in external

Problem 9
Consider a thin ring of internal radius r, thickness t, and width b, which is subjected to a uniform pressure p over
the entire internal surface. Consider one half of the ring (i.e., a cut along the diameter), and draw the free body
diagram (assume there are radial and tangential forces at the cut). Using force equilibrium, determine the radial
and tangential forces acting on the cut section. Using these forces find the stresses in the polar coordinates. Verify
that the solution you obtained matches with the Lamé problem for the case of thin rings (use ro = ri + t, and
t/ri << 1).

Problem 10
A long thin walled cylindrical tank with radius r and thickness t is subjected to internal pressure p (assume that
the ends are closed). If a strain gauge is mounted on the outside surface in a direction parallel to the axis of the
tank measures a strain of ϵ0 , what is the pressure in the tank?

Problem 11
Determine the pressure p between the concrete tube and the perfectly rigid core when an external pressure pe = 12
MPa is applied on the outer surface (see fig. 5). Assume r1 = 0.5 r2 , E = 100 MPa, and ν = 0.16.

Problem 12
Determine the radial and circumferential stresses, as well as contact stresses due to an internal pressure p = 200
MPa in a composite tube consisting of an inner copper tube of radii 10 cm and 20 cm, and an outer steel tube of
external radius 40 cm. Use Est = 200 GPa, Ecu = 100 GPa, νst = 0.3 and νcu = 0.34.

ME 223, Tutorial 5

Figure 5

Problem 13
A steel disk of 50 cm outer diameter and 10 cm inner diameter is shrunk on to a steel shaft so that the pressure
between the shaft and the disk at standstill is 3.5 MPa (use the expression for contact stress/pressure expression
obtained in the previous problem to determine the interference diameter).
(a) Assuming that the shaft does not change its dimensions because of its own centrifugal force, find the speed
at which the disk is just free on the shaft.
(b) Solve the problem without making the assumption in (a).

Problem 14
Consider a one dimensional bar of length L, and Young’s Modulus E that is fixed at both ends, and is subjected
to a constant body load b. Determine the displacement variation in the bar by solving the 1D BVP. Does your
solution match with that obtained by the approach delineated for statically indeterminate problems earlier?

Problem 15
Consider a one-dimensional rod of length L, which is fixed at the left end (x = 0) and subjected to a linearly varying
body force b(x) = b0 (1 − x/L) as shown in fig. 6. The rod is made from a composite material with variable elastic
modulus E = E0 (2 − x/L). Solve the 1D boundary value problem and determine the displacement as a function of

Figure 6

Problem 16
Consider a one-dimensional rod of unit length, which is fixed at the left end (x = 0) and subjected to a linearly
varying body force b(x) = 15x (see fig. 7). The rod is made from a composite material with variable elastic modulus
E = 2 − x2 . Consider the following displacement

ME 223, Tutorial 5

Figure 7

u(x) = a(x3 + 2x2 − 3x),

where a is a constant. Is this displacement a valid solution to given problem. Explain your conclusion briefly.

Problem 17
Consider a one dimensional rod of unit length, and unit Elastic modulus, that is restrained by elastic springs of
modulus k = 1 at both ends, as shown in fig. 8. The rod is subjected to a quadratically varying body force, and a
restoring force due to an elastic foundation, which results in the following differential equation for the displacement

Figure 8

u′′ − u = 1 − x2 .
What are the boundary conditions for this problem. Is the following displacement function a valid solution to the
u(x) = 1 + x2 − 2ex − e−x
Determine the exact solution for this BVP if the above function is not a valid solution.

Lamé Problem Solution

The general solution for the radial and circumferential stresses in the Lamé problem are:

(po r02 − pi r2 ) r2 r2 1
σr = − 2 2 + 2 0 i 2 (po − pi ) 2
(r0 − ri ) (r0 − ri ) r

(po r02 − pi r2 ) r2 r2 1
σθ = − 2 2 − 2 0 i 2 (po − pi ) 2
(r0 − ri ) (r0 − ri ) r
If the cylinder is in plane strain conditions, then the radial displacement is given as:

(1 + ν)(1 − 2ν) (po r02 − pi r2 ) 1 + ν ro2 ri2 1

ur (r) = − 2 2 r − 2 2 (po − pi )
E (r0 − ri ) E (r0 − ri ) r

If the cylinder/disk is in plane stress conditions, then the radial displacement is given as:

(1 − ν) (po r02 − pi r2 ) 1 + ν ro2 ri2 1

ur (r) = − 2 2 r − 2 2 (po − pi )
E (r0 − ri ) E (r0 − ri ) r

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