1. Điền một đại từ sở hữu vào ô trống mỗi câu

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1. Đại từ sở hữu là gì?

- Đại từ sở hữu dùng để chỉ sự sở hữu và thay thế cho một danh từ, cụm danh từ đã được nhắc đến trước đó.
2. Các đại từ sở hữu và nghĩa của chúng

Đại từ nhân xưng Đại từ sở hữu Ý nghĩa Ví dụ

I mine của tôi This book is mine.

We ours của chúng ta This house is ours.

You yours của bạn This pillow is yours

He his của anh ta This tent is his.

She hers của cô ấy The brown puppy is hers.

They theirs của họ You don’t have a car. You can borrow theirs.

*** It không có dạng đại từ sở hữu

3. Cách dùng các đại từ sở hữu
Nó thay cho một tính từ sở hữu + danh từ (đã nói phía trước.)
ví dụ: This bike is my bike.  this bike is mine.
Can I borrow your book? I can’t find mine.  trong câu này mine = my book
b) Đại từ sở hữu cũng có thể được dùng trước danh từ mà nó thay thế
Ví dụ: Ours is the second house on the left. ( Ours = Our house)
c) Dùng trong dạng câu sở hữu kép (double possessive).
Ví dụ: Tom is a friend of mine. = Tom is one of my friends

1. Điền một đại từ sở hữu vào ô trống mỗi câu
1. I'm riding my bike. The bike is ______. 7. The houses belong to us. They are ______.
2. The rings belong to Lucy. They are ______. 8. I have two cats. They are ______.
3. There is a book on your desk. Is it ______ ? 9. Are those shoes Ann's?
4. We have a computer. The computer is ______. Yes, they are ______.
5. That money belongs to him. It is ______. 10. Are these balls the children's?
6. This garden belongs to them. It is ______. No, they aren't ______.
2. Chuyển đại từ nhân xưng trong ngoặc thành một đại từ sở hữu thích hợp
1. This bag belongs to that woman in red; it’s not ______. (you)
2. Our car is newer than ______. (he)
3. That book does not belong to you; it’s ______. (I)
4. Your father is taller than ______. (she)
5. This boy’s ideas are more interesting than ______. (you)
6. Victor’s house is older than ______. (we)
7. The box belongs to John; it’s not ______. (you)
8. These words were said by Shakespeare; they are not ______. (we)
9. That project was done by Charlotte; it’s ______. (she)
10. This is my parents’ room and the clothes are ______. (they)
3. Chọn 1 từ trong ngoặc phù hợp để hoàn thành câu
1. Is this cup ________ (your / yours)? 6. The new car is ________ (their / theirs).
2. The coffee is ________ (my / mine). 7. She cooked ________ (our / ours) food.
3. That coat is ________ (my / mine). 8. Don't stand on ________ (my / mine) foot!
4. He lives in ________ (her / hers) house. 9. She gave him ________ (her / hers) suitcase.
5. You might want ________ (your / yours) phone. 10. I met ________ (their / theirs) mother.
4. Viết lại câu có sử dụng đại từ sở hữu
Ex: This is his car -> This car is his.
1. Are those his shoes? 5. That was your plane.
____________________. ____________________.
2. These are my pens. 6. Is this our bus?
____________________. ____________________?
3. This will be your room. 7. Is this your suitcase?
____________________. ____________________?
4. This was their house. 8. Will this be my desk?
____________________. ____________________.


Đại từ nhân xưng Tính từ sở hữu Đại từ sở hữu
(trước động từ, có vai trò (sau động từ, có vai trò là (không đi kèm với danh
(đi kèm với danh từ)
là chủ ngữ) tân ngữ) từ)
I Me My Mine
You You Your Yours
He/ She/ It Him/ Her/ It His/ Her/ Its His/ Hers/ -
We Us Our Ours
You You Your Yours
They Them Their Theirs
Bài 1: Choose the correct answer:

1. These toys are _______.

A. you B. your C. yours
2. I love ______ grandparents.
A. mine B. me C. my
3. _____ children are young.
A. They’re B. They C. Their
4. That CD is _____.
A. mine B. my C. me
5. These clothes aren’t ______.
A. our B. ours C. we
6. Your bike is a lot faster than __________________.
A. my B. its C. mine
7. The book is _________________ but you’re welcome to read it.
A. mine B. yours C. my
8. _____________ dog is always so friendly
A. There B. They C. Their
9. My sister gets along well with _____________.
A. yours B. you C. your
10. I looked everywhere for my keys but I could only find _____________.
A. your B. yours C. them
2. Hoàn thành câu. Sử dụng đại từ sở hữu hoặc tính từ sở hữu.
1. I’ve got a watch. This is _______ watch.
2. My friends and I have got sweets. The sweets are _______.
3. Mum has got a new bag. That’s _______ bag.
4. Peter has got a kite. The kite is _________.
5. My brothers have got kites. The bikes are __________.
6. Karen has got a dog. That’s ______ dog.
7. She has a new cat. It is __________.
8. You have a new toy. It is __________.
9. The coat belongs to me. It is __________.
10. The chair belongs to Mary. It is ________
11. I have a new book. It is __________.
12. They have new pillows. It is __________.
13. We have new shoes. They are __________.
3. Khoanh tròn từ đúng
1. Linda is my/ mine sister
2. Look at the leaves of the tree/ the tree leaves
3. He is a friends of her/ hers.
4. That car is their/ theirs
5. These toys are your/ yours
4. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống
1. My father goes to work by ____________ car. ____________ drives well.
2. ____________ is boirng to stay at home. There is nothing to do.
3. In ____________ free time, I play the pinao with ____________ mother
4. My little cat is very lovely. ____________ loves milk.
5. Su and Ali are good friends. ____________ are always together.
6. Anna plays football on Saturday nights. ____________ plays wonderful.
7. I bought a new bicycle. ____________ is red.
8. Jane has already eaten her lunch, but I’m saving____mine______until late.
9. Mary has broken ______leg
10. My father and I will fix my bike tomorrow. ______was broken two days ago.
11. “ _________pencil is broken. Can I borrow _________?
12. Jim’s car is very old._______bought it two years ago. I bought ________car three years ago but mine
still looks better than ___________________.
13. Excuse me, is this _______bag, Anna?- “No, it’s __________
14. ‘ Is that Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s house?”- No, ________is in the next street’.
5. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống
Dear Christian,
My name is Emily and I want to be _____ (1) e-pal. I am seven years old and I am from England. My
parents are doctors. I _____ (2) two brothers. They are students at the University of London. Have ______
(3) got any brothers or sisters? In my free time, I go to the cinema with my brothers or hang out with my
friends. My best friend _____ (4) Selma. _______ (5) mother is from India and her father is from Germany.
Please write soon and tell _____ (6) all about you family and friends.
6, Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống.
1. Hi! I’m Zoe. I’m in Class 7. This is our classroom. It’s very nice. And this is _______ (1) class teacher.
_______ (2) name is Mrs. Brown. We’ve got an art teacher, too. _______ (3) name is Mr. Shaw. These are
_______ (4) classmates. This is Nikki and this is Diana. They’re sisters.
This is _______ (5) pet iguana. It’s green and brown. _______ (6) name is Coco.

2. I’m Susan, and this is Tibby. I like her very much because she is (1) __________ cat. She usuakky sleeps
in (2) __________ basket in the living roo. But sometimes she sleeps in Jake’s room on (3) __________
bed. I would like to have a dog, too. (4) __________ house is big enough. But (5) __________ mum says
“You haven’t got time for a dog. You go to school, meet (6) __________ friends and do (7) __________
homework. That’s too much!”
“But Betty and Jake can help me. And then it isn’t only my dog, but it is (8) __________ dog, too!”
Mum says, “Well, if you all want a dog, then it is (9) __________work. I can talk to dad about it, okay?” So
now I’m happy.

3. Olly: Hi, Brian and Harry. Aren’t _______ (1) parents at home?
Harry: No, they aren’t. But _______ (2) dogs are here.
Brian: _______ (3) names are Lucky and Rocky.
Olly: I know. Oh, they’re in _______ (4) little dog house.
Harry: Look, Lucky and Rocky: what have I got?
Lucky and Rocky: Woof! Woof!
Harry: Okay, okay, here are _______ (5) dog biscuits.
Olly: Oh, and where are _______ (6) biscuits? I like biscuits, too!

7. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai.

1. Tina is mine sister.

2. Us went to the cinema yesterday.

3. This car is your

4. These are the children's shoes. They're them.

5. Look at I.

6. Mine brother is tall.

7. I waited for your yesterday but you didn't come.

8. These are him pencils.

9. This letter is for his

10. Her didn't do the homework.

11. This is John's book. It is him book.

12. Whose bag is this? - It's me

13. Whose jeans are these? - They're she

14. Our car is bigger than them

15. Whose dictionary is this? - It's him

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