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Clinical Infectious Diseases


Therapeutic Drug Monitoring interpreted as an actual benefit conferred

Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology,
in Tuberculosis: Practical University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen,
Application for Physicians by TDM in preventing the more rare and 2Center of Tropical Medicine and Travel Medicine,
events of relapse or acquired drug resis- Department of Infectious Diseases, Division of Internal
TO THE EDITOR—We studied with great in- tance. Moreover, optimal assessment of
Medicine, Academic Medical Center, University of
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Division of Infection, Barts
terest the novel treatment guidelines for drug exposure should always be related Health NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom; 4School of
drug-susceptible tuberculosis [1]. The Pharmacy, University of Namibia, Windhoek; and 5Division of
to a patient’s actual Mycobacterium tu- Infectious Diseases and International Health, Department of
authors mention situations where thera- berculosis minimum inhibitory concen- Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
peutic drug monitoring (TDM) may be tration (MIC), and the time that TDM
useful: drug malabsorption, drug under- focuses only on drug exposure has passed References
dosing, and drug–drug interactions. [7]. Commercially available MIC plates 1. Nahid P, Dorman S, Alipanah N, et al. Official
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tings, sample stability, and costs meant [8]. But could we expect widespread im- of America clinical practice guidelines: treatment of
that TDM was not advocated for drug- drug-susceptible tuberculosis. Clin Infect Dis 2016;
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Nahid and colleagues emphasize that no Likely not, as such a shipment is often 3. Lange C, Abubakar I, Alffenaar J-WC, et al. Manage-
prospective randomized controlled trials not feasible. However, dried blood spot ment of patients with multidrug-resistant/extensively
(RCTs) are available to define the role of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Europe: a TBNET con-
analysis (DBSA) is a game-changing alter- sensus statement. Eur Respir J 2014; 44:23–63.
TDM in tuberculosis treatment [1]. native [9]. Sample collection is now easier 4. Pasipanodya JG, McIlleron H, Burger A, Wash PA,
Indeed, an RCT may define in which Smith P, Gumbo T. Serum drug concentrations pre-
using a drop of blood from a fingerprick dictive of pulmonary tuberculosis outcomes. J Infect
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pact and allow quantification of that im- at ambient temperature by mail. Indeed,
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pact to support additional cost analyses. we agree with authors that the benefit of bactericidal activity of isoniazid. Clin Infect Dis
Yet, the pharmaceutical industry would TDM may be higher in patients with mal- 2004; 39:1425–30.
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out a new drug regimen, and public fund- virus coinfection, diabetes, or delayed spu- jury and early treatment failure in the 6-month
ing remains competitive and focused on four-drug standard treatment of tuberculosis: a ran-
tum culture conversion. However, we favor domized controlled trial for pharmacogenetics-
regimens that may shorten total treat- operational studies using DBSA to assess based therapy. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2013;
ment duration. Short of a new trial, do 69:1091–101.
the application of early TDM in those sub- 7. Zuur MA, Bolhuis MS, Anthony R, et al. Current
we not already have sufficient evidence populations. TDM should be considered a status and opportunities for therapeutic drug mon-
that shows that drug exposure to, for ex- useful tool in supporting clinical decision
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ample, isoniazid is relevant for outcome making. DBSA renders TDM feasible 8. Heysell SK, Pholwat S, Mpagama SG, et al. Sensititre
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and second-line antituberculosis drug susceptibility
show a clear association between dose work will ultimately change the perception testing in Tanzania: a call to operationalize MICs.
(ie, exposure) and reduction in bacterial that TDM is only for specialized centers in Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2015; 59:7104–8.
load [5]. An RCT demonstrated that 9. Vu DH, Alffenaar JWC, Edelbroek PM, Brouwers
low-prevalence settings, and instead con- JRBJ, Uges DRA. Dried blood spots: a new tool for
dose selection based on N-acetyltransfer- sidered as an important tool in the global tuberculosis treatment optimization. Curr Pharm
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fewer adverse drug events in poor acetyla- the World Health Organization hierarchy of tuber-
Note culosis diagnostics. Eur Respir J 2016; 47:1867–9.
tors [6]. Although not tested, this makes a
Potential conflicts of interest. All authors:
strong case for TDM. The guidelines No reported conflicts. All authors have submitted Correspondence: J.-W. C. Alffenaar, University of Groningen,
University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Hospital
mention that low drug exposure did the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Con-
and Clinical Pharmacy, PO Box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, The
flicts of Interest. Conflicts that the editors consid-
not translate into poor outcome in some Netherlands (
er relevant to the content of the manuscript have
studies. Yet in these studies, TDM was been disclosed. Clinical Infectious Diseases®
used only after patients have manifested © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press for
Jan-Willem C. Alffenaar,1 Simon Tiberi,3 the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.
slow response to therapy where equiva- Roger K. Verbeeck,4 Scott K. Heysell,5 and For permissions, e-mail
lence in outcome could instead be Martin P. Grobusch2 DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciw677


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