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The Invisible Institute

Name / Alias


0 1 2345

Presence Strange

mark for +1d or to resist a consequence
Look two marks in all boxes exhausts that quality


Origin / Background Change Destroy

NOTES Compell Detect

Conceal Harm

Control Know
Create Protect
Skill >

Whenever you fail a roll, mark skill. When you fill the skill track, clear
it and increase one of your Mode ratings by 1.

Whenever you fail a powered roll, mark potency. At the end of each
session, mark potency once for each of the following that happened (or

twice if it happened multiple times):

- Your powers made a difference in an unexpected fashion

- Using your powers caused you or the Institute trouble
- We learned something new about you and your relationship to the
Institute, the Presences, and the other PCs.
- Another trigger determined by your Presence:


When you fill the potency track, clear it and select an advancement:
take a new power (from your Presence’s list), increase your Aura by 1,
or gain an extra Quality box.
Potency >
When you take a dangeorus or risky action, whether you’re OTHER MODIFIERS RECOVERING QUALITIES
using your powers or not, state which Mode you’re using If your PC is the focus of the A plot, you get +1 Aura die on A quality box marked once is cleared at the end of an
and roll 1d for each dot you have in that Mode. all rolls, whether you’re using a power or not. If the Universe episode. However, a quality box marked twice sticks around.
is the A plot, everyone gets this bonus. The only way to clear it depends on the quality, and needs to
If you’re using your powers, also roll dice equal to your be worked-at as a project clock:
Aura. These should be a different colour to distinguish If you’re rolling a Mode that has 0 dots, roll 2d and only take
them. the lower die to determine your result. You may mark a Connected: Take time to hang out, reforge friendships, build
quality box to get +1d, which counts as an Aura die. bridges, express love or admiration.
Each roll of a 4, 5, or 6 is a hit. Total these hits to determine
your result. If you rolled a 6 on an Aura die, roll it again and Infused: Practice your powers, visit places of power, get
add another hit to your result if it also rolls a 4, 5, or 6.
If you fail an action roll, the GM will tell you what happens mystical.
as an immediate result. It won’t negate the use of your
By default, the difficulty of any action is 1, meaning you Strange: Live a normal life, work a regular job, be a face in
power, if you used one, and it may even look like a success,
need just 1 hit to succeed. Modify difficulty according to the crowd for a while.
but something bad will happen - you lose control of your
opposition and intent, using the following factors as a guide:
power, you cause collateral damage, a new threat emerges,
the GM creates or ticks a danger clock, etc. Vital: Rest up, get medical attention, work on your physical
Immediate +0 1 or 2 people +0
Room/structure +1 Gang +1 You may mark a quality box to resist this consequence.
City block +2 Crowd +2 You can do this after other PCs have rolled as well as after CHARACTER CREATION *
City +3 Army +3 your own rolls. This lets you avoid the sharp end of the You start at Aura 0.
Country +4 City’s population +4 consequence, although it doesn’t negate the flow of action.
Continent +5 Country’s pop. +5 - Pick one or two of the Manifold Presences and note it/
World +6 World’s pop. +6 EXHAUSTED QUALITIES them on your sheet.
If you exhaust a quality, it opens up the use of otherwise
DURATION RANGE - Roll for your starting powers from the appropriate Presence
off-limits consequences to the GM as follows:
A few moments +0 Reach +0 table on the following page using d66. One Presence: roll
Minutes/hours +1 Eyesight/earshot +1
Connected, your bonds of friendship and love with other three powers and drop one. Two Presences: roll two powers
Days +2 City block +2
people. When you exhaust this quality, it puts the death of from each and drop two. Distribute 2 dots between your
Weeks +3 City +3 Mode ratings based on this power set.
your friends and loved ones on the table.
Months +4 Country +4
Years +5 World +5
Infused, your crackling interdimensional energy. When you - Detail your origin and background. Distribute 2 more dots
Decades +6 Orbit +6
exhaust this quality, it puts the failure and inversion of between your Mode ratings based on this.
Centuries +7 Another world +7
your powers on the table.
Forever +8 Another star +8 - Distribute 2 more dots freely between any of your Mode

FORCE Strange, the ruck and twist of reality and causality around ratings.
Weak/Moderate/Push +0 you. When you exhaust this quality, it puts malevolent high
strangeness on the table. - Take a free Potency advance (gain an extra power, increase
Strong/Bruise/Injure +1 your Aura to 1, or gain an extra Quality box).
Serious/Crush/Eviscerate +2
Powerful/Deadly +3 Vital, your health, well-being, and resistance to physical
Overwhelming/Evaporate +4 harm. When you exhaust this quality, it puts your own - Give yourself a name and/or alias, and describe your look.
death on the table. Your look should include a tell - something that marks you
Devastating/Annihilate/Delete +5 as not quite human. This can be as obvious as purple skin, or
as subtle as oddly-coloured eyes.
Flashiness, destruction, raw power Magic and the higher dimensions The physical body and its primal Bound objects of power
Potency trigger: You met a challenge Potency trigger: You uncovered an instincts Potency trigger: You recovered and
with raw, unchecked, obvious power. ancient, forbidden, or mystical secret. Potency trigger: You proved your protected an ancient or alien artifact.
physical superiority over an opponent.
11 - 13 darkness control 11 - 13 astral projection 11 - 15 animated servant
14 - 16 distintegration ray 14 - 16 cosmic awareness 11 - 12 absorption
16 - 24 armour
21 - 23 devitalisation ray 21 - 23 dimensional travel 13 - 14 adaptation
25 - 33 artificial body
24 - 26 fire 24 - 26 evil eye 15 - 16 natural armour
34 - 46 artificial body part
31 - 33 ice 31 - 33 familiar 21 - 22 animal abilities
51 - 61 special weapon
34 - 36 light 34 - 36 phasing 23 - 24 darksight
62 - 66 vehicle
41 - 43 lightning 41 - 43 illusions 25 death touch

44 - 46 magnetic 44 - 46 magical spells 26 - 31 force field When you generate a power and note it on your sheet, write
32 - 33 flight down a few extra details about it - if it’s enhanced expertise,
51 - 53 paralysis ray 51 - 53 revivification which area of expertise? If it’s a familiar, what kind of
54 - 56 blast 54 - 56 teleportation 34 - 35 invisibility animal does it look like? Give the power some individual
36 invulnerability personality and special effects to make it stand out and fit
61 - 63 sonics/vibrations 61 - 63 transformation your character concept.
64 - 66 weather 64 - 66 transmutation 41 - 42 natural weaponry
43 - 44 non-corporeality
YN-VO JABAT-JABAT 45 - 46 poison/venom
The mind, intelligence, the senses Skill and raw ability
Potency trigger: You proved your Potency trigger: You took down a 51 - 52 regeneration
mental superiority. super-powered threat by seemingly
53 - 54 size change
mundane means.
11 - 15 animal control 55 - 56 stretching
16 - 25 plant control 11 - 14 enhanced agility
61 - 62 super speed
26 - 34 emotion control 15 - 22 enhanced fighting skills
63 - 64 super strength
35 - 44 mind control 23 - 26 enhanced charisma
65 water breathing
45 - 53 psionics 31 - 34 enhanced defense
66 wings
54 - 63 telekinesis 35 - 42 enhanced endurance

64 - 66 telepathy 43 - 46 enhanced expertise

51 - 54 enhanced intelligence
55 - 62 enhanced senses
63 - 66 weakness detection

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