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It is a law the seeks to address the prevalence of violence against women and their children, by their
intimate partners like their husband or ex-husband, live-in partner or former live-in partner,
boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, dating partner or former dating partner.


1. Anti- Violence Against Women and their children Act of 2004)

2. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.”

3. Governance of basic education (DEPED)

2. It is a parallel learning system in the Philippines that provides a practical option to the existing formal
instruction. When one does not have or cannot access formal education in schools, this will help and can
alternate or substitute.


1. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.”

2. Alternative Learning System

3. The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)

3. This Act aims to encourage the full participation of and mobilize the industry, labor, local government
units and technical-vocational institutions in the skills development of the country's human resources.


1. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.”

2. Alternative Learning System

3. The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)

4. This is the Philippine government’s agency in charged with promoting relevant and quality higher
education, ensuring access to quality higher education, and guaranteeing and protecting academic
freedom for continuing intellectual growth, advancement of learning and research, development of
responsible and effective leadership, education of high level professionals, and enrichment of historical
and cultural heritages.


1. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.”

2. the kindergarten education Act


Answer key:

1. anti- violence

2. ALS


Choose me!
Good morning! I prepared here a game to energize and to refresh our minds.
so the game is called Choose Me! I will show you the definition later, and all
you need to do is to read the definition carefully and choose the correct
answer in the choices. This is very easy and I know that you can answer it
quickly so let’s start.
Okay for the first definition…

Okay so let’s see if your answer is correct.

1. anti- violence
2. ALS

Thankyou mr. rada, to continue our discussion, next slide please, so the next
law is executive order, no. 356
The succeeding slides will explain the executive order 356. and the sections
under of this law. So let’s proceed to the next slide. So for the definition of
Non formal education or NFE, this are organizations like, sports, drama,
clubs and other community groups that students can join and enjoy the
organization. This is also known as curricular activities sa school na pwede
tayong magjoin para makaexprience tayo nang iba’t ibang klase nang
activities at maexplore rin natin ang ating mga sarili at mas makilala pa lalo
ang ating sarili. Kasi may mga time diba na akala natin di natin kaya ung
isang bagay, o kaya minsan kulang lang sa confidence maganda naman ung
boses or kulang lang sa practice kaya this curricular activities is very helpful
din to showcase our hidden talents to grow and to improve ourself. What are
the curricular activities that you know? in your present or previous schools?
Anyone? like mga sports, basketball, volleyball, tennis, mga reading group,
dance club, gymnastics, swimming and other organization. And non-formal
education is more learner centered, learners may leave anytime in the
organization if they are not motivated, or they feel that they are not meant to
the organization atleast you try, kaysa sa hindi talaga sinubukan ang isang
bagay diba. Next is alternative learning system or ALS, ALS is a free
education program implemented by the DEPED. To provide out-of-school youth and
adults with learning opportunities to gain knowledge, attitude, values and skills. This program can
benefit people who cannot afford to study in formal schooling, or kaya ung mga taong na delay sa pag
aaral because of different factors. Not all schools meron ALS may mga ilan lang na school ang nag oofer
nang ALS ung may sapat na kakayahan at kayang imanage at ibigay ung pangangailangan nang
mamayan. Next slide

Ayun nga base sa section 2, republic act 9155 the governance of basic education (DEPED) to protect and
to promote the rights of all citizen they implement the free education for elementary and high school
level para makapag aral ang lahat nang libre, and also the ALS to encourage them to respond to
community needs. dahill ang goal ay makapag bigay nang sapat na kaalaman, skills, to become caring,
self- reliant, productive and patriotic citizens. And ALS is very important initiatives in non-formal
education and ALS played a significant role in the country's educational landscape over the last
decade. ALS was designed to provide an alternative pathway for individuals, particularly those who have
not had access to formal education, to acquire basic education. It operates under the umbrella of the
Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines and is considered a major component of the
country's basic education program. The primary goal of the ALS is to provide a flexible and accessible learning system that
caters to the needs of out-of-school youth, adults, working professionals, and other marginalized groups who were not able to
complete formal schooling. By offering a range of educational services, ALS enables learners to acquire functional literacy skills, basic
education, life skills, and vocational skills. Its curriculum is tailored to meet the diverse learning needs of individuals, considering
their varying backgrounds, abilities, and learning paces.

When one does not have or cannot access formal education in schools, ALS
is an alternate or substitute. For example 30 years old kana at hindi mopa
natapos ang formal education mo dahil lagi kang nag ddrop out or due to
many reasons o kaya naisipan mong bumalik sa pag-aaral pero ang natapos
mo lang ay grade 2 syempre ung iba ay iisipin nila na—HALA! ilang taon ako
bago makatapos sa pag aaral kasi grade 2 lang ung natpos ko tapos may my
highschool level pa. kaya ung iba is hindi na pinapatuloy ang pag aaral. Kasi
ilan taon ung bubuuin mo bago makapagtapos. But deped really wants to
help the citizen and since every Filipino has a right to free basic education,
the Government establishes ALS to provide all Filipinos the chance to have
access to and complete basic education in a mode that fits their distinct
situations and needs. kaya sa tulong ni ALS, pwede nang makapag aral at
makatapos na mayroong enough knowledge,skills na dapat taglayin nang
isang tao. Ang kaibahan lang ni ALS and Formal education is, si formal
education kasi si classroom based, pumapasok araw araw at namemeet ang
classmates and professors, while ALS non-formal education it can happen
outside the classroom, community-based, usually conducted at community
learning centers, barangay multi-purpose hall, libraries or at home, or kung
saan nila mas prefer umattend o mag aral para lang makatapos.

Page 156

Section 2. The Bureau of Alternative Learning System shall have the

following functions:

A. A Depressed, deprived and under-served citizens refers to a group of

people who lived in an area that is characterized by poverty, lack of resources, and limited
access to opportunities. Para continous parin ang pag bibigay nang opportunity na makapag aral,
provided ung mga needs na materials and also the module for the learning.

B. coordinating with various agencies means working together with different organizations, such as vocational
training centers, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private sector entities, to provide skill
development opportunities. These agencies may offer specialized training programs, certifications, or vocational
courses that align with the needs of the labor market. To improve their chances of finding employment, increase their
efficiency and productivity in the workplace, and compete effectively with other job seekers. Kung mapapansin niyo
diba sa mga barangay nag cconduct sila nang mga free training or free seminar para maging aware and
knowledgable sila at para magkaroon sila nang mga idea like work related, business and others.

C. Ayan syempre hindi dapat tayo nag sstick lang sa isa, mas maganda kung madami tayong alam para madami din
tayong masshare sa iba, and kung mapapansin niyo iba iba ung kinoconduct taon taon sa barangay to ensure that
citizens have a access to educational opportunities. Kasi hindi naman tayong lahat ay iisa lang ang interest at
preferences and Expanding access to educational opportunities means removing barriers that may hinder individuals
from participating in the alternative learning system. This can include improving outreach efforts to reach
underserved communities, providing flexible learning options to accommodate different schedules and preferences,
and ensuring affordability and accessibility of educational resources.

D. Ayan after attending and participation in seminars or programs in Alternative learning system,is

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