Group 2 Reprot

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I learned from the sharing and to the report of group 2 about crafting cirriculum is, the

term curriculum refers to an integrated structure for teaching and learning that has a
definite objectives, topics, methods and strategy. The knowledge, skills and attitudes
should be successfully trsndferef and or developed as an outcome of thecurriculum.
Aside from that I learned that making a curriculum is a part of the job as a teacher,
they are the who planned a sequence of learning and what should students need to
learn first and so on. However they said that curriculum is like a writing a lesson plan
because curriculum plans offer a more comprehensive overview of the courses,
goals, material and evaluations while allowing for flexibility and change in response
to the requirements and advancement of the students.

Knowing and understanding about crafting curriculum is meaningful for me as a

student, because it gives me an idea on how curriculum works and the process that
teachers do.I can use this knowledge to monitor the curriculum that I belong to see if
I am fit to this and capable for this course that I choosed and to know if my skills are
improving, also to be aware if I’m in a right track because curriculum serves as a
reference or its designed to develop a complex topics or skills in order to have a
guide on what students need to know during this year or level.

This knowledge about crafting curriculum is helpful for me as a future educator, and
for those aspiring teachers out there, because curriculum is a great outline for
teachers to know what they should to be teach, by using curriculum teachers can
teach proficient and effective to the students. Using curriculum it can standarized the
learning goals of the school and every level of the students and can provide a clear
vision and path for students. As a future educator, I need to expand more my
knowledge about creating a curriculum and to enhance my experiences and skills to
improve and to have a more effective curriculum in the future.

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