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Brisbane YHA Customer Journey Map


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Brisbane YHA Customer Journey Map

Executive Summary

This paper looks into the customer experience at Brisbane YHA, which has ventured into

the hostel businesses in Australia. It provides an indepth look into the various interactions which

their customers experience thus creating a journey map. This paper summarizes the variety of

engagements experienced by a consumer with reference to a journey that commences with

awareness and contemplation, followed by acquisition, patronage, and endorsement. Besides

that, it also specifies important customers of the establishment and considers various ways to

maintain cordial relations with them. The article also provides a basis for a research methodology

that should improve comprehension on customer experience in the organization. Finally, this

paper provides two suggestions towards improving the overall customer satisfaction at the

Brisbane YHA.


The Brisbane YHA is an established business entity that has ventured into hostel

networks hence providing accommodation to visitors such as tourists. It has various activities

that their visitors can indulge including recreation events. The activities enable their customers to

engage and interact with different people as they interact in their amenities such as swimming

pools and places to dine. It also serves as service providers as their visitors have the option to

buy food from the many kitchens in the hostels. The company is popular because it is cost

effective because of its affordability and at the same time high standards. It has rooms as cheap

as AUD 170 and other executive one costing AUD 242 per night (Brisbane YHA, 2023). The

company functions in a competitive hostel industry hence an intense rivalry making it use

competitive advantage of good customer service (Groth, 2019). This paper looks into Brisbane

YHA Customer journey map thus explain the importance of good customer service.

Customer Journey Map

The customer journey map involves the customer experience at Brisbane YHA. The

hostels accommodate people from diverse backgrounds thus ensure their visitors have a customer

journey. It begins with awareness then consideration, purchasing, retention and advocacy. All

through these stages the customers experience different feelings hence can be pleased or


i. Awareness

This is the first stage of the customer journey where YHA Brisbane interact with the

clients. The company has been marketed in various outlets such as travel guide websites, internet

searches, social media presence and recommendations from previous visitors to their family and

friends. The company provides its clients with details of the different price ranges and locations

of the hostels (Tombs, 2019). The customers are made aware of the company thus explore at the

chances to book into the company.

ii. Consideration

The second stage after awareness has taken place is the consideration from the client which is

mostly done through reservation at the facility. At this stage of the journey the customer does

a background check including looking at internet reviews, comparing of the different prices

and what is offered. The customer can even contact the customer service through channels

such as social media. The customer is able to get information about the company enabling

them make an informed decision (Rao Hill, 2022). Brisbane YHA has a good customer

service in place in order to influence the customers decision before purchase or booking has

been made.

iii. Purchase

The customer make purchase after all consideration has taken place though perusing all options

available. Brisbane YHA has an option where they allow their customers to buy or make

reservation on their website. They also have an app where one can use their phones thus ensuring

that they have a competitive advantage (Li, 2023). It is important for companies to have a

booking system hence enabling the customers easy time to make a purchase.

iv. Retention

The company has good facilities thus ensuring it retains the customers as they are given

unforgettable experience. They have a diverse pool of talent as the staff enabling the customer

have an easy time while at hostels. The company ensures that it retains it employees thus

maintain a good customer service (Patti, 2022). The client retention programs are facilitated

through loyalty programs.

v. Advocacy and lobbying

The customer service at Brisbane YHA has enabled it have an easy time to advocate and lobby to

the clients. As more people experience the hostels, the word is spread through family and

acquaintances (Groth 2019). This increases the lobbying chances thus an advantage to the


Most Valuable Customers (MVC’s)

The hostels are mostly visited by young tourists who seek a budget friendly facility with top

notch services. The company prioritizes marketing to this group of people through social media

and also offers incentives (Blythe, 2019). The MVCs are provided with discounted rates an other

exclusive offers thus ensuring that it attains competitive advantges.

Primary research

In order for the customer journey map at Brisbane YHA to be successful there ought to be

research. This can be done effectively through approaching the clients using a customer

satisfaction survey, which is considered a pivotal method for conducting the research. The survey

acts as the response from the clients thus enabling the company to improve according to the

clients needs. They give feedback of the comprehensive client experience at Brisbane YHA,

starting from the initial reservation process to their actual stay at the hostel (Brisbane YHA,



In conclusion, Brisbane YHA is one of the familiar brands which are popular among

international tourists for their affordable comfortable accommodation. The customers of the

company have developed confidence in it having praised it for offering a welcoming ambience

towards their guests. It is recommended that the Brisbane YHA prioritize the following two

suggestions in order to continue to enhance the overall quality of the client experience:

I. Whenever dealing with your clients, do so in such a way that they never forget an excellent

experience with your services. It involves clean and hospitable accommodation with friendly

people in various activity sites and reasonable day tours.


ii. Constant inputs seeking and appraisal of inputs by customers as well as prospects. This will

help a company evaluate where it can improve to make customers’ experiences better.

Therefore, if Brisbane YHA adheres to such standards, it will continue to remain a

trailblazer among tourism providers while at the same time creating a favorable atmosphere for

each of its guests to enjoy a happy encounter with them as consumers.



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