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Five Top Ethical Issues in Healthcare


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Five Top Ethical Issues in Healthcare

Question: Explain each of the five issues. Which one resonates with you as a healthcare (or

future healthcare) worker the most? What could you do as an individual to improve the issue you


There are five ethical issues that have been discussed in the article by Jennifer Larson.

The first ethical consideration involves the conflictual state of seeking an equilibrium within the

parameters of Care Quality and Efficiency. The second ethical dilemma revolves around a deeper

matter of Improving Access to Care. The third ethical dilemma was building and Sustaining the

Healthcare Workforce of the Future. As the baby boomers age, the future need for healthcare

professionals continues to increase. Nevertheless, the sustainability of the healthcare workforce

is not only about increasing the number of trained workers but more especially creating ethical

practice environments.

The fourth issue is that of addressing end-of-life issues as populations age. The ethical

issues of choosing how to die include the decision making and payment for life beyond 90 years.

The fifth ethical issue looks at difficulties involving sustaining sufficient supplies of essential

drugs as well as continued scarcity of donor organs (Jennifer, 2013). The complicated terrain that

defines health care allocations includes reasons for economic incentives for medication

manufacturing, and the necessity of perpetuated research as well as donation of organs.

The issue of Improving Access to Care is what I hold dearest. As a future healthcare

professional, I would advocate for policies, volunteering in underserved communities, and

promoting awareness represent tangible individual actions to contribute towards rectifying this

ethical concern and fostering a more equitable healthcare landscape. I think that implementing

patient-centered care nursing may have a good effect on the standard of health in the country.

Focusing on the patient's priorities is made possible by giving the family the chance to influence

decisions. Patient-centered care concepts, in my opinion, may be crucial for nurses to grasp since

they promote collaboration with families, awareness of the home environment, and

communication not only during appointments but also outside of them.



Jennifer Larson. (2013, March 6). Five top ethical issues in healthcare. Healthcare Staffing

Company | AMN Healthcare. Retrieved November 19, 2023,



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