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College of Finance, Development, and Management

Department of Public Procurement and Asset Management

MSC In Procurement and Asset Management

#Gebeyaye E-Commerce Site

Project Idea Development

Prepared By: - Ermias Asnake ID No: - ECSU2201448

Submitted To: - Dr. Mebratu L. Teklehaimanot

October, 2023 G.C

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. i
Acronyms.............................................................................................................................. ii
Executive summary ............................................................................................................. iii
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Project ideas, identification, and justification ............................................................. 4
1.3 Cause-and-effect definition of the project problem ................................................... 4
1.4 Objective of the Project.............................................................................................. 5
1.4.1 General Objective .............................................................................................. 5
1.4.2 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................. 5
1.5 Proposed System ........................................................................................................ 6
1.6. Feasibility Study................................................................................................... 6
1.6.1 Economic Feasibility Analysis .......................................................................... 6
1.6.2 Technical Feasibility: ......................................................................................... 8
1.6.3 Schedule Feasibility ........................................................................................... 9
1.7 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 9
1.8 Methodology ............................................................................................................ 10
1.8.1 How do I plan to solve the problem? .............................................................. 10
1.8.2 SDLC Methodology ......................................................................................... 10
1.8.3 Data Collection Methodology ......................................................................... 10
1.8.4 Basic Requirements ......................................................................................... 11
1.8.5 Design and Implementation Methodology ..................................................... 11
1.8.6 Testing .............................................................................................................. 12
1.9 Project Management Plan ........................................................................................ 12
1.9.2. Quality Management Plan .............................................................................. 13
1.9.3. Communication Management Plan................................................................ 17
References .......................................................................................................................... 19



API Application Programming Interface5

DB Database5

Mgr Manager16

SQL Structured Query Language6

UI User interface6

WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines15

XAMPP X-operating system, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Per

Executive summary
GebeyaYE is an e-commerce platform that is exceptional because it offers a wide range of products
and categories, such as electronics, fashion, home decor, beauty, and more. Its primary objective
is to prioritize customer satisfaction by offering seamless navigation, robust security, and tailored
support, making it a top choice for online shoppers. GebeyaYE's website offers advanced search
and filtering options, intelligent recommendation systems, and a comprehensive support system
that includes real-time chatbots, email assistance, and a dedicated helpline to ensure that customers
receive prompt and effective solutions to their queries and concerns.

GebeyaYE aims to provide a personalized shopping experience that goes above and beyond
expectations. The website is designed to be easy to navigate and enjoyable to use, with smooth
functionality on phones and tablets. It offers a vast range of products, secure payment options, and
personalized recommendations to ensure that customers find exactly what they need. GebeyaYE
also provides a sense of community through its social media presence, where customers can share
their favorite products, write reviews, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. The platform's
user-friendly interfaces and helpful customer support provided by trained professionals ensure that
customers have a fantastic shopping experience from start to finish.

1. Introduction
1.1 Background

The user's goal is to improve the e-commerce industry in their country, which currently lacks API-
hosted payment processing and delivery systems. They aim to simplify the e-commerce experience
and create a user-friendly platform that promotes e-commerce and increases market presence for
businesses that partner with them. The user plans to work with companies to advertise their
products on their platform, which will provide access to a diverse and expansive customer base. It
will take two semesters to finish the project, which will involve working with local store owners
to sell their products online. The user plans to implement a delivery system and partner with third-
party delivery providers. The success of the e-commerce website relies on digital payments,
banking systems, and analytics. Overall, the user expects that their e-commerce system will
revolutionize the online shopping experience in their country and set a new industry standard.

1.2 Project Ideas, Identification, and Justification

There are currently three options for trading in Ethiopia, with the first being to buy goods in person
at markets. However, this option is time-consuming and inconvenient since customers have to
search through several stores to find what they need. The second option is to use social media
platforms such as Telegram, Facebook, and TikTok, where sellers advertise their products and
customers get in touch with them to discuss purchasing. The third option is to use websites where
individual sellers post images of the products they want to sell along with their contact information.
However, both the second and third options carry potential risks, such as overcharging, selling
counterfeit or stolen goods, or marketing faulty products. These are the problems that need to be

1.3 Cause-And-Effect Definition of The Project Problem

The absence of a reliable e-commerce platform has become a significant issue for both customers
and store owners. Despite attempts to bridge the gap between customers and vendors in the virtual
marketplace, the outcomes have not been satisfactory. The lack of a secure and user-friendly
platform leads to time wastage in searching for products, delivery delays, payment struggles, and
poor customer support. This has resulted in unhappy customers, less trust in online shopping, and
an inability to purchase desired products. Store owners are also affected, experiencing a decline in
sales, which limits their growth and reduces job opportunities. Ultimately, the lack of a reliable e-
commerce website affects customers, vendors, and the country's economy and growth. By
addressing this issue, both customers and businesses can benefit, and the country's economic
growth can increase.

1.4 Objective of the Project

1.4.1 General Objective

The e-commerce platform aims to create a secure and visually appealing online marketplace for
vendors and customers to buy and sell products. It focuses on providing a user-friendly interface
that simplifies navigation, offers convenient payment and delivery options, and delivers a smooth
and intuitive user experience. The platform also aims to build and maintain a scalable e-commerce
website that can adapt to the developing needs of customers and sustain future changes effectively.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

1. Create a visually appealing website design that effectively displays products and
product reviews, and provides features to search and filter products based on the
customer's specifications.

2. Provide a product management system that enables easy product addition, editing, and
categorization for the store owners.

3. Create a secure and convenient platform by working with authorized store owners to
provide genuine and quality products that will build customers' trust and confidence.

4. Create a system that enables easy payment choices and delivery alternatives to improve
user experience.

5. Maintain customer satisfaction and address complaints and issues that may arise by
implementing features such as FAQs, customer feedback comments, and responsible
customer care services.

6. Ensure that the E-commerce website is portable and responsive on all devices so that
customers can access the website using mobile devices to optimize their experience.

1.5 Proposed System

I am planning to create a digital e-commerce platform that will offer several improved features to
enhance the shopping experience for customers. The platform will include a payment management
system that is integrated and guarantees secure transactions for both store owners and customers.
This payment system will allow for various payment methods, including Tele birr, E-birr, M-birr,
and banking solutions.

To ensure the highest level of reliability and security, I will be implementing a strict authorization
process for stores that wish to list their products on my website. Only authorized stores will be
allowed to list their products, which will ensure that customers can trust the authenticity and quality
of the products. This selective approach guarantees a safer and more professional shopping
environment for all.

A doorstep delivery system is being planned to make the platform more convenient for customers.
The company is planning a doorstep delivery system to make the platform more convenient for
customers. The company is enabling customers to browse through the selection of products from
their homes and place orders that will be delivered directly to their doorstep. The proposed e-
commerce website solution will integrate payment management, store authorization, and a delivery
system to create a trustworthy, secure, and efficient online e-commerce website. The aim is to cater
to the needs of both customers and authorized stores.

1.6. Feasibility Study

1.6.1 Economic Feasibility Analysis

1. Target Market

My e-commerce platform caters to a diverse customer base in Ethiopia, including all age groups
and genders, with an emphasis on major cities. While there are already other e-commerce websites
in the country, my platform distinguishes itself by allowing authorized store owners to sell top-
notch products, setting me apart from competitors and expanding my potential customer base.

2. Competitive Landscape

Competitors lacking in trust and quality assurance often plagued the e-commerce market. However,
my platform offers a solution to this problem by connecting legitimate buyers with licensed sellers

through a strict authentication process. This ensures trustworthiness and high-quality products,
setting me apart from other e-commerce platforms. As a reliable marketplace, I attract customers
who are wary of using untrustworthy platforms.

3. Market Trends

Ethiopia has seen a surge in smartphone ownership and affordable internet access, with around 53
million users and 25 million internet data users via Ethio telecom. The market potential is
enormous, especially given the availability of various payment systems that allow smooth
transactions. These market trends provide an opportunity to enter the market and gain a substantial
customer base.

4. Differentiation:

By prioritizing facilitation over traditional brokerage, my e-commerce platform sets itself apart
from the competition. Through a rigorous verification process and by only featuring products from
authenticated sellers, I establish a reputation for trust and reliability among buyers. This
differentiation attracts customers seeking a secure and dependable online shopping experience.

5. Customer Acquisition and Retention

To attract customers as a business owner, I use a variety of tactics. One of them is offering
coupons and incentives, such as prize games, which are integrated with payment systems like
Tele Birr, to encourage transactions. My revenue model is based on taking a commission from
each successful sale, ensuring a fair deal for both sellers and buyers. The promotion strategy
involves utilizing social media and word-of-mouth advertising through seller members to target
potential customers.

6. Legal and Regulatory Factors

The platform prioritizes legal compliance by restricting the use of its services to authorized sellers
possessing valid government licenses. This measure ensures that all products sold on the website
abide by legal requirements, thereby bolstering customer trust. By only offering legitimate and
legal products, the platform successfully sidesteps potential legal and regulatory risks. Developmental Costs

The project involves developmental costs related to the time and resources required for website

development. The process includes designing attractive UI interfaces for the buyer, seller, and
administrator, implementing web development tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and
frameworks, and setting up the database, authentication, and security measures for the backend.
There are additional costs for integrating third-party APIs for payment gateways, shipping
providers, and inventory management systems. I also incurred ongoing expenses. It is important
to take regulatory risks into consideration. Operational Costs

Operational expenses for a website include regular maintenance and updates to ensure its
functionality and security, as well as ongoing costs for server rental. Establishing and maintaining
an online presence also requires expenses for domain registration.

1.6.2 Technical Feasibility

When building a website, it's possible to create the design and front-end development using
standard tools. However, ensuring the security of the platform can be challenging due to
incremental development and lack of expertise. To overcome these challenges, it's important to
prioritize security measures and partner with security professionals to safeguard the platform.

1) Web development

The user has shared their plans to develop a website that is visually appealing, efficient, and user-
friendly. To achieve this, they have decided to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with the
Bootstrap framework for the front end. The user plans to gain more experience in these areas
during the semester through various classes. They also intend to work with the Bootstrap and
jQuery frameworks, with jQuery being preferred for compatibility.

2) E-commerce functionality

The product can be enhanced by adding secure payment gateways, order management, and
product listings through third-party APIs.

3) Security:

As an e-commerce site owner, I understand the criticality of ensuring security. Therefore, I am

committed to implementing various measures to maintain a secure environment for my customers.
These measures include the use of encryption techniques, secure payment gateways, and adopting

best practices to prevent common vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

4) Scalability:

The goal is to create a system that can accommodate growth. To start, the website will operate
within a 4-6 kilometer radius with the help of self-hired employees. If successful, the plan is to
expand and integrate with other systems to deliver goods to more distant locations.

5) Integration with External Systems

The idea is to integrate with external systems like delivery organizations, eventually. I would make
use of third-party APIs for this cause.

6) Database Management

Storing and managing crucial data such as product information, user data, and orders is an essential
part of any business. To achieve this, setting up and maintaining a database system is necessary.
In this particular project, the plan is to use NoSQL databases, specifically MongoDB.
Collaboration among team members can be challenging due to physical distance, but peripheral
devices accessible to all team members are still required. To address this issue, GitHub will be
utilized as a platform to share and collaborate on code during the implementation stage. This will
facilitate exchanging of ideas, asking questions, and making necessary modifications. When it
comes to back-end development, Node.js will be used, as it is currently the best option. A server
will also be required and the XAMPP will be used to handle data and transactions.

1.6.3 Schedule Feasibility

As a student, I must manage my time effectively. To ensure progress, weekly meetings have been
scheduled and will continue until the project's completion. In addition, I will dedicate individual
time to work on certain aspects of the project. Due to the deadline, I have had to make necessary
adjustments and compromises regarding certain features. To maintain productivity, I plan to set
and achieve a goal every two weeks, while being open to adapting as needed. With dedication,
collaboration, and proper time management, I am determined to complete this project in the
remaining weeks.

1.7 Scope

The primary objective of the product is to offer a convenient and expedient way for people to

purchase and collect various types of merchandise, while concurrently providing exposure to less
popular shops and stores. I will equip the product with several features and functionalities that will
enable customers to easily browse and find products through their devices, process payments, and
purchase products from any location. In addition, it will integrate with delivery organizations to
automate delivery, generate delivery options, and track purchased goods, which can enhance the
efficiency of the order fulfillment process. Along with this, the product will provide customer
support by integrating the website with customer support systems or live chat tools to provide real-
time assistance to visitors and customers, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and
streamlining support processes. Lastly, the product will verify which products have been properly

1.8 Methodology

1.8.1 How do I plan to solve the problem

In the problem statement section, I highlighted that customers lacked confidence in the reliability
of the products available in the existing system. To address this, I have devised a plan to scan legal
sellers and collaborate with them to provide us with their products, which will be listed on my
virtual marketing system. Additionally, my project will include a delivery system that will
significantly reduce the time and effort required for users to purchase products.

1.8.2 SDLC Methodology

For my project, I have decided to use the Agile software development methodology as it is flexible,
has fewer risks, and fits well with my project's design which is highly dependent on customer
perception. This methodology promotes teamwork and requires low cost, making it an ideal choice
for my project.

1.8.3 Data Collection Methodology

By the end of next week, the plan is to conduct interviews with 15 individuals aged 25 and above
in the project's target area. Additionally, online research and existing projects related to the area
will be referred to, if available.

1.8.4 Basic Requirements User requirements

In this platform, there are three types of users, namely seller, buyer, and admin. Buyers are required
to sign in and have a bank account for online payments. Meanwhile, sellers are required to upload
a wonderful picture and optional video of their products, as well as their legal business license and
necessary information details. The admin is in charge of managing the posting, transaction of
money, and the delivery system. Buyers also have the option to include their location if they need
delivery service. Software requirements

I can categorize software requirements into two types: functional and non-functional. Functional
requirements pertain to the specific features and functions that a software must perform. In a
buying and selling system, the functional requirements include allowing users to register and log
in, search for products, view product details and prices, add items to a cart, choose delivery options,
calculate the final payment, enter bank account and bank name information, and complete
successful payments. The system should also enable sellers to send product details to the admin
and for the admin to view the products purchased by users, buyer information for delivery service,
and post and update pictures and videos of the products. Lastly, the admin should can remove
products that are no longer available in the market. Non-functional requirements refer to the
website system should be responsive and accessible on smartphones. The server should function
properly with internet access and store user and purchase information in a database. The system
should be easy to maintain and allow for the addition of new features. User Interface Requirements

My user interface is designed to be responsive, easy to use, attractive, clear, consistent, and user-

1.8.5 Design and Implementation Methodology

The system will offer three distinct interfaces for users to choose from - buyer, seller, and admin -
upon visiting the home page. New users can register through the registration form available in the
buyer and seller interfaces, while those who have already signed up can simply log in. After

successfully registering or logging in, the buyer will be redirected to the products page, while the
seller will be directed to a page where they can send their products to the admin. The admin
interface requires an authorization code to log in as there are specific admins for the system. Once
logged in, the admin can view the images sent by the sellers, the products in the cart, and the
delivery information provided by the buyer.


• In some project deployments, customers who are located far away from the targeted
delivery area may not be able to receive delivery services.

• The seller who doesn't have a legal business license can't log in to the system.

Tools that are needed for my system

1. Hardware tools:

➢ Personal computer for developing full-stack websites and designing the system.

2. Software tools:

➢ Cloud environment to back up and store user information permanently.

➢ Mongo DB for my database

➢ HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and React for my front-end development.

➢ Nest.js and XAMPP/WAMP server for my back-end development.

1.8.6 Testing

During the implementation process, I plan to use various testing methods. Initially, I will perform
unit testing to ensure that each specific unit is functioning as intended. Once all units have been
tested, I will then move on to integration testing to check whether the entire system is operating as
planned and all requirements have been met. Finally, I will conduct user testing and carefully
analyze the results before deploying the system to the market.

1.9 Project Management Plan

A crucial aspect of any project is having a well-structured plan that outlines how to execute it, the
measures for determining its success, and the steps required to bring it to completion. Such a plan

typically encompasses different stages of the project's lifecycle, from the initial startup phase to
the final implementation and monitoring phases, including planning and performance evaluation.
Time Management Plan.

ID Task Name Start Finish Duration Complete Date

Oct. 11,28 Oct.28- Nov.16- Dec.26-

Dec.27 Jan12

1 Brainstorming Ideas 11/10/2023 18/10/2023 1w 100%

2 Presentation 18/10/2023 08/11/2023 3w,2d 100%

and Proposal

3 Proposal 18/10/2023 28/10/2023 1w,3d 100%


4 Requirement 29/10/2023 08/11/2023 1w,1d 100%


5 Data Collection 04/11/2023 05/11/2023 2days 100%

6 Design 09/11/2023 16/11/2023 1w 97%

7 Implementation 23/11/2023 23/12/2023 1m 97%

8 Testing 25/12/2023 27/12/2023 2days 60%

9 Finalizing Project 28/12/2023 11/01/2024 2w 100%

1.9.2. Quality Management Plan

Potential risks related to software quality

a) Inadequate testing leading to the release of defective software

Inadequate testing can be a major risk for websites, especially if the testing team doesn't have access

to all the necessary information or doesn't conduct thorough testing. Missed defects can have
negative effects on a site's reputation and user experience, which is especially problematic for E-
commerce websites where transactions take place. To avoid these issues, it's important to conduct
comprehensive testing and use better coding practices to address any issues found.

b) Inconsistent user experience across multiple vendors

Ensuring a consistent user interface design is crucial to building trust with website users.
Inconsistencies caused by different design choices and technologies can lead to confusion and
undermine user confidence. To address this issue, I intend to implement a design that is consistent
across all screen sizes.

c) Security breaches leading to data theft or loss

The risk of data breaches is a serious concern when security measures are not properly
implemented or maintained. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities, resulting in significant damage
to the website and its users. To tackle this issue, my website has been designed to prevent
unauthorized access to the database. This is ensured by limiting access to only the administrators,
which helps to maintain the authenticity and reliability of the website for its users.

d) Poor performance leading to slow loading times and user frustration

Slow loading times can be a risk for a website due to poor performance optimization or hosting
issues. This can lead to user frustration and abandonment of the site. To combat this problem, I
have a plan to utilize modern technologies in the development of my website, to improve its speed
and enhance the user experience.

e) Compatibility issues with different devices and browsers

Compatibility issues can arise when a website is not tested on various devices and browsers, which
can lead to users being unable to access the site or experiencing problems with the user interface.
To ensure consistent results across major browsers, external JavaScript libraries will be utilized.

f) Legal policy

It is important to consider external factors that may affect software development, such as changes
in laws and economic fluctuations. While it may be difficult to completely avoid external risks, I

can take some steps to lessen their impact. Keeping up-to-date with relevant regulations and
current events can help the team quickly address emerging external risks.


My platform stands out because vendors must obtain a franchise to sell genuine products on my
website. The franchise paperwork is verified before vendors can post their product items,
ensuring that only authorized vendors with verified products participate in my marketplace. This
precautionary measure protects my users from fraud, counterfeit items, and unauthorized sales,
creating a secure and trustworthy environment for buyers. By enforcing these requirements, I
safeguard the integrity of my platform, giving my buyers peace of mind while using it.


When it comes to maintaining a high-quality website, having a thorough testing process is

essential. To achieve this, it is important to take several important testing considerations into
account. These include planned and methodical testing measures, which should be implemented
to ensure that the website is functioning optimally. By doing so, website owners can rest assured
that their website will be up and running without any hiccups, providing a seamless experience
for users.

1. Functional testing

Systematic testing of various elements such as forms, links, buttons, and interactive components
is conducted to ensure that all features and functionalities of a website are working without any
errors or glitches. By doing so, any functional issues or bugs that could potentially affect the
smooth operation of the website are identified and addressed.

2. Usability testing
During usability testing, the ease and effectiveness of website interaction are evaluated by
observing users as they perform tasks such as finding information or completing transactions. The
goal is to identify any usability issues, such as unclear instructions or confusing navigation, and
gather feedback from users to enhance the overall user experience and improve the website's

3. Performance testing
Performance testing is a crucial process that involves evaluating a website's performance in various
conditions and stress levels. I achieved this by simulating scenarios such as high user traffic, heavy
load, or slow internet speed to measure the website's response time, scalability, and stability. The
main objective of performance testing is to identify bottlenecks, performance issues, or resource
limitations that may affect a website's speed and responsiveness. This process helps website
owners optimize their site's performance and ensures a smooth user experience, even during peak
usage periods.

4. Security testing

Security testing for websites involves a range of techniques like penetration testing, vulnerability
scanning, and code reviews to identify any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the website's security
measures. By conducting this testing, website owners can detect any security flaws such as
insecure coding practices, poor authentication mechanisms, or inadequate data protection
measures. Addressing these vulnerabilities can help enhance the security of the site and protect
sensitive user information from unauthorized access or data breaches.

5. Compatibility testing

Compatibility testing is an essential process that guarantees the proper functioning of a website
across varying devices, browsers, and operating systems. This testing involves examining the
website's performance on different hardware, software, and configurations, ensuring its
compatibility and responsiveness. The primary goal of compatibility testing is to identify any
issues that may arise, including layout problems, broken functionality, or distorted content on
specific devices or browsers. By conducting compatibility testing, website owners can ensure a
seamless and consistent user experience across different platforms and environments.

6. Accessibility testing

Accessibility testing is an important process that evaluates a website's ability to accommodate

users with disabilities. This testing involves assessing compliance with accessibility standards and
guidelines, such as the WCAG, and using assistive technologies to evaluate accessibility for
individuals with visual, hearing, or motor disabilities. By conducting accessibility testing, website
owners can ensure that their site is inclusive and provides equal access and usability for all users,
regardless of their disabilities. By incorporating accessibility testing into my project management
plan, I can ensure that the website is thoroughly tested and meets high standards of quality,

ultimately reducing the risk of errors and issues that may negatively affect the user experience.

1.9.3. Communication Management Plan

Effective communication is essential for the success of any multi-vendor e-commerce website.
The admin plays a critical role in facilitating communication among all stakeholders, ensuring
that everyone is well-informed about the project's progress. Acting as the central point of contact
for vendors, development teams, and other relevant parties, the admin will take charge of
coordinating and streamlining the flow of information to ensure that everyone agrees. The admin
will be actively involved in communication related to the project, making sure that I updated all
parties involved with the latest information.

The admin will provide regular updates and progress reports as required. These updates will keep
stakeholders informed about ongoing developments, milestones, and any important updates
related to the multi-vendor e-commerce website. The frequency and format of the reports may
vary depending on the specific needs of the project and stakeholders.

The admin will be responsible for addressing any queries, concerns, or feedback from
stakeholders about the project. They will actively engage in communication channels, such as
meetings, emails, or collaborative platforms like GitHub to provide timely responses and clarify
any ambiguities. This open line of communication fosters transparency, trust, and effective
collaboration among all parties involved.

The project administrator plays a crucial role in ensuring the project's progress aligns with the
predetermined objectives and schedules. They keep track of key performance indicators,
milestones, and deliverables to provide regular progress reports, keeping stakeholders informed
and enabling informed decision-making based on the available information.

Involving the admin team in project communication and providing regular progress reports ensures
that all stakeholders understand the project's advancements, challenges, and milestones. This
promotes effective collaboration, facilitates timely decision-making, and contributes to the
successful implementation of the multi-vendor e-commerce

Website application

Type of Method / Frequency/Schedule Information Participants /

Communication Tool Responsibilities

Internal Communication:

Project Meetings In-person Twice a week Project Team Project Mgr

and Manager Project Team

Sharing Github When available All project Project Mgr(s)

of project Website documentation and Project Team
data reports Members

Milestone Video conference Before milestones Project status Project Mgr

Meetings (progress) Sub-project

Final In-person After two months Wrap-up Project Mgr

Project Experiences Project Team

External Communication and Reporting:

Project Report Excel sheet Twice a month The website Project Manager
admin Sub-Project

Vendor Presentation Weekly The bank and the Project Manager

Review team








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