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I'm Hezir Corrales they gave me a biblical name.

The Biblical
meaning of Hezir is the name that belonged to an Aaronic High
Priest in the seventeenth turn. The translation of the Hebrew
term means someone who turns, someone strong and also
because my brother's name was Nazir and it coincided with mine
they decided to choose Hezir. The surname Corrales has a heraldic
meaning, that is why we see on my coat of arms.

The meaning of my shield

• The background (green): Symbolizes hope, faith, friendship,
service and respect.
• The surname is originally from the kingdom of Castile
• The saber is a symbol of command.
• The study of the family heraldic shield tells us about the respect
that the warrior of superiority gives.
• In heraldry, silver is the denomination of one of the two metals
that are used in the representation of armories.

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