01 Contents EE

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Chapter 1. Hardware Configuration ………………………… 1

1. Feature ………………………… 1
2. Memory Map ………………………… 1
3. I/O Map ………………………… 1

Chapter 2. How to use training kit ………………………… 3

1. Selection of Keypad/Seria ………………………… 3
2. Function of Keypad ………………………… 3
3. Method by Keypad ………………………… 4

Chapter 3. CPU Architecture ………………………… 11

1. Z80 CPU ………………………… 11
2. Instruction Set of Z80 CPU ………………………… 14

Chapter 4. Data Transmission Instruction ………………………… 16

1. 8-1 bit Data Transmitting ………………………… 16
2. 16-bit Data Transmitting ………………………… 16
3. Other Methods of Addressing ………………………… 18
4. Test I ………………………… 18
5. Test Ⅱ ………………………… 21
6. Test Ⅲ ………………………… 24

Chapter 5. Logic and Arithmetic Instructions ………………………… 28

1. Flag Register ………………………… 28
2. 8-bit Arithmetic instructions ………………………… 30
3. 16-bit Arithmetic instructions ………………………… 31
4. Logical Operation Instructions ………………………… 31
5. Test 1 ………………………… 34

Chapter 6. Jump Instructions ………………………… 40

1. Program Counter ………………………… 40
2. Unconditional Jump Instruction ………………………… 40
3. Conditional Jump Instruction ………………………… 40
4. Test 1 ………………………… 41
5. Test 2 ………………………… 43

1 MTSZ80A-E160516-EE
Chapter 7. Stack and Subroutine ………………………… 45
1. Stack Pointer ………………………… 45
2. Subroutine ………………………… 45
3. Test 1 ………………………… 46

Chapter 8. Other Instructions ………………………… 48

1. HALT instruction ………………………… 48
2. NOP instruction (No Operation) ………………………… 48
3. RST instruction(Restart) ………………………… 48
4. Input / Output Instruction(IN, OUT) ………………………… 48
5. Block Input/Output Instruction(INI, INIR, MD etc) ………………… 49
6. Block Transfer Instruction(LDI, LDIR, LDD, LDDR) ……………… 49
7. B1ock Search Instruction(CPI, CPIR, CPD, CPDR) ……………… 49

Chapter 9 Interrupt ………………………… 50

1. Z80 Interrupt ………………………… 50
2. Non Maskable Interrupt ………………………… 50
3. Maskable Interrupt ………………………… 50
4. Mode 0 Interrupt ………………………… 50
5. Mode 1 Interrupt ………………………… 50
6. Mode 2 Interrupt ………………………… 51

Chapter 10 Assembler ………………………… 52

1. Z80 Assembler ………………………… 52
2. Writing the Source Program ………………………… 53

Chapter 11 How to Use the Serial Monitor ………………………… 56

1. Communication Program ………………………… 56
2. Serial Monitor Program ………………………… 56

Chapter 12. Externally Connected Circuits ………………………… 66

1. LED Output I according to the switch input………………………… 66
2. LED Output Ⅱ according to the switch input……………………… 67
3. LED flicking 1 ………………………… 68
4. LED flicking 2 ………………………… 68
5. LED flicking 3 ………………………… 69
6. LED flicking 4 ………………………… 70
7. FND Control ………………………… 72
8. FND output according to the switch input ………………………… 73

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Chapter 13. 8255 ………………………… 75
1. DOT MATRIX LED 1 (8255) ………………………… 75
2. DOT MATRIX LED 2 (8255) ………………………… 81

Chapter 14. 8253 ………………………… 86

1. SOUND -TEST I ………………………… 86
2. SOUND -TEST 2 (SWITCH INPUT) ………………………… 91
3. SOUND -TEST 3 (Keyboard Input of PC) ………………………… 94

Chapter 15. DAC0808 ………………………… 98

1. Generating Pulse Wave 1 (DAC0808) ………………………… 98
2. Generating Pulse Wave 2 (DAC0808) ………………………… 99
3. Generating Pulse Wave 3 (DAC0808) ………………………… 100
4. Generating Pulse Wave 4 (DAC0808) ………………………… 101
5. Control the Speed of a DC Motor (ADC0890,DAC0808)………… 102
6. Measurement of the rotation numbers of DC motor……………… 104
7. Measurement of the RPS of a DC motor ………………………… 106

Chapter 16. ADC 0809 ………………………… 110

1. Voltage Input (ADC0809) ………………………… 110
2. Measurement of illumination (ADC0809) ………………………… 111
3. Measurement of Temperature (ADC0809)………………………… 112
4. Recording and Playing the Voice (ADC0809, DAC0808)………… 113

Chapter 17. Stepping Motor ………………………… 116

1. Control of the Stepping Motor (74LS373) ………………………… 116

Chapter 18. LCD Control ………………………… 120

1. LCD Control (LCD) ………………………… 120

Chapter 19. Testing Melody ………………………… 128

1. Generating Melody (74LS74) ………………………… 128

Chapter 20. Interrupt Test ………………………… 137

1. Clock Program (8253, INTR NMI) ………………………… 137

Chapter 21. ROM Whiter ………………………… 143

1. Usage ………………………… 143

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Chapter 22. System Call ………………………… 147
1. RST 08H (Program End) ………………………… 148
2. BST 10H (OUTHL) ………………………… 148
3. RST 18H (OUTA) ………………………… 148
4 RST 20H (OUTRS) ………………………… 149
5. RST 28H (INRS) ………………………… 149
6. CALL 0040H (STRRING) ………………………… 149
7. CALL 0048H (ALLCLR) ………………………… 150
8. CALL 0050H (LINE1) ………………………… 151
9. CALL 0058H (LINE2) ………………………… 151
10. CALL 0060H (STRINGS) ………………………… 151
11. CALL 0070H (LOUTHL) ………………………… 152
12. CALL 0078H (LOUT_HL) ………………………… 152
13. CALL 0080H (LOVTH) ………………………… 152
14. CALL 0088H (OUTL) ………………………… 153
15. CALL 0090H (1.LCDCONT) ………………………… 153
16. CALL 0098H (SCAN) ………………………… 154

Chapter 23. Instruction Set ………………………… 155

Appendix 1. Operation Guide for Windows 7 64 Bits………………… 171
Appendix 2. HyperTerminal Operation Guide for Windows 7……..… 176
Appendix 3. Circuit Diagram ………………………… 177
Appendix 4. 74 Series TTL&HC-MOS ………………………… 184
Appendix 5. 4000/4500 Series C-MOS ………………………… 193

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