Unit 5-MCQ 1

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1) Relative permittivity is always

a) Greater than 1 b) Less than 1 c) -1
Ans a
2) Paramagnetic susceptibility varies as
a) T b) T2 c) 1/T
Ans c
3) The magnetization of a superconductor is
a) 0 b) H c) –H
Ans c
4) Materials do not have permanent magnetic dipole are
a) Paramagnetic b) Ferromagnetic c) Diamagnetic d) ferrimagnetic
Ans c
5) Diamagnetic Susceptibility is
a) Negative, Large b) Positive, Small
b) c) Negative, Small d) Positive, large
Ans c
6) Below Transition Temperature superconducting material exhibits
a) Only Zero resistance b) Only Diamagnetic properties

c) Zero resistance and Diamagnetism

Ans c
7) For superconductor susceptibility is
a) 0 b) 1 c) -1
Ans c
8) The unit of permmitivity is
a) H/m b) F/m c) C/m
Ans b
9) Microscopic Ohm’s law is
a) J=бE b) J=E/б c) J=J/ б
Ans a
10) Energy Band gap for Germanium is
a) 0.3 V b) 0.7 V c) 0.7 eV d) 1.12 eV
Ans b
11) Donor type impurity is formed by adding impurity of valency
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
Ans b
12) At 0K pure silicon is
a) Intrinsic Semiconductor b) insulator c) extrinsic semiconductor
Ans b
13) The temperature at which conductivity of a material becomes
a) Absolute Temperature b) Critical Temperature

c) Mean Temperature d) Crystallization Temperature

Ans b
14) Which of the following is NOT ferromagnetic?
a) CO b) Cr c) Ni d) Fe
Ans b
15) In an intrinsic semiconductor, the Fermi level
a) Lies at the centre of forbidden energy gap
b) Near the conduction band
c) Near the valence band
d) Anywhere in the forbidden gap
Ans a

16) The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor at absolute zero of

temperature is:

a. finite
b. very large
c. zero
d. none

Ans .c

17) At room temperature, the conduction band electrons are ________

that of valence band holes in an intrinsic semiconductor.

a. less than
b. greater than
c. equal to
d. none

Ans c

18) The carrier concentration in an intrinsic semiconductor ________

with increase of temperature.

a. increases
b. decreases
c. remains same
d. none

Ans. A
19) The critical temperature (Tc) at which
a) Superconductor turns into normal state
b) b) Type-I superconductor turns into Type-II
c) Type-II superconductor turns into Type-I
d) normal material turns into Superconductor
Ans: d)

20)In Meissner’s effect below the critical magnetic field magnetic induction inside
the superconductor is
a) Large b) Small c) Zero d) None of above
Ans: c)
21)The type-II superconductor characterize by
a) Single critical magnetic field b) Two critical magnetic field
b) Three critical magnetic field d) None of above
Ans: b)
22)The type-II superconductor having
a) Large critical magnetic field b) Small critical magnetic field
c) opposite critical magnetic field d) None of above
Ans: a)

23) Electrical current in an intrinsic semiconductor is due to:

a. conduction band electrons

b. valence band holes
c. both (a) and (b)
d. none

Ans. c

24) Quantum theory successfully explains

a. interference and diffraction
b. polarization and black body radiation
c. photoelectric effect and Compton effect
d. all

Ans a
25) The band theory of solids explained the classification of

a) gases b) liquids c) bands d) solids

Ans: d

26) Single-element semiconductors are characterized by atoms with ____ valence

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 2
Ans b

27) The movement of free electrons in a conductor is called

a) voltage.
b) current.
c) Recombination
d) equilibrium
Ans b

29) Fermi level for extrinsic semiconductor depends on

(a) Donor element (b) Impurity concentration (c) Temperature (d) All

Ans: d

30) An n-type semiconductor material

a) is intrinsic.
b)has trivalent impurity atoms added.
c) has pentavalent impurity atoms added.
d)requires no doping.
Ans c

31) For a forward-biased diode, as temperature is ________, the forward current

________ for a given value of forward voltage.
a) decreased, increases
b)increased, increases
c) increased, decreases
d)decreased, decreases
Ans b

32) Which statement best describes an insulator?

a) A material with many free electrons.
b)A material doped to have some free electrons.
c) A material with very few free electrons.
d)No description fits.

Ans c

36) What types of impurity atoms are added to increase the number of conduction-
band electrons in intrinsic silicon?
a) bivalent
c) pentavalent
Ans c

39)The band in which no electrons are present is called

a) valance band

b) conduction band

c) forbidden band

d) none of these
Ans c

40) The center of gravity of the conduction electrons and holes is known as

a) Fermi level

b) donor level

c) acceptor level

d) No description fits

Ans a

42)Doping of a semiconductor material means

a) that a glue-type substance is added to hold the material together.
b)that impurities are added to increase the resistance of the material.
c) that impurities are added to decrease the resistance of the material.
d)that all impurities are removed to get pure silicon.
Ans c

44) Free electrons exist in

a) valance band
b) forbidden band
c) Conduction band
d) none of these
Ans c

46)The maximum number of electrons in each shell of an atom is

b) 2n2
c) 4n.
d) 8n.
where n is the number of the shell.
Ans b

48)The process of adding impurities to the pure semiconductor is called

a) doping
b) isolating

c) purification

d) mixing

Ans a

49) Planck’s constant

a) 6.62x10-34J.sec
b) 6.62x10-34 J.min
c) 6.62x10- 34Cal.sec
d) 6.62x10-34Cal.min
Ans a

50) Semiconductors are material in which conductivity is

a) Greater than conductivity of a conductor

b) less than conductivity of an insulator

c) Equal to conductivity of a conductor

d) between valance band & conduction band

Ans d

51) In semiconductors with the increase in temp. the resistance

a) remains constant

b) Increases

c) Decreases

d) None of the above

Ans c

52) Conduction band contains

a) Free electrons

b) Holes
c) Protons

d) Bound electrons

Ans a

53) Valance band contains

a) Free electrons

b) Vacancy due to bound electrons

c) Holes

d) Both a & b

Ans c

54) Forbidden energy gap in a structure contains

a) Free electrons

b) Holes

c) Both electrons & holes

d) None of these

Ans d

55) The value of band gap in case of a semiconductor is

a) Greater than 5eV

b) Zero

c) less than 3 eV

d) None of these

Ans c

56) The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor at absolute zero of temp. is

a) infinite
b) Very large

c) Zero

d) finite

Ans c

57) With rise in temp. the carrier concentration in an intrinsic semiconductor

a) Decreases

b) Increases

c) remains constant

d) None of the above

Ans b

58) In an intrinsic semiconductor the flow of current is due to

a) Free electrons in conduction bands

b) Holes in valance bands

c) electrons in valance bands

d) Both electrons & holes

Ans d

59) In intrinsic semiconductor with increase in temp. the fermi energy level

a) Move up

b) Move down

c) remains constant

d) None of the above

Ans c

60) At room temperature, in P-type material there are

a) Large number of positive ions

b) Large number of holes

c) Large number of electrons

d) None of the above

Ans b

61) At 00k, in n-type material, the Fermi energy level lies

a) At the centre of energy gap

b) near the conduction band

c) In valance band

d) None of these

Ans b

62) By doping ________ group atoms in silicon, a n-type semiconductor is


a) first

b) Second

c) Third

d) Fifth

Ans d

63) With rise in temperature, the Fermi energy level moves _________ in P-type

a) Downwards

b) Upwards

c) Left

d) Right
Ans b

64) The value of Fermi-distribution function at absolute zero (T=00k) is 1, i.e. F

(E) =1, under the condition

a) E>EF

b) E<EF

c) E=EF

d) E>>EF

Ans b

65) At any temperature T & for E=EF, the Fermi-distribution function becomes

a) 0

b) 0.8

c) 1

d) 0.5

Ans d

66) When we increase the temperature of extrinsic semiconductor after a certain

temperature, it behaves like

a) An insulator

b) An intrinsic semiconductor

c) A conductor

d) A superconductor

Ans c

67) In an n-type semiconductor the Fermi level lies

a) Above the top of the valence band

b) Below the bottom of the conduction band

c) In the middle of the forbidden gap

d) Near the conduction band

Ans b

68) Semiconductors that contain donor atoms & free electrons belong to the type

a) N type

b) P type

c) Intrinsic

d) No description fits

Ans a

69) The distinction between conductors, insulators & semiconductor is largely

concerned with

a) Their ability to conduct current

b) The type of crystal lattice

c) Binding energy of their electrons

d) Relative widths of their energy gap

Ans d

70) There is no hole current in good conductors because they

a) Are full on electron gap

b) Have large forbidden energy gap

c) Have no valence band

d) Have overlapping valence band &conduction band

Ans d

71) Conduction electrons have the mobility than holes because they

a) Are lighter
b) Have negative charge

c) Need less energy to move them

d) Experience collision less frequently

Ans c

72) Donor type semiconductor is formed by adding impurity of valency

a) Trivalent

b) Tetravalent

c) Pentavalent

d) Hexavalent

Ans c

73) Acceptor type semiconductor is formed by adding impurity of valency

a) Trivalent

b) Tetravalent

c) Pentavalent

d) Hexavalent

Ans a

74) Doping materials are called impurities because they

a) Decrease the no. of charge carriers
b) Change the chemical properties of semiconductors
c) Makes semiconductors less than 100% pure
d) Alter the crystal structure of the pure semiconductors

Ans d

75) The impurity atoms with which pure silicon should be doped to make a p-type
semiconductor are those of

a) Phosphorus
b) Arsenic

c) Boron
d) Carbon

Ans c

76) Which of the following element has four valence electrons?

(a) Silicon (b) Germanium

(c) Both Ge and Si (d) Aluminium

Ans: C

77) In N-type semiconductor materials, the majority carriers are

a) Positive holes

b) Electrons

c) Protons

d) Neutrons

Ans b

78) In P-type semiconductor materials, the majority carriers are

a) Positive holes

b) Electrons

c) Protons

d) None of these

Ans a

79)In n type semiconductor added impurity is

a) pentavalent.
b) divalent.
c) tetravalent.
d) trivalent.

Ans: a

80) n-type semiconductor is an example of

a) extrinsic semiconductor.
b) intrinsic semiconductor.
c) super conductor.
d) insulators.

Ans: a

81) All semiconductors in their last orbit have

a) 8 electrons.
b) 2 electrons.
c) 4 electrons.
d) 6 electrons.

Ans: c

82) Holes are majority carriers in

a) P-type semiconductors.
b)N-type semiconductors.
Ans: a

83) Germanium possesses

a) one valence electrons. b) two valence electrons.
c) three valence electrons. d) four valence electrons.

Ans: d

84) A pure semiconductor under ordinary conditions behaves like

a) a conductor b) an insulator.
c) a magnetic material d) a ferro-electric material.

Ans: b
85) For germanium the forbidden gap is
a) 0.15ev. b) 0.25ev.
c) 0.5ev. d) 0.7ev.

Ans: d
85) For silicon the forbidden gap is
a) 1.1ev. b) 0.25ev.
c) 0.5ev. d) 0.7ev.

Ans: A

86) In order to obtain p-type germanium it should be doped with a

a) Trivalent impurity. b) Tetravalent impurity.
c) Pentavalent impurity. d) Any of the above will do.

Ans: a

87) The conductivity of an extrinsic semiconductor

a) decreases with temperature.
b) increases with temperature.
c) remains constant with temperature.
d) decreases and then increases with temperature.
Ans: b

88) In p-type semiconductors, number of holes are__________ number of


a) Equal
b) Greater than
c) Less than
d) Twice

Ans: b

89) Addition of trivalent impurity to a semiconductor creates many

a) holes.
b) free electrons.
c) valance electrons.
d) bound electrons.

Ans: b
90) Insulators have
a) A full valence band.
b) An empty conduction band.
c) A large energy gap.
d) All the above.

Ans: c
91) Semi-conductors have ________ temperature coefficient of resistance.
a) Negative
b) Positive
c) Both positive and negative
d) None of the above

Ans: a
92) The electronic charge is
a) 1 C,
b) 1.6 C,
c) 1.6 × 10^–19 C
d) 1.65 C
Ans: c
93) The rest mass of an electron is
a) 10–20 kg,
b) 9.1 × 10–31 kg,
c) 9.1 × 10–28 kg.
d) None of the above
Ans: b
94)The forbidden gap of silicon at 0 K is
a) 0.78 eV
b) 1.2 eV
c) 1.5 eV
d) 1.1 eV
Ans: d

95) The symbol ψ represents

a) Position of De-Broglies wave
b) Displacement for De-Broglies wave
c) velocity for De-broglies’s wave
d) momentum for De-Broglies wave
Ans: b

96) The Fermi level in a pure semiconductor lies

a) near the middle of the forbidden gap,
b) in the valence band,
c) in the conduction band.
d) All of these
Ans: a

97) Valence electrons are the

a) loosely packed electrons
b) mobile electrons
c) electrons present in the outermost orbit
d) electrons that of not carry any charge

Ans: c

98) The type of atomic bonding most common in semi-conductor is

a) Metallic
b) Ionic
c) Covalent
d) Chemical
Ans: c

99) The conduction band may be defined as

a) lowest unfilled energy band

b) highest unfilled energy band

c) topmost filled energy band

d) middle unfilled energy band

Ans: a

100) Fermi energy level for p-type extrinsic semiconductors at zero temp lies

a) At middle of the band gap

b) Close to conduction band
c) Close to valence band
d) None

Ans: c

101) Fermi energy level for n-type extrinsic semiconductors at zero temp lies
a) At middle of the band gap
b) Close to conduction band
c) Close to valence band
d) None

Ans: b

102) A Germanium atom contains

a) Two electron orbits
b) Three valence electrons
c) Four protons
d) Four valance electron

Ans: d

103) In intrinsic semiconductors, number of electrons __________ number of


a) Equal to
b) Greater than
c) Less than
d) Can not define
Ans: a

104) Inn-type semiconductors, number of holes __________ number of electrons.

a) Equal
b) Greater than
c) Less than
d) Can not define
Ans: c

105)Hall effect is associated with

a) Conductors.
b) Semiconductors
c) Thermistors.
d) Solders.

Ans: b

106)For ferromagnetic material magnetic susceptibility is

a) small and negative b) small and positive c) Large and negative d) large
and positive
Ans: d
107)If susceptibility of a magnetic material is 10.4, what will be the relative
permeability of the substance?
a) 10.40 b) 11.40 c) 11 d) 112.40
Ans: b
108)The magnetic field(H), Magnetic induction (B) & Intensity of magnetization
are relate by equation
a) I = μ0 H + μ0 B b) H = μ0 B + μ0 I c) B = μ0 H + μ0 Id) Not
Ans: c
109)Superconductors are perfectly ----------?
a) Paramagnetic b) Diamagnetic c) Ferromagnetic d) Anti-
Ans: b
110)Superconductors can --------- magnetic lines of forces.
a) Attract b) Repel c) both attract & repel d) none of above
Ans: b
111) For diamagnetic material magnetic susceptibility is
a) small and negative b) small and positive c) large and negative d) large
and positive
Ans: a
112)If susceptibility of a magnetic material is 11.25, what will be the relative
permeability of the substance?
a) 11.25 b) 10.25 c) 12.25 d) 12
Ans: c
113)For paramagnetic material magnetic susceptibility is
a) small and negative b) small and positive c) Large and negative d) large
and positive
Ans: b
114)Diamagnetic substance are ------- magnetize in opposite direction of applied
magnetic field.
a) Weakly b) strongly c) zero d) none of above
Ans: a
115)Paramagnetic substance are ------- magnetize in direction of applied magnetic
a) Weakly b) strongly c) zero d) none of above
Ans: a
116)Ferromagnetic substance is ------- magnetize in direction of applied magnetic
a) Weakly b) strongly c) zero d) none of above
Ans: b
117)Diamagnetic substance are weakly magnetize in ---------- of applied magnetic
a) Same direction b) opposite direction c) zero d) none of
Ans: b
118)Which of the following material in which unequal anti parallel atomic
magnetic moment
a) Diamagnetic b) Ferromagnetic c) paramagnetic d) Ferrite
Ans: d

119)The Meissner’s effect prove that superconductor is

a) Perfectly paramagnetic b) Perfectly diamagnetic
c) Perfectly ferromagnetic d) perfectly anti ferromagnetic
Ans: b

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