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The Article “The Safety Professional's Overarching Function Is That of a Culture Change

Agent" by Phillip Regain focuses on the function of safety professionals in enterprises and how

they can act as agents of change to promote a safety culture. The concept of the article is that

safety specialists play a crucial role in establishing and maintaining a secure culture within an

organization. The author argues that safety professionals should view themselves as agents of

change capable of influencing safety-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors (Adams, 2020). The

author provides numerous persuasive arguments in support of this position. Initially, he defines a

change agent as someone who has the ability to influence the behavior, attitudes, and beliefs of

others in the direction of a desired goal (Adams, 2020). He continues by explaining how safety

specialists can be effective agents of change by identifying safety risks and hazards,

implementing safety rules and procedures, and educating employees on safe behaviors.

The author also discusses the roles and responsibilities of safety professionals as agents

of change. He emphasizes the importance of having a comprehensive understanding of the

organization's culture, as well as the need for safety specialists to establish strong relationships

with workers and management in order to successfully implement change programs (Chen &

Chen, 2019). Regarding the article's relationship to the unit's themes, it corresponds well with the

concept of safety culture and the need for businesses to cultivate a safety culture. The essay

emphasizes the critical role that safety professionals play in establishing and sustaining a culture

of safety, which is a central concept in this course.

The paper, in my opinion, provides helpful insights into the role of safety experts as

agents of change and emphasizes the significance of their efforts in fostering a safety culture.

However, additional specific examples and case studies to illustrate the author's positions would
be advantageous. Johnson (2018). (2018). Although the author makes a compelling case for the

role of safety specialists as change agents, I believe the article could be strengthened by

providing additional specific examples and case studies. Including real-world examples would

help readers comprehend and relate to the essay's topics.

For instance, the author might have provided a case study of a safety expert who acted as

a change agent and successfully implemented change initiatives within their organization. This

will help readers comprehend the practical implementation of the article's topics and provide

specific examples of how safety specialists can influence the establishment of a safety culture.

Although the essay emphasizes the importance of safety specialists establishing strong

relationships with workers and management, it should have elaborated on how to do so (Johnson,

2018). The author should have provided specific examples of effective communication and

engagement strategies that safety specialists may employ to gain the confidence and support of

workers and management (Johnson, 2018). The paper makes a compelling case for the role of

safety experts as agents of change in nurturing a safety culture within organizations. However,

including more concrete examples and case studies would enrich the article and increase its

effectiveness for readers.

To address the author's number one reason for change project failure, a lack of a clear and

compelling vision, safety professionals could focus on defining and presenting a clear and

concise safety vision that aligns with the organization's goals and values. They may also involve

employees at all levels of the organization to obtain buy-in and ensure that everyone is aware of

and supports the safety objective. Lastly, safety specialists may establish quantifiable goals and

objectives to measure progress and evaluate the effectiveness of their change initiatives.

Adams, J. L. (2020). The role of safety professionals in shaping safety culture: A review. Safety

Science, 130, 104874.

Chen, Y., & Chen, Y. (2019). Change agents in occupational safety and health. Journal of Safety

Research, 71, 169-176.

Johnson, K. (2018). The role of the safety professional in change management. Professional

Safety, 63(4), 40-44.


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