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1 Introduction (bacaan pendukung) Sumber

Political Psychology: an introduction Buku Jost & Sidanius ,
Jost & Sidanius dan William McGuire, di halaman 26
2 Kelompok 1 Jost & Sidanius
Functional Attitude Theory Buku Dillard Chapter 7
Christopher Carpenter, Franklin J. Boster,
3 Kelompok 2 and Kyle R. Andrews
The Elaboration Likelihood Model Buku Dillard Chapter 9
4 Kelompok 3 Daniel J. O’Keefe
Affect and Persuasion Buku Dillard Chapter 10
5 Kelompok 4 James Price Dillard and Kiwon Seo
Fear Appeals Buku Dillard Chapter 12
6 Kelompok 5 Paul A. Mongeau
Narrative Persuasion Buku Dillard Chapter 13
7 Kelompok 6 Helena Bilandzic and Rick Busselle
Politicized Collective Identity Buku Jost halaman 597
9 Kelompok 1 Bern Simon and Bert Klandermans
The New American Electoral Politics: Buku Feldman halaman 13
How Invited Behavior and Reality TV
Explain Donald Trump’s Victory
10 Kelompok 2 Michael Alan Krasner
Altering the Foundation of Support for Buku Jost halaman 197
the President Through Priming:
11 Kelompok 3 John Krosnick and Donald R. Kinder
Anxiety, Enthusiasm, and the Vote: The Buku Jost halaman 215
Emotional Underpinning of Learning and
Involvement During Presidential
George E. Marcus and Michael B.
12 Kelompok 4 MacKuen
The Social Identity Theory of Intergroup Buku Jost halaman 367
13 Kelompok 5 Henry Tajfel and John C. Turner
They Caused our Crisis! The Contents Buku Feldman halaman 79
and Effects of Populist Communication:
Evidence from the Netherlands
14 Kelompok 6 Michael Hameleers
15 Review
16 UAS

Dillard, James Price. & Shen, Lijiang. (2013). Handbook of persuasionThe SAGE handbook of
persuasion : developments in theory and practice. 2nd ed. SAGE Publication.

Feldman, Ofer, editor. & Zmerli, Sonja, editor. (2019) The psychology of political communicators :
how politicians, culture, and the media construct and shape public discourse. Taylor & Francis.

Jost, John T. & Sidanius, Jim. (2004). Political psychology. Taylor & Francis Books, Inc.

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