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Relationships between fibre distribution, workability and the mechanical

properties of SFRC applied to precast roof elements

Article in Materials and Structures · May 2006

DOI: 10.1617/s11527-005-9017-4


155 469

2 authors:

Liberato Ferrara Alberto Meda

Politecnico di Milano University of Rome Tor Vergata


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Hybrid solution (FRC+GFRP) for tunnel and structural applications View project

Steel-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Analysis View project

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Materials and Structures (2006) 39:411–420
DOI 10.1617/s11527-005-9017-4

Relationships between fibre distribution, workability and

the mechanical properties of SFRC applied to precast roof
Liberato Ferrara · Alberto Meda

Received: 5 July 2004 / Accepted: 19 April 2005

C RILEM 2006

Abstract A series of 40 precast prestressed roof el- dalles ont etés aussi mise en ouvre et essaies en flexion
ements was cast, employing a self-compacting steel 4 points au fin d’étudier les liaisons entre la distribu-
fibre reinforced concrete (SCSFRC). They are being tion des fibres e les proprietès mecaniques (indices de
used in an industrial building. The fibre distribution ténacité) du beton renforcés par elles. Ce travail donc
within the roof elements was investigated by means analyse ces liasons entre la distribution des fibres, la
of a suitable test procedure and correlated with results maniabilité et le comportement mécanique des betons
obtained from cube samples drawn from the batches renforcés des fibres, au fin d’optimiser ses proprietés
and tested in the fresh state. Companion slabs were aux etats frais et endurci dans le cadre de la fabrication
also cast and tested under four point bending, in order des éléments des couverture préfabriquées.
to study the correlation between fibre distribution and
the mechanical properties of the composite. The work
presented here analyses the correlation between fibre 1. Introduction
distribution, workability and mechanical properties of
steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) with the aim of A large amount of experimental and theoretical re-
optimising both its fresh- and hardened-state properties search work has been done over the last decades, dat-
for a series production of precast SFRC roof elements. ing back to 1972 [1], focusing on the possibility of
replacing conventional shear reinforcement with steel
Résumé 40 éléments préfabriquées précontraintes ont fibres in reinforced and prestressed concrete elements.
été fabriqués avec un béton auto-plaçant renforcés des Among the several well known advantages which may
fibres pour la couverture d’un bâtiment industriel. La come from such a replacement, what was quite early
distribution des fibres au sein de chaque élément a été recognised was the possibility of having, within a struc-
étudiée par une methode d’essai specialement conçue, ture, randomly oriented wirelike reinforcing elements,
et mise en correlation avec les résultats obtenus par des homogeneously spaced closer than the minimum dis-
cubes préleves des couleés et essaies a l’etat frais. Des tance obtainable with the smallest stirrups. In these last
few years a wide research project has been completed
Liberato Ferrara in Italy, aimed at assessing the reliability of steel fibres
Department of Structural Engineering, Politecnico di when used as the only shear reinforcement in precast
Milano, Italy prestressed thin-web roof elements [2]. These experi-
ences, and similar ones on SFRC hollow-core slabs [3],
Alberto Meda
Department of Engineering Technologies and Design, have shown that the achievement within a structural
University of Bergamo, Italy element of a homogeneous distribution of randomly
412 Materials and Structures (2006) 39:411–420

oriented fibres, is a crucial point in respect of guaran- has been investigated by means of the proposed method
teeing the structural performance with a suitable degree and checked by X-ray inspections, further attempting a
of repeatability, in the framework of a series production. correlation with mechanical properties of the hardened
The correlation between fibre distribution, and fresh- composite. The results stand as an interesting exam-
and hardened-state properties of SFRCs also deserves ple showing how far the precast industry can exploit
deeper investigation, in regard to designing enhanced the advantages coming from the SCSFRC technology,
cement composites “tailored” for specific structural ap- mainly with reference to the connection between fibre
plications [4]. distribution, and the fresh- and hardened-state proper-
The unfavourable effects of steel fibres on the work- ties of high performance concretes.
ability and rheology of fresh concrete have been widely
discussed [5] and likewise the remedies which can be
adopted to avoid such drawbacks are well known [6]. 2. Description of the test method
Nevertheless, whenever the homogeneous distribution
and random orientation of fibres can be guaranteed The proposed method for the evaluation of fibre distri-
within a fresh concrete mass when poured out of the bution in SFRC elements is based on the determination
mixer, the casting into formworks and the compaction of the fibre content from cores drilled in the structures.
by vibration lead fibres to be oriented along preferential After crushing the specimen (placed in a steel box in
directions [7], with a not negligible tendency to segre- order to avoid loss of the material) by means of a com-
gation. Barragàn [8] has shown that deviations from pression machine (Fig. 1), the fibres are carefully ex-
homogeneous distribution of fibres may strongly influ- tracted from the crushed concrete by means of a magnet
ence the “material” properties, as measured at the lab- and their weight, determined to the nearest 0.1 g, is then
specimen scale, even outweighing the effects of other referred to the previously measured volume of the core.
relevant factors, such as specimen size and notch depth. In order to perform lightly-destructive tests and ob-
As far the roof elements this paper deals with, where tain meaningful results, it is important to determine
fibres have to be the only reinforcement against shear the optimal core diameter. A core-diameter less than
and transverse flexure, the lack of homogeneity in fi- 15 mm allows monitoring of only a small part of the
bre distribution may explain unforeseen failure mech- structure, with a high dispersion in the results, and re-
anisms, occurring even well before the attainment of quires a large amount of cores in order to have av-
anticipated strength and ductility limits [2]. erage data close to the actual fibre content. On the
The research work presented in this paper developed other hand, with an excessively large diameter (more
along two parallel directions, both concurring with the than 150 mm), the structures can sustain damage which
aim of implementing SFRC technology in production is not easily repairable and zones with an insufficient
processes of a precast factory. On one hand a suitable number of fibres can be hidden.
non- or lightly- destructive test method to measure the
distribution of fibres in a structural element was cali-
brated [9]. On the other, an “optimum” mix-design was
looked for, coupling enhanced hardened state proper-
ties with fresh-state requisites of rheological stability
and high flowability [10]. In this way the effects of cast-
ing and compaction on the distribution of fibres could
be mitigated, thus reducing the possibility of struc-
tural defects from spots with a lesser or nil amount
of fibres. This led to the use of a fibre reinforced self-
compacting concrete (SCSFRC), the benefits of which
for the precast industry have been recognised in sev-
eral applications [11–13]. The reliability of this choice
was first assessed on a few reference prototypes and
further verified over a wide series of precast roof ele-
ments. The distribution of fibres within each of them Fig. 1 Concrete core under compression machine.
Materials and Structures (2006) 39:411–420 413

Table 1 Mix design of SFRC

Cement type CEM I 52.5 R 380 kg/m3

Fly ash 60 kg/m3
Sieved sand 0/3 mm 120 kg/m3
Natural river sand 0/12 mm 920 kg/m3
Gravel 8/15 mm 865 kg/m3
Acrylic superplasticiser 3.5 lt/m3
Water 150 lt/m3
Steel fibres 45/30 50 kg/m3

Table 2 Mix design of SCSFRC

Cement type CEM I 52.5 R 400 kg/m3

Calcareous filler 50 kg/m3
Fig. 2 Optimisation of core diameter.
Sieved sand 0/3 mm 825 kg/m3
Natural sand 0/12 mm 190 kg/m3
Through a series of tests on SFRC slabs with two Gravel 8/15 mm 735 kg/m3
Acrylic superplasticiser 6 lt/m3
different thickness (40 mm and 60 mm) and three differ-
Water 160 lt/m3
ent fibre contents (35 kg/m3 , 50 kg/m3 and 70 kg/m3 ) an
Steel fibres 45/30 50 kg/m3
optimal core diameter has been determined. Four differ- Viscosity enhancing admixture 2 lt/m3
ent diameters have been initially considered: 16, 43, 92
and 190 mm, respectively corresponding to holes in the
structure of 25, 50, 100 and 200 mm. Figure 2 shows suring, independently of vibration, a good homogene-
the results obtained from the 40 mm thick slab with ity of fibre distribution along the casting direction [14].
50 kg/m3 fibres. The dispersion in the results is good As a mean of further optimisation of production pro-
for specimens with a diameter larger than 43 mm. Sim- cesses, a SCSFRC (Table 2) was finally resorted to;
ilar results have been obtained from the tests on other for the prototype batch a slump flow of 630 mm was
slabs. A specimen diameter equal to 70 mm (compro- measured.
mise value between 43 mm and 92 mm) has hence been A check of mechanical properties was performed
chosen for the following tests; with this core-size an by means of compression tests on cubes (150 mm) and
easily repairable 78 mm hole is drilled in the structure. four-point bending tests on notched beams, as recom-
mended by the Italian standard on SFRC [15]. The
results clearly show (Table 3) that SCSFRC, despite
3. Mix design and fibre dispersion: check on a somewhat lower compressive strength, has almost
reference prototypes the same first cracking strength fIf as SFRC and fur-
thermore exhibits higher and less dispersed toughness
The second step of the research consisted of the opti- properties. The higher and lower scattered values of
misation of the concrete mix design, with the aim of ductility indices D0 and D1 can be attributed to a bet-
reducing the effects of vibration, which is among the ter bond between fibres and matrix as well as to more
main causes of fibre segregation. Starting from an ordi- uniform distribution of fibres within the concrete mass,
nary SFRC (Table 1), the addition of viscosity enhanc- less influenced by casting processes [16].
ing admixtures (VEA- actually a mix of water-soluble With reference to two 25 meter long roof element
chain-polymers) was first attempted. Cylinder speci- prototypes (Fig. 4), field distribution of fibres was
mens 300 mm high were cast with the two mixes and hence investigated by means of cores drilled as in Fig. 5.
vibrated from 0 to 16 minutes. The SFRC prototype was vibrated for about 20 minutes
After one day aging the cylinders were sawn into six while less than 5 minutes was enough for the SCSFRC
slices and fibre content in each one determined. Results one. Some cores have been further cut into two slices to
(Fig. 3) confirmed the effectiveness of VEA in enhanc- get information on the segregation of fibres. It clearly
ing the rheological stability of fresh concrete thus en- shows the efficacy of the SCSFRC in guaranteeing a
414 Materials and Structures (2006) 39:411–420

Table 3 Material properties for SFRC and SCSFRC (mean values and coefficients of variation)

Mix n◦ of tests fcc (MPa) fIf (MPa) feq0−0.6 mm (MPa) feq0.6−3 mm (MPa)

SFRC 4 87.2 5.2 3.3% 5.48 19.8% 2.82 25.5%

SCSFRC 4 75.8 5.2 5.1% 6.8 12.3% 4.77 15%
feq0−0.6 f
Mix n◦ of tests D0 = fIf
D1 feq0.6−3

SFRC 4 1.05 22% 0.51 7.6%

SCSFRC 4 1.32 8% 0.7 7%

Fig. 4 Cross section of prototype roof elements.

Fig. 5 Cores drilled in the prototypes.

The connection between fibre distribution and me-

chanical properties has been also tentatively investi-
gated. Four point bending tests on unnotched 60 mm
thick slabs (150 mm wide and 500 mm long, tested
over a 450 mm span) were performed. Both companion
specimens and slabs cored from the prototypes were
Fig. 3 Effects of vibration on fibre content in cylinder. tested, the latter cut with their longitudinal axis par-
allel to the prototype one. Tests on core slabs were
performed both in the direction of casting and upside-
more uniform distribution of fibres within the proto- down with respect to it. Nominal stress vs. crack open-
types (Table 4) as well as in limiting the segregation of ing curves (Fig. 7—crack opening measured over a
fibres (Fig. 6), thanks to both the enhanced rheological 200 mm base-length) confirm once again the effective-
stability and reduced vibration. ness of SCSFRC in reducing the field variability of
Materials and Structures (2006) 39:411–420 415

Table 4 Field variation of fibre content mechanical properties. The differences between SCS-
along longitudinal axis of prototypes FRC companion and core specimens may be attributed
Fiber content (kg/m3 ) to the orientation of fibres, which is likely to be random
in companion slabs and is influenced, in cores, by the
flow direction of the fresh mix.
11-16 56.24 (10%) 54.76 (4%)
21-26 45.41 (14%) 48.16 (10%)
31-36 43.17 (15%) 47.36 (8%) 4. Mix design and fibre dispersion: check on
41-42 59.77 (±2.5%)
reference prototypes
51-54 54.7 (11%)

Taking advantage of previous experience, a suitable

quality control procedure was set up, consisting of
tests on fresh concrete, aimed at determining fibre con-
tent; tests on hardened concrete, to identify mechanical
characteristics of the material, and lightly-destructive
tests on structural elements, to check the homogeneity
of fibre distribution. A pilot-application of this proce-
dure was attempted with reference to a series of 40
precast prestressed roof elements, cast with the mix
described in Table 2; fibres 30 mm long and with an
aspect ratio equal to 50 were employed. The produc-
tion of roof elements ranged over a period of about
Fig. 6 Effects on fibre segregation.
one month (12/06–18/07/2003). Information about the
trend of all the above properties over the whole pro-
duction period was also regarded as fundamental from
the precast industry point of view. The cross section
of roof elements is shown in Fig. 8; it should be em-
phasised that the wings are far less inclined than in the
previously shown prototypes. The elements were cast
by side-pouring the concrete, starting from the upper
part of a wing, until it filled the wing and the slab;
concrete was then poured from the upper part of the
opposite wing, until casting was complete (Fig. 8).
As far as the tests on fresh concrete were concerned,
three cubes 150 mm side were drawn from the batches
each casting day, to check the effective fibre content. Fi-
bres were separated from fresh concrete by washing and
then weighed (Fig. 9). Over the whole series, a variation

Fig. 7 Results of 4pb tests on thin slabs.

Fig. 8 Cross section of roof elements.
416 Materials and Structures (2006) 39:411–420

Table 5 Fibre content in fresh mix wide specimens were cut and tested under 4 point bend-
(54 cubes) ing, both going with (type A - one test per each day of
Mean value (kg/m3 ) 50,2 casting) and going against casting direction (type B
Standard deviation (kg/m3 ) 4 - one test each third day). These “structural” charac-
Coefficient of variation 0,08 terisation tests were meant to reproduce as closely as
possible in the specimen the stress field occurring in the
elements, and also to interact with fibre distribution and
alignment determined by structure geometry and cast-
ing procedures. Results from tests on notched prisms
were processed as explained in the previous chapter
(Table 6; refer also to Table 3). As far the tests on slab
specimens are concerned (Table 7), in addition to the
first cracking strength, fIf , corresponding to the max-
imum load in the crack opening range 0–0.1 mm (see
previous section for measurement details), the follow-
ing quantities were computed as indices of the material

– an equivalent post-cracking stress, σ eq , as an average

of the nominal stress over the crack-opening range
Fig. 9 Production trend of fibre content in fresh concrete. 3–5 wI , where wI is the crack-opening corresponding
to the first cracking strength;
– a residual stress σ res , as an average of the nomi-
trend for fibre content such as is usually achieved for nal stress over the crack opening range 0.8–1.2 wd ,
the compressive strength of plant-produced concrete where the design crack-opening value wd was as-
was obtained (Fig. 9 - Table 5) [17]. sumed equal to 2% of the slab thickness.
With reference to mechanical properties of the
hardened composite, beside 4 point bending tests on In order to investigate the correlation between the
notched prisms [15] (one per each day of casting), com- mechanical properties and distribution of fibres, the
panion slabs were cast, as thick as the walls of the ele- number of fibres on the fracture cross section was
ments (60 mm), from which 500 mm long and 150 mm counted, considering three layers along the specimen

Table 6 Results of 4pb feq0−0.6 feq0.6−3

tests on notched beams fIf (MPa) feq0−0.6 (MPa) feq0.6−3 (MPa) D0 = fIf
D1 = feq0−0.6
Nf = n◦ of fibres
(mean values and
coefficients of variation) 5.11 5.69 5.36 1.11 0.94 0,83/cm2
6% 21% 22% 21% 8% 18.9%

Table 7 Results of 4pb

tests on companion thin Test type fIf (MPa) σ eq (MPa) σ res (MPa) Nf = specific n◦ of fibres
slabs (mean values and
A 7.2 4.85 4.41 0.77/cm2
coefficients of variation)
12% 29% 30% 26.5%
B 6.45 4.34 4.49 0.74/cm2
10% 16.5% 16.7% 19.7%

Test type % fibres intrados % fibres central % fibres extrados

A 38.4 % 32.2% 29.5%

std dev 6% std dev 9% std dev 8%
B 22.2% 33.2% 48.7%
std dev 5% std dev 10% std dev 12%
Materials and Structures (2006) 39:411–420 417

Table 8 Content of fibres in core -drilled

drilled cores

slab lower wing upper wing

roof element 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12

1 (12/06) 49.39 54.59 65.95 53.48 54.23 47.93 44.26 33.65 60.28 44.8 12.25 54.75
2 (13/06) 51.08 57.32 49.92 52.32 30.07 63.73 43.41 46.99 49.81 58.00 57.26 46.05
3 (17/06) 42.34 44.22 56.02 45.64 44.93 44.01 41.88 44.43 39.36 34.80 48.88 54.51
4 /3/7) 46.18 43.06 45.39 88.69 55.61 2.45 20.00 29.54 59.64 18.88 49.09 56.71
5 (7/7) 46.07 52.32 51.39 47.24 20.93 10.41 5.63 15.99 47.85 60.23 46.84 40.68
6 (9/7) 102.72 62.87 59.04 48.07 73.44 30.88 31.61 25.35 49.14 43.14 52.93 38.30
7 (11/7) 54.55 43.55 54.90 48.87 60.58 15.32 46.64 39.17 55.14 54.20 50.48 61.83

depth. Results (Table 7) on one hand still show the

occurrence of some segregation of fibres (actually the
for type B slabs extrados, when tested, was the bottom
layer when cast). It can be observed that the equiva-
lent post-cracking strength is likely to be more strongly
sensitive to a higher fibre concentration in the bottom
layers of the specimen, while a stronger influence of
the fibre content in the upper layers can be observed
for the residual post-cracking strength. (Table 7). This
may be of not negligible importance when the struc-
tural performance of the elements vs., e.g., transverse
flexure has to be anticipated, as influenced by the fibre
distribution along the thickness of the inclined wings or
of the central flat slab. It is furthermore worth remark-
ing on the similar dispersion trend of both toughness
properties and number of fibres on the fracture plane.
Once the fibre volume fraction Vf = 0,64% and cross-
section area Af = 0,28 mm2 are known, from the spe-
cific number of fibres counted Nf information about the Fig. 10 Core-drilling scheme.
orientation factor α in tested specimens, as influenced
by their geometry and casting, can be estimated as α = As far as the final check on the field distribution of
(Nf Af )/Vf [18]. With reference to notched beam spec- fibres within the roof elements was concerned, seven
imens, a value of 0.35 was obtained, while values be- among the whole series of forty were cored, as sketched
tween 0.32 and 0.33 correspond to the detected number in Fig. 10; the diameter of each core was 70 mm, close
of fibres in slab specimens. These are very close to the to the optimal one previously determined. Results re-
theoretical minimum value suggested by Soroushian ferring to the content of fibres in each core, determined
and Lee [18] for an infinitely wide plate of finite thick- as explained in chapter 2, have been summarised in
ness (actually slab specimens were cut from a larger Table 8 and in Fig. 11. It can be observed that there
plate 500 mm wide × 600 mm long). This clearly high- was a better uniformity of fibre distribution in the up-
lights the importance of designing test specimens for per part of the wing and, to a lesser extent, in the slab,
the structural characterisation of SFRC, in such a way with respect to what occurs in the lower part of the
to reproduce as closely as possible not only the stress wing. The same differences among the three investi-
field which will occur in the structure but also the fibre gated positions also held with reference to the repeata-
distribution properties which are likely to be featured bility of the fibre homogeneity, when considered over
in structural elements. the production period examined.
418 Materials and Structures (2006) 39:411–420

Table 9 Fibre content in X-rayed cores

Fibre Average
Date of content fibre standard
batching Core (kg/m3 ) (kg/m3 ) deviation

17-giu 2A 39.9 43.7 7.64

2B 49.3
5 43.8
8 41.7
11A 32.9
11B 54.9
03-lug 2A 33.5 31.6 25.82
2B 75.6
Fig. 11 Average and max/min values of fibre content in cores 5 2.5
drilled from roof elements. 8 20.0
11A 15.0
11B 43.1
These differences among the effective fibre contents
07-lug 2A 0.9 14.4 16.33
in the single investigated positions of each element be-
2B 40.2
come clearer if one considers the casting process as
5 10.4
referred to the cross section of the elements. Since the 8 5.6
core-drilled wing is filled second during the batching 11A 0.8
process, its lower part, which is completed last from 11B 28.7
both casting sides, is likely to receive a concrete which, 11-lug 2A 28.3 43.1 25.84
due to the casting process itself is likely to be the poor- 2B 90.9
est in fibres, e.g., and/or in coarse aggregates. The pres- 5 15.3
ence of prestressing strands, which are likely to act as 8 46.4
an obstacle against the free flowing of the fibre rein- 11A 41.3
11B 36.5
forced matrix, may have further negatively influenced
the homogeneous distribution of fibres in the lower part
of the core-drilled wing.
X-ray analyses were also carried out on the cores
drilled from the lower wing of four roof elements; cores
from positions 2 and 11 (Fig. 10) were cut into two
parts, in order to achieve more detailed information
about the segregation of fibres. The fibre content in
these cores is reported in Table 9 (labels A - B stand for
the upper and lower parts respectively); some examples
of X-ray pictures are given in Fig. 12.
A cross-examination of the whole set of results sum- Fig. 12a 17/6 core 2A (right) and B (left).
marised above allows one to obtain further information
about the field distribution and the “production trend”
of the detected content of fibres within the roof ele-
ments. After good homogeneity inside each element
and good repeatability during the first three days ex-
amined, the last four elements investigated showed
the highest field- and time-dispersed results as well as
significant segregation of fibres (Fig. 12 c–d). These
results may be interestingly correlated to slump-flow
measurements (Table 10): an increase in fresh concrete
fluidity, and hence a decrease in viscosity, occurred for Fig. 12b 17/6 core 11A (right) and B (left).
Materials and Structures (2006) 39:411–420 419

Table 11 post-cracking strength and number of fibres on frac-

ture plane

date 13/6 17/6 3/7 7/7 9/7 11/7

σeq (MPa) 5.01 6.48 3.53 3.28 2.90 5.47

σres (MPa) 5.50 4.83 2.95 2.44 2.65 5.24
n◦ fibres/cm2 0.77 0.80 0.58 0.67 0.73 0.81

4 point bending tests on slab specimens (Table 11).

Fig. 12c 7/7 core 2A (right) and B (left).
The lower viscosity, and hence an improper balance
between the driving force of the flowing fresh mix and
the self weight of the fibres, further influenced by the
cross-section shape, surely explains the segregation of
fibres, as well as the poorer results in terms of field
homogeneity of fibre content inside each element. Fur-
thermore, the detected differences in the mechanical
properties (Table 11) hardly can be attributed only to the
different number of fibres on the fracture plane, while
they can be reasonably justified, in the authors’ opin-
ion, also by considering a poorer quality of concrete
and of the fibre/matrix bond, in the above hypothesised
Fig. 12d 7/7 core 11A (right) and B (left).
framework. The whole set of results becomes clearer
if properly examined in the framework of the relation-
Table 10 slump-flow and concrete density
ships existing between fibre distribution, workability
and mechanical properties of FRCs: a fuller compre-
date 13/6 17/6 3/7 7/7 9/7 11/7 hension of the mechanisms governing them as well as
slump flow (mm) 650 620 730 750 740 700 their optimisation, also through suitably developed pre-
density (kg/m3 ) 2486 2504 2435 2412 2410 2461 dictive models, is hence highly desirable with regard to
the structural applications of fibre reinforced concrete.

the last four days at issue. In order to justify this fact,

otherwise difficult to explain, the influence of some 5. Concluding remarks
“environment” variables has been tentatively hypoth-
esised and outside temperature data have been looked Taking advantage of a series production of 40 roof el-
at. While for the first three days maximum temper- ements made of self-compacting steel fibre reinforced
atures of 26–28◦ C were recorded, a rise to 33–35◦ C concrete, the relationships between workability, me-
occurred in the following days, with a small decrease chanical properties and fibre distribution has been in-
to 30◦ C on 11/07/2003. The mixing procedure of dry vestigated. A quality control procedure based on the
constituents, as implemented in the batching plant, ob- measurement and cross-examination of the aforemen-
viously releases water, in order to achieve the target tioned three properties has been also implemented in
water/(cement + filler) ratio, taking into account the the precast factory and interestingly applied to the pro-
measured degree of humidity of the aggregates. With duction at issue. The results obtained highlight the need
the air getting warmer and warmer, the aggregates may for further investigation of the strong connection exist-
have been progressively dried, leading to higher added ing between fibre distribution, workability and the me-
free-water, which was only slowly absorbed by the ag- chanical properties of fibre reinforced concrete, aim-
gregates: this significantly influenced the fluidity and ing at the formulation of a rational predictive model
viscosity of the fresh mix and is furthermore confirmed which may also be usefully employed for further op-
by values of 1-day aged concrete density (Table 10) as timisation of production processes. Furthermore, they
well as by the mechanical properties measured from once again confirm the potentials of SCSFRC which
420 Materials and Structures (2006) 39:411–420

the precast industry could develop, exploiting the above 7. Edgington J, Hannant DJ (1972) Steel fibre reinforced con-
relationships both to currently check and to further im- crete: the effect on fibre orientation of compaction by vibra-
tion. Materiaux et Constructions, 5:41–44.
prove the quality of its products. The use of a non-
8. Barragàn B (2002) Failure and toughness of steel fiber re-
destructive technique to identify fibre content and dis- inforced concrete under tension and shear. Doctoral Thesis,
tribution within structural elements, based on X-rays UPC Barcelona 151+appendices.
has been also addressed, its full development and ap- 9. Meda A, Plizzari G, Sonzogni F, Lamperti T (November,
2002) Fibre distribution in fibre-reinforced structural ele-
plication for quality control in precast industry still de-
ments. Proc. CTE Conf., Mantova, pp. 247–256 (in Italian).
serving further work. 10. Ferrara L (2003) The use of viscosity enhancing admixtures
to improve the homogeneity of fibre distribution in steel fibre
Acknowledgements The authors thank Magnetti-Larco Build- reinforced concretes. Proc. BMC-7, Warszawa, October, A.
ing, and in particular Mr. Claudio Failla, Mr. Francesco Sonzogni Brandt et al. eds., Woodhead Pub. Ltd., pp. 287–300.
and Ms. Flavia Pasini, for the experimental results. The X-ray 11. Groth P, Nemegeer D (1999) The use of steel fibres in
investigation was performed at the Department of Aeronautics of self-compacting concrete. Proceedings 1st Int. Rilem Symp.
Politecnico di Milano and the kind availability of prof. Giuseppe on Self-Compacting Concrete, Stockholm, September, A.
Sala and his technicians is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks to Skarendahl and Ö Petersson eds., Rilem, pp. 497–507.
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