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Namaskara and konnichiwa minnasan,

Watashi no namae wa Ri ka desu

Watashino namae wa Varsha des
Watashi no namae wa Bhaskara des
And we are going to be the host for the day.

AB - We are honored to welcome you all to this special event, on

behalf of the Chairman, Zenken, Teaching Staff, and Students. It's a
privilege to introduce our dis nguished guest for today, and I'm
thrilled to have this opportunity.

Anchor-2 >>>> introduc on to consolates

: We fell honoured to have - The Honourable Chief Guest director of jetro , and we welcome Japanese
consolates to this event - Sir you hardly need any introduc on, you have made all of us proud by your
dis nguished work in numerous capaci es. You are one of the most celebrated foreign services dignitaries.
Guests of Honour: Chairman of the College, Dr. Manganani, the man of dis nct vision and a fountainhead of
illumina ng ideas, an idol of knowledge and experience and inspira on to all of us.

AR - As we gather here today, I am reminded of the similari es

between our cultures, despite the differences that exist. Japan and
India share common beliefs, such as fes vals marking the changing
seasons, rituals and art inspired by nature, use of honorifics,
respect for elders, strong value systems, deep-rooted family culture,
shared heritage of spirituality, and a rich history.

AV - Even though our cultures may be different, it does not mean

that we are different as human beings. Rather, it creates a passion,
a zeal, and an interest to know more about each other. This is what
makes our rela onship stronger, deeper, and las ng for years.

AB - The friendship between India and Japan has a long history

rooted in spiritual affinity and strong cultural and civiliza onal es.
And today, we come together to strengthen this bond even further.

Once again, I welcome you all to this special event, and I hope that
you enjoy your me here today. Thank you.

AR - I would now like to invite Dr. Sowmya Narayanan, the Head of
Life Skills at our ins tu on, who is highly respected for her
exper se in molding human character, her extensive experience as
a scholar, and her skillful naviga on of our flagship program of

AV - We will now commence the customary auspicious ceremony of
ligh ng the lamp, which symbolizes the path of prosperity, well-
being, and posi vity for us and our surroundings. It is my humble
request to our esteemed Chief Guest and the Japanese Consulate to
kindly do us the honor of ligh ng the lamp.


AB - Ladies and gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to invite the CEO
of Zenken, a visionary leader, and an inspira on to all of us, to
address the audience. Her vision and dedica on have been
instrumental in shaping Zenken's success and growth.
AR - We are fortunate to have her with us today, and I am sure that
her insights and experiences have enlightened and inspired us all.

Next we have the delegate of JETRO. JETRO has played a significant
role in promo ng trade and investment between Japan and other
countries, and we are fortunate to have a delegate with us today.

We are eager to hear about the latest developments and

opportuni es in the trade and investment landscape, and we are
confident that the delegate will provide valuable insights into these

Without further ado, I would like to invite the delegate of JETRO to

address the audience. Please give a warm welcome to our
esteemed guest.

AV - Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a round of

applause to our guest speaker, Mr. X, for his
enlightening and informa ve speech. We appreciate
his valuable insights and exper se on the topic. Thank
you, Mr. X, for sharing your knowledge and inspiring
us all.
let's give a round of applause to our guest speaker. Thank you, Mr. X, for sharing your
knowledge and inspiring us all.


Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce our esteemed guest, the
Consul of Japan. As a representa ve of the Japanese government, the Consul
has been ac vely promo ng cultural and economic exchanges between Japan
and our country.

We are honoured to have the Consul with us today, and we look forward to
hearing about the cultural and economic es that connect our two na ons.

Without further ado, I would like to invite the Consul of Japan to the stage to
address the audience. Please join me in giving a warm welcome to our
dis nguished guest.
AB - let's express our gra tude to our guest speaker for taking the me to share
their knowledge and insights with us. Thank you for delivering a wonderful
speech that has enlightened and inspired us all.


Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to introduce our next speaker -

the Chairman of New Horizon Educa onal Ins tute, Dr. Mohan Mangnani.
With his extensive experience and exper se in the field of educa on, Dr.
Mangnani has been instrumental in shaping the academic landscape of our
Without further ado, I would like to invite Dr. Mohan Mangnani to the stage to
address the audience. Please give a warm welcome to our dis nguished guest.
AR - Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in expressing our gra tude to our
chairman for delivering a thought-provoking and informa ve speech. We are
truly grateful for your valuable insights sir.

Let's take a moment to appreciate the rich history of Japan, a country steeped
in centuries of tradi on and cultural heritage. From the iconic cherry blossom
fes vals to the delicate art of origami, Japan has so much to offer in terms of
art, music, food, and more. We'll also get to experience the vibrant energy of
modern Japanese culture. So with huge round of applause let us all welcome
the dancers.

Sorewa tanoshika a desuyone.

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