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Growth Burst

(Cubed Cinder)

WARNING: This story contains violent crushing scenes and sexual references (such
as lots of boob play) that may not be appropriate for people aged 17 and under.

Hibari, transformed into her shinobi outfit (light pink track jacket with the Hanzo
emblem on the left chest area, dark blue biker shorts, black and white socks, and red
and white sneakers), wandered uneasily through the forest.
"Asuka? Yagyuu? Anybody!?" Hibari shouted. She didn't know how, but she was all
by herself in the forest. Her fellow Hanzo Academy students, especially Yagyuu who
always found it in her heart to protect Hibari no matter what, were nowhere to be
seen. Once again she tried calling out.
"Katsuragi? Ikaruga? YAGYUU!?" Hibari shouted. This time, her shouting caught the
attention of the evil ninjas. Women clad almost entirely in black soon jumped out
from the trees and surrounded Hibari.
"Gasp!" Hibari gasped.
"Halt! Student of Hanzo Academy, we will destroy you on behalf of the Hebijo
Academy!" one of the girls shouted. Hibari was certainly the least fighting of the
group, always wanting to settle things in a peaceful manner first before resorting to
offensive tactics, although that was when she was with her fellow students (including
Yagyuu). Being all alone, she felt she had no choice but to go straight for her secret
ninja art.
"Secret Ninja Art! Big Bunny Boom Boom!" Hibari shouted. After nothing happened
for a few seconds, with the evil ninja girls looking around trying to figure out what
was going to happen, suddenly a giant pink bunny came running into the area from
behind Hibari. Hibari jumped on the bunny's back and constantly shouted BOOM! as
the rabbit went bouncing all around the area, defeating the evil ninja girls one by one.
Once the bunny had used all its strength, Hibari hopped off and watched as the bunny
hopped away.
"Thank you, Mr. Bunny!" Hibari shouted. But she couldn't happily say farewell to her
animal spirit for long. She looked to see some of the evil ninja girls getting back up.
Not only that, but more of them were popping out from the trees, and Hibari found
herself surrounded again.

"Nice trick, but you cannot defeat the last of us!" one of the girls said. Hibari only
briefly felt all hope was lost, as she suddenly remembered the teachings of the Yang
scroll. Within the six months that had passed since the merciless Dougen was defeated
at the Hebijo Academy, the girls of the Hanzo Academy (except for Asuka, who had
used hers) were given the task of mastering their Super Secret Ninja Arts once it was
learned that the Yin scroll was going to be put into play over at the rival academy.
Hibari took a deep breath and mustered up all her strength.
"Super Secret Ninja Art! Giiiiiant!!!" Hibari shouted. After Hibari's body briefly
glowed a bright white, the evil ninja girls watched as Hibari suddenly grew bigger.
And of course, by growing bigger, I mean in both height and weight! When Hibari
opened up her eyes, she realized she had grown to just over 50 feet tall.
"Oh, it worked It worked!" Hibari said. Quickly remembering that the spell had a
shorter time span than the Secret Ninja Art, Hibari stopped her celebrating and looked
down at the tiny evil ninjas still with that cute smile on her face.
"Oooooh… you're all so small! Perhaps you'd like to see the bottom of my shoes?"
Hibari said as she slowly raised her right foot above the ninjas.
"Retreat! Retreat!!" one of the girls shouted, but it was too late. Hibari brought her
foot down with rocket speed and stomped on the ground. Even if a girl didn't get
crushed unconscious underneath the huge shoe, the shockwave left from Hibari's
furious stomp was enough to knock them out as well. Hibari stomped the ground a
few more times in quick succession until finally nobody was left standing except for
her. And right on time too, as Hibari could feel herself shrinking back to normal size
as the ninja art had run its course.
"Yay! I did it! I did it! And without Yagyuu's help too! She will be so proud of me."
Hibari said.
"Hibari…" a female voice suddenly echoed in the air. Hibari immediately recognized
who it came from.
"Oh, Yagyuu! Where are you?" Hibari asked.
"Wake up, Hibari…" Yagyuu said.
"Huh? Wake up?" Hibari said. The next time she opened her eyes after a blink, the
scenery would change entirely.

Hibari now suddenly found herself in a laying position, and wearing her normal
schoolgirl outfit too. She quickly moved her head around and realized she was laying
flat on her stomach on a lounge chair. She looked left and then up to see Yagyuu
kneeling down in front of her, also in her schoolgirl outfit.
"Oh, Yagyuu? I must've fallen asleep and was dreaming." Hibari said.
"Hibari, we're here." Yagyuu said. Hibari then got up and was how sitting on the
"Oh? We're at Megame Island?" Hibari said.
"Yes. It was a long voyage, but we have made it." Yagyuu said.
"I'm glad." Hibari said. The timid girl looked around and saw the other three girls in
their schoolgirl outfits as well, remembering that they had to take a private boat ride to
the seemingly unseen island far off the Japanese coast. Ikaruga, the leader of the
group, was standing at the front of the boat watching the island come closer into view,
while Katsuragi was chasing Asuka all around the boat as Katsuragi desperately tried
to get one last rubbing of Asuka's breasts into her perverted hands before they got
onshore. Hibari didn't see the sensei, Kiriya, around, but she assumed it was because
he was driving the boat.

Finally, the boat made it onshore and the girls all got off with their luggage in tow.
Before they could wander too far off the sands and more inland, they heard the voice
of Sensei Kiriya.
"Now remember, girls. I'll be back in exactly 72 hours to pick you up. Be ready to go
by then, or you'll probably be stuck here the rest of your lives…" Kiriya said. The
thought of being marooned on an island that nobody else but them knew about made
the girls shudder, but they still bowed their heads at their teacher.
"Wait, you're not staying with us, Sensei?" Ikaruga said.
"I have important matters to discuss with Master Hanzo and Daidoji, and besides, you
girls have earned this vacation. You deserve to spend it without my wrinkly face
around." Kiriya joked.
"Yes, Sensei!" they all shouted.
"Well, gotta roll. Have fun!" Kiriya said before he jumped back into the boat and
sailed off into the distance, leaving the girls all to themselves.
"Well, there he goes." Asuka said softly.
"GOTCHA!!" Katsuragi shouted as she finally got her hands on Asuka's chest and
feverishly rubbed Asuka's breasts, all while Asuka got cross eyed and pleaded as
usual for her 'sister' to stop.
"Ack! Sister Katsu! Please, we just got here!!" Asuka shouted.
"We really should get a move on to the beach house so we can unpack." Ikaruga said
as she pointed to the cabin structure not too far from where they were standing.
"That's a big cabin!" Hibari said.
"It's like it was made to hold five of us under one roof." Yagyuu said.
"Teehee! Just the way we like it, right, Yagyuu?" Hibari said, prompting a smile from
Yagyuu. The five girls then made their way towards the cabin, including Asuka who
was finally able to escape Katsuragi's grip.

The girls would spend the next several minutes unpacking their bags (some small and
some large). As they did so, they wondered out loud about the island they were on.
"Y'know, I wonder… why this island? Why not somewhere like Hawaii or the
Bahamas or some other tropical landscape you always see on TV?" Katsuragi said.
"I have heard rumors of this place, Megame Island, having special qualities." Ikaruga
"Huh? What kind of special qualities?" Asuka said.
"Well, don't quote me on this, but it has to do with… well, a woman's… um, sexual
feeling." Ikaruga said.
"Ooooooh… I like the sound of that already." Katsuragi said as she couldn't help but
drool a little bit both from Ikaruga's words and the naughty thoughts going through
her head.
"S-S-Sexual feeling?" Asuka said nervously.
"Well, like I said, it's only a rumor, and one I have no intention of exploring. We are
just here to have fun on the beach. Am I clear, ladies?" Ikaruga said.
"Yes, Ikaruga!" the other four girls shouted.
"Well, since you put it that way, I'm getting out of these stupid clothes right now!!! I
want to be in my beautiful swimsuit for the next 72 hours!" Katsuragi shouted as she
ran into the nearby bathroom, already with her swimsuit in her hands. The other girls
followed suit after they pulled their own swimsuits out of their respective luggage,
although Hibari stopped when she remembered something very important the sensei
told her when they were back at the dojo.


Hibari slowly stepped into the dark room lit only by a handful of candles. Sitting on
the other side of the room on top of his knees was Sensei Kiriya.
"You… you asked to see me, sensei?" Hibari asked softly.
"I did indeed, Hibari. Come and sit." Kiriya said. Hibari walked towards the sensei
and sat on the other side of the candles he was kneeling in front of.
"So, are you looking forward to your vacation to Megame Island?" Kiriya said.
"Oh, yes! I am! We've worked so hard this past year, I can't even remember the last
real vacation I had." Hibari said.
"I'm glad you're excited, Hibari. But, there is something you must do for me." Kiriya
"Yes, Sensei?" Hibari asked.
"Rumor has it the same energy that empowers the Yang scroll that we possess is
circulating around that island." Kiriya said.
"Oh, the Yang scroll? The same one that allows us to use our Super Secret Ninja
Arts?" Hibari said.
"Yes. Your mission, Hibari, is to possess this energy and see if it indeed matches that
of the Yang." Kiriya said.
"Um… Sensei, if I may?" Hibari said. Kiriya then smiled.
"You are curious as to why you and not one of the other girls?" Kiriya said.
"Yes, actually! How did you know?" Hibari said.
"Hibari, you have incredible potential with your Super Secret Ninja Art. I have reason
to believe this mission will allow you to realize the full power of the art. Succeed in
this mission, and your skills will improve by the magnitude of the increased power of
the super art." Kiriya said.
"You… you… you really believe that?" Hibari said.
"I do. But Hibari, there is one more important detail before I officially put you on
mission alert." Kiriya said, suddenly with a serious look on his face.
"Yes?" Hibari said.
"This mission is only to be known between you and I." Kiriya said.
"Huh? Are you saying I can't even tell my friends?" Hibari said.
"Absolutely not. Not even Yagyuu. We bring the other girls into this and we may lose
our best chance to study this energy." Kiriya said. Just looking at Kiriya's eyes told
Hibari how serious he was about his request to go at this mission alone. She then
"Yes, sensei. I understand. I will do this mission on Megame Island alone." Hibari
"Good, you will know what to do when you get there. Dismissed." Kiriya said.
"Thank you, sensei!" Hibari said as she stood back up, bowed down at the sensei, and
then turned around and left the room.


"Hibari?" Yagyuu's voice suddenly echoed in Hibari's mind.

"Oh! Yes, Yagyuu?" Hibari said.
"Aren't you coming?" Yagyuu asked.
"Of course! Sorry, I was just thinking about something. I'm coming to change now!"
Hibari said as she followed Yagyuu into the bathroom.

All five girls then came running not just out of said bathroom, but out of the cabin
entirely, wearing their favorite swimsuits, all of which were two piece bikinis.
Ikaruga's bikini was the most basic with both halves a solid black to match perfectly
with her long black hair. Asuka's bikini had many different colored horizontal lines on
both halves, effectively making it rainbow colored. Katsuragi's bikini also had
horizontal lines, but they alternated between sky blue and white. Hibari's bikini was
dotted (literally) with a mix of pink and purple polka dots, with a red flower resting
near the top of her left shoulder. Plus, Hibari was the only girl of the five to wear
sandals on her feet (both adorned with red flowers).
Finally, Yagyuu's bikini was also predominantly pink (no doubt thanks to her close
relationship with Hibari), with different shades of pink and white horizontal lines on
both halves. The top of her swimsuit also was unique in that it was shaped like an
upside down seashell.
The five ladies didn't waste time getting to their activities. Ikaruga, Asuka, and
Katsuragi all ran out into the water and splashed themselves and each other with it.
Yagyuu, on the other hand, was sitting on a lounge chair chewing on a piece of dried
salmon jerky (her favorite snack) and letting the sun test the suntan lotion on her skin.
Hibari watched all four girls until she felt it was time to make her move.

"Um… Yagyuu, I'm gonna head to the forest to do some quick training." Hibari said.
"You sure? We are on vacation, after all." Yagyuu said.
"I know, but Sensei says I have to get stronger before next semester starts." Hibari
"Shall I accompany you?" Yagyuu said.
"No! I mean, you don't have to. We are all by ourselves on this island, with no Hebijo
girls to attack us." Hibari said as she twiddled her fingers nervously. She felt Yagyuu
was not easy to fool, especially given how much she liked to protect her when they
were together on missions.
"Okay, Hibari, you can go. Just be careful out there." Yagyuu said with a smile.
"Yay! Thanks, Yagyuu, you're the best!" Hibari said as she gave her friend a quick
hug before running away. Yagyuu then got back to laying down on her lounge chair,
occasionally looking out at sea and seeing things happening like Katsuragi chasing
Asuka as she tried to rip off her top (and Ikaruga just rolling her eyes like it's typical

After a few minutes of running and walking, Hibari felt she was deep enough in the
forest. It was time for her to summon her Super Secret Ninja Art, the spell where she
appears to be growing to 50 feet tall when it's really just an illusion decided to inflict
both physical and mental pain on the opponent. She thought back to Sensei Kiriya's
"Hibari, you have incredible potential with your Super Secret Ninja Art. I have reason
to believe this mission will allow you to realize the full power of the art. Succeed in
this mission, and your skills will improve by the magnitude of the increased power of
the super art." Kiriya's words echoed.
"Will I really become stronger? I don't want to hurt Yagyuu's feelings. I rather like her
protecting me." Hibari said to herself. Then she shook her head and spoke out loud.
"No. Sensei says I have to become stronger because Yagyuu won't protect me forever.
I must do this." Hibari said. That's when she closed her eyes and concentrated again.
"Super Secret Ninja Art! Giiiiiant!!!" Hibari shouted. Just like with in her dream,
Hibari felt herself growing bigger in size. She opened her eyes early, wanting to see
the results in person.
"Teehee… it's fun being a giant, even if it's for a short… huh?" Hibari said to herself.
She had to stop talking, though, when she noticed she was still growing even after
reaching 50 feet tall. As she watched her head approach the top of the tall trees, she
wondered what was going on.
"Uhhhh… I'm growing too big!" Hibari said with worried looks in her cross-shaped
pink eyes. Her head was now over the trees and she was still growing bigger…

While Asuka, Ikaruga, and Katsuragi continued to play around in the water, Yagyuu
was the first to sense Hibari's despair from her spell going overboard.
"Hibari!?" Yagyuu shouted as she jumped off her chair and turned around to look at
the forest in the distance. Before she could move an inch forward, however, she
watched as Hibari's growing body emerged from the towering trees, and slowly it
grew even bigger. Eventually the other girls took notice of the growing Hibari.
"What the…!? Hibari!?" Ikaruga shouted.
"Holy crap!" Katsuragi shouted.

Finally, Hibari felt her growing stop. Instead of a possibly more manageable 50 feet
tall, Hibari guessed she had grown all the way to 500 feet tall after comparing her size
with the formerly taller-than-her trees.
"Oh my gosh… is this what Sensei meant by the added energy?" Hibari said to
herself. At the same time, she marveled over how much smaller everything was and
how much more of the island she could see, and that included in front of her where
she saw Yagyuu stepping in her direction.
"Hibari!" Yagyuu shouted. Hibari faintly heard her voice calling.
"Oh, Yagyuu!" Hibari said as she carefully took a step out of the forest. Yagyuu
actually had to jump back after one of Hibari's sandals almost crushed her. Hibari
gasped over how much ground just one step covered.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, Yagyuu! Are you alright?" Hibari said as she slowly raised the
other foot forward, kicking up a good bit of sand as she planted the other foot down
with a booming sound.
"Hibari? Are you alright?" Yagyuu asked.
"Hold on, Yagyuu, I can't hear you." Hibari said. She gently lowered herself towards
the ground and held a hand in front of Yagyuu. The normal-sized girl hopped on and
amazingly stood still even as Hibari quickly stood back up and held that same hand in
front of her face.
"I said are you alright, Hibari?" Yagyuu said.
"Well… yes, I'm fine, even though I'm way bigger than I'm supposed to be." Hibari
"Is this your Super Secret Ninja Art?" Yagyuu said.
"Oh, yes! Yes it is! Not so super secret now, is it?" Hibari said. Yagyuu smiled.
"A sense of humor. I am glad you still have that despite your added stature." Yagyuu
"Well, I'm just glad you're okay, Yagyuu. Seriously, I don't know how I grew this big.
I was only supposed to grow maybe 50 feet tall. But the spell should be wearing out
any second." Hibari said.

The giantess then looked down and saw Asuka, Katsuragi, and Ikaruga running
towards her feet.
"Oh, hold on, Yagyuu. I better get the others." Hibari said. She kneeled down once
again and lowered the same hand that Yagyuu was on, allowing the other three girls to
climb onboard. Hibari once again stood to her full height.
"Hibari!? What happened to you?" Ikaruga asked, with Asuka posing the same exact
"I was just telling Yagyuu. I was practicing my Super Secret Ninja Art, which allows
me to grow big and stomp everyone into defeat." Hibari said.
"Except she grew too big for some reason." Yagyuu finished.
"Oh my! What a cool Super Secret Ninja Art to have!" Asuka said.
"So you're saying you're not supposed to grow this big?" Ikaruga said. As Hibari
nodded, she suddenly looked over to a very entranced (and drooling) Katsuragi.
"Huh? Katsuragi?" Hibari said.
"Oh. My. Heavenly. Stars." Katsuragi said. Asuka and Ikaruga immediately figured
out what Katsuragi was staring at.
"Oh boy." Ikaruga said, realizing that Katsuragi was staring right smack at Hibari's
bigger-than-ever breasts on top of her bigger-than-ever cleavage.
"Heh, maybe now you'll stop picking on my breasts because they're so BIG." Asuka
Katsuragi shouted. Hibari blushed a bright red upon hearing that request.
"Um… well…" Hibari said.
"Go ahead, Hibari, let her. It's like a dream come true for her." Ikaruga said with a
"Alright, whatever you say." Hibari said. She moved her hand slowly towards her
right breast so that Katsuragi could jump from a safe distance. While she was doing
that, Asuka suddenly held onto her head.

"Oooooh…" Asuka said.

"Huh? What's wrong, Asuka?" Ikaruga asked.
"I… I don't know, I've got this whooping headache all of a sudden." Asuka said. Just
as she said that, her body briefly glowed a bright pink.
"Huh? Asuka, you just glowed pink." Ikaruga said. The same thing happened to
Ikaruga herself, which Yagyuu caught with her one visible eye.
"So did you, Ikaruga." Yagyuu said.
"Huh?" Ikaruga said. The same thing eventually happened to Katsuragi (who didn't
notice yet) and Yagyuu. And then it happened, and Hibari was the first to catch it.
"(gasp) Oh my! You're growing too! You're all growing bigger!" Hibari said. Indeed,
the other four girls were enlarging as well. Hibari had to set the girls back down on
the ground as they quickly filled up her hand with their growing bodies. Once on the
ground, the girls could clearly see they were growing as they watched their eyes go up
Hibari's body like they were on an elevator.
"Wow! The ground already looks so small!” Asuka commented as she looked down
and saw her growing feet pushing sand and rocks in almost every direction.

Eventually, the other four girls felt their growing stopped when they reached the same
size as Hibari. The first one to grow to 500 feet tall tried to lighten up the mood.
“Well, um… at least I have some company!” Hibari said as she twiddled her fingers
“Hibari? What happened? Are you responsible for this?” Ikaruga said.
“I didn’t do anything, I swear! I’m so sorry, everyone!” Hibari said as she bowed her
head repeatedly at the other girls. Yagyuu, unsurprisingly, was the first to console
Hibari as she rested a hand on her fellow freshman’s shoulder.
“It’s okay, Hibari. No matter how it happened, at least we are all in this predicament
together.” Yagyuu said.
“Awww… thank you, Yagyuu.” Hibari said.
“But if it wasn’t you, Hibari, how did this happen?” Asuka asked.
“Hmmm… you said you used your Super Secret Ninja Art, right?” Ikaruga asked.
“Yes.” Hibari replied.
“Perhaps there’s added power from this island when using a ninja art of any kind. It’s
no wonder this island is so secret and known only to very few.” Ikaruga said.
“Wow… you can tell that, Ikaruga?” Hibari asked.
“I’m just guessing, Hibari. Considering how little we knew of the true powers of the
Yin and Yang scrolls, who knows what sort of magic we could be dealing with? All I
know is the enhanced magic probably radiated from your body, hence making us grow
as well.” Ikaruga said.
“Bah! Never mind how it happened! I just have one thing to say to you, Hibari.”
Katsuragi said, suddenly with a very serious look on her face.
“Y…Y….Y…Yes, Katsuragi?” Hibari asked. Then, just as suddenly, Hibari found
herself being wrapped in the tightest hug she can ever imagine from her friend as
Katsuragi wrapped her arms nearly around Hibari’s body.

“I LOVE IT!!! Teeheeheehee! I’ve always wanted to be Katsuzilla!” Katsuragi said.

“Oh… I see.” Hibari said.
“Hibari, do you know how long this effect lasts?” Asuka asked.
“Ummm… well, that’s the thing. We actually should’ve shrunken back to our normal
sizes by now.” Hibari said.
“What!?” Ikaruga shouted.
“Normally I can only stay in an enlarged state for a short amount of time… it’s been a
few minutes now, far too much time has passed!” Hibari said.
“And there is no other way to reverse the spell?” Yagyuu said.
“Not that I know of…” Hibari said, again twitching her fingers nervously.
“Couldn’t you just undo the effects, like one could disengage a shinobi kekkai?”
Asuka asked.
“It’s not that simple with a ninja art, I’m afraid…” Ikaruga said. She was about to get
into another possibly long-winded explanation on how ninja arts really work, but
Katsuragi quickly interrupted.
“Yada, yada! Who cares!? Maybe the spell just takes longer to undo because of how
much more powerful it is. So you know what I say we do?” Katsuragi said.
“What’s that, Sister Katsu?” Asuka asked.
“I say we leave this suddenly small and cramped up island and go find bigger fish to
fry!” Katsuragi said.
“Wait, you’re not seriously suggesting finding a city, are you!?” Ikaruga shouted.
“Why not!? We’re giant girls! We can do whatever we please! I can just imagine
many little girls admiring my super big boobies!” Katsuragi said as she cupped her
breasts in the top half of her bikini and bounced them up and down.
“No! Absolutely not! I recommend we stay here until hopefully the spell undoes
itself.” Ikaruga said.
“Pffft… you do what you want! We’re on vacation! I’m ordering myself around this
time!” Katsuragi said as she turned around and happily stomped across the beach and
then made her way towards the ocean.
“Ugh! Katsuragi, wait!” Ikaruga said. Asuka, Hibari, and Yagyuu watched as the two
made their way into the water and off the island, walking through the ‘shallow’ water
towards their next destination, wherever that may be. As Asuka suddenly had visions
of Katsuragi rampaging around an innocent city, that’s when she knew she had to
follow them off as well. She looked over to Hibari and Yagyuu.
“Look, I can’t just stand here and do nothing. I have to help Ikaruga somehow.”
Asuka said.
“We understand, Asuka. That’s why we’re coming with you.” Yagyuu said.
“Huh? You are?” Asuka said. Yagyuu nodded.
“No matter what happens, this is a once in a lifetime chance to view life from a
different perspective. Right, Hibari?” Yagyuu asked.
“Um… yes! Yes, you’re right!” Hibari said.
“Okay then. Let’s go.” Asuka said. As she walked in the same direction as Ikaruga
and Katsuragi, she suddenly stopped when she looked up at the sky and saw it
bending and warping in different directions for a short while. Then the activity
stopped. When Yagyuu and Hibari ran past Asuka, Hibari stopped and looked back at
her fellow giantess.
“Huh? Asuka? Why did you stop?” Hibari asked.
“Oh, it’s nothing. I thought I saw something, but maybe I’m just imagining things.”
Asuka said.
“It’s probably the vertigo from seeing the world around you so small. I had that
problem when I first grew.” Hibari said.
“Really?” Asuka said.
“Yeah! I stumbled onto the ground from the shock and ended up crushing my enemies
with my butt the first time!” Hibari said. Asuka quickly pictured that scenario in her
“Oh… no kidding.” Asuka said.
“Teehee, yep! I think it was funny at first. That’s why I sometimes jump in the air and
then cast the Super Secret Ninja Art so I can land on my behind.” Hibari said with a
“Hibari, I’m glad you’re enjoying your Super Secret Ninja Art so much.” Asuka said.
Suddenly, Yagyuu joined in on the conversation.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but Ikaruga and Katsuragi are quickly adding to the distance
between them and us.” Yagyuu said.
“Right! Sorry, Yagyuu. Let’s go, everyone!” Asuka said as she and the other two
giantesses now found themselves knee deep in the ocean water, leaving Megame
Island all by itself once again.

Katsuragi felt her body slowly sinking deeper into the ocean. Even though she was
500 feet tall, parts of the ocean were clearly still too deep. This allowed Ikaruga to
finally catch up with her fellow giantess.
“Katsuragi, stop! Think about what you’re doing!” Ikaruga said.
“Oh, I've thought about it! I'm as big as those old Japanese movie monsters,
something that only happens in fanfiction to pretty girls like me! You betcha I'm
gonna go find some old abandoned city to stomp to pieces!" Katsuragi said with great
"Old, new, abandoned, populated, I don't care! You're still big enough to kill people
with one wrong step!" Ikaruga said.
"Pffft… come on, Ikaruga! These Super Secret Ninja Arts are probably like our
regular Secret Ninja Arts! Maybe this is all an illusion and nothing's really happening
except in our subconscious minds!" Katsuragi said.
"Well, maybe." Ikaruga said. Katsu did bring up a valid point. Although Secret Ninja
Arts leave behind big explosions and it looks as though scenery is being torn apart by
their moves, especially if they had a worthy adversary like either the Hebijo Academy
or the five top notch students from that academy known as Crimson Girls (a group
that included her own rival, Yomi), actual damage is minimal, if not negligible.
"And besides, you're probably jealous I'll get all the envious men and women to
myself." Katsuragi said with a sly smile.
"What!? N…n…no! That's not it at all!" Ikaruga shouted.
"I tell you what. I'll let you play around with any cute little people we come across on
one condition." Katsuragi said.
"Condition?" Ikaruga said.
"That you watch and learn on how to really throw these people for a loop! Take that
cruise ship for example!" Katsuragi said as she pointed out to a cruise ship several
yards away that could easily be mistaken as a toy boat from her perspective.
"Oooookay…" Ikaruga said with an uneasy tone. She could only watch as Katsuragi
took a deep breath and then submerged herself underwater. The water seemed to be
rippling lightly from Ikaruga's perspective, but one look at the cruise ship rocking up
and down feverishly told her otherwise for the normal-sized people.

At least, she assumed there were normal-sized people onboard the ship. In reality,
however, the ship was actually devoid of people. There was not even a captain
roaming the ship asking how everyone was doing or a navigator who was guiding the
ship every which way it had to go. Nevertheless, Ikaruga watched as Katsuragi’s
blonde hair could barely be seen underneath the water. She shuddered to think of the
fates of all those people onboard the ship.
As for Katsuragi, once she felt she was underneath the ship, that's when she slowly
raised herself upward. As she let out a gasp to catch her breath after holding it
underwater, she suddenly gazed her eyes downward to see where the cruise ship
ended up. It was laying on both her breasts.
"Oops! A bit of a miscalculation on the rising!" Katsuragi said.
"Gee, you think?" Ikaruga said. She couldn't help but giggle seeing the cruise ship
rock and roll from side to side as it tried to stay on top of Katsuragi's incredibly large
breasts. It would rock more and more as Katsuragi playfully cupped her top and
bounced her chest up and down.
"Teehee! Bouncy bouncy!" Katsuragi said. Her playtime with the cruise ship allowed
Asuka, Yagyuu, and Hibari to finally catch up with the two giantesses.
"Oh my!" Asuka said.
"Oh, be careful, little cruise ship!" Hibari said, watching as Katsuragi continued to
play with the ship by bouncing her breasts up and down. Even though there were no
people falling off the ship (when clearly there should've been by now), Ikaruga
couldn't watch any more.
"Okay, Katsuragi, that's enough for now." Ikaruga said.
"Awww… come on, Ikaruga! Surely you want to bounce this little ship on your
breasts!?" Katsuragi said.
"I said THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ikaruga shouted. Her voice echoed through the sky and
surprised even Hibari as she stood close to Yagyuu.
"Okay, okay. Party pooper." Katsuragi said. She then set the cruise ship and watched
as it sailed away into the distance.
"You know, I'm not going to be able to contain myself when we get to a city. I betcha
all of us won't be able to." Katsuragi said with a mean face towards Ikaruga.
"Well, I can certainly try! We can't just go stomping around the world just because
we're some hundred times bigger than usual! What about the fact that we're supposed
to be shinobi? You know? Not seen by anybody else!?" Ikaruga shouted.

Before the argument could proceed any further, there was suddenly a loud growling
"W…W…What was that?" Hibari said.
"Hah! Maybe it's Godzilla or Ultraman coming to visit! Bring them on! I'll show them
who the bigger giant is!" Katsuragi said as she grinned and pounded her hands
together like she was ready for a fight.
"Um… actually, that was my stomach." Asuka added.
"Yeah… mine too. I guess I am kinda hungry." Ikaruga said.
"Clearly we cannot stay where we are at. Without food we will starve, and
subsequently we cannot survive. Proceeding is our only logical course." Yagyuu said.
"HA! And we all had our last meals at the same time! So I don't think any of us are
going to stay put." Katsuragi said with a smile towards Ikaruga. The leader of the girls
just sighed.
"Fine, fine. We'll proceed, but I better not hear you complain when we get back to
Hanzo Academy. You know full well Sensei is going to know about us doing this."
Ikaruga said.
"Whatever, let's go! Look, there's an island with a big city on it!" Katsuragi said. The
five girls indeed looked out in the distance and saw a rather big island even with their
huge sizes. They all noticed the vast city that made up the majority of the island.
Katsuragi wasted no time in walking towards the island.
"Huh? I don't think I recall seeing that island before." Asuka said.
"Nevertheless, it's the closest one in plain sight. That's where we are going to find
some food." Ikaruga said.
"And little people to maybe play with?" Hibari joyfully asked. Ikaruga sighed,
knowing there was no way some of the girls were going to be denied in playing the
mega-sized city-destroying giantesses she had seen movies and books about in her
spare time.
"(sigh) Yes, and little people to play with too." Ikaruga said.
"Yay! Don't you think that will be fun, Yagyuu?" Hibari asked.
"If you will have fun with such an activity, Hibari, then so will I." Yagyuu said with a
smile. As the two best friends went walking after Katsuragi, so did Asuka and Ikaruga
as all five bikini-clad mega giantesses made their way to the island city.

As the girls got closer and closer, they could already see actual people stopping
around the edge of the city. Some were already running and screaming as the
giantesses got closer and closer, and Ikaruga couldn't help but gulp nervously…
After Katsuragi first set foot in the city, with ocean water running down her body and
wetting the streets beneath her giant feet, she smiled seeing the city spread out before
her eyes. The people and vehicles trying to get away from her feet (except for a few
gawking up at her magnificent body), the emergency sirens ringing all around, the
buildings she both towered over and towered alongside… it was all music to her ears
and candy for her eyes. She couldn't help but giggle in delight.
"Hehehehe! Oh, this is going to be a hoot!" Katsuragi said. She was so entranced with
the sights and sounds in front of her, she didn't even notice the slight amount of drool
coming out of her mouth, which Ikaruga brushed off when she finally caught up with
her fellow student.
"Huh? What did you do that for!?" Katsuragi said.
"You were drooling." Ikaruga said.
"Huh? No, I wasn't." Katsuragi said.
"You were clearly dazed at the sight of such a tiny city laying before your eyes. I
imagine a natural feeling for any other girl in this situation." Yagyuu said as she and
the other two giantesses, Asuka and Hibari, finally caught up. The screaming from the
tiny people intensified as soon as Yagyuu, Asuka, and Hibari all set foot on land just
as Katsuragi and Ikaruga did a couple minutes ago. The five giantesses all had
different reactions as they looked around the tiny city. Katsuragi had already made her
emotions clear.
"My gosh… look how small everything is!" Asuka shouted.
"Wow! Isn't this great, Yagyuu? To be so much bigger than some of these buildings?"
Hibari said.
"If you are enjoying it, Hibari, then so will I." Yagyuu said with a smile.
"Ugh… this is crazy, Katsuragi! We shouldn't be here!" Ikaruga shouted.
"Oh, for crying out loud! This island probably isn't even real. Watch… I'll crush this
bus and it'll simply vanish." Katsuragi said as she watched a tour bus try to speed by
her feet, but Katsuragi was quick to raise her foot and lower it towards the bus.
"No, wait!" Ikaruga shouted. But of course it was too late, as Katsuragi planted her
foot on the ground. A few seconds later, Katsuragi lifted that foot up. The road was
shaped exactly like the bottom of her bare foot, and the bus she had crushed was
flattened into a crushed mass of metal with pieces of the bus, wheels, and various
fluids like oil and water making up the middle of the hole. Even there was no blood
visibly present, Katsuragi was amazed to find she had crushed that bus.

"Well, okay… apparently that bus was as real as it gets. Heheheh…" Katsuragi said,
laughing awkwardly.
"Damn it, Katsuragi! Those were real human people you just crushed to death!!!"
Ikaruga shouted.
"Hey, I'm sorry, okay! But you know what?" Katsuragi asked.
"What!?" Ikaruga asked.
"That just pumps me up even more! I'm a real life monster-sized girl, and nothing's
going to stop us from becoming queens of this city!" Katsuragi said.
"K…K… Katsuragi…" Ikaruga said.
"Look, Ikaruga, this doesn't even look like a major city like Tokyo or Kyoto. Maybe
nobody will ever know we stomped around a tiny little unknown city like this."
Katsuragi said.
"I dunno. Being hundreds of feet tall would be hard to miss in this day and age of a
modern connected world." Asuka said.
"(sigh) Alright, alright. We'll stay and play around in this city. More importantly we
find some food that will be enough to feed our enlarged stomachs. But if the Sensei
ever finds out about this…" Ikaruga said.
"Hah, if Sensei finds out, I'll smother him with my big and beautiful breasts! That'll
calm him down in a hurry!" Katsuragi said with a grin on her face as she cupped the
top of her bikini and bounced her chest up and down repeatedly. She then turned
around and started walking further into the city, keeping a slow pace mainly to tease
the people trying to escape her massive feet. Ikaruga sighed one more time.
"(sigh) I know I'm going to regret this." Ikaruga said as she brushed some of her long
black hair aside.
"Come on, Ikaruga, it can't be helped. How often do we get the chance to go around
being this big?" Asuka asked.
"Look on the bright side… Haruka would probably be very jealous that she's not
bigger than me anymore." Hibari said with a giggle. The other girls couldn't help but
laugh a little as well.
"Fine. Let's split up and find a good source of food. And… maybe have some giant
fun as well." Ikaruga said.
"Yay! Thanks, Ikaruga! Come on, Yagyuu, we'll walk around the city together!"
Hibari said. She started walking in another direction separate from Katsuragi and the
others, dragging Yagyuu with her as she held onto her hand. Ikaruga and Asuka went
their separate ways as well, and the five-way giantess attack was on.

Asuka kept her walk cautious at first, trying not to crush any panicking people
underneath her feet. She could tell some people weren't running and were instead
trying to get a good look at her massive bikini-clad body.
"Oh, be careful! I could've stepped on you!" Asuka said. As she kept on walking, she
tried to imagine what she looked like from ground level. For some reason, she was
instead seeing an image of a frog jumping in between her breasts like what happened
back when she was practicing her Secret Ninja Art and was deeply in fear of them
once upon a time. It caused her to jitter a bit, resulting in her shifting her right foot
during her next step a couple inches to the right. It may have only been a couple
inches, but it was enough to cause a couple male screams she picked up to suddenly
be muffled.
"(gasp) Oh no… I didn't…" Asuka said to herself as she slowly tilted her head down
and slowly lifted her foot up. For a couple seconds, she saw a couple young men
crushed against the pavement drenched in blood… but before she could react any
further, the bloody and broken men faded from sight right in front of her eyes.
"Huh? They just vanished?" Asuka said. She suddenly thought back to when the sky
was bending and warping around briefly on her way to the city.
"Were those people an illusion too?" Asuka asked herself. She then walked over to the
nearby glass building, which was about 50 feet taller than she was. Even as she
planted her feet in front of the entrance of this building, people still scrambled around
her feet trying to get away from her. The people felt real as she felt them tripping over
her toes, some even falling between them.
"For imaginary people, they sure feel real." Asuka said to herself. With a big and
nervous gulp, Asuka lifted up one of her bare feet and brought it down on a larger
group of people, roughly 10 to 15. Unlike the accidental stomp earlier, Asuka made it
clear this stomp was deliberate, not just by pressing her foot as deep into the ground
as possible, but by twisting her foot clockwise and counterclockwise. Asuka took a
deep breath and lifted up her foot, seeing a much more bloody and mangled mess of
body parts from crushed people. But again, a couple seconds later, the bodies
vanished into thin air. Asuka was looking at nothing but the ground crushed where she
stomped her foot.
"But how…?" Asuka said.

But before she could wonder any longer what the deal was with those people, Asuka
suddenly felt a tremendous force grabbing both her breasts.
"BIG BOOBIES!!" a female voice shouted behind her. Asuka quickly realized who it
was standing behind her, even before she looked at the reflection in the glass building
in front of her.
"AAAAAH!! Sister Katsu!!!" Asuka shouted, her eyes becoming crossed as she
helplessly watched Katsuragi grope her chest in every direction possible. Eventually,
Asuka was finally able to shake loose, bumping against the glass building and
cracking some of its windows as she turned around and faced Katsuragi holding her
chest who had a big grin on her face.
"Teeheeheehee! I wonder what all those little people inside that building thought
having such big boobs in their face." Katsuragi said.
"Sister Katsu… really! Can't you wait until we're back to normal before you play with
my chest?" Asuka said.
"Pffft… and miss the opportunity to play with a now Quad Z or something cup sized
chest belonging to the famous granddaughter of Master Hanzo? My little Asuka has
finally grown up!" Katsuragi said as she wiggled her hands towards Asuka's chest.
"(sigh) Why can't you play with Ikaruga's chest or something. Or maybe Hibari's or
Yagyuu's? Their boobs are just as big!" Asuka said, turning her body away.
"Yeah, the only problem with Yagyuu is she'd probably stab me with that umbrella of
hers." Katsuragi said. She then looked down at the ground and saw a bloody mess of
crushed people at the entrance of the glass building, the same people Asuka crushed

"Whoa! Damn, Asuka! You really splattered them good!" Katsuragi said.
"Huh? What?" Asuka said.
"Down there! That pool of blood! Did you cause that?" Katsuragi said as she pointed
down at the bloody mess. Asuka was looking down at the footprint left behind, and
there was nothing there. There used to be a bloody mess, she remembered, but they
had vanished. She wondered how it was that Katsuragi could still see those poor
innocent crushed victims.
"Ummm… yes! Yes, I crushed those people." Asuka said.
"Wow, that's awesome! How did it feel!?" Katsuragi said.
"It felt… kinda good, but then again, I knew those people didn't have a chance against
my mighty foot." Asuka said with an innocent smile.
"Ah, very nice, but I want to see how powerful your chest is!" Katsuragi said.
"*gasp* No, please!" Asuka said as she covered up the top part of her bikini again.
"Oh, relax. In fact, I'll leave as soon as you push those beautiful mountains of flesh
through that building!" Katsuragi said.
"Promise, Sister Katsu?" Asuka said.
"I promise! Go on, give that building a boob kiss!" Katsuragi shouted. Asuka sighed
and complied with Katsuragi's wish, but despite the pervy nature of what she was
about to do, it was a chance to see what was really going on, if this whole thing was
real or not. With that, Asuka turned around and faced the building while Katsuragi
took a position to the side to get a better view of the action. After one more deep
breath, Asuka essentially 'dove' right in, leaning forward and planting her chest right
through the building.
"Yahoo!!! Boob plant!!!" Katsuragi shouted, watching as the building put up very
little resistance as Asuka's chest dug its way deeper and deeper into the structure.
Asuka, meanwhile, just watched as parts of the building seemingly disintegrated as it
was pressed harder and harder against her chest. Finally, she pulled away, watching as
fragments of the building either clung on top of her chest or rained down onto the
ground. Asuka was impressed.
“What incredible power…” Asuka said quietly, although even that whisper sounded
like a normal sized person’s voice to the panicking people below. Katsuragi, on the
other hand, wanted to see more.

“Come on, my big sweet Asuka! Get in there and show them what you’re made of!”
Katsuragi said as she gave Asuka a push on her backside.
“Eeeeeee!!!” Asuka shouted as the sudden push made her lose balance and fall
forward onto the building, pressing not only her breasts inside, but most of her upper
body. People on floors that were underneath where Asuka had planted her boobs
earlier could only watch as Asuka’s skin every last bit of the outside, and they found
themselves sticking to the smooth layer of outer skin, unable to avoid dodging it as it
came storming through the structure.
Eventually Asuka could not descend any further, and she used her arms to push
herself out of the severely damaged but somehow still standing building. Almost her
entire upper body, including her head, was covered in dust and debris leftover from
the building, but Katsuragi was quick to point out something else clinging onto
Asuka’s body, namely her chest.
“Teehee! There we go! Look at those little people on your boobies!” Katsuragi said.
After brushing off the mess on her head, Asuka looked down and gasped to indeed see
a mix of tiny men and women mostly fainted around her chest.
“Oh my…” Asuka said.
“And now my favorite part!” Katsuragi said. Making sure to be quick so that Asuka
wouldn't have a chance to defend herself, Katsuragi grabbed the other girl's breasts
and instantly squeezed them together, smushing the tiny people either underneath
Katsuragi's hands or between Asuka's boobs.
"Sister Katsu! Not so hard!!" Asuka shouted. After about 30 seconds of rubbing back
and forth, Katsuragi finally let go and took note of the blood stains all over Asuka's
"Oopsie! I guess I made a mess there! Let me clean that up for you." Katsuragi said.
As Asuka looked down on her chest and couldn't see any of the blood stains, let alone
any dead leftover humans left behind, she watched as Katsuragi drenched a couple of
her fingers with saliva and used it to wipe the blood that only she could see off the
chest. After a couple minutes of rubbing, Katsuragi saw the chest was sparkly clean,
almost literally.
"There we go! Good as new!" Katsuragi said.
"Um… thanks, Katsuragi." Asuka said.
"My pleasure! Now come on, what do you say we go find some fuel tankers to crush
and cause a big explosion?" Katsuragi said as she wrapped an arm around Asuka's
backside. Asuka looked to her right side and saw Ikaruga casually stomping around.
"Um, why don't you go on ahead? I want to see what Ikaruga is doing." Asuka said.
"Alright, fair enough. But trust me, you're going to miss out on some explosive fun!"
Katsuragi said.
"I'm sure I'll manage, Sister Katsu." Asuka said with a cute innocent smile. The two
giantesses finally went their separate ways, leaving behind a wake of destruction that
included a severely damaged glass building. Asuka, without watching where she was
stepping and what she was stepping on, quickly gained ground on Ikaruga.
While all the giantesses had been walking slow taking in the sights and sounds of the
mayhem they were causing, Ikaruga was probably the slowest of the five. She was the
most, shall we say, honorable of the five and knew the mental consequences of taking
another person's life. Still, her curiousity was getting the better of her, and she couldn't
help but want to get a closer look at everyone's panicked state of mind. Checking the
ground around her and seeing no people in imminent danger, Ikaruga slowly got down
on her knees and hands and was now crawling on all fours.
"Don't be afraid, people. I promise I won't hurt you." Ikaruga said. Of course, she
didn't expect everyone to listen to her pleas. She'd run like heck too if a giant woman
were marching towards her. Nevertheless, she crawled as slow and steady as possible,
trying to observe the running people.
Some people, like with the other giantesses, weren't running at all. They instead
wanted to get an up close look at Ikaruga's incredibly huge body, namely her breasts.
Ikaruga quickly figured this out as she stopped crawling above two men, who were
reaching into their pants as the giantess's breasts bobbed and weaved in front of them.
You can figure out where it's going from here, but Ikaruga already did.
"Ugh! Such inappropriate behavior. Go on, scat!" Ikaruga said as she lightly brushed
the men with her fingers, causing them to suddenly bolt into running for their lives.
"Ikaruga?" a female voice said behind Ikaruga. The giantess turned around to see it
was Asuka standing behind her.
"Oh. Hi, Asuka." Ikaruga said as she stood back to her full height. In doing so,
however, her hand accidentally swiped one of the nearby buildings and a large chunk
of its roof fell to the ground.
"Shoot!" Ikaruga said.
"Hey, don't feel too bad. I accidentally stepped on a couple cars on the way here."
Asuka said.
"(sigh) Anyway, how are you doing, Asuka? I'm sure you're probably getting a kick
out of destroying this city and killing all these innocent people." Ikaruga said.
"Well, yeah, actually. I don't think any of the people are real, even though the city
appears to be." Asuka said.
"Huh?" Ikaruga said.
"Well… I know it's kinda hard to understand…" Asuka said. She then saw a tiny
person trying to inch closer to Ikaruga's giant bare feet, and Asuka picked the
lucky/unlucky little devil as her test subject.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" the man screamed before he was crushed into a
bloody paste.
"Asuka!?" Ikaruga shouted.
"Ikaruga, for some reason after I crush a living person… he or she disappears from
my sight. Like right now!" Asuka said. Ikaruga looked down and still saw the bloody
body there.
"But… but he's still there!" Ikaruga shouted.
"I know, that's the weird thing. It's like only I can see this is just an illusion." Asuka
"Hmmm… well, you did bear the full power of the Yang scroll at Hebijo Academy.
Still, it seems we have no way of knowing what's real and what isn't." Ikaruga said.
"I'm afraid so." Asuka said.
Ikaruga suddenly changed facial expressions, probably faster than that it takes for her
to disappear like a true shinobi.
"Then in that case, I shall not hold back any further." Ikaruga said. She suddenly
started walking forward and turned to her right. She walked past the tall buildings that
previously obscured her from that street, and the giantess was now in plain view to the
tiny people running like mad from her.

Even the tiny people sensed something different about the giant Ikaruga. Previously,
she had an unsure look while looking around. Now, she was walking with full
confidence, complete with that classic fee-fi-fo-fum look on her face. Asuka was not
too far behind, and in fact, Ikaruga called for her assistance.
"Asuka, please don't allow those people to escape any further." Ikaruga said. Asuka
was initially surprised by Ikaruga's request, but did not argue with her fellow giantess.
"Okay!" Asuka said. She didn't have to think for long to figure out a way to stop the
tiny people from escaping. Despite her massive size, she easily leapt high in the air
and landed on the other side of the street, about 50-75 feet away from where Ikaruga
was standing. The city shook almost to its core as the ground shook thanks to Asuka's
powerful landing that was only made stronger thanks to being 500 feet tall. A few
people got crushed underneath her feet, as did a pickup truck that made a wrong turn,
but Asuka watched as the rest of the people came to a screeching halt as her feet were
blocking the only other ways out of the street.
Ikaruga caught up and the people crowded together as they wondered what the two
giantesses would do, although even Asuka was wondering what the previously
tentative Ikaruga had in mind.
"So what are we going to do with them, Ikaruga?" Asuka asked.
"I don't know. Do you have any ideas?" Ikaruga said with a cute smile on her face.
Asuka's jaw seemingly dropped to her chest and then she had a few sweatdrops
coming down from her head.
"M…M…Me? Why me!? You're the one that said keep them from escaping!" Asuka
"Yes, but you probably have more creative ways of dealing with these people than I
do." Ikaruga said. As Asuka tried to think of a way of playing with the tiny people that
lay in front of both herself and Ikaruga's feet, she watched as Ikaruga was brushing
her long hair again. That simple sight gave her an idea.
"Oh, I know!" Asuka said. That's when the giantess reached down and grabbed two
handfuls of tiny people, closing her hands together to keep anyone from falling back
to the ground. She then walked over to her left and saw a building that was just under
half her size, and she dropped these people almost on top of each other on the roof of
this building. She motioned for Ikaruga to walk over and tower over this building
alongside her.
"Alright, everyone! Your challenge is to climb Ikaruga's hair! The ones who make it
to the top of my friend's head will be the winners!" Asuka shouted. Ikaruga raised her
eyes, feeling that was an interesting game to play with the tiny people. She even tried
to imagine what it looked like from the tiny people's perspective; what the view would
be of climbing a strand of hair that was probably thicker than the thickest of climbing
rope ever seen. The people were standing around on the roof, and Asuka understood
"Um… Ikaruga. I think they're waiting for you to put some hair on the roof." Asuka
"Oh, right. Sorry." Ikaruga said. She turned to her right side and set several strands of
her long hair onto the roof, with Asuka pushing some of these folks to start climbing.
Once Ikaruga felt enough people were climbing the right side, she slowly turned (so
that everyone already climbing wouldn't fall) so that the left side was now on the roof.
Soon, everyone on the building was now climbing at various speeds up her long hair,
with both girls (in particular Asuka) watching the game take place.

Meanwhile, Hibari and Yagyuu were walking around together around the city.
Yagyuu had her typical somewhat stoic look on her face as she walked around and
stomped the streets below, which was completely the opposite of her best friend,
Hibari. Because she, on the other hand, was joyful and clearly looked to be having a
good time.
"Boom Boom BOOM!!!" Hibari said, shouting the word with each step she took. The
longer Hibari stomped around, the more Yagyuu smiled. She was glad to see Hibari,
who she felt was as close as a sister to her, having such a wonderful time.
“Oh, Yagyuu! I’m having so much fun! Being so big feels so wonderful!” Hibari said.
“I am glad you are feeling happy, Hibari.” Yagyuu said.
“Oh, but we’re doing something bad by causing all this destruction, aren't we?" Hibari
"It does not matter to me or what others think. If you are happy, then I am happy as
well." Yagyuu said.
"Awww… thanks, Yagyuu!" Hibari said.
Hibari and Yagyuu kept walking down the streets until they both heard a young man
screaming out in terror.
"Everybody run! The Giant Pink-Haired One is on the loose!!!" the man shouted.
Hibari heard that and couldn't help but laugh as she watched the man run away.
"Teeheehee! I like that, The Giant Pink-Haired One! What do you think, Yagyuu?"
Hibari asked.
"I think it sounds wonderful." Yagyuu said with a smile.
"Thanks! I guess that makes you the Giant White-Haired One." Hibari said with a cute
"On the other hand, I think we should stick with just Hibari and Yagyuu." Yagyuu
"Hmmm… yeah, you're right. Those sound like monster names for those old monster
movies." Hibari said.

As the two giantesses continued to stroll around, Hibari suddenly couldn't resist
looking down at Yagyuu's bare feet, seeing numerous people trying either
successfully or unsuccessfully to dodge the feet. It made her look down at her own
sandals (she was the only one of the giantesses wearing some kind of footwear) and
watch as people tripped up trying to get off either the huge feet or the flowers on the
top of her sandals. When Hibari moved her eyes up Yagyuu's body and focused on her
midsection, she got an idea.
"Oh! Yagyuu, we're so big, I have something I want to try." Hibari said.
"I see. This won't hurt, will it?" Yagyuu said.
"No, no! Don't worry! I would never hurt you just as you would never let me be hurt.
Although… it might hurt for the little people." Hibari said with a smile. Yagyuu was
intrigued, and simply stood still while she watched Hibari kneel down and scoop up
several people into her hands.
"Teehee! Everyone hold on!" Hibari said. Using her other hand, she pinched together
a couple fingers and trapped some people in between. Then she took those fingers and
moved them towards Yagyuu's belly button, slowly opening them up and watching as
the tiny people fell towards the open hole, although a large majority of the people
slipped out and wound up falling towards the ground.
"Oops!" Hibari said as she quickly lowered a hand and caught these people in midair.
"Sorry about that! I did tell you all to hold on!" Hibari said. Yagyuu seemed to
understand what Hibari was trying to do, and offered to help.
"Hibari, perhaps it would be easier if I laid down on the ground." Yagyuu said.
"Oh, okay. We can do that." Hibari said. After a nod from Yagyuu, the white-haired
girl known by the eye patch on her left eye sat herself down on the ground, crushing a
few smaller buildings and the street filled with a few people and cars underneath her
behind. Hibari couldn't help but be impressed.
"Wow! Now that's what I call a BOOM!!" Hibari shouted.
"Hehe, whatever you say." Yagyuu said with a smile. Once she was almost flat on her
back, only leaning her head up a bit so she could see her body, Hibari (still holding
onto the many people in her hand) got down on her knees close to Yagyuu's body.

Before Hibari could lower the people down onto Yagyuu's belly, specifically her belly
button, Hibari stopped and showed a bit of concern.
"Oh, but won't these people fall to their doom if you're laying down like that?" Hibari
"Well, the belly button, if you'll remember from elementary school, doesn't really lead
to anywhere in the human body. If anything, they'll just be trapped inside with only
the light from outside shining down on them. Even then, we're so incredibly big and
we've already killed many innocent people, it can't be helped." Yagyuu said.
"Yeah, you're right." Hibari said.
"But you know, Hibari. You don't have to drop all those people into my belly button.
I'd like to see some of them wander around my skin like ants at a picnic." Yagyuu
"Oh! I'd like to see that too! Okay, I'll just drop them all around your midsection."
Hibari said. Having settled on that, Hibari tilted her hand over and sorta sprinkled the
tiny people all around Yagyuu's midsection. Some of them fell right into her
bellybutton, disappearing from sight, while other were clinging onto the outer edge of
her navel, trying desperately not to fall inside. Others were either on Yagyuu's
immense, yet silky smooth, outer skin while a select few landed on top of the bottom
part of the giantess's pink-and-white bikini. No matter where everyone was, Hibari
was enjoying watching what she was seeing.
"Wow! Look at them running around, Yagyuu! It's like they can't believe we're so big
and don't know where to go." Hibari said.
"Actually, some people I know where they're going." Yagyuu said as she pointed
down to her belly, watching as a few people were trying to run to her side and jump
off to safety.
"Oh dear… that wouldn't be a short drop." Hibari commented.
"I agree, so we should make their deaths quick." Yagyuu said. Just as quickly as she
said that, Yagyuu lowered her hand and smacked it against the side of her stomach.
When she lifted the hand up, there was nothing left except blood stains.
"Oh my!" Hibari said.
"I'm sorry, Hibari. I thought it was for the best." Yagyuu said.
"It's okay, Yagyuu! Like Katsuragi said… we're so big, we can do whatever we want,
right?" Hibari asked.
"Yep." Yagyuu said. She couldn't help but giggle when she saw people continuing to
fight their way out of being 'swallowed' by her belly button. After looking up at
Hibari's body, she couldn't resist flipping things around in the other direction.
"Hibari. I'd like to put some people on your body." Yagyuu said.
"Oh, really?" Hibari said.
"I've been enjoying this, and I think you will too." Yagyuu said.
"Okay, whatever you say!" Hibari said. The pink-haired giantess got up and walked a
few feet away from Yagyuu, proceeding to lay down on the ground herself, watching
as she was crushing everyone and everything that couldn't make it from underneath
her giant body.
Yagyuu, despite what the people on her body were trying to do, got up after she saw
Hibari lay down on the ground herself. As these people fell to their inevitable deaths,
whether that be splatting themselves on the ground or getting crushed underneath
Yagyuu's feet, the giantess kneeled down next to Hibari. She reached down between
Hibari's legs and grabbed as many people as she could.
"Ready, Hibari?" Yagyuu asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be." Hibari said as she blinked her cross-shaped pink eyes and
smiled. Yagyuu then sprinkled these tiny people all around Hibari's body. They
landed on various spots as Yagyuu moved her hand back and forth, landing on places
such as in her navel, around her navel (and trying to keep from falling in if necessary),
around her stomach, on top of the bottom half of her bikini, and even just underneath
her breasts, which looked like steep upward hills from their viewpoint.
But one thing was different compared to Yagyuu. As soon as the people started
moving around, Hibari started to squirm around. Then she giggled.
"Teeheeheehee…" Hibari said as her giggling slowly picked up in intensity.
"Hibari?" Yagyuu asked.
"Teehee, hahaha! They're tickling me, Yagyuu! Hahahaha!!" Hibari said as she
continued to shift her body left and right, crushing a few people on the ground and
even rocking those that were on her body, some of which couldn't hold on and they
fell off to their deaths. Yagyuu couldn't help but smile. She remembered Hibari being
incredibly sensitive to the touch; the slightest touch on her skin with her fingers would
cause her to laugh uncontrollably.
"Never fear, Hibari. I will protect you." Yagyuu said. As fun as this was for her to
watch, she didn't want Hibari to 'suffer' for too long. And so she got down on her
knees again, this time spreading them on either side of Hibari's stomach. The giantess
didn't waste any time, spreading the palms of her hands (so Hibari wouldn't laugh
hysterically anymore) around and crushing any human still standing on her friend.
Because it was with Yagyuu's palms, Hibari felt much more relaxed, almost as if she
was getting a massage.
"Oooooh… Yagyuu, this feels very nice." Hibari said.
"Shhhh… just rest easy, my friend, and let me heal your body and mind." Yagyuu
said. Hibari couldn't help but moan softly as Yagyuu continued to carass her skin.
"Yagyuu?" Hibari asked.
"Yes, Hibari?" Yagyuu said.
"I can't begin to tell you how glad I am to be your friend." Hibari said.
"You don't have to, Hibari. I know." Yagyuu said with a smile. Hibari closed her eyes
and let the soft massaging from Yagyuu's hands put her mind at ease despite being
500 feet tall like her.
"Mmmmmmmm…" Hibari softly said.
But soon the gentle carass would be interrupted by the buzzing of jet planes that were
coming fast for the two giantesses…

After the first wave of jet planes flew at least a hundred feet over both Hibari and
Yagyuu, the two giantesses both looked up at the sky and noticed the faint trail of
smoke that the jets had left behind.
“It seems this city’s defense force has arrived.” Yagyuu said calmly as she stood back
to her full height. She helped Hibari back to a standing position as well by taking her
hands and pulling her up from the ground.
“Oooooh… I guess so. Look at the tanks rolling toward us.” Hibari said as she pointed
towards the ground where some tanks were indeed rolling up to their massive feet.
“I do not see how they will succeed, or why they even bother to try. We are massive
enough to crush these things like tin cans underneath our feet.” Yagyuu said.
“Oh, I like that comparison, Yagyuu!” Hibari said happily.

Once the tanks stopped rolling up, the soldier inside the lead tank popped his head
“Stop or we’ll fire!” he shouted. For some reason, this soldier did not have a
megaphone equipped on him, so his words could not possibly reach the two
giantesses. Yagyuu couldn’t help but find the whole thing amusing.
“The soldier does not even find a way to amplify his voice. This is quite tragic, I must
admit.” Yagyuu said. Hibari took a couple steps towards the tanks and kneeled down
to get a closer look.
“Teehee! They look so cute, like little toys! Maybe we should play with all of them,
Yagyuu.” Hibari said with a smile.
“Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!” the soldier said as he suddenly scrambled back into his tank.
Once inside, all the tanks pointed their cannons up and started shooting up at the pink-
haired and pink-eyed giantess. Although the cannons did not hurt, the shots still
bounced hard off Hibari’s face and she reacted to the quick hit of pain.
“OW! Owowowow!!!” Hibari said as she covered part of her face and walked around
almost in a circle. Naturally, being almost her protector, Yagyuu showed concern.
“Hibari! Are you alright?” Yagyuu asked.
“They shot me in the nose, Yagyuu… but I don’t think it’s anything serious.” Hibari
said as she quickly calmed down after rubbing her nose with her fingers. Still, this did
not sit well with Yagyuu.
“Still, they attacked you without prior warning. I will see to it that they pay with their
lives.” Yagyuu said. She then turned around and angrily looked down at the tanks that
were firing up at them.
“You attacked my friend without notice. I will see to it that you share the same fate.”
Yagyuu said. Without wasting another second, Yagyuu raised her foot up and flat out
crushed one of the tanks. It was reduced to rubble almost instantly, and the mega
giantess did the same thing with the other tanks as they tried to turn away and escape.
She even picked up one of the tanks and crushed it apart by closing her hand up.

Suddenly, Yagyuu turned around when she heard Hibari’s voice again.
“Yagyuu! The jets are shooting!” Hibari said. Indeed, Yagyuu and saw a couple of the
jets had fired off a few missiles that were speeding their way towards Hibari’s body.
Yagyuu was quick to react, however. She backdashed to stand in front of Hibari, and
just as quickly, she magically summoned her umbrella that she used as her primary
weapon in combat. She opened it up and easily blocked the missiles. As soon as she
heard the missiles explode on her umbrella, she leapt several feet up in the air (despite
her massive size) and slashed those same jets out of the sky, incinerating them out of
thin air thanks to the powerful energy from her umbrella.

She landed on the ground where she had engaged the tanks, causing it to shake
violently and topple nearby smaller buildings. There was only one tank left and
Yagyuu slowly walked after it. Before she could raise her foot and step on it,
however, she heard a call from behind.
“Wait, Yagyuu!” Hibari shouted as she walked up alongside her friend.
“What is it, Hibari?” Yagyuu asked.
“Can I stomp on this tank, pretty please?” Hibari said.
“Sure, no problem.” Yagyuu said with a smile.
“Yay! Get ready, you mean little tank, here comes the boom!” Hibari said. She raised
her foot and, pretending there were several evil ninjas at her feet like what would
normally happen when she casted her growth spell, planted it down on the tank,
crushing it completely and leaving a huge footprint in the ground.
“Wow! That really felt good! Did you like it too, Yagyuu?” Hibari said.
“I did. Part of me actually briefly wished we can dispose of all our enemies this way.”
Yagyuu said.
“Wow! That’d be so cool!” Hibari said.
“And yet it wouldn’t be the shinobi way. That’s why we should both enjoy this
physical and emotional state of mind while we still can.” Yagyuu said.
“Yes, I agree, Yagyuu.” Hibari said as she and Yagyuu hugged each other for a few
“So what should we do now?” Yagyuu asked.
“Well, how about we just walk around the city some more? Maybe we’ll figure
something out along the way.” Hibari said with a smile.
“Alright, whatever you say.” Yagyuu said as she smiled right back. The two mega
giantesses walked away and left behind the crushed tanks to continue their journey.

Some of the jets that had buzzed by Hibari and Yagyuu eariler were instead moving to
attack the other three giantesses who were standing together. Asuka, Ikaruga, and
Katsuragi all watched as jets either flew by or circled overhead. At the same time, a
small army of tanks and police cars pulled up towards the giantesses from almost all
“I was wondering when these little boogers would show up.” Katsuragi said.
“Oh, you knew they were coming?” Asuka asked.
“Well, why wouldn’t they? A giant woman destroying the city? Works every time!”
Katsuragi said.
“Yet there’s five of us wandering around. You would think they’d get the same hint as
the people of this city and try to evacuate.” Ikaruga said.
“Bah, whatever. It’s their funeral!” Katsuragi said as she slowly approached the group
of attack vehicles.
“Teehee! What do you little boys and girls think? I bet you wish you were this big so
you can do things like this!” Katsuragi said. She then nudged one of her toes forward
and flipped a police car over on its roof.
“Or this!” Katsuragi said. Next, she kneeled down and lowered her head towards the
ground, sweeping her hair quickly across the area. The thick strands were quick
enough to knock a couple more cars over on either their sides or their roofs. Katsuragi
laughed as she stood back to her full height.

“Or better yet… this!” Katsuragi said. The next move came as a surprise to her fellow
giantesses. Katsuragi reached a hand back and actually pushed Ikaruga forward with
tremendous force.
“ACK!!” Ikaruga shouted. The sudden push caused her to lose her balance and fall
face first onto the ground, causing a massive quake and destroying everyone and
everything (including the tanks and police cars) beneath her body.
“Oh my!” Asuka shouted as she covered her mouth in shock. Ikaruga, meanwhile,
rolled onto her back and just stared up at both Katsuragi and Asuka.
“Ikaruga, are you alright?” Asuka asked gently.
“Of course she’s alright! I’ve done that sort of thing to her before in the spa. Go
ahead, check on her!” Katsuragi said. Then came Asuka’s surprise of being pushed in
the back just like with Ikaruga earlier.
“Eeeeek!” Asuka said as she tumbled down towards Ikaruga, who could only brace
herself as Asuka landed front side first on top of her. The resulting boom sound was
much more cushioned given that Asuka was landing on top of another giantess and
not solid ground. Ikaruga, however, was in the uncomfortable position, as far as she
was concerned, of having her face partly stuck between Asuka’s breasts.
“Ummmm… Asuka? You think maybe you could give me some breathing space?”
Ikaruga said in a muffled voice. Asuka looked down and realized what Ikaruga meant.
“OH! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, Ikaruga!” Asuka said as she quickly got off Ikaruga and
sat alongside her, allowing her friend to sit up as well.
“Don’t worry, Asuka. You and I both know Katsuragi did this on purpose.” Ikaruga
said with a smile.
“Um… yes. Yes she did.” Asuka said.
“Hahahahaha! I give that landing a 10!” Katsuragi said as she walked up towards her
two fellow giantesses. She held out a couple hands and used her strength to help both
Asuka and Ikaruga to their feet.
“No hard feelings, Ikaruga? It was the quickest way I could think of to dispose all that
artillery.” Katsuragi said.
“Yeah, it’s fine. Except for the mess it left on my skin.” Ikaruga said as she brushed
off the many pieces of debris left behind from the crushed ground.
“Awww, come on! We can just rush back to the beach and go swimming in the ocean
to clean ourselves off.” Katsuragi said.

Before they could even consider that option, all three giantesses could feel a steady
stream of bullet fire at different parts of their skin. Of course, the bullets did not hurt,
but them tickling their skin definitely caught their attention. They all looked up and
saw the jets flying in every direction possible.
“Just like moths to a flame.” Ikaruga said.
“Bah! More like mosquitoes flying onto a normal-sized human’s body!” Katsuragi
said with a grin on her face.
“Something tells me you want to deal with those pests… er, I mean, planes?” Asuka
“You betcha, my 50-story-tall friend!” Katsuragi said.
“And how do you propose we reach and destroy these jet fighters? Perhaps we should
transform into our shinobi clothing.” Ikaruga said, folding her arms underneath her
“Hell no! I want these little perps to die in a perverted state!" Katsuragi shouted.
"You certainly have a way with words, Sister Katsu." Asuka said as she smiled and
twiddled her fingers together.
"Thank you, Asuka! Now watch and learn!" Katsuragi said. Planting one foot firmly
into the ground, Katsuragi then started going into her break dance manuevering, her
legs decimating any buildings that stood in their way. Once she felt she had built
enough energy…
"Tornado Spindle!" Katsuragi shouted. She suddenly spun her body rapidly upside
down, eventually causing a tornado to appear. The jets could not get out of the way in
time and found themselves being pulled around by the heavy wind. Eventually, the
tornado disappeared and the jets were out of control, half of them slamming into the
ground (in areas already destroyed by the giantesses).

More importantly to Katsuragi was the fact that some of the pilots, who had ejected to
keep from going down with their jets, were floating down in their parachutes towards
the three giantesses. Katsuragi watched as one of these troopers landed right in
between her massive breasts, which she immediately cupped into her hands.
"Hehe! You go squishy now!" Katsuragi shouted as she jiggled the top of her bikini
up and down before shoving her breasts together.
"Noooo!!...." the pilot shouted before he was reduced to nothing but a blood smear on
her skin, one that once again vanished in the eyes of Asuka.
"What a way to go." Ikaruga commented.
"Hey, Ikaruga! I got an idea. Follow my lead!" Katsuragi said as she kept her focus on
another parachuting pilot. As the pilot helplessly descended, Katsuragi turned around
and playfully wiggled her behind around. Ikaruga looked at said behind and
immediately knew what she was getting at.
"Ah, I see." Ikaruga said. She turned around herself, showing the backside of her
black bikini to the pilot as he was now at stomach level of the giantesses. When he
was at butt level…
"Now!" Katsuragi shouted. She and Ikaruga backed up and collided behinds, rubbing
them together and easily crushing the innocent man.
"Hahahaha! That was awesome!!!" Katsuragi shouted with great delight, even going
as far as high fiving Ikaruga.
"Yes, that was rather exhilarating." Ikaruga said with a smile.
"HA! And to think we started this whole adventure with you begging us to stay on the
island." Katsuragi said. Ikaruga didn't feeling like countering that statement. Instead
she looked over at Asuka, who was watching another person parachuting down
towards her.
"What will you do, Asuka?" Ikaruga asked.
"Well…" Asuka said. With only seconds to make a decision before the pilot glided
down past her, Asuka walked underneath the man, who flailed his legs about trying to
get away, and watched as he floated down into her now open mouth. Once he was
inside, Asuka closed her mouth, and the force caused the parachute to unfurl and the
man fell helplessly into Asuka's stomach.
"Bravo, Asuka!" Katsuragi said.
"Teehee, thanks, even though I didn't really feel him as tiny as he was." Asuka said.

Meanwhile, while all this was going on, watching from the far edge of the city on a
mountaintop a couple of miles away were three well known figures of Hanzo
Academy. First was the sensei of the five girls, Sensei Kiriya. To his right was
essentially the face of the Hanzo Academy, Master Hanzo himself, better known as
the grandfather of Asuka. And to Kiriya's left was Daidoji, a former student of Hanzo
Academy who left years ago to train herself until she was ready to defeat Rin, another
former student who was close to Sensei Kiriya.
"Oh, I'm so proud of my granddaughter! She has really grown up!" Hanzo said.
"In more ways than one, I should remind you." Daidoji said with a smile.
"Asuka certainly has grown up since she first came to the academy. No pun intended,
of course.” Kiriya said.
“Ahem… yes. The same can be said for the other four girls as well.” Hanzo said,
suddenly going back to a serious face.
“Sensei, even with the combined energies from the three of us, we cannot keep this
barrier up forever.” Daidoji said.
“I agree. I think it’s time the girls know the truth.” Kiriya said.

The three giantesses were soon reunited with the other two mega-sized shinobi girls as
Hibari and Yagyuu joined the party.
"Are you three okay? I heard a loud booming sound earlier." Yagyuu said.
"Oh! Yeah, we're okay. That sound was from me pushing Ikaruga and Asuka to the
ground to crush some tanks." Katsuragi said with a smile.
"Oh wow! That's a clever way of dealing with them!” Hibari said.
“But you should’ve just seen how we disposed of some jet fighter pilots.” Ikaruga
“Let’s just say there was no butts about it! Teeheeheehee! And speaking of butts…”
Katsuragi said, who suddenly couldn’t help but slither her way behind Asuka to get a
good look at her behind. Asuka looked behind and saw Katsuragi making her usual
perverted motions, and she went running around in circles around the other giantesses.
“Eeeeek! Sister Katsu!” Asuka shouted. After the two ran around for a few ‘laps,’
Ikaruga suddenly kicked her foot forward and Katsuragi tripped over it!
“Whooooaaaa!!!” Katsuragi shouted as she went crashing down into the city block she
was towering over, demolishing everything underneath her massive body. As
Katsuragi rolled to her backside, she looked up at Ikaruga smiling and Hibari giggling
as she leaned on Yagyuu’s shoulder.
“See what happens when you don’t pay attention?” Ikaruga said. Asuka laughed a
little bit too, even though she was breathing heavily from running around trying not to
get her butt squeezed or even worse by Katsuragi.
“Ho ho, very funny! Haha… I’m dying of laughter.” Katsuragi said.

As Katsuragi got back on her feet, she and the other girls looked around and suddenly
watched as the scenery began to warp around viciously.
“Huh? What’s happening?” Ikaruga said.
“Are we warping to another time and dimension?” Katsuragi said.
"Wait… this is like from earlier!" Asuka said.
"Huh? Earlier?" Ikaruga asked.
"When we were walking through the ocean away from the island, I saw the sky warp
briefly in a manner similar to this." Asuka said.
"But what's going to happen now? I'm scared, Yagyuu!" Hibari said.
"Never fear, Hibari. I am here to protect you." Yagyuu said.
Suddenly, just as quickly as the warping phenomena appeared, it was gone. On top of
that, there was no more destroyed city taking up the views of the mega giantesses.
They weren't even in a city anymore. They were back on the beach of Megame Island,
the island they had previously departed. Also, they were all back to their regular sizes,
seeing a mountain behind them towering over them.
"Awwww… we're back on the beach and back to normal size! Darn, I was having so
much fun!" Katsuragi said.
"Or were we? Was all this just a dream?" Ikaruga said.
"If it was a dream, how come we're still in our swimsuits?" Asuka asked. Suddenly,
there was an explosion that covered the area in smoke. The girls covered their eyes
and coughed the smoke away as it quickly dissipated.
"Well done, ladies. Jolly good show, as the pirates that inhibited this island
generations ago might say." a male voice said. The five girls looked to see the voice
belonging to Sensei Kiriya as he, Master Hanzo, and Daidoji all approached. Of
course, they knew it was him from his explosive entrances that they never tired of.
"Sensei Kiriya!" Ikaruga said.
"Grandpa!" Asuka said.
"Hoho! Sorry we had to pull you girls away from your fun and games, but the shinobi
kekkai was going to wear out soon and we didn't want to lose you." Hanzo said.
"Huh? Shinobi kekkai? So that city…" Ikaruga said.
"…was nothing more than an illusion created by the three of us combined. I mean no
way we were going to let the five of you pulling a Godzilla and go stomping all over
Tokyo." Daidoji said.
"Wait… are you saying even though the city was fake, we really were hundreds of
feet tall?" Katsuragi said.
"That is true, and you have Hibari to thank for that." Kiriya said as he walked towards
the pink-haired shy girl.
"Huh? Me, sensei?" Hibari said.
"Hibari, I am proud of you. You tapped into the mystical energy that surrounds this
island and allowed it to power up your Super Secret Ninja Art. Not only that, but as I
predicted might happen… the energy overflowed from your body and made the other
girls gigantic as well." Kiriya said. Hibari was suddenly reminded of the secret
mission she had been given by her teacher back at the academy.
"Oh, the mission! I forgot about it after growing so incredibly big! I'm glad it was a
success, Sensei." Hibari said.
"That would explain a lot of things. How she grew bigger than normally when using
her Super Secret Ninja Art and how the rest of us grew as well." Yagyuu said.
"Oh, Yagyuu. I hope you're not mad at me, but Sensei told me not to tell anyone about
the mission. Not even you…" Hibari said.
"Don't worry about it, Hibari. I forgive you." Yagyuu said with a smile.
"But I'm afraid you girls have to be punished for your action today." Kiriya suddenly
"Punished? For what!?" Katsuragi shouted.
"For leaving the island instead of remaining on it like Ikaruga had suggested until the
spell wore off." Kiriya said. Ikaruga sighed.
"Told you we should've stayed put." Ikaruga said.
"Oh, come on, Ikaruga! How the hell were we supposed to know we were gigantic for
real!?" Katsuragi said. Nevertheless, Ikaruga dreaded going back to Hanzo Academy
now, having to hang upside down from the ceiling of the hallway for many hours
holding a full bucket of water.
"Now come along, girls. Vacation time is over. Surely the Hebijo Academy and/or
their Crimson Girls are powering up with tactics of their own by now. Gather your
things while I go rent another boat." Kiriya said, who suddenly disappeared in another
serious burst of smoke that dissipated quickly. The girls walked back to the nearby hut
to gather up all their belongings and prepare for the journey back home. Daidoji and
Master Hanzo followed them in to help out, and as they were walking in, Asuka
walked alongside her grandfather.
"Um… Grandpa? How much did you see of me while I was big?" Asuka asked.
"Enough to make me proud of you, my child." Hanzo said with a smile.
"D…D…Did you see when Katsuragi made me crush a few people between my
breasts?" Asuka nervously asked.
"Hoho! That was my favorite part!" Hanzo said, his face blushing a bright red with his
eyes wide open as he imagined the 'sexy' scenario in his head being replayed. Asuka
had an annoyed look on her face.
"GRANDPA!!" Asuka shouted.

She didn't sweat it too much though. She would give him that ultra rough body
massage he dreaded the older she got. And yet she smiled as she walked into the hut,
especially when she looked over at Hibari. She very secretly hoped one day Hibari
would make herself and her friends grow that big for another fun time in another tiny,
unsuspecting city… whether it was real or not.


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