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April 2022 Update im For Beginners All you need to get started with Outdoor Photography LLSMOGNIM. a Black Dog Media aL yi 1 FEATURED INSIDE: Navigating the Start Menu Connecting to the Internet | How to personalise Windows 11 | Web browsing with Edge Using OneDrive Cloud Storage a EE Video chatting with Skype Email, Social Media & Messaging Elo Improving Windows 11 security cgericonison | er Wii and Personal wi-fi hotspots cetogipsmth Eperivorain | IO, cits | Fencigre | cee Senin SovOaEen ITE crete | hockesandvines | bob Troubleshooting & User Advice and much more... a Click the link to BUY NOW from AMAZON ~~) Available in all good bookshops Outdoor Photography For Beginners Starting something new can be daunting. Learning a skill or mastering a new piece of hardware is tough. Even tougher if you have no-one at hand to help. Conversely as the complexity of our consumer technology increases, the size of the requisite instruction manual decreases or in some cases it simply disappears. At numerous times in our lives we have all been “beginners”, there is no shame in that fact and rightly so. How many times have you asked aloud, "What does this button do?”, “Why doesn’t that work?". “What do you mean it doesn’t do that?", "HELP!" At the start of any new journey or adventure we are all beginners but fortunately for you we are here to stand beside you at every stage. Over this extensive series of titles we will be looking in great depth at the latest consumer electronics, software, hobbies and trends out of the box! We will guide you step-by-step through using all aspects of the technology that you may have been previously apprehensive at attempting. Let our expert guide help you build your technology understanding and skills, taking you from a novice to a confident and experienced user. Over the page our journey begins. We would wish you luck but we're sure with our support you won't need it. Contents Outdoor photography hints & tips ¥ 8-19 Outdoor photography hints & tips Getting started 22-23 _Choosingtheright camera Yournext camera? Choosing the right lens Tripodtips Digital storage WH Using your camera 34-35 _ Howimage compression works, 36-37 Theright mode forthe right conditions 38-39 Staying focused 40-43 Howshutter speed atfects your image Changing your view with focal length Understanding how aperture works Landscapes and hyperfocal distance Therules of composition ( CONTENTS eu OL E Pe eC Oe LULU sc PCT CS Tur ae (7 shia Bi 7 OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY HINTS & TIPS Some handy quick reference tips to start you off For many people, new to the world of photography, one of the Cee ees eee eect eh ed eee eee tee Con nL studio or masses of expensive equipment. There is plenty of Pee pees eee eure esc) Sea ewe Us eee eget Ree sce ieee ae sce Photographing outdoors is an amazing and rewarding One Om ec ea te eg Tey tee eau aan the family or a more serious professional endeavour in an exotic landscape, your shots, when taken well, are able to instil Pere en U ea RO a ne ne eas way: ‘wish you were here’. ‘So you have anew camera or you are itching to get one and get out there and start snapping away, filling memory card Smee Re escent ad Teen ih me uae pee eee Meera) eed eee une a cee next level. Go from ‘snap’ to ‘masterpiece’. The rest of this eu eke en ec ce Ton Cone nac ne Choose the right camera When you'r looking to buy 2 new camera for outdoor photography, make ast of your them Don't flint the trap of thinking thats more expansive camera wl make yeusa better photographer: You'remuch more tkely to improve your technique by than by spending moce money than you need to Choose the right lens Ityou'e buying a compact system cameracr standard tography. you ke to shoot set 2 good wide-oom lens bu shoot wife, youl elepto but this wil 29 Buy a tripod The quickest way to improveyour photography arta aroun £120 ($175, €165) etree teccente tonetruction, Avoid ons wth p Mr they ae seldom a * (OUTDOORPHOTOGRAPHY HINTS & TIPS Photo editing software To get the best out of your phot shoto editing software. You can fects ith the Phatos appt Windows or with Photos ona Mac bt for more accurate and detailed work you'inees Sey ‘something more capable. The bests Adobe anc Photoshop but witha month subseripon ° fee itmay be too expensive or most hobby users Fortunately there are plenty of cheaper ‘options. including Corel Paint Shop Pro x9, Corel Afteshat Pro 3 and Adobe Photoshop Element 5. Avoid camera shake Camera shake ruins mere photas than any other cause Youcan avo ty faster shutter speed a Neher St or by using your camera's spotr: ‘mode Try bracing your camera against ‘sold abject such asa wallr tee for ‘tional support. You can elsinate tamera shake altogether by using striped or by resting your camera ona slid surface fang using the two-second sel timer setting ora remate shutter releoze Natural light portrait ‘in flash you're shooting portrait into the sun with your subject's face in shadow, use your camera's lash to hel Sunight and iin those dar cameras those dy have flash setting tat ll work ‘meter o produce the corect result but not use the fash on full power and reduce the aperture by ne ore stops a avoid a Group portraits Ityou'e shooting 9 grove portal outers ‘tytafindalocaton that es you postion your subjects at dit broad step, low wal a prcbanch or ‘even the trunk of fale ree make ial impeompt stages, and add interest to what would otherwise be airy dll photo, Postion Shorter people he front of he group or get ron to knee so that everyone Portrait backgrounds When shooting a portrait eutdoors. ahways be aware of bjetsn the backeround and how sng a wide aperture (arrow depth of fl) to blurthe background while keeping the subject sharp. you want» sharp backgroundin your Shot. ake ear to position your subject 0 8 to ‘avoid abtrusve distractions (OUTDOORPHOTOGRAPHY HINTS & TIPS Time of day When shooting landscape shots, the time of day isallimportant. You cant contra he postion ofthe sun inthe sky, so you'll have to wa for itte bein thet postion to provide the best lighting for your scene. Make a nate of suneet and suns times andty to vst the same locaton several times at feent times of cay The favourite times fr perfect lgting ar an hour after sunrise and an hour before sunse Position Since youcan't move thelandseape {srcund to ut your composition, choosing the ight poston to take your shots l-important. Stuy the scene you want to capture and ty topeture how would lok rom higher up, lner down or from a diferent angle. Be aware of abstractions such 5 and pylons. and try ta choose alocation that minimizes their impact. The perect nation may involve & bitof hiking but itil be wert RA Harmony and balance ‘There's more oa god landscape ompostion than jsta snapshot of some nice ils Ty to include foreground deta such a8 of wall, rock formations or plants. They willadd depth anda sense ‘of perspective and srae to your pure and make for auch more interesting Ccompostion-Try to balance freground deta wth background deta harmanios balance ovo este a postion L Sh sie” EN MW Be? 753.5 tei Whatever the weather Remember thatthe weathers part ofthe landscape ‘oo, Whi anice sunny day's perfec for outdoor shotograpty, natural weather eects such as mis, clouds fend even rain canbe used to create an attractive photo under the rent ercumstances Make the weather part ‘of your compositon. Try capturing mst nearly morning ight, o raindrops hitting dle or the surface of ake, ‘Cloud formations can addinterest othe composition of a panoramic landscape shot {When shooting in low Fat the most important, thing to remember i that your camera's exposure meter vltry tbighten everthing tpi thi can cause probleme wth mage noise at higher I$0setongs. To capture ml it subjects against a dark nighttime background try reducing you exposure bya couple of stops. This willasohelp to reduce the blurring caused bycamera shake and meving subjects during long exposures. Night photography ‘ou can capture amazing photos af the stars ona clear rightby setting your camera on atrpod, setting the aperture tts widest poston and using the 8 exposure Setting and cable release to hold the shutter open for five or se minutes, Make sure you're wel away rom any light sources suchas street ightsor passing car. Ifyou point your camera tnards te Ple Star (or the Southern Cross) youll capture the apparent cular mation ofthe stares the Earthrotates & ‘OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY HINTS & TIPS Flash te od PAU te) Cd a ay PEG normal teed Get on their level wil capture the weld rom the chil’ point WHAT IS ADC Le ee Ce CeCe cas De ee eC ee Ce ee ee ee eras eed Unlimited satisfaction one low price Cheap constant access to piping hot media Protect your downloadings from Big brother Safer, than torrent-trackers 18 years of seamless operation and our users' satisfaction All languages ETT mV mold lel-eic AvaxHome - Your End Place We have everything for all of your needs. Just open Exposure compensation Your camera's exposure meter wilusualy try to make everthig inthe frame app Animals The ala Concerts you have the equip ‘OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY HINTS & TIPS an abandoned warehouse of deserted beach preferably jst ‘tor dawor ust before sunset, use a wide rglelens al shoot at alow ale trom the front quarter ofthe car withthe rant wheel tuned beacehs butt works. ing from the side. One han ifyou plan todo lot of close-up workisaring ash which proves even luinatin rem a Sports and action Tre summeris a goed time to photograph ports an ather outdoor atts, Fo atast telephoto nt (but ory tp for you, try geting at ur zoom lens at maximum length Careful 202s to minimige motion Bluring. ports mode, use tha. Adventure photography you're keen on outdoor pursuits such as hiking camping sing, kayaking and soon You na doubt want o take photos ta record ‘our adventures. Most normal cameras don {ake too kinly to beng soakod in rainor submerged in themany waterproof, shockproof cameras range of action cameras you do want totake your DSLR along vest in afuly waterproct case such asthe Aquanoc Focal length Focallength, or the 200m setting af your lens, isonet your most important creative tools Longer foal lengths lat you gt closer to ddstant subjects hist wide ange settings let youcapture mare of your surrouncings However, most people only eer seem touse the minimum and maximum settings yoo dots you're mssing out on alot of ereative potent Use focal length creatively to Imorovecompositian ort focus attention on detaeina scene. Depth of field Depth of fils the cstance between the nearest and most catant bjectsina.scene that = arein focus. tis controlled bya combination of aperture an focal langth ange animpertant treatwe tol for mproving your photograph Use a narrow depth ofl wide aperture) to Isolate subjects agains a lured background for use alarge depth of fl (narow apertrs) (OUTDOORPHOTOGRAPHY HINTS & TIPS Focusing Your photo needs tobe propery focused butts important to make sure that youfocus onthe Fight pon. For narrow-cepth-of tld porta, try focusing on the subject’ eye thats closest tothe camera, Forbig panoramic andecapes using narow apertures. marualy focus on a point roughly ane thi of the cetance between the foreground andthe most distant point. This should ensure thatthe whole scene locks sharp usualy more accurate Hot weather Hot weather can aso cause some problems vith condensation anc high hurt being atthe tpl thelist, Keep. coupe of Bags of your earners bag to absoro an stray moist an wipe of any surlace condensation Soon asi forms, to avoid it seeping inside your camera and messing upthe electronics of fungal blooms growing sie the lens bare Black and white ‘There are many subjects that can look erat inbiackand whit, particularly portraits, rough texture le od stone, and even sndscape shots, However the Back nd white mode on your camera may not co the scene justi, You ean get much more ofthe image by converting the photo 2 This is especialy tu mode, ith ts much yousheet in Raw! Cleaning Like any piece of complex equioment, your camera needs regular care and maintenance is going to contin to rk properly. Dust and drt can cause se 2 oft cloth and use a smal stt brush to get int the 2 proper lint tr 3th and lens clearing fd. which Cold conditions conitons can cause a few problems for jera, the main one beingits tect on batteries. You'l find tht even ona told morning after aclear summer night, your keep a spareina warm inside pocket and swap take your camera back indoors, Batteries Your digital comers can't onerate without sure you fully charge the battery before aking it out the day you're going aay ora holiday remember totake your battery charger and an adaptor for foreign ‘mains sockets: anc maybe consiser vesting na pare battery or external battery packin case you cant charge itfora hile, Thare are also several devices avalab hand cra necator. Bright beach scenes Shooting bright beach scones canbe tricky withan ‘utomatic camera. The exposure meter wil ry tomake that ‘expanse of pristine white sand look ikea mi: tone grey, ‘hich wll cause anytring een the scene tobe under ‘exposed. Use your cameras exposure compensation. or ‘anual exposure your camera has ito ncrease exposure ty two or tree stops to counteract the metered under ‘exposure, Alternatively use spot metering on your subject's facet produce amore accurateresult Rule of thirds Cone ofthe most commonty quoted rules of phetoeraphic compositions the famous Rule ‘of Thirds When composing te scenein the winder. try to psiton the man elaments ofthe scene in such away thatthe alon imaginary ines thao the way across the frame ether vertical or horizontally or even both-This technique works or allkindsof Photography, nt ust landscapes (OUTDOORPHOTOGRAPHY HINTS & TIPS Leading tines ‘There are many rules an guidelines fr photographic composton but one that applies most often andscape photography isthe concept of leacinglines. When ‘composing your st try to tind ines inthe scene, such a5 roads riers, ava ines or hedges. Frame your shot so that these ines willead the viewer's eye into and through the scene They wil ala help to give the scene 3 ‘sense of sale and perspective and his wil also hep with yourcomposton essential and SUES AAU Ce = STARTED SUAS CROC RUSHTON NOOK DT OR WC ug eed you'll need to consider if you are looking to purchase your Teg eS ea St cen Me Meo ue Ce A oe ee eas hand held. That is absolutely fine up to a point. Beyond that, to Pa ee conte ie Un Mee ce) about lens types and investing in a good tripod, are key things to Pea Ce se eo ene Reed Rete en en ete Cee eee ae Ee cece accessories that are available to help you take better photos Renee akan cn | | Choosing the right camera Which one is right for you to take outdoors on your next adventure? meas comein so many shapes and sizes, packed wth gadgets nd technology that canbe confusing tothe average enthusiast. ado that thetact that there aremany types ofeamerasystem too, andyouwoudbe forgiven tor wondering seasierto take Upfishing Instead, Dont wory fyouustwantto snap pictures of yout fiendson holiday orshoot with the latest medium format eamerainthewikis of Borneo, we've gotalist ofcameratypes that help sortitout fo you 1. Standard compact ‘Most compactcamerasalintoths ‘and sports that means your images A eee Pen ers eee ea eed eee eee ee ee Seer eter Ce ee ree ee etnies ee en a ee eee a nen oT eet winder. Itwildtermine what the appropriate aslongas youhold thes ranean aperturesettingshouldbeto ender everything some cameras, Bulbmedecanbe set fromthe en eaters ten arenas BULB . F6.3 o9100 M a OD onesHor @) OO Aperture Priority AE: his allows youto set the lene aperture, whlethecomerailfttosslect themost appropriate shutter speed. Youhave contralove athe her exposure variables, inclucing thecontrolof exposurecompensation Full Automatic Mode: FullAutomatiels incicatedonthe Mode calby agreenrectanguar sutine inthis mode, thecameramakes all exposure decisins with he exception fimage ‘quality Autofocus modeissettoAl Focus. ‘SHOOTING MODES (Close-up Mode (Macro Mode): Turninathe Mage dato the macrotiowersymbo setsthe ccameraior capturing smaller subjects suchas flowers. morningdew on gross, ardother small details, The autofocus mod isautomatialy ‘élusted One Shot. ‘Shutter-Prorty AE:Youcon manually set the shutter speed youwant toworkwith while the camerschaosesthe best coresponaing aperture setting Youhavecontolover all bother exposure variables including exposure compensation Flash Off Mode: Flash mode cisables both the ternal lash heacand any external flash unit conectee Focus see oA Focus mode, he AF assstlamp dsabled.1S0 and whitebalanceare etautomatically aswell. ‘Sports Mode: This mode usesa faster shutter speed tocapture fest moving subjects ike feotbal piayersrracingears. Theautofocus modi s automaticaly settoAiServato predictive track your subjectandeepitin focusasitmoves, Creative Auto Mode: When sottoCA mode, the cameraalons theuser to acust picture style, ‘motor drive andexposure compensation, asvell ‘astouse the program shfefunction Program AE: Simiar tothe Full Automatic ‘mode butatows morecontroloverthe exposure Nabes. Aperture and shuterspeecare automaticaly selectedby thecamera, but you Eanalter exposure todiferentaperturesby {orning the Mindi. thebacksroundtoemphaszethe subject. ISO andwhte balance are set to Auto. Landscape Mode: Landscape made combines slower shutter speeds with smaller aperture Settngs ta nereasetne depthoftelswnen shooting broad panoramas, sweeping landscapes or ary autdoorsublect where you wantas much sharonessas possible, trait Mode: This modeusesalargeaporture setingtodecreasethe depthof fil, which Burs i Movie Mode: hen Movie mode isselecte the ‘cameras mitrrand shutter open asin Live View mode, butte Live View / Moviebutton onthe Cameraisbackfunctionsasthe start/stop button Tormowerecording Staying focused Don't miss out on a good photo due to incorrect focusing CL aeaar eta Ree een : ead STAYING FOCUSED presstheshuterbtte,ncentinuoustocue a ‘ode twilleontnuetoupdstethefocusiyou | Ta ead thenmovethe camera, utile AF mode wi on einem hodthe samefocus setting asiongasyeuhoks Leelee dlovnthe button untyosaetaly ak he shot “oucanusethstofocsthecameraoni deta taraetsbyindngan objectinthe scenethat's ‘thasamedistanceanayasyourchesen subject * z - focssingonthat ancthentoding the oes ‘Autofocus technology has improved immensely, _andrefamingthe shot. Similarly youcan use t inreversetofocusonabects that aretin the and these days even the most basic modern AF centreofthe frame systems are generally fast, accurate and reliable.’ Moving targets Compactcamera A systemsareusualy -someunatsiowerthanthase DSLR, which means they can have arealprlem focusing on a ‘movngsubeets. Theway roundthisisether Ini fener scored touse continous AF or fyourcameranasthis intend ovemndrwstewianak ‘option tousemanualfous, youeantallunere your subjectispoingtobe, suchasacargong rourdatight comer ona acetrackor achidona ‘swing youcanprefocusthecameracnthispoint andwatotakethepetureat hevightmament. ‘Thismethedtakes some practceand good ‘elles, butiteanproduceexceentreats, Close-ups ‘Aloamerazandleneeshaveaminenurs tocusing distance aclasestpomt beyenduhich ‘thay cannot focus. For marycompactameras thisestance canbe verysmalinsomecasesas ite as 2m (ip, butforstandarsDSLRenses thacstancestendtobelonger Most compact camerashavea'mact’ setting usually denoted bythe symboofatlover Togetcloserfocusine witha DSLRor CSO, special cose-focus macro lenceshavetobe red Depthottielaisgreatyredueadat very close ‘ihichsamplestheimageframthemainpicture _inthesceneto'locken'to.Tryitforyourset:point _focusingdatances, and youmay nds your takngsensor anddetectsstorphigheontast_ your cameraataplainwallorasheot of white AF systamdoesn ttocusontherghipartot segs nthedetalsf the scene. Meanwhile paperandseettilfccuscnit Evenfyeucwna thesubyect.forexampletyouaretryingto aldiptalSLRSusesomethingcaledphase topottherangeDSLRitwon'tbeabletotecusena —ahotographthe centreatafawe, but the AF detection f.whichusesancrrayofseparate featureless surface focuses onthe petals, because they recloser. The dedicatedsensorsusuallymountedbelonandin _Thereareacauple of waystohelpyour bestontion stausea ped, andmanualy sel the ‘tontofthemsinimagngsersor Phasecetection cameratofocusquckYyonascene Mostclgital _focustotheclosest stance. Move thetripodunt ‘samorecomplexsystem,buttsusualymuch _camerashavetheoptiontoselectetiersinglecr _thetrontothe subjectcomes into focus. then fastermoreaccurateandworksbetterinlow contiuousautofocus Youreamerawilnermally carefully manual adjust the focus point togetthe ght Honverbothsystemsrequresomedetal starttofocusonthesceneassoonasyouhalt_rightpartotthe lower tolooksharp _ How shutteespeed=— affects your photos Some simple tips that keep your photos sharp “The wider the range of available shutter speeds, the greater the creative versatility ofthe camera.” ‘more ke fg. Those shots are created byusing your eamera's shutter speeds in iferent ways o create arange of visual effects in your photos. The shutter of your cameraisimply ‘amechanical barrier that prevents ight from ‘entering the camera until itis needed, controling ‘when and or how ong lights allowedinto expose the sensor. The latest gta cameras have high speed electro mechanical shutters capable ot timing exposures with an accuracy measured in ‘rections ofa millsecond ‘Along with the aperture setting and tho senstity conta shutter speediconecfthe thre ways that photographic exposure sadusted When apiturets taken theshuterisopenedforaprecisely measured smountoltimealloninglghttopas through. The durationot the exposureis set ether automaticaly bythe camera'sightmeter or manual the potograpner The widertherangeotavalable shuttor speeds, the greator th creatwovrsatityot ‘Modern digtl SLReamerashaveavery wide range shutter speeds avaiable, usually raring from30 seconds toas igh as /,000thofa second, and most asohave 8 setting, nwtich the shutter stays open eraslongas the shutter releaseis held down Te Bis rombub, Veryold comers commanyusedan airbulb attachment as remote shite reas, ‘Shuterspeedcanbe manually adusteinither fulmarvalesposire modeorin shutter gritty ‘mode. thelatter usually danctedbyan'S'or TV'on theexposure mode a, Shutter proxys sa tomatic exposure made nubichthephotographer setsthe desire shutter speed andthecamera’s exposure system aduss the aperture sccordiegyto produce the correct exposure Inautomaticané program exposure modes the cameravilletboththe ster speedandaperture sutomatialy Under normal day candtons the shutter peedilurualy beet tobetween 1/125 sd 1/1000% of secoed since ths sfast enough {oreezemestmovementandtorecucetheetfects afcamerasake, However in lowlight conitionsthe cameramay et asiover shutter speed, andwith this comes aninereased iskotmavement blu caused by camerashake Most cameras wil diplaysomesort of vomeitthisoccurs. Faces In fight, to water looking HOW SHUTTER SPEED AFFECTS YOURPHOTOS AVOIDING CAMERA SHAKE ‘hen shooinghand-beldandwshngtoavidcamerashaeasarleotthunb youcansselyase a shutter speedroughyequvalntotherecprocal ofthe fecallengthyousreusing Fer example youre singal0Om orallengththenyoucantakeasharpand-belshotata shufterspesdfl/1D0tntasecondortasterHyoureusng235nm ‘ecllengtnen/35tot@ seo sf adsoon. Heresanorample shot taken hand halal length of 100mm andashfter speed of L/100thot second As oucanseeltssharp dshaketee, Here'sthesamehanthadsot but thistimewithashutterspeedot 1/0thot asecond. Atti speedand focallongthismuchmoce dtc tothe camera steady. Asyou cansoe,theresutisquebured, Mary motercanerasincue technology wichcanredicethe eters ofcamerashaestlon shut sped Mary compactcarerasuselectranic processigtocaurteractmovenent whi dos warkbut roucesrebtiel por mage qalty, Anon cg SLRend CSC manufacturersthereaetwotypes ‘image stabieaonincommonuse Cane, NionandPanarincfowuropticleableston where elements thine cameralensare moved counteract camera shake Oherbrandsineuding Pentax, sed Sony employ 25stomhich movesthecaner'sensrte achieve thesamectfec. Threisne car afvantage batweonrovingers and mvig-sanorsyloms Meernimage stolisationsystams oth ypescanprovideateun tree orfursopstatonastabilty, heer thosonsossftmethodasan advantage fr SLR users bocausethenon-stabisedenesareusaly onside ight andere fen asochespertobuy sine te complet antshakesystemisbulinathe «amerabodyRalsorreans tat photographers oe presallenescanstithave the abvantageot Imagestalsaten ‘This example shotwas takenwithafocallngthot 100mmat1/10thof second asbolee,buttis tie theimagestabisations ‘stehadon tha detected thevbraton andcorested ‘by movingthesensorto compensate. resultingina ‘muchsharper shot. MOTION BLUR Anymovomentnte rae dag the oxposare wibecapturedinthepetureresutinginmaton bur An stat systemecan donot ocaect ths thecniyschtonistouseashtterspecd ast enaughtoefectively freeze the action eine tysenseotnatin Withafastenoughshutter speed youcan onze ovenverytastnovngobjets. 35 this nexsequenceofphetoswilshow They were tent shuttrspeedsrangingtroma ity sow1/25thola Secondupto1 000th ofasecond ofa deskfancanalmstbe frozen inpae. “The solution for motion blur is to use a shutter speed fast enough to freeze the action.” THE MISTY WATER EFFECT Cnecttne moctetectve ues olan shutter spend photographing flowing wae sa beaut sight orerusedetfect atisvryeasytoacheve Ary moving box ovate own steam watrtal wd, srg _asthaswhtesplashng water Ths sceels Mesto, beach the Dboncrast youjstpoint te cameraandshootonautonai oulendupwih something tis blon) Rooks ‘ice enough butt sabi This example wasshot onatashutterspeedof /40thotaseconéandan aperture. Fngthecameraonatrpodelinnatescanerashke ‘Youn needtogotthesowet shutter speed youcan ‘Theimagetthetpof the pagewastalen fom asia postonasthe prevusshot.btwiththeationota {stop fiero ve ashe speed of Dseesanden spertret 9, HOW SHUTTER SPEED AFFECTS YOUR PHOTOS CAPTURING MOVEMENT Freez acon th atest ster speed prosuesanice sharpen butsonetnesyounight mato lw aorta cunt movement lrtoshow at hesubjctwasinmeten.Thereareanuméer fay to earths Intistesteampl the comerawastnedonatiped, withashutespeedot1/2800 cfacecond. ete stjects, eld pastin rotors Thetpodensresthathe backrundsstorpandte fastshuterspeedhas ton themovement Theresa Is sharptlokssighty umatura asthough ey were semehon balancing witht moring Witthecamerastil mountedonthe ped, the shutter speedwassetto1 00h sasecordandanther subject camepast. Ths tie thebackgroundisstlsharp, buttesowshutterspeodhas resitedinltsatmvonent bir making the sectalnost unocogrisabe. Inordertocagtre the eting ot ovenent topinage.hebesttectriquestouseaslow ster speed buttopanthe caver (norel eto) tofolowthemovngsubjectsyoupresstheshtte tsatecnquethalrequespratice, sine yuna be abletokep the camera moving sooty as te expesuris taken. aravidupan-éownmoveert ssyoupestheshuter tay tae several esta getitright butwhen tors the resis rveretectve withthe sxbjecstationry aginst movement bared backround This sot wastakenhang-elatashterspeedef IO ‘second Somerecentcamerashaveasettngonthe maestablstionsystemtacorectveralmovementbut ot orzo which eps withthiskndotsot CAR LIGHTS AT NIGHT Anatarintersting fect achive using long shterspeedsisstreakngealigtsat right Thecamerawassetup onatped. sng Imanalfourandfulmanal expos tha ‘ablsatereease Staring an aperture about youvil ned dalinyursetings togetabalancederposure tyoureposire thratinisstittoo sort stopyeu aperture ountot/SSorsmalerantyougetaloner ‘posure durationthatrendrseabhts aon streaks. neal. astute speed of around Secondsisagoedstartg pat. ‘When shoating near eau atfeatight ies obvious imperanta sty safe ear Somathngbightandretetie, addon get tooclose tothe read, lo nereruse fash when taking photosot tafe Youcoulddazeadrver sndeausean eset, FIREWORKS newaytotake good trevor photosistost yourcameraontipodsonedstancermthe Apa. withthe oomsettoaverywieance Seta Shutter spendct2secondsandas ide anaperure 2syoucanmanage Getngtetramingeracly iis snglyamatterotuck tig anthon roppirethephotolater Changing your view with focal length touse in yourou ethers the smallest ower filing the frame of your images wouldnt be possible tocapture without the aldotetferentfocallengths, Biving you very narrow or very wide angles ‘of view.A zoom les allows youte choose inanduse magnifying the tools fr asusting composition Selecting therigh focallength for te scene alows the photographer control perspective, angle of view and magnitieaton, and can racealy alter the mood and style of typesof photo, and the properties of wide-angle and telephoto lenses canbe used to produce particular effects Understanding how focallength ‘works and how taffects your photos isa vital photographic sil LENSES AND FOCAL LENGTH “Selecting the right focal length for the scene allows the photographer to control perspective, angle of view and magnification.’ ‘There are basicaly two ypesctens those wth ied focal aso variable fecal ength, or 200m lenses. They bath have the ow advantages.and deadvantages Prme lances areucualy ‘mallard ighterthan zooms, and also generally haveruch faster maximum ‘ecallenth.Thecpticalqualtyofprime lensesisalso usualy ite higher than the equiaentzoomlens. Zoom enses however aremct more convenient lowing the chotographer a coverawide ‘ange ol fecal length wth stoner twolenes, rather than carrying around buikycoleetonof pretenses. There are somefastzoom lenses. but they tendo beestremely expensive ‘The focal engthofalens a earesonofitsmagiiyingpowt ands the frontofyourcamera usually inscribed acaund the rontofthe ens youlfindthe focallength,orarange of values forzoom lens, Foratypial OSLRIetlens this wil usualy be arcund 185mm. For dgtaleamerasitis tart usualto seetwotigures quted, bath the actual focallngth nd th ‘equivalent length Thereason forqutiigbothis simply that mast peopleare ore aia withthe sizes of 35mmlensessotheyknow that 28immis wide angie and suitable forpanoramie shots, or that 200mm 'satalephotolens.sitablefor Jong-range subjects, Real andequivalent ocallengths are caiterentnecause most talcamera seneors are alotsmalertnan aframe of 36mmtim,andareritteamuch ‘closer tothe lens than the fm would. Most consumer DSLRs use the APS-C sensor format. Exact sizes vay from fone manufacturer ta there, butare typlealy around 225315 mm. frame of 35mm fim measures 26x24mm, which means thatthe edges are 1x longer so the focallength ofthe lens wouldneedto be Lx reaterto produce Tis eusualyrterredtoas the conversion factor or ropfactor It peas that atypical 18-55 DSLR 2zoomlensisroughy equivalent tothe ‘pila 28-80mm 200m ens ten used ‘on35mmsystems Compact comerasensorsare even smaller stil Because there are severa itferent sizes ofsensorincemmonuse tismoreusualfor compact camera zoomlensestoberateginterms ofthe ‘agnticstion ower, suchas 3,4, Ov ete Trsretates ta theciterence focallengths. lens wth arange of focal lenat from 5.8mm to 17-4 scaled a Sxz00m, because I7.4= 3458 Wilender prime lenses 320mm lens woud trallybe20em long. ‘madernptielsystemsuse multipte lenscloments workingin combtin. hh mears thatthelght pat canbe shorteneduhestil maintaningthe same ffectinomagnifeation Asa resutqute ower elephota and zoom lenses can berelatively compact Wide-angle andtelepoctoareretatve tems, Ona 5mm im SLRa Somm lens produces approximately the same perspective andmagniiationasthe human eye, andhas rastionalybeen the standaralenstorthistype of eames ‘anything longer han Om s consiceredatelephote while anything shorters consicered wide ate, Digital SLRs tend ofl these too although consieringhecroo actor therm pont 's approximately 35mm, ‘CHANGING YOUR VIEW WITH FOCALLENGTH EE Ee SCOUT MAGNIFICATION » 7" ‘Thamostobvousetectfateringfocallongth brought closer buttheangleovewbeingreducod Isthechangeinmagnication.Aryenewhohas _sothatasmllerproportonofthesconefils the tveruseda zoom enewilbefamiarwiththis ‘ramect the sensor we lokat cropped down sttet Myouwanttotakeaphotootsomething __setionofthecenteof the wide-angle 2mm alongay aay youzoominand thesubect ‘view wecanseethatitlocks very snr tothe appearscloser 400mm view lthough rather loss shar, because "Thisseresofpholosshowsthecftectofawide- thiscrapped-down sectonoftheframe bvously anglezoomequtalontto25im.mediomzoomot _ hasfrfewerpiaelsthanthefullrame zomedn SOmmandateephotoof400mm.altakenfom image. Thisisthe way that digital zoom worksona thesame positon. ‘compact camera andy gta 200m should Whatisheppeninghereisnotthesubjectbeing never beusedas asubstutefor plea oom. “Acropped-down section of the frame has far fewer ANGLEOF VIEW pixels than the full-frame zoomed-inimage.” Changngtheanleoviewcanbeusedto prosicesomeinterestingetets.twemove Clsertothesubject hte shotningthotoca Tengthwecanseetht though th sje is rough theeameareaotthefinalimage na wise ‘le srotalat more otthebacgroun sabeto essen Tebealokathisseresoffv tues, each onetakenataproxinatelyhathefoalerath otheprevousone Aste ocllngthisediced mort thebackroundcomesiatvewbehing thesubjct. whe bjectsinthe foreground ‘snpearmuchcosertote camer neeasngtne sopearanceotetramaperspectve Asyucanse cpa ewe anlenane codes asta tment ect ‘CHANGING YOUR VIEW WITH FOCALLENGTH DISTORTION Theperspective ttenngflong ncescanatabewedinatherccumstnces sh ascastialleducr depth otk Yuan ese st sta subjety brn othe backgound, site sot above et) Compaethisiththesameshoten thet baler nithawce amples ttmamacilrerange Therese ale thedogisthesamelnboth sas but vette neaedepthol elit wide ae shot te backgroud, athegh apparent ere stant looks sharper. Changing the angle vewsimoartanttoremerber when shoetingsubjcts youuseastortfocallenthto takeaphotoatlserangethenasthatarecosesttothe cameranitappeardspropertonate ge. distorting theshopeofthesuboct nourexampetheresutisa verydstertdtrontethacarththrestot very yin reéatentothe geancheaaghts est photographers wouldchoosetostepbackalte sndzaomin Themes pop cholesatoalengthot se01125100nm shnethiseaits nies tortion Canfllocunthalengtlpotlenscanpekouinis jects esp bis soundings chafing nf necogat ea wtheet aa derctanbetind,Teeanesceesrt ome sanepostonuergs ideargllespresersthesubet anor he retetother ronment aca iret way. ‘Thecramples weve usedhereare extremes intended to emphasise thectfects wee demonstrating. butinfact att people ony ever wsetheirzoom lenses at either maximum minimum settings. Dont do thisoutothabic instead ve te fllrangeof the nt explarealthe diferent possiblities offers, Focal lengths onect yourprmary creative tools, so make gooduseof ns Teen ne te Eyey-V a ele M Wo) a ¢-) EVR CU UOC ALO A LTA er SSIE EMAIL a Coy Cea ay eae rod er ee enc Se ee iy peer etter eee Stee ert eer! eet eee ene eet Pires eee eee eee ne eed ee on er ery Shane ote Sie eR ee een eet ees eer ees \ ae Pree ease ee Reece eat tad eae ere een ey Soe ee ee ee Se epee taeee Pe eee ee) Cee ee eae eee eet See) ee eer eee one enters Se ere eee ete aU Seni) UCC Cog aperture size ETC SEU LC Ce ae ee Pee ere eee eee eT a m4 How aperture works Esplaringevacty wy alerngthe seat thelens pert altesthe depot esate completed, ba fesimpledagramsshoudhelptoshedsomaligt theater For asta et sles up some papular isconeptionsabouttedferencebotveenfoisand Shorprss ‘Thsisahigh sinpiieddagramethearangement fies aperture andsensor ine amodeen ital cazera Inthisistdagram tveesubetsat teent

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