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DATE: 15/06/2023

COURSE: Ingles

TEACHER: Levis Román Abarca

ISSUE: Dengue and its components

GRADE: 4to Sec.


Jhanet López Ramírez - coordinadora
Cristopher Gallardo Ato (no trabajó)
Piero Alzamora Rivas (no trabajo)
Gabriel Canseco Albán (no trabajó)
Leonardo Torres Flores (no trabajó)
Ismael Vilela Zapata (no trabajó)
Dengue disease originates when a virus from the "Flavivirus" family enters our body
through the bite of a mosquito. Likewise, this viral infection is mainly transmitted by
female mosquitoes of the Aedes aegypti family. These types of mosquitoes are
characterized by having white bands or scale patterns on the legs and thorax.


The first dengue epidemic reported in the Americas occurred in the 18th century in
Philadelphia, in the north of the United States of America, and was first described in
1780 by Benjamin Rush; curiously in a cold climate zone.

The introduction of dengue in Peru in the 20th century is linked to the reintroduction of
Aedes aegypti. This vector, after its elimination in Peru in 1956, re-entered in 1984,
with the imminent entry of dengue.

• Classic dengue:

It does not usually present many complications, since the organism tends to recover
completely with the appropriate care

• Dengue hemorrhagic fever:

Whose incubation period is between five and eight days. It is a serious manifestation
and can cause the death of the patient because tachycardia, bone pain, bleeding,
changes in blood pressure, circulatory failure or dehydration may appear.


 It is black with white spots or rings on the back.
 This mosquito measures approximately 5 mm.
 itches during the day in shade or in areas protected from direct sunlight.
 The eggs are laid on the walls of the containers with water; there they transform
into larvae, then into pupae and finally into mosquitoes. In general, it takes
between 8 to 10 days for the egg to become a mosquito.


The mild symptoms of dengue can be confused with other illnesses that cause fever,
aches and pains, or a rash. The most common symptom of dengue is fever causes a
high fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) to any of the following
 vomiting
 Rash
 Aches and pains (eye pain, usually behind the eyes, muscle pain, joint pain, or
bone pain)
 Pain behind the eyes.
 Inflamed glands
Most people recover in about a week. In some cases, the symptoms worsen and can
be fatal. This is called severe dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever, or dengue shock

 Symptoms of severe abdominal pain.

 constant vomiting
 Bleeding gums or nose.
 Blood in the urine, stool, or vomit.
 Bleeding under the skin, which may look like a bruise.
 Difficulty breathing or rapid breathing.
 Cold or clammy skin.
 Fatigue.
 Irritability or restlessness.
 constant vomiting
There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. But it can be controlled as follows:

 While you are recovering from dengue, drink plenty of fluids. Call your doctor
right away if you have any of the following signs and symptoms of dehydration:
 decreased urination
 Little or no tears
 dry mouth or lips
 Lethargy or confusion
Cold or clammy extremities
Over-the-counter acetaminophen (Tylenol and others) can help reduce muscle aches
and fever. But if you have dengue, you should avoid other over-the-counter pain
relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others), and naproxen sodium
(Aleve). These pain relievers can increase the risk of dengue bleeding.

 If you have a severe case of dengue, you may need:

 Complementary medical care in a hospital
 IV fluids and electrolyte replacement
 Control of blood pressure
 Transfusion to replace blood loss

 Discard any useless object capable of accumulating water, such as

cans, disused tires, pots, broken toys and others.
 Keep containers that are not in use upside down, that is, buckets, jars,
cans and bottles.
 Cover the water tanks.
 Renew and clean the water in animal drinking troughs daily.
 Replace the water in vases, vases and containers of aquatic plants with
wet sand.
 Clean gutters and drain bends to allow water to run.
 Get rid of water bottles tied around trees.
 Remove all rubbish around homes.
 Protect yourself from mosquito bites with spirals, pills and place
mosquito nets or metal mesh in the house.
 Apply repellent on exposed parts of the body.
 Keep the water in swimming pools perfectly clean. Use decanters, filters,
algaecides, etc.
 In the case of being absent from home, place larvicides in the pools that
remain with water.
 In the case of canvas pools, check for the absence of larvae or pupae
(they are easily recognizable) and keep them dry, folded and under
cover when not in use.

If you have dengue, protect others.

During the first week of infection, the dengue virus is found in the blood of the infected
person. If a mosquito bites an infected person, the mosquito becomes infected. The
infected mosquito can then transmit the virus to other people by biting them. Avoid
mosquito bites indoors so your family doesn't get dengue.
1- Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
2- Keep mosquitoes outside: use mesh or metal cloth (escrines) on doors and
3- If there is air conditioning, use it.
4- Use an insect repellent registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Dengue during pregnancy:

 There are limited data on the health effects of dengue during pregnancy and
the effects of maternal infection on the developing fetus.
 Perinatal transmission can occur, and peripartum maternal infection could
increase the likelihood of symptomatic infection in the newborn.
 Of 41 cases of perinatal transmission described in the scientific literature, all
presented thrombocytopenia, most had plasma extravasation evidenced by
ascites or pleural effusions, and fever was absent in only two cases. Almost
40% had a hemorrhagic manifestation and 1 out of 4 had hypotension.
 Neonates infected perinatally generally become ill within the first week of
 Transfer of maternal IgG across the placenta against dengue virus (from
previous maternal infection) might increase the risk of severe dengue
among infants who become infected when they are 6 to 12 months of age,
when the protective effect of these antibodies decreases.

Origin of the Zancudo:

The Aedes aegypti has different stages of development: eggs, larvae, pupae
(stages that take place in water) and adult mosquitoes (when they can fly).
They breed in shady and humid places. Dark spots ensure that the water in the
containers does not exceed certain temperatures that would be lethal to the eggs,
larvae, and pupae. When they are adults they require moisture to survive longer, so
tall grasses are an ideal environment that offers food and shelter for Aedes aegypti.
Any container capable of accumulating water can become a breeding ground, but
some can produce large numbers of mosquitoes. For example, car covers are
excellent places for the development of these insects, due to their shape (which
prevents spilling water), their material (insulation) and their dark color, which allows
them to maintain the right temperature.
But also other objects that are inside our houses can be breeding grounds, such as
vases, flower pots or pet drinking fountains. Therefore, this mosquito can also be
raised in an apartment.
It is important to note that this mosquito does not breed in puddles, ditches, lakes,
lagoons or rivers. In those places they can be breeding grounds for other species of
mosquitoes that do not transmit these diseases.
Since the presence of these mosquitoes is a condition for these diseases to
circulate, their presence or the increase in the number of mosquitoes increases the
risk of spreading them throughout the community.

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