Group 8 - Ins 2019 06

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I. Executive summary..........................................................................................................2
II. Introduction......................................................................................................................3
III. Main body......................................................................................................................4
1. What are the challenges a firm may face in pursuing environmental goals?..................4
2. Contextualization............................................................................................................5
3. External drivers...............................................................................................................7
4. Ranking and ranging.......................................................................................................8
5. What solutions do Samsung electronics have when it is difficult to pursue
environmental goals?.............................................................................................................9
5.1. Scenario 4: Ultra-Low Power Semiconductors and Energy-Efficient Electronics
5.2. Scenario 1: Maximizing Resource Circularity Across the Entire Product Lifecycle
5.3. Scenario 2: Invest in and Develop Innovative Technologies for a Sustainable
5.4. Scenario 3: Environment Conservation and Pollutant Treatment Measures..........11
6. Result............................................................................................................................13
7. Validation and refinement.............................................................................................15
8. Interpretation and implementation................................................................................15
8.1. Scenario 1: Maximizing Resource Circularity Across the Entire Product Lifecycle.15
8.2. Scenario 2: Invest in and Develop Innovative Technologies for a Sustainable Future
8.3. Scenario 3: Environment Conservation and Pollutant Treatment Measures.............16
8.4. Scenario 4: Ultra-Low Power Semiconductors and Energy-Efficient Electronics
IV: Conclusion.......................................................................................................................17
V: References.........................................................................................................................18
INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTION........................................................................................19

I. Executive summary

Corporates are feeling the pressure from society to mitigate the environmental impacts of doing
business. When one business claims it will be carbon-neutral by 2040, a competitor jumps in and
claims it will be carbon-negative by 2030, and so on. (Placeholder2) (Park, 2022)

But all these ambitious statements need to be translated into practical action plans. Country
directors, brand managers, and product leads are scrambling to spot opportunities to make some
progress in the next year or two already. Where to start? Energy consumption in production?
Waste reduction? Redesigning the product itself?

While many agree that something can already be done in the short term, the current global
economic crisis makes it ever clearer to everyone that choices have to be made. Resources and
time are limited. Both seeking out opportunities and formulating an action plan are needed.

The emergence of environmental protection solutions, as well as advances in science and

technology, are providing electronics companies with the opportunity to achieve the expected
product output levels in their sustainable, environmentally safe production strategies. The
emergence of environmental protection solutions, as well as advances in science and technology,
are providing electronics companies with the opportunity to achieve the expected product output
levels in their sustainable, environmentally safe production strategies. In this case, we have four
scenarios for a firm may face in pursuing environmental goals.

II. Introduction

What if our grandchildren take "yellow skies" for granted rather than "blue skies"? What if in our
lifetime we had to watch one-third and one-half of the nations on earth disappear? This is not a
Hollywood movie.
Climate change is already fundamentally changing the global economic order. Global Market for
Alternative Energy Sources, i. H. Wind, solar and biofuels will reach $315 billion by 2018. Most
large-cap countries and companies are reacting very quickly to deal with the economic impact

and the golden opportunity to make or save money. For example, the share of China's greenhouse
gas emissions has changed mainly due to a combination of energy reforms, economic
restructuring, and forestry policies. As you know, climate change can pose a significant threat to
the global economy. A growing body of research shows this can have devastating effects on
businesses around the world. This will not only hurt the company's bottom line, but also pose a
great threat to investors. All the regulatory and governmental risks could stifle innovation from
state-of-the-art mega-manufacturing facilities, pushing the global economy towards a low-carbon
environment. However, it can also accompany the threats mentioned above. Businesses can be
aware of regulatory risk concerns, and governments should proactively manage the transition to a
low-carbon economy when planning their business strategies. For this reason, the private sector is
becoming increasingly open to carbon pricing, seeking a more stable regulatory system and long-
term price signals. Samsung Electronics, the world's largest high-tech company by revenue, is
also changing to adapt to rapid climate change and fulfill its social responsibility to consumers
and global citizens. The most appropriate tool to forecast the challenges that Samsung will face is
scenario planning. Scenario planning is a structured way to consider and anticipate the future. In
broad terms, scenario planning involves determining and visualizing probable future conditions
or events, their likely consequences or effects, and how to respond to or benefit from them.
Therefore, scenario planning about what ‘might’ happen in the future, rather than what will
happen, is essentially a road map from the present to the future. There are several important
benefits of scenario planning, including thinking creatively and forward-looking and questioning
assumptions about the future and the drivers and forces that influence a specific sector of activity.
(Samsung Newsroom , 2022)
Our report is structured as follows. We are going to forecast the future of the above-mentioned
trend using the scenario planning framework through nine stages: determining the question,
contextualization, external drivers, ranking and ranging, naming and framing, logic and narrative,
distillation and dialogue, validation and refinement, and the last one interpretation and
implementation. This report seeks to understand the difficulties Samsung faces, thereby figuring
out how best to achieve its environmental goals.
III. Main body
1. What are the challenges a firm may face in pursuing environmental goals?

A representative question, which is a wide but strategic topic that serves as the foundation for the
scenario's integrity and correctness, is included in each scenario plan. What are the challenges a
firm may face in pursuing environmental goals? There are several challenges that a firm may
face in pursuing environmental goals which covers up to the issue of sustainability and hence,
Sustainability is a key issue of our time, catalyzed by fundamental social and technological
changes. Using sustainable development requires companies to rethink their strategic
perspectives and consistently put them into practice to create value with clear indicators and
specific actions. This is a huge challenge for enterprises, but it also provides new opportunities
for organizational development. Now we're talking about a big tech conglomerate, Samsung
Electronics, which discusses how Samsung Electronics will affect the environment and come up
with some scenarios to address those issues, the 2030-2050 vision.
2. Contextualization

The table shows the data of smartphones in 2015 and so, Samsung took the lead in the race in
terms of smartphone sales. They sold 83,437,700 smartphones, accounting for 20.7% of the tough
market share. Following closely is Apple with 71,525,900 iPhones sold. (Nguyễn, 04/04/16)

In 2019, the pandemic has brought about a new normal and altered the life of every individual
across the globe. 2020 marked the most challenging year in history, and like every other industry,
the smartphone industry is also experiencing an economic drought. This blog discusses how the
pandemic has impacted the global smartphone market, how big giants like Apple, Samsung,
Xiaomi are dealing with it, and where Google stands in the smartphone market.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic created a challenging business environment, marked by halt in
automobile production, a decline in daily travel and thus potential consumers, the closing of
retailers, etc. The professional audio solution business of the Harman Division, in particular, is
expected to feel the impact of a reduction in the number of large-scale gatherings and events. We
are enhancing cost efficiency by reducing marketing activities. Although we are decreasing
capex, we will strengthen our position as a market leader in automotive components and other
businesses by continuing to implement innovative projects.

In 2021, Samsung's folding phone models will have sold over 4 million products worldwide, up 4
times compared to 2020. According to market research firm Counterpoint research, in the total
market share of Samsung phones in the US, sales of folding phones have increased from 0.6% in
2020 to 12% in 2021.

3. External drivers

International environmental factors including politics, economy, technology and socio-cultural

have great influence on the strategies for multinational companies, in particular Samsung

Politics Multinational companies are affected by the political environment because

it is related to legal and regulatory issues. Those factors include political
stability, relations between countries. Political uncertainties can cause
certain obstacles to the profits of multinational companies. Because the
Samsung group belongs to a country that can be said to be relatively
politically stable, namely South Korea, the domestic operation is quite
stable. However, in countries with political instability, on the contrary, it
brings negative effects and risks affecting the company's operations. In the
past, Samsung has faced cases of non-compliance risks because of the
complexities of regulatory environments across countries.

Economy The global business environment is more complex than the national or
regional business environment. Factors such as the environment, tariffs,
financial system and per capita income levels are key factors. In which the
factor of customs is an obstacle to international trade because it prevents
companies from exploiting the international market without restriction. In
some countries, there are different tax rates depending on the region, which
affects the choice of location to operate. There are high tax policies for
foreign businesses. Multinational companies and Samsung raise capital
from a variety of sources to ensure that the financial system is maintained in
a safe and efficient manner. The average income level is also an important
factor because it will provide the evaluation and valuation of the investment
for the company to develop products that are suitable for the characteristics

of specific types of markets such as the market. Europe, America, Asia, ...

Technology Technology is one of the key components of the international business

environment. It determines the effectiveness of products, tools and
techniques applied in the input-to-output conversion process. Because
Samsung Electronics is an information technology company, technology
factors will profoundly affect changes in business operations, which require
businesses to make investment decisions in Research and develop products
to meet market demand.

Socio-Cultural Socio-cultural factors of each country such as education level, religion,

belief, language, social institutions, state system have an impact on
marketing activities of products to consumers. users and product
manufacturers. Samsung has to come up with marketing strategies so that all
customers can understand the product through images, language, video,
style, ... must understand the culture of each country to have the production,
products can be sold. If they don't understand and put out ads that tarnish
the country's image, they will be boycotted and can't sell their products.

By creating a scenario matrix, a cross-axis of two significant uncertainties, and allocating two
states to each uncertainty dimension, four scenarios are produced. Each situation is unique and
possesses special qualities. Then, each of these options is progressed further.
- Scenario 1: Maximizing Resource Circularity Across the Entire Product Lifecycle
- Scenario 2: Invest in and Develop Innovative Technologies for a Sustainable Future
- Scenario 3: Conservation and Pollutant Treatment Measures
- Scenario 4: Ultra-Low Power Semiconductors and Energy-Efficient Electronics Products

4. Ranking and ranging

Nowadays, businesses are increasingly focusing on environmental goals. They prioritize
environmental protection, towards long-term values, rather than small immediate benefits. For
instance, Ikea, a European furniture retailer, is still working to find more sustainable solutions for

excessive consumption of natural resources. Ikea consumes more wood than any other company -
1% of the world's wood. They announced that by 2030, 100 percent of its products will be made
up of recycled materials. Or Adidas, Walmart, etc. In particular, Samsung Electronics has come
up with concrete plans for pursuing environmental goals, along with some challenges that it
needs to face.
5. What solutions do Samsung electronics have when it is difficult to pursue environmental
5.1. Scenario 4: Ultra-Low Power Semiconductors and Energy-Efficient Electronics
The DX division, which is in charge of semiconductor production, is pushing towards achieving
the renewable energy target by 2027 both at home and abroad. As Samsung Electronics continues
to expand its semiconductor production lines, power consumption will inevitably increase. South
Korea, which has core semiconductor business locations, has relatively poor renewable energy
supply conditions, making it difficult to meet its renewable energy target. Despite these
difficulties and uncertainties, Samsung Electronics is joining the global effort to reduce carbon
footprint. Samsung Electronics said it will not stop at the role of the business as an energy buyer,
but strengthen cooperation with stakeholders.
Samsung Electronics reduces power consumption during the product life cycle through the
development of ultra-low power consumption technology. It contributes to the protection of the
global environment by maximizing resource recycling throughout the entire product lifecycle,
from raw materials to disposal. To reduce carbon emissions during the product life cycle, the
group will focus its technological capabilities on improving the energy efficiency of its products.
Ensure that the use of Samsung Electronics products is an activity that participates in the
reduction of carbon emissions.
Semiconductors will significantly reduce the power consumption of memory used in data centers
and mobile devices by 2025 by ensuring ultra-low power technology. Miniaturizing processes
and developing low-power design technologies can contribute to greenhouse gas reductions by
reducing power consumption of information technology (IT) products and data centers. Low
power consumption technology is applied to representative models of seven major electronic
products such as smartphones, TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, PCs and

monitors. Through this, power consumption in 2030 will be improved by an average of 30%
compared to the same performance model in 2019.
Samsung Electronics is developing energy-saving technology by applying highly efficient
components (compressors, heat exchangers, semiconductors) and improving product operation
algorithms such as applying high save artificial intelligence (AI). By 2027, all business vehicles
(1500 vehicles) will be converted to 100% non-polluting vehicles (electric, hydrogen vehicles).
Samsung Electronics plans to set other medium- and long-term reduction targets in the future and
continues to seek diversified reduction tasks in supply network, resource circulation, and
logistics. Support in a systematic way such as setting and implementing greenhouse gas reduction
targets with the object of cooperation companies.
However, to succeed, they need a lot of human resources, time and money.
5.2. Scenario 1: Maximizing Resource Circularity Across the Entire Product Lifecycle

This scenario describes how Samsung tries to improve the resource circularity of electronics over
the entire lifecycle of a product, from raw material sourcing to disposal of electronic waste
collection systems and recycling, ensuring that every resource is used with as little impact on the
environment as possible. Although the company has minimized negative impacts on the
environment such as waste treatment systems, it is a characteristic electronic industry so it is
impossible for electronic components to be released outside the environment.
According to the Asian Human Resources Monitoring Center: About 50% of electronic products
are now manufactured in Asia, many electronics companies still use toxic chemicals that have

been banned in Europe. The European Environment Agency (EEA) said that the amount of e-
waste processed annually in the world has reached 40 million tons, now growing three times
faster than other types of waste. In addition, the recycling of raw material resources to be used for
the development of product life cycles has polluted the air environment. The dust situation is
getting denser, the level of danger is increasing for people. For example, in Vietnam, Samsung
has made a great impact on the people living here. The use of chemicals to create products has
impacted ecosystems, plants, animals and especially people's health. However, Samsung has also
set many targets to have 50 percent of the plastic used in its products incorporate recycled resin
and plans to expand the scope of its electronic waste collection system from approximately 50
countries to about 180 countries by 2030. Also by 2030, the company aims to have 50 percent of
the plastic used in its products incorporate recycled resin. The year 2050 will see this figure
increase to 100 percent. The Galaxy Z Fold4 has already been designed to incorporate plastics
recycled from discarded fishing nets and the success seen here will soon be expanded to
additional products.
Through this, the company plans to collect a cumulative 10 million tons of electronic waste
between 2009 and 2030, the highest target in the industry and a cumulative 25 million tons by
2050. Samsung Electronics will also actively promote an upcycling program that collects used
smartphones and reuses them for other purposes such as IoT (Internet of Things) devices. This
scenario takes a lot of time, solid human resources and perseverance to the end.
5.3. Scenario 2: Invest in and
Develop Innovative Technologies
for a Sustainable Future.
In particular, the company will focus
on developing carbon capture and
utilization technologies to reduce
carbon emissions and clean air
technologies to reduce particulate
matter, which has become a pressing
global environmental challenge.
However, socio-economic challenges and the impact of the recent Covid-19 pandemic have
slowed this process down. Private capital and mixed financial investment will continue to be an
important component of Vietnam's sustainable development. According to statistics, Vietnam's
public and private investment in science and technology is relatively low compared to the global
average. At 0.5% of GDP, the investment rate is nearly 5 times lower than the world average
investment rate in science and technology of 2.23%. (Khơi thông đầu tư tư nhân cho phát triển
khoa học, công nghệ và đổi mới, 2022, 20:44:34 GMT+7)

5.4. Scenario 3: Environment Conservation and Pollutant Treatment Measures

Environment is deteriorating day by day due to industrial pollution, toxic chemicals, automobile
emission and natural resource depletion. Pollution in its various forms is increasing
tremendously. Purpose of environmental management is to see whether air is fit for breathing,
water is fit for drinking and soil and sea resources are fit to provide all needs. One also expects
that people are well fed, well housed, well education and enjoying a happy and healthy life.
Some of the effective and practical control measures for minimizing environmental pollution are
outlined below:

1. Combustible solid wastes should be burnt in incinerators. This method does not solve the
problem in a real sense because solid waste is being converted into gaseous wastes causing air
pollution. Unless it is properly controlled, incineration may cause more nuisance.
In general, the above solution cannot completely solve the solids that most technology
manufacturers discharge into the environment.

2. Solid organic wastes including fecal matter and wastes from tanneries should be converted into
compost manure at the places far away from the cities and human dwellings. The composting
should be done in pits or in heaps adequately covered with layers of soil at least 8-10 cm thick to
prevent fly breeding and rat menace which are important carriers of various diseases.
This solution is controversial. Many people believe that the treatment of waste by treatment in
places far from the city causes environmental pollution problems in the suburbs of the city.
Where not only people with low income have to face the problem of environmental pollution.

3. Non-combustible solid waste materials like ash, rubbish, tins, glass pieces if not recoverable
for usual purposes should be disposed of by landfill method in low-lying areas.
In fact, this solution is inefficient. Because of solid waste, metals are not reused. Untreated
landfilling causes serious environmental pollution. Unlike organic waste that decomposes in the
soil after a few years, non-combustible solid waste takes millions of years and more.

4. Anaerobic septic tank treatment can be used for individual houses or small communities.
Abide by aerobic biological treatment systems including trickling filters, activated sludge
treatment and oxidation ponds can also be used for liquid wastes or sewage disposal.
Aerobic biological treatment systems unable to meet the production and consumption of tons of
goods per day. Especially for Samsung, the company is expected to sell about 260 million
smartphone units this year and aims to sell around 270 million units by 2023, according to a new
report in South Korea. The company's device sales record was in 2017, at 320 million units.

To sum up, to conserve the environment the solutions given in the above scenario are not
completely effective and more effective and feasible methods need to be found.
6. Result

Samsung Electronics plans to harness new low-power technologies to reduce energy consumption
in everyday consumer electronics. By developing products and operating eco-friendly facilities,
Samsung is working to minimize its environmental impact to the best of its ability. Samsung
Electronics reduces power consumption during the product life cycle through the development of
ultra-low power consumption technology. It participates in efforts to protect the global
environment by maximizing resource recycling throughout the entire product lifecycle, from raw
materials to disposal. To reduce carbon emissions during the product life cycle, the group will
focus its technological capabilities on improving the energy efficiency of its products. Ensure that
the use of Samsung Electronics products is an activity that participates in reducing carbon
emissions. Semiconductors will significantly reduce the power consumption of memory used in
data centers and mobile devices by 2025 by ensuring ultra-low power technology. This includes
the development of a new ultra-low power memory chip that aims to significantly reduce the
annual energy consumption of memory products used in data centers and mobile devices by
2025. compared to current products. The Eco-Council with environmental experts and divisional
advisory groups working at Samsung Electronics monitors energy-saving technologies and
environmental regulatory trends, devising strategies to improve efficiency energy use of the
product, thereby reducing greenhouse gasses during product use and applying them to new
products. Samsung Electronics announced that it will begin mass production of the world's first
3-nanometer (nm=1 billionth of a meter) chip casting process based on next-generation GAA
(Gate-All-Around) technology. GAA is a new technology that improves performance while
reducing chip footprint and power consumption compared to existing Fin FET technology.
Regarding the new 3nm chip process, Samsung says the new generation GAA technology can
operate in low voltage environments below 0.75 volts. This will reduce overall power
consumption by 50%, as well as improve performance by 30% and reduce the size of the chip by
45%. By applying new technology to remove air and wastewater pollutants released in the
semiconductor manufacturing process, from 2040, semiconductors will be treated and discharged
in a natural state, with little effect on the environment. Development and commercialization of
carbon capture and utilization technology to store carbon emissions from the semiconductor
industry and recycle it as a resource.

Low-power technology is applied to representative models of seven major electronic products

such as smartphones, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, TVs, monitors and PCs
— with the goal of reducing power consumption by an average of 30% by 2030 compared to
products with the same specifications in 2019. Going forward, Samsung Electronics will aim to
reduce value chain emissions in the medium and long term. Samsung Electronics will also focus
on new approaches to reducing emissions in areas such as supply chain, logistics and resource
mobility, as well as assisting suppliers in setting emission targets and efforts. reduction force.
Samsung Electronics is developing energy-saving technology by applying highly efficient
components (compressors, heat exchangers, semiconductors) and improving product operation
algorithms such as applying high save artificial intelligence (AI). By 2027, all official vehicles
will be converted to 100% non-polluting vehicles (electric, hydrogen). Samsung Electronics will
apply recycled plastic to 50% of the plastic parts used in its products by 2030 and to all plastic
parts by 2050. The company will also expand its use of plastics. made from recycled marine
waste, such as the waste fishing nets applied to the Galaxy Z Fold 4 phones. In the case of waste
batteries, a system extracts minerals from all waste batteries collected by Samsung Electronics
and recycling will be established by 2030.
7. Validation and refinement

Since 2005’s Kyoto Protocol, brought about to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, Samsung
has been accelerating its environmentally friendly endeavors in order to help reduce emissions. In
2009, Samsung announced its green business vision and intermediate goals in order to lead global
response to this environmental regulation with a focus on low carbon emissions and ‘green’
growth. With 216 business bases in 74 countries, Samsung not only works on managing the
environmental impact of its products, but also on developing environmentally friendly business
establishments. In June 2018, Samsung announced its goal to use 100% renewable energy across
all its establishments in the US, Europe and China by 2020, as well as to install 63,000 m2 of
solar and geothermal power facilities in Korea. In October 2018, Samsung’s U.S. headquarters,
as well as all US Device Solution manufacturing plants converted to using energy from 100%
renewable sources, and the company’s Slovakian worksites have since followed suit.

8. Interpretation and implementation

8.1. Scenario 1: Maximizing Resource Circularity Across the Entire Product Lifecycle
Samsung Electronics places a top priority on the environment – from the moment product
planning begins until the product is disposed of for recycling. The company is trying our best to
make products environmentally friendly while still having outstanding performance. In addition,
Samsung carries out many environmental protection activities at all domestic and foreign
workplaces, partner companies as well as local communities. For environmental issues
particularly related to Samsung Electronics, the company has established and complied with the
'EHS Policy' and the site environmental management complies with ISO14001 (Environmental
Management) and ISO50001 (Energy Management).
The success rate when applying this scenario is estimated at 65%-75%.
8.2. Scenario 2: Invest in and Develop Innovative Technologies for a Sustainable Future
Technology is an important component of the international business environment. It refers to the
tools and techniques applied in converting inputs into outputs. Just like any other business,
Samsung is affected by changes in the technological environment. The fact that Samsung
Electronics is an ICT firm makes the company more susceptible to technological dynamics. It
also influences the relevance of products which requires businesses to invest heavily in research
and development to ensure products meet the prevailing technological environment. Samsung is a
technology company, and it has been revising its product features to exploit opportunities
presented by the emerging technologies.
The success rate when applying this scenario is estimated at 70%-76%.
8.3. Scenario 3: Environment Conservation and Pollutant Treatment Measures
One of the most essential issues and a significant barrier for businesses especially Samsung is the
environment. The most worrying issue and concern of the whole society when Samsung company
is emitting toxic substances into the environment. Waste in workers' daily lives contains many
organic compounds as well as harmful bacteria. Meanwhile, waste from the electronic
manufacturing process contains many harmful impurities. If not properly invested, without a
thorough and reasonable treatment process, it will have a great impact on pollution and
environmental degradation.
The success rate when applying this scenario is estimated at 55%-65%.
8.4. Scenario 4: Ultra-Low Power Semiconductors and Energy-Efficient Electronics Products
“Samsung is committed to helping mitigate climate change through our products, practices and
operations especially in the area of energy efficiency” - KS Choi President and CEO, Samsung
Electronics North America. For a full-fledged development company like Samsung, it is very
easy to use low resources and energy. In order to ensure the safest products reach consumers,
Samsung has developed an app cable that helps users identify and easily identify ways to cut
down on wasted energy consumption. The app allows you to track, track, and manage how and
when devices. Going forward, Samsung Electronics will set mid-to long-term reduction targets
for value chain emissions (Scope 3). Samsung Electronics will also focus on new approaches to
reduce emissions in areas such as supply chains, logistics and resource circularity, as well as
supporting suppliers in setting their emissions targets and reduction efforts.
The success rate when applying this scenario is estimated at 86%-95%.

IV: Conclusion
The importance of pursuing environmentally friendly activities for a company on the scale of
Samsung Electronics cannot be underestimated in terms of the potential for leading the way in
mitigating such global issues as climate change and resource depletion.
Over the last decade, Samsung has made a huge impact on smartphone technology, pioneering
new innovations and revolutionizing the ways we communicate with each other. During the last
10 years of excellence in mobile technology leadership, Samsung has also taken on the
responsibility of improving the world through our actions, particularly in the regions in which we
operate. But now more than ever, the world needs radical change as the societal challenges we
face every day have become more urgent and complex. Embracing a spirit of open collaboration,
Samsung is answering the call for action by creating a community that believes in working
together to achieve a greater good.
Recognizing environmental issues as a challenge and also a driving force for business
development, we have proposed the four options set out above. The results of the analysis show

that the 4th option is a feasible option but the most effective is the combination of the impact of
all solutions.
Therefore, the need for using scenarios planning helps in exploring future possibilities in the
digital world and preparing for the future of the technology industry.

V: References


2. Samsung Việt Nam đạ t doanh thu nă m 2021. (19/01/2022). Viet Nam .

3. Khơi thô ng đầ u tư tư nhâ n cho phá t triển khoa họ c, cô ng nghệ và đổ i mớ i. (2022, 20:44:34 GMT+7, 12
Thứ Ba ).

4. Nguyễn, N. (04/04/16). thegioididong.

5. Park, K. (2022). Samsung aims to make global operations and products carbon neutral by 2050. Tech
Cruch .

6. Samsung Newsroom . (2022). Samsung Electronics Announces New Environmental Strategy. Korea .

7. What are the challenges faced by the Samsung Company in relation to international business
environment? (n.d.).

8. Samsung Việt Nam và nhữ ng tá c độ ng tớ i mô i trườ ng (

9. Mô i trườ ng | Sự bền vữ ng | Samsung Việt Nam

10. Samsung plans to bring a smarter home ecosystem at CES 2023 - SamMobile

11. Promotion and Product Life Cycle for Samsung (2022) (

12. Samsung Electronics Announces New Environmental Strategy – Samsung Newsroom India - All Green
Recycling Services

13. Product Life Cycle of Samsung-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthlep.Com (

14. Sả n phẩ m có tính thâ n thiện vớ i mô i trườ ng | Mô i trườ ng | Sự bề n vữ ng | Samsung Việ t Nam

15. Samsung Global Goals: Creating Change One Small Action at a Time – Samsung Global Newsroom


No Student name Student code Contribution

1. Hồ Thị Lưu Trầm (Leader) 20070797 Validation and refinement
Interpretation and implementation
Scenario 1

2. Tạ Văn Dương 20070697 External drivers

Naming and framing
3. Nguyễn Đức Huy 20070729 Logic and narrative
Scenario 4
4. Vũ Quỳnh Anh 21070255 Executive summary
Scenario 3
5. Nguyễn Thị Hương Sen 20070976 Determining the question
Ranking and ranging
6. Trần Ngọc Mai 21070745 Introduction


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