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Question 1. Define Xhtml ?

Question 2. What Is Key Issue Of Xhtml?

Question 3. What Are The Important Elements Of An Xhtml Document?

Question 4. Difference Between Html And Xhtml?

Question 5. Rules For Writing Xhtml Document ?

Question 6. Define Headers In Xhtml ?

Question 7. What Is The Use Of Linking Element In Xhtml?

Question 8. Explain The Use Of Img Element ?

Question 9. What Is The Use Of Alt Attribute In Img Element?

Question 10. What Is The Difference Between Unordered List Element And Ordered List

Question 11. What Are The Three Sections In Xhtml Table?

Question 12. Define Forms In Xhtml ?

Question 13. Define Imagemap ?

Question 14. Define Frames In Xhtml ?

Question 15. What Is The Use Of Summary And Caption Element In Table Element?

Question 16. What Is The Use Of Internal Hyperlink?

Question 17. Define Css ?

Question 18. What Is The Use Of External Linking Of Style Sheets?

Question 19. What Is The Difference Between Absolute Positioning And Relative Positioning
In Css?

Question 20. What Is The Use Of Z-index In Position Property Of Css?

Question 21. Define Margin And Padding In Css ?

Question 22. What Is The Use Of Class Attribute In Css?

Question 23. Define Object Model In Dhtml ?

Question 24. How To Refer An Element In Dhtml?

Question 25. Define Collections In Dhtml?

Question 26. What Is The Difference Between Innertext And Innerhtml Property?

Question 27. What Is Dynamic Content?

Question 28. What Is The Use Of Tagname And Classname Property In Dhtml?

Question 29. What Is Dynamic Positioning?

Question 30. What Is The Use Of Navigator Object?

Question 31. What Is The Use Of Offsetx And Offsety Properties Of An Event Object?

Question 32. What Is The Use Of On Error Event In Dhtml?

Question 33. What Are The Three Parameters Passed By Onerror Event?

Question 34. What Is The Difference Between Filters And Transitions ?

Question 35. Where We Can Apply Filters And Transitions Property?

Question 36. What Is The Use Of Flipv And Fliph Flip Filters?

Question 37. What Is The Use Of Chroma Filter?

Question 38. What Is The Use Of Shadow And Glow Filter And Alpha Filters?

Question 39. What Is The Use Of Data Binding ?

Question 40. What Is Tdc?

Question 41. What Is Activex Control?

Question 42. What Is The Use Of Object Tag?

Question 43. What Is The Use Of Param Tag?

Question 44. What Is Use Of Datasrc And Datafld Attributes?

Question 45. What Are The Two Functions Used For Displaying The Text Using Activex
Question 46. What Is The Need Of Client-side Scripting?

Question 47. What Is The Advantage Of Indirectly Embedding Of Javascript?

Question 48. What Is The Disadvantage Of Indirectly Embedding Of Javascript?

Question 49. What Are Three Forms Of Control Statements Available In Javascript?

Question 50. Write The Name Of Objects Available In Javascript ?

Question 51. Write The Methods Available In Window Object ?

Question 52. What Are The Methods Available In Date Object?

Question 53. What Is The Use Of Array Object In Javascript?

Question 54. Write The Methods Available In String Object ?

Question 55. What Is The Use Of Data Binding?

Question 56. Write The Syntax For Various Objects Used In Sgc ?

Question 57. What Is The Use Of Init() Method In Servlet Life Cycle?

Question 58. What Is The Function Of Service() Method In Servlet?

Question 59. What Is The Function Of Destroy() Method In Servlet?

Question 60. What Are The Two Packages Used To Implement The Servlet?

Question 61. What Is The Use Of Javax .servlet Pakage?

Question 62. Why Internet Protocol Is Called As Connectionless Protocol?

Question 63. Why Internet Protocol Is Called As Unreliable Protocol?

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