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2 ARR os eosi0 1 AKR’s Golden Rules of HSSE ¢ Risk Assessment (Routine-Non Routine Job Safety Analysis) « Permit To Work ¢ Energy Isolation * Confined Space Entry + Driving Safety * Working at Heights + Lifting Operations + Management of Change 2 ARR e007 Operational Excellence * HSSE - OE Expectations are organized under 15 elements and spell out specific requirements for the management of health, safety, security, environment, reliability and efficiency. The expectations are met through processes and programs put in place by local management. In many cases, a single process may fulfill the intent of one or more expectations. In some cases, one expectation may require several processes to be put in place. Planning, Program & Monitoring Program © Penyusunan Program HSSE Secara Komprehensif © Penyempurnaan SOP-HSSE » Improving Safety Culture Safety Awareness Leadership & Commitment © Inspection Socialization > Training & Communication © Sharing & discussion Implementation © "Zero Tolerance On Safety” Monitoring Integrated Audit System (KPI) © Scoring System Review BOD Review sungatcon PARR core New Audit Model in 2010 pamMpaign LEADING « ee 62 % oy Hi Observation nsrpstagnet on o ARR -.. rungtterat con OE Implementation (Cont.) What Provide subject matter expertise for specie OF process Operate incident tree How Coordinate & lead efforts regarding the proces. Ete tt the roe, ‘documentation & records Srdirate oF support process measurement & ieetiestion ‘Condacy performance reporting & rens analyst. Develop f implement the Continual improvement Plan tancain contact vith: recess Sponsors Other Process adsor, ject matter experts Appropriate tletiorks o¢ Communities of Practice. lipate in OE Processes & recommend process learned, fxtract Lessons to help prevent ‘ture inci re ‘allo the Teneis of Operation, OE Implementation What Align around objectives. Gemenstrate leadership engagement & comitment. Bulan OF culture Support leaders, leadership team & line management in HSE -OEN Implementation & operation. ~ Asset leaders in establishing & deploying functonl Sarda Provide subject matter expertise, Support unit's development, implementation & inprovernent of (OE Processes Provide resources & suppert to ensure success of a specifi GE process How Exabloh communist ln von and objects Implement HSSE » OES in unit. ‘Be accountable & hold others accountable for OF performance. Participate in & ensure others follow” OE Processes. Role model & foll the Tenets f Operation Driontzation of OF gaps, Help establish O€ Processes, ther prioritization, & governance. ordinate integration of OF plans into business plan assist in monitoring & folly. Coordinate local HSSE OEMS Self Assessments Follow the Tenets of Operation. Provide HSSE rllaity support te line management. Support HSSE - OE implementation effort trough funetional expertise Plan & implement subject matter, audits and reports Provide technical support for HSSE & rellaitity Fell the Tenets of Operation, Serve as an advocate af the process to ensure that the process accorded the appropriate priority & fecetves funding, personnel, & other resources. Ensure that process effectiveness & efficiency are measured & verified at least annually. Be accountable Tor progress on te Continual Inmpravemest Pian Coordinate vith other O€ Process Sponsors & link th the business plan oF ARR eo p.s0 7 Planning & Program (Cont.) * Improve Operational performance for branding — Set up Operational excellence program — Set up Terminal Booklets — Set up HSSE-OE Golden Rules as a stepping stone for OE program srrgnagarat con 2 ARR e500 Planning & Program (Cont.) * Improve Operational team’s knowledge & competencies — W/ People dev continue to implement OTS training matrix — Optimalisation doing internal training activities * Improve team work w/ project team regarding to smoothing project activities based on (Cost, Quality & Schedule) — Improve intense communication w/ project team Continue improve internal HSSE dept on knowledge, competency & integrity for better performance — Sharing of knowledge, Closed coordination and communication nga oc aaa Planning & Program * Continue encourage all dept regarding to integrated HSSE management system within the AKR business Unit — Improve technical knowledge head facilities end engineering spv regarding to relevant codes &standards (cont implementing OTS Training Matrix) — Stimulate the Organizational Structure Work and leadership on HSSE aspects getting on board. (Project leader, BM & OM) — Internal Coaching on HSSE aspect for facilities — Continuing Involvement on Facility Improvement comply to code, standard, Govt. Regulation and other principles * Monitor and improve implementation ISM & ISPS. Code for AKR-Vessels — Doing routine audit both ISM & ISPS Code — Sharing knowledge & practices regarding ISPS & ISM Code procedures & practices — Sharing knowledge on Vessel PMS (Plant Maintenance System) comply to Class Requirements “Continues learning is path of excellence improvement” 7 ARR « Sistem Pelaporan Sue * Laporan Bulanan kepada Kepala HSSE * Riwayat Laporan Bulanan untuk Deputi CEO * Laporan 3 Bulanan untuk BOD * Rapat 3 Bulanan Koordinator dengan pemimpin tim HSSE oleh Deputi CEO (Kawasan Barat di Jakarta; Kawasan Timur di Surabaya) ARR -... Tinjauan Ulang & Peningkatan yang Berkelanjutan * Rapat HSSE 3 bulanan dengan BOD * Persetujuan Rencana Tindakan berasarkan Hasil Audit & Rapat 3 bulanan Koordinasi ot ARR eor::0 What are the Outcomes of Evaluating Safety? 1. Penentuan kinerja yang dapat diterima (tidak ada perubahan yang akan muncul dalam operasi) 2. Penentuan bahwa kinerja adalah meningkat jesrau kinan indikasi bahwa intervensi ekerja 3. Penentuan bahwa kinerja adalah menurun (Intervensi tambahan adalah dibutuhkan) 4. Penentuan bahwa kinerja adalah tidak dapat diterima (Intervensi haruslah diterapkan). = ARR «>» Lagging or Trailing Indicators of HSSE Performance Indikator Lagging atau Trailing dari Kinerja HSSE * After-the-Fact Measures of Safety Performance. Setelah Pengukuran Fakta dari Kinerja Keselamatan. > AKR Most Common Lagging Indicator of Safety Performance Indikator Lagging Paling Umum dari Kinerja Keselamatan > Kinerja Cedera, frekuensi catatan yang ada di dalam OSHA yang terjadi pada 200,000 jam dari pekerja. > Day Away, Restricted work, dan Transferred injury rate > Tingkat cedera First aid injury rate > Near miss rate. 2 ARR corcinic Disadvantage of Using Lagging Indicators of Safety Performance Kerugian menggunakan Indikator Lagging terhadap Kinerja Keselamatan * Data is Historical — If unacceptable Numbers of Injuries Occur, it is Too Late to Prevent Them * Watch for Under-Reporting. +Data History (telah terjadi) — Jika Jumlah dari Kecederaan yang tidak dapat diterima terjadi, maka sudah terlalu terlambat untuk melakukan pencegahan +Memperhatikan yang berdasar pada angka di laporan Leading Indicators of Safety Performance * Predictors of Future Safety Performance Based on Selected Criteria. Prediksi dari Kinerja Keselamatan di Masa Depan Berdasarkan Kriteria yang telah dipilih. Advantage of Using Leading Indicators of Safety Performance * If performance indicators show poor or unacceptable performance, modifications or changes can be made before injuries actually occur * Focus is on the process, not the end result. -Jika indikator kinerja menunjukkan kinerja yang buruk atau tidak dapat diterima, modifikasi atau perubahan dapat dilakukan sebelum cedera yang sesungguhnya terjadi Fokus adalah pada proses, bukan pada hasil akhir. sntiane con ARR e505 sowgtoeggatam Disadvantage of Using Leading Indicators of Safety Performance Measures are not Absolute Most Measures are Subjective No single Measure says it all Several Measures are Recommended, Not Just One. *Pengukuran-pengukurannya tidak mutlak +Pengukurannya kebanyakan adalah subjektif “Tidak ada pengukuran yang menyatakan keseluruhan +Beberapa Pengukuran adalah Disarankan, Tidak Hanya Satu. or AKR Indikator Leading vs Indikator Lagging * Ketika membuat prediksi, tidak ada hal yang pasti * Indikator Lagging dari keselamatan adalah akurat, tetapi hal tersebut memberikan informasi yang terlambat * Indikator Leading dari Keselamatan adalah tidak mutlak, tetapi hal tersebut dapat membantu mencegah cedera sebelum cedera itu terjadi * Kesuksesan yang lebih besar dapat diwujudkan ketika lebih banyak indikator leading yang digunakan. ABR co 80 * Lagging Indicators Focus on Injuries * Leading Indicators Focus on the Safety Process. Leading indicator Facility & Operation Performance 20 AKR’s HSSE___ ‘enesconosena tron ‘ Performance _ Indicator wecanaese Statist Performance Vale in % Zero Fatality 4 Zero LT Zero Spilage Zero Cross Over Zero Product Quality, Zero Potential Fatality Incident Restricted Workday Cases Medical Treathment Cases Property Damage Traific Accident First Aid Cases Pelanggaran SO? Operation Financial Zero Down Time due to Incident Zero Direct+Indirect Cost due to Incident 2 38 + ARR «> * Lagging Indicators Focus on Injuries * Leading Indicators Focus on the Safety Process.

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