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Kansas State University ECE Department Professor P.

Marty Kump

ECE 241 Intro to Comp. Engr.

Homework 05 - Basic Circuit Analysis

Problem 1: Write three KVL equations around the three loops in the circuit in Figure 05-0.

Figure 05-0: Electrical circuit

Problem 2: Write a KCL equation at the node shared by all three resistors in the circuit in Figure
05-0. You will need to guess and label the direction of the currents in the branches. Then, use
Ohm’s Law to solve for the voltage across the 10-kΩ resistor.

Problem 3: Determine the equivalent resistance between the two battery terminals in the circuit in
Figure 05-01. Then, determine the current I drawn from the battery.

Figure 05-1: Electrical circuit

Kansas State University ECE Department Professor P. Marty Kump

Problem 4: For the Arduino Nano circuit shown in Figure 05-02(A):

(a) Write a KVL equation with only voltages (no currents),

(b) Use Ohm’s Law to substitute I into your KVL equation,

(c) Solve the equation for I, and use it to find V2.

(d) How much power is R 2 absorbing?

(e) How much power is R 1 absorbing?

(f) How much power is the Arduino supplying?

Problem 5: For the Arduino Nano circuit shown in Figure 05-02(B):

(a) Write a KCL equation (all currents; no voltages) for the node where all three

resistors meet, Node X,

(b) Use Ohm’s Law to substitute the voltage V x into your KCL equation,

(c) Solve the equation for V x and use it find the currents through each resistor,

(d) Determine how much power the Arduino is supplying.

Problem 3: For the Arduino Nano circuit shown in Figure 05-02(C), determine the

(a) Equivalent resistance as seen by the two Arduino pins, and

(b) Power absorbed/supplied by all four circuit components (including the Arduino).
State whether the component is absorbing or supplying or neither. Show that
power supplied equals power absorbed.

Problem 4: A potentiometer is a variable resistor, usually with a rotary dial allowing one to adjust its
resistance. For the Arduino Nano circuit employing a potentiometer as shown in Figure
05-02(D), determine the

(a) Potentiometer resistance needed to make current I = 5 mA.

(b) For the case in (a), what is the equivalent resistance between the two Arduino

Kansas State University ECE Department Professor P. Marty Kump

Figure 05-02: Four separate electrical circuits with Arduino Nano

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