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Hi, My name is Deana, I'm a senior user experience

researcher at Google. As a user experience researcher,

I really channel the voice of people, their motivations,
their desires, their needs. I bring those insights back to my team, which they use
to help build new
products or improve existing products. Let's talk about bias in user research. That
can happen in many ways,
in many shapes and many forms. I'll give one example. In user research, we set out
to interview people.
What we may not realize is for every person we interview,
we're probably excluding someone. And so as a researcher, it's really
important to know why we choose to interview certain people over others and
who we are excluding and whether or not those we're excluding need
to actually be interviewed. One of the products I work on is Google
Food Ordering, where we help consumers be able to order food from
businesses around them. But along the way we realized we hadn't
really spoken to the merchants since we weren't really directly
integrating with them. We didn't speak to them and
understand their needs. So we set out to actually do that. Once we uncovered that
it was a light bulb moment for us, and we realized we had
a great opportunity to build an ecosystem that was going
to be equitable for everyone. As a researcher, you uncover so many insights. We
take those insights, and we're constantly
improving on the products that we build. So overall, that solution enabled
us to realize that we need to understand the bigger picture,
the whole ecosystem. We need to include all voices when we're
designing so that we build a solution that is equitable and fair for all the
people who will be impacted as a result.

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