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To reserve a trade name in Dubai, you need to follow these steps:

 Access the economic development department’s website

 Select the option ‘book new trade name’
 Choose the primary business activity and any additional ones that are required
 Enter your chosen trade name to check its availability
 Pay the fees and get the trade name certificate

The fees for reserving a trade name vary depending on the type and duration of the
reservation. According to the Dubai Economy & Tourism website, the fees are as

Type of Reservation Duration Fee (AED)

Normal 60 days 620

Urgent 60 days 1,020

Normal 6 months 2,020

Urgent 6 months 3,020

You can also reserve similar trade names for an additional fee of AED 2,000 per
name. However, you need to make sure that the similar trade names do not violate
the provisions for selecting the trade name.

2. To register a trademark in Dubai, you need to apply through the Ministry of Economy’s website
or through a registered trademark agent. You will need to provide some documents, such as a
commercial license, a power of attorney, and a copy of the trademark. You will also need to pay
some fees, such as AED 750 for the application, AED 750 for the publication, and AED 5000 for the
final registration. The whole process may take up to 150 days from the submission of the
application to the issuance of the trademark certificate2. You can find more details about the
steps and procedures on the Ministry of Economy’s website2. I hope this helps.

By registering your trademark, you will have the exclusive right to use it for your goods or services
and prevent others from using it without your permission. You will also be able to take legal action
against anyone who infringes your trademark rights. A registered trademark is valid for 10 years
and can be renewed for another 10 years upon payment of the renewal fees 4

3. To protect your trade name in Dubai, you need to register it with the Dubai Department of
Economic Development (DED), which is the competent authority to register and protect trade
names in the UAE1. You can apply for trade name registration online through the DED website 2 or
through a registered trademark agent3. You will need to provide some documents, such as a
commercial license, a power of attorney, and a copy of the trade name. You will also need to pay
some fees, such as AED 750 for the application, AED 750 for the publication, and AED 5000 for the
final registration1. The whole process may take up to 150 days from the submission of the
application to the issuance of the trade name certificate1.

By registering your trade name, you will have the exclusive right to use it for your goods or
services and prevent others from using it without your permission. You will also be able to take
legal action against anyone who infringes your trade name rights. A registered trade name is valid
for 10 years and can be renewed for another 10 years upon payment of the renewal fees 4.

4. If someone unauthorized uses your trade name in his website and commits fraud with that
website, you should take the following steps to protect your rights and interests:

 Report the website to the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED), which is
the competent authority to register and protect trade names in the UAE 1. You can file a
complaint online through the DED website2 or visit one of their branches. You will need to
provide some information, such as your trade name certificate, the infringing website
address, and evidence of fraud.

 Report the website to the Ministry of Economy, which is the competent authority to
register and protect trademarks in the UAE3. You can file a complaint online through the
ministry’s website4 or visit one of their offices. You will need to provide some documents,
such as your trademark certificate, the infringing website address, and evidence of fraud.

 Report the website to the Dubai Police, which is the competent authority to investigate
and prosecute cybercrimes in the UAE. You can file a complaint online through the Dubai
Police website or call their hotline 901. You will need to provide some details, such as your
personal information, the infringing website address, and evidence of fraud.

 Report the website to the hosting provider or domain registrar, if you can identify them.
You can use tools like [Whois] or [DNS Lookup] to find out who owns or hosts the
infringing website. You can then contact them and request them to take down the website
or suspend its services. You will need to provide some proof, such as your trade name or
trademark certificate, the infringing website address, and evidence of fraud.

By taking these steps, you can protect your trade name and trademark from unauthorized use and
fraud. You can also seek legal advice from a lawyer or a trademark agent for more guidance and

5. Website fraud is a serious issue that can harm your business reputation and
customer trust. If someone is using your trade name unauthorized on a fraud
website, you should take the following steps to increase public awareness in Dubai:

 Report the fraud website to the relevant authorities, such as the Dubai Department
of Economic Development (DED), the Ministry of Economy, and the Dubai Police. You
can use the online channels mentioned in the web search results, such as the eCrime
website1, the Aman service2, or the Dubai Consumer app3. You will need to provide
some information, such as your trade name certificate, the fraud website address,
and evidence of fraud.
 Inform your customers and potential customers about the fraud website and warn
them not to visit it or provide any personal or financial information. You can use
various communication channels, such as your official website, social media accounts,
email newsletters, SMS messages, or phone calls. You can also use the media content
standards4 issued by the National Media Council to ensure that your messages are
clear and accurate.
 Educate your customers and potential customers about how to spot a fake
government website and how to protect themselves from online fraud. You can use
some of the tips provided by the Telecommunications and Digital Government
Regulatory Authority (TDRA)5, such as checking the website address, the design, and
the tone of the website, and verifying the authenticity of any requests or
payments. You can also share some of the cyber safety and digital security
resources6 available on the official portal of the UAE government.
 Collaborate with other businesses and organizations that share your trade name or
have similar trade names to raise awareness and prevent confusion among the
public. You can join or create a network or association of businesses that have a
common interest in protecting their trade names and trademarks. You can also
participate in events or campaigns that promote ethical and responsible online

By taking these steps, you can increase public awareness in Dubai of website fraud
and protect your trade name from unauthorized use.

6. You can report a fake government website in Dubai through the following channels:

 The eCrime website1, which is an online platform for reporting cybercrimes to the Dubai
Police. You will need to provide some information, such as your personal details, the fraud
website address, and evidence of fraud.

 The Aman service2, which is a confidential service for reporting cybercrimes to the Abu
Dhabi Police. You can call 800 2626, send an SMS to 2828, or email You will need to provide some details, such as your name, phone
number, the fraud website address, and evidence of fraud.

 The Dubai Consumer app3, which is an app for reporting consumer complaints and
violations to the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED). You can download
the app from the App Store or Google Play. You will need to create an account, select the
complaint type, and provide some information, such as your trade name certificate, the
fraud website address, and evidence of fraud.

7. To protect your building project name in Dubai, you may need to register it as a trademark
with the Ministry of Economy, which is the competent authority to register and protect
trademarks in the UAE1. You can apply for trademark registration online through the ministry’s
website2 or through a registered trademark agent3. You will need to provide some documents,
such as a commercial license, a power of attorney, and a copy of the trademark. You will also
need to pay some fees, such as AED 750 for the application, AED 750 for the publication, and
AED 5000 for the final registration1. The whole process may take up to 150 days from the
submission of the application to the issuance of the trademark certificate 1.

By registering your building project name as a trademark, you will have the exclusive right to
use it for your goods or services and prevent others from using it without your permission. You
will also be able to take legal action against anyone who infringes your trademark rights. A
registered trademark is valid for 10 years and can be renewed for another 10 years upon
payment of the renewal fees4.

You may also need to comply with the codes and guidelines issued by the Dubai Development
Authority (DDA) and the Dubai Municipality (DM) regarding the planning, design, construction,
and safety of buildings in Dubai. These include the Master Planning Guidelines, the Dubai
Building Code, and the Environmental Clearance Requirements. These codes and guidelines
aim to ensure that your building project meets the standards of quality, sustainability,
accessibility, and security in Dubai.

If you have any questions or concerns about protecting your building project name or
complying with the codes and guidelines in Dubai, you can contact the Ministry of Economy,
the DDA, or the DM for more guidance and assistance.

8. Some of the benefits of registering a trademark for your building project name are:

 You can protect your building project name from being used by others without your
permission. This can help you avoid confusion, duplication, or infringement of your
rights. You can also take legal action against anyone who violates your trademark rights 1.

 You can enhance your brand value and reputation by having a distinctive and recognizable
name for your building project. This can help you attract more customers, investors, or
partners who trust your quality and professionalism2.

 You can create a competitive advantage and differentiate yourself from other building
projects in the market. This can help you stand out and gain more recognition and loyalty
from your target audience3.

 You can license, franchise, or sell your trademark to others who want to use it for their
own building projects. This can help you generate more revenue and expand your business

These are some of the benefits of registering a trademark for your building project name. If
you want to register a trademark in Dubai, you can apply through the Ministry of Economy’s
website5 or through a registered trademark agent

9. There are many registered trademark agents in Dubai who can help you with trademark
registration and protection. According to the web search results, some of them are:

 Jitendra Intellectual Property (JIP), a full-service IP firm that provides intellectual property
registration services across the Middle East. JIP is a registered trademark agent with the
UAE Ministry of Economy. You can contact them through their website1.

 NAS & Associates, a trademarks and patent agent that was founded in 2009 by Nour
Saleem, a specialist in IP and a registered trademark and patent agent at UAE Trademark
& Patent Offices. NAS & Associates is also a regulated intellectual property witness expert
at Dubai Courts. You can contact them through their website2.
 Trade Mark Register, a trademark registration service that helps you register your brand in
the UAE and internationally. You can contact them through their website3.

These are just some examples of registered trademark agents in Dubai. You can find more
information about trademark registration and protection in Dubai on the Ministry of
Economy’s website4. I hope this helps

1o. According to the web search results, the requirements for trademark registration in Dubai

 A trademark logo in a JPEG format (colored and black and white)

 A description of the goods and services your business is offering

 A power of attorney for application filing

 A copy of the commercial license

 A copy of the passport, Emirates ID, visa and residency of the owner

 A priority document, if applicable123

You can submit an online application for trademark registration through the Ministry of
Economy’s website4 or through a registered trademark agent. You will also need to pay some
fees, such as AED 750 for the application, AED 750 for the publication, and AED 5000 for the
final registration5. The whole process may take up to 150 days from the submission of the
application to the issuance of the trademark certificate 5.

11. A priority document is a document that proves the date and content of an earlier
application that is claimed as a priority for a later application. A priority document is usually a
copy of the earlier application, certified by the authority with which it was filed. A priority
document is required when an applicant wants to benefit from the right of priority under the
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property1. A priority document can be
submitted or retrieved electronically through the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS), which is a
system that allows the secure exchange of priority documents between participating
intellectual property offices2. A priority document can also be filed in a PDF format that
complies with the Administrative Instructions under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Part
7 and Annex F3. I hope this helps.

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