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How to Stay Healthy During a Pandemic

Heath is a part and parcel for a human body.A sound health Always keeps a sound mind.So

Become healthy is good for every work and aspect of life.Even in Pandemic, It is important

to keep good health.

Pandemic like a disease all over the world and it keeps pushing back the whole universe.It

takes many lives and creates a distraction in the whole universe..So It is very necessary to

become healthy in the Pandemic..

So For becoming Healthy in Pandemic , It is necessary to know the Safety rules.

Firstly it is obvious to put on a mask every single day when it's urgent to go out from home as

well as keep social distance for safety.

Secondly , it is much important to sanitize hand and dress after every single task.Thirdly,

creating social awareness and work about it.

Finally, eat fruits , vegetables , and heathly foods that cover with vitamin and it helps the

body to keep fit and sound.

So we should maintain the rules and keep our body healty even jn Pandemic..

Written by.

Md. Syeduzzaman

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