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Submitted by – Suraj Rana

Class – XII
Roll number –
Under the guidance of – Anjali Nainwal (PGT)

(Python & SQL)

This is to certify that Suraj Rana , student of Class

XII has successfully completed the research on
The project Library Management System under
the Guidance of Mrs. Anjali Malkoti during year
2020-2021 .

Teacher's Signature
I would like to express my special
thanks of gratitude to my teacher Mrs.
Anjali Nainwal who gave me the
golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the topic Library
management system which also helped
me in doing a lot of Research and i
came to know about so many new
things. I am really thankful to her.
Secondly i would also like to thank my
parents and friends who helped me a
lot in finishing this project within the
limited time. I am making this project
not only for marks but to also increase
my knowledge. THANKS AGAIN TO ALL

A Library management system is a software

that uses to maintain the record of the library.
It contains work like the number of available
books in the library, the number of books are
issued or returning or renewing a book or late
fine charge record, etc. Library Management
Systems is software that helps to maintain a
database that is useful to enter new books &
record books borrowed by the members, with
the respective submission dates. Moreover, it
also reduces the manual record burden of the
Library management system allows the
librarian to maintain library resources in a more
operative manner that will help to save their
time. It is also convenient for the librarian to
manage the process of books allotting and
making payment. Library management system
is also useful for students as well as a librarian
to keep the constant track of the availability of
all books in a store.
Importance of library management system:
 A library management system is the most
proficient and easy to use system for
managing all the processes involved in a
Library in the most effective ways.
 This system will reduce all the manual work
and the whole process can be managed just
through single clicks and edits.
 There will be no headache and doubtfulness
of storing the data securely and searching
the records of any individual afterward.
 Any book seeker can rent a book just by
signing in with their details, and return it
with the date of returning.
 The staff can also facilitate themselves with
some extra authorizations and privileges.
 Only, one person is required to take care of
the whole system, without any chances of
Advantage of the library management system:
1. It reduces the manual paperwork through it
and gives proper information of books has been
recorded automatically.
2. Librarian can update the information of
books and manage availability and arriver
record of the books.
3. It saves human efforts and time.
4. With the help of library management
software, the customer can easily search and
find the books.
Library management system are useful for such
• School libraries
• Collage libraries
• Private libraries
• Reference libraries
• National libraries
• Public libraries
• Modern Public libraries
• Public leading libraries
About the programming
Python is an interpreted, high-level and
general-purpose programming language.
Created by Guido van Rossum and first released
in 1991, Python’s design philosophy emphasizes
code readability with its notable use of
significant whitespace. Its language constructs
and object-oriented approach aim to help
programmers write clear, logical code for small
and large-scale projects.
Python is dynamically typed and garbage-
collected. It supports multiple programming
paradigms, including structured (particularly,
procedural), object-oriented, and functional
programming. Python is often described as a
“batteries included” language due to its
comprehensive standard library.
Python is a multi-paradigm programming
language. Object-oriented programming and
structured programming are fully supported,
and many of its features support functional
programming and aspect-oriented
programming (including by
metaprogramming[50] and metaobjects (magic
methods)).[51] Many other paradigms are
supported via extensions, including design by
contract[52][53] and logic programming.
Python uses dynamic typing and a combination
of reference counting and a cycle-detecting
garbage collector for memory management. It
also features dynamic name resolution (late
binding), which binds method and variable
names during program execution.

 Easy to use
Python is compact and very easy to use
object oriented language with very simple
syntax rules.
 Expressive language
It is more capable to expressing the code's
purpose than many other languages.
 Interpreted language
Python installation interprets and executes
the code line by line at a time making it
easy to debug.
 Cross – Platform language
Python can run equally well on variety of
platforms – Windows,
LINUX/UNIX ,smartphones etc.
 Free and Open Source
Python language is freely available i.e. ,
without any cost(from
 Variety of Usage/Applications
Scripting, Web applications , Game
development, System Administration ,
Rapid prototyping, GUI programs ,
Database application. All you can do that
alone in Python.
human like)
 Not the Fastest Language
Python is an interpreted language not a
fully compiled one which makes it execution
time not that fast compared to some
compiled languages.
 Lesser Libraries than C , Java , Perl
Python offer library support for almost all
computing programs, but it’s library is still
not competent with languages like C, Java,
Perl as they have larger library collection.
 Not Strong on Type Binding
Python interpreter is not very strong on
catching 'Type-mismatch' issues.
 Not Easily Convertible
Because of its lack of syntax, it is a
disadvantage when it comes to translating
a program into another programming

Python Libraries are a set of useful functions
that eliminate the need for writing codes from
There are over 137,000 python libraries present
Python libraries play a vital role in developing
machine learning, data science, data
visualization, image and data manipulation
applications and more.
What is a Library?
A library is a collection of pre-combined codes
that can be used iteratively to reduce the time
required to code. They are particularly useful
for accessing the pre-written frequently used
codes, instead of writing them from scratch
every single time.
Similar to the physical libraries, these are a
collection of reusable resources, which means
every library has a root source. This is the
foundation behind the numerous open-source
libraries available in Python.
When it comes to scientific computing,
NumPy is one of the fundamental packages
for Python providing support for large
multidimensional arrays and matrices along
with a collection of high-level mathematical
functions to execute these functions swiftly.
NumPy relies on BLAS and LAPACK for
efficient linear algebra computations.
NumPy can also be used as an efficient
multi-dimensional container of generic

All the libraries that we have discussed are
capable of a gamut of numeric operations
but when it comes to dimensional plotting,
Matplotlib steals the show. This open-
source library in Python is widely used for
publication of quality figures in a variety of
hard copy formats and interactive
environments across platforms. You can
design charts, graphs, pie charts
scatterplots, histograms, error charts, etc.

with just a few lines of code.

This is yet another open-source software
used for scientific computing in Python.
Apart from that, Scipy is also used for Data
Computation, productivity, and high-
performance computing and quality
assurance.The core Scipy packages are
Numpy, SciPy library, Matplotlib, IPython,
Sympy, and Pandas.

The most popular deep learning framework,
TensorFlow is an open-source software
library for high-performance numerical
computation. It is an iconic math library and
is also used for machine learning and deep
learning algorithms. Tensorflow was
developed by the researchers at the Google
Brain team within Google AI organisation,
and today it is being used by researchers for
machine learning algorithms, and by
physicists for complex mathematical
computations. The following operating
systems support TensorFlow: macOS
10.12.6 (Sierra) or later; Ubuntu 16.04 or
later; Windows 7 or above; Raspbian 9.0 or
A Python module is a Python file containing a
set of functions and variables to be used in an
application. The variables can be of any type
(arrays, dictionaries, objects, etc.)
Modules can be either:

1. Built in
2. User - defined
There are a couple of key benefits of creating
and using a module in Python:

Structured Code
Code is logically organized by being grouped
into one Python file which makes development
easier and less error-prone.
Code is easier to understand and use.
Functionality defined in a single module can be
easily reused by other parts of the application.
This eliminates the need to recreate duplicate

SQL Structured Query Language, was developed
in 1970s in an IBM Laboratory. SQL sometimes
also referred to as SEQUEL is a 4th generation
non-procedural language. The non-procedural
languages just need to be specified WHAT of
the problem. That is, in non-procedural
languages ‘WHAT is required’ is specified in
contrast to 3GL’s ‘HOW it is to be done’. Since
SQL is non-procedural and that is what makes it
simple, it makes an RDBMS possible.
SQL, enables the following: (a)
Creating/modifying a database’s structure (b)
Changing security Settings for system
(c)Permitting users for working on databases or
tables (d) Querying Database
(e)Inserting/Modifying/Deleting the database
The key role of a database management system
is information management. A database server
is the key to solving the problems of
information management. In general, a server
must reliably manage a large amount of data in
a multi-user environment so that many users
can concurrently access the same data. A
database server must also prevent
unauthorized access and provide efficient
solutions for failure recovery,
MySQL database system refers to the
combination of a MySQL server instance and a
MySQL database. MySQL operates using
client/server architecture in which the server
runs on the machine containing the databases
and clients connect to the server over a
network. The server operating systems is
usually a Linux (like Redhat 9.0 etc.) or
Windows operating system. Typically MySQL is
supported on Windows XP, Windows Server
2003, Red Hat Fedora Linux, and Debian Linux,
and others. As with any other client/server
application, MySQL is a multi-user database
system, meaning several users can access the
database simultaneously.
In order to access data within the MySQL
database, all programs and users must use,
Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the set
of commands that is recognised by nearly all
RDBMSS. Usage of SQL has become a standard
for most of RDBMSs. Though application
programs and MySQL tools often allow users to
access database without directly using SQL, but
these applications in turn must use SQL when
executing the user’s request.
The Structured Query Language (SQL) is a
language that enables you to create and
operate on Relational databases, which are sets
of related information stored in tables.
Classification of SQL Statements
DDL(Data Definition Language) : DDL or Data
Definition Language actually consists of the SQL
commands that can be used to define the
Database schema. It simply deals with
Descriptions of the database schema and is
used to create and modify the structure of
database objects in the database.
Examples of DDL commands:
• DROP – is used to delete objects from the
• ALTER-is used to alter the structure of the

DQL (Data Query Language) : DQL statements

are used for performing queries on The data
within schema objects. The purpose of DQL
Command is to get some schema relation based
on the query passed to it.
Example of DQL:
• SELECT – is used to retrieve data from the a
DML(Data Manipulation Language) : The SQL
commands that deals with the manipulation of
data present in the database belong to DML or
Data Manipulation Language and this includes
most of the SQL statements.
Examples of DML:
• INSERT – is used to insert data into a table.
• DELETE – is used to delete records from a
database table.

DCL(Data Control Language) : DCL includes

commands such as GRANT and REVOKE
Which mainly deals with the rights,
permissions and other controls of the database
Examples of DCL commands:
• GRANT-gives user’s access privileges to
• REVOKE-withdraw user’s access privileges
given by using the GRANT command.

TCL(transaction Control Language) : TCL

Commands deals with the transaction within
the database.
Examples of TCL commands:
• COMMIT– commits a Transaction.
• ROLLBACK– rollbacks a transaction in case
Of any error occurs.
• SAVEPOINT–sets a save point within a

print(“public library”)

name = input(“Enter your name”)

login_id = input(“Enter your login_id”)

print(“**You have logined successfully**”)

print(“What do you want to do?”)
print(“Choose one of the functions provided
print(“1.Display Books”)
print(“2.Read Book”)
print(“3.Issue Book”)
print(“4.Return Book”)

x=int(input (“Enter the function number”))

if (x==1):
print(“You have chosen Display Books”)
print(“English literature”)
print(“Modern Science”)
print(“Artificial Intelligence”)
print(“Human Body”)
print(“Practical World”)
print(“Hindi Sahitya”)
book=input (“enter your book”)
print(“Nice choice , Bravo!!”)
print(“You have chosen Read Books”)
bookname=input(“Enter the book name which
you want to read.”)
print(“Hope you have a peaceful time reading.
And maintain the silence also yourself. LoL”)

print(“You have chosen issue books”)
print(“Note: The max day of issuing the book is
5 days”)
bookn = input (“Enter the book name which you
want to issue”)
date = input(“Enter the issuing date”)
print(“Thank you! for issuing the book”)

print(“You have chosen return book”)
rbook=input(“Enter the book name”)
rdate=input(“Enter the returning date”)
print(“Thanks for returning”)
print(“Hope, it was useful for you”)
print(“Thank you! , Please visit again.”)

Mysql> use db;
Database changed
Mysql> create table book
 (s_No int, LoginID varchar(10),
Choosen_Function char(20), Book
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec)

Mysql> insert into book values(1, ‘Harry’,

‘Read’, ‘Modern Science’);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)

Mysql> insert into book values(2, ‘Sam’,

‘Display’, ‘Modern Science’);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

Mysql> insert into book values(3, ‘Linda’,

‘Issue’, ‘Human Body’);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Mysql> insert into book values(4, ‘Noan’,
‘Return’, ‘Practical World’);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

Mysql> insert into book values(5, ‘Merry’,

‘Read’, ‘Hindi Sahitya’);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Mysql> select * from book;


 Computer Science with Python Class XI

Sumita Arora

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