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National Account Series with the assu-

Is Extreme Poverty Declining? mption that distribution of consumption
remained intact in 2011–12. Using this,
Findings from Agricultural Households they were able to find a remarkable HCR

in India of 1.4% for 2019–20. The poverty line

they used here is $1.90 purchasing power
parity (PPP).
Second, Roy and van der Weide (2022)
Soham Bhattacharya reweighted the Consumer Pyramids
Household Survey (CPHS). This study

The latest round of the recent debate has taken a centre finds poverty levels to have declined to
Situation Assessment Survey stage regarding the trend of pov- 10.2% using the same $1.90 PPP as the
erty levels in India. Since 2011–12, poverty line. As Himanshu (2022), a keen
of Agricultural Households
there has been no official Consumer student of both these above-mentioned
is used to calculate income Expenditure Survey (CES) conducted by works, summarised,
poverty instead of commenting the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) Their method assumes the external survey
on consumption poverty across which is why attempts are now being benchmarks to be correct and uses a re-
made to estimate poverty levels using weighting mechanism to force the CPHS to
non-comparable data sets. Using arrive at estimates similar to the benchmark
different statistical techniques. For ins-
three different poverty lines, estimates.
tance, Subramanian (2019) observed a
it is demonstrated that at least rise in poverty by 4%, from 31% in 2011– In his concluding comments, he further
21.1% of agricultural households 12 to 35% during 2017–18 using the added that the poverty of data leading
leaked data on grouped distribution of to erroneous assumptions regarding
are extremely income poor.
consumption expenditure. This study income and consumption distribution
Though the so-called “Great had used the Rangarajan poverty line to in India clouded findings in both these
Indian Poverty Debate 2.0,” report on the poverty estimate. attempts.
with statistical assumptions Using 2019–20 rounds of Periodic In this article, I will attempt to depart
Labour Force Survey (PLFS) consump- from consumption poverty for this afore-
on consumption distribution
tion data, Mehrotra and Parida (2021) mentioned reason, and use the latest
or relative prices, may provide found 25.9% as the head count ratio round of Situation Assessment Survey
certain estimates of poverty, (HCR) for overall India. Using the Ten- (NSSO 77th round) for Agricultural House-
those seem to be disproportionate dulkar poverty line for reaching an esti- holds (SAS AH) 2018–19 to understand
mate of HCR, this study observes a rise in the current levels of income poverty in
to the actualities of the extremely
rural poverty, from 25.7% to 30.5% rural India.
poor in recent times. translating roughly to 270 million rural
poor in 2019–20. While the HCR has also SAS AH: Some Issues
increased from 13.7% in 2011–12 to 15.5% In the latest round of SAS AH (2018–19),
in urban India, translating roughly to 71 agricultural households are defined as
million urban poor. All references of reportedly having an annual income of
2011–12 in this study refer to the NSSO `4,000 per annum from any self-em-
CES. A cautionary critique therefore must ployment activity in agriculture—a shift
be mentioned: information collected on from the qualifying amount of `3,000 in
consumption data in PLFS 2019–20 is not SAS, 2012–13. This, then, becomes the
exactly comparable with the NSSO CES. first methodological concern in the cal-
There are two other studies; both came culation of poverty. Since this survey by
out as working papers that are attempting definition excludes households with an-
to understand levels of poverty in India, nual income earned from self-employ-
by assuming certain distributional as- ment in agriculture below `4,000, it
pects of consumption. A commonality of does not represent a complete rural in-
both these studies is in the statement of come distribution. This shifts the in-
decline in extreme poverty in India. come distribution towards higher values
Soham Bhattacharya (soham.bhattacharya2@ First, Bhalla et al (2022) used private than actual. is with the Economic Analysis Unit, final consumption expenditure (PFCE) Further, in the recent round of SAS AH,
Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru Centre.
from the National Statistical Office (NSO) there are six major sources of income
Economic & Political Weekly EPW DECember 3, 2022 vol lVii no 49 13
Table 1: Incidence of Extreme Poverty among Agricultural Households, Rural India, 2018–19, against poverty. In this formulation,
Proportion in Per Cent and Absolute Number of Households in Millions
then, the monthly per capita poverty line
Proportion (%) Absolute Households (millions)
Poverty Lines Actual Household Size Modified OECD Actual Household Size Modified OECD becomes the required wage line that is
$1.9 PPP 40.6 21.1 37.8 19.6 appropriately derived from the fixed
$2.15 PPP 45.9 24.5 42.7 22.8 minimum wage requirement.
Minimum wage line 54.1 30.2 50.3 28.1
Modified OECD method takes weightage 1 for first adult, then 0.5 for all other adult members aged above 14 years, and Incidence of Poverty
0.3 for all members below 14 years. Absolute number of household is generated using estimated 93.094 million as total
agricultural households in SAS 2018–19. There are two methodological clarifica-
Source: Author’s calculation from SAS 77th round unit-level data.
tions to mention before arriving at the
reported to calculate household income. shifted the distribution rightward. As a income poverty line. First, instead of only
These sources are: income from crop contrarian, I am introducing another using the size of the household to arrive
cultivation, income from livestock acti- poverty line to understand income pov- at per capita income, I have also taken
vities, income from non-farm businesses, erty. In 2018–19, for a majority of small the modified score of equivalence, as sug-
income from wages and salaries, income and marginal farmers, wage income had gested in the Organisation for Economic
from leasing out land, and income become their most important source of Co-operation and Development (OECD).
earned from pension and remittances. income rather than crop income or inc- Second, in 2018–19, weighted mean for
Of these, the first two, that is, informa- ome from cost of cultivation. Munjal MGNREGA wages at the all-India level was
tion on crop income and livestock inc- (2021) has shown that between 2012–13 `196 per day at current prices (Aggarwal
ome, is calculated through inclusion of and 2018–19, the share of wage income and Paikra 2020). For this study, I have
both imputed values and paid-out cost. in the total income had increased from assumed employment generation for all
However, the cost component does not 38% to 46%. Following this pattern of 100 days. Ideally then, at the current
collect information on depreciation of over-dependence on wage income for rate, it should provide an annual in-
capital, marketing expenses, land reve- agricultural households, I have used a come of `19,600, that is, `1,633 per capi-
nue, overlooking the Commission for method of minimum wage line, earlier ta per month. In a comparison to this,
Agricultural Costs and Prices’ fuller defi- adopted by Baksi and Modak (in Swami- $1.9 is `1,201 per capita per month and
nition of A2 cost (Sarkar 2017). This for- nathan and Baksi 2017). $2.15 is `1,359 per capita per month in
mulation then suggests that income Here, I have taken the third measure PPP 2019.
earned from crop cultivation is made of poverty as if the household member Table 1 shows the incidence of poverty
higher by definition than actual since earned the average daily wage at the among agricultural households in rural
their cost components are missing from level of average all-India wage from India. Using three poverty lines, I dem-
the cost of cultivation data, collected Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employ- onstrate that at least 21.1% of agricultur-
through SAS AH. ment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and al households are extremely income
Finally, household incomes are not were provided with 100 days of work. poor. Even if we are not strictly follow-
strictly comparable with the SAS 70th That income should act as a safeguard ing any of these indices, figures in this
round conducted in 2012–13. This is be-
cause incomes earned from leasing out GUJARAT INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH
land and from pension and remittances AHMEDABAD
were not collected in its previous rounds.
Therefore, as a cautionary note, one CORRIGENDUM
must take poverty estimates that can
(This advertisement replaces the advertisement dated November 26, 2022)
arise out of SAS AH with a pinch of salt as
these problems are associated with the Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR), Ahmedabad, invites applications
survey definition. In this analysis, I have and nominations for the position of Professor and Director.
used both visits of unit-level SAS data by GIDR is an autonomous social science research institute (website
solely looking at the agricultural house- supported by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi
holds to arrive at a few measures that and the Government of Gujarat. The applicant should be an eminent researcher and
scholar in any discipline of social sciences such as Development Studies, Economics,
need to be taken vis-à-vis poverty in
and working as Professor for at least five years. She/he should be conversant with
rural India. academic administration and should not be more than 60 years of age at the time
of application. The initial appointment will be for a period of five years. Applications
Definitions of Income Poverty and nominations accompanied by detailed bio-data should be addressed to Chairperson,
Since the definition of extreme poverty Search-cum-Selection Committee and sent in a sealed cover marked as ‘Confidential’
at the following address/email on latest by 7 January 2023. Please
from $1.90 PPP to $2.15 PPP has been download the prescribed application form from GIDR’s website
subjected to multiple revisions, I have
used, both measures for 2018–19 data. Gujarat Institute of Development Research,
Near Gota Flyover, Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway
As mentioned before, the SAS AH defi- Gota, Ahmedabad 380060
nition of agricultural households had
14 DECember 3, 2022 vol lVii no 49 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

study suggest that extreme poverty is far Table 2: Changes in Per Capita Monthly Casual India,” International Monetary Fund, Working
from being over in India. At least 19.6 Wage Income for Agricultural Households, by Paper No 2022/069.
Seasons, Rural India, 2012–19, Real Values CSO (2015): “Report of the Committee on Private
million agricultural households could be Kharif Rabi Final Consumption Expenditure,” chaired by
categorised as extremely income poor in 2012–13 2,584 2,392 A K Adhikari, Central Statistics Office, Govern-
ment of India, New Delhi.
2018–19. Although official poverty lines 2018–19 2,920 2,664
Himanshu (2022): “Statistical Priorities for the
in India do take actual household size as CAGR (%) 2.1 1.8
‘Great Indian Poverty Debate 2.0’,” Perspective,
Real values of wages are calculated by deflating 2018–19
the denominator, which would suggest a Ideas for India, October, Statistical Priorities
numbers using 2012 CPI–AL series and inflating 2012–13
for the “Great Indian Poverty Debate 2.0”
little more than 40% of rural agricultur- numbers using the same.
Source: Author’s calculation from SAS 70th and 77th
al households are extremely income Mehrotra, S and J K Parida (2021): “Poverty in
round data.
poor which translates into 37.8 million India Is on the Rise Again,” Opinionated Post-
editorial Article, Hindu, 4 August.
agricultural households being income 2%, then it remains suspicious that pub-
Munjal, K (2021): “Changes in Income Structure of
poor. Even if one takes the average lic distribution system alone had caused Agricultural Households: Insights from the Sit-
household size from SAS AH and the least consumption poverty to fall so sharply as uation Assessment Surveys,” Published Blog,
Foundation for Agrarian Studies, Changes in
of the poverty estimate within the rang- has been argued by Bhalla et al (2022).
Income Structure of Agricultural Households:
es available, that is, 19.6 million house- It is expected that data on poverty in Insights from the Situation Assessment Sur-
holds with an average of five members: India, once available, might provide us with veys (
Narayanamoorthy, A and K S Sujitha (2022): “Are
roughly 98 million rural individuals will more accurate incidences of poverty. Since
the Farmer Households Becoming Agricultural
be extremely income poor at the least. the economic crisis of livelihood during Labour Households in India? An Analysis of
the COVID-19 pandemic, the comparable State-wise SAS Data,” Indian Journal of Labour
Rural Wage Income Levels Economics, Vol 65, pp 643–65,
data on the levels of income at the pre- 10.1007/s41027-022-00384-8.
Beyond the actual estimates, there are pandemic levels are yet to be made avail- NSSO–SAS (2014): “Key Indicators of Situations of
other ways of looking into the direction able. Though the so-called “Great Indian Agricultural Households in India,” 70th Round,
National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of
at which income poverty proceeds, Poverty Debate 2.0,” with statistical as- Statistics and Programme Implementation,
through rural wages. Though not apt to sumptions on consumption distribution Government of India, New Delhi.
compare income levels between the two or relative prices, may provide certain — (2021): “Situation Assessment of Agricultural
Households and Land and Holdings of House-
rounds of SAS, one can still attempt to estimates of poverty, those seem to be holds in Rural India 2019,” 77th Round, Nation-
understand changes in the levels of casual disproportionate to the actualities of the al Statistical Office, Ministry of Statistics and
wage income earned among the agri- extremely poor in recent times. Programme Implementation, Government of
India, New Delhi.
cultural households. As Patnaik (2021) If not as a remedy, in this analysis, I Patnaik, P (2021): “The Scourge of Unemploy-
and Himanshu (2022) have both argued, have used a range of poverty lines rather ment,” Online Article, Indian Researcher, the
changes in average wage income of cas- than being overly sensitive to an exact Scourge of Unemployment—Indian Researcher.
Roy, S S and R van der Weide (2022): “Poverty in
ual wage earning can often provide a di- HCR employing a singular definition. This India Has Declined over the Last Decade But
rection to which poverty levels are head- suggests that despite the limitations of Not as Much as Previously Thought,” World
ed. Using consumer price index for agri- SAS data and degrees of underestima- Bank, Policy Research Working Paper No 9994.
Sarkar, Biplab (2017): “Household Crop Incomes
cultural labour (CPI–AL) data for defla- tion, at least 19 million households re- Among Small Farmers: A Study of Three Vil-
tion at the all-India level, I have com- main income poor in rural India. A deni- lages in West Bengal,” Review of Agrarian Stud-
pared casual wage incomes earned by al of this fact, then, becomes a denial of ies, Vol 7, No 2,
wage workers in agricultural households well-being to the country’s rural masses. Subramanian, S (2019): “What Is Happening to Ru-
in these two rounds. Here, casual wage ral Welfare, Poverty, and Inequality in India?”
income refers to the incomes earned by References India Forum, 27 November, https://www.thein-
individuals under activity status 41, 42, Aggarwal, Ankita and Vipul Kumar Paikra (2020): welfare-poverty-and-inequality-india-be-
and 51, including both principal and sub- “Why Are MNREGA Wages So Low?” Perspec- tween-2011-12-and-2017-18.
tive. Ideas for India, Why Are MNREGA Wages Swaminathan, Madhura and Sandipan Baksi (eds)
sidiary status (UPSS). So Low? ( (2017): How Do Small Farmers Fare? Evidence
Table 2 shows, in real terms, the month- Bhalla, S, K Bhasin and A Virmani (2022): “Pan- from Village Studies in India, New Delhi: Tulika
ly wage incomes earned in kharif (July– demic, Poverty, and Inequality: Evidence from Books.
December) and rabi (January–June) crop
seasons between 2012–13 and 2018–19.
There are two important concerns Licensing by EPWI
regarding rural wage income among the
agricultural households: First, in both EPW has licensed its material for non-exclusive use to only the following content aggregators—
seasons, casual wage levels have grown Factiva and Jstor.
at meagre 2% rate annually. Second, if Factiva and Jstor have EPW content on their databases for their registered users.
agricultural households have over the time EPW does not have licensing arrangements with any other aggregators.
becoming more dependent on wage inc- EPW requests readers to let it know if they see EPW material on any unlicensed aggregator.
ome (Narayanamoorthy and Sujitha 2022), EPW needs the support of its readers to remain financially viable.
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Economic & Political Weekly EPW DECember 3, 2022 vol lVii no 49 15

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