Proposal Fikry Khaikal Resivi Kamis, 02 November 2023

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Approval....................................................................................... I

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................... II

CHAPTER I...................................................................................1


1.1 Background of the study................................................................................................

1.2 Research question.........................................................................................................

1.3 Scope and limitation of the study..................................................................................

1.4 The Objective of the study.............................................................................................

1.5 Significance of the Study...............................................................................................

1.5.1 Theoritical...........................................................................................................

1.5.2 Practical..............................................................................................................

1.6 Definition of the key term.............................................................................................

CHAPTER II..................................................................................

REVIEW OF LITERATURE...............................................................

2.1 Previous Studies............................................................................................................

2.2 Reading Comprehension................................................................................................

2.3 Types of reading comprehension...................................................................................

2.4 Reading skills................................................................................................................

2.5 Online game...................................................................................................................

2.6 Definition of online game..............................................................................................

2.7 The use of Online Games in Learning English..............................................................

CHAPTER III.................................................................................

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................

3.1 Research Design............................................................................................................

3.2 Research Subjects..........................................................................................................

3.3 Research Objects...........................................................................................................

3.4 The role of Researchers.................................................................................................

3.5 Data Types.....................................................................................................................

3.6 Data collection instruments...........................................................................................

3.6.1 Questionnaire......................................................................................................

3.7 Data collection procedures............................................................................................

3.8 Trigulation.....................................................................................................................


Chapter I


This chapter presents the Background of the study, Research question, Limitation

of the Problem, Objective of the study, and Significance of the Study.

1.1. Background of the study

English may be used to connect people in all situations, plays a significant part in

communication, and is without a doubt the world's most vital and important

communication tool (Ahmed, 2016). English is a language that can be studied practically

anywhere, both inside and outside of the classroom.

According to Safitri (2020), in reading has many learning strategies a person can

be affected in reading comprehension due to various factors. There have been many

studies about reading, but they were merely studies that study reading specifically.

It is well-recognized that reading is a key component of learning English.

According to Hung, et al. (2015), having a good reading framework improves vocabulary,

writing, fluency, and speaking. This means that as pupils read more, they will learn more

new knowledge. How students perceive foreign language learning has major implications

for future learning and instruction (Hromova, 2019). Online reading classes are typically

given through a variety of platforms, including Google Classroom, which, according to

research by Husna, et al. (2022), provides practical features, entertaining activities, and

reasonable rates.

According to Untari's (2020) research, the findings support two assumptions: first,

that the benefits of online reading have a significant impact on students' vocabulary

understanding; and second, that students are highly involved in evaluating the educational

reading they have read throughout the semester. Aside from that, offline reading lessons,

according to Riadil (2020), have various issues. The issue is that they sometimes struggle

to read texts, learn how to pronounce words correctly, master vocabulary, link word ideas,

and comprehend text topics that are culturally diverse. They also struggle with

synthesizing material and distinguishing key concepts from supporting ideas in texts, as

well as identifying techniques to locate relevant topics based on their expertise or


Online video games can be played by connecting to a remote internet network,

where players can communicate with one another. Popular games nowadays include

Mobile Legend, Free Fire, and Clash of Clans, which are largely played by teens. As a

result, it has both beneficial and bad effects on the learning process in schools. Online

games are artificial systems designed to pit participants against one another. Then,

depending on the game, they will play together as allies or foes. Every game is a contest.

They have some rules and goals, and every game has winners and losers.

Roger and Johnson (2016) investigate the behavior of video game players. They

discovered that most players love playing video games and may learn new words from the

game's instructions. They also stated that participants benefited much from video games,

such as increasing their L2 abilities and engaging with native English speakers.

Al-jifri and Elyas (2017) investigated the relationship between video games and

English mastery. They discovered that the participants were more motivated and had a

greater influence on language acquisition and production.

Angraeni , et al. (2019) studied vocabulary mastery using online games with 30

students. They discovered that through games, pupils acquired the meaning of the new

language and translated it into L1. Ronimus, et al. (2019) investigated digital games for

struggling readers. They had 37 participants. They emphasized that digital play

intervention - letter sound and word level reading - increases reading proficiency.

1.2. Research question

1. How is students vocabulary attainment in English related to online games?

2. Is it important to read the story text in the game to improve student reading skills?

1.3. Scope and limitation of the study

1. How is students' English vocabulary mastery in games and in class has the possibility

of increasing because both rely on reading skills.

2. It’s important to read the story text in the game to understand lore of the game and also

important for students reading skills.

1.3.A. Scope

The scope of this research is to find the relationship of reading story text in online game

with students of the Mulawarman University English Language Education Program class

of 2019.

1.3.B. Limitation

This research will only focus on students of the Mulawarman University English

Language Education Program class of 2019 and only to those who play games.

1.4. The Objective of the study

The first purpose of this study is to find out if players' English reading abilities can

be enhanced by reading stories in online games, especially for those who are still studying

in lectures.

The second purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of online games

among Indonesian students. The goal of this study is to investigate students' perceptions of

online gaming practices as well as their vocabulary achievement in English related to

online games.

The third purpose of this study is to find out if there is any relation between online

game practices and the understanding English by students’ perceptions.

1.5 Significance of the Study

It is expected that the researcher's performance will be useful in terms of :

1.5.A. Theoretical

The findings of this study are expected to enrich insights and knowledge about

understanding reading story text in games and its impact on reading ability in schools.

Also this study’s findings will advance our understanding of how English is used in online

games, how it is perceived by players, how it is used to plan strategies, and how English

differs from other languages. This research will help future researchers by expanding their

knowledge, especially research on the relationship between online games and learning and

knowledge in schools. The study's findings are being used to educate English teachers

about students' perceptions of online gaming. As a result, teachers can create a variety of

learning strategies using online games.

1.5.B. Practical

Students can easily expand their knowledge of technological devices, which is

critical for their future studies, English teachers, and English students use research findings

as knowledge to make informed decisions when playing online games. For example Online

classroom games are fun activities that teachers can play with their students over the

internet. For example, Digital Scavenger Hunts, Virtual Pictionary and Online Bingo. The

purpose of these games is to educate and entertain students.

1.6. Definition of the key term

1.6.A. Reading

According to McWhorter (2001), reading at first may appear to be a routine

activity in which individual words are combined to produce meaning. In the opposites,

according to Alderson (2000) reading is the interaction between the reader and the text.

During that process, many things happen, not only is the reader looking at print, but also

deciphering in some sense the marks on the page, deciding what they mean and how they

relate to each other. Based on Smahillah (2014) reading is a complex activity that involves

both perception and thought.

1.6.B. Reading Comprehension

According to Snow (2002), reading comprehension is the process of

simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement

with written language. Relating to the definitions above, the reader who has to have the

balanced knowledge and experience must be able to adjust the source of information into

adaptable context.

1.6.C. Online Game

According to Kautsar (2019), online video gaming can be interpreted as a games

program that is connected via the internet that can be played anytime, anywhere and can be

played in groups in the world and the games itself displays interesting images as desired,

which is supported by the device for these games itself. This is due to the fact that they

encompass both educational and enjoyable learning. Even today, many gamers (as gamers)

use these online games for business purposes, such as selling the most coins acquired by

gamers to other gamers at a set price (Kautsar, 2019).



In this chapter, the researcher will discuss about Definition of Reading, Types of

Reading Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Reading Skills, Online Games, The

Definition of Online games, The use of Online Games in Learning English, and Previous


2.1. Reading

According to Grellet (2004) reading is a constant process of guessing, and what

one brings to the next is often more important than what one finds in it. In reading, the

students should be taught to use what they know to understand unknown elements,

whether these are ideas or simple words.

2.2. Definition of Reading

According to Hughes (2007), reading is a complicated relationship between the

reader and the text. It implies that reading is a task that involves reading a text. Reading is

the process of decoding and comprehending written language, claim Cline, et al., (2006).

According to Smahillah (2014), the researcher draws the conclusion that reading is the

process of learning to read a text and to understand its information from the

aforementioned claims, reading is a complicated process that requires both perception and


2.3. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension, according to Woolley (2011), is the process of extracting

meaning from text. According to Brown (2007: 89) (In Woolley 2011), in order to

understand texts, readers need a set of conceptual frameworks, or their knowledge of the

outside world. It can be assumed that readers make an effort to understand the material

they are reading. They accomplish this by engaging with the text itself and drawing on

past knowledge of the subject. After they are able to comprehend the individual words and

sentences that make up the text, they will be able to comprehend the entire text. Moreover,

Harmer (2010: 64) (In Woolley 2011) asserts that comprehension of a text's language at

the word, phrase, and overall text levels is necessary for reading.

2.4. Definition of reading comprehension

According to Healy (2002), Reading comprehension is the understanding of the written

word, the understanding of the content that is being read, and the construction of

meanings of the text. Students as the readers should not only know every word of the text

that they read but also they need to understand the text itself.

2.5. Online game

Andriani, et. al (2011) stated that offline games are different with the online games.

Therefore, it is expected to the users and gamers to wisely alter the gained information

from the internet since the information in the internet and online games has a wide

information and action that is not filtered yet. Online games are accessible games by many

players where the machines that the player is connected to by a network (Adams and

Rollings, 2010).

2.6. Definition of online game

According to Curtis in Ho and Wu (2012) online video gaming is a virtual worlds

with internet connections and multiple users. In other words, online games are computer

games that use internet connections to process user interactions. Meanwhile, according to

Kaustar (2019), online video gaming can be interpreted as a games program that is

connected via the internet that can be played anytime, anywhere and can be played in

groups in the world and the games itself displays interesting images as desired, which is

supported by the device for these games itself.

There are numerous sorts of online games, according to Rollings and Adams

(2006) Puzzle games, adventure games, sports games, construction and simulation, vehicle

simulation, role-playing games (RPG), action and arcade games, and strategy games are

among them. Several sorts of online games were developed and played by the community

based on the types of online games outlined above, which are known as Multiple Player

Battle Arenas (MOBA).

2.7. The use of Online Games in Learning English

According to Ray (2019), his research discovered a substantial connection between

learning motivation and students' English learning achievement, indicating that students

who were driven to learn remained interested in learning, concentrated, and diligent in

accomplishing their goals. Thus, through learning achievement, high, medium, and low

student learning motivation can be recognized and quantified.

According to Ray (2019) students who play online video games are not guaranteed

to lower student progress in learning English it all depends on each student's

determination to maintain his a chievement. Students who do not play online video games,

on the other hand, do not guarantee that their enthusiasm and achievement in learning

English will improve, nor will their reading skills and vocabulary knowledge.

According to Antzaka, et al. (2017), a number of research have looked at the

relationship between video games and literacy, with some finding favorable benefits.

Playing action video games, for example, has been found to increase visual attention span
and, as a result, reading ability in teenagers and adults, as well as to support improved

reading skills in dyslexic youngsters. According to Kayaalt (2018), the use of online

games in language instruction to teach vocabulary is more effective than rote learning.In

line with Kayaaltı (2018) stating using online games in language teaching to teach

vocabulary is more effective than rote learning.

2.8. Previous Studies

Numerous studies have been conducted on this subject. However, four studies

about reading and online games are provided by researchers. The first one is from the

study Investigated The Role of Video Games In Learning English by Fenny Yutika Seli &

Imam Sentosa, in their study they use qualitative descriptive analysis in their research.

The researcher collects data through close-ended questionnaire based on the Krashen

theory regarding English as a foreign language acquisition in this research was able to

provide valuable insights as to how video games influenced the acquisition of EFL in

Indonesia; 57 respondents answered all 39 questions spread across six major categories

regarding the roles of video games in influencing the respondents’ acquisition of EFL.

The results of this study were able to elucidate the roles of video games in learning

English specifically in Indonesia. After reviewing the data procured from the

questionnaire, the researcher found that all of the statements in the questionnaire yielded

agreements and strong agreements. Therefore, the researcher proved and came to the

conclusion that video games are able to enhance learners’ reading comprehension skills.

The second one is from the study Investigated How Genshin Impact Online Game

Impact Player English Skills by I Gusti Ngurah Octova Seventilofa. The researcher uses

qualitative research to assess students' abilities, as a research tool, the researcher collects

data through interviews. The ability referred to in this study is limited to the ability to write

and read. Correspondents in this study were 20 players of the Genshin Impact game

between the ages of 16 – 36 years consisting of 19 male players and 1 female player. The

method of data collection was done by using a closed interview method. The results of this

study are true that Genshin Impact influences the English skills of the players although it is

not significant. The study's findings indicate that PC games can improve English skills and

some negative impacts such as gamers' lack of social interaction in the real world, feeling

dissatisfied if not playing games, addicted to playing video games all night, conflict occurs

between game addicts and the people in their environment, indifference to the surrounding

environment, only focus on games.

The third one is study conducted Students’ Perception on Online Game Online

Game for Vocabulary Development by Adil Dananjaya & Dyah Kusumastuti. This

research used survey as the method of the research where the instruments to collect the

data were closed-questionnaire and structured-interview. The subject of the research was

students of English Education Department. There were 20 respondents for the

questionnaire, and 5 interviewees for the interview. The samples were taken by using

purposive sampling technique where the samples only they who have been playing Online

Game for at least 4 months to avoid bias of the data. After doing the research by using

questionnaire and interview, the result of the research could be concluded that the

students’ perception towards online game Online Game in their vocabulary development

is positive. The result is positive, reaching a 74% in the final result, therefore it is belongs

to positive perception, the data shown that the respondents agreed that they met many new

vocabularies, discovered how to spell and pronounce the words by the game’s system and

others that assisted them, even ever used the new vocabularies in their daily lives, and

they claimed that their vocabulary knowledge is expanding when playing Online Game.

Besides playing for fun, the students can also learn about English from this game.

The last or the fourth is a study conducted by Hamid Ashraf, et al. In their study

The Impact of Online Games on Learning English Vocabulary. The subject of the research

was Forty five lower intermediate learners, ranging from 16-22 years old learning English

as a foreign language (studying at Khorasan Language Institute in Kashmar, Iran) were

selected to sit for a proficiency test. Based on their score in the proficiency test, 24

students for the purpose of this study were finally selected. The participants were divided

into control and experimental groups (12 subjects per group). The results obtained from

the pretest, including 20 vocabulary-based items, at the outset of the course showed no

statistically significant difference between the control and experimental groups confirming

the fact that they were in a similar status. As a result, it can be suggested that online games

can be viewed as an effective tool in English classes in general, and in vocabulary

teaching classes in specific.

The most discussed research is the similarity between previous studies that have

examined the discussion in namely the reciprocal effect between playing games and

reading texts in games on students' reading skills. Therefore, based on the aforementioned

past studies, researchers are required to make contributions to this study, especially by

using other researchers as sources of inspiration, references, and information pertaining to

the themes and contents of this research.



This chapter describes the research methods, which include Research Design,

Research setting and participants, Research Objects, The role of researchers, Data

collection instruments, Data collection procedures, and Trigulation.

3.1. Research Design

According to Yılmaz (2013), qualitative research is “an emergent, inductive,

interpretive and naturalistic approach to the study of people, cases, phenomena, social

situations and processes in their natural settings in order to reveal in descriptive terms the

meanings that people attach to their experiences of the world”.

This study is to assist students in improving their skills in online gaming as well as

their English skills. In order to more thoroughly understand the assumptions of certain

persons or groups of people, researchers will conduct case qualitative research.

3.2. Research Setting and Participants

In this research, the subjects or participants are the Student of English education

program of faculty English Mulawarman University class of 2019.

To select the participants, the researcher uses simple random sampling. According

to Gay (2012), random sampling is the process of selecting a sample in such a way that all

individuals in the defined population have an equal and independent chance of being

selected for the sample. The intent of simple random sampling is to choose individuals to

be sample who is representative of the population.

Based on the theories above, the researcher will use the term simple random

sampling. In this case, to select the participants based on the same trait or qualification

such as :

1. The participant is the students of English education program of faculty English

Mulawarman University class of 2019

2. Participants have experience playing online games for 3/4 months and reading

stories/lore in the game

3. The participant is willing to be interviewed by the researcher

3.3. Research Objects

This study focuses on students' reading abilities especially their vocabulary. The

researcher is interested in learning about students' reading abilities as they relate to the

practice of online games in the present era. The researcher distributes questionnaires to

students in order to learn about their viewpoints. Researchers then wanted to ensure

students understanding of English in online games by administering assessments

pertaining to their ability to read short English texts. To discover out, the researcher

administered a close ended questionnaire test to the students and then the researcher

selected five students to conduct student interviews, the five people selected were taken

based on their answers which agreed with the questions in the questionnaire.

3.4. The role of Researchers

In this study, the researcher's responsibility is to gather and analyze data. As data

collectors, researchers collect students' experience. Based on student responses, analysts

examine and comprehend student perceptions. Interpret research specifications and create

a work plan to meet the standards.

3.5. Data collection instruments

Data for this study were acquired utilizing a questionnaire through the items in the

questionnaire then the researchers structured-interviews. In this study, a set of questions

will provide then, close inquiries as queries students can answer questions based on their

knowledge and experience. The instrument used in this present study is the researcher as

the key to the instrument in a qualitative study. The second instrument is structured-

interview. This research used two instruments to gather the information are by :

3.5.A. Questionnaire

The researcher of this study collected data from participants via a questionnaire. A

questionnaire, according to Cresswell (2011), questionnaire is a form used in a survey

design that participant in a study choose some potential responses followed by a scale.

The participants had to select the response on the scale that reflects their beliefs or

opinions about the statement. According to Creswell (2012), a questionnaire is a type of

survey design that participants fill out and return to the researcher. As a result, participants

choose to answer questions and provide basic personal or demographic information.

3.5.B. Interview

Fraenkel & Wallen (2009) state interviews were utilized by the researcher to

confirm the data gathered during the process and to get more specific data. After that, a

structured-interview with the researcher would be done in-depth. Creswell (2012) states

that a qualitative interview occurs when a researcher asks one or more participants in

general, open-ended questions, and records their answers.

3.6. Data collection procedures

will described in depth in this paper. Before being described, the data will be

qualitatively examined. Data analysis in qualitative research occurs both during and after

data collection, (Miles and Huberman, 2009). The researcher studied the respondents'

responses during the interview. If the researcher has not found the answer, researcher will

keep asking questions until researcher is pleased with the answer. There were several steps

that the researcher will do as followed :

1. In order to identify multiple students who have procrastinated or have been

procrastinating, the researcher offered the students an close-ended questionnaire.

2. The researcher used close interviews with a number of students to gather information.

3. The researcher will be capturing the interviews using smartphone

4. The researcher will using the audio recording to create a trancript

3.7. Data Analysis

The data from this study will be analyze using Miles, Huberman, & Saldana

(2014) model of data analysis. This analysis separated into three stages which are data

reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. Explanation of those three stages can be

seen below.

a) Data reduction

Miles and Hubberman (2014) refer to the process of selecting, focusing,

simplifying, abstracting and/or transforming the data that appear in the written-up field

note, interview transcripts, documents, and other empirical materials. In this research

researcher will be using code to trim out the important information from the transcript of

the interview. The researcher will give code to interview transcript to make the data

analysis easy to conduct. The following table was the coding system that researcher use :

Table 3.7.A. Coding System

No. Code Description

1. R The researcher

2. P1 Participant 1

3. P2 Participant 2

4. IN1 Interview with participant 1

5. IN2 Interview with participant 2

6 L1, L2, L3, … L stands for line of utterance.


L1 : First line

L2 : Second line

L3 : Third line

b) Data Display

The next stage of the three stage of Miles and Hubberman (2014) model is data

display. Data display is defined as an organized, compressed assembly of information that

allows conclusion drawing and action. In this study, the data will be displayed or presented

in the form of narrative text as it was the most common way to presenting data (Miles and

Hubberman, 2014).

c) Conclusion Drawing

The final stage of this data analysis model is conclusion drawing. If the evidence

which found in initial conclusion was not strong enough and tentative, then it is possible

for the researcher to change the data and support the next stage of data collection process.

However, the data will be considered as credible conclusion when the initial conclusion is

supported by valid and consistent evidence on the field.

3.7. Trigulation

The reliability and credibility features of this study will be provided by the researcher

through data triangulation. Triangulation is a form of phase used by Fraenkel & Wallen

(2009) to verify the accuracy and dependability of their data using a variety of equipment.

Additionally, as stated by Denzin & Lincoln (2018), data triangulation is the process of

combining multiple data sources to create a more comprehensive and trustworthy set of

data. Because the researcher might obtain a variety of data from conducting this research,

the researcher employs data triangulation to verify the validity and reliability of the



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Appendix I

Identity Sheet




Give your opinion by giving a check mark (√) on the boxes in accordance with

your level agreement on each statement with:

Abbrevation Meaning

SA Strongly Agree

A Agree

N Neutral

D Disagree

SD Strongly Disagre




Give check mark (√) on the boxes accordance with your level agreement on each

statement below:

Questionnaire guideline

This questionnaire guideline is adapted from (Septian, 2019)

No. Statement SA A N D SD

1. I meet at least one new vocabulary from each

character’s background.

2. I meet at least one new vocabulary from each

item’s description.

3. I meet at least one new vocabulary from

characters’ skills descriptions.

4. After meeting new vocabulary from the game,

I encouraged to relate it with vocabulary I’ve

already known to identify the synonym.

5. After meeting new vocabulary from the game,

I encouraged to relate it with vocabulary I’ve

already known to identify the antonym.

6. I can learn how to spell certain words by

interacting with foreign player who uses

English via in-game chat box.

7. I can learn some different variety of word

spelling from what I have already knew by

reading the in-game UI (digitally written

text). (Example: color and colour).

8. Interacting with foreign players via in-game

speaker and characters’ verbal-dialogues and

the system’s voice give me how to pronounce

words well.

9. After hearing foreign players’ pronunciation

via speaker, I encouraged to practice it in

another time aftermatch. (Example: in daily


10. I can identify word classes due to the

complete sentences written inside the game

(contextual identification).

11. I can learn simple grammar use due to

repetition of grammar pattern in the game.

12. I encouraged or even used the new vocabulary

and/or characters’ quotes in everyday activity.

(Example: used in English class or writing

social media updates, etc).

13. I meet at least one impolite word or slang

from other players in some matches.

Appendix II

Interview guideline

This interview guideline is adapted from (Septian, 2019)


No. Questions
1. Do you believe that while playing Online Game, you meet new
vocabularies? Why?
2. Do you believe that when playing Online Game you can relate the new
vocabularies with the vocabularies you have already know (the meaning,
synonym, and antonym)? Why?
3. Related to the lot of complete sentences in Online Game, do you believe that
in Online Game you can identify the vocabularies’ word class?
4. Do you think when playing Online Game with your friends you can learn
to pronounce word correctly with the help of your friends and the
system announcer? Can you give an example?
5. Is your vocabulary knowledge increasing after playing Online Game this
far? Why?

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