JAMB Government Past Question 1983 - 2004

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1983 - 2004
Government 1983
1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the D a weak government E controlled by the rich
parliamentary system of government?
A Ministers are usually members of parliament 8. An unwritten consititution operates in
B The Prime Minister is politically responsible to A. Guinea B U.S.A. C Great Britain
the parliament D China E Nigeria.
C The Head of State is the powerful organ of
government 9. A sovereign state is one
D The Head of Government may advise the Head A whose constitution can only be changed by
of State to dissolve parliament a military government B where its
E The Party in opposition provides the Shadow citizens can speak without fear or favour
Government. C in which sovereignty is invested in the military
D whose citizens are free to evade responsibility
2. Capitalism is an economic system in which E whose government decisions are made
A the economy of the State is centrally planned independent of sovereign interference
and controlled
10. Representative Democracy is best characterized by
B Private persons are permitted to undertake
A free elections and proper register of voters
B proper constituencies and a real choice of
C accumulatation of private property is
C a politically educated electorate
D that means of production are owned and
D representation only for the poor
controlled by the State
E rule by the interest groups.
E all big industries and the land are publicly
owned for common good.
11. The primary function of a legislature is
A appointing a president B lawmaking
3. The process of depriving persons of the right of
C vetoing bills
voting is called
D monitoring the judiciary
A enfranchisement B disqualification
E re-assigning civil servants
C dismissal D prohibition
E disenfranchisement. 12. According to Marxist theory, those who own and con
trol the means of production in a capitalist soceity are
4. Bicameralsm refers to A exploiters B. colonialists
A a one chamber legislature C. workers D. shareholders
B the process of voting in the leigslature E. bourgeoisie
C the upper chamber in a legislature
D a two chamber legislature 13. While political parties aim at forming a government
E legislature in all sovereign States. pressure groups aim at
A imposingmilitaryrule
5. The principle of the separation of powers implies that B causing social unrest
the three main organs of government work C influencing governmental decisions
A separately D controlling a nation’s economy
B independently and co-operatively E getting workers to untie
C against one another
14. When the electorate vote for representatives who in
D relunctantly and gradually for the executive
turn vote on their behalf we say it is
E together in the interest of other nations.
A. an indirect election B. an unfair election
C. a rigged election D. a disputed election
6. The main function of the judiciary is to
E. a biased election
A serve as the watchdog of the Executive
B enact laws 15. An election which is coducted to fill a vacant seat in a
C execute the laws of the land legislature is called a
D interpret the laws A by election B. general election
E protect the interest of accused persons. C referendum D plebiscite
E mini election.
7. A totalitarian government is
A a government that aspires to control every 16. Which of the following countries does NOT operate a
aspect of a citizen’s life Federal consititution
B a government for the masses A U.S.A. B. Canada
C a government of the people, by the people, C Nigeria D. France
and for the people E Switzerland
17. The major advantage of the secret ballot is that
A it is faster than other systems 25. The principle of anonymity of civil servants means
B nobody can be prevented from voting that they
C it ensures the anonymity of each voter A have a career
D losers can ask for another secret vote B are not the servant of a particular goverment
E it extends the franchise to all adults C. are trained for the duties they performed
D are credited or blamed for anything they do
18. Which of these statements is CORRECT about Propor E are entitled to pension and gratuity when they
tional Representatation? retired
A It makes the assembly representative of all
citizens 26. Thesix registered political parties in Nigeria in 1982 were
B It is simple to operate A UPN, NPN, PPA, PPP,NPPand NAP
C It preserves the party system B. NPN,UPN, NPP,PRP,PPP, and NNDP
D. It gives the parties seats in proportion to C. PPA,NCNC, GNPP,NPN,UPN, and PPP
their popular support D. UPN, GNPP, NAP, PRP, NPPand NPN
E. It legalies dictatorship E. NPC, GNPP, PRP, UPN, NPPand PPA.

27. Which if the following is NOT a pressure group in

19. In a one party State
A there are no free citizens
A Farmers
B. communism is banned
B. The Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT)
C. the communist party is the only legal party
C. The Catholic church
D. the ruling party is the onlylegal party
D. Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)
E. elections to the legislature are held at the party’s
E Nigeria Medical Association (NMA)
28. The N.C.N.C. sent a delegation to London in 1947 to
20. A cabinet system of government is practised in protest against the
A Britain and Canada B. Nigeria A Burns consitutions
C. The Soviet Union B Republican Constitutions
D. All European countries including Britain C. Richards Constitution
E. The United States of America D. Lyttleton Consitition
E Macpherson Consitution
21. A party system made up of more than two parties may
not qualify for the title of a multi-party system when 29. A popular principle of colonial administration in
A the country in question has a unitary British West Africa was
form of government A association B indirect rule
B the country in question has a federal form C paternalism D westernization
of government E assimilation
C the parties are not competitive
D different parties are supported by distinct 30. The three great Nigerian nationalists between 1950 and
political interests 1966 were
E the parties have identical structure A Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe and
Obafemi Awolowo
22. A proclamation by the Head of State ending a session B Ahmadu Bello, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Theophilus
of parliament is called Danjuma
A. a dissolution B. an adjournment C. Obafemi Awolowo, Herbert Macaulay and Ahmadu
C. a prorogation D. an abrogation Bello
E. a devolution D. NnamdiAzikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo andAhmadu
23. The constitutions of the Federal Republic of Nigeria E. K.O. Mbadiwe, S.L. Akintola and Herbert Macaulay
A promotes unity in diversity
31. The first Governor-General of colonial Nigeria was
B allows for the dominance of the minority
A. Sir Hugh Clifford B. Sir James Robertson
ethnic groups
C. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe D. Sir Ralph Moore
C concentrates governmental power at one
E. Lord Lugard
level of government
D advances the interest of the rich 32. The first military government in Nigeria was headed by
E ensures the dominance of one political party. A GeneralYakubu Gowon
24. The transfer of authority to local government council B. General Aguiyi Ironsi
is known as C. General M. Mohammed
A demarcation B delegation D. General O. Obasanjo
C fusion D fragmentation E. GeneralHassan Katsina
E devolution 33. The legislature in every state of the FederaRepublicof
Nigeria is called the
A State National Assembly A Promotion of Africans to senior service
B. State Legislative Council positions
C. State Traditional Council B. Increase African representation in the
D House of Assembly legislative asemblies
E. State House of Representatives. C. Improved conditions of service and salaries
for Africa
34. The 1979 Nigerian Consititution is unique because it D. Withdrawal of Military bases from Africa
A provides for a head of government E. Reduction of the dictatorship of colonial officers.
B introduces a participation of women in
politics 44. Under the 1979 Nigerian Constitution, each state is
C provides for a head of state who is also head allowed to elect
of government A. two senators B. five senators
D provides for a House of Chiefs C. as many senators as the state can finance
E. makes all men equal beforethelaw D. from two to five senators depending on the
35. The supreme organ of the U.N.O. is the population of the state E. ten senators.
A General Assembly B Secrectary General
C. World Court E. World Bank 45. The Independence Constitution
A. provided for a republican status for the country
36. Which Public Commission was not establsihed by the B. created a unitary state
1979 constitution? C. was negotiated by Nigerians
A Udoji Commission D. was imposed on Nigerians by the British
B. Federal Electoral Commission E. intro duced themilitaryinto Nigerian politics.
C. Public ServiceCommission
D. Public Complaint Commission 46. The first general election in Nigeria was held in
E. National Population Commission A. 1933 B. 1952 C. 1955 D. 1959 E. 1964

37. Local Government Reforms were carried out by the 47. The 1979 Nigerian Constitution provides for
Federal Military Government in Presidential elections every
A 1970 B. 1976 C. 1979 A. four years B. eight years
D. 1967 E. 1966. C. time the military hands over the reins of
38. Lagos became a Gowon Colony in D. time the incubent is impeached or dies
A 1900 B. 1914 C. 1886 D 1881 E 1862. E. time the Vice President is impeached
39. Nigerian elites agitated against colonial rule
A by guerrila warfare B. by civil war 48. In Nigeria, the constitution that preserves civil liberty
C. through television D. through newspapers is the
E. by bribing colonial governors A. Public Complaints Commission
B. Federal Electoral Commission
40. The first political party in Nigeria was formed after the C. Law courts
introduction of the D. National Security Organisation
A. Richards Constitution E. Police Commission
B. Clifford Constitution
C. Bourdillon consitution 49. Nigeria became a Federation under the new constitu
D. Macpherson Consittution tion of 1954 became the constitution
E. Lyttleton Constitution A. provided for equal representation between
the North and the South
41. The ECOWAS treaty was signed in 1975 in B. created the post of a Prime Minister
A Accra B. Banjul C. Freetown C. provided for a division of members of
D. Abidjan E. Lome parliament
42. The major innovation of the Republican consittution D. provided for a division of functions between
the centre and component units.
of 1963 was that
E. abolished the practice of nominating some
A. the Prime Minister ceased to be Head of State
members of parliament.
B. the Governor’s office as the representative of the
Queen was abolished
50. The Economic Commission for Africa is an agency of the
C. the Cabinet was no longer responsible to the
A. O.A.U B. O.P.E.C. C. U.N.O.
D. N.A.T.O. E. E.C.O.W.A.S
D. it introduced the Executive Presidential System
E. the Prime Minister was nominated bythe
Executive Council

43. Which of these was NOT a demand of the nationalists

movements in Nigeria?
Government 1984
1. In a presidential system of government the Executive E. an oligarchy
A. executes its own laws only
B. legislates all binding laws 9. The most basic property of pressure groups which
C. makes laws for the National Assembly differentiates them from political parties is that they
D. forms the government A. are not as interested in politics
E. executes all anti-government plotters. B. do not have permanent organisations
C. do not seek to influence public opinion
2. A Constitution is a legal document D. do not support candidates in elections
A. drawn up by lawyers E. do not nominate candidates as their own
B. enacted by military decree official representatives
C. forming the basis upon which a government
rules the country 10. In a presidential system of government, ministers are
D. which must not be altered by any succeeding A. collectively responsible to the Senate
government B. collectively responsible to the president
E. only likely to suceed in a country where C individually responsible to the president
there is union government D. individually responsible to no one
E. individually and collectively responsible to
3. One features of a totalitarian State is the existence of the electorate
A. a single recognised party
B. pressure groups C. opposition groups 11. The three principal organs of government are the
D. a colonial power E. fierce political rivalry A. Legistlature, the Public Service and Judiciary
B. Political Parties, the Executive and the
4. A system in which a few powerful and rich nobles Judiciary
own land which is hired out to the poor people to farm C. Executive, the Legislature and the Public
is called Corporation
A. feudalism B. co-operatives D. Legislature the Executive and the judiciary
C. socialism D. communism E. Judiciary, the Local Government and the
E. communalism legislature

5. The principle of check and balances is necessary 12. The three FUNDAMENTAL rights of citizens are
becauseit A salvation, property, freedom of thoughts
A prevents government from becoming B. employment, property and social security
dictatorial C. life, liberty and property
B. prevents the Executives from funtioning D. free education, peaceable assembly and
C. makes the Execuives stronger than the other freedom of thought
organs E. freedom of movement, association and religion
D. makes the three organs hate each other
13. In a democracy, franchise is given to all
E. leaves each organ of government A. resident adults B. citizens
independent of the Judiciary. C. citizens except members of the armed
6. When a constitution is difficult to amend we say it is D. loyal party members
A federal B. unitary E. qualified adult citizens.
C. written D. fragile E. rigid.
14. The citizenship of a country may be acquired by an
7. A politcal authority which maintains sovereign power individual through
over a specific geographical area is termed A. decolonization B. nomination
A. the nation B. the nation-state C. nationalization D. neutralization
C. the state D. nationalism E. naturalization
E. imperisalism
15. Which of the following is NOT a public corporation in
8. A government in which control of ultimate power is Nigeria?
by a few who rule in their own selfish interests is A Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board
classified as B. Nigerian Steel Development Authority
A. a democracy B. a dictatorship C. Nigerian National Oil Corporation
C. an aristocracy D. a monarchy D. Nigeria National Shipping Line
E. Nigerian Railway Corporation E. Joseph Stalin

16. Government means the machinery established by a 26. Which of the following was NOT the responsiblitiy of
State to manage the affairs of the the Federal Electoral Commission in Nigeria?
A rulers B. aliens A. supervision of polling
C. civil servant D workers and B. compilation of Electoral register
peasants E. people C. delimitation of constituencies
D. counting and publication of election results
17. The judicial organ of government is the body which E. swearing in of members of the Houses of
A. implements the law B. makes thelaw Assembly.
C. punishes law makers D. interprets the law
E. rewards law makers 27. Which of the following is NOT a civic obligations of
every Nigerian citizen?
18. A constitutionally defined set of individual rights A Freedom of conscience and religion
which governments are obliged to protect constitutes B. Obedience to laws C. Payment of taxes
A. statutory rights B. equity rights D. Voting by adults E. Respect for the
C. customary rights D. civil rights national flag and anthems.
E. natural rights.
28. The main deliberative organ of the U.N.O. is the
19. An electoral districts is a A. Security Council B. General Assembly
A. polling booth B. constituency C. Economic and Social Council
C. ward D. local government area D. Secretariat
E. subsidiary of the state. E. International Court of Justice.

20. In a parliamentary system of government, ministers 29. The first black African State to gain political indepen
are dence from a colonial power was
A. collectively responsible to parliament A. Nigeria B. Liberia C. Ghana
B. not members of the legislature D. Ethiopia E. Guinea
C. appointed by a two-thirds majority of of the
legislature 30. The major conflict that threatened the existence of the
D. representative of various interests in the country O.A.U. as an international organization from 1982-3
E. chosen from the Upper House. was the conflict
A. in Chad
21. A fascist regime is both B. between Namibia and South Africa
A. fair and legitimate B. response and responsible C. between the Polisario Front and Morrocco
C. representative and accountable D. in Angola
D. democratic and constitutional E. between Somalia and Ethiopia.
E. authoritarian and totalitarian.
31. Voting first started in Nigeria in 1923 because the
22. Capitalism often encourages Clifford Constitution of 1922 granted
A. public ownership of all forms of enterprises A. independence B. self-government
B. a centrally planned economy C. dominion status D. elective principle
C. private ownership of the means of production E. decolonization
D. anarchy E. deconcentration of political and
economic powers in the same hands 32. Which organ of the U.N.O. can impose mandatory
sanctions on any of its members?
23. Citizens legally qualified to vote for parliamentary A. The General Assembly
candidates form B. The Security Council
A. a ward B. the electorate C. The Secretariat
C. members of the House of Assembly D. The Economic and Social Council
D. a Trade Union Congress E. political parties. E. The International Court of Justice.

24. Elections among candidates from the same party before 33. A historic feature of the Legislative Council that met
the final elections are called in 1923 was that for the first time it
A. running mates B. electoral colleges A. included official members who were Nigerians
C. party conventions D. primaries B. included only British officials
E. second ballots. C. acted in a deliberative capacity
D. included elected African members
25. With whom is fascism associated? E. legislated for the whole country
A. Adolf Hitler B. Karl Marx
C. John Locke D. Benito Mussolini 34. The Richards’ constitution
A. Abolished the elective principle in choosing
members of the Legislative Council B. Clifford’s Constitution
C. Richard’s Constitution
B. amalgamated the northern and southern D. The 1963 Constitution
groups of provinces E. The 1979 Consittution
C. Established a central legislative council
D. abolished regional assemblies 43. The Constitution which introduced the ministerial
E. abolished the system of indirect rule system into the Nigerian Political system is the
A. Richard’s Constitution
35. The military was last in power in Nigeria between B. Lyttleton Constitution
A 1954 and 1960 B. 1960 and 1966 C. Macpherson constitution
C. 1966 and 1975 D. 1966 and 1979 D. Independence Constitution
E. 1979 and 1983. E. Republican constitution

36. Which of the following was NOT established by the 44. The Minorities Commission appointed in Nigeria in
1979 Nigerian Constitution? 1957 recommended that
A. Police Service Commission A. more states should be created in the
B. National Universities Commission Federation
C. Federal Electoral Commission B. no more states should be created before
D. National Population Commission independence
E. National Economic Council C Nigeria should revert to a unitary structure
37. To which of these groups did Nigeria belong before D. the Federal Legislature should legislate for
the formation of the O.A.U? the minority areas
A. The Brazaville group E. all the minority areas should constitute one
B. The Monrovia group state.
C. The Casablanca group
D. The West Africa group 45. The second military coup d’etat in Nigeria took place on
E. The O.P.E.C group A. January 15, 1966 B. October 1, 1966
C. July, 29, 1966 D. July 29, 1975
38. The international organization formed after the E. February 13, 1976.
Second World War to guarantee international peace
and security is called 46. To be elected President of Nigeria, the 1979 Constitu
A. The European Common Market tion states that one must have attained the age of
B. The British Commonwealth of Nations A. 21 years B. 35 years
C The League of Nations C. 50 years D. 60 years
D The United Nations Organization E. 65 years
E The World Bank
47. Which of the following international organisations
39. The two parties which formed the coalition govern was in exisitence before the outbrteak of the Second
ment in 1959 were the World War?
A. N.C.N.C. and the A. G. A. The O.A.U. B. The League of Nations
B. N.P.C. and the N.C.N.C. C. The UNO
C. N.P.C. and the G.A. D. The Commonwealth of Nations
D. P.R.P and the U.P.G.A E. ECOWAS
E. N.P.C. and the N.N.A.
48. Rates are generally collected in Nigeria by
40 The 1953 motion that Nigeria should become indepen A. the State Ministry of Finance
dent in 1956 was moved by B. the Department of Inland Revenue
A. Chief Anthony Enahoro C. the Emirate or Traditional Council
B. Sir Ahmadu Bello D. the Local Government Council
C. Chief Obafemi Awolowo E. Presidential Liaison officers
D. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe
E. Sir James Robertson 49. An electoral district for a local government election is a
A constituency B. local government area
41. Southern Nigeria was divided into Eastern and C. polling booth D. ward E. market
Western Provinces for administrative purposes in
A. 1935 B. 1937 C. 1939 50. All the following are organs of the O.A.U. EXCEPT
D. 1941 E. 1945 A. The commission on Mediation, Conciliation
and Arbitration
42. Under what constitution did the Supreme Court B. The Council of Ministers
become the highest Court of Appeal in Nigeria? C. The General Secretariat
A. Macpherson’s Consititution D. The Economic Commission for Africa
E. TheAssembly of Heads of State ad Government.
Government 1985
1. Public opinion is important because it
A. tells government what action it must take 10. Delegated legislation is the power to make laws by
B. lets government know what the people want A. local councils when parliament is recess
C. allows the police to determine trouble makers B. bodies other than parliament
D. protects minorities C. the International Law Commission
E. guarantees a free press D. military rulers E. parliament.

2. Which branch of government is responsible for 11. In a unitary system of government

implementing laws? The A. political power is diffused
A. Executive B. Legislature B. there is a high degree of centralization
C. Judiciary D. Police C. there is no separation of powers
E. Civil Service. D. parliament is very weak
E. legislative powers cannot be delegated to local
3. Universal Adult Suffrage means all councils.
A. adult citizens can vote
B. citizens can vote 12. Case-laws are made by the
C. qualified citizens can vote A. Legislature B. Executive
D. literate citizens can vote C. Judiciary
E. males can vote D. Attorney General and Minister of Justice
E. President
4. In a democarcy, sovereignty is vested in
A the community B. public officials 13. The theory of separation of powers was for the first
C. judges D. the Head of State time clearly formulated by
E. the legislature A. Jean Bodin B. Jean Austin
C. Baron de Montesquieu
5. A bill that applies to the whole population and is D. Lord Bryce E. A.V. Dicey
intended to promote the general welfare is called
A. a privatebill B. a decree 14. The deliberate tampering with the delimitation of
C. an appropriaione bill constituencies in order to win more seat is called
D. a public deal E. an eddict. A. gerontocracy B. gerrymandering
C. delimitation D. bureaucracy
7. The rule of law implies E. devolution
A. the rule by lawyers
B. that only the Head of State is above the law 15. Fascism developed in
C. the absence of a military government A. France B. Germany C. Italy
D. that no one is above the law D. Soviet Union E. China
E. that onlythe National Assembly can make laws
16. Which of the following is a good example of a
8. A one party system of government confederal state?
A. is found in Africa A. Nigeria B. Switzerland
B. allows no official opposition C. U.S.A. D. Ghana
C. does not provide for a legislature E. ECOWAS
D. is practised only where the citizens share
identical views about policy 17. In a simple majority electoral system, the candidate
E. does not accept the doctrine of separation of that wins is the one who
powers. A. obtains the greatest number of votes cast
B. has spent the most amount of money
9. A constitution is classified as unwritten because it C. has travelled most widely in the country
A. is used in Britain D. is endorsed by the traditional rulers
B. has nowritten records E. has most support among labour union leaders
C. makes no provision for a clear cut separation
of powers. 18. An election conducted to fill a vacant post in a
D. does not emanate from the legislature legislature is known as
A. a primary election B. a general election
E. is not contained in any one document. C. a by-election
D. a referendum
D Dr. Lasisi Osunde E. Alhaji Ali
E. an indirect election
28. Under the 1979 Nigeria Constitution, the supreme
19. Constitutionalism means
court judges were appointed by the
A. the constitution is largely made up of
A. judicial services commission
conventions B. the constitution B. President C. honourable chief
is not easy to amend justice D.
C. the provisions of the constitution are strictly senate
adhered to D. there is a E. national assembly
constitutional Head of State
E. there is parliamentary supremacy 29. The annual budget of the O.A.U. is approved by the
A. Assembly of Heads of State and Government
20. Which of these is NOT a member of the Judiciary? B. Council of Ministers
A. The chief justice C. Secretary-General
B. A high court judge C. A magistrate D. General Assembly
D. A lawyer E. A grand khadi E. Economic Commission for Africa.

21. A person who is disenfranchised is 30. Lagos was first amalgamated with the Western Region
A. allowed to be voted for B. allowed to as a result of the
excersie his voting right A. Clifford Constituion (1922)
C. not permitted to vote D. allowed to B. Richards Constitution (1946)
nominate a candidate C. Macpherson Constitution (1951)
E. a prohibited immigrant D. Lyttleton Constitution (1954)
E. Independence Constitution (1960)
22. The head of the executive branch in a parliamentary
system is called the 31. One of the non-permanent members of the United
A. prime minster B. president Nations Security Council is
C. majority leader D. senate president A. Britain B. U.S.S.R C. U.S.A.
E. governor-general. D. China E. Nigeria

23. Thepolitical neutrality of civil servants implies that they 32. Local government in Nigeria are created in order to
A. are not allowed to join any organization or A. create more civil service jobs
group B. have no dealings with politicians B. encourage competitions and rivalry among
C. are not allowed to groups
be involved in partisan politics C. bring the government nearer to the people
D. have permanent tenure D. prevdent the creation of more states.
E. are not allowed to vote E. levy import duties.

24. The supreme power of a state to make and enforce laws 33. The amalgamation of the Northern and Southern
within its jurisdiction is called Protectorates of Nigeria was in
A. decolonization B. independence A. 1914 B. 1922 C. 1951
C. nationalism D. sovereignty D. 1953 E. 1960
E. enfrachisement
34. ECOWAS is
25. Ceremonial and executive powers are usually fused in a A. an international military/defence organization
A unitary system of government B. a regional economic organization
B. federal government C. democratic C. a trans-national religious group
system D. presidential system of D. a WestAfrican English-speaking organization
government E. parliamentary system of E. an international organ of the United Nations.
35. Which of the following is NOT a member of ECOWAS
26. The members of the Nigerian Constituent Assembly A Nigeria B. Togo C. Ghana
were elected in 1983 by D. Bourkina Fasso E. Cameroun
A. bye-election B. a general election
C. electoral colleges D. referenda 36. The Lyttleton Constitution is important because it
E. indirect election A. confirmed that Nigeria would be independent
in 1960
27. The name of the president of the Nigerian Labour B. confirmed Nigeria’s federal structure
Congress elected in 1983 is C. introduced franchise into Nigeria n politics
A. Mr. Wahab Goodluck D. made Nigeria sovereign
B. Alhaji Shehu Kangiwa E. abolished the principle of indirect rule.
C. Alhaji Hassan Sunmonu
37. The Macpherson Constitution of Nigeia created a responsiblity of the federal government
A. bicameral legislature for Eastern Nigeria E. the supreme court of Nigeria was made the
B. bicameral legislature for the Central government highest judicial authority in the country.
C. unicameral legislature for Western Nigeria
43. Which of the following nations does not have veto
D. bicamenral legislature for Western Nigeria.
power in the Secuirty Council of the UNO?
E. unicameral legislature for Northern Nigeria.
A. Britain B. China C. France
38. TheArthur Richardsconstitution introduced into Nigeria D. Germany E. U.SA.
A. federalism B. republicanism
44. Public corporations are established mainly to
C. regionalism D. the multi-party system
A. cater for the welfare of their board members
E. the office of Prime Minister
B. give advice to the government on commerce
C. co-ordinate the affairs of several amenities
39. In 1966, the Militaryintervened in Nigeria politics because
on a commercial basis
A. the country was not operating a presidential
E. develop the rural areas.
system of government
B. the number of legislature was too large 45. The first military coup d’etat in Nigeria occurred on
C. crude oil had been discovered in the country A. October 1, 1960 B. October 1, 1963
D. there was a high level of corruption in the C. January 15, 1966 D. January 15, 1967
country E. December 31, 1983
E. the political processes had broken down 46. Nigeria adopted a republican constitution on
40. The Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP) of A. October 1, 1960 B. October 1, 1963
the pre-independence era C. October 1, 1966 D. May 1, 1967
A. dominated the political scene in Lagos E. October 1, 1979
B. was formed to replace the Action Group as
47. The folowing six political parties were registered for
the ruling party in the Western Region
the 1983 elections
C. had branches all over the country
D. was warmly supported by traditional rulers
E. was not opposed to indirect rule
41. The Clifford Constitution D. NPP, Chop Chop, PPP, PPA, UPN, PRP
A. provided for universal adult suffrage E. UPN, AG, NNDP, PRP, NAP, PPA.
B. made Governor dependent on the Executive
48. In Nigeria, the office of Prime Minister wasfirst created in
A. 1954 B. 1957 C. 1958 D. 1959 E. 1960.
C. provided for an unofficial majority membership of
the Legislature Council D. provided for 49. The non-permanent members of the Security Council
African representation on the Executive Council of the United Nations Organisations (UNO) are elected for
E. introduced theelective principle into Nigerian A. 5 year terms B. 4 year terms
politics. C. 3 year terms D. 2 year terms
E. 1 year term.
42. Under the Independence Constitution
A. the governor-general could appoint any 50. The Economic Commission for Africa is an organ of
member of the House of Representatives as a A. O.A.U. B. ECOWAS
prime minister C. U.N.O. D. E.E.C. E. UNESCO
B. a bicameral legislature was introduced in the
C. forty-four members were elected into the
D. higher education was made the exclusive

Government 1986
1. Aristocracy is the system of government in which the 3. A nation state is synonymous with a
few rule for A. sovereign state B. dependent territory
A. their own benefit B. the benefit of all C. nation D. political community
C. the benefit of their friends
D. the benefit of a few 4. Legislative supremacy exists in
A. Britain B. France
2. The two primary elements in politics are C. Soviet Union D. Nigeria.
A. war and peace B. order and conflict
C. patriotism and economic sabotage 5. Presidentialism is a system of government in which
D. nationalism and freedom. A. there is elected head of State who
excercises actual executive powers 16. According to Marxist theory, those who live by
B. the head of State is not the chief executive selling their labour are referred to as the
C the executive functions are the responsiblity A bourgeoisie B. proletariats
of the entire members of a cabinet C. feudal lords D. slaves
D. all members of cabinet must also be members
of the legislature. 17. A social system in which power is derived from
control over land is called
6. The main function of the upper chamber in a parlia A. oligarchy B Feudalism
mentary system of government is to C. socialsim D. presidentialism
A. initiate new legislation B. Executive laws
C. acts as a check on the lower chamber 18. A system of government in which power derives from
D. direct the activities of the lower chamber total control of the instruments of force is called
A. monarchy B. oligarchy
7. The federal constitution which concedes to the C. capitalism D. fascism
components units the right to secede is that of
A. the United States B Australia 19. Which of the following ideologies emphasizes the
C. Brazil D. the Soviet Union abolition of goverment and law?
A. Totalitarianism B. Communism
8. The principle of two levels of government in a C. Anarchism D. socialism
country is called
A. the parliamentary system B. dictatorship 20. The writ of habeas corpus is applied to secure the
C. nationalism D. federalism A right to personal liberty B. indepen
dence of the judiciary C. freedom
9. In a cabinet system, the executive is appointed from the of the press D. right to own private property.
A. legislature B. opposition C. upperhouse
D. weaker partyin thecoalition 21. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental human
right in Nigeria?
10. An important advantage of creating more constituents A. Right to education
units in a federal state is to B. Right to personal liberty
A. enhance the people’s participation in C. Freedom of thought
government B. enable ambitious D. Freedom of conscience
politicians gain political power
C. make the state gain more power. 22. Proportional representation is recommended because it
D. curb the powers of the federal government. A. favours small parties
B. is simple to operate
11. Under the presidential system C. leads to liberal democracy
A. the party with the majority of seats forms the D. preserves the party system
B. there is the principle of collective responsi 23. A system of voting in which the voters are asked a
bility ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question on a major issue is called
C. the president may come from any of the A ‘first past the post’
parties D. the constitution must beunwritten B. a referedum C. an absolute majority
D. an indirect election.
12. The major function of the legislative assembly is to
A. debate on committee reports 24. A political manifesto is a document which outlines
B. represent the people C. make laws A a country’s development
D vote on bills B. a partys programme
C. the national policy D. anethnic interest
13. In a parliamentary system who ensures that members
are in the House to vote on major issues? The 25. One argument against a multi-party system is the
A. party leader B. speaker of the house A. inability to develop the nation
C. clerk of the House D. Whip B. encouragement of diverse opinion and
opposition C. ability to attract foreign
14. A system in which no single person serves as the investment D. banning of pressure groups.
chief executive is known as
A. repbulican B. revolutionary 26. Pre-colonial Igbo society was
C. Collegial D. parliamentary A. centralized B. acephalous
C. feudal D. capitalist
15. The idea of democracy was first associated with the
A. Romans B. Persians C. Greeks D. Egyptians 27. Which of the following ethnic groups had centralised
administration in pre-colonial Nigeria?
A. Ibibio B. Ijaw C. Tiv D. Hausa
28. In which of the following ethnic groups was pre- 39. The head of state in the first republic of Nigeria was
colonial political structure NOT infuenced by the A. an executive president B. a nominal
Islamic culture? president C. a party leader
A. Kanuri B. Nupe C. Tiv D. Fulani
D. a nominee of the whole country.
29. The British Government revoked the charter of the 40. Which of the folowing parties formed the opposition
Royal Niger Company and took over the direct in the House of Representatives during Nigerian first
administration of Nigeria in republic
A. 1861 B. 1900 C. 1906 D. 1914 A. NCNC and NEPU B. AG and UMBC
30. The Minorities Commission appointed in 1957 was
headed by 41. The main objectives of the Public Service Review
A. Sir Henry Willink B. Justice Udo Udoma Commission headed by Chief Jerome Udoji
C. Chief Festus Okotie-Eboh was to make the Nigerian public service
D. Sir Allan Lennox-Boyd A. less corrupt B. more attactive financially
C. more efficient and result-oriented
31. The Zikist Movement was popular for its D. superior to the private sector.
A. philosophy of non-violence
42. Local governments in Nigeria receive the bulk of their
B. promotion of mass literacy
financial resources from
C. militant nationalism
A. the state government B. the federal
D. encouragement of multi-party system
government C. rates and taxes
D. local investment projects.
32. Which of the following sets of factors contrbuted to
the development of nationalism in Nigeria? 43. Theterm ‘Chief-in-Council,’ in Nigeriameansthat theChief
A. Racial discrimination and oppression A. is elected by the council B. is superior to the
B. Corruption and ethnicity council C. cannot oppose the decision of the
C. Parternalism and indirect rule council D. is nominated by the government.
D. Election malpractices and party differences
44. Traditional rulers under the 1976 Local Government
33. Which constitution was created to legislate for the Reforms had
Lagos Colony and the Southern Provinces? A executive powers B. Chief-in-council status
A. The Richards Consittution C. limited powers D. legislative powers.
B. The Clifford Constitution
C. The Lyttleton Constitution 45. Nigeria is NOT a member of
D. The Macpherson Constitution A. the Commonweath B. OPEC
34. Judges in Nigeria enjoys security of tenure
A. if they are appointed by the president 46. The greatest achievement of nationalist movement in
B. if they have the support of the Nigerian Bar Africa is the
Association A. Unity of Africa States
C. if they are of good behaviour B. love and peace among African STates
D. during the life of the government which C. sovereignty of most African States
appoints them. D. economic independence of African States.

35. Before the 1963 Constitution, the highest court of 47. The administrative headquarters of O.A.U. is in
appeal for Nigeria was the A. Addis Ababa B. Lagos
A. Supreme Court B. Federal High Court of C. Accra D. Nairobi
Appeal C. Privy Council 48. The World Health Organisation is an agency of
D Federal High Court A. The E.E.C. B. NATO
36. Which of the following is NOT a function of the C. ECOWAS D. The U.N.O.
Police Force in Nigeria? 49. The organ of the United Nations primarily responsible
A. Traffic control B. Arrest of criminals for maintaining international peace and security is the
C. Making of laws D. Prosecution of criminals A. General Assembly B. Security Council
37. In Nigeria, the highest court for muslims is the C. International Court of Justice
A. Alkali Court B. Sharia Court of Appeal D. Economic and Social Council
C. Supreme Court D. Upper Area Court 50. Which of these groups of African leaders is closely
38. Who was appointed by the federal government of associated with the formation of the O.A.U.?
Nigeria as the administrator of western region in 1962? A. Haile Selassie, Abubakar Tafwa Balewa, William
A. Dr. M.A. Majekodunmi B. Chief Odeleye Tubman B. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Jean
Fadaunsi C. Chief S.L.Akintola Bokassa, Kwame Nkrumah C. Kwame Nkrumah,
D. Chief Remi Fani Kayode Nmamdi Azikwe, Jomo Kenyatta. D. Julius Nyerere,
Kwame Nkrumah, Haille Selassie.
Government 1987
1. A confederal system of government means 11. A special election organised to decide on a political
A. strong regional governments and a weak issue is
central authority B. a strong central A. plebiscite B. by-election
authority and weak regional governments C. general election D. primary election
C. a strong central authority and strong
regional governments D. a weak central 12. The electorate means
authority and weak regional governments A. elected members of the Assembly
B. candidates for election C. electoral officers
2. The organs of government which are normally fused D. citizens qualified to vote
in a military regime are the
A. Civil service and parastatals B. Legisla 13. The term ‘Rule of Law’ refers to situations in which
ture and the Executive C. Executive and the A. lawyers are the rulers B. laws are supreme
Judiciary D. Judiciaryand theLegislature C. the judiciary is independent
D. parliament makes laws
3. In a monarchical form of Government, sovereignty
resides with 14. Which of the following is NOT a unique feature of
A. the council of ministers B. royality federal constitution?
C. peasantry D. the entire citizenry A. Division of power B. At least two
levels of government C. Supremacy of the
4. A constitution is rigid if it constitution D. Independence of the
A. cannot be amended B. is found only in judiciary
one written document C. requires special
procedures for amendment 15. An important principle of the civil service is
D. is changed only by judicial interpretation A. authoritarianism B. anonymity
C. nepotism D. partisanship
5. In a unitary state, power is concentrated in the
A. local government B. constituent units 16. Which of the following is NOT necessarily a charac
of the state teristic feature of a state?
C. major ethnic groups D. national government A. A territory B. An army
C. A government D. A system of laws
6. Fundamental rights are best guaranteed by
A. independent judiciary B. good leadership 17. In a federal system of government
C. effective legislature A. the central government shares powers
D. efficient civil service equally with the state governments
B. all the states of the federation are equal in
7. The main objective of pressure groups is to size and population C. state courts
A. win political power control federal couts D. the central
B. conduct free and fair elections government has exclusive power over defence
C. mobilize support on behalf of governmen and foreignaffairs
D. protect the interests of its members
18. Bicameral legislature exists
8. Franchise means A. where cameramen are allowed to cover the
A. resident aliens can vote B. French people can proceedings of the legislature B. to prevent the
vote C. right to vote D. executive order concentration of power in one legislative house
C. to provide jobs for more politicians D. to ensure
9. A parliamentary system of government is charcterized by that just laws are passed
A. separation of powers B. fusion of powers
C. delegated legislation 19. Socialism is associated with
D. legislative supremacy A. Karl Marx B. Nicolo Machiavelli
C. Aristotle D. Plato
10. Under proportional representation, elections are won
on the basis of 20. The body that selects the head of government
A. simple majority of votes cast following a general election is the
B. absolute majority of votes cast A. senate B. electoral college
C. two-thirds majority of votes cast C. electoral committee D. supreme court
D. votes received relative to those of other parties
21. In liberal democracies, elections help to
A. determine the acceptability of the government
B. unite the country against outside groups 33. Under the indirect rule system
C. create goodwill throughout the nation A. chiefs were allowed to govern their people
D. identify the richest groups in the country B. colonial administators shared power equally
with traditional rulers C. traditional rulers
22. A major feature of the presidental system of were encouraged to adopt the British system
government is that the of government D. colonial adminis
A. president is not responsible for his ministers trators increased the powers of traditional rulers
mistakes B. ministers are not collectively responsible
to the president C. president does not need the 34. The fundamental Objectives and Directive principles
legislature to pass laws D. president is not a member of State Policy in the 1979 constitution do not include
of the legislature A. democracy and social justice
B. federal character and inequality
23. The termination of a session of a legislature by C. concentration of wealth and provision of
proclamation issued by the head of states is called maximum welfare
A. prorogation B. dissolution D. national integration and ethnic loyality
C. plebiscite D. summons
35. Nigerian federalism before 1966 was bedevilled by
24. The forceful domination of one country by another is called A. amendment clauses of the constitution
A. nationalism B. totalitarianism B. large number of local government areas
C. dictatorship D. colonization C. lack of unifomity of the civil service
D. uneven sizes of the constituent regions
25. Which of the following traditional political systems
was republican? 36. Nigeria attained independence in 1960 through
A. Igbo B. Yoruba A. negotiation between the British government and
C. Fulani D. Bini Nigerian nationalists B. armed struggle by Nigerian
nationalists and traditional rulers C. negotiation
26. Which of the following is a function of the local between the British government and the United
government in Nigeria? Nations D. negotiation between the British government
A. Collection of radio and television licence fees and traditional rulers
B. Collection of company tax
C. Appointment of customary court judges 37. The Clifford constitution was notable for
D. Appointment of traditional rulers A. amalgamating the Northern and Southern
provinces B. introducing indirect rule
27. An important factor that brought about the introduction C. establishing the legislative council
of federalism in Nigeria was the D. creating a Northern majority in the
A. existence of three regions B. division legislative council
of governments C. diversity and
complexity in social and cultural patterns 38. Under the Macpherson Constitution, members of the
D. existence of cultural and bicameral legislature central legislature were
A. appointed by the governor-general
28. When did Nigeria adopt the nineteen-state structure? B. chosen from the regional legislature
A. 1960 B. 1966 C. 1976 D. 1979 C. elected directly by the whole country
D. appointed by the regional Lt-Governors
29. Who was the architect of the British rule in Nigeria?
A. George Tubman Goldie 39. The founder of the Universal Negro Improvement
B. Frederick Lugard C. Hugh Clifford Association was
D. Arthur Richards A. Casely Hayford B. Herbert Macaulay
C. Marcus Garvey D. W.E.B. Du Bois
30. The head of thefirst militarygovernment in Nigeria was?
A. General Muritala Muhammed 40. The foremost nationalist leaders in pre-independent
B. General YakubuGowon Nigeria were
C. General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi A. Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi
D. General Olusegun Obasanjo Awolowo and Shehu Shagari
B. Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi
31. Herbert Macaulay was the first president of Awolowo and Ahmadu Bello
A. NCNC B. AG C. Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi
C. UMBC D. NEPU Awolowo and Muhammadu Ribadu
D. Alvan Ikoku, Samuel Akintola, Herbert
32. The Nigerian Youth Movement was formed to Macaulay and Ahmadu Bello
A. fight for greater participation of Nigerians in
colonial politics B. enable the educated elite seize 41. The 1976 Local Government Reforms declared that
power from the cheifs C. establish more schools
traditional rulers should
throghout the country D. fight for the free movement
of youths A. Perform executive functions
B. preside over local government councils 46. The UNO charter aims at
C. perform advisory roles D. enact laws A. ensuring economic equality among nations
B. protecting the right of refugees
42. By-laws are C. ensuring world peace and security
A. enactment by the legislature D. ensuring fair treatment for prisoners of war
B. regulations enacted by local governments
C. fundamental judicial statements 47. The commonwealth of Nations is made up of
D. private bills A. African and Asian States
B. Britain and some of her former colonies
43. One of the objectives of the OAU is to ensure C. France and some of her former colonies
A. mutual assistance of member states in D. French and English speaking African countries
suppressing domestic uprising
B. non-interference in internal affairs of 48. Which of the following countries belonged to the
member state C.constant read justment of Casablanca Group?
territorial boundaries of member states A. Liberia B. Tunisia
D. unification of liberation movements in C. Mali D. Cote d’Ivoire
Southern Africa
49. Public corporations are set up to
44. The administrative headquaters of ECOWAS is in A. make profit B. compete with private sector
A. Lome B. Cotonou C. cater for those businesses that cannot be left
C. Dakar D. Lagos entirely to private enterprise
D. enhance the prestige ofgovernment
45. The UNO was founded in 1945 to replace the
C. Commonwealth of Nations 50. In Nigeria, the institution that preserves civil libertyis the
D. League of Nations A. Public Complaints Commission
B. law court C. Civil Service Commission
D. police commission

Government 1988
1. The right to direct and command people is 7. Fascism emphasises
A. authority B. power A. individualism B. equality
C. opinion D. obedience C. nationalism D. collectivism

2. The application of the rule of law can be hindered by 8. Government by the few is
A. independence of the judiciary A. dictatorship B. monarchy
B. irresponsible press C. unequal C. oligarchy D. autocracy
distribution of wealth
D. free access to education 9. The doctrine of separation of powers is associated with
A. Montesquieu B. Locke
3. When sovereignty reast with component states in a C. Marx D. Hobbes
political system, the constitution is referred to as
A. flexible B. unitary C. confederal D. federal 10. The primary function of the judiciary is to
A. make laws B. protect the citizens
4. Constitutions originate from a belief that there is need for C. interpret laws D. execute laws
A. limited government B. freedom of worship
C. full employment D. judicial independence 11. Which of the following nations operates an unwriten
5. In a parliamentary system of government, the offices A. U.S.A B. Canada
sof head of states and head of government are C. Australia D. Great Britain
A. fused B. separated
C. not defined D. indistinguishable 12. Which of the following encourages capitalism?
A. Public ownership of all forms of enterprise
6. Citizenship may be changed by B. Even distribution of wealth
A. renunciation B. remarriage C. Private ownership of the means of production
C. divorce D. conviction D. Centrally plannmed economy
13. The principle of collective responsibility means that 25. Which of the following groups are all public corporations?
ministers A. UAC, NNPC, NPA, NEPA
A. are collectively responsible to the Head of State B. NITEL, NAA, NUC, NTC
B . are collectively responsible for cabinet decisions C. NEPA, NNPC, NITEL, NAA
C. are heads of their respective departments D. UAC, NTC, NTC, NPA, NAA
D. must always show a sense of responsibility to
their fellow ministers 26. The Public Complaints Commission is enpowered to
investigate compliaints and
14. One of the important advantages of federalism is that A. prosecute false complainants`
A. any component state can secede at any time B. report findings to appropriate authorities for action
B. each state can develop at its own pace C. reprimand authorities against whom com
C. each state can only spend money allocated plaints are made D. refer complaints
to it by the centre D. citizens cannot to traditional rulers
be taxed by both state and federal governments
27. The basic unit of government in pre-colonial Yoruba
15. A major difference between power and authority is land was the
that authority is A. town B. empire
A. popularly acquired B. more costly to C. palace D. ward
exercise C. less dependent on force
D. exercise more frequently 28. The ruling system in pre-colonial Hausa-Fulani
societies where rulers were both religious and political
16. In simple plurality electoral system, the winner receives heads was referred to as
A. more that half of the votes cast A. meritocracy B. oligarchy
B. overwhelming majority of all votes cast C. Theocracy D. aristocracy
C. more votes than those for all other
D. the highest vote cast in favour of any candidate 29. Which of the following governors of Nigeria opposed
the demands of the National Congress of British West
17. A major weakness of unicameral legislature is that it Africa?
A. delays legislation B. is unsuitable for a unitary A. Lord Frederick Lugard B. Sir Arthur Richards
state C. breeds struggle for power D. does not C. Sir Hugh Clifford D. Sir Alan Burns
provide a check against hasty legislation
30 The major change effected by the government of
18. An essential feature of democracy is Major-General J.T.UAguiyi-Ironsi was the
A. rigid constitution B. people’s consent A. abolition of federalism
C. supremacy of parliament D. bicameral legislature B. reposting of government officials
C. dissolution of boards of corporations
19. A characteristic feature of communism is D. creation of states
A. free enterprise B. liberal democracy
C. dictatorship D. multi-partysystem 31. Which of the following principal officials was NOT a
member of the state House of Assembly?
20. Which of the following is NOT a mode of constitu A. The leader of the house B. The speaker
tional change? C. The deputy speaker
A. Party manifesto B. Formalamendment D. The clerk of the House
C. Judicial decision D. Staturoty revision
32. According to the 1976 Local Government Reforms, the
21. A tax is a chief executive of a local government council is the
A. private bill B. speaker’s bill A. supervisory councilor B. chairman of
C. public bill D. judicial bill the local government council
C. governor of the state
22. Attempts to influence legislation by persuading D. secretary of the local government council
legislators are known as
A. socialization B. gerrymandering 33. One of the major features of the constitution opera
C. lobbying D. electioneering tive in the British West African colonies during the
1920’s was the
23. One main feature of government in many pre-colonial A. introduction of the elective principle
societies in Nigeria was B. removal of colonial governors by colonial
A. age-grade organization B. grade union legislative councils
C. student’s organization D. council of obas C. introduction of universal adult suffrage
D. abolition of the local governments
24. The Nigerian Nationalist Movement was greatly assisted
34. The principle of regionalism was introduced into
by the
Nigerian politics by the
A. Manufacturers Association of Nigeria
A. Macpherson constitution
B. Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Industry
B. Lyttleton constitution
C. trade unions D. Traditional ruler
C. Richards constitution 43. Thefollowing aremembersof thecommonwealth EXCEPT
D. Clifford constitution A. Lesotho B. Jamaica
C. Kenya D. Gabon
35. The Nigeria Council was created by
A. Hugh Clifford B. Arthur Richards 44. One of the functions of the Minstry of External affairs is the
C. Federick Lugard D. Graeme Thompson A. deportation of illegal aliens
B. issuance of passports
36. A landmark of the Lyttleton constitution was C. defence of the country’s borders
A. creation of the post Prime Minister D. promotion of national interest
B. creation of the second chamber at the centre
C. creation of the position of speaker of the 45. The five permanent members of thew United nations
House of Representatives Security Council are
D. removal of the governor-general as chairman A. China, U.K, U.S.S.R, U.S.A. and France
of the Federal Cabinet B. U.S.S.R, Germany, Canada, India and China
C. U.K, France, U.S.A, Brazil and Ethiopia
37. Acommon provision in he 1963 and 1979 constitution is the D. U.S.A, China, Liberia, U.S.S.R and Italy
A. registration of political parties by FEDECO
B. financing of local governments by the 46. Before the O.A.U. was formed in 1963, Nigeria was a
Federal Government member of the
C. Judicail Service Commission A. Monrovia Bloc B. Afro-Arab Bloc
D. bicameral legislaturefor thecentral government C. Casablanca Powers D. Brazzavile Group

38. Africans were first elected to the legislative council in 47. Which of the following has NOT been a Secretary-
British West Africa in General of the O.A.U
A. Ghana B. Sierra Leone A. Adebayo Adedeji B. Ide Oumaro
C. The Gambia D. Nigeria C. Diallo Telhi D Edem Kodjo

39. Under the independence constitution, the head of 48. The appointment of the Secretary-General of the
government was the O.A.U is made by the
A. governor-general B. president A. Economic Commission of Africa
C. prime minister D. premier B. O.A.U. Secretariat
C. Council of the Foreign Ministers
40. The Nigerian National Alliance of the first Republic D. Assembly of Heads of State and Government
was made up of
A. NCNC and N NDP B. NPC and AG 49. Nigeria is a member of
41. When did the Federal Military Government abolish C. ECOWAS, NATO & OAU
the four regions in Nigeria? D. The Commonwealth of Nations, OPEC and
A. 1963 B. 1966 the O.A.S.
C. 1970 D. 1976
50. Which ofthe following pairs are members of ECOWAS?
42. The headquaters of the Economic Commission of A. Nigeria and Cameroon B. Liberia and Congo
Africa is located in C. Senegal and Zaire D. Cape Verde and Burkina
A. Ghana B. Kenya C. Nigeria Faso
D. Ethiopia

Government 1989
1. Proportional representation favours a 3. A country made up of semi autonomous units is
A. multi-party system B. three party system A. a confederation B. a federation
C. two party system D. one party system C. a region D. unitary

2. Capitalism is an economic system which emphasises 4. When a state is subject to no other authority it is said to be
A. Communism B. collectivism A. powerful B. legitimate
C. individualism D. internationalism C. authoritative D. sovereign
5. One of the factors that led to the decline of feudalism is 15. Which of the following is NOT usually associated
A. opposition to the system by the wealthy with the activities of political parties?
B. indulstryalization C. opposition to the A. providing political education B. selecting and
sytem by the oppressed supporting candidates for public office C. forming
D. the discovery of new lands the government D. controlling the judiciary

6. The major advantage of the principle of separation of 16. The political neutrality of civil servants is guaranteed
powers is that it provides for by not allowing them to
A. an executive premier B. a powerful A. vote B. be members of any interest group
legislature C. a very strong executive C. engage in partisan politics D. have dealings
D checks and balances with politicians

7. The cabinet can be described as a link between the 17. An unwriten constitution is one which
A. executive and the legislature A. embodies only trandition and customs
B. legislature and the electorate B. relies on the memories of elders and priests
C. executive and the judiciary C. codifies the basic laws in one document
D. legislature and the local government councils. D. embodies the basic laws in more than one
8. Unicameral refers to
A. a two-chamber legislature B. the process 18. Fascism is a system of government which
of secret voting in the legislature A encourage poitcal sissent and opposition
C. the lower chamber in a legislature B. represses individual freedom opposition
D. a one chamber legilsature promotes equality
C. promotes the international brotherhood of man
9. While pressure groups aim at influencing government
decisions the primary aim of political parties is to 19. Representative democracy is characterized by
A. promote the welfare of their members A. free elections and up-to-date register of voters
B. execute particular programmes B. properly delineated constituencies and a real
C. influence legilsation in order to benefit their choice of candidates
members D. control political powers. C. a politically educated electorate
D. rule by interest groups
10. Delegated legislation is justified by the
A. superior knowledge if issues by the executive 20. In a modern democracy the ultimate source of
B. fear that public debates in parliaments would sovereignty is the
endager national security A. legislature B. people C. supreme court
C. slow and unwiedly process of decision D. armed forces.
making in legslative houses
D. constitutional superiority of the executive 21. Which of these is a common feature oftotalitarian regime?
over the legislative branch of government A. Existence of opposition groups
B. Competing political parties
11. The obligation to pay taxes regularly is justified because C. A single recognized party
A. ciizens choose their own government D. Freedom of association
B. citizens enjoy services provided by government
C. government does not discriminate in its 22. Which of the following according to Marx, is the
provision of services to different parts of the correct order in which societies progress?
nations A. Capitalism, feudalism, communism
D. taxes are the only source of government B. Feudalsim, socialism, capitalsim, communism
revenue C. communsim, socialism, captialism, Feudalism
D. Feudalism, capitalism, socialsim, communism
12. An important function of the legislature is
A. judicial review B. review of executive policies 23. Which of the following is NOT necessarily a charac
and actions C. lobbying D. defending government teristics of a nation state?
policies A. Definite boundary B. Sovereignty
C. Independence D. Common language
13. A common means of influencing public opinion is
A. A public policy making B. legislation 24. Public opinion refers to views and ideas expressed by
C. propaganda D. lobbying A. citizens regarding government policies or
other issues
14. An electoral system in which the candidate who B. government regarding the public interest
receives the largest number of votes wins is C. elites about what the public wants
A. the preferential ballot B. the second D. students about the public.
ballot C. proportional system
D. plurality system
25. An issues over which both the centre and the state
can excercise authority in a federal system is 36. The leader of the Northen People congress was
A. Shared B. split C. exclusive D. concurrent A. Yakubu Maitama Sule
B. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
26. In the traditional Hausa Fulani political system C. Aminu Kano D. Ahmadu Bello
poltical authority was vested in the
A. Emir B. Talakawa C. Alkali 37. The Queen of England ceased to be the head of state
D. Emirate council of Nigeria at
A. independence in October 1960
27. Which of the following pre independence B. the attainment of self-government byu the
organisation was formed in London in 1945? regions C. the adotpion of
A. The Jami’yyar Mutanen Arewa B. The Igbo State the Republican Constitiution in October 1963
Union C. The Egbe Omo Oduduwa D. Urhobo D. the inception of the presidential system in
Progressive Union October, 1979

28. Igbo traditional system of government encouraged 38. Under the 1963 Constituion, federal judges were
participation through appointed by the
A. Ozo title B. segmentary kinship A. pesidents on the advise of the prime minister
C. divine kingship D. town assembly B. Chief Justice of the Federation
C. Prime Minister
29. In the 1950s the Northern Elements Progressive Union D. Judicial Service Commision
was notable in Nigeria politics be cause it
A. opposed Northern traditional rulers 39. The 1963 Constitution of Nigeria was
B. agitiated for the formation of a unitary form A. written and flexible B. written and rigid
of government C. flexible and unwritten and unwritten
C. allied with the Northern People Congress to D. unitary and rigid.
form the Regional Government
D. won the election to the Nothern House of 40. The major policital parties in Nigeria during the First
Assembly. Republic were
30. The author of the famous book Renascent Africa B. UMBC, AG, NEPU
which inspired African nationalism is C. NNDP, NEPU, NPC
A. Obafemi Awolowo B. Duse MohammedAli D. NPC, AG, NNDP
C. Ernest Ikoli D. House of Assembly.
41. The main source of local government finance since
31. The civil sevice was first regionalised by the the 1976 reforms has been
A. Richards Consittution B. Clifford Constitution A. loal states B. levies
C. Lyttleton Constitution D. Independence Constitu C. revenue from courrt fines and licenses
tion. D. the federal governent

32 The motion by Anthony Enahoro demanding 42. Under the 1979 Constitution of Nigeria, the president
independence for Nigeria was moved in of the federal republic could only be removed from
A. 1951 B. 1953 the office by
C. 1956 D. 1957 A. the national assembly B. the senate
C. the house of representatives
33. The office of the Prime minister of Nigeria was first D. a motion approved by at least two-thirds of
created by the all the state houses of assembly
A. Ibadan consitional conference of 1950
B London constituional conference of 1953 43. Under the 1979 Constitution of Nigeria, the head of
C. London constitutional conference of 1957 the judiciary was the
D. London constitutional conference of 1958. A. Attorney-General and Minister of Justice
B. Chief Justice of the Federation
34. Southern Nigeria was divided into Eastern and C. Solicitor-General and Permanent Secretary,
Western Provinces for administrative purposes in Federal Ministry of Justice
A. 1935 B. 1937 C. 1939 D. 1941 D. Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court.

35. Which of the following aroused and promoted 44. Ombudsman as an institution in Nigeria is known as the
nationalistic feeling among Ngiera? A Public Complaints Commission
A. Slave trade, indirect rule and amalgamation B. Code of Conduct Bureau
B. Economic exploitation, racial discrimination and C. Public Service Commission
politcal political parties C. communal riots news D. Political Bureau
media and religious differneces D. Traditional rulers,
district officers and governors-general.
B. Queen of Great Britain
45. Which of the following sets of nations belongs to C. Prime Minister of Great Britain
both the ECOWAS and the UNO? D. Secretary-General of the Commonwealth
A. Sierra Leone and Uganda
B. Zimbabwe and Nigeria 48. Which of the following principle does NOT govern
C. Cameroun and Burkina Faso Nigeria’s foregin policy?
D. Ghana and Mauritania A. National interest B. Non-alignment
C. African intersts D. Inernational terrorism
46. Fundamental human rights of citizens are provided for in
A. the United Nations Charter 49. During the struggle for Angloan Independence
B. the OAU Charter C. the constitution Nigeria supported
of Amnesty Internation A. UNITA, B. MPLA C. FNLA
D. the 1979 Constituion of Nigeria. D. SWAPO
50. Within the United Nations, the veto power is excerse in
47. The head of Commonwealth of Nations is the
A. chairman of the conference of the Common-
C. the General Assembly
wealth Heads of Governments
D. the Security Council

Government 1990
1. Which of the following functions is performed by 8. An indispensable aspect of the constitution of a
both political parties and pressure groups? democratic state is
A. Contesting election A. press censorship B. presidentialism
B. Interest articulation C. fundamental human rights
C. Formal opposition to government D. socialism ideology
D. Working for the interest of their members
9. A good democratic constitution should aspire to
2. The excercise of political power involves evolve the following EXCEPT
A. winning elections B. using the police A. a judiciary dependent on the executive
C. deciding cases D. Allocating values B. genuine and truly national politcal parties
C. a free and fair electoral system
3. Sovereignty is limited by D. the establishment of the principleof accountablity
A. the criminal case B. decrees for public officers
C. the legal system D. international law
10. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of
4. The pronouncenent of judges which have the force
A. Popular sovereignty B. Regular elections
of law are called
C. Majority rule D. Limited franchise
A. judgement B. judicial oaths
C. orders- in-council D. judicial precedents 11. The principle of separation of powers is fundamental to the
A. parliamentary system
5. Constitutional disputes between states in a federation B. presidential system C. totalitarian system
can only be settled by D. federal system
A. parliament B. the Supreme Court
C. a tribunal D. the Court ofAppeal 12. Under socialism, the control of power resides with the
A. peasants B. bourgeoise
6. The second ballot is based on the principle that a C. nobles D. proletariat
successful candidate must obtain
A. absolute majority B. simple majority 13. Marxism is directed against
C. forty percent of the votes A. state ownership of the means of production
D. fifty percent of the votes B. materialsim C. the proletariat
D. socialism
7. Which of the following is the least democratic
selection process? 14. The rule of law implies that
A. First past the post system A. judges interpret the law
B. Proportional representation B. lawyers interpret the law
C. Indirect Election D. Co-option C. everyone is subject to the law
D. the legislature make the law
15. A by-law is made by C. promote missionary activities
A. parliament B. congress D. exploit and expropriate Nigeria resources for
C. an electoral college British interests.
D. the local government
28 Which of the following factors contributed most to
16. The notion of ‘carpet-crossing’ in a parliamentary cash crop production during the colonial administra
democracy involves tion in Nigeria?
A. crossing from the Lower house to the Upper house A. Education B. Pacification
B. changing party allegiance after election C. Forced Labour D. Taxation
C. opposing party discipline in parliament
D. resigning from parliament. 29. Under the military regime in Nigeria, state enactment
are known as
17. In a parliament, the most extensive amendment to a A. Laws B. decrees C. edicts
bill takes place at the D. promulgations
A. first reading B. committee stage
C. second reading C. final stage 30. The military normally belongs to the arm(s) of
government known as
18. A set of internalized norms which guides political A. the legislature and the judiciary
action is called B. the executive
A power B. value C. law D. symbol C. the judiciary
D. the judiciary and the executive
19. Freedom of speech in a democratic state is limited by
A. law of sedition B. law of trespass 31. The first policital party in Nigeria was the
C. press censorship D. martial law A. Nigerian National Democratic Party
B. Nigeria Youth Movement C. Action Group
20. Habeas corpus is an essential process for safeguard D. National Councils of Nigeria and the Cameroons
ing the right of citizens to
A. vote B. personal liberty 32. The major problem of the Nigerian federal strucutre in
C. own property D. freedom of speech the first republic was
A. ethnicity B. politicization of the military
21. The most effective wayof monitoring public opinion is C. lopsided size of the component units D. rigging
A. by examining the questions asked by journalists of elections
B. by the frequency of the press releases of pressure
groups C. by referendum D. through opinion poll. 33. The legislative organ of the Federal Government in
the first republic was the
22. In a true democracy, franchise can be limited by A. parliament B. judiciary
A. sex B. education C. age D. wealth C. legislature Council D. national assembly

34. Which of the following is an autonomous governmental

23. Liberalism is a philosophy underlying
A. socialism B. capitalism agency?
C. feudalism D. nazism A. The Civil Service Commision
B. The National Security Council
C. The Manpower Advisory Committee
24. Which of the following served as the electoral college
D. The National Emergency Relief Agency
during the election into the Constituent Asssembly in
1978? 35. Which of the following was the LEAST important
A. Local communities B. local government council rationale for Nigerian federalism?
C. the Federal Electoral Commission D. Traditional A. The vastness of the territory and the size of the
councils population B. Diverse cultures C. Economic benefits
D. Bicameral legislature
25. Traditional rulers in Nigeria exercised the greatest
political powers under
36. One of the agreements of the 1957 constitutional
A. the military administrations
conference was that
B. the second republic C. the first republic
A. Southern Camerouns should constitute a separate
D. indirect rule.
region B. a House of Chiefs was to be created in
26. During the second republic, some local government the Western Region C. the office of the speaker of the
councils were created by House of Representatives was to be created D. the
A. state governments B. the federal government police was to be regionalized
C. the national assembly D. the judiciary
37. The two nationalist leaders who led the tour of
27. The principal objective of British colonial policy in Northern Nigeria in 1946 to campaign against the
Nigeria was to Richards Constitution were
A. Laya solid foundation for Nigeria independence A. Ahmadu Bello and Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
B. help build a virile Nigeria economy B. Nnamdi Azikiwe and Obafemi Awolowo
C. Ahmadu Bello and Samuel Ladoke Akintola B. Cameroon and Niger
D. Herbert Macaulay and Nnamdi Azikiwe C. Togo and Namimbia D. Botswana and Zaire

38. Indirect election was first introduced in Nigeria by the 45. The headquarters of the O.A.U. Liberation Committee
A. Lyttleton Constitution B. Macpherson constitu is located in
tions C. Richards Constitutions A. Lagos B. Addis ABaba
D. Clifford consititution C. Dar-es-Salam D. Harare

39. The motion of self government was moved in 1953 bythe 46. Which of the following groups advocated for political
A. Northern People’s Congress union of Africa States?
B. Action Group C. National Council A. The Congo Group B. The BrazzavilleGroup
of Nigerian and the Cameroon C. The Casablanca Group D. Th e Monrovia Group
D. Northern Elements Progressive Union
47. Nigeria’s first external affairs minister was
40. Which of the following had a centralized administra A. Alhaji Nuhu Ramali B. Prof. Ishaya Audu
tion in pre-colonial Nigeria? C. Dr. Okoi Arikpo D. Jaja Wachukwu
A. The Igbos B. The Tivs
C. The Ibibios D. The Yorubas. 48. The first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement
was held in
41. In which of the following states was the governor A. Belgrade B. Bandung C. Havana D.Harare
impeached during the second republic?
A. Borno B. Bendel C. Kaduna 49. Which of these countries is NOT a member of the
D. Anambra Commonwealth of Nations?
A. Papua New Guinea B. Sri-Lanka
42. The ECOWAS trade liberalization programme C. Grenada D. Ruwanda
excluded trade in
A. unprocessed goods B. crude oil 50. In international relations, countries have a right to
C. traditional crafts D. Industrial products A. export oil B. create more states
C. diplomatic immunity of their envoys
43. The Economic Commission for Africa is an agency of D. own a police force.
C. The E.E.C. D. The U.N.O.

44 Which of the following pairs of countries were trust

territories of the United Nations
A. Tanganyika and Ghana

Government 1991
1. Political authority is vested in the A. The confirmation of the appointment of the
A. state B. judiciary chief justice by the legislature
C. government D. armed forces. B. Widespread use of tribunals
C. Payment of the salaries of judicial officers
2. An indispensable feature of any government is by government.
A. a written constitution B. the independence D. Making the minister of justice the attorney
of the judiciary C. the separation of powers general
D. political power
6. Bicameral legislatures are popular in
3. The unrestrained power of a state over its citizens A. unitary system B. federal system
defines the concept of C. confederal system D. rigid system
A. nationalism B. self- determination
C. nation-state D. sovereignty 7. One of the weaknesses of confederation is the
A. over centralization of authority
4. Case-laws are made by the B. lack of a central army
A. legislature B. council of ministers C. tendencies towards secession
C. judiciary D. president D. absence of local indepedence
5. Which of the following undermines the independence
of the judiciary?
8. A system of government which emphasizes co- 18. In the parliamentary system, when parliament defeats
ordinate status of component units is referred to as a major government bill the
A. federal B. confederal A. prime minister dissolves parliament
C. unitary D. communal B. entire cabinet resign C. speaker resigns
D. opposition immediatelyforms a newgovernment
l9. A flexible constitution is one that is
A. amended periodically B. easy to amend 19. A bill becomes an Acts of Parliament after it has been
C. ammedable with difficulty A. passed by the parliament
D. easy to interpret B. signed by the head of state
C. processed through the committee of the house
10. Unlike the British, the United States constitution is D. debated in the house.
A. rigid, federal and written
B. flexible, unitary and unwritten 20. The primary duty of citizens to the state is
C. rigid, written and con-federal A. loyalty to traditional rulers
D. flexible, federal and unwritten B. obedience to ministers
C. obedience to politicians
11. The terms, oligarchy and democracy, identify govern D. allegiance to the government
ments according to
A. the number of people who participate in it 21. Individual rights are said to be inalienable if they
B. the philosophy of the state. A. apply to citizens and aliens alike
C. formal distribution of power among govern B. cannot be denied under any circumstances
mental levels D. institutional C. can only be denied after due legal process
structure and relationships. D. can only be denied by the legislature

12. Governments whose central convern is the equitable 22. Elections present the electorate the opportunity to
distribution of wealth are said to be A. control government policies
A. feudalist B. capitalist C. socialist B. control members of parliament
D. fascist C. assess the performance of the previous
representatives D. choose among
13. The presidential system of government ensures candidates
A. democratic rule more than other systems
B. the sharing of executive powers with the 23. The process of removing an elected official by the
legislature electorate after an election is termed
C. the concentration of powers in the chief A. impeachment B. plebiscite
executive C. recall D. referendum
D. The decentralization of executive power
24. Groups which seek to bring about changes in
14. The notion of checks and balances guaranteethat government policies without actually controlling the
A. the executive is able to control the legislature personnel of government are known as
B. the judiciary can stop all executive actions. A. trade unions B. pressure groups
C. each branch powers government acts as C. secret societies D. elite groups
watch dog over other branches
D. the legislature is subrodinate to the judiciary 25. The style of government in the Sokoto caliphate was
. A. democratic B. authoritarian
15. The principle of collective responsibility implies that C. populist D. totalitarian
A. the prime minister can dissolve the entire
parliament 26. Which of the following traditional political systems
B. the head of state can dismiss the prime minster was segmentary?
C. each offending minister can be reassigned A. Kanem Bornu B. Benin
D. the cabinet stands or falls together C. Igbo D. Yoruba.

16. The application of the rule of law may be constrained by 27. Which of the following led to the introduction of
A. securing the enture of office of judges indirect rule in Nigeria by the British?
B. insulting judges from partisan politics A. Need for adequate financial resources
C. employing men of proven integrity as judges B. Desire for rapid development
D. involking emergency powers C. Speedy transition to independence
D. Manpower and personnel shortages
17. A device for controlling prolonged debates in
parliament is called 28. Warrant chiefs were appointed to
A. an adjournment B. a prorogation A. prevent tribal wars B. supervise native courts
C. a dissolution D. guillotine C. decide divorce cases D. take charge of local
29. The 1946 Constitution is characterized by D. judiciary, the executive and the legislature.
A. official majority in the legislative council
B. non-official majority in the legislature council 40. Nigeria is NOT a member of the
C. non official majority in the executive council A. non-aligned nations B. Organisation of
D. federal system of government. Petroleum Exporting Countries C. Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development
30. The Willink Commission was set up to D. InternationalMonetary Fund.
A. solve boundary problems
B. review revenue allocation formula 41. Nigeria broke diplomatic relations with France under
C examine issues relating to the welfare of groups the Balewa government over
D draw up a new constitution A. the Algeria war of independence B.French policy
in the Congo C. atomic tests in the Sahara
31. The state legislatures of the second republic in Nigeria had D. French involment in Togolese politics.
thefollowing EXCEPTa
A. speaker B. senate leader 42. The Obasanjo administration nationalized the assets
C. deputy speaker D. clerk of the house. of the British Petroleum over the British government’s
policy in
32. Which of these constitutions recognised local government A. Kenya B. Zimbabwe
as the third tier of government? C. Anglola D. Botswana.
A. The 1946 constitution
B. The 1960 Constitution 43. Nigerian foreign policy implementation is the
C. The 1963 Constitution responsiblity of the
D.. the 1979 Constitution. A. Department of Immigration B. Ministry of
External Affairs
33. A condition for judicial independence is the appointment of C. Nigerian Institute of International Affairs
judges by the D. Ministry of Budget and Planning
A. Civil Service Commission
B. Judicial Service Commission 44. The head of a Nigerian misson in a Commonwealth
C. Law Review Commission country is called
D. Code of Conduct Bureau A. an Ambassador B. a Consul General
C. a High Commissioner D. an Attache
34. The federal system of government in Nigeria was
abolished in favour of a unitary one by 45. Which of the following is NOT a statutory function
A General YakubuGowon of an embassy?
B. General Murtala Mohammed A. Issuance of visas
C. Major General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi B. Collection of information C. Espionage
D. Major General Muhammed Buhari D. Welfare of her citizens

35. One of the measures taken in 1988 to grant more 46. ECOWAS is aimed at uniting the West African states
autonomy to the local govenments in Nigeria was the A. politically B. socially
A. abolition of state ministries oflocal government C. culturally C. economically
B. creation of the post of supervisory councillors
C. creation of the post of chairmen of local govern 47. Which of these following countries pioneered the
idea of ECOWAS alongside Nigeria?
ment D. abolition of its supervision by
A. Cote d’Ivoire B. Mali
state governments.
C. Liberia D. Togo
36. Traditional rulers were restricted to ceremonial rules
by the Local Government Reforms of 48. Which of these countries was NOT a foundation
A. 1966 B. 1976 C. 1984 D. `1987 member of the Organisation of Africa Unity?
A. Ghana B. Ethiopia
37. Which of the following is NOT associated with local C. Zimbabwe D. Tanzania
government elections?
A. Consittuency B. Ballot box 49. The United Nations was founded with the primary
C. Electoral officer D. Ward objective of
A. terminating colonialism in the world
38. The Public Service Review Commision of 1994 made B. ending the Second World War
proposals to ensure that the public service was C. promoting world peace and security
A. more effective than the private sector D. uniting all nations into a world federation
B. more attractive than the private sector
C. professionalized 50. Until her independence, Namibia was a
D. efficient and result oriented. A. Germany colony
B. South African province
39. Under military regimes, the branches of government C. United Nations trusteship
that become fused are the D. British protectorate.
A. judiciary and the executive B. judiciary and
the legislature C. legislature and the
Government 1992
1. A political authority which exercises sovereign power 11. Law making under military is done through
over a specific geographical area is termed a A. delegated legislation B. administrative
A. nation B. state C. dominion D. leviathan enactment C . the promulgation of decrees
D. the Ministry of Justice
2. The process by which political beliefs and values are
transmitted from one generation to another is best 12. The most critical debates on a bill and ammendments
known as political to it take place during the
A. socialization B. culture A. first reading B. second reading
C. training D. decentralization C. third reading D. assent

3. The fusion of the executive and legislative organs of 13. The fundamental rights of citizens include
government is associated with A. social security and free speech
A. monarch B. the presidential system B. religious freedom and collective agression
C. fascism D. the parliamentary system C. immunity from libel and right to employment
D. right to life and liberty.
4. One criticism of delegated legislation is that it
A. subjects citizens to executive decrees 14. Electoral colleges have been criticized because they
B. makes laws too flexible A. are very expensive B. create more
C. makes laws too technical seats in the legislature C. make the
D. is not useful in emergency situation legislature too responsible D. sometimes
negate the wishes of the electorate.
5. A system of government in which the central government is
supreme over other levels is 15. Universal adult suffrage is usually restricted in most
A. totalitarian B. confederal political systems to
C. federal D. unitary A. those with landed property B. literates
C. citizens D. those not more than 70
6. Which of the following defines a constitution? years old
A. Anywritten legal document B. Basic lawsfor
the conduct of modern government 16. An election in which citizens are called upon to vote f
C. Rules adopted in legislative proceedings or or against a specified issue is called a
D. The doctrine that limits the powers of government. A. mandate B. referendum C. by-election
D. run-off election
7. Which of the following ideologies advocates governmental
control over all sources of powers? 17. The most important objective of political parties is to
A. Totalitarian B. Feudalism A. elect their spokesmen B. lobby the government
C. Liberation D. Democracy C. form effective national organisations D. control
the government
8. Which of the following is NOT an acceptable means
of achieving democracy? 18. The primary function of a pressure group is to
A. Referendum B. Recall A. win and control governmental power
C. Initiative D. Riots B. elect their officials
C. influence government policy
9. In the cabinet system of government, individual D. organise workers to confront government
responsibility of minsiters means that
A. only ministers canbeheld responsibleforerrors. 19. The biased presentation of information in order
B. a minister must hold his surbordinates influence public opinion is refered to as
responsbile for his failures A. mobilization B. propaganda
C. theprime minister can removean erring minister C. indoctrination D. distortion
D. no individual can be held responsible for
government decisions 20. Which of the following was a great military political
power before the colonization of Nigeria
10. The principle of collective responsibility does not A. The Idoma Kingdom B. The Nupe kingdom
operate under the presidential system of government C. The Kwararafa empire D. The Igala empire
A. cabinet members are responsible people 21. The Yoruba traditional governmental system was
B. the legislative and the executive work together A. egalitarian B. republican
C. the executive is elected for a fixed term C. democratic D. monarchical
D. the judiciary will overrule the impeachment
of the cabinet
22. During the pre-colonial period in Eastern Nigeria 32. The highest court in Nigeria before 1963 was the
autocratic rule was made difficult by the A. Supreme Court B. High Court
A. activities of secret socieities C. Judical Committee of the Privy Council
B. rulers fear of detronement D. Court of Appeal
C. absence of a system of centralized authority
D. demands of pressure groups. 33. The highest decision making body in Nigeria under
the Buhari regime was the
23. Vassalage as a political system was practised by the A. Armed Forces Ruling Council
A. Ibibio and Igala B. Tiv B. Supreme Military Council
C. Hausa Fulani D. Igbo and Efik C. National Council of States
D. Federal Executive Council
24. Which of the following was NOT a feature of colonial
administration in Nigeria? 34. Under the 1979 Constitution, the function of the Civil
A. Forced labour B. Low prices and exports Service Commission include the
C. Taxes on the population D. Education levy A. appointment of Civil Service Commissioners
B. appointment, promotion and discipline of
25. Dual mandate was proposed by civil servants
A. Hugh Clapperton B. Hugh Clifford C. negotiating better conditions of service for
C. Lord Lugard D. George Goldie civil servants.

26. The Northern People’s Congress stand during the 35. The primary factor which led to the formation of
nationalist struggle for Nigeria’s independence was for political parties in colonial Nigeria was
A. immediate independence for Nigeria A. introduction of the elective principle and
B. Gradual evolution towards independence representative institutions
C. the continuation of British rule B. increased wealth of the indigenous elites
D. independence in 1956. C. granting of self government by the colonial
administration D. call byblack people all over
27. The Aba women riot was caused by the attempt to theworld for a final assault on colonialism
A. indirect rule to Southern Nigeria C. direct taxes 36. Three of the principles used in revenue allocation
C. the warrant chief system D. forced labour in Nigeria are
A national interest, cultural ethnocentrism and
28. One of the unique innovations of the 1951 constitution national unity
was the introduction of B. land mass, primary school enrolment and
A. regional premiers B. the office of the speaker geographical location
C. the officeof theprime minister C. derivation, equality and even development
D. regional executives D. needs, derivation and relative stability

29. The Constituent Assembly of 1978 had the primary 37. The results of the 1973 census in Nigeria were
responsiblity of rejected because
A. drafting a constitution for the Second Republic A. the figures were unacceptable to the U.N.
B. deliberating on, debating and amending the draft B. the figures were controversial
constitution. C. Nigerians were contented with the existing
C. passing the constitutio into law D. conducting a population figures
referendum on the draft constitution D. there were preparations for a fresh census

30. To quality to be President of the Federal Republic of 38. One of the advantages of privatization is that it
Nigeria under the 1979 Constitution a candidate must A. relieves government of its liquidity problem
A. be at least 40 years of age B. makes the poor to be richer
B. be a Nigerian by birth C. have the C. gives private individuals control over public
highest number of votes cast at the election corporations
D. have not less than 1/4 of the votes cast at D. makes public corporations more effective
the election in each of at leat 2/3 of all states
in the federation. 39. The most important aspect ofthe 1976 Local Government
Reforms wasthe
31. By statute, the main responsibility of the armed forces A. introduction of a uniform system of local
of Nigeria is to government B. introduction of party
A. form a military government politics at the local levels C. subordination
B. maintain law and order C. defend the off local government to the Federal and state
sovereignty of the country Governments. D. recognition of local
D. take part in peace-keeping operations in government as utonomous and sovereign
troubled neighbourhood countries. government
40. Local governments were created in Nigeria mainly to 45. Nigeria’s foreign policy ofnon-alignment wasa reaction to
A. realise the objective of full employment A. British imperialism
B. bring government nearer to the people B. East West ideological competition
C. prevent the creation of more states C. militarism of ex-colonial powers
D. encourage competition and rivalry amongst D. Third World poverty
ethnic groups
46. Which of the following countries had a strained
41. The Nigeria Military Government launched the relationship with Nigeria over theAngolan crisis of 1975?
Second National Development plan in 1970 purposely A. The Soviet Union B. Tanzania
A. to develop all the disadvantaged states C. The United States of America
B. to accelerate the development of the country D. South Africa
C. for rapid economic and social development
of the country after the civil war 47. In the First Republic, Nigeria was very relunctant to
D. to further the cause of a united, strong and have meaningful interaction with
self reliant nation A Italy B. the Soviet Union
C. the United States of America D. Germany
42. A feature unique to General Murtala Muhammed’s
Supreme Military Council as compared to that of 48. The major liberation organisation which fought for
General Yakubu Gowon was the Namibia’s independence was
A. inclusion of civilians as members A. SWAPO B. A.N.C.
B. exclusion of military governors from the council C. FRELIMO D. M.P.L.A.
C. inclusion of the Chief Justice as a member
D. theexclusion ofthe Inspector-General of Police 49. Which of these international organisations is the
from the council predesecessor of the United Nations?
A. The European Economic Commun ity
43. A major problem of militarygovernments in Nigeria is the B. The Organisation of American Sattes
A. absence of proper accountability C. The League of Nations
B. abolition of the post of ombudsman D. The North Atlatic Treaty Organisation.
C. absence of the rule of law
D. encouragement of foreign investors. 50. The dramatic rise in the membership of the U. N. during late
1991 and early 1992 is best accounted for by the
44. In 1973, following an O.A.U. resolution, Nigeria broke A. admission of a large number of newly
diplomatic relations with independent African States.
A. South Africa B. France B. appointement of the first African as
C. Israel D. Cuba Secretatry General.
C break up of the Soviet Union into indepen
dent Republics.
D. expansion fo themembership of the Security

Government 1993
1. Political authority refers to the 4. Ultimate power in a confederal state is
A. ability to effect political action A. concentrated in the central government
B. capacity to produce desired political results B. consittutionally divided between the centre
C. capacity to reshape the political behaviour of and the units
citizens C. exercised by the larger units
D. recognized right to excercise political power D. vested in the constituents units.

2. The sovereignty of a state is determined by 5. Federalism is a constitutional arrangement in which

A. economic and legal aspects A. the national and regional governments
B. social and political aspects C. political derive their powers from the constitution
and legal aspect B. the national goverrment acts only through
D. economic and political aspects the regional governments
C. regional and local authorities exist at the
3. The civil service belongs to the organ or government pleasure of the national government
called the D. the national government does not reach
A. legislature B. executive individual citizens directly
C. judiciary D. parastatals
6. A written constitution is one that C. the emergency of ideal leadership
A. cannot be modified or amended B.can only be D. equal representation
ammended by the highest legislative body
C. is contained in a single document D. is drawn 18. Free and fair elections do NOT accommodate
up by draftsmen A. obedience to the rules of the game
B. equality of all votes C. freedom of choice by voters.
7. A federal system of govenment can exist without D. partial electoral administration
A. decision of powers B. supremacy of the ritten
constitution C. an executive presidential system 19. Proportional representation is often criticized because it
D. a rigid ammendment procedure A. tends to preserve the multi-party system
B. is too simple to operate C. ensures
8. As a political ideology, communism seeks to that each party has a minister
A. concentrate national wealth in the hands of a few D. provides that each states is represented
B. abolish collective ownership of property according to its population
C. provide adequate opportunities for citizens
to make profits D. eliminate all 20. Interest groups are important to democracies because they
forms of socio economic inequality A. reperesent the masses B. do not allow misrule
C. represent groups who otherwise would be left out
9. Nazism as a doctrine was proposed by D. provide a forum for confronting the government
A. Benito Mussolini B. Adolf Hitler
C. Karl Marx D. Joseph Stalin 21. In the Habe political system, the Sarki was assisted in
performing his executive functions by the
10. Despite the doctrine of separation of powers the A. alkali B. khadi
legislature plays quasi-judicial role as a result of its C. ulama D. galadima
A. investigative powers B. financial powers
C. emergency powers D. appropriation powers 22. In the Oyo empire, the Alaafin was
A. an absolute monarch B. popularly elected
11. In the presidential system of government, the presidentis C. a constitutional monarch
A. elected only through the electoral college D. worshipped as a deity
B. empowered to dissolve the legislature
C. Head of State and Head of Government 23. Which of these sets represents the disadvantages of
D. vested with absolute powers. colonialism?
A. Exposure to western education, cultural
12. In the Westminster system of government, formal imperialism and external trade relations
legislation can take the following forms EXCEPT B. Cultural imperialism and external manipulate
A. royal proclamations B. orders in council and foreign control of domestic economy
C. acts of parliament D. ministerial pronouncement C. External manipulation, civil service evoultion
and liberal democracy
13. Delegated legislation is disadvantageous because it D. Liberaldemocracy, foreign domination and
A erodes the principle of separation of powers cultrualimperialism
B. makes hasty review of legislation possible
C. disallows quick action during emergencies 24. Imperialism was adopted by Europe to
D. increases the work of the legislature A. expand its economic and political base
B. develop the economies of the colonies
14. The principle of the rule of law stipulates that C. establish a democratic society similar to that
A. only judges interpretes the law of Europe
B. law makers are above the law D. end ethnic rivalries in the colonies.
C. everybody is equal before the law
D. lawyers make laws 25. The Lagos Colony and the Southern Protectorate of
Nigeria were joined in the year
15. Gerrymandering means A. 1904 B. 1906 C. 1910 D. 1914.
A. the second ballot system
B. single transferable vote 26. Tubman Goldie was famous for the
C. the manipulation of constituency boundaries A. suppression of local rulers
D. the tyranny of the majority. B. merger of British companies into the United
African Company C. Akassa Raid
16. Another term for an colonialismn electoral district is a D. treaty of friendship and the race of Nikki
A ward B. local government area
C. politically demarcated area D. consituency 27. Which of the following internal factors did NOT affect
the development of nationalist movements in colonial
17. Franchise ensures Nigeria?
A. participation in public affairs
B. a classless democratic system
A. Denial of equal opportunities to Nigerian vis-a-vis B. 1979 Constitution C. Murtala/ Obansanjo
their European counterparts. regime D. Buhari regime
B. The establishment of political parties and
newspaper 37. In Nigeria, public corporations are also know as
C. the influx of West Indian and American A. multinational corporations
intellectuals B. private enterpises C. parastatals
D. The development of modern education D. co-operative societies

28. One significant aspect of the Legislative Council of 38. The local governement is an example of
1922 was that A. concentration of power
A. Africans were in the majority B. separation of power
B. it made laws only for the southern Provinces C. devolution of power D. delega
C. the Colony of Lagos and the Protectorate of tion of power
Southern Nigeria were merged
D. laws governing land ownership in the north 39. The body responsible for exercising the functions of
were extended to the south. local governments in the 1976 reforms was the
A. local government commission B. local
29. The 1960 Independence Constitution could be described as government council C. local government
written committee D. committee of
A monarchical and parliamentary chairmen and supervisory councillors
B. republican and parliamentary
C. monarchichal and presidential 40. Diarchy refers to the
D. federal and republican A. rule by the government and the opposition
parties B. mixture of parliamentary
30. The governor-general of Nigeria at the time of political and presidential systems
independence was C. rule of political and economics elites
A. Lord Frederick Lugard B. Sir John D. rule by the military and civilians
Macpherson C. Sir Arthur Richards
D. Sir James Robertson 41. Nigeria’s relations with other nations is determined byher
A. political culture B. political socializatio
31. Before the collapse of Nigeria’s first republic in 1966, C. national interest D. national
the prime minister was both consciousness
A. the head of government and a law maker
B. the head of state and Commander-in-Chief of 42. The foreign policy of Nigeria is centred on Africa
the armed forces because of her
C. Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and A. membership of O.A.U B. membership of
party leader ECOWAS C. concern for and attention of
D. Head of State and party leader. African problems D. commitment to end
colonization in Africa
32. In Nigeria, the function of the Council of states is
A. judicial B. investigative 43. Themajor organization through which Nigeriapursues
C. legislative D. advisory her economic, political and social interest in West
Africa is
33. Under the military administrration, supreme court A. ECOWAS B. A.D.B.
decision are subject to review by C. E.C.A D. O.A.U
A. Sharia Court ofAppeal B. no other court
of law C. Federal Court of Appeal 44. A state is admitted into the United Nations on the
D. Judicial tribunal A. recommendation of the secretary-general to
the security council
34. Public Commissions established under the 1979 B. concurrent vote of the Security Council and the
constitution were expected to be General Assembly
A. independent of the executive C. enabling action of the General Assembly
B. part of executive C. advisory to the D. sponsorship of any member of the organization
D. advisory to the legislature. 45. The highest policy making body of the O.A.U. is the
A. the Economic and Social Commission
35. Which ofthe following was an ad hoc Revenue B. Council of Ministers C. General
Allocation Commission? Secretariat D. Assembly of Heads of States
A. Ashby Commission B. Adedeji Commission and Governments
C UdojiCommission D. Phillipson Commission
46. To which of these bodies did Nigeria belong before
36. The term federal character was popularised by the the formation of the O.A.U in 1963?
A. 1975 Constitution Drafting Committee A. Cassablanca group B. Monrovia group
C. African and Malagasy Union 49. Financial contributions to the liberation movements in
D. Pan African Union Southern Africa by African governments were
chanelled through the
47. Who was the first Nigerian to be appointed President A. E.C.A B. ECOWAS
of the International Court of Justice at the Hague? C. O.A.U. D. U.N.O.
A. Justice Taslim Elias
B. Justice Bola Ajibola 50. Prior to 1991, veto power was exercised in the United
C. Justice Daddy Onyeama Nations Security Council by
D. Justice DanleyAlexander A. France, Germany, the Soviet Union, Italy and
48. An agency of the United Nations which specialize in B. Japan, the United States, Italy, Germany and
the welfare of children is the France
A. W.H.O B. U.N.E.S.C.O. C. the soviet Union, People Republic of China,
C. U.N.I.C.E.F D. U.N.D.P. Great Britain, France and the United States
D. Italy, the United States, the Soviet Union,
Germany and France

Government 1994

1. A society that is politically organised under a 7. Switzerland is often cited as a classic example of a
government is called a country with
A. sovereign state B. community A. unitary constitution
C. national state D. polity B. quasi-unitary constitution
C. federal constitution
2. Political power is naked force when it is exercised without D. confederal constitution
A. set objectives B. state apparatus
C. governmental legitimacy 8. What is the major distinguishing characteristic
D. sovereignty between flexible and rigid constitution?
A. Manner of documentation
3. The major difference between a state and a nation is B. One is unwritten
that the latter presupposes a C. Amendment procedure
A. heterogenous population D. Degree of legality
B. homogenous population
C. well-defined territory 9. Which of the following best defines democracy?
D. more organized system A. Government based on virtuous principles and
laws B. Government based on the
4. The principle of judicial independence makes sense spirit and letter of the constitution.
only when judges C. Government based on the free consent of the
A. have freedom to try any case governed. D. Government which
B. are themselves above the law recongnizes and respects human rights as
enshrined in the constitution
C. have permanent tenure of office
D. can join any political party of their choice 10. An economic system in which the major means of
production are owned and controlled by a few
5. A federal system of government has the following individuals is called
three advantages A. socialism B. communism
A. economics of scale, uniform development C. communalism D. capitalism
and political unity B. economics of scale,
uniform development and strong army 11. The essence of checks and balances is to
C. strong army, greater security and economics A. enhance the functioning of government and
of scale D. economic co-operation, uniform prevent arbitary use of power B.ensure that
development and greater security people have their own rights C. make
sure that power is not delegated to other bodies
6. Constitutionalism means or individuals D. prevent political parties from
A. promotion of the constitution putting pressure on government
B. respect for the constitution
C. electoral processes based on the constitution 12. The power of a head of state to dissolve the legisla
D. voting rule and regulations ture and order a general election is usually associated
with the
A. presidental system of government having self-government B. British colonialists
B. monarchical system of government were no longer interested in governing their acquired
C. parliamentary system of government territories C. French administrative policies did not
D. unitary system of government allow for political agitation D. nationalists in
British West Africa were more united than their
13. Accountability in public office means that officers shall French counterparts
A. keep proper account of states finances
B. render good account of their activities 24. In British West Africa, the elective priciple was first
C. not accept bribes and gratification introduced in
D. declare their assets periodically A. Nigeria B. Ghana
C. Sierra Leone D. The Gambia
14. The act of bringing a legislative session to an end
only for business to continue later is called 25. A thorny issue during the 1957/58 Nigerian constitu
A. adjournment B. prorogation tional conferences was the
C. resolution D. abrogation A. leadership of the first post-independence
government B. problem of
15. Which of the following violates the principle of the ethnic minorities C. control of the Mid-
rule of law? West by the Western Region
A. Arbitrary increases of prices by traders D. status of Lagos
B. Criticism of government actions by the press
C. Arbitrariness of government policies 26. In the 1963 Constitution, there was seperation of
D. Arbitrariness of individuals in the society powers between the
A. president and the commander-in-chief of the
16. An electoral system which restricts voting rights to armed forces B. executive and the legislature
only male adults is termed C. head of state and the president D. head of
A. popular franchise B. male suffrage government and the head of state
C. limited franchise D. adult suffrage
27. A major feature which differentiated the 1963 and 1979
17. Which of the following best represents duties and constitutions was that in the fomer,
obligations of government? A. ministers were appointed from the National
A. Respect for national symbols Assembly B. ministers were appointed
B. Provision of public utilities from outside the National Assembly
C. Care of public property C. the prime minister was elected by the whole
D. Obedience of laws country D. the National Assembly
comprised the senate and the House of
18. An electoral process in which candidates for elective Assembly
offices are selected by party members is known as
A. primary election B. electoral college 28. A court order compelling the executive or its agencies
C. direct election D. preferential voting to produce an unlawfully detained person is called a writ of
A. mandamus B. subpoena
19. The principle whereby a legislator’s tenure is abruptly C. habeas corpus D. injunction
brought to an end by his constituency is known as
A. rejection B. reference 29. The primary function of theArmed Forcesof Nigeria is to
C. recall D. return A. promote and protect the security of the nation
B. protect the head of states and commander-
20. One of the main fuctions of a political party is in-chief of the armed forces of the nation
A. political evalution B. interest aggregation C. protect the citizens against corrupt and
C. political account ability D. interest determination oppressive politicians
D. project the country’s image by participating
21. Which of the following traditional Nigerian societies in peace keeping operations
practised the system of checks and balances?
A. Tiv B. Yoruba 30. Which organ was enshrined in the 1979 constitution
C. Hausa D. Igbo to protect public servants from political interference
and arbitrary dismission?
22. In terms of administrative structure, which of the A. Public Complaints Commission
following sets of pre-colonial Nigeria political systems B. Code of Conduct Bureau
do NOT match? C. Federal Judicial Service Commission
A. Igbo and Tiv B. Benin and Igbo D. Federal Civil Service Commission
C. Sokoto and Oyo D. Benin and Sokoto
31. The political party that replaced NNDP before
23. Nationalist activities were earlier in British than in independence was
French West Africa because the C. UNDP D. AG
A. French West Africans were not interested in
32. Apart from discussing the draft of the 1979 constitution, C. Nigeria businessmen who represent foreign
what was the major pre-occupation of the Constituent interests
Assemblyin 1978? D. Nigeria contractors to foreign government
A. Revenue Allocation B. Sharia issue
C. Formation of Political Parties 42. Which of the following countries is closely associ
D. Election of a President ated with the development of Ajaokuta Steel Project?
A. U.S.A B. Germany
33. The first minority state to be created in the Nigerian C. India D. Russia
federation was
A. Benue-Plateau B. Cross River 43. The foreign affairs minister who advocated the
C. Kwara D. Mid-west ‘Concert of Medium Powers’ was
A. Prof. Ibrahim Gambari
34. One major constraint on the smooth operation of B. Major-General Joe Garba
federalism in Nigeria is the C. Alhaji Rilwanu Lukman
A. lack of an acceptable revenue allocation formula D. Prof. Bolaji Akinyemi
B. inability to conduct a successful census
C. high cost of administration 44. Which of the following reasons best explains why
D. frequent change of government Nigeria during the first republic, could not pursue an
independent foreign policy?
35. One of the basic differences between ministries and A. The numerous differences among the ethinic
public corporations is that while ministries are groups
A. run on rules, public corporations are not B. Lack of political ideology
B. wholly owned by the government, public C. Nigeria was a non-aligned country
corporations are owned by both government D. Nigeria’s economy was dependent on the
and individuals Western countries
C. not established with specific statutes, public
corporations are 45. The British prime minister who opposed the cancella
D. not important in developmental process, tion of Nigeria’s debt was
public corporations are A. Margaret Thatcher B. Edward Heath
C. John Major D. Harold Wilson
36. Privatization and commercialization of public enter-
prises in Nigeria will lead to further entrenchment of 46. Which of the following African countries received
A. socialism B. capitalism Nigeria’s assistance to fight her war of independence
C. welfarism D. fascism in 1975/76?
A. Namibia B. Angola
37. The 1976 Local Government Reforms has C. South Africa D. Mozambique
A. reduced political corruption at the local level
B. resulted in accelerated development in the 47. Which Nigerian was theexecutive secretary of the ECA?
rural areas C. created more A. Chief Emeka Anyaoku
autonomy for local administration B. Prof. Adebayo Adedeji C. Chief
D. reduced the political roles of traditional rulers Matthew Mbu D. Alhaji Abubakar Alhaji

38. The Babangida administration’s transition to civil rule 48. Nigeria was regarded as a ‘Frontiline State’ because she
programme officially started in A. assisted liberation struggles in Southen Africa
A. 1992 B. 1990 B. assisted ECOMOG troops in Liberia
C. 1987 D. 1985 C. sent troops for peace-keeping in Somalia
D. sent policemen to Namibia
39. A major negative impact of military intervention in
Nigerian politics is the 49. The major strategy used by OPEC to influence oil
A. politicization of the military price is by
B. domination of the economy by foreign powers A. determining the quantity of oil to be produced at
C. poor performance of the military in foreign any given period B. influencing buyers at the
peace-keeping operations international market to buy at high price C.allowing
D. neglect of the welfare of military personel member countries to produce at their discretion
D. increasing the supply of the commodity
40. The committee that recommended Abuja as the new
Federal Capital was headed by 50. The Gulf war of 1990 is an indication that the U.N.O. is
A. Graham Douglas B. Mamman Nasir unable to
C. Rotimi Williams D. Akinola Aguda A. ensure free world trade B. stop colonialism
C. control armament
41. The term, comprador borgeoisie, has been used by D. ensure permanent world peace
scholars to describe
A. foreign businessmen in Nigeria
B. foreign diplomats working in Nigeria
Government 1995
1. The concept of sovereignty can best be defined as the 11. Bye-laws made bythe Minister of Transport for running the
A. state of being supreme in authotity Nigerian Railway Corporation is an exercise of
B. power of the executive president A. delegated power B. parliamentary power
C. supremacy of the legislature C. statutory power D. residual power
D. supremacy of the executive
12. The application of the rule of law can be limited by
2. Power is understood to mean the A. giving judges full authority
A. right to compel obedience B. invoking emergency powers
B. capacity to compel obedience C. securing the tenure of office of judges
C. relationship between the government and D. insulating judges from partisan politics
the people
D. desire to seize thestate apparatus 13. Laws made by the attorney-general and minister of
justice are called
3. The institutions which constitute the main organs of A. temporary laws B. bills of attainder
the government of a nation are the C. case laws D. ex post facto laws
A. legislature, the executive and the judiciary
B. judiciary and the civil service 14. The legal process by which an alien is accepted as a
C. trustee and the presidium national of a country other than his own is known as
D. civil service and the senate A. naturalization B. citizenship
C. expatriation D. indigenization
4. The executive arm of government includes the
A. police B. courts 15. The inalienable rights of the citizen are best protected
C. national assembly D. senate president through
A. an elected government
5. Unicameral legislature is often criticized for B. a humane head of state C. a constitution
A. restricting the scope of participation D. a fearless judiciary
B. cheapening the opportunity for participation
C. condoning the participation of traditional rulers 16. Enfranchisement describes the process of
D. narrowing participation to the military A. allowing eligible persons the right to vote
B. allowing special categories of persons to
6. A legal document yet to be enacted into law but still contest elections C. allowing
under debate in the legislature is known as all women the right to vote
A. an edict B. a decree D. the actual act of voting
C. a white paper D. a bill
17. An electoral system that apportions legislative seats
7. According to Marxist theory, those who own and to a group relative to its actual voting strength is
control the means of production in a capitalist society referred to as
are the A. franchise B. simple plurality
A. producers B. bourgeoisie C. proportional representation
C. colonialists D. proletariats D. discriminatory majority

8. A distinctive feature of a democratic system of 18. A non party election occurs when
government is the A. all candidates run as independents
A. existence of periodic competitive elections B. there are no party symbols
B. existence of a single political party C. only party candidates contest
C. absence of strong pressure groups D. voters have no parties
D. centralization of all power in the executive
19. The major distinguishing factor between a political
party and a pressure group is that while the former
9. The goal of the theory of seperation of power is to
A. is effectively organized, the latter is not
A. make the executive dependent on the legislature
B. engages in propaganda, the latter is not
B. give more powers to the legislature
C. seeks power, the latter influences it
C. protect individual liberty
D. does not form a government, the latter does
D. create efficiency in the judiciary
20. Public opinion is the view expressed by a
10. The power of the courts to declare legislative A. few members of the society
enactments as unconstitutional is known as judicial B. few articulate members in the society
A. ruling B. review C. majority of the members of a society
C. interpretation D. edict D. group of individuals in the society
21. On what is charismatic authority based? 32. Which of the following was NOT a function of
A. inherited wealth and power FEDECO during the second republic?
B. tyrannical tendencies A. Organizing, conducting and supervising all
C. institutional procesess elections B. Providing guidelines, rules
D. Personal ability and influence and regulations for political parties
C. Arranging for the registration of persons
22. In which of the following Nigerian pre-colonial qualified to vote
political units was the principle of separation of power D. Swearing-in of elected candidates
A. Oyo Empire B. Benin Empire 33. Who among the following served as chairmen of NEC
C. Hausa states D. Bornu Empire under General Babangida?
A. Chief Ani and Justice Ovie-Whisky
23. The geographical entity in which the traditional ruler B. Prof. Awa and Prof Nwosu
was born the religious and political head was the C. Prof. Uya and Alh. Kurfi
A. Tiv society B. Efik kingdom D. Col. Wase and Chief Esua
C. Jukun kingdom D. Sokoto caliphate
34. The Minorities Commission appointed in 1957 in
24. In which order did the various European groups Nigeria was headed by
penetrate into the interior of present-day Nigeria? A. JusticeUdo Udoma B. Sir Henry Willink
A. Explorers, missionaries, traders and imperialists C. Sir Allan Lennox-Boyd
B. Explorers, trader, missionaries and imperialists D. Justice Darnely Alexander
C. Explorers, traders, imperialists and missionaries
D. Explorers, imperialists, traders and missionaries 35. Nigeria adopted the nineteen-state structure in
A. 1960 B. 1966
25. Indirect rule was introduced in Nigeria because C. 1969 D. 1976
A. traditional rulers were powerful
36. Privatization of public corporations in Nigeria implies
B. there were few administrators in the country
A. government divestment from the companies
C. the colonialists were poor administrators
B. the public take over of companies
D. thenative authorities were alreadywell organized
C. the autonomy of government companies
D. the commercialization of public corporations
26. The breakdown of the Macpherson Constitution was
partly caused by the crisis within the
37. Examples of public corporations in Nigeria are
A. N.C.N.C. B A.G.
C. N.P.C D. N.N.D.P.
27. The first leader of the National council of Nigeria and 38. Presidentialism in Local government administration is
the Cameroons was understood to mean
A. Nnamdi Azikiwe B. Michael Okpara A. the abolition of the role of traditional rulers
C. Samuel Ikoku D. Herbert Macaulay as chairmen B. local government
chief executives to be known as presidents
28. Under the 1963 Constitution, a bill could only become C. chairmen of local governments to serve as
law if it was accented to by the accounting officers
A. Prime minister B. president
D. the phasing out of the post of the concilors
C. queen D. governor-general
39. Local government have been stripped of one of their
29. The first executive president of Nigeria was important functions through the establishment of the
A. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe A. National Primary Education Commission
B. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa B. National Health Care Commission
C. General Yakubu Gowon C. National Board of Local Governments
D. Alhaji Shehu Shagari D. National Orientation Agency

30. Which of the following organs control the Civil service? 40. The military administration that attempted to tackle
A. parliament and the courts the problem of inefficiency in the public sector by
B. trade unions and the courts mass retirement of public officers was the
C. the police and parliament A. Gowon administration B. Muritala administration
D. tribunals and interest groups C. Obasanjo administration D. Buhari administration

31. Under the Civil Service Reforms of 1988. the Nigerian 41. Under military regimes in Nigeria, the branches of
Civil Service became government that were fused are the
A. nationalized B. professionalized A. executive and the legislature
C. bureacratized D. indegenized B. executive and the judiciary
C. legislature and the judiciary
D. executive, the legislature and the judiciary
42. Nigeria is the major shareholder in the 47. Which of the following countries has the right to veto
A. OPEC Fund for Development the decision of the Security Council of the UNO?
B. African Development Bank A. Switzerland B. Argentina
C. World Bank C. China D. Sweden
D. International Monetary Fund 48. The primary objective of the UNO is to
A. maintain international peace and security
43. Nigerian soldiers have been deployed for peace B. promote fundamental human rights
keeping mission to C. develop bilateral relations among nations
A. Burundi and Yugoslavia B. Ethiopia andKorea D. serve as a co-ordinating platform for the actions
C. Somalia and Rwanda D. Haiti and Lebanon of nations

44. The adoption of non-alignment as a principle of 49. The OAU is founded on the principle of
Nigerian foreign policy is aimed at A. settlement of international disputes by armed
A. promoting Nigerian’s leadership aspiration in struggles
Africa B. justifiable interference in the domestice
B. placing Nigeria on a comfortable position to affairs of member states
contribute tointernational peace and morality C. sovereign equality of member state
C. enabling Nigeria assume equal status with D. equal contribution by member states
the world powers
D. fulfilling a basic requirement for her accep 50. One of the achievements of ECOWAS is the
tance into the Security Council of the UN A eradication of colonialism
B. adoption of vehicle insurance scheme
45. The country whose interest conflicted with those of C. settlement of Liberian refugees
Nigeria over Angola in 1975 was D. respect for human rights
C. France D. Cuba

46. The principle of Africa being the centre-piece of

Nigeria’s foreign policy has been demonstrated in
A. Egypt B. Gabon
C. Zambia D. Namibia

Government 1997
1. Authority refers to the 4. The official report of proceedings in parliament is
A. might to secure compliance from other within known as the
a given social setting A. Hansard B. diary of events
B. power to exercise might over others behaviour C. gazette D. summary of proceedings
C. mandate to exercise power over others
D. ability to compel others to act in a particular way 5. An important feature of the federal system of government is
the existence of a
2. Government is different from other political organiza A. strong national legislature
tions because B. President with veto power
A. it has legitimate power over citizens C. court system with impartial judges
B. its officials have fixed terms of office D. multiple tiers of government
C. it can punish those who violate its rules
D. it is made up of elected officials 6. An important aspect of an unwritten constitution is that it
A. is easy to understand by everybody
3. Judicial independence in a modern democracy can be B. safeguards the monarchy
ensured by C. contains customary laws and conventions
A. the confirmation of the appointment of D. is not easily amended
judges by the legislature
B. the provision that judges can only be 7. The ideology that advocates the complete control of
removed from office bythe president-in-council the sources of power is
C. making judges independent of the ministry A. totalitarianism B. socialism
of justice C. liberalism D. democracy
D. safeguarding the security of tenure of judges
8. Shadow cabinet is associated with the 18. The process of dividing a country into electoral
A. communist system B. presidential districts is known as
system C. parliamentary system A. demarcation B. delineation
D. fascist system C. delimitation D. distribution

9. One basic characteristic of parliamentary system of 19. Political parties are formed essentially to
government is that the A. capture state power
A. upper and lower houses of the legislature B. replace bad governments
have equal powers C. complete with the military for power
B. cabinet is part of the legislature D. satisfy the needs of members
C. prime minister is usually a member of the
upper house 20. A systematic effort to manipulate te beliefs, attitudes
D. opposition party members are also included and actions of the public through the mass media and
in the cabinet other means is called
A. political education B. public opinion
10. In a presidential system, the theory of separation of C. propaganda D. brainstorming
power is not absolute because the president
A. can declare a state of emergency 21. In the Igbo political system, authority was shared among
B. can be impeached by the court A. men and women with ozo titles
C. assents to bills D. can declare laws B. all age groups and warrant chiefs
null and void C. elders of the community and ofo title holders
D. title holders and age groups
11. The principle ofchecks and balance is found mainly in
A. parliamentary system B. presi 22. The crucial check on an autocratic Oba in the pre-
dential system C. monarchies colonial Yoruba political system was
D. oligarchies A. presenting to him a suicide symbol
B. avoiding the palace
12. During the second republic in Nigeria, the branch of C. sending him a exile
the legislature responsible for ratifying presidential D. refusing to carry out his orders
nominees for appointments was the
A. Senate B. Council of states 23. A major feature of the system of government in the
C. House of Rrepresentative Sokoto Caliphate was that
D. Public Service Commissions A. it was based on customs and traditions
B. it was theocratic
13. A tax law originates from C. it was democratic
A. a private member’sbill B. an education tax bill D. power was effectively decentralized
C. ajudicial bill D. a public bill
24. The people of Southern Nigeria first came in contact
14. The order used by the court against unnecessary with Europeans through
detention is A. military expeditions B. Church missions
A. interlocutory injunction B. habeas corpus C. gunboat diplomacyD. peaceful trade
C. that of extradition D. mandamus
25. Nigeria’s first law making body after the amalgamation
15. When school pupils sing the national anthem and was know as the
salute the flag, they are A. Nigerian Council B. National Assembly
A. performing their obligations as citizen C. Nigeria National Assembly
B. exercising their rights as citizens D. Legislative Council
C. practicing to be leaders of tomorrow
D. carrying out their responsibilities as citizens 26. One major flaw of the British indirect rule in Nigeria
was that the system
16. A major duty of citizen is to A. made use of traditional institution
A. vote at elections B. associate freely B. championed ethnocentrism
C. pay taxes D. join political parties C. encouraged the use of European administrators
D. was not centralized
17. The simple plurality electoral system is often criticized
because 27. The nationalist organization formed in Nigerian in the
A. the ruling party may lose the election late 1930s was the
B. the winner may not poll an absolut majority A. National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons
C. it works against all opposition parties B. Nigerian Youth Movement
D. it is easy to rig C. Nigerian National Democratic Party
D. Action Group
28. In 1947, Dr. NnamdiAzikiwe led a delegation tothe 37. For pre-independence political parties in Nigeria
British Colonial Office in London to protest against the included the
A. provisions of the Richards Constitution A. AG, NCNC, NNDP, and NYM
B. appointment of Bernar Bourdillon as B. NNDP, NCNC, NPC and AG
Governor-General C. NNDP, NCNC, NPC and UMBC
C. appointment of Oliver Lyttelton as colonial D. NYM, NCNC, NPC and NNDP
D. provision of the Macpherson constitution 38. In Nigeria, functions shared by the central and state
governments include
29. Under the 1922 Clifford constitution, franchise was A. external representation, education and
granted in Calabar and Lagos to provision of water
A. all adults B. male adults B. construction of roads, defence and health
C. persons with an annual income of at least 100 C. control of ports, health and education
D. male adults with an annual incomeof at least 100 D education, provision of water and
construction of roads
30. Under the 1979 Constitution in Nigeria, each state of
the federation 39. The creation of more states in Nigeria has
A. had a bicameral legislature A. eliminated ethnic and religious conflicts
B. had equal legislators in the House of B. reduced the gap between rich and poor states
Representatives C. increased the powers of the federal government
C. had an equal number of senators D. increased the power of the states and local
D. was provided with a presidential liaison officer governments

31. Under he 1963 Republican Constitution, the power of 40. After the botched coup of January 1966, power was
judicial review was vested in the handed over to General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi by the
A. supreme court B. parliament A. senate B. president
C. president D. the chief justice of the federation C. house of representatives
D. council of ministers
32. Between 1966 and 1975, the highest legislative body
in Nigeria was the 41. Nigeria’s major export commodities in the early years
A. Armed forces revolutionary council of her independence were
B. Supreme military council A. cocoa, groundnut and ginger
C. Armed forces ruling council B. cocoa, rubber and benniseed
D. Provisional ruling council C. cocoa, palm oil and groundnut
D. rubber, kolanut and cotton
33. Three important concepts associated with a well
organized civil service are 42. The foreign affairs minister who introduced economic
A .meritocracy, neutrality and bureaucracy diplomacy as a foreign policy intiative was
B. general orders, confidentialism and red-tapism A. Prof. Bolaji Akinyemi
C. neutrality, anonymity and impartiality B. Major-General Ike Nwachukwu
D. bureaucracy, confidentialism and general orders C. Prof. Ibrahim Gambari
D. Major-General Joseph Garba
34. The public agency now mandated to register births
and deaths in Nigeria is the 43. Non-alignment is no longer relevant in Nigeria foreign
A. National Civil Registration Commission policy because
B. Civil Service Commission A. she is seen as the leader of Africa
C. Ministry of Health B. her focus is now on Africa
D. National Population Commission C. of the formation of the ECOWAS
D. the cold war has ended
35. Under the Babangida administration, the political
bureau recommended at the federal level, 44. In 1978, the Obasanjo Administration nationalized the
A. unicameral legislature and multi-partysystem assets of the British Petroleum and the Barclays Bank
B. bicameral legislature and multi-party system in Nigeria in reaction to the British
C. unicameral legislature and two-party system A. monopoly of Nigeria’s oil markets
D. bicameral legislature and two-party system B. occupation of the Falkland Islands
C. continued trade links with South Africa
36. The first political party that contested election in D. reluctance to write off Nigeria’s debts
Nigeria after the Clifford Constitution was
A. Nigerian Youth Movement
B. National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons 45. Nigeria broke diplomatic relations with France in 1961
C. Northern People’s Congress because of
D. Nigerian National Democratice Party A. France’s atomic test in the Sahara Desert
B. the poor relations of the Franco-Phone
countries with her
C. General de-Gaulle’s negative attitude towards her 48. Nations join international organizations so that they could
D. France’s diplomatic relations with Israel A. advance their interests
B. get foreign aid
46. In 1993, Nigeria troops were on peace-keeping C. form alliances
assignment to D. become more developed
A. Liberia and Burundi
B. Rwanda and Liberia 49. The organ of the U.N.O. with full representation is the
C. Chad and Liberia A. Security Council
D. Liberia and somalia B. General Assembly
C. Trusteeship Council
47. Nigeria established a trust fund for other African D. International Court of Justice
countries with the
A. International Bank for Reconstruction and 50. Which of the following was the last to win indepen
Development dence from colonial rule?
B. Nigerian Industrial Development Bank A. Cote d’Ivoire B. Algeria
C. African Development Bank C. Tanzania D. Angola
D. Economic Commission for Africa

Government 1998
7. A major characteristic of the socialist system is its
1. Which of the following defines the concept of provision for
government? A. limited privacy B. public ownership
A. The process of administering justice in a country C. unlimited privacy D. private ownership
B. The process of supervising the activities of
legislature 8. In the presidential system of government, the chief
C. The orderly management andcontrol ofthe executive is
affairs of a country A. elected by the entire electorate
D. The orderly transfer of power to duly elected B. nominated by the legislators
politicians C. selected by the party with the majority of
seats in the legislature
2. The most distinguishing characteristic of the state is D. appointed by an independent judiciary
A. government B. population
C. territory D. sovereignty 9. The resignation of the cabinet after a defeat in
parliament is an expression of the principle of
3. The judiciary assigns clear meaning to the laws by A. political accountability
A. interpretation B. enforcement B. collective responsibility
C. adjudication D. revision C. checks and balances D. rule of law

4. The structure of government implies the 10. Ceremonial and executive powers are fused in the
A. law making process of government A. parliamentary system of government
B. law enforcement process of government B. presidential system of government
C. organization of power and functions of C. federal system of government
government D. unitary system of government
D. method of revenue allocation by government
11. The empowerment of the Police Service commission
to make rules for the appointment, promotion and
5. If the central government has less power than the
dismissal of its personnel, is an example of
component units, the constitution is said to be
A. a decree B. a penal law
A. federal B. unitary
C. a delegated legislation D. an executive order
C. confederal D. unwritten
12. The principle by which both the governors and the
6. In democracy, ultimate authority resides in the governed are bound by the law is called
A. electorate B. people A. constitutionalism
C. head of state D. armed forces B. constitutional supremacy
C. rule by decree D. rule by law
13. The rights of a citizen can be withdrawn by the state if 24. The Aro system in Igboland was a
the person A. political organization B. commercial organization
A. leaves the country C. religious organization D. imperial organization
B. is convicted by a court
C. opposes the government 25. In 1879, four British companies were merged to form
D. is pronounced dead the United African Company by
A. Frederick Lugard B. John Beecroft
14. In a democracy, franchise is given to all C. Tubman Goldie D. Macgregor Laid
A. adult citizens B. citizens
C. loyal party members D. resident adults 26. Which of the following was a feature of the government of
a Britishprotectorate?
15. The major advantage of secret balloting is that it A. Legislative council B. Provincial
A allow people to vote freely authority C. Executive council
B. ensures the anonymity of the voter D. Native Authority
C. extends the franchise to all adults
D. is faster than the other systems 27. Educated elites did not like the system of indirect rule
in Nigeria because it
16. A candidate who wins an election by a simple A. did not make provision for them
majority, must have been voted for by B. was exploitative and cumbersome
A. majority of the electorate C. made traditional ruler too powerful
B. most of the electorate D. was undemocratic and oppresive
C. a good number of the voters
D. a majority of the voters 28. The Nigerian Council was created by
A. Hugh Clifford B. Arthur Richard
17. A party system can be defined by the C. Frederick Lugard D. Bernard Bourdillon
A. structure of political parties
B. manner the government and the parties operate 29. Nationalism in Nigeria was facillitated by
C. relationship between the parties and the voters A. the actions of the veterans of the two world
D. number of political parties in a country wars and traditional rulers
B. the activities of Christian churches and
18. One major aim of a pressure group is to missionaries
A. capture political power C. education and urbanization
B. influence the policies of the government D. rapid economic growth
C. install a government of its choice
D. implement policies that will benefit its member 30. The 1946 constitution was remarkable because it
A. created ministerial positions in Nigeria
19. Which of the following is the commonest means of B. introduced regional governments in Nigeria
expressing public opinion? C. introduced for thefirst time, the elective principle
A. Handbill B. Newspaper D. brought about self-government for Nigeria
C. Radio D. Television
31. Which of the following statements is true about the
20. One effective way by which governments ascertain
1963 and 19790 constitutions?
public support and reactions is through
A. Both had provisions for the office of the president
A. the press B. socialmobilization
B. Both had provision for the office of a
C. opinion leaders D. elections
constitutional president
C. Both provision for the office of the Prime
21. An acephalous pre-colonial political system is
Minister and president
best represented by the
D. Both had provisions for the office of an executive
A. Oyo empire B. Igbo political
organization C. Ijaw political
organization D. Benin empire
32. The premier of Western Region immediately after
independence was
22. The administration of the capital of the emirate under
A. Chief Obafemi Awolowo
the pre-colonial Hausa-Fulani political system was
B. Chief Ladoke Akintola
entrusted to the
A. Galadima B. Waziri C. Dr. M.A. Majekodunmi
C. Sarkin fada D. Sarkin pawa D. Alhaji D.S. Adegbenro

33. During the period 1960 to 1966, Nigeria was governed

23. In the pre-colonial Yoruba society, the power of the
under the
Oyomesi were checked by the
A. presidential system of government
A. Baale B. Ogboni
B. Westminster system of government
C. Are onakakanfo D. Bashorun
C. confederal system of government
D. unitary system of government
34. Which of the following was not established under the A. organization of FESTAC
1979 Nigerian constitution? B. construction of roads
A. National Council on Education C. creation of twelve states
B. National Economic Council D. civil service purge
C. National Security Council
D. National Defence Council 44. An exampleof Nigeria’s external cultural relations in her
A. establishment of diplomatic relations with
35. Federalism was adopted in Nigeria as a constitutional other nations B. economic aid to
response to the problem of neighbouring countries
A. educational imbalance B. national identity C. exchange of students with friendly nations
C. ethnic pluralism D. trade interactions with developing countries
D. manpower and resources
45. At independence in 1960, the permission to establish
36. In a federal system, the power allocated to both the a diplomatic mission in Nigeria was not granted to
central and the state governments is said to be A. the United States of American
A. exclusive B. concurrent B. Japan C. the United Kingdom
C. residual D. inherent D. the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

37. In the botched Third Republic, the unit of representa 46. The concept of Africa as the centre-piece of Nigerian
tion in the House of Representatives was the foreign policy implies that Nigeria should
A. local goverment B. electoral ward A. interfere in the internal affairs of other
C. senatorial district D entire state African States B. support seces
sionist movement in Africa
38. Public corporations mainly differ from the ministries in C. participate in any peace-keeping operation in
that they Africa
A. are not bureaucratic D. lay more emphasis on African issues
B. provide social services to the public
C. require highly professional staff 47. The organ responsible for the general adminstration
D. are organized as business enterprises of ECOWAS is the
A. Executive Secretariat B. Council of
39. The privatization of public corporations is aimed at Ministers
A. making their goods and services available C. Authority of Heads of State and Government
B. making them reliable D. Tribunal of the Community
C. making them more efficient
D. allowing the public to control them 48. The first international organization Nigeria joined after
independence is the
40. Onemajor democratic innovation in local government A. United Nations Organization
adminisration introduced bythe Babangida regime wasthe B. Organization of African unity
A. appointment of portfolio councillors C. Commonwealth of Nation
B. appointment of retired military officers as D. Organization ofPetroleum ExportingCountries
sole administrators
C. selection of head of personnel management 49. The Security Council of the United Nations Organiza
departments from the councillors tion is composed of
D. separations of powers between the executive A. the Western industrial nations
and legislative arms of the councillors B. the five permanent members
C. the five permanent members and other
41. The change in the role of traditional rulers in local members periodically elected
government administration in Nigeria can be attrib D. eleven member states elected by the General
uted to the Assembly
A. 1976 local government reforms
B. involvement of the military in politics 50. The headquaters of the Economic Commission for
C. lack of support for the traditional rulers by Africa is located in
the citizens D. 1988 civil service reforms A. Ghana B. Kenya
C. Nigeria D. Ethiopia
42. Which of the following factors was not responsible
for the military intervention in Nigeria politics in 1966?
A. willingness of politicians to relinquish power
B. the Western Regional election of 1965
C. the Federal election of 1964
D. ethnic politics and lawlessness

43. One outstanding action for which the Gowon

administration will be remembered in Nigeria’s political
history is the
Government 1999
1. In a federal state, power is shared 12. The most important function of the executive organ of
A. between the central government and the government is to
local authorities A. formulate policies B. give assent to bills
B. among the states of the federation C. control foreign policy D. enforce laws
C. among the major regions of the country
D. between the central government and other 13. The process of learning the norms and values
co-ordicnate units associated with a political system is referred to as
2. In a federal system of government the centre is A. socialization B. indoctrination
A. superior to the other components C. culture D. participation
B. inferior to the other components
14. Which of the following best decribes the role of the
C. equal to the other components
civil service?
D. of-unlimited jurisdiction
A. promoting the interest of civil servants
B. advising government and implementing its
3. In a presidential system of government, ministers are
A. individually responsible to the president
C. keeping records for government
B. individually responsible to the senate
D. providing information on government and its
C. collectively responsible to the president
D. collectively responsible to the electorate
15. One instrument for safeguarding the rights of citizen is
4. The principle of collective responsibility implies that A. judicial interpretation
A. individual views cannot be expressed B. presidential pardon C. legislative
B. decisions taken are defended in spite of intervention D. writ of habeas corpus
individual opinions
C. those who hold different views must acquiesce 16. Legislative control over delegated legislation can be
D. government cannot be personalized performed through
A. withdrawal of delegated powers by the
5. A government controlled by a few people for their judiciary
own interests is said to be B. nulification of unconstitutional legislation
A. an autocracy B. a tyranny C. investigation into the exercise of delegated
C. an oligarchy D. a meritocracy power
D. approval of legislation by the Chief Justice
6. In the parliamentary system of government, formal
legislation can take the following forms except 17. The feature which best differentiates pressure groups
A. royal proclamations B. order in council from political parties is that they do not
C. acts of parliament D. ministerial pronouncement A. have interest in politics
B. seek to influence public opinion
7. One of the distinctive features of democracy is that it C. have permanent organization
A. connotes civil rule D. nominate ministers
B. facilitates popular participation
C. provides for a unicameral legislature 18. The notion of equality before the law is the same as
D. is not associated with one party system the principle of
A. supremacy of the constitution
8. A hereditary system of government is B. rule of law
A. an oligarchy B. a gerontocracy C. independence of the judiciary
C. an aristocracy D. a monarchy D. social equality
9. The separation of judicial, legislative and executive 19. A constitution is classified as unwritten when it
functions is designed to A. does not emanate from the legislature
A. promote freedom B. prevent tyranny B. provides for separation to powers
C. promote peace D. prevent anarchy C. originates from Britain
D. is not cotained in any single document
10. Bicameral legislatures are a common feature of
A. monarchical systems B. confederal systems 20. A state is said to be fascist when
C. federal systems D. unitary systems A. its leader is patriotic but the citizen are not
B. all rights all liberties are subordinated to
11. In a federal constitutional legislative powers that are state interest C. its citizens are
shared by two levels of government are referred to as fanaticallyin love with their leader
A. exclusive B. extra-ordinary D. all rights and liberties are placed above state
C. residual D. concurrent interests
21. A dominant two-party system is operated in 32. During the 1957 constitutional conference, the Willink
A. the United Kingdom and the United States Commission was set up to
B. India and Pakistan A. recommend a date for independence
C. France and Germany B. suggest an equitable revenue allocation formula
D. South Africa and Senegal C. create new regions in Nigeria
D. recommend solutions to the problem of the
22. Indirect legislation can be achieved by minorities
A. judicial interpretation and precedent
B. passing of bills and making of decrees 33. The duty of an Alkali under the Hausa-Fulani political
C. passing a private member’s bill system is to
D. the two legislative chambers considering a bill A. adjudicate under islamic laws
B. make islamiclaws
23. Naturalization is a process of acquiring citizenship by C. execute islamic laws
A. persons of dual nationality D. make treaties under Islamic laws
B. foreign visitors to a country 34. The motion for self-government in Nigeria proposed
C. resident foreigners of good character by Chief Anthony Enahoro in
D. persons born abroad A. 1950 B. 1953
C. 1956 D. 1958
24. The ideology which states that each person is the
best judge of what is in his self-interest is 35. The legislative functions of the government of Benin
A. liberalism B. socialism kingdom were performed by the Oba and a council of
C. fascism D. feudalism chiefs known as
A. Esama B. Ndichie
25. The Code of Conduct Bureau was established essen C. Uzama D. Enogie
tially to
A. ensure the independence of the public service 36. The highest ruling body under the Murtala/Obasanjo
B. enhance probity and accountability in public regime differed remarkably from that of the Gowon
service C. protect the right of the public Administration because of the
D. reduce corruption in public life A. inclusion of civilians as members
B. exclusion of military governors from the council
26. The British government revoked the charter of the C. inclusion of the Chief Justice as a member
Royal Niger Company and took over the administra D. exclusion of the Inspector General of Police
tion of Nigeria in from the council
A. 1861 B. 1885
C. 1900 D. 1914 37. Decree No34 of May 1966 is also known as the
A. State Security Decree
B. Suspension and Modification Decree
27. The Independence Constitution can be described as
C. Public Order Decreee
A. monarchical and presidental
D. Unification decree
B. republican and parliamentary
C. monarchical and parliamentay 38. In 1979, the Unity Party of Nigeria contested and won
D federal and republican gubernational elections in
A. Lagos, Ogun, Imo, Oyo and Bendel
28. Which of the following parties formed the opposition B. Lagos, Kwara, Oyo, Ogun and Benue
in the House of Representatives during Nigeria’s First C. Lagos Ogun, Oyo, Ondo and Bendel
Republic? D. Lagos, Kwara, Ogun, Oyo and Ondo
A. AG and UMBC
B. NCNC and NEPU 39. Rates are usually collected in Nigeria by
C. NPC and NNDP A. minister of commerce in the states
D. NCNC and AG B. local government councils
C. the department of inland revenue
29. Thefirst Head of Government in independent Nigeria was D. the traditional rulers
A. Nnamdi Azikiwe B. Ahmadu Bello
C. Tafawa Balewa D. Herbert Macaulay 40. One of the main reason for the creation of more local
goverments in Nigeria is to
30. A feature common to the 1963, 1979 and 1989 consti A. make them more responsive to people’s needs
tutions of Nigeria was that they provided for a B. weaken the powers of traditional authorities
A. republican system B. Prime Minister C. make them morereceptive to traditional rulers
C. ceremonial head of states D. establish them as the third tier in the federal
D. president as head of government structure
31. The Lagos colony and Protectorate was amalgamated
41. Based on its objectives, the Organization of African
with the protectorate of southern Nigeria in
Unity can primarily be classified as
A. 1886 B. 1893
A. a social organization
C. 1906 D. 1922
B. a political organization 47. One of the underlying principles of Nigerian foreign
C. a cultural organization policy is
D. an economic organization A. encouragement of peace keeping operations
in African B. interference in the
42. Nigeria’s role in ECOMOG isessentiallyinformed byher internal activities of other countries
A. desire for peace and stability C. non- commitment towards African unity
B. chairmanship of ECOWAS D. respect for sovereign equality of all states
C. desire to establish democracy
D. membership of ECOWAS 48. Before a new member is admitted to the United
Nations Organization, its application much be
43. The annual budget of the OAU is approved by the approved by all
A. council of ministers A. permanent members of the Security Council
B. secretary general B. members of the General Assembly
C. assembly of heads of state and government C. members of the Economic and Social Council
D. General assembly D. members of the International Court of Justice

44. The major strategy used by OPEC to influence oil 49. Which of the following international organizations
price is by was in existence before the outbreak of the Second
A. allocating production quotas to members World War?
B influencing buyers at the international A. the OAU B. The League Nations
market to buy at high price C. The UNO D. The ECOWAS
C. allowing member countries to produce at
their discretion 50 The organ of the United Nation Organization respon
D. increasing the supply of the commodity sible for the former colonies of defeated world war ii
powers is the
45. Nigeria was suspended from the Commonwealth
because of her A. General Assembly B. Security Council
A. tacit approval of military dictatorship C. Economic and Social Council
B. negative position towards other nations D. Trusteeship Council
C. complete negligence of freedom of the press
D. violation of fundamental human rights

46. Nigeria’s non aligned policy means that she will

A. have nothing to do with the super-powers
B. not take sides in international issues based
on ideological considerations
C. avoid having any dealing with any country
with ideological leanings
D. relate only with member countries of the
Non-Aligned Movement

Government 2000
1. The civil service cadre responsible for the general 4. The rule of law is a cardinal principle associated with
supervision and control of ministers is the A. democratice systems B. federal systems
A. administrative B. professional C. communist systems D. feudal systems
C. executive D. clerical
5. The main function of public opinion is to
2. A disadvantage of the one-party system is that it A. change the policy of government
A. makes accountability difficult B. provide direction for public policy
B. negates freedom of association C. support the policy of government
C. emphasizes political differences D. indoctrinte the people
D. delays decision making
6. A typical form of delegated legislation is
3. Citizenship refers to the A. act of parliament B. decree
A. indigenous member of a state C. bye-law D. gazette
B. social status of a person in a state
C. highest position in a state 7. A referendum is a device to ensure that
D. legal status of a member of a state A. elections are free and fair
B. legislators vote to resolve contentious issues
C. bye-elections are held to fill vacant positions 19. Separation of powers is a principle which enable each
D. decisions are effected with the consent of citizens arm of government to
A. probe one another
8. One main weakness of a unitary system of govern B. overlap the functions of the other
ment is that C. carry out its constitutional functions
A. is facilities thedomination of minority groups D. moderate the scope of the constitution
B. the constitution can be amended easily
C. it is run as single entity 20. The main attributes of a state are
D. carpet-crossing and opposition are made difficult A population territory, government and sovereignty
B. the press, the legislature, the executive and the
9. Pressure groups harmonize different individual judiciary
concerns through interest C. federal, state and local governments
A. mobilization B. aggregation D. government, the police and the armed forces
C. manipulation D. articulation
21. The General Purpose Committee of the local government
10. The act of removing an elected official by the functions as a
electorate is referred to as A. committe for awarding contracts
A. impeachment B. consensus B. cabinet of the local government
C. plebiscite D. recall C. body responsible for supervising self-help
11. One of the major source of a constitution is projects D. committee of the local
A. judicial precedence B. political debate government on public relations
C. opinion poll D. executive order 22. Nigeria observed the principle of collective responsi
12. A characteristic of public opinion is that it is bility between
A. positive B. static A. 1993 and 1999 B. 1985 and 1993
C. dynamic D. nagative C. 1979 and 1983 D. 1960 and 1966

13. Coalition government arises when 23. The political party with the widest spread of member
A. oneof the parties has a majority in parliament ship in Nigeria during the Second Republic was the
B. no party has a majority in parliament A. GNPP B. NPP
C. two or more parties co-operate to pass a bill C. NPN D. UPN
in parliament 24. Military intervention in Nigeria arose from
D. the ruling party is defeated in parliament A. perceived incapacity of civilians to govern
14. One of the central tenets of the fascist dectrine is that B. military corporatism and egocentrism
the leader is C. international presusures for change
A. supreme relative to the constitution D. civilians desire to give up power
B. subordinate to the norms of the society 25. Federalism was introduced in Nigeria under the
C. subordinate to the laws of the state A. Richards constitution
D. weak relative to the constitution B. Lyttelton constitution
15. Which of the following electoral bodie in Nigeria C. Macpherson constitution
conducted elections from 1979 to 1983? D. Independence constitution
A. National Electoral Commission
26. Regional consciousness in Nigeria was introduced by the
B. Independence National Electoral Commission
A. Lyttelton constitution
C. National Electoral Commission of Nigeria
B. Clifford constitution
D. Federal Electoral Commission
C. Macpherson constitution
16. Constitutionalism refers to the D. Richards constitution
A. process of operating a constitution
27. How many states were creaed in Nigeria in 1967?
B. process of drafing a constitution
A. 21 B. 19 C. 12 D. 4
C. adherence to a constitution
D. amendment of an existing constitution 28. The day-to-day operation of public corporation is the
direct responsibility of the
17. Under a presidential system of government, the
A. management B. union workers
legislature and the executive are
C. supervising ministry D. board of directors
A. elected separately to a fixed term
B. elected separately to an unfixed term 29. Under the independence constitution of Nigeria,
C. appointed by the judiciary to a fixed term Dr.Nnamdi Azikiwe was
D. appointed at the same time to an unfixed term A. Head of State B. Governor-General
C. Prime Minister D. Lieutenant-Governor
18. The Supreme Court, through its interpretation of the
constitution, is a 30. Which of the following contributed greatly to the
A. protector of the state B. guardian of freedom introduction of the Clifford Constitution?
C. participator in the politics of the state A. Nigerian National Democratic Party
D. preserver of the status quo B. Lagos Youth Movement
C. Nigerian Youth Movement 41. Nigeria’s quest for a leadership role in Africa hinges
D. National Congress of British West Africa principally on her
A. military might B. economic strength
31. In Nigeria, the Local Government Service Commission C. size and population D. generosity
is set up by the
A. local government councils 42. Which of the following wold powers was the first to
B. federal government come to Nigeria’s aid during the civil war?
C. state government A. Britain B. USA
D. local government chairmen C. Germany D. USSR

32. In the 1930s, the political movement that challenged 43. Nigeria’s relations with African countries are under
the NNDP domination of Lagos politics was the scored by its policy of
A. NYM B. AG A. non-alignment B. afrocentrism
C. NPC D. NCNC C. political diplomacy
D. peaceful co-existence
33. Residual powers in the 1979 constitution of Nigeria
were vested in the 44. The foreign policy thrust of the Babangida adminis
A. local and state governments tration was
B. state governments A. economic diplomacy
C. federal governments B. war against narcotics C. militaryaggression
D. local governments D. African interest

34. The Nigeria Public Complaints Commission as the 45. One of the principle objectives of the OPEC is to
Ombudsman suffers most from A. harmonize the oil policies of member countries
A. poor knowledge of the workings of the B. discipline erring oil-producing countries
public service C. determine oil prices in the international market
B. manipulation by political office holders D. assist non-oil producing, developing states
C. too many complaints to handle effectively
D. lack of power to enforce its decisions 46. How many countries constitute the Economic
Community of West African States?
35. A charateristic of most pre-colonial government in A. 16 B. 15 C. 13 D. 11
Nigeria is that they
A. had no defined functions 47. The charter of the United Nations was drawn up in
B. performed only executive function A. New York B. Washington DC
C. had no clear separation of powers C. Los Angeles D. San Francisco
D. observed independence of the judiciary
48. The two leaders that played the most prominent roles
36. Prior to the formation of the OAU in 1963, Nigeria in the formation of the ECOWAS were
identified with the A. Acheampong and Jawara
A. Monrovia Group B. Casablanca Group B. Gowon and Eyadema
C. Brazzaville Group D. Libreville Group C. Kerekou and Tubman
D. Kounche and Senghor
37. In 1991, the African Economic Community Treaty was
signed in 49. The Secretary-General of the OAU is appointed bythe
A. Addis Ababa B. Abuja A. Council upon the recommendation of the
C. Lome D. Tripoli Assembly B. Council upon the
recommendation of the Secretariat
38. The first African Secretary -General of the United C. Assembly upon the recommendation of the
Nations is Council D. Defence Commission upon
A. Kofi Annan B. Joe Garba the recommendation of the Secretariat
C. Boutrou Boutrous-Ghali
D. Ibrahim Gambari 50. The approval of budgetary and financial matters in
39. Nigerians opposed the Defence pact with Britain at the United Nations is the responsibility of the
independence because it A. General Assembly
A. was forced on Nigeria by Britain B. Security Council
B. was very ambiguous C. Trusteeship Council
C. was of no benefit to Nigeria D. Economic and Social Council
D. offended their pride at independence

40. The Technical Aid Corps scheme in Nigera aims at

strngthening relations with
A. countries in the Northern Hemisphere
B. countries in the Sorthern Hemisphere
C. African Countries
D. West African Countries
Government 2001
1. Power differs from influence in that it is C. serves as the fountain head of authority
A. persuasive while influence is directive for the exercise of power
B. coercive while influence is harmful D. promotes citizen participation in government
C. coercive while influence is persuasive and administration
D. arrogant while influence is corruptible
10. When a bill passed by the legislature is vetoed by the
2. The standing committee of legislature is one executive, the action underscores the principle of
A. whose members stand while deliberating A. probity and accountability
B. that has statutory responsibilities B. separation of power
C. that performs ad hoc functions C. collective responsibility
D. that has all legislators as members D. checks and balances

3. Where the constitution is supreme, unconstitutional 11. In the legislative process, a bill is a
facts of the executive and the legislature can be A. motion accepted for debate
hecked by the courts through B. motion rejected after debate
A. recall B. judicial review C. proposal before the legislature
C. vote of no confidence D. impeachment D. law passed by the legislature

4. The central decision-making organ of a confederation 12. One of the advantages of bicameral over unicameral
is made up of legislature is that it
A. technocrats appointed by the units A. is cheap to maintain
B. politicians elected from the confederal B. promotes social equality
constituencies C. takes less time for bills to be passed
C. politicians nominated by governments of D. prevents the passage of ill-considered bills
member states
D. representatives of pressure groups 13. The fundamental rights of citizens include rights to
A. free education, employment and freedom of
5. Which of the following is true of a parliamentary thought
system of government? B. life, speech and association
A. clear separation of government organs C. life, liberty and property
B. strict operation of bicamerals legislature D. association, property and social security
C. removal of government by impeachment
D. Adherence to majority rule 14. The manipulation of boundaries of constituencies in
order to win more seats is called
6. Amajor feature of authoritarianism is that government is A. devolution B. rigging
A. consensual B. personalized C. gerry-mandering D. delimitaion
C. centralized D. decentralized
15. One argument against a multi-party system is the
7. The central point of capitalism, as expounded by Karl A. encouragement of opposition and instability
Marx, is that B. banning of interest groups
A. capitalists’ profit is the surplus value C. inability to attract foreign assistance
obtained from workers labour D. high cost of conducting elections.
B. workers are inherently incapable of being
owners of their labour 16. Associational interest groups are organized to
C. capitalists shall always increase workers A. further the interests of members
earning capacity through wages B. specifically lobby the government
D. capitalists shall always readily consent to C. support the government
workers’ welfare demands D. achieve goals affecting other associations

8. A constitution that requires a plebiscite or a 17. Public opinion is view that is

referendum to be amended is A. held by the majority
A. rigid B. unwritten B. active in the public realm C. widely publicized
C. flexible D. written D. no longer a secret

18. Thepolitical neutrality of civil servants implies that they

9. An important function of a constitution is that it
A. are not allowed to join any organization or group
A. provides a framework for the study of
B. have no dealings with politicians
C. are not allowed to be involved in partisan politics
B. facilitates cross-fertilization of ideas of
D. are not allowed to vote
19. The idea of making the civil service permanent, 30. The equivalent of a commissioner at the local
neutral and anonymous is to government level is the
A. enhance efficiency in administration A. executive chairman B. secretary
B. ensure loyalty and support C. councilor D. supervisory councillor
C. prevent opposition to government
D. make civil servants a funtional elite. 31. The Independent National Electoral Commission has
the power to prepare and maintain the register of
20. The western zone of the Sokoto caliphate was A. political parties B. constituencies
administered from C. voters D. electoral candidates
A. Kebbi B. Ilorin
C. Bida D. Gwandu 32. The President of Nigeria is advised on the sover
eignty and territorial integrity of the country by the
21. Some pre-colonial Nigerian societies are described as, A. National Security Council
stateless because B. National Defence Council
A. they had no formal governmental institutions C. Council of State
B. they had no definite political boundaries D. Federal Executive Council
C. their population was too small
D. they were not independent 33. The Nigeria Youth Movement collapsed as a result of
A. its failure to win election
B. shortage of funds to run its affairs
22. The method used by the British to facilitates the C. the harassments of its leadership by
administration of Southern Nigeria was government D. the breakup of its leadership
A. persuasion B. dialogue
C. divide and rule D. trade concession 34. The first restructuring of the Nigeria Federation took
place with the
23. A major function of the Warrant chiefs was to A. creation of the Mid-West Region in 1963
A. prevent tribal wars B. abolition of federalism in 1966
B. supervise native courts and markets C. military counter-coup of 1966
C. stop ritual killings D. creation of state in 1967
D. take charge of local government
35. The land use decree of 1978 vested the ownership of
24. After 1945, the demand of African nationalists land in Nigeria in the
changed from reform to independence because A. local chiefs B. local governments
A. colonial rule became less opperessive C. state governments D. federal government
B. colonial rule was in disarray
C. the second world war boosted their morale 36. The main source of financing local government in
D. the second world war enhanced colonial rule Nigeria is
A. internal revenue generation
25. When Nigeria achieved independence in 1960, the B. statutory revenue allocation
Head of State was the C. special state grants D. grants-in-aid
A. President B. Prime minister
C. Governor-General D. Queen of England 37. The most remarkable legacy of the 1976 Local Govern
ment Reforming Nigeria was the introduction of
26. The central legislature of Nigeria became bicameral in A. the office of sole administrators
A. 1945 B. 1951 B. caretaker management commitees
C. 1959 D. 1963 C. uniformity in structure and functions
D. the third tier of government
27. Which of these constitution, recognized local
government as a third tier of government in Nigeria? 38. The Murtala/Obasanjo regime in Nigeria increased the
A. 1946 constitution B. 1960 constitution number of states from
C. 1963 constitution D. 1979 constitution A. 4 to 12 B. 12 to 19
C. 19 to 21 D. 30 to 36
28. Under the 1963 constitution, item not listed in the
exclusive and concurrent lists were within the 39. A major factor that influenced the formulation of
exclusive competence of the Nigeria foreign policy in the First Republic was
A. Executive B. Federal parliaments A. geographical location B. the colonial
C. Regional legislature D. Judiciary legacy C. economic consideration
D. the parliamentary system
29. Before Nigeria became a republic, the highest body 40. Nigeria departure from pro-west policy during the
charged with the administration of justice was the Murtala Muhammed regime was as a result of
A. Privy Council B. High Court A. the economic interests of the west in Nigeria
C. Supreme Court D. Court of Appeal B. Nigeria increased international influence
C. the growing trade between Nigeria and the East
D. Nigeria’s concern for decolonization in Africa
41. During the Civil War, the major power that expressed 47. Nigeria’s withdrawal from the Edinburgh Common
moral support for Biafra’s self-determination was wealth Games in July 1986 wasin protest against British
A. France B. China A. support to UNITA rebels in Angola
C. the United States D. Great Britain B. supply of arms to Rhodesia
C. failure to impose sanctions on South Africa
42. The Barclays Bank and the British Petroleum Com D. negative utterances on Nigeria
pany in Nigeria were nationalized in the late 1970s for
transacting business with 48. The major demand of the Third world countries on the
A. France B. South Africa United Nations in the recent times is the
C. Portugal D. Libya A. expansion of the permanent membership of
the Security Council
43. South-South cooperation is a major policy plan on B. post of the Secretary-General ofthe organization
which Nigeria bases her relations with C. withdrawal of the veto power from the
A. developed countries Security council
B. countries of the southern hemisphere D. enforcement of resolutions on the superpowers
C. developing countries
D. member countries of OAU 49. Which of the following is the function of the Council
of Ministers of the O.A.U.?
44. Nigeria’s recongnition of the Popular Movement for A. Co-ordinating the general policy of the
the Liberation of Angola to lead the country was organization
made under B. Directing thefinances of the organization
A. General YakubuGowon C. Preparing the agenda of the organization’s
B. General Murtala Muhammed meetings
C. General Muhammadu Buhari D. Reviewing the functions and activities of
D. General Ibrahim Babangida other organs of the organization.

45. The first Nigeria permanent Representative to the 50 The Economic Community of West African States has
United Nation was made impressive progress in the area of
A. Alhaji Yusuf Maitama Sule A. free movement of persons and right of residence
B. General Joseph Garba B. increased trade among members
C. Professor Ibrahim Gambari C. Political integration of the region
D. Chief Simeon Adebo D. providing finanical aid to is members

46. In 1981, Nigeria participated in an Organization of

African Unity peace-keeping force to replace Libyan
force in
A. Somalia B. Chad
C. Ethiopia D. Zaire

Government 2002
1. Delegated legislation becomes unavoidable when 4. Communism is a system which recognizes
A. legislators cannot reach a consensus A. class stratification
B. issues under consideration are personal B. the existence of the state
C. issues under consideration are technical C. the existence of the individual
D. legislators have to proceed on a recess D. the ability of the individual

2. One major disadvantage of public opinion is that 5. The delineation of constituencies is a major duty of the
A. the critics of government policies are always A. national assembly B. political parties
harassed B. a vocal minority C. boundary commission
claims to represent the majority D. electoral commission
C. gossip and rumours thrive
D. leaders are unnecessarilly criticized 6. The structure of the civil service is based on
A. lateral organization B. merit system
3. Citizenship in a modern state expresses the status of a C. patronage system
person who possesses D. hierarchical organization
A. full political rights B. some religiousrights
C. social rights only D. exclusive economics rights 7. A common feature of a multi-party system is that
government is formed by
A. the major political parties 18. A law passed by the legislature and assented to by
B. all the registered political parties the executive is
C. a coalition of political parties A. an act B. a presidential proclamation
D. the party with the highest votes. C. a decree D. a legislative order

8. To qualify for absorption into the administrative cadre 19. One of the features of a sovereign state is that it
of the civil service in Nigeria, an applicant must be A. has the capacity to defend itself from
A. knowledgeable in civil service rules external aggression
B. holder of a first university degree B. has a large number of soldiers
C. specifically trained in public administration C. practices the presidential system ofgovernment
D. a senior civil servant D. is not indebted to other countries

9. The final interpretation of the provisions of a federal 20. A major way of maintaining confidence in the electoral
constitution is vested in the process is by ensuring that
A. head of state B. council of state A. electoral officers are regularly trained
C. highest legislative body B. elections are conducted in a free and fair
D. highest court of the land. atmosphere
C. unlimited franchise is observed
10. A major issue that distinguishes pressure groups from D. elections are conducted as and when due.
political parties is
A. membership drive B. the objective 21. The principle of checks and balances reinforces
C. the voting pattern D. ideology separation of power in order to
A. protect the powers of the executive
11. Proportional representation is a system of allocating B. make the legislature more powerful
seats in the legislature based on C. prevent an unconstitutional change of
A. gender participation in politics government
B. an area’s involvement in politics D. prevent the emergence of dictatorship
C. contribution to the national economy
D. total votes in an election 22. Legislative control of public corporation in Nigeria is
effected through
12. The application of the principle of separation of A. the dissolution of their managements
powers seems impracticable because power is B. the reorganization of their boards
A. delegated B. centralized
C. acts of the National Assembly
C. fused D. separated
D. bye-laws.
13. One major factor that differentiates the presidential
from the parliamentary system is 23. The Ibadan Conference of 1950 was convened to
A. separation of powers B. judicial discuss the provision of the
independence C. passage of bills A. Macpherson Constitution
D. party system B. Clifford Constitution
C. Lyttelton Constitution
14. A major consequence of proportional representation D. Richards Constitution
is that it
A. reduces the chances of political instability 24. The fees collected by local governments at motor
B. favours the developements of a two-party parks represent
system A. levies B. fines
C. discourages voting along ethnic lines C. income tax D. user charge
D. encourages the proliferation of parties
25. The first Nigerian constitution to provide for the
15. Oligarchy is a form of government which fundamental objectives and derivative principles of
A. enhances the interest of the ruling few state policy was the
B. enhances the electoral chances of the majority A. 1979 Constitution B. 1989 Constitution
C. disregards the views of the minority C. 1999 Constitution D. 1960 Constitution
D. protects the interest of the common people
26. Under the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria, the power to
16. The absence of the rule of law is government will create local government is vested in the
bring about A. state assembly B. office of the
A. human rights abuse B. treasonable deputy governor C. presidency
offences C. corrupt practices D. national assembly
D. political apathy
27. The body set up to review the revenue allocation
17. Centralization of power is the basic feature of
A. federalism B.a confederation formula in 1980 was the
C. a presidential system D. a unitary A. Udoji Commission B. Okigbo Commission
government C. Dina Commission D. Adebo Commission
28. In pre-colonial Igbo society, decisions on public 37 The main legislative body in Nigeria between 1966
issues were reached mainly through and 1975 was the
A. the oracles B. consensus A Supreme Military Council
C. imposition D. majority votes B. Armed Forces Ruling Council
C. Provisional Ruling Council
29. The main duty of the Local Government Service D. National Security Council
Commission is to
A. supervise and manage the affairs of the local 38. Nigeria formally became a federation in
governments A. 1960 B. 1963
B. create job opportunities at the local level C. 1914 D. 1946
C. handle request for the creation of more local
governments. 39. The United Nations charter is an instrument that
D. conduct elections into local councils. A. sets out the rights and obligations of member
30. The constitution that introduced restricted franchise B. provides for funding of member states
into Nigeria politics was the C. facilitates the resolution of disputes among
A. Independence Constitution member state
B. Lyttelton Constitution D. determines the admission of member states.
C. Richard Constitution
D. Clifford Constitution 40. The most active organ of the Economic Community of
West African states is the
31. In Nigeria, the Council of State was first created by A. Tribunal of the Community
A. General Murtala Muhammed B. Technical and Specialized Community
B. General Olusegun Obasanjo C. Authority of Heads of States and Government
C. Major-General Aguyi Ironsi D. Council of Ministers.
D. General YakubuGowon
41. The group of states that conceived the idea of the
32. The leading agent in the expansion of British influ United Nation Organization included
ence in Northern Nigeria in the 1890s was the A. the USSR, Italy, the UK and China
A. British Consul in Calabar B. Italy, the UK ,France and Japan
B. Royal West African Frontier Force C. the USA, the USSR, the UK and China
C. British Consul in Lagos D. France, the USA, Canada and Japan
D. Royal Nigeria Company.
42 The action of the Commonwealth of Nation’s is felt
33. The two military coups that toppled Civilian regimes most in the area of
in Nigeria were those of A. diplomatic cooperation B. economic cooperation
A. January 1996 and December 1983 C. cultural cooperation D. military cooperation
B. July 1966 and August 1985
C. January 1966 and July 1975 43. The greatest criticism of the Security Council of the
D. February 1966 and December 1983. UNO is that
A. has no standing army
34. The main function of the Code of Conduct Bureau is to B. is not representative enough
A. ensure accountability in government business C. undermines the General Assembly
B. give the judiciary more power to discipline e D. has exclusive veto power.
rring judge
C. protect public officers from the press 44. Which of the following is a founding member of OPEC?
D. give the police more powers to make arrests. A. Nigeria B. Indonesia
C. Venezuela D. Algeria
35. The emirate system ofadministration can be likened to a
A. confederal system of government 45. Professor Ibrahim Gambari is the Special Assistant to
B. unitary system of government the United Nation Secretary General on
C. federal system of government A. African affairs
D. constitutional monarchy B. political and social matters
C. the Economic Commission of Africa
36. The abolition of the state ministries of local govern D. security matters
ment in 1989 entails that local governments
A. are equal to the states 46. Who among the following served as Secretary
B. have more control over their funds General of OPEC?
C. no longer have anything to do with state A. Jibril Aminu B. Aret Adams
governments C. Dan Etete D. Rilwanu Lukman
D. are no longer subordinate to state governments.
47. Nigeria’s active role in the liberation of some coun
tries in Southern Africa earned her
A. Chairmanship of the Eminent persons 49. Nigeria’s membership of the ECOWAS is informed by
B. Membership of SADC her desire to
C. Giant ofAfrica A. develop a market in the sub-region
D. the status of the frontline state. B. form sub-regional high command
C. become a sub-regional power
48. Which of these internatinal agencies is Nigeria a D. promote economic integration
member of?
A. London Club 50. An attribute that Nigeria shares with most non-
B. The Infrastructural Development Fund aligned countries is
C. The Paris Club A. her large population
D. The International Monetary Fund. B. the state of her economy
C. her heterogeneous population
D. her large size.

Government 2003
1. One of the duties of the legislature is to 8. A collegial executive is a government in which power
A. exercise oversight is vested in a
B. implements laws A. committee B. monarch
C. promulgate decrees C. parliament D. president
D. adjudicate disputes
9. A common feature of government is
2. The best form of government for a heterogeneous A. the making of public policy
society is a B. the separation of powers
A. quasi-federal system C. the independence of the judiciary
B. confederal system D. a written constitution.
C. unitary system
D. federal system 10. A meeting of the legislature is usually brought to an
end with
3. Removal by impeachment applies to the position of a A. a prorogation B. a dissolution
A. chief judge B. president C. suspension D. an adjourment
C. prime minister D. cabinet minister
11. The civil service embraces all workers in
4. Government by the wealthy is known as A. public and private companies
A. oligarchy B. aristocracy B. all private corporations
C. plutocracy D. democracy C. public corporations
D. government ministers
5. The independence of the judiciary can be undermined
through the 12. The citizenship of a country could be acquired through
A. payment of the salaries of judicial officers by A. registration and arbitration
government. B. presidential proclamation
B. appointment of the minister of justice as the C. birth and naturalization
Attorney-General D. parliamentary legislation
C. politicization of the appointments of judges
D. confirmation of the appointment of judges 13. What distinguishes a political party from other social
by the legislature institution is the desire to
A. promote the interest of party members
6. The unrestrained power of the state over its B. influence the internatinal community on local
citizens is underlined by issues
A. self-determination B. patriotism C. influence government policies in certain
C. sovereignty D. nationalism directions
D. win elections and form a government
7. In a parliamentary system, the functions of the head
of state and the head of government are vested in 14. Capitalism is a system of economic organization based on
A. the ministerial council A. very fair distribution of the means of
B. an individual C. the inner cabinet production B. a mixed economy
D. two different individuals. that takes all interest into consideration
C. trading among people who own and control
their items of trade.
D. individual ownership of the means of production
15. Socialism is a mode of production based on 25. The expenditure of public funds by the executive in
A. national ownership of the means of production Nigeria is controlled by the
B. mixed ownership of the means of production. A. president B. ministryof finance
C. state ownership of the means of production C. judiciary D. legislature.
D. collective ownership of the means of production
26 The 1979 Constitution established the
16. Constitutional disputes in states with written consti A. Federal Civil Defence Corps
tutions are resolved by the B. National Human Right Commission
A. legislature B. ombudsman C. Federal Road Safety Commission
C. electorate D. judiciary D. National Population Commission

17. Election as a political proces is significant because it 27. The Eastern and Western regions of Nigeria achieved
A. facilitates constitutional change of government the status of self government in
B. is associated with campaigns for public office A. 1959 B. 1950
C. facilitates the recall process C. 1955 D. 1957
D. enables citizens to vote
28. The Arthur Richards Constitution was designed to last for
18. Public opinion becomes politically relevant when it A. six years B. twelve year
A. aggregates view and interests C. five years D. nine years
B. is in support of government
C. influences the decision of government 29. The 1976 reforms have been most beneficial to the
D. criticizes people in power A. Nigeria Police B. civil service
C. federal government D. local government
19. The operation of the rule of law is undermined by the
A. conspiracy by the two house of the legislature to 30. A problem of Nigerian federalism that was resolved by
impeach thepresident the Supreme Court between federal government and
B. inability of the press to discharge its the littoral states centred on resources.
responsibilities A. maximization B. control
C. unfriendly attitude of pressuregoups C. derivation D. generation
D. existence of administrative tribunals and
special immunities 31. One of the reasons advanced for the overthrow of the
Gowon Regime was its failure to
20. Associations whose main interest is to influence A. promote some officers of the armed forces
public policies without having to capture power are B. honour the promise to hand over power
A. political parties B. communal groups C. create new state D. try politicians in
C. pressure groups D. trade unions detention

21. One of the legacies of pre-colonial Nigeria destroyed 32. In the first republic, politics in the Northern region
by the British was the was dominated by the
A. peace and harmony in the land A. NPC B. NCNC
B. nation’s farmland C. NEPU D. UMBC
C. education of the local people
D. indigenous cultures of the people 33. The Bureau for Public Enterprises is charge with the
responsibility for
22. The smooth operation of the civil service in Nigeria is A. eradicating poverty
mostly hampered by B. generating opportunities
A. debt burden and redundancy C. providing employment opportunites
B. poor infrastructure D. privatization and commercialization.
C. inadequate training of personnel
D. corruption and inefficeincy. 34. Themilitary head of state during the Third Republicwas
A. General Ibrahim Babangida
23. The type of government operated in Nigeria between B. General Murtala Muhammed
October 1st 1979 and December 31st 1983 is called C. General Sani Abacha
A. presidential system of government D. General Olusegun Obasanjo
B. collegial system of government
C. unitary system of government 35. The most important challlenge facing the Fourth
D. parliamentary system of government Republic is
A. the need to develop Nigeria
B. how to develop Nigeria’s social institution
24. In the pre-colonial Igbo society, the maintenance of C. how to deal with the military
peace and order was the function of the D. the successful conduct of the 2003 elections
A. assembly of ezes B. age-grades
C. assembly of title holders D. clan elders
36. Financial allocation to local government by the federal 43. Nigeria’s relations with Britain were at a very low ebb
or the state government to supplement the cost of a under the
project is called. A. Buhari Regime B. Gowon Regime
A. revenue allocation B. matching grant C. Shagari Regime D. Babangida Regime
C. statutory allocation D. reimbursement
44. The ECOWAS Treaty was reviewed in 1991 to
37. Nigeria’s influence in OPEC is determined by the A. accommodate the interest of France
A. sizes of her refineries B. mobilize ECOMOG
B. accessibility of her oil fields C. accommodate extra sub-regional interest
C. low sulpur content of her crude D. make it responsive to new challenges
D. volume of her oil reserve
45. The headquarters of the International Court of Justice is in
38. The activities of Nigeria in the international commu A. Paris B. The Hague
nity are primarily influenced by C. London D. Washington DC.
A. military power B. diplomacy
C. propaganda D. national interest 46. The independent African countries that signed the
OAU Charter on May 25, 1963 were
39. The dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon is over A. Morocco and Angola B. Togo and Sierra
A. trade B. exploration rights Leone C. Chad and the Gambia
C. fishing rights D. territory D. Togo and Morocco

40. Nigeria’s high standing in the UN General Assembly 47. The tenure of the President of the UN Security Council
is underscored by her is
A. financial contribution B. military strength . A. two years B. one year
C. one month D. six months
C successes in UN elective offices
D. contribution to global peace 48. The majority of the OPEC members are from
A. Asia B. Latin America
41 Nigeria’s Non-Alignment policy is constrained by her C. the Middle East D. Africa
A. membership of the UNO
B. Afrocentric posture 49. The non-British colony which is a member of the
C. members of ECOWAS Commonwealth is
A. Guinea-Bissau B. Mozambique
D. strong ties with Western powers
C. Rwanda D. Eritrea
42. The main constraint on Nigeria Francophone West 50. The major problem of the ECOWAS is lack of
African cooperation is A. a common Customs Union
A. ideological differences B. cultural differ B. a ideology C. uniform ideology
ences C. poor road network D. commitment by members.
D. economic dependence.

Government 2004
1. In a democracy, sovereign authority is exercised by the B. dismiss any judge who has breached the
A. people B. executive judicial code of conduct
C. electorate D. legislature. C. enable the judge to try and decide cases
without bias
2. The agent through which the state undertakes D. determine a fixed salary for judges.
political socialization is the
A. school B. family 5. In a unitary system of government, power is concen
C. peer group D. pressure group trated at the centre
A. without devolution B. with devolution
3. Unicameral legislature is a common feature of C. with residual functions
A. presidentialism B. parliamentarism D. without residual functions
C. unitarism D. federalism
6. In a confederation, the constituency that a member of
4. Independence of the judiciary is pertinent because it legislature represents is a
accords the judiciary the power to A. senatorial district B. parliamentary constitu
A. determine a fixed term of office for the judges ency C. nation-state D. region
7. In a constitutional monarchy, the authority to remove 20. Amajor influence on theformulation of public opinion is
the head of state is exercised by the A. public journals B. peer groups
A. legislature B. head of goverment C. the family D. the mass media
C. cabinet D. primeminister
21. The highes grade in the civil service is know as the
8. In a parliamentary system of government, a vote of no A. technical cadre B. administrative cadre
confidence leads to the resignation of C. executive cadre D. clerical cadre
A. the entire cabinet
B. an individual minister 22. The pre-colonial Yoruba political system as a whole
C. the entire parliament can best be described as a
D. the prime miniser A. confederation of monarchies and chiefdoms
B. federation of chiefdoms and localities
9. In a presidential system of government, the president C. highly contralized kingdom
checks the legislature through D. confederation of chiefdoms and localities
A. executive order B. executive review
C. exercise of power D. legislative order 23. The major motivation of British colonization of Nigeria
was to
10. The economic basis of feudalism is A. spread religion
A. capital B. agriculture B. satisfy British economic interests
C. slavery D. trade. C. westernize Nigerians
D. protect Nigeria from external attack
11. The creation of a classless society is the ultimate aim of
A. communism B. capitalism 24. The Native Authority system was most effective and
C. socialism D. fascism successful in
A. Western Nigeria
12. One of the sources of a constitution is B. Mid-Western Nigeria
A. constitutional law B. common law C. Northern Nigeria
C. corporate law D. statutory law D. Eastren Nigeria.

13. The fundamental assumption on which the idea of the 25. The process of nationalism was accelerated by
rule of law is based is A. rapid economic development
A. rationality of human beings B. the coming of Christian missionaries
B. equality of human beings C. the signing of the Atlantic Charter
C. love for social justice D. improvement in warfare tactics
D. supremacy of the constitution
26. A common feature of the earlier political parties in
14. The principle of separation of power was made Nigeria was that they
popular by A. started as socio-cultural organizations
A. John Locke B. Baron de Montesquieu B. were formed by the government
C. Thomas Hobbes D. Niccolo C. were non-elitist in nature
Machiavelli D. were backed by the colonialists.

15. Delegated legislation refers to the laws made by 27. Under the 1999 Constitution, the power to declare war
A. the legislature B. military governments is vested in the
C. civilian governments D. non-legisla A. legislature B. executive
tive bodies C. National Council of States
D. National Security Council
16. Law made by state governments are known as
A. edicts B. acts
28. A distinguishing feature of the 1979 Constitution was the
C. decrees D. bye-laws
A. departure from the parliamentary to the
presidential system
17. The law of libel limits a citizen’s right freedom of
B. preservation and entrenchment of republi
A. association B. movement
C. worship D. expression
C. introduction of unicameralism into Nigeria
18. The first franchise in the history of the democratic D. introduction of a federal structure.
process is
A. female franchise B. male franchise 29. The two chambers of elected national representative
C. universal franchise D. property franchise in Nigeria are called
A. the parliament B. the senate
19. An interest group that admits members and conducts C. House of Assembly
its affairs according to stated rules is described as D. the National Assembly
A. institutinal B. organizational
C. associational D. non-associational
30. Judicial administration in respect of national code of 39. Nigeria’s support for the South-South Cooperation is
conduct lies with the based on her desire to
A. Judicial Service Commission A. promote economic understanding in the
B. Code of Conduct Tribunal Third World
C. Public Complaints Commission B. counter the political and military domination by
D. Code of Conduct Bureau major powers
C. assert her leadership role in Africa
31. In the Second Republic, the ruling National Party of D. promote her non-aligned policy
Nigeria formed an alliance with the
A. Unity Party of Nigeria B. Nigeria People’s Party 40. Nigeria’s relation with black political communities
C. Great Nigeria People’s Party outside Africa is built on
D. Nigeria Advance Party A. economic considerations
B. shared political aspirations
32. The relationship between the tiers of government in C. perceived cultural affinities
Nigeria can be described as one of D. expectations of political support from them
A. independent co-existence
B. coordinate and independent jurisdiction 41. The one-time president of the United Nations General
C. voluntary subordination Assembly was
D. superior-subordinate co-existence A. Maitama Sule B. Joseph Garba
C. Ibrahim Gambari D. Arthur Mbanefo
33. The 1976 Local Government Reforms in Nigeria
transformed the relationship between states 42. The leaders who spearheaded the transformation of
and local government into one of the Organization of African Unity into the African
A. master and servant Union are from
B. partnership and cooperation A. South Africa, Libya and Zambia
C. equality D. subordination B. Nigeria, Libya and South Africa
C. Nigeria Liberia and Kenya
34. Government-owned companies operating in the D. Algeria, Libya and Morocco
economic sector are referred to as
A. public utilities B. public enterprises 43. The countries in which Nigeria participated in the
C. public investments D. public services. ECOMOG peace-keeping operations were
A. Liberia and Guinea
35. The difference between commercialized and privatized B. Sierra Leone and Coted’Ivoire
companies is that in the former C. Senegal and Coted’Ivoire
A. private ownership is dominant D. Liberia and Sierra Leone
B. public ownership is dominant
C. government subsidizes costs 44. The permanent member of the Security Council of the
D. profit motive is recessive United Nations are
A. Britain, Japan, Australia, Germay and the
36. The body responsible for running the personnel United State
affairs of senior local government staff in B. Germany, France, Poland, Hungaryand China
Nigeria is the C. the United States, Russia, France, Britain and
A. Local Government Council China
B. State Civil Service Commission D. the United States, Russia,
C. Senior Staff Commission France, Britain and Japan
D. Local Government Service Commission
45. A specialized agency of the United Nations Organiza
37. The immediate cause of the January 15 1996 military tion is the
coup in Nigeria was the A. World Health Organization
A. Kano Riots B. Tiv Riots B. General Assembly
C. election crisis in the Western Region C. International Court of Justice
D. crisis over the population census. D. International Olympic Committee

38. Nigeria demonstrated her commitment to the policy of 46. With the admission of Asian and African countries to
non-alignment during the regime of the Commonwealth, the Queen of
A. Muhammadu Buhari England bcame the
B. Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi A. head of state of these countries
C. Murtala Muhammed B. head of government of these countries
D. Ibrahim Babangida C. patron of the Commonwealth
D. chairperson of the Commonwealth
47. A major problem of the defunct Organization of Africa 49. The current Executive Secretary of the ECOWAS is
Unity was A. Lansans Kouyate
A. ideological differences B. Abubakar Qattara
B. Language barrier C. Mohammed Ibn Chambers
C. inadequate resources D. Abbas Bundu
D. cultural diversity
50. The responsibility for admitting new members to the
48. The Lagos Treaty of May 28th 1975 led to the OPEC rests with the
formation of the A. Board of Governors B. Conference
A. EconomicCommission for Africa C. Secretariat D. Summit.
B. Economic Community of West African States
C. Lagos Plan of Action
D. African Economic Summit

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