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EDU 111
1. ____ is the motto of TRCN A. Teaching for excellence B. Teaching for knowledge C.
Teaching for understanding D. Teaching for improvement
2. The basic laws of teaching are divided into ____ and ____ A. Moral and work ethics B.
Ethics and school ethics C. Moral and academic ethics D. Leaning and teaching ethics
3. TRCN was established by the ____ A. Act 31 of 1993 B. Act 30 of 1993 C. Act 31 of 1994 D.
Act 30 of 1994
4. All are programmes of the TRCN except A. Registration and licensing of qualified teachers
B. Enforcement of professional ethics among teachers using the teachers investigating
panel (TIP) and the teachers’ tribunal C. Accreditation, monitoring and supervision D.
Closing down school
5. Prosecution in the law court of unqualified persons performing the job of teachers is in
contravention of the ____ A. Act section 17 (3) B. Act section 18 (2) C. Act section 19 (2) D.
Act section 17 (2)
6. TRCN became operational by ____ A. June 2001 B. June 2003 C. June 2000 D. June 2005
7. The first pioneer registrar/chief executive of TRCN is A. Chief Anjikwi Musa Ciwar (OON)
B. Chief Anuka Mohammed Ciwar (OON) C. Chief Musa Ciwar Abdullahi (OON) D. Chief
Mallam Mohammed Musa (OON)
8. The first pioneer registrar of TRCN retired in A. 2001 B. 2006 C. 2007 D. 2008
9. The full meaning of TRCN is A. Teachers remedial council of Nigeria B. Teachers
registration council of Nigeria C. Teachers registration conduct of Nigeria D. Teachers
revival council of Nigeria
10. All are stakeholders of TRCN except A. The media B. National association of proprietors
of private schools C. Teachers unions and association D. Nigeria football federation of
11. The highest decision making of education. In Nigeria is A. Nigeria union of teachers B.
National council of education C. National council of teachers D. Honourable
commissioners of education of states.
12. ____ appoints the registrar/chief executive of TRCN A. The commissioner of states for
education B. The president of Nigeria C. State minister of education D. Body of TRCN
13. TRCN operates ____ departments to maintain a lean, fast, paced and pragmatic structure
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
14. All are departments operated by TRCN under the office of the registrar /chief executive
officer except A. Servicom B. Legal unit C. Internal audit D. Educations audit
15. Department of administration and finance has ____ units A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
16. Department of planning and research and statistics has ____ division A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
17. ____ Act stipulates that the punishment of not being a registered teacher shall be a fine of
5,000 or two years jail term of both A. Act 17 (6) B. Act 17 (5) C. Act 17 (4) D. Act 17 (8)
18. The full meaning of STUP is A. Special teacher upgrading programme B. Special teaching
upgrading programme C. Special teach updating programme D. Special teacher uplifting
19. The full meaning of PDE is A. Professional displaying in education B. Professional diploma
in education C. Professional diploma in editing D. Profession diploma in education
20. The full meaning of PGDE is A. Post graduate diploma in education B. Post gradual
diploma is education C. Post graduating diploma in education D. Post graduate diploma
in editing
21. To be a member of TRCN, a person must possess a teaching qualification not lower in
standards than A. NCE B. PGDE C. B. ED D. PDE
22. ____ is the most primary and fundamental need of any vocation that wishes to deliver
qualitative services to society and have its members well respected and remunerated A.
Profession B. Professionalism C. Proffesioning D. Teaching
23. The spirited struggles of the Nigeria teachers under Nigerian union of teachers in ____
gave rise to the enactment of TRCN ____ A. 1993, Act 31 of 1993 B. 1992, Act 30, 1993 C.
1993, Act 31 of 1994 D. 1991, act 30 of 1993
24. What is TSS? A. Teachers salary satisfaction B. Teachers’ salary structure C. Teachers salary
sum D. Teachers structure salary
25. What is TIP? A. Teachers investigating panel B. Teachers investment panel C. Teachers
investing panel D. Teachers invitation panel
26. Which ministry is TRCN? A. Agency of the federal ministry of education, Nigeria. B.
Agency of the federal ministry of teachers education C. Agency of the state government D.
Agency of educational body
27. ____ is the major yardstick used to draw a line between the professionally trained
personnel and those not trained A. Certification B. Teaching C. Training D. Professionalism
28. PSTR stands for A. Primary, students, teachers relationship B. Primary, secondary,
teaching aids, rest C. Primary, secondary, teachers, reasoning D. Primary, secondary
teachers, tertiary teachers, the rest
29. All are characteristics of a professional teacher except? A. Trained on the job of teaching B.
Participated on supervised teaching practice C. Registers and licensed by the regulatory
agency, TRCN D. Teaching without certificate
30. NCE means A. Nigeria certification in education B. National certificate of education C.
Nigeria certification of education D. National certificate in education.
31. NUT was established in ____ year A. 1930 B. 1956 C. 1931 D. 1939
32. ____ is the noblest and oldest profession A. Education B. Teaching C. Philosophy D.
33. The division of NUT into several association was championed by A. TRCN B. NUJ C. NUC
34. The teachers code of conduct was found in ____ rules A. NUT B. SUBEB C. UBE D. TRCN
35. A teacher is seen as a ____ A. Loco parentis B. School dad and mum C. Teach D. Support
36. Teaching profession is seen to be ____ to humanity A. Fighter B. Reliance C. Service D.
37. ____ is the mother of all faculties A. Life science B. Law C. Education D. Arts
38. ____ is the first learning ground of a child A. School B. Home C. Religious setting D. Friends
39. Education is derived from the Latin word ____ A. Edu-cere B. Edu-cari C. Edu-care D. Edu-
40. ____ starts from conception to grave A. Education B. Training C. Learning D. Reading
41. ____ is polymorphic in nature A. Teaching B. Learning C. Education D. Psychomotic
42. Teaching is a noble ____ A. Occupation B. Profession C. A and B D. None
43. ____ is narrower than teaching A. Instruction B. Objective C. Training D. Education
44. In teaching the teacher is the ____ A. Messenger B. Decoder C. Encoder D. Message
45. In teaching process, the students are the ____ decoders B. Encoders C. Feed backers D.
46. A profession is guided by all except A. Ethics B. Rules and regulations C. Code of conduct
D. Taking the profession with levity
47. Can learning occur through trial and error? A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. Partially
48. ____ is a guide to academic work A. Register B. Diary C. Curriculum D. Textbooks
49. The play way method of teaching was introduced by ____ A. Edward Thorndike B. Ivan
Pavlov D. Jean Piaget D. Maria Montessori
50. The first teacher of a child is ____ A. School B. Mother C. Father D. All of the above
51. Teaching is a ____ status A. Occupational B. Professional C. Legal D. Active
52. ____ flagged the TRCN A. Prof. Babalola Borishade B. Prof. Babatunde Borishade C. Prof.
Bayo Borishade D. Prof. Baba Mohammed
53. Teachers Training College was founded in A. 1902 B. 1909 C. 1901 D. 1906
54. The best form of teaching in the classroom is A. Discussion B. Parrot like C. Statue D.
55. Free education came into place in A. 1956 B. 1955 C. 1954 D. 1952
56. There are ____ dimensions of education A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 6
57. The body in change of recruiting and sacking teachers in Nigeria is ____ A. Nigeria union
of teachers B. Teachers registration council of Nigeria C. ASSU D. SUBEB
58. Socratic method of teaching is also called A. Question and answer B. Question and acquire
C. Answer and argue D. Lecture and discussion
59. Edu-care is gotten from a ____ word A. Greek B. Hebrews C. German D. Latin
60. The first National Policy of education was built in ____? A. 1976 B. 1977 C. 1971 D. 1950
61. An educated person confirms to societal A. Rules B. Norms C. Ideas D. Challenge
62. The vehicle of education is ____ A. Learning B. Teaching C. Reading D. Practicing
63. All are types of domain except A. Affective B. Cognitive C. Psychomotor D. Intuitive
64. Universal Basic Education was founded in A. 1992 B. 1993 C. 1999 D. 1990
65. Psychomotor deals with ____ skills A. Manipulative B. Mental C. Teaching D. Learning
66. The Universal Basic education is for ____ years A. 4 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12
67. Cognitive deals with ____ skills A. Manipulative B. Mental C. Teaching D. Learning
68. Universal primary education started in A. 1977 B. 1974 C. 1975 D. 1976
69. The first president and chairman of NUT was A. Oludotun Ransome Kuti B. Oludotun Kuti
Adelaja C. Oludotun Ransome Olu D. Ransome Kuti Fumi
70. The Northern state Teachers Union was founded by A. Aminu Kano B. Shehu Shagari C.
Tafawa Balewa D. Mohammed Ibn Mohammad
71. NUT merged with Northern state Teachers Union in A. May 27, 1973 B. May 28, 1972 C.
May 29, 1970 D. May 30, 1971
72. All are aims and objectives of NUT except A. To foster unity and progress among all
teachers in Nigeria B. To foster the spirit of active co-operation C. To enhance the social
and economic well-being of members D. To arrest teachers that beat students
73. All are challenges faced by NUT except A. Low wages, bad motivation and poor welfare
B. Irregular self-esteem in the society C. High teacher ____ pupil ratio D. Good standard
74. STAN means A. Science teachers association of Nigeria B. Social studies teachers
association of Nigeria C. Sociology teachers association of Nigeria D. Social science
teachers association of Nigeria
75. SOSAN means A. Social studies teachers association of Nigeria B. Sociology teachers
association of Nigeria C. Science students association of Nigeria C. Social science teachers
association of Nigeria
76. NUT formulated professional code of ethics for Nigerian teaching profession in ____ A.
1969 B. 1960 C. 1970 D. 1977
77. ____ is the study or the science of morals A. Ethics B. Value C. Integrity D. Moral education
78. Evaluation that takes place at the end of any lesson is ____ A. Formative B. Prognostic C.
Summative D. Diagnostic
79. ____ type of evaluation takes place at every point of teaching in the class. A. Formative B.
Diagnostic C. Prognostic D. Summative
80. The teacher-learners centered approach is called ____ A. Mid-way B. Broad way C. Mid-
year D. Mid-term
81. Who introduced UBE in Nigeria A. Obafemi Awolowo B. Olusegun Obasanjo C. Shehu
Shagari D. Aminu Kano
82. ____ is teacher centred A. Behavioural objective B. Instructional material C. Lesson plan D.
Lesson note
83. ____ is learners centered A. Instructional material B. Behavioural objective C. Note book D.
Lesson plan

1. A 12. B 23. A 34. D 45. A 56. C 67. B 78. C
2. A 13. D 24. B 35. A 46. D 57. A 68. D 79. A
3. A 14. D 25. A 36. C 47. A 58. A 69. A 80. A
4. D 15. D 26. A 37. C 48. C 59. D 70. A 81. B
5. D 16. A 27. A 38. B 49. D 60. B 71. B 82. B
6. C 17. A 28. D 39. A 50. B 61. B 72. D
7. A 18. A 29. D 40. C 51. C 62. A 73. D
8. D 19. B 30. A 41. A 52. A 63. D 74. A
9. B 20. A 31. C 42. B 53. B 64. C 75. A
10. D 21. A 32. B 43. C 54. A 65. A 76. A
11. B 22. B 33. C 44. C 55. B 66. C 77. A


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