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Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, Nehru Nagar, Chromepet, Chennai–44.


1. thrilled – felt excited
2. puzzled – made someone confused or unable to understand
3. reward – something which is given when you do something good
4. confusion – the state of feeling unsure about what something means
5. crowd – a large number of people
6. clamoured – demanded
7.vain – proud of oneself
8. swooping down – coming down suddenly
9. talons – sharp claws
10. trickster – someone who plays tricks on people
11. prompted – reminded
12. startled – surprised
13. blurted out – spoke without thinking
14. whirled around – turned around quickly

15. retreated – moved back to where it came from


1. reward x punish
2. offer x refuse/withhold
3. enough x insufficient
4. excited x depressed
5. happy x sad
6. confused x clear
7. forget x remember
8. woke x slept
9. pull x push
10. stop x start
11. clever x stupid
12. warm x cool, chill
13. deep x shallow
14. dark x bright, light
15. hold x release
16. little x large
17. agree x disagree
18. found x lost
19. show x hide
20. return x keep
21. disappear x appear
22. difficult x easy
23. upwards x downwards
24. opened x closed
25. lengthy x brief
26. pick x drop
27. produced x destroyed
28. thicker x thinner
29. arrive x depart
30. before x after
1. reward – My father was rewarded for his honesty.
2. confusion – Plan your work to avoid confusion.
3. strength – The strength of a team is in its unity.
4. carve - She carved a beautiful picture on the shell.
5. wrapped - The children wrapped the gift in a glossy paper.
6. curious - I was curiously waiting for my exam results.
7. arrive – Rishi had his dinner before arriving the station.
8. admire – Radha is admired for her presence of mind.
9. fiction – I like to read fiction books.
1. dumb – gum, sum
2. lame – game, fame
3. app – map, gap
4. peek – week, seek
5. call – all, fall
6. tea – sea, he
7. done – son, fun
8. days – says, ways
9. see – be, we
10. set – wet, pet
11. high – by, sigh
12. he – sea, tea
13. out – about, shout
14. aloud – loud, proud

V. Tick the correctly spelt words in the brackets.

1. The great fish eagle (knew/new) who could help Manza.

2. The children are visiting (their/there) grandparents this Saturday.

3. The whole village celebrated the (berth/birth) of the baby.

4. The (principal/principle) called all the teachers for a meeting.

5. Farah bought a (piece/peace) of colourful cloth in the market.

6. The bus (fair/fare) for travelling to the (fair/fare) was 10.

7. I had an apple pie for (desert/dessert).

8. We went to the (beech/beach) last evening and made sandcastles.

9. Clean, peel and (grate/great) the apples and place them in a large bowl of cold water.
10. His face has become (pale/pail) because of his illness.

11. (Ring/Wring) out the towel before you bring it to me.

12. The top half of the door was a large (pain/pane) of glass that gave us a great view of the sea.

VI. Fill in the blanks with correct words from the options given below.
bookshelf notebook tablecloth timetable raincoat

1. a. The teacher collected the ____________ from the students.

b. As the weather was cloudy, I thought to carry my ____________ with me.
c. Rachit prepared a ____________ for the revision of his lessons.
d. I went to the market and bought a ____________ for my table.
e. The librarian placed the books on the ____________.

VII. In these groups of words, one word is NOT a compound word. Cross it out.

1. cardboard bedridden seasick considerate

2. caring postbox tablecloth whitewash

3. prosperous overhear earthquake afternoon

4. overlook backbone extinguish grasshopper

5. overcoat sweater watchman cookbook

VIII. Underline the subject in the following sentences.

1. The cow is grazing in the fields.

2. Raechel will participate in the athletic meet.

3. The car met with an accident.

4. The children were excited to see the rainbow in the sky.

5. Alison is one of my best friends.

Underline the predicates in these sentences.

1. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.

2. The dogs barked loudly.

3. The tiger is an endangered animal.

4. Reyaan is always nice to everyone.

5. The furniture looked old and worn.

6. Rajesh and Shirja are brother and sister.

7. The playful puppy jumped around my feet.

8. The animals in this zoo look healthy and happy.

9. I want to become an astronaut.

10. Murli was daydreaming at his desk.

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