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Machine Learning Server Documentation

About Machine Learning Server
What's new
R Server's new name
Install & configure
Supported platforms
Install on Windows
Offline install
Command line install
Uninstall from Windows
Install R/Python packages
Install on Linux
Offline install
Uninstall from Linux
Install R/Python packages
Install on Cloudera
Install on Hadoop
Uninstall from Hadoop
Configure to operationalize
Get started: admins
Configure: One-box
Configure: Enterprise
Launch admin CLI
LDAP/AAD authentication
SSL/TLS connection security
Diagnostics & troubleshooting
Roles & permissions
Change databases
Stop & start nodes
Declare compute nodes
Encrypt credentials
Set local password
Update port numbers
Evaluate capacity
Enable CORS
R execution security
R package management
Default file paths
Azure cloud
Data Science VM
Azure VMs
Microsoft R Client
Install on Windows
Install on Linux
Server compatibility
Install Python client
Link Python to tools
Configure multi-user Jupyter Notebooks
Older R Server releases
Prior feature announcements
Prior feature announcements
On Windows
9.1 - Install
9.1 - Offline
9.1 - Command line
On Linux
9.1 - Install
9.1 - Offline
9.1 - Uninstall
9.0.1 - Install
8.0.5 - Install
Manage your R installation
On Hadoop
9.1 - Install
9.1 - Commandline
9.1 - Offline
9.1 - Cloudera
9.1 - Uninstall
9.0.1 - Install
9.0.1 - Cloudera
8.0.5 - Install
R Package dependency list
Manual R package install
Hadoop configuration
Troubleshoot R installation
On Teradata
Install R Server 9.x on a Teradata Server
Install R Server 8.x on a Teradata Server
Install R Server on a Teradata Client
Get started RevoScaleR on Teradata
Deploy model as service
Integrate realtime service into app with Swagger
Run binary classifications
Create a linear regression model
Run R code with new functions
Deploy model as service
PySpark and revoscalepy interoperability
Explore R-to-RevoScaleR
Import & transform data
Visualize & analyze data
Work with larger datasets
Flight delays data analysis
Loan data analysis
Census data analysis
Tips on big data computing
Samples & solutions
Python samples for MicrosoftML
Sample data in RevoScaleR
RevoScaleR rxExecBy parallel processing example
R Server with Sparklyr example
R samples for MicrosoftML
Solution templates
Compute context
Distributed computing
Web services
Pre-trained models
How-to guides
Data & models
Use revoscalepy on Spark
Set a compute context
Data access and manipulation
Data transformations
XDF files
Import text data
Import SQL Server data
Import ODBC data
Import HDFS files
Use data source objects
Transform & subset data
Sort data
Split data
Merge data
Statistical summaries
Data modeling
Linear regression
Logistic regression
Generalized linear
Decision tree
Decision forest
Estimating with stochastic gradient boosting
Naive Bayes Classification
Clustering Classification
Correlate data
Use RevoScaleR on Hadoop
RevoScaleR functions for distributed analysis
Background jobs
Parallel jobs using rxExec
Enforce a YARN queue assignment
Choose a MicrosoftML algorithm
Operationalize models & code
Authenticate in Python
Deploy & manage web services
Consume services synchronously
Consume services asynchronously
Create and manage session pools
Deploy & manage web services
Consume services synchronously
Consume services asynchronously
Create and manage session pools
DeployR 8.x [Archive]
How to install DeployR
Install DeployR for R Server for Windows
Install DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5 on Linux
Install DeployR 8.0.0
Getting Started with DeployR
About DeployR 8.x
Getting Started for Application Developers
Getting Started for Administrators
Getting Started for Data Scientists
Administration & Configuration
Administration Console Help
About DeployR Administration Console
Creating & Managing User Accounts
Managing Permissions with Roles
Managing R Scripts
Managing R Boundaries
Managing Access with IP Filters
Managing the Grid
Managing Server Policies
Restoring & Backing Up the Database
Monitoring Events
Common Administrative Tasks
Troubleshooting & Diagnostics
Scale & Throughput
DeployR in the Cloud
Server & Grid High Availability
Managing Big Data
Using Hadoop Impersonation & DeployR
R Package Management
Updating DeployR after Java Update
Reinstalling or Upgrading the R Dependency
Security on DeployR
Authentication & Authorization
Server Access Policies
Project & Repository File Access Controls
Password Policies
Account Locking Policies
RServe Execution Context
APIs & Client Libraries
Developer Docs & Downloads
API Overview
Client Library Tutorial
RBroker Framework Tutorial
API Explorer Tool
Writing Portable R Code
Repository Manager Help
About Repository Manager
Working with Directories
Working with Files
Testing & Debugging Scripts
About the REST APIs
Integrate services into apps
Manage access tokens
Run R code remotely
Connect to remote server
Execute code remotely
Advanced R development
Write custom chunking algorithms
Write custom analyses for large data sets
Convert model objects for use with PMML
Manage threads
Parallel loops using foreach
Parallel execution using doRSR
Parallel algorithms with PemaR
Python packages
R packages
Data sets
rxReadXdf (deprecated)
Base R-to-RevoScaleR comparison
Defunct functions
Deprecated functions
Hadoop functions
SQL Server functions
Teradata functions
Product comparison
Servicing support policy
Known issues
Deprecated & discontinued features
Opt out of usage data collection
Additional resources
Welcome to Machine Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft Machine Learning Server is your flexible enterprise platform for analyzing data at scale, building
intelligent apps, and discovering valuable insights across your business with full support for Python and R.
Machine Learning Server meets the needs of all constituents of the process – from data engineers and data
scientists to line-of-business programmers and IT professionals. It offers a choice of languages and features
algorithmic innovation that brings the best of open-source and proprietary worlds together.
R support is built on a legacy of Microsoft R Server 9.x and Revolution R Enterprise products. Significant
machine learning and AI capabilities enhancements have been made in every release. Python support was
added in the previous release. Machine Learning Server supports the full data science lifecycle of your
Python-based analytics.
Additionally, Machine Learning Server enables operationalization support so you can deploy your models
to a scalable grid for both batch and real-time scoring.

Why choose Machine Learning Server

Microsoft Machine Learning Server includes:
High-performance machine learning and AI wherever your data lives
The volume of the data used by enterprises to make informed business decisions is growing
exponentially. With Machine Learning Server, Microsoft takes the modern approach of bringing the
computation to the data in order to unlock intelligence. Over time this data often spreads across
multiple data platforms creating the challenge of how to get AI to where your data is. Machine
Learning Server runs on-premises and in the cloud on a variety of platforms, in a variety of
deployments, and can support the need to have machine learning and analytics across multiple
The best AI innovation from Microsoft and open-source
Microsoft strives to make AI accessible to every individual and organization. Microsoft Machine
Learning Server includes a rich set of highly-scalable, distributed set of algorithms such as
RevoscaleR, revoscalepy, and microsoftML that can work on data sizes larger than the size of
physical memory, and run on a wide variety of platforms in a distributed manner. Learn more about
the collection of Microsoft's custom R packages and Python packages included with the product.
Machine Learning Server bridges these Microsoft innovations and those coming from the open-
source community (R, Python and AI toolkits) all on top of a single enterprise-grade platform. Any R
or Python open-source machine learning package can work side by side with any proprietary
innovation from Microsoft.
Simple, secure, and high-scale operationalization and administration
Enterprises relying on traditional operationalization paradigms and environments end up investing
much time and effort towards this area. Pain points often resulting in inflated costs and delays
include: the translation time for models, iterations to keep them valid and current, regulatory
approval, managing permissions through operationalization.
Machine Learning Server offers best-in-class operationalization -- from the time a machine learning
model is completed, it takes just a few clicks to generate web services APIs. These web services are
hosted on a server grid on-premises or in the cloud and can be integrated with line-of-business
applications. Additionally, Machine Learning Server integrates seamlessly with Active Directory and
Azure Active Directory and includes role-based access control to satisfy security and compliance
needs of your enterprise. The ability to deploy to an elastic grid lets you scale seamlessly with the
needs of your business, both for batch and real-time scoring.
Deep ecosystem engagements to deliver customer success with optimal total cost of
Individuals embarking on the journey of making their applications intelligent or simply wanting to
learn the new world of AI and machine learning, need the right resources to help them get started. In
addition to this documentation, Microsoft provides several learning resources and has engaged
several training partners to help you ramp up and become productive quickly.

Key features of Machine Learning Server

The following features are included in Machine Learning Server. For feature descriptions in this release, see
What's New in Machine Learning Server.


R-enabled R packages for solutions written in R, with an open-source

distribution of R and run-time infrastructure for script
execution. Everything you had in R Server and more.

Python-enabled Python modules for solutions written in Python, with an

open-source distribution of Python and run-time
infrastructure for script execution.

Pre-trained models For visual analysis and text sentiment analysis, ready to
score data you provide.

Deploy and consume Operationalize your server and deploy solutions as a web

Remote execution Start remote sessions on a Machine Learning Server on

your network from your client workstation.

scale out on premises Clustered topologies for Spark on Hadoop, and Windows
or Linux using the operationalization capability built into
Machine Learning Server.

Next steps
Install Machine Learning Server on a supported platform.
Choose a quickstart to test-drive capabilities in 10 minutes or less. Move on to tutorials for in-depth

You can use any R or Python IDE to write code using libraries from Machine Learning Server. Microsoft offers Python
for Visual Studio and R for Visual Studio. To use Jupyter Notebook, see How to configure Jupyter Notebooks.

See also
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Learning Resources
What's new in Machine Learning Server 9.3
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server provides powerful R and Python function libraries for data science and machine
learning on small-to-massive data sets, in parallel on local or distributed systems, with modern algorithms for
predictive analytics, supervised learning, and data mining.
Functionality is delivered through proprietary R and Python packages, internal computational engines built on
open-source R and Python, tools, solutions, and samples.
In this article, learn about the new capabilities introduced in the latest packages and tools. If you develop in R,
you might also want to review feature announcements from recent past releases.

For updates to R Client, see What's New for Microsoft R Client. For known issues and workarounds, see Known issues in

Announced in 9.3
The 9.3 release marks the beginning of a faster release cadence, with fewer features delivered more frequently.
New capabilities introduced in 9.3 are listed in the following table.


Administration command line interface Operationalization Refactored tooling for Machine

Learning Server configuration. The new
command line interface is similar to
Azure CLIs and offers full parity with
the previous utility.

Use the tool to enable web service

deployment, web and compute node
designations, and remote execution (R
only). You can also manage ports,
nodes, credentials; run diagnostic
reports; and test the capacity and
throughput of web services you create.

Dedicated session pools Operationalization You can construct a dedicated session

pool for a specific web service to
provide ready-to-use connections with
preloaded dependencies for fast access
to production code. This capability is in
addition to the generic session pools
that you can establish server-wide as a
shared resource for all web services.
Configure in R | Configure in Python.

For R script, the mrsdeploy function

library provides three new functions
for managing dedicated sessions:
configureServicePool, getPoolStatus,

For Python, the azureml-model-

management-sdk provides the
following methods in the mlserver
class: create_or_update_service_pool,

CDH 5.12 Supported platforms Version 5.12 of Cloudera distribution

of Apache Hadoop (CDH) is now
supported for Machine Learning Server
for Hadoop.

Announced in 9.2.1
The 9.2.1 release was the first release of Machine Learning Server - based on R Server - expanded with Python
libraries for developers and analysts who code in Python.
The following table summarizes the Python and R features that were introduced in the 9.2.1 release. For more
information, see release announcement for Machine Learning Server 9.2.1.


revoscalepy Python The first release of this library, used for

distributed computing, local compute
context, remote compute context for
SQL Server and Spark 2.0-2.1 over the
Hadoop Distributed File System
(HDFS), and high-performance
algorithms for Python. This library is
similar to RevoScaleR for R.

microsoftml Python The first release of this library, used for

machine learning algorithms and data
mining. This library is similar to
MicrosoftML for R.)

Pre-trained models Python Ready-to-use machine learning models

for image classification and sentiment
detection articulated in Python.

azureml-model-management-sdk Python The first release of this library, used to

library programmatically build web services
encapsulating your Python script.

Standard web service support Python Contains Python code, models, and
model assets. Accepts specific inputs
and provides specific outputs for
integration with other services and

Realtime web service support Python A fully encapsulated web service with
no inputs or outputs (operates on

Realtime model scoring R Now supported on Linux.

Role-based access control (RBAC) Both RBAC was extended with a new explicit
Reader role.

Administration utility update Both The utility simplifies registration of

compute nodes with web nodes.

Python development
In Machine Learning Server, Python libraries used in script execute locally, or remotely in either Spark over
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ) or in a SQL Server compute context. Libraries are built on Anaconda
4.2 over Python 3.5. You can run any 3.5-compatible library on a Python interpreter included in Machine
Learning Server.

Remote execution is not available for Python scripts. For information about to do this in R, see Remote execution in R.

R development
R function libraries are built on Microsoft R Open (MRO ), Microsoft's distribution of open source R 3.4.1.
The last several releases of R Server added substantial capability for R developers. To review recent additions to
R functionality, see feature announcements for previous versions.

Previous versions
Visit Feature announcements in R Server version 9.1 and earlier, for descriptions of features added in recent
past releases.

See Also
Welcome to Machine Learning Server
Install Machine Learning Server on Windows
Install Machine Learning Server on Linux
Install Machine Learning Server on Hadoop
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
Microsoft R Server is now Microsoft Machine
Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

In September 2017, Microsoft R Server was released under the new name of Microsoft Machine Learning
Server. In version 9.2.1, Machine Learning Server added support for the full data science lifecycle of Python-based
analytics to its list of machine learning and AI capabilities enhancements. The R capabilities were also enhanced. In
the latest 9.3 version, Machine Learning Server improves operationalization and deployment of web services
containing R or Python code.
Read the What's new in this release to learn more.

Building on our commitment to R

Microsoft continues its commitment and development in R -- not only in the latest Machine Learning Server
release, but also in the newest Microsoft R Client and Microsoft R Open releases.

Upgrade to Machine Learning Server

Moving from R Server to Machine Learning Server is as easy as ever. The R analytics and web services you
developed under R Server will continue to work under Machine Learning Server.
1. Follow these instructions to install Machine Learning Server on Windows, Linux, and Hadoop.
2. Don't forget to upgrade your web and compute nodes if you are operationalizing your analytics.

Note that Microsoft R Server 9.1 for Teradata was the last release and will not have a Machine Learning Server equivalent.

Download prior R Server releases

The following table provides links for downloading older versions of Microsoft R Server. Find the instructions for
installing R Server here.
Want the new Machine Learning Server? Learn how to install Machine Learning Server here.


Visual Studio Dev Essentials Developer (free) This option provides a zipped file, free
when you sign up for Visual Studio Dev
Essentials. Developer edition has the
same features as Enterprise, except it is
licensed for development scenarios.

Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) Enterprise Sign in, search for R Server. Choose the
right version for your OS.

From Visual Studio Dev Essentials:

1. Click Join or access now to sign up for download benefits.
2. Check the URL to verify it changed to
3. Click Downloads to search for R Server.
4. Click Downloads for a specific version to select the platform.

Get support for R Server

Microsoft is committed to providing customers with support. Microsoft R Server support continues in these ways:
Review our servicing support timeline
Post in our user forum

The future of Microsoft R Client

Microsoft R Client continues on as an R -only client for Machine Learning Server and R Server.
A Python interpreter can also be installed locally along with the custom Python packages to gain similar
functionality on a Windows machine. Learn more.
Install and configure Machine Learning Server
5/2/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server is available on a number of platforms. Looking for earlier versions? See Installation
guides for earlier releases for links.

Choose a configuration
This section covers topology configurations from single to multi-machine topologies.
Standalone deployments
Standalone servers describe a working experience where script development and execution occur on the same
Windows or Linux machine. If you install the free developer edition on either Windows or Linux, a standalone
server is the likely configuration. You could also install the server on a virtual machine accessed by multiple users
in turn.

Client and server multi-user topology

A client-server configuration is more common in a team environment. You can install free Python client libraries
or free R Client on any workstation, write script on the workstation, and then deploy script as a web service to a
Machine Learning Server configured to operationalize analytics, thus extending your options for interacting with
and consuming script on a server.
For R development only, you can also use remote execution in this configuration: switch from local to remote
server within a session to write and run script interactively.
On the consumption side, you can write custom apps or consume an R or Python solution as a web service.

Large scale multi-user topologies

Scale-out topologies are available in two forms. One option is to use a distributed platform like Hadoop
MapReduce or Spark (on Linux). A second option is to install Machine Learning Server on multiple computers
(Windows or Linux), each one configured as either a web node or compute node that work together.
For Hadoop and Spark, you can write and run script locally and then push the compute context to the Hadoop or
Spark cluster. For web and compute nodes, use the operationalization capabilities in Machine Learning Server to
distribute workloads on appropriate nodes.
Choose a platform
Machine Learning Server runs on Windows, Linux, and Hadoop. Review the supported platforms list for specific
operating system versions.

Begin installation
The following links provide installation and configuration instructions.
Install on Windows
Install on Linux
Install on Hadoop
Configure server to operationalize (deploy/consume) analytics
Add pre-trained models
Provision on the cloud

Local Tools
Microsoft R Client
Link Python tools and IDES to the MLServer Python interpreter
Python interpreter & libraries on Windows
Supported platforms for Machine Learning Server
and Microsoft R Server
9/10/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server runs on-premises on Windows, Linux, Hadoop Spark, and SQL Server. It is also in
multiple cloud offerings, such as Azure Machine Learning Server VMs, SQL Server VMs, Data Science VMs,
and on Azure HDInsight for Hadoop and Spark. In Public Preview, you can get Machine Learning Server on
Azure SQL DB, Azure Machine Learning, and Azure Data Lake Analytics.
This article specifies the operating systems and platforms for on-premises installations of Machine Learning
Server and Microsoft R Server.

64-bit operating systems with x86-compatible Intel architecture (commonly known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-
32e, EM64T, or x64 chips) are required on all platforms. Itanium-architecture chips (also known as IA-64) are not
supported. Multiple-core chips are recommended.

Machine Learning Server 9.3

In this release, R support includes Microsoft R Open 3.4.3, based on R -3.4.3. Python support is based on
Anaconda 4.2 over Python 3.5. We support Apache Spark 2.0 through 2.2 on Hadoop distributions CDH,
HDP, or MapR.
Operationalization is available on server platforms, on operating systems supporting .NET Core, version 2.0.
MicrosoftML (R ) has a .NET Core dependency for scoring, but runs on both client and server operating
systems. These requirements affect feature availability on some platforms.


Windows 10 Machine Learning Server No Yes

Windows 8.1 for Windows
Windows 7 SP1 (developer edition)

Windows Server 2016 Machine Learning Server Yes Yes

Windows Server 2012 R2 for Windows

CentOS/ RedHat 6.x - 7.x Machine Learning Server 6.x - No 6.x - No

for Linux 7.x - Yes 7.x - Yes

Ubuntu 14.04 Machine Learning Server Yes Yes

Ubuntu 16.04 for Linux

SUSE Linux Enterprise Machine Learning Server No No

Server 11 SP3 and above for Linux

Cloudera CDH 5.7-5.12 Cloudera Manager No All nodes


Hortonworks HDP 2.4-2.6 Machine Learning Server Edge nodes only All nodes
for Hadoop

MapR 5.0-5.2 Machine Learning Server Edge nodes only All nodes
for Hadoop

You can install Machine Learning Server on open-source Apache Hadoop from but
we can only offer support for commercial distributions.

Machine Learning Server 9.2.1

R support includes Microsoft R Open 3.4.1, which is based on R -3.4.1. Python support is based on Anaconda
4.2 over Python 3.5.


Machine Learning Hadoop Distributions: Cloudera CDH 5.7-5.11,

Server for Hadoop Hortonworks HDP 2.4-2.6, MapR 5.0-5.2
You can install Machine Learning Server on open-source
Apache Hadoop from but we can
only offer support for commercial distributions.

Operating Systems: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x and 7.x,

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 1, Ubuntu 14.04 and

Spark 2.0 through 2.2 on Hadoop distributions CDH, HDP,

or MapR.

Machine Learning Server can be configured on

CentOS/RHEL 7.x or Ubuntu to operationalize on edge
nodes only.

Machine Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS 6.x 1 and 7.x
Server for Linux SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 1
Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04

Machine Learning Windows 7 SP1 1,2, Windows 8.1 1,2, Windows 10 1,2
Server for Windows Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016

1 .NET Core 1.1 platform dependency: Certain features like the machine learning algorithms in the
MicrosoftML R package and configuring to operationalize your analytics are NOT supported on the marked
(1) platforms since they require .NET Core.
2 Use a server OS for operationalizing analytics. We do NOT recommend that you operationalize your
analytics on non-server platforms such as these marked (2). While some might work, only server platforms
are supported. See the full list of supported platforms for operationalizing here.

Microsoft R Server 9.1

All SKUs include Microsoft R Open 3.3.3, based on R -3.3.3, and require 64-bit operating systems with x86-
compatible Intel architecture.

R Server for Hadoop Hadoop 1, 5 Distributions:

Cloudera CDH 5.5-5.9, Hortonworks HDP 2.3-2.5, MapR
Operating Systems:
RHEL 6.x and 7.x, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES11)
(2 , 4 ), Ubuntu 14.04 (2 )
Spark 3:
Versions 1.6 and 2.0.

R Server for Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS 6.x(4 ) and 7.x
SLES11(4 )
Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04

R Server for Windows Windows 7 SP1(4 ), Windows 8.1(4 ), Windows 10(4 )

Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016

R Server for Teradata Teradata Database 14.10, 15.00, 15.10 on SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 11(4 )

Hardware and software requirements for SQL Server Machine Learning Services and R Server (Standalone)
in SQL Server can be found in SQL Server production documentation.
1 You can install RServer for Hadoop on open-source Apache Hadoop from but
we can only offer support for R Server on CDH, HDP, or MapR.
2 Cloudera installation using the built-in parcel generator
script for 9.1 requires CentOS/RHEL 7.0 as the
operating system. The parcel generator excludes any R Server features that it cannot install. For more
information, see Install R Server 9.1 on CDH.
3 Spark integration is supported only through a Hadoop distribution on CDH, HDP, or MapR. Not all
supported versions of Hadoop include a supported level of Spark. Specifically, HDP must be at least 2.3.4 to
get a supported level of Spark.
4.NET Core 1.1 platform dependency: Several features in R Server have a .NET Core dependency. These
features include Overview of MicrosoftML algorithms bundled in the MicrosoftML package as well as the
ability to configure R Server to operationalize your R analytics. Due to the .Net Core dependency, these
features are NOT available on these platforms.
5To operationalize your analytics or use the MicrosoftML package on R Server for Hadoop, you must deploy
on edge nodes in a Hadoop cluster, if the underlying operating system is CentOS/RHEL 7.x or Ubuntu 14.04.
It is not supported on SUSE SLES11.

Microsoft R Server 9.0.1

This release of R Server is built atop Microsoft R Open 3.3.2, which is based on R -3.3.2.
Microsoft R Server (Windows or Linux)
Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2016
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL ) and CentOS 6.x and 7.x
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES11)
Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04
Microsoft R Server for Teradata
Teradata Database 14.10, 15.00, 15.10
Operating System: SLES11
SQL Server R Services or R Server (Standalone)
SQL Server vNext CTP 1.1
Operating System: Windows (see SQL Server hardware and software requirements for details)
Microsoft R Server for Hadoop
Hadoop Distributions: Cloudera CDH 5.5-5.9, Hortonworks HDP 2.3-2.5, MapR 5.0-5.2
Operating Systems: RHEL 6.x and 7.x, SUSE SLES11, Ubuntu 14.04 (excluding Cloudera Parcel install on
Spark versions: 1.6 and 2.0. Not all supported versions of Hadoop include a supported level of Spark.
Specifically, HDP must be at least 2.3.4 to get a supported level of Spark.
Operationalization and mrsdeploy
After installation, you can configure R Server to operationalize your R analytics. Due to an ASP .Net Core
dependency, operationalization is currently supported only on:
Windows: Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
Linux: CentOS/RHEL 7.x, Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 Note: Projected availability on SLES in 2017
Hadoop: Linux-based edge nodes on CentOS/RHEL 7.x, Ubuntu 14.04

R Server operationalization is not available on Windows if you use the SQL Server installer. You must use the
standalone Windows installer to get operationalization functionality.

Microsoft R Server 8.0.5

This release of R Server is built atop Microsoft R Open 3.3.2, which is based on R -3.3.2.
Operating Systems (64-Bit only)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL ) 6.x and 7.x, or CentOS
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES11)
Microsoft R Server for Teradata
Teradata Database 14.10, 15.00, 15.10
Operating System: SLES11
Microsoft R Server for Hadoop
Hadoop Distributions: Cloudera CDH 5.5-5.7, Hortonworks HDP 2.3-2.4, MapR 5.0-5.1
Operating Systems: RHEL 6.x and 7.x, SUSE SLES11
Spark version: 1.5.0-1.6.1 (if using Spark). Not all supported versions of Hadoop include a supported level
of Spark. Specifically, HDP must be at least 2.3.4 to get a supported level of Spark.
Prerequisites for DeployR on Linux
Prerequisites for DeployR on Windows

End of Life versions

For R Server 8.0, support ended on 1/1/2018. Please contact Microsoft if you have questions about
alternatives. This version is no longer available for support.
Install Machine Learning Server for Windows
9/10/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Serve 9.2.1 | 9.3

Machine Learning Server for Windows runs machine learning and data mining solutions written in R or
Python in standalone and clustered topologies.
This article explains how to install Machine Learning Server on a standalone Windows server with an internet
connection. If your server has restrictions on internet access, see offline installation.

System requirements
Operating system must be a supported version of 64-bit Windows.
Operationalization features (administrator utility, web service deployment, remote sessions (R ), web and
compute node designations) are supported on Windows Server 2012 R2 or 2016. This functionality is
not available on a Windows client.
Memory must be a minimum of 2 GB of RAM is required; 8 GB or more are recommended. Disk space
must be a minimum of 500 MB.
.NET Framework 4.5.2 or later. The installer checks for this version of the .NET Framework and provides
a download link if it's missing. A computer restart is required after a .NET Framework installation.
The following additional components are included in Setup and required for Machine Learning Server on
Microsoft R Open 3.4.3 (if you add R )
Anaconda 4.2 with Python 3.5 (if you add Python)
Azure CLI
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable
Microsoft MPI 8.1
AS OLE DB (SQL Server 2016) provider

Machine Learning Server is licensed as a SQL Server supplemental feature. On development workstations,
you can install the developer edition at no charge.
On production servers, the enterprise edition of Machine Learning Server for Windows is licensed by the core.
Enterprise licenses are sold in 2-core packs, and you must have a license for every core on the machine. For
example, on an 8-core server, you would need four 2-core packs. For more information, start with the SQL
Server pricing page.

When you purchase an enterprise license of Machine Learning Server for Windows, you can install Machine Learning
Server for Hadoop for free (5 nodes for each core licensed under enterprise licensing).

Upgrade existing installations

If your existing server was configured for operationalization, follow these alternative steps for upgrade:
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize analytics (One-box) > How to upgrade
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize analytics (Enterprise) > How to upgrade.
For all other configurations, Setup performs an in-place upgrade over existing installations. Although the
installation path is new (\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server), when R Server 9.x is present, setup finds R
Server at the old path and upgrades it to the new version.
There is no support for side-by-side installations of older and newer versions, nor is there support for hybrid
versions (such as R Server 9.1 and Python 9.3). An installation is either entirely 9.3 or an earlier version.

Download Machine Learning Server installer

You can get the zipped installation file from one of the following download sites.


Volume Licensing Service Center Enterprise Sign in, search for "SQL Server 2017",
(VLSC) and then choose a per-core licensing
option. A selection for Machine
Learning Server 9.3 is provided on
this site.

Visual Studio Dev Essentials Developer (free) This option provides a zipped file, free
when you sign up for Visual Studio
Dev Essentials. Developer edition has
the same features as Enterprise,
except it is licensed for development

For downloads from Visual Studio Dev Essentials:

1. Click Join or access now to sign up for download benefits. The Visual Studio page title should include
"My Benefits". The URL should be changed to
2. Click Downloads and search for Machine Learning Server.
3. Find the version and click Download to get the Machine Learning Server installer for Windows.

How to install
This section walks you through a Machine Learning Server deployment using the standalone Windows
Run Setup
The setup wizard installs, upgrades, and uninstalls all in one workflow.
1. Extract the contents of the zipped file. On your computer, go to the Downloads folder, right-click to extract the contents.
2. Double-click ServerSetup.exe to start the wizard.
3. In Configure installation, choose components to install. Clearing a checkbox removes the component.
Selecting a checkbox adds or upgrades a component.
Core components are listed for visibility, but are not configurable. Core components are required.
R adds R Open and the R libraries.
Python adds Anaconda and the Python libraries.
Pre-trained Models are used for image classification and sentiment detection. You can install the
models with R or Python, but not as a standalone component.
4. Accept the license agreement for Machine Learning Server, as well as the license agreements for
Microsoft R Open and Anaconda.
5. At the end of the wizard, click Install to run setup.

By default, telemetry data is collected during your usage of Machine Learning Server. To turn this feature on or off, see
Opting out of data collection.

Check log files

If there were errors during Setup, check the log files located in the system temp directory. An easy way to get
there is typing %temp% as a Run command or search operation in Windows. If you installed all components,
your log file list looks similar to this screenshot:

Connect and validate

Machine Learning Server executes on demand as R Server or as a Python application. As a verification step,
connect to each application and run a script or function.
For R
R Server runs as a background process, as Microsoft ML Server Engine in Task Manager. Server startup
occurs when a client application like R Tools for Visual Studio or Rgui.exe connects to the server.
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\bin\x64.
2. Double-click Rgui.exe to start the R Console application.
3. At the command line, type search() to show preloaded objects, including the RevoScaleR package.
4. Type print(Revo.version) to show the software version.
5. Type rxSummary(~., iris) to return summary statistics on the built-in iris sample dataset. The rxSummary
function is from RevoScaleR.
For Python
Python runs when you execute a .py script or run commands in a Python console window.
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER.
2. Double-click Python.exe.
3. At the command line, type help() to open interactive help.
4. Type revoscalepy at the help prompt to print the package contents.
5. Paste in the following revoscalepy script to return summary statistics from the built-in AirlineDemo
demo data:

import os
import revoscalepy
sample_data_path = revoscalepy.RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = revoscalepy.RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))
summary = revoscalepy.rx_summary("ArrDelay+DayOfWeek", ds)

Output from the sample dataset should look similar to the following:

Summary Statistics Results for: ArrDelay+DayOfWeek

File name: ... AirlineDemoSmall.xdf
Number of valid observations: 600000.0

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

0 ArrDelay 11.317935 40.688536 -86.0 1490.0 582628.0 17372.0

Category Counts for DayOfWeek

Number of categories: 7

1 97975.0
2 77725.0
3 78875.0
4 81304.0
5 82987.0
6 86159.0
7 94975.0

To quit the program, type quit() at the command line with no arguments.

Enable web service deployment and remote connections

If you installed Machine Learning Server on Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016, configure the
server for operationalization to enable additional functionality, including logging, diagnostics, and web service
You can use the bootstrap command for this step. This command enables operationalization features on a
standalone server. It creates and starts a web node and compute node, and runs a series of diagnostic tests
against the configuration to confirm the internal data storage is functional and that web services can be
successfully deployed.
If you have multiple servers, you can designate each one as either a web node or compute node, and then link
them up. For instructions, see Configure Machine Learning Server (Enterprise).
1. Open an Administrator command prompt.
2. Enter the following command to configure the server: az ml admin bootstrap
This command invokes the Administrator Command Line Interface (CLI), installed by Machine Learning
Server and added as a system environment variable to your path so that you can run it anywhere.
3. Set a password used to protect your configuration settings. Later, after configuration is finished, anyone
who wants to use the CLI to modify a configuration must provide this password to gain access to
settings and operations.
The password must meet these requirements: 8-16 characters long, with at least one upper-case letter,
one lower-case letter, one number, and one special character.
After you provide the password, the tool does the rest. Your server is fully operationalized once the process is
complete. For more information about the benefits of operationalization:
Deploy Python and R script as a web service
Connect to a remote R server for code execution. Remote execution makes the server accessible to client
workstations running R Client or other Machine Learning Server nodes on your network.

Python support is new and there are a few limitations in remote computing scenarios. Remote execution is not
supported on Windows or Linux in Python code. Additionally, you cannot set a remote compute context to HadoopMR
in Python.

What's installed
An installation of Machine Learning Server includes some or all of the following components.


Microsoft R Open (MRO) An open-source distribution of the base R language, plus

the Intel Math Kernel library (int-mkl). The distribution
includes standard libraries, documentation, and tools like
R.exe and RGui.exe.

Tools for the standard base R (RTerm, Rgui.exe, and RScript)

are under <install-directory>\bin . Documentation is
under <install-directory>\doc and in
<install-directory>\doc\manual . One easy way to open
these files is to open RGui , click Help, and select one of
the options.

R proprietary libraries and script engine Proprietary libraries are co-located with R base libraries in
the <install-directory>\library folder. Libraries include
RevoScaleR, MicrosoftML, mrsdeploy, olapR, RevoPemaR,
and others listed in R Package Reference.

On Windows, the default R installation directory is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER .

RevoScaleR is engineered for distributed and parallel

processing of all multi-threaded functions, utilizing available
cores and disk storage of the local machine. RevoScaleR also
supports the ability to transfer computations to other
RevoScaleR instances on other platforms and computers
through compute context instructions.

Python proprietary libraries Proprietary packages provide modules of class objects and
static functions. Python libraries are in the
<install-directory>\lib\site-packages folder. Libraries
include revoscalepy, microsoftml, and azureml-model-

On Windows, the default installation directory is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER .

Anaconda 4.2 with Python 3.5.2 An open-source distribution of Python.

Admin CLI Used for enabling remote execution and web service
deployment, operationalizing analytics, and configuring web
and compute nodes.

Pre-trained models Used for sentiment analysis and image detection.

Consider adding a development tool on the server to build script or solutions using R Server features:
Visual Studio 2017 followed by the R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS ) add-in and the Python for Visual
Studio (PTVS ).

Next steps
We recommend starting with any Quickstart tutorial listed in the contents pane.

See also
Install Machine Learning Server
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
R Function Reference
Python Function Reference
Offline installation for Machine Learning Server for
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

By default, installers connect to Microsoft download sites to get required and updated components for Machine
Learning Server for Windows. If firewall constraints prevent the installer from reaching these sites, you can use
an internet-connected device to download files, transfer files to an offline server, and then run setup.
Before you start, review the following article for requirements and general information about setup: Install
Machine Learning Server on Windows.

On an internet-connected computer, download all of the following files.


Machine Learning Server setup Get Machine Learning Server for R Server
(en_machine_learning_server_for_wind from one of these sites:

Visual Studio Dev Essentials

Volume Licensing Service Center

Pre-trained Models Pre-trained models, R or Python

Microsoft R Open R

Microsoft Python Open Python

Microsoft Python Server Python

Python script Install-PyForMLS Python

If you require the previous version, use these links instead.



Machine Learning Server setup Get Machine Learning Server for R Server
(en_machine_learning_server_for_wind from one of these sites:

Visual Studio Dev Essentials

Volume Licensing Service Center

Pre-trained Models Pre-trained models, R or Python

Microsoft R Open R

Microsoft Python Open Python

Microsoft Python Server Python

Python script Install-PyForMLS Python

Transfer and place files

Use a tool or device to transfer the files to the offline server.
1. Put the unzipped file in a convenient folder.
2. Right-click Extract All to unpack the file. You should see a folder named MLS93Win. This folder contains
3. Put the CAB files in the setup user's temp folder: C:\Users<user-name>\AppData\Local\Temp.

On the offline server, run ServerSetup.exe /offline from the command line to get links for the .cab files used during
installation. The list of .cab files appears in the installation wizard, after you select which components to install.

Run setup
After files are placed, use the wizard or run setup from the command line:
Install Machine Learning Server > How to install > Run setup
Commandline installation

Check log files

If there are errors during Setup, check the log files located in the system temp directory. An easy way to get
there is typing %temp% as a Run command or search operation in Windows. If you installed all components,
your log file list looks similar to this screenshot:

Connect and validate

Machine Learning Server executes on demand as R Server or as a Python application. As a verification step,
connect to each application and run a script or function.
For R
R Server runs as a background process, as Microsoft ML Server Engine in Task Manager. Server startup
occurs when a client application like R Tools for Visual Studio or Rgui.exe connects to the server.
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\bin\x64.
2. Double-click Rgui.exe to start the R Console application.
3. At the command line, type search() to show preloaded objects, including the RevoScaleR package.
4. Type print(Revo.version) to show the software version.
5. Type rxSummary(~., iris) to return summary statistics on the built-in iris sample dataset. The rxSummary
function is from RevoScaleR .

For Python
Python runs when you execute a .py script or run commands in a Python console window.
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER.
2. Double-click Python.exe.
3. At the command line, type help() to open interactive help.
4. Type revoscalepy at the help prompt, followed by microsoftml to print the function list for each module.
5. Paste in the following revoscalepy script to return summary statistics from the built-in AirlineDemo
demo data:

import os
import revoscalepy
sample_data_path = revoscalepy.RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = revoscalepy.RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))
summary = revoscalepy.rx_summary("ArrDelay+DayOfWeek", ds)

Output from the sample dataset should look similar to the following:

Summary Statistics Results for: ArrDelay+DayOfWeek

File name:
Number of valid observations: 600000.0

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

0 ArrDelay 11.317935 40.688536 -86.0 1490.0 582628.0 17372.0

Category Counts for DayOfWeek

Number of categories: 7

1 97975.0
2 77725.0
3 78875.0
4 81304.0
5 82987.0
6 86159.0
7 94975.0
Next steps
We recommend starting with any Quickstart tutorial listed in the contents pane.

See also
Install Machine Learning Server
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
Command line install for Machine Learning Server
for Windows
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

This article provides syntax and examples for running Machine Learning Server ServerSetup.exe from the
command line. You can use command line parameters for an internet-connected or offline installation. A command
line installation requires administrator permissions.
Before you start, review Install Machine Learning Server on Windows for:
System and operational requirements
Download and file extraction information
A summary of what is installed
Steps for validating your installation
This article assumes you have already downloaded and extracted the setup program.

Command line options

You can run ServerSetup.exe from the command line with options to expose or hide the wizard, set an install
mode, or specify options for adding features or using custom folder locations.
User Interaction Options


/full Invokes the wizard.

/quiet Hides the wizard, running a silent installation with no

interaction or prompts. EULA acceptance is automatic for
both the server and all open-source distributions of R and

/passive Equivalent to /quiet in this release.

Install Modes


/install Runs ServerSetup.exe in install mode, used to add R_SERVER,

PYTHON_SERVER, or the pre-trained machine learning models

/uninstall Removes an existing installation of any component previously


/modify Runs ServerSetup.exe in modify mode. Setup looks for an

existing installation and offers options for changing an
installation (for example, you could add the pre-trained
models). Use this option if you want to rerun (or repair) an

Install Options


/r Install just the R feature. Use with /install . Applies to

version 9.3 only.

/python Install just the Python feature. Use with /install . Applies to
version 9.3 only.

/offline Instructs setup to find .cab files on the local system in the
mediadir location. This option requires that the server is
disconnected from the internet.

/installdir="" Specifies the installation directory. By default, this is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Server\R_SERVER.

/cachedir="" A download location for the .cab files. By default, setup uses
%temp% for the local admin user. Assuming an online
installation scenario, you can set this parameter to have setup
download the .cabs to the folder you specify.

/mediadir="" The .cab file location setup uses to find .cab files in an offline
installation. By default, setup uses %temp% for local admin.

/models Adds the pre-trained machine learning models. Use with

/install .

Default installation
A default installation includes R and Python, but not the pre-trained models. You must explicitly add /models to an
installation to add this feature.
The command line equivalent of a double-click invocation of ServerSetup.exe is serversetup.exe /install /full .

1. Run setup in unattended mode with no prompts or user interaction, to install everything. For version 9.2.1,
both R Server and Python Server are included in every installation; the pre-trained models are optional and
have to be explicitly specified to include them in the installation. For version 9.3 only, you can set flags to
install individual components: R, Python, pre-trained models:
serversetup.exe /quiet /r
serversetup.exe /quiet /python
serversetup.exe /quiet /models
2. Add the pre-trained machine learning models to an existing installation. You cannot install them as a
standalone component. The models require R or Python. During installation, the pre-trained models are
inserted into the MicrosoftML (R ) and microsoftml (Python) libraries, or both if you add both languages.
Once installed, you cannot incrementally remove them. Removal will require uninstall and reinstall of
Python or R Server.
serversetup.exe /install /models

3. Uninstall the software in unattended mode.

serversetup.exe /quiet /uninstall

4. Unattended offline install requires .cab files that provide open-source distributions and other dependencies.
The /offline parameter instructs setup to look for the .cab files on the local system. By default, setup looks
for the .cab files in the %temp% directory of local admin, but you could also set the media directory if the
.cab files are in a different folder. For more information and .cab download links, see Offline installation.
serversetup.exe /quiet /offline /mediadir="D:/Public/CABS

9.3 CAB file list

For unattended setup or offline setup, copy the .cab files to either the setup user's temp directory (C:\Users<user-
name>\AppData\Local\Temp) or to a folder specified via the /mediadir flag.


MLM Pre-trained models, R or Python

Microsoft R Open R

Microsoft Python Open Python

There is no separate Python Server package in the 9.3 version.

9.2.1 CAB file list

For unattended setup or offline setup, copy the .cab files to either the setup user's temp directory (C:\Users<user-
name>\AppData\Local\Temp) or to a folder specified via the /mediadir flag.


MLM Pre-trained models, R or Python

Microsoft R Open R

Microsoft Python Open Python

Microsoft Python Server Python

Next steps
We recommend continuing with any Quickstart tutorial listed in the contents pane.

See also
Install Machine Learning Server
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
Uninstall Machine Learning Server for Windows
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

You can re-run the Windows installer to remove Machine Learning Server for Windows. Clearing the checkbox for
an option in the Configuration page removes that component from your computer. Redistributable components,
such as the Analysis Services OLE DB provider, are not removed because doing so might break other applications
using those components.
If you have ServerSetup.exe in the Downloads folder, double-click the file to start it. Clear the options. Click
You can also use Add and Remove programs in Windows to uninstall the software.

Manual uninstall
If Setup fails to install all of the components, you can run a VB Script that forces uninstall and cleans up residual
1. Run a script that produces a list of all installed products and saves it in a log.
2. Review log output for Microsoft Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server, or Microsoft R Client.
3. For either product, find the value for LocalPackage . For example: C:\windows\Installer\222d19.msi
4. Run the package at an elevated command prompt with this syntax:
Msiexec /x {LocalPackage.msi} /L*v uninstall.log , where local package is the value from the previous step.
5. Review the uninstall log to confirm the software was removed. You can repeat steps 1 and 2 for further
If the script contains no evidence of the program, but the program folder still exists, you can safely delete it.
Program files are located at \Program Files\Microsoft .

VBScript listing installers for all installed products

Copy the following script and save it as msi_lister.vbs.
Dim objInstaller : Set objInstaller = Wscript.CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set objProdSet = objInstaller.Products

On Error Resume Next

For Each objProd In objProdSet

Dim s
s = vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "===========================================" & vbNewLine
s = s & "InstalledProductCode: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "InstalledProductCode") &
s = s & "InstalledProductName: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "InstalledProductName") &
s = s & "===========================================" & vbNewLine

s = s & "ProductInfo for: " & vbTab & objProd & vbNewLine
s = s & "VersionString: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "VersionString") & vbNewLine
s = s & "HelpLink: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "HelpLink") & vbNewLine
s = s & "HelpTelephone: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "HelpTelephone") & vbNewLine
s = s & "InstallLocation: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "InstallLocation") & vbNewLine
s = s & "InstallSource: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "InstallSource") & vbNewLine
s = s & "InstallDate: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "InstallDate") & vbNewLine
s = s & "Publisher: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "Publisher") & vbNewLine
s = s & "LocalPackage: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "LocalPackage") & vbNewLine
s = s & "URLInfoAbout: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "URLInfoAbout") & vbNewLine
s = s & "URLUpdateInfo: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "URLUpdateInfo") & vbNewLine
s = s & "VersionMinor: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "VersionMinor") & vbNewLine
s = s & "VersionMajor: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "VersionMajor") & vbNewLine
s = s & vbNewLine
s = s & "Transforms: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "Transforms") & vbNewLine
s = s & "Language: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "Language") & vbNewLine
s = s & "ProductName: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "ProductName") & vbNewLine
s = s & "AssignmentType: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "AssignmentType") & vbNewLine
s = s & "PackageCode: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "PackageCode") & vbNewLine
s = s & "Version: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "Version") & vbNewLine
s = s & "ProductIcon: " & vbTab & objInstaller.ProductInfo(objProd, "ProductIcon") & vbNewLine



Wscript.Quit 0

See also
Install Machine Learning Server
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
How to add or remove R and Python packages on
Machine Learning Server for Windows
7/31/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

You can add open-source and third-party R and Python packages to the same local repository containing the
product-specific packages for Machine Learning Server, allowing you to call functions from any library in the same
script. Any packages you add to the repository must be compatible with the base R and Anaconda distributions
upon which Microsoft's R and Python libraries are built.

Version requirements
Product-specific packages like RevoScaleR and revoscalepy are built on base libraries of R and Python respectively.
Any new packages that you add must be compatible with the base libraries installed with the product.
Upgrading or downgrading the base R or Python libraries installed by setup is not supported. Microsoft's
proprietary packages are built on specific distributions and versions of the base libraries. Substituting different
versions of those libraries could destabilize your installation.
Base R is distributed through Microsoft R Open, as installed by Machine Learning Server or R Server. Python is
distributed though Anaconda, also installed by Machine Learning server.


9.3 3.4.3 4.2/3.5

9.2 3.4.1 4.2/3.5

9.1 3.3.3 not applicable

To verify the base library versions on your system, start a command line tool and check the version information
displayed when the tool starts.
1. For R, start R.exe from \Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\bin\x64.
Loading the R execution environment displays base R version information, similar to this output.
R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) -- "Kite-Eating Tree" Copyright (C) 2017 The R Foundation for Statistical
Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

2. For Python, start Python.exe from \Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER.

Loading the R execution environment displays base R version information, similar to this output.
Python 3.5.2 |Anaconda 4.2.0 (64-bit)| (default, Jul 5 2016, 11:41:13) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on
win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Package location
On Linux, packages installed and used by Machine Learning Server can be found at these locations:
For R: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\library
For Python: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\Lib\site-packages

Add or remove R packages

R packages tend to have with multiple dependencies so we generally recommend using a tool like miniCran. For
more information and alternative methodologies, see R package management.

Add or remove Python packages

Run the following commmands from an administrator prompt.
Using pip

# Add a package
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\Scripts
pip install <packagename>

# Remove a package
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\Scripts
pip uninstall <packagename>

Using conda

# Add a package
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\Scripts
conda install <packagename>

# Remove a package
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\Scripts
conda uninstall <packagename>

See also
Install Machine Learning Server
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
Install Machine Learning Server for Linux
9/10/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

Machine Learning Server for Linux runs machine learning and data mining solutions written in R or Python in
standalone and clustered topologies.
This article explains how to install Machine Learning Server on a standalone Linux server that has an internet
connection. If your server has restrictions on internet access, see offline installation.
This article covers the following items:
Package manager overview
In-place upgrades of existing installations
Installation steps
An inventory of what's installed

These instructions use package managers to connect to Microsoft sites, download the distributions, and install the
server. If you know and prefer working with gzip files on a local machine, you can download
en_machine_learning_server_9.2.1_for_linux_x64_100352967.gz from Visual Studio Dev Essentials.

System and setup requirements

Operating system must be a supported version of 64-bit Linux.
Minimum RAM is 2 GB. Minimum disk space is 500 MB (8 GB or more is recommended).
An internet connection. If you do not have an internet connection, use the offline installation
Root or super user permissions

Machine Learning Server is licensed as a SQL Server supplemental feature. On development workstations,
you can install the developer edition at no charge.
On production servers, the enterprise edition of Machine Learning Server for Linux is licensed by the core.
Enterprise licenses are sold in 2-core packs, and you must have a license for every core on the machine. For
example, on an 8-core server, you would need four 2-core packs. For more information, start with the SQL
Server pricing page.

When you purchase an enterprise license of Machine Learning Server for Linux, you can install Machine Learning Server
for Hadoop for free (5 nodes for each core licensed under enterprise licensing).
Package managers
Setup is through package managers that retrieve distributions from Microsoft web sites and install the
software. Unlike previous releases, there is no script. You must have one of these package managers
to install Machine Learning Server for Linux.


yum RHEL, CentOS

apt Ubuntu online

dpkg Ubuntu offline

zypper SUSE

rpm RHEL, CentOS, SUSE

The package manager downloads packages from the repo, determines dependencies,
retrieves additional packages, sets the installation order, and installs the software. For example syntax on
linking to the repo, see Linux Software Repository for Microsoft Products.
Machine Learning Server activation is a separate step not performed by the package manager. If you forget to
activate, the server works, but the following error appears when you call an API: "Express Edition will continue
to be enforced."

Upgrade existing installations

If your existing server was configured for operationalization, follow these alternative steps for upgrade:
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize analytics (One-box) > How to upgrade or Configure
Machine Learning Server to operationalize analytics (Enterprise) > How to upgrade.
For all other configurations, Setup performs an in-place upgrade on an existing installation. Although the
installation path is new ( /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3 ), when R Server 9.x is present, Machine Learning Server
9.3 finds R Server at the old path ( /usr/lib64/microsoft-r/9.1.0 ) and upgrades it to the new version.
There is no support for side-by-side installations of older and newer versions, nor is there support for hybrid
versions (such as R Server 9.1 and Python 9.3). An installation is either entirely 9.3 or an earlier version.

Installation paths
After installation completes, software can be found at the following paths:
Install root: /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0
Microsoft R Open root: /opt/microsoft/ropen/3.4.3
Executables like Revo64 and mlserver-python are at /usr/bin

Install on Red Hat or CentOS

Run the following commands to install Machine Learning Server for Linux on Red Hat Enterprise (RHEL ) and
CentOS (6.x - 7.x). If you run into problems, try manual configuration instead.
# Install as root
sudo su

# Import the Microsoft repository key

sudo rpm --import

# Create local `azure-cli` repository

sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[azure-cli]\nname=Azure CLI\nbaseurl=
cli\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=" >

# Set the location of the package repo at the "prod" directory

# The following command is for version 7.x
# For 6.x, replace 7 with 6 to get that version
rpm -Uvh

# Verify that the "microsoft-prod.repo" configuration file exists

ls -la /etc/yum.repos.d/

# Update packages on your system:

yum update

# Install the server

# The following command is for version 7.x
# For 6.x: yum install microsoft-mlserver-el6-9.3.0
yum install microsoft-mlserver-all-9.3.0

# Activate the server


# List installed packages as a verification step

rpm -qa | grep microsoft

# Choose a package name and obtain verbose version information

rpm -qi microsoft-mlserver-packages-r-9.3.0

Install on Ubuntu
Follow these instructions for Machine Learning Server for Linux on Ubuntu (14.04 - 16.04 only).
# Install as root
sudo su

# Optionally, if your system does not have the https apt transport option
apt-get install apt-transport-https

# Add the **azure-cli** repo to your apt sources list

AZ_REPO=$(lsb_release -cs)

echo "deb [arch=amd64] $AZ_REPO main" | sudo tee


# Set the location of the package repo the "prod" directory containing the distribution.
# This example specifies 16.04. Replace with 14.04 if you want that version

# Register the repo

dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb

# Verify whether the "microsoft-prod.list" configuration file exists

ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

# Add the Microsoft public signing key for Secure APT

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 52E16F86FEE04B979B07E28DB02C46DF417A0893

# Update packages on your system

apt-get update

# Install the server

apt-get install microsoft-mlserver-all-9.3.0

# Activate the server


# List installed packages as a verification step

apt list --installed | grep microsoft

# Choose a package name and obtain verbose version information

dpkg --status microsoft-mlserver-packages-r-9.3.0

Install on SUSE
Follow these instructions for Machine Learning Server for Linux on SUSE (SLES11 only).
# Install as root
sudo su

# Set the location of the package repo at the "prod" directory containing the distribution
# This example is for SLES11, the only supported version of SUSE in Machine Learning Server
zypper ar -f packages-microsoft-com

# Update packages on your system:

zypper update

# Install the server

zypper install microsoft-mlserver-sles11-9.3.0

# You might get a message stating that PackageKit is blocking zypper

# Enter `y` to quit PackageKit and allow zypper to continue

# You are prompted whether to trust the repository signing key

# Enter `t` to temporarily trust the key for download and install

# You might get a "Digest verification failed" message

# Enter `y` to continue

# You are asked to confirm the list of packages to install

# Enter `y` to continue

# Review and accept the license agreements for MRO, Anaconda, and Machine Learning Server.

#Activate the server


# List installed packages as a verification step

zypper se microsoft

# Choose a package name and obtain verbose version information

zypper info microsoft-mlserver-packages-r-9.3.0

Start Revo64
As another verification step, run the Revo64 program. By default, Revo64 is installed in the /usr/bin directory,
available to any user who can log in to the machine:
1. From /Home or any other working directory:
[<path>] $ Revo64

2. Run a RevoScaleR function, such as rxSummary on a dataset. Many sample datasets, such as the iris
dataset, are ready to use because they are installed with the software:
> rxSummary(~., iris)

Output from the iris dataset should look similar to the following:
Rows Read: 150, Total Rows Processed: 150, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
Computation time: 0.005 seconds.
rxSummary(formula = ~., data = iris)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~.

Data: iris
Number of valid observations: 150

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

Sepal.Length 5.843333 0.8280661 4.3 7.9 150 0
Sepal.Width 3.057333 0.4358663 2.0 4.4 150 0
Petal.Length 3.758000 1.7652982 1.0 6.9 150 0
Petal.Width 1.199333 0.7622377 0.1 2.5 150 0

Category Counts for Species

Number of categories: 3
Number of valid observations: 150
Number of missing observations: 0

Species Counts
setosa 50
versicolor 50
virginica 50

To quit the program, type q() at the command line with no arguments.

Start Python
1. From Home or any other user directory:
[<path>] $ mlserver-python

2. Run a revoscalepy function, such as rx_Summary on a dataset. Many sample datasets are built in. At
the Python command prompt, paste the following script:

import os
import revoscalepy
sample_data_path = revoscalepy.RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = revoscalepy.RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))
summary = revoscalepy.rx_summary("ArrDelay+DayOfWeek", ds)

Output from the sample dataset should look similar to the following:
Summary Statistics Results for: ArrDelay+DayOfWeek
File name:
Number of valid observations: 600000.0

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

0 ArrDelay 11.317935 40.688536 -86.0 1490.0 582628.0 17372.0

Category Counts for DayOfWeek

Number of categories: 7

1 97975.0
2 77725.0
3 78875.0
4 81304.0
5 82987.0
6 86159.0
7 94975.0

To quit the program, type quit() at the command line with no arguments.

Enable web service deployment and remote connections

After you confirm the basic install, continue with the next step: configuring the server for operationalization to
enable additional functionality, including logging, diagnostics, and web service hosting.
You can use the bootstrap command for this step. This command enables operationalization features on a
standalone server. It creates and starts a web node and compute node, and runs a series of diagnostic tests
against the configuration to confirm the internal data storage is functional and that web services can be
successfully deployed.
Alternatively, if you have multiple servers, you can designate each one as either a web node or compute node,
and then link them up. For instructions, see Configure Machine Learning Server (Enterprise).
1. Open an Administrator command prompt.
2. Enter the following command to invoke the Administrator Command Line Interface (CLI) and configure
the server: az ml admin bootstrap
3. Set a password used to protect your configuration settings. Later, after configuration is finished, anyone
who wants to use the CLI to modify a configuration must provide this password to gain access to
settings and operations.
The password must meet these requirements: 8-16 characters long, with at least one upper-case letter,
one lower-case letter, one number, and one special character.
After you provide the password, the tool does the rest. Your server is fully operationalized once the process is
complete. For more information about the benefits of operationalization:
Deploy Python and R script as a web service
Connect to a remote R server for code execution. Remote execution makes the server accessible to client
workstations running R Client or other Machine Learning Server nodes on your network.
Python support is new and there are a few limitations in remote computing scenarios. Remote execution is not
supported on Windows or Linux in Python code. Additionally, you cannot set a remote compute context to HadoopMR
in Python.

What's installed
An installation of Machine Learning Server includes some or all of the following components.


Microsoft R Open (MRO) An open-source distribution of the base R language, plus

the Intel Math Kernel library (int-mkl).

R proprietary libraries and script engine Properietary R libraries are co-located with R base libraries.
Libraries include RevoScaleR, MicrosoftML, mrsdeploy, olapR,
RevoPemaR, and others listed in R Package Reference.

On Linux, the default R installation directory is

/opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0 .

RevoScaleR is engineered for distributed and parallel

processing for all multi-threaded functions, utilizing available
cores and disk storage of the local machine. RevoScaleR also
supports the ability to transfer computations to other
RevoScaleRr instances on other computers and platforms
through compute context instructions.

Python proprietary libraries Proprietary packages provide modules of class objects and
static functions. Libraries include revoscalepy, microsoftml,
and azureml-model-management-sdk.

Anaconda 4.2 with Python 3.5.2 An open-source distribution of Python.

Admin CLI Used for enabling remote execution and web service
deployment, operationalizing analytics, and configuring web
and compute nodes.

Pre-trained models Used for sentiment analysis and image detection.

Consider adding a development tool on the server to build script or solutions using R Server features:
Visual Studio 2017 followed by the R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS ) add-in and the Python for Visual
Studio (PTVS ).

Package list
The following packages comprise a full Machine Learning Server installation:
microsoft-mlserver-packages-r-9.3.0 ** core
microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0 ** core
microsoft-mlserver-packages-py-9.3.0 ** core
microsoft-mlserver-mml-r-9.3.0 ** microsoftml for R (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-mml-py-9.3.0 ** microsoftml for Python (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-mlm-r-9.3.0 ** pre-trained models (requires mml)
microsoft-mlserver-mlm-py-9.3.0 ** pre-trained models (requires mml)
microsoft-mlserver-hadoop-9.3.0 ** hadoop (required for hadoop)
microsoft-mlserver-adminutil-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-computenode-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-config-rserve-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-dotnet-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-webnode-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
azure-cli-2.0.25-1.el7.x86_64 ** operationalization (optional)

The microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0 package provides Anaconda 4.2 with Python 3.5, executing as mlserver-
python, found in /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/bin/python/python
Microsoft R Open is required for R execution:


Microsoft .NET Core 2.0, used for operationalization, must be added to Ubuntu:


Additional open-source packages are installed if a package is required but not found on the system. This list
varies for each installation. Refer to offline installation for an example list.

Next steps
We recommend starting with any Quickstart tutorial listed in the contents pane.

See also
Install Machine Learning Server
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
Offline installation Machine Learning Server for
7/31/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

By default, installers connect to Microsoft download sites to get required and updated components for Machine
Learning Server 9.x for Linux. If firewall constraints prevent the installer from reaching these sites, you can use
an internet-connected device to download files, transfer files to an offline server, and then run setup.
Before you start, review the following article for general information about setup: Install Machine Learning
Server on Linux.

These instructions use package managers to connect to Microsoft sites, download the distributions, and install the server.
If you know and prefer working with gzip files on a local machine, you can download
en_machine_learning_server_9.2.1_for_linux_x64_100352967.gz from Visual Studio Dev Essentials.

Package managers
In contrast with previous releases, there is no script. Package managers are used for installation.


yum RHEL, CentOS

apt Ubuntu online

dpkg Ubuntu offline

zypper SUSE

rpm RHEL, CentOS, SUSE

Package location
Packages for all supported versions of Linux can be found at (centos 6) (centos 7) (sles 11) (Ubuntu 14.04) (Ubuntu 16.04)

Package list
The following packages comprise a full Machine Learning Server installation:
microsoft-mlserver-packages-r-9.3.0 ** core
microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0 ** core
microsoft-mlserver-packages-py-9.3.0 ** core
microsoft-mlserver-mml-r-9.3.0 ** microsoftml for R (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-mml-py-9.3.0 ** microsoftml for Python (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-mlm-r-9.3.0 ** pre-trained models (requires mml)
microsoft-mlserver-mlm-py-9.3.0 ** pre-trained models (requires mml)
microsoft-mlserver-hadoop-9.3.0 ** hadoop (required for hadoop)
microsoft-mlserver-adminutil-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-computenode-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-config-rserve-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-webnode-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
azure-cli-2.0.25-1.el7.x86_64 ** operationalization (optional)

The microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0 package provides Anaconda 4.2 with Python 3.5, executing as mlserver-
python, found in /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/bin/python/python
Microsoft R Open is required for R execution:


Microsoft .NET Core 2.0, used for operationalization, must be added to Ubuntu:


Additional open-source packages must be installed if a package is required but not found on the system. This
list varies for each installation. Here is one example of the additional packages that were added to a clean RHEL
image during a connected (online) setup:

Download packages
If your system provides a graphical user interface, you can click a file to download it. Otherwise, use wget . We
recommend downloading all packages to a single directory so that you can install all of them in a single
command. By default, wget uses the working directory, but you can specify an alternative path using the
-outfile parameter.

The following example is for the first package. Each command references the version number of the platform.
Remember to change the number if your version is different. For more information, see Linux Software
Repository for Microsoft Products.
Download to CentOS or RHEL:
Download to Ubuntu 16.04:
Download to SUSE:

Repeat for each package in the package list.

Install packages
The package manager determines the installation order. Assuming all packages are in the same folder:
Install on CentOS or RHEL: yum install *.rpm
Install on Ubuntu: dpkg -i *.deb
Install on SUSE: zypper install *.rpm
This step completes installation.

Activate the server

Run the activation script from either the R or Python directory:
or /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/bin/python/

Connect and validate

1. List installed packages:
On CentOS and RHEL: rpm -qa | grep microsoft
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
On SLES11: zypper se microsoft
2. Once you have a package name, you can obtain verbose version information. For example:
On CentOS and RHEL: $ rpm -qi microsoft-mlserver-packages-r-9.3.0
On Ubuntu: $ dpkg --status microsoft-mlserver-packages-r-9.3.0
On SLES: zypper info microsoft-mlserver-packages-r-9.3.0
Output on Ubuntu is as follows:
Package: microsoft-mlserver-packages-r-9.3.0
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 195249
Architecture: amd64
Depends: microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3, microsoft-r-open-mkl-3.4.3, microsoft-r-open-foreachiterators-
Description: Microsoft Machine Learning Server
. . .

Start Revo64
As another verification step, run the Revo64 program. By default, Revo64 is linked to the /usr/bin directory,
available to any user who can log in to the machine:
1. From /Home or any other working directory:
[<path>] $ Revo64

2. Run a RevoScaleR function, such as rxSummary on a dataset. Many sample datasets, such as the iris
dataset, are ready to use because they are installed with the software:
> rxSummary(~., iris)

Output from the iris dataset should look similar to the following:

Rows Read: 150, Total Rows Processed: 150, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
Computation time: 0.005 seconds.
rxSummary(formula = ~., data = iris)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~.

Data: iris
Number of valid observations: 150

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

Sepal.Length 5.843333 0.8280661 4.3 7.9 150 0
Sepal.Width 3.057333 0.4358663 2.0 4.4 150 0
Petal.Length 3.758000 1.7652982 1.0 6.9 150 0
Petal.Width 1.199333 0.7622377 0.1 2.5 150 0

Category Counts for Species

Number of categories: 3
Number of valid observations: 150
Number of missing observations: 0

Species Counts
setosa 50
versicolor 50
virginica 50

To quit the program, type q() at the command line with no arguments.
Start Python
1. From Home or any other user directory:
[<path>] $ mlserver-python

2. Run a revoscalepy function, such as rx_Summary on a dataset. Many sample datasets are built in. At the
Python command prompt, paste the following script:
import os
import revoscalepy
sample_data_path = revoscalepy.RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = revoscalepy.RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))
summary = revoscalepy.rx_summary("ArrDelay+DayOfWeek", ds)

Output from the sample dataset should look similar to the following:

Summary Statistics Results for: ArrDelay+DayOfWeek

File name:
Number of valid observations: 600000.0

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

0 ArrDelay 11.317935 40.688536 -86.0 1490.0 582628.0 17372.0

Category Counts for DayOfWeek

Number of categories: 7

1 97975.0
2 77725.0
3 78875.0
4 81304.0
5 82987.0
6 86159.0
7 94975.0

To quit the program, type quit() at the command line with no arguments.

Next steps
We recommend starting with any Quickstart tutorial listed in the contents pane.

See also
Install Machine Learning Server
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
Uninstall Machine Learning Server for Linux
9/10/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

This article explains how to uninstall Machine Learning Server for Linux.

For upgrade purposes, uninstall is not necessary unless the existing version is 8.x. Upgrading from 9.x is an in-place upgrade
that overwrites the previous version. Upgrading from 8.x requires that you uninstall R Server 8.x first.

Gather information
Uninstall reverses the installation steps, including uninstalling any package dependencies used only by the server.
Start by collecting information about your installation.
1. List the packages from Microsoft.
On RHEL: yum list \*microsoft\*
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
On SUSE: zypper search \*microsoft-r\*
2. Get package version information. On a 9.3.0 installation, you should see about 17 packages. Since multiple
major versions can coexist, the package list could be much longer. Given a list of packages, you can get
verbose version information for particular packages in the list. The following examples are for Microsoft R
Open version 3.4.3:
On RHEL: rpm -qi microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
On Ubuntu: dpkg --status microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
On SUSE: zypper info microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3

Uninstall 9.3.0
1. On root@, uninstall Microsoft R Open (MRO ) first. This action removes any dependent packages used only
by MRO, which includes packages like microsoft-mlserver-packages-r.
On RHEL: yum erase microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
On Ubuntu: apt-get purge microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
On SUSE: zypper remove microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
2. Remove the Machine Learning Server Python packages:
On RHEL: yum erase microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0
On Ubuntu: apt-get purge microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0
On SUSE: zypper remove microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0
3. Remove the Hadoop package:
On RHEL: yum erase microsoft-mlserver-hadoop-9.3.0
On Ubuntu: apt-get purge microsoft-mlserver-hadoop-9.3.0
On SUSE: zypper remove microsoft-mlserver-hadoop-9.3.0
4. You have additional packages if you installed the operationalization feature. On a 9.3.0 installation, this is
the On a 9.3.0 installation, this is the azureml-model-management library or mrsdeploy, which you can
uninstall using the syntax from the previous step. Multiple packages provide the feature. Uninstall each one
in the following order:
5. Re-list the packages from Microsoft to check for remaining files:
On RHEL: yum list \*microsoft\*
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
On SUSE: zypper search \*microsoft-r\*
On Ubuntu, you have dotnet-runtime-2.0.0 . NET Core is a cross-platform, general purpose development
platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on GitHub. This package could be providing
infrastructure to other applications on your computer. If Machine learning Server is the only Microsoft
software you have, you can remove it now.
6. After packages are uninstalled, remove remaining files. On root@, determine whether additional files still
$ ls /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/
7. Remove the entire directory:
$ rm -fr /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/

RM removes the folder. Parameter "f" is for force and "r" for recursive, deleting everything under
microsoft/mlserver. This command is destructive and irrevocable, so be sure you have the correct directory before
you press Enter.

Package list
Machine Learning Server for Linux adds the following packages at a minimum. When uninstalling software, refer
to this list when searching for packages to remove.


See also
Install Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
How to add or remove R and Python packages on
Machine Learning Server for Linux
7/31/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

You can add open-source and third-party R and Python packages to the same local repository containing the
product-specific packages for Machine Learning Server, allowing you to call functions from any library in the same
script. Any packages you add to the repository must be compatible with the base R and Anaconda distributions
upon which Microsoft's R and Python libraries are built.

Version requirements
Product-specific packages like RevoScaleR and revoscalepy are built on base libraries of R and Python respectively.
Any new packages that you add must be compatible with the base libraries installed with the product.
Upgrading or downgrading the base R or Python libraries installed by setup is not supported. Microsoft's
proprietary packages are built on specific distributions and versions of the base libraries. Substituting different
versions of those libraries could destabilize your installation.
Base R is distributed through Microsoft R Open, as installed by Machine Learning Server or R Server. Python is
distributed though Anaconda, also installed by Machine Learning server.


9.3 3.4.3 4.2/3.5

9.2 3.4.1 4.2/3.5

9.1 3.3.3 not applicable

To verify the base library versions on your system, start a command line tool and check the version information
displayed when the tool starts.
For R, from /Home or any other working directory: [<path>] $ Revo64

R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) -- "Kite-Eating Tree" Copyright (C) 2017 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

For Python, do this: [<path>] $ mlserver-python

Python 3.5.2 |Anaconda 4.2.0 (64-bit)| (default, Jul 2 2016, 17:53:06) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313] on linux Type
"help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Package location
On Linux, packages installed and used by Machine Learning Server can be found at these locations:
For R: /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/runtime/R/library

For Python: /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/runtime/python/pkgs

Add or remove R packages

R packages tend to have with multiple dependencies so we generally recommend using a tool like miniCran. For
more information and alternative methodologies, see R package management.

Add or remove Python packages

Anaconda includes pip and conda that you can use to add or remove Python packages. When adding or removing
packages, keep the following points in mind:
Install as root or super user.
For utilities not in the PATH, prepend with mlserver-python -m , as in
mlserver-python -m pip install <package-name> (or equivalent for conda). Alternatively, you could do this:
./pip install <package-name> .
Using pip

# Add a package
cd /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/runtime/python/bin/
pip install <packagename>

# Remove a package
cd /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/runtime/python/bin/
pip uninstall <packagename>

Using conda

# Add a package
cd /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/runtime/python/bin/
conda install <packagename>

# Remove a package
cd /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/runtime/python/bin/
conda uninstall <packagename>

See also
Install Machine Learning Server
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
Install Machine Learning Server using Cloudera
4/13/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

This article explains how to generate, deploy, and activate an installation parcel for Machine Learning Server on a
Cloudera distribution of Apache Hadoop (CDH).
Cloudera offers a parcel installation methodology for adding services and features to a cluster. On a Hadoop
cluster, Machine Learning Server runs on the edge node and all data nodes. You can use a parcel to distribute and
activate the service on all nodes within your CDH cluster.

Platform requirements
You can create a parcel generation script on any supported version of Linux, but execution requires CentOS or
RHEL 7.0 as the native file system.
The parcel generator excludes any R Server features that it cannot install, such as operationalization.
If parcel installation is too restrictive, follow the instructions for a generic Hadoop installation instead.

Prepare for installation

This section explains how to obtain the parcel generation script and simulate parcel creation.
Download a Machine Learning Server distribution
A package manager installation used for Linux or Hadoop won't provide the parcel generation scripts. To get the
scripts, obtain a gzipped distribution of Machine Learning Server from Visual Studio Dev Essentials or Volume
1. Go to Visual Studio Dev Essentials.
2. Click Join or Access Now and enter your Microsoft account (such as a Live ID, Hotmail, or Outlook account).
3. Make sure you're in the right place:
4. Click Downloads.
5. Search for Machine Learning Server.
6. Download Machine Learning Server 9.3.0 for Hadoop to a writable directory, such as /tmp/, on one of the
Unpack the distribution
1. Log on as root or a user with super user privileges: sudo su
2. Switch to the /tmp/ directory (assuming it's the download location): cd /tmp/
3. Unpack the file: tar zxvf en_microsoft_ml_server_930_for_hadoop_x64_<some-number>.tar.gz
The distribution is unpacked into a Hadoop folder at the download location. The distribution includes the
following files:

FILE OR FOLDER DESCRIPTION Script for installing Machine Learning Server. Do not use this
for a parcel install. Script for generating a parcel used for installing Machine

Learning Server on CDH.

EULA.txt End-user license agreements for each separately licensed


DEB folder Contains Machine Learning packages for deployment on


RPM folder Contains Machine Learning packages for deployment on


Parcel folder Contains files used to generate a parcel for installation on


Test with a dry run

The script includes a -n flag that simulates parcel generation. Start with a dry run to review the prompts.
The script downloads Microsoft R Open and builds a parcel by extracting information from RPM packages. You
can append flags to run unattended setup or customize feature selections.
1. Switch to the Hadoop directory: cd /Hadoop

2. Run the script with -n to simulate parcel generation: bash -n

You are prompted to read and accept license agreements.

You are also asked to specify the underlying operating system. If the platform supports it, the parcel generator
adds installation instructions for features having a dependency on .NET Core, such as Microsoft machine learning
and operationalization features.
When the script is finished, the location of the parcel, checksum, and CSD is printed to the console. Remember the
files do not yet exist. This is just a dry run. Running the script without -n generates the files.

Flags used for parcel generation

You can run parcel generator with the following flags to suppress prompts or choose components.


-m --distro-name [DISTRO] Target Linux distribution for this parcel,

one of: el6 el7 sles11

-l --add-mml Add Python and microsoftml to the

Parcel regardless of the target system.

-a --accept-eula Accept all end-user license agreements.

-d --download-mro Download Microsoft r open for

distribution to an offline system.

-s --silent Perform a silent, unattended install.

-u --unattended Perform an unattended install.

-n --dry-run Don't do anything, just show what

would be done.

-h --help Print this help text.

Run the script

Repeat the command without -n parameter to create the files: bash

The parcel generator file name is MLServer-9.3.0-[DISTRO ].parcel

The CSD file name is MLServer

The parcel generator file name includes a placeholder for the distribution. Remember to replace it with a valid value before
executing the copy commands.

Distribute parcels and CSDs

This section explains how to place parcel generator script and CSD files in CDH.
Copy to the parcel repository
By default, Cloudera Manager finds parcels in the Cloudera parcel repository. In this step, copy the parcel you
generated to the repository.
1. Copy MLServer-9.3.0 and MLServer-9.3.0.sha to the Cloudera parcel repository, typically
cp ./MLServer-9.3.0-[DISTRO].parcel /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo/
cp ./MLServer-9.3.0-[DISTRO].parcel.sha /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo/

Copy to the CSD repository

The Custom Service Descriptor (CSD ) enables monitoring and administration from within Cloudera Manager. In
this step, copy the CSD (a .jar file) to the Cloudera repository for CSD files.
1. Copy the CSD file MLServer-9.3.0-CONFIG.jar to the Cloudera CSD directory, typically
cp ./MLServer-9.3.0-CONFIG.jar /opt/cloudera/csd/

2. Modify the permissions of CSD file as follows:

sudo chmod 644 /opt/cloudera/csd/MLServer-9.3.0-CONFIG.jar

sudo chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/csd/MLServer-9.3.0-CONFIG.jar

3. Restart the cloudera-scm-server service:

sudo service cloudera-scm-server restart

Activate in Cloudera Manager

1. In Cloudera Manager, click the parcel icon on the top right menu bar.

2. On the left, find and select MLServer-9.3.0 in the parcel list. If you don't see it, check the parcel-repo folder.
3. On the right, in the parcel details page, MLServer-9.3.0 should have a status of Downloaded with an
option to Distribute. Click Distribute to roll out Machine Learning Server on available nodes.
4. Status changes to distributed. Click Activate on the button to make Machine Learning Server operational
in the cluster.

You are finished with this task when status is "distributed, activated" and the next available action is Deactivate.

Add MLServer-9.3.0 as a service

1. In Cloudera Manager home page, click the down arrow by the cluster name and choose Add Service.

2. Find and select MLServer-9.3.0 and click Continue to start a wizard for adding services.
3. In the next page, add role assignments on all nodes used to run the service, both edge and data nodes. Click
4. On the last page, click Finish to start the service.
Machine Learning Server should now be deployed in the cluster.

Rollback a deployment
You have the option of rolling back the active deployment in Cloudera Manager, perhaps to use an older version.
You can have multiple versions in Cloudera, but only can be active at any given time.
1. In Cloudera Manager, click the Parcel icon to open the parcel list.
2. Find MLServer-9.3.0 and click Deactivate.
The parcel still exists, but Machine Learning Server is not operational in the cluster.
The above steps apply to 9.3.0. If you have R Server (either 9.1 or 9.0.1), see Install R Server 9.1 on CDH and
Install R Server 9.0.1 on CDH for release-specific documentation.

Next steps
We recommend starting with How to use RevoScaleR with Spark or How to use RevoScaleR with Hadoop
For a list of functions that utilize Yarn and Hadoop infrastructure to process in parallel across the cluster, see
Running a distributed analysis using RevoScaleR functions.
R solutions that execute on the cluster can call functions from any R package. To add new R packages, you can use
any of these approaches:
Use a parcel and create new parcel using script.
Use the RevoScaleR rxExec function to add new packages.
Manually run install.packages() on all nodes in Hadoop cluster (using distributed shell or some other

See also
Install on Linux
Install Machine Learning Server
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
Install Machine Learning Server for Hadoop
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

On a Spark cluster, Machine Learning Server must be installed on the edge node and all data nodes on a
commercial distribution of Hadoop: Cloudera, HortonWorks, MapR. Optionally, you can install
operationalization features on edge nodes only.
Machine Learning Server is engineered for the following architecture:
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS )
Apache YARN
MapReduce or Spark 2.0-2.1
We recommend Spark for the processing framework.

These instructions use package managers to connect to Microsoft sites, download the distributions, and install the
server. If you know and prefer working with gzip files on a local machine, you can download
en_machine_learning_server_9.2.1_for_hadoop_x64_100353069.gz from Visual Studio Dev Essentials.

System and setup requirements

Native operating system must be a supported version of Hadoop on 64-bit Linux.
Minimum RAM is 8 GB (16 GB or more is recommended). Minimum disk space is 500 MB per node.
An internet connection. If you do not have an internet connection, use the offline installation
Root or super user permissions

Package managers
Installation is through package managers. Unlike previous releases, there is no script.


yum RHEL, CentOS

apt Ubuntu online

dpkg Ubuntu offline

zypper SUSE

rpm RHEL, CentOS, SUSE

Running setup on existing installations

The installation path for Machine Learning Server is new: /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0 . However, if R Server
9.x is present, Machine Learning Server 9.x finds R Server at the old path ( /usr/lib64/microsoft-r/9.1.0 ) and
replaces it with the new version.
There is no support for side-by-side installations of older and newer versions, nor is there support for hybrid
versions (such as R Server 9.1 and Python 9.3). An installation is either entirely 9.3 or an earlier version.

Installation paths
After installation completes, software can be found at the following paths:
Install root: /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3
Microsoft R Open root: /opt/microsoft/ropen/3.4.3
Executables such as Revo64 and mlserver-python are at /usr/bin

1 - Edge node installation

Start here. Machine Learning Server is required on the edge node. You should run full setup, following the
installation commands for the Linux operating system used by your cluster: Linux install > How to install.
Full setup gives you core components for both R and Python, machine learning algorithms and pretrained
models, and operationalization. Operationalization features run on edge nodes, enabling additional ways of
deploying and consuming script. For example, you can build and deploy web services, which allows you to
invoke and access your solution programmatically, through a REST API.

You cannot use operationalization on data nodes. Operationalization does not support Yarn queues and cannot run in a
distributed manner.

2 - Data node installation

You can continue installation by running Setup on any data node, either sequentially or on multiple data nodes
concurrently. There are two approaches for installing Machine Learning Server on data nodes.
Approach 1: Package managers for full installation
Again, we recommend running the full setup on every node. This approach is fast because package managers
do most of the work, including adding the Hadoop package (microsoft-mlserver-hadoop-9.3.0) and setting it
up for activation.
As before, follow the installation steps for the Linux operating system used by your cluster: Linux install > How
to install.
Approach 2: Manual steps for partial installation
Alternatively, you can install a subset of packages. You might do this if you do not want operationalization on
your data nodes, or if you want to exclude a specific language. Be prepared for more testing if you choose this
approach. The packages are not specifically designed to run as standalone modules. Hence, unexpected
problems are more likely if you leave some packages out.
1. Install as root: sudo su

2. Refer to the annotated package list and download individual packages from the package repo
corresponding to your platform:
3. Make a directory to contain your packages: hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp/mlsdatanode

4. Copy the packages: hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /tmp/mlserver /tmp/mlsdatanode

5. Switch to the directory: cd /tmp/mlsdatanode

6. Install the packages using the tool and syntax for your platform:
On Ubuntu online: apt-get install *.rpm
On Ubuntu offline: dpkg -i *.deb
On CentOS and RHEL: yum install *.rpm
7. Activate the server: /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/bin/R/

Repeat this procedure on remaining nodes.

Packages list
The following packages comprise a full Machine Learning Server installation:

microsoft-mlserver-packages-r-9.3.0 ** core
microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0 ** core
microsoft-mlserver-packages-py-9.3.0 ** core
microsoft-mlserver-hadoop-9.3.0 ** hadoop (required for hadoop)
microsoft-mlserver-mml-r-9.3.0 ** microsoftml for R (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-mml-py-9.3.0 ** microsoftml for Python (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-mlm-r-9.3.0 ** pre-trained models (requires mml)
microsoft-mlserver-mlm-py-9.3.0 ** pre-trained models (requires mml)
microsoft-mlserver-adminutil-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-computenode-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-config-rserve-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-dotnet-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
microsoft-mlserver-webnode-9.3 ** operationalization (optional)
azure-cli-2.0.25-1.el7.x86_64 ** operationalization (optional)

The microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0 package provides Anaconda 4.2 with Python 3.5, executing as mlserver-
python, found in /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/bin/python/python
Microsoft R Open is required for R execution:


Microsoft .NET Core 2.0, used for operationalization, must be added to Ubuntu:


Additional open-source packages could be required. The potential list of packages varies for each computer.
Refer to offline installation for an example list.
Next steps
We recommend starting with How to use RevoScaleR with Spark or How to use RevoScaleR with Hadoop
For a list of functions that utilize Yarn and Hadoop infrastructure to process in parallel across the cluster, see
Running a distributed analysis using RevoScaleR functions.
R solutions that execute on the cluster can call functions from any R package. To add new R packages, you can
use any of these approaches:
Use the RevoScaleR rxExec function to add new packages.
Manually run install.packages() on all nodes in Hadoop cluster (using distributed shell or some other

See also
Install on Linux
Install Machine Learning Server
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics
Uninstall Machine Learning Server for Hadoop
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 | 9.3

This article explains how to uninstall Machine Learning Server running in a Spark cluster.
Remove components on edge nodes
Remove components on data nodes
You can uninstall existing software and upgrade to newer versions node by node across the cluster, but don’t try to
submit any jobs until all nodes are at the same functional level.

Uninstall edge nodes

1. List the packages from Microsoft.
On RHEL: yum list \*microsoft\*
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
On SUSE: zypper search \*microsoft-r\*
2. Operationalization features run on edge nodes. On a 9.3.0 installation, this is the azureml-model-
management library or mrsdeploy, which you can uninstall using the syntax from the previous step. Multiple
packages provide the feature. Uninstall each one in the following order:
On CentOS and RHEL
yum erase microsoft-mlserver-adminutil-9.3
yum erase microsoft-mlserver-webnode-9.3
yum erase microsoft-mlserver-computenode-9.3

On Ubunute
apt-get purge microsoft-mlserver-adminutil-9.3
apt-get purge microsoft-mlserver-webnode-9.3
apt-get purge microsoft-mlserver-computenode-9.3
zypper remove microsoft-mlserver-adminutil-9.3
zypper remove microsoft-mlserver-webnode-9.3
zypper remove microsoft-mlserver-computenode-9.3

Uninstall data nodes

1. On root@, uninstall Microsoft R Open (MRO ) first. This action removes any dependent packages used only
by MRO, which includes packages like microsoft-mlserver-packages-r.
On RHEL: yum erase microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
On Ubuntu: apt-get purge microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
On SUSE: zypper remove microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
2. Remove the Machine Learning Server Python packages:
On RHEL: yum erase microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0
On Ubuntu: apt-get purge microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0
On SUSE: zypper remove microsoft-mlserver-python-9.3.0
3. Remove the Hadoop package:
On RHEL: yum erase microsoft-mlserver-hadoop-9.3.0
On Ubuntu: apt-get purge microsoft-mlserver-hadoop-9.3.0
On SUSE: zypper remove microsoft-mlserver-hadoop-9.3.0
4. Re-list the packages from Microsoft to check for remaining files:
On RHEL: yum list \*microsoft\*
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
On SUSE: zypper search \*microsoft-r\*
On Ubuntu, you have dotnet-runtime-2.0.0 . NET Core is a cross-platform, general purpose development
platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on GitHub. This package could be providing
infrastructure to other applications on your computer. If Machine learning Server is the only Microsoft
software you have, you can remove it now.
5. After packages are uninstalled, remove remaining files. On root@, determine whether additional files still
$ ls /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/
6. Remove the entire directory:
$ rm -fr ls /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/

RM removes the folder. Parameter "f" is for force and "r" for recursive, deleting everything under
microsoft/mlserver. This command is destructive and irrevocable, so be sure you have the correct directory before
you press Enter.

Package list
Machine Learning Server for Hadoop adds the following packages at a minimum. When uninstalling software,
refer to this list when searching for packages to remove.


See also
Install Machine Learning Server
Supported platforms
Known Issues
Operationalize analytics with Machine
Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

Operationalization refers to the process of deploying R and Python models and code to Machine
Learning Server in the form of web services and the subsequent consumption of these services
within client applications to affect business results.
Today, more businesses are adopting advanced analytics for mission critical decision making.
Typically, data scientists first build the predictive models, and only then can businesses deploy those
models in a production environment and consume them for predictive actions.
Being able to operationalize your analytics is a central capability in Machine Learning Server. After
installing Machine Learning Server on select platforms, you'll have everything you need to configure
the server to securely host R and Python analytics web services. For details on which platforms, see
Supported platforms.
Data scientists work locally with Microsoft R Client, with Machine Learning Server, or with any other
program in their preferred IDE and favorite version control tools to build scripts and models using
open-source algorithms and functions and/or our proprietary ones. Using the mrsdeploy R package
and/or the azureml-model-management-sdk Python package that ships the products, the data
scientist can develop, test, and ultimately deploy these R and Python analytics as web services in
their production environment.
Once deployed, the analytic web service is available to a broader audience within the organization
who can then, in turn, consume the analytics. Machine Learning Server provides the operationalizing
tools to deploy R and Python analytics inside web, desktop, mobile, and dashboard applications and
backend systems. Machine Learning Server turns your scripts into analytics web services, so R and
Python code can be easily executed by applications running on a secure server.
Learn more about the new additions in the "What's New in Machine Learning Server" article.

Video introduction

What you'll need

You'll develop your R and Python analytics locally, deploy them to Machine Learning Server as web
services, and then consume or share them.
On the local client, you'll need to install:
Microsoft R Client if working with R code. You'll also need to configure the R IDE of your choice,
such as R Tools for Visual Studio, to run Microsoft R Client. After you have this set up, you can
develop your R analytics in your local R IDE using the functions in the mrsdeploy package that
was installed with Microsoft R Client (and R Server).
Local Python interpreter if working with Python code. After you have this set up, you can develop
your Python analytics in your local interpreter using the functions in the azureml-model-
management-sdk Python package.
On the remote server, you'll need the connection details and access to an instance of Machine
Learning Server with its operationalization feature configured. After Machine Learning Server is
configured for operationalization, you'll be able to connect to it from your local machine, deploy your
models and other analytics to Machine Learning Server as web services, and finally consume or
share those services. Please contact your administrator for any missing connection details.

To benefit from Machine Learning Server’s web service deployment and remote execution features,
you must first configure the server after installation to act as a deployment server and host analytic
web services.
Learn how to configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize analytics.

Learn more
This section provides a quick summary of useful links for data scientists operationalizing R and
Python analytics with Machine Learning Server.
Key Documents
What are web services?
For R users:
Quickstart: Deploying an R model as a web service
Functions in mrsdeploy package
Connecting to R Server from mrsdeploy
Working with web services in R
Asynchronous batch execution of web services in R
Execute on a remote Machine Learning Server
For Python users:
Quickstart: Deploying an Python model as a web service
Functions in azureml-model-management-sdk package
Connecting to Machine Learning Server in Python
Working with web services in Python
How to consume web services in Python synchronously (request/response)
How to consume web services in Python asynchronously (batch)
What's new in Machine Learning Server
The differences between DeployR and R Server 9.x Operationalization.
How to integrate web services and authentication into your application
Get started for Administrators
User Forum
Manage and configure Machine Learning Server for
9/10/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

You can configure Machine Learning Server after installation to act as a deployment server and host analytic
web services as well as to execute code remotely. For a general introduction to operationalization, read the
About topic.

This guide is for system administrators. If you are responsible for configuring or maintaining Machine Learning
Server, then this guide is for you.
As an administrator, your key responsibilities are to ensure Machine Learning Server is properly provisioned and
configured to meet the demands of your user community. In this context, the following policies are of central
Server security policies, which include user authentication and authorization
Server R package management policies
Server runtime policies, which affect availability, scalability, and throughput
Whenever your policies fail to deliver the expected runtime behavior or performance, you need to troubleshoot
your deployment. For that we provide diagnostic tools and numerous recommendations.

Configure web & compute nodes for analytic deployment and remote
To benefit from Machine Learning Server’s web service deployment and remote execution features, you must first
configure the server after installation to act as a deployment server and host analytic web services.
Configuration components
All configurations have at least a single web node, single compute node, and a database.
Web nodes act as HTTP REST endpoints with which users can interact directly to make API calls. These
nodes also access the data in the database and send requests to the compute node for processing. Web
nodes are stateless, and therefore, session persistence ("stickiness") is not required. A single web node can
route multiple requests simultaneously. However, you must have more than one web node to ensure high
availability and avoid a single point of failure.
Compute nodes are used to execute R and Python code as a session or service. Each compute node has
its own pool of R and python shells and can therefore execute multiple requests at the same time. Scaling
out compute nodes enables you to have more R and Python execution shells and benefit from load
balancing across these compute nodes.
The database. An SQLite 3.7+ database is installed by default, but you can, and in some cases must, use a
SQL Server or PostgreSQL database instead.
One -box vs. Enterprise configurations
These nodes can be installed in one of two configurations:
As the name suggests, a one-box configuration involves one web node and one compute node run on a single
machine. Set-up is a breeze. This configuration is useful when you want to explore what it is to operationalize R
and Python analytics using Machine Learning Server. It is perfect for testing, proof-of-concepts, and small-scale
prototyping, but might not be appropriate for production usage. This configuration is covered in this article. Learn
more in this One-box configuration article.

A enterprise configuration where multiple nodes are configured on multiple machines along with other enterprise
features. This configuration can be scaled out or in by adding or removing nodes. Learn more about this setup in
the enterprise configuration article. For added security, you can configure SSL and authenticate against Active
Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active Directory in this configuration.
Supported platforms
The web nodes and compute nodes are supported on these operating systems


Windows Server 2012 R2 Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04

Windows Server 2016 CentOS/RHEL 7.x

Security policies
Machine Learning Server has many features that support the creation of secure applications. Common security
considerations, such as data theft or vandalism, apply regardless of the version of Machine Learning Server you
are using. Data integrity should also be considered as a security issue. If data is not protected, it is possible that it
could become worthless if improvised data manipulation is permitted and the data is inadvertently or maliciously
modified. In addition, there are often legal requirements that must be adhered to, such as the correct storage of
confidential information.
User access to the Machine Learning Server and the operationalization services offered on its API are entirely
under your control as the server administrator. Machine Learning Server offers seamless integration with popular
enterprise security solutions like Active Directory LDAP or Azure Active Directory. You can configure Machine
Learning Server to authenticate using these methods to establish a trust relationship between your user
community and the operationalization engine for Machine Learning Server. Your users can then supply simple
username and password credentials in order to verify their identity. A token is issued to an authenticated user.

In addition to authentication, you can add other enterprise security around Machine Learning Server such as:
Secured connections using SSL/TLS 1.2. For security reasons, we strongly recommend that you enable
SSL/TLS 1.2 in all production environments.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing to allow restricted resources on a web page to be requested from another
domain outside the originating domain.
Role-based access control over web services in Machine Learning Server.
Additionally, we recommend that you review the following Security Considerations:
R package policies
The primary function of the operationalization feature is to support the execution of R code on behalf of client
applications. One of your key objectives as an administrator is to ensure a reliable, consistent execution
environment for that code.
The R code developed and deployed by data scientists within your community frequently depends on one or
more R packages. Those R packages may be hosted on CRAN, MRAN, github, in your own local CRAN
repository or elsewhere.
Making sure that these R package dependencies are available to the code executing on Machine Learning
Server's operationalization feature requires active participation from you, the administrator. There are several R
package management policies you can adopt for your deployment, which are detailed in this R Package
Management guide.

Runtime policies
The operationalization feature supports a wide range of runtime policies that affect many aspects of the server
runtime environment. As an administrator, you can select the preferred policies that best reflect the needs of your
user community.
The external configuration file, <node-install-path>\appsettings.json defines a number of policies used when
deploying and operationalizing web services with Machine Learning Server. There is one appsettings.json file on
each web node and on each compute node. This file contains a wide range of policy configuration options for each
The location of this file depends on the server version, operating system, and the node. Learn more in this article:
"Default installation paths for compute and web nodes".
On the web node, this configuration file governs authentication, SSL, CORS support, service logging,
database connections, token signing, and more.
On the compute node, this configuration file governs SSL, logging, shell pool size, execution ports, and
Asynchronous batch sizes
Your users can perform speedy realtime and batch scoring. To reduce the risk of resource exhaustion by a single
user, you can set the maximum number of operations that a single caller can execute in parallel during a specific
asynchronous batch job.
This value is defined in "MaxNumberOfThreadsPerBatchExecution" property in the appsettings.json on the web node.
If you have multiple web nodes, we recommend you set the same values on every machine.
Machine Learning Server consists of web and compute nodes that combine to deliver the full capabilities of this R
and Python operationalization server. Each component can be configured for Active-Active High Availability to
deliver a robust, reliable runtime environment.
You can configure Machine Learning Server to use multiple Web Nodes for Active-Active backup / recovery using
a load balancer.
For data storage high availability, you can leverage the high availability capabilities found in enterprise grade
databases (SQL Server or PostgreSQL ). Learn how to use one of those databases, here.
Scalability & throughput
In the context of a discussion on runtime policies, the topics of scalability and throughput are closely related.
Some of the most common questions that arise when planning the configuration and provisioning of Machine
Learning Server for operationalization are:
How many users can I support?
How web nodes and compute nodes do I need?
What throughput can I expect?
The answer to these questions ultimately depends on the configuration and node resources allocated to your
To evaluate and simulate the capacity of a configuration, use the Evaluate Capacity tool. You can also adjust the
pool size of available R shells for concurrent operations.

There is no doubt that, as an administrator, you have experienced failures with servers, networks, and systems.
Likewise, your chosen runtime policies may sometime fail to deliver the runtime behavior or performance needed
by your community of users.
When those failures occur in the operationalization environment, we recommend you first turn to the diagnostic
testing tool to attempt to identify the underlying cause of the problem.
Beyond the diagnostics tool, the Troubleshooting documentation offers suggestions and recommendations for
common problems with known solutions.

More resources
This section provides a quick summary of useful links for administrators working with Machine Learning Server's
operationalization feature.

Use the table of contents to find all of the guides and documentation needed by the administrator.

Key Documents
About Operationalization
R Package Management
What are web services?
Diagnostic Testing & Troubleshooting
Capacity Evaluation
Comparison between 8.x and 9.x
Other Getting Started Guides
How to integrate web services and authentication into your application
Support Channel
Configure Machine Learning Server 9.3 to
operationalize analytics on a single machine (One-
7/31/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.3 For older versions: ML Server 9.2.1 | R Server 9.x
You can configure Microsoft Learning Server after installation to act as a deployment server and to host analytic
web services for operationalization. Machine Learning Server offers two types of configuration for operationalizing
analytics and remote execution: One-box and Enterprise. This article describes the one-box configuration. For
more on enterprise configurations, see here.
A one-box configuration, as the name suggests, involves a single web node and compute node run on a single
machine along with a database. Set-up is a breeze. This configuration is useful when you want to explore what it is
to operationalize R and Python analytics using Machine Learning Server. It is perfect for testing, proof-of-concepts,
and small-scale prototyping, but might not be appropriate for production usage.

How to configure
You can create a ready-to-use server with just a few clicks using Azure Marketplace VM Machine Learning Server
Operationalization. Navigate to the virtual machine listing on Azure portal, select the Create button at the bottom, provide
necessary inputs to create the Operationalization Server.
Azure Resource Management templates are also provided in GitHub. This blog post provides more information.

To configure on a single machine:

1. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the parent
path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
2. In a command line window or terminal that was launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo
(Linux) privileges, run the following CLI commands to:
Set up a web node and compute node on the same machine.
Define a password for the default 'admin' account. Replace with a password of your choice. The admin
password must be 8-16 characters long and contain 1+ uppercase character, 1+ lowercase character, 1+
one number, and 1+ special characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ + = | < > \ / ; : , .
Authenticate with Machine Learning Server.
Test the configuration.

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

# Set up both nodes on one machine
az ml admin node setup --onebox --admin-password <Password> --confirm-password <Password>

# Check that the nodes are now running

az ml admin node list

# Authenticate via CLI

# Account name is `admin` if LDAP or AAD is not set up.
az login --mls

# Test configuration to validate setup

az ml admin diagnostic run

You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
If you need help with CLI commands, run the command but add --help to the end.
3. If on Linux and using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service, then use the iptables command (or the
equivalent) to open port 12800 to the public IP of the web node so that remote machines can access it.

Machine Learning Server uses Kestrel as the web server for its operationalization web nodes. Therefore, if you expose your
application to the Internet, we recommend that you review the guidelines for Kestrel regarding reverse proxy setup.

You are now ready to begin operationalizing your R and Python analytics with Machine Learning Server.

How to upgrade
Carefully review the following steps.
1. Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node in case of an issue during the upgrade
2. R Server 9.x users only: If you used the default SQLite database, deployrdb_9.0.0.db or deployrdb_9.1.0.db
in R Server and want to persist the data, then you must back up the SQLite database before
uninstalling Microsoft R Server. Make a copy of the database file and put it outside of the Microsoft R
Server directory structure.
(If you are using a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database, you can skip this step.)

If you skip this SQLite database backup step, your database data will be lost.

3. Uninstall the old version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your configuration files for a
seamlessly upgrade to Machine Learning Server 9.3.
For Machine Learning Server 9.2.1, read these instructions: Windows | Linux.
For Microsoft R Server 9.x, read this Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version.
4. If you are using a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database, you can skip this step. If you backed up a SQLite
database in Step 1, manually move the .db file under this directory so it can be found during the upgrade:
Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current\frontend
Linux: /etc/deployr/current/frontend
5. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the parent
path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
6. In a command line window or terminal that was launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo
(Linux) privileges, run CLI commands to:
Set up a web node and compute node on the same machine.
Define a password for the default 'admin' account. Replace with a password of your choice. The admin
password must be 8-16 characters long and contain 1+ uppercase character, 1+ lowercase character, 1+
one number, and 1+ special characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ + = | < > \ / ; : , .
Authenticate with Machine Learning Server.
Test the configuration.

# Set up both nodes on one machine

az ml admin node setup --onebox --admin-password <Password> --confirm-password <Password>

# Check that the nodes are now running

az ml admin node list

You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
If you need help with CLI commands, run the command but add --help to the end.
You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
7. If on Linux and using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service, then use the iptables command (or the
equivalent) to open port 12800 to the public IP of the web node so that remote machines can access it.

Machine Learning Server uses Kestrel as the web server for its operationalization web nodes. Therefore, if you expose your
application to the Internet, we recommend that you review the guidelines for Kestrel regarding reverse proxy setup.

You are now ready to begin operationalizing your R and Python analytics with Machine Learning Server.

The entities created by users, specifically web services, and snapshots, are tied to their usernames. For this reason, you must
be careful to prevent changes to the user identifier over time. Otherwise, pre-existing web services and snapshots cannot be
mapped to the users who created them. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you DO NOT change the unique LDAP
identifier in appsettings.json once users start publishing service or creating snapshots.
Configure Machine Learning Server 9.3 to
operationalize analytics on a single machine (One-
7/31/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.3 For older versions: ML Server 9.2.1 | R Server 9.x
You can configure Microsoft Learning Server after installation to act as a deployment server and to host analytic
web services for operationalization. Machine Learning Server offers two types of configuration for
operationalizing analytics and remote execution: One-box and Enterprise. This article describes the one-box
configuration. For more on enterprise configurations, see here.
A one-box configuration, as the name suggests, involves a single web node and compute node run on a single
machine along with a database. Set-up is a breeze. This configuration is useful when you want to explore what it
is to operationalize R and Python analytics using Machine Learning Server. It is perfect for testing, proof-of-
concepts, and small-scale prototyping, but might not be appropriate for production usage.

How to configure
You can create a ready-to-use server with just a few clicks using Azure Marketplace VM Machine Learning Server
Operationalization. Navigate to the virtual machine listing on Azure portal, select the Create button at the bottom,
provide necessary inputs to create the Operationalization Server.
Azure Resource Management templates are also provided in GitHub. This blog post provides more information.

To configure on a single machine:

1. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for
this configuration.
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140).
2. In a command line window or terminal that was launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo
(Linux) privileges, run the following CLI commands to:
Set up a web node and compute node on the same machine.
Define a password for the default 'admin' account. Replace with a password of your choice. The admin
password must be 8-16 characters long and contain 1+ uppercase character, 1+ lowercase character,
1+ one number, and 1+ special characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ + = | < > \ / ; : , .
Authenticate with Machine Learning Server.
Test the configuration.

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

# Set up both nodes on one machine
az ml admin node setup --onebox --admin-password <Password> --confirm-password <Password>

# Check that the nodes are now running

az ml admin node list

# Authenticate via CLI

# Account name is `admin` if LDAP or AAD is not set up.
az login --mls

# Test configuration to validate setup

az ml admin diagnostic run

You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
If you need help with CLI commands, run the command but add --help to the end.
3. If on Linux and using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service, then use the iptables command (or
the equivalent) to open port 12800 to the public IP of the web node so that remote machines can access

Machine Learning Server uses Kestrel as the web server for its operationalization web nodes. Therefore, if you expose your
application to the Internet, we recommend that you review the guidelines for Kestrel regarding reverse proxy setup.

You are now ready to begin operationalizing your R and Python analytics with Machine Learning Server.

How to upgrade
Carefully review the following steps.
1. Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node in case of an issue during the upgrade
2. R Server 9.x users only: If you used the default SQLite database, deployrdb_9.0.0.db or
deployrdb_9.1.0.db in R Server and want to persist the data, then you must back up the SQLite
database before uninstalling Microsoft R Server. Make a copy of the database file and put it outside
of the Microsoft R Server directory structure.
(If you are using a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database, you can skip this step.)

If you skip this SQLite database backup step, your database data will be lost.

3. Uninstall the old version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your configuration files for a
seamlessly upgrade to Machine Learning Server 9.3.
For Machine Learning Server 9.2.1, read these instructions: Windows | Linux.
For Microsoft R Server 9.x, read this Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version.
4. If you are using a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database, you can skip this step. If you backed up a SQLite
database in Step 1, manually move the .db file under this directory so it can be found during the upgrade:
Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current\frontend
Linux: /etc/deployr/current/frontend
5. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for
this configuration.
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140).
6. In a command line window or terminal that was launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo
(Linux) privileges, run CLI commands to:
Set up a web node and compute node on the same machine.
Define a password for the default 'admin' account. Replace with a password of your choice. The admin
password must be 8-16 characters long and contain 1+ uppercase character, 1+ lowercase character,
1+ one number, and 1+ special characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ + = | < > \ / ; : , .
Authenticate with Machine Learning Server.
Test the configuration.

# Set up both nodes on one machine

az ml admin node setup --onebox --admin-password <Password> --confirm-password <Password>

# Check that the nodes are now running

az ml admin node list

You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
If you need help with CLI commands, run the command but add --help to the end.
You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
7. If on Linux and using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service, then use the iptables command (or
the equivalent) to open port 12800 to the public IP of the web node so that remote machines can access

Machine Learning Server uses Kestrel as the web server for its operationalization web nodes. Therefore, if you expose your
application to the Internet, we recommend that you review the guidelines for Kestrel regarding reverse proxy setup.

You are now ready to begin operationalizing your R and Python analytics with Machine Learning Server.

The entities created by users, specifically web services, and snapshots, are tied to their usernames. For this reason, you
must be careful to prevent changes to the user identifier over time. Otherwise, pre-existing web services and snapshots
cannot be mapped to the users who created them. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you DO NOT change the
unique LDAP identifier in appsettings.json once users start publishing service or creating snapshots.
Configure Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 to
operationalize analytics (One-box)
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 (See instructions for latest release.)
You can configure Microsoft Learning Server after installation to act as a deployment server and to host analytic
web services for operationalization. Machine Learning Server offers two types of configuration for
operationalizing analytics and remote execution: One-box and Enterprise. This article describes the one-box
configuration. For more on enterprise configurations, see here.
A one-box configuration, as the name suggests, involves a single web node and compute node run on a single
machine along with a database. Set-up is a breeze. This configuration is useful when you want to explore what it is
to operationalize R and Python analytics using Machine Learning Server. It is perfect for testing, proof-of-
concepts, and small-scale prototyping, but might not be appropriate for production usage.

How to configure
For a speedy setup in Azure, try one of our Azure Resource Management templates stored in GitHub. This blog post explains

To configure on a single machine:

1. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 1.1 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\140).
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
2. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges:
Windows instructions: launch the administration utility as an administrator (right-click) using the
shortcut in the Start menu called Administration Utility.
Linux instructions:

cd /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.2.1/o16n
sudo dotnet Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil/Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil.dll

To bypass the interactive configuration steps, specify the following argument and 'admin' password when launching
the utility: -silentoneboxinstall myPassword. If you choose this method, you can skip the next three substeps. Learn
more about command-line switches for this script, here.

3. Choose the option to Configure server.

4. Choose the option to Configure for one box to set up the web node and compute node onto the same

Do not choose the suboptions Configure a web node or Configure a compute node unless you intend to have
them on separate machines. This multi-machine configuration is described as an Enterprise configuration.

5. When prompted, provide a password for the built-in, local operationalization administrator account called
6. Return to the main menu of the utility when the configuration ends.
7. Run a diagnostic test of the configuration.
8. If on Linux and using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service, then use the iptables command (or the
equivalent) to open port 12800 to the public IP of the web node so that remote machines can access it.

Machine Learning Server uses Kestrel as the web server for its operationalization web nodes. Therefore, if you expose your
application to the Internet, we recommend that you review the guidelines for Kestrel regarding reverse proxy setup.

You are now ready to begin operationalizing your R analytics with Machine Learning Server.

How to upgrade
Carefully review the following steps.
Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node in case of an issue during the upgrade process.

1. If you used the default SQLite database, deployrdb_9.0.0.db or deployrdb_9.1.0.db in R Server and want
to persist the data, then you must back up the SQLite database before uninstalling Microsoft R
Server. Make a copy of the database file and put it outside of the Microsoft R Server directory structure.
(If you are using a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database, you can skip this step.)

If you skip this SQLite database backup step and uninstall Microsoft R Server 9.x first, you cannot retrieve your
database data.

2. Uninstall Microsoft R Server 9.0 or 9.1 using the instructions in the article Uninstall Microsoft R Server to
upgrade to a newer version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your 9.0 or 9.1 configuration files
under this directory so you can seamlessly upgrade to Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 in the next step:
Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current
Linux: /etc/deployr/current
3. If you backed up a SQLite database in Step 1, manually move the .db file under this directory so it can be
found during the upgrade:
Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current\frontend
Linux: /etc/deployr/current/frontend
(If you are using a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database, you can skip this step.)
4. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 1.1 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\140).
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
5. Launch the administration utility with administrator/root/sudo privileges. The utility checks to see if any
configuration files from past releases are present under the current folder mentioned previously.
Windows instructions: launch the administration utility AS AN ADMINISTRATOR (right-click) using
the shortcut in the Start menu called Administration Utility.
Linux instructions:

cd /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.2.1/o16n
sudo dotnet Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil/Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil.dll

6. From the menus, choose Configure server and then choose Configure for one box. The configuration
script begins.
7. When the script asks you if you'd like to upgrade, enter y . The nodes are automatically set up using the
configuration you had for R Server 9.x. Note: You can safely ignore the Python warning during upgrade.
8. From the main menu, choose the option to Run Diagnostic Tests to test the configuration.
9. Exit the utility. Your web and compute nodes are now upgraded and configured as they were in version 9.0.

The entities created by users, specifically web services, and snapshots, are tied to their usernames. For this reason, you must
be careful to prevent changes to the user identifier over time. Otherwise, pre-existing web services and snapshots cannot be
mapped to the users who created them. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you DO NOT change the unique
LDAP identifier in appsettings.json once users start publishing service or creating snapshots.
Configuring R Server to operationalize analytics
with a one-box configuration
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Microsoft R Server 9.x (Looking for the Machine Learning Server article)
To benefit from Microsoft R Server’s deployment and operationalization features, you can configure R Server
after installation to act as a deployment server and host analytic web services.

One-box vs enterprise architectures

All configurations have at least a single web node, single compute node, and a database.
Web nodes act as HTTP REST endpoints with which users can interact directly to make API calls. These
nodes also access the data in the database and send requests to the compute node for processing. Web
nodes are stateless, and therefore, session persistence ("stickiness") is not required. A single web node
can route multiple requests simultaneously. However, you must have multiple web nodes to load balance
your requests to multiple compute nodes.
Compute nodes are used to execute R code as a session or service. Each compute node has its own pool
of R shells and can therefore execute multiple requests at the same time. Scaling up compute nodes
enables you to have more R execution shells and benefit from load balancing across these compute
The database. An SQLite 3.7+ database is installed by default, but you can, and in some cases must, use
a SQL Server (Windows) or PostgreSQL (Linux) database instead.
R Server offers two types of configuration for operationalizing analytics and remote execution:
1. One-box configuration: as the name suggests, one web node and one compute node run on a single
machine. Set-up is a breeze. This configuration is useful when you want to explore what it is to
operationalize R analytics using R Server. It is perfect for testing, proof-of-concepts, and small-scale
prototyping, but might not be appropriate for production usage. This configuration is covered in this

2. Enterprise configuration: a configuration where multiple nodes are configured on multiple machines
along with other enterprise features. This configuration can be scaled up or down by adding or removing
nodes. Learn more about this setup in the enterprise configuration article.
For added security, you can configure SSL and authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active

Supported platforms
The web nodes and compute nodes are supported on:
Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04,
CentOS/RHEL 7.x

How to upgrade from 9.0 to 9.1

To replace an older version of a one-box configuration, you can uninstall the older distribution before installing
the new version (there is no in-place upgrade). Carefully review the following steps.

Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node you can restore in the event of an upgrade issue.

1. If you used the default SQLite database, deployrdb_9.0.0.db in R Server 9.0 and want to persist the data,
then you must back up the SQLite database before uninstalling Microsoft R Server. Make a copy
of the database file and put it outside of the Microsoft R Server directory structure.
(If you are using a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database, you can skip this step.)

If you skip this SQLite database backup step and uninstall Microsoft R Server 9.0 first, you cannot retrieve your
database data.

2. Uninstall Microsoft R Server 9.0 using the instructions in the article Uninstall Microsoft R Server to
upgrade to a newer version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your 9.0 configuration files
under this directory so you can seamlessly upgrade to R Server 9.1 in the next step:
On Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current

On Linux: /etc/deployr/current

3. If you backed up a SQLite database in Step 1, manually move deployrdb_9.0.0.db under this directory
so it can be found during the upgrade:
Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current\frontend
Linux: /etc/deployr/current/frontend
(If you are using a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database, you can skip this step.)
4. Install Microsoft R Server:
On Windows: follow these instructions Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also:
1. Add a registry key called H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path with a value of the parent
path to the R_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140 ).
2. Manually install .NET Core 2.0

On Linux: follow these instructions Installation steps | Offline steps

5. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges. The utility checks to see if any 9.0
configuration files are present under the current folder previously mentioned.
6. From the menus, choose Configure server (or in previously releases, Configure R Server for
Operationalization) and then choose Configure for one box. The configuration script begins.
7. When the script asks you if you'd like to upgrade, enter y . The nodes are automatically setup using the
configuration you had for R Server 9.0. Note: You can safely ignore the Python warning during upgrade.
8. From the main menu, choose the option to Run Diagnostic Tests to test the configuration.
9. Exit the utility. Your web and compute nodes are now upgraded and configured as they were in version
10. Repeat these steps for each node.

The entities created by users, specifically web services and snapshots, are tied to their usernames. For this reason,
you must be careful to prevent changes to the user identifier over time. Otherwise, pre-existing web services and
snapshots cannot be mapped to the users who created them. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you
DO NOT change the unique LDAP identifier in appsettings.json once users start publishing service or creating

How to perform a one-box configuration

For your convenience, Azure Management Resource (ARM) templates are available to quickly deploy and configure
Microsoft R Server for operationalization in Azure.
Get one of these templates on GitHub. Then, learn how to use it with this blog post.

To configure on a single machine:

1. Install Microsoft R Server and any dependencies:

On Windows: Follow these instructions: R Server installation steps | Offline steps

On Linux: Follow these instructions: R Server installation steps | Offline steps
Additional dependencies for R Server on Linux 9.0.1. If you have installed R Server 9.0.1 on Linux, you
must add a few symlinks:
R SERVER 9.0.1

Symlinks cd /usr/lib64 sudo apt-get install libicu-dev cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

sudo ln -s cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ln -s ln -s ln -s
sudo ln -s ln -s cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
sudo ln -s cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ln -s ln -s
sudo ln -s ln -s ln -s ln -s
ln -s

Note: If there are issues with starting the compute node, see here.

2. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges (Windows) or root / sudo privileges
(Linux) so you can begin to configure a one-box setup.

Bypass the interactive configuration steps using the argument -silentoneboxinstall and specifying a
password for the local 'admin' account when you launch the administration utility. If you choose this method, you
can skip the next three substeps. For R Server 9.1 on Windows, for example, the syntax might be:
dotnet Microsoft.RServer.Utils.AdminUtil\Microsoft.RServer.Utils.AdminUtil.dll -
silentoneboxinstall my-password
. Learn about all command line switches for this script, here.

a. Choose the option to Configure server (or in previously releases, Configure R Server for
b. Choose the option to Configure for one box to set up the web node and compute node onto the
same machine.

Do not choose the suboptions Configure a web node or Configure a compute node unless you
intend to have them on separate machines. This multi-machine configuration is described as an
Enterprise configuration.

c. When prompted, provide a password for the built-in, local operationalization administrator
account called 'admin'.
d. Return to the main menu of the utility when the configuration ends.
e. Run a diagnostic test of the configuration.
3. If on Linux and using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service, then use the iptables command (or
the equivalent) to open port 12800 to the public IP of the web node so that remote machines can access
R Server uses Kestrel as the web server for its operationalization web nodes. Therefore, if you expose your application to
the Internet, we recommend that you review the guidelines for Kestrel regarding reverse proxy setup.

You are now ready to begin operationalizing your R analytics with R Server.
Configure Machine Learning Server 9.3 to
operationalize analytics (Enterprise)
7/31/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.3 For older versions: ML Server 9.2.1 | R Server 9.x
You can configure Microsoft Learning Server after installation to act as a deployment server and to host analytic
web services for operationalization. Machine Learning Server offers two types of configuration for operationalizing
analytics and remote execution: One-box and Enterprise. This article describes the enterprise configuration. For
more on one-box configurations, see here.
An enterprise configuration involves multiple web and compute nodes that are configured on multiple machines
along with other enterprise features. These nodes can be scaled independently. Scaling out web nodes enables an
active-active configuration that allows you to load balance the incoming API requests. Additionally, with multiple
web nodes, you must use a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database to share data and web services across web node
services. The web nodes are stateless therefore there is no need for session stickiness if you use a load balancer.
For added security, you can configure SSL and authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory in this configuration.

How to configure
For a speedy setup in Azure, try one of our Azure Resource Management templates stored in GitHub. This blog post explains
1. Configure a database
While the web node configuration sets up a local SQLite database by default, you must use a SQL Server or
PostgreSQL database if any of the following situations apply:
You intend to set up multiple web nodes (so data can be shared across web nodes)
You want to achieve higher availability
You need a remote database for your web node
To configure that database, follow these instructions.

Configure your database now before moving on. If you configure a different database later, all data in the current database is

2. Configure compute nodes

Configure one or more compute nodes as needed. We highly recommend that you configure each node (compute
or web) on its own machine for higher availability.
In the Enterprise configuration, side-by-side installations of a web and compute node are not supported.
1. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the parent
path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
2. In a command line window or terminal launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux)
privileges, run CLI commands to configure a compute node.

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

# Set up a compute node

az ml admin node setup --computenode

# Check the node is now running

az ml admin node list

You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
If you need help with CLI commands, run the command but add --help to the end.
3. If you plan to configure SSL/TLS and install the necessary certificates on the compute node, do so now.
4. Open the port 12805 on every compute node. If you plan to configure SSL/TLS, do so BEFORE opening this
On Windows: Add a firewall exception to open the port number.
On Linux: Use 'iptables' or the equivalent command to open the port number.
You can now repeat these steps for each compute node you want to add.
3. Configure web nodes
In an enterprise configuration, you can set up one or more web nodes. It is possible to run the web node service
from within IIS.
1. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the parent
path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
2. In a command line window or terminal launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux)
privileges, run CLI commands to:
Set up the web node.
Define a password for the default 'admin' account. Replace with a password of your choice. The admin
password must be 8-16 characters long and contain 1+ uppercase character, 1+ lowercase character, 1+
one number, and 1+ special characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ + = | < > \ / ; : , .
Declare the IP address of each compute node. Separate each URI with a comma. For multiple compute
nodes, separate each URI with a comma. The following example shows a single URI and a range of IPs

# Configure a web node

az ml admin node setup --webnode --admin-password <Password> --confirm-password <Password> --uri <URI1>,

3. In the same CLI, test the configuration. Learn more about diagnostic tests. For the full test of the
configuration, enter the following in the CLI:

# Check the node is now running

az ml admin node list

# Run the diagnostic test

az ml admin diagnostic run

4. If you plan on configuring SSL/TLS and install the necessary certificates on the compute node, do so now.
5. Open the port 12800 on every web node. If you plan to configure SSL/TLS, you must do so BEFORE
opening this port.
On Windows: Add a firewall exception to open the port number.
On Linux: Use 'iptables' or the equivalent command to open the port number.
You can now repeat these steps for each web node you want to add.

Machine Learning Server uses Kestrel as the web server for its operationalization web nodes. Therefore, if you expose your
application to the Internet, we recommend that you review the guidelines for Kestrel regarding reverse proxy setup.
4. Setup enterprise -grade security
In production environments, we strongly recommend the following approaches:
1. Configure SSL/TLS and install the necessary certificates.
2. Authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active Directory.
3. For added security, restrict the list of IPs that can access the machine hosting the compute node.
Important! For proper access token signing and verification across your configuration, ensure that the JWT
certificate settings are exactly the same for every web node. These JWT settings are defined on each web node in
the configuration file, appsetting.json. Learn more...
5. Provision on the cloud
If you are provisioning on a cloud service, then you must also create inbound security rule for port 12800 in Azure
or open the port through the AWS console. This endpoint allows clients to communicate with the Machine
Learning Server's operationalization server.
6. Set up a load balancer
You can set up the load balancer of your choosing. Keep in mind that web nodes are stateless. Therefore, session
persistence ("stickiness") is NOT required.
7. Post configuration steps
1. Update service ports , if needed.
2. Using the CLI, you can test the configuration. Learn more about diagnostic tests. For the full test of the
configuration, enter the following in the CLI:

# You must be authenticated to run diagnostic tests.

az login --mls

# Run test
az ml admin diagnostic run

3. Evaluate the configuration's capacity.

How to upgrade
To replace an older version, you can uninstall the older distribution before installing the new version (there is no in-
place upgrade).
Carefully review the steps in the following sections.
Upgrade a compute node

Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node in case of an issue during the upgrade process.

1. Uninstall the old version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your configuration files for a
seamlessly upgrade to Machine Learning Server 9.3.
For Machine Learning Server 9.2.1, read these instructions: Windows | Linux.
For Microsoft R Server 9.x, read this Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version.
2. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the parent
path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
3. In a command line window or terminal launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux)
privileges, run CLI commands to configure a compute node.

# Set up a compute node

az ml admin node setup --computenode

# Check the node is now running

az ml admin node list

You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
If you need help with CLI commands, run the command but add --help to the end.

You can now repeat these steps for each compute node.
Upgrade a web node

Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node in case of an issue during the upgrade process.

1. Uninstall the old version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your configuration files for a
seamlessly upgrade to Machine Learning Server 9.3.
For Machine Learning Server 9.2.1, read these instructions: Windows | Linux.
For Microsoft R Server 9.x, read this Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version.
2. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the parent
path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
3. In a command line window or terminal launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux)
privileges, run CLI commands to:
Set up the web node.
Define a password for the default 'admin' account. Replace with a password of your choice. The admin
password must be 8-16 characters long and contain 1+ uppercase character, 1+ lowercase character, 1+
one number, and 1+ special characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ + = | < > \ / ; : , .
Declare the IP address of each compute node. Separate each URI with a comma. For multiple compute
nodes, separate each URI with a comma. The following example shows a single URI and a range of IPs
--uri, http://1.0.1-3.1-2:12805

az ml admin node setup --webnode --admin-password <Password> --confirm-password <Password> --uri <URI1>,

4. Verify the configuration was successful with these CLI commands:

# Check the node is now running

az ml admin node list

# Authenticate with Machine Learning Server

az login --mls

# Run diagnostics to make all is configured properly

az ml admin diagnostic run

You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
If you need help with CLI commands, run the command but add --help to the end.

You can now repeat these steps for each node.

Configure Machine Learning Server 9.3 to
operationalize analytics (Enterprise)
7/31/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.3 For older versions: ML Server 9.2.1 | R Server 9.x
You can configure Microsoft Learning Server after installation to act as a deployment server and to host
analytic web services for operationalization. Machine Learning Server offers two types of configuration for
operationalizing analytics and remote execution: One-box and Enterprise. This article describes the enterprise
configuration. For more on one-box configurations, see here.
An enterprise configuration involves multiple web and compute nodes that are configured on multiple
machines along with other enterprise features. These nodes can be scaled independently. Scaling out web
nodes enables an active-active configuration that allows you to load balance the incoming API requests.
Additionally, with multiple web nodes, you must use a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database to share data and
web services across web node services. The web nodes are stateless therefore there is no need for session
stickiness if you use a load balancer.
For added security, you can configure SSL and authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory in this configuration.

How to configure
For a speedy setup in Azure, try one of our Azure Resource Management templates stored in GitHub. This blog post
explains how.
1. Configure a database
While the web node configuration sets up a local SQLite database by default, you must use a SQL Server or
PostgreSQL database if any of the following situations apply:
You intend to set up multiple web nodes (so data can be shared across web nodes)
You want to achieve higher availability
You need a remote database for your web node
To configure that database, follow these instructions.

Configure your database now before moving on. If you configure a different database later, all data in the current
database is lost.

2. Configure compute nodes

Configure one or more compute nodes as needed. We highly recommend that you configure each node
(compute or web) on its own machine for higher availability.
In the Enterprise configuration, side-by-side installations of a web and compute node are not supported.
1. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for
this configuration.
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add
a registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140).
2. In a command line window or terminal launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux)
privileges, run CLI commands to configure a compute node.

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

# Set up a compute node

az ml admin node setup --computenode

# Check the node is now running

az ml admin node list

You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
If you need help with CLI commands, run the command but add --help to the end.
3. If you plan to configure SSL/TLS and install the necessary certificates on the compute node, do so now.
4. Open the port 12805 on every compute node. If you plan to configure SSL/TLS, do so BEFORE opening
this port.
On Windows: Add a firewall exception to open the port number.
On Linux: Use 'iptables' or the equivalent command to open the port number.
You can now repeat these steps for each compute node you want to add.
3. Configure web nodes
In an enterprise configuration, you can set up one or more web nodes. It is possible to run the web node service
from within IIS.
1. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for
this configuration.
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add
a registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140).
2. In a command line window or terminal launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux)
privileges, run CLI commands to:
Set up the web node.
Define a password for the default 'admin' account. Replace with a password of your choice. The
admin password must be 8-16 characters long and contain 1+ uppercase character, 1+ lowercase
character, 1+ one number, and 1+ special characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ + = | < > \ / ; : , .
Declare the IP address of each compute node. Separate each URI with a comma. For multiple
compute nodes, separate each URI with a comma. The following example shows a single URI and a
range of IPs (,,,,,

# Configure a web node

az ml admin node setup --webnode --admin-password <Password> --confirm-password <Password> --uri

3. In the same CLI, test the configuration. Learn more about diagnostic tests. For the full test of the
configuration, enter the following in the CLI:

# Check the node is now running

az ml admin node list

# Run the diagnostic test

az ml admin diagnostic run

4. If you plan on configuring SSL/TLS and install the necessary certificates on the compute node, do so
5. Open the port 12800 on every web node. If you plan to configure SSL/TLS, you must do so BEFORE
opening this port.
On Windows: Add a firewall exception to open the port number.
On Linux: Use 'iptables' or the equivalent command to open the port number.
You can now repeat these steps for each web node you want to add.
Machine Learning Server uses Kestrel as the web server for its operationalization web nodes. Therefore, if you expose
your application to the Internet, we recommend that you review the guidelines for Kestrel regarding reverse proxy setup.

4. Setup enterprise -grade security

In production environments, we strongly recommend the following approaches:
1. Configure SSL/TLS and install the necessary certificates.
2. Authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active Directory.
3. For added security, restrict the list of IPs that can access the machine hosting the compute node.
Important! For proper access token signing and verification across your configuration, ensure that the JWT
certificate settings are exactly the same for every web node. These JWT settings are defined on each web node
in the configuration file, appsetting.json. Learn more...
5. Provision on the cloud
If you are provisioning on a cloud service, then you must also create inbound security rule for port 12800 in
Azure or open the port through the AWS console. This endpoint allows clients to communicate with the
Machine Learning Server's operationalization server.
6. Set up a load balancer
You can set up the load balancer of your choosing. Keep in mind that web nodes are stateless. Therefore,
session persistence ("stickiness") is NOT required.
7. Post configuration steps
1. Update service ports , if needed.
2. Using the CLI, you can test the configuration. Learn more about diagnostic tests. For the full test of the
configuration, enter the following in the CLI:

# You must be authenticated to run diagnostic tests.

az login --mls

# Run test
az ml admin diagnostic run

3. Evaluate the configuration's capacity.

How to upgrade
To replace an older version, you can uninstall the older distribution before installing the new version (there is no
in-place upgrade).
Carefully review the steps in the following sections.
Upgrade a compute node

Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node in case of an issue during the upgrade process.

1. Uninstall the old version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your configuration files for a
seamlessly upgrade to Machine Learning Server 9.3.
For Machine Learning Server 9.2.1, read these instructions: Windows | Linux.
For Microsoft R Server 9.x, read this Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version.
2. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for
this configuration.
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add
a registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140).
3. In a command line window or terminal launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux)
privileges, run CLI commands to configure a compute node.

# Set up a compute node

az ml admin node setup --computenode

# Check the node is now running

az ml admin node list

You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
If you need help with CLI commands, run the command but add --help to the end.

You can now repeat these steps for each compute node.
Upgrade a web node

Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node in case of an issue during the upgrade process.

1. Uninstall the old version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your configuration files for a
seamlessly upgrade to Machine Learning Server 9.3.
For Machine Learning Server 9.2.1, read these instructions: Windows | Linux.
For Microsoft R Server 9.x, read this Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version.
2. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for
this configuration.
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add
a registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140).
3. In a command line window or terminal launched with administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux)
privileges, run CLI commands to:
Set up the web node.
Define a password for the default 'admin' account. Replace with a password of your choice. The
admin password must be 8-16 characters long and contain 1+ uppercase character, 1+ lowercase
character, 1+ one number, and 1+ special characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ + = | < > \ / ; : , .
Declare the IP address of each compute node. Separate each URI with a comma. For multiple
compute nodes, separate each URI with a comma. The following example shows a single URI and a
range of IPs (,,,,,
--uri, http://1.0.1-3.1-2:12805

az ml admin node setup --webnode --admin-password <Password> --confirm-password <Password> --uri


4. Verify the configuration was successful with these CLI commands:

# Check the node is now running

az ml admin node list

# Authenticate with Machine Learning Server

az login --mls

# Run diagnostics to make all is configured properly

az ml admin diagnostic run

You can always configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory later.
If you need help with CLI commands, run the command but add --help to the end.

You can now repeat these steps for each node.

Configure Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 to
operationalize analytics (Enterprise)
4/13/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 (See instructions for latest release.)
You can configure Microsoft Learning Server after installation to act as a deployment server and to host analytic
web services for operationalization. Machine Learning Server offers two types of configuration for
operationalizing analytics and remote execution: One-box and Enterprise. This article describes the enterprise
configuration. For more on one-box configurations, see here.
An enterprise configuration involves multiple web and compute nodes that are configured on multiple machines
along with other enterprise features. These nodes can be scaled independently. Scaling out web nodes enables an
active-active configuration that allows you to load balance the incoming API requests. Additionally, with multiple
web nodes, you must use a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database to share data and web services across web node
services. The web nodes are stateless therefore there is no need for session stickiness if you use a load balancer.
For added security, you can configure SSL and authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Directory in this configuration.

How to configure
For a speedy setup in Azure, try one of our Azure Resource Management templates stored in GitHub. This blog post explains
1. Configure a database
While the web node configuration sets up a local SQLite database by default, you must use a SQL Server or
PostgreSQL database for this configuration for any of the following situations:
Have multiple web nodes (so data can be shared across web nodes)
Want to achieve higher availability
Need a remote database for your web node
To configure that database, follow these instructions.

Choose and configure your database now. If you configure a different database later, all data in your current database is lost.

2. Configure compute nodes

Configure one or more compute nodes as needed. We highly recommend that you configure each node (compute
or web) on its own machine for higher availability.

In the Enterprise configuration, side-by-side installations of a web and compute node are not supported.

1. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 1.1 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\140).
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
2. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges.
3. From the main utility menu, choose Configure server and then choose Configure a compute node from
the submenu.
4. If you plan on configuring SSL/TLS and install the necessary certificates on the compute node, do so now.
5. Open the port 12805 on every compute node. If you plan to configure SSL/TLS, you must do so BEFORE
opening this port.
On Windows: Add a firewall exception to open the port number.
On Linux: Use 'iptables' or the equivalent command to open the port number.
You can now repeat these steps for each compute node you want to add.
3. Configure web nodes
In an enterprise configuration, you can set up one or more web nodes. It is possible to run the web node service
from within IIS.
1. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 1.1 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\140).
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
2. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges to configure a web node:

Bypass these interactive steps to install the node and set an admin password using these command-line switches: -
silentwebnodeinstall mypassword uri1,uri2 Learn more about command-line switches for this utility here.

a. From the main menu, choose Configure server. Then, choose Configure a web node from the
b. When prompted, provide a password for the built-in, local operationalization administrator account
called 'admin'. Later, you can configure the server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or
Azure Active Directory.
c. When prompted, enter the IP address of each compute node you configured. You can specify a
specific URI or specify IP ranges. For multiple compute nodes, separate each URI with a comma.
For example:, http://1.0.1-3.1-2:12805
In this example, the range represents six IP values:,,,,,
d. Return the main menu of the utility.

When configuring your web node, you might see the following message: "Web Node was not able to start because it
is not configured." Typically, this is not really an issue since the web node is automatically restarted within 5 minutes
by an auto-recovery mechanism.

3. In the same utility, test the configuration. From the main utility menu, choose Run Diagnostic Tests and
choose a diagnostic test.
4. Exit the utility.
5. If you plan on configuring SSL/TLS and install the necessary certificates on the compute node, do so now.
6. Open the port 12800 on every web node. If you plan to configure SSL/TLS, you must do so BEFORE
opening this port.
On Windows: Add a firewall exception to open the port number.
On Linux: Use 'iptables' or the equivalent command to open the port number.
You can now repeat these steps for each web node you want to add.
Machine Learning Server uses Kestrel as the web server for its operationalization web nodes. Therefore, if you expose your
application to the Internet, we recommend that you review the guidelines for Kestrel regarding reverse proxy setup.

4. Setup enterprise -grade security

In production environments, we strongly recommend the following approaches:
1. Configure SSL/TLS and install the necessary certificates.
2. Authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active Directory.
3. For added security, restrict the list of IPs that can access the machine hosting the compute node.
Important! For proper access token signing and verification across your configuration, ensure that the JWT
certificate settings are exactly the same for every web node. These JWT settings are defined on each web node in
the configuration file, appsetting.json. Learn more...
5. Provision on the cloud
If you are provisioning on a cloud service, then you must also create inbound security rule for port 12800 in Azure
or open the port through the AWS console. This endpoint allows clients to communicate with the Machine
Learning Server's operationalization server.
6. Set up a load balancer
You can set up the load balancer of your choosing. Keep in mind that web nodes are stateless. Therefore, session
persistence ("stickiness") is NOT required.
7. Post configuration steps
1. Update service ports , if needed.
2. Run diagnostic tests.
3. Evaluate the configuration's capacity.

How to upgrade
To replace an older version, you can uninstall the older distribution before installing the new version (there is no
in-place upgrade).
Carefully review the steps in the following sections.
Upgrade a compute node

Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node in case of an issue during the upgrade process.

1. Uninstall Microsoft R Server 9.0 or 9.1 using the instructions in the article Uninstall Microsoft R Server to
upgrade to a newer version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your 9.0 or 9.1 configuration files
under this directory so you can seamlessly upgrade to Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 in the next step:
Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current
Linux: /etc/deployr/current
2. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 1.1 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\140).
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
3. Launch the administration utility with administrator/root/sudo privileges. The utility checks to see if any
configuration files from past releases are present under the current folder mentioned previously.
4. Choose Configure server from the menu and then Configure a compute node from the submenu.
5. When the script asks you if you want to upgrade, enter y . The node is automatically set up using the
configuration you had for R Server 9.0 or 9.1.
You can now repeat these steps for each compute node.
Upgrade a web node

Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node in case of an issue during the upgrade process.

1. Uninstall Microsoft R Server 9.0 or 9.1 using the instructions in the article Uninstall Microsoft R Server to
upgrade to a newer version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your 9.0 or 9.1 configuration files
under this directory so you can seamlessly upgrade to Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 in the next step:
Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current
Linux: /etc/deployr/current
2. Install Machine Learning Server and its dependencies as follows. Learn about supported platforms for this
Windows instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also manually install .NET Core 1.1 and add a
registry key called 'H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path' with a value of the
parent path to the R_SERVER or PYTHON_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\140).
Linux instructions: Installation steps | Offline steps
3. Launch the administration utility with administrator/root/sudo privileges. The utility checks to see if any
configuration files from past releases are present under the current folder mentioned previously.
4. Choose Configure server from the menu and then Configure a web node from the submenu.
5. When the script asks you if you'd like to upgrade, enter y . The node is automatically set up using the
configuration you had for R Server 9.0 or 9.1.
6. From the main menu, choose the option to Run Diagnostic Tests to test the configuration.
You can now repeat these steps for each node.
Configure R Server to operationalize analytics
6/18/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Microsoft R Server 9.x (Looking for the Machine Learning Server article)
This article explains how to configure R Server after installation to act as a deployment server and to host
analytic web services for operationalization. This article describes how to perform an enterprise configuration of
these features.
With an enterprise configuration, you can work with your production-grade data within a scalable, multi-
machine setup, and benefit from enterprise-grade security.

Enterprise architecture
This configuration includes one or more web nodes, one or more compute nodes, and a database.
Web nodes act as HTTP REST endpoints with which users can interact directly to make API calls. These
nodes also access the data in the database and send requests to the compute node for processing. Web
nodes are stateless, and therefore, session persistence ("stickiness") is not required. A single web node can
route multiple requests simultaneously. However, you must have multiple web nodes to load balance your
requests across multiple compute nodes.
Compute nodes are used to execute R code as a session or service. Each compute node has its own pool
of R shells and can therefore execute multiple requests at the same time. Scaling up compute nodes
enables you to have more R execution shells and benefit from load balancing across these compute
The database. While an SQLite 3.7+ database is installed by default, we strongly recommend that you set
up a SQL Server (Windows) or PostgreSQL (Linux) database instead.
In an enterprise configuration, these nodes can be scaled independently. Scaling up web nodes enables an active-
active configuration that allows you to load balance the incoming API requests. Additionally, if you have multiple
web nodes, you must use a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database to share data and web services across web
node services.
For added security, you can configure SSL and authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active
Another configuration, referred to as "one-box", consists of a single web node and a single compute node
installed on the same machine. Learn more about this configuration, here.
Supported platforms
The web nodes and compute nodes are supported on:
Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016
Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04,
CentOS/RHEL 7.x

How to upgrade
To replace an older version, you can uninstall the older distribution before installing the new version (there is no
in-place upgrade). Carefully review the following steps:
Upgrade a compute node

Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node. You can use this backup if there is an issue during the

1. Uninstall Microsoft R Server 9.0 using the instructions in the article Uninstall Microsoft R Server to
upgrade to a newer version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your 9.0 configuration files
under this directory so you can seamlessly upgrade to R Server 9.1 in the next step:
On Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current

On Linux: /etc/deployr/current

2. Install Microsoft R Server:

On Windows: follow these instructions Installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also:
1. Manually install .NET Core 2.0.
2. Add a registry key called H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path with a value of the parent
path to the R_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140 ).

On Linux: follow these instructions Installation steps | Offline steps

3. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges. The utility checks for any 9.0 configuration
files present under the current folder mentioned previously.
4. From the main menu, choose the option to Configure server (or in previously releases, Configure R
Server for Operationalization).
5. From the submenu, choose the option to Configure a compute node.
6. When the script asks you if you'd like to upgrade, enter y . The node is automatically set up using the
configuration you had for R Server 9.0. The compute node is now configured.
7. Repeat these steps for each compute node.
Upgrade a web node

Before you begin, back up the appsettings.json file on each node. You can use this backup if there is an issue during the

1. Uninstall Microsoft R Server 9.0 using the instructions in the article Uninstall Microsoft R Server to
upgrade to a newer version. The uninstall process stashes away a copy of your 9.0 configuration files
under this directory so you can seamlessly upgrade to R Server 9.1 in the next step:
On Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current

On Linux: /etc/deployr/current

2. Install Microsoft R Server:

On Windows: follow these instructions Installation steps | Offline steps

For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add a registry key called
H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path with a value of the parent path to the R_SERVER folder,
such as C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140 .

On Linux: follow these instructions Installation steps | Offline steps

3. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges. The utility checks to see if any 9.0
configuration files are present under the current folder mentioned previously.
4. From the main menu, choose the option to Configure server (or in previously releases, Configure R
Server for Operationalization).
5. From the submenu, choose the option to Configure a web node.
6. When the script asks you if you'd like to upgrade, enter y . The node is automatically set up using the
configuration you had for R Server 9.0. Note: You can safely ignore the Python warning during upgrade.
7. From the main menu, choose the option to Run Diagnostic Tests to test the configuration.
8. Exit the utility. Your web node is now configured.
9. Repeat these steps for each web node.

How to configure for the enterprise

For your convenience, Azure Resource Management templates are available to quickly deploy and configure Microsoft R
Server for operationalization in Azure.
Get one of these templates on GitHub. Then, learn how to use it with this blog post.

1. Configure a database
By default, the web node configuration sets up a local SQLite database. We strongly recommend that you use a
SQL Server or PostgreSQL database for this configuration to achieve higher availability. In fact, you cannot use
SQLite database at all if you have multiple web nodes or need a remote database.
To configure that database, follow these instructions.
If you intend to configure multiple web nodes, then you must set up a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database so
that data can be shared across web node services.

Choose and configure your database now. If you configure a different database later, all data in your current database is

2. Configure compute nodes

Side-by-side installations of R Server web nodes and compute nodes are not supported.

In an enterprise configuration, you can set up one or more compute nodes.

We highly recommend that you configure each node (compute or web) on its own machine for higher availability.

1. Install Microsoft R Server and its dependencies:

On Windows
Follow these instructions: R Server installation steps | Offline steps
For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must manually install .NET Core 2.0 and add a registry key called
H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path with a value of the parent path to the R_SERVER folder, such as
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140 .

On Linux
Follow these instructions: R Server installation steps | Offline steps
Additional dependencies for R Server on Linux 9.0.1. If you have installed R Server 9.0.1 on Linux, you
must add a few symlinks:

R SERVER 9.0.1

Symlinks cd /usr/lib64 sudo apt-get install libicu-dev cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

sudo ln -s cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ln -s ln -s ln -s
sudo ln -s ln -s cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
sudo ln -s cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ln -s ln -s
sudo ln -s ln -s ln -s ln -s
ln -s

Note: If there are issues with starting the compute node, see here.

2. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges.

You can bypass the interactive configuration steps of the node using the argument -silentcomputenodeinstall
when launching the administration utility. If you choose this method, you can skip the next two steps. For R Server
9.1 on Windows, for example, the syntax might be:
dotnet Microsoft.RServer.Utils.AdminUtil\Microsoft.RServer.Utils.AdminUtil.dll -
. Learn about all command-line switches for this script, here.

3. From the main menu, choose the option to Configure R Server for Operationalization.
4. From the submenu, choose the option to Configure a compute node.
5. When the configuration utility is finished, open port 12805:
On Windows: Add an exception to your firewall to open port 12805. And, for additional security,
you can also restrict communication for a private network or domain using a profile.
On Linux: If using IPTABLES or equivalent firewall service on Linux, then open port 12805 using
iptables or the equivalent command.

6. From the main utility menu, choose the option Stop and start services and restart the compute node to
define it as a service.
The compute node is now configured. Repeat these steps for each compute node you want to add.
3. Configure web nodes
In an enterprise configuration, you can set up one or more web nodes. Note that it is possible to run the web
node service from within IIS.

We highly recommend that you configure each node (compute or web) on its own machine for higher availability.

1. On each machine, install the same R Server version you installed on the compute node.
On Windows: follow these instructions Installation steps | Offline steps

For SQL Server Machine Learning Services, you must also:
1. Manually install .NET Core 2.0.
2. Add a registry key called H_KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\R Server\Path with a value of the parent
path to the R_SERVER folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140 ).

On Linux: follow these instructions Installation steps | Offline steps

2. Declare the IP addresses of every compute node with each web node.
a. Open the configuration file, <server-home>/Microsoft.RServer.WebNode/appsettings.json. (Find
<server-home> for your version.)
b. In the file, search for the section starting with "BackEndConfiguration": { .
c. Update the "Uris": { properties to declare each compute node.
In R Server 9.1, you must specify the Uri for each compute node individually using the
Values property and/or specify port ranges (or IP octets) using the Ranges property.

For example, both of the following snippets result in the same specification of four compute

"Uris": {
"Values": [

"Uris": {
"Values": [“”],
"Ranges": [“”]

In R Server 9.0, you must specify the Uri for each compute node individually using the
Values property. For example, this snippet results in four compute nodes:
"Uris": {
"Values": [

Do not update any other properties in this file at this point. These other properties are updated
during the compute node configuration.

d. Close and save the file.

e. Repeat these steps on each web node to declare each compute node.
3. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges:

You can bypass the interactive configuration steps of the node using the argument -silentwebnodeinstall and
by defining a password for the local 'admin' account when you launch the administration utility. If you choose this
method, you can skip the next three steps. For R Server 9.1 on Windows, for example, the syntax might be:
dotnet Microsoft.RServer.Utils.AdminUtil\Microsoft.RServer.Utils.AdminUtil.dll -
silentwebnodeinstall my-password
. Learn about all command-line switches for this script, here.

a. From the main menu, choose the option to Configure R Server for Operationalization.
b. From the submenu, choose the option to Configure a web node.
c. When prompted, provide a password for the built-in, local operationalization administrator account
called 'admin'. Later, you can configure R Server to authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or
Azure Active Directory.
d. From the main menu, choose the option to Run Diagnostic Tests. Verify the configuration by
running diagnostic test on each web node.
e. From the main utility menu, choose the option Stop and start services and restart the web node
to define it as a service.
f. Exit the utility.
4. For IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service on Linux, allow remote machines to access the web node's
public IP using iptables (or the equivalent command) to open port 12800.

Your web node is now configured. Repeat these steps for each web node you want to add.

R Server uses Kestrel as the web server for its operationalization web nodes. Therefore, if you expose your application to
the Internet, we recommend that you review the guidelines for Kestrel regarding reverse proxy setup.

4. Setup enterprise -grade security

In production environments, we strongly recommend the following approaches:
1. Configure SSL/TLS and install the necessary certificates.
2. Authenticate against Active Directory (LDAP ) or Azure Active Directory.
3. For added security, restrict the list of IPs that can access the machine hosting the compute node.
5. Provision on the cloud
If you are provisioning on a cloud service, then you must also create inbound security rule for port 12800 in
Azure or open the port through the AWS console. This endpoint allows clients to communicate with the R
Server's operationalization server.
6. Set up a load balancer
You can set up the load balancer of your choosing.
Keep in mind that web nodes are stateless. Therefore, session persistence ("stickiness") is NOT required.
For proper access token signing and verification across your configuration, ensure that the JWT
certificate settings are exactly the same for every web node. These JWT settings are defined on each
web node in the configuration file, appsetting.json. Learn more...
7. Post configuration steps
1. Update service ports , if needed.
2. Run diagnostic tests.
3. Evaluate the configuration's capacity.
Launch the administration tool/CLI to manage
the operationalization configuration
7/31/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server

This article describes how to launch the tool used to manage the web and compute nodes for Machine
Learning Server. These nodes enable you to operationalize your analytics with Machine Learning Server.
The tool you use to set up and manage your configuration depends on your version:
In Machine Learning Server 9.3, use the command line interface (CLI).
In versions 9.0 - 9.2, use the Administration Utility.
With this tool, you can:
Configure web and compute nodes to enable operationalizing with Machine Learning Server
Encrypt credentials
Stop and restart nodes
Run diagnostic tests
Declare compute nodes
Update the node ports
Update the local admin password
Evaluate the capacity of your configuration

Machine Learning Server 9.3: Administration with Azure CLI

In this release, use the admin extension of the Azure CLI to set up and manage your Machine Learning
Server node configuration.

You do not need an Azure subscription to use this CLI.
This CLI is installed with Machine Learning Server and runs locally.

1. Launch a DOS command line, powershell window, or terminal window with administrator
2. Call the help function to verify that Administration CLI is working properly. At the commmand
prompt, enter:

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

az ml admin --help

You must first set up your nodes before running any other admin extension commands in the CLI. For a
speedy setup of a one-box configuration, use az ml admin bootstrap .

Machine Learning Server 9.2: Administration utility

These instructions describe how to launch the Administrator Utility on Machine Learning Server 9.2.
To launch the 9.2 Administration Utility:
On Windows, right-click the "Administration Utility" program icon in the Start menu, and then
click "Run as Administrator".

If the default powershell execution policy for your organization is "Restricted", the shortcut may not work.
To get around this issue, either change the execution policy to "Unrestricted", or run the following in a
command-line window with administrator privileges:
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\o16n
dotnet Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil\Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil.dll

On Linux, run the following commands with root or sudo privileges:

cd /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.2.1/o16n
sudo dotnet Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil/Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil.dll

Also read about the command-line switches to the administration utility.

R Server 9.1: Administration utility

These instructions describe how to launch the Administrator Utility on Machine Learning Server 9.1.
To launch the 9.1 Administration Utility:
On Windows, right-click the "Administration Utility" program icon in the Start menu, and then
click "Run as Administrator".

If the default powershell execution policy for your organization is "Restricted", the shortcut may not work.
To get around this issue, either change the execution policy to "Unrestricted", or run the following in a
command-line window with administrator privileges:
cd <r-home>\deployr
dotnet Microsoft.RServer.Utils.AdminUtil\Microsoft.RServer.Utils.AdminUtil.dll
Find r-home by running normalizePath(R.home()) in the R console.

On Linux, run the following commands with root or sudo privileges:

cd /usr/lib64/microsoft-r/rserver/o16n/9.1.0/
sudo dotnet Microsoft.RServer.Utils.AdminUtil/Microsoft.RServer.Utils.AdminUtil.dll

Also read about the command-line switches to the administration utility.

R Server 9.0: Administration utility

These instructions describe how to launch the Administrator Utility on Machine Learning Server 9.0.
To launch the 9.0 Administration Utility:
On Windows, right-click the "Administration Utility" program icon in the Start menu, and then
click "Run as Administrator".

If the default powershell execution policy for your organization is "Restricted", the shortcut may not work.
To get around this issue, either change the execution policy to "Unrestricted", or run the following in a
command-line window with administrator privileges:
cd <r-home>\deployr
dotnet Microsoft.DeployR.Utils.AdminUtil\Microsoft.DeployR.Utils.AdminUtil.dll
Find r-home by running normalizePath(R.home()) in the R console.

On Linux, run the following commands with root or sudo privileges:

cd /usr/lib64/microsoft-r/rserver/o16n/9.0.1/
sudo dotnet Microsoft.DeployR.Utils.AdminUtil/Microsoft.DeployR.Utils.AdminUtil.dll

Command-line switches
The following command-line switches are available for the administration utility installed with R Server
9.0 - 9.1 and Machine Learning Server 9.2.1.


-silentoneboxinstall password uris Sets up a one-box configuration 9.1,

silently, sets an admin password, URIs in 9.2
-silentinstall password uris and in 9.2 allows you to specify
compute node URIs or IP ranges. A
password is required. For example:

-silentinstall myPass123,

-silentwebnodeinstall password uris Configures a web node silently, sets 9.1,

an admin password, and in 9.2
allows you to specify compute node URIs in 9.2
URIs or IP ranges. A password is
required. For example:

-silentwebnodeinstall myPass123,

-silentcomputenodeinstall Configures a compute node silently. 9.1

For example:


-setpassword password Sets the password. Cannot be used 9.1

if LDAP or AAD was configured. For

-setpassword myPass123

-preparedbmigration filePath Migrates the data from current 9.1

database to a different database
schema. Takes the path to the web
node’s appsetting.json file as an
argument. This is uncommonly
needed as a step when upgrading.
For example:

-preparedbmigration <web-node-

-encryptsecret Secret Silently encrypts secrets. For 9.1

CertificateStoreName example:
CertificateSubjectName -
encryptsecret theSecret Store Locati
on Subject
Authenticate Machine Learning Server users
against LDAP AD or Azure Active Directory
6/18/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

Machine Learning Server's offers seamless integration with authentication solutions when configured to
operationalize analytics.

To secure connections and communications, you have several options:


Local 'admin' account For one-box configurations

Active Directory / LDAP For enterprise on-premises configurations

Active Directory / LDAP-S For enterprise on-premises configurations with SSL/TLS


Azure Active Directory For enterprise cloud configurations

Local Administrator Account Authentication

During configuration, a default administrator account, 'admin', is created to manage the web and compute
nodes for In Machine Learning Server (and R Server). This account allows you to use the CLI or
administration utility to configure this feature, edit ports, restart nodes, and so on.
This account might be sufficient when trying to operationalize with a one-box configuration since everything
is running within the trust boundary. However, it is insufficient for enterprise configurations.
To set or change the password for the local administrator account after the configuration script has been run,
follow these steps.
To log in to Machine Learning Server with this user for remote execution or web service functionalities, use
remoteLogin() as described in the article "Connecting to Machine Learning Server with mrsdeploy."

If you enable Azure Active Directory or Active Directory/LDAP authentication, this 'admin' account can no longer be
used to authenticate with Machine Learning Server.

Active Directory and LDAP/LDAP-S

Active Directory (AD ) and LDAP are a great authentication option for on-premises configurations to ensure
that domain users have access to the APIs.
LDAP is the standard protocol for reading data from and writing data to Active Directory (AD ) domain
controllers. AD LDAP traffic is unsecured by default, which makes it possible to use network-monitoring
software to view the LDAP traffic between clients and domain controllers.
By default, the LDAP security provider is not configured. To enable LDAP authentication support, update the
relevant properties in your configuration file. The values you assign to these properties must match the
configuration of your LDAP Directory Information Tree (DIT).
You can make LDAP traffic confidential and secure using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL ) / Transport Layer
Security (TLS ) technology. This combination is referred to as LDAP over SSL (or LDAP -S ). To ensure that no
one else can read the traffic, SSL/TLS establishes an encrypted tunnel between an LDAP client and a domain
controller. Learn more about enabling SSL/TLS. Reasons for enabling LDAP -S include:
Organizational security policies typically require that all client/server communication is encrypted.
Applications use simple BIND to transport credentials and authenticate against a Domain Controller. As
simple BIND exposes the users’ credentials in clear text, using SSL/TLS to encrypt the authentication
session is recommended.
Use of proxy binding or password change over LDAP, which requires LDAP -S. Bind to an AD LDS
instance Through a Proxy Object
Applications that integrate with LDAP servers (such as Active Directory or Active Directory Domain
Controllers) might require encrypted LDAP communications.

You cannot have both Azure Active Directory and Active Directory/LDAP enabled at the same time. If one is set to
"Enabled": true , then the other must be set to "Enabled": false .

On each web node:

1. Enable LDAP/LDAP -S in the external JSON configuration file, appsettings.json:
a. Open the configuration file, <web-node-install-path>/appsettings.json.
b. Search for the section starting with "LDAP": {

c. Enable this section and update the properties so that they match the values in your Active
Directory Service Interfaces Editor.

For better security, we recommend you encrypt the password before adding the
information to appsettings.json.


Host Address of the Active Directory server

Port (version 9.1+) Used to override the default LDAP port.

By default, the LDAP port is 389 and the LDAP-S port
is 636.

UseLDAPS Set 'true' for LDAP-S or 'false' for LDAP

Note: If LDAP-S is configured, an installed LDAP
service certificate is assumed so that the tokens
produced by Active Directory/LDAP can be signed and
accepted by Machine Learning Server.

BindFilter (version 9.0.1 only) The template used to do the Bind

operation. For example, "CN=
{0},CN=DeployR,DC=TEST,DC=COM". {0} is the user's

QueryUserDn Distinguished name of user with read-only query

capabilities with which to authenticate

QueryUserPassword Password for that user with which to authenticate

(value must be encrypted). We highly recommend that
you encrypt LDAP login credentials before adding the
information to this file.

QueryUserPasswordEncrypted True/False. If 'True', it means the value of

QueryUserPassword is an encrypted string.

SearchBase Context name to search in, relative to the base of the

configured ContextSource, for example,

SearchFilter The pattern to be used for the user search.

"SearchFilter": "cn={0}" is for each user's DN. In legacy
systems, some use "SearchFilter": "sAMAccountName=

UniqueUserIdentifierAttributeName (Version 9.1) The attribute name that stores the unique
user id for each user. If you are configuring roles, you
must ensure that the username returned for this value
matches the username returned by SearchFilter. For
example, if "SearchFilter": "cn={0}" and
"userPrincipalName", then the values for cn and
userPrincipalName must match.

DisplayNameAttributeName (Version 9.1) The attribute name that stores the display
name for each user.

EmailAttributeName (Version 9.1) The attribute name that stores the email
address for each user.
The entities created by the users, specifically web services and session snapshots, are tied to their usernames.
For this reason, you must be careful to prevent changes to the user identifier over time. Otherwise, pre-existing
web services and snapshots cannot be mapped to the users who created them.
For this reason, we strongly recommend that you DO NOT change the unique LDAP identifier in
appsettings.json once users start publishing service or creating snapshots.
Similarly, if your organization changes its usernames, those users can no longer access the web services and
snapshots they created unless they are assigned to the Owner role.

For 9.0.1 Users! The unique identifier is always set to the userPrincipalName in version 9.0.1. Therefore,
make sure that a value is defined for the userPrincipalName in the Active Directory Service Interfaces Editor
or the authentication may fail. In the Explorer, connect to the domain controller, find the user to authorize, and
then make sure that the value for the UserPrincipalName (UPN) property is not null.

For example, with R Server 9.1:

"LDAP": {
"Enabled": true,
"Host": "<host_ip>",
"Port": "<port_number>"
"UseLDAPS": "True",
"QueryUserDn": "CN=deployradmin,CN=DeployR,DC=TEST,DC=COM",
"QueryUserPasswordEncrypted": true,
"QueryUserPassword": "ABCD00000123400000000000mnop00000000WXYZ",
"SearchBase": "CN=DeployR,DC=TEST,DC=COM",
"SearchFilter": "cn={0}"
"UniqueUserIdentifierAttributeName": "userPrincipalName",
"DisplayNameAttributeName": "name",
"EmailAttributeName": "mail"

Need help figuring out your Active Directory/LDAP settings? Check out your LDAP settings using the
ldp.exe tool and compare them to what you’ve declared in appsettings.json. You can also consult with any
Active Directory experts in your organization to identify the correct parameters.

2. To set different levels of permissions for users interacting with web services, assign them roles.
3. If using a certificate for access token signing, you must:
You must use a certificate for access token signing whenever you have multiple web nodes so the tokens are
signed consistently by every web node in your configuration.
In production environments, we recommend that you use a certificate with a private key to sign the user
access tokens between the web node and the LDAP server.
Tokens are useful to the application developers who use them to identify and authenticate users who are
sending API calls within their application. Learn more...
Every web node must have the same values.

a. On each machine hosting the Web node, install the trusted, signed access token signing
certificate with a private key in the certificate store. Take note of the Subject name of the
certificate as you need this information later. Read this blog post to learn how to use a self-
signed certificate in Linux for access token signing. Self-signed certificates are NOT
recommended for production usage.
b. In the appsettings.json file, search for the section starting with "JWTSigningCertificate": {

c. Enable this section and update the properties so that they match the values for your token
signing certificate:

"JWTSigningCertificate": {
"Enabled": true,
"StoreName": "My",
"StoreLocation": "CurrentUser",
"SubjectName": "CN=<subject name>"
"Thumbprint": "<certificate-thumbprint>"

Use "Thumbprint" to ensure that the correct certificate is loaded if there are multiple certificates on
the same system with same name used for different purposes such as IPsec, TLS Web Server
Authentication, Client Authentication, Server Authentication, and so on. If you do not have multiple
certificates with same name, you can leave the Thumbprint field empty.

4. Save changes to appsettings.json.

5. Restart the web node using the administration utility so that the changes can take effect.
6. Run the diagnostic tests to ensure all tests are passing in the configuration.

If you run into connection issues when configuring for Active Directory/LDAP, try the ldp.exe tool to search the
LDAP settings and compare them to what you declared in appsettings.json. To identify the correct parameters,
consult with any Active Directory experts in your organization.

7. Repeat these steps on each machine hosting the web node.

8. Share the connection details with any users who authenticate with Machine Learning Server either to
make API calls directly or indirectly in R using remoteLogin() function in the mrsdeploy package.
Azure Active Directory
Azure Active Directory (AAD ) can be used to securely authenticate in the cloud when the client application
and Web node have access to the internet.
Step 1: Log in to the Azure portal
1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
2. Select the upper-right hand corner and select the Active Directory account from the list. If the Azure
Active Directory has not been set up yet, contact your system administrator. In our example, that
directory is MyMLServer .
3. Select Azure Active Directory from the left-hand side.

4. Select App registrations tab at the top. The application list appears. You may not have any
applications yet.

Step 2: Create a web application

Now, create a web app that is tied to the Azure Active Directory as follows:
1. Select New application registration at the top.

2. Enter a Name for your application, such as Machine Learning Server Web app .
3. For the Application type, select the Web app / API.
4. In the Sign-on URL box, enter http://localhost:12800. This is the port that R Client and R Server listen
5. Select Create to create the new web application.

The application is created and its details appear onscreen.

6. Copy the Application ID for the web application. You use this later when you configure your Native
application and Machine Learning Server using this ID.

7. Select Settings . The Settings pane appears on the right.

8. Select Keys from the Settings pane. The Keys pane appears.
9. In the Password area, add a client key. Provide a description of your choosing and select a key

10. Select Save to save the key.

11. Be sure to copy the key.

Take note of this key as it is needed to configure roles to give web services permissions to certain users.

12. Also, take note of the application's tenant ID. The tenant ID is the domain of the Azure Active Directory
account, for example, .

Step 3: Create a native application

Now, let's create a native application. This application links the web application to the Machine Learning
Server web node.
1. In the Azure portal, select Azure Active Directory from the left-hand side.
2. Select App registrations.

3. Select New application registration at the top.

4. Enter a Name for your application, such as Machine Learning Server native app .

5. For the Application type, select the Native.

6. In the Redirect URI field, enter:


7. Select Create to create the new native application.

The application is created and its details appear onscreen.
8. Copy the Application ID for the web application. You use this ID later to enable AAD in Machine
Learning Server.

9. Select Settings . The Settings pane appears on the right.

10. Select Required permissions.

11. Select Add at the top.

12. Select Select an API.
13. In the search field at the top, type the name of the web application you created. In our example, we use
the name Machine Learning Server Web app .

14. Select the web application name.

15. Select the Select button. The Select permissions > Enable Access fields appear.
16. Select the checkmark next to the name of the web application.

17. Select the Select button. The pane closes.

18. Select Done at the bottom to finish adding the permissions.
Step 4: Enable Azure AD on each web node
1. Open the configuration file, <web-node-install-path>/appsettings.json.
2. Search for the section starting with:

"AzureActiveDirectory": {
"Enabled": false,

You cannot have both Azure Active Directory and Active Directory/LDAP enabled at the same time. If one is set
to "Enabled": true , then the other must be set to "Enabled": false .
3. Enable Azure Active Directory as the authentication method: "Enabled": true,

4. Update the other properties in that section so that they match the values in the Azure portal.
Properties include:


Enabled To use AAD for authentication, set to 'true'. Else, set to


Authority Use '<URL to AAD login>'

where <URL to AAD login> is the URL to the AAD
login. For example, if the AAD account domain is, then the Authority would be

Audience Use the Application ID value for the WEB app you
created in the Azure portal.

ClientId Use the Application ID value for the NATIVE app you
created in the Azure portal.

Key This is the key for the WEB application you took note of

KeyEncrypted We highly recommend that you encrypt login

credentials before adding the information to this file.
Set KeyEncrypted to 'true' if using encrypted
information. For plain text, set to 'false'.

For example:

"AzureActiveDirectory": {
"Enabled": true,
"Authority": "",
"Audience": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"ClientId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"Key": "ABCD000000000000000000000000WXYZ",
"KeyEncrypted": true

5. To set different levels of permissions for users interacting with web services, assign them roles.
6. Restart the web node for the changes to take effect.
7. Authorize this machine for Azure Active Directory Test by running a diagnostic test of the

You must run the diagnostic tests once on each web node to authorize this device for Azure Active Directory.
You will not be able to log in using AAD until this has been done.

8. Repeat these steps on each machine hosting a web node.

Step 5: Share the required AAD connection details with your users
Share the connection details, such as the Authority and Audience, with any users who need to authenticate
with Machine Learning Server to make API calls directly or indirectly in R using remoteLoginAAD () function
in the mrsdeploy package.
If you do not specify a username and password as arguments to the login call or R functions, you are
prompted for your AAD username (@) and password.

Learn how to authenticate with AAD using the remoteLoginAAD() function in the mrsdeploy R package as described in
this article: "Connecting to Machine Learning Server with mrsdeploy."

See also
Blog article: Step-by-step setup for LDAPS on Windows Server
Enable SSL or TLS for Connection Security in
Machine Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

For security reasons, we strongly recommend that SSL/TLS 1.2 be enabled in all production
environments. Since we cannot ship certificates for you, these protocols are disabled by default.

You can use HTTPS within a connection encrypted by SSL/TLS 1.2. To enable SSL/TLS, you need some or
all of these certificates.


API certificate Secures communication Yes, with private key No

between client applications
and web node.
This certificate works for
both one-box and
enterprise setups.

Compute node certificate Encrypts the traffic No Yes, with private key
between the web node
and compute node. You
can use a unique
certificate for each
compute node, or you can
use one common Multi-
Domain (SAN) certificate
for all compute nodes.
Note: If a compute node is
inside the web node's trust
boundary, then this
certificate is not needed.
This certificate works for
enterprise setups.

Authentication certificate Authenticates the web Yes, with private and a No

node with the compute public key
node so that only the web
node can communicate
with the compute node.
Note: If a compute node is
inside the web node's trust
boundary, then this
certificate is not needed.
This certificate works for
enterprise setups.

Encrypt the Traffic between Client Applications and Machine

Learning Server/R Server
We strongly recommend that SSL/TLS 1.2 be enabled in all production environments.

This section walks you through the steps for securing the connections between the client application and the
web node. Doing so encrypts the communication between client and web node to prevent traffic from being
modified or read.
Windows: Using Your Default ASP .NET Core Web Server to Encrypt Traffic
1. On each machine hosting the web node, install and configure the certificate in the certificate store.
For example, if you launch "Manage Computer Certificates" from your Windows Start menu, you can:
a. Install the trusted, signed API HTTPS certificate with a private key in the certificate store.
b. Make sure the name of the certificate matches the domain name of the web node URL.
c. Set the private key permissions.
a. Right click on the certificate and choose Manage private certificate from the menu.
b. Add a group called NETWORK SERVICE and give that group Read access.

d. Take note of the Subject name of the certificate as you need this info later.
2. Open the configuration file, <web-node-install-path>/appsettings.json. You can configure the HTTPS
port for the web node in this file.
3. In that file, search for the section starting with: "Kestrel": {
4. Update and add properties in the Kestrel section to match the values for the API certificate. The
Subject name can be found as a property of your certificate in the certificate store.

"Kestrel": {
"Port": 443,
"HttpsEnabled": true,
"HttpsCertificate": {
"Enabled": true,
"StoreName": "My",
"StoreLocation": "LocalMachine",
"SubjectName": "CN=<certificate-subject-name>"
"Thumbprint": "<certificate-thumbprint>"
Use "Thumbprint" to ensure that the correct certificate is loaded if there are multiple certificates on the
same system with same name used for different purposes such as IPsec, TLS Web Server Authentication,
Client Authentication, Server Authentication, and so on. If you do not have multiple certificates with same
name, you can leave the Thumbprint field empty.

5. Close and save the file.

6. Create a firewall rule to open port 443 to the public IP of the web node so that remote machines can
access it.
7. Launch the administration tool/CLI and restart the web node.
8. In the same tool, run the diagnostic test to send a test HTTPs request.
Windows: Using IIS to Encrypt

Make sure the name of the certificate matches the domain name of the web node URL.

On each machine hosting a web node:

1. Open the certificate store:
a. Install the trusted, signed API HTTPS certificate with a private key in the certificate store.
b. Make sure the name of the certificate matches the domain name of the web node URL.
c. Set the private key permissions.
a. Right click on the certificate and choose Manage private certificate from the menu.
b. Add a group called NETWORK SERVICE and give that group Read access.

1. Launch IIS.
a. In the Connections pane on the left, expand the Sites folder and select the website.
b. Click on Bindings under the Actions pane on the right.
c. Click on Add.
d. Choose HTTPS as the type and enter the Port, which is 443 by default. Take note of the port
e. Select the SSL certificate you installed previously.
f. Click OK to create the new HTTPS binding.
g. Back in the Connections pane, select the website name.
h. Click the SSL Settings icon in the center of the screen to open the dialog.
i. Select the checkbox to Require SSL and require a client certificate.
2. Create a firewall rule to open port 443 to the public IP of the web node so that remote machines can
access it.
3. Run the diagnostic tool to send a test HTTPs request.
4. Restart the node or just run 'iisreset' on the command-line.
5. Repeat on every web node.

If satisfied with the new HTTPS binding, consider removing the "HTTP" binding to prevent any access
via HTTP.

Linux: Encrypting Traffic

Make sure the name of the certificate matches the domain name of the web node URL.

On each Linux machine hosting a web node:

1. Install the trusted, signed API HTTPS certificate with a private key in the certificate store.
2. Install NGINX version 1.11.6 or later.
3. Enable HTTPS on NGINX as described in these articles:
4. Declare the certificate in the NGINX configuration file nginx.conf . Find the server code block and
update the following values:
server_name with the name of web node
ssl_certificate with full path to the API HTTPS certificate
ssl_certificate_key with the private key for that certificate

listen 443;
ssl on;
server_name <webnode-server-name>;
ssl_certificate <certificate-location>;
ssl_certificate_key <certificate-key-location>;

5. In the same server code block, forward the traffic from port 443 to the web node's port 12800 (or
another port if you changed it). Add the following lines after ssl_certificate_key .

location /

6. Close and save nginx.conf .

7. Restart NGINX service.
8. If using IPTABLES firewall, add the HTTPS port, which is 443 by default, to the firewall settings to
allow communications between the client application and Machine Learning Server.
9. Launch the administration tool/CLI and restart the web node.
10. Repeat on each web node.
11. Run the diagnostic tool to send a test HTTPs request.
Now, you can access Machine Learning Server to operationalize analytics securely on https:// from your
client applications.

Encrypt Communication between the Web Node and Compute

This section walks you through the steps for encrypting the traffic between the web node and each of its
compute nodes.

If a compute node is inside the web node's trust boundary, then encryption of this piece is not needed.
However, if the compute node resides outside of the trust boundary, consider using the compute node
certificate to encrypt the traffic between the web node and compute node.

When encrypting, you have the choice of using one of the following compute node HTTPS certificates:
One unique certificate per machine hosting a compute node.
One common Multi-Domain (SAN ) certificate with all compute node names declared in the single
Windows: Using Your Default ASP .NET Core Web Server to Encrypt
1. On each machine hosting a compute node, install the trusted, signed compute node HTTPS
certificate with a private key in the certificate store.

Make sure the name of the certificate matches the domain name of the compute node URL.
Also, take note of the Subject name of the certificate as you need this info later.
For non production environments, this blog post demonstrates how to use a self-signed
certificate in Linux. However, self-signed certificates are NOT recommended for production

2. Update the external JSON configuration file, appsettings.json to configure the HTTPS port for the
compute node:
a. Open the configuration file, <compute-node-install-path>/appsettings.json.
b. In that file, search for the section starting with: "Kestrel": {
c. Update and add properties in that section to match the values for the compute node
certificate. The Subject name can be found as a property of your certificate in the certificate
"Kestrel": {
"Port": <https-port-number>,
"HttpsEnabled": true,
"HttpsCertificate": {
"Enabled": true,
"StoreName": "My",
"StoreLocation": "LocalMachine",
"SubjectName": "CN=<certificate-subject-name>"
"Thumbprint": "<certificate-thumbprint>"

Use "Thumbprint" to ensure that the correct certificate is loaded if there are multiple certificates on
the same system with same name used for different purposes such as IPsec, TLS Web Server
Authentication, Client Authentication, Server Authentication, and so on. If you do not have multiple
certificates with same name, you can leave the Thumbprint field empty.

d. Close and save the file.

3. Launch the administration tool/CLI and restart the compute node.
4. In the same tool, run the diagnostic test to send a test HTTPs request.

Windows: Using IIS to Encrypt

1. On each machine hosting a compute node, install the trusted, signed compute node HTTPS
certificate with a private key in the certificate store.

Make sure the name of the certificate matches the domain name of the compute node URL.

2. Launch IIS and follow the instructions above.

3. Restart the node or just run 'iisreset' on the command-line.
Linux: Encrypting Traffic between Web Node and Compute Node

Make sure the name of the certificate matches the domain name of the web node URL.

1. On each Linux machine hosting a compute node:

a. Install the trusted, signed compute node HTTPS certificate with a private key in the
certificate store.
b. Install NGINX version 1.11.6 or later.
c. Enable HTTPS on NGINX as described in these articles:
d. Declare the certificate in the NGINX configuration file nginx.conf . Find the server code
block and update the following values:
server_name with the name of web node
ssl_certificate with full path to the compute node HTTPS certificate
ssl_certificate_key with the private key for that certificate

listen 443;
ssl on;
server_name <compute-node-server-name>;
ssl_certificate <certificate-location>;
ssl_certificate_key <certificate-key-location>;

e. In the same server code block, forward all the traffic ( location / ) from port 443 to the
compute node's port 12805 (or another port if you changed it). Add the following lines after
ssl_certificate_key .

location /

f. Close and save nginx.conf .

g. Restart NGINX service.
h. Launch the administration tool/CLI and restart the compute node.
i. Repeat on each compute node.
2. On each web node, update the compute node URIs so they can be found.
a. Log in to each web node machine.
For Machine Learning Server, declare the new URIs in administration tool/CLI.
For R Server 9.x:
a. Open the configuration file, <web-node-install-path>/appsettings.json.
b. Update the "Uris": { properties so that declared compute node now points to
https://<compute-node-ip> (without the port number ):

"Uris": {
"Values": [

c. Close and save the file.

d. Launch the administration tool/CLI and restart the web node.
b. Verify the configuration by running diagnostic test in the administration tool/CLI on the web
c. Repeat on each web node.
Authenticate the Web Node with the Compute Node
This section walks you through the steps for authenticating the web node with the compute node so that
only the web node can communicate with the compute node.

If a compute node is inside the web node's trust boundary, then this certificate is not needed. However, if
the compute node resides outside of the trust boundary, consider using the compute node certificate to
encrypt the traffic between the web node and compute node.

1. On each web node:

a. Install the trusted, signed HTTPS authentication certificate with both private and public
keys in the certificate store.

Take note of the Subject name of the certificate as you need this info later.

b. Open the configuration file, <web-node-install-path>/appsettings.json. You can configure the

HTTPS port for the web node in this file.
c. In the file, search for the section starting with: "BackEndConfiguration": {
d. Enable this section with "Enabled": true and update the properties to match the values for
the Authentication certificate:

"BackEndConfiguration": {
"ClientCertificate": {
"Enabled": false,
"StoreName": "My",
"StoreLocation": "LocalMachine",
"SubjectName": "<name-of-certificate-subject>"
"Thumbprint": "<certificate-thumbprint>"

Use "Thumbprint" to ensure that the correct certificate is loaded if there are multiple certificates on
the same system with same name used for different purposes such as IPsec, TLS Web Server
Authentication, Client Authentication, Server Authentication, and so on. If you do not have multiple
certificates with same name, you can leave the Thumbprint field empty.

e. Close and save the file.

f. Launch the administration tool/CLI and restart the web node.
g. Repeat on each web node.
2. On each compute node:

These steps assume the trusted, signed HTTPS authentication certificate is already installed on
the machine hosting the web node with a private key.

a. Open the configuration file, <compute-node-install-path>/appsettings.json.

b. In the file, search for the section starting with: "BackEndConfiguration": {
c. Enable this section with "Enabled": true and match the properties to the values for the
Authentication certificate:
"ClientCertificate": {
"Enabled": false,
"Issuer": "<certificate issuer name>",
"Subject": "<certificate subject name>"

d. Close and save the file.

e. Launch the administration tool/CLI and restart the compute node.
f. Repeat on each compute node.
Troubleshooting & diagnostics for Machine
Learning Server
7/31/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.1

You can assess the health of your web and compute node environment using the diagnostic tests in the
Administration Utility. This utility is installed by default with Machine Learning Server (and R Server).
Armed with this information, you can identify unresponsive components, execution problems, and access
the log files.
The set of diagnostic tests include:
A general health check of the configuration
A trace of an execution (R code, Python code, or a web service)
Additional troubleshooting topics are also covered.

Test your configuration

1. Launch the diagnostic tests:
On Machine Learning Server 9.3 (or any other machine that has access to Machine Learning
Server), launch a command line window or terminal with administrator (Windows) or
root/sudo (Linux) privileges and run this command.

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

# Authenticate with the CLI if you haven't already
az login --mls

# If running from another machine, specify the MLS endpoint

az ml admin --mls --endpoint <Endpoint>

# Run diagnostics
az ml admin diagnostic run

On earlier versions (9.0 - 9.2):

a. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges (Windows) or
root/sudo privileges (Linux).
b. From menus, choose Run Diagnostic Tests, then Test configuration for a 'health
report' of the configuration including a code execution test.
If you have not authenticated yet, provide your username and password.
2. Review the test results. If any issues arise, a raw report appears. You can also investigate the log
files and attempt to resolve the issues.
3. After making your corrections, restart the component in question. It may take a few minutes for a
component to restart.
4. Rerun the diagnostic test to make sure all is running smoothly now.
You can also get a health report directly using the status API call.

Trace a code execution

To go through the execution of a specific line of code and retrieve request IDs for debugging purposes, run
a trace.
1. Launch the code trace tests:
On Machine Learning Server 9.3, launch a command line window or terminal with
administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux) privileges and run one of run these
commands to trace the execution of a code block or script:

# Authenticate with the CLI if you haven't already

az login --mls

# If running tests from another machine, specify the MLS endpoint

az ml admin --mls --endpoint <Endpoint>

# Trace execution of an inline R code block

az ml admin diagnostic code --runtime R --block "x<-5;x"
# Trace execution of an R script
az ml admin diagnostic code --runtime R --file <path/to/script.R>
# Trace execution of an inline Python code block
az ml admin diagnostic code --runtime python --block "x=5;print(x)"
# Trace execution of a Python script
az ml admin diagnostic code --runtime python --file <path/to/>

On earlier versions (9.0 - 9.2):

a. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges (Windows) or
root/sudo privileges (Linux).
b. From menus, choose Run Diagnostic Tests, then either Trace R code execution or
Trace Python code execution depending on the language you are using.
c. When prompted, enter the code you want to trace.
d. To start the trace, press the Enter key (carriage return).
2. Review the trace output.

Trace a web service execution

To go through the execution of a specific web service and retrieve request IDs for debugging purposes,
run a trace.
1. Launch the web service execution tests:
On Machine Learning Server 9.3, launch a command line window or terminal with
administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux) privileges and run this command specifying
the web service name and version:
# Authenticate with the CLI if you haven't already
az login --mls

# If running tests from another machine, specify the MLS endpoint

az ml admin --mls --endpoint <Endpoint>

az ml admin diagnostic service --name <service-name> --version <version>

On earlier versions (9.0 - 9.2):

a. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges (Windows) or
root/sudo privileges (Linux).
b. From menus, choose Run Diagnostic Tests, then Trace service execution.
If you have not authenticated yet, you must provide your username and password.
c. Enter the service name and version after the syntax '<service-name>/<version>'
such as my-service/1.1 .
d. To start the trace, press the Enter key (carriage return).
2. Review the trace output to better understand how the execution is running or failing.

Log files and levels

Review the log and configuration files for any component that was identified as experiencing issues. You
can find the logs in the <node-install-path>\logs folder under your web and compute node installation
paths. (Locate the install path for your version.)
If there are any issues, you must solve them before continuing. For extra help, consult or post questions to
our forum or contact technical support.
By default, the logging level is set to Warning so as not to slow performance. However, whenever you
encounter an issue that you want to share with technical support or a forum, you can change the logging
level to capture more information. The following logging levels are available:


Verbose The most detailed comprehensive logging level of all

activity, which is rarely (if ever) enabled in production

Debug Logs robust details including internal system events,

which are not necessarily observable

Information Logs system events that correspond to its responsibilities

and functions

Warning Logs only when service is degraded, endangered, or may

be behaving outside of its expected parameters. (Default

Error Logs only errors (functionality is unavailable or

expectations broken)

Critical Logs only fatal events that crash the application

To update the logging level:
1. On each compute node AND each web node, open the configuration file, <node-install-
path>/appsettings.json. (Find the install path for your version.)
2. Search for the section starting with "Logging": {

3. Set the logging level for "Default" , which captures Machine Learning Server default events. For
debugging support, use the 'Debug' level.
4. Set the logging level for "System" , which captures Machine Learning Server .NET core events. For
debugging support, use the 'Debug' level. Use the same value as for "Default" .
5. Save the file.
6. Restart the node services.
7. Repeat these changes on every compute node and every web node.
Each node should have the same appsettings.json properties.
8. Repeat the same operation(s) that were running when the error(s) occurred.
9. Collect the log files from each node for debugging.

Trace user actions

Using Information Level logging, any Core API or Service Consumption API call can be logged.
Additionally, the UserPrincipalName of the responsible user is also recorded in the logs. The user
session is given a unique ID called LoginSessionId on successful login, which is included in subsequent
log entries detailing actions (REST APIs) performed by the user during that session. LoginSessionId
allows a more fine-grained association of user actions to a particular user session.
To enable information logging, update the "LogLevel" for "Default" to "Information" on the web node,
using the instructions provided above.

"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information"

Now consider a user action flow in which a user logs in, creates a session, and deletes that session.
Corresponding log entries for these actions might look as follows:
2018-01-23 22:21:21.770 +00:00 [Information] {"CorrelationId":"d6587885-e729-4b12-a5aa-

2018-01-23 22:24:29.812 +00:00 [Information] {"CorrelationId":"06d3f05d-5819-4c06-a366-

a74d36a1c33c","Subject":{"Operation":"REQUEST POST
2018-01-23 22:24:29.960 +00:00 [Information] {"CorrelationId":"06d3f05d-5819-4c06-a366-
a74d36a1c33c","Subject":{"Operation":"RESPONSE POST

2018-01-23 22:28:33.661 +00:00 [Information] {"CorrelationId":"47e20e55-e5ca-4414-bd84-

e3e0dd7b01cc","Subject":{"Operation":"REQUEST DELETE /sessions/fc3222d7-09bd-4a89-a959-
2018-01-23 22:28:34.818 +00:00 [Information] {"CorrelationId":null,"Subject":{"Operation":"RESPONSE
DELETE /sessions/fc3222d7-09bd-4a89-a959-

Correlating the above logs using LoginSessionId value, you can determine that the user "azureuser"
logged in, created a session, and then deleted that session during the time period range from 2018-01-23
22:21 to 2018-01-23 22:28. We can also obtain other information like the machine IP address from which
"azureuser" performed these actions (RemoteIpAddress) and whether the requests succeeded or failed
(StatusCode). In the second entry, notice that the Request and Response for each user action can be
correlated using the CorrelationId.

This section contains pointers to help you troubleshoot some problems that can occur.

1. In addition to the info below, review the issues listed in the Known Issues article as well.
2. If this section does not help solve your issue, file a ticket with technical support or post in our forum.

"BackEndConfiguration is missing URI" Error

If you get an BackEndConfiguration is missing URIs error when trying to install a web node, then ensure
your compute nodes are installed and declared prior to installing web nodes.

Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the

target of an invocation. ---> Microsoft.DeployR.Server.App.Common.Exceptions.ConfigurationException:
BackEndConfiguration is missing URIs
serviceCollection, IHostingEnvironment env, IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot, String LogPath)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

“Cannot establish connection with the web node” Error

If you get the Cannot establish connection with the web node error, then the client is unable to establish a
connection with the web node in order to log in. Perform the following steps:
Verify that the web address and port number displayed on the main menu of the admin utility are
correct. Learn how to launch the utility, in this article: Machine Learning Server Administration
Look for web node startup errors or notifications in the stdout/stderr/logs files.
Restart the web node if you have recently changed the port the server is bound to or the certificate
used for HTTPS. Learn how to restart, in this article: Machine Learning Server Operationalization
If the issue persists, verify you can post to the login API using curl, fiddler, or something similar. Then,
share this information with technical support or post it in our forum.
Long delays when consuming web service on Spark
If you encounter long delays when trying to consume a web service created with mrsdeploy functions in a
Spark compute context, you may need to add some missing folders. The Spark application belongs to a
user called 'rserve2' whenever it is invoked from a web service using mrsdeploy functions.
To work around this issue, create these required folders for user 'rserve2' in local and hdfs:

hadoop fs -mkdir /user/RevoShare/rserve2

hadoop fs -chmod 777 /user/RevoShare/rserve2

mkdir /var/RevoShare/rserve2
chmod 777 /var/RevoShare/rserve2

Next, create a new Spark compute context:

rxSparkConnect(reset = TRUE)

When 'reset = TRUE', all cached Spark Data Frames are freed and all existing Spark applications
belonging to the current user are shut down.
Compute Node Failed / HTTP status 503 on APIs (9.0.1 - Linux Only)
If you get an HTTP status 503 (Service Unavailable) response when using the Rest APIs or encounter a
failure for the compute node during diagnostic testing, then one or more of the symlinks needed by
deployr-rserve are missing. deployr-rserve is the R execution component for the compute node,
1. Launch a command window with administrator privileges with root/sudo privileges.
2. Run a diagnostic test of the system on the machine hosting the compute node.
3. If the test reveals that the compute node test has failed, type pgrep -u rserve2 at a command
4. If no process ID is returned, then the R execution component is not running and we need to check
which symlinks are missing.
5. At the command prompt, type tail -f /opt/deployr/9.0.1/rserve/R/log . The symlinks are revealed.
6. Compare these symlinks to the symlinks listed in the configuration article.
7. Add a few symlinks using the commands in the configuration article.
8. Restart the compute node services.
9. Run the diagnostic test or try the APIs again.
Unauthorized / HTTP status 401
If you configured Machine Learning Server to authenticate against LDAP/AD, and you experience
connection issues or a 401 error, verify the LDAP settings you declared in appsettings.json. Use the
ldp.exe tool to search the correct LDAP settings and compare them to what you have declared. You can
also consult with any Active Directory experts in your organization to identify the correct parameters.
Configuration did not restore after upgrade
If you followed the upgrade instructions but your configuration did not persist, then put the backup of the
appsettings.json file under the following directories and reinstall Machine Learning Server again:
On Windows: C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\DeployR\current
On Linux: /etc/deployr/current
Alphanumeric error message when consuming service
If you get an error similar to Message: b55088c4-e563-459a-8c41-dd2c625e891d when consuming a web
service, search compute node's log file for the alphanumeric error code to read the full error message.
Failed code execution with “ServiceBusyException” in the log
If a code execution fails and returns a ServiceBusyException error in the Web node log file, then a proxy
issue may be blocking the execution.
The workaround is to:
1. Open the R initialization file <install folder>\R_SERVER\etc\
2. Add the following code as a new line in


3. Save the file and restart Machine Learning Server.

4. Repeat on every machine on which Machine Learning Server is installed.
5. Run the diagnostic test or code execution again.
Error: "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Internal.Networking.UvException: Error -97
EAFNOSUPPORT address family not supported"
Applies to: Machine Learning Server
If the following error occurs when attempting to start a web node
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Internal.Networking.UvException: Error -97 EAFNOSUPPORT
address family not supported", then disable IPv6 on your operating system.
az: error: argument command_package: invalid choice: ml
Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.3
If for some reason your azure-ml-admin-cli extension is not available or has been removed you will be
met with the following error:
> az ml admin --help

az: error: argument _command_package: invalid choice: ml

usage: az [-h] [--verbose] [--debug] [--output {tsv,table,json,jsonc}]
[--query JMESPATH]

If you encounter this error, you can re-add the extension as such:

> az extension add --source 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\Setup\azure_ml_admin_cli-0.0.1-

py2.py3-none-any. whl' --yes


> az extension add --source ./microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/o16n/azure_ml_admin_cli-0.0.1-py2.py3-none-

any.whl --yes
Roles and permissions (RBAC)
6/18/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.1

In Machine Learning Server (and R Server), Role-Based Access Control (RBAC ) enables fine-grained access
management for the operationalization APIs. Using RBAC, you can grant only the level of access that users
need to perform their jobs. This article helps you get up and running with RBAC.
By default, all authenticated users can publish/deploy, list, and get any web services as well as call all APIs.
Additionally, users can also update and delete the web services they have deployed. Use the roles defined in this
article to restrict who can call the APIs and publish, update, and delete web services.
How users are assigned to roles depends on the authentication method configured for Machine Learning
Server. For more on configuring authentication, read the article, "Authentication options."

These roles are not the same as RBAC in Azure Active Directory. While the default roles described here-in bear the
same names as the roles you can define in Azure, it is not possible to inherit the Azure roles. If you want role-based
access control over web services and APIs, you must set up roles again in Machine learning server.

What do I need?
To assign groups of users in your Active Directory to Machine Learning Server roles, you must have:
An instance of Machine Learning Server that is configured to operationalize analytics
Authentication for this instance must be via Active Directory/LDAP (AD/LADP ) or Azure Active Directory
(AAD ) and already configured
The names of the groups that contain the users to whom you want to give special permissions

Security groups versus Machine Learning Server roles

In AD/LDAP and AAD, security groups are used to collect user accounts, computer accounts, and other groups
into manageable units. Working with groups instead of with individual users helps simplify network
maintenance and administration. Your organization might have groups like 'Admin', 'Engineering', 'Level3', and
so on. And, users might belong to more than one group. You can use the AD groups you have already defined in
your organization to assign a collection of users to roles for web services.

Security group names must be unique across your LDAP/AAD configuration in order to be assigned to a Machine
Learning Server role. If a group in LDAP or AAD bears the same name as another group in that LDAP or AAD directory,
then it cannot be assigned to a role in Machine Learning Server or R Server.

In Machine Learning Server, the administrator can assign one or more Active Directory groups to one or more
of the following roles: 'Owner', 'Contributor', and 'Reader'. Roles give specific permissions related to deploying
and interacting with web services and other APIs.
- Owner (highest permissions)
- Contributor
- Reader

Roles and their permissions

When roles are declared in the configuration file, the administrator has the choices of putting groups (of users)
into these roles.


Owner These users can manage Web service APIs: No API restrictions
any service and call any API, ✔ Publish any service
including centralized ✔ Update any service
configuration APIs. ✔ Delete any service
✔ List any service
✔ Consume any service

Other APIs:
✔ Call any other API

Contributor These users can Web service APIs:

publish/deploy services and ✔ Publish any service ✖ Update service
manage the services they ✔ Update their services published by another
publish. They can also call ✔ Delete their services ✖ Delete service published
most other APIs. ✔ List any service by another
✔ Consume any service

Other APIs: ✖ Centralized node

✔ Call almost any other configuration (v9.2+)

Reader In Machine Learning Server Web service APIs:

9.2+, these users can list ✔ List any service ✖ Publish any service
and consume any service ✔ Consume any service ✖ Update any service
and call most other APIs. ✖ Delete any service
Other APIs:
In R Server 9.1, this catchall ✔ Call almost any other ✖ Centralized node
role is implicitly given to APIs configuration (v9.2+)
any authenticated user not
assigned a role. Users can
list and consume services.
Never explicitly declared.
How are roles assigned
When a user calls a Machine Learning Server API, the server checks to see whether any roles were declared.
When roles are declared, Machine Learning Server checks to see to which group the user belongs.
If the user belongs to an AD/LDAP or AAD group assigned to a role, then that user is given permissions
according to their role. If a user belongs to groups that are assigned to multiple roles, then the user is assigned
to the role with the highest permissions.
Here is an example of different LDAP group configurations and the resulting roles assigned to the persona.


admins + "Owner": ["admins", " Owner

engineering managers"], =
FTE-north "Contributor":
Administrator ["stats"]

managers + "Owner": ["admins", Owner

stats "managers"], =
FTE-north "Contributor":
Lead data scientist ["stats"],
"Reader": ["app-

stats + "Owner": ["admins", Contributor

FTE-north "managers"], =
R programmer ["stats"],
"Reader": ["app-

stats + "Owner": ["admins", Contributor

FTE-north "managers"] =

Python developer

app-devs + "Owner": ["admins", Reader

FTE-north "managers"], =
Application Develope ["stats"],
r "Reader": ["app-

vendor2 + "Owner": ["admins", Reader

"managers"], =
System Integrator ["stats"]

sales + "Owner": ["admins", no role or

"managers"], = permissions
Sales ["stats"]
"Reader": ["app-

Role configuration states

The permissions assigned to users are influenced not only by the roles you define, but also by the roles you do
not define. When one or more roles is not defined, then certain permissions are implicitly assumed. By default,
no roles are declared.
The table shows which permissions are granted to those authenticated users who are not explicitly assigned to
any role.


- No roles: RBAC not configured Contributor

- Owner only Contributor

- Contributor + Owner -or- Reader

- Contributor only

- Reader + Contributor + Owner -or- v9.2+: all API access denied

- Reader + Owner -or- v9.1: not applicable since Reader is never declared
- Reader only

How to declare roles

If you configure Machine Learning Server (or R Server) to use Active Directory/LDAP or Azure Active Directory
authentication, then you can assign roles using Active Directory groups as described here.

If only the default local administrator account is defined for Machine Learning Server (or R Server), then roles are not
needed. In this case, the 'admin' user is implicitly assigned to the Owner role (can call any API).

Step 1. Define desired roles

On each web node, edit the appsettings.json configuration file in order to declare the roles and the groups that
belong to them.
1. Open the configuration file, <web-node-install-path>/appsettings.json.
2. Search for the following section: "Authorization": {

3. In that section, add only the roles you need. Then, map the security groups to each role you want to
define such as:

"Authorization": {
"Owner": [ "Administrators" ],
"Contributor": [ "RProgrammers", "Quality" ],
"Reader": [ "App developers" ],
"CacheLifeTimeInMinutes": 60

The 'CacheLifeTimeInMinutes' attribute was added in Machine Learning Server 9.2.1. It indicates the
length of time that Machine Learning Server caches the information received from LDAP or AAD
regarding user group membership. After the cache lifetime elapses, the roles and users are checked
again. The changes you make to the groups in your LDAP or AAD configuration are not reflected in
Machine Learning Server until the cache lifetime expires and the configuration is checked again.
Defining a Reader role might affect web service consumption latency as roles are being validated on each call to
the web service.

For AD/LDAP authentications:
1. Be careful not to use the 'CN=' portion of the distinguished names. For example, if the distinguished name
appears as 'CN=Administrators', enter only 'Administrators' here.
2. Ensure that the username returned for the value of 'UniqueUserIdentifierAttributeName' matches the
username returned by 'SearchFilter'. For example, if "SearchFilter": "cn={0}" and
"UniqueUserIdentifierAttributeName": "userPrincipalName" , then the values for cn and
userPrincipalName must match.

3. For R Server 9.1 users: If you specify LDAP Root as the SearchBase in web node's appsettings.json, a search
of the roles returns LDAP referrals and throws a 'LDAPReferralException'. A workaround is to change the
LDAP port in web node's appsettings.json from 389 to Global Catalog Port 3268. Or, for LDAPS, change
Port to 3269 instead of 636. Global Catalogs do not return LDAP referrals in LDAP Search Results.

Step 2. Validate groups against AD/LDAP or AAD

Return to the appsetting.json file on each web node and make these updates:
For Azure Active Directory: In appsettings.json, find the "AzureActiveDirectory" section. Make sure the
alphanumeric client key you created in the portal for the web app is used for "Key": property. This key
allows Machine Learning Server to verify that the groups you've declared are valid in AAD. See following
example. Learn more about configuring Machine Learning Server to authenticate with Azure Active

For more security, we recommend you encrypt the key before adding the information to appsettings.json.

If a user belongs to more groups than allowed in AAD, AAD provides an overage claim in the token it returns. This
claim along with the key you provide here allows Machine Learning Server to retrieve the group memberships for
the user.

For Active Directory/LDAP: In appsettings.json, find the "LDAP" section. The server verifies that the
groups you have declared are valid in AD/LDAP using the QueryUserDn and QueryUserPassword
values in the "LDAP" section. See the following example: These settings allow Machine Learning Server
to verify that each declared group is, in fact, a valid, existing group in AD. Learn more about configuring
Machine Learning Server to authenticate with Active Directory/LDAP.
With AD/LDAP, you can restrict which users can log in and call APIs by declaring the groups with
permissions in the 'SearchFilter' LDAP property. Then, users in other groups are not able to call any
APIs. In this example, only members of the 'mrsreaders', 'mrsowners', and 'mrscontributors' groups can
call APIs after logging in.
"SearchFilter": "(&(sAMAccountName={0})(|
"UniqueUserIdentifierAttributeName": "sAMAccountName",

Step 3. Apply the changes to Machine Learning Server / R Server

1. Restart the web node for the changes to take effect. Log in using the local 'admin' account in the
administration tool/CLI.
2. Repeat these changes in every web node you have configured. The configuration must be the same
across all web nodes.

Here is an example of roles declared for AD/LDAP in appsettings.json on the web node:

Authentication: {
"AzureActiveDirectory": {
"Enabled": false,
"Authority": "",
"Audience": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"Key": "ABCD000000000000000000000000WXYZ"
"LDAP": {
"Enabled": true,
"Host": "<host_ip>",
"UseLDAPS": "True",
"BindFilter": "CN={0},CN=DeployR,DC=TEST,DC=COM",
"QueryUserDn": "CN=deployradmin,CN=DeployR,DC=TEST,DC=COM",
"QueryUserPasswordEncrypted": true,
"SearchBase": "CN=DeployR,DC=TEST,DC=COM",
"SearchFilter": "cn={0}"

"Authorization": {
"Owner": ["Administrators"],
"Contributor": ["RProgrammers", "Quality"]

Web service permissions after role change

Over time, a user role can change if they are no longer part of a security group in AD/LDAP or AAD, or if a
security group is no longer mapped to a role in Machine Learning Server.
Whenever a user's role changes, that user may not longer be able to perform the same tasks on their web
services. If you publish a web service while assigned to the "Owner" role, you can continue to manage and
interact with that web service version as long as you are assigned this role. However, if you are reassigned to
"Contributor", then you can still interact with that web service version as before, but you cannot update or
delete the services published by others. Or, if roles are defined and you are no longer assigned to any roles,
then you are implicitly assigned to the "Reader" role if it exists (see here. Consequently, you can no longer
manage any services, including those services that you published previously when you were assigned to a role.

See Also
How to publish and manage web services in R
How to interact with and consume web services in R
Authentication options for Machine Learning Server when operationalizing analytics
Blog article: Role Based Access Control With MRS 9.1.0
Configuring an SQL Server or PostgreSQL
database for Machine Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

The operationalization feature for Machine Learning Server (and R Server) installs and uses a local SQLite
database by default to store internal information. Later, you can update the configuration to use another
database locally or remotely. This is useful when you want to use a remote database or when you have multiple
web nodes.
The database provides internal storage for the sessions, web services, snapshots, and other entities created as a
result of operationalization. When a request comes in to a web node (for example, to consume a service), the
web node connects to the databases, retrieves parameters for the service, and then sends the information to a
compute node for execution.

Consider the size of the machine hosting this database carefully to ensure that database performance does
not degrade overall performance and throughput.

This feature uses a SQLite 3.7+ database by default, but can be configured to use:
SQL Server (Windows) Professional, Standard, or Express Version 2008 or greater
SQL Server (Linux)
Azure SQL DB
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL 9.2 or greater (Linux)

Any data that was saved in the default local SQLite database will not be migrated to a different DB, if you configure one.

To use a different local or remote database, do the following:

These steps assume that you have already set up SQL Server or PostgreSQL as described for that product.
Create this database and register it in the configuration file below BEFORE the service for the control node is started.

1. On each web node, stop the service.

2. Update the database properties to point to the new database as follows:
a. Open the configuration file, <web-node-install-path>/appsettings.json.
b. Locate the ConnectionStrings property block.
c. Within that property block, locate the type of database you want to set up.
For SQL Server or Azure SQL DB, look for "sqlserver": { .
For PostgreSQL or Azure Database for PostgreSQL, look for "postgresql": { .
d. In the appropriate database section, enable that database type by adding the property
"Enabled": true, . You can only have one database enabled at a time.

For example:

"ConnectionStrings": {
"sqlserver": {
"Enabled": true,

e. Add the connection string.

For SQL Server Database (Integrated Security), use your string properties that are similar to:

"Connection": "Data Source=<DB-SERVER-IP-OR-FQDN>\\<INSTANCE-NAME>;Initial Catalog=<DB-

NAME>;Integrated Security=True;"

For SQL Server Database (SQL authentication), use your string properties similar to:

"Connection": "Data Source=<DB-SERVER-IP-OR-FQDN>\\<INSTANCE-NAME>;Initial Catalog=<DB-NAME>;

Integrated Security=False; User Id=<USER-ID>;Password=<PASSWORD>;"

For PostgreSQL Database, use your string properties:

"Connection": "User ID=<DB-USERNAME>;Password=<USER-PASSWORD>;Host=<DB-SERVER-IP-OR-


f. For better security, we recommend you encrypt the connection string for this database before
adding the information to appsettings.json.
a. Encrypt the connection string.
b. Copy the encrypted string returned by the administration utility into
"ConnectionStrings": { property block and set "Encrypted": to true . For example:

"ConnectionStrings": {
"sqlserver": {
"Enabled": true,
"Encrypted": true,

g. Save the changes you've made to appsettings.json.

3. Open the database port on the remote machine to the public IP of each web node as described in these
articles: SQL Server | PostgreSQL
4. Start the web node and the database is created upon restart.
5. Run the diagnostic tests to ensure the connection can be made to your new database.
Monitor, stop, and start web & compute nodes
7/31/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server

You can monitor, start, or stop all operationalization-related web and compute nodes on the Machine
Learning Server machine at once.

Machine Learning Server 9.3

In Machine Learning Server 9.3, you can use admin extension of the Azure Command Line Interface (Azure
CLI) to set up and manage your configuration, including stopping and starting services.

You must first set up your nodes before doing anything else with the admin extension of the CLI.
You do not need an Azure subscription to use this CLI. It is installed as part of Machine Learning Server and runs

1. On the machine hosting the node, launch a command line window or terminal with administrator
(Windows) or root/sudo (Linux) privileges.
2. Run the command to either monitor, stop, or start a node.

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

# Monitor nodes
az ml admin node list

# Start nodes on a machine

az ml admin node start --computenode --webnode

# Stop nodes on a machine

az ml admin node stop --computenode --webnode

# Get help on other permutations

az ml admin node start --help
az ml admin node stop --help

Earlier versions: 9.0 - 9.2

To stop or start a web node or compute node:
1. Launch the administration utility.
2. From the main menu, choose the option Stop and start services.
3. From the submenu, choose which nodes to start or stop.
If the following error occurs when attempting to start a web node
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Internal.Networking.UvException: Error -97 EAFNOSUPPORT address family not
supported", then disable IPv6 on your operating system.
Manage and declare compute nodes
7/31/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server

In order for the Machine Learning Server web nodes to know to which compute nodes it can send requests, you
must maintain a complete list of compute node URIs. This list of compute node URIs is shared across all web
nodes automatically and is managed through the Admin CLI (v9.3) or, for earlier versions, in the Administration
R Server 9.1 administrators must declare URIs manually for each web node in their respective appsettings.json

1. If the 'owner' role is defined, then the administrator must belong to the 'Owner' role in order to manage compute
2. If you declared URIs in R Server and have upgraded to Machine Learning Server, the URIs are copied from the old
appsettings.json to the database so they can be shared across all web nodes. If you remove a URI with the utility, it
is deleted from the appsettings.json file as well for consistency.

Machine Learning Server 9.3

In Machine Learning Server 9.3, you can use admin extension of the Azure Command Line Interface (Azure CLI)
to set up and manage your configuration, including the declaration and management of compute nodes with your
web nodes.

You must first set up your compute nodes before doing anything else with the admin extension of the CLI.
You do not need an Azure subscription to use this CLI. It is installed as part of Machine Learning Server and runs locally.

1. On the machine hosting the node, launch a command line window or terminal with administrator
(Windows) or root/sudo (Linux) privileges.
2. If you are not yet authenticated in the CLI, do so now. This is an administrator task only, so you must have
the Owner role to declare or manage URIs. The account name is admin unless LDAP or AAD is

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

az login --mls

# Use the following if you need help with logins.

az login --mls --help

3. Use the CLI to declare the IP address of each compute node you configured. You can specify a single URI,
several URIs, or even an IP range:
# Declare one or more compute node URIs
az ml admin compute-node-uri add --uri <uris>

# List uris defined

az ml admin compute-node-uri list

For multiple compute nodes, separate each URI with a comma. The following example shows a single URI
and a range of IPs (,,,,,, http://1.0.1-3.1-2:12805

Machine Learning Server 9.2

To declare or manage URIs in Machine Learning Server 9.2:
1. Log in to the machine on which one of your web nodes is installed.
2. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges (Windows) or root/sudo privileges (Linux).
3. From the main menu, choose the option Manage compute nodes.
4. From the submenu, choose Add URIs to declare one or more compute node URIs.
5. When prompted, enter the IP address of each compute node you configured. You can specify a specific URI
or specify IP ranges. For multiple compute nodes, separate each URI with a comma.
For example:, http://1.0.1-3.1-2:12805
In this example, the range represents six IP values:,,,,,
6. You can also choose to remove URIs or view the list of URIs.
7. Return the main menu of the utility.
Encrypt credentials and secrets
7/31/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server

For security purposes, we strongly recommend that you encrypt strings in the appsettings.json configuration file.
For example, you should encrypt any remote database connection strings and/or LDAP/LDAP -S passwords
rather than store strings in plain text.
The encryption function available in the administration utility relies on the RSA algorithm for encryption.
To encrypt credentials or secrets:
1. On the web node, install a credential encryption certificate with a private key into the default certificate
store on the local machine. That location is in the Windows certificate store or in the Linux-based PFX file.
The length of the encryption key depends on the certificate, however, we recommend a length of at least
1048 bits.
Ensure that your certificate is secured properly. On Windows, for example, you can use Bitlocker to
encrypt the disk.
2. Open the administration tool to encrypt the secret:
For Machine Learning Server 9.3, use admin extension of the Azure Command Line Interface
(Azure CLI) to encrypt your credentials.
You do not need an Azure subscription to use this CLI. It is installed as part of Machine Learning
Server and runs locally.
a. On the machine hosting the node, launch a command line window or terminal with
administrator (Windows) or root/sudo (Linux) privileges.
b. Run the command to encrypt:

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

# Get help on the commands
az ml admin credentials --help

# Display list of certificates installed on this machine

az ml admin credentials list

# For example:
# [
# "A. DC=Windows Azure CRP Certificate Generator (private key)"
# ]

# Encrypt a secret
az ml admin credentials set ---cert-store-name <CERT_STORE_NAME> --cert-store-location
<CERT_STORE_LOCATION> --cert-subject_name <CERT_SUBJECT_NAME> --secret <secret>


list Returns the list of certificates found on the


set Returns an encrypted string when you specify a

certificate and a secret to be encrypted.

--cert-store-name The certificate store name. In Windows, it is

usually one of "My", "Root", "TrustedPeople" etc.

--cert-store-location The certificate store location. In Windows, it is

either "CurrentUser" or "LocalMachine".

--cert-subject_name The subject name of certificate. You could check it

from "az ml admin credentials list". In the above
example, the subject name is "DC=Windows
Azure CRP Certificate Generator".

--secret Enter information you want to encrypt.

The CLI returns an encrypted string.

For versions 9.0 - 9.2: Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges (Windows) or
root/sudo privileges (Linux).
a. From the main menu, choose the option Encrypt Credentials.
b. Specify where is the encryption certificate installed:
Local machine (Computer account)
Current user (My user account)
c. Specify which encryption certificate to use.
d. Enter information you want to encrypt. The tool returns an encrypted string.
3. Open the configuration file, <web-node-install-path>/appsettings.json.
4. In that file, update the appropriate section for a remote database connection or the authentication
password strings.

You can bypass script interface using the argument '-encryptsecret encryptSecret encryptSecretCertificateStoreName
encryptSecretCertificateStoreLocation encryptSecretCertificateSubjectName'. See the table at the end of this topic, here.
Set or update the local administrator password
7/31/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server

When no other form of authentication is used for Machine Learning Server, you must define a password for
the local administrator account called 'admin'. If you enable another form of authentication, the local
administrator account is automatically disabled.
The admin password must be 8-16 characters long and contain:
At least one uppercase character
At least one lowercase character
At least one number
At least one of the following special characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ + = | < > \ / ; : , .

Machine Learning Server 9.3

In Machine Learning Server 9.3, you can use admin extension of the Azure Command Line Interface (Azure
CLI) to set up and manage your configuration, including updating the local 'admin' account password.

This password is set while you are first configuring your nodes.
You do not need an Azure subscription to use this CLI. It is installed as part of Machine Learning Server and runs

To update the password:

1. On the machine hosting the node, launch a command line window or terminal with administrator
(Windows) or root/sudo (Linux) privileges.
2. Run the command to update the 'admin' password.

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

# Update the admin account password
az ml admin password set --old-password <OLD-PW> --new-password <NEW-PW> --confirm-password <NEW-PW>

Earlier versions: 9.0 - 9.2

To set or update the password:
1. Launch the administration utility.
2. From the main menu, choose the option to set a password for the local 'admin' account.
3. If a password was already defined, provide the current password.
4. When prompted, enter the new password for this administrator account. If your configuration has
multiple web nodes, we recommend the same password be used.
5. Confirm the password.

You can bypass script interface using the argument '-setpassword '. Learn about all command-line switches for this script,
here. For example:
dotnet Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil\Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil.dll -setpassword my-
Update port values
7/31/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server

You can update the ports numbers for the web node, compute node, or deployr-rserve (a forked version of

Machine Learning Server 9.3

In Machine Learning Server 9.3, you can use admin extension of the Azure Command Line Interface (Azure CLI)
to set up and manage your configuration, including updating the local 'admin' account password.

This password is set while you are first configuring your nodes.
You do not need an Azure subscription to use this CLI. It is installed as part of Machine Learning Server and runs locally.

To update port values:

1. On the machine hosting the node, launch a command line window or terminal with administrator
(Windows) or root/sudo (Linux) privileges.
2. Run the command to update the port value(s), where <Port> should be replaced by the actual port
number without the brackets.

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

# List current port values
az ml admin port list

# Update port values

az ml admin port update --webnode <Port> --computenode <Port> --rserve <Port>

3. Restart the node for the change to go into effect.

Earlier versions: 9.0 - 9.2

To update port values:
1. Log in to the machine on which your web node or compute node is installed.
2. Launch the administration utility with administrator privileges (Windows) or root/sudo privileges (Linux).
3. From the main menu, choose the option Change service ports.
4. From the submenu, choose the port you want to update.
5. Enter the port number.

The port number will be updated the next time the service is restarted.
Evaluate the load balancing capacity of your
7/31/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

The Evaluate Capacity tool allows you to test your own R and Python code deployed as a web service in your
own setup. The tool outputs an accurate evaluation of the latency/thread count for the simulation parameters you
define and a break-down graph.
You can define the parameters for the traffic simulation for a given configuration or for a given web service. You
can test for maximum latency or maximum thread count.
Maximum Latency: Define the maximum number of milliseconds for a web node request, the initial
thread count, and the thread increments for the test. The test increases the number of threads by the
defined increment until the defined time limit is reached.
Maximum Thread Count: Define the number of threads against which you want to run, such as 10, 15,
or 40. The test increases the number of parallel requests by the specified increment until the maximum
number of threads is reached.

Web nodes are stateless, and therefore, session persistence ("stickiness") is not required. For proper access token signing
and verification across your configuration, ensure that the JWT certificate settings are exactly the same for every web node.
These JWT settings are defined on each web node in the configuration file, appsetting.json. Learn more...

Configure Test Parameters

Machine Learning Server 9.3
In Machine Learning Server 9.3, you can use admin extension of the Azure Command Line Interface (Azure CLI)
to evaluate your configuration's capacity.

You must first set up your nodes before doing anything else with the admin extension of the CLI.
You do not need an Azure subscription to use this CLI. It is installed as part of Machine Learning Server and runs locally.

1. On the machine hosting the node, launch a command line window or terminal with administrator
(Windows) or root/sudo (Linux) privileges.
2. Define and run the capacity evaluation. For help, run az ml admin capacity --help

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

az ml admin capacity run

--strategy Use latency to increase the n/a

number of threads by the defined
increment until the defined time limit
is reached.

Use thread to increase the

number of parallel requests by the
specified increment until the
maximum number of threads is

--latency Used for the strategy latency , the 250

maximum latency in milliseconds
after which the test stops.

--max-thread Used for the strategy thread , the 50

maximum thread count after which
the test stops running.

--min-thread The minimum thread count at which 10

the test starts.

--increment The increment by which the number 10

of threads increases for each
iteration until the maximum latency
is reached.

--service The name of the web service to test. n/a

--version The version of the web service to n/a


--args Enter the required input parameters n/a

for the service in a JSON format.
For example, for a vector/matrix,
follow the JSON format such as
'[1,2,3]' for vector, '[[…]]' for matrix. A
data.frame is a map where each key
is a column name, and each value is
represented by a vector of the
column values.

3. Review the results onscreen.

4. Paste the URL printed onto the screen into your browser for a visual representation of the results (see
below ).
Earlier versions: 9.0 - 9.2
Evaluate capacity for Machine Learning Server 9.2 and R Server 9.x.
1. On the web node, launch the administration utility with administrator privileges (Windows) or root/sudo
privileges (Linux).
2. From the main menu, choose the option to Evaluate Capacity and review the current test parameters.
3. To choose a different web service:
a. From the submenu, choose the option for Change the service for simulation.
b. Specify the new service:
To use an existing service, enter 'Yes' and provide the service's name and version as
'<name>/<version>'. For example, my-service/1.1 .
To use the generated [default service], enter 'No'.
c. When prompted, enter the required input parameters for the service in a JSON format.
For example, for a vector/matrix, follow the JSON format such as '[1,2,3]' for vector, '[[…]]' for matrix. A
data.frame is a map where each key is a column name, and each value is represented by a vector of the
column values.
4. To test for the maximum latency:
a. From the submenu, choose the option for Change thread/latency limits.
b. When prompted, enter 'Time' to define the number of threads against which you want to test.
c. Specify the maximum latency in milliseconds after which the test stops.
d. Specify the minimum thread count at which the test starts.
e. Specify the increment by which the number of threads increases for each iteration until the maximum
latency is reached.
5. To test for the maximum number of parallel requests that can be supported:
a. From the submenu, choose the option for Change thread/latency limits.
b. When prompted, enter 'Threads' to define the maximal threshold for the duration of a web node
c. Specify the maximum thread count after which the test stops running.
d. Specify the minimum thread count at which the test starts.
e. Specify the increment by which the number of threads increases for each iteration.
6. From the main menu, choose the option to Evaluate Capacity. The current test parameters appear.
7. From the sub menu, choose the option to Run capacity simulation to start the simulation.
8. Review the results onscreen.
9. Paste the URL printed onto the screen into your browser for a visual representation of the results (see
below ).

Understanding the Results

It is important to understand the results of these simulations to determine whether any configuration changes
are warranted, such as adding more web or compute nodes, increasing the pool size, and so on.
Console Results
After the tool is run, the results are printed to the console.

Chart Report
The test results are divided into request processing stages to enable you to see if any configuration changes are
warranted, such as adding more web or compute nodes, increase the pool size, and so on.


Web Node Request Time for the request from the web node's controller to go all
the way to deployr-rserve/JupyterKernel and back.

Create Shell Time to create a session or take it from the pool

Initialize Shell Time to load the data (model or snapshot) into the session
prior to execution

Web Node to Compute Node Time for a request from the web node to reach the compute

Compute Node Request Time for a request from the compute node to reach deployr-
rserve/JupyterKernel and return to the node

You can also explore the results visually in a break-down graph using the URL that is returned to the console.
Session Pools
When using Machine Learning Server for operationalization, code is executed in a session or as a service on a
compute node. In order to optimize load-balancing performance, Machine Learning Server is capable of
establishing and maintaining a pool of R and Python sessions for code execution.
There is a cost to creating a session both in time and memory. So having a pool of existing sessions awaiting
code execution requests means no time is lost on session creation at runtime thereby shortening the processing
time. Instead, the time needed to create sessions for the pool occurs whenever the compute node is restarted. For
this reason, the larger the defined initial pool size (InitialSize), the longer it takes to start up the compute node.
New sessions are added to the pool as needed to execute in parallel. However, after a request is handled and the
session is idle, the ssession is closed if the number of shells exceeds the maximum pool size (MaxSize).
However, during simulation test, the test continues until the test threshold is met (maximum threads or latency).
If the number of shells needed to run the test exceeds the number of sessions in the pool, a new session is
created on-demand when the request is made and the time it takes to execute the code is longer since time is
spent creating the session itself.
The size of this pool can be adjusted in the external configuration file, appsettings.json, found on each compute

"Pool": {
"InitialSize": 5,
"MaxSize": 80

Since each compute node has its own thread pool for sessions, configuring multiple compute nodes means that
more pooled sessions are available to your users.

If Machine Learning Server is configured for Python only, then only a pool of Python sessions is created. If the server is
configured only for R, then only a pool of R sessions is created. And if it configured for both R and Python, then two
separate pools are created, each with the same initial size and maximum size.

To update the thread pool:

1. On each compute nodes, open the configuration file, <compute-node-install-path>/appsettings.json. (Find
the install path for your version.)
2. Search for the section starting with "Pool": {

3. Set the InitialSize. This value is the number of R and/or Python sessions that are pre-created for your
users each time the compute node is restarted.
4. Set the MaxSize. This is the maximum number of R and/or Python sessions that can be pre-created and
held in memory for processing code execution requests.
5. Save the file.
6. Restart the compute node services.
7. Repeat these changes on every compute node.

Each compute node should have the same appsettings.json properties.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS ) enables your client application to freely communicate and make cross-site
HTTP requests for resources from a domain other than where the web node is hosted. You can enable or disable
CORS in the external configuration file, appsettings.json. Support for CORS is disabled by default.
To enable CORS support:
1. On each web node, open the configuration file, <web-node-install-path>/appsettings.json. (Find the install
path for your version.)
2. Enable CORS in the "CORS": { section of the appsettings.json file:
a. Set CORS "Enabled": true

b. Enter a comma-separated list of allowed "Origins" for your policy. In this example, the policy allows
cross-origin requests from "", "", and no other

"CORS": {
"Enabled": true,
"Origins": ["", ""]

3. Launch the administrator's utility and restart the web node.

R Execution Security Considerations
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

deployr-rserve is a forked version of RServe maintained by Microsoft. In this forked version, parallel R sessions
are supported for both Windows and Linux thereby overcoming this limitation in the original rserve package.
This forked version of RServe is the R execution component behind the compute node for Machine Learning
Server (and R Server). Compute nodes are used to execute R code as a session or service. Each compute node has
its own pool of R shells.
This RServe fork acts as an interface to R, which by default is single threaded. However, if you use RevoScaleR
package functions, you benefit from multi-threaded processing in the R shell.

The Execution Context

Machine Learning Server provides various API calls that permit the execution of R scripts and R code. All
authentication takes place on the web node, and the execution of the R code is managed through Machine
Learning Server's custom version of RServe. RServe provides a TCP/IP interface to the R Interpreter running on
the machine. By default, Rserve runs on the same machine as the compute node. RServe is started by Windows
Service (RServeWinService) that runs under a virtual service account with low privileges. RServe inherits the
permissions of that virtual service account. In the default configuration, Rserve only accepts socket connections
from localhost . In other words, only those processes running on the same machine where RServe is running can
directly connect to it and execute R code. The connection from the Compute node to RServe can be further secured
by using a username and a password. If your configuration requires additional compute capacity, you can add
additional compute nodes for more sophisticated load-balancing capabilities.

Directory & User Isolation Considerations

In the R language, users can change files in the file system, download content from the web, download packages,
and so on.
In order to mitigate some of the risks associated with RServe, the service is set up to run using a single locked
down account with write permissions ONLY to the R working directory <MRS_home>\o16n\Rserve\workdir,
which is the directory under which R sessions and service calls store artifacts, files, and workspaces. While the
custom Rserve service can only write to the working directory, there is no user isolation between the session
folders. However, all sessions execution requests can only be initiated by authenticated users and you can further
control user permissions to services using RBAC.
R package management when operationalizing
analytics with Machine Learning Server
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

One of the strengths of the R language is the thousands of third-party packages that have been made publicly
available via CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network. R includes various functions that make it easy to
download and install these packages. Whenever you deploy an R script, the packages (and their dependencies)
needed by that R code must be available at runtime, or else the execution fails.
By adopting the R package management approaches discussed herein, data scientists can avoid issues such as a
locally tested script tested failing due to missing package dependencies in the remote environment.
As the Machine Learning Server administrator, you must ensure that the R code running on any compute nodes
has access to the R package dependencies declared within that code. The right set of R package versions must be
installed for the organization and accessible to all users.
However, in many enterprise environments, access to the Internet is limited or non-existent. In such
environments, it is useful to create a local package repository that users can access from within the corporate
firewall using Option 1.
You can also manually install the packages using a master script using Option 2.
Data scientists can also test out packages without risk to the production environment using the mrsdeploy
package option (3).

Option 1: Local Package Repository (Offline Solution)

Audience: System administrator
Applies to: Development -or- Production Environments

You can create a local R package repository of the R packages you need using the R package miniCRAN . You can
then copy this repository to all compute nodes and then install directly from this repository.
This production-safe approach provides an excellent way to:
Keep a standard, sanctioned library of R packages for production use
Allow packages to be installed in an offline environment
To use the miniCRAN method:
1. On the machine with Internet access:
a. Launch your preferred R IDE or an R tool such as Rgui.exe.
b. At the R prompt, install the miniCRAN package on a computer that has Internet access.
if(!require("miniCRAN")) install.packages("miniCRAN")
if(!require("igraph")) install.packages("igraph")

c. To point to a different snapshot, set the CRAN_mirror value. By default, the CRAN mirror specified
by your version of Microsoft R Open is used. For example, for Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 that
date is 2017-09-01.

# Define the package source: a CRAN mirror, or an MRAN snapshot

CRAN_mirror <- c(CRAN = "")

d. Create a miniCRAN repository in which the packages are downloaded and installed. This repository
creates the folder structure that you need to copy the packages to each compute node later.

# Define the local download location

local_repo <- "~/my-miniCRAN-repo"

e. Download and install the packages you need to this computer.

# List the packages you need

# Do not specify dependencies
pkgs_needed <- c("Package-A", "Package-B", "Package-...")

If you aren't sure which packages to list, consider using a list of the top “n” (e.g. 500) packages by
download/popularity as a starting point. Then, extend with additional packages as needed over time. For
Mac and Windows binaries, it is possible to look at the particular bin/contrib repo you’re interested in, for
It is also possible to create your own mirror to get ALL packages instead of using miniCRAN; however, this
would be very large and grow stale quickly requiring regular updates.

2. On each compute node:

a. Copy the miniCRAN repository from the machine with Internet connectivity to the R_SERVICES
library on the SQL Server instance.
b. Launch your preferred R IDE or an R tool such as Rgui.exe.
c. At the R prompt, run the R command install.packages().
d. At the prompt, specify a repository and specify the directory containing the files you copied. That is,
the local miniCRAN repository.

pkgs_needed <- c("Package-A", "Package-B", "Package-...")

local_repo <- "~/my-miniCRAN-repo"

repos = file.path("file://", normalizePath(local_repo, winslash = "/")),
dependencies = TRUE

e. Run the following R command and reviewing the list of installed packages:

Option 2: R Script with List of Approved Packages

Audience: System administrator
Applies to: Development -or- Production Environments

As we mentioned before, it is imperative that the right set of R package versions are installed and accessible to all
users. Option 2 makes use of a master R script containing the list of specific package versions to install across the
configuration on behalf of your users. Using a master script ensures that the same packages (along with all its
required package dependency) are installed each time.
To produce the list of packages, consider which R packages (and versions) are needed and sanctioned for
production. Also consider requests from users to add new R packages or update package versions.
This production-safe approach provides an excellent way to
Keep a standard (and sanctioned) library of R packages for production use.
Manage R package dependencies and package versions.
Schedule timely updates to R packages.
This option does require the machines hosting the compute node have access to the Internet to install the
To use a master script to install packages:
1. Create the master list of packages (and versions) in an R script format. For example:


2. Manually run this R script on each compute node.

Update and manually rerun this script on each compute node each time a new package or version is needed
in the server environment.

Option 3: Remote Session Testing

Audience: Data Scientist or the system administrator
Applies to: Development Environments

To avoid issues where a locally tested script fails in the Machine Learning Server environment due to missing
package dependencies, install the R packages into the workspace of a remote R session yourself.
This remote execution and snapshot approach provides an excellent way to:
Try out new package or package versions without posing any risks to a stable production environment
Install packages without requiring any intervention from the administrator
The packages you install using this method do not 'contaminate' the production environment for other users
since they are only available in the context of the given R session. Those packages remain installed for the
lifecycle of the R session. You can prolong this lifecycle by saving the session workspace and working directory
into a snapshot. Then, whenever you want to access the workspace, the installed R packages, and the working
directory files as they were, you can recall the snapshot using its ID.
Learn more about snapshots and remote execution...

For optimal performance, consider the size of the snapshot carefully especially when publishing a service. Before creating a
snapshot, ensure that keep only those workspace objects you need and purge the rest.

Note: After you've sufficiently tested the packages as described in this section, you can request that the
administrator install a package across the configuration for all users.
To install packages within an R session:
1. Develop and test your code locally.
2. Load the mrsdeploy package.

> library(mrsdeploy)

3. Authenticate to create the remote session. Learn more about the authentication functions and their
arguments in the article: "Connecting to Machine Learning Server from mrsdeploy. "
For example, for Azure Active Directory:

> remoteLoginAAD("http://localhost:12800",
authuri = "",
tenantid = "",
clientid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
resource = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",


For example, for Active Directory/LDAP:

> remoteLogin("https://localhost:12800",


A new remote session is started.

4. Run R code in the remote environment:
a. Install new R packages and upload any needed R objects and files into the remote R session.
REMOTE> install.packages("ggplot2")

b. Pause the remote session and execute your R scripts to test the code and newly installed packages
in the remote environment.

REMOTE> pause()
> remoteScript("my-script.R")

5. To allow the workspace and working directory to be reused later, create a session snapshot. A snapshot is a
prepared environment image of an R session saved to Machine Learning Server, which includes the
session's R packages, R objects and data files. This snapshot can be loaded into any subsequent remote R
session for the user who created it. Learn more about snapshots.

[1] "123456789-abcdef-123456789"

Take note of the snapshotId to call this snapshot later.

To reuse those installed packages, objects and files:

You can reload the snapshot (installed packages, objects, files) within the context of a remote session.

> loadSnapshot("123456789-abcdef-123456789")

You can ask your administrator to install a package across the configuration for all users once you've sufficiently
tested the package as described in this section.

R Server 9.0 users! When loading a library for the REMOTE session, set lib.loc=getwd() as such:
library("<packagename>", lib.loc=getwd())
Default install paths to key log and configuration
files on compute and web nodes
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

Machine Learning Server 9.3

The installation path depends on the operating system and the type of node (web or compute).
Find path to your server directory:


Windows C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\o16n

Linux /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/o16n

Find path to log files or appsettings.json on each node:


Log files Web node:<server-

Compute node: <server-

appsettings.json Web node: <server-

Compute node: <server-

Machine Learning Server 9.2.1

The installation path depends on the operating system and the type of node (web or compute).


Windows C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\o16n

Linux /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.2.1/o16n

Administration utility is under: <server-directory>\Microsoft.MLServer.Utils.AdminUtil\

Log files are under: <server-directory>\<node-directory>\logs*.*
appsettings.json is under: <server-directory>\<node-directory>\appsettings.json
Where the <node-directory> name:


Web node Microsoft.MLServer.WebNode

Compute node Microsoft.MLServer.ComputeNode

Microsoft R Server 9.1.0

The installation path depends on the operating system and the type of node (web or compute).


Windows <r-home>\deployr
(Run 'normalizePath(R.home())' in the R console for R

Linux /usr/lib64/microsoft-r/rserver/o16n/9.1.0/<node-

Where the <node-directory> name:


Web node Microsoft.RServer.WebNode

Compute node Microsoft.RServer.ComputeNode

Microsoft R Server 9.0.1

The installation path depends on the operating system and the type of node (web or compute).


Windows <r-home>\deployr
(Run 'normalizePath(R.home())' in the R console for R

Linux /usr/lib64/microsoft-r/rserver/o16n/9.0.1/<node-

Where the <node-directory> name:


Web node Microsoft.DeployR.Server.WebAPI

Compute node Microsoft.DeployR.Server.BackEnd

Machine Learning Server in the Cloud
5/2/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server, formerly known as Microsoft R Server, is a broadly deployed enterprise-class analytics
platform for R and Python on-premises computing.
It's also available in the cloud on Azure virtual machines (VM ), and through Azure services that have integrated the
R and Python libraries. This article explains your options for accessing Machine Learning Server functionality in

Azure virtual machines with Machine Learning Server

You can provision an Azure virtual machine, running either a Windows or Linux operating system, that already has
Machine Learning Server with both R and Python support.
The easiest way to provision the VM is one-click install using an ARM template. If you have an Azure subscription,
you can use an ARM template that performs the following tasks: provisions a virtual machine, installs Machine
Learning Server, opens port 12800, and configures the server for operationalization.
Follow these links to get started:
One-click installation of an auto-scale environment to operationalize your R analytics
Machine Learning Server ARM templates on Github
Other options include:
SQL Server Machine Learning Server as preconfigured Azure virtual machine on Windows
Machine Learning Server as preconfigured Azure virtual machine on Linux or Windows. Choose this
approach if you want to build your VM manually. The VM image provides the core engine but
operationalization is not configured. For instructions on how to add operationalization, see Operationalize
analytics with Machine Learning Server.

Data science VM
Azure also offers a data science VM that has a full toolset, where the R and Python packages in Machine Learning
Server are just one component. For more information, see Machine Learning Server on the Microsoft Data Science
Virtual Machine.

Azure services
The following Azure services include R and Python packages:
R Server on Azure HDInsight
Machine Learning Server in the Cloud
5/2/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server, formerly known as Microsoft R Server, is a broadly deployed enterprise-class analytics
platform for R and Python on-premises computing.
It's also available in the cloud on Azure virtual machines (VM ), and through Azure services that have integrated
the R and Python libraries. This article explains your options for accessing Machine Learning Server functionality
in Azure.

Azure virtual machines with Machine Learning Server

You can provision an Azure virtual machine, running either a Windows or Linux operating system, that already has
Machine Learning Server with both R and Python support.
The easiest way to provision the VM is one-click install using an ARM template. If you have an Azure subscription,
you can use an ARM template that performs the following tasks: provisions a virtual machine, installs Machine
Learning Server, opens port 12800, and configures the server for operationalization.
Follow these links to get started:
One-click installation of an auto-scale environment to operationalize your R analytics
Machine Learning Server ARM templates on Github
Other options include:
SQL Server Machine Learning Server as preconfigured Azure virtual machine on Windows
Machine Learning Server as preconfigured Azure virtual machine on Linux or Windows. Choose this
approach if you want to build your VM manually. The VM image provides the core engine but
operationalization is not configured. For instructions on how to add operationalization, see Operationalize
analytics with Machine Learning Server.

Data science VM
Azure also offers a data science VM that has a full toolset, where the R and Python packages in Machine Learning
Server are just one component. For more information, see Machine Learning Server on the Microsoft Data
Science Virtual Machine.

Azure services
The following Azure services include R and Python packages:
R Server on Azure HDInsight
ML Server on the Data Science Virtual Machine
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine is an Azure virtual machine (VM ) image pre-configured with several
popular tools, including Machine Learning Server on the Linux VM and both Machine Learning Server and SQL
Server Machine Learning Services on the Windows. Machine Learning Server (Developer Edition) includes the
complete R distribution from CRAN and a Python interpreter, python distribution from Anaconda, plus additional
data-analysis functions with big-data capabilities, and the operationalization framework for integrating R and
Python into applications as web services. The developer edition is identical to the Enterprise Machine Learning
Server edition, but licensed for development/test use.
Through Azure’s worldwide cloud infrastructure, you now have on-demand access to a data science development
environment in which you can rapidly derive insights from your data, build predictive models and advanced
analytics solutions for deployment to the cloud, on-premises or in a hybrid environment.
The Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine jump starts your analytics project by saving you the trouble of having
to discover and install these tools individually. Hosting the data science machine on Azure gains you high
availability and a consistent set of tools used across your data science team. It enables you to work on tasks in a
variety of languages including R and Python. Visual Studio provides an IDE to develop and test your code that is
easy to use. The Azure SDK included in the VM allows you to build your applications using various services on
Microsoft’s cloud platform.
We encourage you to try the Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine to jumpstart your analytics project.

Start using Machine Server/ Machine Learning Services in the Cloud

You’ll need to create your own Microsoft Data Science Virtual Machine (VM ). To create this VM, you must have an
Azure subscription and an Azure storage account. Learn more about creating a Data Science VM see here.
After you provision your virtual machine from the image, you can start exploring your data and modeling right
away. The data on the virtual machine is stored on the cloud and highly available.

Billing for the VM image includes all of the software installed on the machine. More details on the compute
fees can be found here.

Learn More
Overview of Data Science Virtual Machine
Provision the Data Science Virtual Machine - Windows | Linux
Use the Data Science Virtual Machine - Windows | Linux
Try the virtual machine for free via a 30-day Azure free trial
Machine Learning Server on Azure Virtual Machines
7/31/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server, formerly known as R Server, is pre-installed on Azure virtual machines (VM ) images
running either a Windows or Linux operating system.
An excellent alternative to selecting an existing VM image is to provision a VM yourself using a resource template.
The template includes extra configuration steps for both the VM and Machine Learning Server itself, resulting in a
VM that is ready-to-use with no additional work on your part.

VM images on Azure
The following procedure explains how to use the Azure portal to view the full range of VM images that provide
Machine Learning Server.
1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
2. Click Create a resource.
3. Search for Machine Learning Server. The following list shows partial search results. VM images include
current and previous versions of Machine Learning Server on several common Linux operating systems as
well as Windows Server 2016.

VM images include the custom R packages and Python libraries from Machine Learning Server that offer machine
learning algorithms, R and Python helpers for deploying analytics, and portable, scalable, and distributable data
analysis functions.

How to provision with templates

The easiest approach is to use an ARM template that both installs and configures the VM and Machine Learning
Server. The template defines a resource group, the virtual network, a DNS name.
ARM templates are available on Github, with options for a single-server install or distributed installation that
places web nodes and compute nodes on different VMs within the same virtual network. There are also template
options for data Science VMs, which include a broader selection of tools and technologies, of which Machine
Learning Server is just one.
When you use a template, the server is operationalized for remote connections, web service deployment, logging,
and so forth. For more information, see Operationalize analytics with Machine Learning Server.
1. Go to the Github repo containing the templates:
2. Choose your configuration. Click one-box configuration to install all packages and features on a single
VM, or click enterprise-configuration if you need a cluster.
3. Choose the operating system: Windows, Linux, Windows Data Science VM, or Linux Data Science VM.
4. On the readme page for the option you selected, click Deploy to Azure. You are prompted for input values
necessary to complete the deployment, including passwords and the level of physical resources used by the

How to provision in the portal

If you are new to using Azure VMs, we recommend that you review this article for more information about using
the portal and configuring a virtual machine.
1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
2. Click Create a resource.
3. Search for Machine Learning Server.
4. From the list of virtual machines, choose the VM image providing the operating system and version of
Machine Learning Server you want to install.
5. Accept the terms and get started by clicking Create.
6. Follow the onscreen prompts to provision the VM.
7. After the VM is deployed and running, connect to the VM to begin interacting with Machine Learning
8. At this point, you can also:
Install an R IDE or a Python interpreter.
Configure Machine Learning Server to operationalize your analytics so it acts as a deployment
server and host analytic web services.

Connect to the Virtual Machine

Once the VM is deployed, you can open the portal page for that VM and click Connect to obtain connection
information in the form of the IP address and port. You can further configure the VM to use a domain name or
static IP, but for an initial connection, the dynamic IP is sufficient.
Many people have success connecting using an open-source SSH client. A few examples include PuTTY, SmarTTY,
and WinCP.

Launch R Server
On Linux, simple type R at the command prompt to invoke the R interpreter, or Revo64 to run R Server in a
console session.
On Windows, open an R console session by entering RGUI in the Cortana search bar.

Configure an R IDE
With Machine Learning Server installed, you can configure your favorite R integrated development environment
(IDE ) to point to the Machine Learning Server R executable. This way, whenever you execute your R code, you do
so using Machine Learning Server and benefit from its proprietary packages. Machine Learning Server works well
with popular IDEs such as RStudio Desktop or Server.
Configure RStudio for Machine Learning Server
1. Launch RStudio.
2. Update the path to R.
3. When you launch RStudio, Machine Learning Server is now the default R engine.
Open Ports needed to Use RStudio Server
RStudio Server uses port 8787. The default configuration for the Azure VM does not open this port. To do that,
you must go to the Azure portal and elect the proper Network Security Group. Select the All Settings option and
choose Inbound security rules. Add a new rule for RStudio. Name the rule, choose Any for the Protocol, and
add port 8787 to the destination port range. Click OK to save your changes. You should now be able to access
RStudio using a browser.
Assign a Fully Qualified Domain Name to the VM for Accessing RStudio Server
No cloud service is created to contain the public resources for the VM so there is no fully qualified domain name
assigned to the dynamic public IP by default. One can be created and added to the image after deployment using
the Azure PowerShell. The format of the hostname is domainnamelabel; region; .
For example, to add a public hostname using PowerShell for a VM named rservercloudvm with resource group
rservercloudrg and desired hostname of rservercloud .

PS C:\\Users\\juser> Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName "Visual Studio Ultimate with MSDN" –Current

PS C:\\Users\\juser> Switch-AzureMode -Name AzureResourceManager

PS C:\\Users\\juser> New-AzurePublicIpAddress -Name rservercloudvm -ResourceGroupName rservercloudrg -Location

"South Central US" -DomainNameLabel rservercloud -AllocationMethod Dynamic

After adding access to port TCP/8787 to the inbound security rules, RStudio Server can be accessed at
Some related articles are:
Azure Compute, Network, and Storage Providers for Windows applications under Azure Resource Manager
deployment model
Creating Azure VMs with Azure Resource Manager PowerShell cmdlets
Operationalize R and Python Analytics with Machine Learning Server
on the VM
In order to operationalize your analytics with Machine Learning Server, you can configure Machine Learning
Server after installation to act as a deployment server and host analytic web services.

Access Data in an Azure Storage Account

When you need to use data from your Azure storage account, there are several options for accessing or moving
the data:
Copy the data from your storage account to the local file system using a utility, such as AzCopy.
Add the files to a file share on your storage account and then mount the file share as a network drive on
your VM. For more information, see Mounting Azure files.

Resources & Documentation

Additional documentation about Machine Learning can be found on this documentation site using the table of
contents on your left.
See these additional resources to learn about R in general:
DataCamp: A free introductory and intermediate course in R, and a course on working with big data using
Revolution R
Stack Overflow: A good resource for R and Python programming and ML tools questions
Cross Validated: A site for questions about statistical issues in machine learning
R Help mailing list: The list and its archives offer a good resource of historical information
MRAN website: Many other R resources.
About Microsoft R Client
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft R Client is a free, community-supported, data science tool for high performance analytics. R Client is
built on top of Microsoft R Open so you can use any open-source R package to build your analytics.
Additionally, R Client includes the powerful RevoScaleR technology and its proprietary functions to benefit
from parallelization and remote computing.
R Client allows you to work with production data locally using the full set of RevoScaleR functions, but there
are some constraints. Data must fit in local memory, and processing is limited to two threads for RevoScaleR
functions. To work with larger data sets or offload heavy processing, you can access a remote production
instance of Machine Learning Server from the command line or push the compute context to the remote
server. Learn more about its compatibility. -free-Microsoft-R -Client/player

Machine Learning Server vs R Client

Machine Learning Server and Microsoft R Client offer virtually identical R packages, but each one targets
different scenarios. R Client is intended for data scientists who create solutions that run locally. Machine
Learning Server is commercial software that runs on a range of platforms, at much greater scale, with
infrastructure for handling major workloads, on client-server topologies that support remote access over
authenticated connections.
You can work with R Client standalone. You can also use it with Machine Learning Server, where you learn and
develop on R Client, and then migrate your work to Machine Learning Server or execute it remotely on an
Machine Learning Server whenever you need the scale, support, and infrastructure of a server configured for
From R Client, shift data-centric RevoScaleR operations to a remote Machine Learning Server by creating a
remote compute context. Remote compute context is supported for SQL Server Machine Learning Services
or a Spark cluster. Typically, you shift the compute context to bring computations to where the data resides,
thus avoiding data transfer over the network.
From R Client, run arbitrary R code on a remote production instance of Machine Learning Server. This is a
general-purpose capability: from a command line, you can switch between local and remote sessions
interactively, useful for testing, administration, or to use the additional processing power of a production
server. For remote code execution, use mrsdeployand remoteLogin() or remoteLoginAAD (). For more
information, see Execute on a remote server .

Get started with R Client

Getting started with Microsoft R Client is as easy as 1-2-3. Click a step to get started:
![Step 1](./media/ what-is-microsoft-r-client/Step1.png)
1. Install R Client
The first step is to download Microsoft R Client for your operating system and install it. To learn more about
the supported platforms or installation steps, please see the following articles:
Install Microsoft R Client on Windows
Install Microsoft R Client for Linux
Compatibility with Machine Learning Server & R Server
2. Configure Your IDE
While R is a command line driven program, you can also use your favorite R integrated development
environment (IDE ) to interact with Microsoft R Client. To do so, you must point that IDE to the R Client R
executable. This way, whenever you execute your R code, you'll do so using R Client and benefit from the
proprietary packages installed with R Client. R IDE options include R Tools for Visual Studio on Windows
(Recommended), RStudio, or any other R development environment.
Set up RTVS for R Client on Windows: R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS ) is an integrated
development environment available as a free add-in for any edition of Visual Studio. To make R Client
the default R engine for RTVS, choose Change R to Microsoft R Client from the R Tools menu.
Set up RStudio for R Client on Windows or Linux: RStudio is another popular R IDE. To make R
Client the default R engine for RStudio, update the path to R. For example, point to
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Client\R_SERVER\bin\x64 on Windows.

After you configure the IDE, a message appears in the console signaling that the Microsoft R Client packages
were loaded.

You can connect remotely from your local IDE to an Machine Learning Server instance using functions from the
mrsdeploy package. Then, the R code you enter at the remote command line executes on the remote server. This is very
convenient when you need to offload heavy processing on server or to test your analytics during their development.
Your Machine Learning Server administrator must configure Machine Learning Server for this functionality.

3. Try Out R Client

Now that you've installed R Client, you can start building and running some R code. Launch R on the
command line or in your IDE and:
Run the sample R code as described in this quickstart guide.
Or, develop your own solutions using RevoScaleR functions, MicrosoftML functions, and APIs.
When ready, you can run that R code using R Client or even send those R commands to a remote Machine
Learning Server for execution if Machine Learning Server is also installed in your organization.

What's new in Microsoft R Client

Microsoft R Client 3.4.3
This release of R Client, built on open-source R 3.4.3, is at the same functional level as Machine Learning
Server 9.3. Download R Client from (Windows) or (Linux).
R Client includes these enhancements:
R Client (Linux) now supports a remote SQL Server compute context on Windows.
sqlrutils is now supported for R Client (Linux).
Microsoft R Client 3.4.1
This release of R Client, built on open-source R 3.4.1, is at the same functional level as Machine Learning
Server 9.2.1. For more information about features in that release, see here.
Microsoft R Client 3.3.3
This release of R Client, built on open-source R 3.3.3. Key release features include:
Installations on Linux are now possible for R Client
Several of the packages installed have been updated. Learn more about here.
Microsoft R Client 3.3.2
The following release notes apply to Microsoft R Client, which can be downloaded from
New enhanced Microsoft R Client Getting Started guide
A new 'version check' and auto-update is now possible using CheckForUpdates() in your R Console
Offline installations are now possible for R Client
New packages now bundled with Microsoft R Client:
mrsdeploy - adds remote execution and web service deployment from R Client 3.3.2 to a remote R
Server 9.0.1 instance
MicrosoftML - adds machine learning algorithms to R script that executes on either R Client or R
olapR - adds MDX query support through connections to OLAP cubes on a SQL Server 2016
Analysis Services instance
and the packages bundled with Microsoft R Open 3.3.2
Learn more about the new and updated packages in this release.
Updated end-user license agreement
Telemetry collection is now enabled. Learn more about this feature and how to turn it off.

Learn More
You can learn more with these guides:
Quickstart: Running R code in Microsoft R (example)
Compatibility with Machine Learning Server
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
RevoScaleR R package reference
MicrosoftML R package reference
mrsdeploy R package reference
Execute R code on remote Machine Learning Server
Install Microsoft R Client on Windows
9/25/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft R Client is a free, data science tool for high-performance analytics that you can install on Windows client
operating systems. R Client is built on top of Microsoft R Open so you can use any open-source R packages to
build your analytics, and includes the R function libraries from Microsoft that execute locally on R Client or
remotely on a more powerful Machine Learning Server.
R Client allows you to work with production data locally using the full set of RevoScaleR functions, with these
constraints: data must fit in local memory, and processing is capped at two threads for RevoScaleR functions.
For information about the current release, see What's new in R Client..

System Requirements

Operating Systems 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows 7, 8.1, and 10

Free disk space 600 MB recommended, after installation of all prerequisites

If pre-trained models are installed, 1.2 GB is recommended

Available RAM 4+ GB recommended

Internet access Needed to download R Client and any dependencies

.NET Framework 4.5.2 Framework component must be installed to run setup. Use
the link provided in the setup wizard. Installing this
component requires a computer restart.

The following additional components are included in Setup and required:

Microsoft R Open 3.4.3
Microsoft MPI 8.1
AS OLE DB (SQL Server 2016) provider
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable
Optionally, you can install the pre-trained models for sentiment analysis and image detection.

Setup Requirements
On the machine onto which you are installing, follow this guidance before you begin installing:
1. Always install Microsoft R Client to a local drive on your computer.
2. You may need to disable your antivirus software. If you do, be sure to turn it back on immediately after
3. Close any other programs running on the system.

How to install (with internet access)

1. Log in to the machine with administrator privileges.
2. Download Microsoft R Client from the following link:
3. Launch the Microsoft R Client setup and follow the prompts.
4. Accept the default installation path for Microsoft R Client or choose another location.
5. Review the components that are installed as part of Microsoft R Client.
While most are required, you can choose to add additional components such as pre-trained models.
6. Accept the Microsoft R Client license terms.
7. Accept the Microsoft R Open license term. Microsoft R Client is built on Microsoft R Open, Microsoft's
enhanced distribution of R. Setup installs the correct version of R Open for you automatically.
8. Click Finish when installation is finished. A welcome screen opens to introduce you to the product and

How to offline install (without internet access)

Microsoft R Open is a requirement of Microsoft R Client. In offline scenarios when no internet connection is available on the
target machine, you must manually download the R Open installer. Use only the link specified in the installer or installation
guide. Do NOT go to MRAN and download it from there or you may inadvertently get the wrong version for your Microsoft
R product.

1. On a machine with unrestricted internet access:

a. Download Microsoft R Client from
b. Download the Microsoft R Open ( *.cab) needed to install R Client from
c. Download .NET Framework 4.5.2 from
d. Download, if desired, the .cab file for pre-trained machine learning models from: Learn more about these pre-trained models.
e. Copy the downloaded files to a network share or portable drive.
2. On the machine with restricted internet access:
a. Log in with administrator privileges.
b. Copy the .cab file and R Client installer from the network share/portable drive on the first machine to
the machine that has restricted internet access. Put the CAB files in the setup user's temp folder
under %temp% .
c. Copy and install the .NET Framework. Restart your computer if you installed the .NET Framework.
d. Run RClientSetup.exe , which finds the cab file in the temp folder for you.
e. Accept the default installation path for Microsoft R Client or choose another location.
f. Review the components that are installed as part of Microsoft R Client.
While most are required, you can choose to add additional components such as pre-trained
g. Accept the Microsoft R Client license terms.
h. Accept the Microsoft R Open license term. Microsoft R Client is built on Microsoft R Open,
Microsoft's enhanced distribution of R. Setup installs the correct version of R Open for you
3. Without internet access, we recommend disabling the auto -update check feature so that R Client can
launch more quickly. Do so in the file by adding a comment character (#) at the start of the
line: mrupdate::mrCheckForUpdates()

Review the recommendations in Package Management for instructions on how to set up a local package repository using
MRAN or miniCRAN.

Silent and Passive Installs

To install Microsoft R Client from a script on Windows, use the following command line switches:


Passive RClientSetup.exe /passive No prompts, but a progress indicator

Silent RClientSetup.exe /quiet No prompts nor progress indicator

What's Installed with R Client

Microsoft R Client installs the R base packages and a set of enhanced and proprietary R packages that support
parallel processing, improved performance, and connectivity to data sources including SQL Server and Hadoop.
The R libraries are installed under the R Client installation directory, C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Client\R_SERVER
. Additionally, this directory contains the documentation for the R base packages, sample data, and the R library.
All tools for the standard base R (RTerm, Rgui.exe, and RScript) are also included with Microsoft R Client under
<install-directory>\bin . Documentation for these tools can be found in the setup folder:
<install-directory>\doc and in <install-directory>\doc\manual . One easy way to open these files is to open
RGui , click Help, and select one of the options.

By default, telemetry data is collected during your usage of R Client. To turn off this feature, use the RevoScaleR package
function rxPrivacyControl(FALSE) . To turn it back on, change the setting to TRUE .

How to uninstall
Remove Microsoft R Client like other applications using the Add/Remove dialog on Windows.
Alternately, you can use the same setup file used to install R Client to remove the program by specifying the
/uninstall option on the command line such as: RClientSetup.exe /uninstall

Learn More
You can learn more with these guides:
Overview of Microsoft R Client
Quickstart: Running R code in Microsoft R (example)
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
RevoScaleR R package reference
MicrosoftML R package reference
mrsdeploy R package reference
Execute code on remote Machine Learning Server
Install Microsoft R Client on Linux
6/18/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft R Client is a free, data science tool for high-performance analytics that you can install on popular Linux
operating systems, including CentOS, Red Hat, and Ubuntu. R Client is built on top of Microsoft R Open so you
can use any open-source R packages to build your analytics, and includes the R function libraries from Microsoft
that execute locally on R Client or remotely on a more powerful ]Machine Learning Server.
R Client allows you to work with production data locally using the full set of RevoScaleR functions, with these
constraints: data must fit in local memory, and processing is capped at two threads for RevoScaleR functions.
For information about the current release, see What's new in R Client.

System Requirements

Operating Systems Supported versions include:

- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS 6.x and 7.x
- Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES11)

Must be a supported version of Linux on a 64-bit with x86-

compatible architecture (variously known as AMD64, Intel64,
x86-64, IA-32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium-architecture
chips (also known as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core
chips are recommended.

Available RAM 2 GB of RAM is required; 8 GB or more are recommended

Free disk space 600 MB recommended, after installation of all prerequisites

1.2 GB recommended if pre-trained models are installed

Internet access Needed to download R Client and any dependencies. If you

do not have an internet connection, for the instructions for an
offline installation

Also included and required for R Client setup is Microsoft R Open 3.4.3. Microsoft R Open is a requirement of
Microsoft R Client. In offline scenarios when no internet connection is available on the target machine, you must
manually download the R Open installer. Use only the link specified in the installer or installation guide. Do NOT
go to MRAN and download it from there or you may inadvertently get the wrong version for your Microsoft R

Setup Requirements
A package manager from this list:


yum RHEL, CentOS

apt Ubuntu online


dpkg Ubuntu offline

zypper SUSE

rpm RHEL, CentOS, SUSE

Root or super user permissions

You must install Microsoft R Client to a local drive on your computer.
You may need to disable your antivirus software. If you do, please turn it back on as soon as you are

Installation paths
After installation completes, software can be found at the following paths:
Install root: /opt/microsoft/rclient/3.4.3
Microsoft R Open root: /opt/microsoft/ropen/3.4.3
Executables like Revo64 are under /usr/bin
There is no support for side-by-side installations of older and newer versions.

How to install (with internet access)

This section walks you through an R Client 3.4.3 deployment. Under these instructions, your installation includes
the ability to use the RevoScaleR, MicrosoftML packages, and mrsdeploy.
The package manager downloads packages from the repo, determines dependencies,
retrieves additional packages, sets the installation order, and installs the software. For example syntax on setting
the repo, see Linux Software Repository for Microsoft Products.

If the repository configuration file is not present in the /etc directory, try manual configuration for repository registration.

On Ubuntu 14.04 - 16.04

With root or sudo permissions, run the following commands:
# Install as root or sudo
sudo su

# If your system does not have the https apt transport option, add it now
apt-get install apt-transport-https

# Set the package repository location containing the R Client distribution.

# On Ubuntu 14.04.
# wget
# On Ubuntu 16.04.

# Register the repo.

dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb

# Check for microsoft-prod.list configuration file to verify registration.

ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

# Update packages on your system

apt-get update

# Install the packages

apt-get install microsoft-r-client-packages-3.4.3

# List the packages

ls /opt/microsoft/rclient/

Red Hat and CentOS 6/7

With root or sudo permissions, run the following commands:

# Install as root or sudo

sudo su

# Set the package repository location containing the R Client distribution.

# On RHEL 6:
# rpm -Uvh
# On RHEL 7:
rpm -Uvh

# Check for microsoft-prod.repo configuration file to verify registration.

ls -la /etc/yum.repos.d/

# Update packages on your system

yum update

# Install the packages

yum install microsoft-r-client-packages-3.4.3

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

With root or sudo permissions, run the following commands:
# Install as root or sudo
sudo su

# Set the package repository location containing the R Client distribution.

zypper ar -f packages-microsoft-com

# Update packages on your system

zypper update

# Install the packages

zypper install microsoft-r-client-packages-3.4.3

You can now set up your IDE and try out some sample code.

How to install offline (without internet access)

By default, installers connect to Microsoft download sites to get required and updated components. If firewall
restrictions or limits on internet access prevent the installer from reaching these sites, you can download
individual components on a computer that has internet access, copy the files to another computer behind the
firewall, manually install prerequisites and packages, and then run setup.
If you previously installed version 3.4.1, it will be replaced with the 3.4.3 version.
Packages for all supported versions of Linux can be found at
Redhat 6:
Redhat 7:
SLES 11:
Ubuntu 14.04:
Ubuntu 16.04:
Package list
The following packages comprise a full R Client installation:

microsoft-r-client-packages-3.4.3 ** core
microsoft-r-client-mml-3.4.3 ** microsoftml for R (optional)
microsoft-r-client-mlm-3.4.3 ** pre-trained models (requires microsoftml)

Microsoft R Open is required for R execution:


Additional open-source packages must be installed if a package is required but not found on the system. This list
varies for each installation. Here is one example of the additional packages that were added to a clean RHEL
image during a connected (online) setup:

Download packages
If your system provides a graphical user interface, you can click a file to download it. Otherwise, use wget . We
recommend downloading all packages to a single directory so that you can install all of them in a single
command. By default, wget uses the working directory, but you can specify an alternative path using the
-outfile parameter.

The following example is for the first package. Each command references the version number of the platform.
Remember to change the number if your version is different. For more information, see Linux Software
Repository for Microsoft Products.
Download to CentOS or RHEL 6:
Download to CentOS or RHEL 7:
Download to SUSE: wget
Download to Ubuntu 14.04:
Download to Ubuntu 16.04:

Repeat for each package.

Install packages
The package manager determines the installation order. Assuming all packages are in the same folder:
Install on CentOS or RHEL: yum install *.rpm
Install on Ubuntu: dpkg -i *.deb
Install on SUSE: zypper install *.rpm
This step completes installation.
Connect and validate
1. List installed packages:
On CentOS and RHEL: rpm -qa | grep microsoft
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
On SLES11: zypper se microsoft
2. Once you have a package name, you can obtain verbose version information. For example:
On CentOS and RHEL: $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-client-packages-3.4.3
On Ubuntu: $ dpkg --status microsoft-r-client-packages-3.4.3
On SLES: zypper info microsoft-r-client-packages-3.4.3
Output on Ubuntu is as follows:

Package: microsoft-r-client-packages-3.4.3
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: devel
Installed-Size: 195249
Architecture: amd64
Version: 3.4.3
Depends: microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3, microsoft-r-open-mkl-3.4.3, microsoft-r-open-foreachiterators-
Description: Microsoft R Client 3.4.3
. . .

You can now set up your IDE and try out some sample code. Also, consider package management as described in
the next section.
Offline Package Management
Review the recommendations in Package Management for instructions on how to set up a local package
repository using MRAN or miniCRAN. As we mentioned earlier, you must install the gcc-c++ and gcc-gfortran
binary packages to be able to build and install packages, including miniCRAN.

How to uninstall R Client 3.4.1

1. On root@, uninstall Microsoft R Open (MRO ) first. This action removes any dependent packages used only
by MRO, which includes packages like microsoft-mlserver-packages-r.
On RHEL: yum erase microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
On Ubuntu: apt-get purge microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
On SUSE: zypper remove microsoft-r-open-mro-3.4.3
2. Re-list the packages from Microsoft to check for remaining files:
On RHEL: yum list \*microsoft\*
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
On SUSE: zypper search \*microsoft-r\*
On Ubuntu, you might have dotnet-runtime-2.0.0 . NET Core is a cross-platform, general purpose
development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on GitHub. This package could be
providing infrastructure to other applications on your computer. If R Client is the only Microsoft software
you have, you can remove it now.
3. After packages are uninstalled, remove remaining files. On root@, determine whether additional files still
$ ls /opt/microsoft/rclient/3.4.3/
4. Remove the entire directory:
$ rm -fr ls /opt/microsoft/rclient/3.4.3/

RM removes the folder. Parameter "f" is for force and "r" for recursive, deleting everything under microsoft/rclient.
This command is destructive and irrevocable, so be sure you have the correct directory before you press Enter.

Learn More
You can learn more with these guides:
Overview of Microsoft R Client
Quickstart: Running R code in Microsoft R (example)
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
RevoScaleR R package reference
MicrosoftML R package reference
mrsdeploy R package reference
Execute code on remote Machine Learning Server
R Client compatibility with Machine Learning Server
or R Server
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft R Client is backwards compatible with the following versions of Machine Learning Server and Microsoft
R Server:


SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services

& SQL Server 2016 R Services (in-database & standalone)

Machine Learning Server 8.0.5 - 9.3

& R Server for Linux

Machine Learning Server 8.0.5 - 9.3

& R Server for Hadoop

Machine Learning Server 9.1 - 9.3

& R Server for Windows

HDInsight: cluster type = Machine Learning or R Server 9.2 - 9.3

Although R Client is backwards compaible, R Client and Machine Learning Server follow the same release cycle
and it is a best practice to use packages at the same functional level. The following versions of R Client correspond
to Machine Learning Server versions:


3.4.3 9.3 February 2018

3.4.1 9.2.1 September 2017

3.4.0 9.1 March 2017

3.3.2 9.0 December 2016

3.3.0 8.0.5 June 2016

Learn about what's new in the latest Microsoft R Client release.

How to install Python client libraries for remote
access to a Machine Learning Server
9/25/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server includes open-source and Microsoft-specific Python packages for modeling, training,
and scoring data for statistical and predictive analytics. For classic client-server configurations, where multiple
clients connect to and use a remote Machine Learning Server, installing the same Python client libraries on a local
workstation enables you to write and run script locally and then push execution to the remote server where data
resides. This is referred to as a remote compute context, operant when you call Python functions from libraries
that exist on both client and server environments.
A remote server can be either of the following server products:
SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services (In-Database)
Machine Learning Server for Hadoop
Client workstations can be Windows or Linux.
Microsoft Python packages common to both client and server systems include the following:
pre-trained models
This article describes how to install a Python interpreter (Anaconda) and Microsoft's Python packages locally on a
client machine. Once installed, you can use all of the Python modules in Anaconda, Microsoft's packages, and any
third-party packages that are Python 3.5 compliant. For remote compute context, you can only call the Python
functions from packages in the above list.

Check package versions

While not required, it's a good idea to cross-check package versions so that you can match versions on the server
with those on the client. On a server with restricted access, you might need an administrator to get this
information for you.
Package information on SQL Server
Package information on Machine Learning Server for Hadoop

Install Python libraries on Windows

1. Download the installation shell script from (or use for the
9.2. release). The script installs Anaconda 4.2.0, which includes Python 3.5.2, along with all packages listed
2. Open PowerShell window with elevated administrator permissions (right-click Run as administrator).
3. Go to the folder in which you downloaded the installer and run the script. Add the -InstallFolder
command-line argument to specify a folder location for the libraries. For example:
cd {{download-directory}}
.\Install-PyForMLS.ps1 -InstallFolder "C:\path-to-python-for-mls")

Installation takes some time to complete. You can monitor progress in the PowerShell window. When
setup is finished, you have a complete set of packages. For example, if you specified C:\mspythonlibs as
the folder name, you would find the packages at C:\mspythonlibs\Lib\site-packages .
The installation script does not modify the PATH environment variable on your computer so the new python
interpreter and modules you just installed are not automatically available to your tools. For help on linking the
Python interpreter and libraries to tools, see Link Python tools and IDEs, replacing the MLS server paths with the
path you defined on your workstation For example, for a Python project in Visual Studio, your custom
environment would specify C:\mypythonlibs , C:\mypythonlibs\python.exe and C:\mypythonlibs\pythonw.exe for
Prefix path, Interpreter path, and Windowed interpreter, respectively.

Offline install
Download .cab files used for offline installation and place them in your %TEMP% directory. You can type
%TEMP% in a Run command to get the exact location, but it is usually a user directory such as
C:\Users\<your-user-name>\AppData\Local\Temp .

After copying the files, run the PowerShell script using the same syntax as an online install. The script knows to
look in the temp directory for the files it needs.

Install Python libraries on Linux

On each supported OS, the package manager downloads packages from the repository, determines
dependencies, retrieves additional packages, and installs the software. After installation completes, mlserver-
python executable is at '/usr/bin'.
On Ubuntu 14.04 - 16.04
With root or sudo permissions, run the following commands:

# Download packages-microsoft-prod.deb to set location of the package repository. For example for 16.04.
dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb

# Add the Microsoft public signing key for Secure APT

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 52E16F86FEE04B979B07E28DB02C46DF417A0893

# Verification step: look for the mlserver.list configuration file

ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

# Update packages on your system

apt-get update

# If your system does not have the https apt transport option
apt-get install apt-transport-https

# Install the packages

apt-get install microsoft-mlserver-packages-py-9.3.0

Red Hat and CentOS 6/7

With root or sudo permissions, run the following commands:
# Set location of the package repository. For example for 7.
rpm -Uvh

# Verification step: look for the mlserver.list configuration file

ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

# Install the packages

yum install microsoft-mlserver-packages-py-9.3.0

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11

With root or sudo permissions, run the following commands:

# Set location of the package repository. For example for SLES 11.
rpm -Uvh

# Verification step: look for the mlserver.list configuration file

ls -la /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

# Install the packages

zypper install microsoft-mlserver-packages-py-9.3.0

Test local package installation

As a verification step, call functions from the revoscalepy package and from scikit, included in Anaconda.
If you get a "module not found" error for any of the instructions below, verify you are loading the python
interpreter from the right location. If using Visual Studio, confirm that you selected the custom environment
pointing the prefix and interpreter paths to the correct location.

On Windows, depending on how you run the script, you might see this message: "Express Edition will continue to be
enforced". Express edition is one of the free SQL Server editions. This message is telling you that client libraries are licensed
under the Express edition. Limits on this edition are the same as Standard: in-memory data sets and 2-core processing.
Remote servers typically run higher editions not subjected to the same memory and processing limits. When you push the
compute context to a remote server, you work under the full capabilities of that system.

1. Create some data to work with. This example loads the iris data set using scikit.

from sklearn import datasets

import pandas as pd
iris = datasets.load_iris()
df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=iris.feature_names)

2. Print out the dataset. You should see a 4-column table with measurements for sepal length, sepal width,
petal length, and petal width.


3. Load revoscalepy and calculate a statistical summary for data in one of the columns. Print the output to
view mean, standard deviation, and other measures.
from revoscalepy import rx_summary
summary = rx_summary("petal length (cm)", df)


rx_summary(formula = 'petal length (cm)', data = <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>, by_group_out_file
= None,
summary_stats = ['Mean', 'StdDev', 'Min', 'Max', 'ValidObs', 'MissingObs'], by_term = True, pweights
= None,
fweights = None, row_selection = None, transforms = None, transform_objects = None,
transform_function = None,
transform_variables = None, transform_packages = None, overwrite = False, use_sparse_cube = False,
remove_zero_counts = False, blocks_per_read = 1, rows_per_block = 100000, report_progress = None,
verbose = 0,
compute_context = <revoscalepy.computecontext.RxLocalSeq.RxLocalSeq object at 0x000002B7EBEBCDA0>)

Summary Statistics Results for: petal length (cm)

Number of valid observations: 150.0

Number of missing observations: 0.0

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

0 petal length (cm) 3.758667 1.76442 1.0 6.9 150.0 0.0

Next steps
Now that you have installed local client libraries and verified function calls, try the following walkthroughs to
learn how to use the libraries locally and remotely when connected to resident data stores.
Quickstart: Create a linear regression model in a local compute context
How to use revoscalepy in a Spark compute context
How to use revoscalepy in a SQL Server compute context
Remote access to a SQL Server is enabled by an administrator who has configured ports and protocols, enabled
remote connections, and assigned user logins. Check with your administrator to get a valid connection string
when using a remote compute context to SQL Server.
Link Python tools and IDEs to the Python interpreter
installed with Machine Learning Server
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.x

Machine Learning Server installs a local, folder-only install of Anaconda to avoid interfering with other Python
distributions on your system. As such, packages providing the Python modules in Machine Learning Server
(revoscalepy, microsoftml, azureml-model-management-sdk) are not available system-wide. In this article, learn
how to load the Python interpreter installed with Machine Learning Server in your Python IDE of choice.

Before you begin, have the following ready:
An instance of Machine Learning Server installed with the Python option.
A Python IDE, such as Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition with Python.

Need help learning Python? Here's a video tutorial.

Python.exe (built-in)
To use the Python modules interactively, start the Python executable from the installation path.
On Windows, go to \Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER and run Python.exe to open an
interactive command-line window.
As a validation step, load the revoscalepy module and run the example code for rx_summary to print out
summary statistics using an embedded sample data set:

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_summary, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))
summary = rx_summary("ArrDelay+DayOfWeek", ds)

Visual Studio 2017 with Python

The setup program for Machine Learning Server 9.3 adds Python distribution information to the registry, which
makes loading Python modules more straightforward than in previous releases.
However, when using an earlier release or to confirm settings, follow these steps to add Machine Learning
Server's Python distribution information to an environment. For more information, see Python environments
(Visual Studio docs).
1. In Tools > Python > Python environments, click + Custom to create a new environment.
2. In Description, give the environment name, and then fill in the following fields.
3. In Prefix path, enter C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER .
4. Click Auto Detect in the top right to auto-fill the remaining fields:
Interpreter path should be C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\python.exe .
Windowed interpreter should be C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\pythonw.exe .
Language version should be 3.5 for Python 3.5.
Path should be read-only.
5. Click Apply in the top right to save the environment.
You can use the environment you just created by selecting it in an interactive window. As a verification step, run
the example from the rx_summary function in revoscalepy.

For new projects, you can also add an environment to your project in Solution Explorer > Python
Environments > Add/Remove Environments.
Jupyter Notebooks (local)
Jupyter Notebooks is distributed with Anaconda, which is the Python distribution used by Machine Learning
Server. A local executable is installed with Machine Learning Server.
On Windows, go to \Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\Scripts\ and double-
click jupyter-notebook.exe to start a Jupyter Notebook session in the default browser window.
On Linux, go to /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/runtime/python/bin/ and type ./jupyter notebook .
You should get a series of messages that includes the server endpoint and a URL that you can copy into a
browser, assuming one is available on your computer.
For additional instructions on configuring a multi-user server, see How to add Machine Learning Server modules
to single and multi-user Jupyter Notebook instances.

Jupyter Notebooks are a presentation concept, integrating script and text on the same page. Script is interactive on the
page, often Python or R, but could be any one of the 40 languages supported by Jupyter. The text is user-provided content
that describes the script. Notebooks are executed on a server, accessed over http, and rendered as HTML in a browser to the
person requesting the notebook. For more information, see Jupyter documentation.

How to load Python samples on Windows

1. Download just the .ipynb files from the Github repo -Server-Python-
Go to the source page: ML -Server-Python-Samples/microsoftml/quickstarts/binary-
In the Github page for this notebook, click Raw to show the Python script.
Use the browser save-as command to save a local copy of the file. Apply an .ipynb file extension.

Some browsers append a .txt file extension automatically. Remove the extraneous .txt extension if you see it in the file

2. Upload the .ipynb to your local server:

Navigate to the Jupyter-notebook executable on your computer:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\Scripts
Right-click Run as administrator on jupyter-notebook.exe
The Notebook Dashboard opens in your default browser at http://localhost:8888/tree .
Click Upload on the top right corner.
Navigate to the folder where you saved the .ipynb file. Most likely, it's in the Downloads folder:
Select the file and click Open to add the notebook to your server.
3. Click the notebook to load it, then click Run to step through the content and script. For this particular
notebook, no additional configuration is required. For the web service notebook, read the readme for
configuration requirements.

In PyCharm, set the interpreter to the Python executable installed by Machine Learning Server.
1. In a new project, in Settings, click Add Local.
2. Enter C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER .

You can now import revoscalepy, microsoftml, or azureml-model-management-sdk modules.

You can also choose Tools > Python Console to open an interactive window.

Next steps
Now that you know how to load the Python libraries, you might want to explore them in-depth:
revoscalepy Python package functions
microsoftml Python package functions

See also
For more about Machine Learning Sever in general, see Overview of Machine Learning Server
How to add Machine Learning Server modules to
multi-user Jupyter Notebook instances
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article explains how to add our libraries to a remote Jupyter server acting as central hub for multi-user
notebooks on your network.
Jupyter Notebooks is distributed with Anaconda, which is the Python distribution used by Machine Learning
Server. If you installed Machine Learning Server, you have the components necessary for running notebooks as a
single user on localhost.
Both Machine Learning Server and Jupyter Notebooks must be on the same computer.

Configure for multi-user access on Linux

This procedure applies to Linux or Spark edge node upon which you are hosting a JupyterHub or multi-user
server. It does not apply to single-user localhost servers.
For a multi-user server, add our custom kernel MLSPython to the data directory of your server. Machine
Learning Server provides this kernel for notebooks and scripts that make calls to revoscalepy, microsoftml, and
Run the following command to install the kernel:

sudo /usr/bin/anaconda/bin/jupyter kernelspec install


Check kernel installation

Verify the file is in the expected location.
1. Run jupyter –data-dir from the node on which Jupyter Notebook Server is installed.
2. Note the path returned by -data-dir . This is where Jupyter stores its data directories, including kernels.
3. Navigate to the folder. You should see MLSPython listed.
If the installation command did not succeed, you can manually copy the MLSPython directory from
/opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/libraries/kernels/ to the kernels subdirectory under the data directory.

You might need to restart your server in order for the server to pick up the kernel.

Use the MMLSPy notebook option

In Jupyter dashboard, click New to create a new notebook. You should see the new kernel (MMLSPy) in the drop
See also
microsoftml function reference
revoscalepy function reference
Jupyter/IPython Notebook Quick Start Guide
Installation guides for earlier releases
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This section provides links to installation documentation for R Server 9.1 and earlier. For Machine Learning
Server installation, see How to install and configure Machine Learning Server.

9.1 release
9.1 for Windows
9.1 for Linux
9.1 for Hadoop
9.1 for Cloudera
9.1 for Teradata Server
9.1 for Teradata Client

9.0.1 - Windows
9.0.1 - Install Linux
9.0.1 - Install Hadoop
9.0.1 - Install Cloudera

8.0.5 - Install Linux
8.0.5 - Install Hadoop
Feature announcements for previous R Server
6/18/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft R Server is subsumed by Machine Learning Server, now in its second release as the next generation of
R Server. If you have R Server 9.1 or earlier, this article enumerates features introduced in those releases.

R Server 9.1
R Server 9.1 is the last release of the R Server product. Newer versions of the R Server technology ship in
Machine Learning Server, which includes Python in addition to R.
Release announcement blog:


MicrosoftML package R Function library in R Server and on Apache Spark on a

HDInsight cluster.

Create text classification models for problems such as

sentiment analysis and support ticket classification.

Train deep neural nets with GPU acceleration in order to

solve complex problems such as retail image classification
and handwriting analysis.

Work with high-dimensional categorical data for

scenarios like online advertising click-through prediction.

Solve common machine learning tasks such as churn

prediction, loan risk analysis, and demand forecasting using
state-of-the-art, fast and accurate algorithms.

Train models 2x faster than logistic regression with the

Fast Linear Algorithm (SDCA).

Train multilayer custom nets on GPUs up to 8x faster with

GPU acceleration for Neural Nets.

Reduce training time up to 10x while still retaining model

accuracy using feature selection.

Pretrained models Deep neural network models for sentiment analysis and
image featurization

Ensemble methods Use a combination of learning algorithms to provide better

predictive performance than the algorithms could
individually. The approach is used primarily in the
Hadoop/Spark environment for training across a multi-node
cluster. But it can also be used in a single-node/local context.

MicrosoftML and T-SQL integration Real-time scoring in SQL Server. Execute R scripts from T-SQL
without having to call an R interpreter. Scoring a model in
this way reduces the overhead of multiple process
interactions and provides faster predictions.

sparklyr interoperability Within the same R script, you can mix and match functions
from RevoScaleR and Microsoft ML packages with popular
open-source packages like sparklyr and through it, H2O. To
learn more, see Use R Server with sparklyr (step-by-step

RevoScaleR new functions rxExecBy enables parallel processing of partitioned data in

Spark and SQL Server compute contexts. Leverage the new
rxExecBy function against unordered data, have it sorted
and grouped into partitions (one partition per entity), and
then processed in parallel using whatever function or
operation you want to run. For example, to project the health
outcomes of individuals in a fitness study, you could run a
prediction model over data collected about each person.
Supported compute context includes RxSpark and
RxInSQLServer .

rxExecByPartition for running analytics computation in

parallel on individual data partitions split from an input data
source based on the specified variables.

rxGetPartitions gets the partitions of a previously

partitioned Xdf data source.

rxGetSparklyrConnection gets a Spark compute context

with sparklyr interop.

RxOrcData creates data sets based on data stored in

Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) format.

rxSerializeModel serializes a RevoScaleR model so that it

can be saved to disk or loaded into a SQL Server database
table. Serialized models are requred for real-time scoring.

rxSparkCacheData sets the Cache flag in a Spark compute


rxSyncPackages copies packages from a user table in a SQL

Server database to a location on the file system so that R
scripts can call functions in those packages.

RevoScaleR enhanced functions rxDataStep adds multithreaded support.

rxImport adds multithreaded support.

rxMerge for Merging data frames in Spark compute


Cloudera installation improvements R Server for Hadoop installation is improved for Cloudera
distribution including Apache Hadoop (CDH) on RedHat
Linux (RHEL) 7.x. On this installation configuration, you can
easily deploy, activate, deactivate, or rollback a distribution of
R Server using Cloudera Manager.

Remote execution Asynchronous remote execution is now supported using the

mrsdeploy R package. To continue working in your
development environment during the remote script
execution, execute your R script asynchronously using the
async parameter. This is particularly useful when you are
running scripts that have long execution times. Learn more
about asynchronous remote execution.

Operationalizing analytics Role-based access control to analytical web services:

Administrators can define authorization roles to give web
service permissions to groups of users with authorization
roles. These roles determine who can publish, update, and
delete their own web services, those who can also update
and delete the web services published by other users, and
who can only list and consume web services. Users are
assigned to roles using the security groups defined in your
organization's Active Directory /LDAP or Azure Active
Directory server. Learn more about roles.

Scoring perform boosts with real time scoring: Web

services that are published with a supported R model object
on Windows platforms can now benefit from an extra
realtime performance boost and lower latency. Simply use a
supported model object and set the
serviceType = Realtime argument at publish time.
Expanded platform support in future releases. Learn more
about Realtime web services.

Asynchronously batch processing for large input data:

Web services can now be consumed asynchronously via
batch execution. The Asynchronous Batch approach involves
the execution of code without manual intervention using
multiple asynchronous API calls on a specific web service sent
as a single request to R Server. Previously, web services could
only be consumed using the Request-Response method.
Learn more about asynchronous batch consumption.

Autoscaling of a grid of web and compute nodes on

Azure. A script template will be offered to easily spin up a set
of R Server VMs in Azure, configure them as a grid for
operationalizing analytics and remote execution. This grid can
be scaled up or down based on CPU usage.

Read about the differences between DeployR and R Server

9.x Operationalization.

For more information about this release, see this blog announcement for 9.1.

R Server 9.0.1
Release announcement blog:
This release of R Server, built on open source R 3.3.2, included new and updated packages, plus new
operationalization features in the core engine.


R Server 9.0.1 for Linux Supports Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 on premises.

R Server for Hadoop (MapReduce and Spark) Support for Spark 1.6 and 2.0. Support for Spark DataFrames
through RxHiveData and RxParquetData in RevoScaleR
when using an RxSpark compute context in ScaleR:
hiveData <- RxHiveData("select * from
hivesampletable", ...)
pqData <- RxParquetData('/share/claimsParquet',

R Server 9.0.1 for Windows Includes MicrosoftML and olapR support. Adds a simplified
setup program, in addition to SQL Server Setup, which
continues to be a viable option for installation. Features in
the 9.0.1 release are currently only available through
simplified setup.

MicrosoftML A collection of functions for incorporating machine learning

into R code or script that executes on R Server and R Client.
Available in R Server for Windows, R Client for Windows, and
SQL Server 2016 R Services.

Remote execution via mrsdeploy package Remote execution on a R Server 9.0.1 instance.

Web service deployment via mrsdeploy package Publish, and subsequently manage, an R code block as a web

olapR package Run MDX queries and connect directly to OLAP cubes on
SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services from your R solution.
Manually create and then paste in an MDX query, or use an
R-style API to choose a cube, axes, and slicers. Available on R
Server for Windows, SQL Server 2016 R Services, and an R
Server (Standalone) installation through SQL Server.

RevoScaleR Package Package management functions are now available in

RevoScaleR and are particularly relevant for package
management in SQL Server R Services and SQL Server
Machine Learning Services.

Additional updates include support for Spark 2.0.

RxHiveData generates a Hive Data Source object.

RxParquetData generates a Parquet Data Source object.

rxSparkConnect creates a persistent Spark compute


rxSparkDisconnect disconnects a Spark session and return

to a local compute context.

rxSparkListData lists cached RxParquetData or

RxHiveData data source objects.

rxSparkRemoveData removes cached RxParquetData or

RxHiveData data source objects. Although RevoScaleR jobs
only execute on Spark 2.0 if you have R Server 9.0.1 for
Hadoop, you can create solutions containing Hive, Parquet,
and Spark-related functions in R Client.

Operationalization features Formerly known as DeployR, the operationalization feature is

now fully integrated into R Server, with a new ASP .NET core
bringing improved support from Microsoft. After installing R
Server on select platforms, you'll have everything you need
to enable operationalization and configure R Server to host R
analytics web services and remote R sessions.

In many enterprises, the final step is to deploy an interface to

the underlying analysis to a broader audience within the
organization. The operationalization feature in Microsoft R
Server provides the tools to deploy R analytics inside web,
desktop, mobile, and dashboard applications as well as
backend systems. R Server turns your R scripts into analytics
web services, so R code can be easily executed by
applications running on a secure server.

An operationalized R server offers the ability to host and

bundle R analytics into web services with minimal code
changes. R Server accepts interactive commands through
mrsdeploy functions for remote execution and web service
deployment. Data scientists can use mrsdeploy functions
on the command line. Application developers can write code
to instrument equivalent operations and integrate web
services into their applications using easy-to-consume
Swagger-based APIs in any programming language.

The operationalization feature can be configured on a single

machine. It can also be scaled for business-critical
applications with multiple web and compute nodes on
clustered servers for load balancing. This gives you the ability
to pipeline data streams that are subsequently transformed,
analyzed, and visualized into an R analytics web service.

In a Windows environment, multi-server topologies are

supported through Windows clustering methodologies.
Compute nodes can be made highly available using Windows
server failover clusters in Active-Active mode. Web nodes can
be scaled out using Windows network load balancing.
Operationalization with R Server also supports production-
grade workloads and seamless integration with popular
enterprise security solutions.

In the context of operationalization, clustered topologies are

composed of standalone servers, not nodes in Hadoop or
cloud services in Azure. Feature support is limited to a subset
of the supported R Server platforms has the list.

The following blog post presents some of the main differences between Microsoft R Server 9.x configured to
operationalize analytics and the add-on DeployR 8.0.5 which was available in R Server 8.0.5. Read about the
differences between DeployR and R Server 9.x Operationalization.

R Server configured to operationalize analytics is not backwards compatible with DeployR 8.x. There is no migration
path as the APIs are completely new and the data stored in the database is structured differently.

R Server 8.0.5
Release announcement blog:


R Server for Linux Support for RedHat RHEL 7.x has been added.

R Server for Hadoop Installation on Hadoop clusters has been simplified to

eliminate manual steps.

Support Hadoop on SUSE 11 and Hadoop distributions

(Cloudera CDH 5.5-5.7, Hortonworks HDP 2.4, MapR 5.0-

Distributed compute context RxSpark is available, in which

computations are parallelized and distributed across the
nodes of a Hadoop cluster via Apache Spark. This provides
up to a 7x performance boost compared to RxHadoopMR .

Hadoop diagnostic tool to collect status of MRS and

dependencies on all nodes (available through a CSS Support

Hadoop user directories in HDFS and Linux are now created

automatically as needed.

Hadoop administrator script to clean-up orphaned HDFS and

Linux user directories.

R Server for Teradata Option added to rxPredict to insert into an existing table.

Option added for use of LDAP authentication with a TPT


DeployR Enterprise Improved Web security features for better protection against
malicious attacks, improved installation security, and
improved Security Policy Management.

Relies on an H2 database by default and allows you to easily

use a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database instead to fit your
production environment.

Simplified installer for a better customer experience.

XML format for data exchange is deprecated, and will be

removed from future versions of DeployR.

The API has been updated. See the change history.

This release is of DeployR Enterprise only.

R Server 8.0.3
R Server 8.0.3 is a Windows-only, SQL -Server-only release. It is installed using SQL Server 2016 setup. Version
8.0.3 was succeeded by version 9.0.1 in SQL Server. Features are cumulative so what shipped in 8.0.3 was
available in 9.0.1.

R Server 8.0.0
Revolution R Open is now Microsoft R Open, and Revolution R Enterprise is now generically known as
Microsoft R Services, and specifically Microsoft R Server for Linux platforms.
Microsoft R Services installs on top of an enhanced version of R 3.2.2, Microsoft R Open for Revolution R
Enterprise 8.0.0 (on Windows) or Microsoft R Open for Microsoft R Server (on Linux).
Installation of Microsoft R Services has been simplified from three installers to two: the new Microsoft R
Open for Revolution R Enterprise/Microsoft R Server installer combines Microsoft R Open with the
GPL/LGPL components needed to support Microsoft R Services, so there is no need for the previous
“Revolution R Connector” install.
RevoScaleR includes:
New Fuzzy Matching Algorithms: The new rxGetFuzzyKeys and rxGetFuzzyDist functions provide
access to fuzzy matching algorithms for cleaning and analyzing text data.
Support for Writing in ODBC Data Sources. The RxOdbcData data source now supports writing
Bug Fixes:
When using rxDataStep, new variables created in a transformation no longer inherit the
rxLowHigh attribute of the variable used to create them.
rxGetInfo was failing when an extended class of RxXdfData was used.
rxGetVarInfo now respects the newName element of colInfo for non-xdf data sources.
If inData for rxDataStep is a non-xdf data source that contains a colInfo specification using
newName , the newName should now be used for varsToKeep and varsToDrop .
Deprecated and Defunct.
NIEDERR is no longer supported as a type of random number generator.
scheduleOnce is now defunct for rxPredict.rxDForest and rxPredict.rxBTrees.
The compute context RxLsfCluster is now defunct.
The compute context RxHpcServer is now deprecated
DevelopR - The R Productivity Environment (the IDE provided with Revolution R Enterprise on Windows)
is not deprecated, but it will be removed from future versions of Microsoft R Services.
RevoMPM, a Multinode Package Manager, is now defunct, as it was deemed redundant. Numerous
distributed shells are available, including pdsh, fabric, and PyDSH. More sophisticated provisioning tools
such as Puppet, Chef, and Ansible are also available. Any of these can be used in place of RevoMPM.

See Also
What is Machine Learning Server What is R Server
Install R Server 9.1 for Windows
7/31/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Looking for the latest release? See Machine Learning Server for Windows installation
This article explains how to install Microsoft R Server 9.1 on a standalone Windows server that has an internet
connection. If your server has restrictions on internet access, see offline installation.
If you previously installed version 9.0.1, it is replaced with the 9.1 version. An 8.x version can run side-by-side
9.x, unaffected by the new installation.

System requirements
Operating system must be a supported version of Windows on a 64-bit with x86-compatible architecture
(variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium chips (also known as
IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core chips are recommended.
Memory must be a minimum of 2 GB of RAM is required; 8 GB or more are recommended.
Disk space must be a minimum of 500 MB.
.NET Framework 4.5.2 or later. The installer checks for this version of the .NET Framework and provides a
download link if it's missing. A computer restart is required after a .NET Framework installation.
The following additional components are included in Setup and required for an R Server on Windows.
Microsoft .NET Core 1.1
Microsoft MPI 7.1
AS OLE DB (SQL Server 2016) provider
Microsoft R Open 3.3.3
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable

How to install
This section walks you through an R Server 9.1 deployment using the standalone Windows installer. Under
these instructions, your installation will be serviced under the Modern Lifecycle policy and includes the ability to
operationalize your analytics.
Download R Server installer
You can get the zipped installation file from one of the following download sites.


Visual Studio Dev Essentials Developer (free) This option provides a zipped file, free
when you sign up for Visual Studio
Dev Essentials. Developer edition has
the same features as Enterprise, except
it is licensed for development

Volume Licensing Service Center Enterprise Sign in, search for "SQL Server 2016
(VLSC) Enterprise edition", and then choose a
per-core or CAL licensing option. A
selection for R Server for Windows
9.0.1 is provided on this site.

From Visual Studio Dev Essentials:

1. Click Join or access now to sign up for download benefits.
2. Check the URL to verify it changed to
3. Click Downloads to search for R Server.
4. Click Downloads for a specific version to select the platform.

Run Setup
Unzip the installation file, navigate to the folder
containing RServerSetup.exe, and then run setup.
1. Double-click RServerSetup.exe to start the wizard.
2. In Configure installation, choose optional components. Required components are listed, but not configurable.
Optional components include:
R Server (Standalone)
Pre-trained Models used for machine learning.
3. Accept the SQL Server license agreement for R Server 1, as well as the license agreement for Microsoft R
4. Optionally, change the home directory for R Server.
5. At the end of the wizard, click Install to run setup.
1R Server for Windows is licensed as a SQL Server enterprise feature, even though it's installed independently
of SQL Server on a Windows operating system.
Log files
Post-installation, you can check the log files (RServerSetup_.log) located in the system temp directory. An easy
way to get there is typing %temp% as a Run command or search operation in Windows.
Connect and validate
R Server runs on demand as a background process, as Microsoft R Engine in Task Manager. Server startup
occurs when a client application like R Tools for Visual Studio or Rgui.exe connects to the server.
As a verification step, connect to the server and execute a few ScaleR functions to validate the installation.
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Server\R_SERVER\bin\x64.
2. Double-click Rgui.exe to start the R Console application.
3. At the command line, type search() to show preloaded objects, including the RevoScaleR package.
4. Type print(Revo.version) to show the software version.
5. Type rxSummary(~., iris) to return summary statistics on the built-in iris sample dataset. The rxSummary
function is from RevoScaleR .
Additionally, run the Administrator Utility to configure your R Server for remote access and execution, web
service deployment, or multi-server installation.

Enable Remote Connections and Analytic Deployment

The server can be used as-is if you install and use an R IDE on the same box, but to benefit from the deployment
and consumption of web services with Microsoft R Server, then you must configure R Server after installation to
act as a deployment server and host analytic web services. Possible configurations are a one-box setup or an
enterprise setup. Doing so also enables remote execution, allowing you to connect to R Server from an R Client
workstation and execute code on the server.

What's Installed with R Server

An installation of Microsoft R Server includes the following components.


Microsoft R Open (MRO) An open-source distribution of the base R language, plus the
Intel Math Kernel library (int-mkl). The distribution includes
standard libraries, documentation, and tools like R.exe and

Tools for the standard base R (RTerm, Rgui.exe, and RScript)

are under <install-directory>\bin . Documentation is
under <install-directory>\doc and in
<install-directory>\doc\manual . One easy way to open
these files is to open RGui , click Help, and select one of the

Microsoft R Server proprietary libraries and script engine MRS packages provide libraries of functions. MRS libraries are
co-located with R libraries in the
<install-directory>\library folder. Libraries include
RevoScaleR, MicrosoftML, mrsdeploy, olapR, RevoPemaR, and
others listed in Package Reference.

On Windows, the default R Server installation directory is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Server\R_SERVER .

R Server is engineered for distributed and parallel processing

for all multi-threaded functions, utilizing available cores and
disk storage of the local machine. R Server also supports the
ability to transfer computations to other R Server instances
on other platforms through compute context instructions.

Admin tool Used for enabling remote execution and web service
deployment, operationalizing analytics, and configuring web
and compute nodes.

pre-trained models Used for sentiment analysis and image featurization.

Consider adding a development tool on the server to build script or solutions using R Server features:
Visual Studio 2015 followed by the R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS ) add-in

By default, telemetry data is collected during your usage of R Server. To turn this feature off, use the RevoScaleR package
function rxPrivacyControl(FALSE) . To turn it back on, change the setting to TRUE .

Licensing and support

How you install R Server determines the support policy, location of R binaries, and the availability of certain
R Server for Windows is licensed as a SQL Server enterprise feature. Licensing is the same regardless of how
you install the server (standalone, standalone as part of SQL Server, or embedded in a relational database
instance as SQL Server Machine Learning Services).
In a development context, developers and data scientists can install the free developer edition, which delivers the
same features as enterprise, but is licensed for smaller developer workloads. Each edition is available through
different download channels.
Support Policy
Two support plans 1 are available for R Server for Windows. The installation method determines which one is in


Modern Lifecycle policy Requires running the latest version of Install R Server for Windows using a
R Server. standalone Windows installer

SQL Server support policy Service updates are on the SQL Server Install SQL Server Machine Learning
release schedule. Services (In-database) as part of a SQL
Server Database engine instance
- or -
Install R Server (Standalone) using the
SQL Server installer 2, 3

1 For details, go to Microsoft Lifecycle Policy. Use the index to navigate to R Server or SQl Server 2016.
2 You can unbind an existing R Services instance from the SQL Server support plan and rebind it to Modern
Lifecycle. The terms and duration of your license are the same. The only difference is that under Modern
Lifecycle, you would adopt newer versions of R Server at a faster cadence than what might be typical for SQL
Server deployments.
3 You can provision an Azure virtual machine running Windows that has SQL Server R Server (Standalone)
already installed. This VM is provisioned under the SQL Server service plan, but you could rebind to the
Modern Lifecycle support policy. For more information, see Provision an R Server Virtual Machine.
Location of R binaries
The Windows installer and SQL Server installer create different library folder paths for the R packages. This is
something to be aware of when using tools like R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS ) or RStudio, both of which
retain library folder location references.


C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Server\R_SERVER Windows installer

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\R_SERVER SQL Server Setup, R Server (Standalone)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL SQL Server Setup, R Services (In-Database)


Deploy at scale
As a standalone server, R Server for Windows is not multi-instance. If you require multiple copies of R Server at
the same functional level on a single server, you can install SQL Server R Services as part of a multi-instance
relational database engine service and then use each one independently.
Another scalable topology is to install multiple R Servers, each configured as either a dedicated web node or
compute node. Nodes can be clustered using NLB or Windows failover clustering. For more information, see
Operationalize your analytics.

Install earlier versions

Earlier versions are supported, but with limited availability on Microsoft download sites. If you already have one
of the older supported versions, you can use the links in this section to access installation instructions.


Version 8.0.5 This version of R Server for Windows, released as Microsoft R

Server 2016, is integrated with the enterprise edition of SQL
Server 2016. Licensing, installation, and support of this
version of R Server for Windows is through SQL Server.
Using SQL Server setup, you can install R Server as a
standalone server, or as multi-instance service within SQL
Server. For more information, see R Server for Windows and
SQL Server R Services - R Server install page in SQL Server
2016 technical documentation.

See Also
Introduction to R Server What's New in R Server Supported platforms
Known Issues
Command line installation
Microsoft R Getting Started Guide
Configure R Server to operationalize your analytics
Offline installation for R Server 9.1 for Windows
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Looking for the latest release? See Machine Learning Server for Windows installation
By default, installers connect to Microsoft download sites to get required and updated components. If firewall
restrictions or constraints on internet access prevent the installer from reaching these sites, you can use an
internet-connected device to download files, transfer files to an offline server, and then run setup.
In this release, most components required for R Server installation are embedded, which means fewer
prerequisites have to be downloaded in advance. The following components are now included in the Windows
Microsoft .NET Core 1.1
Microsoft MPI 7.1
AS OLE DB (SQL Server 2016) provider
Microsoft R Open 3.3.3
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable

System requirements
Operating system must be a supported version of Windows on a 64-bit with x86-compatible architecture
(variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium chips (also known as
IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core chips are recommended.
Memory must be a minimum of 2 GB of RAM is required; 8 GB or more are recommended.
Disk space must be a minimum of 500 MB.
.NET Framework 4.5.2 or later.

Download required components

Without an internet connection, the following components must be downloaded to a separate device and
transferred to the target machine.


LinkID=842800 Machine learning models


Download R Server installer

You can get the zipped installation file from one of the following download sites.

Visual Studio Dev Essentials Developer (free) This option provides a zipped file, free
when you sign up for Visual Studio Dev
Essentials. Developer edition has the
same features as Enterprise, except it is
licensed for development scenarios.

Volume Licensing Service Center Enterprise Sign in, search for "SQL Server 2016
(VLSC) Enterprise edition", and then choose a
per-core or CAL licensing option. A
selection for R Server for Windows
9.0.1 is provided on this site.

From Visual Studio Dev Essentials:

1. Click Join or access now to sign up for download benefits.
2. Check the URL to verify it changed to
3. Click Downloads to search for R Server.
4. Click Downloads for a specific version to select the platform.

Transfer files
Use a flash drive or another mechanism to transfer the following to the offline server.
Put the CAB files in the setup user's temp folder: C:\Users\<user-name>\AppData\Local\Temp .

Run RServerSetup
If you previously installed version 9.0.1, it will be replaced with the 9.1 version. An 8.x version can run side-by-
side 9.x, unaffected by the new installation.
Unzip the installation file, navigate to the folder
containing RServerSetup.exe, and then run setup.
1. Double-click RServerSetup.exe to start the wizard.
2. In Configure installation, choose optional components. Required components are listed, but not configurable.
Optional components include:
R Server (Standalone)
Pre-trained Models used for machine learning.
3. In an offline installation scenario, you are notified about missing requirements, given a URL for obtaining the
CAB files using an internet-connected device, and a folder path for placing the files.
4. Accept the SQL Server license agreement for R Server 1, as well as the license agreement for Microsoft R
5. Optionally, change the home directory for R Server.
6. At the end of the wizard, click Install to run setup.
1R Server is licensed as a SQL Server enterprise feature, even though it can be installed independently of SQL
Server on a Windows operating system.

View log files

Post-installation, you can review log files (RServerSetup_.log) located in the system temp directory. An easy way
to get there is typing %temp% as a Run command or search operation in Windows.

Connect and validate

R Server runs on demand as a background process, as Microsoft R Engine in Task Manager. Server startup
occurs when a client application like RTVS or Rgui.exe connects to the server.
As a verification step, you can connect to the server and execute a few ScaleR functions to validate the
1. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Server\R_SERVER\bin\x64.
2. Double-click Rgui.exe to start the R Console application.
3. At the command line, type search() to show preloaded objects, including the RevoScaleR package.
4. Type print(Revo.version) to show the software version.
5. Type rxSummary(~., iris) to return summary statistics on the built-in iris sample dataset. The rxSummary
function is from RevoScaleR .

Additionally, run the Administrator Utility to configure your R Server for remote access and execution, web
service deployment, or multi-server installation.

Enable Remote Connections and Analytic Deployment

The server can be used as-is if you install and use an R IDE on the same box, but to benefit from the deployment
and consumption of web services with Microsoft R Server, then you must configure R Server after installation to
act as a deployment server and host analytic web services. Possible configurations are a one-box setup or an
enterprise setup. Doing so also enables remote execution, allowing you to connect to R Server from an R Client
workstation and execute code on the server.

What's Installed with R Server

An installation of Microsoft R Server includes the following components.


Microsoft R Open (MRO) An open-source distribution of the base R language, plus the
Intel Math Kernel library (int-mkl). The distribution includes
standard libraries, documentation, and tools like R.exe and

Tools for the standard base R (RTerm, Rgui.exe, and RScript)

are under <install-directory>\bin . Documentation is
under <install-directory>\doc and in
<install-directory>\doc\manual . One easy way to open
these files is to open RGui , click Help, and select one of the

Microsoft R Server proprietary libraries and script engine MRS packages provide libraries of functions. MRS libraries are
co-located with R libraries in the
<install-directory>\library folder. Libraries include
RevoScaleR, MicrosoftML, mrsdeploy, olapR, RevoPemaR, and
others listed in Package Reference.

On Windows, the default R Server installation directory is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Server\R_SERVER .

R Server is engineered for distributed and parallel processing

for all multi-threaded functions, utilizing available cores and
disk storage of the local machine. R Server also supports the
ability to transfer computations to other R Server instances
on other platforms through compute context instructions.

Admin tool Used for enabling remote execution and web service
deployment, operationalizing analytics, and configuring web
and compute nodes.

Pretrained models Used for sentiment analysis and image featurization.

Consider adding a development tool on the server to build script or solutions using R Server features:
Visual Studio 2015 followed by the R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS ) add-in

By default, telemetry data is collected during your usage of R Server. To turn this feature off, use the RevoScaleR package
function rxPrivacyControl(FALSE) . To turn it back on, change the setting to TRUE .

See Also
Introduction to R Server What's New in R Server Supported platforms
Known Issues
Command line installation
Microsoft R Getting Started Guide
Configure R Server to operationalize analytics
Command line install of R Server 9.1 for Windows
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article provides syntax and examples for running RServerSetup.exe from the command line. You can use
command line parameters for an internet-connected or offline installation. A command line installation requires
administrator permissions.
Before you start, review the following articles for system requirements, prerequisites, download links, and steps:
Install R Server 9.1. on Windows for an internet-connected installation.
Offline installation for a machine with no internet access.

Command line options

You can run RServerSetup.exe from the command line with options to expose or hide the wizard, set an install
mode, or specify options for adding features or using custom folder locations.
User Interaction Options


/full Invokes the wizard.

/quiet Hides the wizard, running a silent installation with no

interaction or prompts. EULA acceptance is automatic for
both MRS and MRO.

/passive Equivalent to /quiet in this release.

Install Modes


/install Runs RServerSetup.exe in install mode, used to add R Server

or the pre-trained machine learning models

/uninstall Removes an existing installation of R Server.

/modify Runs RServerSetup.exe in modify mode. Setup looks for an

existing installation of R Server 9.1 and gives you options for
changing an installation (for example, you could add the pre-
trained models, or uninstall the server). Use this option if you
want to rerun (or repair) an installation.

Install Options


/offline Instructs setup to find .cab files on the local system in the
mediadir location. In this release, two .cab files are required: for MRO, and
for the machine learning models.

/installdir="" Specifies the installation directory. By default, this is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Server\R_SERVER.

/cachedir="" A download location for the .cab files. By default, setup uses
%temp% for the local admin user. Assuming an online
installation scenario, you can set this parameter to have setup
download the .cabs to the folder you specify.

/mediadir="" The .cab file location setup uses to find .cab files in an offline
installation. By default, setup uses %temp% for local admin.

/models Adds the pre-trained machine learning models. Use with

/install .

Default installation
The default installation adds Microsoft R Server (MRS ) and its required components: Microsoft R Open (MRO )
and .NET Core used for operationalizing analytics and machine learning. The command line equivalent of a
double-click invocation of RServerSetup.exe is rserversetup.exe /install /full .
A default installation includes the MicrosoftML package, but not the pre-trained models. You must explicitly add
/models to an installation to add this feature.

1. Run setup in unattended mode with no prompts or user interaction to install all features, including the pre-
trained models.
rserversetup.exe /quiet /models

2. Add the pre-trained machine learning models to an existing installation. The pre-trained models are
inserted into the MicrosoftML package. Once installed, you cannot incrementally remove them. Removal
will require uninstall and reinstall of R Server.
rserversetup.exe /install /models

3. Uninstall the software in unattended mode.

rserversetup.exe /quiet /uninstall

4. Offline install requires two .cab files that provide MRO and other dependencies. The /offline parameter
instructs setup to look for the .cab files on the local system. By default, setup looks for the .cab files in the
%temp% directory of local admin, but you could also set the media directory if the .cab files are in a different
folder. For more information and .cab download links, see Offline installation.
rserversetup.exe /offline /mediadir="D:/Public/CABS

See Also
Introduction to R Server What's New in R Server Supported platforms
Known Issues
Microsoft R Getting Started Guide
Configure R Server to operationalize your analytics
R Server 9.1 Installation for Linux Systems
6/18/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Looking for the latest release? See Machine Learning Server for Linux installation
Microsoft R Server is an enterprise class server for hosting and managing parallel and distributed workloads of
R processes on servers and clusters. The server runs on a wide range of computing platforms, including Linux.
This article explains how to install Microsoft R Server 9.1.0 on a standalone Linux server that has an internet
connection. If your server has restrictions on internet access, see the instructions for an offline installation.
If you previously installed version 9.0.1, it will be replaced with the 9.1.0 version. An 8.x version can run side-
by-side 9.x, unaffected by the new installation.

System requirements
Operating system must be a supported version of Linux on a 64-bit with x86-compatible architecture
(variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium chips (also known
as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core chips are recommended.
Memory must be a minimum of 2 GB of RAM is required; 8 GB or more are recommended.
Disk space must be a minimum of 500 MB.
An internet connection. If you do not have an internet connection, for the instructions for an offline
A package manager (yum for RHEL systems, apt for Ubuntu, zypper for SLES systems)
Root or super user permissions
The following additional components are included in Setup and required for R Server.
Microsoft R Open 3.3.3
Microsoft .NET Core 1.1 for Linux (required for mrsdeploy and MicrosoftML use cases)

How to install
This section walks you through an R Server 9.1.0 deployment using the script. Under these
instructions, your installation will be serviced under the Modern Lifecycle policy and includes the ability to
operationalize your analytics and use the MicrosoftML package.

Review recommendations and best practices for deployments in locked down environments.

Download R Server installer

You can get the gzipped installation file from one of the following download sites.



Visual Studio Dev Essentials Developer (free) This option provides a zipped file, free
when you sign up for Visual Studio
Dev Essentials. Developer edition has
the same features as Enterprise, except
it is licensed for development

Volume Licensing Service Center Enterprise Sign in, search for R Server for Linux. A
(VLSC) selection for R Server 9.1.0 for Linux
is provided on this site.

For downloads from Visual Studio Dev Essentials:

1. Click Join or access now to sign up for download benefits.
2. Check the URL to verify it changed to
3. Click Downloads to search for R Server.
4. Click Downloads for a specific version to select the platform.

Unpack the distribution

Download the software to a writable directory, such as /tmp, unpack the distribution and then run the
installation script.
The distribution includes one installer for Microsoft R Server. For a gzipped TAR file, you should unpack the file
as follows (be sure you have downloaded the file to a writable directory, such as /tmp):
1. Log in as root or a user with super user privileges ( sudo su ).
2. Switch to the /tmp directory (assuming it's the download location).
3. Unpack the file:
[tmp] $ tar zxvf en_microsoft_r_server_910_for_linux_x64_10323878.tar.gz

The distribution is unpacked into an MRS91Linux folder at the download location. The distribution includes the
following files:

FILE DESCRIPTION Script for installing R Server.

FILE DESCRIPTION Script for generating a parcel used for installing R Server on


EULA.txt End user license agreements for each separately licensed


DEB folder Contains Microsoft R packages for deployment on Ubuntu.

RPM folder Contains Microsoft R packages for deployment on


Parcel folder Contains files used to generate a parcel for installation on


MRS packages include an admin utility, core engine and function libraries, compute node and web node
configuration options, platform packages, and machine learning.

Package names in the R Server distribution have changed in the 9.1 release. Instead of DeployrR-themed package
names, the new names are aligned to base packages. If you have script or tooling for manual R Server package
installation, be sure to note the name change.

Run the MRS install script

R Server for Linux is deployed by running the install script with no parameters.
1. Log in as root or as a user with super user privileges ( sudo -s ). The following instructions assume root
2. Clean cached data so that the installer can get updated packages.
On RHEL use yum: [root@localhost tmp] $ yum expire-cache
On Ubuntu use apt-get: [root@localhost tmp] $ apt-get autoclean
3. Change to the MRS91Linux directory containing the installation script:
[root@localhost tmp] $ cd /tmp/MRS91Linux

4. Run the script. To include the pre-trained machine learning models for MicrosoftML, append the -m
[root@localhost MRS91Linux] $ bash -m

5. When prompted to accept the license terms for Microsoft R Open, click Enter to read the EULA, click q
when you are finished reading, and then click y to accept the terms.
6. Repeat for the R Server license agreement: click Enter, click q when finished reading, click y to accept the
Installation begins immediately. Installer output shows the packages and location of the log file.
Verify installation
1. List installed MRS packages:
On RHEL: rpm -qa | grep microsoft
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
2. Once you have a package name, you can obtain verbose version information. For example:
On RHEL: $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1.x86_64
On Ubuntu: $ dpkg --status microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1.x86_64

Partial output is as follows (note version 9.1.0):

Name : microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1 Relocations: /usr/lib64

Version : 9.1.0 Vendor: Microsoft
. . .

Start Revo64
As another verification step, run the Revo64 program. By default, Revo64 is linked to the /usr/bin directory,
available to any user who can log in to the machine:
1. From /Home or any other working directory:
[<path>] $ Revo64

2. Run a RevoScaleR function, such as rxSummary on a dataset. Many sample datasets, such as the iris
dataset, are ready to use because they are installed with the software:
> rxSummary(~., iris)

Output from the iris dataset should look similar to the following:

Rows Read: 150, Total Rows Processed: 150, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
Computation time: 0.005 seconds.
rxSummary(formula = ~., data = iris)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~.

Data: iris
Number of valid observations: 150

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

Sepal.Length 5.843333 0.8280661 4.3 7.9 150 0
Sepal.Width 3.057333 0.4358663 2.0 4.4 150 0
Petal.Length 3.758000 1.7652982 1.0 6.9 150 0
Petal.Width 1.199333 0.7622377 0.1 2.5 150 0

Category Counts for Species

Number of categories: 3
Number of valid observations: 150
Number of missing observations: 0

Species Counts
setosa 50
versicolor 50
virginica 50

To quit the program, type q() at the command line with no arguments.

Enable Remote Connections and Analytic Deployment

The server can be used as-is if you install and use an R IDE on the same box, but to benefit from the
deployment and consumption of web services with Microsoft R Server, then you must configure R Server after
installation to act as a deployment server and host analytic web services. Possible configurations are a one-box
setup or an enterprise setup. Doing so also enables remote execution, allowing you to connect to R Server
from an R Client workstation and execute code on the server.

Unattended install options

You can perform a silent install to bypass prompts during setup. In /tmp/MRS91Linux, run the install script
with the following parameters:
[root@localhost MRS91Linux] $ -a -s

Additional flags are available, as follows:


-a --accept-eula Accept all end user license


-d --download-mro Download microsoft r open for

distribution to an offline system.

-m --models Install Microsoft ML models.

-r --no-dotnet-core Opt out of installing .NET Core

(required for mrsdeploy and

-s --silent Perform a silent, unattended install.

-u --unattended Perform an unattended install.

-h --help Print this help text.

What's Installed with R Server

The Microsoft R Server setup installs the R base packages and a set of enhanced and proprietary R packages
that support parallel processing, improved performance, and connectivity to data sources including SQL
Server and Hadoop. In contrast with R Client, R Server supports much larger data sets and distributed

By default, telemetry data is collected during your usage of R Server. To turn this feature off, use the RevoScaleR package
function rxPrivacyControl(FALSE) . To turn it back on, change the setting to TRUE .

Next Steps
Review the best practices in Manage your R Server for Linux installation for instructions on how to set up a
local package repository using MRAN or miniCRAN, change file ownership or permissions, set Revo64 as the
de facto R script engine on your server.

See Also
Introduction to R Server What's New in R Server Supported platforms
Known Issues
Install R on Hadoop overview
Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version Troubleshoot R Server installation problems on
Configure R Server to operationalize analytics
Offline installation of R Server 9.1 for Linux
6/18/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Looking for the latest release? See Machine Learning Server for Linux installation
By default, installers connect to Microsoft download sites to get required and updated components. If firewall
restrictions or limits on internet access prevent the installer from reaching these sites, you can download
individual components on a computer that has internet access, copy the files to another computer behind the
firewall, manually install prerequisites and packages, and then run setup.
If you previously installed version 9.0.1, it will be replaced with the 9.1 version. An 8.x version can run side-by-
side 9.x, unaffected by the new installation.

System requirements
Operating system must be a supported version of Linux on a 64-bit with x86-compatible architecture
(variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium chips (also known as
IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core chips are recommended.
Memory must be a minimum of 2 GB of RAM is required; 8 GB or more are recommended.
Disk space must be a minimum of 500 MB.
An internet connection. If you do not have an internet connection, for the instructions for an offline
A package manager (yum for RHEL systems, zypper for SLES systems)
Root or super user permissions
The following additional components are included in Setup and required for R Server.
Microsoft R Open 3.3.3
Microsoft .NET Core 1.1 for Linux (required for mrsdeploy and MicrosoftML use cases)

Download R Server dependencies

From an internet-connected computer, download Microsoft R Open (MRO ) and .NET Core for Linux.
MRO provides the R distribution (base R language and script support) used by R Server. R Server setup checks
for this specific distribution and won't use alternative distributions. MRO can co-exist with other distributions of
R on your machine, but additional configuration could be required to make a particular version the default. For
more information, see Manage an R Server installation on Linux.
The .NET Core component is required for MicrosoftML (machine learning). It is also required for mrsdeploy,
used for remote execution, web service deployment, and configuration of R Server as web node and compute
node instances.



Microsoft R Open 3.3.3 Direct link to microsoft-r- Use the link provided to get
open-3.3.3.tar.gz the required component. Do
NOT go to MRAN and
download the latest or you
could end up with the
wrong version.

Microsoft .NET Core 1.1 .NET Core download site Multiple versions of .NET
Core are available. Be sure
to choose from the 1.1.1
(Current) list.

The .NET Core download

page for Linux provides
gzipped tar files for
supported platforms. In the
Runtime column, click x64
to download a tar.gz file for
the operating system you
are using. The file name for
.NET Core is

Download R Server installer

You can get the gzipped installation file from one of the following download sites.


Visual Studio Dev Essentials Developer (free) This option provides a zipped file, free
when you sign up for Visual Studio Dev
Essentials. Developer edition has the
same features as Enterprise, except it is
licensed for development scenarios.

Volume Licensing Service Center Enterprise Sign in, search for "SQL Server 2016
(VLSC) Enterprise edition", and then choose a
per-core or CAL licensing option. A
selection for R Server for Linux 9.1 is
provided on this site.

For downloads from Visual Studio Dev Essentials:

1. Click Join or access now to sign up for download benefits.
2. Check the URL to verify it changed to
3. Click Downloads to search for R Server.
4. Click Downloads for a specific version to select the platform.
Download package dependencies
R Server has package dependencies for various platforms. The list of required packages can be found at Package
dependencies for Microsoft R Server.
You can list existing packages in /usr/lib64 to see what is currently installed. It's common to have a very large
number of packages. To zero in on specific packages, you can do a partial string search with this command
syntax: ls -l /usr/lib64/libpng*

It's possible your Linux machine already has package dependencies installed. By way of illustration, on a few systems, only
libpng12 had to be installed.

Transfer files
Use a tool like SmarTTY or PuTTY or another mechanism to upload or transfer files to a writable directory, such
as /tmp, on your internet-restricted server. Files to be transferred include the following:
any missing packages from the dependency list

Install package dependencies

On the target system which is disconnected from the internet, run rpm -i <package-name> to install any packages
that are missing from your system (for example, rpm -i libpng12-1-2-50-10.el7.x86_64.rpm ).

Unpack .NET Core and set symbolic link

For an offline installation of .NET Core, manually create its directory path, unpack the distribution, and then set
references so that the component can be discovered by other applications.
1. Log in as root or as a user with super user privileges ( sudo -s ).
2. Switch to the /tmp directory (assuming it's the download location) and execute ls to list the files as a
verification step. You should see the tar.gz files you transferred earlier.
3. Make a directory for .NET Core:
[root@localhost tmp] $ mkdir /opt/dotnet

4. Unpack the .NET Core redistribution into the /opt/dotnet directory:

[root@localhost tmp] $ tar zxvf dotnet-<linux-os-name>-x64.1.1.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet

5. Set the symbolic link for .NET Core to user directories:

[root@localhost tmp] $ ln -s /opt/dotnet/dotnet /usr/bin/dotnet

Unpack MRS distribution and copy MRO

Next, unpack the R Server distribution and copy the gzipped MRO distribution to the MRS91Linux folder.

Do not unpack MRO yourself. The installer looks for a gzipped tar file for MRO.

1. Unpack the MRS gzipped file.

[root@localhost tmp] $ tar zxvf en_microsoft_r_server_910_for_linux_x64_10323878.tar.gz

2. A new folder called MRS91Linux is created under /tmp. This folder contains files and packages used
during setup. Copy the gzipped MRO tar file to the new MRS91Linux folder containing the installation
script (
[root@localhost tmp] $ cp microsoft-r-open-3.3.3.tar.gz /tmp/MRS91Linux

Run the MRS install script

R Server for Linux is deployed by running the install script with no parameters. At this point, you could opt for
unattended install to bypass EULA prompts.
1. Switch to the MRS91Linux directory containing the installation script:
[root@localhost tmp] $ cd MRS91Linux

2. Run the script. To include the pre-trained machine learning models for MicrosoftML, append the -m
[root@localhost MRS91Linux] $ bash -m

3. When prompted to accept the license terms for Microsoft R Open, click Enter to read the EULA, click q
when you are finished reading, and then click y to accept the terms.
4. Repeat the key sequence for EULA acceptance for Microsoft R Server.
Installer output shows the packages and location of the log file.
Verify installation
1. List installed MRS packages:
On RHEL: rpm -qa | grep microsoft
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
2. Once you have a package name, you can obtain verbose version information. For example:
On RHEL: $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1.x86_64
On Ubuntu: $ dpkg --status microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1.x86_64
Partial output is as follows (note version 9.1.0):

Name : microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1 Relocations: /usr/lib64

Version : 9.1.0 Vendor: Microsoft
. . .

Start Revo64
As another verification step, run the Revo64 program. By default, Revo64 is linked to the /usr/bin directory,
available to any user who can log in to the machine:
1. From /Home or any other working directory:
[<path>] $ Revo64

2. Run an R function, such as rxSummary on a dataset. Many sample datasets, such as the iris dataset, are
ready to use because they are installed with the software:
> rxSummary(~., iris)

Output from the iris dataset should look similar to the following:

Rows Read: 150, Total Rows Processed: 150, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
Computation time: 0.005 seconds.
rxSummary(formula = ~., data = iris)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~.

Data: iris
Number of valid observations: 150

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

Sepal.Length 5.843333 0.8280661 4.3 7.9 150 0
Sepal.Width 3.057333 0.4358663 2.0 4.4 150 0
Petal.Length 3.758000 1.7652982 1.0 6.9 150 0
Petal.Width 1.199333 0.7622377 0.1 2.5 150 0

Category Counts for Species

Number of categories: 3
Number of valid observations: 150
Number of missing observations: 0

Species Counts
setosa 50
versicolor 50
virginica 50

To quit the program, type q() at the command line with no arguments.

Unattended install options

You can perform a silent install to bypass prompts during setup. In /tmp/MRS91Linux, run the install script with
the following parameters:
[root@localhost MRS91Linux] $ -a -s

Additional flags are available, as follows:


-a --accept-eula Accept all end user license agreements.


-d --download-mro Download microsoft r open for

distribution to an offline system.

-m --models Install Microsoft ML models.

-r --no-dotnet-core Opt out of installing .NET Core

(required for mrsdeploy and

-s --silent Perform a silent, unattended install.

-u --unattended Perform an unattended install.

-h --help Print this help text.

Enable Remote Connections and Analytic Deployment

The server can be used as-is if you install and use an R IDE on the same box, but to benefit from the deployment
and consumption of web services with Microsoft R Server, then you must configure R Server after installation to
act as a deployment server and host analytic web services. Possible configurations are a one-box setup or an
enterprise setup. Doing so also enables remote execution, allowing you to connect to R Server from an R Client
workstation and execute code on the server.

What's Installed with R Server

The Microsoft R Server setup installs the R base packages and a set of enhanced and proprietary R packages
that support parallel processing, improved performance, and connectivity to data sources including SQL Server
and Hadoop. In contrast with R Client, R Server supports much larger data sets and distributed workloads.

By default, telemetry data is collected during your usage of R Server. To turn this feature off, use the RevoScaleR package
function rxPrivacyControl(FALSE) . To turn it back on, change the setting to TRUE .

Next Steps
Review the best practices in Manage your R Server for Linux installation for instructions on how to set up a local
package repository using MRAN or miniCRAN, change file ownership or permissions, set Revo64 as the de
facto R script engine on your server.

See Also
Introduction to R Server What's New in R Server Supported platforms
Known Issues
Microsoft R Getting Started Guide
Configure R Server to operationalize analytics
Uninstall R Server on Linux to upgrade to a newer
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article explains how to uninstall Microsoft R Server on Linux. Unless you are upgrading from 9.0.1 to the the
latest version 9.1, upgrade requires that you first uninstall the existing deployment before installing a new
For 9.0.1-to-9.1, the install script automatically removes previous versions of R Server or Microsoft R Open 3.3.2 if
they are detected so that setup can install newer versions.

Program version and file locations

As a first step, use your package manager to list the currently installed R Server packages. Typically, CentOS and
Red Hat systems use yum, Ubuntu systems use apt-get, and SLES systems use zypper:
1. List the packages from Microsoft.
On RHEL: yum list \*microsoft\*
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
On SUSE: zypper search \*microsoft-r\*
2. On a 9.1 installation, you will see about 9 packages. Since multiple major versions can coexist, the package
list could be much longer. Given a list of packages, you can get verbose version information for particular
packages in the list. The following examples are for Microsoft R Open version 3.3.3:
On RHEL: rpm -qi microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64
On Ubuntu: dpkg --status microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64
On SUSE: zypper info microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64

If R Server was installed on Cloudera using parcel installation, program information looks like this:
/opt/cloudera/parcels/MRO-3.3.3 and /opt/cloudera/parcels/MRS-9.0.1 (applies to 9.0.1)
/opt/cloudera/parcels/MRO-3.3.2 and /opt/cloudera/parcels/MRS-8.0.5 (applies to 8.0.5 )
/opt/cloudera/parcels/MRO-3.2.2-1 and /opt/cloudera/parcels/MRS-8.0.0-1 (applies to 8.0 )

General instructions for all versions

Packages are registered in a database that tracks all package installations in the cluster. To update the database, use
a package manager to remove the package: yum for Red Hat and CentOS, apt for Ubuntu, or zypper for SUSE.
Log in as root or a user with sudo privileges. If you are using sudo , precede commands requiring root privileges
with sudo .
The Revo64 program runs on demand so stopping and disabling the server is not required.

How to uninstall 9.x

1. Uninstall Microsoft R Open (MRO ) and remove any dependent packages used only by MRO:
On RHEL: yum erase microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64
On Ubuntu: apt-get purge microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3
On SUSE: zypper remove microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3
2. Most packages are uninstalled, including Microsoft R Server. List the remaining packages to see what's left.
On a 9.1. installation, you should see only those packages used for operationalizing R Server analytics. On a
9.0.1 install, you might see just mrsdeploy. Using the syntax from the previous step, uninstall remaining
packages. For 9.1, uninstall packages in the following order:
3. After packages are removed, you can remove remaining files. On the root node, verify the location of other
files that need to be removed:
$ ls /usr/lib64/microsoft-r
4. Remove the entire directory:
$ rm -fr /usr/lib64/microsoft-r

RM removes the folder. Parameter "f" is for force and "r" for recursive, deleting everything under microsoft-r. This
command is destructive and irrevocable, so be sure you have the correct directory before you press Enter.

How to uninstall 8.0.5

1. Uninstall Microsoft R Open (MRO ) and remove any dependent packages used only by MRO:

yum erase microsoft-r-server-mro-3.0

2. On the root node, verify the location of other files that need to be removed: `

ls /usr/lib64/microsoft-r/8.0

3. Remove the entire directory:

rm -fr /usr/lib64/microsoft-r

RM removes the folder. Parameter "f" is for force and "r" for recursive, deleting everything under microsoft-r. This
command is destructive and irrevocable, so be sure you have the correct directory before you press Enter.

How to uninstall 8.0.0

1. Uninstall the Microsoft R Open for Microsoft R Server (MRO -for-MRS ) package:

yum erase MRO-for-MRS-8.0.0

2. Remove directories of MRS and MRO, in this order:

rm -rf /usr/lib64/MRS-8.0
rm -rf /usr/lib64/MRO-for-MRS-8.0.0

3. Remove symlinks:
rm -f /usr/bin/Revo64 /usr/bin/Revoscript

How to uninstall individual packages

If you remove Microsoft R Open (microsoft-r-server-mro-8.0-8.0.5-1.x86_64), you will also remove any dependent
packages used only by R Open.
Uninstall order is important. Due to package dependencies, be sure to remove the packages in the order given

rpm -e microsoft-r-server-packages-8.0-8.0.5-1.x86_64
rpm -e microsoft-r-server-intel-mkl-8.0-8.0.5-1.x86_64
rpm -e microsoft-r-server-mro-8.0-8.0.5-1.x86_64

See Also
Install R on Hadoop overview
Install R Server 8.0.5 on Hadoop
Install Microsoft R Server on Linux Troubleshoot R Server installation problems on Hadoop
R Server 9.0.1 Installation for Linux Systems
6/18/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Older versions of R Server for Linux are no longer available on the Microsoft download sites, but if you already
have an older distribution, you can follow these instructions to deploy version 8.0.5. For the current release, see
Install R Server for Linux.
Side-by-side Installation
You can install major versions of R Server (such as an 8.x and 9.x) side-by-side on Linux, but not minor versions.
For example, if you already installed Microsoft R Server 8.0, you must uninstall it before you can install 8.0.5.
Upgrade Versions
If you want to replace an older version rather than run side-by-side, you can uninstall the older distribution before
installing the new version (there is no in-place upgrade). See Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer
version for instructions.
Installer requirements include the following:
An internet connection
A package manager (yum for RHEL systems, zypper for SLES systems)
Root or as super user permissions
If these requirements cannot be met, you can install R Server manually. First, verify that your system meets system
requirements and satisfies the package prerequisites. You can then follow the more detailed installation
instructions described in Managing Your Microsoft R Server Installation.

System Requirements
Processor: 64-bit processor with x86-compatible architecture (variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-
32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium-architecture chips (also known as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core
chips are recommended.
Operating System: Microsoft R for Linux can be installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL ) or a fully
compatible operating system like CentOS, or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Microsoft R Server has different
operating system requirements depending on the version you install. See Supported platforms for specifics. Only
64-bit operating systems are supported.
Memory: A minimum of 2 GB of RAM is required; 8 GB or more are recommended.
Disk Space: A minimum of 500 MB of disk space is required.

Unpack the distribution

Download the software to a writable directory, such as /tmp, unpack the distribution and then run the installation
The distribution includes one installer for Microsoft R Server. For a gzipped TAR file, you should unpack the file as
follows (be sure you have downloaded the file to a writable directory, such as /tmp):
1. Log in as root or a user with sudo privileges.
2. Switch to the /tmp directory (assuming it's the download location)
3. Unpack the file:
[tmp] $ tar zxvf en_r_server_901_for_linux_x64_9648602.gz

Run the MRS install script

R Server for Linux is deployed by running the install script with no parameters.
1. Change to the MRS90LINUX directory containing the installation script:
[tmp] $ cd ..\MRS90LINUX

2. Run the script.

[MRS90LINUX] $ sudo bash

3. When prompted to accept the license terms for Microsoft R Server, click Enter to read the EULA, click q
when you are finished reading, and then click y to accept the terms.
4. Installer output shows the packages and location of the log file.

Verify installation
1. List installed packages and get package names:
[MRS90LINUX] $ yum list \*microsoft\*

[MRS90LINUX] $ yum list \*deployr\*

2. Check the version of Microsoft R Open using rpm -qi :

[MRS90LINUX] $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64

3. Check the version of Microsoft R Server:

[MRS90LINUX] $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-server-packages-9.0.x86_64

4. Partial output is as follows (note version 9.0.1):

Name : microsoft-r-server-packages-9.0 Relocations: /usr/lib64 Version : 9.0.1 Vendor: Microsoft . . .

Start Revo64
As a verification step, run the Revo64 program.
1. Switch to the directory containing the executable:

2. Start the program:

$ Revo64

3. Run an R function, such as rxSummary on a dataset. Many sample datasets, such as the iris dataset, are
ready to use because they are installed with the software:
> rxSummary(~., iris)

Output from the iris dataset should look similar to the following:
Rows Read: 150, Total Rows Processed: 150, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
Computation time: 0.005 seconds.
rxSummary(formula = ~., data = iris)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~.

Data: iris
Number of valid observations: 150

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

Sepal.Length 5.843333 0.8280661 4.3 7.9 150 0
Sepal.Width 3.057333 0.4358663 2.0 4.4 150 0
Petal.Length 3.758000 1.7652982 1.0 6.9 150 0
Petal.Width 1.199333 0.7622377 0.1 2.5 150 0

Category Counts for Species

Number of categories: 3
Number of valid observations: 150
Number of missing observations: 0

Species Counts
setosa 50
versicolor 50
virginica 50

To quit the program, type q() at the command line with no arguments.

Configure R Server to operationalize your analytics

The server can be used as-is if you install and use an R IDE on the same box, but to benefit from the deployment
and consumption of web services with Microsoft R Server, then you must configure R Server after installation to
act as a deployment server and host analytic web services. Possible configurations are a one-box setup or an
enterprise setup. Doing so also enables remote execution, allowing you to connect to R Server from an R Client
workstation and execute code on the server.

Manage your installation

In this section, we discuss file management for your Microsoft R Server installation, including file ownership, file
permissions, and so on.
File ownership
If followed the instructions provided, the installed files are all owned by root. For single-user workstations where
the user has either sudo privileges or access to the root password, this is normally fine. In enterprise environments,
however, it's common to have third-party applications such as Microsoft R Server installed into an account owned
by a non-root user; this can make maintenance easier and reduce security concerns. In such an environment, you
may wish to create an "RUser" account, and change ownership of the files to that user. You can do that as follows:
1. Install Microsoft R Server as root, as usual.
2. Create the "RUser" account if it does not already exist. Assign this user to a suitable group, if desired.
3. Use the chown command to change ownership of the files (in the example below, we assume RUser has
been made a member of the dev group; this command requires root privileges):

chown -R RUser:dev /usr/lib64/MRS90LINUX

Here we show the default path /usr/lib64/MRS90LINUX; if you have specified an alternate installation path, use
that in this command as well.
Unattended installs
You can bypass the interactive install steps of the Microsoft R Server install script with the -y flag ("yes" or "accept
default" to all prompts except that you also agree to the license agreement). Additional flags can be used to specify
which of the usual install options you want, as follows:


-a --accept-eula Accept all end user license agreements.

-d --download-mro Download microsoft r open for

distribution to an offline system.

-p --hadoop-components Install Hadoop components.

-s --silent Perform a silent, unattended install.

-u --unattended Perform an unattended install.

-h --help Print this help text.

For a standard unattended install, run the following script:

./ –a –s

File permissions
Normally, ordinary Microsoft R Server files are installed with read/write permission for owner and read-only
permission for group and world. Directories are installed with execute permission as well, to permit them to be
traversed. You can modify these permissions using the chmod command. (For files owned by root, this command
requires root privileges.)
Installing to a read-only file system
In enterprise environments, it is common for enterprise utilities to be mounted as read-only file systems, so that
ordinary operations cannot corrupt the tools. Obviously, new applications can be added to such systems only by
first unmounting them, then re-mounting them for read/write, installing the software, and then re-mounting as
read-only. This must be done by a system administrator.

Setting up a package repository

One of the strengths of the R language is the thousands of third-party packages that have been made publicly
available via CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network. R includes a number of functions that make it easy to
download and install these packages. However, in many enterprise environments, access to the Internet is limited
or non-existent. In such environments, it is useful to create a local package repository that users can access from
within the corporate firewall.
Your local repository may contain source packages, binary packages, or both. If some or all of your users will be
working on Windows systems, you should include Windows binaries in your repository. Windows binaries are R -
version-specific; if you are running R 3.2.2, you need Windows binaries built under R 3.2. These versioned binaries
are available from CRAN and other public repositories. If some or all of your users will be working on Linux
systems, you must include source packages in your repository.
The Microsoft Managed R Archive Network (MRAN ) provides daily snapshots of all of CRAN, and together with
the Microsoft-developed open-source package miniCRAN can be used to easily build a local package repository
containing source packages, binary packages, or both.
There are two ways to create the package repository: either copy all the packages from a given MRAN snapshot,
or create a new repository and populate it with just those packages you want to be available to your users. We will
describe both procedures using MRAN and miniCRAN.
Note: The miniCRAN package itself is dependent on 18 other CRAN packages, among which is the RCurl
package, which has a system dependency on the curl-devel package. Similarly, package XML has a dependency on
libxml2-devel. We recommend, therefore, that you build your local repository initially on a machine with full
Internet access, so that you can easily satisfy all these dependencies. After created, you can either move the
repository to a different location within your firewall, or simply disable the machine’s Internet access.
Installing miniCRAN
On a system with Internet access, the easiest way to install the miniCRAN package (or any R package) is to start R
and use the install.packages function:

install.packages("miniCRAN", dependencies=TRUE)

If your system already contains all the system prerequisites, this will normally download and install all of
miniCRAN’s R package dependencies as well as miniCRAN itself. If a system dependency is missing, compilation
of the first package that needs that dependency will fail, typically with a specific but not particularly helpful
message. In our testing, we have found that an error about curl-config not being found indicates that the curl-devel
package is missing, and an error about libxml2 indicates the libxml2-devel package is missing. If you get such an
error, exit R, use yum or zypper to install the missing package, then restart R and retry the install.packages
Create a repository from an MRAN snapshot
Creating a repository from an MRAN snapshot is very straightforward:
1. Choose a location for your repository somewhere on your local network. If you have a corporate intranet,
this is usually a good choice, provided URLs have the prefix http:// and not https://. Any file system that is
mounted for all users can be used; file-based URLs of the form file:// are supported by the R functions. In
this example, we suppose the file system /local is mounted on all systems and we will create our repository
in the directory /local/repos.
2. Start R and load the miniCRAN package:


3. Specify an MRAN snaphot:

CRAN <- ""

4. Set your MRAN snapshot as your CRAN repo:

r <- getOption("repos")
r["CRAN"] <- CRAN

5. Use miniCRAN’s pkgAvail function to obtain a list of (source) packages in your MRAN snapshot:

pkgs <- pkgAvail()[,1]

6. Use miniCRAN’s makeRepo function to create a repository of these packages in your /local/repos directory:
makeRepo(pkgs, "/local/repos", type="source")

Create a custom repository

As mentioned above, a custom repository gives you complete control over which packages are available to your
users. Here, too, you have two basic choices in terms of populating your repository: you can either use makeRepo
to select specific packages from an existing MRAN snapshot, or you can combine your own locally developed
packages with packages from other sources. The latter option gives you the greatest control, but typically means
you need to manage the contents using home-grown tools.
Create a custom package directory
Your custom package directory can contain source packages, binary packages, or both. Windows binary packages
should have a path of the form


while source packages should have a path of the form:


Windows binary packages should be built with your current R version. Windows binary files will be zip files,
package source files will be tar.gz files. Move the desired packages to the appropriate directories, then run the R
function write_PACKAGES in the tools package to create the PACKAGES and PACKAGES.gz index files:


Configure R to use a local repository

To make your local repository available to your R users:
1. Open the file in the /etc directory of your installed R (if you installed to the default /usr prefix,
the path is /usr/lib64/MRO -for-MRS -8.0.0/R -3.2.2/lib64/R/etc/
2. Find the following line in the file:

r <- c(REVO=RevoUtils::getRevoRepos())

3. Add your repository as follows:

r <- c(REVO=RevoUtils::getRevoRepos(),

If you added more than one repository and used R version numbers, add multiple lines of the form
LOCAL_VER="file:///local/repos/VER", for example:

r <- c(REVO=RevoUtils::getRevoRepos(),

4. Save the file and your repository is ready for use.

If you are in a locked-down environment without access to the standard Microsoft repository, replace the Revo
repository with your local repository (or repositories).

Remove Microsoft R Server

For instructions on rolling back your installation, see Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version.

Manage multiple R installations

You can install the latest Microsoft R Server side-by-side with an existing Microsoft R Server. In this section, we
discuss maintaining multiple versions of Microsoft R Server, together with instructions for maintaining Microsoft
R Server alongside versions of R obtained from CRAN or third-party repositories such as (Note, however, that patch releases such as Microsoft R Server 7.4.1 are
intended to replace their associated main release, not live side by side with it. You must uninstall and reinstall such
Using Microsoft R Server with other R installations
If you have an installed R script in your /usr/bin directory and then install Microsoft R Server, the automated
installer detects that R exists and does not prompt you to link R to Revo64. In this case, you can use both versions
of R simply by calling them by their respective script names, “R” and “Revo64”. To have Microsoft R Server
become your default R, do the following:
1. Rename the R script by appending the R version, for example 3.2.2:

mv /usr/bin/R /usr/bin/R-3.2.2

2. Create a symbolic link from the Revo64 script to R:

ln -s /usr/bin/Revo64 /usr/bin/R

If you have installed Microsoft R Server and then install base R, again there should be no conflict; R and Revo64
point to their respective installations, as usual. You can use the above procedure to make Microsoft R Server your
default version of R.

See Also
Install R Server 8.0.5 for Linux
Install R on Hadoop overview
Install R Server 8.0.5 for Hadoop
Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version
Troubleshoot R Server installation problems on Hadoop
Configure R Server to operationalize analytics
R Server 2016 (8.0.5) Installation for Linux Systems
6/18/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Older versions of R Server for Linux are no longer available on the Microsoft download sites, but if you already
have an older distribution, you can follow these instructions to deploy version 8.0.5. For the current release, see
Install R Server for Linux.
Side-by-side Installation
You can install major versions of R Server (such as an 8.x and 9.x) side-by-side on Linux, but not minor versions. If
you already installed Microsoft R Server 8.0, you must uninstall it before you can install 8.0.5.
Upgrade Versions
If you want to replace an older version rather than run side-by-side, you can uninstall the older distribution before
installing the new version (there is no in-place upgrade). See Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer
version for instructions.
Installer requirements include the following:
An internet connection
A package manager (yum for RHEL systems, zypper for SLES systems)
Root or as super user permissions
If these requirements cannot be met, you can install R Server manually. First, verify that your system meets system
requirements and satisfies the package prerequisites. You can then follow the more detailed installation
instructions described in Managing Your Microsoft R Server Installation.

System Requirements
Processor: 64-bit processor with x86-compatible architecture (variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-
32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium-architecture chips (also known as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core
chips are recommended.
Operating System: Microsoft R for Linux can be installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL ) or a fully
compatible operating system like CentOS, or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Microsoft R Server has different
operating system requirements depending on the version you install. See Supported platforms for specifics. Only
64-bit operating systems are supported.
Memory: A minimum of 2 GB of RAM is required; 8 GB or more are recommended.
Disk Space: A minimum of 500 MB of disk space is required.

Unpack the distribution

Unpack the distribution in a writable directory such as /tmp, and then run the installation script.
The distribution includes one installer for Microsoft R Server. For a gzipped TAR file, you should unpack the file as
follows (be sure you have downloaded the file to a writable directory, such as /tmp):
1. Log in as root or a user with sudo privileges.
2. Switch to the /tmp directory (assuming it's the download location)
3. Unpack the file: [tmp] $ tar zxvf en_microsoft_r_server_for_linux_x64_8944657.tar.gz

Unpacking an ISO file

(applies to 8.x only) Volume licensing makes the download available as an ISO file. To unpack this file, create a
mount point, and then mount the ISO file to that mount point:
mkdir /mnt/mrsimage
mount –o loop • sw_dvd5_r_server_2016_english_-2_for_RdHtLinux_mlf_x20-98713.iso /mnt/mrsimage

The download file is sw_dvd5_r_server_2016_english_-2_for_RdHtLinux_mlf_x20-98713.iso.

Run the install script

Microsoft R Server for Linux is deployed by running the install script with no parameters, which you can install at
the root, or as super user via sudo .
1. Log in as root or a user with sudo privileges ( sudo su ). The following instructions assume user privileges with
the sudo override.
2. Verify system repositories are up to date: [username] $ sudo yum clean all
3. Change to the directory to which you downloaded the rpm (for example, /tmp): [username] $ cd /tmp
4. Change to the MRS80LINUX directory containing the installation script: [tmp] $ cd MRS80LINUX
5. Run the script. [MRS80LINUX] $ sudo bash
6. When prompted to accept the license terms for Microsoft R Open, click Enter to read the EULA, click q when
you are finished reading, and then click y to accept the terms.
7. Repeat to accept license terms for Microsoft R Server.
8. Installer output shows the packages and location of the log file.

Verify installation
1. List installed packages and get package names: [MRS80LINUX] $ yum list \*microsoft\*
[MRS80LINUX] $ yum list \*deployr\*

2. Check the version of Microsoft R Open using rpm -qi :

[MRS80LINUX] $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-open-mro-3.f.x86_64

3. Check the version of Microsoft R Server: [MRS80LINUX] $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-server-packages-8.0.x86_64

4. Partial output is as follows (note version 8.0.5):

Name : microsoft-r-server-packages-8.0 Relocations: /usr/lib64

Version : 8.0.5 Vendor: Microsoft
. . .

Start Revo64
As a verification step, run the Revo64 program.
1. Switch to the directory containing the executable: $ cd MRS80LINUX
2. Start the program: $ Revo64
3. Run an R function, such as rxSummary on a dataset. Many sample datasets, such as the iris dataset, are
ready to use because they are installed with the software: > rxSummary(~., iris)
Output from the iris dataset should look similar to the following:

Rows Read: 150, Total Rows Processed: 150, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
Computation time: 0.005 seconds.
rxSummary(formula = ~., data = iris)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~.

Data: iris
Number of valid observations: 150

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

Sepal.Length 5.843333 0.8280661 4.3 7.9 150 0
Sepal.Width 3.057333 0.4358663 2.0 4.4 150 0
Petal.Length 3.758000 1.7652982 1.0 6.9 150 0
Petal.Width 1.199333 0.7622377 0.1 2.5 150 0

Category Counts for Species

Number of categories: 3
Number of valid observations: 150
Number of missing observations: 0

Species Counts
setosa 50
versicolor 50
virginica 50

4. To quit the program, type q() at the command line with no arguments.

Manage your installation

In this section, we discuss file management for your Microsoft R Server installation, including file ownership, file
permissions, and so on.
File ownership
If followed the instructions provided, the installed files are all owned by root. For single-user workstations where
the user has either sudo privileges or access to the root password, this is normally fine. In enterprise
environments, however, it's common to have third-party applications such as Microsoft R Server installed into an
account owned by a non-root user; this can make maintenance easier and reduce security concerns. In such an
environment, you may wish to create an "RUser" account, and change ownership of the files to that user. You can
do that as follows:
1. Install Microsoft R Server as root, as usual.
2. Create the "RUser" account if it does not already exist. Assign this user to a suitable group, if desired.
3. Use the chown command to change ownership of the files (in the example below, we assume RUser has
been made a member of the dev group; this command requires root privileges):

chown -R RUser:dev /usr/lib64/MRS80LINUX

Here we show the default path /usr/lib64/MRS80LINUX; if you have specified an alternate installation path, use
that in this command as well.
Unattended installs
You can bypass the interactive install steps of the Microsoft R Server install script with the -y flag ("yes" or "accept
default" to all prompts except that you also agree to the license agreement). Additional flags can be used to specify
which of the usual install options you want, as follows:

-a --accept-eula Accept all end user license agreements.

-d --download-mro Download microsoft r open for

distribution to an offline system.

-p --hadoop-components Install Hadoop components.

-s --silent Perform a silent, unattended install.

-u --unattended Perform an unattended install.

-h --help Print this help text.

For a standard unattended install, run the following script:

./ –a –s

File permissions
Normally, ordinary Microsoft R Server files are installed with read/write permission for owner and read-only
permission for group and world. Directories are installed with execute permission as well, to permit them to be
traversed. You can modify these permissions using the chmod command. (For files owned by root, this command
requires root privileges.)
Installing to a read-only file system
In enterprise environments, it is common for enterprise utilities to be mounted as read-only file systems, so that
ordinary operations cannot corrupt the tools. Obviously, new applications can be added to such systems only by
first unmounting them, then re-mounting them for read/write, installing the software, and then re-mounting as
read-only. This must be done by a system administrator.

Setting up a package repository

One of the strengths of the R language is the thousands of third-party packages that have been made publicly
available via CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network. R includes a number of functions that make it easy to
download and install these packages. However, in many enterprise environments, access to the Internet is limited
or non-existent. In such environments, it is useful to create a local package repository that users can access from
within the corporate firewall.
Your local repository may contain source packages, binary packages, or both. If some or all of your users will be
working on Windows systems, you should include Windows binaries in your repository. Windows binaries are R -
version-specific; if you are running R 3.2.2, you need Windows binaries built under R 3.2. These versioned binaries
are available from CRAN and other public repositories. If some or all of your users will be working on Linux
systems, you must include source packages in your repository.
The Microsoft Managed R Archive Network (MRAN ) provides daily snapshots of all of CRAN, and together with
the Microsoft-developed open-source package miniCRAN can be used to easily build a local package repository
containing source packages, binary packages, or both.
There are two ways to create the package repository: either copy all the packages from a given MRAN snapshot,
or create a new repository and populate it with just those packages you want to be available to your users. We will
describe both procedures using MRAN and miniCRAN.
Note: The miniCRAN package itself is dependent on 18 other CRAN packages, among which is the RCurl
package, which has a system dependency on the curl-devel package. Similarly, package XML has a dependency on
libxml2-devel. We recommend, therefore, that you build your local repository initially on a machine with full
Internet access, so that you can easily satisfy all these dependencies. Once created, you can either move the
repository to a different location within your firewall, or simply disable the machine’s Internet access.
Installing miniCRAN
On a system with Internet access, the easiest way to install the miniCRAN package (or any R package) is to start R
and use the install.packages function:

install.packages("miniCRAN", dependencies=TRUE)

If your system already contains all the system prerequisites, this will normally download and install all of
miniCRAN’s R package dependencies as well as miniCRAN itself. If a system dependency is missing, compilation
of the first package that needs that dependency will fail, typically with a specific but not particularly helpful
message. In our testing, we have found that an error about curl-config not being found indicates that the curl-
devel package is missing, and an error about libxml2 indicates the libxml2-devel package is missing. If you get
such an error, exit R, use yum or zypper to install the missing package, then restart R and retry the install.packages
Create a repository from an MRAN snapshot
Creating a repository from an MRAN snapshot is very straightforward:
1. Choose a location for your repository somewhere on your local network. If you have a corporate intranet,
this is usually a good choice, provided URLs have the prefix http:// and not https://. Any file system that is
mounted for all users can be used; file-based URLs of the form file:// are supported by the R functions. In
this example, we suppose the file system /local is mounted on all systems and we will create our repository
in the directory /local/repos.
2. Start R and load the miniCRAN package:


3. Specify an MRAN snaphot:

CRAN <- ""

4. Set your MRAN snapshot as your CRAN repo:

r <- getOption("repos")
r["CRAN"] <- CRAN

5. Use miniCRAN’s pkgAvail function to obtain a list of (source) packages in your MRAN snapshot:

pkgs <- pkgAvail()[,1]

6. Use miniCRAN’s makeRepo function to create a repository of these packages in your /local/repos

makeRepo(pkgs, "/local/repos", type="source")

Create a custom repository
As mentioned above, a custom repository gives you complete control over which packages are available to your
users. Here, too, you have two basic choices in terms of populating your repository: you can either use makeRepo
to select specific packages from an existing MRAN snapshot, or you can combine your own locally developed
packages with packages from other sources. The latter option gives you the greatest control, but typically means
you need to manage the contents using home-grown tools.
Create a custom package directory
Your custom package directory can contain source packages, binary packages, or both. Windows binary packages
should have a path of the form


while source packages should have a path of the form:


Windows binary packages should be built with your current R version. Windows binary files will be zip files,
package source files will be tar.gz files. Move the desired packages to the appropriate directories, then run the R
function write_PACKAGES in the tools package to create the PACKAGES and PACKAGES.gz index files:


Configure R to use a local repository

To make your local repository available to your R users:
1. Open the file in the /etc directory of your installed R (if you installed to the default /usr prefix,
the path is /usr/lib64/MRO -for-MRS -8.0.0/R -3.2.2/lib64/R/etc/
2. Find the following line in the file:

r <- c(REVO=RevoUtils::getRevoRepos())

3. Add your repository as follows:

r <- c(REVO=RevoUtils::getRevoRepos(),

If you added more than one repository and used R version numbers, add multiple lines of the form
LOCAL_VER="file:///local/repos/VER", for example:

r <- c(REVO=RevoUtils::getRevoRepos(),

4. Save the file and your repository is ready for use.

If you are in a locked-down environment without access to the standard Microsoft repository, replace the Revo
repository with your local repository (or repositories).
Remove Microsoft R Server
For instructions on rolling back your installation, see Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version.

Manage multiple R installations

You can install the latest Microsoft R Server side-by-side with an existing Microsoft R Server. In this section, we
discuss maintaining multiple versions of Microsoft R Server, together with instructions for maintaining Microsoft
R Server alongside versions of R obtained from CRAN or third-party repositories such as (Note, however, that patch releases such as Microsoft R Server 7.4.1 are
intended to replace their associated main release, not live side by side with it. You must uninstall and reinstall such
Using Microsoft R Server with other R installations
If you have an installed R script in your /usr/bin directory and then install Microsoft R Server, the automated
installer detects that R exists and does not prompt you to link R to Revo64. In this case, you can use both versions
of R simply by calling them by their respective script names, “R” and “Revo64”. To have Microsoft R Server
become your default R, do the following:
1. Rename the R script by appending the R version, for example 3.2.2:

mv /usr/bin/R /usr/bin/R-3.2.2

2. Create a symbolic link from the Revo64 script to R:

ln -s /usr/bin/Revo64 /usr/bin/R

If you have installed Microsoft R Server and then install base R, again there should be no conflict; R and Revo64
point to their respective installations, as usual. You can use the above procedure to make Microsoft R Server your
default version of R.

See Also
Install newest release of R Server for Linux
Install R on Hadoop overview
Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version
Troubleshoot R Server installation problems on Hadoop
Manage your Microsoft R Server installation on
4/13/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Covers file management (ownership and permissions), creating a local package repository for production servers
deployed behind a firewall, and how to make RevoScaleR the default R script engine.

File permissions
By default, R Server files are installed with read-write permission for owner and read-only permission for group
and world. Directories are installed with execute permission as well, to permit them to be traversed. If you need to
modify these permissions, you can use the chmod command.

For files owned by root, use chmod with root privileges.

File ownership
By default, R Server files are owned by root. For single-user workstations where the user has either sudo
privileges or access to the root password, this is normally fine.
In enterprise environments, however, it's common to have third-party applications such as Microsoft R Server
installed into an account owned by a non-root user as a security precaution. In such an environment, you might
want to create an "RUser" account, and change ownership of the files to that user. You can do that as follows:
1. Install Microsoft R Server as root, as usual.
2. Login as root or super user to create accounts or change file ownership.
3. Create the "RUser" account if it does not already exist. Assign this user to a suitable group, if desired.
4. Use the chown command to change ownership of the files. In the following example, we assume RUser
has been made a member of the dev group:

chown -R RUser:dev /usr/lib64/MRS90LINUX

Use Revo64 as the default R script engine

If you installed base R first, followed by Microsoft R Server, the automated installer detects that R exists and does
not prompt you to link R to Revo64. In this case, you can use both versions of R simply by calling them by their
respective script names: “R” and “Revo64”.
To make R Server the default R script engine, do the following:
1. Rename the R script by appending the R version, for example 3.3.3:

mv /usr/bin/R /usr/bin/R-3.3.3
2. Create a symbolic link from the Revo64 script to R:

ln -s /usr/bin/Revo64 /usr/bin/R

Set up a local package repository behind a firewall

One of the strengths of the R language is the thousands of third-party packages that have been made publicly
available via CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network. R includes a number of functions that make it easy
to download and install these packages. However, in many enterprise environments, access to the Internet is
limited or non-existent. In such environments, it is useful to create a local package repository that users can
access from within the corporate firewall.
A local repository may contain source packages, binary packages, or both. If some or all of your users will be
working on Windows systems, you should include Windows binaries in your repository. Windows binaries are R -
version-specific; if you are running R 3.3.3, you need Windows binaries built under R 3.3.3. These versioned
binaries are available from CRAN and other public repositories. If some or all of your users will be working on
Linux systems, you must include source packages in your repository.
The Microsoft Managed R Archive Network (MRAN ) provides daily snapshots of all of CRAN, and together with
the Microsoft-developed open-source package miniCRAN can be used to easily build a local package repository
containing source packages, binary packages, or both.
There are two ways to create the package repository: either copy all the packages from a given MRAN snapshot,
or create a new repository and populate it with just those packages you want to be available to your users. We
will describe both procedures using MRAN and miniCRAN.

The miniCRAN package itself is dependent on 18 other CRAN packages, among which is the RCurl package, which has a
system dependency on the curl-devel package. Similarly, package XML has a dependency on libxml2-devel. We recommend,
therefore, that you build your local repository initially on a machine with full Internet access, so that you can easily satisfy all
these dependencies. After created, you can either move the repository to a different location within your firewall, or simply
disable the machine’s Internet access.

Approach 1: use miniCRAN

On a system with Internet access, the easiest way to install the miniCRAN package (or any R package) is to start
R and use the install.packages function:

install.packages("miniCRAN", dependencies=TRUE)

If your system already contains all the system prerequisites, this will normally download and install all of
miniCRAN’s R package dependencies as well as miniCRAN itself. If a system dependency is missing, compilation
of the first package that needs that dependency will fail, typically with a specific but not particularly helpful
message. In our testing, we have found that an error about curl-config not being found indicates that the curl-
devel package is missing, and an error about libxml2 indicates the libxml2-devel package is missing. If you get
such an error, exit R, use yum or zypper to install the missing package, then restart R and retry the
install.packages command.
Approach 2: use an MRAN snapshot
Creating a repository from an MRAN snapshot is very straightforward:
1. Choose a location for your repository somewhere on your local network. If you have a corporate intranet,
this is usually a good choice, provided URLs have the prefix http:// and not https://. Any file system that is
mounted for all users can be used; file-based URLs of the form file:// are supported by the R functions. In
this example, we suppose the file system /local is mounted on all systems and we will create our repository
in the directory /local/repos.
2. Start R and load the miniCRAN package:


3. Specify an MRAN snaphot:

CRAN <- ""

4. Set your MRAN snapshot as your CRAN repo:

r <- getOption("repos")
r["CRAN"] <- CRAN

5. Use miniCRAN’s pkgAvail function to obtain a list of (source) packages in your MRAN snapshot:

pkgs <- pkgAvail()[,1]

6. Use miniCRAN’s makeRepo function to create a repository of these packages in your /local/repos

makeRepo(pkgs, "/local/repos", type="source")

Create a custom repository

You can customize a package repository to include specific packages rather than all-inclusive snapshots providing
more packages than you need. A custom repository gives you complete control over which packages are available
to your users. Here, too, you have two basic choices in terms of populating your repository: you can either use the
previously described miniCRAN makeRepo function to select specific packages from an existing MRAN snapshot
Alternatively, you can combine your own locally developed packages with packages from other sources. The
second option offers the greatest control, but typically means you need to manage the contents using home-
grown tools.
Recommendations for Windows binary packages
If using your own tools to create a custom package directory, your Windows binary packages should have a path
of the form:


while source packages should have a path of the form:


Windows binary packages should be built with your current R version. Windows binary files will be zip files.
Package source files will be tar.gz files.
Move the desired packages to the appropriate directories, then run the R function write_PACKAGES in the tools
package to create the PACKAGES and PACKAGES.gz index files:


Configure R to use a local repository

To make your local repository available to your R users:
1. Open the file in the /etc directory of your installed R (if you installed to the default /usr prefix,
the path is /usr/lib64/MRO -for-MRS -9.0.1/R -3.3.3/lib64/R/etc/
2. Find the following line in the file:

r <- c(REVO=RevoUtils::getRevoRepos())

3. Add your repository as follows:

r <- c(REVO=RevoUtils::getRevoRepos(),

If you added more than one repository and used R version numbers, add multiple lines of the form
LOCAL_VER="file:///local/repos/VER", for example:

r <- c(REVO=RevoUtils::getRevoRepos(),

4. Save the file and your repository is ready for use.

If you are in a locked-down environment without access to the standard Microsoft repository, replace the Revo
repository with your local repository (or repositories).

See Also
Install R Server 8.0.5 for Linux
Install R Server 9.0.1 for Linux
Install R on Hadoop overview
Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version
Troubleshoot R Server installation problems on Hadoop
Configure R Server to operationalize analytics
Hadoop installation and configuration for Microsoft
R Server
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft R Server is a scalable data analytics server that can be deployed as a single-user workstation, a local
network of connected servers, or on a Hadoop cluster in the cloud. On Hadoop, R Server requires MapReduce,
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ), and Apache YARN. Optionally, Spark version 1.6-2.0 is supported for
Microsoft R Server 9.1.
Platforms and Dependencies
Supported operating systems for Microsoft R Server
Package dependencies for Microsoft R Server installations on Linux and Hadoop
Command line installation for any supported platform
Install an R package parcel using Cloudera Manager
Offline installation
Manual package installation
Configure R Server to operationalize R code and host analytic web services
Uninstall Microsoft R to upgrade to newer versions
Adjust your Hadoop cluster configuration for R Server workloads
Enforcing YARN queue usage on R Server for Hadoop
Manage your R installation on Linux
Start R workloads
Practice data import and exploration and Hadoop
Practice data import and exploration and Spark
Command line installation for R Server 9.1 on
Hadoop (CDH, HDP, MapR)
6/18/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

Looking for the latest release? See Machine Learning Server for Hadoop installation
R Server for Hadoop is supported on Hadoop distributions provided by Cloudera, HortonWorks, and MapR. For
most users, installing R Server on a cluster involves running the same series of steps on each data node of the
cluster. A summary of setup tasks is as follows:
Download the installer
Unpack the distribution
Run the install script with a -p parameter (for Hadoop)
Verify the installation
Repeat on the next data node.
The install script uses an internet connection to download and install missing dependencies, Microsoft R Open
(MRO ), and the .NET Core for Linux. If internet connections are restricted, use the alternate offline instructions
If you previously installed version 9.0.1, it will be replaced with the 9.1 version. An 8.x version can run side-by-side
9.x, unaffected by the new installation.

Recommendations for installation

We recommend installing R Server on all data nodes of the cluster to avoid Hadoop queuing up jobs on nodes that
don't actually have R Server. Although the task will eventually get reassigned to a node that has R Server, you will
see errors from the worker node and experience unnecessary delay while waiting for the error to resolve.
Microsoft Azure offers virtual machines with Hadoop templates. If you don't have a Hadoop cluster, you can
purchase and provision virtual machines on Azure using templates provided by several vendors.
1. Sign in to Azure portal.
2. Click New in the top left side bar.
3. In the search box, type the name of one of these vendors: Cloudera, HortonWorks, and MapR. Several of these
vendors offer sandbox deployments that make it easier to get started.

Installation requirements
Installation requires administrator permissions and must be performed as a root installation. Non-root
installations are not supported.
R Server must be installed on at least one master or client node which will serve as the submit node; it should be
installed on as many workers as is practical to maximize the available compute resources. Nodes must have the
same version of R Server within the cluster.
Setup checks the operating system and detects the Hadoop cluster, but it doesn't check for specific distributions.
Microsoft R Server works with the Hadoop distributions listed here: Supported platforms
Microsoft R Server requires Hadoop MapReduce, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ), and Apache YARN.
Optionally, Spark version 1.6-2.0 is supported for Microsoft R Server 9.x.
System requirements
Minimum system configuration requirements for Microsoft R Server are as follows:
Processor: 64-bit CPU with x86-compatible architecture (variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-32e,
EM64T, or x64 CPUs). Itanium-architecture CPUs (also known as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core CPUs
are recommended.
Memory: A minimum of 8 GB of RAM is required for Microsoft R Server; 16 GB or more are recommended.
Hadoop itself has substantial memory requirements; see your Hadoop distribution’s documentation for specific
Disk Space: A minimum of 500 MB of disk space is required on each node for R Server. Hadoop itself has
substantial disk space requirements; see your Hadoop distribution’s documentation for specific recommendations.

Download R Server installer

Get the zipped RServerSetup installer file from one of the following download sites.


Visual Studio Dev Essentials Developer (free) This option provides a zipped file, free
when you sign up for Visual Studio Dev
Essentials. Developer edition has the
same features as Enterprise, except it is
licensed for development scenarios.

Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) Enterprise Sign in, search for R Server for Hadoop.
A selection for R Server 9.1.0 for
Hadoop is provided on this site.

For downloads from Visual Studio Dev Essentials:

1. Click Join or access now to sign up for download benefits.
2. Check the URL to verify it changed to
3. Click Downloads to search for R Server.
4. Click Downloads for a specific version to select the platform.

Unpack the distribution

Download the software to a writable directory, such as /tmp, unpack the distribution and then run the installation
The distribution includes one installer for Microsoft R Server. For a gzipped TAR file, you should unpack the file as
follows (be sure you have downloaded the file to a writable directory, such as /tmp):
1. Log in as root or a user with super user privileges ( sudo su ).
2. Switch to the /tmp directory (assuming it's the download location)
3. Unpack the file: [tmp] $ tar zxvf en_microsoft_r_server_910_for_hadoop_x64_10323951.tar.gz

Run the install script

The Hadoop component is deployed by running the install script with the -p parameter, which you can install at the
root, or as super user via sudo .
1. Log in as root or as a user with super user privileges ( sudo -s ).
2. Verify system repositories are up to date: [username] $ sudo yum clean all
3. Change to the directory to which you mounted or unpacked the installer (for example, /tmp/MRS91Hadoop if
you unpacked the tar.gz file): [username] $ cd /tmp [username tmp] $ cd MRS91Hadoop
4. Run the script with the -p parameter, specifying the Hadoop component. Optionally, add the pre-trained
machine learning models: [username tmp MRS91Hadoop] $ sudo bash -p -m
5. When prompted to accept the license terms for Microsoft R Open, click Enter to read the EULA, click q when
you are finished reading, and then click y to accept the terms.
6. Repeat the key sequence to accept license terms for Microsoft R Server.
7. Installer output shows the packages and location of the log file.

Unattended install options

You can perform a silent install to bypass prompts during setup. In MRS91Hadoop, run the install script with the
following parameters:
[tmp MRS91Hadoop] $ -a -s

Additional flags are available, as follows:


-a --accept-eula Accept all end user license agreements.

-d --download-mro Download microsoft r open for

distribution to an offline system.

-m --models Install Microsoft pre-trained machine

learning models.

-p --hadoop Install the Hadoop component.

-r --no-dotnet-core Opt out of installing .NET Core (required

for mrsdeploy and MicrosoftML)

-s --silent Perform a silent, unattended install.

-u --unattended Perform an unattended install.

-h --help Print this help text.

Verify installation
1. List installed packages and get package names: [MRS91Hadoop] $ yum list \*microsoft\*
2. Check the version of Microsoft R Open using rpm -qi :
[MRS91Hadoop] $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.3.x86_64
3. Check the version of Microsoft R Server: [MRS91Hadoop] $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1.x86_64
4. Partial output is as follows (note version 9.1.0):

Name : microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1.0 Relocations: /usr/lib64

Version : 9.1.0 Vendor: Microsoft
. . .

For further verification, check folders and permissions. Following that, you should run the Revo64 program, a
sample Hadoop job, and if applicable, a sample Spark job.
Check folders and permissions
Each user should ensure that the appropriate user directories exist, and if necessary, create them with the following
shell commands:

$ `hadoop fs -mkdir /user/RevoShare/$USER`

$ `hadoop fs -chmod uog+rwx /user/RevoShare/$USER`
$ `mkdir -p /var/RevoShare/$USER`
$ `chmod uog+rwx /var/RevoShare/$USER`

The HDFS directory can also be created in a user’s R session (provided the top-level /user/RevoShare has the
appropriate permissions) using the following RevoScaleR commands (substitute your actual user name for
"username"). Run the RevoScaleR commands in a Revo64 session.

$ `cd MRS91Hadoop`
$ `Revo64`
> rxHadoopMakeDir("/user/RevoShare/username")
> rxHadoopCommand("fs -chmod uog+rwx /user/RevoShare/username")

Output for each command should be [1] TRUE .

As part of this process, make sure the base directories /user and /user/RevoShare have uog+rwx permissions as
Run programs and sample jobs using sample data
The next procedure loads sample data and runs the Revo64 program to further verify the installation.
1. Send sample data to HDFS.

$ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /share/SampleData

$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /usr/lib64/microsoft-
r/9.0/lib64/R/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv /share/SampleData/
$ hadoop fs -ls /share/SampleData

2. Start Revo64.

$ cd MRS90Linux
$ Revo64
3. Run a simple local computation. This step uses the proprietary Microsoft libraries.

> rxSummary(~., iris)

Partial output is as follows (showing the first 4 lines).

Rows Read: 150, Total Rows Processed: 150, Total Chunk Time: 0.003 seconds
Computation time: 0.010 seconds.
rxSummary(formula = ~., data = iris)

4. Run a sample local job.

This step uses the sample dataset and downloads data from HDFS, confirming that your local session can
access HDFS.
Paste the following code into your Revo64 session.

input <- file.path("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = input, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem =


adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


Partial output is as follows (showing the last 8 lines).

DayOfWeek Counts
Monday 97975
Tuesday 77725
Wednesday 78875
Thursday 81304
Friday 82987
Saturday 86159
Sunday 94975

5. Run a sample Hadoop job.

This step uses the sample dataset to run a Hadoop job.
Paste the following code into your Revo64 session. This snippet differs from the previous snippet by the first

input <- file.path("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = input, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem =


adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data = airDS)

Partial output is as follows (showing the first 10 lines).

====== (Master HPA Process) has started run at Fri Jun 10 18:26:15 2016
Jun 10, 2016 6:26:21 PM RevoScaleR main
INFO: DEBUG: allArgs = '[-Dmapred.reduce.tasks=1, -libjars=/usr/hdp/
/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv, default, 0, /usr/bin/Revo64-8]'
End of allArgs.
16/06/10 18:26:26 INFO impl.TimelineClientImpl: Timeline service address:

6. Run a sample Spark job.

rxSetComputeContext(RxSpark(consoleOutput=TRUE, executorMem="1g", driverMem="1g",

executorOverheadMem="1g", numExecutors=2))
input <- file.path("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = input, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem =


adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


7. To quit the program, type q() at the command line with no arguments.

Automate a distributed installation

If you have multiple nodes, you can automate the installation across nodes using any distributed shell. Examples
include the following
dsh ("Dancer’s shell")
pdsh (Parallel Distributed Shell)
PyDSH (the Python Distributed Shell)
Each distributed shell has its own methods for specifying hosts, authentication, and so on, but ultimately all that is
required is the ability to run a shell command on multiple hosts. If possible, use a distributed shell that provides a
top-level copy command, such as the pdcp command that is part of pdsh.
Download Microsoft R Open rpm and the Microsoft R Server installer tar.gz file and copy all to /tmp.
1. Mount the IMG file. The following commands create a mount point and mount the file to that mount point:

mkdir /mnt/mrsimage
mount –o loop <filename> /mnt/mrsimage

For RHEL/CENTOS systems; tar zxvf MRS80RHEL.tar.gz

For SLES systems; tar zxvf MRS80SLES.tar.gz
2. Copy the installer gzipped tar file to a writable directory, such as /tmp:
From the mounted img file: cp /mnt/mrsimage/Microsoft-R -Server- * .tar.gz /tmp
From the unpacked tar file: cp /tmp/MRS80/Microsoft-R -Server- </em> .tar.gz /tmp
3. The following commands use pdsh and pdcp to distribute and install Microsoft R Server (ensure that each
command is run on a single logical line, even if it spans two lines below due to space constraints; lines
beginning with “>” indicate commands typed into an interactive pdsh session):
The following commands use pdsh and pdcp to distribute and install Microsoft R Server:

alias pdshw=’pdsh -w\`cat myhosts.txt\` -R ssh’

alias pdcpw=’pdcp -w\`cat myhosts.txt\` -R ssh’
> mkdir -p /var/tmp/revo-install
> exit
pdcpw /tmp/MRS91Hadoop.tar.gz /var/tmp/revo-install
> cd /var/tmp/revo-install; yum clean all
> tar zxf MRS91Hadoop.tar.gz
> cd MRS91Hadoop; sudo bash ./ -a -p
> exit

Each command must run on a single logical line, even if it spans two lines below due to space constraints. Lines
beginning with > indicate commands typed into an interactive pdsh session.

Enable Remote Connections and Analytic Deployment

The server can be used as-is if you install and use an R IDE on the same box, but to benefit from the deployment
and consumption of web services with Microsoft R Server, then you must configure R Server after installation to
act as a deployment server and host analytic web services. Possible configurations are a one-box setup or an
enterprise setup. Doing so also enables remote execution, allowing you to connect to R Server from an R Client
workstation and execute code on the server.

Next Steps
Review the following walkthroughs to move forward with using R Server and the RevoScaleR package in Spark
and MapReduce processing models.
Practice data import and exploration on Spark
Practice data import and exploration on MapReduce
Offline installation of R Server 9.1 for Hadoop
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

By default, installers connect to Microsoft download sites to get required and updated components. If firewall
restrictions or limits on internet access prevent the installer from reaching these sites, you can download individual
components on a computer that has internet access, copy the files to another computer behind the firewall,
manually install prerequisites and packages, and then run setup.
If you previously installed version 9.0.1, it will be replaced with the 9.1.0 version. An 8.x version can run side-by-
side 9.x, unaffected by the new installation.

Download R Server dependencies

From an internet-connected computer, download Microsoft R Open (MRO ) and .NET Core for Linux.
MRO provides the R distribution (base R language and script support) used by R Server. R Server setup checks
for this specific distribution and won't use alternative distributions. MRO can co-exist with other distributions of R
on your machine, but additional configuration could be required to make a particular version the default. For more
information, see Manage an R Server installation on Linux.
The .NET Core component is required for MicrosoftML (machine learning). It is also required for mrsdeploy, used
for remote execution, web service deployment, and configuration of R Server as web node and compute node


Microsoft R Open 3.3.3 Direct link to microsoft-r- Use the link provided to get
open-3.3.3.tar.gz the required component. Do
NOT go to MRAN and
download the latest or you
could end up with the wrong

Microsoft .NET Core 1.1 .NET Core download site Multiple versions of .NET
Core are available. Be sure to
choose from the 1.1.1
(Current) list.

The .NET Core download page for Linux provides gzipped tar files for supported platforms. In the Runtime
column, click x64 to download a tar.gz file for the operating system you are using. The file name for .NET Core is
dotnet-<linux-os-name>-x64.1.1.1.tar.gz .

Download R Server installer

You can get Microsoft R Server (MRS ) 9.1.0 for Hadoop from one of the following download sites.



Visual Studio Dev Essentials Developer (free) This option provides a zipped file, free
when you sign up for Visual Studio Dev
Essentials. Developer edition has the
same features as Enterprise, except it is
licensed for development scenarios.

Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) Enterprise Sign in, search for "SQL Server 2016
Enterprise edition", and then choose a
per-core or CAL licensing option. A
selection for R Server for Hadoop
9.1.0 is provided on this site.

For downloads from Visual Studio Dev Essentials:

1. Click Join or access now to sign up for download benefits.
2. Check the URL to verify it changed to
3. Click Downloads to search for R Server.
4. Click Downloads for a specific version to select the platform.

Download package dependencies

R Server has package dependencies for various platforms. The list of required packages can be found at Package
dependencies for Microsoft R Server. If the target system is missing any, download the ones you will need.
You can list existing packages in /usr/lib64 to see what is currently installed. It's common to have a very large
number of packages. You can do a partial string search to filter on specific filenames (such as lib* for files starting
with lib.): ls -l /usr/lib64/lib*

It's possible your Linux machine already has package dependencies installed. By way of illustration, on a few systems, only
libpng12 had to be installed.

Transfer files
Use a tool like SmarTTY or PuTTY or another mechanism to upload or transfer files to a writable directory, such as
/tmp, on your internet-restricted server. Files to be transferred include the following:
any missing packages from the dependency list

Install package dependencies

On the target system which is disconnected from the internet, run rpm -i <package-name> to install any packages
that are missing from your system (for example, rpm -i libpng12-1-2-50-10.el7.x86_64.rpm ).

Unpack .NET Core and set symbolic link

For an offline installation of .NET Core, manually create its directory path, unpack the distribution, and then set
references so that the component can be discovered by other applications.
1. Log in as root or as a user with super user privileges ( sudo -s ).
2. Switch to the /tmp directory (assuming it's the download location) and execute ls to list the files as a
verification step. You should see the tar.gz files you transferred earlier.
3. Make a directory for .NET Core:
[root@localhost tmp] $ mkdir /opt/dotnet

4. Unpack the .NET Core redistribution into the /opt/dotnet directory:

[root@localhost tmp] $ tar zxvf dotnet-<linux-os-name>-x64.1.1.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet

5. Set the symbolic link for .NET Core to user directories:

[root@localhost tmp] $ ln -s /opt/dotnet/dotnet /usr/bin/dotnet

Unpack MRS distribution and copy MRO

Next, unpack the R Server distribution and copy the gzipped MRO distribution to the MRS91Hadoop folder.

Do not unpack MRO yourself. The installer looks for a gzipped tar file for MRO.

1. Unpack the MRS gzipped file.

[root@localhost tmp] $ tar zxvf en_microsoft_r_server_910_for_hadoop_x64_10323951.tar.gz

2. A new folder called MRS91Hadoop is created under /tmp. This folder contains files and packages used
during setup. Copy the gzipped MRO tar file to the new MRS91Hadoop folder containing the installation
script (
[root@localhost tmp] $ cp microsoft-r-open-3.3.3.tar.gz /tmp/MRS91Hadoop

Run the MRS install script

R Server for Hadoop is deployed by running the install script with no parameters. At this point, you could opt for
unattended install to bypass EULA prompts.
1. Switch to the MRS91Hadoop directory containing the installation script:
[root@localhost tmp] $ cd MRS91Hadoop

2. Run the script with the -p parameter, specifying the Hadoop component. Optionally, add the pre-trained
machine learning models.
[root@localhost MRS91Hadoop] $ bash -h -m

3. When prompted to accept the license terms for Microsoft R Open, click Enter to read the EULA, click q
when you are finished reading, and then click y to accept the terms.
4. Repeat EULA acceptance for Microsoft R Server.
Installer output shows the packages and location of the log file.

Verify installation
1. List installed packages and get package names:
[MRS91Hadoop] $ yum list \*microsoft\*

2. Check the version of Microsoft R Open using rpm -qi :

[MRS91Hadoop] $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.3.x86_64

3. Check the version of Microsoft R Server:

[MRS91Hadoop] $ rpm -qi microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1.0.x86_64

4. Partial output is as follows (note version 9.1.0):

Name : microsoft-r-server-packages-9.0 Relocations: /usr/lib64 Version : 9.1.0 Vendor: Microsoft . . .

Start Revo64
As a verification step, run the Revo64 program.
1. Switch to the directory containing the executable:
$ cd MRS91Hadoop

2. Start the program:

$ Revo64

3. Run an R function, such as rxSummary on a dataset. Many sample datasets, such as the iris dataset, are
ready to use because they are installed with the software:
> rxSummary(~., iris)

Output from the iris dataset should look similar to the following:
Rows Read: 150, Total Rows Processed: 150, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
Computation time: 0.005 seconds.
rxSummary(formula = ~., data = iris)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~.

Data: iris
Number of valid observations: 150

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

Sepal.Length 5.843333 0.8280661 4.3 7.9 150 0
Sepal.Width 3.057333 0.4358663 2.0 4.4 150 0
Petal.Length 3.758000 1.7652982 1.0 6.9 150 0
Petal.Width 1.199333 0.7622377 0.1 2.5 150 0

Category Counts for Species

Number of categories: 3
Number of valid observations: 150
Number of missing observations: 0

Species Counts
setosa 50
versicolor 50
virginica 50

To quit the program, type q() at the command line with no arguments.

Enable Remote Connections and Analytic Deployment

The server can be used as-is if you install and use an R IDE on the same box, but to benefit from the deployment
and consumption of web services with Microsoft R Server, then you must configure R Server after installation to
act as a deployment server and host analytic web services. Possible configurations are a one-box setup or an
enterprise setup. Doing so also enables remote execution, allowing you to connect to R Server from an R Client
workstation and execute code on the server.

Next Steps
Review the following walkthroughs to move forward with using R Server and the RevoScaleR package in Spark
and MapReduce processing models.
Practice data import and exploration on Spark
Practice data import and exploration on MapReduce
Review the best practices in Manage your R Server for Linux installation for instructions on how to set up a local
package repository using MRAN or miniCRAN, change file ownership or permissions, set Revo64 as the de facto
R script engine on your server.

See Also
Supported platforms
What's new in R Server
Install R Server 9.1 on the Cloudera distribution of
Apache Hadoop (CDH)
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Looking for the latest release? See Machine Learning Server for Cloudera installation
Cloudera offers a parcel installation methodology for adding services and features to a cluster. If you prefer parcel
installation over the regular install script used for deploying R Server on other Hadoop distributions, you can use
functionality we provide to create the parcel.
If you've used parcel installation in previous releases of Microsoft R Server, the 9.1.0 release is enhanced in two
respects. First, instead of using pre-built parcels downloaded from Microsoft, you can generate your own parcel
using a new script. Secondly, we added support for Custom Service Descriptors (CSDs),
which means you can now deploy, configure, and monitor R Server in CDH as a managed service in Cloudera
The new revised workflow for parcel installation is a two-part exercise:
Part 1: At the console, run script to output parcel and CSD files
Part 2: In Cloudera Manager, deploy parcels and add MRS as a managed service
Download and unpacking the distribution remains the same. Instructions are included in Part 1.
Feature restrictions in a parcel installation
R Server includes two packages, MicrosoftML and mrsdeploy , that either cannot be included in the parcel, or
included only if the underlying operating system is a specific platform and version.
MicrosoftML is conditionally available. The package can be included in the parcel if the underlying
operating system is CentOS/RHEL 7.x. If CDH runs on any other operating system, including an earlier
version of RHEL, the MicrosoftML package cannot be included.
mrsdeploy is excluded from a parcel installation. This package has a .NET Core dependency and cannot be
added to a parcel.
The workaround is to perform a manual installation of individual packages. For instructions, see Manual package

See Also
R Server Installation on Hadoop Overview
Uninstall R Server on Hadoop or Linux to upgrade
to a newer version
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article explains how to uninstall Microsoft R Server on Hadoop or Linux. Unless you are upgrading from
9.0.1 to the the latest version 9.1, upgrade requires that you first uninstall the existing deployment before
installing a new distribution.
For 9.0.1-to-9.1, the install script automatically removes previous versions of R Server or Microsoft R Open
3.3.2 if they are detected so that setup can install newer versions.

Considerations for uninstall and reinstallation of R Server on

You can uninstall and reinstall node by node across the cluster, but don’t try to submit any jobs until all nodes
are at the same functional level.
If you are upgrading the Hadoop cluster, you must uninstall and reinstall Microsoft R Server on the cluster.
You can either uninstall R Server before upgrading your cluster, or create and run a user-defined script that
repairs the R Server links as a post-upgrade operation. The simpler approach is to uninstall R Server first,
upgrade the cluster, and then reinstall R Server.

Before you uninstall

Uninstall reverses the installation steps, including uninstalling any package dependencies used only by R
Server, so the best place to start is by collecting some information about your installation:
Version of R Server in the cluster
Package location
Which nodes in the cluster have R Server

Program version and file locations

As a first step, use your package manager to list the currently installed R Server packages. Typically, CentOS
and Red Hat systems use yum, Ubuntu systems use apt-get, and SLES systems use zypper:
1. List the packages from Microsoft.
On RHEL: yum list \*microsoft\*
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep microsoft
On SUSE: zypper search \*microsoft-r\*
2. On a 9.1 installation, you will see about 9 packages. Since multiple major versions can coexist, the
package list could be much longer. Given a list of packages, you can get verbose version information
for particular packages in the list. The following examples are for Microsoft R Open version 3.3.3:
On RHEL: rpm -qi microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64
On Ubuntu: dpkg --status microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64
On SUSE: zypper info microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64
If R Server was installed on Cloudera using parcel installation, program information looks like this:
/opt/cloudera/parcels/MRO-3.3.3 and /opt/cloudera/parcels/MRS-9.0.1 (applies to 9.0.1)
/opt/cloudera/parcels/MRO-3.3.2 and /opt/cloudera/parcels/MRS-8.0.5 (applies to 8.0.5 )
/opt/cloudera/parcels/MRO-3.2.2-1 and /opt/cloudera/parcels/MRS-8.0.0-1 (applies to 8.0 )

General instructions for all versions

Packages are registered in a database that tracks all package installations in the cluster. To update the
database, use a package manager to remove the package: yum for Red Hat and CentOS, apt for Ubuntu, or
zypper for SUSE.
Log in as root or a user with sudo privileges. If you are using sudo , precede commands requiring root
privileges with sudo .
The Revo64 program runs on demand so stopping and disabling the server is not required.

How to uninstall 9.x

1. On any node, uninstall Microsoft R Open (MRO ) and remove any dependent packages used only by
MRO. Most packages are uninstalled with MRO, including Microsoft R Server.
On RHEL: yum erase microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64
On Ubuntu: apt-get purge microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3
On SUSE: zypper remove microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3
2. On edge nodes only, you could have additional packages if you installed features for operationalizing
analytics. On a 9.0.1 installation, this is the mrsdeploy package, which you can uninstall using the same
syntax in the previous step. In the 9.1 release, multiple packages provide the feature. Uninstall each
one in the following order:
3. On all nodes, after packages are removed, you should now remove remaining files. On the root node,
verify the location of other files that need to be removed:
$ ls /usr/lib64/microsoft-r
4. Remove the entire directory:
$ rm -fr /usr/lib64/microsoft-r

RM removes the folder. Parameter "f" is for force and "r" for recursive, deleting everything under microsoft-r.
This command is destructive and irrevocable, so be sure you have the correct directory before you press
Repeat on each node in the cluster.

How to uninstall 8.0.5

1. Uninstall Microsoft R Open (MRO ) and remove any dependent packages used only by MRO:

yum erase microsoft-r-server-mro-8.0

2. On the root node, verify the location of other files that need to be removed: `
ls /usr/lib64/microsoft-r/8.0

3. Remove the entire directory:

rm -fr /usr/lib64/microsoft-r

RM removes the folder. Parameter "f" is for force and "r" for recursive, deleting everything under microsoft-r.
This command is destructive and irrevocable, so be sure you have the correct directory before you press

How to uninstall 8.0.0

1. Uninstall the Microsoft R Open for Microsoft R Server (MRO -for-MRS ) package:

yum erase MRO-for-MRS-8.0.0

2. Remove directories of MRS and MRO, in this order:

rm -rf /usr/lib64/MRS-8.0
rm -rf /usr/lib64/MRO-for-MRS-8.0.0

3. Remove symlinks:

rm -f /usr/bin/Revo64 /usr/bin/Revoscript

How to uninstall individual packages

If you remove Microsoft R Open (microsoft-r-server-mro-8.0-8.0.5-1.x86_64), you will also remove any
dependent packages used only by R Open.
Uninstall order is important. Due to package dependencies, be sure to remove the packages in the order
given below.

rpm -e microsoft-r-server-hadoop-8.0-8.0.5-1.x86_64
rpm -e microsoft-r-server-packages-8.0-8.0.5-1.x86_64
rpm -e microsoft-r-server-intel-mkl-8.0-8.0.5-1.x86_64
rpm -e microsoft-r-server-mro-8.0-8.0.5-1.x86_64

How to uninstall the Hadoop component

If you are uninstalling R Server 9.0.1 or 8.0.5, there is a Hadoop component that can be uninstalled
independently of other packages in the distribution:

For versions prior to 8.0.5, do the following:

Remove symlinks to and
Remove scaleR JARs (or symlinks to those JARs) from HADOOP_HOME/lib
See Also
Install R on Hadoop overview
Install Microsoft R Server on Linux
Troubleshoot R Server installation problems on Hadoop
Install Microsoft R Server 9.0.1 on Hadoop
6/18/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

The following instructions are for installation of R Server 9.0.1 for Hadoop.
Side-by-side Installation
You can install major versions of R Server (such as an 8.x and 9.x) side-by-side on Hadoop, but not minor versions.
For example, you already installed Microsoft R Server 8.0, you must uninstall it before installing 8.0.5.
Upgrade Versions
If you want to replace an older version rather than run side-by-side, you can uninstall the older distribution before
installing the new version (there is no in-place upgrade). See Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer
version for instructions.
Installation Steps
A summary of setup tasks is as follows:
Download software.
Unzip to extract packages and an install script (
Run the install script with a -p parameter (for Hadoop)
Verify the installation
The install script downloads and installs Microsoft R Open (microsoft-r-server-mro-9.0.x86_64.rpm). This
distribution provides the following packages that are new in this version:
In contrast with previous releases, this version comes with a requirement for root installation. Non-root
installations are not supported.

Recommendations for installation

We recommend installing R Server on all nodes of the cluster to avoid Hadoop queuing up jobs on nodes that
don't actually have R Server. Although the task will eventually get reassigned to a node that has R Server, you will
see errors from the worker node and experience unnecessary delay while waiting for the error to resolve.
Microsoft Azure offers virtual machines with Hadoop templates. If you don't have a Hadoop cluster, you can
purchase and provision virtual machines on Azure using templates provided by several vendors.
1. Sign in to Azure portal.
2. Click New in the top left side bar.
3. In the search box, type the name of one of these vendors: Cloudera, HortonWorks, and MapR. Several of these
vendors offer sandbox deployments that make it easier to get started.

System requirements
R Server must be installed on at least one master or client node which will serve as the submit node; it should be
installed on as many workers as is practical to maximize the available compute resources. Nodes must have the
same version of R Server within the cluster.
Setup checks the operating system and detects the Hadoop cluster, but it doesn't check for specific distributions.
Microsoft R Server works with the Hadoop distributions listed here: Supported platforms
Microsoft R Server requires Hadoop MapReduce, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ), and Apache YARN.
Optionally, Spark version 1.6-2.0 is supported for Microsoft R Server 9.0.1.
In this version, the installer should provide most of the dependencies required by R Server, but if the installer
reports a missing dependency, see Package Dependencies for Microsoft R Server installations on Linux and
Hadoop for a complete list of the dependencies required for installation.
Minimum system configuration requirements for Microsoft R Server are as follows:
Processor: 64-bit CPU with x86-compatible architecture (variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-32e,
EM64T, or x64 CPUs). Itanium-architecture CPUs (also known as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core CPUs
are recommended.
Memory: A minimum of 8 GB of RAM is required for Microsoft R Server; 16 GB or more are recommended.
Hadoop itself has substantial memory requirements; see your Hadoop distribution’s documentation for specific
Disk Space: A minimum of 500 MB of disk space is required on each node for R Server. Hadoop itself has
substantial disk space requirements; see your Hadoop distribution’s documentation for specific recommendations.

Unpack the distribution

Download the software to a writable directory, such as /tmp, unpack the distribution and then run the installation
The distribution includes one installer for Microsoft R Server. For a gzipped TAR file, you should unpack the file as
follows (be sure you have downloaded the file to a writable directory, such as /tmp):
1. Log in as root or a user with sudo privileges.
2. Switch to the /tmp directory (assuming it's the download location)
3. Unpack the file: [tmp] $ tar zxvf en_r_server_901_for_hadoop_x64_9648875.gz

Run the install script

Microsoft R Server 2016 for Hadoop is deployed by running the install script with the -p parameter, which you can
install at the root, or as super user via sudo .
1. Log in as root or a user with sudo privileges ( sudo su ). The following instructions assume user privileges with
the sudo override.
2. Verify system repositories are up to date: [username] $ sudo yum clean all
3. Change to the directory to which you mounted or unpacked the installer (for example, /mnt/mrsimage for an
.img file, or /tmp/MRS90HADOOP if you unpacked the tar.gz file): [username] $ cd /tmp [username tmp] $
4. Run the script with the -p parameter, specifying the Hadoop component: [username tmp MRS90HADOOP ] $
sudo bash -p
5. When prompted to accept the license terms for Microsoft R Open, click Enter to read the EULA, click q when
you are finished reading, and then click y to accept the terms.
6. Repeat to accept license terms for Microsoft R Server.
7. Installer output shows the packages and location of the log file.
Verify installation
1. List installed packages and get package names: [MRS90HADOOP ] $ yum list \*microsoft\*
[MRS90HADOOP ] $ yum list \*deployr\*
2. Check the version of Microsoft R Open using rpm -qi : [MRS90HADOOP ] $
rpm -qi microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64

3. Check the version of Microsoft R Server: [MRS90HADOOP ] $

rpm -qi microsoft-r-server-packages-9.0.x86_64

4. Partial output is as follows (note version 9.0.1):

Name : microsoft-r-server-packages-9.0 Relocations: /usr/lib64

Version : 9.0.1 Vendor: Microsoft
. . .

For further verification, check folders and permissions. Following that, you should run the Revo64 program, a
sample Hadoop job, and if applicable, a sample Spark job.
Check folders and permissions
Each user should ensure that the appropriate user directories exist, and if necessary, create them with the following
shell commands:

$ `hadoop fs -mkdir /user/RevoShare/$USER`

$ `hadoop fs -chmod uog+rwx /user/RevoShare/$USER`
$ `mkdir -p /var/RevoShare/$USER`
$ `chmod uog+rwx /var/RevoShare/$USER`

The HDFS directory can also be created in a user’s R session (provided the top-level /user/RevoShare has the
appropriate permissions) using the following RevoScaleR commands (substitute your actual user name for
"username"). Run the RevoScaleR commands in a Revo64 session.

$ `cd MRS90HADOOP`
$ `Revo64`
> rxHadoopMakeDir("/user/RevoShare/username")
> rxHadoopCommand("fs -chmod uog+rwx /user/RevoShare/username")

Output for each command should be [1] TRUE .

As part of this process, make sure the base directories /user and /user/RevoShare have uog+rwx permissions as
Run programs and sample jobs using sample data
The next procedure loads sample data and runs the Revo64 program to further verify the installation.
1. Send sample data to HDFS.

$ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /share/SampleData

$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /usr/lib64/microsoft-
r/9.0/lib64/R/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv /share/SampleData/
$ hadoop fs -ls /share/SampleData

2. Start Revo64.
$ cd MRS90Linux
$ Revo64

3. Run a simple local computation. This step uses the proprietary Microsoft libraries.

> rxSummary(~., iris)

Partial output is as follows (showing the first 4 lines).

Rows Read: 150, Total Rows Processed: 150, Total Chunk Time: 0.003 seconds
Computation time: 0.010 seconds.
rxSummary(formula = ~., data = iris)

4. Run a sample local job.

This step uses the sample dataset and downloads data from HDFS, confirming that your local session can
access HDFS.
Paste the following code into your Revo64 session.

input <- file.path("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = input, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem =


adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


Partial output is as follows (showing the last 8 lines).

DayOfWeek Counts
Monday 97975
Tuesday 77725
Wednesday 78875
Thursday 81304
Friday 82987
Saturday 86159
Sunday 94975

5. Run a sample Hadoop job.

This step uses the sample dataset to run a Hadoop job.
Paste the following code into your Revo64 session. This snippet differs from the previous snippet by the
first line.
input <- file.path("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = input, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem =


adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


Partial output is as follows (showing the first 10 lines).

====== (Master HPA Process) has started run at Fri Jun 10 18:26:15 2016
Jun 10, 2016 6:26:21 PM RevoScaleR main
INFO: DEBUG: allArgs = '[-Dmapred.reduce.tasks=1, -libjars=/usr/hdp/
/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv, default, 0, /usr/bin/Revo64-8]'
End of allArgs.
16/06/10 18:26:26 INFO impl.TimelineClientImpl: Timeline service address:

6. Run a sample Spark job.

rxSetComputeContext(RxSpark(consoleOutput=TRUE, executorMem="1g", driverMem="1g",

executorOverheadMem="1g", numExecutors=2))
input <- file.path("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = input, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem =


adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


7. To quit the program, type q() at the command line with no arguments.

Manual Installation
An alternative to running the script is manual installation of each package and component, or building a
custom script that satisfies your technical or operational requirements.
Assuming that the packages for Microsoft R Open and Microsoft R Server are already unpacked, a manual or
custom installation must create the appropriate folders and set permissions.
RPM or DEB Installers
/var/RevoShare/ and hdfs://user/RevoShare must exist and have folders for each user running Microsoft R
Server in Hadoop or Spark.
/var/RevoShare/<user> and hdfs://user/RevoShare/<user> must have full permissions (all read, write, and
executive permissions for all users).
Cloudera Parcel Installers
1. Create /var/RevoShare/ and hdfs://user/RevoShare . Parcels cannot create them for you.
2. Give /var/RevoShare/<user> and hdfs://user/RevoShare/<user> for each user.
3. Grant full permissions to both /var/RevoShare/<user> and hdfs://user/RevoShare/<user> .

Distributed Installation
If you have multiple nodes, you can automate the installation across nodes using any distributed shell. (You can, of
course, automate installation with a non-distributed shell such as bash using a for-loop over a list of hosts, but
distributed shells usually provide the ability to run commands over multiple hosts simultaneously.) Examples
include dsh ("Dancer’s shell"), pdsh (Parallel Distributed Shell), PyDSH (the Python Distributed Shell), and fabric.
Each distributed shell has its own methods for specifying hosts, authentication, and so on, but ultimately all that is
required is the ability to run a shell command on multiple hosts. (It is convenient if there is a top-level copy
command, such as the pdcp command that is part of pdsh, but not necessary. The “cp” command can always be
run from the shell.)
Download Microsoft R Open rpm and the Microsoft R Server installer tar.gz file and copy all to /tmp.
1. Mount the IMG file. The following commands create a mount point and mount the file to that mount point:

mkdir /mnt/mrsimage
mount –o loop <filename> /mnt/mrsimage

For RHEL/CENTOS systems; tar zxvf MRS80RHEL.tar.gz

For SLES systems; tar zxvf MRS80SLES.tar.gz
2. Copy the installer gzipped tar file to a writable directory, such as /tmp:
From the mounted img file: cp /mnt/mrsimage/Microsoft-R -Server- * .tar.gz /tmp
From the unpacked tar file: cp /tmp/MRS80/Microsoft-R -Server- </em> .tar.gz /tmp
3. The following commands use pdsh and pdcp to distribute and install Microsoft R Server (ensure that each
command is run on a single logical line, even if it spans two lines below due to space constraints; lines
beginning with “>” indicate commands typed into an interactive pdsh session):

alias pdshw=’pdsh -w\`cat myhosts.txt\` -R ssh’

alias pdcpw=’pdcp -w\`cat myhosts.txt\` -R ssh’
> mkdir -p /var/tmp/revo-install
> exit
pdcpw /tmp/MRS90HADOOP.tar.gz /var/tmp/revo-install
> cd /var/tmp/revo-install; yum clean all
> tar zxf MRS90HADOOP.tar.gz
> cd MRS90HADOOP; sudo bash ./ -a -p
> exit

Install additional packages on each node using rxExec

Once you have R Server installed on a node, you can the rxExec function in RevoScaleR to install additional
packages, including third-party packages from CRAN or another repository. For example, to install the SuppDists
package on all the nodes of your cluster, call rxExec as follows:

rxExec(install.packages, "SuppDists")
Configure R Server to operationalize your analytics
Developers might want to configure R Server after its installation to benefit from the deployment and
consumption of web services on your Hadoop cluster. This optional feature provides a server-based framework for
running R code in real time. We recommend that you set up the "one-box configuration", where the compute node
and web node are on the same machine. If you need to scale the configuration, then you can add web nodes and
compute nodes on the other edge nodes. Do not configure a web node or compute node on any data nodes since
they are not YARN resources.

See Also
Install R on Hadoop overview
Install Microsoft R Server on Linux
Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version
Troubleshoot R Server installation problems on Hadoop
Install R Server 9.0.1 on Cloudera Distribution
Including Apache Hadoop (CDH)
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

We recommend the latest version of R Server for Hadoop for the most features and for simplicity of installation,
but if you have an older download of R Server for Hadoop 9.0.1, you can use the following instructions to create a
parcel in Cloudera Manager. Multi-node installation is also covered in this article.

Create an R Package Parcel for Cloudera Manager

If you are using Cloudera Manager to manage your Cloudera Hadoop cluster, you can use the Microsoft R Server
Parcel Generator to create a Cloudera Manager parcel containing additional R packages, and use the resulting
parcel to distribute those packages across all the nodes of your cluster.
The Microsoft R Server Parcel Generator is a Python script that takes a library of R packages and creates a
Cloudera Manager parcel that excludes any base or recommended packages, or packages included with
the standard Microsoft R Server distribution. Make sure to consider any dependencies your packages might
have and be sure to include those in your library.
You can find the script at the following link:
You can find the Parcel Generator used to run the script in the MRS -x.y.z/bin directory. You might need to ensure
that the script has execute permission using the chmod command, or you can call it as
python generate\_r\ .)

When calling the script, yprovide a name and a version number for the resulting parcel, together with the path to
the library you would like to package. When choosing a name for your parcel, be sure to pick a name that is
unique in your parcel repository (typically /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo). For example, to package the library
/home/RevoUser/R/library, you might call the script as follows: –p "RevoUserPkgs" –v "0.1" –l /home/RevoUser/R/library

By default, the path to the library you package should be the same as the path to the library on the Hadoop cluster.
You can specify a different destination using the –d flag: –p "RevoUserPkgs" –v "0.1" -l /home/RevoUser/R/library –d /var/RevoShare/RevoUser/library

To distribute and activate your parcel perform the following steps:

1. Copy or move your .parcel and .sha files to the parcel repository on your Cloudera cluster (typically,
2. Ensure that the .parcel and .sha files are owned by root and have 755 permissions (that is, read, write, and
execute permission for root, and read and execute permissions for group and others).
3. In your browser, open Cloudera Manager.
4. Click Hosts in the upper navigation bar to bring up the All Hosts page.
5. Click Parcels to bring up the Parcels page.
6. Click Check for New Parcels. Your new parcel should appear with a Distribute button. After clicking Check
for New Parcels you may need to click on “All Clusters” under the “Location” section on the left to see the new
7. Click the Distribute button for your parcel. The parcel will be distributed to all the nodes of your cluster. When
the distribution is complete, the Distribute button is replaced with an Activate button.
8. Click Activate. Activation prepares your parcel to be used by the cluster.
After your parcel is distributed and activated your R packages should be present in the libraries on each node and
can be loaded into your next R session.

Multinode installation using Cloudera Manager

The following steps walk you through a multinode installation using Cloudera Manager to create a Cloudera
Manager parcel for an R Server installation.
Two parcels are required:
Microsoft R Open parcel installs open-source R and additional open-source components on the nodes of your
Cloudera cluster. This distribution of MRO must be downloaded using the link below. Please do not use MRO
from MRAN or the MRO package from another installation of R Server.
Microsoft R Server parcel installs proprietary components on the nodes of your Cloudera cluster.
Install the Cloudera Manager parcels as follows:
1. Download the Microsoft R Open for Microsoft R Server Cloudera Manager parcel. Note that the parcel
consists of two files, the parcel itself and its associated .sha file. They may be packaged as a single .tar.gz file
for convenience in downloading, but that must be unpacked and the two files copied to the parcel-repo for
Cloudera Manager to recognize them as a parcel.
2. Download and unpack the R Server distribution, which will either be a DVD img file (if you obtained
Microsoft R Server via Microsoft Volume Licensing) or a gzipped tar file (if you obtained Microsoft R
Server via MSDN or Dev Essentials). The distribution file includes the required Cloudera Parcel files.
If you have an img file, you must first mount the file. The following commands create a mount point and
mount the file to that mount point:

mkdir /mnt/mrsimage
mount –o loop MRS90HADOOP.img /mnt/mrsimage

If you have a gzipped tar file, you should unpack the file as follows (be sure you have downloaded the file to
a writable directory, such as /tmp):

tar zxvf MRS90HADOOP.tar.gz

3. Copy the parcel files to your local parcel-repo, typically /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo:

From the mounted img file: cp /mnt/mrsimage/MRS_Parcel/MRS -9.0.1-* /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo
From the unpacked tar file: cp /tmp/MRS90HADOOP/MRS_Parcel/MRS -9.0.1-* /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo
4. You should have the following files in your parcel repo:


Be sure all the files are owned by root and have 644 permissions (read, write, permission for root, and read
permission for groups and others). Parcels should not have a file extension. If any parcels have a .sha file
extension, please rename the file to remove the extension.
5. In your browser, open Cloudera Manager.
6. Click Hosts in the upper navigation bar to bring up the All Hosts page.
7. Click Parcels to bring up the Parcels page.
8. Click Check for New Parcels. MRO and MRS parcels should each appear with a Distribute button. After
clicking Check for New Parcels you may need to click on Location > All Clusters on the left to see the
new parcels.
9. Click the MRO Distribute button. Microsoft R Open will be distributed to all the nodes of your cluster.
When the distribution is complete, the Distribute button is replaced with an Activate button.
10. Click Activate. Activation prepares Microsoft R Open to be used by the cluster.
11. Click the MRS Distribute button. Microsoft R Server will be distributed to all the nodes of your cluster.
When the distribution is complete, the Distribute button is replaced with an Activate button.

See Also
Install R on Hadoop overview
Install R Server 8.0.5 on Hadoop
Install Microsoft R Server on Linux
Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version
Troubleshoot R Server installation problems on Hadoop
Install Microsoft R Server 2016 (8.0.5) on Hadoop
6/18/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Older versions of R Server for Hadoop are no longer available on the Microsoft download sites, but if you already
have an older distribution, you can follow these instructions to deploy version 8.0.5. For the current release, see
Install R Server for Hadoop.

About the R Server 2016 installer

Microsoft R Server 2016 provides updated installers that allow you to deploy R Server in fewer steps, enabled in
part by a slipstream installation of Microsoft R Open for R Server 2016 that comes with most dependencies
built into the package. In addition to the installers, several new features and enhancements are new in this release.
If you have an older version of R and would like to upgrade, see Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a
newer version for instructions.
A summary of setup tasks for R Server 2016 is as follows:
Download the software
Unzip to extract packages and an install script (
Run the install script with a -p parameter (for Hadoop)
Verify the installation
The install script downloads and installs Microsoft R Open for R Server 2016 (microsoft-r-server-mro-8.0.rpm).
This distribution provides the following packages that are new in this version:
In contrast with previous releases, this version comes with a requirement for root installation. Non-root
installations are not supported in R Server 2016.

Recommendations for installation

We recommend installing R Server on all nodes of the cluster to avoid Hadoop queuing up jobs on nodes that
don't actually have R. Although the task will eventually get reassigned to a node that has R, you will see errors
from the worker node and experience unnecessary delay while waiting for the error to resolve.
Microsoft Azure offers virtual machines with Hadoop templates. If you don't have a Hadoop cluster, you can
purchase and provision virtual machines on Azure using templates provided by several vendors.
1. Sign in to Azure portal.
2. Click New in the top left side bar.
3. In the search box, type the name of one of these vendors: Cloudera, HortonWorks, and MapR. Several of these
vendors offer sandbox deployments that make it easier to get started.

System requirements
R Server must be installed on at least one master or client node which will serve as the submit node; it should be
installed on as many workers as is practical to maximize the available compute resources. Nodes must have the
same version of R Server within the cluster.
Setup checks the operating system and detects the Hadoop cluster, but it doesn't check for specific distributions.
Microsoft R Server 2016 works with the following Hadoop distributions:
Cloudera CDH 5.5-5.7
HortonWorks HDP 2.3-2.4
MapR 5.0-5.1
Microsoft R Server requires Hadoop MapReduce, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ), and Apache
YARN. Optionally, Spark version 1.5.0-1.6.1 is supported for Microsoft R Server 2016 (version 8.0.5).
In this version, the installer should provide most of the dependencies required by R Server, but if the installer
reports a missing dependency, see Package Dependencies for Microsoft R Server installations on Linux and
Hadoop for a complete list of the dependencies required for installation.
Minimum system configuration requirements for Microsoft R Server are as follows:
Processor: 64-bit CPU with x86-compatible architecture (variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-32e,
EM64T, or x64 CPUs). Itanium-architecture CPUs (also known as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core CPUs
are recommended.
Operating System: The Hadoop distribution must be installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL ) 6.x and 7.x
(or a fully compatible operating system like CentOS ), or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES11). See
Supported platforms in Microsoft R Server for more information.
Memory: A minimum of 8 GB of RAM is required for Microsoft R Server; 16 GB or more are recommended.
Hadoop itself has substantial memory requirements; see your Hadoop distribution’s documentation for specific
Disk Space: A minimum of 500 MB of disk space is required on each node for R Server. Hadoop itself has
substantial disk space requirements; see your Hadoop distribution’s documentation for specific recommendations.

Unpack the distribution

Unpack the software to a writable directory, such as /tmp, and then run the installation script.
The distribution includes one installer for Microsoft R Server. For a gzipped TAR file, you should unpack the file as
follows (be sure you have downloaded the file to a writable directory, such as /tmp):
1. Log in as root or a user with sudo privileges.
2. Switch to the /tmp directory (assuming it's the download location)
3. Unpack the file: [tmp] $ tar zxvf en_microsoft_r_server_for_hadoop_x64_8944644.tar.gz

Unpacking an ISO file

Volume licensing makes the download available as an ISO file. To unpack this file, create a mount point, and then
mount the ISO file to that mount point:

`mkdir /mnt/mrsimage`
`mount –o loop sw_dvd5_r_server_2016_english_-2_for_HadoopRdHt_mlf_x20-98709.iso /mnt/mrsimage`

The download file is sw_dvd5_r_server_2016_english_-2_for_HadoopRdHt_mlf_x20-98709.iso.

Run the install script

Microsoft R Server 2016 for Hadoop is deployed by running the install script with the -p parameter, which you
can install at the root, or as super user via sudo .
1. Log in as root or a user with sudo privileges. The following instructions assume user privileges with the
sudo override.
2. Verify system repositories are up to date: [username] $ sudo yum clean all
3. Change to the directory to which you mounted or unpacked the installer (for example, /mnt/mrsimage for
an .img file, or /tmp/MRS80HADOOP if you unpacked the tar.gz file): [username] $ cd /tmp [username
tmp] $ cd /MRS80HADOOP
4. Run the script with the -p parameter, specifying the Hadoop component: [username tmp
MRS80HADOOP ] $ sudo bash -p
5. When prompted to accept the license terms for Microsoft R open, click Enter to read the EULA, click q
when you are finished reading, and then click y to accept the terms.
6. Installer output shows the packages and location of the log file.
7. Check the version of Microsoft R Open using rpm -qi : [username tmp MRS80HADOOP ] $ rpm -qi
8. Optionally, you can also use rpm -qi to check the version of microsoft-r-server-intel-mkl-8.0, microsoft-r-
server-packages-8.0, and microsoft-r-server-hadoop-8.0.
9. Check the output to verify version 8.0.5. Partial output appears as follows:

Name : microsoft-r-server-mro-8.0 Relocations: /usr/lib64

Version : 8.0.5 Vendor: Microsoft
. . .

Verify install
As a verification step, check folders and permissions. Following that, you should run the Revo64 program, a
sample Hadoop job, and if applicable, a sample Spark job.
Check folders and permissions
Each user should ensure that the appropriate user directories exist, and if necessary, create them with the
following shell commands:

$ hadoop fs -mkdir /user/RevoShare/$USER

$ hadoop fs -chmod uog+rwx /user/RevoShare/$USER
$ mkdir -p /var/RevoShare/$USER
$ chmod uog+rwx /var/RevoShare/$USER

The HDFS directory can also be created in a user’s R session (provided the top-level /user/RevoShare has the
appropriate permissions) using the following RevoScaleR commands (substitute your actual user name for
"username"). Run the RevoScaleR commands in a Revo64 session.

$ cd MRS80Linux
$ Revo64
> rxHadoopMakeDir("/user/RevoShare/username")
> rxHadoopCommand("fs -chmod uog+rwx /user/RevoShare/username")

Output for each command should be [1] TRUE .

As part of this process, make sure the base directories /user and /user/RevoShare have uog+rwx permissions as
Run programs and sample jobs using sample data
The next procedure loads sample data and runs the Revo64 program to further verify the installation.
1. Send sample data to HDFS.

$ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /share/SampleData

$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /usr/lib64/microsoft-
r/8.0/lib64/R/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv /share/SampleData/
$ hadoop fs -ls /share/SampleData

2. Start Revo64.

$ cd MRS80Linux
$ Revo64

3. Run a simple local computation. This step uses the proprietary Microsoft libraries.

> rxSummary(~., iris)

Partial output is as follows (showing the first 4 lines).

Rows Read: 150, Total Rows Processed: 150, Total Chunk Time: 0.003 seconds
Computation time: 0.010 seconds.
rxSummary(formula = ~., data = iris)

4. Run a sample local job.

This step uses the sample dataset and downloads data from HDFS, confirming that your local session can
access HDFS.
Paste the following code into your Revo64 session.

input <- file.path("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = input, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem =


adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


Partial output is as follows (showing the last 8 lines).

DayOfWeek Counts
Monday 97975
Tuesday 77725
Wednesday 78875
Thursday 81304
Friday 82987
Saturday 86159
Sunday 94975

5. Run a sample Hadoop job.

This step uses the sample dataset to run a Hadoop job.
Paste the following code into your Revo64 session. This snippet differs from the previous snippet by the
first line.

input <- file.path("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = input, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem =


adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


Partial output is as follows (showing the first 10 lines).

====== (Master HPA Process) has started run at Fri Jun 10 18:26:15 2016
Jun 10, 2016 6:26:21 PM RevoScaleR main
INFO: DEBUG: allArgs = '[-Dmapred.reduce.tasks=1, -libjars=/usr/hdp/
/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv, default, 0, /usr/bin/Revo64-8]'
End of allArgs.
16/06/10 18:26:26 INFO impl.TimelineClientImpl: Timeline service address:

6. Run a sample Spark job.

rxSetComputeContext(RxSpark(consoleOutput=TRUE, executorMem="1g", driverMem="1g",

executorOverheadMem="1g", numExecutors=2))
input <- file.path("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = input, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem =


adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


7. To quit the program, type q() at the command line with no arguments.

Manual Installation
An alternative to running the script is manual installation of each package and component, or building a
custom script that satisfies your technical or operational requirements.
Assuming that the packages for Microsoft R Open for R Server and Microsoft R Server 2016 are already installed,
a manual or custom installation must create the appropriate folders and set permissions.
RPM or DEB Installers
/var/RevoShare/ and hdfs://user/RevoShare must exist and have folders for each user running Microsoft R
Server in Hadoop or Spark.
/var/RevoShare/<user> and hdfs://user/RevoShare/<user> must have full permissions (all read, write, and
executive permissions for all users).
Cloudera Parcel Installers
1. Create /var/RevoShare/ and hdfs://user/RevoShare . Parcels cannot create them for you.
2. Give /var/RevoShare/<user> and hdfs://user/RevoShare/<user> for each user.
3. Grant full permissions to both /var/RevoShare/<user> and hdfs://user/RevoShare/<user> .

Distributed Installation
If you have multiple nodes, you can automate the installation across nodes using any distributed shell. (You can, of
course, automate installation with a non-distributed shell such as bash using a for-loop over a list of hosts, but
distributed shells usually provide the ability to run commands over multiple hosts simultaneously.) Examples
include dsh ("Dancer’s shell"), pdsh (Parallel Distributed Shell), PyDSH (the Python Distributed Shell), and fabric.
Each distributed shell has its own methods for specifying hosts, authentication, and so on, but ultimately all that is
required is the ability to run a shell command on multiple hosts. (It is convenient if there is a top-level copy
command, such as the pdcp command that is part of pdsh, but not necessary—the “cp” command can always be
run from the shell.)
Download Microsoft R Open rpm and the Microsoft R Server installer tar.gz file and copy all to /tmp.
1. Mount the IMG file. The following commands create a mount point and mount the file to that mount point:

mkdir /mnt/mrsimage
mount –o loop <filename> /mnt/mrsimage

For RHEL/CENTOS systems; tar zxvf MRS80RHEL.tar.gz

For SLES systems; tar zxvf MRS80SLES.tar.gz
2. Copy the installer gzipped tar file to a writable directory, such as /tmp:
From the mounted img file: cp /mnt/mrsimage/Microsoft-R -Server- * .tar.gz /tmp
From the unpacked tar file: cp /tmp/MRS80/Microsoft-R -Server- </em> .tar.gz /tmp
3. The following commands use pdsh and pdcp to distribute and install Microsoft R Server (ensure that each
command is run on a single logical line, even if it spans two lines below due to space constraints; lines
beginning with “>” indicate commands typed into an interactive pdsh session):

alias pdshw=’pdsh -w\`cat myhosts.txt\` -R ssh’

alias pdcpw=’pdcp -w\`cat myhosts.txt\` -R ssh’
> mkdir -p /var/tmp/revo-install
> exit
pdcpw /tmp/MRS80HADOOP.tar.gz /var/tmp/revo-install
> cd /var/tmp/revo-install; yum clean all
> tar zxf MRS80HADOOP.tar.gz
> cd MRS80HADOOP; sudo bash ./ -a -p
> exit

Multi-node installation using Cloudera Manager

The following steps walk you through a multi-node installation using Cloudera Manager to create a Cloudera
Manager parcel for a Microsoft R Server 2016 installation. In contrast with an 8.0.0 installation, you can skip the
steps for creating a Revolution Customer Service Descriptor.
Two parcels are required:
Microsoft R Open parcel installs open-source R and additional open-source components on the nodes of your
Cloudera cluster.
Microsoft R Server parcel installs proprietary components on the nodes of your Cloudera cluster.
Install the Cloudera Manager parcels as follows:
1. Download the Microsoft R Open for Microsoft R Server Cloudera Manager parcel.. Note that the parcel
consists of two files, the parcel itself and its associated .sha file. They may be packaged as a single .tar.gz file
for convenience in downloading, but that must be unpacked and the two files copied to the parcel-repo for
Cloudera Manager to recognize them as a parcel.
2. Download and unpack the Microsoft R Server 2016 distribution, which will either be a DVD img file (if you
obtained Microsoft R Server via Microsoft Volume Licensing) or a gzipped tar file (if you obtained
Microsoft R Server via MSDN or Dev Essentials). The distribution file includes the required Cloudera
Parcel files.
If you have an img file, you must first mount the file. The following commands create a mount point and
mount the file to that mount point:

mkdir /mnt/mrsimage
mount –o loop MRS80HADOOP.img /mnt/mrsimage

If you have a gzipped tar file, you should unpack the file as follows (be sure you have downloaded the file
to a writable directory, such as /tmp):

tar zxvf MRS80HADOOP.tar.gz

3. Copy the parcel files to your local parcel-repo, typically /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo:

From the mounted img file: cp /mnt/mrsimage/MRS -8.0.5-* /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo
From the unpacked tar file: cp /tmp/MRS80HADOOP/MRS -8.0.5-* /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo
4. You should have the following files in your parcel repo:


Be sure all the files are owned by root and have 644 permissions (read, write, permission for root, and read
permission for groups and others).
5. In your browser, open Cloudera Manager.
6. Click Hosts in the upper navigation bar to bring up the All Hosts page.
7. Click Parcels to bring up the Parcels page.
8. Click Check for New Parcels. MRO 8.0.5 and MRS 8.0.5 should each appear with a Distribute button.
After clicking Check for New Parcels you may need to click on “All Clusters” under the “Location” section
on the left to see the new parcels.
9. Click the MRO 8.0.5 Distribute button. Microsoft R Open will be distributed to all the nodes of your
cluster. When the distribution is complete, the Distribute button is replaced with an Activate button.
10. Click Activate. Activation prepares Microsoft R Open to be used by the cluster.
11. Click the MRS 8.0.5 Distribute button. Microsoft R Server will be distributed to all the nodes of your
cluster. When the distribution is complete, the Distribute button is replaced with an Activate button.

Troubleshoot installation problems

See Troubleshoot Microsoft R installation problems on Hadoop for tips.
If you want to start over, see Uninstall Microsoft R Server for instructions.

Next steps
Developers might want to install DeployR, an optional component that provides a server-based framework for
running R code in real time. See DeployR Installation for setup instructions.
To get started, we recommend the ScaleR Getting Started Guide for Hadoop.

See Also
Install R on Hadoop overview
Install Microsoft R Server on Linux
Uninstall Microsoft R Server to upgrade to a newer version
Troubleshoot R Server installation problems on Hadoop
Package Dependencies for Microsoft R Server
installations on Linux and Hadoop
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article lists the Linux packages required for running or building Microsoft R packages on Linux and Hadoop
For computers with an internet connection, setup downloads and adds any missing dependencies automatically.
But, if your system is not internet-connected or not configured to use a package manager, a separate download
followed by manual install of dependent packages is required.
You can download files from your Linux or Hadoop vendor.
You can use this syntax to download specific packages:

yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=/tmp/<download-here> <package-name>

Alternatively, for offline installations, you can download packages over an internet connection, upload to an
internet-restricted Linux machine, and then use rpm -i <package-name> to install the package.
For a list of supported operating systems and versions, see Supported platforms.

Package dependencies for Microsoft R Server 9.1.0

Applies to: CentOS, RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL ), SUSE SLES (1)


cairo 1.8.8-6.el6_6 base

fontconfig 2.8.0-5.el6 base

freetype 2.3.11-17.el6 base

libICE 1.0.6-1.el6 base

libSM 1.2.1-2.el6 base

libX11 1.6.3-2.el6 base

libX11-common 1.6.3-2.el6 base

libXau 1.0.6-4.el6 base

libXft 2.3.2-1.el6 base

libXrender 0.9.8-2.1.el6_8.1 updates


libXt 1.1.4-6.1.el6 base

libgomp 4.4.7-17.el6 base

libpng 2:1.2.49-2.el6_7 base

libthai 0.1.12-3.el6 base

libxcb 1.11-2.el6 base

pango 1.28.1-11.el6 base

pixman 0.32.8-1.el6 base

1 If you are performing a manual or offline parcel installation using on Cloudera on SUSE SLES, the SUSE
dependencies are as follows: cairo , fontconfig , freetype , xorg-x11-libICE , xorg-x11-libSM , xorg-x11-libX11 ,
xorg-x11-libXau , libXft , xorg-x11-libXrender , xorg-x11-libXt , libgomp43 , libpng12-0 , libthai ,
xorg-x11-libxcb pango

Applies to: Ubuntu

The following Debian packages are required for running R Server on Ubuntu.

Package dependencies for Microsoft R Server 9.0.1


cairo x86_64 1.8.8-6.el6_6 base 309 k

fontconfig x86_64 2.8.0-5.el6 base 186 k

freetype x86_64 2.3.11-17.el6 base 361 k

libICE x86_64 1.0.6-1.el6 base 53 k

libSM x86_64 1.2.1-2.el6 base 37 k

libX11 x86_64 1.6.3-2.el6 base 586 k

libX11-common not applicable 1.6.3-2.el6 base 169 k

libXau x86_64 1.0.6-4.el6 base 24 k

libXft x86_64 2.3.2-1.el6 base 55 k


libXrender x86_64 0.9.8-2.1.el6_8.1 updates 24 k

libXt x86_64 1.1.4-6.1.el6 base 165 k

libgomp x86_64 4.4.7-17.el6 base 134 k

libpng x86_64 2:1.2.49-2.el6_7 base 182 k

libthai x86_64 0.1.12-3.el6 base 183 k

libxcb x86_64 1.11-2.el6 base 142 k

pango x86_64 1.28.1-11.el6 base 351 k

pixman x86_64 0.32.8-1.el6 base 243 k

Package dependencies for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5

In release 8.0.5, the installer was revised. Most package dependencies are included in the version of Microsoft R
Open that installs with R Server, accounting for the much smaller list of dependencies.
The following list of 18 packages are Linux packages that yum looks for during an R Server installation.


cairo x86_64 1.8.8-6.el6_6 base 309 k

fontconfig x86_64 2.8.0-5.el6 base 186 k

freetype x86_64 2.3.11-17.el6 base 361 k

libICE x86_64 1.0.6-1.el6 base 53 k

libSM x86_64 1.2.1-2.el6 base 37 k

libX11 x86_64 1.6.3-2.el6 base 586 k

libX11-common not applicable 1.6.3-2.el6 base 169 k

libXau x86_64 1.0.6-4.el6 base 24 k

libXft x86_64 2.3.2-1.el6 base 55 k

libXrender x86_64 0.9.8-2.1.el6_8.1 updates 24 k

libXt x86_64 1.1.4-6.1.el6 base 165 k

libgomp x86_64 4.4.7-17.el6 base 134 k

libpng x86_64 2:1.2.49-2.el6_7 base 182 k


libthai x86_64 0.1.12-3.el6 base 183 k

libxcb x86_64 1.11-2.el6 base 142 k

pango x86_64 1.28.1-11.el6 base 351 k

pixman x86_64 0.32.8-1.el6 base 243 k

Package dependencies for Microsoft R Server 8.0.0

Most of the packages listed in Table 1 (for RHEL systems) and Table 2 (for SLES 11 systems), are explicitly
required by Microsoft R Server, either to build R itself or as a prerequisite for an additional Microsoft package.
Table 3 and Table 4 are downstream dependencies (dependencies of packages listed in Table 1 or Table 2), for
RHEL systems and Table 4 for SLES 11 systems, respectively. These packages are automatically installed while
the automated script is running. Dependency lists are based on default installs of RHEL 6 and SLES11; if your
system has a minimal installation of the operating system, additional packages may be required.
Table 1. Packages Explicitly Required by Microsoft R Server on RHEL Systems

libjpeg\*-devel \

Table 2. Packages Explicitly Required by Microsoft R Server on SLES 11 Systems


Table 3. Secondary Dependencies Installed for Microsoft R Server on RHEL Systems

ppl glibc-headers
tcl gmp
tcl-devel kernel-headers

Table 4. Secondary Dependencies Installed for Microsoft R Server on SLES 11 Systems

gcc43 libX11
libobjc43 tcl
libuuid-devel gmp
Manual package installation (Microsoft R Server for
Linux or Hadoop)
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

An alternative to running the script at the command line is to manually install each package and

With root privilege, you can use a package manager to install each package in the R Server distribution. The
following example illustrates the syntax.
On RHEL: rpm -i microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.x86_64
On Ubuntu: apt-get install microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3
On SUSE: zypper install microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3

A manual package installation is similar to an offline installation. As a first step, review the instructions for offline
installation for system prerequisites and for downloading and unpacking the distribution.
After you unpack the distribution, you should see packages for RPM and DEB in the /tmp/MRS91Hadoop

1. Log in as root or as a user with super user privileges ( sudo -s ). The following instructions assume user
privileges with the sudo override.
2. Use a package manager to verify system repositories are up to date:
On RHEL use yum: [root@localhost tmp] $ yum expire-cache
On Ubuntu use apt-get: [root@localhost tmp] $ apt-get autoclean
3. Install the .NET Core package from This component is required for
machine learning, remote execution, web service deployment, and configuration of web and compute
4. Install Microsoft R Server packages. You should have the following packages, which should be installed in
this order:
microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.3.x86_64.rpm microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1.rpm microsoft-r-server-hadoop-
9.1.rpm microsoft-r-server-mml-9.1.rpm microsoft-r-server-mlm-9.1.rpm microsoft-r-server-config-rserve-
9.1.rpm microsoft-r-server-computenode-9.1.rpm microsoft-r-server-webnode-9.1.rpm microsoft-r-server-

Create folders and set permissions

A manual or custom installation must create the appropriate folders and set permissions.
RPM or DEB Installers
/var/RevoShare/ and hdfs://user/RevoShare must exist and have folders for each user running Microsoft R
Server in Hadoop or Spark.
/var/RevoShare/<user> and hdfs://user/RevoShare/<user> must have full permissions (all read, write, and
executive permissions for all users).
Cloudera Parcel Installers
1. Create /var/RevoShare/ and hdfs://user/RevoShare . Parcels cannot create them for you.
2. Give /var/RevoShare/<user> and hdfs://user/RevoShare/<user> for each user.
3. Grant full permissions to both /var/RevoShare/<user> and hdfs://user/RevoShare/<user> .

Install additional packages on each node using rxExec

Once you have R Server installed on a node, you can use the rxExec function in RevoScaleR to install additional
packages, including third-party packages from CRAN or another repository.
For example, to install the SuppDists package on all the nodes of your cluster, call rxExec as follows:

rxExec(install.packages, "SuppDists")

Enable Remote Connections and Analytic Deployment

The server can be used as-is if you install and use an R IDE on the same box, but to benefit from the deployment
and consumption of web services with Microsoft R Server, then you must configure R Server after installation to
act as a deployment server and host analytic web services. Possible configurations are a one-box setup or an
enterprise setup. Doing so also enables remote execution, allowing you to connect to R Server from an R Client
workstation and execute code on the server.

Next Steps
Review the following walkthroughs to move forward with using R Server and the RevoScaleR package in Spark
and MapReduce processing models.
Practice data import and exploration on Spark
Practice data import and exploration on MapReduce
Adjust Hadoop configuration for RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Increase memory limits for R server workloads

On YARN -based Hadoop systems (CDH5, HDP 2.x, MapR 4.x), we sometimes find that the default settings for
Map and Reduce memory limits are inadequate for large RevoScaleR jobs.
To allow large RevoScaleR jobs to run, you can modify four properties in mapred-site.xml and one in yarn-site.xml,
typically found in /etc/hadoop/conf.
The memory available for R is the difference between the container’s memory limit and the memory given to the
Java Virtual Machine.




If you are using a cluster manager such as Cloudera Manager or Ambari, these settings must usually be modified
using the Web interface.

Use HDFS Caching

HDFS caching, more formally centralized cache management in HDFS, can greatly improve the performance of
your Hadoop jobs by keeping frequently used data in memory. You enable HDFS caching on a path by path basis,
first by creating a pool of cached paths, and then adding paths to the pool.
The HDFS command cacheadmin is used to perform these tasks. This command should be run by the hdfs user
(the mapr user on MapR installations). The cacheadmin command has many subcommands; the Apache Software
Foundation has complete documentation. To get started, the addPool and addDirective commands will suffice.
For example, to specify HDFS caching for our /share/AirlineDemoSmall directory, we can first create a pool as

hdfs cacheadmin –addPool rrePool

You can then add the path to /share/AirlineDemoSmall to the pool with an addDirective command as follows:
hdfs cacheadmin –addDirective –path /share/AirlineDemoSmall –pool rrePool

Hadoop Security with Kerberos Authentication

By default, most Hadoop configurations are relatively insecure. Security features such as SELinux and IPtables
firewalls are often turned off to help get the Hadoop cluster up and running quickly. However, Cloudera and
Hortonworks distributions of Hadoop support Kerberos authentication, which allows Hadoop to operate in a much
more secure manner. To use Kerberos authentication with your particular version of Hadoop, see one of the
following documents:
Cloudera CDH5
Cloudera CDH5 with Cloudera Manager 5
Hortonworks HDP 1.3
Hortonworks HDP 2.x
Hortonworks HDP (1.3 or 2.x) with Ambari
If you have trouble restarting your Hadoop cluster after enabling Kerberos authentication, the problem is most
likely with your keytab files. Be sure you have created all the required Kerberos principals and generated
appropriate keytab entries for all of your nodes, and that the keytab files have been located correctly with the
appropriate permissions. (We have found that in Hortonworks clusters managed with Ambari, it is important that
the spnego.service.keytab file be present on all the nodes of the cluster, not just the name node and secondary
The MapR distribution also supports Kerberos authentication, but most MapR installations use that distribution’s
wire-level security feature. See the MapR Security Guide for details.
Troubleshoot Microsoft R installation problems on
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

No two Hadoop installations are exactly alike, but most are quite similar. This article brings together a number of
common errors seen in attempting to run Microsoft R Server commands on Hadoop clusters, and the most
likely causes of such errors from our experience.

Missing dependencies
Linux and Hadoop servers that are locked down prevent the installation script from downloading any required
dependencies that are missing on your system. For a list of all dependencies required by Microsoft R, see
Package Dependencies for Microsoft R Server installations on Linux and Hadoop.

No Valid Credentials
If you see a message such as “No valid credentials provided”, this means you do not have a valid Kerberos ticket.
Quit Microsoft R Server, obtain a Kerberos ticket using kinit, and then restart Microsoft R Server.

Unable to Load Class RevoScaleR

If you see a message about being unable to find or load main class RevoScaleR, this means that the jar file
scaleR -hadoop-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar could not be found. This jar file must be in a location where it can be found
by the script, or its location must be explicitly added to the CLASSPATH.

Classpath Errors
If you see other errors related to Java classes, these are likely related to the settings of the following
environment variables:
Of these, the most commonly misconfigured is the CLASSPATH.

Unable to Load Shared Library

If you see a message about being unable to load, you may need to create a symbolic link from your
installed version of to the system library, such as the following command:

ln -s /path/to/ /usr/lib64/

Or, update your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include the path to the libjvm shared object:


(This step is normally performed automatically during the RRE install. If you continue to see errors about, you may need to both create the preceding symbolic link and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.)
Similarly, if you see a message about being unable to load, you may need to create a symbolic link
from your installed version of to the system library, such as the following command:

ln -s /path/to/ /usr/lib64/

Or, update your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include the path to the libjvm shared object:

Hive ODBC Connection Problems on Edge Nodes

An ODBC connection to Hive from an edge node can be useful for both importing the results of Hive queries,
and directly streaming results into ScaleR algorithms for analysis.
Prior to using RxOdbcData against Hive, we recommend that you begin by installing and configuring the ODBC
drivers provided by your Hadoop vendor for your installed distro. Next, work with your Hadoop vendor to
debug the ODBC setup until you are able to successfully run Hive queries using a Hive command line tool such
as ‘beeline’. Lastly, take one of those queries that you ran from the command line and try running it from within
R Server on the edge node via RxOdbcData .

Check Hadoop cluster health

Hadoop includes example programs that help verify the health of your cluster. One exmaple is the jar file
hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar. The following command should display a list of the available examples:

hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar

On MapR, the quick installation installs the Hadoop files to /opt/mapr by default; the path to the examples jar
file is /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop -0.20.2/hadoop -0.20.2 -dev -examples.jar.
On Cloudera Manager parcel installs, the default path to the examples is
/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hadoop -mapreduce-examples.jar.)
The following command runs the pi example, which uses Monte Carlo sampling to estimate pi. The 5 tells
Hadoop to use 5 mappers, the 300 says to use 300 samples per map:

hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar pi 5 300

If you can successfully run one or more of the Hadoop examples, your Hadoop installation was successful and
you are ready to install Microsoft R Server.
R Server 9.1 installation instructions for Teradata
6/18/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft R Server 9.1 for Teradata is an R -based analytical engine embedded in your Teradata data warehouse.
This article provides detailed instructions for installing Microsoft R Server 9.1 for Teradata in the Teradata data
warehouse. For configuring local workstations to submit jobs to run within your Teradata data warehouse, see
Microsoft R Server Client Installation Manual for Teradata.
Microsoft R Server for Teradata is required for running Microsoft R Server scalable analytics in-database. If you do
not need to run your analytics in-database, but simply need to access Teradata data via Teradata Parallel Transport
or ODBC, you do not need to install Microsoft R Server in your Teradata data warehouse. You will, however, need
to configure your local workstations as described in Microsoft R Server Client Installation Manual for Teradata.

The Teradata compute context was discontinued in Machine Learning Server 9.2.1. If you have R Server 9.1 and use the
Teradata compute context, you are covered by Microsoft's service support policy. For future compatibility, we recommend
modifying existing code to run in other compute contexts, and create a Teradata data source object to work with your data.
For more information about Teradata as a data source, see RxTeradata.

System Requirements
Microsoft R Server for Teradata has the following system requirements:
Processor: 64-bit processor with x86-compatible architecture (variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-
32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium-architecture chips (also known as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core
chips are recommended.
Operating System: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES11 SP1 64-bit is supported.
Teradata Version: Teradata 15.10, 15.00, or 14.10.
Memory: A minimum of 1 GB of RAM is required; 4 GB or more are recommended.
Disk Space: A minimum of 500 MB of disk space is required
The following specific libraries must be installed on the Teradata appliance from the SLES 11 installation DVDs:
SLES -11-SP1-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/ghostscript-fonts-std-8.62-32.27.31.x86_64.rpm
SLES -11-SP1-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/libicu-4.0-7.24.11.x86_64.rpm
SLE -11-SP1-SDK-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/libstdc++45-4.5.0_20100414-
SLE -11-SP1-SDK-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/libgfortran43-4.3.4_20091019-
SLE -11-SP1-SDK-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/gcc43-fortran-4.3.4_20091019-
SLE -11-SP1-SDK-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/gcc-fortran-4.3-62.198.x86_64.rpm
Dependency: The file libstdc++6-5.3.1.x86_64.rpm is included with MRS 9.1. This may cause conflicts with
existing rpms. If you opt to perform this install, the rpm needs to be installed on each node. If you cannot install
this, rpm MRS 9.1 will not work.
A method of doing so is to execute the following command on each node:

zypper -n install --force-resolution libstdc++6-5.3.1.x86_64.rpm

Download software
First, download the version of Microsoft R Open. For this release, you must have Microsoft R Open 3.3.3 for SLES
11 (found at the mro repository.
Second, download R Server 9.1 for Teradata from Visual Studio Dev Essentials.
1. Click Join or access now to sign up for download benefits.
2. Check the URL to verify it changed to
3. Click Downloads to search for R Server.
4. Click Downloads for a specific version to select the platform.

Installing the Microsoft R Server rpms

We recommend using the Teradata Parallel Update Tool (PUT) to install the Microsoft R Server rpms.
PUT is a browser-based utility, and we recommend that you upgrade to the latest version. Newer versions contain
the PUT Customer Mode, which is the easiest way to install Microsoft R Server.
1. If you have an iso file, you must first mount the file. The following commands create a mount point and
mount the file to that mount point (replacing MSDN with the name of the current ISO downloaded):
mkdir /mnt/mrsimage mount –o loop MSDN.iso /mnt/mrsimage
If you have a gzipped tar file, you should unpack the file as follows (be sure you have downloaded the file to
a writable directory, such as /tmp):
tar -zxf en_r_server_910_for_teradata_x64_10324043.tar.gz
This creates the directory MRS91Teradata This is where the you can find the libstdc++6-5.3.1.x86_64.rpm
(dependency discussed above). If you cannot install this rpm MRS 9.1 will not work.
b. Agree to license agreements: /MRS90Teradata/ MRO_EULA.txt /MRS90Teradata/ MRO_EULA.txt
c. Copy the following files to the Customer Mode directory (which you may need to create)
microsoft-r-open-3.3.3.tar.gz MRS90Teradata/RPM/microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1.rpm
d. Point your Java-enabled browser to https://<HOSTIP>:8443/put where <HOSTIP> is the IP address of
your Teradata data warehouse node and log in to Customer Mode using a Linux account such as root
(not a database account).

To install the Microsoft R Server rpms on all the nodes, do the following:
1. The initial PUT screen asks you to select an operation. Select Install/Upgrade Software.
2. At the Install/Upgrade Software: Customer Mode step, confirm the summary and click Next.
3. You may receive a dialog box saying that PUT was unable to find any packages to auto-select. If you see this
dialog box, click OK.
4. Select microsoft-r-server-teradata-9.1.
5. Select all Groups and click >> to install on all groups, then click Next.
6. Review the list of dependencies and files to be installed, then click Yes.
7. Click Next
8. Clear the “Restore normal Teradata Vital Infrastructure (TVI) escalation path (recommended)” check box.
9. Click Finish.

Setting Up the Revolution Analytics Database

After you have installed the rpms, change directory to the "teradata" directory and run the script as

Depending on Teradata version cd to:

/usr/lib64/microsoft-r/3.3.3/teradata/1510 or
/usr/lib64/microsoft-r/3.3.3/teradata/1500 or

chmod u+x ./


Enter the parent user database name and password at the prompts. Do not modify this script, and in particular, do
not modify the name of the revoAnalytics_Zqht2 database. The database administrator running the script must
have specific grants, as described in the next section
If you have previously run Microsoft R Server on your Teradata database, restart the database before proceeding.

Adding and Configuring Users

All users who interact with the database, including the database administrator, need to have specific grants. The
following example provides an existing “sysdba” user the required grants to run the script:

grant all on sysdba to sysdba with grant option;

If you don’t already have such a user, the following example creates a database administrator user named "sysdba"
with the required grants to run the script:
# Create the user who will run (e.g., sysdba):
bteq .logon localhost/dbc,dbc
create user SYSDBA from dbc as perm=25E9, spool=15E9, temporary=15E9, password=sysdba;
grant select, execute on dbc to sysdba with grant option;
grant all on sysdba to sysdba with grant option;
grant select on sys_calendar to sysdba with grant option;
grant select on dbc to public;

You will often want to allow a user account to run jobs on data in other databases also. The lines shown as follows
are examples of the types of permissions your Revolution users may require. (For convenience, these steps are
organized according to the purpose of the permissions granted.)
1. First, you need to grant permissions for the user account to work with the Revolution database. Log on to
bteq with your admin account, and run the following lines. Substitute the new user account name for 'ut1'
in the sample lines as follows:

-- grant ut1 various permissions on revoAnalytics_Zqht2 DB

grant execute procedure on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.InitRevoJob to ut1;
grant execute procedure on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.StartRevoJobXsp to ut1;
grant execute procedure on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.GetRevoJobState to ut1;
grant execute procedure on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.RemoveRevoJobResults to ut1;
grant execute function on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.FinishRevoJob to ut1;
grant execute function on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.DistributeRevoJobDataUdf to ut1;
grant execute function on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.revoAnalyticsTblOp to ut1;
grant select on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.RevoAnalyticsJobResults to ut1;

-- the following two create view and drop view grants are for the
-- table operator PARTITION BY work-around
-- for Teradata's Issue DR166609, which was fixed in 14.10.02d
grant create view on revoAnalytics_Zqht2 to ut1;
grant drop view on revoAnalytics_Zqht2 to ut1;

2. Next you need to grant permissions for the user account and the revolution database to work with data in
the user account database. Run the following lines, substituting your user account name for 'ut1'.

-- grant ut1 rights on db with data to be analyzed -

-- in this case itself
grant all on ut1 to ut1;

-- give revoAnalytics_Zqht2 rights on database with data to

-- be analyzed - in this case ut1
grant select on ut1 to revoAnalytics_Zqht2;
grant create table on ut1 to revoAnalytics_Zqht2;
grant drop table on ut1 to revoAnalytics_Zqht2;

3. Finally, you want to grant permissions on any other databases you wish that account to have access to. Run
the following lines, substituting your user account name for 'ut1', and your other database name for

-- grant ut1 rights on db with data to be analyzed

grant select on RevoTestDB to ut1;

-- give revoAnalytics_Zqht2 rights on database with data to

-- be analyzed
grant select on RevoTestDB to revoAnalytics_Zqht2;
grant create table on RevoTestDB to revoAnalytics_Zqht2;
Managing Memory in In-Teradata Computations
Because a Teradata cluster node typically has many worker processes (AMPs) running constantly, it is important to
limit how much memory a distributed analysis consumes. Microsoft R Server provides stored procedures in the
revoAnalytics_Zqht2 scheduler database that allow a database administrator to set the memory limits for master
and worker processes working on a RevoScaleR job. By default, the master process memory limit is 2000 MB
(2GB ) and the worker process memory limit is 1000 MB (1GB ).
These limits may be customized by a database administrator using the SetMasterMemoryLimitMB ()
and SetWorkerMemoryLimitMB () stored procedures, defined in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2 database created on
For example, to set the master memory limit to 3000 MB:

call revoAnalytics_Zqht2.SetMasterMemoryLimitMB(3000);

To set the worker memory limit to 1500 MB:

call revoAnalytics_Zqht2.SetWorkerMemoryLimitMB(1500);

The current memory limits can be viewed in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2.Properties table.

Memory limits that have been changed are in effect immediately, and no restart of the database is required.

Maintaining the Revolution Database

Two tables in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2 database may require periodic cleanup:
RevoJobs – one row is added to this table for each job. Each job is assigned a job ID between 1 and
2,147,483,647. The table is not automatically cleaned up. If never cleaned up, it can grow to up to
2,147,483,647 rows. In version 8.0.0 and earlier, values did not recycle unless old rows were deleted, and the
next ID was always computed as the max ID in the table plus 1, which could result in integer overflow. In
version 8.0.1 and later, after reaching the maximum value, the job IDs cycle back to 1 (or a relatively low
number) harmlessly.
RevoAnalyticsJobResults – multiple rows are added for each job. It is automatically cleaned up if wait =
TRUE in RxInTeradata(), but not if wait = FALSE. In version 8.0.1 and later, if the job IDs have cycled, then
any rows matching a recycled ID are deleted before the ID is reused.

Installing Additional R Packages

The R community is an active, open-source community, and new packages extending R’s capacity for statistics,
data analysis, graphics, and interconnectivity are added frequently. The most up-to-date source for these third-
party packages is the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN ), a network of servers around the world that
store open-source R distributions, extensions, documentation, and binaries. The repository (https://cran.r- has grown from only 12 packages in 1997 to over 5300 packages currently. However, CRAN does
not maintain source packages by R version, and Microsoft R Server for Teradata is seldom the latest R version, so
packages from CRAN may be incompatible with Microsoft R Server for Teradata. Microsoft’s MRAN archive
(, however, maintains daily snapshots of the CRAN repository. Users may take
advantage of this repository and download the chosen packages from any specific date, but notice that they are
external to Teradata.
In most cases, the natural place to install additional R packages is to the client workstation. Installation to the
Teradata data warehouse is required only if you plan to use the package’s functions as transform functions inside
RevoScaleR functions, in which case the packages will need to be loaded in-database. If you need a package for
this purpose, you can do so as follows:
To manually distribute and install the package:
1. Download the package and any required dependencies from
2. Copy the downloaded packages to each node of your data warehouse.
3. For each package, run the command “R CMD INSTALL package.tar.gz” on each node. (If your data warehouse
is equipped with the psh command, you can use that to run the command on all the nodes in parallel.)

Removing Microsoft R Server

To remove Microsoft R Server from your computer, run the following commands:

psh rpm -e microsoft-r-server-teradata-9.1

psh rpm -e microsoft-r-server-packages-9.1
psh rpm -e microsoft-r-open-foreachiterators-3.3.3
psh rpm -e microsoft-r-open-mkl-3.3.3
psh rpm -e microsoft-r-open-mro-3.3.3

Restart the DBS to unload MRS from udfsectsk processes.

Install Microsoft R Server 8.05 on Teradata Servers
4/13/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

In this release, SLES 10 is no longer supported, only SLES 11 SP1.

Microsoft R Server for Teradata is an R -based analytical engine embedded in your Teradata data warehouse.
Together with a Microsoft R Server client, it provides a comprehensive set of tools for interacting with the Teradata
database and performing in-database analytics. This article provides detailed instructions for installing Microsoft R
Server for Teradata in the Teradata data warehouse. For configuring local workstations to submit jobs to run within
your Teradata data warehouse, see Microsoft R Server Client Installation for Teradata.

Microsoft R Server for Teradata is required for running Microsoft R Server scalable analytics in-database. If you do not need to
run your analytics in-database, but simply need to access Teradata data via Teradata Parallel Transport or ODBC, skip
installing R Server in your Teradata data warehouse, but do configure your local workstations per Microsoft R Server Client
Installation for Teradata.

System Requirements
Microsoft R Server for Teradata has the following system requirements:
Processor: 64-bit processor with x86-compatible architecture (variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-
32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium-architecture chips (also known as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core
processors are recommended.
Operating System: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP 1 (64-bit).
Teradata Version: Teradata 15.10, 15.00, or 14.10.
Memory: A minimum of 1GB of RAM is required; 4GB or more are recommended.
Disk Space: A minimum of 500MB of disk space is required
The following specific libraries must be installed on the Teradata appliance from the SLES 11 installation DVDs:
SLES -11-SP1-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/ghostscript-fonts-std-8.62-32.27.31.x86_64.rpm
SLES -11-SP1-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/libicu-4.0-7.24.11.x86_64.rpm
SLE -11-SP1-SDK-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/libstdc++45-4.5.0_20100414-
SLE -11-SP1-SDK-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/libgfortran43-4.3.4_20091019-
SLE -11-SP1-SDK-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/gcc43-fortran-4.3.4_20091019-
SLE -11-SP1-SDK-DVD -x86_64-GM -DVD1.iso/suse/x86_64/gcc-fortran-4.3-62.198.x86_64.rpm
Download software
First, download the version of Microsoft R Open. For this release, you must have Microsoft R Open 3.3.0 for SLES
11 (found at the mro repository
Second, download R Server 8.0.5 for Teradata from Visual Studio Dev Essentials.
1. Click Join or access now to sign up for download benefits.
2. Check the URL to verify it changed to
3. Click Downloads to search for R Server.
4. Click Downloads for a specific version to select the platform.

Installing the Microsoft R Server rpms

Use the Teradata Parallel Update Tool (PUT) to install the Microsoft R Server rpms. PUT runs in a browser. We
recommend upgrading to the latest version (3.06.01, as of this writing). This version contains the PUT Customer
Mode, which is the easiest way to install Microsoft R Server.
1. If you have an img file, you must first mount the file. The following commands create a mount point and
mount the file to that mount point:

mkdir /mnt/mrsimage
mount –o loop MRS80TERA.img /mnt/mrsimage

2. Copy the following files to the Customer Mode directory (which you may need to create)


3. Change directory to the Customer Mode packages directory:

cd /var/opt/teradata/customermodepkgs

4. Unpack the Microsoft R Server installer distribution file using the tar command as follows:

tar -zxf en_microsoft_r_server_for_teradata_db_x64_8944642.tar.gz

5. Change directory to the one directory created in Step 7:


6. Run the install script, This script downloads an installer from the internet. For non-internet
connected nodes, manually place the en_microsoft_r_server_for_teradata_db_x64_8944642.tar.gz file in
/var/opt/teradata/customernodepkgs/MRS80TERA directory on each Teradata node before running
''. By running you are installing Microsoft-r-server-mro-tar-gz, agreeing to MRO_EULA.txt
and EULA.txt license agreements.


7. Change directory to the Customer Mode packages directory:

cd /var/opt/teradata/customermodepkgs

8. Point your Java-enabled browser to https://<HOSTIP>:8443/put where <HOSTIP> is the IP address of your
Teradata data warehouse node and log in to Customer Mode using a Linux account such as root (not a
database account).
To install the Microsoft R Server rpms on all the nodes, do the following:
1. The initial PUT screen asks you to select an operation. Select Install/Upgrade Software.
2. At the Install/Upgrade Software: Customer Mode step, confirm the summary and click Next.
3. You may receive a dialog box saying that PUT was unable to find any packages to auto-select. If you see this
dialog box, click OK.
4. Select Microsoft-r-server-teradata-8.0.
5. Select all Groups and click >> to install on all groups, then click Next.
6. Review the list of dependencies and files to be installed, then click Yes.
7. Click Next.
8. Clear the Restore normal Teradata Vital Infrastructure (TVI ) escalation path (recommended) check
9. Click Finish.
Before proceeding, create the /tmp/revoJobs directory on each node and set the correct permissions.

psh mkdir /tmp/revoJobs

psh chmod 775 /tmp/revoJobs

Setting Up the Revolution Analytics Database

After you have installed the rpms, change directory to the "teradata" directory. There are now 3 directories that
contain “”, one for each version of the DBS we support. Use whichever directory applies to your
Teradata version:
Next, run the script:

chmod u+x ./


Enter the parent user database name and password at the prompts. Do not modify this script, and in particular,
do not modify the name of the revoAnalytics_Zqht2 database. The database administrator running the script must
have specific grants, as described in the next section.

If you have previously run Microsoft R Server on your Teradata database, restart the database before proceeding.

Adding and Configuring Users

All users who will interact with the database, including the database administrator, need to have specific grants. The
following example provides an existing “sysdba” user the required grants to run the script:

grant all on sysdba to sysdba with grant option;

If you don’t already have such a user, the following example creates a database administrator user named "sysdba"
with the required grants to run the script:

# Create the user who will run (e.g., sysdba):

bteq .logon localhost/dbc,dbc
create user SYSDBA from dbc as perm=25E9, spool=15E9, temporary=15E9, password=sysdba;
grant select, execute on dbc to sysdba with grant option;
grant all on sysdba to sysdba with grant option;
grant select on sys_calendar to sysdba with grant option;
grant select on dbc to public;

You will often want to allow a user account to run jobs on data in other databases also. The lines shown below are
examples of the types of permissions your Revolution users may require. (For convenience, these steps are
organized according to the purpose of the permissions granted.)
1. First, you will need to grant permissions for the user account to work with the Revolution database. Logon
to bteq with your admin account, and run the following lines. Substitute the new user account name for
'ut1' in the sample lines below.
-- grant ut1 various permissions on revoAnalytics_Zqht2 DB
grant execute procedure on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.InitRevoJob to ut1;
grant execute procedure on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.StartRevoJobXsp to ut1;
grant execute procedure on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.GetRevoJobState to ut1;
grant execute procedure on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.RemoveRevoJobResults to ut1;
grant execute function on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.FinishRevoJob to ut1;
grant execute function on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.DistributeRevoJobDataUdf to ut1;
grant execute function on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.revoAnalyticsTblOp to ut1;
grant select on revoAnalytics_Zqht2.RevoAnalyticsJobResults to ut1;

-- the following two create view and drop view grants are for the
-- table operator PARTITION BY work-around
-- for Teradata's Issue DR166609, which was fixed in 14.10.02d
grant create view on revoAnalytics_Zqht2 to ut1;
grant drop view on revoAnalytics_Zqht2 to ut1;

2. Next you will need to grant permissions for the user account and the revolution database to work with data
in the user account database. Run the following lines, substituting your user account name for 'ut1'.

-- grant ut1 rights on db with data to be analyzed -

-- in this case itself
grant all on ut1 to ut1;

-- give revoAnalytics_Zqht2 rights on database with data to

-- be analyzed - in this case ut1
grant select on ut1 to revoAnalytics_Zqht2;
grant create table on ut1 to revoAnalytics_Zqht2;
grant drop table on ut1 to revoAnalytics_Zqht2;

3. Finally, you will want to grant permissions on any other databases you wish that account to have access to.
Run the following lines, substituting your user account name for 'ut1', and your other database name for

-- grant ut1 rights on db with data to be analyzed

grant select on RevoTestDB to ut1;

-- give revoAnalytics_Zqht2 rights on database with data to

-- be analyzed
grant select on RevoTestDB to revoAnalytics_Zqht2;
grant create table on RevoTestDB to revoAnalytics_Zqht2;

Managing Memory in In-Teradata Computations

Because a Teradata cluster node typically has many worker processes (AMPs) running constantly, it is important to
limit how much memory a distributed analysis consumes. Microsoft R Server provides stored procedures in the
revoAnalytics_Zqht2 scheduler database that allow a database administrator to set the memory limits for master
and worker processes working on a RevoScaleR job. By default, the master process memory limit is 2000 MB
(approximately 2GB ) and the worker process memory limit is 1000MB (approximately 1GB ).
These limits may be customized by a database administrator using the SetMasterMemoryLimitMB ()
and SetWorkerMemoryLimitMB () stored procedures, defined in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2 database created on
For example, to set the master memory limit to 3000MB:

call revoAnalytics_Zqht2.SetMasterMemoryLimitMB(3000);
To set the worker memory limit to 1500MB:

call revoAnalytics_Zqht2.SetWorkerMemoryLimitMB(1500);

The current memory limits can be viewed in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2.Properties table.

Note that memory limits that have been changed are in effect immediately, and no restart of the database is

Maintaining the Revolution Database

Two tables in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2 database may require periodic cleanup:
RevoJobs – one row is added to this table for each job. Each job is assigned a job ID between 1 and
2,147,483,647. The table is not automatically cleaned up. If never cleaned up, it can grow to up to
2,147,483,647 rows. In version 8.0.0 and earlier, values did not recycle unless old rows were deleted, and the
next ID was always computed as the max ID in the table plus 1, which could result in integer overflow. In
version 8.0.1 and later, after reaching the maximum value, the job IDs cycle back to 1 (or a relatively low
number) harmlessly.
RevoAnalyticsJobResults – multiple rows are added for each job. It is automatically cleaned up if wait =
TRUE in RxInTeradata(), but not if wait = FALSE. In version 8.0.1 and later, if the job IDs have cycled, then
any rows matching a recycled ID are deleted before the ID is reused.

Installing Additional R Packages

The R community is an active, open-source community, and new packages extending R’s capacity for statistics, data
analysis, graphics, and interconnectivity are added frequently. The most up-to-date source for these third-party
packages is the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN ), a network of servers around the world that store
open-source R distributions, extensions, documentation and binaries. The repository (
has grown from only 12 packages in 1997 to over 5300 packages currently. However, CRAN does not maintain
source packages by R version, and Microsoft R Server for Teradata is seldom the latest R version, so packages from
CRAN may be incompatible with Microsoft R Server for Teradata. Microsoft’s MRAN archive
(, however, maintains daily snapshots of the CRAN repository. Users may take
advantage of this repository and download the chosen packages from any specific date, but notice that they are
completely external to Teradata.
In most cases, the natural place to install additional R packages is to the client workstation. Installation to the
Teradata data warehouse is required only if you plan to use the package’s functions as transform functions inside
RevoScaleR functions, in which case the packages will actually need to be loaded in-database. If you need a
package for this purpose, you can do so as follows:
To manually distribute and install the package:
1. Download the package and any required dependencies from
2. Copy the downloaded packages to each node of your data warehouse.
3. For each package, run the command “R CMD INSTALL * package. * tar.gz” on each node. (If your data
warehouse is equipped with the psh command, you can use that to run the command on all the nodes in

Removing Microsoft R Server

To remove Microsoft R Server from your computer, run the following commands:
psh rpm -e microsoft-r-server-teradata-8.0
psh rpm -e microsoft-r-server-packages-8.0
psh rpm -e microsoft-r-server-intel-mkl-8.0
psh rpm -e microsoft-r-server-mro-8.0
R Server Client Installation Guide for Teradata
6/18/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft R Server for Teradata is an R -based analytical engine embedded in your Teradata data warehouse.
Together with a Microsoft R Server client, it provides a comprehensive set of tools for interacting with the
Teradata database and performing in-database analytics. This manual provides detailed instructions for
configuring local workstations to submit jobs to run within your Teradata data warehouse. For installing Microsoft
R Server for Teradata in the Teradata data warehouse, see the companion manual Microsoft R Server Server
Installation Manual for Teradata.

The Teradata compute context was discontinued in Machine Learning Server 9.2.1. If you have R Server 9.1 and use the
Teradata compute context, you are covered by Microsoft's service support policy. For future compatibility, we recommend
modifying existing code to run in other compute contexts, and create a Teradata data source object to work with your data.
For more information about Teradata as a data source, see RxTeradata.

System Requirements
Microsoft R Server for Windows has the following system requirements:
Processor: 64-bit processor with x86-compatible architecture (variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-
32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium-architecture chips (also known as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core
chips are recommended.
Operating System: 64-bit Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server
2012, and HPC Server 2008 R2. Distributed computing features require access to a cluster running HPC Server
Pack 2012 or HPC Server 2008. Only 64-bit operating systems are supported.
Teradata Version: Teradata Tools and Utilities 15.00 or 14.10.
Memory: A minimum of 1 GB of RAM is required; 4 GB or more are recommended.
Disk Space: A minimum of 500 MB of disk space is required.
Microsoft R Server on Linux systems has the following system requirements:
Processor: 64-bit processor with x86-compatible architecture (variously known as AMD64, Intel64, x86-64, IA-
32e, EM64T, or x64 chips). Itanium-architecture chips (also known as IA-64) are not supported. Multiple-core
chips are recommended.
Operating System: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, or
fully compatible equivalents. Only 64-bit operating systems are supported.
Teradata Version: Teradata Tools and Utilities 15.00 or 14.10.
Memory: A minimum of 1 GB of RAM is required; 4 GB or more are recommended.
Disk Space: A minimum of 500 MB of disk space is required.

Installing the Client Software

The Teradata client software for Windows is available from the Teradata At Your Service web site (this web site
requires a customer login).
Installing the Teradata Client on Windows
If you are using the 14.10 client:
The Teradata 14.10 Client for Windows is contained in the file BCD0-1560-0000-Windows_14.10.00_V1-1.exe,
Teradata Tools and Utilities Windows (the exact file name will change with update releases; the basic process
should be similar for all updates of a given major release). Download this file and run it to start the installation
Accept defaults until you reach the “Select Features” dialog. Choose the following items:
ODBC Driver for Teradata
Teradata Parallel Transporter Base
Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream
BTEQ (optional)
FastExport (optional)
FastLoad (optional)
Teradata SQL Assistant (optional)
Teradata Administrator (optional)
Complete the installation. You may want to define a DSN connection, but this is not required for use with
RxTeradata (but can be useful for testing your client and troubleshooting installation problems).
If you are using the 15.00 client:
The Teradata 15.00 Client for Windows is contained on Teradata At Your Service in the file BCD0-1740-0000-, Teradata Tools and Utilities Windows (the exact file name will change with update
releases; the basic process should be similar for all updates of a given major release). To start the installation
process, download this file, extract the files from the zip, then run the TTU.exe in the
TTU_Foundation_windows\Windows subdirectory.
Accept defaults until you reach the “Select Features” dialog. Choose the following items:
ODBC Driver for Teradata
Teradata Parallel Transporter Base
Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream
BTEQ (optional)
FastExport (optional)
FastLoad (optional)
Teradata SQL Assistant (optional)
Teradata Administrator (optional)
Complete the installation. You may want to define a DSN connection, but this is not required for use with
RxTeradata (but can be useful for testing your client and troubleshooting installation problems).
Creating a Teradata DSN:
A DSN is a common way of encapsulating database connection information. On Windows, you create DSNs with
the ODBC Data Source Administrator, found under Administrative Tools in the System and Security section of
the Windows Control Panel. To create the DSN, do the following:
1. Launch the 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator.
2. Click System DSN.
3. Click Add…
4. Select Teradata in the list view and then click Finish. The ODBC Driver Setup for Teradata Database dialog
5. In the Name field, type TDDSN.
6. In the Teradata Server Info field, enter the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the Teradata server.
7. Click OK to complete the DSN.
8. Click OK to close the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
Testing the ODBC Connection:
To test that you can communicate with your Teradata server using your Teradata ODBC driver, use the Teradata
client program tdxodbc.exe, as follows:
1. Open a Command Prompt as Administrator.
2. Change directory to the directory containing the tdxodbc.exe program (you may need to quote the path:

cd C:\Program Files\Teradata\Client\<version>\ODBC Driver for Teradata nt-x8664\Bin

where <version> is the client version number.

3. Start the program by typing its name:


4. At the prompt, enter the DSN name TDDSN.

5. At the prompt, enter your database user name.
6. At the prompt, enter your database user password.
7. If your ODBC connection is successful, you will see something like the following, followed by a prompt to
enter a SQL string:

.....ODBC connection successful.

ODBC version = -03.80.0000-

DBMS name = -Teradata-
DBMS version = -15.00.0011
Driver name = -TDATA32.DLL-
Driver version = -
Driver ODBC version = -03.80-

8. Enter “quit” to exit.

Installing the Teradata Client on Linux
If you are using the 14.10 client:
The Teradata 14.10 Client for Linux, also known as the TTU 14.10 Teradata Tool and Utilities, is contained in the
file BCD0-1560-0000-Linux-i386-x8664_14.10.00_V1-1_101747728.tar.gz, available from the Teradata At Your
Service web site (this web site requires a customer login). Download this file to a temporary directory, such as
/tmp/Teradata, and unpack it using the following commands:

cd /tmp/Teradata
tar zxf BCD0-1560-0000-Linux-i386-x8664_14.10.00_V1-1_101747728.tar.gz
The Teradata client setup script is designed to use ksh; if your system does not have ksh, you can install it using
yum as follows (you must be root or a sudo user to run yum):

yum –y install ksh

By default, yum installs ksh into /bin/ksh, but the Teradata setup script expects it in /usr/bin; if necessary, create a
symbolic link as follows:

ln –s /bin/ksh /usr/bin/ksh

Verify that the zip program is installed, as this is required by Microsoft R Server InTeradata operation:

yum –y install zip

Change directory to the ttu directory created when you unpacked the tarball:

cd ttu

As root, or as a sudo user, run the setup script as follows:


At the prompt “Enter one or more selections (separated by space):”, enter “9 12” to specify the ODBC drivers and
the TPT Stream package. You should see the following warnings:

Warning: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Base software

is a prerequisite for the following software:
Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator.
Warning: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Base software
will be installed.

Do you want to continue with the installation? [y/n (default: y)]:

This indicates that the necessary dependencies will also be installed.

If the setup script fails, you can try installing the packages using rpm directly. The rpm files are located in
subdirectories of the Linux/ i386-x8664/ directory created under your /tmp/Teradata directory (again, these
commands should be run as root or as a sudo user):
1. Install the tdicu package:

rpm –ihv tdicu-

2. Source /etc/profile:

source /etc/profile

3. Install the TeraGSS package:

rpm –ihv TeraGSS_linux_x64-

On RHEL6 systems, TeraGSS may not install cleanly. If you see an error about a bad XML file, try copying
/opt/Teradata/teragss/linux-i386/ to /opt/teradata/teragss/site,
then run /usr/teragss/linux-x8664/ This should then complete with a
message about something being written to a binary file. Then proceed to the next step.
4. Install the tdodbc package:

rpm –ihv tdodbc-

5. Install the cliv2 package:

rpm -ihv cliv2-

source /etc/profile

6. Install the tptbase package:

rpm -ihv tptbase1410-

source /etc/profile

7. Install the tptstream package:

rpm -ihv tptstream1410-

On RHEL6 systems, tptstream may complain about missing glibc and nsl dependencies; these can be
resolved by using the “yum provides” command to find a package or packages that can provide the
missing dependencies, then using yum to install those packages.
8. After installing the tptstream package, update your system LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to
include the path to the 64-bit version of (typically /opt/teradata/client/14.10/tbuild/lib64) and
the path to your unixODBC 2.3 libraries (typically /usr/lib64). (This is most effectively done in the
/etc/profile file; be sure to source the file after making any changes to it.)
If you are using the 15.00 client:
The Teradata 15.00 Client for Linux, also known as the TTU 15.00 Teradata Tool and Utilities, is contained in the
file BCD0-1740-0000-Linux-i386_15.00.00_V1-1_2291720869.tar.gz. , available from the Teradata At Your
Service web site (this web site requires a customer login). Download this file to a temporary directory, such as
/tmp/Teradata, and unpack it using the following commands:

cd /tmp/Teradata
tar zxf BCD0-1740-0000-Linux-i386_15.00.00_V1-1_2291720869.tar.gz

The Teradata client setup script is designed to use ksh; if your system does not have ksh, you can install it using
yum as follows (you must be root or a sudo user to run yum):

yum –y install ksh

By default, yum installs ksh into /bin/ksh, but the Teradata setup script expects it in /usr/bin; if necessary, create a
symbolic link as follows:

ln –s /bin/ksh /usr/bin/ksh
Verify that the zip program is installed, as this is required by Microsoft R Server InTeradata operation:

yum –y install zip

Change directory to the ttu directory created when you unpacked the tarball:

cd ttu

As root, or as a sudo user, run the setup script as follows:


At the prompt “Enter one or more selections (separated by space):”, enter “9 12” to specify the ODBC drivers and
the TPT Stream package. You should see the following warnings:

Warning: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Base software

is a prerequisite for the following software:
Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream Operator.
Warning: The Teradata Parallel Transporter Base software
will be installed.

Do you want to continue with the installation? [y/n (default: y)]:

This indicates that the necessary dependencies will also be installed.

After installing the tptstream package, update your system LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include
the path to the 64-bit version of (typically /opt/teradata/client/15.00/tbuild/lib64) and the path to your
unixODBC 2.3 libraries (typically /usr/lib64). (This is most effectively done in the /etc/profile file; be sure to source
the file after making any changes to it.) Also, export the NLSPATH environment variable as follows:

export NLSPATH=/opt/teradata/client/15.00/tbuild/msg/%N:$NLSPATH

Updating Your ODBC Driver Manager

Database operations with ODBC depend upon having both an ODBC driver and an ODBC driver manager.
Teradata ODBC drivers are provided in a client package that includes an ODBC driver manager; if you are using
Microsoft R Server exclusively with a Teradata database, we recommend that you use this supplied ODBC driver
manager. If you are using Microsoft R Server with other databases in addition to Teradata, we recommend
installing unixODBC 2.3.1 for all your ODBC data management.
C o n fi g u r i n g t h e Te r a d a t a O D B C D r i v e r M a n a g e r

To use the ODBC driver manager supplied with the Teradata client package when you have another ODBC driver
manager installed (typically unixODBC ):
1. Identify the directory where the existing ODBC driver manager libraries reside (almost certainly
/usr/lib64) and cd to that directory:

cd /usr/lib64

2. Rename or remove any existing soft link in that directory named

3. Add a soft link,, that points to the Teradata driver manager library (almost certainly
in /opt/teradata/client/ODBC_64/lib)

ln -s /opt/teradata/client/ODBC_64/lib/ ./

4. Export an environment variable definition for ODBCINI in the /etc/profile file (which runs for everyone at
login), set to the pathname of the currently used odbc.ini file (probably /etc/odbc.ini):

export ODBCINI

5. Logout and log back in so that the profile changes take effect.
C o n fi g u r i n g t h e u n i x O D B C 2 .3 .1 D r i v e r M a n a g e r

The unixODBC 2.3.1 driver manager is not available as part of standard RHEL yum repositories. You must,
therefore, install it from source. It is important that unixODBC 2.3.1 be the only unixODBC installation on your
system, so be sure to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that you do not currently have unixODBC installed via yum:

rpm –qa | grep unixODBC

This should return nothing; if any packages are listed, use yum to remove them:

yum remove <package>

2. Download the unixODBC 2.3.1 sources from

3. Unpack the sources, then change directory to the top-level source directory and run the following
commands to build and install the source:

./configure --enable-iconv --with-iconv-char-enc=UTF8 \

--with-iconv-ucode-enc=UTF16LE --libdir=/usr/lib64 \
--prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
make install

After installing unixODBC, edit the file /etc/odbcinst.ini and add a section such as the following (making sure the
path to the driver matches that on your machine):


If you are using RxOdbcData with a DSN, you need to define an appropriate DSN in the file /etc/odbc.ini, such as
the following:
Description=Teradata running Teradata V1R5.2

Installing RODBC
The RODBC package is not required to use RxTeradata, but it can be useful for timing comparisons with other
databases. You can download RODBC from the MRAN source package repository at

Installing Microsoft R Server or R Client on the Client

To download and install Microsoft R Server, you need an MSDN subscription or a Microsoft Volume License
Center sign-in. For development purposes, you can install the free Developer edition of R Server on Linux or
Install R Server for Linux
Install R Server for Windows
Optionally, you can use Microsoft R Client. It also runs on Linux and Windows:
Install R Client on Linux
Install R Client on Windows

Testing the Client Installation

After installing your Teradata client software, you should test that you can communicate with your Teradata
database. For this, you typically need a connection string, which may look something like the following:


The connection string is typically quite long, but should remain contained on a single input line.
The following commands can be used to verify that your Windows client can communicate with your Teradata
data warehouse using the Revolution test database (instructions for creating that database are contained in the
Microsoft R Server Server Installation Manual for Teradata:

query <- "SELECT tablename FROM dbc.tables WHERE databasename = 'RevoTestDB' order by tablename"
connectionString <-


odbcDS <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery=query, connectionString = connectionString)


teradataDS <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery = query, connectionString = connectionString)
I n Te ra d a t a

myCluster <- RxInTeradata(

connectionString = connectionString,
shareDir = paste("c:/AllShare/",["login"], sep=""),
remoteShareDir = "/tmp/revoJobs",
revoPath = "/usr/lib64/MRO-for-MRS-9.1.0/R-3.3.3/lib64/R",
consoleOutput = TRUE,
traceEnabled = FALSE,
traceLevel = 7

tdQuery <- "select * from"

teradataDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = rxGetComputeContext()@connectionString, sqlQuery = tdQuery)
rxSummary( ~., data=teradataDS )

For Linux clients, the only change that should need to be made is to the shareDir argument to the RxInTeradata
call that creates the myCluster object:

myCluster <- RxInTeradata(

connectionString = connectionString,
shareDir = paste("/AllShare/",["login"], sep=""),
remoteShareDir = "/tmp/revoJobs",
revoPath = "/usr/lib64/MRO-for-MRS-9.1.0/R-3.3.3/lib64/R",
consoleOutput = TRUE,
traceEnabled = FALSE,
traceLevel = 7
RevoScaleR Teradata Getting Started Guide
4/13/2018 • 37 minutes to read • Edit Online

For customers using R Server 9.1 and earlier, this guide serves as an introduction to high-performance big data
analytics for Teradata using RevoScaleR functions.

The Teradata compute context was discontinued in Machine Learning Server 9.2.1. If you have R Server 9.1 and use the
Teradata compute context, you are covered by Microsoft's service support policy. For future compatibility, we recommend
modifying existing code to run in other compute contexts, and create a Teradata data source object to work with your data.
For more information about Teradata as a data source, see [RxTeradata]../r-reference/revoscaler/

There are three key components to running RevoScaleR high-performance analytics:

The name and arguments of the analysis function: What analysis do you want to perform?
The specification of your data source(s): Where is your data and what are its characteristics? And, if you are
creating new data, for example with scoring, where does the new data go?
The specification for your compute context: Where do you want to perform the computations?
RevoScaleR provides a variety of data sources and compute contexts that can be used with the high-performance
analytics functions. This guide focuses on analyzing Teradata data in-database. That is, the data is located in a
Teradata database and the computations are performed at the location of the data. We also consider a second use
case: data is extracted from the Teradata database, taking advantage of the Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT), and
computations are performed on a computer alongside the Teradata Platform.
More information on RevoScaleR can be found here:
Tutorial: Data Import
RevoScaleR Function Reference
Distributed Computing
RevoScaleR ODBC Data Import
For information on other distributed computing compute contexts, see:
How to use RevoScaleR on Spark

Setting Up the Sample Data

The Sample ccFraud Data
To follow the examples in this guide, you need the following comma-delimited text data files to load into your
Teradata database:


These data files each have 10 million rows, and should be put in tables called ccFraud10 and ccFraudScore10,
respectively. These data files are available online. We recommend that you create a RevoTestDB database to hold
the data table.
Loading Your Data into the Teradata Database
You can use the ‘fastload’ Teradata command to load the data sets into your data base. You can find sample scripts
for doing this in Appendix I, and online with the sample data files. You need to edit the sample scripts to provide
appropriate logon information for your site. Check with your system administrator to see of the data has already
been loaded into your database. There is an example later in this guide of loading data into your Teradata data base
from R using the rxDataStep function.

Using a Teradata Data Source and ComputeContext

The RevoScaleR package provides a framework for quickly writing start-to-finish, scalable R code for data
analysis. Even if you are relatively new to R, you can get started with just a few basic functions. In this guide, we are
focusing on analyzing data that is located in a Teradata Database. The first step is to create a data source R object
that contains information about the data that is analyzed.
Creating an RxTeradata Data Source
To create a Teradata data source for use in RevoScaleR, you need basic information about your database
connection. The connection string can contain information about your driver, your Teradata ID, your database
name, your user ID, and your password. Modify the code following to specify the connection string appropriate to
your setup:

tdConnString <- "DRIVER=Teradata;DBCNAME=machineNameOrIP;


Then we need an SQL query statement to identify the data we want to use. We’ll start with all of the variables in
the ccFraud10 data, a simulated data set with 10 million observations. Modify the following code to specify the
correct database name:

tdQuery <- "SELECT * FROM ccFraud10"

We use this information to create an RxTeradata data source object:

teradataDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,

sqlQuery = tdQuery, rowsPerRead = 50000)

We have also specified rowsPerRead. This parameter is important for handling memory usage and efficient
computations. Most of the RevoScaleR analysis functions process data in chunks and accumulate intermediate
results, returning the final computations after all of the data has been read. The rowsPerRead parameter controls
how many rows of data are read into each chunk for processing. If it is too large, you may encounter slow -downs
because you don’t have enough memory to efficiently process such a large chunk of data. On some systems,
setting rowsPerRead to too small a value can also provide slower performance. You may want to experiment with
this setting on your system.
Extracting Basic Information about Your Data
The Teradata data source can be used as the ‘data’ argument in RevoScaleR functions. For example, to get basic
information about the data and variables, enter:

rxGetVarInfo(data = teradataDS)

You should see the following information:

Var 1: custID, Type: integer
Var 2: gender, Type: integer
Var 3: state, Type: integer
Var 4: cardholder, Type: integer
Var 5: balance, Type: integer
Var 6: numTrans, Type: integer
Var 7: numIntlTrans, Type: integer
Var 8: creditLine, Type: integer
Var 9: fraudRisk, Type: integer

Specifying Column Information in Your Data Source

All of the variables in our data set are stored as integers in the data base, but some of them actually represent
categorical data – called factor variables in R. We can specify this information in the data source, and have them
automatically converted to factors when analyzed or imported. The variable state represents the 50 states plus the
District of Columbia. We can specify the state abbreviations as follows to be used as labels for that variable:

stateAbb <- c("AK", "AL", "AR", "AZ", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DC",
"DE", "FL", "GA", "HI","IA", "ID", "IL", "IN", "KS", "KY", "LA",
"MA", "MD", "ME", "MI", "MN", "MO", "MS", "MT", "NB", "NC", "ND",
"NH", "NJ", "NM", "NV", "NY", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI","SC",
"SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VA", "VT", "WA", "WI", "WV", "WY")

Now we create a column information object specifying the mapping of the existing integer values to categorical
levels in order to create factor variables for gender, cardholder, and state:

ccColInfo <- list(

gender = list(
type = "factor",
levels = c("1", "2"),
newLevels = c("Male", "Female")),
cardholder = list(
type = "factor",
levels = c("1", "2"),
newLevels = c("Principal", "Secondary")),
state = list(
type = "factor",
levels = as.character(1:51),
newLevels = stateAbb)

Next we can recreate a Teradata data source, adding the column information:

teradataDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,

sqlQuery = tdQuery, colInfo = ccColInfo, rowsPerRead = 50000)

If we get the variable information for the new data source, we can see that the three variables specified in colInfo
are now treated as factors:
rxGetVarInfo(data = teradataDS)

Var 1: custID, Type: integer

Var 2: gender
2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 3: state
51 factor levels: AK AL AR AZ CA ... VT WA WI WV WY
Var 4: cardholder
2 factor levels: Principal Secondary
Var 5: balance, Type: integer
Var 6: numTrans, Type: integer
Var 7: numIntlTrans, Type: integer
Var 8: creditLine, Type: integer
Var 9: fraudRisk, Type: integer

Teradata has a limit of 30 bytes for table and column names, and sometimes creates additional tables with six-
character suffixes, so you restrict your table and variable names to no more than 24 characters.
Creating an RxInTeradata Compute Context
Since we want to perform RevoScaleR analytic computations in-database, the next step is to create an
RxInTeradata compute context. You need basic information about your Teradata platform. Since the computations
are tied to the database, a connection string is required for the RxInTeradata compute context. As when specifying
an RxTeradata data source, the connection string can contain information about your driver, your Teradata ID, your
database name, your user ID, and your password. If you have not done so already, modify the following code to
specify the connection string appropriate to your setup:

tdConnString <- "DRIVER=Teradata;DBCNAME=machineNameOrIP;


Although the data source and compute context have overlapping information (and similar names), be sure to
distinguish between them. The data source (RxTeradata) tells us where the data is; the compute context
(RxInTeradata) tells us where the computations are to take place. The compute context only determines where the
RevoScaleR high- performance analytics computations take place; it does not affect other standard R
computations that you are performing on the client machine.
The compute context also requires information about your shared directory, both locally and remotely, and the
path where Microsoft R Server is installed on each of the nodes of the Teradata platform. Specify the appropriate
information here:

tdShareDir <- paste("c:\\AllShare\\", Sys.getenv("USERNAME"), sep="")

tdRemoteShareDir <- "/tmp/revoJobs"
tdRevoPath <- "/usr/lib64/MRO-for-MRS-8.0/R-3.2.2/lib64/R"

Be sure that the tdShareDir specified exists on your client machine. To create the directory from R, you can run:

dir.create(tdShareDir, recursive = TRUE)

Last, we need to specify some information about how we want output handled. We’ll request that our R session
wait for the results, and not return console output from the in-database computations:

tdWait <- TRUE

tdConsoleOutput <- FALSE

We use all this information to create our RxInTeradata compute context object:
tdCompute <- RxInTeradata(
connectionString = tdConnString,
shareDir = tdShareDir,
remoteShareDir = tdRemoteShareDir,
revoPath = tdRevoPath,
wait = tdWait,
consoleOutput = tdConsoleOutput)

Getting Information about Your RxInTeradata Compute Context

You can retrieve basic information about your Teradata platform using the rxGetNodeInfo function. Your platform
has at least one PE (Parsing Engine). When RevoScaleR analytics are submitted to the Teradata platform, it is the
Parsing Engine that receives and distributes instructions. Each AMP (Access Module Processor) is connected to a
disk, and has read/write access. When it receives an instruction from the PE, it retrieves its piece of the data. All of
the AMPs work in parallel. The rxGetNodeInfo function sends a small task to each of the AMPS, and give a
summary for each node. If you have a large platform, this may take some time:


Troubleshooting the RxInTeradata Compute Context

If you encounter difficulties while using the RxInTeradata context, you may find it convenient to turn on run-time
tracing. You can do this by passing the arguments traceEnabled and traceLevel to the RxInTeradata constructor. Set
the traceLevel to 7 to show all tracing information:

tdComputeTrace <- RxInTeradata(

connectionString = tdConnString,
shareDir = tdShareDir,
remoteShareDir = tdRemoteShareDir,
revoPath = tdRevoPath,
wait = tdWait,
consoleOutput = tdConsoleOutput,
traceEnabled = TRUE,
traceLevel = 7)

High-Performance In-Database Analytics in Teradata

Computing Summary Statistics in Teradata
Let’s start by computing summary statistics on our teradataDS data source, performing the computations in-
database. The next step is to change the active compute context. When you run rxSetComputeContext with
tdCompute as its argument, all subsequent RevoScaleR HPA computations take place in the in-database in
Teradata until the compute context is switched back to a local compute context.

# Set the compute context to compute in Teradata


We can use the high-performance rxSummary function to compute summary statistics for several of the variables.
The formula used is a standard R formula:
rxSummary(formula = ~gender + balance + numTrans + numIntlTrans +
creditLine, data = teradataDS)
rxSummary(formula = ~gender + balance + numTrans + numIntlTrans +
creditLine, data = teradataDS)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~gender + balance + numTrans +

numIntlTrans + creditLine
Data: teradataDS (RxTeradata Data Source)
Number of valid observations: 1e+07

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

balance 4109.919919 3996.847310 0 41485 1e+07 0
numTrans 28.935187 26.553781 0 100 1e+07 0
numIntlTrans 4.047190 8.602970 0 60 1e+07 0
creditLine 9.134469 9.641974 1 75 1e+07 0

Category Counts for gender

Number of categories: 2
Number of valid observations: 1e+07
Number of missing observations: 0

gender Counts
Male 6178231
Female 3821769

You can see that the ccFraud10 data set has 10 million observations with no missing data.
To set the compute context back to our client machine, enter:

# Set the compute context to compute locally

rxSetComputeContext ("local")

Refining the RxTeradata Data Source

The computed summary statistics provide useful information about our data that can be put in the data source for
use in further computations. For example, RevoScaleR uses minimum and maximum values in computing
histograms, and can efficiently convert integer data to categorical factor data “on-the-fly” using the F function. You
can include the specification of high and low values in an RxTeradata data source. We can add this information for
balance, numTrans, numIntlTrans, and creditLine to the colInfo used to create the data source:

ccColInfo <- list(

gender = list(
type = "factor",
levels = c("1", "2"),
newLevels = c("Male", "Female")),
cardholder = list(
type = "factor",
levels = c("1", "2"),
newLevels = c("Principal", "Secondary")),
state = list(
type = "factor",
levels = as.character(1:51),
newLevels = stateAbb),
balance = list(low = 0, high = 41485),
numTrans = list(low = 0, high = 100),
numIntlTrans = list(low = 0, high = 60),
creditLine = list(low = 1, high = 75)
Again, recreate a Teradata data source, adding the additional column information:

teradataDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,

sqlQuery = tdQuery, colInfo = ccColInfo, rowsPerRead = 50000)

Visualizing Your Data Using rxHistogram and rxCube

The rxHistogram function shows us the distribution of any of the variables in our data set. For example, let’s look at
creditLine by gender. First we’ll set the compute context back to tdCompute so that all of our analytics
computations will be performed in Teradata rather than alongside: rxSetComputeContext(tdCompute)
Next we’ll call rxHistogram. Internally, rxHistogram calls the RevoScaleR rxCube analytics function, which
performs the required computations in-database in Teradata and return the results to your local workstation for

rxHistogram(~creditLine|gender, data = teradataDS,

histType = "Percent")

We can also call the rxCube function directly and use the results with one of many of R’s plotting functions. For
example, rxCube can compute group means, so we can compute the mean of fraudRisk for every combination of
numTrans and numIntlTrans. We use the F () notation to have integer variables treated as categorical variables (with
a level for each integer value). The low and high levels specified in colInfo will automatically be used.

cube1 <- rxCube(fraudRisk~F(numTrans):F(numIntlTrans),

data = teradataDS)

The rxResultsDF function converts the results of the rxCube function into a data frame that can easily be used in
one of R’s standard plotting functions. Here we create a heat map using the levelplot function from the lattice
cubePlot <- rxResultsDF(cube1)
levelplot(fraudRisk~numTrans\*numIntlTrans, data = cubePlot)

We can see that the risk of fraud increases with both the number of transactions and the number of international

Analyzing Your Data with rxLinMod

Linear models are a work horse of predictive analytics. RevoScaleR provides a high performance, scalable
algorithm. As a simple example, let’s estimate a linear model with balance as the dependent variable and gender
and creditLine as independent variables:

linModObj <- rxLinMod(balance ~ gender + creditLine,

data = teradataDS)

As long as we have not changed the compute context, the computations are performed in-database in Teradata.
The function returns an object containing the model results to your local workstation. We can look at a summary of
the results using the standard R summary function:

rxLinMod(formula = balance ~ gender + creditLine, data = teradataDS)

Linear Regression Results for: balance ~ gender + creditLine

Data: teradataDS (RxTeradata Data Source)
Dependent variable(s): balance
Total independent variables: 4 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 1e+07
Number of missing observations: 0

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3109.8508 2.2856 1360.647 2.22e-16 ***
gender=Male 3.2671 2.5091 1.302 0.193
gender=Female Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
creditLine 109.2620 0.1264 864.080 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 3856 on 9999997 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.06948
Adjusted R-squared: 0.06948
F-statistic: 3.733e+05 on 2 and 9999997 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1.0001

Analyzing Your Data with rxLogit

Now, let’s estimate a logistic regression on whether or not an individual is a fraud risk. We continue to use the
same compute context and data source, and specify a large model – 60 independent variables, including the 3
dummy variables that are dropped. In R (and RevoScaleR ) every level of a categorical factor variable is
automatically treated as a separate dummy variable:

logitObj <- rxLogit(fraudRisk ~ state + gender + cardholder + balance +

numTrans + numIntlTrans + creditLine, data = teradataDS,
dropFirst = TRUE)

We get the following output:

rxLogit(formula = fraudRisk ~ state + gender + cardholder + balance +
numTrans + numIntlTrans + creditLine, data = teradataDS,
dropFirst = TRUE)

Logistic Regression Results for: fraudRisk ~ state + gender +

cardholder + balance + numTrans + numIntlTrans + creditLine
Data: teradataDS (RxTeradata Data Source)
Dependent variable(s): fraudRisk
Total independent variables: 60 (Including number dropped: 3)
Number of valid observations: 1e+07
-2*LogLikelihood: 2101682.8022 (Residual deviance on 9999943 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -8.524e+00 3.640e-02 -234.163 2.22e-16 ***
state=AK Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
state=AL -6.127e-01 3.840e-02 -15.956 2.22e-16 ***
state=AR -1.116e+00 4.100e-02 -27.213 2.22e-16 ***
state=AZ -1.932e-01 3.749e-02 -5.153 2.56e-07 ***
state=CA -1.376e-01 3.591e-02 -3.831 0.000127 ***
state=CO -3.314e-01 3.794e-02 -8.735 2.22e-16 ***
state=CT -6.332e-01 3.933e-02 -16.101 2.22e-16 ***
state=CT -6.332e-01 3.933e-02 -16.101 2.22e-16 ***
state=DC -7.717e-01 5.530e-02 -13.954 2.22e-16 ***
state=DE -4.316e-02 4.619e-02 -0.934 0.350144
state=FL -2.833e-01 3.626e-02 -7.814 2.22e-16 ***
state=GA 1.297e-02 3.676e-02 0.353 0.724215
state=HI -6.222e-01 4.395e-02 -14.159 2.22e-16 ***
state=IA -1.284e+00 4.093e-02 -31.386 2.22e-16 ***
state=ID -1.127e+00 4.427e-02 -25.456 2.22e-16 ***
state=IL -7.355e-01 3.681e-02 -19.978 2.22e-16 ***
state=IN -1.124e+00 3.842e-02 -29.261 2.22e-16 ***
state=KS -9.614e-01 4.125e-02 -23.307 2.22e-16 ***
state=KY -8.121e-01 3.908e-02 -20.778 2.22e-16 ***
state=LA -1.231e+00 3.950e-02 -31.173 2.22e-16 ***
state=MA -8.426e-01 3.810e-02 -22.115 2.22e-16 ***
state=MD -2.378e-01 3.752e-02 -6.338 2.33e-10 ***
state=ME -7.322e-01 4.625e-02 -15.829 2.22e-16 ***
state=MI -1.250e+00 3.763e-02 -33.218 2.22e-16 ***
state=MN -1.166e+00 3.882e-02 -30.030 2.22e-16 ***
state=MO -7.618e-01 3.802e-02 -20.036 2.22e-16 ***
state=MS -1.090e+00 4.096e-02 -26.601 2.22e-16 ***
state=MT -1.049e+00 5.116e-02 -20.499 2.22e-16 ***
state=NB -6.324e-01 4.270e-02 -14.808 2.22e-16 ***
state=NC -1.135e+00 3.754e-02 -30.222 2.22e-16 ***
state=ND -9.667e-01 5.675e-02 -17.033 2.22e-16 ***
state=NH -9.966e-01 4.778e-02 -20.860 2.22e-16 ***
state=NJ -1.227e+00 3.775e-02 -32.488 2.22e-16 ***
state=NM -5.825e-01 4.092e-02 -14.235 2.22e-16 ***
state=NV -2.222e-01 3.968e-02 -5.601 2.13e-08 ***
state=NY -1.235e+00 3.663e-02 -33.702 2.22e-16 ***
state=OH -6.004e-01 3.687e-02 -16.285 2.22e-16 ***
state=OK -1.043e+00 4.005e-02 -26.037 2.22e-16 ***
state=OR -1.284e+00 4.056e-02 -31.649 2.22e-16 ***
state=PA -5.802e-01 3.673e-02 -15.797 2.22e-16 ***
state=RI -7.197e-01 4.920e-02 -14.627 2.22e-16 ***
state=SC -7.759e-01 3.878e-02 -20.008 2.22e-16 ***
state=SD -8.295e-01 5.541e-02 -14.970 2.22e-16 ***
state=TN -1.258e+00 3.861e-02 -32.589 2.22e-16 ***
state=TX -6.103e-01 3.618e-02 -16.870 2.22e-16 ***
state=UT -5.573e-01 4.036e-02 -13.808 2.22e-16 ***
state=VA -7.069e-01 3.749e-02 -18.857 2.22e-16 ***
state=VT -1.251e+00 5.944e-02 -21.051 2.22e-16 ***
state=WA -1.297e-01 3.743e-02 -3.465 0.000530 ***
state=WI -9.027e-01 3.843e-02 -23.488 2.22e-16 ***
state=WV -5.708e-01 4.245e-02 -13.448 2.22e-16 ***
state=WY -1.153e+00 5.769e-02 -19.987 2.22e-16 ***
gender=Male Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
gender=Female 6.131e-01 3.754e-03 163.306 2.22e-16 ***
cardholder=Principal Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
cardholder=Secondary 4.785e-01 9.847e-03 48.588 2.22e-16 ***
balance 3.828e-04 4.660e-07 821.534 2.22e-16 ***
numTrans 4.747e-02 6.649e-05 713.894 2.22e-16 ***
numIntlTrans 3.021e-02 1.776e-04 170.097 2.22e-16 ***
creditLine 9.491e-02 1.416e-04 670.512 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 2922.044

Number of iterations: 8

Scoring a Data Set with Your Model

We can use the estimated logistic regression model to create scores for another data set with the same
independent variables. We need to specify two new data sources: the new input data set to be scored, and a new
table in the Teradata Database for the results.
tdQuery <- "SELECT * FROM ccFraudScore10"
teradataScoreDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,
sqlQuery = tdQuery, colInfo = ccColInfo, rowsPerRead = 50000)

teradataOutDS <- RxTeradata(table = "ccScoreOutput",

connectionString = tdConnString, rowsPerRead = 50000 )

Now we set our compute context. We’ll also make sure that the output table doesn’t exist by making a call to

if (rxTeradataTableExists("ccScoreOutput"))

Now we can use the rxPredict function to score. We set writeModelVars to TRUE to have all of the variables used in
the estimation included in the new table. The new variable containing the scores are named ccFraudLogitScore. We
have a choice of having our predictions calculated on the scale of the response variable or the underlying ‘link’
function. Here we choose the ‘link’ function, so that the predictions are on a logistic scale.

rxPredict(modelObject = logitObj,
data = teradataScoreDS,
outData = teradataOutDS,
predVarNames = "ccFraudLogitScore",
type = "link",
writeModelVars = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)

To add additional variables to our output predictions, use the extraVarsToWrite argument. For example, we can
include the variable custID from our scoring data table in our table of predictions as follows:

if (rxTeradataTableExists("ccScoreOutput"))

rxPredict(modelObject = logitObj,
data = teradataScoreDS,
outData = teradataOutDS,
predVarNames = "ccFraudLogitScore",
type = "link",
writeModelVars = TRUE,
extraVarsToWrite = "custID",
overwrite = TRUE)

After the new table has been created, we can compute and display a histogram of the 10 million predicted scores.
The computations are faster if we pre-specify the low and high values. We can get this information from the data
base using a special data source with rxImport. (Note that the RxOdbcData data source type can be used with a
Teradata data base. It is typically faster for small queries.)

tdMinMax <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery = paste(

"SELECT MIN(ccFraudLogitScore),",
"MAX(ccFraudLogitScore) FROM ccScoreOutput"),
connectionString = tdConnString)
minMaxVals <- rxImport(tdMinMax)
minMaxVals <- as.vector(unlist(minMaxVals))

Now we create our data source:

teradataScoreDS <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery =
"Select ccFraudLogitScore FROM ccScoreOutput",
connectionString = tdConnString, rowsPerRead = 50000,
colInfo = list(ccFraudLogitScore = list(
low = floor(minMaxVals[1]),
high = ceiling(minMaxVals[2]))))

Then we compute and display the histogram:

rxHistogram(~ccFraudLogitScore, data = teradataScoreDS)

Using rxDataStep and rxImport

Using rxDataStep to Transform Variables
The rxDataStep function processes data a chunk at a time, reading from one data source and writing to another. In
this example, we use a function in another R package. The boot package is ‘recommended’ package that is included
with every distribution of R, but is not loaded automatically on start-up. It contains a function inv.logit that
computes the inverse of a logit; that is, converts a logit back to a probability on the [0,1] scale. (Note that we could
have gotten predictions in this scale by setting type=”response” in our call to rxPredict.) We’d like all of the
variables in our ccScoreOutput table to be put in the new table, in addition to the newly created variable. So we
specify our input and output data sources as follows:
teradataScoreDS <- RxTeradata(
sqlQuery = "Select * FROM ccScoreOutput",
connectionString = tdConnString, rowsPerRead = 50000 )

teradataOutDS2 <- RxTeradata(table = " ccScoreOutput2",

connectionString = tdConnString, rowsPerRead = 50000)

if (rxTeradataTableExists("ccScoreOutput2"))

Now we call the rxDataStep function, specifying the transforms we want in a list. We also specifying the additional
R packages that are needed to perform the transformations. These packages must be pre-installed on the nodes of
your Teradata platform.

rxDataStep(inData = teradataScoreDS, outFile = teradataOutDS2,

transforms = list(ccFraudProb = inv.logit(ccFraudLogitScore)),
transformPackages = "boot", overwrite = TRUE)

We can now look at basic variable information for the new data set.

Var 1: ccFraudLogitScore, Type: numeric
Var 2: custID, Type: integer
Var 3: state, Type: character
Var 4: gender, Type: character
Var 5: cardholder, Type: character
Var 6: balance, Type: integer
Var 7: numTrans, Type: integer
Var 8: numIntlTrans, Type: integer
Var 9: creditLine, Type: integer
Var 10: ccFraudProb, Type: numeric

Notice that factor variables are written to the data base as character data. To use them as factors in subsequent
analysis, use colInfo to specify the levels.
Using rxImport to Extract a Subsample into a Data Frame in Memory
If we want to examine high risk individuals in more detail, we can extract information about them into a data frame
in memory, order them, and print information about those with the highest risk. Since we are computing on our
local computer, we can reset the compute context to local. We use the sqlQuery argument for the Teradata data
source to specify the observations to select so that only the data of interest is extracted from the data base.

teradataProbDS <- RxTeradata(

sqlQuery = paste(
"Select * FROM ccScoreOutput2",
"WHERE (ccFraudProb > .99)"),
connectionString = tdConnString)
highRisk <- rxImport(teradataProbDS)

Now we have the high risk observations in a data frame in memory. We can use any R functions to manipulate the
data frame:
orderedHighRisk <- highRisk[order(-highRisk$ccFraudProb),]
row.names(orderedHighRisk) <- NULL # Reset row numbers

ccFraudLogitScore custID state gender cardholder balance numTrans

1 16.60087 10957409 WA Female Principal 39987 84
2 15.57692 6754290 FL Male Principal 31099 90
3 15.31091 5304850 AL Male Principal 33113 100
4 15.08932 10529850 WV Male Principal 32177 100
5 14.79001 3040086 CA Female Principal 32562 66
6 14.22977 4422001 OK Male Secondary 33476 100
numIntlTrans creditLine ccFraudProb
1 1 56 0.9999999
2 36 75 0.9999998
3 0 74 0.9999998
4 0 75 0.9999997
5 4 75 0.9999996
6 2 60 0.9999993

Using rxDataStep to Create a Teradata Table

When we are working in a local compute context, we have access to both local data files and the Teradata database
via TPT. So, we can use rxDataStep to take a data set on our local system, perform any desired transformations,
and create a new Teradata table. For example, one of the sample .xdf files shipped with RevoScaleR is

xdfAirDemo <- RxXdfData(file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),

Var 1: ArrDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-86, 1490)

Var 2: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0167, 23.9833)
Var 3: DayOfWeek
7 factor levels: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Let’s put this data into a Teradata table, storing DayOfWeek as an integer with values from 1 to 7.

teradataAirDemo <- RxTeradata(table = " AirDemoSmallTest",

connectionString = tdConnString)
if (rxTeradataTableExists("AirDemoSmallTest",
connectionString = tdConnString))
connectionString = tdConnString)

rxDataStep(inData = xdfAirDemo, outFile = teradataAirDemo,

transforms = list(
DayOfWeek = as.integer(DayOfWeek),
rowNum = .rxStartRow : (.rxStartRow + .rxNumRows - 1)
), overwrite = TRUE

Now we can set our compute context back to in-Teradata, and look at summary statistics of the new table:
teradataAirDemo <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery =
"SELECT * FROM AirDemoSmallTest",
connectionString = tdConnString,
rowsPerRead = 50000,
colInfo = list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",
levels = as.character(1:7))))

rxSummary(~., data = teradataAirDemo)

Performing Your Own ‘Chunking’ Analysis

The rxDataStep function also allows us to write our own ‘chunking’ analysis. Reading the data in chunks on
multiple AMPS in Teradata, we can process each chunk of data using the R language, and write out summary
results for each chunk into a common Teradata data source. Let’s look at an example using the table function in R,
which computes a contingency table. (If you actually have data sets to tabulate, use the rxCrossTabs or rxCube
functions built into RevoScaleR; this example is meant for instructional purposes only.)
The first step is to write a function to process each chunk of data. The data will automatically be fed into the
function as a rectangular list of data columns. The function must also return a rectangular list of data columns
(which a data frame is). In the example below, we are summarizing the input data and returning a data frame with a
single row.

ProcessChunk <- function( dataList)

# Convert the input list to a data frame and
# call the 'table' function to compute the
# contingency table
chunkTable <- table(

# Convert table output to data frame with single row

varNames <- names(chunkTable)
varValues <- as.vector(chunkTable)
dim(varValues) <- c(1, length(varNames))
chunkDF <-
names(chunkDF) <- varNames

# Return the data frame, which has a single row

return( chunkDF )

Next we set our active compute context to compute in-database, and set up our data source:

rxSetComputeContext( tdCompute )
tdQuery <-
"select DayOfWeek from AirDemoSmallTest"
inDataSource <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery = tdQuery,
rowsPerRead = 50000,
colInfo = list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",
levels = as.character(1:7))))

Now set up a data source to hold the intermediate results. Again, we’ll “drop” the table if it exists.
iroDataSource = RxTeradata(table = "iroResults",
connectionString = tdConnString)
if (rxTeradataTableExists(table = "iroResults",
connectionString = tdConnString))
rxTeradataDropTable( table = "iroResults",
connectionString = tdConnString)

Next we’ll call rxDataStep with our ProcessChunk function as the transformation function to use.

rxDataStep( inData = inDataSource, outFile = iroDataSource,

transformFunc = ProcessChunk,
overwrite = TRUE)

To see our intermediate results for all of the chunks, we can import the data base table into memory:

iroResults <- rxImport(iroDataSource)


To compute our final results, in this example we can just sum the columns:

finalResults <- colSums(iroResults)


To remove the intermediate results table:

rxTeradataDropTable( table = " iroResults",

connectionString = tdConnString)

Using rxDataStep for By-Group Analyses

When running in Teradata, it is also possible to control the data that is provided in each ‘chunk’ processed by
rxDataStep. This allows us to perform by-group analyses, estimating a separate model for each group of
observations defined by one or more categorical variables.
Creating a Simulated Data Set for By-Group Analysis
For example, let’s create a simulated data set that has 100,000 observations and three variables: SKU, INCOME,
and SALES. Our objective is to estimate a model of SALES on INCOME for each SKU. To make it easy to interpret
our results, we’ll set the underlying coefficient for INCOME equal to the SKU number.

numObs <- 100000
testData <- data.frame(
SKU = as.integer(runif(n = numObs, min = 1, max = 11)),
INCOME = as.integer(runif(n = numObs, min = 10, max = 21)))
# SKU is also underlying coefficient
testData$SALES <- as.integer(testData$INCOME * testData$SKU +
25*rnorm(n = numObs))

Next, we upload this data frame into a table in our Teradata database, removing any existing table by that name
if (rxTeradataTableExists("sku_sales_100k",
connectionString = tdConnString))
connectionString = tdConnString)

teradataDS <- RxTeradata(table = "sku_sales_100k",

connectionString = tdConnString)
rxDataStep(inData = testData, outFile = teradataDS)

A Transformation Function for By-Group Analysis

Next, let’s consider the analysis we want to perform for each group. As in the previous section, we write a
transformation function that operates on a chunk of data, then writes out the results for that chunk into an
“intermediate results” table. In this case, we estimate a linear model on the chunk of data, and put the components
of the model we need for scoring into a string. We will also include the SKU number and the estimated slope in our
results table. We are assuming, at this point, that we have all of the data for a single SKU in the chunk of data being
processed by the transformation function.

EstimateModel <- function(dataList)

# Convert the input list to a data frame
chunkDF <-

# Estimate a linear model on this chunk

# Don't include the model frame in the model object
model <- lm( SALES~INCOME, chunkDF, model=FALSE )

# Print statements can be useful for debugging

# print( model$coefficients )

# Remove unneeded parts of model object

model$residuals <- NULL
model$effects <- NULL
model$fitted.values <- NULL
model$assign <- NULL
model$qr[[1]] <- NULL
attr(model$terms, ".Environment") <- NULL

# Convert the model to a character string

modelString <-
rawToChar(serialize(model, connect=NULL, ascii=TRUE))

# Pad to a fixed length

modelString <- paste( modelString,
paste(rep("X", 2000 - nchar(modelString)), collapse = ""),

# Create the entry for the results table

resultDF <- data.frame(
SKU = chunkDF[1,]$SKU, # Assumes SKU's all the same
COEF = model$coefficients[2], # Slope
MODEL = modelString )

return( resultDF )

Setting Up an Input Data Source for By-Group Analysis

The next step is to set up a data source that controls how the data is passed into the transformation function. To do
so, we specify the tableOpClause when creating an RxTeradata data source. The HASH BY, PARTITION BY,
PARTITION_WITH_VIEW BY, and LOCAL ORDER BY clauses can be used to organize the data. This data source
parameter only affects rxDataStep running in an RxInTeradata compute context. (Note: when using Teradata
software with versions before or 14.10.02d, replace PARTITION with PARTITION -WITH -VIEW.
However, working with these versions is unsupported.)

tdQuery <- "SELECT * FROM sku_sales_100k"

partitionKeyword <- "PARTITION"
partitionClause <- paste( partitionKeyword, "BY sku_sales_100k.SKU" )
inDataSource <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery = tdQuery,
tableOpClause = partitionClause,
rowsPerRead = 100000)

By using the partition clause, we have one computing resource for each SKU so that the transformation function
will be operating on a single SKU of data. (For more details on using the partition clause, see Teradata’s SQL Data
Manipulation Language manual.) For modeling, we need all rows for a given model (a single SKU ) to fit in one
read, so rowsPerRead is set high.
Estimating By-Group Linear Models
Before running the analysis, we need to set up the output results data source:

resultsDataSource = RxTeradata(table = "models",

connectionString = tdConnString )

Since the lm function is called inside of our transformation function, we need to make sure that it is available
wherever the computations are taking place. The lm function is contained within the stats package, so we specify
that in the transformPackages RevoScaleR option:

rxOptions(transformPackages = c("stats"))

We want to make sure that our compute context is set appropriately, since the tableOpClause only has an effect
when running in Teradata:

# Make sure compute context is in-database


Now we can run use rxDataStep to process the data by SKU:

rxDataStep( inData = inDataSource, outFile = resultsDataSource,

transformFunc = EstimateModel, reportProgress = 0,
overwrite = TRUE )

We can take a quick look at our estimated slopes by bringing the data from our results table into a data frame in
lmResults <- rxImport(resultsDataSource)
lmResults[order(lmResults$SKU),c("SKU", "COEF")]

7 1 1.001980
8 2 2.099449
4 3 3.005241
6 4 3.979653
2 5 4.980316
1 6 5.864830
5 7 6.940838
9 8 8.151135
3 9 9.012148
10 10 9.925830

Scoring Using the Estimated By-Group Linear Models

We can use a similar process to score the data, using a transformation function that will only be processing data
from a single SKU:

ScoreChunk <- function(dataList)

chunkDF <-

# Extract the model string for the first observation

# and convert back to model object
# All observations in this chunk have the same SKU,
# so they all share the same model
modelString <- as.character(chunkDF[1,]$MODEL)
model <- unserialize( charToRaw( modelString ) )

resultDF <- data.frame(

SKU = chunkDF$SKU,
# Use lm's predict method
PREDICTED_SALES = predict(model, chunkDF) )

return( resultDF )

Next, we set up an SQL query that joins our original simulated table with our intermediate results table, matching
the SKUs:

predictQuery <- paste("SELECT sku_sales_100k.SKU,",

"sku_sales_100k.INCOME, models.MODEL",
"FROM sku_sales_100k JOIN models ON",
"sku_sales_100k.SKU = models.SKU")

For scoring, we do not need all rows for a given model to fit in one read. As long as we compute in-database, all of
the data in each chunk belongs to the same SKU.

inDataSource <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery = predictQuery,

connectionString = tdConnString,
tableOpClause = partitionClause, rowsPerRead = 10000)

We also need to set up our new output data source:

scoresDataSource = RxTeradata(table = "scores",
connectionString = tdConnString)

Now we set the compute context and perform the scoring:

rxSetComputeContext(tdCompute) rxDataStep( inData = inDataSource, outFile = scoresDataSource,
transformFunc = ScoreChunk, reportProgress = 0, overwrite = TRUE )
Last, we can use an SQL query in a Teradata data source to extract summary results by SKU:

predSum <- rxImport( RxTeradata(

connectionString = tdConnString ) )

We display the first 15 rows of the results. We would expect that PREDICTED_SALES should be roughly

options(width = 120) # Set display width



1 1 10 9.579956 9.579956 983
2 1 11 10.581936 10.581936 911
3 1 12 11.583916 11.583916 971
4 1 13 12.585896 12.585896 895
5 1 14 13.587876 13.587876 879
6 1 15 14.589856 14.589856 891
7 1 16 15.591836 15.591836 931
8 1 17 16.593815 16.593815 944
9 1 18 17.595795 17.595795 918
10 1 19 18.597775 18.597775 889
11 1 20 19.599755 19.599755 924
12 2 10 19.295443 19.295443 939
13 2 11 21.394892 21.394892 932
14 2 12 23.494341 23.494341 894
15 2 13 25.593790 25.593790 911

When done with the analysis, we can remove the created tables from the database and then reset the compute
context to the local context.


Performing Simulations In-Database

There may be occasions when it is useful to perform computations on in-memory data in parallel on a Teradata
platform. A simple example is shown here, simulating many games of craps. The game of craps is a familiar casino
game that consists of rolling a pair of dice. If you roll a 7 or 11 on your initial roll, you win. If you roll 2, 3, or 12,
you lose. If you roll a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, that number becomes your point and you continue rolling until you either
roll your point again (in which case you win) or roll a 7, in which case you lose. The game is easily simulated in R
using the following function:
playCraps <- function()
result <- NULL
point <- NULL
count <- 1
while (is.null(result))
roll <- sum(sample(6, 2, replace=TRUE))

if (is.null(point))
point <- roll
if (count == 1 && (roll == 7 || roll == 11))
result <- "Win"
else if (count == 1 &&
(roll == 2 || roll == 3 || roll == 12))
result <- "Loss"
else if (count > 1 && roll == 7 )
result <- "Loss"
else if (count > 1 && point == roll)
result <- "Win"
count <- count + 1

We can run the function to simulate a single game:


Did you win or lose?

We will now simulate 1000 games of craps to help determine the probability of a win. The rxExec function allows
computations to be distributed to each of the AMPS of your Teradata platform. If the timesToRun argument is
specified, runs may be performed multiple times on each AMP. The rxExec function returns a list with one element
for every run. Setting RNGseed to "auto" causes separate parallel random number substreams (using the
"MT2203" generator) to be generated and used for each of the 1000 invocations of playCraps.

teradataExec <- rxExec(playCraps, timesToRun=1000, RNGseed="auto")


To see a summary of the results, we can convert the returned list to a vector, and summarize the results using the
table function.


Your results should look something like this:

Loss Win
508 492

Analyzing Your Data Alongside Teradata

Although typically it is much faster to perform in-database analyses, it is sometimes convenient to extract your data
from Teradata and analyze it alongside with an alternative, powerful compute engine. To perform the computations
on your local machine, we just need to change the compute context back to local.

# Set the compute context to compute locally

rxSetComputeContext ("local")

Perform an rxSummary Using a Local Compute Context

When extracting data from Teradata, it is often more performant to increase the number of rows extracted for each
read. We can do this by increasing the rowsPerRead in the data source:

tdQuery <- "SELECT * FROM ccFraudScore10"

teradataDS1 <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,
sqlQuery = tdQuery, colInfo = ccColInfo, rowsPerRead = 500000)

Now we can call rxSummary using the new data source. This will be slow if you have a slow connection to your
database; the data is being transferred to your local computer for analysis.

rxSummary(formula = ~gender + balance + numTrans + numIntlTrans +

creditLine, data = teradataDS1)

You should see the same results as you did when you performed the computations in-database.

Import of Data from a Teradata Database to a Local File

The rxImport function allows you to import data from a data source to a local “xdf” file. This can be convenient if
you want to repeatedly analyze a subset of your data initially stored in a Teradata Database. Let’s store the
variables gender, cardholder, state, and balance for the states of California, Oregon, and Washington on our local
computer. We create a new Teradata data source object to use as the inData argument for rxImport. First, let’s
specify the variables and selection we want to read in the SQL query. (Make sure there are no hidden characters
such as line feeds or tabs in the query.) We can use the stateAbb vector created earlier in this guide to identify the
correct levels to include.

statesToKeep <- sapply(c("CA", "OR", "WA"), grep, stateAbb)


importQuery <- paste("SELECT gender,cardholder,balance,state",

"FROM ccFraud10",
"WHERE (state = 5 OR state = 38 OR state = 48)")

Next we create the colInfo to be used. In our new data set, we just want three factor levels for the three states being
included. We can use statesToKeep to identify the correct levels to include.
importColInfo <- list(
gender = list(
type = "factor",
levels = c("1", "2"),
newLevels = c("Male", "Female")),
cardholder = list(
type = "factor",
levels = c("1", "2"),
newLevels = c("Principal", "Secondary")),
state = list(
type = "factor",
levels = as.character(statesToKeep),
newLevels = names(statesToKeep))

Since we are importing to our local computer, we are sure the compute context is set to local. We store the data in a
file named ccFraudSub.xdf in our current working directory

teradataImportDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,
sqlQuery = importQuery, colInfo = importColInfo)

localDS <- rxImport(inData = teradataImportDS,

outFile = "ccFraudSub.xdf",
overwrite = TRUE)

The localDs object returned from rxImport is a “light-weight” RxXdfData data source object representing the
ccFraud.xdf data file stored locally on disk. It can be used in analysis functions in the same way as the Teradata
data source.
For example,
rxGetVarInfo(data = localDS)

Var 1: gender
2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 2: cardholder
2 factor levels: Principal Secondary
Var 3: balance, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 39987)
Var 4: state
3 factor levels: CA OR WA

rxSummary(~gender + cardholder + balance + state, data = localDS)

rxSummary(formula = ~gender + cardholder + balance + state, data = localDS)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~gender + cardholder + balance + state

Data: localDS (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: ccFraud.xdf
Number of valid observations: 1540887

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

balance 4115.967 4000.873 0 39987 1540887 0

Category Counts for gender

Number of categories: 2
Number of valid observations: 1540887
Number of missing observations: 0

gender Counts
Male 952908
Female 587979

Category Counts for cardholder

Number of categories: 2
Number of valid observations: 1540887
Number of missing observations: 0

cardholder Counts
Principal 1494355
Secondary 46532

Category Counts for state

Number of categories: 3
Number of valid observations: 1540887
Number of missing observations: 0

state Counts
CA 1216069
OR 121846
WA 202972

Managing Memory in In-Teradata Computations

Because a Teradata cluster node typically has many worker processes (AMPs) running constantly, it is important to
limit how much memory a distributed analysis consumes. Microsoft provides stored procedures in the
revoAnalytics_Zqht2 scheduler database that allow a database administrator to set the memory limits for master
and worker processes working on a RevoScaleR job. By default, the master process memory limit is 2000 MB
(approximately 2GB ) and the worker process memory limit is 1000 MB (1GB ).
These limits may be customized by a database administrator using the SetMasterMemoryLimitMB ()
and SetWorkerMemoryLimitMB () stored procedures, defined in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2 database created on
For example, to set the master memory limit to 3000 MB:
call revoAnalytics_Zqht2.SetMasterMemoryLimitMB (3000);
To set the worker memory limit to 1500 MB:

call revoAnalytics_Zqht2.SetWorkerMemoryLimitMB(1500);

The current memory limits can be viewed in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2.Properties table.

Memory limits that have been changed are in effect immediately, and no restart of the database is required.
Appendix I: Scripts for Loading Data into Teradata
Modify the following script to include your Log In information and data base name, then use the ‘fastload’ Teradata
command to load the ccFraud.csv data. (Copies of both scripts in this appendix can be found online.)
sessions 2;
errlimit 25;
logon PUT YOUR LOGON INFO HERE: MachineNameOrIP/UserName,Password;

DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraud10;

DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraud10_error_1;
DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraud10_error_2;

CREATE TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraud10 (

"custID" INT,
"gender" INT,
"state" INT,
"cardholder" INT,
"balance" INT,
"numTrans" INT,
"numIntlTrans" INT,
"creditLine" INT,
"fraudRisk" INT)

set record VARTEXT ",";


Col1 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col2 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col3 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col4 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col5 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col6 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col7 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col8 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col9 (VARCHAR(15))


begin loading RevoTestDB.ccFraud10 errorfiles RevoTestDB.ccFraud10_error_1, RevoTestDB.ccFraud10_error_2;

insert into RevoTestDB.ccFraud10 (



This similar script loads the ccFraudScore.csv data:

sessions 2;
errlimit 25;

DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore10;

DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore_error_1;
DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore_error_2;

CREATE TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore10 (

"custID" INT,
"gender" INT,
"state" INT,
"cardholder" INT,
"balance" INT,
"numTrans" INT,
"numIntlTrans" INT,
"creditLine" INT)

set record VARTEXT ",";


Col1 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col2 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col3 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col4 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col5 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col6 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col7 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col8 (VARCHAR(15))


begin loading RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore errorfiles RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore_error_1,

insert into RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore (



To run a fastload command, navigate to the directory containing the script from a command prompt and enter:

fastload < TheNameOFtheFastLoadScript.fastload

Quickstart: Deploy a Python model as a web service
with azureml-model-management-sdk
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.x

Learn how to deploy an Python model as a web service with Machine Learning Server. Data scientists work
locally in their preferred Python IDE and favorite version control tools to build scripts and models. Using the
azureml-model-management-sdk Python package that ships with Machine Learning Server, you can develop, test,
and ultimately deploy these Python analytics as web services in your production environment.
In Machine Learning Server, a web service is a model and/or code that has been deployed and hosted in the
server. Each web service is uniquely defined by a name and version . When consumed, the service consists of the
code execution on a compute node. Learn more about web services.
You can use the functions in the azureml-model-management-sdk Python library to manage the web service's
lifecycle from a Python script. A set of RESTful APIs are also available to provide direct programmatic access to a
service's lifecycle.

Time estimate
After you have completed the prerequisites, this task takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Before you begin this QuickStart, have the following ready:
Machine Learning Server with Python that's configured to operationalize models. Try an Azure Resource
Management template to quickly configure a server for operationalization.

The connection details (host, username, password) to that server instance from your administrator.

Familiarity with Python. Here's a video tutorial.

Familiarity with Jupyter notebooks. Learn how to load sample Python notebooks.

Example code
The example for this quickstart is stored in a Jupyter notebook. This notebook format allows you to not only see
the code alongside detailed explanations, but also allows you to try out the code.
This example walks through the deployment of a Python model as a web service hosted in Machine Learning
Server. We will build a simple linear model using the rx_lin_mod function from the revoscalepy package installed
with Machine Learning Server or locally on Windows machine. This package requires a connection to Machine
Learning Server.
The notebook example walks you through how to:
1. Create and run a linear model locally
2. Authenticate with Machine Learning Server from your Python script
3. Publish the model as a Python web service to Machine Learning Server
4. Examine, test, and consume the service in the same session
5. Delete the service
You can try it yourself with the notebook.
► Download the Jupyter notebook to try it out.

Next steps
After it has been deployed, the web service can be:
Consumed directly in Python by someone else for testing purposes See an example in this Jupyter
Integrated into an application by an application developer using the Swagger-based .JSON file produced
when the web service was published.

See also
This section provides a quick summary of useful links for data scientists looking to operationalize their analytics
with Machine Learning Server.
About Operationalization
What are web services
Functions in azureml-model-management-sdk package
Connecting to Machine Learning Server in Python
Working with web services in Python
Example of deploying realtime web service
How to consume web services in Python synchronously (request/response)
How to consume web services in Python asynchronously (batch)
How to integrate web services and authentication into your application
Get started for administrators
User Forum
Quickstart: Integrate a realtime web service into an
application using Swagger
4/13/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Microsoft Learning Server 9.x

This quickstart shows how to use a Swagger-generated client to consume a Python model deployed as a realtime
web service in Machine Learning Server. A web service is a model or code that has been deployed and hosted in a
server. Realtime web services only accept models created with the functions supported by the packages installed
with the product. The revoscalepy package installed on the Machine Learning Server supports the rx_lin_mod
function used by the linear model in this quickstart.
This quickstart shows you how to:
deploy a Machine Learning Server in Azure
create a realtime web service from a Python script
use Swagger to integrate the service into a C# application.
This quickstart has been designed for new users and is self-contained. You must have an Azure subscription and
Visual Studio, or some other IDE for developing a C# application, installed to complete it. It also assumes some
familiarity with Python and C#. After you have deployed the Machine Learning Server on Azure, this quickstart
takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Deploy Machine Learning Server with an ARM template

You can configure a Machine Learning Server to act as a deployment server and host analytic web services.
Machine Learning Server web services can be operationalized in two types of configuration:
One-box configuration: includes one web node and one compute node that run on a single machine. This
configuration is useful when you want to explore what is needed to operationalize R or Python analytics.
Enterprise configuration: where multiple nodes are configured on multiple machines along with other
enterprise features. This configuration can be scaled out or in by adding or removing nodes.
This quickstart uses the one-box configuration on Windows. The deployment is automated using an ARM
template. Go to OneBox Configuration for Windows and click the Deploy to Azure button to deploy the ARM
This takes you to the Custom deployment page in the Azure portal where you need to supply values for basics
and settings in the red-started fields.

Agree to the Terms and Conditions and click Purchase. Find the mlserver resource in All resources, click
Connect after the sever has been created.
Click Open and then click Connect again on the Remote Desktop Connection window. Use the credentials you
specified when creating the server when prompted and then click OK to log in. Ignore the RDP warning that the
certificate cannot be authenticated.
For more information on options for configuring a server for operationalization, see Manage and configure
Machine Learning Server for operationalization

Deploy a Python model as a web service in Machine Learning Server

In this step, you build a linear model to predict the ratings from the data in the other columns (complaints,
privileges, learning, raises, critical, advance) of the attitude dataset and publish it as a web service.
This quickstart walks you through the individual steps needed for the two tasks in this section. But it also
summarizes the commands after the walkthrough in a script that execute all of the commands needed to build and
deploy the web service and provides a link to a Jupyter notebook that contains these (and some additional)
To launch Python command window, open File Explorer, copy the full path to the executable:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\python.exe

Paste it into Address Bar of File Explorer and press Enter.

Read in the attitude dataset
From your local machine, read in the data that you use to build the linear model. We use the attitude dataset .

#-- Import the dataset from the microsoftml package

from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import DataSetAttitude
attitude = DataSetAttitude()

# -- Represent the dataset as a dataframe.

attitude = attitude.as_df().drop('Unnamed: 0', axis = 1).astype('double')

# -- print top rows of data to inspect the data


rating complaints privileges learning raises critical advance
0 43.0 51.0 30.0 39.0 61.0 92.0 45.0
1 63.0 64.0 51.0 54.0 63.0 73.0 47.0
2 71.0 70.0 68.0 69.0 76.0 86.0 48.0
3 61.0 63.0 45.0 47.0 54.0 84.0 35.0
4 81.0 78.0 56.0 66.0 71.0 83.0 47.0

Authenticate and initiate the DeployClient

This quickstart uses the local 'admin' account for authentication. The following code imports the DeployClient and
MLServer classes from the azureml-model-management-sdk package that are used to connect to Machine
Learning Server.

# -- Import the DeployClient and MLServer classes --

# -- from the azureml-model-management-sdk package.
from azureml.deploy import DeployClient
from azureml.deploy.server import MLServer

Then replace YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD with the administrator password that you used to create the server (but
do not use the administrator name in place of admin in the context - it must use 'admin') in the following code
and run it:

# -- Define the location of the ML Server --

# -- for local onebox for Machine Learning Server: http://localhost:12800
# -- Replace with connection details to your instance of ML Server.
HOST = 'http://localhost:12800'
context = ('admin', 'YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD')
client = DeployClient(HOST, use=MLServer, auth=context)

There are several ways to authenticate with Machine Learning Server on-premises or in the cloud. To learn more
about connecting to Machine Learning Server in Python, see Authenticate with Machine Learning Server in Python
with azureml-model-management-sdk.
Create and run a linear model locally
Now that you are authenticated, you can use the rx_lin_mod function from the revoscalepy package to build the
model. The following code creates a Generalized Linear Model (GLM ) using the imported attitude dataset:

# -- Import the needed classes and functions

from revoscalepy import rx_lin_mod, rx_predict

# -- Use rx_lin_mod from revoscalepy package

# -- Create glm model with `attitude` dataset
df = attitude
form = "rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning + raises + critical + advance"
model = rx_lin_mod(form, df, method = 'regression')


Rows Read: 30, Total Rows Processed: 30, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
Computation time: 0.006 seconds.

This model can now be used to estimate the ratings expected from the attitude dataset. The following code shows
how to make some predictions locally to test the model:
# -- Provide some sample inputs to test the model
myData = df.head(5)

# -- Predict locally
print(rx_predict(model, myData))


Rows Read: 1, Total Rows Processed: 1, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
0 51.110295
1 61.352766
2 69.939441
3 61.226842
4 74.453799

Publish the model as a realtime web service

To publish any model as a realtime service, you must first serialize the model object using the revoscalepy
rx_serialize_model function.

# Import the needed classes and functions

from revoscalepy import rx_serialize_model

# Serialize the model with rx_serialize_model

s_model = rx_serialize_model(model, realtime_scoring_only=True)

Initiate a realtimeDefinition object from the azureml-model-management-sdk package to publish the linear model
as a realtime Python web service to Machine Learning Server.

service = client.realtime_service("LinModService") \
.version('1.0') \
.serialized_model(s_model) \
.description("This is a realtime model.") \

Verify that the web service results match the results obtained when the model was run locally. To consume the
realtime service, call .consume on the realtime service object. You can consume the model using the Service object
returned from .deploy() because you are in the same session as the one you in which you deployed.

# -- To consume the service, pluck out the named output: outputData. --



0 51.110295
1 61.352766
2 69.939441
3 61.226842
4 74.453799

To delete the service, use the following code:

client.delete_service('LinModService', version='1.0')



Summary Python script

This script can be run with Python.exe to create the model and deploy it as a web service. Replace
YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD in the context with the administrator password that you used to create the server.
Copy the entire script and paste it at the Python command prompt by right-clicking.

from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import DataSetAttitude

attitude = DataSetAttitude()
attitude = attitude.as_df().drop('Unnamed: 0', axis = 1).astype('double')
from azureml.deploy import DeployClient
from azureml.deploy.server import MLServer
HOST = 'http://localhost:12800'
context = ('admin', 'YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD')
client = DeployClient(HOST, use=MLServer, auth=context)
from revoscalepy import rx_lin_mod, rx_predict
df = attitude
form = "rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning + raises + critical + advance"
model = rx_lin_mod(form, df, method = 'regression')
myData = df.head(5)
print(rx_predict(model, myData))
from revoscalepy import rx_serialize_model
s_model = rx_serialize_model(model, realtime_scoring_only=True)
service = client.realtime_service("LinModService") \
.version('1.0') \
.serialized_model(s_model) \
.description("This is a realtime model.") \

Use a Jupyter Notebook

There is also a Publish_Realtime_Web_Service_in_Python.ipynb Jupyter Notebook that can be used on the
Machine Learning Server to build and deploy this model as a web service.
First you must download the notebook from the Microsoft Machine Learning Python Samples Github repo onto
your server:
1. Go to the Microsoft Machine Learning Python Samples repo from your Machine Learning Server.
2. Click on the Clone or download button and select the Download ZIP option.
3. Select Save and Open folder, right click on the ML folder and select
Extract All... and then Extract to your preferred location. The Download directory is used by default.
To run the Publish_Realtime_Web_Service_in_Python.ipynb Jupyter Notebook:
1. Open the File Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\Scripts
2. To open the Notebook Dashboard in your default browser at http://localhost:8888/tree, right-click and select
Run as administrator on jupyter-notebook.exe.
3. To load the Notebook, Click on Upload on the http://localhost:8888/tree page and navigate to the
Publish_Realtime_Web_Service_in_Python.ipynb notebook and click Open. The default location is
C:\Users\admin-mls\Downloads\ML -Server-Python-Samples-master\ML -Server-Python-Samples-
4. To open the Publish_Realtime_Web_Service_in_Python.ipynb Notebook, click on Upload opposite it and then
double click on the notebook to open it:

Build API clients with the Swagger file

Get the Swagger file
1. To save to Swagger JSON file to a specified location (in the example C:\Users\\Public\Downloads\), run the
following commands from the Python prompt in the VM:

# Print and save the service swagger to a json file

with open("C:\\Users\\\Public\\Downloads\\linmodservice-swagger.json", "w") as swagger_file:
swagger_file.write("%s" % service.swagger())
# This returns 16767

2. Open the linmodservice-swagger.json file and copy the contents.

3. Go to Swagger homepage on your main machine.
4. From the Tools menu on the homepage, choose Swagger Tools -> Swagger Editor.
5. Choose button for the Online Editor.
6. Delete the contents in the editor window on the left and past in the contents of the linmodservice-
swagger.json file.
Generate the client
1. Click the Generate Client button on the toolbar and choose the language for the client.
2. Choose the C# client and save the file to your preferred location and extract the zip
Create the C# client to consume the web service
1. Open the IO.Swagger.sln from the unzipped ..\csharp-client-generated\csharp-client folder with Visual
2. To add a C# console application to the solution, right-click the Solution 'IO.Swagger' in the Solution
Explorer -> Add -> New Project... -> Visual C# -> ConsoleApp (.NET Framework).
3. Accept the default name "ConsoleApp1" and click OK.
4. To make it the main application, right-click the ConsoleApp1 project and select Set as StartUp Project.
5. To add the IO.Swagger application as a dependency, right-click the ConsoleApp1 project and select Build
Dependencies ->Project Dependencies.... On the Dependencies tab check the IO.Swagger box in the
Depends on window and click OK. (The IO.Swagger.Test application can be ignored for our purposes.)
6. Right-click the ConsoleApp1 project and select Add -> Reference... -> Projects. Check the IO.Swagger
box and click OK.
7. To add the RestSharp and NewtonSoft.Json libraries to ConsoleApp1, right-click on the IO.Swagger
Solution in the Solution Explorer, select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution... and specify and install
the versions of the RestSharp and NewtonSoft.Json packages for ConsoleApp1 that match the versions
used in IO.Swagger.
8. To add the three references needed by the ConsoleApp1 client, right-click on ConsoleApp1 and select
Add -> Reference.... In the Reference Manager window, select the Projects tab on the left and check the
box for the IO.Swagger project. Then select the Browse tab on the left and check the boxes for the versions
of the RestSharp and NewtonSoft.Json dlls just installed. Click OK.
9. To add references to the installed and click OK.
10. Replace YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD in the Initialize O16N params section of the following C# code with
the password that you used when creating the VM. Do not change the username, admin, regardless of the
name you used to create the VM. Paste the resulting code into the Program.cs file of the ConsoleApp1,
replacing the code that was there by default. Then build and run the solution. using IO.Swagger.Api; using
IO.Swagger.Client; using IO.Swagger.Model; using System; using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

// Initialize O16N params

string webNodeUri = "";
string username = "admin";
string password = "YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD";

// Login, Obtain access token and set header

UserApi userInstance = new UserApi(webNodeUri);
var token = userInstance.Login(new LoginRequest(username, password));
Configuration config = new Configuration(new ApiClient(webNodeUri), new
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>() { { "Authorization", $"Bearer
{token.AccessToken}" } });

// Call LinModServiceApi and log output to console window

LinModServiceApi instance = new LinModServiceApi(config);
var inputDataFrame = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "rating", new object[] {43.0 } },
{ "complaints", new object[] { 51.0 } },
{ "privileges", new object[] { 30.0 } },
{ "learning", new object[] { 39.0 } },
{ "raises", new object[] { 61.0 } },
{ "critical", new object[] { 92.0 } },
{ "advance", new object[] { 45.0 } }
InputParameters webServiceParameters = new InputParameters(inputDataFrame);
WebServiceResult response = instance.ConsumeWebService(webServiceParameters);
var reportJson = response.OutputParameters.OutputData;



{"rating_Pred": [51.110295255533131]}

Press any key to continue . . .

Clean up resources
To delete the service created, run this code in the Python command window.

# To delete the service use the follow code:

client.delete_service('LinModService', version='1.0')

To stop the VM, return to the Azure portal, locate the server in your resource group and select Stop. This option
would allow you to restart the VM for use later and not pay for compute resources in the interim.
If you do not intent to use the VM or its related resource group again, return to the Azure portal, select the
resource group for the VM, and click Delete to remove all of the resource in the group from Azure permanently.
Next steps
How to consume web services in Python synchronously (request/response)
How to consume web services in Python asynchronously (batch)
Quickstart: An example of binary classification with
the microsoftml Python package
6/1/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.x

Learn how to use binary classification using the functions in the microsoftml package that ships with Machine
Learning Server. Data scientists work locally in their preferred Python IDE and favorite version control tools to
build scripts and models.
This example uses the well known breast cancer dataset. The dataset contains characteristics of cell nuclei and has a
target label to indicate whether the tumor was benign (0) or malignant (1). The example builds a linear model with
the rx_fast_linear function from the microsoftml package.

Time estimate
After you have completed the prerequisites, this task takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Before you begin this QuickStart, have an the following ready:
An instance of Machine Learning Server installed with the Python option.

Familiarity with Python. Here's a video tutorial.

Familiarity with Jupyter notebooks. Learn how to load sample Python notebooks.

Example code
The example for this quickstart is stored in a Jupyter notebook. This notebook format allows you to not only see
the code alongside detailed explanations, but also allows you to try out the code.
This quickstart notebook walks you through how to:
1. Load the example data
2. Import the microsoftml package
3. Add transforms for featurization
4. Train and evaluate the model
5. Predict using the model on new data
You can try it yourself with the notebook.
► Download the Jupyter notebook to try it out.

Next steps
Now that you've tried this example, you can start developing your own solutions using the MicrosoftML packages
and APIs for R and Python:
MicrosoftML R package functions
microsoftml Python package functions

See also
For more about Machine Learning Sever in general, see Overview of Machine Learning Server
For more machine learning samples using the microsoftml Python package, see Python samples for MicrosoftML.
Quickstart: Create a linear regression model using
revoscalepy in Python
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.x

This Python quickstart demonstrates a linear regression model on a local Machine Learning Server, using
functions from the revoscalepy library and built-in sample data.
Steps are executed on a Python command line using Machine Learning Server in the default local compute context.
In this context, all operations run locally: data is fetched from the data source, and the model-fitting runs in your
current Python environment.
The revoscalepy library for Python contains objects, transformations, and algorithms similar to what's included in
the RevoScaleR package for the R language. With revoscalepy, you can write a Python script that creates a
compute context, moves data between compute contexts, transforms data, and trains predictive models using
popular algorithms such as logistic and linear regression, decision trees, and more.

For the SQL Server version of this tutorial, see Use Python with revoscalepy to create a model (SQL Server).

Start Python
On Windows, go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER, and double-click Python.exe.
On Linux, enter mlserver-python at the command line.

Import libraries and functions

Paste in the following statements to import libraries and functions.

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData
from revoscalepy import rx_lin_mod, rx_predict, rx_summary, rx_import

Create a data source object

The data is retrieved locally from a sample .xdf file included in your installation. In this step, set the file path and
then create a data source object to load the data. The sample data provides airline delays over a given time period,
for multiple airlines.

### Set the location

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")

### Create the data source object

data_source = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))

Create a linear regression model

In a linear regression, you model the relationship between dependent and independent variables. In this step, the
duration of a delay is captured for each day of the week.

### Create a linear model

linmod_local = rx_lin_mod("ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek", data = data_source)

Predict delays
Using a prediction function, you can predict the likelihood of a delay for each day.

### Predict airport delays.

predict = rx_predict(linmod_local, data = rx_import(input_data = data_source))

### Print the output. For large data, you get the first and last instances.
### An ArrDelay_Pred column is created based on input with _Pred appended.

Summarize data
In this last step, extract summary statistics from the computed prediction to understand the range and shape of
prediction. Print the output to the console. The rx_summary function returns mean, standard deviation, and min-
max values.

### Create an object to store summary data

summary = rx_summary("ArrDelay_Pred", predict)

### Send the output to the console



Summary Statistics Results for: ArrDelay_Pred

Number of valid observations: 600000.0

Number of missing observations: 0.0

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs \

0 ArrDelay_Pred 11.323407 1.760001 8.658007 14.804335 600000.0

0 0.0

Next steps
The ability to switch compute context to a different machine or platform is a powerful capability. To see how this
works, continue with the SQL Server version of this tutorial: Use Python with revoscalepy to create a model (SQL
You can also review linear modeling for RevoScaleR. For linear models, the Python implementation in revoscalepy
is similar to the R implementation in RevoScaleR.

See Also
How to use revoscalepy in local and remote compute contexts
Python Function Reference
microsoftml function reference
revoscalepy function reference
Quickstart: Run R code in R Client and Machine
Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: R Client 3.x, R Server 9.x, Machine Learning Server 9.x
Learn how to predict flight delays in R locally using R Client or Machine Learning Server. The example in this
article uses historical on-time performance and weather data to predict whether the arrival of a scheduled
passenger flight is delayed by more than 15 minutes. We approach this problem as a classification problem,
predicting two classes -- whether the flight is delayed or on-time.
In machine learning and statistics, classification is the task of identifying the class or category to which an
observation belongs based on a training dataset containing observations with known categories. Classification is
generally a supervised learning problem. This quick start is a binary classification task with two classes.
In this example, you train a model using many examples from historic flight data, along with an outcome measure
that indicates the appropriate category or class for each example. The two classes are '0' for on-time flights and
'1' for flights delayed longer than 15 minutes.

Time estimate
If you have completed the prerequisites, this task takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

This quickstart assumes that you have:
An installed instance of Microsoft R Client or Machine Learning Server
R running on the command line or in an R integrated development environment (IDE ). Read the article Get
Started with Microsoft R Client for more information.
An internet connection to get sample data in the RTVS Github repository.

Example code
This article walks through some R code you can use to predict whether a flight will be delayed. Here is the entire
R code for the example that we walk through in the sections.


#Step 1: Prep and Import Data

#Initialize some variables to specify the data sets.
github <- "
inputFileFlightURL <- paste0(github, "Flight_Delays_Sample.csv")
inputFileWeatherURL <- paste0(github, "Weather_Sample.csv")

#Create a temporary directory to store the intermediate XDF files.

td <- tempdir()
outFileFlight <- paste0(td, "/flight.xdf")
outFileWeather <- paste0(td, "/weather.xdf")
outFileOrigin <- paste0(td, "/originData.xdf")
outFileDest <- paste0(td, "/destData.xdf")
outFileDest <- paste0(td, "/destData.xdf")
outFileFinal <- paste0(td, "/finalData.xdf")

#Import the flight data.

flight_mrs <- rxImport(
inData = inputFileFlightURL, outFile = outFileFlight,
missingValueString = "M", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# Remove columns that are possible target leakers from the flight data.
varsToDrop = c("DepDelay", "DepDel15", "ArrDelay", "Cancelled", "Year"),
# Define "Carrier" as categorical.
colInfo = list(Carrier = list(type = "factor")),
# Round down scheduled departure time to full hour.
transforms = list(CRSDepTime = floor(CRSDepTime/100)),
overwrite = TRUE

#Review the first six rows of flight data.


#Summarize the flight data.

rxSummary(~., data = flight_mrs, blocksPerRead = 2)

#Import the weather data.

xform <- function(dataList) {
# Create a function to normalize some numerical features.
featureNames <- c(
dataList[featureNames] <- lapply(dataList[featureNames], scale)

weather_mrs <- rxImport(

inData = inputFileWeatherURL, outFile = outFileWeather,
missingValueString = "M", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# Eliminate some features due to redundance.
varsToDrop = c("Year", "Timezone",
"DryBulbFarenheit", "DewPointFarenheit"),
# Create a new column "DestAirportID" in weather data.
transforms = list(DestAirportID = AirportID),
# Apply the normalization function.
transformFunc = xform,
transformVars = c(
overwrite = TRUE

#Review the variable information for the weather data.


#Step 2: Pre-process Data

#Prepare for a merge by renaming some columns in the weather data.
newVarInfo <- list(
AdjustedMonth = list(newName = "Month"),
AdjustedDay = list(newName = "DayofMonth"),
AirportID = list(newName = "OriginAirportID"),
AdjustedHour = list(newName = "CRSDepTime")
rxSetVarInfo(varInfo = newVarInfo, data = weather_mrs)

#Concatenate/Merge flight records and weather data.

##Join flight records and weather data at origin of the flight `OriginAirportID`.
originData_mrs <- rxMerge(
inData1 = flight_mrs, inData2 = weather_mrs, outFile = outFileOrigin,
type = "inner", autoSort = TRUE,
matchVars = c("Month", "DayofMonth", "OriginAirportID", "CRSDepTime"),
varsToDrop2 = "DestAirportID",
overwrite = TRUE

##Join flight records and weather data using the destination of the flight `DestAirportID`.
destData_mrs <- rxMerge(
inData1 = originData_mrs, inData2 = weather_mrs, outFile = outFileDest,
type = "inner", autoSort = TRUE,
matchVars = c("Month", "DayofMonth", "DestAirportID", "CRSDepTime"),
varsToDrop2 = c("OriginAirportID"),
duplicateVarExt = c("Origin", "Destination"),
overwrite = TRUE

##Call the rxFactors() function to convert `OriginAirportID` and `DestAirportID` as categorical.

rxFactors(inData = destData_mrs, outFile = outFileFinal, sortLevels = TRUE,
factorInfo = c("OriginAirportID", "DestAirportID"),
overwrite = TRUE)

#Step 3: Prepare Training and Test Datasets

#Randomly split data (80% for training, 20% for testing).
rxSplit(inData = outFileFinal,
outFilesBase = paste0(td, "/modelData"),
outFileSuffixes = c("Train", "Test"),
splitByFactor = "splitVar",
overwrite = TRUE,
transforms = list(
splitVar = factor(sample(c("Train", "Test"),
size = .rxNumRows,
replace = TRUE,
prob = c(.80, .20)),
levels = c("Train", "Test"))),
rngSeed = 17,
consoleOutput = TRUE)

#Point to the XDF files for each set.

train <- RxXdfData(paste0(td, "/modelData.splitVar.Train.xdf"))
test <- RxXdfData(paste0(td, "/modelData.splitVar.Test.xdf"))

#Step 4: Predict using Logistic Regression

#Choose and apply the Logistic Regression learning algorithm.

#Build the formula.

modelFormula <- formula(train, depVars = "ArrDel15",
varsToDrop = c("RowNum", "splitVar"))

#Fit a Logistic Regression model.

logitModel_mrs <- rxLogit(modelFormula, data = train)

#Review the model results.


#Predict using new data.

#Predict the probability on the test dataset.
rxPredict(logitModel_mrs, data = test,
type = "response",
predVarNames = "ArrDel15_Pred_Logit",
overwrite = TRUE)
#Calculate Area Under the Curve (AUC).
paste0("AUC of Logistic Regression Model:",
rxAuc(rxRoc("ArrDel15", "ArrDel15_Pred_Logit", test)))

#Plot the ROC curve.

rxRocCurve("ArrDel15", "ArrDel15_Pred_Logit", data = test,
title = "ROC curve - Logistic regression")

#Step 5: Predict using Decision Tree

#Choose and apply the Decision Tree learning algorithm.
#Build a decision tree model.
dTree1_mrs <- rxDTree(modelFormula, data = train, reportProgress = 1)

#Find the Best Value of cp for Pruning rxDTree Object.

treeCp_mrs <- rxDTreeBestCp(dTree1_mrs)

#Prune a decision tree created by rxDTree and return the smaller tree.
dTree2_mrs <- prune.rxDTree(dTree1_mrs, cp = treeCp_mrs)

#Predict using new data.

#Predict the probability on the test dataset.
rxPredict(dTree2_mrs, data = test,
overwrite = TRUE)

#Calculate Area Under the Curve (AUC).

paste0("AUC of Decision Tree Model:",
rxAuc(rxRoc("ArrDel15", "ArrDel15_Pred", test)))

#Plot the ROC curve.

predVarNames = c("ArrDel15_Pred", "ArrDel15_Pred_Logit"),
data = test,
title = "ROC curve - Logistic regression")

Step 1. Prepare and import data

1. Initialize some variables to specify the data sets.

github <- "

inputFileFlightURL <- paste0(github, "Flight_Delays_Sample.csv")
inputFileWeatherURL <- paste0(github, "Weather_Sample.csv")

2. Create a temporary directory to store the intermediate XDF files. The External Data Frame (XDF ) file
format is a high-performance, binary file format for storing big data sets for use with RevoScaleR. This file
format has an R interface and optimizes rows and columns for faster processing and analysis. Learn more

td <- tempdir()
outFileFlight <- paste0(td, "/flight.xdf")
outFileWeather <- paste0(td, "/weather.xdf")
outFileOrigin <- paste0(td, "/originData.xdf")
outFileDest <- paste0(td, "/destData.xdf")
outFileFinal <- paste0(td, "/finalData.xdf")

3. Import the flight data.

flight_mrs <- rxImport(
inData = inputFileFlightURL, outFile = outFileFlight,
missingValueString = "M", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# Remove columns that are possible target leakers from the flight data.
varsToDrop = c("DepDelay", "DepDel15", "ArrDelay", "Cancelled", "Year"),
# Define "Carrier" as categorical.
colInfo = list(Carrier = list(type = "factor")),
# Round down scheduled departure time to full hour.
transforms = list(CRSDepTime = floor(CRSDepTime/100)),
overwrite = TRUE

4. Review the first six rows of flight data.


5. Summarize the flight data.

rxSummary(~., data = flight_mrs, blocksPerRead = 2)

6. Import the weather data.

xform <- function(dataList) {

# Create a function to normalize some numerical features.
featureNames <- c(
dataList[featureNames] <- lapply(dataList[featureNames], scale)

weather_mrs <- rxImport(

inData = inputFileWeatherURL, outFile = outFileWeather,
missingValueString = "M", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
# Eliminate some features due to redundance.
varsToDrop = c("Year", "Timezone",
"DryBulbFarenheit", "DewPointFarenheit"),
# Create a new column "DestAirportID" in weather data.
transforms = list(DestAirportID = AirportID),
# Apply the normalization function.
transformFunc = xform,
transformVars = c(
overwrite = TRUE

7. Review the variable information for the weather data.


Step 2. Pre-process data

1. Rename some column names in the weather data to prepare it for merging.

newVarInfo <- list(

AdjustedMonth = list(newName = "Month"),
AdjustedDay = list(newName = "DayofMonth"),
AirportID = list(newName = "OriginAirportID"),
AdjustedHour = list(newName = "CRSDepTime")
rxSetVarInfo(varInfo = newVarInfo, data = weather_mrs)

2. Concatenate/Merge flight records and weather data.

a. Join flight records and weather data at origin of the flight OriginAirportID .

originData_mrs <- rxMerge(

inData1 = flight_mrs, inData2 = weather_mrs, outFile = outFileOrigin,
type = "inner", autoSort = TRUE,
matchVars = c("Month", "DayofMonth", "OriginAirportID", "CRSDepTime"),
varsToDrop2 = "DestAirportID",
overwrite = TRUE

b. Join flight records and weather data using the destination of the flight DestAirportID .

destData_mrs <- rxMerge(

inData1 = originData_mrs, inData2 = weather_mrs, outFile = outFileDest,
type = "inner", autoSort = TRUE,
matchVars = c("Month", "DayofMonth", "DestAirportID", "CRSDepTime"),
varsToDrop2 = c("OriginAirportID"),
duplicateVarExt = c("Origin", "Destination"),
overwrite = TRUE

c. Call the rxFactors() function to convert OriginAirportID and DestAirportID as categorical.

rxFactors(inData = destData_mrs, outFile = outFileFinal, sortLevels = TRUE,

factorInfo = c("OriginAirportID", "DestAirportID"),
overwrite = TRUE)

Step 3. Prepare training and test datasets

1. Randomly split data (80% for training, 20% for testing).
rxSplit(inData = outFileFinal,
outFilesBase = paste0(td, "/modelData"),
outFileSuffixes = c("Train", "Test"),
splitByFactor = "splitVar",
overwrite = TRUE,
transforms = list(
splitVar = factor(sample(c("Train", "Test"),
size = .rxNumRows,
replace = TRUE,
prob = c(.80, .20)),
levels = c("Train", "Test"))),
rngSeed = 17,
consoleOutput = TRUE)

2. Point to the XDF files for each set.

train <- RxXdfData(paste0(td, "/modelData.splitVar.Train.xdf"))

test <- RxXdfData(paste0(td, "/modelData.splitVar.Test.xdf"))

Step 4. Predict using logistic regression

1. Choose and apply the Logistic Regression learning algorithm.

# Build the formula.

modelFormula <- formula(train, depVars = "ArrDel15",
varsToDrop = c("RowNum", "splitVar"))

# Fit a Logistic Regression model.

logitModel_mrs <- rxLogit(modelFormula, data = train)

# Review the model results.


2. Predict using new data.

# Predict the probability on the test dataset.

rxPredict(logitModel_mrs, data = test,
type = "response",
predVarNames = "ArrDel15_Pred_Logit",
overwrite = TRUE)

# Calculate Area Under the Curve (AUC).

paste0("AUC of Logistic Regression Model:",
rxAuc(rxRoc("ArrDel15", "ArrDel15_Pred_Logit", test)))

# Plot the ROC curve.

rxRocCurve("ArrDel15", "ArrDel15_Pred_Logit", data = test,
title = "ROC curve - Logistic regression")

Step 5. Predict using decision tree

1. Choose and apply the Decision Tree learning algorithm.
# Build a decision tree model.
dTree1_mrs <- rxDTree(modelFormula, data = train, reportProgress = 1)

# Find the Best Value of cp for Pruning rxDTree Object.

treeCp_mrs <- rxDTreeBestCp(dTree1_mrs)

# Prune a decision tree created by rxDTree and return the smaller tree.
dTree2_mrs <- prune.rxDTree(dTree1_mrs, cp = treeCp_mrs)

2. Predict using new data.

#Predict the probability on the test dataset.

rxPredict(dTree2_mrs, data = test,
overwrite = TRUE)

#Calculate Area Under the Curve (AUC).

paste0("AUC of Decision Tree Model:",
rxAuc(rxRoc("ArrDel15", "ArrDel15_Pred", test)))

#Plot the ROC curve.

predVarNames = c("ArrDel15_Pred", "ArrDel15_Pred_Logit"),
data = test,
title = "ROC curve - Logistic regression")

Next steps
Now that you've tried this example, you can start developing your own solutions using the RevoScaleR R package
functions, MicrosoftML R package functions, and APIs. When ready, you can run that R code using R Client or
even send those R commands to a remote R Server for execution.

Learn More
You can learn more with these guides:
Overview of Machine Learning Server
Overview of Microsoft R Client
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
Quickstart: Deploy an R Model as a web service with
5/2/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: R Client 3.x, R Server 9.x, Machine Learning Server 9.x
Learn how to publish an R model as a web service with Machine Learning Server, formerly known as Microsoft R
Server. Data scientists work locally with Microsoft R Client in their preferred R IDE and favorite version control
tools to build scripts and models. Using the mrsdeploy package that ships with Microsoft R Client and Machine
Learning Server, you can develop, test, and ultimately deploy these R analytics as web services in your production
An Machine Learning Server R web service is an R code execution on the operationalization compute node. Each
web service is uniquely defined by a name and version . You can use the functions in the mrsdeploy package to
gain access a service's lifecycle from an R script. A set of RESTful APIs are also available to provide direct
programmatic access to a service's lifecycle directly.

Time estimate
If you have completed the prerequisites, this task takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Before you begin this QuickStart, have the following ready:
An instance of Microsoft R Client installed on your local machine. You can optionally configure an R IDE of
your choice, such as R Tools for Visual Studio, to run Microsoft R Client.
An instance of Machine Learning Server installed that has been configured to operationalize analytics.
For your convenience, Azure Resource Management (ARM ) templates are available to quickly deploy and
configure the server for operationalization in Azure.
The connection details to that instance of Machine Learning Server. Contact your administrator for any
missing connection details. After connecting to Machine Learning Server in R, deploy your analytics as web
services so others can consume them.

Example code
This article walks through the deployment of a simple R model as a web service hosted in Machine Learning
Server. Here is the entire R code for the example that we walk through in the sections that follow.

Be sure to replace the remoteLogin() function with the correct login details for your configuration. Connecting to Machine
Learning Server using the mrsdeploy package is covered in this article.

# Create & Test a Logistic Regression Model #

# Use logistic regression equation of vehicle transmission

# Use logistic regression equation of vehicle transmission
# in the data set mtcars to estimate the probability of
# a vehicle being fitted with a manual transmission
# based on horsepower (hp) and weight (wt)

# If on R Server 9.0, load mrsdeploy package now


# Create glm model with `mtcars` dataset

carsModel <- glm(formula = am ~ hp + wt, data = mtcars, family = binomial)

# Produce a prediction function that can use the model

manualTransmission <- function(hp, wt) {
newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)
predict(carsModel, newdata, type = "response")

# test function locally by printing results

print(manualTransmission(120, 2.8)) # 0.6418125

# Log into Server #

# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate with Server using

# the local admin account. Use session = false so no
# remote R session started
username = "admin",
password = "{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}",
session = FALSE)

# Publish Model as a Service #

# Generate a unique serviceName for demos

# and assign to variable serviceName
serviceName <- paste0("mtService", round(as.numeric(Sys.time()), 0))

# Publish as service using publishService() function from

# mrsdeploy package. Name service "mtService" and provide
# unique version number. Assign service to the variable `api`
api <- publishService(
code = manualTransmission,
model = carsModel,
inputs = list(hp = "numeric", wt = "numeric"),
outputs = list(answer = "numeric"),
v = "v1.0.0"

# Consume Service in R #

# Print capabilities that define the service holdings: service

# name, version, descriptions, inputs, outputs, and the
# name of the function to be consumed

# Consume service by calling function, `manualTransmission`

# contained in this service
result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

# Print response output named `answer`

print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125

# Get Service-specific Swagger File in R #
# Get Service-specific Swagger File in R #

# During this authenticated session, download the

# Swagger-based JSON file that defines this service
swagger <- api$swagger()
cat(swagger, file = "swagger.json", append = FALSE)

# Now share this Swagger-based JSON so others can consume it

A. Model locally
Now let's dive into this example down. Let's start by creating the model locally, then publish it, and then share it
with other authenticated users.
1. Launch your R IDE or Rgui so you can start entering R code.
2. If you have R Server 9.0.1, load the mrsdeploy package. In later releases, this package is preloaded for you.


3. Create a GLM model called carsModel using the dataset mtcars , which is a built-in data frame in R. Using
horsepower (hp) and weight (wt), this model estimates the probability that a vehicle has been fitted with a
manual transmission.

# Create glm model with `mtcars` dataset

carsModel <- glm(formula = am ~ hp + wt, data = mtcars, family = binomial)

# Produce a prediction function that can use the model

manualTransmission <- function(hp, wt) {
newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)
predict(carsModel, newdata, type = "response")

# test function locally by printing results

print(manualTransmission(120, 2.8)) # 0.6418125

4. Examine the results of the locally executed code. You can compare these results to the results of the web
service later.

B. Publish model as a web service

1. From your local R IDE, log in to Machine Learning Server with your credentials. Use the appropriate
authentication function from the mrsdeploy package ( remoteLogin or remoteLoginAAD ) for your
authentication method.
For simplicity, the following code uses the basic local 'admin' account for authentication with the
remoteLogin function and session = false so that no remote R session is started. Learn more about
authenticating with Active Directory LDAP or Azure Active Directory in the article "Connecting to Machine
Learning Server from mrsdeploy."

Be sure to replace the remoteLogin() function with the correct login details for your configuration.
# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate with Server using
# the local admin account. Use session = false so no
# remote R session started
username = "admin",
password = "{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}",
session = FALSE)

Now, you are successfully connected to the remote Machine Learning Server.
2. Publish the model as a web service to Machine Learning Server using the publishService() function from
the mrsdeploy package.
In this example, you publish a web service called "mtService" using the model carsModel and the function
manualTransmission . As an input, the service takes a list of vehicle horsepower and vehicle weight
represented as an R numerical. As an output, a percentage as an R numeric for the probability each vehicle
has of being fitted with a manual transmission.
When publishing a service, specify its name and version, the R code, the inputs, and the outputs needed for
application integration as well as other parameters.

To publish a web service while in a remote R session, carefully review these guidelines.

api <- publishService(

code = manualTransmission,
model = carsModel,
inputs = list(hp = "numeric", wt = "numeric"),
outputs = list(answer = "numeric"),
v = "v1.0.0"

C. Consume the service in R to test

Consume the service in R directly after publishing it to verify that the results are as expected.

# Print capabilities that define the service holdings: service

# name, version, descriptions, inputs, outputs, and the
# name of the function to be consumed

# Consume service by calling function, `manualTransmission`

# contained in this service
result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

# Print response output named `answer`

print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125

The results should match the results obtained when the model was run locally earlier. As long as the package
versions are the same on Machine Learning Server as they are locally, you should get the same results. You can
check for differences using a remote session "diff report."
If you get an alphanumeric error code, such as Message: b55088c4-e563-459a-8c41-dd2c625e891d , when consuming a
service, search for that code in the compute node's log file to reveal the full error message.

D. Get the Swagger-based JSON file

Anyone can test and consume the service using its auto-generated Swagger-based JSON file. This Swagger-
based JSON file is specific to a given version of a service. You can easily get this file during the same
authenticated session in which you published the service. It can be downloaded to the local file system. You can
get this Swagger file as long as the web service exists as described in the article "How to interact with and
consume web services in R."
In this example, we executed these commands to download the Swagger-based JSON file:

swagger <- api$swagger()

cat(swagger, file = "C:\\temp\\swagger.json", append = FALSE)

Learn how to get and share this Swagger-based JSON file after the session ends.

Next steps
After it has been deployed, the web service can be:
Consumed directly in R by another data scientist, for testing purposes for example
Integrated into an application by an application developer using the Swagger-based .JSON file produced
when the web service was published.

How to execute R code remotely

You can use Microsoft R Client to run your R code locally and from R Client you can connect remotely to Machine
Learning Server to run your code there. You can easily switch between the local context and the remote context
using pause() and resume() functions. Learn more in this article, Remote Execution in Microsoft Machine Learning
Requirements for remote execution include:
Configure an R Integrated Development Environment (IDE ) to work with Microsoft R Client.
Obtain authenticated access to an instance of Machine Learning Server with its operationalization feature

More resources
This section provides a quick summary of useful links for data scientists operationalizing R analytics with Machine
Learning Server.
About Operationalization
Functions in mrsdeploy package
Connecting to Machine Learning Server from mrsdeploy
Working with web services in R
Asynchronous batch execution of web services in R
Execute on a remote Machine Learning Server
How to integrate web services and authentication into your application
Get started for administrators
User Forum
Tutorial: PySpark and revoscalepy interoperability in
Machine Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Microsoft Learning Server 9.x

PySpark is Apache Spark's programmable interface for Python. The revoscalepy module is Machine Learning
Server's Python library for predictive analytics at scale. In this tutorial, you learn how to create a logistic regression
model using functions from both libraries.
Import packages
Connect to Spark using revoscalepy.rx_spark_connect() , specifying PySpark interop
Use PySpark for basic data manipulation
Use revoscalepy to build a logistic regression model

The revoscalepy module provides functions for data sources and data manipulation. We are using PySpark in this tutorial to
illustrate a basic technique for passing data objects between the two programming contexts.

A Hadoop cluster with Spark 2.0-2.1 with Machine Learning Server for Hadoop
A Python IDE, such as Jupyter Notebooks, Visual Studio for Python, or PyCharm.
Sample data (AirlineSubsetCsv mentioned in the example) downloaded from our sample data web site to your
Spark cluster.

Jupyter Notebook users, update your notebook to include the MMLSPy kernel. Select this kernel in your Jupyter notebook to
use the interoperability feature.

Import the relevant packages

The following commands import the required libraries into the current session.

from pyspark import SparkContext

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from revoscalepy import *

Connect to Spark
Setting interop = ‘pyspark’ indicates that you want interoperability.
# with PySpark for this Spark session
cc = rx_spark_connect(interop='pyspark', reset=True)

# Get the PySpark context

sc = rx_get_pyspark_connection(cc)
spark = SparkSession(sc)

Data acquisition and manipulation

The sample data used in this tutorial is airline arrival and departure data, which you can store in a local file path.
# Read in the airline data into a data frame
airlineDF ='<data source location like "file:///some-file-path/airline.csv">')

# Get a count on rows


# Return the first 10 lines to get familiar with the data


# Rename columns for readability

airlineTransformed = airlineDF.selectExpr('ARR_DEL15 as ArrDel15', \
'YEAR as Year', \
'MONTH as Month', \
'DAY_OF_MONTH as DayOfMonth', \
'DAY_OF_WEEK as DayOfWeek', \
'UNIQUE_CARRIER as Carrier', \
'ORIGIN_AIRPORT_ID as OriginAirportID', \
'DEST_AIRPORT_ID as DestAirportID', \
'FLOOR(CRS_DEP_TIME / 100) as CRSDepTime', \

# Break up the data set into train and test. We use training data for
# all years before 2012 to predict flight delays for Jan 2012
airlineTrainDF = airlineTransformed.filter('Year < 2012')
airlineTestDF = airlineTransformed.filter('(Year == 2012) AND (Month == 1)')

# Define column info for factors

column_info = {
'ArrDel15': { 'type': 'numeric' },
#'CRSDepTime': { 'type': 'integer' },
'CRSDepTime': {
'type': 'factor',
'levels': ['0', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10',
'11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20',
'21', '22', '23']
'CRSArrTime': { 'type': 'integer' },
'Month': {
'type': 'factor',
'levels': ['1', '2']
'DayOfMonth': {
'type': 'factor',
'levels': ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10',
'11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20',
'21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30',
'DayOfWeek': {
'type': 'factor',
'levels': ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']
#, 'newLevels': ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'] #
#'Carrier': { 'type': 'factor' }

# Define a Spark data frame data source, required for passing to revoscalepy
trainDS = RxSparkDataFrame(airlineTrainDF, column_info=column_info)
testDS = RxSparkDataFrame(airlineTestDF, column_info=column_info)

Create the model

A logistic regression model requires a symbolic formula, specifying the dependent and indepdendent variables,
and a data set. You can output the results using the print function.
# Create the formula
formula = "ArrDel15 ~ DayOfMonth + DayOfWeek + CRSDepTime + CRSArrTime"

# Run a logistic regression to predict arrival delay

logitModel = rx_logit(formula, data = trainDS)

# Print the model summary to look at the co-efficients


Next steps
This tutorial provides an introduction to a basic workflow using PySpark for data preparation and revoscalepy
functions for logistic regression. For further exploration, review our Python samples.

See also
microsoftml function reference
revoscalepy function reference
Tutorials and sample data for Machine Learning
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

New to the R language or Machine Learning Server products and libraries? These tutorials will help you get
Expore R and RevoScaleR in 25 functions or less
Learn data import and exploration
Learn data manipulation and statistical analysis

Move forward with larger data sets

Load and analyze large data
Loan data analysis
Census data analysis

Platform ramp-up
Get started with RevoScaleR on Hadoop MapReduce
Get started with RevoScaleR on Hadoop Spark
Get started with RevoScaleR on SQL Server

Custom code
Get Started with PemaR

Find sample data

Sample data available in the RevoScaleR package
Sample Dataset Directory
More Data Sources on MRAN site
Blog Post: Finding data on the internet

See Also
What's new in Machine Learning Server Tips on computing with big data How to guidance
Basic R commands and RevoScaleR functions: 25
common examples
4/13/2018 • 20 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Microsoft R Client, Machine Learning Server

If you are new to both R and Machine Learning Server, this tutorial introduces you to 25 (or so) commonly used R
functions. In this tutorial, you learn how to load small data sets into R and perform simple computations. A key
point to take away from this tutorial is that you can combine basic R commands and RevoScaleR functions in the
same R script.
This tutorial starts with R commands before transitioning to RevoScaleR functions. If you already know R, skip
ahead to Explore RevoScaleR Functions.

R Client and Machine Learning Server are interchangeable in terms of RevoScaleR as long as data fits into memory and
processing is single-threaded. If data size exceeds memory, we recommend pushing the compute context to Machine
Learning Server.

This is our simplest tutorial in terms of data and tools, but it's also expansive in its coverage of basic R and
RevoScaleR functions. To complete the tasks, use the command-line tool RGui.exe on Windows or start the
Revo64 program on Linux.
On Windows, go to \Program Files\Microsoft\R Client\R_SERVER\bin\x64 and double-click Rgui.exe.
On Linux, at the command prompt, type Revo64.
The tutorial uses pre-installed sample data so once you have the software, there is nothing more to download or
The R command prompt is > . You can hand-type commands line by line, or copy-paste a multi-line command
R is case-sensitive. If you hand-type commands in this example, be sure to use the correct case. Windows users:
the file paths in R take a forward slash delimiter (/), required even when the path is on the Windows file system.

Start with R
Because RevoScaleR is built on R, this tutorial begins with an exploration of common R commands.
Load data
R is an environment for analyzing data, so the natural starting point is to load some data. For small data sets, such
as the following 20 measurements of the speed of light taken from the famous Michelson-Morley experiment, the
simplest approach uses R’s c function to combine the data into a vector.
Type or copy the following script and paste it at the > prompt at the beginning of the command line:

c(850, 740, 900, 1070, 930, 850, 950, 980, 980, 880, 1000, 980, 930, 650, 760, 810, 1000, 1000, 960, 960)
When you type the closing parenthesis and press Enter, R responds as follows:

[1] 850 740 900 1070 930 850 950 980 980 880
[11] 1000 980 930 650 760 810 1000 1000 960 960

This indicates that R has interpreted what you typed, created a vector with 20 elements, and returned that vector.
But we have a problem. R hasn’t saved what we typed. If we want to use this vector again (and that’s the usual
reason for creating a vector in the first place), we need to assign it. The R assignment operator has the suggestive
form <- to indicate a value is being assigned to a name. You can use most combinations of letters, numbers, and
periods to form names (but note that names can’t begin with a number). Here we’ll use michelson :

michelson <- c(850, 740, 900, 1070, 930, 850, 950, 980, 980, 880,
1000, 980, 930, 650, 760, 810, 1000, 1000, 960, 960)

R responds with a > prompt. Notice that the named vector is not automatically printed when it is assigned.
However, you can view the vector by typing its name at the prompt:

> michelson


[1] 850 740 900 1070 930 850 950 980 980 880
[11] 1000 980 930 650 760 810 1000 1000 960 960

The c function is useful for hand typing in small vectors such as you might find in textbook examples, and it is
also useful for combining existing vectors. For example, if we discovered another five observations that extended
the Michelson-Morley data, we could extend the vector using c as follows:

michelsonNew <- c(michelson, 850, 930, 940, 970, 870)



[1] 850 740 900 1070 930 850 950 980 980 880
[11] 1000 980 930 650 760 810 1000 1000 960 960
[21] 850 930 940 970 870

Generate random data

Often for testing purposes you want to use randomly generated data. R has a number of built-in distributions
from which you can generate random numbers; two of the most commonly used are the normal and the uniform
distributions. To obtain a set of numbers from a normal distribution, you use the rnorm function. This example
generates 25 random numbers in a normal distribution.

normalDat <- rnorm(25)


[1] -0.66184983 1.71895416 2.12166699
[4] 1.49715368 -0.03614058 1.23194518
[7] -0.06488077 1.06899373 -0.37696531
[10] 1.04318309 -0.38282188 0.29942160
[13] 0.67423976 -0.29281632 0.48805336
[16] 0.88280182 1.86274898 1.61172529
[19] 0.13547954 1.08808601 -1.26681476
[22] -0.19858329 0.13886578 -0.27933600
[25] 0.70891942

By default, the data are generated from a standard normal with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. You can use the
mean and sd arguments to rnorm to specify a different normal distribution:

normalSat <- rnorm(25, mean=450, sd=100)



[1] 373.3390 594.3363 534.4879 410.0630 307.2232

[6] 307.8008 417.1772 478.4570 521.9336 493.2416
[11] 414.8075 479.7721 423.8568 580.8690 451.5870
[16] 406.8826 488.2447 454.1125 444.0776 320.3576
[21] 236.3024 360.6385 511.2733 508.2971 449.4118

Similarly, you can use the runif function to generate random data from a uniform distribution:

uniformDat <- runif(25)



[1] 0.03105927 0.18295065 0.96637386 0.71535963

[5] 0.16081450 0.15216891 0.07346868 0.15047337
[9] 0.49408599 0.35582231 0.70424152 0.63671421
[13] 0.20865305 0.20167994 0.37511929 0.54082887
[17] 0.86681824 0.23792988 0.44364083 0.88482396
[21] 0.41863803 0.42392873 0.24800036 0.22084038
[25] 0.48285406

Generate a numeric sequence

The default uniform distribution is over the interval 0 to 1. You can specify alternatives by setting the min and
max arguments:

uniformPerc <- runif(25, min=0, max=100)



[1] 66.221400 12.270863 33.417174 21.985229

[5] 92.767213 17.911602 1.935963 53.551991
[9] 75.110760 22.436347 63.172258 95.977501
[13] 79.317351 56.767608 89.416080 79.546495
[17] 8.961152 49.315612 43.432128 68.871867
[21] 73.598221 63.888835 35.261694 54.481692
[25] 37.575176
Another commonly used vector is the sequence , a uniformly spaced run of numbers. For the common case of a
run of integers, you can use the infix operator, :, as follows:



[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

For more general sequences, use the seq function:

seq(length = 11, from = 10, to = 30)


[1] 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

seq(from = 10,length = 20, by = 4)


[1] 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 74
[18] 78 82 86

If you are working with big data, you’ll still use vectors to manipulate parameters and information about your data, but you'll
probably store the data in the RevoScaleR high-performance .xdf file format.

Exploratory Data Analysis

After you have some data, you will want to explore it graphically. For most small data sets, the place to begin is
with the plot function, which provides a default graphical view of the data:


For numeric vectors such as ours, the default view is a scatter plot of the observations against their index, resulting
in the following plots:
For an exploration of the shape of the data, the usual tools are stem (to create a stemplot) and hist (to create a



The decimal point is 2 digit(s) to the right of the |

6 | 5
7 | 46
8 | 1558
9 | 033566888
10 | 0007


The resulting histogram is shown as the left plot following. We can make the histogram look more like the
stemplot by specifying the nclass argument to hist :

hist(michelson, nclass=5)

The resulting histogram is shown as the right plot in the figure following.
From the histogram and stemplot, it appears that the Michelson-Morley observations are not obviously normal. A
normal Q -Q plot gives a graphical test of whether a data set is normal:


The decided bend in the resulting plot confirms the suspicion that the data are not normal.
Another useful exploratory plot, especially for comparing two distributions, is the boxplot:

boxplot(normalDat, uniformDat)
These plots are great if you have a small data set in memory. However, when working with big data, some plot types may
not be informative when working directly with the data (for example, scatter plots can produce a large blob of ink) and
others may be computational intensive (if sorting is required). A better alternative is the rxHistogram function in RevoScaleR
that efficiently computes and renders histograms for large data sets. Additionally, RevoScaleR functions such as rxCube can
provide summary information that is easily amenable to the impressive plotting capabilities provided by R packages.

Summary Statistics
While an informative graphic often gives the fullest description of a data set, numerical summaries provide a
useful shorthand for describing certain features of the data. For example, estimators such as the mean and median
help to locate the data set, and the standard deviation and variance measure the scale or spread of the data. R has
a full set of summary statistics available:

> mean(michelson)
[1] 909
> median(michelson)
[1] 940
> sd(michelson)
[1] 104.9260
> var(michelson)
[1] 11009.47
The generic summary function provides a meaningful summary of a data set; for a numeric vector it provides the
five-number summary plus the mean:



Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.

650 850 940 909 980 1070

The rxSummary function in RevoScaleR will efficiently compute summary statistics for a data frame in memory or a large data
file stored on disk.

Multivariate Data Sets

In most disciplines, meaningful data sets have multiple variables, typically observations of various quantities and
qualities of individual subjects. Such data sets are typically represented as tables in which the columns correspond
to variables and the rows correspond to subjects, or cases. In R, such tables can be created as data frame objects.
For example, at the 2008 All-Star Break, the Seattle Mariners had five players who met the minimum qualifications
to be considered for a batting title (that is, at least 3.1 at bats per game played by the team). Their statistics are
shown in the following table:


"I. Suzuki" 95 391 63 119 11 3 3 145 21 .304 .366 .371 .737
"J. Lopez" 92 379 46 113 26 1 5 156 48 .298 .318 .412 .729
"R. Ibanez" 95 370 41 101 26 1 11 162 55 .273 .338 .438 .776
"Y. Betancourt" 90 326 34 87 22 2 3 122 29 .267 .278 .374 .656
"A. Beltre" 92 352 46 91 16 0 16 155 46 .259 .329 .440 .769

Copy and paste the table into a text editor (such as Notepad on Windows, or emacs or vi on Unix type machines)
and save the file as msStats.txt in the working directory returned by the getwd function, for example:



[1] "/Users/joe"

On Windows, the working directory is probably a bin folder in program files, and by default you don't have permission to
save the file at that location. Use setwd("/Users/TEMP") to change the working directory to /Users/TEMP and save the file.

You can then read the data into R using the read.table function. The argument header=TRUE specifies that the
first line is a header of variable names:

msStats <- read.table("msStats.txt", header=TRUE)


Player Games AB R H X2B X3B HR TB RBI

1 I. Suzuki 95 391 63 119 11 3 3 145 21
2 J. Lopez 92 379 46 113 26 1 5 156 48
3 R. Ibanez 95 370 41 101 26 1 11 162 55
4 Y. Betancourt 90 326 34 87 22 2 3 122 29
5 A. Beltre 92 352 46 91 16 0 16 155 46

BA OBP SLG OPS 1 0.304 0.366 0.371 0.737 2 0.298 0.318 0.412 0.729 3 0.273 0.338 0.438 0.776
4 0.267 0.278 0.374 0.656 5 0.259 0.329 0.440 0.769
Notice how read.table changed the names of our original “2B" and “3B" columns to be valid R names; R names
cannot begin with a numeral.
Use built-in datasets package
Most small R data sets in daily use are data frames. The built-in package, datasets, is a rich source of data frames
for further experimentation.
To list the data sets in this package, use this command:


The output is an alphabetized list of data sets that are readily available for use in R functions. In the next section,
we will use the built-in data set attitude, available through the datasets package.
Linear Models
The attitude data set is a data frame with 30 observations on 7 variables, measuring the percent proportion of
favorable responses to seven survey questions in each of 30 departments. The survey was conducted in a large
financial organization; there were approximately 35 respondents in each department.
We mentioned that the plot function could be used with virtually any data set to get an initial visualization; let’s
see what it gives for the attitude data:


The resulting plot is a pairwise scatter plot of the numeric variables in the data set.
The first two variables (rating and complaints) show a strong linear relationship. To model that relationship, we use
the lm function:

attitudeLM1 <- lm(rating ~ complaints, data=attitude)

To view a summary of the model, we can use the summary function:


lm(formula = rating ~ complaints, data = attitude)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-12.8799 -5.9905 0.1783 6.2978 9.6294

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 14.37632 6.61999 2.172 0.0385 *
complaints 0.75461 0.09753 7.737 1.99e-08 ***
Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1

Residual standard error: 6.993 on 28 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.6813, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6699
F-statistic: 59.86 on 1 and 28 DF, p-value: 1.988e-08

We can also try to visualize the model using plot :


The default plot for a fitted linear model is a set of four plots; by default they are shown one at a time, and you are
prompted before each new plot is displayed. To view them all at once, use the par function with the mfrow
parameter to specify a 2 x 2 layout:

The rxLinMod function is a full-featured alternative to lm that can efficiently handle large data sets. Also look at rxLogit and
rxGlm as alternatives to glm , rxKmeans as an alternative to kmeans , and rxDTree as an alternative to rpart .

Matrices and apply function

A matrix is a two-dimensional data array. Unlike data frames, which can have different data types in their columns,
matrices may contain data of only one type. Most commonly, matrices are used to hold numeric data. You create
matrices with the matrix function:

A <- matrix(c(3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 8, 4, 2), ncol=3)



[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 3 9 8
[2,] 5 13 4
[3,] 7 15 2

Another matrix example:

B <- matrix(c(4, 7, 9, 5, 8, 6), ncol=3)


[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 4 9 8
[2,] 7 5 6

Ordinary arithmetic acts element-by-element on matrices:

A + A


[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 6 18 16
[2,] 10 26 8
[3,] 14 30 4

Matrix multipliation uses the expected operators:

A * A


[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 9 81 64
[2,] 25 169 16
[3,] 49 225 4

Matrix multiplication in the linear algebra sense requires a special operator, %*% :

A %*% A

[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 110 264 76
[2,] 108 274 100
[3,] 110 288 120

Matrix multiplication requires two matrices to be conformable, which means that the number of columns of the
first matrix is equal to the number of rows of the second:

B %*% A

[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 113 273 84
[2,] 88 218 88

A %*% B

Error in A %*% B : non-conformable arguments

When you need to manipulate the rows or columns of a matrix, an incredibly useful tool is the apply function.
With apply , you can apply a function to all the rows or columns of matrix at once. For example, to find the column
products of A, you could use apply as follows:

apply(A, 2, prod)

[1] 105 1755 64

The row products are as simple:

apply(A, 1, prod)

[1] 216 260 210

To sort the columns of A, just replace prod with sort:

apply(A, 2, sort)

[,1] [,2] [,3]

[1,] 3 9 2
[2,] 5 13 4
[3,] 7 15 8

Lists and lapply function

A list in R is a flexible data object that can be used to combine data of different types and different lengths for
almost any purpose. Arbitrary lists can be created with either the list function or the c function; many other
functions, especially the statistical modeling functions, return their output as list objects.
For example, we can combine a character vector, a numeric vector, and a numeric matrix in a single list as follows:

list1 <- list(x = 1:10, y = c("Tami", "Victor", "Emily"),

z = matrix(c(3, 5, 4, 7), nrow=2))

[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[1] "Tami" "Victor" "Emily"
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 3 4
[2,] 5 7

The function lapply can be used to apply the same function to each component of a list in turn:

lapply(list1, length)

[1] 10

[1] 3

[1] 4
You will regularly use lists and functions that manipulate them when handling input and output for your big data analyses.

Expore RevoScaleR Functions

The RevoScaleR package, included in Machine Learning Server and R Client, provides a framework for quickly
writing start-to-finish, scalable R code for data analysis. When you start the R console application on a computer
that has Machine Learning Server or R Client, the RevoScaleR function library is loaded automatically.
Load Data with rxImport
The rxImport function allows you to import data from fixed or delimited text files, SAS files, SPSS files, or a SQL
Server, Teradata, or ODBC connection. There’s no need to have SAS or SPSS installed on your system to import
those file types, but you need a locally installed ODBC driver for your database to access data on a local or remote
Let’s start simply by using a delimited text file available in the built-in sample data directory of the RevoScaleR
package. We store the location of the file in a character string (inDataFile), then import the data into an in-memory
data set (data frame) called mortData:

inDataFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "mortDefaultSmall2000.csv")

mortData <- rxImport(inData = inDataFile)

If we anticipate repeating the same analysis on a larger data set later, we could prepare for that by putting
placeholders in our code for output files. An output file is an XDF file, native to R Client and Machine Learning
Server, persisted on disk and structured to hold modular data. If we included an output file with rxImport, the
output object returned from rxImport would be a small object representing the .xdf file on disk (an RxXdfData
object), rather than an in-memory data frame containing all of the data.
For now, let's continue to work with the data in memory. We can do this by omitting the outFile argument, or by
setting the outFile parameter to NULL. The following code is equivalent to the importing task of that above:

mortOutput <- NULL

mortData <- rxImport(inData = inDataFile, outFile = mortOutput)

Retrieve metadata
There are a number of basic methods we can use to learn about the data set and its variables that work on the
return object of rxImport, regardless of whether it is a data frame or RxXdfData object.
To get the number of rows, cols, and names of the imported data:


Output for these commands is as follows:

> nrow(mortData)
[1] 10000
> ncol(mortData)
[1] 6
> names(mortData)
[1] "creditScore" "houseAge" "yearsEmploy" "ccDebt" "year"
[6] "default"

To print out the first few rows of the data set, you can use head ():

head(mortData, n = 3)


creditScore houseAge yearsEmploy ccDebt year default

1 691 16 9 6725 2000 0
2 691 4 4 5077 2000 0
3 743 18 3 3080 2000 0

The rxGetInfo function allows you to quickly get information about your data set and its variables all at one time,
including more information about variable types and ranges. Let’s try it on mortData, having the first three rows
of the data set printed out:

rxGetInfo(mortData, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows=3)


Data frame: mortData

Data frame: mortData
Number of observations: 10000
Number of variables: 6
Variable information:
Var 1: creditScore, Type: integer, Low/High: (486, 895)
Var 2: houseAge, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 40)
Var 3: yearsEmploy, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 14)
Var 4: ccDebt, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 12275)
Var 5: year, Type: integer, Low/High: (2000, 2000)
Var 6: default, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 1)
Data (3 rows starting with row 1):
creditScore houseAge yearsEmploy ccDebt year default
1 691 16 9 6725 2000 0
2 691 4 4 5077 2000 0
3 743 18 3 3080 2000 0

Select and transform with rxDataStep

The rxDataStep function provides a framework for the majority of your data manipulation tasks. It allows for row
selection (the rowSelection argument), variable selection (the varsToKeep or varsToDrop arguments), and the
creation of new variables from existing ones (the transforms argument). Here’s an example that does all three with
one function call:
outFile2 <- NULL
mortDataNew <- rxDataStep(
# Specify the input data set
inData = mortData,
# Put in a placeholder for an output file
outFile = outFile2,
# Specify any variables to keep or drop
varsToDrop = c("year"),
# Specify rows to select
rowSelection = creditScore < 850,
# Specify a list of new variables to create
transforms = list(
catDebt = cut(ccDebt, breaks = c(0, 6500, 13000),
labels = c("Low Debt", "High Debt")),
lowScore = creditScore < 625))

Our new data set, mortDataNew, will not have the variable year, but adds two new variables: a categorical variable
named catDebt that uses R’s cut function to break the ccDebt variable into two categories, and a logical variable,
lowScore, that is TRUE for individuals with low credit scores. These transforms expressions follow the rule that
they must be able to operate on a chunk of data at a time; that is, the computation for a single row of data cannot
depend on values in other rows of data.
With the rowSelection argument, we have also removed any observations with high credit scores, above or equal
to 850. We can use the rxGetVarInfo function to confirm:



Var 1: creditScore, Type: integer, Low/High: (486, 847)

Var 2: houseAge, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 40)
Var 3: yearsEmploy, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 14)
Var 4: ccDebt, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 12275)
Var 5: default, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 1)
Var 6: catDebt
2 factor levels: Low Debt High Debt
Var 7: lowScore, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)

Visualize with rxHistogram, rxCube, and rxLinePlot

The rxHistogram function shows us the distribution of any of the variables in our data set. For example, let’s look
at credit score:

rxHistogram(~creditScore, data = mortDataNew )

The rxCube function computes category counts, and can operate on the interaction of categorical variables. Using
the F () notation to convert a variable into an on-the-fly categorical factor variable (with a level for each integer
value), we can compute the counts for each credit score for the two groups who have low and high credit card

mortCube <- rxCube(~F(creditScore):catDebt, data = mortDataNew)

The rxLinePlot function is a convenient way to plot output from rxCube. We use the rxResultsDF helper function to
convert cube output into a data frame convenient for plotting:

rxLinePlot(Counts~creditScore|catDebt, data=rxResultsDF(mortCube))

Analyze with rxLogit

RevoScaleR provides the foundation for a variety of high performance, scalable data analyses. Here we do a
logistic regression, but you probably also want to take look at computing summary statistics (rxSummary),
computing cross-tabs (rxCrossTabs), estimating linear models (rxLinMod) or generalized linear models (rxGlm),
and estimating variance-covariance or correlation matrices (rxCovCor) that can be used as inputs to other R
functions such as principal components analysis and factor analysis. Now, let’s estimate a logistic regression on
whether or not an individual defaulted on their loan, using credit card debt and years of employment as
independent variables:

myLogit <- rxLogit(default~ccDebt+yearsEmploy , data=mortDataNew)


We get the following output:

rxLogit(formula = default ~ ccDebt + yearsEmploy, data = mortDataNew)

Logistic Regression Results for: default ~ ccDebt + yearsEmploy

Data: mortDataNew
Dependent variable(s): default
Total independent variables: 3
Number of valid observations: 9982
Number of missing observations: 0
-2*LogLikelihood: 100.6036 (Residual deviance on 9979 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.614e+01 2.074e+00 -7.781 2.22e-16 ***
ccDebt 1.414e-03 2.139e-04 6.610 3.83e-11 ***
yearsEmploy -3.317e-01 1.608e-01 -2.063 0.0391 *
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 1.4455

Number of iterations: 9

Scale your analysis

Until now, our exploration has been limited to small data sets in memory. Let’s scale up to a data set with a million
rows rather than just 10000. These larger text data files are available online. Windows users should download the
zip version,, and Linux users mortDefault.tar.gz.
After downloading and unpacking the data, set your path to the correct location in the code below. It is more
efficient to store the imported data on disk, so we also specify the locations for our imported and transformed
data sets:

# bigDataDir <- "C:/MicrosoftR/Data" # Specify the location

inDataFile <- file.path(bigDataDir, "mortDefault",
outFile <- "myMortData.xdf"
outFile2 <- "myMortData2.xdf"

That’s it! Now you can reuse all of the importing, data step, plotting, and analysis code preceding on the larger
data set.

# Import data
mortData <- rxImport(inData = inDataFile, outFile = outFile)

Rows Read: 500000, Total Rows Processed: 500000, Total Chunk Time: 1.043 seconds
Rows Read: 500000, Total Rows Processed: 1000000, Total Chunk Time: 1.001 seconds

Because we have specified an output file when importing the data, the returned mortData object is a small object
in memory representing the .xdf data file, rather than a full data frame containing all of the data in memory. It can
be used in RevoScaleR analysis functions in the same way as data frames.

# Some quick information about my data

rxGetInfo(mortData, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows=5)


File name: C:\\MicrosoftR\\Data\\myMortData.xdf

Number of observations: 1e+06
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 2
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: creditScore, Type: integer, Low/High: (459, 942)
Var 2: houseAge, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 40)
Var 3: yearsEmploy, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 15)
Var 4: ccDebt, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 14639)
Var 5: year, Type: integer, Low/High: (2000, 2000)
Var 6: default, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 1)
Data (5 rows starting with row 1):
creditScore houseAge yearsEmploy ccDebt year default
1 615 10 5 2818 2000 0
2 780 34 5 3575 2000 0
3 735 12 1 3184 2000 0
4 713 15 5 6236 2000 0
5 689 10 5 6817 2000 0

The data step:

mortDataNew <- rxDataStep(

# Specify the input data set
inData = mortData,
# Put in a placeholder for an output file
outFile = outFile2,
# Specify any variables to keep or drop
varsToDrop = c("year"),
# Specify rows to select
rowSelection = creditScore < 850,
# Specify a list of new variables to create
transforms = list(
catDebt = cut(ccDebt, breaks = c(0, 6500, 13000),
labels = c("Low Debt", "High Debt")),
lowScore = creditScore < 625))


Rows Read: 500000, Total Rows Processed: 500000, Total Chunk Time: 0.673 seconds
Rows Read: 500000, Total Rows Processed: 1000000, Total Chunk Time: 0.448 seconds

Looking at the data:

# Looking at the data
rxHistogram(~creditScore, data = mortDataNew )

Rows Read: 499294, Total Rows Processed: 499294, Total Chunk Time: 0.329 seconds
Rows Read: 499293, Total Rows Processed: 998587, Total Chunk Time: 0.335 seconds
Computation time: 0.678 seconds.

myCube = rxCube(~F(creditScore):catDebt, data = mortDataNew)

rxLinePlot(Counts~creditScore|catDebt, data=rxResultsDF(myCube))

# Compute a logistic regression

myLogit <- rxLogit(default~ccDebt+yearsEmploy , data=mortDataNew)

rxLogit(formula = default ~ ccDebt + yearsEmploy, data = mortDataNew)

Logistic Regression Results for: default ~ ccDebt + yearsEmploy

File name:
Dependent variable(s): default
Total independent variables: 3
Number of valid observations: 998587
Number of missing observations: 0
-2*LogLikelihood: 8837.7644 (Residual deviance on 998584 degrees of freedom)


Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)

(Intercept) -1.725e+01 2.330e-01 -74.04 2.22e-16 ***
ccDebt 1.509e-03 2.327e-05 64.85 2.22e-16 ***
yearsEmploy -3.054e-01 1.713e-02 -17.83 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 1.3005

Number of iterations: 9

Next Steps
Continue on to these tutorials to work with larger data set using the RevoScaleR functions:
Flight delays data analysis
Loan data analysis
Census data analysis
Tutorial: Data import and exploration using
6/18/2018 • 17 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Microsoft R Client, Machine Learning Server

In data-driven projects, one action item guaranteed to be on the list is data acquisition and exploration. In this
tutorial, you will learn how to import a text-delimited .csv file into an R session and use functions from
RevoScaleR to ascertain the shape of the data.
To load data, use rxImport from the RevoScaleR function library. The rxImport function converts source data
into a columnar format for consumption in R and returns a data source object that wraps a dataset with useful
metadata. Optionally, by specifying an outFile parameter, you can create an XDF file if you want to persist the
data for future calculations.

R Client and Machine Learning Server are interchangeable in terms of RevoScaleR as long as data fits into memory and
processing is single-threaded. If datasets exceed memory, we recommend pushing the compute context to Machine
Learning Server.

What you will learn

1. How to load CSV data using rxImport and optionally save it as an XDF
2. How to obtain information about the data structure
3. Use parameters for selective import and conversion
4. Summarize data
5. Subset and transform data

To complete this tutorial as written, use an R console application and built-in data.
On Windows, go to \Program Files\Microsoft\R Client\R_SERVER\bin\x64 and double-click Rgui.exe.
On Linux, at the command prompt, type Revo64.
The command prompt for R is > . You can hand-type case-sensitive R commands, or copy-paste multi-line
commands at the console command prompt. The R interpreter can queue up multiple commands and run them
How to locate built-in data
RevoScaleR provides both functions and built-in datasets, including the AirlineDemoSmall.csv file used in this
tutorial. The sample data directory is registered with RevoScaleR. Its location can be returned through a
"sampleDataDir" parameter on the rxGetOption function.
1. Open the R console or start a Revo64 session. The RevoScaleR library is loaded automatically.
2. Retrieve the list of sample data files provided in RevoScaleR by entering the following command at the
> command prompt:

The open-source R list.files command returns a file list provided by the RevoScaleR rxGetOption function
and the sampleDataDir argument.

If you are a Windows user and new to R, be aware that R script is case-sensitive. If you mistype rxGetOption or
sampleDataDir, you will get an error instead of the file list.

How to locate the working directory

Both R and RevoScaleR use the working directory to store any files that you create. The following open-source
R command provides the working directory location: getwd() .
Depending on your environment, you might not have permission to save files to this directory. On Windows, if
the output is something like C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/bin/x64 , you won't have write
permissions on that older. To change the working directory, run setwd("C:/Users/TEMP") .
Alternatively, specify a fully-qualified path to a writable directory whenever a file name is required (for example,
outFile="C:/users/temp/airExample.xdf" on an rxImport call).

Windows users, please note the direction of the path delimiter. By default, R script uses forward slashes as path
About the airline dataset
The AirlineDemoSmall.csv dataset is used in this tutorial. It's a subset of a larger dataset containing information
on flight arrival and departure details for all commercial flights within the USA, from October 1987 to April
2008. The file contains three columns of data: ArrDelay, CRSDepTime, and DayOfWeek, with a total of 600,000

Load data
As a first step, perform a preliminary import using the airline data. Initially, the data is loaded as a data frame
that exists only in memory.

mysource <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

airXdfData <- rxImport(inData=mysource)

On the first line, mysource is an object specifying source data created using R's file.path command. The folder
path is provided through RevoScaleR's rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), with "AirlineDemoSmall.csv" for the file.
On line two, airXdfData is a data source object returned by rxImport, which we can query to learn about data

Save as XDF
Although we could work with the data frame for the duration of the session, it often helps to save the data as an
.xdf file for reuse at a later date. To create an .xdf file, run rxImport with an outFile parameter specifying the
name and a folder for which you have write permissions:

airXdfData <- rxImport(inData=mysource, outFile="c:/Users/Temp/airExample.xdf")

Common errors occurring on your first file save exercise might include:
"Error: '\u' used without hex digits in character string..." indicates an invalid path delimiter. R uses forward
slash delimiters (/), even if the path is on the Windows file system.
"Error in file <>; Permission denied" is obviously a permission error. Choosing a different folder or granting
write-access to the current folder will resolve the error.
About data storage in Machine Learning Server
In Machine Learning Server, you can work with in-memory data as a data frame, or save it to disk as an XDF
file. As noted, rxImport can create a data source object with or without the .xdf file. If you omit the outFile
argument or set it NULL, the return object is a data frame containing the data.
A data frame is the fundamental data structure in R and is fully supported in Machine Learning Server. It is
tabular, composed of rows and columns, where columns contain variables and the first row, called the header,
stores column names. Subsequent rows provide data values for each variable associated with a single
observation. A data frame is a temporary data structure, created when you load some data. It exists only for the
duration of the session.
An .xdf file is a binary file format native to Machine Learning Server, used for persisting data on disk. The
organization of an .xdf file is column-based, one column per variable, which is optimum for the variable
orientation of data used in statistics and predictive analytics. With .xdf, you can load subsets of the data for
targeted analysis. Also, .xdf files include precomputed metadata that is immediately available with no additional
Creating an .xdf is not required, but when datasets are large or complex, .xdf files can help by compressing data
and by allocating data into chunks that can be read and refreshed independently. Additionally, on distributed file
systems like Hadoop's HDFS, XDF files can store data in multiple physical files to accommodate very large

You can use rxImport to load all or part of an .xdf into a data frame by specifying an .xdf file as the input. Doing so
instantiates a data source object for the .xdf file, but without loading its data. Having an object represent the data source
can come in handy. It doesn’t take up much memory, and it can be used in many other RevoScaleR objects
interchangeably with a data frame.

Examine object metadata

You should now have a mysource object and an airXdfData object representing the data source. Once a data
source object exists, you can use the rxGetInfo function to return metadata and learn more about the structure.
Adding the getVarInfo argument returns metadata about variables:

rxGetInfo(airXdfData, getVarInfo = TRUE)

Notice how the output includes the precomputed metadata for each variable, plus a summary of observations,
variables, blocks, and compression information. Variables are based on fields in the CSV file. In this case, there
are 3 variables.
File name: C:\Users\TEMP\airExample.xdf
Number of observations: 6e+05
Number of variables: 3
Number of blocks: 2
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: ArrDelay, Type: character
Var 2: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0167, 23.9833)
Var 3: DayOfWeek, Type: character

From the output, we can determine whether the number of observations is large enough to warrant subdivision
into smaller blocks. Additionally, we can see which variables exist, the data type, and for numeric data, the range
of values. The presence of string variables is a consideration. To use this data in subsequent analysis, we might
need to convert strings to numeric data for ArrDelay. Likewise, we might want to convert DayOfWeek to a
factor variable so that we can group observations by day. We can do all of these things in a subsequent import.

To get just the variable information, use the standalone rxGetVarInfo() function to return precomputed metadata about
variables in the .xdf file (for example, rxGetVarInfo(airXdfData) ).

Convert on re-import
The rxImport function takes multiple parameters that can be used to modify data during import. In this
exercise, repeat the import and change the dataset at the same time. By adding parameters to rxImport, you
Convert the string column, DayOfWeek, to a factor variable using the stringsAsFactors argument.
Convert missing values to a specific value, such as the letter M rather than the default NA.
Allocate rows into blocks that you can subsequently read and write in chunks. By specifying the argument
rowsPerRead, you can read and write the data in 3 blocks of 200,000 rows each.

airXdfData <- rxImport(inData=mysource, outFile="c:/Users/Temp/airExample.xdf",

stringsAsFactors=TRUE, missingValueString="M", rowsPerRead=200000,

Running this command refreshes the airXdfData data source object. Metadata for the new object reflects the
allocation of rows among 3 blocks and conversion of string-to-numeric data for both ArrDelay and DayOfWeek.

> rxGetInfo(airXdfData)
Variable information:
Var 1: ArrDelay
702 factor levels: 6 -8 -2 1 -14 ... 451 430 597 513 432
Var 2: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0167, 23.9833)
Var 3: DayOfWeek
7 factor levels: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Control string conversion and factor level ordering

Setting stringsAsFactors to TRUE has built-in behaviors that can have unintended consequences. For example,
we might not want every character variable to become a factor. In the case of ArrDelay, the data is actually
numeric. You can use the colClasses argument to explicitly set the data type of a particular variable.
Additionally, factor levels are listed arbitrarily in the order in which they are encountered during import, which
might not make sense. To override the default, you can explicitly specify the levels in a predefined order using
the colInfo argument.
Rerun the import operation to use a fixed data type for ArrDelay and a fixed order for days of the week:

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",
levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airXdfData <- rxImport(inData=mysource, outFile="c:/Users/Temp/airExample.xdf", missingValueString="M",

rowsPerRead=200000, colInfo = colInfo, colClasses=c(ArrDelay="integer"),

Notice that once you supply the colInfo argument, you no longer need to specify stringsAsFactors because
DayOfWeek is the only factor variable.

Visualize data
To get a sense of data shape, use the rxHistogram function to show the distribution in arrival delay by day of
week. Internally, this function uses the rxCube function to calculate information for a histogram:

rxHistogram(~ArrDelay|DayOfWeek, data = airXdfData)

You can also compute descriptive statistics for the variable:

rxSummary(~ ArrDelay, data = airXdfData)

rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay, data = airXdfData)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay

Data: airXdfData (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: airExample.xdf
Number of valid observations: 6e+05

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay 11.31794 40.68854 -86 1490 582628 17372

Create a new variable

This first look at the data tells us two important things: arrival delay has a long “tail” for every day of the week,
with a few flights delayed for well over two hours, and there are quite a few missing values (17,372).
Presumably the missing values for arrival delay represent flights that never arrived and thus canceled.
You can use RevoScaleR’s data step functionality to create a new variable, VeryLate, that represents flights that
were either over two hours late or canceled. Because the original data is safely preserved in the original text file,
we can simply add this variable to our existing XDF file using the transforms argument to rxDataStep. The
transforms argument takes a list of one or more R expressions, typically in the form of assignment statements.
In this case, we use the following expression: list(VeryLate = (ArrDelay > 120 | (ArrDelay ))
The full RevoScaleR data step consists of the following steps:
1. Read in the data a block (200,000 rows) at a time.
2. For each block, pass the ArrDelay data to the R interpreter for processing the transformation to create
3. Write the data out to the dataset a block at a time. The argument overwrite=TRUE allows us to overwrite
the data file.

airXdfData <- rxDataStep(inData = airXdfData, outFile = "c:/Users/Temp/airExample.xdf",

transforms=list(VeryLate = (ArrDelay > 120 |,
overwrite = TRUE)

Output from this command reflects the creation of the new variable:

> rxGetInfo(airXdfData, getVarInfo = TRUE)

File name: C:\Users\TEMP\airExample.xdf
Number of observations: 6e+05
Number of variables: 4
Number of blocks: 3
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: ArrDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-86, 1490)
Var 2: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0167, 23.9833)
Var 3: DayOfWeek
7 factor levels: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Var 4: VeryLate, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)

Summarize data
We already used rxSummary to get an initial impression of data shape, but let's take a closer look at its
arguments. The rxSummary function takes a formula as its first argument, and the name of the dataset as the
second. To get summary statistics for all of the data in your data file, you can alternatively use the R summary
method for the airXdfData object.

> rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data=airXdfData)


> summary(airXdfData)

Summary statistics will be computed on the variables in the formula. By default, rxSummary computes data
summaries term-by-term, and missing values are omitted on a term-by-term basis.

rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = airDS)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek

Data: airXdfData (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: C:\Users\TEMP\airExample.xdf
Number of valid observations: 6e+05

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay 11.31794 40.688536 -86.000000 1490.00000 582628 17372
CRSDepTime 13.48227 4.697566 0.016667 23.98333 600000 0

Category Counts for DayOfWeek

Number of categories: 7
Number of valid observations: 6e+05
Number of missing observations: 0

DayOfWeek Counts
Monday 97975
Tuesday 77725
Wednesday 78875
Thursday 81304
Friday 82987
Saturday 86159
Sunday 94975

Notice that the summary information shows cell counts for categorical variables, and appropriately does not
provide summary statistics such as Mean and StdDev. Also notice that the Call: line will show the actual call you
entered or the call provided by summary, so will appear differently in different circumstances.
You can also compute summary information by one or more categories by using interactions of a numeric
variable with a factor variable. For example, to compute summary statistics on Arrival Delay by Day of Week:

> rxSummary(~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek, data=airXdfData)

The output shows the summary statistics for ArrDelay for each day of the week:
rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek, data=airXdfData)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek

File name: C:\Users\TEMP\airExample.xdf
Number of valid observations: 6e+05

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay:DayOfWeek 11.31794 40.68854 -86 1490 582628 17372

Statistics by category (7 categories):

Category DayOfWeek Means StdDev Min Max ValidObs

ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Monday Monday 12.025604 40.02463 -76 1017 95298
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Tuesday Tuesday 11.293808 43.66269 -70 1143 74011
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Wednesday Wednesday 10.156539 39.58803 -81 1166 76786
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Thursday Thursday 8.658007 36.74724 -58 1053 79145
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Friday Friday 14.804335 41.79260 -78 1490 80142
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Saturday Saturday 11.875326 45.24540 -73 1370 83851
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Sunday Sunday 10.331806 37.33348 -86 1202 93395

To get a better feel for the data, you can draw histograms for each variable. Run each rxHistogram function
one at a time. The histogram is rendered in the R Plot pane.

options("device.ask.default" = T)
rxHistogram(~ArrDelay, data=airXdfData)
rxHistogram(~CRSDepTime, data=airXdfData)
rxHistogram(~DayOfWeek, data=airXdfData)
We can also easily extract a subsample of the data file into a data frame in memory. For example, we can look at
just the flights that were between 4 and 5 hours late:

myData <- rxDataStep(inData = airXdfData,

rowSelection = ArrDelay > 240 & ArrDelay <= 300,
varsToKeep = c("ArrDelay", "DayOfWeek"))
rxHistogram(~ArrDelay, data = myData)
Load a data subset
This exercise shows you how to use rxDataStep to read an arbitrary chunk of the dataset into a data frame for
further examination. As a first step, lets get the number of rows, columns, and return the initial rows to better
understand the available data. Standard R methods provide this information.


> nrow(airXdfData)
[1] 600000
> ncol(airXdfData)
[1] 3
> head(airXdfData)
ArrDelay CRSDepTime DayOfWeek
1 6 9.666666 Monday
2 -8 19.916666 Monday
3 -2 13.750000 Monday
4 1 11.750000 Monday
5 -2 6.416667 Monday
6 -14 13.833333 Monday

From nrow we see that the number of rows is 600,000. To read 10 rows into a data frame starting with the
100,000th row:

airXdfDataSmall <- rxDataStep(inData=airXdfData, numRows=10, startRow=100000)


This code should generate the following output:

ArrDelay CRSDepTime DayOfWeek
1 -2 11.416667 Saturday
2 39 9.916667 Friday
3 NA 10.033334 Monday
4 1 17.000000 Friday
5 -17 9.983334 Wednesday
6 8 21.250000 Saturday
7 -9 6.250000 Friday
8 -11 15.000000 Friday
9 4 20.916666 Sunday
10 -8 6.500000 Thursday

You can now compute summary statistics on the reduced dataset

Create a new dataset with variable transformations

In this task, use the rxDataStep function to create a new dataset containing the variables in airXdfData plus
additional variables created through transformations. Typically additional variables are created using the
transforms argument. You can refer to Transform functions for information. Remember that all expressions used
in transforms must be able to be processed on a chunk of data at a time.
In the example below, three new variables are created.
Late is a logical variable set to TRUE (or 1) if the flight was more than 15 minutes late in arriving.
DepHour is an integer variable indicating the hour of the departure.
Night is also a logical variable, set to TRUE (or 1) if the flight departed between 10 P.M. and 5 A.M.
The rxDataStep function will read the existing dataset and perform the transformations chunk by chunk, and
create a new dataset.

airExtraDS <- rxDataStep(inData=airXdfData, outFile="c:/users/temp/ADS2.xdf",

Late = ArrDelay > 15,
DepHour = as.integer(CRSDepTime),
Night = DepHour >= 20 | DepHour <= 5))

rxGetInfo(airExtraDS, getVarInfo=TRUE, numRows=5)

You should see the following information in your output:

Number of observations: 6e+05
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 2
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: ArrDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-86, 1490)
Var 2: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0167, 23.9833)
Var 3: DayOfWeek
7 factor levels: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Var 4: Late, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)
Var 5: DepHour, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 23)
Var 6: Night, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)
Data (5 rows starting with row 1):
ArrDelay CRSDepTime DayOfWeek Late DepHour Night
1 6 9.666666 Monday FALSE 9 FALSE
2 -8 19.916666 Monday FALSE 19 FALSE
3 -2 13.750000 Monday FALSE 13 FALSE
4 1 11.750000 Monday FALSE 11 FALSE
5 -2 6.416667 Monday FALSE 6 FALSE

Next steps
This tutorial demonstrated data import and exploration, but there are several more tutorials covering more
scenarios, including instructions for working with bigger datasets.
Tutorial: Visualize and analyze data
Analyze large data with RevoScaleR and airline flight delay data
Example: Analyzing loan data with RevoScaleR
Example: Analyzing census data with RevoScaleR
Try demo scripts
Another way to learn about RevoScaleR is through demo scripts. Scripts provided in your Machine Learning
Server installation contain code that's very similar to what you see in the tutorials. You can highlight portions of
the script, right-click Execute in Interactive to run the script in R Tools for Visual Studio.
Demo scripts are located in the demoScripts subdirectory of your Machine Learning Server installation. On
Windows, this is typically:

`C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Client\R_SERVER\library\RevoScaleR\demoScripts`

Watch this video

This 30-minute video is the second in a 4-part video series. It demonstrates RevoScaleR functions for data

This video shows you how to create a source object for a list of files by using the R list.files function and patterns for
selecting specific file names. It uses the multiple mortDefaultSmall.csv files to show the approach. To create an XDF
comprised of all the files, use the following syntax:
mySourceFiles <- list.files(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), pattern = "mortDefaultSmall\\d</em>.csv",

<div align=center> -Server-Series/Introduction-to-Microsoft-R -

Overcome R Client data chunking limitations by pushing compute context or migrating to Machine Learning
Data chunking is a RevoScaleR capability that partitions data into multiple parts for processing in parallel,
reassembling it later for analysis. It's one of the key mechanisms by which RevoScaleR processes and analyzes
very large datasets.
In Machine Learning Server, chunking functionality is available only when RevoScaleR functions are executed
on Machine Learning Server for Windows, Teradata, SQL Server, Linux, or Hadoop. You cannot use chunking
on systems that have just Microsoft R Client. R Client requires that data fits into available memory. Moreover, it
can only use a maximum of two threads for analysis. Internally, when RevoScaleR is running in R Client, the
blocksPerRead argument is deliberately, which results in all data being read into memory.

You can work around this limitation by writing script on R Client, but then pushing the compute context from R
Client to a remote Machine Learning Server instance. Optionally, you could use Machine Learning Server.
Developers can install the developer edition of Machine Learning Server which is a full-featured Machine
Learning Server, but licensed for development workstations instead of production servers. For more
information, see Machine Learning Server.

See Also
Machine Learning Server Getting Started with Hadoop and RevoScaleR
Parallel and distributed computing in Machine Learning Server
Importing data
ODBC data import
RevoScaleR Functions
Tutorial: Visualize and analyze data using
4/13/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Microsoft R Client, Machine Learning Server

This tutorial builds on what you learned in the previous data import and exploration tutorial by adding more
steps and functions that broaden your experience with RevoScaleR functions. As before, you'll work with airline
sample data to complete the steps.
This tutorial focuses on analysis and predictions.

R Client and Machine Learning Server are interchangeable in terms of RevoScaleR as long as data fits into memory and
processing is single-threaded. If datasets exceed memory, we recommend pushing the compute context to Machine
Learning Server.

What you will learn

1. How to fit a linear model
2. Compute crosstabs
3. Fit a logistic regression model
4. Compute predicted values

To complete this tutorial as written, use an R console application.
On Windows, go to \Program Files\Microsoft\R Client\R_SERVER\bin\x64 and double-click Rgui.exe.
On Linux, at the command prompt, type Revo64.
You must also have data to work with. The previous tutorial, Data import and exploration, explains functions and
usage scenarios.
Run the following script to reload data from the previous tutorial:
# create data source
mysource <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "AirlineDemoSmall.csv")

# set factor levels

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",
levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

# load data and create an XDF

airXdfData <- rxImport(inData=mysource, outFile="c:/Users/Temp/airExample.xdf", missingValueString="M",
rowsPerRead=200000, colInfo = colInfo, colClasses=c(ArrDelay="integer"), overwrite=TRUE)

# add a custom variable

airXdfData <- rxDataStep(inData = airXdfData, outFile = "c:/Users/Temp/airExample.xdf",
transforms=list(VeryLate = (ArrDelay > 120 |, overwrite = TRUE)

# create a second dataset with extra variables

airExtraDS <- rxDataStep(inData=airXdfData, outFile="c:/users/temp/ADS2.xdf",
Late = ArrDelay > 15,
DepHour = as.integer(CRSDepTime),
Night = DepHour >= 20 | DepHour <= 5), overwrite=TRUE)

# read metadata on the airExtraDS data source

rxGetInfo(airExtraDS, getVarInfo=TRUE, numRows=5)

# read metadata on the airXdfData data source

rxGetInfo(airXdfData, getVarInfo=TRUE)

How to fit a model

This section of the tutorial demonstrates several approaches for fitting a model to the sample data.
Fit a linear model
Use the rxLinMod function to fit a linear model using airXdfData from the previous tutorial. Use a single
dependent variable, the factor DayOfWeek:

arrDelayLm1 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data=airXdfData)


The resulting output is:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airXdfData)

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name: C:\Users\Temp\airExample.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 582628
Number of missing observations: 17372

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 10.3318 0.1330 77.673 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Monday 1.6938 0.1872 9.049 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 0.9620 0.2001 4.809 1.52e-06 ***
DayOfWeek=Wednesday -0.1753 0.1980 -0.885 0.376
DayOfWeek=Thursday -1.6738 0.1964 -8.522 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Friday 4.4725 0.1957 22.850 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Saturday 1.5435 0.1934 7.981 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sunday Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 40.65 on 582621 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.001869
Adjusted R-squared: 0.001858
F-statistic: 181.8 on 6 and 582621 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 10.5595

Using the cube argument and plotting results

If you are using categorical data in your regression, you can use the cube argument. If cube is set to TRUE and the
first term of the regression is categorical (a factor or an interaction of factors), the regression is done using a
partitioned inverse, which may be faster and use less memory than standard regression computation.
Averages/counts of the category "bins" can be computed in addition to standard regression results. The intercept
will also be automatically dropped so that each category level will now have an estimated coefficient. If cube is set
to TRUE and the first term is not categorical, you get an error message.
Re-estimate the linear model, this time setting cube to TRUE. Print a summary of the results:

arrDelayLm2 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airXdfData,

cube = TRUE)

You should see the following output:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airXdfData, cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name: C:\Users\Temp\airExample.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 582628
Number of missing observations: 17372

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | Counts
DayOfWeek=Monday 12.0256 0.1317 91.32 2.22e-16 *** | 95298
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 11.2938 0.1494 75.58 2.22e-16 *** | 74011
DayOfWeek=Wednesday 10.1565 0.1467 69.23 2.22e-16 *** | 76786
DayOfWeek=Thursday 8.6580 0.1445 59.92 2.22e-16 *** | 79145
DayOfWeek=Friday 14.8043 0.1436 103.10 2.22e-16 *** | 80142
DayOfWeek=Saturday 11.8753 0.1404 84.59 2.22e-16 *** | 83851
DayOfWeek=Sunday 10.3318 0.1330 77.67 2.22e-16 *** | 93395
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 40.65 on 582621 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.001869 (as if intercept included)
Adjusted R-squared: 0.001858
F-statistic: 181.8 on 6 and 582621 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1

The coefficient estimates are the mean arrival delay for each day of the week.
When the cube argument is set to TRUE and the model has only one term as an independent variable, the
"countDF" component of the results object also contains category means. This data frame can be extracted using
the rxResultsDF function, and is particularly convenient for plotting.

countsDF <- rxResultsDF(arrDelayLm2, type = "counts")


You should see the following output:

DayOfWeek ArrDelay Counts

1 Monday 12.025604 95298
2 Tuesday 11.293808 74011
3 Wednesday 10.156539 76786
4 Thursday 8.658007 79145
5 Friday 14.804335 80142
6 Saturday 11.875326 83851
7 Sunday 10.331806 93395

Now plot the average arrival delay for each day of the week:

rxLinePlot(ArrDelay~DayOfWeek, data = countsDF,

main = "Average Arrival Delay by Day of Week")

The following plot is generated, showing the lowest average arrival delay on Thursdays:
Linear model with multiple independent variables
We can run a more complex model examining the dependency of arrival delay on both day of week and the
departure time. We’ll estimate the model using the F expression to have the CRSDepTime variable interpreted as
a categorical or factor variable.
F () is not an R function, although it looks like one when used inside RevoScaleR formulas. An F expression tells
RevoScaleR to create a factor by creating one level for each integer in the range (floor (min(x)), floor (max(x))) and
binning all the observations into the resulting set of levels. You can look up the rxFormula for more information.
By interacting DayOfWeek with F (CRSDepTime) we are creating a dummy variable for every combination of
departure hour and day of the week.

arrDelayLm3 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek:F(CRSDepTime),

data = airXdfData, cube = TRUE)
arrDelayDT <- rxResultsDF(arrDelayLm3, type = "counts")
head(arrDelayDT, 15)

The output shows the first fifteen rows of the counts data frame. The variable CRSDepTime gives the hour of the
departure time and ArrDelay shows the average departure delay for that hour for that day of week. Counts gives
the number of observations that contain that combination of day of week and departure hour.

DayOfWeek CRSDepTime ArrDelay Counts

1 Monday 0 7.4360902 133
2 Tuesday 0 7.0000000 107
3 Wednesday 0 3.7857143 98
4 Thursday 0 3.0097087 103
5 Friday 0 4.4752475 101
6 Saturday 0 4.5460993 141
7 Sunday 0 0.9243697 119
8 Monday 1 2.6590909 44
9 Tuesday 1 5.5428571 35
10 Wednesday 1 -5.9696970 33
11 Thursday 1 5.1714286 35
12 Friday 1 -4.9062500 32
13 Saturday 1 -4.2727273 44
14 Sunday 1 -1.7368421 38
15 Monday 2 -0.2000000 15

Now plot the results:

rxLinePlot( ArrDelay~CRSDepTime|DayOfWeek, data = arrDelayDT,
title = "Average Arrival Delay by Day of Week by Departure Hour")

You should see the following plot:

Subset the data and compute a crosstab

Create a new data set containing a subset of rows and variables. This is convenient if you intend to do lots of
analysis on a subset of a large data set. To do this, we use the rxDataStep function with the following arguments:
outFile: the name of the new data set
inData: the name of an .xdf file or an RxXdfData object representing the original data set you are subsetting
varsToDrop: a character vector of variables to drop from the new data set, here CRSDepTime
rowSelection: keep only the rows where the flight was more than 15 minutes late
The resulting call is as follows:

airLateDS <- rxDataStep(inData = airXdfData, outFile = "c:/Users/Temp/ADS1.xdf",

varsToDrop = c("CRSDepTime"),
rowSelection = ArrDelay > 15)

You will see that the new data set has only two variables and has dropped from 600,000 to 148,526 observations.
Compute a crosstab showing the mean arrival delay by day of week.
myTab <- rxCrossTabs(ArrDelay~DayOfWeek, data = airLateDS)
summary(myTab, output = "means")

The results show that in this data set “late” flights are on average over 10 minutes later on Tuesdays than on

rxCrossTabs(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airLateDS)

Cross Tabulation Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name: C:\YourWorkingDir\ADS1.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Number of valid observations: 148526
Number of missing observations: 0
Statistic: means

ArrDelay (means):
means means %
Monday 56.94491 13.96327
Tuesday 64.28248 15.76249
Wednesday 60.12724 14.74360
Thursday 55.07093 13.50376
Friday 56.11783 13.76047
Saturday 61.92247 15.18380
Sunday 53.35339 13.08261
Col Mean 57.96692

Run a logistic regression on the new data

The function rxLogit takes a binary dependent variable. Here we will use the variable Late, which is TRUE (or 1) if
the plane was more than 15 minutes late arriving. For dependent variables we will use the DepHour, the
departure hour, and Night, indicating whether or not the flight departed at night.

logitObj <- rxLogit(Late~DepHour + Night, data = airExtraDS)


You should see the following results:

rxLogit(formula = Late ~ DepHour + Night, data = airExtraDS)

Logistic Regression Results for: Late ~ DepHour + Night

File name: C:\Users\Temp\ADS2.xdf
Dependent variable(s): Late
Total independent variables: 3
Number of valid observations: 582628
Number of missing observations: 17372
-2*LogLikelihood: 649607.8613 (Residual deviance on 582625 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.0990076 0.0104460 -200.94 2.22e-16 ***
DepHour 0.0790215 0.0007671 103.01 2.22e-16 ***
Night -0.3027030 0.0109914 -27.54 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 3.0178

Number of iterations: 4
Using the same function, let's estimate whether or not a flight is “very late” depending on the day of week:

logitResults <- rxLogit(VeryLate ~ DayOfWeek, data = airXdfData )


rxLogit(formula = VeryLate ~ DayOfWeek, data = airXdfData)

Logistic Regression Results for: VeryLate ~ DayOfWeek

File name:
Dependent variable(s): VeryLate
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 6e+05
Number of missing observations: 0
-2*LogLikelihood: 251244.7201 (Residual deviance on 599993 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -3.29095 0.01745 -188.64 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Monday 0.40086 0.02256 17.77 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 0.84018 0.02192 38.33 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Wednesday 0.36982 0.02378 15.55 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Thursday 0.29396 0.02400 12.25 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Friday 0.54427 0.02274 23.93 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Saturday 0.48319 0.02282 21.18 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sunday Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 16.7804

Number of iterations: 3

The results show that in this sample, a flight on Tuesday is most likely to be very late or canceled, followed by
flights departing on Friday. In this model, Sunday is the control group, so that coefficient estimates for other days
of the week are relative to Sunday. The intercept shown is the same as the coefficient you would get for Sunday if
you omitted the intercept term:

logitResults2 <- rxLogit(VeryLate ~ DayOfWeek - 1, data = airXdfData )

rxLogit(formula = VeryLate ~ DayOfWeek - 1, data = airXdfData)

Logistic Regression Results for: VeryLate ~ DayOfWeek - 1

File name:
Dependent variable(s): VeryLate
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 6e+05
Number of missing observations: 0
-2*LogLikelihood: 251244.7201 (Residual deviance on 599993 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
DayOfWeek=Monday -2.89008 0.01431 -202.0 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tuesday -2.45077 0.01327 -184.7 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Wednesday -2.92113 0.01617 -180.7 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Thursday -2.99699 0.01648 -181.9 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Friday -2.74668 0.01459 -188.3 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Saturday -2.80776 0.01471 -190.9 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sunday -3.29095 0.01745 -188.6 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 1

Number of iterations: 7

Computing predicted values

You can use the object returned from the call to rxLogit in the previous section to compute predicted values. In
addition to the model object, we specify the data set on which to compute the predicted values and the data set in
which to put the newly computed predicted values. In the call below, we use the same dataset for both. In general,
the data set on which to compute the predicted values must be similar to the original data set used to estimate the
model in the following ways; it should have the same variable names and types, and factor variables must have
the same levels in the same order.

predictDS <- rxPredict(modelObject = logitObj, data = airExtraDS,

outData = airExtraDS)
rxGetInfo(predictDS, getVarInfo=TRUE, numRows=5)

You should see the following information:

File name: C:\Users\Temp\ADS2.xdf
Number of observations: 6e+05
Number of variables: 7
Number of blocks: 2
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: ArrDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-86, 1490)
Var 2: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0167, 23.9833)
Var 3: DayOfWeek
7 factor levels: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Var 4: Late, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)
Var 5: DepHour, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 23)
Var 6: Night, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)
Var 7: Late_Pred, Type: numeric, Low/High: (0.0830, 0.3580)
Data (5 rows starting with row 1):
ArrDelay CRSDepTime DayOfWeek Late DepHour Night Late_Pred
1 6 9.666666 Monday FALSE 9 FALSE 0.1997569
2 -8 19.916666 Monday FALSE 19 FALSE 0.3548931
3 -2 13.750000 Monday FALSE 13 FALSE 0.2550745
4 1 11.750000 Monday FALSE 11 FALSE 0.2262214
5 -2 6.416667 Monday FALSE 6 FALSE 0.1645331

Next steps
This tutorial demonstrated how to use several important functions, but on a small data set. Next up are additional
tutorials that explore RevoScaleR with bigger data sets, and customization approaches if built-in functions are not
quite enough.
Analyze large data with RevoScaleR and airline flight delay data
Example: Analyzing loan data with RevoScaleR
Example: Analyzing census data with RevoScaleR
Write custom chunking algorithms
Try demo scripts
Another way to learn about ScaleR is through demo scripts. Scripts provided in your Machine Learning Server
installation contain code that's very similar to what you see in this tutorial. You can highlight portions of the script,
right-click Execute in Interactive to run the script in RTVS.
Demo scripts are located in the demoScripts subdirectory of your Machine Learning Server installation. On
Windows, this is typically:

`C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Client\R_SERVER\library\RevoScaleR\demoScripts`

See Also
RevoScaleR Getting Started with Hadoop RevoScaleR Getting Started with SQL server Machine Learning Server
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server RevoScaleR Functions
Tutorial: Load and analyze a large airline data set
with RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 15 minutes to read • Edit Online

This tutorial builds on what you learned in the first RevoScaleR tutorial by exploring the functions, techniques,
and issues arising when working with larger data sets. As before, you'll work with sample data to complete the
steps, except this time you will use a much larger data set.

Download the airline dataset

To really get a feel for RevoScaleR, you should work with functions using a larger data set. Larger data sets are
available for download from this web page.
You can use a smaller or larger data set with this tutorial. Datasets for this tutorial include the following:
AirOnTime87to12: An .xdf file containing information on flight arrival and departure details for all
commercial flights within the USA, from October 1987 to December 2012. This is a large dataset: there are
nearly 150 million records in total. It is just under 4 GB unpacked.
AirOnTime7Pct: A 7% subsample of AirOnTimeData87to12. This is an .xdf file containing just the variables
used in the examples in this tutorials. It can be used as an alternative. This subsample contains a little over
10 million rows of data. It is about 100 MB unpacked.
When downloading these files, put them in a directory where you can easily access them. For example, create a
directory "C:\MRS\BigData" and unpack the files there. When running examples using these files, you will want to
specify this location as your bigDataDir. For example:

bigDataDir <- "C:\MRS\BigData"

Origin of the sample datasets

Airline on-time performance data for the years 1987 through 2008 was used in the American Statistical
Association Data Expo in 2009 ( ASA describes the data set as follows:

The data consists of flight arrival and departure details for all commercial flights within the USA, from
October 1987 to April 2008. This is a large dataset: there are nearly 120 million records in total, and takes up
1.6 gigabytes of space compressed and 12 gigabytes when uncompressed.

Data by month can be downloaded as comma-delimited text files from the Research and Innovative Technology
Administration (RITA) of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics web site
( Data from 1987 through 2012 has been
imported into an .xdf file named AirOnTime87to12.xdf.
A much smaller subset containing 7% of the observations for the variables used in this example is also available
as AirOnTime7Pct.xdf. This subsample contains a little over 10 million rows of data, so has about 60 times the
rows of the smaller subsample used in the previous example. More information on this data set can be found in
the help file: ?AirOnTime87to12 . To view the help file, enter the file name at the > prompt in the R interactive

Explore the data

Assuming you specified a location of your downloaded data as the bigDataDir variable, create an object for the
dataset as airDataName:

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

airDataName <- file.path(bigDataDir, "AirOnTime87to12")


airDataName <- file.path(bigDataDir,"AirOnTime7Pct")

Create an in-memory RxXdfObject data source object to represent the .xdf data file:

bigAirDS <- RxXdfData( airDataName )

Use the rxGetInfo function to get summary information on the active data set.

rxGetInfo(bigAirDS, getVarInfo=TRUE)

The full data set has 46 variables and almost 150 million observations.

File name: C:\MRS\Data\AirOnTime87to12\AirOnTime87to12.xdf

Number of observations: 148619655
Number of variables: 46
Number of blocks: 721
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: Year, Type: integer, Low/High: (1987, 2012)
Var 2: Month, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 12)
Var 3: DayofMonth, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 31)
Var 4: DayOfWeek
7 factor levels: Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
Var 5: FlightDate, Type: Date, Low/High: (1987-10-01, 2012-12-31)
Var 6: UniqueCarrier
30 factor levels: AA US AS CO DL ... OH F9 YV 9E VX
Var 7: TailNum
14463 factor levels: 0 N910DE N948DL N901DE N980DL ... N565UW N8326F N8327A N8328A N8329B
Var 8: FlightNum
8206 factor levels: 1 2 3 5 6 ... 8546 9221 13 7413 8510
Var 9: OriginAirportID
374 factor levels: 12478 12892 12173 13830 11298 ... 12335 12389 10466 14802 12888
Var 10: Origin
373 factor levels: JFK LAX HNL OGG DFW ... IMT ISN AZA SHD LAR
Var 11: OriginState
53 factor levels: NY CA HI TX MO ... SD DE PR VI TT
Var 12: DestAirportID
378 factor levels: 12892 12173 12478 13830 11298 ... 11587 12335 12389 10466 14802
Var 13: Dest
377 factor levels: LAX HNL JFK OGG DFW ... ESC IMT ISN AZA SHD
Var 14: DestState
53 factor levels: CA HI NY TX MO ... WY DE PR VI TT
Var 15: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 24.0000)
Var 16: DepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0167, 24.0000)
Var 17: DepDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-1410, 2601)
Var 18: DepDelayMinutes, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 2601)
Var 19: DepDel15, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)
Var 20: DepDelayGroups
15 factor levels: < -15 -15 to -1 0 to 14 15 to 29 30 to 44 ... 120 to 134 135 to 149 150 to 164 165
to 179 >= 180
Var 21: TaxiOut, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 3905)
Var 22: WheelsOff, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 72.5000)
Var 22:
WheelsOff, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 72.5000)
Var 23:
WheelsOn, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 24.0000)
Var 24:
TaxiIn, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 1440)
Var 25:
CRSArrTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 24.0000)
Var 26:
ArrTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0167, 24.0000)
Var 27:
ArrDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-1437, 2598)
Var 28:
ArrDelayMinutes, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 2598)
Var 29:
ArrDel15, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)
Var 30:
15 factor levels: < -15 -15 to -1 0 to 14 15 to 29 30 to 44 ... 120 to
134 135 to 149 150 to 164 165 to 179 >= 180
Var 31: Cancelled, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)
Var 32: CancellationCode
5 factor levels: NA Carrier Weather NAS Security
Var 33: Diverted, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)
Var 34: CRSElapsedTime, Type: integer, Low/High: (-162, 1865)
Var 35: ActualElapsedTime, Type: integer, Low/High: (-719, 1440)
Var 36: AirTime, Type: integer, Low/High: (-2378, 1399)
Var 37: Flights, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 1)
Var 38: Distance, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 4983)
Var 39: DistanceGroup
11 factor levels: < 250 250-499 500-749 750-999 1000-1249 ... 1500-
1749 1750-1999 2000-2249 2250-2499 >= 2500
Var 40: CarrierDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 2580)
Var 41: WeatherDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 1615)
Var 42: NASDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-60, 1392)
Var 43: SecurityDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 782)
Var 44: LateAircraftDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 1407)
Var 45: MonthsSince198710, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 302)
Var 46: DaysSince19871001, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 9223)

Reading a Chunk of Data

Data stored in the xdf file format can be read into a data frame, allowing the user to choose the rows and columns.
For example, read 1000 rows beginning at the 100,000th row for the variables ArrDelay, DepDelay, and

testDF <- rxDataStep(inData = bigAirDS,

varsToKeep = c("ArrDelay","DepDelay", "DayOfWeek"),
startRow = 100000, numRows = 1000)

You should see the following information if bigAirDS is the full data set, AirlineData87to08.xdf:

ArrDelay DepDelay DayOfWeek

Min. :-65.000 Min. : -5.000 Mon :138
1st Qu.: -9.000 1st Qu.: 0.000 Tues:135
Median : -2.000 Median : 0.000 Wed :136
Mean : 2.297 Mean : 6.251 Thur:173
3rd Qu.: 8.000 3rd Qu.: 1.000 Fri :168
Max. :262.000 Max. :315.000 Sat :133
NA's :8 NA's :3 Sun :117

And we can easily run a regression using the lm function in R using this small data set:

lmObj <- lm(ArrDelay~DayOfWeek, data = testDF)


It yields the following:

lm(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = testDF)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-65.251 -12.131 -3.307 6.749 261.869

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.1314 2.0149 0.065 0.948
DayOfWeekTues 2.1074 2.8654 0.735 0.462
DayOfWeekWed -1.1981 2.8600 -0.419 0.675
DayOfWeekThur 0.1201 2.7041 0.044 0.965
DayOfWeekFri 0.7377 2.7149 0.272 0.786
DayOfWeekSat 14.2302 2.8876 4.928 9.74e-07 ***
DayOfWeekSun 0.2874 2.9688 0.097 0.923
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 23.58 on 985 degrees of freedom

(8 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared: 0.03956, Adjusted R-squared: 0.03371
F-statistic: 6.761 on 6 and 985 DF, p-value: 4.91e-07

But this is only 1/148,619 of the rows contained in the full data set. If we try to read all the rows of these columns,
we will likely run into memory problems. For example, on most systems with 8GB or less of RAM, running the
commented code below will fail on the full data set with a "cannot allocate vector" error.

# testDF <- rxDataStep(inData=dataName, varsToKeep = c("ArrDelay",

# "DepDelay", "DayOfWeek"))

In the next section you will see how you can analyze a data set that is too big to fit into memory by using
RevoScaleR functions.

Estimating a Linear Model with a Huge Data Set

The RevoScaleR compute engine is designed to work very efficiently with .xdf files, particularly with factor data.
When working with larger data sets, the blocksPerRead argument is important in controlling how much data is
processed in memory at one time. If too many blocks are read in at one time, you may run out of memory. If too
few blocks are read in at one time, you may experience slower total processing time. You can experiment with
blocksPerRead on your system and time the estimation of a linear model as follows:

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

delayArr <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = bigAirDS,
cube = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 30)

The linear model you get will not vary as you change blocksPerRead. To see a summary of your results:


You should see the following results for the full data set:
rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = bigAirDS, cube = TRUE,
blocksPerRead = 30)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name: C:\MRS\Data\AirOnTime87to12\AirOnTime87to12.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 145576737
Number of missing observations: 3042918

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | Counts
DayOfWeek=Mon 6.365682 0.006810 934.7 2.22e-16 *** | 21414640
DayOfWeek=Tues 5.472585 0.006846 799.4 2.22e-16 *** | 21191074
DayOfWeek=Wed 6.538511 0.006832 957.1 2.22e-16 *** | 21280844
DayOfWeek=Thur 8.401000 0.006821 1231.7 2.22e-16 *** | 21349128
DayOfWeek=Fri 8.977519 0.006815 1317.3 2.22e-16 *** | 21386294
DayOfWeek=Sat 3.756762 0.007298 514.7 2.22e-16 *** | 18645919
DayOfWeek=Sun 6.062001 0.006993 866.8 2.22e-16 *** | 20308838
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 31.52 on 145576730 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.002585 (as if intercept included)
Adjusted R-squared: 0.002585
F-statistic: 6.289e+04 on 6 and 145576730 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1 1

Notice that because we specified cube = TRUE, we have an estimated coefficient for each day of the week (and
not the intercept).
Because the computation is so fast, we can easily expand our analysis. For example, we can compare Arrival
Delays with Departure Delays. First, we rerun the linear model, this time using Departure Delay as the dependent

delayDep <- rxLinMod(DepDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = bigAirDS,

cube = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 30)

Next, combine the information from regression output in a data frame for plotting.

cubeResults <- rxResultsDF(delayArr)

cubeResults$DepDelay <- rxResultsDF(delayDep)$DepDelay

Then use the following code to plot the results, comparing the Arrival and Departure Delays by the Day of Week

rxLinePlot( ArrDelay + DepDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = cubeResults,

title = 'Average Arrival and Departure Delay by Day of Week')

You should see the following plot for the full data set:
Turning Off Progress Reports
By default, RevoScaleR reports on the progress of the model fitting so that you can see that the computation is
proceeding normally. You can specify an integer value from 0 through 3 to specify the level of reporting done; the
default is 2. (See help on rxOptions to change the default.) For large model fits, this is usually reassuring.
However, if you would like to turn off the progress reports, just use the argument reportProgress=0, which turns
off reporting. For example, to suppress the progress reports in the estimation of the delayDep rxLinMod object,
repeat the call as follows:

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

delayDep <- rxLinMod(DepDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = bigAirDS,

cube = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 30, reportProgress = 0)

Handling Larger Linear Models

The data set contains a variable UniqueCarrier which contains airline codes for 29 carriers. Because the
RevoScaleR Compute Engine handles factor variables so efficiently, we can do a linear regression looking at the
Arrival Delay by Carrier. This will take a little longer, of course, than the previous analysis, because we are
estimating 29 instead of 7 factor levels.

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...
delayCarrier <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier,
data = bigAirDS, cube = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 30)

Next, sort the coefficient vector so that the we can see the airlines with the highest and lowest values.

dcCoef <- sort(coef(delayCarrier))

Next, use the head function to show the top 10 with the lowest arrival delays:

head(dcCoef, 10)

In the full data set the result is:

UniqueCarrier=HA UniqueCarrier=KH UniqueCarrier=VX

-0.175857 1.156923 4.032345
UniqueCarrier=9E UniqueCarrier=ML (1) UniqueCarrier=WN
4.362180 4.747609 5.070878
UniqueCarrier=PA (1) UniqueCarrier=OO UniqueCarrier=NW
5.434067 5.453268 5.467372

Then use the tail function to show the bottom 10 with the highest arrival delays:

tail(dcCoef, 10)

With all of the data, you should see:

UniqueCarrier=MQ UniqueCarrier=HP UniqueCarrier=OH UniqueCarrier=UA

7.563716 7.565358 7.801436 7.807771
UniqueCarrier=YV UniqueCarrier=B6 UniqueCarrier=XE UniqueCarrier=PS
7.931515 8.154433 8.651180 9.261881
UniqueCarrier=EV UniqueCarrier=PI
9.340071 10.464421

Notice that Hawaiian Airlines comes in as the best in on-time arrivals, while United is closer to the bottom of the
list. We can see the difference by subtracting the coefficients:

sprintf("United's additional delay compared with Hawaiian: %f",


which results in:

[1] "United's additional delay compared with Hawaiian: 7.983628"

Estimating Linear Models with Many Independent Variables

One ambitious question we could ask is to what extent the difference in delays is due to the differences in origins
and destinations of the flights. To control for Origin and Destination we would need to add over 700 dummy
variables in the full data set to represent the factor levels of Origin and Dest. The RevoScaleR Compute Engine is
particularly efficient at handling this type of problem, so we can in fact run the regression:
The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

delayCarrierLoc <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier + Origin+Dest,

data = bigAirDS, cube = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 30)

dclCoef <- coef(delayCarrierLoc)

"United's additional delay accounting for dep and arr location: %f",
dclCoef["UniqueCarrier=UA"]- dclCoef["UniqueCarrier=HA"])
paste("Number of coefficients estimated: ", length(!

Accounting for origin and destination reduces the airline-specific difference in average delay:

[1] "United's additional delay accounting for dep and arr location: 2.045264"
[1] "Number of coefficients estimated: 780"

We can continue in this process, next adding variables to take account of the hour of day that the flight departed.
Using the F function around the CRSDepTime will break the variable into factor categories, with one level for each
hour of the day.

delayCarrierLocHour <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~

UniqueCarrier + Origin + Dest + F(CRSDepTime),
data = bigAirDS, cube = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 30)
dclhCoef <- coef(delayCarrierLocHour)

Now we can summarize all of our results:

sprintf("United's additional delay compared with Hawaiian: %f",

paste("Number of coefficients estimated: ", length(!
"United's additional delay accounting for dep and arr location: %f",
dclCoef["UniqueCarrier=UA"]- dclCoef["UniqueCarrier=HA"])
paste("Number of coefficients estimated: ", length(!
"United's additional delay accounting for location and time: %f",
paste("Number of coefficients estimated: ", length(!

For the full data set, the results look like:

[1] "United's additional delay compared with Hawaiian: 7.983628"

[1] "Number of coefficients estimated: 30"
[1] "United's additional delay accounting for dep and arr location: 2.045264" [1] "Number of coefficients
estimated: 780"
[1] "United's additional delay accounting for location and time: 0.837038" [1] "Number of coefficients
estimated: 805"

Predicting Airline Delay

Using the estimated regression coefficients, write a function to estimate the predicted delay given the carrier, the
airport of origin, the destination airport, and the departure time (0 – 24 hours):
expectedDelay <- function( carrier = "AA", origin = "SEA",
dest = "SFO", deptime = "9")
coeffNames <- c(
sprintf("UniqueCarrier=%s", carrier),
sprintf("Origin=%s", origin),
sprintf("Dest=%s", dest),
sprintf("F_CRSDepTime=%s", deptime))
return (sum(dclhCoef[coeffNames]))

We can use this function to compare, for example, the expected delay for trips going from Seattle to New York, or
Newark, or Honolulu:

# Go to JFK (New York) from Seattle at 5 in the afternoon on United

expectedDelay("AA", "SEA", "JFK", "17")
# Go to Newark from Seattle at 5 in the afternoon on United
expectedDelay("UA", "SEA", "EWR", "17")
# Or go to Honolulu from Seattle at 7 am on Hawaiian
expectedDelay("HA", "SEA", "HNL", "7")

The three expected delays are calculated (using the full data set) as:

[1] 12.45853
[1] 17.02454
[1] 1.647433

Computing a Large Scale Regression Using a Compute Cluster

Up to now, all of our examples have assumed you are running your computations on a single computer, which
might have multiple computational cores. Many users with large data to analyze, however, have access to
compute clusters that work together to provide greater computing power. With RevoScaleR, you can easily
connect to a Hadoop cluster and distribute your computation among the various nodes of the cluster. Here we will
show a quick example of using a Spark (Hadoop) cluster consisting of a name node and one or more data nodes.
To connect to a high availability cluster using default values, you only need to provide the cluster nameNode and
port. The nameNode manages the namespace of the cluster.

myCluster <- RxSparkConnect(nameNode = "my-name-service-server", port = 8020)

You can then make the cluster connection object active by using rxSetComputContext:


With your compute context set to the cluster, all of the RevoScaleR data analysis functions (i.e., rxSummary,
rxCube, rxCrossTabs, rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxGlm, rxCovCor (and related functions), rxDTree, rxDForest, rxBTrees,
rxNaiveBayes, and rxKmeans) automatically distribute computations across the nodes of the cluster. It is assumed
that copies of the data are in the same path on each node. (Other options are discussed in the RevoScaleR
Distributed Computing Guide.)
Now you can re-run the large scale regression, this time just specifying the name of the data file without the path:
dataFile <- "AirOnTime87to12.xdf"

delayCarrierLocDist <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier+Origin+Dest,

data = dataFile, cube = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 30)

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

The computations are automatically distributed over all the nodes of the cluster.
To reset the compute context to your local machine, use:


Next steps
If you missed the first tutorial, see Practice data import and exploration for an overview.
For more advanced lessons, see Write custom chunking algorithms.

See Also
Machine Learning Server
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
RevoScaleR Functions
Tutorial: Analyzing loan data with RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

This example builds on what you learned in an earlier tutorial by showing you how to import .csv files to create an
.xdf file, and use statistical RevoScaleR functions to summarize the data. As before, you'll work with sample data
to complete the steps.

Get the mortgage default data set

Data import and exploration are covered further on, but to complete those steps you will need a collection of .csv
files providing the sample data.
The sample data used in this tutorial consists of simulated data on mortgage defaults. A small version of the data
set is pre-installed with the RevoScaleR package that ships with R Client and Machine Learning Server. It
provides 100,000 observations. Alternatively, you can download a larger version of the data set providing 10
million observations.
Use the pre-installed .csv files
Small versions of the data sets can be found in the sample data directory:


Each file contains 10,000 rows, for a total of 100,000 observations.

Download the larger data set
To work with a larger dataset, you can download mortDefault, a set of ten comma-separated files, each of which
contains one million observations of simulated data on mortgage defaults. You can download zipped from this
web site. Windows users should download the zip version, Linux users should download
mortDefault.tar.gz. File size is approximately 220 MB unpacked.
When downloading these files, put them in a directory where you can easily access them. For example, create a
directory "C:\MRS\BigData" and unpack the files there. When running examples using these files, you will want
to specify this location as your bigDataDir. For example:

bigDataDir <- "C:\MRS\BigData"

Each download contains ten files, each of which contains one million observations for a total of 10 million:

About the data

This example uses simulated data at the individual level to analyze loan defaults. Data has been collected every
year for 10 years on mortgage holders, stored in a comma delimited data set for each year. The data contains 5
default – a 0/1 binary variable indicating whether or not the mortgage holder defaulted on the loan
creditScore – a credit rating
yearsEmploy – the number of years the mortgage holder has been employed at their current job
ccDebt – the amount of credit card debt
houseAge – the age (in years) of the house
year – the year the data was collected
As in previous tutorials, you can use package help to get more information by typing ?mortDefaultSmall at the >
prompt in the R interactive window.

Specify the input files and output XDF file

The first step is to import the data into an XDF file format for analysis. First, specify the source files you will be
For the smaller data sets that exist in the sample data directory, enter:

sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

mortCsvDataName <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "mortDefaultSmall")

For the large files, enter the location of your downloaded data:

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

mortCsvDataName <- file.path(bigDataDir, "mortDefault", "mortDefault")

Notice that the file path uses a forward slash / character. This is the correct syntax, even for file paths on Windows
operating systems that would otherwise use the back slash character.
Next, specify the name of the .xdf file you will create in your working directory (use "mortDefault" instead of
"mortDefaultSmall" if you are using the large data sets):

mortXdfFileName <- "mortDefaultSmall.xdf"

mortXdfFileName <- "mortDefault.xdf"

Import a set of files in a loop using append

Use the rxImport function to import the data. When the first data file is read, a new XDF file is created using the
dataFileName specified above. Subsequent data files are appended to that XDF file. Within the loop, the name of
the imported data file is created.

append <- "none"

for (i in 2000:2009)
importFile <- paste(mortCsvDataName, i, ".csv", sep="")
mortDS <- rxImport(importFile, mortXdfFileName, append=append)
append <- "rows"

Output will be a series of Rows Read notifications, one for each file.
If you have previously imported the data and created the .xdf data source, you can create an .xdf data source
representing the file us RxXdfData:
To get a basic summary of the data set and show the first 5 rows enter:

rxGetInfo(mortDS, numRows=5)

Output for the small data files should be as follows:

File name: C:\YourWorkingDir\mortDefaultSmall.xdf

Number of observations: 1e+05
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 10
Compression type: zlib
Data (5 rows starting with row 1):
creditScore houseAge yearsEmploy ccDebt year default
1 691 16 9 6725 2000 0
2 691 4 4 5077 2000 0
3 743 18 3 3080 2000 0
4 728 22 1 4345 2000 0
5 745 17 3 2969 2000 0

Output for large data files:

File name: C:\YourWorkingDir\mortDefault.xdf

Number of observations: 1e+07
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 20
Compression type: zlib
Data (5 rows starting with row 1):
creditScore houseAge yearsEmploy ccDebt year default
1 615 10 5 2818 2000 0
2 780 34 5 3575 2000 0
3 735 12 1 3184 2000 0
4 713 15 5 6236 2000 0
5 689 10 5 6817 2000 0

Computing Summary Statistics

Use the rxSummary function to compute summary statistics for the variables in the data set, setting the
blocksPerRead to 2.

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if the script runs locally on R Client.

rxSummary(~., data = mortDS, blocksPerRead = 2)

The following output is returned (for the large data set):

rxSummary(formula = ~., data = mortDS, blocksPerRead = 2)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~.

File name: C:\YourWorkingDir\mortDefault.xdf
Number of valid observations: 1e+07
Number of missing observations: 0

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

creditScore 700.0382475 5.000443e+01 432 955 1e+07 0
houseAge 20.0007868 7.646592e+00 0 40 1e+07 0
yearsEmploy 5.0042771 2.009815e+00 0 15 1e+07 0
ccDebt 5003.6681809 1.988664e+03 0 15566 1e+07 0
year 2004.5000000 2.872281e+00 2000 2009 1e+07 0
default 0.0049555 7.022068e-02 0 1 1e+07 0

Computing a Logistic Regression

Using the binary default variable as the dependent variable, estimate a logistic regression using year, creditScore,
yearsEmploy, and ccDebt as independent variables. Year is an integer value; if we include it as-is in the regression,
we would get an estimate of a single coefficient for it indicating the trend in mortgage defaults.
Alternatively, we can treat year as a categorical or factor variable by using the F function. The benefit is that we
get a separate coefficient estimated for each year (except the last), telling us which years have higher default rates,
while controlling for the other variables in the regression. The logistic regression is specified as follows:

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

logitObj <- rxLogit(default~F(year) + creditScore +

yearsEmploy + ccDebt,
data = mortDS, blocksPerRead = 2,
reportProgress = 1)

You will see timings for each iteration and the final results printed. The results for the large data set are:
rxLogit(formula = default ~ F(year) + creditScore + yearsEmploy +
ccDebt, data = mortDS, blocksPerRead = 2, reportProgress = 1)

Logistic Regression Results for: default ~ F(year) + creditScore + yearsEmploy + ccDebt

File name: C:\YourWorkingDir\mortDefault.xdf
Dependent variable(s): default
Total independent variables: 14 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 1e+07
Number of missing observations: 0
-2*LogLikelihood: 300023.0364 (Residual deviance on 9999987 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -7.294e+00 7.773e-02 -93.84 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2000 -3.996e+00 3.428e-02 -116.57 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2001 -2.722e+00 2.148e-02 -126.71 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2002 -3.865e+00 3.236e-02 -119.43 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2003 -4.182e+00 3.661e-02 -114.24 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2004 -4.721e+00 4.625e-02 -102.09 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2005 -4.903e+00 4.930e-02 -99.45 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2006 -4.442e+00 4.098e-02 -108.39 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2007 -3.209e+00 2.546e-02 -126.02 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2008 -7.228e-01 1.240e-02 -58.28 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2009 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
creditScore -6.761e-03 1.062e-04 -63.67 2.22e-16 ***
yearsEmploy -2.736e-01 2.698e-03 -101.41 2.22e-16 ***
ccDebt 1.365e-03 3.922e-06 348.02 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 6.685

Number of iterations: 10

Computing a Logistic Regression with Many Parameters

If you are using the large mortDefault data set, you can continue and estimate a logistic regression with many
One of the variables in the data set is houseAge. As with year, we have no reason to believe that the logistic
expression is linear with respect to the age of the house. We can look at how the age of the house is related to the
default rate by including houseAge in the formula as a categorical variable, again using the F function. A
coefficient will be estimated for 40 of the 41 values of houseAge.

logitObj <- rxLogit(default ~ F(houseAge) + F(year)+
creditScore + yearsEmploy + ccDebt,
data = mortDS, blocksPerRead = 2, reportProgress = 1))

The results of the estimation are:

rxLogit(formula = default ~ F(houseAge) + F(year) + creditScore +
yearsEmploy + ccDebt, data = dataFileName, blocksPerRead = 2,
reportProgress = 1)

Logistic Regression Results for: default ~ F(houseAge) + F(year) +

creditScore + yearsEmploy + ccDebt
File name: mortDefault.xdf
Dependent variable(s): default
Total independent variables: 55 (Including number dropped: 2)
Total independent variables: 55 (Including number dropped: 2)
Number of valid observations: 1e+07
Number of missing observations: 0
-2*LogLikelihood: 287165.5811 (Residual deviance on 9999947 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -8.889e+00 2.043e-01 -43.515 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=0 -4.160e-01 2.799e-01 -1.486 0.137262
F_houseAge=1 -1.712e-01 2.526e-01 -0.678 0.497815
F_houseAge=2 -3.593e-01 2.433e-01 -1.477 0.139775
F_houseAge=3 -1.183e-01 2.274e-01 -0.520 0.602812
F_houseAge=4 -2.874e-02 2.177e-01 -0.132 0.895000
F_houseAge=5 8.370e-02 2.106e-01 0.397 0.691025
F_houseAge=6 -1.524e-01 2.088e-01 -0.730 0.465538
F_houseAge=7 5.902e-03 2.033e-01 0.029 0.976837
F_houseAge=8 9.319e-02 2.000e-01 0.466 0.641225
F_houseAge=9 1.180e-01 1.977e-01 0.597 0.550485
F_houseAge=10 2.850e-01 1.954e-01 1.459 0.144683
F_houseAge=11 4.472e-01 1.936e-01 2.310 0.020911 *
F_houseAge=12 4.951e-01 1.929e-01 2.567 0.010266 *
F_houseAge=13 7.642e-01 1.918e-01 3.985 6.75e-05 ***
F_houseAge=14 9.484e-01 1.911e-01 4.963 6.93e-07 ***
F_houseAge=15 1.141e+00 1.905e-01 5.991 2.09e-09 ***
F_houseAge=16 1.305e+00 1.902e-01 6.863 6.76e-12 ***
F_houseAge=17 1.481e+00 1.899e-01 7.797 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=18 1.622e+00 1.897e-01 8.552 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=19 1.821e+00 1.895e-01 9.610 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=20 1.895e+00 1.893e-01 10.012 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=21 2.063e+00 1.893e-01 10.893 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=22 2.056e+00 1.894e-01 10.859 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=23 2.094e+00 1.894e-01 11.056 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=24 2.052e+00 1.895e-01 10.831 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=25 1.980e+00 1.896e-01 10.440 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=26 1.901e+00 1.898e-01 10.014 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=27 1.748e+00 1.901e-01 9.193 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=28 1.613e+00 1.906e-01 8.466 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=29 1.397e+00 1.913e-01 7.304 2.22e-16 ***
F_houseAge=30 1.340e+00 1.919e-01 6.987 2.82e-12 ***
F_houseAge=31 1.127e+00 1.930e-01 5.840 5.23e-09 ***
F_houseAge=32 8.557e-01 1.951e-01 4.386 1.15e-05 ***
F_houseAge=33 6.801e-01 1.976e-01 3.442 0.000576 ***
F_houseAge=34 6.015e-01 2.002e-01 3.004 0.002666 ***
F_houseAge=35 5.077e-01 2.050e-01 2.477 0.013239 *
F_houseAge=36 2.856e-01 2.098e-01 1.361 0.173455
F_houseAge=37 1.988e-01 2.192e-01 0.907 0.364336
F_houseAge=38 1.050e-01 2.311e-01 0.454 0.649508
F_houseAge=39 1.778e-01 2.422e-01 0.734 0.462974
F_houseAge=40 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
F_year=2000 -4.111e+00 3.482e-02 -118.075 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2001 -2.802e+00 2.185e-02 -128.261 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2002 -3.972e+00 3.282e-02 -121.025 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2003 -4.307e+00 3.711e-02 -116.064 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2004 -4.852e+00 4.676e-02 -103.770 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2005 -5.019e+00 4.973e-02 -100.921 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2006 -4.563e+00 4.152e-02 -109.901 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2007 -3.303e+00 2.587e-02 -127.649 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2008 -7.461e-01 1.261e-02 -59.171 2.22e-16 ***
F_year=2009 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
creditScore -6.987e-03 1.079e-04 -64.747 2.22e-16 ***
yearsEmploy -2.821e-01 2.746e-03 -102.729 2.22e-16 ***
ccDebt 1.406e-03 4.092e-06 343.586 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 5254.541

Number of iterations: 10
We can extract the coefficients from logitObj for the houseAge variables and plot them:

cc <- coef(logitObj)
df <- data.frame(Coefficient=cc[2:41], HouseAge=0:39)
rxLinePlot(Coefficient~HouseAge,data=df, type="p")

The resulting plot shows that the age of the house is associated with a higher default rate in the middle of the
range than for younger and older houses.

Compute the Probability of Default

Using the rxPredict function, we can compute the probability of default for given characteristics using our
estimated logistic regression model as input. First create some vectors containing values of interest for each of
the independent variables:

creditScore <- c(300, 700)

yearsEmploy <- c( 2, 8)
ccDebt <- c(5000, 10000)
year <- c(2008, 2009)
houseAge <- c(5, 20)

Now create a data frame with combinations of those values:

predictDF <- data.frame(
creditScore = rep(creditScore, times = 16),
yearsEmploy = rep(rep(yearsEmploy, each = 2), times = 8),
ccDebt = rep(rep(ccDebt, each = 4), times = 4),
year = rep(rep(year, each = 8), times = 2),
houseAge = rep(houseAge, each = 16))

Using the rxPredict function, we can compute the predicted probability of default for each of the variable
combinations. The predicted values will be added to the outData data set, if it already exists:

predictDF <- rxPredict(modelObject = logitObj, data = predictDF,

outData = predictDF)
predictDF[order(predictDF$default_Pred, decreasing = TRUE),]

The results should be printed to your console, with the highest default rate at the top:

creditScore yearsEmploy ccDebt year houseAge default_Pred

29 300 2 10000 2009 20 9.879328e-01
21 300 2 10000 2008 20 9.748884e-01
31 300 8 10000 2009 20 9.377608e-01
13 300 2 10000 2009 5 9.304742e-01
23 300 8 10000 2008 20 8.772219e-01
5 300 2 10000 2008 5 8.638767e-01
30 700 2 10000 2009 20 8.334778e-01
15 300 8 10000 2009 5 7.112344e-01
22 700 2 10000 2008 20 7.035689e-01
7 300 8 10000 2008 5 5.387369e-01
32 700 8 10000 2009 20 4.794787e-01
14 700 2 10000 2009 5 4.500066e-01
24 700 8 10000 2008 20 3.040133e-01
6 700 2 10000 2008 5 2.795344e-01
16 700 8 10000 2009 5 1.308739e-01
25 300 2 5000 2009 20 6.756520e-02
8 700 8 10000 2008 5 6.664645e-02
17 300 2 5000 2008 20 3.321951e-02
27 300 8 5000 2009 20 1.316013e-02
9 300 2 5000 2009 5 1.170657e-02
19 300 8 5000 2008 20 6.284003e-03
1 300 2 5000 2008 5 5.585628e-03
26 700 2 5000 2009 20 4.410500e-03
11 300 8 5000 2009 5 2.175239e-03
18 700 2 5000 2008 20 2.096317e-03
3 300 8 5000 2008 5 1.032677e-03
28 700 8 5000 2009 20 8.146337e-04
10 700 2 5000 2009 5 7.236564e-04
20 700 8 5000 2008 20 3.864641e-04
2 700 2 5000 2008 5 3.432878e-04
12 700 8 5000 2009 5 1.332594e-04
4 700 8 5000 2008 5 6.319589e-05

Next steps
If you missed the first tutorial, see Practice data import and exploration for an overview.
For more advanced lessons, see Write custom chunking algorithms.

See Also
Machine Learning Server
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
RevoScaleR Functions
Tutorial: Analyzing US census data with RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

This example builds on what you learned in an earlier tutorial by exploring the import and statistical RevoScaleR
functions typically used with larger data sets. As before, you'll work with sample data to complete the steps.

Download the census dataset

The data set used in this tutorial is CensusUS5Pct2000.xdf. You can download the .xdf file or zipped files from this
web site.
When downloading these files, put them in a directory where you can easily access them. For example, create a
directory "C:\MRS\BigData" and unpack the files there. When running examples using these files, you will want to
specify this location as your bigDataDir. For example:

bigDataDir <- "C:\MRS\BigData"

Explore the data

The built-in data set CensusWorkers.xdf provides a subsample of the 2000 5% IPUMS U.S. Census data. It
contains information on individuals from 20 to 65 years old in the states of Connecticut, Indiana, and Washington
who worked during 2000.
First, let’s learn a little about the sample data set:

sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

dataFile <- file.path( sampleDataDir, "CensusWorkers")
rxGetInfo(dataFile, getVarInfo=TRUE, numRows=3)

The results show that the data set has 6 variables and a little over 300,000 observations.

File name: …SampleData\CensusWorkers.xdf

Number of observations: 351121
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 6
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: age, Age
Type: integer, Low/High: (20, 65)
Var 2: incwage, Wage and salary income
Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 354000)
Var 3: perwt, Type: integer, Low/High: (2, 168)
Var 4: sex, Sex
2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 5: wkswork1, Weeks worked last year
Type: integer, Low/High: (21, 52)
Var 6: state
3 factor levels: Connecticut Indiana Washington
Data (3 rows starting with row 1):
age incwage perwt sex wkswork1 state
1 23 22000 39 Female 45 Indiana
2 25 18000 27 Female 52 Indiana
3 43 12000 24 Female 52 Indiana
Plotting the Weighted Counts of Males and Females by Age
Use rxCube to compute and plot the Age/Sex distribution by year of age for the data set. This data set has
probability weights associated with each observation in the variable perwt. We will use those weights in our
calculations. As seen above, age is an integer variable. We would like to have it treated as a categorical or factor
variable in the calculation, so we will use the F () function when using age in the formula:

ageSex <- rxCube(~F(age):sex, data=dataFile, pweights="perwt")

To extract a data frame containing the counts for every combination of age and sex, use rxResultsDF:

ageSexDF <- rxResultsDF(ageSex)

Now plot the number of males and females by age.

rxLinePlot(Counts~age, groups=sex, data=ageSexDF,

title="2000 U.S. Workers by Age and Sex")

The resulting graph is shown below:

The graph shows us that for the population in the data set, there are more men than women at every age.

Looking at Wage Income by Age and Sex

Next, run a regression looking at the relationship between age, sex, and wage income and plot the results:
wageAgeSexLm <- rxLinMod(incwage~F(age):sex, data=dataFile,
pweights="perwt", cube=TRUE)
wageAgeSex <- rxResultsDF(wageAgeSexLm)
colnames(wageAgeSex) <- c("Age","Sex","WageIncome","Counts" )
rxLinePlot(WageIncome~Age, data=wageAgeSex, groups=Sex,
title="Wage Income by Age and Sex")

The resulting graph shows that, in this data set, wage income is higher for males than females at every age:

Looking at Weeks Worked by Age and Sex

We can further explore the data by looking at the relationship between weeks worked and age and sex, following
a similar process.

workAgeSexLm <- rxLinMod(wkswork1 ~ F(age):sex, data=dataFile,

pweights="perwt", cube=TRUE)
workAgeSex <- rxResultsDF(workAgeSexLm)
colnames(workAgeSex) <- c("Age","Sex","WeeksWorked","Counts" )
rxLinePlot( WeeksWorked~Age, groups=Sex, data=workAgeSex,
main="Weeks Worked by Age and Sex")

This resulting graph shows that it is also the case that on average females work fewer weeks per year at every age
during the working years:
Looking at Wage Income by Age, Sex, and State
Last, we can drill down by state. For example, let’s look at the distribution of wage income by sex for each of the
three states. First, do the computations as in the earlier examples:

wageAgeSexStateLm <- rxLinMod(incwage~F(age):sex:state, data=dataFile,

pweights="perwt", cube=TRUE)
wageAgeSexState <- rxResultsDF(wageAgeSexStateLm)
colnames(wageAgeSexState) <-
c("Age","Sex","State", "WageIncome","Counts" )

Now draw the plot:

rxLinePlot(WageIncome~Age|State, groups=Sex, data=wageAgeSexState,

layout=c(3,1), main="Wage Income by Age and Sex")
Subsetting an .xdf File into a Data Frame
One advantage of storing data in .xdf file is that it is very fast to access a subsample of rows and columns. If not
too large, the subset of data can be easily read into a data frame and analyzed using any of the numerous
functions available for data frames in R. For example, suppose that we want to perform further analysis on
workers in Connecticut who are 50 years old or under:

ctDataFrame <- rxDataStep (inData=dataFile,

rowSelection = (state == "Connecticut") & (age <= 50))
head(ctDataFrame, 5)

The resulting data frame has only 60,755 observations, so can be used quite easily in R for analysis. For example,
use the standard R summary function to compute descriptive statistics:


This should give the result:

age incwage perwt sex
Min. :20.00 Min. : 0 Min. : 2.00 Male :31926
1st Qu.:30.00 1st Qu.: 17500 1st Qu.: 16.00 Female:28829
Median :37.00 Median : 32000 Median : 19.00
Mean :36.57 Mean : 42601 Mean : 20.30
3rd Qu.:43.00 3rd Qu.: 50000 3rd Qu.: 25.00
Max. :50.00 Max. :354000 Max. :152.00
wkswork1 state
Min. :21.00 Connecticut:60755
1st Qu.:50.00 Indiana : 0
Median :52.00 Washington : 0
Mean :49.07
3rd Qu.:52.00

Next steps
If you missed the first tutorial, see Practice data import and exploration for an overview.
For more advanced lessons, see Write custom chunking algorithms.

See Also
Machine Learning Server
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
RevoScaleR Functions
Tips on Computing with Big Data in R
4/13/2018 • 13 minutes to read • Edit Online

Working with very large data sets yields richer insights. You can relax assumptions required with smaller data sets
and let the data speak for itself. But big data also presents problems, especially when it overwhelms hardware
The RevoScaleR package that is included with Machine Learning Server provides functions that process in
parallel. Analysis functions are threaded to use multiple cores, and computations can be distributed across multiple
computers (nodes) on a cluster or in the cloud.
In this article, we review some tips for handling big data with R.

Upgrade hardware
It is always best to start with the easiest things first, and in some cases getting a better computer, or improving the
one you have, can help a great deal. Usually the most important consideration is memory. If you are analyzing data
that just about fits in R on your current system, getting more memory will not only let you finish your analysis, it is
also likely to speed up things by a lot. This is because your operating system starts to “thrash” when it gets low on
memory, removing some things from memory to let others continue to run. This can slow your system to a crawl.
Getting more cores can also help, but only up to a point. R itself can generally only use one core at a time
internally. In addition, for many data analysis problems the bottlenecks are disk I/O and the speed of RAM, so
efficiently using more than 4 or 8 cores on commodity hardware can be difficult.

Minimize copies of data

When working with small data sets, an extra copy is not a problem. With big data it can slow the analysis, or even
bring it to a screeching halt. Be aware of the ‘automatic’ copying that occurs in R. For example, if a data frame is
passed into a function, a copy is only made if the data frame is modified. But if a data frame is put into a list, a copy
is automatically made. In many of the basic analysis algorithms, such as lm and glm, multiple copies of the data set
are made as the computations progress, resulting in serious limitations in processing big data sets. The
RevoScaleR analysis functions (for instance, rxSummary, rxCube, rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxGlm, rxKmeans) are all
implemented with a focus on efficient use of memory; data is not copied unless absolutely necessary. The plot
below shows an example of how reducing copies of data and tuning algorithms can dramatically increase speed
and capacity.
Process data in chunks
Processing your data a chunk at a time is the key to being able to scale your computations without increasing
memory requirements. External memory (or “out-of-core”) algorithms don’t require that all of your data be in
RAM at one time. Data is processed a chunk at time, with intermediate results updated for each chunk. When all of
the data is processed, final results are computed. The core functions provided with RevoScaleR all process data in
chunks. So, if the number of rows of your data set doubles, you can still perform the same data analyses—it will
just take longer, typically scaling linearly with the number of rows. Your analysis is not bound by memory
constraints. The plot following shows how data chunking allows unlimited rows in limited RAM.
The biglm package, available on CRAN, also estimates linear and generalized linear models using external
memory algorithms, although they are not parallelized.

Compute in parallel
Using more cores and more computers (nodes) is the key to scaling computations to really big data. Since data
analysis algorithms tend to be I/O bound when data cannot fit into memory, the use of multiple hard drives can be
even more important than the use of multiple cores.
The RevoScaleR analysis functions are written to automatically compute in parallel on available cores, and can
also be used to automatically distribute computations across the nodes of a cluster. These functions combine the
advantages of external memory algorithms (see Process Data in Chunks preceding) with the advantages of High-
Performance Computing. That is, these are Parallel External Memory Algorithm’s (PEMAs)—external memory
algorithms that have been parallelized. Such algorithms process data a chunk at a time in parallel, storing
intermediate results from each chunk and combining them at the end. Iterative algorithms repeat this process until
convergence is determined. Any external memory algorithm that is not “inherently sequential” can be parallelized;
results for one chunk of data cannot depend upon prior results. Dependence on data from a prior chunk is OK, but
must be handled specially. The plot following shows an example of how using multiple computers can dramatically
increase speed, in this case taking advantage of memory caching on the nodes to achieve super-linear speedups.
Microsofts’ foreach package, which is open source and available on CRAN, provides easy-to-use tools for
executing R functions in parallel, both on a single computer and on multiple computers. This is useful for
“embarrassingly parallel” types of computations such as simulations, which do not involve lots of data and do not
involve communication among the parallel tasks.

Leverage integers
In R the two choices for continuous data are numeric, which is an 8 byte (double) floating point number and
integer, which is a 4-byte integer. If your data can be stored and processed as an integer, it's more efficient to do so.
First, it only takes half of the memory. Second, in some cases integers can be processed much faster than doubles.
For example, if you have a variable whose values are integral numbers in the range from 1 to 1000 and you want
to find the median, it is much faster to count all the occurrences of the integers than it is to sort the variable. A
tabulation of all the integers, in fact, can be thought of as a way to compress the data with no loss of information.
The resulting tabulation can be converted into an exact empirical distribution of the data by dividing the counts by
the sum of the counts, and all of the empirical quantiles including the median can be obtained from this. The R
function tabulate can be used for this, and is very fast. The following code illustrates this:

nd = sample(as.numeric(1:1000),size = 1e+8, replace = TRUE)

system.time(nit <- tabulate(as.integer(nd)))
system.time(nds <- sort(nd))

A vector of 100 million doubles is created, with randomized integral values in the range from 1 to 1,000. Sorting
this vector takes about 15 times longer than converting to integers and tabulating, and 25 times longer if the
conversion to integers is not included in the timing (this is relevant if you convert to integers once and then
operate multiple times on the resulting vector).
Sometimes decimal numbers can be converted to integers without losing information. An example is temperature
measurements of the weather, such as 32.7, which can be multiplied by 10 to convert them into integers.
RevoScaleR provides several tools for the fast handling of integral values. For instance, in formulas for linear and
generalized linear models and other analysis functions, the “F ()” function can be used to virtually convert numeric
variables into factors, with the levels represented by integers. The rxCube function allows rapid tabulations of
factors and their interactions (for example, age by state by income) for arbitrarily large data sets.

Use efficient file formats and data types

If your data doesn’t easily fit into memory, you want to store it as a .xdf for fast access from disk. If you use
appropriate data types, you can save on storage space and access time. Take advantage of integers, and store data
in 32-bit floats not 64-bit doubles. A 32-bit float can represent seven decimal digits of precision, which is more
than enough for most data, and it takes up half the space of doubles. (Save the 64-bit doubles for computations).
Recognize that relational databases are not always optimal for storing data for analysis. Even with the best
indexing they are typically not designed to provide fast sequential reads of blocks of rows for specified columns,
which is the key to fast access to data on disk. RevoScaleR provides an efficient .xdf file format that provides
storage of a wide variety of data types, and is designed for fast sequential reads of blocks of data. There are tools
for rapidly accessing data in .xdf files from R and for importing data into this format from SAS, SPSS, and text files
and SQL Server, Teradata, and ODBC connections.

Load only data you need

Even though a data set may have many thousands of variables, typically not all of them are being analyzed at one
time. The .xdf file format is designed for easy access to column-based variables. By just reading from disk the
actual variables and observations needed for analysis, you can speed up the analysis considerably. For example,
when estimating a model, only the variables used in the model are read from the .xdf file.

Minimize loops
It is well-known that processing data in loops in R can be very slow compared with vector operations. For example,
if you compare the timings of adding two vectors, one with a loop and the other with a simple vector operation,
you find the vector operation to be orders of magnitude faster:

n <- 1000000
x1 <- 1:n
x2 <- 1:n
y <- vector()
system.time( for(i in 1:n){ y[i] <- x1[i] + x2[i] })
system.time( y <- x1 + x2)

On a good laptop, the loop over the data was timed at about 430 seconds, while the vectorized add is barely
timetable. In R the core operations on vectors are typically written in C, C++ or FORTRAN, and these compiled
languages can provide much greater speed for this type of code than can the R interpreter.

Use compiled languages

One of the best features of R is its ability to integrate easily with other languages, including C, C++, and
FORTRAN. You can pass R data objects to other languages, do some computations, and return the results in R
data objects. It is typically the case that only small portions of an R program can benefit from the speedups that
compiled languages like C, C++, and FORTRAN can provide. Indeed, much of the code in the base and
recommended packages in R is written in this way—the bulk of the code is in R but a few core pieces of
functionality are written in C, C++, or FORTRAN. The type of code that benefits the most from this involves loops
over data vectors. The package Rcpp, which is available on CRAN, provides tools that make it very easy to convert
R code into C++ and to integrate C and C++ code into R. Before writing code in another language, it pays to do
some research to see if the type of functionality you want is already available in R, either in the base and
recommended packages or in a 3rd party package. For example, all of the core algorithms for the RevoScaleR
package are written in optimized C++ code. It also pays to do some research to see if there is publically available
code in one of these compiled languages that does what you want.

Use batch processing

When working with small data sets, it is common to perform data transformations one at a time. For instance, one
line of code might create a new variable, and the next line might multiply that variable by 10. Each of these lines of
code processes all rows of the data. With a big data set that cannot fit into memory, there can be substantial
overhead to making a pass through the data. With RevoScaleR’s rxDataStep function, you can specify multiple
data transformations that can be performed in just one pass through the data, processing the data a chunk at a
time. A little planning ahead can save a lot of time.

Use row-oriented data transforms

When data is processed in chunks, basic data transformations for a single row of data should in general not be
dependent on values in other rows of data. The key is that your transformation expression should give the same
result even if only some of the rows of data are in memory at one time. Data manipulations using lags can be done
but require special handling.

Use factor variables with caution

Categorical or factor variables are extremely useful in visualizing and analyzing big data, but they need to be
handled efficiently with big data because they are typically expanded when used in modeling. For example, if you
use a factor variable with 100 categories as an independent variable in a linear model with lm, behind the scenes
100 dummy variables are created when estimating the model. The analysis modeling functions in RevoScaleR use
special handling of categorical data to minimize the use of memory when processing them; they do not generally
need to explicitly create dummy variable to represent factors.
Creating factor variables also often takes more careful handling with big data sets. This is because not all of the
factor levels may be represented in a single chunk of data. For example, if you want to use the factor function in a
data transformation used on chunks of data, you must explicitly specify the levels or you might end up with
incompatible factor levels from chunk to chunk. The rxImport and rxFactors functions in RevoScaleR provide
functionality for creating factor variables in big data sets.

Watch for same-size inputs and outputs

Most analysis functions return a relatively small object of results that can easily be handled in memory. But
occasionally, output has the same number of rows as your data, for example, when computing predictions and
residuals from a model. In order for this to scale, you want the output written out to a file rather than kept in
memory. For this reason, the RevoScaleR modeling functions such as rxLinMod, rxLogit, and rxGlm do not
automatically compute predictions and residuals. The rxPredict function provides this functionality and can add
predicted values to an existing .xdf file.

Sort with caution

When working with small data sets, it is common to sort data at various stages of the analysis process. Although
RevoScaleR’s rxSort function is very efficient for .xdf files and can handle data sets far too large to fit into
memory, sorting is by nature a time-intensive operation, especially on big data.
One of the major reasons for sorting is to compute medians and other quantiles. As noted above in the section on
taking advantage of integers, when the data consists of integral values, a tabulation of those values is generally
much faster than sorting and gives exact values for all empirical quantiles. Even when the data is not integral,
scaling the data and converting to integers can give very fast and accurate quantiles. As an example, if the data
consists of floating point values in the range from 0 to 1,000, converting to integers and tabulating will bound the
median or any other quantile to within two adjacent integers. Interpolation within those values can get you closer,
as can a small number of additional iterations. If the original data falls into some other range (for example, 0 to 1),
scaling to a larger range (for example, 0 to 1,000) can accomplish the same thing. The rxQuantile function uses this
approach to rapidly compute approximate quantiles for arbitrarily large data.
Another major reason for sorting is to make it easier to compute aggregate statistics by groups. If the data are
sorted by groups, then contiguous observations can be aggregated. However, it is often possible, and much faster,
to make a single pass through the original data and to accumulate the desired statistics by group. The aggregate
function can do this for data that fits into memory, and RevoScaleR’s rxSummary, rxCube, and rxCrossTabs
provide extremely fast ways to do this on large data.
The RevoScaleR functions rxRoc, and rxLorenz are other examples of ‘big data’ alternatives to functions that
traditionally rely on sorting.
In summary, by using the tips and tools outlined above you can have the best of both worlds: the ability to rapidly
extract information from big data sets using R and the flexibility and power of the R language to manipulate and
graph this information.
Python Samples for Machine Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The following samples are available for Python users. Use these as examples of how to Machine Learning Server

EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION Use a regression to predict wine quality.

Sentiment analysis Featurize text data as a bag of counts of n-grams and train a
model to predict if the text expresses positive or negative

Grid Search How to improve model prediction by choosing optimal

hyperparameters for the learner.
Python samples for MicrosoftML
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

MicrosoftML samples that use the Python language are described and linked here to help you get started quickly
with Microsoft Machine Learning Server. We provide samples for tasks that are quick to run. We also provide
some more advanced samples that are described in sections following the simpler task-based samples.

Samples for tasks

EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION Find a frontier to separate two clouds of data points. Convert categorical data to numerical data to classify it. Modeling limitations when feature set is too large. Use image featurization for image classification. Use image featurization for finding similar images. How to do multi-class classification on the Iris Dataset. How loss function parameters effect model errors when

training a linear classifier. Why input schemas for training and testing must be the
same. How to select and merge features before training. Use a regression to predict wine quality.

Sentiment analysis with a pre-trained model

The Sentiment analysis sample is a text analytics sample that shows how to use the featurize_text transform to
featurize text data. The featurized text data is then used to train a model to predict if a sentence expresses positive
or negative sentiments. The type of machine learning task exhibited in this sample is a supervised binary
classification problem.
More specifically, the example provided shows how to use the featurize_text transform in the MicrosoftML
package to produce a bag of counts of n-grams (sequences of consecutive words) from the text for classification.
The sample uses the Sentiment Labelled Sentences Data Set from the UCI repository, which contains sentences
that are labeled as positive or negative sentiment.
The sentiment analysis quickstart uses a pre-trained model. Pre-trained models are installed through setup as an
optional component of the Machine Learning Server or SQL Server Machine Learning. To install them, you
must check the ML Models checkbox on the Configure the installation page. For more information on pre-
trained models, see Pre-trained machine learning models.
Optimal hyperparameters to recognize epileptic seizures
The Grid Search sample analyzes the Epileptic Seizure Recognition Data Set to determine whether epileptic
seizures have occurred. The sample uses logistic regression on regrouped data for the binary classification to
make predictions.
The sample then shows how to improve the prediction by choosing optimal hyperparameters for the learner. All
learners employ hyperparameters which impact the way a model is trained. Most of the time, they have a default
value which works on most of the datasets. But the default values are not usually the best possible value for a
particular dataset. This sample show how to find optimal values for this dataset.

Sentiment analysis with text featurization

Text featurization is a machine learning technique that converts text into numerical values that are used to capture
features of interest. The Plot text featurization sample is a text analytics example that creates columns features
containing n-grams probabilities for positive and negative sentiments computed from their sentences. The
featurized text data is then used to train a model to predict if a sentence expresses positive or negative sentiments.
We repeat the training and prediction with n-grams of different lengths and compare their speed and performance
with an ROC curve. We also show how to use a combination of two sets of features and plot the results. For more
information on text featurization, see text featurization.

Next steps
Now that you've tried some of these examples, you can start developing your own solutions using the
MicrosoftML packages and APIs for R and Python:
MicrosoftML R package functions
MicrosoftML Python package functions
R Samples for Machine Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The following samples are available for R developers. Use these as examples to learn Machine Learning Server
functions in R script or code.


Sample data in RevoScaleR Links and instructions for using built-in sample data and
online data sets.

RevoScaleR rxExecBy parallel processing example Demo script illustrating rxExecBy for parallel processing.

R Server with Sparklyr example Sample code and instructions.

R samples for MicrosoftML Descriptions and links to various samples showing how to use
machine learning algorithms in R script or code.

See also
Python samples
Sample data for RevoScaleR and revoscalepy
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Sample data is available both within the RevoScaleR and revoscalepy packages, and online.

On the web, additional data sets, including large ones that we don't ship in the product, can be found at

Location of built-in RevoScaleR sample data

On Windows, the default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML
On Linux, the default location is /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.2.1/libraries/RServer/RevoScaleR/SampleData

Location of built-in revoscalepy sample data

On Windows, the default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER\Lib\site-
On Linux, the default location is

How to access built-in sample data using RevoScaleR functions

RevoScaleR provides functions for retrieving information about sample data. Use one of the R console
applications to execute the open R list.files command with the RevoScaleR rxGetOption function and the
SampleDataDir argument.
1. Open the R console or start a Revo64 session.
On Windows, you can run Rgui.exe, located at \Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\bin\x64.
On Linux, you can type Revo64 at the command line.
2. Retrieve the file list by entering the following command at the command prompt:


The open-source R list.files command returns a file list provided by the RevoScaleR rxGetOption
function and the sampleDataDir argument.

If you are a Windows user and new to R, be aware that R script is case-sensitive. If you mistype the rxGetOption function
or its parameter, you will get an error instead of the file list.

File list
You should see the following files
[1] "AirlineDemo1kNoMissing.csv" "AirlineDemoSmall.csv"
[3] "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf" "AirlineDemoSmallComposite"
[5] "AirlineDemoSmallOrc" "AirlineDemoSmallParquet"
[7] "AirlineDemoSmallSplit" "AirlineDemoSmallUC.xdf"
[9] "ccFraudScoreSmall.csv" "ccFraudSmall.csv"
[11] "CensusWorkers.xdf" "claims.dat"
[13] "claims.sas7bdat" "claims.sav"
[15] "claims.sd7" "claims.sqlite"
[17] "claims.sts" "claims.txt"
[19] "claims.xdf" "claims_.txt"
[21] "claims4blocks.xdf" "claimsExtra.txt"
[23] "claimsParquet" "claimsQuote.txt"
[25] "claimsTab.txt" "claimsTxt"
[27] "claimsXdf" "CustomerSurvey.xdf"
[29] "DJIAdaily.xdf" "fourthgraders.xdf"
[31] "hyphens.txt" "Kyphosis.xdf"
[33] "mortDefaultSmall.xdf" "mortDefaultSmall2000.csv"
[35] "mortDefaultSmall2001.csv" "mortDefaultSmall2002.csv"
[37] "mortDefaultSmall2003.csv" "mortDefaultSmall2004.csv"
[39] "mortDefaultSmall2005.csv" "mortDefaultSmall2006.csv"
[41] "mortDefaultSmall2007.csv" "mortDefaultSmall2008.csv"
[43] "mortDefaultSmall2009.csv" "mrsDebugParquet"
[45] "README" "testAvro4.bin"
[47] "Utf16leDb.sqlite"

Sample data is provided in multiple formats so that you can step through various data import scenarios using
different data formats and techniques.
XDF is the native file format engineered for fast retrieval of columnar data. In this format, data is stored in
blocks, which is an advantage on distributed file systems and for import operations that include append or
overwrites at the block level.
CSV files are used to showcase multi-file import operations.
Several other data formats are used for platform-specific lessons.
Most of the built-in data sets are small enough to fit in-memory. Larger data sets containing the full airline,
census, and mortgage default data sets are available for download online.

How to load sample data into SQL Server

You can easily upload any CSV file into SQL Server if you want to step through demos or example script in the
documentation. Use SQL Server Management Studio to import the data. You must have write access on the
server. The following exercise creates two databases: RevoClaimsDB based on claims.txt, and RevoAirlineDB
based on AirlineDemoSmall.csv.
1. In Object Explorer, create a new database named RevoClaimsDB, using default values for everything else.
2. Right-click RevoClaimsDB > Tasks > Import Data.
3. In Choose a Data Source:
For Data source, select Flat File Source.
For File name, navigate to the sample data directory (by default, it is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML
Server\R_SERVER\Library\RevoScaleR\SampleData), and select claims.txt and click Open.
For Format > Text qualifier, replace with a double quote character ". Stripping out the double quotation
marks from column headings will simplify the query syntax later when importing data into a
RevoScaleR session.
Accept the rest of the defaults by clicking Next.
4. In Choose a Destination:
For Destination, scroll down and select SQL Server Native Client 11.0.
Server name should be local, authentication should be Windows, and the database should be
Accept the defaults by clicking Next.
5. In Select Source Tables and Views:
Click Preview to confirm that column headings do not contain double quotes.
If you see quotes enclosing the column header names, the easiest way to remove them is start over,
remembering to set the Text qualifier field in step 3.
6. In Save and Run Package, click Finish to create the database.
7. Repeat for the airline demo data and any other data sets you want to upload.

How to generate random numbers

Random numbers are useful in testing and learning scenarios. R has extensive facilities for managing random
number generation, and these facilities are all fully supported in RevoScaleR. In addition, RevoScaleR provides
an interface to random number generators supplied by the Vector Statistical Library (VSL ) that is part of Intel’s
Math Kernel Library. The VSL random number generators are most useful in a distributed setting, where they
allow parallel processes to generate uncorrelated random number streams.
To use one of these generators, call the RevoScaleR function rxRngNewStream, specifying the generator (the
default is a version of the Mersenne-Twister, MT-2203), the desired substream (if applicable), and a seed

See Also
Machine Learning Server
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server RevoScaleR Functions
RevoScaleR rxExecBy parallel processing example
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Many of our enterprise customers don’t have a "big data, big model" problem. They have a "small data, many
models" problem, where there is a need to train separate models such as ARIMA (for time-series forecasting) or
boosted trees over a large number of small data sets. The trained models could be used for time-series predictions,
or to score fresh data for each small data partition. Typical examples include time-series forecasting of smart
meters for households, revenue forecasting for product lines, or loan approvals for bank branches.
The new rxExecBy function in RevoScaleR is designed for use cases calling for high-volume parallel processing
over a large number of small data sets. Given this data profile, you can use rxExecBy to read in the data, partition
the data, and then call a function to iterate over each partition in parallel.

How to use rxExecBy

rxExecBy takes four inputs and produces an output for each partition, in whatever product the user-defined
function computes. The function can be almost any user-defined or analytical or statistical function from the
collection of Machine Learning Server packages, able to execute jobs in parallel. The data sets can be .csv files
loaded via RxTextData . The parallel processing occurs when you run the rxExecby script on a platform offering
distributed computing. In this case, either Spark or SQL Server Machine Learning Services.


Data sources RxTextData, RxXdfData, RxHiveData, RxParquetData,

RxOrcData, rxSparkDataOps

Keys Choose one or more fields used to group data, such as an ID.

Compute context rxSpark, rxInSQLServer

User-defined functions rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxPredict, rxGlm, rxCovCor, rxDtree, and


Sample code using Airline data set

To demonstrate rxExecBy , we will use the airline dataset with flight delay data values for multiple airports, over
multiple years. In just the small dataset alone, there are over #### data points.
In our demonstration, our objective is to understand the flight delays by day of the week; in other words, the
average delay for Mondays, Tuesdays, and so forth. The script in this tutorial shows you how to accomplish this
task using rxExecBy .
cc <- rxSparkConnect(reset = TRUE)

delayFunc <- function(key, data, params) {

df <- rxImport(inData = data)
rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime, data = df)

airlineData <-
colInfo = list(
ArrDelay = list(type = "numeric"),
DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor")
fileSystem = RxHdfsFileSystem()

returnObjs <- rxExecBy(airlineData, c("DayOfWeek"), delayFunc)


See Also
RevoScaleR with sparklyr step-by-step examples
6/18/2018 • 13 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server supports the sparklyr package from RStudio. Machine Learning Server packages such
as RevoScaleR and sparklyr can be used together within a single Spark session. This walkthrough shows you two
approaches for using these technologies together:
Example 1: sparklyr data and MRS analytics
Example 2: MRS data and sparklyr analytics

To run the example code, your environment must provide the following criteria:
A Hadoop cluster with Spark and valid installation of Machine Learning Server
Machine Learning Server configured for Hadoop and Spark
Machine Learning Server SampleData loaded into HDFS
gcc and g++ installed on the edgenode that the example runs on
Write permissions to the R Library Directory
Read/Write permissions to HDFS directory /user/RevoShare
An internet connection or the ability to download and manually install sparklyr

Install the sparklyr package

How you install the sparklyr R package depends on whether or not you are on HDI.
Windows, Linux, or Hadoop users
Since the default MRAN package snapshot for your version of Machine Learning Server is used automatically, you
can install sparklyr like you would any other package.


Azure HDInsight (HDI ) users

If on HDI, you need to specify the MRAN snapshot date that contains the required package version. For Machine
Learning Server use 2017-05-01.

options(repos = "")


Load data into HDFS

To load SampleData into HDFS, run these commands from within an edge node with MRS installed:
hadoop fs -mkdir /share
hadoop fs -mkdir /share/SampleData
# Standard RevoScaleR path is: /usr/lib64/microsoft-r/3.3/lib64/R/library/RevoScaleR/
# this will vary if you installed via Cloudera Parcels, to find the correct path
# please use command: sudo find / -name SampleData
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <Path-To-RevoScaleR>/SampleData/* /share/SampleData
# To validate everything was copied, compare the outputs of:
hadoop fs -ls /share/SampleData
# and:
ls -la <Path-To-RevoScaleR>/SampleData/

Example 1: sparklyr data with MRS modeling

This example assumes dployr and sparklyr data structures, with model training and predictive analysis using
Machine Learning Server.
1. Create a connection to Spark using rxSparkConnect() , specifying a sparklyr interop; using sparklyr and its
interfaces to connect to Spark.
2. Call rxGetSparklyrConnection() on the compute context to get a sparklyr connection object.
3. Use dplyr to load mtcars into a Spark DataFrame via the sparklyr connection object.
4. Partition the data in-Spark into a training and scoring set using dplyr.
5. After partitioning, register the training set DataFrame in Spark to a Hive table.
6. Train a model in ScaleR using rxLinMod() on an RxHiveData() object.
7. With the trained model, run a toy prediction using rxPredict() on the test partition.
8. After prediction, take the root mean square to determine accuracy.

Data is the Standard R dataset mtcars for this example. For more information, see Motor Trend Car Road Tests.

Sample Code

# Install sparklyr

# Load required libraries


# Connect to Spark using rxSparkConnect, specifying 'interop = "sparklyr"'

# this will create a sparklyr connection to spark, and allow you to use
# dplyr for data manipulation. Using rxSparkConnect in this way will use
# default values and rxOptions for creating a Spark connection, please
# see "?rxSparkConnect" for how to define parameters specific to your setup
cc <- rxSparkConnect(reset = TRUE, interop = "sparklyr")

# The returned Spark connection (sc) provides a remote dplyr data source
# to the Spark cluster using SparlyR within rxSparkConnect.
sc <- rxGetSparklyrConnection(cc)

# Next, load mtcars in to Spark using a dplyr pipeline

mtcars_tbl <- copy_to(sc, mtcars)
# Now, partition the data into Training and Test partitions using dplyr
partitions <- mtcars_tbl %>%
filter(hp >= 100) %>%
mutate(cyl8 = cyl == 8) %>%
sdf_partition(training = 0.5, test = 0.5, seed = 1099)

# Register the partitions as DataFrames using sparklyr

sdf_register(partitions$training, "cars_training")
sdf_register(partitions$test, "cars_test")

# Create a RxHiveData Object for each

cars_training_hive <- RxHiveData(table = "cars_training",
colInfo = list(cyl = list(type = "factor")))
cars_test_hive <- RxHiveData(table = "cars_test",
colInfo = list(cyl = list(type = "factor")))

# Use the Training set to train a model with rxLinMod()

lmModel <- rxLinMod(mpg ~ wt + cyl, cars_training_hive)

# Take a summary of the trained model (this step is optional)


# Currently, for rxPredict(), only XDF files are supported as an output

# The following command will create the directory "/user/RevoShare/MTCarsPredRes"
# to hold the composite XDF.
pred_res_xdf <- RxXdfData("/user/RevoShare/MTCarsPredRes", fileSystem = RxHdfsFileSystem())

# Run rxPredict, specifying the outData as our RxXdfData() object, write

# the model variables into the results object so we can analyze out accuracy
# after the prediction completes
pred_res_xdf <- rxPredict(lmModel, data = cars_test_hive, outData = pred_res_xdf,
overwrite = TRUE, writeModelVars = TRUE)

# Now, import the results from HDFS into a DataFrame so we can see our error
pred_res_df <- rxImport(pred_res_xdf)

# Calculate the Root Mean Squared error of our prediction

sqrt(mean((pred_res_df$mpg - pred_res_df$mpg_Pred)^2, na.rm = TRUE))

# When you are finished, close the connection to Spark


Sample Output, Comments Removed

> library(RevoScaleR)
> library(sparklyr)
> library(dplyr)
> cc <- rxSparkConnect(reset = TRUE, interop = "sparklyr")
No Spark applications can be reused. It may take 1 to 2 minutes to launch a new Spark application.
> sc <- rxGetSparklyrConnection(cc)
> mtcars_tbl <- copy_to(sc, mtcars)
> partitions <- mtcars_tbl %>%
+ filter(hp >= 100) %>%
+ mutate(cyl8 = cyl == 8) %>%
+ sdf_partition(training = 0.5, test = 0.5, seed = 1099)
> sdf_register(partitions$training, "cars_training")
Source: query [8 x 12]
Database: spark connection master=yarn-client app=sparklyr-scaleR-spark-won2r0FHOA-azureuser-37220-
CB63BD4AD48648F79996CA7B24E1493D local=FALSE

mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb cyl8

<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>
1 10.4 8 460.0 215 3.00 5.424 17.82 0 0 3 4 TRUE
2 14.3 8 360.0 245 3.21 3.570 15.84 0 0 3 4 TRUE
3 15.0 8 301.0 335 3.54 3.570 14.60 0 1 5 8 TRUE
4 15.8 8 351.0 264 4.22 3.170 14.50 0 1 5 4 TRUE
5 16.4 8 275.8 180 3.07 4.070 17.40 0 0 3 3 TRUE
6 18.7 8 360.0 175 3.15 3.440 17.02 0 0 3 2 TRUE
7 21.0 6 160.0 110 3.90 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4 FALSE
8 21.4 4 121.0 109 4.11 2.780 18.60 1 1 4 2 FALSE
> sdf_register(partitions$test, "cars_test")
Source: query [15 x 12]
Database: spark connection master=yarn-client app=sparklyr-scaleR-spark-won2r0FHOA-azureuser-37220-
CB63BD4AD48648F79996CA7B24E1493D local=FALSE

mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb cyl8

<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>
1 10.4 8 472.0 205 2.93 5.250 17.98 0 0 3 4 TRUE
2 13.3 8 350.0 245 3.73 3.840 15.41 0 0 3 4 TRUE
3 14.7 8 440.0 230 3.23 5.345 17.42 0 0 3 4 TRUE
4 15.2 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.780 18.00 0 0 3 3 TRUE
5 15.2 8 304.0 150 3.15 3.435 17.30 0 0 3 2 TRUE
6 15.5 8 318.0 150 2.76 3.520 16.87 0 0 3 2 TRUE
7 17.3 8 275.8 180 3.07 3.730 17.60 0 0 3 3 TRUE
8 17.8 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.440 18.90 1 0 4 4 FALSE
9 18.1 6 225.0 105 2.76 3.460 20.22 1 0 3 1 FALSE
10 19.2 6 167.6 123 3.92 3.440 18.30 1 0 4 4 FALSE
11 19.2 8 400.0 175 3.08 3.845 17.05 0 0 3 2 TRUE
12 19.7 6 145.0 175 3.62 2.770 15.50 0 1 5 6 FALSE
13 21.0 6 160.0 110 3.90 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4 FALSE
14 21.4 6 258.0 110 3.08 3.215 19.44 1 0 3 1 FALSE
15 30.4 4 95.1 113 3.77 1.513 16.90 1 1 5 2 FALSE
> cars_training_hive <- RxHiveData(table = "cars_training",
+ colInfo = list(cyl = list(type = "factor")))
> cars_test_hive <- RxHiveData(table = "cars_test",
+ colInfo = list(cyl = list(type = "factor")))
> lmModel <- rxLinMod(mpg ~ wt + cyl, cars_training_hive)
> summary(lmModel)
rxLinMod(formula = mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = cars_training_hive)

Linear Regression Results for: mpg ~ wt + cyl

Data: cars_training_hive (RxSparkData Data Source)
Dependent variable(s): mpg
Total independent variables: 5 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 8
Number of missing observations: 0

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 28.8015 3.4673 8.307 0.00115 **
wt -2.6624 1.0436 -2.551 0.06323 .
cyl=8.0 -3.3873 2.3472 -1.443 0.22246
cyl=6.0 -0.1471 2.6869 -0.055 0.95897
cyl=4.0 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 1.899 on 4 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.8462
Adjusted R-squared: 0.7309
F-statistic: 7.338 on 3 and 4 DF, p-value: 0.04199
Condition number: 9.7585
> pred_res_xdf <- RxXdfData("/user/RevoShare/MTCarsPredRes", fileSystem = RxHdfsFileSystem())
> pred_res_xdf <- rxPredict(lmModel, data = cars_test_hive, outData = pred_res_xdf,
+ overwrite = TRUE, writeModelVars = TRUE)
> pred_res_df <- rxImport(pred_res_xdf)
> sqrt(mean((pred_res_df$mpg - pred_res_df$mpg_Pred)^2, na.rm = TRUE))
[1] 2.295512
> rxSparkDisconnect(cc)
We have shut down the current Spark application and switched to local compute context.

Example 2: MRS data with sparklyr and dplyR modeling

This example uses the airline data set. It includes multiple Machine Learning Server approaches for loading data,
such as RxTextData for CSV files, and RxOrcData or RxParquetData for those formats. You can try different
approaches by commenting out inactive paths. Given this data, the examples show you how to partition and train
a model with sparklyr.
1. Create a connection to Spark using rxSparkConnect() , specifying a sparklyr interop; using sparklyr and its
interfaces to connect to Spark.
2. Call rxGetSparklyrConnection() on the compute context to get a sparklyr connection object.
3. Use Machine Learning Server to load data from many sources.
4. Partition the data in-Spark into a training and scoring set using dplyr.
5. After partitioning, register the training set DataFrame in Spark to a Hive table.
6. Train a model using sparklyr to call Spark ML algorithms.
7. Take a summary of the trained model to see estimates and errors.
Sample Code

# # # # #
# It is assumed at this point that you have installed sparklyr
# Proceed to load the required libraries

# Connect to Spark using rxSparkConnect

cc <- rxSparkConnect(reset = TRUE, interop = "sparklyr")

# The returned Spark connection (sc) provides a remote dplyr data source
# to the Spark cluster using SparlyR within rxSparkConnect.
sc <- rxGetSparklyrConnection(cc)

# Bind RxHdfsFileSystem to a variable, this will reduce code clutter

hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()
# # # #
# There are many data sources which we can use in MRS, in the this section
# we will go through 4 different file based data sources and how to import
# data for use in Spark. If you wish to use any of these data sources, simply
# comment out line number 40
# One data source is XDF files stored in HDFS. Here we create an Data Object from
# a composite XDF from HDFS, this can then be held in memory as a DataFrame, or
# loaded into a Hive Table.
AirlineDemoSmall <- RxXdfData(file="/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmallComposite", fileSystem = hdfsFS)
# Another option is CSV files stored in HDFS. To create a CSV Data Object from HDFS
# we would use RxTextData(). This can also be used for othere plain text type formats
AirlineDemoSmall <- RxTextData("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv", fileSystem = hdfsFS)
# A third option is Parquet data using RxParquetData()
AirlineDemoSmall <- RxParquetData("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmallParquet", fileSystem = hdfsFS)
# Lastly, ORC Data using RxOrcData()
AirlineDemoSmall <- RxOrcData("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmallOrc", fileSystem = hdfsFS)
# # # #

# Continuing with our example, first, prepare your data for loading, for this,
# I'll proceed with XDF data, but any of the previously specified data sources
# are valid.
AirlineDemoSmall <- RxXdfData(file="/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmallComposite", fileSystem = hdfsFS)

# Regardless of which data source used, to work with it using dplyr, we need to
# write it to a Hive table, so, Next, create a Hive Data Object using RxHiveData()
AirlineDemoSmallHive <- RxHiveData(table="AirlineDemoSmall")

# Use rxDataStep to load the data into the table

# this depends on data
rxDataStep(inData = AirlineDemoSmall, outFile = AirlineDemoSmallHive,
overwrite = TRUE) # takes about 90 seconds on 1 node cluster

# If you wanted the data as a data frame in Spark, you would use
# rxDataStep() like so:
# AirlineDemoSmalldf <- rxDataStep(inData = AirlineDemoSmall,
# overwrite = TRUE)
# But data must be in a Hive Table for use with dplyr as an In-Spark
# object

# To see that the table was created list all Hive tables

# Next, define a dplyr data source referencing the Hive table

# This caches the data in Spark
tbl_cache(sc, "airlinedemosmall")
flights_tbl <- tbl(sc, "airlinedemosmall")

# Print out a few rows of the table


# Filter the data to remove missing observations

model_data <- flights_tbl %>%
filter(! %>%
select(ArrDelay, CRSDepTime, DayOfWeek)
select(ArrDelay, CRSDepTime, DayOfWeek)

# Now, partition data into training and test sets using dplyr
model_partition <- model_data %>%
sdf_partition(train = 0.8, test = 0.2, seed = 6666)

# Fit a linear model using Spark's ml_linear_regression to attempt

# to predict CRSDepTime by Day of Week and Delay
ml1 <- model_partition$train %>%
ml_linear_regression(CRSDepTime ~ DayOfWeek + ArrDelay)

# Run a summary on the model to see the estimated CRSDepTime per Day of Week

# When you are finished, close the connection to Spark


Sample Output, Comments Removed

> library(RevoScaleR)
> library(sparklyr)
> library(dplyr)

Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

filter, lag

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

> cc <- rxSparkConnect(reset = TRUE, interop = "sparklyr")
No Spark applications can be reused. It may take 1 to 2 minutes to launch a new Spark application.
> sc <- rxGetSparklyrConnection(cc)
> hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()
> AirlineDemoSmall <- RxXdfData(file="/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmallComposite", fileSystem = hdfsFS)
> AirlineDemoSmall <- RxTextData("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv", fileSystem = hdfsFS)
> AirlineDemoSmall <- RxParquetData("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmallParquet", fileSystem = hdfsFS)
> AirlineDemoSmall <- RxOrcData("/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmallOrc", fileSystem = hdfsFS)
> AirlineDemoSmall <- RxXdfData(file="/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmallComposite", fileSystem = hdfsFS)
> AirlineDemoSmallHive <- RxHiveData(table="AirlineDemoSmall")
> rxDataStep(inData = AirlineDemoSmall, outFile = AirlineDemoSmallHive,
+ overwrite = TRUE) # takes about 90 seconds on 1 node cluster

> src_tbls(sc)
[1] "airlinedemosmall" "mtcarspredres"
> tbl_cache(sc, "airlinedemosmall")
> flights_tbl <- tbl(sc, "airlinedemosmall")
> flights_tbl
Source: query [6e+05 x 3]
Database: spark connection master=yarn-client app=sparklyr-scaleR-spark-won2r0FHOA-azureuser-39513-
2B056E9B34EA4304A8088EB4EE2281D1 local=FALSE

ArrDelay CRSDepTime DayOfWeek

<int> <dbl> <chr>
1 -4 6.666667 Friday
2 43 8.000000 Friday
3 -10 6.666667 Sunday
4 -13 8.000000 Sunday
5 3 6.666667 Monday
6 -9 8.000000 Monday
7 -34 10.249999 Sunday
8 -15 10.249999 Monday
9 82 10.249999 Tuesday
10 13 10.249999 Wednesday
# ... with 6e+05 more rows
> model_data <- flights_tbl %>%
+ filter(! %>%
+ select(ArrDelay, CRSDepTime, DayOfWeek)
> model_partition <- model_data %>%
+ sdf_partition(train = 0.8, test = 0.2, seed = 6666)
> ml1 <- model_partition$train %>%
+ ml_linear_regression(CRSDepTime ~ DayOfWeek + ArrDelay)
* No rows dropped by 'na.omit' call
> summary(ml1)
Call: ml_linear_regression(., CRSDepTime ~ DayOfWeek + ArrDelay)

Deviance Residuals: (approximate):

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-18.5909 -3.9953 -0.1025 3.8427 11.4574

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 13.29014268 0.01861252 714.0432 < 2e-16 ***
DayOfWeek_Monday -0.01653608 0.02504743 -0.6602 0.50913
DayOfWeek_Saturday -0.27756084 0.02580578 -10.7558 < 2e-16 ***
DayOfWeek_Sunday 0.38942350 0.02514204 15.4889 < 2e-16 ***
DayOfWeek_Thursday 0.06014716 0.02616861 2.2984 0.02154 *
DayOfWeek_Tuesday -0.00214295 0.02663735 -0.0804 0.93588
DayOfWeek_Wednesday 0.04691710 0.02638572 1.7781 0.07538 .
ArrDelay 0.01315263 0.00016836 78.1235 < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-Squared: 0.01439
Root Mean Squared Error: 4.67
> rxSparkDisconnect(cc)
We have shut down the current Spark application and switched to local compute context.
The ability to use both Machine Learning Server and sparklyr from within one Spark session allow Machine
Learning Server users to quickly and seamlessly utilize features provided by sparklyr within their solutions.

Next step
For more background, see Get started with Machine Learning Server and RevoScaleR on Spark.

See also
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Tips on computing with big data
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
R samples for MicrosoftML
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

MicrosoftML samples that use the R language are described and linked here to help you get started quickly with
Microsoft Machine Learning Server. The sentiment analysis and image featurization quickstarts both use pre-
trained models.
Pre-trained models are installed through setup as an optional component of the Machine Learning Server or
SQL Server Machine Learning. To install them, you must check the ML Models checkbox on the Configure
the installation page. For details, see How to install and deploy pre-trained machine learning models with

Breast cancer prediction using rxFastLinear

This starter breast cancer prediction sample builds a model to predict breast cancer. It uses the well-known Breast
Cancer UCI dataset with rxFastLinear algorithm provided by the MicrosoftML package.
The type of machine learning task exhibited in this sample is a binary classification problem. Specifically, a given
set of cell mass characteristics is used to predict whether the mass is benign or malignant.

Sentiment analysis using featurizeText

The Sentiment analysis sample is a text analytics sample that shows how to use the featurizeText transform to
featurize text data. The featurized text data is then used to train a model to predict if a sentence expresses positive
or negative sentiments. The type of machine learning task exhibited in this sample is a supervised binary
classification problem.
More specifically, the example provided shows how to use the featurizeText transform in the MicrosoftML package
to produce a bag of counts of n-grams (sequences of consecutive words) from the text for classification. The
sample uses the Sentiment Labelled Sentences dataset from the UCI repository, which contains sentences that are
labeled as positive or negative sentiment.

Image featurization using featurizeImage

Image featurization is the process that takes an image as input and produces a numeric vector (aka feature vector)
that represents key characteristics (features) of that image. The features are extracted with an featurizeImage
transform that runs the image data through one of several available pre-trained Deep Neural Net (DNN ) models.
Two samples are provided in the MicrosoftML GitHub repo that show how to use these DNN models.
Sample 1: Find similar images: Here is the scenario this sample addresses: You have a catalog of images in a
repository. When you get a new image, you want to find the image from your catalog that most closely
matches this new image.
Sample 2: Train a model to classify images: Here is the scenario this sample addresses: train a model to
classify or recognize the type of an image using labeled observations from a training set provided. Specifically,
this sample trains a multiclass linear model using the rxLogisticRegression algorithm to distinguish between
fish, helicopter and fighter jet images. The multiclass training task uses the feature vectors of the images from
the training set to learn how to classify these images.
For some additional discussion on MicrosoftML support of pre-trained deep neural network models for image
featurization, see Image featurization with a pre-trained deep neural network model.
Retail churn tutorial
The Retail churn tutorial guides you through the steps for fitting a model that predicts retail churn. Customer
churn is an expensive problem in retail. We focus on predicting which customers are likely to churn, but do not
address how to prevent customers from churning.
The tutorial imports data from a retail database, creates a label identifying customers who have churned and
features based on customer purchase history, fits a model using multiple learning algorithms, and then compares
the performance of these fit models to select the best one.

Machine Learning Server's microsoft on HDInsight/Spark clusters

To create an HDInsight (Hadoop) cluster and connect it to R, see Get started using R Server on HDInsight
Microsoft Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 and 9.3 support the sparklyr package from RStudio. Machine Learning
Server and sparklyr can now be used in tandem within a single Spark session. For a walkthrough on how to use
this package, see Learn how to use Machine Learning Server with sparklyr.
Solution templates for Machine Learning Server and
Microsoft R Server 9.1/9.2
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Several solution templates exist to help you accelerate time to value when using Machine Learning Server or
Microsoft R Server 9.1/9.2. We offer solutions tailored to specific industries and problem sets: marketing,
healthcare, financial and retail.

► Marketing solutions
Campaign optimization
When a business launches a marketing campaign to interest customers in new or existing product(s), they often
use a set of business rules to select leads for their campaign to target. Machine learning can be used to help
increase the response rate from these leads.
This solution demonstrates how to use a model to predict actions that are expected to maximize the purchase rate
of leads targeted by the campaign. These predictions serve as the basis for recommendations to be used by a
renewed campaign on how to contact (for example, e-mail, SMS, or cold call) and when to contact (day of week and
time of day) the targeted leads.

Learn more: Deploy on:

- Home - SQL Server
- Code - HDInsight Spark Cluster

► Healthcare solutions
Predicting hospital length of stay
This solution enables a predictive model for Length of Stay for in-hospital admissions. Length of Stay (LOS ) is
defined in number of days from the initial admit date to the date that the patient is discharged from any given
hospital facility. There can be significant variation of LOS across various facilities and across disease conditions and
specialties even within the same healthcare system. Advanced LOS prediction at the time of admission can greatly
enhance the quality of care as well as operational workload efficiency and help with accurate planning for
discharges resulting in lowering of various other quality measures such as readmissions.

Learn more: Deploy on:

- Home - SQL Server
- Code

► Financial and retail solutions

Loan credit risk
If we had a crystal ball, we would only loan money to someone if we knew they would pay us back. A lending
institution can make use of predictive analytics to reduce the number of loans it offers to those borrowers most
likely to default, increasing the profitability of its loan portfolio. This solution is based on simulated data for a small
personal loan financial institution, containing the borrower’s financial history as well as information about the
requested loan. It uses predictive analytics to help decide whether or not to grant a loan for each borrower.

Learn more: Deploy on:

- Home - SQL Server
- Code - HDInsight Spark Cluster

Loan charge -off

A charged off loan is a loan that is declared by a creditor (usually a lending institution) that an amount of debt is
unlikely to be collected, usually when the loan repayment is severely delinquent by the debtor. Given that high
chargeoff has negative impact on lending institutions’ year end financials, lending institutions often monitor loan
chargeoff risk closely to prevent loans from getting charged-off. Using Azure HDInsight R Server, a lending
institution can leverage machine learning predictive analytics to predict the likelihood of loans getting charged off
and run a report on the analytics result stored in HDFS and hive tables.

Learn more: Deploy on:

- Home - SQL Server
- Code - HDInsight Spark Cluster

Fraud detection
Fraud detection is one of the earliest industrial applications of data mining and machine learning. This solution
shows how to build and deploy a machine learning model for online retailers to detect fraudulent purchase

Learn more: Deploy on:

- Home - SQL Server
- Code - HDInsight Spark Cluster
Compute context for script execution in Machine
Learning Server
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

In Machine Learning Server, a compute context refers to the physical location of the computational engine
handling a given workload. The default is local. However, if you have multiple machines, you can switch from
local to remote, pushing execution of data-centric RevoScaleR (R ), revoscalepy (Python), MicrosoftML (R ) and
microsoftml (Python) functions to a computational engine on another system. For example, script running
locally in R Client can shift execution to a remote Machine Learning Server in a Spark cluster to process data
The primary reason for shifting compute context is to eliminate data transfer over your network, bringing
computations to where the data resides. This is particularly relevant for big data platforms like Hadoop, where
data is distributed over multiple nodes, or for data sets that are simply too large for a client workstation.

Compare "local" to "remote"


Local Default, supported by all products (including R Client), on all

platforms. Script executes on local interpreters using local
machine resources.

Remote Specifically targets a Machine Learning Server on selected

data platforms: Spark over the Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS) and SQL Server. Clients, or servers acting in
the capacity of a client, can initiate a remote compute
context, but the target remote machine itself must be a
Machine Learning Server installation.

Compare "remote execution" to "remote compute context"

Although similarly named, remote execution is distinct from a remote compute context.


Remote compute context R and Python Data-centric and function- None required. If you have
specific. Script or code that server or client installs at
runs in a remote compute the same functional level,
context can include you can write script that
functions from our shifts the compute context.
proprietary libraries:
RevoScaleR (R),
MicrosoftML (R),
revoscalepy (Python), and
microsoftml (Python).

Remote execution R only Machine-oriented, using An operationalization

two or more Machine feature, enabled as a post-
Learning Server instances installation task. For more
interchangeably, or shifting information, see remote
execution from R Client to a execution.
more powerful Machine
Learning Server on
Windows or Linux. Remote
execution is data and
library agnostic: you can
call functions from any
library, including base R
and third-party vendors.

RevoScaleR compute context

Remote computing is available for specific data sources on selected platforms. The following tables document
the supported combinations.


RxLocalSeq local All server and client configurations

support a local compute context.

RxSpark spark Remote compute context. Target is a

Spark cluster on Hadoop.

RxInSqlServer sqlserver Remote compute context. Target

server is a single database node (SQL
Server 2016 R Services or SQL Server
2017 Machine Learning Services).
Computation is parallel, but not

RxLocalParallel localpar Compute context is often used to

enable controlled, distributed
computations relying on instructions
you provide rather than a built-in
scheduler on Hadoop. You can use
compute context for manual
distributed computing.

RxForeachDoPar dopar Use for manual distributed computing.

Data sources per compute context

Given a compute context, the following table shows which data sources are available (x indicates available):


RxTextData X X

RxXdfData X X

RxHiveData X X

RxParquetData X X

RxOrcData X X

RxOdbcData X

RxSqlServerData X X

RxSasData X

RxSpssData X

Within a data source type, you might find differences depending on the file system type and compute context. For
example, the .xdf files created on the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) are somewhat different from .xdf files
created in a non-distributed file system such as Windows or Linux. For more information, see How to use RevoScaleR on

revoscalepy compute context

Remote computing is available for specific data sources on selected platforms. The following tables document
the supported combinations for revoscalepy.


RxLocalSeq local All server and client configurations

support a local compute context.

rx-spark-connect spark Remote compute context. Target is a

Spark 2.0-2.1 cluster over Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS).

RxInSqlServer sqlserver Remote compute context. Target

server is a single database node (SQL
Server 2017 Machine Learning with
Python support). Computation is
parallel, but not distributed.

Data sources per compute context

Given a compute context, the following table shows which data sources are available (x indicates available):


RxTextData X X

RxXdfData X X

RxHiveData X X

RxParquetData X X

RxOrcData X X

RxSparkDataFrame X X

RxOdbcData X X

RxSqlServerData X X

When to switch context

The primary use case for switching the compute context is to bring calculations and analysis to the data itself.
As such, the use cases for a remote compute context leverage database platforms, such as SQL Server, or data
located on the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ) using Spark or MapReduce for processing layer.


Client to Server Write and run script locally in R Client, pushing specific
computations to a remote Machine Learning Server
instance. You can shift calculations to systems with more
powerful processing capabilities or database assets.

Server to Server Push platform-specific computations to a server on a

different platform. Supported platforms include SQL Server,
Hadoop (Spark). You can implement a distributed
processing architecture: RxLocalSeq, RxSpark, RxInSqlServer.

Context and distributed computing

Many analytical functions in RevoScaleR, MicrosoftML, revoscalepy, and microsoftml can execute in parallel.
On a multi-core computer, such functions run multi-threaded. On a distributed platform like Hadoop, the
functions distribute workload execution to all available cores and nodes. This capability translates into high-
performance computing for predictive and statistical analysis of big data, and is a major motivation for pushing
a compute context to a remote Hadoop cluster. For more information, see Distributed and parallel computing
in Machine Learning Server.

Next steps
Step-by-step instructions on how to get, set, and manage compute context in How to set and manage compute
context in Machine Learning Server.

See also
Introduction to Machine Learning Server
Install Machine Learning Server on Windows
Install Machine Learning Server on Linux
Install Machine Learning Server on Hadoop
Distributed and parallel computing in Machine
Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server's computational engine is built for distributed and parallel processing, automatically
partitioning a workload across multiple nodes in a cluster, or on the available threads on multi-core machine.
Access to the engine is through functions in our properietary packages: RevoScaleR (R ), revoscalepy (Python),
and machine learning algorithms in MicrosoftML (R ) and microsoftml (Python), respectively.
RevoScaleR and revoscalepy provide data structures and data operations used in downstream analyses and
predictions. Both libraries are designed to process large data one chunk at a time, independently and in parallel.
Each computing resource needs access only to that portion of the total data source required for its particular
computation. This capability is amplified on distributed computing platforms like Spark. Instead of passing large
amounts of data from node to node, the computations are farmed out to nodes in the cluster, executing on the
node providing the data.

Architectures supporting workload distribution

On a single server with multiple cores, jobs run in parallel, assuming the workload can be divided into smaller
pieces and executed on multiple threads.
On a distributed platform like Hadoop, you might write script that runs locally on one node, such as an edge
node in the cluster, but shift execution to worker nodes for bigger jobs. When executed on a distributed platform
like Spark over Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ), both revoscalepy and RevoScaleR automatically use all
available cores on all nodes in a cluster.
Distributed and parallel processing is revo-managed, where the engine assigns a job to an available computing
resource (a node in cluster, or a thread on a multi-core machine), thereby becoming the logical master node for
that job. The master node is responsible for the following operations:
1. Distributes the computation to itself and the other computing resources
2. Gathers the results of the independent, parallel computations
3. Finalizes and returns the results
To shift execution to the worker nodes in a cluster, you have to set the compute context to the platform. For
example, you might use the local compute context on an edge node to prepare data or set up variables, and then
shift context to RxSpark or RxHadoopMR to run data analysis on worker nodes.
Shifting to a Spark or HadoopMR compute context comes with a list of supported data sources for that platform.
Assuming the data inputs you want to analyze are supported in a Spark or Hadoop compute context, your scripts
for distributed analysis can include any of the functions noted in this article. For a list of supported data sources
by compute context, see Compute context for script execution in Machine Learning Server.

Distributed computing is conceptually similar to parallel computing, but in Machine Learning Server, it specifically refers to
workload distribution across multiple physical servers. Distributed platforms contribute the following infrastructure used for
managing the entire operation: a job scheduler for allocating jobs, data nodes to run the jobs, and a master node for
tracking the work and coordinating the results. In practical terms, you can think of distributed computing as a capability
provided by Machine Learning Server for Hadoop and Spark.
Functions for multi-threaded data operations
Import, merge, and step transformations are multi-threaded on a parallel architecture.


RxImport rx-import

RxDataStep rx-data-step

RxMerge not available

Functions for distributed analysis

The following analytical functions execute in parallel, with the results unified as a single response in the return


rxSummary rx-summary

rxLinMod rx-lin-mod

rxLogit rx-logit

rxGlm not available

rxCovCor not available

rxCube not available

rxCrossTabs not available

rxKmeans not available

rxDTree rx-dtree

rxDForest rx-dforest

rxBTrees rx-btrees

rxNaiveBayes not available

For examples and practical tips on working with high-performance analytical functions, see Running distributed analyses
using RevoScaleR.

User-defined distributed analysis

An alternative approach is to use the rxExec (R ) or rx-exec (Python)function, which can run arbitrary R functions
in a distributed fashion on available cores, and all available nodes in a cluster. You can create new functions or call
existing functions in sequence, packaged as a single execution perfromed by rxExec.
When using rxExec, you largely control how the computational tasks are distributed and you are responsible for
any aggregation and final processing of results.

See also
Running distributed analyses using RevoScaleR
Compute context
What is RevoScaleR
What are web services in Machine Learning
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server

In Machine Learning Server, a web service is an R or Python code execution on the operationalization
compute node.
Data scientists can deploy R and Python code and models as web services into Machine Learning Server to
give other users a chance to use their code and predictive models. Once hosted there, these web services are
exposed and available for consumption.
Web services can be consumed directly in R or Python, programmatically using REST APIs, or via Swagger-
generated client libraries. They can be consumed synchronously, in realtime, or in batch mode. They can also
be deployed from one platform and consumed on another.
Web services facilitate the consumption and integration of the operationalized models and code they contain.
Once you've built a predictive model, in many cases the next step is to operationalize the model. That is to
generate predictions from the pre-trained model on demand. In this scenario, where new data often become
available one row at a time, latency becomes the critical metric. It is important to respond with the single
prediction (or score) as quickly as possible.
Each web service is uniquely defined by its name and version. You can use the functions in the mrsdeploy R
package or the azureml-model-management-sdk Python package to gain access a service's lifecycle from an
R or Python script.
Requirement! Before you can deploy and work with web services, you must have access to a Machine
Learning Server instance configured to host web services.
There are two types of web services: standard and realtime.

Standard web services

These web services offer fast execution and scoring of arbitrary Python or R code and models. They can
contain code, models, and model assets. They can also take specific inputs and provide specific outputs for
those users who are integrating the services inside their applications.
Standard web services, like all web services, are identified by their name and version. Additionally, they can
also be defined by any Python or R code, models, and any necessary model assets. When deploying a
standard web service, you should also define the required inputs and any output the application developers
use to integrate the service in their applications.
See a standard web service deployment example: R | Python

Realtime web services

Realtime web services do not support arbitrary code and only accept models created with the supported
functions from packages installed with the product. See the following sections for the list of supported
functions by language and package.
Realtime web services offer even lower latency to produce results faster and score more models in parallel.
The improved performance boost comes from the fact that these web services do not depend on an
interpreter at consumption time even though the services use the objects created by the model. Therefore,
fewer additional resources and less time is spent spinning up a session for each call. Additionally, the model is
only loaded once in the compute node and can be scored multiple times.
For realtime services, you do not need to specify:
inputs and outputs (dataframes are assumed)
code (only serialized models are supported)
See realtime web service deployment examples: R | Python
Supported R functions for realtime
A model object created with these supported functions:


RevoScaleR rxBTrees, rxDTree, rxDForest, rxLogit, rxLinMod

MicrosoftML Machine learning and transform tasks:

rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxLogisticRegression,
rxOneClassSvm, rxNeuralNet, rxFastLinear, featurizeText,
concat, categorical, categoricalHash, selectFeatures,
featurizeImage, getSentiment, loadimage, resizeImage,
extractPixels, selectColumns, and dropColumns

While mlTransform featurization is supported in realtime

scoring, R transforms are not supported. Instead, use

There are additional restrictions on the input dataframe format for microsoftml models:
1. The dataframe must have the same number of columns as the formula specified for the model.
2. The dataframe must be in the exact same order as the formula specified for the model.
3. The columns must be of the same data type as the training data. Type casting is not possible.
Supported Python functions for realtime

revoscalepy rx_btrees, rx_dforest, rx_dtree, rx_logit, rx_lin_mod

microsoftml Machine learning and transform tasks:

categorical, categorical_hash, concat, extract_pixels,
featurize_text, featurize_image, get_sentiment, rx_fast_trees,
rx_fast_forest, rx_fast_linear, rx_logistic_regression,
rx_neural_network, rx_oneclass_svm, load_image,
resize_image, select_columns, and drop_columns.

See the preceding input dataframe format restrictions.

Every time a web service is published, a version is assigned to the web service. Versioning enables users to
better manage the release of their web services and helps the people consuming your service to find it easily.
At publish time, specify an alphanumeric string that is meaningful to those users who consume the service.
For example, you could use '2.0', 'v1.0.0', 'v1.0.0-alpha', or 'test-1'. Meaningful versions are helpful when you
intend to share services with others. We highly recommend a consistent and meaningful versioning
convention across your organization or team such as semantic versioning. Learn more about semantic
versioning here:
If you do not specify a version, a globally unique identifier (GUID ) is automatically assigned. These GUID
numbers are long making them harder to remember and use.

Who consumes web services

After a web service has been published, authenticated users can consume that web service on various
platforms and in various languages. You can consume directly in R or Python, using APIs, or in your preferred
language via Swagger.
You can make it easy for others to find your web services by providing them with the name and version of the
web service.
Data scientists who want to explore and consume the services directly in R and in Python.
Quality engineers who want to bring the models in these web services into validation and monitoring
Application developers who want to call and integrate a web service into their applications.
Developers can generate client libraries for integration using the Swagger-based JSON file generated
during service deployment. Read "How to integrate web services and authentication into your
application" for more details. Services can also be consumed using the RESTful APIs that provide direct
programmatic access to a service's lifecycle.

How are web services consumed

Web services can be consumed using one of these approaches:


Request Response The service is consumed directly using a single synchronous

consumption call.
Learn how in R | in Python

Asynchronous Batch Users send a single asynchronous request to the server

who in turn makes multiple service calls on their behalf.
Learn how in R

By default, any authenticated Machine Learning Server user can:
Publish a new service
Update and delete web services they have published
Retrieve any web service object for consumption
Retrieve a list of any or all web services
Destructive tasks, such as deleting a web service, are available only to the user who initially created the
service. However, your administrator can also assign role-based authorization to further control the
permissions around web services. When you list services, you can see your role for each one of them.
See also
In R:
Deploy and manage web services in R
List, get, and consume web services in R
Asynchronous web service consumption via batch
In Python:
Deploy and manage web services in Python
List, get, and consume web services in Python
Pre-trained machine learning models for
sentiment analysis and image detection
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

For sentiment analysis of text and image classification, Machine Learning Server offers two approaches for
training the models: you can train the models yourself using your data, or install pre-trained models that
come with training data obtained and developed by Microsoft. The advantage of pre-trained models is that
you can score and classify new content right away.
Sentiment analysis scores raw unstructured text in positive-negative terms, returning a score between
0 (negative) and 1 (positive), indicating relative sentiment.
Image detection identifies features of the image. There are several use cases for this model: image
recognition, image classification. For image recognition, the model returns n-grams that possibly
describe the image. For image classification, the model evaluates images and returns a classification
based on possible classes you provided (for example, is the image a fish or a dog).
Pre-trained models are available for both R and Python development, through the MicrosoftML R package
and the microsoftml Python package.

Benefits of using pre-trained models

Pre-trained models have been made available to support customers who need to perform tasks such as
sentiment analysis or image featurization, but do not have the resources to obtain the large datasets or train
a complex model. Using pre-trained models lets you get started on text and image processing most
Currently the models that are available are deep neural network (DNN ) models for sentiment analysis and
image classification. All four pre-trained models were trained on CNTK. The configuration of each network
was based on the following reference implementations:
For more information about deep residual networks and their implementation using CNTK, go the Microsoft
Research web site and search for these articles:
Microsoft Researchers’ Algorithm Sets ImageNet Challenge Milestone
Microsoft Computational Network Toolkit offers most efficient distributed deep learning computational

How to install the models

Pre-trained models are installed through setup as an optional component of Machine Learning Server or
SQL Server Machine Learning. You can also get the R version of the models through Microsoft R Client.
1. Run a Machine Learning Server setup program for your target platform: Install Machine Learning
2. When specifying components to install, add at least one language (R Server or Python) and the pre-
trained models. Language support is required. The models cannot be installed as a standalone
3. After setup completes, verify the models are on your computer. Pre-trained models are local, added to
the MicrosoftML and microsftml library, respectively, when you run setup. The files are
\mxlibs<modelname>_updated.model for Python and \mxlibs\x64<modelname>_updated.model for
For samples demonstrating use of the pre-trained models, see R Samples for MicrosoftML and Python
Samples for MicrosoftML.

Next steps
Install the models by running the setup program or installation script for the target platform or product:
Install Machine Learning Server
Install R Client on Windows
Install R Client on Linux
Install Python client libraries
Review the associated function reference help:
featurize_image (microsoftml Python)
featurize_text (microsoftml Python)
featurizeImage (MicrosoftML R )
featurizeText (MicrosoftML R )
What is MicrosoftML?
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

MicrosoftML adds state-of-the-art data transforms, machine learning algorithms, and pre-trained models to R and
Python functionality. The data transforms provided by MicrosoftML allow you to compose a custom set of
transforms in a pipeline that are applied to your data before training or testing. The primary purpose of these
transforms is to allow you to format your data.
The MicrosoftML functions are provided through the MicrosoftML package installed with Machine Learning
Server, Microsoft R Client, and SQL Server Machine Learning Services.
Functions provide fast and scalable machine learning algorithms that enable you to tackle common machine
learning tasks such as classification, regression, and anomaly detection. These high-performance algorithms are
multi-threaded, some of which execute off disk, so that they can scale up to 100s of GBs on a single-node. They are
especially suitable for handling a large corpus of text data or high-dimensional categorical data. It enables you to
run these functions locally on Windows or Linux machines or on Azure HDInsight (Hadoop/Spark) clusters.
Pre-trained models for sentiment analysis and image featurization can also be installed and deployed with
MicrosoftML. For more information on the pre-trained models and samples, see R samples for MicrosoftML and
Python samples for MicrosoftML.

Match algorithms to machine learning tasks

Matching data transforms and machine learning algorithms to appropriate data science tasks is key to designing
successful intelligent applications.

Machine learning tasks

The MicrosoftML package implements algorithms that can perform a variety of machine learning tasks:
binary classification: algorithms that learn to predict which of two classes an instance of data belongs to.
These provide supervised learning in which the input of a classification algorithm is a set of labeled examples.
Each example is represented as a feature vector, and each label is an integer of value of 0 or 1. The output of a
binary classification algorithm is a classifier, which can be used to predict the label of new unlabeled instances.
multi-class classification: algorithms that learn to predict the category of an instance of data. These provide
supervised learning in which the input of a classification algorithm is a set of labeled examples. Each example is
represented as a feature vector, and each label is an integer between 0 and k-1, where k is the number of classes.
The output of a classification algorithm is a classifier, which can be used to predict the label of a new unlabeled
regression: algorithms that learn to predict the value of a dependent variable from a set of related independent
variables. Regression algorithms model this relationship to determine how the typical values of dependent
variables change as the values of the independent variables are varied. These provide supervised learning in
which the input of a regression algorithm is a set of examples with dependent variables of known values. The
output of a regression algorithm is a function, which can be used to predict the value of a new data instance
whose dependent variables are not known.
anomaly detection: algorithms that identify outliers that do not belong to some target class or conform to an
expected pattern. One-class anomaly detection is a type of unsupervised learning as the input data only
contains data that is from the target class and does not contain instances of anomalies to learn from.

Machine learning algorithms

The following table summarizes the MicrosoftML algorithms, the tasks they support, their scalability, and lists
some example applications.


rxFastLiner() / binary classification, linear #cols: ~1B; Mortgage default prediction,

rx_fast-linear() regression #rows: ~1B; Email spam filtering
Fast Linear model CPU: multi-proc

rxOneClassSvm() / anomaly detection cols: ~1K; Credit card fraud detection

rx_oneclass-svm() #rows: RAM-bound;
OneClass SVM CPU: single-proc

rxFastTrees() / binary classification, #cols: ~50K; Bankruptcy prediction

rx_fast-trees() regression #rows: RAM-bound;
Fast Tree CPU: multi-proc

rxFastForest() / binary classification, #cols: ~50K; Churn Prediction

rx_fast-forest() regression #rows: RAM-bound;
Fast Forest CPU: multi-proc

rxNeuralNet() / binary and multiclass #cols: ~10M; Check signature recognition,

rx_neural_network() classification, regression #rows: Inf; OCR, Click Prediction
Neural Network CPU: multi-proc CUDA GPU

rxLogisticRegression() / binary and multiclass #cols: ~100M; Classifying sentiments from

rx_logistic- classification #rows: Inf for single-proc feedback
regression() CPU
Logistic regression #rows: RAM-bound for
multi-proc CPU

Data transforms
MicrosoftML also provides transforms to help tailor your data for machine learning. They are used to clean,
wrangle, train, and score your data. For a description of the transforms, see Machine learning R transforms and
Machine learning Python transforms reference documentation.

Next steps
For reference documentation on the R individual transforms and functions in the product help, see MicrosoftML:
machine learning algorithms.
For reference documentation on the Python individual transforms and functions in the product help, see
MicrosoftML: machine learning algorithms.
For guidance when choosing the appropriate machine learning algorithm from the MicrosoftML package, see the
Cheat Sheet: How to choose a MicrosoftML algorithm.

See also
Machine Learning Server
R samples for MicrosoftML
Python samples for MicrosoftML
What is RevoScaleR?
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

RevoScaleR is a collection of proprietary functions in Machine Learning Server used for practicing data science at
scale. For data scientists, RevoScaleR gives you data-related functions for import, transformation and
manipulation, summarization, visualization, and analysis. At scale refers to the core engine's ability to perform
these tasks against very large datasets, in parallel and on distributed file systems, chunking and reconstituting data
when it cannot fit in memory.
RevoScaleR functions are provided through the RevoScaleR package installed for free in Microsoft R Client or
commercially in Machine Learning Server on supported platforms. RevoScaleR is also embedded in Azure
HDInsight, Azure Data Science virtual machines, and SQL Server.
The RevoScaleR functions run on a computational engine include in the aforementioned products. As such, the
package cannot be downloaded or used independently of the products and services that provide it.
RevoScaleR is engineered to adapt to the computational power of the platform it runs on. On Machine Learning
Server for Hadoop, script using RevoScaleR functions that run in parallel will automatically use nodes in the
cluster. Whereas on the free R Client, scale is provided at much lower levels (2 processors, data resides in-
RevoScaleR provides enhanced capabilities to many elements of the open-source R programming language. In
fact, there are RevoScaleR equivalents for many common base R functions, such as rxSort for sort(), rxMerge for
merge(), and so forth. Because RevoScaleR is compatible with the open-source R language, solutions often use a
combination of base R and RevoScaleR functions. RevoScaleR functions are denoted with an rx or Rx prefix to
make them readily identifiable in your R script that uses the RevoScaleR package.

What can you do with RevoScaleR?

Data scientists and developers can include RevoScaleR functions in custom script or solutions that run locally
against R Client or remotely on Machine Learning Server. Solutions leveraging RevoScaleR functions will run
wherever the RevoScaleR engine is installed.
Analyzing data using RevoScaleR functions requires three distinct pieces of information:
1. Where the computations should take place (the compute context)
2. Which data to use (the data source)
3. What analysis to perform (the analysis function)
A common workflow is to write the initial code or script against a subset of data on a local computer, change the
compute context to specify a large set of data on a big data platform, and then operationalize the solution by
deploying it to the target environment, thus making it accessible to users.
At a high level, RevoScaleR functions are grouped as follows:
Platform-specific utilities.
Data-related functions are used for import, transformation, summarization, visualization, and analysis. These
functions comprise the bulk of the RevoScaleR function library.
The data manipulation and analysis functions in RevoScaleR are appropriate for small and large datasets, but are
particularly useful in three common situations:
1. Analyze data sets that are too big to fit in memory.
2. Perform computations distributed over several cores, processors, or nodes in a cluster.
3. Create scalable data analysis routines that can be developed locally with smaller data sets, then deployed to
larger data and/or a cluster of computers.
RevoScaleR enables these scenarios because it operates on chunks of data and uses updating algorithms.
Data is stored in an efficient XDF file format designed for rapid reading of arbitrary rows and columns of data.
Functions in RevoScaleR are used to import data into XDF before performing analysis, but you can also work
directly with data stored in a text, SPSS, or SAS file or an ODBC connection, or extract a subset of a data file into a
data frame in memory for further analysis.
To perform an analysis, you must provide the following information: where the computations should take place
(the compute context), the data to use (the data source), and what analysis to perform (the analysis function).

Data management and analysis using RevoScaleR

RevoScaleR provides functions for scalable data management and analysis. These functions can be used with data
sets in memory, and applied the same way to huge data sets stored on disk. It includes functionality for:
Accessing external data sets (SAS, SPSS, ODBC, Teradata, and delimited and fixed format text) for analysis
in R
Efficiently storing and retrieving data in a high performance data file
Cleaning, exploring, and manipulating data
Fast, basic statistical analyses
RevoScaleR also includes an extensible framework for writing your own analyses for big data sets.
With RevoScaleR, you can analyze data sets far larger than can be kept in memory. This is possible because
RevoScaleR uses external memory algorithms that allow it to work on one chunk of data at a time (that is, a subset
of the rows and perhaps the variables in the data set), update the results, and proceed through all available data.
Accessing External Data Sets
Data can be stored in a wide-variety of formats. Typically, the first step in any RevoScaleR analysis is to make the
data accessible. With RevoScaleR’s data import capability, you can access data from a SAS file, SPSS file, fixed
format or delimited text file, an ODBC connection, SQL Server, or a Teradata database, bringing it into a data
frame in memory, or storing it for fast access in chunks on disk.
Defining Compute Context
RevoScaleR has the concept of compute context that sets the location for calculations. The compute context is
either local or remote, where remote offloads processing and analysis of chunked data to one or more remote
Machine Learning Servers.
Local is the default, and it supports the full range of data source inputs. As its name suggests, a local compute
context uses only the physical cores of the local computer. Local compute context is provided by RevoScaleR on
both R Client and Machine Learning Server instances.
Remote compute context requires the explicit creation of a compute context object, a single logical object defining
location (a remote network resource that has Machine Learning Server and local data) and modes of processing
(such as wait versus no-wait jobs). Remote compute context is supported for RevoScaleR analytical functions that
can be performed in a distributed fashion, and is available on these platforms in Machine Learning Server only:
HDInsight, Hadoop (Spark), Teradata, SQL Server, and Machine Learning Server (Windows and Linux). For more
information, see Compute Context.
Efficiently Storing and Retrieving Data
A key component of RevoScaleR is a data file format (.xdf) that is extremely efficient for both reading and writing
data. You can create .xdf files by importing data files or from R data frames, and add rows or variables to an
existing .xdf file (appending rows is currently only supported in a local compute context). Once your data is in this
file format you can use it directly with analysis functions provided with RevoScaleR, or quickly extract a subsample
and read it into a data frame in memory for use in other R functions.
Data Cleaning, Exploration, and Manipulation
When working with a new data set, the first step is to clean and explore. With RevoScaleR, you can quickly obtain
information about your data set (e.g., how many rows and variables) and the variables in your data set (such as
name, data type, value labels). With RevoScaleR’s summary statistics and cube functionality, you can examine
summary information about your data and quickly plot histograms or relationships between variables.
RevoScaleR also provides all of the power of R to use in data transformations and manipulations. In RevoScaleR’s
data step functionality, you can specify R expressions to transform specific variables and have them automatically
applied to a single data frame or to each block of data as it is read in from an .xdf file. You can create new variables,
recode variables, and set missing values with all the flexibility of the R language.
Statistical Analysis
In addition to descriptive statistics and crosstabs, RevoScaleR provides functions for fitting linear and binary
logistic regression models, generalized linear models, k-means models, and decision trees and forests, among
others. These functions access .xdf files or other data sources directly or operate on data frames in memory.
Because these functions are so efficient and do not require that all of the data be in memory at one time, you can
analyze huge data sets without requiring huge computing power. In particular, you can relax assumptions
previously required. For example, instead of assuming a linear or polynomial functional form in a model, you can
break independent variables into many categories providing a completely flexible functional form. The many
degrees of freedom provided by large data sets, combined with RevoScaleR’s efficiency, make this approach
Writing Your Own Analyses for Large Data Sets
All of the main analysis functions in RevoScaleR use updating or external memory algorithms, that is, they analyze
a chunk of data, update the results, then move on to the next chunk of data and repeat the process. When all the
data has been processed (sometimes multiple times), final results can be calculated and the analysis is complete.
You can write your own functions to process a chunk of data and update results, and use RevoScaleR functionality
to provide you with access to your data file chunk by chunk. For more information, see Write custom chunking
algorithms in RevoScaleR.

See Also
Introduction to Machine Learning Server
How -to guides for Machine Learning Server RevoScaleR Functions
How-to guides for data analysis and
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This section of the Machine Learning Server documentation is for data scientists, analysts, and statisticians. The
focus of this content area is on data acquisition, transformation and manipulation, visualization, and analysis in
R and Python, as well as the deployment and consumption of models and code. It provides step-by-step
guidance for common tasks leveraging the libraries and packages in Machine Learning Server.
If you are new to R, be sure to also use the R Core Team manuals that are part of every R distribution,
including An Introduction to R, The R Language Definition, Writing R Extensions and so on. Beyond the
standard R manuals, there are many other resources. Learn about them here.

How-to guidance
Data analysis
Data acquisition
Data summaries
Models in ScaleR
Linear models
Logistic regression
Generalized linear
Decision trees
Decision forest
Stochastic gradient boosting
Naïve Bayes classifier
Correlation and variance/covariance matrices
Converting RevoScaleR model objects for use in PMML
Transform functions
Visualizing huge data sets
Remote code execution on Machine Learning Server
Connect to remote server
Create remote session & execute
Operationalization: deploy and consume models and code
Publish & manage
Consume (request-response)
Consume (asynchronous)
Integrate into apps
Manage access tokens
See Also
Learning Resources
Machine Learning Server
How to use revoscalepy in a Spark compute context
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article introduces Python functions in a revoscalepy package with Apache Spark (Spark) running on a
Hadoop cluster. Within a Spark cluster, Machine Learning Server leverages these components:
Hadoop distributed file system for finding and accessing data.
Yarn for job scheduling and management.
Spark as the processing framework (versions 2.0-2.1).
The revoscalepy library provides cluster-aware Python functions for data management, predictive analytics, and
visualization. When you set the compute context to rx-spark-connect, revoscalepy f automatically distributes the
workload across all the data nodes. There is no overhead in managing jobs or the queue, or tracking the physical
location of data in HDFS; Spark does both for you.

For installation instructions, see Install Machine Learning Server for Hadoop.

Start Python
On your cluster's edge node, start a session by typing mlserver-python at the command line.
Local compute context on Spark
By default, the local compute context is the implicit computing environment. All mlserver-python code runs here
until you specify a remote compute context.
Remote compute context on Spark
From the edge node, you can push computations to the data layer by creating a remote Spark compute context. In
this context, execution is on all data nodes.
The following example shows how to set a remote compute context to clustered data nodes, execute functions in
the Spark compute context, switch back to a local compute context, and disconnect from the server.
# Load the functions
from revoscalepy import RxOrcData, rx_spark_connect, rx_spark_list_data, rx_lin_mod, rx_spark_cache_data

# Create a remote compute contenxt

cc = rx_spark_connect()

# Create a col_info object specfiying the factors

col_info = {"DayOfWeek": {"type": "factor"}}

# Load data, factored and cached.

df = RxOrcData(file = "/share/sample_data/AirlineDemoSmallOrc", column_info = col_info)
df = rx_spark_cache_data(df, True)

# After the first run, a Spark data object is added into the list
rx_lin_mod("ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek", data = df)

# Disconnect. Switches back to a local compute context.


Specify a data source and location

As part of execution in Spark, your data source must be a file format that Spark understands, such as text, Hive,
Orc, and Parquet. You can also create and consume .xdf files, a data file format native to Machine Learning Server
that you can read or write to from both Python and R script.
Data source objects provided by revoscalepy in a Spark compute context include RxTextData RxXdfData, and the
RxSparkData with derivatives for RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData and RxSparkDataFrame.
Create a data source
The following example illustrates an Xdf data source object that pulls data from a local sample directory created
when you install Machine Learning Server. The "sampleDataDir" argument is a reference to the sampleDataDir
folder, known to revoscalepy.

import os
import revoscalepy

sample_data_path = revoscalepy.RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
d_s = revoscalepy.RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))

Import data into a data frame

Data is automatically loaded into a data frame even without rx_import, but you can load it explicitly using the
rx_import, which is useful if you want to include parameters.
In mlserver-python, you can use head and tail functions, similar to R, to return the first or last part of the data set.

airlinedata = rx_import(input_data = d_s, outFile="/tmp/airExample.xdf")


Summarize data
To quickly understand fundamental characteristics of your data, use the rx_summary function to return basic
statistical descriptors. Mean, standard deviation, and min-max values. A count of total observations, missing
observations, and valid observations is included.
A minimum specification of the rx_summmary function consists of a valid data source object and a formula giving
the fields to summarize. The formula is symbolic, providing variables used in the model. and typically does not
contain a response variable. It should be of the form of ~ terms.

Get the term list from a data source to see what is available: revoscalepy.rx_get_var_names(data_source)

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_summary, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))
summary = rx_summary("ArrDelay+DayOfWeek", ds)

Create models
The following example produces a linear regression, followed by predicted values for the linear regression model.

# Linear regression
import os
import tempfile
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_lin_mod

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
in_mort_ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "mortDefaultSmall.xdf"))

lin_mod = rx_lin_mod("creditScore ~ yearsEmploy", in_mort_ds)


# Add predicted values

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_lin_mod, rx_predict, rx_data_step

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
mort_ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "mortDefaultSmall.xdf"))
mort_df = rx_data_step(mort_ds)

lin_mod = rx_lin_mod("creditScore ~ yearsEmploy", mort_df)

pred = rx_predict(lin_mod, data = mort_df)

See Also
Python function reference
microsoftml function reference
revoscalepy function reference
How to set and manage compute context in Machine
Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

In Machine Learning Server, every session that loads a function library has a compute context. The default is local,
available on all platforms. No action is required to use a local compute context.
This article explains how to shift script execution to a remote Hadoop or Spark cluster, for the purpose of bring
calculations to the data itself and eliminating data transfer over your network. For SQL Server compute contexts,
see Define and use a compute context in the SQL Server documentation.
You can create multiple compute context objects: just use them one at a time. Often, functions operate identically in
local and remote context. If script execution is successful locally, you can generally expect the same results on the
remote server, subject to these limitations.

The remote computer must be at the same functional level as the system sending the request. A remote Machine
Learning Server 9.2.1 can accept a compute context shift from another 9.2.1 interpreter on Machine Learning
Server, a SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services instance, and for R developers on Microsoft R Client at the
same functional level (3.4.1).
The following table is a recap of platform and data source requirements for each function library.


RevoScaleR Spark 2.0-2.1 over HDFS, Hadoop MapReduce: Hive, Orc,

Parquet, Text, XDF, ODBC

SQL Server: tables, views, local text and .xdf files (1), ODBC
data sources

revoscalepy Spark 2.0-2.1 over HDFS: Hive, Orc, Parquet, Text, XDF, ODBC

SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning with Python: tables, views,

local text and .xdf files (1), ODBC data sources

You can load text or .xdf files locally, but be aware that code and data runs on SQL Server, which results in
implicit data type conversions.

RevoScaleR is available in both Machine Learning Server and R Client. You can develop script in R Client for execution on the
server. However, because R Client is limited to two threads for processing and in-memory datasets, scripts might require
deeper customizations if datasets are large and come with dependencies on data chunking. Chunking is not supported in R
Client. In R Client, the blocksPerRead argument is ignored and all data is read into memory. Large datasets that exceed
memory must be pushed to a compute context of a Machine Learning Server instance that provides data chunking.

Get a compute context

As a starting point, practice the syntax for returning the local compute context. Every platform, product, and
language supports the default local compute context.

# RevoScaleR is loaded automatically so no import step is required


from revoscalepy import RxLocalSeq

localcc = RxLocalSeq()

For both languages, the return object should be Return object should be RxLocalSeq.

Set a remote compute context

This section uses examples to illustrate the syntax for setting compute context.
For Spark
The compute context used to distribute computations on a Hadoop Spark 2.0-2.1 cluster. For more information,
see the How to use RevoScaleR with Spark.

myHadoopCluster <- RxSpark(myHadoopCluster)

For MapReduce
The compute context used to distribute computations on a Hadoop MapReduce cluster. This compute context can
be used on a node (including an edge node) of a Cloudera or Hortonworks cluster with an RHEL operating system,
or a client with an SSH connection to such a cluster. For details on creating and using RxHadoopMR compute
contexts, see the How to use RevoScaleR with Hadoop

myHadoopCluster <- RxHadoopMR(myHadoopCluster)

For SQL Server (in-database )

The RxInSqlServer compute context is a special case in that it runs computations in-database, but it runs on only a
single database node, so the computation is parallel, but not distributed.
For setting up a remote compute context to SQL Server, we provide an example below, but point you to Define
and use a compute context in the SQL Server documentation for additional instructions.

# Requires RevoScaleR and SQL Server on same machine

connectionString <- "Server=(placeholder-server-name);Database=RevoAirlineDB;Trusted_Connection=true"

sqlQuery <- "WITH nb AS (SELECT 0 AS n UNION ALL SELECT n+1 FROM nb where n < 9) SELECT
n1.n+10*n2.n+100*n3.n+1 AS n, ABS(CHECKSUM(NewId()))

myServer <- RxComputeContext("RxInSqlServer", sqlQuery = sqlQuery, connectionString = connectionString)

rxSetComputeContext(computeContext = myServer)

Limitations of remote compute context

A primary benefit of remote computing is to perform distributed analysis using the inherent capabilities of the
host platform. For a list of analytical functions that are multithreaded and cluster aware, see Running distributed
analyses using RevoScaleR. As a counter point, the concept of "remote compute context" is not optimized for data
manipulation and transformation workloads. As such, many data-related functions come with local compute
requirements. The following table describes the exceptions to remote computing.

Script execution of open-source routines Scripts use a combination of open-source and proprietary
functions. Only revoscalepy and RevoScaleR functions, with
the respective interpreters, are multithreaded and
distributable. Open-source routines in your script still run
locally in a single threaded process.

Single-threaded proprietary functions Analyses that do not run in parallel include import and export
functions, data transformation functions, graphing functions.

Date location and operational limits Sort and merge must be local. Import is multithreaded, but
not cluster-aware. If you execute rxImport in a Hadoop cluster,
it runs multithreaded on the current node.

Data may have to be moved back and forth between the local
and remote environments during the course of overall
program execution. Except for file copying in Hadoop,
RevoScaleR does not include functions for moving data.

Set a no-wait compute context

By default, all jobs are "waiting jobs" or "blocking jobs", where control of the command prompt is not returned
until the job is complete. For jobs that complete quickly, this is an appropriate choice.
For large jobs that run longer, execute the job but use a non-waiting compute context to continue working in your
local session. In this case, you can specify the compute context to be non-waiting (or non-blocking), in which case
an object containing information about the pending job is used to retrieve results later.
To set the compute context object to run "no wait" jobs, set the argument wait to FALSE.

myHadoopCluster <- RxSpark(myHadoopCluster, wait=FALSE)

Another use for non-waiting compute contexts is for massively parallel jobs involving multiple clusters. You can
define a non-waiting compute context on each cluster, launch all your jobs, then aggregate the results from all the
jobs once they complete.
For more information, see Non-Waiting Jobs.

Retrieve cluster console output

If you want console output from each of the cluster R processes printed to your user console, specify
consoleOutput=TRUE in your compute context.

myHadoopCluster <- RxSpark(myHadoopCluster, consoleOutput=TRUE)

Update a compute context

Once you have a compute context object, modify it using the same function that originally creates it. Pass the name
of the original object as its first argument, and then specify only those arguments you wish to modify as additional
For example, to change only the suppressWarning parameter of a Spark compute context myHadoopCluster from
myHadoopCluster <- RxSpark(myHadoopCluster, suppressWarning=FALSE)

To list parameters and default values, use the args function with the name of the compute context constructor, for


which gives the following output:

function (object, hdfsShareDir = paste("/user/RevoShare",[["user"]],

sep = "/"), shareDir = paste("/var/RevoShare",[["user"]],
sep = "/"), clientShareDir = rxGetDefaultTmpDirByOS(), sshUsername =[["user"]],
sshHostname = NULL, sshSwitches = "", sshProfileScript = NULL,
sshClientDir = "", nameNode = rxGetOption("hdfsHost"), jobTrackerURL = NULL,
port = rxGetOption("hdfsPort"), onClusterNode = NULL, wait = TRUE,
numExecutors = rxGetOption("spark.numExecutors"), executorCores = rxGetOption("spark.executorCores"),
executorMem = rxGetOption("spark.executorMem"), driverMem = "4g",
executorOverheadMem = rxGetOption("spark.executorOverheadMem"),
extraSparkConfig = "", persistentRun = FALSE, sparkReduceMethod = "auto",
idleTimeout = 3600, suppressWarning = TRUE, consoleOutput = FALSE,
showOutputWhileWaiting = TRUE, autoCleanup = TRUE, workingDir = NULL,
dataPath = NULL, outDataPath = NULL, fileSystem = NULL, packagesToLoad = NULL,
resultsTimeout = 15, ...)

You can temporarily modify an existing compute context and set the modified context as the current compute
context by calling rxSetComputeContext . For example, if you have defined myHadoopCluster to be a waiting cluster
and want to set the current compute context to be non-waiting, you can call rxSetComputeContext as follows:

rxSetComputeContext(myHadoopCluster, wait=FALSE)

The rxSetComputeContext function returns the previous compute context, so it can be used in constructions like the

oldContext <- rxSetComputeContext(myCluster, wait=FALSE)

# do some computing with a non-waiting compute context

# restore previous compute context

You can specify the compute context by name, as we have done here, but you can also specify it by calling a
compute context constructor in the call to rxSetComputeContext . For example, to return to the local sequential
compute context after using a cluster context, you can call rxSetComputeContext as follows:


In this case, you can also use the descriptive string "local" to do the same thing:


Create additional compute contexts

Given a set of distributed computing resources, you might want to create multiple compute context objects to vary
the configuration. For example, you might have one compute context for waiting or blocking jobs and another for
no-wait or non-blocking jobs. Or you might define one that uses all available nodes and another that specifies a
particular set of nodes.
Because the initial specification of a compute context can be somewhat tedious, it is usually simplest to create
additional compute contexts by modifying an existing compute context, in precisely the same way as we updated a
compute context in the previous section. For example, suppose instead of simply modifying our existing compute
context from wait=TRUE to wait=FALSE, we create a new compute context for non-waiting jobs:

myNoWaitCluster <- RxSpark(myHadoopCluster, wait=FALSE)

Store commonly used compute context objects in an R script, or add their definitions to an R startup file.

See also
Introduction to Machine Learning Server
Distributed computing
Compute context
Define and use a compute context in SQL Server
Data transformations using RevoScaleR functions
(Machine Learning Server)
4/13/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Loading an initial dataset is typically just the first step in a continuum of data manipulation tasks that persist until
your project is completed. Common examples of data manipulation include isolating a subset, slicing a dataset by
variables or rows, and converting or merging variables into new forms, often resulting in new data structures
along the way.
There are two main approaches to data transformation using the RevoScaleR library:
Define an external based R function and reference it.
Define an embedded transformation as an input to a transforms argument on another RevoScaleR function.
Embedded transformations are supported in rxImport, rxDataStep, and in analysis functions like rxLinMod and
rxCube, to name a few. Embedded transformations are easier to work with, but external functions allow for a
greater degree of complexity and reuse. The following section provides an illustration of both techniques.

Compare approaches
Embedded transformations provide instructions within a formula, through arguments on a function. Using just
arguments, you can manipulate data using transformations, or select a rowset with the rowSelection argument.
Externally defined functions provide data manipulation instructions in an outer function, which is then referenced
by a RevoScaleR function. An external transformation function is one that takes as input a list of variables and
returns a list of (possibly different) variables. Due to the external definition, the object can assume a complex
structure and be repurposed across multiple functions supporting transformation.

# Load data
> censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

# Option 1: Construct a new variable using an embedded transformation argument

> NewDS <- rxDataStep (inData = censusWorkers, outFile = "c:/temp/newCensusWorkers.xdf",
transforms = list(ageFactor = cut(age, breaks=seq(from = 20, to = 70, by = 5),
right = FALSE)), overwrite=TRUE)

# Return variable metadata; ageFactor is a new variable

> rxGetVarInfo(NewDS)

# Option 2: Construct a new variable using an external function and rxDataStep

> ageTransform <- function(dataList)
dataList$ageFactor <- cut(dataList$age, breaks=seq(from = 20, to = 70,
by = 5), right = FALSE)

> NewDS <- rxDataStep(inData = censusWorkers, outFile = "c:/temp/newCensusWorkers.xdf",

transformFunc = ageTransform, transformVars=c("age"), overwrite=TRUE)

# Return variable metadata; it is identical to that of option 1

> rxGetVarInfo(NewDS)

For more examples of both approaches, see How to transform and subset data.
Arguments used in transformations
To specify an external function, use the transformFunc argument to most RevoScaleR functions. To pass a list of
variables to the function, use the transformVars argument.
The following table numerates the arguments used in data manipulation tasks.


transforms A formula for manipulating or transforming data, passed as

an argument to a RevoScaleR function like rxImport or
rxDataStep. This expression can be defined outside of the
function call using the expression function.

rowSelection Criteria for selecting a subset of rows in the current data


function A base R class used to create functions in R script.

transformFunc Assigns a function to a RevoScaleR function supporting data

manipulation and transformations. If this argument is
specified, it is evaluated before any other transformations
specified in the transforms, rowSelection, or formula
arguments. The list of variables to be passed to the transform
function is specified as the transformVars argument.

transformVars A list of variables to pass to your external transform function.

transformObjects A named list of objects that can be referenced by transforms,

transformFunc, or rowSelection arguments.

transformPackages A list of packages, in addition to those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages"), to be preloaded, that
provide libraries and functions used in transforms,
transformFunc, or rowSelection arguments.

transformEnvir A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all

environments developed internally and used for variable data

Functions supporting transformations

The following functions support embedded transformations or reference an external transformation function.


rxDataStep Create a subset rows or variables, or create new variables by

transforming existing variables. Also used for easy conversion
between data in data frames and .xdf files.

rxImport Invoke a transformation while loading data into a data frame

or .xdf file.

rxSummary Transform data inline, while computing summary statistics.


rxLinMod Create or transform variables used in the data set of a linear


rxLogit Create or transform variables used in the data set of a logistic


rxCube Create new variables or transform an existing variable used to

create the list of variables in rxCube output.

Other functions don't accept transformation logic, but are used for data manipulation operations:
rxSetVarInfo Change variable information, such as the name or description, in an .xdf file or data frame.
rxSetInfo Add or change a data set description.
rxFactors Add or change a factor levels
rxMerge Combines two or more datasets.
rxSort Orders a dataset based on some criteria

How transforms are evaluated

User-defined transforms and transform functions are evaluated in essentially the same way. User-defined
transforms are combined into an implicit transform function for evaluation purposes. At evaluation time, the
process is the same whether the function is predefined or user-defined.
An evaluation environment is constructed from the base environment together with the utils, stats, methods
packages, any packages specified with the transformPackages argument, and any specified transformObjects, and
the closure of the transform function.
Functions are then evaluated in the context of this environment. Function that are in packages but not part of the
evaluation environment can be used if fully qualified (specifically, prefixed by the package name and two or three
colons, depending on whether the function is exported).
If you are using methods packages, you can modify the basic list by setting the rxOption transformPackages

Transformations to avoid
Transform functions are very powerful, but there are four types of transformation that should be avoided:
1. Transformations that change the length of a variable. This includes, naturally, most model-fitting functions.
2. Transformations that depend upon all observations simultaneously. Because RevoScaleR works on chunks of
data, such transformations will not have access to all the data at once. Examples of such transformations are
matrix operations such as poly or solve.
3. Transformations that have the possibility of creating different mappings of factor codes to factor labels.
4. Transformations that involve sampling with replacement. Again, this is because RevoScaleR works on chunks
of data, and sampling with replacement chunk by chunk is not equivalent to sampling with replacement from
the full data set.
If you change the length of one variable, you will get errors from subsequent analysis functions that not all
variables are the same length. If you try to change the length of all variables (essentially, performing some sort of
row selection), you need to pass all of your data through the transform function, and this can be very inefficient. To
avoid this problem, use row selection to work on data one slice at a time..
If you create a factor within a transformation function, you may get unexpected results because all of the data is
not in memory at one time. When creating a factor within a transformation function, you should always explicitly
set the values and labels. For example:

dataList$xfac <- as.factor(dataList$x, levels = c(1, 2,3),

labels = c("One", "Two", "Three"))

Next Steps
Continue on to the following data-related articles to learn more about XDF, data source objects, and other data
How to transform and subset data
XDF files
Data Sources
Import text data
Import ODBC data
Import and consume data on HDFS

See Also
RevoScaleR Functions
Tutorial: data import and exploration Tutorial: data visualization and analysis
Create an XDF file in Machine Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

XDF is the native file format for persisted data in Machine Learning Server and it offers the following benefits:
Compression, applied when the file is written to disk.
Columnar storage, one column per variable, for efficient read-write operations of variable data. In data science
and machine learning, variables rather than rowsets are the data structures typically used in analysis.
Modular data access and management so that you can work with chunks of data at a time.
XDF files are not strictly required for statistical analysis and data mining, but when data sets are large or complex,
XDF offers stability in the form of persisted data under your control, plus the ability to subset and transform data
for repeated analysis.
To create an XDF file, use the rxImport function in RevoScaleR to pipe external data to Machine Learning Server.
By default, rxImport loads data into an in-memory data frame, but by specifying the outFile parameter,
rxImport creates an XDF file.

Example: Create an XDF

You can create an XDF using any data that can be loaded by rxImport, and by specifying an outFile consisting of
a file path to a writable directory.
This example uses an R console and sample data to create an XDF using data from a single CSV file. On
Windows, you can run Rgui.exe, located at \Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\bin\x64. On Linux,
you can type Revo64 at the command line.

# Set the source file location using inData argument

> mysourcedata <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir", "mortDefaultSmall2000.csv"))

# Set the XDF file location using the outFile argument

> myNewXdf <- file.path("C:/users/temp/mortDefaultSmall2000.xdf")

Notice the direction of the path delimiter. By default, R script uses forward slashes as path delimiters.
At this point, the object is created, but the XDF file won't exist until you run rxImport.

# Create an XDF
> rxImport(inData = mysourcedata, outFile = myNewXdf)

rxImport creates the file, builds and populates columns for each variable in the dataset, and then computes
metadata for each variable and the XDF as a whole.
Output returned from this operation is as follows:

Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.022 seconds

Use the rxGetInfo function to return information about an object. In this case, the object is the XDF file created
in a previous step, and the information returned is the precomputed metadata for each variable, plus a summary
of observations, variables, blocks, and compression information.
rxGetInfo(mySmallXdf, getVarInfo = TRUE)

Output is below. Variables are based on fields in the CSV file. In this case, there are 6 variables. Precomputed
metadata about each one appears in the output below.

File name: C:\Users\TEMP\mortDefaultSmall2000.xdf

Number of observations: 10000
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: creditScore, Type: integer, Low/High: (486, 895)
Var 2: houseAge, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 40)
Var 3: yearsEmploy, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 14)
Var 4: ccDebt, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 12275)
Var 5: year, Type: integer, Low/High: (2000, 2000)
Var 6: default, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 1)

Set compression levels

You can set data compression via the xdfCompressionLevel argument to rxImport (and most other RevoScaleR
functions that write .xdf files). You specify this as an integer in the range -1 to 9. The value -1 tells rxImport to use
the current default compression value. The integers 1 through 9 specify increasing levels of compression, where
higher numbers perform more compression, but take more time. The value 0 specifies no compression.
The .xdf format allows different blocks to have different compression levels (but not within a single call to
rxImport). This can be useful, for example, when appending to an existing data set of unknown compression level.
You can specify the compression for the new data without affecting the compression of the existing data.
You can specify a standard compression level for all future .xdf file writes by setting xdfCompressionLevel using
rxOptions. For example, to specify a compression level of 3, use rxOptions as follows:

> rxOptions(xdfCompressionLevel = 3)

The default value of this option is 1.

If you have one or more existing .xdf files and would like to compress them, you can use the function
rxCompressXdf. You can specify a single file or xdf data source, a character vector of files and data sources, or the
path to a directory containing .xdf files. For example, to compress all the .xdf files in the C:\data directory, you
would call rxCompressXdf as follows:

> rxCompressXdf("C:/data", xdfCompressionLevel = 1, overwrite = TRUE)

Append new observations

If you have observations on the same variables in multiple input files, you can use the append argument to
rxImport to combine them into one file. For example, we could append another copy of the claims text data set
in a second block to the claimCAOrdered2.xdf file:
# Appending to an Existing File

inFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.txt")

colInfoList <- list("car.age" = list(type = "factor", levels = c("0-3",
"4-7", "8-9", "10+")))
outfileCAOrdered2 <- "claimsCAOrdered2.xdf"

claimsAppend <- rxImport(inFile, outFile = outfileCAOrdered2,

colClasses = c(number = "integer"),
colInfo = colInfoList, stringsAsFactors = TRUE, append = "rows")
rxGetInfo(claimsAppend, getVarInfo=TRUE)

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\claimsCAOrdered2.xdf

Number of observations: 256
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 2
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 128)
Var 2: age
8 factor levels: 17-20 21-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Var 3: car.age
4 factor levels: 0-3 4-7 8-9 10+
Var 4: type
4 factor levels: A B C D
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 434)

Read XDF data into a data frame

It is often convenient to store a large amount of data in an .xdf file and then read a subset of columns and rows of
the data into a data frame in memory for analysis. The rxDataStep function makes this easy. For example, let’s
consider taking subsamples from the sample data set CensusWorkers.xdf. Using a rowSelection expression and
list of varsToKeep, we can extract the age, perwt, and sex variables for individuals over the age of 40 living in
Washington State:

# Reading Data from an .xdf File into a Data Frame

inFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

myCensusDF <- rxDataStep(inData=inFile,
rowSelection = state == "Washington" & age > 40,
varsToKeep = c("age", "perwt", "sex"))

When subsampling rows, we need to be aware that the rowSelection is processed on each chunk of data after it
is read in. Consider an example where we want to extract every 10th row of the data set. For each chunk we will
create a sequence starting with the start row number in that chunk (provided by the internal variable,
.rxStartRow ) with a length equal to the number of rows in the data chunk. We will determine that number of rows
by using the length of the of one of the variables that has been read from the data set, age. We will keep only the
rows where the remainder after dividing the row number by 10 is 0:

myCensusSample <- rxDataStep(inData=inFile,

rowSelection= (seq(from=.rxStartRow,length.out=.rxNumRows) %% 10) == 0 )

We can also create transformed variables while we are reading in the data. For example, create an 10-year
ageGroup variable, starting with 20 (the minimum age in the data set):
myCensusDF2 <- rxDataStep(inData=inFile,
varsToKeep = c("age", "perwt", "sex"),
transforms=list(ageGroup = cut(age, seq(from=20, to=70, by=10))))

Split an XDF into multiple files

RevoScaleR makes it possible to analyze huge data sets easily and efficiently, and for most purposes the most
efficient computations are done on a single .xdf file. However, there are many circumstances when you will want
to work with only a portion of your data. For example, you may want to distribute your data over the nodes of a
cluster; in such a case, RevoScaleR’s analysis functions will process each node’s data separately, combining all the
results for the final return value. You might also want to split your data into training and test data so that you can
fit a model using the training data and validate it using the test data.
Use the function rxSplit to split your data. For example, to split variables of interest in the large 2000 U.S.
Census data into five files for distribution on a five node cluster, you could use rxSplit as follows (change the
location of the bigDataDir to the location of your downloaded file):

# Splitting Data Files

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"
bigCensusData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "Census5PCT2000.xdf")
splitFiles <- rxSplit(bigCensusData, numOutFiles = 5, splitBy = "blocks",
varsToKeep = c("age", "incearn", "incwelfr", "educrec", "metro", "perwt"))

By default, rxSplit simply appends a number in the sequence from 1 to numOutFiles to the base file name to
create the new file names, and in this case the resulting file names, for example, “Census5PCT20001.xdf”, are a
bit confusing.
You can exercise greater control over the output file names by using the outFilesBase and outFilesSuffixes
arguments. With outFilesBase, you can specify either a single character string to be used for all files or a
character vector the same length as the desired number of files. The latter option is useful, for example, if you
would like to create four files with the same file name, but different paths:

nodePaths <- paste("compute", 10:13, sep="")

baseNames <- file.path("C:", nodePaths, "DistCensusData")
splitFiles2 <- rxSplit(bigCensusData, splitBy = "blocks",
outFilesBase = baseNames,
varsToKeep = c("age", "incearn", "incwelfr", "educrec", "metro", "perwt"))

This creates the four directories C:/compute10, etc., and creates a file named “DistCensusData.xdf” in each
directory. You should adopt an approach like this when using distributed data with the standard RevoScaleR
analysis functions such as rxLinMod and rxLogit in an RxSpark or RxHadoopMR compute context.
You can supply the outFilesSuffixes arguments to exercise greater control over what is appended to the end of
each file. Returning to our first example, we can add a hyphen between our base file name and the sequence 1 to
5 using outFilesSuffixes as follows:

splitFiles3 <- rxSplit(bigCensusData, splitBy = "blocks",

outFileSuffixes=paste("-", 1:5, sep=""),
varsToKeep = c("age", "incearn", "incwelfr", "educrec", "metro", "perwt"))

The splitBy argument specifies whether to split your data file row -by-row or block-by-block. The default is
splitBy="rows", which distributes data from each block into different files. The examples above use the faster split
by blocks instead. The splitBy argument is ignored if you also specify the splitByFactor argument as a character
string representing a valid factor variable. In this case, one file is created per level of the factor variable.
You can use the splitByFactor argument and a transforms argument to easily create test and training data sets
from an .xdf file. Note that this will take longer than the previous examples because each block of data is being

splitFiles4 <- rxSplit(inData = bigCensusData,

varsToKeep = c("age", "incearn", "incwelfr", "educrec", "metro", "perwt"),
transforms=list(testSplitVar = factor(
sample(0:1, size=.rxNumRows, replace=TRUE, prob=c(.10, .9)),
levels=0:1, labels = c("Test", "Train"))))
rxSummary(~age, data = splitFiles4[[1]], reportProgress = 0)
rxSummary(~age, data = splitFiles4[[2]], reportProgress = 0)

This takes approximately 10% of the data as a test data set, with the remainder going into the training data.
If your .xdf file is relatively small, you may want to set outFilesBase = "" so that a list of data frames is returned
instead of having files created. You can also use rxSplit to split data frames (see the rxSplit help page for

Re-Block an .xdf File

After a series of data import or row selection steps, you may find that you have an .xdf file with very uneven
block sizes. This may make it difficult to efficiently perform computations by “chunk.” To find the sizes of the
blocks in your .xdf file, use rxGetInf with the getBlockSizes argument set to TRUE. For example, let’s look at the
block sizes for the sample CensusWorkers.xdf file:

# Re-Blocking an .xdf File

fileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

rxGetInfo(fileName, getBlockSizes = TRUE)

The following information is provided:

File name: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\

Number of observations: 351121
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 6
Compression type: zlib
Rows per block: 95420 42503 1799 131234 34726 45439

We see that, in fact, the number of rows per block varies from a low of 1799 to a high of 131,234. To create a new
file with more even-sized blocks, use the rowsPerRead argument in rxDataStep:

newFile <- "censusWorkersEvenBlocks.xdf"

rxDataStep(inData = fileName, outFile = newFile, rowsPerRead = 60000)
rxGetInfo(newFile, getBlockSizes = TRUE)

The new file has blocks sizes of 60,000 for all but the last slightly smaller block:
File name: C:\Users\...\censusWorkersEvenBlocks.xdf
Number of observations: 351121
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 6
Compression type: zlib
Rows per block: 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 51121

Next steps
XDF is optimized for distributed file storage and access in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ). To learn
more about using XDF in HDFS, see Import and consume HDFS data files.
You can import multiple text files into a single XDF. For instructions, see Import text data.

See also
Machine Learning Server Install Machine Learning Server on Windows
Install Machine Learning Server on Linux
Install Machine Learning Server on Hadoop
Importing text data in Machine Learning Server
6/18/2018 • 19 minutes to read • Edit Online

RevoScaleR can use data from a wide range of external data sources, including text files, database files on disk
(SPSS and SAS ), and relational data sources. This article puts the focus on text files: delimited (.csv) and fixed-
format, plus database files accessed through simple file reads.
To store text data for analysis and visualization, you can load it into memory as a data frame for the duration of
your session, or save it to disk as a .xdf file. For either approach, the RevoScaleR rxImport function loads the

To get the best use of persisted data in XDF, you need Machine Learning Server (as opposed to R Client). Reading and
writing chunked data on disk is exclusive to Machine Learning Server.

About rxImport
Converting external data into a format understood by RevoScaleR is achieved using the rxImport function.
Although the function takes several arguments, it's just loading data from a source file that you provide. In the
simplest case, you can give it a file path. If the data is delimited by commas or tabs, this is all that is required
loading the data. To illustrate, the following example creates a data object loaded with data from a local text-
delimited file:

> mydataobject <-rxImport("C:/user/temp/mydatafile.csv")

Depending on arguments, rxImport either loads data as a data frame, or outputs the data to a .xdf file saved to
disk. This article covers a range of data access scenarios for text files and file-based data access of SPSS and SAS
data. To learn more about other data sources, see related articles in the table of contents or in the link list at the
end of this article.

How to import a text file

1. Set the location of the source file. One approach is to use R's file.path command.

> mySourceFile <- file.path("C:/Users/Temp/my-data-file.txt")

To try this out using built-in samples, run the first command to verify the files are available, and the second
command to set the location and source file.

# Verify the sample files exist and then set mySourceFile to the sample directory
> list.files(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"))
> mySourceFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.txt")

2. Run rxImport to load the data into a data frame.

> claimsDF <- rxImport(mySourceFile)

3. Follow up with the rxGetInfo function to get summary information. If we include the argument
getVarInfo=TRUE, the summary includes the names of the variables and their types:

> rxGetInfo(claimsDF, getVarInfo = TRUE)

Data frame: claimsDF

Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 128)
Var 2: age, Type: character
Var 3: car.age, Type: character
Var 4: type, Type: character
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)

For just variables in the data file, use the names function:

> names(claimsDF)
[1] "RowNum" "age" "car.age" "type" "cost" "number"

4. To save the data into a .xdf file rather than importing data into a data frame in memory, add the outFile
parameter. Specify a path to a writable directory:

> claimsDF <- rxImport(inData=mySourceFile, outFile = "c:/users/temp/claims.xdf")

A .xdf file is created, and instead of returning a data frame, the rxImport function returns a data source
object. This is a small R object that contains information about a data source, in this case the name and
path of the .xdf file it represents. This data source object can be used as the input data in most RevoScaleR
functions. For example:

> rxGetInfo(claimsDF, getVarInfo = TRUE)

> names(claimsDF)

5. Optionally, you can simplify the path designation by using the working directory. Use R's working
directory commands to get and set the folder. Run the first command to determine the default working
directory, and the second command to switch to a writable folder.

> getwd()
> setwd("c:/users/temp")

Modifications during import

During import, you can fix problems in the underlying data by specifying arguments for replacement values,
changing metadata on the variable, changing data types, and creating new variables based on calculations.
Set a replacement string
If your text data file uses a string other than NA to identify missing values, you can use the missingValueString
argument to define the replacement string. Only one missing value string is allowed per file. The following
example is from the Airline demo tutorial:
inFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "AirlineDemoSmall.csv")
airData <- rxImport(inData = inFile, outFile="airExample.xdf",
stringsAsFactors = TRUE, missingValueString = "M",
rowsPerRead = 200000, overwrite = TRUE)

Change variable metadata

If you need to modify the name of a variable or the names of the factor levels, or add a description of a variable,
you can do this using the colInfo argument. For example, the claims data includes a variable type specifying the
type of car, but the levels A, B, C, and D give us no particular information. If we knew what the types signified,
perhaps “Subcompact”, “Compact”, “Mid-size”, and “Full-size”, we could relabel the levels as follows:

# Specifying Additional Variable Information

inFileAddVars <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.txt")

outfileTypeRelabeled <- "claimsTypeRelabeled.xdf"
colInfoList <- list("type" = list(type = "factor", levels = c("A",
"B", "C", "D"), newLevels=c("Subcompact", "Compact", "Mid-size",
"Full-size"), description="Body Type"))
claimsNew <- rxImport(inFileAddVars, outFile = outfileTypeRelabeled,
colInfo = colInfoList)
rxGetInfo(claimsNew, getVarInfo = TRUE)

This produces the following output:

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\claimsTypeRelabeled.xdf

Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 128)
Var 2: age, Type: character
Var 3: car.age, Type: character
Var 4: type, Body Type
4 factor levels: Subcompact Compact Mid-size Full-size
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)

To specify newLevels, you must also specify levels, and it is important to note that the newLevels argument can
only be used to rename levels. It cannot be used to fully recode the factor. That is, the number of levels and
number of newLevels must be the same.
Change data types
The rxImport function supports three arguments for specifying variable data types: stringsAsFactors, colClasses,
and colInfo. For example, consider storing character data. Often data stored in text files as string data actually
represents categorical or factor data, which can be more compactly represented as a set of integers denoting the
distinct levels of the factor. This is common enough that users frequently want to transform all string data to
factors. This can be done using the stringsAsFactors argument:
# Specifying Variable Data Types

inFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sts")

rxImport(inFile, outFile = "claimsSAF.xdf", stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
rxGetInfo("claimsSAF.xdf", getVarInfo = TRUE)

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\claimsSAF.xdf

Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 128)
Var 2: age
8 factor levels: 17-20 21-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Var 3: car.age
4 factor levels: 0-3 4-7 8-9 10+
Var 4: type
4 factor levels: A B C D
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)

You can also specify data types for individual variables using the colClasses argument, and even more specific
instructions for converting each variable using the colInfo argument. Here we use the colClasses argument to
specify that the variable number in the claims data be stored as an integer:

outfileColClass <- "claimsCCNum.xdf"

rxImport(infile, outFile = outfileColClass, colClasses=c(number = "integer"))
rxGetInfo("claimsCCNum.xdf", getVarInfo = TRUE)

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\claimsCCNum.xdf

Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 128)
Var 2: age, Type: character
Var 3: car.age, Type: character
Var 4: type, Type: character
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 434)

We can use the colInfo argument to specify the levels of the car.age column. This is useful when reading data in
chunks, to assure that factors levels are in the desired order.

outfileCAOrdered <- "claimsCAOrdered.xdf"

colInfoList <- list("car.age"= list(type = "factor", levels = c("0-3",
"4-7", "8-9", "10+")))
rxImport(infile, outFile = outfileCAOrdered, colInfo = colInfoList)
rxGetInfo("claimsCAOrdered.xdf", getVarInfo = TRUE)

Gives the following output:

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\claimsCAOrdered.xdf
Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 128)
Var 2: age, Type: character
Var 3: car.age
4 factor levels: 0-3 4-7 8-9 10+
Var 4: type, Type: character
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)

These various methods of providing column information can be combined as follows:

outfileCAOrdered2 <- "claimsCAOrdered2.xdf"

colInfoList <- list("car.age" = list(type = "factor", levels = c("0-3",
"4-7", "8-9", "10+")))
claimsOrdered <- rxImport(infile, outfileCAOrdered2,
colClasses = c(number = "integer"),
colInfo = colInfoList, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
rxGetInfo(claimsOrdered, getVarInfo = TRUE)

Produces the following output:

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\claimsCAOrdered2.xdf

Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 128)
Var 2: age
8 factor levels: 17-20 21-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Var 3: car.age
4 factor levels: 0-3 4-7 8-9 10+
Var 4: type
4 factor levels: A B C D
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 434)

In general, variable specifications provided by the colInfo argument are used in preference to colClasses, and
those in colClasses are used in preference to the stringsAsFactors argument.
Also note that the .xdf data format supports a wider variety of data types than R, allowing for efficient storage.
For example, by default floating point variables are stored as 32-bit floats in .xdf files. When they are read into R
for processing, they are converted to doubles (64-bit floats).
Create or modify variables
You can use the transforms argument to rxImport to create new variables or modify existing variables when you
initially read the data into .xdf format. For example, we could create a new variable, logcost, by taking the log of
the existing cost variable as follows:

inFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.txt")

outfile <- "claimsXform.xdf"
claimsDS <-rxImport(inFile, outFile = outfile, transforms=list(logcost=log(cost)))
rxGetInfo(claimsDS, getVarInfo=TRUE)
Gives the following output, showing the new variable:

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\claimsXform.xdf

Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 7
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 128)
Var 2: age, Type: character
Var 3: car.age, Type: character
Var 4: type, Type: character
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)
Var 7: logcost, Type: numeric, Low/High: (2.3979, 6.7452)

Change date formats

The .xdf format can store dates using the standard R Date class. When importing data from other data formats
that support dates such as SAS or SPSS, the rxImport function converts dates data automatically. However,
some data sets even in those formats include dates as character string data.
You can store such data more efficiently by converting it to Date data using the transforms argument. For
example, suppose you have a character variable TransactionDate with a representative date of the form "14 Sep
2017". You could convert this to a Date variable using the following transforms argument:

transforms=list(TransactionDate=as.Date(TransactionDate, format="%d %b %Y")))

The format argument is a character string that may contain conversion specifications, as in the example shown.
These conversion specifications are described in the strptime help file.
Change a delimiter
You cannot create or modify delimiters through rxImport, but for text data, you can create an RxTextData data
source and specify the delimiter using the delimiter argument. For more information about creating a data source
object, see Data Sources in Microsoft R.
As a simple example, RevoScaleR includes a sample text data file hyphens.txt that is not separated by commas or
tabs, but by hyphens, with the following contents:


By creating an RxTextData data source for this file, you can specify the delimiter using the delimiter argument:

readPath <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

infile <- file.path(readPath, "hyphens.txt")
hyphensTxt <- RxTextData(infile, delimiter="-")
hyphensDF <- rxImport(hyphensTxt)

Name Rank SerialNumber

1 Smith Sgt 2912
2 Johnson Cpl 90210
3 Michaels Pvt 2931
4 Brown Pvt 11311
In normal usage, the delimiter argument is a single character, such as delimiter="\t" for tab-delimited data or
delimiter="," for comma-delimited data. However, each column may be delimited by a different character; all the
delimiters must be concatenated together into a single character string. For example, if you have one column
delimited by a comma, a second by a plus sign, and a third by a tab, you would use the argument
*delimiter=",+\t". *

This section provides example script demonstrating additional import tasks.
Import multiple files
This example demonstrates an approach for importing multiple text files at once. You can use sample data for this
exercise. It includes mortgage default data for consecutive years, with each year's data in a separate file. In this
exercise, you will import all of them to a single XDF by appending one after another, using a combination of base
R commands and RevoScaleR functions.
Create a source object for a list of files, obtained using the R list.files function with a pattern for selecting
specific file names:

mySourceFiles <- list.files(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), pattern = "mortDefaultSmall\\d*.csv",


Create an object for the XDF file at a writable location:

myLargeXdf <- file.path("C:/users/temp/mortgagelarge.xdf")

To iterate over multiple files, use the R lapply function and create a function to call rxImport with the append
argument. Importing multiple files requires the append argument on rxImport to avoid overwriting existing
content from the first iteration. Each new chunk of data is imported as a block.

lapply(mySourceFiles, FUN = function(csv_file) {

rxImport(inData = csv_file, outFile=myLargeXdf, append = file.exists(myLargeXdf)) } )

Partial output from this operation reports out the processing details.

Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.020 seconds
Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.020 seconds
Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.025 seconds
Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.022 seconds
Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.020 seconds
Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.020 seconds
Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.019 seconds
Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.020 seconds
Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.020 seconds
Rows Read: 10000, Total Rows Processed: 10000, Total Chunk Time: 0.020 seconds

Use rxGetInfo to view precomputed metadata. As you would expect, the block count reflects the presence of
multiple concatenated data sets.


Results from this command confirm that you have 10 blocks, one for each .csv file. On a distributed file system,
you could place these blocks on separate nodes. You could also retrieve or overwrite individual blocks. For more
information, see Import and consume data on HDFS and XDF files.

File name: C:\Users\TEMP\mortgagelarge.xdf

Number of observations: 1e+05
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 10
Compression type: zlib

Import fixed-format data

Fixed -format data is text data in which each variable occupies a fixed-width column in the input data file. Column
width, rather than a delimiter, gives the data its structure. You can import fixed-format data using the rxImport
Optionally, fixed-format data might be associated with a schema file having a .sts extension. The schema
describes the width and type of each column. For complete details on creating a schema file, see page 93 of the
Stat/Transfer PDF Manual ( If you have a schema file, you can create
the input data source simply by specifying the schema file name as the input data file.
The built-in samples include a fixed-format version of the claims data as the file claims.dat and a schema file
named claims.sts. To import the data using this schema file, we use RxImport as follows:

# Verify the sample files exist

> list.files(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"))

# (Windows only) Set a working directory for which you have write access
> setwd("c:/users/temp")

# Specify the source schema file, load data, and save output as a new XDF
> inFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sts")
> claimsFF <- rxImport(inData=inFile, outFile="claimsFF.xdf")

Return summary information using rxGetInfo:

rxGetInfo(claimsFF, getVarInfo=TRUE)

File name: C:\\YourOutputPath\\claims.xdf

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\claims.xdf

Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (1.0000, 128.0000)
Var 2: age, Type: character
Var 3: car.age, Type: character
Var 4: type, Type: character
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)

To read all string data as factors, set the stringsAsFactors argument to TRUE in your call to rxImport

claimsFF2 <- rxImport(inFile, outFile = "claimsFF2.xdf", stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

rxGetInfo(claimsFF2, getVarInfo=TRUE)

If you have fixed-format data without a schema file, you can specify the start, width, and type information for
each variable using the colInfo argument to the RxTextData data source constructor, and then read in the data
using rxImport:
inFileNS <- file.path(readPath, "claims.dat")
outFileNS <- "claimsNS.xdf"
colInfo=list("rownum" = list(start = 1, width = 3, type = "integer"),
"age" = list(start = 4, width = 5, type = "factor"),
"car.age" = list(start = 9, width = 3, type = "factor"),
"type" = list(start = 12, width = 1, type = "factor"),
"cost" = list(start = 13, width = 6, type = "numeric"),
"number" = list(start = 19, width = 3, type = "numeric"))
claimsNS <- rxImport(inFileNS, outFile = outFileNS, colInfo = colInfo)
rxGetInfo(claimsNS, getVarInfo=TRUE)

If you have a schema file, you can still use the colInfo argument to specify type information or factor level
information. However, in this case, all the variables are read according to the schema file, and then the colInfo
data specifications are applied. This means that you cannot use your colInfo list to omit variables, as you can
when there is no schema file.
Fixed-width character data is treated as a special type by RevoScaleR for efficiency purposes. You can use this
same type for character data in delimited data by specifying a colInfo argument with a width argument for the
character column. (Typically, you need to find the longest string in the column and specify a width sufficient to
include it.)
Import SAS data
The rxImport function can also be used to read data from SAS files having a .sas7bdat or .sd7 extension. You do
not need to have SAS installed on your computer; simple file access is used to read in the data.
The sample directory contains a SAS version of the claims data as claims.sas7bdat. We can read it into .xdf
format most simply as follows:

inFileSAS <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sas7bdat")

xdfFileSAS <- "claimsSAS.xdf"
claimsSAS <- rxImport(inData = inFileSAS, outFile = xdfFileSAS)
rxGetInfo(claimsSAS, getVarInfo=TRUE)

Gives the following output:

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\claimsSAS.xdf

Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: character
Var 2: age, Type: character
Var 3: car_age, Type: character
Var 4: type, Type: character
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)

Sometimes, SAS data files on Windows come in two pieces, a .sas7bdat file containing the data and a .sas7bcat
file containing value label information. You can read both the data and the value label information by specifying
the .sas7bdat file with the inData argument and the .sas7bcat file with the formatFile argument. To do so, in the
following code replace myfile with your SAS file name:

myData <- rxImport(inData = "myfile.sas7bdat",

outFile ="myfile.xdf",
formatFile = "myfile.sas7bcat")
Import SPSS data
The rxImport function can also be used to read data from SPSS files. The sample directory contains an SPSS
version of the claims data as claims.sav. We can read it into .xdf format as follows:

inFileSpss <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sav")

xdfFileSpss <- "claimsSpss.xdf"
claimsSpss <- rxImport(inData = inFileSpss, outFile = xdfFileSpss)
rxGetInfo(claimsSpss, getVarInfo=TRUE)

Gives the following output:

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\claimsSpss.xdf

Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: character
Var 2: age, Type: character
Var 3: car_age, Type: character
Var 4: type, Type: character
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)

Variables in SPSS data sets often contain value labels with important information about the data. SPSS variables
with value labels are typically most usefully imported into R as categorical “factor” data; that is, there is a one-to-
one mapping between the values in the data set (such as 1, 2, 3) and the labels that apply to them (Gold, Silver,
Interestingly, SPSS allows for value labels on a subset of existing values. For example, a variable with values from
1 to 99 might have value labels of “NOT HOME” for 97, “DIDN’T KNOW” for 98, and “NOT APPLICABLE” for
99. If this variable is converted to a factor in R using the value labels as the factor labels, all of the values from 1
to 96 would be set to missing because there would be no corresponding factor level. Essentially all of the actual
data would be thrown away.
To avoid data loss when converting to factors, use the flag labelsAsLevels=FALSE. By default, the information
from the value labels is retained even if the variables aren’t converted to factors. This information can be
returned using rxGetVarInfo. If you don’t wish to retain the information from the value labels, you can specify

Importing wide data

Big data mainly comes in two forms, long or wide, each presenting unique challenges. The common case is long
data, having many observations relative to the number of variables in the data set. With wide data, or data sets
with a large number of variables, there are specific considerations to take into account during import.
First, we recommend importing wide data into the .xdf format using the rxImport function whenever you plan to
do repeated analyses on your dat aset. Doing so allows you to read subsets of columns into a data frame in
memory for specific analyses. For more information, see Transform and subset data.
Second, review the data set for categorical variables that can be marked as factors. If possible use the colInfo
argument to define the levels rather than stringsAsFactors. Explicitly setting the levels results in faster processing
speeds because you avoid recomputations of variable metadata whenever a new level is encountered. For wide
data sets having a very large number of variables, the extra processing due to recomputation can be significant
so its worth considering the colInfo argument as a way to speed up the import.
Third, if you are using colinfo, considering creating it as an object prior to using rxImport. The following is an
example of defining the colInfo with factor levels for the claims data from earlier examples:

colInfoList <- list("age" = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("17-20","21-24","25-29","30-34","35-39","40-49","50-59","60+")),
"car.age" = list(type = "factor",
levels = c("0-3","4-7","8-9","10+")),
"type" = list(type = "factor",
levels = c("A","B","C","D")))

The colInfo list can then be used as the colInfo argument in the rxImport function to get your data into .xdf

inFileClaims <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.txt")

outFileClaims <- "claimsWithColInfo.xdf"
rxImport(inFile, outFile = outFileClaims, colInfo = colInfoList)

Next steps
Continue on to the following data import articles to learn more about XDF, data source objects, and other data
XDF files
Data Sources
Import relational data using ODBC
Import and consume data on HDFS

See also
Tutorial: data import Tutorial: data manipulation
Import SQL Server relational data
4/13/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article shows you how to import relational data from SQL Server into a data frame or .xdf file in Machine
Learning Server. Source data can originate from Azure SQL Database, or SQL Server on premises or on an Azure
virtual machine.

Azure subscription, Azure SQL Database, AdventureWorksLT sample database
SQL Server (any supported version and edition) with the AdventureWorksDW sample database
Machine Learning Server for Windows or Linux
R console application (RGui.exe on Windows or Revo64 on Linux)

Windows users, remember that R is case-sensitive and that file paths use the forward slash as a delimiter.

How to import from Azure SQL Database

The following script imports sample data from Azure SQL database into a local XDF. The script sets the
connection string, SQL query, XDF file, and the rxImport command for loading data and saving the output:

sConnString <- "Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server}; Server=tcp:<your-server-

name>,1433; Database=AdventureWorksLT; Uid=<your-user-name>; Pwd=<your-password>;
Encrypt=yes; TrustServerCertificate=no; Connection Timeout=30;"
sQuery <- "select ProductDescriptionID, Description, ModifiedDate from SalesLT.ProductDescription"
sDataSet <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery=sQuery, connectionString=sConnString)
sDataFile <- RxXdfData("c:/users/temp/mysqldata.xdf")
rxImport(sDataSet, sDataFile, overwrite=TRUE)
rxGetInfo(sDataFile, getVarInfo=TRUE, numRows=50)

You can run this script in an R console application, but a few modifications are necessary before you can do it
successfully. Before running the script, review it line by line to see what needs changing.
1 - Set the connection
Create the connection object using information from the Azure portal and ODBC Data Source Administrator.

> sConnString <- "Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server}; Server=tcp:<your-server-

name>,1433; Database=AdventureWorksLT; Uid=<your-user-name>; Pwd=<your-password>;
Encrypt=yes; TrustServerCertificate=no; Connection Timeout=30;"

First, get the ODBC driver name. On Windows, search for and then use the ODBC Data Source Administrator
(64-bit) app to view the drivers listed in the Drivers tab. On Linux, the ODBC driver manager and individual
drivers must be installed manually. For second, see How to import relational data using ODBC.
After Driver , all remaining connection properties from Server to Connection Timeout are obtained from the
Azure portal:
1. Sign in to the Azure portal and locate AdventureWorksLT.
2. In Overview > Essentials > Connection strings, click Show database connection strings.
3. On the ODBC tab, copy the connection information. It should look similar to the following string, except the
server name and user name will be valid for your database. The password is always a placeholder, which
you must replace with the actual password used for accessing your database.

Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server}; Server=tcp:<your-server-name>,1433;

Database=AdventureWorksLT; Uid=<your-user-name>; Pwd=<your-password>; Encrypt=yes;
TrustServerCertificate=no; Connection Timeout=30;

4. In the R console, provide the sConnString command based on the example syntax, but with valid values for
server name, user name, and password.
2 - Set firewall rules
On Azure SQL Database, access is controlled through firewall rules created for specific IP addresses. Creating a
firewall rule is a requirement for accessing Azure SQL Database from a client application.
1. On your client machine running Machine Learning Server, sign in to the Azure portal and locate
2. Use Overview > Set server firewall > Add client IP to create a rule for the local client.
3. Click Save once the rule is created.
On a small private network, IP addresses are most likely static, and the IP address detected by the portal is
probably correct. To confirm, you can use IPConfig on Windows or hostname -I on Linux to get your IP address.
On corporate networks, IP addresses can change on computer restarts, through network address translations, or
other reasons described in this article. It can be hard to get the right IP address, even through IPConfig and
hostname -I.
One way to get the right IP address is from the error message reported on a connection failure. If you get the
"ODBC Error in SQLDisconnect" error message, it will include this text: "Client with IP address is not allowed to
access the server". The IP address reported in the message is that one actually used on the connection, and it
should be specified as the start and ending IP range in your firewall rule in the Azure portal.
Producing this error is easy. Just run the entire example script (assuming a valid connection string and write
permissions to create the XDF ), concluding with rxImport. When rxImport fails, copy the IP address reported in
the message, and use it to set the firewall rule in the Azure portal. Wait a few minutes, and then retry the script.
3 - Set the query
In the R console application, create the SQL query object. The example query consists of columns from a single
table, but any valid T-SQL query providing a rowset is acceptable. This table was chosen because it includes
numeric data.

> sQuery <-"SELECT SalesOrderID, SalesOrderDetailID, OrderQty, UnitPrice, UnitPriceDiscount, LineTotal FROM

Before attempting unqualified SELECT * FROM queries, review the columns in your database for unhandled data
types in R. In AdventureWorksLT, the rowguid (uniqueidentifier ) column is not handled. Other unsupported data
types are listed here.
Queries with unsupported data types produce the error below. If you get this error and cannot immediately detect
the unhandled data type, incrementally add fields to the query to isolate the problem.
Unhandled SQL data type!!!
Could not open data source.
Error in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)

Queries should be data extraction queries (SELECT and SHOW statements) for reading data into a data frame or
.xdf file. INSERT queries are not supported. Because queries are used to populate a single data frame or .xdf file,
multiple queries (that is, queries separated by a semicolon “;”) are not supported. Compound queries, however,
producing a single extracted table (such as queries linked by AND or OR, or involving multiple FROM clauses) are
4 - Set the data source
Create the RxOdbcData data object using the connection and query object specifying which data to retrieve. This
exercise uses only a few arguments, but to learn more about data sources, see Data sources in RevoScaleR.

> sDataSet <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery=sQuery, connectionString=sConnString)

You could substitute RxSqlServerData for RxOdbcData if you want the option of setting the compute context to
a remote SQL Server instance (for example, if you want to run rxMerge, rxImport, or rxSort on a remote SQL
Server that also has a Machine Learning Server installation on the same machine). Otherwise, RxOdbcData is
local compute context only.
5 - Set the output file
Create the XDF file to save the data to disk. Check the folder permissions for write access.

> sDataFile <- RxXdfData("c:/users/temp/mysqldata.xdf")

By default, Windows does not allow external writes by non-local users. You might want to create a single folder,
such as C:/Users/Temp, and give Everyone write permissions. Once the XDF is created, you can move the file
elsewhere and delete the folder, or revoke the write permissions you just granted.
On Linux, you can use this alternative path:

> sDataFile <- RxXdfData(/tmp/mysqldata.xdf")

6 - Import the data

Run rxImport with inData and outFile arguments. Include overwrite so that you can rerun the script with different
queries without having to the delete the file each time.

> rxImport(sDataSet, sDataFile, overwrite=TRUE)

7 - Return object metadata

Use rxGetInfo to return information about the XDF data source, plus the first 50 rows:

> rxGetInfo(sDataFile, getVarInfo=TRUE, numRows=50)

8 - Return summary statistics

Use rxSummary to produce summary statistics on the data. The ~. is used to compute summary statistic on
numeric fields.
> rxSummary(~., sDataFile)

Output shows the central tendencies of the data, including mean values, standard deviation, minimum and
maximum values, and whether any observations are missing. From the output, you can tell that orders are typically
of small quantities and prices.

How to import from SQL Server

The following script demonstrates how to import data from a SQL Server relational database into a local XDF.
This script is slightly different from the one for Azure SQL Database. This one uses the AdventureWorks data
warehouse (AdventureWorksDW ) for its normalized data.

sConnString <- "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=(local); Database=AdventureWorksDW2016; Connection Timeout=30;"

squery <-"SELECT * FROM dbo.vDMPrep"
sDataSet <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery=squery, connectionString=sConnString)
sDataFile <- RxXdfData("c:/users/temp/mysqldata.xdf")
rxImport(sDataSet, sDataFile, overwrite=TRUE)
rxGetInfo(sDataFile, getVarInfo=TRUE)

As with the previous exercise, modifications are necessary before you can run this script successfully.
1 - Set the connection
Create the connection object using the SQL Server database driver a local server and the sample database.

> sConnString <- "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=(local); Database=AdventureWorksDW2016; Connection Timeout=30;"

The driver used on the connection is an ODBC driver that is installed by SQL Server. You could use the default
database driver provided with operating system, but SQL Server Setup also installs drivers.
On Windows, ODBC drivers can be listed in the ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit) app on the Drivers
tab. On Linux, the ODBC driver manager and individual drivers must be installed manually. For pointers, see How
to import relational data using ODBC.
The Server=(local) refers to a local default instance connected over TCP. A named instance is specified as
computername$instancename. A remote server has the same syntax, but you should verify that that remote
connections are enabled. The defaults for this setting vary depending on which edition is installed.
2 - Set the query
In the R console application, create the SQL query object. The example query consists of columns from a single
view, but any valid T-SQL query providing a rowset is acceptable. This unqualified query works because all
columns in this view are supported data types.

> squery <-"SELECT * FROM dbo.vDMPrep"

You could skip this step and specify the query information through RxOdbcData via the table argument. Specifically, you
could write sDataSet <- RxOdbcData(table=dbo.vDMPrep, connectionString=sConnString) .

3 - Set the data source

Create an RxOdbcData data source object based on query results. The first example is the simple case.
> sDataSet <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery=squery, connectionString=sConnString)

The RxOdbcData data source takes arguments that can be used to modify the data set. A revised object includes
syntax that converts characters to factors via stringsAsFactors, specifies ranges for ages using colInfo, and
colClasses sets the data type to convert to:

> colInfoList <- list("Age" = list(type = "factor", levels = c("20-40", "41-50", "51-60", "61+")))
> sDataSet <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery=squery, connectionString=sConnString, colClasses=c(Model="character",
OrderNumber="character"), colInfo=colInfoList, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

Compare before-and-after variable information. On the original data set, the variable information is as follows:

Variable information:
Var 1: EnglishProductCategoryName, Type: character
Var 2: Model, Type: character
Var 3: CustomerKey, Type: integer, Low/High: (11000, 29483)
Var 4: Region, Type: character
Var 5: Age, Type: integer, Low/High: (30, 101)
Var 6: IncomeGroup, Type: character
Var 7: CalendarYear, Type: integer, Storage: int16, Low/High: (2010, 2014)
Var 8: FiscalYear, Type: integer, Storage: int16, Low/High: (2010, 2013)
Var 9: Month, Type: integer, Storage: int16, Low/High: (1, 12)
Var 10: OrderNumber, Type: character
Var 11: LineNumber, Type: integer, Storage: int16, Low/High: (1, 8)
Var 12: Quantity, Type: integer, Storage: int16, Low/High: (1, 1)
Var 13: Amount, Type: numeric, Low/High: (2.2900, 3578.2700)

After the modifications, the variable information includes default and custom factor levels. Additionally, for Model
and OrderNumber, we preserved the original "character" data type using the colClasses argument. We did this
because stringsAsFactors globally converts character data to factors (levels), and for OrderNumber and Model, the
number of levels was overkill.

Variable information:
Var 1: EnglishProductCategoryName
3 factor levels: Bikes Accessories Clothing
Var 2: Model, Type: character
Var 3: CustomerKey, Type: integer, Low/High: (11000, 29483)
Var 4: Region
3 factor levels: North America Europe Pacific
Var 5: Age
4 factor levels: 20-40 41-50 51-60 61+
Var 6: IncomeGroup
3 factor levels: High Low Moderate
Var 7: CalendarYear, Type: integer, Storage: int16, Low/High: (2010, 2014)
Var 8: FiscalYear, Type: integer, Storage: int16, Low/High: (2010, 2013)
Var 9: Month, Type: integer, Storage: int16, Low/High: (1, 12)
Var 10: OrderNumber, Type: character
Var 11: LineNumber, Type: integer, Storage: int16, Low/High: (1, 8)
Var 12: Quantity, Type: integer, Storage: int16, Low/High: (1, 1)
Var 13: Amount, Type: numeric, Low/High: (2.2900, 3578.2700)

4 - Set the output file

Create the XDF file to save the data to disk. Check the folder permissions for write access.

> sDataFile <- RxXdfData("c:/users/temp/mysqldata.xdf")

By default, Windows does not allow external writes by non-local users. You might want to create a single folder,
such as C:/Users/Temp, and give Everyone write permissions. Once the XDF is created, you can move the file
elsewhere and delete the folder, or revoke the write permissions you just granted.
On Linux, you can use this alternative path:

> sDataFile <- RxXdfData(/tmp/mysqldata.xdf")

5 - Import the data

Run rxImport with inData and outFile arguments. Include overwrite so that you can rerun the script with different
queries without having to the delete the file each time.

> rxImport(sDataSet, sDataFile, overwrite=TRUE)

6 - Return object metadata

Use rxGetInfo to return information about the XDF data source:

> rxGetInfo(sDataFile, getVarInfo=TRUE)

7 - Return summary statistics

Use rxSummary to produce summary statistics on the data. The ~. is used to compute summary statistic on
numeric fields.

> rxSummary(~., sDataFile)

Output shows the central tendencies of the data, including mean values, standard deviation, minimum and
maximum values, and whether any observations are missing. From the output, you can see that Age was probably
included in the view by mistake. There are no values for this variable in the observations retrieved from the data

Drill down: Changing data types

Data stored in databases may be stored differently from how you want to store the data in R. As noted in the
previous example for on-premises SQL Server, you can add the colClasses , colInfo , and stringsAsFactors
arguments to RxOdbcData to specify how columns are stored in R.
The stringsAsFactors argument is the simplest to use. If specified, any character string column not otherwise
accounted for by the colClasses or colInfo argument is stored as a factor in R, with levels defined according
to the unique character strings found in the column.
The colClasses argument allows you to specify a particular R data type for a particular variable.
The colInfo argument is similar, but it also allows you to specify a set of levels for a factor variable.

The data type must be supported, otherwise the unhandled data type error occurs before the conversion. For example, you
can't cast a unique identifier as an integer as a bypass mechanism.

The following example uses the SalelOrderHeader table because it provides more columns, and combines all three
arguments to modify the data types of several variables in the claims data:
> colInfoList <- list("Age" = list(type = "factor", levels = c("20-40", "41-50", "51-60", "61+")))
> sDataSet <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery=squery, connectionString=sConnString, colClasses=c(Model="character",
OrderNumber="character"), colInfo=colInfoList, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

Next Steps
Continue on to the following data import articles to learn more about XDF, data source objects, and other data
SQL Server tutorial for R
XDF files
Data Sources
Import text data
Import ODBC data
Import and consume data on HDFS

See Also
RevoScaleR Functions
Tutorial: data import and exploration Tutorial: data visualization and analysis
Import relational data using ODBC
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

RevoScaleR allows you to read or write data from virtually any database for which you can obtain an ODBC
driver, a standard software interface for accessing relational data. ODBC connections are enabled through
drivers and a driver manager. Drivers handle the translation of requests from an application to the database. The
ODBC Driver Manager sets up and manages the connection between them.
Both drivers and an ODBC Driver Manager must be installed on the computer running Microsoft R. On
Windows, the driver manager is built in. On Linux systems, RevoScaleR supports unixODBC, which you will
need to install. Once the manager is installed, you can proceed to install individual database drivers for all of the
data sources you need to support.
To import data from a relational database management system, do the following:
1. Install an ODBC Driver Manager (Linux only)
2. Install ODBC drivers
3. Create an RxOdbcData data source
4. For read operations, use rxImport to read data
5. For write operations, use rxDataStep to write data back to the data source

About ODBC in Microsoft R

In Microsoft R, an ODBC and RxOdbcData dependency exists for data imported from relational database
systems like Oracle, PostGreSQL, and MySQL, to name a few. ODBC is primarily required for RxOdbcData
data sources, but it is also used internally for DBMS -specific connections to SQL Server. If you delete the ODBC
driver for SQL Server and then try to use RxSqlServerData, the connection fails.
Although ODBC drivers exist for text data, Microsoft R does not use ODBC for sources accessed as file-based
reads. To be specific, it's not used for accessing text files, SPSS database files, or SAS database files.
For SQL Server, you can use RxSqlServerData or RxOdbcData interchangeably, unless you are accessing R
objects stored in a SQL Server table, in which case RxOdbcData is required. For examples and instructions on
using SQL Server data in Microsoft R, see Import SQL data from Azure SQL Database and SQL Server.

How to configure ODBC for relational data access

Follow these steps to configure ODBC for loading data from an external relational database.
1 - Install unixODBC
Linux only
An ODBC Driver Manager manages communication between applications and drivers. On Linux, an ODBC
Driver Manager is not typically bundled in a Linux distribution. Although several driver managers are available,
Microsoft R supports the unixODBC Driver Manager.
To first check whether unixODBC is installed, do the following:
On RHEL: rpm –qa | grep unixODBC
On Ubuntu: apt list --installed | grep unixODBC
On SLES: zypper se unixODBC
If unixODBC is not installed, issue the following commands to add it:
On RHEL: sudo yum install unixodbc-devel unixodbc-bin unixodbc
On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install unixodbc-devel unixodbc-bin unixodbc
On SLES: sudo zypper install unixODBC
For more information, SQL Server documentation provides in-depth instructions for installing unixODBC on a
variety of Linux operating systems. Alternatively, you can go to the unixODBC web site, download the software,
and follow instructions on the site.
2 - Install drivers
ODBC drivers must be installed on the machine running Machine Learning Server or R Client. You will need a
driver that corresponds to the database version you plan to use. To check which drivers are installed, use the
instructions below.
On Linux
1. To list existing drivers: odbcinst -q -d
2. Driver version information is in the odbcinst.ini file. To find the location of that file: odbcinst -j
3. Typically, driver information is in /etc/odbcinst.ini. To view its contents: gedit /etc/odbcinst.ini
4. You can also list any existing ODBC data sources already on the system: odbcinst -q -s
On Windows
1. Search for odbc data sources to find the ODBC Data Source Administrator (64-bit) application.
2. In ODBC Data Source Administrator > Drivers tab, review the currently installed drivers.
If the driver you need is missing, download and install the driver using instructions provided by the vendor. A
partial list of download links is provided below.
ODBC download sites for commonly used databases
Drivers for commonly used databases might be pre-installed with the operating system or database
management system, but if not, most can be downloaded from database vendor web sites. The following table
provides links to download pages for several data platforms.


SQL Server on Linux Installing the Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server on Linux

Oracle Instant Client Oracle Instant Client Downloads

MySQL Download Connector/ODBC

PostgreSQL psqlODBC

Cloudera Cloudera ODBC Driver for Hive

3 - Connect and import

This step uses examples to illustrate connection strings, query strings, RxOdbcData data source objects, XDF
objects, and import commands for various platform configurations.
Query strings must consist of data extraction queries (SELECT and SHOW statements) that populate a single
data frame or .xdf file. As long as a single extracted table is produced, you can use queries linked by AND, OR,
and multiple FROM clauses. Unsupported syntax includes INSERT queries or multiple query strings separated
by a semicolon.
Recall that RxOdbcData provides local compute context only, which means that when you create the object, any
read or write operations are executed by Machine Learning Server on the local machine.
Using SQL Server
This example uses a connection string to connect to a local SQL Server instance and the RevoClaimsDB
database. For simplicity, the connection is further scoped to a single table, but you could write T-SQL to select a
more interesting data set.

sConnectStr <- "Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=

sQuery = "Select * from"
sDS <-RxOdbcData(sqlQuery=sQuery, connectionString=sConnectStr)
sXdf <- RxXdfData("c:/users/temp/claimsFromODBC.xdf")
rxImport(sDS, sXdf, overwrite=TRUE)

This returns the following:

> rxGetInfo(sXdf, getVarInfo=TRUE)

File name: c:\Users\TEMP\claimsFromODBC.xdf
Number of observations: 128
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: "RowNum", Type: character
Var 2: "age", Type: character
Var 3: "car age", Type: character
Var 4: "type", Type: character
Var 5: "cost", Type: character
Var 6: "number", Type: character

If you are selecting an entire table or view, a simpler alternative for the query string is just the name of that object
specified as an argument on RxOdbcData. For example:
sDS <-RxOdbcData(, connectionString=sConnectStr) . With this shortcut, you can omit the sQuery
object from your script.

By amending the RxOdbcData object with additional arguments, you can use colClasses to recast numeric
"character" data as integers or float, and use stringsAsFactors to convert all unspecified character variables to

sDS <-RxOdbcData(sqlQuery=sQuery, connectionString=sConnectStr, colClasses=c(RowNum="integer",

number="integer"), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
sXdf <- RxXdfData("c:/users/temp/claimsFromODBC.xdf")
rxImport(sDS, sXdf, overwrite=TRUE)

Data values for age and car.age are expressed as ranges in the original data, so those columns (as well as the
type column) are appropriately converted to factors through the stringsAsFactors argument. Retaining the
character data type for cost is also appropriate for the existing data. While cost has mostly numeric values, it also
has multiple instances of "NA".
After re-import, variable metadata should be as follows:
> rxGetInfo(sXdf, getVarInfo=TRUE)
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 128)
Var 2: age
8 factor levels: 17-20 21-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Var 3: car age
4 factor levels: 0-3 4-7 8-9 10+
Var 4: type
4 factor levels: A B C D
Var 5: cost
100 factor levels: 289.00 282.00 133.00 160.00 372.00 ... 119.00 385.00 324.00 192.00 123.00
Var 6: number, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 434)

Using Oracle Express

Oracle Express is a free version of the popular Oracle database management system intended for evaluation and
education. It uses the same ODBC drivers as the commercial offerings. The follow example demonstrates an
Oracle SQL statement to show all the tables in a database (this differs from standard SQL implementations):

tablesDS <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery="select * from user_tables", connectionString =

OracleTableDF <- rxImport(tablesDS, overwrite=TRUE)

This yields a list of tables similar to the following (showing partial results for brevity, with the first 10 tables):



Using MySQL on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

As a first step, specify the name of your DSN. On Linux, this is the same name specified for the ODBC

### Test of import from 'centos-database01' ###

sConnectionStr = "DSN=ScaleR-ODBC-test"
sUserSQL = "SELECT * FROM airline1987"
airlineXDFName <- file.path(getwd(), "airlineimported.xdf")
airlineODBCSource <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery = sUserSQL, connectionString = sConnectionStr, useFastRead = TRUE)
rxImport(airlineODBCSource, airlineXDFName, overwrite = TRUE)

Next Steps
Continue on to the following data import articles to learn more about XDF, data source objects, and other data
Import SQL data
Import text data
Import and consume data on HDFS
XDF files
Data Sources

See Also
RevoScaleR Functions
Tutorial: data import and exploration Tutorial: data manipulation and statistical analysis
Import and consume HDFS data files using
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article explains how to load data from the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ) into an R data frame or
an .xdf file. Example script shows several use cases for using RevoScaleR functions with HDFS data.

Set the file system

By default, data is expected to be found on the native file system (Linux). If all your data is on HDFS, you can use
rxSetFileSystem to specify this as a global option:


If only some files are on HDFS, keep the native file system default and use the fileSystem argument on
RxTextData or RxXdfData data sources to specify which files are on HDFS. For example:

hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()

txtSource <- RxTextData("/test/HdfsData/AirlineCSV/CSVs/1987.csv", fileSystem=hdfsFS)
xdfSource <- RxXdfData("/test/HdfsData/AirlineData1987", fileSystem=hdfsFS)

The RxHdfsFileSystem function creates a file system object for the HDFS file system. You can use
RxNativeFileSystem function does the same thing for the native file system.

Load data from HDFS

Assuming you already have an .xdf file on HDFS, you can load it by creating an RxXdfData object that takes the
.xdf file as an input.

mortDS <- RxXdfData("/share/SampleData/mortDefaultSmall.xdf")

rxGetInfo(mortDS, numRows = 5)
rxSummary(~., data = mortDS, blocksPerRead = 2)
logitObj <- rxLogit(default~F(year) + creditScore + yearsEmploy + ccDebt,
data = mortDS, blocksPerRead = 2, reportProgress = 1)

Write XDF to HDFS

Once you load data from a text file or another source, you can save it as an .xdf file to either HDFS or the native
file system. The compute context determines where the file can be saved. To get the current compute context, use
rxGetComputeContext(). In a local compute context, out files must be written to the native file system.
However, by setting the compute context to RxHadoopMR or RxSpark, you can write to HDFS.
The following example shows how to write a data frame as an .xdf file directly to HDFS using the built-in Iris data
1. Set the user name:
> username <- `<your-user-name-here>`

2. Set folder paths:

hdfsDataDirRoot <- paste("/home/<user-dir>/<data-dir>/", username, sep="")

localfsDataDirRoot <- paste("/home/<user-dir>/<data-dir>/", username, sep="")

3. Set compute context:


host <- system("hostname", intern=TRUE)
hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem(hostName=host, port=port)

myHadoopCluster <- RxHadoopMR(

nameNode= host,


4. Write the XDF to a text file on HDFS:

air7x <- RxXdfData(file='/user/RevoShare/revolution/AirOnTime7Pct', fileSystem = hdfsFS)

air7t <- RxTextData(file='/user/RevoShare/revolution/AirOnTime7PctText', fileSystem = hdfsFS,


Write a composite XDF

A composite XDF refers to a collection of .xdf files rather than a single .xdf out file. You can create a composite .xdf
if you want to load, refresh, and analyze data as a collection of smaller files that can be managed independently
or used collectively, depending on the need.
A composite set consists of a named parent directory with two subdirectories, data and metadata, containing
split data .xdfd files and metadata .xdfm files, respectively. The .xdfm file contains the metadata for all of the .xdfd
files under the same parent folder.
RxXdfData is used to specify a composite set, and rxImport is used to read in the data and output the
generated .xdfd files.
When the compute context is RxHadoopMR, a composite set of XDF is always created. In a local compute
context, which you can use on HDFS, you must specify the option createCompositeSet=TRUE within the
RxXdfData if you want the composite set.
To create a composite file
1. Use RxGetComputeContext() to determine whether you need to set createCompositeSet. In
RxHadoopMR or RxSpark, you can omit the argument. For local compute context, add
createCompositeSet=TRUE to force the composite set.
2. Use RxTextData to create a data source object based on a single file or a directory of files.
3. Use RxXdfData to create an XDF for use as the outFile argument.
4. Use rxImport function to read source files and save the output as a composite XDF.
The following example demonstrates creating a composite set of .xdf files within the native file system in a local
compute context using a directory of .csv files as input. Prior to trying these examples yourself, copy the sample
AirlineDemoSmallSplit folder from the sample data directory to /tmp. Create a second empty folder named
testXdf under /tmp to hold the composite file set:

# Run this command to verify source path. Output should be the AirlineDemoSmallPart?.csv file list.

# Set folders and source and output objects

AirDemoSrcDir <- "/tmp/AirlineDemoSmallSplit/"
AirDemoSrcObj <- RxTextData(AirDemoSrcDir)
AirDemoXdfDir <- "/tmp/testXdf/"
AirDemoXdfObj <- RxXdfData(AirDemoXdfDir, createCompositeSet=TRUE)

# Run rxImport to convert the data info XDF and save as a composite file
rxImport(AirDemoSrcObj, outFile=AirDemoXdfObj)

This creates a directory named testXdf, with the data and metadata subdirectories, containing the split .xdfd and
.xdfm files.

list.files(AirDemoXdfDir, recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)

Output should be as follows:

[1] "/tmp/testXdf/data/testXdf_1.xdfd"
[2] "/tmp/testXdf/data/testXdf_2.xdfd"
[3] "/tmp/testXdf/data/testXdf_3.xdfd"
[4] "/tmp/testXdf/metadata/testXdf.xdfm"

Run rxGetInfo to return metadata, including the number of composite data files, and the first 10 rows.

rxGetInfo(AirDemoXdfObj, getVarInfo=TRUE, numRows=10)

File name: /tmp/testXdf
Number of composite data files: 3
Number of observations: 6e+05
Number of variables: 3
Number of blocks: 3
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: ArrDelay, Type: character
Var 2: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0167, 23.9833)
Var 3: DayOfWeek, Type: character
Data (10 rows starting with row 1):
ArrDelay CRSDepTime DayOfWeek
1 6 9.666666 Monday
2 -8 19.916666 Monday
3 -2 13.750000 Monday
4 1 11.750000 Monday
5 -2 6.416667 Monday
6 -14 13.833333 Monday
7 20 16.416666 Monday
8 -2 19.250000 Monday
9 -2 20.833334 Monday
10 -15 11.833333 Monday

Control generated file output

Number of generated .xdfd files depends on characteristics of source data, but it is generally one file per HDFS
block. However, if the original source data is distributed among multiple smaller files, each file counts as a block
even if the file size is well below HDFS block size, thus the files The HDFS block size varies from installation to
installation, but is typically either 64MB or 128MB. For more in depth information about the composite XDF
format and its use within a Hadoop compute context, see Get started with HadoopMR and RevoScaleR .
Filenames are based on the parent directory name.
Rows per file are influenced by compute context:
When compute context is local with createCompositeSet=TRUE, the number of blocks put into each .xdfd file
in the composite set.
When compute context is HadoopMR, the number of rows in each .xdfd file is determined by the rows
assigned to each MapReduce task, and the number of blocks per .xdfd file is therefore determined by

Load a composite XDF

You can reference a composite XDF using the data source object used as the outFile for rxImport. To load a
composite XDF residing on the HDFS file system, set RxXdfData to the parent folder having data and metadata

TestXdfObj <- RxXdfData("/tmp/TestXdf/")
rxGetInfo(TestXdfObj, numRows = 5)
rxSummary(~., data = TestXdfObj)

Note that in this example we set the file system to HDFS globally so we did not need to specify the file system
within the data source constructors.

Using RevoScaleR with rhdfs

If you are using both RevoScaleR and the RHadoop connector package rhdfs, you need to ensure that the two do
not interfere with each other. The rhdfs package depends upon the rJava package, which will prevent access to
HDFS by RevoScaleR if it is called before RevoScaleR makes its connection to HDFS.
To prevent this interaction, use the function rxHdfsConnect to establish a connection between RevoScaleR and
HDFS. An install-time option on Linux can be used to trigger such a call from the startup file. If the
install-time option is not chosen, you can add it later by setting the REVOHADOOPHOST and
REVOHADOOPPORT environment variables with the host name of your Hadoop name node and the name
node’s port number, respectively.
You can also call rxHdfsConnect interactively within a session, provided you have not yet attempted any other
rJava or rhdfs commands. For example, the following call will fix a connection between the Hadoop host
sandbox-01 and RevoScaleR; if you make a subsequent call to rhdfs, RevoScaleR can continue to use the
previously established connection. Note that once rhdfs (or any other rJava call) has been invoked, you cannot
change the host or port you use to connect to RevoScaleR:

rxHdfsConnect(hostName = "sandbox-01", port = 8020)

Next steps
Related articles include best practices for XDF file management, including managing split files, and compute
XDF files in Microsoft R
Compute context in Microsoft R
To further your understanding of RevoScaleR usage with HadoopMR or Spark, continue with the following
Data import and exploration on Apache Spark
Data import and exploration on Hadoop MapReduce

See Also
Machine Learning Server Install Machine Learning Server on Linux
Install Machine Learning Server on Hadoop
Data Sources in RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

A data source in RevoScaleR is an R object representing a data set. It is the return object of rxImport for read
operations and rxDataStep for write operations. Although the data itself may be on disk, a data source is an in-
memory object that allows you to treat data from disparate sources in a consistent manner within RevoScaleR.
Behind the scenes, rxImport often creates data sources implicitly to facilitate data import. You can explicitly
create data sources for more control over how data is imported, such as setting arguments to control how many
rows are read into the object. This article explains how to create a variety of data sources and use them in an
analytical context.

Data Source Constructors

To create data sources directly, use the constructors listed in the following table:


Text (fixed-format or delimited) RxTextData

SAS RxSasData

SPSS RxSpssData

ODBC Database RxOdbcData

Teradata Database RxTeradata

SQL Server Database RxSqlServerData

Spark data: Hive, Parquet and ORC RxSparkData or RxHiveData, RxParquetData, RxOrcData

.xdf data files RxXdfData

XDF files are the out files for rxImport read operations, but you also use them as a data source input when
loading all or part of an .xdf into a data frame. Using an XDF data source is recommended for repeated analysis
of a single data set. It is almost always faster to import data into an .xdf file and run analyses on the .xdf data
source than to load data from an original data source.

When to create a data source

For simple data import, it's not necessary to explicitly create a data source. You can simply specify a file path for a
file that rxImport can read, and RevoScaleR will read it using the default settings. However, if you need to
provide additional options specific to that data source type, you should create a data source using a constructor
from the previous list.

How to create a data source

You can create a data source the same way you create any object in R, by giving it a name and using a constructor.
The first argument of any RevoScaleR data source is the source data:
# Load sample text file on Linux
> myTextDS <- RxTextData("/usr/lib64/microsoft-r/3.3/lib64/R/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/claims.txt")

# Load sample text file on Windows. Remember to replace Window's \ with R's /
> myTextDS <- RxTextData("C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML

As a coding best practice, create a file object first, and pass that to the data source:

> mySrcObj <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.txt")

> myTextDS <- RxTextData(mySrcObj)

After the data source object is created, you can return object properties, precomputed metadata, and rows.

# Return properties
> myTextDS
RxTextData Source
"C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/claims.txt"
centuryCutoff: 20
rowsToSniff: 10000
rowsToSkip: 0
defaultReadBufferSize: 10000
isFixedFormat: FALSE
useFastRead: TRUE
fileSystemType: native

# Return variable metadata

> rxGetVarInfo(myTextDS)
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer
Var 2: age, Type: character
Var 3: car.age, Type: character
Var 4: type, Type: character
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32

# Return first 10 rows

> rxGetInfo(myTextDS, numRows=10)
File name: C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/claims.txt
Data Source: Text
Data (10 rows starting with row 1):
RowNum age car.age type cost number
1 1 17-20 0-3 A 289 8
2 2 17-20 4-7 A 282 8
3 3 17-20 8-9 A 133 4
4 4 17-20 10+ A 160 1
5 5 17-20 0-3 B 372 10
6 6 17-20 4-7 B 249 28
7 7 17-20 8-9 B 288 1
8 8 17-20 10+ B 11 1
9 9 17-20 0-3 C 189 9
10 10 17-20 4-7 C 288 13

Use standard R methods

A number of standard R methods can be used with RevoScaleR data sources. You might be familiar with names
for viewing variable names, or head for viewing the first few rows:
> names(myTextDS)
[1] "RowNum" "age" "car.age" "type" "cost" "number"

> head(myTextDS)
RowNum age car.age type cost number
1 1 17-20 0-3 A 289 8
2 2 17-20 4-7 A 282 8
3 3 17-20 8-9 A 133 4
4 4 17-20 10+ A 160 1
5 5 17-20 0-3 B 372 10
6 6 17-20 4-7 B 249 28

By loading data into a data frame using rxImport, you can use additional functions, such as the dim function to
return dimensions, and colnames or dimnames as an alternative to RxGetVarInfo to obtain variable names.

# Load data into a data frame

newDF <- rxImport(inData = myTextDS)
[1] 128 6

You can obtain the number of variables using the length function:

[1] 6

View the last rows of a data source using the tail function:

RowNum age car.age type cost number
123 123 60+ 8-9 C 227 20
124 124 60+ 10+ C 119 6
125 125 60+ 0-3 D 385 62
126 126 60+ 4-7 D 324 22
127 127 60+ 8-9 D 192 6
128 128 60+ 10+ D 123 6

By adding outFile to rxImport, you create an XDF data source, which you can return using summary:

newDF <- rxImport(inData = myTextDS, outFile = "claims.xdf", overwrite = TRUE)

Rows Read: 128, Total Rows Processed: 128, Total Chunk Time: 0.009 seconds
. . .
Data: object (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: claims.xdf
. . .

For .xdf file data sources, dimnames returns only column names. Row names are not provided because .xdf files
do not contain row names:

[1] "RowNum" "age" "car.age" "type" "cost" "number"

[1] "RowNum" "age" "car.age" "type" "cost" "number"
Data source by compute context
In the local compute context, all of RevoScaleR’s supported data sources are available to you. In a distributed
context, the data source object aligns to the compute context. Thus, RxInSqlServer only supports
RxSqlServerData objects. Likewise for RxInTeradata, which supports only the RxTeradata data sources. For
more information, see Compute context.


Data Source RxLocalSeq RxSpark RxHadoopMR RxInSqlServer RxInTeradata

Delimited Text x x x

Fixed-Format x
Text (RxTextData)

.xdf data files x x x


SAS data files x


SPSS data files x


ODBC data x

SQL Server x x

Teradata x x

Spark data x x

The following examples show how to instantiate and use various data sources.
Sample data includes claims.sas7bdat, which you can load without having SAS installed.

inFileSAS <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sas7bdat")

sourceDataSAS <- RxSasData(inFileSAS, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

Retrieve variables in the data by calling R's names function:

[1] "RowNum" "age" "car_age" "type" "cost" "number"

Compute a regression, passing the data source as the data argument to rxLinMod:

rxLinMod(cost ~ age + car_age, data = sourceDataSAS)

Rows Read: 128, Total Rows Processed: 128, Total Chunk Time: 0.003 seconds
Computation time: 0.014 seconds.
rxLinMod(formula = cost ~ age + car_age, data = sourceDataSAS)

Linear Regression Results for: cost ~ age + car_age

Data: sourceDataSAS (RxSasData Data Source)
File name:
C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/claims.sas7bdat
Dependent variable(s): cost
Total independent variables: 13 (Including number dropped: 2)
Number of valid observations: 123
Number of missing observations: 5

(Intercept) 117.38544
age=17-20 88.15174
age=21-24 34.15903
age=25-29 54.68750
age=30-34 2.93750
age=35-39 -20.77430
age=40-49 1.68750
age=50-59 63.12500
age=60+ Dropped
car_age=0-3 159.30531

Similarly, you could use the SPSS version of the claims data as follows:

inFileSpss <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sav")

sourceDataSpss <- RxSpssData(inFileSpss, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
rxLinMod(cost ~ age + car_age, data=sourceDataSpss)

This example shows how to create a data source from the built-in claims.xdf data set:

claimsPath <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.xdf")

claimsDs <- RxXdfData(claimsPath)

Use the open method rxOpen to open the data source:


Use the method rxReadNext to read the next block of data from the data source:

claims <- rxReadNext(claimsDs)

Use the rxClose method to close the data source:


XDF data sources with biglm

Since data sources for xdf files read data in chunks, it is a good match for the CRAN package biglm. The biglm
package does a linear regression on an initial chunk of data, then updates the results with subsequent chunks.
Below is a function that loops through an xdf file object and creates and updates the biglm results.

# Using an Xdf Data Source with biglm

if ("biglm" %in% .packages()){

biglmxdf <- function(dataSource, formula)
moreData <- TRUE
df <- rxReadNext(dataSource)
biglmRes <- biglm(formula, df)
while (moreData)
df <- rxReadNext(dataSource)
if (length(df) != 0)
biglmRes <- update(biglmRes, df)
moreData <- FALSE

To use the function, we first open the data file. For example, we can again use the large airline data set

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

bigAirData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "AirOnTime87to12/AirOnTime87to12.xdf")
dataSource <- RxXdfData(bigAirData,
varsToKeep = c("DayOfWeek", "DepDelay","ArrDelay"), blocksPerRead = 15)

Then we will time the computation, doing the regression for all the rows— 148,619,655 if you are using the full
data set. Note that it takes several minutes to load the data, even on a very fast machine.

system.time(bigLmRes <- biglmxdf(dataSource, ArrDelay~DayOfWeek))


We can see the coefficients by looking at a summary of the object returned:


} # End of use of biglm

It is, of course, much faster to compute a linear model using the rxLinMod function, but the biglm package
provides alternative methods of computation.

Next Steps
Continue on to the following data import articles to learn more about XDF and other data formats:
XDF files
Import SQL Server data
Import text data
Import and consume data on HDFS

See Also
RevoScaleR Functions
Tutorial: data import and exploration Tutorial: data manipulation and statistical analysis
How to transform and subset data using RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 27 minutes to read • Edit Online

A crucial step in many analyses is transforming the data into a form best suited for the chosen analysis. For
example, to reduce variations in scale between variables, you might take a log or a power of the original variable
before fitting the dataset to a linear model. Additionally, transforming data minimizes passes through the data,
which is more efficient.
In RevoScaleR, you can perform data transformations in virtually all of its functions, from rxImport to
rxDataStep, as well as the analysis functions rxSummary, rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxGlm,rxCrossTabs, rxCube,
rxCovCor, and rxKmeans.
In all cases, the basic approach for data transforms are the same. The heart of the RevoScaleR data step is a list of
transforms, each of which specifies an R expression to be evaluated. The data step is typically is an assignment that
either creates a new variable or modifies an existing variable from the original data set.
This article uses examples to illustrate common data manipulation tasks. For more background, see Data

Subset data by row or variable

A common use of rxDataStep is to create a new data set with a subset of rows and variables. The following
simple example uses a data frame as the input data set.
The call to rxDataStep uses the rowSelection argument to select only the rows where the variable y is greater
than .5, and the varsToKeep argument to keeps only the variables y and z. The rowSelection argument is an R
expression that evaluates to TRUE if the observation should be kept. The varsToKeep argument contains a list of
variable names to read in from the original data set. Because no outFile is specified, a data frame is returned.

# Create a data frame

myData <- data.frame(
x = rnorm(100),
y = runif(100),
z = rep(1:20, times = 5))

# Subset observations and variables

myNewData <- rxDataStep( inData = myData,
rowSelection = y > .5,
varsToKeep = c("y", "z"))

# Get information about the new data frame

rxGetInfo(data = myNewData, getVarInfo = TRUE)

You should see the following results:

Data frame: myNewData

Number of observations: 52
Number of variables: 2
Variable information:
Var 1: y, Type: numeric, Low/High: (0.5516, 0.9941)
Var 2: z, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 20)

Subsetting is particularly useful if your original data set contains millions of rows or hundreds of thousands of
variables. As a smaller example, the CensusWorkers.xdf sample data file has six variables and 351,121 rows.
To create a subset containing only workers who have worked less than 30 weeks in the year and five variables, we
can again use rxDataStep with the rowSelection and varsToKeep arguments. Since the resulting data set will
clearly fit in memory, we omit the outFile argument and assign the result of the data step, then use rxGetInfo to
see our results as usual:

readPath <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

censusWorkers <- file.path(readPath, "CensusWorkers.xdf")
partWorkers <- rxDataStep(inData = censusWorkers, rowSelection = wkswork1 < 30,
varsToKeep = c("age", "sex", "wkswork1", "incwage", "perwt"))
rxGetInfo(partWorkers, getVarInfo = TRUE)

The result is a data set with 14,317 rows:

Data frame: partWorkers

Number of observations: 14317
Number of variables: 5
Variable information:
Var 1: age, Age
Type: integer, Low/High: (20, 65)
Var 2: sex, Sex
2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 3: wkswork1, Weeks worked last year
Type: integer, Low/High: (21, 29)
Var 4: incwage, Wage and salary income
Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 354000)
Var 5: perwt, Type: integer, Low/High: (2, 163)

Alternatively, and in this case more easily, you can use varsToDrop to prevent variables from being read in from
the original data set. This time we’ll specify an outFile; use the overwrite argument to allow the output file to be

partWorkersDS <- rxDataStep(inData = censusWorkers,

outFile = "partWorkers.xdf",
rowSelection = wkswork1 < 30,
varsToDrop = c("state"), overwrite = TRUE)

As noted above, if you omit the outFile argument to rxDataStep, then the results will be returned in a data frame
in memory. This is true whether or not the input data is a data frame or an .xdf file (assuming the resulting data is
small enough to reside in memory). If an outFile is specified, a data source object representing the new .xdf file is
returned, which can be used in subsequent RevoScaleR function calls.


Subset and transform in one operation

Still working with the CensusWorkers dataset, this exercise shows how to combine subsetting and transformations
in one data step operation. Suppose we want to extract the same five variables as before from the CensusWorkers
data set, but also add a factor variable based on the integer variable age. For example, to create our factor variable,
we can use the following transforms argument:

transforms = list(ageFactor = cut(age, breaks=seq(from = 20, to = 70,

by = 5), right = FALSE))
In doing a data step operation, RevoScaleR reads in a chunk of data read from the original data set, including only
the variables indicated in varsToKeep, or omitting variables specified in varsToDrop. It then passes the variables
needed for data transformations back to R for manipulation:

rxDataStep (inData = censusWorkers, outFile = "newCensusWorkers",

varsToDrop = c("state"), transforms = list(
ageFactor = cut(age, breaks=seq(from = 20, to = 70, by = 5),
right = FALSE)))

The rxGetInfo function reveals the added variable:

rxGetInfo("newCensusWorkers", getVarInfo = TRUE)

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\newCensusWorkers.xdf
Number of observations: 351121
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 6
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: age, Age
Type: integer, Low/High: (20, 65)
Var 2: incwage, Wage and salary income
Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 354000)
Var 3: perwt, Type: integer, Low/High: (2, 168)
Var 4: sex, Sex
2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 5: wkswork1, Weeks worked last year
Type: integer, Low/High: (21, 52)
Var 6: ageFactor
10 factor levels: [20,25) [25,30) [30,35) [35,40) [40,45) [45,50) [50,55) [55,60) [60,65) [65,70)

We can combine the transforms argument with the transformObjects argument to create new variables from
objects in your global environment (or other environments in your current search path).
For example, suppose you would like to estimate a linear model using wage income as the dependent variable,
and want to include state-level of per capita expenditure on education as one of the independent variables. We can
define a named vector to contain this state-level data as follows:

educExp <- c(Connecticut=1795.57, Washington=1170.46, Indiana = 1289.66)

We can then use rxDataStep to add the per capita education expenditure as a new variable using the transforms
argument, passing educExp to the transformObjects argument as a named list:

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

rxDataStep(inData = censusWorkers, outFile = "censusWorkersWithEduc",
transforms = list(
stateEducExpPC = educExp[match(state, names(educExp))] ),
transformObjects= list(educExp=educExp))

The rxGetInfo function reveals the added variable:

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\censusWorkersWithEduc.xdf
Number of observations: 351121
Number of variables: 7
Number of blocks: 6
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: age, Age
Type: integer, Low/High: (20, 65)
Var 2: incwage, Wage and salary income
Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 354000)
Var 3: perwt, Type: integer, Low/High: (2, 168)
Var 4: sex, Sex
2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 5: wkswork1, Weeks worked last year
Type: integer, Low/High: (21, 52)
Var 6: state
3 factor levels: Connecticut Indiana Washington
Var 7: stateEducExpPC, Type: numeric, Low/High: (1170.4600, 1795.5700)

Create a variable
Suppose we want to extract five variables from the CensusWorkers data set, but also add a factor variable based
on the integer variable age. This example shows how to use a transform function to create new variables.
For example, to create our factor variable, we can create the following function:

# Use a function to create a factor variable using age data

ageTransform <- function(dataList)
dataList$ageFactor <- cut(dataList$age, breaks=seq(from = 20, to = 70,
by = 5), right = FALSE)

To test the function, read an arbitrary chunk out of the data set. For efficiency reasons, the data passed to the
transformation function is stored as a list rather than a data frame, so when reading from the .xdf file we set the
returnDataFrame argument to FALSE to emulate this behavior. Since we only use the variable age in our
transformation function, we restrict the variables extracted to that.

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

testData <- rxDataStep(inata = censusWorkers, startRow = 100, numRows = 10,
returnTransformObjects = FALSE, varsToKeep = c("age"))

The resulting list of data (displayed as a data frame) shows us that our transformations are working as expected:
age ageFactor
1 20 [20,25)
2 48 [45,50)
3 44 [40,45)
4 29 [25,30)
5 28 [25,30)
6 43 [40,45)
7 20 [20,25)
8 23 [20,25)
9 32 [30,35)
10 42 [40,45)

In doing a data step operation, RevoScaleR reads in a chunk of data read from the original data set, including only
the variables indicated in varsToKeep, or omitting variables specified in varsToDrop. It then passes the variables
needed for data transformations back to R for manipulation. We specify the variables needed to process the
transformation in the transformVars argument. Including extra variables does not alter the analysis, but it does
reduce the efficiency of the data step. In this case, since ageFactor depends only on the age variable for its
creation, the transformVars argument needs to specify just that:

rxDataStep(inData = censusWorkers, outFile = "c:/temp/newCensusWorkers.xdf",

varsToDrop = c("state"), transformFunc = ageTransform,
transformVars=c("age"), overwrite=TRUE)

The rxGetInfo function reveals the added and dropped variables:

rxGetInfo("newCensusWorkers", getVarInfo = TRUE)

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\newCensusWorkers.xdf

Number of rows: 351121
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 6
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: age, Age
Type: integer, Low/High: (20, 65)
Var 2: incwage, Wage and salary income
Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 354000)
Var 3: perwt, Type: integer, Low/High: (2, 168)
Var 4: sex, Sex
2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 5: wkswork1, Weeks worked last year
Type: integer, Low/High: (21, 52)
Var 6: ageFactor
10 factor levels: [20,25) [25,30) [30,35) [35,40) [40,45) [45,50)
[50,55) [55,60) [60,65) [65,70)

Modify variable metadata

To change variable information (rather than the data values themselves), use the function rxSetVarInfo. For
example, using the CensusData, we can change the names of two variables and add descriptions:
# Modifying Variable Information

newVarInfo <- list(

incwage = list(newName = "WageIncome"),
state = list(newName = "State", description = "State of Residence"),
stateEducExpPC = list(description = "State Per Capita Educ Exp"))
fileName <- "censusWorkersWithEduc.xdf"
rxSetVarInfo(varInfo = newVarInfo, data = fileName)
rxGetVarInfo( fileName )

Var 1: age, Age

Type: integer, Low/High: (20, 65)
Var 2: WageIncome, Wage and salary income
Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 354000)
Var 3: perwt, Type: integer, Low/High: (2, 168)
Var 4: sex, Sex
2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 5: wkswork1, Weeks worked last year
Type: integer, Low/High: (21, 52)
Var 6: State, State of Residence
3 factor levels: Connecticut Indiana Washington
Var 7: stateEducExpPC, State Per Capita Educ Exp
Type: numeric, Low/High: (1170.4600, 1795.5700)

Add data to an analysis

It is sometimes useful to access additional information from within a transform function. For example, you might
want to match additional data in the process of creating new variables. Transform functions are evaluated in a
“sterilized” environment which includes the parent environment of the function closure. To provide access to
additional data within the function, you can use the transformObjects argument.
For example, suppose you would like to estimate a linear model using wage income as the dependent variable,
and want to include state-level of per capita expenditure on education as one of the independent variables. We can
define a named vector to contain this state-level data as follows:

# Using Additional Objects or Data in a Transform Function

educExpense <- c(Connecticut=1795.57, Washington=1170.46, Indiana = 1289.66)

We can then define a transform function that uses this information as follows:

transformFunc <- function(dataList)

# Match each individual’s state and add the variable for educ. exp.
dataList$stateEducExpPC = educExp[match(dataList$state, names(educExp))]

We can then use the transform function and our named vector in a call to rxLinMod as follows:

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

linModObj <- rxLinMod(incwage~sex + age + stateEducExpPC,
data = censusWorkers, pweights = "perwt",
transformFun = transformFunc, transformVars = "state",
transformObjects = list(educExp = educExpense))
When the transform function is evaluated, it will have access to the educExp object. The final results show:

rxLinMod(formula = incwage ~ sex + age + stateEducExpPC, data = censusWorkers,
pweights = "perwt", transformObjects = list(educExp = educExp),
transformFunc = transformFunc, transformVars = "state")

Linear Regression Results for: incwage ~ sex + age + stateEducExpPC

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\CensusWorkers.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Dependent variable(s): incwage
Total independent variables: 5 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 351121
Number of missing observations: 0

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -1.809e+04 4.414e+02 -40.99 2.22e-16 ***
sex=Male 1.689e+04 1.321e+02 127.83 2.22e-16 ***
sex=Female Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
age 5.593e+02 5.791e+00 96.58 2.22e-16 ***
stateEducExpPC 1.643e+01 2.731e-01 60.16 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 175900 on 351117 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.07755
Adjusted R-squared: 0.07754
F-statistic: 9839 on 3 and 351117 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1.1176

Create a row selection variable

One common use of the transformFunc argument is to create a logical variable to use as a row selection variable.
For example, suppose you want to create a random sample from a massive data set. You can use the
transformFunc argument to specify a transformation that creates a random binomial variable, which can then be
coerced to logical and used for row selection. The object name .rxRowSelection is reserved for the row selection
variable; if RevoScaleR finds this object, it is used for row selection.

If you both specify a rowSelection argument and define a .rxRowSelection variable in your transform function, the one
specified in your transform function will be overwritten by the contents of the rowSelection argument, so that expression
takes precedence.

The following code creates a random selection variable to create a data frame with a random 10% subset of the
census workers file:

# Creating a Row Selection Variable

createRandomSample <- function(data)

data$.rxRowSelection <- as.logical(rbinom(length(data[[1]]), 1, .10))
censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")
df <- rxImport(file = censusWorkers, transformFunc = createRandomSample,
transformVars = "age")
The resulting data frame, df, has approximately 35,000 rows. You can look at the first few rows using head as


age incwage perwt sex wkswork1 state

1 50 9000 30 Male 48 Indiana
2 41 35000 20 Female 48 Indiana
3 55 40400 21 Male 52 Indiana
4 56 45000 30 Female 52 Indiana
5 46 17200 60 Female 52 Indiana
6 49 35000 21 Female 52 Indiana

Equivalently, we could create the temporary row selection variable using the rowSelection argument with the
internal .rxNumRows variable, which provides the number of rows in the current chunk of data being processed:

df <- rxDataStep(inData = censusWorkers,

rowSelection = as.logical(rbinom(.rxNumRows, 1, .10)) == TRUE)

Convert a data frame to XDF

You can use all of the functionality provided by the rxDataStep function to create an .xdf file from a data frame for
further use. For example, create a simple data frame:

# Using the Data Step to Create an .xdf File from a Data Frame
myData <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(10000), x2 = runif(10000))

Now create an .xdf file, using a row selection and creating a new variable. The rowsPerRead argument will specify
how many rows of the original data frame to process at a time before writing out a block of the new .xdf file.

rxDataStep(inData = myData, outFile = "testFile.xdf",

rowSelection = x2 > .1,
transforms = list( x3 = x1 + x2 ),
rowsPerRead = 5000 )

File name: C:\Users\...\testFile.xdf

Number of observations: 8970
Number of variables: 3
Number of blocks: 2

Convert XDF to Text

If you need to share data with others not using .xdf data files, you can export your .xdf files to text format using the
rxDataStep function. For example, we can write the claims.xdf file we created earlier to text format as follows:

# Converting .xdf Files to Text

claimsCsv <- RxTextData(file="claims.csv")
claimsXdf <- RxXdfData(file="claims.xdf")

rxDataStep(inData=claimsXdf, outFile=claimsCsv)

By default, the text file created is comma-delimited, but you can change this by specifying a different delimiter with
the delimiter argument to the RxTextData function:

claimsTxt <- RxTextData(file="claims.txt", delimiter="\t")

rxDataStep(inData=claimsXdf, outFile=claimsTxt)

If you have a large number of variables, you can choose to write out only a subsample by using the VarsToKeep or
VarsToDrop argument. Here we write out the claims data, omitting the number variable:

rxDataStep(inData=claimsXdf, outFile=claimsTxt, varsToDrop="number",


Convert strings to factors

Factors are variables that represent categories. An example is “sex”, which has the categories “Male” and “Female”.
There are two parts to a factor variable:
1. A vector of integer indexes with values in the range of 1:K, where K is the number of categories. For
example, “sex” has two categories with indexes 1 and 2. The length of the vector corresponds to the number
of observations.
2. A vector of K character strings that are used when the factor is displayed. In R, these are normally printed
without quote marks, to indicate that the variable is a factor instead of a character string.
If you have character data in an .xdf file or data frame, you can use the rxFactors function to convert it to a factor.
Let’s create a simple data frame with character data. Note that by default, data.frame converts character data to
factor data. That is, the stringsAsFactors argument defaults to TRUE. In RevoScaleR’s rxImport function,
stringsAsFactors has a default of FALSE.

# Creating factors from character data

myData <- data.frame(
id = 1:10,
sex = c("M","F", "M", "F", "F", "M", "F", "F", "M", "M"),
state = c(rep(c("WA", "CA"), each = 5)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Var 1: id, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 10)
Var 2: sex, Type: character
Var 3: state, Type: character

Now we can use rxFactors to convert the character data to factors. We can just specify a vector of variable names
to convert as the factorInfo:

myNewData <- rxFactors(inData = myData, factorInfo = c("sex", "state"))

Var 1: id, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 10)
Var 2: sex
2 factor levels: M F
Var 3: state
2 factor levels: WA CA

Note that by default, the factor levels are in the order in which they are encountered. If you would like to have
them sorted alphabetically, specify sortLevels to be TRUE.
myNewData <- rxFactors(inData = myData, factorInfo = c("sex", "state"),
sortLevels = TRUE)
Var 1: id, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 10)
Var 2: sex
2 factor levels: F M
Var 3: state
2 factor levels: CA WA

If you have variables that are already factors, you may want change the order of the levels, the names of the levels,
or how they are grouped. Typically recoding a factor means changing from one set of indexes to another. For
example, if the levels of “sex” are currently arranged in the order “M”, “F” and you want to change that to “F”, “M”,
you need to change the index for every observation.
You can use the rxFactors function to recode factors in RevoScaleR. For example, suppose we have some test
scores for a set of male and female subjects. We can generate such data randomly as follows:

# Recoding Factors

sex <- factor(sample(c("M","F"), size = 10, replace = TRUE),
levels = c("M", "F"))
DF <- data.frame(sex = sex, score = rnorm(10))

If we look at just the sex variable, we see the levels M or F for each observation:


[1] M M F M M M F M F M
Levels: M F

To recode this factor so that “Female” is the first level and “Male” the second, we can use rxFactors as follows:

newDF <- rxFactors(inData = DF, overwrite = TRUE,

factorInfo = list(Gender = list(newLevels = c(Female = "F",
Male = "M"),
varName = "sex")))

Looking at the new Gender variable, we see how the levels have changed:


[1] Male Male Female Male Male Male Female Male Female Male
Levels: Female Male

As mentioned earlier, by default, RevoScaleR codes factor levels in the order in which they are encountered in the
input file(s). This could lead you to have a State variable ordered as “Maine”, “Vermont”, “New Hampshire”,
“Massachusetts”, “Connecticut”, and so forth.
Usually, you would prefer to have the levels of such a variable sorted in alphabetical order. You can do this with
rxFactors using the sortLevels flag. It is most useful to specify this flag as part of the factorInfo list for each
variable, although if you have a large number of factors and want most of them to be sorted, you can also set the
flag to TRUE globally and then specify sortLevels=FALSE for those variables you want to order in a different way.
When using the sortLevels flag, it is useful to keep in mind that it is the levels that are being sorted, not the data
itself, and that the levels are always character data. If you are using the individual values of a continuous variable
as factor levels, you may be surprised by the sorted order of the levels: for example, the levels 1, 3, 20 are sorted
as “1”, “20”, “3”.
Another common use of factor recoding is in analyzing survey data gathered using Likert items with five or seven
level responses. For example, suppose a customer satisfaction survey offered the following seven-level responses
to each of four questions:
1. Completely satisfied
2. Mostly satisfied
3. Somewhat satisfied
4. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
5. Somewhat dissatisfied
6. Mostly dissatisfied
7. Completely dissatisfied
In analyzing this data, the survey analyst may recode the factors to focus on those who were largely satisfied
(combining levels 1 and 2), largely dissatisfied (combining levels 6 and 7) and somewhere in-between (combining
levels 3, 4, and 5). The CustomerSurvey.xdf file in the SampleData directory contains 25 responses to each of the
four survey questions. We can read it into a data frame as follows:

# Combining factor levels

surveyDF <- rxDataStep(inData =


To recode each question as desired, we can use rxFactors as follows:

sl <- levels(surveyDF[[1]])
quarterList <- list(newLevels = list(
"Largely Satisfied" = sl[1:2],
"Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied" = sl[3:5],
"Largely Dissatisfied" = sl[6:7]))
surveyDF <- rxFactors(inData = surveyDF,
factorInfo <- list(
Q1 = quarterList,
Q2 = quarterList,
Q3 = quarterList,
Q4 = quarterList))

Looking at just Q1, we see the recoded factor:


[1] Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Largely Satisfied

[3] Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Largely Satisfied
[5] Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied
[7] Largely Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied
[9] Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Largely Satisfied
[11] Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Largely Dissatisfied
[13] Largely Satisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied
[15] Largely Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied
[17] Largely Satisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied
[19] Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied
[21] Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied
[23] Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Largely Dissatisfied
[25] Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied
3 Levels: Largely Satisfied ... Largely Dissatisfied
Recode factors for compatibility
One important use of factor recoding in RevoScaleR is to ensure that the factor variables in two files are
compatible, that is, have the same levels with the same coding. This use comes up in a variety of contexts,
including prediction, merging, and distributed computing. For example, suppose you are creating a logistic
regression model of whether a given airline flight will be late, and are using the first fifteen years of the airline data
as a training set. You then want to test the model on the remaining years of the airline data. You need to ensure
that the two files, the training set and the test set, have compatible factor variables. You can generally do this easily
using rxGetInfo (with getVarInfo=TRUE ) together with rxFactors. Use rxGetInfo to find all the levels in all the
files, then use rxFactors to recode each file so that every factor variable contains all the levels found in any of the
The rxMerge function automatically checks for factor variable compatibility and recodes on the fly if necessary.

Impute values
A common use case is replace missing values with the variable mean. This example uses generated data in a
simple data frame.

# Create a data frame with missing values

myData1 <- data.frame(x = rnorm(100), y = runif(100))

xmiss <- = 5, to = 100, by = 5)

ymiss <- = 2, to = 100, by = 5)
myData1$x[xmiss] <- NA
myData1$y[ymiss] <- NA
rxGetInfo(myData1, numRows = 5)

A call to rxGetInfo returns precomputed metadata showing missing values "NA" in both variables.:

Data frame: myData1

Number of observations: 100
Number of variables: 2
Data (5 rows starting with row 1):
x y
1 -1.8621337 0.06206201
2 1.1398069 NA
3 0.3176267 0.84132161
4 1.3998593 0.26298559
5 NA 0.97069679

Now use rxSummary to compute summary statistics that includes a variable mean, putting both computed
means into a named vector:

# Compute summary statistics and extract to a named vector

sumStats <- rxResultsDF(rxSummary(~., myData1))
meanVals <- sumStats$Mean
names(meanVals) <- row.names(sumStats)

The computed statistics are:

Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

x 0.07431126 0.9350711 -1.94160646 1.9933814 80 20
y 0.54622241 0.3003457 0.04997869 0.9930338 80 20

Finally, pass the computed means into a rxDataStep using the transformObjects argument:
# Use rxDataStep to replace missings with imputed mean values
myData2 <- rxDataStep(inData = myData1, transforms = list(
x = ifelse(, meanVals["x"], x),
y = ifelse(, meanVals["y"], y)),
transformObjects = list(meanVals = meanVals))
rxGetInfo(myData2, numRows = 5)

The resulting data set information substituates NA with computed means generated in the previous step:

Data frame: myData2

Number of observations: 100
Number of variables: 2
Data (5 rows starting with row 1):
x y
1 -1.86213372 0.06206201
2 1.13980693 0.54622241
3 0.31762673 0.84132161
4 1.39985928 0.26298559
5 0.07431126 0.97069679

Use internal variables in a transformation

This example shows how to compute moving averages using internal variables in a transformation function.
Four additional variables providing information on the RevoScaleR processing are available for use in your
transform functions:
.rxStartRow: The row number from the original data that was read as the first row of the current chunk.
.rxChunkNum: The current chunk being processed.
.rxReadFileName: The name of the .xdf file currently being read.
.rxIsTestChunk: Whether the chunk being processed is being processed as a test sample of data.
These are particularly useful if you need to access additional rows of data when processing a chunk. This is the
case, for example, when you want to include lagged data in a calculation. The following example is a
transformation function “generator” to compute a simple moving average. By creating this “function within a
function” we are able to easily pass arguments into a transformation function. This one takes as arguments the
number of days (or time units) for the moving average, the name of the variable that will be used to compute the
moving average, and the name of the new variable to create. The transformation function computes the number of
lagged observations to read in, then reads in that data to create a long data vector with the lags. The simple
moving average calculations are performed and put into a new variable. The additional lagged rows are removed
from the original data vector before returning from the function.

# An Example Computing Moving Averages

makeMoveAveTransFunc <- function(numDays = 10, varName="", newVarName="")

function (dataList)
numRowsToRead <- 0
varForMoveAve <- 0
# If no variable is named, use the first one sent
# to the transformFunc
if (is.null(varName) || nchar(varName) == 0)
varForMoveAve <- names(dataList)[1]
} else {
varForMoveAve <- varName
# Get the number of rows in the current chunk
numRowsInChunk <- length(dataList[[varForMoveAve]])

# .rxStartRow is the starting row number of the

# chunk of data currently being processed
# Read in previous data if we are not starting at row 1
if (.rxStartRow > 1)
# Compute the number of lagged rows we'd like
numRowsToRead <- numDays - 1
# Check to see if enough data is available
if (numRowsToRead >= .rxStartRow)
numRowsToRead <- .rxStartRow - 1
# Compute the starting row of previous data to read
startRow <- .rxStartRow - numRowsToRead
# Read previous rows from the .xdf file
previousRowsDataList <- RevoScaleR::rxDataStep(
startRow=startRow, numRows=numRowsToRead,
# Concatenate the previous rows with the existing rows
dataList[[varForMoveAve]] <-
# Create variable for simple moving average
# It will be added as the last variable in the data list
newVarIdx <- length(dataList) + 1

# Initialize with NA's

dataList[[newVarIdx]] <- rep(as.numeric(NA), times=numRowsInChunk)

for (i in (numRowsToRead+1):(numRowsInChunk + numRowsToRead))

j <- i - numRowsToRead
lowIdx <- i - numDays + 1
if (lowIdx > 0 && ((lowIdx == 1) ||
(j > 1 && ([[newVarIdx]][j-1])))))
# If it's the first computation or the previous value
# is missing, take the mean of all the relevant lagged data
dataList[[newVarIdx]][j] <-
} else if (lowIdx > 1)
# Add and subtract from the last computation
dataList[[newVarIdx]][j] <- dataList[[newVarIdx]][j-1] -
dataList[[varForMoveAve]][lowIdx-1]/numDays +
# Remove the extra rows we read in from the original variable
dataList[[varForMoveAve]] <-

dataList[[varForMoveAve]][(numRowsToRead + 1):(numRowsToRead +

# Name the new variable

if (is.null(newVarName) || (nchar(newVarName) == 0))
# Use a default name if no name specified
names(dataList)[newVarIdx] <-
paste(varForMoveAve, "SMA", numDays, sep=".")
} else {
names(dataList)[newVarIdx] <- newVarName

We could use this function with rxDataStep to add a variable to our data set, or on-the-fly, for example for
plotting. Here we will use the sample data set containing daily information on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
We compute a 360-day moving average for the adjusted close (adjusted for dividends and stock splits) and plot it:

DJIAdaily <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "DJIAdaily.xdf")

rxLinePlot(Adj.Close+Adj.Close.SMA.360~YearFrac, data=DJIAdaily,

Extended example showing a series of transformations

A transforms argument can be a powerful way to effect a sequence of changes on a row by row basis. The
transforms argument is specified as a list of expressions. Given R expressions operates row -by-row (that is, the
computed value of the new variable for an observation is only dependent on values of other variables for that
observation), you can combine them into a single transforms argument, as this example demonstrates.
Start with a simple data frame containing a small sample of transaction data:

# Transforming Data with rxDataStep

expData <- data.frame(

BuyDate = c("2011/10/1", "2011/10/1", "2011/10/1",
"2011/10/2", "2011/10/2", "2011/10/2", "2011/10/2",
"2011/10/3", "2011/10/4", "2011/10/4"),
Food = c( 32, 102, 34, 5, 0, 175, 15, 76, 23, 14),
Wine = c( 0, 212, 0, 0, 425, 22, 0, 12, 0, 56),
Garden = c( 0, 46, 0, 0, 0, 45, 223, 0, 0, 0),
House = c( 22, 72, 56, 3, 0, 0, 0, 37, 48, 23),
Sex = factor(c("F", "F", "M", "M", "M", "F", "F", "F", "M", "F")),
Age = c( 20, 51, 32, 16, 61, 42, 35, 99, 29, 55),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Apply a series of data transformations:
Compute the total expenditures for each store visit
Compute the average category expenditure for each store visit
Set the variable Age to missing if the value is 99
Create a new logical variable UnderAge if the purchaser is under 21
Find the day of week the purchase was made using R’s as.POSIXlt function, then convert it to a factor. [Note
that when creating factors in a transform, you must specify the levels or you may get unpredictable results.
Alternatively use rxFactors.]
Create a factor variable for categories of expenditure levels
Create a logical variable for expenditures of $50 or more on either Food or Wine
Remove the variable BuyDate from the data set
The following call to rxDataStep will accomplish all of the above, returning a new data frame with the
transformed variables:

newExpData = rxDataStep( inData = expData,

transforms = list(
Total = Food + Wine + Garden + House,
AveCat = Total/4,
Age = ifelse(Age == 99, NA, Age),
UnderAge = Age < 21,
Day = (as.POSIXlt(BuyDate))$wday,
Day = factor(Day, levels = 0:6,
labels = c("Su","M","Tu", "W", "Th","F", "Sa")),
SpendCat = cut(Total, breaks=c(0, 75, 250, 10000),
labels=c("low", "medium", "high"), right=FALSE),
FoodWine = ifelse( Food > 50, TRUE, FALSE),
FoodWine = ifelse( Wine > 50, TRUE, FoodWine),
BuyDate = NULL))

The new data frame shows all of the transformed data:

Food Wine Garden House Sex Age Total AveCat UnderAge Day SpendCat FoodWine
1 32 0 0 22 F 20 54 13.50 TRUE Sa low FALSE
2 102 212 46 72 F 51 432 108.00 FALSE Sa high TRUE
3 34 0 0 56 M 32 90 22.50 FALSE Sa medium FALSE
4 5 0 0 3 M 16 8 2.00 TRUE Su low FALSE
5 0 425 0 0 M 61 425 106.25 FALSE Su high TRUE
6 175 22 45 0 F 42 242 60.50 FALSE Su medium TRUE
7 15 0 223 0 F 35 238 59.50 FALSE Su medium FALSE
8 76 12 0 37 F NA 125 31.25 NA M medium TRUE
9 23 0 0 48 M 29 71 17.75 FALSE Tu low FALSE
10 14 56 0 23 F 55 93 23.25 FALSE Tu medium TRUE

If we had a large data set containing expenditure data in an .xdf file, we could use exactly the same transformation
code; the only changes in the call to rxDataStep would be the inData and the addition of an outFile for the newly
created data set.

Next Steps
Continue on to the following data-related articles to learn more about XDF, data source objects, and other data
Data transformations (introduction)
XDF files
Data Sources
Import text data
Import ODBC data
Import and consume data on HDFS

See Also
RevoScaleR Functions
Tutorial: data import and exploration Tutorial: data visualization and analysis
How to sort data using rxSort in RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Many analysis and plotting algorithms require as a first step that the data be sorted. Sorting a massive data set is
both memory-intensive and time-consuming, but the rxSort function provides an efficient solution. The rxSort
function allows you to sort by one or many keys. A stable sorting routine is used, so that, in the case of ties,
remaining columns are left in the same order as they were in the original data set.
As a simple example, we can sort the census worker data by age and incwage. We will sort first by age, using the
default increasing sort, and then by incwage, which we will sort in decreasing order:

# Sorting Data

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

outXDF <- "censusWorkersSorted.xdf"
rxSort(inData = censusWorkers, outFile = outXDF,
sortByVars=c("age", "incwage"), decreasing=c(FALSE, TRUE))

The first few lines of the sorted file can be viewed as follows:

rxGetInfo(outXDF, numRows=10)

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\censusWorkersSorted.xdf

Number of observations: 351121
Number of variables: 6
Number of blocks: 6
Compression type: zlib
Data (10 rows starting with row 1):
age incwage perwt sex wkswork1 state
1 20 336000 3 Male 40 Washington
2 20 336000 23 Male 46 Washington
3 20 336000 11 Male 52 Washington
4 20 314000 33 Male 52 Indiana
5 20 168000 13 Male 24 Indiana
6 20 163000 16 Male 26 Washington
7 20 144000 27 Female 24 Indiana
8 20 96000 21 Male 48 Washington
9 20 93000 24 Male 24 Indiana
10 20 90000 6 Male 52 Washington

If the sort keys contain missing values, you can use the missingsLow flag to specify whether they are sorted as low
values (missingsLow=TRUE, the default) or high values (missingsLow=FALSE ).

Remove duplicates during sort

In many situations, you are sorting a large data set by a particular key, for example, userID, but are looking for a
sorted list of unique userIDs. The removeDupKeys argument to rxSort allows you to remove the duplicate entries
from a sorted list. This argument is supported only for type="auto" and type="mergeSort"; it is ignored for
When you use removeDupKeys=TRUE, the first record containing a unique combination of the sortByVars is
retained; subsequent matching records are omitted from the sorted results, but, if desired, a count of the matching
records is maintained in a new dupFreqVar output column. For example, the following artificial data set simulates a
small amount of transaction data, with a user name, a state, and a transaction amount. When we sort by the
variables users and state and specify removeDupKeys=TRUE, the transAmt shown for duplicate entries is the
transaction amount for the first transaction encountered:

users <- sample(c("Aiden", "Ella", "Jayden", "Ava", "Max", "Grace", "Riley",
"Lolita", "Liam", "Emma", "Ethan", "Elizabeth", "Jack",
"Genevieve", "Avery", "Aurora", "Dylan", "Isabella",
"Caleb", "Bella"), 100, replace=TRUE)
state <- sample(c("Washington", "California", "Texas", "North Carolina",
"New York", "Massachusetts"), 100, replace=TRUE)
transAmt <- round(runif(100)*100, digits=3)
df <- data.frame(users=users, state=state, transAmt=transAmt)

rxSort(df, sortByVars=c("users", "state"), removeDupKeys=TRUE,

dupFreqVar = "DUP_COUNT")
Number of rows written to file: 66, Variable(s): users, state, transAmt, DUP_COUNT, Total number of rows in
file: 66
Time to sort data file: 0.100 seconds
users state transAmt DUP_COUNT
1 Aiden New York 11.010 1
2 Aiden North Carolina 73.307 1
3 Aiden Texas 8.037 2
4 Aurora California 8.787 1
5 Aurora Massachusetts 55.187 1
6 Aurora New York 91.648 1
7 Aurora Texas 30.566 1
8 Aurora Washington 27.374 1
9 Ava California 70.638 2
10 Ava Massachusetts 82.916 2
11 Ava New York 45.683 2
12 Ava North Carolina 51.748 1
13 Ava Texas 52.674 1
14 Avery California 9.756 4
15 Avery Massachusetts 63.715 1
16 Avery New York 93.430 1
17 Avery North Carolina 1.889 2
18 Bella California 60.258 2
19 Bella Texas 32.684 1
20 Bella Washington 60.230 2
21 Caleb Massachusetts 94.527 1
22 Caleb North Carolina 89.259 2
23 Dylan California 73.665 1
24 Dylan North Carolina 98.384 1
25 Dylan Texas 27.067 1
26 Dylan Washington 82.141 3
27 Elizabeth California 95.497 2
28 Elizabeth New York 35.546 3
29 Elizabeth North Carolina 18.892 2
30 Ella California 11.644 1
31 Ella North Carolina 72.289 1
32 Ella Washington 66.453 2
33 Emma Massachusetts 28.502 1
34 Emma North Carolina 63.067 1
35 Ethan Massachusetts 31.480 1
36 Ethan New York 95.639 1
37 Ethan North Carolina 6.561 1
38 Ethan Texas 29.963 1
39 Ethan Washington 44.187 2
40 Genevieve Massachusetts 90.783 1
41 Grace New York 18.232 1
42 Grace North Carolina 5.355 2
43 Grace Washington 91.084 1
44 Isabella New York 4.115 1
45 Isabella North Carolina 12.942 2
46 Isabella Texas 2.227 2
47 Jack California 40.905 1
48 Jack Massachusetts 98.080 2
49 Jack New York 8.071 2
49 Jack New York 8.071 2
50 Jack North Carolina 11.304 3
51 Jack Texas 18.795 2
52 Jayden Massachusetts 83.949 1
53 Jayden North Carolina 67.769 1
54 Jayden Washington 4.360 1
55 Liam California 3.300 1
56 Liam Massachusetts 87.585 1
57 Liam New York 96.599 1
58 Liam North Carolina 32.997 1
59 Lolita California 18.102 1
60 Lolita Washington 30.649 2
61 Max Massachusetts 21.683 2
62 Max New York 14.852 2
63 Max North Carolina 79.982 2
64 Max Texas 66.749 2
65 Max Washington 67.326 2
66 Riley New York 20.527 2

Removing duplicates can be a useful way to reduce the size of a data set without losing information of interest. For
example, consider an analysis of using data from the sample AirlineDemoSmall xdf file. It has 600,000
observations and contains the variables DayOfWeek, CRSDepTime, and ArrDelay. We can create a smaller data set
reducing the number of observations, and adding a variable that contains the frequency of the duplicated

sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

airDemo <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf")
airDedup <- file.path(tempdir(), "rxAirDedup.xdf")
rxSort(inData = airDemo, outFile = airDedup,
sortByVars = c("DayOfWeek", "CRSDepTime", "ArrDelay"),
removeDupKeys = TRUE, dupFreqVar = "FreqWt")

The new data file contains about 1/3 of the observations and one additional variable:

File name: C:\YourTempDir\rxAirDedup.xdf

Number of observations: 232451
Number of variables: 4
Number of blocks: 2
Compression type: zlib

By using the frequency weights argument, we can use many of the RevoScaleR analysis functions on this smaller
data set and get same results as we would using the full data set. For example, a linear model for Arrival Delay can
be specified as follows, using the fweights argument:
linModObj <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay~CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = airDedup,
fweights = "FreqWt")

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = airDedup,
fweights = "FreqWt")

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek

File name: C:\YourTempDir\rxAirDedup.xdf
Frequency weights: FreqWt
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 9 (Including number dropped: 1)
Sum of weights of valid observations: 582628
Number of missing observations: 3503

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -3.19458 0.20413 -15.650 2.22e-16 ***
CRSDepTime 0.97862 0.01126 86.948 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Monday 2.08100 0.18602 11.187 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 1.34015 0.19881 6.741 1.58e-11 ***
DayOfWeek=Wednesday 0.15155 0.19679 0.770 0.441
DayOfWeek=Thursday -1.32301 0.19518 -6.778 1.22e-11 ***
DayOfWeek=Friday 4.80042 0.19452 24.679 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Saturday 2.18965 0.19229 11.387 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sunday Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 40.39 on 582620 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.01465
Adjusted R-squared: 0.01464
F-statistic: 1238 on 7 and 582620 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 10.6542

Using the full data set, we get the following results:

linModObjBig <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay~CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = airDemo)

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = airDemo)

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek

File name: C:\YourSampleDir\AirlineDemoSmall.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 9 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 582628
Number of missing observations: 17372

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -3.19458 0.20413 -15.650 2.22e-16 ***
CRSDepTime 0.97862 0.01126 86.948 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Monday 2.08100 0.18602 11.187 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 1.34015 0.19881 6.741 1.58e-11 ***
DayOfWeek=Wednesday 0.15155 0.19679 0.770 0.441
DayOfWeek=Thursday -1.32301 0.19518 -6.778 1.22e-11 ***
DayOfWeek=Friday 4.80042 0.19452 24.679 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Saturday 2.18965 0.19229 11.387 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sunday Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 40.39 on 582620 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.01465
Adjusted R-squared: 0.01464
F-statistic: 1238 on 7 and 582620 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 10.6542

The rxQuantile Function and the Five-Number Summary

Sorting data is, in the general case, a prerequisite to finding exact quantiles, including medians. However, it is
possible to compute approximate quantiles by counting binned data then computing a linear interpolation of the
empirical cdf. If the data are integers, or can be converted to integers by exact multiplication, and integral bins are
used, the computation is exact. The RevoScaleR function rxQuantile does this computation, and by default returns
an approximate five-number summary:

# The rxQuantile Function and the Five-Number Summary

readPath <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

AirlinePath <- file.path(readPath, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf")
rxQuantile("ArrDelay", AirlinePath)
Rows Processed: 600000
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
-86 -9 0 16 1490

See Also
Machine Learning Server Install Machine Learning Server on Windows
Install Machine Learning Server on Linux
Install Machine Learning Server on Hadoop
How to split datasets for model training and testing
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article explains how to split a dataset in two for training and testing a model, but the same technique applies
for any use case where subdividing data is required. For example, to manually partition data across multiple nodes
in a cluster, you could use the functions and workflow described in this article for that purpose.

Functions for splitting datasets

R developers, use rxSplit (RevoScaleR ). The following example is from Run R code in R Client and Machine
Learning Server quickstart.

#Randomly split data (80% for training, 20% for testing).

rxSplit(inData = outFileFinal,
outFilesBase = paste0(td, "/modelData"),
outFileSuffixes = c("Train", "Test"),
splitByFactor = "splitVar",
overwrite = TRUE,
transforms = list(
splitVar = factor(sample(c("Train", "Test"),
size = .rxNumRows,
replace = TRUE,
prob = c(.80, .20)),
levels = c("Train", "Test"))),
rngSeed = 17,
consoleOutput = TRUE)

Python developers, we recommend sci-kit methods for splitting data, as demonstrated in the Example of binary
classification with the microsoftml Python package quickstart.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

bc_train, bc_test = train_test_split(bc_df, test_size=0.2)

print("# of rows in training set = ",bc_train.size)

print("# of rows in test set = ",bc_test.size)

Create a distributed dataset on HDFS with rxSplit

In HDFS, the data is distributed automatically, typically to a subset of the nodes, and the computations are also
distributed to the nodes containing the required data. To work with data on HDFS, we recommend composite .xdf
files, which are specialized files designed to be managed by HDFS. For more information, see Import HDFS >
Write a composite XDF.
For some computations, such as those involving distributed prediction, it is most efficient to perform the
computations on a distributed data set, one in which each node sees only the data it is supposed to work on. You
can split an .xdf file into portions suitable for distribution using the function rxSplit. For example, to split the large
airline data into five files for distribution on a five node cluster, you could use rxSplit as follows:

bigAirlineData <- "C:/data/AirlineData87to08.xdf"
rxSplit(bigAirlineData, numOutFiles=5)
By default, rxSplit simply appends a number in the sequence from 1 to numOutFiles to the base file name to create
the new file names, and in this case the resulting file names, for example, “AirlineData87to081.xdf”, are a bit
confusing. You can exercise greater control over the output file names by using the outFilesBase and
outFilesSuffixes arguments. With outFilesBase, you can specify either a single character string to be used for all files
or a character vector the same length as the desired number of files. The latter option is useful, for example, if you
would like to create four files with the same file name, but different paths:

nodepaths <- paste("compute", 10:13, sep="")

basenames <- file.path("C:", nodepaths, "DistAirlineData")
rxSplit(bigAirlineData, outFilesBase=basenames)

This creates the four directories C:/compute10, etc., and creates a file named “DistAirlineData.xdf” in each directory.
You will want to do something like this when using distributed data with the standard RevoScaleR analysis
functions such as rxLinMod and rxLogit.
You can supply the outFilesSuffixes arguments to exercise greater control over what is appended to the end of each
file. Returning to our first example, we can add a hyphen between our base file name and the sequence 1 to 5 using
outFilesSuffixes as follows:

rxSplit(bigAirlineData, outFileSuffixes=paste("-", 1:5, sep=""))

The splitBy argument specifies whether to split your data file row -by-row or block-by-block. The default is
splitBy="rows", to split by blocks instead, specify splitBy="blocks". The splitBy argument is ignored if you also
specify the splitByFactor argument as a character string representing a valid factor variable. In this case, one file is
created per level of the factor variable.
The rxSplit function works in the local compute context only; once you’ve split the file you need to distribute the
resulting files to the individual nodes using the techniques of the previous sections. You should then specify a
compute context with the flag dataDistType set to "split". Once you have done this, HPA functions such as rxLinMod
will know to split their computations according to the data on each node.

Data Analysis with Split Data on HDFS

To use split data in your distributed data analysis, the first step is generally to split the data using rxSplit, which as
we have seen is a local operation. So the next step is then to copy the split data to your cluster nodes.
Create an XDF source object:

hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()

bigAirDS <- RxXdfData(airDataDir, fileSystem = hdfsFS )

Connect to the cluster:

myCluster <- RxSparkConnect(nameNode = "my-name-service-server", port = 8020, wait = TRUE)

Set the compute context to your cluster:


We are now ready to fit a simple linear model:

AirlineLmDist <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek,
data="bigAirDS", cube=TRUE, blocksPerRead=30)

When we print the object, we see that we obtain the same model as when computed with the full data on all nodes:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = "DistAirlineData.xdf",
cube = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 30)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name: C:\data\distributed\DistAirlineData.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 120947440
Number of missing observations: 2587529

DayOfWeek=Monday 6.669515
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 5.960421
DayOfWeek=Wednesday 7.091502
DayOfWeek=Thursday 8.945047
DayOfWeek=Friday 9.606953
DayOfWeek=Saturday 4.187419
DayOfWeek=Sunday 6.525040

With data in the .xdf format, you have your choice of using the full data set or a split data set on each node. For
other data sources, you must have the data split across the nodes. For example, the airline data’s original form is a
set of .csv files, one for each year from 1987 to 2008. (Additional years are now available, but have not been
included in our big airline data.) If we copy the year 2000 data to compute10, the year 2001 data to compute11, the
year 2002 data to compute12, and the year 2003 data to compute13 with the file name SplitAirline.csv, we can
analyze the data as follows:

textDS <- RxTextData( file = "C:/data/distributed/SplitAirline.csv",

varsToKeep = c( "ArrDelay", "CRSDepTime", "DayOfWeek" ),
colInfo = list(ArrDelay = list( type = "integer" ),
CRSDepTime = list( type = "integer" ),
DayOfWeek = list( type = "integer" ) )
rxSummary( ArrDelay ~ F( DayOfWeek, low = 1, high = 7 ), textDS )

We can then perform an rxLogit model to classify flights as “Late” as follows:

computeLate <- function( dataList )

dataList$Late <- dataList$ArrDelay>15
return( dataList )

rxLogitFitSplitCsv <- rxLogit( Late ~ CRSDepTime + F( DayOfWeek, low = 1,

high = 7 ), data = textDS,
transformVars = c( "ArrDelay" ),
transformFunc=computeLate, verbose=1 )

Distributed Predictions on HDFS

You can predict (or score) from a fitted model in a distributed context, but in this case, your data must be split. For
example, if we fit our distributed linear model with covCoef=TRUE (and cube=FALSE ), we can compute standard
errors for the predicted values:

AirlineLmDist <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek,

data="DistAirlineData.xdf", covCoef=TRUE, blocksPerRead=30)
rxPredict(AirlineLmDist, data="DistAirlineData.xdf", outData="errDistAirlineData.xdf",
computeStdErrors=TRUE, computeResiduals=TRUE)

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if script runs locally using R Client.

The output data is also split, in this case holding fitted values, residuals, and standard errors for the predicted

Split Training and Test Datasets on HDFS

One common technique for validating models is to break the data to be analyzed into training and test subsamples,
then fit the model using the training data and score it by predicting on the test data. Once you have split your
original data set onto your cluster nodes, you can split the data on the individual nodes by calling rxSplit again
within a call to rxExec. If you specify the RNGseed argument to rxExec (see Parallel Random Number Generation),
the split becomes reproducible:

rxExec(rxSplit, inData="C:/data/distributed/DistAirlineData.xdf",
outFileSuffixes=c("Test", "Train"),
varsToKeep=c("Late", "ArrDelay", "DayOfWeek", "CRSDepTime"),
transforms=list(testSplitVar = factor( sample(c("Test", "Train"),
size=.rxNumRows, replace=TRUE, prob=c(.10, .9)),
levels= c("Test", "Train"))), rngSeed=17, consoleOutput=TRUE)

The result is two new data files, airlineData.testSplitVar.Train.xdf and airlineData.testSplitVar.Test.xdf, on each of
your nodes. We can fit the model to the training data and predict with the test data as follows:

AirlineLmDist <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek,

data="airlineData.testSplitVar.Train.xdf", covCoef=TRUE, blocksPerRead=30)
rxPredict(AirlineLmDist, data="airlineData.testSplitVar.Test.xdf",
computeStdErrors=TRUE, computeResiduals=TRUE)

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if script runs locally using R Client.

Perform Data Operations on Each Node

To create or modify data on each node, use the data manipulation functions within rxExec. For example, suppose
that after looking at the airline data we decide to create a “cleaner” version of it by keeping only the flights where:
there is information on the arrival delay, the flight did not depart more than one hour early, and the actual and
scheduled flight time is positive. We can put a call to rxDataStep (and any other code we want processed) into a
function to be processed on each node via rxExec:
newAirData <- function()
airData <- "AirlineData87to08.xdf"
rxDataStep(inData = airData, outFile = "C:\\data\\airlineNew.xdf",
rowSelection = ! &
(DepDelay > -60) & (ActualElapsedTime > 0) & (CRSElapsedTime > 0),
blocksPerRead = 20, overwrite = TRUE)
rxExec( newAirData )

See also
Machine Learning Server Install Machine Learning Server on Hadoop
How to merge data using rxMerge in RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Merging allows you to combine the information from two data sets into a third data set that can be used for
subsequent analysis. One example is merging account information such as account number and billing address
with transaction data such as account number and purchase details to create invoices. In this case, the two files are
merged on the common information, that is, the account number.
In RevoScaleR, you merge .xdf files and/or data frames with the rxMerge function. This function supports a
number of types of merge that are best illustrated by example. The available types are as follows:
Outer: left, right, and full
We describe each of these types in the following sections.

Inner merge
In the default inner merge type, one or more merge key columns is specified, and only those observations for
which the specified key columns match exactly are combined to create new observations in the merged data set.
Suppose we have the following data from a dentist’s office:

AccountNo Billee Patient

0538 Rich C 1
0538 Rich C 2
0538 Rich C 3
0763 Tom D 1
1534 Kath P 1

We can create a data frame with this information:

# Merging Data

acct <- c(0538, 0538, 0538, 0763, 1534)

billee <- c("Rich C", "Rich C", "Rich C", "Tom D", "Kath P")
patient <- c(1, 2, 3, 1, 1)
acctDF<- data.frame( acct=acct, billee= billee, patient=patient)

Suppose further we have the following information about procedures performed:

AccountNo Patient Procedure

0538 3 OffVisit
0538 2 AdultPro
0538 2 OffVisit
0538 3 2SurfCom
0763 1 OffVisit
0763 1 AdultPro
0763 2 OffVisit

This data is put into another data frame:

acct <- c(0538, 0538, 0538, 0538, 0763, 0763, 0763)
patient <- c(3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2)
type <- c("OffVisit", "AdultPro", "OffVisit", "2SurfCom", "OffVisit", "AdultPro", "OffVisit")
procedureDF <- data.frame(acct=acct, patient=patient, type=type)

Then we use rxMerge to create an inner merge matching on the columns acct and patient:

rxMerge(inData1 = acctDF, inData2 = procedureDF, type = "inner",

matchVars=c("acct", "patient"))

acct billee patient type

1 538 Rich C 2 AdultPro
2 538 Rich C 2 OffVisit
3 538 Rich C 3 OffVisit
4 538 Rich C 3 2SurfCom
5 763 Tom D 1 OffVisit
6 763 Tom D 1 AdultPro

Because the patient 1 in account 538 and patient 1 in account 1534 had no visits, they are omitted from the
merged file. Similarly, patient 2 in account 763 had a visit, but does not have any information in the accounts file,
so it too is omitted from the merged data set. Also, note that the two input data files are automatically sorted on
the merge keys before merging.

Outer merge
There are three types of outer merge: left, right, and full. In a left outer merge, all the lines from the first file are
present in the merged file, either matched with lines from the second file that match on the key columns, or if no
match, filled out with missing values. A right outer merge is similar, except all the lines from the second file are
present, either matched with matching lines from the first file or filled out with missings. A full outer merge
includes all lines in both files, either matched or filled out with missings. We can use the same dentist data to
illustrate the various types of outer merge:
rxMerge(inData1 = acctDF, inData2 = procedureDF, type = "left",
matchVars=c("acct", "patient"))

acct billee patient type

1 538 Rich C 1 <NA>
2 538 Rich C 2 AdultPro
3 538 Rich C 2 OffVisit
4 538 Rich C 3 OffVisit
5 538 Rich C 3 2SurfCom
6 763 Tom D 1 OffVisit
7 763 Tom D 1 AdultPro
8 1534 Kath P 1 <NA>

rxMerge(inData1 = acctDF, inData2 = procedureDF, type = "right",

matchVars=c("acct", "patient"))
acct billee patient type
1 538 Rich C 2 AdultPro
2 538 Rich C 2 OffVisit
3 538 Rich C 3 OffVisit
4 538 Rich C 3 2SurfCom
5 763 Tom D 1 OffVisit
6 763 Tom D 1 AdultPro
7 763 <NA> 2 OffVisit

rxMerge(inData1 = acctDF, inData2 = procedureDF, type = "full",

matchVars=c("acct", "patient"))

acct billee patient type

1 538 Rich C 1 <NA>
2 538 Rich C 2 AdultPro
3 538 Rich C 2 OffVisit
4 538 Rich C 3 OffVisit
5 538 Rich C 3 2SurfCom
6 763 Tom D 1 OffVisit
7 763 Tom D 1 AdultPro
8 763 <NA> 2 OffVisit
9 1534 Kath P 1 <NA>

One-to-one merge
In the one-to-one merge type, the first observation in the first data set is paired with the first observation in the
second data set to create the first observation in the merged data set, the second observation is paired with the
second observation to create the second observation in the merged data set, and so on. The data sets must have
the same number of rows. It is equivalent to using append="cols" in a data step.
For example, suppose our first data set contains three observations as follows:

1 a x
2 b y
3 c z

Create a data frame with this data:

myData1 <- data.frame( x1 = 1:3, y1 = c("a", "b", "c"), z1 = c("x", "y", "z"))

Suppose our second data set contains three different variables:

101 d u
102 e v
103 f w

Create a data frame with this data:

myData2 <- data.frame( x2 = 101:103, y2 = c("d", "e", "f"),

z2 = c("u", "v", "w"))

A one-to-one merge of these two data sets combines the columns from the two data sets into one data set:

rxMerge(inData1 = myData1, inData2 = myData2, type = "oneToOne")

x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
1 1 a x 101 d u
2 2 b y 102 e v
3 3 c z 103 f w

Union merge
A union merge is simply the concatenation of two files with the same set of variables. It is equivalent to using
append="rows" in a data step.
Using the example from one-to-one merge, we rename the variables in the second data frame to be the same as in
the first:

names(myData2) \<- c("x1", "x2", "x3")

Then use a union merge:

rxMerge(inData1 = myData1, inData2 = myData2, type = "union")

x1 y1 z1
1 1 a x
2 2 b y
3 3 c z
4 101 d u
5 102 e v
6 103 f w

Using rxMerge with .xdf files

You can use rxMerge with a combination of .xdf files or data frames. For example, you specify the two the paths for
two input .xdf files as the inData1 and inData2 arguments, and the path to an output file as the outFile argument.
As a simple example, we can stack two copies of the claims data using the union merge type as follows:

claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.xdf")

rxMerge(inData1 = claimsXdf, inData2 = claimsXdf, outFile = "claimsTwice.xdf",

type = "union")

A new .xdf file is created containing twice the number of rows of the original claims file.
You can also merge an .xdf file and data frame into a new .xdf file. For example, suppose that you would like to add
a variable on state expenditure on education into each observation in the censusWorkers sample .xdf file. First, take
a quick look at the state variable in the .xdf file:

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

rxGetVarInfo(censusWorkers, varsToKeep = "state")

Var 1: state
3 factor levels: Connecticut Indiana Washington

We can create a data frame with per capita educational expenditures for the same three states. (Note that because
R alphabetizes factor levels by default, the factor levels in the data frame will be in the same order as those in the
.xdf file).

educExp <- data.frame(state=c("Connecticut", "Washington", "Indiana"),

EducExp = c(1795.57,1170.46,1289.66 ))

Now use rxMerge, matching by the variable state:

rxMerge(inData1 = censusWorkers, inData2 = educExp,

outFile="censusWorkersEd.xdf", matchVars = "state", overwrite=TRUE)

The new .xdf file has an additional variable, EducExp:


Var 1: age, Age

Type: integer, Low/High: (20, 65)
Var 2: incwage, Wage and salary income
Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 354000)
Var 3: perwt, Type: integer, Low/High: (2, 168)
Var 4: sex, Sex
2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 5: wkswork1, Weeks worked last year
Type: integer, Low/High: (21, 52)
Var 6: state
3 factor levels: Connecticut Indiana Washington
Var 7: EducExp, Type: numeric, Low/High: (1170.4600, 1795.5700)

See Also
Machine Learning Server Install Machine Learning Server on Windows
Install Machine Learning Server on Linux
Install Machine Learning Server on Hadoop
How to summarize data using RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 16 minutes to read • Edit Online

Summary statistics can help you understand the characteristics and shape of an unfamiliar data set. In RevoScaleR,
you can use the rxGetVarInfo function to learn more about variables in the data set, and rxSummary for statistical
measures. The rxSummary function also provides a count of observations, and the number of missing values (if
This article teaches by example, using built-in sample data sets so that you can practice each skill. It covers the
following tasks:
List variable metadata including name, description, type, labels, Low/High values
Compute summary statistics: mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum values
Compute summary statistics for factor variables
Create temporary factor variables used in computations
Compute summary statistics on a row subset
Execute in-flight data transformations
Compute and plot a Lorenz curve
Tips for wide data sets

List variable information

The rxGetVarInfo function returns information about the variables in a data frame or .xdf file, including variable
names, descriptions, type, and high and low values. The following examples, based on the built-in sample Census
data set, demonstrate function usage.

# Load data, store variable metadata as censusWorkerInfo, and return variable names.

readPath <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

censusWorkers <- file.path(readPath, "CensusWorkers.xdf")
censusWorkerInfo <- rxGetVarInfo(censusWorkers)

The names function is a base R function, which is called on the object to return the following variable names:

[1] "age" "incwage" "perwt" "sex" "wkswork1" "state"

Once you have a variable name, you can drill down futher to examine its metadata. This is the output for age:


[1] "description" "varType" "storage" "low" "high"

Numeric variables include Low/High values. The Low/High values do not necessarily indicate the minimum and
maximum of a numeric or integer variable. Rather, they indicate the values RevoScaleR uses to establish the lowest
and highest factor levels when treating the variable as a factor. For practical purposes, this is more helpful for data
visualization than a true minimum or maximum on the variable. For example, suppose you want to create
histograms or hexbin plots, treating the numerical data as categorical, with levels corresponding to the plotting
bins. In this scenario, it is often convenient to cut off the highest and lowest data points, and the Low/High values
provide this information.
This example demonstrates getting the High value from the age variable:


[1] 65

Similarly, the Low value is obtained as follows:


[1] 20

Suppose you are interested in workers between the ages of 30 and 50. You could create a copy of the data file in
the working directory, set the High/Low fields as follows and then treat age as a factor in subsequent analysis:

outputDir <- rxGetOption("outDataPath")

tempCensusWorkers <- file.path(outputDir, "tempCensusWorkers.xdf")
file.copy(from = censusWorkers, to = tempCensusWorkers)
censusWorkerInfo$age$low <- 35
censusWorkerInfo$age$high <- 50
rxSetVarInfo(censusWorkerInfo, tempCensusWorkers)
rxSummary(~F(age), data = tempCensusWorkers)

Results (restricted to the 35 to 50 age range):

rxSummary(formula = ~F(age), data = tempCensusWorkers)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~F(age)

File name:
Number of valid observations: 351121

Category Counts for F_age

Number of categories: 16
Number of valid observations: 158309
Number of missing observations: 192812

F_age Counts
35 9743
36 9888
37 9860
38 10211
39 10378
40 10756
41 10503
42 10511
43 10296
44 10122
45 10074
46 9703
47 9527
48 9093
49 8776
50 8868

To reset the low and high values, repeat the previous steps with the original values:
censusWorkerInfo$age$low <- 20
censusWorkerInfo$age$high <- 65
rxSetVarInfo(censusWorkerInfo, "tempCensusWorkers.xdf")

Compute summary statistics

The rxSummary function provides descriptive statistics using a formula argument similar to that used in R’s
modeling functions. The formula specifies the independent variables to summarize.
The basic structure of a formula is a tilde symbol "" with one or more independent or right-hand variables, separated by "+". To include
all of the variables, you can append a dot (.) to the tilde as " .".

The rxSummary function also takes a data object as the source of the variables.
For example, returning to the CensusWorkers sample, run the following script to obtain a data summary of that

# Formulas in rxSummary

readPath <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

censusWorkers <- file.path(readPath, "CensusWorkers.xdf")
rxSummary(~ age + incwage + perwt + sex + wkswork1, data = censusWorkers)

For each term in the formula, the mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and number of valid
observations is shown. If rxSummary includes byTerm=FALSE , the observations (rows) containing missing values
for any of the specified variables are omitted in calculating the summary. Cell counts for categorical variables are

rxSummary(formula = ~age + incwage + perwt + sex + wkswork1,
data = censusWorkers)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~age + incwage + perwt + sex + wkswork1

Data: censusWorkers (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/CensusWorkers.xdf
Number of valid observations: 351121

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

age 40.42814 11.385017 20 65 351121 0
incwage 35333.83894 40444.544084 0 354000 351121 0
perwt 20.34423 9.633100 2 168 351121 0
wkswork1 48.62566 6.953843 21 52 351121 0

Category Counts for sex

Number of categories: 2
Number of valid observations: 351121
Number of missing observations: 0

sex Counts
Male 189344
Female 161777

Compute median values

You might have noticed that rxSummary does not compute a median value for each variable. This is because
rxSummary only produces statistics that can be computed in chunks, and a median computation is not a chunkable
calculation. Median calculations are predicated on a sort operation, which is expensive on large data sets, and thus
excluded from rxSummary.
Assuming your data set fits in memory, you could get the median value of a given variable using the base R
median function:

# Load data into a dataframe

mydataframe <- rxImport(censusWorkers)

# As verification, print values of a numeric variable, such as age


# Compute the median age



[1] 40

For larger disk-bound datasets, you should use visualization techniques to uncover skewness in the underlying

Compute summary statistics on factor variables

You can obtain summary statistics on numeric data that are specific to levels within a variable, such as days of the
week, months in a year, age or income levels constructed from column values, and so forth.
To do this, specify an interaction between a numeric variable and a factor variable. For example, using the sample
data set AirlineDemoSmall.xdf, use the following command to request a summary of arrival delay by day of week:

rxSummary(~ ArrDelay:DayOfWeek, data = file.path(readPath, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))

The request produces summary statistics for a factor variable, with output for each level.

rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek, data = file.path(readPath,

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek

Data: file.path(readPath, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf") (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.xdf
Number of valid observations: 6e+05

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay:DayOfWeek 11.31794 40.68854 -86 1490 582628 17372

Statistics by category (7 categories):

Category DayOfWeek Means StdDev Min Max ValidObs

ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Monday Monday 12.025604 40.02463 -76 1017 95298
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Tuesday Tuesday 11.293808 43.66269 -70 1143 74011
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Wednesday Wednesday 10.156539 39.58803 -81 1166 76786
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Thursday Thursday 8.658007 36.74724 -58 1053 79145
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Friday Friday 14.804335 41.79260 -78 1490 80142
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Saturday Saturday 11.875326 45.24540 -73 1370 83851
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Sunday Sunday 10.331806 37.33348 -86 1202 93395
Interactions provide the one exception to the “responseless” formula mentioned preceding. If you want to obtain the
interaction of a continuous variable with one or more factors, you can use a formula of the form y ~ x:z , where y is the
continuous variable and x and z are factors. This has precisely the same effect as specifying the formula as ~y:x:z , but is
more suggestive of the result: specifically, summary statistics for y at every combination of levels of x and z.

Create a temporary factor variable

You can force RevoScaleR to treat a variable as a factor (with a level for each integer value from the low to high
value) by wrapping it with the function call syntax F() . Returning to the CensusWorkers.xdf file, in the following
example a factor level is temporarily created for each age from 20 through 65:

rxSummary(~ incwage:F(age), data = censusWorkers)

The results provide not only summary statistics for wage income in the overall data set, but summary statistics on
wage income for each age:

rxSummary(formula = ~incwage:F(age), data = censusWorkers)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~incwage:F(age)

Data: censusWorkers (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/CensusWorkers.xdf
Number of valid observations: 351121

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

incwage:F(age) 35333.84 40444.54 0 354000 351121 0

Statistics by category (46 categories):

Category F_age Means StdDev Min Max ValidObs

incwage for F(age)=20 20 12669.94 12396.99 0 336000 6500
incwage for F(age)=21 21 14114.23 12107.81 0 336000 6479
incwage for F(age)=22 22 15982.00 12374.14 0 336000 6676
incwage for F(age)=23 23 18503.92 15093.53 0 336000 6884
incwage for F(age)=24 24 20672.06 14315.67 0 354000 6931
incwage for F(age)=25 25 23856.25 17319.42 0 336000 7273
incwage for F(age)=26 26 25938.17 20707.39 0 354000 7116
incwage for F(age)=27 27 26902.97 20608.09 0 354000 7584
incwage for F(age)=28 28 28531.59 24185.48 0 354000 8184
incwage for F(age)=29 29 30153.10 25715.94 0 354000 8889
incwage for F(age)=30 30 30691.10 26955.27 0 354000 9055
. . .

If you include an interaction between two factors, the summary provides cell counts for all combinations of levels
of the factors. Since the census data has probability weights, you can use the pweights argument to get weighted

rxSummary(~ sex:state, pweights = "perwt", data = censusWorkers)

rxSummary(formula = ~sex:state, data = censusWorkers, pweights = "perwt")

Summary Statistics Results for: ~sex:state

Data: censusWorkers (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/CensusWorkers.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Number of valid observations: 351121

Category Counts for sex

Number of categories: 6

sex state Counts

Male Connecticut 843736
Female Connecticut 755843
Male Indiana 1517966
Female Indiana 1289412
Male Washington 1504840
Female Washington 1231489

Compute summary statistics on a row subset

The following example shows how to restrict the analysis to specific rows (in this case, people aged 30 to 39). You
can use the low and high arguments of the F() function to restrict the creation of on-the-fly factor levels to the
same range:

rxSummary(~ sex:F(age, low = 30, high = 39), data = censusWorkers,

pweights="perwt", rowSelection = age >= 30 & age < 40)

rxSummary(formula = ~sex:F(age, low = 30, high = 39), data = censusWorkers,
pweights = "perwt", rowSelection = age >= 30 & age < 40)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~sex:F(age, low = 30, high = 39)

Data: censusWorkers (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/CensusWorkers.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Number of valid observations: 93896

Category Counts for sex

Number of categories: 20

sex F_age_30_39_T Counts

Male 30 103242
Female 30 84209
Male 31 100234
Female 31 77947
Male 32 96325
Female 32 75469
Male 33 97734
Female 33 77133
Male 34 103380
Female 34 81812
Male 35 110358
Female 35 89681
Male 36 113444
Female 36 91394
Male 37 110828
Female 37 91563
Male 38 113838
Female 38 95988
Male 39 115552
Female 39 97209

The fourth argument in the function, exclude , defaults to TRUE. This is reflected in the T that appears in the output variable

Write summary statistics to XDF

By-group statistics are often computed for further analysis or plotting. It can be convenient to store these results in
a .xdf file, especially when there are a large number of groups. In this example, compute the mean and standard
deviation of wage income and number of weeks work for each year of age for both men and women using the
CensusWorkers.xdf file with data from three states:

# Writing By-Group Summary Statistics to an .xdf File

readPath <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

censusWorkers <- file.path(readPath, "CensusWorkers.xdf")
rxSummary(~ incwage:F(age):sex + wkswork1:F(age):sex, data = censusWorkers,
byGroupOutFile = "ByAge.xdf",
summaryStats = c("Mean", "StdDev", "SumOfWeights"),
pweights = "perwt", overwrite = TRUE)

rxSummary(formula = ~incwage:F(age):sex + wkswork1:F(age):sex,
data = censusWorkers, byGroupOutFile = "ByAge.xdf", summaryStats = c("Mean",
"StdDev", "SumOfWeights"), pweights = "perwt", overwrite = TRUE)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~incwage:F(age):sex + wkswork1:F(age):sex

Data: censusWorkers (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/CensusWorkers.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Number of valid observations: 351121

Name Mean StdDev SumOfWeights

incwage:F_age:sex 35788.4675 40605.12565 7143286
wkswork1:F_age:sex 48.6373 6.94423 7143286

By-group statistics for incwage:F(age):sex contained in C:\YourDir\ByAge.xdf

By-group statistics for wkswork1:F(age):sex contained in C:\YourDir\ByAge.xdf

You can take a quick look at the first five rows in the data set to see that the first variables are the two factor
variables determining the groups: F_age and sex. The remaining variables are the computed by-group statistics.

rxGetInfo("ByAge.xdf", numRows = 5)


File name: C:\YourDir\ByAge.xdf

Number of observations: 92
Number of variables: 8
Number of blocks: 1
Compression type: zlib
Data (5 rows starting with row 1):
F_age sex incwage_Mean incwage_StdDev incwage_SumOfWeights wkswork1_Mean
1 20 Male 14437.68 14118.49 71089 44.29758
2 21 Male 15981.48 13191.73 71150 45.27770
3 22 Male 18258.04 13919.44 75979 46.07166
4 23 Male 20739.91 16511.88 79663 46.75025
5 24 Male 22737.17 15345.41 81412 47.51487
wkswork1_StdDev wkswork1_SumOfWeights
1 9.755092 71089
2 9.110743 71150
3 8.903617 75979
4 8.451298 79663
5 7.942226 81412

You can plot directly from the .xdf file to visualize the results:

rxLinePlot(incwage_Mean~F_age, groups = sex, data = "ByAge.xdf")

Transform data in-flight
You can use the transforms argument to modify your data set before computing a summary. When used in this
way, the original data is unmodified and no permanent copy of the modified data is written to disk. The data
summaries returned, however, reflect the modified data.
You can also transform data in the formula itself, by specifying simple functions of the original variables. For
example, you can get a summary based on the natural logarithm of a variable as follows:

# Transform data in rxSummary

rxSummary(~ log(incwage), data = censusWorkers)


rxSummary(formula = ~log(incwage), data = censusWorkers)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~log(incwage)

Data: censusWorkers (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: C:/Program Files/Microsoft/ML Server/R_SERVER/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData/CensusWorkers.xdf
Number of valid observations: 351121

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

log(incwage) 10.19694 0.8387598 1.386294 12.77705 331625 19496

Compute and plot Lorenz curves

The Lorenz curves were originally developed to illustrate income inequality. For example, it can show us what
percentage of total income is attributed to the lowest earning 10% of the population. The rxLorenz function from
RevoScaleR provides a "big data" version, using approximate quantiles to quickly compute the cumulative
distribution by quantile in a single pass through the data.
The rxLorenz function requires an orderVarName , the name of the variable used to compute the quantiles. A
separate valueVarName can also be specified. This is the name of the variable used to compute the mean values by
quantile. By default, the same variable is used for both. We can continue to use the Census Workers data set as an
example, computing a Lorenz curve for the distribution of income:

lorenzOut <- rxLorenz(orderVarName = "incwage", data = censusWorkers,

pweights = "perwt")

cumVals percents
1 0.0000000 0.000000
2 0.3642878 9.126934
3 0.4005827 9.363072
4 0.5368416 10.181295
5 0.5666976 10.353428
6 0.6241598 10.667766

The returned object contains the cumulative values and the percentages. Using the plot method for rxLorenz, we
can get a visual representation of the income distribution and compare it with the horizontal line representing
perfect equality:


The Gini coefficient is often used as a summary statistic for Lorenz curves. It is computed by estimating the ratio of
the area between the line of equality and the Lorenz curve to the total area under the line of equality (using
trapezoidal integration). The Gini coefficient can range from 0 to 1, with 0 representing perfect equality. We can
compute it from using the output from rxLorenz:
giniCoef <- rxGini(lorenzOut)

[1] 0.4491421

Tips for wide data sets

Building a better understanding of the distribution of each variable and the relationships between variables
improves decision making during the modeling phase. This is especially true for wide data sets containing
hundreds if not thousands of variables. For wide data sets, the main goal of data exploration should be to find any
outliers or influential data points, identify redundant variables or correlated variables and transform or combine
any variables that seem appropriate.
The functions rxGetVarInfo and rxSummary provide useful information can help in this effort, but these two
functions may need to be used differently when the data contain many variables.
As a first step, import the data to an .xdf so that you can execute functions providing metadata and summary
statistics. Recall that rxGetVarInfo returns metadata about the data object. After loading data into an XDF data
soource, the data type information can easily be accessed using the rxGetVarInfo function.
Because wide data has so many variables, printed output can be hard to read. As an alternative, save the variable
information to an object that can serve as in informal data dictionary. We demonstrate this using the Claims data
from the sample data directory:

readPath <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

censusWorkers <- file.path(readPath, "CensusWorkers.xdf")
censusDataDictionary <-rxGetVarInfo(censusWorkers)

We can then obtain the information for an individual variable as follows:


Type: integer, Low/High: (20, 65)

The rxSummary function is a great way to look at the distribution of individual variables and identify outliers. With
wide data, you want to store the results of this function into an object. This object contains a data frame with the
results of the numeric variables, “sDataFrame”, and a list of data frames with the counts for each categorical

readPath <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

censusWorkers <- file.path(readPath, "CensusWorkers.xdf")
censusSummary <- rxSummary(~ age + incwage + perwt + sex + wkswork1,
data = censusWorkers)

[1] "nobs.valid" "nobs.missing" "sDataFrame" "categorical"

[5] "params" "formula" "call" "categorical.type"

Printing the rxSummary results to the console wouldn’t be useful with so many variables. Saving the results in an
object allows us to not only access the summary results programmatically, but also to view the results separately
for numeric and categorical variables. We access the sDataFrame (printed to show structure) as follows:
Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs
1 age 40.42814 11.385017 20 65 351121 0
2 incwage 35333.83894 40444.544084 0 354000 351121 0
3 perwt 20.34423 9.633100 2 168 351121 0
4 sex NA NA NA NA 351121 0
5 wkswork1 48.62566 6.953843 21 52 351121 0

To view the categorical variables, we access the categorical component:

sex Counts
1 Male 189344
2 Female 161777

Another key piece of data exploration for wide data is looking at the relationships between variables to find
variables that are measuring the same information or variables that are correlated. With variables that are
measuring the same information, perhaps one stands out as being representative of the group. During data
exploration, you must rely on your domain knowledge to group variables into related sets or prioritize variables
that are important based on the field or industry. Paring the data set down to related sets allow you to look more
closely at redundancy and relatedness within each set.
When looking for correlation between variables the function rxCrosstabs is useful. In Crosstabs, you see how to
use rxCrosstabs and rxLinePlot to graph the relationship between two variables. Graphs allow for a quick view of
the relationship between two variables, which comes in handy when you have many variables to consider. For
more information, see Visualizing Huge Data Sets: An Example from the U.S. Census.

See also
Tutorial: Data import and exploration using RevoScaleR
Tutorial: Transform and subset data using RevoScaleR
Sample data for RevoScaleR and revoscalepy
Importing text data in Machine Learning Server
Crosstabs using RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 19 minutes to read • Edit Online

Crosstabs, also known as contingency tables or crosstabulations, are a convenient way to summarize cross-
classified categorical data—that is, data that can be tabulated according to multiple levels of two or more factors. If
only two factors are involved, the table is sometimes called a two -way table. If three factors are involved, the table
is sometimes called a three-way table.
For large data sets, cross-tabulations of binned numeric data, that is, data that has been converted to a factor
where the levels represent ranges of values, can be a fast way to get insight into the relationships among variables.
In RevoScaleR, the rxCube function is the primary tool to create contingency tables.
For example, the built-in data set UCBAdmissions includes information on admissions by gender to various
departments at the University of California at Berkeley. We can look at the contingency table as follows:


z <- rxCube(Freq ~ Gender:Admit, data = UCBADF)

(Because cross-tabulations are explicitly about exploring interactions between variables, multiple predictors must
always be specified using the interaction operator ":", and not the terms operator "+".)
Typing z yields the following output:

rxCube(formula = Freq ~ Gender:Admit, data = UCBADF)

Cube Results for: Freq ~ Gender:Admit

Dependent variable(s): Freq
Number of valid observations: 24
Number of missing observations: 0
Statistic: Freq means

Gender Admit Freq Counts

1 Male Admitted 199.66667 6
2 Female Admitted 92.83333 6
3 Male Rejected 248.83333 6
4 Female Rejected 213.00000 6

This data set is widely used in statistics texts because it illustrates Simpson’s paradox, which is that in some cases a
comparison that holds true in a number of groups is reversed when those groups are aggregated to form a single
group. From the preceding table, in which admissions data is aggregated across all departments, it would appear
that males are admitted at a higher rate than women. However, if we look at the more granular analysis by
department, we find that in four of the six departments, women are admitted at a higher rate than men:

z2 <- rxCube(Freq ~ Gender:Admit:Dept, data = UCBADF)


This yields the following output:

rxCube(formula = Freq ~ Gender:Admit:Dept, data = UCBADF)

Cube Results for: Freq ~ Gender:Admit:Dept

Dependent variable(s): Freq
Number of valid observations: 24
Number of missing observations: 0
Statistic: Freq means

Gender Admit Dept Freq Counts

1 Male Admitted A 512 1
2 Female Admitted A 89 1
3 Male Rejected A 313 1
4 Female Rejected A 19 1
5 Male Admitted B 353 1
6 Female Admitted B 17 1
7 Male Rejected B 207 1
8 Female Rejected B 8 1
9 Male Admitted C 120 1
10 Female Admitted C 202 1
11 Male Rejected C 205 1
12 Female Rejected C 391 1
13 Male Admitted D 138 1
14 Female Admitted D 131 1
15 Male Rejected D 279 1
16 Female Rejected D 244 1
17 Male Admitted E 53 1
18 Female Admitted E 94 1
19 Male Rejected E 138 1
20 Female Rejected E 299 1
21 Male Admitted F 22 1
22 Female Admitted F 24 1
23 Male Rejected F 351 1
24 Female Rejected F 317 1

Letting the Data Speak Example 1: Analyzing U.S. 2000 Census Data
The CensusWorkers.xdf data set contains a subset of the U.S. 2000 5% Census for individuals aged 20 to 65 who
worked at least 20 weeks during the year from three states. Let’s examine the relationship between wage income
(represented in the data set by the variable incwage) and age.
A useful way to observe the relationship between numeric variables is to bin the predictor variable (in our case,
age), and then plot the mean of the response for each bin. The simplest way to bin age is to use the F () wrapper
within our initial formula; it creates a separate bin for each distinct value of age. (More precisely, it creates a bin of
length one from the low value of age to the high value of age—if some ages are missing in the original data set,
bins are created for them anyway.)
We create our original model as follows:

# Letting the data speak: Example 1

readPath <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

censusWorkers <- file.path(readPath, "CensusWorkers.xdf")
censusWorkersCube <- rxCube(incwage ~ F(age), data=censusWorkers)

We first look at the results in tabular form by typing the returned object name, censusWorkersCube, which yields
the following output:
rxCube(formula = incwage ~ F(age), data = censusWorkers)

Cube Results for: incwage ~ F(age)

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\CensusWorkers.xdf
Dependent variable(s): incwage
Number of valid observations: 351121
Number of missing observations: 0
Statistic: incwage means

F_age incwage Counts

1 20 12669.94 6500
2 21 14114.23 6479
3 22 15982.00 6676
4 23 18503.92 6884
5 24 20672.06 6931
6 25 23856.25 7273
7 26 25938.17 7116
8 27 26902.97 7584
9 28 28531.59 8184
10 29 30153.10 8889
11 30 30691.10 9055
12 31 31647.06 8670
13 32 33459.31 8459
14 33 34208.33 8574
15 34 34364.06 9058
16 35 35739.92 9743
17 36 36945.24 9888
18 37 36970.63 9860
19 38 37331.39 10211
20 39 38899.67 10378
21 40 38279.34 10756
22 41 39678.52 10503
23 42 40748.10 10511
24 43 39910.90 10296
25 44 40524.19 10122
26 45 41450.27 10074
27 46 40521.07 9703
28 47 41371.40 9527
29 48 42061.04 9093
30 49 41618.36 8776
31 50 42789.36 8868
32 51 41912.11 8506
33 52 43169.23 8690
34 53 41864.13 8362
35 54 42920.45 6275
36 55 42939.81 6171
37 56 41157.10 5915
38 57 40984.69 5881
39 58 40553.04 5047
40 59 38738.45 4512
41 60 37200.02 3775
42 61 35978.18 3704
43 62 35000.53 3206
44 63 34098.00 2563
45 64 32964.57 2248
46 65 31698.98 1625

As we wanted, the table contains average values of incwage for each level of age. If we want to create a plot of the
results, we can use the rxResultsDF function to conveniently convert the output into a data frame. The F_age factor
variable will automatically be converted back to an integer age variable. Then we can plot the data using
censusWorkersCubeDF <- rxResultsDF(censusWorkersCube)
rxLinePlot(incwage ~ age, data=censusWorkersCubeDF,
title="Relationship of Income and Age")

The resulting plot shows clearly the relationship of income on age:

Transforming Data
Because crosstabs require categorical data for the predictors, you have to do some work to crosstabulate
continuous data. In the previous section, we saw that the F () wrapper can do a transformation within a formula.
The transforms argument to rxCrossTabs can be used to give you greater control over such transformations.
For example, the kyphosis data from the rpart package consists of one categorical variable, Kyphosis, and three
continuous variables Age, Number, and Start. The Start variable indicates the topmost vertebra involved in a
certain type of spinal surgery, and has a range of 1 to 18. Since there are 7 cervical vertebrae and 12 thoracic
vertebrae, we can specify a transform that classifies the start variable as either cervical or thoracic as follows:

# Transforming Data

cut(Start, breaks=c(0, 7.5, 19.5), labels=c("cervical", "thoracic"))

Similarly, we can create a factorized Age variable as follows (in the original data, age is given in months; with our
set of breaks, we cut the data into ranges of years):
cut(Age, breaks=c(0, 12, 60, 119, 180, 220), labels=c("<1", "1-4",
"5-9", "10-15", ">15"))

We can now crosstabulate the data using the preceding transforms and it is instructive to start by looking at the
three two-way tables formed by tabulating Kyphosis with the three predictor variables:

rxCube(~ Kyphosis:Age, data = kyphosis,
transforms=list(Age = cut(Age, breaks=c(0, 12, 60, 119,
180, 220), labels=c("<1", "1-4", "5-9", "10-15", ">15"))))
rxCube(formula = ~Kyphosis:Age, data = kyphosis, transforms = list(Age = cut(Age,
breaks = c(0, 12, 60, 119, 180, 220), labels = c("<1", "1-4",
"5-9", "10-15", ">15"))))

Cube Results for: ~Kyphosis:Age

Data: kyphosis
Number of valid observations: 81
Number of missing observations: 0

Kyphosis Age Counts

1 absent <1 13
2 present <1 0
3 absent 1-4 13
4 present 1-4 4
5 absent 5-9 17
6 present 5-9 6
7 absent 10-15 19
8 present 10-15 7
9 absent >15 2
10 present >15 0
rxCube(~ Kyphosis:F(Number), data = kyphosis)
rxCube(formula = ~Kyphosis:F(Number), data = kyphosis)

Cube Results for: ~Kyphosis:F(Number)

Data: kyphosis
Number of valid observations: 81
Number of missing observations: 0

Kyphosis F_Number Counts

1 absent 2 12
2 present 2 0
3 absent 3 19
4 present 3 4
5 absent 4 16
6 present 4 2
7 absent 5 12
8 present 5 5
9 absent 6 2
10 present 6 2
11 absent 7 2
12 present 7 3
13 absent 8 0
14 present 8 0
15 absent 9 1
16 present 9 0
17 absent 10 0
18 present 10 1

rxCube(~ Kyphosis:Start, data = kyphosis,

transforms=list(Start = cut(Start, breaks=c(0, 7.5, 19.5),
labels=c("cervical", "thoracic"))))
rxCube(formula = ~Kyphosis:Start, data = kyphosis, transforms = list(Start = cut(Start,
breaks = c(0, 7.5, 19.5), labels = c("cervical", "thoracic"))))
breaks = c(0, 7.5, 19.5), labels = c("cervical", "thoracic"))))

Cube Results for: ~Kyphosis:Start

Data: kyphosis
Number of valid observations: 81
Number of missing observations: 0

Kyphosis Start Counts

1 absent cervical 8
2 present cervical 9
3 absent thoracic 56
4 present thoracic 8

From these, we see that the probability of the post-operative complication Kyphosis seems to be greater if the
Start is a cervical vertebra and as more vertebrae are involved in the surgery. Similarly, it appears that the
dependence on age is non-linear: it first increases with age, peaks in the range 5-9, and then decreases again.

Cross-Tabulation with rxCrossTabs

The rxCrossTabs function is an alternative to the rxCube function, which performs the same calculations, but
displays its results in format similar to the standard R xtabs function. For some purposes, this format can be more
informative than the matrix-like display of rxCube, and in some situations can be more compact as well.
As an example, consider again the admission data example:
# Cross-Tabulation with rxCrossTabs

z3 <- rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Gender:Admit:Dept, data = UCBADF)

rxCrossTabs(formula = Freq ~ Gender:Admit:Dept, data = UCBADF)

Cross Tabulation Results for: Freq ~ Gender:Admit:Dept

Dependent variable(s): Freq
Number of valid observations: 24
Number of missing observations: 0
Statistic: sums

Freq, Dept = A (sums):

Gender Admitted Rejected
Male 512 313
Female 89 19


Freq, Dept = B (sums):

Gender Admitted Rejected
Male 353 207
Female 17 8


Freq, Dept = C (sums):

Gender Admitted Rejected
Male 120 205
Female 202 391


Freq, Dept = D (sums):

Gender Admitted Rejected
Male 138 279
Female 131 244


Freq, Dept = E (sums):

Gender Admitted Rejected
Male 53 138
Female 94 299


Freq, Dept = F (sums):

Gender Admitted Rejected
Male 22 351
Female 24 317

You can see the row, column, and total percentages by calling the summary function on the rxCrossTabs object:

rxCrossTabs(formula = Freq ~ Gender:Admit:Dept, data = UCBADF)
Cross Tabulation Results for: Freq ~ Gender:Admit:Dept
Dependent variable(s): Freq
Number of valid observations: 24
Number of missing observations: 0
Statistic: sums

Freq, Dept = A (sums):

Admitted Rejected Row Total
Male 512.000000 313.000000 825.00000
Row% 62.060606 37.939394
Col% 85.191348 94.277108
Tot% 54.876742 33.547696 88.42444
Female 89.000000 19.000000 108.00000
Row% 82.407407 17.592593
Col% 14.808652 5.722892
Tot% 9.539121 2.036442 11.57556
Col Total 601.000000 332.000000
Grand Total 933.000000


Freq, Dept = B (sums):

Admitted Rejected Row Total
Male 353.000000 207.000000 560.000000
Row% 63.035714 36.964286
Col% 95.405405 96.279070
Tot% 60.341880 35.384615 95.726496
Female 17.000000 8.000000 25.000000
Row% 68.000000 32.000000
Col% 4.594595 3.720930
Tot% 2.905983 1.367521 4.273504
Col Total 370.000000 215.000000
Grand Total 585.000000


Freq, Dept = C (sums):

Admitted Rejected Row Total
Male 120.00000 205.00000 325.00000
Row% 36.92308 63.07692
Col% 37.26708 34.39597
Tot% 13.07190 22.33115 35.40305
Female 202.00000 391.00000 593.00000
Row% 34.06408 65.93592
Col% 62.73292 65.60403
Tot% 22.00436 42.59259 64.59695
Col Total 322.00000 596.00000
Grand Total 918.00000


Freq, Dept = D (sums):

Admitted Rejected Row Total
Male 138.00000 279.00000 417.00000
Row% 33.09353 66.90647
Col% 51.30112 53.34608
Tot% 17.42424 35.22727 52.65152
Female 131.00000 244.00000 375.00000
Row% 34.93333 65.06667
Col% 48.69888 46.65392
Tot% 16.54040 30.80808 47.34848
Col Total 269.00000 523.00000
Grand Total 792.00000


Freq, Dept = E (sums):

Admitted Rejected Row Total
Admitted Rejected Row Total
Male 53.000000 138.00000 191.00000
Row% 27.748691 72.25131
Col% 36.054422 31.57895
Tot% 9.075342 23.63014 32.70548
Female 94.000000 299.00000 393.00000
Row% 23.918575 76.08142
Col% 63.945578 68.42105
Tot% 16.095890 51.19863 67.29452
Col Total 147.000000 437.00000
Grand Total 584.000000


Freq, Dept = F (sums):

Admitted Rejected Row Total
Male 22.000000 351.00000 373.0000
Row% 5.898123 94.10188
Col% 47.826087 52.54491
Tot% 3.081232 49.15966 52.2409
Female 24.000000 317.00000 341.0000
Row% 7.038123 92.96188
Col% 52.173913 47.45509
Tot% 3.361345 44.39776 47.7591
Col Total 46.000000 668.00000
Grand Total 714.000000

You can see, for example, that in Department A, 62 percent of male applicants are admitted, but 82 percent of
female applicants are admitted, and in Department B, 63 percent of male applicants are admitted, while 68 percent
of female applicants are admitted.

A Large Data Example

The power of rxCrossTabs is most evident when you need to tabulate a data set that won’t fit into memory. For
example, in the large airline data set AirOnTime87to12.xdf, you can obtain the mean arrival delay by carrier and
day of week as follows (if you have downloaded the data set, modify the first line as follows to reflect your local

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

A Large Data Example

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"
bigAirData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "AirOnTime87to12/AirOnTime87to12.xdf")
arrDelayXT <- rxCrossTabs(ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier:DayOfWeek,
data = bigAirData, blocksPerRead = 30)

Gives the following output:

rxCrossTabs(formula = ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier:DayOfWeek, data = bigAirData,
blocksPerRead = 30)

Cross Tabulation Results for: ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier:DayOfWeek

File name: C:\MRS\Data\AirOnTime87to12\AirOnTime87to12.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Number of valid observations: 145576737
Number of missing observations: 3042918
Statistic: sums

ArrDelay (sums):
UniqueCarrier Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
AA 15956852 13367087 16498840 20554660 20714146 9359729 14577582
US 11797366 11688903 14065606 17379113 19541862 5865427 10264583
AS 3144578 2677858 3182356 3980209 4415144 2433581 3039129
CO 8464507 7966834 9537366 11901028 11749616 3553719 6562487
DL 18146092 15962559 19474389 24077435 24933864 10483280 16414060
EA 782103 832332 796811 1152825 1405399 638911 670924
HP 3577460 3170343 3700890 4734543 5015896 2864314 3985741
NW 7750970 7818040 9256994 11199718 10294116 3726129 6504924
PA (1) 191137 235924 225260 290844 345238 174284 229677
PI 1164688 1391526 1456173 1515403 1568266 939820 986642
PS 88144 111282 122520 133567 173422 44362 88891
TW 3356944 3459185 4060151 5027427 5267750 1669048 2377671
UA 15941096 14731587 17801128 21060697 20920843 9174567 13688577
WN 12438738 8978339 12215989 21556781 26787623 4972506 15973176
ML (1) 20735 50927 55881 75030 62855 44549 18173
KH 20744 -26425 -24265 30078 98529 33595 43026
MQ 7065052 5152746 5893882 7136735 8087443 2947023 5540099
B6 1886261 1340744 1736450 2373151 2930423 1012698 1969546
DH 795614 527649 708129 801968 986930 227907 504644
EV 5733212 3684210 4005374 5262924 5874647 1753361 4418290
FL 2666677 1694294 1810548 2928247 3068538 819827 2188420
OO 4717107 3106319 3438056 4725854 5481441 2797745 4764041
XE 4870453 3904752 4532069 5349375 5315818 1636826 3531446
TZ 228508 147963 197371 224693 275340 39722 148940
HA -72468 -92714 -66578 4840 153830 -2082 -22196
OH 2276399 1567510 1830571 2336032 2702519 922531 1659708
F9 551932 484426 566122 858027 729273 337695 526887
YV 1959906 1419073 1463954 1930992 2152270 1270104 1830749
9E 787776 579608 590038 709161 869358 304151 586378
VX 10208 37079 12956 42661 73457 2943 39987

Using Sparse Cubes

An additional tool that may be useful when using rxCube and rxCrossTabs with large data is the useSparseCube
parameter. Compiling cross-tabulations of categorical data can sometimes result in a large number of cells with
zero counts, yielding at its core a “sparse matrix”. In the usual case, memory is allocated for every cell in the cube,
but large cubes may overwhelm memory resources. If we instead allocate space only for cells with positive counts,
such operations may often proceed successfully.
As an example, let’s look at the airline data again and construct a case where the cross-tabulation yields many zero
entries. As the overwhelming number of flights in the data set were not canceled, by appending the Cancelled
predictor in the formula, we would expect a large number of categorical predictor combinations to have zero
observations. Because the Cancelled predictor is a logical rather than a factor variable, we need to use the F (.)
function to convert it.
bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"
bigAirData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "AirOnTime87to12/AirOnTime87to12.xdf")

arrDelaySparse <- rxCube(ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier:DayOfWeek:F(Cancelled),

data = bigAirData, blocksPerRead = 30, useSparseCube = TRUE)

This gives the following output. We get 210 rows with F_Cancelled = 0. By default, if useSparseCube=TRUE, rows
with zero counts are removed from the result.

rxCube(formula = ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier:DayOfWeek:F(Cancelled),
data = bigAirData, useSparseCube = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 30)

Cube Results for: ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier:DayOfWeek:F(Cancelled)

File name: C:/data/AirOnTime87to12/AirOnTime87to12.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Number of valid observations: 145576737
Number of missing observations: 3042918
Statistic: ArrDelay means
UniqueCarrier DayOfWeek F_Cancelled ArrDelay Counts
1 AA Mon 0 6.54609466 2437614
2 US Mon 0 5.20151371 2268064
3 AS Mon 0 6.37231471 493475
4 CO Mon 0 6.49381077 1303473
5 DL Mon 0 6.63422763 2735223
6 EA Mon 0 6.13500730 127482
7 HP Mon 0 6.85447467 521916
8 NW Mon 0 5.09910096 1520066
9 PA (1) Mon 0 4.24550765 45021
10 PI Mon 0 9.32556128 124892
11 PS Mon 0 7.11355016 12391
12 TW Mon 0 6.21971889 539726
13 UA Mon 0 7.51524443 2121168
14 WN Mon 0 4.11051602 3026077
15 ML (1) Mon 0 2.05724774 10079
… [rows omitted] …
201 FL Sun 0 6.91461396 316492
202 OO Sun 0 6.30954516 755053
203 XE Sun 0 7.72464706 457166
204 TZ Sun 0 5.19715263 28658
205 HA Sun 0 -0.28030915 79184
206 OH Sun 0 7.12036827 233093
207 F9 Sun 0 5.61844996 93778
208 YV Sun 0 8.35988986 218992
209 9E Sun 0 4.18506623 140112
210 VX Sun 0 5.06036446 7902

While this particular example will likely run successfully to completion even on a minimally equipped modern
computer without setting the useSparseCube flag to TRUE, it illustrates how one can quickly start to see the
number of zero entries accumulate in an rxCube computation. With larger data sets and a larger number of
categorical variable combinations, however, this setting may allow computations of cubes that would not
otherwise fit in memory.
For the rxCrossTabs function, the useSparseCube option works exactly the same internally. However, because
rxCrossTabs always returns a table, it may require more memory to format its result than rxCube. If you have an
extremely large contingency table, we recommend rxCube with useSparseCube=TRUE for the greatest chance of
completing the computation. The useSparseCube flag may also be used with rxSummary.

Tests of Independence on Cross-Tabulated Data

One common use of contingency tables is to test whether the tabulated variables are independent. RevoScaleR
includes several tests of independence, all of which expect data in the standard R xtabs format. You can get data in
this format from the rxCrossTabs function by using the argument returnXtabs=TRUE:

# Tests of Independence on Cross-Tabulated Data

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

bigAirData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "AirOnTime87to12/AirOnTime87to12.xdf")
arrDelayXTab <- rxCrossTabs(ArrDel15~ UniqueCarrier:DayOfWeek,
data = bigAirData, blocksPerRead = 30, returnXtabs=TRUE)

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

You can then use this as input to any of the following functions:
rxChiSquaredTest: performs Pearson’s chi-squared test of independence.
rxFisherTest: performs Fisher’s exact test of independence.
rxKendallCor: performs a Kendall tau test of independence. There are three flavors of test, a, b, and c; by default,
the b flavor, which accounts for ties, is used.
(In fact, regular rxCrossTabs or rxCube output can be used as input to these functions, but they are converted to
xtabs format first, so it is somewhat more efficient to have rxCrossTabs return the xtabs format directly.)
Here we use the arrDelayXTab data created preceding and perform a Pearson’s chi-squared test of independence
on it:


Gives the following output:

Chi-squared test of independence between UniqueCarrier and DayOfWeek

X-squared df p-value
105645.8 174 0

For large contingency tables such as this one, the chi-squared test is the tool of choice. For smaller tables,
particularly those with cells with expected counts fewer than five, Fisher’s exact test is useful. On a large table,
however, Fisher’s exact test may not be an option. For example, if we try it on our airline table, it returns an error:


Error in FUN(tbl[, , i], ...) : FEXACT error 40.

Out of workspace.

To show the Fisher test, we return to the admissions data from the beginning of the article. This time we use
rxCrossTabs to return an xtabs object:


admissCTabs <- rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Gender:Admit, data = UCBADF,

We then call rxFisherTest on the resulting table:

Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
estimate 1 95% CI Lower 95% CI Upper p-value
1.840856 1.621356 2.091246 4.835903e-22
HA: two.sided
H0: odds ratio = 1

The chi-squared test works equally well on this example:

Chi-squared test of independence between Gender and Admit
X-squared df p-value
91.6096 1 1.055797e-21

In both cases, we are given indisputable evidence of the independence of our two predictor factors. For this
example, we could have as easily used the standard R functions chisq.test and fisher.test. The RevoScaleR
enhancements, however, permit rxChisSquaredTest and rxFisherTest to work on xtabs objects with multiple tables.
For example, if we expand our examination of the admissions data to include the department info, we obtain a
multi-way contingency table:

admissCTabs2 <- rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Gender:Admit:Dept, data = UCBADF,


The chi-squared and Fisher’s exact test results are shown as follows; notice that they provide a test of
independence between Gender and Admit for each level of Dept:


Chi-squared test of independence between Gender and Admit

X-squared df p-value
Dept==A 16.37177373 1 5.205468e-05
Dept==B 0.08509801 1 7.705041e-01
Dept==C 0.63322380 1 4.261753e-01
Dept==D 0.22159370 1 6.378283e-01
Dept==E 0.80804765 1 3.686981e-01
Dept==F 0.21824336 1 6.403817e-01


Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

odds ratio 95% CI Lower 95% CI Upper p-value
Dept==A 0.3495628 0.1970420 0.5920417 1.669189e-05
Dept==B 0.8028124 0.2944986 2.0040231 6.770899e-01
Dept==C 1.1329004 0.8452173 1.5162918 3.866166e-01
Dept==D 0.9213798 0.6789572 1.2504742 5.994965e-01
Dept==E 1.2211852 0.8064776 1.8385155 3.603964e-01
Dept==F 0.8280944 0.4332888 1.5756278 5.458408e-01
HA: two.sided
H0: odds ratio = 1

Like Fisher’s exact test, the Kendall tau correlation test works best on smaller contingency tables. Here is an
example of what it returns when applied to our admissions data (the results differ from run to run as the
underlying algorithm relies on sampling):

taub p-value
Dept==A -0.13596550 0.000
Dept==B -0.02082575 0.666
Dept==C 0.02865045 0.380
Dept==D -0.01939676 0.585
Dept==E 0.04140240 0.383
Dept==F -0.02319366 0.530
HA: two.sided

Odds Ratios and Risk Ratios

Another common task associated with 2 x 2 contingency tables is the calculation of odds ratios and risk ratios (also
known as relative risk). The two functions rxOddsRatio and rxRiskRatio in RevoScaleR can be used to compute
these quantities. The odds ratio and the risk ratio are closely related: the odds ratio computes the relative odds of
an event among two or more groups, while the risk ratio computes the relative probabilities of an event. Consider
again the contingency table admissCTabs:

# Odds Ratios and Risk Ratios


Gender Admitted Rejected
Male 1198 1493
Female 557 1278

In this example, the odds of being admitted as a male are 1198/1493, or about 4 to 5 against. The odds of being
admitted as a female are 557/1278, or about 4 to 9 against. The odds ratio is (1198/1493)/(557/1278), or 1.8
greater odds that a male will be admitted as opposed to a woman.


Z = 0.6104, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
95 percent confidence interval:
1.624377 2.086693
sample estimates:

The risk ratio, by contrast, compares the probabilities of being rejected, that is, 1493/(1198+1493) for a man
versus 1278/(557+1278) for a woman. So here the risk ratio is 0.697 (the probability of a woman being rejected)
divided by 0.555 (the probability of a man being rejected), or 1.255:


Z.Female = 0.2274, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
95 percent confidence interval:
1.199631 1.313560
sample estimates:
Visualizing Huge Data Sets: An Example from the
U.S. Census
4/13/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

By combining the power and flexibility of the open-source R language with the fast computations and rapid access
to huge datasets provided by RevoScaleR, it is easy and efficient to not only do fine-grained calculations “on the
fly” for plotting, but to visually drill down into these patterns.
This example focuses on a basic demographic pattern: in general, more boys than girls are born and the death rate
is higher for males at every age. So, typically we observe a decline in the ratio of males to females as age

Important! Since Microsoft R Client can only process datasets that fit into the available memory, chunking is
not supported. When run locally with R Client, the blocksPerRead argument is ignored and all data must be
read into memory. When working with Big Data, this may result in memory exhaustion. You can work around
this limitation when you push the compute context to a Machine Learning Server instance.

Examining the Data

We can examine this pattern in the United States using the 5% Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS ) of the 2000
United States Census, stored in an .xdf file of about 12 gigabytes.[1] Using the rxGetInfo function, we can get a
quick summary of the data set:

# Visualizing Huge Data Sets: An Example from the U.S. Census

# Examining the Data

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

bigCensusData <- file.path(bigDataDir,"CensusUS5Pct2000.xdf")

File name: C:\MRS\Data\CensusUS5Pct2000.xdf

Number of observations: 14058983
Number of variables: 264
Number of blocks: 98
Compression type: zlib

It contains over 14 million rows, has 264 variables, and has been stored in 98 data blocks in the .xdf file.
First let’s use the rxCube function to count the number of males and females for each age, using the weighting
variable provided by the census bureau. We’ll read in the data in chunks of 15 blocks, or about 2 million rows at a

ageSex <- rxCube(~F(age):sex, pweights = "perwt", data = bigCensusData,

blocksPerRead = 15)

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

In the computation, we’re treating age as a categorical variable so we’ll get counts for each age. Since we’ll be
converting this factor data back to integers on a regular basis, we’ll write a function to do the conversion:
factoi <- function(x)

We can now write a simple function in R to take the counts information returned from rxCube and do the
arithmetic to compute the sex ratio for each age.

getSexRatio <- function(ageSex)

ageSexDF <-
sexRatioDF <- subset(ageSexDF, sex == 'Male')
names(sexRatioDF)[names(sexRatioDF) == 'Counts'] <- 'Males'
sexRatioDF$sex <- NULL
females <- subset(ageSexDF, sex == 'Female')
sexRatioDF$Females <- females$Counts
sexRatioDF$age <- factoi(sexRatioDF$F_age)
sexRatioDF <- subset(sexRatioDF, Females > 0 & Males > 0 & age <=90)
sexRatioDF$SexRatio <- sexRatioDF$Males/sexRatioDF$Females

It returns a data frame with the counts for Males and Females, the SexRatio, and age for all groups in which there
are positive counts for both Males and Females. Ages over 90 are also excluded.
Let’s use that function and then plot the results:

sexRatioDF <- getSexRatio(ageSex)

rxLinePlot(SexRatio~age, data = sexRatioDF,
xlab = "Age", ylab = "Sex Ratio",
main = "Figure 1: Sex Ratio by Age, U.S. 2000 5% Census")

The graph shows the expected downward trend at the younger ages. But look at what happens at the age of 65! At
the age of 65, there are suddenly about 12 men for every 10 women.
We can quickly drill down, and do the same computation for each region:
ageSex <- rxCube(~F(age):sex:region, pweights = "perwt", data = bigCensusData,
blocksPerRead = 15)
sexRatioDF <- getSexRatio(ageSex)
rxLinePlot(SexRatio~age|region, data = sexRatioDF,
xlab = "Age", ylab = "Sex Ratio",
main = "Figure 2: Sex Ratio by Age and Region, U.S. 2000 5% Census")

We see the unlikely “spike” at age 65 in all regions:

Let’s try looking at ethnicity, comparing whites with non-whites.

ageSex <- rxCube(~F(age):sex:racwht, pweights = "perwt", data = bigCensusData,

blocksPerRead = 15)
sexRatioDF <- getSexRatio(ageSex)
rxLinePlot(SexRatio~age, groups = racwht, data = sexRatioDF,
xlab = "Age", ylab = "Sex Ratio",
main = "Figure 3: Sex Ratio by Age, Conditioned on 'Is White?', U.S. 2000 5% Census")

There are interesting differences between the two groups, but again there is the familiar spike at age 65 in both
How about comparing married people with those not living with a spouse? We can create a temporary variable
using the transform argument to do this computation:

ageSex <- rxCube(~F(age):sex:married, pweights = "perwt", data = bigCensusData,

transforms = list(married = factor(marst == 'Married, spouse present',
levels = c(FALSE, TRUE), labels = c("No Spouse", "Spouse Present"))),
blocksPerRead = 15)
sexRatioDF <- getSexRatio(ageSex)
rxLinePlot(SexRatio~age, groups = married, data = sexRatioDF,
xlab="Age", ylab = "Sex Ratio",
main="Figure 4: Sex Ratio by Age, Living/Not Living with Spouse, U.S. 2000 5% Census")

First, notice that the spike at age 65 is absent for unmarried people. But also look at the very different trends. For
married 20 year-olds, there are about 5 men for every 10 women, but for married 60 year-olds, there would be
about 11 men for every 10 women. This may at first seem counter-intuitive, but it’s consistent with the notion that
men tend to marry younger women. Let’s explore that next.
Extending the Analysis
We’d like to compare the ages of men with ages of their wives. This is more complicated than the earlier
computations because the spouse’s age is stored in a different record in the data file. To handle this, we’ll create a
new data set using RevoScaleR’s data step functionality with a transformation function. This transformation
function makes use of RevoScaleR’s ability to go back and read additional rows from an .xdf file as it is reading
through it in chunks. It also uses internal variables that are provided inside a transformation function: .rxStartRow,
which is the row number from the original data set for the first row of the chunk of data being processed;
.rxReadFileName gives the name of the file being read. It first checks the spouse location for the relative position
of the spouse in the data set. It then determines which of the observations have spouses in the previous, current,
or next chunk of data. Then, in each of the three cases, it looks up the spouse information and adds it to the
original observation.

# Extending the Analysis

spouseAgeTransform <- function(data)

# Use internal variables
censusUS2000 <- .rxReadFileName
startRow <- .rxStartRow

# Calculate basic information about input data chunk

numRows <- length(data$sploc)
endRow <- startRow + numRows - 1

# Create a new variable. A spouse is present if the spouse locator

# (relative position of spouse in data) is positive
data$hasSpouse <- data$sploc > 0

# Create variables for spouse information

spouseVars <- c("age", "incwage", "sex")
data$spouseAge <-, numRows)
data$spouseIncwage <-, numRows)
data$sameSex <-, numRows)

# Create temporary row numbers for this block

rowNum <- seq_len(numRows)
# Find the temporary row number for the spouse
spouseRow <-, numRows)
if (any(data$hasSpouse))
spouseRow[data$hasSpouse] <-
rowNum[data$hasSpouse] +
data$sploc[data$hasSpouse] - data$pernum[data$hasSpouse]

# Handle possibility that spouse is in previous or next chunk
# Create a variable indicating if the spouse is in the previous,
# current, or next chunk
blockBreaks <- c(-.Machine$integer.max, 0, numRows, .Machine$integer.max)
blockLabels <- c("previous", "current", "next")
spouseFlag <- cut(spouseRow, breaks = blockBreaks, labels = blockLabels)
blockCounts <- tabulate(spouseFlag, nbins = 3)
names(blockCounts) <- blockLabels

# At least one spouse in previous chunk

if (blockCounts[["previous"]] > 0)
# Go back to the original data set and read the
# required rows in the previous chunk
needPreviousRows <- 1 - min(spouseRow, na.rm = TRUE)
previousData <- rxDataStep(inData = censusUS2000,
startRow = startRow - needPreviousRows,
numRows = needPreviousRows, varsToKeep = spouseVars,
returnTransformObjects = FALSE, reportProgress = 0)

# Get the spouse locations

whichPrevious <- which(spouseFlag == "previous")
whichPrevious <- which(spouseFlag == "previous")
spouseRowPrev <- spouseRow[whichPrevious] + needPreviousRows

# Set the spouse information for everyone with a spouse

# in the previous chunk
data$spouseAge[whichPrevious] <- previousData$age[spouseRowPrev]
data$spouseIncwage[whichPrevious] <- previousData$incwage[spouseRowPrev]
data$sameSex[whichPrevious] <-
data$sex[whichPrevious] == previousData$sex[spouseRowPrev]

# At least one spouse in current chunk

if (blockCounts[["current"]] > 0)
# Get the spouse locations
whichCurrent <- which(spouseFlag == "current")
spouseRowCurr <- spouseRow[whichCurrent]

# Set the spouse information for everyone with a spouse

# in the current chunk
data$spouseAge[whichCurrent] <- data$age[spouseRowCurr]
data$spouseIncwage[whichCurrent] <- data$incwage[spouseRowCurr]
data$sameSex[whichCurrent] <-
data$sex[whichCurrent] == data$sex[spouseRowCurr]

# At least one spouse in next chunk

if (blockCounts[["next"]] > 0)
# Go back to the original data set and read the
# required rows in the next chunk
needNextRows <- max(spouseRow, na.rm=TRUE) - numRows
nextData <- rxDataStep(inData = censusUS2000, startRow = endRow+1,
numRows = needNextRows, varsToKeep = spouseVars,
returnTransformObjects = FALSE, reportProgress = 0)

# Get the spouse locations

whichNext <- which(spouseFlag == "next")
spouseRowNext <- spouseRow[whichNext] - numRows

# Set the spouse information for everyone with a spouse

# in the next block
data$spouseAge[whichNext] <- nextData$age[spouseRowNext]
data$spouseIncwage[whichNext] <- nextData$incwage[spouseRowNext]
data$sameSex[whichNext] <-
data$sex[whichNext] == nextData$sex[spouseRowNext]

# Now caculate age difference

data$ageDiff <- data$age - data$spouseAge

We can test the transform function by reading in a small number of rows of data. First we will read in a chunk that
has a spouse in the previous block and a spouse in the next block, and call the transform function. We will repeat
this, expanding the chunk of data to include both spouses, and double check to make sure the results are the same
for the equivalent rows:
varsToKeep=c("age", "region", "incwage", "racwht", "nchild", "perwt", "sploc",
"pernum", "sex")
testDF <- rxDataStep(inData=bigCensusData, numRows = 6, startRow=9,
varsToKeep = varsToKeep, returnDTransformObjects=FALSE)
.rxStartRow <- 9
.rxReadFileName <- bigCensusData
newTestDF <-
.rxStartRow <- 8
testDF2 <- rxDataStep(inData=bigCensusData, numRows = 8, startRow=8,
varsToKeep = varsToKeep, returnTransformObjects=FALSE)
newTestDF2 <-
newTestDF[,c("age", "incwage", "sploc", "hasSpouse" ,"spouseAge", "ageDiff")]
newTestDF2[,c("age", "incwage", "sploc", "hasSpouse" ,"spouseAge", "ageDiff")]

> newTestDF[,c("age", "incwage", "sploc", "hasSpouse" ,"spouseAge", "ageDiff")]

age incwage sploc hasSpouse spouseAge ageDiff
1 46 1000 1 TRUE 43 3
2 16 0 0 FALSE NA NA
5 19 1500 0 FALSE NA NA
6 62 42600 2 TRUE 55 7

> newTestDF2[,c("age", "incwage", "sploc", "hasSpouse" ,"spouseAge", "ageDiff")]

age incwage sploc hasSpouse spouseAge ageDiff
1 43 150000 2 TRUE 46 -3
2 46 1000 1 TRUE 43 3
3 16 0 0 FALSE NA NA
6 19 1500 0 FALSE NA NA
7 62 42600 2 TRUE 55 7
8 55 0 1 TRUE 62 -7

To create the new data set, we’ll use the transformation function with rxDataStep. Observations for males living
with female spouses will be written to a new data .xdf file named spouseCensus2000.xdf. It will include information
about the age of their spouse.

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

spouseCensusXdf <- "spouseCensus2000"

rxDataStep(inData = bigCensusData, outFile=spouseCensusXdf,
varsToKeep=c("age", "region", "incwage", "racwht", "nchild", "perwt"),
transformFunc = spouseAgeTransform,
transformVars = c("age", "incwage","sploc", "pernum", "sex"),
rowSelection = sex == 'Male' & hasSpouse == 1 & sameSex == FALSE &
age <= 90,
blocksPerRead = 15, overwrite=TRUE)

Now for each husband age we can compute the distribution of spouse age. Then, after converting age back to an
integer, we can plot the age difference by age of husband:

ageDiffData <- rxCube(ageDiff~F(age) , pweights="perwt", data = spouseCensusXdf,

returnDataFrame = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 15)
ageDiffData$ownAge <- factoi(ageDiffData$F_age)
rxLinePlot(ageDiff~ownAge, data = ageDiffData,
xlab="Age of Husband", ylab = "Age Difference (Husband-Wife)",
main="Figure 5: Age Difference of Spouses Living Together, U.S. 2000 5% Census")
Beginning at ages in the early 20’s, men tend to be married to younger women. The age difference increases as
men get older. But beginning at age 65, our smooth trend stops and we see more erratic behavior, suggesting that
our data has misinformation about ages of spouses within households at age 65 and above.
With our new data set we can also calculate the counts for each combination of husband’s age and wife’s age:

aa <- rxCube(~F(age):F(spouseAge), pweights = "perwt", data = spouseCensusXdf,

returnDataFrame = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 7)

A level plot is a good way to visualize the results, where the color indicates the count of each category of
combination of husband’s and wife’s age.

# Convert factors to integers

aa$age <- factoi(aa$F_age)
aa$spouseAge <- factoi(aa$F_spouseAge)

# Do a level plot showing the counts for husbands aged 40 to 60

ageCompareSubset <- subset(aa, age >= 40 & age <= 60 & spouseAge >= 30 & spouseAge <= 65)
levelplot(Counts~age*spouseAge, data=ageCompareSubset,
xlab="Age of Husband", ylab = "Age of Wife",
main="Figure 6: Counts by Age (40-60) and Spouse Age, U.S. 2000 5% Census")
In the level plot, there is a very clear pattern with the mode of the relative age of wife dropping gradually as the
age of husband increases. Now, repeat with husbands aged 60 to 80.

ageCompareSubset <- subset(aa, age >= 60 & age <= 80 & spouseAge >= 50 & spouseAge <= 75)
levelplot(Counts~age*spouseAge, data = ageCompareSubset,
xlab = "Age of Husband", ylab = "Age of Wife",
main ="Figure 7: Counts by Age(60-80)and Spouse Age , U.S. 2000 5% Census")

This shows a different story. Notice that there are very few men in the 60 to 80 age range married to 65 year-old
women, and in particular, there are very few 65-year-old men married to 65-year-old women. To examine this
further, we can look at line plots of the distributions of wife’s ages for men ages 62 to 67:

ageCompareSubset <- subset(aa, age > 61 & age < 68 & spouseAge > 50 &
spouseAge < 85)
rxLinePlot(Counts~spouseAge, groups = age, data = ageCompareSubset,
xlab = "Age of Wife", ylab = "Counts",
lineColor = c("Blue4", "Blue2", "Blue1", "Red2", "Red3", "Red4"),
main = "Figure 8: Ages of Wives (> 45) for Husband's Ages 62 to 67, U.S. 2000 5% Census")

The blue lines show husbands ages 62 through 64. The mode of the wife’s age is a couple of years younger than
the husband, and we have a reasonable looking distribution in both tails. But starting at age 65, with the red lines,
we have a very different pattern. It appears that when husbands reach the age of 65 they begin to leave (or lose)
their 65-year-old wives in droves – and marry older women. This certainly makes one suspicious of the data. In
fact, it turns out the aberration in the data was introduced by disclosure avoidance techniques applied to the data
by the census bureau.
Models in RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Specifying a model with RevoScaleR is similar to specifying a model with the standard R statistical modeling
functions, but there are some significant differences. Understanding these differences can help you make better
use of RevoScaleR. The purpose of this article is to explain these differences at a high level so that when we begin
fitting models in script, the terminology does not seem too foreign.
External Memory Algorithms
The first thing to know about RevoScaleR’s statistical algorithms is that they are external memory algorithms that
work on one chunk of data at time. All of RevoScaleR’s algorithms share a basic underlying structure:
An initialization step, in which data structures are created and given initial values, a data source is identified and
opened for reading, and any other initial conditions are satisfied.
A process data step, in which a chunk of data is read, some calculations are performed, and the result is passed
back to the master process.
An update results step, in which the results of the process data step are merged with previous results.
A finalize results step, in which any final processing is performed and a result is returned.
An important consideration in using external memory algorithms is deciding how big a chunk of data is. You want
to use a chunk size that’s as large as possible while still allowing the process data step to complete without
swapping. All of the RevoScaleR modeling functions allow you to specify a blocksPerRead argument. To make
effective use of this, you need to know how many blocks your data file contains and how large the data file is. The
number of blocks can be obtained using the rxGetInfo function.

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

Formulas in RevoScaleR
RevoScaleR uses a variant of the Wilkinson-Rogers formula notation that is similar to, but not exactly the same as,
that used in the standard R modeling functions. The response, or dependent, variables are separated from the
predictor, or independent, variables by a tilde (~). In most of the modeling functions, multiple response variables
are permitted, specified using the cbind function to combine them.
Independent variables (predictors) are separated by plus signs (+). Interaction terms can be created by joining two
or more variables with a colon (:). Interactions between two categorical variables add one coefficient to the model
for every combination of levels of the two variables. For example, if we have the categorical variables sex with two
levels and education with four levels, the interaction of sex and education will add eight coefficients to the fitted
model. Interactions between a continuous variable and a categorical variable add one coefficient to the model
representing the continuous variable for each level of the categorical variable. (However, in RevoScaleR, such
interactions cannot be used with the rxCube or rxCrossTabs functions.) The interaction of two continuous variables
is the same as multiplying the two variables.
An asterisk (*) between two variables adds all subsets of interactions to the model. Thus, sex*education is
equivalent to sex + education + sex:education.
The special function syntax F (x) can be used to have RevoScaleR treat a numeric variable x as a categorical variable
(factor) for the purposes of the analysis. You can include additional arguments low and high to specify the
minimum and maximum values to be included in the factor variable; RevoScaleR creates a bin for each integer
value from the low to high values. You can use the logical flag exclude to specify whether values outside that range
are omitted from the model (exclude=TRUE ) or included as a separate level (exclude=FALSE ).
Similarly, the special function syntax N (x) can be used to have RevoScaleR treat x as a continuous numeric variable.
(This syntax is provided for completeness, but is not recommended. In general, if you want to recover numeric data
from a factor, you will want to do so from the levels of the factor.)
In RevoScaleR, formulas in which the first independent variable is categorical may be handled specially, as cubes.
See the following section for more details.

Letting the Data Speak For Itself

Classical statistics is largely concerned with fitting predictive models to limited observations. Data analysts and
statisticians use exploratory techniques to visualize the data and then make informed guesses as to the appropriate
form for a predictive model. Large data analysis, on the other hand, provides the opportunity to let the data speak
for itself. With millions of observations in hand, we don’t have to guess about the form of relationships between
variables: they become clear. A general approach to finding the relationship between two numeric variables x and y
might be as follows. First, bin the x values. Then, for each bin, plot the mean of the y values contained in that bin.
As the bins become narrower and narrower, the resulting plot becomes a plot of E (y|x) for each value of x.

Cubes and Cube Regression

In RevoScaleR, a cube is a type of multi-dimensional array. It may have any number of dimensions, thus making it
a hypercube, and each dimension consists of categorical data. The most common operation on a cube is simple
cross-tabulation, computing the cell counts for every combination of levels within the cube; this is done using the
rxCube function. But cubes can also be passed as the first independent variable in a linear or logistic regression, in
which case the regression can be computed in a special way. Because the cube consists of categorical data, one part
of the moment matrix is diagonal. This makes it possible to compute the regression using a partitioned inverse
method, which may be faster and may use less memory than the usual regression method. When a linear or
logistic regression is fitted with the argument cube=TRUE (and a categorical variable as the first predictor), the
partitioned inverse method is used and the model is fitted without an intercept term. Because the first term in the
regression is categorical, it is equivalent to a complete set of dummy variables and thus is collinear with a constant
term. By dropping the intercept term, the collinearity is resolved and a coefficient can be computed for each level of
the categorical predictor. The R -squared, however, is computed as if an intercept were included.
Fitting Linear Models using RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 36 minutes to read • Edit Online

Linear regression models are fitted in RevoScaleR using the rxLinMod function. Like other RevoScaleR functions,
rxLinMod uses an updating algorithm to compute the regression model. The R object returned by rxLinMod
includes the estimated model coefficients and the call used to generate the model, together with other information
that allows RevoScaleR to recompute the model. BSecause rxLinMod is designed to work with arbitrarily large
data sets, quantities such as residuals, and fitted values are not included in the return object, although these can be
obtained easily once the model has been fitted.
As a simple example, let’s use the sample data set AirlineDemoSmall.xdf and fit the arrival delay by day of week:

# Fitting Linear Models

readPath <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")

airlineDemoSmall <- file.path(readPath, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf")
rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airlineDemoSmall)

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airlineDemoSmall)

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\ RevoScaleR\SampleData\AirlineDemoSmall.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 582628
Number of missing observations: 17372

(Intercept) 10.3318058
DayOfWeek=Monday 1.6937981
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 0.9620019
DayOfWeek=Wednesday -0.1752668
DayOfWeek=Thursday -1.6737983
DayOfWeek=Friday 4.4725290
DayOfWeek=Saturday 1.5435207
DayOfWeek=Sunday Dropped

Because our predictor is categorical, we can use the cube argument to rxLinMod to perform the regression using a
partitioned inverse, which may be faster and may use less memory than the standard algorithm. The output object
also includes a data frame with the averages or counts for each category:

arrDelayLm1 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, cube = TRUE,

data = airlineDemoSmall)

Typing the name of the object arrDelayLm1 yields the following output:
rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airlineDemoSmall,
cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\ RevoScaleR\SampleData\AirlineDemoSmall.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 582628
Number of missing observations: 17372

DayOfWeek=Monday 12.025604
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 11.293808
DayOfWeek=Wednesday 10.156539
DayOfWeek=Thursday 8.658007
DayOfWeek=Friday 14.804335
DayOfWeek=Saturday 11.875326
DayOfWeek=Sunday 10.331806

Obtaining a Summary of the Model

The print method for the rxLinMod model object shows only the call and the coefficients. You can obtain more
information about the model by calling the summary method:

# Obtaining a Summary of a Model


This produces the following output, which includes substantially more information about the model coefficients,
together with the residual standard error, multiple R -squared, and adjusted R -squared:
rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airlineDemoSmall,
cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\ RevoScaleR\SampleData\AirlineDemoSmall.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 582628
Number of missing observations: 17372

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | Counts
DayOfWeek=Monday 12.0256 0.1317 91.32 2.22e-16 *** | 95298
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 11.2938 0.1494 75.58 2.22e-16 *** | 74011
DayOfWeek=Wednesday 10.1565 0.1467 69.23 2.22e-16 *** | 76786
DayOfWeek=Thursday 8.6580 0.1445 59.92 2.22e-16 *** | 79145
DayOfWeek=Friday 14.8043 0.1436 103.10 2.22e-16 *** | 80142
DayOfWeek=Saturday 11.8753 0.1404 84.59 2.22e-16 *** | 83851
DayOfWeek=Sunday 10.3318 0.1330 77.67 2.22e-16 *** | 93395
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 40.65 on 582621 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.001869 (as if intercept included)
Adjusted R-squared: 0.001858
F-statistic: 181.8 on 6 and 582621 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1

Using Probability Weights

Probability weights are common in survey data; they represent the probability that a case was selected into the
sample from the population, and are calculated as the inverse of the sampling fraction. The variable perwt in the
census data represents a probability weight. You pass probability weights to the RevoScaleR analysis functions
using the pweights argument, as in the following example:

# Using Probability Weights

rxLinMod(incwage ~ F(age), pweights = "perwt", data = censusWorkers)

Yields the following output:

rxLinMod(formula = incwage ~ F(age), data = censusWorkers, pweights = "perwt")

Linear Regression Results for: incwage ~ F(age)

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\CensusWorkers.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Dependent variable(s): incwage
Total independent variables: 47 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 351121
Number of missing observations: 0

(Intercept) 32111.3012
F_age=20 -19488.0874
F_age=21 -18043.7738
F_age=22 -15928.5538
F_age=23 -13498.2138
F_age=24 -11248.8583
F_age=25 -7948.6603
F_age=26 -5667.3599
F_age=27 -4682.8375
F_age=28 -3024.1648
F_age=29 -1480.8682
F_age=30 -971.4461
F_age=31 143.5648
F_age=32 2009.0019
F_age=33 2861.3031
F_age=34 2797.9986
F_age=35 4038.2131
F_age=36 5511.8633
F_age=37 5148.1841
F_age=38 5957.2190
F_age=39 7652.9870
F_age=40 6969.9630
F_age=41 8387.6821
F_age=42 9150.0006
F_age=43 8936.7590
F_age=44 9267.0820
F_age=45 10148.1702
F_age=46 9099.0659
F_age=47 9996.0450
F_age=48 10408.1712
F_age=49 10281.1324
F_age=50 12029.6751
F_age=51 10247.2529
F_age=52 12105.0654
F_age=53 10957.8211
F_age=54 11881.4307
F_age=55 11490.8457
F_age=56 9442.3856
F_age=57 9331.2347
F_age=58 9353.1980
F_age=59 7526.4912
F_age=60 6078.4463
F_age=61 4636.6756
F_age=62 3129.5531
F_age=63 2535.4858
F_age=64 1520.3707
F_age=65 Dropped

Using Frequency Weights

Frequency weights are useful when your data has a particular form: a set of data in which one or more cases is
exactly replicated. If you then compact the data to remove duplicated observations and create a variable to store
the number of replications of each observation, you can use that new variable as a frequency weights variable in
the RevoScaleR analysis functions.
For example, the sample data set fourthgraders.xdf contains the following 44 rows:

height eyecolor male reps

14 44 Blue Male 1
23 44 Brown Male 3
9 44 Brown Female 1
38 44 Green Female 1
8 45 Blue Male 1
31 45 Blue Female 5
2 45 Brown Male 2
51 45 Brown Female 1
6 45 Green Male 1
47 45 Hazel Female 1
37 46 Blue Male 1
21 46 Blue Female 3
12 46 Brown Male 2
5 46 Brown Female 4
19 46 Green Male 1
80 46 Green Female 3
64 47 Blue Male 1
69 47 Blue Female 3
39 47 Brown Male 4
18 47 Brown Female 3
41 47 Green Male 2
7 47 Green Female 4
26 47 Hazel Male 3
17 48 Blue Male 4
36 48 Blue Female 3
13 48 Brown Male 6
62 48 Brown Female 4
61 48 Green Female 2
56 48 Hazel Male 1
10 49 Blue Male 1
15 49 Blue Female 5
22 49 Brown Male 2
4 49 Brown Female 5
3 49 Green Male 3
91 49 Green Female 1
94 50 Blue Male 1
96 50 Blue Female 1
97 50 Brown Male 1
1 50 Brown Female 1
28 50 Green Male 4
52 50 Hazel Male 1
98 51 Blue Male 1
57 51 Brown Female 1
90 51 Green Female 1

The reps column shows the number of replications for each observation; the sum of the reps column indicates the
total number of observations, in this case 100. We can fit a model (admittedly not very useful) of height on eye
color with rxLinMod as follows:

# Using Frequency Weights

fourthgraders <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),

fourthgradersLm <- rxLinMod(height ~ eyecolor, data = fourthgraders,
Typing the name of the object shows the following output:

rxLinMod(formula = height ~ eyecolor, data = fourthgraders, fweights = "reps")

Linear Regression Results for: height ~ eyecolor

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\fourthgraders.xdf
Linear Regression Results for: height ~ eyecolor
Frequency weights: reps
Dependent variable(s): height
Total independent variables: 5 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 44
Number of missing observations: 0

(Intercept) 47.33333333
eyecolor=Blue -0.01075269
eyecolor=Brown -0.08333333
eyecolor=Green 0.40579710
eyecolor=Hazel Dropped

Using rxLinMod with R Data Frames

While RevoScaleR is primarily designed to work with data on disk, it can also be used with in-memory R data
frames. As an example, consider the R sample data frame “cars”, which contains data recorded in the 1920s on the
speed of cars and the distances taken to stop.

# Using rxLinMod with R Data Frames

rxLinMod(dist ~ speed, data = cars)

We get the following output (which matches the output given by the R function lm):

rxLinMod(formula = dist ~ speed, data = cars)

Linear Regression Results for: dist ~ speed

Data: cars
Dependent variable(s): dist
Total independent variables: 2
Number of valid observations: 50
Number of missing observations: 0

(Intercept) -17.579095
speed 3.932409

Using the Cube Option for Conditional Predictions

If the cube argument is set to TRUE and the first term of the independent variables is categorical, rxLinMod will
compute and return a data frame with category counts. If there are no other independent variables, or if the
cubePredictions argument is set to TRUE, the data frame will also contain predicted values. Let’s create a simple
data frame to illustrate:
# Using the Cube Option for Conditional Predictions

xfac1 <- factor(c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3), labels=c("One1", "Two1", "Three1"))

xfac2 <- factor(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), labels=c("One2", "Two2", "Three2"))
y <- as.integer(xfac1) + as.integer(xfac2)* 2 + rnorm(12)
myData <- data.frame(y, xfac1, xfac2)

If we estimate a simple linear regression of y on xfac1, the coefficients are equal to the within- group means:

myLinMod <- rxLinMod(y ~ xfac1, data = myData, cube = TRUE)


rxLinMod(formula = y ~ xfac1, data = myData, cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: y ~ xfac1

Data: myData
Dependent variable(s): y
Total independent variables: 3
Number of valid observations: 12
Number of missing observations: 0

xfac1=One1 3.109302
xfac1=Two1 5.142086
xfac1=Three1 8.250260

In addition to the standard output, the returned object contains a countDF data frame with information on within-
group means and counts in each category. In this simple case the within-group means are the same as the

xfac1 y Counts
1 One1 3.109302 4
2 Two1 5.142086 4
3 Three1 8.250260 4

Using rxLinMod with the cube option also allows us to compute conditional within-group means. For example:
myLinMod1 <- rxLinMod(y~xfac1 + xfac2, data = myData,
cube = TRUE, cubePredictions = TRUE)

rxLinMod(formula = y ~ xfac1 + xfac2, data = myData, cube = TRUE,

Cube Linear Regression Results for: y ~ xfac1 + xfac2

Data: myData
Dependent variable(s): y
Total independent variables: 6 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 12
Number of missing observations: 0

xfac1=One1 7.725231
xfac1=Two1 8.833730
xfac1=Three1 8.942099
xfac2=One2 -4.615929
xfac2=Two2 -2.767359
xfac2=Three2 Dropped

If we look at the countDF, we see the within-group means, conditional on the average value of the conditioning
variable, xfac2:

xfac1 y Counts
1 One1 4.725427 4
2 Two1 5.833926 4
3 Three1 5.942295 4

For the variable xfac2, 50% of the observations have the value “One2”, 25% of the observations have the value
“Two2”, and 25% have the value “Three2”. We can compute the weighted average of the coefficients for xfac2 as:

myCoef <- coef(myLinMod1)

avexfac2c <- .5*myCoef[4] + .25*myCoef[5]

To compute the conditional within-group mean shown in the countDF for xfac1 equal to “One1”, we add this to
the coefficient computed for “One1”:

condMean1 <- myCoef[1] + avexfac2c



Conditional within-group means can also be computed using additional continuous independent variables.

Fitted Values, Residuals, and Prediction

When you fit a model with lm or any of the other core R model-fitting functions, you get back an object that
includes as components both the fitted values for the response variable and the model residuals. For models fit
with rxLinMod or other RevoScaleR functions, it is usually impractical to include these components, as they can be
many megabytes in size. Instead, they are computed on demand using the rxPredict function. This function takes
an rxLinMod object as its first argument, an input data set as its second argument, and an output data set as its
third argument. If the input data set is the same as the data set used to fit the rxLinMod object, the resulting
predictions are the fitted values for the model. If the input data set is a different data set (but one containing the
same variable names used in fitting the rxLinMod object), the resulting predictions are true predictions of the
response for the new data from the original model. In either case, residuals for the predicted values can be
obtained by setting the flag computeResiduals to TRUE.
For example, we can draw from the 7% sample of the large airline data set (available online) training and
prediction data sets as follows (remember to customize the first line below for your own system):

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

sampleAirData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "AirOnTime7Pct.xdf")
trainingDataFile <- "AirlineData06to07.xdf"
targetInfile <- "AirlineData08.xdf"

rxDataStep(sampleAirData, trainingDataFile, rowSelection = Year == 1999 |

Year == 2000 | Year == 2001 | Year == 2002 | Year == 2003 |
Year == 2004 | Year == 2005 | Year == 2006 | Year == 2007)
rxDataStep(sampleAirData, targetInfile, rowSelection = Year == 2008)

We can then fit a linear model with the training data and compute predicted values on the prediction data set as

arrDelayLm2 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + UniqueCarrier + Dest,

data = trainingDataFile)
rxPredict(arrDelayLm2, data = targetInfile, outData = targetInfile)

To see the first few rows of the result, use rxGetInfo as follows:

rxGetInfo(targetInfile, numRows = 5)

File name: C:\MRS\Data\OutData\AirlineData08.xdf

Number of observations: 489792
Number of variables: 14
Number of blocks: 2
Compression type: zlib
Data (5 rows starting with row 1):
Year DayOfWeek UniqueCarrier Origin Dest CRSDepTime DepDelay TaxiOut TaxiIn
1 2008 Mon 9E ATL HOU 7.250000 -2 14 5
2 2008 Mon 9E ATL HOU 7.250000 -2 16 2
3 2008 Sat 9E ATL HOU 7.250000 0 18 5
4 2008 Wed 9E ATL SRQ 12.666667 6 20 4
5 2008 Sat 9E HOU ATL 9.083333 -9 15 9
ArrDelay ArrDel15 CRSElapsedTime Distance ArrDelay_Pred
1 -15 FALSE 140 696 8.981548
2 0 FALSE 140 696 8.981548
3 0 FALSE 140 696 5.377572
4 6 FALSE 86 445 7.377952
5 -23 FALSE 120 696 6.552242

Prediction Standard Errors, Confidence Intervals, and Prediction

You can also use rxPredict to obtain prediction standard errors, provided you have included the variance-
covariance matrix in the original rxLinMod fit. If you choose to compute the prediction standard errors, you can
also obtain either of two kinds of intervals: confidence intervals that for a given confidence level tells us how
confident we are that the expected value is within the given interval, and prediction intervals that specify, for a
given confidence level, how likely future observations are to fall within the interval given what has already been
observed. Standard error computations are computationally intensive, and they may become prohibitive on large
data sets with a large number of predictors. To illustrate the computation, we start with a small data set, using the
example on page 132 of Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, (5th Edition). The predictor, neaInc, is the increase
in “non-exercise activity” in response to an increase in caloric intake. The response, fatGain, is the associated
increase in fat. We first read in the data and create a data frame to use in our analysis:

# Standard Errors, Confidence Intervals, and Prediction Intervals

neaInc <- c(-94, -57, -29, 135, 143, 151, 245, 355, 392, 473, 486, 535, 571,
580, 620, 690)
fatGain <- c( 4.2, 3.0, 3.7, 2.7, 3.2, 3.6, 2.4, 1.3, 3.8, 1.7, 1.6, 2.2, 1.0,
0.4, 2.3, 1.1)
ips132df <- data.frame(neaInc = neaInc, fatGain=fatGain)

Next we fit the linear model with rxLinMod, setting covCoef=TRUE to ensure we have the variance-covariance
matrix in our model object:

ips132lm <- rxLinMod(fatGain ~ neaInc, data=ips132df, covCoef=TRUE)

Now we use rxPredict to obtain the fitted values, prediction standard errors, and confidence intervals. By setting
writeModelVars to TRUE, the variables used in the model will also be included in the output data set. In this first
example, we obtain confidence intervals:

ips132lmPred <- rxPredict(ips132lm, data=ips132df, computeStdErrors=TRUE,

interval="confidence", writeModelVars = TRUE)

The standard errors are by default put into a variable named by concatenating the name of the response variable
with an underscore and the string “StdErr”:


[1] 0.3613863 0.3381111 0.3209344 0.2323853 0.2288433 0.2254018 0.1941840

[8] 0.1863180 0.1915656 0.2151569 0.2202366 0.2418892 0.2598922 0.2646223
[15] 0.2865818 0.3279390

We can view the original data, the fitted prediction line, and the confidence intervals as follows:

rxLinePlot(fatGain + fatGain_Pred + fatGain_Upper + fatGain_Lower ~ neaInc,

data = ips132lmPred, type = "b",
lineStyle = c("blank", "solid", "dotted", "dotted"),
lineColor = c(NA, "red", "black", "black"),
symbolStyle = c("solid circle", "blank", "blank", "blank"),
title = "Data, Predictions, and Confidence Bounds",
xTitle = "Increase in Non-Exercise Activity",
yTitle = "Increse in Fat", legend = FALSE)

The resulting plot is shown below:

The prediction intervals can be obtained and plotted as follows:

ips132lmPred2 <- rxPredict(ips132lm, data=ips132df, computeStdErrors=TRUE,

interval="prediction", writeModelVars = TRUE)
rxLinePlot(fatGain + fatGain_Pred + fatGain_Upper + fatGain_Lower ~ neaInc,
data = ips132lmPred2, type = "b",
lineStyle = c("blank", "solid", "dotted", "dotted"),
lineColor = c(NA, "red", "black", "black"),
symbolStyle = c("solid circle", "blank", "blank", "blank"),
title = "Prediction Intervals",
xTitle = "Increase in Non-Exercise Activity",
yTitle = "Increse in Fat", legend = FALSE)

The resulting plot is shown below:

We can fit the prediction standard errors on our large airline regression model if we first refit it with

arrDelayLmVC <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + UniqueCarrier + Dest,

data = trainingDataFile, covCoef=TRUE)

We can then obtain the prediction standard errors and a confidence interval as before:

rxPredict(arrDelayLmVC, data = targetInfile, outData = targetInfile,

computeStdErrors=TRUE, interval = "confidence", overwrite=TRUE)

We can then look at the first few lines of targetInfile to see the first few predictions and standard errors:
rxGetInfo(targetInfile, numRows=10)

File name: C:\YourOutputPath\AirlineData08.xdf

Number of observations: 489792
Number of variables: 17
Number of blocks: 2
Compression type: zlib
Data (10 rows starting with row 1):
Year DayOfWeek UniqueCarrier Origin Dest CRSDepTime DepDelay TaxiOut TaxiIn
1 2008 Mon 9E ATL HOU 7.250000 -2 14 5
2 2008 Mon 9E ATL HOU 7.250000 -2 16 2
3 2008 Sat 9E ATL HOU 7.250000 0 18 5
4 2008 Wed 9E ATL SRQ 12.666667 6 20 4
5 2008 Sat 9E HOU ATL 9.083333 -9 15 9
6 2008 Mon 9E ATL IAH 16.416666 -3 25 4
7 2008 Thur 9E IAH ATL 18.500000 9 12 7
8 2008 Sat 9E IAH ATL 18.500000 -3 19 8
9 2008 Mon 9E IAH ATL 18.500000 -5 16 6
10 2008 Thur 9E ATL IAH 13.250000 -2 15 7
ArrDelay ArrDel15 CRSElapsedTime Distance ArrDelay_Pred ArrDelay_StdErr
1 -15 FALSE 140 696 8.981548 0.3287748
2 0 FALSE 140 696 8.981548 0.3287748
3 0 FALSE 140 696 5.377572 0.3293198
4 6 FALSE 86 445 7.377952 0.6380760
5 -23 FALSE 120 696 6.552242 0.2838803
6 -11 FALSE 145 689 7.530244 0.2952031
7 -8 FALSE 125 689 12.168922 0.2833356
8 -16 FALSE 125 689 6.552242 0.2838803
9 -24 FALSE 125 689 10.156218 0.2833283
10 21 TRUE 130 689 9.542948 0.2952058
ArrDelay_Lower ArrDelay_Upper
1 8.337161 9.625935
2 8.337161 9.625935
3 4.732117 6.023028
4 6.127346 8.628559
5 5.995847 7.108638
6 6.951657 8.108832
7 11.613594 12.724249
8 5.995847 7.108638
9 9.600905 10.711532
10 8.964355 10.121540

Stepwise Variable Selection

Stepwise linear regression is an algorithm that helps you determine which variables are most important to a
regression model. You provide a minimal, or lower, model formula and a maximal, or upper, model formula, and
using forward selection, backward elimination, or bidirectional search, the algorithm determines the model
formula that provides the best fit based on an AIC selection criterion.
In SAS, stepwise linear regression is implemented through PROC REG. In open-source R, it is implemented
through the function step. The problem with using the function step in R is that the size of the data set that can be
analyzed is severely limited by the requirement that all computations must be done in memory.
RevoScaleR provides an implementation of stepwise linear regression that is not constrained by the use of "in-
memory" algorithms. Stepwise linear regression in RevoScaleR is implemented by the functions rxLinMod and
Stepwise linear regression begins with an initial model of some sort. Consider, for example, the airline training
data set AirlineData06to07.xdf featured in Fitting Linear Models using RevoScaleR:
# Stepwise Linear Regression

Var 1: Year, Type: integer, Low/High: (1999, 2007)
Var 2: DayOfWeek
7 factor levels: Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
Var 3: UniqueCarrier
30 factor levels: AA US AS CO DL ... OH F9 YV 9E VX
Var 4: Origin
373 factor levels: JFK LAX HNL OGG DFW ... IMT ISN AZA SHD LAR
Var 5: Dest
377 factor levels: LAX HNL JFK OGG DFW ... ESC IMT ISN AZA SHD
Var 6: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 23.9833)
Var 7: DepDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-1199, 1930)
Var 8: TaxiOut, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 1439)
Var 9: TaxiIn, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 1439)
Var 10: ArrDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-926, 1925)
Var 11: ArrDel15, Type: logical, Low/High: (0, 1)
Var 12: CRSElapsedTime, Type: integer, Low/High: (-34, 1295)
Var 13: Distance, Type: integer, Low/High: (11, 4962)

We are interested in fitting a model that will predict arrival delay (ArrDelay) as a function of some of the other
variables. To keep things simple, we’ll start with our by now familiar model of arrival delay as a function of
DayOfWeek and CRSDepTime:

initialModel <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + CRSDepTime,

data = trainingDataFile)

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + CRSDepTime, data = trainingDataFile)

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + CRSDepTime

File name:
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 9 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 3945964
Number of missing observations: 98378

(Intercept) -4.91416806
DayOfWeek=Mon 0.49172258
DayOfWeek=Tues -1.41878850
DayOfWeek=Wed 0.09677481
DayOfWeek=Thur 2.52841304
DayOfWeek=Fri 3.29474667
DayOfWeek=Sat -2.86217838
DayOfWeek=Sun Dropped
CRSDepTime 0.86703378

The question is, can we improve this model by adding more predictors? If so, which ones? To use stepwise
selection in RevoScaleR, you add the variableSelection argument to your call to rxLinMod. The variableSelection
argument is a list, most conveniently created by using the rxStepControl function. Using rxStepControl, you
specify the method (the default, "stepwise", specifies a bidirectional search), the scope (lower and upper formulas
for the search), and various control parameters. With our model, we first want to try some more numeric
predictors, so we specify our model as follows:
airlineStepModel <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + CRSDepTime,
data = trainingDataFile,
variableSelection = rxStepControl(method="stepwise",
scope = ~ DayOfWeek + CRSDepTime + CRSElapsedTime +
Distance + TaxiIn + TaxiOut ))
rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + CRSDepTime, data = trainingDataFile,
variableSelection = rxStepControl(method = "stepwise", scope = ~DayOfWeek +
CRSDepTime + CRSElapsedTime + Distance + TaxiIn + TaxiOut))

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + CRSDepTime +

CRSElapsedTime + Distance + TaxiIn + TaxiOut
File name:
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 13 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 3945964
Number of missing observations: 98378

(Intercept) -9.87474950
DayOfWeek=Mon 0.09830827
DayOfWeek=Tues -1.81998781
DayOfWeek=Wed -0.62761606
DayOfWeek=Thur 1.53941124
DayOfWeek=Fri 2.45565510
DayOfWeek=Sat -2.20111789
DayOfWeek=Sun Dropped
CRSDepTime 0.75995355
CRSElapsedTime -0.20256102
Distance 0.02135381
TaxiIn 0.16194266
TaxiOut 0.99814931

Methods of Variable Selection

Three methods of variable selection are supported by rxLinMod:
"forward": starting from the minimal model, variables are added one at a time until no additional variable
satisfies the selection criterion, or until the maximal model is reached.
"backward": starting from the maximal model, variables are removed one at a time until the removal of
another variable won’t satisfy the selection criterion, or until the minimal model is reached.
"stepwise" (the default): a combination of forward and backward selection, in which variables are added to
the minimal model, but at each step, the model is reanalyzed to see if any variables that have been added
are candidates for deletion from the current model.
You specify the desired method by supplying a named component "method" in the list supplied for the
variableSelection argument, or by specifying the method argument in a call to rxStepControl that is then passed
as the variableSelection argument.
Variable Selection with Wide Data
We’ve found that generalized linear models do not converge if the number of predictors is greater than the
number of observations. If your data has more variables, it won’t be possible to include all of them in the maximal
model for stepwise selection. We recommend you use domain experience and insights from initial data
explorations to choose a subset of the variables to serve as the maximal model before performing stepwise
There are a few things you can do to reduce the number of predictors. If there are many variables that measure
the same quantitative or qualitative entity, try to select one variable that represents the entity best. For example,
include a variable that identifies a person’s political party affiliation instead of including many variables
representing how the person feels about individual issues. If your goal with linear modeling is the interpretation of
individual predictors, you want to ensure that correlation between variables in the model is minimal to avoid
multicollinearity. This means checking for these correlations before modeling. Sometimes it is useful to combine
correlated variables into a composite variable. Height and weight are often correlated, but can be transformed into
BMI. Combining variables allows you to reduce the number of variables without losing any information.
Ultimately, the variables you select will depend on how you plan to use the results of your linear model.
Specifying Model Scope
You use the scope argument in rxStepControl (or a named component "scope" in the list supplied for the
variableSelection argument) to specify which variables should be considered for inclusion in the final model
selection and which should be ignored. Whether you specify a separate value for scope also determines which
models the algorithm tries next.
You can specify the scope as a simple formula (which will be treated as the upper bound, or maximal model), or as
a named list with components "lower" and "upper" (either of which may be missing). For example, to analyze the
iris data with a minimal model involving the single predictor Sepal.Width and a maximal model involving
Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, and the interaction between Petal.Width and Species, we can specify our variable
selection model as follows:

# Specifying Model Scope

form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length

scope <- list(
lower = ~ Sepal.Width,
upper = ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width * Species)

varsel <- rxStepControl(method = "stepwise", scope = scope)

rxlm.step <- rxLinMod(form, data = iris, variableSelection = varsel,
verbose = 1, dropMain = FALSE, coefLabelStyle = "R")

In general, the models considered are determined from the scope argument as follows:
"lower" scope only: All models considered will include this lower model up to the base model specified in
the formula argument to rxLinMod.
"upper" scope only: All models considered will include the terms in the base model (specified by the
formula argument to rxLinMod), plus additional terms as specified in the upper scope.
Both "lower" and "upper" scope supplied: All models considered will include at least the terms in the lower
scope and additional terms are added using terms from the upper scope until the stopping criterion is
reached or the full upper scope model is selected.
No scope supplied: The minimal model includes just the intercept term and the maximal model include at
most the terms specified in the base model.
(This convention is identical to that used by R’s step function.)
Specifying the Selection Criterion
By default, variable selection is determined using the Akaike Information Criterion, or AIC; this is the R standard.
If you want a stepwise selection that is more SAS -like, you can specify stepCriterion="SigLevel". If this is set,
rxLinMod uses either an F -test (default) or Chi-square test to determine whether to add or drop terms from the
model. You can specify which test to perform using the test argument. For example, we can refit our airline model
using the SigLevel step criterion with an F -test as follows:
# Specifying selection criterion
airlineStepModelSigLevel <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + CRSDepTime,
data = trainingDataFile, variableSelection =
rxStepControl( method = "stepwise", scope = ~ DayOfWeek +
CRSDepTime + CRSElapsedTime + Distance + TaxiIn + TaxiOut,
stepCriterion = "SigLevel" ))

In this case (and with many other well-behaved models), the results of using the SigLevel step criterion are
identical to those using AIC.
You can control the significance levels for adding and dropping models using the maxSigLevelToAdd and
minSigLevelToDrop. The maxSigLevelToAdd specifies a significance level below which a variable can be
considered for inclusion in the model; the minSigLevelToDrop specifies a significance level above which a variable
currently included can be considered for dropping. By default, for method="stepwise", both the levels are set to
0.15. We can tighten the selection criterion to the 0.10 level as follows:

airlineStepModelSigLevel.10 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + CRSDepTime,

data = trainingDataFile, variableSelection =
rxStepControl( method = "stepwise", scope = ~ DayOfWeek +
CRSDepTime + CRSElapsedTime +Distance + TaxiIn + TaxiOut,
stepCriterion = "SigLevel",
maxSigLevelToAdd=.10, minSigLevelToDrop=.10))

Plotting Model Coefficients

By default, the values of the parameters at each step of the stepwise selection are not preserved. Using an
additional argument, keepStepCoefs, in your rxStepControl statement saves the values of the coefficients from
each step of the regression. This coefficient data can then be plotted using another function, rxStepPlot.
Consider the stepwise linear regression on the iris data from Fitting Linear Models using RevoScaleR:

# Plottings Model Coefficients at Each Step
form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length
scope <- list(
lower = ~ Sepal.Width,
upper = ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width * Species)

varsel <- rxStepControl(method = "stepwise", scope = scope, keepStepCoefs=TRUE)

rxlm.step <- rxLinMod(form, data = iris, variableSelection = varsel,
verbose = 1, dropMain = FALSE, coefLabelStyle = "R")

Notice the addition of the argument keepStepCoefs = TRUE to the rxStepContol call. This produces an extra piece
of output in the rxLinMod object, a dataframe containing the values of the coefficients at each step of the
regression. This dataframe, stepCoefs, can be accessed as follows:
0 1 2 3
(Intercept) 2.2491402 0.9962913 1.1477685 0.7228228
Sepal.Width 0.5955247 0.4322172 0.4958889 0.5050955
Petal.Length 0.4719200 0.7756295 0.8292439 0.8702840
Petal.Width 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.3151552 -0.2313888
Species1 0.0000000 1.3940979 1.0234978 1.2715542
Species2 0.0000000 0.4382856 0.2999359 1.0781752
Species3 0.0000000 NA NA NA
Petal.Width:Species1 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.2630978
Petal.Width:Species2 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.5012827
Petal.Width:Species3 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 NA

Trying to glean patterns and information from a table can be difficult. So we’ve added another function,
rxStepPlot, which allows the user to plot the parameter values at each step. Using the iris model object, we plot the

From this plot, we can tell when a variable enters the model by noting the step when it becomes non-zero. Lines
are labeled with the numbers on the right axis to indicate the parameter. The numbers correspond to the order
they appear in the data frame stepCoef. You’ll notice that the 7th and 10th parameters don’t show up in this plot
because the species3 parameter is the reference category for species.
The function rxStepPlot is easily customized by using additional graphical parameters from the matplot function
from base R. In the following example, we update our original call to rxStepPlot to demonstrate how to specify the
colors used for each line, adjust the line width, and add a proper title to the plot:

colorSelection <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442",

"#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")
rxStepPlot(rxlm.step, col = colorSelection, lwd = 2,
main = "Step Plot – Iris Coefficients")

By default, the rxStepPlot function uses seven line colors. If the number of parameters exceeds the number of
colors, they are reused in the same order. However, the line types are set to vary from 1 to 5, so lines that have the
same color may differ in line type. The line types can also be specified using the lty argument in the rxStepPlot call.

Fixed-Effects Models
Fixed-effects models are commonly associated with studies in which multiple observations are recorded for each
test subject, for example, yearly observations of median housing price by city, or measurements of tensile strength
from samples of steel rods by batch. To fit such a model with rxLinMod, include a factor variable specifying the
subject (the cities, or the batch identifier) as the first predictor, and specify cube=TRUE to use a partitioned inverse
and omit the intercept term.
For example, the MASS library contains the data set petrol, which consists of measurements of the yield of a
certain refining process with possible predictors including specific gravity, vapor pressure, ASTM 10% point, and
volatility measured as the ASTM endpoint for 10 samples of crude oil. The following example (reproduced from
Modern Applied Statistics with S ), first scales the numeric predictors, then fits the fixed-effects model:

# Fixed-Effects Models

Petrol <- petrol
Petrol[,2:5] <- scale(Petrol[,2:5], scale=F)
rxLinMod(Y ~ No + EP, data=Petrol,cube=TRUE)

rxLinMod(formula = Y ~ No + EP, data = Petrol, cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: Y ~ No + EP

Data: Petrol
Dependent variable(s): Y
Total independent variables: 11
Number of valid observations: 32
Number of missing observations: 0

No=A 32.5493917
No=B 24.2746407
No=C 27.7820456
No=D 21.1541642
No=E 21.5191269
No=F 20.4355218
No=G 15.0359067
No=H 13.0630467
No=I 9.8053871
No=J 4.4360767
EP 0.1587296

Least Squares Dummy Variable (LSDV) Models

RevoScaleR is capable of estimating huge models where fixed effects are estimated by dummy variables, that is,
binary variables set to 1 or TRUE if the observation is in a particular category. Creation of these dummy variables
is often accomplished by interacting two or more factor variables using “:” in the formula. If the first term in an
rxLinMod (or rxLogit) model is purely categorical and the “cube” argument is set to TRUE, the estimation uses a
partitioned inverse to save on computation time and memory.
A Quick Review of Interacting Factors
First, let’s do a quick, cautionary review of interacting factor variables by experimenting with a small made-up
data set.

# Least Squares Dummy Variable (LSDV) Models

# A Quick Review of Interacting Factors

income <- rep(c(1000,1500,2500,4000), each=5) + 100*rnorm(20)
region <- rep(c("Rural","Urban"), each=10)
sex <- rep(c("Female", "Male"), each=5)
sex <- c(sex,sex)
myData <- data.frame(income, region, sex)
The data set has 20 observations with three variables: a numeric variable income and two factor variables
representing region and sex. There are three easy ways to compute the within group means of every combination
of age and region using RevoScaleR. First, we can use rxSummary:

rxSummary(income~region:sex, data=myData)

which includes in its output:

Category region sex Means StdDev Min

income for region=Rural, sex=Female Rural Female 970.7522 98.01983 827.2396
income for region=Urban, sex=Female Urban Female 2501.8303 47.10861 2450.1364
income for region=Rural, sex=Male Rural Male 1480.4378 92.29320 1355.4250
income for region=Urban, sex=Male Urban Male 3944.5127 40.82421 3883.3983

Second, we could use rxCube:

rxCube(income~region:sex, data=myData)

which includes in its output:

region sex income Counts

1 Rural Female 970.7522 5
2 Urban Female 2501.8303 5
3 Rural Male 1480.4378 5
4 Urban Male 3944.5127 5

Or, we can use rxLinMod with cube=TRUE. The intercept is automatically omitted, and four dummy variables are
created from the two factors: one for each combination of region and sex. The coefficients are simply the within
group means:

summary(rxLinMod(income~region:sex, cube=TRUE, data=myData))

which includes in its output:

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | Counts
region=Rural, sex=Female 970.75 33.18 29.26 2.66e-15 *** | 5
region=Urban, sex=Female 2501.83 33.18 75.41 2.22e-16 *** | 5
region=Rural, sex=Male 1480.44 33.18 44.62 2.22e-16 *** | 5
region=Urban, sex=Male 3944.51 33.18 118.90 2.22e-16 *** | 5

The same model could be estimated using: lm (income~region:sex + 0, data=myData). Below we refer to these
within group means as MeanIncRuralFemale, MeanIncUrbanFemale, MeanIncRuralMale, and
If we add an intercept, we encounter perfect multicollinearity and one of the coefficients will be dropped. The
intercept is then the mean of a reference group and the other coefficients represent the differences or contrasts
between the within group means and the reference group. For example,

lm(income~region:sex, data=myData)

(Intercept) region:Rural:sexFemale regionUrban:sexFemale
3945 -2974 -1443
regionRural:sexMale regionUrban:sexMale
-2464 NA

We can see that the dummy variable for urban males was dropped; urban males are the reference group and the
Intercept is equal to MeanIncUrbanMale. The other coefficients represent contrasts from the reference group, so
for example, regionRural:sexFemale is equal to MeanIncRuralFemale – MeanIncUrbanMale.
Another variation is to use “*”in the formula for factor crossing. Using a*b is equivalent to using a + b + a:b. For

lm(income~region*sex, data = myData)

which results in:

(Intercept) regionUrban sexMale regionUrban:sexMale
970.8 1531.1 509.7 933.0

The dropping of coefficients in rxLinMod can be controlled to obtain the same results:

rxLinMod(income~region*sex, data = myData, dropFirst = TRUE, dropMain = FALSE)

Coefficients using this model can be more difficult to interpret, and in fact are highly dependent on the order of
the factor levels. In this case, we see the following relationship between the estimated coefficients and the within
group means


regionUrban MeanIncUrbanFemale – MeanIncRuralFemale

sexMale MeanIncRuralMale – MeanIncRuralFemale

regionUrban:sexMale MeanIncUrbanMale – MeanIncUrbanFemale -

MeanIncRuralMale + MeanIncRuralFemale

If we set up our data slightly differently, we get different results. Let’s use the same income data but a different
naming convention for the factors:

region <- rep(c("Rural","Urban"), each=10)

sex <- rep(c("Woman", "Man"), each=5)
sex <- c(sex,sex)
myData1 <- data.frame(income, region, sex)

Using the same model, lm (income~region*sex, data=myData1 ), results in:

(Intercept) regionUrban sexWoman
1480.4 2464.1 -509.7
With this superficial modification to the data, the coefficient for the dummy variable for regionUrban has jumped
from $1531 to $2464. This is due to the change in reference group; in this model the Urban coefficient represents
the difference between mean urban and rural male income, while in the previous model it was the difference
between mean urban and rural female income. That is, the relationship between the within group means and the
new coefficients are:


regionUrban MeanIncUrbanMale – MeanIncRuralMale

sexWoman MeanIncRuralFemale – MeanIncRuralMale

regionUrban:sexMale MeanIncUrbanFemale – MeanIncUrbanMale -

MeanIncRuralFemale + MeanIncRuralMale

Omitting the intercept provides yet another combination of results. For example, using rxLinMod with the original
factor labeling:

rxLinMod(income~region*sex, data=myData, cube=TRUE)

results in:

rxLinMod(formula = income ~ region * sex, data = myData, cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: income ~ region * sex

Data: myData
Dependent variable(s): income
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 4)
Number of valid observations: 20
Number of missing observations: 0

region=Rural 1480.4378
region=Urban 3944.5127
sex=Female -1442.6824
sex=Male Dropped
region=Rural, sex=Female 932.9968
region=Urban, sex=Female Dropped
region=Rural, sex=Male Dropped
region=Urban, sex=Male Dropped


region=Urban MeanIncUrbanMale

Sex=Female MeanIncUrbanFemale – MeanIncUrbanMale

region=Rural, sex=Female (MeanIncRuralFemale – MeanIncRuralMale) -

(MeanIncUrbanFemale – MeanIncUrbanMale)

With large data sets it is common to estimate many interaction terms, and if some categories have zero counts, it
may not even be obvious what the reference group is. Also note that setting cube=TRUE in the preceding model is
of limited use: only the first term from the expanded expression (in this case region) is estimated using a
partitioned inverse.
Using Dummy Variables in rxLinMod: Letting the Data Speak Example 2
In previous articles, we looked at the CensusWorkers.xdf data set and examined the relationship between wage
income and age. Now let’s add another variable, and examine the relationship between wage income and sex and
We can start with a simple dummy variable model, computing the mean wage income by sex:

# Using Dummy Variables in rxLinMod

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

rxLinMod(incwage~sex, data=censusWorkers, pweights="perwt", cube=TRUE)

which computes:

rxLinMod(formula = incwage ~ sex, data = censusWorkers, pweights = "perwt",
cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: incwage ~ sex

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\CensusWorkers.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Dependent variable(s): incwage
Total independent variables: 2
Number of valid observations: 351121
Number of missing observations: 0

sex=Male 43472.71
sex=Female 26721.09

Similarly, we could look at a simple linear relationship between wage income and age:

linMod1 <- rxLinMod(incwage~age, data=censusWorkers, pweights="perwt")


resulting in:
rxLinMod(formula = incwage ~ age, data = censusWorkers, pweights = "perwt")

Linear Regression Results for: incwage ~ age

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\CensusWorkers.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Dependent variable(s): incwage
Total independent variables: 2
Number of valid observations: 351121
Number of missing observations: 0

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 12802.980 247.963 51.63 2.22e-16 ***
age 572.980 5.947 96.35 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 180800 on 351119 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.02576
Adjusted R-squared: 0.02576
F-statistic: 9284 on 1 and 351119 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1

Computing the two end points on the regression line, we can plot it:

age <- c(20,65)

coefLinMod1 <- coef(linMod1)
incwage_Pred <- coefLinMod1[1] + age*coefLinMod1[2]
plotData1 <- data.frame(age, incwage_Pred)
rxLinePlot(incwage_Pred~age, data=plotData1)

The next typical step is to combine the two approaches by estimating separate intercepts for males and females:

linMod2 <- rxLinMod(incwage~sex+age, data = censusWorkers, pweights = "perwt",

which results in:

rxLinMod(formula = incwage ~ sex + age, data = censusWorkers,
pweights = "perwt", cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: incwage ~ sex + age

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\CensusWorkers.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Dependent variable(s): incwage
Total independent variables: 3
Number of valid observations: 351121
Number of missing observations: 0

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | Counts
sex=Male 20479.178 250.033 81.91 2.22e-16 *** | 3866542
sex=Female 3723.067 252.968 14.72 2.22e-16 *** | 3276744
age 573.232 5.816 98.56 2.22e-16 *** |
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 176800 on 351118 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.06804 (as if intercept included)
Adjusted R-squared: 0.06804
F-statistic: 1.282e+04 on 2 and 351118 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1

We create a small sample data set with the same variables we use in censusWorkers, but with only four
observations representing the high and low value of age for both sexes. Using the rxPredict function, the
predicted values for each one of these sample observations is computed, which we then plot:

age <- c(20,65,20,65)

sex <- factor(rep(c(1, 2), each=2), labels=c("Male", "Female"))
perwt <- rep(1, times=4)
incwage <- rep(0, times=4)
plotData2 <- data.frame(age, sex, perwt, incwage)
plotData2p <- rxPredict(linMod2, data=plotData2, outData=plotData2)
rxLinePlot(incwage_Pred~age, groups=sex, data=plotData2p)
These types of models are often relaxed further by allowing both the slope and intercept to vary by group:

linMod3 <- rxLinMod(incwage~sex+sex:age, data = censusWorkers,

pweights = "perwt", cube=TRUE)
rxLinMod(formula = incwage ~ sex + sex:age, data = censusWorkers,
pweights = "perwt", cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: incwage ~ sex + sex:age

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\CensusWorkers.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Dependent variable(s): incwage
Total independent variables: 4
Number of valid observations: 351121
Number of missing observations: 0

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | Counts
sex=Male 10783.449 328.871 32.79 2.22e-16 *** | 3866542
sex=Female 15131.422 356.806 42.41 2.22e-16 *** | 3276744
age for sex=Male 814.948 7.888 103.31 2.22e-16 *** |
age for sex=Female 288.876 8.556 33.76 2.22e-16 *** |
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 176300 on 351117 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.07343 (as if intercept included)
Adjusted R-squared: 0.07343
F-statistic: 9276 on 3 and 351117 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1.1764

Again getting predictions and plotting:

plotData3p <- rxPredict(linMod3, data=plotData2, outData=plotData2)

rxLinePlot(incwage_Pred~age, groups=sex, data=plotData3p)
We could continue the process, experimenting with functional forms for age. But, since we have many
observations (and therefore many degrees of freedom), we can take advantage of the F () function available in
revoScaleR to let the data speak for itself. The F () function creates a factor variable from a numeric variable “on-
the-fly”, creating a level for every integer value. This allows us to compute and observe the shape of the functional
form using a purely dummy variable model:

linMod4 <- rxLinMod(incwage~sex:F(age), data=censusWorkers, pweights="perwt",


This model estimated a total of 92 coefficients, all for dummy variables representing every age in the range of 20
to 65 for each sex. To visually examine the coefficients we could add observations to our plotData data frame and
use rxPredict to compute predicted values for each of the 92 groups represented, but since the model contains
only dummy variables in an initial cube term, we can instead use the “counts” data frame returned with the
rxLinMod object:

plotData4 <- linMod4$countDF

# Convert the age factor variable back to an integer
plotData4$age <- as.integer(levels(plotData4$F.age.))[plotData4$F.age.]
rxLinePlot(incwage~age, groups=sex, data=plotData4)
Intercept-Only Models
You may have seen intercept-only models fitted with R’s lm function, where the model formula is of the form
response ~ 1. In RevoScaleR these models should be fitted using rxSummary, because the intercept-only model
simply returns the mean of the response. For example:

airlineDF <- rxDataStep(inData =

file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))
lm(ArrDelay ~ 1, data = airlineDF)
lm(formula = ArrDelay ~ 1, data = airlineDF)


rxSummary(~ ArrDelay, data = airlineDF)

rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay, data = airlineDF)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay

Data: airlineDF
Number of valid observations: 6e+05
Number of missing observations: 0

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay 11.31794 40.68854 -86 1490 582628 17372
Fitting Logistic Regression Models using Machine
Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

Logistic regression is a standard tool for modeling data with a binary response variable. In R, you fit a logistic
regression using the glm function, specifying a binomial family and the logit link function. In RevoScaleR, you can
use rxGlm in the same way (see Fitting Generalized Linear Models) or you can fit a logistic regression using the
optimized rxLogit function; because this function is specific to logistic regression, you need not specify a family or
link function.
A Simple Logistic Regression Example
As an example, consider the kyphosis data set in the rpart package. This data set consists of 81 observations of
four variables (Age, Number, Kyphosis, Start) in children following corrective spinal surgery; it is used as the initial
example of glm in the White Book (see Additional Resources for more information. The variable Kyphosis reports
the absence or presence of this deformity.
We can use rxLogit to model the probability that kyphosis is present as follows:

rxLogit(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, data = kyphosis)

The following output is returned:

Logistic Regression Results for: Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number

Data: kyphosis
Dependent variable(s): Kyphosis
Total independent variables: 4
Number of valid observations: 81
Number of missing observations: 0

(Intercept) -2.03693354
Age 0.01093048
Start -0.20651005
Number 0.41060119

The same model can be fit with glm (or rxGlm ) as follows:

glm(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, family = binomial, data = kyphosis)

Call: glm(formula = Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, family = binomial, data = kyphosis)

(Intercept) Age Start Number
-2.03693 0.01093 -0.20651 0.41060

Degrees of Freedom: 80 Total (i.e. Null); 77 Residual

Null Deviance: 83.23
Residual Deviance: 61.38 AIC: 69.38

Stepwise Logistic Regression

Stepwise logistic regression is an algorithm that helps you determine which variables are most important to a
logistic model. You provide a minimal, or lower, model formula and a maximal, or upper, model formula, and using
forward selection, backward elimination, or bidirectional search, the algorithm determines the model formula that
provides the best fit based on an AIC or significance level selection criterion.
RevoScaleR provides an implementation of stepwise logistic regression that is not constrained by the use of "in-
memory" algorithms. Stepwise linear regression in RevoScaleR is implemented by the functions rxLogit and
Stepwise logistic regression begins with an initial model of some sort. We can look at the kyphosis data again and
start with a simpler model: Kyphosis ~ Age:

initModel <- rxLogit(Kyphosis ~ Age, data=kyphosis)


Logistic Regression Results for: Kyphosis ~ Age

Data: kyphosis
Dependent variable(s): Kyphosis
Total independent variables: 2
Number of valid observations: 81
Number of missing observations: 0

(Intercept) -1.809351230
Age 0.005441758

We can specify a stepwise model using rxLogit and rxStepControl as follows:

KyphStepModel <- rxLogit(Kyphosis ~ Age,

data = kyphosis,
variableSelection = rxStepControl(method="stepwise",
scope = ~ Age + Start + Number ))
Logistic Regression Results for: Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number
Data: kyphosis
Dependent variable(s): Kyphosis
Total independent variables: 4
Number of valid observations: 81
Number of missing observations: 0

(Intercept) -2.03693354
Age 0.01093048
Start -0.20651005
Number 0.41060119

The methods for variable selection (forward, backward, and stepwise), the definition of model scope, and the
available selection criteria are all the same as for stepwise linear regression; see "Stepwise Variable Selection" and
the rxStepControl help file for more details.
Plotting Model Coefficients
The ability to save model coefficients using the argument keepStepCoefs = TRUE within the rxStepControl call
and to plot them with the function rxStepPlot was described in great detail for stepwise rxLinMod in Fitting Linear
Models using RevoScaleR. This functionality is also available for stepwise rxLogit objects.
As described above for linear models, the objects returned by the RevoScaleR model-fitting functions do not
include fitted values or residuals. We can obtain them, however, by calling rxPredict on our fitted model object,
supplying the original data used to fit the model as the data to be used for prediction.
For example, consider the mortgage default example in Tutorial: Analyzing loan data with RevoScaleR. In that
example, we used ten input data files to create the data set used to fit the model. But suppose instead we use nine
input data files to create the training data set and use the remaining data set for prediction. We can do that as
follows (again, remember to modify the first line for your own system):

# Logistic Regression Prediction

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

mortCsvDataName <- file.path(bigDataDir, "mortDefault", "mortDefault")
trainingDataFileName <- "mortDefaultTraining"
mortCsv2009 <- paste(mortCsvDataName, "2009.csv", sep = "")
targetDataFileName <- "mortDefault2009.xdf"
ageLevels <- as.character(c(0:40))
yearLevels <- as.character(c(2000:2009))
colInfo <- list(list(name = "houseAge", type = "factor",
levels = ageLevels), list(name = "year", type = "factor",
levels = yearLevels))
append= FALSE
for (i in 2000:2008)
importFile <- paste(mortCsvDataName, i, ".csv", sep = "")
rxImport(inData = importFile, outFile = trainingDataFileName,
colInfo = colInfo, append = append)
append = TRUE

rxImport(inData = mortCsv2009, outFile = targetDataFileName,

colInfo = colInfo)

We can then fit a logistic regression model to the training data and predict with the prediction data set as follows:

logitObj <- rxLogit(default ~ year + creditScore + yearsEmploy + ccDebt,

data = trainingDataFileName, blocksPerRead = 2, verbose = 1,
rxPredict(logitObj, data = targetDataFileName,
outData = targetDataFileName, computeResiduals = TRUE)

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

To view the first 30 rows of the output data file, use rxGetInfo as follows:

rxGetInfo(targetDataFileName, numRows = 30)

Prediction Standard Errors and Confidence Intervals

You can use rxPredict to obtain prediction standard errors and confidence intervals for models fit with rxLogit in
the same way as for those fit with rxLinMod. The original model must be fit with covCoef=TRUE:

# Prediction Standard Errors and Confidence Intervals

logitObj2 <- rxLogit(default ~ year + creditScore + yearsEmploy + ccDebt,

data = trainingDataFileName, blocksPerRead = 2, verbose = 1,
reportProgress=2, covCoef=TRUE)

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...
You then specify computeStdErr=TRUE to obtain prediction standard errors; if this is TRUE, you can also specify
interval="confidence" to obtain a confidence interval:

rxPredict(logitObj2, data = targetDataFileName,

outData = targetDataFileName, computeStdErr = TRUE,
interval = "confidence", overwrite=TRUE)

The first ten lines of the file with predictions can be viewed as follows:

rxGetInfo(targetDataFileName, numRows=10)

File name: C:\Users\yourname\Documents\MRS\mortDefault2009.xdf

Number of observations: 1e+06
Number of variables: 10
Number of blocks: 2
Compression type: zlib
Data (10 rows starting with row 1):
creditScore houseAge yearsEmploy ccDebt year default default_Pred
1 617 20 8 4410 2009 0 6.620773e-06
2 623 11 7 5609 2009 0 4.610861e-05
3 758 17 4 7250 2009 0 4.259884e-04
4 687 22 5 3761 2009 0 3.770789e-06
5 663 15 6 6746 2009 0 2.312827e-04
6 676 10 2 7106 2009 0 1.092593e-03
7 721 23 2 2280 2009 0 8.515912e-07
8 680 18 7 2831 2009 0 6.011109e-07
9 734 9 5 3867 2009 0 3.144299e-06
10 688 16 8 6238 2009 0 5.350031e-05
default_StdErr default_Lower default_Upper
1 3.143695e-07 6.032422e-06 7.266507e-06
2 1.953612e-06 4.243427e-05 5.010109e-05
3 1.594783e-05 3.958500e-04 4.584203e-04
4 1.739047e-07 3.444893e-06 4.127516e-06
5 8.733193e-06 2.147838e-04 2.490486e-04
6 3.952975e-05 1.017797e-03 1.172880e-03
7 4.396314e-08 7.696409e-07 9.422675e-07
8 3.091885e-08 5.434655e-07 6.648706e-07
9 1.469334e-07 2.869109e-06 3.445883e-06
10 2.224102e-06 4.931401e-05 5.804197e-05

Using ROC Curves to Evaluate Estimated Binary Response Models

A receiver operating characteristic (ROC ) curve can be used to visually assess binary response models. It plots the
True Positive Rate (the number of correctly predicted TRUE responses divided by the actual number of TRUE
responses) against the False Positive Rate (the number of incorrectly predicted TRUE responses divided by the
actual number of FALSE responses), calculated at various thresholds. The True Positive Rate is the same as the
sensitivity, and the False Positive Rate is equal to one minus the specificity.
Let’s start with a simple example. Suppose we have a data set with 10 observations. The variable actual contains
the actual responses, or the ‘truth’. The variable badPred are the predicted responses from a very poor model. The
variable goodPred contains the predicted responses from a great model.

# Using ROC Curves for Binary Response Models

sampleDF <- data.frame(

actual = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
badPred = c(.99, .99, .99, .99, .99, .01, .01, .01, .01, .01),
goodPred = c( .01, .01, .01, .01, .01,.99, .99, .99, .99, .99))
We can now call the rxRocCurve function to compute the sensitivity and specificty for the ‘bad’ predictions, and
draw the ROC curve. The numBreaks argument indicates the number of breaks to use in determining the
thresholds for computing the true and false positive rates.

rxRocCurve(actualVarName = "actual", predVarNames = "badPred",

data = sampleDF, numBreaks = 10, title = "ROC for Bad Predictions")

Since all of our predictions are wrong at every threshold, the ROC curve is a flat line at 0. The Area Under the
Curve (AUC ) summary statistic is 0.
At the other extreme, let’s draw an ROC curve for our great model:

rxRocCurve(actualVarName = "actual", predVarNames = "goodPred",

data = sampleDF, numBreaks = 10, title = "ROC for Great Predictions")
With perfect predictions, we see the the True Positive Rate is 1 for all thresholds, and the AUC is 1. We’d expect a
random guess ROC curve to lie along with white diagonal line.
Now let’s use actual model predictions in an ROC curve. We’ll use the small mortgage default sample data to
estimate a logistic model and them compute predicted values:

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

# Using mortDefaultSmall for predictions and an ROC curve

mortXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "mortDefaultSmall")

logitOut1 <- rxLogit(default ~ creditScore + yearsEmploy + ccDebt,
data = mortXdf, blocksPerRead = 5)

predFile <- "mortPred.xdf"

predOutXdf <- rxPredict(modelObject = logitOut1, data = mortXdf,

writeModelVars = TRUE, predVarNames = "Model1", outData = predFile)

Now, let’s estimate a different model (with 1 less independent variable), and add the predictions from that model
to our output data set:

# Estimate a second model without ccDebt

logitOut2 <- rxLogit(default ~ creditScore + yearsEmploy,
data = predOutXdf, blocksPerRead = 5)

# Add preditions to prediction data file

predOutXdf <- rxPredict(modelObject = logitOut2, data = predOutXdf,

predVarNames = "Model2")
Now we can compute the sensitivity and specificity for both models, using rxRoc:

rocOut <- rxRoc(actualVarName = "default",

predVarNames = c("Model1", "Model2"),
data = predOutXdf)

threshold predVarName sensitivity specificity

1 0.00 Model1 1.000000000 0.0000000
2 0.01 Model1 0.825902335 0.9197118
3 0.02 Model1 0.647558386 0.9567965
4 0.03 Model1 0.569002123 0.9721488
5 0.04 Model1 0.481953291 0.9797647
6 0.05 Model1 0.437367304 0.9845472
7 0.06 Model1 0.386411890 0.9877825
8 0.07 Model1 0.335456476 0.9900130
9 0.08 Model1 0.305732484 0.9916406
10 0.09 Model1 0.288747346 0.9930272
11 0.10 Model1 0.261146497 0.9940520
12 0.11 Model1 0.237791932 0.9947252
13 0.12 Model1 0.225053079 0.9953682
14 0.13 Model1 0.208067941 0.9959107
15 0.14 Model1 0.197452229 0.9963528
16 0.15 Model1 0.182590234 0.9967648
17 0.16 Model1 0.171974522 0.9971064
18 0.17 Model1 0.161358811 0.9973877
19 0.18 Model1 0.152866242 0.9975886
20 0.19 Model1 0.150743100 0.9978298
21 0.20 Model1 0.144373673 0.9980307
22 0.21 Model1 0.138004246 0.9982518
23 0.22 Model1 0.131634820 0.9984527
24 0.23 Model1 0.131634820 0.9986034
25 0.24 Model1 0.129511677 0.9987340
26 0.25 Model1 0.123142251 0.9987843
27 0.26 Model1 0.116772824 0.9988546
28 0.27 Model1 0.116772824 0.9989149
29 0.28 Model1 0.114649682 0.9989752
30 0.29 Model1 0.108280255 0.9990355
31 0.30 Model1 0.101910828 0.9991158
32 0.31 Model1 0.099787686 0.9991661
33 0.32 Model1 0.091295117 0.9992264
34 0.33 Model1 0.087048832 0.9992866
35 0.34 Model1 0.082802548 0.9993469
36 0.35 Model1 0.080679406 0.9994072
37 0.36 Model1 0.074309979 0.9994474
38 0.37 Model1 0.072186837 0.9994675
39 0.38 Model1 0.070063694 0.9995077
40 0.39 Model1 0.067940552 0.9995780
41 0.40 Model1 0.063694268 0.9995881
42 0.41 Model1 0.063694268 0.9996182
43 0.42 Model1 0.063694268 0.9996684
44 0.43 Model1 0.055201699 0.9996986
45 0.44 Model1 0.050955414 0.9997287
46 0.45 Model1 0.048832272 0.9997790
47 0.46 Model1 0.046709130 0.9997790
48 0.47 Model1 0.042462845 0.9997991
49 0.48 Model1 0.040339703 0.9998091
50 0.49 Model1 0.040339703 0.9998292
51 0.50 Model1 0.040339703 0.9998493
52 0.51 Model1 0.040339703 0.9998794
53 0.52 Model1 0.033970276 0.9998895
54 0.53 Model1 0.031847134 0.9999096
55 0.54 Model1 0.031847134 0.9999196
56 0.55 Model1 0.031847134 0.9999297
57 0.58 Model1 0.029723992 0.9999397
58 0.59 Model1 0.027600849 0.9999498
59 0.60 Model1 0.023354565 0.9999598
60 0.61 Model1 0.016985138 0.9999598
60 0.61 Model1 0.016985138 0.9999598
61 0.63 Model1 0.014861996 0.9999598
62 0.65 Model1 0.014861996 0.9999799
63 0.70 Model1 0.014861996 0.9999900
64 0.72 Model1 0.012738854 0.9999900
65 0.74 Model1 0.010615711 0.9999900
66 0.78 Model1 0.010615711 1.0000000
67 0.80 Model1 0.008492569 1.0000000
68 0.83 Model1 0.006369427 1.0000000
69 0.89 Model1 0.004246285 1.0000000
70 0.91 Model1 0.000000000 1.0000000
71 0.00 Model2 1.000000000 0.0000000
72 0.01 Model2 0.108280255 0.9612776
73 0.02 Model2 0.000000000 0.9994474
74 0.03 Model2 0.000000000 1.0000000

With the removeDups argument set to its default of TRUE, rows containing duplicate entries for sensitivity and
specificity were removed from the returned data frame. In this case, it results in many fewer rows for Model2 than
Model1. We can use the rxRoc plot method to render our ROC curve using the computed results.


The resulting plot shows that the second model is much closer to the “random” diagonal line than the first model.
Generalized Linear Models using RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 15 minutes to read • Edit Online

Generalized linear models (GLM ) are a framework for a wide range of analyses. They relax the assumptions for a
standard linear model in two ways. First, a functional form can be specified for the conditional mean of the
predictor, referred to as the “link” function. Second, you can specify a distribution for the response variable. The
rxGlm function in RevoScaleR provides the ability to estimate generalized linear models on large data sets.
The following family/link combinations are implemented in C++ for performance enhancements: binomial/logit,
gamma/log, poisson/log, and Tweedie. Other family/link combinations use a combination of C++ and R code. Any
valid R family object that can be used with glm() can be used with rxGlm(), including user-defined. The following
table shows all of the supported family/link combinations (in addition to user-defined):


binomial "logit" "probit", "cauchit", "log", "cloglog"

gaussian "identity" "log", "inverse"

Gamma "inverse" "identity", "log"

inverse.gaussian "1/mu^2" "inverse", "identity", "log"

poisson "log" "identity", "sqrt"

quasi "identity" with variance = "constant" "logit", "probit", "cloglog", "inverse",

"log", "1/mu^2", "sqrt"

quasibinomial "logit" Same as binomial, but dispersion

parameter not fixed at one

quasipoisson "log" Same as poisson, but dispersion

parameter not fixed at one

rxTweedie requires arguments instead of link


A Simple Example Using the Poisson Family

The Poisson family is used to estimate models of count data. Examples from the literature include the following
types of response variables:
Number of drinks on a Saturday night
Number of bacterial colonies in a Petri dish
Number of children born to married women
Number of credit cards a person has
We’ll start with a simple example from Kabacoff’s R in Action book, using data provided with the robust R
package. The data are from a placebo-controlled clinical trial of 59 epileptics. Patients with partial seizures were
enrolled in a randomized clinical trial of the anti-epileptic drug, progabide. Counts of epileptic seizures were
recorded during the trial. The data set also includes a baseline 8-week seizure count and the age of the patient.
To access this data, first make sure the robust package is installed, then use the data command to load the data

# A Simple Example Using the Poisson Family

if ("robust" %in% .packages()){

data(breslow.dat, package = "robust")

First, let’s get some basic information on the data set, then draw a histogram of the sumY variable, containing the
total count of seizures during the trial.

rxGetInfo(breslow.dat, getVarInfo = TRUE)

rxHistogram( ~sumY, numBreaks = 25, data = breslow.dat)

The data set has 59 observations, and 12 variables. The variables of interest are Base, Age, Trt, and sumY.

Data frame: breslow.dat

Number of observations: 59
Number of variables: 12
Variable information:
Var 1: ID, Type: integer, Low/High: (101, 238)
Var 2: Y1, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 102)
Var 3: Y2, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 65)
Var 4: Y3, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 76)
Var 5: Y4, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 63)
Var 6: Base, Type: integer, Low/High: (6, 151)
Var 7: Age, Type: integer, Low/High: (18, 42)
Var 8: Trt
2 factor levels: placebo progabide
Var 9: Ysum, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 302)
Var 10: sumY, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 302)
Var 11: Age10, Type: numeric, Low/High: (1.8000, 4.2000)
Var 12: Base4, Type: numeric, Low/High: (1.5000, 37.7500)

To estimate a model with sumY as the response variable and the Base number of seizures, Age, and the treatment
as explanatory variables, we can use rxGlm. A benefit to using rxGlm is that the code scales for use with a much
bigger data set.
myGlm <- rxGlm(sumY~ Base + Age + Trt, dropFirst = TRUE,
data = breslow.dat, family = poisson())

Results in:

rxGlm(formula = sumY ~ Base + Age + Trt, data = breslow.dat,
family = poisson(), dropFirst = TRUE)

Generalized Linear Model Results for: sumY ~ Base + Age + Trt

Data: breslow.dat
Dependent variable(s): sumY
Total independent variables: 5 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 59
Number of missing observations: 0
Family-link: poisson-log

Residual deviance: 559.4437 (on 55 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.9488259 0.1356191 14.370 2.22e-16 ***
Base 0.0226517 0.0005093 44.476 2.22e-16 ***
Age 0.0227401 0.0040240 5.651 5.85e-07 ***
Trt=placebo Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Trt=progabide -0.1527009 0.0478051 -3.194 0.00232 **
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 3.3382

Number of iterations: 4

To interpret the coefficients, it is sometimes useful to transform them back to the original scale of the dependent
variable. In this case:


(Intercept) Base Age Trt=placebo Trt=progabide

7.0204403 1.0229102 1.0230007 NA 0.8583864

This suggests that, controlling for the base number of seizures and age, people taking progabide during the trial
had 85% of the expected number seizures compared with people who didn’t.
A common method of checking for overdispersion is to calculate the ratio of the residual deviance with the
degrees of freedom. This should be about 1 to fit the assumptions of the model.


[1] 10.1717

We can see that the ratio is well above one.

The quasi-poisson family can be used to handle over-dispersion. In this case, instead of assuming that the variance
and mean are one, a relationship is estimated from the data:
myGlm1 <- rxGlm(sumY ~ Base + Age + Trt, dropFirst = TRUE,
data = breslow.dat, family = quasipoisson())

} # End of if for robust package

rxGlm(formula = sumY ~ Base + Age + Trt, data = breslow.dat,
family = quasipoisson(), dropFirst = TRUE)

Generalized Linear Model Results for: sumY ~ Base + Age + Trt

Data: breslow.dat
Dependent variable(s): sumY
Total independent variables: 5 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 59
Number of missing observations: 0
Family-link: quasipoisson-log

Residual deviance: 559.4437 (on 55 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.948826 0.465091 4.190 0.000102 ***
Base 0.022652 0.001747 12.969 2.22e-16 ***
Age 0.022740 0.013800 1.648 0.105085
Trt=placebo Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Trt=progabide -0.152701 0.163943 -0.931 0.355702
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for quasipoisson family taken to be 11.76075)

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 3.3382

Number of iterations: 4

Notice that the coefficients are the same as when using the poisson family, but that the standard errors are larger.
The effect of the treatment is no longer significant.
An Example Using the Gamma Family
The Gamma family is used with data containing positive values with a positive skew. A classic example is
estimating the value of auto insurance claims. Using the sample claims.xdf data set:
# An Example Using the Gamma Family

claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.xdf")

claimsGlm <- rxGlm(cost ~ age + car.age + type, family = Gamma,

dropFirst = TRUE, data = claimsXdf)

rxGlm(formula = cost ~ age + car.age + type, data = claimsXdf,
family = Gamma, dropFirst = TRUE)

Generalized Linear Model Results for: cost ~ age + car.age + type

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\claims.xdf
Dependent variable(s): cost
Total independent variables: 17 (Including number dropped: 3)
Number of valid observations: 123
Number of missing observations: 5
Family-link: Gamma-inverse

Residual deviance: 15.6397 (on 109 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.0032807 0.0005126 6.400 4.02e-09 ***
age=17-20 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
age=21-24 0.0006593 0.0005471 1.205 0.230843
age=25-29 0.0003911 0.0005183 0.755 0.452114
age=30-34 0.0012388 0.0005982 2.071 0.040720 *
age=35-39 0.0017152 0.0006514 2.633 0.009685 **
age=40-49 0.0012649 0.0006007 2.106 0.037516 *
age=50-59 0.0002863 0.0005087 0.563 0.574771
age=60+ 0.0013006 0.0006041 2.153 0.033519 *
car.age=0-3 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
car.age=4-7 0.0003444 0.0003535 0.974 0.332120
car.age=8-9 0.0011005 0.0004161 2.645 0.009375 **
car.age=10+ 0.0034437 0.0006107 5.639 1.36e-07 ***
type=A Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
type=B -0.0004443 0.0004880 -0.911 0.364508
type=C -0.0004189 0.0004912 -0.853 0.395668
type=D -0.0016209 0.0004344 -3.732 0.000304 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.1785316)

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 12.4648

Number of iterations: 4

But, these estimates are conditional on the fact that a claim was made.
An Example Using the Tweedie Family
The Tweedie family of distributions provide flexible models for estimation. The power parameter var.power
determines the shape of the distribution, with familiar models as special cases: if var.power is set to 0, Tweedie is a
normal distribution; when set to 1, it is Poisson; when 2, it is Gamma; when 3, it is inverse Gaussian. If var.power is
between 1 and 2, it is a compound Poisson distribution and is appropriate for positive data that also contains exact
zeros, for example, insurance claims data, rainfall data, or fish-catch data. If var.power is greater than 2, it is
appropriate for positive data.
In this example, we use a subsample from the 5% sample of the U.S. 2000 census. We consider the annual cost of
property insurance for heads of household ages 21 through 89, and its relationship to age, sex, and region. A
variable “perwt” in the data set represents the probability weight for that observation. First, to create the
subsample (specify the correct data path for your downloaded data):

bigDataDir = "C:/MRS/Data"
bigCensusData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "Census5PCT2000.xdf")
propinFile <- "CensusPropertyIns.xdf"

propinDS <- rxDataStep(inData = bigCensusData, outFile = propinFile,

rowSelection = (related == 'Head/Householder') & (age > 20) & (age < 90),
varsToKeep = c("propinsr", "age", "sex", "region", "perwt"),
blocksPerRead = 10, overwrite = TRUE)

File name: C:\YourWorkingDir\CensusPropertyIns.xdf

Number of observations: 5175270
Number of variables: 5
Number of blocks: 10
Compression type: zlib

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored when run locally using R Client. Learn more...

An Xdf data source representing the new data file is returned. The new data file has over 5 million observations.
Let’s do one more step in data cleaning. The variable region has some long factor level character strings, and it
also has a number of levels for which there are no observations. We can see this using rxSummary:

rxSummary(~region, data = propinDS)

rxSummary(formula = ~region, data = propinDS)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~region

File name: C:\YourWorkingDir\CensusPropertyIns.xdf
Number of valid observations: 5175270

Category Counts for region

Number of categories: 17
Number of valid observations: 5175270
Number of missing observations: 0

region Counts
New England Division 265372
Middle Atlantic Division 734585
Mixed Northeast Divisions (1970 Metro) 0
East North Central Div. 847367
West North Central Div. 366417
Mixed Midwest Divisions (1970 Metro) 0
South Atlantic Division 981614
East South Central Div. 324003
West South Central Div. 553425
Mixed Southern Divisions (1970 Metro) 0
Mountain Division 328940
Pacific Division 773547
Mixed Western Divisions (1970 Metro) 0
Military/Military reservations 0
PUMA boundaries cross state lines-1% sample 0
State not identified 0
Inter-regional county group (1970 Metro samples) 0

We can use the rxFactors function rename and reduce the number of levels:
regionLevels <- list( "New England" = "New England Division",
"Middle Atlantic" = "Middle Atlantic Division",
"East North Central" = "East North Central Div.",
"West North Central" = "West North Central Div.",
"South Atlantic" = "South Atlantic Division",
"East South Central" = "East South Central Div.",
"West South Central" = "West South Central Div.",
"Mountain" ="Mountain Division",
"Pacific" ="Pacific Division")

rxFactors(inData = propinDS, outFile = propinDS,

factorInfo = list(region = list(newLevels = regionLevels,
otherLevel = "Other")),
overwrite = TRUE)

As a first step to analysis, let’s look at a histogram of the property insurance cost:

rxHistogram(~propinsr, data = propinDS, pweights = "perwt")

This data appears to be a good match for the Tweedie family with a variance power parameter between 1 and 2,
since it has a “clump” of exact zeros in addition to a distribution of positive values.
We can estimate the parameters using rxGlm, setting the var.power argument to 1.5. As explanatory variables we’ll
use sex, an “on-the-fly” factor variable with a level for each age, and region:

propinGlm <- rxGlm(propinsr~sex + F(age) + region,

pweights = "perwt", data = propinDS,
family = rxTweedie(var.power = 1.5), dropFirst = TRUE)

rxGlm(formula = propinsr ~ sex + F(age) + region, data = propinDS,
family = rxTweedie(var.power = 1.5), pweights = "perwt",
dropFirst = TRUE)

Generalized Linear Model Results for: propinsr ~ sex + F(age) + region

File name: C:\YourWorkingDir\CensusPropertyIns.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Dependent variable(s): propinsr
Dependent variable(s): propinsr
Total independent variables: 82 (Including number dropped: 4)
Number of valid observations: 5175270
Number of missing observations: 0
Family-link: Tweedie-mu^-0.5

Residual deviance: 3292809839.3236 (on 5175192 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.231e-01 5.893e-04 208.961 2.22e-16 ***
sex=Male Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
sex=Female 9.026e-03 3.164e-05 285.305 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=21 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
F_age=22 -9.208e-03 7.523e-04 -12.240 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=23 -1.980e-02 6.966e-04 -28.430 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=24 -2.856e-02 6.648e-04 -42.955 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=25 -3.652e-02 6.432e-04 -56.776 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=26 -4.371e-02 6.289e-04 -69.500 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=27 -4.894e-02 6.182e-04 -79.162 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=28 -5.398e-02 6.099e-04 -88.506 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=29 -5.787e-02 6.043e-04 -95.749 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=30 -6.064e-02 6.020e-04 -100.716 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=31 -6.336e-02 6.004e-04 -105.522 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=32 -6.526e-02 5.991e-04 -108.933 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=33 -6.721e-02 5.975e-04 -112.489 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=34 -6.854e-02 5.962e-04 -114.948 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=35 -6.942e-02 5.949e-04 -116.688 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=36 -7.090e-02 5.941e-04 -119.342 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=37 -7.184e-02 5.936e-04 -121.023 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=38 -7.265e-02 5.931e-04 -122.498 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=39 -7.354e-02 5.926e-04 -124.090 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=40 -7.401e-02 5.923e-04 -124.954 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=41 -7.462e-02 5.923e-04 -125.994 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=42 -7.508e-02 5.920e-04 -126.819 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=43 -7.568e-02 5.920e-04 -127.846 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=44 -7.597e-02 5.919e-04 -128.344 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=45 -7.642e-02 5.918e-04 -129.139 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=46 -7.693e-02 5.919e-04 -129.973 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=47 -7.727e-02 5.918e-04 -130.564 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=48 -7.749e-02 5.919e-04 -130.927 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=49 -7.783e-02 5.919e-04 -131.488 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=50 -7.809e-02 5.919e-04 -131.941 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=51 -7.853e-02 5.919e-04 -132.678 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=52 -7.888e-02 5.916e-04 -133.326 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=53 -7.919e-02 5.916e-04 -133.859 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=54 -7.909e-02 5.931e-04 -133.348 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=55 -7.938e-02 5.929e-04 -133.873 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=56 -7.930e-02 5.929e-04 -133.751 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=57 -7.959e-02 5.928e-04 -134.276 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=58 -7.935e-02 5.937e-04 -133.644 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=59 -7.923e-02 5.942e-04 -133.336 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=60 -7.894e-02 5.946e-04 -132.753 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=61 -7.917e-02 5.947e-04 -133.122 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=62 -7.912e-02 5.949e-04 -133.003 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=63 -7.904e-02 5.954e-04 -132.746 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=64 -7.886e-02 5.956e-04 -132.405 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=65 -7.878e-02 5.952e-04 -132.359 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=66 -7.871e-02 5.961e-04 -132.031 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=67 -7.864e-02 5.963e-04 -131.869 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=68 -7.861e-02 5.966e-04 -131.766 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=69 -7.845e-02 5.967e-04 -131.490 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=70 -7.861e-02 5.965e-04 -131.790 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=71 -7.856e-02 5.970e-04 -131.600 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=72 -7.850e-02 5.971e-04 -131.460 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=73 -7.813e-02 5.977e-04 -130.714 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=74 -7.818e-02 5.981e-04 -130.722 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=75 -7.800e-02 5.986e-04 -130.302 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=76 -7.781e-02 5.993e-04 -129.825 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=77 -7.763e-02 6.002e-04 -129.342 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=77 -7.763e-02 6.002e-04 -129.342 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=78 -7.735e-02 6.009e-04 -128.728 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=79 -7.724e-02 6.024e-04 -128.221 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=80 -7.646e-02 6.045e-04 -126.495 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=81 -7.651e-02 6.060e-04 -126.244 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=82 -7.643e-02 6.081e-04 -125.693 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=83 -7.600e-02 6.109e-04 -124.411 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=84 -7.546e-02 6.145e-04 -122.798 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=85 -7.529e-02 6.183e-04 -121.775 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=86 -7.441e-02 6.259e-04 -118.882 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=87 -7.422e-02 6.324e-04 -117.363 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=88 -7.339e-02 6.463e-04 -113.553 2.22e-16 ***
F_age=89 -7.310e-02 6.569e-04 -111.284 2.22e-16 ***
region=New England Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
region=Middle Atlantic 1.710e-03 6.893e-05 24.807 2.22e-16 ***
region=East North Central 3.552e-03 6.867e-05 51.723 2.22e-16 ***
region=West North Central 4.200e-04 7.697e-05 5.457 4.83e-08 ***
region=South Atlantic -1.227e-03 6.521e-05 -18.821 2.22e-16 ***
region=East South Central -7.894e-04 7.793e-05 -10.130 2.22e-16 ***
region=West South Central -5.857e-03 6.732e-05 -87.011 2.22e-16 ***
region=Mountain 1.821e-03 8.060e-05 22.596 2.22e-16 ***
region=Pacific -5.990e-04 6.732e-05 -8.897 2.22e-16 ***
region=Other Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for Tweedie family taken to be 546.4888)

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 5980.277

Number of iterations: 8

A good way to begin examining the results of the estimated model is to look at predicted values for given
explanatory characteristics. For example, let’s create a prediction data set for the South Atlantic region for all ages
and sexes:

# Get the region factor levels

varInfo <- rxGetVarInfo(propinDS)
regionLabels <- varInfo$region$levels

# Create a prediction data set for region 5, all ages, both sexes
region <- factor(rep(5, times=138), levels = 1:10, labels = regionLabels)
age <- c(21:89, 21:89)
sex <- factor(c(rep(1, times=69), rep(2, times=69)),
levels = 1:2,
labels = c("Male", "Female"))
predData <- data.frame(age, sex, region)

Now we’ll use that as a basis for a similar prediction data set for the Middle Atlantic region:

# Create a prediction data set for region 2, all ages, both sexes
predData2 <- predData
predData2$region <-factor(rep(2, times=138), levels = 1:10,
labels = varInfo$region$levels)

Next we combine the two data sets, and compute the predicted values for annual property insurance cost using
our estimated rxGlm model:
predData$predicted <- outData$propinsr_Pred
rxLinePlot( predicted ~age|region+sex, data = predData,
title = "Predicted Annual Property Insurance Costs",
xTitle = "Age of Head of Household",
yTitle = "Predicted Costs")

Stepwise Generalized Linear Models

Stepwise generalized linear models help you determine which variables are most important to include in the
model. You provide a minimal, or lower, model formula and a maximal, or upper, model formula. Using forward
selection, backward elimination, or bidirectional search, the algorithm determines the model formula that provides
the best fit based on an AIC selection criterion or a significance level criterion.
As an example, consider again the Gamma family model from earlier in this article:

claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.xdf")

claimsGlm <- rxGlm(cost ~ age + car.age + type, family = Gamma,
dropFirst = TRUE, data = claimsXdf)

We can recast this model as a stepwise model by specifying a variableSelection argument using the rxStepControl
function to provide our stepwise arguments:
claimsGlmStep <- rxGlm(cost ~ age, family = Gamma, dropFirst=TRUE,
data=claimsXdf, variableSelection =
rxStepControl(scope = ~ age + car.age + type ))

rxGlm(formula = cost ~ age, data = claimsXdf, family = Gamma,
variableSelection = rxStepControl(scope = ~age + car.age +
type), dropFirst = TRUE)

Generalized Linear Model Results for: cost ~ car.age + type

File name:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\claims.xdf
Dependent variable(s): cost
Total independent variables: 9 (Including number dropped: 2)
Number of valid observations: 123
Number of missing observations: 5
Family-link: Gamma-inverse

Residual deviance: 18.0433 (on 116 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.0040354 0.0004661 8.657 3.24e-14 ***
car.age=0-3 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
car.age=4-7 0.0003568 0.0004037 0.884 0.37868
car.age=8-9 0.0011825 0.0004688 2.522 0.01302 *
car.age=10+ 0.0035478 0.0006853 5.177 9.57e-07 ***
type=A Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
type=B -0.0004512 0.0005519 -0.818 0.41528
type=C -0.0004135 0.0005558 -0.744 0.45837
type=D -0.0016307 0.0004923 -3.313 0.00123 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.2249467)

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 9.1775

Number of iterations: 5

We see that in the stepwise model fit, age no longer appears in the final model.
Plotting Model Coefficients
The ability to save model coefficients using the argument keepStepCoefs = TRUE within the rxStepControl call,
and to plot them with the function rxStepPlot was described in great detail for stepwise rxLinMod in Fitting Linear
Models using RevoScaleR. This functionality is also available for stepwise rxGLM objects.
Estimating Decision Tree Models
4/13/2018 • 19 minutes to read • Edit Online

The rxDTree function in RevoScaleR fits tree-based models using a binning-based recursive partitioning algorithm.
The resulting model is similar to that produced by the recommended R package rpart. Both classification-type
trees and regression-type trees are supported; as with rpart, the difference is determined by the nature of the
response variable: a factor response generates a classification tree; a numeric response generates a regression tree.
The rxDTree Algorithm
Decision trees are effective algorithms widely used for classification and regression. Building a decision tree
generally requires that all continuous variables be sorted in order to decide where to split the data. This sorting
step becomes time and memory prohibitive when dealing with large data. Various techniques have been proposed
to overcome the sorting obstacle, which can be roughly classified into two groups: performing data pre-sorting or
using approximate summary statistic of the data. While pre-sorting techniques follow standard decision tree
algorithms more closely, they cannot accommodate very large data sets. These big data decision trees are normally
parallelized in various ways to enable large scale learning: data parallelism partitions the data either horizontally or
vertically so that different processors see different observations or variables and task parallelism builds different
tree nodes on different processors.
The rxDTree algorithm is an approximate decision tree algorithm with horizontal data parallelism, especially
designed for handling very large data sets. It uses histograms as the approximate compact representation of the
data and builds the decision tree in a breadth-first fashion. The algorithm can be executed in parallel settings such
as a multicore machine or a distributed environment with a master-worker architecture. Each worker gets only a
subset of the observations of the data, but has a view of the complete tree built so far. It builds a histogram from
the observations it sees, which essentially compresses the data to a fixed amount of memory. This approximate
description of the data is then sent to a master with constant low communication complexity independent of the
size of the data set. The master integrates the information received from each of the workers and determines
which terminal tree nodes to split and how. Since the histogram is built in parallel, it can be quickly constructed
even for extremely large data sets.
With rxDTree, you can control the balance between time complexity and prediction accuracy by specifying the
maximum number of bins for the histogram. The algorithm builds the histogram with roughly equal number of
observations in each bin and takes the boundaries of the bins as the candidate splits for the terminal tree nodes.
Since only a limited number of split locations are examined, it is possible that a suboptimal split point is chosen
causing the entire tree to be different from the one constructed by a standard algorithm. However, it has been
shown analytically that the error rate of the parallel tree approaches the error rate of the serial tree, even though
the trees are not identical. You can set the number of bins in the histograms to control the tradeoff between
accuracy and speed: a large number of bins allows a more accurate description of the data and thus more accurate
results, whereas a small number of bins reduces time complexity and memory usage.
When integer predictors for which the number of bins equals or exceeds the number of observations, the rxDTree
algorithm produces the same results as the standard sorting algorithms.
A Simple Classification Tree
In a previous article, we fit a simple logistic regression model to rpart’s kyphosis data. That model is easily recast
as a classification tree using rxDTree as follows:
data("kyphosis", package="rpart")
kyphTree <- rxDTree(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, data = kyphosis,

rxDTree(formula = Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, data = kyphosis,
cp = 0.01)
Data: kyphosis
Number of valid observations: 81
Number of missing observations: 0

Tree representation:
n= 81

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)

* denotes terminal node

1) root 81 17 absent (0.79012346 0.20987654)

2) Start>=8.5 62 6 absent (0.90322581 0.09677419)
4) Start>=14.5 29 0 absent (1.00000000 0.00000000) *
5) Start< 14.5 33 6 absent (0.81818182 0.18181818)
10) Age< 55 12 0 absent (1.00000000 0.00000000) *
11) Age>=55 21 6 absent (0.71428571 0.28571429)
22) Age>=111 14 2 absent (0.85714286 0.14285714) *
23) Age< 111 7 3 present (0.42857143 0.57142857) *
3) Start< 8.5 19 8 present (0.42105263 0.57894737) *

Recall our conclusions from fitting this model earlier with rxCube: the probability of the post-operative
complication Kyphosis seems to be greater if the Start is a cervical vertebra and as more vertebrae are involved in
the surgery. Similarly, it appears that the dependence on age is non-linear: it first increases with age, peaks in the
range 5-9, and then decreases again.
The rxDTree model seems to confirm these earlier conclusions—for Start < 8.5, 11 of 19 observed subjects
developed Kyphosis, while none of the 29 subjects with Start >= 14.5 did. For the remaining 33 subjects, Age was
the primary splitting factor, and as we observed earlier, ages 5 to 9 had the highest probability of developing
The returned object kyphTree is an object of class rxDTree. The rxDTree class is modeled closely on the rpart class,
so that objects of class rxDTree have most essential components of an rpart object: frame, cptable, splits, etc. By
default, however, rxDTree objects do not inherit from class rpart. You can, however, use the rxAddInheritance
function to add rpart inheritance to rxDTree objects.
A Simple Regression Tree
As a simple example of a regression tree, consider the mtcars data set and let’s fit gas mileage (mpg) using
displacement (disp) as a predictor:
# A Simple Regression Tree

mtcarTree <- rxDTree(mpg ~ disp, data=mtcars)


rxDTree(formula = mpg ~ disp, data = mtcars)
Data: mtcars
Number of valid observations: 32
Number of missing observations: 0

Tree representation:
n= 32

node), split, n, deviance, yval

* denotes terminal node

1) root 32 1126.0470 20.09063

2) disp>=163.5 18 143.5894 15.99444 *
3) disp< 163.5 14 292.1343 25.35714 *

There’s a clear split between larger cars (those with engine displacement greater than 163.5 cubic inches) and
smaller cars.
A Larger Regression Tree Model
As a more complex example, we return to the censusWorkers data. We create a regression tree predicting wage
income from age, sex, and weeks worked, using the perwt variable as probability weights:

# A Larger Regression Tree Model

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),

rxGetInfo(censusWorkers, getVarInfo=TRUE)
incomeTree <- rxDTree(incwage ~ age + sex + wkswork1, pweights = "perwt",
maxDepth = 3, minBucket = 30000, data = censusWorkers)

rxDTree(formula = incwage ~ age + sex + wkswork1, data = censusWorkers,
pweights = "perwt", minBucket = 30000, maxDepth = 3)
File: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\ library\RevoScaleR\SampleData\CensusWorkers.xdf
Number of valid observations: 351121
Number of missing observations: 0

Tree representation:
n= 351121

node), split, n, deviance, yval

* denotes terminal node

1) root 351121 1.177765e+16 35788.47

2) sex=Female 161777 2.271425e+15 26721.09
4) wkswork1< 51.5 56874 5.757587e+14 19717.74 *
5) wkswork1>=51.5 104903 1.608813e+15 30505.87
10) age< 34.5 31511 2.500078e+14 25836.32 *
11) age>=34.5 73392 1.338235e+15 32576.74 *
3) sex=Male 189344 9.008506e+15 43472.71
6) age< 31.5 48449 6.445334e+14 27577.80 *
7) age>=31.5 140895 8.010642e+15 49221.82
14) wkswork1< 51.5 34359 1.550839e+15 37096.62 *
15) wkswork1>=51.5 106536 6.326896e+15 53082.08 *
The primary split here (not surprising given our analysis of this data set in the Tutorial: Analyzing US census data
with RevoScaleR ) is sex; women on average earn substantially less than men. The additional splits are also not
surprising; older workers earn more than younger workers, and those who work more hours tend to earn more
than those who work fewer hours.
Controlling the Model Fit
The rxDTree function has a number of options for controlling the model fit. Most of these control parameters are
familiar to rpart users, but the defaults have been modified in some cases to better support large data tree models.
A full listing of these options can be found in the rxDTree help file, but the following have been found in our testing
to be the most useful at controlling the time required to fit a model with rxDTree:
xVal: controls the number of folds used to perform cross-validation. The default of 2 allows for some pruning;
once you have closed in a model you may want to increase the value for final fitting and pruning.
maxDepth: sets the maximum depth of any node of the tree. Computations grow rapidly more expensive as the
depth increases, so we recommend a maxDepth of 10 to 15.
maxCompete: specifies the number of “competitor splits” retained in the output. By default, rxDTree sets this to
0, but a setting of 3 or 4 can be useful for diagnostic purposes in determining why a particular split was chosen.
maxSurrogate: specifies the number of surrogate splits retained in the output. Again, by default rxDTree sets
this to 0. Surrogate splits are used to assign an observation when the primary split variable is missing for that
maxNumBins: controls the maximum number of bins used for each variable. Managing the number of bins is
important in controlling memory usage. The default is to use the larger of 101 and the square root of the
number of observations for small to moderate size data sets (up to about one million observations), but for
larger sets to use 1001 bins. For small data sets with continuous predictors, you may find that you need to
increase the maxNumBins to obtain models that resemble those from rpart.
For large data sets (100000 or more observations), you may need to adjust the following parameters to obtain
meaningful models:
cp: a complexity parameter and sets the bar for how much a split must reduce the complexity before being
accepted. We have set the default to 0 and recommend using maxDepth and minBucket to control your tree
sizes. If you want to specify a cp value, start with a conservative value, such as rpart’s 0.01; if you don’t see an
adequate number of splits, decrease the cp by powers of 10 until you do. For our large airline data, we have
found interesting models begin with a cp of about 1e-4.
minSplit, minBucket: determine how many observations must be in a node before a split is attempted ( minSplit)
and how many must remain in a terminal node (minBucket).
Large Data Tree Models
Scaling decision trees to very large data sets is possible with rxDTree but should be done with caution—the wrong
choice of model parameters can easily lead to models that take hours or longer to estimate, even in a distributed
computing environment. For example, in the Tutorial: Load and analyze a large airline data set with RevoScaleR,
we estimated linear models using the large airline data and used the variable Origin as a predictor in several
models. The Origin variable is a factor variable with 373 levels with no obvious ordering. Incorporating this
variable into an rxDTree model that is performing more than two level classification can easily consume hours of
computation time. To prevent such unintended consequences, rxDTree has a parameter maxUnorderedLevels,
which defaults to 32; in the case of Origin, this parameter would flag an error. However, a factor variable of
“Region” which groups the airports of Origin by location may well be a useful proxy, and can be constructed to
have only a limited number of levels. Numeric and ordered factor predictors are much more easily incorporated
into the model.
As an example of a large data classification tree, consider the following simple model using the 7% subsample of
the full airline data (uses the variable ArrDel15 indicating flights with an arrival delay of 15 minutes or more):
# Large Data Tree Models

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

sampleAirData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "AirOnTime7Pct.xdf")
airlineTree <- rxDTree(ArrDel15 ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = sampleAirData,
blocksPerRead = 30, maxDepth = 5, cp = 1e-5)

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

The default cp of 0 produces a very large number of splits; specifying cp = 1e-5 produces a more manageable set
of splits in this model:

rxDTree(formula = ArrDel15 ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = sampleAirData,
maxDepth = 5, cp = 1e-05, blocksPerRead = 30)
File: C:\MRS\Data\AirOnTime7Pct.xdf
Number of valid observations: 10186272
Number of missing observations: 213483

Tree representation:
n= 10186272

node), split, n, deviance, yval

* denotes terminal node

1) root 10186272 1630331.000 0.20008640

2) CRSDepTime< 13.1745 4941190 642452.000 0.15361830
4) CRSDepTime< 8.3415 1777685 189395.700 0.12123970
8) CRSDepTime>=0.658 1717573 178594.900 0.11787560
16) CRSDepTime< 6.7665 599548 52711.450 0.09740671
32) CRSDepTime>=1.625 578762 49884.260 0.09526714 *
33) CRSDepTime< 1.625 20786 2750.772 0.15698070 *
17) CRSDepTime>=6.7665 1118025 125497.500 0.12885220
34) DayOfWeek=Sun 134589 11722.540 0.09638975 *
35) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Thur,Fri,Sat 983436 113613.80 0.13329490 *
9) CRSDepTime< 0.658 60112 10225.960 0.21736090
18) CRSDepTime>=0.2415 9777 1429.046 0.17776410 *
19) CRSDepTime< 0.2415 50335 8778.609 0.22505220 *
5) CRSDepTime>=8.3415 3163505 450145.400 0.17181290
10) CRSDepTime< 11.3415 1964400 268472.400 0.16335320
20) DayOfWeek=Sun 271900 30839.160 0.13043400
40) CRSDepTime< 9.7415 126700 13381.800 0.12002370 *
41) CRSDepTime>=9.7415 145200 17431.650 0.13951790 *
21) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Thur,Fri,Sat 1692500 237291.300 0.16864170
42) DayOfWeek=Tues,Wed,Sat 835355 113384.500 0.16196470 *
43) DayOfWeek=Mon,Thur,Fri 857145 123833.200 0.17514890 *
11) CRSDepTime>=11.3415 1199105 181302.000 0.18567180
22) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Sat,Sun 852016 124610.900 0.17790390
44) DayOfWeek=Tues,Sun 342691 48917.520 0.17250230 *
45) DayOfWeek=Mon,Wed,Sat 509325 75676.600 0.18153830 *
23) DayOfWeek=Thur,Fri 347089 56513.560 0.20474000 *
3) CRSDepTime>=13.1745 5245082 967158.500 0.24386220
6) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Sat,Sun 3708992 651771.300 0.22746990
12) DayOfWeek=Sat 635207 96495.570 0.18681000
24) CRSDepTime>=20.2745 87013 12025.600 0.16564190 *
25) CRSDepTime< 20.2745 548194 84424.790 0.19016990 *
13) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Sun 3073785 554008.600 0.23587240
26) CRSDepTime< 16.508 1214018 203375.700 0.21281150
52) CRSDepTime< 15.1325 709846 114523.300 0.20223400 *
53) CRSDepTime>=15.1325 504172 88661.120 0.22770400 *
27) CRSDepTime>=16.508 1859767 349565.800 0.25092610
54) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues 928523 168050.900 0.23729730 *
55) DayOfWeek=Wed,Sun 931244 181170.600 0.26451500 *
7) DayOfWeek=Thur,Fri 1536090 311984.200 0.28344240
14) CRSDepTime< 15.608 445085 82373.020 0.24519140
28) CRSDepTime< 14.6825 273682 49360.240 0.23609880 *
29) CRSDepTime>=14.6825 171403 32954.030 0.25970960 *
15) CRSDepTime>=15.608 1091005 228694.300 0.29904720
30) CRSDepTime>=21.9915 64127 11932.930 0.24718140 *
31) CRSDepTime< 21.9915 1026878 216578.100 0.30228620
62) CRSDepTime< 17.0745 264085 53451.260 0.28182970 *
63) CRSDepTime>=17.0745 762793 162978.000 0.30936830 *

Looking at the fitted objects cptable component, we can look at whether we have overfitted the model:

CP nsplit rel error xerror xstd

1 1.270950e-02 0 1.0000000 1.0000002 0.0004697734
2 2.087342e-03 1 0.9872905 0.9873043 0.0004629111
3 1.785488e-03 2 0.9852032 0.9852215 0.0004625035
4 7.772395e-04 3 0.9834177 0.9834381 0.0004608330
5 6.545095e-04 4 0.9826404 0.9826606 0.0004605065
6 5.623968e-04 5 0.9819859 0.9820200 0.0004602950
7 3.525848e-04 6 0.9814235 0.9814584 0.0004602578
8 2.367018e-04 7 0.9810709 0.9811071 0.0004600062
9 2.274981e-04 8 0.9808342 0.9808700 0.0004597725
10 2.112635e-04 9 0.9806067 0.9806567 0.0004596187
11 2.097651e-04 10 0.9803955 0.9804365 0.0004595150
12 1.173008e-04 11 0.9801857 0.9803311 0.0004594245
13 1.124180e-04 12 0.9800684 0.9800354 0.0004592792
14 1.089414e-04 13 0.9799560 0.9800354 0.0004592792
15 9.890134e-05 14 0.9798471 0.9799851 0.0004592187
16 9.125152e-05 15 0.9797482 0.9798766 0.0004591605
17 4.687397e-05 16 0.9796569 0.9797504 0.0004591074
18 4.510554e-05 17 0.9796100 0.9797292 0.0004590784
19 3.603837e-05 18 0.9795649 0.9796812 0.0004590301
20 2.771093e-05 19 0.9795289 0.9796383 0.0004590247
21 1.577140e-05 20 0.9795012 0.9796013 0.0004590000
22 1.122899e-05 21 0.9794854 0.9795671 0.0004589736
23 1.025944e-05 22 0.9794742 0.9795560 0.0004589678
24 1.000000e-05 23 0.9794639 0.9795455 0.0004589660

We see a steady decrease in cross-validation error (xerror) as the number of splits increase, but note that at about
nsplit=11 the rate of change slows dramatically. The optimal model is probably very near here. (The total number
of passes through the data is equal to a base of maxDepth + 3, plus xVal times (maxDepth + 2), where xVal is the
number of folds for cross-validation and maxDepth is the maximum tree depth. Thus a depth 10 tree with 4-fold
cross-validation requires 13 + 48, or 61, passes through the data.)
To prune the tree back, use the prune.rxDTree function:
airlineTree4 <- prune.rxDTree(airlineTree, cp=1e-4)

rxDTree(formula = ArrDel15 ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = sampleAirData,
maxDepth = 5, cp = 1e-05, blocksPerRead = 30)
File: C:\MRS\Data\AirOnTime7Pct.xdf
Number of valid observations: 10186272
Number of missing observations: 213483

Tree representation:
n= 10186272

node), split, n, deviance, yval

* denotes terminal node

1) root 10186272 1630331.00 0.20008640

2) CRSDepTime< 13.1745 4941190 642452.00 0.15361830
4) CRSDepTime< 8.3415 1777685 189395.70 0.12123970
8) CRSDepTime>=0.658 1717573 178594.90 0.11787560
16) CRSDepTime< 6.7665 599548 52711.45 0.09740671 *
17) CRSDepTime>=6.7665 1118025 125497.50 0.12885220 *
9) CRSDepTime< 0.658 60112 10225.96 0.21736090 *
5) CRSDepTime>=8.3415 3163505 450145.40 0.17181290
10) CRSDepTime< 11.3415 1964400 268472.40 0.16335320
20) DayOfWeek=Sun 271900 30839.16 0.13043400 *
21) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Thur,Fri,Sat 1692500 237291.30 0.16864170 *
11) CRSDepTime>=11.3415 1199105 181302.00 0.18567180
22) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Sat,Sun 852016 124610.90 0.17790390 *
23) DayOfWeek=Thur,Fri 347089 56513.56 0.20474000 *
3) CRSDepTime>=13.1745 5245082 967158.50 0.24386220
6) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Sat,Sun 3708992 651771.30 0.22746990
12) DayOfWeek=Sat 635207 96495.57 0.18681000 *
13) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Sun 3073785 554008.60 0.23587240
26) CRSDepTime< 16.508 1214018 203375.70 0.21281150
52) CRSDepTime< 15.1325 709846 114523.30 0.20223400 *
53) CRSDepTime>=15.1325 504172 88661.12 0.22770400 *
27) CRSDepTime>=16.508 1859767 349565.80 0.25092610
54) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues 928523 168050.90 0.23729730 *
55) DayOfWeek=Wed,Sun 931244 181170.60 0.26451500 *
7) DayOfWeek=Thur,Fri 1536090 311984.20 0.28344240
14) CRSDepTime< 15.608 445085 82373.02 0.24519140 *
15) CRSDepTime>=15.608 1091005 228694.30 0.29904720
30) CRSDepTime>=21.9915 64127 11932.93 0.24718140 *
31) CRSDepTime< 21.9915 1026878 216578.10 0.30228620 *

If rpart is installed, prune.rxDTree acts as a method for the prune function, so you can call it more simply:

airlineTree4 <- prune(airlineTree, cp=1e-4)

For models fit with 2-fold or greater cross-validation, it is useful to use the cross-validation standard error (part of
the cptable component) as a guide to pruning. The rpart function plotcp can be useful for this:


This yields the following plot:

From this plot, it appears we can prune even further, to perhaps seven or eight splits. Looking again at the cptable,
a cp of 2.5e-4 seems a reasonable pruning choice:
airlineTreePruned <- prune.rxDTree(airlineTree, cp=2.5e-4)

rxDTree(formula = ArrDel15 ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = sampleAirData,
maxDepth = 5, cp = 1e-05, blocksPerRead = 30)
File: C:\MRS\Data\AirOnTime7Pct.xdf
Number of valid observations: 10186272
Number of missing observations: 213483

Tree representation:
n= 10186272

node), split, n, deviance, yval

* denotes terminal node

1) root 10186272 1630331.00 0.2000864

2) CRSDepTime< 13.1745 4941190 642452.00 0.1536183
4) CRSDepTime< 8.3415 1777685 189395.70 0.1212397
8) CRSDepTime>=0.658 1717573 178594.90 0.1178756 *
9) CRSDepTime< 0.658 60112 10225.96 0.2173609 *
5) CRSDepTime>=8.3415 3163505 450145.40 0.1718129 *
3) CRSDepTime>=13.1745 5245082 967158.50 0.2438622
6) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Sat,Sun 3708992 651771.30 0.2274699
12) DayOfWeek=Sat 635207 96495.57 0.1868100 *
13) DayOfWeek=Mon,Tues,Wed,Sun 3073785 554008.60 0.2358724
26) CRSDepTime< 16.508 1214018 203375.70 0.2128115 *
27) CRSDepTime>=16.508 1859767 349565.80 0.2509261 *
7) DayOfWeek=Thur,Fri 1536090 311984.20 0.2834424
14) CRSDepTime< 15.608 445085 82373.02 0.2451914 *
15) CRSDepTime>=15.608 1091005 228694.30 0.2990472 *

Handling Missing Values

The removeMissings argument to rxDTree, as in most RevoScaleR analysis functions, controls how the function
deals with missing data in the model fit. If TRUE, all rows containing missing values for the response or any
predictor variable are removed before model fitting. If FALSE (the default), only those rows for which the value of
the response or all values of the predictor variables are missing are removed. Using removeMissings=TRUE is
roughly equivalent to the effect of the na.omit function for rpart, in that if the file is written out, all rows containing
NAs are removed. There is no equivalent for rxDTree to the na.exclude function, which pads the output with NAs
for observations that cannot be predicted. Using removeMissings=FALSE is the equivalent of using the na.rpart or
na.pass functions; the data is passed through unchanged, but rows that have no data for either all predictors or the
response are excluded from the model.
As with other RevoScaleR analysis functions, prediction is performed using the rxPredict function, to which you
supply a fitted model object and a set of new data (which may be the original data set, but in any event must
contain the variables used in the original model).
The adult data set is a widely used machine learning data set, similar to the censusWorkers data we have already
analyzed. The data set is available from the machine learning data repository at UC Irvine
( (and comes in two pieces: a training data set ( and a test
data set (adult.test). This makes it ready-made for use in prediction. To run the following examples, download this
data and add a .txt extension, so that you have and adult.test.txt. (A third file, adult.names, gives a
description of the variables; we use this in the code below as a source for the variable names, which are not part of
the data files):
# Prediction

if (bHasAdultData){

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

adultDataFile <- file.path(bigDataDir, "")
adultTestFile <- file.path(bigDataDir, "adult.test.txt")

newNames <- c("age", "workclass", "fnlwgt", "education",

"education_num", "marital_status", "occupation", "relationship",
"ethnicity", "sex", "capital_gain", "capital_loss", "hours_per_week",
"native_country", "income")
adultTrain <- rxImport(adultDataFile, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
names(adultTrain) <- newNames
adultTest <- rxImport(adultTestFile, rowsToSkip = 1,
names(adultTest) <- newNames
adultTree <- rxDTree(income ~ age + sex + hours_per_week, pweights = "fnlwgt",
data = adultTrain)
adultPred <- rxPredict(adultTree, data = adultTest, type="vector")
sum(adultPred == as.integer(adultTest$income))/length(adultTest$income)
} # End of bHasAdultData

[1] 0.7734169

The result shows that the fitted model accurately classifies about 77% of the test data.
When using rxPredict with rxDTree objects, you should keep in mind how it differs from predict with rpart objects.
First, a data argument is always required—this can be either the original data or new data; there is no newData
argument as in rpart. Prediction with the original data provides fitted values, not predictions, but the predicted
variable name still defaults to varname_Pred.
Visualizing Trees
The RevoTreeView package can be used to plot decision trees from rxDTree or rpart in an HTML page. Both
classification and regression trees are supported. By plotting the tree objects returned by RevoTreeView’s
createTreeView function in a browser, you can interact with your decision tree. The resulting tree’s HTML page can
also be shared with other people or displayed on different machines using the package’s zipTreeView function.
As an example, consider a classification tree built from the kyphosis data that is included in the rpart package. It
produces the following text output:
data("kyphosis", package="rpart")
kyphTree <- rxDTree(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number,
data = kyphosis, cp=0.01)

rxDTree(formula = Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, data = kyphosis,
cp = 0.01)
Data: kyphosis
Number of valid observations: 81
Number of missing observations: 0

Tree representation:
n= 81

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)

* denotes terminal node
1) root 81 17 absent (0.79012346 0.20987654)
2) Start>=8.5 62 6 absent (0.90322581 0.09677419)
4) Start>=14.5 29 0 absent (1.00000000 0.00000000) *
5) Start< 14.5 33 6 absent (0.81818182 0.18181818)
10) Age< 55 12 0 absent (1.00000000 0.00000000) *
11) Age>=55 21 6 absent (0.71428571 0.28571429)
22) Age>=111 14 2 absent (0.85714286 0.14285714) *
23) Age< 111 7 3 present (0.42857143 0.57142857) *
3) Start< 8.5 19 8 present (0.42105263 0.57894737) *

Now, you can display an HTML version of the tree output by plotting the object produced by the createTreeView
function. After running the preceding R code, run the following to load the RevoTreeView package and display an
interactive decision tree in your browser:


In this interactive tree, click on the circular split nodes to expand or collapse the tree branch. Clicking a node will
expand and collapse the node to the last view of that branch. If you use a CTRL + Click, the tree displays only the
children of the selected node. If you click ALT + Click, the tree displays all levels below the selected node. The
square-shaped nodes, called leaf, or terminal nodes, cannot be expanded.
To get additional information, hover over the node to expose the node details such as its name, the next split
variable, its value, the n, the predicted value, and other details such as loss or deviance.
You can also use the rpart plot and text methods with rxDTree objects, provided you use the rxAddInheritance
function to provide rpart inheritance:

# Plotting Trees


Provides the following plot:

Estimating Decision Forest Models
4/13/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

The rxDForest function in RevoScaleR fits a decision forest, which is an ensemble of decision trees. Each tree is
fitted to a bootstrap sample of the original data, which leaves about 1/3 of the data unused in the fitting of each
tree. Each data point in the original data is fed through each of the trees for which it was unused; the decision
forest prediction for that data point is the statistical mode of the individual tree predictions, that is, the majority
prediction (for classification; for regression problems, the prediction is the mean of the individual predictions).
Unlike individual decision trees, decision forests are not prone to overfitting, and they are consistently shown to be
among the best machine learning algorithms. RevoScaleR implements decision forests in the rxDForest function,
which uses the same basic tree-fitting algorithm as rxDTree (see "The rxDTree Algorithm"). To create the forest, you
specify the number of trees using the nTree argument and the number of variables to consider for splitting in each
tree using the mTry argument. In most cases, you specify the maximum depth to grow the individual trees: greater
depth typically results in greater accuracy, but as with rxDTree, also results in longer fitting times.
A Simple Classification Forest
In Logistic Regression Models, we fit a simple classification tree model to rpart’s kyphosis data. That model is
easily recast as a classification decision forest using rxDForest as follows (we set the seed argument to ensure
reproducibility; in most cases you can omit):

data("kyphosis", package="rpart")
kyphForest <- rxDForest(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, seed = 10,
data = kyphosis, cp=0.01, nTree=500, mTry=3)

rxDForest(formula = Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, data = kyphosis,
cp = 0.01, nTree = 500, mTry = 3, seed = 10)

Type of decision forest: class

Number of trees: 500
No. of variables tried at each split: 3

OOB estimate of error rate: 19.75%

Confusion matrix:
Kyphosis absent present class.error
absent 56 8 0.1250000
present 8 9 0.4705882

While decision forests do not produce a unified model, as logistic regression and decision trees do, they do
produce reasonable predictions for each data point. In this case, we can obtain predictions using rxPredict as

dfPreds <- rxPredict(kyphForest, data=kyphosis)

Compared to the Kyphosis variable in the original kyphosis data, we see that approximately 88 percent of cases are
classified correctly:
sum(as.character(dfPreds[,1]) ==

[1] 0.8765432

A Simple Regression Forest

As a simple example of a regression forest, consider the classic stackloss data set, containing observations from a
chemical plant producing nitric acid by the oxidation of ammonia, and let’s fit the stack loss (stack.loss) using air
flow (Air.Flow ), water temperature (Water.Temp), and acid concentration (Acid.Conc.) as predictors:

# A Simple Regression Forest

stackForest <- rxDForest(stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp + Acid.Conc.,

data=stackloss, nTree=200, mTry=2)

rxDForest(formula = stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp + Acid.Conc.,
data = stackloss, maxDepth = 3, nTree = 200, mTry = 2)

Type of decision forest: anova

Number of trees: 200
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

Mean of squared residuals: 44.54992

% Var explained: 65

A Larger Regression Forest Model

As a more complex example, we return to the censusWorkers data to which we earlier fit a decision tree. We create
a regression forest predicting wage income from age, sex, and weeks worked, using the perwt variable as
probability weights (note that we retain the maxDepth and minBucket parameters from our earlier decision tree

# A Larger Regression Forest Model

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),

rxGetInfo(censusWorkers, getVarInfo=TRUE)
incForest <- rxDForest(incwage ~ age + sex + wkswork1, pweights = "perwt",
maxDepth = 3, minBucket = 30000, mTry=2, nTree=200, data = censusWorkers)

rxDForest(formula = incwage ~ age + sex + wkswork1, data = censusData,
pweights = "perwt", maxDepth = 5, nTree = 200, mTry = 2)

Type of decision forest: anova

Number of trees: 200
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

Mean of squared residuals: 1458969472

% Var explained: 11

Large Data Decision Forest Models

As with decision trees, scaling decision forests to very large data sets should be done with caution. The wrong
choice of model parameters can easily lead to models that take hours or longer to estimate, even in a distributed
computing environment, or that simply cannot be fit at all. For non-binary classification problems, as with decision
trees, categorical predictors should have a small to moderate number of levels.
As an example of a large data classification forest, consider the following simple model using the 7% subsample of
the full airline data (this uses the variable ArrDel15 indicating flights with an arrival delay of 15 minutes or more):

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

# Large Data Tree Models

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

sampleAirData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "AirOnTime7Pct.xdf")
airlineForest <- rxDForest(ArrDel15 ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek,
data = sampleAirData, blocksPerRead = 30, maxDepth = 5,
nTree=20, mTry=2, method="class", seed = 8)

Yields the following:


rxDForest(formula = ArrDel15 ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = sampleAirData,
method = "class", maxDepth = 5, nTree = 20, mTry = 2, seed = 8,
blocksPerRead = 30)

Type of decision forest: class

Number of trees: 20
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

OOB estimate of error rate: 20.01%

Confusion matrix:
ArrDel15 FALSE TRUE class.error
FALSE 8147274 0 0
TRUE 2037941 0 1

One problem with this model is that it predicts all flights to be on time. As we iterate over this model, we'll remove
this limitation.
Looking at the fitted object’s forest component, we see that a number of the fitted trees do not split at all:

Number of valid observations: 6440007
Number of missing observations: 3959748

Tree representation:
n= 10186709

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)

* denotes terminal node

1) root 10186709 2038302 FALSE (0.7999057 0.2000943) *

Number of valid observations: 6440530
Number of missing observations: 3959225

Tree representation:
n= 10186445

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)

* denotes terminal node

1) root 10186445 2038249 FALSE (0.7999057 0.2000943) *


Number of valid observations: 6439485
Number of missing observations: 3960270

Tree representation:
n= 10186656

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)

* denotes terminal node

1) root 10186656 2038291 FALSE (0.7999057 0.2000943) *

Number of valid observations: 6439307
Number of missing observations: 3960448

Tree representation:
n= 10186499

node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)

* denotes terminal node

1) root 10186499 2038260 FALSE (0.7999057 0.2000943) *

. . .

This may well be because our response is extremely unbalanced--that is, the percentage of flights that are late by
15 minutes or more is quite small. We can tune the fit by providing a loss matrix, which allows us to penalize
certain predictions in favor of others. You specify the loss matrix using the parms argument, which takes a list with
named components. The loss component is specified as either a matrix, or equivalently, a vector that can be
coerced to a matrix. In the binary classification case, it can be useful to start with a loss matrix with a penalty
roughly equivalent to the ratio of the two classes. So, in our case we know that the on-time flights outnumber the
late flights approximately 4 to 1:
airlineForest2 <- rxDForest(ArrDel15 ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek,
data = sampleAirData, blocksPerRead = 30, maxDepth = 5, seed = 8,
nTree=20, mTry=2, method="class", parms=list(loss=c(0,4,1,0)))

rxDForest(formula = ArrDel15 ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = sampleAirData,
method = "class", parms = list(loss = c(0, 4, 1, 0)), maxDepth = 5,
nTree = 20, mTry = 2, seed = 8, blocksPerRead = 30)

Type of decision forest: class

Number of trees: 20
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

OOB estimate of error rate: 42.27%

Confusion matrix:
ArrDel15 FALSE TRUE class.error
FALSE 4719374 3427900 0.420742
TRUE 877680 1160261 0.430670

This model no longer predicts all flights as on time, but now over-predicts late flights. Adjusting the loss matrix
again, this time reducing the penalty, yields the following output:

rxDForest(formula = ArrDel15 ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = sampleAirData,
method = "class", parms = list(loss = c(0, 3, 1, 0)), maxDepth = 5,
nTree = 20, mTry = 2, seed = 8, blocksPerRead = 30)

Type of decision forest: class

Number of trees: 20
No. of variables tried at each split: 2

OOB estimate of error rate: 30.15%

Confusion matrix:
ArrDel15 FALSE TRUE class.error
FALSE 6465439 1681835 0.2064292
TRUE 1389092 648849 0.6816154

Controlling the Model Fit

The rxDForest function has a number of options for controlling the model fit. Most of these control parameters are
identical to the same controls in rxDTree. A full listing of these options can be found in the rxDForest help file, but
the following have been found in our testing to be the most useful at controlling the time required to fit a model
with rxDForest:
maxDepth: sets the maximum depth of any node of the tree. Computations grow rapidly more expensive as the
depth increases, so we recommend a maxDepth of 10 to 15.
maxNumBins: controls the maximum number of bins used for each variable. Managing the number of bins is
important in controlling memory usage. The default is to use the larger of 101 and the square root of the
number of observations for small to moderate size data sets (up to about one million observations), but for
larger sets to use 1001 bins. For small data sets with continuous predictors, you may find that you need to
increase the maxNumBins to obtain models that resemble those from rpart.
minSplit, minBucket: determine how many observations must be in a node before a split is attempted ( minSplit)
and how many must remain in a terminal node (minBucket).
Estimate Models Using Stochastic Gradient Boosting
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

The rxBTrees function in RevoScaleR, like rxDForest, fits a decision forest to your data, but the forest is generated
using a stochastic gradient boosting algorithm. This is similar to the decision forest algorithm in that each tree is
fitted to a subsample of the training set (sampling without replacement) and predictions are made by aggregating
over the predictions of all trees. Unlike the rxDForest algorithm, the boosted trees are added one at a time, and at
each iteration, a regression tree is fitted to the current pseudo-residuals, that is, the gradient of the loss functional
being minimized.
Like the rxDForest function, rxBTrees uses the same basic tree-fitting algorithm as rxDTree (see "The rxDTree
Algorithm"). To create the forest, you specify the number of trees using the nTree argument and the number of
variables to consider for splitting at each tree node using the mTry argument. In most cases, you specify the
maximum depth to grow the individual trees: shallow trees seem to be sufficient in many applications, but as with
rxDTree and rxDForest, greater depth typically results in longer fitting times.
Different model types are supported by specifying different loss functions, as follows:
"gaussian", for regression models
"bernoulli", for binary classification models
"multinomial", for multi-class classification models
A Simple Binary Classification Forest
In Logistic Regression, we fit a simple classification tree model to rpart’s kyphosis data. That model is easily recast
as a classification decision forest using rxBTrees as follows. We set the seed argument to ensure reproducibility; in
most cases you can omit it:

# A Simple Classification Forest

data("kyphosis", package="rpart")
kyphBTrees <- rxBTrees(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, seed = 10,
data = kyphosis, cp=0.01, nTree=500, mTry=3, lossFunction="bernoulli")

rxBTrees(formula = Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, data = kyphosis,
cp = 0.01, nTree = 500, mTry = 3, seed = 10, lossFunction = "bernoulli")

Loss function of boosted trees: bernoulli

Number of iterations: 500
OOB estimate of deviance: 0.1441952

In this case, we don’t need to explicitly specify the loss function; "bernoulli" is the default.
A Simple Regression Forest
As a simple example of a regression forest, consider the classic stackloss data set, containing observations from a
chemical plant producing nitric acid by the oxidation of ammonia, and let’s fit the stack loss (stack.loss) using air
flow (Air.Flow ), water temperature (Water.Temp), and acid concentration (Acid.Conc.) as predictors:
# A Simple Regression Forest

stackBTrees <- rxDForest(stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp + Acid.Conc.,

data=stackloss, nTree=200, mTry=2, lossFunction="gaussian")

rxDForest(formula = stack.loss ~ Air.Flow + Water.Temp + Acid.Conc.,
data = stackloss, nTree = 200, mTry = 2, lossFunction = "gaussian")

Loss function of boosted trees: gaussian

Number of iterations: 200
OOB estimate of deviance: 1.46797

A Simple Multinomial Forest Model

As a simple multinomial example, we fit an rxBTrees model to the iris data:

# A Multinomial Forest Model

irisBTrees <- rxBTrees(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width +

Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data=iris,
nTree=50, seed=0, maxDepth=3, lossFunction="multinomial")

rxBTrees(formula = Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length +
Petal.Width, data = iris, maxDepth = 3, nTree = 50, seed = 0,
lossFunction = "multinomial")

Loss function of boosted trees: multinomial

Number of boosting iterations: 50
No. of variables tried at each split: 1

OOB estimate of deviance: 0.02720805

Controlling the Model Fit

The principal parameter controlling the boosting algorithm itself is the learning rate. The learning rate (or
shrinkage) is used to scale the contribution of each tree when it is added to the ensemble. The default learning rate
is 0.1.
The rxBTrees function has a number of other options for controlling the model fit. Most of these control
parameters are identical to the same controls in rxDTree. A full listing of these options can be found in the rxBTrees
help file, but the following have been found in our testing to be the most useful at controlling the time required to
fit a model with rxBTrees:
maxDepth: sets the maximum depth of any node of the tree. Computations grow more expensive as the depth
increases, so we recommend starting with maxDepth=1, that is, boosted stumps.
maxNumBins: controls the maximum number of bins used for each variable. Managing the number of bins is
important in controlling memory usage. The default is to use the larger of 101 and the square root of the
number of observations for small to moderate size data sets (up to about one million observations), but for
larger sets to use 1001 bins. For small data sets with continuous predictors, you may find that you need to
increase the maxNumBins to obtain models that resemble rpart.
minSplit, minBucket: determine how many observations must be in a node before a split is attempted ( minSplit)
and how many must remain in a terminal node (minBucket).
Naïve Bayes Classifier using RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

In this article, we describe one simple and effective family of classification methods known as Naïve Bayes. In
RevoScaleR, Naïve Bayes classifiers can be implemented using the rxNaiveBayes function. Classification, simply
put, is the act of dividing observations into classes or categories. Some examples of this are the classification of
product reviews into positive or negative categories or the detection of email spam. These classification examples
can be achieved manually using a set of rules. However, this is not efficient or scalable. In Naïve Bayes and other
machine learning based classification algorithms, the decision criteria for assigning class are learned from a
training data set, which has classes assigned manually to each observation.
The rxNaiveBayes Algorithm
The Naïves Bayes classification method is simple, effective, and robust. This method can be applied to data large or
small, it requires minimal training data, and is unlikely to produce a classifier that performs poorly compared to
more complex algorthims. This family of classifiers utilizes Bayes Theorem to determine the probability that an
observation belongs to a certain class. A training dataset is used to calculate prior probabilities of an observation
occurring in a class within the predefined set of classes. In RevoScaleR this is done using the rxNaiveBayes
function. These probabilities are then used to calculate posterior probabilities that an observation belongs to each
class. The class membership is decided by choosing the class with the largest posterior probability for each
observation. This is accomplished with the rxPredict function using the Naïve Bayes object from a call to
rxNaiveBayes. Part of the beauty of Naïve Bayes is its simplicity due to the conditional independent assumption:
that the values of each predictor are independent of each other given the class. This assumption reduces the
number of parameters needed and in turn makes the algorithm extremely efficient. Naïve Bayes methods differ in
their choice of distribution for any continuous independent variables. Our implementation via the rxNaiveBayes
function assumes the distribution to be Gaussian.
A Simple Naïve Bayes Classifier
In Logistic Regression Models, we fit a simple logistic regression model to rpart’s kyphosis data and in Decision
Trees and Decision Forests we used the kyphosis data again to create classification and regression trees. We can
use the same data with our Naïve Bayes classifier to see which patients are more likely to acquire Kyphosis based
on age, number, and start. We can train and test our classifier on the kyphosis data for the sake of illustration. We
use the rxNaiveBayes function to construct a classifier for the kyphosis data:
# A Simple Naïve Bayes Classifier

data("kyphosis", package="rpart")
kyphNaiveBayes <- rxNaiveBayes(Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, data = kyphosis)

rxNaiveBayes(formula = Kyphosis ~ Age + Start + Number, data = kyphosis)

A priori probabilities:
absent present
0.7901235 0.2098765

Predictor types:
Variable Type
1 Age numeric
2 Start numeric
3 Number numeric

Conditional probabilities:
Means StdDev
absent 79.89062 61.86111
present 97.82353 39.27505

Means StdDev
absent 12.609375 4.427967
present 7.294118 4.283175

Means StdDev
absent 3.750000 1.414214
present 5.176471 1.878673

The returned object kyphNaiveBayes is an object of class rxNaiveBayes. Objects of this class provide the following
useful components: apriori and tables. The apriori component contains the conditional probabilities for the
response variable, in this case the Kyphosis variable. The tables component contains a list of tables, one for each
predictor variable. For a categorical variable, the table contains the conditional probabilities of the variable given
the target level of the response variable. For a numeric variable, the table contains the mean and standard
deviation of the variable given the target level of the response variable. These components are printed in the
output above.
We can use our Naïve Bayes object with rxPredict to re-classify the Kyphosis variable for each child in our original

kyphPred <- rxPredict(kyphNaiveBayes,kyphosis)

When we table the results from the Naïve Bayes classifier with the original Kyphosis variable, it appears that 13 of
81 children are misclassified:

table(kyphPred[["Kyphosis_Pred"]], kyphosis[["Kyphosis"]])

absent present
absent 59 8
present 5 9

A Larger Naïve Bayes Classifier

As a more complex example, consider the mortgage default example. For that example, there are ten input files
total and we use nine input data files to create the training data set. We then use the model built from those files to
make predictions on the final dataset. In this section we will use the same strategy to build a Naïve Bayes classifier
on the first nine data sets and assign the outcome variable for the tenth data set.
The mortgage default data sets are available for download online. With the data downloaded we can create the
training data set and test data set as follows (remember to modify the first line to match the location of the
mortgage default text data files on your own system):

# A Larger Naïve Bayes Classifier

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

mortCsvDataName <- file.path(bigDataDir, "mortDefault", "mortDefault")
trainingDataFileName <- "mortDefaultTraining"
mortCsv2009 <- paste(mortCsvDataName, "2009.csv", sep = "")
targetDataFileName <- "mortDefault2009.xdf"
defaultLevels <- as.character(c(0,1))
ageLevels <- as.character(c(0:40))
yearLevels <- as.character(c(2000:2009))
colInfo <- list(list(name = "default", type = "factor",
levels = defaultLevels), list(name = "houseAge", type = "factor",
levels = ageLevels), list(name = "year", type = "factor",
levels = yearLevels))
append= FALSE
for (i in 2000:2008)
importFile <- paste(mortCsvDataName, i, ".csv", sep = "")
rxImport(inData = importFile, outFile = trainingDataFileName,
colInfo = colInfo, append = append, overwrite=TRUE)
append = TRUE

rxImport(inData = mortCsv2009, outFile = targetDataFileName,

colInfo = colInfo)

In the above code the response variable default is converted to a factor using the colInfo argument to rxImport.
For the rxNaiveBayes function, the response variable must be a factor or you will get an error.
Now that we have training and test data sets we can fit a Naïve Bayes classifier with our training data using
rxNaiveBayes and assign values of the default variable for observations within the test data using rxPredict:

mortNB <- rxNaiveBayes(default ~ year + creditScore + yearsEmploy + ccDebt,

data = trainingDataFileName, smoothingFactor = 1)
mortNBPred <- rxPredict(mortNB, data = targetDataFileName)

Notice that we added an additional argument, smoothingFactor, to our rxNaiveBayes call. This is a useful
argument when your data are missing levels of a certain variable that you expect to be in your test data. Based on
our training data, the conditional probability for year 2009 will be 0, since it only includes data between the years
of 2000 and 2008. If we try to use our classifier on the test data without specifying a smoothing factor in our call to
rxNaiveBayes the function rxPredict produces no results since our test data only has data from 2009. In general,
smoothing is used to avoid overfitting your model. It follows that to achieve the optimal classifier you may want to
smooth the conditional probabilities even if every level of each variable is observed.
We can compare the predicted values of the default variable from the Naïve Bayes classifier with the actual data in
the test dataset:
results <- table(mortNBPred[["default_Pred"]], rxDataStep(targetDataFileName,

0 1
0 877272 3792
1 97987 20949

pctMisclassified <- sum(results[2:3])/sum(results)*100


[1] 10.1779

These results demonstrate a 10.2% misclassification rate using our Naïve Bayes classifier.
Naïve Bayes with Missing Data
You can control the handling of missing data using the byTerm argument in the rxNaiveBayes function. By default,
byTerm is set to TRUE, which means that missings are removed by variable before computing the conditional
probabilities. If you prefer to remove observations with missings in any variable before computations are done, set
the byTerm argument to FALSE.
Cluster classification in RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Clustering is the general name for any of a large number of classification techniques that involve assigning
observations to membership in one of two or more clusters on the basis of some distance metric.
K -means Clustering
K-means clustering is a classification technique that groups observations of numeric data using one of several
iterative relocation algorithms. Starting from some initial classification, which may be random, points are moved
from cluster to another so as to minimize sums of squares. In RevoScaleR, the algorithm used is that of Lloyd.
To perform k-means clustering with RevoScaleR, use the rxKmeans function.
Clustering the Airline Data
As a first example of k-means clustering, we will cluster the arrival delay and scheduled departure time in the
airline data 7% subsample. To start, we extract variables of interest into a new working data set to which we are
writing additional information:

# K-means Clustering

# Clustering the Airline Data

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"
sampleAirData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "AirOnTime7Pct.xdf")
rxDataStep(inData = sampleAirData, outFile = "AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf",
varsToKeep=c("DayOfWeek", "ArrDelay", "CRSDepTime", "DepDelay"))

We specify the variables to cluster as a formula, and specify the number of clusters we’d like. Initial centers for
these clusters are then chosen at random.

kclusts1 <- rxKmeans(formula= ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime,

data = "AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf",
seed = 10,
outFile = "airlineDataClusterVars.xdf", numClusters=5)

This produces the following output (because the initial centers are chosen at random, your output will probably
look different):
rxKmeans(formula = ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime, data = "AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf",
outFile = "AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf", numClusters = 5)

Data: "AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf"
Number of valid observations: 10186272
Number of missing observations: 213483
Clustering algorithm:

K-means clustering with 5 clusters of sizes 922985, 38192, 4772791, 261779, 4190525

Cluster means:
ArrDelay CRSDepTime
1 45.258179 14.86596
2 275.363820 14.81432
3 -10.284426 13.08375
4 118.365205 15.52079
5 7.803893 13.53811

Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:

1 2 3 4 5
223220709 501736748 354763376 233533349 312403604

Available components:
[1] "centers" "size" "withinss" "valid.obs"
[5] "missing.obs" "numIterations" "tot.withinss" "totss"
[9] "betweenss" "cluster" "params" "formula"
[13] "call"

The value returned by rxKmeans is a list similar to the list returned by the standard R kmeans function. The printed
output shows a subset of this information, including the number of valid and missing observations, the cluster
sizes, the cluster centers, and the within-cluster sums of squares.
The cluster membership component is returned if the input is a data frame, but if the input is a .xdf file, cluster
membership is returned only if outFile is specified, in which case it is returned not as part of the return object, but
as a column in the specified file. In our example, we specified an outFile, and we see the cluster membership
variable when we look at the file with rxGetInfo:

rxGetInfo("AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf", getVarInfo=TRUE)
File name: AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf
Number of observations: 10399755
Number of variables: 5
Number of blocks: 19
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: DayOfWeek
7 factor levels: Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun
Var 2: ArrDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-1233, 2453)
Var 3: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 24.0000)
Var 4: DepDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-1199, 2467)
Var 5: .rxCluster, Type: integer, Low/High: (1, 5)

Using the Cluster Membership Information

A common follow -up to clustering is to use the cluster membership information to see whether a given model
varies appreciably from cluster to cluster. Since we can use the rowSelection argument to extract a single cluster on
the fly, there is no need to sort the data first. As an example, we fit our original linear model of ArrDelay by
DayOfWeek for two of the clusters:
# Using the Cluster Membership Information

clust1Lm <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, "AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf",

rowSelection = .rxCluste r == 1 )
clust5Lm <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, "AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf",
rowSelection = .rxCluster == 5)

Looking at the summary for clust1Lm shows the following:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = "AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf",
rowSelection = .rxCluster == 1)

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name: AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 922985
Number of missing observations: 0

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 45.21591 0.04237 1067.199 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Mon 0.23053 0.05893 3.912 9.16e-05 ***
DayOfWeek=Tues -0.06496 0.05968 -1.089 0.2764
DayOfWeek=Wed 0.10139 0.05869 1.727 0.0841 .
DayOfWeek=Thur 0.06098 0.05708 1.068 0.2854
DayOfWeek=Fri 0.23222 0.05660 4.103 4.08e-05 ***
DayOfWeek=Sat -0.43444 0.06364 -6.827 8.68e-12 ***
DayOfWeek=Sun Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 14.89 on 922978 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.0001705
Adjusted R-squared: 0.000164
F-statistic: 26.24 on 6 and 922978 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 12.8655

Similarly, the summary for clust5Lm shows the following:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = "AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf",
rowSelection = .rxCluster == 5)

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name: AirlineDataClusterVars.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 4190525
Number of missing observations: 0

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 7.808093 0.009593 813.960 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Mon -0.131001 0.013320 -9.835 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tues -0.228087 0.013374 -17.055 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Wed -0.035954 0.013292 -2.705 0.00683 **
DayOfWeek=Thur 0.231958 0.013170 17.613 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Fri 0.313961 0.013171 23.838 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sat -0.257716 0.014036 -18.361 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sun Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 7.238 on 4190518 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.0007911
Adjusted R-squared: 0.0007897
F-statistic: 553 on 6 and 4190518 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 12.0006
Estimating Correlation and Variance/Covariance
4/13/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

The rxCovCor function in RevoScaleR calculates the covariance, correlation, or sum of squares/cross-product
matrix for a set of variables in a .xdf file or data frame. The size of these matrices is determined by the number of
variables rather than the number of observations, so typically the results can easily fit into memory in R. A broad
category of analyses can be computed from some form of a cross-product matrix, for example, factor analysis and
principal components.
A cross-product matrix is a matrix of the form X'X, where X represents an arbitrary set of raw or standardized
variables. More generally, this matrix is of the form X'WX, where W is a diagonal weighting matrix.
Computing Cross-Product Matrices
While rxCovCor is the primary tool for computing covariance, correlation, and other cross-product matrices, you
will seldom call it directly. Instead, it is generally simpler to use one of the following convenience functions:
rxCov: Use rxCov to return the covariance matrix
rxCor: Use rxCor to return the correlation matrix
rxSSCP: Use rxSSCP to return the augmented cross-product matrix, that is, we first add a column of 1’s (if no
weights are specified) or a column equaling the square root of the weights to the data matrix, and then compute
the cross-product.
Computing a Correlation Matrix for Use in Factor Analysis
The 5% sample of the U.S. 2000 census has over 14 million observations. In this example, we compute the
correlation matrix for 16 variables derived from variables in the data set for individuals over the age of 20. This
correlation matrix is then used as input into the standard R factor analysis function, factanal.
First, we specify the name and location of the data set:

# Computing a Correlation Matrix for Use in Factor Analysis

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

bigCensusData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "Census5PCT2000.xdf"

Next, we can take a quick look at some basic demographic and socio-economic variables by calling rxSummary.
(For more information on variables in the census data, see
Throughout the analysis we use the probability weighting variable, perwt, and restrict the analysis to people over
the age of 20.

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

rxSummary(~phone + speakeng + wkswork1 + incwelfr + incss + educrec + metro +

ownershd + marst + lingisol + nfams + yrsusa1 + movedin + racwht + age,
data = bigCensusData, blocksPerRead = 5, pweights = "perwt",
rowSelection = age > 20)

This call provides summary information about the variables in this weighted subsample, including cell counts for
factor variables:
rxSummary(formula = ~phone + speakeng + wkswork1 + incwelfr +
incss + educrec + metro + ownershd + marst + lingisol + nfams +
yrsusa1 + movedin + racwht + age, data = censusData, pweights = "perwt",
rowSelection = age > 20, blocksPerRead = 5)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~phone + speakeng + wkswork1 + incwelfr

+ incss + educrec + metro + ownershd + marst + lingisol + nfams +
yrsusa1 + movedin + racwht + age
File name: C:\MRS\Data\Census5PCT2000.xdf
Probability weights: perwt
Number of valid observations: 9822124

Name Mean StdDev Min Max SumOfWeights MissingWeights

wkswork1 32.068473 23.2438663 0 52 196971131 0
incwelfr 61.155293 711.0955602 0 25500 196971131 0
incss 1614.604835 3915.7717233 0 26800 196971131 0
nfams 1.163434 0.5375238 1 48 196971131 0
yrsusa1 2.868573 9.0098343 0 90 196971131 0
age 46.813005 17.1797905 21 93 196971131 0

Category Counts for phone

Number of categories: 3

phone Counts
N/A 5611380
No, no phone available 3957030
Yes, phone available 187402721

Category Counts for speakeng

Number of categories: 10

speakeng Counts
N/A (Blank) 0
Does not speak English 2956934
Yes, speaks English... 0
Yes, speaks only English 162425091
Yes, speaks very well 17664738
Yes, speaks well 7713303
Yes, but not well 6211065
Unknown 0
Illegible 0
Blank 0

Category Counts for educrec

Number of categories: 10

educrec Counts
N/A or No schooling 0
None or preschool 2757363
Grade 1, 2, 3, or 4 1439820
Grade 5, 6, 7, or 8 10180870
Grade 9 4862980
Grade 10 5957922
Grade 11 5763456
Grade 12 63691961
1 to 3 years of college 55834997
4+ years of college 46481762

Category Counts for metro

Number of categories: 5

metro Counts
Not applicable 13829398
Not in metro area 32533836
In metro area, central city 32080416
In metro, area, outside central city 60836302
Central city status unknown 57691179
Category Counts for ownershd
Number of categories: 8

ownershd Counts
N/A 5611380
Owned or being bought 0
Check mark (owns?) 0
Owned free and clear 40546259
Owned with mortgage or loan 94626060
Rents 0
No cash rent 3169987
With cash rent 53017445

Category Counts for marst

Number of categories: 6

marst Counts
Married, spouse present 112784037
Married, spouse absent 5896245
Separated 4686951
Divorced 21474299
Widowed 14605829
Never married/single (N/A) 37523770

Category Counts for lingisol

Number of categories: 3

lingisol Counts
N/A (group quarters/vacant) 5611380
Not linguistically isolated 182633786
Linguistically isolated 8725965

Category Counts for movedin

Number of categories: 7

movedin Counts
NA 92708540
This year or last year 20107246
2-5 years ago 30328210
6-10 years ago 16959897
11-20 years ago 16406155
21-30 years ago 10339278
31+ years ago 10121805

Category Counts for racwht

Number of categories: 2

racwht Counts
No 40684944
Yes 156286187

Next we call the rxCor function, a convenience function for rxCovCor that returns just the Pearson’s correlation
matrix for the variables specified. We make heavy use of the transforms argument to create a series of logical (or
dummy) variables from factor variables to be used in the creation of the correlation matrix.
censusCor <- rxCor(formula=~poverty + noPhone + noEnglish + onSocialSecurity +
onWelfare + working + incearn + noHighSchool + inCity + renter +
noSpouse + langIsolated + multFamilies + newArrival + recentMove +
white + sei + older,
data = bigCensusData, pweightsb= "perwt", blocksPerRead = 5,
rowSelection = age > 20,
transforms= list(
noPhone = phone == "No, no phone available",
noEnglish = speakeng == "Does not speak English",
working = wkswork1 > 20,
onWelfare = incwelfr > 0,
onSocialSecurity = incss > 0,
noHighSchool =
!(educrec %in%
c("Grade 12", "1 to 3 years of college", "4+ years of college")),
inCity = metro == "In metro area, central city",
renter = ownershd %in% c("No cash rent", "With cash rent"),
noSpouse = marst != "Married, spouse present",
langIsolated = lingisol == "Linguistically isolated",
multFamilies = nfams > 2,
newArrival = yrsusa2 == "0-5 years",
recentMove = movedin == "This year or last year",
white = racwht == "Yes",
older = age > 64

The resulting correlation matrix is used as input into the factor analysis function provided by the stats package in
R. In interpreting the results, the variable poverty represents family income as a percentage of a poverty threshold,
so increases as family income increases. First, specify two factors:

censusFa <- factanal(covmat = censusCor, factors=2)

print(censusFa, digits=2, cutoff = .2, sort= TRUE)

Results in:
factanal(factors = 2, covmat = censusCor)

poverty noPhone noEnglish onSocialSecurity
0.53 0.96 0.93 0.23
onWelfare working incearn noHighSchool
0.96 0.51 0.68 0.82
inCity renter noSpouse langIsolated
0.97 0.79 0.90 0.90
multFamilies newArrival recentMove white
0.96 0.93 0.97 0.88
sei older
0.57 0.24

Factor1 Factor2
onSocialSecurity 0.83 -0.29
working -0.68
sei -0.59 -0.29
older 0.82 -0.29
poverty -0.28 -0.63
noEnglish 0.26
incearn -0.46 -0.34
noHighSchool 0.31 0.29
renter 0.45
noSpouse 0.28
langIsolated 0.31
newArrival 0.26
white -0.34

Factor1 Factor2
SS loadings 2.60 1.67
Proportion Var 0.14 0.09
Cumulative Var 0.14 0.24

The degrees of freedom for the model is 118 and the fit was 0.6019

We can use the same correlation matrix to estimate three factors:

censusFa <- factanal(covmat = censusCor, factors=3)
print(censusFa, digits=2, cutoff = .2, sort= TRUE)

factanal(factors = 3, covmat = censusCor)

poverty noPhone noEnglish onSocialSecurity
0.49 0.96 0.72 0.24
onWelfare working incearn noHighSchool
0.96 0.50 0.62 0.80
inCity renter noSpouse langIsolated
0.96 0.80 0.90 0.59
multFamilies newArrival recentMove white
0.96 0.79 0.97 0.88
sei older
0.56 0.22

Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
onSocialSecurity 0.87
working -0.62 0.34
sei -0.51 0.42
older 0.88
poverty 0.68
incearn -0.36 0.51
noEnglish 0.53
langIsolated 0.64
onWelfare -0.21
noHighSchool 0.25 -0.26 0.26
renter -0.36 0.24
noSpouse -0.30
newArrival 0.46
white 0.24 -0.24

Factor1 Factor2 Factor3

SS loadings 2.41 1.50 1.18
Proportion Var 0.13 0.08 0.07
Cumulative Var 0.13 0.22 0.28

The degrees of freedom for the model is 102 and the fit was 0.343
Computing A Covariance Matrix for Principal Components Analysis
Principal components analysis, or PCA, is a technique closely related to factor analysis. PCA seeks to find a set of
orthogonal axes such that the first axis, or first principal component, accounts for as much variability as possible,
and subsequent axes or components are chosen to maximize variance while maintaining orthogonality with
previous axes. Principal components are typically computed either by a singular value decomposition of the data
matrix or an eigenvalue decomposition of a covariance or correlation matrix; the latter permits us to use rxCovCor
and its relatives with the standard R function princomp.
As an example, we use the rxCov function to calculate a covariance matrix for the log of the classic iris data, and
pass the matrix to the princomp function (reproduced from Modern Applied Statistics with S ):
# Computing A Covariance Matrix for Principal Components Analysis

irisLog <-[,1:4], log))

irisSpecies <- iris[,5]
irisCov <- rxCov(~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
irisPca <- princomp(covmat=irisCov, cor=TRUE)

Yields the following:

Importance of components:
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4
Standard deviation 1.7124583 0.9523797 0.36470294 0.1656840
Proportion of Variance 0.7331284 0.2267568 0.03325206 0.0068628
Cumulative Proportion 0.7331284 0.9598851 0.99313720 1.0000000

The default plot method for objects of class princomp is a scree plot, which is a barplot of the variances of the
principal components. We can obtain the plot as usual by calling plot with our principal components object:


Yields the following plot:

Another useful bit of output is given by the loadings function, which returns a set of columns showing the linear
combinations for each principal component:

Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4
Sepal.Length 0.504 -0.455 0.709 0.191
Sepal.Width -0.302 -0.889 -0.331
Petal.Length 0.577 -0.219 -0.786
Petal.Width 0.567 -0.583 0.580

Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4

SS loadings 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Proportion Var 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Cumulative Var 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00

You may have noticed that we supplied the flag cor=TRUE in the call to princomp; this flag tells princomp to use
the correlation matrix rather than the covariance matrix to compute the principal components. We can obtain the
same results by omitting the flag but submitting the correlation matrix as returned by rxCor instead:

irisCor <- rxCor(~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,

irisPca2 <- princomp(covmat=irisCor)

A Large Data Principal Components Analysis

Stock market data for open, high, low, close, and adjusted close from 1962 to 2010 is available at
The full data set includes 9.2 million observations of daily open-high-low -close data for some 2800 stocks. As you
might expect, these data are highly correlated, and principal components analysis can be used for data reduction.
We read the original data into a .xdf file, NYSE_daily_prices.xdf, using the same process we used in the Tutorial:
Analyzing loan data with RevoScaleR to read our mortgage data (set revoDataDir to the full path to the NYSE
directory containing the .csv files when you unpack the download):

# A Large Data Principal Components Analysis

if (bHasNYSE){

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

nyseCsvFiles <- file.path(bigDataDir, "NYSE_daily_prices","NYSE",

nyseXdf <- "NYSE_daily_prices.xdf"

append <- "none"
for (i in LETTERS)
importFile <- paste(nyseCsvFiles, i, ".csv", sep="")
rxImport(importFile, nyseXdf, append=append)
append <- "rows"

Once we have our .xdf file, we proceed as before:

stockCor <- rxCor(~ stock_price_open + stock_price_high +
stock_price_low + stock_price_close +
stock_price_adj_close, data="NYSE_daily_prices.xdf")
stockPca <- princomp(covmat=stockCor)

Yields the following output:

> summary(stockPca)
Importance of components:
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4
Standard deviation 2.0756631 0.8063270 0.197632281 0.0454173922
Proportion of Variance 0.8616755 0.1300327 0.007811704 0.0004125479
Cumulative Proportion 0.8616755 0.9917081 0.999519853 0.9999324005
Standard deviation 1.838470e-02
Proportion of Variance 6.759946e-05
Cumulative Proportion 1.000000e+00
> loadings(stockPca)

Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5
stock_price_open -0.470 -0.166 0.867
stock_price_high -0.477 -0.151 -0.276 0.410 -0.711
stock_price_low -0.477 -0.153 -0.282 0.417 0.704
stock_price_close -0.477 -0.149 -0.305 -0.811
stock_price_adj_close -0.309 0.951

Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5

SS loadings 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Proportion Var 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Cumulative Var 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

The scree plot is shown as follows:

Between them, the first two principal components explain 99% of the variance; we can therefore replace the five
original variables by these two principal components with no appreciable loss of information.
Ridge Regression
Another application of correlation matrices is to calculate ridge regression, a type of regression that can help deal
with multicollinearity and is part of a broader class of models called Penalized Regression Models.
Where the ordinary least squares regression minimizes the sum of squared residuals

ridge regression minimizes the slightly modified sum

The solution to the ridge regression is

where is the model matrix. This matrix is similar to the ordinary least squares regression solution with a “ridge”
added along the diagonal.
Since the model matrix is embedded in the correlation matrix, the following function allows us to compute the
ridge regression solution:

# Ridge regression
rxRidgeReg <- function(formula, data, lambda, ...) {
myTerms <- all.vars(formula)
newForm <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(myTerms, collapse = "+")))
myCor <- rxCovCor(newForm, data = data, type = "Cor", ...)
n <- myCor$valid.obs
k <- nrow(myCor$CovCor) - 1
bridgeprime <-, lapply(lambda,
function(l) qr.solve(myCor$CovCor[-1,-1] + l*diag(k),
bridge <- myCor$StdDevs[1] * sweep(bridgeprime, 2,
myCor$StdDevs[-1], "/")
bridge <- cbind(t(myCor$Means[1] -
tcrossprod(myCor$Means[-1], bridge)), bridge)
rownames(bridge) <- format(lambda)

The following example shows how ridge regression dramatically improves the solution in a regression involving
heavy multicollinearity:

x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100, mean=x, sd=.01)
z <- rnorm(100, mean=2 + x +y)
data <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, z=z)
lm(z ~ x + y)

lm(formula = z ~ x + y)

(Intercept) x y
1.827 4.359 -2.584
rxRidgeReg(z ~ x + y, data=data, lambda=0.02)
x y
0.02 1.827674 0.8917924 0.8723334

You can supply a vector of lambdas as a quick way to compare various choices:

rxRidgeReg(z ~ x + y, data=data, lambda=c(0, 0.02, 0.2, 2, 20))

x y
0.00 1.827112 4.35917238 -2.58387778
0.02 1.827674 0.89179239 0.87233344
0.20 1.833899 0.81020130 0.80959911
2.00 1.865339 0.44512940 0.44575060
20.00 1.896779 0.08092296 0.08105322

For λ = 0, the ridge regression is identical to ordinary least squares, while as λ → ∞, the coefficients of x and y
approach 0.
How to use RevoScaleR in a Spark compute context
9/10/2018 • 29 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article provides a step-by-step introduction to using the RevoScaleR functions in Apache Spark running on
a Hadoop cluster. You can use a small built-in sample dataset to complete the walkthrough, and then step
through tasks again using a larger dataset.
Download sample data
Start Revo64
Create a compute context for Spark
Copy a data set into HDFS
Create a data source
Summarize your data
Fit a linear model to the data

In a Spark cluster, you typically connect to Machine Learning Server on the edge node for most of your work,
writing and running script in a local compute context, using client tools and the RevoScaleR engine on that
machine. Your script calls the RevoScaleR functions to execute scalable and high-performance data
management, analysis, and visualization functions. As with any script using RevoScaleR, you can call base R
functions, as well as other functions available in packages you have installed separately. The RevoScaleR engine
is built on the R interpreter, extending but not breaking any core functions you are accustomed to using.
To load data and run analyses on worker nodes, you set the compute context in your script to RxSpark. In this
context, RevoScaleR functions automatically distribute the workload across all the worker nodes, with no built-
in requirement for managing jobs or the queue.
Internally, RevoScaleR in an RxSpark compute context uses the Hadoop infrastructure, including the Yarn
scheduler, HDFS, and of course, Spark as the processing framework. Alternatively, if project requirements
dictate manual overrides, RevoScaleR provides functions for manual data allocation and scheduled processing
across selected nodes.
How RevoScaleR distributes jobs in Spark and Hadoop
In a Spark cluster, the RevoScaleR analysis functions go through the following steps:
A master process is initiated to run the main thread of the algorithm.
The master process initiates a Spark job to make a pass through the data.
Spark worker produces an intermediate results object for each task processing a chunk of data. These are
then combined and returned to master node.
The master process examines the results. For iterative algorithms, it decides if another pass through the data
is required. If so, it initiates another Spark job and repeats.
When complete, the final results are computed and returned.
When running on Spark, the RevoScaleR analysis functions process data contained in the Hadoop Distributed
File System (HDFS ). HDFS data can also be accessed directly from RevoScaleR, without performing the
computations within the Hadoop framework. An example can be found in Using a Local Compute Context with
HDFS Data.
For a comprehensive list of functions for the Spark or Hadoop compute contexts, see RevoScaleR Functions for Hadoop.
For a list of which functions support distributed computing, see Running distributed analyses using RevoScaleR.

1 - Download sample data

Sample data is required if you intend to follow the steps. This walkthrough starts with the
AirlineDemoSmall.csv file from the local RevoScaleR SampleData directory.
Optionally, you can graduate to a second series of tasks using a larger dataset. The Airline 2012 On-Time Data
Set consists of 12 comma-separated files containing information on flight arrival and departure details for all
commercial flights within the USA, for the year 2012. This is a big data set with over six million observations.
To download the larger dataset, go to

2 - Start Revo64
Machine Learning Server for Hadoop runs on Linux. On the edge node, start an R session by typing Revo64 at
the shell prompt: $ Revo64

3 - Spark compute context

The Spark compute context is established through RxSpark or rxSparkConnect() to create the Spark compute
context, and uses rxSparkDisconnect() to return to a local compute context.
The rxSparkConnect() function maintains a persistent Spark session and results in more efficient execution of
RevoScaleR functions for this context.
In the Revo64 command line, define a Spark compute context using default values:

myHadoopCluster <- ()

The default settings include a specification of /var/RevoShare/$USER as the shareDir and

/user/RevoShare/$USER as the hdfsShareDir. These are the default locations for writing files to the native local
file system and HDFS file system, respectively. These directories must be writable for your cluster jobs to
succeed. You must either create these directories or specify suitable writable directories for these parameters. If
you are working on a node of the cluster, the default specifications for the shared directories are:

myShareDir = paste( "/var/RevoShare",[["user"]],

sep="/" )
myHdfsShareDir = paste( "/user/RevoShare",[["user"]],
sep="/" )

You can have multiple compute context objects available for use, but you can only use one at a time. Specify the active
compute context using the rxSetComputeContext function: rxSetComputeContext(myHadoopCluster2)

Defining a Compute Context on a High-Availability Cluster

On a Hadoop cluster configured for high-availability, you must specify the node providing the name service
using the nameNode argument to RxSpark, and also specify the Hadoop port with the port argument:
myHadoopCluster <- RxSpark(nameNode = "my-name-service-server", port = 8020)

4 - Copy data to HDFS

Start with the built-in data set, AirlineDemoSmall.csv provided with RevoScaleR. You can verify that it is on your
local system as follows:

[1] TRUE

To use this file in our distributed computations, it must first be copied to Hadoop Distributed File System
(HDFS ). For our examples, we make extensive use of the HDFS shared directory, /share:

bigDataDirRoot <- "/share" # HDFS location of the example data

First, check to see what directories and files are already in your shared file directory. You can use the
rxHadoopListFiles function, which will automatically check your active compute context for information:


If the AirlineDemoSmall subdirectory does not exist and you have write permission, you can use the following
functions to copy the data there:

source <-system.file("SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv",
inputDir <- file.path(bigDataDirRoot,"AirlineDemoSmall")
rxHadoopCopyFromLocal(source, inputDir)

We can then verify that it exists as follows:


5 - Create a data source

In a Spark compute context, you can create data sources using the following functions:


RxTextData A comma-delimited text data source.

RxXdfData Data in the XDF data file format. In RevoScaleR, the XDF file
format is modified for Hadoop to store data in a composite
set of files rather than a single file.

RxHiveData Generates a Hive Data Source object.

RxParquetData Generates a Parquet Data Source object.


RxOrcData Generates an Orc Data Source object.

In this step, create an RxTextData object using the text file you just copied to HDFS. First, create a file system
object that uses the default values:

hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()

The input .csv file uses the letter M to represent missing values, rather than the default NA, so we specify this
with the missingValueString argument. We will explicitly set the factor levels for DayOfWeek in the desired
order using the colInfo argument:

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
"Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = inputDir, missingValueString = "M",

colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem = hdfsFS)

6 - Summarize data
Use the rxSummary function to obtain descriptive statistics for your data. The rxSummary function takes a
formula as its first argument, and the name of the data set as the second.

adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek,

data = airDS)

Summary statistics are computed on the variables in the formula, removing missing values for all rows in the
included variables:

rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = airDS)
Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek
Data: airDS (RxTextData Data Source)
File name: /share/AirlineDemoSmall
Number of valid observations: 6e+05

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay 11.31794 40.688536 -86.000000 1490.00000 582628 17372
CRSDepTime 13.48227 4.697566 0.016667 23.98333 600000 0

Category Counts for DayOfWeek

Number of categories: 7
Number of valid observations: 6e+05
Number of missing observations: 0

DayOfWeek Counts
Monday 97975
Tuesday 77725
Wednesday 78875
Thursday 81304
Friday 82987
Saturday 86159
Sunday 94975
Notice that the summary information shows cell counts for categorical variables, and appropriately does not
provide summary statistics such as Mean and StdDev. Also notice that the Call: line shows the actual call you
entered or the call provided by summary, so appear differently in different circumstances.
You can also compute summary information by one or more categories by using interactions of a numeric
variable with a factor variable. For example, to compute summary statistics on Arrival Delay by Day of Week:

rxSummary(~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek, data = airDS)

The output shows the summary statistics for ArrDelay for each day of the week:

rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek, data = airDS)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek

Data: airDS (RxTextData Data Source)
File name: /share/AirlineDemoSmall
Number of valid observations: 6e+05

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay:DayOfWeek 11.31794 40.68854 -86 1490 582628 17372

Statistics by category (7 categories):

Category DayOfWeek Means StdDev Min Max ValidObs
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Monday Monday 12.025604 40.02463 -76 1017 95298
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Tuesday Tuesday 11.293808 43.66269 -70 1143 74011
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Wednesday Wednesday 10.156539 39.58803 -81 1166 76786
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Thursday Thursday 8.658007 36.74724 -58 1053 79145
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Friday Friday 14.804335 41.79260 -78 1490 80142
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Saturday Saturday 11.875326 45.24540 -73 1370 83851
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Sunday Sunday 10.331806 37.33348 -86 1202 93395

7 - Fit a linear model

Use the rxLinMod function to fit a linear model using your airDS data source. Use a single dependent variable,
the factor DayOfWeek:

arrDelayLm1 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


The resulting output is:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airDS)

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

Data: airDS (RxTextData Data Source)
File name: /share/AirlineDemoSmall
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 582628
Number of missing observations: 17372

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 10.3318 0.1330 77.673 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Monday 1.6938 0.1872 9.049 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 0.9620 0.2001 4.809 1.52e-06 ***
DayOfWeek=Wednesday -0.1753 0.1980 -0.885 0.376
DayOfWeek=Thursday -1.6738 0.1964 -8.522 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Friday 4.4725 0.1957 22.850 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Saturday 1.5435 0.1934 7.981 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sunday Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 `***` 0.001 `**` 0.01 `*` 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 40.65 on 582621 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.001869
Adjusted R-squared: 0.001858
F-statistic: 181.8 on 6 and 582621 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

More Spark scenarios

Use Machine Learning Server as a Hadoop Client
A common practice is to do exploratory analysis on your laptop, then deploy the same analytics code on a
Hadoop cluster. The underlying RevoScaleR engine in Machine Learning Server handles the distribution of the
computations across cores and nodes automatically.
If you are running Machine Learning Server from Linux or from a Windows computer equipped with PuTTY
and/or both the Cygwin shell and Cygwin OpenSSH packages, you can create a compute context that runs
RevoScaleR functions from your local client in a distributed fashion on your Hadoop cluster. You use RxSpark
to create the compute context, but use additional arguments to specify your user name, the file-sharing
directory where you have read and write access, the publicly facing host name, or IP address of your Hadoop
cluster’s name node or an edge node that run the master processes, and any additional switches to pass to the
ssh command (such as the -i flag if you are using a pem or ppk file for authentication, or -p to specify a non-
standard ssh port number). For example:

mySshUsername <- "user1"

#public facing cluster IP address
mySshHostname <- "12.345.678.90"
mySshSwitches <- "-i /home/yourName/user1.pem" #See NOTE below
myShareDir <- paste("/var/RevoShare", mySshUsername, sep ="/")
myHdfsShareDir <- paste("/user/RevoShare",mySshUsername, sep="/")

myHadoopCluster <- RxSpark(

hdfsShareDir = myHdfsShareDir,
shareDir = myShareDir,
sshUsername = mySshUsername,
sshHostname = mySshHostname,
sshSwitches = mySshSwitches)
if you are using a pem or ppk file for authentication the permissions of the file must be modified to ensure that only the
owner has full read and write access (that is, chmod go-rwx user1.pem).

If you are using PuTTY, you may incorporate the publicly facing host name and any authentication
requirements into a PuTTY saved session, and use the name of that saved session as the sshHostname. For

mySshUsername <- "user1"

#name of PuTTY saved session
mySshHostname <- "myCluster"
myShareDir <- paste("/var/RevoShare", mySshUsername, sep ="/")
myHdfsShareDir <- paste("/user/RevoShare",mySshUsername, sep="/")

myHadoopCluster <- RxSpark(

hdfsShareDir = myHdfsShareDir,
shareDir = myShareDir,
sshUsername = mySshUsername,
sshHostname = mySshHostname)

The above assumes that the directory containing the ssh and scp commands (Linux/Cygwin) or plink and pscp
commands (PuTTY ) is in your path (or that the Cygwin installer has stored its directory in the Windows
registry). If not, you can specify the location of these files using the sshClientDir argument:

myHadoopCluster <- RxSpark(

hdfsShareDir = myHdfsShareDir,
shareDir = myShareDir,
sshUsername = mySshUsername,
sshHostname = mySshHostname,
sshClientDir = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY")

In some cases, you may find that environment variables needed by Hadoop are not set in the remote sessions
run on the sshHostname computer. This may be because a different profile or startup script is being read on ssh
login. You can specify the appropriate profile script by specifying the sshProfileScript argument to RxSpark; this
should be an absolute path:

myHadoopCluster <- RxSpark(

hdfsShareDir = myHdfsShareDir,
shareDir = myShareDir,
sshUsername = mySshUsername,
sshHostname = mySshHostname,
sshProfileScript = "/home/user1/.bash_profile",
sshSwitches = mySshSwitches)

Now that you have defined your compute context, make it the active compute context using the
rxSetComputeContext function:


Use RxSpark Compute Context in Persistent Mode

By default, with RxSpark Compute Context, a new Spark application is launched when a job starts and is
terminated when the job completes. To avoid the overhead of Spark initialization on launching time, the
persistentRun mode (experimental) is introduced. If you set persistentRun as “TRUE”, the Spark application
(and associated processes) persists across jobs until idleTimeout or the rxStopEngine is called explicitly:
myHadoopCluster <- RxSpark(persistentRun = TRUE, idleTimeout = 600)

The idleTimeout is the number of seconds of being idle before the system kills the Spark process.
If persistentRun mode is enabled, then the RxSpark compute context cannot be a Non-Waiting Compute
Context. See Non-Waiting Compute Context.
Use a local compute context
At times, it may be more efficient to perform smaller computations on the local node rather than using Spark.
You can easily do this, accessing the same data from the HDFS file system. When working with the local
compute context, you need to specify the name of a specific data file. The same basic code is then used to run
the analysis; simply change the compute context to a local context. (Note that this will not work if you are
accessing the Hadoop cluster via a client.)

inputFile <-file.path(bigDataDirRoot,"AirlineDemoSmall/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")
airDSLocal <- RxTextData(file = inputFile,
missingValueString = "M",
colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem = hdfsFS)
adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek,
data = airDSLocal)

The results are the same as doing the computations across the nodes with the RxSpark compute context:

rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = airDS)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek

Data: airDS (RxTextData Data Source)
File name: /share/AirlineDemoSmall/AirlineDemoSmall.csv
Number of valid observations: 6e+05

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay 11.31794 40.688536 -86.000000 1490.00000 582628 17372
CRSDepTime 13.48227 4.697566 0.016667 23.98333 600000 0

Category Counts for DayOfWeek

Number of categories: 7
Number of valid observations: 6e+05
Number of missing observations: 0

DayOfWeek Counts
Monday 97975
Tuesday 77725
Wednesday 78875
Thursday 81304
Friday 82987
Saturday 86159
Sunday 94975

Now set the compute context back to the Hadoop cluster for further analyses:


Create a Non-Waiting Compute Context

When running all but the shortest analyses in Hadoop, it can be convenient to let Hadoop do its processing
while returning control of your R session to you immediately. You can do this by specifying wait = FALSE in
your compute context definition. By using our existing compute context as the first argument, all of the other
settings will be carried over to the new compute context:

myHadoopNoWaitCluster <- RxSpark(myHadoopCluster, wait = FALSE)


Once you have set your compute context to non-waiting, distributed RevoScaleR functions return relatively
quickly with a jobInfo object, which you can use to track the progress of your job, and, when the job is complete,
obtain the results of the job. For example, we can rerun our linear model in the non-waiting case as follows:

job1 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


Right after submission, the job status will typically return "running". When the job status returns "finished", you
can obtain the results using rxGetJobResults as follows:

arrDelayLm1 <- rxGetJobResults(job1)


You should always assign the jobInfo object so that you can easily track your work, but if you forget, the most
recent jobInfo object is saved in the global environment as the object rxgLastPendingJob. (By default, after
you’ve retrieved your job results, the results are removed from the cluster. To have your job results remain, set
the autoCleanup argument to FALSE in RxSpark.)
If, after submitting a job in a non-waiting compute context, you decide you don’t want to complete the job, you
can cancel the job using the rxCancelJob function:

job2 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


The rxCancelJob function returns TRUE if the job is successfully canceled, FALSE otherwise.
For the remainder of this tutorial, we return to a waiting compute context:


Analyze a Large Data Set

Set up the sample airline dataset
We will now move to examples using a much larger version of the airline data set. The airline on-time data has
been gathered by the Department of Transportation since 1987. The data through 2008 was used in the
American Statistical Association Data Expo in 2009 ( ASA describes
the data set as follows:
The data consists of flight arrival and departure details for all commercial flights within the USA, from October
1987 to April 2008. This is a large dataset: there are nearly 120 million records in total, and takes up 1.6
gigabytes of space compressed and 12 gigabytes when uncompressed.
The airline on-time data set for 2012, consisting of 12 separate CSV files, is available online. We assume you
have uploaded them to the /tmp directory on your edge node or a name node (although any directory visible as
a native file system directory from the name node will work.)
As before, our first step is to copy the data into HDFS. We specify the location of your Hadoop-stored data for
the airDataDir variable:

airDataDir <- file.path(bigDataDirRoot,"/airOnTime12/CSV")

rxHadoopCopyFromLocal("/tmp/airOT2012*.csv", airDataDir)

The original CSV files have rather unwieldy variable names, so we supply a colInfo list to make them more
manageable (we won’t use all of these variables in this manual, but you use the data sources created in this
manual as you continue to explore distributed computing in the RevoScaleR Distributed Computing Guide:

airlineColInfo <- list(

MONTH = list(newName = "Month", type = "integer"),
DAY_OF_WEEK = list(newName = "DayOfWeek", type = "factor",
levels = as.character(1:7),
newLevels = c("Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat",
UNIQUE_CARRIER = list(newName = "UniqueCarrier", type =
ORIGIN = list(newName = "Origin", type = "factor"),
DEST = list(newName = "Dest", type = "factor"),
CRS_DEP_TIME = list(newName = "CRSDepTime", type = "integer"),
DEP_TIME = list(newName = "DepTime", type = "integer"),
DEP_DELAY = list(newName = "DepDelay", type = "integer"),
DEP_DELAY_NEW = list(newName = "DepDelayMinutes", type =
DEP_DEL15 = list(newName = "DepDel15", type = "logical"),
DEP_DELAY_GROUP = list(newName = "DepDelayGroups", type =
levels = as.character(-2:12),
newLevels = c("< -15", "-15 to -1","0 to 14", "15 to 29",
"30 to 44", "45 to 59", "60 to 74",
"75 to 89", "90 to 104", "105 to 119",
"120 to 134", "135 to 149", "150 to 164",
"165 to 179", ">= 180")),
ARR_DELAY = list(newName = "ArrDelay", type = "integer"),
ARR_DELAY_NEW = list(newName = "ArrDelayMinutes", type =
ARR_DEL15 = list(newName = "ArrDel15", type = "logical"),
AIR_TIME = list(newName = "AirTime", type = "integer"),
DISTANCE = list(newName = "Distance", type = "integer"),
DISTANCE_GROUP = list(newName = "DistanceGroup", type =
levels = as.character(1:11),
newLevels = c("< 250", "250-499", "500-749", "750-999",
"1000-1249", "1250-1499", "1500-1749", "1750-1999",
"2000-2249", "2250-2499", ">= 2500")))

varNames <- names(airlineColInfo)

We create a data source using these definitions as follows:

hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()

bigAirDS <- RxTextData( airDataDir,
colInfo = airlineColInfo,
varsToKeep = varNames,
fileSystem = hdfsFS )

Estimate a linear model with a big data set

We fit our first model to the large airline data much as we created the linear model for the AirlineDemoSmall
data, and we time it to see how long it takes to fit the model on this large data set:
delayArr <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = bigAirDS,
cube = TRUE)

To see a summary of your results:


You should see the following results:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = bigAirDS, cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

Data: bigAirDS (RxTextData Data Source)
File name: /share/airOnTime12/CSV
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 6005381
Number of missing observations: 91381

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | Counts
DayOfWeek=Mon 3.54210 0.03736 94.80 2.22e-16 *** | 901592
DayOfWeek=Tues 1.80696 0.03835 47.12 2.22e-16 *** | 855805
DayOfWeek=Wed 2.19424 0.03807 57.64 2.22e-16 *** | 868505
DayOfWeek=Thur 4.65502 0.03757 123.90 2.22e-16 *** | 891674
DayOfWeek=Fri 5.64402 0.03747 150.62 2.22e-16 *** | 896495
DayOfWeek=Sat 0.91008 0.04144 21.96 2.22e-16 *** | 732944
DayOfWeek=Sun 2.82780 0.03829 73.84 2.22e-16 *** | 858366
Signif. codes: 0 `***` 0.001 `**` 0.01 `*` 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 35.48 on 6005374 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.001827 (as if intercept included)
Adjusted R-squared: 0.001826
F-statistic: 1832 on 6 and 6005374 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1

Notice that the results indicate we have processed all the data, six million observations, using all the .csv files in
the specified directory. Notice also that because we specified cube = TRUE, we have an estimated coefficient for
each day of the week (and not the intercept).
Import data as composite XDF files
As we have seen, you can analyze CSV files directly with RevoScaleR on Hadoop, but the analysis can be done
more quickly if the data is stored in a more efficient format. The RevoScaleR .xdf format is extremely efficient,
but is modified somewhat for HDFS so that individual files remain within a single HDFS block. (The HDFS
block size varies from installation to installation but is typically either 64 MB or 128 MB.) When you use
rxImport on Hadoop, you specify an RxTextData data source such as bigAirDS as the inData and an RxXdfData
data source with fileSystem set to an HDFS file system as the outFile argument to create a set of composite .xdf
files. The RxXdfData object can then be used as the data argument in subsequent RevoScaleR analyses.
For our airline data, we define our RxXdfData object as follows (the second “user” should be replaced by your
actual user name on the Hadoop cluster):
bigAirXdfName <- "/user/RevoShare/user/AirlineOnTime2012"
airData <- RxXdfData( bigAirXdfName,
fileSystem = hdfsFS )

We set a block size of 250000 rows and specify that we read all the data by specifying

numRowsToRead = -1:
blockSize <- 250000
numRowsToRead = -1

We then import the data using rxImport:

rxImport(inData = bigAirDS,
outFile = airData,
rowsPerRead = blockSize,
overwrite = TRUE,
numRows = numRowsToRead )

Write to CSV in HDFS

If you converted your CSV to XDF to take advantage of the efficiency while running analyses, but now wish to
convert your data back to CSV you can do so using rxDataStep.
To create a folder of CSV files, first create an RxTextData object using a directory name as the file argument; this
represents the folder in which to create the CSV files. This directory is created when you run the
rxDataStep.Then, point to this RxTextData object in the outFile argument of the rxDataStep. Each CSV created
will be named based on the directory name and followed by a number.
Suppose we want to write out a folder of CSV in HDFS from our airData composite XDF after we performed
the logistic regression and prediction, so that the new CSV files contain the predicted values and residuals. We
can do this as follows:

airDataCsvDir <- file.path("user/RevoShare/user/airDataCsv")

airDataCsvDS <- RxTextData(airDataCsvDir,fileSystem=hdfsFS)
rxDataStep(inData=airData, outFile=airDataCsvDS)

You notice that the rxDataStep wrote out one CSV for every .xdfd file in the input composite XDF file. This is
the default behavior for writing CSV from composite XDF to HDFS when the compute context is set to
Alternatively, you could switch your compute context back to “local” when you are done performing your
analyses and take advantage of two arguments within RxTextData that give you slightly more control when
writing out CSV files to HDFS: createFileSet and rowsPerOutFile. When createFileSet is set to TRUE a folder of
CSV files is written to the directory you specify. When createFileSet is set to FALSE a single CSV file is written.
The second argument, rowsPerOutFile, can be set to an integer to indicate how many rows to write to each CSV
file when createFileSet is TRUE. Returning to the example above, suppose we wanted to write out a folder of
CSVs but we wanted to write out the airData but into only six CSV files.

airDataCsvRowsDir <-file.path("/user/RevoShare/MRS/airDataCsvRows")
airDataCsvRowsDS <- RxTextData(airDataCsvRowsDir, fileSystem=hdfsFS, createFileSet=TRUE,
rxDataStep(inData=airData, outFile=airDataCsvRowsDS)
When using an RxSpark compute context, createFileSet defaults to TRUE and rowsPerOutFile has no effect.
Thus if you wish to create a single CSV or customize the number of rows per file you must perform the
rxDataStep in a local compute context (data can still be in HDFS ).
Estimate a linear model using composite XDF files
Now we can re-estimate the same linear model, using the new, faster data source:

delayArr <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airData,
cube = TRUE)

To see a summary of your results:


You should see the following results (which should match the results we found for the CSV files above):

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airData, cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

Data: airData (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: /user/RevoShare/v7alpha/AirlineOnTime2012
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 6005381
Number of missing observations: 91381

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | Counts
DayOfWeek=Mon 3.54210 0.03736 94.80 2.22e-16 *** | 901592
DayOfWeek=Tues 1.80696 0.03835 47.12 2.22e-16 *** | 855805
DayOfWeek=Wed 2.19424 0.03807 57.64 2.22e-16 *** | 868505
DayOfWeek=Thur 4.65502 0.03757 123.90 2.22e-16 *** | 891674
DayOfWeek=Fri 5.64402 0.03747 150.62 2.22e-16 *** | 896495
DayOfWeek=Sat 0.91008 0.04144 21.96 2.22e-16 *** | 732944
DayOfWeek=Sun 2.82780 0.03829 73.84 2.22e-16 *** | 858366
Signif. codes: 0 `***` 0.001 `**` 0.01 `*` 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 35.48 on 6005374 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.001827 (as if intercept included)
Adjusted R-squared: 0.001826
F-statistic: 1832 on 6 and 6005374 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1

Handling larger linear models

The data set contains a variable UniqueCarrier, which contains airline codes for 15 carriers. Because the
RevoScaleR Compute Engine handles factor variables so efficiently, we can do a linear regression looking at the
Arrival Delay by Carrier. This takes a little longer than the previous analysis, because we are estimating 15
instead of 7 parameters.

delayCarrier <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier,

data = airData, cube = TRUE)
Next, sort the coefficient vector so that the we can see the airlines with the highest and lowest values.

dcCoef <- sort(coef(delayCarrier))

Next, see how the airlines rank in arrival delays:


The result is:

UniqueCarrier=AS UniqueCarrier=US UniqueCarrier=DL UniqueCarrier=FL

-1.9022483 -1.2418484 -0.8013952 -0.2618747
UniqueCarrier=HA UniqueCarrier=YV UniqueCarrier=WN UniqueCarrier=MQ
0.3143564 1.3189086 2.8824285 2.8843612
UniqueCarrier=OO UniqueCarrier=VX UniqueCarrier=B6 UniqueCarrier=UA
3.9846305 4.0323447 4.8508215 5.0905867
UniqueCarrier=AA UniqueCarrier=EV UniqueCarrier=F9
6.3980937 7.2934991 7.8788931

Notice that Alaska Airlines comes in as the best in on-time arrivals, while Frontier is at the bottom of the list.
We can see the difference by subtracting the coefficients:

sprintf("Frontier's additional delay compared with Alaska: %f",

which results in:

[1] "Frontier's additional delay compared with Alaska: 9.781141"

A Large Data Logistic Regression

Our airline data includes a logical variable, ArrDel15, that tells whether a flight is 15 or more minutes late. We
can use this as the response for a logistic regression to model the likelihood that a flight will be late given the
day of the week:

logitObj <- rxLogit(ArrDel15 ~ DayOfWeek, data = airData)


which results in:

Logistic Regression Results for: ArrDel15 ~ DayOfWeek
Data: airData (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: AirOnTime2012.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDel15
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 6005381
Number of missing observations: 91381

(Intercept) -1.61122563
DayOfWeek=Mon 0.04600367
DayOfWeek=Tues -0.08431814
DayOfWeek=Wed -0.07319133
DayOfWeek=Thur 0.12585721
DayOfWeek=Fri 0.18987931
DayOfWeek=Sat -0.13498591
DayOfWeek=Sun Dropped

Prediction on Large Data

You can predict (or score) from a fitted model on Hadoop using rxPredict. In this example, we compute
predicted values and their residuals for the logistic regression in the previous section. These new prediction
variables are output to a new composite XDF in HDFS. (As in an earlier example, the second “user” in the
airDataPredDir path should be changed to the actual user name of your Hadoop user.)

airDataPredDir <- "/user/RevoShare/user/airDataPred"

airDataPred <- RxXdfData(airDataPredDir, fileSystem=hdfsFS)
rxPredict(modelObject=logitObj, data=airData, outData=airDataPred,

By putting in a call to rxGetVarInfo we see that two variables, ArrDel15_Pred and ArrDel15_Resid were written
to the airDataPred composite XDF. If, in addition to the prediction variables, we wanted to have the variables
used in the model written to our outData we would need to add the writeModelVars=TRUE to our rxPredict
Alternatively, we can update the airData to include the predicted values and residuals by not specifying an
outData argument, which is NULL by default. Since the airData composite XDF already exists, we would need
to add overwrite=TRUE to the rxPredict call.
An RxTextData object can be used as the input data for rxPredict on Hadoop, but only XDF can be written to
HDFS. When using a CSV file or directory of CSV files as the input data to rxPredict the outData argument
must be set to an RxXdfData object.
Performing Data Operations on Large Data
To create or modify data in HDFS on Hadoop, we can use the rxDataStep function. Suppose we want to repeat
the analyses with a “cleaner” version of the large airline dataset. To do this we keep only the flights having
arrival delay information and flights that did not depart more than one hour early. We can put a call to
rxDataStep to output a new composite XDF to HDFS. (As in an earlier example, the second “user” in the
newAirDir path should be changed to the actual user name of your Hadoop user.)

newAirDir <- "/user/RevoShare/user/newAirData"

newAirXdf <- RxXdfData(newAirDir,fileSystem=hdfsFS)

rxDataStep(inData = airData, outFile = newAirXdf,

rowSelection = ! & (DepDelay > -60))

To modify an existing composite XDF using rxDataStep set the overwrite argument to TRUE and either omit
the outFile argument or set it to the same data source specified for inData.
Parallel Partial Decision Forests
As mentioned earlier, both rxDForest and rxBTrees are available on Hadoop--these provide two different
methods for fitting classification and regression decision forests. In the default case, both algorithms generate
multiple stages in the Spark job, and thus can tend to incur significant overhead, particularly with smaller data
sets. However, the scheduleOnce argument to both functions allows the computation to be performed via
rxExec, which generates only a single stage in the Spark job, and thus incurs significantly less overhead. When
using the scheduleOnce argument, you can specify the number of trees to be grown within each rxExec task
using the forest function’s nTree argument together with rxExec’s rxElemArgs function, as in the following
regression example using the built-in claims data: <- "claims.xdf"

sourceFile <- system.file(file.path("SampleData",,
inputDir <- "/share/claimsXdf"
rxHadoopCopyFromLocal(sourceFile, inputDir)
input <- RxXdfData(file.path(inputDir,,

partial.forests <-rxDForest(formula = age ~ car.age +

type + cost + number, data = input,
minSplit = 5, maxDepth = 2,
nTree = rxElemArg(rep(2,8)), seed = 0,
maxNumBins = 200, computeOobError = -1,
reportProgress = 2, verbose = 0,
scheduleOnce = TRUE))

Equivalently, you can use nTree together with rxExec’s timesToRun argument:

partial.forests <-rxDForest(formula = age ~ car.age +

type + cost + number, data = input,
minSplit = 5, maxDepth = 2,
nTree = 2, seed = 0,
maxNumBins = 200, computeOobError = -1,
reportProgress = 2, verbose = 0,
scheduleOnce = TRUE, timesToRun = 8)

In this example, using scheduleOnce can be up to 45 times faster than the default, and so we recommend it for
decision forests with small to moderate-sized data sets.
Similarly, the rxPredict methods for rxDForest and rxBTrees objects include the scheduleOnce argument, and
should be used when using these methods on small to moderate-sized data sets.

Using Hive data

There are multiple ways to access and use data from Hive for analyses with RevoScaleR. Here are some general
recommendations, assuming in each case that the data for analysis is defined by the results of a Hive query.
1. If running from a remote client or edge node, and the data is modest, then use RxOdbcData to stream
results, or land them as XDF in the local file system, for subsequent analysis in a local compute context.
2. If the data is large, then use the Hive command-line interface (hive or beeline) from an edge node to run the
Hive query with results spooled to a text file on HDFS for subsequent analysis in a distributed fashion using
the HadoopMR or Spark compute contexts.
Here’s how to get started with each of these approaches.
Accessing Hive data via ODBC
Start by following your Hadoop vendor’s recommendations for accessing Hive via ODBC from a remote client
or edge node. Once you have the prerequisite software installed and have run a smoke test to verify
connectivity, then accessing data in Hive from Machine Learning Server is just like accessing data from any
other data source.

mySQL = "SELECT * FROM CustData"

myDS <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery = mySQL, connectionString = "DSN=HiveODBC")
xdfFile <- RxXdfData("dataFromHive.xdf")
rxImport(myDS, xdfFile, stringsAsFactors = TRUE, overwrite=TRUE)

Accessing Hive data via an Export to Text Files

This approach uses the Hive command-line interface to first spool the results to text files in the local or HDFS
file systems and then analyze them in a distributed fashion using local or HadoopMR/Spark compute contexts.
First, check with your Hadoop system administrator find out whether the ‘hive’ or ‘beeline’ command should be
used to run a Hive query from the command line, and obtain the needed credentials for access.
Next, try out your hive/beeline command from the Linux command line to make sure it works and that you
have the proper authentication and syntax.
Finally, run the command from within R using R’s system command.
Here are some sample R statements that output a Hive query to the local and HDFS file systems:
Run a Hive query and dump results to a local text file (edge node)

system('hive –e "select * from emp" > myFile.txt')

Run the same query using beeline’s csv2 output format

system('beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://.." --outputformat=csv2 -e "select * from emp" > myFile.txt')

Run the same query but dump the results to CSV in HDFS

system('beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://.." –e "insert overwrite directory \'/your-hadoop-dir\' row format

delimited fields terminated by \',\' select * from emp"')

After you’ve exported the query results to a text file, it can be streamed directly as input to a RevoScaleR
analysis routine via use of the RxTextdata data source, or imported to XDF for improved performance upon
repeated access. Here’s an example assuming output was spooled as text to HDFS:

hiveOut <-file.path(bigDataDirRoot,"myHiveData")
myHiveData <- RxTextData(file = hiveOut, fileSystem = hdfsFS)

rxSummary(~var1 + var2+ var3+ var4, data=myHiveData)

Clean up Data
You can run the following commands to clean up data in this tutorial:
How to use RevoScaleR with Hadoop
4/13/2018 • 30 minutes to read • Edit Online

This guide is an introduction to using the RevoScaleR functions in an Apache Hadoop distributed computing
environment. RevoScaleR functions offer scalable and extremely high-performance data management, analysis,
and visualization. Hadoop provides a distributed file system and a MapReduce framework for distributed
computation. This guide focuses on using ScaleR’s big data capabilities with MapReduce.
While this guide is not a Hadoop tutorial, no prior experience in Hadoop is required to complete the tutorial. If
you can connect to your Hadoop cluster, this guide walks you through the rest.

The RxHadoopMR compute context for Hadoop MapReduce is deprecated. We recommend using RxSpark as a
replacement. For guidance, see How to use RevoScaleR in a Spark compute context.

Data Sources and Functions Supported in Hadoop

The RevoScaleR package provides a set of portable, scalable, distributable data analysis functions. Many
functions are platform-agnostic; others are exclusive to the computing context, leveraging platform-specific
capabilities for tasks like file management.
To perform an analysis using RevoScaleR functions, the user specifies three distinct pieces of information:
where the computations should take place (the compute context), the data to use (the data source), and what
analysis to perform (the analysis function).
This section briefly summarizes how functions are used. For a comprehensive list of functions for the Hadoop
compute context, see RevoScaleR Functions for Hadoop.
Compute Context and Supported Data Sources
The Hadoop compute context is established through RxHadoopMR, where the following two types of data
sources can be used: a comma-delimited text data source (see RxTextData) and an efficient XDF data file format
(see RxXdfData). In RevoScaleR, the XDF file format is modified for Hadoop to store data in a composite set of
files rather than a single file. Both of these data sources can be used with the Hadoop Distributed File System
(HDFS ).
Data Manipulation and Computations
The data manipulation and computation functions in RevoScaleR are appropriate for small and large datasets,
but are useful for these scenarios:
Analyze data sets that are too large to fit in memory.
Perform computations distributed over several cores, processors, or nodes in a cluster.
Create scalable data analysis routines that can be developed locally with smaller data sets, then deployed to
larger data and/or a cluster of computers.
These scenarios are ideal candidates for RevoScaleR because RevoScaleR is based on the concept of
operating on chunks of data and using updating algorithms.
High Performance Analysis (HPA )
HPA functions in RevoScaleR do the heavy lifting in terms of data science. Most HPA functions are portable
across multiple computing platforms, including Windows and RedHat Linux workstations and servers, and
distributed computing platforms such as Hadoop. You can do exploratory analysis on your laptop, then deploy
the same analytics code on a Hadoop cluster. The underlying RevoScaleR code handles the distribution of the
computations across cores and nodes automatically.
How RevoScaleR distributes jobs in Hadoop
On Hadoop, the RevoScaleR analysis functions go through the following steps:
A master process is initiated to run the main thread of the algorithm.
The master process initiates a MapReduce job to make a pass through the data.
The mapper produces “intermediate results objects” for each task processing a chunk of data. These are
combined using a combiner and then a reducer.
The master process examines the results. For iterative algorithms, it decides if another pass through the data
is required. If so, it initiates another MapReduce job and repeats.
When complete, the final results are computed and returned.
When running on Hadoop, the RevoScaleR analysis functions process data contained in the Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS ). HDFS data can also be accessed directly from RevoScaleR, without performing
the computations within the Hadoop framework. An example is provided further on, in Using a Local Compute
Context with HDFS Data.

Tutorial steps
This tutorial introduces several high-performance analytics features of RevoScaleR using data stored on your
Hadoop cluster and these tasks:
1. Start Machine Learning Server.
2. Create a compute context for Hadoop.
3. Copy a data set into the Hadoop Distributed File System.
4. Create a data source.
5. Summarize your data.
6. Fit a linear model to the data.
Check versions
Supported distributions of Hadoop are listed in Supported platforms. For setup instructions, see Install
Machine Learning Server on Hadoop.
You can confirm the server version by typing print(Revo.version) .
Download sample data
Sample data is required when you intend to follow the steps. The tutorial uses the Airline 2012 On-Time Data
Set, a set of 12 comma-separated files containing information on flight arrival and departure details for all
commercial flights within the USA, for the year 2012. This is a big data set with over six million observations.
This tutorial also uses the AirlineDemoSmall.csv file from the RevoScaleR SampleData directory.
You can obtain both data sets online.
Start Revo64
Machine Learning Server for Hadoop runs on Linux. On Linux hosts in a Hadoop cluster, start server session by
typing Revo64 at the shell prompt.

[<username>]$ cd MRSLinux90
[<username> MRSLinux90]$ Revo64
You see a > prompt, indicating an Revo64 session, and the ability to issue RevoScaleR commands, including
commands that set up the compute context.
Create a compute context
A compute context specifies the computing resources to be used by ScaleR’s distributable computing functions.
In this tutorial, we focus on using the nodes of the Hadoop cluster (internally via MapReduce) as the computing
resources. In defining your compute context, you may have to specify different parameters depending on
whether commands are issued from a node of your cluster or from a client accessing the cluster remotely.
Define a Compute Context on the Cluster
On a node of the Hadoop cluster (which may be an edge node), define a Hadoop MapReduce compute context
using default values:

$ myHadoopCluster <- RxHadoopMR()

The default settings include a specification of /var/RevoShare/$USER as the shareDir and /user/RevoShare/$USER as the
hdfsShareDir. These are the default locations for writing various files on the cluster’s local file system and HDFS file
system, respectively. These directories must be writable for your cluster jobs to succeed. You must either create these
directories or specify suitable writable directories for these parameters. If you are working on a node of the cluster, the
default specifications for the shared directories are:

myShareDir = paste( "/var/RevoShare",[["user"]],

sep="/" )
myHdfsShareDir = paste( "/user/RevoShare",[["user"]],
sep="/" )

You can have many compute context objects but only one is active at any one time. To specify the active
compute context, use the rxSetComputeContext function:

> rxSetComputeContext(myHadoopCluster)

Define a Compute Context on a High-Availability Cluster

If you are running on a Hadoop cluster configured for high-availabilty, you must specify the node providing the
name service using the nameNode argument to RxHadoopMR, and also specify the Hadoop port with the port

myHadoopCluster <- RxHadoopMR(nameNode = "my-name-service-server",

port = 8020)

Use Machine Learning Server as a Hadoop Client

If you are running Machine Learning Server from Linux or from a Windows computer equipped with PuTTY
and/or both the Cygwin shell and Cygwin OpenSSH packages, you can create a compute context that runs
RevoScaleR functions from your local client in a distributed fashion on your Hadoop cluster. You use
RxHadoopMR to create the compute context, but use additional arguments to specify your user name, the file-
sharing directory where you have read and write access, the publicly facing host name, or IP address of your
Hadoop cluster’s name node or an edge node that run the master processes, and any additional switches to
pass to the ssh command (such as the -i flag if you are using a pem or ppk file for authentication, or -p to
specify a non-standard ssh port number). For example:
mySshUsername <- "user1"
#public facing cluster IP address
mySshHostname <- "12.345.678.90"
mySshSwitches <- "-i /home/yourName/user1.pem" #See NOTE below
myShareDir <- paste("/var/RevoShare", mySshUsername, sep ="/")
myHdfsShareDir <- paste("/user/RevoShare",mySshUsername, sep="/")

myHadoopCluster <- RxHadoopMR(

hdfsShareDir = myHdfsShareDir,
shareDir = myShareDir,
sshUsername = mySshUsername,
sshHostname = mySshHostname,
sshSwitches = mySshSwitches)

if you are using a pem or ppk file for authentication the permissions of the file must be modified to ensure that only the
owner has full read and write access (that is, chmod go-rwx user1.pem).

If you are using PuTTY, you may incorporate the publicly facing host name and any authentication
requirements into a PuTTY saved session, and use the name of that saved session as the sshHostname. For

mySshUsername <- "user1"

#name of PuTTY saved session
mySshHostname <- "myCluster"
myShareDir <- paste("/var/RevoShare", mySshUsername, sep ="/")
myHdfsShareDir <- paste("/user/RevoShare",mySshUsername, sep="/")

myHadoopCluster <- RxHadoopMR(

hdfsShareDir = myHdfsShareDir,
shareDir = myShareDir,
sshUsername = mySshUsername,
sshHostname = mySshHostname)

The preceding assumes that the directory containing the ssh and scp commands (Linux/Cygwin) or plink and
pscp commands (PuTTY ) is in your path (or that the Cygwin installer has stored its directory in the Windows
registry). If not, you can specify the location of these files using the sshClientDir argument:

myHadoopCluster <- RxHadoopMR(

hdfsShareDir = myHdfsShareDir,
shareDir = myShareDir,
sshUsername = mySshUsername,
sshHostname = mySshHostname,
sshClientDir = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY")

In some cases, you may find that environment variables needed by Hadoop are not set in the remote sessions
run on the sshHostname computer. This may be because a different profile or startup script is being read on ssh
login. You can specify the appropriate profile script by specifying the sshProfileScript argument to
RxHadoopMR; this should be an absolute path:
myHadoopCluster <- RxHadoopMR(
hdfsShareDir = myHdfsShareDir,
shareDir = myShareDir,
sshUsername = mySshUsername,
sshHostname = mySshHostname,
sshProfileScript = "/home/user1/.bash_profile",
sshSwitches = mySshSwitches)

Now that you have defined your compute context, make it the active compute context using the
rxSetComputeContext function:


Copy a data file

For our first explorations, we work with one of RevoScaleR’s built-in data sets, AirlineDemoSmall.csv. This is
part of the standard Machine Learning Server distribution. You can verify that it is on your local system as

[1] TRUE

To use this file in our distributed computations, it must first be copied to HDFS. For our examples, we make
extensive use of the HDFS shared director, /share:

bigDataDirRoot <- "/share" # HDFS location of the example data

First, check to see what directories and files are already in your shared file directory. You can use the
rxHadoopListFiles function, which will automatically check your active compute context for information:


If the AirlineDemoSmall subdirectory does not exist and you have write permission, you can use the following
functions to copy the data there:

source <-system.file("SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv",
inputDir <- file.path(bigDataDirRoot,"AirlineDemoSmall")
rxHadoopCopyFromLocal(source, inputDir)

We can then verify that it exists as follows:


Create a data source

We create a data source using this file, specifying that it is on the Hadoop Distributed File System. We first
create a file system object that uses the default values:

hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()

The input .csv file uses the letter M to represent missing values, rather than the default NA, so we specify this
with the missingValueString argument. We will explicitly set the factor levels for DayOfWeek in the desired
order using the colInfo argument:

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
"Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = inputDir, missingValueString = "M",

colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem = hdfsFS)

Summarize data
Use the rxSummary function to obtain descriptive statistics for your data. The rxSummary function takes a
formula as its first argument, and the name of the data set as the second.

adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek,

data = airDS)

Summary statistics are computed on the variables in the formula, removing missing values for all rows in the
included variables:

rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = airDS)
Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek
Data: airDS (RxTextData Data Source)
File name: /share/AirlineDemoSmall
Number of valid observations: 6e+05

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay 11.31794 40.688536 -86.000000 1490.00000 582628 17372
CRSDepTime 13.48227 4.697566 0.016667 23.98333 600000 0

Category Counts for DayOfWeek

Number of categories: 7
Number of valid observations: 6e+05
Number of missing observations: 0

DayOfWeek Counts
Monday 97975
Tuesday 77725
Wednesday 78875
Thursday 81304
Friday 82987
Saturday 86159
Sunday 94975

Notice that the summary information shows cell counts for categorical variables, and appropriately does not
provide summary statistics such as Mean and StdDev. Also notice that the Call: line shows the actual call you
entered or the call provided by summary, so will appear differently in different circumstances.
You can also compute summary information by one or more categories by using interactions of a numeric
variable with a factor variable. For example, to compute summary statistics on Arrival Delay by Day of Week:

rxSummary(~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek, data = airDS)

The output shows the summary statistics for ArrDelay for each day of the week:
rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek, data = airDS)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay:DayOfWeek

Data: airDS (RxTextData Data Source)
File name: /share/AirlineDemoSmall
Number of valid observations: 6e+05

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay:DayOfWeek 11.31794 40.68854 -86 1490 582628 17372

Statistics by category (7 categories):

Category DayOfWeek Means StdDev Min Max ValidObs
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Monday Monday 12.025604 40.02463 -76 1017 95298
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Tuesday Tuesday 11.293808 43.66269 -70 1143 74011
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Wednesday Wednesday 10.156539 39.58803 -81 1166 76786
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Thursday Thursday 8.658007 36.74724 -58 1053 79145
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Friday Friday 14.804335 41.79260 -78 1490 80142
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Saturday Saturday 11.875326 45.24540 -73 1370 83851
ArrDelay for DayOfWeek=Sunday Sunday 10.331806 37.33348 -86 1202 93395

Use a local compute context

At times, it may be more efficient to perform smaller computations on the local node rather than using
MapReduce. You can easily do this, accessing the same data from the HDFS file system. When working with the
local compute context, you need to specify the name of a specific data file. The same basic code is then used to
run the analysis; change the compute context to a local context. (this will not work if you are accessing the
Hadoop cluster via a client.)

inputFile <-file.path(bigDataDirRoot,"AirlineDemoSmall/AirlineDemoSmall.csv")
airDSLocal <- RxTextData(file = inputFile,
missingValueString = "M",
colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem = hdfsFS)
adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek,
data = airDSLocal)

The results are the same as doing the computations across the nodes with the Hadoop MapReduce compute
rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = airDS)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek

Data: airDS (RxTextData Data Source)
File name: /share/AirlineDemoSmall/AirlineDemoSmall.csv
Number of valid observations: 6e+05

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay 11.31794 40.688536 -86.000000 1490.00000 582628 17372
CRSDepTime 13.48227 4.697566 0.016667 23.98333 600000 0

Category Counts for DayOfWeek

Number of categories: 7
Number of valid observations: 6e+05
Number of missing observations: 0

DayOfWeek Counts
Monday 97975
Tuesday 77725
Wednesday 78875
Thursday 81304
Friday 82987
Saturday 86159
Sunday 94975

Now set the compute context back to the Hadoop cluster for further analyses:


Fitting a linear model

Use the rxLinMod function to fit a linear model using your airDS data source. Use a single dependent variable,
the factor DayOfWeek:

arrDelayLm1 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


The resulting output is:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airDS)

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

Data: airDS (RxTextData Data Source)
File name: /share/AirlineDemoSmall
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 582628
Number of missing observations: 17372

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 10.3318 0.1330 77.673 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Monday 1.6938 0.1872 9.049 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 0.9620 0.2001 4.809 1.52e-06 ***
DayOfWeek=Wednesday -0.1753 0.1980 -0.885 0.376
DayOfWeek=Thursday -1.6738 0.1964 -8.522 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Friday 4.4725 0.1957 22.850 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Saturday 1.5435 0.1934 7.981 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sunday Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 `***` 0.001 `**` 0.01 `*` 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 40.65 on 582621 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.001869
Adjusted R-squared: 0.001858
F-statistic: 181.8 on 6 and 582621 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

Create a non-waiting compute context

When running all but the shortest analyses in Hadoop, it can be convenient to let Hadoop do its processing
while returning control of your R session to you immediately. You can do this by specifying wait = FALSE in
your compute context definition. By using our existing compute context as the first argument, all of the other
settings will be carried over to the new compute context:

myHadoopNoWaitCluster <- RxHadoopMR(myHadoopCluster, wait = FALSE)


After you have set your compute context to non-waiting, distributed RevoScaleR functions return relatively
quickly with a jobInfo object, which you can use to track the progress of your job, and, when the job is complete,
obtain the results of the job. For example, we can rerun our linear model in the non-waiting case as follows:

job1 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


Right after submission, the job status will typically return "running". When the job status returns "finished", you
can obtain the results using rxGetJobResults as follows:

arrDelayLm1 <- rxGetJobResults(job1)


You should always assign the jobInfo object so that you can easily track your work, but if you forget, the most
recent jobInfo object is saved in the global environment as the object rxgLastPendingJob. (By default, after
you’ve retrieved your job results, the results are removed from the cluster. To have your job results remain, set
the autoCleanup argument to FALSE in RxHadoopMR.)
If, after submitting a job in a non-waiting compute context, you decide you don’t want to complete the job, you
can cancel the job using the rxCancelJob function:

job2 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


The rxCancelJob function returns TRUE if the job is successfully canceled, FALSE otherwise.
For the remainder of this tutorial, we return to a waiting compute context:


Analyze a Large Data Set

Set up the sample airline dataset
We will now move to examples using a more recent version of the airline data set. The airline on-time data has
been gathered by the Department of Transportation since 1987. The data through 2008 was used in the
American Statistical Association Data Expo in 2009 ( ASA describes
the data set as follows:

The data consists of flight arrival and departure details for all commercial flights within the USA, from
October 1987 to April 2008. This is a large dataset: there are nearly 120 million records in total, and takes
up 1.6 gigabytes of space compressed and 12 gigabytes when uncompressed.

The airline on-time data set for 2012, consisting of 12 separate CSV files, is available online. We assume you
have uploaded them to the /tmp directory on your name node (although any directory visible as a native file
system directory from the name node works.)
As before, our first step is to copy the data into HDFS. We specify the location of your Hadoop-stored data for
the airDataDir variable:

airDataDir <- file.path(bigDataDirRoot,"/airOnTime12/CSV")

rxHadoopCopyFromLocal("/tmp/airOT2012*.csv", airDataDir)

The original CSV files have rather unwieldy variable names, so we supply a colInfo list to make them more
manageable (we won’t use all of these variables in this manual, but you use the data sources created in this
manual as you continue to explore distributed computing in the RevoScaleR Distributed Computing Guide:
airlineColInfo <- list(
MONTH = list(newName = "Month", type = "integer"),
DAY_OF_WEEK = list(newName = "DayOfWeek", type = "factor",
levels = as.character(1:7),
newLevels = c("Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat",
UNIQUE_CARRIER = list(newName = "UniqueCarrier", type =
ORIGIN = list(newName = "Origin", type = "factor"),
DEST = list(newName = "Dest", type = "factor"),
CRS_DEP_TIME = list(newName = "CRSDepTime", type = "integer"),
DEP_TIME = list(newName = "DepTime", type = "integer"),
DEP_DELAY = list(newName = "DepDelay", type = "integer"),
DEP_DELAY_NEW = list(newName = "DepDelayMinutes", type =
DEP_DEL15 = list(newName = "DepDel15", type = "logical"),
DEP_DELAY_GROUP = list(newName = "DepDelayGroups", type =
levels = as.character(-2:12),
newLevels = c("< -15", "-15 to -1","0 to 14", "15 to 29",
"30 to 44", "45 to 59", "60 to 74",
"75 to 89", "90 to 104", "105 to 119",
"120 to 134", "135 to 149", "150 to 164",
"165 to 179", ">= 180")),
ARR_DELAY = list(newName = "ArrDelay", type = "integer"),
ARR_DELAY_NEW = list(newName = "ArrDelayMinutes", type =
ARR_DEL15 = list(newName = "ArrDel15", type = "logical"),
AIR_TIME = list(newName = "AirTime", type = "integer"),
DISTANCE = list(newName = "Distance", type = "integer"),
DISTANCE_GROUP = list(newName = "DistanceGroup", type =
levels = as.character(1:11),
newLevels = c("< 250", "250-499", "500-749", "750-999",
"1000-1249", "1250-1499", "1500-1749", "1750-1999",
"2000-2249", "2250-2499", ">= 2500")))

varNames <- names(airlineColInfo)

We create a data source using these definitions as follows:

hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()

bigAirDS <- RxTextData( airDataDir,
colInfo = airlineColInfo,
varsToKeep = varNames,
fileSystem = hdfsFS )

Estimate a linear model with a big data set

We fit our first model to the large airline data much as we created the linear model for the AirlineDemoSmall
data, and we time it to see how long it takes to fit the model on this large data set:

delayArr <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = bigAirDS,
cube = TRUE)

To see a summary of your results:


You should see the following results:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = bigAirDS, cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

Data: bigAirDS (RxTextData Data Source)
File name: /share/airOnTime12/CSV
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 6005381
Number of missing observations: 91381

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | Counts
DayOfWeek=Mon 3.54210 0.03736 94.80 2.22e-16 *** | 901592
DayOfWeek=Tues 1.80696 0.03835 47.12 2.22e-16 *** | 855805
DayOfWeek=Wed 2.19424 0.03807 57.64 2.22e-16 *** | 868505
DayOfWeek=Thur 4.65502 0.03757 123.90 2.22e-16 *** | 891674
DayOfWeek=Fri 5.64402 0.03747 150.62 2.22e-16 *** | 896495
DayOfWeek=Sat 0.91008 0.04144 21.96 2.22e-16 *** | 732944
DayOfWeek=Sun 2.82780 0.03829 73.84 2.22e-16 *** | 858366

Signif. codes: 0 `***` 0.001 `**` 0.01 `*` 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 35.48 on 6005374 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.001827 (as if intercept included)
Adjusted R-squared: 0.001826
F-statistic: 1832 on 6 and 6005374 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1

Notice that the results indicate we have processed all the data, six million observations, using all the .csv files in
the specified directory. Notice also that because we specified cube = TRUE, we have an estimated coefficient for
each day of the week (and not the intercept).
Import data as composite XDF files
As we have seen, you can analyze CSV files directly with RevoScaleR on Hadoop, but the analysis can be done
more quickly if the data is stored in a more efficient format. The RevoScaleR .xdf format is efficient, but is
modified somewhat for HDFS so that individual files remain within a single HDFS block. (The HDFS block size
varies from installation to installation but is typically either 64 MB or 128 MB.) When you use rxImport on
Hadoop, you specify an RxTextData data source such as bigAirDS as the inData and an RxXdfData data source
with fileSystem set to an HDFS file system as the outFile argument to create a set of composite .xdf files. The
RxXdfData object can then be used as the data argument in subsequent RevoScaleR analyses.
For our airline data, we define our RxXdfData object as follows (the second “user” should be replaced by your
actual user name on the Hadoop cluster):

bigAirXdfName <- "/user/RevoShare/user/AirlineOnTime2012"

airData <- RxXdfData( bigAirXdfName,
fileSystem = hdfsFS )

We set a block size of 250000 rows and specify that we read all the data by specifying
numRowsToRead = -1:
blockSize <- 250000
numRowsToRead = -1

We then import the data using rxImport:

rxImport(inData = bigAirDS,
outFile = airData,
rowsPerRead = blockSize,
overwrite = TRUE,
numRows = numRowsToRead )

Estimate a linear model using composite XDF files

Now we can re-estimate the same linear model, using the new, faster data source:

delayArr <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airData,
cube = TRUE)

To see a summary of your results:


You should see the following results (which should match the results we found for the CSV files preceding):

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airData, cube = TRUE)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

Data: airData (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: /user/RevoShare/v7alpha/AirlineOnTime2012
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 6005381
Number of missing observations: 91381

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) | Counts
DayOfWeek=Mon 3.54210 0.03736 94.80 2.22e-16 *** | 901592
DayOfWeek=Tues 1.80696 0.03835 47.12 2.22e-16 *** | 855805
DayOfWeek=Wed 2.19424 0.03807 57.64 2.22e-16 *** | 868505
DayOfWeek=Thur 4.65502 0.03757 123.90 2.22e-16 *** | 891674
DayOfWeek=Fri 5.64402 0.03747 150.62 2.22e-16 *** | 896495
DayOfWeek=Sat 0.91008 0.04144 21.96 2.22e-16 *** | 732944
DayOfWeek=Sun 2.82780 0.03829 73.84 2.22e-16 *** | 858366
Signif. codes: 0 `***` 0.001 `**` 0.01 `*` 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 35.48 on 6005374 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.001827 (as if intercept included)
Adjusted R-squared: 0.001826
F-statistic: 1832 on 6 and 6005374 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1

Handling larger linear models

The data set contains a variable UniqueCarrier, which contains airline codes for 15 carriers. Because the
RevoScaleR Compute Engine handles factor variables so efficiently, we can do a linear regression looking at the
Arrival Delay by Carrier. This takes a little longer than the previous analysis, because we are estimating 15
instead of 7 parameters.

delayCarrier <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ UniqueCarrier,

data = airData, cube = TRUE)

Next, sort the coefficient vector so that the we can see the airlines with the highest and lowest values.

dcCoef <- sort(coef(delayCarrier))

Next, see how the airlines rank in arrival delays:


The result is:

UniqueCarrier=AS UniqueCarrier=US UniqueCarrier=DL UniqueCarrier=FL

-1.9022483 -1.2418484 -0.8013952 -0.2618747
UniqueCarrier=HA UniqueCarrier=YV UniqueCarrier=WN UniqueCarrier=MQ
0.3143564 1.3189086 2.8824285 2.8843612
UniqueCarrier=OO UniqueCarrier=VX UniqueCarrier=B6 UniqueCarrier=UA
3.9846305 4.0323447 4.8508215 5.0905867
UniqueCarrier=AA UniqueCarrier=EV UniqueCarrier=F9
6.3980937 7.2934991 7.8788931

Notice that Alaska Airlines comes in as the best in on-time arrivals, while Frontier is at the bottom of the list.
We can see the difference by subtracting the coefficients:

sprintf("Frontier's additional delay compared with Alaska: %f",

which results in:

[1] "Frontier's additional delay compared with Alaska: 9.781141"

A Large Data Logistic Regression

Our airline data includes a logical variable, ArrDel15, that tells whether a flight is 15 or more minutes late. We
can use this as the response for a logistic regression to model the likelihood that a flight will be late given the
day of the week:

logitObj <- rxLogit(ArrDel15 ~ DayOfWeek, data = airData)


which results in:

Logistic Regression Results for: ArrDel15 ~ DayOfWeek
Data: airData (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: AirOnTime2012.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDel15
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 6005381
Number of missing observations: 91381

(Intercept) -1.61122563
DayOfWeek=Mon 0.04600367
DayOfWeek=Tues -0.08431814
DayOfWeek=Wed -0.07319133
DayOfWeek=Thur 0.12585721
DayOfWeek=Fri 0.18987931
DayOfWeek=Sat -0.13498591
DayOfWeek=Sun Dropped

Prediction on Large Data

You can predict (or score) from a fitted model on Hadoop using rxPredict. In this example, we compute
predicted values and their residuals for the logistic regression in the previous section. These new prediction
variables are output to a new composite XDF in HDFS. As in an earlier example, the second “user” in the
airDataPredDir path should be changed to the actual user name of your Hadoop user.

airDataPredDir <- "/user/RevoShare/user/airDataPred"

airDataPred <- RxXdfData(airDataPredDir, fileSystem=hdfsFS)
rxPredict(modelObject=logitObj, data=airData, outData=airDataPred,

By putting in a call to rxGetVarInfo we see that two variables, ArrDel15_Pred and ArrDel15_Resid were written
to the airDataPred composite XDF. If, in addition to the prediction variables, we wanted to have the variables
used in the model written to our outData we would need to add the writeModelVars=TRUE to our rxPredict
Alternatively, we can update the airData to include the predicted values and residuals by not specifying an
outData argument, which is NULL by default. Since the airData composite XDF already exists, we would need
to add overwrite=TRUE to the rxPredict call.
An RxTextData object can be used as the input data for rxPredict on Hadoop, but only XDF can be written to
HDFS. When using a CSV file or directory of CSV files as the input data to rxPredict the outData argument
must be set to an RxXdfData object.
Performing Data Operations on Large Data
To create or modify data in HDFS on Hadoop, we can use the rxDataStep function. Suppose we want to repeat
the analyses with a “cleaner” version of the large airline dataset. To do this we keep only the flights having
arrival delay information and flights that did not depart more than one hour early. We can put a call to
rxDataStep to output a new composite XDF to HDFS. (As in an earlier example, the second “user” in the
newAirDir path should be changed to the actual user name of your Hadoop user.)

newAirDir <- "/user/RevoShare/user/newAirData"

newAirXdf <- RxXdfData(newAirDir,fileSystem=hdfsFS)

rxDataStep(inData = airData, outFile = newAirXdf,

rowSelection = ! & (DepDelay > -60))

To modify an existing composite XDF using rxDataStep set the overwrite argument to TRUE and either omit
the outFile argument or set it to the same data source specified for inData.
Using Data from Hive for Your Analyses
There are multiple ways to access and use data from Hive for analyses with Machine Learning Server. Here are
some general recommendations, assuming in each case that the data for analysis is defined by the results of a
Hive query.
1. If running from a remote client or edge node, and the data is modest, then use RxOdbcData to stream
results, or land them as XDF in the local file system, for subsequent analysis in a local compute context.
2. If the data is large, then use the Hive command-line interface (hive or beeline) from an edge node to run the
Hive query with results spooled to a text file on HDFS for subsequent analysis in a distributed fashion using
the HadoopMR or Spark compute contexts.
Here’s how to get started with each of these approaches.
Accessing data via ODBC
Start by following your Hadoop vendor’s recommendations for accessing Hive via ODBC from a remote client
or edge node. After you have the prerequisite software installed and have run a smoke test to verify
connectivity, then accessing data in Hive from Machine Learning Server is just like accessing data from any
other data source.

mySQL = "SELECT * FROM CustData"

myDS <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery = mySQL, connectionString = "DSN=HiveODBC")
xdfFile <- RxXdfData("dataFromHive.xdf")
rxImport(myDS, xdfFile, stringsAsFactors = TRUE, overwrite=TRUE)

Accessing data via an Export to Text Files

This approach uses the Hive command-line interface to first spool the results to text files in the local or HDFS
file systems and then analyze them in a distributed fashion using local or HadoopMR/Spark compute contexts.
First, check with your Hadoop system administrator find out whether the ‘hive’ or ‘beeline’ command should be
used to run a Hive query from the command line, and obtain the needed credentials for access.
Next, try out your hive/beeline command from the Linux command line to make sure it works and that you
have the proper authentication and syntax.
Finally, run the command from within R using R’s system command.
Here are some sample R statements that output a Hive query to the local and HDFS file systems:
Run a Hive query and dump results to a local text file (edge node)

system('hive –e "select * from emp" > myFile.txt')

Run the same query using beeline’s csv2 output format

system('beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://.." --outputformat=csv2 -e "select * from emp" > myFile.txt')

Run the same query but dump the results to CSV in HDFS

system('beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://.." –e "insert overwrite directory \'/your-hadoop-dir\' row format

delimited fields terminated by \',\' select * from emp"')

After you’ve exported the query results to a text file, it can be streamed directly as input to a RevoScaleR
analysis routine via use of the RxTextdata data source, or imported to XDF for improved performance upon
repeated access. Here’s an example assuming output was spooled as text to HDFS:

hiveOut <-file.path(bigDataDirRoot,"myHiveData")
myHiveData <- RxTextData(file = hiveOut, fileSystem = hdfsFS)

rxSummary(~var1 + var2+ var3+ var4, data=myHiveData)

Writing to CSV in HDFS

If you converted your CSV to XDF to take advantage of the efficiency while running analyses, but now wish to
convert your data back to CSV you can do so using rxDataStep. (This feature is still experimental.) To create a
folder of CSV files, first create an RxTextData object using a directory name as the file argument; this represents
the folder in which to create the CSV files. This directory is created when you run the rxDataStep.Then, point to
this RxTextData object in the outFile argument of the rxDataStep. Each CSV created will be named based on
the directory name and followed by a number.
Suppose we want to write out a folder of CSV in HDFS from our airData composite XDF after we performed
the logistic regression and prediction, so that the new CSV files contain the predicted values and residuals. We
can do this as follows:

airDataCsvDir <- file.path("user/RevoShare/user/airDataCsv")

airDataCsvDS <- RxTextData(airDataCsvDir,fileSystem=hdfsFS)
rxDataStep(inData=airData, outFile=airDataCsvDS)

You notice that the rxDataStep wrote out one CSV for every .xdfd file in the input composite XDF file. This is
the default behavior for writing CSV from composite XDF to HDFS when the compute context is set to
Alternatively, you could switch your compute context back to “local” when you are done performing your
analyses and take advantage of two arguments within RxTextData that give you slightly more control when
writing out CSV files to HDFS: createFileSet and rowsPerOutFile. When createFileSet is set to TRUE a folder of
CSV files is written to the directory, you specify. When createFileSet is set to FALSE a single CSV file is written.
The second argument, rowsPerOutFile, can be set to an integer to indicate how many rows to write to each
CSV file when createFileSet is TRUE. Returning to the example preceding, suppose we wanted to write out a
folder of CSVs but we wanted to write out the airData but into only six CSV files.

airDataCsvRowsDir <-file.path("/user/RevoShare/MRS/airDataCsvRows")
airDataCsvRowsDS <- RxTextData(airDataCsvRowsDir, fileSystem=hdfsFS, createFileSet=TRUE,
rxDataStep(inData=airData, outFile=airDataCsvRowsDS)

When using a HadoopMR compute context, createFileSet defaults to TRUE and rowsPerOutFile has no effect.
Thus if you wish to create a single CSV or customize the number of rows per file you must perform the
rxDataStep in a local compute context (data can still be in HDFS ).
<a name="ParallelPartialDecisionForests>"

Parallel Partial Decision Forests

Both rxDForest and rxBTrees are available on Hadoop, providing two different methods for fitting classification
and regression decision forests. In the default case, both algorithms generate multiple MapReduce jobs, and
thus can tend to incur significant overhead, particularly with smaller data sets. However, the scheduleOnce
argument to both functions allows the computation to be performed via rxExec, which generates only a single
MapReduce job, and thus incurs significantly less overhead. When using the scheduleOnce argument, you can
specify the number of trees to be grown within each rxExec task using the forest function’s nTree argument
together with rxExec’s rxElemArgs function, as in the following regression example using the built-in claims
data: <- "claims.xdf"

sourceFile <- system.file(file.path("SampleData",,
inputDir <- "/share/claimsXdf"
rxHadoopCopyFromLocal(sourceFile, inputDir)
input <- RxXdfData(file.path(inputDir,,

partial.forests <-rxDForest(formula = age ~ car.age +

type + cost + number, data = input,
minSplit = 5, maxDepth = 2,
nTree = rxElemArg(rep(2,8), seed = 0,
maxNumBins = 200, computeOobError = -1,
reportProgress = 2, verbose = 0,
scheduleOnce = TRUE)

Equivalently, you can use nTree together with rxExec’s timesToRun argument:

partial.forests <-rxDForest(formula = age ~ car.age +

type + cost + number, data = input,
minSplit = 5, maxDepth = 2,
nTree = 2, seed = 0,
maxNumBins = 200, computeOobError = -1,
reportProgress = 2, verbose = 0,
scheduleOnce = TRUE, timesToRun = 8)

In this example, using scheduleOnce can be up to 45 times faster than the default, and so we recommend it for
decision forests with small to moderate-sized data sets.
Similarly, the rxPredict methods for rxDForest and rxBTrees objects include the scheduleOnce argument, and
should be used when using these methods on small to moderate-sized data sets.

Cleaning up Data
You can run the following commands to clean up data in this tutorial:


Continuing with Distributed Computing

With the linear model and logistic regression performed in the previous sections, you have seen a taste of high-
performance analytics on the Hadoop platform. You are now ready to continue with the RevoScaleR Distributed
Computing Guide, which continues the analysis of the 2012 airline on-time data with examples for all of
RevoScaleR’s HPA functions.
The Distributed Computing Guide also provides more examples of using non-waiting compute contexts,
including managing multiple jobs, and examples of using rxExec to perform traditional high-performance
computing, including Monte Carlo simulations and other embarrassingly parallel problems.
Running distributed analyses using RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 13 minutes to read • Edit Online

Many RevoScaleR functions support parallelization. On a standalone multi-core server, functions that are
multithreaded run on all available cores. In an RxSparkConnect or RxHadoop remote compute context,
multithreaded analyses run on all data nodes having the RevoScaleR engine.
RevoScaleR can structure an analysis for parallel execution with no additional configuration on your part,
assuming you set the compute context. Setting the compute context to RxSparkConnect or RxHadoopMR tells
RevoScaleR to look for data nodes. In contrast, using the default local compute context tells the engine to look for
available processors on the local machine.

RevoScaleR also runs on R Client. On R Client, RevoScaleR is limited to two threads for processing and in-memory datasets.
To avoid paging data to disk, R Client is engineered to ignore the blocksPerRead argument, which results in all data being
read into memory. If your datasets exceed memory, you should push the compute context to a server instance on a
supported platform (Hadoop, Linux, Windows, SQL Server).

Given a registered a distributed compute context, the following functions can perform distributed computations:
rxCovCor (and its convenience functions, rxCov , rxCor , and rxSSCP )
rxCube and rxCrossTabs

Except for rxExec , we refer to these functions as the RevoScaleR high-performance analytics, or HPA functions.
The exception, rxExec , is used to execute an arbitrary function on specified nodes (or cores) of your compute
context. It can be used for traditional high-performance computing functions. The rxExec function offers great
flexibility in how arguments are passed, so that you can specify that all nodes receive the same arguments, or
provide different arguments to each node.
rxPredict on a cluster is only redistributed if the data file is split.

Obtain node information

You can use informational functions, such as rxGetInfo and rxGetVarInfo , to confirm data availability. Before
beginning data analysis, you can use rxGetInfo to confirm the data set is available on the compute resources.
You can request basic information about a data set from each node using the rxGetInfo function. Assuming a
data source named "airData", you can call rxGetInfo as follows:


To load a dataset, use AirOntime2012.xdf from the data set download site and make sure it is in your dataPath. You can
then run airData <- RxXdfData("AirOnTime2012.xdf") to load the data on a cluster.

On a five-node cluster, the call to rxGetInfo returns the following:

File name: C:\data-RevoScaleR-AcceptanceTest\AirOnTime2012.xdf
Number of observations: 6096762
Number of variables: 46
Number of blocks: 31
Compression type: zlib

File name: C:\data-RevoScaleR-AcceptanceTest\AirOnTime2012.xdf
Number of observations: 6096762
Number of variables: 46
Number of blocks: 31
Compression type: zlib

File name: C:\data-RevoScaleR-AcceptanceTest\AirOnTime2012.xdf
Number of observations: 6096762
Number of variables: 46
Number of blocks: 31
Compression type: zlib

File name: C:\data-RevoScaleR-AcceptanceTest\AirOnTime2012.xdf
Number of observations: 6096762
Number of variables: 46
Number of blocks: 31
Compression type: zlib

File name: C:\data-RevoScaleR-AcceptanceTest\AirOnTime2012.xdf
Number of observations: 6096762
Number of variables: 46
Number of blocks: 31
Compression type: zlib

This confirms that our data set is in fact available on all nodes of our cluster.

Obtain a Data Summary

The rxSummary function returns summary statistics on a data set, including datasets that run in a distributed
When you run one of RevoScaleR’s HPA functions in a distributed compute context, it automatically distributes
the computation among the available compute resources and coordinates the returned values to create the final
return value.
Assuming a job is waiting (or blocking), control is not returned until a computation is complete. We assume that
the airline data has been copied to the appropriate data directory on all the computing resources and its location
specified by the airData data source object.
The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if script runs locally using R Client.

For example, we start by taking a summary of three variables from the airline data:

rxSummary(~ ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data=airData,


We get the following results (identical to what we would have gotten from the same command in a local compute

rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = airData,
blocksPerRead = 30)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay + CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek

Data: airData (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: /var/RevoShare/v7alpha/aot12
Number of valid observations: 6096762

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay 3.155596 35.510870 -411.00000000 1823.00000 6005381 91381
CRSDepTime 13.457386 4.707193 0.01666667 23.98333 6096761 1

Category Counts for DayOfWeek

Number of categories: 7
Number of valid observations: 6096762
Number of missing observations: 0

DayOfWeek Counts
Mon 916747
Tues 871412
Wed 883207
Thur 905827
Fri 910135
Sat 740232
Sun 869202

Perform an rxCube computation

We can perform an rxCube computation using the same data set to compute the average arrival delay for
departures for each hour of the day for each day of the week. Again, the code is identical to the code used when
performing the computations on a single computer, as are the results.

delayArrCube <- rxCube(ArrDelay ~ F(CRSDepTime):DayOfWeek,

data=airData, blocksPerRead=30)

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if script runs locally using R Client.

Notice that in this case we have returned an rxCube object. We can use this object locally to, for example, extract
a data frame and plot the results:
plotData <- rxResultsDF( delayArrCube )
names(plotData)[1] <- "DepTime"
rxLinePlot(ArrDelay~DepTime|DayOfWeek, data=plotData)

Perform an rxCrossTabs computation

The rxCrossTabs function provides essentially the same computations as rxCube , but presents the results in a
more traditional cross-tabulation. Here we look at late flights (those whose arrival delay is 15 or greater) by late
departure and day of week:

crossTabs <- rxCrossTabs(formula = ArrDel15 ~ F(DepDel15):DayOfWeek,

data = airData, means = TRUE)

which yields:
rxCrossTabs(formula = ArrDel15 ~ F(DepDel15):DayOfWeek, data = airData,
means = TRUE)

Cross Tabulation Results for: ArrDel15 ~ F(DepDel15):DayOfWeek

Data: airData (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: /var/RevoShare/v7alpha/AirlineOnTime2012
Dependent variable(s): ArrDel15
Number of valid observations: 6005381
Number of missing observations: 91381
Statistic: means

ArrDel15 (means):
F_DepDel15 Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat
0 0.04722548 0.04376271 0.04291565 0.05006577 0.05152312 0.04057934
1 0.79423651 0.78904905 0.79409615 0.80540551 0.81086142 0.76329539
F_DepDel15 Sun
0 0.04435956
1 0.79111488

Compute a Covariance or Correlation Matrix

The rxCovCor function is used to compute covariance and correlation matrices; the convenience functions rxCov ,
rxCor , and rxSSCP all depend upon it and are usually used in practical situations. For examples, see Correlation
and variance/covariance matrices.
The following example shows how the main function can be used directly:
covForm <- ~ DepDelayMinutes + ArrDelayMinutes + AirTime
cov <- rxCovCor(formula = covForm, data = airData, type = "Cov")
cor <- rxCovCor(formula = covForm, data = airData, type = "Cor")
cov # covariance matrix
rxCovCor(formula = ~DepDelayMinutes + ArrDelayMinutes + AirTime,
data = <S4 object of class structure("RxXdfData", package = "RevoScaleR")>,
type = "Cov")

Data: <S4 object of class structure("RxXdfData", package = "RevoScaleR")> (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: /var/RevoShare/v7alpha/AirlineOnTime2012
Number of valid observations: 6005381
Number of missing observations: 91381
Statistic: COV

DepDelayMinutes ArrDelayMinutes AirTime

DepDelayMinutes 1035.09355 996.88898 39.60668
ArrDelayMinutes 996.88898 1029.07742 59.77224
AirTime 39.60668 59.77224 4906.02279
cor # correlation matrix
rxCovCor(formula = ~DepDelayMinutes + ArrDelayMinutes + AirTime,
data = <S4 object of class structure("RxXdfData", package = "RevoScaleR")>,
type = "Cor")

Data: <S4 object of class structure("RxXdfData", package = "RevoScaleR")> (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: /var/RevoShare/v7alpha/AirlineOnTime2012
Number of valid observations: 6005381
Number of missing observations: 91381
Statistic: COR

DepDelayMinutes ArrDelayMinutes AirTime

DepDelayMinutes 1.00000000 0.96590179 0.01757575
ArrDelayMinutes 0.96590179 1.00000000 0.02660178
AirTime 0.01757575 0.02660178 1.00000000

Compute a Linear Model

We can model the arrival delay as a function of day of the week, departure time, and flight distance as follows:

linModObj <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay~ DayOfWeek + F(CRSDepTime) + Distance,

data = airData)

We can then view a summary of the results as follows:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + F(CRSDepTime) + Distance,
data = airData)

Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek + F(CRSDepTime) +

Data: airData (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: /var/RevoShare/v7alpha/AirlineOnTime2012
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 33 (Including number dropped: 2)
Number of valid observations: 6005380
Number of missing observations: 91382

Coefficients: (2 not defined because of singularities)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3.570e+00 2.053e-01 17.389 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Mon 1.014e+00 5.320e-02 19.061 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tues -7.077e-01 5.389e-02 -13.131 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Wed -3.503e-01 5.369e-02 -6.524 6.85e-11 ***
DayOfWeek=Thur 2.122e+00 5.334e-02 39.782 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Fri 3.089e+00 5.327e-02 57.976 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sat -1.343e+00 5.615e-02 -23.925 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sun Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
F_CRSDepTime=0 -2.283e+00 4.548e-01 -5.020 5.17e-07 ***
F_CRSDepTime=1 -3.277e+00 6.035e-01 -5.429 5.65e-08 ***
F_CRSDepTime=2 -4.926e+00 1.223e+00 -4.028 5.63e-05 ***
F_CRSDepTime=3 -2.316e+00 1.525e+00 -1.519 0.128881
F_CRSDepTime=4 -5.063e+00 1.388e+00 -3.648 0.000265 ***
F_CRSDepTime=5 -7.178e+00 2.377e-01 -30.197 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=6 -7.317e+00 2.065e-01 -35.441 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=7 -6.397e+00 2.065e-01 -30.976 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=8 -4.907e+00 2.061e-01 -23.812 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=9 -4.211e+00 2.074e-01 -20.307 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=10 -2.857e+00 2.070e-01 -13.803 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=11 -2.537e+00 2.069e-01 -12.262 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=12 -9.556e-01 2.073e-01 -4.609 4.05e-06 ***
F_CRSDepTime=13 1.180e-01 2.070e-01 0.570 0.568599
F_CRSDepTime=14 1.470e+00 2.073e-01 7.090 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=15 2.147e+00 2.076e-01 10.343 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=16 2.701e+00 2.074e-01 13.023 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=17 3.447e+00 2.065e-01 16.688 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=18 4.080e+00 2.080e-01 19.614 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=19 3.649e+00 2.079e-01 17.553 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=20 4.216e+00 2.119e-01 19.895 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=21 3.276e+00 2.151e-01 15.225 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=22 -1.729e-01 2.284e-01 -0.757 0.449026
F_CRSDepTime=23 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Distance -4.220e-04 2.476e-05 -17.043 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 35.27 on 6005349 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.01372
Adjusted R-squared: 0.01372
F-statistic: 2785 on 30 and 6005349 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 442.0146

Compute a Logistic Regression

We can compute a similar logistic regression using the logical variable ArrDel15 as the response. This variable
specifies whether a flight’s arrival delay was 15 minutes or greater:
logitObj <- rxLogit(ArrDel15~DayOfWeek + F(CRSDepTime) + Distance,
data = airData)

rxLogit(formula = ArrDel15 ~ DayOfWeek + F(CRSDepTime) + Distance,
data = airData)

Logistic Regression Results for: ArrDel15 ~ DayOfWeek + F(CRSDepTime) +

Data: airData (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: /var/RevoShare/v7alpha/AirlineOnTime2012
Dependent variable(s): ArrDel15
Total independent variables: 33 (Including number dropped: 2)
Number of valid observations: 6005380
-2*LogLikelihood: 5320489.0684 (Residual deviance on 6005349 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.740e+00 1.492e-02 -116.602 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Mon 7.852e-02 4.060e-03 19.341 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tues -5.222e-02 4.202e-03 -12.428 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Wed -4.431e-02 4.178e-03 -10.606 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Thur 1.593e-01 4.023e-03 39.596 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Fri 2.225e-01 3.981e-03 55.875 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sat -8.336e-02 4.425e-03 -18.839 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sun Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
F_CRSDepTime=0 -2.537e-01 3.555e-02 -7.138 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=1 -3.852e-01 4.916e-02 -7.836 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=2 -4.118e-01 1.032e-01 -3.989 6.63e-05 ***
F_CRSDepTime=3 -1.046e-01 1.169e-01 -0.895 0.370940
F_CRSDepTime=4 -4.402e-01 1.202e-01 -3.662 0.000251 ***
F_CRSDepTime=5 -9.115e-01 2.008e-02 -45.395 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=6 -8.934e-01 1.553e-02 -57.510 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=7 -6.559e-01 1.536e-02 -42.716 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=8 -4.608e-01 1.518e-02 -30.364 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=9 -3.657e-01 1.525e-02 -23.975 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=10 -2.305e-01 1.514e-02 -15.220 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=11 -1.868e-01 1.512e-02 -12.359 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=12 -6.100e-02 1.509e-02 -4.041 5.32e-05 ***
F_CRSDepTime=13 4.476e-02 1.503e-02 2.979 0.002896 ***
F_CRSDepTime=14 1.573e-01 1.501e-02 10.480 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=15 2.218e-01 1.500e-02 14.786 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=16 2.718e-01 1.498e-02 18.144 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=17 3.468e-01 1.489e-02 23.284 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=18 4.008e-01 1.498e-02 26.762 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=19 4.023e-01 1.497e-02 26.875 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=20 4.484e-01 1.520e-02 29.489 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=21 3.767e-01 1.543e-02 24.419 2.22e-16 ***
F_CRSDepTime=22 8.995e-02 1.656e-02 5.433 5.55e-08 ***
F_CRSDepTime=23 Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Distance 1.336e-04 1.829e-06 73.057 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 445.2487

Number of iterations: 5

View Console Output

You may notice when running distributed computations that you get virtually no feedback while running waiting
jobs. Since the computations are in general not running on the same computer as your R Console, the “usual”
feedback is not returned by default. However, you can set the consoleOutput parameter in your compute context
to TRUE to enable return of console output from all the nodes. For example, here we update our compute context
myCluster to include consoleOutput=TRUE:

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if script runs locally using R Client.

myCluster <- RxSpark(myCluster, consoleOutput=TRUE)


Then, rerunning our previous example results in much more verbose output:

delayArrCube <- rxCube(ArrDelay ~ F(CRSDepTime):DayOfWeek,

data="AirlineData87to08.xdf", blocksPerRead=30)

====== CLUSTER-HEAD2 ( process 1 ) has started run at

Thu Aug 11 15:56:10 2011 ======
Worker Node 'COMPUTE10' has received a task from Master Node 'CLUSTER-HEAD2'.... Thu Aug 11 15:56:10.791 2011
Worker Node 'COMPUTE11' has received a task from Master Node 'CLUSTER-HEAD2'.... Thu Aug 11 15:56:10.757 2011
Worker Node 'COMPUTE12' has received a task from Master Node 'CLUSTER-HEAD2'.... Thu Aug 11 15:56:10.769 2011
Worker Node 'COMPUTE13' has received a task from Master Node 'CLUSTER-HEAD2'.... Thu Aug 11 15:56:10.889 2011

COMPUTE13: Rows Read: 4440596, Total Rows Processed: 4440596, Total Chunk Time: 0.031 seconds
COMPUTE11: Rows Read: 4361843, Total Rows Processed: 4361843, Total Chunk Time: 0.031 seconds
COMPUTE12: Rows Read: 4467780, Total Rows Processed: 4467780, Total Chunk Time: 0.031 seconds
COMPUTE10: Rows Read: 4492157, Total Rows Processed: 4492157, Total Chunk Time: 0.047 seconds
COMPUTE13: Rows Read: 4500000, Total Rows Processed: 8940596, Total Chunk Time: 0.062 seconds
COMPUTE12: Rows Read: 4371359, Total Rows Processed: 8839139, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
COMPUTE10: Rows Read: 4470501, Total Rows Processed: 8962658, Total Chunk Time: 0.062 seconds
COMPUTE11: Rows Read: 4500000, Total Rows Processed: 8861843, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
COMPUTE13: Rows Read: 4441922, Total Rows Processed: 13382518, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
COMPUTE10: Rows Read: 4430048, Total Rows Processed: 13392706, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
COMPUTE12: Rows Read: 4500000, Total Rows Processed: 13339139, Total Chunk Time: 0.062 seconds
COMPUTE11: Rows Read: 4484721, Total Rows Processed: 13346564, Total Chunk Time: 0.062 seconds
COMPUTE13: Rows Read: 4500000, Total Rows Processed: 17882518, Total Chunk Time: 0.063 seconds
COMPUTE12: Rows Read: 4388540, Total Rows Processed: 17727679, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
COMPUTE10: Rows Read: 4500000, Total Rows Processed: 17892706, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
COMPUTE11: Rows Read: 4477884, Total Rows Processed: 17824448, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
COMPUTE13: Rows Read: 4453215, Total Rows Processed: 22335733, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
COMPUTE12: Rows Read: 4429270, Total Rows Processed: 22156949, Total Chunk Time: 0.063 seconds
COMPUTE10: Rows Read: 4427435, Total Rows Processed: 22320141, Total Chunk Time: 0.063 seconds
COMPUTE11: Rows Read: 4483047, Total Rows Processed: 22307495, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
COMPUTE13: Rows Read: 2659728, Total Rows Processed: 24995461, Total Chunk Time: 0.062 seconds
COMPUTE12: Rows Read: 2400000, Total Rows Processed: 24556949, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
Worker Node 'COMPUTE13' has completed its task successfully. Thu Aug 11 15:56:11.341 2011
Elapsed time: 0.453 secs.

Worker Node 'COMPUTE12' has completed its task successfully. Thu Aug 11 15:56:11.221 2011
Elapsed time: 0.453 secs.

COMPUTE10: Rows Read: 2351983, Total Rows Processed: 24672124, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
COMPUTE11: Rows Read: 2400000, Total Rows Processed: 24707495, Total Chunk Time: 0.078 seconds
Worker Node 'COMPUTE10' has completed its task successfully. Thu Aug 11 15:56:11.244 2011
Elapsed time: 0.453 secs.
Worker Node 'COMPUTE11' has completed its task successfully. Thu Aug 11 15:56:11.209 2011
Elapsed time: 0.453 secs.

Master node [CLUSTER-HEAD2] is starting a task.... Thu Aug 11 15:56:10.961 2011
CLUSTER-HEAD2: Rows Read: 4461826, Total Rows Processed: 4461826, Total Chunk Time: 0.038 seconds
CLUSTER-HEAD2: Rows Read: 4452096, Total Rows Processed: 8913922, Total Chunk Time: 0.071 seconds
CLUSTER-HEAD2: Rows Read: 4441200, Total Rows Processed: 13355122, Total Chunk Time: 0.075 seconds
CLUSTER-HEAD2: Rows Read: 4370893, Total Rows Processed: 17726015, Total Chunk Time: 0.074 seconds
CLUSTER-HEAD2: Rows Read: 4476925, Total Rows Processed: 22202940, Total Chunk Time: 0.071 seconds
CLUSTER-HEAD2: Rows Read: 2400000, Total Rows Processed: 24602940, Total Chunk Time: 0.072 seconds
Master node [CLUSTER-HEAD2] has completed its task successfully. Thu Aug 11 15:56:11.410 2011
Elapsed time: 0.449 secs.
Time to compute summary on all servers: 0.461 secs.
Processing results on client ...
Computation time: 0.471 seconds.
====== CLUSTER-HEAD2 ( process 1 ) has completed run at Thu Aug 11 15:56:11 2011 ======

See also
Distributed and parallel processing in Machine Learning Server
Compute context in Machine Learning Server
What is RevoScaleR
Running background jobs using RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

In Machine Learning Server, you can run jobs interactively, waiting for results before continuing on to the next
operation, or you can run them asynchronously in the background if a job is long-running.

Non-Waiting jobs
By default, all jobs are "waiting jobs" or "blocking jobs" (where control of the R prompt is not returned until the job
is complete). As you can imagine, you might want a different interaction model if you are sending time-intensive
jobs to your distributed compute context. Decoupling your current session from in-progress jobs will enable jobs to
proceed in the background while you continue to work on your R Console for the duration of the computation. This
can be useful if you expect the distributed computations to take a significant amount of time, and when such
computations are managed by a job scheduler.

Convert a Waiting Job to a Non-Waiting Job

Suppose you submit a job as a "waiting" job, and then realize that you’d prefer to be able to work in your R session
on the local computer while it is running.
In Windows, simply pressing the Esc will return the cursor to your screen. Depending on how quickly you press
Esc, your job will either be canceled (if it has not yet been accepted by the job scheduler), or will continue to run on
the cluster.
Similarly, on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, pressing Ctrl-C will return the cursor to your screen, and either cancel the
job or convert it to a non-waiting job.
For all jobs that run on the cluster, the object rxgLastPendingJob is automatically created. You can use the
rxgLastPendingJob object to retrieve your results later or to cancel the job.

Create Non-Blocking Jobs

To create non-waiting jobs, you simply set wait=FALSE in your compute context object:

myNoWaitCluster <- RxSpark(nameNode = "my-name-service-server", port = 8020), wait=FALSE)


When wait is set to FALSE, a job information object rather than a job results object is returned from the submitted
job. You should always assign this result so that you can use it to obtain job status while the job is running and
obtain the job results when the job completes. For example, returning to our initial waiting job example, calling
rxExec to get data set information, in the non-blocking case we augment our call to rxExec with an assignment,
and then use the assigned object as input to the rxGetJobStatus and rxGetJobResults functions:

airData <- "AirlineData87to08.xdf"

job1 <- rxExec(rxGetInfo, data=airData)

If you call rxGetJobStatus quickly, it may show us that the job is "running", but if called after a few seconds (or
longer if another job of higher priority is ahead in the queue) it should report "finished", at which point we can ask
for the results:

As in the case of the waiting job, we obtain the following results from our five-node cluster (note that the name of
the head node is mangled here to be an R syntactic name):

File name: C:\data\AirlineData87to08.xdf
Number of observations: 123534969
Number of variables: 30
Number of blocks: 832

File name: C:\data\AirlineData87to08.xdf
Number of observations: 123534969
Number of variables: 30
Number of blocks: 832

File name: C:\data\AirlineData87to08.xdf
Number of observations: 123534969
Number of variables: 30
Number of blocks: 832

File name: C:\data\AirlineData87to08.xdf
Number of observations: 123534969
Number of variables: 30
Number of blocks: 832

File name: C:\data\AirlineData87to08.xdf
Number of observations: 123534969
Number of variables: 30
Number of blocks: 832

Running a linear model on the airline data is more likely to show us the "running" status:

delayArrJobInfo <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek,

data=airData, cube=TRUE, blocksPerRead=30)

This shows us the following:

[1] "running"

Calling rxGetJobStatus again a few seconds later shows us that the job has completed:


[1] "finished"

We can then call rxGetJobResults to obtain the actual computation results:

delayArr <- rxGetJobResults(delayArrJobInfo)


As in the blocking case, this gives the following results:

rxLinMod(formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = "AirlineData87to08.xdf",
cube = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 30)

Cube Linear Regression Results for: ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek

File name: C:\data\AirlineData87to08.xdf
Dependent variable(s): ArrDelay
Total independent variables: 7
Number of valid observations: 120947440
Number of missing observations: 2587529

DayOfWeek=Monday 6.669515
DayOfWeek=Tuesday 5.960421
DayOfWeek=Wednesday 7.091502
DayOfWeek=Thursday 8.945047
DayOfWeek=Friday 9.606953
DayOfWeek=Saturday 4.187419
DayOfWeek=Sunday 6.525040

Capture Job Information

If you forget to assign the job information object when you first submit your job, don’t panic. RevoScaleR saves
the job information for the last pending job as the object rxgLastPendingJob . You can assign this value to a more
specific name at any time until you submit another non-blocking job.

rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data="AirlineData87to08.xdf",
cube=TRUE, blocksPerRead=30)
delayArrJobInfo <- rxgLastPendingJob

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if script runs locally using R Client.

Also, as in all R sessions, the last value returned can be accessed as .Last.value; if you remember immediately
that you forgot to assign the result, you can simply assign .Last.value to your desired job name and be done.
For jobs older than the last pending job, you can use rxGetJobs to obtain all the jobs associated with a given
compute context. More details on rxGetJobs can be found in the next section.

Cancel a Non-Waiting Job

Suppose you submit a job and realize you’ve mis-specified the formula. In the non-waiting case, it is easy to cancel
your job simply by calling rxCancelJob with the job information object you saved when you submitted the job:


Non-Waiting Logistic Regression

Logistic regression uses an iteratively re-weighted least squares algorithm, and thus in general requires multiple
passes through the data for successive iterations. This makes it a logical candidate for non-waiting distributed
computing. For example, we replicated the large airline data set 8 times to create a data set with about one billion
observations. We also added a variable "Late" to indicate which flights were at least fifteen minutes late. To find the
probability of a late flight by day of week, we perform the following logistic regression:

job2 <- rxLogit(Late ~ DayOfWeek, data = "AirlineData87to08Rep8.xdf")

This immediately returns control back to our R Console, and we can do some other things while this 1-billion
observation logistic regression completes on our distributed computing resources. (Although even with one billion
observations, the logistic regression completes in less than a minute.)
We verify that the job is finished and retrieve the results as follows:

logitResults <- rxGetJobResults(job2)

We obtain the following results:

rxLogit(formula = Late ~ DayOfWeek, data = "AirlineData87to08Rep8.xdf")

Logistic Regression Results for: Late ~ DayOfWeek

File name: C:\data\AirlineData87to08Rep8.xdf
Dependent variable(s): Late
Total independent variables: 8 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 967579520
Number of missing observations: 20700232
-2*LogLikelihood: 947605223.9911 (Residual deviance on 967579513 degrees of freedom)

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -1.4691555 0.0002209 -6651.17 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Monday -0.0083930 0.0003088 -27.18 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Tuesday -0.0559740 0.0003115 -179.67 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Wednesday 0.0386048 0.0003068 125.82 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Thursday 0.1862203 0.0003006 619.41 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Friday 0.2388796 0.0002985 800.14 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Saturday -0.1785315 0.0003285 -543.45 2.22e-16 ***
DayOfWeek=Sunday Dropped Dropped Dropped Dropped
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 78.6309

Number of iterations: 2

Clean up job artifacts using rxGetJobs and rxCleanJobs (distributed

Normally, whenever a waiting job completes or whenever you call rxGetJobResults to obtain the results of a non-
waiting job, any artifacts created during the distributed computation are automatically removed. (This is controlled
by the autoCleanup flag to the compute context constructor, which defaults to TRUE.)
However, if a waiting job fails to complete for some reason, or you do not collect all the results from your non-
waiting jobs, you may begin to accumulate artifacts on your distributed computing resources. Eventually, this could
fill the storage space on these resources, causing system slowdown or malfunction. It is therefore a best practice to
make sure you clean up your distributed computing resources from time to time. One way to do this is to simply
use standard operating system tools to delete files from the various shared and working directories you specified in
your compute context objects. But RevoScaleR also supplies a number of tools to help you remove any
accumulated artifacts.
The first of these, rxGetJobs , allows you to get a list of all the jobs associated with a given compute context. By
default, it matches just the head node (if available) and shared directory specified in the compute context; if you re-
use these two specifications, ALL the jobs associated with that head node and shared directory are returned:

myJobs <- rxGetJobs(myNoWaitCluster)

To restrict the matching to only those jobs associated with that specific compute context, specify exactMatch=TRUE
when calling rxGetJobs .

myJobs <- rxGetJobs(myNoWaitCluster, exactMatch=TRUE)

To obtain the jobs from a specified range of times, use the startTime and endTime arguments. For example, to
obtain a list of jobs for a particular day, you could use something like the following:

myJobs <- rxGetJobs(myNoWaitCluster,

startTime=as.POSIXct("2013/01/16 0:00"),
endTime=as.POSIXct("2013/01/16 23:59"))

Once you’ve obtained the list of jobs, you can try to clean them up using rxCleanupJobs :


If any of the jobs is in a "finished" state, rxCleanupJobs will not clean up that job but instead warn you that the job
is finished and that you can access the results with rxGetJobResults . This helps prevent data loss. You can, however,
force the cleanup by specifying force=TRUE in the call to rxCleanupJobs :

rxCleanupJobs(myJobs, force=TRUE)

You can also use rxCleanupJobs to clean up individual jobs:

Running jobs in parallel using rxExec
4/13/2018 • 19 minutes to read • Edit Online

RevoScaleR functions are engineered to execute in parallel automatically. However, if you require a custom
implementation, you can use rxExec to manually construct and manage a distributed workload. With rxExec, you
can take an arbitrary function and run it in parallel on your distributed computing resources in Hadoop. This in
turn allows you to tackle a wide variety of parallel computing problems.
This article provides comprehensive steps on how to use rxExec, starting with examples showcasing rxExec in a
variety of use cases.

Examples using rxExec

To demonstrate rxExec usage, this article provides several examples:
Simulate a dice-rolling game
Determine the probability that any two persons in a given group size share a birthday
Create a plot of the Mandelbrot set
Perform naive k-means clustering
In general, the only required arguments to rxExec are the function to be run and any required arguments of that
function. Additional optional arguments can be used to control the computation.
Before trying the examples, be sure that your compute context is set with the option wait=TRUE.
Playing Dice: A Simulation
A familiar casino game consists of rolling a pair of dice. If you roll a 7 or 11 on your initial roll, you win. If you roll
2, 3, or 12, you lose. Roll a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, NS that number becomes your point and you continue rolling until
you either roll your point again (in which case you win) or roll a 7, in which case you lose. The game is easily
simulated in R using the following function:
playDice <- function()
result <- NULL
point <- NULL
count <- 1
while (is.null(result))
roll <- sum(sample(6, 2, replace=TRUE))

if (is.null(point))
point <- roll
if (count == 1 && (roll == 7 || roll == 11))
result <- "Win"
else if (count == 1 && (roll == 2 || roll == 3 || roll == 12))
result <- "Loss"
else if (count > 1 && roll == 7 )
result <- "Loss"
else if (count > 1 && point == roll)
result <- "Win"
count <- count + 1

Using rxExec, you can invoke thousands of games to help determine the probability of a win. Using a Hadoop 5-
node cluster, we play the game 10000 times, 2000 times on each node:

z <- rxExec(playDice, timesToRun=10000, taskChunkSize=2000)


Loss Win
5087 4913

We expect approximately 4929 wins in 10000 trials, and our result of 4913 wins is close.
The Birthday Problem
The birthday problem is an old standby in introductory statistics classes because its result seems counterintuitive.
In a group of about 25 people, the chances are better than 50-50 that at least two people in the room share a
birthday. Put 50 people in a room and you are practically guaranteed there is a birthday-sharing pair. Since 50 is
so much less than 365, most people are surprised by this result.
We can use the following function to estimate the probability of at least one birthday-sharing pair in groups of
various sizes (the first line of the function is what allows us to obtain results for more than one value at a time; the
remaining calculations are for a single n):
"pbirthday" <- function(n, ntests=5000)
if (length(n) > 1L) return(sapply(n, pbirthday, ntests = ntests))

daysInYear <-

anydup <- function(i)
any(duplicated(sample(daysInYear, size = n, replace = TRUE)))

prob <- sum(sapply(, anydup)) / ntests

names(prob) <- n

We can test that it works in a sequential setting, estimating the probability for group sizes 3, 25, and 50 as follows:


For each group size, 5000 random tests were performed. For this run, the following results were returned:

3 25 50
0.0078 0.5710 0.9726

Make sure your compute context is set to a “waiting” context. Then distribute this computation for groups of 2 to
100 using rxExec as follows, using rxElemArg to specify a different argument for each call to pbirthday, and then
using the taskChunkSize argument to pass these arguments to the nodes in chunks of 20:

z <- rxExec(pbirthday, n=rxElemArg(2:100), taskChunkSize=20)

The results are returned in a list, with one element for each node. We can use unlist to convert the results into a
single vector:

probSameBD <- unlist(z)

We can make a colorful plot of the results by constructing variables for the party sizes and the nodes where each
computation was performed:

partySize <- 2:100

nodes <- as.factor( rep(1:5, each=20)[2:100])
levels(nodes) <- paste("Node", levels(nodes))
birthdayData <- data.frame(probSameBD, partySize, nodes)

rxLinePlot( probSameBD~partySize, groups = nodes, data=birthdayData,

type = "p",
xTitle = "Party Size",
yTitle = "Probability of Same Birthday",
title = "Our Rockin Soiree!")

The resulting plot is shown as follows:

Plotting the Mandelbrot Set
Computing the Mandelbrot set is a popular parallel computing example because it involves a simple computation
performed independently on an array of points in the complex plane. For any point z=x+yi in the complex plane, z
belongs to the Mandelbrot set if and only if z remains bounded under the iteration z_ (n+1 )=z_n^2+z_n. If we are
associating a point (x_0,y_0) in the plane with a pixel on a computer screen, the following R function returns the
number of iterations before the point becomes unbounded, or the maximum number of iterations. If the maximum
number of iterations is returned, the point is assumed to be in the set:

mandelbrot <- function(x0,y0,lim)

x <- x0; y <- y0
iter <- 0
while (x^2 + y^2 < 4 && iter < lim)
xtemp <- x^2 - y^2 + x0
y <- 2 * x * y + y0
x <- xtemp
iter <- iter + 1

The following function retains the basic computation but returns a vector of results for a given y value:
vmandelbrot <- function(xvec, y0, lim)
unlist(lapply(xvec, mandelbrot, y0=y0, lim=lim))

We can then distribute this computation by computing several rows at a time on each compute resource. In the
following, we create an input x vector of length 240, a y vector of length 240, and specify the iteration limit as 100.
We then call rxExec with our vmandelbrot function, giving 1/5 of the y vector to each computational node in our
five node HPC Server cluster. This should be done in a compute context with wait=TRUE. Finally, we put the
results into a 240x240 matrix and create an image plot that shows the familiar Mandelbrot set: <- seq(-2.0, 0.6, length.out=240) <- seq(-1.3, 1.3, length.out=240)
m <- 100
z <- rxExec(vmandelbrot,,y0=rxElemArg(, m, taskChunkSize=48,
z <- matrix(unlist(z), ncol=240)
image(,, z, col=c(rainbow(m), '#000000'), useRaster=TRUE)

The resulting plot is shown as follows (not all graphics devices support the useRaster argument; if your plot is
empty, try omitting that argument):

### Naïve Parallel k-Means Clustering

RevoScaleR has a built-in analysis function, rxKmeans , to perform distributed k-
means, but in this section we see how the regular R kmeans function can be put to use in a distributed context.
The kmeans function implements several iterative relocation algorithms for clustering. An iterative relocation algo
rithm starts from an initial classification and then iteratively moves data points from one cluster to another to redu
ce sums of squares. One possible starting point is to pick cluster centers at random and then assign points to each
cluster so that the sum of squares is minimized. If this procedure is repeated many times for different sets of cente
rs, the set with the smallest error can be chosen.
We can do this with the ordinary kmeans function, which has a parameter nstart that tells it how many times to pic
k the starting centers, and also to pick the set of centers that returns a result with smallest error:
x <- matrix(rnorm(250000), nrow = 5000, ncol = 50)
system.time(kmeans(x, centers=10, iter.max = 35, nstart = 400))
On a Dell XPS laptop with 8 GB of RAM, this takes about a minute and a half.
To parallelize this computation efficiently, we should do the following:
- Pass the data to a specified number of computing resources once.
- Split the work into smaller tasks for passing to each computing resource.
- Combine the results from all the computing resources so the best result is returned.
In the case of kmeans, we can ask for the computations to be done by cores, rather than by nodes. Because we are
distributing the computation, we can do fewer repetitions (nstarts) on each compute element. We can do all of this
with the following function (again, this should be run with a compute context for which wait=TRUE ):
kMeansRSR <- function(x, centers=5, iter.max=10, nstart=1) { numTimes <- 20
results <- rxExec(FUN = kmeans, x=x, centers=centers, iter.max=iter.max,
nstart=nstart, timesToRun=numTimes) best <- 1 bestSS <- sum(results[[1]]$withinss)
for (j in 1:numTimes) { jSS <- sum(results[[j]]$withinss) if (bestSS > jSS ) {
best <- j bestSS <- jSS } } results[[best]] }
Notice that in our kMeansRSR function we are letting the underlying kmeans function find nstart sets of centers pe
r call and the choice of "best"
is done in our function after we have called kmeans numTimes. No parallelization is done to kmeans itself.
With our kMeansRSR function, we can then repeat the computation from before:
system.time(kMeansRSR (x, 10, 35, 20))
With our 5-node HPC Server cluster, this reduces the time from a minute and a half to about 15 seconds.

Share data across parallel processes

Data can be shared between rxExec parallel processes by copying it to the environment of each process through
the execObjects option to rxExec, or by specifying the data as arguments to each function call. For small data, this
works well but as the data objects get larger this can create a significant performance penalty due to the time
needed to do the copy. In such cases, it can be much more efficient to share the data by storing it in a location
accessible by each of the parallel processes, such as a local or network file share.
The following example shows how this can be done when parallelizing the computation of statistics on subsets of a
larger data table.
We’ll start by creating some sample data using the data.table package.

nrows <- 5e6 <- data.table(tag=sample(LETTERS[1:7], nrows, replace=TRUE),
a=runif(nrows), b=runif(nrows))

# get the unique tags that we'll subset by

tags <- unique($tag)

Next we’ll setup for use of the doParallel backend.

(nCore <- parallel::detectCores(all.tests = TRUE, logical = FALSE) )
cl <- makeCluster(nCore, useXDR = F)

# set MKL thread to 1 to avoid contention


Now we create a function for computing statistics on a selected subset of the data table by passing in both the data
table and the tag value to subset by. We’ll then run the function using rxExec for each tag value.

filterTest <- function(d, ztag) {

sum(subset(d, tag==ztag, select=a))
res1 <- rxExec(filterTest,, rxElemArg(tags))
## user system elapsed
## 9.67 7.40 22.05

To see the impact of sharing the file via a common storage location rather than passing it to each parallel process
we’ll save the data table into an RDS file, which is an efficient way of storing individual R objects, create a new
version of the function that reads the data table from the RDS file, and then rerun rxExec using the new function.

saveRDS(, 'c:/temp/tmp.rds', compress=FALSE)

filterTest <- function(ztag) {
d <- readRDS('c:/temp/tmp.rds')
sum(subset(d, tag==ztag, select=a))

res2 <- rxExec(filterTest, rxElemArg(tags))
## user system elapsed
## 0.03 0.00 11.01

# make sure the results match

identical(res2, res2)
## [1] TRUE

# close up shop

Although results may vary, in this case we’ve reduced the elapsed time by 50% by sharing the data table rather
than passing it as an in-memory object to each parallel process.
Parallel Random Number Generation
When generating random numbers in parallel computation, a frequent problem is the possibility of highly
correlated random number streams. High-quality parallel random number generators avoid this problem.
RevoScaleR includes several high-quality parallel random number generators and these can be used with rxExec
to improve the quality of your parallel simulations.
By default, a parallel version of the Mersenne-Twister random number generator is used that supports 6024
separate substreams. We can set it to work on our dice example by setting a non-null seed:

z <- rxExec(playDice, timesToRun=10000, taskChunkSize=2000, RNGseed=777)


This makes our simulation repeatable:

Loss Win
5104 4896

z <- rxExec(playDice, timesToRun=10000, taskChunkSize=2000, RNGseed=777)


Loss Win
5104 4896

This random number generator can be asked for explicitly by specifying RNGkind="MT2203":

z <- rxExec(playDice, timesToRun=10000, taskChunkSize=2000, RNGseed=777,


Loss Win
5104 4896

We can build reproducibility into our naïve k-means example as follows:

kMeansRSR <- function(x, centers=5, iter.max=10, nstart=1, numTimes = 20, seed = NULL)
results <- rxExec(FUN = kmeans, x=x, centers=centers, iter.max=iter.max,
nstart=nstart, timesToRun=numTimes, RNGseed = seed)
best <- 1
bestSS <- sum(results[[1]]$withinss)
for (j in 1:numTimes)
jSS <- sum(results[[j]]$withinss)
if (bestSS > jSS)
best <- j
bestSS <- jSS
km1 <- kMeansRSR(x, 10, 35, 20, seed=777)
km2 <- kMeansRSR(x, 10, 35, 20, seed=777)
all.equal(km1, km2)

[1] TRUE

To obtain the default random number generators without setting a seed, specify "auto" as the argument to either
RNGseed or RNGkind:

x3 <- rxExec(runif, 500, timesToRun=5, RNGkind="auto")

x4 <- rxExec(runif, 500, timesToRun=5, RNGseed="auto")

To verify that we are actually getting uncorrelated streams, we can use runif within rxExec to generate a list of
vectors of random vectors, then use the cor function to measure the correlation between vectors:

x <- rxExec(runif, 500, timesToRun=5, RNGkind="MT2203")

x.df <- data.frame(x)
corx <- cor(x.df)
diag(corx) <- 0
any(abs(corx)> 0.3)

Correlations are above 0.3; in repeated runs of the code, the maximum correlation seldom exceeded 0.1.
Because the MT2203 generator offers such a rich array of substreams, we recommend its use. You can, however,
use several other generators, all from Intel’s Vector Statistical Library, a component of the Intel Math Kernel
Library. The available generators are as follows: "MCG31", "R250", "MRG32K3A", "MCG59", "MT19937",
"MT2203", "SFMT19937" (all of which are pseudo-random number generators that can be used to generate
uncorrelated random number streams) plus "SOBOL" and "NIEDERR", which are quasi-random number
generators that do not generate uncorrelated random number streams. Detailed descriptions of the available
generators can be found in the Vector Statistical Library Notes.
About reproducibility
For distributed compute contexts, rxExec starts the random number streams on a per-worker basis; if there are
more tasks than workers, you may not obtain completely reproducible results because different tasks may be
performed by randomly chosen workers. If you need completely reproducible results, you can use the
taskChunkSize argument to force the number of task chunks to be less than or equal to the number of workers.
This will ensure that each chunk of tasks is performed on a single random number stream. You can also define a
custom function that includes random number generation control within it; this moves the random number control
into each task. See the help file for rxRngNewStream for details.

Work with results from non-blocking jobs

So far, all of our examples have required a blocking, or waiting, compute context so that we could make immediate
use of the results returned by rxExec. However some computations are so time consuming that it is not practical to
wait on the results. In such cases, it is probably best to divide your analysis into two or more pieces, one of which
can be structured as a non-blocking job, and then use the pending job (or more usefully, the job results, when
available) as input to the remaining pieces.
For example, let’s return to the birthday example, and see how to restructure our analysis to use a non-blocking
job for the distributed computations. The pbirthday function itself requires no changes, and our variable specifying
the number of ntests can be used as is:
"pbirthday" <- function(n, ntests=5000)
if (length(n) > 1L) return(sapply(n, pbirthday, ntests = ntests))

daysInYear <-

anydup <- function(i)
any(duplicated(sample(daysInYear, size = n, replace = TRUE)))

prob <- sum(sapply(, anydup)) / ntests

names(prob) <- n
ntests <- 2000

However, when we call rxExec, the return object will no longer be the results list, but a jobInfo object:

z <- rxExec(pbirthday, n=rxElemArg(2:100), ntests=ntests, taskChunkSize=20)

We check the job status:


[1] "finished"

We can then proceed almost as before:

probSameBD <- unlist(rxGetJobResults(z))

partySize <- 2:100
nodes = as.factor( rep(1:5, each=20)[2:100])
levels(nodes) <- paste("Node", levels(nodes))
birthdayData <- data.frame(probSameBD, partySize, nodes)

rxLinePlot( probSameBD~partySize, groups = nodes, data=birthdayData,

type = "p",
xTitle = "Party Size",
yTitle = "Probability of Same Birthday",
title = "Our Rockin Soiree!")

The other examples are a bit trickier, in that the result of the calls to rxExec were embedded in functions. But again,
dividing the computations into distributed and non-distributed components can help—the distributed
computations can be non-blocking, and the non-distributed portions can then be applied to the results. Thus the
kmeans example can be rewritten thus:
genKmeansClusters <- function(x, centers=5, iter.max=10, nstart=1)
numTimes <- 20
rxExec(FUN = kmeans, x=x, centers=centers, iter.max=iter.max,
nstart=nstart, timesToRun=numTimes)

findKmeansBest <- function(results){

numTimes <- length(results)
best <- 1
bestSS <- sum(results[[1]]$withinss)
for (j in 1:numTimes)
jSS <- sum(results[[j]]$withinss)
if (bestSS > jSS)
best <- j
bestSS <- jSS

To run this in our non-blocking cluster context, we do the following:

x <- matrix(rnorm(250000), nrow = 5000, ncol = 50)

z <- genKmeansClusters(x, 10, 35, 20)

Once we see that z’s job status is “finished”, we can run findKmeansBest on the results:


Call RevoScaleR HPA functions with rxExec

To this point, none of the functions we have called with rxExec has been a RevoScaleR function, because the intent
has been to show how rxExec can be used to address the large class of traditional high-performance computing
However, there is no inherent reason why rxExec cannot be used with RevoScaleR’s high performance analysis
(HPA) functions, and many times it can be useful to do so. For example, if you are running a cluster on which every
node has two or more cores, you can use rxExec to start an independent analysis on each node, and each of those
analyses can take advantage of the multiple cores on its node.
The following simulation simulates data from a Poisson distribution and then fits a generalized linear model to the
simulated data:
"SimAndEstimatePoisson" <- function(nobs, trials)
"SimulatePoissonData" <- function(nobs)
x1 <- log(runif(nobs, min=.5, max=1.5))
x2 <- log(runif(nobs, min=.5, max=1.5))

b0 <- 0
b1 <- 1
b2 <- 2
lambda <- exp(b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2)
count <- rpois(nobs,lambda)
pSim <- data.frame(count=count, x1=x1, x2=x2)

cf <- NULL
rxOptions(reportProgress = 0)
for (i in 1:trials)
simData <- SimulatePoissonData(nobs)
result1 <- rxGlm(count~x1+x2,data=simData,family=poisson())
cf <- rbind(cf,as.double(coefficients(result1)))

If we call the above function with rxExec on a five-node cluster compute context, we get five simulations running
simultaneously, and can easily produce 1000 simulations as follows:

rxExec(SimAndEstimatePoisson, nobs=50000, trials=10, taskChunkSize=5, timesToRun=100)

It is important to recognize the distinction between running an HPA function with a distributed compute context,
and calling an HPA function using rxExec with a distributed compute context. In the former case, we are fitting just
one model, using the distributed compute context to farm out portions of the computations, but ultimately
returning just one model object. In the latter case, we are calculating one model per task, the tasks being farmed
out to the various nodes or cores as desired, and a list of models is returned.

Use rxExec in the local compute context

By default, if you call rxExec in the local compute context, your computation runS sequentially on your local
machine. However, you can incorporate parallel computing on your local machine using the special compute
context RxLocalParallel as follows:


This allows the ParallelR package doParallel to distribute the computation among the available cores of your
If you are using random numbers in the local parallel context, be aware that rxExec chooses a number of workers
based on the number of tasks and the current value of rxGetOption("numCoresToUse") . to guarantee each task runS
with a separate random number stream, set rxOptions(numCoresToUse) equal to the number of tasks, and explicitly
set timesToRun to the number of tasks. For example, if we want a list consisting of five sets of uniform random
numbers, we could do the following to obtain reproducible results:
x1 <- rxExec(runif, 500, timesToRun=5, RNGkind="MT2203", RNGseed=14)
x2 <- rxExec(runif, 500, timesToRun=5, RNGkind="MT2203", RNGseed=14)
all.equal(x1, x2)

numCoresToUse is a scalar integer specifying the number of cores to use. If you set this parameter to either -1 or
a value in excess of available cores, ScaleR uses however many cores are available. Increasing the number of cores
also increases the amount of memory required for ScaleR analysis functions.

HPA functions are not affected by the RxLocalParallel compute context; they run locally and in the usual internally
distributed fashion when the RxLocalParallel compute context is in effect.

Use rxExec with foreach back ends

If you do not have access to a Hadoop cluster or enterprise database, but do have access to a cluster via PVM,
MPI, socket, or NetWorkSpaces connections or a multicore workstation, you can use rxExec with an arbitrary
foreach backend (doParallel, doSNOW, doMPI, etc.) Register your parallel backend as usual and then set your
RevoScaleR compute context using the special compute context RxForeachDoPar :


For example, here is how you might start a SNOW -like cluster connection with the doParallel back end:

cl <- makeCluster(4)

You then call rxExec as usual. The computations are automatically directed to the registered foreach back end.

HPA functions are not usually affected by the RxForeachDoPar compute context; they run locally and in the usual internally
distributed fashion when the RxForeachDoPar compute context is in effect. The one exception is when HPA functions are
called within rxExec ; in this case it is possible that the internal threading of the HPA functions can be affected by the
launch mechanism of the parallel backend workers. The doMC backend and the multicore-like backend of doParallel both use
forking to launch their workers; this is known to be incompatible with the HPA functions.

Control rxExec computations

As we have seen in these examples, there are several arguments to rxExec that allow you to fine-tune your
rxExec commands. Both the birthday example and the Mandelbrot example used the taskChunkSize argument to
specify how many tasks should go to each worker. The Mandelbrot example also used the execObjects argument,
which can be used to pass either a character vector or an environment containing objects—the objects specified by
the vector or contained in the environment are added to the environment of the function specified in the FUN
argument, unless that environment is locked, in which case they are added to the parent frame in which FUN is
evaluated. (If you use an environment, it should be one you create with parent=emptyenv (); this allows you to pass
only those objects you need to the function’s environment.) These two examples also show the use of rxElemArg in
passing arguments to the workers. In the kmeans example, we covered the timesToRun argument. The
packagesToLoad argument allows you to specify packages to load on each worker. The consoleOutput and
autoCleanup flags serve the same purpose as their counterparts in the compute context constructor functions—
that is, they can be used to specify whether console output should be displayed or the associated task files should
be cleaned up on job completion for an individual call to 'rxExec'.
Two additional arguments remain to be introduced: oncePerElem and continueOnFailure. The oncePerElem
argument restricts the called function to be run once per allotted node; this is frequently used with the timesToRun
argument to ensure that each occurrence is run on a separate node. The oncePerElem argument, however, can
only be set to TRUE if elemType="nodes". It must be set to FALSE if elemType="cores".
If oncePerElem is TRUE and elemType="nodes", rxExec’s results are returned in a list with components named by
node. If a given node does not have a valid R syntactic name, its name is mangled to become a valid R syntactic
name for use in the return list.
The continueOnFailure argument is used to say that a computation should continue even if one or more of the
compute elements fails for some reason; this is useful, for example, if you are running several thousand
independent simulations and It doesn’t matter if you get results for all of them. Using continueOnFailure=TRUE
(the default), you get results for all compute elements that finish the simulation and error messages for the
compute elements that fail.

The arguments elemType, consoleOutput, autoCleanup, continueOnFailure, and oncePerElem are ignored by the special
compute contexts 'RxLocalParallel' and 'RxForeachDoPar`.

This article provides comprehensive documentation on rxExec for writing custom script that executes jobs in
parallel. Several use cases were used to show how rxExec is used in context, with additional sections providing
guidance on relevant tasks associated with custom execution, such as sharing data, structuring jobs, and
controlling calculations. To learn more, see these related links:
Distributed and parallel computing in Machine Learning Server
Using foreach and iterators for manual parallel execution
Parallel execution using doRSR for script containing RevoScaleR and foreach constructs
Enforcing YARN queue usage
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

R Server tasks running on Spark or MapReduce can be managed through use of YARN job queues. To direct a job
to a specific queue, the end user must include the queue name in the MapReduce or Spark Compute Context.

Use the "hadoopSwitches" option to direct jobs to a specific YARN queue.

RxHadoopMR(.., hadoopSwitches='-Dmapreduce.job.queuename=mrsjobs')

Use the "extraSparkConfig" option to direct jobs to a specific YARN queue.

RxSpark(.., extraSparkConfig='--conf spark.yarn.queue=mrsjobs')

extraSparkConfig='--conf spark.yarn.queue=mrsjobs')

Use of a specific queue can be enforced by the Hadoop system administrator by providing an installation override
to the RxSpark() , RxSparkConnect() , and RxHadoopMR() compute context functions. A benefit is that you no longer
have to explicitly specify the queue.
This procedure involves creating a custom R package that contains the function overrides, installing that package
on the nodes in use by end users, and adding the package to the default search path on these nodes. The following
code block provides an example. If you use this code as a template, remember to change the ‘mrsjobs’ YARN
queue name to the queue name that's valid for your system.
1. Create a new R package, such as “abcMods” if your company abbreviation is ‘abc’, by installing the
“devtools” package and running the following command, or use the package.skeleton() function in base R.
To learn more about creating R packages, see Writing R Extensions on the CRAN website, or online version
of R Packages from Hadley Wickham.

> library(devtools)
> create('/dev/abcMods',rstudio=FALSE)

2. This creates the essential package files in the requested directory, in this case ‘/dev/abcMods’. Edit each of
the following to fill in the relevant info.
DESCRIPTION – text file containing the description of the R package:
Package: abcMods
Date: 2016-09-01
Title: Company ABC Modified Functions
Depends: RevoScaleR
Description: R Server functions modified for use by Company ABC
License: file LICENSE

NAMESPACE – text file containing the list of overridden functions to be exported:

export("RxHadoopMR", "RxSpark", “RxSparkConnect”)

LICENSE – create a text file named ‘LICENSE’ in the package directory with a single line for the license
associated with the R package:

This package is for internal Company ABC use only -- not for redistribution.

3. In the package’s R directory add one or more *.R files with the code for the functions to be overridden.
The following sample code provides for overriding RxHadoopMR , RxSpark , and RxSparkConnect that you
might save to a file called "ccOverrides.r" in that directory. The RxSparkConnect function is only available in
V9 and later releases.
# sample code to enforce use of YARN queues for RxHadoopMR, RxSpark,
# and RxSparkConnect

RxHadoopMR <- function(...) {

dotargs <- list(...)
hswitch <- dotargs$hadoopSwitches

# remove any queue info that may already present

y <- hswitch
if (isTRUE(grep('queue',hswitch) > 0)) {
hswitch <- gsub(' *= *','=',hswitch,perl=TRUE)
hswitch <- gsub(' +',' ',hswitch)
x <- unlist(strsplit(hswitch," "))
i <- grep('queue',x)
y <- paste(x[- c(i-1,i)],collapse=' ')

# add in the required queue info

dotargs$hadoopSwitches <- paste(y,'-Dmapreduce.job.queuename=mrsjobs') RevoScaleR::RxHadoopMR, dotargs )

RxSpark <- function(...) {

dotargs <- list(...)
hswitch <- dotargs$extraSparkConfig

# remove any queue info that may already present

y <- hswitch
if (isTRUE(grep('queue',hswitch) > 0)) {
hswitch <- gsub(' *= *','=',hswitch,perl=TRUE)
hswitch <- gsub(' +',' ',hswitch)
x <- unlist(strsplit(hswitch," "))
i <- grep('queue',x)
y <- paste(x[- c(i-1,i)],collapse=' ')

# add in the required queue info

dotargs$extraSparkConfig <- paste(y,'--conf spark.yarn.queue=mrsjobs') RevoScaleR::RxSpark, dotargs )
} }

RxSparkConnect <- function(...) {

dotargs <- list(...)
hswitch <- dotargs$extraSparkConfig

# remove any queue info that may already present

y <- hswitch
if (isTRUE(grep('queue',hswitch) > 0)) {
hswitch <- gsub(' *= *','=',hswitch,perl=TRUE)
hswitch <- gsub(' +',' ',hswitch)
x <- unlist(strsplit(hswitch," "))
i <- grep('queue',x)
y <- paste(x[- c(i-1,i)],collapse=' ')

# add in the required queue info

dotargs$extraSparkConfig <- paste(y,'--conf spark.yarn.queue=mrsjobs') RevoScaleR::RxSparkConnect, dotargs )

4. After editing the previous components of the package, run the following Linux commands to build the
package from the directory containing the abcMods directory:
R CMD build abcMods
R CMD INSTALL abcmods_0.1-0 (if needed run this using sudo)

If you need to build the package for users on Windows, then the equivalent commands would be as follows
where ‘rpath’ is defined to point to the version of R Server to which you’d like to add the library.

set rpath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft\R Client\R_SERVER\bin\x64\R.exe"

%rpath% CMD build abcMods
%rpath% CMD INSTALL abcMods_0.1-0.tar.gz

5. To test it, start R, load the library, and make a call to RxHadoopMR() :

> library(abcMods)
> RxHadoopMR(hadoopSwitches="-Dmapreduce.job.queuename=XYZ")

You should see the result come back with the queue name set to your override value (for example,
Dmapreduce.job.queuename=mrsjobs) .

6. To automate the loading of the package so that users don’t need to specify "library(abcMods)", edit and modify the line specifying the default packages to include abcMods as the last item:

options(defaultPackages=c(getOption("defaultPackages"), "rpart", "lattice", "RevoScaleR", "RevoMods",

"RevoUtils", "RevoUtilsMath", "abcMods"))

7. Once everything tests out to your satisfaction, install the package on all the edge nodes that your users are
logging in to. To do this, copy "" and R’s library/abcMods directory to each of these nodes, or
install the package from the abcmods_0.1-0 tar file on each node and manually edit the "" file on
each node.
Cheat sheet: How to choose a MicrosoftML algorithm
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

The MicrosoftML: Algorithm Cheat Sheet helps you choose the right machine learning algorithm for a
predictive analytics model when using Machine Learning Server. The algorithms are available in R or Python.
MicrosoftML provides a library of algorithms from the regression, classification (two-class and multi-class),
and anomaly detection families. Each is designed to address a different type of machine learning problem.

Download the MicrosoftML Algorithm Cheat Sheet

Download the cheat sheet here: MicrosoftML Package: Algorithm Cheat Sheet v2 (11x17 in.)

Download and print the MicrosoftML: Algorithm Cheat Sheet in tabloid size to keep it handy for guidance
when choosing a machine learning algorithm.

MicrosoftML machine learning algorithms

This section contains descriptions of the machine learning algorithms contained in the Algorithm Cheat Sheet. The
algorithms are available in R or Python. The R And Python names are provided in the format:
**R name/Python name** .

Fast Linear model (SDCA )

The rxFastTrees() / rx_fast_trees() algorithm is based on the Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent (SDCA)
method, a state-of-the-art optimization technique for convex objective functions. The algorithm can be scaled for
use on large out-of-memory data sets due to a semi-asynchronized implementation that supports multithreaded
processing. Several choices of loss functions are also provided and elastic net regularization is supported. The
SDCA method combines several of the best properties and capabilities of logistic regression and SVM algorithms.
Tasks supported: binary classification, linear regression
OneClass SVM
The rxOneClassSvm() / rx_one_class_svm() algorithm is used for one-class anomaly detection. This is a type of
unsupervised learning as its training set contains only examples from the target class and not any anomalous
instances. It infers what properties are normal for the objects in the target class and from these properties predicts
which examples are unlike these normal examples. This is useful as typically there are very few examples of
network intrusion, fraud, or other types of anomalous behavior in training data sets.
Tasks supported: anomaly detection
Fast Tree
The rxFastTrees() / rx_fast_trees() algorithm is a high performing, state of the art scalable boosted decision
tree that implements FastRank, an efficient implementation of the MART gradient boosting algorithm. MART
learns an ensemble of regression trees, which is a decision tree with scalar values in its leaves. For binary
classification, the output is converted to a probability by using some form of calibration.
Tasks supported: binary classification, regression
Fast Forest
The rxFastForest() / rx_fast_forest() algorithm is a random forest that provides a learning method for
classification that constructs an ensemble of decision trees at training time, outputting the class that is the mode of
the classes of the individual trees. Random decision forests can correct for the overfitting to training data sets to
which decision trees are prone.
Tasks supported: binary classification, regression
Neural Network
The rxNeuralNet() / rx_neural_net() algorithm supports a user-defined multilayer network topology with GPU
acceleration. A neural network is a class of prediction models inspired by the human brain. It can be represented as
a weighted directed graph. Each node in the graph is called a neuron. The neural network algorithm tries to learn
the optimal weights on the edges based on the training data. Any class of statistical models can be considered a
neural network if they use adaptive weights and can approximate non-linear functions of their inputs. Neural
network regression is especially suited to problems where a more traditional regression model cannot fit a
Tasks supported: binary and multiclass classification, regression
Logistic regression
The rxLogisticRegression() / rx_logistic_regression() algorithm is used to predict the value of a categorical
dependent variable from its relationship to one or more independent variables assumed to have a logistic
distribution. If the dependent variable has only two possible values (success/failure), then the logistic regression is
binary. If the dependent variable has more than two possible values (blood type given diagnostic test results), then
the logistic regression is multinomial.
Tasks supported: binary and multiclass classification
Ensemble methods
The rxEnsemble() / rx_emsemble() algorithm uses a combination of learning algorithms to provide better
predictive performance that the algorithms could individually. The approach is used primarily in the Hadoop/Spark
environment for training across a multi-node cluster. But it can also be used in a single-node/local context.
Tasks supported: binary and multiclass classification, regression
More help with algorithms
For a list by category of all the machine learning algorithms available in the MicrosoftML package, see:
MicrosoftML R functions
MicrosoftML Python functions

Notes and terminology definitions for the machine learning algorithm

cheat sheet
The suggestions offered in this algorithm cheat sheet are approximate rules-of-thumb. Some can be bent
and some can be flagrantly violated. This sheet is only intended to suggest a starting point. Don’t be afraid
to run a head-to-head competition between several algorithms on your data. There is simply no substitute
for understanding the principles of each algorithm and understanding the system that generated your data.
Every machine learning algorithm has its own style or inductive bias. For a specific problem, several
algorithms may be appropriate and one algorithm may be a better fit than others. But anticipating which
will be the best fit beforehand is not always possible. In cases like these, several algorithms are listed
together in the cheat sheet. An appropriate strategy would be to try one algorithm, and if the results are not
yet satisfactory, try the others.
Two categories of machine learning are supported by MicrosoftML: supervised learning and
unsupervised learning.
In supervised learning, each data point is labeled or associated with a category or value of interest.
The goal of supervised learning is to study many labeled examples like these, and then to be able to
make predictions about future data points. All of the algorithms in MicrosoftML are supervised
learners except rxOneClassSvm() used for anomaly detection.
In unsupervised learning, data points have no labels associated with them. Instead, the goal of an
unsupervised learning algorithm is to organize the data in some way or to describe its structure.
Only the rxOneClassSvm() algorithm used for anomaly detection is an unsupervised learner.

What's next?
Quickstarts for MicrosoftML shows how to use pre-trained models for sentiment analysis and image featurization.
Authenticate with Machine Learning Server in
Python with azureml-model-management-sdk
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server

The azureml-model-management-sdk package, delivered with Machine Learning Server, provides functions for
publishing and managing a Python web service that is backed by the Python code block or script you provided.
This section describes how to authenticate with Machine Learning Server on-premises or in the cloud using
azureml-model-management-sdk. Every API call between the client and the Web node must be authenticated.
The azureml-model-management-sdk functions, which place API calls on your behalf, are no different. If the user
does not provide a valid login, an Unauthorized HTTP 401 status code is returned.

azureml-model-management-sdk provides the client that supports several ways of authenticating against the
Machine Learning Server. Authentication of user identity is handled via Active Directory. Machine Learning
Server never stores or manages any usernames and passwords. Ask your administrator for authentication type
configured for Machine Learning Server and the connection details.
By default, all web services operations are available to authenticated users. Tasks, such as deleting or updating a
web service, are available only to the user who initially created the service. However, your administrator can also
assign role-based authorization controls to further restrict the permissions around web services.

On premises authentication
Use this approach if you are:
authenticating using Active Directory server on your network
using the default administrator account
Pass the username and password as a Python tuple for on premises authentication. If you do not know your
connection settings, contact your administrator.

# Import the DeployClient and MLServer classes from

# the azureml-model-management-sdk package so you can
# connect to Machine Learning Server (use=MLServer).

from azureml.deploy import DeployClient

from azureml.deploy.server import MLServer

# Define the location of the Machine Learning Server

# And provide your username and password as a Python tuple
# for local admin with password Pass123!
# context = ('admin', 'Pass123!')
context = ('{{YOUR_USERNAME}}', '{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}')
client = DeployClient(HOST, use=MLServer, auth=context)

This code calls the /user/login API.


host endpoint Required. The Machine Learning Server HTTP/HTTPS

endpoint, including the port number.

username Required. Enter your AD username or 'admin' if default

administrator account defined.

password Required. Enter the password.

Cloud authentication (AAD)

Use this approach if you are authenticating using Azure Active Directory in the cloud.
Pass the credentials as a Python dictionary {} for AAD authentication.

# First, import the DeployClient and MLServer classes from

# the azureml-model-management-sdk package so you can
# connect to Machine Learning Server (use=MLServer).

from azureml.deploy import DeployClient

from azureml.deploy.server import MLServer

# Define the endpoint of the host Machine Learning Server.


# Pass in credentials for the AAD context as a dictionary.

# Omit username & password to use ADAL to authenticate.
context = {
'authuri': '',
'tenant': '{{AAD_DOMAIN}}',
'clientid': '{{NATIVE_APP_CLIENT_ID}}',
'resource': '{{WEB_APP_CLIENT_ID}}',
'username': '{{YOUR_USERNAME}}',
'password': '{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}'

client = DeployClient(HOST, use=MLServer, auth=context)

If you do not know your tenant id, clientid, or other details, contact your administrator. Or, if you have access to
the Azure portal for the relevant Azure subscription, you can find these authentication details.


host endpoint Required. The Machine Learning Server HTTP/HTTPS

endpoint, including the port number. This endpoint is the
SIGN-ON URL value from the web application

authuri Required. The URI of the authentication service for Azure

Active Directory.

tenant Required. The tenant ID of the Azure Active Directory

account being used to authenticate is the domain of AAD

clientid Required. The numeric CLIENT ID of the AAD "native"

application for the Azure Active Directory account.

resource Required. The numeric CLIENT ID from the AAD "Web"

application for the Azure Active Directory account, also
known by the Audience in the configuration file.

username Optional. If NULL, user is prompted. See following section.

password Optional. If NULL, user is prompted. See following section.

Alternatives to putting the username and password in the script

If you omit the username and password from the dictionary for the AAD context, then you can either:
Get a device code to complete authentication and token creation via Azure Active Directory
Authentication Libraries (ADAL ). Enter that code at to complete the
Programmatically authenticate using a call back, such as:

def callback_fn(code):

context = {
'authuri': '',
'tenant': '{{AAD_DOMAIN}}',
'clientid': '{{NATIVE_APP_CLIENT_ID}}',
'resource': '{{WEB_APP_CLIENT_ID}}',
'user_code_callback': callback_fn

A note about access tokens

Keep in mind that all APIs require authentication; therefore, all users must authenticate when making an API call
using the POST /login API or through Azure Active Directory.
To simplify this process, bearer access tokens are issued so that users need not provide their credentials for every
single call. This bearer token is a lightweight security token that grants the “bearer” access to a protected
resource, in this case, Machine Learning Server's APIs. After authentication, the user does not need to provide
credentials again as long as the token is still valid, and a header is submitted with every request. The application
must validate the user’s bearer token to ensure that authentication was successful for the intended parties. Learn
more about managing these tokens.
Deploy and manage web services in Python
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server

This article is for data scientists who wants to learn how to deploy and manage Python code/models as analytic
web services hosted in Machine Learning Server. This article assumes you are proficient in Python.
Using the azureml-model-management-sdk Python package, which ships with Machine Learning Server, you can
develop, test, and deploy these Python analytics as web services in your production environment. This package
can also be installed locally on a Windows machine, but requires a connection to a Machine Learning Server
instance at runtime. RESTful APIs are also available to provide direct programmatic access to a service's lifecycle.
By default, web service operations are available to authenticated users. However, your administrator can also
assign role-based authorization (RBAC ) to further control the permissions around web services.

Web service definition: In Machine Learning Server, your R and Python code and models can be deployed as web
services. Exposed as web services hosted in Machine Learning Server, these models and code can be accessed and
consumed in R, Python, programmatically using REST APIs, or using Swagger generated client libraries. Web services can be
deployed from one platform and consumed on another. Learn more...

To deploy your analytics, you must publish them as web services in Machine Learning Server. Web services offer
fast execution and scoring of arbitrary Python or R code and models. Learn more about web services.
When you deploy Python code or a model as a web service, a service object containing the client stub for
consuming that service is returned.
Once hosted on Machine Learning Server, you can update and manage them. Authenticated users can consume
web services in Python or in a preferred language via Swagger.

Before you can use the web service management functions in the azureml-model-management-sdk Python
package, you must:
Have access to a Python-enabled instance of Machine Learning Server that was properly configured to
host web services.
Authenticate with Machine Learning Server in Python as described in "Connecting to Machine Learning

Web service definitions

The list of available parameters that can be defined for a web service depends on whether it is a standard or
realtime web service.
Parameters for standard web services
Standard web services, like all web services, are identified by their name and version. Additional parameters can
be defined for the service, including:
A description
Arbitrary Python code as a function or a string, such as code_fn=(run, init) or code_str=('run', 'init')
Any model assets
Outputs for integrators
For a full example, try out the quickstart guide for deploying web services in Python .
This table presents the supported data types for the input and output schemas of Python web services. Write
these as a reference bool or as a string 'bool' .


Float → float Array → numpy.array

Integer → int Matrix → numpy.matrix

Boolean → bool Dataframe → numpy.DataFrame

String → str

Parameters for realtime web services

Realtime web services are also identified by their name and version. The following additional parameters can be
defined for the realtime service:
A description
A model created with certain supported functions and serialized with revoscalepy.rx_serialize_model
Dataframes are assumed for inputs and outputs. Code is not supported.
For a full example of realtime web services in Python, try out this Jupyter notebook.

Deploy and update services

Publish a service
To publish a service, specify the name, version, and any other needed parameters. Be sure to end with '.deploy'.
Here is a standard web service example:

service = client.service('myService')\
.description('cars model')\
.code_fn(manualTransmission, init)\
.inputs(hp=float, wt=float)\

Here is a realtime web service example:

# Serialize the model using revoscalepy.rx_serialize_model
from revoscalepy import rx_serialize_model
s_model = rx_serialize_model(model, realtime_scoring_only=True)

# Publish the realtime service

webserv = client.realtime_service('myService') \
.version('1.0') \
.serialized_model(s_model) \
.description('this is a realtime model') \

For a full example of realtime web services in Python, try out this Jupyter notebook.
Update an existing service version
To update an existing web service, specify the name and version of that service and the parameters that need
changed. When you use '.redeploy', the service version is overwritten and a new service object containing the
client stub for consuming that service is returned.
Update the service with a '.redeploy' such as:

# Redeploy this standard service 'myService' version 'v1.0'

# Only the description has changed.
service = client.service('myService')\
.description('The updated description for cars model')\

Publish a new service version

You can deploy different versions of a web service. To publish a new version of the service, specify the same name,
a new version, and end with '.deploy', such as:

service = client.service('myService')\
.description('cars model')\
.code_fn(manualTransmission, init)\
.inputs(hp=float, wt=float)\

Delete web services

When you no longer want to keep a web service that you have published, you can delete it. If you are assigned to
"Owner" role, you can also delete the services of others.
You can call 'delete_service' on the 'DeployClient' object to delete a specific service on Machine Learning Server.

# -- List all services to find the one to delete--

# -- Now delete myService v1.0
client.delete_service('myService', version='v1.0')

If successful, the status 'True' is returned. If it fails, then the execution stops and an error message is returned.

See also
What are web services?
Quickstart: Deploying web services in Python.
How to authenticate in Python
How to find, get, and consume web services
How to consume web services in Python synchronously (request/response)
How to consume web services in Python asynchronously (batch)
List, get, and consume web services in Python
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server

This article is for data scientists who wants to learn how to find, examine, and consume the analytic web services
hosted in Machine Learning Server using Python. Web services offer fast execution and scoring of arbitrary
Python or R code and models. Learn more about web services. This article assumes that you are proficient in
After a web service has been published, any authenticated user can list, examine, and consume that web service.
You can do so directly in Python using the functions in the azureml-model-management-sdk package. The
azureml-model-management-sdk package is installed with Machine Learning Server. To list, examine, or
consume the web service outside of Python, use the RESTful APIs that provide direct programmatic access to a
service's lifecycle or in a preferred language via Swagger.
By default, web service operations are available to authenticated users. However, your administrator can also
assign roles (RBAC ) to further control the permissions around web services.

Web service definition: In Machine Learning Server, your R and Python code and models can be deployed as web
services. Exposed as web services hosted in Machine Learning Server, these models and code can be accessed and
consumed in R, Python, programmatically using REST APIs, or using Swagger generated client libraries. Web services can
be deployed from one platform and consumed on another. Learn more...

Before you can use the web service management functions in the azureml-model-management-sdk Python
package, you must:
Have access to a Python-enabled instance of Machine Learning Server that was properly configured to
host web services.
Authenticate with Machine Learning Server in Python as described in "Connecting to Machine Learning
Server in Python."

Find and list web services

Any authenticated user can retrieve a list of web services using the list_services function on the DeployClient
object. You can use arguments to return a specific web service or all labeled versions of a given web service.

## -- Return metadata for all services hosted on this server


## -- Return metadata for all versions of service "myService"


## -- Return metadata for a specific version "v1.0" of service "myService"

client.list_services('myService', version='v1.0')

Once you find the service you want, use the get_service function to retrieve the service object for consumption.
Retrieve and examine service objects
Authenticated users can retrieve the web service object in order to get the client stub for consuming that service.
Use the get_service function from the azureml-model-management-sdk package to retrieve the object.
After the object is returned, you can use a help function to explore the published service, such as
print(help(myServiceObject)) . You can call the help function on any azureml-model-management-sdk functions,
even those that are dynamically generated to learn more about them.
You can also print the capabilities that define the service holdings to see what the service can do and how it
should be consumed. Service holdings include the service name, version, descriptions, inputs, outputs, and the
name of the function to be consumed. Learn more about capabilities...
You can use supported public functions to interact with service object.
Example code:

# -- List all versions of the service 'myService'--


# -- Retrieve the service object for myService v2.0

svc = client.get_service('myService', version='v2.0')

# -- Learn more about that service.


# -- View the service object's capabilities/schema


You can only see the code stored within a web service if you have published the web service or are assigned to the
"Owner" role. To learn more about roles in your organization, contact your Machine Learning Server administrator.

Consume web services

Web services are published to facilitate the consumption and integration of the operationalized models and code
into systems and applications. Whenever the web service is deployed or updated, a Swagger-based JSON file,
which defines the service, is automatically generated.
When you publish a service, you can let people know that it is ready for consumption by sharing its name and
version with them. Web services are consumed by data scientists, quality engineers, and application developer.
They can be consumed in Python, R, or via the API.
Users can consume the service directly using a single consumption call, which is referred to as a "Request
Response" approach. Learn about the various approaches to consuming web services.
Consuming in Python
After authenticating with Machine Learning Server, users can also interact with and consume services using
other functions in the azureml-model-management-sdk Python package.
For a full example of a request-response consume, see this Jupyter notebook
# Let's call the function `manualTransmission` in this service
res = svc.manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

# Pluck out the named output `answer`.


# Get `swagger.json` that defines the service.

cap = svc.capabilities()
swagger_URL = cap['swagger']

# Print the contents of the swagger file.


Sharing the Swagger with application developers

Application developers can call and integrate a web service into their applications using the service-specific
Swagger-based JSON file and by providing any required inputs to that service. The Swagger-based JSON file is
used to generate client libraries for integration. Read "How to integrate web services and authentication into
your application" for more details.
The easiest way to share the Swagger file with an application developer is to use the code shown in this Jupyter
notebook. Alternately, the application developer can request the file as an authenticated user with an active
bearer token in the request header using this API:

GET /api/{{service-name}}/{{service-version}}/swagger.json

See also
What are web services?
Jupyter notebook: how explore and consume a web service
Package overview: azureml-model-management-sdk
Quickstart: Deploying an Python model as a web service
How to authenticate with Machine Learning Server in Python.
How to publish and manage web services in Python
How to integrate web services and authentication into your application
Asynchronous web service consumption via batch
processing in Python
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server

In this article, you can learn how to consume a web service asynchronously, which is especially useful with large
input data sets and long-running computations. The typical approach to consuming web services in Python,
"Request Response" consumption, involves a single API call to execute the code in that web service once. The
"Asynchronous Batch" approach involves the execution of code without manual intervention using multiple
asynchronous API calls on a specific web service sent as a single request to Machine Learning Server. Then,
Machine Learning Server immediately executes those operations once for every row of data provided.

Asynchronous batch workflow

Generally speaking, the process for asynchronous batch consumption of a web service involves the following:
1. Call the web service on which the batch execution should be run
2. Define the data records for the batch execution task
3. Start (or cancel) the batch execution task
4. Monitor task and interact with results
Use these following public API functions to define, start, and interact with your batch executions.

Example code
The batch example code is stored in a Jupyter notebook. This notebook format allows you to not only see the
code alongside detailed explanations, but also allows you to try out the code.
This example walks through the asynchronous consumption of a Python model as a web service hosted in
Machine Learning Server. Consume a simple linear model built using the rx_lin_mod function from the
revoscalepy package.
► Download the Jupyter notebook to try it out.

Public functions for batch

You can use the following supported public functions to consume a service asynchronously.
Batch functions performed on the service object
Once you get the service object, use these public functions on that object.


batch view Define the data records to be batched

and the thread count

get_batch_executions view Get the list of batch execution


get_batch view Get batch object using its unique

execution identifier

Batch functions performed on the batch object

Once you have the batch object, use these public functions to interact with it.


start view Starts the execution of a batch scoring


cancel view Cancel the named batch execution

execution_id view Get the execution identifier for the

named batch process

state view Poll for the state of the batch execution

(failed, complete, ...)

results view Poll for batch execution results, partial

or full results as defined

execution view Get results for a given index row

returned as an array

list_artifacts view List of every artifact files that was

generated by this execution index

artifact view Print the contents of the named artifact

file generated by the batch execution

download view Download one or all artifact files from

execution index

1. Get the web service

Once you have authenticated, retrieve the web service from the server, assign it to a variable, and define the
inputs to it as record data in a data frame, CSV, or TSV.
Batching begins by retrieving the web service containing the code against which you score the data records you
define next. You can get a service using its name and version with the get_service function from
azureml-model-management-sdk . The result is a service object.
The get_service function is covered in detail in the article "How to interact with and consume web services in R ."
2. Define the data records to be batched
Next, use the public api function batch to define the input record data for the batch and set the number of
concurrent threads for processing.
Syntax: batch(inputs, parallelCount = 10)


inputs Specify the data.frame name directly

parallelCount Default value is 10. Specify the number of concurrent threads

that can be dedicated to processing records in the batch. Take
care not to set a number so high that it negatively impacts

Returns: The batch object


# -- Import the dataset from the microsoftml package

from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset
mtcars = get_dataset('mtcars')

# -- Represent the dataset as a dataframe.

mtcars = mtcars.as_df()

# -- Define the data for the execution.

records = mtcars[['hp', 'wt']]

# -- Assign the record data to the batch service and set the thread count.
batch = svc.batch(records, parallelCount = 10)

3. Start, find, or cancel the batch execution

Next, use the public api functions to start the asynchronous batch execution on the batch object, monitor the
execution, or even cancel it.
Start batch execution task
Start the batch task with start() . Machine Learning Server starts the batch execution and assigns an ID to the
execution and returns the batch object.
Syntax: start()

No arguments.
Returns: The batch object
Example: batch = batch.start()

We recommend you always use the id function after you start the execution so that you can find it easily with this id later
such as: id = batch.execution_id print("Batch execution_id is: {}".format(id))

Get batch ID
Get the batch task's identifier from the service object so you can reference it during or after its execution using
id() .

Syntax: execution_id

No arguments.
Returns: The ID for the named batch object.
Example: id = batch.execution_id

### Get batch by ID

Retrieve the Batch based on an execution id .
Syntax: get_batch(execution_id)


execution_id The batch execution identifiers

Returns: The Batch object

List the Batch execution identifiers

Gets all batch executions currently queued for this service.
Syntax: list_batch_executions()

No arguments
Returns: List of batch execution identifiers
Example: list_batch_executions()

Cancel execution
Cancel the batch execution using cancel() .
Syntax: cancel()

No arguments.
Returns: The batch object
Example: batch = batch.cancel()

4. Monitor, retrieve, and interact with results

While the batch task is running, you can monitor and poll the results. Once the batch task has completed, you can
get the web service consumption output by index from the batch results object, including:
Monitor execution results and status
Get results for a given index row returned as an array
Get a list of every file that was generated by this execution index
Print the contents of a specific artifact or all artifacts returned
Download artifacts from execution index
Monitor execution results and status
There are several public functions you can use to get the results and status of a batch execution.
– Monitor or get the batch execution results
Syntax: results(showPartialResults = TRUE)


showPartialResults This argument returns the already processed results of

the batch execution even if it has not been fully
completed. If showPartialResults = FALSE , then
returns only the results if the execution has completed.

Returns: A batch result object is returned, which in our example is called batchRes .

– Get the status of the batch execution.

Syntax: state
no arguments
Returns: The status of the batch execution.

Example: In this example, we return partial results every three seconds until the batch execution fails or
completes. Then, we return results for a given index row returned as an array.

batchRes = None
batchRes = batch.results()
if batchRes.state == "Failed":
print("Batch execution failed")
if batchRes.state == "Complete":
print("Batch execution succeeded")
print("Polling for asynchronous batch to complete...")

Get list of generated artifacts

Retrieve a list of every artifact that was generated during the batch execution for a given data record, or index,
with listArtifacts() . This function can be made part of a loop to get the list of the artifacts for every data record
(see workflow example for a loop).
Syntax: list_artifacts(index)


index Index value for a given batch data record

Returns: A list of every artifact that was generated during the batch execution for a given data record
# List every artifact generated by this execution index for a specific row.
lst_artifact = batch.list_artifacts(1)

Display artifact contents

Display the contents of a named artifact returned in the preceding list with artifact() . Machine Learning Server
returns the ID for the named batch object.
Syntax: artifact(index, fileName)


index Index value for a given batch data record

fileName Name of file artifact created during batch execution

Returns: The ID for the named batch object


# Then, get the contents of each artifact returned in the previous list.
# The result is a byte string of the corresponding object.
for obj in lst_artifact:
content = batch.artifact(1, obj)

Download generated artifacts

Download any artifacts from a specific execution index using download() . By default, artifacts are downloaded to
the current working directory getwd() unless a different dest = "<path>" is specified. You can choose to
download a specific artifact or all artifacts.
Syntax: download(index, fileName, dest = "<path>")


index Index value for a given batch data record

fileName Name of specific artifact generated during batch execution. If

omitted, all artifacts are downloaded for that index.

dest The download directory on your local machine. The default is

the current working directory. The directory must already
exist on the local machine.

Returns: The path to each downloaded artifact.

In this example, we download a named artifact for the first index to the current working directory., "answer.csv")
See also
What are web services
Functions in azureml-model-management-sdk package
Connecting to Machine Learning Server in Python
Working with web services in Python
How to consume web services in Python synchronously (request/response)
How to consume web services in Python asynchronously (batch)
How to integrate web services and authentication into your application
Get started for administrators
User Forum
How to create and manage session pools for fast web
service connections in Python
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.3 (Python)

Fast connections to a web service are possible when you create sessions and load dependencies in advance.
Sessions are available in a pool dedicated to a specific web service, where each session includes an instance of the
Python interpreter and a copy of dependencies required by the web service.
For example, if you create ten sessions in advance for a web service that uses numpy, pandas, scikit, revoscalepy,
microsoftml, and azureml-model-management-sdk, each session would have its own instance of the Python
interpreter plus a copy of each module loaded into memory.
A web service having a dedicated session pool never requests connections from the generic session pool shared
resource, not even when maximum sessions are reached. The generic session pool services only those web
services that do not have dedicated resources.
For Python script, the MLServer class in the azureml-model-management-sdk function library provides three
functions for creating and managing sessions:

Create or modify a dedicated session pool

You can use a Python interactive window to run the following commands on the local server if you configured
Machine Learning Server for one-box, or on a compute node if you have a distributed topology.

![Tip] To create and deploy a web service for testing,

# load modules and classes
from azureml.deploy import DeployClient
from azureml.deploy.server import MLServer

# Set up the connection

# Be sure to replace the password placeholder
host = "http://localhost:12800"
ctx = ("admin", "password-placeholder")
client = DeployClient(host, use=MLServer, auth=ctx)

# Return a list of web services to get the service and version

# Both service name and version number are required
svc = client.list_services()

# Create the session pool using a case-sensitive web service name

# A status code of 200 is returned upon success
svc = client.create_or_update_service_pool(name = "myWebservice1234", version = "v1.0.0", initial_pool_size =
5, max_pool_size = 10 )

# Return status
# Pending indicates session creation is in progress. Success indicates sessions are ready.
svc = client.get_service_pool_status(name = "myWebService1234", version = "v1.0.0")

Currently, there are no commands or functions that return actual session pool usage. The log file is your best
resource for analyzing connection and service activity. For more information, see Trace user actions.

Delete a session pool

On the compute node, run the following command to delete the session pool for a given service.

# Return a list of web services to get the service and version information
svc = client.list_services()

# Deletes the dedicated session pool and releases resources

svc = client.delete_service_pool(name = "myWebService1234", version = "v1.0.0")

This feature is still under development. In rare cases, the delete_service_pool command may fail to actually delete
the pool on the computeNode. If you encounter this situation, issue a new delete_service_pool request. Use the
get_service_pool_status command to monitor the status of dedicated pools on the computeNode.

# Deletes the dedicated session pool and releases resources

client.delete_service_ool(name = "myWebService1234", version = "v1.0.0")

# Check the realtime status of dedicated pool

client.get_service_pool_status(name = "myWebService1234", version = "v1.0.0")

# make sure the returned status is NotFound on all computeNodes

# if not, issues another delete_service_pool command again

See also
What are web services in Machine Learning Server?
Evaluate web service capacity: generic session pools
How to publish and manage R web services in
Machine Learning Server with mrsdeploy
4/13/2018 • 18 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

This article details how you can publish and manage your analytic web services directly in R. You can deploy
your R models, scripts, and code as web services using the functions in the mrsdeploy R package. The mrsdeploy
R package containing these functions is installed with both Machine Learning Server (and Microsoft R Server)
and Microsoft R Client.
These web services can be consumed in R by other authenticated users or in the language of their choice via
Using the mrsdeploy R package, you can publish, update, and delete two kinds of R web services: standard R
web services and realtime R web services.
Additionally, you can get a list of all services, retrieve a web service object for consumption, and share services
with others. You can also publish or interact with a web service outside of R using the RESTful APIs, which
provide direct programmatic access to a service's lifecycle.

Before you can use the web service management functions in the mrsdeploy R package, you must:
Have access to a Machine Learning Server instance that was properly configured to host web services.
Authenticate with Machine Learning Server using the remoteLogin() or remoteLoginAAD () functions in
the mrsdeploy package as described in "Connecting to Machine Learning Server to use mrsdeploy."

Permissions for managing web services

Any authenticated user can:
Update and delete web services they have published
Retrieve any web service object for consumption
Retrieve a list of any or all web services
While any authenticated user can also publish a web service by default, roles can be used to further control
permissions. Beginning in version 9.1, your administrator can also assign role-based authorization to further
restrict the permissions around web services to give some users more control over web services than others.
Ask your administrator for details on your role.

Publish and update web services

To deploy your analytics, you must publish them as web services in Machine Learning Server. Once hosted on
Machine Learning Server, you can update and manage them. They can also be consumed by other users.
Every time a web service is published, a version is assigned to the web service. Versioning enables users to
better manage the release of their web services. Versions help the users consuming your service to easily
identify it.
At publish time, you can specify an alphanumeric string that is meaningful to the users who consume the service
in your organization. For example, you could use '2.0', 'v1.0.0', 'v1.0.0-alpha', or 'test-1'. Meaningful versions are
helpful when you intend to share services with others. We highly recommend a consistent and meaningful
versioning convention across your organization or team such as semantic versioning.
If you do not specify a version, a globally unique identifier (GUID ) is automatically assigned by Machine
Learning Server. These GUID version numbers are harder to remember by the users consuming your services
and are therefore less desirable.
Publish service
To deploy your analytics, you must publish them as web services in Machine Learning Server. Once hosted on
Machine Learning Server, you can update and manage them. They can also be consumed by other users.
After you've authenticated, use the publishService() function in the mrsdeploy package to publish a web service.
See the package reference for publishService() for the full description of all arguments.


publishService(...) Returns an API instance client stub for View

consuming that service and viewing its
service holdings) as an R6 class.

You can publish web services to a local Machine Learning Server from your command line. If you create a
remote session, you can also publish a web service to a remote Machine Learning Server from your local
command line.
Standard web services
Standard web services, like all web services, are identified by their name and version. Additionally, a standard
web service is also defined by any code, models, and any necessary model assets. When deploying, you should
also define the required inputs and any output the application developers use to integrate the service in their
applications. Additional arguments are possible -- many of which are shown in the following example.
Example of standard web service:

# Publish a standard service 'mtService' version 'v1.0.0'

# Assign service to 'api' variable
api <- publishService(
code = manualTransmission,
model = carsModel,
inputs = list(hp = "numeric", wt = "numeric"),
outputs = list(answer = "numeric"),
v = "v1.0.0"

For a full example, you can also follow the quickstart article " Deploying an R model as a web service." You can
also see the Workflow examples at the end of this article.



R code - A filepath to a local R script, such as:

code = "/path/to/R/script.R"
- A block of R code as a character string, such as:
code = "result <- x + y"
- A function handle, such as:
code = function(hp, wt) {
newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)
predict(model, newdata, type = "response")

R model The R model can come from an object or a file-path to an

external representation of R objects to be loaded and used
with the code, including:
- A filepath to an RData file holding the external R objects to
be loaded and used with the code, such as:
model = "/path/to/glm-model.RData"
- A filepath to an R file that is evaluated into an environment
and loaded, such as:
model = "/path/to/glm-model.R"
- A model object, such as:
model = am.glm

Realtime web services

Realtime web services offer even lower latency to produce results faster and score more models in parallel.
Learn more...
Realtime web services are also identified by their name and version. However, unlike standard web services, you
cannot specify the following for realtime web services:
inputs and outputs (dataframes are assumed)
code (only certain models are supported)
Realtime web services only accept model objects created with the supported functions from packages installed
with the product.
Example of realtime service (supported since R Server 9.1):

# Publish a realtime service 'kyphosisService' version 'v1.0'

# Assign service to 'realtimeApi' variable
realtimeApi <- publishService(
serviceType = "Realtime",
name = "kyphosisService",
code = NULL,
model = kyphosisModel,
v = "v1.0",
alias = "kyphosisService"

For full examples, see the end of this article.

Learn how to get a list of all services, retrieve a web service object for consumption, and share services with
Update service
To change a web service after you've published it, while retaining the same name and version, use the
updateService() function. For arguments, specify what needs to change, such as the R code, model, and inputs.
When you update a service, it overwrites that named version.
After you've authenticated, use the updateService() function in the mrsdeploy package to update a web service.
See the package reference help page for updateService() for the full description of all arguments.


updateService(...) Returns an API instance client stub for View

consuming that service and viewing its
service holdings) as an R6 class.

If you want to change the name or version number, use the publishService() function instead and specify the new name or
version number.


# For web service called mtService with version number v1.0.0,

# update the model carsModel, code, inputs, and description.
# Assign it to a variable called api.
api <- updateService(
code = manualTransmission,
mode = carsModel,
inputs = list(carData = "data.frame"),
outputs = list(answer = "data.frame"),
descr = "Updated after March data refresh."

Supported I/O data types

The following table lists the supported data types for the publishService and updateService function input and
output schemas.


numeric Yes

integer Yes

logical Yes

character Yes

vector Yes

matrix Partial
(Not for logical & character matrices)

data.frame Yes
Note: Coercing an object during
I/O is a user-defined task

Delete web services

When you no longer want to keep a web service, you can delete it. Only the user who initially created the web
service can use this function.
After you've authenticated, use the deleteService() function in the mrsdeploy package to delete a web service.
Each web service is uniquely defined by a name and version. See the package reference help page for
deleteService() for the full description of all arguments.


deleteService(...) If it is successful, it returns a success View

status and message such as "Service
mtService version v1.0.0 deleted." If it
fails for any reason, then it stops
execution with error message.


result <- deleteService("mtService", "v1.0.0")


Standard workflow examples

The following workflow examples demonstrate how to publish a web service, interact with it, and then consume
Each standard web service example uses the same code and models and returns the same results. However the
code and model are represented in different formats each time, such as R scripts, objects, and files.
To learn more about standard web services, see here.
Before you begin

Replace the connection details in the remoteLogin() function in each example with the details for your configuration.
Connecting to R Server using the mrsdeploy package is covered in this article.

The base path for files is set to your working directory, but you can change that using ServiceOption as follows:
Specify a different base path for code and model arguments:

opts <- serviceOption()

opts$set("data-dir", "/base/path/to/some-other/location"))

Clear the path and expect the code and model files to be in the current working directory during

opts <- serviceOption() s

opts$set("data-dir", NULL))

Clear the path and require a FULLY QUALIFIED path for code and model parameters in publishService():
opts <- serviceOption() s
opts$set("data-dir", ""))

1. R code and model are objects

In this example, the code comes from an object ( code = manualTransmission ) and the model comes from a model
object ( model = carsModel ). For an example of inputs/outputs as dataframes, see "Example 5".

# Create & Test a Logistic Regression Model #

# For R Server 9.0, load mrsdeploy package


# Use logistic regression equation of vehicle transmission

# in the data set mtcars to estimate the probability of
# a vehicle being fitted with a manual transmission
# based on horsepower (hp) and weight (wt)

# Create glm model with `mtcars` dataset

carsModel <- glm(formula = am ~ hp + wt, data = mtcars, family = binomial)

# Produce a prediction function that can use the model

manualTransmission <- function(hp, wt) {
newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)
predict(carsModel, newdata, type = "response")

# test function locally by printing results

print(manualTransmission(120, 2.8)) # 0.6418125

# Log into Microsoft R Server #

# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate with R Server using

# the local admin account. Use session = false so no
# remote R session started
# REMEMBER: Replace with your login details
username = “admin”,
password = “{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}”,
session = FALSE)

# Publish Model as a Service #

# Generate a unique serviceName for demos

# and assign to variable serviceName
serviceName <- paste0("mtService", round(as.numeric(Sys.time()), 0))

# Publish as service using publishService() function from

# mrsdeploy package. Use the service name variable and provide
# unique version number. Assign service to the variable `api`
api <- publishService(
code = manualTransmission,
model = carsModel,
inputs = list(hp = "numeric", wt = "numeric"),
outputs = list(answer = "numeric"),
v = "v1.0.0"
# Consume Service in R #

# Print capabilities that define the service holdings: service

# name, version, descriptions, inputs, outputs, and the
# name of the function to be consumed

# Consume service by calling function, `manualTransmission`

# contained in this service
result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

# Print response output named `answer`

print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125

# Get Swagger File for this Service in R Now #

# During this authenticated session, download the

# Swagger-based JSON file that defines this service
swagger <- api$swagger()
cat(swagger, file = "swagger.json", append = FALSE)

# Now you can share Swagger-based JSON so others can consume it

# Delete service version when finished #

# User who published service or user with owner role can

# remove the service when it is no longer needed
status <- deleteService(serviceName, "v1.0.0")

# Log off of R Server #

# Log off of R Server


2. R code as object and RData as file

In this example, the code is still an object ( code = manualTransmission ), but the model now comes from a Rdata
file ( model = "transmission.RData" ). The result is still the same as in the first example.

# For R Server 9.0, load mrsdeploy package on R Server


# --- AAD login ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate with R Server using

# the local admin account. Use session = false so no
# remote R session started
# REMEMBER: Replace with your login details
username = “admin”,
password = “{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}”,
session = FALSE)

model <- glm(formula = am ~ hp + wt, data = mtcars, family = binomial)

save(model, file = "transmission.RData")

manualTransmission <- function(hp, wt) {

newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)
newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)
predict(model, newdata, type = "response")

# test locally: 0.6418125

print(manualTransmission(120, 2.8))

# Generate a unique serviceName for demos

# and assign to variable serviceName
serviceName <- paste0("mtService", round(as.numeric(Sys.time()), 0))

api <- publishService(

code = manualTransmission,
model = "transmission.RData",
inputs = list(hp = "numeric", wt = "numeric"),
outputs = list(answer = "numeric"),
v = "v1.0.2"


result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125

swagger <- api$swagger()


swagger <- api$swagger(json = FALSE)


services <- listServices(serviceName)


serviceName <- services[[1]]


api <- getService(serviceName$name, serviceName$version)

result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)
print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125

cap <- api$capabilities()


status <- deleteService(cap$name, cap$version)



3. Code and model as R scripts

In this example, the code ( code = transmission-code.R, ) and the model comes from R scripts (
model = "transmission.R" ). The result is still the same as in the first example.

# For R Server 9.0, load mrsdeploy package on R Server


# --- AAD login ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate with R Server using

# the local admin account. Use session = false so no
# remote R session started
# REMEMBER: Replace with your login details
username = “admin”,
password = “{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}”,
password = “{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}”,
session = FALSE)

# Information can come from a file

model <- "model <- glm(formula = am ~ hp + wt, data = mtcars, family = binomial)"
code <- "newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)\n
answer <- predict(model, newdata, type = "response")"

cat(model, file = "transmission.R", append = FALSE)

cat(code, file = "transmission-code.R", append = FALSE)

# Generate a unique serviceName for demos

# and assign to variable serviceName
serviceName <- paste0("mtService", round(as.numeric(Sys.time()), 0))

api <- publishService(

code = "transmission-code.R",
model = "transmission.R",
inputs = list(hp = "numeric", wt = "numeric"),
outputs = list(answer = "numeric"),
v = "v1.0.3",
alias = "manualTransmission"


result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125

swagger <- api$swagger()


swagger <- api$swagger(json = FALSE)


services <- listServices(serviceName)


serviceName <- services[[1]]


api <- getService(serviceName$name, serviceName$version)

result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)
print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125

cap <- api$capabilities()


status <- deleteService(cap$name, cap$version)



4. Code as script and model as a RData file

In this example, the code ( code = transmission-code.R, ) comes from an R script, and the model from an RData
file ( model = "transmission.RData" ). The result is still the same as in the first example.

# For R Server 9.0, load mrsdeploy package on R Server


# AAD login

# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate with R Server using

# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate with R Server using
# the local admin account. Use session = false so no
# remote R session started
# REMEMBER: Replace with your login details
username = “admin”,
password = “{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}”,
session = FALSE)

# model
model <- glm(formula = am ~ hp + wt, data = mtcars, family = binomial)
save(model, file = "transmission.RData")

# R code
code <- "newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)\n
answer <- predict(model, newdata, type = "response")"
cat(code, file = "transmission-code.R", sep="n", append = TRUE)

# Generate a unique serviceName for demos

# and assign to variable serviceName
serviceName <- paste0("mtService", round(as.numeric(Sys.time()), 0))

api <- publishService(

code = "transmission-code.R",
model = "transmission.RData",
inputs = list(hp = "numeric", wt = "numeric"),
outputs = list(answer = "numeric"),
v = "v1.0.4",
alias = "manualTransmission"


result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125

swagger <- api$swagger()


swagger <- api$swagger(json = FALSE)


services <- listServices(serviceName)


serviceName <- services[[1]]


api <- getService(serviceName$name, serviceName$version)

result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)
print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125

cap <- api$capabilities()


status <- deleteService(cap$name, cap$version)



5. R code & model as objects, inputs/outputs as dataframes

In this example, the code comes from an object ( code = manualTransmission ) and the model comes from a model
object ( model = carsModel ) as it was in example 1. However, in this example, the inputs and outputs are provided
in the form of dataframes.
######## Create/Test Logistic Regression Model #########

# R Server 9.0, load mrsdeploy. Later versions can skip.


# Estimate the probability of a vehicle being fitted with

# a manual transmission based on horsepower (hp) and weight (wt)

# load the mtcars dataset


# Split the mtcars dataset into 75% train and 25% test dataset
train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(mtcars)), size = floor(0.75 * nrow(mtcars)))
train <- mtcars[train_ind,]
test <- mtcars[-train_ind,]

# Create glm model with training `mtcars` dataset

carsModel <- rxLogit(formula = am ~ hp + wt, data = train)

# Create a list to pass the data column info together with the model object
carsModelInfo <- list(predictiveModel = carsModel, colInfo = rxCreateColInfo(train))

# Produce a prediction function that can use the model and column info
manualTransmission <- function(carData) {
newdata <- rxImport(carData, colInfo = carsModelInfo$colInfo)
rxPredict(carsModelInfo$predictiveModel, newdata, type = "response")

# test function locally by printing results


############# Log into Microsoft R Server ##############

# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate with R Server.

# REMEMBER: Replace with your login details
username = "admin",
password = "{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}",
session = FALSE)

############## Publish Model as a Service ##############

# Generate a unique serviceName for demos and assign to variable serviceName

serviceName <- paste0("mtService", round(as.numeric(Sys.time()), 0))

# Publish as service using publishService() function from

# mrsdeploy package. Use the service name variable and provide
# unique version number. Assign service to the variable `api`
api <- publishService(
code = manualTransmission,
model = carsModelInfo,
inputs = list(carData = "data.frame"),
outputs = list(answer = "data.frame"),
v = "v1.0.0"

################## Consume Service in R ################

# Print capabilities that define the service holdings: service

# name, version, descriptions, inputs, outputs, and the
# name of the function to be consumed

# Consume service by calling function, `manualTransmission` contained in this service

# consume service using existing data frame `test`
result <- api$manualTransmission(test)

# consume service by constructing data frames with single row and multiple rows
emptyDataFrame <- data.frame(mpg = numeric(),
cyl = numeric(),
disp = numeric(),
hp = numeric(),
drat = numeric(),
wt = numeric(),
qsec = numeric(),
vs = numeric(),
am = numeric(),
gear = numeric(),
carb = numeric())

singleRowDataFrame <- rbind(emptyDataFrame, data.frame(mpg = 21.0,

cyl = 6,
disp = 160,
hp = 110,
drat = 3.90,
wt = 2.620,
qsec = 16.46,
vs = 0,
am = 1,
gear = 4,
carb = 4))
result <- api$manualTransmission(singleRowDataFrame)

multipleRowsDataFrame <- rbind(emptyDataFrame, data.frame(mpg = c(21.0, 20.1),

cyl = c(6, 5),
disp = c(160, 159),
hp = c(110, 109),
drat = c(3.90, 2.94),
wt = c(2.620, 2.678),
qsec = c(16.46, 15.67),
vs = c(0, 0),
am = c(1, 1),
gear = c(4, 3),
carb = c(4, 2)))
result <- api$manualTransmission(multipleRowsDataFrame)

######### Get Swagger File for Service in R Now ########

# During this authenticated session, download the

# Swagger-based JSON file that defines this service
swagger <- api$swagger()
cat(swagger, file = "swagger.json", append = FALSE)

# Now you can share Swagger-based JSON so others can consume it

######### Delete service version when finished #########

# User who published service or user with owner role can

# remove the service when it is no longer needed
status <- deleteService(serviceName, "v1.0.0")

################### Log off R Server ###################

Realtime workflow example
In this example, the local model object ( model = kyphosisModel ) is generated using the rxLogit modeling
function in the RevoScaleR package.
Realtime web services were introduced in R Server 9.1. To learn more about the supported model formats,
supported product versions, and supported platforms for realtime web services, see here.


# Create/Test Logistic Regression Model with rxLogit #

# Create logistic regression model

# using rxLogit modeling function from RevoScaleR package
# and the Rpart `kyphosis` dataset available to all R users
kyphosisModel <- rxLogit(Kyphosis ~ Age, data=kyphosis)

# Test the model locally

testData <- data.frame(Kyphosis=c("absent"), Age=c(71), Number=c(3), Start=c(5))
rxPredict(kyphosisModel, data = testData) # Kyphosis_Pred: 0.1941938

# Log into Microsoft R Server #

# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate with R Server using

# the local admin account. Use session = false so no
# remote R session started
# REMEMBER: replace with the login info for your organization
username = "admin",
password = “{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}”,
session = FALSE)

# Publish Kyphosis Model as a Realtime Service #

# Generate a unique serviceName for demos

# and assign to variable serviceName
serviceName <- paste0("kyphosis", round(as.numeric(Sys.time()), 0))

# Publish as service using publishService() function.

# Use the variable name for the service and version `v1.0`
# Assign service to the variable `realtimeApi`.
realtimeApi <- publishService(
serviceType = "Realtime",
name = serviceName,
code = NULL,
model = kyphosisModel,
v = "v1.0",
alias = "kyphosisService"

# Consume Realtime Service in R #

# Print capabilities that define the service holdings: service

# name, version, descriptions, inputs, outputs, and the
# name of the function to be consumed

# Consume service by calling function contained in this service

realtimeResult <- realtimeApi$kyphosisService(testData)
realtimeResult <- realtimeApi$kyphosisService(testData)

# Print response output

print(realtimeResult$outputParameters) # 0.1941938

# Get Service-specific Swagger File in R #

# During this authenticated session, download the

# Swagger-based JSON file that defines this service
rtSwagger <- realtimeApi$swagger()
cat(rtSwagger, file = "realtimeSwagger.json", append = FALSE)

# Share Swagger-based JSON with those who need to consume it

See also
What is operationalization?
What are web services?
mrsdeploy function overview
Quickstart: Deploying an R model as a web service
Connecting to R Server from mrsdeploy.
How to interact with and consume web services in R
How to integrate web services and authentication into your application
Asynchronous batch execution of web services in R
Execute on a remote Microsoft R Server
How to interact with and consume web services in R
with mrsdeploy
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

After a web service has been published or updated, any authenticated user can list, examine, and consume that
web service. You can do so directly in R using the functions in the mrsdeploy R package. The mrsdeploy R
package is installed with both Machine Learning Server and Microsoft R Client. Also note that application
developers can also consume a web service in the language of their choice via Swagger.
If you do not want to list, examine, or consume the web service in R, a set of RESTful APIs are also available to
provide direct programmatic access to a service's lifecycle directly.
To list, examine, or consume the web service outside of R, use the RESTful APIs, which provide direct
programmatic access to a service's lifecycle.

Before you can use the functions in the mrsdeploy R package to manage your web services, you must:
Have access to a Machine Learning Server instance that was properly configured to host web services.
Authenticate with Machine Learning Server using the remoteLogin() or remoteLoginAAD () functions in
the mrsdeploy package as described in the article "Connecting to Machine Learning Server to use

Find and list web services

Any authenticated user can retrieve a list of web services using the listServices() function in the mrsdeploy
Use function arguments to return a specific web service or all labeled versions of a given web service. See the
package reference help page for listServices() for the full description of all arguments.
Your ability to see the code inside the web service depends on your permissions. Did you publish the web service
or do you have the "Owner" role?
If yes, then the code in the service is returned along with other metadata.
If no, then the code in the service is never returned in the metadata.
To learn more about the roles in your organization, contact your Machine Learning Server administrator.


listServices(...) R list containing service metadata. View

Once you find the service you want, use the getService() function to retrieve the service object for consumption.
Example code:
# Return metadata for all services hosted on this server
serviceAll <- listServices()

# Return metadata for all versions of service "mtService"

mtServiceAll <- listServices("mtService")

# Return metadata for version "v1" of service "mtService"

mtService <- listServices("mtService", "v1")

# View service capabilities/schema for mtService v1.

# For example, the input schema:
# list(name = "wt", type = "numeric")
# list(name = "dist", type = "numeric")

For a detailed example with listServices, check out these "Workflow" examples.
Example output:


Retrieve and examine service objects
Any authenticated user can retrieve a web service object for consumption. After the object is returned, you can
look at its capabilities to see what the service can do and how it should be consumed.
After you've authenticated, use the getService() function in the mrsdeploy package to retrieve a service object.
See the package reference help page for getService() for the full description of all arguments.


getService(...) Returns an API instance client stub for View

consuming that service and viewing its
service holdings) as an R6 class.


# Get service using getService() function from `mrsdeploy` package.

# Assign service to the variable `api`.
api <- getService("mtService", "v1.0.0")

# Print capabilities to see what service can do.


# Start interacting with the service, for example:

# Calling the function, `manualTransmission`
# contained in this service.
result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

For a detailed example with getService, check out these "Workflow" examples.

Interact with API clients

When you publish, update, or get a web service, an API instance is returned as an R6 class. This instance is a
client stub you can use to consume that service and view its service holdings.
You can use the following supported public functions to interact with the API client instance.


print Print method that lists all members of the object

capabilities Report on the service features such as I/O schema, name,


consume Consume the service based on I/O schema

consume alias Alias to the consume function for convenience (see alias
argument for the publishService function).

swagger Displays the service's swagger specification

batch Define the data records to be batched. There are additional

publish functions used to consume a service asynchronously
via batch execution.

# Get service using getService() function from `mrsdeploy`.
# Assign service to the variable `api`
api <- getService("mtService", "v1.0.0")

# Print capabilities to see what service can do.


# Print the service name, version, inputs, outputs, and the

# Swagger-based JSON file used to consume the service
cap <- api$capabilities()

# Start interacting with the service by calling it with the

# generic name `consume` based on I/O schema
result <- api$consume(120, 2.8)

# Or, start interacting with the service using the alias argument
# that was defined at publication time.
result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

# Since you're authenticated, get this service's `swagger.json`.

swagger <- api$swagger(json = FALSE)

For a detailed example, check out these "Workflow" examples.

Consume web services

Web services are published to facilitate the consumption and integration of the operationalized models and code.
Whenever the web service is published or updated, a Swagger-based JSON file is generated automatically that
define the service.
When you publish a service, you can let people know that it is ready for consumption. Users can get the Swagger
file they need to consume the service directly in R or via the API. To make it easy for others to find your service,
provide them with the service name and version number (or they can use the listServices() function).
Users can consume the service directly using a single consumption call. This approach is referred to as a
"Request Response" approach and is described in the following section. Another approach is the asynchronous
"Batch" consumption approach, where users send as a single request to Machine Learning Server, which then
makes multiple asynchronous API calls on your behalf.
Collaborate with data scientists
Other data scientists may want to explore, test, and consume Web services directly in R using the functions in the
mrsdeploy package. Quality engineers might want to bring the models in these web services into validation and
monitoring cycles.
You can share the name and version of a web service with fellow data scientists so they can call that service in R
using the functions in the mrsdeploy package. After authenticating, data scientists can use the getService()
function in R to call the service. Then, they can get details about the service and start consuming it.
You can also build a client library directly in R using the httr package.

It is also possible to perform batch consumption as described here.
In this example, replace the following remoteLogin() function with the correct login details for your
configuration. Connecting to Machine Learning Server using the mrsdeploy package is covered in this article.

# Perform Request-Response Consumption & Get Swagger Back in R #

# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate with the server using the local admin
# account. Use session = false so no remote R session started
username = “admin”,
password = “{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}”,
session = FALSE)

# Get service using getService() function from `mrsdeploy`

# Assign service to the variable `api`.
api <- getService("mtService", "v1.0.0")

# Print capabilities to see what service can do.


# Start interacting with the service, for example:

# Calling the function, `manualTransmission` contained in this service.
result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

# Print response output named `answer`

print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125

# Since you're authenticated now, get `swagger.json`.

swagger <- api$swagger()
cat(swagger, file = "swagger.json", append = FALSE)

Collaborate with application developers

Application developers can call and integrate a web service into their applications using the service-specific
Swagger-based JSON file and by providing any required inputs to that service.
Using the Swagger-based JSON file, application developers can generate client libraries for integration. Read
"How to integrate web services and authentication into your application" for more details.
Application developers can get the Swagger-based JSON file in one of these ways:
A data scientist, probably the one who published the service, can send you the Swagger-based JSON file.
This approach is often faster than the following one. They can get the file in R with the following code and
send it to the application developer:

api <- getService("<name>", "<version>")

swagger <- api$swagger()
cat(swagger, file = "swagger.json", append = FALSE)

Or, the application developer can request the file as an authenticated user with an active bearer
token in the request header (since all API calls must be authenticated). The URL is formed as follows:

GET /api/<service-name>/<service-version>/swagger.json

See also
What is operationalization?
What are web services?
mrsdeploy function overview
How to publish and manage web services in R
Quickstart: Deploying an R model as a web service
Connecting to Machine Learning Server from mrsdeploy.
How to integrate web services and authentication into your application
Asynchronous batch execution of web services in R
Execute on a remote Machine Learning Server
Asynchronous web service consumption via batch
processing with mrsdeploy
4/13/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.1

In this article, you can learn how to consume a web service asynchronously, which is especially useful with large
input data sets and long-running computations. The typical approach to consuming web services, "Request
Response" consumption, involves a single API call to execute the code in that web service once. The
"Asynchronous Batch" approach involves the execution of code without manual intervention using multiple
asynchronous API calls on a specific web service sent as a single request to Machine Learning Server. Then,
Machine Learning Server immediately executes those operations once for every row of data provided.

Asynchronous batch workflow

Generally speaking, the process for asynchronous batch consumption of a web service involves the following:
1. Call the web service on which the batch execution should be run
2. Define the data records for the batch execution task
3. Start (or cancel) the batch execution task
4. Monitor task and interact with results
Use these following public API functions to define, start, and interact with your batch executions.

End-to-end workflow example

Use this sample code to follow along with the workflow described in greater detail in the following sections.

Be sure to replace the remoteLogin() function with the correct login details for your configuration. Connecting to Machine
Learning Server using the mrsdeploy package is covered in this article.


# Create & Test a Logistic Regression Model #

# Use logistic regression equation of vehicle transmission in the data set

# Use logistic regression equation of vehicle transmission in the data set
# 'mtcars' to estimate the probability of a vehicle being fitted with a
# manual transmission based on horsepower (hp) and weight (wt)

# Create glm model with `mtcars` dataset

carsModel <- glm(formula = am ~ hp + wt, data = mtcars, family = binomial)

# Produce a prediction function that can use the model

manualTransmission <- function(hp, wt) {
# --- Build a plot to demonstrate files in results ---
png(file = "Histogram.png", bg = "transparent")
hist(mtcars$hp, breaks = 10, col = "red", xlab = "Horsepower",
main="Histogram of Horsepower")

# --- Perdict and return answer ---

newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)
predict(carsModel, newdata, type = "response")

# test function locally by printing results

print(manualTransmission(120, 2.8)) # 0.6418125

# Log into Server #

# Use `remoteLogin` to authenticate local admin account.

# Use session = false so that no remote R session started
username = "admin",
password = "{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}",
session = FALSE)

# Publish Model as a Service #

# Generate a unique serviceName for demos and assign to variable serviceName

serviceName <- paste0("mtService", round(as.numeric(Sys.time()), 0))

# Publish as service using publishService() function from `mrsdeploy`

# package. Use the name variable and provide unique version number.
# Assign service to the variable `api`
api <- publishService(
code = manualTransmission,
model = carsModel,
inputs = list(hp = "numeric", wt = "numeric"),
outputs = list(answer = "numeric"),
artifacts = c("Histogram.png"),
v = "v1.0.0"

# Consume service by calling function, `manualTransmission` contained

# in this service
result <- api$manualTransmission(120, 2.8)

# Print response output named `answer`

print(result$output("answer")) # 0.6418125


# Perform Batch Consumption & Get Swagger in R #

# Get the service using getService() function from `mrsdeploy`

# Assign service to the variable `txService`.
txService <- getService(serviceName, "v1.0.0")
txService <- getService(serviceName, "v1.0.0")

# Define the record data for the batch execution task. Record data comes
# from a data.frame called mtcars. Note: mtcars is a data.frame of
# 11 cols with names (mpg, cyl, ..., carb) and 32 rows of numerics.
# Assign to the batch object called 'txBatch'.
records <- head(mtcars[, c(4, 6)], 2) # hp & wt
txBatch <- txService$batch(records)

# Set thread count using parallelCount. Default is 10.

# txBatch <- txService$batch(records, parallelCount = 5)

# Start the batch task

txBatch <- txBatch$start()

# Get the task execution id to reference during or after its execution:

id <- txBatch$id()

# If you need to cancel the batch execution, try this:

# txBatch$cancel()

# Monitor batch execution results with results().

# Check results every 3 seconds until task finishes or fails.
# Assign returned results to batch result object we called 'batchres'.
batchRes <- NULL
while(TRUE) {
batchRes <- txBatch$results(showPartialResult = TRUE) #Default is true

if (batchRes$state == txBatch$STATE$failed) { stop("Batch execution failed") }

if (batchRes$state == txBatch$STATE$complete) { break }

message("Polling for asynchronous batch to complete...")


# Once the batch task is complete, get the execution records by index from
# the batch results object, 'batchRes'. This object is the service output.

# For every record, return these results (totalItemCount = # of data records)

for(i in seq(batchRes$totalItemCount)) {

#1. List of every artifact that was generated by this execution index.
files <- txBatch$listArtifacts(i)

#2. Get the contents of each artifact returned in the previous list.
for (fileName in files) {
content <- txBatch$artifact(i, fileName)
if (is.null(content)) { stop("Unable to get file") }

#3. Download artifacts from execution index to the current working directory
# unless a dest = "<path>" is specified.

# Download of a single named artifact

txBatch$download(i, "Histogram.png")

# Download of all artifacts

txBatch$download(i, dest = getwd())

#4. Get results for a given index row

answer <- batchRes$execution(1)$outputParameters$answer

Public functions for batch

You can use the following supported public functions to consume a service asynchronously.
Batch functions performed on the service object
Once you get the service object, use these public functions on that object.


batch view Define the data records to be batched

and the thread count

getBatchExecutions view Get the list of batch execution


getBatch view Get batch object using its unique

execution identifier

Batch functions performed on the batch object

Once you have the batch object, use these public functions to interact with it.


start view Starts the execution of a batch scoring


cancel view Cancel the named batch execution

id view Get the execution identifier for the

named batch process

STATE view Poll for the state of the batch

execution (failed, complete, ...)

results view Poll for batch execution results, partial

or full results as defined

execution view Get results for a given index row

returned as an array

listArtifacts view List of every artifact files that was

generated by this execution index

artifact view Print the contents of the named

artifact file generated by the batch

download view Download one or all artifact files from

execution index

1. Get the web service

Once you have authenticated, retrieve the web service from the server, assign it to a variable, and define the
inputs to it as record data in a data frame, CSV, or TSV.
Batching begins by retrieving the web service containing the code against which you score the data records you
define next. You can get a service using its name and version with the getService() function from mrsdeploy . The
result is a service object, which in our example is called txService .
The getService function is covered in detail in the article "How to interact with and consume web services in
Syntax: getService("<serviceName>", "<version>")


# Get the service using getService() function from `mrsdeploy`

# Assign service to the variable `txService`.
txService <- getService("mtService", "v1.0.0")

2. Define the data records to be batched

Next, use the public api function batch to define the input record data for the batch and set the number of
concurrent threads for processing.
Syntax: batch(inputs, parallelCount = 10)


inputs Specify the R data.frame name directly, or specify a flat list

filename and convert it to a data.frame using the base R
function, read.csv .

parallelCount Default value is 10. Specify the number of concurrent

threads that can be dedicated to processing records in the
batch. Take care not to set a number so high that it
negatively impacts performance.

Returns: The batch object


# INPUTS = data.frame
# Use mtcars data.frame as input. Assign to batch object 'txBatch'.
# Reduce thread count to 5.
records <- head(mtcars[, c(4, 6)], 2) # hp & wt
txBatch <- txService$batch(records, parallelCount = 5)

# INPUT = Flat CSV converted to a data.frame using read.csv

# Assign data.frame to 'records' variable. Then, use 'records' as input.
records <- read.csv("mtcars.csv")
txBatch <- myService$batch(records, parallelCount = 15)

# INPUT = TSV file converted to a data.frame using read.csv

# Declare the separator
records <- read.csv("mtcars.tsv", sep = "\t")
txBatch <- myService$batch(records)

3. Start, find, or cancel the batch execution

Next, use the public api functions to start the asynchronous batch execution on the batch object, monitor the
execution, or even cancel it.
Start batch execution task
Start the batch task with start() . Machine Learning Server starts the batch execution and assigns an ID to the
execution and returns the batch object.
Syntax: start()

No arguments.
Returns: The batch object
Example: txBatch <- txBatch$start()

We recommend you always use the id function after you start the execution so that you can find it easily with this id
later such as: txBatch$start()$id()

Get batch ID
Get the batch task's identifier from the service object so you can reference it during or after its execution using
id() .

Syntax: id()

No arguments.
Returns: The ID for the named batch object.
Example: id <- txBatch$id()

### Get batch by ID

Syntax: getBatch(id)


id The batch execution identifiers

Returns: The Batch object


service <- getService("name", "version")

# Get a Services existing batch by execution Id
txBatch <- service$getBatch("my-executionId")

List the Batch execution identifiers

Syntax: getBatchExecutions()
No arguments
Returns: List of batch execution identifiers
Example: getBatchExecutions()
Cancel execution
Cancel the batch execution using cancel() .
Syntax: cancel()

No arguments.
Returns: The batch object
Example: txBatch$cancel()

4. Monitor, retrieve, and interact with results

While the batch task is running, you can monitor and poll the results. Once the batch task has completed, you
can get the web service consumption output by index from the batch results object, including:
Monitor execution results and status
Get results for a given index row returned as an array
Get a list of every file that was generated by this execution index
Print the contents of a specific artifact or all artifacts returned
Download artifacts from execution index

Monitor execution results and status

There are several public functions you can use to get the results and status of a batch execution.
– Monitor or get the batch execution results
Syntax: results(showPartialResults = TRUE)
|Argument|Description| |----|----| | showPartialResults |This argument returns the already processed results
of the batch execution even if it has not been fully completed. If showPartialResults = FALSE , then returns
only the results if the execution has completed.|
Returns: A batch result object is returned, which in our example is called batchRes .

– Get the status of the batch execution.

Syntax: STATE
no arguments
Returns: The status of the batch execution.

Example: In this example, we return partial results every three seconds until the batch execution fails or
completes. Then, we return results for a given index row returned as an array.
batchRes <- NULL
while(TRUE) {
# Send any results, including partial results, for txBatch task
# Assign it to the batch result variable batchRes:
batchRes <- txBatch$results(showPartialResult = TRUE)

# Check STATUS of the task

if (batchRes$state == txBatch$STATE$failed) { stop("Batch execution failed") }
if (batchRes$state == txBatch$STATE$complete) { break }

# Repeat check every 3 seconds

message("Polling for asynchronous batch to complete...")

Get execution results as an array

Get the execution results for a given index row.
Syntax: execution(index)


index Index value for a given batch data record

Returns: The execution results for a given index row as an array.

Example: In this example, we return partial results every three seconds until the batch execution fails or
completes. Then, we return results for a given index row returned as an array.

# In a loop, get results for a given index row returned as an array in a loop
# assign it to 'exe' and output a data frame for each row.
for(i in seq(batchRes$totalItemCount)) {
answer <- batchRes$execution(1)$outputParameters$answer

Get list of generated artifacts

Retrieve a list of every artifact that was generated during the batch execution for a given data record, or index,
with listArtifacts() . This function can be made part of a loop to get the list of the artifacts for every data
record (see workflow example for a loop).
Syntax: listArtifacts(index)


index Index value for a given batch data record

Returns: A list of every artifact that was generated during the batch execution for a given data record
Example: files <- txBatch$listArtifacts(i)

Display artifact contents

Display the contents of a named artifact returned in the preceding list with artifact() . Machine Learning
Server returns the ID for the named batch object.
Syntax: artifact(index, fileName)


index Index value for a given batch data record

fileName Name of file artifact created during batch execution

Returns: The ID for the named batch object


for(i in seq(batchRes$totalItemCount)) {
for (fileName in files) {
content <- txBatch$artifact(i, fileName)
if (is.null(content)) { stop("Unable to get artifact") }

Download generated artifacts

Download any artifacts from a specific execution index using download() . By default, artifacts are downloaded
to the current working directory getwd() unless a different dest = "<path>" is specified. You can choose to
download a specific artifact or all artifacts.
Syntax: download(index, fileName, dest = "<path>")


index Index value for a given batch data record

fileName Name of specific artifact generated during batch execution. If

omitted, all artifacts are downloaded for that index.

dest The download directory on your local machine. The default is

the current R working directory. The directory must already
exist on the local machine.

Returns: The path to each downloaded artifact.

In this example, we download a named artifact for the fifth index to a specified directory, and then download all
artifacts to the default working directory.

#Download a named file for 5th index to the specified directory

txBatch$download(5, "Histogram.png", dest = "C:/bgates/batchfiles/")

# Download all files for a given index to the default current R working directory in a loop
for(i in seq(batchRes$totalItemCount)) {
See also
mrsdeploy function overview
Connecting to Machine Learning Server with mrsdeploy
What is operationalization?
What are web services?
Working with web services in R
Execute on a remote Machine Learning Server
How to integrate web services and authentication into your application
How to create and manage session pools for fast web
service connections in R
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server 9.3 (R)

Fast connections to a web service are possible when you create sessions and load dependencies in advance.
Sessions are available in a pool dedicated to a specific web service, where each session includes an instance of the
R interpreter and a copy of dependencies required by the web service. For example, if you create ten sessions in
advance for a web service that uses Matplotlib, dplyr, cluster, RevoScaleR, MicrosoftML, and mrsdeploy, each
session would have its own instance of the R interpreter plus a copy of each library loaded in memory.
A web service having a dedicated session pool never requests connections from the generic session pool shared
resource, not even when maximum sessions are reached. The generic session pool services only those web
services that do not have dedicated resources.
For R script, the mrsdeploy function library provides three functions for creating and managing sessions:

Create or modify a dedicated session pool

Given an existing connection to a Machine Learning Server with operationalization enabled, you can use
mrsdeploy functions and an R console application such as Rgui.exe to run the following commands:

# load mrsdeploy and print the function list


# Return a list of web services to get the service and version

# Both service name and version number are required

# Create the session pool using a case-sensitive web service name

# A status code of 200 is returned upon success
configureServicePool(name = "myWebservice1234", version = "v1.0.0", initialPoolSize = 5, maxPoolSize = 10 )

# Return status
# Pending indicates session creation is in progress. Success indicates sessions are ready.
getPoolStatus(name = "myWebService1234", version = "v1.0.0")

Currently, there are no commands or functions that return actual session pool usage. The log file is your best
resource for analyzing connection and service activity. For more information, see Trace user actions.

Delete a session pool

At the R console, on the compute node, run the following command to delete the session pool for a given service.
# Return a list of web services to get the service and version information

# Deletes the dedicated session pool and releases resources

deleteServicePool(name = "myWebService1234", version = "v1.0.0")

This feature is still under development. In rare cases, the deleteServicePool command may fail to actually delete
the pool on the computeNode. If you encounter this situation, issue a new deleteServicePool request. Use the
getPoolStatus command to monitor the status of dedicated pools on the computeNode.

# Deletes the dedicated session pool and releases resources

deleteServicePool(name = "myWebService1234", version = "v1.0.0")

# Check the realtime status of dedicated pool

getPoolStatus(name = "myWebService1234", version = "v1.0.0")

# make sure the return status is NotFound on all computeNodes

# if not, issue anthor deleteServicePool command again

See also
What are web services in Machine Learning Server?
Evaluate web service capacity: generic session pools
DeployR Installation / Set Up Guides
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

The following guides are available to help you install and configure DeployR.

### DeployR Enterprise for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5 (released June 2016)

This release is for DeployR Enterprise only.


DeployR on View

DeployR on Linux View

### DeployR Enterprise / Open build 8.0.0 (released January 2016)


DeployR 8.0.0 on Windows View

DeployR 8.0.0 on Linux View

DeployR 8.0.0 on Mac OS X View

Installing DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 (8.0.5)
on Windows
6/18/2018 • 16 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

Before You Begin

Read and follow these points before you begin the installation process.

If you already have a version of DeployR installed, follow the migration instructions first.
We highly recommend installing DeployR on a dedicated machine. Always install the DeployR main server first before
any grid nodes.
While it is technically possible to run instances of two different versions of DeployR side-by-side on a single machine,
we strongly recommend that you dedicate one machine for each server instance that is in production so as to avoid
resource contention.

System Requirements
Verify that the computer meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements.
Table: System Requirements


Operating Systems Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016

(64-bit processor only)

Hardware Intel Pentium®-class processor; 3.0 GHz recommended

Free disk space 250+ GB recommended

RAM 4+ GB recommended

Java JVM heap size 1+ GB in production

Swap space 8+ GB for larger data sets

Internet access To download DeployR and any dependencies, interact with the
Repository Manager, Administration Console, API Explorer

Installing Dependencies
The following dependencies are required before you can install the DeployR main server machine or any
additional grid node.
DeployR Enterprise depends on the manual installation and configuration of these dependencies.


Microsoft R Server 2016 and its Yes Yes


DeployR Rserve 8.0.5 (installed for you) Yes Yes

Java™ Runtime Environment 8 (64-bit) Yes No

To install the required dependencies for DeployR Enterprise:
1. On the DeployR server, download and install Java™ Runtime Environment 8,
jre-8u<NUMBER>-windows-x64.exe . Java is only required on the DeployR server, not on any grid node
2. Download SQL Server 2016 and R Server (standalone), which includes ScaleR for multi-processor and
big data support. Then, follow the instructions provided with R Server to install it as well as any of its
3. If you have internet access while installing DeployR, the DeployR installation setup will attempt to install
the DeployR Rserve dependency for you.
If you are installing while offline, you will have to download and install DeployR Rserve 8.0.5 manually as
described here.

Installing DeployR Server

The basic installation of DeployR will install the DeployR main server after which you can also install additional
grid nodes for optimized workload distribution.
After installing the prerequisites above, install DeployR as follows:
To install the DeployR Server:

If you need to disable your anti-virus software to complete the DeployR installation process, then turn it back
on as soon as you are finished.

1. Log in as a user with administrator rights.

2. Get the DeployR installer file.
From Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC ):
a. Once you've signed the license purchase agreement with Microsoft, you'll get your credentials.
b. Log in and search for SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Edition.
c. In the product page, click Continue.
d. Download the SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2016 DeployR 64 Bit ISO file.
e. Double-click the ISO file to mount it as a DVD drive.
f. Then, select and run DeployR-Enterprise-8.0.5.exe .
From MSDN:
a. Log into MSDN subscriptions or Technet.
b. Search for DeployR.
c. Download the ZIP file.
d. Extract the files.
From Visual Studio Dev Essentials:
a. Log into Visual Studio Dev Essentials.
b. Search for Microsoft R Server.
c. Download the DeployR for SQL Server Enterprise Edition ZIP file.
d. Extract the files.
3. Launch the DeployR-Enterprise-8.0.5.exe installer and follow the onscreen prompts to complete the

Troubleshooting: During installation, certain details (and/or errors) are written to the following log
files under the %temp% directory: DeployR-configuration.log , DeployR-dependencies.log , and
DeployR-Enterprise-8.0.5.log . You can also learn about other diagnostic and troubleshooting topics

4. Review and follow these critical post-installation steps. You will not be able to log into the server until you
set a password.

Post Installation Steps

The following steps outline what you need to do after running the DeployR installer.
1. Set the administrator's password so you can log into the server and its landing page.
a. Launch the DeployR Administrator Utility script with administrator privileges:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0.5\deployr\tools\

b. From the main menu, choose the option to set a password for the local DeployR admin account.
c. Enter a password for this account. Passwords must be 8-16 characters long and contain at least 1 or
more uppercase character(s), 1 or more lowercase character(s), 1 or more number(s), and 1 or more
special character(s).
d. Confirm the password.
2. Log into the DeployR landing page as to test your newly defined password at
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8050/deployr/landing .

At this point, you will only be able to login locally using localhost . You will be able to login remotely only once
you've configure public access in a later step in this section.

3. [Optional] Set up any grid nodes. If desired, install and configure any additional grid nodes.
4. [Optional] If you want to use non-default port numbers for DeployR , manually update them now.
5. [Optional] If you want to use a SQL Server database locally or remotely instead of the default local H2
database, configure that as described here.
6. [Optional] If you need to provision DeployR on Azure or AWS as described in these steps.
7. To make DeployR accessible to remote users, update the inbound firewall rules.
8. Run diagnostic tests. Test the install by running the full DeployR diagnostic tests. If there are any issues,
you must solve them before continuing. Consult the Troubleshooting section for additional help or post
questions to our DeployR Forum.
9. Review security documentation and consider enabling HTTPs. Learn more by reading the Security
Introduction and the Enabling HTTPs topic.

We strongly recommended that SSL/HTTPS be enabled in all production environments.

10. Check the web context. If the wrong IP was detected during installation, update that Web context now.
11. Get DeployR client-side developer tools, including the RBroker framework and client libraries.
12. Create accounts for your users in the Administration Console. Then, provide each user with their
username and password as well as the address of the DeployR landing page.
13. Learn more. Read the Administrator Getting Started guide. You can also read and share the Data Scientist
Getting Started and the Application Developer Getting Started guides.

Configuring DeployR
For the best results, complete these configuration topics in the order in which they are presented.
Updating Your Firewall
During installation, the Windows firewall was automatically updated with several new inbound rules for inbound
communications to DeployR. For your security, those inbound rules are disabled by default and set to a Private
To make DeployR accessible to remote users:
1. Edit the inbound rules in the Windows Firewall.
2. In the Properties dialog, enable each rule.
3. In the Advanced tab of that dialog, set the profile to Public or Domain .


DeployR server machine Tomcat ports: To the outside

- 8050 (Tomcat default port)
- 8051 (Tomcat HTTPS port)

DeployR server machine Event Console port: To the public IP of DeployR server AND
- 8056 (DeployR event console port) to the public IP of each grid node

Remote grid node machines RServe ports: To the public IP of the DeployR server
- 8054 (RServe connection port)
- 8055 (RServe cancel port)
If any of the following cases exist, update your firewall manually:
Whenever you want DeployR to be accessible from another machine, edit the rules as described above in
this topic.
Whenever you use non-default port numbers for communications between DeployR and its
dependencies, add those port numbers instead of those in the table above.
If connecting to a remote database, be sure to open the database port to the public IP of the DeployR
If defining NFS ports for external directory support, see the Configuration section of the Managing
External Directories for Big Data guide.

If provisioning DeployR on a cloud service, configure endpoints for these ports on your Azure or AWS EC2
instance, or enable port-forwarding for VirtualBox. You can change any DeployR ports.

Configuring Public Access

When the wrong IP is defined, you will not be able to access to the DeployR landing page or other DeployR
components after installation or reboot. In some cases, the wrong IP address may be automatically assigned
during installation or when the machine is rebooted, and that address may not be the only IP address for this
machine or may not be publicly accessible. If this case, you must update the server Web context address.
To fix this issue, you must define the appropriate external server IP address and port number for the Server web
context and disable the autodetection of the IP address.
To make changes to the IP address:
1. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script with administrator privileges:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0.5\deployr\tools\

2. From the main menu, choose the option to configure the Web Context and Security options for DeployR.
3. From the sub-menu, enter A to specify a different IP or fully qualified domain name (FQDN ).
4. Specify the new IP or FQDN. For Azure or AWS EC2 instances services, set it to the external Public IP.
5. Confirm the new value. Note that the IP autodetection will be turned off when you update the IP/FQDN.
6. Return to the main menu.
7. To apply the changes, restart the DeployR server using option 2 from the main menu.
Installing DeployR Grid Nodes
When you install the DeployR server, one local grid node is installed automatically for you. DeployR Enterprise
offers the ability to expand your Grid framework for load distribution by installing and configuring additional grid
For help in determining the right number of grid nodes for you, refer to the Scale & Throughput document.
Once you have installed and configured one grid node, you can copy the files over from the server that has already been
set up over to the next one.
Always install the main DeployR server first.
Install each grid node on a separate host machine.

To install DeployR grid nodes:

After installing the main DeployR Enterprise server, install each grid node on a separate machine as follows:
1. Log into the machine on which you will install the grid node with administrator rights.
2. Install Microsoft R Server 2016 as described here on the grid node machine.
3. Download the DeployR node installer file, DeployR-Enterprise-Node-8.0.5.exe , which can be found in the
Microsoft R Server 2016 package. Contact technical support if you cannot find this file.
4. Launch the installer, DeployR-Enterprise-Node-8.0.5.exe .
5. If a message appears onscreen during installation asking whether you want to “allow the following
program to make changes to this computer”, click Continue.
6. When the script is complete, press the Enter key to exit the window.
7. Repeat these steps on each machine that will host a remote grid node.

To configure & validate nodes:

After installing DeployR Enterprise server and any grid node machines, you must configure these grid nodes as
1. Set the proper firewall rules to open the RServe ports ONLY to the public IP of the DeployR server.
2. Log into the DeployR landing page as admin at http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8050/deployr/landing where
<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP of the main DeployR server.

3. Go to the Administration Console.

4. Click The Grid in the main menu.
5. For each remote grid node you installed earlier, do the following: (You do not need to configure the
DeployR Default Node.)
a. Click New Grid Node.
b. Configure the Name, Host, Operating Type and External Directory using these instructions.
c. When you try to add that new grid node configuration, DeployR will attempt to validate your
settings. Learn more...
d. Run a diagnostic test of each grid node individually as follows:
a. Enable only that node in the main The Grid tab.
b. Return to the landing page to run the diagnostic check. Consult the Troubleshooting section
for help.
e. Repeat these steps for each grid node.
f. Remember to go back and enable all the grid nodes you want to use when you are done testing.
Using a SQL Server Database
During the installation of DeployR, a local H2 database is automatically installed and configured for you. After
installing DeployR, but before using it, you can configure DeployR to use a database in SQL Server
Professional, Standard, or Express Version 2012 or greater.
If you want to use a local or remote SQL Server database for DeployR instead of the default local H2 database,
you'll need to:
1. Install and configure SQL Server as described for that product.
2. Log into the SQL Server Management Studio.
3. Create a database with the name deployr and an instance called DEPLOYREXPRESS . For help creating that
database, visit:

The JDBC drivers are installed with DeployR.

4. If you are using Windows Authentication for login:

a. In SQL Server Management Studio and grant permissions to the user
NT SERVICE\Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-<X.Y.Z._VERSION_NUMBER> .

b. In the Object Explorer pane, right click Security > Logins.

c. In the Login - New dialog, enter NT SERVICE\Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-<X.Y.Z._VERSION_NUMBER> ,

where <X.Y.Z._VERSION_NUMBER> is the three digit number DeployR version number, such as
NT SERVICE\Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-8.0.5 into the Login name field.
d. Choose the Server Roles page on the left and select the checkboxes for public .
e. Choose the User Mapping page on the left and select the checkbox for the database for DeployR,
which in our example is called deployr and for the Database role member, select db_owner and
public .

f. Choose the Status page on the left and Grant permission to connect to database engine and choose
Enabled login.
g. Click OK to create the new login.
5. Stop the DeployR server.
6. Update the database properties to point to the new database as follows:
a. Open the $DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\deployr.groovy file, which is the DeployR server external
configuration file.
b. Locate the dataSource property block.
c. Replace the entire contents of the dataSource block with these for your authentication method:
For Windows authentication:

dataSource {
dbCreate = "update"
driverClassName = ""
url = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;instanceName=

For basic authentication:

dataSource {
dbCreate = "update"
driverClassName = ""
username = “<PUT_DB_USERNAME_HERE>”
password = “<PUT_DB_PASSWORD_HERE>”
url = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost;instanceName=<PUT_INSTANCE_NAME_HERE>;database=deployr;"

If you are unsure of your SQL instance name, please consult with your SQL administrator. The
default instance name for:
SQL Server Express is SQLEXPRESS
SQL Server Standard or Professional is MSSQLEXPRESS

If you are using a remote database, use the IP address or FQDN of the remote machine rather
than localhost .

7. If you are connecting to a remote SQL Server database, be sure to open the database port to the public IP
of the DeployR server.
8. Test the connection to the database and restart the server as follows:
a. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script with administrator privileges:

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\tools\

b. From the main menu, choose the option Test Database Connection.
If there are any issues, you must solve them before continuing.
Once the connection test passes, return the main menu.
c. From the main menu, choose the option Start/Stop Server to restart DeployR -related services.
d. Once the DeployR server has been successfully restarted, return the main menu.
e. From the main menu, choose option to run the DeployR diagnostic tests. If there are any issues, you
must solve them before continuing. Consult the Troubleshooting section for additional help or post
questions to our DeployR Forum.
f. Exit the utility.
Setting Password on Testuser Account
In addition to the admin account, DeployR is delivered with the testuser account you can use to interact with our
examples. This account is disabled by default.
1. Log in as admin to the DeployR landing page. If you haven't set a password for admin user yet, do so now.
After installing DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 and setting the password for the admin user account,
you can log into the DeployR landing page. The landing page is accessible at
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8050/deployr/landing , where <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address of the
DeployR main server machine.
2. Go to the Administration Console.
3. Go to the Users tab and use these instructions to:
Enable the testuser account.
Set a new password for this account.

Migrating to DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016

Please carefully follow these migration instructions to migrate users, R Scripts, projects, other DeployR data as
well as to learn how to update/preserve client application files.

If you want to upgrade or reinstall your version or R or Microsoft R Server 2016, please follow these

From Previous DeployR Version to DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016

The following instructions will walk you through a migration of DeployR 8.0.0 or earlier to DeployR for Microsoft
R Server 2016.
1. Do not uninstall your older version of DeployR until you have backed up the data you want to keep and
completed the data migration.
2. Ensure your previous version of DeployR is running and that all users are logged out of the version.
3. Install and configure DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 and all its dependencies.
4. Ensure that all users are logged out of DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 as well.
5. If the MongoDB database is on a different machine than the one on which you installed DeployR for
Microsoft R Server 2016, then you must copy both MongoMigration.jar and the MongoDB migration tool,
exportMongoDB.bat :
from: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0.5\deployr\tools\mongoMigration
to: $DEPLOYR_HOME_OLD_VERSION\deployr\tools\mongoMigration on the machine running MongoDB
6. On the machine running MongoDB, run exportMongoDB.bat , the DeployR MongoDB migration tool:

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\tools\mongoMigration
exportMongoDB.bat -m "<OLD_VERSION_INSTALL_DIR>\mongo\bin\mongoexport.exe" -p
<MongoDB_Database_Password> -o

Where <MongoDB_Database_Password> is the password defined in the grails/mongo/password parameter in the

deployr.groovy file.
7. Download .
8. Restore that data into the DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 Administration Console.
a. Log into the DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 landing page,
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8050/deployr/landing .

b. From the landing page, open the Administration Console.

c. In the Database tab, click Restore DeployR Database.
d. In the Database restore window, select , the backup file you created a few steps back.
e. Click Restore to restore the database.
f. Click The Grid tab in the console menu.
g. Delete any of the old node configurations since those are version-specific and cannot be reused.
Grid node configurations will not work after migration due to their dependence on a specific version of
DeployR. After migrating, you will notice that the old grid configuration has been carried over to the newly
installed DeployR version. However, since those grid nodes are not compatible with the DeployR server, they
appear highlighted in the Administration Console when you first start the server. This highlighting indicates
that a node is unresponsive. We recommend deleting these old grid nodes in the Administration Console the
first time you log into the console.

9. Preserve and update any JavaScript client application files. Before you deploy any JavaScript client
application files to DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016, update the client files so that they use the current
version of jsDeployR client library. After installation, update your application files to use the latest
JavaScript API calls.
From DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 to Another Instance of This Version
1. Log into the landing page for the DeployR instance containing the data you wish to migrate. After installing
DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 and setting the password for the admin user account, you can log
into the DeployR landing page. The landing page is accessible at
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8050/deployr/landing , where <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address of the
DeployR main server machine.
2. From the landing page, open the Administration Console.
3. In the Database tab, click Backup DeployR Database. A zip file is created and downloaded to your local
4. Then, log into the landing page for the DeployR instance to which you want to migrate the data.
5. From the landing page, open the Administration Console.
6. In the Database tab, click Restore DeployR Database.
7. In the Database restore window, select the backup file you created and downloaded a few steps back.
8. Click Restore to restore the database.

Uninstalling DeployR
The following instructions describe how to uninstall DeployR on Windows.

Remember to uninstall DeployR on both the main server and any other grid node machines.

1. Stop the Tomcat and RServe services as described here.

2. If you are using a SQL Server database for DeployR, then stop the process as described in the
documentation for that database.
3. Remove DeployR using the Windows instructions for uninstalling a program specific to your version of
Windows. For example, on Windows 8, choose Control Panel > Programs & Features > Uninstall. Look
for DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 on the main server and DeployR Node for Microsoft R
Server 2016 on the grid node machine.
4. Manually remove the DeployR install directory, by default C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0.5\ .
Installing DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 (8.0.5)
on Linux
6/18/2018 • 18 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

Before You Begin

Read and follow these points before you begin the installation process.

If you already have a version of DeployR installed, follow the migration instructions first.
We highly recommend installing DeployR on a dedicated machine. Always install the DeployR main server first before
any grid nodes.
While it is technically possible to run instances of two different versions of DeployR side by side on a single machine,
we strongly recommend that you dedicate one machine for each server instance that is in production so as to avoid
resource contention.

System Requirements
Verify that the computer meets the following minimum hardware and software requirements.
Table: System Requirements


Operating Systems SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SP2)

CentOS / RHEL 5.8, 6.x
(64-bit processor only)

Hardware Intel Pentium®-class processor; 3.0 GHz recommended

Free disk space 250+ GB recommended

RAM 4+ GB recommended

Java JVM heap size 1+ GB in production

Swap space 8+ GB for larger data sets

Internet access To download DeployR and any dependencies, interact with the
Repository Manager, Administration Console, API Explorer

Install Dependencies
Before you can install DeployR, you must manually install and configure the following dependencies:


Java™ Runtime Environment 8 Yes No

Microsoft R Server 2016 and its Yes Yes


DeployR Rserve 8.0.5 Yes Yes

make, gcc, gcc-c++, gfortran, cairo- Yes Yes

devel, libicu, libicu-devel

nfs-utils and nfs-utils-lib Yes, for Yes, for

Note: On Ubuntu, install nfs-common external directories external directories
to get nfs-utils.

To install the required dependencies:
1. Install dependencies as root or a user with sudo permissions.
2. ONLY the main DeployR server, install Java™ Runtime Environment 8, a dependency of DeployR, as
follows. For more help installing Java or setting the path, refer to
Download the tar file from Oracle and install it OR install using your local package manager.
Set JAVA_HOME to the installation path for the JDK or JRE you installed. For example, if the installation
path was /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_45/jre , then the command would be:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_45/jre

3. Install Microsoft R Server 2016, which includes ScaleR for multi-processor and big data support. Microsoft
R Server can be downloaded from Volume License Service Center, MSDN, and Visual Studio Dev
Essentials. The file your download will also contain the DeployR installer.
4. Make sure the system repositories are up-to-date prior to installing DeployR. The following commands do
not install anything; however running them ensures that the repositories contain the latest software. Run the
following command:
For Redhat / CentOS:

sudo yum clean all

For Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update

For openSUSE / SLES:

sudo zypper clean --all

5. Install the following packages ( make , gcc , gcc-c++ , gfortran , cairo-devel , libstdc++ , and libicu-devel
) if any of them are missing as follows:

Install packages as root or a user with sudo permissions.

For Redhat / CentOS, check if the required packages are already installed and install any missing
packages as follows:


yum list make gcc gcc-c++ gfortran cairo-devel libicu-devel libstdc++



yum install <missing_package_name>

For Ubuntu, check if the required packages are already installed and install any missing packages as


dpkg -l make gcc gcc-c++ gfortran cairo-devel libicu-devel libstdc++ licui18n



sudo apt-get install <missing-package-name>

For SLES, check if the required packages are already installed and install any missing packages as


sudo zypper search -i <package-name>



sudo zypper install <missing-package-name>

6. Install DeployR Rserve 8.0.5, a dependency of DeployR, after Microsoft R Server 2016 as follows:
A. Download the Linux tar file for DeployR Rserve 8.0.5, deployrRserve_8.0.5.tar.gz .
B. Run the following command to install the DeployR Rserve component:

R CMD INSTALL deployrRserve_8.0.5.tar.gz

Install DeployR Server

The basic installation of DeployR installs the DeployR main server and configure a local H2 database on the same
machine. If you wish to use a different database, you can configure DeployR to do so later as described in the steps
as follows.
In addition to this basic installation, DeployR Enterprise customers can also use a remote database for DeployR or
install additional grid nodes for optimized workload distribution.
The following steps are for installing DeployR Enterprise after installing these dependencies:
1. Log in to the operating system as root or a user with sudo permissions.

Examples are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

2. Create the deployrdownload directory and go to that directory. At the prompt, type:

mkdir /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload
cd /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

3. Find the software, DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.5.tar.gz from within the Microsoft R Server 2016 package
you downloaded in the prerequisites step.
4. Unzip the tar file contents, go the deployrInstall/installFiles directory, and launch the installation script.
At the prompt, type:

tar -xzf DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.5.tar.gz

cd deployrInstall/installFiles

5. When the installer starts, accept the terms of the agreement to continue.
6. From the installer menu, choose option 1 . This installs the DeployR server along with a local H2 database.
7. Follow the remaining onscreen installer prompts. If you are keeping an older version of DeployR on this
same machine for the purposes of migrating data, for example, then be sure to install this version in its own
8. Review and follow these critical post-installation steps. You will not be able to log in to the server until you
set a password.

Post Installation Steps

The following steps outline what you need to do after running the DeployR installer.
1. Set the administrator's password so you can log in to the server and its landing page.
a. Launch the DeployR Administrator Utility script as root or a user with sudo permissions:

cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/deployr/tools/

b. From the main menu, choose the option to set a password for the local DeployR admin account.
c. Enter a password for this account. Passwords must be 8-16 characters long and contain at least one
or more uppercase character(s), one or more lowercase character(s), one or more number(s), and one
or more special character(s).
d. Confirm the password.
2. Log in to the DeployR landing page as admin to test your newly defined password at
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8050/deployr/landing .

At this point, you will only be able to login locally using localhost . You are able to log in remotely only
once you've configure public access in a later step in this section.
3. If desired, set up grid nodes. You can install and configure any additional grid nodes.
4. If you want to use non-default port numbers for DeployR , manually update them now.

HortonWorks Data Platform User Alert! Both DeployR and the HDP Resource Manager use the same
default port of 8050. To avoid conflicts, you can change the DeployR port.

5. If you want to use a PostgreSQL database locally or remotely instead of the default local H2 database,
configure it as described here.
6. If you want to provision DeployR on Azure or AWS as described in these steps.
7. Run diagnostic tests. Test the install by running the full DeployR diagnostic tests. If there are any issues,
you must solve them before continuing. Consult the Troubleshooting section for additional help or post
questions to our DeployR Forum.
8. Review security documentation and consider enabling HTTPs. Learn more by reading the Security
Introduction and the Enabling HTTPs topic.

We strongly recommended that SSL/HTTPS be enabled in all production environments.

9. Check the web context. If the wrong IP was detected during installation, update that Web context now.
10. Get DeployR client-side developer tools, including the RBroker framework and client libraries.
11. Create accounts for your users in the Administration Console. Then, provide each user with their
username and password as well as the address of the DeployR landing page.
12. Learn more. Read the Administrator Getting Started guide. You can also read and share the Data Scientist
Getting Started and the Application Developer Getting Started guides.

Configuring DeployR
For the best results, complete these configuration topics in the order in which they are presented.
Update Your Firewall
If you are using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service for your server, use the iptables command (or
equivalent command/tool) to open the following ports:


DeployR server machine Tomcat ports: To the outside

- 8050 (Tomcat default port)
- 8051 (Tomcat HTTPS port)

DeployR server machine - 8056 (DeployR event console port) To the public IP of DeployR server AND
to the public IP of each grid node

Remote grid node machines DeployR Rserve ports: To the public IP of the DeployR server
- 8054 (RServe connection port)
- 8055 (RServe cancel port)

If any of the following cases exist, update your firewall manually:

Whenever you use non-default port numbers for communications between DeployR and its
dependencies, add those port numbers instead of the port numbers in the table preceding.
If connecting to a remote PostgreSQL database, be sure to open port 5432 to the public IP of the
DeployR server.
If defining NFS ports for external directory support, see the Configuration section of the Managing
External Directories for Big Data guide.

If provisioning DeployR on a cloud service, configure endpoints for these ports on your Azure or AWS EC2
instance, or enable port-forwarding for VirtualBox. You can change any DeployR ports.
Configure Public Access

When the wrong IP is defined, you will not be able to access to the DeployR landing page or other DeployR
components after installation or reboot. In some cases, the wrong IP address may be automatically assigned during
installation or when the machine is rebooted, and that address may not be the only IP address for this machine or
may not be publicly accessible. If this case, you must update the server Web context address.
To fix this issue, you must define the appropriate external server IP address and port number for the Server web
context and disable the autodetection of the IP address.
To make changes to the IP address:
1. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script as root or a user with sudo permissions:

cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/deployr/tools/

2. From the main menu, choose option 3 to configure the Web Context and Security options for DeployR.
3. From the submenu, enter A to specify a different IP or fully qualified domain name (FQDN ).
4. Specify the new IP or FQDN. For Azure or AWS EC2 instances services, set it to the external Public IP.
5. Confirm the new value. The IP autodetection is turned off when you update the IP/FQDN.
6. Return to the main menu.
7. To apply the changes, restart the DeployR server using option 2 from the main menu.
Install DeployR Grid Nodes
When you install the DeployR server, one local grid node is installed automatically for you. You can also point this
default grid node to a remote location, customize its slot limit, and even add additional grid nodes to scale for
increasing load. This option also assumes that you have already installed the main DeployR server.

For help in determining the right number of grid nodes for you, refer to the Scale & Throughput document.
Once you have installed and configured one grid node, you can copy the files over from the server that has already been
set up over to the next one.
Always install the main DeployR server first.
Install each grid node on a separate host machine.

To install DeployR grid nodes:

After installing the main server for DeployR Enterprise, install each grid node on a separate machine as follows:
1. Log in to the operating system on the machine on which you install the grid node as root or a user with
sudo permissions.
2. Install Microsoft R Server 2016 and the DeployR Rserve component as described here on the grid node
3. Create the deployrdownload directory and go to that directory. At the prompt, type:

Examples are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

mkdir /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload
cd /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

4. Download the software, DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.5.tar.gz , using the link in your customer welcome
5. Unzip the tar file contents, go the installFiles directory, and launch the installation script. At the prompt,

tar -xzf DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.5.tar.gz

cd installFiles

6. When the installer starts, accept the terms of the agreement to continue.
7. When prompted by the installer, choose installation option 2 and follow the onscreen installer prompts.
This installs a remote grid node.
8. Enter the directory path in which to install. If you are keeping an older version of DeployR on this same
machine for the purposes of migrating data, for example, then be sure to install this version in its own

To configure & validate nodes:

After installing DeployR Enterprise server and any grid node machines, you must configure these grid nodes as
1. Set the proper firewall rules to open the RServe ports ONLY to the public IP of the DeployR server.
2. Log in to the DeployR landing page as admin at http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8050/deployr/landing
where <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP of the main DeployR server.
3. Go to the Administration Console.
4. Click The Grid in the main menu.
5. For each remote grid node you installed earlier, do the following: (You do not need to configure the DeployR
Default Node.)
a. Click New Grid Node.
b. Configure the Name, Host, Operating Type and External Directory using these instructions.
c. When you try to add that new grid node configuration, DeployR attempts to validate your settings.
Learn more...
d. Run a diagnostic test of each grid node individually as follows:
a. Enable only that node in the main The Grid tab.
b. Return to the landing page to run the diagnostic check. Consult the Troubleshooting section for
e. Repeat these steps for each grid node.
f. Remember to go back and enable all the grid nodes you want to use when you are done testing.
Use a PostgreSQL Database
During the installation of DeployR, a local H2 database is automatically installed and configured for you. After
installing DeployR, but before using it, you can configure DeployR to use a database in PostgreSQL 9.1 or
If you want to use a local or remote PostgreSQL database for DeployR instead of the default local H2 database,
you need to:
1. Install and configure PostgreSQL as described for that product.
2. Create a database with the name deployr . Use the owner of this database as the username in the
dataSource block in a later step.

3. Assign the proper permissions to the database user to read and write into the database.
4. Download the JDBC42 PostgreSQL Driver for JDK 1.8 for the version of the database you installed and
copy them under both of the following folders:


5. Stop the DeployR server.

6. Update the database properties to point to the new database as follows:
a. Open the $DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\deployr.groovy file, which is the DeployR server external
configuration file.
b. Locate the dataSource property block.
c. Replace the contents of that block with these properties and specify the appropriate port number,
username, and password:

dataSource {
dbCreate = "update"
driverClassName = "org.postgresql.Driver"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:<PUT_PORT_HERE>/deployr"
pooled = true
username = "<PUT_DB_USERNAME_HERE>"
password = "<PUT_DB_PASSWORD_HERE>"

Put the owner of the deployr database as the username. For more information, see
If you are using a remote database, use the IP address or FQDN of the remote machine rather than
localhost .

7. If you are connecting to a remote PostgreSQL database, be sure to open the database port to the public IP
of the DeployR server.
8. Test the connection to the database and restart the server as follows:
a. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script as root or a user with sudo permissions:

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/
sudo ./

b. From the main menu, choose the option Test Database Connection.
If there are any issues, you must solve them before continuing.
Once the connection test passes, return the main menu.
c. From the main menu, choose the option Start/Stop Server to restart DeployR -related services.
d. Once the DeployR server has been successfully restarted, return the main menu.
e. From the main menu, choose option to run the DeployR diagnostic tests. If there are any issues, you
must solve them before continuing. Consult the Troubleshooting section for additional help or post
questions to our DeployR Forum.
f. Exit the utility.
Configure SELinux
Configure SELinux to permit access to DeployR using one of these options:
To benefit from the protection of SELinux, enable SELinux and configure the appropriate SELinux exception
policies as described here:
Disable SELinux so that access to DeployR is allowed as follows:
1. In /etc/selinux/config , set SELINUX=disabled .
2. Save the changes.
3. Reboot the machine.
Set Password on Testuser Account
In addition to the admin account, DeployR is delivered with the testuser account you can use to interact with our
examples. This account is disabled by default.
1. Log in as admin to the DeployR landing page. If you haven't set a password for admin user yet, do so now.
After installing DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 and setting the password for the admin user account,
you can log in to the DeployR landing page. The landing page is accessible at
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8050/deployr/landing , where <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address of the
DeployR main server machine.
2. Go to the Administration Console.
3. Go to the Users tab and use these instructions to:
Enable the testuser account.
Set a new password for this account.

Migrate to DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016

Carefully follow these migration instructions to migrate users, R Scripts, projects, other DeployR data as well as to
learn how to update/preserve client application files.

If you want to upgrade or reinstall your version or R or Microsoft R Server 2016, follow these instructions.
From Previous DeployR Version to DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016:
The following instructions walk you through a migration of DeployR 8.0.0 or earlier to DeployR for Microsoft R
Server 2016.
1. Do not uninstall your older version of DeployR until you have backed up the data you want to keep and
completed the data migration.
2. Ensure your previous version of DeployR is running and that all users are logged out of the version.
3. Install and configure DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 and all its dependencies.
4. Ensure that all users are logged out of DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 as well.
5. If the MongoDB database is on a different machine than the one on which you installed DeployR for
Microsoft R Server 2016, then you must copy both the MongoDB migration tool, , and
from: $DEPLOYR_HOME_VERSION_8.0.5/deployr/tools/mongoMigration
to: $DEPLOYR_HOME_OLD_VERSION/deployr/tools/mongoMigration on the machine running MongoDB.
If the MongoDB database is on the same machine as where you've installed DeployR for Microsoft R Server
2016, skip this step.
6. On the machine running MongoDB, run , the DeployR MongoDB migration tool:

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/mongoMigration
./ -m "<DEPLOYR_HOME_OLD_VERSION>/mongo/mongo/bin/mongoexport" -p
<MongoDB_Database_Password> -o

Where <MongoDB_Database_Password> is the password defined in the grails/mongo/password parameter in the

deployr.groovy file.
7. Download .
8. Restore that data into the DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 Administration Console.
a. Log in to the DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 landing page.
b. From the landing page, open the DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 Administration Console.
c. In the Database tab, click Restore DeployR Database.
d. In the Database restore window, select , the backup file you created a few steps back.
e. Click Restore to restore the database.
f. Click The Grid tab in the console menu.
g. Delete any of the old node configurations since those are version-specific and cannot be reused.

Grid node configurations will not work after migration due to their dependence on a specific version of
DeployR. After migrating, you will notice that the old grid configuration has been carried over to the newly
installed DeployR version. However, since those grid nodes are not compatible with the DeployR server, they
appear highlighted in the Administration Console when you first start the server. This highlighting indicates
that a node is unresponsive. We recommend deleting these old grid nodes in the Administration Console the
first time you log in to the console.

9. Preserve and update any JavaScript client application files. Before you deploy any JavaScript client
application files to DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016, update the client files so that they use the current
version of jsDeployR client library. After installation, update your application files to use the latest
JavaScript API calls.

### From DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 to Another Instance of This Version
1. Log in to the landing page for the DeployR instance containing the data you wish to migrate.
After installing DeployR for Microsoft R Server 2016 and setting the password for the admin user account,
you can log in to the DeployR landing page. The landing page is accessible at
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8050/deployr/landing , where <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address of the
DeployR main server machine.
2. From the landing page, open the Administration Console.
3. In the Database tab, click Backup DeployR Database. A zip file is created and downloaded to your local
4. Then, log in to the landing page for the DeployR instance to which you want to migrate the data.
5. From the landing page, open the Administration Console.
6. In the Database tab, click Restore DeployR Database.
7. In the Database restore window, select the backup file you created and downloaded a few steps back.
8. Click Restore to restore the database.

Uninstalling DeployR
Follow these instructions uninstall on Linux.
Remember to uninstall DeployR on both the main server and any other grid node machines.

Examples are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

To uninstall the DeployR main server:

1. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script as root or a user with sudo permissions:

cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/deployr/tools/
sudo ./

2. From the main menu of the utility, choose the option to stop the server.
3. Stop the server and exit the utility.
4. If you are using a PostgreSQL database for DeployR, then stop the process as described in the
documentation for that database.
5. Remove DeployR, Tomcat, and RServe directories. At the prompt, type:

sudo rm -rf /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5

6. Remove extraneous files. At the prompt, type:

rm -rf /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

7. If you are using a PostgreSQL database for DeployR, then remove the associated directories.

To uninstall remote grid nodes:

Repeat these steps on each grid node machine.
1. Stop the DeployR Rserve component service. At the prompt, type:

/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/rserve/ stop

2. Remove DeployR and RServe directories. At the prompt, type:

sudo rm -rf /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5

3. Remove the extraneous files and directory. At the prompt, type:

rm -rf /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload
Installing & Configuring DeployR 8.0.0
6/18/2018 • 35 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

System Requirements for DeployR

Before you begin installing DeployR, make sure the computer meets the minimum hardware and software
Operating System (all 64-bit processor).


Supported Platforms. Supported Platforms.

- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SP2) - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SP2)
- RHEL/CentOS 5.8, 6.x - RHEL/CentOS 5.8, 6.x, 7.0
- Windows Server 2008 (R2 SP1), 2012 - Windows Server 2008 (R2 SP1), 2012
Experimental platforms. While DeployR Open can run on these
OS, they are not fully tested or officially supported. Not
recommended for production environments.
- openSUSE 13.1
- Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04
- Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9), Yosemite (10.10)
- Windows 7.0 (SP1), 8.1, 10

Hardware. Intel Pentium®-class processor; 3.0 GHz recommended

Free disk space. 250 GB or more recommended
RAM. 4 GB or more is recommended
Java JVM heap size. 1 GB or more in production
Swap space. 8 GB or more for larger data sets is recommended
Internet access. To download DeployR and software dependencies as well as to interact with the Repository
Manager, Administration Console, API Explorer Tool, and this comprehensive website. If using Microsoft Internet
Explorer, use version 8 or later.

We highly recommend installing DeployR on a dedicated server machine.

Software Dependencies
DeployR depends on the installation and configuration of a number of software dependencies. The list and steps
depend on the platform onto which you are installing.
See the DeployR dependencies for your OS:
Mac / OS X
Installing on Windows
1. Install the DeployR main server first before installing any grid nodes.
2. We highly recommend installing DeployR on a dedicated server machine.
3. Review the system requirements & supported operating systems list before you continue.
4. If you already have a version of DeployR, carefully follow the migration instructions before continuing.
5. You may need to temporarily disable your anti-virus software to install DeployR. Turn it back on as soon as you are

Dependencies for Windows

Before you can install DeployR on the main server machine or any additional grid node (DeployR Enterprise only),
you must manually install the following dependencies. All other dependencies are installed for you.
DeployR Enterprise Dependencies
DeployR Enterprise depends on the manual installation and configuration of these dependencies.


Java™ Runtime Environment 8 or 7u13 Yes No

(or later)

Revolution R Enterprise for Windows Yes Yes

8.0 and its dependencies

DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 Yes Yes

MongoDB 2.6.7 Yes No

MongoDB is licensed by MongoDB, Inc.
under the Affero GPL 3.0 license;
commercial licenses are also available.
Additional information on MongoDB
licensing is available here.

To install the required dependencies for DeployR Enterprise:

1. On the DeployR server, download and install Java™ Runtime Environment 8 or 7u13 (or later).

Java is only required on the DeployR server, not on any grid node machines.

2. Install Revolution R Enterprise for Windows, which includes ScaleR for multi-processor and big data
support. Follow the instructions provided with RRE to install it as well as any of its dependencies.
Contact technical support if you cannot find the proper version of Revolution R Enterprise for Windows.
3. Install DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 in one of the following ways:
Install using the R GUI. This assumes you have write permissions to the global R library. If not, use
the next option.
a. Download DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 for Windows,
b. Launch Rgui.exe , located by default under
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\bin\x64 .
c. From the menus, choose Packages > Install Package(s) from local zip files.
d. Select from the folder into which it was downloaded.
e. Click Open to install it.
Alternatively, install using the command prompt:
a. Download DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 for Windows,
b. Open a Command Prompt window as Administrator.
c. Run the following command to install DeployR Rserve 7.4.2:

<PATH_TO_R>\bin\x64\R.exe CMD INSTALL -l <PATH_TO_R>\library


<PATH_TO_R> is the path to the directory that contains the R executable, by default
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2 . And, where <PATH_TO_RSERVE> is the path into
which you downloaded Rserve.
Example: A user with administrator privileges might run these commands for example.

cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\bin\x64"
R CMD INSTALL -l "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\MRO-for-RRE\8.0\R-3.2.2\library"

4. Download and unzip the MongoDB 2.6.7 contents into %TEMP%\MONGODB_DEPLOYR directory as described in
the following steps. Applies to DeployR Enterprise only.

MongoDB is licensed by MongoDB, Inc. under the Affero GPL 3.0 license; commercial licenses are also
available. Additional information on MongoDB licensing is available here.

a. Download MongoDB 2.6.7.

b. In Windows Explorer, type %TEMP% into the file path field and press Enter.

This path varies from one Windows version to another.

For example, on Windows Server 2012, it might appear as:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\2 .

c. Create a directory named MONGODB_DEPLOYR under the path you just revealed.
d. Go to the new MONGODB_DEPLOYR directory.
e. To capture the path to this directory to use when unzipping later, copy the file path to your clipboard.
To see the full path, click inside the file path field.
f. Extract the contents of the MongoDB 2.6.7 zip file into the new MONGODB_DEPLOYR directory.
-- The prerequisites for DeployR Enterprise are installed. You can now install the main server for
DeployR Enterprise. --
DeployR Open Dependencies
DeployR Open depends on the manual installation and configuration of these dependencies.


Java™ Runtime Environment 8 or 7u13 Yes No

(or later)

Revolution R Open v8.0.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2 Yes Yes

or R v3.1.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2.

DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 Yes Yes

To install the required dependencies for DeployR Open

1. On the DeployR server, download and install Java™ Runtime Environment 8 or 7u13 (or later).

Java is only required on the DeployR server, not on any grid node machines.

2. Install either Revolution R Open v8.0.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2 or R v3.1.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2. Revolution R Open is the
enhanced distribution of R from Microsoft.
3. Install DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 in one of the following ways:
Install using the R GUI. This assumes you have write permissions to the global R library. If not, use
the next option.
a. Download DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 for Windows,
b. Launch Rgui.exe for the version of R you installed.
c. From the menus, choose Packages > Install Package(s) from local zip files.
d. Select from the folder into which it was downloaded.
e. Click Open to install it.
Alternatively, install using the command prompt:
a. Download DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 for Windows,
b. Open a Command Prompt window as Administrator.
c. Run the following command to install DeployR Rserve 7.4.2:

<PATH_TO_R>\bin\x64\R.exe CMD INSTALL -l <PATH_TO_R>\library


<PATH_TO_R> is the path to the directory containing the R executable you installed.
And, where <PATH_TO_RSERVE> is the path into which you downloaded Rserve.
Example: A user with administrator privileges might run these commands for example.

cd "C:\Program Files\RRO\R-3.2.2\bin\x64"
R CMD INSTALL -l "C:\Program Files\RRO\R-3.2.2\library" "%homepath%\Downloads\"
-- The prerequisites for DeployR Open are now installed. You can begin installing the main server for
DeployR Open now. --
Basic DeployR Install for Windows
The basic installation of DeployR installs the DeployR main server. DeployR Enterprise customers can also install
additional grid nodes for optimized workload distribution.

DeployR Enterprise Only:

Get DeployR Enterprise today to take advantage of great DeployR features like enterprise security and a
scalable grid framework. DeployR Enterprise is part of Microsoft R Server.

After installing these prerequisites, install DeployR as follows:

1. To install properly on Windows, you must have administrator privileges. Log in as a user with administrator
rights. Also, you may need to temporarily turn off or disable your anti-virus software to complete the
installation process. Turn it back on as soon as you are finished.
2. Download and launch the DeployR installer files.
For DeployR Enterprise, download DeployR-Enterprise-8.0.0.exe , which can be found in the
Microsoft R Server package, and launch this installer. Contact technical support if you cannot find
this file.
For DeployR Open, download DeployR-Open-8.0.0.exe and launch the installer.
3. If a message appears onscreen during installation asking whether you want to “allow the following
program to make changes to this computer”, click Continue.
4. When prompted, accept the installation of any missing dependencies required for this version of DeployR.
5. When prompted, choose to accept the default installation directory or enter a unique directory path for this
version of DeployR.
6. Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the installation. When the setup completes, a script is launched to
finalize the installation. This step can take a few minutes. This script generates backup copies of the files that
are changed. Each backup file uses the original name but with the suffix YYYY-MM-DD\_HH-MM such as
deployr.groovy.2016-02-16_08-05 . Additionally, the script generates a log file called
%TEMP%\DeployR-configuration.log containing the steps taken during this configuration process.

7. When the script is complete, press the Enter key to exit the window.
8. If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or AWS EC2, you must:
Set the DeployR server Web context to the external Public IP or else you will not be able to access
to the DeployR landing page or other DeployR components after installation and be sure the
automatic detection of IP address: (Setup: Azure or AWS EC2).
Open DeployR ports 8000 , 8001 , and 8006 : (Setup: Azure or AWS EC2).
Open the same DeployR ports in Windows Firewall.
-- The basic installation of DeployR is now complete --

What's Next After Installing?

1. Verify your install by running a diagnostic check of the server from the DeployR landing page. Log in as
'admin' with the password changeme at http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8000/deployr/landing . You are
prompted for a new password the first time. Consult the Troubleshooting section for additional help or post
questions to our DeployR Forum.
2. Add any additional grid nodes (DeployR Enterprise only).
3. Finish configuring DeployR. Follow the topics in that section in the order in which they are presented.
4. Download DeployR client-side developer tools, including the RBroker framework and client libraries.
5. Create new user accounts in the Administration Console. Then, provide each user with their username and
password as well as the address of the DeployR landing page.
6. Review the Administrator Getting Started to get up and running quickly. Also available are the Data
Scientist Getting Started guide and the Application Developer Getting Started guide.

Grid Node Install for Windows

When you install the DeployR server, one local grid node is installed automatically for you. DeployR Open
supports only this single node installed on localhost with a fixed slot limit. DeployR Enterprise, on the other
hand, allows you to point this default grid node to a remote location, customize its slot limit, and even add
additional grid nodes to scale for increasing load. This option also assumes that you have already installed the
DeployR server.

Get DeployR Enterprise today to take advantage of great DeployR features like enterprise security and a
scalable grid framework. DeployR Enterprise is part of Microsoft R Server.

For help in determining the right number of grid nodes for you, refer to the Scale & Throughput document.
Once you have installed and configured one grid node, you can copy the files over from the server that has already been
set up over to the next one.
Install each grid node on a separate host machine.

After installing the main server for DeployR Enterprise, install each grid node on a separate machine as follows:
1. Log in to the machine on which you install the grid node with administrator rights.
2. Install Microsoft R Server and RServe as described here on the grid node machine.
3. Download the node installer file, DeployR-Enterprise-node-8.0.0.exe , which can be found in the Microsoft R
Server package. Contact technical support if you cannot find this file.
4. Launch the installer, DeployR-Enterprise-node-8.0.0.exe .
5. If a message appears onscreen during installation asking whether you want to “allow the following
program to make changes to this computer”, click Continue.
6. When the script is complete, press the Enter key to exit the window.
7. Repeat these steps on each machine that hosts a remote grid node.
8. When the installer completes, log in to the DeployR landing page as 'admin' at
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8000/deployr/landing where <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP of the main DeployR
a. Go to the Administrative Console and configure each grid node.
b. Return to the landing page and run a diagnostic check. Consult the Troubleshooting section for help.
-- The grid node installation is now complete --

Installing on Linux
1. Always install the DeployR main server first before installing any grid nodes.
2. We highly recommend installing DeployR on a dedicated server machine.
3. Review the system requirements & supported operating systems list before you continue.
4. If you already have a version of DeployR, carefully follow the migration instructions before continuing.
5. The Ubuntu and openSUSE releases of DeployR Open are experimental and not officially supported. They are not
available for DeployR Enterprise.

Dependencies for Linux

Before you can install DeployR on the main server machine, a remote database (DeployR Enterprise only), or any
additional grid node (DeployR Enterprise only), you must manually install the following dependencies. All other
dependencies will be installed for you.
DeployR depends on the manual installation and configuration of these dependencies.


Java™ Runtime Environment 8 or 7u13 Yes No

(or later)

R Engine: Yes Yes

- DeployR Enterprise:
Microsoft R Server 8.0 and its
- DeployR Open:
Revolution R Open v8.0.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2
or R v3.1.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2

DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 Yes Yes

MongoDB 2.6.7 for DeployR Enterprise Yes No

MongoDB is licensed by MongoDB, Inc.
under the Affero GPL 3.0 license;
commercial licenses are also available.
Additional information on MongoDB
licensing is available here.

make, gcc, gfortran Yes Yes

nfs-utils and nfs-utils-lib Yes, for external directories Yes, for external directories
Note: On Ubuntu, install nfs-common
to get nfs-utils.

To install the required dependencies:

1. On the main DeployR server, install Java™ Runtime Environment 8 or 7u13 (or later), a dependency of
DeployR, as follows. For more help installing Java or setting the path, refer to

Java is only required on the main DeployR server.

Download the tar file from Oracle and install it OR install using your local package manager.
Set JAVA_HOME to the installation path for the JDK or JRE you installed. For example, if the
installation path was /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_45/jre , then the command would be:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_45/jre

2. Install R, another dependency, for your edition of DeployR.

DeployR Enterprise 8.0.0 requires Microsoft R Server 8.0.0, which includes ScaleR for multi-
processor and big data support. Follow the instructions provided with Microsoft R Server to
install it as well as any of its dependencies. Contact technical support if you cannot find the
proper version of Microsoft R Server.
DeployR Open 8.0.0 requires either Revolution R Open v8.0.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2 or R v3.1.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2.
Revolution R Open is the enhanced distribution of R from Microsoft.
3. Install DeployR Rserve 7.4.2, a dependency of DeployR, after Microsoft R Server, Revolution R Open, or R
is installed as follows:
a. Download the Linux tar file for DeployR Rserve 7.4.2, deployrRserve_7.4.2.tar.gz .
b. Run the following command to install RServe:
R CMD INSTALL deployrRserve_7.4.2.tar.gz
4. For DeployR Enterprise only: Prepare for MongoDB 2.6.7.
a. Download MongoDB 2.6.7.
b. Untar the MongoDB download into home directory of the user who is installing DeployR Enterprise.
For example: /home/deployr-user/ . The DeployR Enterprise installer finds it later.

MongoDB is licensed by MongoDB, Inc. under the Affero GPL 3.0 license; commercial licenses are also
available. Additional information on MongoDB licensing is available here.

5. Make sure the system repositories are up-to-date prior to installing DeployR. The following commands do
not install anything; however running them ensures that the repositories contain the latest software:
Run the following command:
Redhat / CentOS:

sudo yum clean all


sudo apt-get update

openSUSE / SLES:

sudo zypper clean --all

6. Install the following packages ( make , gcc , and gfortran ) if missing:

Install packages as root or a user with sudo permissions.

Redhat / CentOS:
a. Check if the packages are already installed.
yum list make gcc gfortran
b. Install any missing packages:

#if make is missing, run

yum install make

#if gcc is missing, run

yum install gcc

#if gfortran is missing, run

yum install gfortran

a. Check if the packages are already installed.

dpkg -l make gcc gfortran

b. Install any missing packages:

#if make is missing, run

sudo apt-get install make

#if gcc is missing, run

sudo apt-get install gcc

#if gfortran is missing, run

sudo apt-get install gfortran

openSUSE / SLES:
a. Check if the packages are already installed.

sudo zypper search -i make

sudo zypper search -i gcc
sudo zypper search -i gfortran

b. Install any missing packages:

#if make is missing, run

sudo zypper install make

#if gcc is missing, run

sudo zypper install gcc

#if gfortran is missing, run

sudo zypper install gfortran

-- The prerequisites are now installed. You can begin installing DeployR now. --
Basic DeployR Install for Linux
The basic installation of DeployR installs the DeployR main server and configure a local MongoDB database on
the same machine.

DeployR Enterprise Only: In addition to this basic installation, DeployR Enterprise customers can also use a
remote database for DeployR or install additional grid nodes for optimized workload distribution.
DeployR Enterprise
After installing these prerequisites, install DeployR Enterprise as follows:
1. Log in to the operating system.
2. Create the deployrdownload directory and go to that directory. At the prompt, type:

Examples are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

mkdir /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload
cd /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

3. Download the software, DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.0.tar.gz , using the link in your customer welcome
4. Unzip the tar file contents, go the installFiles directory, and launch the installation script. At the prompt,

tar -xzf DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.0.tar.gz

cd installFiles

5. When the installer starts, accept the terms of the agreement to continue.
6. Choose Option 1 . This installs the DeployR server along with a local database.
7. Follow the onscreen installer prompts. If you are keeping an older version of DeployR on this same
machine for the purposes of migrating data, for example, then be sure to install this version in its own
8. If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or AWS EC2, you must:
Set the DeployR server Web context to the external Public IP or else you will not be able to access
to the DeployR landing page or other DeployR components after installation and be sure the
automatic detection of IP address: (Setup: Azure or AWS EC2).
Open DeployR ports 8000 , 8001 , and 8006 : (Setup: Azure or AWS EC2).
-- The basic installation of DeployR is now complete --
DeployR Open
After installing these prerequisites, install DeployR Open as follows:
1. Log in to the operating system.
2. Create the deployrdownload directory and go to that directory. At the prompt, type:

Examples are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

mkdir /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload
cd /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

3. Download the install bundle for DeployR Open, DeployR-Open-Linux-8.0.0.tar.gz .

4. Unzip the tar file contents, go the installFiles directory, and launch the installation script. At the prompt,
tar -xzf DeployR-Open-Linux-8.0.0.tar.gz
cd installFiles

5. When the installer starts, accept the terms of the agreement to continue.
6. When prompted by the installer, choose installation Option 1 . This installs the DeployR server along with a
local database.
7. Follow the remaining onscreen installer prompts. If you are keeping an older version of DeployR on this
same machine for the purposes of migrating data, for example, then be sure to install this version in its own
8. If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or AWS EC2, you must:
Set the DeployR server Web context to the external Public IP or else you will not be able to access
to the DeployR landing page or other DeployR components after installation and be sure the
automatic detection of IP address.
Open DeployR ports 8000 , 8001 , and 8006 .
-- The basic installation of DeployR is now complete --

What's Next After Installing?

1. Verify your install by running a diagnostic check of the server from the DeployR landing page. Log in as
'admin' with the password changeme at http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8000/deployr/landing . You are
prompted for a new password the first time. Consult the Troubleshooting section for additional help or post
questions to our DeployR Forum.
2. Add any additional grid nodes (DeployR Enterprise only).
3. Finish configuring DeployR. Follow the topics in that section in the order in which they are presented.
4. Download DeployR client-side developer tools, including the RBroker framework and client libraries.
5. Create new user accounts in the Administration Console. Then, provide each user with their username and
password as well as the address of the DeployR landing page.
6. Review the Administrator Getting Started to get up and running quickly. Also available are the Data
Scientist Getting Started guide and the Application Developer Getting Started guide.

Grid Node Install for Linux

When you install the DeployR server, one local grid node is installed automatically for you. DeployR Open
supports only this single node installed on localhost with a fixed slot limit. DeployR Enterprise, on the other
hand, allows you to point this default grid node to a remote location, customize its slot limit, and even add
additional grid nodes to scale for increasing load. This option also assumes that you have already installed
DeployR using Option 1 or Option 3 .

For help in determining the right number of grid nodes for you, refer to the Scale & Throughput document.
Once you have installed and configured one grid node, you can copy the files over from the server that has already been
set up over to the next one.
Install each grid node on a separate host machine.

After installing the main DeployR server, install each grid node on a separate machine as follows:
1. Log in to the operating system on the machine on which you install the grid node.
2. Install Microsoft R Server and RServe as described here on the grid node machine.
3. Create the deployrdownload directory and go to that directory. At the prompt, type:

Examples are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

mkdir /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload
cd /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

4. Download the software, DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.0.tar.gz , using the link in your customer welcome
5. Unzip the tar file contents, go the installFiles directory, and launch the installation script. At the prompt,

tar -xzf DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.0.tar.gz

cd installFiles

6. When the installer starts, accept the terms of the agreement to continue.
7. When prompted by the installer, choose installation Option 4 and follow the onscreen installer prompts.
This installs a remote grid node.
8. Enter the directory path in which to install. If you are keeping an older version of DeployR on this same
machine for the purposes of migrating data, for example, then be sure to install this version in its own
9. When the installer completes, log in to the DeployR landing page as 'admin' at
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8000/deployr/landing where <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP of the main DeployR
a. Go to the Administrative Console and configure each grid node.
b. Return to the landing page and run a diagnostic check. Consult the Troubleshooting section for help or
post questions to our DeployR Forum.
-- The grid node installation is now complete --
DeployR Install with Remote Database
DeployR Enterprise on Linux supports the installation of a remote database for DeployR. This requires that you
first install that database on one machine, and then install these prerequisites followed by DeployR on a second
Part A: Installing the Remote Database for DeployR (Option 2)
1. Log in to the operating system on the machine on which you install the database.
2. Create the deployrdownload directory and go to that directory. At the prompt, type:

Examples are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

mkdir /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload
cd /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

3. Download the software, DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.0.tar.gz , using the link in your customer welcome
4. Unzip the tar file contents, go the installFiles directory, and launch the installation script. At the prompt,

tar -xzf DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.0.tar.gz

cd installFiles

5. When the installer starts, accept the terms of the agreement to continue.
6. When prompted by the installer, choose installation Option 2 and follow the onscreen installer prompts.
This installs the database that is used remotely by DeployR server. This option assumes that you will install
Option 3 on another machine after installing Option 2 .

7. Enter the directory path in which to install. If you are keeping an older version of DeployR on this same
machine for the purposes of migrating data, for example, then be sure to install this version in its own
8. If using IPTABLES firewall, add the MongoDB port to the firewall settings to allow communications from
the DeployR main server. For this release, add 8003 .
9. Once the database has been installed, go to the machine on which you will install DeployR and follow the
steps in the next section.
Part B: Installing DeployR for Use with a Remote Database (Option 3)
Install DeployR as follows:
1. Install these prerequisites.
2. Log in to the operating system on the machine on which you want to install DeployR.
3. Create the deployrdownload directory and go to that directory. At the prompt, type:

Examples are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

mkdir /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload
cd /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

4. Download the software, DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.0.tar.gz , using the link in your customer welcome
5. Unzip the tar file contents, go the installFiles directory, and launch the installation script. At the prompt,

tar -xzf DeployR-Enterprise-Linux-8.0.0.tar.gz

cd installFiles

6. When the installer starts, accept the terms of the agreement to continue.
7. When prompted by the installer, choose installation Option 3 . This installs the DeployR server and
configure it for the remote database you installed above.
8. Enter the directory path in which to install. If you are keeping an older version of DeployR on this same
machine for the purposes of migrating data, for example, then be sure to install this version in its own
9. Enter and confirm IP address or hostname for the remote MongoDB database server and follow the
10. Enter the port number for Tomcat or accept the default.
11. If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or AWS EC2, you must:
Set the DeployR server Web context to the external Public IP or else you will not be able to access
to the DeployR landing page or other DeployR components after installation and be sure the
automatic detection of IP address.
Open DeployR ports 8000 , 8001 , and 8006 .
-- The installation of the remote database and DeployR is now complete --

What's Next After Installing?

1. Verify your install by running a diagnostic check of the server from the DeployR landing page. Log in as
'admin' with the password changeme at http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8000/deployr/landing . You are
prompted for a new password the first time. Consult the Troubleshooting section for additional help.
2. Add any additional grid nodes (DeployR Enterprise only).
3. Finish configuring DeployR. Follow the topics in that section in the order in which they are presented.
4. Download DeployR client-side developer tools, including the RBroker framework and client libraries.
5. Create new user accounts in the Administration Console. Then, provide each user with their username and
password as well as the address of the DeployR landing page.
6. Review the Administrator Getting Started to get up and running quickly. Also available are the Data
Scientist Getting Started guide and the Application Developer Getting Started guide.

Installing on Mac OS X
1. We highly recommend installing DeployR on a dedicated server machine.
2. The Mac OS X release of DeployR is experimental, and therefore not officially supported. It is not available for DeployR
Enterprise. See the list of supported OS for more.

Before you can install DeployR on the main server machine, you must manually install the following
dependencies. All other dependencies are installed for you.


Java™ Development Kit 8 or 7u13 (or later) Yes

Revolution R Open v8.0.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2 or else R v3.1.x, 3.2.0 - Yes


DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 Yes

nfs-utils and nfs-utils-lib Yes, for external directories

To install the required dependencies:

1. On the main DeployR server, install Java™ Development Kit 8 or 7u13 (or later), a dependency of
DeployR, as follows. For more help installing Java or setting the path, refer to
Download the install file from Oracle and install it.
Set JAVA_HOME to the installation path for the JDK you installed.
For example, if the installation path was
JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk , then the command would be:

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home

2. Install Revolution R Open v8.0.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2 or R v3.1.x, 3.2.0 - 3.2.2 on the DeployR Open host.
3. If you intend to use CRAN R for DeployR, you must explicitly define your preferred R mirror address as
a. Go to /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/etc .
b. Create a file called .
c. In that new file, add the following line and substitute your preferred R mirror address. For example,
here is the address snapshot used for Revolution R Open 3.2.2, such as the
options(repos = c(CRAN = " :

options(repos = c(CRAN = "YOUR FAVORITE MIRROR"))

4. Install DeployR Rserve 7.4.2 after Revolution R Open or R as follows:

a. Download the Mac OS X file of DeployR Rserve 7.4.2. Choose the file version for the version of
R or RRO you installed in the previous step.
b. Change to the directory where the file was downloaded.
c. Run the following command to install RServe:

Some browsers change the file extension to a .tar upon download. If this occurs, then update
the following command accordingly.

If you have RRO 3.2.x or R 3.2.x, then run this command:

R CMD INSTALL deployrRserve_7.4.2_for_R_3.2.x.tgz

If you have RRO RRO 8.x or R 3.1.x, then run this command:

R CMD INSTALL deployrRserve_7.4.2_for_R_3.1.x.tgz

Installing DeployR for Mac OS X

After installing these prerequisites, install DeployR Open as follows:

Examples on this site are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

1. Log in to the operating system.

2. Create the /deployrdownload directory into which the tar file is downloaded. At the prompt, type:
mkdir ~/deployrdownload

3. Download the install bundle, DeployR-Open-OSX-8.0.0.tar.gz to the newly created /deployrdownload

directory. You may need to move the file to that directory.
4. Unzip the tar file contents, go the installFiles directory, and launch the installation script. At the prompt,

cd ~/deployrdownload
tar -xzf DeployR-Open-OSX-8.0.0.tar.gz
cd installFiles

5. When the installer starts, accept the terms of the agreement to continue.
6. When prompted by the installer, choose installation Option 1 . This installs the DeployR server.
7. Follow the remaining onscreen installer prompts. If you are keeping an older version of DeployR on this
same machine for the purposes of migrating data, for example, then be sure to install this version in its own
-- The basic installation of DeployR is now complete --

What's Next After Installing?

1. Verify your install by running a diagnostic check of the server from the DeployR landing page. Log in as
'admin' with the password changeme at http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8000/deployr/landing . You are
prompted for a new password the first time. Consult the Troubleshooting section for additional help or post
questions to our DeployR Forum.
2. Finish configuring DeployR. Follow the topics in that section in the order in which they are presented.
3. Download DeployR client-side developer tools, including the RBroker framework and client libraries.
4. Create new user accounts in the Administration Console. Then, provide each user with their username and
password as well as the address of the DeployR landing page.
5. Review the Administrator Getting Started to get up and running quickly. Also available are the Data
Scientist Getting Started guide and the Application Developer Getting Started guide.

Upgrading DeployR
Carefully follow these migration instructions before you install a more recent version of DeployR to migrate users,
R Scripts, projects, other DeployR data as well as to learn how to update/preserve client application files.
These migration steps apply to RevoDeployR 7.0 and DeployR 7.1 - 7.4.1:

If you want to upgrade or reinstall your version or R or Microsoft R Server, follow these instructions.
DeployR Enterprise Only: To extend the DeployR server's grid beyond the Default Grid Node, install all of
the grid nodes you want to use, and then configure them in The Grid tab in the Administration Console.
Get DeployR Enterprise today to take advantage of great DeployR features like enterprise security and a
scalable grid framework. Note that DeployR Enterprise is part of Microsoft R Server.

Migrating to 8.0.0
The following instructions walk you through a migration of DeployR 7.4.1 or earlier to the current version of
To migrate:
1. Be sure to review the following:
Do not uninstall your older version of DeployR until you have backed up the data you want to keep
and completed the data migration.
While it is technically possible to run instances of two different versions of DeployR side by side on a
single machine, we strongly recommend that you dedicate one machine for each server instance
that is in production so as to avoid resource contention.
Grid node configurations will not work after migration due to their dependence on a specific
version of DeployR. After migrating, you will notice that the old grid configuration has been carried
over to the newly installed DeployR version. However, since those grid nodes are not compatible
with the DeployR 8.0.0 server, they appear highlighted in the Administration Console when you first
start the DeployR server. This highlighting indicates that a node is unresponsive. We recommend
deleting these old grid nodes in the Administration Console the first time you log in to the console.
2. Ensure your previous version of DeployR is running and that all users are logged out of the version.
3. Install and configure DeployR 8.0.0 and all its dependencies for your operating system ( Linux | Windows |
Mac OS X ).
4. Ensure that all users are logged out of DeployR 8.0.0 as well.
5. Run the DeployR 8.0.0 migration script as follows. This script shuts down the DeployR 8.0.0 server, back up
data in the MongoDB database of the previous version of DeployR, restore it into the DeployR 8.0.0
MongoDB database, and restart the DeployR 8.0.0 server.
Type the following at a command prompt:
Linux / Mac OS X:

cd <8.0.0_Install_Dir>/deployr/tools


cd <8.0.0_Install_Dir>\deployr\tools

Where <8.0.0_Install_Dir> is the full path to the DeployR 8.0.0 server installation directory.
When prompted by the migration script:
Choose option 1 to migrate the database.
Enter the version from which you are migrating as X.Y (for example, 7.3 ).
Enter the database password if you are migrating from 7.3 or later. You can find this password in the
deployr.groovy file.

Enter the hostname on which MongoDB was installed. The hostname (or ip) is localhost unless you
installed a remote database.
Enter the MongoDB port number. By default, the MongoDB port number ends in 03 prefixed by the
version number, such as 7303 .
6. Log in to the DeployR 8.0.0 Administration Console.
7. In the Grid tab of the console, delete any of the old node configurations since those are version-specific and
cannot be reused.
8. In the R Scripts tab of the console, repopulate the DeployR 8.0.0 example scripts that were lost when you
migrated your data from a previous version of DeployR to version 8.0.0 in a step 5.
a. Click Import R Scripts.
b. Select the example script named DeployR8.0_Example_Scripts.csv . By default, this file is installed
under <8.0.0_Install_Dir>/deployr/ .
c. Click Load.
d. Choose Import All.
e. Enter the username testuser for the field Assign username as author for the selected scripts.
f. Click Import.
9. Preserve and update any JavaScript client application files. Before you deploy any JavaScript client
application files to DeployR 8.0.0, update the client files so that they use the current version of jsDeployR
client library. After installation, update your application files to use the latest JavaScript API calls.

Configuring DeployR
After you install DeployR, review the following topics:

For the best results, respect the order in which the following information is presented when configuring

Updating Your Firewall

For Linux / Mac OS X:
If you are using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service for your server, use the iptables command (or
equivalent command/tool) to open the following ports:

If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or AWS EC2 or VirtualBox, then you must
also configure endpoints for these ports (or use port-forwarding for VirtualBox).


DeployR server machine Tomcat ports: To the outside

- 8000 (Tomcat default port)
- 8001 (Tomcat HTTPS port)

DeployR server machine - 8006 (DeployR event console port) To the public IP of DeployR server AND
to the public IP of each grid node

Remote grid node machines1 RServe ports: To the public IP of the DeployR server
- 8004 (RServe connection port)
- 8005 (RServe cancel port)

Remote MongoDB host machine2 - 8003 (MongoDB port) To the public IP of the DeployR server

1 Only DeployR Enterprise offers the ability to expand your Grid framework for load distribution by installing and
configuring additional grid nodes.
2 Only DeployR Enterprise on Linux offers the ability to install a remote MongoDB database.
For Windows:
During installation, the Windows firewall was updated to allow inbound communications to DeployR on the ports
listed in the following table:

If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as [ Azure or AWS EC2 or VirtualBox, then you
must also configure endpoints for these ports (or use port-forwarding for VirtualBox).


DeployR server machine Tomcat ports: To the outside

- 8000 (Tomcat default port)
- 8001 (Tomcat HTTPS port)

DeployR server machine - 8006 (DeployR event console port) To the public IP of DeployR server AND
to the public IP of each grid node

Remote grid node machines1 RServe ports: To the public IP of the DeployR server
- 8004 (RServe connection port)
- 8005 (RServe cancel port)

1 Only DeployR Enterprise offers the ability to expand your Grid framework for load distribution by installing and
configuring additional grid nodes.

If you have made any changes to the port numbers designated for communications between DeployR and any of its
dependencies, add those port numbers instead.
For NFS ports for external directory support, see the Configuration section of the Managing External Directories for Big
Data document.

Changing Default Passwords

DeployR is delivered with two user accounts: 'admin' and testuser . You must change the default password to the
'admin' account the first time you log in.
1. Go to the DeployR landing page.
After installing, you can log in to the DeployR landing page at
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8000/deployr/landing . <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address of the DeployR
main server machine. If you do not have a username or password, please contact your administrator.
2. Log in as the default administrator using the following:
username: 'admin' password: changeme
You are redirected to the reset password page.
3. Enter a new password and confirm this new password for 'admin'.

To manage and create new user accounts, log in to the Administration Console as 'admin' and go to
the Users tab and use these instructions. We also recommend that you change the passwords to the
other default user accounts.

Configuring Public Access

When the wrong IP is defined, you will not be able to access to the DeployR landing page or other DeployR
components after installation or reboot. In some cases, the wrong IP address may be automatically assigned
during installation or when the machine is rebooted, and that address may not be the only IP address for this
machine or may not be publicly accessible. If this case, you must update the server Web context address.
To fix this issue, ensure that:
1. The appropriate external server IP address and port number are defined as the Server web context. For
Azure & AWS services: Set the server Web context to the external Public IP. (Learn more: Azure or AWS
2. The autodetection of the IP address is disabled.
To make changes to the IP address:
Either, edit the Server web context and Disable IP auto-detection settings the Administration
Console's Server Policies tab. Log in to the Administration Console as described in the preceding
Or, you can run the server Web context script.
Configuring the DeployR Grid
More DeployR Power:
DeployR Enterprise offers the ability to expand your Grid framework for load distribution by installing and
configuring additional grid nodes. Get DeployR Enterprise today to take advantage of great DeployR features
like enterprise security and a scalable grid framework. Note that DeployR Enterprise is part of Microsoft R

1. Log in to the Administration Console as described in the preceding section.

2. Click The Grid in the main menu.
3. If any additional grid nodes were installed, besides the DeployR Default Node, click New Grid Node and
configure the Name, Host, Operating Type and External Directory for each node using these

Grid node configurations are dependent on a specific version of DeployR; therefore, any migrated
configurations are not forward compatible. You must redefine any grid nodes in the Administration Console.

Configuring SELinux (Linux Only)

Configure SELinux to permit access to DeployR using one of these options:
To benefit from the protection of SELinux, enable SELinux and configure the appropriate SELinux exception
policies as described here:
Disable SELinux so that access to DeployR is allowed as follows:
1. In /etc/selinux/config , set SELINUX=disabled .
2. Save the changes.
3. Reboot the machine.

Uninstalling DeployR
Follow the instructions provided for your operating system.
Uninstalling on Linux
Remember to uninstall DeployR on both the main server and any other grid node machines.

Examples are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

To uninstall the DeployR main server:

1. Stop the Tomcat, RServe and MongoDB services. At the prompt, type:


2. Remove DeployR, Tomcat, RServe, and MongoDB directories. At the prompt, type:

rm -rf /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0

3. Remove extraneous files. At the prompt, type:

rm -rf /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

4. If MongoDB is on a remote machine, then stop the process and remove the associated directories. At the
prompt, type:

/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/mongo/ stop
rm -rf /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0
rm -rf /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

5. If a non-default data directory (db_path) for the MongoDB database was used, then remove that directory
as well. For example, if you configure MongoDB to use the data directory,
/home/deployr-user/mongo/deployr-database , then you must remove that directory as well. For this example,
you would type:

rm -rf /home/deployr-user/mongo/deployr-database

To uninstall remote grid nodes:

Repeat these steps on each grid node machine.
1. Stop the RServe service. At the prompt, type:

/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/rserve/ stop

2. Remove DeployR and RServe directories. At the prompt, type:

rm -rf /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0

3. Remove the extraneous files and directory. At the prompt, type:

rm -rf /home/deployr-user/deployrdownload

Uninstalling on Windows
1. Stop the Tomcat, RServe and MongoDB services as described here.
2. Remove DeployR using the Windows instructions for uninstalling a program specific to your version of
Windows. For example, on Windows 8, choose Control Panel > Programs & Features > Uninstall.
3. Manually remove the DeployR install directory, by default C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\ .

Remember to uninstall DeployR on both the main server and any other grid node machines.

Uninstalling on Mac OS X
Examples are written for user deployr-user . For another user, update the commands accordingly.

To uninstall the DeployR:

1. Stop the Tomcat, RServe and MongoDB services. At the prompt, type:


2. Remove DeployR, Tomcat, RServe, and MongoDB directories. At the prompt, type:

rm -rf /Users/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0

3. Remove extraneous files. At the prompt, type:

rm -rf /Users/deployr-user/deployrdownload

4. If a non-default data directory (db_path) for the MongoDB database was used, then remove that directory
as well. For example, if you configure MongoDB to use the data directory,
/Users/deployr-user/mongo/deployr-database , then you must remove that directory as well. For this example,
you would type:

rm -rf /Users/deployr-user/mongo/deployr-database
About DeployR
6/18/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

DeployR is an integration technology for deploying R analytics inside web, desktop, mobile, and dashboard
applications as well as backend systems. DeployR turns your R scripts into analytics web services, so R code can
be easily executed by applications running on a secure server.
Using analytics web services, DeployR also solves key integration problems faced by those adopting R -based
analytics alongside existing IT infrastructure. These services make it easy for application developers to collaborate
with data scientists to integrate R analytics into their applications without any R programming knowledge.
DeployR Enterprise scales for business-critical applications and offers support for production-grade workloads, as
well as seamless integration with popular enterprise security solutions such as single sign-on (SSO ), Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP ), Active Directory, or Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM ).

Basic Workflow
This diagram captures the basic workflow used by data scientists and application developers when collaborating
on the delivery of solutions powered by analytics Web services.

Workflow In Action
The workflow is simple. A data scientist develops an R script (using standard R tools) and publishes that script to
the DeployR server, where it becomes available for execution as an analytics web service. Once published, R
scripts can be executed by any authorized application using the DeployR (API).
The following real-world scenario demonstrates the key concepts introduced in preceding workflow diagram.
While this scenario is provided as an example only, it highlights how DeployR acts as a effective bridge between
data scientist and application developer workflows. By supporting a clean separation of concerns, DeployR
delivers arbitrarily sophisticated R analytics to any network-enabled application, system or software solution.

The Scenario: As a solutions provider at an insurance company, you have been tasked with enhancing an
existing customer support system to deliver real-time, high-quality policy quotes to customers who contact
your customer support center.
The Plan: To deliver this solution, you decide to leverage the power of R -based predictive analytics with
DeployR. The solution relies on a real-time scoring engine architecture to rapidly generate and return accurate
scores to your existing customer support system. These scores can then be used to drive the customer
experience to a successful conclusion. At a high-level, such a DeployR -powered solution can be realized as
1. Produce: Data scientists begin by building an appropriate predictive model and scoring function for
insurance policy quotes using their existing analytics tools and data sets.
2. Upload: Once the model and scoring function are ready, the data scientist uploads these files to the
DeployR repository via the Repository Manager. Uploading the scoring function as an R script will
automatically turn it into an analytics Web service.
3. Verify: As a final step, the data scientist should test and verify the scoring function against a live
DeployR server via the Repository Manager.

Handoff From Data Scientist to Application Developer

4. Integrate: Application developers choose and download their preferred client application integration
tool: RBroker framework, client library or working with the raw API.
5. Test: With their tool selected, application developers implement the integration between the customer
support system and the DeployR -powered analytics Web service. This can be an iterative process with
testing at each stage of development.
6. Deploy: Once application developers are confident their integration is completed, tested, and verified,
it is time to deploy your enhanced customer support system to your live production environment.

Roles & Responsibilities

In this section, you will find a description of the roles and responsibilities of each actor in DeployR:
Data scientists
Application developers
System administrators
This diagram depicts how data scientists and application developers collaborate when working with DeployR.
Data Scientists
Data scientists, sometimes referred to as R programmers, typically focus on developing analytics solutions using
their existing analytics tool chain: R IDE, StatET, and others. To maximize the impact of these data scientists,
DeployR is designed to encourage minimal change in this workflow. Therefore, data scientists can remain focused
on creating the R code, models, and data files necessary to drive your analytics solutions without having to
concern themselves with how these outputs are eventually used by application developers in their software
In DeployR, there is but one tool for the data scientists: the Repository Manager. The Repository Manager is a
web-based tool that serves as a bridge between the data scientist’s work and the deployment of that work into the
DeployR repository. When the data scientist uploads his or her R scripts, models, and data files into the Repository
Manager, they turn into analytics Web services that can be consumed by any software solution. Once deployed,
application developers can create DeployR -powered client applications and integrations.
With DeployR, the recommended steps for a data scientist are both simple and familiar:
1. Develop your R scripts and other analytics with portability in mind
2. Test those analytics inside and outside of DeployR
3. Collaborate with application developers to deliver powerful R analytic solutions
Learn more in the Getting Started Guide Data Scientists.
Application Developers
Unlike the data scientist who focuses solely on developing the R scripts, models and data files, the application
developer does not need to know any R. Instead, this role is focused solely on integrating the output of the data
scientists' work, analytics Web services into their applications. The hand-off occurs in the Repository Manager.
The separation of responsibilities between the data scientists and application developers is key to working
effectively in the DeployR environment.
There are several client application integration tools available to application developers in DeployR. The RBroker
framework and the client libraries, which are provided in Java, JavaScript or .NET, greatly simplify the integration
for those working in those languages. However, to integrate analytics Web services using other programming
languages, the API Reference guide details everything you'd need to know.
Regardless of the integration tool you choose, or whether you are building a new application, system or solution
versus enhancing an existing one, the basic steps to leveraging DeployR -powered analytics Web services inside
any application remain simple and consistent:
1. Consult with the data scientists responsible for developing the R analytics outputs in order to determine
your application's analytics dependencies (inputs and outputs).
2. Verify these dependencies in the Repository Manager by testing the R scripts live on DeployR. For each
script, you can inspect the API request and API response in the Artifacts pane to learn how your application
needs to interact with that script. Note: Once the dependencies are in the DeployR repository, they become
analytics Web services.
3. Begin your integration by choosing a client application integration tool. Download the RBroker framework
or a client library in either Java, JavaScript, or .NET. Or, if working in another language, read the API
Reference guide. To help you familiarize yourself with these tools, check out the tutorials and
documentation provided on this site.
4. Build or extend your application to take full advantage of DeployR -powered analytics Web services.
Learn more in the Getting Started Guide for Application Developers.
System Administrators
Not unlike the responsibilities typically associated with managing and maintaining other server software, DeployR
system administrators are responsible for:
1. Provisioning suitable hardware in preparation for a DeployR install.
2. Installing DeployR using these instructions.
3. Customizing DeployR server policies.
4. Creating and managing DeployR user accounts.
5. Customizing DeployR security policies.
6. Monitoring and maintaining your DeployR deployment.
Consult the administration documentation that details the various DeployR tools made available to
administrators. These tools simplify common and advanced administrative tasks.

DeployR Security
DeployR supports a highly flexible, enterprise-grade security framework that verifies identity, enforces
permissions, and ensures privacy.
Identity is established and verified using many well-known authentication solutions. Basic authentication,
using username and password credentials, is available to all DeployR installations by default. The DeployR
Enterprise extends support for authentication by providing a seamless integration with established enterprise
security solutions including CA Single Sign-On, PAM authentication, LDAP authentication, and Active
Directory authentication.
Learn more about authentication, access controls, and privacy with DeployR in our Security guide.

DeployR is a standalone server product, potentially sitting alongside but never directly connected with other
systems, that can be deployed on-site as well as in private, public, or hybrid cloud environments.
Behaving like an on-demand R analytics engine, DeployR exposes a wide range of related analytics services via a
Web services API.

The fact that DeployR is a standalone product means that any software solution, whether it's a backend enterprise
messaging system or a client application running on a mobile phone, can leverage DeployR -powered analytics
DeployR Enterprise supports a scalable grid framework, providing load balancing capabilities across a network of
node resources. For more on planning and provisioning your grid framework, see the Scale & Throughput guide.

Glossary Of Terms
Analytics Web Service
In DeployR, we refer to any web service that exposes R analytics capabilities over the network as an analytics web
service. While “web services” is commonly used in the context of browser-based web applications, these services
—in particular, analytics web services—can just as easily be integrated inside desktop, mobile, and dashboard
applications, as well as backend systems. For example, when you upload an R script into the DeployR Repository
Manager, the script may then be executed as an analytics web service by any application with appropriate
Note: When you upload an R script into the Repository Manager, it becomes an analytics Web service that, with
the appropriate access control, can be consumed by any application.
DeployR Administration Console
The Administration Console is a tool, delivered as an easy-to-use Web interface, that facilitates the management
of users, roles, IP filters, the grid and runtime policies on the DeployR server. Learn more here.
DeployR Repository Manager
The Repository Manager is a Web-based tool that serves as a bridge between the data scientist's scripts, models,
& data and the deployment of that work into the DeployR repository to enable application developers to create
DeployR -powered client applications and integrations. Learn more here.
Getting Started - Application Developers
4/13/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

This guide for application developers introduces DeployR, the R Integration Server. If you are an application
developer or a systems integrator, then this guide explains what DeployR can do for you.
DeployR exists to solve a number of fundamental integration problems faced by application developers. For
example, have you ever wondered how you might execute an R script from within a Web-based dashboard, an
Excel spreadsheet, an enterprise middleware solution, or a mobile application? DeployR makes it simple:

// Define task for execution based on R script, predict.R.

RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("predict.R",
"demo-dir", "george", version, taskOptions);

// Submit task for execution on DeployR.


In fact, DeployR makes it simple for any application developed in any language to:
1. Provision one or more dedicated R sessions on demand
2. Execute R scripts on those R sessions
3. Pass inputs (data, files, and so on) when executing those R scripts
4. Retrieve outputs (data, files, plots, and so on) following the execution of those R scripts
DeployR offers these features and many more through a set of Analytics Web Services. These Web service
interfaces isolate the application developer and the application itself from R code, from the underlying R
sessions, and in fact from all the complexities typically associated with R integration.
As an application developer, you typically leave R coding and model building to the data scientists. And now with
DeployR, you can also leave all aspects of R session management to the DeployR server. This frees you up to
focus on simple integrations with DeployR services that deliver the phenomenal power of R directly within your
The sections that follow explain Analytics Web Services in greater detail and also introduce the set of developer
tools that make it simple to consume these services within your applications. This document also presents a
series of tutorials with sample source code and introduces a complete example application. This example gives a
concrete demonstration of building a classic application, an R analytics realtime scoring engine.

For a general introduction to DeployR, read the About DeployR document.

Analytics Web Services

The DeployR R Integration server exposes a rich set of services to application developers through a public Web
services API. These services are collectively known as DeployR Analytics Web services.
While the complete technical specification for all available services can be found here, this Getting Started guide
for application developers focuses on introducing the core services.
R Session Services
Perhaps not surprisingly, one of the core services provided by DeployR is the ability for any application to create
one or more R sessions on demand.
Once an application has created an R session, it can:
Pass data into the session
Execute R scripts and code on the session
Retrieve data, files and plots from the session
For example:

// Request a dedicated pool of 10 R sessions on DeployR.

PooledBrokerConfig config = new PooledBrokerConfig(serverEndpoint, rAuth, 10);
RBroker rBroker = RBrokerFactory.pooledTaskBroker(config);

// Your appliction now has access to a dedicated pool of 10 R sessions

// on which your application can immediately start executing R tasks.

DeployR typically refers to R sessions as projects . You can read more about projects in the API Reference
Depending on the specific needs of your application, the R sessions created by your application can be:
Stateless, meaning they exist for the duration of a single R script execution request
Temporary, meaning they exist for a single user session in your application
Persistent, meaning they exist across multiple user sessions in your application
Your application can also request the activation of an R session at a scheduled time in order to execute an R
script or block of R code based on some schedule that befits your application.
A key takeaway here is that DeployR is very flexible in the services that it offers, which makes it a compelling R
integration solution for just about any application you can imagine.
Repository Services
Having access to on-demand R sessions within your application is only useful if you have access to the R scripts,
models, and data you want to manipulate within those sessions. For this reason, DeployR exposes a
comprehensive set of file and directory management services known as DeployR repository services. Read
more about these repository services in the API Reference Guide.
You can think of the DeployR repository as a file system that is owned and managed by the DeployR server. As
an application developer, you can:
Store files of any type in the repository
Create and manage custom directories for those files in the repository:
For example:

RRepositoryDirectory dir = rUser.createDirectory("demo");

List<RRepositoryFile> files = rUser.listFiles(RSCRIPT, dir);

These services are available on the API and also through the Web-based Repository Manager, which ships with
It is also simple for your application to request files be moved from the repository to your R sessions and from
your R sessions back into the repository. Perhaps most importantly, any R script stored in the repository is
automatically exposed as a live, executable Analytics Web service. This means your R scripts can be executed on
request by your application just by referencing that script by name.
For example:

// Define task for execution based on a repository-managed R script, predict.R.

RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("predict.R",
"demo", "george", version, taskOptions);

// Submit task for execution on DeployR.


Auth Services
The fact that repository-managed R scripts are automatically exposed as live, executable Web services raises an
important question:
"How can you enforce access controls on this type of Web service?"
The answer is simple. DeployR supports a broad set of access controls ranging from user authentication and
authorization to a set of access controls enforced on a file-by-file basis in the repository. The access control
options available on repository files are:
Private , allows access only to the file's owner.
Restricted , allows access only to those users who were granted at least one of the associated roles
Shared , allows access only to authenticated users
Public , allows access to any authenticated or anonymous user

These repository access controls can be manipulated directly by the file owner on the API or by using the Web-
based Repository Manager that ships with DeployR.

Developer Tools
It's time to move from theory into practice. And for an application developer, that means writing code.
The best place to begin is with the RBroker Framework. This framework exposes a simple yet powerful
integration model that requires only a little code in order to deliver significant analytics capabilities within your
RBroker Framework
What is the RBroker Framework? Let's start with a small code snippet that delivers big results.
// An instance of RBroker is your application's handle to DeployR services.
// On application startup, request a dedicated pool of 10 R sessions on DeployR.
PooledBrokerConfig config = new PooledBrokerConfig(serverEndpoint, rAuth, 10);
RBroker rBroker = RBrokerFactory.pooledTaskBroker(config);

// Your application now has access to a dedicated pool of 10 R sessions

// on which your application can immediately start executing R tasks.

// Register your application listener for task completion and error events.

// Start building tasks in your application. Your tasks identify the R scripts
// and associated data inputs and outputs of interest to your application.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("predict.R",
"demo", "george", version, taskOptions);

// Submit tasks on the broker for execution on DeployR.


The above snippet demonstrates how, in just a few lines of code, your application can create one or more R
sessions on which it can immediately start executing R tasks.
The framework handles all of the low -level details, including:
R session provisioning
Client-side task queuing
Server-side task execution
Asynchronous callbacks to your application on task completion
If you are a Java, JavaScript or .NET developer, start with the official RBroker Framework tutorial. It introduces
everything you need to know to get up and running, including framework download links. If developing in
another language, go directly here.
Client Library
What if the RBroker Framework doesn't give me everything I need?
They may be times when you need direct access to some of the lower-level services on DeployR, which are not
exposed by the RBroker Framework. In such cases, if you are a Java, JavaScript or .NET developer, then you can
work directly with the DeployR client libraries. Learn more in the official Client Library tutorial, which introduces
everything you need to know to get up and running, including library download links. If developing in another
language, go directly here.
API Specification
What if I'm not a Java, JavaScript or .NET developer? What if I simply want to understand more about what's
going on 'under the hood'?
Then, the answer is the underlying technical specification for DeployR. That specification details every API call,
associated call parameters, encodings, error handling, and more on the DeployR API.
As long as your development environment can establish HTTP (S ) connections and consumes JSON, then you
can integrate directly with DeployR services using the public API.

In the Developer Tools section, you began your move from theory into practice through the introduction of the
core tools and some initial fragments of sample code. To further bootstrap the learning process, we've written
some more code for you. In fact, we've written a lot of code for you in the form of tutorials with which you can
see the key concepts put into practice.
To run these tutorials, you will need access to a live instance of the DeployR server.
RBroker Framework Tutorials
The following tutorials are available:
The RBroker Framework Basics code tutorial demonstrates the basic programming model and
capabilities of the RBroker Framework. Each code example brings to life the ideas introduced by the basic
RBroker Tutorial.
The RBroker Framework Data I/O code tutorial demonstrates how different types of data inputs and
outputs can be sent to and retrieved from DeployR -managed R sessions when you execute tasks using
the framework.
Client Library Tutorials
The following tutorials are available:
The Client Library Basics code tutorial demonstrates a wide range of basic functionalities available on the
DeployR client library. Each code example brings to life the ideas introduced by the basic Client Library
The Client Library Data I/O code tutorial demonstrates how different types of data inputs and outputs
can be sent to and retrieved from DeployR -managed R sessions when you execute R scripts or code
using the client library.
Command Line Interface
While each of the DeployR code tutorials found on github provide their own complete set of instructions for
downloading and running the code, we also provide the DeployR CLI to make running these tutorials even
easier. The DeployR CLI is a Command Line Tool (CLI) for running useful DeployR utilities, such as the
automated installation and execution of any DeployR code tutorial found on github.
Install and use the CLI as follows:
1. Install the CLI using npm. At your terminal prompt, type:

npm install -g deployr-cli

You now have the di command in your system path, thereby allowing the CLI to be run from any
2. Start the CLI. At your terminal prompt, type:


3. From the CLI main menu, choose Install an example to see the complete list of available examples,
including all of the latest DeployR code tutorials found on github.
4. Select the example to install. That example is automatically downloaded, installed and launched in your
terminal window.
Real World Example
The Developer Tools section introduced the available tool set and some initial fragments of sample code. In the
Tutorials section, you were introduced to more complete sample code that highlighted some important design
patterns when working with DeployR. In this section you will be introduced to a complete sample application
that demonstrates one approach to building an end-to-end solution using DeployR.
The sample application is a classic application in the analytics space, a realtime scoring engine powered by
DeployR. The example scenario mimics a real world application where employees at a fictitious bank can request
fraud scores for one or more bank account records on-demand in order to help detect fraudulent account

Note, as this is a sample application the Web browser UI component has been implemented to display profiling
information on the RBroker's realtime performance. This functionality is provided as an aid to application
developers, but is not something that would typically be included in a true production application.
In keeping with the recommended approach to building DeployR -enabled solutions, a data scientist developed
the scoring function and predictive model used by this application data scientist and an application developer
wrote the application itself.
The application design overview, source code in both Java and JavaScript, and the associated instructions
needed to run the fraud score application can be found on github. Check it out, and post any questions you have
directly to the DeployR Forum.

More Resources
Use the table of contents to find all of the guides and documentation needed by Application Developers.
API Docs, Tools, and Samples
RBroker Framework and Client Library
API Reference Guide
Other Getting Started Guides
Data Scientists
Helper Tools
DeployR Command Line Tool (CLI)
Repository Manager, available on the DeployR landing page following an install.
API Interactive Explorer, available on the DeployR landing page following an install.
Support Channels
Microsoft R Server (and DeployR ) Forum
Getting Started - Administrators
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

This guide is for system administrators of DeployR, the R Integration Server. If you are responsible for creating or
maintaining an evaluation or a production deployment of the DeployR server, then this guide is for you.
As an administrator, your key responsibilities are to ensure the DeployR server is properly provisioned and
configured to meet the demands of your user community. In this context, the following policies are of central
Server security policies, which include user authentication and authorization
Server R package management policies
Server runtime policies, which affect availability, scalability, and throughput
Whenever your policies fail to deliver the expected runtime behavior or performance, you'll need to troubleshoot
your deployment. For that we provide diagnostic tools and numerous recommendations.
But first, you must install the server. Comprehensive installation guides are available here.

For a general introduction to DeployR, read the About DeployR document.

Security Policies
User access to the DeployR server and the services offered on its API are entirely under your control as the server
administrator. The principal method of granting access to DeployR is to use the Administration Console to create
user accounts for each member of your community.
The creation of user accounts establishes a trust relationship between your user community and the DeployR
server. Your users can then supply simple username and password credentials in order to verify their identity to the
server. You can grant additional permissions on a user-by-user basis to expose further functionality and data on the
However, basic user authentication and authorization are only one small part of the full set of DeployR security
features, which includes full HTTPS/SSL encryption support, IP filters, and password format and auto-locking
policies. DeployR Enterprise also offers seamless integration with popular enterprise security solutions.
The full set of DeployR security features available to you as a system administrator are detailed in this Security

R Package Policies
The primary function of the DeployR server is to support the execution of R code on behalf of client applications.
One of your key objectives as a DeployR administrator is to ensure a reliable, consistent execution environment for
that code.
The R code developed and deployed by data scientists within your community will frequently depend on one or
more R packages. Those R packages may be hosted on CRAN, MRAN, github, in your own local CRAN repository
or elsewhere.
Making sure that these R package dependencies are available to the code executing on the DeployR server requires
active participation from you, the administrator. There are two R package management policies you can adopt for
your deployment, which are detailed in this R Package Management guide.

Runtime Policies
The DeployR server supports a wide range of runtime policies that affect many aspects of the server runtime
environment. As an administrator, you can select the preferred policies that best reflect the needs of your user
The Administration Console offers a Server Policies tab within which can be found a wide range of policy
configuration options, including:
Global settings such as server name, default server boundary, and so on
Project persistence policies governing resource usage (sizes and autosave)
Runtime policies governing authenticated, asynchronous, and anonymous operations
Runtime policies governing concurrent operation limits, file upload limits, and event stream access
The full set of general policy options available with the Server Policies tab are detailed in this online help topic.
The DeployR product consists of a number of software components that combine to deliver the full capabilities of
the R Integration Server: the server, the grid and the database. Each component can be configured for High
Availability (HA) in order to deliver a robust, reliable runtime environment.
For a discussion of the available server, grid, and database HA policy options, see the DeployR High Availability
Scalability & Throughput
In the context of a discussion on DeployR server runtime policies, the topics of scalability and throughput are
closely related. Some of the most common questions that arise when planning the configuration and provisioning
of the DeployR server and grid are:
How many users can I support?
How many grid nodes do I need?
What throughput can I expect?
The answer to these questions will ultimately depend on the configuration and size of the server and grid resources
allocated to your deployment.
For detailed information and recommendations on tuning the server and grid for optimal throughput, read the
DeployR Scale & Throughput Guide.

Big Data Policies

There may be times when your DeployR user community needs access to genuinely large data files, or big data.
When such files are stored in the DeployR Repository or at any network-accessible URI, the R code executing on
the DeployR server can load the desired file data on-demand. However, physically moving big data is expensive
both in terms of bandwidth and throughput.
To alleviate this overhead, the DeployR server supports a set of NFS -mounted directories dedicated to managing
large data files. We refer to these directories as 'big data' external directories. As an administrator, you can enable
this service by:
1. Configuring the big data directories within your deployment.
2. Informing your DeployR users that they must use the R function, deployrExternal in their R code to
reference big data files within these directories.
For the complete configuration and usage documentation, read the guide "Managing External Directories for Big

There is no doubt that, as an administrator, you've experienced failures with servers, networks, and systems.
Likewise, your chosen runtime policies may sometime fail to deliver the runtime behavior or performance needed
by your community of users.
When those failures occur in the DeployR environment, we recommend you first turn to the DeployR diagnostic
testing tool to attempt to identify the underlying cause of the problem.
Beyond the diagnostics tool, the Troubleshooting documentation offers suggestions and recommendations for
common problems with known solutions.

More Resources
This section provides a quick summary of useful links for administrators working with DeployR.

Use the table of contents to find all of the guides and documentation needed by the administrator.

Key Documents
About DeployR
Installation & Configuration
R Package Management
Scale & Throughput
Diagnostic Testing & Troubleshooting
Other Getting Started Guides
Application Developers
Data Scientists
Support Channel
Microsoft R Server (and DeployR ) Forum
Getting Started - Data Scientists
4/13/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

This guide for data scientists offers a high-level introduction to DeployR. It helps you understand, as a data
scientist, how best to work with the product tools to deliver compelling R analytics solutions in collaboration
with application developers.
In a nutshell, DeployR makes your R analytics (R scripts, models, and data files) easily consumable by any
application. The sections that follow explain the steps you'll take to prepare those analytics and make them
available to those who need them. They are:
1. Develop your R scripts and other analytics with portability in mind
2. Test those analytics inside and outside of DeployR
3. Collaborate with application developers to deliver powerful R analytic solutions

For a general introduction to DeployR, read the About DeployR document.

Develop Analytics
With DeployR, you can remain focused on creating the R code, models, and data files necessary to drive your
analytics solutions without having to concern yourself with how these outputs are eventually used by
application developers in their software solutions. That also means that, with minimal change in your current
workflow, you can continue developing your analytics with your preferred R integrated development
environment (IDE ).
All it takes to prepare your R code for use in DeployR is a few simple portability enhancements, which you can
make with your existing tool chain. Use the following functions from the deployrUtils R package to make your
R code portable:
The deployrPackage function guarantees package portability from your local environment to the
DeployR server environment when you use it to declare all of the package dependencies in your R script.
Packages declared using this function are automatically loaded at runtime, either in your local
environment or on the DeployR server. If the packages declared are not yet installed, then they're
automatically installed before being loaded.
The deployrInput function guarantees script input portability when you use it to define the inputs
required by your scripts along with their default values.
The deployrExternal function guarantees portability from your local environment to the DeployR server
environment when you use it to reference the big data files from within your R scripts.
You can install deployrUtils locally from GitHub using your IDE, R console, or terminal window with the
following commands:

Learn more on how to write portable R code using these functions.

Once your R code, models, and data files are ready, you can verify their behavior in a DeployR server

Reproducibility Tip: Use the checkpoint package to make sure your script always has the same package
dependency versions from a specific date across environments and users by pointing to the same fixed
CRAN repository snapshot. When the exact same package dependencies are used, you get reproducible
results. This package is installed with Microsoft R Open (and Revolution R Open). Learn more...

Test Analytics
Perhaps not surprisingly, the next step after developing your analytics is to test them. The first step is to test
your analytics in your local environment. Then, when you are ready, upload those analytics to the DeployR
server environment so you can test your R scripts in a live debugging environment.
Testing Locally
Testing locally involves running your R code within your local R integrated development environment as you
always have. If you encounter issues during your tests, simply refine your analytics and retest them. When
satisfied with your results, the next step is to verify that you obtain the same results when testing remotely.
Testing Remotely
Testing remotely involves executing your R scripts in the DeployR server environment. Doing so is easy when
you use the web-based Repository Manager that ships with DeployR. In just a few clicks, you can upload and
test your R scripts, models, and data files via the Repository Manager. Here's how:
1. Log into the web-based DeployR landing page.

2. Open the Repository Manager tool.

3. Create a directory that you can use to store your development copies of your R analytics. In our example,
we'll call this directory you'll use for development and testing in DeployR, fraud-score-dev . These copies
of your R analytics won't be shared with the application developers. We'll do that in a later step in the
Collaboration section.
4. Upload your R scripts, models, and data files into that development directory. Those files are now
Analytics Web Services that, with the proper permissions, can be consumed by any application.

5. Open the R script you want to test.

6. Click Test on the right of the File Properties page to open the Test page. The Test page acts as a live
debugging environment.
7. Click Run in the upper-right hand pane to execute the R script. As the script executes, you'll see the
console output in the bottom left pane. After execution, you can review the response markup in the
bottom right pane.

8. Verify that you experience the same R script behavior in the DeployR server environment as you did
when you tested your R scripts locally.
If you encounter issues or want to make further changes to your analytics, then you can refine and
test your analytics locally before returning to the Repository Manager to upload and retest
remotely again.
If you are ready to start collaborating with your application developers, you can make your R
scripts and other analytics available to them.

Collaboration with the application developers on your team makes it possible to deliver sophisticated software
solutions powered by R analytics. Whenever you develop new analytics or improve existing ones, you must
inform the application developers on your team and hand off those analytics as described in this section.
How you share and collaborate on these R analytics depends on whether you plan to do so on-server, which
requires access to a common DeployR server instance, or off-server.

This document focuses on the roles and responsibilities of the data scientist. To learn more about the role of the
application developer, read the Getting Started guide for application developers.
We strongly recommend the following approach to collaboration:
1. Share only stable, tested snapshots of your R analytic files with application developers.
2. Provide the application developers with all necessary details regarding your R analytic files.
Share Stable, Tested Snapsots
We recommend sharing your R analytic files with application developers prior to their final iteration. By
releasing early versions or prototypes of your work, you make it possible for the application developers to
begin their integration work. You can then continue refining, adding, and testing your R analytics in tandem.
However, you don't want to share every iteration of your files either. As you develop and update your R
analytics, certain modifications might result in code-breaking changes in an R script’s runtime behavior. For this
reason, we strongly recommend sharing file snapshots only if they have been fully tested by you to minimize
the chances of introducing errors when the application developers try them out.
In practice, each snapshot of your R analytics should include completed functionality and/or changes that
affects the application interface for which the application developers will need to accommodate.
We also recommend, when working in DeployR, that you keep the development copies of your R analytics in a
private and distinct directory from the directory where you'll share your stable snapshots with application
Provide Complete Details to Application Developers
Once you share a snapshot with application developers, you must let them know that this the snapshot is
available and also provide them with any information that will help them integrate your R analytics into
their application code. Rather than leave the developer guessing as to why their code no longer works, we
strongly recommend that you not only to tell them which files are available, but perhaps more importantly,
what has changed. Be sure to include:
The list of new/updated filenames and their respective directories
Any new/updated inputs required by your R script
Any new/updated outputs generated by your R scripts

On-Server Collaboration
When the application developers have access to the same DeployR server instance as you, you can share stable,
tested R analytics snapshots there.
1. Log into the web-based Repository Manager.
2. Open the Repository Manager tool.
3. Create a snapshot directory for collaboration in which you'll share the snapshots of your R analytics with
application developers. Keep in mind that each snapshot should be a stable and tested version of your R

We recommend that you follow a convention when naming your project directories that enables those directories
to be easily associated. In our example, the directory we used to upload and test these R analytics in DeployR
before sharing them is called fraud-score-dev . And here, we'll name the snapshot directory fraud-score .

4. Create a copy of each file from your development directory to the newly created project directory:
a. Open each file. The File Properties page appears.
b. In the File Properties page, choose Copy from the Manage menu. The Copy File dialog opens.

c. Enter a name for the file in the Name field. We recommend you use the same name as you have
in your development directory. If a file by that name already exists, this will become the new
Latest version of that file. The version history is available to file owners.
d. Select the new directory you've just created from the Directory drop down list.
e. Click Copy to make the copy. The dialog closes and the Files tab appears on the screen.
f. Repeat steps a - e for each file you are ready to share.
5. Add any application developers who will work with these files as owners of those files in the new
directory so they can access, test, and download them:
a. From the Files tab, click the name of the new directory under the My Files tree on the left side of
the page.
b. Open each file in the new directory. The File Properties page appears.
c. Optionally, add notes to the application developers in the Description field. For example, you
could let them know which values should be retrieved.
d. Click Add/Remove to add application developers as owners of the file.

e. Repeat steps a - d for each file you've just copied to the new directory.
6. Inform your application developers that new or updated analytics are available for integration. Be sure to
provide them with any details that can help them integrate those analytics.
Now the application developer(s) can review the files in the Repository Manager. They can also test the R
scripts in the Test page and explore the artifacts. Application developers can use the files in this instance of
DeployR as they are, make copies of the files, set permissions on those files, or even download the files to use in
a separate instance of DeployR.
Off-Server Collaboration
If application developers on your project do not have access to the same instance of DeployR as you, then you
can share stable snapshots of your R analytics by:
Sending the files directly to application developers via email, or
Putting them on a secure shared resource such as shared NFS drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox.
Keep in mind that:
It is critical that you provide the application developers with any details that can help them integrate those
The files you share should be stable and tested snapshots of your R analytics.
Once you've shared those files, the application developers can upload the files into their DeployR server any
way they want including through the Repository Manager, using client libraries, or via the raw API.

More Resources
Use the table of contents to find all of the guides and documentation needed by the data scientist, administrator,
or application developer.
Key Documents
About DeployR
How to Write Portable R Code with deployrUtils ~ deployrUtils package documentation
Repository Manager Help ~ Online help for the DeployR Repository Manager.
About Throughput ~ Learn how to optimize your throughput
Getting Started For Application Developers
Getting Started For Administrators
Support Channel
Microsoft R Server (and DeployR ) Forum
Getting Started - Administrators
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

This guide is for system administrators of DeployR, the R Integration Server. If you are responsible for creating
or maintaining an evaluation or a production deployment of the DeployR server, then this guide is for you.
As an administrator, your key responsibilities are to ensure the DeployR server is properly provisioned and
configured to meet the demands of your user community. In this context, the following policies are of central
Server security policies, which include user authentication and authorization
Server R package management policies
Server runtime policies, which affect availability, scalability, and throughput
Whenever your policies fail to deliver the expected runtime behavior or performance, you'll need to troubleshoot
your deployment. For that we provide diagnostic tools and numerous recommendations.
But first, you must install the server. Comprehensive installation guides are available here.

For a general introduction to DeployR, read the About DeployR document.

Security Policies
User access to the DeployR server and the services offered on its API are entirely under your control as the
server administrator. The principal method of granting access to DeployR is to use the Administration Console
to create user accounts for each member of your community.
The creation of user accounts establishes a trust relationship between your user community and the DeployR
server. Your users can then supply simple username and password credentials in order to verify their identity to
the server. You can grant additional permissions on a user-by-user basis to expose further functionality and data
on the server.
However, basic user authentication and authorization are only one small part of the full set of DeployR security
features, which includes full HTTPS/SSL encryption support, IP filters, and password format and auto-locking
policies. DeployR Enterprise also offers seamless integration with popular enterprise security solutions.
The full set of DeployR security features available to you as a system administrator are detailed in this Security

R Package Policies
The primary function of the DeployR server is to support the execution of R code on behalf of client
applications. One of your key objectives as a DeployR administrator is to ensure a reliable, consistent execution
environment for that code.
The R code developed and deployed by data scientists within your community will frequently depend on one or
more R packages. Those R packages may be hosted on CRAN, MRAN, github, in your own local CRAN
repository or elsewhere.
Making sure that these R package dependencies are available to the code executing on the DeployR server
requires active participation from you, the administrator. There are two R package management policies you can
adopt for your deployment, which are detailed in this R Package Management guide.

Runtime Policies
The DeployR server supports a wide range of runtime policies that affect many aspects of the server runtime
environment. As an administrator, you can select the preferred policies that best reflect the needs of your user
The Administration Console offers a Server Policies tab within which can be found a wide range of policy
configuration options, including:
Global settings such as server name, default server boundary, and so on
Project persistence policies governing resource usage (sizes and autosave)
Runtime policies governing authenticated, asynchronous, and anonymous operations
Runtime policies governing concurrent operation limits, file upload limits, and event stream access
The full set of general policy options available with the Server Policies tab are detailed in this online help topic.
The DeployR product consists of a number of software components that combine to deliver the full capabilities
of the R Integration Server: the server, the grid and the database. Each component can be configured for High
Availability (HA) in order to deliver a robust, reliable runtime environment.
For a discussion of the available server, grid, and database HA policy options, see the DeployR High Availability
Scalability & Throughput
In the context of a discussion on DeployR server runtime policies, the topics of scalability and throughput are
closely related. Some of the most common questions that arise when planning the configuration and
provisioning of the DeployR server and grid are:
How many users can I support?
How many grid nodes do I need?
What throughput can I expect?
The answer to these questions will ultimately depend on the configuration and size of the server and grid
resources allocated to your deployment.
For detailed information and recommendations on tuning the server and grid for optimal throughput, read the
DeployR Scale & Throughput Guide.

Big Data Policies

There may be times when your DeployR user community needs access to genuinely large data files, or big data.
When such files are stored in the DeployR Repository or at any network-accessible URI, the R code executing on
the DeployR server can load the desired file data on-demand. However, physically moving big data is expensive
both in terms of bandwidth and throughput.
To alleviate this overhead, the DeployR server supports a set of NFS -mounted directories dedicated to
managing large data files. We refer to these directories as 'big data' external directories. As an administrator, you
can enable this service by:
1. Configuring the big data directories within your deployment.
2. Informing your DeployR users that they must use the R function, deployrExternal in their R code to
reference big data files within these directories.
For the complete configuration and usage documentation, read the guide "Managing External Directories for Big

There is no doubt that, as an administrator, you've experienced failures with servers, networks, and systems.
Likewise, your chosen runtime policies may sometime fail to deliver the runtime behavior or performance
needed by your community of users.
When those failures occur in the DeployR environment, we recommend you first turn to the DeployR diagnostic
testing tool to attempt to identify the underlying cause of the problem.
Beyond the diagnostics tool, the Troubleshooting documentation offers suggestions and recommendations for
common problems with known solutions.

More Resources
This section provides a quick summary of useful links for administrators working with DeployR.

Use the table of contents to find all of the guides and documentation needed by the administrator.

Key Documents
About DeployR
Installation & Configuration
R Package Management
Scale & Throughput
Diagnostic Testing & Troubleshooting
Other Getting Started Guides
Application Developers
Data Scientists
Support Channel
Microsoft R Server (and DeployR ) Forum
About DeployR Administration Console
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The DeployR Administration Console, which is delivered with DeployR, is an easy-to-use web interface that
facilitates the proper management and administration of your DeployR deployment. Accordingly, the following
functions are supported in the console:
The creation and management of user accounts
The creation and management of roles, which are used to grant users permissions and to restrict access to R
The import and export of R scripts
The creation and management of R boundaries, which are used to constrain runtime resource usage
The creation and management of IP filters
The backup and restore of database contents
The management of node resources on the DeployR grid
The management of DeployR server policies
The monitoring of events on the grid

Who Can Access the Administration Console

Only the admin user account, representing the administrator, has access to this console and can:
Create and manage user accounts, roles, R boundaries, and IP filters
Import and export scripts for preserving backups or for the purposes of migration
Manage DeployR grid node resources and the server policies

How to Access the Administration Console

You cannot log in to DeployR from multiple accounts using a single brand of browser program. To use two or
more accounts concurrently, you'll need to log in to each one in a separate brand of browser.

To access and log in to the Administration Console after installation:

1. In a browser window, enter the Administration Console’s URL:


where <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address of the DeployR machine and where <PORT> is the port number
used during installation.
2. Click Administration Console Log In in the upper right to log in. If this is your first time using the
Administration Console, try one of the preconfigured users.
3. Click Log In.

To log out of the Administration Console:

Click Log Out in the upper right corner of the console.
See the Scale & Throughput Guide for help in planning the provisioning of server and grid capacity.
About DeployR Administration Console
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The DeployR Administration Console, which is delivered with DeployR, is an easy-to-use web interface that
facilitates the proper management and administration of your DeployR deployment. Accordingly, the following
functions are supported in the console:
The creation and management of user accounts
The creation and management of roles, which are used to grant users permissions and to restrict access to R
The import and export of R scripts
The creation and management of R boundaries, which are used to constrain runtime resource usage
The creation and management of IP filters
The backup and restore of database contents
The management of node resources on the DeployR grid
The management of DeployR server policies
The monitoring of events on the grid

Who Can Access the Administration Console

Only the admin user account, representing the administrator, has access to this console and can:
Create and manage user accounts, roles, R boundaries, and IP filters
Import and export scripts for preserving backups or for the purposes of migration
Manage DeployR grid node resources and the server policies

How to Access the Administration Console

You cannot log in to DeployR from multiple accounts using a single brand of browser program. To use two or
more accounts concurrently, you'll need to log in to each one in a separate brand of browser.

To access and log in to the Administration Console after installation:

1. In a browser window, enter the Administration Console’s URL:


where <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address of the DeployR machine and where <PORT> is the port
number used during installation.
2. Click Administration Console Log In in the upper right to log in. If this is your first time using the
Administration Console, try one of the preconfigured users.
3. Click Log In.

To log out of the Administration Console:

Click Log Out in the upper right corner of the console.
See the Scale & Throughput Guide for help in planning the provisioning of server and grid capacity.
Creating & Managing User Accounts
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

User accounts, which are created and managed in this Administration Console, provide authenticated access to
the DeployR Web Services API, the API Explorer tool, and the Administration Console. Aside from the admin
account, user accounts represent script authors, client application developers, or client application end-users.
Each user has an account with properties such as their username, password, permissions, and so on. A user can
represent an individual or an entity such as a dedicated DeployR client application. The role(s) assigned to users
determine their rights to access the console, their rights to access all or some of the API, and in some cases,
their rights to access certain scripts.
When you click Users in the main menu, you can review the list of DeployR user accounts. The user list includes
the username, display name, account status (enabled or disabled), and the date the account was last modified. If
there are more than 20 accounts, click Next to proceed to the remaining accounts.

As an alternative, you can choose another form of authentication for DeployR, such as Active Directory, LDAP, or PAM.

Figure: User List page

You cannot log in to DeployR from multiple accounts using a single brand of browser program. To use two
or more accounts concurrently, you must log in to each one in a separate brand of browser.

Preconfigured User Accounts

The following table presents the preconfigured DeployR user accounts and their default passwords.


admin A default system administrator account for immediate access

to the console. This account cannot be renamed, disabled,
or deleted.

testuser A default test account for client developers. We strongly

recommend that you disable this account in production
deployments. This account comes locked and you’ll need to
set a password in order to use it.
User Account Properties
For each user, there are a number of properties that can be defined. The properties of a new account are
described in the following table.


Enabled When Enabled is selected, the user account is active,

thereby allowing this user to access DeployR services on the
API. If you uncheck this box, the account is disabled and the
user will not have access to the console or the API calls.

Username Enter a unique name consisting of at least three

alphanumeric characters, but no spaces or symbols.

Display name Enter a display name of any combination of up to 50

alphanumeric characters or spaces. When the user logs into
the Administration Console, this name appears in the upper

Password/Verify Password Enter the new password and re-enter it a second time to

Password Expired Whenever this checkbox is selected, the user will be

redirected to the DeployR Account Password Reset page the
next time the user attempts to login so that they can define
a new password. This applies only to basic authentication.

Account Locked When this checkbox is selected, the user account is locked.
The user will not be permitted to log into the console. This
applies only to basic authentication.

R boundary Optionally, assign a boundary to the user. Boundaries

impose a set of runtime constraints on the user when he or
she executes code or scripts on the API.
Note: Grid node boundaries take precedence over user
boundaries, and user boundaries take precedence over the
server-wide default boundary.

Roles Assign roles in order to grant the user permissions to

execute API calls, access the Administration Console, access
some or all of the event streams, and access certain scripts.
If you do not specify any roles, then the BASIC_USER is
automatically assigned.

Viewing and Editing User Accounts

To view and edit a user account:
1. From the main menu, click Users. The User List page appears.
2. In the User List table, click the name of the user whose account you want to review or edit. The User
Details page appears.
Figure: User Details page
3. To edit the account, click Edit. The Edit User page appears.
4. Make your changes to the user properties.
5. Click Update to save the changes.

Creating New User Accounts

To create a new user:
1. From the main menu, click Users. The User List page appears.
2. Click New User in the menu bar. The New User page appears.
Figure: New User page

3. In the New User page, enter all required properties for the user account as well as any optional details.
4. Click Create to save the new user.

Deleting User Accounts

To delete a user account:
1. From the main menu, click Users. The User List page appears.
2. In the User List table, click the name of the user whose account you want to delete. The User Details
page appears and displays the account.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the user account.

Exporting User Accounts

You can export user accounts into a CSV file. Exporting can be used to copy the accounts to another machine or
to preserve them as a backup.

When an account is exported, the assigned boundaries or roles are not included in the export. If you
import the account later, the BASIC_USER role is automatically assigned unless you choose to assign the
POWER_USER role to all accounts being imported. Keep in mind that you can manually assign roles
individually later.

Figure: Export User Accounts page

To export:
1. From the main menu, click Users. The User List appears.
2. Click Export User Accounts.
3. Select the account(s) to be exported.
4. Click Export to File and download the file.

Importing User Accounts

Importing allows you to retrieve all of the accounts from a previously exported CSV file. Alternately, you can
also import a CSV file you have created yourself using the proper format. Since role and boundary
assignments cannot be exported, all imported user accounts are automatically assigned the BASIC_USER role at
import time unless you choose to assign the POWER_USER role. You can, of course, manually add roles to users
later after importing.

For security reasons, user passwords are not exported. You can add a plain text password manually in the
password field in the exported CSV file prior to import.

To import:
1. From the main menu, click Users.
2. From the User List, click Import User Accounts.
3. Click Browse and select the CSV file to be imported.
4. Click Load.
Figure: Import User Accounts page

5. To disable user accounts so that they do not have access to the server until you are ready, select the
Disable user account option. You can always enable or disable user accounts individually later.
6. If desired, select the option to Automatically grant POWER_USER permissions to user accounts on
this import. It is not always prudent to assign this role to all users so weigh this option carefully. Note
that all imported users are automatically assigned to the BASIC_USER role.

The ADMINISTRATOR and POWER_USER roles have implicit permissions to install R packages. The
BASIC_USER role does not have permissions to manage R packages. To allow a user that was
assigned only to the BASIC_USER role the rights to install an R package, you must edit the user
account after importing and assign the PACKAGE_MANAGER role.

7. Choose the account(s) to import.

8. Click Import. If a user account by the same name already exists, a message appears to inform you that
the incoming account was rejected.
Managing Permissions with Roles
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Users are granted permissions to perform operations on the DeployR Web services API by the role(s) assigned to
them. Having clearly defined roles in this console simplifies the process of granting permissions to new or
existing users.
DeployR is delivered with predefined system roles you can assign to users. These predefined system roles
determine user permissions within DeployR by granting individual users access to the console or programmatic
access on the API.
You can also create custom roles to constrain access to certain scripts. Once you have created a custom role for
that purpose, a script author can set a script’s access rights to Restricted and specify one or more new custom
roles. Then, only those users assigned to at least one of the roles specified for that script are permitted to execute
the script. You can manage the access rights to a file in the DeployR Repository Manager.
You can view the available roles by clicking Roles in the main menu. Clicking a role in the list reveals the list of
users assigned to this role.
Figure: Role List page

Predefined System Roles

The following DeployR system roles are shipped with DeployR and can be assigned to user accounts.


ADMINISTRATOR The ADMINISTRATOR role identifies the user as an

administrator. There is only one administrator for the console,
and that is the user admin .

POWER_USER Users with this role are granted permissions to access the full
API and to install R packages. Full access includes the ability
to execute scripts and arbitrary blocks of R code.

BASIC_USER Users with this role are granted permissions to access the full
API with the exception of being able to execute arbitrary
blocks of R code on the API. However, they can execute R

PACKAGE_MANAGER Users with this role are granted permissions to install R

packages using the install.packages() command. By
default, ADMINISTRATOR and POWER_USER have implicit
PACKAGE_MANAGER rights, while BASIC_USER does not.

Viewing, Editing, and Assigning Roles

You can review, edit, and assign custom roles. System roles cannot be edited.
To view and edit a role:
1. From the main menu, click Roles. The Role List page appears.
2. In the Role List table, click the role you want to review or edit. The Role Details page displays the role’s
name and description as well as the names of any users to which the role is assigned.

The list of scripts to which a role may be assigned does not appear on this page.

Figure: Role Details page

3. To edit a custom role, do the following:

a. Click Edit.
b. Change the name or description as needed. If you change the name of role, it is updated throughout
the console.

You cannot edit a system role delivered with the product.

c. Click Update to save the changes.

To assign a role to a user:
1. From the main menu, click Users. The User List page appears.
2. Click the account name you want to edit. The User Details page appears.
3. Click Edit. The Edit User page appears.
4. Select all applicable roles.
5. Click Update to save the changes.

Creating Custom Roles

While the system roles will suffice in many cases, there are times when it might be beneficial to create custom
roles to constrain access to certain scripts according to a specific organizational, departmental, or functional need.
Any script author can set the access rights to his or her script to Restricted and specify one or more roles. Then,
only the users assigned to one of the specified roles are permitted to execute that script. For more details on
defining access rights for scripts, refer the DeployR Repository Manager documentation.
To create a custom role:
1. From the main menu, click Roles. The Role List page appears.
2. From the Role List page, click New Role in the menu. The New Role page appears.
Figure: New Role page

3. Enter a Role name and Description for the new role.

4. Click Create to save the new role. You can now assign this role to users or scripts in the console. To assign
a role, edit the user or script and select the role(s).

Deleting Custom Roles

While you cannot delete any of the system roles, you can delete a custom role. If you delete a custom role that is
assigned to users, then that association between user and role is automatically removed upon deletion. To delete a
custom role:
1. From the main menu, click Roles. The Role List page appears.
2. Click name of the custom role you want to delete. The Role Details page appears.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete.

Exporting Roles
You can export roles in a CSV file. Exporting can be useful when you want to copy the roles to another machine or
to preserve them as a backup, for example. You can later import the contents of this file to this server or across
multiple server deployments.
Figure: Export Roles page
To export:
1. From the main menu, click Roles.
2. From the Role List, click Export Roles.
3. Select the role(s) to be exported.
4. Click Export to File and save the file.

Importing Roles
Importing into the server database allows you to retrieve all of the roles from a previously exported CSV file.
Alternately, you can also import a CSV file you have created yourself using the proper format.
Figure: Import Roles page

To import:
1. From the main menu, click Roles.
2. From the Role List, click Import Roles.
3. Click Browse and select the file to be imported. By default, the file has the CSV extension.
4. Click Load.
5. Choose which role(s) to import.
6. Click Import. If a role by the same name already exists, a message appears to inform you that the
incoming role was rejected.
Managing R Scripts
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

R scripts are repository-managed files containing blocks of R code with well-defined inputs and outputs. Each R
script is designed to perform a specific function that can be exposed as an executable entity on the DeployR Web
services API.
You can import and export scripts through the R Scripts tab in the Administration Console
In this tab, you can export shared or published R scripts on this server to a CSV file as a way to backup scripts or
as the first step in migrating R script data between two or more DeployR -server instances. You can also import R
scripts into the repository on this server instance from a previously exported R script CSV file.
Users can also manage their repository scripts as well as other repository files in the DeployR Repository
Figure: R Script List page

Exporting R Scripts
You can export any scripts to which you have access into a CSV file. Exporting can be used to copy the scripts to
another machine or across multiple deployments or to back up your scripts.

Only the latest version of script is exported. The previous versions are not preserved in this export file.

To export one or more scripts:

1. From the main menu, click R Scripts.
2. From the R Script List, click Export R Scripts.
Figure: Export R Scripts page
3. Select the scripts to be exported. You can choose to export all of the scripts listed or only some of them.
4. Click Export to File.

Importing R Scripts
Importing into the server database allows you to retrieve the scripts in a previously exported CSV file. Alternately,
you can also import a CSV file you have created yourself using the proper format. If a script by the same name
already exists, a new version of the script is created.
When you import a script, you are automatically listed as the sole author of the script. However, if you are logged
in as admin , you have the option to assign another user as the author instead. The script author can grant
authorship to other users when editing that script later.
Scripts will be imported into the directory from which it was exported. If the directory does not exist, then it will be
To import:
1. From the main menu, click R Scripts.
2. From the R Script List, click Import R Scripts.
3. Click Browse and select the CSV file to be imported.
Figure: Import R Scripts page

4. In the Choose Scripts to Import page, choose the R script(s) to import.

5. Assign a different user as the author for the selected script(s). Otherwise, you will be automatically assigned
as the author for the script(s).
6. Click Import. If a script by the same name already exists for the user importing, then a new version of the
file will be created automatically.
Managing R Boundaries
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

R boundaries are used to constrain runtime resource usage related to:

Authenticated operations running on projects
Asynchronous operations running as background jobs
Anonymous operations running on stateless projects
R boundaries help manage the optimal allocation of resources across all operations. They also protect the system
from poorly written or malicious code that may attempt to consume all system resources in an infinite loop or
other threats.
In this Administration Console, you can access and work with R boundaries by clicking R Boundaries in the main
Once you create an R boundary, you can assign it to any grid node or user account in the console. Grid node
boundaries take precedence over boundaries associated with individual users.
You can also designate a particular R boundary as the default system-wide R boundary to be used whenever no
other boundary is indicated.
If you plan to associate R boundaries with grid nodes, we recommend that you create a custom R boundary for
each node operation type (authenticated, asynchronous, and anonymous operations) supported on the grid.
Figure: Boundary List page

Creating New Boundaries

To create a new boundary:
1. From the main menu, click R Boundaries.
2. From the R Boundary List page, click the New Boundary link. The New R Boundary page appears.
Figure: New R Boundary page
3. In the New R Boundary page, define your boundary, including:
a. Name. Enter a unique name for the boundary. This field is required.
b. Max CPU (sec). Enter the maximum amount of time in seconds that the CPU can be engaged at
runtime. If the time limit is exceeded, then an R error is returned at runtime. If you enter a value of 0,
this constraint will be ignored.
4. Click Create to save the new boundary.

Deleting Boundaries
To delete a boundary:
1. From the main menu, click R Boundaries.
2. From the R Boundary List page, click the name of the boundary you want to delete. The R Boundary
Details page appears.
3. Click Delete and confirm the removal of the boundary.

Viewing and Editing Boundaries

To view and edit a boundary:
1. From the main menu, click R Boundaries.
2. From the R Boundary List page, click the name of the boundary you want to view or edit in the table. The
R Boundary Details page appears.
Figure: R Boundary Details page

3. To edit a boundary, perform the following steps:

a. Click Edit.
b. Make your changes.
c. Click Update to save the changes.
Exporting Boundaries
You can export all or selected R boundaries into one CSV file. Exporting can be used to copy the boundaries to
another machine or to preserve them as a backup. You can later import the contents of this file to this server or
across multiple server deployments.
Figure: Export Boundaries page

To export:
1. From the main menu, click R Boundaries.
2. From the R Boundary List, click Export Boundaries.
3. Select the R boundaries you want to export. You can choose to export all of them or individually select the
boundaries to be exported.
4. Click Export to File and save the file.

Importing Boundaries
You can import R boundaries from a CSV file into the server. This CSV file can come from a previous export or
might be a file you created manually using the proper format.
Figure: Import Boundaries page

To import:
1. From the main menu, click R Boundaries.
2. From the R Boundary List, click Import Boundaries.
3. Click Browse and select the file to be imported. By default, the file has the CSV file extension.
4. Click Load.
5. Choose which R boundaries to import. You can choose to import all of them or individually select the
boundaries to import.
6. Click Import. If a boundary by the same name already exists, then a message appears to inform you that
the incoming boundary was rejected.
Managing Access with IP Filters
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Access to most DeployR services requires that the user be authenticated and have the proper permissions, which
are determined by the system role(s) granted to that user. Access can be further restricted with an IP filter, which
are managed in the IP Filters tab in this console.
Once you create an IP filter, you can specify and assign the filter to authenticated, asynchronous, and anonymous
grid operation modes in the Server Policies page.
Figure: IP Filter list

When entering an IP address, use the dot decimal notation format such as . Use the asterisk
character as a wildcard such as 255.*.*.* .

Creating New Filters

To create a new filter:
1. From the main menu, click IP Filters.
2. In the IP Filter List page, click New IP Filter in the menu. The New IP Filter page appears.
Figure: New IP Filter page

3. In the Name field, enter a unique name made up of alphanumeric characters and underscores but not
spaces nor any other punctuation.
4. In the Address field, enter the IP address using the Ant-style patterns, such as 10.** , or masked patterns,
such as or , specifying either IPV4 or IPV6 patterns. Do not enter http://
before the IP sequence.
5. Click Create to save the new filter.

Deleting Filters
To delete a filter:
1. In the IP Filter List, click the filter name in the table. The Edit IP Filter page appears.
2. Click Delete and confirm the removal of the filter.

Viewing and Editing Filters

To view and edit a filter:
1. From the main menu, click IP Filters.
2. From the IP Filter List page, click the name of the filter you want to view or edit in the table. The Edit IP
Filter page appears.
3. Make changes to the name or address as needed.
4. Click Update to save the changes.

Applying Filters
You can apply a filter to a specific node operating type in the Server Policies tab in this console so that all nodes
designated for that type of operation inherit this IP filter automatically.

Exporting Filters
You can export one or more IP filters into one CSV file. Exporting can be used to copy the IP filters to another
machine or to preserve them as a backup. You can later import the contents of this file to this server or across
multiple server deployments.
Figure: Export Filters page

To export:
1. From the main menu, click R Filters.
2. From the R Filter List, click Export Filters.
3. Select the R filter(s) you want to export. You can choose to export all of them or individually select the
filters to be exported
4. Click Export to File and save the CSV file.

Importing Filters
You can import IP filters from a CSV file into the server. This file can come from a previous export or might be a
file you created manually using the proper format.
Figure: Import Filters page

To import:
1. From the main menu, click R Filters.
2. From the R Filter List, click Import Filters.
3. Click Browse and select the CSV file to import.
4. Click Load.
5. Choose to import all filters or individually select the filter(s) to import.
6. Click Import. If a filter by the same name exists, then a message appears to inform you that the incoming
filter was rejected.
Managing the Grid
6/18/2018 • 15 minutes to read • Edit Online

DeployR Enterprise supports an extensible grid framework, providing load balancing capabilities across a
network of node resources.
Each node on the grid contributes its own processor, memory, and disk resources. These resources can be
leveraged by the DeployR server to run R code as part of user authenticated, asynchronous, and anonymous
With the DeployR Enterprise, you can dynamically scale the overall workload capacity by enabling and disabling
the number of available grid nodes, and by designating these nodes to specific modes of operation. The grid can
then automatically distribute the workload across the set of enabled nodes. Or, you can create custom node
clusters tuned for specific operation types and resource requirements. Note that DeployR Open supports only a
static grid framework of a single, local grid node with a fixed slot limit.
When configuring the grid, you should begin by gaining an understanding of the anticipated workload for the
grid. With that workload in mind, you can then scale the grid to handle the load by adding or changing the
resources of each grid node.
A well-configured grid maximizes throughput while minimizing resource contention. The server and grid
deployment model is described as Server[1] -> Node[1..N] where N is defined as the total number of nodes on
the grid. For more on planning and provisioning, see the Scale & Throughput Guide.
Figure: Node List page

Node Operation Types

You must designate an operation type for each node on the grid. The following table describes the distinct types
of operations recognized by the grid.


Authenticated Operations on projects requested by authenticated users

Asynchronous Operations from asynchronous jobs executing in the

background on behalf of authenticated users

Anonymous Operations from users executing scripts anonymously

Tip: By limiting anonymous operations to one or more
specific nodes, you can maintain complete control of the
resources allocated to unauthenticated users, which in turn
helps protect the system from malicious attacks.

Mixed mode Any operation. This mode is only used when the workload on
the grid overflows or exhausts all of the nodes dedicated to
the operation type requested.

While a mixed mode exists, dedicating a node to a specific operation type provides a simple yet powerful
mechanism that guarantees processing isolation between the distinct modes of operation being handled
concurrently on the grid.

DeployR Open includes only the local node, DeployR Default Node. Therefore, this node should
generally remain designated to the mixed mode .

Once a node is dedicated to a specific operating type, the administrator can further tailor its configuration by
provisioning processor, memory, and disk resources appropriate to the nature of the targeted operations.
Each operation type has a distinct set of server policies that impact the time-out policy, IP filters, encryption, and
so on.

Grid Workload Distribution

DeployR Enterprise supports an extensible grid framework, providing load balancing capabilities across a
network of node resources.
There are two workload distribution models supported by the DeployR grid:
1. Operation-cluster model
2. Named-cluster model
Each node on the grid is assigned an operation type: authenticated, asynchronous, anonymous, or mixed mode.
The operation type for a node indicates the types of operations that the node will accept at runtime. For example,
a grid node configured for authenticated operations will only accept authenticated (project) operations at
runtime and never accept asynchronous or anonymous operations. A grid node configured for 'mixed mode'
accepts all types of operations.
The operation type assigned to a node and the cluster named for the request (if one was named) are the biggest
determinants in how the workload is distributed. In the absence of a specified custom cluster name, the workload
is automatically spread across nodes of the same operation type using the operation-cluster model. However,
you can further optimize that distribution by allowing a custom cluster to be named for an operation, which then
follows the named-cluster workload distribution model.
Operation-Clusters Workload Distribution
The set of nodes dedicated to the same operation type are automatically members of the same operation-cluster.
In this way, the operation-cluster workload distribution model provides a simple and automatic way to partition
the workload on the grid. There are four operation-clusters, one for each type of operation (authenticated,
asynchronous, or anonymous) and one for mixed mode nodes. The specific manner in which an operation is
allocated onto a node using the operation-cluster workload distribution model is a function of:
The type of operation being requested (authenticated, asynchronous, or anonymous)
The number of nodes on the grid that match the operation-cluster identity
The current workload for those nodes
If a request does not name a custom cluster, the grid begins by determining the operation type for that request,
then identifying all nodes configured for that type of operation, and finally sending the request to the node with
the least burden to minimize resource contention and to maximize throughput.
When all of the nodes of a custom cluster are busy, any additional requests for that cluster will be rejected.
Whenever an operation-cluster on the grid or the entire grid is operating a maximum capacity, any additional
requests for authenticated or anonymous operations will be rejected and any additional requests for
asynchronous operations will be queued.
For example, if the grid determines that a request is made for an asynchronous job, the grid will look for all
nodes with the asynchronous type, and then send the request to the least busy node in that operation-cluster.
However, if all nodes within the asynchronous operation-cluster are busy, then the request is funneled to the
least burdened node of mixed mode type.
Named-Clusters Workload Distribution
While the default operation-cluster model works well in many cases, there are some limitations to that model
when operations within a single operation-cluster do not share the exact same runtime characteristics. To
address this situation, the named-cluster workload distribution model was introduced in DeployR 7.4 to allow
administrators to assign custom cluster names to nodes.
As an example, it is not uncommon that authenticated operations that would otherwise execute on the same
authenticated operation-cluster differ in need from one another. Some authenticated operations may require
nodes that deliver fast processing power, while other authenticated operations may require nodes that deliver
large amounts of memory. Named-cluster workload distribution solves this problem by allowing the
administrator to designate a custom cluster name for an individual or groups of nodes on the grid that are
intended for special purpose operations, such as "high-cpu" or "high-mem". Once a custom cluster has been
designate to at least one node in the grid, individual operations can be targeted for execution within that named
custom cluster, which ensures suitable runtime resources are available on the node where an operation
eventually executes.
The specific manner in which an operation is allocated onto a node using this model is a function of:
The custom cluster's identity specified as an API parameter for the operation being requested
The number of nodes on the grid that match the name of the custom cluster
The current workload for those nodes
Whenever a custom cluster has been named for the requested operation, the grid begins by identifying the
nodes that fall within that cluster, then sends the request to the node within that cluster that has the least burden
to minimize resource contention and to maximize throughput.
When all of the nodes of a custom cluster are busy, any additional requests for that cluster are funneled to a
node configured for the mixed mode operation type, if one is available. Whenever a custom cluster on the grid or
the entire grid is operating a maximum capacity, any additional requests for authenticated or anonymous
operations will be rejected and any additional requests for asynchronous operations will be queued.
For example, if the grid determines that a request is made for an operation to use the "high-mem"cluster, the
grid will look for all nodes within the "high-mem" cluster and then send the request to the least busy node within
that cluster. However, if all nodes within the "high-mem" cluster are busy, then the request is funneled to the
least burdened node of mixed mode type.
Any node can belong to a custom cluster if the administrator has assigned the node to a that cluster by entering
its custom name in the Cluster name field. Custom cluster names are not case-sensitive.

Node Validation and Errors

The Administration Console performs a verification of node configurations whenever you:
Display the Grid tab
Create or update a grid node configuration
Import a grid node configuration
When you visit the Grid tab, any enabled nodes found to be unresponsive are highlighted to help you visually
identify that these nodes are not operating properly.
When you attempt to create, update or import a node, the verification process is run. If an issue is detected, the
following message appears: “Grid node details provided failed to validate, please check your node configuration
and try again.”
Common validation issues include:
The configuration points to a grid node that is improperly installed or not yet installed.
The configuration points to a grid node that is currently unresponsive for any number of reasons including
the RServe process not running on that node.
The node is behind a firewall or temporarily unreachable.
The node’s configuration details are incomplete such as an empty name field when the name is required.

Node Properties
Basic Settings


Enabled If checked, the node is available for processing operations on

the grid.

Name This name is displayed in the node list in the Administration


Description This optional node description is visible only in the node list.

Host This is the hostname or IP on which the node is configured.

Operating type This is the type of node operation mode: authenticated,

anonymous, asynchronous, or mixed.

Cluster name This field is optional. Specifies the name of the custom node
cluster to which this node will be (or is already) assigned.
Custom cluster names are not case-sensitive. Learn more
about the named-cluster workload distribution model.

Runtime Constraints
These constraints govern limits for processor and memory usage at runtime.


Slot limit This property determines the maximum number of

concurrent operations permitted on a given node. To
illustrate a case for adjusting the slot limit, consider a node
dedicated to memory intensive operations. You may want to
lower the slot limit to minimize the risk that concurrently
executing operations on the node might exhaust the
Note: For DeployR Open, a fixed slot limit of 12 is imposed.

R boundary This property specifies an R boundary that was created in

this console. This R boundary is used to impose CPU usage
limits for a given node. The R boundary applies to each slot

RServe Runtime and Security Configuration

After a default installation of DeployR, it is highly unlikely that these settings require any editing under most
operating conditions. However, if DeployR is in conflict with another application on the server machine or if you
have made edits to the file Rserv.conf , you must mirror your changes here as well.


Port This property lists the port defined during installation on

which RServe is listening.

Console output size limit This is the upper limit, expressed in bytes, imposed on the
communication between DeployR server and the Rserve

Username If a username was defined in Rserv.cfg , enter it for each

Note: Rserv.cfg is under <PATH TO R>\bin\x64 .

Password If a password was defined in Rserv.cfg , enter it for each


External Directory Configuration

If the external data directories are properly configured across all grid nodes and an R script updates the data in
the external directory, then those updates are automatically mirrored across all nodes without any manual or
external intervention by the admin.


Storage context This setting must reflect the full path on that node’s machine
to the directory defined for external data usage such as
$DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/external/data where
$DEPLOYR_HOME is the installation directory.

Slots in Use
You can see which slots are currently in use and how they are being used by a particular node in the Slots In
Use section. For each slot, you can review the following details:

Type Lists the slot’s operating mode, which is interesting for

mixed-mode nodes

Context Provides the name of project, job, or script being executed

Started Specifies the time that has elapsed since execution


Owner and Owner address Lists the username of person or IP address who initiated the

HTTP Session Lists the unique id for this HTTP session

Event Stream Provides a link to open the event console

You can force the termination of a current operation on slot, by clicking the Shutdown link.

Creating New Nodes

While many default node settings are preconfigured during the installation process, the DeployR Enterprise
administrator must still declare and configure each node individually in the Administration Console. For more
information about installing, see the installation instructions for your server operating system.
To create a new node:
1. From the main menu, click The Grid.
2. From the Grid Node List page, click the New Grid Node link in the menu bar.
Figure: New Node page

3. In the New Grid Node page, define the applicable properties for the node, such as the Name, Host,
Operating Type, and Storage Context.
4. Enter a name in the Name field.
5. Enter an IP address in the Host field. Hostname or IP on which the node is configured. The DeployR
Default Node is configured on localhost.
6. Specify the Operating Type. The operating mode you define for a grid node has an impact on the
operations you can perform on that node.
7. Under External directory configuration, set the Storage Context to reflect the full path to the external
data directory on that node’s machine, such as $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/external/data where
$DEPLOYR_HOME is the installation directory.

8. Click Create to save the new node. The node configuration is validated. If the configuration works, then it
is saved. If not, an error message will appear.

Viewing and Editing Nodes

To view and edit a node:
1. From the main menu, click The Grid.
2. In the Grid Node List, click the node you want to view or edit.
3. The Grid Node Details page appears.
4. Click Edit.
5. Make your changes.
6. Click Update to save the changes. The node configuration is validated. If the configuration works, then it
is saved. If not, an error message will appear.

Enabling or Disabling Nodes

You can choose whether or not a configured node will be active in the grid or inactive using the Enable
checkbox in the Grid Node Details page. When disabled, the node is no longer available to process any
requests from DeployR and it will appear highlighted in the main grid node list.

The Default Grid Node cannot be disabled.

To enable or disable a node (DeployR Enterprise Only):

1. From the main menu, click The Grid. The Grid Node List page appears.
2. Click the node you want to edit. The Grid Node Details page appears.
3. Click Edit.
4. Select the Enable checkbox to activate the node, or unselect it to disable the node.
5. Click Update to save the changes.

Viewing or Stopping Slot Activity

In the Grid Node Details page, you can review the slot activity.
Additionally, you can shut down slots in order to terminate activity. This is a last resort for unwanted activity on
the server.

This list is not updated in real-time. Refresh your page to see the latest activity.

To review the slot activity for a node and shutdown slots:

1. From the main menu, click The Grid. The Grid Node List page appears.
2. In the Grid Node List, click the node whose slot activity you want to monitor. The Grid Node Details
page appears.
3. Look at the Slots in Use section at the bottom. Click a slot link to see details about a particular slot.
4. To terminate all of the activity on the selected node, click Shutdown in the toolbar to terminate all R
5. To terminate the activity on a specific slot, do the following:
In the Grid Node Details page, click the slot whose activity you want to see and terminate.
In the Slot Details page, click Shutdown to terminate the activity and release the slot.

Deleting Nodes
The Default Grid Node cannot be deleted.

To delete a node:
1. From the main menu, click The Grid. The Grid Node List page appears.
2. Click the name of the node you want to delete. The Grid Node Details page appears.
3. Click Delete. The node is removed.

Exporting Node Configurations

You can export one or more node configurations into one CSV file. Exporting can be used to copy the basic node
configurations to another machine or to preserve them as a backup.
Figure: Export Grid Configuration page

To export node configurations:

1. From the main menu, click The Grid. The Grid Node List page appears.
2. Click Export Grid Configuration.
3. Select individual node configurations or all nodes to be exported.
4. Click Export to File and save the file.

Importing Node Configurations

You can import node configurations into the server from a CSV file you previously exported. You can import the
contents of this file to same server from which it was exported or across multiple server deployments.
Grid node configurations are validated upon import. If the configuration works, then the node configuration is
imported. If not, an error message will appear.

You can only import these configurations into a server instance matching the same DeployR version from
which they were exported.

To import:
1. From the main menu, click The Grid. The Grid Node List page appears.
2. Click Import Grid Configurations.
3. Click Browse and select the CSV file to be imported.
4. Click Load.
Figure: Choose Grid Nodes to Import page

5. To disable grid nodes upon import so that you can individually enable them at a later time, select the
Disable grid nodes option. You can always enable/disable grid nodes one at a time later. Enabled nodes
are activated immediately in the grid and available for load balancing.
6. Choose the nodes to import.
7. Click Import. If a node by the same name already exists, the incoming node configuration is skipped. The
node configuration settings are validated. If the configuration works, then it is saved. If not, an error
message will appear.
Managing Server Policies
6/18/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

The Server Policies tab contains the policies governing the DeployR server, including:
Global settings such as name, default server boundary, and console timeout
Project persistence policies governing resource usage (sizes and autosave)
Runtime policies governing authenticated, asynchronous, and anonymous operations
Runtime policies governing concurrent operation limits, file upload limits, and event stream access
Figure: Server Policies tab

Server Policy Properties

There are a number of settings that can be defined for each server. They are grouped into the following
Basic settings
Authenticated Operation Policies
Asynchronous Operation Policies
Anonymous Operation Policies
Project Persistence Policies
Concurrent Operation Policies
Event Stream Access Policies
Server Runtime Policies
Basic Settings

Server name Descriptive name for the server that is used in the R script
developer summary page to identify this server instance.

Server web context This is the base URL representing the IP address and Servlet
Web application context for the live DeployR server. The base
URL for the Servlet Web application context defaults to
/deployr .

By default, the server tries to automatically detect the

machine’s IP address each time the server machine is
rebooted. This IP address is then used to construct the URL
displayed in this field. You can disable this function using the
setting below this one on this page.

If the administrator wants to change the Web application

context for the server, then they must update the Web
application context component of this URL accordingly. Use
a valid IP address and port number, and follow the format:

http://xx.xx.xx.xx:<HTTP_PORT>/deployr , where the

default port is 8000 or 8500 depending on your version
or (if HTTPS is enabled)
https://xx.xx.xx.xx:<HTTPS_PORT>/deployr , where the
default port is 8001 or 8501 depending on your version

In some cases, the auto-detection process may return an IP

address that is not the one that the administrator intended
for DeployR. For example, if the server host machine is
configured to support multiple IP addresses, then there is a
chance that the wrong address is auto-detected. In another
case, when DeployR is installed on an Azure or AWS EC2
instance, then the internal IP might be detected rather that
the external IP. And, in another example, the IP address that
once worked may no longer be the right number. There may
also be times when the lease on a dynamically-allocated IP
address expires, thereby causing the host machine to acquire
a new IP address while the server is live.

To remedy these cases, the administrator can override the IP

that was auto-detected by replacing the IP number in the
URL listed in this field with the desired IP address. This fix will
work until the next time the server machine is restarted.
After booting, the IP auto-detection process is run again and
the IP number in theServer Web context URL is refreshed.

Important: There may be times where you cannot reach the

Administration Console due to this issue. In that case, you
must update this value and disable autodetection.

Disable IP auto-detection To impose an IP address, enter the correct IP address in

the Server Web context field and then set Disable IP
auto-detection to True .

If you set this option to True by selecting the checkbox, you

will turn off the auto-detection process and the IP number
listed in the Server Web context URL will persist across
server reboots.

If set to False (no check), then auto-detection is enabled and

the server machine will try to automatically detect and
refresh the machine’s IP address each time the server
machine is rebooted. This IP address is then used to create
the URL displayed in Server Web context field.

Default R boundary Name of an R boundary to be applied as the system-wide

default. Grid node boundaries takes precedence over
boundaries associated with users. Likewise, grid node R
boundaries and user R boundaries take precedence over this
default R boundary. If no other boundary is specified, then
the default system-wide boundary is applied.

Console idle timeout The length of idle time in seconds before a session in the
Administration Console expires.

### Authenticated Operation Policies

These policies govern how authenticated operations are handled. Authenticated operations refer to operations
on projects requested by authenticated users. These operations are executed on grid nodes designated for
either authenticated or mixed operation modes.


HTTPS encrypted (Applies to DeployR 8.0.0 or older only)

By default this option is unchecked, which sets it to False,
where incoming calls on the API can be made over a plain
HTTP connection. If set to True, the server only accepts
incoming API calls over an encrypted channel (HTTPS). Learn
more about DeployR Server Support for SSL/TLS (HTTPS).

Note: If you enable HTTPS for one or more operations

types, you must also provide a valid HTTPS URL in the
Server web context property on this page.

IP filter The name of the filter to be applied to all authenticated

operations. If defined, then only authenticated users who
connect from a qualified IP address (as defined by the filter)
can make calls on the API.

The IP filtering restrictions specified on a server context

determines the full publicly accessible exposure of that
server context.

API timeout The length of time in seconds that an authenticated user can
remain idle while connected to the server before the HTTP
session is automatically timed-out and disconnected.
### Asynchronous Operation Policies
These policies govern how asynchronous operations are handled. Asynchronous operations are scheduled jobs
executing in the background on behalf of authenticated users. These jobs are executed on grid nodes designated
for either asynchronous or mixedoperation modes.


HTTPS encrypted (Applies to DeployR 8.0.0 or older only)

By default this option is unchecked, which sets it to False,
where calls on the API can be made over a plain HTTP
connection. If set to true, the server will only accept API calls
over an encrypted channel (HTTPS). Learn more about
DeployR Server Support for SSL/TLS (HTTPS).

Note: If you enable HTTPS for one or more operations

types, you must also provide a valid HTTPS URL in the
Server web context property on this page.

IP filter The filter to be applied to all authenticated operations. If

defined, then only jobs from authenticated users who
connect from a qualified IP address can make calls on the
API. The IP filtering restrictions specified on a server context
determines the full publicly accessible exposure of that
server context.

### Anonymous Operation Policies

These policies govern how anonymous operations are handled. Anonymous operations are executed on grid
nodes designated for either anonymous or mixed operation modes. Anonymous operations refer to operations
from users executing scripts anonymously.


HTTPS encrypted (Applies to DeployR 8.0.0 or older only)

By default this option is unchecked, which sets it to False,
where scripts can be executed over a plain HTTP connection.
If set to true, the server only accepts script execution
requests over an encrypted channel (HTTPS). Learn more
about DeployR Server Support for SSL/TLS (HTTPS).

Note: If you enable HTTPS for one or more operations

types, you must also provide a valid HTTPS URL in the
Server web context property on this page.

IP filter The name of the filter to be applied to all anonymous

operations. If selected, then only anonymous users who
connect from a qualified IP address (as defined by the filter)
can execute R scripts on the API.

The IP filtering restrictions specified on a server context

determines the full publicly accessible exposure of that
server context.

API timeout The length of time in seconds an anonymous operation

remains live on the grid before it is automatically terminated.
The automatic termination will release all resources
associated with that operation.
### Project Persistence Policies
These policies govern certain project behaviors and limits.


History storage limit The maximum storage size in bytes for snapshots
of PNG and SVG plots generated by the R graphics device
associated with a project over its lifespan.

Note: This setting does not impact the size of a project’s

working directory.

History depth limit The maximum depth of the execution command history
retained for each project. When the limit is reached, each
new execution will flush the oldest one from the history.
When an execution is flushed from the history, all associated
plots and R console output are permanently deleted.

Autosave temporary projects By default, this is unchecked, which sets the value to False
, where temporary projects are not auto-saved when a
project is closed or when a user logs out or times out on
their connection. When True , temporary projects become
candidates for auto-saving. Whether projects are auto-saved
on close, logout, or timeout depends on the value of the
autosave flag set when a user logs in on the API. For more
information on autosaving, see the API Reference Guide.

Concurrent Operation Policies

These policies govern the runtime grid usage limits on the number of concurrent operations that can be run
simultaneously in the system by a given user.
Since these policies are disabled by default, no limits are enforced. This default behavior means that each user
can take as many slots as desired on the grid framework until there are no more available slots. We typically
recommend that these settings remain disabled if the DeployR server is being used:
By a single individual
To service a specific client application, which is common, for example, when an RBroker pool is in use
While leaving them disabled is typically recommended, enabling the policies can be quite useful in controlling
slot usage on a per-user (operation type) basis.


Enabled When enabled/checked, the policies are in effect and

enforced. If disabled/unchecked, the limits are ignored.

Per-user authenticated limit This value limits the number of live projects that a given
authenticated user can run simultaneously on the grid.
Whenever the number of live projects reaches this limit, all
further requests to work on new projects are rejected on the
API until one or more existing live projects are closed.

Per-user asynchronous limit This value limits the number of scheduled jobs that a given
authenticated user can run simultaneously on the grid.
Whenever the number of scheduled jobs awaiting execution
exceeds this limit for a given user, every pending job for that
user remains queued until one or more of the currently
running jobs complete.

Per HTTP anonymous limit The value specified here limits the number of concurrent R
scripts that an anonymous user at a given HTTP address can
run simultaneously on the grid. Where the number of
executing R scripts reaches this limit all further requests by
the user to execute R scripts will be rejected on the API until
one or more of the existing R script executions complete.

### Event Stream Access Policies

These settings limit access to the event streams. There are three distinct event streams pushed by DeployR.
The authenticated event stream allows authenticated users to see their own server-wide or HTTP -session
specific execution and job lifecycle events. By default, this stream is accessible to all authenticated users.
Access to this stream can be restricted using a role-based access control defined here.
The anonymous event stream allows anonymous users to see execution events within their current HTTP
session. Access to this event stream can be disabled in the Server Policies tab.
The management event stream allows authenticated users to see server runtime events, including grid
activity and security access events. By default this stream is accessible to admin only. Access to this stream
can be restricted using a role-based access control specified here.


Authenticated event stream restriction Only those authenticated users assigned to the role defined
for this property have permission to view their event stream.
By default, all authenticated users can access the
authenticated event stream. For example, the administrator
might restrict access only to those users assigned the

Disable anonymous event stream When selected, the anonymous event stream is off. When
this checkbox is unselected, the anonymous stream pushes
events to anonymous users.

Management event stream restriction Only those authenticated users assigned to the role defined
here can access the management event stream. By default,
only admin can access this stream.

### Server Runtime Policies


Max upload size This setting specifies the largest file size that can be
uploaded to the server. This includes file uploads to both
projects and the repository.

Tip: Use the DeployR external data directories to store larger

files to avoid the limitations set here.

Generate relative URLs When enabled/true, the URLs returned in the API response
markup are relative URLs. By default or when disabled, the
URLs returned in the response markup are absolute URLs.

Log level Specifies the server logging level. Options are: WARN, INFO,
and DEBUG. If you change this setting, the new level will
take effect immediately. Any changes you make here persist
until the server is restarted. After the server is restarted, the
log level reverts to the default log level specified in the
external configuration file, deployr.groovy .

## Viewing and Editing Server Policies

To view and edit server-wide settings:
1. From the main menu, click Server Policies.
2. From the Server Policies page, review the settings currently in place.
3. To edit one or more defaults:
a. Click Edit. The Edit Server Policies page appears.
b. Make any changes.
c. Click Update to save the changes.
Restoring & Backing Up the Database
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

You can back up and restore the DeployR database through the Database tab in the Administration Console.
In this tab, you can export the contents of the database used by DeployR into a ZIP file as a way to backup data or
as the first step in migrating data between two or more DeployR -server instances. You can also import this
content into the repository on this server instance from a previously exported ZIP file.
Figure: Database page

To back up the database data:

1. From the main menu, click Database.
2. In that tab, click Backup DeployR Database. A zip file is created and downloaded to your local machine.

To restore the database data

1. From the main menu, click Database.
2. In that tab, click Restore DeployR Database. The Database restore page appears.
Figure: Database restore page

3. In the Database restore page, select the backup file.

4. Click Restore to restore the database.
Monitoring Events
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

When you are logged in as admin, you can monitor the runtime grid and security events on the management
event stream from the Home page. The management event stream allows you to see runtime grid activity events,
grid warning events, and security access events. By default this stream is accessible to admin only; however, access
can be changed in the Server Policies tab.

Figure: Home tab after login

Grid activity events that include the starting and stopping of grid operations, such as stateless, temporary,
persistent projects and/or jobs
Grid warning events that occur when the grid runs up against the limits that were defined in the
Concurrent Operation Policies in the Server Policies tab
Grid heartbeat events that are pushed regularly and provide a detailed summary of slot activity across all
nodes on the grid
Security events that are pushed when a user attempts to log in ( securityLoginEvent event ) or log out (
securityLogoutEvent event )
Common DeployR Administration Tasks
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

Starting and Stopping DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5

To start or stop all DeployR -related services on the main server (not nodes) at once, use the administrator utility.
1. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script with administrator privileges:
On Windows:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-<version>\deployr\tools\

On Linux:

cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/<version>/deployr/tools/
sudo ./

2. From the main menu, choose option Start/Stop Server.

3. When prompted whether you want to stop (S ) or restart (R ) the DeployR server, enter your choice R . It
may take some time for the Tomcat process to terminate and restart.

Starting and Stopping DeployR 8.0.0

To start or stop all DeployR -related services on the main server (not nodes) use the following commands.
Table: Starting DeployR 8.0.0


Windows To start the services, run:

net start Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-8.0
net start RServe7.4
net start MongoDB-DeployR-8.0

Linux To start the services individually on the main server (not


To start all services on the main server (not nodes) at once:


Mac OS X To start the services individually on the main server (not


To start all services on the main server (not nodes) at once:


Table: Stopping DeployR 8.0.0


Windows To stop the services, run:

net stop Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-8.0
net stop RServe7.4
net stop MongoDB-DeployR-8.0

Linux To stop the services individually on the main server (not


To stop all services on the main server (not nodes) at once:


Mac OS X To stop the services individually on the main server (not


To stop all services on the main server (not nodes) at once:


Inspecting Server Logs

The catalina.out server log file is found at the following location:


Windows C:\Program

Linux /home/deployr-

Mac OS X /Users/deployr-
Look here for more information on other log files associated with DeployR.

By default, the DeployR server logs at the INFO level, which is appropriate for production environments. The
server emits [DEPLOYR-EVENT] log statements that provide a permanent record of the following:
1. API Call / Response Events
2. Authentication Events
3. HTTP Session Events
4. Grid R Session Events
Each [DEPLOYR-EVENT] is rendered to the log file in a fixed format, which simplifies parsing and searching both
manually or within log inspection tools.
The following section describes the different [DEPLOYR-EVENT] that can be found in the server log file.
API Call / Response Events
The log file captures the following events related to API calls:
[API-PRE] - denoting the start of an API call including call parameters.
[RESPONSE] - denoting the response generated for the call.
[API-POST] - denoting the end of an API call.

For example:

[ INFO 08:29:15:218] ServerFilters DEPLOYR-EVENT[API-PRE][][0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80]


[ INFO 08:29:15:292] ResponseBuilder DEPLOYR-EVENT[RESPONSE][0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80][deployr:

[response:[success:true, call:/r/project/create, httpcookie:0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80, project:
[project:PROJECT-bb21452e-9f4b-490e-9f1d-90c1ac7f9487, name:null, descr:null, longdescr:null, live:true,
shared:false, cookie:null, origin:Project original., author:testuser, authors:[testuser],

[ INFO 08:29:15:295] ServerFilters DEPLOYR-EVENT[API-POST][][0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80]


Authentication Events
The log file captures the following events related to user authentications:
[SECURITY][AuthenticationSuccessEvent] - denoting a successful user authentication.
[SECURITY][AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent] - denoting a failed user authentication.

For example:

[ INFO 08:29:20:296] SecurityEventLogger DEPLOYR-EVENT[SECURITY][AuthenticationSuccessEvent][testuser]

[ INFO 01:52:00:694] SecurityEventLogger DEPLOYR-EVENT[SECURITY][AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent]


HTTP Session Events

The log file captures the following events related to HTTP session creation and release:
[HTTP-SESSION]: CREATED - denoting the creation of a HTTP session
[HTTP-SESSION]: RELEASED - denoting the release of a HTTP session
For example:

[ INFO 01:51:58:967] HttpSessionListener DEPLOYR-EVENT[HTTP-SESSION]: CREATED


[ INFO 01:53:45:952] HttpSessionListener DEPLOYR-EVENT[HTTP-SESSION]: RELEASED

[E5B10C188FE7DC25EA804CDF932AC85B][Mon Jun 30 01:51:58 EDT 2014][Mon Jun 30 01:53:27 EDT 2014][1]

Grid R Session Events

The log file captures the following events related to R session creation and release:
[GRID-SESSION]: CREATED - denoting the creation of an R session on the grid
[GRID-SESSION]: RELEASED - denoting the release of an R session on the grid

For example:

[ INFO 08:29:15:287] LiveEngineService DEPLOYR-EVENT[GRID-SESSION]: CREATED LiveToken[E]: []

[0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80][PROJECT-bb21452e-9f4b-490e-9f1d-90c1ac7f9487][testuser] [Temporary Project
false null NODE-6fb4583c-fa25-4854-b8ba-0600c30ec195 DeployR Default Node Authenticated ]

[ INFO 08:29:16:909] LiveEngineService DEPLOYR-EVENT[GRID-SESSION]: RELEASED LiveToken[E]: []

[0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80][PROJECT-bb21452e-9f4b-490e-9f1d-90c1ac7f9487][testuser] [Temporary Project
false projectClose NODE-6fb4583c-fa25-4854-b8ba-0600c30ec195 DeployR Default Node Authenticated ]

Tracing Related Log Events

Related log events can be traced in a number of ways including but not limited to the use of the HTTP session
identifier or a DeployR -managed project identifier. For example, using the HTTP session identifier makes the
tracing of a series of log events representing an anonymous execution of a repository-managed R script simple as
[ INFO 06:49:35:859] ServerFilters DEPLOYR-EVENT[API-PRE][][2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A]
[anonymous][/deployr/r/repository/script/execute][preloadfileversion:, preloadobjectauthor:, storeobject:,
preloadfiledirectory:, preloadobjectname:, storefile:, format:json, preloadfileauthor:, version:,
preloadobjectdirectory:, preloadfilename:, author:testuser, inputs:{}, storeworkspace:, storedirectory:,
directory:root, storepublic:false, filename:Histogram of Auto Sales, graphics:png, robjects:,
storenewversion:false, preloadobjectversion:]

[ INFO 06:49:35:936] LiveEngineService DEPLOYR-EVENT[GRID-SESSION]: CREATED LiveToken[E]: []

[2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A][STATELESS-8c3e26c7-84a3-4ab7-ab9a-f0e0155f1cf1][anonymous] [Stateless
Project false null NODE-6fb4583c-fa25-4854-b8ba-0600c30ec195 DeployR Default Node Anonymous ]

[ INFO 06:49:36:680] LiveEngineService DEPLOYR-EVENT[GRID-SESSION]: RELEASED LiveToken[E]: []

[2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A][STATELESS-8c3e26c7-84a3-4ab7-ab9a-f0e0155f1cf1][anonymous] [Stateless
Project false null NODE-6fb4583c-fa25-4854-b8ba-0600c30ec195 DeployR Default Node Anonymous ]

[ INFO 06:49:36:714] ResponseBuilder DEPLOYR-EVENT[RESPONSE][2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A][deployr:

[response:[success:true, call:/r/repository/script/execute, httpcookie:2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A,
interrupted:false, workspace:[objects:[]], project:[project:STATELESS-8c3e26c7-84a3-4ab7-ab9a-f0e0155f1cf1,
name:Project: Autosaved, descr:Autosaved by DeployR., shared:false, longdescr:null, origin:Project original.,
author:STATELESS, authors:[STATELESS], cookie:null, lastmodified:1404125376681, live:true], repository:[files:
[]], execution:[console: cars trucks suvs, code:, interrupted:false, results:[], artifacts:
[[project:STATELESS-8c3e26c7-84a3-4ab7-ab9a-f0e0155f1cf1, category:plot, length:7285,
lastmodified:1404125376000, filename:histogram.png, descr:null, type:image/png,
ab9a-f0e0155f1cf1/histogram.png]], warnings:[], execution:EXEC-08dc2db6-496b-43fd-a9b8-60abbb6af18e,
timeStart:1404125375865, timeCode:176, timeTotal:255, tag:null, actor:anonymous, resultsGenerated:0,

[ INFO 06:49:36:717] ServerFilters DEPLOYR-EVENT[API-POST][][2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A]


This sample log output captures an /r/repository/script/execute API call, originating from ,
executed on behalf of an anonymous user, on HTTP session 2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A . The log output also
indicates the time taken on the call as well as the response data returned on call completion.

Backing Up and Restoring Data

### For DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5
To back up and restore your Deployr data:
1. Log into the DeployR landing page.
2. From the landing page, open the Administration Console.
3. Follow these instructions.

### For DeployR 8.0.0 Follow these instructions to back up and restore your DeployR data or to reset the database to
its initial post-installation state.
Follow these steps to back up the data in the database used by DeployR.
1. Log into the machine as a user with administrator privileges.
2. Ensure all users are logged out of DeployR. As admin, you can always check the grid activity in the Grid tab
of the Administration Console.
3. Run the database utility script as follows:
On Windows:
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\deployr\tools

On Linux:

cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/deployr/tools

4. When prompted by the script:

To reinitialize the database, choose option 2 .
To back up the database, choose option 3 and enter the path in which the database backup should be
saved. Verify that the backup was successful by checking the contents of the directory where you
dumped the database.
To restore the database, choose option 4 and enter the path to your backup folder. By default, the
backup path includes a date stamped folder and ends with the folder deployr .

Opening DeployR Ports

To learn more about the ports you need to open, refer to the DeployR Installation Guide for your operating system
and DeployR version.
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting
6/18/2018 • 16 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

This document describes how to run and interpret the DeployR diagnostic test. Additionally, this document
offers solutions to issues that you might be troubleshooting after installing or during your use of DeployR.

Diagnostic Testing
You can assess the state and health of your DeployR environment by running the diagnostic test described in
this document. The diagnostic script:
Outputs basic details about your environment
Identifies unresponsive components, such as the server, grid nodes, or the database
Gathers all relevant log and configuration files
Armed with this information, you will be able to investigate and resolve most issues. And, in the event that you
need additional support, you can send the diagnostics tar/zip file to the Microsoft Corporation technical
support team.
Behind the scenes, the script evaluates the system and creates the logs subdirectory to store:
The resulting log file ( diagnostics.log ), which provides details, including the state of all components,
plus pertinent configuration and environment information.
Copies of each log and configuration file
The results are also printed to the screen.
Running the Diagnostic Check
The easiest way to run diagnostics is to launch it from the Diagnostics tab on the DeployR landing page. After
installing, you can log into the DeployR landing page at https://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/deployr/landing .
<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address of the DeployR main server machine. If you do not have a username or
password, please contact your administrator.
However, if you cannot reach the landing page, the admin can log into the server and manually run it using the
following commands:
For DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5
On Windows:
1. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script with administrator privileges:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0.5\deployr\tools\
2. From the main menu, run the DeployR diagnostic tests. If there are any issues, you must solve
them before continuing. Consult the Troubleshooting section of this document for additional help
or post questions to our forum.

All output from the diagnostic test are stored in

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-<VERSION>\deployr\tmp\logs\ .

On Linux:
1. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script as root or a user with sudo permissions:

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/

2. From the main menu, run the DeployR diagnostic tests. If there are any issues, you must solve
them before continuing. Consult the Troubleshooting section of this document for additional help
or post questions to our forum.

All output from the diagnostic test are stored into

$DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tmp/logs/ .

For DeployR 8.0.0

On Windows: Run the following commands. All output from the diagnostic test are stored in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-<VERSION>\deployr\logs\ .

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\deployr\diagnostics

If the server log, catalina.[YYYY-MM-DD].log , contains information you do not wish to share with
technical support, you can exclude that file. To do so, add --exclude-server-log , such as:
diagnostics.bat --exclude-server-log

On Linux / OS X: Run the following commands. All output from the diagnostic test are stored in the
$DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/logs/diagnostics.tar.gz .

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/diagnostics

If the server log, catalina.out , contains information you do not wish to share with technical
support, you can exclude that file. To do so, add --exclude-server-log , such as:
./ --exclude-server-log

Inspecting Diagnostic Log Files

A copy of the following log and configuration files are bundled together during the diagnostic check. Review
the log and configuration files for any component that was identified as experiencing issues.
For Windows
The following log files can be found in the resulting file as well as under
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-<VERSION>\deployr\tmp\logs directly on the DeployR host.

Diagnostic Results - diagnostics.log The DeployR diagnostic log provides

details, including the state of all
components, plus pertinent
configuration and environment

DeployR - deployr.groovy deployr.groovy is the DeployR

- Stacktrace.log external configuration file. Tomcat's
- catalina.out catalina.out serves as the main
DeployR log. Learn more about this

Tomcat - catalina.out The log and configuration files for

- Tomcat.
- server.xml

MongoDB - mongo.cfg The log and configuration files for the

(DeployR 8.0.0 only) - mongod.log database used by DeployR. The IP
address is added to the filename for
your convenience.

DeployR RServe - Rserv.cfg The configuration file for the DeployR

RServe component. The IP address is
added to the filename for your

DeployR Enterprise Only: The RServe

files for remote grid nodes are not
bundled. If you suspect an issue on a
node, please log onto that machine to
retrieve its RServe log file.

For Linux / OS X
The following log files can be found under $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tmp/logs directly on the DeployR host.


Diagnostic Results - diagnostics.log The DeployR diagnostic log provides

details, including the state of all
components, plus pertinent
configuration and environment

DeployR - deployr.groovy deployr.groovy is the DeployR

- catalina.out external configuration file. Tomcat's
catalina.out serves as the main
DeployR log. Learn more about this

Tomcat - catalina.out The log and configuration files for

- Tomcat.
- server.xml

MongoDB - mongod.conf The log and configuration files for the

(DeployR 8.0.0 only) - mongod-<IP_ADDRESS>.log database used by DeployR. The IP
address of the host of the MongoDB
database is added to the filename for
your convenience.

DeployR RServe - Rserv.conf The log and configuration files for

- Rserv-localhost.log RServe.

DeployR Enterprise Only: The RServe

files for remote grid nodes are not
bundled. If you suspect an issue on a
node, please log onto that machine to
retrieve its RServe log file.

Resolving Issues
Use the following instructions if you have run the diagnostic test and a problem was indicated.
To resolve component issues:
1. Look through the log and configuration files for each component that was identified in the diagnostic
2. If the log file indicates an error, then fix it.
3. If Server Web Context points to the wrong IP, update it now.
4. After making your corrections, restart the component in question. It may take a few minutes for a
component to restart.
5. Re-run the diagnostic test again to make sure all is running smoothly now. If problem persists:
After trying the first time, repeat steps 1-4.
Review the other Troubleshooting topics.
Post your questions to our DeployR Forum.
After the second time, send the diagnostics tar/zip file to the Microsoft Corporation technical
support team.

This section contains pointers to help you troubleshoot some problems that can occur with DeployR.

### Windows Installation Errors

#### DeployR RServe Package Download Failed
During the installation of DeployR on Windows, if you get the error DeployR RServe package download failed ,
this may be due to several potential issues, including:
Unavailable or poor network connectivity
The package zip could not be found in Github
Download is disabled on machine for reasons such as corporate policy
If this should occur, do the following:
1. Check your connectivity and firewall rules, and click Try Again in the DeployR setup installer.
2. If this does not fix the issue, then manually install the supported DeployR Rserve package as follows:
a. Download zip from
b. Open a Command Window with “Run as Administrator” and run the following:

cd “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\R_SERVER\bin\x64”

R.exe CMD INSTALL -l "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\R_SERVER\library" <PATH-TO-

c. Confirm the package was installed by verifying that

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\R_SERVER\library\deployrRserve\Rserve.exe is present.
d. Click Try Again in installer or re-run the installer.

#### DeployR RServe Package Installation Failed

During the installation of DeployR on Windows, if you get the error
DeployR RServe package installation failed , this may be due to several potential issues, including:

The package could not be installed in the correct location due to insufficient privileges.
The package download was corrupted or interrupted.
Manually install DeployR RServe package as described here.

#### Could Not Stop the Service Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR -<version>

During the installation of DeployR on Windows, you may get the error
Could not stop the service Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-<version> if Windows could not stop the service
If this should occur, do the following:
1. Open a Command Window with “Run as Administrator” and run the following:

sc delete Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-<version>

where <version> is the package version number such as, Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR -8.0.5.
2. If the installer is still open, click Try Again in installer. If the installer was canceled, try to install again.
3. If the error persists, reboot the Windows machine on which you are installing and launch the installer

#### Could Not Stop the Service RServe<version>

During the installation of DeployR on Windows, the error Could not stop the service RServe<version> can
appear if Windows could not stop the service completely.
If this should occur, do the following:
1. Open a Command Window with “Run as Administrator” and run the following:

sc delete RServe<version>
where <version> is the package version number such as, RServe8.0.5.
2. If the installer is still open, click ‘Try Again’ in installer. If the installer was canceled, try to install again.
3. If the error persists, reboot the Windows machine on which you are installing and launch the installer

#### Other Errors During Installation

If you should encounter any other errors while running the DeployR Windows installer, we recommend that
Contact Microsoft support (DeployR Enterprise users only)
Provide the installation logs DeployR-*.log found in the %temp% directory.
Landing Page Cannot Be Reached
If you cannot access the DeployR landing page or if the landing page looks disabled and you can't log in, we
recommend that you first verify that the server is, in fact, running using this diagnostic test. If the diagnostic
logs reveal nothing and the DeployR landing page still isn't loading properly, then it is likely that the IP address
in the Server Web Context is incorrectly defined. For more on the Server Web Context, refer to the
Administration Console Help.

This problem can arise for various reasons, including:

When an internal IP address was automatically assigned instead of an external address. This is most
common with Azure or an Amazon Web Services (AWS ) EC2 instances, but can occur with other
When the underlying IP address of your DeployR server has changed. This is most common when you
have installed the DeployR server on a portable laptop and have since changed networks (for example,
between your office and your home).
It can be solved by updating the IP address in the DeployR Server Web Context.
DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5: Update DeployR Web Context
To fix this issue, update the IP address in the DeployR Server Web Context as follows:
1. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script with administrator privileges:
On Windows, run:
cd $DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\tools\

On Linux, run:

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/

2. From the main menu, choose option Run Diagnostics. Make sure that the database is running. The
database must be running before you can proceed to the next step.
3. Return to the main menu, choose option Web Context and Security.
4. From the sub-menu, choose option Specify New IP or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN ).
5. When prompted to specify a new IP or FQDN, enter the new IP or FQDN.
6. When prompted to confirm the new value, enter Y . This change will also disable Automatic IP
detection to prevent the new value you just assigned from being overwritten.
7. Return to the main menu and choose option Start/Stop Server. You must restart DeployR so that the
changes can take effect.
8. When prompted whether you want to stop (S ) or restart (R ) the DeployR server, enter R . It may take
some time for the Tomcat process to terminate and restart.
9. Exit the utility.

DeployR 8.0.0: Update DeployR Web Context

Run the setWebContext script to update the IP address in the DeployR Server Web Context.
Usage tips for the setWebContext script arguments:


query To see which IP is currently defined as the Server Web


ip <ip_address> To specify a new IP address or DNS name for the DeployR

Server Web Context.

disableauto To turn off the automatic IP detection. You can turn this
back on in the Administration Console.

aws To detect the external IP used for your AWS EC2 instance.
From there you can choose to use that IP as the DeployR
Server Web Context.

https true or To enable or disable HTTPS in the server policies, including

html false the Server Web Context. This change requires other changes
to complete SSL/HTTPS process as described in these

On Windows:
1. Make sure that the MongoDB database is running. The database must be running before you can
proceed to the next step before you update the Web Context.
2. Open a Command Window with “Run as Administrator”.
3. Set the appropriate public IP where <ip_address> is the public IP address of the machine.

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\tools\
setWebContext -ip <ip_address>

4. Confirm the IP address you entered.

5. Disable any automatic IP detection that might overwrite the IP you just assigned.

setWebContext -disableauto

On Linux:
1. Set the IP using the script where <ip_address> is the public IP address of the

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/
./ -ip <ip_address>

2. Confirm the IP address you entered.

3. Disable any automatic IP detection that might overwrite the IP you just assigned.

./ -disableauto

For this change to take effect, restart the DeployR 8.0.0 service. Between stopping and starting, be sure to
pause long enough for the Tomcat process to terminate.

If this doesn't resolve the issue and you have Internet Explorer 11 on Windows, try this.
Landing Page Blocked in Internet Explorer 11 (Windows Only)
If you are attempting to access the DeployR landing page using https://localhost:<PORT>/deployr/landing in
Internet Explorer (I.E.) 11 and the diagnostic tests have turned up nothing, you may find that the landing page
is blocked. This may be due to some default settings in I.E. 11.
To solve this issue:
1. In Internet Explorer 11, go to the Security tab in the Internet Options dialog box.
2. Add http://localhost:<PORT>/deployr to the Trusted Sites list.
3. In the Connections tab in the same Internet Options dialog box, click LAN settings.

4. Deselect the Automatically detect settings checkbox to enable custom entries in the HOSTS file.
5. Click OK to apply the changes.

### Cannot Access DeployR (Windows Only)

During the installation of DeployR on Windows, the 'Domain' profile is used to create inbound exceptions for
the ports used by DeployR. These settings may need to be adjusted after installing to meet the needs of your

### Multiple User Sign-ins

You cannot log into DeployR from two different accounts within the same brand of browser program. To use
two or more different accounts, you'll need to log into each one in a separate brand of browser.

### Issues After Reinstalling Microsoft R or R

If you want to upgrade or reinstall R, Microsoft R Server, or Revolution R Open or need help troubleshooting,
then follow these instructions precisely.

### Upping R Session Memory Limits (Windows only)

By default, the maximum memory available to an R session under DeployR on Windows Rserve is 2 GB. If this
is insufficient for your purposes, then you can increase the memory allocated for your R sessions by executing
the memory.limit() R function on the R session. This function allows you to specify a higher memory
allocation for your R session. The size parameter on that function call determines the final memory allocation
for the R session. In general:

memory.limit(size = <MAX_MEM_LIMIT>)

It is often convenient to add this function call to the start of any R script that requires runtime memory
resources in excess of the default 2 GB on Windows.
For example, the following line will raise the maximum memory limit to 10 GB for your R session:

memory.limit(size = 10240)

The increase in the memory allocation takes place only once the line is executed.
The memory allocated during a session can only be increased, and not decreased.
The value for memory.limit is not applied system wide. Instead, it applies only to the R >session where the
memory.limit function has been executed.

Grid nodes have finite memory resources. Keep these resource limits in mind when adjusting memory
allocations for individual R sessions.

### Access Denied to Tomcat (Windows only)

If you reboot after installing and get an access error message for Tomcat, you can specify that Tomcat should
be run “as an administrator” to stop the message from appearing. The error is related to tomcat7w.exe , which
is an application for monitoring and configuring Tomcat services. The error message is: “Access is denied.
Unable to open the service Tomcat”
To set Tomcat program to run as an administrator, do the following:
1. Right-click tomcat7w.exe and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. tomcat7w.exe is a GUI
application for monitoring and configuring Tomcat services.
2. In the Properties dialog, select the checkbox Run this program as an administrator checkbox in the
Privilege Level area.
3. Click OK.
4. Launch DeployR again.

### Inactive Grid Node (Windows only)

If the DeployR Default Node appears Inactive in the DeployR landing page directly after having installed
DeployR on a Windows 7 machine, then the R_HOME variable may not be set.

To correct this issue:

1. Check the status of the DeployR Default Node in the DeployR landing page at
http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/deployr/landing . If it appears Inactive, continue to the next step.

2. Verify the status of the DeployR Rserve service in the Services dialog box. If it appears as Started ,
continue to the next step. If not, start it now and go back to step 1.
Tip: Go to Start > Control Panel. Search for admin and select Administrative Tools from the results.
Choose Services to open the Services dialog box.
3. At a DOS command prompt, go to the directory for R and start RServe. Pay particular attention to the
messages printed to the window. For example:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\R_SERVER\bin\x64


4. If you see the message "R_HOME must be set in the environment or Registry", then you must define
that environment variable as follows:
a. Go to Start > Control Panel.
b. Search for sys and select Edit the system environment variables from the results.
c. Click the Environment Variables... button to open the Environment Variables dialog box.
d. Click New... and enter R_HOME as the Variable name and the path to R (such as
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\R_SERVER ) as the Variable value.

e. Click OK to create the variable.

5. Reboot your machine.
6. Go back to landing page and verify that the grid node is now active.

### Cannot See API Explorer Tool

1. Ensure Adobe Flash Player is installed and configured to work with your browser.
2. Clear your browser’s cache before launching the API Explorer tool. This is particularly important if you
are upgrading from a previous version of DeployR.

### Port Conflicts with Other Applications

If you run into conflicts with other applications, consider changing the port numbers. You only need to change
the port numbers of those applications that are actively conflicting. Consequently, not all of the following steps
may apply to your situation.
Changing Ports for DeployR Enterprise for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5
1. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script with administrator privileges:
On Windows:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0.5\deployr\tools\

On Linux:

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/
sudo ./

2. From the main menu, choose the option to Change DeployR Ports.
3. Choose the option cooresponding to the port you want to change and change the port number.
4. Return to the main menu and choose the option to restart the server.
Changing Ports for DeployR 8.0.0
For Windows:
1. In the C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-<DEPLOYR_VERSION>\Apache_Tomcat directory, open the file
server.xml .
2. Find port="8000"

3. Replace the port value with a new, unique port number.

4. Save the file.
5. Restart Tomcat for the changes to take effect.

net stop Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-8.0

net start Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-8.0

For Linux / OS X
1. Edit the file <DeployR_Install_Dir>/tomcat/tomcat7/conf/server.xml .
2. Find the port number value by searching for <Connector port="8000"

3. Replace the port value with a new, unique port number.

4. Save the file.
5. Restart Tomcat for the changes to take effect. At the prompt, type:

/home/deployr-user/deployr/<DEPLOYR_VERSION>/tomcat/ stop
/home/deployr-user/deployr/<DEPLOYR_VERSION>/tomcat/ start

6. Verify that the port changes are working as expected. At the prompt, type:

netstat -p --listening --numeric-ports --numeric-hosts | grep -i java

Scale & Throughput
6/18/2018 • 13 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

DeployR is a server framework that exposes the R platform as a service allowing the integration of R statistics,
analytics, and visualizations inside Web, desktop, and mobile applications. Within the server, a grid framework
provides sophisticated load balancing capabilities for a single DeployR server instance. The overall capacity of
your server and grid, in conjunction with the nature and volume of your anticipated workload, determines the
runtime characteristics for the tasks that are executing within the DeployR environment.
Some of the most common questions that arise when planning the configuration and provisioning of the
DeployR server and grid are:
How many users can I support?
How many grid nodes do I need?
What throughput can I expect?
The answer to these questions will depend on the configuration and size of the server and grid resources
allocated to your deployment.
The information in this document will help you familiarize yourself with the central issues related to deployment,
and also offers specific recommendations you can use to tailor your DeployR environment.
While this document is primarily intended for DeployR administrators, the section About Throughput also helps
application and R script developers optimize their throughput.

Get More DeployR Power: Multiple grid node support is available for DeployR Enterprise only.

Tuning Server Capacity

DeployR offers the ability to expand and contract server capacity to effectively handle increasing workloads
comprised of user sessions, live projects, and background jobs.
When a single DeployR server instance is working with an arbitrarily large number of grid nodes, this server acts
as the sole gatekeeper to the grid and all of its resources. It is for this reason that the server has the potential,
under a certain load, to become a bottleneck at runtime.
Whenever you increase the resources allocated to the DeployR server, thereby increasing its capacity, this server
can handle a higher workload. The act of increasing or even decreasing the resources that are allocated to the
server is referred to as vertically scaling the server.
In theory, the more memory you allocate to a server, the more work it can perform. However, increasing the
amount of allocated memory only works to a point, and part of the configuration process is to tune the system to
your particular needs.
By default, the DeployR server instance should be able to comfortably accommodate hundreds of concurrent
users, each performing a moderate number of tasks. At runtime, each task consumes server resources regardless
of whether that task is an authenticated operation running as a persistent project, an asynchronous operation
running as a background job, or an anonymous operation running as a stateless project.
All server resources are allocated on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM ) heap, which is a finite block of dedicated
memory. By default, DeployR attempts to allocate a JVM heap size of 1024MB, which is a required minimum
system requirement in production environments.

Take Action!
If you expect or encounter a server load that exceeds the resources provided by the default DeployR
configuration, use the JVM command line options -Xms and -Xmx to increase JVM heap space, and -Xss
to reduce Java thread stack size used by the server. You can allocate a JVM heap size of up to one fourth of
the physical memory size of your server computer. For example, if your server computer has 8 GB of
physical memory, allocate a heap size of no more than 2 GB.

Tuning Grid Capacity

DeployR Enterprise offers the ability to expand and contract grid capacity to effectively handle increasing
workloads comprised of user sessions, live projects, and background jobs. With DeployR Enterprise, not only can
you point this default grid node to a remote location and customize its slot limit, but you can also install and
configure additional grid nodes to scale for increasing load.
Each node on the grid contributes its own processor, memory, and disk resources. These resources can be
leveraged by the DeployR server to run R code as part of user authenticated, asynchronous, and anonymous
Whenever you increase the number of nodes on your DeployR grid, you effectively increase the grid’s capacity.
Increasing or even decreasing the number of nodes on your grid is referred to as horizontally scaling the grid. An
increased grid capacity enables the grid to perform more tasks on behalf of the server. Additionally, increasing or
decreasing the resources allocated to the nodes on the grid further contributes to the grid’s horizontal scaling
since those resources determine the slot limits. And, slot limits directly impact the overall grid capacity.
By tuning settings under the Grid tab in the DeployR Enterprise Administration Console, a server administrator
can horizontally scale the capacity of the grid at runtime. The server will automatically distribute the workload
across all grid nodes.
A well-configured grid maximizes throughput while minimizing resource contention. The best way to start
planning the provisioning of your grid is to gain an understanding of the anticipated workload for this grid. With
that workload in mind, you can then scale the grid to handle this load.
The DeployR Enterprise server and grid deployment model can be described as follows, where N is defined as
the optimal number of nodes on the grid: Server[1] -> Node[1..N] Based on this deployment model, the
appropriate value for N , when horizontally scaling the grid, will always be a function of the nature and the
volume of the anticipated workload.
The following scenarios demonstrate different deployment configurations based on specific workload
expectations. These configurations are not mutually exclusive.
Project Workloads
When tuning your DeployR Enterprise grid’s capacity for the anticipated project workload, use the following
formula to determine the optimal number of nodes (N ) to have on your grid that can handle authenticated

N is the optimal number of nodes required to handle the anticipated workload. For project workloads,
these nodes must be configured to support authenticated operations. The system administrator can
specify a node’s operating mode when creating or editing that node in the Grid tab of the DeployR
Administration Console.
Max. Concurrent Users is the maximum number of DeployR users you anticipate will work concurrently.
Max. Concurrent Projects is the maximum number of projects a single user can work on concurrently. The
system administrator can control the concurrent project limit using the Per-user authenticated limit setting
in the Server Policies tab of the DeployR Administration Console.
Average Slot Limit is the average value for the Slot Limit setting for each of the grid nodes. The system
administrator can set the value for each node’s Slot Limit in the Grid tab of the DeployR Administration
For more on managing your grid, see the Administration Console Help.
Recommended Number of Cores
To prevent resource exhaustion when provisioning the grid, carefully consider the processor, memory, and disk
resources available on the node as you define the slot limit.
For optimal throughput, the slot limit on a given node should equal the number of CPU cores on the node.
Let’s say that we have a DeployR Enterprise deployment with 50 authenticated users, each of which is actively
working on their own projects. During the working day, each user may work on up to 3 different projects
simultaneously. With as many as 50 users working on as many as three projects, the grid’s capacity must support
150 simultaneous, live projects in order to be capable of handling peak workloads. In this example, if each grid
node is configured with sufficient resources for 30 slots, the appropriate value of N is at least 5 nodes
dedicated to authenticated operations.

Asynchronous Job Workloads

When tuning your DeployR Enterprise grid’s capacity for your anticipated asynchronous job workload, use the
following formula to determine the optimal number of nodes (N ) capable of handling asynchronous operations
to have on your grid:

N is the optimal number of nodes required to handle the anticipated workload. For job workloads, these
nodes must be configured to support asynchronous operations. The system administrator can define a
node’s operating mode when creating or editing that node in the Grid tab of the DeployR Administration
Target Number of Jobs per Hour is the average number of jobs to execute per hour.
Average Time to Complete Job is an estimate of the average amount of time it should take to complete
each job in the anticipated workload.
3600 is the number of seconds in an hour.
Average Slot Limit is the average value for the Slot Limit setting for each of the grid nodes. The system
administrator can set the value for each node’s Slot Limit in the Grid tab of the DeployR Administration
For more on managing your grid, see the Administration Console Help.

To prevent resource exhaustion when provisioning the grid, carefully consider the processor, memory, and
disk resources available on the node as you define the slot limit. For optimal throughput, the slot limit on a
given node should equal the number of CPU cores on the node.

Let’s say that we have a DeployR Enterprise deployment where 1000 asynchronous jobs execute per hour (
3600 seconds). Let’s assume that given the nature of these jobs, the total execution time per job is an average of
ten minutes ( 600 seconds).
If each grid node is configured with sufficient resources for 30 slots, then the optimal value of N is at least 6
nodes dedicated to asynchronous operations.

Considering & Configuring for Throughput

In this section, we present you with a description and some examples to help you understand throughput and the
impact that DeployR artifacts have on this throughput. Additionally, we highlight the settings needed to optimize
DeployR for high-volume throughput.
Artifacts are workspace objects and working directory files that are generated during R code execution.
In practical terms, the throughput for your system is determined by your server and grid capacity in conjunction
with the nature and volume of the tasks being processed. DeployR throughput measures the number of tasks
processed on the DeployR grid in a fixed time period.
Understanding the Nature of Tasks
To illustrate the nature of a task, let’s begin with a summary of the basic workflow for an asynchronous job.

1. A DeployR user submits an asynchronous job.

2. The DeployR server queues the job for execution.
3. The server’s internal job scheduler sees a job queued for execution and attempts to locate an available slot
on the grid in which to execute that job. Once located, the scheduler reserves the slot and dispatches the
job onto that slot for execution.
4. When the job execution completes, the server captures a complete snapshot of the R session associated
with that slot. Then, the server saves the snapshot as a persistent project in the server database and
releases the slot so it is available for further tasks.

By default, a snapshot of the R session is saved as a persistent DeployR project once a job has finished
executing. As an alternative, use the storenoproject parameter when scheduling a job to instruct the server
not to save a persistent project. If you specify that no project should be saved using the storenoproject
parameter, you can still store specific artifacts to the repository. In certain scenarios, storing these artifacts to
the repository rather than creating a persistent project can result in greatly improved throughput.

Example of How Tasks Affects Throughput

To demonstrate how throughput is highly dependent on the nature of the tasks, see the following table for a side-
by-side comparison of two jobs with very different natures that are executing on the grid. These jobs are
contrived to clearly show how the nature of the task itself has significant impact on the observed throughput.


1. Time needed to execute R code 1178 ms 1180 ms

2. Resulting size of R workspace 0.003 Mb 2.5 Mb

3. Time needed to save artifacts to the 177 ms 1435 ms


4. Total job time1 1580 ms 2850 ms

1 The time needed to spin up the job on its slot, execute the job, persist the data, spin down, and release the slot.

From the data in this table, we can learn a lot about the nature of jobs:
1. Almost the same amount of time was needed to execute the R code in both jobs.
2. The size of the R workspace generated by the second job is more than 500 times larger than the R
workspace generated by the first job.
3. Due to the significant differences in the size of the artifacts generated by these jobs, it took eight times
longer to save the artifacts (R workspace and directory data) from the second job to the DeployR
database than it took to save the artifacts for the first job.
4. As a consequence of the artifacts generated and persisted, the total time taken to handle the second job
from start to finish was nearly twice as much as the total time taken to handle the first job.
Beyond the time it takes to execute the R code for a job, we can see that if you are going to save a persistent
project after your job finishes executing, then the size of the resulting artifacts have a big impact on the total job
time. This simple and somewhat contrived example demonstrates a key point when trying to understand the
nature of your persistent tasks and DeployR throughput: artifacts matter.
Whether those artifacts are objects in the R workspace or files in the working directory, if the code you execute
on a job leaves unnecessary artifacts behind, there can be very real consequences on the overall throughput of
your grid. An unnecessary artifact is any workspace object or working directory file that is not required later
when evaluating the final result of the job.
Guideline for Responsible Usage
There are guidelines for responsible task usage to help you maximize throughput. Whenever tasks are
performance-sensitive, the most effective step a user can take towards optimizing throughput for his or her own
tasks is to ensure that the R code leaves no unnecessary artifacts behind.
Minimal artifacts ensure minimal data is stored in the resulting persistent project. In some cases, it may be best
to use the storenoproject parameter to skip the saving of a persistent project altogether, and instead, selectively
store only specific workspace and directory data in the repository.
Configuring DeployR for High-Volume Throughput
For most DeployR deployments, the default configuration delivers adequate server runtime performance and
resource usage. However, in some deployments, where the workload is anticipated to be significantly high-
volumed, a specialized DeployR configuration may be required.
The default runtime behavior of the DeployR server is determined by the settings in:
The Server Policies tab in the Administration Console
The DeployR external configuration file, $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/deployr.groovy

Typically, high-volume throughput deployments are characterized by a very large number of short-lived tasks
that need to be executed as transactions without direct end-user participation or intervention.
For such high-volume throughput deployments, you may need to enable the following properties in the
deployr.groovy file:


Enabling these configuration properties will result in the following direct consequences on the runtime behavior
of the DeployR server:
The DeployR server becomes capable of executing hundreds of thousands of short-lived tasks without
risking resource exhaustion.
Grid node validation at runtime is disabled, which means the grid's ability to self-heal when grid nodes fail
and recover is no longer supported.

Without self-healing, node failures on the grid may interfere with the future scheduling and execution
of tasks on the grid. Therefore, we recommend that you enable these deployr.groovy file properties
only if you determine that the default DeployR configuration fails under the anticipated loads.
Enabling DeployR on the Cloud
6/18/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

You can set up DeployR on Microsoft Azure or AWS. For each instance, be sure to:
1. Set the server Web context to an external, public IP address and disable IP autodetection.
2. Open three DeployR external ports by adding Azure endpoints or opening the ports through the AWS
console to set the appropriate permissions.
3. Update the firewall to set the appropriate security permissions on the internal and external ports used
by DeployR.
4. Have the minimum required disk space (or more) for the installation of DeployR. Refer to the
installation guide for your DeployR version and operating system.

We highly recommended that you also enable HTTPS support for DeployR to secure the
communications to the server.

Enabling DeployR on Azure

You can set up DeployR on Microsoft Azure. For each Azure instance, be sure to:
1. Set the server Web context to an external, public IP address.
2. Open three DeployR external ports by adding Azure endpoints to set the appropriate permissions.
3. Update the firewall to set the appropriate security permissions on the internal and external ports used
by DeployR.

### Setting the Server Web Context

The DeployR server Web context must be updated to the Public IP address of the virtual machine.
To update the DeployR server Web context:
You must update the server Web context or else you will not be able to access to the DeployR landing page or
other DeployR components after installation.
1. Log into the Azure portal and take note of the Public IP address.
2. If DeployR was installed on a virtual machine, remote desktop or SSH into that machine.
3. For DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5:
a. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script with administrator privileges:
On Windows, run:

cd %REVODEPLOYR8_1_HOME%\deployr\tools\

On Linux, run:

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/
sudo ./

b. From the main menu, choose option Run Diagnostics. Make sure that the database is running.
The database must be running before you can proceed to the next step.
c. Return to the main menu, choose option Web Context and Security.
d. From the sub-menu, choose option Specify New IP or Fully Qualified Domain Name
(FQDN ).
e. When prompted to specify a new IP or FQDN, enter the new IP or FQDN.
f. When prompted to confirm the new value, enter Y . This change will also disable Automatic IP
detection to prevent the new value you just assigned from being overwritten.
g. Return to the main menu, choose the option to set a password for the local DeployR admin
h. Enter a password for this account. Passwords must be 8-16 characters long and contain at least
1 or more uppercase character(s), 1 or more lowercase character(s), 1 or more number(s), and 1
or more special character(s).
i. Confirm the password.
j. Return to the main menu and choose option Start/Stop Server. You must restart DeployR so
that the changes can take effect.
k. When prompted whether you want to stop (S ) or restart (R ) the DeployR server, enter R . It
may take some time for the Tomcat process to terminate and restart.
l. Exit the utility.
4. For DeployR 8.0.0:
On Windows:
a. Make sure that the MongoDB database is running. The database must be running before
you can proceed to the next step before you update the Web Context.
b. Open a Command Window with “Run as Administrator”.
c. Set the appropriate public IP where <ip_address> is the public IP address of the
machine. Learn more about this script.

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\tools\
setWebContext -ip <ip_address> -disableauto

d. Confirm the IP address you entered.

e. Disable any automatic IP detection that might overwrite the IP you just assigned.

setWebContext -disableauto

On Linux:
a. Set the IP using the script where <ip_address> is the public IP address
of the machine. Learn more about the script arguments.

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/
./ -ip <ip_address>

b. Confirm the IP address you entered.

c. Disable any automatic IP detection that might overwrite the IP you just assigned.

./ -disableauto

For this change to take effect restart the DeployR 8.0.0 service. Between stopping and starting, be
sure to pause long enough for the Tomcat process to terminate.

We highly recommended that you also enable HTTPS support for DeployR to secure the
communications to the server.

Configuring Azure Endpoints

When provisioning your DeployR server on Azure, you must open Azure endpoints for several DeployR
If custom ports were defined during installation, enable those instead.
Table: Default Ports by Version



DeployR HTTP port 8050 8000

DeployR HTTPS port 8051 8001

DeployR event console port 8056 8006

To configure Azure endpoints for DeployR:

1. Go to the main Microsoft Azure portal page.
2. Click the Resource Group name.

3. In the table in the Resource Group page, click the Network Security Group.
4. In the Network Security Group page, click All Settings option.
5. Choose Inbound security rules.
6. Click the Add button to create an inbound security rule for each DeployR port as follows:
7. In the Add inbound security rule page, enter a unique name the rule.
8. Set the protocol to Any .
9. Set the Source Port Range to the * character.

10. Enter the port number to the Destination port range for the DeployR HTTP port, HTTPS port, and
event console port.

See the bullets at the beginning of this section for these default ports for your version of DeployR.

11. Click OK to save your changes.

12. Repeat step 6 to add inbound rules for the other DeployR ports.

Don't forget to update the firewall as described below.

Enabling DeployR on AWS

You can set up DeployR on Amazon Web Services (AWS ). For each Amazon EC2 instance, be sure to:
Set the Web Context for DeployR on AWS
You must update the server Web context or else you will not be able to access to the DeployR landing page or
other DeployR components after installation.
1. Take note of the correct Public IP address.
On Linux, run the following command and take note of the IP returned:

curl -s | sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//


On Windows, visit this URL in your browser ( and take note of the IP
2. If DeployR was installed on a virtual machine, remote desktop or SSH into that machine.
3. Set the Web context:
For DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5:
a. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script with administrator privileges:
On Windows, run:

cd %REVODEPLOYR8_1_HOME%\deployr\tools\

On Linux, run:

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/

b. From the main menu, choose option Run Diagnostics. Make sure that the database is
running. The database must be running before you can proceed to the next step.
c. Return to the main menu, choose option Web Context and Security.
d. From the sub-menu, choose option Specify New IP or Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN ).
e. When prompted to specify a new IP or FQDN, enter the new IP or FQDN.
f. When prompted to confirm the new value, enter Y . This change will also disable
Automatic IP detection to prevent the new value you just assigned from being
g. Return to the main menu and choose option Start/Stop Server. You must restart
DeployR so that the changes can take effect.
h. When prompted whether you want to stop (S ) or restart (R ) the DeployR server, enter R
. It may take some time for the Tomcat process to terminate and restart.
i. Exit the utility.
For DeployR 8.0.0:
On Windows:
a. Make sure that the MongoDB database is running. The database must be running
before you can proceed to the next step before you update the Web Context.
b. Open a Command Window with “Run as Administrator”.
c. Detect the appropriate external IP used for your AWS EC2 instance.

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\tools\
setWebContext -aws

d. Set the appropriate public IP where <ip_address> is the public IP address of the
machine. Learn more about this script.

setWebContext -ip <ip_address>

e. Confirm the IP address you entered.

f. Disable any automatic IP detection that might overwrite the IP you just assigned.
setWebContext -disableauto

On Linux:
a. Detect the appropriate external IP used for your AWS EC2 instance.

cd $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/
setWebContext -aws

b. Set the IP using the script where <ip_address> is the public IP
address of the machine. Learn more about the script arguments.

./ -ip <ip_address>

c. Confirm the IP address you entered.

d. Disable any automatic IP detection that might overwrite the IP you just assigned.

./ -disableauto

For this change to take effect restart the DeployR 8.0.0 service. Between stopping
and starting, be sure to pause long enough for the Tomcat process to terminate.

Configuring Ports for AWS

When provisioning your DeployR server on AWS, you must set the appropriate security permissions on both
the internal and external ports used by DeployR.
If custom ports were defined during installation, enable those instead.
Table: Default Ports by Version



DeployR HTTP port 8050 8000

DeployR HTTPS port 8051 8001

DeployR event console port 8056 8006

Don't forget to update the firewall as described below.

Updating the Firewall

Updating your firewall is the last step.

We highly recommended that you also enable HTTPS support for DeployR to secure the
communications to the server.

To update your firewall on Linux:

On Linux, you must disable iptables firewall or equivalent.

To update your firewall on Windows:

In Windows Firewall, you must open the same DeployR ports as you configured as Azure endpoints or in the
AWS console.
1. From the Control Panel, open the Window Firewall.
2. Click Advanced Settings. The Windows Firewall with Advanced Security dialog appears.
3. Choose Inbound Rules. The list of inbound rules appears.
4. For each port in the table below for your version of DeployR, open the associated rule, such as
RevoDeployR-Enterprise <VERSION> Tomcat - <PORT NUMBER> .

5. Go to the Advanced tab.

6. Select the Public checkbox to enable public for this rule.
7. Click OK.
8. Repeat 4-7 for all three rules.

Table: Inbound Rules for DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5


8050 RevoDeployR-Enterprise 8.0.5 Tomcat SSL - 8050

8051 RevoDeployR-Enterprise 8.0.5 Tomcat SSL - 8051

8056 RevoDeployR-Enterprise 8.0.5 Tomcat SSL - 8056

Table: Inbound Rules for DeployR 8.0.0


8000 RevoDeployR-Enterprise 8.0.0 Tomcat SSL - 8000

8001 RevoDeployR-Enterprise 8.0.0 Tomcat SSL - 8001

8006 RevoDeployR-Enterprise 8.0.0 Tomcat SSL - 8006

DeployR Server and Grid High Availability
4/13/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

Server High Availability

When discussing high-availability in the context of server systems, clustered Java Web applications are a common
architectural solution. However, due to the non-serializable socket connections maintained per R session by the
DeployR server, full distributed session management across servers in a cluster is not possible. It depends on
serializable session state.
There are however alternative deployment options that can be adopted to improve server availability and overall
uptime. The relative merits of these deployment options are discussed in the following sections.
Primary-Standby Deployment
This deployment model while simple can be highly effective. Your application makes use of a primary server and
a standby server that share a single instance of the DeployR database. By default, your application talks only to
the primary server. If the primary server becomes unresponsive at runtime, your application detects this
condition and transitions away from the unresponsive primary by redirecting all traffic to the standby server.

The following is supported with a SQL Server or PostgreSQL database (not the default H2 database) for
DeployR 8.0.5, or a MongoDB database for DeployR 8.0.0.

The following steps detail how to configure this type of deployment:

1. DeployR Database Setup
Install a single, standalone instance of the DeployR database.
This single database instance is used by the primary and standby servers, as detailed next.
2. Primary Server Setup
Install a dedicated DeployR server and designate it as your primary .
Configure the database endpoint for the primary using deployr.groovy.
Set the primary deployr.server.policy.override.web.context property using deployr.groovy.
3. Standby Server Setup
Install a dedicated DeployR server and designate it as your standby .
Configure the database endpoint for the standby using deployr.groovy.
Set the standby deployr.server.policy.override.web.context property using deployr.groovy.
4. DeployR Grid Setup
Using either the primary or standby server administration console:
Add details for each grid node you have provisioned for your deployment.
At this point, your Primary-Standby Deployment is fully configured. As the primary and standby servers in your
deployment are sharing a single instance of the DeployR database your servers are also sharing:
1. A single DeployR repository where all R scripts, models, etc. are managed.
2. A single DeployR grid.
While this can be an effective deployment model, take careful note of the following:
1. Failover is not automatic. Your application must detect when the primary becomes unresponsive and then
actively take steps to reroute all traffic to the standby .
2. A single grid means zombie tasks (initiated by a primary that then fails) can leak grid resources (memory
and/or processor cycles) that cannot be reclaimed by the standby when it takes over active management of
the grid. This type of resource impairment can lead to performance degradation over time.
A potentially better deployment model would isolate failures, in order to ensure that resource impairment by
zombie tasks would not continue to impact overall availability or responsiveness of the system. This model forms
the motivation for the next deployment model to be described, Load Balanced Deployment .
Load Balanced Deployment
While multiple DeployR servers can not participate in a classic cluster configuration with automatic failover,, it is
possible to deploy multiple servers behind a HTTP load balancer to distribute load and even adapt to server
failures at runtime.
The following steps detail how to configure this type of deployment:
1. Server Setup * N
Install two or more DeployR servers.
Each server should be configured to use its own dedicated database.
Each server should be configured to use its own dedicated set of grid nodes.
2. Load Balancer Setup
Install your preferred HTTP load balancer.
Configure the load balancer to enforce sticky HTTP sessions.
Register the IP endpoint of each DeployR server with your load balancer.
At this point, your Load Balanced Deployment is fully configured. In the event of a server failure all other servers in
the cluster will continue functioning unaffected. However, given each server in your deployment operates
independently of the other servers there is one important implication:
Your R scripts, models, etc. must be manually replicated across the DeployR repositories associated with each of
your servers.

Grid High Availability

The DeployR grid is designed to deliver high-availability at runtime, supporting both redundancy and failover. The
server monitors the health off all resources on the grid at runtime. If an individual slot on the grid or even an
entire grid node becomes unresponsive, the server automatically contracts the grid, bypassing those failing
resources. If failing resources once again become responsive the server automatically expands the grid, to include
the newly responsive grid resources.
In this way, the DeployR grid can be said to be self-healing , capable of automatically adjusting to system failures
and recoveries at runtime, ensuring maximum uptime and responsiveness.

RBroker High Availability! The RBroker Framework includes a fault-tolerant implementation of the
PooledTaskBroker . Tasks executing on the new PooledTaskBroker that fail due to grid failures at runtime are
automatically detected and re-executed without requiring client application intervention.
Managing External Directories for Big Data
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

There may be times when your DeployR user community needs access to genuinely large data files, or big data.
These data files might be too big to be copied from the Web or copied from their local machines to the server.
When such files are stored in the DeployR Repository or at any network-accessible URI, the R code executing on
the DeployR server can load the desired file data on-demand. However, physically moving big data is expensive
both in terms of bandwidth and throughput.
To alleviate this overhead, the DeployR server supports a set of NFS -mounted directories dedicated to managing
large data files. We refer to these directories as 'big data' external directories.
As an administrator, you can enable this service by:
1. Configuring the big data directories within your deployment.
2. Informing your DeployR users that they must use the deployrExternal R function from the deployrUtils
package in their R code to reference the big data files within these directories.
It is the responsibility of the DeployR administrator to configure and manage these 'big data' external directories
and the data files within them.

Setting up NFS Setup

NFS configuration for external directories is required only if your DeployR environment has multiple grid

To benefit from external directory support in a multi-grid node DeployR environment, you (the administrator)
must install and configure a Network File System (NFS ) shared directory on the DeployR main server as well as
any grid node from which they want to access to this big data files.

### Configure NFS on Windows

1. NFS mount the <INSTALL_DIR>/deployr/external directory on both the DeployR main server and each grid
<INSTALL_DIR> is the full path to directory into which you installed DeployR, which is
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-<version>\ by default.

2. Open the Windows firewall ports as described in the Windows NFS documentation for your platform.

### Configure NFS on Linux

If you do not have access to the Internet, you’ll have to copy the install files to this machine using another
1. Log into the operating system as root .
2. Install NFS.
For Redhat:

yum install -y nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib


zypper install -y nfs-kernel-server

3. Open the file /etc/sysconfig/nfs and add these lines to the end of the file:


4. In IPTABLES, open the following ports for NFS for external directory support:
5. Restart IPTABLES.

service iptables restart

6. Set up the automatic start of NFS and portmap/rpcbind at boot time. At the prompt, type:
For both the main server and any grid machines on Redhat 5, type:

/sbin/chkconfig nfs on
/etc/init.d/portmap start
/etc/init.d/nfs start

For both the main server and any grid machines on Redhat 6, type:

/sbin/chkconfig nfs on
/etc/init.d/rpcbind start
/etc/init.d/nfs start

For the main server on SLES, type the following at the prompt:

/sbin/chkconfig nfsserver on
/etc/init.d/rpcbind start
/etc/init.d/nfsserver start

For a grid machine on SLES, type the following at the prompt:

/sbin/chkconfig nfs on
/etc/init.d/rpcbind start
/etc/init.d/nfs start

7. To create a new NFS directory share, run the following commands. To update an existing NFS share, see
the next step instead.
On the DeployR main server:
a. Add a line to the file /etc/exports as follows where is the installed version of DeployR.

/home/deployr-user/deployr/<VERSION>/deployr/external/data *

b. Broadcast the new directory. At the prompt, type:

exportfs -r

On the DeployR grid node machine:

a. Add a line to the end of the fstab file, where <DeployR_server_ip> is the IP or hostname of
the machine on which you installed DeployR,

<deployr_server_ip>:/home/deploy-user/deploy-install/deployr/external/data /home/deploy-
user/deploy-install/deployr/external/data nfs rw 0 0"

b. Attempt to mount the contents of the file and verify the NFS points to the correct address. At
the prompt, type:

mount -a
df -k

8. To use an existing NFS directory share, do the following for the main server and each grid node.
a. Add the following line to /etc/fstab , where <nfs_share_hostname> and <nfs_share_directory> is
the IP or hostname and directory of the machine where the NFS share site exists:

<nfs_share_hostname>:/<nfs_share_directory> /deployr/external/data nfs rw 0 0

b. Try to mount the contents of the file and verify the NFS points to the correct address. At the
prompt, type:

mount -a
df -k

External Directory Structure

While it suffices for users to store their local copy of the data in the current working directory of their R session,
the external directory structure in the DeployR server environment is not transparent to the users. For this
reason, you need to put the files into the external directories for them.
The external directory structure is really a tree of public and private directories hanging off a common base
directory managed by you, the DeployR administrator.
The default base directory for the external directory structure might be:
On Windows, C:/Program Files/Microsoft/DeployR-<version>/deployr/external/data/
On Linux, /home/deployr-user/deployr/<version>/deployr/external/data
On Mac OS X (DeployR Open only), /Users/deployr-user/deployr/<version>/deployr/external/data

Two external subdirectories are automatically created by the server the first time the corresponding user logs into
the system. The first directory is called /public and contains the files that can be read by any authenticated users
on the server.
The second directory is the user’s private directory. Each private external directory can be found at
<DeployR_Install_Dir>/external/data/{deployr_username_private_directory} . Files in each private directory are
available only to that authenticated user during a live session. The administrator can also manually create these
subdirectories in advance. The names of the directories are case-sensitive.
For example, the user testuser would have access to the files under:
The private external directory, <DeployR_Install_Dir>/deployr/external/data/testuser
The /public directory, <DeployR_Install_Dir>/deployr/external/data/public
It is up to the administrator to inform each user of which files are available in the /public directory and which
files are in their private directory.

Adding Files to External Directories

A file can be added to the external directories in one of two ways:
You can place the file, on the user's behalf, into his or her private external directories or into the /public
external directory so that it can be access when running R code.
A user can execute R code that will write a file directly into his or her private external directory.
Ultimately, the administrator is responsible for moving and managing files in the external directories as well as
informing users that the files exist and their whereabouts.
To reference one of these files in the code, a user must declare and, therefore, know if the given file is stored in
the /public external subdirectory or the user's private subdirectory. This declaration is done using the
deployrExternal function in the deployrUtils package.

This function provides read and write access to big data files in a portable way whether the R code is run locally
or in the remote DeployR server environment. For more information, point your users to the Writing Portable R
Code guide and the package help for this function ( ??deployrUtils::deployrExternal ).

Currently there is no user interface to display the names of the files in this directory. Additionally, due to the
potentially large size of the data, we do not expose any API or other facility for moving data into the external
Using Hadoop Impersonation and DeployR
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

Typically when invoking system commands from R, those commands run as the user that started R. In the case of
Hadoop, if user abc logs in to a node on a Hadoop cluster and starts R, any system commands, such as
system("hadoop fs -ls /") , run as user abc . File permissions in HDFS are honored accordingly. For example, user
abc cannot access files in HDFS if that user does not have proper permissions.

However when using DeployR, every R session is started as the same user. This is an artifact of the Rserve
component that was used to create and interact with R sessions. In order to work around this circumstance,
Hadoop Impersonation is used. Hadoop impersonation is employed by standard Hadoop services like Hue and
The idea behind impersonation is that R sets an environment variable that tells Hadoop to run commands as a
different user than the user who started the R session. You can use one of two Hadoop-supported environment
HADOOP_USER_NAME for non-kerberos secured clusters
HADOOP_PROXY_USER for clusters secured with Kerberos.

This document assumes we are working with a Kerberos secured cluster.

The rest of the document focuses on the steps needed to get Hadoop Impersonation to work with DeployR.

Creating the 'rserve' User

Since the DeployR Rserve component runs by default as the apache user who does not have a home directory,
we recommend that you create a new user that:
Is used when running Rserve
Has a home directory
Starts a bash shell
In this example, we create the user rserve and change which user used to run Rserve.
Non Root Installation
If DeployR was installed as non-root, then you must ensure that the user that starts DeployR has a home directory
and starts a bash shell. Nothing else is required.
Root Installation
If DeployR was installed as user root , do the following:
1. Create the Linux user rserve .
2. Go to the directory where DeployR is installed. For example:
cd /opt/deploy/<version>

3. Go the rserve subdirectory and open in an editor. For example:

vi /opt/deploy/<version>/rserve/

4. Replace all instances of apache with rserve .

There are two instances of the string apache in the file.

5. Give full write permissions to directory workdir . For example:

chmod 777 /opt/deployr/<version>/rserve/workdir

6. Edit /etc/group and add rserve as a member of group apache . For example:


7. Restart Rserve.

cd /opt/deploy/<version>/rserve
./ stop
./ start

Setting Up the Environment for the 'rserve' User

ScaleR: If you are using ScaleR inside Hadoop, add the following line to .bash_profile for user rserve .
This ensures all environment variables needed by ScaleR are set properly.

. ./etc/profile.d/Revolution/bash_profile_additions

Kerberos: If your Hadoop cluster is secured using Kerberos, obtain a Kerberos ticket for principal hdfs . This
ticket acts as the proxy for all other users.
Be sure you are the Linux user rserve when obtaining the ticket. For example:

su - rserve
kinit hdfs

We recommend that you use a cron job or equivalent to renew this ticket periodically to keep it from expiring.

Testing the Environment

1. Create a private file in HDFS. In the following example, user revo owns the file:

-rw------- 3 revo revo 14304763 2014-06-26 15:53 /share/AirlineDemoSmall/AirlineDemoSmall.csv

2. Create a sample RScript that tries to access the file. For example:
#in this case we read the file stored in HDFS into a dataframe

df<-read.table(pipe(paste('hadoop fs -cat ', filename, sep="")), sep=",", header=TRUE)

When you run this program from the R console as user rserve , it works because principal hdfs has a valid
Kerberos ticket for the Linux user rserve .
3. Modify the script to use the HADOOP_PROXY_USER environment variable. For example, add
Sys.setenv(HADOOP_PROXY_USER='rserve') :

#now we will run the script through the proxy

df<-read.table(pipe(paste('hadoop fs -cat ', filename, sep="")), sep=",", header=TRUE)

Unlike the previous step, when you run the script now, it will fail. This is due to the fact that the principal
hdfs is no longer acting as a superuser for the command. Instead, it is acting as proxy for the user rserve .
This is a subtle but important difference.

> #now we will run the script through the proxy

> filename<-"/share/AirlineDemoSmall/AirlineDemoSmall.csv"
> Sys.setenv(HADOOP_PROXY_USER='rserve')
> df<-read.table(pipe(paste('hadoop fs -cat ', filename, sep="")), sep=",", header=TRUE)
cat: Permission denied: user=rserve, access=READ,
Error in read.table(pipe(paste("hadoop fs -cat ", filename, sep = "")), :
no lines available in input
> summary(df)
Error in object[[i]] : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable

4. RScript for DeployR - We don't want to leave line of code that sets the HADOOP_PROXY_USER in our R
Script. So we remove it and revert back to our original script. In addition, we pass the filename into the
script from our DeployR client application. So, the script simply becomes:

df<-read.table(pipe(paste('hadoop fs -cat ', filename, sep="")), sep=",", header=TRUE)


We can now upload the script to DeployR using the Repository Manager. In our example, user testuser creates a
directory called demo in the DeployR Repository Manager and name our RScript piperead.R .

Creating a DeployR Client

Create a DeployR client application to control which user is running the script.
This example code is written in Visual Basic using the DeployR .NET client library. An equivalent example could be
written in C#, Java or JavaScript.

Imports DeployR

Module Module1

Sub Main()
Sub Main()

hdfsRead(False, "revo", "/share/AirlineDemoSmall/AirlineDemoSmall.csv", "piperead.R")

End Sub

Sub hdfsRead(ByVal bDebug As Boolean, _

ByVal sProxyUser As String, _
ByVal sHDFSfile As String, _
ByVal sRscript As String)

Dim client As RClient

Dim user As RUser
Dim project As RProject
Dim execution As RProjectExecution
Dim options As New ProjectExecutionOptions
Dim sEnv As String


'set debug mode if we need it


'create an deployR client

client = RClientFactory.createClient("http://localhost:7300/deployr", 10)

Dim basic As New RBasicAuthentication("testuser", "changeme")
user = client.login(basic, False)

'create a temporary project

project = user.createProject()

'set the Environment Variable

sEnv = "Sys.setenv(HADOOP_PROXY_USER='" + sProxyUser + "')"

'collect the inputs

options.rinputs.Add(RDataFactory.createString("filename", sHDFSfile))

'execute the script

execution = project.executeScript(sRscript, "demo", "testuser", "", options)

'write the R console output


Catch ex As Exception

'print exception
Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message)

If (TypeOf ex Is HTTPRestException) Then

Dim hex As HTTPRestException = DirectCast(ex, HTTPRestException)
'print R console text, if available
Console.WriteLine("Console: " + hex.console)
End If


'close the project



End Try
End Sub
End Module
Extending the Example
We can now extend this example to include two more RScripts for execution.
Second RScript
This script demonstrates how to copy a file from HDFS into the working directory of the R session. This RScript is
uploaded to the DeployR repository as copy_to_workspace.R , in directory demo for user testuser .

#copy a file from HDFS into the working directory

system(paste('hadoop fs -copyToLocal', filename, getwd(), sep=" "))

df<-read.table(basename(filename), sep=",", header=TRUE)

Third RScript
This script runs a ScaleR algorithm as a MapReduce job in Hadoop. This RScript is uploaded to the DeployR
repository as scaleR_hadoop.R , in directory demo for user testuser .

#run an rxSummary on 'filename'

myNameNode <- "default"

myPort <- 0

myHadoopCluster <- RxHadoopMR(consoleOutput=TRUE, autoCleanup=TRUE, nameNode=myNameNode, port=myPort)


hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem(hostName=myNameNode, port=myPort)

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",

levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
"Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

airDS <- RxTextData(file = filename, missingValueString = "M",

colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem = hdfsFS)

adsSummary <- rxSummary(~ArrDelay+CRSDepTime+DayOfWeek, data = airDS)


Update VB.NET code that executes all three examples

This is an update of the code shown here that now reads in and executes all three scripts.

Imports DeployR

Module Module1

Sub Main()

hdfsRead(False, "revo", "/share/AirlineDemoSmall/AirlineDemoSmall.csv", "piperead.R")

hdfsRead(False, "revo", "/share/AirlineDemoSmall/AirlineDemoSmall.csv", "copy_to_workspace.R")
hdfsRead(False, "revo", "/share/AirlineDemoSmall/AirlineDemoSmall.csv", "scaleR_hadoop.R")

End Sub

Sub hdfsRead(ByVal bDebug As Boolean, _

ByVal sProxyUser As String, _
ByVal sHDFSfile As String, _
ByVal sRscript As String)
Dim client As RClient
Dim user As RUser
Dim project As RProject
Dim execution As RProjectExecution
Dim options As New ProjectExecutionOptions
Dim sEnv As String


'set debug mode if we need it


'create an deployR client

client = RClientFactory.createClient("http://localhost:7300/deployr", 10)

Dim basic As New RBasicAuthentication("testuser", "changeme")
user = client.login(basic, False)

'create a temporary project

project = user.createProject()

'set the Environment Variable

sEnv = "Sys.setenv(HADOOP_PROXY_USER='" + sProxyUser + "')"

'collect the inputs

options.rinputs.Add(RDataFactory.createString("filename", sHDFSfile))

'execute the script

execution = project.executeScript(sRscript, "demo", "testuser", "", options)

'write the R console output


Catch ex As Exception

'print exception
Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex.Message)

If (TypeOf ex Is HTTPRestException) Then

Dim hex As HTTPRestException = DirectCast(ex, HTTPRestException)
'print R console text, if available
Console.WriteLine("Console: " + hex.console)
End If


'close the project



End Try
End Sub
End Module
R Package Management Guide
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

As the DeployR administrator, one of your responsibilities is to ensure the R code that runs on the DeployR server
has access to the R package dependencies declared within that code. The following sections discuss R package
management in this context.
By adopting one or both of the R package management approaches described below, your data scientists can avoid
issues where a script they've tested locally now fails due to missing package dependencies when executed in the
DeployR server environment.

Guideline: Assign the appropriate permissions for packaging installations and/or install the packages on
behalf of your users with deployrPackage() .

Centralized Management
One option is to install a fixed set of default packages across the DeployR grid on behalf of your users. This can be
done in a number of ways.
One such approach is to use a master R script that contains all required package dependency declarations for the
DeployR server as follows:
1. In your local environment:
a. Install deployrUtils locally from GitHub using your IDE, R console, or terminal window with the
following commands:


b. Create a master R script that you'll use to install the package dependencies across the DeployR grid.
c. At the top of that script, declare each package dependency individually using deployrPackage() . For
the full function help, use library(help="deployrUtils") in your IDE.
2. In your remote DeployR server environment:
a. Manually run this R script on a DeployR grid node.
b. Repeat previous step by running the master script manually on every grid node machine.
Running this script on each grid node ensures the full set of packages is installed and available on
each node.

You will have to update and manually rerun this script on each node on the DeployR grid whenever a new
package needs to be added to the server environment.
Decentralized Management
Another option is to assign permissions for R package installation to select users. Then, these select users can
install the packages they need directly within their code. When you've explicitly assigned the PACKAGE_MANAGER role
to users, they are granted permissions to install R packages via deployrUtils::deployrPackage() .

Also note that the ADMINISTRATOR and POWER_USER roles have implicit PACKAGE_MANAGER rights, while BASIC_USER
does not. Read more on default roles...
Updating DeployR Configuration after Java Version
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

This topic describes how to update the configuration of DeployR (Apache Tomcat, etc. ) after a Java JRE/JDK.
To update the configuration for the new Java version:
1. Open a command prompt/terminal window with administrator/root/sudo privileges:
2. Stop DeployR.
3. Go to the Apache Tomcat directory. For example, on Windows the default location is
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0.5\Apache_Tomcat\bin .

4. At the prompt, enter the following command to start the utility:

tomcat7w.exe //MS//Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-8.0.5

5. In the dialog, enter the new Java version to be used for DeployR.
6. Click OK to save these settings.
7. Restart DeployR.
Upgrading or Reinstalling R
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

On Windows
Reinstalling Microsoft R Server for DeployR Enterprise
Carefully follow the order presented whenever you reinstall Microsoft R Server on a Windows machine hosting
DeployR Enterprise:
On the main DeployR server machine:
1. Backup the DeployR database.
2. Uninstall the DeployR main server.
3. Uninstall Microsoft R Server using the instructions provided with your existing version of Microsoft R Server.
4. Install Microsoft R Server and all its prerequisites as described in the instructions provided with that version of
Microsoft R Server.
5. Reinstall the DeployR main server on DeployR for Microsoft R Server | DeployR 8.0.0
6. Restore the DeployR database.
On each DeployR grid node machine:
1. Uninstall the DeployR grid node.
2. Uninstall Microsoft R Server using the instructions provided with your existing version of Microsoft R Server.
3. Install Microsoft R Server and all its prerequisites as described in the instructions provided with that version of
Microsoft R Server.
4. Install the DeployR grid node on DeployR for Microsoft R Server | DeployR 8.0.0.

For each DeployR Enterprise instance, the server and grid nodes should all run the same version of R.

Reinstalling RRO or R for DeployR Open

Carefully follow the order presented whenever you reinstall Revolution R Open or CRAN R on a machine hosting
DeployR Open 8.0.0:
On the main DeployR Open server machine:
1. Backup the DeployR database.
2. Uninstall the DeployR main server.
3. Uninstall Revolution R Open or CRAN R.
4. Install Revolution R Open or CRAN R along with all of its prerequisites as described in the Revolution R Open
or CRAN R installation instructions.
5. Reinstall the DeployR main server.
6. Restore the DeployR database.
Troubleshooting on Windows
If Microsoft R Server or Microsoft R Open is not reinstalled as described at the beginning of this document, then
Rserve may be missing.
Try the following:
1. Run the diagnostics to determine whether the issue is on the main server or a grid node.
2. If RServe is not running and you cannot find it in the \bin\x64 subdirectory of the Microsoft R Server install
directory, then you must reinstall as described above.
3. If there are other issues reported in the diagnostics log, attempt to fix them now.
4. Run the diagnostics again.
In the event that you need additional support, send the diagnostics tar/zip file to the Microsoft Corporation
technical support team.

On Linux
Reinstalling Microsoft R Server for DeployR Enterprise
Carefully follow the order presented whenever you reinstall Microsoft R Server on a Linux machine hosting
DeployR for Microsoft R Server:
On the main DeployR server machine:
1. Stop DeployR.
2. Uninstall Microsoft R Server using the instructions provided with your existing version of Microsoft R Server.
3. Install Microsoft R Server and all its prerequisites as described in the instructions provided with that version of
Microsoft R Server.
4. Start DeployR.
On each DeployR grid node machine:
1. Uninstall the DeployR grid node on DeployR for Microsoft R Server | DeployR 8.0.0.
2. Uninstall Microsoft R Server using the instructions provided with that product.
3. Install Microsoft R Server and all its prerequisites as described in that product's instructions.
4. . on DeployR for Microsoft R Server | DeployR 8.0.0.
I nstall the DeployR grid node

For each DeployR Enterprise instance, the server and grid nodes should all run the same version of R.

Reinstalling RRO or R for DeployR Open

Carefully follow the order presented whenever you reinstall Revolution R Open or CRAN R on a machine hosting
DeployR Open 8.0.0:
On the main DeployR Open server machine:
1. Stop DeployR.
2. Uninstall Revolution R Open or CRAN R.
3. Install Revolution R Open or CRAN R along with all of its prerequisites as described in the Revolution R Open
or CRAN R installation instructions.
4. Start DeployR.
Troubleshooting on Linux
If the issue is that Rserve is not running on a machine, then you'll need to restart it.
Try the following:
1. Run the diagnostics to determine whether the issue is on the main server or a grid node.
2. Make sure there is no activity on the DeployR grid.
3. Stop DeployR on the machine in question.
4. Attempt to correct all issues reported in the diagnostics log.
5. Start DeployR on the machine in question.
6. Run the diagnostics again.
In the event that you need additional support, send the diagnostics tar/zip file to the Microsoft Corporation
technical support team.
Overview of DeployR Security
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

DeployR is a server framework that exposes the R platform as a service to allow the integration of R statistics,
analytics, and visualizations inside Web, desktop, and mobile applications. In addition to providing a simple yet
powerful Web services API, the framework also supports a highly flexible, enterprise security model.
By default, DeployR supports basic authentication. Users simply provide plain text username and password
credentials, which are then matched against user account data stored in the DeployR database. User accounts are
created and managed by an administrator using the DeployR Administration Console. Given these credentials are
passed from client to server as plain text, we strongly recommend, in your production environments, that you
enable and use HTTPS connections every time your application attempts to authenticate with DeployR.
While basic authentication provides a simple and reliable authentication solution, the ability to deliver a seamless
integration with existing enterprise security solutions is often paramount. The DeployR enterprise security model
can easily be configured to "plug" into a number of widely adopted enterprise security solutions.

Get More DeployR Power: Basic Authentication is available for all DeployR configurations and editions.
Get DeployR Enterprise today to take advantage of great DeployR features like enterprise security and a
scalable grid framework. Note that DeployR Enterprise is part of Microsoft R Server.

The DeployR security model is sufficiently flexible that it can work with multiple enterprise security solutions at the
same time. As such, DeployR Enterprise ships with a number of security providers that together represent a
provider-chain upon which user credentials are evaluated. For more information, see Authentication and
Authorization. Every aspect of the DeployR security model is controlled by the configuration properties found in
the DeployR external configuration file. This file can be found at $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/deployr.groovy .
The following security topics detail how to work with these configuration properties to achieve your preferred
security implementation.
Authorization and Authentication
HTTPS and SSL Support
Server Access Policies
Project and Repository File Access Controls
Password Policies
Account Locking Policies
RServe Execution Context
Overview of DeployR Security
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

DeployR is a server framework that exposes the R platform as a service to allow the integration of R statistics,
analytics, and visualizations inside Web, desktop, and mobile applications. In addition to providing a simple yet
powerful Web services API, the framework also supports a highly flexible, enterprise security model.
By default, DeployR supports basic authentication. Users simply provide plain text username and password
credentials, which are then matched against user account data stored in the DeployR database. User accounts
are created and managed by an administrator using the DeployR Administration Console. Given these
credentials are passed from client to server as plain text, we strongly recommend, in your production
environments, that you enable and use HTTPS connections every time your application attempts to
authenticate with DeployR.
While basic authentication provides a simple and reliable authentication solution, the ability to deliver a
seamless integration with existing enterprise security solutions is often paramount. The DeployR enterprise
security model can easily be configured to "plug" into a number of widely adopted enterprise security solutions.

Get More DeployR Power: Basic Authentication is available for all DeployR configurations and editions.
Get DeployR Enterprise today to take advantage of great DeployR features like enterprise security and a
scalable grid framework. Note that DeployR Enterprise is part of Microsoft R Server.

The DeployR security model is sufficiently flexible that it can work with multiple enterprise security solutions at
the same time. As such, DeployR Enterprise ships with a number of security providers that together represent a
provider-chain upon which user credentials are evaluated. For more information, see Authentication and
Authorization. Every aspect of the DeployR security model is controlled by the configuration properties found
in the DeployR external configuration file. This file can be found at $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/deployr.groovy .
The following security topics detail how to work with these configuration properties to achieve your preferred
security implementation.
Authorization and Authentication
HTTPS and SSL Support
Server Access Policies
Project and Repository File Access Controls
Password Policies
Account Locking Policies
RServe Execution Context
Authentication and Authorization
6/18/2018 • 16 minutes to read • Edit Online

DeployR ships with security providers for the following enterprise security solutions:
Basic Authentication
LDAP / LDAP -S Authentication
Active Directory Services
PAM Authentication Services
CA Single Sign-On
R Session Process Controls
The DeployR security model is sufficiently flexible that it can work with multiple enterprise security solutions at the
same time. If two or more enterprise security solutions are active, then user credentials are evaluated by each of the
DeployR security providers in the order indicated in preceding list. If a security provider, at any depth in the
provider-chain, establishes that the credentials are valid, then the login call succeeds. If the user credentials are not
validated by any of the security providers in the provider-chain, then the login call fails.
When DeployR processes a user login, there are two key steps involved:
1. Credentials must be authenticated
2. Access privileges must be determined
DeployR access privileges are determined by the roles assigned to a user. In the case of basic authentication, an
administrator simply assigns roles to a user within the DeployR Administration Console.

Learn More! For information on how to manage user accounts as well as how to use roles as a means to
assign access privileges to a user or to restrict access to individual R scripts, refer to the Administration
Console Help.

When you integrate with an external enterprise security solution, you want access privileges to be inherited from
the external system. This is achieved with simple mappings in the DeployR configuration properties, which link
external groups to internal roles.

Basic Authentication
By default, the Basic Authentication security provider is enabled. The Basic Authentication provider is enabled by
default and there are no additional security configuration properties for this provider.
If you enable Active Directory Services or CA Single Sign-On (SiteMinder), Basic Authentication is automatically
disabled and you will no longer be able to login with the default users admin and testuser . For PAM
Authentication Services and LDAP scenarios, basic authentication remains enabled even with PAM or LDAP

* DeployR Basic Authentication Policy Properties

LDAP / LDAP-S Authentication

By default, the LDAP security provider is disabled. To enable LDAP authentication support, you must update the
relevant properties in your DeployR external configuration file. The values you assign to these properties should
match the configuration of your LDAP Directory Information Tree (DIT).
The standard protocol for reading data from and writing data to Active Directory (AD ) domain controllers (DCs) is
LDAP. AD LDAP traffic is unsecured by default, which makes it possible to use network-monitoring software to
view the LDAP traffic between clients and DCs. You can make LDAP traffic confidential and secure using Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL ) / Transport Layer Security (TLS ) technology. This combination is referred to as LDAP over
SSL (or LDAP -S ). To ensure that no one else can read the traffic, SSL/TLS establishes an encrypted tunnel between
an LDAP client and a DC. Learn more about enabling SSL/TLS for DeployR.
Reasons for enabling LDAP -S include:
Organizational security policies typically require that all client/server communication is encrypted.
Applications use simple BIND to transport credentials and authenticate against a DC. As simple BIND exposes
the users’ credentials in clear text, using SSL/TLS to encrypt the authentication session is strongly
Use of proxy binding or password change over LDAP, which requires LDAP -S. Bind to an AD LDS instance
Through a Proxy Object
Applications that integrate with LDAP servers (such as Active Directory or Active Directory Domain Controllers)
might require encrypted LDAP communications.

Basic authentication remains enabled even with LDAP enabled.

To enable LDAP or LDAP -S:

The LDAP and Active Directory security providers are one and the same, but their configuration properties differ.
As such, you may enable the LDAP provider or the Active Directory provider, but not both at the same time.
Accordingly, to enable do the following:
1. Set

2. Uncomment only the LDAP properties

3. Make sure the Active Directory section is commented out except for this line which should be set to false.

4. For each property, use the value matching your configuration. For more information, see the complete list of
LDAP configuration properties.
For LDAP, set grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.context.server to the LDAP server URL, such as
'ldap://localhost:389/' .
For LDAPS, set grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.context.server to the LDAP -S server URL, such
as 'ldaps://localhost:636/' .
For example:
* DeployR LDAP Authentication Configuration Properties
* To enable LDAP authentication uncomment the following properties and
* set and
* provide property values matching your LDAP DIT:
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.context.managerDn = 'dc=example,dc=com'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.context.managerPassword = 'secret'

grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.context.server = 'ldap://localhost:389/'

grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.context.anonymousReadOnly = true = 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com' = true
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.groupSearchFilter = 'member={0}'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.retrieveGroupRoles = true
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.groupSearchBase = 'ou=group,dc=example,dc=com'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.defaultRole = "ROLE_BASIC_USER"

// Optionally, specify LDAP password encryption algorithm: MD5, SHA-256

// grails.plugin.springsecurity.password.algorithm = 'xxx'

// Allows you to map LDAP user property names to DeployR user property names: = ['displayName':'cn',
'uid' : 'uidNumber',
'gid' : 'gidNumber']

// property
// Allows you to map between LDAP group names to DeployR role names.
// NOTE: LDAP group names can be defined on the LDAP server using any mix of
// upper and lower case, such as finance, Finance or FINANCE. However, in the mapping,
// the LDAP group name must have ROLE_ as a prefix and be fully capitalized.
// For example, an LDAP group named "finance" should appear as ROLE_FINANCE. = ['ROLE_FINANCE':'ROLE_BASIC_USER',

If you have enabled PAM authentication as part of the required steps for enabling R Session Process Controls,
then please continue with your configuration using these steps.

Active Directory Authentication

By default, the Active Directory security provider is disabled. To enable Active Directory authentication support you
must update the relevant properties in your DeployR external configuration file. The values you assign to these
properties should match the configuration of your Active Directory Directory Information Tree (DIT).
To enable Active Directory:
The LDAP and Active Directory security providers are one and the same, but their configuration properties differ.
As such, you may enable the LDAP provider or the Active Directory provider, but not both at the same time.
Accordingly, to enable do the following:
1. Set

2. Uncomment only the Active Directory properties

3. Make sure the LDAP section is commented out except for this line which should be set to false.

4. For each property, use the value matching your configuration.

For DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5:

* DeployR Active Directory Configuration Properties
* To enable Active Directory uncomment the following
* properties and provide property values matching your LDAP DIT:
grails.plugin.springsecurity.providerNames = ['ldapAuthProvider1']
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.server = 'ldap://localhost:389/'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.domain = ""

grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.groupSearchFilter = 'member={0}'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.groupSearchBase = 'ou=group,dc=example,dc=com'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.retrieveGroupRoles = true

// Optionally, specify LDAP password encryption algorithm: MD5, SHA-256

// grails.plugin.springsecurity.password.algorithm = 'xxx'

// Allows you to map LDAP user property names to DeployR user property names: = ['displayName':'cn',
'uid' : 'uidNumber',
'gid' : 'gidNumber']

// property
// Allows you to map between LDAP group names to DeployR role names.
// NOTE: LDAP group names can be defined on the LDAP server using any mix of
// upper and lower case, such as finance, Finance or FINANCE. However, in the mapping,
// the LDAP group name must have ROLE_ as a prefix and be fully capitalized.
// For example, an LDAP group named "finance" should appear as ROLE_FINANCE. = ['FINANCE':'ROLE_BASIC_USER',


For DeployR 8.0.0

* DeployR Active Directory Configuration Properties

grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.context.managerDn = 'dc=example,dc=com'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.context.managerPassword = 'secret'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.context.server = 'ldap://locahost:10389/'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.ignorePartialResultException = true = 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com' = true = ['mail', 'displayName']"sAMAccountName={0}"
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.auth.hideUserNotFoundExceptions = false
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.retrieveGroupRoles = true
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.groupSearchFilter = 'member={0}'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.ldap.authorities.groupSearchBase = 'ou=group,dc=example,dc=com'

// Optionally, specify LDAP password encryption algorithm: MD5, SHA-256

// grails.plugin.springsecurity.password.algorithm = 'xxx'

// Allows you to map between LDAP user property names to DeployR user property names: = ['displayName':'cn',
'uid' : 'uidNumber',
'gid' : 'gidNumber']

// property
// Allows you to map between LDAP group names to DeployR role names.
// NOTE: LDAP group names can be defined on the LDAP server using any mix of
// upper and lower case, such as finance, Finance or FINANCE. However, in the mapping,
// the LDAP group name must have ROLE_ as a prefix and be fully capitalized.
// For example, an LDAP group named "finance" should appear as ROLE_FINANCE. = ['ROLE_FINANCE':'ROLE_BASIC_USER',

For more information, see the complete list of configuration properties.

LDAP & Active Directory Configuration Properties

The following table presents the complete list of LDAP and Active Directory configuration properties.

To use one of these configuration properties in the deployr.groovy external configuration file, you must prefix
the property name with grails.plugin.springsecurity . For example, to use the
ldap.context.server='ldap://localhost:389' property in deployr.groovy , you must write the property as such:

* These properties are for Active Directory.

Context Properties


providerNames* 'ldapAuthProvider1' Do not change or omit. Used for

password management.

ldap.server* 'ldap://localhost:389' Address of the Active Directory server.

ldap.context.server 'ldap://localhost:389' Address of the LDAP server.

'ldaps://localhost:636' Address of the LDAP-S server.

ldap.context.managerDn "'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com'" DN to authenticate with.

ldap.context.managerPassword secret' Manager password to authenticate


ldap.context.baseEnvironmentProperties None Extra context properties.

ldap.context.cacheEnvironmentPropertie TRUE Whether environment properties

s should be cached between requests.

ldap.context.anonymousReadOnly FALSE Whether an anonymous environment

should be used for read-only

ldap.context.referral null ('ignore') The method to handle referrals. Can be

'ignore' or 'follow' to enable referrals to
be automatically followed.

Search Properties

PROPERTY DEFAULT VALUE DESCRIPTION "'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'" "Context name to search in, relative to

the base of the configured
ContextSource, e.g.
'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'." TRUE "If true then searches the entire subtree

as identified by context, if false (the
default) then only searches the level
identified by the context." FALSE Enables/disables link dereferencing

during the search. 0 (unlimited) The time to wait before the search fails. null (all) The attributes to return as part of the


ldap.authenticator.dnPatterns null (none) "Optional pattern(s) used to create DN

search patterns, e.g. [""cn=

ldap.authenticator.attributesToReturn null (all) Names of attribute ids to return; use

null to return all and an empty list to
return none.

Authorities Properties


ldap.authorities.retrieveGroupRoles* TRUE Whether to infer roles based on group


ldap.authorities.retrieveDatabaseRoles FALSE Whether to retrieve additional roles

from the database using the User/Role

ldap.authorities.groupRoleAttribute 'cn' The ID of the attribute which contains

the role name for a group.

ldap.authorities.groupSearchFilter* 'uniquemember={0}' The pattern to be used for the user

search. {0} is the user's DN.

ldap.authorities.searchSubtree* TRUE "If true a subtree scope search will be

performed, otherwise a single-level
search is used."

ldap.authorities.groupSearchBase* "'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'" The base DN from which the search for

group membership should be

ldap.authorities.defaultRole None An optional default role to be assigned

to all users.

ldap.mapper.roleAttributes Null Optional names of role attributes.

ldap.mapper.convertToUpperCase TRUE "Whether to uppercase retrieved role

names (will also be prefixed with

PAM Authentication
By default, the PAM security provider is disabled. To enable PAM authentication support, you must:
1. Update the relevant properties in your DeployR external configuration file, deployr.groovy .
2. Follow the DeployR server system files configuration changes outlined below.
PAM is the Linux Pluggable Authentication Modules provided to support dynamic authorization for applications
and services in a Linux system. If DeployR is installed on a Linux system, then the PAM security provider allows
users to authenticate with DeployR using their existing Linux system username and password.

Basic authentication remains enabled even with PAM enabled.

Step 1: Update the DeployR external configuration file

Update the following properties in your DeployR external configuration file, deployr.groovy :

Relevant snippet from deployr.groovy file shown here:

* DeployR PAM Authentication Policy Properties
*/ = false

// Allows you to map PAM user group names to DeployR role names.
// NOTE: PAM group names are case sensitive. For example, your
// PAM group named "finance" must appear in the map as "finance".
// DeployR role names must begin with ROLE_ and must always be
// upper case. = [ 'finance' : 'ROLE_BASIC_USER',
'engineering' : 'ROLE_POWER_USER' ]

// Optional, grant default DeployR Role to all PAM authenticated users: = 'ROLE_BASIC_USER'

Step 2: Apply Configuration Changes to DeployR Server System Files

1. Before making any configuration changes to the server system files, stop the DeployR server.
2. Grant root permissions to launch the Tomcat server. This is required so the DeployR server can avail of
PAM authentication services.
a. Log in as root on your DeployR server.
b. Using your preferred editor, edit the file /opt/deployr/8.0.5/tomcat/ ,
c. Find the following section:
On Redhat/CentOS platforms:

daemon --user "tomcat2" ${START_TOMCAT}

On SLES platforms:

start_daemon -u r "tomcat2" ${START_TOMCAT}

d. Change "tomcat2" to "root" as follows:

On Redhat/CentOS platforms:

daemon --user "root" ${START_TOMCAT}

On SLES platforms:

start_daemon -u r "root" ${START_TOMCAT}

e. Save this change and close the file in your editor.

3. Restart the server.

If you have enabled PAM authentication as part of the required steps for enabling R Session Process Controls,
then please continue with your configuration using these steps.
CA Single Sign-On (SiteMinder) Pre-Authentication
By default, the CA Single Sign-On (formerly known as SiteMinder) security provider is disabled. To enable CA
Single Sign-On support, you must first update CA Single Sign-On Policy Server configuration. Then, you must
update the relevant properties in your DeployR external configuration file.
To enable CA Single Sign-On support:
1. Define or update your CA Single Sign-On Policy Server configuration. For details on how to do this, read
2. Update the relevant properties in your DeployR external configuration file. This step assumes that:
Your CA Single Sign-On Policy Server is properly configured and running
You understand which header files are being used by your policy server

* Siteminder Single Sign-On (Pre-Authentication) Policy Properties
*/ = false

// Identify Siteminder username header, defaults to HTTP_SM_USER as used by Siteminder Tomcat 7 Agent. = 'HTTP_SM_USER'

// Identify Siteminder groups header. = 'SM_USER_GROUP'

// Identify Siteminder groups delimiter header. = '^'

// Allows you to map Siteminder group names to DeployR role names.
// NOTE: Siteminder group names must be defined using the distinguished
// name for the group. Group distinguished names are case sensitive.
// For example, your Siteminder distinguished group name
// "CN=finance,OU=company,DC=acme,DC=com" must appear in the map as
// "CN=finance,OU=company,DC=acme,DC=com". DeployR role names must
// begin with ROLE_ and must always be upper case. = [ 'CN=finance,OU=company,DC=acme,DC=com' : 'ROLE_BASIC_USER',
'CN=engineering,OU=company,DC=acme,DC=com' : 'ROLE_POWER_USER' ]

// Optional, grant default DeployR Role to all Siteminder authenticated users: = 'ROLE_BASIC_USER'

R Session Process Controls

By default, R sessions executing on the DeployR grid are not authorized to access files or directories outside of the
R working directory. To enable broader file system access for a given R session to files or directories based on
specific authenticated user ID and group ID credentials, you must first do ONE of the following:
Enable PAM authentication, or
Enable LDAP authentication, or
Enable Active Directory authentication
Once you have enabled PAM, LDAP, or AD authentication, you must (Step 1) update the relevant process controls
properties on the server and then (Step 2) apply system-level configuration changes to every single node on your
DeployR grid, as follows:
Step 1: Update Process Control Properties
After you've enabled either PAM, LDAP, or Active Directory authentication, you can update the relevant process
control properties in your DeployR server external configuration file, deployr.groovy , on the main DeployR server:
Relevant snippet from deployr.groovy file shown here:

* DeployR R Session Process Controls Policy Configuration
* By default, each R session on the DeployR grid executes
* with permissions inherited from the master RServe process
* that was responsible for launching it.
* Enable to force
* each individual R session process to execute with the
* permissions of the end-user requesting the R session,
* using their authenticated user ID and group ID.
* If this property is enabled but the uid/gid associated with
* the end-user requesting the R session is not available,
* then the R session process will execute using the default[uid,gid]
* indicated on the following properties.
* The default[uid,gid] values indicated on these policy
* configuration properties must correspond to a valid user and
* group ID configured on each node on the DeployR grid.
* For example, if you installed DeployR as deployr-user then
* we recommend using the uid/gid for deployr-user for these
* default property values.

Step 2: Make System-Level Configuration Changes to Every Node

Before You Begin! Make sure you've enabled the appropriate process control properties before beginning
this step.

For Non-Root Installs

Apply the following configuration changes on each and every node on your DeployR grid, including the
default grid node.

On each machine hosting a grid node:

1. Before making any configuration changes to system files, you must stop Rserve and any other DeployR -
related services:

cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5
2. Grant deployr-user permission to execute a command as a sudo user so that the RServe process can be
launched. This is required so that the DeployR server can enforce R session process controls.
A. Log in as root .
B. Using your preferred editor, edit the file:


C. Find the following section:

## Command Aliases

D. Add the following line to this section:

Cmnd_Alias DEPLOYRRSERVE = /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/rserve/

E. Find the following section:

## Allow root to run any commands anywhere

F. Add or append DEPLOYRRSERVE for %deployr-user to this section:

## If an entry for %deployr-user is not found, add this line:

%deployr-user ALL = DEPLOYRRSERVE
## Otherwise append as shown:

G. Save these changes and close the file in your editor.

H. Log out root .
3. Update the DeployR shell script to take advantage of the sudo command configured above.
A. Log in as deployr-user .
B. Using your preferred editor, edit the file:


C. Find the following line:

/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/rserve/ start

D. Change it to the following:

sudo /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/rserve/ start

E. Save this change and close the file in your editor.

4. Update the DeployR shell script to take advantage of the sudo command configured above.
A. Using your preferred editor, edit the file:

B. Find the following line:

/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/rserve/ stop

C. Change it to the following:

sudo /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/rserve/ stop

D. Save this change and close the file in your editor.

5. Set group privileges on the user directory containing the DeployR grid node install directory.
A. Log in as root .
B. Set group privileges.

cd /home
chmod -R g+rwx deployr-user

6. Add each user that will authenticate with the server to the deployr-user group.
A. Log in as root .
B. Execute the following command to add each user to the deployr-user group.

usermod -a -G deployr-user <some-username>

C. Repeat step B. for each user that will authenticate with the server.
D. Log out root .
7. Restart Rserve and any other DeployR -related services on the machine hosting the DeployR grid node:
A. Log in as deployr-user .
B. Start Rserve and any other DeployR -related services:

cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5

8. Repeat these steps for each grid node.

For Root Installs

Apply the following configuration changes on each and every node on your DeployR grid, including the
default grid node.

On each machine hosting a grid node:

1. Log in as root .
2. Before making any configuration changes to system files, stop Rserve and any other DeployR -related

cd /opt/deployr/8.0.5

3. Grant root permission to launch the RServe process. This is required so that each DeployR grid node can
enforce R session process controls.
A. Using your preferred editor, edit the file /opt/deployr/8.0.5/rserve/ as follows:
On Redhat/CentOS platforms, find the following section:

daemon --user "apache"

and, change apache to root as follows:

daemon --user "root"

On SLES platforms, find the following section:

start_daemon -u r "apache"

and, change apache to root as follows:

start_daemon -u r "root"

B. Save this change and close the file in your editor.

4. Set group privileges on the DeployR install directory.

cd /opt
chown -R apache.apache deployr
chmod -R g+rwx deployr

5. Execute the following command to add each user to the apache group. Repeat for each user that will
authenticate with the server.

usermod -a -G apache <some-username>

6. Restart Rserve and any other DeployR -related services:

cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5

7. Repeat these steps for each grid node.

Configure SSL/TLS for DeployR (HTTPS)
6/18/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Both Transport Layer Security (TLS ) protocol version 1.2 and its predecessor Secure Sockets Layer (SSL ) are
commonly-used cryptographic protocols for managing the security of message transmissions on the Internet.
DeployR allows for HTTPS within a connection encrypted by TLS and/or SSL.
In DeployR Enterprise for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5, the DeployR Web server as well as all APIs calls and
utilities support TLS 1.2 and SSL. However, HTTPS is disabled by default.
In DeployR 8.0.0, only SSL is supported.

Enabling TLS/SSL Support

Once enabled, your client applications can make API calls that connect over HTTPS.

For security reasons, we strongly recommend that TLS/SSL be enabled in all production environments. Since we cannot
ship TLS/SSL certificates for you, TLS/SSL protocols on DeployR are disabled by default.

### Enabling for DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5

#### Securing connections between the DeployR Web server and client
1. In your firewall, be sure to open the Tomcat HTTPS port (8051) to the outside on the DeployR server
machine. If you are using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service for your server, use the iptables
command (or equivalent command/tool) to open the port.
2. If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or an AWS EC2 instance, then you must
also add endpoints for port 8051.
3. Enable HTTPS in the DeployR administrator utility:
a. Launch the utility with administrator privileges to enable HTTPS:
For Linux

cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/deployr/tools/
sudo ./

For Windows:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0.5\deployr\tools\

b. From the main menu, choose option Web Context and Security.
c. From the sub-menu, choose option Configure Server SSL/HTTPS.
d. When prompted, answer Y to the question Enable SSL?
e. When prompted to provide the full file path to the trusted SSL certificate file, type the full path to the

If you do not have a trusted SSL certificate from a registered authority, you'll need a temporary
keystore for testing purposes. Learn how to create a temporary keystore.
We recommend that you use a trusted SSL certificate from a registered authority as soon as

f. When prompted whether the certificate file is self-signed, answer N if you are using a trusted SSL
certificate from a registered authority -or- Y if self-signed.
g. Return to the main menu and choose the option Start/Stop Server. You must restart DeployR so
that the changes can take effect.
h. When prompted whether you want to stop (S ) or restart (R ) the DeployR server, enter R . It may take
some time for the Tomcat process to terminate and restart.
i. Exit the utility.
4. Test these changes by logging into the landing page and visiting DeployR Administration Console using the
new HTTPS URL at https://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8051/deployr/landing . <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP
address of the DeployR main server machine. If you are using an untrusted, self-signed certificate, and you
or your users are have difficulty reaching DeployR in your browser, see this Alert.

#### Securing connections between DeployR Web server and the database
If your corporate policies require that you secure the communications between the Web server and the DeployR
database, then you should configure DeployR to use either a SQL Server database or a PostgreSQL database
rather than the default H2 database.
After configuring DeployR to use one of those databases, you must also configure properly secure the database
connections and force encryption.
For SQL Server 2016, you should:
Read these articles for information on how to enable TLS for SQL Server:
In the $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/deployr.groovy external configuration file, add
encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true to the connection string.

For PostgreSQL, you should:

Review the documentation here:
In the $DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\deployr.groovy external configuration file, add ssl=true to the
properties section of the dataSource property block. For example:
dataSource {
dbCreate = "update"
driverClassName = "org.postgresql.Driver"
url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/deployr"
pooled = true
username = "deployr"
properties {
maxActive = -1
validationQuery="SELECT 1"

### Enabling for DeployR 8.0.0

1. Provide an SSL certificate.
If you have a trusted SSL certificate from a registered authority, then copy it to the Tomcat directory
so it can be deployed at startup. (If you do not have one, skip to the next bullet to define a temporary

Be sure to specify the correct Tomcat path for the -keystore argument.

For Linux / OS X:

This example is written for user deployr-user . For another user, use the appropriate
filepath to the .keystore .

a. Go to the directory in which the keystore is stored.

b. Copy the certificate keystore to the Tomcat directory. At the prompt, type:

cp .keystore $DEPLOYR_HOME/tomcat/tomcat7/.keystore

For Windows:
a. Go to the directory in which the keystore is stored.
b. Launch a command window as administrator and type the following at the prompt:

copy .keystore C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\Apache_Tomcat\bin\.keystore

If you do not yet have a trusted SSL certificate from a registered authority, then create a
temporary keystore for testing purposes. This temporary keystore will contain a “self-signed”
certificate for Tomcat SSL on the server machine. Learn how to create a temporary keystore.
2. Next, enable SSL support for Tomcat.
For Linux / OS X:

This example is written for deployr-user . For another user, use the appropriate filepath to
server.xml and web.xml as well as the keystoreFile property on the Connector.

a. Enable the HTTPS connector on Tomcat by removing the comments around the following
code in the file $DEPLOYR_HOME/tomcat/tomcat7/conf/server.xml .

<Connector port="8001" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtoocol"
son,image/svg+xml" SSLEnabled="true" maxthreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="
<$DEPLOYR_HOME>/tomcat/tomcat7/.keystore" />

b. Force Tomcat to upgrade all HTTP connections to HTTPS connections by removing the
comments around the following code in the file $DEPLOYR_HOME/tomcat/tomcat7/conf/web.xml .


a. Be sure to open the Tomcat HTTPS port (8001) to the outside on the DeployR server
machine. If you are using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service for your server,
use the iptables command (or equivalent command/tool) to open the port.
b. If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or AWS EC2, then
you must also add endpoints for port 8001.
For Windows:
a. Enable the HTTPS connector/channel on Tomcat by removing the comments around the
following code in the file
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\Apache_Tomcat\conf\server.xml .
<Connector port="8001" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtoocol"
son,image/svg+xml" SSLEnabled="true" maxthreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-
8.0\Apache_Tomcat\bin\.keystore" />

b. Force Tomcat to upgrade all HTTP connections to HTTPS connections by removing the
comments around the following code in the file
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\Apache_Tomcat\conf\web.xml .


c. Be sure to open the Tomcat HTTPS port (8001) to the outside on the DeployR server machine.
If you are using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service for your server, use the iptables
command (or equivalent command/tool) to open the port.
d. If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or AWS EC2, then you
must also add endpoints for port 8001.
3. Then, enable SSL support for DeployR.
For Linux / OS X:
a. Enable SSL support on the Administration Console by changing false to true in the
following line of the DeployR external configuration file, $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/deployr.groovy

grails.plugins.springsecurity.auth.forceHttps = false

b. Enable HTTPS in the server policies so that any non-HTTPS connections to the server are
automatically rejected. Run the script and specify the value of true for the
https argument:

$DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/ -https true

For Windows:
a. Enable SSL support on the Administration Console by changing false to true in the
following line of the DeployR external configuration file,
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\deployr/deployr.groovy :

grails.plugins.springsecurity.auth.forceHttps = false

b. Enable HTTPS in the server policies so that any non-HTTPS connections to the server are
automatically rejected. Run the setWebContext.bat script and specify the value of true for the
https argument:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\deployr\tools\setWebContext.bat -https true

Upon completion of this script with -https true , the following changes will have been made to the
server policies in the Administration Console:
The server web context now ressembles https://xx.xx.xx.xx:8001/deployr instead of
http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8000/deployr .
The Enable HTTPS property for each of operation policies (authenticated, anonymous, and
asynchronous) are all checked.
4. Restart DeployR by stopping and starting all its services so the changes can take effect. Between stopping
and starting, be sure to pause long enough for the Tomcat process to terminate.
5. Test these changes by logging into the landing page and visiting DeployR Administration Console using the
new HTTPS URL at https://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8001/deployr/landing . <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP
address of the DeployR main server machine. If you are using an untrusted, self-signed certificate, and you
or your users are have difficulty reaching DeployR in your browser, see the Alert at the end of step 1.
Generating a Temporary Keystore
If you do not have a trusted SSL certificate from a registered authority, you'll need a temporary keystore for testing
purposes. This temporary keystore will contain a “self-signed” certificate for Tomcat SSL on the server machine. Be
sure to specify the correct Tomcat path for the -keystore argument.
For Windows:
1. Launch a command window as administrator
2. Run the keytool to generate a temporary keystore file. At the prompt, type:

"<JAVA_HOME>\bin\keytool" -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore <PATH-TO-KEYSTORE>

where <JAVA_HOME> is the path to the supported version of JAVA and <PATH-TO-KEYSTORE> is the full
file path to the temporary keystore file.
3. Provide the information when prompted by the script as described below in this topic.
For Linux:
1. Run the keytool to generate a temporary keystore file. At a terminal prompt, type:

%JAVA_HOME%/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore <PATH-TO-KEYSTORE>

where <PATH-TO-KEYSTORE> is the full file path to the temporary keystore file.
2. Provide the information when prompted by the script as described below in this topic.
For Mac OS X: (DeployR 8.0.0 Open only)
1. Run the keytool to generate a temporary keystore file. At a terminal prompt, type:

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore


where <PATH-TO-KEYSTORE> is the full file path to the temporary keystore file.
2. Provide the information when prompted by the script as described below in this topic.
When prompted by the script, provide the following information when prompted by the script:
For the keystore password, enter changeit and confirm this password.
For your name, organization, and location, either provide the information or press the Return key to skip to the
next question.
When presented with the summary of your responses, enter yes to accept these entries.
For a key password for Tomcat, press the Return key to use changeit .

Alert Your Users!

If using a self-signed certificates, then alert your users.When they attempt to open the DeployR landing page,
Administration Console, or Repository Manager in their Web browser, they will be prompted to acknowledge
and accept your self-signed certificate as a security precaution. Each browser prompts in a different way, such
as requiring users to acknowledge "I Understand the Risks” (Firefox), or to click “Advanced” (Chrome) or click
“Continue” (Safari).
We strongly recommend that you use a trusted SSL certificate from a registered authority in your production

Disabling SSL Support

Disabling for DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5
The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL ) is a commonly-used protocol for managing the security of message
transmissions on the Internet. By default, SSL on DeployR is disabled. If you have enabled SSL at some time and
you now wish to disable SSL, follow the steps in this section.

We strongly recommended that SSL/HTTPS be enabled in all production environments.

1. In the firewall, be sure to close the Tomcat HTTPS port (8051) to the outside on the DeployR server
machine. If you are using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service for your server, use the iptables
command (or equivalent command/tool) to close the port.
2. If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or an AWS EC2 instance, then you must
also remove endpoints for port 8051.
3. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script with administrator privileges to disable HTTPS:
For Linux

cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.5/deployr/tools/
For Windows:

cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0.5\deployr\tools\

4. From the main menu, choose option Web Context and Security.
5. From the sub-menu, choose option Configure Server SSL/HTTPS.
6. When prompted, answer Y to the question Disable SSL?
7. Return to the main menu and choose option Start/Stop Server. You must restart DeployR so that the
change can take effect.
8. Enter R to restart the server. It may take some time for the Tomcat process to terminate and restart.
9. Test these changes by logging into the landing page and visiting DeployR Administration Console using the
new HTTP URL at https://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:8050/deployr/landing . <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address
of the DeployR main server machine.
Disabling for DeployR 8.0.0
1. Disable SSL support for Tomcat.
For Linux / OS X:

This example is written for deployr-user . For another user, use the appropriate filepath to
server.xml as well as the keystoreFile property on the Connector. For another user,also use the
appropriate filepath to web.xml .

a. Disable the HTTPS connector on Tomcat by commenting out the following code in the file
$DEPLOYR_HOME/tomcat/tomcat7/conf/server.xml .

b. Be sure to close the Tomcat HTTPS port (8001) to the outside on the DeployR server machine.
If you are using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service for your server, use the iptables
command (or equivalent command/tool) to close the port.
c. If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or AWS EC2, then you
must also remove endpoints for port 8001.
d. Disable the upgrade of all HTTP connections to HTTPS connections by commenting out the
following code in the file $DEPLOYR_HOME/tomcat/tomcat7/conf/web.xml .

For Windows:

This example is written for deployr-user . For another user, use the appropriate filepath to
server.xml as well as the keystoreFile property on the Connector. For another user,also
use the appropriate filepath to web.xml .

a. Disable the HTTPS connector/channel on Tomcat by commenting out the following

code in the file C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\Apache_Tomcat\conf\server.xml .

<Connector port="8001" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtoocol"

ation/json,image/svg+xml" SSLEnabled="true" maxthreads="150" scheme="https"
secure="true" clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="C:\Program
Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\Apache_Tomcat\bin\.keystore" />

b. Be sure to close the Tomcat HTTPS port (8001) to the outside on the DeployR server
machine. If you are using the IPTABLES firewall or equivalent service for your server,
use the iptables command (or equivalent command/tool) to close the port.
c. If you are provisioning your server on a cloud service such as Azure or AWS EC2, then
you must also remove endpoints for port 8001.
d. Disable the upgrade of all HTTP connections to HTTPS connections by commenting
out the following code in the file
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\Apache_Tomcat\conf\web.xml .

2. Next, disable SSL support for DeployR.

For Linux / OS X:
a. Disable SSL support on the Administration Console by changing true to false in the
following line of the DeployR external configuration file, $DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/deployr.groovy

grails.plugins.springsecurity.auth.forceHttps = true

b. Disable HTTPS in the server policies. Run the script and specify the value of
false for the https argument:

$DEPLOYR_HOME/deployr/tools/ -https false

For Windows:
a. Enable SSL support on the Administration Console by changing false to true in the
following line of the DeployR external configuration file,
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\deployr/deployr.groovy :

grails.plugins.springsecurity.auth.forceHttps = true

b. Run the setWebContext.bat script and specify the value of false for the https argument:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\deployr\tools\setWebContext.bat -https false

Upon completion of the setWebContext script with -https false , the following changes will have been made to the
server policies in the Administration Console:
The server web context now ressembles http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8000/deployr .
The Enable HTTPS property for each of operation policies (authenticated, anonymous, and asynchronous)
are disabled.
Server Access Controls for DeployR
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Learn about the following server access controls.

### Working with IP Address Filters

While access to DeployR is typically controlled by authentication mechanisms, DeployR also supports access
controls based on IP address filters. Under the Server Policies tab in the DeployR Administration Console, you
can configure your IP address filter policy. The Operation Policies for authenticated, asynchronous, and
anonymous operations each support an IP filter property. If you assign an IP filter to this property, then any
attempt by a client application to connect from outside of the IP address range on that filter will be automatically
For example, you can make your DeployR server instance accessible only from IP addresses on the local LAN or
VPN, such as or . Note that it is possible to achieve these same kinds of access
controls with an appropriate configuration on your firewall and/or routers.

### Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS ) enables your client application to freely communicate and make cross-site
HTTP requests for resources from a domain other than where the DeployR is hosted. CORS can be enabled or
disabled in the DeployR external configuration file, $DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\deployr.groovy . In DeployR Enterprise,
support for CORS is disabled by default.
To enable CORS support:
1. Update the relevant properties in ``$DEPLOYR_HOME\deployr\deployr.groovy by setting cors.enabled =

* DeployR CORS Policy Configuration
* cors.headers = [ 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '']
cors.enabled = false

2. Optionally, to restrict cross-site HTTP requests to only those requests coming from a specific domain,
specify a value for Access-Control-Allow-Origin on the cors.headers property.
3. Stop and restart the DeployR server .
Project and Repository File Access Controls
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

DeployR enforces a consistent security model across projects and repository-managed files. This model is based
on two simple precepts: ownership and access levels.

Project Access Controls

When a project is created, it is privately owned by default, meaning it is visible only to its owner. Such user-based
privacy is a central aspect of the DeployR security model.
The owner of a temporary or persistent project has, by default, full read-write access to that project and use of the
full set of project-related APIs.
DeployR introduced a type of secure, temporary project called a blackbox project. Blackbox projects restrict access
to the underlying R session. In this case, the project owner can use only a small subset of the project-related APIs,
collectively known as the “Blackbox API Controls”.
If the owner of a project wants to grant read-only access to that project to other authenticated users, then the
owner can set the access level for the project to Shared . You can change the access level on a project using the
/r/project/about/update API call.

Anonymous users are not permitted access to projects. For more information, refer to the API Reference Help.

Repository File Access Controls

When a repository-managed file is created, it is privately owned by default, meaning it is visible only to its owner.
Such user-based privacy is a central aspect of the DeployR security model.
The owner of a repository-managed file has full read-write access to that file and use of the full set of repository-
related APIs.
If the owner of a repository-managed file wants to grant read-only access to that file to other users, then the
owner can set the file’s access level to one of the following values:
Private - the default access level, the file is visible to its author(s) only.
Restricted - the file is visible to authenticated users that have been granted one or more of the roles
indicated on the restricted property of the file.
Shared - the file is visible to all authenticated users when the shared property is true.
Public - the file is visible to all authenticated and all anonymous users when the published property is true.

You can change the access level on a repository-managed file using the /r/repository/file/update API call or
using the Repository Manager.

Repository File Download Controls

The repository file download controls provide fine-grain control over who can download repository file data. It is
important to tailor the configuration of these controls in your DeployR external configuration file in order to
enforce your preferred download policy for repository-managed files.
* DeployR Repository File Download Controls
* The repository file download controls provide fine
* grain control over user access to repository file data
* returned on the following API call:
* /r/repository/file/download
* The default repository file download policy is shown
* for each of the supported repository file access levels:
* [Private, Restricted, Shared, Public]
* - Files with private access can be downloaded by authors only.
* - Files with restriced access can be downloaded by authors
* and by authenticated users with sufficient privileges.
* - Files with shared access can be downloaded by authors
* and by authenticated users.
* - Files with public access can be downloaded by authors
* and by authenticated users.
* - Regardless of access level, by default anonymous users
* can not download repository files.
* Enable to ensure only authors
* can download a repository-managed file. When this
* property is enabled the option
* is ignored.
* Enable to allow anonymous
* users to download files with public access.
* Note: The repository file download controls apply to
* all repository-managed files excluding R scripts.

Repository Scripts Access Controls

Repository-managed R scripts can be exposed as an executable on the API. Since repository-managed R scripts
are a type of repository-managed file, all information in the previous section also applies to repository-managed
However, repository-managed R scripts deserve special mention since scripts can be managed through the
Administration Console interface. Additionally, when you work with the R scripts in the Administration Console,
you will likely also use and work with roles so as to impose restricted access to your R scripts.

For information on how to use roles as a means to restrict access to individual R scripts, refer to the
Administration Console Help.

Repository Script Download Controls

The repository script download controls provide fine-grain control over who can download repository script data.
It is important to tailor the configuration of these controls in your DeployR external configuration file in order to
enforce your preferred download policy for repository-managed scripts.
* DeployR Repository Script Download Controls
* The repository script download controls apply to
* repository-managed scripts [*.R/r] and markdown
* files [*.Rmd/rmd] only.
* The repository script download controls provide fine
* grain control over user access to repository script data
* returned on the following API call:
* /r/repository/file/download
* Note: Script download controls do not intefere with
* permissions to execute a script. Execution permissions are
* entirely determined by the file access level assigned to
* the script by it's author.
* The default repository script download policy is shown
* for each of the supported repository script access levels:
* [Private, Restricted, Shared, Public]
* - Scripts with private access can be downloaded by authors only.
* - Scripts with restriced access can be downloaded by authors
* and by authenticated users with sufficient privileges.
* - Scripts with shared access can be downloaded by authors
* and by authenticated users.
* - Scripts with public access can be downloaded by authors
* and by authenticated users.
* - Regardless of access level, by default anonymous users
* can not download repository scripts.
* Enable to ensure only authors
* can download a repository-managed script. When this
* property is enabled the option
* is ignored.
* Enable to allow anonymous
* users to download scripts with public access.
* Enabled script.list.authenticate to prevent anonymous
* users from calling the /r/repository/script/list API.

File Type Black List Controls

The file type black-list controls provide fine-grain control over the types of files that can be:
Uploaded, transferred and written into the repository or
Uploaded, transferred, written and loaded into the working directory of a project (R session).
These controls are particularly useful if an administrator wants to ensure malicious executable files or shell scripts
are not uploaded and executed on the DeployR server.
* DeployR File Type Black List Policy Configuration
* Files with the following extensions are forbidden
* on upload, transfer, and write calls on:
* 1. Project (R sesesion) directories
* 2. The Repository
* These files are also forbidden from participating on
* prelaodfile* parameters on all calls that adhere to
* the DeployR standard execution model.
* ADMINISTRATORs are not subject to these restrictions.
*/ = [ "exe", "sh", "bat", "bash", "csh", "tcsh" ]
Password Policies
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This topic applies to DeployR 8.0.0 and earlier. It does not apply to DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5

To customize password constraints on user account passwords adjust the password policy configuration
The property enforces a minimum length for any basic authentication
password. The property, when enabled, enforces the requirement for user
passwords to contain at least a single uppercase character. The property,
when enabled, enforces the requirement for user passwords to contain both alphabetic and numeric characters.

* DeployR Password Policy Configuration
* Note: enable if basic-auth users
* are required to have at least one upper case character
* in their password.
*/ = 8 = true = true

These policies affect basic authentication only and have no impact on CA Single Sign On, LDAP/AD or PAM
authentication where passwords are maintained and managed outside of the DeployR database.
Account Locking Policies
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

To protect against brute force techniques that can be used to try and "guess" passwords on basic authentication
and PAM authenticated user accounts, DeployR enforces automatic account locking when repeated authentication
attempts fail within a given period of time for a given user account:

* DeployR Authentication Failure Lockout Policy Configuration
*/ = true = 10 = 1800

By default, automatic account locking is enabled and activates following 10 failed attempts at authentication on a
given user account. To disable this feature, set the following configuration property to false : = false

When enabled, a count of failed authentication attempts is maintained by DeployR for each user account. The
count is compared to the value specified on the following configuration property: = 10

If the count exceeds the failures.limit value, then the user account is locked and any further attempts to
authentication on that account will be rejected with an error indicating that the account has been temporarily
To manage locked user accounts, the administrator has two choices. The chosen behavior is determined by the
value assigned to the following configuration property: = 1800

If the lock.timeout value is set to 0, then locked user accounts must be manually unlocked by the administrator in
the Users tab of the Administration Console.
If the lock.timeout value (measured in seconds), is set to any non-zero, positive value then a locked user account
will be automatically unlocked by DeployR once the lock.timeout period of time has elapsed without further
activity on the account.
By default, automatic account unlocking is enabled and occurs 30 minutes after the last failed attempt at
authentication on an account.
RServe Execution Context
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

As per the standard usage of R, the current user starts the R executable and interacts with the application via the R
Language and the R Interpreter. The R language provides OS -level access via the system function. With this
function, a user can execute an OS command such as system(“rmdir –r C:\\tmp”) . While this is useful functionality
for individual users, it is also a potential entry point through which the computer's security could be
DeployR provides various API calls that permit the execution of R scripts and R code. The R scripts stored on the
DeployR server can have different levels of permissions dictating what a client can do. While public scripts can be
executed by either anonymous or authenticated clients, private scripts can only be executed by the authenticated
user that created the script. Raw R code execution, via the DeployR API, can only be executed by an authenticated
user that has the POWER_USER role.
All authentication takes place on the DeployR server, and the execution of the R code is managed through the
DeployR RServe add-on component. Rserve provides a TCP/IP interface to the R Interpreter running on the
machine. By default, Rserve runs on the same machine as the DeployR Server. RServe is started by Windows
Service (RServeWinService) that runs under a virtual service account. RServe inherits the permissions of that
virtual service account. In the default configuration, Rserve will only accept socket connections from localhost . In
other words, only thoses processes running on the same machine where RServe is running can directly connect to
it and execute R code.

The DeployR Server should, ideally, be the only local process that connects to RServe. To help ensure this is the case, a
username and password is required to validate any connection between RServe and a client process.
However, there exist several vulnerabilities of which you should be aware. They are:
RServe only accepts usernames and passwords in plain text from connecting clients.
RServe uses a plain text configuration file to store the username and password.
RServe has the permissions of the virtual service account, so it may have unwanted access to resources on the computer.

If a DeployR instance requires additional compute capacity, a network of grid nodes can be added to provide
sophisticated load-balancing capabilities. A grid node is simply a DeployR server with R installed and the RServe
component installed and configured to accept connections from remote clients. Whenever remote grid nodes exist,
a firewall should also be configured to accept only connections from the DeployR Server IP address.
Developer Tools, API Docs, and Samples
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

Get started with DeployR! Use the RBroker framework and/or the client libraries to communicate with the
DeployR server.
On this page, you can download the framework/library in one of the available languages, follow their tutorials, and
consult the comprehensive documentation.

RBroker Framework
The RBroker Framework is the simplest way to integrate R Analytics into any Java, JavaScript or .NET application.
Submit as many R tasks as your application needs. No need to manage client-side request queues or block for
results. Let this framework handle all of the complexity while you enjoy effortless scale. Simply define an RTask,
submit your task to an instance of RBroker and then retrieve your RTaskResult. It really is that simple.
1. Read the RBroker Framework Tutorial
2. Get the documentation and download the library for your preferred programming language:
Java: API Doc | Download
JavaScript: API Doc | Download
.NET: API Doc | Download

3. Explore the RBroker Framework examples for Java, JavaScript, and .NET. Find them under the examples
directory of each Github repository. Check out additional sample applications that use the client library or
RBroker for Java and JavaScript.

Client Libraries
The DeployR API exposes a wide range of R analytics services to client application developers. If the RBroker
Framework doesn't give you exactly what you need then you can get access to the full DeployR API using our client
libraries. We currently provide native client library support for Java, JavaScript or .NET developers.
1. Read the Client Library Tutorial
2. Get the documentation and download the library for your preferred programming language:
Java: API Doc | Download
JavaScript: API Doc | Download
.NET: API Doc | Download

3. Explore the client library examples for Java, JavaScript, and .NET. Find them under the examples directory
of each Github repository. Check out additional sample applications that use the client library or RBroker for
Java and JavaScript.
API Reference and Tools
Need to integrate DeployR -powered R Analytics using a different programming language? The API Reference
guide details everything you need to know to get up and running.
Also described is the API Explorer tool used to interactively learn the DeployR API.
Developer Tools, API Docs, and Samples
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

Get started with DeployR! Use the RBroker framework and/or the client libraries to communicate with the
DeployR server.
On this page, you can download the framework/library in one of the available languages, follow their tutorials,
and consult the comprehensive documentation.

RBroker Framework
The RBroker Framework is the simplest way to integrate R Analytics into any Java, JavaScript or .NET
application. Submit as many R tasks as your application needs. No need to manage client-side request queues
or block for results. Let this framework handle all of the complexity while you enjoy effortless scale. Simply
define an RTask, submit your task to an instance of RBroker and then retrieve your RTaskResult. It really is that
1. Read the RBroker Framework Tutorial
2. Get the documentation and download the library for your preferred programming language:
Java: API Doc | Download
JavaScript: API Doc | Download
.NET: API Doc | Download

3. Explore the RBroker Framework examples for Java, JavaScript, and .NET. Find them under the
examples directory of each Github repository. Check out additional sample applications that use the
client library or RBroker for Java and JavaScript.

Client Libraries
The DeployR API exposes a wide range of R analytics services to client application developers. If the RBroker
Framework doesn't give you exactly what you need then you can get access to the full DeployR API using our
client libraries. We currently provide native client library support for Java, JavaScript or .NET developers.
1. Read the Client Library Tutorial
2. Get the documentation and download the library for your preferred programming language:
Java: API Doc | Download
JavaScript: API Doc | Download
.NET: API Doc | Download

3. Explore the client library examples for Java, JavaScript, and .NET. Find them under the examples
directory of each Github repository. Check out additional sample applications that use the client library
or RBroker for Java and JavaScript.
API Reference and Tools
Need to integrate DeployR -powered R Analytics using a different programming language? The API Reference
guide details everything you need to know to get up and running.
Also described is the API Explorer tool used to interactively learn the DeployR API.
DeployR API Overview
6/18/2018 • 49 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

The DeployR API exposes the R platform as a service allowing the integration of R statistics, analytics, and
visualizations inside Web, desktop and mobile applications. This API is exposed by the DeployR server, a
standards-based server technology capable of scaling to meet the needs of enterprise-grade deployments.
With the advent of DeployR, the full statistics, analytics and visualization capabilities of R can now be directly
used inside Web, desktop and mobile applications.

Looking for a specific API call? Look in this online API reference.

R for Application Developers

While data scientists can work with R directly in a console window or IDE, application developers need a
different set of tools to use R inside applications. The DeployR API exposes R analytics Web services,
making the full capabilities of R available to application developers on a simple yet powerful Web services
As an application developer integrating with DeployR-managed analytics Web services, typically your
interest is in executing R code, not writing it. Data scientists with R programming skills write R code. With
one-click in the DeployR Repository Manager, this R code can be turned into a DeployR -managed analytics
Web service. Once R code is exposed by DeployR as a service, an application can make API calls to pass
inputs to the service, execute the service, and retrieve outputs from the service. Those outputs can include R
object data, R graphics output such as plots and charts, and any file data written to the working directory
associated the current R session.
Each time a service is executed on the API, the service makes use of an R session that is managed by DeployR
as a project on behalf of the application. Depending on the nature and requirements of your application, you
can choose to execute services on anonymous or authenticated projects.
To simplify integration of R analytics Web services using the DeployR API, we provide several client libraries,
which are currently available for Java, JavaScript and .NET developers. A major benefit of using these client
libraries is that they simplify making calls, encoding data, and handling response markup on the API.

Users on the API

The User APIs exist principally to facilitate user authentication with the DeployR server. Additionally, the
/r/user/autosave call can be used to enable or disable autosave semantics on persistent projects for the
duration of the users HTTP session.
Authenticated Users
One of the first steps for most typical applications using this API is to provide a mechanism for users to
authenticate with the DeployR server by signing-in and signing-out of the application.
To sign in, a user must provide username and password credentials. These credentials are verified by the
DeployR server using the /r/user/login call. Credentials are matched against user account data stored in the
DeployR database or against user account data stored in LDAP, Active Directory, or PAM directory services.
If these credentials are verified by the DeployR server, then we say that the user is an authenticated user. An
authenticated user is granted access to the full API, allowing the user to work on projects, submit or schedule
jobs and work with repository-managed files and scripts.
Pre-Authenticated Users
There are situations where a user may have been reliably authenticated by some external system such as
SiteMinder prior to accessing a DeployR -enabled Web application. These types of pre-authentication
scenarios are now supported by the server. Consequently, DeployR -enabled Web applications should omit
and sign-out logic when pre-authenticated users are expected.
Anonymous Users
While many require the security and control associated with authenticated users, there are cases when an
application may want to offer specific services to users without ever establishing a formal verification of the
user's identity.
In such situations, we say that the user is an anonymous user. Typically an anonymous user is an
unauthenticated visitor to a DeployR -enabled Web application.
Anonymous users are only granted access to a single API call, /r/repository/script/execute.

Projects on the API

A project on the DeployR API represents an R session.
Most R users are accustomed to working with R interactively in an R console window. In this environment,
users can input commands to manipulate, analyze, visualize, and interpret object and file data in the R session.
The set of objects in the R session are collectively known as the workspace. The set of files in the R session are
collectively known as the working directory. The R session environment also supports libraries, which allows
the functionality found in R packages to be loaded by the user on-demand.
The DeployR environment supports this same set of functionalities by introducing the concept of projects on
the API. As with working in an R console window, all operations on project APIs are synchronous, where
requests are processed serially and blocked until completion. The project management APIs facilitate basic
lifecycle management for projects.
DeployR supports a number of different types of projects, each of which is designed to support distinct
workflows within client applications.
The following sections discuss the different types of projects available:

### Anonymous Projects

An anonymous project is a project created by an anonymous user. There are two types of anonymous project:
stateless projects and HTTP blackbox projects. The types of projects can be created using the following
API calls:


/r/repository/script/execute Executes a repository-managed script on an anonymous


/r/repository/script/render Executes a repository-managed script on an anonymous

project and renders outputs to HTML

Anonymous users are not permitted to work directly with the Project APIs. Those APIs are only available to
authenticated users.
Stateless Projects
Stateless projects are useful when an application needs to make a one-off request on an R session. It may
help to think of a stateless project as a disposable R session, that is used once and then discarded. Once the
service request has responded with the results of the execution the R session is shutdown and permanently
deleted by the server. There are many types of application workflows that can benefit from working with
stateless projects.
HTTP Blackbox Projects
With the introduction of HTTP blackbox projects, stateful R sessions are now available to anonymous users.
HTTP blackbox projects are useful when an application needs to maintain the same R session for the duration
of an anonymous user's HTTP session. Once the HTTP session expires or the server detects that the
anonymous user has been idle (default: 15-minutes idle timeout) the HTTP blackbox project and all associated
state are permanently deleted by the server. There can only be one HTTP blackbox project live on a HTTP
session at any given time.
To execute an R script on a HTTP blackbox project, enable the blackbox parameter on the following calls:
/r/repository/script/execute and /r/repository/script/render
There are two types of data that can be returned when executing an R script on a HTTP blackbox project:
Unnamed plots generated by the R graphics device on the execution are returned as results
Named workspace objects identified on the robjects parameter can be returned as DeployR -encoded R
All files in a HTTP blackbox project's working directory are completely hidden from the user.
These calls also support a recycle parameter that can be used when working with HTTP blackbox projects.
When this parameter is enabled, the underlying R session is recycled before the execution occurs. Recycling
an R session deletes all R objects from the workspace and all files from the working directory. The ability to
recycle a HTTP blackbox project gives an anonymous user control over the R session lifecycle.
To interrupt an execution on the HTTP blackbox project on the current HTTP session, use the

### Authenticated Projects

An authenticated project is a project created by an authenticated user. There are three types of authenticated
Temporary Project
User Blackbox Project
Persistent Project
Authenticated projects can be created using the following API calls:

/r/project/create Creates a new temporary, user blackbox or persistent


/r/project/pool Creates a pool of temporary projects

Authenticated users own projects. Each authenticated user can create zero, one or more projects. Each project
is allocated its own workspace and working directory on the server and maintains its own set of R package
dependencies along with a full R command history. A user can execute R code on a project using the
/r/project/execute/code and /r/project/execute/script calls and retrieve the R command history for the project
using the /r/project/execute/history call.

Given an authenticated user can do everything an anonymous user can do on the API, it is possible for an
authenticated user to create and work with anonymous projects as described in the section Anonymous

Temporary Projects
Temporary projects are useful when an application needs to maintain the same R session for the duration of
an authenticated user's session within the application. Once the user makes an explicit call on /r/project/close
or signs-out of the application the temporary project and all associated state are permanently deleted by the
A user can create a temporary project by omitting the name parameter on the /r/project/create call or they
can create a pool of temporary projects using the /r/project/pool call.
All unnamed projects are temporary projects.
User Blackbox Projects
A user blackbox project is a special type of temporary project that limits API access on the underlying R
session. User blackbox projects are most useful when an application developer wants to associate a
temporary project with a user without granting that user unfettered access to the underlying R session.
There are two types of data that can be returned when executing an R script on a user blackbox project:
Unnamed plots generated by the R graphics device on the execution are returned as results
Named workspace objects identified on the robjects parameter can be returned as DeployR -encoded R
All files in a user blackbox project's working directory are completely hidden from the user.
User blackbox projects can be created using the blackbox parameter on the following API calls:


/r/project/create Creates a new project

/r/project/pool Creates a pool of temporary projects

User blackbox projects permit only the following subset of project-related API calls:

/r/project/execute/script Executes a script on project

/r/project/execute/interrupt Interrupts a code execution on project

/r/project/ping Pings a project

/r/project/recycle Recycles a project R session

/r/project/close Closes a project

This set of API calls on user blackbox projects are collectively known as the User Blackbox API Controls.
A user blackbox project also ensure that none of the R code from the R scripts that are executed on that
project is ever returned in the response markup.
Persistent Projects
Persistent projects are useful when an application needs to maintain the same R session across multiple user
sessions within the application. A persistent project is stored indefinitely in the server unless it is explicitly
deleted by the user.
Each time a user executes R code on their persistent project, the accumulated R objects in the workspace and
files in the working directory from previous service executions remain available.
Whenever users return to the server, their own persistent projects are available so that users can pick up
where they last left off. In this way, persistent projects can be developed over days, weeks, months even years.
The server stores the following state for each persistent project:
Project workspace
Project working directory
Project package dependencies
Project R command history and associated results
An authenticated user can create a persistent project by specifying a value for the name parameter on the
/r/project/create call. Alternatively, if a user is working on a temporary project then that project can become
persistent once the user makes a call on /r/project/save which has the effect of naming the project.
All named projects are persistent projects.

### Live Projects on the Grid

A live project is any project, temporary or persistent, that is actively in use on the DeployR grid. By
definition, all temporary projects are live projects. A user can have zero, one or more projects live on the grid
at any one time.
To ensure a fair distribution of server runtime resources across all users, the DeployR administrator can limit
the number of live projects permitted for a given user at any one time. When a user reaches his or her live
project limit, all further API calls on new projects are rejected until one or more of that user's current live
projects are closed using the /r/project/close call. Calls that are rejected due to live project limits indicate an
appropriate Grid Resource Error on the response code.

### Working with Project Management APIs

Creating Projects
There are a number of ways to create projects on the API, including the following:


/r/project/create Create a new project

/r/project/saveas Clone an existing project

/r/project/import Import a project archive

Saving Projects
There are a number of ways to save projects on the API, including the following:


/r/project/save Save an existing project

/r/project/saveas Clone an existing project

/r/project/export Export a project archive

Closing Projects
To close a live project, use the /r/project/close API call. Closing a live project (temporary or persistent)
deactivates the project, which in turn removes it from the grid and releases all associated server runtime
resources. Remember, that closing a temporary project will permanently delete that project.
Deleting Projects
To delete a persistent project, use the /r/project/delete API call.
Project Archives
A project archive is generated by exporting the entire state of a persistent project into a compressed archive
file using the /r/project/export API call. Once exported, this file resides outside of the DeployR server. Project
archives are useful both as a general backup mechanism and as a means of sharing work between colleagues,
particularly colleagues working on different DeployR installations.
A user can import a project archive back into any compatible DeployR server in order to produce a new,
persistent project using the /r/project/import API call.

### Project Ownership & Collaboration

As noted, each authenticated user can create zero, one or more projects. Each newly created project is by
default privately owned, and visible only to its creator. Such user-based privacy is a central aspect of the
DeployR security model. However, there are scenarios in which a more flexible access model for projects
would benefit users by facilitating collaboration among them.
Persistent Project Read-Only Collaboration
A project owner may wish to share a project by granting read-only access to fellow authenticated users on
the same DeployR server. Once read-only access has been granted, it facilitates discussions, demonstrations
and so on.
To facilitate these kinds of workflows the /r/project/about/update call allows users to toggle the read-only
"shared" access controls on any of their private projects. Using this call to enable shared/read-only access on a
project makes the project visible to all authenticated users. Using this call to disable shared/read-only access
on a project makes the project invisible to all but the project owner(s).
Persistent Project Read-Write Collaboration
At times a project owner may also wish to grant read-write access on a project to fellow authenticated users
sharing the same DeployR server so they can actively collaborate on the development of a project. This type
of project collaboration would be beneficial, for example, as part of a planned multistage development or
simply to permit work on the project to continue when the original project owner goes on vacation.
To facilitate these kinds of workflows a project owner can now grant authorship rights on a project to one or
more authenticated users using the /r/project/grant call. Once a user has been granted authorship rights on a
project they effectively co-own the project and can view, modify and even delete the project. Where multiple
users have been granted authorship rights on a project the server ensures that only one user can be actively
working on the project at any one time.

Deleting a project with multiple authors simply revokes authorship rights to the project for the caller. After
the call, all other authors on the project still have full access to the project. If the last remaining author
deletes a project, then the project is permanently deleted.

### Project Execution APIs

Callers can use the project execution APIs to facilitate the execution of R code and the retrieval of the project's
execution history associated results.
R Code Execution
There are two ways to execute R code on a project:
Execute a block of R code directly using the /r/project/execute/code call. Execute a repository-managed script
using the /r/project/execute/script call. Important! Any project execution can be interrupted using the
/r/project/execute/interrupt call.
R Code Execution History
To retrieve the R code execution history on a project, use the /r/project/execute/history call.
R Code Execution Artifacts
Artifacts are files, that are explicitly named in R code and written to the project's working directory.
To retrieve an artifact on a project, use the /r/project/directory/download call.
R Code Execution Results
Results are files, that are implicitly named in R code, generated by the R graphics device and stored as part of
a project's execution history.
To retrieve results on a project, use the /r/project/execute/result/download call.

### Project Workspace APIs

The project workspace APIs facilitate working with objects found in the project workspace.
Workspace Object Retrieval
Retrieve a summary list of objects found in the workspace using the /r/project/workspace/list call. Retrieve a
DeployR -encoded representation of one or more objects found in the workspace using the
/r/project/workspace/get call.
Workspace Object Creation
Typically objects are created in the workspace when commands are executed. However, there are a number of
APIs that allow the direct creation of objects in the workspace:
Upload an object into the workspace from a file on the users computer using the /r/project/workspace/upload
call. Transfer an object into the workspace from a URL using the /r/project/workspace/transfer call. Push an
object into the workspace from a DeployR -encoded object using the /r/project/workspace/push call.
Workspace Objects and the Repository
Workspace objects can be stored directly to the repository using the /r/project/workspace/store call.
Repository-managed files containing R binary objects can be loaded directly to the workspace using the
/r/project/workspace/load call.

### Project Directory APIs

The project directory APIs facilitate working with files found in the project working directory.
Directory File Retrieval


/r/project/directory/list Retrieve a summary list of files found in the working


/r/project/directory/download Retrieve individual files found in the working directory

/r/project/directory/download Retrieve a compressed archive containing all files found in

the working directory

Directory File Creation

Typically files are created in the working directory when commands are executed. However, there are a
number of APIs that allow the direct creation of files in the working directory:


/r/project/directory/upload Upload a file into the working directory from a file on the
users computer

/r/project/directory/transfer Transfer a file into the working directory from a URL

/r/project/directory/write Write a text file into the working directory

Directory Files and the Repository


/r/project/directory/store Store directory files directly to the repository


/r/project/directory/load Load repository-managed files directly into the working


### Project Package APIs

The project package APIs facilitate R package dependency management for projects.
Directory File Retrieval


/r/project/package/list Retrieve a list of all packages loaded for a project

/r/project/package/attach Load individual packages for a project

/r/project/package/detach Unload individual packages for a project

Jobs on the API

Working with R interactively in an R console window or working with projects on the API are both examples
of synchronous working environments where a user can make a request that is blocked until processing
completes and an appropriate response is generated and returned. When working with R interactively, the
response is displayed as output in the R console window. When working with projects on the API, the
response is well-formed markup on the response stream.
However, there are times when it can be advantageous to permit users to make requests without requiring
that they wait for responses. For example, consider long-running operations that could take hours or even
days to complete.
The DeployR environment supports these types of long-running operations by introducing the concept of
jobs on the API. DeployR managed jobs support the execution of commands in the background on behalf of
The Job APIs facilitate working with DeployR managed jobs. Jobs support the execution of commands in the
background on behalf of users.
Submitting Versus Scheduling Jobs
Jobs can be submitted for immediate background execution using the /r/job/submit call. Jobs can be
scheduled for execution at some later date or on a recurring basis using the /r/job/schedule call.
Job Scheduling Priority
When a user submits or schedules a job, they can identify a high, medium, or low (default) priority for their
job. Each priority level has its own dedicated jobs queue managed by the jobs scheduler.
Jobs in higher priority job queues are guaranteed to be executed on the grid ahead of jobs in lower priority
job queues. Put another way, jobs in higher priority job queues are assigned free slots on the grid ahead of
jobs on lower priority queues. Jobs on the same jobs queue are executed on the grid in the order in which
they were submitted.
High, medium, and low priority job queues allow users to expedite higher priority jobs by 'jumping the
queue', and to expedite jobs to best fit specific scheduling needs.
Retrieving Job Results
Users can query the status of their jobs using the /r/job/query call that returns the current status for a given
job. Users can cancel a scheduled job or an actively running job using the /r/job/cancel call.
Regardless of whether a job runs to completion or whether a job is interrupted or aborted by the user the
DeployR server creates a new project for the user by default. This project will be named after the job that
created it and contains a complete workspace, working directory, package dependencies, command history,
and associated results generated by that job. The user can then work with the full set of Project APIs to
manipulate, analyze, visualize, and interpret all of the objects, files, and generated plots resulting from the job.
However, if the storenoproject parameter is set to true when submitting the job then a project is not created
when the job completes. Using the storenoproject parameter can be very resource efficient and improve
throughput when the only data you care about has already been stored in the repository using the
storeobjects and/or storefiles parameters.
If the storenoproject parameter is not set to true, then a project is always created to hold the results of a job
unless the job experiences a runtime error during execution, for example, the R code being executed on the
job has syntax errors or attempts to reference undefined objects. In such cases, see the statusMsg property
on a failed job for an indication of the underlying cause of the problem.

All completed, interrupted, and aborted jobs result in new projects for users.

Understanding the Jobs Lifecycle

The following diagram provides an overview of the full set of Job APIs and indicates the lifecycle of jobs
managed by those APIs:

Repository on the API

The DeployR environment offers each authenticated user their own versioned file storage by introducing the
concept of a repository on the API. The repository provides a persistent store for user files of any type,
including binary object files, plot image files, data files, simple text files, and files containing blocks of R code
that are referred to as repository-managed scripts.
Because the repository supports a versioned file system, a full version history for each file is maintained and
any version of a file can be retrieved upon request.
By default, each private repository store exposes a single repository directory, known as the root directory.
Users can store files in and retrieve files from their root directory. In addition, users can manage their own set
of custom and archived directories. Working with the root, custom and archived directories is detailed in the
following section.

### Repository Directories The Repository Directory APIs facilitate working with repository-managed directories.
Repository-managed directories fall into two distinct categories: + User Directories + System Directories
#### User Directories Each authenticated user maintains their own set of private user directories. The set of user
directories can be further divided into the following user directory types:
Root directory
Custom directories
Archived directories
By default, each authenticated user has access to their own root directory in the repository. When working
with repository Files, all API calls default to operating on the root directory if a specific custom or archived
directory is not specified on the directory parameter.
Each authenticated user can also create zero, one or more custom directories. Each custom directory becomes
a subdirectory of the root directory. Custom directories can be useful to help manage logical groups of files
across multiple projects, customers, applications etc.
Users can also archive the contents of their root directory or the contents of any of their custom directories
within archived directories. This can be a useful way to preserve old but valuable files over time while
reducing day-to-day directory clutter.
By default, archived directories do not appear in the response markup when a user makes a call to
/r/repository/directory/list. However, when the archived parameter is enabled on that call, any archived
directories belonging to the user appears in the response markup.
System Directories
System directories are virtual directories that exist only in the context of the response markup on the
/r/repository/directory/list call. These directories are provided as a convenient way for a user working with
the Repository Directory APIs to get access to repository-managed files that are shared or made public by
other users.
There are just three system directories:
Restricted directory. The Restricted system directory maintains a list of files that have been shared-
with-restrictions by other authenticated users. These files have had their access controls set to
restricted access.
Shared directory. The Shared system directory maintains a list of files that have been shared by other
authenticated users. These files have had their access controls set to shared access.
Public directory. The Public system directory maintains a list of files that have been published by other
authenticated users. These files have had their access controls set to public access.

Important: As all files appearing in the system directories belong to other users, these files cannot be
copied, moved, modified, archived, or deleted using the Repository Directory APIs.
### Repository-Managed Files
Each user has access to a private repository store. Each file placed in that store is maintained indefinitely by
the server unless it is explicitly deleted by the user.
Repository-managed files can be easily loaded by users directly into anonymous projects, authenticated
projects as well as into jobs. For example, a binary object file in the repository can be loaded directly into a
project workspace using the /r/project/workspace/load call. A data file can be loaded directly into a project
working directory using the /r/project/directory/load call.
Conversely, objects in a project workspace and files in a project working directory can be stored directly to the
repository using the /r/project/workspace/store and /r/project/directory/store calls respectively.
Repository-managed files can also be loaded directly into the workspace or working directory ahead of
executing code on anonymous projects or an asynchronous job.
Repository File Ownership & Collaboration
By default, files in a user's private repository are visible only to that user. Such user-based privacy is a central
aspect of the DeployR security model. However, there are situations that can benefit from a more flexible
access model for repository-managed files.
Repository File Read-Only Collaboration
A user may wish to share a file in their private repository by granting read-only access to fellow authenticated
and/or anonymous users. Once read-only access has been granted to users, they can download and view the
file. In the case of a repository-managed script users can also execute the file.
To facilitate these kinds of workflows the /r/repository/file/update call allows users to toggle the read-only
access controls on any of their repository-managed files.
Using this call to enable shared access on a file makes the file visible to authenticated users. Using this call to
enable published access on a file makes the file visible to authenticated and anonymous users.
Repository File Read-Write Collaboration
At times the owner of a repository-managed file may also wish to grant read-write access on a file so that
fellow authenticated users who are sharing the same DeployR server can actively collaborate on the
development of a file. For example, consider a situation where the owner of a repository-managed script
wishes to collaborate more closely on its design and implementation with a select group of authenticated
To facilitate this kind of collaborative workflow a user can now grant authorship rights on a repository file to
one or more authenticated users using the /r/repository/file/grant call. Once a user has been granted
authorship rights on a repository-managed file the user now co-owns the file and has the ability to download,
modify and even delete the file.

When modifying a repository-managed file with multiple authors it is the responsibility of the users in the collaborative
workflow to ensure the overall consistency of the file. Deleting a repository-managed file with multiple authors simply
revokes authorship rights to the file for the caller. After the call all other authors on the file will still have full access to
the file. If the last remaining author deletes a repository-managed file, then the file is permanently deleted.

Repository File APIs

The Repository File APIs facilitate working with repository-managed files. Because the repository supports
versioned file storage, multiple versions of any file can exist at any one time and any version can be retrieved
upon request.
Each repository-managed file is uniquely identified on the API by the following parameters:
filename - repository file name
author - repository file author
directory - (optional) repository directory name, if omitted, defaults to root directory.
version - (optional) repository file version
Access to each repository-managed file is controlled by a set of properties on the file: restricted, shared, and
published respectively. These properties can be used to control the visibility of the file to other users, both
authenticated and anonymous users. There are four distinct access control levels:
Private - the default access level, the file is visible to it's author(s) only.
Restricted - the file is visible to authenticated users that have been granted one or more of the roles
indicated on the restricted property of the file.
Shared - the file is visible to all authenticated users when the shared property is true.
Public - the file is visible to all authenticated and all anonymous users when the published property is true.
Repository File Retrieval


/r/repository/file/list Retrieve a list of the files in the repository

/r/repository/file/download Retrieve individual files in the repository

/r/repository/directory/list Retrieve a list of files per repository-managed directory

/r/repository/directory/download Retrieve one or more files from a repository-managed


Repository File Creation


/r/repository/file/upload Upload a file into the repository from the users computer

/r/repository/file/transfer Transfer a file into the repository from a URL

/r/repository/file/write Write a text file into the repository

Repository File Version Control


/r/repository/file/list Retrieve a list of the files in the repository

/r/repository/file/diff Retrieve a generated diff between any version of a text-

based file and the latest version of that file

/r/repository/file/revert Revert to an older version of specific file in the repository

### Repository-Managed Scripts
Repository-managed scripts are a special type of repository-managed file. Any file with a .r or a .R extension is
identified by the server as a repository-managed script.
These scripts are essentially blocks of R code with well-defined inputs and outputs. While scripts are
technically also repository-managed files, they are designed to be exposed as an executable on the API.
Scripts can be created, managed, and deployed using the standard Repository APIs or directly within the*
DeployR Repository Manager*. Refer to the Repository Manager Help for further details.
Authenticated users can execute scripts within the context of any project using the /r/project/execute/script
call. Both authenticated and anonymous users can execute scripts within the context of anonymous projects
using the /r/repository/script/execute and /r/repository/script/render calls.

Repository-managed scripts are files in the repository so all API calls described in the section Working
with Repository Files are available to create and manage repository-managed scripts.

Working with the Repository Script APIs

The Repository Script APIs provide some script-specific functionality for repository-managed scripts. Scripts
are blocks of R code with well-defined inputs and outputs. While scripts are technically also repository-
managed files, scripts differ from other repository-managed files as they perform a specific function that can
be exposed as an executable on the API.

Important! Repository-managed scripts are files in the repository so all API calls described in the section
Working with Repository Files are available to create and manage repository-managed scripts.

## Event Stream
The event stream API is unique within the DeployR API as it supports push notifications from the DeployR
server to client applications. Notifications correspond to discrete events that occur within the DeployR server.
Rather than periodically polling the server for updates, a client application can subscribe once to the event
stream and then receive event notifications pushed by the server.
There are four distinct event categories:
Stream Lifecycle events
Execution events
Job Lifecycle events
Management events

### Stream Lifecycle Events Stream lifecycle events occur when a client application successfully connects to or
disconnects from an event stream on the server. There are two stream lifecycle events:
streamConnectEvent . The data passed on the streamConnectEvent allows the client application to
determine the type of event stream connection established with the server: authenticated, anonymous,
or management event stream. The nature of an event stream connection determines the nature of the
events that can be delivered on that stream. More details can be found on event stream types below.
streamDisconnectEvent . The streamDisconnectEvent informs a client application that the event stream
has been disconnected by the server. Following a streamDisconnectEvent no further events arrive at
the client on that event stream.
### Execution Events Execution events occur when an R session is executing R code (on behalf of an anonymous
project, authenticated project or on behalf of a job) or when an execute API call fails. There are three distinct types
of Execution events:
executionConsoleEvent . An executionConsoleEvent pushes R console output generated by an R session
to the event stream. Console events are automatically pushed to the event stream each time you
execute R code.
executionRevoEvent . An executionRevoEvent pushes DeployR -encoded R object data generated by an
R session to the event stream. These events require an explicit call to a DeployR -specific R function
called revoEvent(). To retrieve the DeployR -encoded value of any R object in your workspace as a
executionRevoEvent, add a call to the revoEvent() function in your R code or script and pass the object
name as a parameter to this function, for example:

x <- rnorm(10)

executionErrorEvent . An executionErrorEvent pushes an error message when an execute API call fails
for any reason. These events occur when the caller attempts to execute R code that is syntactically
invalid or when parameters such as inputs or preloads passed on the call are invalid.

### Job Lifecycle Events Job lifecycle events occur each time a Job transitions to a new state in its lifecycle, for
example when moving from QUEUED to RUNNING state or when moving from RUNNING to COMPLETED or
FAILED state.
There is just one type of lifecycle event, jobLifecycleEvent . Job lifecycle events make it simple for client
applications to track the progress of background jobs without having to continuously poll the server for status

### Management Events Management events occur when important runtime conditions are detected by the
server. These are the distinct types of Management events:
gridActivityEvent . A gridActivityEvent is pushed to the event stream when a slot on the grid is either
activated or deactivated on behalf of an anonymous project, authenticated project or on behalf of a job.
This type of event provides realtime visibility onto grid activity at runtime.
gridWarningEvent . A gridWarningEvent is pushed to the event stream when activity on the grid runs up
against limits defined by the Concurrent Operation Policies under Server Policies in the DeployR
Administration Console or whenever demands on the grid exceed available grid resources. This type of
event signals resource contention and possibly even resource exhaustion and should therefore be of
particular interest to the administrator for a DeployR instance.
gridHeartbeatEvent . A gridHeartbeatEvent is pushed periodically by the server. This type of event
provides a detailed summary of slot activity across all nodes on the grid. This event when used in
conjunction with gridActivityEvent and gridWarningEvent provides 100% visibility across all live grid
activity at runtime.
securityLoginEvent . The securityLoginEvent is pushed to the event stream when users logs in to the
securityLogoutEvent . The securityLogoutEvent is pushed to the event stream when users log out of the
Authenticated, Anonymous, and Management Event Streams
The nature of an event stream connection determines the nature of the events that can be delivered on that
stream. Both the current authenticated status of the caller on the /r/event/stream API call and the parameters
passed on that call determine the ultimate nature of the event stream connection. The following event stream
connection types exist:
Authenticated event stream
Anonymous event stream
Management event stream
All streams push a streamHandshakeEvent event when a connection if first established. The Authenticated
event stream pushes execution and job lifecycle events related to a specific authenticated user. The
Anonymous event stream pushes only execution events within the anonymous HTTP Session. The
Management event stream pushes server-wide management events.

## DeployR Web Services API Overview

While it is not necessary to understand the internal architecture of the DeployR server in order to use this API
the following overview is provided in order to lend context to server administrators intending to support the
API and to client application developers intending to use the API.

R User Web, Desktop, Mobile Apps

The R user web, desktop, and mobile apps represent client applications built using the DeployR API. The API
is a fully standardized Web services interface using JSON over HTTP. This means that any piece of software
that is both capable of connecting to the server and parsing either JSON can become a client.
To make life easier for the client developers using this API, DeployR also provides several client libraries.
These client libraries, currently available for Java, JavaScript and .NET developers, simplify making calls,
encoding data and handling response markup on the API.
DeployR Public API
This document describes the DeployR Public API and the complete set of API services provided for users,
projects, jobs, repository-managed files, and scripts and the event stream. Using this API directly or by taking
advantage of the DeployR client libraries developers can integrate R -based analytics into their client
DeployR Administration Console
The DeployR Administration Console is a browser-based administrators tool used to customize the
deployment configuration for the server, tune server runtime behaviors, and facilitate the integration of client
applications on the API. For more information, refer to the Administration Console documentation.
DeployR Grid Management Framework
The grid management framework provides load balancing capabilities for intensive R -compute environments.
This framework manages a scalable network of collaborating nodes where each node on the grid contributes
its own resources (processor, memory, and disk). Each node can be used by the server to execute R analyses
on behalf of client applications. For more information, see section Managing the Grid.
Spring 3 Framework & J2EE Container
The Spring Framework is a lightweight, modular framework for building enterprise Java applications. The
DeployR server builds on top of the Spring Framework in order to deliver advanced R -based analytics
services on-demand in a secure, robust manner.
The DeployR server uses a database to manage the reliable persistence of all user, project, and repository

### Architecture Overview

The DeployR API exposes a set of services via a Web service interface using HTTP (S ). You can send HTTP
GET and POST requests to invoke services on the API. In a nutshell:
HTTP GET method is expected when retrieving data on the API
HTTP POST method is required when submitting, updating, or deleting data on the API
Most API calls respond with well-formed markup. On such calls, you can request the response markup in
JSON format. Some API calls return binary data such as image plots, structured data like CSV files, or gzip
compressed archives. In all cases, the type of data being returned will always be indicated by the Content-
Type header on the response.
Additionally, each request returns a meaningful HTTP status code on the response. For a list of response
codes that can be indicated on this API and that should be handled by all applications, refer to section API
Response Codes.

### API Parameter Overview

For each service call, there is a documented list of required and optional parameters. Parameter values are
expected to be UTF -8 compliant and URL -encoded.
The DeployR API currently supports the JSON format for data exchange. Consequently, each method
requires the use of the format parameter in order to specify how the request and response data on the call
are encoded.

In the next release, the XML format will no longer be supported.

While all parameters are specified as a name/value pair, some parameter values require complex data.
Whenever complex data is required, a JSON schema defines how these values are to be encoded. For more
information on the schema definitions and specific examples of relevant service calls, see section Web Service
API Data Encodings.

### API Response Code Overview

Each DeployR API call responds with a meaningful HTTP status code. Applications using this API should be
implemented to handle each of these status codes as appropriate.
HTTP Success Codes
200 OK

HTTP Error Codes

400 Bad Request: invalid data on call
401 Unauthorized Access: caller has insufficient privileges
403 Forbidden Access: caller is unauthorized
405 HTTP Method Disallowed: disallowed HTTP method on call
409 Conflict: project is currently busy on call, concurrent call rejected
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable: HTTP session temporarily invalidated

API Call Status & Error Codes

When an API call returns an HTTP 200 status code the application should still test the success property in the
response markup on each call to determine whether the DeployR server was able to successfully execute the
service on behalf of the caller.
If the success property in the response markup indicates failure (with a value of false), then the application
can inspect the error and errorCode properties in the response markup to determine the underlying cause of
that failure.
The error property provides a plain text message describing the underlying failure. The errorCode property
indicates the nature of the underlying error. Possible values for the errorCode property are shown here:
900 General Server Error: runtime error.
910 Grid Resource Error: maximum number of concurrent live projects exceeded for authenticated
911 Grid Resource Error: maximum number of concurrent live projects exceeded for anonymous user
912 Grid Resource Error: maximum number of concurrent live jobs exceeded for authenticated user
913 Grid Resource Error: grid resources temporarily at exhaustion.
914 Grid Resource Error: grid runtime boundary limit exceeded.
915 Grid Resource Error: grid node unresponsive.
916 Grid Resource Error: grid node R session unresponsive.
917 Grid Resource Error: grid node version incompatible with server.
940 Authentication Error: username/password credentials provided are invalid.
941 Authentication Error: user has insufficient privileges to log in on the API.
942 Authentication Error: another user has already authenticated on the current HTTP session.
943 Authentication Error: user account has been disabled by the system administrator
944 Authentication Error: user account has been temporarily locked by the system administrator
945 Authentication Error: user account password has expired, requires reset
To understand how grid resource errors occur, refer to the sections Managing the Grid and Managing Server
Sample API (JSON ) response markup indicating error on call:

"deployr": {
"response": {
"call": "/r/user/login",
"success": false,
"error": "Bad credentials",
"errorCode": 900,
"httpcookie": "2606B516198D7B2F62B43ADBA15F29C2"

Explore the API

To help developers familiarize themselves with the full set of APIs DeployR ships with a Web-based API
Explorer tool. This tool allows developers to explore the DeployR API in an interactive manner.
For more information, see the documentation on the API Explorer Tool.
API Call Overview
Each of the following "Working with" sections in the API Reference detail the individual API calls by category.
For each call described in this reference guide, you can review the following information:
Call REST Endpoint
Call Description
Call HTTP Method
Call Request Format
Call Parameter List
Example Call Parameters
Example Call Response Markup (JSON )

Encode R Object Data for use on the API

DeployR -specific encodings are used to encode R object data for use on the API.
Encoded object data can be returned from the server in the response markup on the following calls:
Encoded object data can also be sent to the server as parameter values on the following calls:
Each encoded object is defined by the following properties:
name - the name of the encoded object
type - the DeployR -specific encoding type for the encoded object
rclass - the underlying R class for the encoded object
value - the data encapsulated by the encoded object
When encoded objects are returned from the server in the response markup the purpose of the type property
is to indicate to developers how to decode the encapsulated data for use within a client application. For
example, an encoded vector object returned on the /r/project/workspace/get call appears in the response
markup as follows:

"name": "sample_vector",
"type": "vector",
"rclass": "character",
"value": [

In the preceding example, the encoded vector, named sample_vector , indicates a type property with a value of
vector. This informs the client application that the value property on this encoded object contains an array of
values. Those values match the values found in the vector object in the workspace.
When encoded objects are sent as parameters to the server, the client must name each object, and then
provide values for the type and value properties for each of those objects. The rclass property is determined
automatically by the server and need not be specified by the client application. For example, passing both an
encoded logical and an encoded matrix as inputs on the /r/project/workspace/push call is achieved as follows:
"sample_logical" : {
"type": "primitive",
"value" : true
"sample_matrix": {
"type": "matrix",
"value": [

In the case of primitive encodings, the type property is optional and can therefore be omitted from the
markup being sent to the server.

DeployR Encoding Types

The complete list of supported DeployR -encoding types is shown here. As indicated, these encodings can
encode a wide range of different classes of R object:
primitive type encodes R objects with class: character, integer, numeric and logical.
date type encodes R objects with class: Date, POSIXct, and POSIXlt.
vector type encodes R objects with class: vector.
matrix type encodes R objects with class: matrix.
factor type encodes R objects with class: ordered and factor.
list type encodes R objects with class: list.
dataframe type encodes R objects with class: data.frame.

Sample DeployR Encodings

The following R code is provided for demonstration purposes. The code creates a wide range of R objects.
After the following code, you will find sample JSON response markup that demonstrates how each of the
objects generated here is encoded on the API.
# primitive character
x_character <- "c"
# primitive integer
x_integer <- as.integer(10)

# primitive numeric (double)

x_numeric <- 5

# logical
x_logical <- T

# Date
x_date <- Sys.Date()

# "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
x_posixct <- Sys.time()

# vector (character)
x_character_vector <- c("a","b","c")

# vector (integer)
x_integer_vector <- as.integer(c(10:25))

# vector (numeric)
x_numeric_vector <- as.double(c(10:25))

# matrix
x_matrix <- matrix(c(1,2,3, 11,12,13), nrow = 2, ncol=3)

# ordered factor
x_ordered_factor <- ordered(substring("statistics", 1:10, 1:10), levels=c("s","t","a","c","i"))

# unordered factor
x_unordered_factor <- factor(substring("statistics", 1:10, 1:10), levels=c("s","t","a","c","i"))

x_list <- list(c(10:15),c(40:45))

# data frame
x_dataframe <- data.frame(c(10:15),c(40:45))

JSON Encodings on API Response Markup

The following response markup contains annotations that describe each of the supported DeployR R object

"deployr": {
"response": {
"success": true,
"workspace": {
"objects" : [
// DeployR Primitive Encodings

"name": "x_character",
"type": "primitive",
"rclass": "character",
"value": "c"

"name": "x_integer",
"type": "primitive",
"type": "primitive",
"rclass": "integer",
"value": 10

"name": "x_numeric",
"type": "primitive",
"rclass": "numeric",
"value": 5

"name": "x_logical",
"type": "primitive",
"rclass": "logical",
"value": true

// DeployR Date Encodings

"name": "x_date",
"type": "date",
"rclass": "date",
"value": "2011-10-04",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd"

"name": "x_posixct",
"type": "date",
"rclass": "POSIXct",
"value": "2011-10-05",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"

// DeployR Vector Encodings

"name": "x_character_vector",
"type": "vector",
"rclass": "character",
"value": [

"name": "x_integer_vector",
"type": "vector",
"rclass": "integer",
"value": [
"name": "x_numeric_vector",
"type": "vector",
"rclass": "numeric",
"value": [

// DeployR Matrix Encodings

"name": "x_matrix",
"type": "matrix",
"rclass": "matrix",
"value": [

// DeployR Factor Encodings

"name": "x_ordered_factor",
"type": "factor",
"rclass": "ordered",
"value": [
"labels": [
"ordered": true

"name": "x_unordered_factor",
"type": "factor",
"rclass": "factor",
"value": [
"labels": [
"ordered": false

// DeployR List Encodings

"name": "x_list",
"type": "list",
"rclass": "list",
"value": [
{ "name" : "1",
"value": [
"type": "vector",
"rclass": "numeric"
{ "name" : "2",
"value": [
"type": "vector",
"rclass": "numeric"

// DeployR Dataframe Encodings

"name": "x_dataframe",
"name": "x_dataframe",
"type": "dataframe",
"rclass": "data.frame",
"value": [
"type": "vector",
"name": "c.10.15.",
"rclass": "numeric",
"value": [
"type": "vector",
"name": "c.40.45.",
"rclass": "numeric",
"value": [

"call": "/r/project/workspace/get",
"project": {
"project": "PROJECT-00c512b6-84a4-45ff-b94a-134cca8e0584",
"descr": null,
"owner": "testuser",
"live": true,
"origin": "Project original.",
"name": null,
"projectcookie": null,
"longdescr": null,
"ispublic": false,
"lastmodified": "Wed, 5 Oct 2011 06:31:37 +0000"

Sample JSON Encodings for Input Parameters on API

"x_character": {
"type": "primitive",
"value": "c"
"x_integer": {
"type": "primitive",
"value": 10
"x_double": {
"type": "primitive",
"value": 5.5
"x_logical": {
"x_logical": {
"type": "primitive",
"value": true
"x_date": {
"type": "date",
"value": "2011-10-04",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd"
"x_posixct": {
"type": "date",
"value": "2011-10-05 12:13:14 -0800",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"
"x_character_vector": {
"type": "vector",
"value": [
"x_integer_vector": {
"type": "vector",
"value": [
"x_double_vector": {
"type": "vector",
"value": [
"x_matrix": {
"type": "matrix",
"value": [
"x_ordered_factor": {
"type": "factor",
"ordered": true,
"value": [
"labels": [
"x_unordered_factor": {
"type": "factor",
"ordered": false,
"value": [
"labels": [
"x_list": {
"type": "list",
"value": [
"name": "first",
"value": [
"type": "vector"
"name": "second",
"value": [
"type": "vector"
"x_dataframe": {
"type": "dataframe",
"value": [
"name": "first",
"value": [
"type": "vector"
"name": "second",
"value": [
"type": "vector"

DeployR Encodings Made Easy

To simplify life for those client developers using The DeployR API, we provide several client libraries for Java,
JavaScript, and .NET developers. A major benefit of using these client libraries is that they greatly simplify the
creation of DeployR -encoded object data inputs to the server and the parsing of DeployR -encoded object
data as outputs from the server.

## API Change History

### DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5
1. All authenticated APIS now require a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF ) token in the HTTP request
header named X-XSRF-TOKEN for POST requests.
The can be obtained from a successful authentication /r/user/login API call. The
X-XSRF-TOKEN value can be retrieved from either the HTTP response header or the X-XSRF-TOKEN
property in the response markup. The X-XSRF-TOKEN name|value must then be included in the HTTP
request header for any future authenticated API calls, otherwise a HTTP 403 error is given.

"deployr": {
"response": {
"call": "/r/user/login",
"success": true,
"user": {
"username": "george",
"displayname": "George Best",
"permissions": {
"scriptManager": true,
"powerUser": true,
"packageManager": true,
"administrator": false,
"basicUser": true
"cookie": null
"limits": {
"maxIdleLiveProjectTimeout": 1800,
"maxConcurrentLiveProjectCount": 170,
"maxFileUploadSize": 268435456
"uid": "UID-5CB911405DC6EB0F8E283990F7969E63",
"X-XSRF-TOKEN": "53708abe-c5c2-4091-9ced-6314d49de0a3"

2. Affecting all APIS, the httpcookie property has been removed from the response markup in place of
the unique request identifier uid (which is not a cookie).
"deployr": {
"response": {
"call": "/r/user/release",
"success": true,
"whoami": "george",
“uid”: “UID-07D91F6C510E10ED84E6AC52CD0B6D1B"

3. Removal of the Repository Shell Script APIs. /r/repository/shell/execute has been removed

Note: Going forward application/xml will become depreciated, supporting only application/json in the
response content-type

### DeployR 8.0.0

Rebranding and Volume Licensing
This release of DeployR primarily focused on:
rebranding of the product from Revolution Analytics to Microsoft.

### DeployR 7.4.1

Standard Execution Model Changes
The DeployR API standard execution model has been updated. A new on-execution parameter has been
artifactsoff - (optional) when enabled, artifacts generated in the working directory are neither cached to
the database or reported in the response markup
This change applies across all execution APIs:

### DeployR 7.4

Grid Cluster Targeted Executions
Grid node "cluster" names, used to denote the runtime characteristics of a node, can be assigned by the
DeployR admin, using the Administration Console, to individual nodes or groups of nodes on the DeployR
grid, for example, "hi-mem" or "hi-cpu". This feature is DeployR Enterprise only.
By identifying a value on a new cluster parameter client applications can request tasks be executed on nodes
within a specific cluster on the grid on the following calls:
Cluster names are case-inssensitive so "Hi-Mem" and "hi-mem" indicate the same cluster. If the cluster
indicated on any of these calls fails to match an actual cluster name assigned by the admin on the DeployR
grid the call is rejected.
Project Phantom Executions
Phantom executions are a special type of execution on a project that avoids per-execution meta-data being
created by the server in the database. This helps avoid database resource exhaustion on the server when
high-throughput, long-lived project pools are in use, such as pools used by the RBroker Framework. Client
applications can request tasks be executed as phantom executions by enabling the value of the new phantom
parameter on the following calls:

A phantom execution will not appear in the project history returned by the /r/project/execute/history call.

External Repository Support

DeployR has always provided API support for working with repository-managed files and scripts that have
been uploaded into the DeployR Default Repository. DeployR 7.4 server introduces support for a new
repository store known as the DeployR External Repository.
Unlike the default repository which is backed by the MongoDB database, the new external repository is
simply a directory on disk from where the DeployR server can list and load files and execute scripts.
Managing files in the external repository is as simple as creating, editing, copying, moving, and deleting files
on disk. All interactions with the external repository on the API are read-only, so files and scripts can be listed,
loaded and even executed but not modified in any way on the API.

The DeployR External Repository can be used to provide a seamless bridge between existing file control
systems, such as git and svn, and the DeployR server.

Listing external repository-managed files and scripts is supported using a new external parameter on the
following set of APIs:
Loading and executing external repository-managed files and scripts use the existing set of filename,
directory, and author parameters on the following calls:
The base directory for the external repository can be found here on DeployR server:


Each user can maintain private, shared, and public files in the external repository at the following locations

// Private external repository files.

// Shared external repository files.

// Public external repository files.


// Note, sub-directories are supported by the external repository,

// for example, the following files are all privately owned by testuser:

A small number of sample files are deployed to the external repository following each new DeployR 7.4
installation and you may try out the external repository using new support found in the latest API Explorer.
For more information about working with the new DeployR External Repository, post your questions to the
Default and External Repository Filters
Each of the following APIs has been updated to support more sophisticated filters on results:
Using the directory and categoryFilter independently or together the results returned on these calls can be
filtered to specific subsets of available files, for example:
(1) Show me all of the data files across all of my directories in the default repository


(2) Show me all of the files in the tutorial directory in the default repository


(3) Show me binary R files within the example-fraud-score directory in the default repository

(4) Show me just R scripts within my private demo directory in the external repository


(5) Show me just R scripts within testuser's public plot directory in the external repository


Repository Shell Script Execution

The following new Repository Shell API has been added:
1. /r/repository/shell/execute | Executes a repository-managed shell script on the DeployR server.
For more information about working with this new API, please post your questions to the forum.

### DeployR 7.3

User Grid Resource Release API
The following new User API has been added:
1. /r/user/release | Releases server-wide grid resources held by the currently authenticated user
Standard Execution Model Changes
The DeployR API standard execution model has been updated. A new pre-execution parameter has been
preloadbydirectory - (optional) comma-separated list of repository directory names from which to load
the complete set of files in each directory into the working directory prior to execution
Also, a new on-execution parameter has been added:
enableConsoleEvents - (optional) when enabled R console events are delivered on the event stream for the
current execution
The introduction of the enableConsoleEvents is a breaking change for those using the event stream. Prior
versions of DeployR enabled R console events by default and there was no way on the API to disable these
events. As of 7.3, R console events on the event stream are disabled by default and if necessary, must be
explicitly requested by enabling this new parameter.
These two changes apply across all execution APIs:
The new preloadbydirectory parameter is also supported on the following APIs:
Client Library Tutorial
6/18/2018 • 58 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

The DeployR API exposes a wide range of R analytics services to client application developers. These services are
exposed using standards-based JSON and are delivered as Web services over HTTP (s). This standards-based
approach makes it possible to integrate DeployR services within just about any client application environment.
To further simplify the integration of DeployR services within client applications, several client libraries are
provided for Java, JavaScript and .NET developers. These native client libraries provide a number of significant
advantages over working directly with the raw API, including simplified service calls, encoding of call parameter
data, and automatic handling of response markup on the API.

Try Out Our Examples! Explore the client library examples for Java, Javascript, and .NET. Find them under
the examples directory of each Github repository. Additionally, find more comprehensive examples for Java
and JavaScript.
Check out the RBroker Framework for a simple yet powerful alternative to working with the client libraries.
The framework handles much of the complexity in building real world client applications so you don't have to.

API Overview
This section briefly introduces the top-level R analytics services exposed on the DeployR API:
User Services @ /r/user/*
Providing the basic authentication mechanisms for end-users and client applications that need to avail of
authenticated services on the API.
Project Services @ /r/project/*
Providing authenticated services related to stateful, and optionally persistent, R session environments and
analytics Web service execution.
Background Job Services @ /r/job/*
Providing authenticated services related to persistent R session environments for scheduled or periodic
analytics Web service executions.
Repository Services @ /r/repository/*
Providing authenticated services related to R script, model and data file persistence plus authenticated and
anonymous services related to analytics Web service execution.
All services on the DeployR API are documented in detail in the API Reference Guide.
Hello World Example
The following code snippets provide the ubiquitous "Hello World" example for the client libraries, demonstrating
the basic programming model used when working with the client libraries in Java and JavaScript, and C#

// 1. Establish a connection to DeployR.

// This example assumes the DeployR server is running on localhost.
String deployrEndpoint = "http://localhost:<PORT>/deployr";
RClient rClient = RClientFactory.createClient(deployrEndpoint);

// 2. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed
// R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
RScriptExecution exec =
rClient.executeScript("regression", "demo", "george", null);

// 3. Retrieve the analytics Web service execution results.
// An RScriptExecution provides a client application access to
// results including R console output, generated plots or files
// and DeployR-encoded R object workspace data.

String console = exec.about().console;

List<RProjectResult> plots = exec.about().results;
List<RProjectFile> files = exec.about().artifacts;
List<RData> objects = exec.about().workspaceObjects;


// 1. Establish a connection to DeployR.

// This example assumes the DeployR server is running on localhost.
deployr.configure({ host: 'http://localhost:<PORT>' });

// 2. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed
// R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
.data({ author: 'george', directory: 'demo', filename: 'regression' })
.end(function(res) {
// 3. Retrieve the analytics Web service execution results.
var exec = res.get('execution');
var workspace = res.get('workspace');
var console = exec.console;
var plots = exec.results;
var files = exec.artifacts;
var objects = workspace.objects;

// 1. Establish a connection to DeployR.
// This example assumes the DeployR server is running on localhost.
String deployrEndpoint = "http://localhost:8050/deployr";
RClient rClient = RClientFactory.createClient(deployrEndpoint);

// 2. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed
// R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
RScriptExecution exec = rClient.executeScript("regression", "demo", "george", "");

// 3. Retrieve the analytics Web service execution results.
// An RScriptExecution provides a client application access to
// results including R console output, generated plots or files
// and DeployR-encoded R object workspace data.

String console = exec.about().console;

List<RProjectResult> plots = exec.about().results;
List<RProjectFile> files = exec.about().artifacts;
List<RData> objects = exec.about().workspaceObjects;

Try Out Our Examples! After downloading the client library, you can find basic examples that complement
this tutorial under the rbroker/examples directory. Additionally, find more comprehensive examples for Java
and JavaScript.

Getting Connected
The first step for any client application developer using the client libraries is to establish a connection with the
DeployR server. A connection is established as follows:

// 1. Establish a connection to DeployR.

// The RClientFactory is provided to simplify the establishment and
// eventual release of RClient connections.
// This example assumes the DeployR server is running on localhost.
String deployrEndpoint = "http://localhost:<PORT>/deployr";
RClient rClient = RClientFactory.createClient(deployrEndpoint);

// 1. Establish a connection to DeployR.
// deployr.configure( { host: '' } ) is provided to simplify the establishment
// of client connections.
// This example assumes the DeployR server is running on http://localhost:<PORT>.

// Browser - Same Origin does not need the deployr.configure({ host: '' }) step.
// Browser - Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) requests do.
deployr.configure( { host: 'http://DIFFERENT_DOMAIN:<PORT>', cors: true });

// Node.js - No CORS is needed in Node.js


#!/usr/bin/env node
deployr.configure( { host: 'http://localhost:<PORT>' });
deployr.configure( { host: 'http://DIFFERENT_DOMAIN:<PORT>' });

// 1. Establish a connection to DeployR.

// The RClientFactory is provided to simplify the establishment and
// eventual release of RClient connections.
// This example assumes the DeployR server is running on localhost.
String deployrEndpoint = "http://localhost:8050/deployr";
RClient rClient = RClientFactory.createClient(deployrEndpoint);

Once a connection to the DeployR server has been established, the next step for a client application developer is
to decide if end users or the application itself needs access to authenticated services on the API.
If authenticated project, background job or repository management services are needed by the application then
the application must first authenticate. If an application only uses anonymous services, then the application can
operate anonymously, without ever authenticating.
The following code snippets demonstrate how to authenticate using the client libraries:

// 1. Authenticate an end-user or client application.

// The RBasicAuthentication supports basic username/password authentication.
// The RUser returned represents an authenticated end-user or application.
RAuthentication authToken = new RBasicAuthentication("george", "s3cret");
RUser rUser = rClient.login(authToken);

// Same Origin Request
// 1. Authenticate an end-user or client application.
//'/r/user/login') supports basic username/password authentication.
// The JSON returned represents an authenticated end-user or application.
.data({ username: 'george', password: 's3cret' })
.end(function(res) {
var rUser = res.deployr.response.user;

// Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) Request
deployr.configure( { host: 'http://dhost:<PORT>', cors: true })
.data({ username: 'george', password: 's3cret' })
.end(function(res) {
var rUser = res.deployr.response.user;


// 1. Authenticate an end-user or client application.

// The RBasicAuthentication supports basic username/password authentication.
// The RUser returned represents an authenticated end-user or application.
RAuthentication authToken = new RBasicAuthentication("george", "s3cret");
RUser rUser = rClient.login(authToken);

Authenticated users not only have access to authenticated services on the API, they also have much broader
access to R scripts, models, and data files stored in the repository compared to anonymous users.

Authenticated Services
An authenticated user or simply an authenticated client application has access to the full range of authenticated
services offered on the DeployR API. These services are categorized as follows:
1. Authenticated Project Services
2. Background Job Services
3. Repository Management Services
The following sections introduce the services themselves and demonstrate how the client libraries make these
services available.
Project Services
A project is simply a DeployR -managed R session. Any project created by an authenticated user is referred to as
an Authenticated Project. There are three types of authenticated project:
1. Temporary Project - a stateful, transient R session offering unrestricted API access that lives only for the
duration of the current user HTTP session or until explicitly closed.
2. User Blackbox Project - a stateful, transient R session offering restricted API access that lives only for the
duration of the current user HTTP session.
3. Persistent Project - a stateful, persistent R session offering unrestricted API access can live indefinitely,
across multiple user HTTP sessions.
Each type of authenticated project is provided to support distinct workflows within client applications.
Project Services are most easily understood when considered as a collection of related services:
1. Project Creation Services
2. Project Execution Services
3. Project Workspace Services
4. Project Directory Services
5. Project Package Services
The following sections demonstrate working with some of the key features associated with each family of services
within the client libraries.
1. Project Creation Services
These services support the creation of authenticated projects. The following code snippets demonstrate some of
the ways the client libraries make these services available.

// 1. Create a temporary project.
RProject blac = rUser.createProject();

// 2. Create a user blackbox project.
ProjectCreationOptions options = new ProjectCreationOptions();
options.blackbox = true;
RProject blackbox = rUser.createProject(options);

// 3. Create a persistent project.
// Simply naming a project created by an authenticated user causes
// that project to become a persistent project.
RProject persistent = rUser.createProject("Demo Project",
"Sample persistent project");

// 4. Create a pool of temporary projects.
// Project pools can be very convenient when a client application needs
// to service multiple concurrent users or requests. The _options_ parameter
// can be used to custom initialize all projects in the pool.
List<RProject> projectPool = rUser.createProjectPool(poolSize, options);

// 1. Create a temporary project.
.end(function(res) {
var project = res.deployr.response.project;

// 2. Create a user blackbox project.
.data({ blackbox: true })
.end(function(res) {
var blackbox = res.deployr.response.project;

// 3. Create a persistent project.
// Simply naming a project created by an authenticated user causes
// that project to become a persistent project.
projectname: 'Demo Project',
projectdesrc: 'Sample persistent project'
.end(function(res) {
var persistent = res.deployr.response.project;

// 4. Create a pool of temporary projects.
// Project pools can be very convenient when a client application needs
// to service multiple concurrent users or requests. The _options_ parameter
// can be used to custom initialize all projects in the pool.
.data({ poolsize: poolsize }) // additional options
.end(function(res) {
var projectPool = res.deployr.response.projects;

// 1. Create a temporary project.
RProject blac = rUser.createProject();

// 2. Create a user blackbox project.
ProjectCreationOptions options = new ProjectCreationOptions();
options.blackbox = true;
RProject blackbox = rUser.createProject(options);

// 3. Create a persistent project.
// Simply naming a project created by an authenticated user causes
// that project to become a persistent project.
RProject persistent = rUser.createProject("Demo Project",
"Sample persistent project");

// 4. Create a pool of temporary projects.
// Project pools can be very convenient when a client application needs
// to service multiple concurrent users or requests. The _options_ parameter
// can be used to custom initialize all projects in the pool.
List<RProject> projectPool = rUser.createProjectPool(poolSize, options);

2. Project Execution Services

These services support the execution of analytics Web services on authenticated projects. The following code
snippets demonstrate some of the ways the client libraries make these services available.

// 1. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed

// R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
RProjectExecution exec =
rProject.executeScript("regression", "demo", "george", null);

// 2. Execute an analytics Web service based on an arbitrary block
// of R code: [codeBlock]
RProjectExecution exec = rProject.executeCode(codeBlock);

// 3. Execute an analytics Web service based on a URL-addressable
// R script: [regressionURL]
RProjectExecution exec = rProject.executeExternal(regressionURL);

// 4. Retrieve the analytics Web service execution results.
// Regardless of what style of execution service is used the RProjectExecution
// response provides access to results including R console output, generated
// plots or files and DeployR-encoded R object workspace data.
String console = exec.about().console;
List<RProjectResult> plots = exec.about().results;
List<RProjectFile> files = exec.about().artifacts;
List<RData> objects = exec.about().workspaceObjects;

// 1. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed

// R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
filename: 'regression',
directory: 'demo',
author: 'george',
project: rProject
.end(function(res) {
var exec = res.deployr.response.execution;

// 2. Execute an analytics Web service based on an arbitrary block
// of R code: [codeBlock]
.data({ code: codeBlock, project: rProject })
.end(function(res) {
var exec = res.deployr.response.execution;

// 3. Execute an analytics Web service based on a URL-addressable
// R script: [regressionURL]
.data({ project: rProject, externalsource: regressionURL })
.end(function(res) {
var exec = res.deployr.response.execution;

// 4. Retrieve the analytics Web service execution results.
// Regardless of what style of execution service is used /r/project/execution/*
// responses provide access to results including R console output, generated
// plots or files and DeployR-encoded R object workspace data.
var about = res.deplor.response;
var console = about.execution.console;
var plots = about.execution.results;
var files = about.execution.artifacts;
var objects = about.workspace.objects;

// 1. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed
// R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
ProjectExecutionOptions options = new ProjectExecutionOptions();
RProjectExecution exec = rProject.executeScript("regression", "demo", "george", options);

// 2. Execute an analytics Web service based on an arbitrary block
// of R code: [codeBlock]
exec = rProject.executeCode(codeBlock);

// 3. Execute an analytics Web service based on a URL-addressable
// R script: [regressionURL]
exec = rProject.executeExternal(regressionURL, options);

// 4. Retrieve the analytics Web service execution results.
// Regardless of what style of execution service is used the RProjectExecution
// response provides access to results including R console output, generated
// plots or files and DeployR-encoded R object workspace data.
String console = exec.about().console;
List<RProjectResult> plots = exec.about().results;
List<RProjectFile> files = exec.about().artifacts;
List<RData> objects = exec.about().workspaceObjects;

All executions services support a standard execution model defined on the DeployR API.

3. Project Workspace Services

These services support the manipulation and management of R workspace objects within authenticated projects.
The following code snippets demonstrate some of the ways the client libraries make these services available.
// 1. Create R object data in the workspace by executing an arbitrary
// block of R code.
RProjectExecution exec = rProject.executeCode("x <- rnorm(5)");

// 2. Create R object data in the workspace by pushing DeployR-encoded data
// from the client application.
// 2.1 Prepare sample R object vector data.
// 2.2 Use RDataFactory to encode the sample R object vector data.
// 2.3 Push encoded R object into the workspace.
List<Double> vectorValues = Arrays.asList(10, 11, 12, 13, 14);
RData encodedVector =
RDataFactory.createNumericVector("samplev", vectorValues);

// 3. Retrieve the DeployR-encoding of an R object from the workspace.
RData encodedVector = rProject.getObject("samplev");

// 4. Store R object data from the workspace as a binary object file (.rData)
// in the repository.
RRepositoryFile repositoryFile =
rProject.storeObject("samplev", "Object data description.",
true, null, false, false);

// **Sequential execution while remaining asynchronous**

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. Create R object data in the workspace by executing an arbitrary
// block of R code.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------'/r/project/execute/code')
.data({ project: rProject, code: 'x <- rnorm(5)' })
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2. Create R object data in the workspace by pushing DeployR-encoded data
// from the client application.
// 2.1 Prepare sample R object vector data.
// 2.2 Use RDataFactory to encode the sample R object vector data.
// 2.3 Push encoded R object into the workspace.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
.data({ project: rProject })
type: deployr.RDataType.RNUMERIC_VECTOR,
name: 'samplev',
value: [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3. Retrieve the DeployR-encoding of an R object from the workspace.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
.data({ project: rProject, name: 'samplev' })
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4. Store R object data from the workspace as a binary object file (.rData)
// in the repository.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
filename: 'samplev',
desrc: 'Object data description.',
project: rProject,
newversion: true

// 1. Create R object data in the workspace by executing an arbitrary
// block of R code.
RProjectExecution exec = rProject.executeCode("x <- rnorm(5)");

// 2. Create R object data in the workspace by pushing DeployR-encoded data
// from the client application.
// 2.1 Prepare sample R object vector data.
// 2.2 Use RDataFactory to encode the sample R object vector data.
// 2.3 Push encoded R object into the workspace.
List<Double?> vectorValues = new List<Double?>(){10, 11, 12, 13, 14};
RData encodedVector = RDataFactory.createNumericVector("samplev", vectorValues);

// 3. Retrieve the DeployR-encoding of an R object from the workspace.
encodedVector = rProject.getObject("samplev");

// 4. Store R object data from the workspace as a binary object file (.rData)
// in the repository.
RRepositoryFile repositoryFile = rProject.storeObject("samplev", "Object data description.",
true, false, false, null);

4. Project Directory Services

These services support the manipulation and management of R working directory files within authenticated
projects. The following code snippets demonstrate some of the ways the client libraries make these services

// 1. Transfer a url-addressable file into the working directory.
// Demonstrates transferring a file from fileURL location into the working
// directory. In this example, the name of the file created in the working
// directory is data.csv.
DirectoryUploadOptions options = new DirectoryUploadOptions();
options.filename = "data.csv";
RProjectFile file = rProject.transferFile(fileURL, options);

// 2. Load a repository-managed file into the working directory.
RRepositoryFile repoFile =
rUser.fetchFile("data.csv", "demo", "george", null);
RProjectFile projectFile = rProject.loadFile(repoFile);

// 1. Transfer a url-addressable file into the working directory.
.data({ project: rProject, url: fileURL }) // additional options

// 2. Load a repository-managed file into the working directory.
.data({ filename: 'data.csv', directory: 'demo', author: 'george' })
.data({ project: rProject, filename: 'data.csv' })


// 1. Transfer a url-addressable file into the working directory.
DirectoryUploadOptions options = new DirectoryUploadOptions();
RProjectFile file = rProject.transferFile(fileURL, options);

// 2. Load a repository-managed file into the working directory.
RRepositoryFile repoFile = rUser.fetchFile("data.csv", "demo", "george", "");
RProjectFile projectFile = rProject.loadFile(repoFile);

5. Project Package Services

These services support the manipulation and management of R packages within authenticated projects. The
following code snippets demonstrate some of the ways the client libraries make these services available.

// 1. List R packages attached on the project.
List<RProjectPackage> pkgs = rProject.listPackages(false);

// 2. Attach an R package to the project.
List<RProjectPackage> pkgs = rProject.attachPackage("ggplot2", "???");

// 1. List R packages attached on the project.
.data({ project: rProject })
.end(function(res) {
var pkgs = res.deployr.response.packages;

// 2. Attach an R package to the project.
.data({ project: rProject, name: 'ggplot2' })
.end(function(res) {
var pkgs = res.deployr.response.packages;


// 1. List R packages attached on the project.
List<RProjectPackage> pkgs = rProject.listPackages(false);

// 2. Attach an R package to the project.
pkgs = rProject.attachPackage("ggplot2", "???");

Background Job Services

A background job is simply a request to execute an R analytics Web service in the background, possibly at some
future time and date. By default, the result of that execution is stored as a persistent project on behalf of the
authenticated user making the request.

By default, each background job execution stores its results in a persistent project. Persistent projects are
discussed in the Authenticated Project Service section.

Each job moves through a simple lifecycle on the server, starting with submission, followed by queueing, running,
and eventually reaching a completion state indicating success or failure. The status of each background job can be
queried, jobs can be cancelled, and when a job completes the authenticated user that submitted the job can collect
the results of the execution.
The following code snippets demonstrate some of the ways the client libraries make these services available.
// 1. Submit a background job for scheduled execution of an analytics Web
// service based on a repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
// Note: the options parameter is optional but can be used on any job
// execution call to:
// (a) Schedule the current job for execution at some future time/date.
// (b) Set scheduling priority level for the current job.
// (c) Request the automatic storage of specific job results to the
// repository, such as binary R object or file data.
JobExecutionOptions options = new JobExecutionOptions();
options.priority = JobExecutionOptions.HIGH_PRIORITY;

RJob job =
rUser.submitJobScript("Sample Job", "Sample Description",
"regression", "demo", "george", null, options);

// 2. Submit a background job for scheduled execution of an analytics Web
// service based on an arbitrary block of R code: [codeBlock]
RJob job = rUser.submitJobCode("Sample Job", "Sample description.",
codeBlock, options);

// 3. Submit a background job for scheduled execution of an analytics Web
// service based on a URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
RJob job = rUser.submitJobExternal("Sample Job", "Sample description.",
regressionURL, options);

// 4. Query that execution status of a background job.
RJobDetails details = job.query();

if(details.status.equals(RJob.COMPLETED)) {

// Retrieve the results of the background job execution, typically
// found within the associated RProject.
RProject project = rUser.getProject(details.project);

// 1. Submit a background job for scheduled execution of an analytics Web
// service based on a repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
// Note: the options parameter is optional but can be used on any job
// execution call to:
// (a) Schedule the current job for execution at some future time/date.
// (b) Set scheduling priority level for the current job.
// (c) Request the automatic storage of specific job results to the
// repository, such as binary R object or file data.
rscriptauthor: 'george'
rscriptdirectory: 'demo',
name: 'regression',
priority: 'high' // `low` (default), `medium` or `high`
.end(function(res) {
var job = res.deployr.response.job;

// 2. Submit a background job for scheduled execution of an analytics Web
// service based on an arbitrary block of R code: [codeBlock]
.data({ name: 'Sample Job', descr: 'Sample description.', code: codeBlock })
.end(function(res) {
var job = res.deployr.response.job;

// 3. Submit a background job for scheduled execution of an analytics Web
// service based on a URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
name: 'Sample Job',
descr: 'Sample description.',
externalsource: regressionURL
.end(function(res) {
var job = res.deployr.response.job;

// 4. Query that execution status of a background job.
.data({ job: rJob })
.end(function(res) {
var details = res.deployr.response.job;

if (details.status === deployr.RJob.COMPLETED) {

// Retrieve the results of the background job execution, typically
// found within the associated RProject.
.data({ project: details.project })

// 1. Submit a background job for scheduled execution of an analytics Web
// service based on a repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
// Note: the options parameter is optional but can be used on any job
// execution call to:
// (a) Schedule the current job for execution at some future time/date.
// (b) Set scheduling priority level for the current job.
// (c) Request the automatic storage of specific job results to the
// repository, such as binary R object or file data.
JobExecutionOptions options = new JobExecutionOptions();
options.priority = JobExecutionOptions.HIGH_PRIORITY;

RJob job = rUser.submitJobScript("Sample Job", "Sample Description",

"regression", "demo", "george", null, options);

// 2. Submit a background job for immediate execution of an analytics Web
// service based on an arbitrary block of R code: [codeBlock]
job = rUser.submitJobCode("Sample Job", "Sample description.", codeBlock, options);

// 3. Submit a background job for immediate execution of an analytics Web
// service based on a URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
job = rUser.submitJobExternal("Sample Job", "Sample description.", regressionURL, options);

// 4. Query that execution status of a background job.
RJobDetails details = job.query();

if(details.status == RJob.COMPLETED) {

// Retrieve the results of the background job execution, typically
// found within the associated RProject.
RProject project = rUser.getProject(details.project);

All executions services support the standard execution model defined on the DeployR API.

Repository Services
The Repository Manager is a tool, delivered as an easy-to-use Web interface, that serves as a bridge between the
R scripts, models, and data created in existing analytics tools and the deployment of that work into the DeployR
repository to support the development of client applications and integrations.
That tool uses the full range of repository services on the DeployR API to deliver its many file and *directory-
related functionalities. Your own applications can also leverage these same services as needed. The following code
snippets demonstrate some of the ways the client libraries make these services available.
// 1. List repository-managed directories belonging to the authenticated
// user.
List<RRepositoryDirectory> dirs = rUser.listDirectories();

// 2. List repository-managed directories along with file listings
// per directory belonging to authenticated user.
List<RRepositoryDirectory> dirs =
rUser.listDirectories(true, false, false, false);
for(RRepositoryDirectory dir : dirs) {
List<RRepositoryFile> files = dir.about().files;

// 3. List repository-managed files, independent of directories, belonging
// to the authenticated user.
List<RRepositoryFile> files = rUser.listFiles();
for(RRepositoryFile file : files) {
URL fileURL =;

// 4. List repository-managed files, independent of directories, belonging
// to the authenticated user and also include files shared or published by
// other users.
List<RRepositoryFile> repoFiles = rUser.listFiles(false, true, true);

// 5. Upload a file to the repository on behalf of the authenticated
// user.
InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File("report.pdf"));
RepoUploadOptions options = new RepoUploadOptions();
options.filename = "report.pdf"; = "examples";
options.descr = "Quarterly report.";
RRepositoryFile repoFile = rUser.uploadFile(fis, options);


// 1. List repository-managed directories belonging to the authenticated user.
.end(function(res) {
var dirs = res.deployr.repository.directories;

// 2. List repository-managed directories along with file listings
// per directory belonging to authenticated user.
.data({ userfiles: true })
.end(function(res) {
var dirs = res.deployr.repository.directories;
dirs.forEach(function(dir) {
var files = dir.files;
// 3. List repository-managed files, independent of directories, belonging
// to the authenticated user.
.end(function(res) {
var files = res.deployr.repository.files;
files.forEach(function(file) {'/r/repository/file/download')
.data({ filename: file.filename })

// 4. List repository-managed files, independent of directories, belonging
// to the authenticated user and also include files shared or published by
// other users.
.data({ shared: true, published: true })
.end(function(res) {
var repoFiles = res.deployr.repository.files;

// Browser
// 5. Upload a file to the repository on behalf of the authenticated user.
// Assuming element on page:
// `<input id="report-pdf" type="file">`
var file = document.getElementById('report-pdf').files[0];'/r/repository/file/upload')
filename: 'report.pdf',
directory: 'examples',
descr: 'Quarterly report.'
.end(function(res) {
var repoFile = res.deployr.repository.file;

// Node.js
// 5. Upload a file to the repository on behalf of the authenticated user.

#!/usr/bin/env node'/r/repository/file/upload')
filename: 'report.pdf',
directory: 'examples',
descr: 'Quarterly report.'
.end(function(res) {
var repoFile = res.deployr.repository.file;

// 1. List repository-managed directories belonging to the authenticated
// user.
List<RRepositoryDirectory> dirs = rUser.listDirectories();

// 2. List repository-managed directories along with file listings
// per directory belonging to authenticated user.
dirs = rUser.listDirectories(true, false, false, false, "");
foreach(RRepositoryDirectory dir in dirs)
List<RRepositoryFile> rfiles = dir.about().files;

// 3. List repository-managed files, independent of directories, belonging
// to the authenticated user.
List<RRepositoryFile> files = rUser.listFiles();
foreach(RRepositoryFile file in files)
String fileURL =;

// 4. List repository-managed files, independent of directories, belonging
// to the authenticated user and also include files shared or published by
// other users.
List<RRepositoryFile> repoFiles = rUser.listFiles(false, true, true);

// 5. Upload a file to the repository on behalf of the authenticated
// user.
String fileName = "report.pdf";
RepoUploadOptions options = new RepoUploadOptions();
options.filename = "report.pdf"; = "examples";
options.descr = "Quarterly report.";
RRepositoryFile repoFile = rUser.uploadFile(fileName, options);

See the Working with the Repository APIs chapter for detailed information regarding working with
repository-managed files and directories.

Anonymous Services
An anonymous user, being any user that has not authenticated with the DeployR server, only has access to
anonymous services offered on the DeployR API. There is just one single services category for anonymous
services, which is Anonymous Project Services
A project is simply a DeployR -managed R session. Any project created by an anonymous user is known as an
anonymous project. In practice, anonymous projects are automatically created by DeployR on behalf of
anonymous users each time they execute an analytics Web service.
There are two types of anonymous project:
1. Stateless Project - a stateless, transient R session that lives only for the duration of the analytics Web service
2. HTTP Blackbox Project - a stateful, transient R session that lives only for the duration of the current user HTTP

While anonymous project services are provided primarily for anonymous users, these same service calls are
also available to authenticated users.

The following code snippets demonstrate how the client libraries make these services available.

// 1. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed
// R script: /george/demo/regression.R using a Stateless Project.
RScriptExecution exec =
rClient.executeScript("regression", "demo", "george", null);

// 2. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed
// R script: /george/demo/regression.R using a HTTP Blackbox Project.
AnonymousProjectExecutionOptions options =
new AnonymousProjectExecutionOptions();
options.blackbox = true;
RScriptExecution exec =
rClient.executeScript("regression", "demo", "george", null, options);

// 3. Execute an analytics Web service based on a URL-addressable
// R script: [regressionURL] using a Stateless Project.
// Note: while this style of execution uses a Stateless Project it is only
// available to authenticated users that have been granted POWER_USER
// permissions by the DeployR administrator.
RScriptExecution exec = rClient.executeExternal(regressionURL, options);

// 1. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed
// R script: /george/demo/regression.R using a Stateless Project.
.data({ author: 'george', directory: 'demo', filename: 'regression' })
.end(function(res) {
var exec = res.deployr.repository.execution;

// 2. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed
// R script: /george/demo/regression.R using a HTTP Blackbox Project.
author: 'george',
directory: 'demo',
filename: 'regression',
blackbox: true
.end(function(res) {
var exec = res.deployr.repository.execution;

// 3. Execute an analytics Web service based on a URL-addressable
// R script: [regressionURL] using a Stateless Project.
// Note: while this style of execution uses a Stateless Project it is only
// available to authenticated users that have been granted POWER_USER
// permissions by the DeployR administrator.
.data({ externalsource: regressionURL })
.end(function(res) {
var exec = res.deployr.repository.execution;

// 1. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed
// R script: /george/demo/regression.R using a Stateless Project.
RScriptExecution exec =
rClient.executeScript("regression", "demo", "george", "");

// 2. Execute an analytics Web service based on a repository-managed
// R script: /george/demo/regression.R using a HTTP Blackbox Project.
AnonymousProjectExecutionOptions options =
new AnonymousProjectExecutionOptions();
options.blackbox = true;
exec = rClient.executeScript("regression", "demo", "george", "", options);

// 3. Execute an analytics Web service based on a URL-addressable
// R script: [regressionURL] using a Stateless Project.
// Note: while this style of execution uses a Stateless Project it is only
// available to authenticated users that have been granted POWER_USER
// permissions by the DeployR administrator.
exec = rClient.executeExternal(regressionURL, options);

For further details, see the Anonymous Projects section.

Standard Execution Model

The DeployR API supports a standard set of parameters across all execution APIs that are commonly known as
the standard execution model. A summary of those execution APIs is shown here:
Conceptually this standard set of parameters can be categorized into three groups: pre-execution, on-execution
and post-execution parameters.
Pre -Execution Parameters
The pre-execution parameters allow the caller to pre-heat the R session with DeployR -encoded R data, binary R
object data, and file data taken from a number of different sources. The following code snippets demonstrate how
to use these parameters using the client libraries:

// ProjectExecutionOptions: used to pass standard execution model
// parameters on execution calls. All fields are optional.
ProjectExecutionOptions options = new ProjectExecutionOptions();

// Parameter: inputs
// Allows the caller to pass DeployR-encoded R object values as inputs.
// These inputs are turned into R objects in the workspace before the execution begins.
// These inputs are turned into R objects in the workspace before the execution begins.
RData rNum = RDataFactory.createNumeric("num", 10.0);
Date date = new GregorianCalendar(2015, 3, 2).getTime();
RDate rDate = RDataFactory.createDate("date", date, "yyyy-MM-dd");
List<RData> rinputs = Arrays.asList(rNum, rDate);
options.rinputs = rinputs;

// Parameter: csvinputs
// Allows the caller to pass R object primitive values as comma-separated
// name/value pairs. These inputs are turned into R object string literals in the
// workspace before the execution begins.
options.csvinputs = "num,10.0,expired,false";

// Parameter: preloadobject[name | directory | author | (optional) version]
// Allows the caller to load one or more binary R objects (.rData) from the
// repository into the workspace before the execution begins.
// Specify comma-separated values on the filename, directory and author fields
// on your ProjectPreloadOptions instance if you want to load two or more binary R objects.
ProjectPreloadOptions preloadWorkspace = new ProjectPreloadOptions();
preloadWorkspace.filename = "model.R"; = "example"; = "testuser";
options.preloadWorkspace = preloadWorkspace;

// Parameter: preloadfile[name | directory | author | (optional) version]
// Allows the caller to load one or more files from the repository into the
// working directory before the execution begins.
// Specify comma-separated values on the filename, directory and author fields
// on your ProjectPreloadOptions instance if you want to load two or more files.
ProjectPreloadOptions preloadDirectory = new ProjectPreloadOptions();
preloadDirectory.filename = "model.R"; = "example"; = "testuser";
options.preloadDirectory = preloadDirectory;

// Parameter: preloadbydirectory
// Allows the caller to load all files within one or more repository-managed
// directories into the working directory before the execution begins.
// Specify comma-separated value on the preloadByDirectory field on your
// ProjectExecutionOptions instance if you want to load the files found
// within two or more directories.
preloadDirectory.preloadByDirectory = "production-models";

// Parameter: adopt[directory | workspace | packages]
// Allow the caller to load a pre-existing project workspace, project working
// directory and/or project package dependencies before the execution begins.
// Specify the same project identifier on all adoption option fields to adopt
// everything from a single DeployR project. Omit the project identifier on
// any of the adoption option fields if that data is not required on your
// execution. Specify multiple different project identifiers on the adoption
// option fields if you require data from multiple projects on your execution.
ProjectAdoptionOptions adoptionOptions = new ProjectAdoptionOptions();
adoptionOptions.adoptDirectory = "PROJECT-e2edd15f-dd67-42f6-8d82-90a2a5a669ca";
adoptionOptions.adoptWorkspace = null;
adoptionOptions.adoptPackages = "PROJECT-4f9fe8bf-9425-4f2c-aa15-5d94818988f9";
adoptionOptions.adoptPackages = "PROJECT-4f9fe8bf-9425-4f2c-aa15-5d94818988f9";
options.adoptionOptions = adoptionOptions;


// All options are supiled in a simple object literal hash and passed to the
// request's `.data(options)` function.

// ProjectExecutionOptions: used to pass standard execution model
// parameters on execution calls. All fields are optional.
var options = {};

// Parameter: rinputs
// Allows the caller to pass DeployR-encoded R object values as inputs.
// These inputs are turned into R objects in the workspace before the execution
// begins.
var RIn = deployr.RInput;
var rinputs = [ RIn.numeric('num', 10.0),'date', new Date()) ];

// Parameter: csvinputs
// Allows the caller to pass R object primitive values as comma-separated
// name/value pairs. These inputs are turned into R object string literals in
// the workspace before the execution begins.
options.csvinputs = 'num,10.0,expired,false';

// Preload Object Parameters:
// - preloadobjectname
// - preloadobjectdirectory
// - preloadobjectauthor
// - preloadobjectversion (optional)
// Allows the caller to load one or more binary R objects (.rData) from the
// repository into the workspace before the execution begins.
// Specify comma-separated values on the filename, directory and author fields
// on your `Project Preload Options` if you want to load two or more binary
// R objects.
options.preloadobjectfilename = 'model.R';
options.preloadobjectdirectory = 'example';
options.preloadobjectauthor = 'testuser';

// Preload File Parameters:
// - preloadfilename
// - preloadfiledirectory
// - preloadfileauthor
// - preloadfileversion (optional)
// Allows the caller to load one or more files from the repository into the
// working directory before the execution begins.
// Specify comma-separated values on the filename, directory and author fields
// on your `Project Preload Options` if you want to load two or more files.
options.preloadfilename = 'model.R';
options.preloadfiledirectory = 'example';
options.preloadfiledirectory = 'example';
options.preloadfileauthor = 'testuser';

// Parameter: preloadbydirectory
// Allows the caller to load all files within one or more repository-managed
// directories into the working directory before the execution begins.
// Specify comma-separated value on the preloadByDirectory field on your
// `Project Execution Options` if you want to load the files found within two
// or more directories.
options.preloadbydirectory = 'production-models';

// Adopt Parameters:
// - adoptdirectory
// - adoptworkspace
// - adpotpackages
// Allow the caller to load a pre-existing project workspace, project working
// directory and/or project package dependencies before the execution begins.
// Specify the same project identifier on all adoption option fields to adopt
// everything from a single DeployR project. Omit the project identifier on
// any of the adoption option fields if that data is not required on your
// execution. Specify multiple different project identifiers on the adoption
// option fields if you require data from multiple projects on your execution.
options.adoptdirectory = 'PROJECT-e2edd15f-dd67-42f6-8d82-90a2a5a669ca';
options.adoptworkspace = null;
options.adoptpackages = 'PROJECT-4f9fe8bf-9425-4f2c-aa15-5d94818988f9';


// ProjectExecutionOptions: used to pass standard execution model
// parameters on execution calls. All fields are optional.
ProjectExecutionOptions options = new ProjectExecutionOptions();

// Parameter: inputs
// Allows the caller to pass DeployR-encoded R object values as inputs.
// These inputs are turned into R objects in the workspace before the execution begins.
RData rNum = RDataFactory.createNumeric("num", 10.0);
DateTime dateval = new DateTime(2014, 3, 2);
RDate rDate = RDataFactory.createDate("date", dateval, "yyyy-MM-dd");

// Parameter: csvrinputs
// Allows the caller to pass R object primitive values as comma-separated
// name/value pairs. These inputs are turned into R object string literals in the
// workspace before the execution begins.
options.csvrinputs = "num,10.0,expired,false";

// Parameter: preloadobject[name | directory | author | (optional) version]
// Allows the caller to load one or more binary R objects (.rData) from the
// repository into the workspace before the execution begins.
// Specify comma-separated values on the filename, directory and author fields
// on your ProjectPreloadOptions instance if you want to load two or more binary R objects.
ProjectPreloadOptions preloadWorkspace = new ProjectPreloadOptions();
preloadWorkspace.filename = "model.rData"; = "example"; = "testuser";
options.preloadWorkspace = preloadWorkspace;

// Parameter: preloadfile[name | directory | author | (optional) version]
// Allows the caller to load one or more files from the repository into the
// working directory before the execution begins.
// Specify comma-separated values on the filename, directory and author fields
// on your ProjectPreloadOptions instance if you want to load two or more files.
ProjectPreloadOptions preloadDirectory = new ProjectPreloadOptions();
preloadDirectory.filename = "model.rData"; = "example"; = "testuser";
options.preloadDirectory = preloadDirectory;

// Parameter: adopt[directory | workspace | packages]
// Allow the caller to load a pre-existing project workspace, project working
// directory and/or project package dependencies before the execution begins.
// Specify the same project identifier on all adoption option fields to adopt
// everything from a single DeployR project. Omit the project identifier on
// any of the adoption option fields if that data is not required on your
// execution. Specify multiple different project identifiers on the adoption
// option fields if you require data from multiple projects on your execution.
ProjectAdoptionOptions adoptionOptions = new ProjectAdoptionOptions();
adoptionOptions.adoptDirectory = "PROJECT-e2edd15f-dd67-42f6-8d82-90a2a5a669ca";
adoptionOptions.adoptWorkspace = null;
adoptionOptions.adoptPackages = "PROJECT-4f9fe8bf-9425-4f2c-aa15-5d94818988f9";
options.adoptionOptions = adoptionOptions;

On-Execution Parameters
The on-execution parameters allow the caller to control certain aspects of the R session environment itself. The
following code snippets demonstrate how to use these parameters using the client libraries:
// ProjectExecutionOptions: used to pass standard execution model
// parameters on execution calls. All fields are optional.
ProjectExecutionOptions options = new ProjectExecutionOptions();

// Parameter: echooff
// Controls whether R commands executing on the call will appear in
// the console output returned on the response markup. R commands
// are echoed to console output by default.
options.echooff = true | false;

// Parameter: consoleoff
// Controls whether console output will be returned on the response markup.
// Console output is returned by default.
// For efficiency reasons, enabling consoleoff is recommended if the
// expected volume of console output generated on a given execution
// is high and that output is not a required return value on your call.
options.consoleoff = true | false;

// Parameter: enableConsoleEvents
// Controls whether console events are delivered in realtime on the event
// stream for the current execution. Console events are disabled by default.
// This parameter should only be enabled in environments where the rate
// of executions is low, such as when end-users are manually testing code
// executions. This parameter must be disabled when you are operating in
// a high-volume transactional environment in order to avoid degrading the
// server's runtime performance.
options.enableConsoleEvents = true | false;

// Parameter: graphics | graphicsWidth | graphicsHeight
// Controls which graphics device is used (png, svg) on the execution and
// the default demensions for images on that device.
// = "svg";

// All options are supiled in a simple object literal hash and passed to the
// request's `.data(options)` function.

// ProjectExecutionOptions: used to pass standard execution model
// parameters on execution calls. All fields are optional.
var options = {};

// Parameter: echooff
// Controls whether R commands executing on the call will appear in
// the console output returned on the response markup. R commands
// are echoed to console output by default.
options.echooff = true | false;

// Parameter: consoleoff
// Controls whether console output will be returned on the response markup.
// Console output is returned by default.
// For efficiency reasons, enabling consoleoff is recommended if the
// expected volume of console output generated on a given execution
// is high and that output is not a required return value on your call.
options.consoleoff = true | false;

// Parameter: enableConsoleEvents
// Controls whether console events are delivered in realtime on the event
// stream for the current execution. Console events are disabled by default.
// This parameter should only be enabled in environments where the rate
// of executions is low, such as when end-users are manually testing code
// executions. This parameter must be disabled when you are operating in
// a high-volume transactional environment in order to avoid degrading the
// server's runtime performance.
options.enableConsoleEvents = true | false;

// Parameter: graphics | graphicsWidth | graphicsHeight
// Controls which graphics device is used (png, svg) on the execution and
// the default demensions for images on that device.
// = 'svg';

// ProjectExecutionOptions: used to pass standard execution model
// parameters on execution calls. All fields are optional.
ProjectExecutionOptions options = new ProjectExecutionOptions();

// Parameter: echooff
// Controls whether R commands executing on the call will appear in
// the console output returned on the response markup. R commands
// are echoed to console output by default.
options.echooff = true | false;

// Parameter: consoleoff
// Controls whether console output will be returned on the response markup.
// Console output is returned by default.
// For efficiency reasons, enabling consoleoff is recommended if the
// expected volume of console output generated on a given execution
// is high and that output is not a required return value on your call.
options.consoleoff = true | false;

// Parameter: enableConsoleEvents
// Controls whether console events are delivered in realtime on the event
// stream for the current execution. Console events are disabled by default.
// This parameter should only be enabled in environments where the rate
// of executions is low, such as when end-users are manually testing code
// executions. This parameter must be disabled when you are operating in
// a high-volume transactional environment in order to avoid degrading the
// server's runtime performance.
options.enableConsoleEvents = true | false;

// Parameter: graphicsDevice | graphicsWidth | graphicsHeight
// Controls which graphics device is used (png, svg) on the execution and
// the default demensions for images on that device.
options.graphicsDevice = "svg";

Post-Execution Parameters
The post-execution parameters allow the caller to retrieve data from the R session on the response markup and/or
store data from the R session into the repository. It is important to note that the post-execution parameters that
support storing data into the repository are only available to authenticated users on these calls. The following
code snippets demonstrate how to use these parameters using the client libraries:

// ProjectExecutionOptions: used to pass standard execution model
// parameters on execution calls. All fields are optional.
ProjectExecutionOptions options = new ProjectExecutionOptions();

// Parameter: storeobject
// Allows the caller to specify a comma-separated list of workspace
// objects to be stored in the repository after the execution completes.
// The storedirectory parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// The storedirectory parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeobject parameter. It allows the caller to specify a target
// repository directory for the stored object or objects.
// The storepublic parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeobject parameter. When enabled, the stored object file in the
// DeployR repository will automatically be assigned public access.
// The storenewversion parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeobject parameter. When enabled, a new version of the stored
// object file will be created within the DeployR repository, ensuring
// old versions of the same file will be preserved.
// Note, an object called "mtcars" will be saved as a binary R object
// file called mtcars.R within the DeployR repository.
ProjectStorageOptions storageOptions = new ProjectStorageOptions();
storageOptions.objects = "mtcars"; = "examples";
storageOptions.published = true;
storageOptions.newversion = false;
options.storageOptions = storageOptions;

// Parameter: storeworkspace
// Allows the caller to store the entire workspace in the repository
// after the execution completes.
// The storedirectory parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeworkspace parameter. It allows the caller to specify a target
// repository directory for the stored workspace.
// The storepublic parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeworkspace parameter. When enabled, the stored workspace file in
// the DeployR repository will automatically be assigned public access.
// The storenewversion parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeworkspace parameter. When enabled, a new version of the stored
// workspace file will be created within the DeployR repository, ensuring
// old versions of the same file will be preserved.
// Note, the workspace will be saved as a binary R object file using the
// name specified on the storeworkspace parameter.
ProjectStorageOptions storageOptions = new ProjectStorageOptions();
storageOptions.workspace = "workspace-Mar18-2015.R"; = "examples";
storageOptions.published = false;
storageOptions.newversion = true;
options.storageOptions = storageOptions;

// Parameter: storefile
// Allows the caller to specify a comma-separated list of working
// directory files to be stored in the repository after the execution
// completes.
// The storedirectory parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storefile parameter. It allows the caller to specify a target
// repository directory for the stored file or files.
// The storepublic parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storedirectory parameter. When enabled, the stored directory file
// in the DeployR repository will automatically be assigned public access.
// The storenewversion parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storedirectory parameter. When enabled, a new version of the stored
// directory file will be created within the DeployR repository, ensuring
// old versions of the same file will be preserved.
// Note, each files indicated on the storefile parameter will be will
// be saved using the name indicated within the DeployR repository.
ProjectStorageOptions storageOptions = new ProjectStorageOptions();
storageOptions.files = "data.csv, scores.rData"; = "examples";
storageOptions.published = true;
storageOptions.newversion = true;
options.storageOptions = storageOptions;

// Parameter: infinity | nan | encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector
// Allow the caller to control how DeployR-encoded R object data is
// encoded in the response markkup.
// Infinity is encoded as 0x7ff0000000000000L by default.
// Nan is encoded as null by default.
// Primitive within dataframes are encoded as primitives by default.
options.infinity = ;
options.nan = null;
options.encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector = true;


// All options are supiled in a simple object literal hash and passed to the
// request's `.data(options)` function.

// ProjectExecutionOptions: used to pass standard execution model
// parameters on execution calls. All fields are optional.
var options = {};

// Store Object Parameters:
// - robjects
// - storedirectory
// - storepublished
// - storenewversion
// Allows the caller to specify a comma-separated list of workspace
// objects to be stored in the repository after the execution completes.
// The `storedirectory` parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// `storeobject` parameter. It allows the caller to specify a target
// repository directory for the stored object or objects.
// The `storepublic` parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeobject parameter. When enabled, the stored object file in the
// DeployR repository will automatically be assigned public access.
// The `storenewversion` parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// `storeobject` parameter. When enabled, a new version of the stored
// object file will be created within the DeployR repository, ensuring
// old versions of the same file will be preserved.
// Note, an object called "mtcars" will be saved as a binary R object
// file called mtcars.R within the DeployR repository.
options.robjects = 'mtcars';
options.storedirectory = 'examples';
options.storepublished = true;
options.storenewversion = false;
// Store Workspace Parameters:
// - storeworkspace
// - storedirectory
// - storepublished
// - storenewversion
// Allows the caller to store the entire workspace in the repository
// after the execution completes.
// The `storedirectory` parameters can be used in conjunction with the
// `storeworkspace` parameter. It allows the caller to specify a target
// repository directory for the stored workspace.
// The `storepublic` parameters can be used in conjunction with the
// `storeworkspace` parameter. When enabled, the stored workspace file in
// the DeployR repository will automatically be assigned public access.
// The `storenewversion` parameters can be used in conjunction with the
// `storeworkspace` parameter. When enabled, a new version of the stored
// workspace file will be created within the DeployR repository, ensuring
// old versions of the same file will be preserved.
// Note, the workspace will be saved as a binary R object file using the
// name specified on the storeworkspace parameter.
options.storeworkspace = 'workspace-Mar18-2015.R';
options.storedirectory = 'examples';
options.storepublished = false;
options.storenewversion = true;

// Store File Parameters:
// - storefile
// - storedirectory
// - storepublished
// - storenewversion
// Allows the caller to specify a comma-separated list of working
// directory files to be stored in the repository after the execution
// completes.
// The `storedirectory` parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storefile parameter. It allows the caller to specify a target
// repository directory for the stored file or files.
// The `storepublic` parameters can be used in conjunction with the
// storedirectory parameter. When enabled, the stored directory file
// in the DeployR repository will automatically be assigned public access.
// The `storenewversion` parameters can be used in conjunction with the
// storedirectory parameter. When enabled, a new version of the stored
// directory file will be created within the DeployR repository, ensuring
// old versions of the same file will be preserved.
// Note, each files indicated on the `store file` parameters will be will
// be saved using the name indicated within the DeployR repository.
options.storefile = 'data.csv, scores.rData';
options.storedirectory = 'examples';
options.storepublished = true;
options.storenewversion = true;

// Parameter: infinity | nan | encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector
// Allow the caller to control how DeployR-encoded R object data is
// encoded in the response markkup.
// Infinity is encoded as 0x7ff0000000000000L by default.
// Nan is encoded as null by default.
// Primitive within dataframes are encoded as primitives by default.
options.infinity = ;
options.nan = null;
options.encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector = true;


// ProjectExecutionOptions: used to pass standard execution model
// parameters on execution calls. All fields are optional.
ProjectExecutionOptions options = new ProjectExecutionOptions();

// Parameter: storeobject
// Allows the caller to specify a comma-separated list of workspace
// objects to be stored in the repository after the execution completes.
// The storedirectory parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeobject parameter. It allows the caller to specify a target
// repository directory for the stored object or objects.
// The storepublic parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeobject parameter. When enabled, the stored object file in the
// DeployR repository will automatically be assigned public access.
// The storenewversion parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeobject parameter. When enabled, a new version of the stored
// object file will be created within the DeployR repository, ensuring
// old versions of the same file will be preserved.
// Note, an object called "mtcars" will be saved as a binary R object
// file called mtcars.rData within the DeployR repository.
ProjectStorageOptions storageOptions = new ProjectStorageOptions();
storageOptions.objects = "mtcars"; = "examples";
storageOptions.published = true;
storageOptions.newVersion = false;
options.storageOptions = storageOptions;

// Parameter: storeworkspace
// Allows the caller to store the entire workspace in the repository
// after the execution completes.
// The storedirectory parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeworkspace parameter. It allows the caller to specify a target
// repository directory for the stored workspace.
// The storepublic parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeworkspace parameter. When enabled, the stored workspace file in
// the DeployR repository will automatically be assigned public access.
// The storenewversion parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storeworkspace parameter. When enabled, a new version of the stored
// workspace file will be created within the DeployR repository, ensuring
// old versions of the same file will be preserved.
// Note, the workspace will be saved as a binary R object file using the
// name specified on the storeworkspace parameter.
storageOptions.workspace = "workspace-Mar18-2015.rData"; = "examples";
storageOptions.published = false;
storageOptions.newVersion = true;
options.storageOptions = storageOptions;

// Parameter: storefile
// Allows the caller to specify a comma-separated list of working
// directory files to be stored in the repository after the execution
// completes.
// The storedirectory parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storefile parameter. It allows the caller to specify a target
// repository directory for the stored file or files.
// The storepublic parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storedirectory parameter. When enabled, the stored directory file
// in the DeployR repository will automatically be assigned public access.
// The storenewversion parameter can be used in conjunction with the
// storedirectory parameter. When enabled, a new version of the stored
// directory file will be created within the DeployR repository, ensuring
// old versions of the same file will be preserved.
// Note, each files indicated on the storefile parameter will be will
// be saved using the name indicated within the DeployR repository.
storageOptions.files = "data.csv, scores.rData"; = "examples";
storageOptions.published = true;
storageOptions.newVersion = true;
options.storageOptions = storageOptions;

// Parameter: infinity | nan | encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector
// Allow the caller to control how DeployR-encoded R object data is
// encoded in the response markkup.
// Infinity is encoded as 0x7ff0000000000000L by default.
// Nan is encoded as null by default.
// Primitive within dataframes are encoded as primitives by default.
options.infinity = "";
options.nan = null;
options.encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector = true;

R Object Data Encoding

DeployR -specific encodings are used to encode R object data passing into and out of the DeployR server. Each of
the client libraries provides support that simplifies the task of encoding R object data for sending to the DeployR
Encoded R object data can be sent on the inputs parameter on the following calls:
See the Standard Execution Model section of this documentation for details describing how DeployR -encoded R
object data can be sent using the inputs parameter on these calls.
DeployR -specific encodings are provided for the following classes of R object:
character, integer, numeric and logical
Date, POSIXct, and POSIXlt
vector, matrix
ordered, factor
list, data.frame.
The following code snippets demonstrate the mechanism for creating these types of encodings using the client
libraries. The following code snippets demonstrate the mechanism for creating these types of encodings using the
client libraries.

// 1. Encode an R logical value.
RBoolean bool = RDataFactory.createBoolean("bool", true);

// 2. Encode an R numeric value.
RNumeric num = RDataFactory.createNumeric("num", 10.0);

// 3. Encode an R literal value.
RString str = RDataFactory.createString("str", "hello");

// 4. Encode an R date.
Date dateval = new GregorianCalendar(2014, 3, 2).getTime();
RDate date = RDataFactory.createDate("date", dateval, "yyyy-MM-dd");

// 5. Encode an R logical vector.
List<Boolean> bvv = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
RBooleanVector boolvec = RDataFactory.createBooleanVector("boolvec", bvv);

// 6. Encode an R numeric vector.
List<Double> nvv = new ArrayList<Double>();
RNumericVector numvec = RDataFactory.createNumericVector("numvec", nvv);

// 7. Encode an R literal vector.
List<String> svv = new ArrayList<String>();
RStringVector strvec = RDataFactory.createStringVector("strvec", svv);

// 8. Encode an R date vector.
List<Date> dvv = new ArrayList<Date>();
dvv.add(new GregorianCalendar(2014, 10, 10).getTime());
dvv.add(new GregorianCalendar(2014, 11, 11).getTime());
RStringVector datevec =
RDataFactory.createStringVector("datevec", dvv, "yyyy-MM-dd");

// 9. Encode an R POSIX date vector.
List<Date> dvv = new ArrayList<Date>();
dvv.add(new GregorianCalendar(2014, 10, 10, 10, 30, 30).getTime());
dvv.add(new GregorianCalendar(2014, 11, 11, 10, 30, 30).getTime());
RStringVector posixvec =
RDataFactory.createStringVector("posixvec", dvv, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z");

// 10. Encode an R logical matrix.
List<Boolean> bml = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
bml.add(new Boolean(true));
bml.add(new Boolean(true));
List<List<Boolean>> bmv = new ArrayList<List<Boolean>>();
RBooleanMatrix boolmat = RDataFactory.createBooleanMatrix("boolmat", bmv);

// 11. Encode an R numeric matrix.
List<Double> nml = new ArrayList<Double>();
nml.add(new Double(10.0));
nml.add(new Double(20.0));
List<List<Double>> nmv = new ArrayList<List<Double>>();
RNumericMatrix nummat = RDataFactory.createNumericMatrix("nummat", nmv);

// 12. Encode an R literal matrix.
List<String> sml = new ArrayList<String>();
sml.add(new String("hello"));
sml.add(new String("world"));
List<List<String>> smv = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
RStringMatrix strmat = RDataFactory.createStringMatrix("strmat", smv);

// 13. Encode an R list.
List<RData> lv = new ArrayList<RData>();
lv.add(RDataFactory.createNumeric("n1", 10.0));
lv.add(RDataFactory.createNumeric("n2", 10.0));
RList numlist = RDataFactory.createList("numlist", lv);

// 14. Encode an R data.frame.
List<Double> rnvv = new ArrayList();
rnvval.add(new Double(1.0));
rnvval.add(new Double(2.0));
RNumericVector rnv = RDataFactory.createNumericVector("rnv", rnvval);
List<Date> rdvval = new ArrayList<Date>();
rdvval.add(new Date());
rdvval.add(new Date());
RDateVector rdv =
RDataFactory.createDateVector("rdv", rdvval, "yyyy-MM-dd");
List<RData> dfv = new ArrayList<RData>();
List<RData> df = RDataFactory.createDataFrame("numdf", dfv);
List<RData> df = RDataFactory.createDataFrame("numdf", dfv);

// 15. Encode an R factor.
List<String> rfval = new ArrayList<String>();
RFactor factor = RDataFactory.createFactor(name, rfval, false);


var RInput = deployr.RInput;

// 1. Encode an R logical value.
var bool = RInput.logical('bool', true);

// --or--
.logical('bool', true)

// 2. Encode an R numeric value.
var num = RInput.numeric('num', 10.0);

// --or--
.numeric('num', 10.0)

// 3. Encode an R literal value.
var str = RInput.character('str', 'hello');

// --or--
.character('str', 'hello')

// 4. Encode an R date.
var dateval = new Date(2014, 3, 2);
var date ='date', dateval);

// --or--
.date('date', dateval)

// 5. Encode an R logical vector.
var bvv = [];
bvv.push(RInput.logical('item1', true));
bvv.push(RInput.logical('item1', true));
var boolvec = RInput.logicalVector('boolvec', bvv);

// --or--
.logicalVector('boolvec', bvv)

// 6. Encode an R numeric vector.
var nvv = [];
nvv.push(RInput.numeric('item1', 10.0));
nvv.push(RInput.numeric('item1', 20.0));
var numvec = RInput.numericVector('numvec', nvv);

// --or--
.numericVector('numvec', nvv)

// 7. Encode an R literal vector.
var svv = [];
svv.push(RInput.character('item1', 'hello'));
svv.push(RInput.character('item2', 'world'));
var strvec = RInput.characterVector('strvec', svv);

// --or--
.characterVector('strvec', svv)

// 8. Encode an R date vector.
var dvv = [];
dvv.push('item1', new Date()));
dvv.push('item2', new Date()));
var datevec = RInput.dateVector('dvv', dvv);

// --or--
.dateVector('dvv', dvv)

// 9. Encode an R POSIX date vector.
var dvv = [];
dvv.push(RInput.posix('item1', new Date()));
dvv.push(RInput.posix('item2', new Date()));
var posixvec = RInput.posixVector('posixvec', dvv);

// --or--
.posixVector('posixvec', dvv)

// 10. Encode an R logical matrix.
var bml = [];
var bmv = [];
bml.push(RInput.logical('item1', true));
bml.push(RInput.logical('item2', true));
var boolmat = RInput.logicalMatrix('boolmat', bmv)

// --or--
.logicalMatrix('boolmat', bmv)

// 11. Encode an R numeric matrix.
var nml = [];
var nmv = [];
nml.push(RInput.numeric('item1', 10.0));
nml.push(RInput.numeric('item2', 20.0));
var nummat = RInput.numericMatrix('nummat', nmv)
// --or--
.numericMatrix('nummat', nmv)

// 12. Encode an R literal matrix.
var sml = [];
var smv = [];
sml.push(RInput.character('item1', 'hello'));
sml.push(RInput.character('item2', 'world'));
var strmat = RInput.characterMatrix('strmat', smv)

// --or--
.characterMatrix('strmat', smv)

// 13. Encode an R list.
var lv = [];
lv.push(RInput.numeric('n1', 10.0));
lv.push(RInput.numeric('n2', 10.0));

// --or--
.list('numlist', lv)

// 14. Encode an R data.frame.
var rnval = [];
rnval.push(RInput.numeric('item1', 1.0));
rnval.push(RInput.numeric('item2', 2.0));
var rnv = RInput.numericVector('rnv', rnvval);
var rdvval = [];
rdvval.push('item3', new Date()));
rdvval.push('item4', new Date()));
var rdv = RInput.dateVector('rdv', rdvval);
var dfv = [];
var df = RInput.dataframe('numdef', dfv);

// --or--
.dataframe('numdf', dfv)

// 15. Encode an R factor.
var rfval = [];
var factor = RInput.factor('rfval', rfval);

// --or--
.factor('rfval', rfval);


// 1. Encode an R logical value.
// 1. Encode an R logical value.
RBoolean rBool = RDataFactory.createBoolean("bool", true);

// 2. Encode an R numeric value.
RNumeric rNum = RDataFactory.createNumeric("num", 10.0);

// 3. Encode an R literal value.
RString rString = RDataFactory.createString("str", "hello");

// 4. Encode an R date.
DateTime dateval = new DateTime(2014, 3, 2);
RDate rDate = RDataFactory.createDate("date", dateval, "yyyy-MM-dd");

// 5. Encode an R logical vector.
List<Boolean?> boolVector = new List<Boolean?>();
RBooleanVector rBoolVector = RDataFactory.createBooleanVector("boolvec", boolVector);

// 6. Encode an R numeric vector.
List<Double?> numVector = new List<Double?>();
RNumericVector rNumericVector = RDataFactory.createNumericVector("numvec", numVector);

// 7. Encode an R literal vector.
List<String> strVector = new List<String>();
RStringVector rStringVector = RDataFactory.createStringVector("strvec", strVector);

// 8. Encode an R date vector.
List<String> dateVector = new List<String>();
dateVector.Add(new DateTime(2014, 10, 10).ToString());
dateVector.Add(new DateTime(2014, 11, 11).ToString());
RDateVector rDateVector =
RDataFactory.createDateVector("datevec", dateVector, "yyyy-MM-dd");

// 9. Encode an R logical matrix.
List<Boolean?> boolVec = new List<Boolean?>();
List<List<Boolean?>> boolMatrix = new List<List<Boolean?>>();
RBooleanMatrix rBoolMatrix = RDataFactory.createBooleanMatrix("boolmat", boolMatrix);

// 10. Encode an R numeric matrix.
List<Double?> numVec = new List<Double?>();
List<List<Double?>> numMatrix = new List<List<Double?>>();
RNumericMatrix rNumMatrix = RDataFactory.createNumericMatrix("nummat", numMatrix);

// 11. Encode an R literal matrix.
List<String> strVec = new List<String>();
List<List<String>> strMatrix = new List<List<String>>();
RStringMatrix rStrMatrix = RDataFactory.createStringMatrix("strmat", strMatrix);

// 12. Encode an R list.
List<RData> listRData = new List<RData>();
listRData.Add(RDataFactory.createNumeric("n1", 10.0));
listRData.Add(RDataFactory.createNumeric("n2", 20.0));
RList numlist = RDataFactory.createList("numlist", listRData);

// 13. Encode an R data.frame.
List<Double?> numVect = new List<Double?>();
RNumericVector rNumVector = RDataFactory.createNumericVector("rnv", numVect);
List<String> dateVec = new List<String>();
dateVec.Add(new DateTime(2014,1,2).ToString());
dateVec.Add(new DateTime(2014,1,3).ToString());
RDateVector rDateVect = RDataFactory.createDateVector("rdv", dateVec, "yyyy-MM-dd");
List<RData> dfVector = new List<RData>();
RDataFrame rDataFrame = RDataFactory.createDataFrame("numdf", dfVector);

// 15. Encode an R factor.
List<String> factorVector = new List<String>();
RFactor rFactor = RDataFactory.createFactor("myfactor", factorVector);

See the Web Service API Data Encodings section for further details.

R Object Data Decoding

DeployR -specific encodings are used to encode R object data passing into and out of the DeployR server. Each of
the client libraries provides support that simplifies the task of decoding R object data being returned from the
DeployR server.
One or more R objects can be returned as DeployR -encoded objects in the response markup on any of the
following execution calls:
The following code snippets demonstrate the mechanism for requesting DeployR -encoded objects to be returned
on these calls:

// ProjectExecutionOptions: use the _robjects_ parameter to request
// one or more R objects to be returned as DeployR-encoded objects
// on the response markup.
// In this example, following the execution the "mtcars" and the
// "score" workspace objects will be returned on the call.
ProjectExecutionOptions options = new ProjectExecutionOptions();
options.routputs = Arrays.asList("mtcars", "score");


// ProjectExecutionOptions: use the `robjects` or `robject` parameter to request
// one or more R objects to be returned as DeployR-encoded objects on the
// response markup.
// In this example, following the execution the "mtcars" and the "score"
// workspace objects will be returned on the call.
.routputs([ 'mtcars', 'score' ])

// --- or ---


// ProjectExecutionOptions: use the _robjects_ parameter to request
// one or more R objects to be returned as DeployR-encoded objects
// on the response markup.
// In this example, following the execution the "mtcars" and the
// "score" workspace objects will be returned on the call.
ProjectExecutionOptions options = new ProjectExecutionOptions();

When working with temporary or persistent DeployR projects, R objects can also be returned as DeployR -
encoded objects in the response markup on the following workspace call:
The following code snippet demonstrates the mechanism for requesting DeployR -encoded objects to be returned
on this call:
// RProject.getObject(String objectName)
// RProject.getObject(String objectName, boolean encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector)
// RProject.getObject(List<String> objectNames)
// RProject.getObject(List<String> objectNames, boolean encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector)
// In this example, following the execution the "mtcars" and the
// "score" workspace objects will be returned on the call.
List<String> objectNames = Arrays.asList("mtcars", "score");
List<RData> rDataList = rProject.getObject(objectNames, true);


// var obj = response.workspace(objectName);
// -- or --
// var workspace = response.workspace();
// In this example, following the execution the "mtcars" and the
// "score" workspace objects will be returned on the call.

.end(function(response) {
var mtcars = response.workspace('mtcars');
var score = response.workspace('score');

// RProject.getObject(String objectName)
// RProject.getObject(String objectName, boolean encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector)
// RProject.getObjects(List<String> objectNames, boolean encodeDataFramePrimitiveAsVector)
// In this example, following the execution the "mtcars" and the
// "score" workspace objects will be returned on the call.
RData rDataMtcars = rProject.getObject("mtcars", true);
RData rDataScore = rProject.getObject("score", true);

Encodings are provided for the following classes of R object:

character, integer, numeric and logical
Date, POSIXct, and POSIXlt
vector, matrix
ordered, factor
list, data.frame.
The method for decoding these DeployR -encoded objects within a client application depends on the specific client
library being used. The following code snippets demonstrate the mechanism for decoding R objects in order to
retrieve their values using the client libraries:
// Java Client Library R Object Decoding
// The Java client library always returns DeployR-encoded objects
// as an instance of
// To decode an instance of RData in order to retrieve the value
// of the object you must determine the concrete implementation
// class of the RData instance. The concrete class provides a
// getValue() method with an appropriate return type.
// There are two approaches available to Java client developers.

// (1) Explicit Casting of RData to Concrete Class
// This approach can be used if you know the underlying
// concrete class for your instance of RData ahead of time.
// The set of available concrete classes for RData are defined
// in the package.
RData rData = rProject.getObject("mtcars");
RDataFrame mtcars = (RDataFrame) rData;
List<RData> values = mtcars.getValue();

// (2) Runtime Detection of RData underlying Concrete Class
// This approach can be used if you are working with multiple
// objects or if the underlying concrete class for each
// instance of RData is simply unknown ahead of time.
// The set of available concrete classes for RData are defined
// in the package.
List<String> objectNames = Arrays.asList("mtcars", "score");
List<RData> rDataList = rProject.getObjects(objectNames);

for(RData rData : rDataList) {

if(rData instanceof RDataFrame) {

List<RData> values = ((RDataFrame) rData).getValue();
processDataFrame(rData.getName(), values);
} else
if(rData instanceof RNumeric) {
double value = ((RNumeric) rData).getValue();
processNumeric(rData.getName(), value);
// else..if..etc...

// JavaScript Client Library R Object Decoding
// The Java client library always returns DeployR-encoded objects as object
// literals.
// There are two approaches available to JavaScript client developers.

// (1) Explicit "Casting" of `R Data`
// This approach can be used if you know the underlying type of the RData on the
// response ahead of time.
var mtcars = response.workspace('mtcars'); // dataframe
var value = mtcars.value;

// (2) Runtime Detection of `R Data`
// This approach can be used if you are working with multiple objects or if the
// RData is simply unknown ahead of time on the response.
var objects = response.workspace();

for (var obj in objects) {

if (obj.type === 'dataframe') {
processDataFrame(, obj.value);
} else if (obj.type === 'numeric') {
processNumeric(, obj.value);
// else..if..etc...

// .NET Client Library R Object Decoding
// The .NET client library always returns DeployR-encoded objects
// as an instance of RData.
// To decode an instance of RData in order to retrieve the value
// of the object you must determine the concrete implementation
// class of the RData instance. The concrete class provides a
// Value method with an appropriate return type.
// There are two approaches available to .NET client developers.

// (1) Explicit Casting of RData to Concrete Class
// This approach can be used if you know the underlying
// concrete class for your instance of RData ahead of time.
RData rData = rProject.getObject("mtcars");
RDataFrame mtcars = (RDataFrame) rData;
List<RData> values = (List<RData>)mtcars.Value;

// (2) Runtime Detection of RData underlying Concrete Class
// This approach can be used if you are working with multiple
// objects or if the underlying concrete class for each
// instance of RData is simply unknown ahead of time.
List<String> objectNames = new List<String>{"mtcars", "score"};
List<RData> rDataList = rProject.getObjects(objectNames, true);

foreach(RData rDataVal in rDataList)


if(rDataVal.GetType() == typeof(RDataFrame))
List<RData> vals = (List<RData>)rDataVal.Value;
//write your own function to parse a dataframe
processDataFrame(rDataVal.Name, vals);
else if(rDataVal.GetType() == typeof(RNumeric))
Double value = (Double)rDataVal.Value;
// else..if..etc...
RBroker Framework Tutorial
4/13/2018 • 37 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

The RBroker Framework is the simplest way to integrate DeployR -enabled analytics Web services inside any
Java, JavaScript or .NET application. This document introduces the basic building blocks exposed by the
framework, explains the programming model encouraged by the framework, and demonstrates the framework in
action using language-specific code samples.

The RBroker Framework is designed to support transactional, on-demand analytics, where each invocation on
an analytics Web service is a standalone operation that executes on a stateless R session environment. If your
application requires a long-lived stateful R session environment, then please see the DeployR Client Libraries,
which offer support for stateful operations on DeployR -managed Projects.

Try Out Our Examples! Explore the RBroker Framework examples for Java, Javascript, and .NET. Find them
under the examples directory of each Github repository. Additional sample applications are also available on
Basic Building Blocks
The RBroker Framework defines three simple building blocks:
1. RBroker: an RTask execution engine
2. RTask: an executable representing any analytics Web service
3. RTaskResult: a collection of result data for an instance of RTask
These building blocks are described in further detail in the following sections.
Building Block 1: RBroker
At its most fundamental level, an RBroker is an RTask execution engine, exposing a simple interface to be used by
client application developers to submit RTask for execution. However, an RBroker engine handles more than
simple execution. Specifically, an RBroker engine is responsible for the following:
1. Queuing RTask requests on behalf of client applications
2. Acquiring a dedicated R session for the purposes of executing each RTask
3. Initiating optional R session pre-initialization for each RTask
4. Launching the execution of each RTask
5. Handling execution success or failure responses for each RTask
6. Returning RTaskResult result data for each RTask to client applications
An RBroker takes on these responsibilities so that client application developers don't have to.
Building Block 2: RTask
An RTask is an executable description of any DeployR -enabled analytics Web service.
There are three distinct styles of analytics Web service available to client application developers. They are based
1. Repository-managed R scripts
2. Arbitrary blocks of R code
3. URL -addressable R scripts
Each style of analytics Web service is supported when instantiating instances of RTask. To execute any RTask,
submit the RTask to an instance of RBroker.
Building Block 3: RTaskResult
An RTaskResult provides the client application access to RTask result data. Such result data may include:
1. RTask generated R console output
2. RTask generated graphics device plots
3. RTask generated working directory files
4. RTask generated R object workspace data
RTaskResult data can be read, displayed, processed, stored, or further distributed by client applications.
Basic Programming Model
The basic programming model when working with the RBroker framework is as follows:
1. Create an instance of RBroker within your application.
2. Create one or more instances of RTask within your application.
3. Submit these RTasks to your instance of RBroker for execution.
4. Integrate the results of your RTasks returned by RBroker within your application.
As this basic programming model indicates, when using the RBroker framework, your application logic can focus
entirely on defining your R analytics tasks and integrating your R analytics task results. The inherent complexity of
managing both client-side DeployR API calls and server-side R session lifecycles is handled entirely by RBroker,
which greatly simplifies client application development.
Hello World Example
The following code snippets provide the ubiquituous "Hello World" example for the RBroker framework. Each
snippet provides a brief demonstration of how the RBroker framework basic programming model is
accomplished in Java, JavaScript and C# code respectively.
// 1. Create an instance of RBroker.
// Typically, a client application will require only a single
// instance of RBroker.
// An RBrokerFactory is provided to facilitate the creation of
// RBroker instances.
RBroker rBroker =

// 2. Define an instance of RTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("regression",

// 3. Submit the instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
// The RBroker.submit() call is non-blocking so an instance
// of RTaskToken is returned immediately.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

// 4. Retrieve the RTask result.
// An RTaskResult provides a client application access to RTask
// results, including R console output, generated plots or files,
// and DeployR-encoded R object workspace data.
// While this example demonstrates a synchronous approach to RTaskResult
// handling, the RBRoker framework also supports an asynchronous model.
// The asynchronous model is recommended for all but the most simple integrations.
RTaskResult rTaskResult = rTaskToken.getResult();

// Browser --> window.rbroker
<script src="rbroker.js"></script>

// Node.js
#!/bin/env node
var rbroker = require('rbroker');

// 1. Create an instance of RBroker.
// Typically, a client application will require only a single
// instance of RBroker.
// An RBrokerFactory is provided to facilitate the creation of
// RBroker instances.
var dsBroker = rbroker.discreteTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// 2. Define an instance of RTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
var rTask = rbroker.discreteTask({
filename: 'regression',
directory: 'demo',
author: 'george',
version: version
// more options...

// 3. Submit the instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
// The RBroker.submit() call is non-blocking so an instance
// of RTaskToken is returned immediately.
var rTaskToken = dsBroker.submit(rTask);

// 4. Retrieve the RTask result.
// An RTaskResult provides a client application access to RTask
// results, including R console output, generated plots or files,
// and DeployR-encoded R object workspace data.
rTasktoken.complete(function(rTask, rTaskResult) {
// result...

// Or combine Steps (3 and 4) above into a single chain using `.complete()`
.complete(function(rTask, rTaskResult) {
// result...

// 1. Create an instance of RBroker.
// Typically, a client application will require only a single
// instance of RBroker.
// An RBrokerFactory is provided to facilitate the creation of
// RBroker instances.
RBroker rBroker = RBrokerFactory.discreteTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// 2. Define an instance of RTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
DiscreteTaskOptions taskOptions = new DiscreteTaskOptions();
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("regression",

// 3. Submit the instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
// The RBroker.submit() call is non-blocking so an instance
// of RTaskToken is returned immediately.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

// 4. Retrieve the RTask result.
// An RTaskResult provides a client application access to RTask
// results, including R console output, generated plots or files,
// and DeployR-encoded R object workspace data.
// While this example demonstrates a synchronous approach to RTaskResult
// handling, the RBRoker framework also supports an asynchronous model.
// The asynchronous model is recommended for all but the most simple integrations.
RTaskResult rTaskResult = rTaskToken.getResult();

Try Out Our Examples! After downloading the RBroker Framework, you can find basic examples that
complement this tutorial under the deployr/examples directory. Additionally, find more comprehensive examples
for Java and JavaScript.

RBroker Runtime Options

The RBroker Framework defines three simple building blocks (RBroker, RTask and RTaskResult), which can be
instantiated in a number of ways to allow client application solutions to leverage distinct runtime
characteristics from the framework.

Currently, there are three RBroker runtimes available. These runtimes are identified as:
1. Discrete Task Runtime
2. Pooled Task Runtime
3. Background Task Runtime
When contemplating any RBroker-based solution, a developer must first decide which runtime to use.

The following sections detail the characteristics of each RBroker runtime and provide guidance to help developers
make the correct runtime selection based on their specific needs.
Discrete Task Runtime
The Discrete Task Runtime acquires DeployR grid resources per RTask on-demand, which has a number of
important consequences at runtime. These consequences are:
1. If an appropriate slot on the grid can be acquired by the RBroker, then an RTask will be executed.
2. If an appropriate slot on the grid can not be acquired by the the RBroker, then the RTask result will indicate
an RGridException failure.
3. Any RTask indicating an RGridException failure can be resubmitted to the RBroker.

It is the responsibility of the client application developer to decide whether such RTasks should be
resubmitted to RBroker, logged by the application, and/or reported to the end-user.

4. This runtime supports a maxConcurrency configuration property that limits the maximum number of
RTasks that the RBroker will attempt to execute in parallel. All RTasks submitted in excess of this limit are
automatically queued by the RBroker, which ensures that no more than maxConcurrency RTasks are
executing on the runtime at any one time.
5. Tuning the maxConcurrency property to reflect the real-world limits determined by grid resources
provisioned by the DeployR system administrator is an important step when deploying solutions on the
Discrete Task Runtime.

See the Grid Resource Management section of this tutorial for guidance when setting maxConcurrency
for your RBroker instance.

Discrete Task Runtime Suitability

This type of runtime is well-suited to all forms of RBroker prototyping as well as for public facing production
deployments. If you anticipate anonymous users making use of DeployR analytics Web services, then this runtime
is for you.
Tip! If that does not sound like a suitable RBroker runtime for your client application, then consider the Pooled
Task Runtime or the Background Task Runtime.
Discrete Task Runtime Programming Model
The Discrete Task Runtime is supported by the DiscreteTaskBroker. This broker executes instances of
DiscreteTask. The R session environment allocated on the grid per DiscreteTask can be pre-initialized using
// 1. Create an instance of DiscreteTaskBroker.
RBroker rBroker =

// 2.1 Create an instance of DiscreteTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("regression",

// 2.2 Create an instance of DiscreteTask.
// RTasks describing analytics Web services based on arbitrary
// blocks of R code are not supported by DiscreteTaskBroker.

// 2.3. Create an instance of DiscreteTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
// This type of RTask is available only when executing on
// behalf of an authenticated user with POWER_USER permissions.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask(regressionURL,

// 3. Submit instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

// Browser --> window.rbroker
<script src="rbroker.js"></script>

// Node.js
#!/bin/env node
var rbroker = require('rbroker');

// 1. Create an instance of DiscreteTaskBroker.
var dsBroker = rbroker.discreteTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// 2.1 Create an instance of DiscreteTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
var rTask = rbroker.discreteTask({
filename: 'regression',
directory: 'demo',
author: 'george',
version: version
// more discrete-task-options...

// 2.2 Create an instance of DiscreteTask.
// RTasks describing analytics Web services based on arbitrary
// blocks of R code are not supported by DiscreteTaskBroker.
var rTask = rbroker.discreteTask({
code: codeBlock
// more pooled-task-options...

// 2.3. Create an instance of DiscreteTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
// This type of RTask is available only when executing on
// behalf of an authenticated user with POWER_USER permissions.
var rTask = rbroker.discreteTask({
externalsource: regressionURL
// more discrete-task-options...

// 3. Submit instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
var rTaskToken = dsBroker.submit(rTask);

// 1. Create an instance of DiscreteTaskBroker.
RBroker rBroker = RBrokerFactory.discreteTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// 2.1 Create an instance of DiscreteTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("regression",

// 2.2 Create an instance of DiscreteTask.
// RTasks describing analytics Web services based on arbitrary
// blocks of R code are not supported by DiscreteTaskBroker.

// 2.3. Create an instance of DiscreteTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
// This type of RTask is available only when executing on
// behalf of an authenticated user with POWER_USER permissions.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask(regressionURL, discreteTaskOptions);

// 3. Submit instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

Discrete Task Runtime Authentication

RBroker authentication is optional for this type of runtime, therefore RTask can be executed on behalf of an
authenticated user or anonymously. Whether to use authentication or not depends on your specific deployment
Discrete Task Runtime Persistence
When RTask are executed on behalf of an authenticated user, optional persistence to the DeployR -repository post-
execution is supported. See storageOptions on DiscreteTaskOptions as documented on the RBroker Framework
API. When RTasks are executed anonymously, persistence to the DeployR -repository post-execution is
Pooled Task Runtime
The Pooled Task Runtime acquires a dedicated pool of DeployR grid resources at startup, which has a number of
important consequences at runtime. These consequences are:
1. The time taken to initialize the dedicated grid resource pool for this runtime depends on the nature of the
PooledCreationOptions indicated on the PooledBrokerConfig and the size of the pool itself.
2. Every RTask submitted to the RBroker is guaranteed to execute eventually. There is no possibility of failure
due to grid resource exhaustion.
3. This runtime supports a maxConcurrency configuration property that limits the maximum number of
RTasks that the RBroker will attempt to execute in parallel. By definition, the maxConcurrency limit
determines the size of the pool.
4. All RTasks submitted in excess of this limit are automatically queued, which ensures that no more than
maxConcurrency RTasks are executing on the runtime at any one time.

5. Tuning the maxConcurrency property to reflect the real-world limits determined by grid resources
provisioned by the DeployR system administrator is an important step when deploying solutions on the
Pooled Task Runtime.

See the Grid Resource Management section of this tutorial for guidance when setting maxConcurrency
for your RBroker instance.

Pooled Task Runtime Suitability

This type of runtime is well suited to production deployments where consistent runtime semantics are required. If
you anticipate a high-volume RTask workload, then this runtime is for you. Remember to size the pool in line with
expected workload.

If that does not sound like a suitable RBroker runtime for your client application, then consider the Discrete
Task Runtime or the Background Task Runtime.

Pooled Task Runtime Programming Model

The Pooled Task Runtime is supported by the PooledTaskBroker. This broker executes instances of PooledTask.
The R session environment assigned to handle the execution of each PooledTask can be pre-initialized using
// 1. Create an instance of PooledTaskBroker.
RBroker rBroker =

// 2.1 Create an instance of PooledTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.pooledTask("regression",

// 2.2 Create another instance of PooledTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on an
// arbitrary block of R code: [codeBlock]
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.pooledTask(codeBlock,

// 2.3. Create a third instance of PooledTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
// This type of RTask is available only when executing on
// behalf of an authenticated user with POWER_USER permissions.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.pooledTask(regressionURL,

// 3. Submit instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

// Browser --> window.rbroker
<script src="rbroker.js"></script>

// Node.js
#!/bin/env node
var rbroker = require('rbroker');

// 1. Create an instance of PooledTaskBroker.
var pooledBroker = rbroker.pooledTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// 2.1 Create an instance of PooledTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
var rTask = rbroker.pooledTask({
filename: 'regression',
directory: 'demo',
author: 'george',
version: version
// more pooled-task-options...

// 2.2 Create another instance of PooledTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on an
// arbitrary block of R code: [codeBlock]
var rTask = rbroker.pooledTask({
code: codeBlock
// more pooled-task-options...

// 2.3. Create a third instance of PooledTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
// This type of RTask is available only when executing on
// behalf of an authenticated user with POWER_USER permissions.
var rTask = rbroker.pooledTask({
externalsource: regressionURL
// more pooled-task-options...

// 3. Submit instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
var rTaskToken = pooledBroker.submit(rTask);

// 1. Create an instance of PooledTaskBroker.
RBroker rBroker = RBrokerFactory.pooledTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// 2.1 Create an instance of PooledTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.pooledTask("regression",

// 2.2 Create another instance of PooledTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on an
// arbitrary block of R code: [codeBlock]
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.pooledTask(codeBlock, pooledTaskOptions);

// 2.3. Create a third instance of PooledTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
// This type of RTask is available only when executing on
// behalf of an authenticated user with POWER_USER permissions.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.pooledTask(regressionURL, pooledTaskOptions);

// 3. Submit instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

Pooled Task Runtime Authentication

RBroker authentication is required for this type of runtime, therefore RTask will always execute on behalf of an
authenticated user. In many instances, this user may represent your client application, and not individual end-
Pooled Task Runtime Persistence
Since RTasks executed on this type of runtime are executing on behalf of an authenticated user, optional
persistence to the DeployR -repository following an execution is supported. See storageOptions on
PooledTaskOptions as documented on the RBroker Framework API.
Pooled Task Runtime Resource Management
While this runtime is ideal for high-volume RTask environments, it is important to proactively manage server-side
resources dedicated to the pool. One such resource that requires special attention is the DeployR database.
Each RTask results in meta-data, and sometimes data, being persisted to the DeployR database. This data is
preserved in the database until the PooledTaskBroker is ultimately released. Given this runtime could theoretically
service hundreds of thousands or even millions of RTask we recommend that you periodically release and rebuild
your pool which allows the DeployR server to flush old RTask data from the system.
Background Task Runtime
The Background Task Runtime acquires DeployR grid resources per RTask based on the server-side management
of asynchronous grid resources. This has a number of important consequences at runtime:
1. Unlike the other runtimes, this runtime only schedules RTasks for execution. It delegates actual execution to
the server-side job scheduling manager.
2. Every RTask submitted to the RBroker is guaranteed to execute eventually. There is no possibility of failure
due to grid resource exhaustion.
3. This runtime does not support a maxConcurrency configuration property. The server-side job scheduling
manager maintains its own queuing systems that function independently of the RBroker configuration.
Background Task Runtime Suitability
This type of runtime is well-suited to deployments that require periodic, scheduled or batch processing.

If that does not sound like a suitable RBroker runtime for your client application consider the Discrete Task
Runtime or the Pooled Task Runtime.

2. Background Task Runtime Programming Model

The background task runtime is supported by the BackgroundTaskBroker. This broker schedules instances of
BackgroundTask for execution on the server. The R session environment that is assigned to handle the execution
of each BackgroundTask can be pre-initialized using BackgroundTaskOptions.
// 1. Create an instance of BackgroundTaskBroker.
RBroker rBroker =

// 2.1 Create an instance of BackgroundTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.backgroundTask("Sample Task",
"Sample description",

// 2.2 Create another instance of BackgroundTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web services based on an
// arbitrary block of R code: [codeBlock]
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.backgroundTask("Sample Task",
"Sample description",

// 2.3. Create a third instance of BackgroundTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
// This type of RTask is available only when executing on
// behalf of an authenticated user with POWER_USER permissions.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.backgroundTask("Sample Task",
"Sample description",

// 3. Submit instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

// Browser --> window.rbroker
<script src="rbroker.js"></script>

// Node.js
#!/bin/env node
var rbroker = require('rbroker');

// 1. Create an instance of BackgroundTaskBroker.
var bgBroker = rbroker.backgroundTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// 2.1 Create an instance of BackgroundTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
var rTask = rbroker.backgroundTask({
name: 'Sample Task',
descr: 'Sample description',
rscriptname: 'regression',
rscriptdirectory: 'demo',
rscriptauthor: 'george',
rscriptversion: version
// more background-task-options...

// 2.2 Create another instance of BackgroundTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web services based on an
// arbitrary block of R code: [codeBlock]
var rTask = rbroker.backgroundTask({
name: 'Sample Task',
descr: 'Sample description',
code: codeBlock
// more background-task-options...

// 2.3. Create a third instance of BackgroundTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
// This type of RTask is available only when executing on
// behalf of an authenticated user with POWER_USER permissions.
var rTask = rbroker.backgroundTask({
name: 'Sample Task',
descr: 'Sample description',
externalsource: regressionURL
// more background-task-options...

// 3. Submit instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
var rTaskToken = bgBroker.submit(rTask);

// 1. Create an instance of BackgroundTaskBroker.
RBroker rBroker = RBrokerFactory.backgroundTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// 2.1 Create an instance of BackgroundTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// repository-managed R script: /george/demo/regression.R.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.backgroundTask("Sample Task",
"Sample description",

// 2.2 Create another instance of BackgroundTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web services based on an
// arbitrary block of R code: [codeBlock]
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.backgroundTask("Sample Task",
"Sample description",

// 2.3. Create a third instance of BackgroundTask.
// This RTask describes an analytics Web service based on a
// URL-addressable R script: [regressionURL]
// This type of RTask is available only when executing on
// behalf of an authenticated user with POWER_USER permissions.
RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.backgroundTask("Sample Task",
"Sample description",

// 3. Submit instance of RTask to RBroker for execution.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

Background Task Runtime Authentication

RBroker authentication is required for this type of runtime, therefore RTask will always execute on behalf of an
authenticated user. In many instances, that user may represent your client application, and not individual end-
Background Task Runtime Persistence
Since RTasks executed on this type of runtime are executing on behalf of an authenticated user, optional
persistence to the DeployR -repository following an execution is supported. See storageOptions on
BackgroundTaskOptions as documented on the RBroker Framework API.

Result data are not directly available on RTaskResult. Instead a DeployR Job identifier is returned. An
application developer must use an appropriate DeployR Client Library that supports APIs for the retrieval of
results persisted by the BackgroundTask on DeployR Job.
RBroker Resource Management
While each RBroker runtime automatically manages all DeployR -related client-side and server-side resources on
behalf of client applications, it is the responsibility of the application developer to make an explicit call on RBroker
to release any residual resources associated with the broker instance whenever a client application terminates.
The following code snippets demonstrate the mechanism:

// Release resources held by RBroker.
// Upon application termination, release any client-side and
// server-side resources held by the instance of RBroker.


// Release resources held by RBroker.
// Upon application termination, release any client-side and
// server-side resources held by the instance of RBroker.
.then(function() {
// successful shutdown...


// Release resources held by RBroker.
// Upon application termination, release any client-side and
// server-side resources held by the instance of RBroker.

This step is especially important for applications that make use of the Pooled Task Broker Runtime since
significant DeployR grid resources associated with that runtime will remain unavailable until explicitly

RTask Priority Execution

Each RBroker runtime maintains a basic FIFO queue for RTask. Each RTask on that FIFO queue is eventually
submitted to the DeployR server for execution. By default, RTask are executed in this FIFO order.
However, there are times when FIFO semantics get in the way of desired client application semantics. For
example, when a high priority RTask generated by the client application needs to take precedence over any
existing RTasks that may already be in the FIFO queue.
Each RBroker runtime has built-in support for high priority RTasks. When RTasks are submitted as high priority,
they jump the default FIFO queue and form their own priority FIFO queue. The following code snippets
demonstrate how this mechanism works in practice:

// 1. RTask Standard Execution
// Uses the default RBroker FIFO-queue.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

// 2. RTask Priority Execution
// Uses the priority RBroker FIFO-queue.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask, true);


// 1. RTask Standard Execution
// Uses the default RBroker FIFO-queue.
var rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

// 2. RTask Priority Execution
// Uses the priority RBroker FIFO-queue.
var rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask, true);


// 1. RTask Standard Execution
// Uses the default RBroker FIFO-queue.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

// 2. RTask Priority Execution
// Uses the priority RBroker FIFO-queue.
RTaskToken rTaskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask, true);

All RTasks on the priority FIFO queue are guaranteed to be executed by the RBroker before any attempt is made
to execute RTasks on the default FIFO queue.

Client Application Simulations

When evaluating any new software technology, one of the first things you are likely to come across is the
ubiquituous "Hello World" sample application. Not to be outdone, we provide our own "Hello World" sample
application for the RBroker framework.
While such sample applications provide a great starting point for any new technology, they can only take you so
far. This section discusses client application simulations, which is one of the key tools that is built into the RBroker
framework that will help you go a whole lot further.
As a client application developer interested in integrating analytics Web services into your custom client
application you really have two technical challenges that need solving:
1. How best to build or extend your custom client application to facilitate the integration of analytics Web
2. How best to integrate analytics Web services to ensure your application meets runtime performance goals?
On the first challenge, we offer no particular guidance, since you already know best in such matters. However, on
the second challenge, we believe there are key questions that can and should be asked and answered before full
integration commences, such as:
1. What RBroker runtime should my application be using?
2. What is the best configuration for my RBroker runtime based on anticipated workload and throughput
3. How can assumptions be verified regarding throughput and overall performance of the integration?
If client application developers can answer these kinds of questions without first having to build a complete client
application to test drive each scenario, it can make life a lot simpler.
It is for this reason that the RBroker framework supports client application simulations. These simulations are
headless client applications that are designed to drive RTask requests through an RBroker instance in order to
help developers test, measure and optimize their RBroker integration.
To run a client application simulation simply create a simulation that implements the appropriate interface and
then ask an instance of RBroker to run the simulation. The following code snippets demonstrate the mechanism.

// 1. Create an instance of RBroker.
RBroker rBroker = RBrokerFactory.discreteTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// 2. Create an instance of RTaskAppSimulator.
// This is your client application simulation. The logic of your
// simulation can be as simple or as complex as you wish, giving you the
// flexibility to simulate anything from the most simple to the most
// complex use cases.

SampleAppSimulation simulation = new SampleAppSimulation(rBroker);

// 3. Launch RTaskAppSimulator simulation.
// The RBroker will automatically launch and execute your simulation
// when the simulateApp(RTaskAppSimulator) method is called.

// 1. Create an instance of RBroker.
var broker = rbroker.discreteTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// 2. Create an `app simulator` - SampleAppSimulation
// This is your client application simulation. The logic of your
// simulation can be as simple or as complex as you wish, giving you the
// flexibility to simulate anything from the most simple to the most
// complex use cases.

var simulator = {
simulateApp: function(dBroker) {
// implementation...

// 3. Launch RTaskAppSimulator simulation.
// The RBroker will automatically launch and execute your simulation
// when the simulateApp(simulator) method is called.


// // 1. Create an instance of RBroker. // RBroker rBroker = RBrokerFactory.discreteTaskBroker(brokerCfg);

// // 2. Create an instance of RTaskAppSimulator. // // This is your client application simulation. The logic
of your // simulation can be as simple or as complex as you wish, giving you the // flexibility to simulate
anything from the most simple to the most // complex use cases. //

SampleAppSimulation simulation = new SampleAppSimulation(rBroker);

// // 3. Launch RTaskAppSimulator simulation. // // The RBroker will automatically launch and execute your
simulation // when the simulateApp(RTaskAppSimulator) method is called. // rBroker.simulateApp(simulation);

Now that we have seen how the basic mechanism works for launching client application simulations, let's take a
look at the simulation itself. The following code snippets demonstrate the most simple simulation imaginable, the
execution of a single RTask.
// 1. SampleAppSimulation
// Demonstrates the simulation of a single RTask execution.
public class SampleAppSimulation implements RTaskAppSimulator,
RTaskListener {

// RTaskAppSimulator interface.
// This represents a complete client application simulation.
public void simulateApp(RBroker rBroker) {

// 1. Prepare RTask(s) for simulation.
// In the example, we will simply simulate the execution
// of a single RTask.

RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("regression",

null, null);
try {

RTaskToken taskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

} catch(Exception ex) {
// Exception on simulation, handle as appropriate.

// RTaskListener interface.

public void onTaskCompleted(RTask rTask, RTaskResult rTaskResult) {

// Completed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

public void onTaskError(RTask rTask, Throwable throwable) {

// Failed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

// 1. SampleAppSimulation
// Demonstrates the simulation of a single RTask execution.
var SampleAppSimulation = {

// Simulator interface `simulateApp(broker)`
// This represents a complete client application simulation.
simulateApp: function (broker) {

broker.complete(function (rTask, rTaskResult) {

// Completed RTask. Handle as appropriate.
.error(function (err) {
// Failed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

// 1. Prepare RTask(s) for simulation.
// In the example, we will simply simulate the execution
// of a single RTask.
var rTask = rbroker.discreteTask({
filename: 'rtScore',
directory: 'demo',
author: 'testuser'

var taskToken = dBroker.submit(rTask);


// 1. SampleAppSimulation
// Demonstrates the simulation of a single RTask execution.
public class SampleAppSimulation : RTaskAppSimulator, RTaskListener

// RTaskAppSimulator interface.
// This represents a complete client application simulation.
public void simulateApp(RBroker rBroker)

// 1. Prepare RTask(s) for simulation.
// In the example, we will simply simulate the execution
// of a single RTask.

RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("regression",

"", null);
RTaskToken taskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);
catch(Exception ex)
// Exception on simulation, handle as appropriate.

// RTaskListener interface.

public void onTaskCompleted(RTask rTask, RTaskResult rTaskResult)

// Completed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

public void onTaskError(RTask rTask, String error)

// Failed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

As you can see, asynchronous callbacks from RBroker allow you to track the progress of the simulation.
Now, let's consider the building of a simulation of a real-time scoring engine, which is something a little more
sophisticated. The following code snippets demonstrate what's involved.

public class SampleAppSimultation implements RTaskAppSimulator,

RTaskListener {

private long SIMULATE_TOTAL_TASK_COUNT = 1000;


* RTaskAppSimulator method.

public void simulateApp(RBroker rBroker) {

* Submit task(s) to RBroker for execution.

// In the example, we simulate the execution of

for(int tasksPushedToBroker = 0;
tasksPushedToBroker++) {

try {

// Prepare RTask for real-time scoring.
// In this example, we pass along a unique customer ID
// with each RTask. In a real-world application, the input
// parameters on each RTask will vary depending on need,
// such as customer database record keys and supplementary
// parameter data to facilitate the scoring.

PooledTaskOptions taskOptions =
new PooledTaskOptions();
taskOptions.rinputs = Arrays.asList((RData)
RDataFactory.createNumeric("customerid", tasksPushedToBroker));
taskOptions.routputs = Arrays.asList("score");

RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.pooledTask("rtScore",


RTaskToken taskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

// The following logic controls the simulated rate of
// RTasks being submitted to the RBroker, essentially
// controlling the simulated workload.

if(tasksPushedToBroker <

try {


long staggerLoadInterval =
staggerLoadInterval * 1000);

} catch(InterruptedException iex) {}
} catch(Exception ex) {
// Exception on simulation. Handle as appropriate.

* RTaskListener interface.

public void onTaskCompleted(RTask rTask, RTaskResult rTaskResult) {

// Completed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

public void onTaskError(RTask rTask, Throwable throwable) {

// Failed RTask. Handle as appropriate.



simulationStartTime = 0,
simulationStartTime = new Date().getTime(),
sleep = 0;

var SampleAppSimultation = {

simulateApp: function (broker) {

function staggeredLoad(tasksPushedToBroker, sleep) {

// Prepare RTask for real-time scoring.
// In this example, we pass along a unique customer ID
// with each RTask. In a real-world application, the input
// parameters on each RTask will vary depending on need,
// such as customer database record keys and supplementary
// parameter data to facilitate the scoring.
setTimeout(function() {
var rTask = rbroker.pooledTask({
filename: 'rtScore',
directory: 'demo',
author: 'testuser',
rinputs: [ {
type: RType.RNUMERIC,
name: 'customerid',
value: tasksPushedToBroker
} ],
routputs: ['score']

broker.submit(rTask, false);
}, sleep);

broker.complete(function (rTask, rTaskResult) {

// Completed RTask. Handle as appropriate.
.error(function (err) {
// Failed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

// In the example, we simulate the execution of
for(var tasksPushedToBroker = 0;
tasksPushedToBroker++) {

// The following logic controls the simulated rate of
// RTasks being submitted to the RBroker, essentially
// controlling the simulated workload.
if(tasksPushedToBroker < (SIMULATE_TOTAL_TASK_COUNT - 1)) {
var staggerLoadInterval = 60 / SIMULATE_TASK_RATE_PER_MINUTE;
sleep += (staggerLoadInterval * 1000);
staggeredLoad(tasksPushedToBroker, sleep);


public class SampleAppSimultation : RTaskAppSimulator, RTaskListener


RTask rTask;
RTaskToken rToken;

* RTaskAppSimulator method.

public void simulateApp(RBroker rBroker)


* Submit task(s) to RBroker for execution.

// In the example, we simulate the execution of

for( int tasksPushedToBroker = 0; tasksPushedToBroker < SIMULATE_TOTAL_TASK_COUNT;



// Prepare RTask for real-time scoring.
// In this example, we pass along a unique customer ID
// with each RTask. In a real-world application, the input
// parameters on each RTask will vary depending on need,
// such as customer database record keys and supplementary
// parameter data to facilitate the scoring.
PooledTaskOptions taskOptions = new PooledTaskOptions();
List<String> outputs = new List<String>();
taskOptions.routputs = outputs;

List<RData> inputs = new List<RData>();

inputs.Add(RDataFactory.createNumeric("customerid", tasksPushedToBroker));
taskOptions.rinputs = inputs;

RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.pooledTask("rtScore",


RTaskToken taskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

// The following logic controls the simulated rate of
// RTasks being submitted to the RBroker, essentially
// controlling the simulated workload.

if(tasksPushedToBroker <(SIMULATE_TOTAL_TASK_COUNT - 1))

int staggerLoadInterval = 60 / SIMULATE_TASK_RATE_PER_MINUTE;
Thread.Sleep(staggerLoadInterval * 1000);

catch(Exception ex)
// Exception on simulation. Handle as appropriate.

* RTaskListener interface.

public void onTaskCompleted(RTask rTask, RTaskResult rTaskResult)

// Completed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

public void onTaskError(RTask rTask, String error)

// Failed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

By running client application simulations, experiencing live execution result data and execution failures, and
observing overall throughput, a client application developer can learn how to tune the RBroker runtime and RTask
options for predictable, even optimal runtime performance.
And to aid further in the measurement of analytics Web service runtime performance, developers can take
advantage of yet another feature of the RBroker framework, client application profiling.

Client Application Profiling

As we just learned, the client application simulation feature of the RBroker framework helps you quickly answer
key integration questions by supporting rapid, iterative experimentation and testing. The client application
profiling feature extends these capabilities by helping you to accurately measure the runtime impact of each
simulated test, which can greatly improve the quality of any integration.
The client application profiling features are also available beyond simulations, so production environments can
also make use of this feature, for example, to maintain audit logs that detail the runtime performance details of
each analytics Web service invocation.
As with most things in the RBroker framework, it is very simple to activate this feature. First, note that each
RTaskResult has built-in profiling data. Second, each RBroker runtime generates runtime profiling events. By
registering the appropriate asynchronous listener, a client application can receive these profiling events.
The following code snippets extend the sample demonstrated in the client application simulation section with
support for handling runtime profiling events.

// 1. SampleAppSimulation
// Demonstrates the simulation of a single RTask execution.
public class SampleAppSimulation implements RTaskAppSimulator,
RBrokerListener {

private final RBroker rBroker;

public SampleAppSimulation(RBroker rBroker) {

this.rBroker = rBroker;

// RTaskAppSimulator interface.
// This represents a complete client application simulation.
public void simulateApp(RBroker rBroker) {

// 1. Prepare RTask(s) for simulation.
// In the example, we will simulate the execution
// of a single RTask.

RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("regression",

null, null);
try {

RTaskToken taskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

} catch(Exception ex) {
// Exception on simulation. Handle as appropriate.

// RTaskListener interface.
public void onTaskCompleted(RTask rTask, RTaskResult rTaskResult) {
// For profiling, see the RTaskResult.getTimeOn*() properties.

public void onTaskError(RTask rTask, Throwable throwable) {

// Failed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

// RBrokerListener interface.

public void onRuntimeError(Throwable throwable) {

// Runtime exception. Handle as appropriate.

public void onRuntimeStats(RBrokerRuntimeStats stats, int maxConcurrency) {

// For profiling, see the RBrokerRuntimeStats.getTimeOn*() properties.

var rbroker = require('rbroker');

// 1. SampleAppSimulation
// Demonstrates the simulation of a single RTask execution.
var SampleAppSimulation = {

// Simulator interface `simulateApp(broker)`
// This represents a complete client application simulation.
simulateApp: function (broker) {

broker.complete(function (rTask, rTaskResult) {

// For profiling, see the `rTaskResult` properties.
.error(function (err) {
// Failed RTask. Handle as appropriate.
.progress(function(stats) {
// For profiling, see the `stats` properties.
.idle(function () {
// Nothing pending

// 1. Prepare RTask(s) for simulation.
// In the example, we will simply simulate the execution
// of a single RTask.
var rTask = rbroker.discreteTask({
filename: 'rtScore',
directory: 'demo',
author: 'testuser'

var taskToken = dBroker.submit(rTask);



// 1. SampleAppSimulation
// Demonstrates the simulation of a single RTask execution.
public class SampleAppSimulation : RTaskAppSimulator, RTaskListener, RBrokerListener

private RBroker rBroker;

public SampleAppSimulation(RBroker rBroker)

this.rBroker = rBroker;

// RTaskAppSimulator interface.
// This represents a complete client application simulation.
public void simulateApp(RBroker rBroker)

// 1. Prepare RTask(s) for simulation.
// In the example, we will simulate the execution
// of a single RTask.

RTask rTask = RTaskFactory.discreteTask("regression",

"", null);
RTaskToken taskToken = rBroker.submit(rTask);

} catch(Exception ex)
// Exception on simulation. Handle as appropriate.

// RTaskListener interface.

public void onTaskCompleted(RTask rTask, RTaskResult rTaskResult)

// For profiling, see the RTaskResult.getTimeOn*() properties.

public void onTaskError(RTask rTask, String error)

// Failed RTask. Handle as appropriate.

// RBrokerListener interface.

public void onRuntimeError(String error)

// Runtime exception. Handle as appropriate.

public void onRuntimeStats(RBrokerRuntimeStats stats, int maxConcurrency)

// For profiling, see the RBrokerRuntimeStats.getTimeOn*() properties.

Grid Resource Management

This short primer is provided as a note for client application developers. The guidance presented here should
prove useful when considering suitable values for maxConcurrency on an RBrokerConfig or when discussing
DeployR grid resources with a DeployR system administrator.
What is the DeployR Grid?
The DeployR grid is a flexible, network of collaborating nodes that contribute resources (memory, CPU, disk) to
the DeployR server in order to facilitate the execution of a myriad of different types of operations, many of which
are exposed by the RBroker Framework.
How is the DeployR Grid Configured?
To simplify grid management for the system administrator, the DeployR grid identifies three distinct types of
operation, known as anonymous, authenticated and asynchronous operations respectively. These names
simply provide a high-level description for related sets of runtime operations that share common characteristics.
Typically, each node on the grid can be configured by the server administrator to support just one type of
operation. For example, the administrator could designate a node to asynchronous operations only. If the
administrator does not want to limit the availability of the resources on a particular grid node to a single type of
operation they can assign a special mixed mode operating type to the node. This designation permits any
operation to take advantage of the grid node resources at runtime.
How Does the DeployR Grid Configuration Impact on RBroker?
Each RBroker runtime automatically acquires grid resources at runtime on behalf of the client application. The
exact nature of the resources acquired by each runtime are discussed here:
The Discrete Task Runtime submits all tasks, whether executing on behalf of an authenticated or anonymous
RBroker, to run on grid nodes configured for anonymous operations. If the server can not find an available slot on
that subset of grid nodes, then the task may execute on a grid node configured for mixed mode operations.

If your DiscreteTaskBroker instance is returning RTaskResults that indicate RGridException, then consider
speaking to your DeployR system administrator about provisioning additional resources for existing grid
nodes or even additional grid nodes for anonymous operations. These additional resources will support
greater levels of concurrent workload. Once provisioned, make sure to increase the maxConcurrency
configuration option on your instance of RBroker to take full advantage of the new resources on the grid.

The Pooled Task Runtime submits all tasks to run on grid nodes configured for authenticated operations. If the
server can not find an available slot on that subset of grid nodes, then the task may execute on a grid node
configured for mixed mode operations.

If the size of the pool allocated to your PooledTaskBroker is less than requested by your maxConcurrency
configuration option on your instance of RBroker, then consider speaking to your DeployR system
administrator about provisioning additional resources for existing grid nodes or even additional grid nodes
for authenticated operations.
Also you may want to discuss increasing the per-authenticated user concurrent operation limit, which is a
setting found under Server Policies in the Administration Console. Ultimately, this setting determines the
maximum pool size that a single instance of an authenticated PooledTaskBroker can allocate.

The Background Task Runtime submits all tasks to run on grid nodes configured for asynchronous operations. If
the server can not find an available slot on that subset of grid nodes then the task may execute on a grid node
configured for mixed mode operations.
If you feel that too many of your BackgroundTask are waiting on a queue pending available resources, then
consider speaking with your DeployR system administrator about provisioning additional resources for
existing grid nodes or even additional grid nodes for asynchronous operations.
The API Explorer Tool
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

The DeployR API is extensive, providing a wide range of services related to users, projects, jobs and the
repository. To help developers familiarize themselves with the full set of APIs DeployR ships with a Web-based
API Explorer tool. This tool allows developers to explore the DeployR API in an interactive manner.

You cannot log in to DeployR from two different accounts within the same brand of browser program. To use
two or more different accounts, you need to log in to each one in a separate brand of browser.

Hovering your mouse over most UI elements in the API Explorer reveals helpful tooltips.

Accessing the API Explorer

The API Explorer is accessible after auto-installing DeployR. With a manual installation on Linux, make sure you
install the API Explorer software. For more information, see the DeployR Installation Guide for your OS.
Visit the DeployR home page at http://<DEPLOYR-SERVER-IP-ADDRESS-AND-PORT>/deployr/landing/ . From
there, you can launch the API Explorer in your Web browser by clicking the API Explorer link near the top
of the page.
Or, access the API Explorer directly here:
http://<DEPLOYR-SERVER-IP-ADDRESS-AND-PORT>/deployr/test/drive/deployr/api.html .

This tool requires that the Adobe Flash Player plug-in is installed and enabled in your Web browser.

Overview of the API Explorer Interface

The interface to the API Explorer consists of four main panels:
Panel 1: Preferences
At the top of the API Explorer window, you can find the Preferences Panel. Preference controls are on the right
side of this panel. You can use these controls to set global preferences for all of the API calls you make within this

These global preferences are described as follows:

API : this preference specifies whether JSON encodings should be used on API calls.
DEV : this preference specifies the default device for rendering plots in R: PNG or SVG
DLD : this preference specifies whether file downloads are saved as attachments or rendered directly in the
Web browser.
Panel 2: The API Tabs
The center section of the API Explorer window contains the API tabs panel:

Use the functionality found under each tab in API Explorer to interact with and invoke a subset of the full API.
Each of these tabs is described in the following sections:
DeployR Tab
The DeployR tab is the starting point in the API Explorer. This tab gives the user access to the full set of User
When a user first launches the API Explorer the DeployR tab and the Repo Scripts tab are the only tabs enabled in
the API Tabs Panel. In order to gain access to additional tabs, you must first sign in to DeployR.
Once you successfully authenticate with DeployR the following tabs are activated:

Repo Files

When you sign out of DeployR, most tabs are automatically disabled except the default DeployR tab and the
Repo Scripts tab, which are always enabled.

Projects Tab
The Projects tab provides access to the full set of Project Management APIs.
Once you select a specific project from the list of projects displayed under this tab, the following set of additional
project-specific tabs are enabled in addition to those enabled earlier:

The functionality found under these tabs allows you to interact with APIs on the selected project.

Clearing the active selection in the list of projects displayed under the Projects tab will automatically disable
the complete set of project-specific tabs.

Console Tab
The Console tab offers access to the full set of Project Execution APIs.
** Workspace Tab**
The Workspace tab offers access to the full set of Project Workspace APIs.
Directory Tab
The Directory tab offers access to the full set of Project Directory APIs.
Packages Tab
The Packages tab offers access to the full set of Project Package APIs.
About Tab
The About tab offers access to the /r/project/about and /r/project/about/update APIs. These APIs appear in their
own tab due to space constraints in the UI.
Repo Files Tab
The Repo Files tab offers access to the full set of Repository File APIs.
Jobs Tab
The Jobs tab offers access to the full set of Job APIs.
Repo Scripts Tab
The Repo Scripts tab offers access to the full set of Repository Script APIs.
Panel 3: API Request
The lower left area of the API Explorer window contains the API Request Panel. Each time you make an API call,
this panel automatically displays details of that call, including the following:
API call parameters
API call method
API call endpoint

Panel 4: API Response Markup

The lower right area of the API Explorer window contains the API Response Markup Panel. Each time an API call
sees a response from the server, the complete response markup for the call is displayed in this panel.
Writing Portable R Code
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

Looking to deploy with Machine Learning Server? Start here.

As a data scientist, you need to aware of several R portability issues that arise when developing R analytics for
use in your local R environment and in the DeployR server environment. They are:
1. Package portability
2. Input portability
3. Portable access to data files
These portability issues can be solved when you use the functions in the deployrUtils package.
Use deployrPackage() to declare your package dependencies in your R code.
Use deployrInput() to declare the required inputs along with default values in your R code.
Use deployrExternal() to access big data files from your R code.

The steps for using and testing the package functions in your R code locally and then testing them again in the
DeployR server environment are described in the Usage section at the end of this document.

Package Portability
Let's begin with some sample R code demonstrating how to declare your package dependencies in a portable

## Ensures this package dependency is installed & loaded from the start

Traditional R package management primarily involves using install.packages() to install R packages from
CRAN or a local repository in your local environment and library() to load packages at runtime.
When preparing portable R code for use both locally and in DeployR server environment, R package
management recommendations differ slightly since the R script will be run in a remote server environment
whenever executed on the DeployR server.
Unlike your local environment, you do not control that remote environment as a data scientist. Since that remote
environment is entirely independent, it is also potentially different from your local environment, which means that
your R code might not be portable if that remote environment doesn't have all the packages your R scripts need.

Solution: Always declare your package dependencies in your R code using the deployrPackage() .

To ensure your R code runs consistently in your local environment and in the DeployR server environment,
always use the deployrPackage function from the deployrUtils package in your R code. To learn how to get the
package, use its functions locally, and test them in DeployR, read the Usage section.
In a nutshell, using the deployrPackage function safeguards your R code by making certain that:
The necessary packages are loaded and available to your R code at runtime.
Your R code is portable across your local environment and the DeployR server environment.
When you use the deployrPackage function, you can avoid issues such as having tested your R code locally, and
then discovering that your R code fails when executed in the DeployR server environment due to one or more
missing package dependencies.

Input Portability
Let's begin with some sample R code demonstrating how to declare your required script inputs in a portable

## Creates an integer variable named 'age' if it does not already exist

deployrInput('{ "name": "age", "label": "Age", "render": "integer", "default": 6 } ')

The R scripts you develop and deploy to the DeployR server environment are ultimately executed as Analytics
Web Services by client applications. Most commonly, these R scripts expect input data to be provided by this
application upon execution. In order for these inputs to be provided, the application developer who is integrating
the R scripts must first know which inputs are required.
As a data scientist creating analytics for use in DeployR, you are responsible for providing the application
developers not only with the necessary analytics, but also helping them understand the inputs required by those
Whenever a required input is missing at runtime, the R script will fail. Missing inputs present a real problem not
only in production, but also when testing R scripts in multiple environments.

Solution: Always declare the inputs required by your R code and assign them default values using
deployrInput() .

The deployrInput function, provided by the deployrUtils package, enables you to specify the inputs required for
your scripts directly in your R code along with the default value for each input. Using the deployrInput function,
you can ensure your code is portable while providing clear guidance to your client application developers as to
which script inputs their application will be required to supply. To learn how to get the package, use its functions
locally, and test them in DeployR, read the Usage section.
In a nutshell, the deployrInput function allows you to:
1. Declare the required inputs for your script.
2. Assign default values for those inputs.
When you declare your required inputs (and default values) using the deployrInput function, your script will be
portable and run successfully even when no input values are passed. These default values are ideal for developing
and testing your scripts both locally and in the DeployR server environment since they guarantee that the script
can always execute and return the same results across environments unless, of course, those default values are
overwritten programmatically by an application.

Portable Access to Data Files

Let's begin with some sample R code demonstrating how to reference your data files in a portable manner:
## Locally: finds in current working directory
## In DeployR: finds in user's external directory
data <- read.csv(file = deployrExternal("data.csv"))

Whenever the data files with which you need to work are too big to be copied from the Web or copied from your
local machine to the server, you can ask your administrator to store those files on your behalf in 'big data' external
directories on the DeployR main server. Since you're likely to use a copy or subset of the data in your local
environment for development and testing purposes, it becomes interesting to reference those files in a portable
manner so that data can be accessed whenever you run the R code locally or on the DeployR server.

Solution: Always reference your big data files using deployrExternal() .

In a nutshell, the deployrExternal function provides you with a consistent way of referencing these big data files
for reading and writing; thereby, making your R code portable across your local environment and the DeployR
server environment.
All you have to do is:
1. Ask your DeployR administrator to physically store a copy of your big data file in the appropriate external
directory on the DeployR server on your behalf.
2. Reference the data file using the deployrExternal function in your R code.

Then, when the R code executes locally, the function looks for a data file by that name in the current working
directory of your R session. And when the R code executes remotely on the DeployR server, the function looks for
a data file by that name in the dedicated external directories without requiring you to know the exact path of the
file on the DeployR server.
When you use the deployrExternal function, you can avoid issues such as having tested your R code locally, and
then having to change how you reference the data file when running it up on the DeployR server.

The following steps describe how to use the functions in the deployrUtils package to ensure the portability of
your R code.

For the complete package help, use library(help="deployrUtils") in your IDE.

Part 1. In your local environment:

1. Install deployrUtils locally from GitHub using your IDE, R console, or terminal window with the following


2. Declare package dependencies using deployrPackage() at the top of your script in your preferred IDE.
Consult the package help for more details.
3. Declare each script input individually and assign default values using deployrInput() in your R code.
Consult the package help for more details.
4. Reference each big data file using deployrExternal() in your R code. Consult the package help for more
details. Make sure you ask your DeployR administrator to physically store a copy of your big data file in
the appropriate external directory on the DeployR server on your behalf.
5. Test the script locally with those default values.

Part 2. In the DeployR Repository Manager:

The deployrUtils package is preinstalled in the DeployR server environment.

1. Log into the Repository Manager.

2. Upload your script to the DeployR repository.

3. Verify that the script's behavior remains consistent across environments by running that script using its
default values in the Test page before handing it off to the application developer(s).

1. If your script fails on the DeployR server due to one or more missing package dependencies, please contact
your DeployR server administrator with details. See the Administrator Guidelines.
2. If your script fails on the DeployR server because the data file could not be found, ask your DeployR
administrator to verify that the files you sent him or her were, in fact, deployed to the external directories.
About DeployR's Repository Manager
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

The DeployR Repository Manager is a Web interface that serves as a bridge between the scripts, models, and data
created by the R programmer, or data scientist, in his or her existing analytics tools and the deployment of that
work into the DeployR repository to enable the application developer to create DeployR -powered client
applications and integrations.
Simply put, this tool is primarily designed for two purposes:
1. To enable a collaborative workflow between data scientists and application developers
2. To facilitate repository file and directory management through a easy-to-use web interface
Collaboration between data scientists and application developers makes it possible to deliver sophisticated
software solutions powered by R analytics. Whenever data scientists develop new analytics or improve existing
ones, they must inform the application developers on the team that they are ready, and then hand off those
analytics. The Repository Manager has been designed with this collaboration in mind. How you share and
collaborate on these R analytics is detailed in the Collaborate section of the Data Scientist’s Getting Started Guide.
File and Directory Management is available through this Repository Manager:
Deploy files, such as executable R scripts, models and data files, that support DeployR -enabled applications and
Share files among DeployR users as well as DeployR -enabled applications
Store outputs, such as binary R objects, models, data and graphics files, that have been generated by DeployR -
enabled applications

The DeployR repository itself offers each user a private and persistent store for any file, including binary object
files, plot image files, data files, simple text files, models, and repository-managed scripts (blocks of R code).
The Repository Manager simplifies the management of repository files and directories for authenticated DeployR
users through its easy-to-use interface. Additionally, you can access full, file version histories, test your R scripts in a
live, debugging environment that communicates directly with the server, and deploy your files.
Learn more about the main tasks you can perform in the Repository Manager, including:
Upload files, including R scripts, to the repository
Manage and organize your files
Share and collaborate on files
Test scripts in a live debugging environment
In order to log into the Repository Manager, you must have a DeployR user account.

Logging In and Out

The Repository Manager is accessible from the main menu of the DeployR landing pages. To use Repository
Manager, you must be logged in using the username and password provided by your DeployR administrator.

Each time you log into the Repository Manager, you are automatically allocated a dedicated R session, which
supports all of your R script testing and debugging within the Repository Manager. This R session lives for the
duration of your HTTP session, until you logout or timeout, at which point it is released.

To access the Repository Manager:

1. Go to the DeployR product landing page at: http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/repository-manager/ where
<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address of the DeployR machine, and where <PORT> is the port number
assigned during installation. The Repository Manager opens in a new browser page or tab.
2. If you are not already logged into DeployR, log in now as follows:
a. Provide your username and password. Contact the DeployR administrator if you require assistance
with your username or password.
b. Click Log In. The Files tab appears. This is the main tab in the Repository Manager and where all
work begins. This tab gives you access to all of the repository-managed files you own as well as all of
the repository-managed files to which you have access rights.
To log out of DeployR:
1. Click on your username at the top right of the top toolbar. A menu appears.
2. From the menu, choose Logout.

Permissions & Policies

The operations you can perform in the DeployR Repository Manager and on the APIs is largely dependent on your
permissions and the server policies.
The answers to the following questions determine most of the operations you can perform on a file.
1. Are you an owner of the file? See possible owner operations.
2. Do you have shared, restricted, or public access rights on the file? See possible operations.
3. Were you assigned the POWER_USER role by the administrator? If so, you can run arbitrary code
selections on the scripts you own in Source pane in the Test page.
The ability to view, load, and download files you do not own is also determined by the server-wide policies set by
your administrator. One such policy affects whether a non-owner with access rights to a file is permitted to see or
load the contents of that file. See the table below to learn about which operations are available to you with the
default policy and those permitted if the policy is changed by your administrator.
Table: Owner Policies


- See the file listed under My Files - See the file listed under My Files
- See the file properties - See the file properties
- Download the file - Download the file
- Load the file into the R session - Load the file into the R session
- If a script, view and edit the source code - If a script, view and edit the source code
- If a script, test and debug the script - If a script, test and debug the script

Table: Non-Owner Policies

In this table, we assume that a non-owner has access rights to the file.


- See restricted, shared and public files under Other Files - See restricted, shared and public files listed under Other
- See the file properties Files
- Load the file into the R session - See the file properties
- If a script, view the source code - If a script, test the script
- If a script, test the script

Supplemental Help
In addition to this comprehensive documentation, onscreen tips and descriptions are provided within the
Repository Manager interface. In many cases, a short description of the tab or section you are visiting is available
by expanding or collapsing the page tip using the icon in the upper right of the screen. However, in some cases,
additional descriptions are available by hovering your mouse over an element in the user interface.
Additionally, all file management tasks supported within the Repository Manager are also directly supported on the
DeployR API. You can learn more about working with the repository-managed files and directories using the
DeployR API by reading the online API Reference Guide.
About DeployR's Repository Manager
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

The DeployR Repository Manager is a Web interface that serves as a bridge between the scripts, models, and
data created by the R programmer, or data scientist, in his or her existing analytics tools and the deployment of
that work into the DeployR repository to enable the application developer to create DeployR -powered client
applications and integrations.
Simply put, this tool is primarily designed for two purposes:
1. To enable a collaborative workflow between data scientists and application developers
2. To facilitate repository file and directory management through a easy-to-use web interface
Collaboration between data scientists and application developers makes it possible to deliver sophisticated
software solutions powered by R analytics. Whenever data scientists develop new analytics or improve existing
ones, they must inform the application developers on the team that they are ready, and then hand off those
analytics. The Repository Manager has been designed with this collaboration in mind. How you share and
collaborate on these R analytics is detailed in the Collaborate section of the Data Scientist’s Getting Started
File and Directory Management is available through this Repository Manager:
Deploy files, such as executable R scripts, models and data files, that support DeployR -enabled applications
and integrations
Share files among DeployR users as well as DeployR -enabled applications
Store outputs, such as binary R objects, models, data and graphics files, that have been generated by
DeployR -enabled applications

The DeployR repository itself offers each user a private and persistent store for any file, including binary object
files, plot image files, data files, simple text files, models, and repository-managed scripts (blocks of R code).
The Repository Manager simplifies the management of repository files and directories for authenticated
DeployR users through its easy-to-use interface. Additionally, you can access full, file version histories, test your
R scripts in a live, debugging environment that communicates directly with the server, and deploy your files.
Learn more about the main tasks you can perform in the Repository Manager, including:
Upload files, including R scripts, to the repository
Manage and organize your files
Share and collaborate on files
Test scripts in a live debugging environment
In order to log into the Repository Manager, you must have a DeployR user account.

Logging In and Out

The Repository Manager is accessible from the main menu of the DeployR landing pages. To use Repository
Manager, you must be logged in using the username and password provided by your DeployR administrator.

Each time you log into the Repository Manager, you are automatically allocated a dedicated R session,
which supports all of your R script testing and debugging within the Repository Manager. This R session
lives for the duration of your HTTP session, until you logout or timeout, at which point it is released.

To access the Repository Manager:

1. Go to the DeployR product landing page at: http://<DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/repository-manager/
where <DEPLOYR_SERVER_IP> is the IP address of the DeployR machine, and where <PORT> is the port
number assigned during installation. The Repository Manager opens in a new browser page or tab.
2. If you are not already logged into DeployR, log in now as follows:
a. Provide your username and password. Contact the DeployR administrator if you require
assistance with your username or password.
b. Click Log In. The Files tab appears. This is the main tab in the Repository Manager and where all
work begins. This tab gives you access to all of the repository-managed files you own as well as all
of the repository-managed files to which you have access rights.
To log out of DeployR:
1. Click on your username at the top right of the top toolbar. A menu appears.
2. From the menu, choose Logout.

Permissions & Policies

The operations you can perform in the DeployR Repository Manager and on the APIs is largely dependent on
your permissions and the server policies.
The answers to the following questions determine most of the operations you can perform on a file.
1. Are you an owner of the file? See possible owner operations.
2. Do you have shared, restricted, or public access rights on the file? See possible operations.
3. Were you assigned the POWER_USER role by the administrator? If so, you can run arbitrary code
selections on the scripts you own in Source pane in the Test page.
The ability to view, load, and download files you do not own is also determined by the server-wide policies set
by your administrator. One such policy affects whether a non-owner with access rights to a file is permitted to
see or load the contents of that file. See the table below to learn about which operations are available to you
with the default policy and those permitted if the policy is changed by your administrator.
Table: Owner Policies


- See the file listed under My Files - See the file listed under My Files
- See the file properties - See the file properties
- Download the file - Download the file
- Load the file into the R session - Load the file into the R session
- If a script, view and edit the source code - If a script, view and edit the source code
- If a script, test and debug the script - If a script, test and debug the script

Table: Non-Owner Policies

In this table, we assume that a non-owner has access rights to the file.


- See restricted, shared and public files under Other Files - See restricted, shared and public files listed under Other
- See the file properties Files
- Load the file into the R session - See the file properties
- If a script, view the source code - If a script, test the script
- If a script, test the script

Supplemental Help
In addition to this comprehensive documentation, onscreen tips and descriptions are provided within the
Repository Manager interface. In many cases, a short description of the tab or section you are visiting is
available by expanding or collapsing the page tip using the icon in the upper right of the screen. However, in
some cases, additional descriptions are available by hovering your mouse over an element in the user interface.
Additionally, all file management tasks supported within the Repository Manager are also directly supported on
the DeployR API. You can learn more about working with the repository-managed files and directories using
the DeployR API by reading the online API Reference Guide.
Working with Directories
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

The DeployR repository files are organized into directories. In the Repository Manager, you can see the directories
storing the files to which you have access on the left side of the Files tab. There are two kinds of directories – those
containing files you own and those containing the files to which you have access rights.

Directories for My Files

The directories under My Files are your private user directories. They contain the files you own solely or jointly
with others. You can upload files to these directories, manage the files they contain, and even manage the
directories themselves. The first time you open the Repository Manager, you will only see one user directory called
root. The root directory is the default directory and is privately owned by you.
The following directory management tasks are possible for your user directories in the Repository Manager:
Create a new user directory
Rename a user directory
Delete a user directory
Move files across user directories
Copy files into another user directory
Delete files from user directories

Directories for Other Files

Under Other Files are several system-managed virtual directories containing those repository files you do not
own but that have been made accessible to you by their owners. Since the files under Other Files belong to other
users, you cannot copy, move, modify, or delete these files. However, you can:
Integrate these files within your DeployR -enabled applications
Explore interesting results that were generated by others such as binary R objects, data and graphics files
The following virtual directories are available under Other Files:
Restricted: Files made accessible to those users assigned specific roles using the Restricted access right.
Shared: Files made accessible to all authenticated users using the Shared access right.
Public: Files made accessible to anyone, including anonymous users, using the Public access right.

Access rights are one of the file properties you can set for the files you own.

Creating Directories
To help you organize your files into logical groups for use across projects, applications, and even customers, you
can create your own custom user directories.

You cannot create any directories under Other Files.

To create a directory:
1. In the Files tab of the Repository Manager, click on the Actions menu dropdown.
2. From the menus, choose New Directory. The New Directory dialog appears.
3. In the New Directory dialog, enter the name for the new directory. Learn about Directory Naming: Dos
and Don'ts.
4. Click Create. The new user directory appears under My Files.

Deleting Directories
When you no longer need one of your user directories and the files it contains, you can delete it. If you want to
keep some of those files, first move the files into another user directory.

You cannot delete the root directory or any system directories under Other Files.

To delete a directory:
1. Go to the Files tab.
2. Select the user directory under My Files that you want to delete.
3. Click on the Actions menu dropdown and choose Delete Directory. The Delete Directory dialog
4. In the Delete Directory dialog, confirm you want to delete the directory and all of its files by clicking
Delete. The dialog closes and the directory no longer appears in the tree. Learn more about deleting files.

Renaming Directories
To help you organize your files, you can rename any of the directories under My Files except root. You must use a
unique name for the directory. Learn about Directory Naming: Dos and Don'ts.

You cannot change the directory of files you co-own with other users. Files for which you are the sole owner
can be moved to another directory; however, files owned by multiple users must remain under the original
directory for as long as there are multiple owners.
Nor can you rename the root or any directories under Other Files.

To rename a directory:
1. In the Files tab of the Repository Manager, select the directory you want to rename.
2. Click on the Actions menu dropdown and choose Rename Directory. The Rename Directory dialog
3. In the Rename Directory dialog, enter the new name for the directory. Directory Naming: Dos and Don'ts.
4. Click Rename to apply the change.

Directory Naming: Dos and Don'ts

1. Do choose from alphanumeric and special characters when naming your user directories.
2. Do understand that directory names are case-sensitive. You may create a user directory named
"hello_world" and another named "Hello_World".
3. Do use spaces if desired.
1. Don't use these special characters when naming your directories : " * ? \ / . < >
2. Don't use a name that is already in use.
3. Don't use any of the following reserved names (regardless of case), as they are not permitted:
Working with Files
6/18/2018 • 18 minutes to read • Edit Online

The Files tab is the main tab in the Repository Manager and where all work begins. This tab gives you access to
all of the repository-managed files you own as well as any other users' repository-managed files to which you
have access rights.
The set of file management tasks and interactions available to you depend not only on whether you own the file
or whether you have access rights, but also on the policies governing the server.

About File Properties

Each repository-managed file has a set of file properties. While the following file properties are available for each
version of a file in the Repository Manager, only the Latest version of a file can be edited by its owners.
File properties can be broken down into three categories: basic file properties, ownership properties, and access
control properties.
Basic file properties
These properties identify the file:
Name. The path and name of the file. This name was defined when it was created and is not editable.
Keywords. Words used to tag a file.
Description. An optional annotation that describes this particular version of the file. This description can
make it easier to identify the file in the Files list and useful to developers when they are trying to learn
about the file.
Version. The version ID, latest modified date for that version, the user that initiated that version, and any
comment specific to that version.

Access Rights properties

These properties allow a file owner to determine how a file is deployed by controlling who can access or interact
with the file. Script files are deployed for execution. All other files, such as models and data files, are deployed for
usage and download.
Private allows only the file owners to see the file. And in the case of scripts, only the owner(s) can execute
the script on the API.
Restricted constrains access to the file using roles. By associating one or more roles with a file, you can
constrain access and allow only those users who were granted at least one of the associated roles the
ability to view the file in the Repository Manager and on the API. And, in the case of scripts, execute that
script on the API. For example, if you associate a custom role called Marketing Dept with your script, then
all users with the Marketing Dept role can access that script. If none of the existing roles fit your needs, the
DeployR administrator can create a new custom role for this purpose. If you choose this access right, you
must enter one or more role(s).
Shared allows authenticated users to view the file in the Repository Manager and on the API. And, in the
case of scripts, execute that script on the API.
Public allows both authenticated users and anonymous users to view the file on the API. And, in the case
of scripts, execute that script on the API. We recommend that you use careful consideration before
exposing an R script to truly anonymous users. Note that you can only view the contents of R scripts in the
Repository Manager interface.

Ownership properties
These properties support collaborative development. The Owners field lists the owners that can collaborate on
that particular version of a file. You can add or remove owners to the Latest version of your file. Adding an owner
does more than just allow a user to view a file or execute a script; it also allows that new owner to edit the file's
content as well as add or remove owners from the file. If your objective is to permit other users and/or
applications to execute a script, we recommend setting the appropriate access rights as a means of controlling
that access. In general, we do not recommend having multiple owners when a file is in production.

Only a file's owners can edit its file properties. Changes are saved automatically.

The Files You Own

When you own a file you are permitted to do almost anything to that file, including:
Download files from directories
Copy and move files across directories
Open files for viewing or editing
Share files and collaborate with others
View, compare, and revert versions in the file's history
Test scripts in a live debugging environment (R scripts only)
Close files
Delete files from directories

The Files You Don't Own

If you do not own a file and do not have access rights to it either, then you will never be able to see or interact
with that file.
If you have access rights to a particular file you don't own, then you will see that file in one of directories under
Other Files in the Files tab. Despite the fact that you do not own the file, you can still access the file in read-only
mode. Possible operations include:
Open files and review the file properties of the Latest version
Test R scripts, including the review of source code*, loading* of files into the R session, and testing of modified
input values* in a debug environment (R scripts only)*
Close files
*Certain server policies can affect your ability to see, download, and load files that aren't yours.

Uploading Files
See the Writing Portable R Code guide on to learn how to make your code run consistently both locally and
on the DeployR server.

While small revisions are possible through the Repository Manager, the bulk of your script development should
take place outside of DeployR prior to uploading. Once ready, you can use the Repository Manager to upload the
files needed for your applications to the DeployR server repository. To upload several files, first put them in a zip
file and then upload the zip.
If you attempt to upload a file into a directory containing a file by the same name, then a new version of the file
will be created in the repository. For example, let's say you decide to upload file test.R from your local file system
to the directory Samples, but the directory Samples already has a file by that same name, test.R. In that case,
upon upload the contents of your local test.R becomes the new Latest version of test.R in the directory Samples.
The owners, keywords, and description of the file test.R remain unchanged. To see the contents of file test.R as
they were before the upload, look in the version history.

Since you cannot rename a file upon upload, make any changes to the name of a file before uploading.

To upload a file:
1. Go to the Files tab.
2. Click the Actions menu drop list.
3. From the menus, choose Upload File. The Upload dialog appears.
4. Select the file you want to upload from your local machine using the Browse button. Choose an individual
file or a zip of several files.
5. Select the directory under My Files in which you want to store your file. If that directory doesn't exist yet,
then create the directory before coming back here to upload the file.
6. If you are uploading a zip file, choose whether to extract files upon upload. Choices are:
Extract files into directory. All files, regardless of the directory structure in the zip file, will be
extracted into a single directory.
Upload the zip file without extracting files. The zip file will be uploaded as a zip file.
7. Click Upload.

Downloading Files
You can download any version of a file you own. When you download a file, whether it is the Latest version or
previous version, a file is created on your local file system with a copy of the contents of the selected file version.

The properties of the file (access rights, keywords, and so on), which are managed by the repository, are not
included in the download.

To download the Latest version of a file you own:

1. In the Files tab of the Repository Manager, select the checkbox to the left of the filename(s) you want to
download. The Manage dropdown menu appears.
2. Select any other files you want to download.
3. From the Manage menu, choose Download. A file is downloaded to your local file system through your
default browser settings. If multiple files were selected, a zipped file of those files is downloaded.
To download a prior version of a file you own:
1. In the Files tab of the Repository Manager, identify the file whose version you want to download.
2. Click the icon in the History column for that file. The Version History table appears in the Files tab.
3. Click the number to the left of the version you want to download. A new file tab opens.
4. In the Manage dropdown menu on the far right, choose Download.

Copying Files
Copying Files
You can make a copy of any file you own. When you copy a file, whether it is the Latest version or previous
version, a new file is created in the specified user directory in the repository. You can then see that file in the Files
tab. The contents of your new file is a duplicate of the contents of the version of the file you copied. Your new file
will have the same file properties as the version of the file being copied except you will be its sole owner. And,
since this is a new file, the file will not have any previous versions.
If you copy a file into a directory in which a file by the same name already exists, then a copy of the Latest version
of the selected file becomes the Latest version of the file in the destination directory. For example, let's say you
own two files of the same name in different directories (directory X and directory Y ). You decide to copy the file
from directory X and save it in directory Y, but directory Y already has a file by that same name. In that case, the
contents and file properties (access rights, keyword, description) of the Latest version of the file from directory X
become the new Latest version of the file by the same name in directory Y. The file is directory X remains
unchanged. If you want to see the contents of the file in directory Y before the move, you would now need to look
in the version history to find it. In this case, all of the history for the file that was originally in directory X is also
kept in the history of the file in directory Y.
To copy a file:
1. Open the file in the Repository Manager.
2. In the File Properties page, choose Copy from the File menu. The Copy File dialog opens.
3. Enter a name for the file in the Name field. If a file by that name already exists, this will become the new
Latest version of that file.
4. Select a directory in the repository in which the file should be stored from the Directory drop down list.
5. Click Copy to make the copy. The dialog closes and the Files tab appears on the screen.

Moving Files
You can move the files under My Files for which you are the sole owner from one user directory to another. If
there are multiple users on a file, it cannot be moved.
If you move a file into a directory in which a file by the same name already exists, then the Latest version of the
moved file becomes the Latest version of the file in the destination directory and the file histories are merged. For
example, let's say you own two files of the same name in different directories (directory X and directory Y ). You
decide to move the file from directory X to directory Y, but directory Y already has a file by that same name. In
that case, the contents and file properties (access rights, keyword, description) of the Latest version of the file
from directory X become the new Latest version of the file by the same name in directory Y. If you want to see
the contents of the file in directory Y before the move, you would now need to look in the version history to find
it. In this case, all of the history for the file that was originally in directory X is also kept in the history of the file in
directory Y.

You cannot change the directory of files you co-own with other users. Files for which you are the sole owner
can be moved to another directory; however, files owned by multiple users must remain under the original
directory for as long as there are multiple owners.

To move a file to another directory:

1. From the Files tab, select the file in the table.The Manage dropdown menu appears.
2. In the Manage dropdown menu, choose Move. The Move File dialog appears.
3. In the dialog, select the user directory into which you want to move the file(s). If you are not the sole
owner, then you cannot move the file.
4. Click Move. The dialog closes and the file is moved.

Opening Files
If you see a file in the Files tab, you can open it. Your right to access, edit, and interact with files is determined in
part by ownership and access rights and also by server policies.

If two owners are editing a file at the same time, you will be writing over each other's work. It is essential to
coordinate with the other owners.

To open the Latest version of a file:

1. In the Files tab of the Repository Manager, navigate to the directory containing the file you want to open.
2. Click the name of the file. A new file tab opens and displays the file properties.
To open a prior version of a file:
1. In the Files tab of the Repository Manager, navigate to the directory containing the file whose version you
want to open.
2. In the table, identify the file whose version you want to open.
3. Click the icon in the History column for that file. The Version History table appears in the Files tab.
4. Click the number to the left of the version you want to open. A new file tab opens and displays the file

To learn more about a version without opening a file, you can also compare a historical version to the Latest
version of a file.

Editing File Properties

Only the file properties of the Latest version of a file can be edited since all others in the file history are read-only.
Furthermore, only an owner can edit a file.
To edit file properties:
1. Open the Latest version of a file you own.
2. Make any desired changes to the following file properties. Changes are automatically saved. Note that you
cannot change a file's name or version information.
a. Edit the keywords or file description.
b. Update the list of owners collaborating on this file.
c. Change the access rights on the file to control how the file is deployed.

Sharing Files with Others

By default, an R Script or any other repository-managed file is visible on the API only to the owners, referred to
as authors in API calls, of that file. However, you can make files visible to other authenticated and/or anonymous
users on the API and in the Repository Manager in the following ways.
1. Grant ownership to others. You can grant (or revoke) ownership to other authenticated users so that
they can edit and manage that file.
An R script is always available for execution on the API to all of its owners.

2. Specify access rights on a file. You can set the access level (Private, Restricted, Shared, or Public) on
a file to control who can access it or, in the case of a script, execute the script.

To learn more about other file properties, read here.

Adding and Removing Owners

If you are an owner of a file, you can add additional owners to support collaboration during the file's
Granting ownership does more than just allow a user to view or download a file, or even to execute a script; it also
allows the user to edit the file, grant others ownership or revoke those rights, and even delete the file. For
example, you might want add someone else as an owner so they can provide feedback on your script. Or, as
another example, you might grant ownership of an R script or any other file to permit development to continue
while you are away on vacation.
If your objective is to permit other users and/or applications to see files and/or execute scripts, we recommend
setting the appropriate access rights using the Restricted, Shared or Public access rights as a means of
controlling that access.

Important! Owners are also referred to as authors on API calls.

Also, we do not generally recommend having multiple owners for a script when it is in production, since
calling applications are required to reference scripts using the file name, its directory, and its owner (author).

To add or remove owners:

1. Open the Latest version of a file you own.
2. In the File Properties page, click Add/Remove. To learn more about other properties, read here.
3. In the Add/Remove Owners dialog, edit the list of owners as appropriate.
To add owners, type the username(s) to which you want to grant ownership into the field.

If you attempt to add an owner that already has a file by the same name in the same directory,
then you will not be permitted to add that owner.

To remove owners from a file, click the x next to the name. The name disappears from the list of
owners. If that user was an owner before you started this task, the file will no longer be in any of his
or her directories under My Files.
4. Once the list reflect the owners who should be able to collaborate on this file, click OK. The dialog closes.

Working with Historical Versions

The DeployR repository supports a versioned file system, thereby offering you a full version history for each of
your repository files and access to any version upon request pending proper authentication. The Repository
Manager simplifies certain interactions with each version of the file you have had over time.

You can only see the history for the files you own.

The current working version of a file is referred to as the Latest version. You can edit the Latest version of a file
you own, but all historical version are read-only.
For any file you own, you can access the file's version history. From this version history, you can:
Open a version
Compare one past version to the Latest version of the file
Revert a past version to the Latest version of the file

You cannot delete an individual version from the version history. If you delete a file, all of its version history is
also deleted.

To see the version history of a file you own:

1. In the Files tab of the Repository Manager, click the name of the user directory under My Files containing
the file in which you are interested.
2. Identify the file whose version history you want to see.
3. Click the icon in the History column for that file. The Version History table appears in the Files tab.

### Comparing Version Differences

When a file has two or more versions, you can compare the differences between one previous version and the
Latest version of that file.
For scripts, you can compare the R code itself. The differences are highlighted in color to help you identify
what is in the previous version and what is from the Latest version of that script.
For other files, you can compare the version dates, comments, and file sizes.
To compare two file versions:
1. In the Files tab of the Repository Manager, click the name of the directory under My Files that contains
the file that interests you.
2. Identify the file whose version history you want to see.
3. Click the icon in the History column for that file. The Version History table appears in the Files tab.
4. In the Version History, click the Compare icon in the row of the previous version you want to compare to
the Latest version. The Compare Differences dialog opens.
5. Review the differences between the past version, which is referenced by its ID, and the Latest version.
6. If desired, you can click Revert to revert the past version to Latest.

### Reverting a Past Version to the Latest Version

If you want to restore a historical version to Latest version of a file, you can revert that version. Reverting will
copy the contents of the selected past version and make that copy the Latest version of the file. What was
previously the Latest version is now preserved in the file's version history with a version ID.

Figure: Workflow for Restoring Files

<a name="deleting-files"

Deleting Files
Only the sole owner of a file can delete the file (and all of its previous versions) permanently.
When you attempt to delete a file you own, DeployR checks to see if there are other owners. If there are other
owners, then you are removed as an owner and the file is no longer editable by you; however the file and its
version history remain available in the repository to the other owners. But, if you are the sole owner at the time
you attempt to delete this file, the file and all its versions will be permanently deleted from the repository.
After you delete a file, you may see that file under Other Files in the Files tab. If so, this is due to the fact that the
file had multiple owners and the file's access rights were set to Restricted, Shared, or Public. In this case, you
might be able to see the file in your Files tab, but you will not be able to edit that file since you are no longer its

Figure: Workflow for Deleting Files

You cannot delete a previous version of a file without deleting the entire file history.

To delete a file or yourself as its owner:

1. From the Files tab, select the file in the table. The Manage dropdown menu appears.
2. In the Manage dropdown menu, choose Delete.
3. Confirm that you want to delete the file(s). If you are not the sole owner, then you will be stripped of your
ownership rights and the file(s) will no longer appear in any directory under My Files.
## Closing Files
You can close one file at any time.
To close a file:
1. Go to the tab of the file you would like to close.
2. From the Manage menu on the right, choose Close. If there are any unsaved code changes, you will be
prompted to save or discard those changes. The tab disappears and the Files tab appears onscreen.

Alternately, hover over the filename in the tab at the top of the screen and click the x.
Testing and Debugging Scripts
6/18/2018 • 14 minutes to read • Edit Online

For tips and guidance on how to develop portable R code using the deployrUtils package, see the Writing
Portable R Code guide on the DeployR website.
Use the Test page to do the following to repository-managed scripts:
Test and verify the functioning of scripts you own
Debug and fix the functioning of scripts you own
Test and verify the functioning of scripts to which you have access rights
Debug the functioning of scripts to which you have access rights

Test Page Panes

The Test page is divided into four panes:
Source pane (1): displays the actual R source code contained in the script file
Debug Console Output pane (2): displays the R session console output generated during the execution
of a script
Script Execution Parameters pane (3): allows you to interact with the inputs defined in the code and
define simple inputs on-the-fly.
Artifacts pane (4): allows you to see the files and plots produced when the code was last executed as well
as inspect the API request and response markup.

Opening the Test Page

To access the Test page:
Open a script and click the Test button on the right of the File Properties page. The Test page opens.
Each time you log into the Repository Manager, you are automatically allocated a dedicated R session, which
supports all of your R script testing and debugging within the Repository Manager. This R session lives for
the duration of your HTTP session, until you logout or timeout, at which point it is released. You can load
data into the R session as well as clear the workspace and working directory.

Inspecting the Source Code

The Source pane presents the script’s R code. The extent to which you can interact with the source code depends
entirely on permissions and policies. Viewing R Code
Viewing R Code
In this pane, you can view and scroll through the source code of the R script. Code elements are color-coded for
your convenience.

If you do not own this file and cannot see the code in the Source pane, then a server policy was changed by
your administrator. An onscreen alert will also appear.

Editing R Code
Only the owners of a file can edit the source code of the Latest version of a script. This pane is not meant to be
used to write scripts or make major changes to your scripts. It is not a substitute for your favorite IDE for R.
However, to facilitate the debugging process, the owners of a file can use this pane to make small changes, save
those changes to the repository, and test them out.
To edit the R code:
1. Find the code you want to change in the Source pane or position your cursor where you want to write
new code.
2. Type your edits directly into the pane.
3. Save your script and run it to test the changes.

Only file owners who were assigned the POWER_USER role by the administrator have the permissions to
run snippets of code in the Source pane. If you are a file owner assigned the POWER_USER role, you can
select and run snippets from the Source pane and inspect the workspace in the Debug Console Output
pane to see the R objects within and their values.

Running Scripts in Test Page

Any DeployR user who can access a script can also test that script by running the script, changing the input
values, and then running it again in the Test page.

When debugging a script, you may need to interrupt an execution.

Running Entire Scripts with Default Inputs or No Inputs

You can run a script in the Test page using the script's source code as-is regardless of whether or not any inputs
were defined using deployrInput().
To run a script with the default values and inputs:
1. Open the script and go to the Test page.
2. Make no changes in the Script Execution Parameters pane.
3. Click Run in the toolbar. This script is run in its entirety. Any artifacts are then displayed in the Artifacts

### Running Entire Scripts with Modified Inputs

You can supply new and modified input values for a script, and then pass those inputs those inputs values when
executing the script.
Supply new input values in the following ways:
Defining temporary primitive input values on-the-fly
Modifying the value of any deployrInput() widgets
Editing the source code to add, remove, or update any deployrInput() functions (available to script-owners
For tips and guidance on how to develop portable R code using the deployrInput function from the deployrUtils
package, see the Writing Portable R Code guide on the DeployR website.
To run a script new and modified input values:
1. Open the script.
2. Go to the Test page.
3. Supply input values.
4. In the Script Execution Parameters pane, click Run in the toolbar. The input values are passed along
from this pane, and the script is run in its entirety.

### Running Snippets of Code

If you own the script and have POWER_USER permissions, you can run a snippet of code directly from the
Source pane. In this way, you can make small changes to your R code and run only the lines you want to test.
You can even select a variable name, for example, and run that to see its contents.

Running code from the Source pane will run the selected code as-is without taking into account any
modified values or Quick Inputs defined in the Script Execution Parameters pane.

To run code selections:

1. Open the script
2. Go to the Test page.
3. In the Source pane, select the code that you want to run. If no code is selected, the current line is used.
4. Press Ctrl-Enter on Windows/Linux or Command-Enter on MAC. The code is executed on the server and
the response is displayed in the Debug Console Output and Artifacts panes.

Reviewing Debug Console Output

In the Debug Console Output pane, you can see all of the R session console output generated during the
execution of the code on the DeployR server. Each time code is executed in this Test page, this pane is
automatically populated for you.
While this pane bears some resemblance to R's console, the Debug Console Output pane in Repository
Manager is designed to help you learn more about your script's behavior for the purposes of debugging the
script, not act as your primary development environment. This Debug Console Output pane executes code
exclusively on the server and does not have the same capabilities as a full R console.
If you are an owner assigned the POWER_USER role, you can select and run elements from the Source pane
and inspect the workspace here to see the objects and their values.
Although you cannot type anything into the console, you can still clear the pane, the working directory, or the

Reviewing Execution Artifacts

The Files & Plots section of the Artifacts pane presents the files and plots produced when code was last
executed in the Test page:
Any unnamed or named graphical files generated by the R graphics device, which are visually rendered in the
Non-image files written to the working directory, such as .CSV files, binary files, and so on, which appear as
clickable links in the pane
These API Request and API Response sections of the Artifacts pane present the execution at the API level.
This information is particularly interesting to DeployR client application developers since it provides critical
details they can use when building their client applications.
API Request presents the complete set of parameters sent along to the DeployR server on the script
execution API call.
API Response presents the complete response markup sent back by the DeployR server on the script
execution API call.

Upon each code execution, the Artifacts pane is cleared and repopulated.

Manipulating the Underlying R Session

Each time you log into the Repository Manager, you are automatically allocated a dedicated R session, which
supports all of your R script testing and debugging within the Repository Manager. This R session lives for the
duration of your HTTP session, until you logout or timeout, at which point it is released.
To help you test and debug your scripts, you can manipulate this underlying R session by:
Loading and moving data into the R session to be used by one or more of the scripts you are debugging
Clearing the working directory or workspace of that underlying R session
Retrieving DeployR -encoded R objects from the workspace
Loading Data into the R Session
You can load data into the underlying R session from the Test page of any open script. Any type of data file can
be loaded into the working directory of the underlying R session. For example, you could load a .CSV file that
will be read by your script. However, only files containing binary R objects, typically with a .rData file extension,
can be loaded directly into the workspace from this page.
You choose to load data files and binary R objects from the repository or from your local machine. You can
always load your files; however, your ability to load data files that you do not own from the repository is
determined by server policies.
To load data into the underlying R session:
1. In the Test page of the open script, click the Load button in the Script Execution Parameters pane
To load a file that already exists in the repository, choose Load File from Repository.
To load a file from your machine, choose Load File from Local Machine.
2. In the dialog, select the directory and file containing the data to be loaded.
3. Specify whether the data should be loaded into the working directory or workspace:
If you are loading a data file, choose Working directory.
If you are loading a binary R object, choose Workspace. If necessary, first save your model or other
object outside of DeployR as an .rData file, and then load it here.
4. Click Load to load the data.

If you have loaded data files or R objects into this R session, clearing the workspace and working directory,
or even timing out of your user session, will delete the files, data, and R objects you loaded. If that data is still
needed, you must reload it.

Clearing the R Session Working Directory or Workspace

You can clear the working directory and/or the workspace on the underlying R session using the menu in the
Debug Console Output pane toolbar. When you clear the working directory, all data files in your work
directory are deleted, including those files output to the working directory by code executions as well as any files
you loaded into the working directory. Likewise, if you clear the workspace, all binary R objects and data models
are cleared from the underlying R session workspace including those generated by code executions and those
loaded into the workspace.

If your user session times out, the underlying R session is released.

To clear the pane, workspace or working directory:

1. Click the arrow next to the Clear button in the Debug Console Output pane toolbar to see the Clear
submenu options.
2. Select one of the following options:
Clear Pane to clear the output visible on the pane without affecting on the underlying R session.
Clear Workspace to clear all binary R objects or models from the workspace on the underlying R
session regardless of whether they were generate during code execution or loaded into the session.
Clear Working Directory to clear all files from the working directory on the underlying R session.
Clear Both to clear all binary R objects from the workspace and all files from the working directory on
the underlying R session.

Supplying Input Values

There are two kinds of inputs to your script. They are:
1. The values for the deployrInput() widgets
2. Primitive name-value pairs in the Quick Inputs field
To help you test your script, you can supply temporary input values in the Script Execution Parameters pane
in the upper right. You can then pass these values along during the next execution of your R script in this user
session. You can:
Change any values displayed in the deployrInput() widgets
Define some primitive values on-the-fly
Run the entire script with the values and quick inputs shown in this pane

You can also load data into the underlying R session to be used by any script. For example, you might create
a model, save that in an .rData file, and then load it into the workspace so your script can use the model to
score new data.

R Code Inputs (deployrInput)

Any inputs defined in the R code using the deployrInput() function, and their default values, appear at the top in
this pane. The default values defined in the R code are preselected here for you. You can change the value of an
input here, run to test your code using the new value, and then evaluate the outcome.
For tips and guidance on how to develop portable R code using this function from the deployrUtils package, see
the Writing Portable R Code guide on the DeployR website. Refer to the deployrUtils package help for more
details and examples.

If you do not own this file and cannot see the R code in the Source pane, then the deployrInput() functions
cannot be rendered either.

By default, if you can access this file in the Repository Manager, then you are permitted to see any deployrInput
widgets in this pane regardless of whether you own the file or not. However, if you do not own this file but know
there are deployrInput declarations in the code and cannot see them here, it may be due a change in the server
configuration policies by the DeployR administrator that prohibits the loading and downloading of files that may
contain code into an R session.
Quick 'on-the -fly' Inputs
You can define some temporary basic inputs on-the-fly to help you test your script. Only primitive values (real,
integer, string) are accepted. To define one, enter each input as a comma-separated name-value pair in the Quick
Inputs field.
Each input is defined as a comma-separated, name-value pair using the following syntax:

InputName_1, Value_1, InputName_2, Value_2

For example:

Title, "Sales Report", Month, 12

The Quick Inputs field is designed to support primitive inputs, but not complex inputs. Quick Inputs
cannot be saved. For those, we recommend defining them in your code using the deployrInput()function.
Quick Inputs cannot be saved with the script.

Retrieving R Objects
On the Test page, you can retrieve and inspect DeployR encoding for R objects in the underlying workspace.
Since DeployR encodings are used to encode R object data on the DeployR API, the R Objects feature is of
particular interest to client application developers.
The following kinds of artifacts might be present after you execute code:
Unnamed and named plots from the R graphics device and non-image files that were written to the working
DeployR encodings of R objects from the workspace
You can use the R Objects field to request that R object(s) in the workspace be returned as a DeployR -encoded
object(s) in the response markup.

To learn more about DeployR encoded objects, refer to the DeployR API Reference Guide.

The following is an example a DeployR encoding of an R vector object returned in the API Response tab of the
Artifacts pane for the "workspace" property:

workspace": {
"objects": [
"name": "x",
"type": "vector",
"rclass": "numeric",
"value": [

The type property indicates how you can decode the encapsulated data for use within his or her client

To retrieve R objects from the workspace:

1. In the Script Execution Parameters pane, enter the name of an R object that is currently in your
workspace or one you expect to be generated from the execution into the R Objects field.
2. Enter any additional R object names as a comma-separated list, such as
ObjectName1, ObjectName2, ObjectName3, etc.

3. Run the script in this Test page.

4. Once the execution has completed, click API Response in the toolbar of the Artifacts pane.
5. Search for the "workspace" property to find the DeployR encodings of the named objects in the response

You cannot save the list of object names you enter in the R Objects field. This is a temporary field used only
to retrieve the DeployR encoding of one or more R objects on-the-fly.

Interrupting Code Executions

Whenever you run code from anywhere in the Test page, you can interrupt the execution of that code. Since the
console output is shown in the Debug Console Output pane, this is also where you can interrupt an execution
in progress.
To interrupt a code execution:
1. During an execution, find the red icon in the Debug Console Output pane toolbar.
2. Click the red icon on the toolbar to interrupt and terminate the execution.

Saving Script Changes

The changes you make to the source code of your own scripts in the Repository Manager are not saved
automatically. If you want to keep any of the changes you make in the Source pane, you must explicitly save

Changes you make in the Script Execution Parameters pane to test and debug your script are temporary
and cannot be saved.

To save from the Source pane:

1. After you have made changes to the source code in the Test page, click Save in the Source pane toolbar.
2. In the submenu, choose one of the following:
Overwrite Latest version to replace in the current working copy of the script.
Save as new version to save the changes as the Latest version with an optional comment, and to
preserve what was previously the Latest version in the file's history.

Ctrl-S on Windows/Linux or Command-S on MAC will save and overwrite the Latest version.
APIs for operationalizing your models and analytics
with Machine Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

The Machine Learning Server (and Microsoft R Server) REST APIs are exposed by the operationalization server,
a standards-based server technology capable of scaling to meet the needs of enterprise-grade deployments.
With the Machine Learning Server configured to operationalize, the full statistics, analytics, and visualization
capabilities of R and Python can now be directly leveraged inside Web, desktop and mobile applications.
The APIs available with Machine Learning Server can be categorized into two groups: Core APIs and the
Service Consumption APIs.

Looking for a specific core API call? Look in this online API reference.

Core APIs for Operationalization

These core REST APIs expose the R or Python platform as a service allowing the integration of Python models
and R statistics, analytics, and visualizations inside Web, desktop and mobile applications. These APIs enable
you to publish Machine Learning Server-hosted R analytics web services, making the full capabilities of R
available to application developers on a simple yet powerful REST API. These core operationalization APIs can
be grouped into several categories as shown in this table.


Authentication These APIs provide authentication- Help

related operations and access
workflow features.

Web Services These APIs facilitate the publishing and Help

management of user-defined analytic
web services (create, delete, update,
list, discover). Each web service is
uniquely defined by a name and
version for easy service
consumption and meaningful
machine-readable discovery
approaches. When a service is
published (
POST /services/{name}/{version} ),
an endpoint is registered and a
custom Swagger-based JSON file is

Session These APIs provide functionality for R Help

session management (create, delete,
update, list, console output, history,
and workspace and working directory

Snapshot These APIs provide different Help

operations to access and manage
workspace snapshots. A snapshot is a
prepared environment image of an R
or Python session saved to Machine
Learning Server, which includes the
session's packages, objects and data
files. This snapshot can be loaded into
any subsequent remote session for the
user who created it. Learn more about
R session snapshots

Status This API returns a health report of the Help

configuration, including the number of
nodes, pool size, and other details. A
similar diagnostic report is available on
the server.

The core APIs are accessible from and described in mlserver-swagger-<version>.json , a Swagger-based JSON
document. Download this file from
swagger-.json, where <version> is the 3-digit product version number. Swagger is a popular specification for a
JSON file that describes REST APIs. For R Server users, replace mlserver-swagger with rserver-swagger.
You can access all of these core APIs using a client library built from rserver-swagger-<version>.json using
these instructions and example.
Note: For client applications written in R, you can side-step the Swagger approach altogether and exploit the
mrsdeploy package directly to list, discover, and consume services. Learn more in this article.

Service Consumption APIs

The service consumption REST APIs expose a wide range of Python and R analytics services to client
application developers. After Python or R code is published and exposed by the server as a web service, an
application can make API calls to pass inputs to the service, execute the service, and retrieve outputs from the
Whenever a web service is published ( POST /services/{name}/{version} ), an endpoint is registered (
/api/{name}/{version} ), which in turn triggers the generation of a custom Swagger -based JSON file. This
swagger file describes each API needed to interact with that service. While the service consumption Swagger
files are all named swagger.json , you can find them each in a unique location by calling:

GET /api/{service-name}/{service-version}/swagger.json

To make it easier to integrate R and Python web services using these APIs, build and use an API client library
stub from the swagger.json file for each web service using these instructions and example.
How to add web services and authentication to
5/2/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

Learn how to build and use API Client libraries from Swagger to integrate into your applications. Swagger is
a machine-readable representation of a RESTful API that enables support for interactive documentation,
client SDK generation, and discoverability.
While data scientists can work with R directly in an R console window or R IDE, application developers often
need a different set of tools to leverage R inside applications. As an application developer integrating with
these web services, typically your interest is in executing R code, not writing it. Data scientists with the R
programming skills write the R code. Then, using some core APIs, this R code can be published as a Machine
Learning Server-hosted analytics Web service.
To simplify the integration of your R analytics web services, Machine Learning Server (formerly R Server)
provides Swagger templates for operationalization. These Swagger-based JSON files define the list of calls
and resources available in the REST APIs.
To access these RESTful APIs outside of R, generate an API client library in your preferred programming
language, such as .NET, C#, Java, JS, Python, or node.js. This library is built with a Swagger tool. The
resulting API client library simplifies the making of calls, encoding of data, and markup response handling on
the API.

Swagger workflow

Get a swagger generation tool

1. Install a Swagger code generator on your local machine.
Popular Swagger code generation tools include Azure AutoRest (requires node.js) and Swagger
2. Familiarize yourself with the tool so you can generate the API client libraries in your preferred
programming language.

Get the Swagger file

Machine Learning Server provides a Swagger template to simplify the integration. This template defines the
available resources in the REST API and defines the operations you can call on those resources. A standard
set of core operationalization APIs are available and defined in mlserver-swagger-<version>.json , where is
the 3-digit product version number. Additionally, another Swagger-based JSON file is generated for each
web service version. For R Server users, replace mlserver-swagger with rserver-swagger in the filename.


Core APIs Download Swagger file containing the set of core

operationalization APIs from
, where <version> is the 3-digit product version number.
• For 9.2.1:
• For 9.1.0

Service-specific APIs Get the service-specific APIs defined in swagger.json so

you can consume that service. Obtain it directly from the
user that published the service or retrieve yourself using
'GET /api/{service}/{version}/swagger.json'. Learn more...

Build the core client library

Option 1. Build using a Swagger code generator
To build a client library, run the file through the Swagger code generator, and specify the language you want.
If you use AutoRest to generate a C# client library, it might look like command:

AutoRest.exe -CodeGenerator CSharp -Modeler Swagger -Input mlserver-swagger-<version>.json -Namespace


where <version> is the 3-digit product version number.

You can now provide some custom headers and make other changes before using the generated client
library stub. See the Command Line Interface documentation for details regarding different configuration
options and preferences.
Option 2. Build using an online Swagger editor
You are not required to install a Swagger code generator on your machine. Instead, you can build the client
library in your preferred language using an online Swagger editor.
1. Go to
2. Choose Swagger Editor from the Tools menu on the homepage. The editor appears with default
3. Delete the default contents so the editor is empty.
4. Open the Swagger file on your local machine in a text editor of your choice.
5. Copy the Swagger contents to your clipboard.
6. Switch back to the Swagger site and paste the contents into the online editor.
7. Click the Generate Client button on the toolbar.
8. Choose the language for the client. The client library is generated.

Option 3. Build using httr package in R

You can also build a client library directly in R using the httr package. Like option 2, this option does not
require you to install a Swagger code generator on your machine. This is very convenient when you want to
publish a web service and immediately generate a client library from the resulting Swagger file. Learn more
in this blog post.

Add Authentication Workflow Logic

Keep in mind that all APIs require authentication. Therefore, all users must authenticate when making an API
call using the POST /login API or through Azure Active Directory (AAD ).
To simplify this process, bearer access tokens are issued so that users need not provide their credentials for
every single call. This bearer token is a lightweight security token that grants the “bearer” access to a
protected resource, in this case, Machine Learning Server's operationalization APIs. After a user has
provided authentication credentials, the application must validate the user’s bearer token to ensure that
authentication was successful. Learn more about managing these tokens.
Before you interact with the core APIs, you must authenticate, get the bearer access token, and then include
the token in each header for each subsequent request.
Azure Active Directory (AAD )
Add code to pass the AAD credentials, authority, and client ID. In turn, AAD issues the token.
Here is an example of Azure Active Directory authentication in CSharp:

<swagger-client-title> client = new <swagger-client-title>(new Uri("https://<host>:<port>"));

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note - Update these sections with your appropriate values
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Address of the authority to issue token.

const string tenantId = "";
const string authority = "" + tenantId;

// Identifier of the client requesting the token

const string clientId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";

// Secret of the client requesting the token

const string clientKey = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000";

var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority);

var authenticationResult = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(
clientId, new ClientCredential(clientId, clientKey));

// Set Authorization header with `Bearer` and access-token

var headers = client.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders;
var accessToken = authenticationResult.AccessToken;

headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {accessToken}");

Active Directory LDAP or Local Admin

For these authentication methods, you must call the POST /login API in order to authenticate. Now
you can pass in the username and password for the local administrator, or if Active Directory is
enabled, pass the LDAP account information. In turn, Machine Learning Server issues you a
bearer/access token. After authenticated, the user does not need to provide credentials again as long
as the token is still valid.
Here is an example of Active Directory/LDAP authentication in CSharp:

<swagger-client-title> client = new <swagger-client-title>(new Uri("https://<host>:<port>"));

// Authenticate using username/password

var loginRequest = new LoginRequest("LDAP_USER_NAME", "LDAP_PASSWORD");
var loginResponse = await client.LoginAsync(loginRequest);

// Set Authorization header with `Bearer` and access-token

var headers = <swagger-client-title>.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders;
var accessToken = loginResponse.AccessToken;

headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {accessToken}");
Interact with the APIs
Now that you have generated the client library and added authentication logic to your application, you can
interact with the core operationalization APIs.

<swagger-client-title> client = new <swagger-client-title>(new Uri("https://<host>:<port>"));

Example: Core Client Library from Swagger (in CSharp)

This example shows how you can use the mlserver-swagger-9.2.1.json swagger file to build a client library
to interact with the core operationalization APIs from your application. For other versions, get the file from<version>/swagger/mlserver-swagger-<version>.json where is
the server product version.
Build and use a core Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 client library from swagger in CSharp and Azure Active
Directory authentication:
1. Download mlserver-swagger-9.2.1.json from
2. Build the statically generated client library files for CSharp from the mlserver-swagger-9.2.1.json
swagger. Notice the language is CSharp and the namespace is IO.Swagger.Client .

AutoRest.exe -CodeGenerator CSharp -Modeler Swagger -Input mlserver-swagger-9.2.1.json -Namespace


3. In Visual Studio, add the following NuGet package dependencies to your VS project.
Open the Package Manager Console for NuGet and add them with this command:

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory

4. Use the statically generated client library files to call the operationalization APIs. In your application
code, import the required namespace types and create an API client to manage the API calls:

// --- IMPORT NAMESPACE TYPES -------------------------------------------------------

// Use the namespace provided with `AutoRest.exe -Namespace IO.Swagger.Client`
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Client.Models;

using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
using Microsoft.Rest

// --- CREATE API CLIENT -------------------------------------------------------------

SwaggerClientTitle client = new SwaggerClientTitle(new Uri(""));

5. Add the authentication workflow to your application. In this example, the organization has Azure
Active Directory.
Since all APIs require authentication, we first need to obtain our Bearer access token such that it can
be included in every request header like this:
GET /resource HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer mFfl_978_.G5p-4.94gM-

In your application code, insert the following:

// --- AUTHENTICATE WITH AAD ------------------------------------------------------

// Note - Update these sections with your appropriate values
// Once authenticated, user do not provide credentials again until token is invalid.
// You can now begin to interact with the core Op APIs
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

const string tenantId = "";
const string authority = "" + tenantId;

const string clientId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";

const string clientKey = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000";

var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority);

var authenticationResult = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(
clientId, new ClientCredential(clientId, clientKey));

var headers = client.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders;
var accessToken = authenticationResult.AccessToken;

headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {accessToken}");

6. Begin consuming the core operationalization APIs.

// --- INVOKE API -----------------------------------------------------------------

// Try creating an R Session `POST /sessions`

var createSessionResponse = client.CreateSession(
new CreateSessionRequest("Session One"));

Console.WriteLine("Session ID: " + createSessionResponse.SessionId);

Example: Service Consumption Client Library from Swagger (in

This example shows how you can use the swagger.json swagger file for version 1.0.0 of a service named
transmission to build a client library to interact with published service from your application.

Build and use a service consumption client library from swagger in CSharp and Active Directory LDAP
1. Get the swagger.json for the service you want to consume named transmission :

GET /api/transmission/1.0.0/swagger.json

2. Build the statically generated client library files for CSharp from the swagger.json swagger. Notice
the language is CSharp and the namespace is Transmission .

AutoRest.exe -CodeGenerator CSharp -Modeler Swagger -Input swagger.json -Namespace Transmission

3. In Visual Studio, add the following NuGet package dependencies to your VS project.
Open the Package Manager Console for NuGet and add them with this command:

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory

4. Use the statically-generated client library files to call the operationalization APIs. In your application
code, import the required namespace types and create an API client to manage the API calls:

// --- IMPORT NAMESPACE TYPES -------------------------------------------------------

// Use the namespace provided with `AutoRest.exe -Namespace Transmission`
using System;

using Transmission;
using Transmission.Models;

using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
using Microsoft.Rest

// --- CREATE API CLIENT -------------------------------------------------------------

Transmission client = new Transmission(new Uri("”));

5. Add the authentication workflow to your application. In this example, the organization has Active
Since all APIs require authentication, first get the Bearer access token so it can be included in every
request header. For example:

GET /resource HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Bearer mFfl_978_.G5p-4.94gM-

In your application code, insert the following code:

// --- AUTHENTICATE WITH ACTIVE DIRECTORY -----------------------------------------
// Note - Update these with your appropriate values
// Once authenticated, user won't provide credentials again until token is invalid.
// You can now begin to interact with the operationalization APIs
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var loginRequest = new LoginRequest("LDAP_USERNAME", "LDAP_PASSWORD");
var loginResponse = client.Login(loginRequest);

var headers = client.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders;
var accessToken = loginResponse.AccessToken;
headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {accessToken}");

6. Begin consuming the service consumption APIs.

// --- INVOKE API -----------------------------------------------------------------

InputParameters inputs = new InputParameters() { Hp = 120, Wt = 2.8 };
var serviceResult = client.ManualTransmission(inputs);


Example in Java
The following blog article shows how to create a Java client.

See also
Blog article: REST Calls using PostMan
Manage access tokens for API requests
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

Machine Learning Server, formerly known as Microsoft R Server, uses tokens to identify and authenticate the
user who is sending the API call within your application. Users must authenticate when making an API call. They
can do so with the 'POST /login HTTP/1.1' API call, after which Machine Learning Server issues a bearer token to
your application for this user. Alternately, if the organization is using Azure Active Directory (AAD ), users receive
a bearer token from AAD when they authenticate.
This bearer token is a lightweight security token that grants the “bearer” access to a protected resource, in this
case, Machine Learning Server's core APIs for operationalizing analytics. After a user has been authenticated, the
application must validate the user’s bearer token to ensure that authentication was successful.

For proper access token signing and verification across your configuration, ensure that the JWT settings are exactly the
same for every web node. These JWT settings are defined on each web node in the configuration file, appsetting.json.
Check with your administrator. Learn more...

Security Concerns
Despite the fact that a party must first authenticate to receive the token, tokens can be intercepted by an
unintended party if the token is not secured in transmission and storage. While some security tokens have a
built-in mechanism to protect against unauthorized parties, these tokens do not and must be transported in a
secure channel such as transport layer security (HTTPS ).
If a token is transmitted in the clear, a man-in the middle attack can be used by a malicious party to acquire the
token to make an unauthorized access to a protected resource. The same security principles apply when storing
or caching tokens for later use. Always ensure that your application transmits and stores tokens in a secure

You can revoke a token if a user is no longer permitted to make requests on the API or if the token has been

Create tokens
The API bearer token's properties include an access_token / refresh_token pair and expiration dates.
Tokens can be generated in one of two ways:
If Active Directory LDAP or a local administrator account is enabled, then send a 'POST /login HTTP/1.1'
API request to retrieve the bearer token.
If Azure Active Directory (AAD ) is enabled, then the token comes from AAD.
Learn more about these authentication methods.
Example: Token creation request

POST /login HTTP/1.1

"username": "my-user-name",
"password": "$ecRetPas$1"



Token Lifecycle
The bearer token is made of an access_token property and a refresh_token property.


Gets Whenever the user logs in, or Whenever the user logs in
a refreshToken api is called

Expires After 1 hour (3660 seconds) of After 336 hours (14 days) of inactivity

Becomes If the refresh_token was revoked, or If not used for 336 hours (14 days), or
If not used for 336 hours (14 days), or When the refresh_token expires, or

When a new pair of When a new

access_token/refresh_token has been access_token/refresh_token pair was
created created, or

If the refresh_token was revoked

Use tokens
As defined by HTTP/1.1 [RFC2617], the application should send the access_token directly in the Authorization
request header.
You can do so by including the bearer token's access_token value in the HTTP request body as 'Authorization:
Bearer {access_token_value}'.
When the API call is sent with the token, Machine Learning Server attempts to validate that the user is
successfully authenticated and that the token itself is not expired.
If an authenticated user has a bearer token's access_token or refresh_token that is expired, then a '401 -
Unauthorized (invalid or expired refresh token)' error is returned.
If the user is not successfully authenticated, a '401 - Unauthorized (invalid credentials)' error is returned.
Example HTTP header for session creation:

POST /sessions HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGci....

Example HTTP header for publishing web service:

POST /api/{service}/{version} HTTP/1.1

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGci....

Renew tokens
A valid bearer token (with active access_token or refresh_token properties) keeps the user's authentication alive
without requiring him or her to re-enter their credentials frequently.
The access_token can be used for as long as it’s active, which is up to one hour after login or renewal. The
refresh_token is active for 336 hours (14 days). After the access_token expires, an active refresh_token can be
used to get a new access_token / refresh_token pair as shown in the following example. This cycle can continue
for up to 90 days after which the user must log in again. If the refresh_token expires, the tokens cannot be
renewed and the user must log in again.
To refresh a token, use the 'POST /login/refreshToken HTTP/1.1' API call.
Example: Refresh access_token
Example request:

POST /login/refreshToken HTTP/1.1

Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Length: 370

"refreshToken": "0/LTo...."

Example response:


Revoke refresh tokens

A refresh_token should be revoked:
If a user is no longer permitted to make requests on the API, or
If the access_token or refresh_token have been compromised.
Use the 'DELETE /login/refreshToken?refreshToken={refresh_token_value} HTTP/1.1' API call to revoke a token.
Example: Revoke token
Example request:


Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

Example response:

HTTP 200 Success

Log in to Machine Learning Server or R Server
with mrsdeploy and open a remote session
4/13/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

The mrsdeploy package, delivered with Microsoft R Client and Machine Learning Server (formerly known as
R Server), provides functions for:
Establishing a remote session in an R console application for the purposes of executing code on that
Publishing and managing an R web service that is backed by the R code block or script you provided.
Each feature can be used independently, but the greatest value is achieved when you use both.
This article explains the authentication functions, the arguments they accept, and how to switch between
remote and local sessions.

This section describes how to authenticate to Machine Learning Server on-premises or in the cloud using
the functions in mrsdeploy .
In Machine Learning Server, every API call between the Web server and client must be authenticated. The
mrsdeploy functions, which place API calls on your behalf, are no different. Authentication of user identity is
handled via Active Directory. Machine Learning Server never stores or manages usernames and passwords.
By default, all mrsdeploy operations are available to authenticated users. Destructive tasks, such as deleting
a web service from a remote execution command line, are available only to the user who initially created the
service. However, your administrator can also assign role-based authorization to further control the
permissions around web services.
mrsdeploy provides two functions for authentication against Machine Learning Server: remoteLogin() and
remoteLoginAAD (). These functions support not just authentication, but creation of a remote R session on
the Machine Learning Server. By default, the remoteLogin() and remoteLoginAAD () functions log you in,
create a remote R session on the Machine Learning Server instance, and open a remote command prompt.
The function you use depends on the type of authentication and deployment in your organization.
On premises authentication
Use the remoteLogin function in these scenarios:
you are authenticating using Active Directory server on your network
you are using the default administrator account for an on-premises instance of Machine Learning Server
This function calls /user/login API, which requires a username and password. For example:
> remoteLogin(
session = TRUE,
diff = TRUE,
commandline = TRUE
username = NULL,
password = NULL,

For example, here is an AD authentication that creates a remote R session, but prompts for a username and
password. That username can be the Active DIrectory/LDAP username and password, or the local admin
account and its password.

> remoteLogin("http://localhost:12800",
session = FALSE)

In another example, we authenticate using the local 'admin' account and password and create a remote R
session. Then, upon login, we are placed at the remote session's command prompt. A report of the
differences between local and remote environments is returned.

> remoteLogin("http://localhost:12800",
username = "admin",
password = "{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}",
diff = TRUE,
session = TRUE,
commandline = TRUE)

Unless you specify otherwise using the arguments below, this function not only logs you in, but also creates a remote
R session the server instance and put you on the remote command line. If you don't want to be in a remote session,
either set session = FALSE or switch back to the local session after login and logout.


endpoint The Machine Learning Server HTTP/HTTPS endpoint,

including the port number. You can find this on the first
screen when you launch the administration utility.

session If TRUE, create a remote session. If omitted, creates a

remote session.

diff If TRUE, creates a 'diff' report showing differences between

the local and remote sessions. Parameter is only valid if
session parameter is TRUE.

commandline If TRUE, creates a "REMOTE' command line in the R

console. Parameter is only valid if session parameter is
TRUE. If omitted, it is the same as = TRUE .

prompt The command prompt to be used for the remote session.

By default, REMOTE> is used.

username If NULL, user is prompted to enter your AD or local

Machine Learning Server username.

password If NULL, user is prompted to enter password.

If you do not specify a username and password as arguments to the login function, you are prompted for your AD or
local Machine Learning Server username and password when you run this command.

Cloud authentication
To authenticate with Azure Active Directory, use the remoteLoginAAD function.
This function takes several arguments as follows:

> remoteLoginAAD(
authuri =,
tenantid = "<AAD_DOMAIN>",
clientid = "<NATIVE_APP_CLIENT_ID>",
resource = "<WEB_APP_CLIENT_ID>",
username = "NameOfUser",
password = "UserPassword",
session = TRUE,
diff = TRUE,
commandline = TRUE

Unless you specify otherwise, this function:

1. Logs the user in
2. Creates a remote R session on the server instance
3. Puts the user on the remote command line in that remote session
If you do not want to be in a remote session, either set session = FALSE or switch back to the local session
after login and logout.
For example, here is another AAD authentication that does not create a remote R session. It also prompts
for a username and password at runtime.
If you do not specify the username and password as arguments to the login function, you are prompted for
your AAD username and password at runtime.

> remoteLoginAAD(
authuri = "",
tenantid = "",
clientid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
resource = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
session = FALSE
Whenever you omit the username or password, you are prompted for your credentials at runtime. If you have issues
with the AAD login pop-up, you may need to include the username and password as command arguments directly.


endpoint The Machine Learning Server HTTP/HTTPS endpoint,

including the port number. This endpoint is the SIGN-ON
URL value from the web application

authuri The URI of the authentication service for Azure Active


tenantid The tenant ID of the Azure Active Directory account being

used to authenticate is the domain of AAD account.

clientid The numeric CLIENT ID of the AAD "native" application for

the Azure Active Directory account.

resource The numeric CLIENT ID from the AAD "Web" application

for the Azure Active Directory account, also known by the
Audience in the configuration file.

session If TRUE, create a remote session. If omitted, creates a

remote session.

diff If TRUE, creates a 'diff' report showing differences between

the local and remote sessions. Parameter is only valid if
session parameter is TRUE.

commandline If TRUE, creates a "REMOTE' command line in the R

console. Parameter is only valid if session parameter is

prompt The command prompt to be used for the remote session.

By default, REMOTE> is used. If omitted, it is the same as
= TRUE .

username If NULL, user is prompted to enter username

<username>@<AAD-account-domain> . If you have issues
with the AAD login pop-up, try including the username
and password as command arguments directly.

password If NULL, user is prompted to enter password.

If you do not know your tenantid , clientid , or other details, contact your administrator. Or, if you have
access to the Azure portal for the relevant Azure subscription, you can find these authentication details.

Arguments for remote execution

If you plan to use mrsdeploy to start a remote session on the server and execute code remotely, there are
two key parts to the command:
1. Create that remote session
2. Indicate whether you'd like to open a local or remote command prompt upon login.
Take special note of the arguments session and commandline as these influence the state of your command


session If TRUE, create a remote session in the server.

If omitted, it still creates a remote session.
If FALSE, does not create any remote R sessions.

commandline If TRUE, creates a REMOTE command line in the R console

so you can interact with the remote R session. After the
authenticated connection is made, the user is executing R
commands remotely until they switch back to the local
command line or logout. Parameter is only valid if session
parameter is TRUE.

For more information on remote execution, see this article.

In the case where you are working with a remote R session, there are several approaches to session management
when publishing.

Access tokens
After you authenticate with Active Directory or Azure Active Directory, an access token is returned. This
access token is then passed in the request header of every subsequent mrsdeploy request.
Keep in mind that each API call and every mrsdeploy function requires authentication with Machine
Learning Server. If the user does not provide a valid login, an Unauthorized HTTP 401 status code is

Remote connection states

Depending on how you configure the session and commandline login parameters are subtle, your execution
context can switch between local and remote contexts.
Create remote R session and go to remote command line (1)
In this state, we authenticate using one of the two aforementioned login functions with the default argument
session = TRUE to create a remote R session, and the default argument commandline = TRUE to transition to
the remote R command line.

Unless you specify session = FALSE , this function not only logs you in, but also creates a remote R session on the
Machine Learning Server instance. And, unless you specify commandline = FALSE , you are on the remote command
line upon login. If you don't want to be in a remote session, either set session = FALSE or switch back to the local
session after login and logout.

> remoteLogin(


When you see the default prompt REMOTE> in the command pane, you know that you are now interacting
with your remote R session and are no longer in your local R environment:
In this example, we define an interactive authentication workflow that spans both our local and remote


> remoteLogin("http://localhost:12800")

REMOTE> x <- 10 # Assign 10 to "x" in remote session

REMOTE> ls() # List objects in remote session

[1] "x"

REMOTE> pause() # Pause remote interaction. Switch to local

> y <- 10 # Assign 10 to "y" in local session

> ls() # List objects in local session

[1] "y"

> putLocalObject(c("y")) # Loads local "y" into remote R session's workspace

> resume() # Resume remote interaction and move to remote command line

REMOTE> ls() # List the objects now in the remote session

[1] "x" "y"

REMOTE> exit # Destroy remote session and logout


You can only manage web services from your local session. Attempting to use the service APIs during a remote
interaction results in an error.

Create remote R session and remain with local command line (2)
In this state, you can authenticate using remoteLogin , which is one of the two aforementioned login
functions with the argument session = TRUE to create a remote R session, and the argument
commandline = FALSE to remain in your local R environment and command line.

> remoteLogin(
session = TRUE,
commandline = FALSE


In this example, we define an interactive authentication workflow that spans both our local and remote
environments (just like state 1), but starts out in the local R session, and only then moves to the remote R


> remoteLogin("http://localhost:12800", session = TRUE, commandline = FALSE)

> y <- 10 # Assign 10 to "y" in local session

> ls() # List the objects in the local session

[1] "y"

> putLocalObject(c("y")) # Loads local "y" into remote R session's workspace

> resume() # Switch to remote command line for remote interaction

REMOTE> x <- 10 # Assign 10 to "x" in remote session

REMOTE> ls() # List the objects now in the remote session

[1] "x" "y"

REMOTE> exit # Destroy remote session and logout


Remain local without creating a remote R session (3)

In this state, you can authenticate with remoteLogin() and its argument session = FALSE so that no remote
R session is started. Without a remote R session, you only have the local R environment and command line.


> remoteLogin(
session = FALSE


In this example, we define an interactive authentication workflow without a remote R session (

session = FALSE ). This is useful when working only with the web service functionality of the mrsdeploy
package. After authentication, we remain confined within the local R session in order to publish and
consume a service.

> remoteLogin("http://localhost:12800", session = FALSE)

> addOne <- function(x) x + 1

> api <- publishService(

code = addOne,
inputs = list(x = "numeric"),
outputs = list(answer = "numeric")

> res <- api$addOne(100)

> print(res$output("answer"))
[1] 101

You can only manage web services from your local session. Attempting to use the service APIs during a remote
interaction results in an error.

Switch between remote and local sessions

After you log in to the remote Machine Learning Server with the argument session = TRUE , a remote R
session is created. You can switch between the remote R session and the local R session directly from the
command line. The remote command line allows you to directly interact with an Machine Learning Server
9.x instance on another machine.
When the REMOTE> command line is displayed in the R console, any R commands entered are executed on
the remote R session.

Switching between the local command line and the remote command line is done using these functions:
pause() and resume(). To switch back to the local R session, type 'pause()'. If you have switched to the local R
session, you can go back to the remote R session by typing 'resume()'.
To terminate the remote R session, type 'exit' at the REMOTE> prompt. Also, to terminate the remote
session from the local R session, type 'remoteLogout()'.

pause() When executed from the remote R session, returns the

user to the local '>' command prompt.

resume() When executed from the local R session, returns the user
to the 'REMOTE>' command prompt, and sets a remote
execution context.

exit Logs you out of the session.


#execute some R commands on the remote session


REMOTE>pause() #switches the user to the local R session


REMOTE>exit #logout and terminate the remote R session


Logout of a remote session

To terminate the remote R session while you are on the remote command line, type 'exit' at the REMOTE>
To terminate the remote session from the local R session, type 'remoteLogout()'.

See also
What is operationalization?
What are web services?
mrsdeploy function overview
Working with web services in R
Asynchronous batch execution of web services in R
Execute on a remote Machine Learning Server
How to integrate web services and authentication into your application
Execute on a remote server using the mrsdeploy
4/13/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x, Microsoft R Client 3.x
Remote execution is the ability to issue R commands from either Machine Learning Server (or R Server) or
R Client to a remote session running on another Machine Learning Server instance. You can use remote
execution to offload heavy processing on server and test your work. It is especially useful while developing
and testing your analytics.
Remote execution is supported in several ways:
From the command line in console applications
In R scripts that call functions from the mrsdeploy package
From code that calls the APIs.
You can enter 'R' code just as you would in a local R console. R code entered at the remote command line
executes on the remote server.
With remote execution, you can:
Log in and out of Machine Learning Server
Generate diff reports of the local and remote environments and reconcile any differences
Execute R scripts and code remotely
Work with R objects/files remotely
Create and manage snapshots of the remote environment for reuse

Supported configurations and mrsdeploy usage

The R functions used for remote execution are provided in the mrsdeploy package, which is installed with
Machine Learning Server on almost every platform. Your administrator must configure the server for the
deployment and consumption of analytics** before you can use the functions in the package. Read the
article " mrsdeploy functions" for the list of remote execution functions in that package.

How to create a remote session

To create a remote session, you must first authenticate with Machine Learning Server using one of the
mrsdeploy login functions: remoteLogin() and remoteLoginAAD (). With these functions, you can
authenticate, set the arguments to create a remote R session on the Machine Learning Server (
session = TRUE ) and even place yourself in the remote command line upon login commandline = TRUE .
Read the article "Connecting to Machine Learning Server with mrsdeploy" for more on authentication with
mrsdeploy and syntax.

How to switch between sessions or logout

After you log in to the remote R server with the argument session = TRUE , a remote R session is created.
You can switch between the remote R session and the local R session directly from the command line. The
remote command line allows you to directly interact with an R Server 9.x instance on another machine.
When the REMOTE> command line is displayed in the R console, any R commands entered are executed on
the remote R session.

Switching between the local command line and the remote command line is done using these functions:
pause() and resume(). To switch back to the local R session, type 'pause()'. If you have switched to the local R
session, you can go back to the remote R session by typing 'resume()'.
To terminate the remote R session, type 'exit' at the REMOTE> prompt. Also, to terminate the remote session
from the local R session, type 'remoteLogout()'.


pause() When executed from the remote R session, returns the

user to the local > command prompt.

resume() When executed from the local R session, returns the user
to the REMOTE> command prompt, and sets a remote
execution context.

#execute some R commands on the remote session


REMOTE>pause() #switches the user to the local R session


REMOTE>exit #logout and terminate the remote R session


Create a diff report

A diff report is available so you can see and manage differences between the local and remote R
environments. The diff report contains details on:
The R versions running on the server and locally
The R packages installed locally, but not on the remote session
The differences between R package versions.
This report appears whenever you log in, and you can also get the report using the diffLocalRemote()

Execute an R script remotely

If you have R scripts on your local machine, you can execute them remotely by using the function
remoteScript(). This function takes a path to an R script to be executed remotely. You also have options to
save or display any plots that might have been generated during script execution. The function returns a list
containing the status of the execution (success/failure), the console output generated, and a list of files

If you need more granular control of a remote execution scenario, use the remoteExecute() function.

Package dependencies
If your R script has R package dependencies, those packages must be installed on the Microsoft R Server.
Your administrator can install them globally on the server or you can install them yourself for the duration
of your remote session using the install.packages() function. Leave the lib parameter empty.
Limitations in a remote context
Certain functions are masked from execution, such as 'help', 'browser', 'q' and 'quit'.
In a remote context, you cannot display vignettes or get help at your command line prompt.
In most cases, “system” commands work. However, system commands that write to stdout/stderr may not
display their output nor wait until the entire system command has completed before displaying output.
install.packages is the only exception for which we explicitly handle stdout and stderr in a remote context.

Asynchronous remote execution

To continue working in your development environment during the remote script execution, you can execute
your R script asynchronously. Asynchronous script execution is useful when you are running scripts that
have long execution times.
To execute an R script asynchronously, set the async parameter for remoteScript() to TRUE. When
remoteScript() is executed, the script is run asynchronously in a new remote R console window. All R
console output and any plots from that execution are returned to the same window.

R Server 9.0 users! When loading a library for the REMOTE session, set lib.loc=getwd() as such:
library("<packagename>", lib.loc=getwd())



#install a package for the life of the session


#switch to the local R session


#execute an R script remotely


#execute that script again in another window asynchronously

>remoteScript("C:/myScript.R", async=TRUE)

Work with R objects and files remotely

After you have executed an R code remotely, you may want to retrieve certain R objects and load them into
your local R session. For example, if you have an R script that creates a linear model m<-lm(x~y) , use the
function getRemoteObject() to retrieve the object m in your local R session.
Conversely, if you have a local R object that you want to make available to your remote R session, you can
use the function putLocalObject(). If you want to sync your local and remote workspaces, the functions
putLocalWorkspace() and getRemoteWorkspace() can be used.
Similar capabilities are available for files that need to be moved between the local and remote R sessions.
The following functions are available for working with files: putLocalFile(), getRemoteFile(), listRemoteFiles()
and deleteRemoteFile().


#execute a script remotely that generated 2 R objects we are interested in retrieving

#retrieve the R objects from the remote R session and load them into our local R session

#an R script depends upon an R object named `data` to be available. Move the local
#instance of `data` to the remote R session
#execute an R script remotely

#push a data file to the remote R session

#execute an R script remotely
A word on plots
When you plot remotely, the default plot size is 400 x 400 pixels. If you desire higher-resolution output, you
must tell the remote session the size of plot to create.
On a local session, you might change the width and height as follows:

> png(filename="myplot.png", width=1440, height=900)

> ggplot(aes(x=value, group=am, colour=factor(am)), data=mtcarsmelt) + geom_density() +
facet_wrap(~variable, scales="free")

When working on the REMOTE command line, you need to combine these three statements together:

REMOTE> png(filename="myplot.png", width=1440, height=900);ggplot(aes(x=value, group=am,

colour=factor(am)), data=mtcarsmelt) + geom_density() + facet_wrap(~variable, scales="free");

As an alternative, you can use the remoteScript() function as follows:

#Open a new script window in your IDE

#Enter the commands on separate lines

png(filename="myplot.png", width=1440, height=900)

ggplot(aes(x=value, group=am, colour=factor(am)), data=mtcarsmelt) + geom_density() +
facet_wrap(~variable, scales="free")

#Save the script to a file such as myscript.R

#Switch from the remote session to the local session by typing pause() on the REMOTE command line
REMOTE> pause()

#From the local command prompt, execute your remote script

> remoteScript("myscript.R")

R session snapshots
Session snapshot functions are useful for remote execution scenarios. It can save the whole workspace and
working directory so that you can pick up from exactly where you left last time. Think of it as similar to
saving and loading a game.
What's in a session snapshot
If you need a prepared environment for remote script execution that includes R packages, R objects, or data
files, consider creating a snapshot. A snapshot is an image of a remote R session saved to Microsoft R
Server, which includes:
The session's workspace along with the installed R packages
Any files and artifacts in the working directory
A session snapshot can be loaded into any subsequent remote R session for the user who created it. For
example, suppose you want to execute a script that needs three R packages, a reference data file, and a
model object. Instead of loading the data file and object each time you want to execute the script, create a
session snapshot of an R session containing them. Then, you can save time later by retrieving this snapshot
using its ID to get the session contents exactly as they were at the time the snapshot was created. However,
any necessary packages must be reloaded as described in the next section.
Snapshots are only accessible to the user who creates them and cannot be shared across users.
The following functions are available for working with snapshots:
listSnapshots(), createSnapshot(), loadSnapshot(), downloadSnapshot(), and deleteSnapshot().
Snapshot guidance and warnings
Take note of the following tips and recommendations around using session snapshots:
One caveat is that while the workspace is saved inside the session snapshot, it does not save loaded
packages. If your code depends on certain R packages, use the require() function to include those
packages directly in the R code that is part of the web service. The require() function loads packages
from within other functions. For example, you can write the following code to load the RevoScaleR

delayPrediction <- function(depTime, dayOfWeek) {

test <- data.frame(CRSDepTime=depTime, DayOfWeek=factor(dayOfWeek, levels = c("Monday",
"Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))
rxPredict(modelObject = modelInfo$predictiveModel, data = test, outData = test, verbose = 1,
type = "response")

While you can use snapshots when publishing a web service for environment dependencies, it can
have an impact on performance at consumption time. For optimal performance, consider the size of
the snapshot carefully especially when publishing a service. Before creating a snapshot, ensure that
you keep only those workspace objects you need and purge the rest. And, if you only need a single
object, consider passing that object alone itself instead of using a snapshot.
R Server 9.0 users When loading a library for the REMOTE session, set lib.loc=getwd() as such:
library("<packagename>", lib.loc=getwd())

Example of snapshot usage


#configure our remote session

>snapshot_id<-<-createSnapshot("my modeling environment")

#whenever I need the modeling environment, reload the snapshot

#execute an R script remotely

Publishing web services in a remote session

After you understand the mechanics of remote execution, consider incorporating web service capabilities.
You can publish an R web service composed of arbitrary R code block that runs on the remote R Server. For
more information on publishing services, begin with the Working with web services in R guide.
To publish a web service after you create a remote session (argument session = TRUE with remoteLogin() or
remoteLoginAAD ()), you have two approaches:
Publish from your local session: At the REMOTE> prompt, use pause() to return the R command line in
your local session. Then, publish your service. Use resume() from your local prompt to return to the
command line in the remote R session.
Authenticate again from within the remote session to enable connections from that remote session to
the web node API. At the REMOTE> prompt, authenticate with remoteLogin() or remoteLoginAAD ().
However, explicitly set the argument session = FALSE this time so that a second remote session is
NOT created and provide your username and password directly in the function. When attempting to
log in from a remote session, you are not prompted for user credentials. Instead, pass valid values for
username and password to this function. Then, you are authenticated and able to publish from the
REMOTE> prompt.

If you try to publish a web service from the remote R session without authenticating from that session, you get a
message such as
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(uri, handle = h) : URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL .

Learn more about authenticating with remoteLogin() or remoteLoginAAD () in this article "Logging in to R
Server with mrsdeploy."


> remoteLoginAAD(
authuri = "",
tenantid = "",
clientid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
resource = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
session = TRUE

Your REMOTE R session is now active.

- pause() to switch to local session & leave remote session on hold.
- resume() to return to remote session.
- exit to leave (and terminate) remote session.

REMOTE> remoteLoginAAD(
authuri = "",
tenantid = "",
clientid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
resource = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
session = FALSE
username = “{{YOUR_USERNAME}}”
password = “{{YOUR_PASSWORD}}”

REMOTE>api <- publishService(

code = manualTransmission,
model = carsModel,
inputs = list(hp = "numeric", wt = "numeric"),
outputs = list(answer = "numeric"),
v = "v1.0.0"

See also
mrsdeploy function overview
Connecting to R Server from mrsdeploy
Get started guide for Data scientists
Working with web services in R
Write custom chunking algorithms using rxDataStep
in RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Scalability in RevoScaleR is based on chunking or external memory algorithms that can analyze chunks of data in
parallel and then combine intermediate results into a single analysis. Because of the chunking algorithms, it's
possible to analyze huge datasets that vastly exceed the memory capacity of any one machine.
All of the main analysis functions in RevoScaleR (rxSummary, rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxGlm, rxCube, rxCrossTabs,
rxCovCor, rxKmeans, rxDTree, rxBTrees, rxNaiveBayes, and rxDForest) use chunking or external memory
algorithms. However, for scenarios where specialized behaviors are needed, you can create a custom chunking
algorithms using the rxDataStep function to automatically chunk through your data set and apply arbitrary R
functions to process your data.
In this article, you'll step through an example that teaches a simple chunking algorithm for tabulating data
implemented using rxDataStep. A more realistic tabulation approach is to use the rxCrossTabs or rxCube
functions, but since rxDataStep is simpler, it's a better choice for instruction.

If rxDataStep does not provide sufficient customization, you can build a custom parallel external memory algorithm from
the ground up using functions in the RevoPemaR package. For more information, see How to use the RevoPemaR library
in Machine Learning Server.

Sample data for this example is the AirlineDemoSmall.xdf file with a local compute context. For instructions on
how to import this data set, see the tutorial in Practice data import and exploration.
Chunking is supported on Machine Learning Server, but not on the free R Client. Because the dataset is small
enough to reside in memory on most computers, most systems succeed in running this example locally. however,
if the data does not fit in memory, you will need to use Machine Learning Server instead.

About chunking algorithms

An updating algorithm takes a given set of values and a chunk of data, and then outputs a revised set of values
cumulative for all chunks. The simplest example is an updating sum: sum is computed for the first chunk, followed
by a second chunk, which each successive chunk contributing to a revised value until reaching the cumulative
Updating algorithms perform four main tasks:
Initialization: declare and initialize variables needed in the computation.
ProcessData: for each block, perform calculations on the data in the block.
UpdateResults: combine all of the results of the ProcessData step.
ProcessResults: when results from all blocks have been combined, do any final computations.
In this example, no initialization is required.
Example: rxDataStep and sample airline data
The ProcessData step is performed within a transformFunc called by rxDataStep for each chunk of data. In this
case we begin with a simple call to the table function after converting the chunk to a data frame. The results are
then converted back to a data frame with a single row, which will be appended to a data set on disk. So, the call to
rxDataStep reads in the data chunk-by-chunk and creates a new summary data set where each row represents
the “intermediate results” of a chunk.
The AggregateResults function shown below combines the UpdateResults and ProcessResults tasks. The summary
data set is simply read into memory and the columns are summed.
To try this out, create a new script chunkTable.R with the following contents:

chunkTable <- function(inDataSource, iroDataSource, varsToKeep = NULL,

blocksPerRead = 1 )
ProcessChunk <- function( dataList)
# Process Data
chunkTable <- table(
# Convert table to data frame with single row
varNames <- names(chunkTable)
varValues <- as.vector(chunkTable)
dim(varValues) <- c(1, length(varNames))
chunkDF <-
names(chunkDF) <- varNames
# Return the data frame
return( chunkDF )

rxDataStep( inData = inDataSource, outFile = iroDataSource,

varsToKeep = varsToKeep,
blocksPerRead = blocksPerRead,
transformFunc = ProcessChunk,
reportProgress = 0, overwrite = TRUE)

AggregateResults <- function()

iroResults <- rxDataStep(iroDataSource)


Note that the blocksPerRead argument is ignored if this script runs locally using R Client. Since Microsoft R
Client can only process datasets that fit into the available memory, chunking is not supported in R Client. When
run locally with R Client, all data must be read into memory. You can work around this limitation when you push
the compute context to a Machine Learning Server instance.
To test the function, use the sample data AirlineDemoSmall.xdf file with a local compute context. For more
information, see the tutorial in Practice data import and exploration.
We’ll call our new chunkTable function, processing 1 block at a time so we can take a look at the intermediate
inDataSource <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),
iroDataSource <- "iroFile.xdf"
chunkOut <- chunkTable(inDataSource = inDataSource,
iroDataSource = iroDataSource, varsToKeep="DayOfWeek")

You will see the following results:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

97975 77725 78875 81304 82987 86159 94975

To see the intermediate results, we can read the data set into memory:


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 33137 27267 27942 28141 28184 25646 29683
2 32407 25607 25915 26106 26211 29950 33804
3 32431 24851 25018 27057 28592 30563 31488

And to delete the intermediate results file:


Next steps
This article provides an example of a simple chunking algorithm for tabulating data using rxDataStep.
In practice, you might want to use the rxCrossTabs or rxCube functions. For more information, see rxCrossTabs
and rxCube, respectively.

See Also
Machine Learning Server
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
RevoScaleR Functions
Analyze large data with ScaleR
Census data example for analyzing large data
Loan data example for analyzing large data
Writing custom analyses for large data sets in
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article explains how to use RevoScaleR to get data one chunk at a time, and then perform a custom analysis.
There are four basic steps in the analysis:
1. Initialize results
2. Process data, a chunk at a time
3. Update results, after processing each chunk
4. Final processing of results

Sample data is the airline flight delay dataset. For information on how to obtain this data, see Sample data for
RevoScaleR and revoscalepy.

Tutorial walkthrough: Custom chunk operations

For illustrative purposes, suppose that we want to compute the average arrival delay for flights that leave in the
morning, afternoon, and evening. For each chunk of data, we need to compute the sum of arrival delay for each of
the three time intervals, as well as the counts for each interval. We will accumulate these results in a list of
“transformObjects” containing the six values. At the end after processing all the data, we will divide the
accumulated totals by the accumulated counts to compute the averages.
Most of the work takes place within a transformation function, which processes the data and updates the results for
each chunk of data that is read in. We use the .rxGet and .rxSet functions to store information from one pass of the
data to the next. Because we are processing data and not creating newly transformed variables, we return NULL
from the function:
# Writing Your Own Analyses for Large Data Sets

ProcessAndUpdateData <- function( data )

# Process Data
notMissing <- !$ArrDelay)
morning <- data$CRSDepTime >= 6 & data$CRSDepTime < 12 & notMissing
afternoon <- data$CRSDepTime >= 12 & data$CRSDepTime < 17 & notMissing
evening <- data$CRSDepTime >= 17 & data$CRSDepTime < 23 & notMissing
mornArr <- sum(data$ArrDelay[morning], na.rm = TRUE)
mornCounts <- sum(morning, na.rm = TRUE)
afterArr <- sum(data$ArrDelay[afternoon], na.rm = TRUE)
afterCounts <- sum(afternoon, na.rm = TRUE)
evenArr <- sum(data$ArrDelay[evening], na.rm = TRUE)
evenCounts <- sum(evening, na.rm = TRUE)

# Update Results
.rxSet("toMornArr", mornArr + .rxGet("toMornArr"))
.rxSet("toMornCounts", mornCounts + .rxGet("toMornCounts"))
.rxSet("toAfterArr", afterArr + .rxGet("toAfterArr"))
.rxSet("toAfterCounts", afterCounts + .rxGet("toAfterCounts"))
.rxSet("toEvenArr", evenArr + .rxGet("toEvenArr"))
.rxSet("toEvenCounts", evenCounts + .rxGet("toEvenCounts"))

return( NULL )

Our transformation object values are initialized in a list passed into rxDataStep. We also use the argument
returnTransformObjects to indicate that we want updated values of the transformObjects returned rather than a
transformed data set:

totalRes <- rxDataStep( inData = airData , returnTransformObjects = TRUE,

transformObjects =
list(toMornArr = 0, toAfterArr = 0, toEvenArr = 0,
toMornCounts = 0, toAfterCounts = 0, toEvenCounts = 0),
transformFunc = ProcessAndUpdateData,
transformVars = c("ArrDelay", "CRSDepTime"))

The rxDataStep function will automatically chunk through the data for us. All we need to do is process the final

FinalizeResults <- function(totalRes)

AveMorningDelay = totalRes$toMornArr / totalRes$toMornCounts,
AveAfternoonDelay = totalRes$toAfterArr / totalRes$toAfterCounts,
AveEveningDelay = totalRes$toEvenArr / totalRes$toEvenCounts))

The calculated results are:

AveMorningDelay AveAfternoonDelay AveEveningDelay

1 6.146039 13.66912 16.71271

In this case we can check our results by using the rowSelection argument in rxSummary:
rxSummary(~ArrDelay, data = "airExample.xdf",
rowSelection = CRSDepTime >= 6 & CRSDepTime < 12 & !
rxSummary(formula = ~ArrDelay, data = "airExample.xdf",
rowSelection = CRSDepTime >= 6 & CRSDepTime < 12 & !

Summary Statistics Results for: ~ArrDelay

File name:
Number of valid observations: 234403

Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs

ArrDelay 6.146039 35.4734 -85 1490 234403 0

See Also
Machine Learning Server
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
RevoScaleR Functions
Converting RevoScaleR Model Objects for Use in
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

The objects returned by RevoScaleR predictive analytics functions have similarities to objects returned by the
predictive analytics functions provided by base and recommended packages in R. A key difference between these
two types of model objects is that RevoScaleR model objects typically do not contain any components that have
the same length as the number of rows in the original data set. For example, if you use base R's lm function to
estimate a linear model, the result object contains not only all of the data used to estimate the model, but
components such as residuals and fitted.values that contain values corresponding to every observation in the data
set. For estimating models using big data, this is not appropriate.
However, there is overlap in the model object components that can be very useful when working with other
packages. For example, the pmml package generates PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language) code for a
number of R model types. PMML is an XML -base language that allows users to share models between PMML
compliant applications. For more information about PMML, visit .
RevoScaleR provides a set of coercion methods to convert a RevoScaleR model object to a standard R model
object: as.lm, as.glm, as.rpart, and as.kmeans. As suggested above, these coerced model objects do not have all of
the information available in a standard R model object, but do contain information about the fitted model that is
similar to standard R.
For example, let’s create an rxLinMod object by estimating a linear regression on a very large dataset: the airline
data with almost 150 million observations.

# Use in PMML

bigDataDir <- "C:/MRS/Data"

bigAirData <- file.path(bigDataDir, "AirOnTime87to12/AirOnTime87to12.xdf")

# About 150 million observations

rxLinModObj <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay~Year + DayOfWeek, data = bigAirData,
blocksPerRead = 10)

The blocksPerRead argument is ignored if run locally using R Client. Learn more...

Next, the R pmml package should be downloaded and installed from CRAN. After you have done so, generate the
RevoScaleR rxLinMod object, and use the as.lm method when generating the PMML output:


The generated output looks as follows:

> pmml(as.lm(rxLinModObj))
<PMML version="4.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<Header copyright="Copyright (c) 2013 sue" description="Linear Regression Model">
<Extension name="user" value="yourname" extender="Rattle/PMML"/>
<Application name="Rattle/PMML" version="1.3"/>
<Timestamp>2013-09-05 11:39:28</Timestamp>
<DataDictionary numberOfFields="3">
<DataField name="ArrDelay" optype="continuous" dataType="double"/>
<DataField name="Year" optype="continuous" dataType="double"/>
<DataField name="DayOfWeek" optype="categorical" dataType="string">
<Value value="Mon"/>
<Value value="Tues"/>
<Value value="Wed"/>
<Value value="Thur"/>
<Value value="Fri"/>
<Value value="Sat"/>
<Value value="Sun"/>
<RegressionModel modelName="Linear_Regression_Model" functionName="regression" algorithmName="least squares"
<MiningField name="ArrDelay" usageType="predicted"/>
<MiningField name="Year" usageType="active"/>
<MiningField name="DayOfWeek" usageType="active"/>
<OutputField name="Predicted_ArrDelay" feature="predictedValue"/>
<RegressionTable intercept="112.856953212332">
<NumericPredictor name="Year" exponent="1" coefficient="-0.0533799688606163"/>
<CategoricalPredictor name="DayOfWeek" value="Mon" coefficient="0.303666227836942"/>
<CategoricalPredictor name="DayOfWeek" value="Tues" coefficient="-0.593700918634743"/>
<CategoricalPredictor name="DayOfWeek" value="Wed" coefficient="0.473693749859764"/>
<CategoricalPredictor name="DayOfWeek" value="Thur" coefficient="2.3393087933048"/>
<CategoricalPredictor name="DayOfWeek" value="Fri" coefficient="2.91671831592945"/>
<CategoricalPredictor name="DayOfWeek" value="Sat" coefficient="-2.31671307739631"/>
<CategoricalPredictor name="DayOfWeek" value="Sun" coefficient="0"/>

Similarly, rxLogit and rxGlm functions have as.glm methods:

form <- case ~ age + parity + spontaneous + induced

rxLogitObj <- rxLogit(form, data =infert)

rxGlmObj <- rxGlm(form, data=infert, family = binomial())


RevoScaleR's rxKmeans objects can be coerced to kmeans objects:

irow <- unique(, 4L,
replace = TRUE))[seq(2)]
centers <- women[irow,, drop = FALSE]
rxKmeansObj <- rxKmeans(~height + weight, data = women,
centers = centers)
And RevoScaleR's rxDTree objects can be coerced to rpart objects. (Note that rpart is a recommended package
that you may need to load.)

method <- "class"
form <- Kyphosis ~ Number + Start
parms <- list(prior = c(0.8, 0.2), loss = c(0, 2, 3, 0),
split = "gini")
control <- rpart.control(minsplit = 5, minbucket = 2, cp = 0.01,
maxdepth = 10, maxcompete = 4, maxsurrogate = 5,
usesurrogate = 2, surrogatestyle = 0, xval = 0)
cost <- 1 + seq(length(attr(terms(form), "term.labels")))

rxDTreeObj <- rxDTree(formula = Kyphosis ~ Number + Start,

data = kyphosis, method = method, parms = parms,
control = control, cost = cost)
Managing threads in RevoScaleR
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

RevoScaleR provides functions for managing the thread pool used for parallel execution.
On Windows, thread pool management is enabled and should not be turned off.
On Linux, thread pool management is turned off by default to avoid interferring with how Unix systems fork
processes. Process forking is only available on Unix-based systems. You can turn the thread pool on if you do not
fork your R process. RevoScaleR provides an interface to activate the thread pool:


Similarly, the thread pool may be disabled as follows:


If you want to ensure that the RevoScaleR thread pool is always enabled on Linux, you can add the preceding
command to a .First function defined in either your own Rprofile startup file, or the system file. For
example, you can add the following lines after the closing right parenthesis of the existing file:

.First <- function()


The .First.sys function is normally run after all other initialization is complete, including the evaluation of the .First
function. We need the call to rxSetEnableThreadPool to occur after RevoScaleR is loaded. That is done by .First.sys,
so we call .First.sys first.

See Also
Machine Learning Server
How -to guides in Machine Learing Server
RevoScaleR Functions
Using foreach and iterators for manual parallel
4/13/2018 • 14 minutes to read • Edit Online

Although RevoScaleR performs parallel execution automatically, you can manage parallel execution yourself using
the open-source foreach package. This package provides a looping structure for R script. When you need to loop
through repeated operations, and you have multiple processors or nodes to work with, you can use foreach in
your script to execute a forloop in parallel. Developed by Microsoft, foreach is an open-source package that is
bundled with Machine Learning Server but is also available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network, CRAN.

One common approach to parallelization is to see if the iterations within a loop can be performed independently, and if so,
you can try to run the iterations concurrently rather than sequentially.

About the foreach package

The foreach package is a set of tools that allow you to run virtually anything that can be expressed as a for-loop as
a set of parallel tasks. One scenario is to run multiple simulations in parallel. As a simple example, consider the
case of simulating 10000 coin flips, which can be done by sampling with replacement from the vector c(H, T) . To
run this simulation 10 times sequentially, use foreach with the %do% operator:

> library(foreach)
> foreach(i=1:10) %do% sample(c("H", "T"), 10000, replace=TRUE)

Comparing the foreach output with that of a similar for loop shows one obvious difference: foreach returns a list
containing the value returned by each computation. A for loop, by contrast, returns only the value of its last
computation, and relies on user-defined side effects to do its work.
We can parallelize the operation immediately by replacing %do% with %dopar% :

> foreach(i=1:10) %dopar% sample(c("H", "T"), 10000, replace=TRUE)

However, if we run this example, we see the following warning:

Warning message:
executing %dopar% sequentially: no parallel backend registered

To actually run in parallel, we need to have a “parallel backend” for foreach. Parallel backends are discussed in the
next section.

Parallel Backends
In order for loops coded with foreach to run in parallel, you must register a parallel backend to manage the
execution of the loop. Any type of mechanism for running code in parallel could potentially have a parallel backend
written for it. Currently, Machine Learning Server includes the doParallel backend; this uses the parallel package
of R 2.14.0 or later to run jobs in parallel, using either of the component parallelization methods incorporated into
the parallel package: SNOW -like functionality using socket connections, or multicore-like functionality using
forking (on Linux only).
The doParallel package is a parallel backend for foreach that is intended for parallel processing on a single
computer with multiple cores or processors.
Additional parallel backends are available from CRAN:
doMPI for use with the Rmpi package
doRedis for use with the rredis package
doMC provides access to the multicore functionality of the parallel package
doSNOW for use with the now superseded SNOW package.
To use a parallel backend, you must first register it. Once a parallel backend is registered, calls to %dopar% run in
parallel using the mechanisms provided by the parallel backend. However, the details of registering the parallel
backends differ, so we consider them separately.
Using the doParallel parallel backend
The parallel package of R 2.14.0 and later combines elements of snow and multicore; doParallel similarly combines
elements of both doSNOW and doMC. You can register doParallel with a cluster, as with doSNOW, or with a
number of cores, as with doMC. For example, here we create a cluster and register it:

> library(doParallel)
> cl <- makeCluster(4)
> registerDoParallel(cl)

Once you’ve registered the parallel backend, you’re ready to run foreac` code in parallel. For example, to see how
long it takes to run 10,000 bootstrap iterations in parallel on all available cores, you can run the following code:

> x <- iris[which(iris[,5] != "setosa"), c(1,5)]

> trials <- 10000
> ptime <- system.time({
+ r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine = cbind) %dopar% {
+ ind <- sample(100, 100, replace = TRUE)
+ result1 <- glm(x[ind, 2] ~ x[ind, 1], family=binomial(logit))
+ coefficients(result1)
+ }
+ })[3]
> ptime

Getting information about the parallel backend

To find out how many workers foreach is going to use, you can use the getDoParWorkers function:

> getDoParWorkers()

This is a useful sanity check that you’re actually running in parallel. If you haven’t registered a parallel backend, or
if your machine only has one core, getDoParWorkers will return 1. In either case, don’t expect a speed improvement.
The getDoParWorkers function is also useful when you want the number of tasks to be equal to the number of
workers. You may want to pass this value to an iterator constructor, for example.
You can also get the name and version of the currently registered backend:
> getDoParName()
> getDoParVersion()

Nesting Calls to foreach

An important feature of foreach is nesting operator %:% . Like the %do% and %dopar% operators, it is a binary
operator, but it operates on two foreach objects. It also returns a foreach object, which is essentially a special
merger of its operands.
Let’s say that we want to perform a Monte Carlo simulation using a function called sim . The sim function takes
two arguments, and we want to call it with all combinations of the values that are stored in the vectors avec and
bvec . The following doubly-nested for loop does that. For testing purposes, the sim function is defined to
return $10 a + b$ (although an operation this trivial is not worth executing in parallel):

sim <- function(a, b) 10 * a + b

avec <- 1:2
bvec <- 1:4

x <- matrix(0, length(avec), length(bvec))

for (j in 1:length(bvec)) {
for (i in 1:length(avec)) {
x[i,j] <- sim(avec[i], bvec[j])

In this case, it makes sense to store the results in a matrix, so we create one of the proper size called x , and assign
the return value of sim to the appropriate element of x each time through the inner loop.
When using foreach, we don’t create a matrix and assign values into it. Instead, the inner loop returns the columns
of the result matrix as vectors, which are combined in the outer loop into a matrix. Here’s how to do that using the
%:% operator:

x <-
foreach(b=bvec, .combine='cbind') %:%
foreach(a=avec, .combine='c') %do% {
sim(a, b)

This is structured very much like the nested for loop. The outer foreach is iterating over the values in “bvec”,
passing them to the inner foreach, which iterates over the values in “avec” for each value of “bvec”. Thus, the “sim”
function is called in the same way in both cases. The code is slightly cleaner in this version, and has the advantage
of being easily parallelized.
When parallelizing nested for loops, there is always a question of which loop to parallelize. The standard advice is
to parallelize the outer loop. This results in larger individual tasks, and larger tasks can often be performed more
efficiently than smaller tasks. However, if the outer loop doesn’t have many iterations and the tasks are already
large, parallelizing the outer loop results in a small number of huge tasks, which may not allow you to use all of
your processors, and can also result in load balancing problems. You could parallelize an inner loop instead, but
that could be inefficient because you’re repeatedly waiting for all the results to be returned every time through the
outer loop. And if the tasks and number of iterations vary in size, then it’s really hard to know which loop to
But in our Monte Carlo example, all of the tasks are completely independent of each other, and so they can all be
executed in parallel. You really want to think of the loops as specifying a single stream of tasks. You just need to be
careful to process all of the results correctly, depending on which iteration of the inner loop they came from.
That is exactly what the %:% operator does: it turns multiple foreach loops into a single loop. That is why there is
only one %do% operator in the example above. And when we parallelize that nested foreach loop by changing the
%do% into a %dopar% , we are creating a single stream of tasks that can all be executed in parallel:

x <-
foreach(b=bvec, .combine='cbind') %:%
foreach(a=avec, .combine='c') %dopar% {
sim(a, b)

Of course, we’ll actually only run as many tasks in parallel as we have processors, but the parallel backend takes
care of all that. The point is that the %:% operator makes it easy to specify the stream of tasks to be executed, and
the .combine argument to foreach allows us to specify how the results should be processed. The backend handles
executing the tasks in parallel.
For more on nested foreach calls, see the vignette “Nesting foreach Loops” in the foreach package.

Using Iterators
An iterator is a special type of object that generalizes the notion of a looping variable. When passed as an
argument to a function that knows what to do with it, the iterator supplies a sequence of values. The iterator also
maintains information about its state, in particular its current index.
The iterators package includes a number of functions for creating iterators, the simplest of which is iter , which
takes virtually any R object and turns it into an iterator object. The simplest function that operates on iterators is
the nextElem function, which when given an iterator, returns the next value of the iterator. For example, here we
create an iterator object from the sequence 1 to 10, and then use nextElem to iterate through the values:

> i1 <- iter(1:10)

> nextElem(i1)
[1] 1
> nextElem(i1)
[2] 2

You can create iterators from matrices and data frames, using the by argument to specify whether to iterate by
row or column:

> istate <- iter(state.x77, by='row')

> nextElem(istate)
Population Income Illiteracy Life Exp Murder HS Grad Frost Area
Alabama 3615 3624 2.1 69.05 15.1 41.3 20 50708
> nextElem(istate)
Population Income Illiteracy Life Exp Murder HS Grad Frost Area
Alaska 365 6315 1.5 69.31 11.3 66.7 152 566432

Iterators can also be created from functions, in which case the iterator can be an endless source of values:

> ifun <- iter(function() sample(0:9, 4, replace=TRUE))

> nextElem(ifun)
[1] 9 5 2 8
> nextElem(ifun)
[1] 3 4 2 2
For practical applications, iterators can be paired with foreach to obtain parallel results quite easily:

> x <- matrix(rnorm(1000000), ncol=1000)

> itx <- iter(x, by='row')
> foreach(i=itx, .combine=c) %dopar% mean(i)

Some Special Iterators

The notion of an iterator is new to R, but should be familiar to users of languages such as Python. The iterators
package includes a number of special functions that generate iterators for some common scenarios. For example,
the irnorm function creates an iterator for which each value is drawn from a specified random normal distribution:

> library(iterators)
> itrn <- irnorm(1, count=10)
> nextElem(itrn)
[1] 0.6300053
> nextElem(itrn)
[1] 1.242886

Similarly, the irunif , irbinom , and irpois functions create iterators which draw their values from uniform,
binomial, and Poisson distributions, respectively. (These functions use the standard R distribution functions to
generate random numbers, and these are not necessarily useful in a distributed or parallel environment. When
using random numbers with foreach, we recommend using the doRNG package to ensure independent random
number streams on each worker.)
We can then use these functions just as we used irnorm :

> itru <- irunif(1, count=10)

> nextElem(itru)
[1] 0.4960539
> nextElem(itru)
[1] 0.4071111

The icount function returns an iterator that counts starting from one:

> it <- icount(3)

> nextElem(it)
[1] 1
> nextElem(it)
[1] 2
> nextElem(it)
[1] 3

Writing Iterators
There will be times when you need an iterator that isn’t provided by the iterators package. That is when you
need to write your own custom iterator.
Basically, an iterator is an S3 object whose base class is iter , and has iter and nextElem methods. The purpose
of the iter method is to return an iterator for the specified object. For iterators, that usually just means returning
itself, which seems odd at first. But the iter method can be defined for other objects that don’t define a nextElem
method. We call those objects iterables, meaning that you can iterate over them. The iterators package defines
iter methods for vectors, lists, matrices, and data frames, making those objects iterables. By defining an iter
method for iterators, they can be used in the same context as an iterable, which can be convenient. For example,
the foreach function takes iterables as arguments. It calls the iter method on those arguments in order to create
iterators for them. By defining the iter method for all iterators, we can pass iterators to foreach that we created
using any method we choose. Thus, we can pass vectors, lists, or iterators to foreach, and they are all processed by
foreach in exactly the same way.
The iterators package comes with an iter method defined for the iter class that simply returns itself. That is
usually all that is needed for an iterator. However, if you want to create an iterator for some existing class, you can
do that by writing an iter method that returns an appropriate iterator. That will allow you to pass an instance of
your class to foreach, which will automatically convert it into an iterator. The alternative is to write your own
function that takes arbitrary arguments, and returns an iterator. You can choose whichever method is most natural.
The most important method required for iterators is nextElem . This simply returns the next value, or throws an
error. Calling the stop function with the string StopIteration indicates that there are no more values available in
the iterator.
In most cases, you don’t actually need to write the iter and nextElem methods; you can inherit them. By
inheriting from the class abstractiter , you can use the following methods as the basis of your own iterators:

> iterators:::iter.iter
function (obj, ...)
<environment: namespace:iterators>
> iterators:::nextElem.abstractiter
function (obj, ...)
<environment: namespace:iterators>

The following function creates a simple iterator that uses these two methods:

iforever <- function(x) {

nextEl <- function() x
obj <- list(nextElem=nextEl)
class(obj) <- c('iforever', 'abstractiter', 'iter')

Note that we called the internal function nextEl rather than nextElem to avoid masking the standard nextElem
generic function. That causes problems when you want your iterator to call the nextElem method of another
iterator, which can be quite useful.
We create an instance of this iterator by calling the iforever function, and then use it by calling the nextElem
method on the resulting object:

it <- iforever(42)

Notice that it doesn’t make sense to implement this iterator by defining a new iter method, since there is no
natural iterable on which to dispatch. The only argument that we need is the object for the iterator to return, which
can be of any type. Instead, we implement this iterator by defining a normal function that returns the iterator.
This iterator is quite simple to implement, and possibly even useful, but exercise caution if you use it. Passing it to
foreach will result in an infinite loop unless you pair it with a finite iterator. Similarly, never pass this iterator to
as.list without the n argument.
The iterator returned by iforever is a list that has a single element named nextElem , whose value is a function
that returns the value of x . Because we are subclassing abstractiter , we inherit a nextElem method that will call
this function, and because we are subclassing iter , we inherit an iter method that will return itself.
Of course, the reason this iterator is so simple is because it doesn’t contain any state. Most iterators need to
contain some state, or it will be difficult to make it return different values and eventually stop. Managing the state
is usually the real trick to writing iterators.
As an example of writing a stateful iterator, let’s modify the previous iterator to put a limit on the number of values
that it returns. We’ll call the new function irep , and give it another argument called times :

irep <- function(x, times) {

nextEl <- function() {
if (times > 0) {
times <<- times - 1
else {
obj <- list(nextElem=nextEl)
class(obj) <- c('irep', 'abstractiter', 'iter')

Now let’s try it out:

it <- irep(7, 6)

The real difference between iforever and irep is in the function that gets called by the nextElem method. This
function not only accesses the values of the variables x and times , but it also modifies the value of times . This is
accomplished by means of the <<- operator, and the magic of lexical scoping. Technically, this kind of function is
called a closure, and is a somewhat advanced feature of R . The important thing to remember is that nextEl is
able to get the value of variables that were passed as arguments to irep , and it can modify those values using the
<<- operator. These are not global variables: they are defined in the enclosing environment of the nextEl
function. You can create as many iterators as you want using the irep function, and they will all work as expected
without conflicts.
Note that this iterator only uses the arguments to irep to store its state. If any other state variables are needed,
they can be defined anywhere inside the irep function.
More examples of writing iterators can be found in the vignette “Writing Custom Iterators” in the iterators
Parallel execution using doRSR for script containing
RevoScaleR and foreach constructs
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server includes the open-source foreach package in case you need to substitute the built-in
parallel execution methodology of RevoScaleR with a custom implementation.
To execute code that leverages foreach, you will need a parallel backend engine, similar to NetWorkSpaces, snow,
and rmpi. For integration with script leveraging RevoScaleR, you can use the doRSR package. The doRSR
package is a parallel backend for RevoScaleR, built on top of rxExec, and included with all RevoScaleR

Example script using doRSR

To get started with doRSR, load the package and register the backend:


The doRSR package uses your current compute context to determine how to run your job. In most cases, the job is
run via rxExec, sequentially in the local compute context and in parallel in a distributed compute context. In the
special case where you are in the local compute context and have set rxOptions(useDoParallel=TRUE) , doRSR will
pass your foreach jobs to the doParallel package for execution in parallel using multiple cores on your machine.
A simple example is this one from the foreach help file:

foreach(i=1:3) %dopar% sqrt(i)

This returns, as expected, a list containing the square roots of 1, 2, and 3:

[1] 1

[1] 1.414214

[1] 1.732051

Another example is what the help file reports as a “simple (and inefficient) parallel matrix multiply”:

a <- matrix(1:16, 4, 4)
b <- t(a)
foreach(b=iter(b, by='col'), .combine=cbind) %dopar%
(a %*% b)

This returns the multiplied matrix:

[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 276 304 332 360
[2,] 304 336 368 400
[3,] 332 368 404 440
[4,] 360 400 440 480

Use case: simulation

In Running jobs in parallel, we introduced the simulation function playDice to simulate a single game of dice
rolling, using rxExec to play 10000 games. You can do the same thing with foreach:

z1 <- foreach(i=1:10000, .options.rsr=list(chunkSize=2000)) %dopar% playDice()


Loss Win
5079 4921

Although outcomes are equivalent in both approaches, the rxExec approach is several times faster because you can
call it directly.
Use case: naïve parallelization of the standard R kmeans function
Also in the previous article, we created a function kmeansRSR to perform a naïve parallelization of the standard R
kmeans function. We can do the same thing with foreach directly as follows:

kMeansForeach <- function(x, centers=5, iter.max=10, nstart=1)

numTimes <- 20
results <- foreach(i=1:numTimes) %dopar% kmeans(x=x, centers=centers, iter.max=iter.max,
best <- 1
bestSS <- sum(results[[1]]$withinss)
for (j in 1:numTimes)
jSS <- sum(results[[j]]$withinss)
if (bestSS > jSS)
best <- j
bestSS <- jSS

Recall that the idea was to run a specified number of kmeans fits, then find the best set of results, where “best” is
the result with the lowest within-group sum of squares. We can run this function as follows:

x <- matrix(rnorm(250000), nrow = 5000, ncol = 50)

kMeansForeach(x, 10, 35, 20)
How to use the RevoPemaR library in Machine
Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 13 minutes to read • Edit Online

The RevoPemaR package provides a framework for writing custom parallel external memory algorithms in R,
making use of the R reference classes introduced by John Chambers in R 2.12.
Parallel External Memory Algorithms (PEMA) are algorithms that eliminate in-memory data storage requirements,
allowing data to be processed in chunks, in parallel, possibly on different nodes of a cluster. The results are then
combined and processed at the end (or at the end of each iteration). The RevoPemaR package is used for writing
custom PEMA algorithms in R.
The custom PEMA functions created using the RevoPemaR framework are appropriate for small and large
datasets, but are particularly useful in three common situations:
1. To analyze data sets that are too large to fit in memory
2. To create scalable data analysis routines that can be developed locally with smaller data sets, then deployed to
larger data
3. To perform computations distributed over nodes in a cluster

The RevoPemaR package is included with Microsoft Machine Learning Server and R Client (which also contains
the RevoScaleR package).
The RevoPemaR package can also be installed with a standard download of Microsoft R Open (MRO ).

About R Reference Classes

The PEMA classes used in RevoPemaR are based on R Reference Classes. We include a brief overview of some
tips for using R Reference Classes here, before moving to the specifics of the PEMA classes.
R Reference Class objects are created using a generator function. This function has four important pieces of
Name of the class.
Inheritance or superclasses of the class. Fields and methods of parent reference classes are inherited.
Fields or member variables. These fields are accessed by reference (as in C++ or Java), so values of the fields
for an object of this class can change.
Methods that can be invoked by objects of this class.
When working with reference class, keep these tips in mind:
Reference class generators are created using setRefClass. For the PEMA classes, we use a wrapper for that
function, setPemaClass.
Field values are changed within methods using the non-local assignment operator (<<-)
The reference class object can be accessed in the methods using .self
The parent method can be accessed using .callSuper
Use the usingMethods call to declare that a method is used by another method.
The code for a method can be displayed using an instantiated reference class object, for example,
Methods are documented internally with an initial line of text, rather than in a .Rd file. This information is
accessed using the $help method for the generator function.

Tutorial introduction to RevoPemaR

This section contains an overview of a simple example of estimating the mean of a variable using the RevoPemaR
framework. The key step is in creating a PemaMean reference class generator function that provides the fields and
methods for computing the mean using a parallel external memory algorithm. This includes creating methods to
compute the sum and number of observations for each chunk of data, to update these intermediate results, and at
the end to use the intermediate results to compute the mean.
Using setPemaClass to Create a Class Generator
Start by making sure that the RevoPemaR package is loaded:


To create a PEMA class generator function, use the setPemaClass function. It is a wrapper function for setRefClass.
As with setRefClass, we specify four basic pieces of information when using setPemaClass: the class name, the
superclasses, the fields, and the methods. The structure looks something like this:

PemaMean <- setPemaClass(

Class = "PemaMean",
contains = "PemaBaseClass",
fields = list( # To be written
methods = list( # To be written

The Class is the class name of your choice. The contains argument must specify PemaBaseClass or a child class of
PemaBaseClass. The specification of fields and methods follows.
Specifying the fields for PemaMean
The fields or member variables of our class represent all of the variables we need in order to compute and store
our intermediate and final results. Here are the fields we use for our “means” computation:

fields = list(
sum = "numeric",
totalObs = "numeric",
totalValidObs = "numeric",
mean = "numeric",
varName = "character"

An Overview of the methods for PemaMean

There are five methods we specify for PemaMean. These methods are all in the PemaBaseClass, and need to be
overloaded for any custom analysis.
initialize: initializes field values.
processData: processes a chunk of data and updates field values
updateResults: updates the field values of a PEMA class object from another
processResults: computes the final results from the final intermediate results
getVarsToUse: the names of the variables in the dataset used for analysis
The initialize method
The primary use of the initialize method is to initialize field values. The one field that is initialized with user input in
this example is the name of the variable to use in the computations, varName. Use of the ellipses in the function
signature allows for initialization values to be passed up to the parent class using .callSuper, the first action in the
initialize method after the documentation. Here is the beginning of our methods listing:

methods = list(
initialize = function(varName = "", ...)
'sum, totalValidObs, and mean are all initialized to 0'
# callSuper calls the initialize method of the parent class

The pemaSetClass function also provides additional functionality used in the initialize method to ensure that all of
the methods of the class and its parent classes are included when an object is serialized. This is critical for
distributed computing. To use this functionality, add the following to the initialize method:


(If you do not want to use this functionality you can omit this line and set includeMethods to FALSE in
Now we finish the field initialization, setting the varName field to the input value and setting the starting values
for our computations to 0, remembering to use the double-arrow non-local assignment operator to set field

varName <<- varName

sum <<- 0
totalObs <<- 0
totalValidObs <<- 0
mean <<- 0

The processData method

The processData method is the core of an external memory algorithm. It processes a chunk of data and computes
intermediate results, updating the field value(s). It takes as an argument a rectangular list of data vectors; typically
only the variable(s) of interest is included. In our example code we do not compute the mean within this method;
that occurs after we have processed all of the data. Here we compute and update the intermediate results: the sum
and number of observations:

processData = function(dataList)
'Updates the sum and total observations from
the current chunk of data.'
sum <<- sum + sum(as.numeric(dataList[[varName]]),
na.rm = TRUE)

totalObs <<- totalObs + length(dataList[[varName]])

totalValidObs <<- totalValidObs +


The updateResults method

The updateResults is the key method used when computations are done in parallel. Consider the following
1. The master node on a cluster assigns each worker node the task of processing a series of chunks of data.
2. The workers do so in parallel, each with their own instantiation of a reference class object. Each worker calls
processData for each chunk of data it needs to process. In each call, the values of the fields of its reference class
object are updated.
3. Now the master process must collect the information from each of the nodes, and update all of the information
in a single reference class object. This is done using the updateResults method, which takes as an argument
another instance of the reference class. The reference class object from each of the nodes is processed by the
master node, resulting in the final intermediate results in the master node’s reference class object’s fields.
Here is the updateResults method for our PemaMean:

updateResults = function(pemaMeanObj)
'Updates the sum and total observations from
another PemaMean object.'

sum <<- sum + pemaMeanObj$sum

totalObs <<- totalObs + pemaMeanObj$totalObs
totalValidObs <<- totalValidObs + pemaMeanObj$totalValidObs


The processResults method

The processResults performs any necessary computations to produce the final result from the accumulated
intermediate results. In this case, it is simple; we divide the sum by the number of valid observations (assuming we
have some):

processResults = function()
'Returns the sum divided by the totalValidObs.'
if (totalValidObs > 0)
mean <<- sum/totalValidObs
mean <<- as.numeric(NA)
return( mean )

The getVarsToUse method

The getVarsToUse method specifies the names of the variables in the dataset that are used in the analysis.
Specifying this information can improve performance if reading data from disk.

getVarsToUse = function()
'Returns the varName.'
) # End of methods
) # End of class generator

Creating and Using a PemaMean Reference Class Object

Instantiating and Exploring a PemaMean Object
A version of the code in the previous section is contained within the RevoPemaR package and exported, so we
can directly work with the PemaMean generator without first running the code. We can show the names of all the
methods, including those that are explicitly overridden by the PemaMean class:


[1] ".pemaMethods" ".pemaMethods#PemaBaseClass"

[3] "callSuper" "compute"
[5] "copy" "copyFields"
[7] "createReturnObject" "export"
[9] "field" "finalizeNode"
[11] "getClass" "getFieldList"
[13] "getRefClass" "getVarsToRead"
[15] "getVarsToUse" "getVarsToUse#PemaBaseClass"
[17] "hasConverged" "import"
[19] "initFields" "initialize"
[21] "initialize#PemaBaseClass" "initIteration"
[23] "outputTrace" "processAllData"
[25] "processData" "processData#PemaBaseClass"
[27] "processResults" "processResults#PemaBaseClass"
[29] "setFieldList" "show"
[31] "trace" "untrace"
[33] "updateResults" "updateResults#PemaBaseClass"
[35] "usingMethods"

Some of the methods (for example, initIteration, getFieldList) are inherited from the PemaBaseClass. Others (for
example, callSuper, methods) are inherited from the base reference class generator.
We can use the help method with the generator function to get help on specific methods:


$initialize(varName = , ...)

sum, totalValidObs, and mean are all initialized to 0

Next we generate a default PemaMean object, and print out the values of its fields (including those inherited):
meanPemaObj <- PemaMean()

Reference class object of class "PemaMean"

Reference class object of class "PemaMean" (from the global environment)
Field ".isPemaObject":
[1] TRUE
Field ".isDistributedContext":
Field ".hasOutFile":
Field ".outFile":
Field ".append":
[1] "none"
Field ".overwrite":
Field ".onlyKeepTransformedData":
Field "traceLevel":
[1] 0
Field "iter":
[1] 0
Field "maxIters":
[1] 2000
Field "useRevoScaleR":
[1] TRUE
Field ".dataInMemory":
Field ".dataInMemoryPrepared":
Field "reportProgress":
[1] 2
Field "sum":
[1] 0
Field "totalObs":
[1] 0
Field "totalValidObs":
[1] 0
Field "mean":
[1] 0
Field "varName":
[1] ""

We can also print out the code for a specific method using an instantiated object. For example, the initialize
method of the PemaMean object in the RevoPemaR package is:

Class method definition for method initialize()

function (varName = "", ...)
"sum, totalValidObs, and mean are all initialized to 0"
varName <<- varName
sum <<- 0
totalObs <<- 0
totalValidObs <<- 0
mean <<- 0
<environment: 0x000000003148ea40>

Methods used:
".pemaMethods", "callSuper", "usingMethods""

Using a PemaMean Object with the pemaCompute Function

The pemaCompute function takes two required arguments: an “analysis” object and a data source object. The
analysis object must be generated by setPemaClass and inherit (directly or indirectly) from PemaBaseClass. The
data source object must be either a data frame or a data source object supported by the RevoScaleR package if it
is available. The ellipses take any additional information used in the initialize method.
Let’s compute a mean of some random numbers:

pemaCompute(pemaObj = meanPemaObj,
data = data.frame(x = rnorm(1000)), varName = "x")

[1] 0.00504128

If we again print the values of the fields of our meanPemaObj, we see the updated values:

Reference class object of class "PemaMean" (from the global environment)

Field ".isPemaObject":
[1] TRUE
Field ".isDistributedContext":
Field ".hasOutFile":
Field ".outFile":
Field ".append":
[1] "none"
Field ".overwrite":
Field ".onlyKeepTransformedData":
Field "traceLevel":
[1] 0
Field "iter":
[1] 1
Field "maxIters":
[1] 2000
Field "useRevoScaleR":
[1] TRUE
Field ".dataInMemory":
Field ".dataInMemoryPrepared":
Field "reportProgress":
[1] 2
Field "sum":
[1] 5.04128
Field "totalObs":
[1] 1000
Field "totalValidObs":
[1] 1000
Field "mean":
[1] 0.00504128
Field "varName":
[1] "x"

By default the pemaCompute method reinitializes the pemaObj. By setting the initPema flag to FALSE, we can add
more data to our analysis:

pemaCompute(pemaObj = meanPemaObj,
data = data.frame(x = rnorm(1000)), varName = "x",
initPema = FALSE)
[1] 0.001516969

[1] 2000

The number of total valid observations is now 2000.

Using a RevoScaleR Data Source with the pemaCompute Function
In the previous section, we analyzed data in memory. The RevoScaleR package provides a data source framework
that allows data to be automatically extracted in chunks from data on disk or in a database. It also provides the .xdf
file format that can efficiently extract chunks of data.
We can use a sample .xdf file provided with the package. First we create a data source for this file:
airXdf <- RxXdfData(file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),

Using the meanPemaObj created above, we compute the mean of the variable ArrDelay (the arrival delay in
minutes). The data in this file is stored in three blocks, with 200,000 rows in each block. The pemaCompute
function processes these chunks one at a time:

pemaCompute(meanPemaObj, data = airXdf, varName = "ArrDelay")

Rows Read: 200000, Total Rows Processed: 200000, Total Chunk Time: 0.009 seconds
Rows Read: 200000, Total Rows Processed: 400000, Total Chunk Time: 0.007 seconds
Rows Read: 200000, Total Rows Processed: 600000, Total Chunk Time: 0.041 seconds
[1] 11.31794

You can control the amount of progress reported to the console using the reportProgress field of PemaBaseClass.
Using pemaCompute in a Distributed Compute Context
RevoScaleR provides a number of distributed compute contexts, such as Hadoop clusters (Cloudera and
Hortonworks). Use of the same PEMA reference class object on these platforms is experimental. It can be tried
with data on those platforms by specifying the computeContext in the pemaCompute function.

Additional Examples Using RevoPemaR

A number of examples are provided in the demoScripts directory of the RevoPemaR package. You can find the
location of this directory by entering:


Basic Text Mining Examples

Two PEMA text mining analyses are provided as examples.
PemaPopularWords accumulates the words used in a variable containing character data. The initialize method
provides a variety of arguments to fine-tune the processing. The code for the reference class generator is
provided in PemaPopularWords.R, and examples using it in PemaPopularWordsEx.R.
PemaWordCount counts instances of specified words in a variable containing character data. The code for the
reference class generator is provided in PemaWordCount.R, and examples using it in PemaWordCountEx.R.
If you are using RevoScaleR and are interested in exploring text mining with a large dataset, instructions for
downloading and code for importing Amazon reviews of fine foods is contained in the script finefoodsImport.R
Performing By-Group Computations
A PemaByGroup class is included in RevoPemaR to facilitate by-group computations. Examples of using this class
are provided in the PemaByGroupEx.R demo script. It is assumed that the relevant variables for each group can fit
into memory, and are then processed by arbitrary R functions. It requires that data be pre-sorted by group before
processing, so generally cannot be used in distributed compute contexts such as Hadoop.
An Iterative PEMA Algorithm: Logistic Gradient Descent
A simple logistic gradient descent algorithm is provided as an example of an iterative algorithm that inherits from
a parent class.
The PemaGradDescent class generator (in PemaGradDescent.R) specifies a number of important methods for
iterative algorithms, for example:
initIteration: initializes the appropriate field values at the beginning of each iteration
fn: a placeholder for the computation of the objective (loss) function for gradient descent
gradientFn: a placeholder for the computation of the gradient function for gradient descent
hasConverged: checks convergence criteria
This class generator cannot be used directly. A child class generator must be created that at a minimum specifies
the objective function (fn) and gradient function (gradientFn). An example is provided in PemaLogitGD.R, showing
a logistic gradient descent. A simple example of its use is in PemaLogitGDEx.R.

Debugging RevoPemaR Code

The R Reference Classes provide standard R debugging tools, and trace and untrace methods are provided in the
base reference class.
The PemaBaseClass provides a simple way of printing trace output that is particularly useful in debugging code in
a distributed environment. Calls to the outputTrace method within other methods print the specified text if the
traceLevel field value exceeds or is equal to the outTraceLevel argument:


Class method definition for method outputTrace()

function (text, outTraceLevel = 1)
"Prints text if the traceLevel >= outTraceLevel"
if (length(traceLevel) == 0) {
warning("traceLevel has not been initialized.")
else if (traceLevel >= outTraceLevel) {
Python Function Library Reference
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

This section contains the Python reference documentation for three proprietary packages from Microsoft used
for data science and machine learning on premises and at scale.
You can use these libraries and functions in combination with other open source or third-party packages, but to
use the proprietary packages, your Python code must run against a service or on a computer that provides the


Supported platforms Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 and 9.3

SQL Server 2017 (Windows only)

Built on: Anaconda 4.2 distribution of Python 3.5 (included when you
add Python support during installation).

Python modules

azureml-model-management-sdk 1.0.1 Classes and functions to authenticate,

deploy, manage, and consume analytic
web services in Python.

microsoftml 9.3 A collection of Python functions used

for machine learning operations,
including training and transformations,
scoring, text and image analysis, and
feature extraction for deriving values
from existing data.

revoscalepy 9.3 Data access, manipulation and

transformations, visualization, and
statistical analysis. The revoscalepy
functions support a broad spectrum of
statistical and analytical tasks that
operate at scale, bringing analytical
operations to local data or remote on a
Spark cluster or data residing in SQL

Developers who are familiar with Microsoft R packages might notice similarities in the functions provided in revoscalepy
and microsoftml. Conceptually, revoscalepy and microsftml are the Python equivalents of the RevoScaleR R package and
the MicrosoftML R package, respectively.

How to get packages

You can get the packages when you install Machine Learning Server, or SQL Server 2017, and choose the option
for Python support. In addition to Python packages, Machine Learning Server setup and SQL Server setup both
install the Python interpreters and base modules required to run any script or code that calls functions from
properietary package.
For SQL Server, packages are installed by default in the \Program files\Microsoft SQL Server*instance
Ships in:
Machine Learning Server
SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services
SQL Server Machine Learning Server (Standalone)

How to list modules and versions

To get the version of a Python module installed on your computer, start Python and execute the following
1. Double-click Python.exe in \Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER.
2. Open interactive help: help()
3. Type the name of a module at the help prompt: help> revoscalepy . Help returns the name, package contents,
version, and file location.
4. List all installed modules: modules
5. Import a module: import revoscalepy

How to list functions and get function help

To view the embedded help for each class, use the help() command, specifying the base class of the object of
1. Double-click Python.exe in \Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\PYTHON_SERVER.
2. Open interactive help: help()

3. Type the fully-qualified class name within the brackets.

For azureml-azureml-model-management-sdk, include the class in the path. For example, for
MLServer help, type help(azureml.deploy.server.MLServer) .
For revoscalepy, type help(revoscalepy) to get package contents, and then include one of the packages
on the next iteration. For example, help(revoscalepy.computecontext) returns all the functions related to
compute context.

Note to R Users: Python naming conventions

revoscalepy, microsoftml, and azureml-model-management-sdk correspond to the Microsoft R packages,
RevoScaleR, MicrosoftML, and mrsdeploy. If you have a background in these libraries, you might notice
similarities in function names and operations, with Python versions adhering to the naming conventions of that
lowercase package names (microsoftml contrasted with MicrosoftML ) and most function names
underscore in function names (rx_import in revoscalepy contrasted with rxImport in RevoScaleR)

Next steps
First, read the introduction to each package to learn about common use case scenarios:
azureml-model-management-sdk package for Python
microsoftmlpackage for Python
revoscalepy package for Python
Next, follow these tutorials for hands on experience:
Use revoscalpy to create a model (in SQL Server)
Run Python in T-SQL
Deploy a model as a web service in Python

See also
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
Machine Learning Server
SQL Server Machine Learning Services with Python
SQL Server Machine Learning Server (Standalone)
Additional learning resources and sample datasets
azureml-model-management-sdk package
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, SQL Server 2017

'azureml-model-management-sdk' is a custom Python package developed by Microsoft. This package
provides the classes and functions to deploy and interact with analytic web services. These web services are
backed by code block and scripts in Python or R.
This topic is a high-level description of package functionality. These classes and functions can be called
directly. For syntax and other details, see the individual function help topics in the table of contents.


Current version: 1.0.1b7

Built on: Anaconda distribution of Python 3.5

Package distribution: Machine Learning Server 9.x

SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Server (Standalone)

How to use this package

The azureml-model-management-sdk package is installed as part of Machine Learning Server and SQL
Server 2017 Machine Learning Server (Standalone) when you add Python to your installation. It is also
available locally on Windows. When you install these products, you get the full collection of proprietary
packages plus a Python distribution with its modules and interpreters.
You can use any Python IDE to write Python scripts that call the classes and functions in azureml-model-
management-sdk. However, the script must run on a computer having Machine Learning Server or SQL
Server 2017 Machine Learning Server (Standalone) with Python.

Use cases
There are three primary use cases for this release:
Adding authentication logic to your Python script
Deploying standard or realtime Python web services
Managing and consuming these web services

Main classes and functions


Next steps
Add both Python modules to your computer by running setup:
Set up Machine Learning Server for Python or Python Machine Learning Services.
Next, follow this quickstart to try it yourself:
Quickstart: How to deploy Python model as a service
Or, read this how -to article:
How to publish and manage web services in Python

See also
Library Reference
Install Machine Learning Server
Install the Python interpreter and libraries on Windows
How to authenticate in Python with this package
How to list, get, and consume services in Python with this package
Class DeployClient
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

azureml.deploy.DeployClient(host, auth=None, use=None)

Defines the factory for creating Deployment Clients.

Basic Usage Module implementation plugin with use property:
Find and Load module from an import reference:

from azureml.deploy import DeployClient

from azureml.deploy.server import MLServer

host = 'http://localhost:12800'
ctx = ('username', 'password')
mls_client = DeployClient(host, use=MLServer, auth=ctx)

Find and Load module as defined by use from namespace str:

host = 'http://localhost:12800'
ctx = ('username', 'password')

mls_client = DeployClient(host, use=MLServer, auth=ctx)

mls_client = DeployClient(host, use='azureml.deploy.server.MLServer',

Find and Load module from a file/path tuple:

host = 'http://localhost:12800'
ctx = ('username', 'password')

use = ('azureml.deploy.server.MLServer', '/path/to/')

mls_client = DeployClient(host, use=use, auth=ctx)

Create a new Deployment Client.

Server HTTP/HTTPS endpoint, including the port number.
(optional) Authentication context. Not all deployment clients require authentication. The auth is required for
(required) Deployment implementation to use (ex) use=’MLServer’ to use The ML Server.
Class MLServer
2/27/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online


Bases: azureml.deploy.operationalization.Operationalization

This module provides a service implementation for the ML Server.


Authentication lifecycle method method called by the framework. Invokes the authentication entry-point for the
class hierarchy.
ML Server supports two forms of authentication contexts:
LDAP: tuple (username, password )
Azure Active Directory (AAD ): dict {… }
access-token: str =4534535
The authentication context: LDAP, Azure Active Directory (AAD ), or existing access-token string.
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.

create_or_update_service_pool(name, version, initial_pool_size, max_pool_size, **opts)

Creates or updates the pool for the published web service, with given initial and maximum pool sizes on the ML
Server by name and version.
>>> client.create_or_update_service_pool(
version = 'v1.0.0',
initial_pool_size = 1,
maximum_pool_size = 10)
<Response [200]>

The unique web service name.
The web service version.
The initial pool size for the web service.
The max pool size for the web service. This cannot be less than initial_pool_size.
requests.models.Response: HTTP Status indicating if the request was submitted successfully or not.
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.

delete_service(name, **opts)

Delete a web service.

success = client.delete_service('example', version='v1.0.1')


The web service name.
The web service version ( version=’v1.0.1).
A bool indicating the service deletion was succeeded.
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.

delete_service_pool(name, version, **opts)

Delete the pool for the published web service on the ML Server by name and version.

>>> client.delete_service_pool('regression', version = 'v1.0.0')

<Response [200]>

The unique web service name.
The web service version.
requests.models.Response: HTTP Status if the pool was deleted for the service.
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.

deploy_realtime(name, **opts)

Publish a new realtime web service on the ML Server by name and version.
All input and output types are defined as a pandas.DataFrame .

model = rx_serialize_model(model, realtime_scoring_only=True)

opts = {
'version': 'v1.0.0',
'description': 'Realtime service description.',
'serialized_model': model

service = client.deploy_realtime('scoring', **opts)

df = movie_reviews.as_df()
res = service.consume(df)
answer = res.outputs

NOTE: Using deploy_realtime() in this fashion is identical to publishing a service using the fluent APIS deploy()

The web service name.
The service properties to publish as a dict . The opts supports the following optional properties:
version (str) - Defines a unique alphanumeric web service version. If the version is left blank, a unique guid
is generated in its place. Useful during service development before the author is ready to officially publish a
semantic version to share.
description (str) - The service description.
alias (str) - The consume function name. Defaults to consume.
A new instance of Service representing the realtime service redeployed.
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.

deploy_service(name, **opts)

Publish an new web service on the ML Server by name and version.


opts = {
'version': 'v1.0.0',
'description': 'Service description.',
'code_fn': run,
'init_fn': init,
'objects': {'local_obj': 50},
'models': {'model': 100},
'inputs': {'x': int},
'outputs': {'answer': float},
'artifacts': ['histogram.png'],
'alias': 'consume_service_fn_alias'

service = client.deploy('regression', **opts)

res = service.consume_service_fn_alias(100)
answer = res.output('answer')
histogram = res.artifact('histogram.png')

NOTE: Using deploy_service() in this fashion is identical to publishing a service using the fluent APIS deploy() .
The unique web service name.
The service properties to publish. opts dict supports the following optional properties:
version (str) - Defines a unique alphanumeric web service version. If the version is left blank, a unique guid
is generated in its place. Useful during service development before the author is ready to officially publish a
semantic version to share.
description (str) - The service description.
code_str (str) - A block of python code to run and evaluate.
init_str (str) - A block of python code to initialize service.
code_fn (function) - A Function to run and evaluate.
init_fn (function) - A Function to initialize service.
objects (dict) - Name and value of objects to include.
models (dict) - Name and value of models to include.
inputs (dict) - Service input schema by name and type. The following types are supported:
outputs (dict) - Defines the web service output schema. If empty, the service will not return a response
value. outputs are defined as a dictionary {'x'=int} or {'x': 'int'} that describes the output parameter
names and their corresponding data types. The following types are supported:
artifacts (list) - A collection of file artifacts to return. File content is encoded as a Base64 String.
alias (str) - The consume function name. Defaults to consume. If code_fn function is provided, then it will
use that function name by default.
A new instance of Service representing the service deployed.
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.


Destroy lifecycle method called by the framework. Invokes destructors for the class hierarchy.
get_service(name, **opts)

Get a web service for consumption.

service = client.get_service('example', version='v1.0.1')


The web service name.
The optional web service version. If version=None the most recent service will be returned.
A new instance of Service .
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.

get_service_pool_status(name, version, **opts)

Get status of pool on each compute node of the ML Server for the published services with the provided name and

>>> client.create_or_update_service_pool(
version = 'v1.0.0',
initial_pool_size = 5,
maximum_pool_size = 5)
<Response [200]>
>>> client.get_service_pool_status('regression', version = 'v1.0.0')
[{'computeNodeEndpoint': 'http://localhost:12805/', 'status': 'Pending'}]
>>> client.get_service_pool_status('regression', version = 'v1.0.0')
[{'computeNodeEndpoint': 'http://localhost:12805/', 'status': 'Success'}]

The unique web service name.
The web service version.
str: json representing the status of pool on each compute node for the deployed service.
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.

initializer(http_client, config, adapters=None)

Init lifecycle method called by the framework, invoked during construction. Sets up attributes and invokes
initializers for the class hierarchy.
The http request session to manage and persist settings across requests (auth, proxies).
The global configuration.
A dict of transport adapters by url.

list_services(name=None, **opts)

List the different published web services on the ML Server.

The service name and service version are optional. This call allows you to retrieve service information regarding:
All services published
All versioned services for a specific named service
A specific version for a named service
Users can use this information along with the [get_service()](#getservice) operation to interact with and
consume the web service.

all_services = client.list_services()
all_versions_of_add_service = client.list_services('add-service')
add_service_v1 = client.list_services('add-service', version='v1')

The web service name.
The optional web service version.
A list of service metadata.
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.


Begin fluent API chaining of properties for defining a realtime web service.

.description('A new realtime web service')

The web service name.
A RealtimeDefinition instance for fluent API chaining.

redeploy_realtime(name, **opts)

Updates properties on an existing realtime web service on the Server by name and version. If version=None the
most recent service will be updated.
All input and output types are defined as a pandas.DataFrame .

model = rx_serialize_model(model, realtime_scoring_only=True)

opts = {
'version': 'v1.0.0',
'description': 'Realtime service description.',
'serialized_model': model

service = client.redeploy_realtime('scoring', **opts)

df = movie_reviews.as_df()
res = service.consume(df)
answer = res.outputs

NOTE: Using redeploy_realtime() in this fashion is identical to updating a service using the fluent APIS

The web service name.
The service properties to update as a dict . The opts supports the following optional properties:
version (str) - Defines the web service version.
description (str) - The service description.
alias (str) - The consume function name. Defaults to consume.
A new instance of Service representing the realtime service redeployed.
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.

redeploy_service(name, **opts)

Updates properties on an existing web service on the ML Server by name and version. If version=None the most
recent service will be updated.

opts = {
'version': 'v1.0.0',
'description': 'Service description.',
'code_fn': run,
'init_fn': init,
'objects': {'local_obj': 50},
'models': {'model': 100},
'inputs': {'x': int},
'outputs': {'answer': float},
'artifacts': ['histogram.png'],
'alias': 'consume_service_fn_alias'

service = client.redeploy('regression', **opts)

res = service.consume_service_fn_alias(100)
answer = res.output('answer')
histogram = res.artifact('histogram.png')

NOTE: Using redeploy_service() in this fashion is identical to updating a service using the fluent APIS redeploy()

The web service name.
The service properties to update as a dict . The opts supports the following optional properties:
version (str) - Defines a unique alphanumeric web service version. If the version is left blank, a unique guid
is generated in its place. Useful during service development before the author is ready to officially publish a
semantic version to share.
description (str) - The service description.
code_str (str) - A block of python code to run and evaluate.
init_str (str) - A block of python code to initialize service.
code_fn (function) - A Function to run and evaluate.
init_fn (function) - A Function to initialize service.
objects (dict) - Name and value of objects to include.
models (dict) - Name and value of models to include.
inputs (dict) - Service input schema by name and type. The following types are supported: - int - float - str -
bool - numpy.array - numpy.matrix - pandas.DataFrame
outputs (dict) - Defines the web service output schema. If empty, the service will not return a response
value. outputs are defined as a dictionary {'x'=int} or {'x': 'int'} that describes the output parameter
names and their corresponding data types. The following types are supported: - int - float - str - bool -
numpy.array - numpy.matrix - pandas.DataFrame
artifacts (list) - A collection of file artifacts to return. File content is encoded as a Base64 String.
alias (str) - The consume function name. Defaults to consume. If code_fn function is provided, then it will
use that function name by default.
A new instance of Service representing the service deployed.
If a HTTP fault occurred calling the ML Server.


Begin fluent API chaining of properties for defining a standard web service.

.description('A new web service')

The web service name.
A ServiceDefinition instance for fluent API chaining.
Class Operationalization
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online


Operationalization is designed to be a low -level abstract foundation class from which other service
operationalization attribute classes in the mldeploy package can be derived. It provides a standard template for
creating attribute-based operationalization lifecycle phases providing a consistent init(), del() sequence that
chains initialization (initializer), authentication (authentication), and destruction (destructor) methods for the class


Authentication lifecycle method. Invokes the authentication entry-point for the class hierarchy.
An optional noonp method where subclass implementers MAY provide this method definition by overriding.
Sub-class should override and implement.
The optional authentication context as defined in the implementing sub-class.

delete_service(name, **opts)

Sub-class should override and implement.

deploy_realtime(name, **opts)

Sub-class should override and implement.

deploy_service(name, **opts)

Sub-class should override and implement.


Destroy lifecycle method. Invokes destructors for the class hierarchy.

An optional noonp method where subclass implementers MAY provide this method definition by overriding.
Sub-class should override and implement.

get_service(name, **opts)

Retrieve service meta-data from the name source and return an new service instance.
Sub-class should override and implement.

initializer(api_client, config, adapters=None)

Init lifecycle method, invoked during construction. Sets up attributes and invokes initializers for the class hierarchy.
An optional noonp method where subclass implementers MAY provide this method definition by overriding.
Sub-class should override and implement.

list_services(name=None, **opts)

Sub-class should override and implement.


Begin fluent API chaining of properties for defining a realtime web service.

.description('A new realtime web service')

The web service name.
A RealtimeDefinition instance for fluent API chaining.

redeploy_realtime(name, force=False, **opts)

Sub-class should override and implement.

redeploy_service(name, force=False, **opts)

Sub-class should override and implement.


Begin fluent API chaining of properties for defining a standard web service.

.description('A new web service')

The web service name.
A ServiceDefinition instance for fluent API chaining.
Class OperationalizationDefinition
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

azureml.deploy.operationalization.OperationalizationDefinition(name, op,

Base abstract class defining a service’s properties.

Create a new publish definition.
The web service name.
A reference to the deploy client instance.
A mixin of subclass specific definitions.


Set the optional service function name alias to use in order to consume the service.

service = client.service('score-service').alias('score').deploy()

# `score()` is the function that will call the `score-service`

result = service.score()

The service function name alias to use in order to consume the service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API.


Bundle up the definition properties and publish the service.

To be implemented by subclasses.
A new instance of Service representing the service deployed.


Set the service’s optional description.

The description of the service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API.


Bundle up the definition properties and update the service.

To be implemented by subclasses.
A new instance of Service representing the service deployed.


Set the service’s optional version.

The version of the service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API.
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Class ServiceDefinition
azureml.deploy.operationalization.ServiceDefinition(name, op)

Bases: azureml.deploy.operationalization.OperationalizationDefinition

Service class defining a standard service’s properties for publishing.


Set the optional service function name alias to use in order to consume the service.

service = client.service('score-service').alias('score').deploy()

# `score()` is the function that will call the `score-service`

result = service.score()

The service function name alias to use in order to consume the service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API.


Define a service’s optional supported file artifact by name. A convenience to calling .artifacts(['file.png'])
with a list of one.
A single file artifact by name.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API chaining.

Defines a service’s optional supported file artifacts by name.
A list of file artifacts by name.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API chaining.

code_fn(code, init=None)

Set the service consume function as a function.


def init():

def score(df):

.code_fn(score, init)

A function handle as a reference to run python code.
An optional function handle as a reference to initialize the service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API chaining.

code_str(code, init=None)

Set the service consume function as a block of python code as a str .

init = 'import pandas as pd'

code = 'print(pd)'

.code_str(code, init)

A block of python code as a str .
An optional block of python code as a str to initialize the service.
A ServiceDefinition for fluent API chaining.


Bundle up the definition properties and publish the service.

A new instance of Service representing the service deployed.


Set the service’s optional description.

The description of the service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API.


Defines a service’s optional supported inputs by name and type.


.inputs(a=float, b=int, c=str, d=bool, e='pandas.DataFrame')

The inputs by name and type.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API chaining.


Include any model(s) used for this service.


cars_model = rx_lin_mod(formula="am ~ hp + wt",data=mtcars)


Any models by name and value.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API chaining.


Include any object(s) used for this service.


x = 5
y = 'hello'

.objects(x=x, y=y)

Any objects by name and value.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API chaining.


Defines a service’s optional supported outputs by name and type.


.outputs(a=float, b=int, c=str, d=bool, e='pandas.DataFrame')

The outputs by name and type.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API chaining.

Bundle up the definition properties and update the service.

A new instance of Service representing the service deployed.


Set the service’s optional version.

The version of the service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API.
Class RealtimeDefinition
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

azureml.deploy.operationalization.RealtimeDefinition(name, op)

Bases: azureml.deploy.operationalization.OperationalizationDefinition

Realtime class defining a realtime service’s properties for publishing.


Set the optional service function name alias to use in order to consume the service.

service = client.service('score-service').alias('score').deploy()

# `score()` is the function that will call the `score-service`

result = service.score()

The service function name alias to use in order to consume the service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API.


Bundle up the definition properties and publish the service.

A new instance of Service representing the service deployed.


Set the service’s optional description.

The description of the service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API.


Bundle up the definition properties and update the service.

A new instance of Service representing the service deployed.


Serialized model.
The required serialized model used for this realtime service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API chaining.


Set the service’s optional version.

The version of the service.
Self OperationalizationDefinition for fluent API.
Class Service
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

azureml.deploy.server.service.Service(service, http_client)

Dynamic object for service consumption and batching based on service metadata attributes.

batch(records, parallel_count=10)

Register a set of input records for batch execution on this service.

The data.frame or list of input records to execute.
Number of threads used to process entries in the batch. Default value is 10. Please make sure not to use too
high of a number because it might negatively impact performance.
The Batch instance to control this service’s batching lifecycle.


Provides the following information describing the holdings of this service:

api - The API REST endpoint.
name - The service name.
version - The service version.
published_by - The service publishing author.
runtime - The service runtime context R|Python.
description - The service description.
creation_time - The service publish timestamp.
snapshot_id - The snapshot identifier this service is bound with.
inputs - The input schema name/type definition.
outputs - The output schema name/type definition.
inputs_encoded - The input schema name/type encoded to python.
outputs_encoded - The output schema name/type encoded to python.
artifacts - The supported generated files.
operation_id - The function alias .
swagger - The API REST endpoint to this service’s swagger.json document.
A dict of key/values describing the service.


Retrieves the service batch based on an execution identifier.

The identifier of the batch execution.
The Batch instance to control this service’s batching lifecycle.


Gets all batch execution identifiers currently queued for this service.
A list of execution identifiers.


Retrieves the swagger.json for this service (see

The swagger document for this service as a json str .
Class ServiceResponse
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

azureml.deploy.server.service.ServiceResponse(api, response, output_schema)

Represents the response from a service invocation. The response will contain any outputs and file artifacts
produced in addition to any console output or errors messages.


Gets the api endpoint.

artifact(artifact_name, decode=True, encoding=None)

A convenience function to look up a file artifact by name and optionally base64 decode it.
The name of the file artifact.
Whether to decode the Base64 encoded artifact string. The default is True .
The encoding scheme to be used. The default is to apply no encoding. For a list of all encoding schemes please
visit Standard Encodings:
The file artifact as a Base64 encoded string if decode=False otherwise the decoded string.


Gets the non-decoded response file artifacts if present. :returns: A list of non-decoded response file artifacts if


Gets the console output if present.


Gets the error if present.


A convenience function to look up an output value by name.

The name of the output.
The service output’s value.


Gets the response outputs if present.


Gets the raw response outputs if present.

Class Batch
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

azureml.deploy.server.service.Batch(service, records=[], parallel_count=10,

Manager of a service’s batch execution lifecycle.


Gets the api endpoint.


Gets this batch’s execution identifier if currently started, otherwise None .


Gets this batch’s parallel count of threads.


Gets the batch input records.


Poll for batch results.

To get partial execution results or not. The default is to include partial results.
An instance of BatchResponse .


Starts a batch execution for this service.

An instance of itself Batch .

artifact(index, file_name)

Get the file artifact for this service batch execution index.
Batch execution index.
Artifact filename
A single file artifact.


Cancel this batch execution.

download(index, file_name=None, destination=cwd())

Download the file artifact to file-system in the destination.

Batch execution index.
The file artifact name.
Download location.
A list of downloaded file-paths.


List the file artifact names belonging to this service batch execution index.
Batch execution index.
A list of file artifact names.
Gets this batch’s parallel count of threads.


Gets the batch input records.


Poll batch results.

To get partial execution results or not.
An execution Self BatchResponse.
Class BatchResponse
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

azureml.deploy.server.service.BatchResponse(api, execution_id, response,

Represents a service’s entire batch execution response at a particular state in time. Using this, a batch execution
index can be supplied to the execution(index) function in order to retrieve the service’s ServiceResponse .


Gets the api endpoint.


Gets the number of completed batch results processed thus far. :returns: The number of completed batch results
processed thus far.


Extracts the service execution results within the batch at this execution index.
The batch execution index.
The execution results ServiceResponse .


Gets this batch’s execution identifier if a batch has been started, otherwise None . :returns: This batch’s execution
identifier if a batch has been started, otherwise None .


Gets the total number of batch results processed in any state. :returns: The total number of batch results processed
in any state.
microsoftml package
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The microsoftml module is a collection of Python functions used in machine learning solutions. It includes
functions for training and transformations, scoring, text and image analysis, and feature extraction for
deriving values from existing data.


Current version: 9.3

Built on: Anaconda 4.2 distribution of Python 3.5

Package distribution: Machine Learning Server 9.x

SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services
SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Server (Standalone)

How to use microsoftml

The microsoftml module is installed as part of Microsoft Machine Learning Server or SQL Server Machine
Learning when you add Python to your installation. You get the full collection of proprietary packages plus a
Python distribution with its modules and interpreters. You can use any Python IDE to write Python script
calling functions in microsoftml, but the script must run on a computer having either Microsoft Machine
Learning Server or SQL Server Machine Learning Server with Python.
Microsoftml and revoscalepy are tightly coupled; data sources used in microsoftml are defined as
revoscalepy objects. Compute context limitations in revoscalepy transfer to microsoftml. Namely, all
functionality is available for local operations, but switching to a remote compute context requires RxSpark or

Functions by category
This section lists the functions by category to give you an idea of how each one is used. You can also use the
table of contents to find functions in alphabetical order.

1-Training functions

microsoftml.rx_ensemble Train an ensemble of models

microsoftml.rx_fast_forest Random Forest

microsoftml.rx_fast_linear Linear Model with Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent

microsoftml.rx_fast_trees Boosted Trees

microsoftml.rx_logistic_regression Logistic Regression


microsoftml.rx_neural_network Neural Network

microsoftml.rx_oneclass_svm Anomaly Detection

2-Transform functions
Categorical variable handling

microsoftml.categorical Converts a text column into categories

microsoftml.categorical_hash Hashes and converts a text column into categories

Schema manipulation

microsoftml.concat Concatenates multiple columns into a single vector

microsoftml.drop_columns Drops columns from a dataset

microsoftml.select_columns Retains columns of a dataset

Variable selection

microsoftml.count_select Feature selection based on counts

microsoftml.mutualinformation_select Feature selection based on mutual information

Text analytics

microsoftml.featurize_text Converts text columns into numerical features

microsoftml.get_sentiment Sentiment analysis

Image analytics

microsoftml.load_image Loads an image

microsoftml.resize_image Resizes an Image

microsoftml.extract_pixels Extracts pixels form an image

microsoftml.featurize_image Converts an image into features

Scoring functions

microsoftml.rx_predict Scores using a Microsoft machine learning model

Featurization functions

microsoftml.rx_featurize Data transformation for data sources

Next steps
For SQL Server, add both Python modules to your computer by running setup:
Set up Python Machine Learning Services.
Follow this SQL Server tutorial for hands on experience:
Using the MicrosoftML Package with SQL Server

See also
Machine Learning Server
SQL Server Machine Learning Services with Python
SQL Server Machine Learning Server (Standalone)
microsoftml.categorical: Converts a text column into
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.categorical(cols: [str, dict, list], output_kind: ['Bag', 'Ind',
'Key', 'Bin'] = 'Ind', max_num_terms: int = 1000000,
terms: int = None, sort: ['Occurrence', 'Value'] = 'Occurrence',
text_key_values: bool = False, **kargs)

Categorical transform that can be performed on data before training a model.

The categorical transform passes through a data set, operating on text columns, to build a dictionary of
categories. For each row, the entire text string appearing in the input column is defined as a category. The output
of the categorical transform is an indicator vector. Each slot in this vector corresponds to a category in the
dictionary, so its length is the size of the built dictionary. The categorical transform can be applied to one or more
columns, in which case it builds a separate dictionary for each column that it is applied to.
categorical is not currently supported to handle factor data.

A character string or list of variable names to transform. If dict , the keys represent the names of new variables
to be created.
A character string that specifies the kind of output kind.
"Bag" : Outputs a multi-set vector. If the input column is a vector of categories, the output contains one
vector, where the value in each slot is the number of occurrences of the category in the input vector. If the
input column contains a single category, the indicator vector and the bag vector are equivalent
"Ind" : Outputs an indicator vector. The input column is a vector of categories, and the output contains one
indicator vector per slot in the input column.
"Key" : Outputs an index. The output is an integer id (between 1 and the number of categories in the
dictionary) of the category.
"Bin" : Outputs a vector which is the binary representation of the category.
The default value is "Ind" .
An integer that specifies the maximum number of categories to include in the dictionary. The default value is
Optional character vector of terms or categories.
A character string that specifies the sorting criteria.
"Occurrence" : Sort categories by occurences. Most frequent is first.
"Value" : Sort categories by values.
Whether key value metadata should be text, regardless of the actual input type.
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.

See also

Example on rx_logistic_regression and categorical.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_logistic_regression, categorical, rx_predict

train_reviews = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(
"This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Do not like it", "Really like it",
"I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I kind of hate it", "I do like it",
"I really hate it", "It is very good", "I hate it a bunch", "I love it a bunch",
"I hate it", "I like it very much", "I hate it very much.",
"I really do love it", "I really do hate it", "Love it!", "Hate it!",
"I love it", "I hate it", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it"],
like=[True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False,
True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True,
False, True, False, True]))

test_reviews = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(
"This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Really like it", "I hate it",
"I like it a lot", "I love it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "I love it"]))

# Use a categorical transform: the entire string is treated as a category

out_model = rx_logistic_regression("like ~ reviewCat",

# Note that 'I hate it' and 'I love it' (the only strings appearing more than once)
# have non-zero weights.

# Use the model to score.

source_out_df = rx_predict(out_model, data=test_reviews, extra_vars_to_write=["review"])

Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 25, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Not adding a normalizer.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 25, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 25, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
LBFGS multi-threading will attempt to load dataset into memory. In case of out-of-memory issues, turn off
multi-threading by setting trainThreads to 1.
Warning: Too few instances to use 4 threads, decreasing to 1 thread(s)
Beginning optimization
num vars: 20
improvement criterion: Mean Improvement
L1 regularization selected 3 of 20 weights.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:01.6550695
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.2259981
OrderedDict([('(Bias)', 0.21317288279533386), ('I hate it', -0.7937591671943665), ('I love it',
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 10, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.1385248
Finished writing 10 rows.
Writing completed.
review PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 This is great True 0.213173 0.553092
1 I hate it False -0.580586 0.358798
2 Love it True 0.213173 0.553092
3 Really like it True 0.213173 0.553092
4 I hate it False -0.580586 0.358798
microsoftml.categorical_hash: Hashes and converts a
text column into categories
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.categorical_hash(cols: [str, dict, list],
hash_bits: int = 16, seed: int = 314489979,
ordered: bool = True, invert_hash: int = 0,
output_kind: ['Bag', 'Ind', 'Key', 'Bin'] = 'Bag', **kargs)

Categorical hash transform that can be performed on data before training a model.

categorical_hash converts a categorical value into an indicator array by hashing the value and using the hash as
an index in the bag. If the input column is a vector, a single indicator bag is returned for it. categorical_hash does
not currently support handling factor data.

A character string or list of variable names to transform. If dict , the keys represent the names of new variables
to be created.
An integer specifying the number of bits to hash into. Must be between 1 and 30, inclusive. The default value is
An integer specifying the hashing seed. The default value is 314489979.
True to include the position of each term in the hash. Otherwise, False . The default value is True .
An integer specifying the limit on the number of keys that can be used to generate the slot name. 0 means no
invert hashing; -1 means no limit. While a zero value gives better performance, a non-zero value is needed to
get meaningful coefficent names. The default value is 0 .
A character string that specifies the kind of output kind.
"Bag" : Outputs a multi-set vector. If the input column is a vector of categories, the output contains one
vector, where the value in each slot is the number of occurrences of the category in the input vector. If the
input column contains a single category, the indicator vector and the bag vector are equivalent
"Ind" : Outputs an indicator vector. The input column is a vector of categories, and the output contains one
indicator vector per slot in the input column.
"Key : Outputs an index. The output is an integer id (between 1 and the number of categories in the
dictionary) of the category.
"Bin : Outputs a vector which is the binary representation of the category.
The default value is "Bag" .
Additional arguments sent to the compute engine.

an object defining the transform.

See also

Example on rx_logistic_regression and categorical_hash.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_logistic_regression, categorical_hash, rx_predict
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

movie_reviews = get_dataset("movie_reviews")

train_reviews = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(
"This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Do not like it", "Really like it",
"I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I kind of hate it", "I do like it",
"I really hate it", "It is very good", "I hate it a bunch", "I love it a bunch",
"I hate it", "I like it very much", "I hate it very much.",
"I really do love it", "I really do hate it", "Love it!", "Hate it!",
"I love it", "I hate it", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it"],
like=[True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False,
True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True,
False, True, False, True]))

test_reviews = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(
"This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Really like it", "I hate it",
"I like it a lot", "I love it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "I love it"]))

# Use a categorical hash transform.

out_model = rx_logistic_regression("like ~ reviewCat",

# Weights are similar to categorical.


# Use the model to score.

source_out_df = rx_predict(out_model, data=test_reviews, extra_vars_to_write=["review"])

Not adding a normalizer.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 25, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 25, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
LBFGS multi-threading will attempt to load dataset into memory. In case of out-of-memory issues, turn off
multi-threading by setting trainThreads to 1.
Warning: Too few instances to use 4 threads, decreasing to 1 thread(s)
Beginning optimization
num vars: 65537
improvement criterion: Mean Improvement
L1 regularization selected 3 of 65537 weights.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.1209392
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0190134
OrderedDict([('(Bias)', 0.2132447361946106), ('f1783', -0.7939924597740173), ('f38537', 0.1968022584915161)])
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 10, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0284223
Finished writing 10 rows.
Writing completed.
review PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 This is great True 0.213245 0.553110
1 I hate it False -0.580748 0.358761
2 Love it True 0.213245 0.553110
3 Really like it True 0.213245 0.553110
4 I hate it False -0.580748 0.358761
microsoftml.concat: Concatenates multiple columns
into a single vector
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.concat(cols: [dict, list], **kargs)

Combines several columns into a single vector-valued column.

concat creates a single vector-valued column from multiple columns. It can be performed on data before training
a model. The concatenation can significantly speed up the processing of data when the number of columns is as
large as hundreds to thousands.

A character dict or list of variable names to transform. If dict , the keys represent the names of new variables to
be created. Note that all the input variables must be of the same type. It is possible to produce mulitple output
columns with the concatenation transform. In this case, you need to use a list of vectors to define a one-to-one
mappings between input and output variables. For example, to concatenate columns InNameA and InNameB into
column OutName1 and also columns InNameC and InNameD into column OutName2, use the dict:
dict(OutName1 = [InNameA, InNameB ], outName2 = [InNameC, InNameD ])
Additional arguments sent to the compute engine.

An object defining the concatenation transform.

See also
drop_columns , select_columns .

Example on logistic regression and concat.
import numpy
import pandas
import sklearn
from microsoftml import rx_logistic_regression, concat, rx_predict
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

iris = get_dataset("iris")

if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":

from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# We use iris dataset.

irisdf = iris.as_df()

# The training features.

features = ["Sepal_Length", "Sepal_Width", "Petal_Length", "Petal_Width"]

# The label.
label = "Label"

# microsoftml needs a single dataframe with features and label.

cols = features + [label]

# We split into train/test. y_train, y_test are not used.

data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(irisdf[cols], irisdf[label])

# We train a logistic regression.

# A concat transform is added to group features in a single vector column.
multi_logit_out = rx_logistic_regression(
formula="Label ~ Features",
ml_transforms=[concat(cols={'Features': features})])

# We show the coefficients.


# We predict.
prediction = rx_predict(multi_logit_out, data=data_test)


Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
LBFGS multi-threading will attempt to load dataset into memory. In case of out-of-memory issues, turn off
multi-threading by setting trainThreads to 1.
Beginning optimization
num vars: 15
improvement criterion: Mean Improvement
L1 regularization selected 9 of 15 weights.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.2348578
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0197433
OrderedDict([('0+(Bias)', 1.943994402885437), ('1+(Bias)', 0.6346845030784607), ('2+(Bias)', -
2.57867693901062), ('0+Petal_Width', -2.7277402877807617), ('0+Petal_Length', -2.5394322872161865),
('0+Sepal_Width', 0.4810805320739746), ('1+Sepal_Width', -0.5790582299232483), ('2+Petal_Width',
2.547518491744995), ('2+Petal_Length', 1.6753791570663452)])
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 38, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0662932
Finished writing 38 rows.
Writing completed.
Score.0 Score.1 Score.2
0 0.320061 0.504115 0.175825
1 0.761624 0.216213 0.022163
2 0.754765 0.215548 0.029687
3 0.182810 0.517855 0.299335
4 0.018770 0.290014 0.691216
microsoftml.count_select: Feature selection based on
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.count_select(cols: [list, str], count: int = 1, **kargs)

Selects the features for which the count of non-default values is greater than or equal to a threshold.

When using the count mode in feature selection transform, a feature is selected if the number of examples have at
least the specified count examples of non-default values in the feature. The count mode feature selection transform
is very useful when applied together with a categorical hash transform (see also, categorical_hash . The count
feature selection can remove those features generated by hash transform that have no data in the examples.

Specifies character string or list of the names of the variables to select.
The threshold for count based feature selection. A feature is selected if and only if at least count examples have
non-default value in the feature. The default value is 1.
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.

See also
microsoftml.drop_columns: Drops columns from a
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.drop_columns(cols: [list, str], **kargs)

Specified columns to drop from the dataset.

A character string or list of the names of the variables to drop.
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.

See also
concat , select_columns .
microsoftml.extract_pixels: Extracts pixels form an
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.extract_pixels(cols: [str, dict, list],
use_alpha: bool = False, use_red: bool = True,
use_green: bool = True, use_blue: bool = True,
interleave_argb: bool = False, convert: bool = True,
offset: float = None, scale: float = None, **kargs)

Extracts the pixel values from an image.

extract_pixels extracts the pixel values from an image. The input variables are images of the same size, typically
the output of a resizeImage transform. The output are pixel data in vector form that are typically used as features
for a learner.

A character string or list of variable names to transform. If dict , the keys represent the names of new variables to
be created.
Specifies whether to use alpha channel. The default value is False .
Specifies whether to use red channel. The default value is True .
Specifies whether to use green channel. The default value is True .
Specifies whether to use blue channel. The default value is True .
Whether to separate each channel or interleave in ARGB order. This might be important, for example, if you are
training a convolutional neural network, since this would affect the shape of the kernel, stride etc.
Whether to convert to floating point. The default value is False .
Specifies the offset (pre-scale). This requires convert = True . The default value is None.
Specifies the scale factor. This requires convert = True . The default value is None.
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.

See also
load_image , resize_image , featurize_image .

Example with images.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_neural_network, rx_predict, rx_fast_linear
from microsoftml import load_image, resize_image, extract_pixels
from microsoftml.datasets.image import get_RevolutionAnalyticslogo

train = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(Path=[get_RevolutionAnalyticslogo()], Label=[True]))

# Loads the images from variable Path, resizes the images to 1x1 pixels
# and trains a neural net.
model1 = rx_neural_network("Label ~ Features", data=train,
resize_image(cols="Features", width=1, height=1, resizing="Aniso"),
num_hidden_nodes=1, num_iterations=1)

# Featurizes the images from variable Path using the default model, and trains a linear model on the result.
# If dnnModel == "AlexNet", the image has to be resized to 227x227.
model2 = rx_fast_linear("Label ~ Features ", data=train,
resize_image(cols="Features", width=224, height=224),
ml_transform_vars=["Path"], max_iterations=1)

# We predict even if it does not make too much sense on this single image.
prediction1 = rx_predict(model1, data=train)

prediction2 = rx_predict(model2, data=train)


Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using: AVX Math

***** Net definition *****

input Data [3];
hidden H [1] sigmoid { // Depth 1
from Data all;
output Result [1] sigmoid { // Depth 0
from H all;
***** End net definition *****
Input count: 3
Output count: 1
Output Function: Sigmoid
Loss Function: LogLoss
PreTrainer: NoPreTrainer
Starting training...
Learning rate: 0.001000
Momentum: 0.000000
InitWtsDiameter: 0.100000
Initializing 1 Hidden Layers, 6 Weights...
Estimated Pre-training MeanError = 0.707823
Iter:1/1, MeanErr=0.707823(0.00%), 0.00M WeightUpdates/sec
Estimated Post-training MeanError = 0.707499
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.2716496
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0396484
Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using 2 threads to train.
Automatically choosing a check frequency of 2.
Auto-tuning parameters: L2 = 5.
Auto-tuning parameters: L1Threshold (L1/L2) = 1.
Using model from last iteration.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:01.0508885
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0133784

Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.1339430
Finished writing 1 rows.
Writing completed.
PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False -0.028504 0.492875

Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.4977487
Finished writing 1 rows.
Writing completed.
PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False 0.0 0.5
microsoftml.featurize_image: Converts an image into
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.featurize_image(cols: [dict, str], dnn_model: ['Resnet18',
'Resnet50', 'Resnet101', 'Alexnet'] = 'Resnet18', **kargs)

Featurizes an image using a pre-trained deep neural network model.

featurize_image featurizes an image using the specified pre-trained deep neural network model. The input
variables to this transforms must be extracted pixel values.

Input variable containing extracted pixel values. If dict , the keys represent the names of new variables to be
The pre-trained deep neural network. The possible options are:




The default value is "Resnet18" . See Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition for details about ResNet.
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.

See also
load_image , resize_image , extract_pixels .

Example with images.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_neural_network, rx_predict, rx_fast_linear
from microsoftml import load_image, resize_image, extract_pixels
from microsoftml.datasets.image import get_RevolutionAnalyticslogo

train = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(Path=[get_RevolutionAnalyticslogo()], Label=[True]))

# Loads the images from variable Path, resizes the images to 1x1 pixels
# and trains a neural net.
model1 = rx_neural_network("Label ~ Features", data=train,
resize_image(cols="Features", width=1, height=1, resizing="Aniso"),
num_hidden_nodes=1, num_iterations=1)

# Featurizes the images from variable Path using the default model, and trains a linear model on the result.
# If dnnModel == "AlexNet", the image has to be resized to 227x227.
model2 = rx_fast_linear("Label ~ Features ", data=train,
resize_image(cols="Features", width=224, height=224),
ml_transform_vars=["Path"], max_iterations=1)

# We predict even if it does not make too much sense on this single image.
prediction1 = rx_predict(model1, data=train)

prediction2 = rx_predict(model2, data=train)


Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using: AVX Math

***** Net definition *****

input Data [3];
hidden H [1] sigmoid { // Depth 1
from Data all;
output Result [1] sigmoid { // Depth 0
from H all;
***** End net definition *****
Input count: 3
Output count: 1
Output Function: Sigmoid
Loss Function: LogLoss
PreTrainer: NoPreTrainer
Starting training...
Learning rate: 0.001000
Momentum: 0.000000
InitWtsDiameter: 0.100000
Initializing 1 Hidden Layers, 6 Weights...
Estimated Pre-training MeanError = 0.707823
Iter:1/1, MeanErr=0.707823(0.00%), 0.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Estimated Post-training MeanError = 0.707499
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0751759
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0080433
Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using 2 threads to train.
Automatically choosing a check frequency of 2.
Auto-tuning parameters: L2 = 5.
Auto-tuning parameters: L1Threshold (L1/L2) = 1.
Using model from last iteration.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:01.0104773
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0106935

Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0420328
Finished writing 1 rows.
Writing completed.
PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False -0.028504 0.492875

Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.4449623
Finished writing 1 rows.
Writing completed.
PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False 0.0 0.5
microsoftml.featurize_text: Converts text columns
into numerical features
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.featurize_text(cols: [str, dict, list], language: ['AutoDetect',
'English', 'French', 'German', 'Dutch', 'Italian', 'Spanish',
'Japanese'] = 'English', stopwords_remover=None, case: ['Lower',
'Upper', 'None'] = 'Lower', keep_diacritics: bool = False,
keep_punctuations: bool = True, keep_numbers: bool = True,
dictionary: dict = None, word_feature_extractor={'Name': 'NGram',
'Settings': {'Weighting': 'Tf', 'MaxNumTerms': [10000000],
'NgramLength': 1, 'AllLengths': True, 'SkipLength': 0}},
char_feature_extractor=None, vector_normalizer: ['None', 'L1', 'L2',
'LInf'] = 'L2', **kargs)

Text transforms that can be performed on data before training a model.

The featurize_text transform produces a bag of counts of sequences of consecutive words, called n-grams,
from a given corpus of text. There are two ways it can do this:
build a dictionary of n-grams and use the id in the dictionary as the index in the bag;
hash each n-gram and use the hash value as the index in the bag.
The purpose of hashing is to convert variable-length text documents into equal-length numeric feature vectors,
to support dimensionality reduction and to make the lookup of feature weights faster.
The text transform is applied to text input columns. It offers language detection, tokenization, stopwords
removing, text normalization and feature generation. It supports the following languages by default: English,
French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Japanese.
The n-grams are represented as count vectors, with vector slots corresponding either to n-grams (created using
n_gram ) or to their hashes (created using n_gram_hash ). Embedding ngrams in a vector space allows their
contents to be compared in an efficient manner. The slot values in the vector can be weighted by the following
term frequency - The number of occurrences of the slot in the text
inverse document frequency - A ratio (the logarithm of inverse relative slot frequency) that measures the
information a slot provides by determining how common or rare it is across the entire text.
term frequency-inverse document frequency - the product term frequency and the inverse document

A character string or list of variable names to transform. If dict , the keys represent the names of new variables
to be created.
Specifies the language used in the data set. The following values are supported:
"AutoDetect" : for automatic language detection.







Specifies the stopwords remover to use. There are three options supported:
None: No stopwords remover is used.
: A precompiled language-specific lists of stop words is used that includes the most common
words from Microsoft Office.
custom : A user-defined list of stopwords. It accepts the following option: stopword .
The default value is None.
Text casing using the rules of the invariant culture. Takes the following values:



The default value is "Lower" .

False to remove diacritical marks; True to retain diacritical marks. The default value is False .
False to remove punctuation; True to retain punctuation. The default value is True .
False to remove numbers; True to retain numbers. The default value is True .
A dictionary of whitelisted terms which accepts the following options:
term : An optional character vector of terms or categories.
dropUnknowns : Drop items.
sort : Specifies how to order items when vectorized. Two orderings are


* `"occurrence"`: items appear in the order encountered.

* `"value"`: items are sorted according to their default comparison. For example, text sorting will be
case sensitive (e.g., ‘A’ then ‘Z’ then ‘a’).

The default value is None. Note that the stopwords list takes precedence over the dictionary whitelist as the
stopwords are removed before the dictionary terms are whitelisted.
Specifies the word feature extraction arguments. There are two different feature extraction mechanisms:
n_gram() : Count-based feature extraction (equivalent to WordBag). It accepts the following options:
max_num_terms and weighting .

n_gram_hash(): Hashing-based feature extraction (equivalent to WordHashBag). It accepts the following

options: hash_bits , seed , ordered and invert_hash .

The default value is n_gram .

Specifies the char feature extraction arguments. There are two different feature extraction mechanisms:
n_gram() : Count-based feature extraction (equivalent to WordBag). It accepts the following options:
max_num_terms and weighting .

n_gram_hash(): Hashing-based feature extraction (equivalent to WordHashBag). It accepts the following

options: hash_bits , seed , ordered and invert_hash .
The default value is None.
Normalize vectors (rows) individually by rescaling them to unit norm. Takes one of the following values:




The default value is "L2" .

Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.

See also
n_gram , n_gram_hash , n_gram , n_gram_hash , get_sentiment .

Example with featurize_text and rx_logistic_regression.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_logistic_regression, featurize_text, rx_predict
from microsoftml.entrypoints._stopwordsremover_predefined import predefined

train_reviews = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(
"This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Do not like it", "Really like it",
"I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I kind of hate it", "I do like it",
"I really hate it", "It is very good", "I hate it a bunch", "I love it a bunch",
"I hate it", "I like it very much", "I hate it very much.",
"I really do love it", "I really do hate it", "Love it!", "Hate it!",
"I love it", "I hate it", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it"],
like=[True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False,
True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True,
False, True, False, True]))

test_reviews = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(
"This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Really like it", "I hate it",
"I like it a lot", "I love it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "I love it"]))

out_model = rx_logistic_regression("like ~ review_tran",


# Use the model to score.

score_df = rx_predict(out_model, data=test_reviews, extra_vars_to_write=["review"])

Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 25, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 25, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Not adding a normalizer.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 25, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 25, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
LBFGS multi-threading will attempt to load dataset into memory. In case of out-of-memory issues, turn off
multi-threading by setting trainThreads to 1.
Warning: Too few instances to use 4 threads, decreasing to 1 thread(s)
Beginning optimization
num vars: 11
improvement criterion: Mean Improvement
L1 regularization selected 3 of 11 weights.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.3725934
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0131199
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 10, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0635453
Finished writing 10 rows.
Writing completed.
review PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 This is great True 0.443986 0.609208
1 I hate it False -0.668449 0.338844
2 Love it True 0.994339 0.729944
3 Really like it True 0.443986 0.609208
4 I hate it False -0.668449 0.338844

N-grams extractors
microsoftml.n_gram: Converts text into features using n-grams
microsoftml.n_gram_hash: Converts text into features using hashed n-grams

Stopwords removers
microsoftml.custom: Removes custom stopwords
microsoftml.predefined: Removes predefined stopwords
microsoftml.get_sentiment: Sentiment analysis
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.get_sentiment(cols: [str, dict, list], **kargs)

Scores natural language text and assesses the probability the sentiments are positive.

The get_sentiment transform returns the probability that the sentiment of a natural text is positive. Currently
supports only the English language.

A character string or list of variable names to transform. If dict , the names represent the names of new variables
to be created.
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.

See also
featurize_text .

Example with get_sentiment and rx_logistic_regression.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_logistic_regression, rx_featurize, rx_predict, get_sentiment

# Create the data

customer_reviews = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(review=[
"I really did not like the taste of it",
"It was surprisingly quite good!",
"I will never ever ever go to that place again!!"]))

# Get the sentiment scores

sentiment_scores = rx_featurize(

# Let's translate the score to something more meaningful

sentiment_scores["eval"] = sentiment_scores.scores.apply(
lambda score: "AWESOMENESS" if score > 0.6 else "BLAH")


Beginning processing data.

Rows Read: 3, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:02.4327924
Finished writing 3 rows.
Writing completed.
review scores eval
0 I really did not like the taste of it 0.461790 BLAH
1 It was surprisingly quite good! 0.960192 AWESOMENESS
2 I will never ever ever go to that place again!! 0.310344 BLAH
microsoftml.load_image: Loads an image
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.load_image(cols: [str, dict, list], **kargs)

Loads image data.

load_image loads images from paths.

A character string or list of variable names to transform. If dict , the keys represent the names of new variables to
be created.
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.

See also
resize_image , extract_pixels , featurize_image .

Example with images.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_neural_network, rx_predict, rx_fast_linear
from microsoftml import load_image, resize_image, extract_pixels
from microsoftml.datasets.image import get_RevolutionAnalyticslogo

train = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(Path=[get_RevolutionAnalyticslogo()], Label=[True]))

# Loads the images from variable Path, resizes the images to 1x1 pixels
# and trains a neural net.
model1 = rx_neural_network("Label ~ Features", data=train,
resize_image(cols="Features", width=1, height=1, resizing="Aniso"),
num_hidden_nodes=1, num_iterations=1)

# Featurizes the images from variable Path using the default model, and trains a linear model on the result.
# If dnnModel == "AlexNet", the image has to be resized to 227x227.
model2 = rx_fast_linear("Label ~ Features ", data=train,
resize_image(cols="Features", width=224, height=224),
ml_transform_vars=["Path"], max_iterations=1)

# We predict even if it does not make too much sense on this single image.
prediction1 = rx_predict(model1, data=train)

prediction2 = rx_predict(model2, data=train)


Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using: AVX Math

***** Net definition *****

input Data [3];
hidden H [1] sigmoid { // Depth 1
from Data all;
output Result [1] sigmoid { // Depth 0
from H all;
***** End net definition *****
Input count: 3
Output count: 1
Output Function: Sigmoid
Loss Function: LogLoss
PreTrainer: NoPreTrainer
Starting training...
Learning rate: 0.001000
Momentum: 0.000000
InitWtsDiameter: 0.100000
Initializing 1 Hidden Layers, 6 Weights...
Estimated Pre-training MeanError = 0.707823
Iter:1/1, MeanErr=0.707823(0.00%), 0.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Estimated Post-training MeanError = 0.707499
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0891958
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0095013
Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using 2 threads to train.
Automatically choosing a check frequency of 2.
Auto-tuning parameters: L2 = 5.
Auto-tuning parameters: L1Threshold (L1/L2) = 1.
Using model from last iteration.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:01.0541236
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0113811

Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0401500
Finished writing 1 rows.
Writing completed.
PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False -0.028504 0.492875

Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.4957253
Finished writing 1 rows.
Writing completed.
PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False 0.0 0.5
microsoftml.mutualinformation_select: Feature
selection based on mutual information
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.mutualinformation_select(cols: [list, str], label: str,
num_features_to_keep: int = 1000, num_bins: int = 256, **kargs)

Selects the top k features across all specified columns ordered by their mutual information with the label column.

The mutual information of two random variables X and Y is a measure of the mutual dependence between the
variables. Formally, the mutual information can be written as:
I(X;Y) = E[log(p(x,y)) - log(p(x)) - log(p(y))]

where the expectation is taken over the joint distribution of X and Y . Here p(x,y) is the joint probability density
function of X and Y , p(x) and p(y) are the marginal probability density functions of X and Y respectively. In
general, a higher mutual information between the dependent variable (or label) and an independent variable (or
feature) means that the label has higher mutual dependence over that feature.
The mutual information feature selection mode selects the features based on the mutual information. It keeps the
top num_features_to_keep features with the largest mutual information with the label.

Specifies character string or list of the names of the variables to select.
Specifies the name of the label.
If the number of features to keep is specified to be n , the transform picks the n features that have the highest
mutual information with the dependent variable. The default value is 1000.
Maximum number of bins for numerical values. Powers of 2 are recommended. The default value is 256.
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.
See also

Wikipedia: Mutual Information
microsoftml.resize_image: Resizes an Image
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.resize_image(cols: [str, dict, list], width: int = 224,
height: int = 224, resizing_option: ['IsoPad', 'IsoCrop',
'Aniso'] = 'IsoCrop', **kargs)

Resizes an image to a specified dimension using a specified resizing method.

resize_image resizes an image to the specified height and width using a specified resizing method. The input
variables to this transforms must be images, typically the result of the load_image transform.

A character string or list of variable names to transform. If dict , the keys represent the names of new variables to
be created.
Specifies the width of the scaled image in pixels. The default value is 224.
Specifies the height of the scaled image in pixels. The default value is 224.
Specified the resizing method to use. Note that all methods are using bilinear interpolation. The options are:
"IsoPad" : The image is resized such that the aspect ratio is preserved. If needed, the image is padded with
black to fit the new width or height.
"IsoCrop" : The image is resized such that the aspect ratio is preserved. If needed, the image is cropped to
fit the new width or height.
"Aniso" : The image is stretched to the new width and height, without preserving the aspect ratio.
The default value is "IsoPad" .
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.
See also
load_image , extract_pixels , featurize_image .

Example with images.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_neural_network, rx_predict, rx_fast_linear
from microsoftml import load_image, resize_image, extract_pixels
from microsoftml.datasets.image import get_RevolutionAnalyticslogo

train = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(Path=[get_RevolutionAnalyticslogo()], Label=[True]))

# Loads the images from variable Path, resizes the images to 1x1 pixels
# and trains a neural net.
model1 = rx_neural_network("Label ~ Features", data=train,
resize_image(cols="Features", width=1, height=1, resizing="Aniso"),
num_hidden_nodes=1, num_iterations=1)

# Featurizes the images from variable Path using the default model, and trains a linear model on the result.
# If dnnModel == "AlexNet", the image has to be resized to 227x227.
model2 = rx_fast_linear("Label ~ Features ", data=train,
resize_image(cols="Features", width=224, height=224),
ml_transform_vars=["Path"], max_iterations=1)

# We predict even if it does not make too much sense on this single image.
prediction1 = rx_predict(model1, data=train)

prediction2 = rx_predict(model2, data=train)


Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using: AVX Math

***** Net definition *****

input Data [3];
hidden H [1] sigmoid { // Depth 1
from Data all;
output Result [1] sigmoid { // Depth 0
output Result [1] sigmoid { // Depth 0
from H all;
***** End net definition *****
Input count: 3
Output count: 1
Output Function: Sigmoid
Loss Function: LogLoss
PreTrainer: NoPreTrainer
Starting training...
Learning rate: 0.001000
Momentum: 0.000000
InitWtsDiameter: 0.100000
Initializing 1 Hidden Layers, 6 Weights...
Estimated Pre-training MeanError = 0.707823
Iter:1/1, MeanErr=0.707823(0.00%), 0.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Estimated Post-training MeanError = 0.707499
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0820600
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0090292
Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using 2 threads to train.
Automatically choosing a check frequency of 2.
Auto-tuning parameters: L2 = 5.
Auto-tuning parameters: L1Threshold (L1/L2) = 1.
Using model from last iteration.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:01.0852660
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0132126

Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0441601
Finished writing 1 rows.
Writing completed.
PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False -0.028504 0.492875

Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 1, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.5196788
Finished writing 1 rows.
Writing completed.
PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False 0.0 0.5
microsoftml.rx_ensemble: Combine models into a
single one
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.rx_ensemble(formula: str,
data: [<class ‘revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource’>,
<class ‘pandas.core.frame.DataFrame’>, <class ‘list’>],
trainers: typing.List[microsoftml.modules.base_learner.BaseLearner],
method: str = None, model_count: int = None,
random_seed: int = None, replace: bool = False,
samp_rate: float = None, combine_method: [‘Average’, ‘Median’,
‘Vote’] = ‘Median’, max_calibration: int = 100000,
split_data: bool = False, ml_transforms: list = None,
ml_transform_vars: list = None, row_selection: str = None,
transforms: dict = None, transform_objects: dict = None,
transform_function: str = None,
transform_variables: list = None,
transform_packages: list = None,
transform_environment: dict = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 1,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None)

Train an ensemble of models.

rx_ensemble is a function that trains a number of models of various kinds to obtain better predictive performance
than could be obtained from a single model.

A symbolic or mathematical formula in valid Python syntax, enclosed in double quotes. A symbolic formula might
reference objects in the data source, such as "creditScore ~ yearsEmploy" . Interaction terms (
creditScore * yearsEmploy ) and expressions ( creditScore == 1 ) are not currently supported.

A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object. Alternatively, it can be a list of
data sources indicating each model should be trained using one of the data sources in the list. In this case, the
length of the data list must be equal to model_count.
A list of trainers with their arguments. The trainers are created by using FastTrees , FastForest , FastLinear ,
LogisticRegression , NeuralNetwork , or OneClassSvm .

A character string that specifies the type of ensemble: "anomaly" for Anomaly Detection, "binary" for Binary
Classification, multiClass for Multiclass Classification, or "regression" for Regression.
Specifies the random seed. The default value is None .
Specifies the number of models to train. If this number is greater than the length of the trainers list, the trainers list
is duplicated to match model_count .
A logical value specifying if the sampling of observations should be done with or without replacement. The default
value is False .
A scalar of positive value specifying the percentage of observations to sample for each trainer. The default is 1.0
for sampling with replacement (i.e., replace=True ) and 0.632 for sampling without replacement (i.e.,
replace=False ). When split_data is True , the default of samp_rate is 1.0 (no sampling is done before
A logical value specifying whether or not to train the base models on non-overlapping partitions. The default is
False . It is available only for RxSpark compute context and ignored for others.

Specifies the method used to combine the models:
"Median" : to compute the median of the individual model outputs,
"Average" : to compute the average of the individual model outputs and
"Vote" : to compute (pos-neg) / the total number of models, where ‘pos’

is the number of positive outputs and ‘neg’ is the number of negative outputs.

Specifies the maximum number of examples to use for calibration. This argument is ignored for all tasks other than
binary classification.
Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or None if no transforms
are to be performed. Transforms that require an additional pass over the data (such as featurize_text ,
categorical are not allowed. These transformations are performed after any specified R transformations. The
default value is None.
Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in ml_transforms or None if none are to be used. The
default value is None.
NOT SUPPORTED. Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the
name of a logical variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set.
For example:
rowSelection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is True .
rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of
the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.
The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transform_func ). As with all expressions, row_selection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

NOT SUPPORTED. An expression of the form that represents the first round of variable transformations. As with
all expressions, transforms (or row_selection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the expression
NOT SUPPORTED. A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transform_function ,
and row_selection .
The variable transformation function.
A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function.
NOT SUPPORTED. A character vector specifying additional Python packages (outside of those specified in
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable
transformation functions. For example, those explicitly defined in revoscalepy functions via their transforms and
transform_function arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or row_selection arguments. The
transform_packages argument may also be None, indicating that no packages outside
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") are preloaded.

NOT SUPPORTED. A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and
used for variable data transformation. If transform_environment = None , a new “hash” environment with parent
revoscalepy.baseenv is used instead.

Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.
An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.
Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid revoscalepy.RxComputeContext .
Currently local and revoscalepy.RxSpark compute contexts are supported. When revoscalepy.RxSpark is specified,
the training of the models is done in a distributed way, and the ensembling is done locally. Note that the compute
context cannot be non-waiting.

A rx_ensemble object with the trained ensemble model.
microsoftml.rx_fast_forest: Random Forest
4/13/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.rx_fast_forest(formula: str,
data: [revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], method: ['binary',
'regression'] = 'binary', num_trees: int = 100,
num_leaves: int = 20, min_split: int = 10,
example_fraction: float = 0.7, feature_fraction: float = 1,
split_fraction: float = 1, num_bins: int = 255,
first_use_penalty: float = 0, gain_conf_level: float = 0,
train_threads: int = 8, random_seed: int = None,
ml_transforms: list = None, ml_transform_vars: list = None,
row_selection: str = None, transforms: dict = None,
transform_objects: dict = None, transform_function: str = None,
transform_variables: list = None,
transform_packages: list = None,
transform_environment: dict = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 1,
ensemble: microsoftml.modules.ensemble.EnsembleControl = None,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None)

Machine Learning Fast Forest

Decision trees are non-parametric models that perform a sequence of simple tests on inputs. This decision
procedure maps them to outputs found in the training dataset whose inputs were similar to the instance being
processed. A decision is made at each node of the binary tree data structure based on a measure of similarity that
maps each instance recursively through the branches of the tree until the appropriate leaf node is reached and the
output decision returned.
Decision trees have several advantages:
They are efficient in both computation and memory usage during training and prediction.
They can represent non-linear decision boundaries.
They perform integrated feature selection and classification.
They are resilient in the presence of noisy features.
Fast forest regression is a random forest and quantile regression forest implementation using the regression tree
learner in rx_fast_trees . The model consists of an ensemble of decision trees. Each tree in a decision forest
outputs a Gaussian distribution by way of prediction. An aggregation is performed over the ensemble of trees to
find a Gaussian distribution closest to the combined distribution for all trees in the model.
This decision forest classifier consists of an ensemble of decision trees. Generally, ensemble models provide better
coverage and accuracy than single decision trees. Each tree in a decision forest outputs a Gaussian distribution.
The formula as described in revoscalepy.rx_formula. Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in
A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.
A character string denoting Fast Tree type:
"binary" for the default Fast Tree Binary Classification or
"regression" for Fast Tree Regression.
Specifies the total number of decision trees to create in the ensemble.By creating more decision trees, you can
potentially get better coverage, but the training time increases. The default value is 100.
The maximum number of leaves (terminal nodes) that can be created in any tree. Higher values potentially
increase the size of the tree and get better precision, but risk overfitting and requiring longer training times. The
default value is 20.
Minimum number of training instances required to form a leaf. That is, the minimal number of documents allowed
in a leaf of a regression tree, out of the sub-sampled data. A ‘split’ means that features in each level of the tree
(node) are randomly divided. The default value is 10.
The fraction of randomly chosen instances to use for each tree. The default value is 0.7.
The fraction of randomly chosen features to use for each tree. The default value is 0.7.
The fraction of randomly chosen features to use on each split. The default value is 0.7.
Maximum number of distinct values (bins) per feature. The default value is 255.
The feature first use penalty coefficient. The default value is 0.
Tree fitting gain confidence requirement (should be in the range [0,1) ). The default value is 0.
The number of threads to use in training. If None is specified, the number of threads to use is determined
internally. The default value is None.
Specifies the random seed. The default value is None.
Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or None if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurize_text , categorical , and categorical_hash , for transformations that are
supported. These transformations are performed after any specified Python transformations. The default value is
Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in ml_transforms or None if none are to be used. The
default value is None.
NOT SUPPORTED. Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the
name of a logical variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set.
For example:
row_selection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is True .
row_selection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of
the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.
The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transform_function ). As with all expressions, row_selection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

NOT SUPPORTED. An expression of the form that represents the first round of variable transformations. As with
all expressions, transforms (or row_selection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the expression
NOT SUPPORTED. A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transform_function ,
and row_selection .
The variable transformation function.
A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function.
NOT SUPPORTED. A character vector specifying additional Python packages (outside of those specified in
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable
transformation functions. For example, those explicitly defined in revoscalepy functions via their transforms and
transform_function arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or row_selection arguments. The
transform_packages argument may also be None, indicating that no packages outside
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") are preloaded.

NOT SUPPORTED. A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and
used for variable data transformation. If transform_environment = None , a new “hash” environment with parent
revoscalepy.baseenv is used instead.
Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.
An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.
Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid RxComputeContext . Currently local and
RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.

Control parameters for ensembling.

A FastForest object with the trained model.

This algorithm is multi-threaded and will always attempt to load the entire dataset into memory.

See also
rx_fast_trees , rx_predict

Wikipedia: Random forest
Quantile regression forest
From Stumps to Trees to Forests

Binary Classification.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_fast_forest, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

infert = get_dataset("infert")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

infertdf = infert.as_df()
infertdf["isCase"] = == 1
data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(infertdf, infertdf.isCase)

forest_model = rx_fast_forest(
formula=" isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced ",

# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(forest_model, data=data_test,
extra_vars_to_write=["isCase", "Score"])

# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))


Not adding a normalizer.

Making per-feature arrays
Changing data from row-wise to column-wise
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Processed 186 instances
Binning and forming Feature objects
Reserved memory for tree learner: 7176 bytes
Starting to train ...
Not training a calibrator because a valid calibrator trainer was not provided.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.2704185
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0443884
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 62, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0253862
Finished writing 62 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: Less than .001 seconds
isCase PredictedLabel Score
0 False False -36.205067
1 True False -40.396084
2 False False -33.242531
3 False False -87.212494
4 True False -13.100666

import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_fast_forest, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

airquality = get_dataset("airquality")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

airquality = airquality.as_df()

# Estimate a regression fast forest
# Use the built-in data set 'airquality' to create test and train data

df = airquality[airquality.Ozone.notnull()]
df["Ozone"] = df.Ozone.astype(float)

data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df, df.Ozone)

airFormula = " Ozone ~ Solar_R + Wind + Temp "

# Regression Fast Forest for train data

ff_reg = rx_fast_forest(airFormula, method="regression", data=data_train)

# Put score and model variables in data frame

score_df = rx_predict(ff_reg, data=data_test, write_model_vars=True)

# Plot actual versus predicted values with smoothed line

# Supported in the next version.
# rx_line_plot(" Score ~ Ozone ", type=["p", "smooth"], data=score_df)

Not adding a normalizer.
Making per-feature arrays
Changing data from row-wise to column-wise
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 87, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Warning: Skipped 4 instances with missing features during training
Processed 83 instances
Binning and forming Feature objects
Reserved memory for tree learner: 21372 bytes
Starting to train ...
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0644269
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0109290
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 29, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0314390
Finished writing 29 rows.
Writing completed.
Solar_R Wind Temp Score
0 190.0 7.4 67.0 26.296144
1 20.0 16.6 63.0 14.274153
2 320.0 16.6 73.0 23.421144
3 187.0 5.1 87.0 80.662109
4 175.0 7.4 89.0 67.570549
microsoftml.rx_fast_linear: Linear Model with
Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent
4/13/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online


A Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent (SDCA) optimization trainer for linear binary classification and regression.

rx_fast_linear is a trainer based on the Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent (SDCA) method, a state-of-the-art
optimization technique for convex objective functions. The algorithm can be scaled for use on large out-of-
memory data sets due to a semi-asynchronized implementation that supports multi-threading. Convergence is
underwritten by periodically enforcing synchronization between primal and dual updates in a separate thread.
Several choices of loss functions are also provided. The SDCA method combines several of the best properties
and capabilities of logistic regression and SVM algorithms. For more information on SDCA, see the citations in the
reference section.
Traditional optimization algorithms, such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD ), optimize the empirical loss function
directly. The SDCA chooses a different approach that optimizes the dual problem instead. The dual loss function is
parametrized by per-example weights. In each iteration, when a training example from the training data set is read,
the corresponding example weight is adjusted so that the dual loss function is optimized with respect to the
current example. No learning rate is needed by SDCA to determine step size as is required by various gradient
descent methods.
rx_fast_linear supports binary classification with three types of loss functions currently: Log loss, hinge loss, and
smoothed hinge loss. Linear regression also supports with squared loss function. Elastic net regularization can be
specified by the l2_weight and l1_weight parameters. Note that the l2_weight has an effect on the rate of
convergence. In general, the larger the l2_weight , the faster SDCA converges.
Note that rx_fast_linear is a stochastic and streaming optimization algorithm. The results depends on the order
of the training data. For reproducible results, it is recommended that one sets shuffle to False and
train_threads to 1 .

The formula described in revoscalepy.rx_formula. Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in
A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.
Specifies the model type with a character string: "binary" for the default binary classification or "regression" for
linear regression.
Specifies the empirical loss function to optimize. For binary classification, the following choices are available:
log_loss : The log-loss. This is the default.
hinge_loss : The SVM hinge loss. Its parameter represents the margin size.
smooth_hinge_loss : The smoothed hinge loss. Its parameter represents the smoothing constant.
For linear regression, squared loss squared_loss is currently supported. When this parameter is set to None, its
default value depends on the type of learning:
log_loss for binary classification.
squared_loss for linear regression.
The following example changes the loss_function to hinge_loss : rx_fast_linear(..., loss_function=hinge_loss())
Specifies the L1 regularization weight. The value must be either non-negative or None. If None is specified, the
actual value is automatically computed based on data set. None is the default value.
Specifies the L2 regularization weight. The value must be either non-negative or None. If None is specified, the
actual value is automatically computed based on data set. None is the default value.
Specifies how many concurrent threads can be used to run the algorithm. When this parameter is set to None, the
number of threads used is determined based on the number of logical processors available to the process as well
as the sparsity of data. Set it to 1 to run the algorithm in a single thread.
Specifies the tolerance threshold used as a convergence criterion. It must be between 0 and 1. The default value is
0.1 . The algorithm is considered to have converged if the relative duality gap, which is the ratio between the
duality gap and the primal loss, falls below the specified convergence tolerance.
Specifies an upper bound on the number of training iterations. This parameter must be positive or None. If None
is specified, the actual value is automatically computed based on data set. Each iteration requires a complete pass
over the training data. Training terminates after the total number of iterations reaches the specified upper bound
or when the loss function converges, whichever happens earlier.
Specifies whether to shuffle the training data. Set True to shuffle the data; False not to shuffle. The default value
is True . SDCA is a stochastic optimization algorithm. If shuffling is turned on, the training data is shuffled on each
The number of iterations after which the loss function is computed and checked to determine whether it has
converged. The value specified must be a positive integer or None. If None, the actual value is automatically
computed based on data set. Otherwise, for example, if checkFrequency = 5 is specified, then the loss function is
computed and convergence is checked every 5 iterations. The computation of the loss function requires a separate
complete pass over the training data.
Specifies the type of automatic normalization used:
"Auto" : if normalization is needed, it is performed automatically. This is the default choice.
"No" : no normalization is performed.
"Yes" : normalization is performed.
"Warn" : if normalization is needed, a warning message is displayed, but normalization is not performed.
Normalization rescales disparate data ranges to a standard scale. Feature scaling insures the distances between
data points are proportional and enables various optimization methods such as gradient descent to converge
much faster. If normalization is performed, a MaxMin normalizer is used. It normalizes values in an interval [a, b]
where -1 <= a <= 0 and 0 <= b <= 1 and b - a = 1 . This normalizer preserves sparsity by mapping zero to
Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or None if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurize_text , categorical , and categorical_hash , for transformations that are
supported. These transformations are performed after any specified Python transformations. The default avlue is
Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in ml_transforms or None if none are to be used. The
default value is None.
NOT SUPPORTED. Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the
name of a logical variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set.
For example:
row_selection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is True .
row_selection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of
the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.

The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transform_function ). As with all expressions, row_selection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

NOT SUPPORTED. An expression of the form that represents the first round of variable transformations. As with
all expressions, transforms (or row_selection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the expression
NOT SUPPORTED. A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transform_function ,
and row_selection .
The variable transformation function.
A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function.
NOT SUPPORTED. A character vector specifying additional Python packages (outside of those specified in
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable
transformation functions. For example, those explicitly defined in revoscalepy functions via their transforms and
transform_function arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or row_selection arguments. The
transform_packages argument may also be None, indicating that no packages outside
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") are preloaded.

NOT SUPPORTED. A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and
used for variable data transformation. If transform_environment = None , a new “hash” environment with parent
revoscalepy.baseenv is used instead.
Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.
An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.
Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid revoscalepy.RxComputeContext.
Currently local and revoscalepy.RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.
Control parameters for ensembling.

A FastLinear object with the trained model.

This algorithm is multi-threaded and will not attempt to load the entire dataset into memory.

See also
hinge_loss , log_loss , smoothed_hinge_loss , squared_loss , rx_predict

Scaling Up Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent
Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent Methods for Regularized Loss Minimization
Binary Classification.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_fast_linear, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

infert = get_dataset("infert")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

infertdf = infert.as_df()
infertdf["isCase"] = == 1
data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(infertdf, infertdf.isCase)

forest_model = rx_fast_linear(
formula=" isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced ",

# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(forest_model, data=data_test,
extra_vars_to_write=["isCase", "Score"])

# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))

Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using 2 threads to train.
Automatically choosing a check frequency of 2.
Auto-tuning parameters: maxIterations = 8064.
Auto-tuning parameters: L2 = 2.666837E-05.
Auto-tuning parameters: L1Threshold (L1/L2) = 0.
Using best model from iteration 568.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.5810985
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0084876
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 62, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0292334
Finished writing 62 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: Less than .001 seconds
isCase PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 True True 0.990544 0.729195
1 False False -2.307120 0.090535
2 False False -0.608565 0.352387
3 True True 1.028217 0.736570
4 True False -3.913066 0.019588

import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_fast_linear, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

attitude = get_dataset("attitude")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

attitudedf = attitude.as_df()
data_train, data_test = train_test_split(attitudedf)

model = rx_fast_linear(
formula="rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning + raises + critical + advance",

# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(model, data=data_test,

# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))

Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 22, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 22, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 22, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using 2 threads to train.
Automatically choosing a check frequency of 2.
Auto-tuning parameters: maxIterations = 68180.
Auto-tuning parameters: L2 = 0.01.
Auto-tuning parameters: L1Threshold (L1/L2) = 0.
Using best model from iteration 54.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.1114324
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0090901
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 8, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0330772
Finished writing 8 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: Less than .001 seconds
rating Score
0 71.0 72.630440
1 67.0 56.995350
2 67.0 52.958641
3 72.0 80.894539
4 50.0 38.375427

loss functions
microsoftml.hinge_loss: Hinge loss function
microsoftml.log_loss: Log loss function
microsoftml.smoothed_hinge_loss: Smoothed hinge loss function
microsoftml.squared_loss: Squared loss function
microsoftml.rx_fast_trees: Boosted Trees
4/13/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.rx_fast_trees(formula: str,
data: [revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], method: ['binary',
'regression'] = 'binary', num_trees: int = 100,
num_leaves: int = 20, learning_rate: float = 0.2,
min_split: int = 10, example_fraction: float = 0.7,
feature_fraction: float = 1, split_fraction: float = 1,
num_bins: int = 255, first_use_penalty: float = 0,
gain_conf_level: float = 0, unbalanced_sets: bool = False,
train_threads: int = 8, random_seed: int = None,
ml_transforms: list = None, ml_transform_vars: list = None,
row_selection: str = None, transforms: dict = None,
transform_objects: dict = None, transform_function: str = None,
transform_variables: list = None,
transform_packages: list = None,
transform_environment: dict = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 1,
ensemble: microsoftml.modules.ensemble.EnsembleControl = None,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None)

Machine Learning Fast Tree

rx_fast_trees is an implementation of FastRank. FastRank is an efficient implementation of the MART gradient
boosting algorithm. Gradient boosting is a machine learning technique for regression problems. It builds each
regression tree in a step-wise fashion, using a predefined loss function to measure the error for each step and
corrects for it in the next. So this prediction model is actually an ensemble of weaker prediction models. In
regression problems, boosting builds a series of of such trees in a step-wise fashion and then selects the optimal
tree using an arbitrary differentiable loss function.
MART learns an ensemble of regression trees, which is a decision tree with scalar values in its leaves. A decision
(or regression) tree is a binary tree-like flow chart, where at each interior node one decides which of the two child
nodes to continue to based on one of the feature values from the input. At each leaf node, a value is returned. In
the interior nodes, the decision is based on the test "x <= v" , where x is the value of the feature in the input
sample and v is one of the possible values of this feature. The functions that can be produced by a regression
tree are all the piece-wise constant functions.
The ensemble of trees is produced by computing, in each step, a regression tree that approximates the gradient of
the loss function, and adding it to the previous tree with coefficients that minimize the loss of the new tree. The
output of the ensemble produced by MART on a given instance is the sum of the tree outputs.
In case of a binary classification problem, the output is converted to a probability by using some form of
In case of a regression problem, the output is the predicted value of the function.
In case of a ranking problem, the instances are ordered by the output value of the ensemble.
If method is set to "regression" , a regression version of FastTree is used. If set to "ranking" , a ranking version of
FastTree is used. In the ranking case, the instances should be ordered by the output of the tree ensemble. The only
difference in the settings of these versions is in the calibration settings, which are needed only for classification.

The formula as described in revoscalepy.rx_formula. Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in
A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.
A character string that specifies the type of Fast Tree: "binary" for the default Fast Tree Binary Classification or
"regression" for Fast Tree Regression.

Specifies the total number of decision trees to create in the ensemble.By creating more decision trees, you can
potentially get better coverage, but the training time increases. The default value is 100.
The maximum number of leaves (terminal nodes) that can be created in any tree. Higher values potentially
increase the size of the tree and get better precision, but risk overfitting and requiring longer training times. The
default value is 20.
Determines the size of the step taken in the direction of the gradient in each step of the learning process. This
determines how fast or slow the learner converges on the optimal solution. If the step size is too big, you might
overshoot the optimal solution. If the step size is too samll, training takes longer to converge to the best solution.
Minimum number of training instances required to form a leaf. That is, the minimal number of documents allowed
in a leaf of a regression tree, out of the sub-sampled data. A ‘split’ means that features in each level of the tree
(node) are randomly divided. The default value is 10. Only the number of instances is counted even if instances are
The fraction of randomly chosen instances to use for each tree. The default value is 0.7.
The fraction of randomly chosen features to use for each tree. The default value is 1.
The fraction of randomly chosen features to use on each split. The default value is 1.
Maximum number of distinct values (bins) per feature. If the feature has fewer values than the number indicated,
each value is placed in its own bin. If there are more values, the algorithm creates numBins bins.
The feature first use penalty coefficient. This is a form of regularization that incurs a penalty for using a new
feature when creating the tree. Increase this value to create trees that don’t use many features. The default value is
Tree fitting gain confidence requirement (should be in the range [0,1)). The default value is 0.
If True , derivatives optimized for unbalanced sets are used. Only applicable when type equal to "binary" . The
default value is False .
The number of threads to use in training. The default value is 8.
Specifies the random seed. The default value is None.
Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or None if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurize_text , categorical , and categorical_hash , for transformations that are
supported. These transformations are performed after any specified Python transformations. The default value is
Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in ml_transforms or None if none are to be used. The
default value is None.
NOT SUPPORTED. Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the
name of a logical variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set.
For example:
row_selection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is True .
row_selection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of
the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.

The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transform_function ). As with all expressions, row_selection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

NOT SUPPORTED. An expression of the form that represents the first round of variable transformations. As with
all expressions, transforms (or row_selection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the expression
NOT SUPPORTED. A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transform_function ,
and row_selection .
The variable transformation function.
A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function.
NOT SUPPORTED. A character vector specifying additional Python packages (outside of those specified in
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable
transformation functions. For example, those explicitly defined in revoscalepy functions via their transforms and
transform_function arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or row_selection arguments. The
transform_packages argument may also be None, indicating that no packages outside
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") are preloaded.

NOT SUPPORTED. A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and
used for variable data transformation. If transform_environment = None , a new “hash” environment with parent
revoscalepy.baseenv is used instead.
Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.
An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.
Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid revoscalepy.RxComputeContext.
Currently local and revoscalepy.RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.
Control parameters for ensembling.

A FastTrees object with the trained model.

This algorithm is multi-threaded and will always attempt to load the entire dataset into memory.

See also
rx_fast_forest , rx_predict

Wikipedia: Gradient boosting (Gradient tree boosting)
Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine.

Binary Classification.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_fast_trees, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

infert = get_dataset("infert")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

infertdf = infert.as_df()
infertdf["isCase"] = == 1
data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(infertdf, infertdf.isCase)

trees_model = rx_fast_trees(
formula=" isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced ",

# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(trees_model, data=data_test,
extra_vars_to_write=["isCase", "Score"])

# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))


Not adding a normalizer.

Making per-feature arrays
Changing data from row-wise to column-wise
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Processed 186 instances
Binning and forming Feature objects
Reserved memory for tree learner: 7020 bytes
Starting to train ...
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0949161
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0112103
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 62, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0230457
Finished writing 62 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
isCase PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False False -4.722279 0.131369
1 False False -11.550012 0.009757
2 False False -7.312314 0.050935
3 True True 3.889991 0.825778
4 False False -6.361800 0.072782

import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_fast_trees, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

airquality = get_dataset("airquality")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

airquality = airquality.as_df()

# Estimate a regression fast forest
# Use the built-in data set 'airquality' to create test and train data

df = airquality[airquality.Ozone.notnull()]
df["Ozone"] = df.Ozone.astype(float)

data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df, df.Ozone)

airFormula = " Ozone ~ Solar_R + Wind + Temp "

# Regression Fast Forest for train data

ff_reg = rx_fast_trees(airFormula, method="regression", data=data_train)

# Put score and model variables in data frame

score_df = rx_predict(ff_reg, data=data_test, write_model_vars=True)

# Plot actual versus predicted values with smoothed line

# Supported in the next version.
# rx_line_plot(" Score ~ Ozone ", type=["p", "smooth"], data=score_df)

'unbalanced_sets' ignored for method 'regression'
Not adding a normalizer.
Making per-feature arrays
Changing data from row-wise to column-wise
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 87, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Warning: Skipped 4 instances with missing features during training
Processed 83 instances
Binning and forming Feature objects
Reserved memory for tree learner: 21528 bytes
Starting to train ...
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0512720
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0094435
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 29, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0229873
Finished writing 29 rows.
Writing completed.
Solar_R Wind Temp Score
0 115.0 7.4 76.0 26.003876
1 307.0 12.0 66.0 18.057747
2 230.0 10.9 75.0 10.896211
3 259.0 9.7 73.0 13.726607
4 92.0 15.5 84.0 37.972855
microsoftml.rx_featurize: Data transformation for data
4/13/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.rx_featurize(data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
output_data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
str] = None, overwrite: bool = False,
data_threads: int = None, random_seed: int = None,
max_slots: int = 5000, ml_transforms: list = None,
ml_transform_vars: list = None, row_selection: str = None,
transforms: dict = None, transform_objects: dict = None,
transform_function: str = None,
transform_variables: list = None,
transform_packages: list = None,
transform_environment: dict = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 1,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None)

Transforms data from an input data set to an output data set.

A revoscalepy data source object, a data frame, or the path to a .xdf file.
Output text or xdf file name or an RxDataSource with write capabilities in which to store transformed data. If None,
a data frame is returned. The default value is None.
If True , an existing output_data is overwritten; if False an existing output_data is not overwritten. The default
value is False .
An integer specifying the desired degree of parallelism in the data pipeline. If None, the number of threads used is
determined internally. The default value is None.
Specifies the random seed. The default value is None.
Max slots to return for vector valued columns (<=0 to return all).
Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or None if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurize_text , categorical , and categorical_hash , for transformations that are
supported. These transformations are performed after any specified Python transformations. The default value is
Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in ml_transforms or None if none are to be used. The
default value is None.
NOT SUPPORTED. Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the
name of a logical variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set.
For example:
row_selection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is True .
row_selection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of
the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.
The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transform_function ). As with all expressions, row_selection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

NOT SUPPORTED. An expression of the form that represents the first round of variable transformations. As with
all expressions, transforms (or row_selection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the expression
function. The default value is None.
NOT SUPPORTED. A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transform_function ,
and row_selection . The default value is None.
The variable transformation function. The default value is None.
A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. The default value is None.
NOT SUPPORTED. A character vector specifying additional Python packages (outside of those specified in
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable
transformation functions. For example, those explicitly defined in revoscalepy functions via their transforms and
transform_function arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or row_selection arguments. The
transform_packages argument may also be None, indicating that no packages outside
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") are preloaded.

NOT SUPPORTED. A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and
used for variable data transformation. If transform_environment = None , a new “hash” environment with parent
revoscalepy.baseenv is used instead The default value is None.
Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.

The default value is 1 .

An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information. The default value is 1 .
Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid revoscalepy.RxComputeContext.
Currently local and revoscalepy.RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.

A data frame or an revoscalepy.RxDataSource object representing the created output data.

See also
rx_predict , revoscalepy.rx_data_step, revoscalepy.rx_import.

Example with rx_featurize.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_featurize, categorical

# rx_featurize basically allows you to access data from the MicrosoftML transforms
# In this example we'll look at getting the output of the categorical transform
# Create the data
categorical_data = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(places_visited=[
"London", "Brunei", "London", "Paris", "Seria"]),


# Invoke the categorical transform

categorized = rx_featurize(data=categorical_data,

# Now let's look at the data


0 London
1 Brunei
2 London
3 Paris
4 Seria
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 5, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 5, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0521300
Finished writing 5 rows.
Writing completed.
places_visited xdatacat.London xdatacat.Brunei xdatacat.Paris \
0 London 1.0 0.0 0.0
1 Brunei 0.0 1.0 0.0
2 London 1.0 0.0 0.0
3 Paris 0.0 0.0 1.0
4 Seria 0.0 0.0 0.0

0 0.0
1 0.0
2 0.0
3 0.0
4 1.0
microsoftml.rx_logistic_regression: Logistic Regression
4/13/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.rx_logistic_regression(formula: str,
data: [revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], method: ['binary',
'multiClass'] = 'binary', l2_weight: float = 1,
l1_weight: float = 1, opt_tol: float = 1e-07,
memory_size: int = 20, init_wts_diameter: float = 0,
max_iterations: int = 2147483647,
show_training_stats: bool = False, sgd_init_tol: float = 0,
train_threads: int = None, dense_optimizer: bool = False,
normalize: ['No', 'Warn', 'Auto', 'Yes'] = 'Auto',
ml_transforms: list = None, ml_transform_vars: list = None,
row_selection: str = None, transforms: dict = None,
transform_objects: dict = None, transform_function: str = None,
transform_variables: list = None,
transform_packages: list = None,
transform_environment: dict = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 1,
ensemble: microsoftml.modules.ensemble.EnsembleControl = None,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None)

Machine Learning Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression is a classification method used to predict the value of a categorical dependent variable from its
relationship to one or more independent variables assumed to have a logistic distribution. If the dependent
variable has only two possible values (success/failure), then the logistic regression is binary. If the dependent
variable has more than two possible values (blood type given diagnostic test results), then the logistic regression is
The optimization technique used for rx_logistic_regression is the limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-
Shanno (L -BFGS ). Both the L -BFGS and regular BFGS algorithms use quasi-Newtonian methods to estimate the
computationally intensive Hessian matrix in the equation used by Newton’s method to calculate steps. But the L -
BFGS approximation uses only a limited amount of memory to compute the next step direction, so that it is
especially suited for problems with a large number of variables. The memory_size parameter specifies the number
of past positions and gradients to store for use in the computation of the next step.
This learner can use elastic net regularization: a linear combination of L1 (lasso) and L2 (ridge) regularizations.
Regularization is a method that can render an ill-posed problem more tractable by imposing constraints that
provide information to supplement the data and that prevents overfitting by penalizing models with extreme
coefficient values. This can improve the generalization of the model learned by selecting the optimal complexity in
the bias-variance tradeoff. Regularization works by adding the penalty that is associated with coefficient values to
the error of the hypothesis. An accurate model with extreme coefficient values would be penalized more, but a less
accurate model with more conservative values would be penalized less. L1 and L2 regularization have different
effects and uses that are complementary in certain respects.
l1_weight: can be applied to sparse models, when working with high-dimensional data. It pulls small
weights associated features that are relatively unimportant towards 0.
l2_weight : is preferable for data that is not sparse. It pulls large weights towards zero.
Adding the ridge penalty to the regularization overcomes some of lasso’s limitations. It can improve its predictive
accuracy, for example, when the number of predictors is greater than the sample size. If x = l1_weight and
y = l2_weight , ax + by = c defines the linear span of the regularization terms. The default values of x and y are
both 1 . An agressive regularization can harm predictive capacity by excluding important variables out of the
model. So choosing the optimal values for the regularization parameters is important for the performance of the
logistic regression model.

The formula as described in revoscalepy.rx_formula Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in
A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.
A character string that specifies the type of Logistic Regression: "binary" for the default binary classification
logistic regression or "multiClass" for multinomial logistic regression.
The L2 regularization weight. Its value must be greater than or equal to 0 and the default value is set to 1 .
The L1 regularization weight. Its value must be greater than or equal to 0 and the default value is set to 1 .
Threshold value for optimizer convergence. If the improvement between iterations is less than the threshold, the
algorithm stops and returns the current model. Smaller values are slower, but more accurate. The default value is
1e-07 .

Memory size for L -BFGS, specifying the number of past positions and gradients to store for the computation of
the next step. This optimization parameter limits the amount of memory that is used to compute the magnitude
and direction of the next step. When you specify less memory, training is faster but less accurate. Must be greater
than or equal to 1 and the default value is 20 .
Sets the maximum number of iterations. After this number of steps, the algorithm stops even if it has not satisfied
convergence criteria.
Specify True to show the statistics of training data and the trained model; otherwise, False . The default value is
False . For additional information about model statistics, see summary.ml_model() .

Set to a number greater than 0 to use Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD ) to find the initial parameters. A non-zero
value set specifies the tolerance SGD uses to determine convergence. The default value is 0 specifying that SGD
is not used.
Sets the initial weights diameter that specifies the range from which values are drawn for the initial weights. These
weights are initialized randomly from within this range. For example, if the diameter is specified to be d , then the
weights are uniformly distributed between -d/2 and d/2 . The default value is 0 , which specifies that allthe
weights are initialized to 0 .
The number of threads to use in training the model. This should be set to the number of cores on the machine.
Note that L -BFGS multi-threading attempts to load dataset into memory. In case of out-of-memory issues, set
train_threads to 1 to turn off multi-threading. If None the number of threads to use is determined internally.
The default value is None.
If True , forces densification of the internal optimization vectors. If False , enables the logistic regression optimizer
use sparse or dense internal states as it finds appropriate. Setting denseOptimizer to True requires the internal
optimizer to use a dense internal state, which may help alleviate load on the garbage collector for some varieties of
larger problems.
Specifies the type of automatic normalization used:
"Auto" : if normalization is needed, it is performed automatically. This is the default choice.
"No" : no normalization is performed.
"Yes" : normalization is performed.
"Warn" : if normalization is needed, a warning message is displayed, but normalization is not performed.

Normalization rescales disparate data ranges to a standard scale. Feature scaling insures the distances between
data points are proportional and enables various optimization methods such as gradient descent to converge
much faster. If normalization is performed, a MaxMin normalizer is used. It normalizes values in an interval [a, b]
where -1 <= a <= 0 and 0 <= b <= 1 and b - a = 1 . This normalizer preserves sparsity by mapping zero to
Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or None if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurize_text , categorical , and categorical_hash , for transformations that
aresupported. These transformations are performed after any specified Python transformations. The default avlue
is None.
Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in ml_transforms or None if none are to be used. The
default value is None.
NOT SUPPORTED. Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the
name of a logical variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set.
For example:
row_selection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is True .
row_selection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of
the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.
The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transform_function ). As with all expressions, row_selection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.
NOT SUPPORTED. An expression of the form that represents the first round of variable transformations. As with
all expressions, transforms (or row_selection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the expression
NOT SUPPORTED. A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transform_function ,
and row_selection .
The variable transformation function.
A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function.
NOT SUPPORTED. A character vector specifying additional Python packages (outside of those specified in
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable
transformation functions. For example, those explicitly defined in revoscalepy functions via their transforms and
transform_function arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or row_selection arguments. The
transform_packages argument may also be None, indicating that no packages outside
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") are preloaded.

NOT SUPPORTED. A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and
used for variable data transformation. If transform_environment = None , a new “hash” environment with parent
revoscalepy.baseenv is used instead.
Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.
An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.
Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid revoscalepy.RxComputeContext.
Currently local and revoscalepy.RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.
Control parameters for ensembling.
A LogisticRegression object with the trained model.

This algorithm will attempt to load the entire dataset into memory when train_threads > 1 (multi-threading).

See also

Wikipedia: L -BFGS
Wikipedia: Logistic regression
Scalable Training of L1-Regularized Log-Linear Models
Test Run - L1 and L2 Regularization for Machine Learning

Binary Classification.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_logistic_regression, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

infert = get_dataset("infert")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

infertdf = infert.as_df()
infertdf["isCase"] = == 1
data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(infertdf, infertdf.isCase)

model = rx_logistic_regression(
formula=" isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced ",


# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(model, data=data_test,
extra_vars_to_write=["isCase", "Score"])

# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))

Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
LBFGS multi-threading will attempt to load dataset into memory. In case of out-of-memory issues, turn off
multi-threading by setting trainThreads to 1.
Beginning optimization
num vars: 6
improvement criterion: Mean Improvement
L1 regularization selected 5 of 6 weights.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0646405
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0083991
OrderedDict([('(Bias)', -1.2366217374801636), ('spontaneous', 1.9391206502914429), ('induced',
0.7497404217720032), ('parity', -0.31517016887664795), ('age', -3.162723260174971e-06)])
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 62, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0287290
Finished writing 62 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
isCase PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False False -1.341681 0.207234
1 True True 0.597440 0.645070
2 False True 0.544912 0.632954
3 False False -1.289152 0.215996
4 False False -1.019339 0.265156

MultiClass Classification
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_logistic_regression, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

iris = get_dataset("iris")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

irisdf = iris.as_df()
irisdf["Species"] = irisdf["Species"].astype("category")
data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(irisdf, irisdf.Species)

model = rx_logistic_regression(
formula=" Species ~ Sepal_Length + Sepal_Width + Petal_Length + Petal_Width ",


# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(model, data=data_test,
extra_vars_to_write=["Species", "Score"])

# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))

Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
LBFGS multi-threading will attempt to load dataset into memory. In case of out-of-memory issues, turn off
multi-threading by setting trainThreads to 1.
Beginning optimization
num vars: 15
improvement criterion: Mean Improvement
L1 regularization selected 9 of 15 weights.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0493224
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0080558
OrderedDict([('setosa+(Bias)', 2.074636697769165), ('versicolor+(Bias)', 0.4899507164955139), ('virginica+
(Bias)', -2.564580202102661), ('setosa+Petal_Width', -2.8389241695404053), ('setosa+Petal_Length', -
2.4824044704437256), ('setosa+Sepal_Width', 0.274869441986084), ('versicolor+Sepal_Width', -
0.2645561397075653), ('virginica+Petal_Width', 2.6924400329589844), ('virginica+Petal_Length',
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 38, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0331861
Finished writing 38 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
Species Score.0 Score.1 Score.2
0 virginica 0.044230 0.364927 0.590843
1 setosa 0.767412 0.210586 0.022002
2 setosa 0.756523 0.221933 0.021543
3 setosa 0.767652 0.211191 0.021157
4 versicolor 0.116369 0.498615 0.385016
microsoftml.rx_neural_network: Neural Network
4/13/2018 • 18 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.rx_neural_network(formula: str,
data: [revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], method: ['binary', 'multiClass',
'regression'] = 'binary', num_hidden_nodes: int = 100,
num_iterations: int = 100,
optimizer: [<function adadelta_optimizer at 0x0000007156EAC048>,
<function sgd_optimizer at 0x0000007156E9FB70>] = {'Name': 'SgdOptimizer',
'Settings': {}}, net_definition: str = None,
init_wts_diameter: float = 0.1, max_norm: float = 0,
acceleration: [<function avx_math at 0x0000007156E9FEA0>,
<function clr_math at 0x0000007156EAC158>,
<function gpu_math at 0x0000007156EAC1E0>,
<function mkl_math at 0x0000007156EAC268>,
<function sse_math at 0x0000007156EAC2F0>] = {'Name': 'AvxMath',
'Settings': {}}, mini_batch_size: int = 1, normalize: ['No',
'Warn', 'Auto', 'Yes'] = 'Auto', ml_transforms: list = None,
ml_transform_vars: list = None, row_selection: str = None,
transforms: dict = None, transform_objects: dict = None,
transform_function: str = None,
transform_variables: list = None,
transform_packages: list = None,
transform_environment: dict = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 1,
ensemble: microsoftml.modules.ensemble.EnsembleControl = None,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None)

Neural networks for regression modeling and for Binary and multi-class classification.

A neural network is a class of prediction models inspired by the human brain. A neural network can be represented
as a weighted directed graph. Each node in the graph is called a neuron. The neurons in the graph are arranged in
layers, where neurons in one layer are connected by a weighted edge (weights can be 0 or positive numbers) to
neurons in the next layer. The first layer is called the input layer, and each neuron in the input layer corresponds to
one of the features. The last layer of the function is called the output layer. So in the case of binary neural networks
it contains two output neurons, one for each class, whose values are the probabilities of belonging to each class.
The remaining layers are called hidden layers. The values of the neurons in the hidden layers and in the output
layer are set by calculating the weighted sum of the values of the neurons in the previous layer and applying an
activation function to that weighted sum. A neural network model is defined by the structure of its graph (namely,
the number of hidden layers and the number of neurons in each hidden layer), the choice of activation function,
and the weights on the graph edges. The neural network algorithm tries to learn the optimal weights on the edges
based on the training data.
Although neural networks are widely known for use in deep learning and modeling complex problems such as
image recognition, they are also easily adapted to regression problems. Any class of statistical models can be
considered a neural network if they use adaptive weights and can approximate non-linear functions of their inputs.
Neural network regression is especially suited to problems where a more traditional regression model cannot fit a

The formula as described in revoscalepy.rx_formula. Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in
A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.
A character string denoting Fast Tree type:
"binary" for the default binary classification neural network.
"multiClass" for multi-class classification neural network.
"regression" for a regression neural network.
The default number of hidden nodes in the neural net. The default value is 100.
The number of iterations on the full training set. The default value is 100.
A list specifying either the sgd or adaptive optimization algorithm. This list can be created using sgd_optimizer
or adadelta_optimizer . The default value is sgd .
The Net# definition of the structure of the neural network. For more information about the Net# language, see
Reference Guide
Sets the initial weights diameter that specifies the range from which values are drawn for the initial learning
weights. The weights are initialized randomly from within this range. The default value is 0.1.
Specifies an upper bound to constrain the norm of the incoming weight vector at each hidden unit. This can be
very important in maxout neural networks as well as in cases where training produces unbounded weights.
Specifies the type of hardware acceleration to use. Possible values are “sse_math” and “gpu_math”. For GPU
acceleration, it is recommended to use a miniBatchSize greater than one. If you want to use the GPU acceleration,
there are additional manual setup steps are required:
Download and install NVidia CUDA Toolkit 6.5 (CUDA Toolkit).
Download and install NVidia cuDNN v2 Library (cudnn Library).
Find the libs directory of the microsoftml package by calling import microsoftml, os ,
os.path.join(microsoftml.__path__[0], "mxLibs") .

Copy cublas64_65.dll, cudart64_65.dll and cusparse64_65.dll from the CUDA Toolkit 6.5 into the libs
directory of the microsoftml package.
Copy cudnn64_65.dll from the cuDNN v2 Library into the libs directory of the microsoftml package.
Sets the mini-batch size. Recommended values are between 1 and 256. This parameter is only used when the
acceleration is GPU. Setting this parameter to a higher value improves the speed of training, but it might
negatively affect the accuracy. The default value is 1.
Specifies the type of automatic normalization used:
"Warn" : if normalization is needed, it is performed automatically. This is the default choice.
"No" : no normalization is performed.
"Yes" : normalization is performed.
"Auto" : if normalization is needed, a warning message is displayed, but normalization is not performed.
Normalization rescales disparate data ranges to a standard scale. Feature scaling insures the distances between
data points are proportional and enables various optimization methods such as gradient descent to converge
much faster. If normalization is performed, a MaxMin normalizer is used. It normalizes values in an interval [a, b]
where -1 <= a <= 0 and 0 <= b <= 1 and b - a = 1 . This normalizer preserves sparsity by mapping zero to
Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or None if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurize_text , categorical , and categorical_hash , for transformations that are
supported. These transformations are performed after any specified Python transformations. The default value is
Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in ml_transforms or None if none are to be used. The
default value is None.
NOT SUPPORTED. Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the
name of a logical variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set.
For example:
row_selection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is True .
row_selection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of
the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.

The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transform_function ). As with all expressions, row_selection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

NOT SUPPORTED. An expression of the form that represents the first round of variable transformations. As with
all expressions, transforms (or row_selection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the expression
NOT SUPPORTED. A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transform_function ,
and row_selection .
The variable transformation function.
A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function.
NOT SUPPORTED. A character vector specifying additional Python packages (outside of those specified in
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable
transformation functions. For example, those explicitly defined in revoscalepy functions via their transforms and
transform_function arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or row_selection arguments. The
transform_packages argument may also be None, indicating that no packages outside
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") are preloaded.

NOT SUPPORTED. A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and
used for variable data transformation. If transform_environment = None , a new “hash” environment with parent
revoscalepy.baseenvis used instead.
Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.
An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.
Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid revoscalepy.RxComputeContext.
Currently local and revoscalepy.RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.
Control parameters for ensembling.

A NeuralNetwork object with the trained model.

This algorithm is single-threaded and will not attempt to load the entire dataset into memory.

See also
adadelta_optimizer , sgd_optimizer , avx_math , clr_math , gpu_math , mkl_math , sse_math , rx_predict .
Wikipedia: Artificial neural network

Binary Classification.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_neural_network, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

infert = get_dataset("infert")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

infertdf = infert.as_df()
infertdf["isCase"] = == 1
data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(infertdf, infertdf.isCase)

forest_model = rx_neural_network(
formula=" isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced ",

# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(forest_model, data=data_test,
extra_vars_to_write=["isCase", "Score"])

# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))


Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using: AVX Math

***** Net definition *****

input Data [5];
hidden H [100] sigmoid { // Depth 1
from Data all;
output Result [1] sigmoid { // Depth 0
from H all;
***** End net definition *****
Input count: 5
Output count: 1
Output Function: Sigmoid
Loss Function: LogLoss
Loss Function: LogLoss
PreTrainer: NoPreTrainer
Starting training...
Learning rate: 0.001000
Momentum: 0.000000
InitWtsDiameter: 0.100000
Initializing 1 Hidden Layers, 701 Weights...
Estimated Pre-training MeanError = 0.742343
Iter:1/100, MeanErr=0.680245(-8.37%), 119.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:2/100, MeanErr=0.637843(-6.23%), 122.52M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:3/100, MeanErr=0.635404(-0.38%), 122.24M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:4/100, MeanErr=0.634980(-0.07%), 73.36M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:5/100, MeanErr=0.635287(0.05%), 128.26M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:6/100, MeanErr=0.634572(-0.11%), 131.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:7/100, MeanErr=0.634827(0.04%), 124.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:8/100, MeanErr=0.635359(0.08%), 123.69M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:9/100, MeanErr=0.635244(-0.02%), 119.35M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:10/100, MeanErr=0.634712(-0.08%), 127.80M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:11/100, MeanErr=0.635105(0.06%), 122.69M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:12/100, MeanErr=0.635226(0.02%), 98.61M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:13/100, MeanErr=0.634977(-0.04%), 127.88M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:14/100, MeanErr=0.634347(-0.10%), 123.25M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:15/100, MeanErr=0.634891(0.09%), 124.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:16/100, MeanErr=0.635116(0.04%), 123.06M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:17/100, MeanErr=0.633770(-0.21%), 122.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:18/100, MeanErr=0.634992(0.19%), 128.79M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:19/100, MeanErr=0.634385(-0.10%), 122.95M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:20/100, MeanErr=0.634752(0.06%), 127.14M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:21/100, MeanErr=0.635043(0.05%), 123.44M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:22/100, MeanErr=0.634845(-0.03%), 121.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:23/100, MeanErr=0.634850(0.00%), 125.11M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:24/100, MeanErr=0.634617(-0.04%), 122.18M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:25/100, MeanErr=0.634675(0.01%), 125.69M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:26/100, MeanErr=0.634911(0.04%), 122.44M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:27/100, MeanErr=0.634311(-0.09%), 121.90M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:28/100, MeanErr=0.634798(0.08%), 123.54M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:29/100, MeanErr=0.634674(-0.02%), 127.53M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:30/100, MeanErr=0.634546(-0.02%), 100.96M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:31/100, MeanErr=0.634859(0.05%), 124.40M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:32/100, MeanErr=0.634747(-0.02%), 128.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:33/100, MeanErr=0.634842(0.02%), 125.82M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:34/100, MeanErr=0.634703(-0.02%), 77.48M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:35/100, MeanErr=0.634804(0.02%), 122.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:36/100, MeanErr=0.634690(-0.02%), 112.48M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:37/100, MeanErr=0.634654(-0.01%), 119.18M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:38/100, MeanErr=0.634885(0.04%), 137.19M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:39/100, MeanErr=0.634723(-0.03%), 113.80M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:40/100, MeanErr=0.634714(0.00%), 127.50M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:41/100, MeanErr=0.634794(0.01%), 129.54M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:42/100, MeanErr=0.633835(-0.15%), 133.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:43/100, MeanErr=0.634401(0.09%), 128.95M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:44/100, MeanErr=0.634575(0.03%), 123.42M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:45/100, MeanErr=0.634673(0.02%), 123.78M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:46/100, MeanErr=0.634692(0.00%), 119.04M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:47/100, MeanErr=0.634476(-0.03%), 122.95M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:48/100, MeanErr=0.634583(0.02%), 97.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:49/100, MeanErr=0.634706(0.02%), 121.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:50/100, MeanErr=0.634564(-0.02%), 120.58M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:51/100, MeanErr=0.634118(-0.07%), 120.17M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:52/100, MeanErr=0.634699(0.09%), 127.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:53/100, MeanErr=0.634123(-0.09%), 110.51M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:54/100, MeanErr=0.634390(0.04%), 123.74M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:55/100, MeanErr=0.634461(0.01%), 113.66M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:56/100, MeanErr=0.634415(-0.01%), 118.61M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:57/100, MeanErr=0.634453(0.01%), 114.99M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:58/100, MeanErr=0.634478(0.00%), 104.53M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:59/100, MeanErr=0.634010(-0.07%), 124.62M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:60/100, MeanErr=0.633901(-0.02%), 118.93M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:60/100, MeanErr=0.633901(-0.02%), 118.93M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:61/100, MeanErr=0.634088(0.03%), 40.46M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:62/100, MeanErr=0.634046(-0.01%), 94.65M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:63/100, MeanErr=0.634233(0.03%), 27.18M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:64/100, MeanErr=0.634596(0.06%), 123.94M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:65/100, MeanErr=0.634185(-0.06%), 125.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:66/100, MeanErr=0.634469(0.04%), 119.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:67/100, MeanErr=0.634333(-0.02%), 124.11M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:68/100, MeanErr=0.634203(-0.02%), 112.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:69/100, MeanErr=0.633854(-0.05%), 118.62M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:70/100, MeanErr=0.634319(0.07%), 123.59M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:71/100, MeanErr=0.634423(0.02%), 122.51M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:72/100, MeanErr=0.634388(-0.01%), 126.15M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:73/100, MeanErr=0.634230(-0.02%), 126.51M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:74/100, MeanErr=0.634011(-0.03%), 128.32M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:75/100, MeanErr=0.634294(0.04%), 127.48M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:76/100, MeanErr=0.634372(0.01%), 123.51M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:77/100, MeanErr=0.632020(-0.37%), 122.12M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:78/100, MeanErr=0.633770(0.28%), 119.55M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:79/100, MeanErr=0.633504(-0.04%), 124.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:80/100, MeanErr=0.634154(0.10%), 125.94M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:81/100, MeanErr=0.633491(-0.10%), 120.83M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:82/100, MeanErr=0.634212(0.11%), 128.60M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:83/100, MeanErr=0.634138(-0.01%), 73.58M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:84/100, MeanErr=0.634244(0.02%), 124.08M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:85/100, MeanErr=0.634065(-0.03%), 96.43M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:86/100, MeanErr=0.634174(0.02%), 124.28M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:87/100, MeanErr=0.633966(-0.03%), 125.24M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:88/100, MeanErr=0.633989(0.00%), 130.31M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:89/100, MeanErr=0.633767(-0.04%), 115.73M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:90/100, MeanErr=0.633831(0.01%), 122.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:91/100, MeanErr=0.633219(-0.10%), 114.91M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:92/100, MeanErr=0.633589(0.06%), 93.29M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:93/100, MeanErr=0.634086(0.08%), 123.31M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:94/100, MeanErr=0.634075(0.00%), 120.99M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:95/100, MeanErr=0.634071(0.00%), 122.49M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:96/100, MeanErr=0.633523(-0.09%), 116.48M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:97/100, MeanErr=0.634103(0.09%), 128.85M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:98/100, MeanErr=0.633836(-0.04%), 123.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:99/100, MeanErr=0.633772(-0.01%), 128.17M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:100/100, MeanErr=0.633684(-0.01%), 123.65M WeightUpdates/sec
Estimated Post-training MeanError = 0.631268
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.2454094
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0082325
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 62, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0297006
Finished writing 62 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
isCase PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 True False -0.689636 0.334114
1 True False -0.710219 0.329551
2 True False -0.712912 0.328956
3 False False -0.700765 0.331643
4 True False -0.689783 0.334081

MultiClass Classification.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_neural_network, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

iris = get_dataset("iris")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

irisdf = iris.as_df()
irisdf["Species"] = irisdf["Species"].astype("category")
data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(irisdf, irisdf.Species)

model = rx_neural_network(
formula=" Species ~ Sepal_Length + Sepal_Width + Petal_Length + Petal_Width ",

# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(model, data=data_test,
extra_vars_to_write=["Species", "Score"])

# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))


Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using: AVX Math

***** Net definition *****

input Data [4];
hidden H [100] sigmoid { // Depth 1
from Data all;
output Result [3] softmax { // Depth 0
from H all;
***** End net definition *****
Input count: 4
Output count: 3
Output Function: SoftMax
Loss Function: LogLoss
PreTrainer: NoPreTrainer
Starting training...
Learning rate: 0.001000
Momentum: 0.000000
InitWtsDiameter: 0.100000
Initializing 1 Hidden Layers, 803 Weights...
Estimated Pre-training MeanError = 1.949606
Iter:1/100, MeanErr=1.937924(-0.60%), 98.43M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:2/100, MeanErr=1.921153(-0.87%), 96.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:3/100, MeanErr=1.920000(-0.06%), 95.55M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:4/100, MeanErr=1.917267(-0.14%), 81.25M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:5/100, MeanErr=1.917611(0.02%), 102.44M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:6/100, MeanErr=1.918476(0.05%), 106.16M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:7/100, MeanErr=1.916096(-0.12%), 97.85M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:8/100, MeanErr=1.919486(0.18%), 77.99M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:9/100, MeanErr=1.916452(-0.16%), 95.67M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:10/100, MeanErr=1.916024(-0.02%), 102.06M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:11/100, MeanErr=1.917155(0.06%), 99.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:12/100, MeanErr=1.918543(0.07%), 99.25M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:13/100, MeanErr=1.919120(0.03%), 85.38M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:14/100, MeanErr=1.917713(-0.07%), 103.00M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:15/100, MeanErr=1.917675(0.00%), 98.70M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:16/100, MeanErr=1.917982(0.02%), 99.10M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:17/100, MeanErr=1.916254(-0.09%), 103.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:18/100, MeanErr=1.915691(-0.03%), 102.00M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:19/100, MeanErr=1.914844(-0.04%), 86.64M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:20/100, MeanErr=1.919268(0.23%), 94.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:21/100, MeanErr=1.918748(-0.03%), 108.11M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:22/100, MeanErr=1.917997(-0.04%), 96.33M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:23/100, MeanErr=1.914987(-0.16%), 82.84M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:24/100, MeanErr=1.916550(0.08%), 99.70M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:25/100, MeanErr=1.915401(-0.06%), 96.69M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:26/100, MeanErr=1.916092(0.04%), 101.62M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:27/100, MeanErr=1.916381(0.02%), 98.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:28/100, MeanErr=1.917414(0.05%), 102.29M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:29/100, MeanErr=1.917316(-0.01%), 100.17M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:30/100, MeanErr=1.916507(-0.04%), 82.09M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:31/100, MeanErr=1.915786(-0.04%), 98.33M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:32/100, MeanErr=1.917581(0.09%), 101.70M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:33/100, MeanErr=1.913680(-0.20%), 79.94M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:34/100, MeanErr=1.917264(0.19%), 102.54M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:35/100, MeanErr=1.917377(0.01%), 100.67M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:36/100, MeanErr=1.912060(-0.28%), 70.37M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:37/100, MeanErr=1.917009(0.26%), 80.80M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:38/100, MeanErr=1.916216(-0.04%), 94.56M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:39/100, MeanErr=1.916362(0.01%), 28.22M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:40/100, MeanErr=1.910658(-0.30%), 100.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:41/100, MeanErr=1.916375(0.30%), 85.99M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:42/100, MeanErr=1.916257(-0.01%), 102.06M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:43/100, MeanErr=1.914505(-0.09%), 99.86M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:44/100, MeanErr=1.914638(0.01%), 103.11M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:45/100, MeanErr=1.915141(0.03%), 107.62M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:46/100, MeanErr=1.915119(0.00%), 99.65M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:47/100, MeanErr=1.915379(0.01%), 107.03M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:48/100, MeanErr=1.912565(-0.15%), 104.78M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:49/100, MeanErr=1.915466(0.15%), 110.43M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:50/100, MeanErr=1.914038(-0.07%), 98.44M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:51/100, MeanErr=1.915015(0.05%), 96.28M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:52/100, MeanErr=1.913771(-0.06%), 89.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:53/100, MeanErr=1.911621(-0.11%), 72.67M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:54/100, MeanErr=1.914969(0.18%), 111.17M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:55/100, MeanErr=1.913894(-0.06%), 98.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:56/100, MeanErr=1.914871(0.05%), 95.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:57/100, MeanErr=1.912898(-0.10%), 80.72M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:58/100, MeanErr=1.913334(0.02%), 103.71M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:59/100, MeanErr=1.913362(0.00%), 99.57M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:60/100, MeanErr=1.913915(0.03%), 106.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:61/100, MeanErr=1.913310(-0.03%), 112.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:62/100, MeanErr=1.913395(0.00%), 50.86M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:63/100, MeanErr=1.912814(-0.03%), 58.91M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:64/100, MeanErr=1.911468(-0.07%), 72.06M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:65/100, MeanErr=1.912313(0.04%), 86.34M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:66/100, MeanErr=1.913320(0.05%), 114.39M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:66/100, MeanErr=1.913320(0.05%), 114.39M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:67/100, MeanErr=1.912914(-0.02%), 105.97M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:68/100, MeanErr=1.909881(-0.16%), 105.73M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:69/100, MeanErr=1.911649(0.09%), 105.23M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:70/100, MeanErr=1.911192(-0.02%), 110.24M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:71/100, MeanErr=1.912480(0.07%), 106.86M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:72/100, MeanErr=1.909881(-0.14%), 97.28M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:73/100, MeanErr=1.911678(0.09%), 109.57M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:74/100, MeanErr=1.911137(-0.03%), 91.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:75/100, MeanErr=1.910706(-0.02%), 99.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:76/100, MeanErr=1.910869(0.01%), 84.18M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:77/100, MeanErr=1.911643(0.04%), 105.07M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:78/100, MeanErr=1.911438(-0.01%), 110.12M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:79/100, MeanErr=1.909590(-0.10%), 84.16M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:80/100, MeanErr=1.911181(0.08%), 92.30M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:81/100, MeanErr=1.910534(-0.03%), 110.60M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:82/100, MeanErr=1.909340(-0.06%), 54.07M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:83/100, MeanErr=1.908275(-0.06%), 104.08M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:84/100, MeanErr=1.910364(0.11%), 107.19M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:85/100, MeanErr=1.910286(0.00%), 102.55M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:86/100, MeanErr=1.909155(-0.06%), 79.72M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:87/100, MeanErr=1.909384(0.01%), 102.37M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:88/100, MeanErr=1.907751(-0.09%), 105.48M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:89/100, MeanErr=1.910164(0.13%), 102.53M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:90/100, MeanErr=1.907935(-0.12%), 105.03M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:91/100, MeanErr=1.909510(0.08%), 99.97M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:92/100, MeanErr=1.907405(-0.11%), 100.03M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:93/100, MeanErr=1.905757(-0.09%), 113.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:94/100, MeanErr=1.909167(0.18%), 107.86M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:95/100, MeanErr=1.907593(-0.08%), 106.09M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:96/100, MeanErr=1.908358(0.04%), 111.25M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:97/100, MeanErr=1.906484(-0.10%), 95.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:98/100, MeanErr=1.908239(0.09%), 105.89M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:99/100, MeanErr=1.908508(0.01%), 103.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:100/100, MeanErr=1.904747(-0.20%), 106.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Estimated Post-training MeanError = 1.896338
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.1620840
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0096627
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 38, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0312987
Finished writing 38 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: Less than .001 seconds
Species Score.0 Score.1 Score.2
0 versicolor 0.350161 0.339557 0.310282
1 setosa 0.358506 0.336593 0.304901
2 virginica 0.346957 0.340573 0.312470
3 virginica 0.346685 0.340748 0.312567
4 virginica 0.348469 0.340113 0.311417

import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_neural_network, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

attitude = get_dataset("attitude")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

attitudedf = attitude.as_df()
data_train, data_test = train_test_split(attitudedf)

model = rx_neural_network(
formula="rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning + raises + critical + advance",

# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(model, data=data_test,

# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))


Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 22, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 22, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 22, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using: AVX Math

***** Net definition *****

input Data [6];
hidden H [100] sigmoid { // Depth 1
from Data all;
output Result [1] linear { // Depth 0
from H all;
***** End net definition *****
Input count: 6
Output count: 1
Output Function: Linear
Loss Function: SquaredLoss
PreTrainer: NoPreTrainer
Starting training...
Learning rate: 0.001000
Momentum: 0.000000
InitWtsDiameter: 0.100000
Initializing 1 Hidden Layers, 801 Weights...
Estimated Pre-training MeanError = 4458.793673
Iter:1/100, MeanErr=1624.747024(-63.56%), 27.30M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:2/100, MeanErr=139.267390(-91.43%), 30.50M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:3/100, MeanErr=116.382316(-16.43%), 29.16M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:4/100, MeanErr=114.947244(-1.23%), 32.06M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:5/100, MeanErr=112.886818(-1.79%), 32.96M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:6/100, MeanErr=112.406547(-0.43%), 30.29M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:7/100, MeanErr=110.502757(-1.69%), 30.92M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:8/100, MeanErr=111.499645(0.90%), 31.20M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:9/100, MeanErr=111.895816(0.36%), 32.46M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:10/100, MeanErr=110.171443(-1.54%), 34.61M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:11/100, MeanErr=106.975524(-2.90%), 22.14M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:12/100, MeanErr=107.708220(0.68%), 7.73M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:13/100, MeanErr=105.345097(-2.19%), 28.99M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:14/100, MeanErr=109.937833(4.36%), 31.04M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:15/100, MeanErr=106.672340(-2.97%), 30.04M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:16/100, MeanErr=108.474555(1.69%), 32.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:17/100, MeanErr=109.449054(0.90%), 31.60M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:18/100, MeanErr=105.911830(-3.23%), 34.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:19/100, MeanErr=106.045172(0.13%), 33.80M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:20/100, MeanErr=108.360427(2.18%), 33.60M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:21/100, MeanErr=106.506436(-1.71%), 33.77M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:22/100, MeanErr=99.167335(-6.89%), 32.26M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:23/100, MeanErr=108.115797(9.02%), 25.86M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:24/100, MeanErr=106.292283(-1.69%), 31.03M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:25/100, MeanErr=99.397875(-6.49%), 31.33M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:26/100, MeanErr=104.805299(5.44%), 31.57M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:27/100, MeanErr=101.385085(-3.26%), 22.92M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:28/100, MeanErr=100.064656(-1.30%), 35.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:29/100, MeanErr=100.519013(0.45%), 32.74M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:30/100, MeanErr=99.273143(-1.24%), 35.12M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:31/100, MeanErr=100.465649(1.20%), 33.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:32/100, MeanErr=102.402320(1.93%), 33.79M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:33/100, MeanErr=97.517196(-4.77%), 32.32M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:34/100, MeanErr=102.597511(5.21%), 32.46M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:35/100, MeanErr=96.187788(-6.25%), 32.32M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:36/100, MeanErr=101.533507(5.56%), 21.44M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:37/100, MeanErr=99.339624(-2.16%), 21.53M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:38/100, MeanErr=98.049306(-1.30%), 15.27M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:39/100, MeanErr=97.508282(-0.55%), 23.21M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:40/100, MeanErr=99.894288(2.45%), 27.94M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:41/100, MeanErr=95.190566(-4.71%), 32.47M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:42/100, MeanErr=91.234977(-4.16%), 31.29M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:43/100, MeanErr=98.824414(8.32%), 32.35M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:44/100, MeanErr=96.759533(-2.09%), 22.37M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:45/100, MeanErr=95.275106(-1.53%), 32.09M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:46/100, MeanErr=95.749031(0.50%), 26.49M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:47/100, MeanErr=96.267879(0.54%), 31.81M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:48/100, MeanErr=97.383752(1.16%), 31.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:49/100, MeanErr=96.605199(-0.80%), 32.05M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:50/100, MeanErr=96.927400(0.33%), 32.42M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:51/100, MeanErr=96.288491(-0.66%), 28.89M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:52/100, MeanErr=92.751171(-3.67%), 33.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:53/100, MeanErr=88.655001(-4.42%), 34.53M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:54/100, MeanErr=90.923513(2.56%), 32.00M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:55/100, MeanErr=91.627261(0.77%), 25.74M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:56/100, MeanErr=91.132907(-0.54%), 30.00M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:57/100, MeanErr=95.294092(4.57%), 33.13M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:58/100, MeanErr=90.219024(-5.33%), 31.70M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:59/100, MeanErr=92.727605(2.78%), 30.71M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:60/100, MeanErr=86.910488(-6.27%), 33.07M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:61/100, MeanErr=92.350984(6.26%), 32.46M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:62/100, MeanErr=93.208298(0.93%), 31.08M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:63/100, MeanErr=90.784723(-2.60%), 21.19M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:64/100, MeanErr=88.685225(-2.31%), 33.17M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:65/100, MeanErr=91.668555(3.36%), 30.65M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:66/100, MeanErr=82.607568(-9.88%), 29.72M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:67/100, MeanErr=88.787842(7.48%), 32.98M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:67/100, MeanErr=88.787842(7.48%), 32.98M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:68/100, MeanErr=88.793186(0.01%), 34.67M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:69/100, MeanErr=88.918795(0.14%), 14.09M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:70/100, MeanErr=87.121434(-2.02%), 33.02M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:71/100, MeanErr=86.865602(-0.29%), 34.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:72/100, MeanErr=87.261979(0.46%), 32.34M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:73/100, MeanErr=87.812460(0.63%), 31.35M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:74/100, MeanErr=87.818462(0.01%), 32.54M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:75/100, MeanErr=87.085672(-0.83%), 34.80M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:76/100, MeanErr=85.773668(-1.51%), 35.39M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:77/100, MeanErr=85.338703(-0.51%), 34.59M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:78/100, MeanErr=79.370105(-6.99%), 30.14M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:79/100, MeanErr=83.026209(4.61%), 32.32M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:80/100, MeanErr=89.776417(8.13%), 33.14M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:81/100, MeanErr=85.447100(-4.82%), 32.32M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:82/100, MeanErr=83.991969(-1.70%), 22.12M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:83/100, MeanErr=85.065064(1.28%), 30.41M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:84/100, MeanErr=83.762008(-1.53%), 31.29M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:85/100, MeanErr=84.217726(0.54%), 34.92M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:86/100, MeanErr=82.395181(-2.16%), 34.26M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:87/100, MeanErr=82.979145(0.71%), 22.87M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:88/100, MeanErr=83.656685(0.82%), 28.51M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:89/100, MeanErr=81.132468(-3.02%), 32.43M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:90/100, MeanErr=81.311106(0.22%), 30.91M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:91/100, MeanErr=81.953897(0.79%), 31.98M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:92/100, MeanErr=79.018074(-3.58%), 33.13M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:93/100, MeanErr=78.220412(-1.01%), 31.47M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:94/100, MeanErr=80.833884(3.34%), 25.16M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:95/100, MeanErr=81.550135(0.89%), 32.64M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:96/100, MeanErr=77.785628(-4.62%), 32.54M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:97/100, MeanErr=76.438158(-1.73%), 34.34M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:98/100, MeanErr=79.471621(3.97%), 33.12M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:99/100, MeanErr=76.038475(-4.32%), 33.01M WeightUpdates/sec
Iter:100/100, MeanErr=75.349164(-0.91%), 32.68M WeightUpdates/sec
Estimated Post-training MeanError = 75.768932
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.1178557
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0088299
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 8, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0293893
Finished writing 8 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
rating Score
0 82.0 70.120613
1 64.0 66.344688
2 68.0 68.862373
3 58.0 68.241341
4 63.0 67.196869

microsoftml.adadelta_optimizer: Adaptive learing rate method
microsoftml.sgd_optimizer: Stochastic gradient descent

microsoftml.avx_math: Acceleration with AVX instructions
microsoftml.clr_math: Acceleration with .NET math
microsoftml.gpu_math: Acceleration with NVidia CUDA
microsoftml.mkl_math: Acceleration with Intel MKL
microsoftml.sse_math: Acceleration with SSE instructions
microsoftml.rx_oneclass_svm: Anomaly Detection
4/13/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.rx_oneclass_svm(formula: str,
data: [revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], cache_size: float = 100,
kernel: [<function linear_kernel at 0x0000007156EAC8C8>,
<function polynomial_kernel at 0x0000007156EAC950>,
<function rbf_kernel at 0x0000007156EAC7B8>,
<function sigmoid_kernel at 0x0000007156EACA60>] = {'Name': 'RbfKernel',
'Settings': {}}, epsilon: float = 0.001, nu: float = 0.1,
shrink: bool = True, normalize: ['No', 'Warn', 'Auto',
'Yes'] = 'Auto', ml_transforms: list = None,
ml_transform_vars: list = None, row_selection: str = None,
transforms: dict = None, transform_objects: dict = None,
transform_function: str = None,
transform_variables: list = None,
transform_packages: list = None,
transform_environment: dict = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 1,
ensemble: microsoftml.modules.ensemble.EnsembleControl = None,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None)

Machine Learning One Class Support Vector Machines

One-class SVM is an algorithm for anomaly detection. The goal of anomaly detection is to identify outliers that do
not belong to some target class. This type of SVM is one-class because the training set contains only examples
from the target class. It infers what properties are normal for the objects in the target class and from these
properties predicts which examples are unlike the normal examples. This is useful for anomaly detection because
the scarcity of training examples is the defining character of anomalies: typically there are very few examples of
network intrusion, fraud, or other types of anomalous behavior.

The formula as described in revoscalepy.rx_formula. Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in
A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.
The maximal size in MB of the cache that stores the training data. Increase this for large training sets. The default
value is 100 MB.
A character string representing the kernel used for computing inner products. For more information, see
ma_kernel() . The following choices are available:
rbf_kernel : Radial basis function kernel. It’s parameter represents gamma in the term exp(-gamma|x-y|^2 . If
not specified, it defaults to 1 divided by the number of features used. For example, rbf_kernel(gamma = .1)
. This is the default value.
linear_kernel : Linear kernel.
polynomial_kernel : Polynomial kernel with parameter names a , , and deg in the term
(a*<x,y> + bias)^deg . The bias , defaults to 0 . The degree, deg , defaults to 3 . If a is not specified, it is
set to 1 divided by the number of features.
sigmoid_kernel : Sigmoid kernel with parameter names gamma and coef0 in the term
tanh(gamma*<x,y> + coef0) . gamma , defaults to to 1 divided by the number of features. The parameter
coef0 defaults to 0 . For example, sigmoid_kernel(gamma = .1, coef0 = 0) .

The threshold for optimizer convergence. If the improvement between iterations is less than the threshold, the
algorithm stops and returns the current model. The value must be greater than or equal to
numpy.finfo(double).eps . The default value is 0.001.

The trade-off between the fraction of outliers and the number of support vectors (represented by the Greek letter
nu). Must be between 0 and 1, typically between 0.1 and 0.5. The default value is 0.1.
Uses the shrinking heuristic if True . In this case, some samples will be “shrunk” during the training procedure,
which may speed up training. The default value is True .
Specifies the type of automatic normalization used:
"Auto" : if normalization is needed, it is performed automatically. This is the default choice.
"No" : no normalization is performed.
"Yes" : normalization is performed.
"Warn" : if normalization is needed, a warning message is displayed, but normalization is not performed.

Normalization rescales disparate data ranges to a standard scale. Feature scaling insures the distances between
data points are proportional and enables various optimization methods such as gradient descent to converge
much faster. If normalization is performed, a MaxMin normalizer is used. It normalizes values in an interval [a, b]
where -1 <= a <= 0 and 0 <= b <= 1 and b - a = 1 . This normalizer preserves sparsity by mapping zero to
Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or None if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurize_text , categorical , and categorical_hash , for transformations that
aresupported. These transformations are performed after any specified Python transformations. The default avlue
is None.
Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in ml_transforms or None if none are to be used. The
default value is None.
NOT SUPPORTED. Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the
name of a logical variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set.
For example:
row_selection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is True .
row_selection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of
the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.

The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transform_function ). As with all expressions, row_selection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

NOT SUPPORTED. An expression of the form that represents the first round of variable transformations. As with
all expressions, transforms (or row_selection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the expression
NOT SUPPORTED. A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transform_function ,
and row_selection .
The variable transformation function.
A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function.
NOT SUPPORTED. A character vector specifying additional Python packages (outside of those specified in
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable
transformation functions. For example, those explicitly defined in revoscalepy functions via their transforms and
transform_function arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or row_selection arguments. The
transform_packages argument may also be None, indicating that no packages outside
RxOptions.get_option("transform_packages") are preloaded.

NOT SUPPORTED. A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and
used for variable data transformation. If transform_environment = None , a new “hash” environment with parent
revoscalepy.baseenv is used instead.
Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.
An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.
Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid revoscalepy.RxComputeContext.
Currently local and revoscalepy.RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.
Control parameters for ensembling.

A OneClassSvm object with the trained model.

This algorithm is single-threaded and will always attempt to load the entire dataset into memory.

See also
linear_kernel , polynomial_kernel , rbf_kernel , sigmoid_kernel , rx_predict .

Wikipedia: Anomaly detection
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio: One-Class Support Vector Machine
Estimating the Support of a High-Dimensional Distribution
New Support Vector Algorithms
LIBSVM: A Library for Support Vector Machines

Anomaly Detection.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_oneclass_svm, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

iris = get_dataset("iris")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

irisdf = iris.as_df()
data_train, data_test = train_test_split(irisdf)

# Estimate a One-Class SVM model

model = rx_oneclass_svm(
formula= "~ Sepal_Length + Sepal_Width + Petal_Length + Petal_Width",

# Add additional non-iris data to the test data set

data_test["isIris"] = 1.0
not_iris = pandas.DataFrame(data=dict(Sepal_Length=[2.5, 2.6],
Sepal_Width=[.75, .9], Petal_Length=[2.5, 2.5],
Petal_Width=[.8, .7], Species=["not iris", "not iris"],
isIris=[0., 0.]))

merged_test = pandas.concat([data_test, not_iris])

scoresdf = rx_predict(model, data=merged_test, extra_vars_to_write=["isIris"])

# Look at the last few observations


Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior off.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 112, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using these libsvm parameters: svm_type=2, nu=0.1, cache_size=100, eps=0.001, shrinking=1, kernel_type=2,
gamma=0.25, degree=0, coef0=0
Reconstructed gradient.
optimization finished, #iter = 15
obj = 52.905421, rho = 9.506052
nSV = 12, nBSV = 9
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0555122
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0212389
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 40, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0349974
Finished writing 40 rows.
Writing completed.
isIris Score
35 1.0 -0.142141
36 1.0 -0.531449
37 1.0 -0.189874
38 0.0 0.635845
39 0.0 0.555602
microsoftml.rx_predict: Scores using a Microsoft
machine learning model
4/13/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
output_data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
str] = None, write_model_vars: bool = False,
extra_vars_to_write: list = None, suffix: str = None,
overwrite: bool = False, data_threads: int = None,
blocks_per_read: int = None, report_progress: int = None,
verbose: int = 1,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None,

Reports per-instance scoring results in a data frame or revoscalepy data source using a trained Microsoft ML
Machine Learning model with arevoscalepydata source.

The following items are reported in the output by default: scoring on three variables for the binary classifiers:
PredictedLabel, Score, and Probability; the Score for oneClassSvm and regression classifiers; PredictedLabel for
Multi-class classifiers, plus a variable for each category prepended by the Score.

A model information object returned from a microsoftml model. For example, an object returned from
rx_fast_trees or rx_logistic_regression .

A revoscalepy data source object, a data frame, or the path to a .xdf file.
Output text or xdf file name or an RxDataSource with write capabilities in which to store transformed data. If
None, a data frame is returned. The default value is None.
If True , variables in the model are written to the output data set in addition to the scoring variables. If variables
from the input data set are transformed in the model, the transformed variables are also included. The default
value is False .
None or character vector of additional variables names from the input data to include in the output_data . If
write_model_vars is True , model variables are included as well. The default value is None .
A character string specifying suffix to append to the created scoring variable(s) or None in there is no suffix. The
default value is None .
If True , an existing output_data is overwritten; if False an existing output_data is not overwritten. The default
value is False .
An integer specifying the desired degree of parallelism in the data pipeline. If None, the number of threads used
is determined internally. The default value is None.
Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.
The default value is 1 .
An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information. The default value is 1 .
Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid revoscalepy.RxComputeContext.
Currently local and revoscalepy.RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

A data frame or an revoscalepy.RxDataSource object representing the created output data. By default, output
from scoring binary classifiers include three variables: PredictedLabel , Score , and Probability ;
rx_oneclass_svm and regression include one variable: Score ; and multi-class classifiers include PredictedLabel
plus a variable for each category prepended by Score . If a suffix is provided, it is added to the end of these
output variable names.

See also
rx_featurize , revoscalepy.rx_data_step, revoscalepy.rx_import.

Binary Classification.
import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_fast_linear, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

infert = get_dataset("infert")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

infertdf = infert.as_df()
infertdf["isCase"] = == 1
data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(infertdf, infertdf.isCase)

forest_model = rx_fast_linear(
formula=" isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced ",

# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(forest_model, data=data_test,
extra_vars_to_write=["isCase", "Score"])

# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))

Automatically adding a MinMax normalization transform, use 'norm=Warn' or 'norm=No' to turn this behavior
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 186, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Using 2 threads to train.
Automatically choosing a check frequency of 2.
Auto-tuning parameters: maxIterations = 8064.
Auto-tuning parameters: L2 = 2.666837E-05.
Auto-tuning parameters: L1Threshold (L1/L2) = 0.
Using best model from iteration 590.
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.6058289
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0084728
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 62, Read Time: 0, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0302359
Finished writing 62 rows.
Writing completed.
Rows Read: 5, Total Rows Processed: 5, Total Chunk Time: 0.001 seconds
isCase PredictedLabel Score Probability
0 False True 0.576775 0.640325
1 False False -2.929549 0.050712
2 True False -2.370090 0.085482
3 False False -1.700105 0.154452
4 False False -0.110981 0.472283

import numpy
import pandas
from microsoftml import rx_fast_trees, rx_predict
from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step
from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset

airquality = get_dataset("airquality")

import sklearn
if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

airquality = airquality.as_df()

# Estimate a regression fast forest
# Use the built-in data set 'airquality' to create test and train data

df = airquality[airquality.Ozone.notnull()]
df["Ozone"] = df.Ozone.astype(float)

data_train, data_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df, df.Ozone)

airFormula = " Ozone ~ Solar_R + Wind + Temp "

# Regression Fast Forest for train data

ff_reg = rx_fast_trees(airFormula, method="regression", data=data_train)

# Put score and model variables in data frame

score_df = rx_predict(ff_reg, data=data_test, write_model_vars=True)

# Plot actual versus predicted values with smoothed line

# Supported in the next version.
# rx_line_plot(" Score ~ Ozone ", type=["p", "smooth"], data=score_df)

'unbalanced_sets' ignored for method 'regression'
Not adding a normalizer.
Making per-feature arrays
Changing data from row-wise to column-wise
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 87, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Warning: Skipped 4 instances with missing features during training
Processed 83 instances
Binning and forming Feature objects
Reserved memory for tree learner: 22620 bytes
Starting to train ...
Not training a calibrator because it is not needed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0390764
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0080750
Beginning processing data.
Rows Read: 29, Read Time: 0.001, Transform Time: 0
Beginning processing data.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00.0221875
Finished writing 29 rows.
Writing completed.
Solar_R Wind Temp Score
0 290.0 9.2 66.0 33.195541
1 259.0 15.5 77.0 20.906796
2 276.0 5.1 88.0 76.594643
3 139.0 10.3 81.0 31.668842
4 236.0 14.9 81.0 43.590839
microsoftml.select_columns: Retains columns of a
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

microsoftml.select_columns(cols: [list, str], **kargs)

Selects a set of columns to retrain, dropping all others.

A character string or list of the names of the variables to keep.
Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

An object defining the transform.

See also
concat , drop_columns .
revoscalepy package
2/27/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

The revoscalepy module is a collection of portable, scalable and distributable Python functions used for
importing, transforming, and analyzing data at scale. You can use it for descriptive statistics, generalized
linear models, logistic regression, classification and regression trees, and decision forests.
Functions run on the revoscalepy interpreter, built on open-source Python, engineered to leverage the
multithreaded and multinode architecture of the host platform.


Current version: 9.3

Built on: Anaconda 4.2 distribution of Python 3.5

Package distribution: Machine Learning Server 9.x

SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services
SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Server (Standalone)

How to use revoscalepy

The revoscalepy module is found in Machine Learning Server or SQL Server Machine Learning when
you add Python to your installation. You get the full collection of proprietary packages plus a Python
distribution with its modules and interpreter.
You can use any Python IDE to write Python script calling functions in revoscalepy, but the script must
run on a computer having our proprietary modules. For a review of common tasks, see How to use
revoscalepy with Spark.
Run it locally
This is the default. The revoscalepy library runs locally on all platforms. On a standalone Linux or
Windows system, data and operations are local to the machine. On Spark, a local compute context means
that data and operations are local to current execution environment (typically, an edge node).
Run in a remote compute context
In a remote compute context, the script running on a local Machine Learning Server shifts execution to a
remote Machine Learning Server on Spark or SQL Server. For example, script running on Windows might
shift execution to a Spark cluster to process data there.
On Spark, set the compute context to RxSpark cluster and give the cluster name. In this context, if you call
a function that can run in parallel, the task is distributed across data nodes in the cluster, where the
operation is co-located with the data.
On SQL Server, set the compute context to RxInSQLServer. There are two primary use cases for remote
compute context:
Call Python functions in T-SQL script or stored procedures running on SQL Server.
Call revoscalepy functions in Python script executing in a SQL Server compute context. In your
script, you can set a compute context to shift execution of revoscalepy operations to a remote SQL
Server instance that has the revoscalepy interpreter.
Functions by category
The library includes data transformation and manipulation, visualization, predictions, and statistical
analysis functions. It also includes functions for controlling jobs, serializing data, and performing common
utility tasks.
This section lists the functions by category to give you an idea of how each one is used. The table of
contents to lists functions in alphabetical order.

Some function names begin with rx- and others with Rx . The Rx function name prefix is used for class
constructors for data sources and compute contexts.

1-Compute context functions


RxInSqlServer Creates a compute context for running revoscalepy

analyses inside a remote Microsoft SQL Server.

RxLocalSeq This is the default but you can call it switch back to a local
compute context if your script runs in multiple.
Computations using rx_exec will be processed

rx_get_compute_context Returns the current compute context.

rx_set_compute_context Change the compute context to a different one.

RxSpark Creates a compute context for running revoscalepy

analyses in a remote Spark cluster.

rx_get_pyspark_connection Gets a connection to a PySpark data set, in support of

revoscalepy and PySpark interoperability.

rx_spark_connect Creates a persistent Spark Connection.

rx_spark_disconnect Closes the connection.

2-Data source functions

Data sources are used by microsoftml functions as well as revoscalepy.


RxDataSource All Base class for all revoscalepy data


RxHdfsFileSystem Local, RxSpark Data source is accessed through

HDFS instead of Linux.

RxNativeFileSystem Local, RxSpark Data source is accessed through

Linux instead of HDFS.

RxHiveData Local, RxSpark Generates a data source object from

a Hive data file.

RxTextData Local, RxSpark Generates a data source object from

a text data file.

RxXdfData All Generates a data source object from

an XDF data source.

RxOdbcData All Generates a data source object from

an ODBC data source.

RxOrcData Local, RxSpark Generates a data source object from

an Orc data file.

RxParquetData Local, RxSpark Generates a data source object from

a Parquet data file.

RxSparkData Local, RxSpark Generates a data source object from

a Spark data source.

RxSparkDataFrame Local, RxSpark Generates a data source object from

a Spark data frame.

rx_get_partitions Local, RxSpark Get partitions of a partitioned Xdf

data source.

rx_partition Local, RxSpark Partition input data sources by key

values and save the results to a
partitioned .xdf on disk.

rx_spark_cache_data Local, RxSpark Generates a data source object from

cached data.

rx_spark_list_data Local, RxSpark Generates a data source object from

a list.

rx_spark_remove_data Local, RxSpark Deletes the Spark cached data

source object.

RxSqlServerData Local, RxInSqlServer Generates a data source object from

a SQL table or query.

3-Data manipulation (ETL) functions


rx_import All Import data into an .xdf file or data


rx_data_step All Transform data from an input data

set to an output data set.
4-Analytic functions

rx_exec_by Local, RxSpark Execute an arbitrary function in

parallel on multiple data nodes.

rx_summary All Produce univariate summaries of

objects in revoscalepy.

rx_lin_mod All Fit linear models on small or large


rx_logit All Use rx_logit to fit logistic regression

models for small or large data.

rx_dtree All Fit classification and regression trees

on an ‘.xdf’ file or data frame for
small or large data using parallel
external memory algorithm.

rx_dforest All Fit classification and regression

decision forests on an ‘.xdf’ file or
data frame for small or large data
using parallel external memory

rx_btrees All Fit stochastic gradient boosted

decision trees on an ‘.xdf’ file or data
frame for small or large data using
parallel external memory algorithm.

rx_predict_default All Compute predicted values and

residuals using rx_lin_mod and
rx_logit objects.

rx_predict_rx_dforest All Calculate predicted or fitted values

for a data set from an rx_dforest or
rx_btrees object.

rx_predict_rx_dtree All Calculate predicted or fitted values

for a data set from an rx_dtree

5-Job functions
In an RxSpark context, job management is built in. You only need job functions if you want to manually
control the Yarn queue.


rx_exec All Allows distributed execution of a

function in parallel across nodes
(computers) or cores of a “compute
context” such as a cluster.

rx_cancel_job All Removes all job-related artifacts

from the distributed computing
resources, including any job results.

rx_cleanup_jobs All Removes the artifacts for a specific


RxRemoteJob class All Closes the remote job, purging all

associated job-related data.

RxRemoteJobStatus All Represents the execution status of a

remote Python job.

rx_get_job_info All Contains complete information on

the job’s compute context as well as
other information needed by the
distributed computing resources.

rx_get_job_output All Returns console output for the

nodes participating in a distributed
computing job.

rx_get_job_results All Returns results of the run or a

message stating why results are not

rx_get_job_status All Obtain distributed computing

processing status for the specified

rx_get_jobs All Returns a list of job objects

associated with the given compute
context and matching the specified

rx_wait_for_job All Block on an existing distributed job

until completion, effectively turning a
non-blocking job into a blocking job.

6-Serialization functions

rx_serialize_model All Serialize a given python model.

rx_read_object All Retrieves an ODBC data source


rx_read_xdf All Read data from an .xdf file into a

data frame.

rx_write_object All Stores an ODBC data source object.


rx_delete_object All Deletes an object from the ODBC

data source.

rx_list_keys All Enumerates all keys or versions for a

given key, depending on the

7-Utility functions

RxOptions All Specify and retrieve options needed

for revoscalepy computations.

rx_get_info All Get basic information about a

revoscalepy data source or data

rx_get_var_info All Get variable information for a

revoscalepy data source or data
frame, including variable names,
descriptions, and value labels.

rx_get_var_names All Read the variable names for data

source or data frame.

rx_set_var_info All Set the variable information for an

.xdf file, including variable names,
descriptions, and value labels, or set
attributes for variables in a data

RxMissingValues All Provides missing values for various

NumPy data types which you can
use to mark missing values in a
sequence of data in ndarray .

rx_privacy_control All Opt out of usage data collection.

rx_hadoop_command Local, RxSpark Execute arbitrary Hadoop commands

and perform standard file operations
in Hadoop.

rx_hadoop_copy_from_local Local, RxSpark Wraps the Hadoop

fs -copyFromLocal command.

rx_hadoop_copy_to_local Local, RxSpark Wraps the Hadoop

fs -copyToLocal command.

rx_hadoop_copy Local, RxSpark Wraps the Hadoop fs -cp


rx_hadoop_file_exists Local, RxSpark Wraps the Hadoop fs -test -e


rx_hadoop_list_files Local, RxSpark Wraps the Hadoop

fs -ls or -lsr command.

rx_hadoop_make_dir Local, RxSpark Wraps the Hadoop fs -mkdir -p


rx_hadoop_move Local, RxSpark wraps the Hadoop fs -mv


rx_hadoop_remove_dir Local, RxSpark Wraps the Hadoop fs -rm -ror

fs -rm -r -skipTrash command.

rx_hadoop_remove Local, RxSpark Wraps the Hadoop fs -rmor

fs -rm -skipTrash command.

Next steps
For Machine Learning Server, try a quickstart as an introduction to revoscalepy:
revoscalepy and PySpark interoperability
For SQL Server, add both Python modules to your computer by running setup:
Set up Python Machine Learning Services.
Follow these SQL Server tutorials for hands-on experience:
Use revoscalepy to create a model
Run Python in T-SQL

See also
Machine Learning Server
SQL Server Machine Learning Services with Python
SQL Server Machine Learning Server (Standalone)
2/27/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_btrees(formula, data, output_file=None, write_model_vars=False,
overwrite=False, pweights=None, fweights=None, cost=None, min_split=None,
min_bucket=None, max_depth=1, cp=0, max_compete=0, max_surrogate=0,
use_surrogate=2, surrogate_style=0, n_tree=10, m_try=None, replace=False,
strata=None, sample_rate=None, importance=False, seed=None,
loss_function='bernoulli', learning_rate=0.1, max_num_bins=None,
max_unordered_levels=32, remove_missings=False, compute_obs_node_id=None,
use_sparse_cube=False, find_splits_in_parallel=True, row_selection=None,
transforms=None, transform_objects=None, transform_function=None,
transform_variables=None, transform_packages=None, blocks_per_read=1,
report_progress=2, verbose=0, compute_context=None, xdf_compression_level=1,

Fit stochastic gradient boosted decision trees on an .xdf file or data frame for small or large data using parallel
external memory algorithm.

Statistical model using symbolic formulas.
Either a data source object, a character string specifying a ‘.xdf’ file, or a data frame object. If a Spark compute
context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or
RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
Either an RxXdfData data source object or a character string specifying the ‘.xdf’ file for storing the resulting node
indices. If None, then no node indices are stored to disk. If the input data is a data frame, the node indices are
returned automatically.
Bool value. If True, and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to the
output file in addition to the node numbers. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the
transformed variables will also be written out.
Bool value. If True, an existing output_file with an existing column named outColName will be overwritten.
Character string specifying the variable of numeric values to use as probability weights for the observations.
Character string specifying the variable of integer values to use as frequency weights for the observations.
Character string specifying the splitting method. Currently, only “class” or “anova” are supported. The default is
“class” if the response is a factor, otherwise “anova”.
Optional list with components specifying additional parameters for the “class” splitting method, as follows:
prior: A vector of prior probabilities. The priors must be positive and sum to 1. The default priors are proportional
to the data counts.
loss: A loss matrix, which must have zeros on the diagonal and positive off-diagonal elements. By default, the off-
diagonal elements are set to 1.
split: The splitting index, either gini (the default) or information.
If parms is specified, any of the components can be specified or omitted. The defaults will be used for missing
A vector of non-negative costs, containing one element for each variable in the model. Defaults to one for all
variables. When deciding which split: to choose, the improvement on splitting on a variable is divided by its cost.
The minimum number of observations that must exist in a node before a split is attempted. By default, this is
sqrt(num of obs). For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this
argument directly.
The minimum number of observations in a terminal node (or leaf). By default, this is min_split/3.
Numeric scalar specifying the complexity parameter. Any split that does not decrease overall lack-of-fit by at least
cp is not attempted.
The maximum number of competitor splits retained in the output. These are useful model diagnostics, as they
allow you to compare splits in the output with the alternatives.
The maximum number of surrogate splits retained in the output. See the Details for a description of how surrogate
splits are used in the model fitting. Setting this to 0 can greatly improve the performance of the algorithm; in some
cases almost half the computation time is spent in computing surrogate splits.
An integer specifying how surrogates are to be used in the splitting process: 0: Display-only; observations with a
missing value for the primary

split variable are not sent further down the tree.

1: Use surrogates,in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are missing, the
observation is not split.
2: Use surrogates, in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are missing or
max_surrogate=0, send the observation in the majority direction.
The 0 value corresponds to the behavior of the tree function, and 2 (the default) corresponds to the
recommendations of Breiman et al.
An integer controlling selection of a best surrogate. The default, 0, instructs the program to use the total number of
correct classifications for a potential surrogate, while 1 instructs the program to use the percentage of correct
classification over the non-missing values of the surrogate. Thus, 0 penalizes potential surrogates with a large
number of missing values.
A positive integer specifying the number of trees to grow.
A positive integer specifying the number of variables to sample as split candidates at each tree node. The default
values is sqrt(num of vars) for classification and (num of vars)/3 for regression.
A bool value specifying if the sampling of observations should be done with or without replacement.
(Classification only) A vector of length equal to the number of classes specifying the dividing factors for the class
votes. The default is 1/(num of classes).
A character string specifying the (factor) variable to use for stratified sampling.
A scalar or a vector of positive values specifying the percentage(s) of observations to sample for each tree: for
unstratified sampling: A scalar of positive value specifying the

percentage of observations to sample for each tree. The default is 1.0

for sampling with replacement (i.e., replace=True) and 0.632 for
sampling without replacement (i.e., replace=False).

for stratified sampling: A vector of positive values of length equal to the number of strata specifying the
percentages of observations to sample from the strata for each tree.
A bool value specifying if the importance of predictors should be assessed.
An integer that will be used to initialize the random number generator. The default is random. For reproducibility,
you can specify the random seed either using set.seed or by setting this seed argument as part of your call.
An integer specifying whether and how to compute the prediction error for out-of-bag samples: <0: never. This
option may reduce the computation time. =0: only once for the entire forest.

0: once for each addition of a tree. This is the default.

Character string specifying the name of the loss function to use. The following options are currently supported:
“gaussian”: Regression: for numeric responses. “bernoulli”: Regression: for 0-1 responses. “multinomial”:
Classification: for categorical responses with two or more levels.
Numeric scalar specifying the learning rate of the boosting procedure.
The maximum number of bins to use to cut numeric data. The default is min(1001, max(101, sqrt(num of obs))).
For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this argument directly. If
set to 0, unit binning will be used instead of cutting. See the ‘Details’ section for more information.
The maximum number of levels allowed for an unordered factor predictor for multiclass (>2) classification.
Bool value. If True, rows with missing values are removed and will not be included in the output data.
Bool value. If True, sparse cube is used.
bool value. If True, optimal splits for each node are determined using parallelization methods; this will typically
speed up computation as the number of nodes on the same level is increased.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
Variable transformation function. The variables used in the transformation function must be specified in
transform_variables if they are not variables used in the model.
List of strings of input data set variables needed for the transformation function.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
Number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
integer value with options: 0: No progress is reported. 1: The number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
Rows processed and timings are reported. 3: Rows processed and all timings are reported.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed.
A RxComputeContext object for prediction.
Additional parameters
A RxDForestResults object of dtree model.

See also
rx_predict , rx_predict_rx_dforest .

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_btrees, rx_import, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))
kyphosis = rx_import(input_data = ds)

# classification
form = "Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start"
seed = 0
n_trees = 50
interaction_depth = 4
n_min_obs_in_node = 1
shrinkage = 0.1
bag_fraction = 0.5
distribution = "bernoulli"

btree = rx_btrees(form, kyphosis, loss_function=distribution, n_tree=n_trees, learning_rate=shrinkage,

sample_rate=bag_fraction, max_depth=interaction_depth, min_bucket=n_min_obs_in_node,
replace=False, max_num_bins=200)

# regression
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "airquality.xdf"))
df = rx_import(input_data = ds)
df = df[df['Ozone'] != -2147483648]

form = "Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp + Month + Day"

ntrees = 50
interaction_depth = 3
min_obs_in_node = 1
shrinkage = 0.1
bag_fraction = 0.5
distribution = "gaussian"

btree = rx_btrees(form, df, loss_function=distribution, n_tree=ntrees, learning_rate=shrinkage,

sample_rate=bag_fraction, max_depth=interaction_depth, min_bucket=min_obs_in_node, seed=0,
replace=False, max_num_bins=200, verbose=2)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_cancel_job(job_info: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxRemoteJob.RxRemoteJob,
console_output: bool = False) -> bool

This function does not attempt to retrieve any output objects; if the output is desired the console_output flag can be
used to display it. This function does, however, remove all job-related artifacts from the distributed computing
resources including any job results.

A job to cancel
If None use the console option that was present when the job was created, if True output any console output that
was present when the the job was cancelled will be displayed. If False then all console output will not be displayed.

True if the job is successfully cancelled; False otherwise.z

See also

import time
from revoscalepy import RxInSqlServer
from revoscalepy import RxSqlServerData
from revoscalepy import rx_dforest
from revoscalepy import rx_cancel_job
from revoscalepy import RxRemoteJobStatus
from revoscalepy import rx_get_job_status
from revoscalepy import rx_cleanup_jobs

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

airline_data_source = RxSqlServerData(sql_query='select * from airlinedemosmall',
'ArrDelay': {'type': 'integer'},
'CRSDepTime': {'type': 'float'},
'DayOfWeek': {
'type': 'factor',
'levels': ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
'Saturday', 'Sunday']

# Setting wait to False allows the job to be run asynchronously

compute_context = RxInSqlServer(connection_string=connection_string,

job = rx_dforest(formula='ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek',


# Poll until status is RUNNING

status = rx_get_job_status(job)
while status == RxRemoteJobStatus.QUEUED:
status = rx_get_job_status(job)

# Only running or queued jobs can be canceled

if status == RxRemoteJobStatus.RUNNING :
# Cancel the job

# Only canceled or failed jobs can be cleaned up

if status == RxRemoteJobStatus.CANCELED or status == RxRemoteJobStatus.FAILED :
# Cleanup after the job
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_cleanup_jobs(job_info_list: typing.Union[revoscalepy.computecontext.RxRemoteJob.RxRemoteJob,
list], force: bool = False, verbose: bool = True)

Removes the artifacts for the specified jobs.
If job_info_list is a RxRemoteJob object, rx_cleanup_jobs attempts to remove the artifacts. However, if the job has
successfully completed and force is False, rx_cleanup_jobs issues a warning saying to either set force=True or use
rx_get_job_results to get the results and delete the artifacts.
If job_info_list is a list of jobs, rx_cleanup_jobs attempts to apply the cleanup rules for a single job to each element
in the list.

The jobs for which to remove the artifacts, this can be a list of jobs or a single job
True indicates the cleanup should happen regardless of whether or not the job status can be determined and job
results have already been retrieved false indicates that the should be cleaned up by calling rx_get_job_results or the
job should have completed unsuccessfully (such as by using rx_cancel_job).
If True, will print the directories/records being deleted.

This function does not return a value

See also
import time
from revoscalepy import RxInSqlServer
from revoscalepy import RxSqlServerData
from revoscalepy import rx_dforest
from revoscalepy import rx_cancel_job
from revoscalepy import RxRemoteJobStatus
from revoscalepy import rx_get_job_status
from revoscalepy import rx_cleanup_jobs

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

airline_data_source = RxSqlServerData(sql_query='select * from airlinedemosmall',
'ArrDelay': {'type': 'integer'},
'CRSDepTime': {'type': 'float'},
'DayOfWeek': {
'type': 'factor',
'levels': ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
'Saturday', 'Sunday']

# Setting wait to False allows the job to be run asynchronously

compute_context = RxInSqlServer(connection_string=connection_string,

job = rx_dforest(formula='ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek',


# Poll until status is RUNNING

status = rx_get_job_status(job)
while status == RxRemoteJobStatus.QUEUED:
status = rx_get_job_status(job)

if status == RxRemoteJobStatus.RUNNING :
# Cancel the job

# Only canceled or failed jobs can be cleaned up

if status == RxRemoteJobStatus.CANCELED or status == RxRemoteJobStatus.FAILED :
# Cleanup after the job
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxDataSource(column_info: dict = None)

Base class for all revoscalepy data sources. Can be used with head() and tail() to display the first and last rows of the
data set.

Integer value specifying the number of rows to display starting from the beginning of the dataset. If not specified,
the default of 6 will be used.
Integer value with options:
0: no progress is reported.
1: the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2: rows processed and timings are reported.
3: rows processed and all timings are reported.

# Return the first 4 rows
import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))

# Return the last 4 rows

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))
2/27/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_data_step(input_data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, str] = None,
output_file: typing.Union[str, revoscalepy.datasource.RxXdfData.RxXdfData,
revoscalepy.datasource.RxTextData.RxTextData] = None,
vars_to_keep: list = None, vars_to_drop: list = None,
row_selection: str = None, transforms: dict = None,
transform_objects: dict = None, transform_function=None,
transform_variables: list = None,
transform_packages: list = None, append: list = None,
overwrite: bool = False, row_variable_name: str = None,
remove_missings_on_read: bool = False,
remove_missings: bool = False, compute_low_high: bool = True,
max_rows_by_cols: int = 3000000, rows_per_read: int = -1,
start_row: int = 1, number_rows_read: int = -1,
return_transform_objects: bool = False,
blocks_per_read: int = None, report_progress: int = None,
xdf_compression_level: int = 0, strings_as_factors: bool = None,
**kwargs) -> typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxXdfData.RxXdfData,

Inline data transformations of an existing data set to an output data set

A character string with the path for the data to import (delimited, fixed format, ODBC, or XDF ). Alternatively, a
data source object representing the input data source can be specified. If a Spark compute context is being used,
this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark
data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
A character string representing the output ‘.xdf’ file, or a RxXdfData object. If None, a data frame will be returned
in memory. If a Spark compute context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData,
RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object.
list of strings of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If None, argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with vars_to_drop. Not supported for ODBC or fixed format text files.
List of strings of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If None, argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with vars_to_keep. Not supported for ODBC or fixed format text files.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
A dictionary of variables besides the data that are used in the transform function. See the example.
Name of the function that will be used to modify the data. The variables used in the transformation function must
be specified in transform_variables. See the example.
List of strings of the column names needed for the transform function.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
Either “none” to create a new ‘.xdf’ file or “rows” to append rows to an existing ‘.xdf’ file. If output_file exists and
append is “none”, the overwrite argument must be set to True. Ignored if a data frame is returned.
Bool value. If True, the existing outData will be overwritten. Ignored if a dataframe is returned.
Character string or None. If inData is a data.frame: If None, the data frame’s row names will be dropped. If a
character string, an additional variable of that name will be added to the data set containing the data frame’s row
names. If a data.frame is being returned, a variable with the name row_variable_name will be removed as a
column from the data frame and will be used as the row names.
Bool value. If True, rows with missing values will be removed on read.
Bool value. If True, rows with missing values will not be included in the output data.
Bool value. If False, low and high values will not automatically be computed. This should only be set to False in
special circumstances, such as when append is being used repeatedly. Ignored for data frames.
The maximum size of a data frame that will be returned if output_file is set to None and inData is an ‘.xdf’ file ,
measured by the number of rows times the number of columns. If the number of rows times the number of
columns being created from the ‘.xdf’ file exceeds this, a warning will be reported and the number of rows in the
returned data frame will be truncated. If max_rows_by_cols is set to be too large, you may experience problems
from loading a huge data frame into memory.
Number of rows to read for each chunk of data read from the input data source. Use this argument for finer
control of the number of rows per block in the output data source. If greater than 0, blocks_per_read is ignored.
Cannot be used if input_data is the same as output_file. The default value of -1 specifies that data should be read
by blocks according to the blocks_per_read argument.
The starting row to read from the input data source. Cannot be used if input_data is the same as output_file.
Number of rows to read from the input data source. If remove_missings are used, the output data set may have
fewer rows than specified by number_rows_read. Cannot be used if input_data is the same as output_file.
Bool value. If True, the list of transformObjects will be returned instead of a data frame or data source object. If
the input transformObjects have been modified, by using .rxSet or .rxModify in the transformFunc, the updated
values will be returned. Any data returned from the transformFunc is ignored. If no transformObjects are used,
None is returned. This argument allows for user-defined computations within a transform_function without
creating new data.
Number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source. Ignored for data frames or if
rows_per_read is positive.
Integer value with options: 0: no progress is reported. 1: the number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
rows processed and timings are reported. 3: rows processed and all timings are reported.
Integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller
files but a longer time to create them. If xdf_compression_level is set to 0, there will be no compression and files
will be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will
be used.
Bool indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden by
specifying “character” in column_classes and column_info. If True, the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns
is to use column_info with specified “levels”.
Additional arguments to be passed to the input data source.

If an output_file is not specified, an output data frame is returned. If an output_file is specified, an RxXdfData data
source is returned that can be used in subsequent revoscalepy analysis.

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_data_step
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
kyphosis = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))

# Function to label whether the age in month is over 120 months.

month_limit = 120
new_col_name = "Over10Yr"
def transformFunc(data, cutoff, new_col_name):
ret = data
ret[new_col_name] = data.apply(lambda row: True if row.Age > cutoff else False, axis=1)
return ret

kyphosis_df = rx_data_step(input_data=kyphosis, transform_function=transformFunc,

transform_objects={"cutoff": month_limit, "new_col_name": new_col_name})
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_delete_object(src: revoscalepy.datasource.RxOdbcData.RxOdbcData,
key: str = None, version: str = None,
key_name: str = 'id', version_name: str = 'version',
all: bool = False)

Deletes an object from an ODBC data source. The APIs are modelled after a simple key value store.

Deletes an object from the ODBC data source. If there are multiple objects identified by the key/version
combination, all are deleted.
The key and the version column should be of some SQL character type (CHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, etc)
supported by the data source. The value column should be a binary type (VARBINARY for instance). Some
conversions to other types might work, however, they are dependant on the ODBC driver and on the underlying
package functions.

The object being stored into the data source.
A character string identifying the object. The intended use is for the key+version to be unique.
None or a character string which carries the version of the object. Combined with key identifies the object.
Character string specifying the column name for the key in the underlying table.
Character string specifying the column name for the version in the underlying table.
Bool value. True to remove all objects from the data source. If True, the ‘key’ parameter is ignored.

rx_read_object returns an object. rx_write_object and rx_delete_object return bool, True on success. rx_list_keys
returns a single column data frame containing strings.

from pandas import DataFrame
from numpy import random
from revoscalepy import RxOdbcData, rx_write_object, rx_read_object, rx_list_keys, rx_delete_object

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

dest = RxOdbcData(connection_string, table = "dataframe")

df = DataFrame(random.randn(10, 5))

status = rx_write_object(dest, key = "myDf", value = df)

read_obj = rx_read_object(dest, key = "myDf")

keys = rx_list_keys(dest)

rx_delete_object(dest, key = "myDf")

2/27/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_dforest(formula, data, output_file=None, write_model_vars=False,
overwrite=False, pweights=None, fweights=None, cost=None, min_split=None,
min_bucket=None, max_depth=10, cp=0, max_compete=0, max_surrogate=0,
use_surrogate=2, surrogate_style=0, n_tree=10, m_try=None, replace=True,
cutoff=None, strata=None, sample_rate=None, importance=False, seed=None,
compute_cp_table=False, compute_oob_error=1, max_num_bins=None,
max_unordered_levels=32, remove_missings=False, use_sparse_cube=False,
find_splits_in_parallel=True, row_selection=None, transforms=None,
transform_objects=None, transform_function=None, transform_variables=None,
transform_packages=None, blocks_per_read=1, report_progress=2, verbose=0,
compute_context=None, xdf_compression_level=1, **kwargs)

Fits classification and regression decision forests on an .xdf file or data frame for small or large data using parallel
external memory algorithm.

Statistical model using symbolic formulas.
Either a data source object, a character string specifying a ‘.xdf’ file, or a data frame object. If a Spark compute
context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or
RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
Either an RxXdfData data source object or a character string specifying the ‘.xdf’ file for storing the resulting node
indices. If None, then no node indices are stored to disk. If the input data is a data frame, the node indices are
returned automatically.
Bool value. If True, and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to the
output file in addition to the node numbers. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the
transformed variables will also be written out.
Bool value. If True, an existing output_file with an existing column named outColName will be overwritten.
Character string specifying the variable of numeric values to use as probability weights for the observations.
Character string specifying the variable of integer values to use as frequency weights for the observations.
A vector of non-negative costs, containing one element for each variable in the model. Defaults to one for all
variables. When deciding which split: to choose, the improvement on splitting on a variable is divided by its cost.
The minimum number of observations that must exist in a node before a split is attempted. By default, this is
sqrt(num of obs). For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this
argument directly.
The minimum number of observations in a terminal node (or leaf). By default, this is min_split/3.
Numeric scalar specifying the complexity parameter. Any split that does not decrease overall lack-of-fit by at least
cp is not attempted.
The maximum number of competitor splits retained in the output. These are useful model diagnostics, as they
allow you to compare splits in the output with the alternatives.
The maximum number of surrogate splits retained in the output. See the Details for a description of how surrogate
splits are used in the model fitting. Setting this to 0 can greatly improve the performance of the algorithm; in some
cases almost half the computation time is spent in computing surrogate splits.
An integer specifying how surrogates are to be used in the splitting process: 0: Display-only; observations with a
missing value for the primary

split variable are not sent further down the tree.

1: Use surrogates,in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are missing, the
observation is not split.
2: Use surrogates, in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are missing or
max_surrogate=0, send the observation in the majority direction.
The 0 value corresponds to the behavior of the tree function, and 2 (the default) corresponds to the
recommendations of Breiman et al.
An integer controlling selection of a best surrogate. The default, 0, instructs the program to use the total number of
correct classifications for a potential surrogate, while 1 instructs the program to use the percentage of correct
classification over the non-missing values of the surrogate. Thus, 0 penalizes potential surrogates with a large
number of missing values.
A positive integer specifying the number of trees to grow.
A positive integer specifying the number of variables to sample as split candidates at each tree node. The default
values is sqrt(num of vars) for classification and (num of vars)/3 for regression.
A bool value specifying if the sampling of observations should be done with or without replacement.
(Classification only) A vector of length equal to the number of classes specifying the dividing factors for the class
votes. The default is 1/(num of classes).
A character string specifying the (factor) variable to use for stratified sampling.
A scalar or a vector of positive values specifying the percentage(s) of observations to sample for each tree: for
unstratified sampling: A scalar of positive value specifying the

percentage of observations to sample for each tree. The default is 1.0

for sampling with replacement (i.e., replace=True) and 0.632 for
sampling without replacement (i.e., replace=False).

for stratified sampling: A vector of positive values of length equal to the number of strata specifying the
percentages of observations to sample from the strata for each tree.
A bool value specifying if the importance of predictors should be assessed.
An integer that will be used to initialize the random number generator. The default is random. For reproducibility,
you can specify the random seed either using set.seed or by setting this seed argument as part of your call.
An integer specifying whether and how to compute the prediction error for out-of-bag samples: <0: never. This
option may reduce the computation time. =0: only once for the entire forest.

0: once for each addition of a tree. This is the default.

The maximum number of bins to use to cut numeric data. The default is min(1001, max(101, sqrt(num of obs))).
For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this argument directly. If
set to 0, unit binning will be used instead of cutting. See the ‘Details’ section for more information.
The maximum number of levels allowed for an unordered factor predictor for multiclass (>2) classification.
Bool value. If True, rows with missing values are removed and will not be included in the output data.
Bool value. If True, sparse cube is used.
Bool value. If True, optimal splits for each node are determined using parallelization methods; this will typically
speed up computation as the number of nodes on the same level is increased.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
A dictionary of variables besides the data that are used in the transform function. See rx_data_step for examples.
Name of the function that will be used to modify the data before the model is built. The variables used in the
transformation function must be specified in transform_objects. See rx_data_step for examples.
List of strings of the column names needed for the transform function.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
Integer value with options: 0: No progress is reported. 1: The number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
Rows processed and timings are reported. 3: Rows processed and all timings are reported.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed.
A RxComputeContext object for prediction.
Additional parameters

A RxDForestResults object of dtree model.

See also
rx_predict , rx_predict_rx_dforest .

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_dforest, rx_import, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))
kyphosis = rx_import(input_data = ds)

# classification
formula = "Kyphosis ~ Number + Start"
method = "class"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}

dforest = rx_dforest(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Age", method = method,

parms = parms, cost = [2, 3], max_num_bins = 100, importance = True,
n_tree = 3, m_try = 2, sample_rate = 0.5,
replace = False, seed = 0, compute_oob_error = 1)

# regression
formula = "Age ~ Number + Start"
method = "anova"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}

dforest = rx_dforest(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Kyphosis", method = method,

parms = parms, cost = [2, 3], max_num_bins = 100, importance = True,
n_tree = 3, m_try = 2, sample_rate = 0.5,
replace = False, seed = 0, compute_oob_error = 1)
2/27/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_dtree(formula, data, output_file=None,
output_column_name='.rxNode', write_model_vars=False,
extra_vars_to_write=None, overwrite=False, pweights=None, fweights=None,
method=None, parms=None, cost=None, min_split=None, min_bucket=None,
max_depth=10, cp=0, max_compete=0, max_surrogate=0, use_surrogate=2,
surrogate_style=0, x_val=2, max_num_bins=None, max_unordered_levels=32,
remove_missings=False, compute_obs_node_id=None, use_sparse_cube=False,
find_splits_in_parallel=True, prune_cp=0, row_selection=None,
transforms=None, transform_objects=None, transform_function=None,
transform_variables=None, transform_packages=None, blocks_per_read=1,
report_progress=2, verbose=0, compute_context=None, xdf_compression_level=1,

Fit classification and regression trees on an .xdf file or data frame for small or large data using parallel external
memory algorithm.

Statistical model using symbolic formulas.
Either a data source object, a character string specifying a ‘.xdf’ file, or a data frame object. If a Spark compute
context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or
RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
Either an RxXdfData data source object or a character string specifying the ‘.xdf’ file for storing the resulting node
indices. If None, then no node indices are stored to disk. If the input data is a data frame, the node indices are
returned automatically.
Character string to be used as a column name for the resulting node indices if output_file is not None. Note that
make.names is used on outColName to ensure that the column name is valid. If the output_file is an RxOdbcData
source, dots are first converted to underscores. Thus, the default outColName becomes “X_rxNode”.
Bool value. If True, and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to the
output file in addition to the node numbers. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the
transformed variables will also be written out.
None or list of strings of additional variables names from the input data or transforms to include in the output_file.
If writeModelVars is True, model variables will be included as well.
Bool value. If True, an existing output_file with an existing column named outColName will be overwritten.
Character string specifying the variable of numeric values to use as probability weights for the observations.
Character string specifying the variable of integer values to use as frequency weights for the observations.
Character string specifying the splitting method. Currently, only “class” or “anova” are supported. The default is
“class” if the response is a factor, otherwise “anova”.
Optional list with components specifying additional parameters for the “class” splitting method, as follows:
prior: A vector of prior probabilities. The priors must be positive and sum to 1. The default priors are proportional
to the data counts.
loss: A loss matrix, which must have zeros on the diagonal and positive off-diagonal elements. By default, the off-
diagonal elements are set to 1.
split: The splitting index, either gini (the default) or information.
If parms is specified, any of the components can be specified or omitted. The defaults will be used for missing
A vector of non-negative costs, containing one element for each variable in the model. Defaults to one for all
variables. When deciding which split to choose, the improvement on splitting on a variable is divided by its cost.
The minimum number of observations that must exist in a node before a split is attempted. By default, this is
sqrt(num of obs). For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this
argument directly.
The minimum number of observations in a terminal node (or leaf). By default, this is min_split/3.
Numeric scalar specifying the complexity parameter. Any split that does not decrease overall lack-of-fit by at least
cp is not attempted.
The maximum number of competitor splits retained in the output. These are useful model diagnostics, as they
allow you to compare splits in the output with the alternatives.
The maximum number of surrogate splits retained in the output. Setting this to 0 can greatly improve the
performance of the algorithm; in some cases almost half the computation time is spent in computing surrogate
An integer specifying how surrogates are to be used in the splitting process: 0: Display-only; observations with a
missing value for the primary
split variable are not sent further down the tree.

1: Use surrogates,in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are missing, the
observation is not split.
2: Use surrogates, in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are missing or
max_surrogate=0, send the observation in the majority direction.
The 0 value corresponds to the behavior of the tree function, and 2 (the default) corresponds to the
recommendations of Breiman et al.
The number of cross-validations to be performed along with the model building. Currently, 1:x_val is repeated and
used to identify the folds. If not zero, the cptable component of the resulting model will contain both the mean
(xerror) and standard deviation (xstd) of the cross-validation errors, which can be used to select the optimal cost-
complexity pruning of the fitted tree. Set it to zero if external cross-validation will be used to evaluate the fitted
model because a value of k increases the compute time to (k+1)-fold over a value of zero.
An integer controlling selection of a best surrogate. The default, 0, instructs the program to use the total number of
correct classifications for a potential surrogate, while 1 instructs the program to use the percentage of correct
classification over the non-missing values of the surrogate. Thus, 0 penalizes potential surrogates with a large
number of missing values.
The maximum depth of any tree node. The computations take much longer at greater depth, so lowering
max_depth can greatly speed up computation time.
The maximum number of bins to use to cut numeric data. The default is min(1001, max(101, sqrt(num of obs))).
For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this argument directly. If
set to 0, unit binning will be used instead of cutting.
The maximum number of levels allowed for an unordered factor predictor for multiclass (>2) classification.
Bool value. If True, rows with missing values are removed and will not be included in the output data.
Bool value or None. If True, the tree node IDs for all the observations are computed and returned. If None, the IDs
are computed for data.frame with less than 1000 observations and are returned as the where component in the
fitted rxDTree object.
Bool value. If True, sparse cube is used.
Bool value. If True, optimal splits for each node are determined using parallelization methods; this will typically
speed up computation as the number of nodes on the same level is increased.
Optional complexity parameter for pruning. If prune_cp > 0, prune.rxDTree is called on the completed tree with the
specified prune_cp and the pruned tree is returned. This contrasts with the cp parameter that determines which
splits are considered in growing the tree. The option prune_cp=”auto” causes rxDTree to call the function
rxDTreeBestCp on the completed tree, then use its return value as the cp value for prune.rxDTree.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
A dictionary of variables besides the data that are used in the transform function. See rx_data_step for examples.
Name of the function that will be used to modify the data before the model is built. The variables used in the
transformation function must be specified in transform_objects. See rx_data_step for examples.
List of strings of the column names needed for the transform function.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
Integer value with options: 0: No progress is reported. 1: The number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
Rows processed and timings are reported. 3: Rows processed and all timings are reported.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed.
A RxComputeContext object for prediction.
Additional parameters

A RxDTreeResults object of dtree model.

See also
rx_predict , rx_predict_rx_dtree .

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_dtree, rx_import, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))
kyphosis = rx_import(input_data = ds)

# classification
formula = "Kyphosis ~ Number + Start"
method = "class"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}
cost = [2,3]
dtree = rx_dtree(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Age", method = method, parms = parms, cost = cost,
max_num_bins = 100)

# regression
formula = "Age ~ Number + Start"
method = "anova"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}
cost = [2,3]
dtree = rx_dtree(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Kyphosis", method = method, parms = parms, cost = cost,
max_num_bins = 100)

# transform function
def my_transform(dataset, context):
dataset['arrdelay2'] = dataset['ArrDelay'] * 10
dataset['crsdeptime2'] = dataset['CRSDepTime']
# Use the follow code to set high/low values for new columns
# rx_attributes metadata needs to be set last
dataset['arrdelay2'].rx_attributes = {'.rxLowHigh': [-860.0, 14900.0]}
dataset['crsdeptime2'].rx_attributes = {'.rxLowHigh': [0.016666999086737633, 23.983333587646484]}
return dataset

data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
data = RxXdfData(os.path.join(data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf")).head(20)
form = "ArrDelay ~ arrdelay2 + crsdeptime2"
dtree = rx_dtree(form, data=data, transform_function=my_transform, transform_variables=["ArrDelay",
"CRSDepTime", "DayOfWeek"])
2/27/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_exec(function: typing.Callable, args: typing.Union[dict,
typing.List[dict]] = None, times_to_run: int = -1,
task_chunk_size: int = None, compute_context=None,
local_state: dict = {}, callback: typing.Callable = None,
continue_on_failure: bool = True, **kwargs)

Allows the distributed execution of an arbitrary R function in parallel, across nodes (computers) or cores of a
“compute context”, such as a cluster. For example, you could use the function to execute multiple instances of a
model concurrently. When used with base R functions, rxexec does not lift the memory constraints of the
underlying functions, or make a single-threaded process a multi-threaded one. The fundamentals of the function
still apply; what changes is the execution framework of those functions.

The function to be executed; the nodes or cores on which it is run are determined by the currently-active compute
context and by the other arguments of rx_exec.
Arguments passed to the function ‘function’ each time it is executed. for multiple executions with different
parameters, args should be a list where each element is a dict. each dict element contains the set of named
parameters to pass the function on each execution.
Specifies the number of times ‘function’ should be executed. in case of different parameters for each execution, the
length of args must equal times_to_run. in case where length of args equals 1 or args is not specified, function will
be called times_to_run number of times with the same arguments.
Specifies the number of tasks to be executed per compute element. by submitting tasks in chunks, you can avoid
some of the overhead of starting new python processes over and over. for example, if you are running thousands
of identical simulations on a cluster, it makes sense to specify the task_chunk_size so that each worker can do its
allotment of tasks in a single python process.
A RxComputeContext object.
Dictionary with variables to be passed to a RxInSqlServer compute context not supported in RxSpark compute
An optional function to be called with the results from each execution of ‘function’
None or logical value. If True, the default, then if an individual instance of a job fails due to a hardware or network
failure, an attempt will be made to rerun that job. (Python errors, however, will cause immediate failure as usual.)
Furthermore, should a process instance of a job fail due to a user code failure, the rest of the processes will
continue, and the failed process will produce a warning when the output is collected. Additionally, the position in
the returned list where the failure occured will contain the error as opposed to a result.
Contains named arguments to be passed to function. Alternative to using args param. For a function foo that takes
two arguments named ‘x’ and ‘y’, kwargs can be used like: rx_exec(function=foo, x=5, y=4) (for a single execution
with x=5, y=4) rx_exec(function=foo, x=[1,2,3,4,5], y=6) (for multiple executions with different values of x and y=6)
rx_exec(function=foo, x=[1,2,3], y=[4,5,6]) (for multiple executions with different values of x and y) Note: if you
want to pass in a list as an argument, you must wrap it in another list. For a function foobar that takes an argument
named ‘the_list’, kwargs can be used like: rx_exec(function=foobar, the_list=[ [0,1,2,3] ]) (single execution with
the_list = [0,1,2,3]) rx_exec(function=foobar, the_list=[ [0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8] ]) (multiple executions)

If local compute context or a waiting compute context is active, a list containing the return value of each execution
of ‘function’ with specified parameters. If a non-waiting compute context is active, a jobInfo object, or a list of a
jobInfo objects for multiple executions.

See also
RxComputeContext , RxLocalSeq , RxLocalParallel , RxInSqlServer , rx_get_compute_context , rx_set_compute_context

# Local parallel rx_exec with different parameters for each execution
import os
from revoscalepy import RxLocalParallel, rx_set_compute_context, rx_exec, rx_btrees, RxOptions, RxXdfData

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
in_mort_ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "mortDefaultSmall.xdf"))
formula = "creditScore ~ yearsEmploy"
args = [
{'data' : in_mort_ds, 'formula' : formula, 'n_tree': 3},
{'data' : in_mort_ds, 'formula' : formula, 'n_tree': 5},
{'data' : in_mort_ds, 'formula' : formula, 'n_tree': 7}

models = rx_exec(rx_btrees, args = args)

# Alternatively
models = rx_exec(rx_btrees, data=in_mort_ds, formula=formula, n_tree=[3,5,7])

## SQL rx_exec

from revoscalepy import RxSqlServerData, RxInSqlServer, rx_exec

formula = "ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek"
connection_string="Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;Trusted_Connection=TRUE"
query="select top 100 [ArrDelay],[CRSDepTime],[DayOfWeek] FROM airlinedemosmall"

ds = RxSqlServerData(sql_query = query, connection_string = connection_string)

cc = RxInSqlServer(
cc = RxInSqlServer(
connection_string = connection_string,
num_tasks = 1,
auto_cleanup = False,
console_output = True,
execution_timeout_seconds = 0,
wait = True

def remote_call(dataset):
from revoscalepy import rx_data_step
df = rx_data_step(dataset)
return len(df)

results = rx_exec(function = remote_call, args={'dataset': ds}, compute_context = cc)


## Run rx_exec in RxSpark compute context
from revoscalepy import *

# start Spark app

spark_cc = rx_spark_connect()

# define function to conditional check

def my_check_fun(id_param):
if id_param == 13:
raise Exception("Ensure to fail")
return id_param

# prepare args for each run with total 20 runs

elem_arg = []
for i in range(0,20):
elem_arg.append({"id_param": i})

# get result and print

results = rx_exec(my_check_fun, elem_arg, continue_on_failure=True)

# stop Spark app


## End(Not run)
2/27/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_exec_by(input_data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, str], keys: typing.List[str] = None,
function: typing.Callable = None,
function_parameters: dict = None,
filter_function: typing.Callable = None,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None,
**kwargs) -> revoscalepy.functions.RxExecBy.RxExecByResults

Partition input data source by keys and apply a user-defined function on individual partitions. If the input data
source is already partitioned, apply a user-defined function directly on the partitions. Currently supported in local,
localpar, RxInSqlServer and RxSpark compute contexts.

A data source object supported in currently active compute context, e.g. ‘RxSqlServerData’ for ‘RxInSqlServer’. In
‘RxLocalSeq’ and ‘RxLocalParallel’, a character string specifying a ‘.xdf’ file, or a data frame object can be also used.
If a Spark compute context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData
or RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
List of strings of variable names to be used for partitioning the input data set.
The user function to be executed. The user function takes ‘keys’ and ‘data’ as two required input arguments where
‘keys’ determines the partitioning values and ‘data’ is a data source object of the corresponding partition. ‘data’ can
be a RxXdfData object or a RxODBCData object, which can be transformed to a pandas data frame by using
rx_data_step. ‘keys’ is a dict where keys of the dict are variable names and values are variable values of the
partition. The nodes or cores on which it is running are determined by the currently active compute context.
A dict which defines a list of additional arguments for the user function func.
An user function that takes a Panda data frame of keys/values as an input argument, applies filter to the
keys/values and returns a data frame containing rows whose keys/values satisfy the filter conditions. The input
data frame has similar format to the results returned by rx_partition which comprises of partitioning variables and
an additional variable of partition data source. This filter_function allows user to control what data partitions to be
applied by the user function ‘function’. ‘filter_function’ currently is not supported in RxHadoopMR and RxSpark
compute contexts.
A RxComputeContext object.
Additional arguments.

A RxExecByResults object inherited from dataframe with each row to be the result of each partition. The indexes of
dataframe are keys, columns are ‘result’ and ‘status’. ‘result’: the object returned from the user function from each
partition. ‘status’: ‘OK’, if the user function on each partition runs success, otherwise, the exception object.

See also
rx_partition . RxXdfData .

# Run rx_exec_by in local compute context
import os
from revoscalepy import RxLocalParallel, rx_set_compute_context, rx_exec_by, RxOptions, RxXdfData
data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")

input_file = os.path.join(data_path, "claims.xdf")

input_ds = RxXdfData(input_file)

# count number of rows

def count(data, keys):
from revoscalepy import rx_data_step
df = rx_data_step(data)
return len(df)

local_cc_results = rx_exec_by(input_data = input_ds, keys = ["car.age", "type"], function = count)

# Run rx_exec_by in SQL Server compute context with data table specified
from revoscalepy import RxInSqlServer, rx_set_compute_context, rx_exec_by, RxOptions, RxSqlServerData
connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'
ds = RxSqlServerData(table = "AirlineDemoSmall", connection_string=connection_string)

def count(keys, data):

from revoscalepy import rx_import
df = rx_import(data)
return len(df)

# filter function
def filter_weekend(partitioned_df):
return (partitioned_df.loc[(partitioned_df.DayOfWeek == "Saturday") | (partitioned_df.DayOfWeek ==

sql_cc = RxInSqlServer(connection_string = connection_string, num_tasks = 4)

sql_cc_results = rx_exec_by(ds, keys = ["DayOfWeek"], function = count, filter_function = filter_weekend)

# Run rx_exec_by in RxSpark compute context
from revoscalepy import *

# start Spark app

spark_cc = rx_spark_connect()
spark_cc = rx_spark_connect()

# define function to compute average delay

def average_delay(keys, data):
df = rx_data_step(data)
return df['ArrDelay'].mean(skipna=True)

# define colInfo
col_info = {
'ArrDelay': {'type': "numeric"},
'CRSDepTime': {'type': "numeric"},
'DayOfWeek': {'type': "string"}

# create text data source with airline data

text_data = RxTextData(
file = "/share/sample_data/AirlineDemoSmall.csv",
first_row_is_column_names = True,
column_info = col_info,
file_system = RxHdfsFileSystem())

# group text_data by day of week and get average delay on each day
result = rx_exec_by(text_data, keys = ["DayOfWeek"], function = average_delay)

# get result in pandas dataframe format and sort multiindex

result_dataframe = result.to_dataframe()

# stop Spark app

2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_get_compute_context() -> revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext

Gets the active compute context for revoscalepy computations

Character string specifying class name or description of the specific class to instantiate, or an existing
RxComputeContext object. Choices include: “RxLocalSeq” or “local”, “RxInSqlServer”.

rx_set_compute_context returns the previously active compute context invisibly. rx_get_compute_context returns
the active compute context.

See also
RxComputeContext , RxLocalSeq , RxInSqlServer , rx_set_compute_context .

from revoscalepy import RxLocalSeq, RxInSqlServer, rx_get_compute_context, rx_set_compute_context

local_cc = RxLocalSeq()
sql_server_cc = RxInSqlServer('Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;')
previous_cc = rx_set_compute_context(sql_server_cc)
2/27/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_get_info(data, get_var_info: bool = False,
get_block_sizes: bool = False, get_value_labels: bool = None,
vars_to_keep: list = None, vars_to_drop: list = None,
start_row: int = 1, num_rows: int = 0,
compute_info: bool = False, all_nodes: bool = False,
verbose: int = 0)

Get basic information about a revoscalepy data source or data frame.

A data frame, a character string specifying an “.xdf”, or an RxDataSource object. If a local compute context is being
used, this argument may also be a list of data sources, in which case the output will be returned in a named list.
See the details section for more information. If a Spark compute context is being used, this argument may also be
an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from
Bool value. If True, variable information is returned.
Bool value. If True, block sizes are returned in the output for an “.xdf” file, and when printed the first 10 block sizes
are shown.
Bool value. If True and get_var_info is True or None, factor value labels are included in the output.
List of strings of variable names for which information is returned. If None or get_var_info is False, argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with vars_to_drop.
List of strings of variable names for which information is not returned. If None or get_var_info is False, argument
is ignored. Cannot be used with vars_to_keep.
Starting row for retrieval of data if a data frame or “.xdf” file.
Number of rows of data to retrieve if a data frame or “.xdf” file.
Bool value. If True, and get_var_info is True, variable information (e.g., high/low values) for non-xdf data sources
will be computed by reading through the data set. If True, and get_var_info is False, the number of variables will be
gotten from from non-xdf data sources (but not the number of rows).
Bool value. Ignored if the active RxComputeContext compute context is local or RxForeachDoPar. Otherwise, if
True, a list containing the information for the data set on each node in the active compute context will be returned.
If False, only information on the data set on the master node will be returned. Note that the determination of the
master node is not controlled by the end user.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed for an “.xdf” file.

List containing the following possible elements:
fileName: Character string containing the file name and path (if an ”.xdf” file).
objName: Character string containing object name (if not an “.xdf” file). class: Class of the object. length: Length of
the object if it is not an “.xdf” file or data frame. numCompositeFiles: Number of composite data files(if a
composite “.xdf”


numRows: Number of rows in the data set. numVars: Number of variables in the data set. numBlocks: Number of
blocks in the data set. varInfo: List of variable information where each element is a list

describing a variable.

rowsPerBlock: Integer vector containing number of rows in each block (if get_block_sizes is set to True). Set to
None if data is a data frame.
data: Data frame containing the data (if num_rows > 0)

See also
rx_data_step , rx_get_var_info .

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_get_info

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
claims_ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "claims.xdf"))
info = rx_get_info(claims_ds, get_var_info=True)

File name:C:\swarm\workspace\bigAnalytics-9.3.0\python\revoscalepy\revoscalepy\data\sample_data\claims.xdf
Number of observations:128.0
Number of variables:6.0
Number of blocks:1.0
Compression type:zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Storage: int32, Low/High: (1.0000, 128.0000)
Var 2: age
8 factor levels: ['17-20', '21-24', '25-29', '30-34', '35-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60+']
Var 3: car.age
4 factor levels: ['0-3', '4-7', '8-9', '10+']
Var 4: type
4 factor levels: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_get_job_info(job) -> revoscalepy.computecontext.RxRemoteJob.RxRemoteJob

The object returned from a non-waiting, distributed computation contains job information together with other
information. The job information is used internally by such functions as rx_get_job_status, rx_get_job_output, and
rx_get_job_results. It is sometimes useful to extract it for its own sake, as it contains complete information on the
job’s compute context as well as other information needed by the distributed computing resources.
For most users, the principal use of this function is to determine whether a given object actually contains job
information. If the return value is not None, then the object contains job information. Note, however, that the
structure of the job information is subject to change, so code that attempts to manipulate it directly is not
guaranteed to be forward-compatible.

An object containing jobInfo information, such as that returned from a non-waiting, distributed computation.

The job information, if present, or None.

See also

from revoscalepy import RxInSqlServer
from revoscalepy import rx_exec
from revoscalepy import rx_get_job_info

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

# Setting wait to False allows the job to be run asynchronously

# Setting console_output to True allows us to get the console output of the distributed computing job
compute_context = RxInSqlServer(connection_string=connection_string,

def hello_from_sql():
import time
print('Hello from SQL server')
return 'We just ran Python code asynchronously on a SQL server!'

job = rx_exec(function=hello_from_sql, compute_context=compute_context)

#Get the job information

info = rx_get_job_info(job)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_get_job_output(job_info: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxRemoteJob.RxRemoteJob) -> str

During a job run, the state of the output is non-deterministic (that is, it may or may not be on disk, and what is on
disk at any given point in time may not reflect the actual completion state of a job).
If auto_cleanup has been set to True on the distributed computing job’s compute context, the console output will
not persist after the job completes.
Unlike rx_get_job_results, this function does not remove any job information upon retrieval.

The distributed computing job for which to retrieve the job output

str that contains the console output for the nodes participating in the distributed computing job

See also

from revoscalepy import RxInSqlServer
from revoscalepy import rx_exec
from revoscalepy import rx_get_job_output
from revoscalepy import rx_wait_for_job

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

# Setting wait to False allows the job to be run asynchronously

# Setting console_output to True allows us to get the console output of the distributed computing job
compute_context = RxInSqlServer(connection_string=connection_string,

def hello_from_sql():
import time
print('Hello from SQL server')
return 'We just ran Python code asynchronously on a SQL server!'

job = rx_exec(function=hello_from_sql, compute_context=compute_context)

# Wait for the job to finish or fail whatever the case may be

# Print out what our code printed on sql

output = rx_get_job_output(job)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_get_job_results(job_info: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxRemoteJob.RxRemoteJob,
console_output: bool = None,
auto_cleanup: bool = None) -> list

Obtain distributed computing results and processing status.

A job object as returned by rx_exec or a revoscalepy analysis function, if available.
None or bool value. If True, the console output from all of the processes is printed to the user console. If False, no
console output is displayed. Output can be retrieved with the function rxGetJobOutput for a non-waiting job. If not
None, this flag overrides the value set in the compute context when the job was submitted. If None, the setting in
the compute context will be used.
None or bool value. If True, the default behavior is to clean up any artifacts created by the distributed computing
job. If False, then the artifacts are not deleted, and the results may be acquired using rxGetJobResults, and the
console output via rxGetJobOutput until the rxCleanupJobs is used to delete the artifacts. If not None, this flag
overwrites the value set in the compute context when the job was submitted. If you routinely set
auto_cleanup=False, you will eventually fill your hard disk with compute artifacts.If you set auto_cleanup=True and
experience performance degradation on a Windows XP client, consider setting auto_cleanup=False.

Either the results of the run (prepended with console output if the console_output argument is set to True) or a
message saying that the results are not available because the job has not finished, has failed, or was deleted.

See also

from revoscalepy import RxInSqlServer
from revoscalepy import rx_exec
from revoscalepy import rx_wait_for_job
from revoscalepy import rx_get_job_results

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

# Setting wait to False allows the job to be run asynchronously

# Setting console_output to True allows us to get the console output of the distributed computing job
compute_context = RxInSqlServer(connection_string=connection_string,

def hello_from_sql():
import time
print('Hello from SQL server')
return 'We just ran Python code asynchronously on a SQL server!'

job = rx_exec(function=hello_from_sql, compute_context=compute_context)

# Wait for the job to finish


# Print out what we returned from SQL

results = rx_get_job_results(job)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

exact_match: bool = False,
start_time: <module 'datetime' from 'C:\\swarm\\workspace\\bigAnalytics-
9.3.0\\runtime\\Python\\lib\\'> = None,
end_time: <module 'datetime' from 'C:\\swarm\\workspace\\bigAnalytics-
9.3.0\\runtime\\Python\\lib\\'> = None,
states: list = None, verbose: bool = True) -> list

Returns a list of job objects associated with the given compute context and matching the specified parameters.

A compute context object.
Determines if jobs are matched using the full compute context, or a simpler subset. If True, only jobs which use the
same context object are returned. If False, all jobs which have the same headNode (if available) and ShareDir are
A time, specified as a POSIXct object. If specified, only jobs created at or after start_time are returned.
A time, specified as a POSIXct object. If specified, only jobs created at or before end_time are returned.
If specified (as a list of strings of states that can include “none”, “finished”, “failed”, “canceled”, “undetermined”
“queued”or “running”), only jobs in those states are returned. Otherwise, no filtering is performed on job state.
If True (the default), a brief summary of each job is printed as it is found. This includes the current job status as
returned by rx_get_job_status, the modification time of the job, and the current job ID (this is used as the
component name in the returned list of job information objects). If no job status is returned, the job status shows

Returns a list of job information objects based on the compute context.

See also
from revoscalepy import RxInSqlServer
from revoscalepy import rx_exec
from revoscalepy import rx_get_jobs

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

# Setting wait to False allows the job to be run asynchronously

# Setting console_output to True allows us to get the console output of the distributed computing job
compute_context = RxInSqlServer(connection_string=connection_string,

def hello_from_sql():
import time
print('Hello from SQL server')
return 'We just ran Python code asynchronously on a SQL server!'

job = rx_exec(function=hello_from_sql, compute_context=compute_context)

job_list = rx_get_jobs(compute_context)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_get_job_status(job_info: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxRemoteJob.RxRemoteJob) ->

Obtain distributed computing processing status for the specified job.

A job object as returned by rx_exec or a revoscalepy analysis function, if available.

A RxRemoteJobStatus enumeration value that designates the status of the remote job

See also
rx_get_job_results RxRemoteJobStatus

from revoscalepy import RxInSqlServer
from revoscalepy import rx_exec
from revoscalepy import rx_get_job_status
from revoscalepy import rx_wait_for_job

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

# Setting wait to False allows the job to be run asynchronously

# Setting console_output to True allows us to get the console output of the distributed computing job
compute_context = RxInSqlServer(connection_string=connection_string,

def hello_from_sql():
import time
print('Hello from SQL server')
return 'We just ran Python code asynchronously on a SQL server!'

job = rx_exec(function=hello_from_sql, compute_context=compute_context)

# Poll initial status

status = rx_get_job_status(job)


# Wait for the job to finish or fail whatever the case may be

# Poll final status

status = rx_get_job_status(job)

2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_get_partitions(input_data: revoscalepy.datasource.RxXdfData.RxXdfData = None,

Get partitions enumeration of a partitioned .xdf file data source.

An existing partitioned data source object which was created by RxXdfData with create_partition_set = True and
constructed by rx_partition.

A Pandas data frame with (n+1) columns, the first n columns are partitioning columns specified by
vars_to_partition in rx_partition and the (n+1)th column is a data source column where each row contains an Xdf
data source object of one partition.

See also
rx_exec_by . RxXdfData . rx_partition .

import os, tempfile
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_partition, rx_get_partitions
data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")

# input xdf data source

xdf_file = os.path.join(data_path, "claims.xdf")
xdf_ds = RxXdfData(xdf_file)

# create a partitioned xdf data source object

out_xdf_file = os.path.join(tempfile._get_default_tempdir(), "outPartitions")
out_xdf = RxXdfData(out_xdf_file, create_partition_set = True)

# do partitioning for input data set

partitions = rx_partition(input_data = xdf_ds, output_data = out_xdf, vars_to_partition = ["car.age","type"],
append = "none", overwrite = True)

# use rx_get_partitions to load an existing partitioned xdf

out_xdf_1 = RxXdfData(out_xdf_file)
partitions_1 = rx_get_partitions(out_xdf_1)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_get_pyspark_connection(compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxSpark.RxSpark)

Gets a PySpark connection from the current Spark compute context.

Compute context get created by rx_spark_connect.

Object of python.context.SparkContext.

from revoscalepy import rx_spark_connect, rx_get_pyspark_connection
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
cc = rx_spark_connect(interop = "pyspark")
sc = rx_get_pyspark_connection(cc)
spark = SparkSession(sc)
df = spark.createDataFrame([('Monday',3012),('Friday',1354),('Sunday',5452)], ["DayOfWeek", "Sale"])
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_get_var_info(data, get_value_labels: bool = True,
vars_to_keep: list = None, vars_to_drop: list = None,
compute_info: bool = False, all_nodes: bool = False)

Get variable information for a revoscalepy data source or data frame, including variable names, descriptions, and
value labels

a data frame, a character string specifying an “.xdf”, or an RxDataSource object. If a local compute context is being
used, this argument may also be a list of data sources, in which case the output will be returned in a named list.
See the details section for more information. If a Spark compute context is being used, this argument may also be
an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from
bool value. If True and get_var_info is True or None, factor value labels are included in the output.
list of strings of variable names for which information is returned. If None or get_var_info is False, argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with vars_to_drop.
list of strings of variable names for which information is not returned. If None or get_var_info is False, argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with vars_to_keep.
bool value. If True, variable information (e.g., high/low values) for non-xdf data sources will be computed by
reading through the data set.
bool value. Ignored if the active RxComputeContext compute context is local or RxForeachDoPar. Otherwise, if
True, a list containing the information for the data set on each node in the active compute context will be returned.
If False, only information on the data set on the master node will be returned. Note that the determination of the
master node is not controlled by the end user.

list with named elements corresponding to the variables in the data set.
Each list element is also a list with with following possible elements:
description: character string specifying the variable description
varType: character string specifying the variable type
storage: character string specifying the storage type
low: numeric giving the low values, possibly generated through a

temporary factor transformation F()

high: numeric giving the high values, possibly generated through a

temporary factor transformation F()

levels: (factor only) a list of strings containing the factor levels

valueInfoCodes: list of strings of value codes, for informational

purposes only

valueInfoLabels: list of strings of value labels that is the same

length as valueInfoCodes, used for informational purposes only

See also
rx_data_step , rx_get_info .

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_get_var_info

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
claims_ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "claims.xdf"))
info = rx_get_var_info(claims_ds)


Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Storage: int32, Low/High: (1.0000, 128.0000)

Var 2: age
8 factor levels: ['17-20', '21-24', '25-29', '30-34', '35-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60+']
Var 3: car.age
4 factor levels: ['0-3', '4-7', '8-9', '10+']
Var 4: type
4 factor levels: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online


Read the variable names for data source or data frame

an RxDataSource object, a character string specifying the “.xdf” file, or a data frame. If a Spark compute context is
being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object
or a Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.

list of strings containing the names of the variables in the data source or data frame.

See also
rx_data_step , rx_get_info , rx_get_var_info .

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_get_var_names

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
claims_ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "claims.xdf"))
info = rx_get_var_names(claims_ds)


RowNum age car.age type cost number

2/27/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_import(input_data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, str], output_file=None,
vars_to_keep: list = None, vars_to_drop: list = None,
row_selection: str = None, transforms: dict = None,
transform_objects: dict = None, transform_function: <built-
in function callable> = None,
transform_variables: dict = None,
transform_packages: dict = None, append: str = None,
overwrite: bool = False, number_rows: int = None,
strings_as_factors: bool = None, column_classes: dict = None,
column_info: dict = None, rows_per_read: int = None,
type: str = None, max_rows_by_columns: int = None,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = None,
xdf_compression_level: int = None,
create_composite_set: bool = None,
blocks_per_composite_file: int = None)

Import data and store as an .xdf file on disk or in-memory as a data.frame object.

A character string with the path for the data to import (delimited, fixed format, ODBC, or XDF ). Alternatively, a
data source object representing the input data source can be specified. If a Spark compute context is being used,
this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark
data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
A character string representing the output ‘.xdf’ file or an RxXdfData object. If None, a data frame will be returned
in memory. If a Spark compute context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData,
RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object.
List of strings of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If None, argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with vars_to_drop. Not supported for ODBC or fixed format text files.
List of strings of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If None, argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with vars_to_keep. Not supported for ODBC or fixed format text files.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
A dictionary of variables besides the data that are used in the transform function. See rx_data_step for examples.
Name of the function that will be used to modify the data. The variables used in the transformation function must
be specified in transform_objects. See rx_data_step for examples.
List of strings of the column names needed for the transform function.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
Either “none” to create a new ‘.xdf’ file or “rows” to append rows to an existing ‘.xdf’ file. If output_file exists and
append is “none”, the overwrite argument must be set to True. Ignored if a data frame is returned.
Bool value. If True, the existing output_file will be overwritten. Ignored if a dataframe is returned.
Integer value specifying the maximum number of rows to import. If set to -1, all rows will be imported.
Bool value indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden
by specifying “character” in column_classes and column_info. If True, the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns
is to use column_info with specified “levels”.
Dictionary of column name to strings specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element
names for the vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.

Allowable column types are:

”bool” (stored as uchar),
“integer” (stored as int32),
“float32” (the default for floating point data for ‘.xdf’ files),
“numeric” (stored as float64 as in R),
“character” (stored as string),
“factor” (stored as uint32),
“ordered” (ordered factor stored as uint32. Ordered factors are

treated the same as factors in RevoScaleR analysis functions.), ”int16” (alternative to integer for smaller storage
space), “uint16” (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space), “Date” (stored as Date, i.e. float64. Not
supported for import
types “textFast”, “fixedFast”, or “odbcFast”.) ”POSIXct” (stored as POSIXct, i.e. float64. Not supported for
import types “textFast”, “fixedFast”, or “odbcFast”.) Note for “factor” and “ordered” types, the levels will be coded
in the
order encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor
columns is to use column_info with specified “levels”.

Note that equivalent types share the same bullet in the list above; for
some types we allow both ‘R -friendly’ type names, as well as our own, more specific type names for ‘.xdf’ data.

Note also that specifying the column as a “factor” type is currently

equivalent to “string” - for the moment, if you wish to import a column as factor data you must use the
column_info argument, documented below.
List of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named
elements given below. When importing fixed format data, either column_info or an an ‘.sts’ schema file should be
supplied. For fixed format text files, only the variables specified will be imported. For all text types, the information
supplied for column_info overrides that supplied for column_classes. Currently available properties for a column
information list are:

type: Character string specifying the data type for the column. See
column_classes argument description for the available types. If the
type is not specified for fixed format data, it will be read as
character data.

newName: Character string specifying a new name for the variable.

description: character string specifying a description for the

levels: List of strings containing the levels when type =

”factor”. If the levels property is not provided, factor levels
will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels
are provided, any value that does not match a provided level will
be converted to a missing value.

newLevels: New or replacement levels specified for a column of type

“factor”. It must be used in conjunction with the levels argument.
After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will
be replaced with the newLevels.

low: The minimum data value in the variable (used in computations

using the F() function.)

high: The maximum data value in the variable (used in computations

using the F() function.)

start: The left-most position, in bytes, for the column of a fixed

format file respectively. When all elements of column_info have start,
the text file is designated as a fixed format file. When none of
the elements have it, the text file is designated as a delimited
file. Specification of start must always be accompanied by
specification of width.

width: The number of characters in a fixed-width character column

or the column of a fixed format file. If width is specified for a
character column, it will be imported as a fixed-width character
variable. Any characters beyond the fixed width will be ignored.
Specification of width is required for all columns of a fixed
format file.

decimalPlaces: The number of decimal places.

Number of rows to read at a time.
Character string set specifying file type of input_data. This is ignored if input_data is a data source. Possible values
are: “auto”: File type is automatically detected by looking at file

extensions and argument values.

”textFast”: Delimited text import using faster, more limited import mode. By default variables containing the
values True and False or T and F will be created as bool variables.
”text”: Delimited text import using enhanced, slower import mode. This allows for importing Date and POSIXct
data types, handling the delimiter character inside a quoted string, and specifying decimal character and
thousands separator. (See RxTextData.)
”fixedFast”: Fixed format text import using faster, more limited import mode. You must specify a ‘.sts’ format file or
column_info specifications with start and width for each variable.
”fixed”: Fixed format text import using enhanced, slower import mode. This allows for importing Date and
POSIXct data types and specifying decimal character and thousands separator. You must specify a ‘.sts’ format file
or column_info specifications with start and width for each variable.
”odbcFast”: ODBC import using faster, more limited import mode. “odbc”: ODBC import using slower, enhanced
import on Windows. (See


The maximum size of a data frame that will be read in if output_file is set to None, measured by the number of
rows times the number of columns. If the number of rows times the number of columns being imported exceeds
this, a warning will be reported and a smaller number of rows will be read in than requested. If
max_rows_by_columns is set to be too large, you may experience problems from loading a huge data frame into
Integer value with options: 0: no progress is reported. 1: the number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
rows processed and timings are reported. 3: rows processed and all timings are reported.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, information on the import type is printed if type is set to
Integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller
files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files
will be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will
be used.
Bool value or None. If True, a composite set of files will be created instead of a single ‘.xdf’ file. A directory will be
created whose name is the same as the ‘.xdf’ file that would otherwise be created, but with no extension.
Subdirectories ‘data’ and ‘metadata’ will be created. In the ‘data’ subdirectory, the data will be split across a set of
‘.xdfd’ files (see blocks_per_composite_file below for determining how many blocks of data will be in each file). In
the ‘metadata’ subdirectory there is a single ‘.xdfm’ file, which contains the meta data for all of the ‘.xdfd’ files in
the ‘data’ subdirectory.
Integer value. If create_composite_set=True, this will be the number of blocks put into each ‘.xdfd’ file in the
composite set. If the output_file is an RxXdfData object, set the value for blocks_per_composite_file there instead.
Additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying data source objects to be imported.

If an output_file is not specified, an output data frame is returned. If an output_file is specified, an RxXdfData data
source is returned that can be used in subsequent revoscalepy analysis.

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_import, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))
kyphosis = rx_import(input_data = ds)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxInSqlServer(connection_string: str, num_tasks: int = 1,

auto_cleanup: bool = True, console_output: bool = None,
execution_timeout_seconds: int = None, wait: bool = True,
packages_to_load: list = None)

Creates a compute context for running revoscalepy analyses inside Microsoft SQL Server. Currently only
supported in Windows.

An ODBC connection string used to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server database.
Number of tasks (processes) to run for each computation. This is the maximum number of tasks that will be used;
SQL Server may start fewer processes if there is not enough data, if too many resources are already being used by
other jobs, or if num_tasks exceeds the MAXDOP (maximum degree of parallelism) configuration option in SQL
Server. Each of the tasks is given data in parallel, and does computations in parallel, and so computation time may
decrease as num_tasks increases. However, that may not always be the case, and computation time may even
increase if too many tasks are competing for machine resources. Note that
RxOptions.set_option(“NumCoresToUse”, n) controls how many cores (actually, threads) are used in parallel within
each process, and there is a trade-off between NumCoresToUse and NumTasks that depends upon the specific
algorithm, the type of data, the hardware, and the other jobs that are running.
Bool value, if True, the job will be blocking and will not return until it has completed or has failed. If False, the job
will be non-blocking and return immediately, allowing you to continue running other Python code. The client
connection with SQL Server must be maintained while the job is running, even in non-blocking mode.
Bool value, if True, causes the standard output of the Python process started by SQL Server to be printed to the
user console. This value may be overwritten by passing a non-None bool value to the consoleOutput argument
provided in rx_exec and rx_get_job_results.
Bool value, if True, the default behavior is to clean up the temporary computational artifacts and delete the result
objects upon retrieval. If False, then the computational results are not deleted, and the results may be acquired
using rx_get_job_results, and the output via rx_get_job_output until the rx_cleanup_jobs is used to delete the results
and other artifacts. Leaving this flag set to False can result in accumulation of compute artifacts which you may
eventually need to delete before they fill up your hard drive.
Integer value, defaults to 0 which means infinite wait.
Optional list of strings specifying additional packages to be loaded on the nodes when jobs are run in this compute

See also
RxComputeContext , RxLocalSeq , rx_get_compute_context , rx_set_compute_context .

## Not run:
from revoscalepy import RxSqlServerData, RxInSqlServer, rx_lin_mod

connection_string="Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;Trusted_Connection=True"

cc = RxInSqlServer(
connection_string = connection_string,
num_tasks = 1,
auto_cleanup = False,
console_output = True,
execution_timeout_seconds = 0,
wait = True

query="select top 100 [ArrDelay],[CRSDepTime],[DayOfWeek] FROM airlinedemosmall"

data_source = RxSqlServerData(
sql_query = "select top 100 * from airlinedemosmall",
connection_string = connection_string,
column_info = {
"ArrDelay" : { "type" : "integer" },
"DayOfWeek" : {
"type" : "factor",
"levels" : [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" ]

formula = "ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek"

lin_mod = rx_lin_mod(formula, data = data_source, compute_context = cc)
## End(Not run)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_hadoop_command(cmd: str) -> revoscalepy.functions.RxHadoopUtils.RxHadoopCommandResults

Executes arbitrary Hadoop commands and performs standard file operations in Hadoop.

A character string containing a valid Hadoop command, that is, the cmd portion of Hadoop Command. Embedded
quotes are not permitted.

Class RxHadoopCommandResults

See also
rx_hadoop_make_dir rx_hadoop_copy_from_local rx_hadoop_remove_dir rx_hadoop_file_exists

from revoscalepy import rx_hadoop_command
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_hadoop_copy_from_local(source: str, dest: str)

Wraps the Hadoop fs -copyFromLocal command.

A character string specifying file(s) in Local File System
A character string specifying the destination of a copy in HDFS If source includes more than one file, dest must be
a directory.

from revoscalepy import rx_hadoop_copy_from_local
rx_hadoop_copy_from_local("/tmp/foo.txt", "/user/RevoShare/newUser")
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_hadoop_copy_to_local(source: str, dest: str)

Wraps the Hadoop fs -copyToLocal command.

A character string specifying file(s) to be copied in HDFS
A character string specifying the destination of a copy in Local File System If source includes more than one file,
dest must be a directory.

from revoscalepy import rx_hadoop_copy_to_local
rx_hadoop_copy_to_local("/user/RevoShare/foo.txt", "/tmp/foo.txt")
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_hadoop_copy(source: str, dest: str)

Wraps the Hadoop fs -cp command.

A character string specifying file(s) to be copied in HDFS
A character string specifying the destination of a copy in HDFS If source includes more than one file, dest must be
a directory.

from revoscalepy import rx_hadoop_copy
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_hadoop_file_exists(path: typing.Union[list, str])

Wraps the Hadoop fs -test -e command.

Character string or list. A list of paths or A character string specifying location of one or more files or directories.

A bool value specifying whether file exists.

from revoscalepy import rx_hadoop_file_exists
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_hadoop_list_files(path: typing.Union[list, str],

Wraps the Hadoop fs -ls or -lsr command.

Character string or list. A list of paths or A character string specifying location of one or more files or directories.
Bool value. If True, directory listings are recursive.

from revoscalepy import rx_hadoop_list_files
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_hadoop_make_dir(path: typing.Union[list, str])

Wraps the Hadoop fs -mkdir -p command.

Character string or list. A list of paths or A character string specifying location of one or more directories.

from revoscalepy import rx_hadoop_make_dir
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_hadoop_move(source: str, dest: str)

Wraps the Hadoop fs -mv command.

A character string specifying file(s) to be moved in HDFS
A character string specifying the destination of move in HDFS If source includes more than one file, dest must be a

from revoscalepy import rx_hadoop_move
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_hadoop_remove_dir(path: typing.Union[list, str],

Wraps the Hadoop fs -rm -r or fs -rm -r -skipTrash command.

Character string or list. A list of paths or A character string specifying location of one or more directories.
:param skip_trash. If True, removal bypasses the trash folder, if one has been set up.

from revoscalepy import rx_hadoop_remove_dir
rx_hadoop_remove_dir("/user/RevoShare/newUser", skip_trash = True)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_hadoop_remove(path: typing.Union[list, str], skip_trash=False)

Wraps the Hadoop fs -rm or fs -rm -skipTrash command.

Character string or list. A list of paths or A character string specifying location of one or more files.
:param skip_trash. If True, removal bypasses the trash folder, if one has been set up.

from revoscalepy import rx_hadoop_remove
rx_hadoop_remove("/user/RevoShare/newUser/foo.txt", skip_trash = True)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxHdfsFileSystem(host_name=None, port=None)

Main generator class for RxHdfsFileSystem.

An RxHdfsFileSystem file system object. This object may be used in RxOptions , RxTextData , RxXdfData ,
RxParquetData , or RxOrcData to set the file system.

See also
RxOptions RxTextData RxXdfData RxParquet RxOrcData RxFileSystem

from revoscalepy import RxHdfsFileSystem
fs = RxHdfsFileSystem()
from revoscalepy import RxXdfData
xdf_data = RxXdfData("/tmp/hdfs_file", file_system = fs)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxHiveData(query=None, table=None, save_as_temp_table=False,

write_factors_as_indexes: bool = False, column_info=None)

Main generator for class RxHiveData, which extends RxSparkData.

Character string specifying a Hive query, e.g. “select * from >>sample_<< table”. Cannot be used with ‘table’.
Character string specifying the name of a Hive table, e.g. “sample_table”. Cannot be used with ‘query’.
List of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named elements
given below. Currently available properties for a column information list are: type: Character string specifying the
data type for the column.

Supported types are:

”bool” (stored as uchar),
“integer” (stored as int32),
“int16” (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
“float32” (stored as FloatType),
“numeric” (stored as float64),
“character” (stored as string),
“factor” (stored as uint32),
“Date” (stored as Date, i.e. float64.)
“POSIXct” (stored as POSIXct, i.e. float64.)

levels: List of strings containing the levels when type = “factor”. If the levels property is not provided, factor levels
will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any value that does not match a
provided level will be converted to a missing value.
Bool value, only applicable when using as output with “table” parameter. If “TRUE” register a temporary Hive table
in Spark memory system otherwise generate a persistent Hive table. The temporary Hive table is always cached in
Spark memory system.
Bool value, If True, when writing to an RxHiveData data source, underlying factor indexes will be written instead of
the string representations.

object of class RxHiveData .
import os
from revoscalepy import rx_data_step, RxOptions, RxHiveData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
colInfo = {"DayOfWeek": {"type":"factor"}}
ds1 = RxHiveData(table = "AirlineDemo")
result = rx_data_step(ds1)
ds2 = RxHiveData(query = "select * from hivesampletable")
result = rx_data_step(ds2)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_lin_mod(formula, data, pweights=None, fweights=None,
cube: bool = False, cube_predictions: bool = False,
row_selection: str = None, transforms: dict = None,
transform_objects: dict = None,
transform_function: typing.Union[str, <built-
in function callable>] = None,
transform_variables: list = None,
transform_packages: list = None, drop_first: bool = False,
drop_main: bool = True, cov_coef: bool = False,
cov_data: bool = False, blocks_per_read: int = 1,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 0,
compute_context=None, **kwargs)

Fit linear models on small or large data sets.

Statistical model using symbolic formulas.
Either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object. If a Spark compute
context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or
RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
Character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.
Character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.
Bool flag. If True and the first term of the predictor variables is categorical (a factor or an interaction of factors),
the regression is performed by applying the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Theorem, which uses a partitioned inverse to
save on computation time and memory.
Bool flag. If True and cube is True the predicted values are computed and included in the countDF component of
the returned value. This may be memory intensive.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
A dictionary of variables besides the data that are used in the transform function. See rx_data_step for examples.
Name of the function that will be used to modify the data before the model is built. The variables used in the
transform function must be specified in transform_objects. See rx_data_step for examples.
List of strings of the column names needed for the transform function.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
Bool flag. If False, the last level is dropped in all sets of factor levels in a model. If that level has no observations
(in any of the sets), or if the model as formed is otherwise determined to be singular, then an attempt is made to
estimate the model by dropping the first level in all sets of factor levels. If True, the starting position is to drop the
first level. Note that for cube regressions, the first set of factors is excluded from these rules and the intercept is
Bool value. If True, main-effect terms are dropped before their interactions.
Bool flag. If True and if cube is False, the variance-covariance matrix of the regression coefficients is returned.
Bool flag. If True and if cube is False and if constant term is included in the formula, then the variance-covariance
matrix of the data is returned.
Number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
Integer value with options: 0: No progress is reported. 1: The number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2: Rows processed and timings are reported. 3: Rows processed and all timings are reported.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed.
A RxComputeContext object for prediction.
Additional parameters

A RxLinModResults object of linear model.

See also
rx_logit .

import os
import tempfile
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_lin_mod

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
in_mort_ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "mortDefaultSmall.xdf"))

lin_mod = rx_lin_mod("creditScore ~ yearsEmploy", in_mort_ds)

2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_list_keys(src: revoscalepy.datasource.RxOdbcData.RxOdbcData,
key: str = None, version: str = None,
key_name: str = 'id', version_name: str = 'version')

Retrieves object keys from ODBC data sources.

Enumerates all keys or versions for a given key, depending on the parameters. When key is None, the function
enumerates all unique keys in the table. Otherwise, it enumerates all versions for the given key. Returns a single
column data frame.
The key and the version should be of some SQL character type (CHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, etc) supported
by the data source. The value column should be a binary type (VARBINARY for instance). Some conversions to
other types might work, however, they are dependant on the ODBC driver and on the underlying package

The object being stored into the data source.
A character string identifying the object. The intended use is for the key+version to be unique.
None or a character string which carries the version of the object. Combined with key identifies the object.
Character string specifying the column name for the key in the underlying table.
Character string specifying the column name for the objects in the underlying table.
Character string specifying the column name for the version in the underlying table.

rx_read_object returns an object. rx_write_object and rx_delete_object return bool, True on success. rx_list_keys
returns a single column data frame containing strings.
from pandas import DataFrame
from numpy import random
from revoscalepy import RxOdbcData, rx_write_object, rx_read_object, rx_list_keys, rx_delete_object

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

dest = RxOdbcData(connection_string, table = "dataframe")

df = DataFrame(random.randn(10, 5))

status = rx_write_object(dest, key = "myDf", value = df)

read_obj = rx_read_object(dest, key = "myDf")

keys = rx_list_keys(dest)

rx_delete_object(dest, key = "myDf")

2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online


Creates a local compute context object. Computations using rx_exec will be processed sequentially. This is the
default compute context.

Object of class RxLocalSeq .

See also
RxComputeContext , RxInSqlServer , rx_get_compute_context , rx_set_compute_context .

from revoscalepy import RxLocalSeq
localcc = RxLocalSeq()
2/27/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online


Use rx_logit to fit logistic regression models for small or large data sets.

Statistical model using symbolic formulas. Dependent variable must be binary. It can be a bool variable, a factor
with only two categories, or a numeric variable with values in the range (0,1). In the latter case it will be converted
to a bool.
Either a data source object, a character string specifying a ‘.xdf’ file, or a data frame object. If a Spark compute
context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or
RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
Character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.
Character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.
Bool flag. If True and the first term of the predictor variables is categorical (a factor or an interaction of factors), the
regression is performed by applying the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Theorem, which uses a partitioned inverse to save
on computation time and memory.
Bool flag. If True and cube is True the estimated model is evaluated (predicted) for each cell in the cube, fixing the
non-cube variables in the model at their mean values, and these predictions are included in the countDF
component of the returned value. This may be time and memory intensive for large models.
A list specifying various parameters that control aspects of stepwise regression. If it is an empty list (default), no
stepwise model selection will be performed. If not, stepwise regression will be performed and cube must be False.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
A dictionary of variables besides the data that are used in the transform function. See rx_data_step for examples.
Name of the function that will be used to modify the data before the model is built. The variables used in the
transform function must be specified in transform_objects. See rx_data_step for examples.
List of strings of the column names needed for the transform function.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
Bool flag. If False, the last level is dropped in all sets of factor levels in a model. If that level has no observations (in
any of the sets), or if the model as formed is otherwise determined to be singular, then an attempt is made to
estimate the model by dropping the first level in all sets of factor levels. If True, the starting position is to drop the
first level. Note that for cube regressions, the first set of factors is excluded from these rules and the intercept is
Bool value. If True, main-effect terms are dropped before their interactions.
Bool flag. If True and if cube is False, the variance-covariance matrix of the regression coefficients is returned.
Bool flag. If True and if cube is False and if constant term is included in the formula, then the variance-covariance
matrix of the data is returned.
Starting values for the Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares algorithm used to estimate the model coefficients.
Character string specifying the coefficient label style. The default is “Revo”.
Number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
Maximum number of iterations.
Convergence tolerance for coefficients. If the maximum absolute change in the coefficients (step), divided by the
maximum absolute coefficient value, is less than or equal to this tolerance at the end of an iteration, the estimation
is considered to have converged. To disable this test, set this value to 0.
This argument is deprecated.
Convergence tolerance for the objective function.
Integer value with options: 0: No progress is reported. 1: The number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
Rows processed and timings are reported. 3: Rows processed and all timings are reported.
Integer value.
A RxComputeContext object for prediction.
Additional parameters

A RxLogitResults object of linear model.

See also
rx_lin_mod .

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_logit, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
kyphosis = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))

logit = rx_logit('Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start', data = kyphosis)

2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online


revoscalepy package uses Pandas dataframe as the abstraction to hold the data and manipulate it. Pandas
dataframe in turn uses NumPy ndarray to hold homogeneous data efficiently and provides fast access and
manipulation functions on the ndarray. Python and NumPy ndarray in particular only has numpy.NaN value for
float types to indicate missing values. For other primitive datatypes, like int, there isn’t a missing value notation. If
one uses Python’s None object to represent missing value in a series of data, say int, the whole ndarray’s dtype
changes to object. This makes dealing with data with missing values quite inefficient during processing.
This class provides missing values for various NumPy data types which one can use to mark missing values in a
sequence of data in ndarray.
It provides missing value for following types:

* int8() for numpy.int8 with value of numpy.iinfo(np.int8).min

* uint8() for numpy.uint8 with value of numpy.iinfo(np.uint8).max

* int16() for numpy.int16 with value of numpy.iinfo(np.int16).min

* uint16() for numpy.uint16 with value of numpy.iinfo(np.uint16).max

* int32() for numpy.int32 with value of numpy.iinfo(np.int32).min

* uint32() for numpy.uint32 with value of numpy.iinfo(np.uint32).max

* int64() for numpy.int64 with value of numpy.iinfo(np.int64).min

* uint64() for numpy.uint64 with value of numpy.iinfo(np.uint64).max

* float16() for numpy.float16 with value of numpy.NaN

* float32() for numpy.float32 with value of numpy.NaN

* float64() for numpy.float64 with value of numpy.NaN

## Not run:
from revoscalepy import RxXdfData, RxSqlServerData, RxInSqlServer
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, rx_logit, RxMissingValues
from revoscalepy.functions.RxLogit import RxLogitResults
import os

def transform_late (data, context):

import numpy

# create a new 'Late' column based on 'ArrDelay' int32 column
data['Late'] = data['ArrDelay'] > 15

# replace all 'Late' with NaN for 'NA' or missing values in ArrDelay
data.loc[data['ArrDelay'] == RxMissingValues.int32(), ('Late')] = numpy.NaN

return data

transformVars = ["ArrDelay"]
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
xdf_file = os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf")

data = RxXdfData(xdf_file)
model = rx_logit("Late~CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek", data=data, transform_function=transform_late,

assert isinstance(model, RxLogitResults)

## End(Not run)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online


Main generator class for objects repreresenting the native file system.

An RxNativeFileSystem file system object. This object may be used in RxOptions , RxTextData , or RxXdfData to set
the file system.

See also
RxOptions RxTextData RxXdfData RxFileSystem

from revoscalepy import RxNativeFileSystem
fs = RxNativeFileSystem()
2/27/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxOdbcData(connection_string: str = None,

table: str = None, sql_query: str = None,
dbms_name: str = None, database_name: str = None,
use_fast_read: bool = True, trim_space: bool = True,
row_buffering: bool = True, return_data_frame: bool = True,
string_as_factors: bool = False, column_classes: dict = None,
column_info: dict = None, rows_per_read: int = 500000,
verbose: int = 0, write_factors_as_indexes: bool = False,

Main generator for class RxOdbcData, which extends RxDataSource.

None or character string specifying the connection string.
None or character string specifying the table name. Cannot be used with sqlQuery.
None or character string specifying a valid SQL select query. Cannot be used with table.
None or character string specifying the Database Management System (DBMS ) name.
None or character string specifying the name of the database.
Bool specifying whether or not to use a direct ODBC connection.
Bool specifying whether or not to trim the white character of string data for reading.
Bool specifying whether or not to buffer rows on read from the database. If you are having problems with your
ODBC driver, try setting this to False.
Bool indicating whether or not to convert the result from a list to a data frame (for use in rxReadNext only). If False,
a list is returned.
Bool indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden by
specifying “character” in column_classes and column_info. If True, the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is
to use column_info with specified “levels”.
Dictionary of column name to strings specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element
names for the vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.
Allowable column types are:

”bool” (stored as uchar),

“integer” (stored as int32),
“float32” (the default for floating point data for ‘.xdf’ files),
“numeric” (stored as float64 as in R),
“character” (stored as string),
“factor” (stored as uint32),
“int16” (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
“uint16” (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space),
“Date” (stored as Date, i.e. float64)

Note for “factor” type, the levels will be coded in the order encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row
dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is to use column_info with specified “levels”. Note
that equivalent types share the same bullet in the list above; for some types we allow both ‘R -friendly’ type names,
as well as our own, more specific type names for ‘.xdf’ data. Note also that specifying the column as a “factor” type
is currently equivalent to “string” - for the moment, if you wish to import a column as factor data you must use the
column_info argument, documented below.
List of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named elements
given below. The information supplied for column_info overrides that supplied for column_classes.
Currently available properties for a column information list are:

type: character string specifying the data type for the column. See
column_classes argument description for the available types. Specify
“factorIndex” as the type for 0-based factor indexes. levels must also
be specified.

newName: character string specifying a new name for the variable.

description: character string specifying a description for the variable.
levels: list of strings containing the levels when type = “factor”. If

the levels property is not provided, factor levels will be determined

by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any value
that does not match a provided level will be converted to a missing

newLevels: new or replacement levels specified for a column of type

“factor”. It must be used in conjunction with the levels argument.
After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will be
replaced with the newLevels.

low: the minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using
the F() function.

high: the maximum data value in the variable (used in computations

using the F() function.

Number of rows to read at a time.
integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, information on the odbc data source type (odbc or odbcFast)
is printed.
Bool value, If True, when writing to an RxOdbcData data source, underlying factor indexes will be written instead of
the string representations.
Additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying functions.

Object of class RxOdbcData.

from revoscalepy import RxOdbcData, RxOptions, rx_write_object, rx_read_object, RxXdfData
from numpy import array_equal
import os

# Establish a connection to an ODBC data source

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'
dest = RxOdbcData(connection_string, table = "data")

# Write an array to the database

my_array = [1,2,3]
rx_write_object(dest = dest, key = "my_array", value = my_array)

# Retrieve the array from the database

array_ds = rx_read_object(src = dest, key = "my_array")
array_equal(my_array, array_ds) # True

# Write a XDF object to the database

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
kyphosis = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))
rx_write_object(dest = dest, key = "kyphosis", value = kyphosis)

# Retrieve the data from the database

kyphosis_ds = rx_read_object(src = dest, key="kyphosis")
2/27/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online


Functions to specify and retrieve options needed for revoscalepy computations. These need to be set only once to
carry out multiple computations.

Character string specifying path to revoscalepy’s test data directory.
Character string specifying path to revoscalepy’s sample data directory.
Default value to use for blocksPerRead argument for many revoscalepy functions. Represents the number of blocks
to read within each read chunk.
Default value to use for reportProgress argument for many revoscalepy functions. Options are:

0: no progress is reported.
1: the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2: rows processed and timings are reported.
3: rows processed and all timings are reported.

Integer value specifying the maximum number of rows to display when using the verbose argument in revoscalepy
functions. The default of -1 displays all available rows.
Boolean integer. If 1, reset memory status
Boolean integer. If 1, the change of memory status is shown.
Integer value specifying the number of cores to use. If set to a value higher than the number of available cores, the
number of available cores will be used. If set to -1, the number of available cores will be used. Increasing the
number of cores to use will also increase the amount of memory required for revoscalepy analysis functions.
Controls the number of digits to to use when converting numeric data to or from strings, such as when printing
numeric values or importing numeric data as strings. The default is the current value of options()$digits, which
defaults to 7. Beyond fifteen digits, however, results are likely to be unreliable.
Bool value. If True, the transform function is shown.
List of strings containing paths to search for local data sources. The default is to search just the current working
directory. This will be ignored if dataPath is specified in the active compute context. See the Details section for more
information regarding the path format.
List of strings containing paths for writing new output data files. New data files will be written to the first path that
exists. The default is to write to the current working directory. This will be ignored if outDataPath is specified in the
active compute context.
Integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller
files but a longer time to create them.
Character string or RxFileSystem object indicating type of file system; “native” or RxNativeFileSystem object can be
used for the local operating system, or an RxHdfsFileSystem object for the Hadoop file system.
Bool value. If True, sparse cube is used.
A positive integer scalar specifying the buffer size for the Parallel Random Number Generators (RNGs) in MKL.
Bool value. If True, main-effect terms are dropped before their interactions.
Character string specifying the coefficient label style. The default is “Revo”.
Integer value. The default numTasks use in RxInSqlServer.
The path to Python executable on a Unix/Linux node. By default it points to a path corresponding to this client’s
Specifies the traceLevel that ML server will run with. This parameter controls ML Server Logging features as well
as Runtime Tracing of ScalePy functions. Levels are inclusive, (i.e. level 3:INFO includes levels 2:WARN and
1:ERROR log messages). The options are:
0: DISABLED - Tracing/Logging disabled.
1: ERROR - ERROR coded trace points are logged to MRS log files
2: WARN - WARN and ERROR coded trace points are logged to MRS log files.
3: INFO - INFO, WARN, and ERROR coded trace points are logged to MRS

log files.

4: DEBUG - All trace points are logged to MRS log files.

5: RESERVED - If set, will log at DEBUG granularity
6: RESERVED - If set, will log at DEBUG granularity
7: TRACE - ScaleR functions Runtime Tracing is activated and MRS log

level is set to DEBUG granularity.

For RxOptions, a list containing the original RxOptions is returned.
If there is no argument specified, the list is returned explicitly, otherwise the list is returned as an invisible object.
For RxGetOption, the current value of the requested option is returned.

from revoscalepy import RxOptions
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxOrcData(file: str = None, column_info=None,

file_system: revoscalepy.datasource.RxFileSystem.RxFileSystem = None,
write_factors_as_indexes: bool = False)

Main generator for class RxOrcData, which extends RxSparkData.

Character string specifying the location of the data. e.g. “/tmp/AirlineDemoSmall.orc”.
List of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named elements
given below. Currently available properties for a column information list are: type: Character string specifying the
data type for the column.

Supported types are:

”bool” (stored as uchar),
“integer” (stored as int32),
“int16” (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
“float32” (stored as FloatType),
“numeric” (stored as float64),
“character” (stored as string),
“factor” (stored as uint32),
“Date” (stored as Date, i.e. float64.)

levels: List of strings containing the levels when type = “factor”. If the levels property is not provided, factor levels
will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any value that does not match a
provided level will be converted to a missing value.
Character string or RxFileSystem object indicating type of file system; It supports native HDFS and other HDFS
compatible systems, e.g., Azure Blob and Azure Data Lake. Local file system is not supported.
Bool value, if True, when writing to an RxOrcData data source, underlying factor indexes will be written instead of
the string representations.

object of class RxOrcData .

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_data_step, RxOptions, RxOrcData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
colInfo = {"DayOfWeek": {"type":"factor"}}
ds = RxOrcData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.orc"))
result = rx_data_step(ds)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxParquetData(file: str = None, column_info=None,

file_system: revoscalepy.datasource.RxFileSystem.RxFileSystem = None,
write_factors_as_indexes: bool = False)

Main generator for class RxParquetData, which extends RxSparkData.

Character string specifying the location of the data. e.g. “/tmp/AirlineDemoSmall.parquet”.
List of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named elements
given below. Currently available properties for a column information list are: type: Character string specifying the
data type for the column.

Supported types are:

”bool” (stored as uchar),
“integer” (stored as int32),
“int16” (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
“float32” (stored as FloatType),
“numeric” (stored as float64),
“character” (stored as string),
“factor” (stored as uint32),
“Date” (stored as Date, i.e. float64.)
“POSIXct” (stored as POSIXct, i.e. float64.)

levels: List of strings containing the levels when type = “factor”. If the levels property is not provided, factor levels
will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any value that does not match a
provided level will be converted to a missing value.
Character string or RxFileSystem object indicating type of file system; It supports native HDFS and other HDFS
compatible systems, e.g., Azure Blob and Azure Data Lake. Local file system is not supported.
Bool, if True, when writing to an RxParquetData data source, underlying factor indexes will be written instead of the
string representations.

Object of class RxParquetData .

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_data_step, RxOptions, RxParquetData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
colInfo = {"DayOfWeek": {"type":"factor"}}
ds = RxParquetData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.parquet"))
result = rx_data_step(ds)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_partition(input_data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, str],
output_data: revoscalepy.datasource.RxXdfData.RxXdfData,
vars_to_partition: typing.Union[typing.List[str], str],
append: str = 'rows', overwrite: bool = False,
**kwargs) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

Partition input data sources by key values and save the results to a partitioned .xdf file on disk.

Either a data source object, a character string specifying a ‘.xdf’ file, or a Pandas data frame object.
A partitioned data source object created by RxXdfData with create_partition_set = True.
List of strings of variable names to be used for partitioning the input data set.
Either “none” to create a new file or “rows” to append rows to an existing file. If output_data exists and append is
“none”, the overwrite argument must be set to True.
Bool value. If True, an existing output_data will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows.
Additional arguments.

A Pandas data frame of partitioning values and data sources, each row in the Pandas data frame represents one
partition and the data source in the last variable holds the data of a specific partition.

See also
rx_exec_by . RxXdfData .

import os, tempfile
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_partition
data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")

# input xdf data source

xdf_file = os.path.join(data_path, "claims.xdf")
xdf_ds = RxXdfData(xdf_file)

# create a partitioned xdf data source object

out_xdf_file = os.path.join(tempfile._get_default_tempdir(), "outPartitions")
out_xdf = RxXdfData(out_xdf_file, create_partition_set = True)

# do partitioning for input data set

partitions = rx_partition(input_data = xdf_ds, output_data = out_xdf, vars_to_partition = ["car.age","type"])
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_predict(model_object=None, data=None, output_data=None, **kwargs)

Generic function to compute predicted values and residuals using rx_lin_mod, rx_logit, rx_dtree, rx_dforest and
rx_btrees objects.

object returned from a call to rx_lin_mod, rx_logit, rx_dtree, rx_dforest and rx_btrees. Objects with multiple
dependent variables are not supported.
a data frame or an RxXdfData data source object to be used for predictions. If a Spark compute context is being
used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object or a
Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
an RxXdfData data source object or existing data frame to store predictions.
additional parameters

a data frame or a data source object of prediction results.

See also
rx_predict_default , rx_predict_rx_dtree , rx_predict_rx_dforest .

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_lin_mod, rx_predict, rx_data_step

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
mort_ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "mortDefaultSmall.xdf"))
mort_df = rx_data_step(mort_ds)

lin_mod = rx_lin_mod("creditScore ~ yearsEmploy", mort_df)

pred = rx_predict(lin_mod, data = mort_df)

Rows Read: 100000, Total Rows Processed: 100000, Total Chunk Time: 0.058 seconds
Rows Read: 100000, Total Rows Processed: 100000, Total Chunk Time: 0.006 seconds
Computation time: 0.039 seconds.
Rows Read: 100000, Total Rows Processed: 100000, Total Chunk Time: Less than .001 seconds
0 700.089114
1 699.834355
2 699.783403
3 699.681499
4 699.783403

Note: Function rx_predict does not run predictions but chooses the appropriate function rx_predict_default ,
rx_predict_rx_dtree , or rx_predict_rx_dforest based on the model which was given to it. Each of them has a
different set of parameters described by their documentation.
2/27/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

data: revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource = None,
output_data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
str] = None, compute_standard_errors: bool = False,
interval: typing.Union[list, str] = 'none',
confidence_level: float = 0.95, compute_residuals: bool = False,
type: typing.Union[list, str] = None,
write_model_vars: bool = False,
extra_vars_to_write: typing.Union[list, str] = None,
remove_missings: bool = False, append: typing.Union[list,
str] = None, overwrite: bool = False,
check_factor_levels: bool = True,
predict_var_names: typing.Union[list, str] = None,
residual_var_names: typing.Union[list, str] = None,
interval_var_names: typing.Union[list, str] = None,
std_errors_var_names: typing.Union[list, str] = None,
blocks_per_read: int = 0, report_progress: int = None,
verbose: int = 0, xdf_compression_level: int = 0,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None,

Compute predicted values and residuals using rx_lin_mod and rx_logit objects.

Object returned from a call to rx_lin_mod and rx_logit. Objects with multiple dependent variables are not
a data frame or an RxXdfData data source object to be used for predictions. If a Spark compute context is being
used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object or a
Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
A character string specifying the output ‘.xdf’ file, a RxXdfData object, RxTextData object, a RxOdbcData data
source, or a RxSqlServerData data source to store predictions.
Bool value. If True, the standard errors for each dependent variable are calculated.
Character string defining the type of interval calculation to perform. Supported values are “none”, “confidence”,
and “prediction”.
Numeric value representing the confidence level on the interval [0, 1].
bool Balue. If True, residuals are computed.
The type of prediction desired. Supported choices are: “response” and “link”. If type = “response”, the predictions
are on the scale of the response variable. For instance, for the binomial model, the predictions are in the range
(0,1). If type = “link”, the predictions are on the scale of the linear predictors. Thus for the binomial model, the
predictions are of log-odds.
Bool value. If True, and the output data set is different from the input data set, variables in the model will be
written to the output data set in addition to the predictions (and residuals, standard errors, and confidence bounds,
if requested). If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the transformed variables will also
be included.
None or list of strings of additional variables names from the input data or transforms to include in the
output_data. If write_model_vars is True, model variables will be included as well.
Bool value. If True, rows with missing values are removed.
either “none” to create a new files or “rows” to append rows to an existing file. If output_data exists and append is
“none”, the overwrite argument must be set to True. Ignored for data frames.
Bool value. If True, an existing output_data will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows. Ignored for
data frames.
Bool value.
List of strings specifying name(s) to give to the prediction results.
List of strings specifying name(s) to give to the residual results.
None or a list of strings defining low and high confidence interval variable names, respectively. If None, the strings
“_Lower” and “_Upper” are appended to the dependent variable names to form the confidence interval variable
None or a list of strings defining variable names corresponding to the standard errors, if calculated. If None, the
string “_StdErr” is appended to the dependent variable names to form the standard errors variable names.
Number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source. If the data and output_data are the
same file, blocks_per_read must be 1.
Integer value with options: 0: No progress is reported. 1: The number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
Rows processed and timings are reported. 3: Rows processed and all timings are reported.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed.
Integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file.
A RxComputeContext object for prediction.
Additional parameters

A data frame or a data source object of prediction results.

See also
rx_predict .

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_lin_mod, rx_predict_default, rx_data_step

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
mort_ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "mortDefaultSmall.xdf"))
mort_df = rx_data_step(mort_ds)

lin_mod = rx_lin_mod("creditScore ~ yearsEmploy", mort_df)

pred = rx_predict_default(lin_mod, data = mort_df, compute_residuals = True, write_model_vars = True)
2/27/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

data: revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource = None,
output_data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
str] = None, predict_var_names: list = None,
write_model_vars: bool = False,
extra_vars_to_write: list = None, append: typing.Union[list,
str] = 'none', overwrite: bool = False, type: typing.Union[list,
str] = None, remove_missings: bool = False,
compute_residuals: bool = False, residual_type: typing.Union[list,
str] = 'usual', residual_var_names: list = None,
blocks_per_read: int = None, report_progress: int = None,
verbose: int = 0, xdf_compression_level: int = None,
compute_context=None, **kwargs)

Calculate predicted or fitted values for a data set from an rx_dtree object.

Object returned from a call to rx_dtree.
A data frame or an RxXdfData data source object to be used for predictions. If a Spark compute context is being
used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object or a
Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
An RxXdfData data source object or existing data frame to store predictions.
List of strings specifying name(s) to give to the prediction results
Bool value. If True, and the output data set is different from the input data set, variables in the model will be
written to the output data set in addition to the predictions (and residuals, standard errors, and confidence bounds,
if requested). If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the transformed variables will also
be included.
None or list of strings of additional variables names from the input data or transforms to include in the
output_data. If write_model_vars is True, model variables will be included as well.
Either “none” to create a new files or “rows” to append rows to an existing file. If output_data exists and append is
“none”, the overwrite argument must be set to True. Ignored for data frames.
Bool value. If True, an existing output_data will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows. Ignored for
data frames.
the type of prediction desired. Supported choices are: “vector”, “prob”, “class”, and “matrix”.
Bool value. If True, rows with missing values are removed.
Bool value. If True, residuals are computed.
Indicates the type of residual desired.
List of strings specifying name(s) to give to the residual results.
Number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source. If the data and output_data are the
same file, blocks_per_read must be 1.
Integer value with options: 0: No progress is reported. 1: The number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
Rows processed and timings are reported. 3: Rows processed and all timings are reported.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed.
Integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file.
A RxComputeContext object for prediction.
Additional parameters

A data frame or a data source object of prediction results.

See also
rx_predict .

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_dtree, rx_predict_rx_dtree, rx_import, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))
kyphosis = rx_import(input_data = ds)

# classification
formula = "Kyphosis ~ Number + Start"
method = "class"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}
cost = [2,3]
dtree = rx_dtree(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Age", method = method, parms = parms, cost = cost,
max_num_bins = 100)
rx_pred = rx_predict_rx_dtree(dtree, data = kyphosis)

# regression
formula = "Age ~ Number + Start"
method = "anova"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}
cost = [2,3]
dtree = rx_dtree(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Kyphosis", method = method, parms = parms, cost = cost,
max_num_bins = 100)
rx_pred = rx_predict_rx_dtree(dtree, data = kyphosis)
2/27/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

data: revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource = None,
output_data: typing.Union[revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
str] = None, predict_var_names: list = None,
write_model_vars: bool = False,
extra_vars_to_write: list = None, append: typing.Union[list,
str] = 'none', overwrite: bool = False, type: typing.Union[list,
str] = None, cutoff: list = None,
remove_missings: bool = False, compute_residuals: bool = False,
residual_type: typing.Union[list, str] = 'usual',
residual_var_names: list = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
report_progress: int = None, verbose: int = 0,
xdf_compression_level: int = None, compute_context=None, **kwargs)

Calculate predicted or fitted values for a data set from an rx_dforest or rx_btrees object.

object returned from a call to rx_dtree.
a data frame or an RxXdfData data source object to be used for predictions. If a Spark compute context is being
used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or RxSparkDataFrame object or a
Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
an RxXdfData data source object or existing data frame to store predictions.
list of strings specifying name(s) to give to the prediction results
bool value. If True, and the output data set is different from the input data set, variables in the model will be
written to the output data set in addition to the predictions (and residuals, standard errors, and confidence
bounds, if requested). If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the transformed variables
will also be included.
None or list of strings of additional variables names from the input data or transforms to include in the
output_data. If write_model_vars is True, model variables will be included as well.
either “none” to create a new files or “rows” to append rows to an existing file. If output_data exists and append is
“none”, the overwrite argument must be set to True. Ignored for data frames.
bool value. If True, an existing output_data will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows. Ignored for
data frames.
the type of prediction desired. Supported choices are: “response”, “prob”, and “vote”.
(Classification only) a vector of length equal to the number of classes specifying the dividing factors for the class
votes. The default is the one used when the decision forest is built.
bool value. If True, rows with missing values are removed.
bool value. If True, residuals are computed.
Indicates the type of residual desired.
list of strings specifying name(s) to give to the residual results.
number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source. If the data and output_data are the
same file, blocks_per_read must be 1.
integer value with options: 0: no progress is reported. 1: the number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
rows processed and timings are reported. 3: rows processed and all timings are reported.
integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed.
integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file.
a RxComputeContext object for prediction.
additional parameters

a data frame or a data source object of prediction results.

See also
rx_predict .

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_dforest, rx_predict_rx_dforest, rx_import, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))
kyphosis = rx_import(input_data = ds)

# classification
formula = "Kyphosis ~ Number + Start"
method = "class"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}

dforest = rx_dforest(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Age", method = method,

parms = parms, cost = [2, 3], max_num_bins = 100, importance = True,
n_tree = 3, m_try = 2, sample_rate = 0.5,
replace = False, seed = 0, compute_oob_error = 1)
rx_pred = rx_predict_rx_dforest(dforest, data = kyphosis)

# regression
formula = "Age ~ Number + Start"
method = "anova"
parms = {'prior': [0.8, 0.2], 'loss': [0, 2, 3, 0], 'split': "gini"}

dforest = rx_dforest(formula, data = kyphosis, pweights = "Kyphosis", method = method,

parms = parms, cost = [2, 3], max_num_bins = 100, importance = True,
n_tree = 3, m_try = 2, sample_rate = 0.5,
replace = False, seed = 0, compute_oob_error = 1)
rx_pred = rx_predict_rx_dforest(dforest, data = kyphosis)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_privacy_control(enable: bool = None)

Used for opting out of telemetry data collection, which is enabled by default.

A bool value that specifies whether to opt in (True) or out (False) of anonymous data usage collection. If not
specified, the value is returned.

import revoscalepy
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_read_object(src: revoscalepy.datasource.RxOdbcData.RxOdbcData,
key: str = None, version: str = None,
key_name: str = 'id', value_name: str = 'value',
version_name: str = 'version', deserialize: bool = True,
decompress: str = 'zip')

Retrieves an ODBC data source object by its key value.

Loads an object from the ODBC data source, decompressing and unserializing it (by default) in the process.
Returns the object. If the data source parameter defines a query, the key and the version parameters are ignored.
The key and the version should be of some SQL character type (CHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, etc) supported
by the data source. The value column should be a binary type (VARBINARY for instance). Some conversions to
other types might work, however, they are dependant on the ODBC driver and on the underlying package

The object being stored into the data source.
A character string identifying the object. The intended use is for the key+version to be unique.
None or a character string which carries the version of the object. Combined with key identifies the object.
Character string specifying the column name for the key in the underlying table.
Character string specifying the column name for the objects in the underlying table.
Character string specifying the column name for the version in the underlying table.
Bool value. Dictates whether the object is to be serialized. Only raw values are supported if serialization is off.
logical value. Defines whether the object is to be de-serialized.
Character string defining the compression algorithm to use for memDecompress.

rx_read_object returns an object. rx_write_object and rx_delete_object return bool, True on success. rx_list_keys
returns a single column data frame containing strings.

from pandas import DataFrame
from numpy import random
from revoscalepy import RxOdbcData, rx_write_object, rx_read_object, rx_list_keys, rx_delete_object

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

dest = RxOdbcData(connection_string, table = "dataframe")

df = DataFrame(random.randn(10, 5))

status = rx_write_object(dest, key = "myDf", value = df)

read_obj = rx_read_object(dest, key = "myDf")

keys = rx_list_keys(dest)

rx_delete_object(dest, key = "myDf")

2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_read_xdf(file: str, vars_to_keep: list = None,
vars_to_drop: list = None, row_var_name: str = None,
start_row: int = 1, num_rows: int = None,
return_data_frame: bool = True,
strings_as_factors: bool = False,
max_rows_by_columns: int = None, report_progress: int = None,
read_by_block: bool = False, cpp_interp: list = None)

Read data from an “.xdf” file into a data frame.

Either an RxXdfData object or a character string specifying the “.xdf” file.
List of strings of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If None, argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with vars_to_drop.
List of strings of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If None, argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with vars_to_keep.
Optional character string specifying the variable in the data file to use as row names for the output data frame.
Starting row for retrieval.
Number of rows of data to retrieve. If -1, all are read.
Bool indicating whether or not to create a data frame. If False, a list is returned.
Bool indicating whether or not to convert strings into factors.
The maximum size of a data frame that will be read in, measured by the number of rows times the number of
columns. If the numer of rows times the number of columns being extracted from the “.xdf” file exceeds this, a
warning will be reported and a smaller number of rows will be read in than requested. If max_rows_by_columns is
set to be too large, you may experience problems from loading a huge data frame into memory. To extract a subset
of rows and/or columns from an “.xdf” file, use rx_data_step.
Integer value with options: 0: No progress is reported. 1: The number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
Rows processed and timings are reported. 3: Rows processed and all timings are reported.
Read data by blocks. This argument is deprecated.
List of information sent to C++ interpreter.

a data frame.

See also
rx_import , rx_data_step .

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, rx_read_xdf

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
mort_file = os.path.join(sample_data_path, "mortDefaultSmall.xdf")
mort_df = rx_read_xdf(mort_file, num_rows = 10)


Rows Processed: 10
Time to read data file: 0.00 secs.
Time to convert to data frame: less than .001 secs.
creditScore houseAge yearsEmploy ccDebt year default
0 691 16 9 6725 2000 0
1 691 4 4 5077 2000 0
2 743 18 3 3080 2000 0
3 728 22 1 4345 2000 0
4 745 17 3 2969 2000 0
5 539 15 3 4588 2000 0
6 724 6 5 4057 2000 0
7 659 14 3 6456 2000 0
8 621 18 3 1861 2000 0
9 720 14 7 4568 2000 0
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxRemoteJob(compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext,
job_id: str = None)

Closes the remote job, purging all associated job-related data. You can reference a job by its ID, or call close() to
purge jobs in a given compute context.


Closes the remote job, purging all the data associated with the job

deserialize_job(job_id: str) -> revoscalepy.computecontext.RxRemoteJob.RxRemoteJob

Deserializes a RxRemoteJob given the job id

The job that was deserialized

deserialize_jobs() -> list

Deserializes the existing jobs that have not been cleaned up by calling close().

The deserialized jobs

resolve_context() -> revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext

Resolves the RxComputeContext that is associated with the job

The RxComputeContext that is associated with the job or None if the compute context isn’t valid
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online


This enumeration represents the execution status of a remote Python job. The enumeration is returned from the
rx_get_job_status method and will indicate the current status of the job. The enumeration has the following values
indicating job status:
FINISHED - The job has run to a successful completion
FAILED - The job has failed
CANCELED - The job was cancelled before it could run to successful completion by using rx_cancel_job
UNDETERMINED - The job’s status could not be determined, typically meaning it has been executed on the server
and the job has already been cleaned up by calling rx_get_job_results or rx_cleanup_jobs
RUNNING - The distributed computing job is currently executing on the server
QUEUED - The distributed computing job is currently awaiting execution on the server

See also

from revoscalepy import RxInSqlServer
from revoscalepy import rx_exec
from revoscalepy import RxRemoteJobStatus
from revoscalepy import rx_get_job_status
from revoscalepy import rx_wait_for_job

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

# Setting wait to False allows the job to be run asynchronously

# Setting console_output to True allows us to get the console output of the distributed computing job
compute_context = RxInSqlServer(connection_string=connection_string,

def hello_from_sql():
import time
print('Hello from SQL server')
return 'We just ran Python code asynchronously on a SQL server!'

job = rx_exec(function=hello_from_sql, compute_context=compute_context)

# Poll initial status

status = rx_get_job_status(job)


if status == RxRemoteJobStatus.RUNNING or status == RxRemoteJobStatus.QUEUED :

# Wait for the job to finish or fail whatever the case may be

# Poll final status

status = rx_get_job_status(job)

2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext) ->

Sets the active compute context for revoscalepy computations

Character string specifying class name or description of the specific class to instantiate, or an existing
RxComputeContext object. Choices include: “RxLocalSeq” or “local”, “RxInSqlServer”.

rx_set_compute_context returns the previously active compute context invisibly. rx_get_compute_context returns
the active compute context.

See also
RxComputeContext , RxLocalSeq , RxInSqlServer , rx_get_compute_context .

from revoscalepy import RxLocalSeq, RxInSqlServer, rx_get_compute_context, rx_set_compute_context

local_cc = RxLocalSeq()
sql_server_cc = RxInSqlServer('Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;')
previous_cc = rx_set_compute_context(sql_server_cc)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_set_var_info(var_info, data)

Set the variable information for an .xdf file, including variable names, descriptions, and value labels, or set
attributes for variables in a data frame

list containing lists of variable information for variables in the XDF data source or data frame.
an RxDataSource object, a character string specifying the .xdf file, or a data frame.

If the input data is a data frame, a data frame is returned containing variables with the new attributes. If the input
data represents an .xdf file or composite file, an RxXdfData object representing the modified file is returned.

See also
rx_get_info , rx_get_var_info .

import os
import tempfile
from shutil import copy2
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_import, rx_get_var_info, rx_set_var_info

sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
src_claims_file = os.path.join(sample_data_path, "claims.xdf")
dest_claims_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "claims_new.xdf")
copy2(src_claims_file, dest_claims_file)
var_info = rx_get_var_info(src_claims_file)

claims_labels = ['Type1', 'Type2', 'Type3', 'Type4']

var_info['type']['levels'] = claims_labels
var_info['cost']['low'] = 10
var_info['cost']['high'] = 1000
rx_set_var_info(var_info, dest_claims_file)

new_var_info = rx_get_var_info(dest_claims_file)

Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Storage: int32, Low/High: (1.0000, 128.0000)

Var 2: age
8 factor levels: ['17-20', '21-24', '25-29', '30-34', '35-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60+']
Var 3: car.age
4 factor levels: ['0-3', '4-7', '8-9', '10+']
Var 4: type
4 factor levels: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (11.0000, 850.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)

Var 1: RowNum, Type: integer, Storage: int32, Low/High: (1.0000, 128.0000)

Var 2: age
8 factor levels: ['17-20', '21-24', '25-29', '30-34', '35-39', '40-49', '50-59', '60+']
Var 3: car.age
4 factor levels: ['0-3', '4-7', '8-9', '10+']
Var 4: type
4 factor levels: ['Type1', 'Type2', 'Type3', 'Type4']
Var 5: cost, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (10.0000, 1000.0000)
Var 6: number, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0000, 434.0000)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_serialize_model(model, realtime_scoring_only=False) -> bytes

Serialize the given python model.

Supported models are “rx_logit”, “rx_lin_mod”, “rx_dtree”, “rx_btrees”, “rx_dforest” and MicrosoftML models.
Boolean flag indicating if model serialization is for real-time only. Default to False

Bytes of the serialized model.

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxXdfData, rx_serialize_model, rx_lin_mod
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))
linmod = rx_lin_mod("ArrDelay~DayOfWeek", ds)
s_linmod = rx_serialize_model(linmod, realtime_scoring_only = False)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxSpark(hdfs_share_dir: str = '/user/RevoShare\766RR78ROCWFDMK$',

share_dir: str = '/var/RevoShare\766RR78ROCWFDMK$',
user: str = '766RR78ROCWFDMK$', name_node: str = None,
master: str = 'yarn', port: int = None,
auto_cleanup: bool = True, console_output: bool = False,
packages_to_load: list = None, idle_timeout: int = 3600,
num_executors: int = None, executor_cores: int = None,
executor_mem: str = None, driver_mem: str = None,
executor_overhead_mem: str = None, extra_spark_config: str = '',
spark_reduce_method: str = 'auto', tmp_fs_work_dir: str = None,
persistent_run: bool = False, wait: bool = True, **kwargs)

Creates the compute context for running revoscalepy analysis on Spark. Note that the use of rx_spark_connect() is
recommended over RxSpark() as rx_spark_connect() supports persistent mode with in-memory caching. Run
help (revoscalepy.rx_spark_connect) for more information.
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxSparkData(column_info: dict = None,

df_source: str = None, df_type: str = None,
write_factors_as_indexes: bool = False, **kwargs)

Base class for all revoscalepy Spark data sources, including RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData and
RxSparkDataFrame. It is intended to be called from those subclasses instead of directly.
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxSparkDataFrame(data=None, column_info=None,
write_factors_as_indexes: bool = False)

Main generator for class RxSparkDataFrame, which extends RxSparkData.

Spark data frame obj from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
List of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named elements
given below. Currently available properties for a column information list are: type: Character string specifying the
data type for the column.

Supported types are:

”bool” (stored as uchar),
“integer” (stored as int32),
“int16” (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
“float32” (stored as FloatType),
“numeric” (stored as float64),
“character” (stored as string),
“factor” (stored as uint32),
“Date” (stored as Date, i.e. float64.)
“POSIXct” (stored as POSIXct, i.e. float64.)

levels: List of strings containing the levels when type = “factor”. If the levels property is not provided, factor levels
will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any value that does not match a
provided level will be converted to a missing value.
Bool value, if True, when writing to an RxSparkDataFrame data source, underlying factor indexes will be written
instead of the string representations.

Object of class RxSparkDataFrame .

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_data_step, RxSparkDataFrame
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
df = spark.createDataFrame([('Monday',3012),('Friday',1354),('Sunday',5452)], ["DayOfWeek", "Sale"])
col_info = {"DayOfWeek": {"type":"factor"}}
ds = RxSparkDataFrame(df, column_info=col_info)
out_ds = RxSparkDataFrame(write_factors_as_indexes=True)
rx_data_step(ds, out_ds)
out_df = out_ds.spark_data_frame
# [Row(DayOfWeek=0, Sale=3012), Row(DayOfWeek=2, Sale=1354)]
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_spark_cache_data(in_data: revoscalepy.datasource.RxDataSource.RxDataSource,
cache: bool)

Use this function to set the cache flag to control whether data objects should be cached in Spark memory system,
applicable for RxXdfData, RxHiveData, RxParquetData, RxOrcData and RxSparkDataFrame.

A data source that can be RxXdfData, RxHiveData, RxParquetData, RxOrcData or RxSparkDataFrame. RxTextData
is currently not supported.
Bool value controlling whether the data should be cached or not. If TRUE the data will be cached in the Spark
memory system after the first use for performance enhancement.

Data object with new cache flag.

from revoscalepy import RxHiveData, rx_spark_connect, rx_spark_cache_data
hive_data = RxHiveData(table = "mytable")

# The cache flag of hiveData is now set to TRUE.

hive_data = rx_spark_cache_data(hive_data, True)

# set cache value to False

hive_data = rx_spark_cache_data(hive_data, False)
2/27/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_spark_connect(hdfs_share_dir: str = '/user/RevoShare\\766RR78ROCWFDMK$',
share_dir: str = '/var/RevoShare\\766RR78ROCWFDMK$',
user: str = '766RR78ROCWFDMK$', name_node: str = None,
master: str = 'yarn', port: int = None,
auto_cleanup: bool = True, console_output: bool = False,
packages_to_load: list = None, idle_timeout: int = None,
num_executors: int = None, executor_cores: int = None,
executor_mem: str = None, driver_mem: str = None,
executor_overhead_mem: str = None, extra_spark_config: str = '',
spark_reduce_method: str = 'auto', tmp_fs_work_dir: str = None,
interop: typing.Union[list, str] = None,
reset: bool = False) -> revoscalepy.computecontext.RxSpark.RxSpark

Creates the compute context object with RxSpark and then immediately starts the remote Spark application.

Character string specifying the file sharing location within HDFS. You must have permissions to read and write to
this location. When you are running in Spark local mode, this parameter will be ignored and it will be forced to be
equal to the parameter share_dir.
Character string specifying the directory on the master (perhaps edge) node that is shared among all the nodes of
the cluster and any client host. You must have permissions to read and write in this directory.
Character string specifying the username for submitting job to the Spark cluster. Defaults to the username of the
user running the python (that is, the value of getpass.getuser()).
Character string specifying the Spark name node hostname or IP address. Typically you can leave this at its
default value. If set to a value other than “default” or the empty string (see below ), this must be an address that can
be resolved by the data nodes and used by them to contact the name node. Depending on your cluster, it may
need to be set to a private network address such as “master.local”. If set to the empty string, “”, then the master
process will set this to the name of the node on which it is running, as returned by platform.node(). If you are
running in Spark local mode, this parameter defaults to “file:///”; otherwise it defaults to
Character string specifying the master URL passed to Spark. The value of this parameter could be “yarn”,
“standalone” and “local”. The formats of Spark’s master URL (except for mesos) specified in this website are also supported.
Integer value specifying the port used by the name node for HDFS. Needs to be able to be cast to an integer.
Defaults to RxOptions.get_option(“hdfsPort”).
Bool value, if True, the default behavior is to clean up the temporary computational artifacts and delete the result
objects upon retrieval. If False, then the computational results are not deleted. Leaving this flag set to False can
result in accumulation of compute artifacts which you may eventually need to delete before they fill up your hard
Bool value, if True, causes the standard output of the python processes to be printed to the user console.
Optional character vector specifying additional modules to be loaded on the nodes when jobs are run in this
compute context.
Integer value, specifying the number of seconds of being idle (i.e., not running any Spark job) before system kills
the Spark process. Setting a value greater than 600 is recommended. Defaults to 3600. Setting a negative value
will not timeout. pyspark interoperation will have no timeout.
Integer value, specifying the number of executors in Spark, which is equivalent to parameter –num-executors in
spark-submit app. If not specified, the default behavior is to launch as many executors as possible, which may use
up all resources and prevent other users from sharing the cluster. Defaults to
Integer value, specifying the number of cores per executor, which is equivalent to parameter –executor-cores in
spark-submit app. Defaults to RxOptions.get_option(“spark.executorCores”).
Character string specifying memory per executor (e.g., 1000M, 2G ), which is equivalent to parameter –executor-
memory in spark-submit app. Defaults to RxOptions.get_option(“spark.executorMem”).
Character string specifying memory for driver (e.g., 1000M, 2G ), which is equivalent to parameter –driver-
memory in spark-submit app. Defaults to RxOptions.get_option(“spark.driverMem”).
Character string specifying memory overhead per executor (e.g. 1000M, 2G ), which is equivalent to setting
spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead in YARN. Increasing this value will allocate more memory for the python
process and the ScaleR engine process in the YARN executors, so it may help resolve job failure or executor lost
issues. Defaults to RxOptions.get_option(“spark.executorOverheadMem”).
Character string specifying extra arbitrary Spark properties (e.g., “–conf spark.speculation=true –conf
spark.yarn.queue=aQueue”), which is equivalent to additional parameters passed into spark-submit app.
Spark job collects all parallel tasks’ results to reduce as final result. This parameter decides reduce strategy:
oneStage/twoStage/auto. oneStage: reduce parallel tasks to one result with one reduce function; twoStage: reduce
parallel tasks to square root size with the first reduce function, then reduce to final result with the second reduce
function; auto: spark will smartly select oneStage or twoStage.
Character string specifying the temporary working directory in worker nodes. It defaults to /dev/shm to utilize in-
memory temporary file system for performance gain, when the size of /dev/shm is less than 1G, the default value
would switch to /tmp for guarantee sufficiency. You can specify a different location if the size of /dev/shm is
insufficient. Please make sure that YARN run-as user has permission to read and write to this location
None or string or list of strings. Current supported interoperation values are, ‘pyspark’: active revoscalepy Spark
compute context in existing pyspark application to support the usage of both

pyspark and revoscalepy functionalities. For jobs running in AzureML, interop value ‘pyspark’ must be used.

Bool value, if True, all cached Spark Data Frames will be freed and all existing Spark applications that belong to
the current user will be shut down.

from revoscalepy import rx_spark_connect, rx_spark_disconnect
cc = rx_spark_connect()

####### pyspark interoperation example ####################
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark import SparkContext
from revoscalepy import rx_spark_connect, rx_get_pyspark_connection, RxSparkDataFrame, rx_summary,
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("yarn").getOrCreate()
cc = rx_spark_connect(interop = "pyspark")

# sc is equivalent to result of pyspark API call SparkContext.getOrCreate()

sc = rx_get_pyspark_connection(cc)

####### algorithms with input from spark data frame #######

df = spark.createDataFrame([('Monday',3012),('Friday',1354),('Sunday',5452)], ["DayOfWeek", "Sale"])
input_df = RxSparkDataFrame(df)
rx_summary("~.", input_df)

####### ETL with output to spark data frame ###############

output_df = RxSparkDataFrame()
rx_data_step(input_df, output_df, vars_to_drop = ['DayOfWeek'])
odf = output_df.spark_data_frame
# [Row(Sale=3012), Row(Sale=1354)]
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online


Shuts down the remote Spark application and switches to a local compute context. All rx* function calls after this
will run in a local compute context. In pyspark-interop mode, if Spark application is started by pyspark APIs,
rx_spark_disconnect will not shut down the remote Spark application but disassociate from it. Run
‘help(revoscalepy.rx_spark_connect)’ for more information about interop.

Spark compute context to be terminated by rx_spark_disconnect. If input is None, then current compute context
will be used.

from revoscalepy import rx_spark_connect, rx_spark_disconnect
cc = rx_spark_connect()
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_spark_list_data(show_description: bool,
compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None)

Use these functions to manage the objects cached in the Spark memory system. These functions are only
applicable when using RxSpark compute context.

Bool value, indicating whether or not to print out the detail to console.
RxSpark compute context object.

List of all objects cached in Spark memory system for rxSparkListData.

from revoscalepy import RxOrcData, rx_spark_connect, rx_spark_list_data, rx_lin_mod, rx_spark_cache_data
col_info = {"DayOfWeek": {"type": "factor"}}
df = RxOrcData(file = "/share/sample_data/AirlineDemoSmallOrc", column_info = col_info)
df = rx_spark_cache_data(df, True)

# After the first run, a Spark data object is added into the list
rx_lin_mod("ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek", data = df)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

compute_context: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxComputeContext.RxComputeContext = None)

Use these functions to manage the objects cached in the Spark memory system. These functions are only
applicable when using RxSpark compute context.

Cached object or a list of cached objects need to be deleted.
RxSpark compute context object.

No return objs for rxSparkRemoveData.

from revoscalepy import RxOrcData, rx_spark_connect, rx_spark_disconnect, rx_spark_list_data,
rx_spark_cache_data, rx_spark_remove_data, rx_lin_mod
col_info = {"DayOfWeek": {"type": "factor"}}

df = RxOrcData(file = "/share/sample_data/AirlineDemoSmallOrc", column_info = col_info)

df = rx_spark_cache_data(df, True)

# After the first run, a Spark data object is added into the list
rx_lin_mod("ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek", data = df)

2/27/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxSqlServerData(connection_string: str = None,

table: str = None, sql_query: str = None,
row_buffering: bool = True, return_data_frame: bool = True,
string_as_factors: bool = False, column_classes: dict = None,
column_info: dict = None, rows_per_read: int = 50000,
verbose: bool = False, use_fast_read: bool = True,
server: str = None, database_name: str = None,
user: str = None, password: str = None,
write_factors_as_indexes: bool = False, **kwargs)

Main generator for class RxSqlServerData, which extends RxDataSource.

None or character string specifying the connection string.
None or character string specifying the table name. Cannot be used with sql_query.
None or character string specifying a valid SQL select query. Cannot contain hidden characters such as tabs or
newlines. Cannot be used with table. If you want to use TABLESAMPLE clause in sqlQuery, set row_buffering
argument to False.
Bool value specifying whether or not to buffer rows on read from the database. If you are having problems with
your ODBC driver, try setting this to False.
Bool value indicating whether or not to convert the result from a list to a data frame (for use in rxReadNext only). If
False, a list is returned.
Bool value indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden
by specifying “character” in column_classes and column_info. If True, the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is
to use column_info with specified “levels”.
Dictionary of column name to strings specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element
names for the vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type. Allowable column types
are: “bool” (stored as uchar), “integer” (stored as int32), “float32” (the default for floating point data for ‘.xdf’ files),
“numeric” (stored as float64 as in R ), “character” (stored as string), “factor” (stored as uint32), “int16” (alternative to
integer for smaller storage space), “uint16” (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space), “Date”
(stored as Date, i.e. float64)
Note for “factor” type, the levels will be coded in the order encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row
dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is to use column_info with specified “levels”. Note
that equivalent types share the same bullet in the list above; for some types we allow both ‘R -friendly’ type names,
as well as our own, more specific type names for ‘.xdf’ data. Note also that specifying the column as a “factor” type
is currently equivalent to “string” - for the moment, if you wish to import a column as factor data you must use the
column_info argument, documented below.
List of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named elements
given below. The information supplied for column_info overrides that supplied for column_classes. Currently
available properties for a column information list are: type: Character string specifying the data type for the column.

column_classes argument description for the available types. Specify

“factorIndex” as the type for 0-based factor indexes. levels must also
be specified.

newName: Character string specifying a new name for the variable. description: character string specifying a
description for the variable. levels: List of strings containing the levels when type = “factor”. If

the levels property is not provided, factor levels will be determined

by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any value
that does not match a provided level will be converted to a missing

newLevels: New or replacement levels specified for a column of type “factor”. It must be used in conjunction with
the levels argument. After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will be replaced with the newLevels.
low: The minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F () function.
high: The maximum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F () function.
Number of rows to read at a time.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, information on the odbc data source type (odbc or odbcFast)
is printed.
Bool value, specifying whether or not to use a direct ODBC connection. On Linux systems, this is the only ODBC
connection available.
Target SQL Server instance. Can also be specified in the connection string with the Server keyword.
Database on the target SQL Server instance. Can also be specified in the connection string with the Database
SQL login to connect to the SQL Server instance. SQL login can also be specified in the connection string with the
uid keyword.
Password associated with the SQL login. Can also be specified in the connection string with the pwd keyword.
Bool value, if True, when writing to an RxOdbcData data source, underlying factor indexes will be written instead of
the string representations.
Additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying functions.

object of class RxSqlServerData .

from revoscalepy import RxSqlServerData, rx_data_step

connection_string="Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;Trusted_Connection=True"
query="select top 100 [ArrDelay],[CRSDepTime],[DayOfWeek] FROM airlinedemosmall"

ds = RxSqlServerData(sql_query = query, connection_string = connection_string)

df = rx_data_step(ds)
2/27/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_summary(formula: str, data, by_group_out_file=None,
summary_stats: list = None, by_term: bool = True, pweights=None,
fweights=None, row_selection: str = None, transforms=None,
transform_objects=None, transform_function=None, transform_variables=None,
transform_packages=None, transform_environment=None,
overwrite: bool = False, use_sparse_cube: bool = None,
remove_zero_counts: bool = None, blocks_per_read: int = None,
rows_per_block: int = 100000, report_progress: int = None,
verbose: int = 0, compute_context=None, **kwargs)

Produce univariate summaries of objects in revoscalepy.

Statistical model using symbolic formulas. The formula typically does not contain a response variable, i.e. it should
be of the form ~ terms.
either a data source object, a character string specifying a ‘.xdf’ file, or a data frame object to summarize. If a Spark
compute context is being used, this argument may also be an RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxParquetData or
RxSparkDataFrame object or a Spark data frame object from pyspark.sql.DataFrame.
None, a character string or vector of character strings specifying .xdf file names(s), or an RxXdfData object or list
of RxXdfData objects. If not None, and the formula includes computations by factor, the by-group summary
results will be written out to one or more ‘.xdf’ files. If more than one .xdf file is created and a single character
string is specified, an integer will be appended to the base by_group_out_file name for additional file names. The
resulting RxXdfData objects will be listed in the categorical component of the output object.
A list of strings containing one or more of the following values: “Mean”, “StdDev”, “Min”, “Max”, “ValidObs”,
“MissingObs”, “Sum”.
bool variable. If True, missings will be removed by term (by variable or by interaction expression) before
computing summary statistics. If False, observations with missings in any term will be removed before
Character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.
Character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
Variable transformation function.
List of strings of input data set variables needed for the transformation function.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
None. Not currently supported, reserved for future use.
Bool value. If True, an existing byGroupOutFile will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored byGroupOutFile is None.
Bool value. If True, sparse cube is used.
Bool flag. If True, rows with no observations will be removed from the output for counts of categorical data. By
default, it has the same value as useSparseCube. For large summary computation, this should be set to True,
otherwise the Python interpreter may run out of memory even if the internal C++ computation succeeds.
Number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
Maximum number of rows to write to each block in the by_group_out_file (if it is not None).
Integer value with options: 0: No progress is reported. 1: The number of processed rows is printed and updated. 2:
Rows processed and timings are reported. 3: Rows processed and all timings are reported.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, additional summary information is printed.
A valid RxComputeContext object.
Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.

An RxSummary object containing the following elements: nobs.valid: Number of valid observations. nobs.missing:
Number of missing observations. sDataFrame: Data frame containing summaries for continuous variables.
categorical: List of summaries for categorical variables. categorical.type: Types of categorical summaries: can be
“counts”, or “cube” (for crosstab counts) or “none” (if there is no categorical summaries). formula: Formula used to
obtain the summary.

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_summary, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf"))
summary = rx_summary("ArrDelay+DayOfWeek", ds)
2/27/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxTextData(file: str, strings_as_factors: bool = False,

column_classes: dict = None, column_info: dict = None,
vars_to_keep: list = None, vars_to_drop: list = None,
missing_value_string: str = 'NA', rows_per_read: int = 500000,
delimiter: str = None, combine_delimiters: bool = False,
quote_mark: str = '"', decimal_point: str = '.',
thousands_separator: str = None,
read_date_format: str = '[%y[-][/]%m[-][/]%d]',
read_posixct_format: str = '%y[-][/]%m[-][/]%d [%H:%M[:%S]][%p]',
century_cutoff: int = 20, first_row_is_column_names=None,
rows_to_sniff: int = 10000, rows_to_skip: int = 0,
return_data_frame: bool = True,
default_read_buffer_size: int = 10000,
default_decimal_column_type: str = None,
default_missing_column_type: str = None,
write_precision: int = 7, strip_zeros: bool = False,
quoted_delimiters: bool = False, is_fixed_format: bool = None,
use_fast_read: bool = True, create_file_set: bool = None,
rows_per_out_file: int = None, verbose: int = 0,
check_vars_to_keep: bool = False, file_system: typing.Union[str,
revoscalepy.datasource.RxFileSystem.RxFileSystem] = 'native',
input_encoding: str = 'utf-8',
write_factors_as_indexes: bool = False)

Main generator for class RxTextData, which extends RxDataSource.

Character string specifying a text file. If it has an ‘.sts’ extension, it is interpreted as a fixed format schema file. If the
column_info argument contains start and width information, it is interpreted as a fixed format data file. Otherwise,
it is treated as a delimited text data file. See the Details section for more information on using ‘.sts’ files.
Bool value indicating whether or not to convert the result from a list to a data frame (for use in rxReadNext only). If
False, a list is returned.
Bool value indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden
by specifying “character” in column_classes and column_info. If True, the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is
to use column_info with specified “levels”.
Dictionary of column names to strings specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element
names for the vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.
Allowable column types are:
”bool” (stored as uchar),
“integer” (stored as int32),
“float32” (the default for floating point data for ‘.xdf’ files),
“numeric” (stored as float64 as in R),
“character” (stored as string),
“factor” (stored as uint32),
“ordered” (ordered factor stored as uint32. Ordered factors are treated

the same as factors in RevoScaleR analysis functions.),

”int16” (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),

“uint16” (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space),
“Date” (stored as Date, i.e. float64. Not supported if use_fast_read =


”POSIXct” (stored as POSIXct, i.e. float64. Not supported if

use_fast_read = True.)

Note for “factor” and “ordered” types, the levels will be coded in the
order encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the
preferred method for handling factor columns is to use column_info with
specified “levels”.

List of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named elements
given below. When importing fixed format data, either column_info or an an ‘.sts’ schema file should be supplied.
For such fixed format data, only the variables specified will be imported. For all text types, the information supplied
for column_info overrides that supplied for column_classes.
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
type: Character string specifying the data type for the column. See
column_classes argument description for the available types. If the
type is not specified for fixed format data, it will be read as
character data.

newName: Character string specifying a new name for the variable.

description: Character string specifying a description for the variable.
levels: List of strings containing the levels when type = “factor”. If

the levels property is not provided, factor levels will be determined

by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any value
that does not match a provided level will be converted to a missing

newLevels: New or replacement levels specified for a column of type

“factor”. It must be used in conjunction with the levels argument.
After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will be
replaced with the newLevels.

low: The minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using
the F() function.

high: The maximum data value in the variable (used in computations

using the F() function.

start: The left-most position, in bytes, for the column of a fixed

format file respectively. When all elements of column_info have
“start”, the text file is designated as a fixed format file. When none
of the elements have it, the text file is designated as a delimited
file. Specification of start must always be accompanied by
specification of width.

width: The number of characters in a fixed-width character column or

the column of a fixed format file. If width is specified for a
character column, it will be imported as a fixed-width character
variable. Any characters beyond the fixed width will be ignored.
Specification of width is required for all columns of a fixed format
file (if not provided in an ‘.sts’ file).

decimalPlaces: The number of decimal places.

index: Column index in the original delimited text data file. It is

used as an alternative to naming the variable information list if the

original delimited text file does not contain column names. Ignored if
a name for the list is specified. Should not be used with fixed format

List of strings of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If None, argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with vars_to_drop.
List of strings of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If None, argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with vars_to_keep.
Character string containing the missing value code. It can be an empty string: “”.
Number of rows to read at a time.
Character string containing the character to use as the separator between variables. If None and the column_info
argument does not contain “start” and “width” information (which implies a fixed-formatted file), the delimiter is
auto-sensed from the list “,”, ” “, “;”, and ” “.
Bool value indicating whether or not to treat consecutive non-space (” “) delimiters as a single delimiter. Space ” ”
delimiters are always combined.
Character string containing the quotation mark. It can be an empty string: “”.
Character string containing the decimal point. Not supported when use_fast_read is set to True.
Character string containing the thousands separator. Not supported when use_fast_read is set to True.
Character string containing the time date format to use during read operations. Not supported when use_fast_read
is set to True. Valid formats are:

%c Skip a single character (see also %w).

%Nc Skip N characters.
%$c Skip the rest of the input string.
%d Day of the month as integer (01-31).
%m Month as integer (01-12) or as character string.
%w Skip a whitespace delimited word (see also %c).
%y Year. If less than 100, century_cutoff is used to determine the actual
%Y Year as found in the input string.
%%, %[, %] input the %, [, and ] characters from the input string.
[…] square brackets within format specifications indicate optional
components; if present, they are used, but they need not be there.

Character string containing the time date format to use during read operations. Not supported when use_fast_read
is set to True. Valid formats are:

%c Skip a single character (see also %w).

%Nc Skip N characters.
%$c Skip the rest of the input string.
%d Day of the month as integer (01-31).
%H Hour as integer (00-23).
%m Month as integer (01-12) or as character string.
%M Minute as integer (00-59).
%n Milliseconds as integer (00-999).
%N Milliseconds or tenths or hundredths of second.
%p Character string defining ‘am’/‘pm’.
%S Second as integer (00-59).
%w Skip a whitespace delimited word (see also %c).
%y Year. If less than 100, century_cutoff is used to determine the actual
%Y Year as found in the input string.
%%, %[, %] input the %, [, and ] characters from the input string.
[…] square brackets within format specifications indicate optional

components; if present, they are used, but they need not be there.
Integer specifying the changeover year between the twentieth and twenty-first century if two-digit years are read.
Values less than century_cutoff are prefixed by 20 and those greater than or equal to century_cutoff are prefixed by
19. If you specify 0, all two digit dates are interpreted as years in the twentieth century. Not supported when
use_fast_read is set to True.
Bool indicating if the first row represents column names for reading text. If first_row_is_column_names is None,
then column names are auto- detected. The logic for auto-detection is: if the first row contains all values that are
interpreted as character and the second row contains at least one value that is interpreted as numeric, then the first
row is considered to be column names; otherwise the first row is considered to be the first data row. Not relevant
for fixed format data. As for writing, it specifies to write column names as the first row. If
first_row_is_column_names is None, the default is to write the column names as the first row.
Number of rows to use in determining column type.
Integer indicating number of leading rows to ignore. Only supported for use_fast_read = True.
Number of rows to read into a temporary buffer. This value could affect the speed of import.
Used to specify a column’s data type when only decimal values (possibly mixed with missing (NA) values) are
encountered upon first read of the data and the column’s type information is not specified via column_info or
column_classes. Supported types are “float32” and “numeric”, for 32-bit floating point and 64-bit floating point
values, respectively.
Used to specify a given column’s data type when only missings (NAs) or blanks are encountered upon first read of
the data and the column’s type information is not specified via column_info or column_classes. Supported types are
“float32”, “numeric”, and “character” for 32-bit floating point, 64-bit floating point and string values, respectively.
Only supported for use_fast_read = True.
Integer specifying the precision to use when writing numeric data to a file.
Bool value if True, if there are only zeros after the decimal point for a numeric, it will be written as an integer to a
Bool value, if True, delimiters within quoted strings will be ignored. This requires a slower parsing process. Only
applicable to use_fast_read is set to True; delimiters within quotes are always supported when use_fast_read is set
to False.
Bool value, if true, the input data file is treated as a fixed format file. Fixed format files must have a ‘.sts’ file or a
column_info argument specifying the start and width of each variable. If False, the input data file is treated as a
delimited text file. If None, the text file type (fixed or delimited text) is auto-determined.
None or bool value. If True, the data file is accessed directly by the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine. If False,
StatTransfer is used to access the data file. If None, the type of text import is auto-determined. use_fast_read should
be set to False if importing Date or POSIXct data types, if the data set contains the delimiter character inside a
quoted string, if the decimalPoint is not “.”, if the thousandsSeparator is not “,”, if the quoteMark is not “”“, or if
combineDelimiters is set to True. use_fast_read should be set to True if rowsToSkip or defaultMissingColType are
set. If use_fast_read is True, by default variables containing the values True and False or T and F will be created as
bool variables. use_fast_read cannot be set to False if an HDFS file system is being used. If an incompatible setting
of use_fast_read is detected, a warning will be issued and the value will be changed.
Bool value or None. Used only when writing. If True, a file folder of text files will be created instead of a single text
file. A directory will be created whose name is the same as the text file that would otherwise be created, but with no
extension. In the directory, the data will be split across a set of text files (see rows_per_out_file below for
determining how many rows of data will be in each file). If False, a single text file will be created. If None, a folder of
files will be created if the input data set is a composite XDF file or a folder of text files. This argument is ignored if
the text file is fixed format.
Integer value or None. If a directory of text files is being created, this will be the number of rows of data put into
each file in the directory.
Integer value. If 0, no additional output is printed. If 1, information on the text type (text or textFast) is printed.
bool value. If True variable names specified in vars_to_keep will be checked against variables in the data set to make
sure they exist. An error will be reported if not found. If there are more than 500 variables in the data set, this flag is
ignored and no checking is performed.
Character string or RxFileSystem object indicating type of file system; “native” or RxNativeFileSystem object can be
used for the local operating system.
Character string indicating the encoding used by input text. May be set to either “utf-8” (the default), or “gb18030”,
a standard Chinese encoding. Not supported when use_fast_read is set to True.
bool. If True, when writing to an RxTextData data source, underlying factor indexes will be written instead of the
string representations. Not supported when use_fast_read is set to False.

Object of class RxTextData .

import os
from revoscalepy import RxOptions, RxTextData, rx_get_info
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
text_data_source = RxTextData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "AirlineDemoSmall.csv"))
results = rx_get_info(data = text_data_source)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_wait_for_job(job_info: revoscalepy.computecontext.RxRemoteJob.RxRemoteJob)

Causes Python to block on an existing distributed job until completion. This effectively turns a non-blocking job
into a blocking job.

A jobInfo object.

See also
from revoscalepy import RxInSqlServer
from revoscalepy import RxSqlServerData
from revoscalepy import rx_logit
from revoscalepy import rx_wait_for_job
from revoscalepy import rx_get_job_results

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

airline_data_source = RxSqlServerData(sql_query='select top 1000 * from airlinedemosmall',
'ArrDelay': {'type': 'integer'},
'CRSDepTime': {'type': 'float'},
'DayOfWeek': {
'type': 'factor',
'levels': ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
'Saturday', 'Sunday']

# Setting wait to False allows the job to be run asynchronously

compute_context = RxInSqlServer(connection_string=connection_string, num_tasks=1, wait=False)

def transform_late(dataset, context):

dataset['Late'] = dataset['ArrDelay'] > 15
return dataset

# Since wait is set to False on the compute_context rx_logit will return a job rather than the model
job = rx_logit(formula='Late ~ DayOfWeek',

# Wait for the job to finish

model = rx_get_job_results(job)
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.rx_write_object(dest: revoscalepy.datasource.RxOdbcData.RxOdbcData,
key: str = None, value=None, version: str = None,
key_name: str = 'id', value_name: str = 'value',
version_name: str = 'version', serialize: bool = True,
overwrite: bool = False, compress: str = 'zip')

Stores objects in an ODBC data source. The APIs are modelled after a simple key value store.

Stores an object into the ODBC data source. The object is identified by a key, and optionally, by a version
(key+version). By default, the object is serialized and compressed. Returns True if successful.
The key and the version should be of some SQL character type (CHAR, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, etc) supported
by the data source. The value column should be a binary type (VARBINARY for instance). Some conversions to
other types might work, however, they are dependant on the ODBC driver and on the underlying package

A character string identifying the object. The intended use is for the key+version to be unique.
A python object serializable by dill.
The object being stored into the data source.
None or a character string which carries the version of the object. Combined with key identifies the object.
Character string specifying the column name for the key in the underlying table.
Character string specifying the column name for the objects in the underlying table.
Character string specifying the column name for the version in the underlying table.
Bool value. Dictates whether the object is to be serialized. Only raw values are supported if serialization is off.
Character string defining the compression algorithm to use for memCompress.
Bool value. Defines whether the object is to be de-serialized.
Bool value. If True, rx_write_object first removes the key (or the key+version combination) before writing the new
value. Even when overwrite is False, rx_write_object may still succeed if there is no database constraint (or index)
enforcing uniqueness.

rx_read_object returns an object. rx_write_object and rx_delete_object return bool, True on success. rx_list_keys
returns a single column data frame containing strings.

from pandas import DataFrame
from numpy import random
from revoscalepy import RxOdbcData, rx_write_object, rx_read_object, rx_list_keys, rx_delete_object

connection_string = 'Driver=SQL Server;Server=.;Database=RevoTestDb;Trusted_Connection=True;'

dest = RxOdbcData(connection_string, table = "dataframe")

df = DataFrame(random.randn(10, 5))

status = rx_write_object(dest, key = "myDf", value = df)

read_obj = rx_read_object(dest, key = "myDf")

keys = rx_list_keys(dest)

rx_delete_object(dest, key = "myDf")

2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

revoscalepy.RxXdfData(file: str, vars_to_keep=None, vars_to_drop=None,

return_data_frame=True, strings_as_factors=False, blocks_per_read=1,
file_system: typing.Union[str,
revoscalepy.datasource.RxFileSystem.RxFileSystem] = 'native',
create_composite_set=None, create_partition_set=None,

Main generator for class RxXdfData, which extends RxDataSource.

Character string specifying the location of the data. For single Xdf, it is a ‘.xdf’ file. For composite Xdf, it is a
directory like ‘/tmp/airline’. When using distributed compute contexts like RxSpark, a directory should be used
since those compute contexts always use composite Xdf.
List of strings of variable names to keep around during operations. If None, argument is ignored. Cannot be used
with vars_to_drop.
list of strings of variable names to drop from operations. If None, argument is ignored. Cannot be used with
Bool value indicating whether or not to convert the result to a data frame.
Bool value indicating whether or not to convert strings into factors (for reader mode only).
Number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.
Character string or RxFileSystem object indicating type of file system; “native” or RxNativeFileSystem object can be
used for the local operating system. If None, the file system will be set to that in the current compute context, if
available, otherwise the fileSystem option.
Bool value or None. Used only when writing. If True, a composite set of files will be created instead of a single ‘.xdf’
file. Subdirectories ‘data’ and ‘metadata’ will be created. In the ‘data’ subdirectory, the data will be split across a set
of ‘.xdfd’ files (see blocks_per_composite_file below for determining how many blocks of data will be in each file). In
the ‘metadata’ subdirectory there is a single ‘.xdfm’ file, which contains the meta data for all of the ‘.xdfd’ files in the
‘data’ subdirectory. When the compute context is RxSpark, a composite set of files are always created.
Bool value or None. Used only when writing. If True, a set of files for partitioned Xdf will be created when assigning
this RxXdfData object for outData of rxPartition. Subdirectories ‘data’ and ‘metadata’ will be created. In the ‘data’
subdirectory, the data will be split across a set of ‘.xdf’ files (each file stores data of a single data partition, see
rxPartition for details). In the ‘metadata’ subdirectory there is a single ‘.xdfp’ file, which contains the meta data for
all of the ‘.xdf’ files in the ‘data’ subdirectory. The partitioned Xdf object is currently supported only in rxPartition
and rxGetPartitions
Integer value. If create_composite_set=True, this will be the number of blocks put into each ‘.xdfd’ file in the
composite set. RxSpark compute context will optimize the number of blocks based upon HDFS and Spark settings.

Object of class RxXdfData .

import os
from revoscalepy import rx_data_step, RxOptions, RxXdfData
sample_data_path = RxOptions.get_option("sampleDataDir")
ds = RxXdfData(os.path.join(sample_data_path, "kyphosis.xdf"))
kyphosis = rx_data_step(ds)
R Function Library Reference
4/13/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

This section contains the R reference documentation for proprietary packages from Microsoft used for data
science and machine learning on premises and at scale.
You can use these libraries and functions in combination with other open-source or third-party packages, but to
use the revo packages, your R code must run against a service or on a computer that provides the interpreters.


Supported platforms Machine Learning Server 9.x

Microsoft R Client (Windows and Linux)
Microsoft R Server 9.1 and earlier
SQL Server 2016 and later (Windows only)
Azure HDInsight
Azure Data Science Virtual Machines

Built on: R 3.4.3 (included when you install a product that provides
this package).

R function libraries

MicrosoftML 1.5.0 A collection of functions in Microsoft R

used for machine learning operations,
including training and transformations,
scoring, text and image analysis, and
feature extraction for deriving values
from existing data.

mrsdeploy 1.1.2 Deployment functions for interactive

remote execution at the command line,
plus web service functions for bundling
R code blocks as discrete web services
that can be deployed and managed on
an R Server instance. Formally known
as DeployR.

olapR 1.0.0 A collection of functions for

constructing MDX queries against an
OLAP cube. Runs only on the
Windows platform.

RevoIOQ 8.0.7 Installation and Operational

Qualification test functions, used in
conjunction with the RUnit package to
run a set of unit tests. It has only one
user-facing function, also called

RevoMods 11.0.0 Microsoft modifications and extensions

to standard R functions. Reference
documentation is online only.

RevoPemaR 10.0.0 Developer functions for coding custom

parallel external memory algorithms.

RevoScaleR 9.3 Data acquisition, manipulation and

transformations, visualization, and
analysis. RevoScaleR provides functions
for the full range of statistical and
analytical tasks. It's the backbone of R
Server functionality.

RevoTreeView 10.0.0 Decision tree functions, including the

rxDTree function. Reference
documentation is online only.

RevoUtils 10.0.4 Utility functions useful when

programming and developing R

RevoUtilsMath 10.0.0 Microsoft's distribution of the Intel

Math Kernel Library (MKL). Reference
documentation is online only.

sqlrutils 1.0.0 A collection of functions for executing

stored procedures against SQL Server.

How to get packages

The packages documented in this section are found only on installations of the Microsoft products or Azure
services that provide them. Setup programs or scripts install the proprietary R packages from Microsoft and
any package dependencies. Unless noted otherwise, all of the packages listed in the preceding table are installed
with the product or service.
By default, packages are installed in the \Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\library folder on
Windows, and in the /opt/microsoft/mlserver/9.2.1 folder on the Linux native file system.
Ships in:
Machine Learning Server
SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services (Windows only)
SQL Server Machine Learning Server (Standalone)
Microsoft R Client (Windows and Linux)
Microsoft R Server 9.1 and earlier
Azure HDInsight
Azure Data Science Virtual Machines

How to list packages and versions

To get the version of an R package installed on your computer, open an R console application and execute the
following command: installed.packages()
To determine the version of the package, open its help page to view the version number just under the title:

How to list functions in a package

To list all of the functions in a package, execute the following command: ls("package:RevoScaleR")

To search for a function by full or partial string matching, add a pattern. For example, to return all functions that
include the term "Spark":

> ls("package:RevoScaleR", pattern = "Spark")

[1] "rxGetSparklyrConnection" "RxSpark" "rxSparkCacheData" "rxSparkConnect"
[6] "rxSparkListData" "rxSparkRemoveData"

How to view built-in help pages

Most R packages come with built-in help pages that open in separate window.
1. Open an R console tool, such as Rgui.exe or another R IDE.
2. List the packages using installed.packages()
3. Open help for a specific package using: library(help="<package-name>")
4. Open help for a specific function using: ?<function_name>
R is case-sensitive. Be sure to type the package name using the correct case: for example,
library(help = "RevoScaleR") .

Deprecated & discontinued packages

The following packages exist for backward compatibility but are no longer under active development:
For a list of deprecated or discontinued functions within an existing package, see Deprecated, discontinued, or
changed features.

Next steps
First, read the introduction to each package to learn about common use case scenarios:
Next, add these packages by installing R Client or Machine Learning Server. R Client is free. Machine Learning
Server developer edition is also free.
Lastly, follow these tutorials for hands-on experience:
Explore R and RevoScaleR in 25 functions
Quickstart: Run R Code in Machine Learning Server

See also
How -to guides in Machine Learning Server
Machine Learning Server
Additional learning resources and sample datasets
MicrosoftML package
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

The MicrosoftML library provides state-of-the-art fast, scalable machine learning algorithms and transforms
for R. The package is used with the RevoScaleR package.


Current version: 9.3.0

Built on: R 3.4.3

Package distribution: Machine Learning Server 9.x

Microsoft R Client (Windows and Linux)
Microsoft R Server 9.1
SQL Server 2016 and later (Windows only)
Azure HDInsight
Azure Data Science Virtual Machines

How to use MicrosoftML for R

The MicrosoftML module is installed as part of Microsoft Machine Learning Server or SQL Server Machine
Learning Server when you add R to your installation. It is also installed with the pre-trained machine learning
models. You can use any R IDE to write R script calling functions in MicrosoftML, but the script must run on
a computer having our interpreters and libraries.
Use this library with RevoScaleR data sources.

Functions by category
This section lists the functions by category to give you an idea of how each one is used. You can also use the
table of contents to find functions in alphabetical order.

1-Machine learning algorithms


rxFastTrees An implementation of FastRank, an efficient implementation

of the MART gradient boosting algorithm.

rxFastForest A random forest and Quantile regression forest

implementation using rxFastTrees.

rxLogisticRegression Logistic regression using L-BFGS.

rxOneClassSvm One class support vector machines.

rxNeuralNet Binary, multi-class, and regression neural net.


rxFastLinear Stochastic dual coordinate ascent optimization for linear

binary classification and regression.

rxEnsemble Trains a number of models of various kinds to obtain better

predictive performance than could be obtained from a
single model.

2-Transformation functions

concat Transformation to create a single vector-valued column

from multiple columns.

categorical Create indicator vector using categorical transform with


categoricalHash Converts the categorical value into an indicator array by


featurizeText Produces a bag of counts of sequences of consecutive

words, called n-grams, from a given corpus of text. It offers
language detection, tokenization, stopwords removing, text
normalization and feature generation.

getSentiment Scores natural language text and creates a column that

contains probabilities that the sentiments in the text are

ngram allows defining arguments for count-based and hash-based

feature extraction.

selectColumns Selects a set of columns to retrain, dropping all others.

selectFeatures Selects features from the specified variables using a

specified mode.

loadImage Loads image data.

resizeImage Resizes an image to a specified dimension using a specified

resizing method.

extractPixels Extracts the pixel values from an image.

featurizeImage Featurizes an image using a pre-trained deep neural

network model.

3-Scoring and training functions


rxPredict.mlModel Runs the scoring library either from SQL Server, using the
stored procedure, or from R code enabling real-time
scoring to provide much faster prediction performance.

rxFeaturize Transforms data from an input data set to an output data


mlModel Provides a summary of a Microsoft R Machine Learning


4-Loss functions for classification and regression


expLoss Specifications for exponential classification loss function.

logLoss Specifications for log classification loss function.

hingeLoss Specifications for hinge classification loss function.

smoothHingeLoss Specifications for smooth hinge classification loss function.

poissonLoss Specifications for poisson regression loss function.

squaredLoss Specifications for squared regression loss function.

5-Feature selection functions


minCount Specification for feature selection in count mode.

mutualInformation Specification for feature selection in mutual information


6-Ensemble modeling functions


fastTrees Creates a list containing the function name and arguments

to train a Fast Tree model with rxEnsemble.

fastForest Creates a list containing the function name and arguments

to train a Fast Forest model with rxEnsemble.

fastLinear Creates a list containing the function name and arguments

to train a Fast Linear model with rxEnsemble.

logisticRegression Creates a list containing the function name and arguments

to train a Logistic Regression model with rxEnsemble.

oneClassSvm Creates a list containing the function name and arguments

to train a OneClassSvm model with rxEnsemble.

7-Neural networking functions


optimizer Specifies optimization algorithms for the rxNeuralNet

machine learning algorithm.

8-Package state functions


rxHashEnv An environment object used to store package-wide state.

Next steps
Add R packages to your computer by running setup for Machine Learning Server or R Client:
R Client
Machine Learning Server
Next, refer to these introductory articles and samples to get started:
Cheatsheet: Choosing an algorithm
MicrosoftML samples

See also
R Package Reference
categorical: Machine Learning Categorical Data
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Categorical transform that can be performed on data before training a model.

categorical(vars, outputKind = "ind", maxNumTerms = 1e+06, terms = "",


A character vector or list of variable names to transform. If named, the names represent the names of new
variables to be created.

A character string that specifies the kind of output kind.

: Outputs an indicator vector. The input column is a vector of categories, and the output contains one
indicator vector per slot in the input column.
"bag" : Outputs a multi-set vector. If the input column is a vector of categories, the output contains one vector,
where the value in each slot is the number of occurrences of the category in the input vector. If the input
column contains a single category, the indicator vector and the bag vector are equivalent
"key" : Outputs an index. The output is an integer id (between 1 and the number of categories in the
dictionary) of the category.
The default value is "ind" .

An integer that specifies the maximum number of categories to include in the dictionary. The default value is

Optional character vector of terms or categories.


Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

The categorical transform passes through a data set, operating on text columns, to build a dictionary of
categories. For each row, the entire text string appearing in the input column is defined as a category. The output
of the categorical transform is an indicator vector. Each slot in this vector corresponds to a category in the
dictionary, so its length is the size of the built dictionary. The categorical transform can be applied to one or more
columns, in which case it builds a separate dictionary for each column that it is applied to.
categorical is not currently supported to handle factor data.

A maml object defining the transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxNeuralNet, rxOneClassSvm, rxLogisticRegression.

trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c(
"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Do not like it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I kind of hate it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"It is very good",
"I hate it a bunch",
"I love it a bunch",
"I hate it",
"I like it very much",
"I hate it very much.",
"I really do love it",
"I really do hate it",
"Love it!",
"Hate it!",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it"),
FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE

testReviews <- data.frame(review = c(

"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I love it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Use a categorical transform: the entire string is treated as a category

outModel1 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCat, data = trainReviews,
mlTransforms = list(categorical(vars = c(reviewCat = "review"))))
# Note that 'I hate it' and 'I love it' (the only strings appearing more than once)
# have non-zero weights

# Use the model to score

scoreOutDF1 <- rxPredict(outModel1, data = testReviews,
extraVarsToWrite = "review")
categoricalHash: Machine Learning Categorical
HashData Transform
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Categorical hash transform that can be performed on data before training a model.

categoricalHash(vars, hashBits = 16, seed = 314489979, ordered = TRUE,
invertHash = 0, outputKind = "Bag", ...)


A character vector or list of variable names to transform. If named, the names represent the names of new
variables to be created.

An integer specifying the number of bits to hash into. Must be between 1 and 30, inclusive. The default value is

An integer specifying the hashing seed. The default value is 314489979.


TRUE to include the position of each term in the hash. Otherwise, FALSE . The default value is TRUE .

An integer specifying the limit on the number of keys that can be used to generate the slot name. 0 means no
invert hashing; -1 means no limit. While a zero value gives better performance, a non-zero value is needed to
get meaningful coefficent names. The default value is 0 .

A character string that specifies the kind of output kind.

"ind" : Outputs an indicator vector. The input column is a vector of categories, and the output contains one
indicator vector per slot in the input column.
"bag" : Outputs a multi-set vector. If the input column is a vector of categories, the output contains one vector,
where the value in each slot is the number of occurrences of the category in the input vector. If the input
column contains a single category, the indicator vector and the bag vector are equivalent
"key" : Outputs an index. The output is an integer id (between 1 and the number of categories in the
dictionary) of the category.
The default value is "Bag" .

Additional arguments sent to the compute engine.

categoricalHash converts a categorical value into an indicator array by hashing the value and using the hash as
an index in the bag. If the input column is a vector, a single indicator bag is returned for it.
categoricalHash does not currently support handling factor data.

a maml object defining the transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxNeuralNet, rxOneClassSvm, rxLogisticRegression.

trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c(
"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Do not like it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I kind of hate it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"It is very good",
"I hate it a bunch",
"I love it a bunch",
"I hate it",
"I like it very much",
"I hate it very much.",
"I really do love it",
"I really do hate it",
"Love it!",
"Hate it!",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it"),
FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE

testReviews <- data.frame(review = c(

"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I love it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Use a categorical hash transform

outModel2 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews,
mlTransforms = list(categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"))))
# Weights are similar to categorical

# Use the model to score

scoreOutDF2 <- rxPredict(outModel2, data = testReviews,
extraVarsToWrite = "review")
concat: Machine Learning Concat Transform
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Combines several columns into a single vector-valued column.

concat(vars, ...)


A named list of character vectors of input variable names and the name of the output variable. Note that all the
input variables must be of the same type. It is possible to produce mulitple output columns with the concatenation
transform. In this case, you need to use a list of vectors to define a one-to-one mappings between input and output
variables. For example, to concatenate columns InNameA and InNameB into column OutName1 and also columns
InNameC and InNameD into column OutName2, use the list: (list(OutName1 = c(InNameA, InNameB ),
outName2 = c(InNameC, InNameD )))

Additional arguments sent to the compute engine

concat creates a single vector-valued column from multiple
columns. It can be performed on data before training a model. The concatenation
can significantly speed up the processing of data when the number of columns is as large as hundreds to

A maml object defining the concatenation transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
featurizeText, categorical, categoricalHash, rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxNeuralNet, rxOneClassSvm,

testObs <- rnorm(nrow(iris)) > 0
testIris <- iris[testObs,]
trainIris <- iris[!testObs,]

multiLogitOut <- rxLogisticRegression(

formula = Species~Features, type = "multiClass", data = trainIris,
mlTransforms = list(concat(vars = list(
Features = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")
extractPixels: Machine Learning Extract Pixel Data
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Extracts the pixel values from an image.

extractPixels(vars, useAlpha = FALSE, useRed = TRUE, useGreen = TRUE,
useBlue = TRUE, interleaveARGB = FALSE, convert = TRUE, offset = NULL,
scale = NULL)


A named list of character vectors of input variable names and the name of the output variable. Note that the input
variables must be of the same type. For one-to-one mappings between input and output variables, a named
character vector can be used.

Specifies whether to use alpha channel. The default value is FALSE .


Specifies whether to use red channel. The default value is TRUE .


Specifies whether to use green channel. The default value is TRUE .


Specifies whether to use blue channel. The default value is TRUE .


Whether to separate each channel or interleave in ARGB order. This might be important, for example, if you are
training a convolutional neural network, since this would affect the shape of the kernel, stride etc.

Whether to convert to floating point. The default value is FALSE .


Specifies the offset (pre-scale). This requires convert = TRUE . The default value is NULL .

Specifies the scale factor. This requires convert = TRUE . The default value is NULL .
extractPixels extracts the pixel values from an image. The input variables are images of the same size, typically
the output of a resizeImage transform. The output are pixel data in vector form that are typically used as features
for a learner.

A maml object defining the transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

train <- data.frame(Path = c(system.file("help/figures/RevolutionAnalyticslogo.png", package =
"MicrosoftML")), Label = c(TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Loads the images from variable Path, resizes the images to 1x1 pixels and trains a neural net.
model <- rxNeuralNet(
Label ~ Features,
data = train,
mlTransforms = list(
loadImage(vars = list(Features = "Path")),
resizeImage(vars = "Features", width = 1, height = 1, resizing = "Aniso"),
extractPixels(vars = "Features")
mlTransformVars = "Path",
numHiddenNodes = 1,
numIterations = 1)

# Featurizes the images from variable Path using the default model, and trains a linear model on the result.
model <- rxFastLinear(
Label ~ Features,
data = train,
mlTransforms = list(
loadImage(vars = list(Features = "Path")),
resizeImage(vars = "Features", width = 224, height = 224), # If dnnModel == "AlexNet", the image has
to be resized to 227x227.
extractPixels(vars = "Features"),
featurizeImage(var = "Features")
mlTransformVars = "Path")
fastForest: fastForest
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a list containing the function name and arguments to train a FastForest model with rxEnsemble.

fastForest(numTrees = 100, numLeaves = 20, minSplit = 10,
exampleFraction = 0.7, featureFraction = 0.7, splitFraction = 0.7,
numBins = 255, firstUsePenalty = 0, gainConfLevel = 0,
trainThreads = 8, randomSeed = NULL, ...)


Specifies the total number of decision trees to create in the ensemble.By creating more decision trees, you can
potentially get better coverage, but the training time increases. The default value is 100.

The maximum number of leaves (terminal nodes) that can be created in any tree. Higher values potentially increase
the size of the tree and get better precision, but risk overfitting and requiring longer training times. The default
value is 20.

Minimum number of training instances required to form a leaf. That is, the minimal number of documents allowed
in a leaf of a regression tree, out of the sub-sampled data. A 'split' means that features in each level of the tree
(node) are randomly divided. The default value is 10.

The fraction of randomly chosen instances to use for each tree. The default value is 0.7.

The fraction of randomly chosen features to use for each tree. The default value is 0.7.

The fraction of randomly chosen features to use on each split. The default value is 0.7.

Maximum number of distinct values (bins) per feature. The default value is 255.

The feature first use penalty coefficient. The default value is 0.


Tree fitting gain confidence requirement (should be in the range [0,1) ). The default value is 0.

The number of threads to use in training. If NULL is specified, the number of threads to use is determined internally.
The default value is NULL .

Specifies the random seed. The default value is NULL .


Additional arguments.
fastLinear: fastLinear
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a list containing the function name and arguments to train a Fast Linear model with rxEnsemble.

fastLinear(lossFunction = NULL, l2Weight = NULL, l1Weight = NULL,
trainThreads = NULL, convergenceTolerance = 0.1, maxIterations = NULL,
shuffle = TRUE, checkFrequency = NULL, ...)


Specifies the empirical loss function to optimize. For binary classification, the following choices are available:
logLoss: The log-loss. This is the default.
hingeLoss: The SVM hinge loss. Its parameter represents the margin size.
smoothHingeLoss: The smoothed hinge loss. Its parameter represents the smoothing constant.
For linear regression, squared loss squaredLoss is currently supported. When this parameter is set to NULL , its
default value depends on the type of learning:
logLoss for binary classification.
squaredLoss for linear regression.

Specifies the L2 regularization weight. The value must be either non-negative or NULL . If NULL is specified, the
actual value is automatically computed based on data set. NULL is the default value.

Specifies the L1 regularization weight. The value must be either non-negative or NULL . If NULL is specified, the
actual value is automatically computed based on data set. NULL is the default value.

Specifies how many concurrent threads can be used to run the algorithm. When this parameter is set to NULL , the
number of threads used is determined based on the number of logical processors available to the process as well
as the sparsity of data. Set it to 1 to run the algorithm in a single thread.

Specifies the tolerance threshold used as a convergence criterion. It must be between 0 and 1. The default value is
0.1 . The algorithm is considered to have converged if the relative duality gap, which is the ratio between the
duality gap and the primal loss, falls below the specified convergence tolerance.

Specifies an upper bound on the number of training iterations. This parameter must be positive or NULL . If NULL
is specified, the actual value is automatically computed based on data set. Each iteration requires a complete pass
over the training data. Training terminates after the total number of iterations reaches the specified upper bound or
when the loss function converges, whichever happens earlier.

Specifies whether to shuffle the training data. Set TRUE to shuffle the data; FALSE not to shuffle. The default value
is TRUE . SDCA is a stochastic optimization algorithm. If shuffling is turned on, the training data is shuffled on each

The number of iterations after which the loss function is computed and checked to determine whether it has
converged. The value specified must be a positive integer or NULL . If NULL , the actual value is automatically
computed based on data set. Otherwise, for example, if checkFrequency = 5 is specified, then the loss function is
computed and convergence is checked every 5 iterations. The computation of the loss function requires a separate
complete pass over the training data.

Additional arguments.
fastTrees: fastTrees
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a list containing the function name and arguments to train a FastTree model with rxEnsemble.

fastTrees(numTrees = 100, numLeaves = 20, learningRate = 0.2,
minSplit = 10, exampleFraction = 0.7, featureFraction = 1,
splitFraction = 1, numBins = 255, firstUsePenalty = 0,
gainConfLevel = 0, unbalancedSets = FALSE, trainThreads = 8,
randomSeed = NULL, ...)


Specifies the total number of decision trees to create in the ensemble.By creating more decision trees, you can
potentially get better coverage, but the training time increases. The default value is 100.

The maximum number of leaves (terminal nodes) that can be created in any tree. Higher values potentially
increase the size of the tree and get better precision, but risk overfitting and requiring longer training times. The
default value is 20.

Determines the size of the step taken in the direction of the gradient in each step of the learning process. This
determines how fast or slow the learner converges on the optimal solution. If the step size is too big, you might
overshoot the optimal solution. If the step size is too samll, training takes longer to converge to the best solution.

Minimum number of training instances required to form a leaf. That is, the minimal number of documents allowed
in a leaf of a regression tree, out of the sub-sampled data. A 'split' means that features in each level of the tree
(node) are randomly divided. The default value is 10. Only the number of instances is counted even if instances are

The fraction of randomly chosen instances to use for each tree. The default value is 0.7.

The fraction of randomly chosen features to use for each tree. The default value is 1.

The fraction of randomly chosen features to use on each split. The default value is 1.

Maximum number of distinct values (bins) per feature. If the feature has fewer values than the number indicated,
each value is placed in its own bin. If there are more values, the algorithm creates numBins bins.

The feature first use penalty coefficient. This is a form of regularization that incurs a penalty for using a new
feature when creating the tree. Increase this value to create trees that don't use many features. The default value is

Tree fitting gain confidence requirement (should be in the range [0,1)). The default value is 0.

If TRUE , derivatives optimized for unbalanced sets are used. Only applicable when type equal to "binary" . The
default value is FALSE .

The number of threads to use in training. The default value is 8.


Specifies the random seed. The default value is NULL .


Additional arguments.
featurizeImage: Machine Learning Image
Featurization Transform
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Featurizes an image using a pre-trained deep neural network model.

featurizeImage(var, outVar = NULL, dnnModel = "Resnet18")


Input variable containing extracted pixel values.


The prefix of the output variables containing the image features. If null, the input variable name will be used. The
default value is NULL .

The pre-trained deep neural network. The possible options are:

The default value is "resnet18" . See Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition for details about ResNet.

featurizeImage featurizes an image using the specified pre-trained deep neural network model. The input
variables to this transforms must be extracted pixel values.

A maml object defining the transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

train <- data.frame(Path = c(system.file("help/figures/RevolutionAnalyticslogo.png", package =
"MicrosoftML")), Label = c(TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Loads the images from variable Path, resizes the images to 1x1 pixels and trains a neural net.
model <- rxNeuralNet(
Label ~ Features,
data = train,
mlTransforms = list(
loadImage(vars = list(Features = "Path")),
resizeImage(vars = "Features", width = 1, height = 1, resizing = "Aniso"),
extractPixels(vars = "Features")
mlTransformVars = "Path",
numHiddenNodes = 1,
numIterations = 1)

# Featurizes the images from variable Path using the default model, and trains a linear model on the result.
model <- rxFastLinear(
Label ~ Features,
data = train,
mlTransforms = list(
loadImage(vars = list(Features = "Path")),
resizeImage(vars = "Features", width = 224, height = 224), # If dnnModel == "AlexNet", the image has
to be resized to 227x227.
extractPixels(vars = "Features"),
featurizeImage(var = "Features")
mlTransformVars = "Path")
stopwordsDefault: Machine Learning Text Transform
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Text transforms that can be performed on data before training a model.


stopwordsCustom(dataFile = "")

termDictionary(terms = "", dataFile = "", sort = "occurrence")

featurizeText(vars, language = "English", stopwordsRemover = NULL,

case = "lower", keepDiacritics = FALSE, keepPunctuations = TRUE,
keepNumbers = TRUE, dictionary = NULL,
wordFeatureExtractor = ngramCount(), charFeatureExtractor = NULL,
vectorNormalizer = "l2", ...)


character: . Data file containing the terms (short form data).


An optional character vector of terms or categories.


Specifies how to order items when vectorized. Two orderings are supported:
"occurrence" : items appear in the order encountered.
"value" : items are sorted according to their default comparison. For example, text sorting will be case
sensitive (e.g., 'A' then 'Z' then 'a').

A named list of character vectors of input variable names and the name of the output variable. Note that the
input variables must be of the same type. For one-to-one mappings between input and output variables, a
named character vector can be used.

Secifies the language used in the data set. The following values are supported:
"AutoDetect" : for automatic language detection.
"English" .
"French" .
"German" .
"Dutch" .
"Italian" .
"Spanish" .
"Japanese" .

Specifies the stopwords remover to use. There are three options supported:
NULL No stopwords remover is used.
stopwordsDefault : A precompiled language-specific lists of stop words is used that includes the most
common words from Microsoft Office.
stopwordsCustom : A user -defined list of stopwords. It accepts the following option: dataFile .
The default value is NULL .

Text casing using the rules of the invariant culture. Takes the following values:
"lower" .
"upper" .
"none" .
The default value is "lower" .

FALSE to remove diacritical marks; TRUE to retain diacritical marks. The default value is FALSE .

FALSE to remove punctuation; TRUE to retain punctuation. The default value is TRUE .

FALSE to remove numbers; TRUE to retain numbers. The default value is TRUE .

A termDictionary of whitelisted terms which accepts the following options:

terms ,
dataFile , and
The default value is NULL . Note that the stopwords list takes precedence over the dictionary whitelist as the
stopwords are removed before the dictionary terms are whitelisted.

Specifies the word feature extraction arguments. There are two different feature extraction mechanisms:
ngramCount: Count-based feature extraction (equivalent to WordBag). It accepts the following options:
maxNumTerms and weighting .
ngramHash: Hashing-based feature extraction (equivalent to WordHashBag). It accepts the following
options: hashBits , seed , ordered and invertHash .
The default value is ngramCount .

Specifies the char feature extraction arguments. There are two different feature extraction mechanisms:
ngramCount: Count-based feature extraction (equivalent to WordBag). It accepts the following options:
maxNumTerms and weighting .
ngramHash: Hashing-based feature extraction (equivalent to WordHashBag). It accepts the following
options: hashBits , seed , ordered and invertHash .
The default value is NULL .

Normalize vectors (rows) individually by rescaling them to unit norm. Takes one of the following values:
"none" .
"l2" .
"l1" .
"linf" . The default value is "l2" .

Additional arguments sent to the compute engine.

The featurizeText transform produces a bag of counts of
sequences of consecutive words, called n-grams, from a given corpus of text. There are two ways it can do this:
* build a dictionary of n-grams and use the id in the dictionary as the index in the bag;
* hash each n-gram and use the hash value as the index in the bag.
The purpose of hashing is to convert variable-length text documents into equal-length numeric feature vectors,
to support dimensionality reduction and to make the lookup of feature weights faster.
The text transform is applied to text input columns. It offers language detection, tokenization, stopwords
removing, text normalization and feature generation. It supports the following languages by default: English,
French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and Japanese.
The n-grams are represented as count vectors, with vector slots corresponding either to n-grams (created using
ngramCount ) or to their hashes (created using ngramHash ). Embedding ngrams in a vector space allows their
contents to be compared in an efficient manner. The slot values in the vector can be weighted by the following
* term frequency - The number of occurrences of the slot in the text
* inverse document frequency - A ratio (the logarithm of inverse relative slot frequency) that measures the
information a slot provides by determining how common or rare it is across the entire text.
* term frequency-inverse document frequency - the product term frequency and the inverse document

A maml object defining the transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
ngramCount, ngramHash, rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxNeuralNet, rxOneClassSvm, rxLogisticRegression.
trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c(
"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Do not like it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I kind of hate it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"It is very good",
"I hate it a bunch",
"I love it a bunch",
"I hate it",
"I like it very much",
"I hate it very much.",
"I really do love it",
"I really do hate it",
"Love it!",
"Hate it!",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it"),
FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE

testReviews <- data.frame(review = c(

"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I love it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

outModel <- rxLogisticRegression(like ~ reviewTran, data = trainReviews,

mlTransforms = list(featurizeText(vars = c(reviewTran = "review"),
stopwordsRemover = stopwordsDefault(), keepPunctuations = FALSE)))
# 'hate' and 'love' have non-zero weights

# Use the model to score

scoreOutDF5 <- rxPredict(outModel, data = testReviews,
extraVarsToWrite = "review")
getSentiment: Machine Learning Sentiment Analyzer
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Scores natual language text and creates a column that contains probabilities that the sentiments in the text are

getSentiment(vars, ...)


A character vector or list of variable names to transform. If named, the names represent the names of new
variables to be created.

Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

The getSentiment transform returns the probability that the sentiment of a natural text is positive. Currently
only the English language.

A maml object defining the transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxNeuralNet, rxOneClassSvm, rxLogisticRegression, rxFastLinear.

# Create the data
CustomerReviews <- data.frame(Review = c(
"I really did not like the taste of it",
"It was surprisingly quite good!",
"I will never ever ever go to that place again!!"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Get the sentiment scores

sentimentScores <- rxFeaturize(data = CustomerReviews,
mlTransforms = getSentiment(vars = list(SentimentScore = "Review")))

# Let's translate the score to something more meaningful

sentimentScores$PredictedRating <- ifelse(sentimentScores$SentimentScore > 0.6,

# Let's look at the results

loadImage: Machine Learning Load Image Transform
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Loads image data.



A named list of character vectors of input variable names and the name of the output variable. Note that the input
variables must be of the same type. For one-to-one mappings between input and output variables, a named
character vector can be used.

loadImage loads images from paths.

A maml object defining the transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

train <- data.frame(Path = c(system.file("help/figures/RevolutionAnalyticslogo.png", package =
"MicrosoftML")), Label = c(TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Loads the images from variable Path, resizes the images to 1x1 pixels and trains a neural net.
model <- rxNeuralNet(
Label ~ Features,
data = train,
mlTransforms = list(
loadImage(vars = list(Features = "Path")),
resizeImage(vars = "Features", width = 1, height = 1, resizing = "Aniso"),
extractPixels(vars = "Features")
mlTransformVars = "Path",
numHiddenNodes = 1,
numIterations = 1)

# Featurizes the images from variable Path using the default model, and trains a linear model on the result.
model <- rxFastLinear(
Label ~ Features,
data = train,
mlTransforms = list(
loadImage(vars = list(Features = "Path")),
resizeImage(vars = "Features", width = 224, height = 224), # If dnnModel == "AlexNet", the image has
to be resized to 227x227.
extractPixels(vars = "Features"),
featurizeImage(var = "Features")
mlTransformVars = "Path")
logisticRegression: logisticRegression
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a list containing the function name and arguments to train a logistic regression model with rxEnsemble.

logisticRegression(l2Weight = 1, l1Weight = 1, optTol = 1e-07,
memorySize = 20, initWtsScale = 0, maxIterations = 2147483647,
showTrainingStats = FALSE, sgdInitTol = 0, trainThreads = NULL,
denseOptimizer = FALSE, ...)


The L2 regularization weight. Its value must be greater than or equal to 0 and the default value is set to 1 .

The L1 regularization weight. Its value must be greater than or equal to 0 and the default value is set to 1 .

Threshold value for optimizer convergence. If the improvement between iterations is less than the threshold, the
algorithm stops and returns the current model. Smaller values are slower, but more accurate. The default value is
1e-07 .


Memory size for L -BFGS, specifying the number of past positions and gradients to store for the computation of the
next step. This optimization parameter limits the amount of memory that is used to compute the magnitude and
direction of the next step. When you specify less memory, training is faster but less accurate. Must be greater than
or equal to 1 and the default value is 20 .

Sets the initial weights diameter that specifies the range from which values are drawn for the initial weights. These
weights are initialized randomly from within this range. For example, if the diameter is specified to be d , then the
weights are uniformly distributed between -d/2 and d/2 . The default value is 0 , which specifies that allthe
weights are initialized to 0 .

Sets the maximum number of iterations. After this number of steps, the algorithm stops even if it has not satisfied
convergence criteria.

Specify TRUE to show the statistics of training data and the trained model; otherwise, FALSE . The default value is
FALSE . For additional information about model statistics, see summary.mlModel.

Set to a number greater than 0 to use Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD ) to find the initial parameters. A non-zero
value set specifies the tolerance SGD uses to determine convergence. The default value is 0 specifying that SGD is
not used.

The number of threads to use in training the model. This should be set to the number of cores on the machine.
Note that L -BFGS multi-threading attempts to load dataset into memory. In case of out-of-memory issues, set
trainThreads to 1 to turn off multi-threading. If NULL the number of threads to use is determined internally. The
default value is NULL .

If TRUE , forces densification of the internal optimization vectors. If FALSE , enables the logistic regression optimizer
use sparse or dense internal states as it finds appropriate. Setting denseOptimizer to TRUE requires the internal
optimizer to use a dense internal state, which may help alleviate load on the garbage collector for some varieties of
larger problems.

Additional arguments.
loss functions: Classification and Regression Loss
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The loss functions for classification and regression.

expLoss(beta = 1, ...)

hingeLoss(margin = 1, ...)


smoothHingeLoss(smoothingConst = 1, ...)




Specifies the numeric value of beta (dilation). The default value is 1.


Specifies the numeric margin value. The default value is 1.


Specifies the numeric value of the smoothing constant. The default value is 1.

hidden argument.

A loss function measures the discrepancy between the prediction of a machine learning algorithm and the
supervised output and represents the cost of being wrong.
The classification loss functions supported are:
* logLoss

* expLoss

* hingeLoss

* smoothHingeLoss
The regression loss functions supported are:
* poissonLoss

* squaredLoss .

A character string defining the loss function.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxFastLinear, rxNeuralNet

train <- function(lossFunction) {

result <- rxFastLinear(isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,

transforms = list(isCase = case == 1), lossFunction = lossFunction,
data = infert,
type = "binary")

age <- list()

age$LogLoss <- train(logLoss())
age$LogLossHinge <- train(hingeLoss())
age$LogLossSmoothHinge <- train(smoothHingeLoss())
minCount: Feature Selection Count Mode
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Count mode of feature selection used in the feature selection transform selectFeatures.

minCount(count = 1, ...)


The threshold for count based feature selection. A feature is selected if and only if at least count examples have
non-default value in the feature. The default value is 1.

Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

When using the count mode in feature selection transform, a feature is selected if the number of examples have at
least the specified count examples of non-default values in the feature. The count mode feature selection
transform is very useful when applied together with a categorical hash transform (see also, categoricalHash. The
count feature selection can remove those features generated by hash transform that have no data in the examples.

A character string defining the count mode.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
mutualInformation selectFeatures

trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c(
"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Do not like it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I kind of hate it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"It is very good",
"I hate it a bunch",
"I love it a bunch",
"I hate it",
"I like it very much",
"I hate it very much.",
"I really do love it",
"I really do hate it",
"Love it!",
"Hate it!",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it"),
FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE

testReviews <- data.frame(review = c(

"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I love it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Use a categorical hash transform which generated 128 features.

outModel1 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0,
mlTransforms = list(categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7)))

# Apply a categorical hash transform and a count feature selection transform

# which selects only those hash features that has value.
outModel2 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0,
mlTransforms = list(
categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7),
selectFeatures("reviewCatHash", mode = minCount())))

# Apply a categorical hash transform and a mutual information feature selection transform
# which selects those features appearing with at least a count of 5.
outModel3 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0,
mlTransforms = list(
categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7),
selectFeatures("reviewCatHash", mode = minCount(count = 5))))
summary.mlModel: Summary of a Microsoft R
Machine Learning model.
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Summary of a Microsoft R Machine Learning model.

## S3 method for class `mlModel':
summary (object, top = 20, ...)


A model object returned from a MicrosoftML analysis.


Specifies the count of top coefficients to show in the summary for linear models such as rxLogisticRegression and
rxFastLinear. The bias appears first, followed by other weights, sorted by their absolute values in descending order.
If set to NULL , all non-zero coefficients are shown. Otherwise, only the first top coefficients are shown.

Additional arguments to be passed to the summary method.

Provides summary information about the original function call, the
data set used to train the model, and statistics for coefficients in the model.

The summary method of the MicrosoftML analysis objects returns a list that includes the original function call and
the underlying parameters used. The coef method returns a named vector of weights, processing information
from the model object.
For rxLogisticRegression, the following statistics may also present in the summary when showTrainingStats is set
to TRUE .

The size, in terms of row count, of the data set used to train the model.

The model deviance is given by -2 * ln(L) where L is the likelihood of obtaining the observations with all
features incorporated in the model.

The null deviance is given by -2 * ln(L0) where L0 is the likelihood of obtaining the observations with no effect
from the features. The null model includes the bias if there is one in the model.

The AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) is defined as 2 * k ``+ deviance , where k is the number of coefficients
of the model. The bias counts as one of the coefficients. The AIC is a measure of the relative quality of the model. It
deals with the trade-off between the goodness of fit of the model (measured by deviance) and the complexity of
the model (measured by number of coefficients).

This is a data frame containing the statistics for each coefficient in the model. For each coefficient, the following
statistics are shown. The bias appears in the first row, and the remaining coefficients in the ascending order of p-
EstimateThe estimated coefficient value of the model.
Std ErrorThis is the square root of the large-sample variance of the estimate of the coefficient.
z-ScoreWe can test against the null hypothesis, which states that the coefficient should be zero, concerning the
significance of the coefficient by calculating the ratio of its estimate and its standard error. Under the null
hypothesis, if there is no regularization applied, the estimate of the concerning coefficient follows a normal
distribution with mean 0 and a standard deviation equal to the standard error computed above. The z-score
outputs the ratio between the estimate of a coefficient and the standard error of the coefficient.
Pr(>|z|)This is the corresponding p-value for the two-sided test of the z-score. Based on the significance level, a
significance indicator is appended to the p-value. If F(x) is the CDF of the standard normal distribution
N(0, 1) , then P(>|z|) = 2 - ``2 * F(|z|) .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxFastLinear, rxOneClassSvm, rxNeuralNet, rxLogisticRegression.

# Estimate a logistic regression model
logitModel <- rxLogisticRegression(isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
transforms = list(isCase = case == 1),
data = infert)
# Print a summary of the model

# Score to a data frame

scoreDF <- rxPredict(logitModel, data = infert,
extraVarsToWrite = "isCase")

# Compute and plot the Radio Operator Curve and AUC

roc1 <- rxRoc(actualVarName = "isCase", predVarNames = "Probability", data = scoreDF)

# Multi-class logistic regression
testObs <- rnorm(nrow(iris)) > 0
testIris <- iris[testObs,]
trainIris <- iris[!testObs,]
multiLogit <- rxLogisticRegression(
formula = Species~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
type = "multiClass", data = trainIris)

# Score the model

scoreMultiDF <- rxPredict(multiLogit, data = testIris,
extraVarsToWrite = "Species")
# Print the first rows of the data frame with scores
# Look at confusion matrix
table(scoreMultiDF$Species, scoreMultiDF$PredictedLabel)

# Look at the observations with incorrect predictions

badPrediction = scoreMultiDF$Species != scoreMultiDF$PredictedLabel
mutualInformation: Feature Selection Mutual
Information Mode
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Mutual information mode of feature selection used in the feature selection transform selectFeatures.

mutualInformation(numFeaturesToKeep = 1000, numBins = 256, ...)


If the number of features to keep is specified to be n , the transform picks the n features that have the highest
mutual information with the dependent variable. The default value is 1000.

Maximum number of bins for numerical values. Powers of 2 are recommended. The default value is 256.

Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

The mutual information of two random variables X and Y is a measure of the mutual dependence between the
variables. Formally, the mutual information can be written as:
I(X;Y) = E[log(p(x,y)) - log(p(x)) - log(p(y))]

where the expectation is taken over the joint distribution of X and Y . Here p(x,y) is the joint probability density
function of X and Y , p(x) and p(y) are the marginal probability density functions of X and Y respectively. In
general, a higher mutual information between the dependent variable (or label) and an independent varialbe (or
feature) means that the label has higher mutual dependence over that feature.
The mutual information feature selection mode selects the features based on the mutual information. It keeps the
top numFeaturesToKeep features with the largest mutual information with the label.

a character string defining the mode.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
Wikipedia: Mutual Information

See Also
minCount selectFeatures

trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c(
"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Do not like it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I kind of hate it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"It is very good",
"I hate it a bunch",
"I love it a bunch",
"I hate it",
"I like it very much",
"I hate it very much.",
"I really do love it",
"I really do hate it",
"Love it!",
"Hate it!",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it"),
FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE

testReviews <- data.frame(review = c(

"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I love it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Use a categorical hash transform which generated 128 features.

outModel1 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0,
mlTransforms = list(categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7)))

# Apply a categorical hash transform and a count feature selection transform

# which selects only those hash features that has value.
outModel2 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0,
mlTransforms = list(
categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7),
selectFeatures("reviewCatHash", mode = minCount())))

# Apply a categorical hash transform and a mutual information feature selection transform
# which selects those features appearing with at least a count of 5.
outModel3 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0,
mlTransforms = list(
categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7),
selectFeatures("reviewCatHash", mode = minCount(count = 5))))
neuralNet: neuralNet
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a list containing the function name and arguments to train a NeuralNet model with rxEnsemble.

neuralNet(numHiddenNodes = 100, numIterations = 100, optimizer = sgd(),
netDefinition = NULL, initWtsDiameter = 0.1, maxNorm = 0,
acceleration = c("sse", "gpu"), miniBatchSize = 1, ...)


The default number of hidden nodes in the neural net. The default value is 100.

The number of iterations on the full training set. The default value is 100.

A list specifying either the sgd or adaptive optimization algorithm. This list can be created using sgd or
adaDeltaSgd. The default value is sgd .

The Net# definition of the structure of the neural network. For more information about the Net# language, see
Reference Guide


Sets the initial weights diameter that specifies the range from which values are drawn for the initial learning
weights. The weights are initialized randomly from within this range. The default value is 0.1.

Specifies an upper bound to constrain the norm of the incoming weight vector at each hidden unit. This can be
very important in maxout neural networks as well as in cases where training produces unbounded weights.

Specifies the type of hardware acceleration to use. Possible values are "sse" and "gpu". For GPU acceleration, it is
recommended to use a miniBatchSize greater than one. If you want to use the GPU acceleration, there are
additional manual setup steps are required:
Download and install NVidia CUDA Toolkit 6.5 ( CUDA Toolkit ) ).
Download and install NVidia cuDNN v2 Library ( cudnn Library ).
Find the libs directory of the MicrosoftRML package by calling
system.file("mxLibs/x64", package = "MicrosoftML") .
Copy cublas64_65.dll, cudart64_65.dll and cusparse64_65.dll from the CUDA Toolkit 6.5 into the libs directory
of the MicrosoftML package.
Copy cudnn64_65.dll from the cuDNN v2 Library into the libs directory of the MicrosoftML package.

Sets the mini-batch size. Recommended values are between 1 and 256. This parameter is only used when the
acceleration is GPU. Setting this parameter to a higher value improves the speed of training, but it might
negatively affect the accuracy. The default value is 1.

Additional arguments.
ngram: Machine Learning Feature Extractors
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Feature Extractors that can be used with mtText.

ngramCount(ngramLength = 1, skipLength = 0, maxNumTerms = 1e+07,
weighting = "tf")

ngramHash(ngramLength = 1, skipLength = 0, hashBits = 16,

seed = 314489979, ordered = TRUE, invertHash = 0)


An integer that specifies the maximum number of tokens to take when constructing an n-gram. The default value
is 1.

An integer that specifies the maximum number of tokens to skip when constructing an n-gram. If the value
specified as skip length is k , then n-grams can contain up to k skips (not necessarily consecutive). For example, if
k=2 , then the 3 -grams extracted from the text "the sky is blue today" are: "the sky is", "the sky blue", "the sky
today", "the is blue", "the is today" and "the blue today". The default value is 0.

An integer that specifies the maximum number of categories to include in the dictionary. The default value is

A character string that specifies the weighting criteria:

"tf" : to use term frequency.
"idf" : to use inverse document frequency.
"tfidf" : to use both term frequency and inverse document frequency.


integer value. Number of bits to hash into. Must be between 1 and 30, inclusive.

integer value. Hashing seed.


TRUE to include the position of each term in the hash. Otherwise, FALSE . The default value is TRUE .
An integer specifying the limit on the number of keys that can be used to generate the slot name. 0 means no
invert hashing; -1 means no limit. While a zero value gives better performance, a non-zero value is needed to
get meaningful coefficent names.

ngramCount allows defining arguments for count-based feature extraction. It accepts following options:
ngramLenght , skipLenght , maxNumTerms and weighting .

ngramHash allows defining arguments for hashing-based feature extraction. It accepts the following options:
ngramLenght , skipLenght , hashBits , seed , ordered and invertHash .

A character string defining the transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

myData <- data.frame(opinion = c(
"I love it!",
"I love it!",
"Love it!",
"I love it a lot!",
"Really love it!",
"I hate it",
"I hate it",
"I hate it.",
"Hate it",
like = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = 5),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

outModel1 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~opinionCount, data = myData,

mlTransforms = list(featurizeText(vars = c(opinionCount = "opinion"),
wordFeatureExtractor = ngramHash(invertHash = -1, hashBits = 3))))

outModel2 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~opinionCount, data = myData,

mlTransforms = list(featurizeText(vars = c(opinionCount = "opinion"),
wordFeatureExtractor = ngramCount(maxNumTerms = 5, weighting = "tf"))))
oneClassSvm: oneClassSvm
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a list containing the function name and arguments to train a OneClassSvm model with rxEnsemble.

oneClassSvm(cacheSize = 100, kernel = rbfKernel(), epsilon = 0.001,
nu = 0.1, shrink = TRUE, ...)


The maximal size in MB of the cache that stores the training data. Increase this for large training sets. The default
value is 100 MB.

A character string representing the kernel used for computing inner products. For more information, see maKernel.
The following choices are available:
rbfKernel() : Radial basis function kernel. It's parameter represents gamma in the term exp(-gamma|x-y|^2 . If
not specified, it defaults to 1 divided by the number of features used. For example, rbfKernel(gamma = .1) .
This is the default value.
linearKernel() : Linear kernel.
polynomialKernel() : Polynomial kernel with parameter names a , bias , and deg in the term
(a*<x,y> + bias)^deg . The bias , defaults to 0 . The degree, deg , defaults to 3 . If a is not specified, it is set
to 1 divided by the number of features. For example, maKernelPoynomial(bias = 0, deg = `` 3) .
sigmoidKernel() : Sigmoid kernel with parameter names gamma and coef0 in the term
tanh(gamma*<x,y> + coef0) . gamma , defaults to to 1 divided by the number of features. The parameter coef0
defaults to 0 . For example, sigmoidKernel(gamma = .1, coef0 = 0) .

The threshold for optimizer convergence. If the improvement between iterations is less than the threshold, the
algorithm stops and returns the current model. The value must be greater than or equal to .Machine$double.eps .
The default value is 0.001.

The trade-off between the fraction of outliers and the number of support vectors (represented by the Greek letter
nu). Must be between 0 and 1, typically between 0.1 and 0.5. The default value is 0.1.

Uses the shrinking heuristic if TRUE . In this case, some samples will be "shrunk" during the training procedure,
which may speed up training. The default value is TRUE .
Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.
maOptimizer: Optimization Algorithms
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Specifies Optimization Algorithms for Neural Net.

adaDeltaSgd(decay = 0.95, conditioningConst = 1e-06)

sgd(learningRate = 0.001, momentum = 0, nag = FALSE, weightDecay = 0,

lRateRedRatio = 1, lRateRedFreq = 100, lRateRedErrorRatio = 0)


Specifies the decay rate applied to gradients when calculating the step in the ADADELTA adaptive optimization
algorithm. This rate is used to ensure that the learning rate continues to make progress by giving smaller weights
to remote gradients in the calculation of the step size. Mathematically, it replaces the mean square of the gradients
with an exponentially decaying average of the squared gradients in the denominator of the update rule. The value
assigned must be in the range (0,1).

Specifies a conditioning constant for the ADADELTA adaptive optimization algorithm that is used to condition the
step size in regions where the exponentially decaying average of the squared gradients is small. The value
assigned must be in the range (0,1).

Specifies the size of the step taken in the direction of the negative gradient for each iteration of the learning
process. The default value is = 0.001 .

Specifies weights for each dimension that control the contribution of the previous step to the size of the next step
during training. This modifies the learningRate to speed up training. The value must be >= 0 and < 1 .

If TRUE , Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient Descent is used. This method reduces the oracle complexity of gradient
descent and is optimal for smooth convex optimization.

Specifies the scaling weights for the step size. After each weight update, the weights in the network are scaled by
(1 - ``learningRate * weightDecay) . The value must be >= 0 and < 1 .


Specifies the learning rate reduction ratio: the ratio by which the learning rate is reduced during training. Reducing
the learning rate can avoid local minima. The value must be > 0 and <= 1 .
A value of 1.0 means no reduction.
A value of 0.9 means the learning rate is reduced to 90 its current value.
The reduction can be triggered either periodically, to occur after a fixed number of iterations, or when a certain
error criteria concerning increases or decreases in the loss function are satisfied.
To trigger a periodic rate reduction, specify the frequency by setting the number of iterations between
reductions with the lRateRedFreq argument.
To trigger rate reduction based on an error criterion, specify a number in lRateRedErrorRatio .

Sets the learning rate reduction frequency by specifying number of iterations betweeen reductions. For example, if
10 is specified, the learning rate is reduced once every 10 iterations.


Spefifies the learning rate reduction error criterion. If set to 0 , the learning rate is reduced if the loss increases
between iterations. If set to a fractional value greater than 0 , the learning rate is reduced if the loss decreases by
less than that fraction of its previous value.

These functions can be used for the optimizer argument in rxNeuralNet.
* The sgd function specifies Stochastic Gradient Descent. maOptimizer
* The adaDeltaSgd function specifies the AdaDelta gradient descent, described in the 2012 paper "ADADELTA: An
Adaptive Learning Rate Method" by Matthew D.Zeiler.

A character string that contains the specification for the optimization algorithm.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

ADADELTA: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method

See Also

myIris = iris
myIris$Setosa <- iris$Species == "setosa"

res1 <- rxNeuralNet(formula = Setosa~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Width,

data = myIris,
optimizer = sgd(learningRate = .002))

res2 <- rxNeuralNet(formula = Setosa~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Width,

data = myIris,
optimizer = adaDeltaSgd(decay = .9, conditioningConst = 1e-05))
resizeImage: Machine Learning Resize Image
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Resizes an image to a specified dimension using a specified resizing method.

resizeImage(vars, width = 224, height = 224, resizingOption = "IsoCrop")


A named list of character vectors of input variable names and the name of the output variable. Note that the input
variables must be of the same type. For one-to-one mappings between input and output variables, a named
character vector can be used.

Specifies the width of the scaled image in pixels. The default value is 224.

Specifies the height of the scaled image in pixels. The default value is 224.

Specified the resizing method to use. Note that all methods are using bilinear interpolation. The options are:
"IsoPad" : The image is resized such that the aspect ratio is preserved. If needed, the image is padded with
black to fit the new width or height.
"IsoCrop" : The image is resized such that the aspect ratio is preserved. If needed, the image is cropped to fit
the new width or height.
"Aniso" : The image is stretched to the new width and height, without preserving the aspect ratio. The default
value is "IsoPad" .

resizeImage resizes an image to the specified height and width using a specified resizing method. The input
variables to this transforms must be images, typically the result of the loadImage transform.

A maml object defining the transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

train <- data.frame(Path = c(system.file("help/figures/RevolutionAnalyticslogo.png", package =
"MicrosoftML")), Label = c(TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Loads the images from variable Path, resizes the images to 1x1 pixels and trains a neural net.
model <- rxNeuralNet(
Label ~ Features,
data = train,
mlTransforms = list(
loadImage(vars = list(Features = "Path")),
resizeImage(vars = "Features", width = 1, height = 1, resizing = "Aniso"),
extractPixels(vars = "Features")
mlTransformVars = "Path",
numHiddenNodes = 1,
numIterations = 1)

# Featurizes the images from variable Path using the default model, and trains a linear model on the result.
model <- rxFastLinear(
Label ~ Features,
data = train,
mlTransforms = list(
loadImage(vars = list(Features = "Path")),
resizeImage(vars = "Features", width = 224, height = 224), # If dnnModel == "AlexNet", the image has
to be resized to 227x227.
extractPixels(vars = "Features"),
featurizeImage(var = "Features")
mlTransformVars = "Path")
rxEnsemble: Ensembles
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Train an ensemble of models

rxEnsemble(formula = NULL, data, trainers, type = c("binary", "regression",
"multiClass", "anomaly"), randomSeed = NULL,
modelCount = length(trainers), replace = FALSE, sampRate = NULL,
splitData = FALSE, combineMethod = c("median", "average", "vote"),
maxCalibration = 1e+05, mlTransforms = NULL, mlTransformVars = NULL,
rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL, transformPackages = NULL,
transformEnvir = NULL, blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 1,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)


The formula as described in rxFormula. Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in the

A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdffile or a data frame object. Alternatively, it can be a list
of data sources indicating each model should be trained using one of the data sources in the list. In this case, the
length of the data list must be equal to modelCount .

A list of trainers with their arguments. The trainers are created by using fastTrees, fastForest, fastLinear,
logisticRegression or neuralNet.

A character string that specifies the type of ensemble: "binary" for Binary Classification or "regression" for

Specifies the random seed. The default value is NULL .


Specifies the number of models to train. If this number is greater than the length of the trainers list, the trainers
list is duplicated to match modelCount .

A logical value specifying if the sampling of observations should be done with or without replacement. The
default value is /codeFALSE.

a scalar of positive value specifying the percentage of observations to sample for each trainer. The default is 1.0
for sampling with replacement (i.e., replace=TRUE ) and 0.632 for sampling without replacement (i.e.,
replace=FALSE ). When splitData is TRUE, the default of sampRate is 1.0 (no sampling is done before splitting).

A logical value specifying whether or not to train the base models on non-overlapping partitions. The default is
FALSE . It is available only for RxSpark compute context and ignored for others.


Specifies the method used to combine the models:

median to compute the median of the individual model outputs,
average to compute the average of the individual model outputs and
vote to compute (pos-neg) / the total number of models, where 'pos' is the number of positive outputs and
'neg' is the number of negative outputs.

Specifies the maximum number of examples to use for calibration. This argument is ignored for all tasks other
than binary classification.

Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or NULL if no
transforms are to be performed. Transforms that require an additional pass over the data (such as featurizeText,
categorical) are not allowed. These transformations are performed after any specified R transformations. The
default value is NULL .

Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in mlTransforms or NULL if none are to be used. The
default value is NULL .

Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the name of a logical
variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set. For example,
rowSelection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is TRUE .
rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of the
age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10. The row
selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

An expression of the form list(name = expression, ``...) that represents the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function. The default value is NULL .

A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .
The default value is NULL .

The variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details. The default value is NULL .

A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for
details. The default value is NULL .

A character vector specifying additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions. For exmple, those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and
transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The
transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside
rxGetOption("transformPackages") are preloaded. The default value is NULL .


A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used
instead. The default value is NULL .

Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information. The default value is 1 .

Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid RxComputeContext. Currently local
and RxSpark compute contexts are supported. When RxSpark is specified, the training of the models is done in
a distributed way, and the ensembling is done locally. Note that the compute context cannot be non-waiting.

Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

/coderxEnsemble is a function that trains a number of models of various kinds to obtain better predictive
performance than could be obtained from a single model.

A rxEnsemble object with the trained ensemble model.

# Create an ensemble of regression rxFastTrees models

# use xdf data source

dataFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims4blocks.xdf")
rxGetInfo(dataFile, getVarInfo = TRUE, getBlockSizes = TRUE)
form <- cost ~ age + type + number


# build an ensemble model that contains three 'rxFastTrees' models with different parameters
ensemble <- rxEnsemble(
formula = form,
data = dataFile,
type = "regression",
trainers = list(fastTrees(), fastTrees(numTrees = 60), fastTrees(learningRate = 0.1)), #a list of
trainers with their arguments.
replace = TRUE # Indicates using a bootstrap sample for each trainer

# use text data source

colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor", levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
"Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")))

source <- system.file("SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv", package = "RevoScaleR")

data <- RxTextData(source, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo)

# When 'distributed' is TRUE distributed data source is created

distributed <- FALSE
if (distributed) {
bigDataDirRoot <- "/share"
inputDir <- file.path(bigDataDirRoot, "AirlineDemoSmall")
rxHadoopCopyFromLocal(source, inputDir)
hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()
data <- RxTextData(file = inputDir, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem = hdfsFS)

# When 'distributed' is TRUE training is distributed

if (distributed) {
cc <- rxSetComputeContext(RxSpark())
} else {
cc <- rxGetComputeContext()

ensemble <- rxEnsemble(

formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek,
data = data,
type = "regression",
trainers = list(fastTrees(), fastTrees(numTrees = 60), fastTrees(learningRate = 0.1)), # The ensemble
will contain three 'rxFastTrees' models
replace = TRUE # Indicates using a bootstrap sample for each trainer

# Change the compute context back to previous for scoring


# Put score and model variables in data frame

scores <- rxPredict(ensemble, data = data, writeModelVars = TRUE)

# Plot actual versus predicted values with smoothed line

rxLinePlot(Score ~ ArrDelay, type = c("p", "smooth"), data = scores)
rxFastForest: Fast Forest
6/18/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Fast Forest

rxFastForest(formula = NULL, data, type = c("binary", "regression"),
numTrees = 100, numLeaves = 20, minSplit = 10, exampleFraction = 0.7,
featureFraction = 0.7, splitFraction = 0.7, numBins = 255,
firstUsePenalty = 0, gainConfLevel = 0, trainThreads = 8,
randomSeed = NULL, mlTransforms = NULL, mlTransformVars = NULL,
rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL, transformPackages = NULL,
transformEnvir = NULL, blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 2,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),
ensemble = ensembleControl(), ...)


The formula as described in rxFormula. Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in the

A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.

A character string denoting Fast Tree type:

"binary" for the default Fast Tree Binary Classification or
"regression" for Fast Tree Regression.


Specifies the total number of decision trees to create in the ensemble.By creating more decision trees, you can
potentially get better coverage, but the training time increases. The default value is 100.

The maximum number of leaves (terminal nodes) that can be created in any tree. Higher values potentially
increase the size of the tree and get better precision, but risk overfitting and requiring longer training times. The
default value is 20.

Minimum number of training instances required to form a leaf. That is, the minimal number of documents
allowed in a leaf of a regression tree, out of the sub-sampled data. A 'split' means that features in each level of
the tree (node) are randomly divided. The default value is 10.

The fraction of randomly chosen instances to use for each tree. The default value is 0.7.

The fraction of randomly chosen features to use for each tree. The default value is 0.7.

The fraction of randomly chosen features to use on each split. The default value is 0.7.

Maximum number of distinct values (bins) per feature. The default value is 255.

The feature first use penalty coefficient. The default value is 0.


Tree fitting gain confidence requirement (should be in the range [0,1) ). The default value is 0.

The number of threads to use in training. If NULL is specified, the number of threads to use is determined
internally. The default value is NULL .

Specifies the random seed. The default value is NULL .


Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or NULL if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurizeText, categorical, and categoricalHash, for transformations that are supported.
These transformations are performed after any specified R transformations. The default value is NULL .

Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in mlTransforms or NULL if none are to be used. The
default value is NULL .

Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the name of a logical
variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set. For example,
rowSelection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is TRUE .
rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of the
age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10. The row
selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

An expression of the form list(name = expression, ``...) that represents the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

The variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for

A character vector specifying additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions. For exmple, those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc
arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages
argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") are

A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used

Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.

Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid RxComputeContext. Currently local
and RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.

Control parameters for ensembling.


Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

Decision trees are non-parametric models that perform a sequence
of simple tests on inputs. This decision procedure maps them to outputs found in the training dataset whose
inputs were similar to the instance being processed. A decision is made at each node of the binary tree data
structure based on a measure of similarity that maps each instance recursively through the branches of the tree
until the appropriate leaf node is reached and the output decision returned.
Decision trees have several advantages:
* They are efficient in both computation and memory usage during training and prediction.
* They can represent non-linear decision boundaries.
* They perform integrated feature selection and classification.
* They are resilient in the presence of noisy features.
Fast forest regression is a random forest and quantile regression forest implementation using the regression
tree learner in rxFastTrees. The model consists of an ensemble of decision trees. Each tree in a decision forest
outputs a Gaussian distribution by way of prediction. An aggregation is performed over the ensemble of trees to
find a Gaussian distribution closest to the combined distribution for all trees in the model.
This decision forest classifier consists of an ensemble of decision trees. Generally, ensemble models provide
better coverage and accuracy than single decision trees. Each tree in a decision forest outputs a Gaussian
distribution by way of prediction. An aggregation is performed over the ensemble of trees to find a Gaussian
distribution closest to the combined distribution for all trees in the model.

rxFastForest :A rxFastForest object with the trained model.
FastForest : A learner specification object of class maml for the Fast Forest trainer.

This algorithm is multi-threaded and will always attempt to load the entire dataset into memory.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Wikipedia: Random forest

Quantile regression forest

From Stumps to Trees to Forests

See Also
rxFastTrees, rxFastLinear, rxLogisticRegression, rxNeuralNet, rxOneClassSvm, featurizeText, categorical,
categoricalHash, rxPredict.mlModel.

# Estimate a binary classification forest
infert1 <- infert
infert1$isCase = (infert1$case == 1)
forestModel <- rxFastForest(formula = isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert1)

# Create text file with per-instance results using rxPredict

txtOutFile <- tempfile(pattern = "scoreOut", fileext = ".txt")
txtOutDS <- RxTextData(file = txtOutFile)
scoreDS <- rxPredict(forestModel, data = infert1,
extraVarsToWrite = c("isCase", "Score"), outData = txtOutDS)

# Print the fist ten rows

rxDataStep(scoreDS, numRows = 10)

# Clean-up

# Estimate a regression fast forest

# Use the built-in data set 'airquality' to create test and train data
DF <- airquality[!$Ozone), ]
DF$Ozone <- as.numeric(DF$Ozone)
randomSplit <- rnorm(nrow(DF))
trainAir <- DF[randomSplit >= 0,]
testAir <- DF[randomSplit < 0,]
airFormula <- Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp

# Regression Fast Forest for train data

rxFastForestReg <- rxFastForest(airFormula, type = "regression",
data = trainAir)

# Put score and model variables in data frame

rxFastForestScoreDF <- rxPredict(rxFastForestReg, data = testAir,
writeModelVars = TRUE)

# Plot actual versus predicted values with smoothed line

rxLinePlot(Score ~ Ozone, type = c("p", "smooth"), data = rxFastForestScoreDF)
rxFastLinear: Fast Linear Model -- Stochastic Dual
Coordinate Ascent
6/18/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

A Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent (SDCA) optimization trainer for linear binary classification and regression.
rxFastLinear is a trainer based on the Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent (SDCA) method, a state-of-the-art
optimization technique for convex objective functions. The algorithm can be scaled for use on large out-of-
memory data sets due to a semi-asynchronized implementation that supports multi-threading. primal and dual
updates in a separate thread. Several choices of loss functions are also provided. The SDCA method combines
several of the best properties and capabilities of logistic regression and SVM algorithms. For more information
on SDCA, see the citations in the reference section.
Traditional optimization algorithms, such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD ), optimize the empirical loss
function directly. The SDCA chooses a different approach that optimizes the dual problem instead. The dual loss
function is parametrized by per-example weights. In each iteration, when a training example from the training
data set is read, the corresponding example weight is adjusted so that the dual loss function is optimized with
respect to the current example. No learning rate is needed by SDCA to determine step size as is required by
various gradient descent methods.
rxFastLinear supports binary classification with three types of loss functions currently: Log loss, hinge loss, and
smoothed hinge loss. Linear regression also supports with squared loss function. Elastic net regularization can
be specified by the l2Weight and l1Weight parameters. Note that the l2Weight has an effect on the rate of
convergence. In general, the larger the l2Weight , the faster SDCA converges.
Note that rxFastLinear is a stochastic and streaming optimization algorithm. The results depends on the order
of the training data. For reproducible results, it is recommended that one sets shuffle to FALSE and
trainThreads to 1 .

rxFastLinear(formula = NULL, data, type = c("binary", "regression"),
lossFunction = NULL, l2Weight = NULL, l1Weight = NULL,
trainThreads = NULL, convergenceTolerance = 0.1, maxIterations = NULL,
shuffle = TRUE, checkFrequency = NULL, normalize = "auto",
mlTransforms = NULL, mlTransformVars = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL, transformFunc = NULL,
transformVars = NULL, transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 1,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),
ensemble = ensembleControl(), ...)


The formula described in rxFormula. Interaction terms and F() are currently not supported in MicrosoftML.

A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.

Specifies the model type with a character string: "binary" for the default binary classification or "regression"
for linear regression.

Specifies the empirical loss function to optimize. For binary classification, the following choices are available:
logLoss: The log-loss. This is the default.
hingeLoss: The SVM hinge loss. Its parameter represents the margin size.
smoothHingeLoss: The smoothed hinge loss. Its parameter represents the smoothing constant.
For linear regression, squared loss squaredLoss is currently supported. When this parameter is set to NULL ,
its default value depends on the type of learning:
logLoss for binary classification.
squaredLoss for linear regression.

Specifies the L2 regularization weight. The value must be either non-negative or NULL . If NULL is specified, the
actual value is automatically computed based on data set. NULL is the default value.

Specifies the L1 regularization weight. The value must be either non-negative or NULL . If NULL is specified, the
actual value is automatically computed based on data set. NULL is the default value.

Specifies how many concurrent threads can be used to run the algorithm. When this parameter is set to NULL ,
the number of threads used is determined based on the number of logical processors available to the process as
well as the sparsity of data. Set it to 1 to run the algorithm in a single thread.

Specifies the tolerance threshold used as a convergence criterion. It must be between 0 and 1. The default value
is 0.1 . The algorithm is considered to have converged if the relative duality gap, which is the ratio between the
duality gap and the primal loss, falls below the specified convergence tolerance.

Specifies an upper bound on the number of training iterations. This parameter must be positive or NULL . If
NULL is specified, the actual value is automatically computed based on data set. Each iteration requires a
complete pass over the training data. Training terminates after the total number of iterations reaches the
specified upper bound or when the loss function converges, whichever happens earlier.

Specifies whether to shuffle the training data. Set TRUE to shuffle the data; FALSE not to shuffle. The default
value is TRUE . SDCA is a stochastic optimization algorithm. If shuffling is turned on, the training data is shuffled
on each iteration.

The number of iterations after which the loss function is computed and checked to determine whether it has
converged. The value specified must be a positive integer or NULL . If NULL , the actual value is automatically
computed based on data set. Otherwise, for example, if checkFrequency = 5 is specified, then the loss function is
computed and convergence is checked every 5 iterations. The computation of the loss function requires a
separate complete pass over the training data.

Specifies the type of automatic normalization used:

"auto" : if normalization is needed, it is automatically performed. This is the default value.
"no" : no normalization is performed.
"yes" : normalization is performed.
"warn" : if normalization is needed, a warning message is displayed, but normalization is not performed.
Normalization rescales disparate data ranges to a standard scale. Feature scaling insures the distances
between data points are proportional and enables various optimization methods such as gradient descent to
converge much faster. If normalization is performed, a MaxMin normalizer is used. It normalizes values in an
interval [a, b] where -1 <= a <= 0 and 0 <= b <= 1 and b - a = 1 . This normalizer preserves sparsity by
mapping zero to zero.

Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or NULL if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurizeText, categorical, and categoricalHash, for transformations that are supported.
These transformations are performed after any specified R transformations. The default value is NULL .

Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in mlTransforms or NULL if none are to be used. The
default value is NULL .

Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the name of a logical
variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set. For example,
rowSelection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is TRUE .
rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of the
age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10. The row
selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

An expression of the form list(name = expression, ``...) that represents the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

The variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

A character vector specifying additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions. For exmple, those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc
arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages
argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") are

A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.

Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid RxComputeContext. Currently local
and RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.

Control parameters for ensembling.


Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

rxFastLinear :A rxFastLinear object with the trained model.
FastLinear : A learner specification object of class maml for the Fast Linear trainer.

This algorithm is multi-threaded and will not attempt to load the entire dataset into memory.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Scaling Up Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent

Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent Methods for Regularized Loss Minimization

See Also
logLoss, hingeLoss, smoothHingeLoss, squaredLoss, rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxLogisticRegression,
rxNeuralNet, rxOneClassSvm, featurizeText, categorical, categoricalHash, rxPredict.mlModel.

# Train a binary classiication model with rxFastLinear
res1 <- rxFastLinear(isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
transforms = list(isCase = case == 1),
data = infert,
type = "binary")
# Print a summary of the model

# Score to a data frame

scoreDF <- rxPredict(res1, data = infert,
extraVarsToWrite = "isCase")

# Compute and plot the Radio Operator Curve and AUC

roc1 <- rxRoc(actualVarName = "isCase", predVarNames = "Probability", data = scoreDF)

# rxFastLinear Regression

# Create an xdf file with the attitude data

myXdf <- tempfile(pattern = "tempAttitude", fileext = ".xdf")
rxDataStep(attitude, myXdf, rowsPerRead = 50, overwrite = TRUE)
myXdfDS <- RxXdfData(file = myXdf)

attitudeForm <- rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning +

raises + critical + advance

# Estimate a regression model with rxFastLinear

res2 <- rxFastLinear(formula = attitudeForm, data = myXdfDS,
type = "regression")

# Score to data frame

scoreOut2 <- rxPredict(res2, data = myXdfDS,
extraVarsToWrite = "rating")

# Plot the rating versus the score with a regression line

rxLinePlot(rating~Score, type = c("p","r"), data = scoreOut2)

# Clean up
rxFastTrees: Fast Tree
6/18/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Fast Tree

rxFastTrees(formula = NULL, data, type = c("binary", "regression"),
numTrees = 100, numLeaves = 20, learningRate = 0.2, minSplit = 10,
exampleFraction = 0.7, featureFraction = 1, splitFraction = 1,
numBins = 255, firstUsePenalty = 0, gainConfLevel = 0,
unbalancedSets = FALSE, trainThreads = 8, randomSeed = NULL,
mlTransforms = NULL, mlTransformVars = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL, transformFunc = NULL,
transformVars = NULL, transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 2,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),
ensemble = ensembleControl(), ...)


The formula as described in rxFormula. Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in the

A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.

A character string that specifies the type of Fast Tree: "binary" for the default Fast Tree Binary Classification or
"regression" for Fast Tree Regression.


Specifies the total number of decision trees to create in the ensemble.By creating more decision trees, you can
potentially get better coverage, but the training time increases. The default value is 100.

The maximum number of leaves (terminal nodes) that can be created in any tree. Higher values potentially
increase the size of the tree and get better precision, but risk overfitting and requiring longer training times. The
default value is 20.

Determines the size of the step taken in the direction of the gradient in each step of the learning process. This
determines how fast or slow the learner converges on the optimal solution. If the step size is too big, you might
overshoot the optimal solution. If the step size is too samll, training takes longer to converge to the best

Minimum number of training instances required to form a leaf. That is, the minimal number of documents
allowed in a leaf of a regression tree, out of the sub-sampled data. A 'split' means that features in each level of
the tree (node) are randomly divided. The default value is 10. Only the number of instances is counted even if
instances are weighted.

The fraction of randomly chosen instances to use for each tree. The default value is 0.7.

The fraction of randomly chosen features to use for each tree. The default value is 1.

The fraction of randomly chosen features to use on each split. The default value is 1.

Maximum number of distinct values (bins) per feature. If the feature has fewer values than the number
indicated, each value is placed in its own bin. If there are more values, the algorithm creates numBins bins.

The feature first use penalty coefficient. This is a form of regularization that incurs a penalty for using a new
feature when creating the tree. Increase this value to create trees that don't use many features. The default value
is 0.

Tree fitting gain confidence requirement (should be in the range [0,1)). The default value is 0.

If TRUE , derivatives optimized for unbalanced sets are used. Only applicable when type equal to "binary" .
The default value is FALSE .

The number of threads to use in training. The default value is 8.


Specifies the random seed. The default value is NULL .


Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or NULL if no
transforms are to be performed. See featurizeText, categorical, and categoricalHash, for transformations that are
supported. These transformations are performed after any specified R transformations. The default value is


Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in mlTransforms or NULL if none are to be used. The
default value is NULL .

Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the name of a logical
variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set. For example,
rowSelection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is TRUE .
rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of the
age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10. The row
selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

An expression of the form list(name = expression, ``...) that represents the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

The variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for

A character vector specifying additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions. For exmple, those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and
transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The
transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside
rxGetOption("transformPackages") are preloaded.


A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used

Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.

Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid RxComputeContext. Currently local
and RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.

Control parameters for ensembling.


Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

rxFastTrees is an implementation of FastRank. FastRank is an efficient implementation of the MART gradient
boosting algorithm. Gradient boosting is a machine learning technique for regression problems. It builds each
regression tree in a step-wise fashion, using a predefined loss function to measure the error for each step and
corrects for it in the next. So this prediction model is actually an ensemble of weaker prediction models. In
regression problems, boosting builds a series of of such trees in a step-wise fashion and then selects the
optimal tree using an arbitrary differentiable loss function.
MART learns an ensemble of regression trees, which is a decision tree with scalar values in its leaves. A decision
(or regression) tree is a binary tree-like flow chart, where at each interior node one decides which of the two
child nodes to continue to based on one of the feature values from the input. At each leaf node, a value is
returned. In the interior nodes, the decision is based on the test "x <= v" , where x is the value of the feature
in the input sample and v is one of the possible values of this feature. The functions that can be produced by a
regression tree are all the piece-wise constant functions.
The ensemble of trees is produced by computing, in each step, a regression tree that approximates the gradient
of the loss function, and adding it to the previous tree with coefficients that minimize the loss of the new tree.
The output of the ensemble produced by MART on a given instance is the sum of the tree outputs.
* In case of a binary classification problem, the output is converted to a probability by using some form of
* In case of a regression problem, the output is the predicted value of the function.
* In case of a ranking problem, the instances are ordered by the output value of the ensemble.
If type is set to "regression" , a regression version of FastTree is used. If set to "ranking" , a ranking version of
FastTree is used. In the ranking case, the instances should be ordered by the output of the tree ensemble. The
only difference in the settings of these versions is in the calibration settings, which are needed only for

rxFastTrees :A rxFastTrees object with the trained model.
FastTree : A learner specification object of class maml for the Fast Tree trainer.

This algorithm is multi-threaded and will always attempt to load the entire dataset into memory.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Wikipedia: Gradient boosting (Gradient tree boosting)
Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine.

See Also
rxFastForest, rxFastLinear, rxLogisticRegression, rxNeuralNet, rxOneClassSvm, featurizeText, categorical,
categoricalHash, rxPredict.mlModel.

# Estimate a binary classification tree
infert1 <- infert
infert1$isCase = (infert1$case == 1)
treeModel <- rxFastTrees(formula = isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert1)

# Create xdf file with per-instance results using rxPredict

xdfOut <- tempfile(pattern = "scoreOut", fileext = ".xdf")
scoreDS <- rxPredict(treeModel, data = infert1,
extraVarsToWrite = c("isCase", "Score"),
outData = xdfOut)

rxDataStep(scoreDS, numRows = 10)

# Clean-up

# Estimate a regression fast tree

# Use the built-in data set 'airquality' to create test and train data
DF <- airquality[!$Ozone), ]
DF$Ozone <- as.numeric(DF$Ozone)
randomSplit <- rnorm(nrow(DF))
trainAir <- DF[randomSplit >= 0,]
testAir <- DF[randomSplit < 0,]
airFormula <- Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp

# Regression Fast Tree for train data

fastTreeReg <- rxFastTrees(airFormula, type = "regression",
data = trainAir)

# Put score and model variables in data frame

fastTreeScoreDF <- rxPredict(fastTreeReg, data = testAir,
writeModelVars = TRUE)

# Plot actual versus predicted values with smoothed line

rxLinePlot(Score ~ Ozone, type = c("p", "smooth"), data = fastTreeScoreDF)
rxFeaturize: Data Transformation for RevoScaleR data
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Transforms data from an input data set to an output data set.

rxFeaturize(data, outData = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, dataThreads = NULL,
randomSeed = NULL, maxSlots = 5000, mlTransforms = NULL,
mlTransformVars = NULL, rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL,
transformObjects = NULL, transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 1,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)


A RevoScaleR data source object, a data frame, or the path to a .xdf file.

Output text or xdf file name or an RxDataSource with write capabilities in which to store transformed data. If NULL ,
a data frame is returned. The default value is NULL .

If TRUE , an existing outData is overwritten; if FALSE an existing outData is not overwritten. The default value is

An integer specifying the desired degree of parallelism in the data pipeline. If NULL , the number of threads used is
determined internally. The default value is NULL .

Specifies the random seed. The default value is NULL .


Max slots to return for vector valued columns (<=0 to return all).

Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or NULL if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurizeText, categorical, and categoricalHash, for transformations that are supported.
These transformations are performed after any specified R transformations. The default value is NULL .
Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in mlTransforms or NULL if none are to be used. The
default value is NULL .

Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the name of a logical
variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set. For example,
rowSelection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is TRUE .
rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of the
age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10. The row
selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

An expression of the form list(name = expression, ``...) that represents the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function. The default value is NULL .

A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection . The
default value is NULL .

The variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details. The default value is NULL .

A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.
The default value is NULL .

A character vector specifying additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions. For exmple, those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc
arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages
argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") are preloaded.
The default value is NULL .

A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead
The default value is NULL .

Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.
The default value is 1 .

An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information. The default value is 1 .

Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid RxComputeContext. Currently local and
RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.

Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

A data frame or an RxDataSource object representing the created output data.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxDataStep, rxImport, rxTransform.

# rxFeaturize basically allows you to access data from the MicrosoftML transforms
# In this example we'll look at getting the output of the categorical transform

# Create the data

categoricalData <- data.frame(
placesVisited = c(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# Invoke the categorical transform

categorized <- rxFeaturize(
data = categoricalData,
mlTransforms = list(categorical(vars = c(xDataCat = "placesVisited")))

# Now let's look at the data

rxHashEnv: An environment object used to store
package-wide state.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

An environment object used to store package-wide state.


An object of class environment of length 2.
logisticRegression: logisticRegression
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a list containing the function name and arguments to train a logistic regression model with rxEnsemble.

logisticRegression(l2Weight = 1, l1Weight = 1, optTol = 1e-07,
memorySize = 20, initWtsScale = 0, maxIterations = 2147483647,
showTrainingStats = FALSE, sgdInitTol = 0, trainThreads = NULL,
denseOptimizer = FALSE, ...)


The L2 regularization weight. Its value must be greater than or equal to 0 and the default value is set to 1 .

The L1 regularization weight. Its value must be greater than or equal to 0 and the default value is set to 1 .

Threshold value for optimizer convergence. If the improvement between iterations is less than the threshold, the
algorithm stops and returns the current model. Smaller values are slower, but more accurate. The default value is
1e-07 .


Memory size for L -BFGS, specifying the number of past positions and gradients to store for the computation of
the next step. This optimization parameter limits the amount of memory that is used to compute the magnitude
and direction of the next step. When you specify less memory, training is faster but less accurate. Must be greater
than or equal to 1 and the default value is 20 .

Sets the initial weights diameter that specifies the range from which values are drawn for the initial weights.
These weights are initialized randomly from within this range. For example, if the diameter is specified to be d ,
then the weights are uniformly distributed between -d/2 and d/2 . The default value is 0 , which specifies that
allthe weights are initialized to 0 .

Sets the maximum number of iterations. After this number of steps, the algorithm stops even if it has not satisfied
convergence criteria.

Specify TRUE to show the statistics of training data and the trained model; otherwise, FALSE . The default value is
FALSE . For additional information about model statistics, see summary.mlModel.

Set to a number greater than 0 to use Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD ) to find the initial parameters. A non-
zero value set specifies the tolerance SGD uses to determine convergence. The default value is 0 specifying that
SGD is not used.

The number of threads to use in training the model. This should be set to the number of cores on the machine.
Note that L -BFGS multi-threading attempts to load dataset into memory. In case of out-of-memory issues, set
trainThreads to 1 to turn off multi-threading. If NULL the number of threads to use is determined internally.
The default value is NULL .

If TRUE , forces densification of the internal optimization vectors. If FALSE , enables the logistic regression
optimizer use sparse or dense internal states as it finds appropriate. Setting denseOptimizer to TRUE requires the
internal optimizer to use a dense internal state, which may help alleviate load on the garbage collector for some
varieties of larger problems.

Additional arguments.
rxNeuralNet: Neural Net
6/18/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Neural networks for regression modeling and for Binary and multi-class classification.

rxNeuralNet(formula = NULL, data, type = c("binary", "multiClass",
"regression"), numHiddenNodes = 100, numIterations = 100,
optimizer = sgd(), netDefinition = NULL, initWtsDiameter = 0.1,
maxNorm = 0, acceleration = c("sse", "gpu"), miniBatchSize = 1,
normalize = "auto", mlTransforms = NULL, mlTransformVars = NULL,
rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL, transformPackages = NULL,
transformEnvir = NULL, blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 1,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),
ensemble = ensembleControl(), ...)


The formula as described in rxFormula. Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in the

A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.

A character string denoting Fast Tree type:

"binary" for the default binary classification neural network.
"multiClass" for multi-class classification neural network.
"regression" for a regression neural network.


The default number of hidden nodes in the neural net. The default value is 100.

The number of iterations on the full training set. The default value is 100.

A list specifying either the sgd or adaptive optimization algorithm. This list can be created using sgd or
adaDeltaSgd. The default value is sgd .

The Net# definition of the structure of the neural network. For more information about the Net# language, see
Reference Guide


Sets the initial weights diameter that specifies the range from which values are drawn for the initial learning
weights. The weights are initialized randomly from within this range. The default value is 0.1.

Specifies an upper bound to constrain the norm of the incoming weight vector at each hidden unit. This can be
very important in maxout neural networks as well as in cases where training produces unbounded weights.

Specifies the type of hardware acceleration to use. Possible values are "sse" and "gpu". For GPU acceleration, it
is recommended to use a miniBatchSize greater than one. If you want to use the GPU acceleration, there are
additional manual setup steps are required:
Download and install NVidia CUDA Toolkit 6.5 ( CUDA Toolkit ).
Download and install NVidia cuDNN v2 Library ( cudnn Library ).
Find the libs directory of the MicrosoftRML package by calling
system.file("mxLibs/x64", package = "MicrosoftML") .
Copy cublas64_65.dll, cudart64_65.dll and cusparse64_65.dll from the CUDA Toolkit 6.5 into the libs
directory of the MicrosoftML package.
Copy cudnn64_65.dll from the cuDNN v2 Library into the libs directory of the MicrosoftML package.

Sets the mini-batch size. Recommended values are between 1 and 256. This parameter is only used when the
acceleration is GPU. Setting this parameter to a higher value improves the speed of training, but it might
negatively affect the accuracy. The default value is 1.

Specifies the type of automatic normalization used:

"auto" : if normalization is needed, it is performed automatically. This is the default choice.
"no" : no normalization is performed.
"yes" : normalization is performed.
"warn" : if normalization is needed, a warning message is displayed, but normalization is not performed.
Normalization rescales disparate data ranges to a standard scale. Feature scaling insures the distances
between data points are proportional and enables various optimization methods such as gradient descent
to converge much faster. If normalization is performed, a MaxMin normalizer is used. It normalizes values in
an interval [a, b] where -1 <= a <= 0 and 0 <= b <= 1 and b - a = 1 . This normalizer preserves sparsity
by mapping zero to zero.

Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or NULL if no
transforms are to be performed. See featurizeText, categorical, and categoricalHash, for transformations that
are supported. These transformations are performed after any specified R transformations. The default value is


Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in mlTransforms or NULL if none are to be used. The
default value is NULL .
Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the name of a logical
variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set. For example,
rowSelection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is TRUE .
rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of the
age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10. The
row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

An expression of the form list(name = expression, ``...) that represents the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

The variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for

A character vector specifying additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions. For exmple, those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and
transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The
transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside
rxGetOption("transformPackages") are preloaded.


A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used

Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.

Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid RxComputeContext. Currently local
and RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.

Control parameters for ensembling.


Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

A neural network is a class of prediction models inspired by the human brain. A neural network can be
represented as a weighted directed graph. Each node in the graph is called a neuron. The neurons in the graph
are arranged in layers, where neurons in one layer are connected by a weighted edge (weights can be 0 or
positive numbers) to neurons in the next layer. The first layer is called the input layer, and each neuron in the
input layer corresponds to one of the features. The last layer of the function is called the output layer. So in the
case of binary neural networks it contains two output neurons, one for each class, whose values are the
probabilities of belonging to each class. The remaining layers are called hidden layers. The values of the
neurons in the hidden layers and in the output layer are set by calculating the weighted sum of the values of
the neurons in the previous layer and applying an activation function to that weighted sum. A neural network
model is defined by the structure of its graph (namely, the number of hidden layers and the number of neurons
in each hidden layer), the choice of activation function, and the weights on the graph edges. The neural network
algorithm tries to learn the optimal weights on the edges based on the training data.
Although neural networks are widely known for use in deep learning and modeling complex problems such as
image recognition, they are also easily adapted to regression problems. Any class of statistical models can be
considered a neural network if they use adaptive weights and can approximate non-linear functions of their
inputs. Neural network regression is especially suited to problems where a more traditional regression model
cannot fit a solution.

rxNeuralNet : an rxNeuralNet object with the trained model.
NeuralNet : a learner specification object of class maml for the Neural Net trainer.

This algorithm is single-threaded and will not attempt to load the entire dataset into memory.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Wikipedia: Artificial neural network

See Also
rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxFastLinear, rxLogisticRegression, rxOneClassSvm, featurizeText, categorical,
categoricalHash, rxPredict.mlModel.
# Estimate a binary neural net
rxNeuralNet1 <- rxNeuralNet(isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
transforms = list(isCase = case == 1),
data = infert)

# Score to a data frame

scoreDF <- rxPredict(rxNeuralNet1, data = infert,
extraVarsToWrite = "isCase",
outData = NULL) # return a data frame

# Compute and plot the Radio Operator Curve and AUC

roc1 <- rxRoc(actualVarName = "isCase", predVarNames = "Probability", data = scoreDF)

# Regression neural net

# Create an xdf file with the attitude data

myXdf <- tempfile(pattern = "tempAttitude", fileext = ".xdf")
rxDataStep(attitude, myXdf, rowsPerRead = 50, overwrite = TRUE)
myXdfDS <- RxXdfData(file = myXdf)

attitudeForm <- rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning +

raises + critical + advance

# Estimate a regression neural net

res2 <- rxNeuralNet(formula = attitudeForm, data = myXdfDS,
type = "regression")

# Score to data frame

scoreOut2 <- rxPredict(res2, data = myXdfDS,
extraVarsToWrite = "rating")

# Plot the rating versus the score with a regression line

rxLinePlot(rating~Score, type = c("p","r"), data = scoreOut2)

# Clean up

# Multi-class neural net
multiNN <- rxNeuralNet(
formula = Species~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
type = "multiClass", data = iris)
scoreMultiDF <- rxPredict(multiNN, data = iris,
extraVarsToWrite = "Species", outData = NULL)
# Print the first rows of the data frame with scores
# Compute % of incorrect predictions
badPrediction = scoreMultiDF$Species != scoreMultiDF$PredictedLabel
# Look at the observations with incorrect predictions
rxOneClassSvm: OneClass SVM
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning One Class Support Vector Machines

rxOneClassSvm(formula = NULL, data, cacheSize = 100, kernel = rbfKernel(),
epsilon = 0.001, nu = 0.1, shrink = TRUE, normalize = "auto",
mlTransforms = NULL, mlTransformVars = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL, transformFunc = NULL,
transformVars = NULL, transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 1,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),
ensemble = ensembleControl(), ...)


The formula as described in rxFormula. Interaction terms and F() are not currently supported in the

A data source object or a character string specifying a .xdf file or a data frame object.

The maximal size in MB of the cache that stores the training data. Increase this for large training sets. The
default value is 100 MB.

A character string representing the kernel used for computing inner products. For more information, see
maKernel. The following choices are available:
rbfKernel() : Radial basis function kernel. It's parameter represents gamma in the term exp(-gamma|x-y|^2 . If
not specified, it defaults to 1 divided by the number of features used. For example, rbfKernel(gamma = .1) .
This is the default value.
linearKernel() : Linear kernel.
polynomialKernel() : Polynomial kernel with parameter names a , bias , and deg in the term
(a*<x,y> + bias)^deg . The bias , defaults to 0 . The degree, deg , defaults to 3 . If a is not specified, it is
set to 1 divided by the number of features. For example, maKernelPoynomial(bias = 0, deg = `` 3) .
sigmoidKernel() : Sigmoid kernel with parameter names gamma and coef0 in the term
tanh(gamma*<x,y> + coef0) . gamma , defaults to to 1 divided by the number of features. The parameter
coef0 defaults to 0 . For example, sigmoidKernel(gamma = .1, coef0 = 0) .

The threshold for optimizer convergence. If the improvement between iterations is less than the threshold, the
algorithm stops and returns the current model. The value must be greater than or equal to .Machine$double.eps .
The default value is 0.001.

The trade-off between the fraction of outliers and the number of support vectors (represented by the Greek
letter nu). Must be between 0 and 1, typically between 0.1 and 0.5. The default value is 0.1.

Uses the shrinking heuristic if TRUE . In this case, some samples will be "shrunk" during the training procedure,
which may speed up training. The default value is TRUE .

Specifies the type of automatic normalization used:

"auto" : if normalization is needed, it is performed automatically. This is the default choice.
"no" : no normalization is performed.
"yes" : normalization is performed.
"warn" : if normalization is needed, a warning message is displayed, but normalization is not performed.
Normalization rescales disparate data ranges to a standard scale. Feature scaling insures the distances
between data points are proportional and enables various optimization methods such as gradient descent to
converge much faster. If normalization is performed, a MaxMin normalizer is used. It normalizes values in an
interval [a, b] where -1 <= a <= 0 and 0 <= b <= 1 and b - a = 1 . This normalizer preserves sparsity by
mapping zero to zero.

Specifies a list of MicrosoftML transforms to be performed on the data before training or NULL if no transforms
are to be performed. See featurizeText, categorical, and categoricalHash, for transformations that are supported.
These transformations are performed after any specified R transformations. The default value is NULL .

Specifies a character vector of variable names to be used in mlTransforms or NULL if none are to be used. The
default value is NULL .

Specifies the rows (observations) from the data set that are to be used by the model with the name of a logical
variable from the data set (in quotes) or with a logical expression using variables in the data set. For example,
rowSelection = "old" will only use observations in which the value of the variable old is TRUE .
rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) only uses observations in which the value of the
age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10. The row
selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

An expression of the form list(name = expression, ``...) that represents the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

A named list that contains objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

The variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for

A character vector specifying additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions. For exmple, those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc
arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages
argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") are

A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used

Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information.

Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid RxComputeContext. Currently local
and RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.

Control parameters for ensembling.


Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

detection is to identify outliers that do not belong to some target class. This type of SVM is one-class because
the training set contains only examples from the target class. It infers what properties are normal for the objects
in the target class and from these properties predicts which examples are unlike the normal examples. This is
useful for anomaly detection because the scarcity of training examples is the defining character of anomalies:
typically there are very few examples of network intrusion, fraud, or other types of anomalous behavior.
rxOneClassSvm :A rxOneClassSvm object with the trained model.
OneClassSvm : A learner specification object of class maml for the OneClass Svm trainer.

This algorithm is single-threaded and will always attempt to load the entire dataset into memory.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Anomaly detection

Azure Machine Learning Studio: One-Class Support Vector Machine

Support of a High-Dimensional Distribution

Support Vector Algorithms

for Support Vector Machines

See Also
rbfKernel, linearKernel, polynomialKernel, sigmoidKernel rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxFastLinear,
rxLogisticRegression, rxNeuralNet, featurizeText, categorical, categoricalHash, rxPredict.mlModel.

# Estimate a One-Class SVM model
trainRows <- c(1:30, 51:80, 101:130)
testRows = !(1:150 %in% trainRows)
trainIris <- iris[trainRows,]
testIris <- iris[testRows,]

svmModel <- rxOneClassSvm(

formula = ~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
data = trainIris)

# Add additional non-iris data to the test data set

testIris$isIris <- 1
notIris <- data.frame(
Sepal.Length = c(2.5, 2.6),
Sepal.Width = c(.75, .9),
Petal.Length = c(2.5, 2.5),
Petal.Width = c(.8, .7),
Species = c("not iris", "not iris"),
isIris = 0)
testIris <- rbind(testIris, notIris)

scoreDF <- rxPredict(svmModel,

data = testIris, extraVarsToWrite = "isIris")

# Look at the last few observations

# Look at average scores conditioned by 'isIris'
rxCube(Score ~ F(isIris), data = scoreDF)
rxPredict.mlModel: Score using a Microsoft R
Machine Learning model
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Reports per-instance scoring results in a data frame or RevoScaleR data source using a trained Microsoft R
Machine Learning model with a RevoScaleR data source.

## S3 method for class `mlModel':
rxPredict (modelObject, data, outData = NULL,
writeModelVars = FALSE, extraVarsToWrite = NULL, suffix = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE, dataThreads = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 1,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)


A model information object returned from a MicrosoftML model. For example, an object returned from
rxFastTrees or rxLogisticRegression.

A RevoScaleR data source object, a data frame, or the path to a .xdf file.

Output text or xdf file name or an RxDataSource with write capabilities in which to store predictions. If NULL ,a
data frame is returned. The default value is NULL .

If TRUE , variables in the model are written to the output data set in addition to the scoring variables. If variables
from the input data set are transformed in the model, the transformed variables are also included. The default
value is FALSE .

NULL or character vector of additional variables names from the input data to include in the outData . If
writeModelVars is TRUE , model variables are included as well. The default value is NULL .


A character string specifying suffix to append to the created scoring variable(s) or NULL in there is no suffix. The
default value is NULL .

If TRUE , an existing outData is overwritten; if FALSE an existing outData is not overwritten. The default value is

An integer specifying the desired degree of parallelism in the data pipeline. If NULL , the number of threads used
is determined internally. The default value is NULL .

Specifies the number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

An integer value that specifies the level of reporting on the row processing progress:
: no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.
The default value is 1 .

An integer value that specifies the amount of output wanted. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during
calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide increasing amounts of information. The default value is 1 .

Sets the context in which computations are executed, specified with a valid RxComputeContext. Currently local
and RxInSqlServer compute contexts are supported.

Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

The following items are reported in the output by default: scoring on three variables for the binary classifiers:
PredictedLabel, Score, and Probability; the Score for oneClassSvm and regression classifiers; PredictedLabel for
Multi-class classifiers, plus a variable for each category prepended by the Score.

A data frame or an RxDataSource object representing the created output data. By default, output from scoring
binary classifiers include three variables: PredictedLabel , Score , and Probability ; rxOneClassSvm and
regression include one variable: Score ; and multi-class classifiers include PredictedLabel plus a variable for
each category prepended by Score . If a suffix is provided, it is added to the end of these output variable

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxFastTrees, rxFastForest, rxLogisticRegression, rxNeuralNet, rxOneClassSvm.

# Estimate a logistic regression model
infert1 <- infert
infert1$isCase <- (infert1$case == 1)
myModelInfo <- rxLogisticRegression(formula = isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert1)

# Create an xdf file with per-instance results using rxPredict

xdfOut <- tempfile(pattern = "scoreOut", fileext = ".xdf")
scoreDS <- rxPredict(myModelInfo, data = infert1,
outData = xdfOut, overwrite = TRUE,
extraVarsToWrite = c("isCase", "Probability"))

# Summarize results with an ROC curve

rxRocCurve(actualVarName = "isCase", predVarNames = "Probability", data = scoreDS)

# Use the built-in data set 'airquality' to create test and train data
DF <- airquality[!$Ozone), ]
DF$Ozone <- as.numeric(DF$Ozone)
randomSplit <- rnorm(nrow(DF))
trainAir <- DF[randomSplit >= 0,]
testAir <- DF[randomSplit < 0,]
airFormula <- Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp

# Regression Fast Tree for train data

fastTreeReg <- rxFastTrees(airFormula, type = "regression",
data = trainAir)

# Put score and model variables in data frame, including the model variables
# Add the suffix "Pred" to the new variable
fastTreeScoreDF <- rxPredict(fastTreeReg, data = testAir,
writeModelVars = TRUE, suffix = "Pred")


# Clean-up
selectColumns: Selects a set of columns, dropping all
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Selects a set of columns to retrain, dropping all others.

selectColumns(vars, ...)


Specifiies character vector or list of the names of the variables to keep.


Additional arguments sent to compute engine.

A maml object defining the transform.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
selectFeatures: Machine Learning Feature Selection
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The feature selection transform selects features from the specified variables using the specified mode.

selectFeatures(vars, mode, ...)


A formula or a vector/list of strings specifying the name of variables upon which the feature selection is
performed, if the mode is minCount(). For example, ~ var1 + var2 + var3 . If mode is mutualInformation(), a
formula or a named list of strings describing the dependent variable and the independent variables. For example,
label ~ ``var1 + var2 + var3 .


Specifies the mode of feature selection. This can be either minCount or mutualInformation.

Additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft Compute Engine.

The feature selection transform selects features from the specified variables using one of the two modes: count or
mutual information. For more information, see minCount and mutualInformation.

A maml object defining the transform.

See Also
minCount mutualInformation

trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c(
"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Do not like it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I kind of hate it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"It is very good",
"I hate it a bunch",
"I love it a bunch",
"I hate it",
"I like it very much",
"I hate it very much.",
"I really do love it",
"I really do hate it",
"Love it!",
"Hate it!",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it",
"I hate it",
"I love it"),
FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE

testReviews <- data.frame(review = c(

"This is great",
"I hate it",
"Love it",
"Really like it",
"I hate it",
"I like it a lot",
"I love it",
"I do like it",
"I really hate it",
"I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Use a categorical hash transform which generated 128 features.

outModel1 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0,
mlTransforms = list(categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7)))

# Apply a categorical hash transform and a count feature selection transform

# which selects only those hash slots that has value.
outModel2 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0,
mlTransforms = list(
categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7),
selectFeatures("reviewCatHash", mode = minCount())))

# Apply a categorical hash transform and a mutual information feature selection transform
# which selects only 10 features with largest mutual information with the label.
outModel3 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0,
mlTransforms = list(
categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7),
selectFeatures(like ~ reviewCatHash, mode = mutualInformation(numFeaturesToKeep = 10))))
mrsdeploy package for R
4/13/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

The mrsdeploy library provides functions for establishing a remote session in a console application and
for publishing and managing a web service that is backed by the R code block or script you provided. Each
capability can be used independently but the greatest value is achieved when you can leverage both.


Current version: 1.1.3

Built on: R 3.4.3

Package distribution: Machine Learning Server 9.2.1

Microsoft R Server 9.1 and earlier
SQL Server 2016 and later (Windows only)
Azure HDInsight
Azure Data Science Virtual Machines

How to use mrsdeploy

First, configure the server before using this library. For more information, see Configuring Machine
Learning Server to operationalize analytics.
After configuration, you can call mrsdeploy functions from the command line or from script.
On R Client, the mrsdeploy package is installed and loaded automatically. You can start a remote
session on an operationalized R Server instance once the remote login succeeds.
On Machine Learning Server or R Server, the mrsdeploy package is installed, but not loaded.
Therefore, you'll have to load it before using any mrsdeploy functions. At the R prompt in the
Machine Learning Server / R Server session, type library(mrsdeploy) to load the package.
Supported configurations
For remote execution, participating nodes can be either of the following configurations:
Two machines running the same version of Machine Learning Server or R Server (v9+), even if on
different supported platforms, such as one Linux and one Windows.
One machine running R Client 3.x and one machine running Machine Learning Server v9+, where the R
Client user issues a remote login sequence to the Machine Learning Server instance. Execution is always
on the Machine Learning Server side. It's not possible to set up a remote session that runs on R Client.
The requirements for remote execution include:
An R Integrated Development Environment (IDE ) configured to work with Microsoft R Client.
Authenticated access to an instance of Machine Learning Server configured to operationalize analytics.

Functions by category
This section lists the functions by category to give you an idea of how each one is used. You can also use
the table of contents to find functions in alphabetical order.
1-Authentication & remote session functions
To use the functions in the mrsdeploy package, you must log into Machine Learning Server as an
authenticated user. And if using the remote execution functionality, you can also create a remote R session
upon login.
Learn more about these functions and their arguments in the article Connecting to Machine Learning
Server to use mrsdeploy.


remoteLogin Authenticates the user via Active Directory and creates a

remote R session and puts you at the remote command
line unless you specify otherwise.

remoteLoginAAD Authenticates the user via Azure Active Directory and

creates a remote R session and puts you at the remote
command line unless you specify otherwise.

remoteLogout Logout of the remote session on the Machine Learning


2-Service pool functions


configureServicePool Create or update a dedicated pool of connections for a

published web service running on Machine Learning
Server. The service pool provides an initial and maximum
number sessions allowed for a given service.

getPoolStatus Get the status of the dedicated pool for a published web
service running on Machine Learning Server.

deleteServicePool Deletes the service pool.

3-Remote execution functions

The following functions are used to initialize and interact with a session on a remote Machine Learning
Server. Remote sessions are created when you authenticate and closed when you log out.
Learn more about executing remotely from your local machine in this Remote Execution article.
4-Execution functions
Use these functions to indicate whether the payload is a code block or script.


remoteExecute Base function for executing a block of R code or an R

script in the remote R session.

remoteScript A simple wrapper function for executing a remote R script.

diffLocalRemote Generate a 'diff' report between local and remote.

5-Remote command line functions

remoteCommandLine Displays the REMOTE> command prompt and provides a

remote execution context. All R commands entered at the
R console will be executed in the remote R session.

pause When executed from the remote R session, returns the

user to the > command prompt, and sets a local
execution context.

resume When executed from the local R session, returns the user
to the REMOTE> command prompt, and sets a remote
execution context.

6-File management functions


listRemoteFiles Gets a list of all the files that are in the working directory
of the remote session.

putLocalFile Uploads a file from the local machine and writes it to the
working directory of the remote R session. This function is
often used if a data file needs to be accessed by a script
running on the remote R session.

getRemoteFile Downloads the file from the working directory of the

remote R session into the working directory of the local R

deleteRemoteFile Deletes the file from the working directory of the remote
R session.

7-Object functions

putLocalObject Puts an object from the workspace of the local R session

and loads it into the workspace of the remote R session.

getRemoteObject Gets an object from the workspace of the remote R

session and loads it into the workspace of the local R

putLocalWorkspace Takes all objects from the local R session and loads them
into the remote R session.

getRemoteWorkspace Takes all objects from the remote R session and loads
them into the local R session.

8-Snapshot functions

listSnapshots Get a list of all the snapshots on the Machine Learning

Server that are available to the current user.

createSnapshot Creates a snapshot of the remote session and saves it on

the server. Both the workspace and the files in the
working directory are saved.

loadSnapshot Loads the specified snapshot from the server into the
remote session. The workspace is updated with the
objects saved in the snapshot, and saved files are restored
to the working directory.

deleteSnapshot Deletes the specified snapshot from the repository on the

Machine Learning Server.

downloadSnapshot Downloads a snapshot from Machine Learning Server.

9-Web service functions

The following functions are used to bundle R code or script as a web service. The web service deployment
can be published to the local server or remotely if you set up a remote session.


publishService Publishes an R code block as a new web service running

on Machine Learning Server.

updateService Updates an existing web service on a Machine Learning

Server instance.

listServices Lists the different published web services on the Machine

Learning Server instance.

getService Gets a web service for consumption.

deleteService Deletes a web service on a Machine Learning Server


Next steps
Add R packages to your computer by running setup for Machine Learning Server or R Client:
R Client
Machine Learning Server
After you are logged in to a remote server, you can publish a web service or issue interactive commands
against the remote Machine Learning Server. For more information, see these links:
Remote Execution
How to publish and manage web services in R
How to interact with and consume web services in R
Asynchronous batch execution of web services in R
See also
R Package Reference
configureServicePool: Create or Update a dedicated
pool for a published web service
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Create or update a dedicated pool for a published web service running on Machine Learning Server.

configureServicePool(name, version, initialPoolSize = 0, maxPoolSize = 0)


A string representing the web service name. To create or update a dedicated pool, you must provide the specific
name and version of the service that the pool is associated with.

A string representing the web service version. To create or update a dedicated pool, you must provide the specific
name and version of the service that the pool is associated with.

An integer representing the initial pool size of the dedicated pool. This amount of shells will be generated while
creating the dedicated pool. If more shells are in need, the dedicated pool will continue to create new shells in
addition to the initial shells up to the maxPoolSize.

An integer representing the max pool size of the dedicated pool. This is the maximum number of shells that could
be generated in the dedicated pool during any period of time

See Also
Other dedicated pool methods: deleteServicePool, getPoolStatus

## Not run:

name = "myService",
version = "v1",
initialPoolSize = 5,
maxPoolSize = 10
## End(Not run)
createSnapshot: Create a snapshot of the remote R
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a snapshot of the remote R session and saves it on the server. Both the workspace and the files in the
working directory are saved.



Name describing the snapshot to be saved.

Complete documentation:

snapshot_id if successful.

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
deleteRemoteFile: Delete a file from the remote R
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Delete a file from the working directory of the remote R session.



Name of the file to delete.

Complete documentation:

TRUE if successful.

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
deleteService: Delete a web service..
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Delete a web service on an R Server instance.

deleteService(name, v)


The web service name.


The web service version.

Complete documentation:

See Also
Other service methods: getService, listServices, print.serviceDetails, publishService, serviceOption,
summary.serviceDetails, updateService

## Not run:

# Delete the `add-service` version `1.0.1`

deleteService("add-service", "1.0.1")
## End(Not run)
deleteServicePool: Delete an existing dedicated pool
for a published web service
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Delete an existing dedicated pool for a published web service running on Machine Learning Server.

deleteServicePool(name, version)


A string representing the web service name. To create or update a dedicated pool, you must provide the specific
name and version of the service that the pool is associated with.

A string representing the web service version. To create or update a dedicated pool, you must provide the specific
name and version of the service that the pool is associated with.

See Also
Other dedicated pool methods: configureServicePool, getPoolStatus

## Not run:

name = "myService",
version = "v1"
## End(Not run)
deleteSnapshot: Delete a snapshot from the R server.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Deletes the specified snapshot from the repository on the R Server.



Identifier of the snapshot to delete.

Complete documentation:

TRUE if successful.

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
diffLocalRemote: Generate a 'diff' report between
local and remote R sessions
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Generate a 'diff' report between local and remote R sessions


Complete documentation:

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
getPoolStatus: Get the status of the dedicated pool
for a published web service
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get the status of the dedicated pool for a published web service running on Machine Learning Server.

getPoolStatus(name, version)


A string representing the web service name. To the dedicated pool status, you must provide the specific name and
version of the service that the pool is associated with.

A string representing the web service version. To check the dedicated pool status, you must provide the specific
name and version of the service that the pool is associated with.

See Also
Other dedicated pool methods: configureServicePool, deleteServicePool

## Not run:

name = "myService",
version = "v1"
## End(Not run)
getRemoteFile: Get the content of a file from remote
R session.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get the content of a file from the working directory of the remote R session.

getRemoteFile(filename, as = "text")


Name of the file in the remote working directory.


The content type of the file ("text" or "raw"). For binary files use 'raw'.

Complete documentation:

raw vector of bytes if as="raw" . Otherwise, the text content of the file, or NULL if the file content cannot be

See Also

## Not run:


raw_content<-getRemoteFile("test.png", as="raw")
fh = file("test.png", "wb")
writeBin(raw_content, fh)
## End(Not run)
getRemoteObject: Get an object from the remote R
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get an object from the workspace of the remote R session and load it into the workspace of the local R session.

getRemoteObject(obj, name = NULL)


A character vector containing the names of the R objects in the remote R session to load in the local R session.

The name of an R list object (created if necessary) in the local R session that will contain the R objects from the
remote R session. If name is NULL , then R objects from the remote R session will be loaded in the GlobalEnv of
the local R session.

Complete documentation:

list of R objects or NULL

See Also

## Not run:

remoteExecute("x<-rnorm(10);y<-rnorm(10);model<-lm(x~y)", writePlots=TRUE)
getRemoteObject("model", name="myObjsFromRemote")
## End(Not run)
getRemoteWorkspace: Copy the workspace if the
remote R session.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Copy all objects from the remote R session and load them into the local R session.


Complete documentation:

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
getService: Get a web service for consumption.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get a web service for consumption on running on R Server.

getService(name, v = character(0), destination = NULL)


The web service name.


The web service version.


(optional) The codegen output directory location.

Complete documentation:

See Also
Other service methods: deleteService, listServices, print.serviceDetails, publishService, serviceOption,
summary.serviceDetails, updateService

## Not run:

# Discover the `add-service` version `1.0.1`

api <- getService("add-service", "1.0.1")
## End(Not run)
listRemoteFiles: Get a list of files from the remote R
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get a list of files in the working directory of the remote R session.


Complete documentation:

A character vector containing the file names in the working directory of the remote session.

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
listServices: List the different published web services.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

List the different published web services on the R Server instance.

listServices(name = character(0), v = character(0))


When a name is specified, returns only web services with that name. Use quotes around the name string, such as

When specified, returns only web services with that version.

Complete documentation:

The service name and service v version are optional. This call allows you to retrieve service information
1 All services published
1 All versioned services for a specific named service
1 A specific version for a named service
Users can use this information along with the discover_service operation to interact with and consume the web

A list of services and service information.

See Also
Other service methods: deleteService, getService, print.serviceDetails, publishService, serviceOption,
summary.serviceDetails, updateService

## Not run:

# --- List all published services

services <- listServices()

# --- List all published versions of a service

services <- listServices("transmission")

# --- List a specific service version

service <- listServices("transmission", "1.0.1")
## End(Not run)
listSnapshots: Get a list of snapshots for the current
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get a list of all the snapshots on the R server that are available to the current user.


Complete documentation:

A character vector containing the snapshot ids.

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
loadSnapshot: Load a snapshot from the R server
into the remote session.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Loads the specified snapshot from the R server into the remote session.The workspace is updated with the objects
saved in the snapshot, and saved files are restored to the working directory.



Identifier of the snapshot to load.

Complete documentation:

TRUE if successful.

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
print.serviceDetails: The print generic for
serviceDetails .
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Defines the R print generic for serviceDetails during a listServices() .

## S3 method for class `serviceDetails':
print (o, description = TRUE, code = TRUE)


The serviceDetails list of S3 object.


(optional) whether to print the description field.


(optional) whether to print the code field.

See Also
Other service methods: deleteService, getService, listServices, publishService, serviceOption,
summary.serviceDetails, updateService

## Not run:

# --- print all ---


# --- print with optional filters ---

print(listService(), description = FALSE, code = FALSE)
## End(Not run)
print.snapshotDetails: The print generic for
snapshotDetails .
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Defines the R print generic for snapshotDetails during a listSnapshots() .

## S3 method for class `snapshotDetails':
print (o)


The snapshotDetails list of S3 object.

See Also
Other snapshot methods: summary.snapshotDetails

## Not run:

# --- print all ---

## End(Not run)
publishService: Publishes an R code block or a
Realtime model as a new web service.
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Publishes an R code block or a Realtime model as a new web service running on R Server.

publishService(name, code, model = NULL, snapshot = NULL, inputs = list(),
outputs = list(), artifacts = c(), v = character(0), alias = NULL,
destination = NULL, descr = NULL, serviceType = c("Script", "Realtime"))


A string representing the web service name. Use quotes such as "MyService". We recommend a name that is
easily understood and remembered.

Required for standard web services. The R code to publish. If you use a path, the base path is your local current
working directory. code can take the form of:
A function handle such as code = function(hp, wt) { newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)
predict(model, newdata, type = "response") }
A block of arbitrary R code as a character string such as code = "result <- x + y"
A filepath to a local .R file containing R code such as code = "/path/to/R/script.R" If serviceType is
'Realtime', code has to be NULL.

(optional) For standard web services, an object or a filepath to an external representation of R objects to be
loaded and used with code . The specified file can be:
Filepath to a local .RData file holding R objects to be loaded. For example,
model = "/path/to/glm-model.RData"
Filepath to a local .R file that is evaluated into an environment and loaded. For example,
model = "/path/to/glm-model.R"
An object. For example, model = "model = am.glm" For realtime web services (serviceType = 'Realtime'), only
an R model object is accepted. For example, model = "model = am.glm"

(optional) Identifier of the session snapshot to load. Can replace the model argument or be merged with it. If
serviceType is 'Realtime', snapshot has to be NULL.
(optional) Defines the web service input schema. If empty, the service will not accept inputs. inputs are defined
as a named list list(x = "logical") which describes the input parameter names and their corresponding data
data.frame If serviceType is 'Realtime', inputs has to be NULL. Once published, service inputs automatically
default to list(inputData = 'data.frame').

(optional) Defines the web service output schema. If empty, the service will not return a response value. outputs
are defined as a named list list(x = "logical") that describes the output parameter names and their
corresponding data types:
data.frame Note: If code is defined as a function , then only one output value can be claimed. If serviceType
is 'Realtime', outputs has to be NULL. Once published, service outputs automatically default to list(inputData
= 'data.frame').

(optional) A character vector of filenames defining which file artifacts should be returned during service
consumption. File content is encoded as a Base64 String .

(optional) Defines a unique alphanumeric web service version. If the version is left blank, a unique guid is
generated in its place. Useful during service development before the author is ready to officially publish a
semantic version to share.

(optional) An alias name of the predication remote procedure call (RPC ) function used to consume the service. If
code is a function, then it will use that function name by default.

(optional) The codegen output directory location.


(optional) The description of the web service.


(optional) The type of the web service. Valid values are 'Script' and 'Realtime'. Defaults to 'Script', which is for a
standard web service, contains arbitrary R code, R scripts and/or models. 'Realtime' contains only a supported
model object (see 'model' argument above).
Complete documentation:

See Also
Other service methods: deleteService, getService, listServices, print.serviceDetails, serviceOption,
summary.serviceDetails, updateService

## Not run:

# --- Publish service using `code` by function handle

add <- function(x, y) {
x + y

code = add,
inputs = list(x = "numeric", y = "numeric"),
outputs = list(result = "numeric")

code = add,
inputs = list(x = "numeric", y = "numeric"),
outputs = list(result = "numeric"),
serviceType = 'Script'

# --- Publish service using `code` by represented string values

code = "result <- x + y",
inputs = list(x = "numeric", y = "numeric"),
outputs = list(result = "numeric")

# --- Publish service using `code` by file-path

code = "/path/to/add.R",
inputs = list(x = "numeric", y = "numeric"),
outputs = list(result = "numeric")

# --- Publish service using Realtime model

code = NULL,
# --- `model` is required for web service with serviceType `Realtime` --- #
model = rxLogit(Kyphosis ~ Age, data=kyphosis),
v = "v1.0.0",
alias = "predictKyphosisModel",
# --- `serviceType` is required for this web service --- #
serviceType = "Realtime"
## End(Not run)
putLocalFile: Upload a file from the local machine to
the remote R session.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Uploads a file from the local machine and writes it to the working directory of the remote R session. This function
is often used if a 'data' file needs to be accessed by a script running on the remote R session.



Name of the file to copy.

Complete documentation:

TRUE if successful.

See Also

## Not run:

putLocalFile("c:/data/test.png", as="raw")
## End(Not run)
putLocalObject: Copy an object from the local R
session to the remote R session.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Copy an object from the workspace of the local R session to the workspace of the remote R session.

putLocalObject(obj, name = NULL)


A character vector containing the names of the R Objects in the local R session to load in the remote R session

The name of an R list object (created if necessary) in the remote R session that will contain the R objects from the
local R session. If name is NULL , then R objects from the local R session will be loaded in the GlobalEnv of the
remote R session.

Complete documentation:

list of R objects or NULL

See Also

## Not run:

putLocalObject(c("aa","bb"), name="myObjsFromLocal")
## End(Not run)
putLocalWorkspace: Copy the workspace of the local
R session.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Copy all objects from the local R session and load them into the remote R session.


Complete documentation:

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
remoteCommandLine: Display the 'REMOTE>'
command prompt.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Displays the 'REMOTE>' command prompt and provides a remote execution context. All R commands entered at
the R console will be executed in the remote R session.

remoteCommandLine(prompt = "REMOTE> ", displayPlots = TRUE,
writePlots = FALSE, recPlots = TRUE)


The command prompt to be shown when in 'REMOTE' mode.


If TRUE , plots generated during execution are displayed in the local plot window. NOTE This capability requires
that the ' png ' package is installed on the local machine.

If TRUE , plots generated during execution are copied to the working directory of the local session.

If TRUE , plots will be created using the ' recordPlot ' function in R.

Complete documentation:

Once the 'REMOTE>' command prompt is shown, these commands become available: pause() #when entered,
switches back to the local R session command prompt and local execution context.
exit #exit and logout from the remote session.

See Also

## Not run:


#switch from REMOTE command prompt back to the local command prompt.

#switch from local command prompt back to the REMOTE command prompt.

#exit and logout from the remote session.

## End(Not run)
remoteExecute: Remote execution of either R code or
an R script.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Base function for executing a block of R code or an R script in the remote R session

remoteExecute(rcode, script = FALSE, inputs = NULL, outputs = NULL,
displayPlots = FALSE, writePlots = FALSE, recPlots = FALSE)


The R code, or an R Script file to be executed


If TRUE , treat the rcode parameter as a R script file name


JSON encoded string of R objects that are loaded into the Remote R session's workspace prior to execution. Only
R objects of type: primitives, vectors and dataframes are supported via this parameter. Alternatively the
putLocalObject can be used, prior to a call to this function, to move any R object from the local workspace into the
remote R session.

Character vector of the names of the objects to retrieve. Only primitives, vectors and dataframes can be retrieved
using this function Use getRemoteObjectto get any type of R object from the remote session

If TRUE , plots generate during execution are displayed in the local plot window. NOTE This capability requires that
the ' png ' package is installed on the local machine

If TRUE , plots generated during execution are copied to the working directory of the local session

If TRUE , plots will be created using the ' recordPlot ' function in R

Complete documentation:

The console output will be refreshed at a recurring rate. the default is 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds). By setting the
option 'mrsdeploy.console_update', you can override this value (i.e. options(mrsdeploy.console_update=7000) Use
caution when changing this value to something less than 5000 ms, as it may place a necessary load on the deployr
Values less than 1000 will disable refreshing of the console.

A list containing the results of the execution

See Also

## Not run:

#execute a block of R code

resp<-remoteExecute("x<-rnorm(10);y<-rnorm(10);plot(x,y)", writePlots=TRUE)

#execute an R script
resp<-remoteExecute("c:/myScript.R", script=TRUE)

#specify 2 inputs to the script and retrieve 2 outputs. The supported types for inputs and
#outputs are: primitives, vectors and dataframes.
data<-'[{"name":"x","value":120}, {"name":"y","value":130}]'
resp<-remoteExecute("c:/myScript.R", script=TRUE, inputs=data, outputs=c("out1", "out2"), writePlots=TRUE)

#alternative using 4 calls

resp<-remoteExecute("c:/myScript.R", script=TRUE)
getRemoteObject(c("out1", "out2"))
## End(Not run)
remoteLogin: Remote login to the Microsoft R Server
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Authenticates the user and creates a remote R session.

remoteLogin(deployr_endpoint, session = TRUE, diff = TRUE,
commandline = TRUE, prompt = "REMOTE> ", username = NULL,
password = NULL)


The Microsoft R Server HTTP/HTTPS endpoint, including the port number.


If TRUE , create a remote session.


If TRUE , creates a 'diff' report showing differences between the local and remote sessions. Parameter is only valid
if session parameter is TRUE .


If TRUE , creates a "REMOTE' command line in the R console. 'REMOTE' command line is used to interact with the
remote R session. Parameter is only valid if session parameter is TRUE .

The command prompt to be used for the remote session


if NULL , the user will be prompted to enter username and password


if NULL , the user will be prompted to enter username and password

Complete documentation:

See Also
## Not run:

remoteLogin("https://localhost:1280", session=TRUE, diff=TRUE, commandline=TRUE)

## End(Not run)
remoteLoginAAD: Remote login to Microsoft R
Server using Azure Active directory.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Authenticates the user and creates a remote R session.

remoteLoginAAD(deployr_endpoint, authuri = NULL, tenantid = NULL,
clientid = NULL, resource = NULL, session = TRUE, diff = TRUE,
commandline = TRUE, prompt = "REMOTE> ", username = NULL,
password = NULL)


The Microsoft R Server HTTP/HTTPS endpoint, including the port number.


The URI of the authentication service for Azure Active Directory.


The tenant ID of the Azure Active Directory account being used to authenticate.

the client ID of the Application for the Azure Active Directory account.

The resource ID of the Application for the Azure Active Directory account.

If TRUE , create a remote session.


If TRUE , creates a 'diff' report showing differences between the local and remote sessions. Parameter is only valid
if session parameter is TRUE .


If TRUE , creates a "REMOTE' command line in the R console. Parameter is only valid if session parameter is

The command prompt to be used for the remote session

if NULL . the user will be prompted to enter username and password

if NULL , the user will be prompted to enter username and password

Complete documentation:

See Also

## Not run:

authuri = "",
tenantid = "",
clientid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
resource = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
## End(Not run)
remoteLogout: Logout of the remote R session.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Logout of the remote session on the R Server.


Complete documentation:

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
remoteScript: Wrapper function for remote script
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

A simple wrapper function for executing a remote R script.

remoteScript(name, inputs = NULL, outputs = NULL, displayPlots = TRUE,
writePlots = TRUE, recPlots = TRUE, async = FALSE,
closeOnComplete = FALSE)


The R Script file to be executed.


JSON encoded string of R objects that are loaded into the Remote R session's workspace prior to execution. Only
R objects of type: primitives, vectors and dataframes are supported via this parameter. Alternatively the
putLocalObject can be used, prior to a call to this function, to move any R object from the local workspace into the
remote R session.

Character vector of the names of the objects to retrieve. Only primitives, vectors and dataframes can be retrieved
using this function Use getRemoteObjectto get any type of R object from the remote session.

If TRUE , plots generate during execution are displayed in the local plot window. NOTE This capability requires that
the ' png ' package is installed on the local machine

If TRUE , plots generated during execution are copied to the working directory of the local session.

If TRUE , plots will be created using the ' recordPlot ' function in R.

If TRUE , the remote script will be run asynchronously in a separate window.


If TRUE , the async R session will quit upon completion. Only applies if async=TRUE

Complete documentation:

A list containing the results of the execution.

See Also

## Not run:

resp<-remoteScript("scaleRtest.R", displayPlots = FALSE, writePlots = FALSE)

#specify 2 inputs to the script and retrieve 2 outputs. The supported types for inputs and
#outputs are: primitives, vectors and dataframes.
data<-'[{"name":"x","value":120}, {"name":"y","value":130}]'
resp<-remoteExecute("c:/myScript.R", inputs=data, outputs=c("out1", "out2"), writePlots=TRUE)

#alternative using 4 calls

resp<-remoteExecute("c:/myScript.R", script=TRUE)
getRemoteObject(c("out1", "out2"))
## End(Not run)
request: HTTP requests made easy and more fluent
around curl .
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

HTTP requests made easy and more fluent around curl .

request(host = NULL)
resume: Return the user to the 'REMOTE>' command
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

When executed from the local R session, returns the user to the 'REMOTE>' command prompt, and sets a remote
execution context.


Complete documentation:

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
serviceOption: Retrieve, set, and list the different
service options.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Retrieve, set, and list the different service options.



The option name.


The option value to be set.

Complete documentation:

A list of the current service options.

See Also
Other service methods: deleteService, getService, listServices, print.serviceDetails, publishService,
summary.serviceDetails, updateService

## Not run:

# --- set option name|value

opts <- serviceOption()
opts$set('base_dir', getwd())

# --- get option

opts <- serviceOption()
base_dir <- opts$get('base_dir')

# --- list options

options <- serviceOption()$get()
## End(Not run)
serviceTypes: Defines the enumerated list of the
supported service types.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Defines the enumerated list of the supported service types.

summary.serviceDetails: The summary generic for
serviceDetails .
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Defines the R summary generic for serviceDetails during a listServices() .

## S3 method for class `serviceDetails':
summary (o)


The serviceDetails list of S3 objects.

See Also
Other service methods: deleteService, getService, listServices, print.serviceDetails, publishService, serviceOption,

## Not run:

# --- print all ---

## End(Not run)
summary.snapshotDetails: The summary generic for
snapshotDetails .
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Defines the R summary generic for snapshotDetails during a listSnapshots() .

## S3 method for class `snapshotDetails':
summary (o)


The snapshotDetails list of S3 object.

See Also
Other snapshot methods: print.snapshotDetails

## Not run:

# --- print all ---

## End(Not run)
updateService: Updates an existing web service.
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Updates an existing web service on an R Server instance.

updateService(name, v, code = NULL, model = NULL, snapshot = NULL,
inputs = NULL, outputs = NULL, artifacts = c(), alias = NULL,
destination = NULL, descr = NULL, serviceType = c("Script", "Realtime"))


A string representing the web service name. Use quotes such as "MyService".

The version of the web service you want to update.


(optional) For standard web services, the R code to publish if you are updating the code. If you use a path, the
base path is your local current working directory. code can take the form of:
A function handle such as code = function(hp, wt) { newdata <- data.frame(hp = hp, wt = wt)
predict(model, newdata, type = "response") }
A block of arbitrary R code as a character string such as code = "result <- x + y"
A filepath to a local .R file containing R code such as code = "/path/to/R/script.R" If serviceType is
'Realtime', code has to be NULL.

(optional) For standard web services, an object or a filepath to an external representation of R objects to be
loaded and used with code . The specified file can be:
Filepath to a local .RData file holding R objects to be loaded. For example,
model = "/path/to/glm-model.RData"
Filepath to a local .R file that is evaluated into an environment and loaded. For example,
model = "/path/to/glm-model.R"
An object. For example, model = "model = am.glm" For realtime web services (serviceType = 'Realtime'), only
an R model object is accepted. For example, model = "model = am.glm"

(optional) Identifier of the session snapshot to load. Can replace the model argument or be merged with it. If
serviceType is 'Realtime', snapshot has to be NULL.
(optional) Defines the web service input schema. If empty, the service will not accept inputs. inputs are defined
as a named list list(x = "logical") which describes the input parameter names and their corresponding data
data.frame If serviceType is 'Realtime', inputs has to be NULL. Once published, service inputs automatically
default to list(inputData = 'data.frame').

(optional) Defines the web service output schema. If empty, the service will not return a response value. outputs
are defined as a named list list(x = "logical") that describes the output parameter names and their
corresponding data types:
data.frame Note: If code is defined as a function , then only one output value can be claimed. If
serviceType is 'Realtime', outputs has to be NULL. Once published, service outputs automatically default to
list(inputData = 'data.frame').

(optional) A character vector of filenames defining which file artifacts should be returned during service
consumption. File content is encoded as a Base64 String .

(optional) An alias name of the predication remote procedure call (RPC ) function used to consume the service. If
code is a function, then it will use that function name by default.

(optional) The codegen output directory location.


(optional) The description of the web service.


(optional) The type of the web service. Valid values are 'Script' and 'Realtime'. Defaults to 'Script', which is for a
standard web service, contains arbitrary R code, R scripts and/or models. 'Realtime' contains only a supported
model object (see 'model' argument above).

Complete documentation:

Updates an existing service by name and version v .

See Also
Other service methods: deleteService, getService, listServices, print.serviceDetails, publishService, serviceOption,

## Not run:

# Updates a service's `descr` description field

descr = "Update the description field."

# Updates a service's `descr` description field using optional `serviceType`

descr = "Update the description field.",
serviceType = "Script"

# Updates a Realtime service's `descr` description field using `serviceType`

descr = "Update the description for `kyphosisLogRegModel` Realtime service.",
# --- `serviceType` below is required for this web service --- #
serviceType = "Realtime"
## End(Not run)
olapR package
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

The olapR library provides R functions for importing data from OLAP cubes stored in SQL Server Analysis
Services into a data frame. This package is available on premises, on Windows only.


Current version: 1.0.0

Built on: R 3.4.3

Package distribution: Machine Learning Server for Windows

R Client (Windows)
R Server 9.1
SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services (Windows only)
and SQL Server 2016 R Services

How to use olapR

The olapR library provides a simple R style API for generating and validating MDX queries against an Analysis
Services cube. olapR does not provide APIs for all MDX scenarios, but it does cover the most use cases including
slice, dice, drilldown, rollup, and pivot scenarios in N dimensions. You can also input a direct MDX query to
Analysis Services for queries that cannot be constructed using the olapR APIs.
Workflow for using olapR
1. Load the library.
2. Create a connection string pointing to a MOLAP cube on Analysis Services.
3. Verify you have read access on the cube
4. Use the connection string on a connection.
5. Verify the connection using the explore function.
6. Set up a query by submitting an MDX query string or by building a query structure.
7. Execute the query and verify the result.
To execute an MDX query on an OLAP Cube, you need to first create a connection string ( olapCnn ) and validate
using the function OlapConnection(connectionString) . The connection string must have a Data Source (such as
localhost) and a Provider (MSOLAP ).
After the connection is established, you can either pass in a fully defined MDX query, or you can construct the
query using the Query() object, setting the query details using cube(), axis(), columns(), slicers(), and so forth.
Finally, pass the olapCnn and query into either executeMD or execute2D to get a multidimensional array or a data
frame back.

olapR requires the Analysis Services OLE DB provider. If you do not have SQL Server Analysis Services installed on your
computer, download the provider from Microsoft: Data providers used for Analysis Services connections
The exact version you should install for SQL Server 2016 is here.
Function list

OlapConnection Create the connection string to access the Analysis Services


Query Construct a Query object to use on the Analysis Services

Database. Use cube, axis, columns, rows, pages, chapters,
slicers to add details to the query.

executeMD Takes a Query object or an MDX string, and returns the result
as a multi-dimensional array.

execute2D Takes a Query object or an MDX string, and returns the result
as a 2D data frame.

explore Allows for exploration of cube metadata.

MDX concepts
MDX is the query language for multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP ) cubes containing processed and aggregated
data stored in structures optimized for data analysis and exploration. Cubes are used in business and scientific
applications to draw insights about relationships in historical data. Internally, cubes consist of mostly quantifiable
numeric data, which is sliced along dimensions like date and time, geography, or other entities. A typical query
might roll up sales for a given region and time period, sliced by product category, promotion, sales channel, and so
Cube data can be accessed using a variety of operations:
Slicing - Taking a subset of the cube by picking a value for one dimension, resulting in a cube that is one
dimension smaller.
Dicing - Creating a subcube by specifying a range of values on multiple dimensions.
Drill-Down/Up - Navigate from more general to more detailed data ranges, or vice versa.
Roll-up - Summarize the data on a dimension.
Pivot - Rotate the cube.
MDX queries are similar to SQL queries but, because of the flexibility of OLAP databases, can contain up to 128
query axes. The first four axes are named for convenience: Columns, Rows, Pages, and Chapters. It's also common
to just use two (Rows and Columns), as shown in the following example.

SELECT {[Measures].[Internet Sales Count], [Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount]} ON COLUMNS,

{[Product].[Product Line].[Product Line].MEMBERS} ON ROWS
FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial]
WHERE [Sales Territory].[Sales Territory Country].[Australia]

Using an AdventureWorks Olap cube from the multidimensional cube tutorial, this MDX query selects the internet
sales count and sales amount and places them on the Column axis. On the Row axis it places all possible values of
the "Product Line" dimension. Then, using the WHERE clause (which is the slicer axis in MDX queries), it filters the
query so that only the sales from Australia matter. Without the slicer axis, we would roll up and summarize the
sales from all countries.
olapR examples
# load the library

# Connect to a local SSAS default instance and the Analysis Services Tutorial database.
# For named instances, use server-name\\instancename, escaping the instance name delimiter.
# For databases containing multiple cubes, use the cube= parameter to specify which one to use.
cnnstr <- "Data Source=localhost; Provider=MSOLAP; initial catalog=Analysis Services Tutorial"
olapCnn <- OlapConnection(cnnstr)

# Approach 1 - build the mdx query in R

qry <- Query()

cube(qry) <- "[Analysis Services Tutorial]"

columns(qry) <- c("[Measures].[Internet Sales Count]", "[Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount]")
rows(qry) <- c("[Product].[Product Line].[Product Line].MEMBERS")
slicers(qry) <- c("[Sales Territory].[Sales Territory Country].[Australia]")

result1 <- executeMD(olapCnn, qry)

# Approach 2 - Submit a fully formed MDX query

mdx <- "SELECT {[Measures].[Internet Sales Count], [Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount]} ON AXIS(0),
{[Product].[Product Line].[Product Line].MEMBERS} ON AXIS(1) FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial] WHERE [Sales
Territory].[Sales Territory Country].[Australia]"

result2 <- execute2D(olapCnn, mdx)

Next steps
Learn more about MDX concepts:
OLAP Cubes:
MDX queries:
Create a demo OLAP Cube (identical to examples): multidimensional cube tutorial

See also
Using data from Olap cubes in R (SQL Server)
R Package Reference
R Client
R Server
execute2D: olapR execute2D Methods
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Takes a Query object or an MDX string, and returns the result as a data frame.

execute2D(olapCnn, query)
execute2D(olapCnn, mdx)


Object of class "OlapConnection" returned by OlapConnection()


Object of class "Query" returned by Query()


String specifying a valid MDX query

If a query is provided: execute2D validates a query object (optional), generates an mdx query string from the
query object, executes the mdx query across, and returns the result as a data frame.
If an MDX string is provided: execute2D executes the mdx query , and returns the result as a data frame.

A data frame if the MDX command returned a result-set. TRUE and a warning if the query returned no data. An
error if the query is invalid

Multi-dimensional query results are flattened to 2D using a standard flattening algorithm.

Creating a Demo OLAP Cube (the same as the one used in the examples):

See Also
Query , OlapConnection , executeMD , explore , data.frame
cnnstr <- "Data Source=localhost; Provider=MSOLAP;"
olapCnn <- OlapConnection(cnnstr)

qry <- Query()

cube(qry) <- "[Analysis Services Tutorial]"

columns(qry) <- c("[Measures].[Internet Sales Count]", "[Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount]")
rows(qry) <- c("[Product].[Product Line].[Product Line].MEMBERS")
pages(qry) <- c("[Sales Territory].[Sales Territory Region].[Sales Territory Region].MEMBERS")

result1 <- execute2D(olapCnn, qry)

mdx <- "SELECT {[Measures].[Internet Sales Count], [Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount]} ON AXIS(0),
{[Product].[Product Line].[Product Line].MEMBERS} ON AXIS(1), {[Sales Territory].[Sales Territory Region].
[Sales Territory Region].MEMBERS} ON AXIS(2) FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial]"

result2 <- execute2D(olapCnn, mdx)

executeMD: olapR executeMD Methods
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Takes a Query object or an MDX string, and returns the result as a multi-dimensional array.

executeMD(olapCnn, query)
executeMD(olapCnn, mdx)


Object of class "OlapConnection" returned by OlapConnection()


Object of class "Query" returned by Query()


String specifying a valid MDX query

If a Query is provided: executeMD validates a Query object (optional), generates an mdx query string from the
Query object, executes the mdx query across an XMLA connection, and returns the result as a multi-dimensional
If an MDX string is provided: executeMD executes the mdx query across an XMLA connection, and returns the
result as a multi-dimensional array.

Returns a multi-dimensional array. Returns an error if the Query is invalid.

Creating a Demo OLAP Cube (the same as the one used in the examples):

See Also
Query, OlapConnection , execute2D , explore , array
cnnstr <- "Data Source=localhost; Provider=MSOLAP;"
olapCnn <- OlapConnection(cnnstr)

qry <- Query()

cube(qry) <- "[Analysis Services Tutorial]"

columns(qry) <- c("[Measures].[Internet Sales Count]", "[Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount]")
rows(qry) <- c("[Product].[Product Line].[Product Line].MEMBERS")
pages(qry) <- c("[Sales Territory].[Sales Territory Region].[Sales Territory Region].MEMBERS")

result1 <- executeMD(olapCnn, qry)

mdx <- "SELECT {[Measures].[Internet Sales Count], [Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount]} ON AXIS(0),
{[Product].[Product Line].[Product Line].MEMBERS} ON AXIS(1), {[Sales Territory].[Sales Territory Region].
[Sales Territory Region].MEMBERS} ON AXIS(2) FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial]"

result2 <- executeMD(olapCnn, mdx)

explore: olapR explore Method
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Allows for exploration of cube metadata

explore(olapCnn, cube = NULL, dimension = NULL, hierarchy = NULL, level = NULL)


Object of class "OlapConnection" returned by OlapConnection()


A string specifying a cube name


A string specifying a dimension name


A string specifying a hierarchy name


A string specifying a level name


Prints cube metadata. Returns NULL. An error is thrown if arguements are invalid

Arguements must be specified in order. Eg: In order to explore hierarchies, a dimension and a cube must be

See execute2D or executeMD for references.

See Also
query , OlapConnection , executeMD , execute2D
cnnstr <- "Data Source=localhost; Provider=MSOLAP;"
ocs <- OlapConnection(cnnstr)

#Exploring Cubes
#Analysis Services Tutorial
#Internet Sales
#Reseller Sales
#Sales Summary
#[1] TRUE

#Exploring Dimensions
explore(ocs, "Analysis Services Tutorial")
#Due Date
#Internet Sales Order Details
#Reseller Geography
#Sales Reason
#Sales Territory
#Ship Date
#[1] TRUE

#Exploring Hierarchies
explore(ocs, "Analysis Services Tutorial", "Product")
#Days To Manufacture
#Dealer Price
#End Date
#List Price
#Model Name
#Product Categories
#Product Line
#Product Model Lines
#Product Name
#Reorder Point
#Safety Stock Level
#Size Range
#Standard Cost
#Start Date
#[1] TRUE

#Exploring Levels
explore(ocs, "Analysis Services Tutorial", "Product", "Product Categories")
#Product Name
#[1] TRUE

#Exploring Members
#NOTE: -> indicates that the following member is a child of the previous member
explore(ocs, "Analysis Services Tutorial", "Product", "Product Categories", "Category")
explore(ocs, "Analysis Services Tutorial", "Product", "Product Categories", "Category")
#Assembly Components
#-> Assembly Components
#--> Assembly Components
OlapConnection: olapR OlapConnection Creation
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

OlapConnection constructs a "OlapConnection" object.

OlapConnection(connectionString="Data Source=localhost; Provider=MSOLAP;")




A valid connection string for connecting to Analysis Services


An object of class "OlapConnection"

OlapConnection validates and holds an Analysis Services connection string. By default, Analysis Services returns
the first cube of the first database. To connect to a specific database, use the Initial Catalog parameter.

OlapConnection returns an object of type "OlapConnection". A warning is shown if the connection string is invalid.

For more information on Analysis Services connection strings:

See Also
Query, executeMD, execute2D , explore


# Create the connection string. For a named instance, escape the instance name: localhost\my-other-instance
cnnstr <- "Data Source=localhost; Provider=MSOLAP; initial catalog=AdventureWorksCube"
olapCnn <- OlapConnection(cnnstr)
Query: olapR Query Construction
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Query constructs a "Query" object. Set functions are used to build and modify the Query axes and cube name.

Query(validate = FALSE)

cube(qry) <- cubeName

columns(qry) <- axis

rows(qry) <- axis

pages(qry) <- axis

chapters(qry) <- axis

axis(qry, n)
axis(qry, n) <- axis

slicers(qry) <- axis




A logical (TRUE, FALSE, NA) specifying whether the Query should be validated during execution

An object of class "Query" returned by Query


A string specifying the name of the cube to query


A vector of strings specifying an axis. See example below.


An integer representing the axis number to be set. axis(qry, 1) == columns(qry), axis(qry, 2) == pages(qry), etc.
Query is the constructor for the Query object. Set functions are used to specify what the Query should return.
Queries are passed to the Execute2D and ExecuteMD functions. compose takes the Query object and generates an
MDX string equivalent to the one that the Execute functions would generate and use.

Query returns an object of type "Query". cube returns a string. columns returns a vector of strings. rows returns
a vector of strings. pages returns a vector of strings. sections returns a vector of strings. axis returns a vector
of strings. slicers returns a vector of strings. compose returns a string. is.Query returns an boolean.

A Query object is not as powerful as pure MDX. If the Query API is not sufficient, try using an MDX Query
string with one of the Execute functions.

See execute2D or executeMD for references.

See Also
execute2D, executeMD, OlapConnection , explore

qry <- Query(validate = TRUE)

cube(qry) <- "[Analysis Services Tutorial]"

columns(qry) <- c("[Measures].[Internet Sales Count]", "[Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount]")

rows(qry) <- c("[Product].[Product Line].[Product Line].MEMBERS")
axis(qry, 3) <- c("[Date].[Calendar Quarter].MEMBERS")

slicers(qry) <- c("[Sales Territory].[Sales Territories].[Sales Territory Region].[Northwest]")

print(cube(qry)) #[Analysis Services Tutorial]

print(axis(qry, 2)) #c("[Product].[Product Line].[Product Line].MEMBERS")

print(compose(qry)) #SELECT {[Measures].[Internet Sales Count], [Measures].[Internet Sales-Sales Amount]} ON

AXIS(0), {[Product].[Product Line].[Product Line].MEMBERS} ON AXIS(1), {[Date].[Calendar Quarter].MEMBERS} ON
AXIS(2) FROM [Analysis Services Tutorial] WHERE {[Sales Territory].[Sales Territories].[Sales Territory
RevoIOQ package
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The RevoIOQ package provides a function for testing installation and operational qualification of R packages
provided in Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server, and R Client.


Current version: 8.0.8

Built on: R 3.3.2

Package distribution: Machine Learning Server

R Client (Windows and Linux)
R Server 9.1 and earlier
SQL Server 2016 and later (Windows only)
Azure HDInsight
Azure Data Science Virtual Machines

How to use RevoIOQ

Load and run RevoIOQ from a command line interface or R IDE. The following command executes tests and
returns results.
1. Start Revo64 (on Linux) or an R IDE providing an R prompt.
2. Load RevoIOQ: library("RevoIOQ")
3. Execute the function: RevoIOQ()

RevoIOQ(printText=TRUE, printHTML=TRUE, outdir=if (file.access(getwd(), mode=2))
file.path(tempdir(),"RevoIOQ") else file.path(getwd(),"RevoIOQ"),
basename=paste("Revo-IOQ-Report", format(Sys.time(), "%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S"), sep="-"),
view=TRUE, clean=TRUE, runTestFileInOwnProcess=TRUE, testLocal = FALSE, testScaleR = TRUE)


logical flag. If TRUE , an RUnit test report in ASCII text format is produced.

logical flag. If TRUE , an RUnit test report in HTML format is produced.


character string representing path to output report directory.


character string denoting the name of the output file (sans the extension).

logical flag. If TRUE and either printText=TRUE or printHTML=TRUE , then the resulting output file is shown,

logical flag. If TRUE , then graphics files created during the tests are removed.

logical flag. If TRUE , each test file is run in a separate R process.


logical flag. If TRUE , a set of basic tests is created and run for all locally-installed packages.

logical flag. If TRUE , the RevoScaleR unit tests are included in the test suite, if available.

Return value
TRUE if all tests are successful, FALSE otherwise.
RevoPemaR package
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The RevoPemaR package provides a framework for creating Parallel External Memory Algorithms in R using R
Reference Classes.


Current version: 10.0.0

Built on: R 3.2.2

Package distribution: Machine Learning Server (Hadoop)

How to use RevoPemaR

When used with the RevoScaleR package, analyses can be distributed automatically on Hadoop clusters using
Cloudera's CDH or Hortonworks' HDP. For additional documentation, see Get started with PemaR functions in
Microsoft R.
In an R session, load RevoPemaR from the command line by typing library(RevoPemaR) .

You can load this library on computer that does not have Hadoop (for example, on an R Client instance) if you change the
compute context to Hadoop MapReduce or Spark and execute the code in that compute context.

Function list

PemaBaseClass A base reference class generator for parallel external memory


setPemaClass Returns a generator function for creating a parallel external

memory algorithm reference class.

pemaCompute Estimates a parallel external memory algorithm as described

by a PEMA reference class object.

Next steps
Add R packages to your computer by running setup for R Server or R Client:
R Client
R Server

See also
Package Reference
PemaBaseClass-class: Class PemaBaseClass
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to version 8.0.3 of package RevoPemaR.

PEMA base reference class

The targeted generator PemaBaseClass

See Also
PemaBaseClass: Generator for a PemaBaseClass
reference class object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to version 8.0.3 of package RevoPemaR.

Generator for a PemaBaseClass reference class object to be used with pemaCompute.


Arguments used in the constructor. Not used by the PemaBaseClass base class.

This is a base reference class for the construction of reference classes to be used for parallel external memory
algorithms for use in pemaCompute. See PemaMean for a simple example.

A PemaBaseClass reference class object.

See Also
setRefClass, setPemaClass, pemaCompute, PemaMean


# Show help for methods

PemaByGroup-class: Class PemaByGroup
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to version 8.0.3 of package RevoPemaR.

Example PEMA reference class to compute arbitrary by-group statistics

The targeted generator PemaByGroup

Class PemaBaseClass, directly.

See Also
PemaByGroup PemaBaseClass
PemaByGroup: Generator for an PemaByGroup
reference class object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to version 8.0.3 of package RevoPemaR.

Generator for an PemaByGroup reference class object to be used with pemaCompute. This will compute arbitrary
statistics by a grouping variable in a data set.


Arguments used in the constructor. See Details section.

This is an example of a parallel external memory algorithms for use with pemaCompute. User-specified
arguments for the initalize method are:
groupByVar = "character", computeVars = "character", fnList = "ANY", sep = "character",
* groupByVar : character string containing name of grouping variable. It can be a factor, character, or integer vector.
* computeVars : character vector containing the name of one or more variables on which to compute the by-group
* fnList : a named list of lists specifying functions and argument values.
The first element of each function list should be the function. The second element of the function list should be
named the name of the argument for the data vector or list of data vectors to process.
The value should be set to NULL or the names of additional variables to be included in an input data list.
* : the separator to use in creating the variable name(s) for the computed statistic(s). It will take the form of
varName.fnName where the . is replaced by sep .

An PemaByGroup reference class object.

See Also
setRefClass, PemaBaseClass

# Show help for methods

pemaCompute: Comute PEMA
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to version 8.0.3 of package RevoPemaR.

Use a PemaBaseClass reference class object to perform a Parallel External Memory Algorithm computation.

pemaCompute(pemaObj, data = NULL, outData = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, append = "none",
computeContext = NULL, initPema = TRUE, ...)

A PemaBaseClass reference class object containing the methods for the analysis.
A data frame or RevoScaleR data source object.
An RevoScaleR data source object that has write capabilities, such as an .xdf file. Not used by all PemaBaseClass
reference class objects.
logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile will be overwritten.
either "none" to create a new files, "rows" to append rows to an existing file, or "cols" to append columns to
an existing file. If outFile exists and append is "none" , the overwrite argument must be set to TRUE . Ignored
when outData is not specified or not relevant. You cannot append to RxTextData or RxTeradata data sources,
and appending is not supported for composite .xdf files or when using the RxHadoopMR compute context.
NULL or a RevoScaleR compute context object.

logical. If TRUE the initialize method for the pemaObj object will be called before performing computations.
Other fields in the PemaBaseClass class to be utilized in the analysis.

The pemaCompute function provides a framework for writing parallel, external memory algorithms (PEMAs) that
can be run serially on a single computer, and will be automatically parallelized when run on cluster supported by

The value returned that returned by the PemaBaseClass processResults method. Note that the reference class
PemaBaseClass will be reinitalized at the beginning of the analysis unless initPema is set to TRUE , and will
contain updated values upon completion.

See Also
PemaBaseClass, PemaMean, setPemaClass


# Instantiate an PemaMean reference class

meanPemaObj <- PemaMean()
meanPemaObj # See the initialized values of the fields

# Compute the mean of Petal.Length from the iris data set

# Call pemaCompute, specifying the custom analyis object, the data, and additional arg
pemaCompute(pemaObj = meanPemaObj, data = iris, varName = "Petal.Length")

meanPemaObj # Note that the reference class object has been updated
PemaMean-class: Class PemaMean
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to version 8.0.3 of package RevoPemaR.

Example PEMA reference class to compute mean

The targeted generator PemaMean

Class PemaBaseClass, directly.

See Also
PemaMean PemaBaseClass
PemaMean: Generator for an PemaMean reference
class object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to version 8.0.3 of package RevoPemaR.

Generator for an PemaMean reference class object, inheriting from PemaBaseClass, to be used with


Arguments used in the constructor. See Details section.

This is a simple example of a parallel external memory algorithms for use with pemaCompute. The varName
argument for the constructor is a character string containing the name of the variable in the data set to use for

An PemaMean reference class object.

See Also
setRefClass, setPemaClass, PemaBaseClass


# Show help for methods

setPemaClass: PEMA classes
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to version 8.0.3 of package RevoPemaR.

Returns a generator function for creating analysis reference class objects to use in pemaCompute.

setPemaClass(Class, fields = character(), contains = character(),
methods = list(), where = topenv(parent.frame()), includeMethods = TRUE, ...)

character string name for the class.
either a character vector of field names or a named list of the fields.
optional vector of super reference classes for this class. The fields and class-based methods will be inherited.
a named list of function definitions that can be invoked on objects from this class.
the environment in which to store the class definition.
logical. If TRUE , methods (including those of parent classes) will be included when serializing.
other arguments to be passed to setRefClass.

See setRefClass for more information on arguments and using reference classes. The setPemaCLass genrator
provides a framework for writing parallel, external memory algorithms (PEMAs) that can be run serially on a
single computer, and will be automatically parallelized when run on cluster supported by RevoScaleR.

returns a generator function suitable for creating objects from the class, invisibly.
See Also
PemaBaseClass, setRefClass, PemaMean, pemaCompute


# A very simple example of computing a sum

PemaSum <- setPemaClass("PemaSum",
contains = "PemaBaseClass",

fields = list(
# list the fields (member variables)
sum = "numeric",
varName = "character"

methods = list(
# list the methods (member functions)
initialize = function(varName = "", ...)
'sum is initialized to 0'
# callSuper calls the method of the parent class
usingMethods(.pemaMethods) # Will include methods if includeMethods is TRUE
# Fields are modified in a method by using the non-local assignment operator
varName <<- varName
sum <<- 0
processData = function(dataList)
'Updates the sum from the current chunk of data.'
sum <<- sum + sum(as.numeric(dataList[[varName]]), na.rm = TRUE)
updateResults = function(pemaSumObj)
'Updates the sum from another PemaSum object.'
sum <<- sum + pemaMeanObj$sum
processResults = function()
'Returns the sum. No further computations required.'
getVarsToUse = function()
'Returns the varName.'

pemaSumObj <- PemaSum()

pemaCompute(pemaSumObj, data = iris, varName = "sepal.length")
RevoScaleR package
6/18/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

The RevoScaleR library is a collection of portable, scalable, and distributable R functions for importing,
transforming, and analyzing data at scale. You can use it for descriptive statistics, generalized linear
models, k-means clustering, logistic regression, classification and regression trees, and decision forests.
Functions run on the RevoScaleR interpreter, built on open-source R, engineered to leverage the
multithreaded and multinode architecture of the host platform.


Current version: 9.3

Built on: R 3.4.3

Package distribution: Machine Learning Server

R Client (Windows and Linux)
R Server 9.1 and earlier
SQL Server 2016 and later (Windows only)
Azure HDInsight
Azure Data Science Virtual Machines

How to use RevoScaleR

The RevoScaleR library is found in Machine Learning Server and Microsoft R products. You can use
any R IDE to write R script calling functions in RevoScaleR, but the script must run on a computer
having the interpreter and libraries.
RevoScaleR is often preloaded into tools that integrate with Machine Learning Server and R Client,
which means you can call functions without having to load the library. If the library is not loaded, you
can load RevoScaleR from the command line by typing library(RevoScaleR) .
Run it locally
This is the default. RevoScaleR runs locally on all platforms, including R Client. On a standalone Linux
or Windows system, data and operations are local to the machine. On Hadoop, a local compute context
means that data and operations are local to current execution environment (typically, an edge node).
Run in a remote compute context
RevoScaleR runs remotely on computers that have a server installation. In a remote compute context,
the script running on a local R Client or Machine Learning Server shifts execution to a remote Machine
Learning Server. For example, script running on Windows might shift execution to a Spark cluster to
process data there.
On distributed platforms, such as Hadoop processing frameworks (Spark and MapReduce), set the
compute context to RxSpark or RxHadoopMR and give the cluster name. In this context, if you call a
function that can run in parallel, the task is distributed across data nodes in the cluster, where the
operation is co-located with the data.
On SQL Server, set the compute context to RxInSQLServer. There are two primary use cases for
remote compute context:
Call R functions in T-SQL script or stored procedures running on SQL Server.
Call RevoScaleR functions in R script executing in a SQL Server compute context. In your script,
you can set a compute context to shift execution of RevoScaleR operations to a remote SQL
Server instance that has the RevoScaleR interpreter.
Some functions in RevoScaleR are specific to particular compute contexts. A filtered list of functions
include the following:
Computing on a Hadoop Cluster
Computing on SQL Server

Typical workflow

Whenever you want to perform an analysis using RevoScaleR functions, you should specify three
distinct pieces of information:
The analytic function, which specifies the analysis to be performed
The compute context, which specifies where the computations should take place
The data source, which is the data to be used

Functions by category
The library includes data transformation and manipulation, visualization, predictions, and statistical
analysis functions. It also includes functions for controlling jobs, serializing data, and performing
common utility tasks.
This section lists the functions by category to give you an idea of how each one is used. The table of
contents lists functions in alphabetical order.

Some function names begin with rx and others with Rx . The Rx function name prefix is used for class
constructors for data sources and compute contexts.

1-Data source functions


RxXdfData Creates an efficient XDF data source object.

RxTextData Creates a comma-delimited text data source object.

RxSasData Creates a SAS data source object.

RxSpssData Creates an SPSS data source object.

RxOdbcData Creates an ODBC data source object.


RxTeradata Creates a Teradata data source object.

RxSqlServerData Creates a SQL Server data source object.

2-Import and save-as


rxImport * Creates an .xdf file or data frame from a data source (for
example, text, SAS, SPSS data files, ODBC or Teradata
connection, or data frame).

rxDataStep * Transform and subset data. Creates an .xdf file, a

comma-delimited text file, or data frame in memory
(assuming you have sufficient memory to hold the
output data) from an .xdf file or a data frame.

rxGetInfo * Retrieves summary information from a data source or

data frame.

rxSetInfo * Sets a file description in an .xdf file or a description

attribute in a data frame.

rxGetVarInfo Retrieves variable information from a data source or

data frame.

rxSetVarInfo Modifies variable information in an .xdf file or data


rxGetVarNames Retrieves variable names from a data source or data


rxCreateColInfo Generates a colInfo list from a data source.

rxCompressXdf Compresses an existing .xdf file, or a directory of .xdf


rxIsOpen Indicates whether a data source can be accessed.

rxOpen Opens a data source for reading.

rxClose Closes a data source.

rxReadNext Read data from a source.

rxWriteNext Writes the next chunk when moving data between

RevoScaleR data sources.

rxSetFileSystem Specify a file system type for data for import.

rxGetFileSystem Retrieve the current file system type.


rxHdfsFileSystem Creates an HDFS file system object.

rxNativeFileSystem Creates a native file system object.

rxSqlServerDropTable Execute an SQL statement that drops a table.

rxSqlServerTableExists Execute an SQL statement that checks for a table's


* Signifies the most popular functions in this category.

3-Data transformation

rxDataStep * Transform and subset data. Creates an .xdf file, a

comma-delimited text file, or data frame in memory
(assuming you have sufficient memory to hold the
output) from an .xdf file or a data frame.

rxFactors * Recode a factor variable or convert non-factor variable

into a factor in an .xdf file or data frame.

rxGetFuzzyDist Get fuzzy distances for a character vector.

rxGetFuzzyKeys Get fuzzy keys for a character vector.

rxSplit Splits an .xdf file or data frame into multiple .xdf files or
data frames.

rxSort Multi-key sorting of the variables an .xdf file or data


rxMerge Merges two .xdf files or data frames using a variety of

merge types.

rxExecuteSQLDDL SQL Server R Services only. Runs an arbitrary SQL DDL


* Signifies the most popular functions in this category.

4-Graphing functions

rxHistogram Creates a histogram from data.

rxLinePlot Creates a line plot from data.

rxLorenz Computes a Lorenz curve which can be plotted.


rxRocCurve Computes and plots ROC curves from actual and

predicted data.

5-Descriptive statistics

rxQuantile * Computes approximate quantiles for .xdf files and data

frames without sorting.

rxSummary * Basic summary statistics of data, including computations

by group. Writing by group computations to .xdf file not

rxCrossTabs * Formula-based cross-tabulation of data.

rxCube * Alternative formula-based cross-tabulation designed for

efficient representation returning cube results. Writing
output to .xdf file not supported.

rxMarginals Marginal summaries of cross-tabulations.

as.xtabs Converts cross tabulation results to an xtabs object.

rxChiSquaredTest Performs Chi-squared Test on xtabs object. Used with

small data sets and does not chunk data.

rxFisherTest Performs Fisher's Exact Test on xtabs object. Used with

small data sets and does not chunk data.

rxKendallCor Computes Kendall's Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient

using xtabs object.

rxPairwiseCrossTab Apply a function to pairwise combinations of rows and

columns of an xtabs object.

rxRiskRatio Calculate the relative risk on a two-by-two xtabs object.

rxOddsRatio Calculate the odds ratio on a two-by-two xtabs object.

* Signifies the most popular functions in this category.

6-Prediction functions

rxLinMod * Fits a linear model to data.

rxLogit * Fits a logistic regression model to data.

rxGlm * Fits a generalized linear model to data.


rxCovCor * Calculate the covariance, correlation, or sum of squares /

cross-product matrix for a set of variables.

rxDTree * Fits a classification or regression tree to data.

rxBTrees * Fits a classification or regression decision forest to data

using a stochastic gradient boosting algorithm.

rxDForest * Fits a classification or regression decision forest to data.

rxPredict * Calculates predictions for fitted models. Output must be

an XDF data source.

rxKmeans * Performs k-means clustering.

rxNaiveBayes * Performs Naive Bayes classification.

rxCov Calculate the covariance matrix for a set of variables.

rxCor Calculate the correlation matrix for a set of variables.

rxSSCP Calculate the sum of squares / cross-product matrix for

a set of variables.

rxRoc Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) computations

using actual and predicted values from binary classifier

* Signifies the most popular functions in this category.

7-Compute context functions


RxComputeContext Creates a compute context.

rxSetComputeContext Sets a compute context.

rxGetComputeContext Gets the current compute context.

RxSpark Creates an in-data, file-based Spark compute context.

Computations are parallelized and distributed across the
nodes of a Hadoop cluster via Apache Spark.

RxHadoopMR Creates an in-data, file-based Hadoop compute context.

RxInTeradata Creates an in-database compute context for Teradata.

RxInSqlServer Creates an in-database compute context for SQL Server.

RxLocalSeq Creates a local compute context for rxExec using

sequential computations.

RxLocalParallel Creates a local compute context for rxExec using the

**parallel* package as backend.

RxForeachDoPar Creates a compute context for rxExec using the current

foreach parallel backend.

8-Distributed computing
These functions and many more can be used for high performance computing and distributed
computing. Learn more about the entire set of functions in Distributed Computing.


rxExec Run an arbitrary R function on nodes or cores of a


rxRngNewStream Support for Parallel Random Number Generation.

rxRngDelStream Support for Parallel Random Number Generation.

rxRngGetStream Support for Parallel Random Number Generation.

rxRngSetStream Support for Parallel Random Number Generation.

rxGetAvailableNodes Get all the available nodes on a distributed compute


rxGetNodeInfo Get information on nodes specified for a distributed

compute context.

rxPingNodes Test round trip from user through computation node(s)

in a cluster or cloud.

rxGetJobStatus Get the status of a non-waiting distributed computing


rxGetJobResults Get the return object(s) of a non-waiting distributed

computing job.

rxGetJobOutput Get the console output from a non-waiting distributed

computing job.

rxGetJobs Get the available distributed computing job information


rxLocateFile Get the first occurrence of a specified input file in a set

of specified paths.

9-Utility functions
Some of the utility functions are operational in local compute context only. Check the documentation of
individual functions to confirm.

rxOptions Gets or sets a specific option.

rxGetOption Retrieves a specific RevoScaleR option.

rxGetEnableThreadPool Gets the current state of the thread pool, which on

Linux can be either persistent or on-demand.

rxSetEnableThreadPool Sets the thread pool state.

rxStepControl Construct a variable.selection argument for rxLinMod.

10-Package management

rxInstallPackages Installs a package.

rxInstalledPackages Returns the list of installed packages for a compute


rxFindPackage Returns the path to one or more packages for a

compute context.

rxRemovePackages Removes installed packages from a compute context.

rxSqlLibPaths Gets the search path for the library trees for packages
while executing inside the SQL server.

Next steps
Add R packages to your computer by running setup:
Machine Learning Server
R Client
Next, follow these tutorials for hands on experience:
Explore R and RevoScaleR in 25 functions
Quickstart: Run R Code

See also
R Package Reference
AirlineData87to08: Airline On-Time Performance
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Airline on-time performance data from 1987 to 2008.

An .xdf file with 123534969 observations on the following 29 variables.

year of the flight (stored as factor).


month of the flight (stored as factor).


day of the month (1 to 31) (stored as integer).


day of the week (stored as factor).


actual departure time (stored as float).


scheduled departure time (stored as float).


actual arrival time (stored as float).


scheduled arrival time (stored as float).


carrier ID (stored as factor).


flight number (stored as factor).


plane's tail number (stored as factor).


actual elapsed time of the flight, in minutes (stored as integer).

scheduled elapsed time of the flight, in minutes (stored as integer).

airborne time for the flight, in minutes (stored as integer).


arrival delay, in minutes (stored as integer).


departure delay, in minutes (stored as integer).


originating airport (stored as factor).


destination airport (stored as factor).


flight distance (stored as integer).


taxi time from wheels down to arrival at the gate, in minutes (stored as integer).

taxi time from departure from the gate to wheels up, in minutes (stored as integer).

cancellation status (stored as logical).


cancellation code, if applicable (stored as factor).


diversion status (stored as logical).


delay, in minutes, attributable to the carrier (stored integer).


delay, in minutes, attributable to weather factors (stored as integer).


delay, in minutes, attributable to the National Aviation System (stored as integer).


delay, in minutes, attributable to security factors (stored as integer).


delay, in minutes, attributable to late-arriving aircraft (stored as integer).

This data set contains on-time performance data from 1987 to 2008. It is an .xdf file, which means that the data are
stored in blocks. The AirlineData87to08.xdf data file contains 832 blocks.

American Statistical Association Statistical Computing Group, Data Expo '09.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Research and Innovative Technology
Administration. Airline On-Time Statistics.

See Also

## Not run:

airlineDemoBig <- rxDataStep(file = "AirlineData87to08.xdf",

varsToKeep = c("ArrDelay", "DepDelay", "DayOfWeek"),
startRow = 100000, numRows = 1000)
## End(Not run)
AirlineDemoSmall: Small Airline Demonstration File
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

A small sample of airline on-time performance data.

An .xdf file with 600000 observations on the following 3 variables.

arrival delay, in minutes (stored as integer).


schedule departure time (stored as float32).


day of the week (stored as a factor).

This data set is a small subsample of airline on-time performance data containing only 600,000 observations of 3
variables, so it will fit in memory on most systems. It is an .xdf file, which means that the data are stored in blocks.
The AirlineDemoSmall.xdf data file contains 3 blocks. It is compressed using zlib compression. The
AirlineDemoSmallUC.xdf contains the same data, but without compression.
The data are also available in text format in the file AirlineDemoSmall.csv. A smaller subset, with only 1010 rows
and no missing data, is available in text format in the file AirlineDemo1kNoMissing.csv.

American Statistical Association Statistical Computing Group, Data Expo '09.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Research and Innovative Technology
Administration. Airline On-Time Statistics.

See Also

airlineSmall <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf")
rxSummary(~ ArrDelay + CRSDepTime, data = airlineSmall)
AirOnTime87to12: Airline On-Time Performance Data
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Airline on-time performance data from 1987 to 2012.

AirOnTime87to12 is an .xdf file with 148617414 observations on the following 29 variables. AirOnTime7Pct is a 7
percent subsample with a subset of 9 variables: ArrDelay, ArrDel15, CRSDepTime, DayOfWeek, DepDelay,
Dest,Origin, UniqueCarrier, Year.

year of flight (stored as integer).


month of the flight(stored as integer).


day of the month (1 to 31) (stored as integer).


day of the week (stored as factor).


flight date (stored as Date).


unique carrier code (stored as factor). When the same code has been used by multiple carriers, a numeric suffix is
used for earlier users, for example, PA, PA(1), PA(2).

plane's tail number (stored as factor).


flight number (stored as factor).


originating airport, airport ID (stored as factor). An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique
airport. Use this field for airport analysis across a range of years because an airport can change its airport code
and airport codes can be reused.

originating airport (stored as factor).


originating airport, state code (stored as factor).

destination airport, airport ID (stored as factor). An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique
airport. Use this field for airport analysis across a range of years because an airport can change its airport code
and airport codes can be reused.

destination airport (stored as factor).


destination airport, state code (stored as factor).


scheduled local departure time (stored as decimal float, e.g., 12:45 is stored as 12.75).

actual local departure time (stored as decimal float, e.g., 12:45 is stored as 12.75).

difference in minutes between scheduled and actual departure time (stored as integer). Early departures show
negative numbers.

difference in minutes between scheduled and actual departure time (stored as integer). Early departures set to 0.

departure delay indicator, 15 minutes or more (stored as logical).


departure delay intervals, every 15 minutes from < -15 to > 180 (stored as a factor).

taxi time from departure from the gate to wheels off, in minutes (stored as integer).

wheels off time in local time (stored as decimal float, e.g., 12:45 is stored as 12.75).

wheels on time in local time (stored as decimal float, e.g., 12:45 is stored as 12.75).

taxi in time in minutes (stored as integer).


scheduled arrival in local time (stored as decimal float, e.g., 12:45 is stored as 12.75).

actual arrival time in local time (stored as decimal float, e.g., 12:45 is stored as 12.75).

difference in minutes between scheduled and actual arrival time (stored as integer). Early arrivals show negative

difference in minutes between scheduled and actual arrival time (stored as integer). Early arrivals set to 0.

arrival delay indicator, 15 minutes or more (stored as logical).


arrival delay intervals, every 15 minutes from < -15 to > 180 (stored as a factor).

cancelled flight indicator (stored as logical).


cancellation code, if applicable (stored as factor).


diverted flight indicator(stored as logical).


scheduled elapsed time of flight, in minutes (stored as integer).


actual elapsed time of flight, in minutes (stored as integer).


flight time, in minutes (stored as integer).


number of flights (stored as integer).


distance between airports in miles (stored as integer).


distance intervals, every 250 miles, for flight segment (stored as a factor).

delay, in minutes, attributable to the carrier (stored as integer).


delay, in minutes, attributable to weather factors (stored as integer).


delay, in minutes, attributable to the National Aviation System (stored as integer).


delay, in minutes, attributable to security factors (stored as integer).


delay, in minutes, attributable to late-arriving aircraft (stored as integer).


number of months since October 1987 (store as integer).


number of days since 1 October 1987 (store as integer).

These data set contain on-time performance data from 1987 to 2012. The data full data set is stored in 1024 blocks
in an zlib compressed .xdf file.

Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA), Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

American Statistical Association Statistical Computing Group, Data Expo '09.

U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Research and Innovative Technology
Administration. Airline On-Time Statistics.

See Also

## Not run:

# Compute mean arrival delay by year using the full data set
sumOut <- rxSummary(ArrDelayMinutes~Year = "AirOnTime87to12.xdf")

# To create the 7
# a subset of variables
airVarsToKeep = c("Year", "DayOfWeek", "UniqueCarrier","Origin", "Dest",
"CRSDepTime", "DepDelay", "TaxiOut", "TaxiIn", "ArrDelay", "ArrDel15",
"CRSElapsedTime", "Distance")

# Specify the locations for the data

bigAirData <- "C:/Microsoft/Data/AirOnTime87to12/AirOnTime87to12.xdf"
airData7Pct <- "C:/Microsoft/Data/AirOnTime7Pct.xdf"

rxDataStep(inData = bigAirData, outFile = airData7Pct,
rowSelection = as.logical(rbinom(.rxNumRows, 1, .07)),
varsToKeep = airVarsToKeep, blocksPerRead = 40,
overwrite = TRUE)
## End(Not run)
CensusUS5Pct2000: IPUMS 2000 U.S. Census Data
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The IPUMS 5% sample of the 2000 U.S. Census data in .xdf format.

An .xdf file with 14,058,983 observations on 264 variables. For a complete description of the variables, see .

The data in CensusUS5Pct2000 comes from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS ) 5% 2000 U.S.
Census sample, produced and maintained by the Minnesota Population Center at the University of Minnesota. The
full data set at the time of initial conversion contained 14,583,731 rows with 265 variables. This data was converted
to the .xdf format in 2006, using the SPSS dictionary provided on the IPUMS web site to obtain variable labels,
value labels, and value codes. Variable names in the .xdf file are all lower case but are upper case in the IPUMS
dictionary. In this version of the sample, observations with probability weights ( perwt ) equal to 0 have been
removed. The "q" variables such as qage that take the values of 0 and 4 in the original data have been converted
to logicals for more efficient storage. It was compressed and updated to a current .xdf file format in 2013.
This data set is available for download, but is not included in the standard RevoScaleR distribution. It is, however,
used in several documentation examples and demo scripts. You are free to use this file (and subsamples of it)
subject to the restrictions imposed by IPUMS, but do so at your own risk.

Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota. Integration Public Use Microdata Series. .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

## Not run:

dataPath = "C:/Microsoft/Data"
bigCensusData <- file.path(dataPath, "CensusUS5Pct2000.xdf")
censusEarly20s <- file.path(dataPath, "CensusEarly20s.xdf")
rxDataStep(inData = bigCensusData, outFile = censusEarly20s,
rowSelection = age >= 20 & age <= 25,
varsToKeep = c("age", "incwage", "perwt", "sex", "wkswork1"))
rxGetInfo(censusEarly20s, getVarInfo = TRUE)
## End(Not run)
CensusWorkers: Subset of IPUMS 2000 U.S. Census
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

A small subset of the IPUMS 5% sample of the 2000 U.S. Census data containing information on the working
population from Connecticut, Indiana, and Washington.

An .xdf file with 351121 observations on the following 6 variables.

integer variable containing ages.


integer variable containing wage and salary income. The value 999999 from the original data has been converted
to missing.

integer variable containing person weights, that is, a frequency weight for each person record. This is treated as
integer data in R.

factor variable sex with levels Male and Female .


integer variable containing the weeks worked the previous year.


factor variable containing the state with levels Connecticut , Indiana , and Washington .

The 5% 2000 U.S. Census sample is a stratified 5% sample of households, produced and maintained by the
Minnesota Population Center at the University of Minnesota as part of the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series,
or IPUMS. The full data set contains 14,583,731 rows with 265 variables. This data was converted to the .xdf
format, using the SPSS dictionary provided on the IPUMS web site to obtain variable labels, value labels, and
value codes. The subsample was taken using the following rowSelection:
(age >= 20) & (age <= 65) & (wkswork1 > 20) & ``(stateicp == "Connecticut" | stateicp == "Washington" |
stateicp == "Indiana")

Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota. Integration Public Use Microdata Series. .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),
rxSummary(~ age + incwage, data = censusWorkers)
claims: Auto Insurance Claims Data
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Observations on automobile insurance claims.

An .xdf file with 127 observations on the following 6 variables.

integer containing the row numbers.


driver's age (stored as a factor).


car's age (stored as a factor).


type of claim (stored as a factor).


cost of each claim (stored as a float32).


number of claims per driver (stored as a float32).

The claims.xdf file is an .xdf version of the claims data frame used in the White Book (Statistical Models in S ). The
claims.txt file is a comma-separated text version of the same data. The file claimsExtra.txt is a simulated data set
with four additional observations of the original six variables.

Baxter, L.A., Coutts, S.M., and Ross, G.A.F. (1980) Applications of Linear Models in Motor Insurance. Proceedings of
the 21st International Congress of Actuaries, Zurich, 11-29.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

John M. Chambers and Trevor Hastie, Ed., (1992) Statistical Models in S. Belmont, CA. Wadsworth.

claims <- rxDataStep(inData = file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),
rxSummary(~ age + car.age, data = claims)
DJIAdaily: Dow Jones Industrial Average Data
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Daily data for the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

An .xdf file with 20,636 observations on the following 13 variables.

character string containing the date.


opening value (stored as float).


high value of day (stored as float).


low value of day (stored as float).


closing value (stored as float).


daily volume (stored as float).


closing value adjusted for stock splits and dividends (stored as float).

integer value for year (1928 - 2010).


integer value for month (1 - 12).


integer value for day of month (1 - 31).


character string containing day of week.


integer for number of days since Jan. 1, 1928.


fractional year (1928 + DaysSince1928/365.25) (stored as float).

The DJIAdaily.xdf file is an .xdf containing daily information on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.


Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

DJIAdaily <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "DJIAdaily.xdf")
rxGetInfo(DJIAdaily, getVarInfo = TRUE)
Kyphosis: Data on a Post-Operative Spinal Defect
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The kyphosis data in .xdf format.

An .xdf file with 81 observations on 4 variables. For a complete description of the variables, see kyphosis.

John M. Chambers and Trevor Hastie, Ed., (1992) Statistical Models in S. Belmont, CA. Wadsworth.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

Kyphosis <- rxDataStep(inData = file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),
rxSummary(~ Kyphosis + Age + Number + Start, data = Kyphosis)
mortDefaultSmall: Smaller Mortgage Default
Demonstration Data
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Simulated data on mortgage defaults.

An .xdf file with 50000 observations on the following 6 variables.

FICO credit scores (stored as an integer).


house age, by range (stored as integer).


years employed at current employer (stored as integer).


the amount of debt (stored as integer).


year of the observation (stored as integer).


1 if the homeowner was in default on the loan, 0 otherwise (stored as an integer).

This data set simulates mortgage default data. The data set is created by looping over the input data files
mortDefaultSmall200x.csv, each of which contains a year's worth of simulated data.

Microsoft Corporation.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

mortDefaultSmall <- rxDataStep(data = file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),
rxSummary(~ creditScore + houseAge, data = mortDefaultSmall)
as.gbm: Conversion of an rxBTrees, rxDTree, or rpart
object to an gbm Object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Converts objects containing decision tree results to an gbm object.

## S3 method for class `rxBTrees':
as.gbm (x, ...)
## S3 method for class `rxDTree':
as.gbm (x, ...)
## S3 method for class `rpart':
as.gbm (x, use.weight = TRUE, cat.start = 0L, shrinkage = 1.0, ...)


object of class rxBTrees, rxDTree, or rpart.


a logical value (default being TRUE ) specifying if the majority splitting direction at a node should be decided based
on the sum of case weights or the number of observations when the split variable at the node is a factor or ordered
factor but a certain level is not present (or not defined for the factor).

an integer specifying the starting position to add the categorical splits from the current tree in the list of all the
categorical splits in the collection of trees.

numeric scalar specifying the learning rate of the boosting procedure for the current tree.

additional arguments to be passed directly to as.gbm.rpart .

These functions convert an existing object of class rxBTrees, rxDTree, or rpart to an object of class gbm , respectively.
The underlying structure of the output object will be a subset of that produced by an equivalent call to gbm . In
many cases, this method can be used to coerce an object for use with the pmml package. RevoScaleR model
objects that contain transforms or a transformFunc are not supported.

an object of class gbm.
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxBTrees, rxDTree, rpart, gbm, as.rpart.

## Not run:

# If the pmml and the gbm packages are installed


mydata <- infert

form <- case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced
ntree <- 2

fit.btrees <- rxBTrees(form, data = mydata, nTree = ntree,

lossFunction = "gaussian", learningRate = 0.1)
fit.btrees.gbm <- as.gbm(fit.btrees)
predict(fit.btrees.gbm, newdata = mydata, n.trees = ntree)

fit.gbm <- gbm(form, data = mydata, n.trees = ntree,

distribution = "gaussian", shrinkage = 0.1)
predict(fit.gbm, newdata = mydata, n.trees = ntree)
## End(Not run)
as.glm: Conversion of a RevoScaleR rxLogit or rxGlm
object to a glm Object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Converts objects containing generalized linear model results to a glm object.

## S3 method for class `rxLogit':
as.glm (x, ...)
## S3 method for class `rxGlm':
as.glm (x, ...)


object of class rxLogit or rxGlm.


additional arguments (currently not used).

This function converts an existing object of class rxLogit or rxGlm to an object of class glm. The underlying
structure of the output object will be a subset of that produced by an equivalent call to glm. In many cases, this
method can be used to coerce an object for use with the pmml package. RevoScaleR model objects that contain
transforms or a transformFunc are not supported.

an object of class lm.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxLogit, rxGlm, glm, as.lm, as.kmeans, as.rpart, as.xtabs.

## Not run:

# If the pmml package is installed

form <- case ~ age + parity + spontaneous + induced
rxObj <- rxLogit(form, data=infert, reportProgress = 0)
## End(Not run)
as.kmeans: Conversion of a RevoScaleR rxKmeans
object to a kmeans Object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Converts objects containing RevoScaleR -computed k-means clusters to an R kmeans object.

## S3 method for class `rxKmeans':
as.kmeans (x, ...)


object of class "rxKmeans" .


additional arguments (currently not used).

This function converts an existing object of class "rxKmeans" an object of class "kmeans" . The underlying structure
of the output object will be a subset of that produced by an equivalent call to kmeans . In many cases, this method
can be used to coerce an object for use with the pmml package. RevoScaleR model objects that contain
transforms or a transformFunc are not supported.

an object of class "kmeans" .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
as.lm, as.glm, as.rpart, as.xtabs, rxKmeans.

## Not run:

# If the pmml package is installed

form <- ~ height + weight
irow <- unique(, 4L, replace = TRUE))[seq(2)]
centers <- women[irow,, drop = FALSE]
rxKmeansObj <- rxKmeans(form, data = women, centers = centers)
## End(Not run)
as.lm: Conversion of a RevoScaleR rxLinMod object
to an lm Object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Converts objects containing linear model results to an lm object.

## S3 method for class `rxLinMod':
as.lm (x, ...)


object of class rxLinMod.


additional arguments (currently not used).

This function converts an existing object of class rxLinMod an object of class lm. The underlying structure of the
output object will be a subset of that produced by an equivalent call to lm. In many cases, this method can be used
to coerce an object for use with the pmml package. RevoScaleR model objects that contain transforms or a
transformFunc are not supported.

an object of class lm.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxLinMod, lm, as.glm, as.kmeans, as.rpart, as.xtabs.

## Not run:

# If the pmml package is installed

rxObj <- rxLinMod(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length, data=iris)
## End(Not run)
as.naiveBayes: Conversion of a RevoScaleR
rxNaiveBayes object to a e1071 naiveBayes object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Converts RevoScaleR rxNaiveBayes objects to a (limited) e1071 naiveBayes object.

## S3 method for class `rxNaiveBayes':
as.naiveBayes (x, ...)


object of class rxNaiveBayes.


additional arguments (currently not used).

This function converts an existing object of class rxNaiveBayes to an object of class naiveBayes in the e1071
package. The underlying structure of the output object will be a subset of that produced by an equivalent call to
naiveBayes . RevoScaleR model objects that contain transforms or a transformFunc are not supported.

an object of class naiveBayes from e1071.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxNaiveBayes, as.lm, as.kmeans, as.glm, as.gbm, as.xtabs.

## Not run:

# If the e1071 package is installed

rxBayes1 <- rxNaiveBayes(Kyphosis ~ Start + Age + Number + Start, data = kyphosis)
## End(Not run)
as.randomForest: Conversion of an rxDForest,
rxDTree, or rpart object to an randomForest Object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Converts objects containing decision tree results to an randomForest object.

## S3 method for class `rxDForest':
as.randomForest (x, ...)
## S3 method for class `rxDTree':
as.randomForest (x, ...)
## S3 method for class `rpart':
as.randomForest (x, use.weight = TRUE, ties.method = c("random", "first", "last"), ...)


object of class rxDForest, rxDTree, or rpart.


a logical value (default being TRUE ) specifying if the majority splitting direction at a node should be decided based
on the sum of case weights or the number of observations when the split variable at the node is a factor or ordered
factor but a certain level is not present (or not defined for the factor).

a character string specifying how ties are handled when deciding the majority direction, with the default being
"random" . Refer to max.col for details.


additional arguments to be passed directly to as.randomForest.rpart .

These functions convert an existing object of class rxDForest, rxDTree, or rpart to an object of class randomForest ,
respectively. The underlying structure of the output object will be a subset of that produced by an equivalent call to
randomForest . In many cases, this method can be used to coerce an object for use with the pmml package.
RevoScaleR model objects that contain transforms or a transformFunc are not supported.

an object of class randomForest.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxDForest, rxDTree, rpart, randomForest, as.rpart.

## Not run:

# If the pmml and the randomForest packages are installed


mydata <- infert

form <- case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced
ntree <- 2

fit.dforest <- rxDForest(form, data = mydata, nTree = ntree) #, cp = 0.01, seed = 1

fit.dforest.rforest <- as.randomForest(fit.dforest)
predict(fit.dforest.rforest, newdata = mydata)

fit.rforest <- randomForest(form, data = mydata, ntree = ntree)

predict(fit.rforest, newdata = mydata)
## End(Not run)
as.rpart: Conversion of a RevoScaleR rxDTree object
to an rpart Object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Converts objects containing decision tree results to an rpart object.

## S3 method for class `rxDTree':
as.rpart (x, ...)


object of class rxDTree.


additional arguments (currently not used).

This function converts an existing object of class rxDTree an object of class rpart . The underlying structure of the
output object will be a subset of that produced by an equivalent call to rpart . In many cases, this method can be
used to coerce an object for use with the pmml package. RevoScaleR model objects that contain transforms or
a transformFunc are not supported.

an object of class rpart.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxDTree, as.lm, as.kmeans, as.glm, as.xtabs.

## Not run:

# If the pmml package is installed

infert.nrow <- nrow(infert)
infert.sub <- sample(infert.nrow, infert.nrow / 2)
infert.dtree <- rxDTree(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert[infert.sub, ], cp = 0.01)
## End(Not run)
as.xtabs: Conversion of a RevoScaleR Cross
Tabulation Object to an xtabs Object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Converts objects containing cross tabulation results to an xtabs object.

## S3 method for class `rxCrossTabs':
as.xtabs (x, ...)
## S3 method for class `rxCube':
as.xtabs (x, ...)


object of class rxCrossTabs or rxCube.


additional arguments (currently not used).

This function converts an existing object of class rxCrossTabs or rxCube into an xtabs object. The underlying
structure of the output object will be the same as that produced by an equivalent call to xtabs. However, you
should expect the "call" attribute to be different, since it is a copy of the original call stored in the rxCrossTabs
or rxCube input object. In many cases, this method can be used to coerce an object for use with the pmml
package. RevoScaleR model objects that contain transforms or a transformFunc are not supported.

an object of class xtabs.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxCrossTabs, rxCube, xtabs, as.lm, as.kmeans, as.rpart, as.glm.

# Define function to compare xtabs and as.xtabs output
"as.xtabs.check" <- function(convertedXtabsObject, xtabsObject)
attr(convertedXtabsObject, "call") <- attr(xtabsObject, "call") <- NULL
all.equal(convertedXtabsObject, xtabsObject)

# Create a data set

divs <- letters[1:5]
glads <- c("spartacus", "crixus")
romeDF <- data.frame( division = rep(divs, 5L),
score = runif(25, min = 0, max = 10),
rank = runif(25, min = 1, max = 100),
gladiator = c(rep(glads[1L], 12L), rep(glads[2L], 13L)),
arena = sample(c("colosseum", "ludus", "market"), 25L, replace = TRUE))

# Compare xtabs and as.xtabs(rxCrossTabs(..., returnXtabs = FALSE))

# results for a 3-way interaction with no dependent variables
z1 <- rxCrossTabs(~ division : gladiator : arena, data = romeDF, returnXtabs = FALSE)
z2 <- xtabs(~ division + gladiator + arena, romeDF)
as.xtabs.check(as.xtabs(z1), z2) # TRUE

# Compare xtabs and as.xtabs(rxCube(...)) results for a 3-way interaction

# with no dependent variable
z1 <- rxCube(~ division : gladiator : arena, data = romeDF, means = FALSE)
z2 <- xtabs(~ division + gladiator + arena, romeDF)
as.xtabs.check(as.xtabs(z1), z2) # TRUE
prune.rxDTree: Pruning an rxDTree Decision Tree
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Prune a decision tree created by rxDTree and return the smaller tree.

prune.rxDTree(tree, cp, ... )


object returned from a call to rxDTree .


a complexity parameter specifying the complexity at which to prune the tree. Generally, you should examine the
cptable component of the tree object to determine a suitable value for cp .


additional arguments to be passed to other methods. (There are, in fact, no other methods called by prune.rxDTree

The prune.rxDTree function can be used as a prune method for objects of class rxDTree , provided the rpart
package is attached prior to attaching RevoScaleR.

an object of class "rxDTree" representing the pruned tree. It is a list with components similar to those of class
"rpart" with the following distinctions:

where - A vector of integers indicating the node to which each point is allocated. This information is always
returned if the data source is a data frame. If the data source is not a data frame and outFile is specified. i.e.,
not NULL , the node indices are written/appended to the specified file with a column name as defined by
outColName .

For other components, see rpart.object for details.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
Breiman, L., Friedman, J. H., Olshen, R. A. and Stone, C. J. (1984) Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth.
Therneau, T. M. and Atkinson, E. J. (2011) An Introduction to Recursive Partitioning Using the RPART Routines. .

Yael Ben-Haim and Elad Tom-Tov (2010) A streaming parallel decision tree algorithm. Journal of Machine Learning
Research 11, 849--872.

See Also
rpart, rpart.control, rpart.object.

claimsData <- file.path(system.file("SampleData", package="RevoScaleR"), "claims.xdf")
claimsTree <- rxDTree(type ~ cost + number, data=claimsData, minSplit=20)
claimsTreePruned <- prune.rxDTree(claimsTree, cp=0.04)
rxAddInheritance: Add Inheritance to Compatible
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Add a specific S3 class to the "class" of a compatible object.

rxAddInheritance(x, inheritanceClass, ...)

## S3 method for class `rxDTree':

rxAddInheritance (x, inheritanceClass = "rpart", ... )


the object to which inheritance is to be added. Specifically, for rxAddInheritance.rxDTree , an object of class
rxDTree .


the class to be inherited from. Specifically, for rxAddInheritance.rxDTree , the class "rpart" .

additional arguments to be passed directly to other methods.

The rxAddInheritance function is designed to be a general way to add inheritance to S3 objects that are
compatible with the class for which inheritance is to be added. Note, however, that this approach is exactly as
dangerous and error-prone as simply calling class(x) <- c(class(x), inheritanceClass) .
It is expected that classes that are designed to mimic existing R classes, but not rely on them, will have their own
specific rxAddInheritance methods to add the R class inheritance on request.
In the case of rxDTree objects, these were designed to be compatible with the "rpart" class. so adding rpart
inheritance is guaranteed to work.

The original object, modified to include inheritanceClass as part of its "class" attribute.
In the case of rxDTree objects, the object may also be modified to include the functions component if it was
previously NULL .
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

mtcarTree <- rxDTree(mpg ~ disp, data=mtcars)
mtcarRpart <- rxAddInheritance(mtcarTree)
rxBTrees: Parallel External Memory Algorithm for
Stochastic Gradient Boosted Decision Trees
6/18/2018 • 13 minutes to read • Edit Online

Fit stochastic gradient boosted decision trees on an .xdf file or data frame for small or large data using parallel
external memory algorithm.

rxBTrees(formula, data,
outFile = NULL, writeModelVars = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE,
pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, cost = NULL,
minSplit = NULL, minBucket = NULL, maxDepth = 1, cp = 0,
maxCompete = 0, maxSurrogate = 0, useSurrogate = 2, surrogateStyle = 0,
nTree = 10, mTry = NULL, replace = FALSE,
strata = NULL, sampRate = NULL, importance = FALSE, seed =$integer.max, 1),
lossFunction = "bernoulli", learningRate = 0.1,
maxNumBins = NULL, maxUnorderedLevels = 32, removeMissings = FALSE,
useSparseCube = rxGetOption("useSparseCube"), findSplitsInParallel = TRUE,
scheduleOnce = FALSE,
rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL, transformFunc = NULL,
transformVars = NULL, transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"), reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
verbose = 0, computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),
... )

## S3 method for class `rxBTrees':

print (x, by.class = FALSE, ... )

## S3 method for class `rxBTrees':

plot (x, type = "l", lty = 1:5, lwd = 1, pch = NULL, col = 1:6,
main = deparse(substitute(x)), by.class = FALSE, ... )


formula as described in rxFormula. Currently, formula functions are not supported.


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

either an RxXdfData data source object or a character string specifying the .xdf file for storing the resulting OOB
predictions. If NULL or the input data is a data frame, then no OOB predictions are stored to disk. If rowSelection
is specified and not NULL , then outFile cannot be the same as the data since the resulting set of OOB
predictions will generally not have the same number of rows as the original data source.
logical value. If TRUE , and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to
the output file in addition to the OOB predictions. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the
model, the transformed variables will also be written out.

logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile with an existing column named outColName will be overwritten.

character string specifying the variable of numeric values to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable of integer values to use as frequency weights for the observations.

a vector of non-negative costs, containing one element for each variable in the model. Defaults to one for all
variables. When deciding which split to choose, the improvement on splitting on a variable is divided by its cost.

the minimum number of observations that must exist in a node before a split is attempted. By default, this is
sqrt(num of obs) . For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this
argument directly.

the minimum number of observations in a terminal node (or leaf). By default, this is minSplit /3.

the maximum depth of any tree node. The computations take much longer at greater depth, so lowering
maxDepth can greatly speed up computation time.


numeric scalar specifying the complexity parameter. Any split that does not decrease overall lack-of-fit by at least
cp is not attempted.


the maximum number of competitor splits retained in the output. These are useful model diagnostics, as they
allow you to compare splits in the output with the alternatives.

the maximum number of surrogate splits retained in the output. See the Details for a description of how
surrogate splits are used in the model fitting. Setting this to 0 can greatly improve the performance of the
algorithm; in some cases almost half the computation time is spent in computing surrogate splits.

an integer specifying how surrogates are to be used in the splitting process:

0 - display-only; observations with a missing value for the primary split variable are not sent further down
the tree.
1 - use surrogates,in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are
missing, the observation is not split.
2 - use surrogates, in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are
missing or maxSurrogate=0 , send the observation in the majority direction.
The 0 value corresponds to the behavior of the tree function, and 2 (the default) corresponds to the
recommendations of Breiman et al.

an integer controlling selection of a best surrogate. The default, 0 , instructs the program to use the total number
of correct classifications for a potential surrogate, while 1 instructs the program to use the percentage of correct
classification over the non-missing values of the surrogate. Thus, 0 penalizes potential surrogates with a large
number of missing values.

a positive integer specifying the number of boosting iterations, which is generally the number of trees to grow
except for multinomial loss function, where the number of trees to grow for each boosting iteration is equal to
the number of levels of the categorical response.

a positive integer specifying the number of variables to sample as split candidates at each tree node. The default
values is sqrt(num of vars) for classification and (num of vars)/3 for regression.

a logical value specifying if the sampling of observations should be done with or without replacement.

a character string specifying the (factor) variable to use for stratified sampling.

a scalar or a vector of positive values specifying the percentage(s) of observations to sample for each tree:
for unstratified sampling: a scalar of positive value specifying the percentage of observations to sample for
each tree. The default is 1.0 for sampling with replacement (i.e., replace=TRUE ) and 0.632 for sampling without
replacement (i.e., replace=FALSE ).
for stratified sampling: a vector of positive values of length equal to the number of strata specifying the
percentages of observations to sample from the strata for each tree.

a logical value specifying if the importance of predictors should be assessed.


an integer that will be used to initialize the random number generator. The default is random. For reproducibility,
you can specify the random seed either using set.seed or by setting this seed argument as part of your call.

character string specifying the name of the loss function to use. The following options are currently supported:
"gaussian" - regression: for numeric responses.
"bernoulli" - regression: for 0 -1 responses.
"multinomial" - classification: for categorical responses with two or more levels.


numeric scalar specifying the learning rate of the boosting procedure.


the maximum number of bins to use to cut numeric data. The default is min(1001, max(101, sqrt(num of obs))) .
For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this argument directly. If
set to 0 , unit binning will be used instead of cutting. See the 'Details' section for more information.

the maximum number of levels allowed for an unordered factor predictor for multiclass (>2) classification.

logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values are removed and will not be included in the output data.

logical value. If TRUE , sparse cube is used.


logical value. If TRUE , optimal splits for each node are determined using parallelization methods; this will typically
speed up computation as the number of nodes on the same level is increased. Note that when it is TRUE , the
number of nodes being processed in parallel is also printed to the console, interleaved with the number of rows
read from the input data set.

EXPERIMENTAL. logical value. If TRUE , rxBTrees will be run with rxExec, which submits only one job to the
scheduler and thus can speed up computation on small data sets particularly in the RxHadoopMR compute

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in
which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. The ".rxSetLowHigh" attribute must be set for transformed variables if they are
to be used in formula . See rxTransform for details.

character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.
user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during calculations. Integer values from 1 to 2 provide
increasing amounts of information are provided.

a valid RxComputeContext. The RxHadoopMR compute context distributes the computation among the nodes
specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if possible on the
local computer.

integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file. The
higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller files but a longer time to create
them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will be compatible with the 6.0
release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be used.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine and to rxExec when
scheduleOnce is set to TRUE .

an object of class rxBTrees .

type, lty, lwd, pch, col, main

see plot.default and matplot for details.


(classification with multinomial loss function only) logical value. If TRUE , the out-of-bag error estimate will be
broken down by classes.

rxBTrees is a parallel external memory algorithm for stochastic gradient boosted decision trees targeted for very
large data sets. It is based on the gradient boosting machine of Jerome Friedman and Trevor Hastie and Robert
Tibshirani and modeled after the gbm package of Greg Ridgeway with contributions from others, using the tree-
fitting algorithm introduced in rxDTree.
In a decision forest, a number of decision trees are fit to bootstrap samples of the original data. Observations
omitted from a given bootstrap sample are termed "out-of-bag" observations. For a given observation, the
decision forest prediction is determined by the result of sending the observation through all the trees for which it
is out-of-bag. For classification, the prediction is the class to which a majority assigned the observation, and for
regression, the prediction is the mean of the predictions.
For each tree, the out-of-bag observations are fed through the tree to estimate out-of-bag error estimates. The
reported out-of-bag error estimates are cumulative (that is, the ith element represents the out-of-bag error
estimate for all trees through the ith).

an object of class "rxBTrees" inherited from class "rxDForest" . It is a list with the following components, similar
to those of class "rxDForest" :

The number of trees.


The number of variables tried at each split.


One of "class" (for classification) or "anova" (for regression).


a list containing the entire forest.


a data frame containing the out-of-bag error estimate. For classification forests, this includes the OOB error
estimate, which represents the proportion of times the predicted class is not equal to the true class, and the
cumulative number of out-of-bag observations for the forest. For regression forests, this includes the OOB error
estimate, which here represents the sum of squared residuals of the out-of-bag observations divided by the
number of out-of-bag observations, the number of out-of-bag observations, the out-of-bag variance, and the
"pseudo-R -Squared", which is 1 minus the quotient of the oob.err and oob.var .

The initial prediction value(s).


The input parameters passed to the underlying code.


The input formula.


The original call to rxBTrees .

Like rxDTree, rxBTrees requires multiple passes over the data set and the maximum number of passes can be
computed as follows for loss functions other than multinomial :
quantile computation: 1 pass for computing the quantiles for all continuous variables,
recursive partition: maxDepth + 1 passes per tree for building the tree on the entire dataset,
leaf prediction estimation: 1 pass per tree for estimating the optimal terminal node predictions,
out-of-bag prediction: 1 pass per tree for computing the out-of-bag error estimates.

For multinomial loss function, the number of passes except for the quantile computation needs to be multiplied
by the number of levels of the categorical response.
rxBTrees uses random streams and RNGs in parallel computation for sampling. Different threads on different
nodes will be using different random streams so that different but equivalent results might be obtained for
different number of threads.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire (1997) A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to
boosting. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 55(1), 119--139.
G. Ridgeway (1999). The state of boosting. Computing Science and Statistics 31, 172--181.
J.H. Friedman, T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani (2000). Additive Logistic Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting. Annals
of Statistics 28(2), 337--374.
J.H. Friedman (2001). Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine. Annals of Statistics 29(5),
J.H. Friedman (2002). Stochastic Gradient Boosting. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 38(4), 367--378.
Greg Ridgeway with contributions from others, gbm: Generalized Boosted Regression Models (R package),

See Also
rxDForest, rxDForestUtils, rxPredict.rxDForest.


# multi-class classification
iris.sub <- c(sample(1:50, 25), sample(51:100, 25), sample(101:150, 25))
iris.form <- Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width
iris.btrees <- rxBTrees(iris.form, data = iris[iris.sub, ], nTree = 50,
importance = TRUE, lossFunction = "multinomial", learningRate = 0.1)

plot(iris.btrees, by.class = TRUE)

iris.pred <- rxPredict(iris.btrees, iris[-iris.sub, ], type = "class")

table(iris.pred[["Species_Pred"]], iris[-iris.sub, "Species"])

# binary response
kyphosis.nrow <- nrow(kyphosis)
kyphosis.sub <- sample(kyphosis.nrow, kyphosis.nrow / 2)
kyphosis.form <- Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start
kyphosis.btrees <- rxBTrees(kyphosis.form, data = kyphosis[kyphosis.sub, ],
maxDepth = 6, minSplit = 2, nTree = 50,
lossFunction = "bernoulli", learningRate = 0.1)


kyphosis.prob <- rxPredict(kyphosis.btrees, kyphosis[-kyphosis.sub, ], type = "response")

table(kyphosis.prob[["Kyphosis_prob"]] > 0.5, kyphosis[-kyphosis.sub, "Kyphosis"])

# regression with .xdf file

claims.xdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.xdf")
claims.form <- cost ~ age + car.age + type
claims.btrees <- rxBTrees(claims.form, data = claims.xdf,
maxDepth = 6, minSplit = 2, nTree = 50,
lossFunction = "gaussian", learningRate = 0.1)

rxCancelJob: Cancel Distributed Computing Job
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Causes R to cancel an existing distributed computing job.

rxCancelJob( jobInfo, consoleOutput = NULL)


a jobInfo object, such as that returned by rxExec or one of the RevoScaleR analysis functions in a non-waiting
compute context, or the current contents of the rxgLastPendingJob object.

If NULL , the consoleOutput value assigned to the job by the compute context at launch is used. If TRUE , any
console output present at the time the job is canceled is displayed. If FALSE , no console output is displayed.

This funtion does not attempt to retrieve any output objects; if the output is desired, the consoleOutput flag can be
used to display it. This function does, however, remove all job-related artifacts from the distributed computing
resources, including any job results.
On Windows, if you press ESC to interrupt a job and then call rxCancelJob , you may get an error message if the
job was not completely submitted before you pressed ESC.

TRUE if the job is successfully canceled; FALSE otherwise.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxGetJobs, RxHadoopMR.

## Not run:

rxCancelJob( rxgLastPendingJob, consoleOutput = TRUE )

rxCancelJob( myNonWaitingJob, consoleOutput = FALSE )
## End(Not run)
rxChiSquaredTest: Chi-squared Test, Fisher's Exact
Test, and Kendall's Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Chi-squared Test, Fisher's Exact Test, and Kendall's Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient

rxChiSquaredTest(x, ...)
rxFisherTest(x, ...)
rxKendallCor(x, type = "b", seed = NULL, ...)


an object of class xtabs, rxCrossTabs, or rxCube.


character string specifying the version of Kendall's correlation. Supported types are "a" , "b" or "c" .

seed for random number generator. If NULL , the seed is not set.

additional arguments to the underlying function.

an object of class rxMultiTest.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxMultiTest, rxPairwiseCrossTab, rxRiskRatio, rxOddsRatio.

# Create a data frame with admissions data
Admit <- factor(c(rep('Admitted', 46), rep('Rejected', 668)))
Gender <- factor(c(rep('M', 22), rep('F', 24), rep('M', 351), rep('F', 317)))
Admissions <- data.frame(Admit, Gender)

# For most efficient computations, return an xtabs object from rxCrossTabs

adminXtabs <- rxCrossTabs(~Admit:Gender, data = Admissions, returnXtabs = TRUE)
rxKendallCor(adminXtabs, type = "b")
rxCleanupJobs: Cleanup of a Distributed Computing
Job or Jobs.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Removes artifacts created while executing a distributed computing job.

rxCleanupJobs(jobInfoList, force = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)


rxJobInfo object or a list of job objects that can be obtained from rxGetJobs.

logical scalar. If TRUE , forces removal of job directories even if there are retrievable results or if the current job
state is undetermined.

logical scalar. If TRUE , will print the directories/records being deleted.

If jobInfoList is a jobInfo object, rxCleanupJobs attempts to remove the artifacts. However, if the job has
successfully completed and force=FALSE , rxCleanupJobs issues a warning saying to either set force=TRUE or use
rxGetJobResults to get the results and delete the artifacts.
If jobInfoList is a list of jobs, rxCleanupJobs attempts to apply the cleanup rules for a single job to each element
in the list.

This function is called for its side effects (removing job artifacts); it does not have a useful return value.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxGetJobs, rxGetJobOutput, RxSpark, RxHadoopMR, rxGetJobResults

## Not run:

rxCleanupJobs(jobInfoList = myJobs, force = TRUE)

## End(Not run)
rxCompareContexts: Compare Two Compute Context
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Determines if two compute contexts are equivalent.

rxCompareContexts(context1, context2, exactMatch = FALSE)


The first compute context to be compared.


The second compute context to be compared.


Determines if compute contexts are matched simply by the location specified for the compute context, or by all
fields in the full compute context. The location is specified by the headNode (if available) and shareDir parameters.
See Details for more information.

If exactMatch=FALSE , only the shared directory shareDir and the cluster head name headNode (if available) are
compared. Otherwise, all slots are compared. However, if the nodes slot in either compute context is NULL , that
slot is also omitted from the comparison. Note also that case is ignored for node name comparisons, and for LSF
node lists, near matching of node names and partial domain information will be used when comparing node

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

## Not run:

rxCompareContexts( myContext1, myContext2 )

## End(Not run)
rxCompressXdf: Compress .xdf files
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Compress one or more .xdf files

rxCompressXdf(inFile, outFile = NULL, xdfCompressionLevel = 1, overwrite = FALSE, reportProgress =


An .xdf file name, an RxXdfData data source, a directory containing .xdf files, or a vector of .xdf file names or
RxXdfData data sources to compress

An .xdf file name, an RxXdfData data source, a directory, or a vector of .xdf file names or RxXdfData data sources to
contain the compressed files.

integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller
files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will
be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be

If outFile is specified and is different from inFile , overwrite must be set to TRUE in order to have outFile

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.

rxCompressXdf uses ZLIB to compress .xdf files in blocks. The auto compression level of -1 is equivalent to
approximately 6. Typically setting the xdfCompressionLevel to 1 will provide an adequate amount of compression
at the fastest speed.
A vector of RxXdfData data sources

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxImport, rxDataStep, RxXdfData,


# Get location of sample uncompressed .xdf file

sampleXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "AirlineDemoSmallUC.xdf")

# Create name for a temporary file

compressXdf <- tempfile(pattern = ".rxCompress", fileext = ".xdf")

# Create a new compressed .xdf file from the sample file

newDS <- rxCompressXdf(inFile = sampleXdf, outFile = compressXdf, xdfCompressionLevel = 1)

# Get information about files and compare sizes

sampleFileInfo <-
compressFileInfo <-

# Clean-up
RxComputeContext-class: Class RxComputeContext
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Base class for all RevoScaleR Compute Contexts.

Objects from the Class

A virtual class: No objects may be created from it.

The generator for classes that extend RxComputeContext is RxComputeContext.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxHadoopMR, RxSpark, RxInSqlServer, RxLocalSeq, RxLocalParallel, RxForeachDoPar.

myComputeContext <- RxComputeContext("local")
is(myComputeContext, "RxComputeContext")
# [1] TRUE
is(myComputeContext, "RxLocalSeq")
# [1] TRUE
RxComputeContext: RevoScaleR Compute
Contexts: Class Generator
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is the main generator for RxComputeContext S4 classes.

RxComputeContext( computeContext, ...)


character string specifying class name or description of the specific class to instantiate, or an existing
RxComputeContext object. Choices include: "RxLocalSeq" or "local", "RxLocalParallel" or "localpar", "RxSpark"
or "spark", "RxHadoopMR" or "hadoopmr", "RxInSqlServer" or "sqlserver", and "RxForeachDoPar" or

any other arguments are passed to the class generator determined from context .

This is a wrapper to specific class generator functions for the RevoScaleR compute context classes. For
example, the RxInSqlServer class uses function RxInSqlServer as a generator. Therefore either
RxInSqlServer(...) or RxComputeContext("RxInSqlServer", ...) will create an RxInSqlServer instance.

A type of RxComputeContext compute context object. This object may be used to in rxSetComputeContext
or rxOptions to set the compute context.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxComputeContext-class, RxHadoopMR, RxSpark, RxInSqlServer, RxLocalSeq, RxLocalParallel,
RxForeachDoPar, rxSetComputeContext, rxOptions, rxExec.

# Setup to run analyses on a SQL Server
## Not run:

# Note: for improved security, read connection string from a file, such as
# connectionString <- readLines("connectionString.txt")

connectionString <- "Server=MyServer;Database=MyDatabase;UID=MyUser;PWD=MyPassword"

sqlQuery <- "WITH nb AS (SELECT 0 AS n UNION ALL SELECT n+1 FROM nb where n < 9) SELECT
n1.n+10*n2.n+100*n3.n+1 AS n, ABS(CHECKSUM(NewId()))

myServer <- RxComputeContext("RxInSqlServer",

sqlQuery = sqlQuery, connectionString = connectionString)
rxSetComputeContext(computeContext = myServer )
## End(Not run)
rxCovCor: Covariance/Correlation Matrix
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Calculate the covariance, correlation, or sum of squares / cross-product matrix for a set of variables.

rxCovCor(formula, data, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL,transformEnvir = NULL,
keepAll = TRUE, varTol = 1e-12, type = "Cov",
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)

rxCov(formula, data, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,

transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
keepAll = TRUE, varTol = 1e-12,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)

rxCor(formula, data, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,

transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
keepAll = TRUE, varTol = 1e-12,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)

rxSSCP(formula, data, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,

transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
keepAll = TRUE, varTol = 1e-12,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)

## S3 method for class `rxCovCor':

print (x, header = TRUE, ...)


formula, as described in rxFormula, with all the terms on the right-hand side of the ~ separated by + operators.
Each term may be a single variable, a transformed variable, or the interaction of (transformed) variables separated
by the : operator. e.g. ~ x1 + log(x2) + x3 : x4
either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations. Only one of pweights
and fweights may be specified at a time.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations. Only one of pweights
and fweights may be specified at a time.

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in
which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

logical value. If TRUE , all of the columns are kept in the returned matrix. If FALSE , columns (and corresponding
rows in the returned matrix) that are symbolic linear combinations of other columns, see alias, are dropped.

numeric tolerance used to identify columns in the data matrix that have near zero variance. If the variance of a
column is less than or equal to varTol and keepAll=TRUE , that column is dropped from the data matrix.

character string specifying the type of matrix to return. The supported types are:
"SSCP" : Sums of Squares / Cross Products matrix.
"Cov" : covariance matrix.
"Cor" : correlation matrix.
The type argument is case insensitive, e.g. "SSCP" and "sscp" are equivalent.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


a valid RxComputeContext. The RxSpark and RxHadoopMR compute contexts distribute the computation among
the nodes specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if possible
on the local computer.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.


an object of class "rxCovCor".

logical value. If TRUE , header information is printed.

The rxCovCor , and the appropriate convenience functions rxCov , rxCor and rxSSCP , calculates either the
covariance, Pearson's correlation, or a sums of squares/cross-product matrix, which may or may not use
probability or frequency weights.
The sums of squares/cross-product matrix differs from the other two output types in that an initial column of 1 s
or square root of the weights, if specified, is added to the data matrix prior to multiplication so the first row and
first column must be dropped from the output to obtain the cross-product of just the specified data matrix.

For rxCovCor , an object of class "rxCovCor" with the following list elements:

numeric matrix representing either the (weighted) covariance, correlation, or sum of squares/cross-product.
For type = "Cor" and "Cov", numeric vector of (weighted) standard deviations of the columns. For type = "SSCP",
the standard deviations are not calculated and the return value is numeric(0) .

numeric vector containing the (weighted) column means.


number of valid observations.


number of missing observations.


either the sum of the weights or NA if no weights are specified.


character vector containing the names of the data columns that were dropped during the calculations.

integer vector containing the indices of the data columns that were dropped during the calculations.

parameters sent to Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.


the matched call.


formula as described in rxFormula.

For rxCov , a covariance matrix.
For rxCor , a correlation matrix.
For rxSSCP , a sum of squares/cross-product matrix.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
cov, cor, rxCovData, rxCorData.

# Obtain all components from rxCovCor
form <- ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width
allCov <- rxCovCor(form, data = iris, type = "Cov")

# Direct access to covariance or correlation matrix

rxCov(form, data = iris, reportProgress = 0)
rxCor(form, data = iris, reportProgress = 0)

# Cross-product of data matrix (need to drop first row and column of output)
rxSSCP(form, data = iris, reportProgress = 0)[-1, -1]
rxCovCoef: Covariance and Correlation Matrices for
Linear Model Coefficients and Explanatory Variables
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Obtain covariance and correlation matrices for the coefficient estimates within rxLinMod , rxLogit , and rxGlm
objects and explanatory variables within rxLinMod and rxLogit objects.



object of class rxLinMod , rxLogit , or rxGlm that satisfies conditions in the Details section.

For rxCovCoef and rxCorCoef , the rxLinMod, rxLogit, or rxGlm object must have been fit with covCoef = TRUE
and cube = FALSE . The degrees of freedom must be greater than 0.

For rxCovData and rxCorData , the rxLinMod or rxLogit object must have been fit with an intercept term as well
as with covData = TRUE and cube = FALSE .

If p is the number of columns in the model matrix, then
For rxCovCoef a p x p numeric matrix containing the covariances of the model coefficients.
For rxCorCoef a p x p numeric matrix containing the correlations amongst the model coefficients.
For rxCovData a (p - 1) x (p - 1) numeric matrix containing the covariances of the non-intercept terms in the
model matrix.
For rxCorData a (p - 1) x (p - 1) numeric matrix containing the correlations amongst the non-intercept terms
in the model matrix.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxCovCor.

## Example 1
# Get the covariance matrix of the estimated model coefficients
kyphXdfFileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "kyphosis.xdf")
kyphLogitWithCovCoef <-
rxLogit(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data = kyphXdfFileName,
covCoef = TRUE, reportProgress = 0)

# Compare results with results from stats::glm function

data(kyphosis, package = "rpart")
kyphGlmSummary <-
summary(glm(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data = kyphosis,
family = binomial()))

## Example 2
# Get the covariance matrix of the data
kyphXdfFileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "kyphosis.xdf")
kyphLogitWithCovData <-
rxLogit(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data = kyphXdfFileName,
covData = TRUE, reportProgress = 0)

# Compare results with stats::cov function


## Example 3
# Find the correlation matrices for both the coefficient estimates and the
# explanatory variables
rxCreateColInfo: Function to generate a 'colInfo' list
from a data source
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Generates a colInfo list from a data source that can be used in rxImport or an RxDataSource constructor.

rxCreateColInfo(data, includeLowHigh = FALSE, factorsOnly = FALSE,
varsToKeep = NULL, sortLevels = FALSE, computeInfo = TRUE,
useFactorIndex = FALSE)


An RxDataSource object, a character string containing an .xdf file name, or a data frame. An object returned from
rxGetVarInfo is also supported.

If TRUE , the low/high values will be included in the colInfo object. Note that this will override any actual
low/high values in the data set if the colInfo object is applied to a different data source.

If TRUE , only column information for factor variables will be included in the output.

NULL to include all variables, or character vector of variables to include.


If TRUE , factor levels will be sorted. If factor levels represent integers, they will be put in numeric order.

If TRUE , a pass through the data will be taken for non-xdf data sources in order to compute factor levels and
low/high values.

If TRUE , the factorIndex variable type will be used instead of factor .

This function can be used to ensure consistent factor levels when importing a series of text files to xdf. It is also
useful for repeated analysis on non-xdf data sources.

A colInfo list that can be used as input for rxImport and in data sources such as RxTextData and

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, RxTextData, RxSqlServerData, RxSpssData, RxSasData, RxOdbcData, RxTeradata, RxXdfData,

# Get the low/high values and factor levels before using a data source
# for import or analysis

# Create a text data source, specifying the 'yearsEmploy' should be a factor

mort1 <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "mortDefaultSmall2000.csv")
mort1DS <- RxTextData(file = mort1, colClasses = c(yearsEmploy = "factor", default = "logical"))

# By default, rxCreateColInfo will make a pass through the data to compute factor levels
# and low/high values. We'll also request that the levels be sorted
mortColInfo <- rxCreateColInfo(data = mort1DS, includeLowHigh = TRUE, sortLevels = TRUE)

# Re-create the data source, now using the computed colInfo

mort1DS <- RxTextData(file = mort1, colInfo = mortColInfo)
# Import the data
mort1DF <- rxImport(mort1DS)

# Or use the text data source directly in an analysis

# (not needing a pass through the data to compute the factor levels)
logitObj <- rxLogit(default~yearsEmploy, data = mort1DS)


# Train a model on one imported data set, then score using another
# Train a model on the first year of the data, importing it from text to a data frame

mort1 <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "mortDefaultSmall2000.csv")

mort1DS <- RxTextData(file = mort1, colClasses = c(yearsEmploy = "factor", default = "logical"))
# Since we haven't specified factor levels, they will be created 'first come, first serve'
mort1DF <- rxImport(mort1DS)
# Estimate a logit model
logitObj <- rxLogit(default~yearsEmploy, data = mort1DF)

# Now import the second year of data

mort2 <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "mortDefaultSmall2001.csv")
mort2DS <- RxTextData(file = mort2, colClasses = c(yearsEmploy = "factor", default = "logical"))
mort2DF <- rxImport(mort2DS)
# The levels are in a different order

# If we try to use the model estimated from the first data set to predict on the seoond,
# predOut <- rxPredict(logitObj, data = mort2DF)
# We will get an error
#ERROR: order of factor levels in the data are inconsistent with
#the order of the model coefficients

# Instead, we can extract the colInfo from the first data set
mortColInfo <- rxCreateColInfo(data = mort1DF)
# And use it when importing the second
mort2DS <- RxTextData(file = mort2, colInfo = mortColInfo)
mort2DF <- rxImport(mort2DS)
predOut <- rxPredict(logitObj, data = mort2DF)
rxCrossTabs: Cross Tabulation
6/18/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Use rxCrossTabs to create contingency tables from cross- classifying factors using a formula interface. It
performs equivalent computations to the rxCube function, but returns its results in a different way.

rxCrossTabs(formula, data, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, means = FALSE,
marginals = FALSE, cube = FALSE, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
useSparseCube = rxGetOption("useSparseCube"),
removeZeroCounts = useSparseCube, returnXtabs = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)

## S3 method for class `rxCrossTabs':

print (x, output, header = TRUE, marginals = FALSE,
na.rm = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class `rxCrossTabs':

summary (object, output, type = "%", na.rm = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class `rxCrossTabs':

as.list (x, output, marginals = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class `rxCrossTabs':

mean (x, marginals = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, ...)


formula as described in rxFormula with the categorical cross-classifying variables (separated by : ) on the right
hand side.

either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object containing the cross-
classifying variables.

character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.

logical value. If TRUE , the mean values of the contingency table are also stored in the output object along with
the sums and counts. By default, if the mean values are stored, the print and summary methods display them.
However, the output argument in those methods can be used to override this behavior by setting output equal
to "sums" or "counts" .

logical value. If TRUE , a list of marginal table values is stored as an attribute named "marginals" for each of the
contingency tables. Each marginals list contains entries for the row, column and grand totals or means,
depending on the type of data table. To access them directly, use the rxMarginals function.

logical value. If TRUE , the C++ cube functionality is called.


name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations
in which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. The variables used in the transformation function must be specified in
transformVars if they are not variables used in the model. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

logical value. If TRUE , sparse cube is used. For large crosstab computation, R may run out of memory due to the
resulting expanded contingency tables even if the internal C++ computation succeeds. In which cases, try to use
rxCube instead.

logical flag. If TRUE , rows with no observations will be removed from the contingency tables. By default, it has
the same value as useSparseCube . Please note this affects only those zeroed counts in the final contingency table
for which there are no observations in the input data. However, if the input data contains a row with frequency
zero it will be reported in the final contingency table. This should be set to TRUE if the total number of
combinations of factor values on the right-hand side of the formula is significant and as a result R might run
out of memory when handling the resulting large contingency table.

logical flag. If TRUE , an object of class xtabs is returned. Note that the only difference between the structures of
an equivalent xtabs call output and the output of rxCrossTabs(..., returnXtabs = TRUE) is that they will contain
different "call" attributes. Note also that xtabs expects the cross-classifying variables in the formula to be
separated by plus (+) symbols whereas rxCrossTabs expects them to be separated by a colon (:) symbols.

logical value. If TRUE , NA values are removed when calculating the marginal means of the contingency tables.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value: Options are:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


a valid RxComputeContext. The RxSpark and RxHadoopMR compute contexts distribute the computation among
the nodes specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if
possible on the local computer.

for rxCrossTabs , additional arguments to be passed directly to the base computational function.
x, object

objects of class rxCrossTabs.


character string used to specify the type of output to display. Choices are "sums" , "counts" and "means" .
logical value. If TRUE , header information is printed.

character string used to specify the summary to create. Choices are "%" or "percentages" and "chisquare" to
summarize the cross-tabulation results with percentages or performs a chi-squared test for independence of
factors, respectively.
The output is returned in a list and the print and summary methods can be used to display and summarize the
contingency table(s) contained in each element of the output list. The print method produces an output similar
to that of the xtabs function. The summary method produces a summary table for each output contingency table
and displays the column, row, and total table percentages as well as the counts.

an object of class rxCrossTabs that contains a list of elements described as follows:

list of contingency tables whose values are cross-tabulation sums. This object is NULL if there are no dependent
variables specified in the formula. The names of the list objects are built using the dependent variables specified
in the formula (if they exist) along with the independent variable factor levels corresponding to each contingency
table. For example, z <- rxCrossTabs(ncontrols ~ agegp + alcgp + tobgp, esoph); names(z$sums) will return the
character vector with elements "ncontrols, tobgp = 0-9g/day" , "ncontrols, tobgp = 10-19" ,
"ncontrols, tobgp = 20-29" , "ncontrols, tobgp = 30+" . Typically, the user should rely on the print or summary
methods to display the cross tabulation results but you can also directly access an individual contingency table
using its name in R's standard list data access methods. For example, to access the "ncontrols, tobgp = 10-19"
table containing cross tabulation summations you would use z$sums[["ncontrols, tobgp = 10-19"]] or
equivalently z$sums[[2]] . To print the entire list of cross-tabulation summations one would issue
print(z, output="sums") .


list of contingency tables whose values are cross-tabulation counts. The names of the list objects are equivalent
to those of the 'sums' output list.

list of contingency tables containing cross tabulation mean values. This object is NULL if there are no dependent
variables specified in the formula. The 'means' list is returned only if the user has specified means=TRUE in the
call to rxCrossTabs. If means=FALSE in the call, mean values still may be calculated and returned using the print
and summary methods with an output="means" argument. In this case, the mean values are calculated
dynamically. If you wish to have quick access to the means, use means=TRUE in the call to rxCrossTabs. The names
of the list objects are equivalent to those of the 'sums' output list.

original call to the underlying rxCrossTabs.formula method.


list of chi-square tests, one for each cross-tabulation table. Each entry contains the results of a chi-squared test
for independence of factors as used in the summary method for the xtabs function. The names of the list objects
are equivalent to those of the 'sums' output list.

formula used in the rxCrossTabs call.


character vector of dependent variable names as extracted from the formula.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
xtabs, rxMarginals, rxCube, as.xtabs, rxChiSquaredTest, rxFisherTest, rxKendallCor, rxPairwiseCrossTab,
rxRiskRatio, rxOddsRatio, rxTransform.

# Basic data.frame source example
admissions <-
admissCTabs <- rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Gender : Admit, data = admissions)

# print different outputs and summarize different types

print(admissCTabs) # same as print(admissCTabs, output = "sums")
print(admissCTabs, output = "counts")
print(admissCTabs, output = "means")
summary(admissCTabs) # same as summary(admissCTabs, type = "%")
summary(admissCTabs, output="means", type = "%")
summary(admissCTabs, type = "chisquare")

# Example using multiple dependent variables in formula

rxCrossTabs(ncontrols ~ agegp : alcgp : tobgp, data = esoph)
rxCrossTabs(ncases ~ agegp : alcgp : tobgp, data = esoph)
esophCTabs <-
rxCrossTabs(cbind(ncases, ncontrols) ~ agegp : alcgp : tobgp, esoph)

# Obtaining the mean values

esophMeans <- mean(esophCTabs, marginals = FALSE)
esophMeans <- mean(esophCTabs, marginals = TRUE)

# XDF example: small subset of census data

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")
censusCTabs <- rxCrossTabs(wkswork1 ~ sex : F(age), data = censusWorkers,
pweights = "perwt", blocksPerRead = 3)
barplot(censusCTabs$sums$wkswork1/1e6, xlab = "Age (years)",
ylab = "Population (millions)", beside = TRUE,
legend.text = c("Male", "Female"))

# perform a census crosstab, limiting the analysis to ages

# on the interval [20, 65]. Verify the age range from the output.
censusXtabAge.20.65 <- rxCrossTabs(wkswork1 ~ sex : F(age), data = censusWorkers,
rowSelection = age >= 20 & age <= 65)
ageRange <- range(as.numeric(colnames(censusXtabAge.20.65$sums$wkswork1)))
(ageRange[1] >= 20 & ageRange[2] <=65)

# Create a data frame

myDF <- data.frame(sex = c("Male", "Male", "Female", "Male"),
age = c(20, 20, 12, 15), score = 1.1:4.1, sport=c(1:3,2))

# Use the 'transforms' argument to dynamically transform the

# variables of the data source. Here, we form a named list of
# transformation expressions. To avoid evaluation when assigning
# to a local variable, we wrap the transformation list with expression().
transforms <- expression(list(
ageHalved = age/2,
sport = factor(sport, labels=c("tennis", "golf", "football"))))
rxCrossTabs(score ~ sport:sex, data = myDF, transforms = transforms)
rxCrossTabs(~ sport : F(ageHalved, low = 7, high = 10), data = myDF,
transforms = transforms)
# Arithmetic formula expression only (no transformFunc specification).
rxCrossTabs(log(score) ~ F(age) : sex, data = myDF)

# No transformFunc or formula arithmetic expressions.

rxCrossTabs(score ~ F(age) : sex, data = myDF)

# Transform a categorical variable to a continuous one and use it

# as a response variable in the formula for cross-tabulation.
# The transformation is equivalent to doing the following, which
# is reflected in the cross-tabulation results.
# > as.numeric(as.factor(c(20,20,12,15))) - 1
# [1] 2 2 0 1
# Note that the effect of N() is to return the factor codes
myDF <- data.frame(sex = c("Male", "Male", "Female", "Male"),
age = factor(c(20, 20, 12, 15)), score = factor(1.1:4.1))
rxCrossTabs(N(age) ~ sex : score, data = myDF)

# To transform a categorical variable (like age) that has numeric levels

# (as opposed to codes), use the following construction:
myDF <- data.frame(sex = c("Male", "Male", "Female", "Male"),
age = factor(c(20, 20, 12, 15)), score = factor(1.1:4.1))
rxCrossTabs(as.numeric(levels(age))[age] ~ sex : score, data = myDF)

# this should break because 'age' is a categorical variable

## Not run:

try(rxCrossTabs(age ~ sex + score, data = myDF))

## End(Not run)

# frequency weighting
fwts <- 1:4
sex <- c("Male", "Male", "Female", "Male")
age <- c(20, 20, 12, 15)
score <- 1.1:4.1

myDF1 <- data.frame(sex = sex, age = age, score = factor(score), fwts = fwts)
myDF2 <- data.frame(sex = rep(sex, fwts), age = rep(age, fwts),
score = factor(rep(score, fwts)))

mySums1 <- rxCrossTabs(age ~ sex : score, data = myDF1,

fweights = "fwts")$sums$age[c("Male", "Female"),]
mySums2 <- rxCrossTabs(age ~ sex : score,
data = myDF2)$sums$age[c("Male", "Female"),]
all.equal(mySums1, mySums2)

# Compare xtabs and rxCrossTabs(..., returnXtabs = TRUE)

# results for 3-way interaction, one dependent variable
divs <- letters[1:5]
glads <- c("spartacus", "crixus")
romeDF <- data.frame( division = rep(divs, 5L),
score = runif(25, min = 0, max = 10),
rank = runif(25, min = 1, max = 100),
gladiator = c(rep(glads[1L], 12L), rep(glads[2L], 13L)),
arena = sample(c("colosseum", "ludus", "market"), 25L, replace = TRUE))

z1 <- rxCrossTabs(score ~ division : gladiator : arena, data = romeDF, returnXtabs = TRUE)

z2 <- xtabs(score ~ division + gladiator + arena, romeDF)
all.equal(z1, z2, check.attributes = FALSE) # all the same except "call" attribute

# Compare xtabs and rxCrossTabs(..., returnXtabs = TRUE)

# results for 3-way interaction, multiple dependent variable
z1 <- rxCrossTabs(cbind(score, rank) ~ division : gladiator : arena, data = romeDF, returnXtabs = TRUE,
means = TRUE)
z2 <- xtabs(cbind(score, rank) ~ division + gladiator + arena, romeDF)
all.equal(z1, z2, check.attributes = FALSE) # all the same except "call" attribute
all.equal(z1, z2, check.attributes = FALSE) # all the same except "call" attribute

# Compare xtabs and rxCrossTabs(..., returnXtabs = TRUE)

# results for 3-way interaction, no dependent variable
z1 <- rxCrossTabs( ~ division : gladiator : arena, data = romeDF, returnXtabs = TRUE, means = TRUE)
z2 <- xtabs(~ division + gladiator + arena, romeDF)
all.equal(z1, z2, check.attributes = FALSE) # all the same except "call" attribute

# removeZeroCounts
admissions <-
admissions[admissions$Dept == "F", "Freq"] <- 0

# removeZeroCounts does not make a difference for the zero values observed from input data
crossTab1 <- rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Dept : Gender, data = admissions, removeZeroCounts = TRUE)
crossTab2 <- rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Dept : Gender, data = admissions)

# removeZeroCounts removes the missing values that are not observed from input data
admissions_NoZero <- admissions[admissions$Dept != "F",]
crossTab1 <- rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Dept : Gender, data = admissions, removeZeroCounts = TRUE, rowSelection =
(Freq != 0))
crossTab2 <- rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Dept : Gender, data = admissions_NoZero, removeZeroCounts = TRUE)
rxCube: Cross Tabulation
6/18/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Use rxCube to create efficiently represented contingency tables from cross-classifying factors using a formula
interface. It performs equivalent calculations to the rxCrossTabs function, but returns its results in a different

rxCube(formula, data, outFile = NULL, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL,
means = TRUE, cube = TRUE, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE,
useSparseCube = rxGetOption("useSparseCube"),
removeZeroCounts = useSparseCube, returnDataFrame = FALSE,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
rowsPerBlock = 100000,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)

## S3 method for class `rxCube':

print (x, header = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class `rxCube':

summary (object, header = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class `rxCube': (x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class `rxCube':

subset (x, ...)

## S3 method for class `rxCube':

[ (x, ...)


formula as described in rxFormula with the cross-classifying variables (separated by : ) on the right hand side.
Independent variables must be factors. If present, the dependent variable must be numeric.

either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object containing the cross-
classifying variables.

NULL , a character string specifying a .xdf file, or an RxXdfData object. If not NULL, the cube results will be
written out to an .xdf file and an RxXdfData object will be returned. outFile is not supported when using
distributed compute contexts.

character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.

logical flag. If TRUE (default), the mean values of the dependent variable are returned. Otherwise, the variable
summations are returned.

logical flag. If TRUE , the C++ cube functionality is called.


name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations
in which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. The variables used in the transformation function must be specified in
transformVars if they are not variables used in the model. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used

logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored outFile is NULL .

logical value. If TRUE , sparse cube is used.


logical flag. If TRUE , rows with no observations will be removed from the output. By default, it has the same
value as useSparseCube . For large cube computation, this should be set to TRUE , otherwise R may run out of
memory even if the internal C++ computation succeeds.

logical flag. If TRUE , a data frame is returned, otherwise a list is returned. Ignored if outFile is specified and is
not NULL . See the Details section for more information.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

maximum number of rows to write to each block in the outFile (if it is not NULL ).

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


a valid RxComputeContext. The RxSpark and RxHadoopMR compute contexts distribute the computation among
the nodes specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if
possible on the local computer.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.

x, object

output objects from rxCube function.

logical value. If TRUE , header information is printed.

the row.names argument passed unaltered to the underlying function.


the optional argument passed unaltered to the underlying function.

The output of the rxCube function is essentially the same as that produced by rxCrossTabs except that it is
presented in a different format. While the rxCrossTabs function produces lists of contingency tables (where each
table is a matrix), the rxCube function outputs a single list (or data frame, or .xdf file) containing one column for
each variable specified in the formula, plus a "Counts" column. The columns corresponding to independent
variables contain the factor levels of that variable, replicated as necessary. If a dependent variable is specified in
the formula, an output column of the same name is produced and contains the mean values of the categories
defined by the interaction of the independent/categorical variables. The "Counts" column contains the counts of
the interactions used to form the corresponding means.

outFile is not NULL: an RxXdfData object representing the output .xdf file. In this case, the value for
returnDataFrame is ignored.

returnDataFrame = FALSE : an object of class rxCube that is also of class "list" . This is the default.
returnDataFrame = TRUE : an object of class "data.frame" .

In all cases, the names of the output columns are those of the variables defined in the formula plus a "Counts"
column. See the Details section for more information regarding the content of these columns.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
xtabs, rxCrossTabs, as.xtabs, rxTransform.

# Basic data.frame source example
admissions <-
admissCube <- rxCube(Freq ~ Gender : Admit, data = admissions)

# XDF example: small subset of census data

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")
censusCube <- rxCube(wkswork1 ~ sex : F(age), data = censusWorkers,
pweights = "perwt", blocksPerRead = 3, returnDataFrame = TRUE)
censusCube$age <- as.integer(as.character(censusCube$F_age))
rxLinePlot(wkswork1 ~ age, groups=sex, data = censusCube)

# perform a census cube, limiting the analysis to ages

# on the interval [20, 65]. Verify the age range from the output.
censusCubeAge.20.65 <- rxCube(wkswork1 ~ sex : F(age), data = censusWorkers,
rowSelection = age >= 20 & age <= 65)
ageRange <- range(as.numeric(as.character(censusCubeAge.20.65$F_age)))
(ageRange[1] >= 20 & ageRange[2] <=65)

# Create a local data.frame and define a transformation

# function to be applied to the data prior to processing.
myDF <- data.frame(sex = c("Male", "Male", "Female", "Male"),
age = factor(c(20,20,12,15)), score = 1.1:4.1, sport=c(1:3,2))

# Use the 'transforms' argument to dynamically transform the

# variables of the data source. Here, we form a named list of
# transformation expressions. To avoid evaluation when assigning
# to a local variable, we wrap the transformation list with expression().
transforms <- expression(list(
scoreDoubled = score * 2,
sport = factor(sport, labels=c("tennis", "golf", "football"))))

rxCube(scoreDoubled ~ sport : sex, data = myDF, transforms = transforms,


# Arithmetic formula expression only (no transformFunc specification).

rxCube(log(score) ~ age : sex, data = myDF)

# No transformFunc or arithmetic expressions in formula.

rxCube(score ~ age : sex, data = myDF)

# Transform a categorical variable to a continuous one and use it

# as a response variable in the formula for cross-tabulation.
# The transformation is equvalent to doing the following, which
# is reflected in the cross-tabulation results.
# > as.numeric(as.factor(c(20,20,12,15))) - 1
# [1] 2 2 0 1
myDF <- data.frame(sex = c("Male", "Male", "Female", "Male"),
age = factor(c(20, 20, 12, 15)), score = 1.1:4.1)
rxCube(N(age) ~ sex : F(score), data = myDF)

# this should break because 'age' is a categorical variable

## Not run:

try(rxCube(age ~ sex : score, data = myDF))

## End(Not run)

# frequency weighting
fwts <- 1:4
sex <- c("Male", "Male", "Female", "Male")
age <- c(20, 20, 12, 15)
score <- 1.1:4.1

myDF1 <- data.frame(sex = sex, age = age, score = factor(score), fwts = fwts)
myDF2 <- data.frame(sex = rep(sex, fwts), age = rep(age, fwts),
score = factor(rep(score, fwts)))

myCube1 <- rxCube(age ~ sex : score, data = myDF1, fweights = "fwts")

myCube2 <- rxCube(age ~ sex : score, data = myDF2)
all.equal(myCube1, myCube2, check.attributes = FALSE)
RxDataSource-class: Class RxDataSource
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Base class for all Microsoft R Services Compute Engine data sources.

Objects from the Class

A virtual class: No objects may be created from it.

The generator for classes that extend RxDataSource is rxNewDataSource.

The following methods are defined for classes that extend RxDataSource:

signature(x = "RxDataSource") : ...


signature(src = "RxDataSource") : ...


signature(src = "RxDataSource") : ...


signature(src = "RxDataSource") : ...


signature(from = "data.frame", to = "RxDataSource", verbose = 0) : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxXdfData-class, RxXdfData, RxTextData, RxSasData, RxSpssData, RxOdbcData, RxTeradata, rxNewDataSource,
rxOpen, rxReadNext, rxWriteNext.

fileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.xdf")
ds <- rxNewDataSource("RxXdfData", fileName)
is(ds, "RxXdfData")
# [1] TRUE
is(ds, "RxDataSource")
# [1] TRUE
RxDataSource: RevoScaleR Data Source: Class
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

A generator for RxDataSource S4 classes.

RxDataSource( class = NULL, dataSource = NULL, ...)


an optional character string specifying class name of the data source to be created, such as RxTextData,
RxSpssData, RxSasData, RxOdbcData, or RxTeradata. If the class of the input dataSource differs from class ,
contents of overlapping slots will be copied from the input data source to the newly constructed data source.

an optional data source object to be cloned.


any other arguments to be applied to the newly constructed data source.

If is specified, the returned object will be of that class. If not, the returned object will have the class of
dataSource . If both class and dataSource are specified, the contents of matching slots will be copied from the
input dataSource to the output object. Additional arguments will then be applied.

A type of RxDataSource data source object.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, RxTextData, RxSqlServerData, RxSpssData, RxSasData, RxOdbcData, RxTeradata, RxXdfData.

claimsSpssName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sav")
claimsTextName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.txt")
claimsColInfo <- list(
age = list(type = "factor",
levels = c("17-20", "21-24", "25-29", "30-34", "35-39", "40-49", "50-59", "60+")),
car.age = list(type = "factor", levels = c("0-3", "4-7", "8-9", "10+")),
type = list(type = "factor", levels = c("A", "B", "C", "D"))
textDS <- RxTextData(file = claimsTextName, colInfo = claimsColInfo)

# Create an SPSS data source from the text data source

# The 'colInfo' will be carried over to the SPSS data source
# and the file name will be replaced
spssDS <- RxDataSource(class = "RxSpssData", dataSource = textDS, file = claimsSpssName)
rxDataStep: Data Step for RevoScaleR data
6/18/2018 • 13 minutes to read • Edit Online

Transform data from an input data set to an output data set. The rxDataStep function is multi-threaded.

rxDataStep(inData = NULL, outFile = NULL, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL,
rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
append = "none", overwrite = FALSE, rowVarName = NULL,
removeMissingsOnRead = FALSE, removeMissings = FALSE,
computeLowHigh = TRUE, maxRowsByCols = 3000000,
rowsPerRead = -1, startRow = 1, numRows = -1,
returnTransformObjects = FALSE,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"), ...)


A data source object of these types: RxTextData, RxXdfData, RxSasData, RxSpssData, RxOdbcData,
RxSqlServerData, RxTeradata. If not using a distributed compute context such as RxHadoopMR, a data frame,
a character string specifying the input .xdf file, or NULL can also be used. If NULL , a data set will be created
automatically with a single variable, .rxRowNums , containing row numbers. It will have a total of numRows
rows with rowsPerRead rows in each block.

A character string specifying the output .xdf file or any of these data sources: RxTextData, RxXdfData,
RxSasData, RxSpssData, RxOdbcData, RxSqlServerData, RxTeradata, RxHiveData, RxParquetData,
RxOrcData. If NULL , a data frame will be returned from rxDataStep unless returnTransformObjects is set to
TRUE . Setting outFile to NULL and returnTransformObjects=TRUE allows chunkwise computations on the
data without modifying the existing data or creating a new data set. outFile can also be a delimited
RxTextData data source if using a native file system and not appending.

A character vector of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToDrop or when outFile is the same as the input data file. Variables used
in transformations or row selection will be retained even if not specified in varsToKeep . If newName is used in
colInfo in a non-xdf data source, the newName should be used in varsToKeep . Not supported for RxTeradata,
RxOdbcData, or RxSqlServerData data sources.

A character vector of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToKeep or when outFile is the same as the input data file. Variables used
in transformations or row selection will be retained even if specified in varsToDrop . If newName is used in
colInfo in a non-xdf data source, the newName should be used in varsToDrop . Not supported for RxTeradata,
RxOdbcData, or RxSqlServerData data sources.

The name of a logical variable in the data set or a logical expression using variables in the data set to specify
row selection. For example, rowSelection = old will use only observations in which the value of the variable
old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in
which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the
arguments transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of
the function call using the expression function.

An expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the
function call using the expression function. When using function call in the expression, transformObject
should be used to pass the function name to remote context. In addition, calling and enclosing environment
of the function are very important if the function uses undefined variable.

A named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

A variable transformation function. The recommended way to do variable transformation. See rxTransform
for details.

A character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for

A character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc
arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages
argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be

A user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for
variable data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is
used instead.

Either "none" to create a new files, "rows" to append rows to an existing file, or "cols" to append columns
to an existing file. If outFile exists and append is "none" , the overwrite argument must be set to TRUE .
Ignored for data frames. You cannot append to RxTextData or append columns to RxTeradata data sources,
and appending is not supported for composite .xdf files or when using the RxHadoopMR compute context.

A logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile will be overwritten, or if appending columns existing columns
with the same name will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows. Ignored for data frames.

A character string or NULL . If inData is a data.frame : If NULL , the data frame's row names will be dropped.
If a character string, an additional variable of that name will be added to the data set containing the data
frame's row names. If a data.frame is being returned, a variable with the name rowVarName will be removed
as a column from the data frame and will be used as the row names.

A logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values will be removed on read.

A logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values will not be included in the output data.

A logical value. If FALSE , low and high values will not automatically be computed. This should only be set to
FALSE in special circumstances, such as when append is being used repeatedly. Ignored for data frames.


The maximum size of a data frame that will be returned if outFile is set to NULL and inData is an .xdf file ,
measured by the number of rows times the number of columns. If the number of rows times the number of
columns being created from the .xdf file exceeds this, a warning will be reported and the number of rows in
the returned data frame will be truncated. If maxRowsByCols is set to be too large, you may experience
problems from loading a huge data frame into memory.

The number of rows to read for each chunk of data read from the input data source. Use this argument for
finer control of the number of rows per block in the output data source. If greater than 0, blocksPerRead is
ignored. Cannot be used if inFile is the same as outFile . The default value of -1 specifies that data
should be read by blocks according to the blocksPerRead argument.

The starting row to read from the input data source. Cannot be used if inFile is the same as outFile .

The number of rows to read from the input data source. If rowSelection or removeMissings are used, the
output data set may have fewer rows than specified by numRows . Cannot be used if inFile is the same as
outFile .


A logical value. If TRUE , the list of transformObjects will be returned instead of a data frame or data source
object. If the input transformObjects have been modified, by using .rxSet or .rxModify in the
transformFunc , the updated values will be returned. Any data returned from the transformFunc is ignored. If
no transformObjects are used, NULL is returned. This argument allows for user-defined computations within
a transformFunc without creating new data. returnTransformObjects is not supported in distributed compute
contexts such as RxHadoopMR.

The number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source. Ignored for data frames or if
rowsPerRead is positive.

An integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


An integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in
smaller files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression
and files will be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of
compression will be used.

Additional arguments to be passed to the input data source. If stringsAsFactors is specified and the input
data source is RxXdfData , strings with be converted to factors when returning a data frame to R.

For rxDataStep , if returnTransformObjects is FALSE )and an outFile is specified, an RxXdfData data source
is returned invisibly. If no outFile is specified, a data frame is returned invisibly. Either can be used in
subsequent RevoScaleR analysis.
If returnTransformObjects is TRUE , the transformObjects list as modified by the transformation function is
returned invisibly. When working with an RxInSqlServer compute context, both the input and output data
sources must be RxSqlServerData.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxImport, RxXdfData, RxTextData, RxSqlServerData, RxTeradata, rxGetInfo, rxGetVarInfo, rxTransform


# Create a data frame

myData <- data.frame(x = 1:100, y = rep(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), 25),
z = rnorm(100), w = runif(100))

# Get a subset rows and columns from the data frame

myDataSubset <- rxDataStep(inData = myData,
varsToKeep = c("x", "w", "z"), rowSelection = z > 0)
rxGetInfo(myDataSubset, getVarInfo = TRUE)

# Create a simple .xdf file from the data frame (for use below)
inputFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "testInput.xdf")
rxDataStep(inData = myData, outFile = inputFile, overwrite = TRUE)

# Redo, creating a multi-block .xdf file from the data frame

rxDataStep(inData = myData, outFile = inputFile, rowsPerRead = 50,
rxDataStep(inData = myData, outFile = inputFile, rowsPerRead = 50,
overwrite = TRUE)
rxGetInfo( inputFile )

# Subset rows and columns, creating a new .xdf file

outputFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "testOutput.xdf")
rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
varsToKeep = c("x", "w", "z"), rowSelection = z > 0,
overwrite = TRUE)

# Use transforms list with data frame input and output data
# Add new columns
myNewData <- rxDataStep(inData = myData,
transforms = list(a = w > 0, b = 100 * z))

# Use transformFunc to add new columns

myXformFunc <- function(dataList) {
dataList$b <- 100 * dataList$z
return (dataList)
myNewData <- rxDataStep(inData = myData,
transformFunc = myXformFunc)

# Use transforms to remove columns

rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
transforms = list(w = NULL), overwrite = TRUE)

# use transformFunc to remove columns

xform <- function(dataList) {
dataList$w <- NULL
return (dataList)
rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
transformFunc = xform, overwrite = TRUE)

# use transform to change data type

rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile, transformVars = c("x", "y"),
transforms = list(x = as.numeric(x), y = as.numeric(y)), overwrite = TRUE)

# use transformFunc to change data type

myXform <- function(dataList) {
dataList <- lapply(dataList, as.numeric)
return (dataList)
rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
transformFunc = myXform, overwrite = TRUE)

# use transform to create new data

rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
transforms = list(maxZ = max(z), minW = min(w), z = NULL, w = NULL),
varsToDrop = c("x", "y"), overwrite = TRUE)

# use transformFunc to create new data

xform <- function(dataList){
outList <- list()
outList$maxZ <- max(dataList$z)
outList$minW <- min(dataList$w)
return (outList)
rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
transformFunc = xform, overwrite = TRUE)

# add new column by calling function in expression for "transform"

# "transform" validate the expression at server, so function name should be passed to
# remote context. R looking up undefined variable in calling environment, dynamic scoping
# should be used to find "const" used in function "myTransform"
const <- 10
myTransform <- function(x){
const <- get("const", parent.frame())
x * const
rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
transforms = list(x10 = myTransform(x)), transformObjects = list(myTransform = myTransform,
const = const),
overwrite = TRUE)

# using "transform" and "transformEnvir" to add new columns

env <- new.env()
env$constant <- 10
env$myTransform <- function(x){
x * constant
environment(env$myTransform) <- env
data <- rxDataStep(inData=inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
transforms = list(b = myTransform(x)), transformEnvir = env, overwrite = TRUE)

# Specify which variables to keep in a new data file

varsToKeep <- c("x", "w", "z")
rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile, varsToKeep = varsToKeep,
transforms = list(a = w > 0, b = 100 * z), overwrite = TRUE)

# Alternatively specify which variables to drop

varsToDrop <- "y"
rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile, varsToDrop = varsToDrop,
transforms = list(a = w > 0, b = 100 * z), overwrite = TRUE)

# Read a specific number of rows of data into a data frame

myData <- rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, startRow = 5, numRows = 10)

# Create a selection variable to take a roughly 25% random sample

# of each block of data read (in this case 1).
rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile, rowSelection = selVar,
transforms = list(
selVar = as.logical(rbinom(.rxNumRows, 1, .25))
), overwrite = TRUE)

# Create a new variable containing row numbers for a multi-block data file
# Note that .rxStartRow and .rxNumRows are not supported in
# a distributed compute context such as RxHadoopMR
myDataSource <- rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
transforms = list(
rowNum = .rxStartRow : (.rxStartRow + .rxNumRows - 1)),
overwrite = TRUE )

# Use the returned data source object in another call to rxDataStep

myMiddleData <- rxDataStep(inData = myDataSource, startRow = 55,
numRows = 5)

# Create a new factor variable from a continuous variable using the cut function
rxDataStep(inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
transforms = list(
wFactor = cut(w, breaks = c(0, .33, .66, 1), labels = c("Low", "Med", "High"))
), overwrite=TRUE)
rxGetInfo( outputFile, numRows = 10 )

# Create a new data set with simulated data. A row number variable will
# be automatically created. It will have 20 rows in each block,
# with a total of 100 rows
#(This functionality not supported in distributed compute contexts.)
outFile <- tempfile(pattern = ".rxTest1", fileext = ".xdf")
newDS <- rxDataStep( outFile = outFile, numRows = 100, rowsPerRead = 20,
transforms = list(
x = (.rxRowNums - 50)/25,
pnormx = pnorm(x),
dnormx = dnorm(x)))
# Compute summary statistics on the new data file
rxSummary(~., newDS)

# Use the data step to chunk through the data and compute
# the sum of a squared deviation
inFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("unitTestDataDir"), "test100r5b.xdf")
myFun <- function( dataList )
chunkSumDev <- sum((dataList$y - toMyCenter)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
toTotalSumDev <<- toTotalSumDev + chunkSumDev
myCenter <- 40
newTransformVals <- rxDataStep(inData = inFile,
transformFunc = myFun,
transformObjects = list(
toMyCenter = myCenter,
toTotalSumDev = 0),
transformVars = "y", returnTransformObjects = TRUE)


## Not run:

# These examples need to be modified to substitute appropriate paths.

# Convert an xdf file to csv on HDFS
myData <- data.frame(textVar = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), intVar = as.integer(c(1:2, NA, 4)))
# write data frame to an xdf file in local file system
# test1.xdf will be written out to local file system in the current working directory
xdfFile <- "test1.xdf"
xdfDS <- RxXdfData(xdfFile)
rxDataStep(inData = myData, outFile = xdfDS, overwrite=TRUE)
# use RxTextData to write a csv file to HDFS
# /user/RevoShare/myuser is HDFS path that must exist for testCsv.csv to be written successfully.
csvFile <- "/user/RevoShare/myuser/testCsv.csv"
# We are writing a csv with no header (column names), no quotes and empty string for missing values (NA)
hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()
myTextDS <- RxTextData(csvFile, missingValueString = "NA", firstRowIsColNames = FALSE, quoteMark = "",
# This will write out a csv file to HDFS
rxDataStep(inData = xdfDS, outFile = myTextDS, overwrite = TRUE)

# Convert a composite xdf file to csv writing to HDFS using RxTextData.

# Create a test xdf file.
myData <- data.frame(textVar = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), intVar = as.integer(c(1:2, NA, 4)))
hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()
# composite xdf file path in HDFS. Path "/user/RevoShare/myuser/test1" must exist.
xdfFile <- "/user/RevoShare/myuser/test1"
xdfDS <- RxXdfData(xdfFile, fileSystem = hdfsFS)
rxDataStep(inData = myData, outFile = xdfDS, overwrite=TRUE)
# use RxTextData to write a csv file to HDFS
# /user/RevoShare/myuser is HDFS path that must exist for testCsv.csv to be written successfully.
csvFile <- "/user/RevoShare/myuser/testCsv.csv"
# We are writing a csv with no header, no quotes and empty string for missing values (NA)
myTextDS <- RxTextData(csvFile, missingValueString = "", firstRowIsColNames = FALSE, quoteMark = "",
fileSystem = hdfsFS)
# This will write out a csv file to HDFS
rxDataStep(inData = xdfDS, outFile = myTextDS, overwrite = TRUE)
## End(Not run)
rxDForest: Parallel External Memory Algorithm for
Classification and Regression Decision Forests
6/18/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Fit classification and regression decision forests on an .xdf file or data frame for small or large data using parallel
external memory algorithm.

rxDForest(formula, data,
outFile = NULL, writeModelVars = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE,
pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, method = NULL, parms = NULL, cost = NULL,
minSplit = NULL, minBucket = NULL, maxDepth = 10, cp = 0,
maxCompete = 0, maxSurrogate = 0, useSurrogate = 2, surrogateStyle = 0,
nTree = 10, mTry = NULL, replace = TRUE, cutoff = NULL,
strata = NULL, sampRate = NULL, importance = FALSE, seed =$integer.max, 1),
computeOobError = 1,
maxNumBins = NULL, maxUnorderedLevels = 32, removeMissings = FALSE,
useSparseCube = rxGetOption("useSparseCube"), findSplitsInParallel = TRUE,
scheduleOnce = FALSE,
rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL, transformFunc = NULL,
transformVars = NULL, transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"), reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
verbose = 0, computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),
... )

## S3 method for class `rxDForest':

plot (x, type = "l", main = deparse(substitute(x)),
... )


formula as described in rxFormula. Currently, formula functions are not supported.


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

either an RxXdfData data source object or a character string specifying the .xdf file for storing the resulting OOB
predictions. If NULL or the input data is a data frame, then no OOB predictions are stored to disk. If
rowSelection is specified and not NULL , then outFile cannot be the same as the data since the resulting set of
OOB predictions will generally not have the same number of rows as the original data source.

logical value. If TRUE , and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to
the output file in addition to the OOB predictions. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the
model, the transformed variables will also be written out.

logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile with an existing column named outColName will be overwritten.

character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.

character string specifying the splitting method. Currently, only "class" or "anova" are supported. The default
is "class" if the response is a factor, otherwise "anova" .

optional list with components specifying additional parameters for the "class" splitting method, as follows:
prior - a vector of prior probabilities. The priors must be positive and sum to 1. The default priors are
proportional to the data counts.
loss - a loss matrix, which must have zeros on the diagonal and positive off-diagonal elements. By default,
the off-diagonal elements are set to 1.
split - the splitting index, either gini (the default) or information .
If parms is specified, any of the components can be specified or omitted. The defaults will be used for missing

a vector of non-negative costs, containing one element for each variable in the model. Defaults to one for all
variables. When deciding which split to choose, the improvement on splitting on a variable is divided by its cost.

the minimum number of observations that must exist in a node before a split is attempted. By default, this is
sqrt(num of obs) . For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this
argument directly.

the minimum number of observations in a terminal node (or leaf). By default, this is minSplit /3.

the maximum depth of any tree node. The computations take much longer at greater depth, so lowering
maxDepth can greatly speed up computation time.


numeric scalar specifying the complexity parameter. Any split that does not decrease overall lack-of-fit by at least
cp is not attempted.


the maximum number of competitor splits retained in the output. These are useful model diagnostics, as they
allow you to compare splits in the output with the alternatives.

the maximum number of surrogate splits retained in the output. See the Details for a description of how
surrogate splits are used in the model fitting. Setting this to 0 can greatly improve the performance of the
algorithm; in some cases almost half the computation time is spent in computing surrogate splits.

an integer specifying how surrogates are to be used in the splitting process:

0 - display-only; observations with a missing value for the primary split variable are not sent further down
the tree.
1 - use surrogates,in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are
missing, the observation is not split.
2 - use surrogates, in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are
missing or maxSurrogate=0 , send the observation in the majority direction.
The 0 value corresponds to the behavior of the tree function, and 2 (the default) corresponds to the
recommendations of Breiman et al.

an integer controlling selection of a best surrogate. The default, 0 , instructs the program to use the total number
of correct classifications for a potential surrogate, while 1 instructs the program to use the percentage of correct
classification over the non-missing values of the surrogate. Thus, 0 penalizes potential surrogates with a large
number of missing values.

a positive integer specifying the number of trees to grow.


a positive integer specifying the number of variables to sample as split candidates at each tree node. The default
values is sqrt(num of vars) for classification and (num of vars)/3 for regression.

a logical value specifying if the sampling of observations should be done with or without replacement.

(Classification only) a vector of length equal to the number of classes specifying the dividing factors for the class
votes. The default is 1/(num of classes) .

a character string specifying the (factor) variable to use for stratified sampling.

a scalar or a vector of positive values specifying the percentage(s) of observations to sample for each tree:
for unstratified sampling: a scalar of positive value specifying the percentage of observations to sample for
each tree. The default is 1.0 for sampling with replacement (i.e., replace=TRUE ) and 0.632 for sampling without
replacement (i.e., replace=FALSE ).
for stratified sampling: a vector of positive values of length equal to the number of strata specifying the
percentages of observations to sample from the strata for each tree.

a logical value specifying if the importance of predictors should be assessed.


an integer that will be used to initialize the random number generator. The default is random. For reproducibility,
you can specify the random seed either using set.seed or by setting this seed argument as part of your call.
an integer specifying whether and how to compute the prediction error for out-of-bag samples:
<0 - never. This option may reduce the computation time.
=0 - only once for the entire forest.
>0 - once for each addition of a tree. This is the default.

the maximum number of bins to use to cut numeric data. The default is min(1001, max(101, sqrt(num of obs))) .
For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this argument directly.
If set to 0 , unit binning will be used instead of cutting. See the 'Details' section for more information.

the maximum number of levels allowed for an unordered factor predictor for multiclass (>2) classification.

logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values are removed and will not be included in the output data.

logical value. If TRUE , sparse cube is used.


logical value. If TRUE , optimal splits for each node are determined using parallelization methods; this will
typically speed up computation as the number of nodes on the same level is increased. Note that when it is TRUE ,
the number of nodes being processed in parallel is also printed to the console, interleaved with the number of
rows read from the input data set.

EXPERIMENTAL. logical value. If TRUE , rxDForest will be run with rxExec, which submits only one job to the
scheduler and thus can speed up computation on small data sets particularly in the RxHadoopMR compute

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in
which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. The ".rxSetLowHigh" attribute must be set for transformed variables if they are
to be used in formula . See rxTransform for details.

character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during calculations. Integer values from 1 to 2 provide
increasing amounts of information are provided.

a valid RxComputeContext. The RxSpark and RxHadoopMR compute contexts distribute the computation among
the nodes specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if possible
on the local computer.

integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file. The
higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller files but a longer time to create
them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will be compatible with the 6.0
release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be used.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine and to rxExec when
scheduleOnce is set to TRUE .

an object of class rxDForest .

type, main

see plot.default for details.

rxDForest is a parallel external memory decision forest algorithm targeted for very large data sets. It is modeled
on the random forest ideas of Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler and the randomForest package of Andy Liaw and
Matthew Weiner, using the tree-fitting algorithm introduced in rxDTree.
In a decision forest, a number of decision trees are fit to bootstrap samples of the original data. Observations
omitted from a given bootstrap sample are termed "out-of-bag" observations. For a given observation, the
decision forest prediction is determined by the result of sending the observation through all the trees for which it
is out-of-bag. For classification, the prediction is the class to which a majority assigned the observation, and for
regression, the prediction is the mean of the predictions.
For each tree, the out-of-bag observations are fed through the tree to estimate out-of-bag error estimates. The
reported out-of-bag error estimates are cumulative (that is, the ith element represents the out-of-bag error
estimate for all trees through the ith).

an object of class "rxDForest" . It is a list with the following components, similar to those of class "randomForest" :

The number of trees.


The number of variables tried at each split.


One of "class" (for classification) or "anova" (for regression).


a list containing the entire forest.


a data frame containing the out-of-bag error estimate. For classification forests, this includes the OOB error
estimate, which represents the proportion of times the predicted class is not equal to the true class, and the
cumulative number of out-of-bag observations for the forest. For regression forests, this includes the OOB error
estimate, which here represents the sum of squared residuals of the out-of-bag observations divided by the
number of out-of-bag observations, the number of out-of-bag observations, the out-of-bag variance, and the
"pseudo-R -Squared", which is 1 minus the quotient of the oob.err and oob.var .

(classification only) the confusion matrix of the prediction (based on out-of-bag data).

(classification only) The cutoff vector.


The input parameters passed to the underlying code.


The input formula.


The original call to rxDForest .

Like rxDTree, rxDForest requires multiple passes over the data set and the maximum number of passes can be
computed as follows:
quantile computation: 1 pass for computing the quantiles for all continuous variables,
recursive partition: maxDepth + 1 passes per tree for building the tree on the entire dataset,
out-of-bag prediction: 1 pass per tree for computing the out-of-bag error estimates.

rxDForest uses random streams and RNGs in parallel computation for sampling. Different threads on different
nodes will be using different random streams so that different but equivalent results might be obtained for
different number of threads.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Breiman, L. (2001) Random Forests. Machine Learning 45(1), 5--32.
Liaw, A., and Weiner, M. (2002). Classification and Regression by randomForest. R News 2(3), 18--22.
Intel Math Kernel Library, Vector Statistical Library Notes. See section Random Streams and RNGs in Parallel

See Also
rxDTree, rxPredict.rxDForest, rxDForestUtils, rxRngNewStream.


# classification
iris.sub <- c(sample(1:50, 25), sample(51:100, 25), sample(101:150, 25))
iris.dforest <- rxDForest(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
data = iris[iris.sub, ])

table(rxPredict(iris.dforest, iris[-iris.sub, ], type = "class")[[1]],

iris[-iris.sub, "Species"])

# regression
infert.nrow <- nrow(infert)
infert.sub <- sample(infert.nrow, infert.nrow / 2)
infert.dforest <- rxDForest(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert[infert.sub, ], cp = 0.01)

hist(rxPredict(infert.dforest, infert[-infert.sub, ])[[1]] -

infert[-infert.sub, "case"])

# .xdf file
claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.xdf")
claims.dforest <- rxDForest(cost ~ age + car.age + type,
data = claimsXdf)
rxDForestUtils: Utility Functions for rxDForest
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Utility Functions for rxDForest.

rxVarImpPlot(x, sort = TRUE, n.var = 30, main = deparse(substitute(x)), ... )
rxLeafSize(x, use.weight = TRUE)
rxTreeSize(x, terminal = TRUE)
rxVarUsed(x, by.tree = FALSE, count = TRUE)
rxGetTree(x, k = 1)


an object of class rxDForest or rxDTree.


logical value. If TRUE , the variables will be sorted in decreasing importance.


an integer specifying the number of variables to show when sort=FALSE .


a character string specifying the main title for the plot.


other arguments to be passed on to dotchart.


logical value. If TRUE , the leaf size is measured by the total weight of its observations instead of the total number
of its observations.

logical value. If TRUE , only the terminal nodes will be counted.


logical value. If TRUE , the list of variables used will be broken down by trees.

logical value. If TRUE , the frequencies that variables appear in trees will be returned.

an integer specifying the index of the tree to be extracted.

rxVarImpPlot - plots a dotchart of the variable importance as measured by the decision forest.
rxLeafSize - returns the size of the terminal nodes in the decision forest.
rxTreeDepth - returns the depth of trees in the decision forest.
rxTreeSize - returns the size of trees in terms of the number of nodes in the decision forest.
rxVarUsed - finds out the variables actually used in the decision forest.
rxGetTree - extracts a single tree from the decision forest.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

randomForest .

See Also
rxDForest, rxDTree, rxBTrees.


# classification
iris.sub <- c(sample(1:50, 25), sample(51:100, 25), sample(101:150, 25))
iris.dforest <- rxDForest(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
data = iris[iris.sub, ], importance = TRUE)

RxDistributedHpa-class: Class RxDistributedHpa
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Compute context class for clusters supporting RevoScaleR High Performance Analytics and High Perfomance

Class RxComputeContext, directly.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxComputeContext-class, RxHadoopMR, RxSpark, RxInSqlServer.
rxDistributeJob: Distribute job across nodes of a
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Allows distributed execution of a function in parallel across nodes (computers) of a 'compute context' such as a
cluster. A helper functions checks to see if the 'compute context' is appropriate.

rxDistributeJob(matchCallList, matchCall)
rxIsDistributedContext( computeContext = NULL, data = NULL)


a list containing the function name and arguments, adjusting environments as needed

a call in which all of the specified arguments are specified by their full names; typically the result of

NULL or an RxComputeContext object.


NULL or an RxDataSource object. If specified, compatibility of the data source with the 'dataDistType' in the
compute context will be checked.

An example of usage can be found in the RevoPemaR package.

The result of the distributed computation.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxExec, RxComputeContext, rxSetComputeContext, rxGetComputeContext

## Not run:

# Example is provided in the RevoPemaR package

## End(Not run)
rxDTree: Parallel External Memory Algorithm for
Classification and Regression Trees
6/18/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Fit classification and regression trees on an .xdf file or data frame for small or large data using parallel external
memory algorithm.

rxDTree(formula, data,
outFile = NULL, outColName = ".rxNode", writeModelVars = FALSE, extraVarsToWrite = NULL, overwrite =
pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, method = NULL, parms = NULL, cost = NULL,
minSplit = max(20, sqrt(numObs)), minBucket = round(minSplit/3), maxDepth = 10, cp = 0,
maxCompete = 0, maxSurrogate = 0, useSurrogate = 2, surrogateStyle = 0, xVal = 2,
maxNumBins = NULL, maxUnorderedLevels = 32, removeMissings = FALSE,
computeObsNodeId = NULL, useSparseCube = rxGetOption("useSparseCube"), findSplitsInParallel = TRUE,
pruneCp = 0,
rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL, transformFunc = NULL,
transformVars = NULL, transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"), reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
verbose = 0, computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),
... )


formula as described in rxFormula. Currently, formula functions are not supported.


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

either an RxXdfData data source object or a character string specifying the .xdf file for storing the resulting
node indices. If NULL , then no node indices are stored to disk. If the input data is a data frame, the node indices
are returned automatically. If rowSelection is specified and not NULL , then outFile cannot be the same as the
data since the resulting set of node indices will generally not have the same number of rows as the original
data source.

character string to be used as a column name for the resulting node indices if outFile is not NULL . Note that
make.names is used on outColName to ensure that the column name is valid. If the outFile is an RxOdbcData
source, dots are first converted to underscores. Thus, the default outColName becomes "X_rxNode" .
logical value. If TRUE , and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to
the output file in addition to the node numbers. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the
model, the transformed variables will also be written out.

NULL or character vector of additional variables names from the input data or transforms to include in the
outFile . If writeModelVars is TRUE , model variables will be included as well.


logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile with an existing column named outColName will be overwritten.

character string specifying the variable of numeric values to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable of integer values to use as frequency weights for the observations.

character string specifying the splitting method. Currently, only "class" or "anova" are supported. The
default is "class" if the response is a factor, otherwise "anova" .

optional list with components specifying additional parameters for the "class" splitting method, as follows:
prior - a vector of prior probabilities. The priors must be positive and sum to 1. The default priors are
proportional to the data counts.
loss - a loss matrix, which must have zeros on the diagonal and positive off-diagonal elements. By default,
the off-diagonal elements are set to 1.
split - the splitting index, either gini (the default) or information .
If parms is specified, any of the components can be specified or omitted. The defaults will be used for
missing components.

a vector of non-negative costs, containing one element for each variable in the model. Defaults to one for all
variables. When deciding which split to choose, the improvement on splitting on a variable is divided by its

the minimum number of observations that must exist in a node before a split is attempted. By default, this is
sqrt(num of obs) . For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify
this argument directly.

the minimum number of observations in a terminal node (or leaf). By default, this is minSplit /3.

numeric scalar specifying the complexity parameter. Any split that does not decrease overall lack-of-fit by at
least cp is not attempted.

the maximum number of competitor splits retained in the output. These are useful model diagnostics, as they
allow you to compare splits in the output with the alternatives.

the maximum number of surrogate splits retained in the output. See the Details for a description of how
surrogate splits are used in the model fitting. Setting this to 0 can greatly improve the performance of the
algorithm; in some cases almost half the computation time is spent in computing surrogate splits.

an integer specifying how surrogates are to be used in the splitting process:

0 - display-only; observations with a missing value for the primary split variable are not sent further down
the tree.
1 - use surrogates,in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are
missing, the observation is not split.
2 - use surrogates, in order, to split observations missing the primary split variable. If all surrogates are
missing or maxSurrogate=0 , send the observation in the majority direction.
The 0 value corresponds to the behavior of the tree function, and 2 (the default) corresponds to the
recommendations of Breiman et al.

the number of cross-validations to be performed along with the model building. Currently, 1:xVal is repeated
and used to identify the folds. If not zero, the cptable component of the resulting model will contain both the
mean (xerror) and standard deviation (xstd) of the cross-validation errors, which can be used to select the
optimal cost-complexity pruning of the fitted tree. Set it to zero if external cross-validation will be used to
evaluate the fitted model because a value of k increases the compute time to (k+1)-fold over a value of zero.

an integer controlling selection of a best surrogate. The default, 0 , instructs the program to use the total
number of correct classifications for a potential surrogate, while 1 instructs the program to use the
percentage of correct classification over the non-missing values of the surrogate. Thus, 0 penalizes potential
surrogates with a large number of missing values.

the maximum depth of any tree node. The computations take much longer at greater depth, so lowering
maxDepth can greatly speed up computation time.


the maximum number of bins to use to cut numeric data. The default is min(1001, max(101, sqrt(num of obs))) .
For non-XDF data sources, as (num of obs) is unknown in advance, it is wisest to specify this argument
directly. If set to 0 , unit binning will be used instead of cutting. See the 'Details' section for more information.

the maximum number of levels allowed for an unordered factor predictor for multiclass (>2) classification.

logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values are removed and will not be included in the output data.

logical value or NULL. If TRUE , the tree node IDs for all the observations are computed and returned. If NULL ,
the IDs are computed for data.frame with less than 1000 observations and are returned as the where
component in the fitted rxDTree object.

logical value. If TRUE , sparse cube is used.


logical value. If TRUE , optimal splits for each node are determined using parallelization methods; this will
typically speed up computation as the number of nodes on the same level is increased. Note that when it is
TRUE , the number of nodes being processed in parallel is also printed to the console, interleaved with the
number of rows read from the input data set.

Optional complexity parameter for pruning. If pruneCp > 0 , prune.rxDTree is called on the completed tree with
the specified pruneCp and the pruned tree is returned. This contrasts with the cp parameter that determines
which splits are considered in growing the tree. The option pruneCp="auto" causes rxDTree to call the function
rxDTreeBestCp on the completed tree, then use its return value as the cp value for prune.rxDTree .


name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations
in which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable
is greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the
arguments transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the
function call using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. The ".rxSetLowHigh" attribute must be set for transformed variables if they
are to be used in formula . See rxTransform for details.

character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc
arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages
argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during calculations. Integer values from 1 to 2 provide
increasing amounts of information are provided.

a valid RxComputeContext. The RxSpark and RxHadoopMR compute contexts distribute the computation among
the nodes specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if
possible on the local computer.

integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file.
The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller files but a longer time to
create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will be compatible with
the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be used.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.

rxDTree is a parallel external memory decision tree algorithm targeted for very large data sets.
It is modeled after rpart (Version 4.1-0) and inspired by the algorithm proposed by Yael Ben-Haim and Elad
Tom-Tov (2010).
It uses a histogram as the approximate compressed representation of the data and builds the tree in a breadth-
first fashion using horizontal parallelism.
maxNumBins specifies the maximum number of bins for the histogram of each continuous independent variable
and thus controls the accuracy of the algorithm. Also, rxDTree builds histograms with roughly equal number of
observations in each bin and checks only the boundaries of the bins as candidate splits to find the best split. So
it is possible that a suboptimal split is chosen if maxNumBins is too small. This may cause the tree to be different
from one constructed by a standard algorithm. Increasing maxNumBins allows more accurate results but with
increased time and memory usage..
Surrogate splits may be used to assign observations for which the primary split variable is missing. Surrogate
splits compare the groups produced by the remaining predictor variables to the groups produced by the
primary split variable, and the predictors are ranked by how well their groups match the primary predictor. The
best match is used as the surrogate split.

an object of class "rxDTree" representing the fitted tree. It is a list with components similar to those of class
"rpart" with the following distinctions:

where - A vector of integers indicating the node to which each point is allocated. This information is always
returned if the data source is a data frame. If the data source is not a data frame and outFile is specified.
i.e., not NULL , the node indices are written/appended to the specified file with a column name as defined by
outColName .

For other components, see rpart.object for details.

rxDTree requires multiple passes over the data set and the maximum number of passes can be computed as
quantile computation: 1 pass for computing the quantiles for all continuous variables,
recursive partition: maxDepth + 1 passes for building the tree on the entire dataset,
tree node assignment: 1 pass for computing the id of the leaf node that each observation falls into.

If cross validation is specified (i.e., xVal>0 ), additional passes will be needed for each fold:
recursive partition: maxDepth + 1 passes for building the tree on the other folds,
tree node assignment: 1 pass for predicting on the current fold.

resulting in xVal * ((maxDepth + 1) + 1) additional passes for cross validation.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Breiman, L., Friedman, J. H., Olshen, R. A. and Stone, C. J. (1984) Classification and Regression Trees.
Therneau, T. M. and Atkinson, E. J. (2011) An Introduction to Recursive Partitioning Using the RPART Routines. .

Yael Ben-Haim and Elad Tom-Tov (2010) A streaming parallel decision tree algorithm. Journal of Machine
Learning Research 11, 849--872.

See Also
rpart, rpart.control, rpart.object, rxPredict.rxDTree, rxAddInheritance, rxDForestUtils.


# classification
iris.sub <- c(sample(1:50, 25), sample(51:100, 25), sample(101:150, 25))
iris.dtree <- rxDTree(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
data = iris[iris.sub, ])

table(rxPredict(iris.dtree, iris[-iris.sub, ], type = "class")[[1]],

iris[-iris.sub, "Species"])

# regression
infert.nrow <- nrow(infert)
infert.sub <- sample(infert.nrow, infert.nrow / 2)
infert.dtree <- rxDTree(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert[infert.sub, ], cp = 0.01)

hist(rxPredict(infert.dtree, infert[-infert.sub, ])[[1]] -

infert[-infert.sub, "case"])

# use transformations with rxDTree

range(log(iris$Sepal.Width)) ## find out the overall low/high values of the transformed variable
#[1] 0.6931472 1.4816045

myTransform <- function(dataList)

dataList$log.Sepal.Width <-log(dataList$Sepal.Width)
attr(dataList$log.Sepal.Width, ".rxSetLowHigh") <- c(0.6931472, 1.4816045) # set the overall low/high

frm <- Sepal.Length ~ log.Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species

model <- rxDTree(frm, iris, transformFunc = myTransform, transformVars = c("Sepal.Width"))
stopifnot("log.Sepal.Width" %in% names(model$variable.importance))

# .xdf file
claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.xdf")
claims.dtree <- rxDTree(cost ~ age + car.age + type,
data = claimsXdf)
claimsCp <- rxDTreeBestCp(claims.dtree)
claims.dtree1 <- prune.rxDTree(claims.dtree, cp=claimsCp)
claims.dtree2 <- rxDTree(cost ~ age + car.age + type,
data = claimsXdf, pruneCp="auto")
## claims.dtree1 and claims.dtree2 should differ only in their
## "call" component
claims.dtree1[[3]] <- claims.dtree2[[3]] <- NULL
all.equal(claims.dtree1, claims.dtree2)
rxDTreeBestCp: Find the Best Value of cp for Pruning
rxDTree Object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Attempts to find the cp for optimal model pruning, where optimal is defined by default in terms of the 1 Standard
Error criterion of Breiman, et al.

rxDTreeBestCp(x, nstd = 1L)


an object of class rxDTree .


number of standard errors of cross-validation error to define optimality. The default, 1, causes rxDTreeBestCp to
find the simplest model within one standard error of the minimum cross-validation error.

The rxDTreeBestCp function is intended to help automate the rxDTree model fitting function, by applying the 1
Standard Error Criterion of Breiman, et al., to a fitted rxDTree object. Using the pruneCp="auto" option in rxDTree
causes rxDTreeBestCp to be called on the fitted model and the result of that computation supplied as the argument
to prune.rxDTree , thus allowing the model to be fitted and pruned in a single call.

a numeric scalar.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Breiman, L., Friedman, J. H., Olshen, R. A. and Stone, C. J. (1984) Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth.

See Also
rxDTree, prune.rxDTree.

claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.xdf")
claims.dtree <- rxDTree(cost ~ age + car.age + type,
data = claimsXdf)
claimsCp <- rxDTreeBestCp(claims.dtree)
claims.dtree1 <- prune.rxDTree(claims.dtree, cp=claimsCp)
claims.dtree2 <- rxDTree(cost ~ age + car.age + type,
data = claimsXdf, pruneCp="auto")
## claims.dtree1 and claims.dtree2 should differ only in their
## "call" component
claims.dtree1[[3]] <- claims.dtree2[[3]] <- NULL
all.equal(claims.dtree1, claims.dtree2)
rxElemArg: Helper function for rxExec arguments
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Allows different argument values to be passed to different (named and unnamed) nodes or cores through the
elipsis argument for rxExec. A vector or list of the argument values is used.



The list or vector to be applied across the set of computations.

This function is designed for use only within a call to rxExec. rxExec allows for the processing of a user function on
multiple nodes or cores. Arguments for the user function can be passed directly through the call to rxExec. By
default, the same argument value will be passed to each of the nodes or cores. If instead, a vector or list of
argument values is wrapped in a call to rxElemArg , a distinct argument value will be passed to each node or core.
If timesToRun is specified for rxExec, the length of the vector or list within rxElemsArg must have a length equalto
timesToRun . If timesToRun is not specified and the elemType is set to "cores" , the length of the vector or list will
determine the timesToRun .
If elemArgs is used in addition to the rxElemArg function, the length of both lists/vectors must be the same.

x is returned with attributes modified for use by rxExec.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

## Not run:

# Setup a Spark compute context

myCluster <- RxSpark(nameNode = "my-name-service-server", port = 8020, wait = TRUE)
rxOptions( computeContext = myCluster )

# Create a function to be run on multiple cores

myFunc <- function( sampleSize = 100, seed = 5)
mean( rnorm( sampleSize ))

# Use the same sampleSize for every computation, but a separate seed.
# The function will run 20 times, because that is the length of the
# vector in rxElemArg
mySeeds <- runif(20, min=1, max=1000)
rxExec( myFunc, 100, seed = rxElemArg( mySeeds ), elemType = "cores")

# Send different sample sizes and different seeds

# Both mySeeds and mySampleSizes must have the same length
mySampleSizes <- 2^c(1:20)
res <- rxExec(myFunc, rxElemArg( mySampleSizes ), seed = rxElemArg( mySeeds ),
elemType = "cores")
## End(Not run)
rxExec: Run A Function on Multiple Nodes or
6/18/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

Allows distributed execution of a function in parallel across nodes (computers) or cores of a "compute
context" such as a cluster.

rxExec(FUN, ... , elemArgs, elemType = "nodes", oncePerElem = FALSE, timesToRun = -1L,
packagesToLoad = NULL, execObjects = NULL, taskChunkSize = NULL, quote = FALSE,
consoleOutput = NULL, autoCleanup = NULL, continueOnFailure = TRUE,
RNGseed = NULL, RNGkind = NULL, foreachOpts = NULL)


the function to be executed; the nodes or cores on which it is run are determined by the currently-active
compute context and by the other arguments of rxExec.

arguments passed to the function FUN each time it is executed. Separate argument values can be sent for
each computation by wrapping a vector or list of argument values in rxElemArg.

a vector or list specifying arguments to FUN . This allows a different set of arguments to be passed to FUN
each time it is executed. The length of the vector or list must match the number of times the function will be
executed. Each of these elements will be passed in turn to FUN . Using a list of lists allows multiple named
or unnamed parameters to be passed. If elemArgs has length 1, that argument is passed to all compute
elements (and thus is an alternative to ...). The elements of elemArgs may be named; if they are node names
those elements will be passed to those nodes. Alternatively, they can be "rxElem1", "rxElem2" and so on. In
this case, the list of returned values will have those corresponding names. See the Details section for more
information. This is an alternative to using rxElemArg one or more times.

[Deprecated]. The distributed computing mode to be used. This parameter is currently deprecated and is
not honored by any of the supported compute contexts. It might come back to use in the future.

logical flag. If TRUE and elemType="nodes" , FUN will be run exactly once on each specified node. In this
case, each element of the return list will be named with the name of the node that computed that element. If
FALSE , a node may be used more than once (but never simultaneously). oncePerElem must be set to FALSE
if elemType="cores" . This parameter is ignored if the active compute context is local.
integer specifying the the total number of instances of the function FUN to run. If timesToRun=-1 , the
default, then times is set to the length of the elemArgs argument, if it exists, else to the number of nodes or
cores specified in the compute context object, if that is exact. In the latter case, if the elemType="nodes" and a
single set of arguments is being passed to each node, each element of the return list will be named with the
name of the node that computed that element. If timesToRun is not -1, it must be consistent with this other

optional character vector specifying additional packages to be loaded on the nodes for this job. If provided,
these packages are loaded after any packagesToLoad specified in the current distributed compute context.

optional character vector specifying additional objects to be exported to the nodes for this job, or an
environment containing these objects. The specified objects are added to FUN 's environment, unless that
environment is locked, in which case they are added to the environment in which FUN is evaluated. For
purposes of efficiency, this argument should not be used for exporting large data objects. Passing large data
through reference to a shared storage location (e.g., HDFS ) is recommended.

optional integer scalar specifying the number of tasks to be executed per compute element, or worker. By
submitting tasks in chunks, you can avoid some of the overhead of starting new R processes over and over.
For example, if you are running thousands of identical simulations on a cluster, it makes sense to specify the
taskChunkSize so that each worker can do its allotment of tasks in a single R process. This argument is
incompatible with the oncePerElem argument; if both are supplied, this one is ignored. It is also
incompatible with lists supplied to elemArgs with compute element names.

logical flag. If TRUE , underlying calls to have the corresponding flag set to TRUE . This is primarily
of use to the doRSR package, but may be of use to other users.

NULL or logical value. If TRUE , the console output from the all of the processes is printed to the user
console. Note that the output from different nodes or cores may be interleaved in an unpredictable way. If
FALSE , no console output is displayed. Output can be retrieved with the function rxGetJobOutput for a
non-waiting job. If not NULL , this flag overrides the value set in the compute context when the job was
submitted. If NULL , the setting in the compute context will be used. This parameter is ignored if the active
compute context is local.

NULL or logical value. If TRUE , artifacts created by the distributed computing job are deleted when the
results are returned or retrieved using rxGetJobResults. If FALSE , the artifacts are not deleted, and the
results may be obtained repeatedly using rxGetJobResults, and the console output via rxGetJobOutput until
rxCleanupJobs is used to delete the artifacts. If not NULL , this flag overrides the value set in the compute
context when the job was submitted. If you routinely set autoCleanup=FALSE , you may eventually fill your
hard disk with compute artifacts. If you set autoCleanup=TRUE and experience performance degradation on
a Windows XP client, consider setting autoCleanup=FALSE . This parameter is ignored if the active compute
context is local.

NULL or logical value. If TRUE , the default, then if an individual instance of a job fails due to a hardware or
network failure, an attempt will be made to rerun that job. (R syntax errors, however, will cause immediate
failure as usual.) Furthermore, should a process instance of a job fail due to a user code failure, the rest of
the processes will continue, and the failed process will produce a warning when the output is collected.
Additionally, the position in the returned list where the failure occured will contain the error as opposed to
a result. This parameter is ignored if the active compute context is local or RxForeachDoPar .

NULL , the string "auto" , or an integer to be used as the seed for parallel random number generation. See
the Details section for a description of how the "auto" string is used.

NULL or a character string specifying the type of random number generator to be used. Allowable strings
are the strings accepted by rxRngNewStream, "auto" , and, if the active compute context is local parallel,
"L'Ecuyer-CMRG" (for compatibility with the parallel package). See the Details section for a description of
how the "auto" string is used.

NULL or a list containing options to be passed to the foreach parallel computing backend. See foreach for

rxExec has very limited functionality for RxInSqlServer for CTP3; computations are performed
sequentially. There are two primary sets of use cases: In the first set, each computing element (node or
core) gets the same argument values; in this case, do not use elemArgs or rxElemArg . In the second, each
element gets a different set of arguments; use rxElemArg for each argument that has different values, or an
elemArgs whose length is equal to the number of times FUN will be executed.

Set 1 (All computing elements get the same arguments):

1 rxExec(FUN, arg1, arg2)

Set 2: Every computing element gets a different set of arguments. If rxElemArg is used, the length of
the vector or list for the enclosed argument must equal the number of compute elements. For example,
rxExec(FUN, arg1 = 1, arg2 = rxElemArg(c(1:5)))

If elemArgs is a nested list, the individual lists are passed to the compute resources according to the
1 The argument lists can be named according to which compute resource each component list should be
assigned. For example, rxExec(FUN, elemArgs=list(compute1=list(arg1,arg2), compute2=list(arg3, arg4))) .
In this case, the list of arguments must be the same length as the list of nodes requested for the current
compute context, and have the same names. If oncePerElem=TRUE and elemType="nodes" , then the
computation will be performed once on each requested node, and each node is assured of getting the
argument with its name. If oncePerElem=FALSE , there is no guarantee that each node will be used in the
processing, so arguments intended for a particular node may not be used; they must still be provided,
The component names must be valid R syntactic names. If you have nodes on your cluster with names that
are not valid R syntactic names, use the function rxMakeRNodeNames on the node name to determine the
appropriate name to give the list component. When the return value is a list with elements named by
compute node, the node names are as returned by the rxMakeRNodeNames function.
1 The arguments lists, if not named, will be passed to the compute resources allowed by the compute
context according to their position in the list. This is useful when you don't care which nodes or cores the
function is executed on but want different arguments to be executed on each resource. For example,
rxExec(FUN, elemArgs=list(list(arg1,arg2), list(arg3, arg4))) or
rxExec(FUN, elemArgs=list(c(arg1, arg2), list(arg3, arg4)))

The arguments RNGseed and RNGkind can be used to control random number generation in the workers.
By default, both are NULL and no special random number control is used. If either or both RNGseed and
RNGkind are set to "auto" , a parallel random number stream is initialized on each worker, using the
"MT2203" generator and separate substreams for each worker. If other non-null valid values are supplied
for these arguments, they are used as is for the "MT2203" generator, which supports multiple substreams,
but for other rxRngNewStream -supported generators, the seed will be used as the starting point of a
sequence of seeds, one for each worker. In the special case of a local parallel compute context, the
"L'Ecuyer-CMRG" generator case can be specified, in which case the parallel package's clusterSetRNGStream
function is called on the internally generated parallel cluster.

If a waiting compute context is active, a list with an element for each job, where each element contains the
value(s) returned by that job's function call(s). If a non-waiting compute context is active, a jobInfo object.
See rxGetJobResults.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxElemArg, rxGetJobResults, rxGetJobStatus, RxComputeContext, rxSetComputeContext, RxSpark,
RxHadoopMR, RxForeachDoPar, RxLocalParallel, RxLocalSeq, rxGetNodeInfo, rxMakeRNodeNames

## Not run:

## Run function with no parameters


## Pass the same set of arguments to each compute element

rxExec(list.files, all.files=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)

## Run function with the same vector sent as the first

## argument to each compute element
## The values 1 to 10 will be printed 10 times
x <- 1:10
rxExec(print, x, elemType = "cores", timesToRun = 10)

## Pass a different argument value to each compute element

## The values 1 to 10 will be printed once each
rxExec(print, rxElemArg( x ), elemType = "cores")

## Extract different columns from a data frame on different nodes

myData <- data.frame(x = 1:100, y = rep(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), 25),
z = rnorm(100), w = runif(100))
myVarsToKeep = list(
c("x", "y"),
c("x", "z"),
c("x", "w"),
c("y", "z"),
c("z", "w"))
# myVarDataFrames will be a list of data frames
myVarDataFrames <- rxExec(rxDataStep, inData = myData, varsToKeep = rxElemArg(myVarsToKeep))

## Extract different rows from the data frame on different nodes

myRowSelection = list(
expression(y == 'a'),
expression(y == 'b'),
expression(y == 'c'),
expression(y == 'd'),
expression(z > 0))

myRowDataFrames <- rxExec(rxDataStep, inData = myData, rowSelection = rxElemArg(myRowSelection))

## Use the taskChunkSize argument

rxExec(sqrt, rxElemArg(1:100), taskChunkSize=50)
## End(Not run)
rxExecBy: Partition Data by Key Values and Execute
User Function on Each Partition
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Partition input data source by keys and apply user defined function on individual partitions. If input data source is
already partitioned, apply user defined function on partitions directly. Currently supported in local , localpar ,
RxInSqlServer and RxSpark compute contexts.

rxExecBy(inData, keys, func, funcParams = NULL, filterFunc = NULL, computeContext =
rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)


a data source object suppported in currently active compute context, e.g., RxSqlServerData for RxInSqlServer and
RxHiveData for RxSpark. In local and localpar compute contexts, a character string specifying a .xdf file or a
data frame object can be also used.

character vector of variable names to specify the values in those variables are used for partitioning.

the user function to be executed. The user function takes keys and data as two required input arguments where
keys determines the partitioning values and data is a data source object of the corresponding partition. data
can be a RxXdfData object or a RxODBCData object, which can be transformed to a standard R data frame by
using rxDataStep method. The nodes or cores on which it is running are determined by the currently active
compute context.

list of additional arguments for the user function func .


the user function that takes a data frame of keys values as an input argument, applies filter to the keys values and
returns a data frame containing rows whose keys values satisfy the filter conditions. The input data frame has
similar format to the results returned by rxPartition which comprises of partitioning variables and an additional
variable of partition data source. This filterFunc allows user to control what data partitions to be applied by the
user function func . filterFunc currently is not supported in RxHadoopMR and RxSpark compute contexts.

a RxComputeContext object.
additional arguments to be passed directly to the Compute Engine.

A list which is the same length as the number of partitions in the inData argument. Each element in the top level
list contains a three element list described below.

a list which contains key values for the partition.


the object returned from the invocation of the user function with keys values. When an error occurs during the
invocation of the user function the value will be NULL .

a string which takes the value of either "OK" or "Error" . In RxSpark compute context, it may include additional
warning and error messages.

The user function can call any function defined in R packages which are loaded by default and pass parameters
which are defined in base R, the default loaded packages, or user defined S3 classes. The user function won't
work with global variables or functions in non-default loaded packages unless they are redefined or reloaded
within the scope of the user function.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxExecByPartition, rxImport, rxDataStep, RxTextData, RxXdfData, RxHiveData, RxSqlServerData

## Not run:

# run analytics with local compute context

# create an input xdf data source.

inFile <- "claims.xdf"
inFile <- file.path(dataPath = rxGetOption(opt = "sampleDataDir"), inFile)
inXdfDataSource <- RxXdfData(file = inFile)

# define an user function that builds a linear model

".linMod" <- function(keys, data)
result <- rxLinMod(formula = cost ~ number, data = data)

# set local compute context with 4-way parallel

rxOptions(numCoresToUse = 4)
# define a filter function
".carFilter" <- function(partDF)
subset(partDF, car.age != "10+" & type == "A")

# call rxExecBy with no filterFunction

results1 <- rxExecBy(inData = inXdfDataSource, keys = c("car.age", "type"), func = .linMod)

# call rxExecBy with filterFunction

results2 <- rxExecBy(inData = inXdfDataSource, keys = c("car.age", "type"), func = .linMod, filterFunc =

# run analytics with SQL Server compute context

# Note: for improved security, read connection string from a file, such as
# sqlServerConnString <- readLines("sqlServerConnString.txt")

sqlServerConnString <- "SERVER=hostname;DATABASE=RevoTestDB;UID=DBUser;PWD=Password;"

inTable <- paste0("airlinedemosmall")
sqlServerDataDS <- RxSqlServerData(table = inTable, connectionString = sqlServerConnString)

# user function
".Count" <- function(keys, data, params)
myDF <- rxImport(inData = data)
return (nrow(myDF))

# Set SQL Server compute context with level of parallelism = 2

sqlServerCC <- RxInSqlServer(connectionString = sqlServerConnString, numTasks = 4)

# Execute rxExecBy in SQL Server compute context

sqlServerCCResults <- rxExecBy(inData = sqlServerDataDS, keys = c("DayOfWeek"), func = .Count)

# run analytics with RxSpark compute context
# start Spark app
sparkCC <- rxSparkConnect()

# define function to compute average delay

".AverageDelay" <- function(keys, data) {
df <- rxDataStep(data)
mean(df$ArrDelay, na.rm = TRUE)

# define colInfo
colInfo <-
ArrDelay = list(type = "numeric"),
CRSDepTime = list(type = "numeric"),
DayOfWeek = list(type = "string")

# create text data source with airline data

textData <-
file = "/share/SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv",
firstRowIsColNames = TRUE,
colInfo = colInfo,
fileSystem = RxHdfsFileSystem()

# group textData by day of week and get average delay on each day
objs <- rxExecBy(textData, keys = c("DayOfWeek"), func = .AverageDelay)
# transform objs to a data frame, lapply(objs, unlist))

# stop Spark app

## End(Not run)
rxExecByPartition: RevoScaleR By Group Parallelism
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

This feature allows users to run analytics computation in parallel on individual data partitions split from an input
data source based on the specified variables. In RevoScaleR version 9.1.0, we provide the necessary rx functions
to be executed for funtionalities of By-group parallelism. This document will describe different scenarios of By-
group parallelism, running in a number of supported compute contexts.

By-group Parallelism provides functionalities that allow users perform the following typical operations:
* Create new data partitions: given an input data set and a list of partitioning variables, split the data set into
multiple small data sets based on the values of the specified partitioning variables.
* Append new data to existing data partitions: given an input data set and a list of partitioning variables, split the
data set and append data in partitioned data sets to the existing corresponding data partitions. .. * Perform
analytics computation on data partitions in parallel multiple times as needed.
* Do all the above three operations in one step initially and then repeat computation multiple times.
In RevoScaleR version 9.1.0, we introduce three new rx functions for partitioning data set and performing
computation in parallel:
* rxExecBy() - to partition an input data source and execute user function on each partition in parallel. If the input
data source is already partitioned, the function will skip the partitioning step and directly trigger computation for
user function on partitions.
* rxPartition() - to partition an input data source and store data partitions on disk. For this functionality, a new xdf
file format, called Partitioned Xdf (PXdf) is introduced for storing data partitions as well as partition metadata
information on disk. Partitioned Xdf file can then be loaded into an in-memory Partitioned Xdf object using
RxXdfData to be used for performing computation on data partitions repeatedly by rxExecBy.

* rxGetPartitions() - to enumerate unique partitioning values in an existing partitioned Xdf and return it as a data
Running analytics computation in parallel on partitioned data set with rxExecBy()
Input data set provided as a data source object can be data sources of different types, such as data frame, text data,
Xdf files, ODBC data source, SQL Server data source, etc. In version 9.1.0, rxExecBy() is supported in local
compute context, SQL Server compute context and Spark compute context. Depending on input data sources and
compute context, rxExecBy() will execute in different modes which are summarized in the following table:


Data Source \ Compute Context Local SQL Server

Data frame, text data, xdf, other data Generate PXdf for partitions and --
sources that are not ODBC execute computation on PXdf

SQL Server data source or ODBC data Generate PXdf for partitions and Generate temporary Composite Xdf
source with query specified execute computation on PXdf and PXdf for partitions and execute
computation on PXdf

SQL Server data source or ODBC data Do streaming with SQL rewrite partition Do streaming with SQL rewrite partition
source with table specified queries and execute computation on queries and execute computation on
streaming partitions streaming

As shown in the table, when running analytics on local compute context, PXdf is first temporarily generated and
saved on disk; then computation are applied on the generated PXdf. The example for running this scenario can be
found in the rxExecBy() documentation. It's worth to note that the temporary PXdf generated will be removed
once the computation is completed. If user plans to run the analytics multiple times with the same data set and
different user functions, it would be more efficient to go with the following recommended flow:
1 Create a new partitioned Xdf object with RxXdfData() by specifying createPartitionSet = TRUE .
1 Construct data partitions for the newly created PXdf object from an input data set and save it to disk with
1 Run analysis with user defined function on the data partitions of the PXdf object with rxExecBy(). This step can
be repeated multiple times with different user defined functions and different subsets of data partitions using a
filterFunc specified as an argument of rxExecBy().

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxXdfData, rxExecBy, rxPartition, rxGetPartitions, rxSplit, rxExec, rxImport

## Not run:

# Run analytics on data partitions in one operation

# create an input text data source

inFile <- "claims.txt"
inFile <- file.path(dataPath = rxGetOption(opt = "sampleDataDir"), inFile)
inTxtDS <- RxTextData(file = inFile, delimiter = ",")

# define an user function that builds a linear model.

".linMod" <- function(keys, data)
result <- rxLinMod(formula = cost ~ number, data = data)

# set local compute context with 4-way parallel

rxOptions(numCoresToUse = 4)

# run the .linMod function on partitions split from the input Xdf data source
# based on the variable 'car.age'.
localCCResults <- rxExecBy(inData = inTxtDS, keys = c("car.age"), func = .linMod)

# Run analytics on data partitions multiple times with different user functions

# create an input Xdf data source

inFile <- "claims.xdf"
inFile <- file.path(dataPath = rxGetOption(opt = "sampleDataDir"), inFile)
inXdfDS <- RxXdfData(file = inFile)

# create an output partitioned Xdf data source

outFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "partitionedClaims")
outPartXdfDataSource <- RxXdfData(file = outFile, createPartitionSet = TRUE)

# construct and save the partitioned Xdf to disk

partDF <- rxPartition(inData = inXdfDS, outData = outPartXdfDataSource, varsToPartition = c("car.age",

# define an user function that counts number of rows in each partition

".Count" <- function(keys, data)
myDF <- rxImport(inData = data)

# local compute context

rxOptions(numCoresToUse = 4)

# call rxExecBy to execute the user function on partitions

results1 <- rxExecBy(inData = outPartXdfDataSource, keys = c("car.age", "type"), func = .Count)

# define another user function

".linMod" <- function(keys, data)
result <- rxLinMod(formula = cost ~ number, data = data)

# call rxExecBy to execute the new user function on the same set of partitions
results2 <- rxExecBy(inData = outPartXdfDataSource, keys = c("car.age", "type"), func = .linMod)

# clean-up: delete the partitioned Xdf

unlink(outFile, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

# Append new data to existing partitions and run analytics
# create two sets of data frames from Xdf data source
inFile <- "claims.xdf"
inFile <- file.path(dataPath = rxGetOption(opt = "sampleDataDir"), inFile)
inXdfDS <- RxXdfData(file = inFile)
inDF <- rxImport(inData = inXdfDS)

df1 <- inDF[1:50,]

df2 <- inDF[51:nrow(inDF),]

# create an output partitioned Xdf data source

outFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "partitionedClaims")
outPartXdfDataSource <- RxXdfData(file = outFile, createPartitionSet = TRUE)

# construct the partitioned Xdf from the first data set df1 and save to disk
partDF1 <- rxPartition(inData = df1, outData = outPartXdfDataSource, varsToPartition = c("car.age", "type"),
append = "none", overwrite = TRUE)

# define an user function that counts number of rows in each partition

".Count" <- function(keys, data)
".Count" <- function(keys, data)
myDF <- rxImport(inData = data)

# local compute context

rxOptions(numCoresToUse = 4)

# call rxExecBy to execute the user function on partitions created from the first data set
results1 <- rxExecBy(inData = outPartXdfDataSource, keys = c("car.age", "type"), func = .Count)

# append data from the second data set to the existing partitioned Xdf
partDF2 <- rxPartition(inData = df2, outData = outPartXdfDataSource, varsToPartition = c("car.age", "type"))

# define another user function

".linMod" <- function(keys, data)
result <- rxLinMod(formula = cost ~ number, data = data)

# call rxExecBy to execute the new user function on partitions created from the data combined
# from both data sets df1 and df2
results2 <- rxExecBy(inData = outPartXdfDataSource, keys = c("car.age", "type"), func = .linMod)

# clean-up: delete the partitioned Xdf

unlink(outFile, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
## End(Not run)
rxExecuteSQLDDL: Execute SQL Command for Data
Manipulation, Definition, or Control
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Execute a command to define, manipulate, or control SQL data (but not return data).

rxExecuteSQLDDL(src, ...)


An RxOdbcData data source.


Additional arguments, typically sSQLString= supplied with a character string specifying the SQL command to be
executed. The typical SQL commands are CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE .

Returns NULL ; executed for its side-effect (the manipulation of the SQL data source).

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

## Not run:

# Note: for improved security, read connection string from a file, such as
# conString <- readLines("conString.txt")

conString <- "Driver=Teradata;DBCNAME=myDb;Database=test;Uid=tester;pwd=pwd;"

outOdbcDS <- RxOdbcData(table = "MyClaims",
connectionString = conString,
rxOpen(outOdbcDS, "w")
rxExecuteSQLDDL(outOdbcDS, sSQLString = paste("CREATE TABLE [MyClaims]([RowNum] [int] NULL, [age] [char](5)
NULL, ",
"[car_age] [char](3) NULL, [type] [char](1) NULL, ", " [cost] [float] NULL, [number] [float] NULL);",
inTextData <- RxTextData(file = file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.txt"),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE, useFastRead = TRUE)
outOdbcDS <- RxOdbcData(table = "MyClaims",
connectionString = conString,
rxDataStep(inData = inTextData, outFile = outOdbcDS)
## End(Not run)
pow: Formula Expression Functions for RevoScaleR
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Formula expression functions for RevoScaleR.

pow(x, exponent)


variable name

number to use as an exponent

Many of the primary analysis functions in RevoScaleR require a formula argument. Arithmetic expressions in
those arguments provide flexibility in the model. This man page lists the functions in RevoScaleR that are not
native to R.
pow performs the power transformation x^exponent .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxFormula, rxTransform, rxCrossTabs, rxCube, rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxSummary.

# define local data.frame
admissions <-

# cross-tabulation
rxCrossTabs(pow(Freq, 2) ~ Gender : Admit, data = admissions)
rxCrossTabs(Freq^2 ~ Gender : Admit, data = admissions)

# linear modeling
rxLinMod(pow(Freq, 2) ~ Gender + Admit, data = admissions)
rxLinMod(Freq^2 ~ Gender + Admit, data = admissions)

# model summarization
rxSummary(~ pow(Freq, 2) + Gender + Admit, data = admissions)
rxSummary(~ I(Freq^2) + Gender + Admit, data = admissions)
rxFactors: Factor Variable Recoding
6/18/2018 • 11 minutes to read • Edit Online

Recodes a factor variable by mapping one set of factor levels and indices to a new set. Can also be used to convert
non-factor variable into a factor.

rxFactors(inData, factorInfo, sortLevels = FALSE, otherLevel = NULL,
outFile = NULL, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE, maxRowsByCols = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"), ...)


either an RxXdfData object, a character string specifying the .xdf file, or a data frame.

character vector of variable names,a list of named variable information lists, or empty or NULL . If sortLevels is
set to TRUE , the levels of the variables named in the character vector will all be sorted; if sortLevels is TRUE and
factorInfo is empty or NULL , all factors will be sorted. If a factorInfo list is provided, each variable information
list contains one or more of the named elements given below.
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
levels - optional vector, containing values to match in converting non-factor data to factor levels. If
levels = NULL , all of the unique values in the data are converted to levels. in the order encountered.
However, the user can override this behavior and sort the resulting levels alphabetically by setting
sortLevels = TRUE . The user may also specify a subset of the data to convert to levels. In this case, if
otherLevel = NULL , all data values not found in the levels subset will be converted to missing ( NA )
values. For example, if a variable x is comprised of integer data 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , then
`` - factorInfo = list(x = list(levels = 2:4, otherLevel = NULL))
will convert x into a factor with data NA , "2" , "3" , "4" , NA with levels "2" , "3" , "4" . Alternatively,
the user may wish to place all of those unspecified values into a single category, say "other" . In that case,
use otherLevel = "other" along with the subset levels specification. Note that the levels vector may be
any type, e.g., 'integer', 'numeric', 'character'. However, behind the scenes, it is always converted to type
'character', as are the data values being converted. The resulting strings are matched with those of the data
to populate the categories.
otherLevel - character string defining the level to assign to all factor values that are not listed in the
newLevels field, if newLevels is specified. If otherLevel = NULL , the default, the factor levels that are not
listed in newLevels will be left unchanged and in their original order. If specified, the value set here
overrides the default argument of the same in the primary argument list.
sortLevels - logical scalar. If TRUE , the resulting levels will be sorted alphabetically. If the input variable is
not a factor and levels are not specified, this will be ignored and levels will be in the order in which they are
varName - character string defining the name of an existing data variable to recode. If this field is left
unspecified, then the name of the corresponding list element in factorInfo will be used. For example, all of
the following are acceptable and equivalent factorInfo specifications for alphabetically sorting the levels
of an existing factor variable named "myFacVar" :
`` - factorInfo = list( myFacVar = list( sortLevels = TRUE ) )

`` - factorInfo = list( list( sortLevels = TRUE, varName = "myFacVar" ) )

`` - factorInfo = list( myFacVar = list( sortLevels = TRUE, varName = "myFacVar" ) )

However, if you wish to rename a variable after conversion (keeping the old variable in tact), there is only
one acceptable format: the variable to be recoded must appear in the varName field while the new variable
name for the converted data must appear as the name of the corresponding list element. For example, to
sort the levels of an existing factor variable "myFacVar" and store the result in a new variable "myNewVar" ,
you would issue:
`` - factorInfo = list( myNewFacVar = list( sortLevels = TRUE, varName = "myFacVar" ) )

newLevels - a character vector or list, possibly with named elements, used to rename the levels of a factor.
While levels provides a means of filtering the data the user wishes to import and convert to factor levels,
newLevels is used to alter converted or existing levels by renaming, collapsing, or sorting them. See the
Examples section below for typical use cases of newLevels .
description - character string defining a description for the recoded variable.

the default value to use for the sortLevels field in the factorInfo list.

the default value to use for the otherLevel field in the factorInfo list.

either an RxXdfData object, a character string specifying the .xdf file, or NULL . If outFile = NULL , a data frame is
returned. When writing to HDFS, outFile must be an RxXdfData object representing a new composite XDF.

character vector of variable names to include in the data file. If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be used with
varsToDrop .


character vector of variable names to not include in the data file. If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be used
with varsToKeep .

logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile will be overwritten. Ignored if a dataframe is returned.

this argument is used only when inData is referring to an .xdf file (character string defining a path to an existing
.xdf file or an RxXdfData object) and we wish to return the output as a data frame ( outFile = NULL ). In this case,
and behind the scenes, the output is written to a temporary .xdf file and rxDataStep is subsequently called to
convert the output into a data frame. The maxRowsByCols argument is passed directly in the rxDataStep call, giving
the user some control over the conversion. See rxDataStep for more details on the maxRowsByCols argument.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source. If the data and outFile are the same
file, blocksPerRead must be 1.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller
files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will
be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.

Factors are variables that represent categories. An example is a variable named "state" whose values are the
levels "Alabama" , "Alaska" , ..., "Wyoming" . There are two parts to a factor variable:
1 a vector of N (number of observations) integer indexes with values in the range of 1:K , where K is the number
of categories.
1 a vector of K strings (characters) that are used when the vector is displayed and in some other situations.
For instance, when state levels are alphabetical, all observations for which state == "Alabama" will have the index
1 , state == "Washington" values correspond to index 47 , and so on.

Recoding a factor means changing from one set of indices to another. For instance, if the levels for "state" are
currently arranged in the order in which they were encountered when importing a .csv file, and it is desired to put
them in alphabetical order, then it is necessary to change the index for every observation.
If numeric data is converted to a factor, a maximum precision of 6 is used. So, for example, the values 7.123456
and 7.12346 would be placed in the same category.
To recode a categorical or factor variable into a continuous variable within a formula use N() . To recode
continuous variable to a categorical or factor variable within a formula use F() . See rxFormula.
To rename the levels of a factor variable in an .xdf file (without change the levels themselves), use rxSetVarInfoXdf.

if outFile is NULL , then a data frame is returned. Otherwise, the results are written to the specified outFile file
and an RxXdfData object is returned invisibly corresponding to the output file.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxFormula, rxSetVarInfoXdf, rxImport, rxDataStep.

# Example 1: Recoding levels in alphabetical order

# Use the 'warpbreaks' data frame found in the 'datasets' package

# Note that the 'tension' factor variable has levels that are not
# alphabetically ordered.
rxGetVarInfo( warpbreaks )

# Reorder all factor levels that are not in alphabetical order

recodedDF1 <- rxFactors(inData = warpbreaks, sortLevels = TRUE)
rxGetVarInfo( recodedDF1 )

# Specify that only 'tension' levels should be reordered alphabetically

recodedDF2 <- rxFactors(inData = warpbreaks, sortLevels = TRUE,
factorInfo = c("tension"))
rxGetVarInfo( recodedDF2 )

# Specify that only 'tension' levels should be reordered alphabetically using a list
recodedDF3 <- rxFactors(inData = warpbreaks,
factorInfo = list(tension = list(sortLevels = TRUE)))
rxGetVarInfo( recodedDF3 )

# write data frame to .xdf file and perform similar recoding

# but write the recoded factor to a new variable. Compare the
# original with the recoded factor.
inXDF <- file.path(tempdir(), "warpbreaks.xdf")
outXDF <- file.path(tempdir(), "warpbreaksRecoded.xdf")
rxDataStep(warpbreaks, outFile = inXDF, overwrite = TRUE)
outDS <- rxFactors(inData = inXDF, outFile = outXDF, overwrite = TRUE,
factorInfo = list(recodedTension = list(sortLevels = TRUE,
varName = "tension")))
DF <- rxDataStep(outDS)
rxGetVarInfo( DF )

# clean up
if (file.exists(inXDF)) unlink(inXDF)
if (file.exists(outXDF)) unlink(outXDF)

# Example 2: Recoding levels and indexes, saving recoding to a new factor variable

# Create an .xdf file with a factor variable named 'sex' with levels 'M and 'F'
sex <- factor(sample(c("M","F"), size = 10, replace = TRUE), levels = c("M", "F"))
DF <- data.frame(sex = sex, score = rnorm(10))
XDF <- file.path(tempdir(), "sex.xdf")
XDF2 <- file.path(tempdir(), "newSex.xdf")
rxDataStep(DF, outFile = XDF, overwrite = TRUE)
# Assume that we change our minds and now wish to
# rename the levels to "Female" and "Male"
# Let us do the recoding and store the result into a new
# variable named "Gender" keeping the old variable in place.
outDS <- rxFactors(inData = XDF, outFile = XDF2, overwrite = TRUE,
factorInfo = list(Gender = list(newLevels = c(Female = "F", Male = "M"),
varName = "sex")))
newDF <- rxDataStep(outDS)

# clean up
if (file.exists(XDF)) unlink(XDF)
if (file.exists(XDF)) unlink(XDF2)

# Example 3: Combining subsets of factor levels into single levels

# Create a data set that contains a factor variable 'Month'

# Note that the levels are not in alphabetical order.
DF <- data.frame(Month = factor(sample(, size = 20, replace = TRUE),
levels = rev(

# Recode the months into quarters and store result into new variable named "Quarter"
recodedDF <- rxFactors(inData = DF,
factorInfo = list(Quarter = list(newLevels = list(Q1 =[1:3],
Q2 =[4:6],
Q3 =[7:9],
Q4 =[10:12]),
varName = "Month")))


# Example 4: Coding and recoding combinations using a single factorInfo list

size <- 10
months <- factor(sample(, size = size, replace = TRUE), levels = rev(
states <- factor(sample(, size = size, replace = TRUE), levels =
animalFarm <- c("cow","horse","pig","goat","chicken", "dog", "cat")
animals <- factor(sample(animalFarm, size = size, replace = TRUE), levels = animalFarm)
values <-, size = size, replace = TRUE)
dblValues <- c(1, 2.1, 3.12, 4.123, 5.1234, 6.12345, 7.123456, 7.12346, 81234.56789, 91234567.8)
DF <- data.frame(Month = months, State = states, Animal = animals, VarInt = values,
VarDbl = dblValues, NotUsed1 = seq(size), NotUsed2 = rev(seq(size)))

factorInfo <- list(

# Convert months to quarters

Quarter = list(newLevels = list(Q1 =[1:3], Q2 =[4:6],
Q3 =[7:9], Q4 =[10:12]),
varName = "Month"),

# Sort animal levels

Animal = list(sortLevels = TRUE),

# Convert integer data to factor and do not sort levels

VarIntFac = list(varName = "VarInt", sortLevels = FALSE),

# Convert double data to factor; it will use a precision up to 6

VarDblFac = list(varName = "VarDbl"),

# In-place arbitrary grouping of state names using indexMap

StateSide = list(newLevels = c(LeftState = "1", RightState = "2"),
indexMap = c(rep(1, 25), rep(2, 25)),
indexMap = c(rep(1, 25), rep(2, 25)),
varName = "State")

rxFactors(DF, factorInfo)

# Example 5: Using 'newLevels' to rename, reorder, or collapse existing factor levels.
# All of these examples make use of the iris data set, which contains levels
# "setosa", "versicolor", and "virginica", in that order.

# Renaming factor levels:

# "setosa" to "Seto"
# "versicolor" to "Vers"
# "virginica" to "Virg"
newLevels <- list(Seto = "setosa", Vers = "versicolor", Virg = "virginica")
rxFactors(iris, factorInfo = list(Species = list(newLevels = newLevels)))$Species

# Reordering:
newLevels <- c("versicolor", "setosa", "virginica")
rxFactors(iris, factorInfo = list(Species = list(newLevels = newLevels)))$Species

# Collapsing: order does matter here, so the resulting order of the levels will
# be "V" then "S". The 'sortLevels' argument is a quick means of alphabetically
# sorting the resultant level names.
newLevels <- list(V = "setosa", S = c("versicolor", "virginica"))
rxFactors(iris, factorInfo = list(Species = list(newLevels = newLevels)))$Species
rxFactors(iris, factorInfo = list(Species = list(newLevels = newLevels, sortLevels = TRUE)))$Species

# Subset collapsing with renaming: accomplish with the use of 'otherLevel'

newLevels <- list(S = "setosa")
rxFactors(iris, factorInfo = list(Species = list(newLevels = newLevels, otherLevel =

# Superset specification: adding new species for a future study

newLevels <- c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica", "pumila", "narbuti", "camillae")
rxFactors(iris, factorInfo = list(Species = list(newLevels = newLevels)))$Species
RxFileData-class: Class RxFileData
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

File-based data source connection class.

Class RxDataSource, directly.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, rxNewDataSource
RxFileSystem: RevoScaleR File System object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is the main generator for RxFileSystem S3 classes.

RxFileSystem( fileSystem, ...)

## S3 method for class `RxFileSystem':

print ( x, ... )


character string specifying class name or file system type existing RxFileSystem object. Choices include:
"RxNativeFileSystem" or "native", or "RxHdfsFileSystem" or "hdfs". Optional arguments hostName and port may
be specified for HDFS file systems.

an RxFileSystem object.

other arguments are passed to the underlying function.

This is a wrapper to specific generator functions for the RevoScaleR file system classes. For example, the
RxHdfsFileSystem class uses function RxHdfsFileSystem as a generator. Therefore either RxHdfsFileSystem() or
RxFileSystem("hdfs") will create an RxHdfsFileSystem object.

A type of RxFileSystem file system object. This object may be used in rxSetFileSystem, rxOptions, RxTextData, or
RxXdfData to set the file system.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxNativeFileSystem, RxHdfsFileSystem, rxSetFileSystem, rxOptions, RxXdfData, RxTextData.
# Setup to run analyses to use HDFS file system
## Not run:

# Example 1
myHdfsFileSystem1 <- RxFileSystem(fileSystem = "hdfs")
rxSetFileSystem(fileSystem = myHdfsFileSystem1 )

# Example 2
myHdfsFileSystem2 <- RxFileSystem(fileSystem = "hdfs", hostName = "myHost", port = 8020)
rxSetFileSystem(fileSystem = myHdfsFileSystem2 )
## End(Not run)
rxFindFileInPath: Finds where in a given path a file is.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Sequentially checks the entries in a delimited path string for a provided file name.

rxFindFileInPath( path, fileName )


character vector, compute context or job object. This is a required parameter. If a compute context is provided, the
dataPath from that context (assuming it has one ) will be used; if a job object is provided, that job object's compute
context's dataPath will be used. If a character vector is provided, each element of the vector should contain one
directory path. If a character scalar is supplied, multiple directory paths can be contained by using the standard
system delimiters (":" for Linux and ";") to separate the entries within the path. This allows system PATH's to be
parsed using this function.

logical scalar. This is a required parameter. The name of the file being sought along the path .

This function will sequentially check the locations (directories) provided in the path . Thus, if there exists more than
one instance of a file with the same fileName , the first instance of a directory in the path containing the file will be
the one returned.

Returns NULL if the target file is not found in any of the possible locations, or the path to the file (not including the
file name) if it is found.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

## Not run:

# using a Linux environment PATH

rxFindFileInPath(path=Sys.getenv("PATH"), fileName="Revoscript")

# using a compute context

rxFindFileInPath(path=myComputeContext, fileName="myData" )

# for Windows
rxFindFileInPath(path="C:\data\remember\to\escape\backslashes;D:\other\data", fileName="myData" )

# for Linux
rxFindFileInPath(path="/mnt/data:/home/myName/data", fileName="myData" )

# using a vector of paths

rxFindFileInPath( path=c("/dir1","/dir2",/dir3/dir4"), fileName="myData" )
## End(Not run)
rxFindPackage: Find Packages for Compute Context
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Find the path for one or more packages for a compute context.

rxFindPackage(package, computeContext = NULL, allNodes = FALSE, lib.loc = NULL, quiet = TRUE,
verbose = getOption("verbose"))


character vector of name(s) of packag(es).


an RxComputeContext or equivalent character string or NULL . If set to the default of NULL , the currently active
compute context is used. Supported compute contexts are RxInSqlServer and RxLocalSeq.


a character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through, or NULL . The default value of NULL
corresponds to checking the loaded namespace, then all libraries currently known in .libPaths() . In
RxInSqlServer only NULL is supported.

logical. If FALSE , warnings or an error is given if the package is not found.


logical. If TRUE , additional diagnostics are printed if available.

This is a wrapper for find.package. See the help file for additional details.

A character vector of paths of package directories. If using a distributed compute context with the allNodes set to
TRUE , a list of lists with a character vector of paths from each node will be returned.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxPackage, find.package, rxInstalledPackages, rxInstallPackages,
rxRemovePackages, rxSyncPackages, rxSqlLibPaths,

# Find the paths for the RevoScaleR and lattice packages
packagePaths <- rxFindPackage(package = c("RevoScaleR", "lattice"))

## Not run:

# Find the path of the RevoScaleR package on a SQL Server compute context
sqlServerCompute <- RxInSqlServer(connectionString =
"Driver=SQL Server;Server=myServer;Database=TestDB;Uid=myID;Pwd=myPwd;")
sqlPackagePaths <- rxFindPackage(package = "RevoScaleR", computeContext = sqlServerCompute)
## End(Not run)
RxForeachDoPar-class: Class RxForeachDoPar
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Class for the RevoScaleR Compute Context using one of the foreach dopar back ends.

The targeted generator RxForeachDoPar as well as the general generator RxComputeContext.

Class RxComputeContext, directly.


signature(object = "RxForeachDoPar") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxComputeContext, RxLocalSeq, RxLocalParallel, RxSpark, RxHadoopMR.

## Not run:

myComputeContext <- RxComputeContext("RxForeachDoPar")

is(myComputeContext, "RxComputeContext")
# [1] TRUE
is(myComputeContext, "RxForeachDoPar")
# [1] TRUE
## End(Not run)
RxForeachDoPar: Generate RxForeachDoPar
Compute Context
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a compute context object using the registered foreach parallel back end. This compute context can be
used only to distribute computations via the rxExec function; it is ignored by Revolution HPA functions. This is the
main generator for S4 class RxForeachDoPar.

RxForeachDoPar( object, dataPath = NULL, outDataPath = NULL )


a compute context object. If object has slots for dataPath and/or outDataPath , they will be copied to the
equivalent slots for the new RxForeachDoPar object. Explicit specifications of the dataPath and/or outDataPath
arguments will override this.

NULL or character vector defining the search path(s) for the input data source(s). If not NULL , it overrides any
specification for dataPath in rxOptions

NULL or character vector defining the search path(s) for new output data file(s). If not NULL , this overrides any
specification for dataPath in rxOptions

A job is associated with the compute context in effect at the time the job was submitted. If the compute context
subsequently changes, the compute context of the job is not affected.
Available parallel backends are system-dependent, but include doRSR and doParallel . These are separate
packages that must be loaded and registered to accept foreach input.
Note that dataPath and outDataPath are only used by data sources used in RevoScaleR analyses. They do not
alter the working directory for other R functions that read from or write to files.

object of class RxForeachDoPar.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
See Also
foreach, doParallel-package, registerDoParallel, doRSR -package, registerDoRSR, rxSetComputeContext,
rxOptions, rxExec, RxComputeContext, RxLocalSeq, RxLocalParallel, RxForeachDoPar-class.

## Not run:

# Create a compute context using your registered foreach backend

doparContext <- RxForeachDoPar()

# Tell RevoScaleR to use the RxForeachDoPar compute context


## End(Not run)
rxFormula: Formula Syntax for RevoScaleR Analysis
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Highlights of the similarities and differences in formulas between RevoScaleR and standard R functions.

The formula syntax used by the RevoScaleR analysis functions is similar, but not identical, to regular R
formula syntax. The most important differences are:
* With the exception of rxSummary, dot ( . ) explanatory variable expansion is not supported.
* Multiple column producing in-line variable transformations, e.g. poly and bs, are not supported.
* The original order of the explanatory variables are maintained, i.e. the main effects are not forced to precede
the interaction terms. (See keep.order = TRUE setting in terms.formula for more information.)
A formula typically consists of a response, which in most RevoScaleR functions can be a single variable or
multiple variables combined using cbind, the "~" operator, and one or more predictors,typically separated by
the "+" operator. The rxSummary function typically requires a formula with no response.
Interactions are indicated using the ":" operator. The interaction of two categorical variables results in a
categorical variable containing the full set of combinations of the two categories and adds a coefficient to the
model for each category. The interaction of two continuous variables is the same as the multiplication of the
two variables. The interaction of a continuous and a categorical variable adds a coefficient for the continuous
variable for each level of the categorical variable. The asterisk operator "*" between categorical variables
adds all subsets of interactions of the variables to the model.
In RevoScaleR, predictors must be single-column variables.
RevoScaleR formulas support two formula functions for managing categorical variables:
F(x, low, high, exclude) creates a categorical variable out of continuous variable x . Additional
arguments low , high , and exclude can be included to specify the value of the lowest category, the
highest category, and how to handle values outside the specified range. For each integer in the range
from low to high inclusive, RevoScaleR creates a level and assigns values greater than or equal to an
integer n, but less than n+1, to n's level. If x is already a factor, F(x, low, high, exclude) can be used
to limit the range of levels used; in this case low and high represent the indexes of the factor levels,
and must be integers in the range from 1 to the number of levels.
N(x) creates a continuous variable from categorical variable x . Note, however, that the value of this
function is equivalent to the factor codes, and has no relation to any numeric values within the levels of
the function. For this, use the construction as.numeric(levels(x))[x] .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
See Also
rxTransform, rxCrossTabs, rxCube, rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxSummary.


# These two lines are set up for the examples

sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
censusWorkers <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "CensusWorkers.xdf")

rxSummary(~ F(age) + sex, data = censusWorkers)

rxSummary(~ F(age, low = 30, high = 45, exclude = FALSE), data = censusWorkers)

rxCube(incwage ~ F(age) : sex, data = censusWorkers)

rxGetAvailableNodes: Gets a list of operational nodes
on a cluster.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Gets a list of operational nodes on a cluster. Note that this function will attempt to connect to the cluster when

rxGetAvailableNodes(computeContext, makeRNodeNames = FALSE)


A distributed compute context (preferred, see RxComputeContext) or a jobInfo object


logical. If TRUE , names of the nodes will be normalized for use as R variables. See rxMakeRNodeNames for
details on name mangling.

a character vector of node names, or NULL .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxGetNodeInfo RxComputeContext rxGetJobs rxMakeRNodeNames

## Not run:

rxGetAvailableNodes( myCluster )
## End(Not run)
rxGetEnableThreadPool: Get or Set Thread Pool State
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Gets or sets the current state of the thread pool (in a ready state or created ad hoc).

rxSetEnableThreadPool( enable )


Logical scalar. If TRUE , the thread pool is instantiated and maintained in a ready state. If FALSE , threads are
created in an ad hoc fashion; that is, they are created as needed.

The rxSetEnableThreadPool function is used on Linux to turn the thread pool on and off. When the thread pool is
on, it means that there exists a pool of threads that persist between calls, and are ready for processing.
When the thread pool is off, it means that threads will be created on an ad hoc basis when calls requiring threading
are made. By default, the thread pool is turned off to allow R processes that have loaded RevoScaleR to fork
successfully as a mechanism for spawning (for example, by the multicore package).
On the Windows platform, the thread pool always persists, regardless of any user settings.
There is a significant speed increase associated with having the thread pool ready and waiting to do work. If you
are sure that you will not be using any spawning mechanism that uses fork, you may want to put the following at
the end of your Make absolutely sure that it is after any lines that are used to load RevoScaleR:
invisible( rxSetEnableThreadPool( TRUE ) )

The following are possible cases where fork may be called. Obviously, this is not an all-inclusive list:
* nohup to launch jobs. This will cause a fork to be called.
* Using multicore and/or doMC to launch R processes with RevoScaleR
Note that when using rxExec, the default behavior for any worker node process on a Linux host will be to have the
thread pool off (set to create threads in an ad hoc manner). If the function passed to rxExec is going to make
multiple calls into RevoScaleR functions, you will probably want to include a call to rxSetEnableThreadPool(TRUE)
as the first line of the function that you pass to rxExec.
For distributed HPA functions run on worker nodes, threading is always automatically handled for the user.
The rxGetEnableThreadPool function can be used to determine whether the thread pool is instantiated or not. Note
that on Windows, it will always be instantiated; on Linux, whether it is always instantiated or created on an ad hoc
basis is controlled by rxSetEnableThreadPool . At startup on Linux, the thread pool state wil be off; that is, threads
will be created on an ad hoc basis.

rxSetEnableThreadPool returns the state of the thread pool prior to making the call (as opposed to the updated
state). Thus, this function returns TRUE if the thread pool was instantiated and in a ready state prior to making the
call, or FALSE if the thread pool was set to be created in an ad hoc fashion.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

## Not run:

## End(Not run)
rxGetFuzzyDist: Fuzzy distances for a character
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

EXPERIMENTAL: Get fuzzy distances for a character vector

rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn, data = NULL, outFile = NULL, varsToKeep = NULL,
matchMethod = c("lv", "j", "jw", "exact","none"),
keyType = c( "all", "alphanum", "alpha", "mphone3", "soundex", "soundexNum",
"soundexAll", "soundexAm", "mphone3Vowels", "mphone3Exact"),
ignoreCase = FALSE, ignoreSpaces = NULL, ignoreNumbers = TRUE, ignoreWords = NULL,
minDistance = 0.7, dictionary = NULL, noMatchNA = FALSE,
returnString = TRUE, returnIndex = NULL, overwrite = FALSE


Character vector of strings to process or name of character variable.


NULL or data frame or RevoScaleR data source containing the variable to process.

NULL or RevoScaleR data source in which to put output.


NULL or character vector of variables from the input 'data' to keep in the output data set. They will be replicated
for multiple matches.

Method for matching to dictionary: 'none' for no matching, 'lv' for Levenshtein; 'j' for Jaro, 'jw' for JaroWinkler,
'exact' for exact matching

Transformation type in creating keys to be matched: 'all' to retain all characters, 'alphanum' for alphanumeric
characters only, 'alpha' for letters only", 'mphone3' for Metaphone3 phonetic transformation, 'soundex' for
Soundex phonetic transformation, 'mphone3Vowels' for Metaphone3 encoding more than intial vowels,
'mphone3Exact' for Metaphone3 with more exact consonants, 'soundexNum' for Soundex with numbers only,
'soundexAll' for Soundex not truncated at 4 characters, and 'soundexAm' for the American variant of Soundex.

A logical specifying whether or not to ignore case when comparing strings to the dictionary

A logical specifying whether or not to ignore spaces. If FALSE , for phonetic conversions each word in the string is
processed separately and then concatenated together.

A logical. If FALSE , numbers are converted to words before phonetic processing. If TRUE , numbers are ignored or

An optional character vector containing words to ignore when matching.


A logical. If TRUE , if a match is not found an empty string is returned. Only applies when dictionary is provided.

Minimum distance required for a match; applies only to distance metric algorithms (Levenshtein, Jaro,
JaroWinkler). One is a perfect match. Zero is no similarity.

Character vector containing the dictionary for string comparisons. from strings before processing.

A logical specifying whether to return the string and dictionary values


NULL or logical specifying whether to return the string and dictionary indexes. If NULL , it is set to !returnString .

A logical. If TRUE and the specified outFile exists, it will be overwritten.

Four similarity distance measures are provided: Levenshtein, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, and Bag of Words.
The Levenshtein edit-distance algorithm computes the least number of edit operations (number of insertions,
deletions, and substitutions) that are necessary to modify one string to obtain another string.
The Jaro distance measure considers the number of matching characters and transpositions. Jaro-Winkler adds a
prefix-weighting, giving higher match values to strings where prefixes match.
The Bag of Words measure looks at the number of matching words in a phrase, independent of order. In the
implementation used in rxGetFuzzyDist , all measures are normalized to the same scale, where 0 is no match and 1
is a perfect match.
For information on phonetic conversions, see rxGetFuzzyKeys.

A data frame or data source containing the distances and either string and dictionary values or indexes.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
See Also
rxGetFuzzyKeys, rxDataStep

# Basic examples
myWords <- c("Allen", "Ellen", "Elena")
myDictionary <- c("Allen", "Helen", "Harry")
rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = myWords, dictionary = myDictionary, minDistance = .5, returnString = FALSE)

rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = c("Univ of Ontario"),

dictionary = c("Univ of Michgan", "Univ of Ontario", "Univ Michigan",
"Michigan State", "Ontario Univ of"),
matchMethod = "bag", ignoreWords = c("of"), minDistance = 0)

rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = c("Univ of Ontario"),

dictionary = c("Univ of Michgan", "Univ of Ontario", "Univ Michigan",
"Michigan State", "Ontario Univ of"),
matchMethod = "bag", keyType = "soundex", ignoreSpaces = FALSE, minDistance = 0)

### The Jaro Measure

# To use the Jaro edit-disance, set the `matchType` to `j`.
# Create a small city dictionary
cityDictionary <- c("Portland", "Eugene", "Corvalis")

# Create a vector of city names to correct

cityNames <- c("Portland", "Portlande", "Eugen", "CORVALIS", "COrval")

# Large minimum distance should result in little change: final e's are dropped
cityKey1 <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "j", dictionary = cityDictionary, minDistance
= .9)
# Print results to console

# Smaller minimum distance should fixes more

cityKey2 <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "j", dictionary = cityDictionary, minDistance
= .8)
# Print results to console

# Small minimum distance should fix everything

cityKey3 <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "j", dictionary = cityDictionary, minDistance
= .1)
# Print results to console

# Examine all of the distances greater than .1

distOut1 <- rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "j", dictionary = cityDictionary, minDistance
= .1)

# Use the ignoreCase argument: CORVALIS and Corvalis will now be a perfect match
distOut2 <- rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "j", dictionary = cityDictionary,
ignoreCase = TRUE, minDistance = .1)

### The Jaro-Winkler matchMethod

# Create a small city dictionary
cityDictionary <- c("Portland", "Eugene", "Corvalis")
# Create a vector of city names to correct
cityNames <- c("Portland", "Portlandia", "Eugenie", "Eugener", "Corvaliser", "Corving")
# Examine all of the distances greater than .5 for Jaro-Winkler
distOut1 <- rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "jw", dictionary = cityDictionary,
minDistance = .5)

# Compare with Jaro, which does not emphasize the matching prefix
distOut2 <- rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "j", dictionary = cityDictionary, minDistance
= .5)

### The Bag-of-Words matchMethod

institutionDictionary = c("University of Maryland", "Michigan State University", "University of Michigan",

"University of Washington", "Washington State University" )

origCol1 <- c("Univ of Maryland", "Michigan State", "Michigan State University", "Michigan University of",
"WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY OF", "Washington State Univ")

distOut <- rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = origCol1,

dictionary = institutionDictionary, matchMethod = "bag", minDistance = .2,
ignoreCase = TRUE )

distOut <- rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = origCol1,

dictionary = institutionDictionary, matchMethod = "bag", minDistance = .2,
ignoreWords = c("University", "Univ"), ignoreCase = TRUE )

### Using Distance Measures with Phonetic Transformations

# Distance measures can also be used with phonetic transformations of strings. For example,
# we can first convert the strings to Soundex, then perform the distance measure. In both
# cases shown, we will see a perfect match between `Univ of Ontario` and `Unive of Ontaro`
# when we convert all of the words to Soundex.

uDictionary = c("Univ of Michgan", "Univ of Ontario", "Univ of Oklahoma", "Michigan State")

# Use a bag of words distance measure with a soundex conversion

outDist1 <- rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = c("Unive of Ontaro"),
dictionary = uDictionary,
matchMethod = "bag", keyType = "soundex", ignoreSpaces = FALSE, minDistance = 0)

# Now use a Levenshtein distance measure with a soundex conversion

outDist2 <- rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = c("Unive of Ontaro"),
dictionary = uDictionary,
matchMethod = "lv", keyType = "soundex", ignoreSpaces = FALSE, minDistance = 0)

## Use with xdf file

# Create temporary xdf file
inData <- data.frame(institution = c("Seattle Pacific U", "SEATTLE UNIV", "Seattle Central",
"U Washingtn", "UNIV WASH BOTHELL", "Puget Sound Univ",
"ANTIOC U SEATTLE", "North Seattle Univ", "North Seatle U",
"Seattle Inst Tech", "SeATLE College Nrth", "UNIV waSHINGTON",
"University Seattle", "Seattle Antioch U",
"Technology Institute Seattle", "Pgt Sound U",
"Seattle Central Univ", "Univ North Seattle",
"Bothell - Univ of Wash", "ANTIOCH SEATTLE"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

tempInFile <- tempfile(pattern = "fuzzyDistIn", fileext = ".xdf")

rxDataStep(inData = inData, outFile = tempInFile, rowsPerRead = 10)

uDictionary <- c("Seattle Pacific University", "Seattle University",

"University of Washington", "Seattle Central College",
"University of Washington, Bothell", "Puget Sound University",
"Antioch University, Seattle", "North Seattle College",
"Seattle Institute of Technology")

tempOutFile <- tempfile(pattern = "fuzzyDistOut", fileext = ".xdf")

outDataSource <- rxGetFuzzyDist(stringsIn = "institution",

data = tempInFile, outFile = tempOutFile,
dictionary = uDictionary,
dictionary = uDictionary,
ignoreWords = c("University", "Univ", "U","of"),
ignoreCase = TRUE,
matchMethod = "bag",
ignoreSpaces = FALSE,
minDistance = .5,
keyType = "mphone3", overwrite = TRUE)
# Read the new data set back into memory
newData <- rxDataStep(outDataSource)
oldWidth <- options(width = 120)
# Clean-up
rxGetFuzzyKeys: Fuzzy keys for a character vector
6/18/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

EXPERIMENTAL: Get fuzzy keys for a character vector

rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn, data = NULL, outFile = NULL, varsToKeep = NULL,
matchMethod = c("lv", "j", "jw", "bag", "exact","none"),
keyType = c( "all", "alphanum", "alpha", "mphone3", "soundex", "soundexNum",
"soundexAll", "soundexAm", "mphone3Vowels", "mphone3Exact"),
ignoreCase = FALSE, ignoreSpaces = NULL, ignoreNumbers = TRUE, ignoreWords = NULL,
minDistance = 0.7, dictionary = NULL, keyVarName = NULL,
costs = c(insert = 1, delete = 1, subst = 1),
hasMatchVarName = NULL, matchDistVarName = NULL, numMatchVarName = NULL, noMatchNA = FALSE,
overwrite = FALSE


Character vector of strings to process or name of character variable.


NULL or data frame or RevoScaleR data source containing the variable to process.

NULL or RevoScaleR data source in which to put output.


NULL or character vector of variables from the input 'data' to keep in the output data set. If NULL , all variables are
kept. Ignored if data is NULL .

Method for matching to dictionary: 'none' for no matching, 'lv' for Levenshtein; 'j' for Jaro, 'jw' for JaroWinkler,
'bag' for bag of words, 'exact' for exact matching. The default matchMethod is 'lv'.

Transformation type in creating keys: 'all' to retain all characters, 'alphanum' for alphanumeric characters only,
'alpha' for letters only", 'mphone3' for Metaphone3 phonetic transformation, 'soundex' for Soundex phonetic
transformation, 'mphone3Vowels' for Metaphone3 encoding more than initial vowels, 'mphone3Exact' for
Metaphone3 with more exact consonants, 'soundexNum' for Soundex with numbers only, 'soundexAll' for
Soundex not truncated at 4 characters, and 'soundexAm' for the American variant of Soundex.

A logical specifying whether or not to ignore case when comparing strings to the dictionary

A logical specifying whether or not to ignore spaces. If FALSE , for phonetic conversions each word in the string is
processed separately and then concatenated together.

A logical. If FALSE , numbers are converted to words before phonetic processing. If TRUE , numbers are ignored or

An optional character vector containing words to ignore when matching.


A logical. If TRUE , if a match is not found an empty string is returned. Only applies when dictionary is provided.

Minimum distance required for a match; applies only to distance metric algorithms (Levenshtein, Jaro,
JaroWinkler). One is a perfect match. Zero is no similarity.

Character vector containing the dictionary for string comparisons. Used for distance metric algorithms. from
strings before processing.

NULLor a character string specifying the name to use for the newly created key variable. If NULL , the new variable
name will be constructed using the stringsIn variable name and .key . Ignored if data is NULL .


A named numeric vector with names insert , delete , and subst giving the respective costs for computing the
Levenshtein distance. The default uses unit cost for all three. Ignored if Levenshtein distance not being used.

NULL or a character string specifying the name to use for a logical variable indicating whether word was matched
to dictionary or not. If NULL , no variable will be created.

NULL or a character string specifying the name to use for a numeric variable containing the distance of the match.
If NULL , no variable will be created.

NULLor a character string specifying the name to use for an integer variable containing the number of alternative
matches were found that satisfied minDistance criterion . If NULL , no variable will be created.

A logical. If TRUE and the specified outFile exists, it will be overwritten.

Two basic algorithms are provided, Soundex and Metaphone 3, with variations on both of them.
The rxGetFuzzyKeys function can process a character vector of data, a character column in a data frame, or a string
variable in a RevoScaleR data source.
The simplified Soundex algorithm creates a 4-letter code: the first letter of the word as is, followed by 3 numbers
representing consonants in the word, or zeros if necessary to fill out the four characters. Non-alphabetical
characters are ignored. The Soundex method is used widely, and is available, for example, on the RootsWeb web
site .
American Soundex differs slightly from standard simplified Soundex in its treatment of 'H' and 'W', which are
treated differently when present between two other consonants. This is described by the U.S. National Archives .

Another variant of Soundex is to code the first letter in the same way that all letters are coded, giving the first
letter less importance.
Using soundexNums as the keyType provides this variant.
Another popular variant of Soundex is to continue coding all letters rather than stopping at 4.
Extra zeros are not added to fill out the code, so the result may be less than 4 characters. For this variant, use
soundexAll as the keyType .
Note that in this case, spaces are treated as vowels in separating consonants.
The Metaphone 3 algorithm was developed by Lawrence Philips, who designed and developed the original
Metaphone algorithm in 1990 and the Double Metaphone algorithm in 2000. Metaphone 3 is reported to
increase the accuracy of phonetic encoding from the 89 against a database of the most common English words,
and names and non-English words familiar in North America.
In Metaphone3, all vowels are encoded to the same value - 'A'. If the mphone3 is used as the keyType , only initial
vowels will be encoded at all. If mphone3Vowels is used as the keyType , 'A' will be encoded at all places in the word
that any vowels are normally pronounced. 'W' as well as 'Y' are treated as vowels.
The mphone3Exact keyType is a variant of Metaphone3 that allows you to encode consonants as exactly as
possible. This does not include 'S' vs. 'Z', since Americans will pronounce 'S' at the at the end of many words as
'Z', nor does it include 'CH' vs. 'SH'. It does cause a distinction to be made between 'B' and 'P', 'D' and 'T', 'G' and
'K', and 'V' and 'F'.
In phonetic matching, all non-alphabetic characters are ignored, so that any strings containing numbers may give
misleading results. This is typically handled by removing numbers from strings and handling them separately, but
occasionally it is convenient to have the numbers converted to their phonetic equivalent. This is accomplished by
setting the ignoreNumbers parameter to FALSE.
Phonetic matching also typically treats the entire string as a single word. Setting the ignoreSpaces argument to
TRUE results in each word being processed separately, with the result concatenated into a single (longer ) code.

For information on similarity distance measures, see rxGetFuzzyDist.

A character vector containing the fuzzy keys or a data source containing the fuzzy keys in a new variable.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxGetFuzzyDist, rxDataStep

cityDictionary <- c("Aberdeen", "Anacortes", "Arlington", "Auburn",
"Bellevue", "Bellingham", "Bothell", "Bremerton", "Bothell", "Camas",
"Bellevue", "Bellingham", "Bothell", "Bremerton", "Bothell", "Camas",
"Des Moines", "Edmonds", "Everett", "Federal Way", "Kennewick",
"Marysville", "Olympia", "Pasco", "Pullman", "Redmond", "Renton", "Sammamish",
"Seattle", "Shoreline", "Spokane", "Tacoma", "Vancouver", "Yakima")

cityNames <- c("Redmond", "Redmonde", "Edmondse", "REDMND", "EDMOnts")

# The string distance matchMethods require a dictionary

rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "lv", dictionary = cityDictionary)
rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "jw", dictionary = cityDictionary)

rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "lv", dictionary = cityDictionary, ignoreCase = TRUE)

rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "jw", dictionary = cityDictionary, ignoreCase = TRUE)

# Use mphone3 converstion before matching

rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "lv", keyType = "mphone3",
dictionary = cityDictionary)

# Compare soundex and American soundex

origStr <- c("Ashcroft", "FLASHCARD")
soundexCode <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "soundex")
soundexAmCode <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "soundexAm")
# Show the original string, Soundex, and American Soundex codes
data.frame(origStr, soundexCode, soundexAmCode)

# Compare Metaphone3 with Metaphone3 with internal vowels

origStr <- c("Phorensics", "forensics", "Nicholas", "Nicolas", "Nikolas",
"Knight", "Night", "Stephen", "Steven", "Matthew", "Matt", "Shuan", "Shawn",
"McDonald", "MacDonald", "Schwarzenegger", "Shwardseneger", "Ellen", "Elena", "Allen")

mphone3Code <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "mphone3")

mphone3VowelsCode <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "mphone3Vowels")
data.frame(origStr, mphone3Code, mphone3VowelsCode)

# Compare Metaphone 3 with Metaphone3 with more exact consonants

origStr <- c("Phorensics", "forensics", "Nicholas", "Nicolas", "Nikolas",
"Knight", "Night", "Stephen", "Steven", "Matthew", "Matt", "Shuan", "Shawn",
"McDonald", "MacDonald", "Schwarzenegger", "Shwardseneger", "Ellen", "Elena", "Allen")

mphone3Code <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "mphone3")

mphone3ExactCode <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "mphone3Exact")
data.frame(origStr, mphone3Code, mphone3ExactCode)

# Including numbers and spaces

origStr <- c("10 Main Apt 410", "20 Main Apt 300", "20 Main Apt 302")
mphone3Code <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "mphone3")
mphone3NumCode <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "mphone3", ignoreNumbers = FALSE)
mphone3NumSpCode <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "mphone3", ignoreNumbers = FALSE,
ignoreSpaces = FALSE)
data.frame(origStr, mphone3Code, mphone3NumCode, mphone3NumSpCode)

# Non-phonetic key types

origStr <- c("10 Main St", "Main St. ", "15 Second Ave.", "Second 15 Ave.")
alphaCode <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "alpha")
alphaNumCode <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = origStr, keyType = "alphaNum")
data.frame(origStr, alphaCode, alphaNumCode)

# Use minDistance to correct data

# Create a small city dictionary
cityDictionary <- c("Seattle", "Olympia", "Spokane")

# Create a vector of city names to correct

cityNames <- c("Seattle", "Seattlee", "Olympa", "SPOKANE", "OLYmpia")

# Large minimum distance should result in no change

cityKey1 <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "lv", dictionary = cityDictionary,
minDistance = .9)
# Print results to console
# Smaller minimum distance should fix matched cases, but not mixed case issues
cityKey2 <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "lv", dictionary = cityDictionary,
minDistance = .8)
# Print results to console

# Small minimum distance should fix everything, even mixed case issues
cityKey3 <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = cityNames, matchMethod = "lv", dictionary = cityDictionary,
minDistance = .1)
# Print results to console

## Use with xdf file

# Create temporary xdf file
inData <- data.frame(institution = c("Seattle Pacific U", "SEATTLE UNIV", "Seattle Central",
"U Washingtn", "UNIV WASH BOTHELL", "Puget Sound Univ",
"ANTIOC U SEATTLE", "North Seattle Univ", "North Seatle U",
"Seattle Inst Tech", "SeATLE College Nrth", "UNIV waSHINGTON",
"University Seattle", "Seattle Antioch U",
"Technology Institute Seattle", "Pgt Sound U",
"Seattle Central Univ", "Univ North Seattle",
"Bothell - Univ of Wash", "ANTIOCH SEATTLE"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

tempInFile <- tempfile(pattern = "fuzzyDistIn", fileext = ".xdf")

rxDataStep(inData = inData, outFile = tempInFile, rowsPerRead = 10)

uDictionary <- c("Seattle Pacific University", "Seattle University",

"University of Washington", "Seattle Central College",
"University of Washington, Bothell", "Puget Sound University",
"Antioch University, Seattle", "North Seattle College",
"Seattle Institute of Technology")

tempOutFile <- tempfile(pattern = "fuzzyDistOut", fileext = ".xdf")

outDataSource <- rxGetFuzzyKeys(stringsIn = "institution",

data = tempInFile, outFile = tempOutFile,
dictionary = uDictionary,
ignoreWords = c("University", "Univ",
"of", "U"),
ignoreCase = TRUE,
matchMethod = "bag",
ignoreSpaces = FALSE,
minDistance = .4,
keyType = "mphone3", overwrite = TRUE)
# Read the new data set back into memory
newData <- rxDataStep(outDataSource)

# See the 'cleaned-up' institution names in the new institution.key variable

# Note that one input, Seattle Inst Tech, was not cleaned

# Clean-up
rxGetInfo: Get Data Source Information
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get basic information about an RevoScaleR data source or data frame

rxGetInfo(data, getVarInfo = FALSE, getBlockSizes = FALSE,
getValueLabels = NULL, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL,
startRow = 1, numRows = 0, computeInfo = FALSE,
allNodes = TRUE, verbose = 0)


a data frame, a character string specifying an .xdf, or an RxDataSource object. If a local compute context is being
used, this argument may also be a list of data sources, in which case the output will be returned in a named list.
See the details section for more information.

logical value. If TRUE , variable information is returned.


logical value. If TRUE , block sizes are returned in the output for an .xdf file, and when printed the first 10 block
sizes are shown.

logical value. If TRUE and getVarInfo is TRUE or NULL , factor value labels are included in the output.

character vector of variable names for which information is returned. If NULL or getVarInfo is FALSE , argument
is ignored. Cannot be used with varsToDrop .

character vector of variable names for which information is not returned. If NULL or getVarInfo is FALSE ,
argument is ignored. Cannot be used with varsToKeep .

starting row for retrieval of data if a data frame or .xdf file.


number of rows of data to retrieve if a data frame or .xdf file.


logical value. If TRUE , and getVarInfo is TRUE , variable information (e.g., high/low values) for non-xdf data
sources will be computed by reading through the data set. If TRUE , and getVarInfo is FALSE , the number of
variables will be gotten from from non-xdf data sources (but not the number of rows).

logical value. Ignored if the active RxComputeContext compute context is local or RxForeachDoPar . Otherwise, if
TRUE , a list containing the information for the data set on each node in the active compute context will be
returned. If FALSE , only information on the data set on the master node will be returned. Note that the
determination of the master node is not controlled by the end user. See the RevoScaleR Distributed Computing
Guide for more information on master node computations.

integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed for an .xdf

If a local compute context is being used, the data and file arguments may be a list of data source objects, e.g.,
data = list(iris, airquality, attitude) , in which case a named list of results are returned. For rxGetInfo , a mix
of supported data sources is allowed. Note that data frames should not be specified in quotes because, in that
case, they will be interpreted as .xdf data paths.
If the RxComputeContext is distributed, rxGetInfo will request information from the compute context nodes.

list containing the following possible elements:

character string containing the file name and path (if an .xdf file).

character string containing object name (if not an .xdf file).


class of the object if an R object.


length of the object if it is not an .xdf file or data frame.


number of composite data files(if a composite .xdf file).


number of rows in the data set.


number of variables in the data set.


number of blocks in the data set.


list of variable information where each element is a list describing a variable. (See return value of rxGetVarInfo for
more information.)

integer vector containing number of rows in each block (if getBlockSizes is set to TRUE ). Set to NULL if data is
a data frame.

data frame containing the data (if numRows > 0 )

If using a distributed compute context with the allNodes set to TRUE , a list of lists with information on the data
from each node will be returned.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxDataStep, rxGetVarInfo, rxSetVarInfo.

# Summary information about a data frame
fileInfo <- rxGetInfo(data = iris, numRows = 5)

# Summary information about an .xdf file

mortFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers")
infoObj <- rxGetInfo(mortFile, getBlockSizes=TRUE)
numBlocks <- infoObj$numBlocks
aveRowsPerBlock <- infoObj$numRows/numBlocks
rowsPerBlock <- infoObj$rowsPerBlock
aveRowsPerBlock1 <- mean(rowsPerBlock)

# Obtain information on a variety of data sources

fourthGradersXDF <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "fourthgraders.xdf")
KyphosisDS <- RxXdfData(file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "kyphosis.xdf"))
claimsTxtDS <- RxTextData(file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.txt"))
rxGetInfo(data = list(iris, fourthGradersXDF, KyphosisDS, claimsTxtDS))
rxGetJobInfo: Get Job Information from Distributed
Computing Job
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Gets job information for a given distributed computing job.



an object containing jobInfo information, such as that returned from a non-waiting, distributed computation.

The object returned from a non-waiting, distributed computation contains job information together with other
information. The job information is used internally by such functions as rxGetJobStatus , rxGetJobOutput , and
rxGetJobResults . It is sometimes useful to extract it for its own sake, as it contains complete information on the
job's compute context as well as other information needed by the distributed computing resources.
For most users, the principal use of this function is to determine whether a given object actually contains job
information. If the return value is not NULL , then the object contains job information. Note, however, that the
structure of the job information is subject to change, so code that attempts to manipulate it directly is not
guaranteed to be forward-compatible.

the job information, if present, or NULL .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxSpark, RxHadoopMR, RxInSqlServer, rxGetJobStatus, rxGetJobOutput, rxGetJobResults

## Not run:

# set up a non-waiting HPC Server compute context:

myCluster <- RxSpark(nameNode = "my-name-service-server", port = 8020, wait = FALSE)

myJob <- rxExec(function(){ print( "Hello World"); return ( 1 ) })

# The job information consists of the job's compute context
# and other information needed to prepare and complete the job
# The results object will be a list containing the value 1 for each node
# Get job results will remove the job object (by default)
# Another call to rxGetJobInfo(myJob) would return no output

## End(Not run)
rxGetJobOutput: Get Console Output from
Distributed Computing Job
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Gets the console output from the various nodes in a non-waiting distributed computing job.



a job information object, such as that returned from a non-waiting, distributed computation, for example, the
rxgLastPendingJob object, if available.

During a job run, the state of the output is non-deterministic (that is, it may or may not be on disk, and what is
on disk at any given point in time may not reflect the actual completion state of a job).
If autoCleanup has been set to TRUE , the console output will not persist after the job completes.
Unlike rxGetJobResults, this function does not remove any job information upon retrieval.

This function is called for its side effect of printing console output; it does not have a useful return value.

See Also
RxSpark, RxHadoopMR, RxInSqlServer, rxGetJobs, rxCleanupJobs, rxGetJobResults, rxExec.

## Not run:

# set up a non-waiting HPC Server compute context:

myCluster <- RxSpark(nameNode = "my-name-service-server", port = 8020, wait = FALSE)

myJob <- rxExec(function(){ print( "Hello World"); return ( 1 ) })

# The job output will contain the printed text "Hello World" from each node
# The results object will be a list containing the value 1 for each node
# Get job results will remove the job object (by default)
# Another call to rxGetJobOutput(myJob) would return no output

## End(Not run)
rxGetJobResults: Obtain Distributed Computing
Job Status and Results
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Obtain distributed computing results and processing status.

rxGetJobResults(jobInfo, consoleOutput = NULL, autoCleanup = NULL)


a object as returned by rxExec or a RevoScaleRanalysis function, for example, the

rxgLastPendingJob object, if available.


NULL or logical value. If TRUE , the console output from all of the processes is printed to the user console. If
FALSE , no console output is displayed. Output can be retrieved with the function rxGetJobOutput for a non-
waiting job. If not NULL , this flag overrides the value set in the compute context when the job was submitted.
If NULL , the setting in the compute context will be used.

NULL or logical value. If TRUE , the default behavior is to clean up any artifacts created by the distributed
computing job. If FALSE , then the artifacts are not deleted, and the results may be acquired using
rxGetJobResults, and the console output via rxGetJobOutput until the rxCleanupJobs is used to delete the
artifacts. If not NULL , this flag overwrites the value set in the compute context when the job was submitted. If
you routinely set autoCleanup=FALSE , you will eventually fill your hard disk with compute artifacts.If you set
autoCleanup=TRUE and experience performance degradation on a Windows XP client, consider setting
autoCleanup=FALSE .

The possible job status strings returned by rxGetJobStatus are:

information no longer retained by job scheduler. May still retrieve results and output when available.

job has successfully completed.


job has failed.


job has been canceled and the cancel process is completed.


job is no longer available on the cluster.


job is either running or completing it's run (finishing, flushing buffers, etc.), or it is in the process of being

job is in one of the following states: it is being configured, has been submitted but has not started, is being
validated, or is in the job queue.
On LSF clusters, job information by default is held for only one hour (although this is configurable using the
LSF parameter CLEAN_PERIOD ); jobs older than the CLEAN_PERIOD setting will have status
"undetermined" .

rxGetJobResults : either the results of the run (prepended with console output if the consoleOutput
argument is set to TRUE ) or a message saying that the results are not available because the job has not
finished, has failed, or was deleted.
rxGetJobStatus : a character string denoting the job status.

See Also
RxSpark, RxHadoopMR, RxInSqlServer, rxGetJobs, rxCleanupJobs, rxGetJobStatus, rxExec.

## Not run:

# set up the cluster object

myCluster <- RxSpark(nameNode = "my-name-service-server", port = 8020, wait = FALSE)

func <- function(name)


jobInfo <- rxExec(func, "dog", elemType = "cores", timesToRun = 5)

## End(Not run)
rxGetJobs: Get Distributed Computing Jobs
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Returns a list of job objects associated with the given compute context and matching the specified parameters.

rxGetJobs(computeContext, exactMatch = FALSE, startTime = NULL, endTime = NULL,
states = NULL, verbose = TRUE)


A compute context object.


Determines if jobs are matched using the full compute context, or a simpler subset. If TRUE , only jobs which use
the same context object are returned. If FALSE , all jobs which have the same headNode (if available) and
ShareDir are returned.


A time, specified as a POSIXct object. If specified, only jobs created at or after startTime are returned. For non-
RxHadoopMR contexts, this time should be specified in the user's local time; for RxHadoopMR contexts, the time
should specified in GMT. See below for more details.

A time, specified as a POSIXct object. If specified, only jobs created at or before endTime are returned. For non-
RxHadoopMR contexts, this time should be specified in the user's local time; for RxHadoopMR contexts, the time
should specified in GMT. See below for more details.

If specified (as a character vector of states that can include "none" , "finished" , "failed" , "canceled" ,
"undetermined" "queued" or "running" ), only jobs in those states are returned. Otherwise, no filtering is
performed on job state.

If TRUE (the default), a brief summary of each job is printed as it is found. This includes the current job status as
returned by rxGetJobStatus, the modification time of the job, and the current job ID (this is used as the
component name in the returned list of job information objects). If no job status is returned, the job status shows
none .

One common use of rxGetJobs is as input to the rxCleanupJobs function, which is used to clean up completed
non-waiting jobs when autoCleanup is not specified.
If exactMatch=FALSE , only the shared directory shareDir and the cluster head name headNode (if available) are
compared. Otherwise, all slots are compared. However, if the nodes slot in either compute context is NULL , that
slot is also omitted from the comparison.
On LSF clusters, job information by default is held for only one hour (although this is configurable using the LSF
parameter CLEAN_PERIOD ); jobs older than the CLEAN_PERIOD setting will have status "undetermined" .
For non-RxHadoopMR cluster types, all time values are specified and displayed in the user's computer's local
time settings, regardless of the time zone settings and differences between the user's computer and the cluster.
Thus, start and end times for job filtering should be provided in local time, with the expectation that cluster time
values will also be converted for the user into system local time. For RxHadoopMR, the job time and comparison
times are stored and performed based on a GMT time.
Note also that when there are a large number of jobs on the cluster, you can improve performance by using the
startTime and endTime parameters to narrow your search.

Returns a rxJobInfoList , list of job information objects based on the compute context.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxCleanupJobs, rxGetJobOutput, rxGetJobResults, rxGetJobStatus, rxExec, RxSpark, RxHadoopMR,
RxInSqlServer, RxComputeContext

## Not run:

myCluster <- RxComputeContext("RxSpark",

# Location of Revo64 on each node
revoPath = file.path(defaultRNodePath, "bin", "x64"),
nameNode = "cluster-head2",
# User directory for read/write
shareDir = "\\AllShare\\myName"

rxSetComputeContext(computeContext = myCluster )

# Get all jobs older than a week and newer than two weeks that are finished or canceled.
rxGetJobs(myCluster, startTime = Sys.time() - 3600 * 24 * 14, endTime = Sys.time() - 3600 * 24 * 7,
exactMatch = FALSE, states = c( "finished", "canceled") )

# Get all jobs associated with myCluster compute context and then get job output and results
myJobs <- rxGetJobs(myCluster)
# returns
# rxJob_1461
## End(Not run)
rxGetNodeInfo: Provides information about all nodes
on a cluster.
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Provides information about the capabilities of the nodes on a cluster.

rxGetNodeInfo( computeContext = NULL, ..., namesOnly = FALSE, makeRNodeNames = FALSE, getWorkersOnly = TRUE


A distributed compute context (preferred), a jobInfo object, or (deprecated) a character scalar containing the name
of the Microsoft HPC cluster head node being queried. If you are interested in information about a particular
node, be sure that node is included in the group specified in the compute context, or that the compute context has
groups=NULL ( HPC compute contexts). Setting nodes=NULL and groups=NULL or queue="all" in the compute
context is the best way to ensure getting information on all nodes.

additional arguments for modifying the compute context before requesting the node information. These
arguments must be in the compute context constructor.

logical. If TRUE , only a vector containing the names of the nodes will be returned.

logical. If TRUE , names of the nodes will be normalized for use as R variables. See rxMakeRNodeNames for
details on name mangling.

logical. If TRUE , returns only those nodes within the cluster that are configured to actually execute jobs (where
applicable; currently LSF only.).

This function will return information on all the nodes on a given cluster if the nodes slot of the compute context
is NULL and groups and queue are not specified in the compute context. If either groups or queue is specified,
information is provided only for nodes within the specified groups or queue, using the normal rules described in
the compute context for taking the unions of node sets and nodes in queues. The best way to get information on
all nodes is to ensure that both the nodes and groups slots are set to NULL for HPC, and that nodes and queues
are set to NULL and "all" , respectively, for LSF.
Note that unlike rxGetAvailableNodes , the return value of this function will contain all nodes in the compute
context regardless of their state.
(rxGetAvailableNodes returns only online nodes).
If the return value of this function is used to populate node names elsewhere and namesOnly is TRUE ,
makeRNodeNames should be set to the default FALSE . If namesOnly is FALSE , the nodeName element of each list
element should be used, not the names of the list element, given that the list element names will be mangled to
be proper R names.
This operation is performed because names with a dash (-) are not permitted as variable names (the R interpreter
interprets this as a minus operation). Thus, the mangling process replaces the dashes with an underscore _ to
form the variable names. See rxMakeRNodeNames for details on name mangeling.
Also, note that
node names are always forced to all capital letters (node names should be case agnostic, but in some cluster
related software, it is necessary to force them to be upper case. In general, however, machine names are always
treated as being case insensitive.
No other changes are made to node names during the mangling process. )

If namesOnly is TRUE , a character vector containing the names of the nodes. If makeRNodeNames is TRUE , these
names will be normalized for use as R variables.
If namesOnly is FALSE , a named list of lists, where each top level name is a node name on the cluster, normalized
for use as an R variable. See rxMakeRNodeNames for more details.
Each named element in the list will contain some or all of the following:

character scalar. The true name of the node (as opposd to the list item name).

float. The processor speed in MHz for Microsoft HPC, or the CPU factor for LSF.

integer. The amount of RAM in MB.


integer. The number of cores.


integer. The number of CPU sockets.


character scalar. May be either "online", "offline", "draining" (shutting down, but still with jobs in queue), or

logical. Determines if there is an operational network path between the head node and the given compute node.

list of character scalars. The node groups (on MS HPC ) or queues (under LSF ) to which the node belongs.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxGetAvailableNodes, rxMakeRNodeNames.

## Not run:

# Returns list of lists with information about each specified node

rxGetNodeInfo(myCluster, nodes = "comp1,comp2,comp3")
rxGetNodeInfo(myCluster, nodes = c("g1","g2","g3"))

# Returns a vector with the names of the nodes in the cluster, excluding the
# head node if computeOnHeadNode is set to FALSE in the compute context
rxGetNodeInfo(myCluster, namesOnly = TRUE)

# Node names in the returned vector are converted to valid R names

rxGetNodeInfo(myCluster, namesOnly = TRUE, makeRNodeNames = TRUE)

## End(Not run)
rxGetPartitions: Get Partitions of a Partitioned Xdf
Data Source
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get partitions enumeration of a partitioned Xdf data source.



an existing partitioned data source object which was created by RxXdfData with createPartitionSet = TRUE and
constructed by rxPartition.

Data frame with (n+1) columns, the first n columns are partitioning columns specified by varsToPartition in
rxPartition and the (n+1)th column is a data source column where each row contains an Xdf data source object of
one partition.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RXdfData, rxPartition, rxExecBy

# create an input Xdf data source
inFile <- "claims.xdf"
inFile <- file.path(dataPath = rxGetOption(opt = "sampleDataDir"), inFile)
inXdfDS <- RxXdfData(file = inFile)

# create an output partitioned Xdf data source

outFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "partitionedClaims.xdf")
outPartXdfDataSource <- RxXdfData(file = outFile, createPartitionSet = TRUE)

# construct and save the partitioned Xdf to disk

partDF <- rxPartition(inData = inXdfDS, outData = outPartXdfDataSource, varsToPartition = c("car.age"))

# enumerate partitions
partDF <- rxGetPartitions(outPartXdfDataSource)
rxGetInfo(partDF, getVarInfo = TRUE)
rxGetSparklyrConnection: Get sparklyr connection
from Spark compute context
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get a Spark compute context with sparklyr interop. rxGetSparklyrConnection get sparklyr spark connection from
created Spark compute context.

computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"))


Compute context get created by rxSparkConnect .

object of sparklyr spark connection

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

## Not run:

cc <- rxSparkConnect(interop = "sparklyr")
sc <- rxGetSparklyrConnection(cc)
iris_tbl <- copy_to(sc, iris)
## End(Not run)
rxGetVarInfo: Get Variable Information for a Data
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get variable information for a RevoScaleR data source or data frame, including variable names, descriptions, and
value labels

rxGetVarInfo(data, getValueLabels = TRUE, varsToKeep = NULL,
varsToDrop = NULL, computeInfo = FALSE, allNodes = TRUE)


a data frame, a character string specifying the .xdf file, or an RxDataSource object. If a local compute context is
being used, this argument may also be a list of data sources, in which case the output will be returned in a named
list. See the details section for more information.

logical value. If TRUE , value labels (including factor levels) are included in the output if present.

character vector of variable names for which information is returned. If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be used
with varsToDrop .

character vector of variable names for which information is not returned. If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be
used with varsToKeep .

logical value. If TRUE , variable information (e.g., high/low values) for non-xdf data sources will be computed by
reading through the data set.

logical value. Ignored if the active RxComputeContextcompute context is local. Otherwise, if TRUE , a list containing
the variable information for the data set on each node in the active compute context will be returned. If FALSE , only
information on the data set on the master node will be returned.

Will also give partial information for lists and matrices.
If a local compute context is being used, the data and file arguments may be a list of data source objects, e.g.,
data = list(iris, airquality, attitude) , in which case a named list of results are returned. For rxGetVarInfo , a
mix of supported data sources is allowed.
If the RxComputeContext is distributed, rxGetVarInfo will request information from the compute context nodes.

list with named elements corresponding to the variables in the data set. Each list element is also a list with with
following possible elements:

character string specifying the variable description


character string specifying the variable type


character string specifying the storage type


numeric giving the low values, possibly generated through a temporary factor transformation F()


numeric giving the high values, possibly generated through a temporary factor transformation F()


(factor only) a character vector containing the factor levels


character vector of value codes, for informational purposes only


character vector of value labels that is the same length as valueInfoCodes , used for informational purposes only

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxSetVarInfo, rxDataStep.

# Specify name and location of sample data file
censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers")

# Read the variable information

varInfo <- rxGetVarInfo(censusWorkers)

# Print the variable information


# Get variable information about a built-in data frame

rxGetVarInfo( iris )

# Obtain variable information on a variety of data sources

fourthGradersXDF <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "fourthgraders.xdf")
KyphosisDS <- RxXdfData(file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "kyphosis.xdf"))
rxGetVarInfo(data = list(iris, fourthGradersXDF, KyphosisDS))
rxGetVarNames: Variable names for a data source or
data frame
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Read the variable names for data source or data frame



an RxDataSource object, a character string specifying the .xdf file, or a data frame.

If colInfo is used in the data source to specify new column names, these new names will be used in the return

character vector containing the names of the variables in the data source or data frame.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxGetVarInfo, rxSetVarInfo, rxDataStep, rxGetInfo.

# Specify name and location of sample data file
censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers")

# Get the variable names

varNames <- rxGetVarNames(censusWorkers)

# Print the variable names

rxGlm: Generalized Linear Models
6/18/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

Use rxGlm to fit generalized linear regression models for small or large data. Any valid glm family object can be

rxGlm(formula, data, family = gaussian(),
pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, offset = NULL,
cube = FALSE, variableSelection = list(), rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
dropFirst = FALSE, dropMain = rxGetOption("dropMain"),
covCoef = FALSE, computeAIC = FALSE, initialValues = NA,
coefLabelStyle = rxGetOption("coefLabelStyle"),
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
maxIterations = 25, coeffTolerance = 1e-06,
objectiveFunctionTolerance = 1e-08,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),


formula as described in rxFormula.


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

either an object of class family or a character string specifying the family. A family is a description of the error
distribution and is associated with a link function to be used in the model. Any valid family object may be used.
The following family/link combinations are implemented in C++: binomial/logit, gamma/log, poisson/log, and
Tweedie. Other family/link combinations use a combination of C++ and R code. For the Tweedie distribution,
use family=rxTweedie(var.power, link.power) . It is also possible to use family=tweedie(var.power, link.power)
from the R package tweedie.

character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.

character string specifying a variable to use as an offset for the model ( offset="x" ). An offset may also be
specified as a term in the formula ( offset(x) ). An offset is a variable to be included as part of the linear
predictor that requires no coefficient.

logical flag. If TRUE and the first term of the predictor variables is categorical (a factor or an interaction of
factors), the regression is performed by applying the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Theorem, which uses a partitioned
inverse to save on computation time and memory. See Details section below.

a list specifying various parameters that control aspects of stepwise regression. If it is an empty list (default), no
stepwise model selection will be performed. If not, stepwise regression will be performed and cube must be
FALSE . See rxStepControl for details.


name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations
in which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

logical flag. If FALSE , the last level is dropped in all sets of factor levels in a model. If that level has no
observations (in any of the sets), or if the model as formed is otherwise determined to be singular, then an
attempt is made to estimate the model by dropping the first level in all sets of factor levels. If TRUE , the starting
position is to drop the first level. Note that for cube regressions, the first set of factors is excluded from these
rules and the intercept is dropped.

logical value. If TRUE , main-effect terms are dropped before their interactions.

logical flag. If TRUE and if cube is FALSE , the variance-covariance matrix of the regression coefficients is
returned. Use the rxCovCoef function to obtain these data.

logical flag. If TRUE , the AIC of the fitted model is returned. The default is FALSE .

Starting values for the Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares algorithm used to estimate the model coefficients.
Supported values for this argument come in three forms:
NA - The initial values are based upon the 'mustart' values generated by the family$initialize expression if an
R family object is used, or the equivalent for a family coded in C++.
Scalar - A numeric scalar that will be replicated once for each of the coefficients in the model to form the
initial values. Zeros may be good starting values, depending upon the model.
Vector - A numeric vector of length K , where K is the number of model coefficients, including the
intercept if any and including any that might be dropped from sets of dummies. This argument is most useful
when a set of estimated coefficients is available from a similar set of data. Note that K can be found by
running the model on a small number of observations and obtaining the number of coefficients from the
output, say z , via length(z$coefficients) .

character string specifying the coefficient label style. The default is "Revo". If "R", R -compatible labels are created.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

maximum number of iterations.


convergence tolerance for coefficients. If the maximum absolute change in the coefficients (step), divided by the
maximum absolute coefficient value, is less than or equal to this tolerance at the end of an iteration, the
estimation is considered to have converged. To disable this test, set this value to 0.

convergence tolerance for the objective function. If the absolute relative change in the deviance (-2.0 times log
likelihood) is less than or equal to this tolerance at the end of an iteration, the estimation is considered to have
converged. To disable this test, set this value to 0.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.

integer value. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide
increasing amounts of information are provided.

a valid RxComputeContext. The RxSpark and RxHadoopMR compute contexts distribute the computation among
the nodes specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if
possible on the local computer.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.

The special function F() can be used in formula to force a variable to be interpreted as a factor.
When cube is TRUE , the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell (FWL ) Theorem is applied to the model. The FWL approach
parameterizes the model to include one coefficient for each category (a single factor level or combination of
factor levels) instead of using an intercept in the model with contrasts for each of the factor combinations.
Additionally when cube is TRUE , the output contains a countDF element representing the counts for each

an rxGlm object containing the following elements:

named vector of coefficients.


variance-covariance matrix for the regression coefficient estimates.


estimated reciprocal condition number of final weighted cross-product (X'WX) matrix.


numeric rank of the fitted linear model.


logical vector specifying whether columns were dropped or not due to collinearity.

standard errors of the coefficients.


coefficients divided by their standard errors.


p-values for coef.t.value; for the poisson and binomial families, the dispersion is taken to be 1, and the normal
distribution is used (Pr(>|z|)); for other families the dispersion is estimated, and the t distribution is used
the p-value resulting from an F -test on the fitted model.

degrees of freedom, a 3-vector (p, n-p, p*), the last being the number of non-aliased coefficients.

(for models including non-intercept terms) a 3-vector with the value of the F -statistic with its numerator and
denominator degrees of freedom.

parameters sent to Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.


the model formula


the matched call.


number of valid observations.


number of missing observations.


minus twice the maximized log-likelihood (up to a constant)


for the poisson and binomial families, the dispersion is 1; for other families the dispersion is estimated, and is the
Pearson chi-squared statistic divided by the residual degrees of freedom.

The generalized linear models are computed using the Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (IRLS ) algorithm.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
glm, family, rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxTweedie, rxTransform.

# Compare rxGlm and glm, which both can be used on small data sets
infertRxGlm <- rxGlm(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
family = binomial(), dropFirst = TRUE, data = infert)

infertGlm <- glm(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,

data = infert, family = binomial())

# For the case of the binomial family with the 'logit' link family,
# the optimized rxLogit function can be used
infertRxLogit <- rxLogit(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert, dropFirst = TRUE)

# Estimate a Gamma family model using sample data

claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.xdf")
claimsGlm <- rxGlm(cost ~ age + car.age + type, family = Gamma,
dropFirst = TRUE, data = claimsXdf)

# In the claims data, the cost is set to NA if no claim was made

# Convert NA to 0 for the cost, to prepare data for using
# the Tweedie family - which is appropriate for positive data
# that also contains exact zeros
# Read the transformed data into a data frame
claims <- rxDataStep(inData = claimsXdf,
transforms = list(cost = ifelse(, 0, cost)))

# Estimate using a Tweedie family

claimsTweedie <- rxGlm(cost ~ age + car.age + type ,
data=claims, family = rxTweedie(var.power =1.15))

# Illustrate the use of a Tweedie family with offset

TestData <- data.frame(
Factor1 = as.factor(c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2)),
Factor2 = as.factor(c(1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2)),
Discount = c(1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2),
Exposure = c(24000,40000,7000,14000,7500,15000,2000,5600),
PurePrem = c(46,32,73,58,48,25,220,30)

rxGlmTweedieOffset <- rxGlm(PurePrem ~ Factor1 * Factor2 - 1 + offset(log(Discount)),

family = rxTweedie(var.power = 1.5, link.power = 0),
data = TestData, fweights = "Exposure", dropFirst = TRUE, dropMain = FALSE

## Not run:

glmTweedieOffset <- glm(PurePrem ~ Factor1 * Factor2 - 1,
family = tweedie(var.power = 1.5, link.power = 0),
data = TestData, weights = Exposure, offset = log(Discount)
## End(Not run)
rxHadoopCommand: Execute Hadoop Commands
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Execute arbitrary Hadoop commands and perform standard file operations in Hadoop.

rxHadoopCommand(cmd, computeContext, sshUsername=NULL,
sshProfileScript=NULL, intern=FALSE)

rxHadoopCopyFromLocal(source, dest, ...)

rxHadoopCopyFromClient(source, nativeTarget="/tmp", hdfsDest,

computeContext, sshUsername=NULL,
sshHostname=NULL, sshSwitches=NULL, sshProfileScript=NULL)

rxHadoopCopyToLocal(source, dest, ...)


rxHadoopListFiles(path="", recursive=FALSE, print, computeContext = rxGetComputeContext(), ...)

rxHadoopMakeDir(path, ...)

rxHadoopMove(source, dest, ...)

rxHadoopCopy(source, dest, ...)

rxHadoopRemove(path, skipTrash=FALSE, ...)

rxHadoopRemoveDir(path, skipTrash=FALSE, ...)



A character string containing a valid Hadoop command, that is, the cmd portion of hadoop cmd . Embedded
quotes are not permitted.

Run against this compute context. Default to the current compute context as returned by rxGetComputeContext .

character string specifying the username for making an ssh connection to the Hadoop cluster.

character string specifying the hostname or IP address of the Hadoop cluster node or edge node that the client
will log into for launching Hadoop commands.

character string specifying any switches needed for making an ssh connection to the Hadoop cluster.

Optional character string specifying the absolute path to a profile script that will exist on the sshHostname host.
This is used when the target ssh host does not automatically read in a .bash_profile , .profile or other shell
environment configuration file for the definition of requisite variables.

logical (not NA ) specifying whether to capture the output of a Hadoop command as an R character vector in a
local compute context. (When using the RxHadoopMR compute context, any output is always returned as an R
character vector.)

character vector specifying file(s) to be copied or moved.


character string specifying the destination of a copy or move. If source includes more than one file, dest must
be a directory.

character string specifying a directory in the Hadoop cluster's native file system, to be used as an intermediate
location for file(s) copied from a client machine.

character string specifying a directory in the Hadoop Distributed File System.


character vector specifying location of one or more files or directories.


Deprecation Warning: the print argument in rxHadoopListFiles is now deprecated and is going to be removed
in the next release. If FALSE , rxHadoopListFiles will return a character vector of paths; by default it prints paths
to the console.

logical flag. If TRUE , directory listings are recursive.


logical flag. If TRUE , removal via rxHadoopRemove and rxHadoopRemoveDir bypasses the trash folder, if one has
been set up.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the rxHadoopCommand function.

rxHadoopCommand allows you to run basic Hadoop commands. rxCopyFromClient allows a file to be copied from a
remote client to the Hadoop Distributed File System on the Hadoop cluster. rxHadoopVersion calls the Hadoop
version command and extracts and returns the version number only. The remaining functions are wrappers for
various Hadoop file system commands:
* rxHadoopCopyFromLocal wraps the Hadoop fs -copyFromLocal command.
* rxHadoopCopyToLocal wraps the Hadoop fs -copyToLocal command.
* rxHadoopListFiles wraps the Hadoop fs -ls or fs -lsr command.
* rxHadoopRemove wraps the Hadoop fs -rm command.
* rxHadoopCopy wraps the Hadoop fs -cp command.
* rxHadoopMove wraps the Hadoop fs -mv command.
* rxHadoopMakeDir wraps the Hadoop fs -mkdir command.
* rxHadoopRemoveDir wraps the Hadoop fs -rm -r command.

These functions are executed for their side effects and typically return NULL invisibly.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

## Not run:

rxHadoopCommand("version") # should return version information

rxHadoopCopyFromLocal("/tmp/foo.txt", "/user/RevoShare/newUser")

## End(Not run)
RxHadoopMR-class: Class RxHadoopMR
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

DEPRECATED: Hadoop Map Reduce Local (File) compute context class.

The targeted generator RxHadoopMR as well as the general generator RxComputeContext.

Class RxComputeContext, directly.


signature(object = "RxHadoopMR") : ...

See Also
RxHadoopMR: Generate Hadoop Map Reduce
Compute Context
6/18/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

DEPRECATED: Creates a compute context for use with a Hadoop cluster.
RxHadoopMR compute context is deprecated. Please consider using RxSpark compute context instead.

hdfsShareDir = paste( "/user/RevoShare",[["user"]], sep="/" ),
shareDir = paste( "/var/RevoShare",[["user"]], sep="/" ),
clientShareDir = rxGetDefaultTmpDirByOS(),
hadoopRPath = rxGetOption("unixRPath"),
hadoopSwitches = "",
revoPath = rxGetOption("unixRPath"),
sshUsername =[["user"]],
sshHostname = NULL,
sshSwitches = "",
sshProfileScript = NULL,
sshClientDir = "",
usingRunAsUserMode = FALSE,
nameNode = rxGetOption("hdfsHost"),
jobTrackerURL = NULL,
port = rxGetOption("hdfsPort"),
onClusterNode = NULL,
wait = TRUE,
consoleOutput = FALSE,
showOutputWhileWaiting = TRUE,
autoCleanup = TRUE,
workingDir = NULL,
dataPath = NULL,
outDataPath = NULL,
fileSystem = NULL,
packagesToLoad = NULL,
resultsTimeout = 15,
... )


object of class RxHadoopMR. This argument is optional. If supplied, the values of the other specified arguments
are used to replace those of object and the modified object is returned.

character string specifying the file sharing location within HDFS. You must have permissions to read and write to
this location.

character string specifying the directory on the master (perhaps edge) node that is shared among all the nodes of
the cluster and any client host. You must have permissions to read and write in this directory.

character string specifying the absolute path of the temporary directory on the client. Defaults to /tmp for POSIX-
compliant non-Windows clients. For Windows and non-compliant POSIX clients, defaults to the value of the
TEMP environment variable if defined, else to the TMP environment variable if defined, else to NULL . If the
default directory does not exist, defaults to NULL. UNC paths (" \\host\dir ") are not supported.

character string specifying the path to the directory on the cluster compute nodes containing the files R.exe and
Rterm.exe. The invocation of R on each node must be identical.

character string specifying the path to the directory on the master (perhaps edge) node containing the files R.exe
and Rterm.exe.

character string specifying optional generic Hadoop command line switches, for example -conf myconf.xml . See for details on the
Hadoop command line generic options.

character string specifying the username for making an ssh connection to the Hadoop cluster. This is not needed if
you are running your R client directly on the cluster. Defaults to the username of the user running the R client
(that is, the value of[["user"]] ).

character string specifying the hostname or IP address of the Hadoop cluster node or edge node that the client
will log into for launching Hadoop jobs and for copying files between the client machine and the Hadoop cluster.
Defaults to the hostname of the machine running the R client (that is, the value of[["nodename"]] ) This
field is only used if onClusterNode is NULL or FALSE . If you are using PuTTY on a Windows system, this can be
the name of a saved PuTTY session that can include the user name and authentication file to use.

character string specifying any switches needed for making an ssh connection to the Hadoop cluster. This is not
needed if one is running one's R client directly on the cluster.

Optional character string specifying the absolute path to a profile script that will exists on the sshHostname host.
This is used when the target ssh host does not automatically read in a .bash_profile, .profile or other shell
environment configuration file for the definition of requisite variables such as HADOOP_STREAMING.

character string specifying the Windows directory where Cygwin's ssh.exe and scp.exe or PuTTY's plink.exe and
pscp.exe executables can be found. Needed only for Windows. Not needed if these executables are on the
Windows Path or if Cygwin's location can be found in the Windows Registry. Defaults to the empty string.

logical scalar specifying whether run-as-user mode is being used on the Hadoop cluster. When using run-as-user
mode, local R processes started by the map-reduce framework will run as the same user that started the job, and
will have any allocated local permissions. When not using run-as-user mode (the default for many Hadoop
systems), local R processes will run as user mapred. Note that when running as user mapred, permissions for files
and directories will have to be more open in order to allow hand-offs between the user and mapred. Run-as-user
mode is controlled for the Hadoop map-reduce framework by the xml setting,
mapred.task.tracker.task-controller , in the mapred-site.xml configuration file. If it is set to the value
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LinuxTaskController , then run-as-user mode is in use. If it is set to the value
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.DefaultTaskController , then run-as-user mode is not in use.


character string specifying the Hadoop name node hostname or IP address. Typically you can leave this at its
default value. If set to a value other than "default" or the empty string (see below ), this must be an address that
can be resolved by the data nodes and used by them to contact the name node. Depending on your cluster, it may
need to be set to a private network address such as "master.local" . If set to the empty string, "", then the master
process will set this to the name of the node on which it is running, as returned by[["nodename"]] . This
is likely to work when the sshHostname points to the name node or the sshHostname is not specified and the R
client is running on the name node. Defaults to rxGetOption("hdfsHost").

character scalar specifying the full URL for the jobtracker web interface. This is used only for the purpose of
loading the job tracker web page from the rxLaunchClusterJobManager convenience function. It is never used for
job control, and its specification in the compute context is completely optional. See the
rxLaunchClusterJobManager page for more information.

numeric scalar specifying the port used by the name node for hadoop jobs. Needs to be able to be cast to an
integer. Defaults to rxGetOption("hdfsPort").

logical scalar or NULL specifying whether the user is initiating the job from a client that will connect to either an
edge node or an actual cluster node, directly from either an edge node or node within the cluster. If set to FALSE
or NULL , then sshHostname must be a valid host.

logical value. If TRUE , the job will be blocking and will not return until it has completed or has failed. If FALSE , the
job will be non-blocking return immediately, allowing you to continue running other R code. The object
rxgLastPendingJob is created with the job information. You can pass this object to the rxGetJobStatus function to
check on the processing status of the job. rxWaitForJob will change a non-waiting job to a waiting job.
Conversely, pressing ESC changes a waiting job to a non-waiting job, provided that the HPC scheduler has
accepted the job. If you press ESC before the job has been accepted, the job is canceled.

logical scalar. If TRUE , causes the standard output of the R processes to be printed to the user console.

logical scalar. If TRUE , causes the standard output of the remote primary R and hadoop job process to be printed
to the user console while waiting for (blocking on) a job.

logical scalar. If TRUE , the default behavior is to clean up the temporary computational artifacts and delete the
result objects upon retrival. If FALSE , then the computational results are not deleted, and the results may be
acquired using rxGetJobResults, and the output via rxGetJobOutput until the rxCleanupJobs is used to delete the
results and other artifacts. Leaving this flag set to FALSE can result in accumulation of compute artifacts which
you may eventually need to delete before they fill up your hard drive.

character string specifying a working directory for the processes on the master node.

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. character vector defining the search path(s) for the data source(s).

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. NULL or character vector defining the search path(s) for new output data file(s). If not
NULL , this overrides any specification for outDataPath in rxOptions


NULL or an RxHdfsFileSystem to use as the default file system for data sources when created when this compute
context is active.

optional character vector specifying additional packages to be loaded on the nodes when jobs are run in this
compute context.

A numeric value indicating for how long attempts should be made to retrieve results from the cluster. Under
normal conditions, results are available immediately. However, under certain high load conditions, the processes
on the nodes have reported as completed, but the results have not been fully committed to disk by the operating
system. Increase this parameter if results retrievial is failing on high load clusters.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.

This compute context is supported for Cloudera (CDH4 and CDH5), Hortonworks (HDP 1.3 and 2.x), and MapR
(3.0.2, 3.0.3, 3.1.0, and 3.1.1) Hadoop distributions on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6.

object of class RxHadoopMR.

See Also
rxGetJobStatus, rxGetJobOutput, rxGetJobResults, rxCleanupJobs, RxSpark, RxInSqlServer,
RxComputeContext, rxSetComputeContext, RxHadoopMR -class.

## Not run:

# Run hadoop on edge node

hadoopCC <- RxHadoopMR()

# Run hadoop from a Windows client
# (requires Cygwin and/or PuTTY)
mySshUsername <- "user1"
mySshHostname <- "12.345.678.90" #public facing cluster IP address
mySshSwitches <- "-i /home/yourName/user1.pem" #use .ppk file with PuTTY
myShareDir <- paste("/var/RevoShare", mySshUsername, sep ="/")
myHdfsShareDir <- paste("/user/RevoShare", mySshUsername, sep="/")
myHadoopCluster <- RxHadoopMR(
hdfsShareDir = myHdfsShareDir,
shareDir = myShareDir,
sshUsername = mySshUsername,
sshHostname = mySshHostname,
sshSwitches = mySshSwitches)

## End(Not run)
rxHdfsConnect: Establish a Connection to the
Hadoop Distributed File System
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Establishes a connection from RevoScaleR to the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ).

rxHdfsConnect(hostName, portNumber)


character string specifying the host name of your Hadoop name node.

integer scalar specifying the port number of your Hadoop name node.

If you accept the install time option to specify a default HDFS connection, you are prompted for a host name and
port number for your Hadoop name node, which are stored as environment variables REVOHADOOPHOST and
REVOHADOOPPORT . If these environment variables are set, this function is called by on startup.

After establishing the connection, this function sets the rxOptions for hdfsHost and hdfsPort , and subsequent
calls to RxHdfsFileSystem should be done using the default values of hostName and port .
It is important that this function be called before any functions that call into rJava, in particular before initializing

invisibly, the return value of rxOptions .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxOptions, link{RxHdfsFileSystem}

## Not run:

rxHdfsConnect(hostName = "sandbox-01", port = 8020)

myHDFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem()

## End(Not run)
RxHdfsFileSystem: RevoScaleR HDFS File System
object generator
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is the main generator for RxHdfsFileSystem S3 class.

RxHdfsFileSystem( object, hostName = rxGetOption("hdfsHost"), port = rxGetOption("hdfsPort"), useWebHdfs
= FALSE, oAuthParameters = NULL, verbose = FALSE )

## S3 method for class `RxHdfsFileSystem':

print ( x, ... )


object of class RxHdfsFileSystem. This argument is optional. If supplied, the values of the other arguments are
used to replace those of object and the modified object is returned. If these arguments are not supplied, they
will take their default values.

character string specifying name of host for HDFS file system.


integer specifying port number.


NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Optional Flag indicating whether this is a HDFS or a WebHdfs interface - default

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED Optional list of OAuth2 parameters created using rxOAuthParameters function (valid
only if useWebHdfs is TRUE ) - default NULL

Optional Flag indicating "verbose" mode for WebHdfs HTTP calls (valid only if useWebHdfs is TRUE ) - default

an RxHdfsFileSystem object.

other arguments are passed to the underlying function.

Writing to the HDFS file system can only be done using a RxHadoopMR compute context with an RxXdfData
data source. The 'rxHadoop' commands, such as rxHadoopCopy, can also be used to manipulate data sets in

An RxHdfsFileSystem file system object. This object may be used to in rxSetFileSystem, rxOptions, RxTextData, or
RxXdfData to set the file system.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxFileSystem, RxNativeFileSystem, rxSetFileSystem, rxOptions, RxXdfData, RxTextData, rxOAuthParameters.

# Setup to run analyses to use HDFS file system
## Not run:

myHdfsFileSystem <- RxHdfsFileSystem(hostName = "myHost", port = 8020)

rxSetFileSystem(fileSystem = myHdfsFileSystem )
## End(Not run)
rxHistogram: Histogram
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Histogram plot for a variable in an .xdf file or data frame

rxHistogram(formula, data, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, numBreaks = NULL,
startVal = NULL, endVal = NULL, levelsToDrop = NULL,
levelsToKeep = NULL, rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL,
transformObjects = NULL, transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
histType = "Counts",
title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, xTitle = NULL, yTitle = NULL,
xNumTicks = NULL, yNumTicks = NULL, xAxisMinMax = NULL,
yAxisMinMax = NULL, fillColor = "cyan", lineColor = "black",
lineStyle = "solid", lineWidth = 1, plotAreaColor = "gray90",
gridColor = "white", gridLineWidth = 1, gridLineStyle = "solid",
maxNumPanels = 100, reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
print = TRUE, ...)


formula describing the data to plot. It should take the form of ~x|g1 + g2 where g1 and g2 are optional
conditioning factor variables and x is the name of a variable or an on-the-fly factorization F (x). Other expressions
of x are not supported.

either an RxXdfData object, a character string specifying the .xdf file, or a data frame containing the variable to plot.

character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.

number of breaks to use to cut numeric data, including the upper and lower bounds.

low value used for cutting numeric data.


high value used for cutting numeric data.

levels to exclude if the histogram variable is a factor.

levels to keep if the histogram variable is a factor.


name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to specify
row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the variable
old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in which
the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater
than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms
or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to

be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable data
transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

character string specifying "Counts" or "Percent" .


main title for the plot. Alternatively main can be used.


subtitle (at the bottom) for the plot. Alternatively sub can be used.
title for the X axis. Alternatively xlab can be used.

title for the Y axis. Alternatively ylab can be used.


number of tick marks on X axis (ignored for factor variables).


number of tick marks on Y axis.


numeric vector of length 2 containing a minimum and maximum value for the X axis. Alternatively xlim can be

numeric vector of length 2 containing a minimum and maximum value for the Y axis. Alternatively ylim can be

fill color for histogram. Use colors to see color names.


line color for border of histogram.


line style for border of histogram: "blank", "solid", "dashed", ``"dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", or "twodash" .

line width for border of histogram. Alternatively lwd can be used.


background color for the plot area.


color for grid lines.


line width for grid lines.


line style for grid lines.


integer specifying the maximum number of panels to plot. The number of panels is determined by the product of
the number of levels of each conditioning variable. If the number of panels exceeds the maxNumPanels an error is
given and the plot is not drawn. If maxNumPanels is NULL, it is ignored.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


logical. If TRUE , the plot is printed. If FALSE , and the lattice package is loaded, an lattice plot object is returned
invisibly and can be printed later.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying barchart or xyplot function.

rxHistogram calls rxCube to perform computations and uses the lattice graphics package (barchart or xyplot) to
create the plot. The rxHistogram function will attempt bin continuous data in reasonable intervals. For faster
computation (using a bin for every integer value), use the F () function around the variable. Descriptive argument
names are used to facilitate quick and easy plotting and self-documenting code for new R users.

An object of class "trellis". It is automatically printed within the function.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxLinePlot, rxCube, histogram.

# Examples using airline data
airlineData <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf")
# Use the F() function to quickly compute bins for each integer level
rxHistogram(~F(CRSDepTime), data = airlineData)
# Specify the approximate number of breaks
rxHistogram(~CRSDepTime, numBreaks=11, data = airlineData)

# Examples using census data subsample

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers")
# Create panels for each of the 3 states
rxHistogram(~ sex | state, data = censusWorkers)
# Repeat, printing x axis labels at an angle, and all panels in a row
rxHistogram(~ sex | state, scales = list(x = list(rot = 30)),
data = censusWorkers, layout = c(3,1))
# Create panels for age for each sex for each state
rxHistogram(~ age | sex + state, data = censusWorkers)
# Specify how wage income should be broken into bins
rxHistogram(~ incwage | state + sex, title="Wage Income Up To 100,000",
endVal = 100000, numBreaks=21, data = censusWorkers)

# Show panels for each state on a separate page

numCols <- 1
numRows <- 2
## Not run:

par(ask=TRUE) # Set ask to pause between each plot

## End(Not run)

rxHistogram(~ age | sex + state, data = censusWorkers, layout=c(numCols, numRows))

# Create a jpeg file for each page, named myplot001.jpeg, etc

## Not run:

rxHistogram(~ age | sex + state, data = censusWorkers,
blocksPerRead=6, layout=c(numCols, numRows))
## End(Not run)
RxHpcServer-class: Class RxHpcServer
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

DEPRECATED: HPC Server compute context class.

The targeted generator RxHpcServer as well as the general generator RxComputeContext.

Class RxComputeContext, directly.


signature(object = "RxHpcServer") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
rxImport: Import Data to .xdf or data frame
6/18/2018 • 14 minutes to read • Edit Online

Import data into an .xdf file or data.frame . rxImport is multi-threaded.

rxImport(inData, outFile = NULL, varsToKeep = NULL,
varsToDrop = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
append = "none", overwrite = FALSE, numRows = -1,
stringsAsFactors = NULL, colClasses = NULL, colInfo = NULL,
rowsPerRead = NULL, type = "auto", maxRowsByCols = NULL,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
verbose = 0,
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),
createCompositeSet = NULL,
blocksPerCompositeFile = 3,


a character string with the path for the data to import (delimited, fixed format, SPSS, SAS, ODBC, or XDF ).
Alternatively, a data source object representing the input data source can be specified. (See RxTextData,
RxSasData, RxSpssData, and RxOdbcData.) If a character string is supplied and type is set to "auto" , the
type of file is inferred from its extension, with the default being a text file. A data.frame can also be used for
inData .


a character string representing the output .xdf file, a RxHiveData data source, aRxParquetData data source or a
RxXdfData object. If NULL , a data frame will be returned in memory.

character vector of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToDrop . Not supported for ODBC or fixed format text files.

character vector of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToKeep . Not supported for ODBC or fixed format text files.

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only
observations in which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the
income variable is greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations
(see the arguments transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined
outside of the function call using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc
arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages
argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used

either "none" to create a new .xdf file or "rows" to append rows to an existing .xdf file. If outFile exists and
append is "none" , the overwrite argument must be set to TRUE . Ignored if a data frame is returned.

logical value. If TRUE , the existing outData will be overwritten. Ignored if a dataframe is returned.

integer value specifying the maximum number of rows to import. If set to -1, all rows will be imported.

logical indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden
by specifying "character" in colClasses and colInfo . If TRUE , the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor
columns is to use colInfo with specified "levels" .

character vector specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element names for the
vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.
Allowable column types are:
"logical" (stored as uchar ),
"integer" (stored as int32 ),
"float32" (the default for floating point data for .xdf files),
"numeric" (stored as float64 as in R ),
"character" (stored as string ),
"factor" (stored as uint32 ),
"ordered" (ordered factor stored as uint32 . Ordered factors are treated the same as factors in
RevoScaleR analysis functions.),
"int16" (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
"uint16" (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space),
"Date" (stored as Date, i.e. float64 . Not supported for import types "textFast" , "fixedFast" , or
"odbcFast" .)
"POSIXct" (stored as POSIXct, i.e. float64 . Not supported for import types "textFast" ,
"fixedFast" , or "odbcFast" .)
Note for "factor" and "ordered" types, the levels will be coded in the order encountered. Since this
factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is to use
colInfo with specified "levels" .

Note that equivalent types share the same bullet in the list above; for some types we allow both 'R -
friendly' type names, as well as our own, more specific type names for .xdf data.
Note also that specifying the column as a "factor" type is currently equivalent to "string" - for the
moment, if you wish to import a column as factor data you must use the colInfo argument,
documented below.

list of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named
elements given below. When importing fixed format data, either colInfo or an an .sts schema file should be
supplied. For fixed format text files, only the variables specified will be imported. For all text types, the
information supplied for colInfo overrides that supplied for colClasses .
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
type - character string specifying the data type for the column. See colClasses argument description for
the available types. If the type is not specified for fixed format data, it will be read as character data.
newName - character string specifying a new name for the variable.
description - character string specifying a description for the variable.
levels - character vector containing the levels when type = "factor" . If the levels property is not
provided, factor levels will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any
value that does not match a provided level will be converted to a missing value.
newLevels - new or replacement levels specified for a column of type "factor". It must be used in
conjunction with the levels argument. After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will be
replaced with the newLevels .
low - the minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.)
high - the maximum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.)
start - the left-most position, in bytes, for the column of a fixed format file respectively. When all
elements of colInfo have start , the text file is designated as a fixed format file. When none of the
elements have it, the text file is designated as a delimited file. Specification of start must always be
accompanied by specification of width .
width - the number of characters in a fixed-width character column or the column of a fixed format file. If
width is specified for a character column, it will be imported as a fixed-width character variable. Any
characters beyond the fixed width will be ignored. Specification of width is required for all columns of a
fixed format file.
decimalPlaces - the number of decimal places.


number of rows to read at a time.


character string set specifying file type of inData . This is ignored if inData is a data source. Possible values
"auto" : file type is automatically detected by looking at file extensions and argument values.
"textFast" : delimited text import using faster, more limited import mode. By default variables containing
the values TRUE and FALSE or T and F will be created as logical variables.
"text" : delimited text import using enhanced, slower import mode (not supported with HDFS ). This
allows for importing Date and POSIXct data types, handling the delimiter character inside a quoted string,
and specifying decimal character and thousands separator. (See RxTextData.)
"fixedFast" : fixed format text import using faster, more limited import mode. You must specify a .sts
format file or colInfo specifications with start and width for each variable.
"fixed" : fixed format text import using enhanced, slower import mode (not supported with HDFS ). This
allows for importing Date and POSIXct data types and specifying decimal character and thousands
separator. You must specify a .sts format file or colInfo specifications with start and width for each
"sas" : SAS data files. ( See RxSasData.)
"spss" : SPSS data files. ( See RxSpssData.)
"odbcFast" : ODBC import using faster, more limited import mode.
"odbc" : ODBC import using slower, enhanced import on Windows. ( See RxOdbcData.)


the maximum size of a data frame that will be read in if outData is set to NULL , measured by the number of
rows times the number of columns. If the number of rows times the number of columns being imported
exceeds this, a warning will be reported and a smaller number of rows will be read in than requested. If
maxRowsByCols is set to be too large, you may experience problems from loading a huge data frame into

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , information on the import type is printed if type is
set to auto .

integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in
smaller files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression
and files will be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of
compression will be used.

logical value or NULL . If TRUE , a composite set of files will be created instead of a single .xdf file. A directory
will be created whose name is the same as the .xdf file that would otherwise be created, but with no extension.
Subdirectories data and metadata will be created. In the data subdirectory, the data will be split across a set of
.xdfd files (see blocksPerCompositeFile below for determining how many blocks of data will be in each file). In
the metadata subdirectory there is a single .xdfm file, which contains the meta data for all of the .xdfd files in
the data subdirectory. When the compute context is RxHadoopMR a composite set of files is always created.

integer value. If createCompositeSet=TRUE , and if the compute context is not RxHadoopMR , this will be the
number of blocks put into each .xdfd file in the composite set. When importing is being done on Hadoop using
MapReduce, the number of rows per .xdfd file is determined by the rows assigned to each MapReduce task,
and the number of blocks per .xdfd file is therefore determined by rowsPerRead . If the outFile is an
RxXdfData object, set the value for blocksPerCompositeFile there instead.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying data source objects to be imported. These
argument values will override the existing values in an existing data source, if it is passed in as the inData . See
RxTextData, RxSasData, RxSpssData, and RxOdbcData.

If a data source is passed in as inData , argument values specified in the call to rxImport will override any
existing specifications in the data source. Setting type to "text" , "fixed" , or "odbc" is equivalent to setting
useFastRead to FALSE in an RxTextData or RxOdbcData input data source. Similarly, setting type to
"textFast" , "fixedFast" , or "odbcFast" is equivalent to setting useFastRead to TRUE .

The input and output data sources are automatically opened and closed within the rxImport function.
For reasons of performance, the textFast 'type' does not properly handle text files that contain the delimiter
character inside a quoted string (for example, the entry "Wade, John" inside a comma delimited file. Use the
text 'type' if your data set contains character data with this characteristic.

For information on using a .sts schema file for fixed format text import, see the RxTextData help file.
Encoding Details
Some files or data sources contain character data encoded in a particular format (for example, Excel files will
always use UTF -16). Others may contain encoding information inside the file itself. When not determined by
the file type, or specified within the file, character data in the input file or data source must be encoded as
ASCII or UTF -8 in order to be imported correctly. If the data contains UTF -8 multibyte (i.e., non-ASCII)
characters, make sure the type parameter is set to "text" or "fixed" for text import and "odbc" for ODBC
import as the 'fast' versions of these values may not handle extended UTF -8 characters correctly.

If an outFile is not specified, an output data frame is returned. If an outFile is specified, an RxXdfData data
source is returned that can be used in subsequent RevoScaleR analysis.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, rxDataStep, RxTextData, RxSasData, RxSpssData, RxOdbcData, RxXdfData, rxSplit,


# Import a comma-delimited text file into an .xdf file
# Create names for input and output data files
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
inputFile <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "claims.txt")
outputFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "claims.xdf")

# Import the data

rxImport( inData = inputFile, outFile = outputFile)

# Look at summary information

rxGetInfo( data = outputFile, getVarInfo = TRUE)

# Clean-up: remove data file

file.remove( outputFile )

# Import a small SAS file into a data frame in memory
# Specify a SAS file name
claimsSasFileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sas7bdat")

# Import the data into a data frame in memory

claimsIn <- rxImport(inData = claimsSasFileName)

# Import a fixed format text file into an .xdf file
# Specify input and output file names

claimsFF <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.dat")

claimsXdf <- file.path(tempdir(), "importedClaims.xdf")

# Specify column information about the input file

claimsFFColInfo <-
list(rownames = list(start = 1, width = 3),
age = list(type = "factor", start = 4, width = 5),
car.age = list(type = "factor", start = 9, width = 3),
type = list(type = "factor", start = 12, width = 1),
cost = list(type = "numeric", start = 13, width = 6),
number = list(type = "integer", start = 19, width = 3))

# Import the data into the xdf file

rxImport(inData = claimsFF, outFile = claimsXdf,
colInfo = claimsFFColInfo,
rowsPerRead = 65, # rowsPerRead will determine block size
overwrite = TRUE)

# Look at information about the new file

rxGetInfo( data = claimsXdf, getVarInfo = TRUE)

# Clean-up: delete the new file

file.remove( claimsXdf)
file.remove( claimsXdf)

# Import a fixed format text file using an RxTextData data source

claimsFF <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.dat")

claimsXdf <- file.path(tempdir(), "importedClaims.xdf")

# Create an RxTextData data source

claimsDS <- RxTextData( file = claimsFF,

colInfo = list(
rownames = list(start = 1, width = 3),
age = list(type = "factor", start = 4, width = 5),
car.age = list(type = "factor", start = 9, width = 3),
type = list(type = "factor", start = 12, width = 1),
cost = list(type = "numeric", start = 13, width = 6),
number = list(type = "integer", start = 19, width = 3)),
rowsPerRead = 50 # rowsPerRead will determine block size

# Import the data specified in the data source into an xdf file

rxImport(inData = claimsDS, outFile = claimsXdf,

rowsPerRead = 65, # this will override 'rowsPerRead' in the data source
overwrite = TRUE)

# Clean-up: delete the new file

file.remove( claimsXdf)

# Import a an SPSS file into an Xdf file

# Specify SPSS file name

spssFileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("unitTestDataDir"), "claimsInt.sav")

# Create an XDF data file path

xdfFileName <- file.path(tempdir(), "ClaimsInt.xdf")

# Import data; notice that factor variables are created for any
# SPSS variables with value labels
rxImport(inData = spssFileName, outFile = xdfFileName, overwrite = TRUE, reportProgress = 0)
varInfo <- rxGetVarInfo( data = xdfFileName )

# Reimport SPSS data, storing some variables as integer instead of

# numeric

spssColClasses <- c(RowNum = "integer", cost = "integer",

number = "integer")
rxImport(inData = spssFileName, outFile = xdfFileName, colClasses = spssColClasses,
overwrite = TRUE, reportProgress = 0)
varInfo <- rxGetVarInfo( data = xdfFileName )

# Reimport SPSS data, changing re-specifing the strings used

# for factor levels

spssColInfo <- list(

RowNum = list(type="integer", newName = "RowNumber"),
cost = list(type="integer", newName = "TotalCost", description = "Cost of Auto"),
number = list(type="integer", newName = "Number", description = "Number of Claims"),
type = list(
levels = as.character(1:4),
newLevels = c("Small", "Medium", "Large", "Huge")))
rxImport(inData = spssFileName, outFile = xdfFileName,
colInfo = spssColInfo, overwrite = TRUE, reportProgress = 0)
colInfo = spssColInfo, overwrite = TRUE, reportProgress = 0)
varInfo <- rxGetVarInfo( data = xdfFileName )

# Clean-up: delete the new file

file.remove( xdfFileName )
RxInSqlServer-class: Class RxInSqlServer
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a compute context for running Microsoft R Server analyses inside Microsoft SQL Server.
Currently only supported in Windows.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form .

connectionString :
Object of class "character" ~~
wait :
Object of class "logical" ~~
consoleOutput :
Object of class "logical" ~~
autoCleanup :
Object of class "logical" ~~
dataPath :
Object of class "characterORNULL" ~~
packagesToLoad :
Object of class "characterORNULL" ~~
executionTimeout :
Object of class "numeric" ~~
description :
Object of class "character" ~~
version :
Object of class "character" ~~

Class RxDistributedHpa, directly. Class RxComputeContext, by class "RxDistributedHpa", distance 2. Class
RxComputeContext, by class "RxLocalSeq", distance 1.


signature(object = "RxInSqlServer") : ...


signature(.Object = "RxInSqlServer") : ...


signature(object = "RxInSqlServer") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxInSqlServer, RxSqlServerData

RxInSqlServer: Generate SQL Server In-
Database Compute Context
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a compute context for running RevoScaleR analyses inside Microsoft SQL Server.
Currently only supported in Windows.

RxInSqlServer(object, connectionString = "", numTasks = rxGetOption("numTasks"), autoCleanup =
consoleOutput = FALSE, executionTimeoutSeconds = 0, wait = TRUE, packagesToLoad = NULL,
shareDir = NULL, server = NULL, databaseName = NULL, user = NULL, password = NULL, ... )


An optional RxInSqlServer object.


An ODBC connection string used to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server database.

Number of tasks (processes) to run for each computation. This is the maximum number of tasks that will
be used; SQL Server may start fewer processes if there is not enough data, if too many resources are
already being used by other jobs, or if numTasks exceeds the MAXDOP (maximum degree of parallelism)
configuration option in SQL Server. Each of the tasks is given data in parallel, and does computations in
parallel, and so computation time may decrease as numTasks increases. However, that may not always be
the case, and computation time may even increase if too many tasks are competing for machine resources.
Note that rxOptions(numCoresToUse=n) controls how many cores (actually, threads) are used in parallel
within each process, and there is a trade-off between numCoresToUse and numTasks that depends upon the
specific algorithm, the type of data, the hardware, and the other jobs that are running.

logical value. If TRUE , the job will be blocking and will not return until it has completed or has failed. If
FALSE , the job will be non-blocking and return immediately, allowing you to continue running other R
code. The object rxgLastPendingJob is created with the job information. The client connection with SQL
Server must be maintained while the job is running, even in non-blocking mode.

logical scalar.If TRUE , causes the standard output of the R process started by SQL Server to be printed to
the user console. This value may be overwritten by passing a non- NULL logical value to the
consoleOutput argument provided in rxExec and rxGetJobResults.

logical scalar. If TRUE , the default behavior is to clean up the temporary computational artifacts and delete
the result objects upon retrieval. If FALSE , then the computational results are not deleted, and the results
may be acquired using rxGetJobResults, and the output via rxGetJobOutput until the rxCleanupJobs is
used to delete the results and other artifacts. Leaving this flag set to FALSE can result in accumulation of
compute artifacts which you may eventually need to delete before they fill up your hard drive.

numeric scalar. Defaults to 0 which means infinite wait.


optional character vector specifying additional packages to be loaded on the nodes when jobs are run in
this compute context.

character string specifying the temporary directory on the client that is used to serialize the R objects back
and forth. If not specified, a subdirectory under Absolute or paths relative to current directory can be

Target SQL Server instance. Can also be specified in the connection string with the Server keyword.

Database on the target SQL Server instance. Can also be specified in the connection string with the
Database keyword.


SQL login to connect to the SQL Server instance. SQL login can also be specified in the connection string
with the uid keyword.

Password associated with the SQL login. Can also be specified in the connection string with the pwd

additional arguments to be passed to the underlying function. Two useful additional arguments are
traceEnabled=TRUE and traceLevel=7 , which taken together enable run-time tracing of your in-SQL
Server computations. traceEnabled and traceLevel are deprecated as of MRS 9.0.2 and will be removed
from this compute context in the next major release. Please use rxOptions(traceLevel=7) to enable run-
time tracing in-SQL Server.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxComputeContext, RxInSqlServer-class, RxSqlServerData, rxOptions.

## Not run:

# In this example we connect to the database MyDatabase on the SQL Server instance MyServer using
MyUser and MyPassword as credentials.
# The query generates a rowset with 1000 rows and 2 columns:
# - The first column is all integers going from 1 to 1000.
# - The second column consists of random integers between 1 and 1000.

# Note: for improved security, read connection string from a file, such as
# connectionString <- readLines("connectionString.txt")

connectionString <- "Server=MyServer;Database=MyDatabase;UID=MyUser;PWD=MyPassword"

sqlQuery <- "WITH nb AS (SELECT 0 AS n UNION ALL SELECT n+1 FROM nb where n < 9) SELECT
n1.n+10*n2.n+100*n3.n+1 AS n, ABS(CHECKSUM(NewId()))
formula = ~ .,
data = RxSqlServerData(sqlQuery = sqlQuery, connectionString = connectionString),
computeContext = RxInSqlServer(connectionString = connectionString)

# Sample output:
# Number of valid observations: 1000
# Name Mean StdDev Min Max ValidObs MissingObs
# n 500.500 288.8194 1 1000 1000 0
# value 504.582 295.5115 1 1000 1000 0
## End(Not run)
rxInstalledPackages: Installed Packages for Compute
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Find (or retrieve) details of installed packages for a compute context.

rxInstalledPackages(computeContext = NULL, allNodes = FALSE, lib.loc = NULL,
priority = NULL, noCache = FALSE, fields = "Package",
subarch = NULL)


an RxComputeContext or equivalent character string or NULL . If set to the default of NULL , the currently active
compute context is used. Supported compute contexts are RxInSqlServer and RxLocalSeq.


a character vector describing the location of R library trees to search through, or NULL . The default value of NULL
corresponds to checking the loaded namespace, then all libraries currently known in .libPaths() . In
RxInSqlServer only NULL is supported.

character vector or (default). If non-null, used to select packages; "high" is equivalent to

c("base", "recommended") . To select all packages without an assigned priority use priority = "NA" .


logical. If TRUE , do not use cached information, nor cache it.


a character vector giving the fields to extract from each package's DESCRIPTION file, or NULL . If NULL , the
following fields are used: "Package" , "LibPath" , "Version" , "Priority" , "Depends" , "Imports" , "LinkingTo" ,
"Suggests" , "Enhances" , "License" , "License_is_FOSS" , "License_restricts_use" , "OS_type" , "MD5sum" ,
"NeedsCompilation" , and "Built" . Unavailable fields result in NA values.


character string or NULL . If non-null and non-empty, used to select packages which are installed for that sub-
This is a wrapper for installed.packages. See the help file for additional details. Note that rxInstalledPackages
treats the field argument differently, only returning the fields specified in the argument.

By default, a character vector of installed packages is returned. If fields is not set to "Package" , a matrix with
one row per package is returned. The row names are the package names and the possible column names are
"Package" , "LibPath" , "Version" , "Priority" , "Depends" , "Imports" , "LinkingTo" , "Suggests" , "Enhances" ,
"License" , "License_is_FOSS" , "License_restricts_use" , "OS_type" , "MD5sum" , "NeedsCompilation" , and
"Built" (the R version the package was built under ). Additional columns can be specified using the fields
argument. If using a distributed compute context with the allNodes set to TRUE , a list of matrices from each
node will be returned. In RxInSqlServer compute context multiple rows for a package will be returned if different
versions of the same package is installed in different "system" , "shared" and "private" scopes.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxPackage, installed.packages, rxFindPackage, rxInstallPackages,
rxRemovePackages, rxSyncPackages, rxSqlLibPaths,

# Find the packages installed for the current compute context
myPackages <- rxInstalledPackages()

# Get full information about all the packages installed for the current compute context
myPackageInfo <- rxInstalledPackages(fields = NULL)

# Get specific information about the installed packages
myPackageInfo <- rxInstalledPackages(fields = c("Package", "Version", "Built"))

## Not run:

# Find the packages installed on a SQL Server compute context
sqlServerCompute <- RxInSqlServer(connectionString =
"Driver=SQL Server;Server=myServer;Database=TestDB;Trusted_Connection=True;")
sqlPackages <- rxInstalledPackages(computeContext = sqlServerCompute)
## End(Not run)
rxInstallPackages: Install Packages for Compute
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Install R packages from repositories or install local files for the current session.

rxInstallPackages(pkgs, skipMissing = FALSE, repos = getOption("repos"), verbose = getOption("verbose"),
scope = "private", owner = '', computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"))


character vector of the names of packages whose current versions should be downloaded from the repositories.
If repos = NULL, a character vector of file paths of .zip files containing binary builds of packages. (http:// and
file:// URLs are also accepted and the files will be downloaded and installed from local copies. If you specify .zip
files with repos = NULL with RxComputeContext compute context the .zip file paths should already be present on
a folder.

logical. Applicable only for RxInSqlServer compute context. If TRUE , skips missing dependent packages for which
otherwise an error is generated.

character vector, the base URL (s) of the repositories to use.Can be NULL to install from local files, directories.

logical. If TRUE , "progress report" is given during installation of given packages.


character. Applicable only for RxInSqlServer compute context. Should be either "shared" or "private" .
"shared" installs the packages on per database shared location on SQL server which in turn can be used
(referred) by multiple different users. "private" installs the packages on per database, per user private location
on SQL server which is only accessible to the single user.

character. Applicable only for RxInSqlServer compute context. This is generally empty '' value. Should be either
empty '' or a valid SQL database user account name. Only users in 'db_owner' role for a database can specify
this value to install packages on behalf of other users.

an RxComputeContext or equivalent character string or NULL . If set to the default of NULL , the currently active
compute context is used. Supported compute contexts are RxInSqlServer, RxLocalSeq.

This is a simple wrapper for install.packages. For RxInSqlServer compute context the user specified as part of
connection string is used for installing the packages if owner argument is empty. The user calling this function
needs to be granted permissions by database owner by making them member of either 'rpkgs-shared' or
'rpkgs-private' database role. Users in 'rpkgs-shared' role can install packages to "shared" location and
"private" location. Users in 'rpkgs-private' role can only install packages "private" location for their own
use. To use the packages installed on the SQL server a user needs to be member atleast 'rpkgs-users' role.
See the help file for additional details.

Invisible NULL

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxPackage, install.packages, rxFindPackage, rxInstalledPackages, rxRemovePackages, rxSyncPackages,

## Not run:

# create SQL compute context
sqlcc <- RxInSqlServer(connectionString = "Driver=SQL

# list of packages to install
pkgs <- c("dplyr")

# Install a package and its dependencies into private scope
rxInstallPackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "private", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Install a package and its dependencies into shared scope
rxInstallPackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "shared", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Install a package and its dependencies into private scope for user1
rxInstallPackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "private", owner = "user1", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Install a package and its dependencies into shared scope for user1
rxInstallPackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "shared", owner = "user1", computeContext = sqlcc)
## End(Not run)
rxKmeans: K-Means Clustering
6/18/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Perform k-means clustering on small or large data.

rxKmeans(formula, data,
outFile = NULL, outColName = ".rxCluster",
writeModelVars = FALSE, extraVarsToWrite = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE, numClusters = NULL, centers = NULL,
algorithm = "Lloyd", numStartRows = 0, maxIterations = 1000,
numStarts = 1, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"), ...)

## S3 method for class `rxKmeans':

print (x, header = TRUE, ...)


formula as described in rxFormula.


a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

either an RxXdfData data source object or a character string specifying the .xdf file for storing the resulting cluster
indexes. If NULL , then no cluster indexes are stored to disk. Note that in the case that the input data is a data
frame, the cluster indexes are returned automatically. Note also that, if rowSelection is specified and not NULL ,
then outFile cannot be the same as the data since the resulting set of cluster indexes will generally not have the
same number of rows as the original data source.

character string to be used as a column name for the resulting cluster indexes if outFile is not NULL . Note that
make.names is used on outColName to ensure that the column name is valid. If the outFile is an RxOdbcData
source, dots are first converted to underscores. Thus, the default outColName becomes "X_rxCluster" .

logical value. If TRUE , and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to
the output file in addition to the cluster numbers. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model,
the transformed variables will also be written out.

NULL or character vector of additional variables names from the input data to include in the outFile . If
writeModelVars is TRUE , model variables will be included as well.


logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile with an existing column named outColName will be overwritten.

number of clusters k to create. If NULL , then the centers argument must be specified.

a k x p numeric matrix containing a set of initial (distinct) cluster centers. If NULL , then the numClusters
argument must be specified.

character string defining algorithm to use in defining the clusters. Currently supported algorithms are "Lloyd" .
This argument is case insensitive.

integer specifying the size of the sample used to choose initial centers. If 0, (the default), the size is chosen as the
minimum of the number of observations or 10 times the number of clusters.

maximum number of iterations allowed.


if centers is NULL , k rows are randomly selected from the data source for use as initial starting points. The
numStarts argument defines the number of these random sets that are to be chosen and evaluated, and the best
result is returned. If numStarts is 0, the first k rows in the data set are used. Random selection of rows is only
supported for .xdf data sources using the native file system and data frames. If the .xdf file is compressed, the
random sample is taken from a maximum of the first 5000 rows of data.

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in
which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable data
transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


a valid RxComputeContext. The RxSpark and RxHadoopMR compute contexts distribute the computation among
the nodes specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if possible
on the local computer.

integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file. The
higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller files but a longer time to create
them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will be compatible with the 6.0
release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be used.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.


object of class rxKmeans.

logical value. If TRUE , header information is printed.

Performs scalable k-means clustering using the classical Lloyd algorithm.
For reproducibility when using random starting values, you can pass a random seed by specifying seed= value as
part of your call. See the Examples.
An object of class "rxKmeans" which is a list with components:

A vector of integers indicating the cluster to which each point is allocated. This information is always returned if
the data source is a data frame. If the data source is not a data frame and outFile is specified. i.e., not NULL , the
the cluster indexes are written/appended to the specified file with a column name as defined by outColName .

matrix of cluster centers.


within-cluster sum of squares (relative to the center) for each cluster.


total within-cluster sum of squares.


sum of the withinss vector.


between-cluster sum of squares.


number of points in each cluster.


number of valid observations.


number of missing observations.


number iterations performed.


parameters sent to Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.


formula as described in rxFormula.


the matched call.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Lloyd, S. P. (1957, 1982) Least squares quantization in PCM. Technical Note, Bell Laboratories. Published in 1982
in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28, 128-137.
See Also

# Create data
N <- 1000
sd1 <- 0.3
mean1 <- 0
sd2 <- 0.5
mean2 <- 1
data <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(N, sd = sd1, mean = mean1), ncol = 2),
matrix(rnorm(N, mean = mean2, sd = sd2), ncol = 2))
colnames(data) <- c("x", "y")
DF <- data.frame(data)
XDF <- paste(tempfile(), "xdf", sep=".")
if (file.exists(XDF)) file.remove(XDF)
rxDataStep(inData = DF, outFile = XDF)

centers <- DF[, 2, replace = TRUE),] # grab 2 random rows for starting

# Example using an XDF file as a data source

rxKmeans(~ x + y, data = XDF, centers = centers)

# Example using a local data frame file as a data source

z <- rxKmeans(~ x + y, data = DF, centers = centers)

# Show a plot of the results

# By design, the data in 2-space populates two groups of points centered about
# points (0,0) and (1,1). The spread about the mean is based on a random set of
# points drawn from a Gaussian distribution with standard deviations 0.3 and 0.5.
# As a visual, the resulting plot shows two circles drawn at the centers with radii
# equal to the corresponding standard deviations.
plot(DF, col = z$cluster, asp = 1,
main = paste("Lloyd k-means Clustering: ", z$numIterations, "iterations"))
symbols(mean1, mean1, circle = sd1, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE, fg = "black", lwd = 2)
symbols(mean2, mean2, circle = sd2, inches = FALSE, add = TRUE, fg = "red", lwd = 2)
points(z$centers, col = 2:1, bg = 1:2, pch = 21, cex = 2) # big filled dots for centers

# Example using randomly selected rows from data source as initial centers
# but with seed set for reproducibility
## Not run:

z <- rxKmeans(~ x + y, data = DF, numClusters = 2, seed=18)

## End(Not run)

# Example using first rows from Spss data source as initial centers
spssFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.sav")
spssDS <- RxSpssData(spssFile, colClasses = c(cost = "integer"))
resultSpss <- rxKmeans(~cost, data = spssDS, numClusters = 2, numStarts = 0)
rxLaunchClusterJobManager: Launches the job
management UI for a compute context.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Launches the job management UI (if available) for a compute context. Currently this is only available for
RxHadoopMR and RxSpark compute contexts.



The compute context used to determine which UI to launch.

For RxHadoopMR, the job default tracker web page and dfs information page are launched for the cluster. Note
that the dfs information page is generated from the nameNode slot of the RxHadoopMR compute context, and the
jobTrackerURL slot of the RxHadoopMR is used as the URL for the job tracker. If one or both of these are not
provied, a best attempt will be made based on the hostname provided in the sshHostname slot.
For other compute contexts, if compute context is not supplied, current compute context will be used. If no job
management UI is available for the context, this function will report an error.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

## Not run:

myCluster <- RxSpark(nameNode = "my-name-service-server", port = 8020)

## End(Not run)
rxLinePlot: Line Plot
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Line or scatter plot using data from an .xdf file or data frame - a wrapper function for xyplot.

rxLinePlot(formula, data, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"), type = c("l"),
title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, xTitle = NULL, yTitle = NULL,
xNumTicks = 10, yNumTicks = 10, legend = TRUE, lineColor = NULL,
lineStyle = "solid", lineWidth = 2, symbolColor = NULL,
symbolStyle = "solid circle", symbolSize = NULL,
plotAreaColor = "gray90", gridColor = "white", gridLineWidth = 1,
gridLineStyle = "solid",
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), print = TRUE, ...)


formula for plot, taking the form of y~x|g1 + g2 where g1 and g2 are optional conditioning factor variables.

either an RxXdfData object, a character string specifying the .xdf file, or a data frame containing the data to plot.

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in
which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing variable transformations required for the
formula or rowSelection. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the
function call using the expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable data
transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

character vector specifying the type of plot. Use "l" for line, "p" for points, "b" for both, "smooth" for a loess
fit, "s" for stair steps, or "r" for a regression line.

main title for the plot. Alternatively main can be used.


subtitle (at the bottom) for the plot. Alternatively sub can be used.

title for the X axis. Alternatively xlab can be used.


title for the Y axis. Alternatively ylab can be used.


number of tick marks for numeric X axis.


number of tick marks for numeric Y axis.


logical value. If TRUE and more than one line or set of symbols is plotted, a legend is is created.

character or integer vector specifying line colors for the plot. See colors for a list of available colors.

line style for line plot: "blank" , "solid" , "dashed" , "dotted" , "dotdash" , "longdash" , or "twodash" . Specify
"blank" for no line, or set type to "p" .


a positive number specifiying the line width for line plot. The interpretation is device-specific.
character or integer vector denoting the symbol colors. See colors for a list of available colors.

character or integer vector denoting the symbol style(s): "circle" , "solid circle" , "square" , "solid square" ,
"triangle" , "solid triangle" , "diamond" , "solid diamond" , "plus" (3 ), "cross" (4 ), "down triangle" (6 ),
"square x" (7 ), "star" (8 ), "diamond +" (9 ), "circle +" (10 ), "up down triangle" (11 ), "square +" (12 ),
"circle x" (13 ), or any single character.


numerical value giving the amount by which symbols should be magnified.


background color for the plot area and legend.


color for grid lines. See colors for a list of available colors.

line width for grid lines.


line style for grid lines: "blank" , "solid" , "dashed" , "dotted" , "dotdash" , "longdash" , or "twodash" .

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


logical. If TRUE , the plot is printed. If FALSE , and the lattice package is loaded, an xyplot object is returned
invisibly and can be printed later. Note that the printing of the legend or key will depend on the
trellis.par.getsettings at the time of printing.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying xyplot function if loaded.

rxLinePlot is enhanced by the recommended lattice package.

an xyplot object if the lattice is loaded. Otherwise NULL .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
xyplot, rxHistogram.


# Create a simple scatter plot using a data frame

rxLinePlot(Ozone ~ Temp, data=airquality, type="p")

# Create the file + path name for the sample data set
censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers")

# Compute the weighted counts for age and sex by state

ageSex <- rxCube(~ F(age) : sex : state, data = censusWorkers, pweights = "perwt")

# Convert the results to a data frame ready for plotting

ageSex <- rxResultsDF(ageSex)

# Draw a line plot of the results in 3 panels (with lattice package loaded)
rxLinePlot(Counts ~ age | state, groups = sex, data = ageSex,
title = "2000 U.S. Workers by Age and Sex for 3 States")

# Use transformation expressions to scale the

# Counts and age variables
rxLinePlot(Counts ~ age | state, groups = sex, data = ageSex,
transforms=list(Counts = log(Counts), age = age/10),
xlab="age / 10", ylab="log(Counts)",
title = "2000 U.S. Workers by Age and Sex for 3 States")

# Use both a line and symbols in the plot

rxLinePlot(Counts ~ age | state, groups = sex, data = ageSex, type = "b",
title = "2000 U.S. Workers by Age and Sex for 3 States")

# Create a plot using a subselection of data from an .xdf file

# Look at Arrival Delay be Departure Time for flights more
# than an hour late and less than 3 hours late on Tuesday
airlineData <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "AirlineDemoSmall")
rxLinePlot(ArrDelay~CRSDepTime, data=airlineData,
rowSelection= ArrDelay > 60.0 & ArrDelay <= 180.00 & DayOfWeek == "Tuesday",
type=c( "p", "smooth"), lineColor="red")

# Customize a plot with a panel function (using the lattice package)

if ("lattice" %in% .packages())
rxLinePlot(Ozone ~ Temp, data = airquality, type = "p",
panel = function(x, y, ...)
panel.spline(x,y, lwd = 3, col = 3)
rxLinMod: Linear Models
6/18/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

Fit linear models on small or large data.

rxLinMod(formula, data, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, cube = FALSE,
cubePredictions = FALSE, variableSelection = list(),
rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
dropFirst = FALSE, dropMain = rxGetOption("dropMain"),
covCoef = FALSE, covData = FALSE,
coefLabelStyle = rxGetOption("coefLabelStyle"),
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),


formula as described in rxFormula.


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.

logical flag. If TRUE and the first term of the predictor variables is categorical (a factor or an interaction of
factors), the regression is performed by applying the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Theorem, which uses a partitioned
inverse to save on computation time and memory. See Details section below.

logical flag. If TRUE and cube is TRUE the predicted values are computed and included in the countDF
component of the returned value. This may be memory intensive. See Details section below.

a list specifying various parameters that control aspects of stepwise regression. If it is an empty list (default), no
stepwise model selection will be performed. If not, stepwise regression will be performed and cube must be
FALSE . See rxStepControl for details.

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations
in which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. The variables used in the transformation function must be specified in
transformVars if they are not variables used in the model. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used

logical flag. If FALSE , the last level is dropped in all sets of factor levels in a model. If that level has no
observations (in any of the sets), or if the model as formed is otherwise determined to be singular, then an
attempt is made to estimate the model by dropping the first level in all sets of factor levels. If TRUE , the starting
position is to drop the first level. Note that for cube regressions, the first set of factors is excluded from these
rules and the intercept is dropped.

logical value. If TRUE , main-effect terms are dropped before their interactions.

logical flag. If TRUE and if cube is FALSE , the variance-covariance matrix of the regression coefficients is
returned. Use the rxCovCoef function to obtain these data.

logical flag. If TRUE and if cube is FALSE and if constant term is included in the formula, then the variance-
covariance matrix of the data is returned. Use the rxCovData function to obtain these data.

character string specifying the coefficient label style. The default is "Revo". If "R", R -compatible labels are

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


a valid RxComputeContext. The and RxHadoopMR compute context distributes the computation among the nodes
specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if possible on the
local computer.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.

The special function F() can be used in formula to force a variable to be interpreted as a factor.
When cube is TRUE , the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell (FWL ) Theorem is applied to the model. The FWL approach
parameterizes the model to include one coefficient for each category (a single factor level or combination of
factor levels) instead of using an intercept in the model with contrasts for each of the factor combinations.
Additionally when cube is TRUE , the output contains a countDF element representing the counts for each
category. If cubePredictions is also TRUE , predicted values using means of conditional independent continuous
variables and weighted coefficients of conditional independent categorical variables are also computed and
included in countDF . This may be memory intensive. If there are no conditional independent variables (outside
of the cube), the predicted values are equivalent to the coefficients and will be included in countDF whenever
cube is TRUE . Regardless of the setting for cube , the null model for the F -test of global significance is always
the intercept-only model.
The and dropMain arguments are provided primarily as a convenience to users comparing
rxLinMod results to those of lm . While rxLinMod will sometimes drop main effects while retaining interactions
involving those terms, lm will not. Setting dropMain=FALSE will give results more akin to those of lm . Similarly,
lm defaults to using treatment contrasts, which essentially drop the first level of each factor from the finished
model. On the other hand, rxLinMod by default uses a set of contrasts that drop the last level of each factor.
Setting dropFirst=TRUE will give results more akin to those of lm .

Let P be the number of regression coefficients returned for each dependent variable, Y(n) for n=1,...,N ,
specified in the regression model. Let X be the linear regression design matrix. The rxLinMod function returns
an object of class rxLinMod, which is a list containing the following elements:

P x N numeric matrix containing the regression coefficients.


variance-covariance matrix for the regression coefficient estimates.


variance-covariance matrix for the explanatory variables in the regression model.


the sum of the squares of the residuals.


numeric scalar representing the estimated reciprocal condition number of X'X (moment or crossprod) matrix.

integer scalar denoting the numeric rank of the fitted linear model.

logical vector specifying whether columns were dropped or not due to collinearity.

P x N numeric matrix containing the standard errors of the regression coefficients.


P x N numeric matrix containing the t-statistics for the regression coefficients.


P x N numeric matrix containing the p-values for the t-stats (Pr(>|t|))


N element numeric vector whose nth element is defined by Y'(n)Y(n) for n=1,...,N .

N element numeric vector whose nth element is defined by (Y(n) - E{Y(n)})'(Y(n) - E{Y(n)} , i.e., the mean
deviation of each dependent variable.

N element numeric vector of standard error of residuals.


the variance of the residuals.


N element numeric vector containing r-squared, the fraction of variance explained by the model.

the p-value resulting from an F -test on the fitted model.

degrees of freedom, a 3-element vector (p, n-p, p*), the last being the number of non-aliased coefficients.

N element character vector containing the names of the dependent variables in the specified model.

when cube is TRUE , partitioned results will also be returned.


(for models including non-intercept terms) a list containing the named elements: value: an N element numeric
vector of F -statistic values, numdf: corresponding numerator degrees of freedom and dendf: corresponding
denominator degrees of freedom.

R -squared statistic 'adjusted', penalizing for higher p.


parameters sent to Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.


the model formula. For stepwise regression, this is the final model selected.

the matched call.


when cube is TRUE , a data frame containing counts information for each cube. If cubePredictions is also TRUE
, predicted values for each group in the cube are included.

number of valid observations.


number of missing observations.


minus twice the maximized log-likelihood (up to a constant)


for stepwise regression, a data frame corresponding to the steps taken in the search.

for stepwise regression, the base model from which the search is started.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Frisch, Ragnar; Waugh, Frederick V., Partial Time Regressions as Compared with Individual Trends,
Econometrica, 1 (4) (Oct., 1933), pp. 387-401.
Lovell, M., 1963, Seasonal adjustment of economic time series, Journal of the American Statistical Association,
58, pp. 993-1010.
Lovell, M., 2008, A Simple Proof of the FWL (Frisch,Waugh,Lovell) Theorem, Journal of Economic Education.

See Also
lm, rxLogit, rxTransform.

# Compare rxLinMod and lm, which produce similar results when contr.SAS is used
form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species
irisLinMod <- rxLinMod(form, data = iris)
irisLM <- lm(form, data = iris, contrasts = list(Species = contr.SAS))

# Instead of using the equivalent of contr.SAS, estimate the parameters

# for the categorical levels without contrasting against an intercept term.
# The null model for the global F-test remains the intercept-only model.
irisCubeLinMod <-
rxLinMod(Sepal.Length ~ Species + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
data = iris, cube = TRUE)

# Use the Sample Census Data

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers")
censusLinMod <- rxLinMod(wkswork1 ~ age:sex, data = censusWorkers,
pweights = "perwt")
censusSubsetLinMod <- rxLinMod(wkswork1 ~ age:sex, data = censusWorkers,
pweights = "perwt", rowSelection = age > 39)

# Use the Sample Airline Data and report progress during computations
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
airlineDemoSmall <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf")
airlineLinMod <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime, data = airlineDemoSmall,
reportProgress = 1)
airlineLinMod <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime, data = airlineDemoSmall,
reportProgress = 2)
airlineLinMod <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime, data = airlineDemoSmall,
reportProgress = 2, blocksPerRead = 3)

# Create a local data.frame and define a transformation

# function to be applied to the data prior to processing.
myDF <- data.frame(sex = c("Male", "Male", "Female", "Male"),
age = c(20, 20, 12, 15), score = 1.1:4.1, sport=c(1:3,2))

# define variable transformation list. Wrap with expression()

# so that it is not evaluated upon assignment.
transforms <- expression(list(
revage = rev(age),
division = factor(c("A","B","B","A")),
sport = factor(sport, labels=c("tennis", "golf", "football"))))

# Both user-defined transform and arithmetic expressions in formula.

rxLinMod(score ~ sin(revage) + sex, data = myDF, transforms = transforms)

# User-defined transform only.

rxLinMod(revage ~ division + sport, data = myDF, transforms = transforms)

# Arithmetic formula expression only.

# Arithmetic formula expression only.
rxLinMod(log(score) ~ sin(age) + sex, data = myDF)

# No variable transformations.
rxLinMod(score ~ age + sex, data = myDF)

# use multiple dependent variables in model formula

# print and summarize results for comparison
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
airlineDemoSmall <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "AirlineDemoSmall")
airlineLinMod1 <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = airlineDemoSmall)
airlineLinMod2 <- rxLinMod(cbind(ArrDelay, CRSDepTime) ~ DayOfWeek,
data = airlineDemoSmall)
airlineLinMod3 <-
rxLinMod(cbind(pow(ArrDelay, 2), ArrDelay, CRSDepTime) ~ DayOfWeek,
data = airlineDemoSmall)
airlineLinMod4 <- rxLinMod(pow(ArrDelay, 2) ~ DayOfWeek,
data = airlineDemoSmall)
RxLocalParallel-class: Class RxLocalParallel
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Class for the RevoScaleR Local Parallel Compute Context.

The targeted generator RxLocalParallel as well as the general generator RxComputeContext.

Class RxComputeContext, directly.


signature(object = "RxLocalParallel") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxHadoopMR, RxSpark, RxInSqlServer, RxLocalSeq.

## Not run:

myComputeContext <- RxComputeContext("RxLocalParallel")

is(myComputeContext, "RxComputeContext")
# [1] TRUE
is(myComputeContext, "RxLocalParallel")
# [1] TRUE
## End(Not run)
RxLocalParallel: Generate Local Parallel Compute
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a local compute context object that uses the doParallel back-end for HPC computations performed
using rxExec. This compute context can be used only to distribute computations via the rxExec function; it is
ignored by Revolution HPA functions. This is the main generator for S4 class RxLocalParallel.

RxLocalParallel( object, dataPath = NULL, outDataPath = NULL )


a compute context object. If object has slots for dataPath and/or outDataPath , they will be copied to the
equivalent slots for the new RxLocalParallel object. Explicit specifications of the dataPath and/or outDataPath
arguments will override this.

NULL or character vector defining the search path(s) for the input data source(s). If not NULL , it overrides any
specification for dataPath in rxOptions

NULL or character vector defining the search path(s) for new output data file(s). If not NULL , this overrides any
specification for dataPath in rxOptions

A job is associated with the compute context in effect at the time the job was submitted. If the compute context
subsequently changes, the compute context of the job is not affected.
Note that dataPath and outDataPath are only utiltized by data sources used in RevoScaleR analyses. They do
not alter the working directory for other R functions that read from or write to files.

object of class RxLocalParallel.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxSetComputeContext, rxExec, rxOptions, RxComputeContext, RxLocalSeq, RxForeachDoPar, RxLocalParallel-

## Not run:

# Create a RxLocalParallel object to use with rxExec

parallelContext <- RxLocalParallel()

# Tell RevoScaleR to use parallelContext compute context

rxSetComputeContext( parallelContext )

# Subsequent calls to rxExec will use the doParallel package

# behind the scenes.

## End(Not run)
RxLocalSeq-class: Class RxLocalSeq
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Class for the RevoScaleR Local Compute Context.

The targeted generator RxLocalSeq as well as the general generator RxComputeContext.

Class RxComputeContext, directly.


signature(object = "RxLocalSeq") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxSpark, RxHadoopMR, RxInSqlServer, RxLocalParallel, RxForeachDoPar, RxComputeContext,

## Not run:

myComputeContext <- RxComputeContext("RxLocalSeq")

is(myComputeContext, "RxComputeContext")
# [1] TRUE
is(myComputeContext, "RxLocalSeq")
# [1] TRUE
## End(Not run)
RxLocalSeq: Generate Local Compute Context
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Creates a local compute context object.
This is the main generator for S4 class RxLocalSeq. Computations using rxExec will be processed sequentially.
This is the default compute context.

RxLocalSeq( object, dataPath = NULL, outDataPath = NULL )


a compute context object. If object has slots for dataPath and/or outDataPath , they will be copied to the
equivalent slots for the new RxLocalSeq object. Explicit specifications of the dataPath and/or outDataPath
arguments will override this.

NULL or character vector defining the search path(s) for the input data source(s). If not NULL , it overrides any
specification for dataPath in rxOptions

NULL or character vector defining the search path(s) for new output data file(s). If not NULL , this overrides any
specification for dataPath in rxOptions

A job is associated with the compute context in effect at the time the job was submitted. If the compute context
subsequently changes, the compute context of the job is not affected.
Note that dataPath and outDataPath are only utiltized by data sources used in RevoScaleR analyses. They do
not alter the working directory for other R functions that read from or write to files.

object of class RxLocalSeq.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxSetComputeContext, rxExec, rxOptions, RxComputeContext, RxLocalParallel, RxLocalSeq-class.
## Not run:

# Create a local compute context object

localContext <- RxLocalSeq()

# Tell RevoScaleR to use localContext compute context

rxSetComputeContext( localContext )

## End(Not run)
rxLocateFile: Find File on a Given Data Path
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Obtain the normalized absolute path to the first occurrence of the specified input file in the specified set of paths.

rxLocateFile(file, pathsToSearch = NULL, fileSystem = NULL,
isOutFile = FALSE, defaultExt = ".xdf", verbose = 0)


Character string defining path to a file or a data source containing a file name.

character vector of search paths. If NULL , the search path determined by isOutFile is used. Only the paths listed
are searched; the list is not recursive.

NULL , character string or RxFileSystem object indicating type of file system; "native" or RxNativeFileSystem
object can be used for the local operating system, or an RxHdfsFileSystem object for the Hadoop file system. If
NULL , the active compute context will be checked for a valid file system. If not available, rxGetOption("fileSystem")
will be used to obtain the file system. If file is a data source containing a file system, that file system will take

logical value. If TRUE , search using outDataPath instead of dataPath in rxOptions or in the local compute context

character string containing default extension to use if extension is missing from file .

integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , information on the file to be located is printed.

The file path may be relative, for example, "one/two/myfile.xdf" or absolute, for example,
"C:/one/two/myfile.xdf" . If file is an absolute path, the existence of the file is verified and, if found, the absolute
path is returned in normalized form. If file is a relative path, the current working directory and then any paths
specified in pathsToSearch are prepended to file and a search for the file along the concatenated paths is
performed. The first path where the file is found is returned in normalized form. If the file does not exist an error is
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

## Not run:

rxLocateFile( "myFile.xdf" )
## End(Not run)
rxLogit: Logistic Regression
6/18/2018 • 9 minutes to read • Edit Online

Use rxLogit to fit logistic regression models for small or large data.

rxLogit(formula, data, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, cube = FALSE,
cubePredictions = FALSE, variableSelection = list(), rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
dropFirst = FALSE, dropMain = rxGetOption("dropMain"),
covCoef = FALSE, covData = FALSE,
initialValues = NULL,
coefLabelStyle = rxGetOption("coefLabelStyle"),
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
maxIterations = 25, coeffTolerance = 1e-06,
gradientTolerance = 1e-06, objectiveFunctionTolerance = 1e-08,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),


formula as described in rxFormula. Dependent variable must be binary. It can be a logical variable, a factor with
only two categories, or a numeric variable with values in the range (0,1). In the latter case it will be converted to
a logical.

either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.

logical flag. If TRUE and the first term of the predictor variables is categorical (a factor or an interaction of
factors), the regression is performed by applying the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell Theorem, which uses a partitioned
inverse to save on computation time and memory. See Details section below.

logical flag. If TRUE and cube is TRUE the estimated model is evaluated (predicted) for each cell in the cube,
fixing the non-cube variables in the model at their mean values, and these predictions are included in the
countDF component of the returned value. This may be time and memory intensive for large models. See
Details section below.

a list specifying various parameters that control aspects of stepwise regression. If it is an empty list (default), no
stepwise model selection will be performed. If not, stepwise regression will be performed and cube must be
FALSE . See rxStepControl for details.


name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations
in which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable
is greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the
arguments transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the
function call using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in

rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation
functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc
arguments or those defined implicitly via their formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages
argument may also be NULL , indicating that no packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used

logical flag. If FALSE , the last level is dropped in all sets of factor levels in a model. If that level has no
observations (in any of the sets), or if the model as formed is otherwise determined to be singular, then an
attempt is made to estimate the model by dropping the first level in all sets of factor levels. If TRUE , the
starting position is to drop the first level. Note that for cube regressions, the first set of factors is excluded from
these rules and the intercept is dropped.

logical value. If TRUE , main-effect terms are dropped before their interactions.

logical flag. If TRUE and if cube is FALSE , the variance-covariance matrix of the regression coefficients is
returned. Use the rxCovCoef function to obtain these data.

logical flag. If TRUE and if cube is FALSE and if constant term is included in the formula, then the variance-
covariance matrix of the data is returned. Use the rxCovData function to obtain these data.

Starting values for the Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares algorithm used to estimate the model coefficients.
Supported values for this argument come in four forms:
NA - Initial values of the parameters are computed by a weighted least squares step in which, if there is no
user-specified weight, the expected value (mu) of the dependent variable is set to 0.75 if the binary
dependent variable is 1, and to 0.25 if it is 0, and to a correspondingly weighted value otherwise. This is
equivalent to the default option for the glm function's logistic regression initial values, and can sometimes
lead to convergence when the default NULL option does not, though it may result in more iterations in
other cases. If convergence fails with the default NULL option, estimation is restarted with NA , and vice
NULL - ( Default) The initial values will be estimated based on a linear regression. This can speed up
convergence significantly in many cases. If the model fails to converge using these values, estimation is
automatically re-started using the NA option for the initial values.
Scalar - A numeric scalar that will be replicated once for each of the coefficients in the model to form the
initial values. Zeros are often good starting values.
Vector - A numeric vector of length K , where K is the number of model coefficients, including the
intercept if any and including any that might be dropped from sets of dummies. This argument is most
useful when a set of estimated coefficients is available from a similar set of data. Note that K can be found
by running the model on a small number of observations and obtaining the number of coefficients from the
output, say z , via length(z$coefficients) .

character string specifying the coefficient label style. The default is "Revo". If "R", R -compatible labels are

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

maximum number of iterations.


convergence tolerance for coefficients. If the maximum absolute change in the coefficients (step), divided by
the maximum absolute coefficient value, is less than or equal to this tolerance at the end of an iteration, the
estimation is considered to have converged. To disable this test, set this value to 0.

This argument is deprecated. Use objectiveFunctionTolerance and coeffTolerance to control convergence.


convergence tolerance for the objective function. If the absolute relative change in the deviance (-2.0 times log
likelihood) is less than or equal to this tolerance at the end of an iteration, the estimation is considered to have
converged. To disable this test, set this value to 0.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide
increasing amounts of information are provided.

a valid RxComputeContext. The RxSpark and RxHadoopMR compute contexts distribute the computation among
the nodes specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if
possible on the local computer.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.

The special function F() can be used in formula to force a variable to be interpreted as a factor.
When cube is TRUE , the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell (FWL ) Theorem is applied to the model. The FWL approach
parameterizes the model to include one coefficient for each category (a single factor level or combination of
factor levels) instead of using an intercept in the model with contrasts for each of the factor combinations.
Additionally when cube is TRUE , the output contains a countDF element representing the counts for each
category. If cubePredictions is also TRUE , predicted values using means of conditional independent
continuous variables and weighted coefficients of conditional independent categorical variables are also
computed and included in countDF . This may be time and memory intensive for large models. If there are no
conditional independent variables (outside of the cube), the predicted values are equivalent to the coefficients
and will be included in countDF whenever cube is TRUE .

an rxLogit object containing the following elements:

named vector of coefficients.


variance-covariance matrix for the regression coefficient estimates.


variance-covariance matrix for the explanatory variables in the regression model.


estimated reciprocal condition number of final weighted cross-product (X'WX) matrix.


numeric rank of the fitted linear model.


logical vector specifying whether columns were dropped or not due to collinearity.

standard errors of the coefficients.


coefficients divided by their standard errors.


p-values for coef.t.values, using the normal distribution (Pr(>|z|))


Y'Y of raw Y's


the p-value resulting from an F -test on the fitted model.


degrees of freedom, a 3-vector (p, n-p, p*), the last being the number of non-aliased coefficients.

names for dependent variables.


when cube is TRUE , partitioned results will also be returned.


(for models including non-intercept terms) a 3-vector with the value of the F -statistic with its numerator and
denominator degrees of freedom.

parameters sent to Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.


the model formula


the matched call.


when cube is TRUE , a data frame containing category counts for the cube portion will also be returned. If
cubePredictions is also TRUE , predicted values for each group in the cube are included.

number of valid observations.


number of missing observations.


minus twice the maximized log-likelihood (up to a constant)


for rxLogit , which estimates a generalized linear model with family binomial , the dispersion is always 1.

Logistic regression is computed using the Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (IRLS ) algorithm, which is
equivalent to full maximum likelihood.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Frisch, Ragnar; Waugh, Frederick V., Partial Time Regressions as Compared with Individual Trends,
Econometrica, 1 (4) (Oct., 1933), pp. 387-401.
Lovell, M., 1963, Seasonal adjustment of economic time series, Journal of the American Statistical Association,
58, pp. 993-1010.
Lovell, M., 2008, A Simple Proof of the FWL (Frisch,Waugh,Lovell) Theorem, Journal of Economic Education.

See Also
rxLinMod, rxTransform.

# Compare rxLogit and glm, which produce similar results when contr.SAS is used
infertLogit <- rxLogit(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert)

infertGLM <- glm(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,

data = infert, family = binomial(), contrasts = list(education = contr.SAS))

# Instead of using the equivalent of contr.SAS, estimate the parameters

# for the categorical levels without contrasting against an intercept term.
infertCubeLogit <-
rxLogit(case ~ education + age + parity + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert, cube = TRUE)

# Define an ageGroup variable through a variable transformation list.

# Partition the age groups between 1 and 100 by 20 years.
rxLogit(case ~ education + ageGroup + parity + spontaneous + induced,
transforms=list(ageGroup = cut(age, seq(1, 100, 20))),
data = infert, cube = TRUE)

rxLorenz: Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Compute and plot an empirical Lorenz curve from a variable in a data set, optionally specifiying a separate
variable from which to compute the y-values for the curve. Compute the Gini Coefficient from the Lorenz curve
data. Appropriate for big data sets since data is binned with computations performed in one pass, rather than
sorting the data as part of the computation process.

rxLorenz(orderVarName, valueVarName = orderVarName, data, numBreaks = 1000,
pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, blocksPerRead = 1,
reportProgress = 1, verbose = 0)

## S3 method for class `rxLorenz':

rxGini ( x )

## S3 method for class `rxLorenz':

plot (x, title = NULL, subtitle = NULL,
xTitle = NULL, yTitle = NULL, lineColor = NULL,
lineStyle = "solid", lineWidth = 2, equalityGridLine = TRUE,
equalityColor = "grey75", equalityStyle = NULL, equalityWidth = 2, ...)


A character string with the name of the variable to use in computing approximate quantiles.

A character string with the name of the variable to use to compute the mean values per quantile. Can be the same
as orderVarName .

data frame, character string containing an .xdf file name (with path), or RxDataSource-class object representing a
data set containing the actual and observed variables.

integer specifiying the number of breaks to use in comuting approximate quantiles.


character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional information is printed as summary statistics
are computed.

output object from rxLorenz function.


main title for the plot.


subtitle (at the bottom) for the plot.


title for the X axis.


title for the Y axis.


character or integer vector specifying line color for the Lorenz curve. See colors for a list of available colors.

line style for line plot: "blank" , "solid" , "dashed" , "dotted" , "dotdash" , "longdash" , or "twodash" . Specify
"blank" for no line, or set type to "p" .


a positive number specifiying the line width for line plot. The interpretation is device-specific.

logical value. If TRUE , a diagonal grid line will be drawn representing complete equality.

character or integer vector specifying line color for the equality grid line. If NULL , the color of other grid lines will
be used.

line style for the equality grid line: "blank" , "solid" , "dashed" , "dotted" , "dotdash" , "longdash" , or "twodash" .
If NULL , the style of other gride lines will be used.

a positive number specifiying the line width for line plot. If NULL , the width of other grid lines will be used.
Additional arguments to be passed to xyplot .

rxLorenz computes the cumulative percentage values of the variable specified in valueVarName for groups binned
by the orderVarname . The size of the bins is determined by numBreaks .
When plotted, the cumulative percentage values are plotted against the quantile percentages.
The Gini coefficient is computed by estimating the ratio of the area between the line of equality and the Lorenz
curve to the total area under the line of equality (using trapezoidal integration). The Gini coefficient can range from
0 to 1, with 0 representing perfect equality.
Precision can be increased by increasing numBreaks .

rxLorenz returns a data frame of class "rxLorenz" containing two variables: cumVals and percent . It also may
have a "description" attribute containing the value variable name or description.
rxGini returns a numeric vector of length one containing the approximate Gini coefficient.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxPredict, rxLogit, rxGlm, rxLinePlot, rxQuantile, rxRoc.

# Example using simple data frames for extreme distributions
# Lorenz curve for complete equality
testData <- data.frame(income = rep(100, times=10))
lorenzOut1 <- rxLorenz("income", data = testData, numBreaks = 100)

# Extreme inequality
testData <- data.frame(income = c(rep(0, times=99), 100))
lorenzOut2 <- rxLorenz("income", data = testData, numBreaks = 100)
plot(lorenzOut2, equalityWidth = 3, equalityColor = "black")

# Example using xdf file from sample data

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers")

# Compute Lorenz data using probability weights

lorenzOut <- rxLorenz(orderVarName = "incwage", data = censusWorkers,
pweights = "perwt")

# Plot the Lorenz Curve

lorenzPlot <- plot(lorenzOut,
title = "Lorenz Curve for Workers from Three States",
subtitle = "Data Source: 5 Percent Sample of U.S. 2000 Census",
lineWidth = 3, equalityColor = "black", equalityStyle = "longdash")

# Compute the Gini Coefficient

giniCoef <- rxGini(lorenzOut)
rxMakeRNodeNames: Converts valid computer
names into valid R variable names.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Converts valid computer names into valid R variable names. Should only be used when you want to guarantee
that host names are usable as variable names.

rxMakeRNodeNames( nodeNames )


character vector of node names to be converted.

rxMakeRNodeNames will preform the following transformations on each element of the character vector
1 Perform toupper on the name.
1 Remove all white space from the name.
1 If one exists, removes the first dot and all characters following it from the name. (This has the effect of
stripping the domain name off, if one exists.)
1 Changes any '-' (dash) characters to '_' (underscore) characters so that node names used as variables do not
have to be quoted.
The names returned by this function are valid R names, that is, symbols, but they may no longer be valid
computer node names. Do not use these names, or this function, in any context where the name may be used to
query or control the actual computer; use the original computer name for that. This function is intended to be
used only to generate R variable names for processing or storing distributed computing results from the
associated computer. Note also that once a host name has been converted into a guaranteed acceptable R
variable name, it is impossible to guarantee the reverse conversion.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

## Not run:

rxMakeRNodeNames( c("cluster-head","") )
## End(Not run)
rxMarginals: Marginal Table Statistics
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Obtain marginal statistics on rxCrossTabs contingency tables.

## S3 method for class `rxCrossTabs':
rxMarginals (x, output = "sums", ...)


object of class rxCrossTabs.


character string specifying the type of output to display. Choices are "sums" , "counts" and "means" .

additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying print method for the output list object.

Developed primarily as a method to access marginal statistics from rxCrossTabs generated cross-tabulations.

list for each contingency table stored in an rxCrossTabs object. Each element of the list contains a list of the
marginal means (row, column, and grand) if output is "means" or marginal sums otherwise.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

admissions <-
rxMarginals(rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Gender : Admit, data = admissions, margin = TRUE,
means = FALSE))
rxMarginals(rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Gender : Admit, data = admissions, margin = TRUE,
means = TRUE))
rxMerge: Merge two data sources
6/18/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Merge (join) two data sources on one or more match variables. The rxMerge function is multi-threaded. In local
compute context, the data sources may be sorted .xdf files or data frames. In RxSpark compute context, the data
sources may be RxParquetData, RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxXdfData or RxTextData.

rxMerge( inData1, inData2 = NULL, outFile = NULL, matchVars = NULL, type = "inner",
missingsLow = TRUE, autoSort = TRUE, duplicateVarExt = NULL,
varsToKeep1 = NULL, varsToDrop1 = NULL, newVarNames1 = NULL,
varsToKeep2 = NULL, varsToDrop2 = NULL, newVarNames2 = NULL,
rowsPerOutputBlock = -1, decreasing = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE,
maxRowsByCols = 3000000, bufferLimit = -1,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"), ... )

rxMergeXdf( inFile1, inFile2, outFile, matchVars = NULL, type = "inner",

missingsLow = TRUE, duplicateVarExt = NULL,
varsToKeep1 = NULL, varsToDrop1 = NULL, newVarNames1 = NULL,
varsToKeep2 = NULL, varsToDrop2 = NULL, newVarNames2 = NULL,
rowsPerOutputBlock = -1, decreasing = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE,
bufferLimit = -1, reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
verbose = 0, xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"), ... )


the first data set to merge. In local compute context, a data frame, a character string denoting the path to an
existing .xdf file, or an RxXdfData object. If a list of RxXdfData objects is provided, they will be merged sequentially.
In RxSpark compute context, an RxParquetData, RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxXdfData or RxTextData data source. If
a list of data source objects is provided, they will be merged sequentially.

the first data set to merge; either a character string denoting the path to an existing .xdf file or an RxXdfData object.

the second data set to merge. In local compute context, a data frame, a character string denoting the path to an
existing .xdf file, or an RxXdfData object. Can be NULL if a list of RxXdfData objects is provided for inData1 . In
RxSpark compute context, an RxParquetData, RxHiveData, RxOrcData, RxXdfData or RxTextData data source. Can
be NULL if a list of data source objects is provided for inData1 .

the second data set to merge; either a character string denoting the path to an existing .xdf file or an RxXdfData
in local compute context, an .xdf path to store the merged output. If the outFile already exists, overwrite must be
set to TRUE to overwrite the file. If NULL , a data frame containing the merged data will be returned. In RxSpark
compute context, an RxParquetData, RxHiveData, RxOrcData or RxXdfData data source.

character vector containing the names of the variables to match for merging. In local compute context, the data
sets MUST BE presorted in the same order by these variables, unless autoSort is set to TRUE . See rxSort. Not
required for type equal to "union" or "oneToOne" .

a character string defining the merge method to use:

"inner" compares each row of inData1 with each row of inData2 to find all pairs of rows in which the values
of the matchVars are the same.
"oneToOne" appends columns from inData1 to inData2 . Not supported in RxSpark compute context.
"left" includes all rows that match (as in "inner" ) plus rows from inData1 that no not have matches. NA 's
will be used for the values for variables from inData2 that are not matched.
"right" includes all rows that match (as in "inner" ) plus rows from inData2 that no not have matches. NA 's
will be used for the values for variables from inData1 that are not matched.
"full" is a combination of both "left" and "right" merge.
"union" append rows from inData2 to inData1 . Not supported in RxSpark compute context. The two input
files must have the same number of columns with the same data types.

a logical scalar for controlling the treatment of missing values. If TRUE , missing values in the data are treated as
the lowest value; if FALSE , they are treated as the highest value. Not supported in RxSpark compute context.

a logical scalar for controlling whether or not to sort the input data sets by the matchVars before merging. If TRUE
, the data sets are sorted before merging; if FALSE , it is assumed that the data sets are already sorted by the
matchVars . Not supported in RxSpark compute context.


a character vector of length two containing the extensions to be used for handling duplicate variable names in the
two input data sets. These extensions are not applied to matching variables. If NULL , file or data frame names will
be used as the extension. If the names are the same, the extensions 1 and 2 will be used (unless there are other
variables with those names.) For example, if duplicateVarExt = c("One", "Two") and inData1 and inData2 both
have the variable y , the output data set will contain the variables y.One and y.Two .

character vector of variable names to include from the inData1 . If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be used
with varsToDrop1 .

character vector of variable names to exclude from inData1 . If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be used with
varsToKeep1 .


a named character vector of new names for variables from inData1 when writing them to outData . For example,
specifying c(x = "newx", y = "newy" would give the input variables x and y the names newx and newy in the
output data.

character vector of variable names to include from the inData2 . If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be used
with varsToDrop2 .

character vector of variable names to exclude from inData2 . If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be used with
varsToKeep2 .


a named character vector of new names for variables from inData2 when writing them to outData . For example,
specifying c(x = "newx", y = "newy" would give the input variables x and y the names newx and newy in the
output data.

an integer specifying how many rows should be written out to each block in the output .xdf file. If set to -1, the
smaller of the two average block sizes of the input data sets will be used. Ignored if outData is NULL . Not
supported in RxSpark compute context.

a logical scalar specifying whether or not the matchVars variables were sorted in decreasing or increasing order.
The input data must be sorted in the same order.

logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile will be overwritten. Ignored if outData is NULL


the maximum size of a data frame that will be returned if outFile is set to NULL and inData is an .xdf file ,
measured by the number of rows times the number of columns. If the number of rows times the number of
columns being created from the .xdf file exceeds this, a warning will be reported and the number of rows in the
returned data frame will be truncated. If maxRowsByCols is set to be too large, you may experience problems from
loading a huge data frame into memory. Not supported in RxSpark compute context.

integer specifiying the maximum size of the memory buffer (in Mb) to use in merging. The default value of
bufferLimit = -1 will attempt to determine an appropriate buffer limit based on system memory. Not supported
in RxSpark compute context.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported. Not supported in RxSpark compute context.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression for the output file -
resulting in smaller files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no
compression and the output file will be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a
default level of compression will be used.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft R Server Compute Engine.

The arguments varsToKeep1 (or alternatively varsToDrop1 ) and varsToKeep2 (or alternatively varsToDrop2 ) are
used to define the set of variables from the input files that will be stored in the specified merged outFile file. The
matchVars must be included in the variables read from the input files. A single copy of the matchVars variables
will be saved in the outFile file.

For rxMerge : If an outFile is not specified, a data frame with the merged data is returned. If an outFile is
specified, a data source object is returned that can be used in subsequent RevoScaleR analysis. For rxMergeXdf : If
merging is successful, TRUE is returned; otherwise FALSE is returned.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

# Small data frame example

x <- 1:20
y <- 20:1
df1 <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)

x <- 20:1
y <- 1:20
df2 <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)

# Merge the two data frames into an .xdf file, matching on the variable x
outXDF <- file.path(tempdir(), ".rxTempOut.xdf")
rxMerge(inData1 = df1, inData2 = df2, outFile=outXDF, matchVars = "x", overwrite=TRUE)

# Read the data from the .xdf file into a data frame. y.df1 and y.df2 should be the same
df3 <- rxDataStep(inData = outXDF )

if(file.exists(outXDF)) file.remove(outXDF)

# Merge two data frames, matching y1 from the first with y2 from the second
# Notice that the match variable is sorted in decreasing order.
x1 <- 1:20
y1 <- 20:1
df1 <- data.frame(x1=x1, y1=y1)

x2 <- 1:20
y2 <- 25:6
df2 <- data.frame(x2=x2, y2=y2)

dfOut <- rxMerge(inData1 = df1, inData2 = df2, matchVars = "y2", decreasing=TRUE,

newVarNames1 = c(y1 = "y2"))

# Look at the resulting merged data

rxGetInfo( dfOut,numRows=10,getVarInfo=TRUE )

# Merge an .xdf file and a data frame into a new .xdf file

# .xdf file names

indXDF <- file.path(tempdir(), ".rxTempIn.xdf")
outXDF <- file.path(tempdir(), ".rxTempOut.xdf")

indData <- data.frame(id = 1:12, state = rep(c("CA","OR", "WA"), times = 4))

# Put individual-level data frame in .xdf file
rxDataStep(inData = indData, outFile = indXDF, overwrite=TRUE)

# Create state-level data frame

stateData <- data.frame(state=c("CA","OR", "WA"), stateVal = c(1000, 400, 500))

# Merge individual-level .xdf file with state-level data frame

rxMerge(inData1 = indXDF, inData2 = stateData, outFile = outXDF,
matchVars = "state")

# Re-sort data by id
rxSort(inData = outXDF, outFile = outXDF, sortByVars = "id", overwrite = TRUE)

# Look at merged, sorted data

df4 <- rxDataStep(inData = outXDF)
rxMultiTest: Multiple Variable Independence Tests
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Collects a list of tests for variable independence into a table.

rxMultiTest(tests, title = NULL)

## S3 method for class `rxMultiTest':

print (x, ...)


a list of objects of class htest.


a title for the multiTest table. If NULL , the title is determined from the method slot of the htest.

object of class rxMultiTest.


additional arguments to the print method.

an object of class rxMultiTest.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxChiSquaredTest, rxFisherTest, rxKendallCor, rxPairwiseCrossTab, rxRiskRatio, rxOddsRatio.

tests <- list(t.test(mpg ~ vs, data = mtcars),
t.test(hp ~ vs, data = mtcars))
rxNaiveBayes: Parallel External Memory Algorithm
for Naive Bayes Classifiers
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Fit Naive Bayes Classifiers on an .xdf file or data frame for small or large data using parallel external memory

rxNaiveBayes(formula, data, smoothingFactor = 0, ... )


formula as described in rxFormula.


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

a positive smoothing factor to account for cases not present in the training data. It avoids modeling issues by
preventing zero conditional probability estimates.

additional arguments to be passed directly to rxSummary such as byTerm , rowSelection , pweights , fweights ,
transforms , transformObjects , transformFunc , transformVars , transformPackages , transformEnvir ,
useSparseCube , removeZeroCounts , blocksPerRead , reportProgress , verbose , xdfCompressionLevel .

an "rxNaiveBayes" object containing the following components:
apriori - a vector of prior class probabilities for the dependent variable.
tables - a list of tables, one for each predictor variable.
For a categorical variable, the table contains the conditional probabilities of the variable given the target
For a numeric variable, the table contains the mean and standard deviation of the variable given the
target class.
levels - the levels of the dependent variable.

call - the matched call.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Naive Bayes classifier .

See Also

# multi-class classification with an .xdf file
claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.xdf")
claims.nb <- rxNaiveBayes(type ~ age + cost, data = claimsXdf)

# prediction
claims.nb.pred <- rxPredict(claims.nb, claimsXdf)
table(claims.nb.pred[["type_Pred"]], rxDataStep(claimsXdf)[["type"]])
RxNativeFileSystem: RevoScaleR Native File System
Object Generator
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is the main generator for RxNativeFileSystem S3 class.


An RxNativeFileSystem file system object. This object may be used in rxSetFileSystem, rxOptions, RxTextData, or
RxXdfData to set the file system.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxFileSystem, RxHdfsFileSystem, rxSetFileSystem, rxOptions, RxXdfData, RxTextData.

# Setup to run analyses to use HDFS file system, then native
## Not run:

myHdfsFileSystem <- RxHdfsFileSystem(hostName = "myHost", port = 8020)

rxSetFileSystem(fileSystem = myHdfsFileSystem )
# Perform other tasks
# Reset to native file system
rxSetFileSystem(fileSystem = RxNativeFileSystem())
## End(Not run)
rxNewDataSource: RevoScaleR Data Sources: Class
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is the main generator for RxDataSource S4 classes.

## S4 method for class `character':
rxNewDataSource (name, ...)


character name of the specific class to instantiate.


any other arguments are passed to the class generator name .

This is a wrapper to specific class generator functions for the RCE data source classes. For example, the
RxXdfData class uses function RxXdfData as a generator. Therefore either RxXdfData(...) or
rxNewDataSource("RxXdfData", ...) will create an RxXdfData instance.

RxDataSource data source object. This object may be used to open and close the actual RevoScaleR data

Side Effects
This function creates the data source instance in the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine, but does not
actually open the data. The methods rxOpen and rxClose will open and close the data.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxXdfData, RxTextData, RxSasData, RxSpssData, RxOdbcData, RxTeradata, rxOpen, rxReadNext.

fileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.xdf")
ds <- rxNewDataSource("RxXdfData", fileName)
myData <- rxReadNext(ds)
rxOAuthParameters: OAuth2 Token request
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Method to create parameter list to be used for getting an OAuth2 token.

rxOAuthParameters(authUri = NULL, tenantId = NULL, clientId = NULL, resource = NULL, username = NULL,
password = NULL, authToken= NULL, useWindowsAuth = FALSE)


Optional string containing OAuth Authentication URI - default NULL


Optional string containing OAuth Tenant ID - default NULL


Optional string containing OAuth ClientID - default NULL


Optional string containing OAuth Resource - default NULL


Optional string containing OAuth Username - default NULL


Optional string containing OAuth Password - default NULL


Optional string containing a valid OAuth token to be used for WebHdfs requests - default NULL

Optional Flag indicating if Windows Authentication should be used for obtaining the OAuth token (applicable only
on Windows) - default NULL

Reading from HDFS file system via WebHdfs can only be done by first obtaining a OAuth2 token. This function
allows the specification of parameters that can be set to retreive a token.

An rxOAuthParameters list object. This object may be used in RxHdfsFileSystem to set the OAuth request method
for WebHdfs usage.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

# Setup to run analyses to use HDFS with access via WebHdfs and OAuth2
## Not run:

oAuth <- rxOAuthParameters(authUri = "",

tenantId = "",
clientId = "872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1e2",
resource = "",
username = "",
password = "password")

myHdfsFileSystem <- RxHdfsFileSystem(hostName = "myHost", port = 443, useWebHdfs = TRUE, oAuthParameters =

rxSetFileSystem(fileSystem = myHdfsFileSystem )
## End(Not run)
RxOdbcData-class: Class RxOdbcData
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

ODBC data source connection class.

The targeted generator RxOdbcData as well as the general generator rxNewDataSource.

Class RxDataSource, directly.


signature(object = "RxOdbcData") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, RxOdbcData, rxNewDataSource
RxOdbcData: Generate ODBC Data Source Object
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is the main generator for S4 class RxOdbcData, which extends RxDataSource.

RxOdbcData(table = NULL, sqlQuery = NULL, dbmsName = NULL, databaseName = NULL,
useFastRead = NULL, trimSpace = NULL, connectionString = NULL,
rowBuffering = TRUE, returnDataFrame = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
colClasses = NULL, colInfo = NULL, rowsPerRead = 500000,
verbose = 0, writeFactorsAsIndexes, ...)

## S3 method for class `RxOdbcData':

head (x, n = 6L, reportProgress = 0L, ...)
## S3 method for class `RxOdbcData':
tail (x, n = 6L, addrownums = TRUE, reportProgress = 0L, ...)


NULL or character string specifying the table name. Cannot be used with sqlQuery .

NULL or character string specifying a valid SQL select query. Cannot be used with table .

NULL or character string specifying the Database Management System (DBMS ) name.

NULL or character string specifying the name of the database.


logical specifying whether or not to use a direct ODBC connection. On Linux systems, this is the only ODBC
connection available. Note: useFastRead = FALSE is currently not supported in writing to ODBC data source.

logical specifying whether or not to trim the white character of string data for reading.

NULL or character string specifying the connection string.


logical specifying whether or not to buffer rows on read from the database. If you are having problems with
your ODBC driver, try setting this to FALSE .
logical indicating whether or not to convert the result from a list to a data frame (for use in rxReadNext only).
If FALSE , a list is returned.

logical indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden
by specifying "character" in colClasses and colInfo . If TRUE , the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor
columns is to use colInfo with specified "levels" .

character vector specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element names for the
vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.
Allowable column types are:
"logical" (stored as uchar ),
"integer" (stored as int32 ),
"float32" (the default for floating point data for .xdf files),
"numeric" (stored as float64 as in R ),
"character" (stored as string ),
"factor" (stored as uint32 ),
"int16" (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
"uint16" (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space),
"Date" (stored as Date, i.e. float64 )
Note for "factor" type, the levels will be coded in the order encountered. Since this factor level
ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is to use colInfo with
specified "levels" .
Note that equivalent types share the same bullet in the list above; for some types we allow both 'R -
friendly' type names, as well as our own, more specific type names for .xdf data.
Note also that specifying the column as a "factor" type is currently equivalent to "string" - for the
moment, if you wish to import a column as factor data you must use the colInfo argument,
documented below.

list of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named
elements given below. The information supplied for colInfo overrides that supplied for colClasses .
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
type - character string specifying the data type for the column. See colClasses argument description for
the available types. Specify "factorIndex" as the type for 0-based factor indexes. levels must also be
newName - character string specifying a new name for the variable.
description - character string specifying a description for the variable.
levels - character vector containing the levels when type = "factor" . If the levels property is not
provided, factor levels will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any
value that does not match a provided level will be converted to a missing value.
newLevels - new or replacement levels specified for a column of type "factor". It must be used in
conjunction with the levels argument. After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will be
replaced with the newLevels .
low - the minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.
high - the maximum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.


number of rows to read at a time.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , information on the odbc data source type ( odbc or
odbcFast ) is printed.


logical. If TRUE , when writing to an RxOdbcData data source, underlying factor indexes will be written instead
of the string representations.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying functions.


an RxOdbcData object

positive integer. Number of rows of the data set to extract.


logical. If TRUE , row numbers will be created to match the original data set.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.

The tail method is not functional for this data source type and will report an error.
If you are using RxOdbcData with a Teradata database and experience difficulty, try the RxTeradata data
source instead. The RxTeradata data source permits finer control of the underlying Teradata options.

object of class RxOdbcData.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxOdbcData-class, rxNewDataSource, rxImport, RxTeradata.
## Not run:

# Create an ODBC data source for a SQLite database

claimsSQLiteFileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sqlite")
connectionString <-
paste("Driver={SQLite3 ODBC Driver};Database=", claimsSQLiteFileName,
sep = "")
claimsOdbcSource <-
RxOdbcData(sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM claims",
connectionString = connectionString)

# Create an xdf file name

claimsXdfFileName <- file.path(tempdir(), "importedClaims.xdf")

# Import the data into the xdf file

rxImport(claimsOdbcSource, claimsXdfFileName, overwrite = TRUE)

# Read xdf file into a data frame

claimsIn <- rxDataStep(inData = claimsXdfFileName)

# Clean-up: delete the new file


# Create an ODBC data source for storing a data frame

irisOdbcSource <- RxOdbcData(table = "irisTable", connectionString = connectionString)

# Store the data frame in the database

rxWriteObject(irisOdbcSource, "irisData", iris)

# Retrieve the data frame from the database

irisData <- rxReadObject(irisOdbcSource, "irisData")
identical(irisData, iris) # TRUE

# Create an ODBC data source for storing a sample XDF

airlineOdbcSource <- RxOdbcData(table = "airlineTable", connectionString = connectionString)

# Store a sample XDF in the database

airlineXdf <- rxReadXdf( file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf") )
rxWriteObject(airlineOdbcSource, "airlineData", airlineXdf)

# Retrieve the XDF object from the database

airlineData <- rxReadObject(airlineOdbcSource, "airlineData")
identical(airlineData, airlineXdf) # TRUE
## End(Not run)
rxOpen-methods: Managing RevoScaleR Data
Source Objects
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

These functions manage RevoScaleR data source objects.

rxOpen(src, mode = "r")
rxClose(src, mode = "r")
rxIsOpen(src, mode = "r")
rxWriteNext(from, to, ...)


data frame object.


RxDataSource object.

RxDataSource object.

character string specifying the mode ( r or w ) to open the file.


any other arguments to be passed on.

For rxOpen and rxClose , a logical indicating whether the operation was successful. For rxIsOpen , a logical
indicating whether or not the RxDataSource is open for the specified mode . For rxReadNext , either a data
frame or a list depending upon the value of the returnDataFrame property within src .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxNewDataSource, RxXdfData.
ds <- RxXdfData(file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.xdf"))
# ds contains only one block of data
rxOpen(ds) # must open the file before rxReadNext
rxReadNext(ds) # get the first block

# Use a data source to compute means by processing the data in chunks

# Data processing functions: for each chunk, compute sums of columns and
# number of rows, then update the results computed from previous chunks
processData <- function(dframe)
list(sumCols = colSums(dframe), numRows = nrow(dframe))
updateResults <- function(x, y)
list(sumCols = x$sumCols + y$sumCols, numRows = x$numRows + y$numRows)

# Create data source

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")
ds <- RxXdfData(censusWorkers, varsToKeep = c("age", "incwage"),
blocksPerRead = 2)

# Process data and update results

resList <- processData(rxReadNext(ds))
df <- rxReadNext(ds)
if (nrow(df) == 0)
resList <- updateResults(resList, processData(df))

# Compute the means of the variables from the accumulated results

varMeans <- resList$sumCols / resList$numRows
rxOptions: Global Options for RevoScaleR
6/18/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Functions to specify and retrieve options needed for RevoScaleR computations. These need to be set only
once to carry out multiple computations.

rxOptions(initialize = FALSE,
linkDllName = ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", "RxLink.dll", ""),
cintSysDir = setCintSysDir(),
includeDir = setRxIncludeDir(),
unitTestDir = system.file("unitTests", package = "RevoScaleR"),
unitTestDataDir = system.file("unitTestData", package = "RevoScaleR"),
sampleDataDir = system.file("SampleData", package = "RevoScaleR"),
demoScriptsDir = system.file("demoScripts", package = "RevoScaleR"),
blocksPerRead = 1,
reportProgress = 2,
rowDisplayMax = -1,
memStatsReset = 0,
memStatsDiff = 0,
numCoresToUse = 4,
numDigits = options()$digits,
showTransformFn = FALSE,
defaultDecimalColType = "float32",
defaultMissingColType = "float32",
computeContext = RxLocalSeq(),
dataPath = ".",
outDataPath = ".",
transformPackages = c("RevoScaleR","utils","stats","methods"),
xdfCompressionLevel = 1,
fileSystem = "native",
useDoSMP = NULL,
useSparseCube = FALSE,
rngBufferSize = 1,
dropMain = TRUE,
coefLabelStyle = "Revo",
numTasks = 1,
hdfsHost = Sys.getenv("REVOHADOOPHOST"),
hdfsPort = as.integer(Sys.getenv("REVOHADOOPPORT")),
unixRPath = "/usr/bin/Revo64-8",
mrsHadoopPath = "/usr/bin/mrs-hadoop",
spark.executorCores = 2,
spark.executorMem = "4g",
spark.executorOverheadMem = "4g",
spark.numExecutors = 65535,
traceLevel = 0,

rxGetOption(opt, default = NULL)



logical value. If TRUE , rxOptions resets all RevoScaleR options to their default value.

character string specifying path to RevoScaleR's lib directory. For 32-bit versions, this defaults to the libs
directory; for 64-bit versions, this defaults to the libs/x64 directory.

character string specifying name of the RevoScaleR's DLL (Windows) or shared object (Linux).

character string specifying path to RevoScaleR's C/C++ interpreter (CINT) directory.


character string specifying path to RevoScaleR's include directory.


character string specifying path to RevoScaleR's RUnit-based test directory.


character string specifying path to RevoScaleR's RUnit-based test data directory.


character string specifying path to RevoScaleR's sample data directory.


character string specifying path to RevoScaleR's demo script directory.


default value to use for blocksPerRead argument for many RevoScaleR functions. Represents the number
of blocks to read within each read chunk.

default value to use for reportProgress argument for many RevoScaleR functions. Options are:
0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


scalar integer specifying the maximum number of rows to display when using the verbose argument in
RevoScaleR functions. The default of -1 displays all available rows.

boolean integer. If 1 , reset memory status


boolean integer. If 1 , the change of memory status is shown.


scalar integer specifying the number of cores to use. If set to a value higher than the number of available
cores, the number of available cores will be used. If set to -1 , the number of available cores will be used.
Increasing the number of cores to use will also increase the amount of memory required for RevoScaleR
analysis functions.

controls the number of digits to to use when converting numeric data to or from strings, such as when
printing numeric values or importing numeric data as strings. The default is the current value of
options()$digits , which defaults to 7. Beyond fifteen digits, however, results are likely to be unreliable.


logical value. If TRUE , the transform function is shown.


Used to specify a column's data type when only decimal values (possibly mixed with missing ( NA ) values)
are encountered upon first read of the data and the column's type information is not specified via colInfo
or colClasses . Supported types are "float32" and "numeric", for 32-bit floating point and 64-bit floating
point values, respectively.

Used to specify a given column's data type when only missings ( NA s) or blanks are encountered upon first
read of the data and the column's type information is not specified via colInfo or colClasses . Supported
types are "float32", "numeric", and "character" for 32-bit floating point, 64-bit floating point and string
values, respectively.

an RxComputeContext object representing the computational environment.

RxLocalSeq: compute locally, using sequential processing with rxExec High Performance Computing.
RxLocalParallel: compute locally, using the 'parallel' package for processing with rxExec High
Performance Computing.
RxForeachDoPar: use the currently registered parallel backend for 'foreach' for processing with rxExec
High Performance Computing.
RxHadoopMR: use a Hadoop cluster for both High Performance Analytics for rxExec High Performance
RxSpark: use a Spark cluster for both High Performance Analytics and for rxExec High Performance

character vector containing paths to search for local data sources. The default is to search just the current
working directory. This will be ignored if dataPath is specified in the active compute context. See the
Details section for more information regarding the path format.

character vector containing paths for writing new output data files. New data files will be written to the first
path that exists. The default is to write to the current working directory. This will be ignored if outDataPath
is specified in the active compute context.

character vector defining default set of R packages to be made available and preloaded for use in variable
transformation functions.
integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in
smaller files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no
compression and files will be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a
default level of compression will be used.

character string or RxFileSystem object indicating type of file system; "native" or RxNativeFileSystem
object can be used for the local operating system, or an RxHdfsFileSystem object for the Hadoop file system.

NULL . Deprecated. Use a RxLocalParallel compute context.


character string specifying the RevoScaleR option to obtain. A NULL is returned if the option does not

logical value. If TRUE , sparse cube is used.


a positive integer scalar specifying the buffer size for the Parallel Random Number Generators (RNGs) in

logical value. If TRUE , main-effect terms are dropped before their interactions.

character string specifying the coefficient label style. The default is "Revo". If "R", R -compatible labels are

integer value. The default numTasks use in RxInSqlServer.


character string specifying the host name of your Hadoop nameNode. Defaults to
Sys.getenv("REVOHADOOPHOST"), or "default" if no REVOHADOOPHOST environment variable is set.

integer scalar specifying the port number of your Hadoop nameNode, or a character string that can be
coerced to numeric. Defaults to as.integer(Sys.getenv("REVOHADOOPPORT")) , or 0 if no
REVOHADOOPPORT environment variable is set.

The path to R executable on a Unix/Linux node. By default it points to a path corresponding to this client's

Points to entry point to Hadoop MR which is deployed on every cluster node when MRS for Hadoop is
installed. This script implements logic that determines which hadoop command should be called.

Specifies the traceLevel that MRS will run with. This parameter controls MRS Logging features as well as
Runtime Tracing of ScaleR functions. Levels are inclusive, (i.e. level 3:INFO includes levels 2:WARN and
1:ERROR log messages). The options are:

0 : DISABLED - Tracing/Logging disabled.

1 : ERROR - ERROR coded trace points are logged to MRS log files
2 : WARN - WARN and ERROR coded trace points are logged to MRS log files.
3 : INFO - INFO , WARN , and ERROR coded trace points are logged to MRS log files.
4 : DEBUG - All trace points are logged to MRS log files.
5 : RESERVED - If set, will log at DEBUG granularity
6 : RESERVED - If set, will log at DEBUG granularity
7 : TRACE - ScaleR functions Runtime Tracing is activated and MRS log level is set to DEBUG granularity.

additional arguments to be passed through.


default value for an option that is returned if option is not found

A full set of RevoScaleR options is set on load. Use rxGetOption to obtain the value of a single option.
The dataPath argument is a character vector of well formed directory paths, either in UNC (" \\host\dir ")
or DOS (" C:\dir "). When specifying the paths, you must double the number of backslashes since R
requires that backslashes be escaped. Updating the previous examples gives " \\\\host\\dir " for UNC -type
paths and " C:\\dir " for DOS -type paths. Alternatively, you could specify a DOS -type path with single
forward slashes such as the output from system.file (e.g. "
C:/Revolution/R-Enterprise-Node-7.4/R-3.1.3/library/RevoScaleR/SampleData "). For Windows operating
systems, the arguments that define a path must be in long format and not DOS 8.3 (short) format, e.g., "
"C:\\Program Files\\RRO\\R-3.1.3\\bin\\x64" or " C:/Program Files/RRO/R-3.1.3/bin/x64 " are correct
formats while "C:/PROGRA~1/RRO/R-31~1.3/bin/x64" is not.
rxIsExpressEdition is not currently functional.

For rxOptions , a list containing the original rxOptions is returned. If there is no argument specified, the list
is returned explicitly, otherwise the list is returned as an invisible object. For rxGetOption , the current value
of the requested option is returned.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RevoScaleR, RxLocalSeq, RxLocalParallel, RxForeachDoPar, RxHadoopMR, RxSpark, RxInSqlServer.

# Get the location of the sample data sets for RevoScaleR
dataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
# See the current settings for options
## Not run:

rxOptions(reportProgress = 0) # by default, don't report progress

rxOptions()$reportProgress # show value
rxOptions(TRUE) # reset all options
rxOptions()$reportProgress # 2

# Setup to run analyses on HPC cluster

myCluster <- RxSpark(nameNode = "my-name-service-server", port = 8020)

rxOptions( computeContext = myCluster )

## End(Not run)
rxPackage: R Package Management in SQL Server
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article explains how to enable and disable R package management on SQL Server Machine Learning
Services (in-database), as well as installation, usage, and removal of individual packages. RevoScaleR provides
the necessary rx functions for these tasks.

SQL Server Machine Learning Services and the previous version, SQL Server R Services, support install and
uninstall of R packages on SQL Server. A database administrator (in db_owner role) must grant permissions to
allow access to package functions at both the database and instance level.
R package management functions are part of the base distribution. These functions allows packages to be
installed from a local or remote repository into a local library (folder). R provides the following core functions for
managing local libraries:
* available.packages() - enumerate packages available in a repository for installation
* installed.packages() - enumerate installed packages in a library
* install.packages() - install packages, including dependency resolution, from a repository into a library
* remove.packages() - remove installed packages from a library
* library() - load the installed package and access its functions
RevoScaleR also provides package management functions, which is especially useful for managing packages in a
SQL Server compute context in a client session. Packages in the database are reflected back on the file system, in
a secure location. Access is controlled through database roles, which determine whether you can install packages
from a local or remote repository into a database.
RevoScaleR provides the following core client functions for managing libraries in a database on a remote SQL
* rxInstalledPackages() - enumerate installed packages in a database on SQL Server
* rxInstallPackages() - install packages, including dependency resolution, from a repository onto a library in a
database. Simultaneously install the same packages on the file system using per-database and per-user profile
* rxRemovePackages() - remove installed packages from a library in a database and further uninstall the packages
from secured per-database, per-user location on SQL server
* rxSqlLibPaths() - get secured library paths for the given user to refer to the installed packages for SQL Server to
then use it in .libPaths() to refer to the packages
* library() - same as R equivalent; used to load the installed package and access its functions
* rxSyncPackages() - synchronize packages from a database on SQL Server to the file system used by R
Ther are two scopes for installation and usage of packages in a particular database in SQL Server:
* Shared scope - Share the packages with other users of the same database.
* Private scope - Isolate a packge in a per-user private location, accessible only to the user installing the package.
Both scopes can be used to design different secure deployment models of packages. For example, using a shared
scope, data scientist department heads can be granted permissions to install packages, which can then be used by
all other data scientists in the group. In another deployment model, the data scientists can be granted private
scope permissions to install and use their private packages without affecting other data scientists using the same
Database roles are used to secure package installation and access:
* rpkgs-users - allows users to use shared packages installed by users belong to rpkgs-shared role
* rpkgs-private - allows all permissions as rpkgs-users role and also allows users to install, remove and use
private packages
* rpkgs-shared - allows all permissions as rpkgs-private role and also allows users to install, remove shared
* db_owner - allows all permissions as rpkgs-shared role and also allows users to install & remove shared and
private packages for other users for management
Enable R package management on SQL Server
By default, R package management is turned off at the instance level. To use this functionality, the administrator
must do the following:
* Enable package management on the SQL Server instance.
* Enable package management on the SQL database.
RegisterRExt.exe command line utility, which ships with RevoScaleR, allows administrators to enable package
management for instances and specific databases. You can find RegisterRExt.exe at
<SQLInstancePath>\R_SERVICES\library\RevoScaleR\rxLibs\x64\RegisterRExt.exe .

To enable R package management at instance level, open an elevated command prompt and run the following
* RegisterRExt.exe /installpkgmgmt [/instance:name] [/user:username] [/password:*|password]

This command creates some package-related, instance-level artifacts on the SQL Server machine.
Next, enable R package management at database level using an elevated command prompt and the following
RegisterRExt.exe /installpkgmgmt /database:databasename [/instance:name] [/user:username]

This command creates database artifacts, including rpkgs-users , rpkgs-private and rpkgs-shared database
roles to control user permissions who can install, uninstall, and use packages.
Disable R package management on a SQL Server
To disable R package management on a SQL server, the administrator must do the following:
* Disable package management on the database.
* Disable package management on the SQL Server instance.
Use the RegisterRExt.exe command line utility located at
<SQLInstancePath>\R_SERVICES\library\RevoScaleR\rxLibs\x64\RegisterRExt.exe .
To disable R package management at the database level, open an elevated command prompt and run the
following command:
RegisterRExt.exe /uninstallpkgmgmt /database:databasename [/instance:name] [/user:username]

This command removes the package-related database artifacts from the database, as well as the packages in the
secured file system location.
After disabling package management at the database level, disable package management at instance level by
running the following command at an elevated command prompt:
* RegisterRExt.exe /uninstallpkgmgmt [/instance:name] [/user:username] [/password:*|password]

This command removes the package-related, per-instance artifacts from the SQL Server.

See Also
rxSqlLibPaths, rxInstalledPackages, rxInstallPackages,
rxRemovePackages, rxFindPackage, library require

## Not run:

# install and remove packages from client
sqlcc <- RxInSqlServer(connectionString = "Driver=SQL

pkgs <- c("dplyr")

rxInstallPackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "private", computeContext = sqlcc)
rxRemovePackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "private", computeContext = sqlcc)

# use the installed R package from rx function like rxExec(...)
usePackageRxFunction <- function()

# returns list of functions contained in dplyr


# more code to use dplyr functionality
# ...


# use the installed R packages in an R function call running on SQL server using T-SQL
declare @instance_name nvarchar(100) = @@SERVERNAME, @database_name nvarchar(128) = db_name();
exec sp_execute_external_script
@language = N'R',
@script = N'
# setup the lib paths to private and shared libraries
connStr <- paste("Driver=SQL Server;Server=", instance_name, ";Database=", database_name,
";Trusted_Connection=true;", sep="");

# use the installed R package from rx function like rxExec(...)

# more code to use dplyr functionality
# ...
@input_data_1 = N'',
@params = N'@instance_name nvarchar(100), @database_name nvarchar(128)',
@instance_name = @instance_name,
@database_name = @database_name;
## End(Not run)
rxPairwiseCrossTab: Apply Function to Pairwise
Combinations of an xtabs Object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Apply a function 'FUN' to all pairwise combinations of the rows and columns of an xtabs object, stratifying by
higher dimensions.

rxPairwiseCrossTab(x, pooled = TRUE, FUN = rxRiskRatio, ...)
## S3 method for class `rxPairwiseCrossTabList':
print (x, ...)
## S3 method for class `rxPairwiseCrossTabTable':
print (x, digits = 3, scientific = FALSE, p.value.digits = 3, ...)


an object of class xtabs, rxCrossTabs, or rxCube for rxPairwiseCrossTab . An object of class rxPairwiseCrossTabList
or rxPairwiseCrossTabTable for the print methods of rxPairwiseCrossTabList and rxPairwiseCrossTabTable objects.

logical value. If TRUE , the comparison groups are pooled. Otherwise all pairwise comparisons are included.

function that takes a two by two table and returns an object of class htest.

additional arguments.

number of digits to use in printing numeric values.


logical value. If TRUE , scientific notation is used to prin tnumeric values.


number of digits to use in printing p-values.

a rxPairwiseCrossTabList object.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxChiSquaredTest, rxFisherTest, rxKendallCor, rxMultiTest, rxRiskRatio, rxOddsRatio.

mtcarsDF <- rxFactors(datasets::mtcars, factorInfo = c("gear", "cyl", "vs"),
varsToKeep = c("gear", "cyl", "vs"), sortLevels = TRUE)
xtabObj <- rxCrossTabs(~ gear : cyl : vs, data = mtcarsDF, returnXtabs = TRUE)

rxPairwiseCrossTab(xtabObj, FUN = rxRiskRatio)

rxPairwiseCrossTab(xtabObj, pooled = FALSE, FUN = rxOddsRatio)
rxPartition: Partition Data by Key Values and Save the
results to a Partitioned .Xdf
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Partition input data sources by key values and save the results to a partitioned Xdf on disk.

rxPartition(inData, outData, varsToPartition, append = "rows", overwrite = FALSE, ...)


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

a partitioned data source object created by RxXdfData with createPartitionSet = TRUE .


character vector of variable names to specify the values in those variables to be used for partitioning

either "none" to create a new files or "rows" to append rows to an existing file. If outData exists and append is
"none", the overwrite argument must be set to TRUE .

logical value. If TRUE , an existing outData will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if append = "rows" .

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.

a data frame of partitioning values and data sources, each row in the data frame represents one partition and the
data source in the last variable holds the data of a specifict partition.

In the current version, this function is single threaded.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
See Also
rxExecBy, RxXdfData


# Construct a partitioned Xdf

# create an input Xdf data source

inFile <- "claims.xdf"
inFile <- file.path(dataPath = rxGetOption(opt = "sampleDataDir"), inFile)
inXdfDS <- RxXdfData(file = inFile)

# create an output partitioned Xdf data source

outFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "partitionedClaims.xdf")
outPartXdfDataSource <- RxXdfData(file = outFile, createPartitionSet = TRUE)

# construct and save the partitioned Xdf to disk

partDF <- rxPartition(inData = inXdfDS, outData = outPartXdfDataSource, varsToPartition = c("car.age"))

# Append new data to an existing partitioned Xdf

# create two sets of data frames from Xdf data source

inFile <- "claims.xdf"
inFile <- file.path(dataPath = rxGetOption(opt = "sampleDataDir"), inFile)
inXdfDS <- RxXdfData(file = inFile)
inDF <- rxImport(inData = inXdfDS)

df1 <- inDF[1:50,]

df2 <- inDF[51:nrow(inDF),]

# create an output partitioned Xdf data source

outFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "partitionedClaims.xdf")
outPartXdfDataSource <- RxXdfData(file = outFile, createPartitionSet = TRUE)

# construct the partitioned Xdf from the first data set df1 and save to disk
partDF1 <- rxPartition(inData = df1, outData = outPartXdfDataSource, varsToPartition = c("car.age", "type"),
append = "none", overwrite = TRUE)

# append data from the second data set to the existing partitioned Xdf
partDF2 <- rxPartition(inData = df2, outData = outPartXdfDataSource, varsToPartition = c("car.age", "type"))

# overwrite an existing partitioned Xdf

partDF2 <- rxPartition(inData = inXdfDS, outData = outPartXdfDataSource, varsToPartition = c("car.age"),
append = "none", overwrite = TRUE)
rxPingNodes: Simple Test of Compute Cluster Nodes
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

This function provides a simple test of the compute context's ability to perform a round trip through one or more
computation nodes.

rxPingNodes(computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), timeout = 0, filter = NULL)


A distributed compute context. RxSpark context is supported. See the details section for more information.

A non-negative integer value. Real valued numbers will be cast to integers. This parameter sets a total (real clock)
time to attempt to perform a ping. The timer is not started until the system has first determined which nodes are
unavailable (meaning down, unreachable or not usable for jobs, such as scheduler only nodes on LSF ). At least one
attempt to complete a ping is performed regardless of the setting of timeout . If the default value of 0 is used,
there is no timeout.

NULL , or a character vector containing one or more of the ping states. If NULL , no filtering is performed. If a
character vector of one or more of the ping states is provided, then only those nodes determined to be in the states
enumerated will be returned.

This function provides an application level "ping" to one or more nodes in a cluster or cloud. To this end, a trivial
job is launched for each node to be pinged. A successful ping means that communication between the end user
and the scheduler and communication between the end user and the shared data directory was successful; that R
was launched and ran a trivial function successfully on the host being pinged; and that the results were returned
While this function does not test certain aspects of the messaging required for HPA functions (e.g., rxSummary ), it
does allow the user to easily test the majority of the end-to-end job functionality within a supported cloud or
The compute context provided is used to determine the cluster or queue that is to be pinged. Furthermore, the
nodes to be pinged will be determined in the usual fashion; that is, NULL in the nodes indicates use of all nodes;
values in the groups or queue fields will cause the set of nodes to be checked to be the intersection between all
the nodes in the groups or queue specified, and the set of nodes specifically specified in the nodes parameter,
and so forth. Note that for clusters and clouds that do have a head node, computeOnHeadNode is respected. For more
information, see the compute context constructors or the rxGetNodeInfo for more information.
Most other values in the compute context are respected when determing how a ping will be sent. The following
fields in particular are of note when using this tool:

May be used to allow the ping jobs to run sooner than other longer running jobs.

Should usually be avoided


Should almost always be set to TRUE ; however, may be of use to a system administrator diagnosing a problem.

An object of type rxPingResults . This is essentially a list in which component is named using an
rxMakeRNodeNames translated node name in the same manner and for the same reasons described for
rxGetNodeInfo, with the getWorkersOnly parameter set to FALSE.
Each element of this list contains two elements: nodeName which holds the true, unmangled name of the node, and
status , which contains a character scalar with one of the following values:


The node failed its scheduler level check prior to an attempt to actually ping the node. This does not necessarily
mean that the node is not not functional; rather, it only means that it cannot support having a job run on it.

The round trip job was a success.


The scheduler failed the job. This could be due to permissions, corrupt libraries, or a problem relating to the GUID

The R process on the worker host was started, but failed.


The ping was sent, but a response was never received. This could be due to a problem with the installation, or
other long running jobs being queued ahead of the ping job, or a system failure.
An as.vector method is provided for the rxPingResults object which returns a character vector of the non-
mangled (rxMakeRNodeNames translated) node names for use in another compute context, filtered by the
filter parameter originally provided.

Finally, the rxPingResults object has a logical attribute associated with it: allOk . This attribute is set to TRUE if
all of the pinged nodes' states (after filtering) were set to "success" . Otherwise, this attribute is set to FALSE .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxGetAvailableNodes, rxMakeRNodeNames, rxGetNodeInfo, rxGetAvailableNodes.
## Not run:

# Attempts to ping all the nodes for the current compute context.

# Pings all the nodes from myCluster, returning values only for those that are
# currently not operational
rxPingNodes( myCluster, filter=c("unavail","failedJob","failedSession") )

# Pings all the nodes from myCluster; times out after 2 minutes
rxPingNodes( myCluster, timeout=120 )

# Extract the allOk attribute from the return value

attr(rxPingNodes(), "allOk")
## End(Not run)
rxPredict: Predicted values and residuals for model
objects built using RevoScaleR
7/31/2018 • 8 minutes to read • Edit Online

Compute predicted values and residuals using the following objects: rxLinMod, rxGlm, rxLogit, rxDTree, rxBTrees,
and rxDForest.

rxPredict(modelObject, data = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class `default':
rxPredict (modelObject, data = NULL, outData = NULL,
computeStdErrors = FALSE, interval = "none", confLevel = 0.95,
computeResiduals = FALSE, type = c("response", "link"),
writeModelVars = FALSE, extraVarsToWrite = NULL, removeMissings = FALSE,
append = c("none", "rows"), overwrite = FALSE, checkFactorLevels = TRUE,
predVarNames = NULL, residVarNames = NULL,
intervalVarNames = NULL, stdErrorsVarNames = NULL, predNames = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"), ...)


object returned from a RevoScaleR model fitting function. Valid values include rxLinMod , rxLogit , rxGlm ,
rxDTree , rxBTrees , and rxDForest . Objects with multiple dependent variables are not supported in rxPredict.


An RxXdfData data source object to be used for predictions. If not using a distributed compute context such as
RxHadoopMR, a data frame, or a character string specifying the input .xdf file can also be used.

file or existing data frame to store predictions; can be same as the input file or NULL . If not NULL , a character
string specifying the output �.xdf� file, a RxXdfData object, a RxOdbcData data source, or a RxSqlServerData
data source. outData can also be a delimited RxTextData data source if using a native file system and not

logical value. If TRUE , the standard errors for each dependent variable are calculated.

character string defining the type of interval calculation to perform. Supported values are "none" , "confidence" ,
and "prediction" .
numeric value representing the confidence level on the interval [0, 1].

logical value. If TRUE , residuals are computed.


Applies to rxGlm and rxLogit, used to set the type of prediction. Valid values are "response" and "link" . If
type = "response" , the predictions are on the scale of the response variable. For instance, for the binomial model,
the predictions are in the range (0,1). If type = "link" , the predictions are on the scale of the linear predictors.
Thus for the binomial model, the predictions are of log-odds.

logical value. If TRUE , and the output data set is different from the input data set, variables in the model will be
written to the output data set in addition to the predictions (and residuals, standard errors, and confidence bounds,
if requested). If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the transformed variables will also
be included.

NULL or character vector of additional variables names from the input data or transforms to include in the
outData . If writeModelVars is TRUE , model variables will be included as well.

logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values are removed.


either "none"to create a new files or "rows" to append rows to an existing file. If outData exists and append is
"none" , the overwrite argument must be set to TRUE . You can append only to RxTeradata data source. Ignored
for data frames.

logical value. If TRUE , an existing outData will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows. Ignored
for data frames.

logical value. If TRUE , up to 1000 factor levels for the data will be verified against factor levels in the model.
Setting to FALSE can speed up computations if using lots of factors.

character vector specifying name(s) to give to the prediction results


character vector specifying name(s) to give to the residual results.


NULL or a character vector defining low and high confidence interval variable names, respectively. If NULL , the
strings "_Lower" and "_Upper" are appended to the dependent variable names to form the confidence interval
variable names.

NULL or a character vector defining variable names corresponding to the standard errors, if calculated. If NULL ,
the string "_StdErr" is appended to the dependent variable names to form the standard errors variable names.
character vector specifying name(s) to give to the prediction and residual results; if length is 2, the second name is
used for residuals. This argument is deprecated and predVarNames and residVarNames should be used instead.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source. If the data and outData are the same
file, blocksPerRead must be 1.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file. The
higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller files but a longer time to create
them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will be compatible with the 6.0
release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be used.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.

rxPredict computes predicted values and/or residuals from an existing model type. The most common way to
call rxPredict is rxPredict(modelObject, data, outData) . Typically, all the other arguments are left at their defaults.
For rxLogit, the residuals are equivalent to those computed for glm with type set to "response" , e.g.,
residuals(glmObj, type="response") .

If the data is the same data used to create the modelObject , the predicted values are the fitted values for the
original model.
If the data specified is an .xdf file, the outData must be NULL or an .xdf file. If outData is an .xdf file, the
computed data will be appended as columns. If outData is NULL , the computed columns will be appended to the
data .xdf file.

If the data specified is a data frame, the outData must be NULL or a data frame. If outData is a data frame, a
copy of the data frame with the new columns appended will be returned. If outData is NULL , a vector or list of the
computed values will be returned.
If a transformation function is being used for the model estimation, the information variable .rxIsPrediction can
be used to exclude computations for the dependent variable when running rxPredict . See rxTransform for an

If a data frame is specified as the input data , a data frame is returned. If a data frame is specified as the outData ,
variables containing the results are added to the data frame and it is returned. If outData is NULL , a data frame
containing the predicted values (and residuals and standard errors, if requested) is returned.
If an .xdf file is specified as the input data , an RxXdfData data source object is returned that can be used in
subsequent RevoScaleR analyses. If outData is an .xdf file, the RxXdfData data source represents the outData file.
If outData is NULL , the predicted values (and, if requested, residuals) are appended to the original data file. The
returned RxXdfData object represents this file.

Computing Standard Errors of Predicted Values

Use computeStdErrors to control whether or not prediction standard errors are computed.
Use interval to control whether confidence or prediction (tolerance) intervals are computed at the specified level
( confLevel ). These are sometimes referred to as narrow and wide intervals, respectively.
Use stdErrorsVarNames to name the standard errors output variable and intervalVarNames to specify the output
variable names of the lower and upper confidence/tolerance intervals.
In calculating the prediction standard errors, keep the following in mind:
* Prediction standard errors are available for both rxLinMod and rxLogit models.
* Standard errors are computationally intensive for large models, i.e., those involving a large number of model
* rxLinMod and rxLogit must be called with covCoef = TRUE because the variance-covariance matrix of the
coefficients must be available.
* Cube regressions are not supported ( cube = TRUE ).
* Multiple dependent variables are currently not supported.
* For rxLogit, interval = "confidence" is supported (unlike predict.glm, which does not support confidence
bounds), but interval = "prediction" is not supported.
* If residuals are requested, and if there are missing values in the dependent variable, then all computed values
(prediction, standard errors, confidence levels) will be assigned the value missing, and will be removed if
removeMissings = TRUE . If no residuals are requested, then missings in the dependent variable (which need not
exist in the data) have no effect.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxGlm, rxPredict.rxDTree, rxPredict.rxDForest, rxPredict.rxNaiveBayes.

# Load the built-in iris data set and predict sepal length
myIris <- iris
form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species
irisLinMod <- rxLinMod(form, data = myIris)
myIrisPred <- rxPredict(modelObject = irisLinMod, data = myIris)
myIris$SepalLengthPred <- myIrisPred$Sepal.Length_Pred
irisResiduals<- rxPredict(modelObject = irisLinMod, data = myIris, computeResiduals = TRUE)

# Use sample data to compare lm and glm results with rxPredict

sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
mortFile <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "mortDefaultSmall.xdf")
linModPredictFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "mortPredictLinMod.xdf")
logitPredictFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "mortPredictLogit.xdf")
mortDF <- rxDataStep(inData = mortFile)

# Compare residuals from rxLinMod with lm

linMod <- rxLinMod(creditScore ~ yearsEmploy, data = mortFile)
rxPredict(modelObject = linMod, data = mortFile, outData = linModPredictFile,
computeResiduals = TRUE)
residDF <- rxDataStep(inData = linModPredictFile)
mortLM <- lm(creditScore ~ yearsEmploy, data = mortDF)
# Sum of differences should be very small
sum(mortLM$residuals - residDF$creditScore_Resid)

# Create logit model object and compute predictions and residuals

logitModObj <- rxLogit(default ~ creditScore, data = mortFile)
rxPredict(modelObject = logitModObj, data = mortFile,
outData = logitPredictFile, computeResiduals = TRUE)
residDF <- rxDataStep(inData = logitPredictFile)
mortGLM <- glm(default ~ creditScore, data = mortDF, family = binomial())

# maximum differences should be very small

max(abs(mortGLM$fitted.values - residDF$default_Pred))
max(abs(residuals(mortGLM, type = "response") - residDF$default_Resid))
rxPredict.rxDForest: Prediction for Large Data
Classification and Regression Forests
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Calculate predicted or fitted values for a data set from an object inheriting from class rxDForest .

## S3 method for class `rxDForest':
rxPredict (modelObject, data = NULL,
outData = NULL, predVarNames = NULL, writeModelVars = FALSE, extraVarsToWrite = NULL,
append = c("none", "rows"), overwrite = FALSE,
type = c("response", "prob", "vote"), cutoff = NULL, removeMissings = FALSE,
computeResiduals = FALSE, residType = c("usual", "pearson", "deviance"), residVarNames = NULL,

blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"), reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),

verbose = 0, xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),
... )


object inheriting from class rxDForest .


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

file or existing data frame to store predictions; can be same as the input file or NULL . If not NULL , must be an .xdf
file if data is an .xdf file or a data frame if data is a data frame.

character vector specifying name(s) to give to the prediction results.


logical value. If TRUE , and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to the
output file in addition to the predictions. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the
transformed variables will also be written out.

NULL or character vector of additional variables names from the input data or transforms to include in the outData
. If writeModelVars is TRUE , model variables will be included as well.
either "none"to create a new files or "rows" to append rows to an existing file. If outData exists and append is
"none" , the overwrite argument must be set to TRUE . You can append only to RxTeradata data source. Ignored
for data frames.

logical value. If TRUE , an existing outData will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows. Ignored for
data frames.

character string specifying the type of predicted values to be returned. Supported choices for an object of class
rxDForest are "response", "prob", and "vote".

"response" - a vector of predicted values for a regression forest and predicted classes (with majority vote) for a
classification forest.
"prob" - ( Classification only) a matrix of predicted class probabilities whose columns are the probability of the
first, second, etc. class. It ensentially sums up the probability predictions for each class over all the trees and thus
may give different class predictions from those obtained with "response" or "vote".
"vote" - ( Classification only) a matrix of predicted vote counts whose columns are the vote counts of the first,
second, etc. class.
"class" is also allowed but automatically converted to "response". Supported choices for an object of class
rxBTrees are "response" and "link".
"response" - the predictions are on the scale of the response variable.
"link" - the predictions are on the scale of the linear predictors.


(Classification only) a vector of length equal to the number of classes specifying the dividing factors for the class
votes. The default is the one used when the decision forest is built.

logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values are removed and will not be included in the output data.

logical value. If TRUE , residuals are computed.


see residuals.rpart for details.


character vector specifying name(s) to give to the residual results.


number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.

integer value. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide
increasing amounts of information are provided.

integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file. The
higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller files but a longer time to create them.
If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will be compatible with the 6.0 release of
Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be used.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.

Prediction for large data models requires both a fitted model object and a data set, either the original data (to
obtain fitted values and residuals) or a new data set containing the same set of variables as the original fitted
model. Notice that this is different from the behavior of predict , which can usually work on the original data
simply by referencing the fitted model.

Depending on the form of data , this function variously returns a data frame or a data source representing a .xdf

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Breiman, L. (2001) Random Forests. Machine Learning 45(1), 5--32.
Breiman, L., Friedman, J. H., Olshen, R. A. and Stone, C. J. (1984) Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth.
Therneau, T. M. and Atkinson, E. J. (2011) An Introduction to Recursive Partitioning Using the RPART Routines. .

Yael Ben-Haim and Elad Tom-Tov (2010) A streaming parallel decision tree algorithm. Journal of Machine Learning
Research 11, 849--872.

See Also
rpart, rxDForest, rxBTrees.


# classification
iris.sub <- c(sample(1:50, 25), sample(51:100, 25), sample(101:150, 25))
iris.dforest <- rxDForest(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
data = iris[iris.sub, ], cp = 0.01)

table(rxPredict(iris.dforest, iris[-iris.sub, ], type = "class")[[1]],

iris[-iris.sub, "Species"])

# regression
infert.nrow <- nrow(infert)
infert.sub <- sample(infert.nrow, infert.nrow / 2)
infert.dforest <- rxDForest(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert[infert.sub, ], cp = 0.01)

hist(rxPredict(infert.dforest, infert[-infert.sub, ])[[1]] -

infert[-infert.sub, "case"])
rxPredict.rxDTree: Prediction for Large Data
Classification and Regression Trees
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Calculate predicted or fitted values for a data set from an rxDTree object.

## S3 method for class `rxDTree':
rxPredict (modelObject, data = NULL, outData = NULL,
predVarNames = NULL, writeModelVars = FALSE, extraVarsToWrite = NULL,
append = c("none", "rows"), overwrite = FALSE,
type = c("vector", "prob", "class", "matrix"), removeMissings = FALSE,
computeResiduals = FALSE, residType = c("usual", "pearson", "deviance"), residVarNames = NULL,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"), reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
verbose = 0, xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),
... )


object returned from a call to rxDTree .


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

file or existing data frame to store predictions; can be same as the input file or NULL . If not NULL , must be an .xdf
file if data is an .xdf file or a data frame if data is a data frame.

character vector specifying name(s) to give to the prediction results.


logical value. If TRUE , and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to the
output file in addition to the predictions. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the
transformed variables will also be written out.

NULL or character vector of additional variables names from the input data or transforms to include in the outData
. If writeModelVars is TRUE , model variables will be included as well.

either "none" to create a new files or "rows" to append rows to an existing file. If outData exists and append is
"none" , the overwrite argument must be set to TRUE . You can append only to RxTeradata data source. Ignored
for data frames.

logical value. If TRUE , an existing outData will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows. Ignored for
data frames.

see predict.rpart for details.


logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values are removed and will not be included in the output data.

logical value. If TRUE , residuals are computed.


see residuals.rpart for details.


character vector specifying name(s) to give to the residual results.


number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide
increasing amounts of information are provided.

integer in the range of -1 to 9 indicating the compression level for the output data if written to an .xdf file. The
higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller files but a longer time to create them.
If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will be compatible with the 6.0 release of
Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be used.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.

Prediction for large data models requires both a fitted model object and a data set, either the original data (to
obtain fitted values and residuals) or a new data set containing the same set of variables as the original fitted
model. Notice that this is different from the behavior of predict , which can usually work on the original data
simply by referencing the fitted model.
Depending on the form of data , this function variously returns a data frame or a data source representing a .xdf

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Breiman, L., Friedman, J. H., Olshen, R. A. and Stone, C. J. (1984) Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth.
Therneau, T. M. and Atkinson, E. J. (2011) An Introduction to Recursive Partitioning Using the RPART Routines. .

Yael Ben-Haim and Elad Tom-Tov (2010) A streaming parallel decision tree algorithm. Journal of Machine Learning
Research 11, 849--872.

See Also
rpart, rpart.control, rpart.object, rxDTree.


# classification
iris.sub <- c(sample(1:50, 25), sample(51:100, 25), sample(101:150, 25))
iris.dtree <- rxDTree(Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
data = iris[iris.sub, ], cp = 0.01)

table(rxPredict(iris.dtree, iris[-iris.sub, ], type = "class")[[1]],

iris[-iris.sub, "Species"])

# regression
infert.nrow <- nrow(infert)
infert.sub <- sample(infert.nrow, infert.nrow / 2)
infert.dtree <- rxDTree(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert[infert.sub, ], cp = 0.01)

hist(rxPredict(infert.dtree, infert[-infert.sub, ])[[1]] -

infert[-infert.sub, "case"])
rxPredict.rxNaiveBayes: Prediction for Large Data
Naive Bayes Classifiers
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Calculate predicted or fitted values for a data set from an rxNaiveBayes object.

## S3 method for class `rxNaiveBayes':
rxPredict (modelObject, data = NULL, outData = NULL, type = c("class", "prob"), prior = NULL,
predVarNames = NULL, writeModelVars = FALSE, extraVarsToWrite = NULL, checkFactorLevels = TRUE,
... )


object returned from a call to rxNaiveBayes.


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object.

file or existing data frame to store predictions; can be same as the input file or NULL . If not NULL , must be an .xdf
file if data is an .xdf file or a data frame if data is a data frame.

character string specifying the type of predicted values to be returned. Supported choices are
"class" - a vector of predicted classes.
"prob" - a matrix of predicted class probabilities whose columns are the probability of the first, second, etc.

a vector of prior probabilities. If unspecified, the class proportions of the data counts in the training set are used. If
present, they should be specified in the order of the factor levels of the response and they must be all non-negative
and sum to 1.

character vector specifying name(s) to give to the prediction results.


logical value. If TRUE , and the output file is different from the input file, variables in the model will be written to the
output file in addition to the predictions. If variables from the input data set are transformed in the model, the
transformed variables will also be written out.

NULL or character vector of additional variables names from the input data to include in the outData . If
writeModelVars is TRUE , model variables will be included as well.


logical value. If TRUE , the factor levels for the data will be verified against factor levels in the model. Setting to
FALSE can speed up computations if using lots of factors.


additional arguments to be passed directly to rxDataStep such as removeMissingsOnRead , overwrite , blocksPerRead ,

reportProgress , xdfCompressionLevel .

Prediction for large data models requires both a fitted model object and a data set, either the original data (to
obtain fitted values and residuals) or a new data set containing the same set of variables as the original fitted
model. Notice that this is different from the behavior of predict , which can usually work on the original data
simply by referencing the fitted model.

Depending on the form of data , this function variously returns a data frame or a data source representing a .xdf

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Naive Bayes classifier .

See Also

# multi-class classification with a data.frame
iris.nb <- rxNaiveBayes(Species ~ ., data = iris)

# prediction
iris.nb.pred <- rxPredict(iris.nb, iris)
table(iris.nb.pred[["Species_Pred"]], iris[["Species"]])
rxPrivacyControl: Changes the opt in state for
anonymous data usage collection.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Sets the state to be opted-in or out for anonymous usage collection.



A logical value that specifies to opt in TRUE or to opt out FALSE with anonymous data usage collection. If not
specified, the value is returned.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
rxQuantile: Approximate Quantiles for .xdf Files and
Data Frames
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Quickly computes approximate quantiles (without sorting)

rxQuantile(varName, data, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL,
probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), names = TRUE,
maxIntegerBins = 500000, multiple = NA,
numericBins = FALSE, numNumericBreaks = 1000,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0)


A character string containing the name of the numeric variable for which to compute the quantiles.

data frame, character string containing an .xdf file name (with path), or RxDataSource-class object representing
the data set.

character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.

numeric vector of probabilities with values in the [0,1] range.


logical; if TRUE , the result has a names attribute.


integer. The maximum number of integer bins to use for integer data. For exact results, this should be larger than
the range of data. However, larger values may increase memory requirements and computational time.

numeric value to multiply data values by before computing integer bins.


logical. If TRUE , do not use integer approximations for bins.


integer. The number of breaks to use in computing numeric bins. Ignored if numericBins is FALSE .

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from an .xdf data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional computational information may be printed.

rxQuantiles computes approximate quantiles by counting binned data, then computing a linear interpolation of the
empirical cdf for continuous data or the inverse of empirical distribution function for integer data.
If the binned data are integers, or can be converted to integers by multiplication, the computation is exact when
integral bins are used. The size of the bins can be controlled by using the multiple function if desired.
Missing values are removed before computing the quantiles.

A vector the length of probs is returned; if names = TRUE , it has a names attribute.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
quantile, rxCube.

# Estimate a GLM model and compute quantiles for the predictions
claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.xdf")
claimsPred <- tempfile(pattern = "claimsPred", fileext = ".xdf")

claimsGlm <- rxGlm(cost ~ age + car.age + type, family = Gamma,

dropFirst = TRUE, data = claimsXdf)

rxPredict(claimsGlm, data = claimsXdf, outData = claimsPred,

writeModelVars = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)

predBreaks <- rxQuantile(data = claimsPred, varName = "cost_Pred",

probs = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = .1))


# Compare with the quantile function

claimsPredDF <- rxDataStep(inData = claimsPred)
quantile(claimsPredDF$cost_Pred, probs = seq(0, 1, by = .1), type = 4)

rxReadXdf: Read .xdf File
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Read data from an .xdf file into a data frame.

rxReadXdf(file, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL, rowVarName = NULL,
startRow = 1, numRows = -1, returnDataFrame = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, maxRowsByCols = NULL,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), readByBlock = FALSE,
cppInterp = NULL)


either an RxXdfData object or a character string specifying the .xdf file.


character vector of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with varsToDrop .

character vector of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with varsToKeep .

optional character string specifying the variable in the data file to use as row names for the output data frame.

starting row for retrieval.


number of rows of data to retrieve. If -1, all are read.


logical indicating whether or not to create a data frame. If FALSE , a list is returned.

logical indicating whether or not to convert strings into factors in R.


the maximum size of a data frame that will be read in, measured by the number of rows times the number of
columns. If the numer of rows times the number of columns being extracted from the .xdf file exceeds this, a
warning will be reported and a smaller number of rows will be read in than requested. If maxRowsByCols is set to be
too large, you may experience problems from loading a huge data frame into memory. To extract a subset of rows
and/or columns from an .xdf file, use rxDataStep.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


read data by blocks. This argument is deprecated.


list of information sent to C++ interpreter.

if returnDataFrame is TRUE , a data frame is returned. Otherwise a list is returned.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxImport, rxDataStep.

# Example reading the first 10 rows from the CensusWorkers xdf file
censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers")
myCensusDF <- rxReadXdf(censusWorkers, numRows = 10)
rxRealTimeScoring: Real-time scoring in SQL Server
ML Services
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Real-time scoring brings the rxPredict functionality available in RevoScaleR/revoscalepy and MicrosoftML
packages to Microsoft ML Server and SQL Server platforms with near real-time performance.
This functionality is available on SQL Server 2017+. On SQL Server 2016, you can take advantage of this
functionality by upgrading your in-database R Services to the latest Microsoft ML Server using the information in
the following link .
NOTE: This document contains information regarding Real-time scoring in SQL Server ML Services. For
information regarding Real-time scoring in ML Server, please refer to the publishService documentation.

With Microsoft R Server 9.1 version, we are introducing this feature which allows models trained using
RevoScaleR(revoscalepy) and MicrosoftML packages to be used for high performance scoring in SQL Server.
These models can be published and scored without using R interpreter, which reduces the overhead of multiple
process interactions. Hence it allows for faster prediction performance.
The following is the list of models that are currently supported in real-time scoring:
* RevoScaleR
* rxLogit
* rxLinMod
* rxBTrees
* rxDTree
* rxDForest
* MicrosoftML
* rxFastTrees
* rxFastForest
* rxLogisticRegression
* rxOneClassSvm
* rxNeuralNet
* rxFastLinear
Workflow for Real-time scoring in SQL Server
The high-level workflow for real-time scoring in SQL Server is as follows:
1 Serialize model for real-time scoring
1 Publish model to SQL Server
1 Enable real-time scoring functionality in SQL Server ML Services using RegisterRExt tool
1 Call real-time scoring stored procedure using T-SQL
The following sections describe each of these steps in details. These steps are illustrated with a sample in the
Example section below.
1. Serialize model for Real-time scoring
To enable this functionality in SQL Server, we are adding support for serializing the model trained in R in a specific
raw format that allows the model to be scored in an efficient manner. The serialized model can then be stored in a
SQL Server database table for doing real-time scoring. The following new APIs are introduced to allow this
serialization functionality
* rxSerializeModel() - Serialize a RevoScaleR/MicrosoftML model in raw format to enable saving the model to a
database. This enables the model to be loaded into SQL Server for real-time scoring.
* rxUnserializeModel() - Retrieve the original R model object from the serialized raw model.
2. Publish model to SQL Server
The serialized models can be published to the target SQL Server Database table in VARBINARY format for real-time
scoring. You can use the existing rxWriteObject API to publish the model to SQL Server. Alternatively, you can
also save the raw type to a file and load into SQL Server.
* rxWriteObject() - Store/retrieve R objects to/from ODBC data sources like SQL Server. The API is modeled after
a simple key value store.
NOTE: Since the model is already serialized via rxSerializeModel there is no need to additionally serialize in
rxWriteObject , so the serialize flag need to set to FALSE .

3. Enable Real-time scoring functionality in SQL Server ML Services

By default, real-time scoring functionality is disabled on SQL Server ML Services and it needs to be enabled for the
instance and particular SQL database. To use this functionality, the server administrator needs use the
RegisterRExt.exe tool.
RegisterRExt.exe is the command line utility which ships with RevoScaleR package and allows administrators to
enable real-time scoring feature in the SQL server instance and database. You can find RegisterRExt.exe at either of
the following locations:
R Services - <SQLInstancePath>\R_SERVICES\library\RevoScaleR\rxLibs\x64\RegisterRExt.exe .
Python Services - <SQLInstancePath>\PYTHON_SERVICES\Lib\site-packages\RevoScalepy\rxLibs\RegisterRext.exe .
3a. Enable real-time scoring for SQL Server instance
Open an elevated command prompt and run the following command:
* RegisterRExt.exe /installRts [/instance:name] [/python]

To disable real-time scoring for SQL Server instance, open an elevated command prompt and run the following
* RegisterRExt.exe /uninstallrts [/instance:name] [/python]

3b. Enable real-time scoring for a particular database

Open an elevated command prompt and run the following command:
* RegisterRExt.exe /installRts [/instance:name] /database:[databasename] [/python]

To disable real-time scoring for a particular database, open an elevated command prompt and run the following
* RegisterRExt.exe /uninstallrts /database:databasename [/instance:name] [/python]

The /instance flag is optional if the database is part of the default SQL Server instance. This command will create
assemblies and stored procedure on the SQL Server database to allow real-time scoring. Additionally, it creates a
database role rxpredict_users to help database admins to grant permission to use the real-time scoring
/python flag is required only if using PYTHON SERVICES version of registerrext.exe
NOTE: In SQL Server 2016, RegisterRExt will enable SQL CLR functionality in the instance and the specific
database will be marked as TRUSTWORTHY . Please carefully consider additional security implications of doing this. In
SQL Server 2017 and higher, SQL CLR will be enabled and specific CLR assemblies are trusted using
4. Call real-time scoring stored procedure using T-SQL
The functionality once installed, will be available in the particular SQL Server database via a stored procedure
called sp_rxPredict . Here is the syntax of the sp_rxPredict stored procedure

@model [VARBINARY](max) ,
@inputData [NVARCHAR](max)

* @model - Real-time model to be used for scoring in VARBINARY format
* @inputData - SQL query to be used to get the input data for scoring
1 Real-time scoring does not use an R/python interpreter for scoring hence any functionality requiring R
interpreter is not supported. Here are a few unsupported scenarios:
* Models of rxGlm and rxNaiveBayes algorithms are not currently supported
* RevoScaleR Models with R transform function or transform based formula (e.g "A ~ log(B)" ) are not
supported in real-time scoring. Such transforms to input data may need to be handled before calling real-time
1 Arguments other than modelObject / data available in rxPredict are not supported in real-time scoring
Known Issues:
1 sp_rxPredict with RevoScaleR model only supports only following .NET column types are double, float, short,
ushort, long, ulong and string. You may need to filter out unsupported types in your input data before using it for
real-time scoring. For corresponding SQL type information refer SQL-CLR Type Mapping
1 sp_rxPredict is optimized for fast predictions on smaller data (from a few rows to a few 1000 rows), the
performance may start degrading on larger data sets.
1 sp_rxPredict returns inaccurate error message when NULL value is passed as model
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException: Data in Null

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxSerializeModel, rxWriteObject, publishService, rxPredict

## Not run:

form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Species

model <- rxLinMod(form, data = iris)
# 1. Serialize model for real-time scoring
serializedModel <- rxSerializeModel(model)

# 2: Publish model to database

server <- ".\SQL2016"
database <- "revotestdb"
modelTable <- "modelTable"

# Create a table for storing the real-time scoring model

connectionString <- paste0("Driver=SQL Server;Server=", server, ";Database=", database,
odbcDS <- RxOdbcData(table = modelTable, connectionString = connectionString)
if (!rxSqlServerTableExists(table = modelTable, connectionString = connectionString))
ddlCreateTable <- paste(" create table [", modelTable, "] (",
" [id] varchar(200) not null, ",
" [value] varbinary(max), ",
" constraint unique_id unique (id))",
sep = "")
rxExecuteSQLDDL(odbcDS, ddlCreateTable)

modelId <- "linModModel" # Any key to identify the model

rxWriteObject(dest = odbcDS, key = modelId, value = serializedModel, serialize = FALSE, overwrite=TRUE) #
serialize is FALSE since the model is already serialized into raw in Step 1

# 3: Enable real-time scoring functionality using RegiterRExt (see above)

# 4: Call real-time scoring stored procedure (sp_rxPredict) using T-SQL

query <- paste0("
SELECT @model = value FROM ", modelTable, " WHERE id = '", modelId, "';
EXEC sp_rxPredict @model = @model, @inputData = '
CAST(3.1 AS FLOAT) AS [Sepal.Width],
''virginica'' AS Species", "'")
# Use CAST to map numeric types to SQL Float

# T-SQL Example above uses inline data in the query. Alternatively, a data could come from a table in a SQL

cat(query) # TSQL to be executed in SQL Server

# The above command displays the T-SQL that can be executed in a SQL Server for real-time scoring

# To test this from R you can execute the following test method
rtsResult <- RevoScaleR:::rxExecuteSQL(connectionString = connectionString, query = query)

## End(Not run)
rxRemoteCall: Remote calling mechanism for
distributed computing.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Function that is executed on the master node in a distributed computing environment. This function should not be
called directly by the user and, rather, serves as a necessary and convenient mechanism for performing remote R
calls on the master node in a distributed computing environment.



list of arguments
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
rxRemoteFilePath: Merge path using the remote
platform's separator.
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is a utility function to automatically build a path according to file path rules of the remote compute context



character strings containing parts of the path to be merged.


An RxComputeContext context object specifying the platform information.

##Author(s) Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

##See Also
RxComputeContext, RxHadoopMR, RxSpark.

## Not run:

# myHadoopCC is an RxHadoopMR compute context

myFilePath <- rxRemoteFilePath("/var/RevoShare", "testDir", myHadoopCC)
## End(Not run)
rxRemoteGetId: Provides a unique identifier for the
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Provides a unique identifier for the process in the range [1:N ] where N is the number of processes.


This function is intended for use in calls to rxExec to identify the process performing a given computation.
You can also use rxRemoteGetId to obtain separate random number seeds. See the examples.

In a distributed compute context, this returns the parametric ID for each node or core that executes the function. If
the compute context is local, this always returns -1 .

## Not run:


# set a seed on each node before generating random numbers

myNorm <- function(x)
rxExec(myNorm, ARGS=as.list(1:5))
## End(Not run)
rxRemoteHadoopMRCall: Remote calling mechanism
for distributed computing on Hadoop MapReduce
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Function that is executed by a master process in a Hadoop MapReduce cluster. This function should not be called
directly by the user. It serves as an internal mechanism for performing remote and distributed R calls on a Hadoop
MapReduce cluster.


Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
rxRemovePackages: Remove Packages from
Compute Context
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Removes installed packages from a compute context.

rxRemovePackages(pkgs, lib, dependencies = TRUE, checkReferences = TRUE,
verbose = getOption("verbose"), scope = "private", owner = '', computeContext =


a character vector of names of the packages to be removed.


a character vector identifying library path from where the package needs to be removed. This argument is not
supported in RxInSqlServer compute context. Only valid for a local compute context.

logical. Applicable only for RxInSqlServer compute context. If TRUE , does dependency resolution of the packages
being removed and removes the dependent packages also if the dependent packages aren't referenced by other
packages outside the dependency closure.

logical. Applicable only for RxInSqlServer compute context. If TRUE , verifies there are no references to the
dependent packages by other packages outside the dependency closure.

logical. If TRUE , "progress report" is given during removal of given packages.


character. Applicable only for RxInSqlServer compute context. Should be either "shared" or "private" .
"shared" removes the packages from a per -database shared location on SQL Server which in turn could have
been used (referred) by multiple different users. "private" removes the packages from a per-database, per-user
private location on SQL Server which is only accessible to the single user.

character. Applicable only for RxInSqlServer compute context. This is generally empty '' value. Should be either
empty '' or a valid SQL database user account name. Only users in 'db_owner' role for a database can specify
this value to remove packages on behalf of other users.

an RxComputeContext or equivalent character string or NULL . If set to the default of NULL , the currently active
compute context is used. Supported compute contexts are RxInSqlServer, RxLocalSeq.

This is a simple wrapper for remove.packages. For RxInSqlServer compute context, the user specified as part of
connection string is used for removing the packages if owner argument is empty. The user calling this function
needs to be granted permissions by database owner by making them member of either 'rpkgs-shared' or
'rpkgs-private' database role. Users in 'rpkgs-shared' role can remove packages from "shared" location and
their own "private" location. Users in 'rpkgs-private' role can only remove packages from their own
"private" location.

Invisible NULL

See Also
rxPackage, remove.packages, rxFindPackage, rxInstalledPackages, rxInstallPackages,
rxSyncPackages, rxSqlLibPaths,

## Not run:

# create SQL compute context
sqlcc <- RxInSqlServer(connectionString =
"Driver=SQL Server;Server=myServer;Database=TestDB;Trusted_Connection=True;")

pkgs <- c("dplyr")

# Remove a package and its dependencies after checking references from private scope
rxRemovePackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "private", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Remove a package and its dependencies after checking references from shared scope
rxRemovePackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "shared", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Forcefully remove a package and its dependencies without checking references from
# private scope
rxRemovePackages(pkgs = pkgs, checkReferences = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
scope = "private", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Force fully remove a package without its dependencies and without
# any references checking from shared scope private scope
rxRemovePackages(pkgs = pkgs, dependencies = FALSE, checkReferences = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE, scope = "shared", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Remove a package and its dependencies from private scope for user1
rxRemovePackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "private", owner = "user1", computeContext = sqlcc)

# Remove a package and its dependencies from shared scope for user1
rxRemovePackages(pkgs = pkgs, verbose = TRUE, scope = "shared", owner = "user1", computeContext = sqlcc)
## End(Not run)
rxResultsDF: Crosstab Counts or Sums Data Frame
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Obtain a counts, sums, or means data frame from an analysis object.

## S3 method for class `rxCrossTabs':
rxResultsDF (object, output = "counts", element = 1,
integerLevels = NULL, integerCounts = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class `rxCube':
rxResultsDF (object, output = "counts",
integerLevels = NULL, integerCounts = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class `rxLinMod':
rxResultsDF (object, output = "counts",
integerLevels = NULL, integerCounts = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class `rxLogit':
rxResultsDF (object, output = "counts",
integerLevels = NULL, integerCounts = TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class `rxSummary':
rxResultsDF (object, output = "stats", element = 1,
integerLevels = NULL, integerCounts = TRUE, useRowNames = TRUE, ...)


object of class rxCrossTabs, rxCube, rxLinMod, rxLogit, or rxSummary.


character string specifying the type of output to display. Typically this is "counts" , or for rxSummary "stats" . If
there is a dependent variable in the rxCrossTabs formula, "sums" and "means" can be used.

integer specifying the element number from the object list to extract. Currently only 1 is supported.

logical scalar or NULL . If TRUE , the first column of the returned data frame will be converted to integers. If FALSE ,
it will be a factor column. If NULL , it will be returned as an integer column if it was wrapped in an F() in the

logical scalar. If TRUE , the counts or sums in the returned data frame will be converted to integers. If FALSE , they
will be numeric doubles.

logical scalar. If TRUE , the names of the variables for which there are results will be put into the row names for the
data frame rather than in a separate Names variable.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying print method for the output list object.

Method to access counts, sums, and means data frames from RevoScaleR analysis objects.

a data frame containing the computed counts, sums, or means.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxCrossTabs rxCube rxLinMod rxLogit rxSummary rxMarginals

admissions <-
myCrossTab1 <- rxCrossTabs(~Gender : Admit, data = admissions)
countsDF1 <- rxResultsDF(myCrossTab1)

# If a dependent variable is used, "sums" and "means" can be used

myCrossTab2 <- rxCrossTabs(Freq ~ Gender : Admit, data = admissions)
countsDF <- rxResultsDF(myCrossTab2)
sumsDF <- rxResultsDF(myCrossTab2, output = "sums")
meansDF <- rxResultsDF(myCrossTab2, output = "means")
rxRiskRatio: Relative Risk Ratio and Odds Ratio
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Calculate the relative risk and odds ratio on a two-by-two table.

rxRiskRatio(tbl, conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided")
rxOddsRatio(tbl, conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided")


two-by-two table.

level of the confidence interval.


character string defining alternative hypothesis. Supported values are "two.sided" , "less" , or "greater" .

an object of class htest.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxChiSquaredTest, rxFisherTest, rxKendallCor, rxMultiTest, rxPairwiseCrossTab

mtcarsDF <- rxFactors(datasets::mtcars, factorInfo = c("gear", "cyl", "vs"),
varsToKeep = c("gear", "cyl", "vs"), sortLevels = TRUE)
gearVsXtabs <- rxCrossTabs(~ gear : vs, data = mtcarsDF, returnXtabs = TRUE)
rxRngNewStream: Parallel Random Number
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

R interface to Parallel Random Number Generators (RNGs) in MKL.

rxRngNewStream(kind = "MT2203", subStream = 0, seed = NULL, normalKind = NULL)
rxRngDelStream(kind = "default", normalKind = "default")


a character string specifying the desired kind of random number generator. The available kinds are "MCG31",
"R250", "MRG32K3A", "MCG59", "MT19937", "MT2203", "SFMT19937", "SOBOL". While "MT2203" allows
creating up to 6024 independent random streams, the other kinds allow only 1.

an integer value identifying the index of the independent random stream. The valid value is from 0 to 6023 for
"MT2203", and 0 for the other kinds.

an integer that will be used to initialize the random number generator.


a character string specifying the method of Normal generation. The default NULL means no change, and
generally will allow random normals to be generated by means of inverting the cumulative distribution function.
Other allowable values are "BOXMULLER" , "BOXMULLER2" , (both similar to the standard R "Box-Muller" option
described in Random), and "ICDF" , an alternate implementation of the standard R "Inversion" .

an integer vector containing the state of the random number generator.

rxRngNewStream allocates memory for storing the RNG state and rxRngDelStream needs to be called to release
the memory. These functions set or modify the current random number state and are implemented as
"user-defined" random number generators. See Random and Random.user for more details.

Most of the basic random number generators are pseudo-random number generators; random number streams
are deterministically generated from a given seed, but give the appearance of randomness. The "SOBOL"
random number generator is a quasi-random number generator; it is simply a sequence that cover a given
hypercube in roughly the same way as would truly random points from a uniform distribution. The quasi-
random number generators always return the same sequences of numbers and are thus perfectly correlated.
They can be useful, however, in fields such as Monte Carlo integration.


returns invisibly a two-element character vector of the RNG and normal kinds used before the call. This is the
same as the object returned by RNGkind ; see Random for details. If the previous random number state was
generated by a call to rxRngNewStream , the first element will be "user-defined" , otherwise one of the strings
listed in Random.

returns an integer vector containing the current RNG state.


returns invisibly an integer vector containing the current RNG state and replaces the current active RNG state
with the new one.

returns invisibly an integer vector containing the current RNG state and delete the current active RNG.

In addition to the independent streams provided by "MT2203", independent streams can also be obtained from
some of the other kinds using block-splitting and/or leapfrogging methods.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Intel Math Kernel Library, Reference Manual.
Intel Math Kernel Library, Vector Statistical Library Notes.

Vector Statistical Library (VSL ) Performance Data. .

See Also
Random, Random.user.

## Not run:

## initialize, save, load, and delete

num <- 5
kinds <- c("MCG31", "R250", "MRG32K3A", "MCG59",
"MT19937", "MT2203", "SFMT19937", "SOBOL")

for (kind in kinds) {

kind.old <- rxRngNewStream (kind = kind)
a <- runif (num)
saved <- rxRngGetStream ()
a1 <- runif (num)
rxRngSetStream (saved)
a2 <- runif (num)
rxRngDelStream(kind.old[1], kind.old[2])

stopifnot( all (a1 == a2) )


## parallel random number generation

oldcc <- rxSetComputeContext("localpar")
"ParallelRNG" <- function( RngKind = "MT2203", subStream = 0, seed = NULL, RnGenerator = "runif", length = 1
rxRngNewStream( kind = RngKind, subStream = subStream, seed = seed ) RnGenerator, list( length ) )
# generates 5 uniform random numbers on each of 4 workers, giving the same streams on workers
# 1 and 3 and on 2 and 4, respectively
rxExec( ParallelRNG, RngKind = "MT2203", subStream = rxElemArg( c( 0, 1, 0, 1 ) ),
seed = 17, RnGenerator = "runif", length = 5 )
## End(Not run)
rxRoc: Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
computations and plot
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Compute and plot an ROC curve using actual and predicted values from binary classifier system

rxRoc(actualVarName, predVarNames, data, numBreaks = 100,
removeDups = TRUE, blocksPerRead = 1, reportProgress = 0)

rxRocCurve(actualVarName, predVarNames, data, numBreaks = 100,

blocksPerRead = 1, reportProgress = 0, computeAuc = TRUE, title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL, xTitle = NULL, yTitle = NULL, legend = NULL,
chanceGridLine = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class `rxRoc': ( x, ..., var = NULL)

## S3 method for class `rxRoc':

rxAuc ( x )

## S3 method for class `rxRoc':

plot (x, computeAuc = TRUE, title = NULL, subtitle,
xTitle = NULL, yTitle = NULL, legend = NULL, chanceGridLine = TRUE, ...)


A character string with the name of the variable containing actual (observed) binary values.

A character string or vector of character strings with the name(s) of the variable containing predicted values in the
[0,1] interval.

data frame, character string containing an .xdf file name (with path), or RxXdfData object representing an .xdf file
containing the actual and observed variables.

integer specifying the number of breaks to use to determine thresholds for computing the true and false positive

logical; if TRUE , rows containing duplicate entries for sensitivity and specificity will be removed from the returned
data frame. If performing computations for more than one prediction variable, this implies that there may be a
different number of rows for each prediction variable.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


logical value. If TRUE , the AUC is computed for each prediction variable and printed in the subtitle or legend text.

main title for the plot. Alternatively main can be used. If NULL a default title will be created.

subtitle (at the bottom) for the plot. If NULL and computeAuc is TRUE , the AUC for a single prediction variable will
be computed and printed in the subtitle.

title for the X axis. Alternatively xlab can be used. If NULL , a default X axis title will be used.

title for the Y axis. Alternatively ylab can be used. If NULL , a default Y axis title will be used.

logical value. If TRUE and more than one prediction variable is specified, a legend is is created. If computeAuc is
TRUE , the AUC is computed for each prediction variable and printed in the legend text.


logical value. If TRUE , a grid line from (0,0) to (1,1) is added to represent a pure chance model.

an rxRoc object.

an integer or character string specifying the prediction variable for which to extract data frame containing the ROC
computations. If an integer is specified, it will use that as an index to an alphabetized list of predictionVarNames . If
NULL , all of the computed data will be returned in a data frame.


additional arguments to be passed directly to an underlying function. For plotting functions, these are passed to
the xyplot function.

rxRoc computes the sensitivity (true positive rate) and specificity (true negative rate) using a variable containing
actual (observed) zero and one values and a variable containing predicted values in the unit interval as the
discrimination threshold is varied. The thresholds are determined by the numBreaks argument. The computations
are done on chunks of data, so that they can be performed on very large data sets. If more than one prediction
variable is specified, the computations will be performed for each prediction variable. Observations that have a
missing value for the actual value or any of the prediction values are removed before computations are
rxRocCurve and the S3 plot method for an rxRoc object plot the computed sensitivity (true positive rate) versus
1 - specificity (false positive rate). ROC curves were first used during World War II for detecting enemy objects in
battle fields.

rxRoc returns a data frame of class "rxRoc" containing four variables: threshold , sensitivity , specificity ,
and predVarName (a factor variable containing the prediction variable name).
The rxAuc S3 method for an rxRoc object returns the AUC (area under the curve) summary statistic.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxPredict, rxLogit, rxGlm, rxLinePlot.

# Example using simple created actual and prediction data
# Create a data frame with made-up actual and predicted values
sampleDF <- data.frame(actual = c(0,0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1,1))
sampleDF$prediction <- c(.6, .5, .4, .3, .2, .8, .7, .6, .5, .4)
# Add predictions that are all wrong and all right
sampleDF$wrongPrediction <- c(.99, .99, .99, .99, .99, .01, .01, .01, .01, .01)
sampleDF$rightPrediction <- c( .01, .01, .01, .01, .01,.99, .99, .99, .99, .99)
# Compute the ROC information for all three prediction variables
rocOut <- rxRoc(actualVarName = "actual", predVarNames =
c("prediction", "wrongPrediction", "rightPrediction"),
data = sampleDF, numBreaks = 10)
# View the computed sensitivity and specificity
# Plot the results
plot(rocOut, title = "ROC Curve for Simple Data",
lineStyle = c("solid", "twodash", "dashed"))
# Example using data frame with one predicted variable
# Estimate a logistic regression model using the internal 'infert' data
rxLogitOut <- rxLogit(case ~ spontaneous + induced, data=infert )

# Compute predictions for the model, creating a new data frame with
# predictions and the original data used to estimate the model
rxPredOut <- rxPredict(modelObject = rxLogitOut, data = infert,
writeModelVars = TRUE, predVarNames = "casePred1")

# Compute the ROC data for the default number of thresholds

rxRocObject <- rxRoc(actualVarName = "case", predVarNames = c("casePred1"),
data = rxPredOut)

# Draw the ROC curve

# Example using a data frame with two predicted variables and rxRocCurve

# As in first example, estimate a logistic regression model and

# compute predictions

logitOut1 <- rxLogit(case ~ spontaneous + induced, data=infert )

predOut <- rxPredict(modelObject = logitOut1, data = infert,

writeModelVars = TRUE, predVarNames = "Model1")

# Estimate another model, and add predictions to prediction data frame

logitOut2 <- rxLogit(case ~ spontaneous + induced + parity, data=infert )
predOut <- rxPredict(modelObject = logitOut2, data = infert,
outData = predOut, predVarNames = "Model2")

# Do computations and plot ROC curve

rxRocCurve(actualVarName = "case", predVarNames = c("Model1", "Model2"),
data = predOut,
title = "ROC Curves for 'case', including 'parity' in Model2")

# Example using xdf files
mortXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "mortDefaultSmall")

logitOut1 <- rxLogit(default ~ creditScore + yearsEmploy + ccDebt,

data = mortXdf, blocksPerRead = 5)

predFile <- tempfile(pattern = ".rxPred", fileext = ".xdf")

# predOutXdf will be a data source object representing the

# prediction xdf file (predFile)
predOutXdf <- rxPredict(modelObject = logitOut1, data = mortXdf,
writeModelVars = TRUE, predVarNames = "Model1", outData = predFile)

# Estimate a second model without ccDebt

logitOut2 <- rxLogit(default ~ creditScore + yearsEmploy,
data = predOutXdf, blocksPerRead = 5)

# Add predictions to prediction data file

predOutXdf <- rxPredict(modelObject = logitOut2, data = predOutXdf,
predVarNames = "Model2")

rxRocCurve(actualVarName = "default",
predVarNames = c("Model1", "Model2"),
data = predOutXdf)

# Remove temporary file storing predictions

RxSasData-class: Class RxSasData
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

SAS data source connection class.

The targeted generator RxSasData as well as the general generator rxNewDataSource.

Class RxFileData, directly. Class RxDataSource, by class RxFileData.


signature(object = "RxSasData") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, RxSasData, rxNewDataSource
RxSasData: Generate SAS Data Source Object
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

Generate an RxSasData object that contains information about a SAS data set to be imported or analyzed.
RxSasData is an S4 class, which extends RxDataSource.

RxSasData(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, colClasses = NULL, colInfo = NULL,
rowsPerRead = 500000, formatFile = NULL, labelsAsLevels = TRUE,
labelsAsInfo = TRUE, mapMissingCodes = "all",
varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL,
checkVarsToKeep = FALSE)

## S3 method for class `RxSasData':

head (x, n = 6L, reportProgress = 0L, ...)
## S3 method for class `RxSasData':
tail (x, n = 6L, addrownums = TRUE, reportProgress = 0L, ...)


character string specifying a SAS data file of type .sas7bdat (.sd7).


character string specifying a .sas7cat file containing value labels for the variables stored in file .

logical indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden
by specifying "character" in colClasses and colInfo . If TRUE , the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor
columns is to use colInfo with specified "levels" .

character vector specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element names for the
vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.
Allowable column types are:
"logical" (stored as uchar ),
"integer" (stored as int32 ),
"float32" (the default for floating point data for .xdf files),
"numeric" (stored as float64 as in R ),
"character" (stored as string ),
"factor" (stored as uint32 ),
"int16" (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
"uint16" (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space)
"Date" (stored as Date, i.e. float64 )
Note for "factor" type, the levels will be coded in the order encountered. Since this factor level
ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is to use colInfo with
specified "levels" .
Note that equivalent types share the same bullet in the list above; for some types we allow both 'R -
friendly' type names, as well as our own, more specific type names for .xdf data.
Note also that specifying the column as a "factor" type is currently equivalent to "string" - for the
moment, if you wish to import a column as factor data you must use the colInfo argument,
documented below.

list of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named
elements given below. The information supplied for colInfo overrides that supplied for colClasses .
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
type - character string specifying the data type for the column. See colClasses argument description for
the available types.
newName - character string specifying a new name for the variable.
description - character string specifying a description for the variable.
levels - character vector containing the levels when "type" = "factor" . If the levels property is not
provided, factor levels will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any
value that does not match a provided level will be converted to a missing value.
newLevels - new or replacement levels specified for a column of type "factor". It must be used in
conjunction with the levels argument. After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will be
replaced with the newLevels .
low - the minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.
high - the maximum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.


number of rows to read at a time.


logical. If TRUE , variables containing value labels in the SAS format file will be converted to factors, using the
value labels as factor levels.

logical. If TRUE , variables containing value labels in the SAS format file that are not converted to factors will
retain the information as valueInfoCodes and valueInfoLabels in the .xdf file. This information can be obtained
using rxGetVarInfo. This information will also be returned as attributes for the columns in a dataframe when
using rxDataStep.

character string specifying how to handle SAS variables with multiple missing value codes. If "all" , all of the
values set as missing in SAS will be treated as NA . If "none" , the missing value specification in SAS will be
ignored and the original values will be imported. If "first" , the values equal to the first missing value code
will be imported as NA , while any other missing value codes will be treated as the original values.

character vector of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToDrop .

character vector of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToKeep .

logical value. If TRUE variable names specified in varsToKeep will be checked against variables in the data set
to make sure they exist. An error will be reported if not found. Ignored if more than 500 variables in the data

an RxSasData object

positive integer. Number of rows of the data set to extract.


logical. If TRUE , row numbers will be created to match the original data set.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


arguments to be passed to underlying functions

The tail method is not functional for this data source type and will report an error.

object of class RxSasData.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxSasData-class, rxNewDataSource, rxImport.

# Importing a SAS file
# SAS file name
claimsSasFileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sas7bdat")

# Import the SAS data into a data frame

claimsDF <- rxImport(claimsSasFileName)
rxGetInfo(claimsDF, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 5)

# XDF file name

claimsXdfFileName <- file.path(tempdir(), "importedClaims.xdf")

# Import the data into the xdf file

rxImport(claimsSasFileName, claimsXdfFileName, overwrite = TRUE)

# Instead, import SAS file into a data frame

claimsIn <- rxImport(claimsSasFileName)
rxGetInfo(claimsIn, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 5)

# Clean up

# Using a SAS data source
sasDataFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.sas7bdat")

# Create a SAS data source with information about variables and

# rows to read in each chunk
sasDS <- RxSasData(sasDataFile, stringsAsFactors = TRUE,
colClasses = c(RowNum = "integer"),
rowsPerRead = 50)

# Compute and draw a histogram directly from the SAS file

rxHistogram( ~cost|type, data = sasDS)

# Compute summary statistics

rxSummary(~., data = sasDS)

# Estimate a linear model

linModObj <- rxLinMod(cost~age + car_age + type, data = sasDS)

# Import a subset into a data frame for further inspection

subData <- rxImport(inData = sasDS, rowSelection = cost > 400,
varsToKeep = c("cost", "age", "type"))
rxSerializeModel: RevoScaleR Model Serialization and
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Serialize a RevoScaleR/MicrosoftML model in raw format to enable saving the model. This allows model to be
loaded into SQL Server for real-time scoring.

rxSerializeModel(model, metadata = NULL, realtimeScoringOnly = FALSE, ...)

rxUnserializeModel(serializedModel, ...)


RevoScaleR / MicrosoftML model to be serialized


Arbitrary metadata of raw type to be stored with the serialized model. Metadata will be returned when

Drops fields not required for real-time scoring. NOTE: Setting this flag could reduce the model size but
rxUnserializeModel can no longer retrieve the RevoScaleR model


Serialized model to be unserialized

rxSerializeModel converts models into raw bytes to allow them to be saved and used for real-time scoring.
The following is the list of models that are currently supported in real-time scoring:
* RevoScaleR
* rxLogit
* rxLinMod
* rxBTrees
* rxDTree
* rxDForest
* MicrosoftML
* rxFastTrees
* rxFastForest
* rxLogisticRegression
* rxOneClassSvm
* rxNeuralNet
* rxFastLinear
RevoScaleR models containing R transformations or transform based formula (e.g "A ~ log(B)" ) are not
supported in real-time scoring. Such transforms to input data may need to be handled before calling real-time
rxUnserializeModel method is used to retrieve the original R model object and metadata from the serialized raw

rxSerializeModel returns a serialized model.
rxUnserializeModel returns original R model object. If metadata is also present returns a list containing the original
model object and metadata.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
myIris <- iris
form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species
irisLinMod <- rxLinMod(form, data = myIris)

# Serialize model for scoring

serializedModel <- rxSerializeModel(irisLinMod)

# Save model to file or SQL Server (use rxWriteObject)

# serialized model can now be used for real-time scoring

unserializedModel <- rxUnserializeModel(serializedModel)

rxSetComputeContext: Get and Set the compute
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get or set the active compute context for RevoScaleR computations

rxSetComputeContext(computeContext, ...)



character string specifying class name or description of the specific class to instantiate, or an existing
RxComputeContext object. Choices include: "RxLocalSeq" or "local" , "RxLocalParallel" or "localpar" ,
"RxSpark" or "spark" , "RxHadoopMR" or "hadoopmr" , and "RxForeachDoPar" or "dopar" .


any other arguments are passed to the class generator determined from computeContext .

rxSetComputeContext returns the previously active compute context invisibly. rxGetComputeContext returns the
active compute context.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxComputeContext, rxOptions, rxGetOption rxExec.

## Not run:

origComputeContext <- rxSetComputeContext("localpar")

x <- 1:10
rxExec(print, x, elemType = "cores", timesToRun = 10)
rxSetComputeContext( origComputeContext )
## End(Not run)
rxSetFileSystem: Set and Get RevoScaleR File
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Set and get the default file system for RevoScaleR operations.

rxSetFileSystem( fileSystem, ...)
rxGetFileSystem(x = NULL)


character string specifying class name, file system type, or existing RxFileSystem object. Choices include:
"RxNativeFileSystem" or "native", or "RxHdfsFileSystem" or "hdfs". Optional arguments hostName and port
may be specified for HDFS file systems.

other arguments are passed to the underlying class generator.


optional RxXdfData or RxTextData object from which to retrieve the file system object.

If x is a file system or is a data source object that contains one, that RxFileSystem object is returned. Next, if the
compute context contains a file system, that RxFileSystem object is returned. If no file system object has been
found, the previously set RxFileSystem file system object is returned. The file system object is returned invisibly.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxFileSystem, RxNativeFileSystem, RxHdfsFileSystem, rxOptions, RxXdfData, RxTextData.

# Setup to run analyses to use HDFS file system
## Not run:

# Example 1
myHdfsFileSystem1 <- RxFileSystem(fileSystem = "hdfs")
rxSetFileSystem(fileSystem = myHdfsFileSystem1 )

# Example 2
myHdfsFileSystem2 <- RxHdfsFileSystem( hostName = "default", port = 0)
rxSetFileSystem( fileSystem = myHdfsFileSystem2)

# Example 3
rxSetFileSystem(fileSystem = "hdfs", hostName = "myHost", port = 8020)

## End(Not run)

# Specify a file system in a text data source object

hdfsFS1 <- RxHdfsFileSystem()
textDS <- RxTextData(file = "myfile.txt", fileSystem = hdfsFS1)

# Retrieve the file system information

rxSetInfo: Set info such as a description
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Set .xdf file or data frame information, such as a description

rxSetInfo(data, description = "")
rxSetInfoXdf(file, description = "")


An .xdf file name, an RxXdfData object, or a data frame.


An .xdf file name or an RxXdfData object


character string containing the file or data frame description

An RxXdfData object representing the .xdf file, or a new data frame with the .rxDescription attribute set to the
specified description .

See Also

# Create a sample data frame and .xdf file
outFile <- tempfile(pattern= ".rxTempFile", fileext = ".xdf")
if (file.exists(outFile)) file.remove(outFile)

origData <- data.frame(x=1:10)

rxDataStep(inData = origData, outFile = outFile, rowsPerRead = 5)

# Set a description in the data file

myDescription <- "Hello Data File!"
rxSetInfo( data = outFile, description = myDescription)

# Read a data frame out of the output file

myData <- rxDataStep(outFile )
# Look at its attribute
attr(myData, ".rxDescription")


myNewDescription = "Good-by data."

myData <- rxSetInfo(data=myData, description = myNewDescription)
rxSetVarInfo: Set Variable Information for .xdf File or
Data Frame
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Set the variable information for an .xdf file, including variable names, descriptions, and value labels, or set
attributes for variables in a data frame

rxSetVarInfo(varInfo, data)
rxSetVarInfoXdf(varInfo, file)


list containing lists of variable information for variables in the XDF data source or data frame.

a data frame, a character string specifying the .xdf file, or an RxXdfData object.

character string specifying the .xdf file or an RxXdfData object.

The list for each variable contained in varInfo can have the following elements:
* position : integer indicating the position of the variable in the data set. If present, will be used instead of the list
* newName : character string giving a new name for the variable.
* description : character string giving a description of the variable.
* low : numeric value specifying the low value used in on the fly factor conversions using the F()
transformation. Ignored for data frames.
* high : numeric value specifying the high value used in on the fly factor conversions using the F()
transformation. Ignored for data frames.
* levels : character vector of factor levels. This will re-label an existing factor, but not change the underlying
* valueInfoCodes : character vector of value codes for informational purposes only.
* valueInfoLabels : character vector of value labels the same length as valueInfoCodes, used for informational
purposes only.
* tzone : character string giving tzone attribute for a POSIXct variable.

If the input data is a data frame, a data frame is returned containing variables with the new attributes. If the input
data represents an .xdf file or composite file, an RxXdfData object representing the modified file is returned.

rxSetVarInfoXdf and rxSetVarInfo do not change the underlying data so the user cannot set the variable type
and storage type using this function, or recode the levels of a factor variable. To recode factors, use rxFactors.
rxSetVarInfo is not supported for single .xdf files in HDFS.

See Also
rxDataStep, rxFactors,

# Rename the factor levels for a variable

# Create a sample data set

# We will change the names of the factor levels, after the fact
myData1 <- data.frame(y = rnorm(30),
month = factor(c(0:11, as.integer(runif(18, 0, 12)))))

# Plot the data

rxLinePlot(y ~ month, type = "p", data = myData1)

# Set the labels for the month variable

monthLabels <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
"Oct", "Nov", "Dec")

# Get the variable information for the data frame

varInfo <- rxGetVarInfo(myData1)

# Reset the names of the factor levels

varInfo$month$levels <- monthLabels
myData2 <- rxSetVarInfo( varInfo, myData1)

# Plot the new data

rxLinePlot(y ~ month, type = "p", data = myData2)

# Redo, this time putting the data in an .xdf file

# Specify name of output file
tempFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "rxTempTestFile.xdf")

# Convert the original data to an XDF file

rxDataStep(myData1, outFile = tempFile, overwrite = TRUE)

# Get the varInfo of the new XDF file

varInfo <- rxGetVarInfo(tempFile)

varInfo$month$levels <- monthLabels

# Write the modified varInfo back to the file

rxSetVarInfo(varInfo, tempFile)

# Read the data and plot it, showing the new factor levels
myData2 <- rxDataStep(inData = tempFile)
rxLinePlot(y ~ month, type = "p", data = myData2)

## Change variable names and add descriptions

varInfo <- list(y = list(newName = "Rainfall",
description = "Rainfall per Month"),
list(position = 2, description = "Month of Year"))
rxSetVarInfo(varInfo, tempFile)
rxSort: Variable sorting of an .xdf file or data frame.
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Efficient multi-key sorting of the variables in an .xdf file or data frame in a local compute context.

rxSort(inData, outFile = NULL, sortByVars, decreasing = FALSE,
type = "auto", missingsLow = TRUE, caseSensitive = FALSE,
removeDupKeys = FALSE, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL,
dupFreqVar = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, maxRowsByCols = 3000000,
bufferLimit = -1, reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
verbose = 0, xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),


a data frame, a character string denoting the path to an existing .xdf file, or an RxXdfData object.

either an RxXdfData object or a character string denoting the path to an existing .xdf file.

an .xdf path to store the sorted output. If NULL , a data frame with the sorted output will be returned from rxSort .

character vector containing the names of the variables to use for sorting. If multiple variables are used, the first
sortByVars variable is sorted and common values are grouped. The second variable is then sorted within the first
variable groups. The third variable is then sorted within groupings formed by the first two variables, and so on.

a logical scalar or vector defining the whether or not the sortByVars variables are to be sorted in decreasing or
increasing order. If a vector, the length decreasing must be that of sortByVars . If a logical scalar, the value of
decreasing is replicated to the length sortByVars .


a character string defining the sorting method to use. Type "auto" automatically determines the sort method
based on the amount of memory required for sorting. If possible, all of the data will be sorted in memory. Type
"mergeSort" uses a merge sort method, where chunks of data are pre-sorted, then merged together. Type
"varByVar" uses a variable-by-variable sort method, which assumes that the sortByVars variables and the
calculated sorted index variable can be held in memory simultaneously. If type="varByVar" , the variables in the
sorted data are re-ordered so that the variables named in sortByVars come first, followed by any remaining

a logical scalar for controlling the treatment of missing values. If TRUE , missing values in the data are treated as
the lowest value; if FALSE , they are treated as the highest value.

a logical scalar. If TRUE , case sensitive sorting is performed for character data.

logical scalar. If TRUE , only the first observation will be kept when duplicate values of the key ( sortByVars ) are
encountered. The sort type must be set to "auto" or "mergeSort" .

character vector defining variables to keep when writing the output to file. If NULL , this argument is ignored. This
argument takes precedence over varsToDrop if both are specified, i.e., both are not NULL . If both varsToKeep and
varsToDrop are NULL then all variables are written to the data source.


character vector of variable names to exclude when writing the output data file. If NULL , this argument is ignored.
If both varsToKeep and varsToDrop are NULL then all variables are written to the data source.

character string denoting name of new variable for frequency counts if removeDupKeys is set to TRUE . Ignored if
removeDupKeys is set to FALSE . If NULL , a new variable for frequency counts will not be created.


logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile will be overwritten.


the maximum size of a data frame that will be returned if outFile is set to NULL and inData is an .xdf file ,
measured by the number of rows times the number of columns. If the number of rows times the number of
columns being created from the .xdf file exceeds this, a warning will be reported and the number of rows in the
returned data frame will be truncated. If maxRowsByCols is set to be too large, you may experience problems from
loading a huge data frame into memory.

integer specifying the maximum size of the memory buffer (in Mb) to use in sorting when type is set to "auto" .
The default value of bufferLimit = -1 will attempt to determine an appropriate buffer limit based on system

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression for the output file -
resulting in smaller files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no
compression and the output file will be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a
default level of compression will be used.

deprecated argument. It will be ignored.


additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.

Using sortbyVars , multiple keys can be specified to perform an iterative, within-category sorting of the variables
in the inData or inFile .xdf file. The argument varsToKeep (or alternatively varsToDrop ) is used to define the set
of sorted variables to store in the specified outFile file or the returned data frame if outData is NULL . The
sortbyVars variables are automatically prepended to the set of output variables defined by varsToKeep or
varsToDrop .

If an outFile is not specified, a data frame with the sorted data is returned. If an outFile is specified, an
RxXdfData data source is returned that can be used in subsequent RevoScaleR analysis. If sorting is unsuccessful,
FALSE is returned.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

# Small data example

# sort data frame, decreasing by one column and increasing by the other
sortByVars <- c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width")
decreasing <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
sortedIris <- rxSort( inData = iris, sortByVars = sortByVars,
decreasing = decreasing)

# define file names and locations

inXDF <- file.path(tempdir(), ".rxInFileTemp.xdf")
outXDF1 <- file.path(tempdir(), ".rxOutFileTemp1.xdf")

# Create xdf file for iris data

rxDataStep(inData = iris, outFile = inXDF, overwrite = TRUE)

# sort the iris data set, first by sepal length in decreasing order
# and then by sepal width in increasing order
sortByVars <- c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width")
decreasing <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
rxSort(inData = inXDF, outFile = outXDF1, sortByVars = sortByVars,
decreasing = decreasing)
z1 <- rxDataStep(inData = outXDF1)

# clean up
if (file.exists(inXDF)) file.remove(inXDF)
if (file.exists(outXDF1)) file.remove(outXDF1)

# larger data example
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
CensusPath <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "CensusWorkers.xdf")
outXDF <- file.path(tempdir(), ".rxCensusSorted.xdf")

# sort census data by 'age' and then 'incwage' in increasing

# and decreasing order, respectively. drop the 'perwt' and 'wkswork1
# variables from the output.
rxSort(inData = CensusPath, outFile = outXDF, sortByVars = c("age", "incwage"),
decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE), varsToDrop = c("perwt", "wkswork1"))
z <- rxDataStep(outXDF)
print(head(z, 10))

if (file.exists(outXDF)) file.remove(outXDF)

# example removing duplicates and creating duplicate counts variable
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
airDemo <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "AirlineDemoSmall.xdf")
airDedup <- file.path(tempdir(), ".rxAirDedup.xdf")
rxSort(inData = airDemo, outFile = airDedup,
sortByVars = c("DayOfWeek", "CRSDepTime", "ArrDelay"),
removeDupKeys = TRUE, dupFreqVar = "FreqWt")

# Use the duplicate frequency as frequency weights in a regression

linModObj <- rxLinMod(ArrDelay~CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek,
data = airDedup, fweights = "FreqWt")

if (file.exists(airDedup)) file.remove(airDedup)
RxSpark-class: Class RxSpark
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Spark compute context class.

The targeted generator RxSpark as well as the general generator RxComputeContext.

Class RxComputeContext, directly.


signature(object = "RxSpark") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxSpark: Create Spark compute context,
connect and disconnect a Spark application
6/18/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

RxSpark creates a Spark compute context. rxSparkConnect creates the compute context object with
RxSpark and then immediately starts the remote Spark application.
rxSparkDisconnect shuts down the remote Spark application with rxStopEngine and switches to a local
compute context. All rx* function calls after this will run in a local compute context.

hdfsShareDir = paste( "/user/RevoShare",[["user"]], sep="/" ),
shareDir = paste( "/var/RevoShare",[["user"]], sep="/" ),
clientShareDir = rxGetDefaultTmpDirByOS(),
sshUsername =[["user"]],
sshHostname = NULL,
sshSwitches = "",
sshProfileScript = NULL,
sshClientDir = "",
nameNode = rxGetOption("hdfsHost"),
master = "yarn",
jobTrackerURL = NULL,
port = rxGetOption("hdfsPort"),
onClusterNode = NULL,
wait = TRUE,
numExecutors = rxGetOption("spark.numExecutors"),
executorCores = rxGetOption("spark.executorCores"),
executorMem = rxGetOption("spark.executorMem"),
driverMem = "4g",
executorOverheadMem = rxGetOption("spark.executorOverheadMem"),
extraSparkConfig = "",
persistentRun = FALSE,
sparkReduceMethod = "auto",
idleTimeout = 3600,
suppressWarning = TRUE,
consoleOutput = FALSE,
showOutputWhileWaiting = TRUE,
autoCleanup = TRUE,
workingDir = NULL,
dataPath = NULL,
outDataPath = NULL,
fileSystem = NULL,
packagesToLoad = NULL,
resultsTimeout = 15,
tmpFSWorkDir = NULL,
... )

hdfsShareDir = paste( "/user/RevoShare",[["user"]], sep="/" ),
shareDir = paste( "/var/RevoShare",[["user"]], sep="/" ),
clientShareDir = rxGetDefaultTmpDirByOS(),
sshUsername =[["user"]],
sshHostname = NULL,
sshSwitches = "",
sshSwitches = "",
sshProfileScript = NULL,
sshClientDir = "",
nameNode = rxGetOption("hdfsHost"),
master = "yarn",
jobTrackerURL = NULL,
port = rxGetOption("hdfsPort"),
onClusterNode = NULL,
numExecutors = rxGetOption("spark.numExecutors"),
executorCores = rxGetOption("spark.executorCores"),
executorMem = rxGetOption("spark.executorMem"),
driverMem = "4g",
executorOverheadMem = rxGetOption("spark.executorOverheadMem"),
extraSparkConfig = "",
sparkReduceMethod = "auto",
idleTimeout = 10000,
suppressWarning = TRUE,
consoleOutput = FALSE,
showOutputWhileWaiting = TRUE,
autoCleanup = TRUE,
workingDir = NULL,
dataPath = NULL,
outDataPath = NULL,
fileSystem = NULL,
packagesToLoad = NULL,
resultsTimeout = 15,
reset = FALSE,
interop = NULL,
tmpFSWorkDir = NULL,
... )

rxSparkDisconnect(computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"))


object of class RxSpark. This argument is optional. If supplied, the values of the other specified
arguments are used to replace those of object and the modified object is returned.

character string specifying the file sharing location within HDFS. You must have permissions to read
and write to this location. When you are running in Spark local mode, this parameter will be ignored
and it will be forced to be equal to the parameter shareDir.

character string specifying the directory on the master (perhaps edge) node that is shared among all
the nodes of the cluster and any client host. You must have permissions to read and write in this

character string specifying the absolute path of the temporary directory on the client. Defaults to /tmp
for POSIX-compliant non-Windows clients. For Windows and non-compliant POSIX clients, defaults
to the value of the TEMP environment variable if defined, else to the TMP environment variable if
defined, else to NULL . If the default directory does not exist, defaults to NULL. UNC paths ("
\\host\dir ") are not supported.


character string specifying the username for making an ssh connection to the Spark cluster. This is not
needed if you are running your R client directly on the cluster. Defaults to the username of the user
running the R client (that is, the value of[["user"]] ).

character string specifying the hostname or IP address of the Spark cluster node or edge node that the
client will log into for launching Spark jobs and for copying files between the client machine and the
Spark cluster. Defaults to the hostname of the machine running the R client (that is, the value of[["nodename"]] ) This field is only used if onClusterNode is NULL or FALSE . If you are using
PuTTY on a Windows system, this can be the name of a saved PuTTY session that can include the user
name and authentication file to use.

character string specifying any switches needed for making an ssh connection to the Spark cluster. This
is not needed if one is running one's R client directly on the cluster.

Optional character string specifying the absolute path to a profile script on the sshHostname host. This
is used when the target ssh host does not automatically read in a .bash_profile, .profile or other shell
environment configuration file for the definition of requisite variables.

character string specifying the Windows directory where Cygwin's ssh.exe and scp.exe or PuTTY's
plink.exe and pscp.exe executables can be found. Needed only for Windows. Not needed if these
executables are on the Windows Path or if Cygwin's location can be found in the Windows Registry.
Defaults to the empty string.

character string specifying the Spark name node hostname or IP address. Typically you can leave this
at its default value. If set to a value other than "default" or the empty string (see below ), this must be an
address that can be resolved by the data nodes and used by them to contact the name node.
Depending on your cluster, it may need to be set to a private network address such as "master.local" .
If set to the empty string, "", then the master process will set this to the name of the node on which it is
running, as returned by[["nodename"]] . This is likely to work when the sshHostname points
to the name node or the sshHostname is not specified and the R client is running on the name node. If
you are running in Spark local mode, this paramter defaults to "file:///"; otherwise it defaults to

Character string specifying the master URL passed to Spark. The value of this parameter could be
"yarn", "standalone" and "local". The formats of Spark's master URL (except for mesos) specified in this
website is also supported.

character scalar specifying the full URL for the jobtracker web interface. This is used only for the
purpose of loading the job tracker web page from the rxLaunchClusterJobManager convenience
function. It is never used for job control, and its specification in the compute context is completely
optional. See the rxLaunchClusterJobManager page for more information.

numeric scalar specifying the port used by the name node for HDFS. Needs to be able to be cast to an
integer. Defaults to rxGetOption("hdfsPort").
logical scalar or NULL specifying whether the user is initiating the job from a client that will connect to
either an edge node or an actual cluster node, directly from either an edge node or node within the
cluster. If set to FALSE or NULL , then sshHostname must be a valid host.

logical scalar. If TRUE or if persistentRun is TRUE , the job will be blocking and the invoking function
will not return until the job has completed or has failed. Otherwise, the job will be non-blocking and
the invoking function will return, allowing you to continue running other R code. The object
rxgLastPendingJob is created with the job information. You can pass this object to the rxGetJobStatus
function to check on the processing status of the job. rxWaitForJob will change a non-waiting job to a
waiting job. Conversely, pressing ESC changes a waiting job to a non-waiting job, provided that the
scheduler has accepted the job. If you press ESC before the job has been accepted, the job is canceled.

numeric scalar specifying the number of executors in Spark, which is equivalent to parameter --num-
executors in spark-submit app. If not specified, the default behavior is to launch as many executors as
possible, which may use up all resources and prevent other users from sharing the cluster.

numeric scalar specifying the number of cores per executor, which is equivalent to parameter --
executor-cores in spark-submit app.

character string specifying memory per executor (e.g., 1000M, 2G ), which is equivalent to parameter --
executor-memory in spark-submit app.

character string specifying memory for driver (e.g., 1000M, 2G ), which is equivalent to parameter --
driver-memory in spark-submit app.

character string specifying memory overhead per executor (e.g. 1000M, 2G ), which is equivalent to
setting spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead in YARN. Increasing this value will allocate more
memory for the R process and the ScaleR engine process in the YARN executors, so it may help
resolve job failure or executor lost issues.

character string specifying extra arbitrary Spark properties (e.g.,

"--conf spark.speculation=true --conf spark.yarn.queue=aQueue" ), which is equivalent to additional
parameters passed into spark-submit app.

EXPERIMENTAL. logical scalar. If TRUE , the Spark application (and associated processes) will persist
across jobs until the idleTimeout is reached or the rxStopEngine function is called explicitly. This avoids
the overhead of launching a new Spark application for each job. If FALSE , a new Spark application will
be launched when a job starts and will be terminated when the job completes.

Spark job collects all parallel tasks' results to reduce as final result. This parameter decides reduce
strategy: oneStage/twoStage/auto. oneStage: reduce parallel tasks to one result with one reduce
function; twoStage: reduce paralllel tasks to square root size with the first reduce function, then reduce
to final result with the second reduce function; auto: spark will smartly select oneStage or twoStage.

numeric scalar specifying the number of seconds of being idle (i.e., not running any Spark job) before
system kills the Spark process. Setting a value greater than 600 is recommended. Setting a negative
value will not timeout. sparklyr interoperation will have no timeout.

logical scalar. If TRUE , suppress warning message regarding missing Spark application parameters.

logical scalar. If TRUE , causes the standard output of the R processes to be printed to the user console.

logical scalar. If TRUE , causes the standard output of the remote primary R and Spark job process to be
printed to the user console while waiting for (blocking on) a job.

logical scalar. If TRUE , the default behavior is to clean up the temporary computational artifacts and
delete the result objects upon retrieval. If FALSE , then the computational results are not deleted, and
the results may be acquired using rxGetJobResults, and the output via rxGetJobOutput until the
rxCleanupJobs is used to delete the results and other artifacts. Leaving this flag set to FALSE can result
in accumulation of compute artifacts which you may eventually need to delete before they fill up your
hard drive.

character string specifying a working directory for the processes on the master node.

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. character vector defining the search path(s) for the data source(s).

NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. NULL or character vector defining the search path(s) for new output data
file(s). If not NULL , this overrides any specification for outDataPath in rxOptions

NULL or an RxHdfsFileSystem to use as the default file system for data sources when created when
this compute context is active.

optional character vector specifying additional packages to be loaded on the nodes when jobs are run
in this compute context.

A numeric value indicating for how long attempts should be made to retrieve results from the cluster.
Under normal conditions, results are available immediately. However, under certain high load
conditions, the processes on the nodes have reported as completed, but the results have not been fully
committed to disk by the operating system. Increase this parameter if results retrieval is failing on high
load clusters.

character string specifying the temporary working directory in worker nodes. It defaults to /dev/shm to
utilize in-memory temporary file system for performance gain, when the size of /dev/shm is less than
1G, the default value would switch to /tmp for guarantee sufficiency You can specify a different location
if the size of /dev/shm is insufficient. Please make sure that YARN run-as user has permission to read
and write to this location

if TRUE all cached Spark Data Frames will be freed and all existing Spark applications that belong to
the current user will be shut down.

NULL or a character string or vector of package names for RevoScaleR interoperation. Currently, the
"sparklyr" package is supported.

Spark compute context to be terminated by rxSparkDisconnect .


additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.

This compute context is supported for Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR Hadoop distributions.

object of class RxSpark.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxGetJobStatus, rxGetJobOutput, rxGetJobResults, rxCleanupJobs, RxHadoopMR, RxInSqlServer,
RxComputeContext, rxSetComputeContext, RxSpark-class.

## Not run:

# Running client on edge node

hadoopCC <- RxSpark()

# Running from a Windows client
# (requires Cygwin and/or PuTTY)
mySshUsername <- "user1"
mySshHostname <- "12.345.678.90" #public facing cluster IP address
mySshSwitches <- "-i /home/yourName/user1.pem" #use .ppk file with PuTTY
myShareDir <- paste("/var/RevoShare", mySshUsername, sep ="/")
myHdfsShareDir <- paste("/user/RevoShare", mySshUsername, sep="/")
mySparkCluster <- RxSpark(
hdfsShareDir = myHdfsShareDir,
shareDir = myShareDir,
sshUsername = mySshUsername,
sshHostname = mySshHostname,
sshSwitches = mySshSwitches)

## rxSparkConnect example
myHadoopCluster <- rxSparkConnect()

##rxSparkDisconnect example

## sparklyr interoperation example
cc <- rxSparkConnect(interop = "sparklyr")
sc <- rxGetSparklyrConnection(cc)
mtcars_tbl <- copy_to(sc, mtcars)
hive_in_data <- RxHiveData(table = "mtcars")
rxSummary(~., data = hive_in_data)
## End(Not run)
rxSparkCacheData {RevoScaleR}: Set the Cache Flag
in Spark Compute Context
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Use this function to set the cache flag to control whether data objects should be cached in Spark memory system,
applicable for RxXdfData , RxHiveData , RxParquetData , and RxOrcData .

rxSparkCacheData(data, cache = TRUE)


a data source that can be RxXdfData, RxHiveData, RxParquetData, or RxOrcData. RxTextData is currently not

logical value controlling whether the data should be cached or not. If TRUE the data will be cached in the Spark
memory system after the first use for performance enhancement.

Note that RxHiveData with saveAsTempTable=TRUE is always cached in memory regardless of the cache parameter
setting in this function.

data object with new cache flag.

See Also
rxSparkListData, rxSparkRemoveData, RxXdfData, RxHiveData, RxParquetData, RxOrcData.

## Not run:

hiveData <- RxHiveData(table = "mytable")

## this does not work. The cache flag of the input hiveData is not changed, so it is still FALSE.
rxImport(hiveData) # data is not cached

## this works. The cache flag of hiveData is now set to TRUE.

hiveData <- rxSparkCacheData(hiveData)
rxImport(hiveData) # data is now cached

## set cache value to FASLE

hiveData <- rxSparkCacheData(hiveData, FALSE)
## End(Not run)
RxHiveData, RxParquetData, RxOrcData
{RevoScaleR}: Generate Hive, Parquet or ORC
Data Source Object
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

These are constructors for Hive, Parquet and ORC data sources which extend RxDataSource . These three
data sources can be used only in RxSpark compute context.

RxHiveData(query = NULL, table = NULL, colInfo = NULL, saveAsTempTable = FALSE, cache = FALSE,
writeFactorsAsIndexes = FALSE)

RxParquetData(file, colInfo = NULL, fileSystem = "hdfs", cache = FALSE, writeFactorsAsIndexes =


RxOrcData(file, colInfo = NULL, fileSystem = "hdfs", cache = FALSE, writeFactorsAsIndexes = FALSE)


character string specifying a Hive query, e.g. "select * from sample_table" . Cannot be used with 'table'.

character string specifying the name of a Hive table, e.g. "sample_table" . Cannot be used with 'query'.

list of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named
elements given below (see rxCreateColInfo for more details):
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
type character string specifying the data type for the column. Supported types are:

"logical" (stored as uchar )

"integer" (stored as int32 )
"int16" (alternative to integer for smaller storage space)
"float32" (stored as FloatType )
"numeric" (stored as float64 )
"character" (stored as string )
"factor" (stored as uint32 )
"Date" (stored as Date , i.e. float64 )
"POSIXct" (stored as POSIXct , i.e. float64 )

levels character vector containing the levels when type = "factor" . If the "levels"
property is not provided, factor levels will be determined by the values in the source column.
If levels are provided, any value that does not match a provided level will be converted to a
missing value.

logical. Only applicable when using as output with table parameter. If TRUE register a temporary Hive
table in Spark memory system otherwise generate a persistent Hive table. The temporary Hive table is
always cached in Spark memory system.

character string specifying a file path, e.g. "/tmp/AirlineDemoSmall.parquet" or "/tmp/AirlineDemoSmall.orc" .


character string "hdfs" or RxFileSystem object indicating type of file system. It supports native HDFS and
other HDFS compatible systems, e.g., Azure Blob and Azure Data Lake. Local file system is not supported.

[Deprecated] logical. If TRUE data will be cached in the Spark application's memory system after the first

logical. If TRUE , when writing to an output data source, underlying factor indexes will be written instead of
the string representations.

object of RxHiveData, RxParquetData or RxOrcData.

## Not run:

myHadoopCluster <- rxSparkConnect()

colInfo = list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor"))

### import from a parquet file

ds1 <- RxParquetData(file = "/tmp/AirlineDemoSmall.parquet",
colInfo = colInfo)

### import from an orc file

ds2 <- RxOrcData(file = "/tmp/AirlineDemoSmall.orc",
colInfo = colInfo)

### import from a Hive query

ds3 <- RxHiveData(query = "select * from hivesampletable")

### import from a Hive persistent table

ds4 <- RxHiveData(table = "AirlineDemo")

### output to a orc file

out1 <- RxOrcData(file = "/tmp/AirlineDemoSmall.orc",
colInfo = colInfo)
rxDataStep(inData = ds1, outFile=out1, overwrite=TRUE)

### output to a Hive temporary table

out2 <- RxHiveData(table = "AirlineDemoSmall", saveAsTempTable=TRUE)
rxDataStep(inData = ds1, outFile=out2)
## End(Not run)
rxSparkListData, rxSparkRemoveData {RevoScaleR}:
Manage Cached Data in Spark
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Use these functions to manage the objects cached in the Spark memory system. These functions are only
applicable when using RxSpark compute context.

computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"))

computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"))


list of cached objects need to be deleted.


logical indicating whether or not to print out the detail to console.


RxSpark compute context object.

List of all objects cached in Spark memory system for rxSparkListData .
No return values for rxSparkRemoveData .

## Not run:

cc <- rxSparkConnect()

colInfo = list( DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor"))

df <- RxParquetData(file = "/tmp/AirlineDemoSmall.parquet", colInfo = colInfo)

### example for rxSparkListData

## No object in list, because no algorithm has been run


rxLogit((ArrDelay>0) ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek, data = df)

## After the first run, a Spark data object is added into the list

### example for rxSparkRemoveData

## remove an object

## remove all cached objs


## End(Not run)
rxSplitXdf: Split a Single Data Set into Multiple Sets
6/18/2018 • 12 minutes to read • Edit Online

Split an input .xdf file or data frame into multiple .xdf files or a list of data frames.

rxSplit(inData, outFilesBase = NULL, outFileSuffixes = NULL,
numOut = NULL, splitBy = "rows", splitByFactor = NULL,
varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE, removeMissings = FALSE, rowsPerRead = -1,
blocksPerRead = 1, updateLowHigh = FALSE, maxRowsByCols = NULL,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"), ...)

rxSplitXdf(inFile, outFilesBase = basename(rxXdfFileName(inFile)), outFileSuffixes = NULL,

numOutFiles = NULL, splitBy = "rows", splitByFactor = NULL,
varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE, removeMissings = FALSE,
rowsPerRead = -1, blocksPerRead = 1, updateLowHigh = FALSE,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"), ...)


a data frame, a character string defining the path to the input .xdf file, or an RxXdfData object

a character string defining the path to the input .xdf file, or an RxXdfData object

a character string or vector defining the file names/paths to use in forming the the output .xdf files. These
names/paths will be embellished with any specified outFileSuffixes . For rxSplit , outFilesBase = NULL means
that the default value for .xdf and RxXdfData inData objects will be basename(rxXdfFileName(inData)) while it will
be a blank string for inData a data frame.

a vector containing the suffixes to append to the base name(s)/path(s) specified in outFilesBase . Before
appending, outFileSuffixes is converted to class character via the as.character function. If NULL ,
seq(numOutFiles) is used in its place if numOutFiles is not NULL .

number of outputs to create, e.g., the number of output files or number of data frames returned in the output list.

number of files to create. This argument is used only when outFilesBase and outFileSuffixes do not provide
sufficient information to form unique paths to multiple output files. See the Examples section for its use.

a character string denoting the method to use in partitioning the inFile .xdf file. With numFiles defined as the
number of output files (formed by the combination of outFilesBase , outFileSuffixes , and numOutFiles
arguments), the supported values for splitBy are:
"rows" - To the extent possible, a uniform partition of the number of rows in the inFile .xdf file is performed.
The minimum number of rows in each output file is defined by floor(numRows/numFiles) , where numRows is the
number of rows in inFile . Additional rows will be distributed uniformly amongst the last set of files.
"blocks" - To the extent possible, a uniform partition of the number of blocks in the inFile .xdf file is
performed. If blocksPerRead = 1 , the minimum number of blocks in each output file is defined by
floor(numBlocks/numFiles) , where numBlocks is the number of blocks in inFile . Additional blocks will be
distributed uniformly amongst the last set of files. For blocksPerRead > 1 , the number of blocks in each output
file is reduced accordingly since multiple blocks read at one time are collapsed to a single block upon write.
This argument is ignored if splitByFactor is a valid factor variable name.

character string identifying the name of the factor to use in splitting the inFile .xdf data such that each file
contains the data corresponding to a single level of the factor. The splitBy argument is ignored if splitByFactor
is a valid factor variable name. If splitByFactor = NULL , the splitBy argument is used to define the split method.

character vector of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with varsToDrop .

character vector of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with varsToKeep .

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in
which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .
Ignored for data frames.

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable data
transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile will be overwritten, or if appending columns existing columns with the
same name will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows. Ignored for data frames.

logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values will not be included in the output data.

number of rows to read for each chunk of data read from the input data source. Use this argument for finer
control of the number of rows per block in the output data source. If greater than 0, blocksPerRead is ignored.
Cannot be used if inFile is the same as outFile .

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source. Ignored for data frames or if
rowsPerRead is positive.


logical value. If FALSE , the low and high values for each variable in the inFile .xdf file will be copied to the
header of each output file so that all output files reflect the global range of the data. If TRUE , each variable's low
and high values are updated to reflect the range of values in the corresponding file, likely resulting in different low
and high values for the same variable between output files. Note that when using rxSplit and the output is a list
of data frames, the updateLowHigh argument has no effect.

argument sent directly to the rxDataStep function behind the scenes when converting the output .xdf files (back)
into a list of data frames. This parameter is provided primarily for the case where rxSplit is being used to split a
.xdf file or RxXdfData data source into portions that are then read back into R as a list of data frames. In this case,
maxRowsByCols provides a mechanism for the user to control the maximum number of of elements read from the
output .xdf file in an effort to limit the amount of memory needed for storing each partition as a data frame object
in R.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller
files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will
be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be

additional arguments to be passed directly to the function used to partition the data. For example,
Uniform Partition - a fill argument with supported values are "left" , "center" , or "right" , can be used
to place the remaining rows/blocks in the set of output files. For example, if sortBy = "blocks" , inFile has
15 blocks, and the number of output files is 6 , the distribution of blocks for the set of 6 output files will be:
fill = "left" - 3 3 3 2 2 2
fill = "center" - 2 3 3 3 2 2
fill = "right" - 2 2 2 3 3 3

rxSplit: Use rxSplit as a general function to partition a data frame or .xdf file. Behind the scenes, the
rxSplitXdf function is called by rxSplit after converting the inData data source into a (temporary) .xdf file. If
both outFilesBase and outFileSuffixes are NULL (the default), then the type of output is determined by the type
of inData: if the inData is an .xdf file name or an RxXdfData object, and list of RxXdfData data sources
representing the new split .xdf files is returned. If the inData is a data frame, then the output is returned as a list
of data frames. If outFilesBase is an empty character string and outFileSuffixes is NULL , a list of data frames is
always returned. In the case that a list of data frames is returned, the names of the list are in
shortFileName.splitType.NumberOrFactor format, e.g., iris.Species.versicolor or myXdfFile.rows.3 .

rxSplitXdf: Use rxSplitXdf to partition an .xdf file. The inFile .xdf file is uniformly partitioned (to the extent
possible) and each partition is written to a distinct user-specified file. As an example, if inFile contains a million
rows, splitBy = "rows" , and the number of output files we specify to create is five, then each output file will
contain two hundred thousand observations, assuming none were dropped via a rowSelection argument
specification. The number of output files is controlled either directly or indirectly through a combination of
arguments: inFile , outFilesBase , outFileSuffixes , and numOutFiles .
In general, the values of these arguments are pasted together to form a character vector of output file paths, with
scalar values auto-expanded to vectors (of an appropriate size) prior to pasting. This scheme allows the user to
either specify directly the full paths to the output files they wish to form or do so implicitly (and perhaps more
conveniently) using various combinations of these arguments. We illustrate the use of these combinations in the
examples below, which are assumed to be run under Windows.



inFile = "foo.xdf", numOutFiles = "foo1.xdf", "foo2.xdf",

3 "foo3.xdf"

outFilesBase = "out", numOutFiles "out1.xdf", "out2.xdf",

= 4 "out3.xdf", "out4.xdf"

outFilesBase = "golf", "golfclub.xdf", "golftee.xdf",

outFileSuffixes = c("club", "golfscore.xdf"
"tee", "score")

outFilesBase = "C:\\myDir\\", "C:\\myDir\\a\\same.xdf",

outFileSuffixes = c("a\\same", "C:\\myDir\\b\\same.xdf",
"b\\same", "c\\same") "C:\\myDir\\c\\same.xdf"

outFilesBase = "C:\\here\\file1.xdf",
c("C:\\here\\file1.xdf", "D:\\there\\file2.xdf",
"D:\\there\\file2.xdf", "E:\\everywhere\\file3.xdf"

a list of data frames or an invisible list of RxXdfData data source objects corresponding to the created output files.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxDataStep, rxImport, rxTransform

# rxSplit Examples

# DF -> DF : Data frame input to list of data frames

IrisDFList <- rxSplit(iris, numOut = 3, reportProgress = 0, verbose = 0)

IrisDFList <- rxSplit(iris, splitByFactor = "Species", reportProgress = 0, verbose = 0)


# DF -> XDF : Data frame input to .xdf outputs (list of RxXdfData data sources)
irisXDFs <- rxSplit(iris, splitByFactor = "Species", outFilesBase = file.path(tempdir(),"iris"),
reportProgress = 0, verbose = 0, overwrite = TRUE)
invisible(sapply(irisXDFs, function(x) if (file.exists(x@file)) unlink(x@file)))

# XDF -> DF : .xdf file to a list of data frames

# Return a list of data frames instead of creating .xdf files by specifying
# outFilesBase = ""
XDF <- file.path(tempdir(), "iris.xdf")
rxDataStep(iris, XDF, overwrite = TRUE)
IrisDFList <- rxSplit(XDF, splitByFactor = "Species", outFilesBase = "",
reportProgress = 0, verbose = 0, overwrite = TRUE)
if (file.exists(XDF)) file.remove(XDF)

# Split the fourth graders data by gender and use row selection
# to collect information only on blue eyed children
fourthGradersXDF <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "fourthgraders.xdf")
rxSplit(fourthGradersXDF, splitByFactor = "male", outFilesBase = "",
rowSelection = (eyecolor == "Blue"))

# XDF -> XDF : .xdf file into multiple .xdf files

XDF <- tempfile(pattern = "iris", fileext = ".xdf")
outXDF1 <- tempfile(pattern = "irisOut", fileext = ".xdf")
outXDF2 <- tempfile(pattern = "irisOut", fileext = ".xdf")
rxDataStep(iris, XDF)
outFiles <- rxSplit(XDF, outFilesBase = tempdir(), outFileSuffixes = basename(c(outXDF1, outXDF2)),
reportProgress = 0, verbose = 0, overwrite = TRUE)

# Remove created files

invisible(sapply(outFiles, function(x) if (file.exists(x@file)) unlink(x@file)))
if (file.exists(XDF)) file.remove(XDF)
if (file.exists(outXDF1)) file.remove(outXDF1)
if (file.exists(outXDF2)) file.remove(outXDF2)

# rxSplitXdf Examples

# Split CensusWorkers.xdf data into five files

# with a (nearly) uniform distribution of rows across the files.
# Put the files in a temporary directory and use "Census" as the
# basename for the files. Append each file with "-byRows" and
# an index indicating the file number in the set.
inFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers")
outFilesBase <- file.path(tempdir(), "byRowsDir", "Census-byRows")
rxSplitXdf(inFile, outFilesBase = outFilesBase,
numOutFiles = 5, splitBy = "rows", verbose = 1)

# Obtain information from each of the resulting output files

# and remove the files along with the parent directory.
byRowFiles <- list.files(dirname(outFilesBase), full = TRUE)
infoByRows <- sapply(byRowFiles, rxGetInfo, simplify = FALSE)
unlink(dirname(outFilesBase), recursive = TRUE)

# Perform a similar split by blocks

outFilesBase <- file.path(tempdir(), "byBlocksDir", "Census-byBlocks")
rxSplitXdf(inFile, outFilesBase = outFilesBase,
numOutFiles = 5, splitBy = "blocks", verbose = 1)

# Obtain information from each of the resulting output files

# and remove the files along with the parent directory.
byBlockFiles <- list.files(dirname(outFilesBase), full = TRUE)
infoByBlocks <- sapply(byBlockFiles, rxGetInfo, simplify = FALSE)
unlink(dirname(outFilesBase), recursive = TRUE)

# Create a barplot comparing the two methods on the resulting

# number of rows in each output file. The barplot of the
# "rows" split case is uniform while the "blocks" split is
# highly non-uniform.
rows <- sapply(infoByRows, "[[", "numRows")
blocks <- sapply(infoByBlocks, "[[", "numRows")
numRowsData <- cbind(rows, blocks)
barplot(numRowsData, beside = TRUE,
main = "CensusWorkers Partition: Row Distribution",
xlab = "sortBy Method",
ylab = "Number of Rows",
legend.text = basename(rownames(numRowsData)),
args.legend = list(x = "topright"),
ylim = c(0, 1.5 * max(numRowsData)))
# Create a similar plot comparing the number of resulting blocks
# in the output .xdf files.
rows <- sapply(infoByRows, "[[", "numBlocks")
blocks <- sapply(infoByBlocks, "[[", "numBlocks")
numBlocksData <- cbind(rows, blocks)
barplot(numBlocksData, beside = TRUE,
main = "CensusWorkers Partition: Block Distribution",
xlab = "sortBy Method",
ylab = "Number of Blocks",
legend.text = basename(rownames(numBlocksData)),
args.legend = list(x = "topright"),
ylim = c(0, 1.5 * max(numBlocksData)))
RxSpssData-class: Class RxSpssData
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

SPSS data source connection class.

The targeted generator RxSpssData as well as the general generator rxNewDataSource.

Class RxFileData, directly. Class RxDataSource, by class RxFileData.


signature(object = "RxSpssData") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, RxSpssData, rxNewDataSource
RxSpssData: Generate SPSS Data Source Object
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Generate an RxSpssData object that contains information about an SPSS data set to be imported or analyzed.
RxSpssData is an S4 class, which extends RxDataSource.

RxSpssData(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, colClasses = NULL, colInfo = NULL,
rowsPerRead = 500000, labelsAsLevels = TRUE, labelsAsInfo = TRUE,
mapMissingCodes = "all", varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL,
checkVarsToKeep = FALSE)

## S3 method for class `RxSpssData':

head (x, n = 6L, reportProgress = 0L, ...)
## S3 method for class `RxSpssData':
tail (x, n = 6L, addrownums = TRUE, reportProgress = 0L, ...)


character string specifying an SPSS data file of type .sav.


logical indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden
by specifying "character" in colClasses and colInfo . If TRUE , the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor
columns is to use colInfo with specified "levels" .

character vector specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element names for the
vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.
Allowable column types are:
"logical" (stored as uchar ),
"integer" (stored as int32 ),
"float32" (the default for floating point data for .xdf files),
"numeric" (stored as float64 as in R ),
"character" (stored as string ),
"factor" (stored as uint32 ),
"int16" (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
"uint16" (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space)
"Date" (stored as Date, i.e. float64 )
Note for "factor" type, the levels will be coded in the order encountered. Since this factor level
ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is to use colInfo with
specified "levels" .
Note that equivalent types share the same bullet in the list above; for some types we allow both 'R -
friendly' type names, as well as our own, more specific type names for .xdf data.
Note also that specifying the column as a "factor" type is currently equivalent to "string" - for the
moment, if you wish to import a column as factor data you must use the colInfo argument,
documented below.

list of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named
elements given below. The information supplied for colInfo overrides that supplied for colClasses .
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
type - character string specifying the data type for the column. See colClasses argument description for
the available types.
newName - character string specifying a new name for the variable.
description - character string specifying a description for the variable.
levels - character vector containing the levels when type = "factor" . If the levels property is not
provided, factor levels will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any
value that does not match a provided level will be converted to a missing value.
newLevels - new or replacement levels specified for a column of type "factor". It must be used in
conjunction with the levels argument. After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will be
replaced with the newLevels .
low - the minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.
high - the maximum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.


number of rows to read at a time. This will determine the size of a block in the .xdf file if using rxImport .

logical. If TRUE , variables containing value labels in the SPSS file will be converted to factors, using the value
labels as factor levels.

logical. If TRUE , variables containing value labels in the SPSS file that are not converted to factors will retain
the information as valueInfoCodes and valueInfoLabels in the .xdf file. This information can be obtained using
rxGetVarInfo. This information will also be returned as attributes for the columns in a dataframe when using

character string specifying how to handle SPSS variables with multiple missing value codes. If "all" , all of the
values set as missing in SPSS will be treated as NA . If "none" , the missing value specification in SAS will be
ignored and the original values will be imported. If "first" , the values equal to the first missing value code
will be imported as NA , while any other missing value codes will be treated as the original values.

character vector of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToDrop .

character vector of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToKeep .

logical value. If TRUE variable names specified in varsToKeep will be checked against variables in the data set
to make sure they exist. An error will be reported if not found. Ignored if more than 500 variables in the data

an RxSpssData object

positive integer. Number of rows of the data set to extract.


logical. If TRUE , row numbers will be created to match the original data set.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


arguments to be passed to underlying functions

The tail method is not functional for this data source type and will report an error.

object of class RxSpssData.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxSpssData-class, rxNewDataSource, rxImport.

# Create a SPSS data source
claimsSpssFileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.sav")
claimsSpssSource <- RxSpssData(claimsSpssFileName)

# Specify an xdf data source

claimsXdfFileName <- file.path(tempdir(), "importedClaims.xdf")

# Import the data into the xdf file

myXdfDataSource <- rxImport(claimsSpssSource, claimsXdfFileName, overwrite = TRUE)

# Instead, import the (small) data set into a data frame

claimsIn <- rxImport(claimsSpssSource)

# Clean up
rxSqlLibPaths: Search Paths for Packages in SQL
compute context
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Gets the search path for the library trees for packages while executing inside the SQL Server, using
RxInSqlServer compute context or using T-SQL script with sp_execute_external_script stored procedure with
embedded R script.



a character connection string for the SQL Server. This should be a local connection string (external connection
strings are not supported while executing on a SQL Server). You can also specify RxInSqlServer compute context
object for input, from which the connection string will be extracted and used.

For RxInSqlServer compute context, a user specified on the connection string must be a member of one of the
following roles 'db_owner' 'rpkgs-shared' , 'rpkgs-private' or 'rpkgs-private' in the database. When
rxExec() function is called from a client machine with RxInSqlServer compute context to execute the rx function
on SQL Server, the .libPaths() is automatically updated to include the library paths returned by this
rxSqlLibPaths function.

A character vector of the library paths containing both "shared" or "private" scope of the packages if the the
user specified in the connection string is allowed access. On acccess denied, it returns an empty character vector.

See Also
rxPackage, .libPaths, rxFindPackage, rxInstalledPackages, rxInstallPackages,
rxRemovePackages, rxSyncPackages, require

## Not run:

# An example sp_execute_external_script T-SQL code using rxSqlLibPaths()
declare @instance_name nvarchar(100) = @@SERVERNAME, @database_name nvarchar(128) = db_name();
exec sp_execute_external_script
@language = N'R',
@script = N'
connStr <- paste("Driver=SQL Server;Server=", instance_name, ";Database=", database_name,
";Trusted_Connection=true;", sep="");
@input_data_1 = N'',
@params = N'@instance_name nvarchar(100), @database_name nvarchar(128)',
@instance_name = @instance_name,
@database_name = @database_name;

## End(Not run)
RxSqlServerData-class: Class RxSqlServerData
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft SQL Server data source connection class.

The targeted generator RxSqlServerData as well as the general generator rxNewDataSource.

Class RxDataSource, directly.


signature(object = "RxSqlServerData") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, RxSqlServerData, rxNewDataSource
RxSqlServerData: Generate SqlServer Data Source
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is the main generator for S4 class RxSqlServerData, which extends RxDataSource.

RxSqlServerData(table = NULL, sqlQuery = NULL, connectionString = NULL,
rowBuffering = TRUE, returnDataFrame = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
colClasses = NULL, colInfo = NULL, rowsPerRead = 50000, verbose = 0,
useFastRead = TRUE, server = NULL, databaseName = NULL,
user = NULL, password = NULL, writeFactorsAsIndexes = FALSE)

## S3 method for class `RxSqlServerData':

head (x, n = 6L, reportProgress = 0L, ... )
## S3 method for class `RxSqlServerData':
tail (x, n = 6L, addrownums = TRUE, reportProgress = 0L, ... )


NULL or character string specifying the table name. Cannot be used with sqlQuery .

NULL or character string specifying a valid SQL select query. Cannot contain hidden characters such as tabs
or newlines. Cannot be used with table . If you want to use TABLESAMPLE clause in sqlQuery , set
rowBuffering argument to FALSE .


NULL or character string specifying the connection string.


logical specifying whether or not to buffer rows on read from the database. If you are having problems with
your ODBC driver, try setting this to FALSE .

logical indicating whether or not to convert the result from a list to a data frame (for use in rxReadNext only).
If FALSE , a list is returned.

logical indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden
by specifying "character" in colClasses and colInfo . If TRUE , the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor
columns is to use colInfo with specified "levels" .

character vector specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element names for the
vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.
Allowable column types are:
"logical" (stored as uchar ),
"integer" (stored as int32 ),
"float32" (the default for floating point data for .xdf files),
"numeric" (stored as float64 as in R ),
"character" (stored as string ),
"factor" (stored as uint32 ),
"int16" (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
"uint16" (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space),
"Date" (stored as Date, i.e. float64 )
Note for "factor" type, the levels will be coded in the order encountered. Since this factor level
ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is to use colInfo with
specified "levels" .
Note that equivalent types share the same bullet in the list above; for some types we allow both 'R -
friendly' type names, as well as our own, more specific type names for .xdf data.
Note also that specifying the column as a "factor" type is currently equivalent to "string" - for the
moment, if you wish to import a column as factor data you must use the colInfo argument,
documented below.

list of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named
elements given below. The information supplied for colInfo overrides that supplied for colClasses .
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
type - character string specifying the data type for the column. See colClasses argument description for
the available types. Specify "factorIndex" as the type for 0-based factor indexes. levels must also be
newName - character string specifying a new name for the variable.
description - character string specifying a description for the variable.
levels - character vector containing the levels when type = "factor" . If the levels property is not
provided, factor levels will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any
value that does not match a provided level will be converted to a missing value.
newLevels - new or replacement levels specified for a column of type "factor". It must be used in
conjunction with the levels argument. After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will be
replaced with the newLevels .
low - the minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.
high - the maximum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.


number of rows to read at a time.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , information on the odbc data source type ( odbc or
odbcFast ) is printed.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying functions.


an RxSqlServerData object

positive integer. Number of rows of the data set to extract.


logical. If TRUE , row numbers will be created to match the original data set.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


logical specifying whether or not to use a direct ODBC connection. On Linux systems, this is the only ODBC
connection available. Note: useFastRead = FALSE is currently not supported in writing to SQL Server data

Target SQL Server instance. Can also be specified in the connection string with the Server keyword.

Database on the target SQL Server instance. Can also be specified in the connection string with the Database

SQL login to connect to the SQL Server instance. SQL login can also be specified in the connection string
with the uid keyword.

Password associated with the SQL login. Can also be specified in the connection string with the pwd

logical. If TRUE , when writing to an RxOdbcData data source, underlying factor indexes will be written instead
of the string representations.

The tail method is not functional for this data source type and will report an error.
The user and arguments take precedence over equivalent information provided within the
connectionString argument. If, for example, you provide the user name in both the connectionString and
user arguments, the one in connectionString is ignored.
object of class RxSqlServerData.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

TODO: Update references.

See Also
RxSqlServerData-class, rxNewDataSource, rxImport.

## Not run:

# Create an RxSqlServerData data source

# Note: for improved security, read connection string from a file, such as
# sqlServerConnString <- readLines("sqlServerConnString.txt")

sqlServerConnString <- "SERVER=hostname;DATABASE=RevoTestDB;UID=DBUser;PWD=Password;"

sqlServerDataDS <- RxSqlServerData(sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM claims",

connectionString = sqlServerConnString)

# Create an xdf file name

claimsXdfFileName <- file.path(tempdir(), "importedClaims.xdf")

# Import the data into the xdf file

rxImport(sqlServerDataDS, claimsXdfFileName, overwrite = TRUE)

# Read xdf file into a data frame

claimsIn <- rxDataStep(claimsXdfFileName)
## End(Not run)
rxSqlServerDropTable: rxSqlServerDropTable
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Execute a SQL statement that drops a table or checks for existence.

rxSqlServerTableExists(table, connectionString = NULL)
rxSqlServerDropTable(table, connectionString = NULL)


character string specifying a table name or an RxSqlServerDatadata source that has the table specified.

NULL or character string specifying the connection string. If NULL , the connection string from the currently active
compute context will be used if available.

Additional arguments to be passed through.

An SQL query is passed to the ODBC driver.

rxSqlServerTableExists returns TRUE is the table exists, FALSE otherwise. rxSqlServerDropTable returns TRUE is
the table is successfully dropped, FALSE otherwise (for example, if the table did not exist).

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxInSqlServer, RxSqlServerData.

## Not run:

# With an RxInSqlServer active compute context

tempTable <- "rxTempTest"
if (rxSqlServerTableExists(tempTable)) rxSqlServerDropTable(tempTable)
## End(Not run)
rxStepControl: Control for Stepwise Regression
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Various parameters that control aspects of stepwise regression.

rxStepControl(method = "stepwise", scope = NULL,
maxSteps = 1000, stepCriterion = "AIC",
maxSigLevelToAdd = NULL, minSigLevelToDrop = NULL,
refitEachStep = NULL, keepStepCoefs = FALSE,
scale = 0, k = 2, test = NULL, ... )


a character string specifying the method of stepwise search:

"stepwise": bi-directional search.
"backward": backward elimination.
"forward": forward selection.
Default is "stepwise" if the scope argument is not missing, otherwise "backward".

either a single formula, or a named list containing components upper and lower, both formulae, defining the range
of models to be examined in the stepwise search.

an integer specifying the maximum number of steps to be considered, typically used to stop the process early and
the default is 1000.

a character string specifying the variable selection criterion:

"AIC": Akaike's information criterion.
"SigLevel": significance level, the traditional stepwise approach in SAS. This argument is similar to the SELECT
option of the GLMSELECT procedure in SAS. Default is "AIC".

a numeric scalar specifying the significance level for adding a variable to the model. This argument is used only
when stepCriterion = "SigLevel" and is similar to the SLENTRY option of the GLMSELECT procedure in SAS. The
defaults are 0.50 for "forward" and 0.15 for "stepwise".

a numeric scalar specifying the significance level for dropping a variable from the model. This argument is used
only when stepCriterion = "SigLevel" and is similar to the SLSTAY option of the GLMSELECT procedure in SAS.
The defaults are 0.10 for "backward" and 0.15 for "stepwise".

a logical flag specifying whether or not to refit the model at each step. The default is NULL , indicating to refit the
model at each step for rxLogit and rxGlm but not for rxLinMod .

a logical flag specifying whether or not to keep the model coefficients at each step. If TRUE , a data.frame
stepCoefs will be returned with the fitted model with rows corresponding to the coefficients and columns
corresponding to the iterations. Additional computation may be required to generate the coefficients at each step.
Those stepwise coefficients can be visualized by plotting the fitted model with rxStepPlot.

optional numeric scalar specifying the scale parameter of the model. It is used in computing the AIC statistics for
selecting the models. The default 0 indicates it should be estimated by maximum likelihood. See "scale" in step for

optional numeric scalar specifying the weight of the number of equivalent degrees of freedom in computing AIC
for the penalty. See "k" in step for details.

a character string specifying the test statistic to be included in the results, either "F" or "Chisq". Both test statistics
are relative to the original model.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Microsoft R Services Compute Engine.

Stepwise models must be computed on the same dataset in order to be compared so rows with missing values in
any of the variables in the upper model are removed before the model fitting starts. Consequently, the stepwise
models might be different from the corresponding models fitted with only the selected variables if there are
missing values in the data set.
When computing stepwise models with rxLogit or rxGlm , you can sometimes improve the speed and quality of
the fitting by setting returnAlways=TRUE in the initial rxLogit or rxGlm call. When returnAlways=TRUE , rxLogit
and rxGlm always return the solution tried so far that has the minimum deviance.

A list containing the options.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) Modern Applied Statistics with S. New York: Springer (4th ed).
Chambers, J. M. and Hastie, T. J. eds (1992) Statistical Models in S. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
Goodnight, J. H. (1979) A Tutorial on the SWEEP Operator. The American Statistician Vol. 33 No. 3, 149--158.
See Also
step, rxStepPlot.

## setup
form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length
scope <- list(
lower = ~ Sepal.Width,
upper = ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width * Species)

## lm/step
## We need to specify the contrasts for the factor variable Species,
## even though this is not part of the original model. This will
## generate a warning, so we suppress that warning here.
suppressWarnings(rlm.obj <- lm(form, data = iris, contrasts = list(Species = contr.SAS)))
rlm.step <- step(rlm.obj, direction = "both", scope = scope, trace = 1)

## rxLinMod/variableSelection
varsel <- rxStepControl(method = "stepwise", scope = scope)
rxlm.step <- rxLinMod(form, data = iris, variableSelection = varsel,
verbose = 1, dropMain = FALSE, coefLabelStyle = "R")

## compare lm/step and rxLinMod/variableSelection



## rxLinMod/variableSelection with keepStepCoefs = TRUE

varsel <- rxStepControl(method = "stepwise", scope = scope, keepStepCoefs = TRUE)
rxlm.step <- rxLinMod(form, data = iris, variableSelection = varsel,
verbose = 1, dropMain = FALSE, coefLabelStyle = "R")
rxStepPlot: Step Plot
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Plot stepwise coefficients for rxLinMod , rxLogit and rxGlm objects.

rxStepPlot(x, plotStepBreaks = TRUE, omitZeroCoefs = TRUE, eps = .Machine$double.eps,
main = deparse(substitute(x)), xlab = "Step", ylab = "Stepwise Coefficients",
type = "b", pch = "*",
... )


a stepwise regression object of class rxLinMod , rxLogit , or rxGlm with a non-empty stepCoefs component,
which can be generated by setting the component keepStepCoefs of the variableSelection argument to TRUE
when the model is fitted.

logical value. If TRUE , vertical lines are drawn at each step in the stepwise coefficient paths.

logical flag. If TRUE , coefficients with sum of absolute values less than eps will be omitted for plotting.

the smallest positive floating-point number that is treated as nonzero.

main, xlab, ylab, type, pch, ...

additional graphical arguments to be passed directly to the underlying matplot function.

the nonzero stepwise coefficients are returned invisibly.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxStepControl, rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxGlm.

## setup
form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length
scope <- list(
lower = ~ Sepal.Width,
upper = ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width * Species)

## rxLinMod/variableSelection with keepStepCoefs = TRUE

varsel <- rxStepControl(method = "stepwise", scope = scope, keepStepCoefs = TRUE)
rxlm.step <- rxLinMod(form, data = iris, variableSelection = varsel,
verbose = 1, dropMain = FALSE, coefLabelStyle = "R")
rxStopEngine: Stop Distributed Computing Engine
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

rxStopEngine stops the remote Spark application.

rxStopEngine(computeContext, ... )
rxStopEngine(computeContext, scope = "session")


a valid RxDistributedHpa-class. Currently only RxSpark is supported.


only used in rxStopEngine for RxSpark ; a single character that takes the value of either:
"session" : stop engine applications running in the current R session.
"user" : stop engine applications running by the current user.

This function stops distributed computing engine applications with scope set to either "session" or "user".
Specifically, for the RxSpark compute context it stops the remote Spark application(s).

No useful return value.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

## Not run:

rxStopEngine( computeContext )
rxStopEngine( computeContext , scope = "user" )
## End(Not run)
rxSummary: Object Summaries
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

Produce univariate summaries of objects in RevoScaleR.

rxSummary(formula, data, byGroupOutFile = NULL,
summaryStats = c("Mean", "StdDev", "Min", "Max", "ValidObs", "MissingObs"),
byTerm = TRUE, pweights = NULL, fweights = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE,
useSparseCube = rxGetOption("useSparseCube"),
removeZeroCounts = useSparseCube,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
rowsPerBlock = 100000,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 0,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)


formula, as described in rxFormula. The formula typically does not contain a response variable, i.e. it should be
of the form ~ terms . If ~. is used as the formula, summary statistics will be computed for all non-character
variables. If a numeric variable is interacted with a factor variable, summary statistics will be computed for each
category of the factor.

either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, or a data frame object to summarize.

NULL, a character string or vector of character strings specifying .xdf file names(s), or an RxXdfData object or
list of RxXdfData objects. If not NULL, and the formula includes computations by factor, the by-group summary
results will be written out to one or more .xdf files. If more than one .xdf file is created and a single character
string is specified, an integer will be appended to the base byGroupOutFile name for additional file names. The
resulting RxXdfData objects will be listed in the categorical component of the output object. byGroupOutFile is
not supported when using distributed compute contexts such as RxHadoopMR.

a character vector containing one or more of the following values: "Mean", "StdDev", "Min", "Max", "ValidObs",
"MissingObs", "Sum".

logical variable. If TRUE , missings will be removed by term (by variable or by interaction expression) before
computing summary statistics. If FALSE , observations with missings in any term will be removed before

character string specifying the variable to use as probability weights for the observations.

character string specifying the variable to use as frequency weights for the observations.

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations
in which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable
transformations. As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function
call using the expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable
data transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used

logical value. If TRUE , an existing byGroupOutFile will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored byGroupOutFile is


logical value. If TRUE , sparse cube is used.


logical flag. If TRUE , rows with no observations will be removed from the output for counts of categorical data.
By default, it has the same value as useSparseCube . For large summary computation, this should be set to TRUE ,
otherwise R may run out of memory even if the internal C++ computation succeeds.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

maximum number of rows to write to each block in the byGroupOutFile (if it is not NULL ).

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed.


a valid RxComputeContext. The RxSpark , and RxHadoopMR compute contexts distribute the computation among
the nodes specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if
possible on the local computer.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the Revolution Compute Engine.

Special function F() can be used in formula to force a variable to be interpreted as factors.
If the formula contains a single dependent or response variable, summary statistics are computed for the
interaction between that variable and the first term of the independent variables. (Multiple response variables
are not permitted.) For example, using the formula y ~ xfac will give the same results as using the formula
~y:xfac , where y is a continuous variable and xfac is a factor. Summary statistics for y are computed for
each factor level of x . This facilitates using the same formula in rxSummary as in, for example, rxCube or
rxLinMod .

an rxSummary object containing the following elements:

number of valid observations.


number of missing observations.


data frame containing summaries for continuous variables.

list of summaries for categorical variables.

types of categorical summaries: can be "counts", or "cube" (for crosstab counts) or "none" (if there is no
categorical summaries).

formula used to obtain the summary.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

# Create a local data frame
DF <- data.frame(sex = c("Male", "Male", "Female", "Male"),
age = c(20, 20, 12, 10), score = 1.1:4.1)

# get summary of sex variable

rxSummary(~ sex, DF)

# obtain within sex-category statistics of the score variable

rxSummary(score ~ sex, DF)

# use transforms to create a factor variable and compute

# summary statistics by each factor level
rxSummary(~score:ageGroup, data=DF,
transforms = list(ageGroup = cut(age, seq(0, 30, 10))))

# the following will give the same results

rxSummary(score~ageGroup, data=DF,
transforms = list(ageGroup = cut(age, seq(0, 30, 10))))

# the same formula can be used in rxCube

rxCube(score~ageGroup, data=DF, transforms=list(ageGroup = cut(age, seq(0,30,10))))

# Write summary statistics by group to an .xdf file. Here the groups

# are defined as year of age by sex by state (3 states in CensusWorkers file),
# so summary statistics for 46 x 2 x 3 groups are computed. The first term
# will just compute the Counts for each group, while the second two will
# compute by-group Means and ValidObs for incwage and wkswork1

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

sumOutFile <- tempfile(pattern = ".rxTempSumOut", fileext = ".xdf")

sumOut <- rxSummary(~F(age):sex:state + incwage:F(age):sex:state + wkswork1:F(age):sex:state,

data = censusWorkers, blocksPerRead = 3,
byGroupOutFile = sumOutFile, rowsPerBlock = 10, summaryStats = c("Mean", "ValidObs"))


rxSyncPackages: Synchronize Packages for Compute
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Synchronizes all R packages installed in a database with the packages on the files system. The packages
contained in the database are also installed on the file system so they can be loaded by R. You might need to use
rxSyncPackages if you rebuilt a server instance or restored SQL Server databases on a new machine, or if you
think an R package on the file system is corrupted.

rxSyncPackages(computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"),
scope = c("shared", "private"),
owner = c(),
verbose = getOption("verbose"))


an RxComputeContext or equivalent character string or NULL . If set to the default of NULL , the currently active
compute context is used. Supported compute contexts are RxInSqlServer.

character vector containing either "shared" or "private" or both. "shared" synchronizes the packages on a
per-database shared location on SQL Server, which in turn can be used (referred) by multiple different users.
"private" synchronizes the packages on per -database, per -user private location on SQL Server which is only
accessible to the single user. By default both "shared" and "private" are set, which will synchronize the entire
table of packages for all scopes and users.

character vector. Should be either empty '' or a vector of valid SQL database user account names. Only users
in 'db_owner' role for a database can specify this value to install packages on behalf of other users.

logical. If TRUE , "progress report" is given during installation of given packages.

For a RxInSqlServer compute context, the user specified as part of connection string is considered the package
owner if the owner argument is empty. To call this function, a user must be granted permissions by a database
owner, making the user a member of either 'rpkgs-shared' or 'rpkgs-private' database role. Members of the
'rpkgs-shared' role can install packages to "shared" location and "private" location. Members of the
'rpkgs-private' role can only install packages in a "private" location for their own use. To use the packages
installed on the SQL Server, a user must be at least a member of 'rpkgs-users' role.
See the help file for additional details.

Invisible NULL

See Also
rxInstallPackages, rxPackage, install.packages, rxFindPackage, rxInstalledPackages, rxRemovePackages,

## Not run:

# create SQL compute context
connectionString <- "Driver=SQL Server;Server=myServer;Database=TestDB;Trusted_Connection=True;"
computeContext <- RxInSqlServer(connectionString = connectionString )

# Synchronizes all packages listed in the database for all scopes and users
rxSyncPackages(computeContext=computeContext, verbose=TRUE)

# Synchronizes all packages for shared scope
rxSyncPackages(computeContext=computeContext, scope="shared", verbose=TRUE)

# Synchronizes all packages for private scope
rxSyncPackages(computeContext=computeContext, scope="private", verbose=TRUE)

# Synchronizes all packages for a private scope for user1
rxSyncPackages(pcomputeContext=computeContext, scope="private", owner = "user1", verbose=TRUE))

## End(Not run)
RxTeradata-class: Class RxTeradata
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Teradata data source connection class.

The targeted generator RxTeradata as well as the general generator rxNewDataSource.

Class RxDataSource, directly.


signature(object = "RxTeradata") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, RxTeradata, rxNewDataSource
RxTeradata: Generate Teradata Data Source
6/18/2018 • 6 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is the main generator for S4 class RxTeradata, which extends RxDataSource.

RxTeradata(table = NULL, sqlQuery = NULL, dbmsName = NULL, databaseName = NULL,
connectionString = NULL, user = NULL, password = NULL, teradataId = NULL,
rowBuffering = TRUE, trimSpace = NULL, returnDataFrame = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
colClasses = NULL, colInfo = NULL, rowsPerRead = 500000, verbose = 0,
tableOpClause = NULL, writeFactorsAsIndexes = FALSE,
... )

## S3 method for class `RxTeradata':

head (x, n = 6L, reportProgress = 0L, ... )
## S3 method for class `RxTeradata':
tail (x, n = 6L, addrownums = TRUE, reportProgress = 0L, ... )


NULL or character string specifying the table name. Cannot be used with sqlQuery .

NULL or character string specifying a valid SQL select query. Cannot contain hidden characters such as tabs
or newlines. Cannot be used with table .

NULL or character string specifying the Database Management System (DBMS ) name.

NULL or character string specifying the name of the database.


NULL or character string specifying the connection string.


NULL or character string specifying the user name.


NULL or character string specifying the password.


NULL or character string specifying the teradataId.


logical specifying whether or not to buffer rows on read from the database. If you are having problems with
your ODBC driver, try setting this to FALSE .

logical specifying whether or not to trim the white character of string data for reading.

logical indicating whether or not to convert the result from a list to a data frame (for use in rxReadNext
only). If FALSE , a list is returned.

logical indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be
overridden by specifying "character" in colClasses and colInfo . If TRUE , the factor levels will be coded in
the order encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling
factor columns is to use colInfo with specified "levels" .

character vector specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element names for the
vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.
Allowable column types are:
"logical" (stored as uchar ),
"integer" (stored as int32 ),
"float32" (the default for floating point data for .xdf files),
"numeric" (stored as float64 as in R ),
"character" (stored as string ),
"factor" (stored as uint32 ),
"int16" (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
"uint16" (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space),
"Date" (stored as Date, i.e. float64 )
Note for "factor" type, the levels will be coded in the order encountered. Since this factor level
ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is to use colInfo with
specified "levels" .
Note that equivalent types share the same bullet in the list above; for some types we allow both 'R -
friendly' type names, as well as our own, more specific type names for .xdf data.
Note also that specifying the column as a "factor" type is currently equivalent to "string" - for the
moment, if you wish to import a column as factor data you must use the colInfo argument,
documented below.

list of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named
elements given below. The information supplied for colInfo overrides that supplied for colClasses .
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
type - character string specifying the data type for the column. See colClasses argument description
for the available types.
newName - character string specifying a new name for the variable.
description - character string specifying a description for the variable.
levels - character vector containing the levels when type = "factor" . If the levels property is not
provided, factor levels will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided, any
value that does not match a provided level will be converted to a missing value.
newLevels - new or replacement levels specified for a column of type "factor". It must be used in
conjunction with the levels argument. After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will be
replaced with the newLevels .
low - the minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.
high - the maximum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.


number of rows to read at a time.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , information on the odbc data source type ( odbc or
odbcFast ) is printed.


logical. If TRUE , when writing to an RxOdbcData data source, underlying factor indexes will be written instead
of the string representations.

additional arguments to be passed directly to the underlying functions, including the Teradata Export driver.
One important attribute that can be passed is the TD_SPOOLMODE attribute, which RevoScaleR sets to
"NoSpool" for efficiency. If you encounter difficulties while extracting data, you might want to specify
TD_SPOOLMODE="Spool" . To tune performance, use the TD_MIN_SESSIONS and TD_MAX_SESSIONS arguments to
specify the minimum and maximum number of sessions. If these are not specified, the default values of 1
and 4, respectively, are used. TD_TRACE_LEVEL specifies the types of diagnostic messages written by each
instance of the driver to an external log file. Setting it to 1 turns off tracing (the default), 2 activates the
tracing function for driver specific activities, 3 activates the tracing function for interaction with the Teradata
Database, 4 activates the tracing function for activities related to the Notify feature, 5 activates the tracing
function for activities involving the opcommon library, and 7 activates tracing for all of the above activities.
TD_TRACE_OUTPUT specifies the name of the external file used for tracing messages. If a file with the specified
name already exists, that file will be overwritten. TD_OUTLIMIT limits the number of rows that the Export
driver exports. TD_MAX_DECIMAL_DIGITS specifies the maximum number of decimal digits (a value for the
maximum precision) to be returned by the database. The default value is 18, and values above that are not
supported. See Chapter 6 of the Teradata Parallel Transporter Application Programming Interface
Programmer Guide for details on allowable attributes.

an RxTeradata object

positive integer. Number of rows of the data set to extract.


logical. If TRUE , row numbers will be created to match the original data set.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.



The tail method is not functional for this data source type and will report an error.
The RxTeradata data source behaves differently depending upon the compute context currently in effect. In
a local compute context, RxTeradata uses the Teradata Parallel Transporter's Export driver to read large
quantities of data quickly from Teradata.
To use the Teradata connector, you need Teradata ODBC drivers and the Teradata Parallel Transporter
installed on your client using the Teradata 14.10 or 15.00 client installer, and you need a high-speed
connection (100 Mbps or above) to a Teradata appliance running version 14.0 or later.
The user , password , and teradataId arguments take precedence over equivalent information provided
within the connectionString argument. If, for example, you provide the user name in both the
connectionString and user arguments, the one in connectionString is ignored.

object of class RxTeradata.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Teradata Corporation (2012). SQL Fundamentals.
Teradata Corporation (2012). Teradata Parallel Transporter Application Programming Interface
Programmer Guide

See Also
RxTeradata-class, rxNewDataSource, rxImport.

## Not run:

# Create a Teradata data source

# Note: for improved security, read connection string from a file, such as
# teradataConnString <- readLines("tdConnString.txt")

teradataConnString <- "DRIVER=Teradata;DBCNAME=hostname;DATABASE=RevoTestDB;UID=DBUser;PWD=Password;"

rxTeradataDS <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM",

connectionString = teradataConnString)

# Create an xdf file name

claimsXdfFileName <- file.path(tempdir(), "importedClaims.xdf")

# Import the data into the xdf file

rxImport(rxTeradataDS, claimsXdfFileName, overwrite = TRUE)

# Read xdf file into a data frame

claimsIn <- rxDataStep(inData = claimsXdfFileName)
## End(Not run)
rxTeradataSql: rxTeradataSql
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Execute an arbitrary SQL statement that does not return data in a Teradata data base.

rxTeradataSql(sqlStatement, connectionString = NULL, ...)
rxTeradataTableExists(table, connectionString = NULL, ...)
rxTeradataDropTable(table, connectionString = NULL, ...)


character string specifying valid SQL statement that does not return data

One of the following:

a character string specifying a table name, in the form "tablename" or "database.tablename" . (In Teradata, each
user is a database; the user database can be specified as "username.tablename" .)
an RxTeradata data source that has the table specified
an RxOdbcData data source that has the table specified.

NULLor character string specifying the connection string. If NULL , the connection string from the currently active
compute context will be used if available.

Additional arguments to be passed through.

An SQL query is passed to the Teradata ODBC driver.

rxTeradataSql is executed for the side effects and returns NULL invisibly. rxTeradataTableExists returns TRUE is
the table exists, FALSE otherwise. The database searched for the table is determined as follows:
* If the argument is a character string and specifies a database, that is, if the table argument is specified as
"database.tablename" , the specified database is searched for the table. If the containing database does not exist, an
error is returned.
* If the table argument is a character string and does not specify a database, that is, if the table argument is
specified as "tablename" ,the database specified in the connectionString is searched. If connectionString is
missing, the connection string in the current compute context object is used.
* If the table argument is an RxTeradata or RxOdbcData data source, the table name specified in the data source
is searched for in the database specified in the data source.
rxTeradataDropTable returns TRUE is the table is successfully dropped, FALSE otherwise (for example, if the table
did not exist).

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

## Not run:

# Copy a table
sqlStatement <- "CREATE TABLE YourDataBase.rxClaimsCopy AS WITH DATA"
rxTeradataSql(sqlStatement = sqlStatement)

# Use the RxOdbcData data source and its sqlQuery argument to

# get data back as a data frame:
rxTeradataQuery <- function(query, connectionString=NULL, maxRowsByCols=NULL)
if (is.null(connectionString))
currentComputeContext <- rxGetComputeContext()
if (.hasSlot(currentComputeContext, "connectionString"))
connectionString <- currentComputeContext@connectionString
stop("A 'connectionString' must be specified.")
internalDS <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery=query, connectionString=connectionString)
rxImport(internalDS, maxRowsByCols=maxRowsByCols)
## Use the above to show the tables in database 'dbtest':
tableQuery <- paste("SELECT TableName FROM dbc.tables ",
"WHERE tablekind = 'T' and databasename='dbtest'", sep="")
## End(Not run)
RxTextData-class: Class RxTextData
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Text data source connection class.

The targeted generator RxTextData as well as the general generator rxNewDataSource.

Class RxFileData, directly. Class RxDataSource, by class RxFileData.


signature(object = "RxTextData") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, RxTextData, rxNewDataSource
RxTextData: Generate Text Data Source Object
6/18/2018 • 15 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is the main generator for S4 class RxTextData, which extends RxDataSource.

RxTextData(file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
colClasses = NULL, colInfo = NULL,
varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL, missingValueString = "NA",
rowsPerRead = 500000, delimiter = NULL, combineDelimiters = FALSE,
quoteMark = "\"", decimalPoint = ".", thousandsSeparator = NULL,
readDateFormat = "[%y[-][/]%m[-][/]%d]",
readPOSIXctFormat = "%y[-][/]%m[-][/]%d [%H:%M[:%S]][%p]",
centuryCutoff = 20, firstRowIsColNames = NULL, rowsToSniff = 10000,
rowsToSkip = 0, returnDataFrame = TRUE,
defaultReadBufferSize = 10000,
defaultDecimalColType = rxGetOption("defaultDecimalColType"),
defaultMissingColType = rxGetOption("defaultMissingColType"),
writePrecision = 7, stripZeros = FALSE, quotedDelimiters = FALSE,
isFixedFormat = NULL, useFastRead = NULL,
createFileSet = NULL, rowsPerOutFile = NULL,
verbose = 0, checkVarsToKeep = FALSE,
fileSystem = NULL, inputEncoding = "utf-8", writeFactorsAsIndexes = FALSE)


character string specifying a text file. If it has an .stsextension, it is interpreted as a fixed format schema
file. If the colInfo argument contains start and width information, it is interpreted as a fixed format
data file. Otherwise, it is treated as a delimited text data file. See the Details section for more information
on using .sts files.

logical indicating whether or not to convert the result from a list to a data frame (for use in rxReadNext
only). If FALSE , a list is returned.

logical indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be
overridden by specifying "character" in colClasses and colInfo . If TRUE , the factor levels will be
coded in the order encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method
for handling factor columns is to use colInfo with specified "levels" .

character vector specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element names for the
vector are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.
Allowable column types are:
"logical" (stored as uchar ),
"integer" (stored as int32 ),
"float32" (the default for floating point data for .xdf files),
"numeric" (stored as float64 as in R ),
"character" (stored as string ),
"factor" (stored as uint32 ),
"ordered" (ordered factor stored as uint32 . Ordered factors are treated the same as factors in
RevoScaleR analysis functions.),
"int16" (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
"uint16" (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space),
"Date" (stored as Date, i.e. float64 . Not supported if useFastRead = TRUE .)
"POSIXct" (stored as POSIXct, i.e. float64 . Not supported if useFastRead = TRUE .)
Note for "factor" and "ordered" types, the levels will be coded in the order encountered. Since
this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is to
use colInfo with specified "levels" .

list of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named
elements given below. When importing fixed format data, either colInfo or an an .sts schema file should
be supplied. For such fixed format data, only the variables specified will be imported. For all text types, the
information supplied for colInfo overrides that supplied for colClasses .
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
type - character string specifying the data type for the column. See colClasses argument description
for the available types. If the type is not specified for fixed format data, it will be read as character
newName - character string specifying a new name for the variable.
description - character string specifying a description for the variable.
levels - character vector containing the levels when type = "factor" . If the levels property is not
provided, factor levels will be determined by the values in the source column. If levels are provided,
any value that does not match a provided level will be converted to a missing value.
newLevels - new or replacement levels specified for a column of type "factor". It must be used in
conjunction with the levels argument. After reading in the original data, the labels for each level will
be replaced with the newLevels .
low - the minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.
high - the maximum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.
start - the left-most position, in bytes, for the column of a fixed format file respectively. When all
elements of colInfo have "start" , the text file is designated as a fixed format file. When none of the
elements have it, the text file is designated as a delimited file. Specification of start must always be
accompanied by specification of width .
width - the number of characters in a fixed-width character column or the column of a fixed format
file. If width is specified for a character column, it will be imported as a fixed-width character variable.
Any characters beyond the fixed width will be ignored. Specification of width is required for all
columns of a fixed format file (if not provided in an .sts file).
decimalPlaces - the number of decimal places.
index - column index in the original delimited text data file. It is used as an alternative to naming the
variable information list if the original delimited text file does not contain column names. Ignored if a
name for the list is specified. Should not be used with fixed format files.

character vector of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToDrop .

character vector of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToKeep .

character string containing the missing value code. It can be an empty string: "" .

number of rows to read at a time.


character string containing the character to use as the separator between variables. If NULL and the
colInfo argument does not contain "start" and "width" information (which implies a fixed-formatted
file), the delimiter is auto-sensed from the list "," , "\t" , ";" , and " " .

logical indicating whether or not to treat consecutive non-space ( " " ) delimiters as a single delimiter.
Space " " delimiters are always combined.

character string containing the quotation mark. It can be an empty string: "" .

character string containing the decimal point. Not supported when useFastRead is set to TRUE .

character string containing the thousands separator. Not supported when useFastRead is set to TRUE .

character string containing the time date format to use during read operations. Not supported when
useFastRead is set to TRUE . Valid formats are:

%c Skip a single character (see also %w ).

%Nc Skip N characters.
%$c Skip the rest of the input string.
%d Day of the month as integer (01 -31 ).
%m Month as integer (01 -12 ) or as character string.
%w Skip a whitespace delimited word (see also %c ).
%y Year. If less than 100, centuryCutoff is used to determine the actual year.
%Y Year as found in the input string.
%% , %[ , %] input the % , [ , and ] characters from the input string.
[...] square brackets within format specifications indicate optional components; if present, they are
used, but they need not be there.

character string containing the time date format to use during read operations. Not supported when
useFastRead is set to TRUE . Valid formats are:
%c Skip a single character (see also %w ).
%Nc Skip N characters.
%$c Skip the rest of the input string.
%d Day of the month as integer (01 -31 ).
%H Hour as integer (00 -23 ).
%m Month as integer (01 -12 ) or as character string.
%M Minute as integer (00 -59 ).
%n Milliseconds as integer (00 -999 ).
%N Milliseconds or tenths or hundredths of second.
%p Character string defining 'am'/'pm'.
%S Second as integer (00 -59 ).
%w Skip a whitespace delimited word (see also %c ).
%y Year. If less than 100, centuryCutoff is used to determine the actual year.
%Y Year as found in the input string.
%% , %[ , %] input the % , [ , and ] characters from the input string.
[...] square brackets within format specifications indicate optional components; if present, they are
used, but they need not be there.

integer specifying the changeover year between the twentieth and twenty-first century if two-digit years
are read. Values less than centuryCutoff are prefixed by 20 and those greater than or equal to
centuryCutoff are prefixed by 19. If you specify 0, all two digit dates are interpreted as years in the
twentieth century. Not supported when useFastRead is set to TRUE .

logical indicating if the first row represents column names for reading text. If firstRowIsColNames is NULL
, then column names are auto- detected. The logic for auto-detection is: if the first row contains all values
that are interpreted as character and the second row contains at least one value that is interpreted as
numeric, then the first row is considered to be column names; otherwise the first row is considered to be
the first data row. Not relevant for fixed format data. As for writing, it specifies to write column names as
the first row. If firstRowIsColNames is NULL , the default is to write the column names as the first row.

number of rows to use in determining column type.


integer indicating number of leading rows to ignore. Only supported for useFastRead = TRUE .

number of rows to read into a temporary buffer. This value could affect the speed of import.

Used to specify a column's data type when only decimal values (possibly mixed with missing ( NA ) values)
are encountered upon first read of the data and the column's type information is not specified via
colInfo or colClasses . Supported types are "float32" and "numeric", for 32 -bit floating point and 64 -bit
floating point values, respectively.

Used to specify a given column's data type when only missings ( NA s) or blanks are encountered upon
first read of the data and the column's type information is not specified via colInfo or colClasses .
Supported types are "float32", "numeric", and "character" for 32-bit floating point, 64-bit floating point
and string values, respectively. Only supported for useFastRead = TRUE .

integer specifying the precision to use when writing numeric data to a file.

logical scalar. If TRUE , if there are only zeros after the decimal point for a numeric, it will be written as an
integer to a file.

logical scalar. If TRUE , delimiters within quoted strings will be ignored. This requires a slower parsing
process. Only applicable to useFastRead is set to TRUE ; delimiters within quotes are always supported
when useFastRead is set to FALSE .

logical scalar. If TRUE , the input data file is treated as a fixed format file. Fixed format files must have a .sts
file or a colInfo argument specifying the start and width of each variable. If FALSE , the input data file
is treated as a delimited text file. If NULL , the text file type (fixed or delimited text) is auto-determined.

NULL or logical scalar. If TRUE , the data file is accessed directly by the Microsoft R Services Compute
Engine. If FALSE , StatTransfer is used to access the data file. If NULL , the type of text import is auto-
determined. useFastRead should be set to FALSE if importing Date or POSIXct data types, if the data set
contains the delimiter character inside a quoted string, if the decimalPoint is not "." , if the
thousandsSeparator is not "," , if the quoteMark is not "\"" , or if combineDelimiters is set to TRUE .
useFastRead should be set to TRUE if rowsToSkip or defaultMissingColType are set. If useFastRead is
TRUE , by default variables containing the values TRUE and FALSE or T and F will be created as logical
variables. useFastRead cannot be set to FALSE if an HDFS file system is being used. If an incompatible
setting of useFastRead is detected, a warning will be issued and the value will be changed.

logical value or NULL . Used only when writing. If TRUE , a file folder of text files will be created instead of
a single text file. A directory will be created whose name is the same as the text file that would otherwise
be created, but with no extension. In the directory, the data will be split across a set of text files (see
rowsPerOutFile below for determining how many rows of data will be in each file). If FALSE , a single text
file will be created. If NULL , a folder of files will be created if the input data set is a composite XDF file or a
folder of text files. This argument is ignored if the text file is fixed format.

numeric value or NULL . If a directory of text files is being created, and if the compute context is not
RxHadoopMR , this will be the number of rows of data put into each file in the directory. When importing is
being done on Hadoop using MapReduce, the number of rows per file is determined by the rows
assigned to each MapReduce task. If NULL , the rows of data will match the input data.

integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , information on the text type ( text or textFast
) is printed.

logical value. If TRUE variable names specified in varsToKeep will be checked against variables in the data
set to make sure they exist. An error will be reported if not found. If there are more than 500 variables in
the data set, this flag is ignored and no checking is performed.

character string or RxFileSystem object indicating type of file system; "native" or RxNativeFileSystem
object can be used for the local operating system, or an RxHdfsFileSystem object for the Hadoop file

character string indicating the encoding used by input text. May be set to either "utf-8" (the default), or
"gb18030" , a standard Chinese encoding. Not supported when useFastRead is set to TRUE .


logical. If TRUE , when writing to an RxTextData data source, underlying factor indexes will be written
instead of the string representations. Not supported when useFastRead is set to FALSE .

Delimited Data Type Details
Imported POSIXct will have the tzone attribute set to "GMT" .
Decimal data in text files can be imported into .xdf files and stored as either 32-bit floats or 64-bit
doubles. The default for this is 32-bit floats, which can be changed using rxOptions. If the data type
cannot be determined (i.e., only missing values are encountered), the column is imported as 64-bit
doubles unless otherwise specified.
If stored in 32-bit floats, they are converted into 64-bit doubles whenever they are brought into R.
Because there may be no exact binary representation of a particular decimal number, the resulting double
may be (slightly) different from a double created by directly converting a decimal value to a double. Thus
exact comparisons of values may result in unexpected behavior. For example, if x is imported from a text
file with a decimal value of "1.2" and stored as a float in an .xdf file, the closest decimal representation of
the stored value displayed as a double is 1.2000000476837158 . So, bringing it into R as a double and
comparing with a decimal constant of 1.2 , e.g. x == 1.2 , will result in FALSE because the decimal
constant 1.2 in the code is being converted directly to a double.
To store imported text decimal data as 64-bit doubles in an .xdf file, set the defaultDecimalColType to
"numeric" . Doing so will increase the size of the .xdf file, since the size of a double is twice that of a float.

Fixed Format Schema Details

The .sts schema for a fixed format data file consists of two required components ( FILE and VARIABLES )
and one optional component ( FIRST LINE ), representing the first line of the data file to read.

FILE file name and path specification

FIRST LINE n when required

Variable name | variable list | variable range columns (A)

where (A) is used to tag character columns, else use no tag for numeric columns.
If the data file names and .sts file name are different, the full path must be specified in the FILE
See"sampleDataDir"), "claims.sts")) for an example fixed format
schema file.
If a .sts schema file is used in addition to a colInfo argument, schema file is read first, then the colInfo
is used to modify that information (for example, to specify that a variable should be read as a factor).
Encoding Details
Character data in the input file must be encoded as ASCII or UTF -8 in order to be imported correctly. If
the data contains UTF -8 multibyte (i.e., non-ASCII) characters, make sure the useFastRead parameter is
set to FALSE as the 'fast' version of this object may not handle extended UTF -8 characters correctly.

object of class RxTextData.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxTextData-class, rxImport, rxNewDataSource.

### Read from a csv file ###
# Create a csv data source
claimsCSVFileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.txt")
claimsCSVDataSource <- RxTextData(claimsCSVFileName)

# Specify the location for the new .xdf file

claimsXdfFileName <- file.path(tempdir(), "importedClaims.xdf")

# Import the data into the xdf file

claimsDS <- rxImport(inData = claimsCSVDataSource,
outFile = claimsXdfFileName, overwrite = TRUE)

# Look at file information

rxGetInfo( claimsDS, getVarInfo = TRUE )

# Clean-up: delete the new file

file.remove( claimsXdfFileName)

### Read from a fixed format file ###

# Create a fixed format data source
claimsFFFileName <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.dat")
claimsFFColInfo <-
list(rownames = list(start = 1, width = 3),
age = list(type = "factor", start = 4, width = 5),
car.age = list(type = "factor", start = 9, width = 3),
type = list(type = "factor", start = 12, width = 1),
cost = list(type = "numeric", start = 13, width = 6),
number = list(type = "integer", start = 19, width = 3))
claimsFFSource <- RxTextData(claimsFFFileName, colInfo = claimsFFColInfo)

# Import the data into a data frame

claimsIn <- rxImport(inData = claimsFFSource)
rxGetInfo( claimsIn, getVarInfo = TRUE)

# Import a space delimited text file without variable names
# Specify names for the data, and use "." for missing values
# Perform additional transformations when importing

unitTestDataDir <- rxGetOption("unitTestDataDir")

gardenDAT <- file.path(unitTestDataDir, "Garden.dat")
gardenDS <- RxTextData(file=gardenDAT, firstRowIsColNames = FALSE,
colInfo = list(
list(index = 1, newName = "Name"),
list(index = 2, newName = "Tomato"),
list(index = 3, newName = "Zucchini"),
list(index = 4, newName = "Peas"),
list(index = 5, newName = "Grapes")) )

rsrData <- rxImport(inData=gardenDS,

transforms = list(
Zone = rep(14, .rxNumRows),
Type = rep("home", .rxNumRows),
Zucchini = Zucchini * 10,
Total = Tomato + Zucchini + Peas + Grapes,
PerTom = 100*(Tomato/Total))
rxTextToXdf: Text File Data Import (to .xdf )
6/18/2018 • 15 minutes to read • Edit Online

Import text data into to an .xdf file using fastText mode. Can also use rxImport.

rxTextToXdf(inFile, outFile, rowSelection = NULL, rowsToSkip = 0,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
append = "none", overwrite = FALSE, numRows = -1,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, colClasses = NULL, colInfo = NULL,
missingValueString = "NA",
rowsPerRead = 500000, columnDelimiters = NULL,
autoDetectColNames = TRUE, firstRowIsColNames = NULL,
rowsToSniff = 10000, defaultReadBufferSize = 10000,
defaultDecimalColType = rxGetOption("defaultDecimalColType"),
defaultMissingColType = rxGetOption("defaultMissingColType"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),
createCompositeSet = FALSE,
blocksPerCompositeFile = 3)


character string specifying the input comma or whitespace delimited text file.

either an RxXdfData object or a character string specifying the output .xdf file.

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to specify
row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the variable old
is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in which the
value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.
The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

integer indicating number of leading rows to ignore.


an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing variable transformations. As with all
expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the expression

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to

be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable data
transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

either "none"to create a new .xdf file or "rows" to append rows to an existing .xdf file. If outFile exists and
append is "none" , then overwrite argument must be set to TRUE . Note that appending to a factor column
normally extends its levels with whatever values are in the appended data, but if levels are explicitly specified using
colInfo then it will be extended only with the specified levels - any other values will be added as missings.


logical value. If TRUE , an existing outFile will be overwritten, or if appending columns existing columns with the
same name will be overwritten. overwrite is ignored if appending rows.

integer value specifiying the maximum number of rows to import. If set to -1, all rows will be imported.

logical indicating whether or not to automatically convert strings to factors on import. This can be overridden by
specifying "character" in colClasses and colInfo . If TRUE , the factor levels will be coded in the order
encountered. Since this factor level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is
to use colInfo with specified "levels" .

character vector specifying the column types to use when converting the data. The element names for the vector
are used to identify which column should be converted to which type.
Allowable column types are:
"logical" (stored as uchar ),
"integer" (stored as int32 ),
"factor" (stored as uint32 ),
"ordered" (an ordered factor stored as uint32 . Ordered factors are treated the same as factors in
RevoScaleR analysis functions. ),
"float32" (the default for floating point data for .xdf files),
"numeric" (stored as float64 as in R ),
"character" (stored as string ),
"int16" (alternative to integer for smaller storage space),
"uint16" (alternative to unsigned integer for smaller storage space)
Note for "factor" and "ordered" type, the levels will be coded in the order encountered. Since this factor
level ordering is row dependent, the preferred method for handling factor columns is to use colInfo with
specified "levels" .
Note that equivalent types share the same bullet in the list above; for some types we allow both 'R -friendly'
typenames, as well as our own, more specific type names for .xdf data.
Note also that specifying the column as a "factor" type is currently equivalent to "string" - for the moment, if
you wish to import a column as factor data you must use the colInfo argument, documented below.

list of named variable information lists. Each variable information list contains one or more of the named elements
given below. The information supplied for colInfo overrides that supplied for colClasses .
Currently available properties for a column information list are:
type(character) - character string specifying the data type for the variable. See colClasses argument
description for the available types.
newName(character) - character string specifying a new name for the variable.
description(character) - character string specifying a description for the variable.
levels(character vector) - levels specified for a column of type "factor". If the levels property is not provided,
factor levels will be determined by the entries in the source column. Blanks or empty strings will be set to
missing values. If levels are provided, any source column entry that does not match a provided level will be
converted to a missing value. If an ".rxOther" level is included, all missings will be assigned to that level.
newLevels(character vector) - new or replacement levels specified for a column of type "factor". Must be used
in conjunction with the levels component of colClasses . After reading in the original data, the labels for each
level will be replaced with the newLevels .
low - the minimum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.
high - the maximum data value in the variable (used in computations using the F() function.


character string containing the missing value code.


number of rows to read for each chunk of data; if NULL , all rows are read. This is the number of rows written per
block to the .xdf file unless the number of rows in the read chunk is modified through code in a transformFunc.

character string containing characters to be used as delimiters. If NULL , the file is assumed to be either comma or
tab delimited.

DEPRECATED. Use firstRowIsColNames .


logical indicating if the first row represents column names. If firstRowIsColNames is NULL , then column names are
auto- detected. The logic for auto-detection is: if the first row contains all values that are interpreted as character
and the second row contains at least one value that is interpreted as numeric, then the first row is considered to be
column names; else the first row is considered to be the first data row.

number of rows to use in determining column type.


number of rows to read into a temporary buffer. This value could affect the speed of import.

Used to specify a column's data type when only decimal values (possibly mixed with missing ( NA ) values) are
encountered upon first read of the data and the column's type information is not specified via colInfo or
colClasses . Supported types are "float32" and "numeric", for 32 -bit floating point and 64 -bit floating point values,

Used to specify a given column's data type when only missings ( NA s) or blanks are encountered upon first read of
the data and the column's type information is not specified via colInfo or colClasses . Supported types are
"float32", "numeric", and "character" for 32-bit floating point, 64-bit floating point and string values, respectively.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller
files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will
be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be

logical value. EXPERIMENTAL. If TRUE , a composite set of files will be created instead of a single .xdf file. A
directory will be created whose name is the same as the .xdf file that would otherwise be created, but with no
extension. Subdirectories data and metadata will be created. In the data subdirectory, the data will be split across a
set of .xdfd files (see blocksPerCompositeFile below for determining how many blocks of data will be in each file).
In the metadata subdirectory there is a single .xdfm file, which contains the meta data for all of the .xdfd files in the
data subdirectory. When the fileSystem is "hdfs" a composite set of files is always created.

integer value. EXPERIMENTAL. If createCompositeSet=TRUE , and if the compute context is not RxHadoopMR , this will
be the number of blocks put into each .xdfd file in the composite set. When importing is being done on Hadoop
using MapReduce, the number of rows per .xdfd file is determined by the rows assigned to each MapReduce task,
and the number of blocks per .xdfd file is therefore determined by rowsPerRead .

Decimal data in text files can be imported into .xdf files and stored as either 32-bit floats or 64-bit doubles. The
default for this is 32-bit floats, which can be changed using rxOptions.
If stored in 32-bit floats, they are converted into 64-bit doubles whenever they are brought into R. Because there
may be no exact binary representation of a particular decimal number, the resulting double may be (slightly)
different from a double created by directly converting a decimal value to a double. Thus exact comparisons of
values may result in unexpected behavior. For example, if x is imported from a text file with a decimal value of
"1.2" and stored as a float in an .xdf file, the closest decimal representation of the stored value displayed as a
double is 1.2000000476837158 . So, bringing it into R as a double and comparing with a decimal constant of 1.2 ,
e.g. x == 1.2 , will result in FALSE because the decimal constant 1.2 in the code is being converted directly to a
To store imported text decimal data as 64-bit doubles in an .xdf file, set the "defaultDecimalColType" to "numeric" .
Doing so will increase the size of the .xdf file, since the size of a double is twice that of a float.
An error message will be issued if the data being appended is of a different type than the existing data and the
conversion might result in a loss of data.
For example, appending a float column to an integer column will result in an error unless the column type is
explicitly set to "integer" using the colClasses argument. If explicitly set, the float data will then be converted to
integer data when imported.
Date is not currently supported in colClasses or colInfo, but Date variables can be created by importing string
data and converting to a Date variable using as.Date in a transforms argument.
Encoding Details
If the input data source or file contains non-ASCII character information, please use the function rxImport with the
encoding settings recommended in the RxImport documentation under 'Encoding Details'

For reasons of performance, rxTextToXdf does not properly handle text files that contain the delimiter character
inside a quoted string (for example, the entry "Wade, John" inside a comma delimited file. See rxImport with
type = "text" for importing this type of data.

In addition rxTextToXdf currently requires that all rows of data in the text file contain the same number of entries.
Date, time, and currency data types are not currently supported and are imported as character data.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxImport, rxDataStep, rxFactors, rxTransform.

# Example 1: Exploration of data types

# 1a) Target column types automatically determined

# New .xdf file has one integer column, three character columns,
# and two 32-bit single precision floating point columns
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
inputFile <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "claims.txt")
outputFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "basicClaims.xdf")
rxTextToXdf(inFile = inputFile, outFile = outputFile, overwrite = TRUE)
rxGetInfo(data = outputFile, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 5)
# 1b) Convert strings columns to factors
# Result is similar to 1a) with the character columns now being stored
# as factors
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
inputFile <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "claims.txt")
outputFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "claimsWithFactors.xdf")
rxTextToXdf(inFile = inputFile, outFile = outputFile, stringsAsFactors = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
rxGetVarInfo(data = outputFile, getValueLabels = TRUE)

# 1c) Interpret numeric columns as 64-bit doubles

# Result is similar to 1a) with the floating point columns now being
# stored as 64-bit double precision floating point columns
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
inputFile <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "claims.txt")
outputFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "claimsWithDoubles.xdf")
rxTextToXdf(inFile = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
colClasses = c(cost = "numeric", number = "numeric"),
overwrite = TRUE)
rxGetInfo(data = outputFile, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 5)

# 1d) Combination of 1b) and 1c)

# Result is similar to what is produced by utils::read.csv
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
inputFile <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "claims.txt")
outputFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "claimsWithFactorsAndDoubles.xdf")

# Set options so that the default decimal type is numeric

myDefaultColType <- rxGetOption( "defaultDecimalColType" )
rxOptions(defaultDecimalColType = "numeric")
rxTextToXdf(inFile = inputFile, outFile = outputFile, stringsAsFactors = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)
# Reset options to original settings
rxOptions( defaultDecimalColType = myDefaultColType )
rxGetInfo(data = outputFile, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 5)
claimsWithFactorsAndDoubles <- rxDataStep(inData = outputFile, reportProgress = 0)

claimsFromReadCsv <- read.csv(inputFile)

claimsFromReadCsv[["car.age"]] <-
levels = c("0-3", "4-7", "8-9", "10+"))
all.equal(claimsWithFactorsAndDoubles, claimsFromReadCsv)

# 1e) Build off of 1d), convert "number" column to a 16-bit integer

# After reading into R, results still similar to utils::read.csv output
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
inputFile <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "claims.txt")
outputFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "claimsWithFactorsDoublesAnd16BitInt.xdf")
rxTextToXdf(inFile = inputFile, outFile = outputFile, stringsAsFactors = TRUE,
colClasses =
c(number = "int16", cost = "numeric", number = "numeric"),
overwrite = TRUE)
rxGetInfo(data = outputFile, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 5)
claimsWithFactorsDoublesAnd16BitInt <- rxDataStep(inData = outputFile, reportProgress = 0)
all.equal(claimsWithFactorsDoublesAnd16BitInt, claimsFromReadCsv)

# Example 2: Exploration of factor levels

# 2a) For column "type" convert all non "A" and "C" values to missing values
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
inputFile <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "claims.txt")
outputFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "claimsFactorExploration.xdf")
rxTextToXdf(inFile = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
colInfo = list(type = list(type = "factor", levels = c("A", "C"))),
overwrite = TRUE)
rxGetInfo(data = outputFile, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 5)

# 2b) Append new data to .xdf file, where new data will extend the factor levels
appendFile <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "claimsExtra.txt")
rxTextToXdf(inFile = appendFile, outFile = outputFile,
colInfo =
list(type = list(type = "factor", levels = c("E", "F", "G"))),
append = "rows")
rxGetInfo(data = outputFile, getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 5)

# 2c) Reimport claims data, making car.age an ordered factor

# Then extract a data frame with cars more than 3 years old
sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
inputFile <- file.path(sampleDataDir, "claims.txt")
outputFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "claimsFactorExploration.xdf")
rxTextToXdf(inFile = inputFile, outFile = outputFile,
colInfo = list(car.age = list(type = "ordered",
levels = c("0-3", "4-7", "8-9", "10+"))),
overwrite = TRUE)
oldCars <- rxDataStep(inData = outputFile, rowSelection = car.age > "0-3")

# Example 3: Exploring dynamic variable transformation and row selection

# Create local data source and write as a .csv file

tinyData <- data.frame(a = 1:4, b = c(4.1, 5.2, 6.3, 1.2),
c = c("one", "two", "three", "four"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tinyText <- file.path(tempdir(), "rxTiny.txt")
if (file.exists(tinyText)) file.remove(tinyText)
write.csv(tinyData, file = tinyText, row.names = FALSE)

# Create paths for .xdf file

tinyXdf <- file.path(tempdir(), "rxTiny.xdf")
if (file.exists(tinyXdf)) file.remove(tinyXdf)

# Create a transformation list.

# New variables : bSquared, bHalved, bIncremented
# Alter existing variables : a, c
# Delete existing variables : b
transforms <- expression(list(
bSquared = b^2,
bHalved = b / 2,
bIncremented = b + 1,
c = toupper(c),
a = rev(a),
b = NULL))

# Convert the existing text file to tinyXdf and transform variables along the way.
# Read the tinyXdf data into a data frame and compare to the original.
# Column "b" is explicitly typed as a 64-bit floating point number to show
# equality with the original data
rxTextToXdf(inFile = tinyText, outFile = tinyXdf, colClasses = c(b = "numeric"),
firstRowIsColNames = TRUE, transforms = transforms)
tinyDataFromXdf <- rxDataStep(inData = tinyXdf, reportProgress = 0)

# Do a similar conversion but use a row selection expression to filter the rows.
# * The row selection expression is based on a variable that is derived from
# column "b". In general, any column created using the transforms and
# transformFunc arguments can be used in the row selection process.
# * Column "b" is explicitly typed as a 64-bit floating point number so one
# of its derived variables can be compared with an R numeric value in the
# row selection criterion.
# row selection criterion.
rowSelection <- expression(bHalved > 2.05)
if (file.exists(tinyXdf)) file.remove(tinyXdf)
rxTextToXdf(inFile = tinyText, outFile = tinyXdf, firstRowIsColNames = TRUE,
transforms = transforms, rowSelection = rowSelection)
tinyDataSubset <- rxDataStep(inData = tinyXdf, reportProgress = 0)

# Example 4: Importing character data into a Date variable
# The following can be used in as.Date format strings:
# %b abbreviated month name
# %B full month name
# %m month as number (1-12)
# %d day of the month
# %y year, last two digits
# %Y year,

txtFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("unitTestDataDir"), "AirlineSampleDate.csv")

xdfFile <- file.path(tempdir(), ".rxTemp.xdf")

# Import as character data

rxTextToXdf( inFile = txtFile, outFile = xdfFile, overwrite=TRUE)
rxDataStep(inData = xdfFile, numRows = 5)
# Example of Date variable is 1996-08-18

# Reimport as Date variable

rxTextToXdf( inFile = txtFile, outFile = xdfFile,
transforms = list(Date = as.Date(Date, "%Y-%m-%d")),
overwrite = TRUE)

# Look at variable information

rxGetVarInfo( data = xdfFile )

# Read first 10 rows of the file into a data frame

myData <- rxDataStep(inData = xdfFile, numRows = 10)

# Clean up
file.remove( xdfFile )
rxTlcBridge: TLC Bridge
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Bridge code for additional packages

rxTlcBridge(formula = NULL, data = NULL, outData = NULL,
outDataFrame = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE,
weightVar = NULL, groupVar = NULL, nameVar = NULL,
customVar = NULL, analysisType = NULL,
mamlCode = NULL, mamlTransformVars = NULL,
modelInfo = NULL,
testModel = FALSE, saveTextData = FALSE, saveBinaryData = FALSE,
rowSelection = NULL, varsToKeep = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
rowsPerWrite = 500000,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), verbose = 1,
computeContext = rxGetOption("computeContext"), ...)


formula as described in rxFormula.


either a data source object, a character string specifying a .xdf file, a data frame object, or NULL .

optional output data source.


logical. If TRUE , a data frame is returned.


logical. If TRUE , the output data source will be overwritten.


character string or NULL . Optional name of weight variable.


character string or NULL . Optional name of group variable.


character string or NULL . Optional name of name variable.


character string or NULL . Optional name of custom variable.


character string or NULL . Type of analysis being processed.


character string or NULL . Desired MAML code.


character vector of variable names used in MAML transforms.


list or NULL . List containing additional model information.


If TRUE , the trained model is tested.


If TRUE , the data used in the model is saved to a text file.


If TRUE , the data used in the model is saved to a binary file.


name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to specify
row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the variable old
is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in which the
value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.
The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

NULL or character vector specifying the variables to keep when writing out the data set. Ignored if a model is

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.
character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") ) to
be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable data
transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

Not implemented.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no verbose output is printed during calculations. Integer values from 1 to 4 provide
increasing amounts of information are provided.

a valid RxComputeContext. The and RxHadoopMR compute context distributes the computation among the nodes
specified by the compute context; for other compute contexts, the computation is distributed if possible on the local

additional arguments to be processed or passed to the base computational function.

This function does not provide direct user functionality.

an rxTlcBridge object, or an output data source or data frame

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support
rxTransform: Dynamic Variable Transformation
6/18/2018 • 7 minutes to read • Edit Online

Description of the recommended method for creating on the fly variables.

Analytical functions within the RevoScaleR package use a formal transformation function
framework for generating on the fly variables as opposed to the traditional R method of including
transformations directly in a formula statement. The RevoScaleR approach is to use the following
analytical function arguments to create new named variables that can be referenced by name within
a formula statement:
transformFunc : R function whose first argument and return value are named R lists with equal
length vector elements. The output list can contain modifications to the input elements as well
as newly named elements. R lists, instead of R data frames, are used to minimize function
execution timings, implying that row name information will not be available during
transformVars : character vector selecting the names of the variables to be represented as list
elements for the input to transformFunc .

In application, the transformFunc argument is analogous to the FUN argument in R's apply, lapply,
etc. functions. Just as with the *apply functions, the transformFunc function does not receive results
from previous chunks as input and so an external mechanism is required to carry over results from
one chunk to the next. Additional information variables are available for use within a transformation
function when working in a local compute context:
.rxStartRow : the row number from the original data set of the first row in the chunk of data
that is being processed.
.rxChunkNum : the chunk number of the data being processed, set to 0 if a test sample of data is
being processed. For example, if there are 10 blocks of data in an .xdf file, and blocksPerRead
is set to 2, there will be 5 chunks of data.
.rxNumRows : the number of rows in the current chunk.
.rxReadFileName : character string containing the name of the .xdf file being processed.
.rxIsTestChunk : logical set to TRUE if the chunk of data being processed is a test sample of
.rxIsPrediction : logical set to TRUE if the chunk of data being processed being used in a
prediction rather than a model estimation.
.rxTransformEnvir : environment containing the data specified in transformObjects , which is
also the parent environment to the transformation functions.
Three functions are also available for use within transformation functions that facilitate the
interaction with transformObjects objects packed into transformation function environment (
.rxTransformEnvir ):
.rxGet(objName) : Get the value of an object in the transform environment, e.g.,
.rxGet("myObject") .

.rxSet(objName, objValue) : Set the value of an object in the transform environment, e.g.,
.rxSet("myObject", pi) .
.rxModify(objName, ..., FUN = "+") : Modify the value of an object in the transform
environment by applying to the current value a specified function, FUN . The first argument
passed (behind the scenes) to FUN is always the current value of "objName" . The ellipsis
argument ( ...) denotes additional arguments passed to FUN . By default, FUN = "+" , the
addition operator. e.g.,
Increment the current value of "myObject" by 2: .rxModify("myObject", 2)
Decrement the current value of "myObject" by 4: .rxModify("myObject", 4, FUN = "-")
Convert "myObject", assumed to be a vector, to a factor with specified levels:
.rxModify("myObject", levels = 1:5, exclude = 6:10, FUN = "factor")

See Also
rxFormula, rxTransform, rxCrossTabs, rxCube, rxLinMod, rxLogit, rxSummary, rxDataStep, rxImport.

# Develop a data.frame to serve as a local data source
N <- 100
feet <- round(runif(N, 4, 6))
inches <- floor(runif(N, 1, 12))
sportLevels <- c("tennis", "golf", "cycling", "running")
myDF <- data.frame(sex = sample(c("Male", "Female"), N, replace = TRUE),
age = round(runif(N, 15, 40)),
height = paste(feet, "ft", inches, "in", sep = ""),
pounds = rnorm(N, 140, 20),
sport = factor(sample(sportLevels, N, replace = TRUE),
levels = sportLevels))

# Take a peek at the data source


# Develop a transformation function

xform <- function(dataList)
# Create a new continuous variable from an existing continuous variable:
# convert weight in units of pounds to kilograms.
dataList$kilos <- dataList$pounds * 0.45359237

# Remove an existing variable: 'pounds'

dataList$pounds <- NULL

# Create a new continuous variable from an existing factor variable:

# convert 'height' categories (character strings) to a continuous
# variable named 'heightInches' containing the height in inches.
heightStrings <- as.character(dataList$height)
feet <- as.numeric(sub("ft.*", "", heightStrings))
inches <- as.numeric(sub("in", "", sub(".*ft", "", heightStrings)))
dataList$heightInches <- feet * 12 + inches

# Alter an existing factor variable: for plotting purposes,

# Alter an existing factor variable: for plotting purposes,
# coerce the 'sport' factor levels to be in alphabetical order.
dataList$sport <- factor(dataList$sport,
levels = sort(levels(dataList$sport)))

# Return the adapted variable list


# Perform a cube. Note the use of the 'kilos' variable in the formula, which
# is created in the variable transformation function.
cubeWeight <- rxCube(kilos ~ sport : sex, data = myDF, transformFunc = xform,
transformVars = c("pounds", "height", "sport"))

# Analyze the cube results

if ("lattice" %in% .packages())
barchart(kilos ~ sport | sex, data = cubeWeight, xlab = "Sport",
ylab = "Mean Weight (kg)")

# Perform a cube with multiple dependent variables using a formula string

cubeHW <- rxCube(cbind(kilos, heightInches) ~ sport : sex, data = myDF,
transformFunc = xform,
transformVars = c("pounds", "height", "sport"))
if ("lattice" %in% .packages())
barchart(heightInches + kilos ~ sex | sport, data = cubeHW, xlab = "Sex",
ylab = "Mean Height (in) | Mean Weight (kg)")

# Use a transformation function to match external group data to

# individual observations

censusWorkers <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

# Create a function that creates a transformation function

makeTransformFunc <- function()
# Put average per capita educational expenditures into a named vector
educExp <- c(Connecticut=1795.57, Washington=1170.46, Indiana = 1289.66)

function( dataList )
dataList$stateEducExpPC <- educExp[match(dataList$state, names(educExp))]
return( dataList)

linModObj <- rxLinMod(incwage~sex + age + stateEducExpPC, data=censusWorkers,

transformFun=makeTransformFunc(), transformVars="state")

# Illustrate the use of .rxGet, .rxSet and .rxModify

# This file has five blocks and so our data step will loop through the
# transformation function (defined below) six times: once as a test
# check performed by rxDataStep and once per block in the file.
# The test step is skipped if returnTransformObjects is TRUE

inFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("unitTestDataDir"), "test100r5b.xdf")

# Basic example
"myTestFun1" <- function(dataList)
# If returnTransformObjects is TRUE, we won't get a test chunk (0)
print(paste("Processing chunk", .rxChunkNum))

numRows <- length(dataList[[1]])

# Increment numRows by the number of rows in this chunk
.rxSet("numRows", .rxGet("numRows") + numRows)

# Increment numChunks by 1
.rxModify("numChunks", 1L, FUN = "+")

# Multiply current count3 by twice its value

sumxnum1 <- sum(dataList$xnum1)
print(paste("Sum of chunk xnum1:", sumxnum1))
.rxModify("sumxnum1", sumxnum1, FUN = "+")

# Don't return any data, since were just want transformObjects

return( NULL )

newValues <- rxDataStep( inData = inFile, transformFunc = myTestFun1,

transformObjects = list(numRows = 0L, numChunks = 0L, sumxnum1 = 0L),
returnTransformObjects = TRUE)

# More complicated example using transformEnv

"myFunction" <- function()
count1 <- 100L

"myTestFun" <- function(dataList)

if (!.rxIsTestChunk)
# Ladder update: this only updates local count1: better to use .rxSet or .rxModify
# You should get a warning about two variables with the name 'count1'
# Chunk 0: 100
# Chunk 1: 101
# Chunk 2: 102
# Chunk 3: 103
# Chunk 4: 104
# Chunk 5: 105
count1 <<- count1 + 1L

# Targeted update: increment count2

.rxSet("count2", .rxGet("count2") + 1L)

# Targeted update with .rxModify: increment count3

.rxModify("count3", 1L, FUN = "+")

# Targeted update with .rxModify: multiply current count4 by twice its value
.rxModify("count4", 2L, FUN = "*")

# Targeted update with .rxModify: permute second term of series, add nothing
# Chunk 0: 1 2 3 4 5
# Chunk 1: 1 3 4 5 2
# Chunk 2: 1 4 5 2 3
# Chunk 3: 1 5 2 3 4
# Chunk 4: 1 2 3 4 5
# Chunk 5: 1 3 4 5 2
.rxModify("series", n = 2L, bias = 0L, FUN = "permute")


myEnv <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = baseenv())

assign("permute", function(x, n = 1L, bias = 10) c(x[-n], x[n]) + bias, envir = myEnv)
rxDataStep( inData = inFile, transformFunc = myTestFun,
rxDataStep( inData = inFile, transformFunc = myTestFun,
transformObjects = list(count1 = 0L, count2 = 0L, count3 = 0L, count4 = 1L,
series = 1:5),
transformEnv = myEnv)


# Obtain the transform environment containing the results

transformEnvir <- myFunction()

# Check results
all.equal(transformEnvir[["count1"]], 0L)
all.equal(transformEnvir[["count2"]], 5L)
all.equal(transformEnvir[["count3"]], 5L)
all.equal(transformEnvir[["count4"]], 32L)
all.equal(transformEnvir[["series"]], c(1L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 2L))

# Exclude computations for dependent variable when using rxPredict

myTransform <- function(dataList)

if (!.rxIsPrediction)
dataList$SepalLengthLog <- log(dataList$Sepal.Length)
dataList$SepalWidthLog <- log(dataList$Sepal.Width)
return( dataList )
linModOut <- rxLinMod(SepalLengthLog~SepalWidthLog, data = iris,
transformFunc = myTransform, transformVars = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"))

# Copy the iris data and remove Sepal.Length - used for the dependent variable
iris1 <- iris
iris1$Sepal.Length <- NULL
# Run a prediction using the smaller data set
predOut <- rxPredict(linModOut, data = iris1)
rxTweedie: Tweedie Generalized Linear Models
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Produces a dummy generalized linear model family object that can be used with rxGlm to fit Tweedie generalized
linear regression models. This does NOT produce a full family object, but gives rxGlm enough information to call a
C++ implementation that fits a Tweedie model. The excellent R package tweedie by Gordon Smyth does provide
a full Tweedie family object, and that can also be used with rxGlm .

rxTweedie(var.power = 0, link.power = 1 - var.power)


index of power variance function.


index of power link function. Setting link.power to 0 produces a log link function. Setting it to 1 is the identity
link. The default is a canonical link equal to 1 - var.power

This provides a way to specify the var.power and the link.power arguments to the Tweedie distribution for rxGlm .

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

Peter K Dunn (2011). tweedie: Tweedie exponential family models. R package version 2.1.1.

See Also

# In the claims data, the cost is set to NA if no claim was made
# Convert NA to 0 for the cost, and read data into a data frame

claimsXdf <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),"claims.xdf")

claims <- rxDataStep(inData = claimsXdf,
transforms = list(cost = ifelse(, 0, cost)))

# Estimate using a Tweedie family

claimsTweedie <- rxGlm(cost ~ age + car.age + type ,
data=claims, family = rxTweedie(var.power = 1.5))

# Re-estimate using a Tweedie family setting link.power to 0,

# resulting in a log link function
claimsTweedie <- rxGlm(cost ~ age + car.age + type ,
data=claims, family = rxTweedie(var.power = 1.5, link.power = 0))
rxSerializeModel: RevoScaleR Model Serialization
and Unserialization
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Serialize a RevoScaleR/MicrosoftML model in raw format to enable saving the model. This allows model to be
loaded into SQL Server for real-time scoring.

rxSerializeModel(model, metadata = NULL, realtimeScoringOnly = FALSE, ...)

rxUnserializeModel(serializedModel, ...)


RevoScaleR / MicrosoftML model to be serialized


Arbitrary metadata of raw type to be stored with the serialized model. Metadata will be returned when

Drops fields not required for real-time scoring. NOTE: Setting this flag could reduce the model size but
rxUnserializeModel can no longer retrieve the RevoScaleR model


Serialized model to be unserialized

rxSerializeModel converts models into raw bytes to allow them to be saved and used for real-time scoring.
The following is the list of models that are currently supported in real-time scoring:
* RevoScaleR
* rxLogit
* rxLinMod
* rxBTrees
* rxDTree
* rxDForest
* MicrosoftML
* rxFastTrees
* rxFastForest
* rxLogisticRegression
* rxOneClassSvm
* rxNeuralNet
* rxFastLinear
RevoScaleR models containing R transformations or transform based formula (e.g "A ~ log(B)" ) are not
supported in real-time scoring. Such transforms to input data may need to be handled before calling real-time
rxUnserializeModel method is used to retrieve the original R model object and metadata from the serialized raw

rxSerializeModel returns a serialized model.
rxUnserializeModel returns original R model object. If metadata is also present returns a list containing the
original model object and metadata.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
myIris <- iris
form <- Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species
irisLinMod <- rxLinMod(form, data = myIris)

# Serialize model for scoring

serializedModel <- rxSerializeModel(irisLinMod)

# Save model to file or SQL Server (use rxWriteObject)

# serialized model can now be used for real-time scoring

unserializedModel <- rxUnserializeModel(serializedModel)

rxWaitForJob: Wait for Distributed Job to Complete
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Causes R to block on an existing distributed job until completion.



A jobInfo object.

This function essentially changes a non-blocking distributed computing job to a blocking job. You can change a
blocking job to non-blocking on Windows by pressing the Esc key, then using rxGetJobStatus and
rxGetJobResults on the object rxgLastPendingJob . This function does not, however, modify the compute context.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

## Not run:

rxWaitForJob( rxgLastPendingJob )
rxWaitForJob( myNonWaitingJob )
## End(Not run)
rxWriteObject: Manage R objects in ODBC Data
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Store/Retrieve R objects to/from ODBC data sources. The APIs are modelled after a simple key value store. These
are generic APIs and if the ODBC data source isn't specified in the argument, the function does serialization or
deserialization of the R object with the specified compression if any.

## S3 method for class `RxOdbcData':
rxWriteObject (odbcDestination, key, value, version = NULL, keyName = "id", valueName = "value", versionName
= "version", serialize = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE, compress = "gzip")
## S3 method for class `default':
rxWriteObject (value, serialize = TRUE, compress = "gzip")
## S3 method for class `RxOdbcData':
rxReadObject (odbcSource, key, version = NULL, keyName = "id", versionName = "version", valueName = "value",
deserialize = TRUE, decompress = "gzip")
## S3 method for class `raw':
rxReadObject (rawSource, deserialize = TRUE, decompress = "gzip")
## S3 method for class `RxOdbcData':
rxDeleteObject (odbcSource, key, version = NULL, keyName = "id", valueName = "value", versionName =
"version", all = FALSE)
## S3 method for class `RxOdbcData':
rxListKeys (odbcSource, key = NULL, version = NULL, keyName = "id", versionName = "version")


an RxOdbcData object identifying the destination to which the data is to be written.


an RxOdbcData object identifying the source from which the data is to be read.

a raw R object to be read from.


a character string identifying the R object to be written or read. The intended use is for the key+version to be

the R object being stored into the data source.


NULL or a character string which carries the version of the object. Combined with key identifies the object.

character string specifying the column name for the key in the underlying table.

character string specifying the column name for the objects in the underlying table.

character string specifying the column name for the version in the underlying table.

logical value. Dictates whether the object is to be serialized. Only raw values are supported if serialization is off.

character string defining the compression algorithm to use for memCompress.


logical value. Defines whether the object is to be de-serialized.


character string defining the compression algorithm to use for memDecompress.


logical value. If TRUE , rxWriteObject first removes the key (or the key+version combination) before writing the
new value. Even when overwrite is FALSE , rxWriteObject may still succeed if there is no database constraint (or
index) enforcing uniqueness.

logical value. TRUE to remove all objects from the data source. If TRUE , the 'key' parameter is ignored.

rxWriteObject stores an R object into the specified ODBC data destination. The R object to be written is identified
by a key, and optionally, by a version (key+version). By default, the object is serialized and compressed. Returns
TRUE if successful. If the ODBC data destination is not specified, the default implementation is dispatched which
takes only the value of the R object with serialize and compress arguments.
rxReadObject loads an R object from the ODBC data source (or from a raw ) decompressing and unserializing it
(by default) in the process. Returns the R object. If the data source parameter defines a query, the key and the
version parameters are ignored.

rxDeleteObject deletes an R object from the ODBC data source. If there are multiple objects identified by the
key/version combination, all are deleted.
rxListKeys enumerates all keys or versions for a given key, depending on the parameters. When key is NULL ,
the function enumerates all unique keys in the table. Otherwise, it enumerates all versions for the given key.
Returns a single column data frame.
The key and the version column should be of some SQL character type ( CHAR , VARCHAR , NVARCHAR , etc)
supported by the data source. The value column should be a binary type ( VARBINARY for instance). Some
conversions to other types might work, however, they are dependant on the ODBC driver and on the underlying
package functions.

rxReadObject returns an R object. rxWriteObject and rxDeleteObject return logical, TRUE on success.
rxListKeys returns a single column data frame containing strings.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
## Not run:

# Setup the connection string

conStr <- 'Driver={SQL Server};Server=localhost;Database=storedb;Trusted_Connection=true'

# Create the data source

ds <- RxOdbcData(table="robjects", connectionString=conStr)

# Re-create the table

if(rxSqlServerTableExists(ds@table, ds@connectionString)) {
rxSqlServerDropTable(ds@table, ds@connectionString)

# An example table definition for SQL Server (no version)

ddl <- paste(" create table [", ds@table, "] (",
" [id] varchar(200) not null, ",
" [value] varbinary(max), ",
" constraint unique_id unique (id))",
sep = "")
rxOpen(ds, "w")
rxExecuteSQLDDL(ds, ddl)

# Fit a logit model

infertLogit <- rxLogit(case ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
data = infert)

# Store the model in the database

rxWriteObject(ds, "logit.model", infertLogit)

# Load the model

infertLogit2 <- rxReadObject(ds, "logit.model")

all.equal(infertLogit, infertLogit2)

## End(Not run)
RxXdfData-class: Class RxXdfData
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Xdf data source connection class.

The targeted generator RxXdfData as well as the general generator rxNewDataSource.

Class RxFileData, directly. Class RxDataSource, by class RxFileData.


signature(x = "RxXdfData") : ...


signature(x = "RxXdfData") : ...


signature(x = "RxXdfData") : ...


signature(x = "RxXdfData") : ...


signature(x = "RxXdfData") : ...


signature(x = "RxXdfData") : ...


signature(x = "RxXdfData") : ...


signature(x = "RxXdfData") : ...


signature(object = "RxXdfData") : ...


signature(object = "RxXdfData") : ...

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxDataSource-class, RxXdfData, rxNewDataSource

DS <- RxXdfData(file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "fourthgraders.xdf"))

# formula examples
formula(DS, varsToDrop = "male")
formula(DS, depVar = "height")
formula(DS, depVar = "height", inter = list(c("male", "eyecolor")))

# summarize variables in data source


# renaming variables in .xdf file via replacement method

XDF <- file.path(tempdir(), "iris.xdf")
rxDataStep(iris, XDF, overwrite = TRUE)
irisDS <- RxXdfData(XDF)
names(irisDS) <- c("cow","horse","chicken","goat","squirrel")
if (file.exists(XDF)) file.remove(XDF)
RxXdfData: Generate Xdf Data Source
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

This is the main generator for S4 class RxXdfData, which extends RxDataSource.

RxXdfData(file, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL, returnDataFrame = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
fileSystem = NULL, createCompositeSet = NULL, createPartitionSet = NULL,
blocksPerCompositeFile = 3)

## S3 method for class `RxXdfData':

head (x, n = 6L, reportProgress = 0L, ...)

## S3 method for class `RxXdfData':

summary (object, ...)

## S3 method for class `RxXdfData':

tail (x, n = 6L, addrownums = TRUE, reportProgress = 0L, ...)


character string specifying the location of the data. For single Xdf, it is a .xdf file. For composite
Xdf, it is a directory like /tmp/airline. When using distributed compute contexts like RxSpark , a
directory should be used since those compute contexts always use composite Xdf.

character vector of variable names to keep around during operations. If NULL , argument is
ignored. Cannot be used with varsToDrop .

character vector of variable names to drop from operations. If NULL , argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with varsToKeep .

logical indicating whether or not to convert the result to a data frame when reading with
rxReadNext . If FALSE , a list is returned when reading with rxReadNext .


logical indicating whether or not to convert strings into factors in R (for reader mode only). It
currently has no effect.
number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

character string or RxFileSystem object indicating type of file system; "native" or

RxNativeFileSystem object can be used for the local operating system, or an RxHdfsFileSystem
object for the Hadoop file system. If NULL , the file system will be set to that in the current
compute context, if available, otherwise the fileSystem option.

logical value or NULL . Used only when writing. If TRUE , a composite set of files will be created
instead of a single .xdf file. Subdirectories data and metadata will be created. In the data
subdirectory, the data will be split across a set of .xdfd files (see blocksPerCompositeFile below for
determining how many blocks of data will be in each file). In the metadata subdirectory there is a
single .xdfm file, which contains the meta data for all of the .xdfd files in the data subdirectory.
When the compute context is RxHadoopMR or RxSpark , a composite set of files are always created.

logical value or NULL . Used only when writing. If TRUE , a set of files for partitioned Xdf will be
created when assigning this RxXdfData object for outData of rxPartition. Subdirectories data and
metadata will be created. In the data subdirectory, the data will be split across a set of .xdf files
(each file stores data of a single data partition, see rxPartition for details). In the metadata
subdirectory there is a single .xdfp file, which contains the meta data for all of the .xdf files in the
data subdirectory. The partitioned Xdf object is currently supported only in rxPartition and

integer value. If createCompositeSet=TRUE , and if the compute context is not RxHadoopMR , this will
be the number of blocks put into each .xdfd file in the composite set. When importing is being
done on Hadoop using MapReduce, the number of rows per .xdfd file is determined by the rows
assigned to each MapReduce task, and the number of blocks per .xdfd file is therefore determined
by rowsPerRead .

an RxXdfData object

an RxXdfData object

positive integer. Number of rows of the data set to extract.


logical. If TRUE , row numbers will be created to match the original data set.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.

arguments to be passed to underlying functions

object of class RxXdfData.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
RxXdfData-class, rxNewDataSource, rxOpen, rxReadNext.

myDataSource <- RxXdfData(file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims"))
# both of these should return TRUE
is(myDataSource, "RxXdfData")
is(myDataSource, "RxDataSource")


modelFormula <- formula(myDataSource, depVars = "cost", varsToDrop = "RowNum")

rxXdfFileName-methods: Retrieve .xdf file name
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Get the .xdf file path from a character string or RxXdfData object.

rxXdfFileName( x )


character string containing the file name or an RxXdfData object.

a character string containing the path and name of the .xdf file

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also

# Create an RxXdfData object
ds <- RxXdfData(file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims.xdf"))
# Retrieve the file name with path
fileName <- rxXdfFileName(ds)
rxXdfToText: Export .xdf File to Delimited Text File
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Write .xdf file content to a delimited text file. rxDataStep recommended.

rxXdfToText(inFile, outFile, varsToKeep = NULL,
varsToDrop = NULL, rowSelection = NULL,
transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE, sep = ",", quote = TRUE, na = "NA",
eol = "\n", col.names = TRUE,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"), ...)


either an RxXdfData object or a character string specifying the input .xdf file.

character string specifying the output delimited text file.


character vector of variable names to include when reading from inFile . If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be
used with varsToDrop .

character vector of variable names to exclude when reading from inFile . If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be
used with varsToKeep .

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to specify
row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the variable old
is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in which the
value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is greater than 10.
The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments transforms or
transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector specifying additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, both those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments and those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable data
transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

logical value. If TRUE , the existing outFile will be overwritten.


character(s) specifying the separator between columns.


logical value or numeric vector. If TRUE , any character or factor columns will be surrounded by double quotes. If a
numeric vector, its elements are taken as the indices of columns to quote. In both cases, row and column names are
quoted if they are written. If FALSE , nothing is quoted.

character string to use for missing values in the data.


character(s) to print at the end of each line (row ). For example, eol = "\r\n" will produce Windows' line endings
on a Unix-alike OS, and eol = "\r" will produce files as expected by Mac OS Excel 2004.

a logical value indicating whether the column names in the inFile should be written as the first row in the output
text file.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.

additional arguments passed to the write.table function.

For most purposes, the more general rxDataStep is preferred for writing to text files.

An RxTextData object representing the output text file.

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Technical Support

See Also
rxDataStep, rxImport, write.table, rxSplit.

sampleDataDir <- rxGetOption("sampleDataDir")
censusXdfFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "CensusWorkers.xdf")

# Write all data in a text file

censusCsvFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "CensusWorkers.csv")
rxXdfToText(inFile = censusXdfFile, outFile = censusCsvFile, overwrite = TRUE)

# Alternatively, use rxDataStep

rxDataStep(inData = censusXdfFile, outFile = censusCsvFile, overwrite = TRUE)

# Write subset of transformed data in a text file

censusSubsetCsvFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "CensusSubset.csv")
rxXdfToText(inFile = censusXdfFile, outFile = censusSubsetCsvFile,
varsToKeep = c("age", "incwage"),
rowSelection = age < 40,
transforms = list(logIncwage = log1p(incwage), incwage = NULL),
overwrite = TRUE)

# Again, this can be done using rxDataStep

rxDataStep(inData = censusXdfFile, outFile = censusSubsetCsvFile,
varsToKeep = c("age", "incwage"),
rowSelection = age < 40,
transforms = list(logIncwage = log1p(incwage), incwage = NULL),
overwrite = TRUE)
# Clean-up
Comparison of Base R and RevoScaleR Functions
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article provides a list of the functions provided by the RevoScaleR package and lists comparable functions
included in the base distribution of R.

Data Input and Output


rxGetInfo Retrieves header information from an str()

.XDF file or summary information from
a data frame names()


rxGetVarInfo Retrieves variable information from an names()

.XDF file or data frame




RxSasData Creates a SAS data source object foreign::read.ssd()

RxSpssData Creates an SPSS data source object foreign::read.ssps()

rxOpen Opens a data source for reading read.table() etc.

rxReadNext Reads data from a data source read.table() , etc.

Data Manipulation and Chunking


rxDataStep Transforms and subsets data in .XDF transform()

files or data frames



rxFactors Recodes a factor variable, or converts a factor()

non-factor variable into a factor

rxSort Performs multi-key sorting of the sort()

variables in an .XDF file or data frame

rxMerge Merges two .XDF files or two data merge()

frames using a variety of merge types


rxSplit Splits an .XDF file or a data frame into split()

multiple .XDF files or data frames

Descriptive Statistics and Cross-Tabulation


rxSummary Generates summary statistics for a data summary()

frame, including computations by group
lapply(x, …)

rxQuantile Computes approximate quantiles for an quantile()

.XDF file or data frame without sorting

rxCrossTabs Creates a cross-tabulation of data xtabs()

based on a formula provided as

rxCube Creates a cross-tabulation of data xtabs()

based on formula provided as

This function is an alternative to

rxCrossTabs and is designed for
efficient representation.

rxMarginals Creates a marginal summary for an addmargins()

xtab object


as.crosstabs Converts cross tabulation results to an xtabs()

xtab object

rxChiSquaredTest Performs a chi-squared test on an xtab chisq.test()


rxFisherTest Performs Fisher's Exact Test on an xtab fisher.test()


rxKendallCor Computes Kendall's Tau Rank cor(…, method="kendall")

Correlation Coefficient using an xtab

Statistical Modeling

rxLinMod Fits a linear model to data lm()

rxCovCor Calculates the covariance, correlation, or cor()

sum of squares (cross-product) matrix
for a set of variables cov()


rxCov Calculates the covariance matrix for a cov()

set of variables

rxCor Calculates the correlation matrix for a cov()

set of variables

rxLogit Fits a logistic regression model to data glm(…, family="binomial")

rxGlm Fits a generalized linear model to data glm()

rxDTree Fits a classification or regression tree to tree::tree()


rxPredict Calculates predictions for fitted models predict()

rxKmeans Performs K-means clustering cluster::kmeans()

Basic Graphing

rxHistogram Creates a histogram from data hist()

rxLinePlot Creates a line plot from data plot()


See Also
SQL Server R Services Features and Tasks
RevoScaleR-defunct: Defunct functions in RevoScaleR
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The functions or variables listed here are no longer part of RevoScaleR as they are no longer needed.

rxGetVarInfoXdf(file, getValueLabels = TRUE, varsToKeep = NULL,
varsToDrop = NULL, computeInfo = FALSE)

rxGetInfoXdf(file, getVarInfo = FALSE, getBlockSizes = FALSE,

getValueLabels = NULL, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL,
startRow = 1, numRows = 0, computeInfo = FALSE, verbose = 0)


either an RxXdfData object or a character string specifying the .xdf file. If a local compute context is being used, this
argument may also be a list of data sources, in which case the output will be returned in a named list. See the
details section for more information.

logical value. If TRUE , value labels (including factor levels) are included in the output if present.

logical value. If TRUE , variable information is returned.


logical value. If TRUE , block sizes are returned in the output for an .xdf file, and when printed the first 10 block
sizes are shown.

character vector of variable names for which information is returned. If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be
used with varsToDrop .

character vector of variable names for which information is not returned. If NULL , argument is ignored. Cannot be
used with varsToKeep .

starting row for retrieval of data if a data frame or .xdf file.


number of rows of data to retrieve if a data frame or .xdf file.


logical value. If TRUE , variable information (e.g., high/low values) for non-xdf data sources will be computed by
reading through the data set.

integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , additional summary information is printed for an .xdf file.

rxGetVarInfo should be used instead of rxgetvarinfo . rxGetInfo should be used instead of rxGetInfoXdf .

See Also
rxGetVarInfo, rxGetInfo, RevoScaleR -deprecated.
RevoScaleR-deprecated: Deprecated functions in
6/18/2018 • 17 minutes to read • Edit Online

These functions are provided for compatibility with older versions of RevoScaleR only, and may be defunct as
soon as the next release.

rxGetNodes(headNode, includeHeadNode = FALSE, makeRNodeNames = FALSE, getWorkersOnly=TRUE)
RxHpcServer(object, headNode = "", revoPath = NULL, shareDir = "", workingDir = NULL,
dataPath = NULL, outDataPath = NULL, wait = TRUE, consoleOutput = FALSE,
configFile = NULL, nodes = NULL, computeOnHeadNode = FALSE, minElems = -1, maxElems = -1,
priority = 2, exclusive = FALSE, autoCleanup = TRUE, dataDistType = "all",
packagesToLoad = NULL, email = NULL, resultsTimeout = 15, groups = "ComputeNodes"

rxImportToXdf(inSource, outSource, rowSelection = NULL,

transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
append = "none", overwrite = FALSE, numRows = -1,
maxRowsByCols = NULL,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
verbose = 0,
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),
createCompositeSet = NULL,
blocksPerCompositeFile = 3

rxDataStepXdf(inFile, outFile, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL,

rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
append = "none", overwrite = FALSE, removeMissingsOnRead = FALSE, removeMissings = FALSE,
computeLowHigh = TRUE, maxRowsByCols = 3000000,
rowsPerRead = -1, startRow = 1, numRows = -1,
startBlock = 1, numBlocks = -1, returnTransformObjects = FALSE,
inSourceArgs = NULL, blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),
checkVarsToKeep = TRUE, cppInterp = NULL)

rxDataFrameToXdf(data, outFile, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL,

rowVarName = NULL, append = "none", overwrite = FALSE,
computeLowHigh = TRUE,
xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"))

rxXdfToDataFrame(file, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL, rowVarName = NULL,

rowSelection = NULL, transforms = NULL, transformObjects = NULL,
transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL,
transformPackages = NULL, transformEnvir = NULL,
removeMissings = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
blocksPerRead = rxGetOption("blocksPerRead"),
maxRowsByCols = 3000000,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
cppInterp = NULL)

rxSortXdf(inFile, outFile, sortByVars, decreasing = FALSE,

type = "auto", missingsLow = TRUE, caseSensitive = FALSE,
removeDupKeys = FALSE, varsToKeep = NULL, varsToDrop = NULL,
dupFreqVar = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, bufferLimit = -1,
reportProgress = rxGetOption("reportProgress"),
verbose = 0, xdfCompressionLevel = rxGetOption("xdfCompressionLevel"),
blocksPerRead = -1, ...)


a non-RxXdfData RxDataSource object representing the input data source or a non-empty character string
representing a file path. If a character string is supplied, the type of file is inferred from its extension, with the
default being a text file.

either an RxXdfData object or a character string specifying the .xdf file.


an RxXdfData object or non-empty character string representing the output .xdf file.

a character string specifying the output .xdf file, an RxXdfData object, a RxOdbcData data source, or a RxTeradata
data source. If NULL , a data frame will be returned from rxDataStep unless returnTransformObjects is set to TRUE
. Setting outFile to NULL and returnTransformObjects=TRUE allows chunkwise computations on the data without
modifying the existing data or creating a new data set. outFile can also be a delimited RxTextData data source if
using a native file system and not appending.

name of a logical variable in the data set (in quotes) or a logical expression using variables in the data set to
specify row selection. For example, rowSelection = "old" will use only observations in which the value of the
variable old is TRUE . rowSelection = (age > 20) & (age < 65) & (log(income) > 10) will use only observations in
which the value of the age variable is between 20 and 65 and the value of the log of the income variable is
greater than 10. The row selection is performed after processing any data transformations (see the arguments
transforms or transformFunc ). As with all expressions, rowSelection can be defined outside of the function call
using the expression function.

an expression of the form list(name = expression, ...) representing the first round of variable transformations.
As with all expressions, transforms (or rowSelection ) can be defined outside of the function call using the
expression function.

a named list containing objects that can be referenced by transforms , transformsFunc , and rowSelection .

variable transformation function. See rxTransform for details.


character vector of input data set variables needed for the transformation function. See rxTransform for details.

character vector defining additional R packages (outside of those specified in rxGetOption("transformPackages") )

to be made available and preloaded for use in variable transformation functions, e.g., those explicitly defined in
RevoScaleR functions via their transforms and transformFunc arguments or those defined implicitly via their
formula or rowSelection arguments. The transformPackages argument may also be NULL , indicating that no
packages outside rxGetOption("transformPackages") will be preloaded.

user-defined environment to serve as a parent to all environments developed internally and used for variable data
transformation. If transformEnvir = NULL , a new "hash" environment with parent baseenv() is used instead.

either "none" to create a new .xdf file or "rows" to append rows to an existing .xdf file. If outSource exists and
append is "none" , the overwrite argument must be set to TRUE .

logical value. If TRUE , the existing outSource will be overwritten.


integer value specifying the maximum number of rows to import. If set to -1, all rows will be imported.

the maximum size of a data frame that will be read in if outData is set to NULL , measured by the number of rows
times the number of columns. If the number of rows times the number of columns being imported exceeds this, a
warning will be reported and a smaller number of rows will be read in than requested. If maxRowsByCols is set to
be too large, you may experience problems from loading a huge data frame into memory.

integer value with options:

0 : no progress is reported.
1 : the number of processed rows is printed and updated.
2 : rows processed and timings are reported.
3 : rows processed and all timings are reported.


integer value. If 0 , no additional output is printed. If 1 , information on the import type is printed.

integer in the range of -1 to 9. The higher the value, the greater the amount of compression - resulting in smaller
files but a longer time to create them. If xdfCompressionLevel is set to 0, there will be no compression and files will
be compatible with the 6.0 release of Revolution R Enterprise. If set to -1, a default level of compression will be

logical value or NULL . If TRUE , a composite set of files will be created instead of a single .xdf file. A directory will
be created whose name is the same as the .xdf file that would otherwise be created, but with no extension.
Subdirectories data and metadata will be created. In the data subdirectory, the data will be split across a set of
.xdfd files (see blocksPerCompositeFile below for determining how many blocks of data will be in each file). In the
metadata subdirectory there is a single .xdfm file, which contains the meta data for all of the .xdfd files in the data
subdirectory. When the compute context is RxHadoopMR a composite set of files is always created.

integer value. If createCompositeSet=TRUE , and if the compute context is not RxHadoopMR , this will be the number of
blocks put into each .xdfd file in the composite set. When importing is being done on Hadoop using MapReduce,
the number of rows per .xdfd file is determined by the rows assigned to each MapReduce task, and the number of
blocks per .xdfd file is therefore determined by rowsPerRead . If the outSource is an RxXdfData object, set the value
for blocksPerCompositeFile there instead.

either an RxXdfData object or a character string specifying the input .xdf file.

character vector of variable names to include when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with varsToDrop or when outFile is the same as the input data file. Variables used in
transformations or row selection will be retained even if not specified in varsToKeep . If newName is used in
colInfo in a non-xdf data source, the newName should be used in varsToKeep . Not supported for RxTeradata,
RxOdbcData, or RxSqlServerData data sources.

character vector of variable names to exclude when reading from the input data file. If NULL , argument is ignored.
Cannot be used with varsToKeep or when outFile is the same as the input data file. Variables used in
transformations or row selection will be retained even if specified in varsToDrop . If newName is used in colInfo in
a non-xdf data source, the newName should be used in varsToDrop . Not supported for RxTeradata, RxOdbcData, or
RxSqlServerData data sources.

logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values will be removed on read.

logical value. If TRUE , rows with missing values will not be included in the output data.

logical value. If FALSE , low and high values will not automatically be computed. This should only be set to FALSE
in special circumstances, such as when append is being used repeatedly. Ignored for data frames.

number of rows to read for each chunk of data read from the input data source. Use this argument for finer
control of the number of rows per block in the output data source. If greater than 0, blocksPerRead is ignored.
Cannot be used if inFile is the same as outFile . The default value of -1 specifies that data should be read by
blocks according to the blocksPerRead argument.

the starting row to read from the input data source. Cannot be used if inFile is the same as outFile .

logical value. If TRUE , the list of transformObjects will be returned instead of a data frame or data source object. If
the input transformObjects have been modified, by using .rxSet or .rxModify in the transformFunc , the
updated values will be returned. Any data returned from the transformFunc is ignored. If no transformObjects are
used, NULL is returned. This argument allows for user-defined computations within a transformFunc without
creating new data. returnTransformObjects is not supported in distributed compute contexts such as

starting block to read. Ignored if startRow is set to greater than 1.


number of blocks to read; all are read if set to -1. Ignored if numRows is not set to -1.

number of blocks to read for each chunk of data read from the data source. Ignored for data frames or if
rowsPerRead is positive.


an optional list of arguments to be applied to the input data source.


logical value. If TRUE variable names specified in varsToKeep will be checked against variables in the data set to
make sure they exist. An error will be reported if not found. Ignored if more than 500 variables in the data set.

A compute context (preferred), a jobInfo object, or (deprecated) a character scalar containing the name of the
head node of a Microsoft HPC cluster.

logical scalar. Indicates whether to include the name of the head node in the list of returned nodes.

Determines if the names of the nodes should be normalized for use as R variables. See also rxMakeRNodeNames
for details on name mangeling.

logical. If TRUE , returns only those nodes within the cluster that are configured to actually execute jobs (where

object of class RxHpcServer. This argument is optional. If supplied, the values of the other specified arguments are
used to replace those of object and the modified object is returned.

character string specifying the path to the directory on the cluster nodes containing the files R.exe and Rterm.exe.
The invocation of R on each node must be identical (this is an HPC constraint). See the Details section for more
information regarding the path format.

character string specifying the directory on the head node that is shared among all the nodes of the cluster and
any client host. You must have permissions to read and write in this directory. See the Details section for more
information regarding the path format.

character string specifying a working directory for the processes on the cluster. If NULL , will default to the
standard Windows user directory (that is, the value of the environment variable USERPROFILE ).

character vector defining the search path(s) for the data source(s). See the Details section for more information
regarding the path format.

NULL or character vector defining the search path(s) for new output data file(s). If not NULL , this overrides any
specification for dataPath in rxOptions

logical value. If TRUE , the job will be blocking and will not return until it has completed or has failed. If FALSE , the
job will be non-blocking return immediately, allowing you to continue running other R code. The object
rxgLastPendingJob is created with the job information. You can pass this object to the rxGetJobStatus function to
check on the processing status of the job. rxWaitForJob will change a non-waiting job to a waiting job. Conversely,
pressing ESC changes a waiting job to a non-waiting job, provided that the HPC scheduler has accepted the job. If
you press ESC before the job has been accepted, the job is canceled.

logical scalar. If TRUE , causes the standard output of the R processes to be printed to the user console.

character string specifying the path to the XML template (on your local computer) that will be consumed by the
job scheduler. If NULL (the default), the standard template is used. See the Details section for more information
regarding the path format. We recommend that the user rely upon the default setting for configFile .

character string containing a comma-separated list of requested nodes, e.g., "compute1,compute2,compute3" , or a

character vector like c("compute1", "compute2", "compute3") . If you specify the nodes to be used, minElems and
maxElems are ignored if greater than the number of specified nodes. See the Details section for more information.
The nodes parameter forces use of the specified nodes, rather than simply requesting them. This feature is
provided so that jobs requiring only 10 out of 100 nodes, for example, do not force you to deploy your data to all
100 nodes. Should you need finer control, you will need to generate a new XML template through the MS HPC
job scheduler. See the Microsoft HPC Server 2008 documentation for details.

If FALSE and nodes are automatically being selected, the head node of the cluster will not be among the nodes to
be used. Furthermore, if FALSE and the head node is explicitly specified in the node list, a warning is issued, but
the job proceeds with a warning and the head node excluded from the node list. If TRUE , then the head node is
treated exactly as any other node for the purpose of job resource allocations. Note that setting this flag to TRUE
does not guarantee inclusion of the head node in a job; it simply allows the head node to be listed in an explicit list,
or to be included by automatic node usage generation.

minimum number of nodes required for a run. If -1 , the value for maxElems is used. If both minElems and
maxElems are -1 , the number of nodes specified in the nodes argument is used. See the Details section for more

maximum number of nodes required for a run. If -1 , the value for minElems is used. If both minElems and
maxElems are -1 , the number of nodes specified in the nodes argument is used. See the Details section for more

The priority of the job. Allowable values are 0 (lowest), 1 (below normal), 2 (normal, the default), 3 (above normal),
and 4 (highest). See the Microsoft HPC Server 2008 documentation for using job scheduling policy options and
job templates to manage job priorities. These policy options may also affect the behavior of the exclusive

logical value. If TRUE , no other jobs can run on a compute node at the same time as this job. This may fail if you
do not have administrative privileges on the cluster, and may also fail depending on the settings of your job
scheduling policy options.

logical scalar. If TRUE , the default behavior is to clean up the temporary computational artifacts and delete the
result objects upon retrival. If FALSE , then the computational results are not deleted, and the results may be
acquired using rxGetJobResults, and the output via rxGetJobOutput until the rxCleanupJobs is used to delete the
results and other artifacts. Leaving this flag set to FALSE can result in accumulation of compute artifacts which
you may eventually need to delete before they fill up your hard drive.If you set autoCleanup=TRUE and experience
performance degradation on a Windows XP client, consider setting autoCleanup=FALSE .
a character string denoting how the data has been distributed. Type "all" means that the entire data set has been
copied to each compute node. Type "split" means that the data set has been partitioned and that each compute
node contains a different set of rows.

optional character vector specifying additional packages to be loaded on the nodes when jobs are run in this
compute context.

optional character string specifying an email address to which a job complete email should be sent. Note that the
cluster administrator will have to enable email notifications for such job completion mails to be received.

A numeric value indicating for how long attempts should be made to retrieve results from the cluster. Under
normal conditions, results are available immediately upon completion of the job. However, under certain high load
conditions, the processes on the nodes have reported as completed, but the results have not been fully committed
to disk by the operating system. Increase this parameter if results retrievial is failing on high load clusters.

Optional character vector specifying the groups from which nodes should be selected. If groups is specified and
nodes is NULL , all the nodes in the groups specified will be candidates for computations. If both nodes and
groups are specified, the candidate nodes will be the intersection of the set of nodes explicitly specified in nodes
and the set of all the nodes in the groups specified. Note that the default value of "ComputeNodes" is the name of
the Microsoft defined group that includes all physically present nodes. Another Microsoft default group name
used is "HeadNodes" which includes all nodes set up to act as head nodes. While these default names can be
changed, this is not recommended. Note also that rxGetNodeInfo will honor group filtering. See the help for
rxGetNodeInfo for more information.


data frame to put into .xdf file. See details section for a listing of the supported column types in the data frame.

character string or NULL . If NULL , the data frame's row names will be dropped. If a character string, an additional
variable of that name will be added to the data set containing the data frame's row names.

logical indicating whether or not to convert strings into factors in R.


character vector containing the names of the variables to use for sorting. If multiple variables are used, the first
sortByVars variable is sorted and common values are grouped. The second variable is then sorted within the first
variable groups. The third variable is then sorted within groupings formed by the first two variables, and so on.

a logical scalar or vector defining the whether or not the sortByVars variables are to be sorted in decreasing or
increasing order. If a vector, the length decreasing must be that of sortByVars . If a logical scalar, the value of
decreasing is replicated to the length sortByVars .


a character string defining the sorting method to use. Type "auto" automatically determines the sort method
based on the amount of memory required for sorting. If possible, all of the data will be sorted in memory. Type
"mergeSort" uses a merge sort method, where chunks of data are pre-sorted, then merged together. Type
"varByVar" uses a variable-by-variable sort method, which assumes that the sortByVars variables and the
calculated sorted index variable can be held in memory simultaneously. If type="varByVar" , the variables in the
sorted data are re-ordered so that the variables named in sortByVars come first, followed by any remaining

a logical scalar for controlling the treatment of missing values. If TRUE , missing values in the data are treated as
the lowest value; if FALSE , they are treated as the highest value.

a logical scalar. If TRUE , case sensitive sorting is performed for character data.

logical scalar. If TRUE , only the first observation will be kept when duplicate values of the key ( sortByVars ) are
encountered. The sort type must be set to "auto" or "mergeSort" .

NOT SUPPORTED information to be sent to the C++ interpreter.


additional arguments to be passed to the input data source.

Use rxImport instead of rxImportToXdf . Use rxDataStep instead of rxDataStepXdf . Use rxDataStep instead of
rxDataFrameToXdf . Use rxDataStep instead of rxXdfToDataFrame . Use rxSort instead of rxSortXdf . Use
rxGetAvailableNodes instead of rxGetNodes .

For rxSortXdf : If sorting is successful, TRUE is returned; otherwise FALSE is returned.

See Also
rxImport, rxDataStep, RevoScaleR -defunct.
RevoScaleR Functions for Spark on Hadoop
6/18/2018 • 5 minutes to read • Edit Online

The RevoScaleR package provides a set of portable, scalable, distributable data analysis functions. This page
presents a curated list of functions that might be particularly interesting to Hadoop users. These functions can be
called directly from the command line.
The RevoScaleR package supports two Hadoop compute contexts:
RxSpark (recommended), a distributed compute context in which computations are parallelized and
distributed across the nodes of a Hadoop cluster via Apache Spark. This provides up to a 7x performance
boost compared to RxHadoopMR . For guidance, see How to use RevoScaleR on Spark.
RxHadoopMR (deprecated), a distributed compute context on a Hadoop cluster. This compute context can
be used on a node (including an edge node) of a Cloudera or Hortonworks cluster with a RHEL operating
system, or a client with an SSH connection to such a cluster. For guidance, see How to use RevoScaleR on
Hadoop MapReduce.
On Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS ), the XDF file format stores data in a composite set of files rather than
a single file.

Data Analysis Functions

Import and Export Functions


rxDataStep Transform and subset data. View

Creates an .xdf file, a
comma-delimited text file, or
data frame in memory
(assuming you have
sufficient memory to hold
the output data) from an
.xdf file or a data frame.

RxXdfData Creates an efficient XDF data View

source object.

RxTextData Creates a comma delimited View

text data source object.

rxGetInfo Retrieves summary View

information from a data
source or data frame.

rxGetVarInfo Retrieves variable View

information from a data
source or data frame.
rxGetVarNames Retrieves variable names View
from a data source or data

rxHdfsFileSystem Creates an HDFS file system View


#### Manipulation, Cleansing, and Transformation Functions


rxDataStep Transform and subset data. View

Creates an .xdf file, a
comma-delimited text file, or
data frame in memory
(assuming you have
sufficient memory to hold
the output) from an .xdf file
or a data frame.

rxFactors Create or recode factor View

variables in a composite XDF
file in HDFS. A new file must
be written out.

#### Analysis Functions for Descriptive Statistics and Cross-Tabulations


rxQuantile Computes approximate View

quantiles for .xdf files and
data frames without sorting.

rxSummary Basic summary statistics of View

data, including
computations by group.
Writing by group
computations to .xdf file not

rxCrossTabs Formula-based cross- View

tabulation of data.

rxCube Alternative formula-based View

cross-tabulation designed
for efficient representation
returning ‘cube’ results.
Writing output to .xdf file
not supported.

#### Analysis, Learning, and Prediction Functions for Statistical Modeling

rxLinMod Fits a linear model to data. View

rxLogit Fits a logistic regression View

model to data.

rxGlm Fits a generalized linear View

model to data.

rxCovCor Calculate the covariance, View

correlation, or sum of
squares / cross-product
matrix for a set of variables.

rxDTree Fits a classification or View

regression tree to data.

rxBTrees Fits a classification or View

regression decision forest to
data using a stochastic
gradient boosting algorithm.

rxDForest Fits a classification or View

regression decision forest to

rxPredict Calculates predictions for View

fitted models. Output must
be an XDF data source.

rxKmeans Performs k-means View


rxNaiveBayes Fit Naive Bayes Classifiers on View

an .xdf file or data frame for
small or large data using
parallel external memory

Compute Context Functions


RxHadoopMR Creates an in-data, file- View

based Hadoop compute

RxSpark Creates an in-data, file- View

based Spark compute
context. Computations are
parallelized and distributed
across the nodes of a
Hadoop cluster via Apache
rxSparkConnect Creates a persistent Spark View
compute context.

rxSparkDisconnect Disconnects a Spark session View

and return to a local
compute context.

rxInstalledPackages Returns the list of installed View

packages for a compute

rxFindPackage Returns the path to one or View

more packages for a
compute context.

Data Source Functions

Of course, not all data source types are available on all compute contexts. For the Hadoop compute contexts, two
types of data sources can be used.
<td>Creates an efficient XDF data source object.</td>
<center><small><a href="" data-raw-source="[**View**]("><strong>View</strong>
<center><img src="./media/revoscaler-hadoop-functions/award.png" alt="-"/></center>
<td>Creates a comma delimited text data source object.</td>
<center><small><a href="" data-raw-source="[**View**](">
</tr> <tr>
<td> </td>
<td>Generates a Hive Data Source object.</td>
<center><small><a href="" data-raw-source="[**View**](">
<td> </td>
<td>Generates a Parquet Data Source object.</td>
<center><small><a href="" data-raw-source="[**View**](">
<td><code>rxSparkDataOps</code> </td>
<td> </td>
<td>Lists cached <code>RxParquetData</code> or <code>RxHiveData</code> data source objects. </td>
<center><small><a href="" data-raw-source="[**View**](">
<strong>View</strong></a><center></small></td><br/> </tr>
<td> </td>
<td>Removes cached <code>RxParquetData</code> or <code>RxHiveData</code> data source objects.</td>
<center><small><a href="" data-raw-source="[**View**](">



## High Performance Computing and Distributed Computing Functions

The Hadoop compute context has a number of helpful functions used for high performance computing and
distributed computing. Learn more about the entire set of functions in the Distributed Computing guide.


rxExec Run an arbitrary R function View

on nodes or cores of a
rxGetJobStatus Get the status of a non- View
waiting distributed
computing job.

rxGetJobResults Get the return object(s) of a View

non-waiting distributed
computing job.

rxGetJobOutput Get the console output from View

a non-waiting distributed
computing job.

rxGetJobs Get the available distributed View

computing job information

## Hadoop Convenience Functions

RevoScaleR also provides some wrapper functions for accessing Hadoop/HDFS functionality via R. These
functions require access to Hadoop, either locally or remotely via the RxHadoopMR or RxSpark compute contexts.


rxHadoopCommand Execute an arbitrary Hadoop View

command. Allows you to run
basic Hadoop commands.

rxHadoopVersion Return the current Hadoop View


rxHadoopCopyFromClient Copy a file from a remote View

client to the Hadoop
cluster's local file system,
and then to HDFS.

rxHadoopCopyFromLocal Copy a file from the native View

file system to HDFS. Wraps
the Hadoop
fs -copyFromLocal

rxHadoopCopy Copy a file in the Hadoop View

Distributed File System
(HDFS). Wraps the Hadoop
fs -cp command.

rxHadoopRemove Remove a file in HDFS. View

Wraps the Hadoop fs -rm

rxHadoopListFiles List files in an HDFS View

directory. Wraps the
Hadoop fs -ls or
fs -lsr command.
rxHadoopMakeDir Make a directory in HDFS. View
Wraps the Hadoop
fs -mkdir command.

rxHadoopMove Move a file in HDFS. Wraps View

the Hadoop fs -mv

rxHadoopRemoveDir Remove a directory in HDFS. View

Wraps the Hadoop
fs -rmr command.
RevoScaleR Functions for a SQL Server compute
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

This article provides an overview of the main RevoScaleR functions for use with SQL Server, along with comments
on their syntax.

Functions for working with SQL Server Data Sources

The following functions let you define a SQL Server data source. A data source object is a container that specifies a
connection string together with the set of data that you want, defined either as a table, view, or query. Stored
procedure calls are not supported.
In addition to defining a data source, you can execute DDL statements from R, if you have the necessary
permissions on the instance and database.
RxSqlServerData - Define a SQL Server data source object
rxSqlServerDropTable - Drop a SQL Server table
rxSqlServerTableExists - Check for the existence of a database table or object
rxExecuteSQLDDL - Execute a command to define, manipulate, or control SQL data, but not return data

Functions for Defining or Managing a Compute Context

The following functions let you define a new compute context, switch compute contexts, or identify the current
compute context.
RxComputeContext - Create a compute context.
rxInSqlServer - Generate a SQL Server compute context that lets RevoScaleR functions run in SQL Server R
rxGetComputeContext - Get the current compute context.
rxSetComputeContext - Specify which compute context to use. The local compute context is available by default,
or you can specify the keyword local.

Functions for Using a Data Source

After you have created a data source object, you can open it to get data, or write new data to it. Depending on the
size of the data in the source, you can also define the batch size as part of the data source and move data in chunks.
rxIsOpen - Check whether a data source is available
rxOpen - Open a data source for reading
rxReadNext - Read data from a source
rxWriteNext - Write data to the target
rxClose - Close a data source

Functions that work with XDF Files

The following functions can be used to create a local data cache in the XDF format. This file can be useful when
working with more data than can be transferred from the database in one batch, or more data than can fit in
If you regularly move large amounts of data from a database to a local workstation, rather than query the database
repeatedly for each R operation, you can use the XDF file to save the data locally and then work with it in your R
workspace, using the XDF file as the cache.
rxImport - Move data from an ODBC source to the XDF file
RxXdfData - Create an XDF data object
RxDataStep - Read data from XDF int a data frame

See Also
Comparison of RevoScaleR and CRAN R Functions
RevoScaleR Functions for Teradata
6/18/2018 • 3 minutes to read • Edit Online

Microsoft R Server 9.1 was the last release to include the RxInTeradata and RxInTeradata-class functions for
creating a remote compute context on a Teradata appliance. This release is fully supported as described in the
service support policy, but the Teradata compute context is not available in Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 and
Data import using the RxTeradata data source object remains unchanged. If you have existing data in a Teradata
appliance, you can create an RxTeradata object to import your data into Machine Learning Server.
For backwards compatibility purposes, this page presents a curated list of functions specific to the Teradata DB
compute contexts, as well as those that may not be fully supported.
These functions can be called directly from the command line. For guidance on using these functions, see the
RevoScaleR Teradata DB Getting Started Guide.

Data Analysis Functions

Import and Export Functions


rxDataStep Transform and subset data. View

Creates an .xdf file, a
comma-delimited text file, or
data frame in memory
(assuming you have
sufficient memory to hold
the output data) from an .xdf
file or a data frame.

RxXdfData Creates an efficient XDF data View

source object.

RxTextData Creates a comma delimited View

text data source object.

rxGetInfo Retrieves summary View

information from a data
source or data frame.

rxGetVarInfo Retrieves variable View

information from a data
source or data frame.

rxGetVarNames Retrieves variable names View

from a data source or data

#### Manipulation, Cleansing, and Transformation Functions


rxDataStep Transform and subset data. View

Creates an .xdf file, a
comma-delimited text file, or
data frame in memory
(assuming you have
sufficient memory to hold
the output) from an .xdf file
or a data frame.

rxFactors Create or recode factor View

variables in a composite XDF
file in HDFS. A new file must
be written out.

#### Analysis Functions for Descriptive Statistics and Cross-Tabulations


rxQuantile Computes approximate View

quantiles for .xdf files and
data frames without sorting.

rxSummary Basic summary statistics of View

data, including computations
by group. Writing by group
computations to .xdf file not

rxCrossTabs Formula-based cross- View

tabulation of data.

rxCube Alternative formula-based View

cross-tabulation designed
for efficient representation
returning ‘cube’ results.
Writing output to .xdf file
not supported.

#### Analysis, Learning, and Prediction Functions for Statistical Modeling


rxLinMod Fits a linear model to data. View

rxLogit Fits a logistic regression View

model to data.

rxGlm Fits a generalized linear View

model to data.
rxCovCor Calculate the covariance, View
correlation, or sum of
squares / cross-product
matrix for a set of variables.

rxDTree Fits a classification or View

regression tree to data.

rxBTrees Fits a classification or View

regression decision forest to
data using a stochastic
gradient boosting algorithm.

rxDForest Fits a classification or View

regression decision forest to

rxPredict Calculates predictions for View

fitted models. Output must
be an XDF data source.

rxKmeans Performs k-means clustering. View

Compute Context Functions


RxTeradata Creates a Teradata data View

source object.

RxInTeradata Creates an in-database View

compute context for

rxSetComputeContext Sets a compute context. View

rxGetComputeContext Gets the current compute View


rxInstalledPackages Returns the list of installed View

packages for a compute

rxFindPackage Returns the path to one or View

more packages for a
compute context.

Data Source Functions

Of course, not all data source types are available on all compute contexts.
<td>Check for the existence of a database table or object.</td>
<center><small><a href="" data-raw-source="[**View**](">
<center><img src="./media/revoscaler-teradata-functions/award.png" alt="-"/></center>
<td>Drop a table.</td>
<center><small><a href="" data-raw-source="[**View**](">
</tr><br/> <tr>
<td width="150px"><code>RxXdfData</code></td>
<center><img src="./media/revoscaler-teradata-functions/award.png" alt="-"/></center>

<td>Creates an efficient XDF data source object.</td>

<center><small><a href="" data-raw-source="[**View**]("><strong>View</strong>
<center><img src="./media/revoscaler-teradata-functions/award.png" alt="-"/></center>
<td>Creates a comma delimited text data source object.</td>
<center><small><a href="" data-raw-source="[**View**](">



## High Performance Computing and Distributed Computing Functions

The Teradata compute context has a number of helpful functions used for high performance computing and
distributed computing. Learn more about the entire set of functions in the Distributed Computing guide.


rxExec Run an arbitrary R function View

on nodes or cores of a

rxGetJobStatus Get the status of a non- View)

waiting distributed
computing job.
rxGetJobResults Get the return object(s) of a View
non-waiting distributed
computing job.

rxGetJobOutput Get the console output from View

a non-waiting distributed
computing job.

rxGetJobs Get the available distributed View

computing job information

rxGetAvailableNodes Get all the available nodes View

on a distributed compute

rxGetNodeInfo Get information on nodes View

specified for a distributed
compute context.

rxPingNodes Test round trip from user View

through computation
node(s) in a cluster or cloud.
RevoUtils package
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The RevoUtils package provides utility functions that return information about your installation, such as path and
memory usage.


Current version: 10.0.5

Built on: R 3.4.3

Package distribution: Machine Learning Server

R Client (Windows and Linux)
R Server 9.1 and earlier
SQL Server 2016 and later (Windows only)
Azure HDInsight
Azure Data Science Virtual Machines

How to use RevoUtils

From any R console window, you can call RevoUtils functions in an R session. You might want to check on
memory usage if your script is crashing or performance is slow. If you get file not found errors, you can use these
functions to quickly determine the location of the Home directory or packages installed with Microsoft R.
In an R session, load RevoUtils from the command line by typing library(RevoUtils) .

Function list

getRevoRepos Path to the package repositories.

readNews Read R or package NEWS files.

Revo.home Path the Home directory.

`RevoInfo]( Functions giving information about Microsoft R.

totalSystemMemory Uses operating system tools to return total system memory.

Next steps
Add R packages to your computer by running setup for R Server or R Client:
R Client
R Server

See also
Package Reference
getRevoRepos: Get Path to Revolution Analytics
Package Repositories
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

getRevoRepos returns the path to either the Revolution Analytics CRAN mirror or the versioned package source
repository maintained by Revolution Analytics.

getRevoRepos(version = paste(unlist(unclass(getRversion()))[1:2], collapse = "."), CRANmirror = FALSE)

A string or floating-point literal representing an R version from 2.9 or later. (2.10 is a valid version, but the
versioned package source repository does not exist for this version of R.) This argument is ignored if
CRANmirror=TRUE .

A logical flag. If TRUE , the path to the Revolution Analytics CRAN mirror is returned.

A character string containing the path to the versioned package source repository or the Revolution Analytics
CRAN mirror.

readNews: Read R or Package NEWS Files
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Read the R NEWS file or a package's NEWS or NEWS.Rd file.


a character string specifying the package for which you'd like to read the news. If missing, the R NEWS is

The R NEWS file is displayed using RShowDoc or , depending on whether the system appears capable of
launching a browser. Similarly, package NEWS.Rd files are displayed using browseURL or .
This function should not be confused with readNEWS in the tools package, which performs a different kind of

NULL is returned invisibly.
Revo.home: Return the MicrosoftR Home Directory
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Return the MicrosoftR installation directory.

Revo.home(component = "home")

One of the strings "home" or "licenses" .

Revo.home returns the path to the Microsoft R package installation directory, or its licenses subdirectory.

a character string containing the path to the MicrosoftR installation directory.
RevoInfo: Microsoft R Information Functions
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Functions giving information about Microsoft R.


RevoLicense displays the Microsoft R license. revo displays the Microsoft R Server home page. readme displays
the Microsoft R release notes.

For RevoLicense , revo , and readme , NULL is returned invisibly.
totalSystemMemory: Obtain Total System Memory
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Uses operating system tools to return total system memory.


On Unix-alikes, checks the /proc/meminfo file for the total memory. If the system call returns an error, the function
returns NA . On Windows systems, uses wmic to obtain the TotalVisibleMemorySize .

A numeric value representing total system memory in kBytes, or NA .

sqlrutils package
2/27/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The sqlrutils package provides a mechanism for R users to put their R scripts into a T-SQL stored procedure,
register that stored procedure with a database, and run the stored procedure from an R development


Current version: 1.0.0

Built on: R 3.4.3

Package distribution: SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services (Windows only)
and SQL Server 2016 R Services
R Client (Windows and Linux)

How to use sqlrutils

The sqlrutils library is installed as part of SQL Server Machine Learning when you add R to your installation. You
get the full collection of proprietary packages plus an R distribution with its base packages and interpreters. You
can use any R IDE to write R script calling functions in sqlrutils, but the script must run on a computer having
SQL Server Machine Learning with R.
The workflow for using this package includes the following steps:
Define stored procedure parameters (inputs, outputs, or both)
Generate and register the stored procedure
Execute the stored procedure
In an R session, load sqlrutils from the command line by typing library(sqlrutils) .

You can load this library on computer that does not have SQL Server (for example, on an R Client instance) if you change the
compute context to SQL Server and execute the code in that compute context.

Function list

executeStoredProcedure Execute a SQL stored procedure.

getInputParameters Get a list of input parameters to the stored procedure.

InputData Input data for the stored procedure.

InputParameter Input parameters for the stored procedure.


OutputData Output from the stored procedure.

OutputParameter Output parameters from the stored procedure.

registerStoredProcedure Register the stored procedure with a database.

setInputDataQuery Assign a query to an input data parameter of the stored


setInputParameterValue Assign a value to the an input parameter of the stored


StoredProcedure A stored procedure object.

Next steps
Add R packages to your computer by running setup for R Server or R Client:
R Client
R Server
Next, review the steps in a typical sqlrutils workflow:
Generating an R Stored Procedure for R Code using the sqlrutils Package

See also
Package Reference
R tutorials for SQL Server
executeStoredProcedure: Execute a SQL Stored
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

executeStoredProcedure : Executes a stored procedure registered with the database

executeStoredProcedure(sqlSP, ..., connectionString = NULL)


a valid StoredProcedure Object


Optional input and output parameters for the stored procedure. All of the parameters that do not have default
queries or values assigned to them must be provided

A character string (must be provided if the StoredProcedure object was created without a connection string). This
function requires using an ODBC driver which supports ODBC 3.8 functionality.

Boolean. Whether to print out the command used to execute the stored procedure

TRUE on success, FALSE on failure

This function relies that the ODBC driver used supports ODBC 3.8 features. Otherwise it will fail.

## Not run:

# See ?StoredProcedure for creating the "cleandata" table.

############# Example 1 #############

# Create a linear model and store in the "rdata" table.
train <- function(in_df) {
factorLevels <- c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday")
in_df[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(in_df[,"DayOfWeek"], levels=factorLevels)
# The model formula
# The model formula
formula <- ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek + CRSDepHour:DayOfWeek

# Train the model

mm <- rxLinMod(formula, data = in_df, transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL)

# Store the model into the database

# rdata needs to be created beforehand
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;",
out.table = "rdata"
# write the model to the table
ds = RxOdbcData(table = out.table, connectionString = conStr)

rxWriteObject(ds, "linmod.v1", mm, keyName = "key",

valueName = "value")

conStr <- "Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"

# create an InputData object for the input data frame in_df
indata <- InputData("in_df",
defaultQuery = paste0("select top 10000 ArrDelay,CRSDepTime,",
"DayOfWeek,CRSDepHour from cleanData"))
# create the sql server stored procedure object
trainSP1 <- StoredProcedure('train', "spTrain_df_to_df", indata,
dbName = "RevoTestDB",
connectionString = conStr,
filePath = ".")
# spRegisterSp and executeStoredProcedure do not require a connection string since we
# provided one when we created trainSP1
executeStoredProcedure(trainSP1, verbose = TRUE)

############# Example 2 #############

# score1 makes a batch prediction given clean data(indata),
# model object(model_param), and the new name of the variable
# that is being predicted
score1 <- function(in_df, model_param, predVarNameInParam) {
factorLevels <- c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday")
in_df[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(in_df[,"DayOfWeek"], levels=factorLevels)
mm <- rxReadObject(as.raw(model_param))
# Predict
result <- rxPredict(modelObject = mm,
data = in_df,
outData = NULL,
predVarNames = predVarNameInParam,
extraVarsToWrite = c("ArrDelay"),
writeModelVars = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)
return(list(result = result, pvOutParam = mm$f.pvalue))

# create an InputData object for the input data frame in_df

indata <- InputData(name = "in_df", defaultQuery = "SELECT top 10 * from cleanData")
# create InputParameter objects for model_param and predVarNameInParam
model <- InputParameter("model_param", "raw",
defaultQuery = paste("select top 1 value from rdata",
"where [key] = 'linmod.v1'"))
predVarNameInParam <- InputParameter("predVarNameInParam", "character")
# create OutputData object for the data frame inside the return list
outData <- OutputData("result")
# create OutputParameter object for non data frame variable inside the return list
pvOutParam <- OutputParameter("pvOutParam", "numeric")
scoreSP1 <- StoredProcedure(score1, "spScore_df_param_df", indata, model, predVarNameInParam, outData,
filePath = ".")
conStr <- "Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
# connection string necessary for registrations and execution
# connection string necessary for registrations and execution
# since we did not pass it to StoredProcedure
registerStoredProcedure(scoreSP1, conStr)
model <- executeStoredProcedure(scoreSP1, predVarNameInParam = "ArrDelayEstimate", connectionString = conStr,
verbose = TRUE)
## End(Not run)
getInputParameters: Get a List of Input Parameters of
a SQL Stored Procedure
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

getInputParameters : returns a list of SQL Server parameter objects that describe the input parameters associated
with a stored procedure



A valid StoredProcedure Object

A named list of SQL Server parameter objects (InputData, InputParameter) associated with the provided
StoredProcedure object. The names are the names of the variables from the R function provided into
StoredProcedure associated with the objects

## Not run:

# See ?StoredProcedure for creating the `cleandata` table.

# and ?executeStoredProcedure for creating the `rdata` table.

# score1 makes a batch prediction given clean data(indata),

# model object(model_param), and the new name of the variable
# that is being predicted
score1 <- function(indata, model_param, predVarName) {
indata[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(indata[,"DayOfWeek"],
# The connection string
conStr <- paste("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
"Trusted_Connection=Yes;", sep = "")
# The compute context
computeContext <- RxInSqlServer(numTasks=4, connectionString=conStr)
mm <- rxReadObject(as.raw(model_param))
# Predict
result <- rxPredict(modelObject = mm,
data = indata,
outData = NULL,
predVarNames = predVarName,
extraVarsToWrite = c("ArrDelay"),
writeModelVars = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)
# connections string
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
# create InpuData Object for an input parameter that is a data frame
id <- InputData(name = "indata", defaultQuery = "SELECT * from cleanData")
# InputParameter for the model_param input variable
model <- InputParameter("model_param", "raw",
defaultQuery =
"select top 1 value from rdata where [key] = 'linmod.v1'")
# InputParameter for the predVarName variable
name <- InputParameter("predVarName", "character")
sp_df_df <- StoredProcedure(score1, "sTest", id, model, name,
filePath = ".")

# inspect the input parameters

getInputParameters(sp_df_df) # "model_param" "predVarName" "indata"

# register the stored procedure with a database

registerStoredProcedure(sp_df_df, conStr)
# assign a different query to the InputData so that it only uses the firt 10 rows
id <- setInputDataQuery(id, "SELECT top 10 * from cleanData")
# assign a value to the name parameter
name <- setInputParameterValue(name, "ArrDelayEstimate")
# execute the stored procedure
model <- executeStoredProcedure(sp_df_df, id, name, connectionString = conStr)
## End(Not run)
InputData: Input Data for SQL Stored Procedure:
Class Generator
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

InputData : generates an InputData Object that captures the information about the input parameter that is a data
frame. The data frame needs to be populated upon the execution a given query. This object is necessary for
creation of stored procedures in which the embedded R function takes in a data frame input parameter.

InputData(name, defaultQuery = NULL, query = NULL)


A character string, the name of the data input parameter into the R function supplied to StoredProcedure.

A character string specifying the default query that will retrieve the data if a different query is not provided at the
time of the execution of the stored procedure. Must be a simple SELECT query.

A character string specifing the query that will be used to retrive the data in the next run of the stored procedure.

InputData Object

## Not run:

# See ?StoredProcedure for creating the "cleandata" table.

# train 1 takes a data frame with clean data and outputs a model
train1 <- function(in_df) {
in_df[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(in_df[,"DayOfWeek"],
# The model formula
formula <- ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek + CRSDepHour:DayOfWeek
# Train the model
mm <- rxLinMod(formula, data=in_df)
mm <- rxSerializeModel(mm)

return(list("mm" = mm))
# create InpuData Object for an input parameter that is a data frame
# note: if the input parameter is not a data frame use InputParameter object
id <- InputData(name = "in_df",
defaultQuery = paste0("select top 10000 ArrDelay,CRSDepTime,",
"DayOfWeek,CRSDepHour from cleanData"))
# create an OutputParameter object for the variable inside the return list
# note: if that variable is a data frame use OutputData object
out <- OutputParameter("mm", "raw")

# connections string
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
# create the stored procedure object
sp_df_op <- StoredProcedure("train1", "spTest1", id, out,
filePath = ".")
# register the stored procedure with the database
registerStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, conStr)

# execute the stored procedure, note: non-data frame variables inside the
# return list are not returned to R. However, if the execution is not sucessful
# the error will be displayed
model <- executeStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, connectionString = conStr)
# get the linear model
mm <- rxUnserializeModel(model$params$op1)
## End(Not run)
InputParameter: Input Parameter for SQL Stored
Procedure: Class Generator
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

InputParameter : generates an InputParameter Object, that captures the information about the input parameters of
the R function that is to be embedded into a SQL Server Stored Procesure. Those will become the input
parameters of the stored procedure. Supported R types of the input parameters are POSIXct, numeric, character,
integer, logical, and raw.

InputParameter(name, type, defaultValue = NULL, defaultQuery = NULL,
value = NULL, enableOutput = FALSE)


A character string, the name of the input parameter object.


A character string representing the R type of the input parameter object.


Default value of the parameter. Not supported for "raw".


A character string specifying the default query that will retrieve the data if a different query is not provided at the
time of the execution of the stored procedure.

A value that will be used for the parameter in the next run of the stored procedure.

Make this an Input/Output Parameter

InputParameter Object

## Not run:

# See ?StoredProcedure for creating the `cleandata` table.

# and ?executeStoredProcedure for creating the `rdata` table.

# score1 makes a batch prediction given clean data(indata),

# model object(model_param), and the new name of the variable
# that is being predicted
score1 <- function(indata, model_param, predVarName) {
indata[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(indata[,"DayOfWeek"],
# The connection string
conStr <- paste("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
"Trusted_Connection=Yes;", sep = "")
# The compute context
computeContext <- RxInSqlServer(numTasks=4, connectionString=conStr)
mm <- rxReadObject(as.raw(model_param))
# Predict
result <- rxPredict(modelObject = mm,
data = indata,
outData = NULL,
predVarNames = predVarName,
extraVarsToWrite = c("ArrDelay"),
writeModelVars = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)
# connections string
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
# create InpuData Object for an input parameter that is a data frame
id <- InputData(name = "indata", defaultQuery = "SELECT * from cleanData")
# InputParameter for the model_param input variable
model <- InputParameter("model_param", "raw",
defaultQuery =
"select top 1 value from rdata where [key] = 'linmod.v1'")
# InputParameter for the predVarName variable
name <- InputParameter("predVarName", "character", value = "ArrDelayEstimate")
sp_df_df <- StoredProcedure(score1, "sTest", id, model, name,
filePath = ".")
## End(Not run)
OutputData: Output Data for SQL Stored Procedure:
Class Generator
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

OutputData : generates an OutputData Object that captures the information about the data frame that needs to be
returned after the execution of the R function embedded into the stored procedure. This object must be created if
the R function is returning a named list, where one of the items in the list is a data frame. The return list can
contain at most one data frame.



A character string, the name of the data frame variable.

OutputData Object

## Not run:

# See ?StoredProcedure for creating the "cleandata" table.

# train 2 takes a data frame with clean data and outputs a model
# as well as the data on the basis of which the model was built
train2 <- function(in_df) {
in_df[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(in_df[,"DayOfWeek"],
# The model formula
formula <- ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek + CRSDepHour:DayOfWeek
# Train the model
mm <- rxLinMod(formula, data=in_df, transformFunc=NULL, transformVars=NULL)
mm <- rxSerializeModel(mm)
return(list(mm = mm, in_df = in_df))
# create InpuData Object for an input parameter that is a data frame
# note: if the input parameter is not a data frame use InputParameter object
id <- InputData(name = "in_df",
defaultQuery = paste0("select top 10000 ArrDelay,CRSDepTime,",
"DayOfWeek,CRSDepHour from cleanData"))
out1 <- OutputData("in_df")
# create an OutputParameter object for the variable "mm" inside the return list
out2 <- OutputParameter("mm", "raw")
# connections string
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
# create the stored procedure object
sp_df_op <- StoredProcedure(train2, "spTest2", id, out1, out2,
filePath = ".")

registerStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, conStr)
result <- executeStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, connectionString = conStr)
# Get back the linear model.
mm <- rxUnserializeModel(result$params$op1)
## End(Not run)
OutputParameter: Output Parameter for SQL Stored
Procedure: Class Generator
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

OutputParameter : generates an OutputParameter Object that captures the information about the output
parameters of the function that is to be embedded into a SQL Server Stored Procesure. Those will become the
output parameters of the stored procedure. Supported R types of the output parameters are POSIXct, numeric,
character, integer, logical, and raw. This object must be created if the R function is returning a named list for non-
data frame memebers of the list

OutputParameter(name, type)


A character string, the name of the output parameter object.


R type of the output parameter object.

OutputParameter Object

## Not run:

# See ?StoredProcedure for creating the "cleandata" table.

# train 2 takes a data frame with clean data and outputs a model
# as well as the data on the basis of which the model was built
train2 <- function(in_df) {
in_df[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(in_df[,"DayOfWeek"],
# The model formula
formula <- ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek + CRSDepHour:DayOfWeek
# Train the model
mm <- rxLinMod(formula, data=in_df, transformFunc=NULL, transformVars=NULL)
mm <- rxSerializeModel(mm)
return(list(mm = mm, in_df = in_df))
# create InpuData Object for an input parameter that is a data frame
# note: if the input parameter is not a data frame use InputParameter object
id <- InputData(name = "in_df",
defaultQuery = paste0("select top 10000 ArrDelay,CRSDepTime,",
"DayOfWeek,CRSDepHour from cleanData"))
out1 <- OutputData("in_df")
# create an OutputParameter object for the variable "mm" inside the return list
out2 <- OutputParameter("mm", "raw")
# connections string
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
# create the stored procedure object
sp_df_op <- StoredProcedure(train2, "spTest2", id, out1, out2,
filePath = ".")
registerStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, conStr)
result <- executeStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, connectionString = conStr)
# Get back the linear model.
mm <- rxUnserializeModel(result$params$op1)
## End(Not run)
registerStoredProcedure: Register a SQL Stored
Procedure with a Database
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

registerStoredProcedure : Uses the the StoredProcedure object to register the stored procedure with the specified

registerStoredProcedure(sqlSP, connectionString = NULL)


a valid StoredProcedure object


A character string (must be provided if the StoredProcedure object was created without a connection string)

TRUE on success, FALSE on failure

## Not run:

# See ?StoredProcedure for creating the "cleandata" table.

# train 1 takes a data frame with clean data and outputs a model
train1 <- function(in_df) {
in_df[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(in_df[,"DayOfWeek"],
# The model formula
formula <- ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek + CRSDepHour:DayOfWeek
# Train the model
mm <- rxLinMod(formula, data=in_df)
mm <- rxSerializeModel(mm)
return(list("mm" = mm))
# create InpuData Object for an input parameter that is a data frame
# note: if the input parameter is not a data frame use InputParameter object
id <- InputData(name = "in_df",
defaultQuery = paste0("select top 10000 ArrDelay,CRSDepTime,",
"DayOfWeek,CRSDepHour from cleanData"))

# create an OutputParameter object for the variable inside the return list
# note: if that variable is a data frame use OutputData object
out <- OutputParameter("mm", "raw")

# connections string
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
# create the stored procedure object
sp_df_op <- StoredProcedure("train1", "spTest1", id, out,
filePath = ".")
# register the stored procedure with the database
registerStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, conStr)
model <- executeStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, connectionString = conStr)

# Getting back the model by unserializing it.

mm <- rxUnserializeModel(model$params$op1)
## End(Not run)
setInputDataQuery: Assign a Query to the Input Data
Parameter of the SQL Stored Procedure
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

setInputDataQuery : assigns a query to the InputData parameter of the stored procedure that is going to populate
the input data frame of the embedded R function in the next run of the stored procedure.

setInputDataQuery(inputData, query)


A character string, the name of the data frame input parameter into the R function.

A character string representing a query.

InputData Object

## Not run:

# See ?StoredProcedure for creating the `cleandata` table.

# and ?executeStoredProcedure for creating the `rdata` table.

# score1 makes a batch prediction given clean data(indata),

# model object(model_param), and the new name of the variable
# that is being predicted
score1 <- function(indata, model_param, predVarName) {
indata[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(indata[,"DayOfWeek"],
# The connection string
conStr <- paste("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
"Trusted_Connection=Yes;", sep = "")
# The compute context
computeContext <- RxInSqlServer(numTasks=4, connectionString=conStr)
mm <- rxReadObject(as.raw(model_param))
# Predict
result <- rxPredict(modelObject = mm,
data = indata,
outData = NULL,
predVarNames = predVarName,
extraVarsToWrite = c("ArrDelay"),
writeModelVars = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)
# connections string
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
# create InpuData Object for an input parameter that is a data frame
id <- InputData(name = "indata", defaultQuery = "SELECT * from cleanData")
# InputParameter for the model_param input variable
model <- InputParameter("model_param", "raw",
defaultQuery =
"select top 1 value from rdata where [key] = 'linmod.v1'")
# InputParameter for the predVarName variable
name <- InputParameter("predVarName", "character")
sp_df_df <- StoredProcedure(score1, "sTest", id, model, name,
filePath = ".")
# register the stored procedure with a database
registerStoredProcedure(sp_df_df, conStr)
# assign a different query to the InputData so that it only uses the firt 10 rows
id <- setInputDataQuery(id, "SELECT top 10 * from cleanData")
# assign a value to the name parameter
name <- setInputParameterValue(name, "ArrDelayEstimate")
# execute the stored procedure
model <- executeStoredProcedure(sp_df_df, id, name, connectionString = conStr)
## End(Not run)
setInputParameterValue: Assign a Value to the Input
Data Parameter of the SQL Stored Procedure
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

setInputParameterValue : assigns a value to an input parameter of the stored procedure/embedded R function that
is going to be used in the next run of the stored procedure.

setInputParameterValue(inParam, value)


A character string, the name of input parameter into the R function.


A value that is to be bound to the input parameter. Note: binding for input parameters of type "raw" is not

InputParameter Object

## Not run:

# See ?StoredProcedure for creating the `cleandata` table.

# and ?executeStoredProcedure for creating the `rdata` table.

# score1 makes a batch prediction given clean data(indata),

# model object(model_param), and the new name of the variable
# that is being predicted
score1 <- function(indata, model_param, predVarName) {
indata[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(indata[,"DayOfWeek"],
# The connection string
conStr <- paste("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
"Trusted_Connection=Yes;", sep = "")
# The compute context
computeContext <- RxInSqlServer(numTasks=4, connectionString=conStr)
mm <- rxReadObject(as.raw(model_param))
# Predict
result <- rxPredict(modelObject = mm,
data = indata,
outData = NULL,
predVarNames = predVarName,
extraVarsToWrite = c("ArrDelay"),
writeModelVars = TRUE,
overwrite = TRUE)
# connections string
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
# create InpuData Object for an input parameter that is a data frame
id <- InputData(name = "indata", defaultQuery = "SELECT * from cleanData")
# InputParameter for the model_param input variable
model <- InputParameter("model_param", "raw",
defaultQuery =
"select top 1 value from rdata where [key] = 'linmod.v1'")
# InputParameter for the predVarName variable
name <- InputParameter("predVarName", "character")
sp_df_df <- StoredProcedure(score1, "sTest", id, model, name,
filePath = ".")
# register the stored procedure with a database
registerStoredProcedure(sp_df_df, conStr)
# assign a different query to the InputData so that it only uses the firt 10 rows
id <- setInputDataQuery(id, "SELECT top 10 * from cleanData")
# assign a value to the name parameter
name <- setInputParameterValue(name, "ArrDelayEstimate")
# execute the stored procedure
model <- executeStoredProcedure(sp_df_df, id, name, connectionString = conStr)
## End(Not run)
StoredProcedure: SQL Server Stored Procedure:
Class Generator
6/18/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

StoredProcedure : generates a SQLServer Stored Procedure Object and optionally a .sql file containing a query to
create a stored procedure. StoredProcedure$registrationVec contains strings representing the queries needed for
creation of the stored procedure

StoredProcedure (func, spName, ..., filePath = NULL ,dbName = NULL,
connectionString = NULL, batchSeparator = "GO")


A valid R function or a string name of a valid R function: 1) All of the variables that the function relies on should be
defined either inside the function or come in as input parameters. Among the input parameters there can be at
most 1 data frame 2) The function should return either a data frame, a named list, or NULL. There can be at most
one data frame inside the list.

A character string specifying name for the stored procedure.


Optional input and output parameters for the stored procedure; must be objects of classes InputData,
InputParameter, or outputParameter.

A character string specifying a path to the directory in which to create the .sql. If NULL the .sql file is not generated.

A character string specifying name of the database to use.


A character string specifying the connection string.


Desired SQL batch separator (only relevant if filePath is defined)

SQLServer Stored Procedure Object
## Not run:

############# Example 1 #############

# etl1 - reads from and write directly to the database
etl1 <- function() {
# The query to get the data
qq <- "select top 10000 ArrDelay,CRSDepTime,DayOfWeek from AirlineDemoSmall"
# The connection string
conStr <- paste("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
"Trusted_Connection=Yes;", sep = "")
# The data source - retrieves the data from the database
dsSqls <- RxSqlServerData(sqlQuery=qq, connectionString=conStr)
# The destination data source
dsSqls2 <- RxSqlServerData(table ="cleanData", connectionString = conStr)
# A transformation function
transformFunc <- function(data) {
data$CRSDepHour <- as.integer(trunc(data$CRSDepTime))
# The transformation variables
transformVars <- c("CRSDepTime")
rxDataStep(inData = dsSqls,
outFile = dsSqls2,
overwrite = TRUE)
# Create a StoredProcedure object
sp_ds_ds <- StoredProcedure(etl1, "spTest",
filePath = ".", dbName ="RevoTestDB")
# Define a connection string
conStr <- paste("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
"Trusted_Connection=Yes;", sep = "")
# register the stored procedure with a database
registerStoredProcedure(sp_ds_ds, conStr)
# execute the stored procedure
executeStoredProcedure(sp_ds_ds, connectionString = conStr)

############# Example 2 #############

# train 1 takes a data frame with clean data and outputs a model
train1 <- function(in_df) {
in_df[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(in_df[,"DayOfWeek"],
# The model formula
formula <- ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek + CRSDepHour:DayOfWeek
# Train the model
mm <- rxLinMod(formula, data=in_df)
mm <- rxSerializeModel(mm)
return(list("mm" = mm))
# create InpuData Object for an input parameter that is a data frame
# note: if the input parameter is not a data frame use InputParameter object
id <- InputData(name = "in_df",
defaultQuery = paste0("select top 10000 ArrDelay,CRSDepTime,",
"DayOfWeek,CRSDepHour from cleanData"))
# create an OutputParameter object for the variable inside the return list
# note: if that variable is a data frame use OutputData object
out <- OutputParameter("mm", "raw")

# connections string
conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;",
# create the stored procedure object
sp_df_op <- StoredProcedure("train1", "spTest1", id, out,
filePath = ".")
# register the stored procedure with the database
registerStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, conStr)

# get the linear model

model <- executeStoredProcedure(sp_df_op, connectionString = conStr)
mm <- rxUnserializeModel(model$params$op1)
## End(Not run)
Compare Machine Learning Server and Microsoft R
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

The following table broadly compares members of the Machine Learning Server and Microsoft R. All products with
R support are built on Microsoft R Open and install the package automatically.
There is no Python client or workstation version for Machine Learning Server. You can install the developer edition
or an evaluation edition of Machine Learning Server if you require a free-of-charge copy for study and


Machine Learning Enterprise class server Commercial software Fully supported by Adds custom
Server software Microsoft functionality provided
in proprietary
Microsoft R and
Python packages,
intended for local,
remote, or distributed
execution of larger
datasets at scale. This
product was formerly
known as Microsoft R

Microsoft R Client Workstation version Free Community forums 1 Adds custom

of Microsoft R functionality provided
in proprietary
Microsoft R packages,
intended for
development and
local execution of in-
memory datasets.

Microsoft R Open Microsoft's Free Community forums 1 Use Microsoft R Open

distribution of open as you would any
source R other distribution of
R. Script written
against Microsoft R
Open is straight R,
composed of basic
functions provided in
publically available R

Warning! Microsoft R
Client and Machine
Learning Server are
built atop of specific
versions of Microsoft
R Open. If you are
installing R Client or
Machine Learning
Server, always use the
R Open version
provided by the
installer (or described
in the installation
guides) to avoid
compatibility errors.
You can also install
and use Microsoft R
Open on its own by
downloading the R
Open latest version.

1 Microsoft does not offer technical support for issues encountered in either Microsoft R Open or Microsoft R
Client, but you can get peer support in MSDN forums and StackOverflow, to name a few.

For information on SQL Server Machine Learning Services, please visit the corresponding documentation here:

Compare features by product

Features provided by Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Client, and Microsoft R Open can be categorized as
shown in this table. This table slices key features by components. Additional capability provided in R Client and
Machine Learning Server is delivered via proprietary packages.


Memory & Storage Memory bound1 Memory bound1 & operates Memory across multiple
on large volumes when nodes as well as data
connected to R Server. chunking across multiple
Operates on bigger volumes
& factors.

Speed of Analysis Multithreaded via MKL2 for Multithreaded via MKL2 for Full parallel threading &
non-RevoScaleR functions. non-RevoScaleR functions, processing for revoscalepy
but only up to 2 threads for and RevoScaleR functions as
ScaleR functions with a local well as for non-proprietary
compute context. functions (via MKL2 ) in both
local and remote compute

Analytic Breadth & Depth Open source packages only. Open source R packages Open source R packages
plus proprietary packages. plus proprietary packages
with support for
parallelization and
distributed workloads.
Proprietary Python packages
for solutions written in that

Operationalizing R Not available Not available Includes the instant

Analytics deployment and easy
consumption of R analytics,
interactive remote code
execution, speedy realtime
scoring, scalability, and
enterprise-grade security.

1 Memory bound because product can only process datasets that fit into the available memory.

2 Because the Intel Math Kernel Library ( MKL ) is included in Microsoft R

Open, the performance of a generic R
solution is generally better. MKL replaces the standard R implementations of Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines
(BLAS ) and the LAPACK library with multithreaded versions. As a result, calls to those low -level routines tend to
execute faster on Microsoft R than on a conventional installation of R.

See Also
What's new in Machine Learning Server
Support Timeline for Microsoft R Server & Machine
Learning Server
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Machine Learning Server (previously called Microsoft R Server) is released several times per year. Each updated
version is supported for two (2) years from its general availability (GA) release date. Furthermore, customers also
receive critical updates for the first year from general availability (GA) of each release as shown in the diagram.
This support policy allows us to deliver innovation to customers at a rapid rate while providing flexibility for
customers to adopt the innovation at their pace.

Figure 1. Example of servicing support


Machine Learning Server 9.3.0 3/1/2018 3/1/2020

Machine Learning Server 9.2.1 10/1/2017 10/1/2019

Microsoft R Server 9.1.0 5/1/2017 5/1/2019

Microsoft R Server 9.0.1 1/1/2017 1/1/2019

Microsoft R Server 8.0.5 7/1/2016 7/1/2018

Microsoft R Server 8.0.0 1/1/2016 1/1/2018

Known issues in Machine Learning Server
7/31/2018 • 15 minutes to read • Edit Online

The following issues are known in the 9.3 release.

Known issues in 9.3

1. Missing azure-ml-admin-cli extension on DSVM environments
If for some reason your azure-ml-admin-cli extension is not available or has been removed you will be met
with the following error:

# With elevated privileges, run the following commands.

$ az ml admin --help

az: error: argument _command_package: invalid choice: ml

usage: az [-h] [--verbose] [--debug] [--output {tsv,table,json,jsonc}]
[--query JMESPATH]

If you encounter this error, you can re-add the extension as such:

$ az extension add --source 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\Setup\azure_ml_admin_cli-0.0.1-py2.py3-

none-any. whl' --yes


az extension add --source ./microsoft/mlserver/9.3.0/o16n/azure_ml_admin_cli-0.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl --


2. Compute nodes fail on a Python-only install on Ubuntu 14.04

This issue applies to both 9.3 and 9.2.1 installations. On a Ubuntu 14.04 installation of a Python-only Machine
Learning Server configured for operationalization, the compute node eventually fails. For example, if you run
diagnostics, the script fails with "BackEndBusy Exception".
To work around this issue, comment out the stop service entry in the config file:
1. On the compute node, edit the /etc/init/computenode.service file.
2. Comment out the command: "stop on stopping rserve" by inserting # at beginning of the line.
3. Restart the compute node: az ml admin node start --computenode
For more information on service restarts, see Monitor, stop, and start web & compute nodes.
3. ImportError for Matplotlib.pyplot
This is a known Anaconda issue not specific to Machine Learning Server, but Matplotlib.pyplot fails to load on
some systems. Since using Matplotlib.pyplot with revoscalepy is a common scenario, we recommend the
following workaround if you are blocked by an import error. The workaround is to assign a non-interactive
backend to matplotlib prior to loading pyplot:

import matplotlib as mpl

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

For more information, search for "Agg backend" in the Matplotlib FAQ.
4. Model deserialization on older remote servers
Applies to: rxSerializeModel (RevoScaleR ), referencing "Error in memDecompress(data, type = decompress)"
If you customarily switch the compute context among multiple machines, you might have trouble
deserializing a model if the RevoScaleR library is out of sync. Specifically, if you serialized the model on a
newer client, and then attempt deserialization on a remote server having older copies of those libraries, you
might encounter this error:

"Error in memDecompress(data, type = decompress) :

internal error -3 in memDecompress(2)"

To deserialize the model, switch to a newer server or consider upgrading the older remote server. As a best
practice, it helps when all servers and client apps are at the same functional level.
5. azureml-model-management-sdk only supports up to 3 aruguments as the input of the web service
When consuming the web services using python, sending multiple variables (more than three) as inputs of
consume() or the alias function is returning KeyError or TypeError. Alternative: use DataFrames as the input
# example:
def func(Age, Gender, Height, Weight):
pred = mod.predict(Age, Gender, Height, Weight)
return pred
#error 1:
service.consume(Age = 25.0, Gender = 1.0, Height = 180.0, Weight = 200.0)
#TypeError: consume() got multiple values for argument 'Weight'
#error 2:
service.consume(25.0, 1.0, 180.0, 200.0)
#KeyError: 'weight'

def func(inputDatf):
features = ['Age', 'Gender', 'Height', 'Weight']
inputDatf = inputDatf[features]
pred = mod.predict(inputDatf)
outputDatf = inputDatf
return outputDatf

service = client.service(service_name)\
.description('Calories python model')\

res=service.consume(pd.DataFrame({ 'Age':[1], 'Gender':[2], 'Height':[3], 'Weight':[4] }))

Previous releases
This document also describes the known issues for the last several releases:
Known issues for 9.2.1
Known issues for 9.1.0
Known issues for 9.0.1
Known issues for 8.0.5
Machine Learning Server 9.2.1
The following issues are known in this release:
1. Configure Machine Learning Server web node warning: "Web Node was not able to start because it is not
2. Client certificate is ignored when the Subject or Issue is blank.
3. Web node connection to compute node times out during a batch execution.

Other release-specific pages include What's New in 9.2.1 and Deprecated and Discontinued Features. For known issues
in the previous releases, see Previous Releases.

1. Configure Machine Learning Server web node warning: "Web Node was not able to start because it is not configured."
When configuring your web node, you might see the following message: "Web Node was not able to start
because it is not configured." Typically, this is not really an issue since the web node is automatically restarted
within 5 minutes by an auto-recovery mechanism. After five minutes, run the diagnostics.
2. Client certificate is ignored when the Subject or Issue is blank.
If you are using a client certificate, both the Subject AND Issuer need to be set to a value in order for the
certificate to be used. If any of those is not set, the certificate settings are ignored without warning.
3. Web node connection to compute node times out during a batch execution.
If you are consuming a long-running web service via batch mode, you may encounter a connection timeout
between the web and compute node. In batch executions, if a web service is still running after 10 minutes, the
connection from the web node to the compute node times out. The web node then starts another session on
another compute node or shell. The initial shell that was running when the connection timed out continues to
run but never returns a result.
The workaround to bypass the timeout is to modify the webnode appsetting.json file.
1. Change the field "ConnectionTimeout" under the "ComputeNodesConfiguration" section. The default
value is "01:00:00" which is one hour.
2. Add a new field "BatchExecutionCheckoutTimeSpan" at the base level of the json file. For example:

"MaxNumberOfThreadsPerBatchExecution": 100,
"BatchExecutionCheckoutTimeSpan": "03:00:00",

The value of "BatchExecutionCheckoutTimeSpan" and "ConnectionTimeout" should be set to same value. If

both web and compute nodes are on the same machine (a one-box configuration) or on the same virtual
network, then the "ConnectionTimeout" can be shorter because there is minimal latency.
To reduce the risk of timeouts, we recommend same-machine or same-network deployments. On Azure, you
can set these up easily using a template. For more information, see Configure Machine Learning Server using
Resource Manager templates.
Microsoft R Server 9.1.0
1. RevoScaleR: rxMerge() behaviors in RxSpark compute context
2. RevoScaleR: rxExecBy() terminates unexpectedly when NA values do not have a factor level
3. MicrosoftML error: "Transform pipeline 0 contains transforms that do not implement IRowToRowMapper"
4. Spark compute context: modelCount=1 does not work with rxTextData
5. Cloudera: "" does not exist
6. Cloudera: Connection error due to libjvm and libhdfs package dependencies
7. Long delays when consuming web service on Spark
Other release-specific pages include What's New in 9.1 and Deprecated and Discontinued Features. For
known issues in the 9.0.1 or 8.0.5 releases, see Previous Releases.
1. rxMerge() behaviors in RxSpark compute context
Applies to: RevoScaleR package > rxMerge function
In comparison with the local compute context, rxMerge() used in a RxSpark compute context has slightly
different behaviors:
1. NULL return value.
2. Column order may be different.
3. Factor columns may be written as character type.
4. In a local compute context, duplicate column names are made unique by adding “.”, plus the extensions
provided by the user via the duplicateVarExt parameter (for example “Visibility.Origin”). In an RxSpark
compute context, the “.” is omitted.
2. rxExecBy () terminates unexpectedly when NA values do not have a factor level
Applies to: RevoScaleR package > rxExecBy function
R script using rxExecBy suddenly aborts when the data set presents factor columns containing NA values, and
NA is not a factor level. For example, consider a variable for Gender with three factor levels: Female, Male,
Unknown. If an existing value is not represented by one of the factors, the function fails.
There are two possible workarounds:
Option 1: Add an 'NA' level using addNA () to catch the "not applicable" case.
Option 2: Clean the input dataset (remove the NA values).
Pseudo code for the first option might be:
> dat$Gender = addNA(dat$Gender)

Output would now include a fourth factor level called NA that would catch all values not covered by the other

> rxGetInfo(dat, getVarInfo = TRUE)

Data frame: dat

Number of observations: 97
Number of variables: 1
Variable information:
Var 1: Gender
4 factor levels: Female Male Unknown NA

3. MicrosoftML error: "Transform pipeline 0 contains transforms that do not implement IRowToRowMapper"
Applies to: MicrosoftML package > Ensembling
Certain machine learning transforms that don’t implement the IRowToRowMapper interface fail during
Ensembling. Examples include getSentiment() and featurizeImage().
To work around this error, you can pre-featurize data using rxFeaturize(). The only other alternative is to avoid
mixing Ensembling with transforms that produce this error. Finally, you could also wait until the issue is fixed
in the next release.
4. Spark compute context: modelCount=1 does not work with rxTextData
Applies to: MicrosoftML package > Ensembling
modelCount = 1 does not work when used with rxTextData() on Hadoop/Spark. To work around this issue,
set the property to greater than 1.
5. Cloudera: "" does not exist
If you are performing a parcel installation of R Server in Cloudera, you might notice a message directing you
to use a python installation script for automated deployment. The exact message is "If you wish to automate
the Parcel installation please run:", followed by "". Currently, that script is not available.
Ignore the message.
6. Cloudera: Connection error related to libjvm or libhdfs package dependencies
R Server has a package dependency that is triggered only under a very specific configuration:
R Server was installed on CDH via parcel generator
RStudio is the IDE
Operation runs in local compute context on an edge node in a Hadoop cluster
Under this configuration, a failed operation could be the result of a package dependency, which is evident in
the error message stack through warnings about a missing libjvm or libhdfs package.
The workaround is to recreate the symbolic link, update the site file, and restart R Studio.
1. Create this symlink:

sudo ln -s /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_67-cloudera/jre/lib/amd64/server/

2. Copy the site file to the parcel repo and rename it to

sudo cp ~/ /opt/cloudera/parcels/MRS/hadoop

sudo mv /opt/cloudera/parcels/MRS/hadoop/

3. Restart RStudio after the changes:

sudo rstudio-server restart

7. Long delays when consuming web service on Spark

If you encounter long delays when trying to consume a web service created with mrsdeploy functions in a
Spark compute context, you may need to add some missing folders. The Spark application belongs to a user
called 'rserve2' whenever it is invoked from a web service using mrsdeploy functions.
To work around this issue, create these required folders for user 'rserve2' in local and hdfs:

hadoop fs -mkdir /user/RevoShare/rserve2

hadoop fs -chmod 777 /user/RevoShare/rserve2

mkdir /var/RevoShare/rserve2
chmod 777 /var/RevoShare/rserve2

Next, create a new Spark compute context:

rxSparkConnect(reset = TRUE)

When 'reset = TRUE', all cached Spark Data Frames are freed and all existing Spark applications belonging to
the current user are shut down. If you encounter long delays when trying to consume a web service created
with mrsdeploy functions in a Spark compute context, you may need to add some missing folders. The Spark
application belongs to a user called “rserve2” whenever it is invoked from a web service using mrsdeploy
To work around this issue, create these required folders for user “rserve2” in local and hdfs:

hadoop fs -mkdir /user/RevoShare/rserve2

hadoop fs -chmod 777 /user/RevoShare/rserve2

mkdir /var/RevoShare/rserve2
chmod 777 /var/RevoShare/rserve2

Now, to create a clean Spark compute context, then run:

rxSparkConnect(reset = TRUE)
The 'reset' parameter kills all pre-existing yarn applications, and create a new one.
8. Web node connection to compute node times out during a batch execution.
If you are consuming a long-running web service via batch mode, you may encounter a connection timeout
between the web and compute node. In batch executions, if a web service is still running after 10 minutes, the
connection from the web node to the compute node times out. The web node then starts another session on
another compute node or shell. The initial shell that was running when the connection timed out continues to
run but never returns a result.
Microsoft R Server 9.0.1
Package: RevoScaleR > Distributed Computing
On SLES 11 systems, there have been reports of threading interference between the Boost and MKL
The value of consoleOutput that is set in the RxHadoopMR compute context when wait=FALSE determines
whether or not consoleOutput is displayed when rxGetJobResults is called; the value of consoleOutput in
the latter function is ignored.
When using RxInTeradata , if you encounter an intermittent failure, try resubmitting your R command.
The rxDataStep function does not support the varsToKeep and varsToDrop arguments in RxInTeradata .
The dataPath and outDataPath arguments for the RxHadoopMR compute context are not yet supported.
The rxSetVarInfo function is not supported when accessing xdf files with the RxHadoopMR compute
When specifying a non-default RNGkind as an argument to rxExec , identical random number streams can
be generated unless the RNGseed is also specified.
When using small test data sets on a Teradata appliance, some test failures may occur due to insufficient
data on each AMP.
Adding multiple new columns using rxDataStep with RxTeradata data sources fails in local compute
context. As a workaround, use RxOdbcData data sources or the RxInTeradata compute context.
Package: RevoScaleR > Data Import and Manipulation
Appending to an existing table is not supported when writing to a Teradata database.
When reading VARCHAR columns from a database, white space is trimmed. To prevent this, enclose strings
in non-white-space characters.
When using functions such as rxDataStep to create database tables with VARCHAR columns, the column
width is estimated based on a sample of the data. If the width can vary, it may be necessary to pad all
strings to a common length.
Using a transform to change a variable's data type is not supported when repeated calls to rxImport or
rxTextToXdf are used to import and append rows, combining multiple input files into a single .xdf file.
When importing data from the Hadoop Distributed File System, attempting to interrupt the computation
may result in exiting the software.
Package: RevoScaleR > Analysis Functions
Composite xdf data set columns are removed when running rxPredict(.) with rxDForest(.) in Hadoop
and writing to the input file.
The rxDTree function does not currently support in-formula transformations; in particular, using the F()
syntax for creating factors on the fly is not supported. However, numeric data is automatically binned.
Ordered factors are treated the same as factors in all RevoScaleR analysis functions except rxDTree .
Package: RevoIOQ
If the RevoIOQ function is run concurrently in separate processes, some tests may fail.
Package: RevoMods
The RevoMods timestamp() function, which masks the standard version from the utils package, is unable to
find the C_addhistory object when running in an Rgui, Rscript, etc. session. If you are calling timestamp() ,
call the utils version directly as utils::timestamp() .
R Base and Recommended Packages
In the nls function, use of the port algorithm occasionally causes the R front end to stop unexpectedly.
The nls help file advises caution when using this algorithm. We recommend avoiding it altogether and
using either the default Gauss-Newton or plinear algorithms.
Operationalize (Deploy & Consume Web Services ) features formerly referred to as DeployR
When Azure active directory authentication is the only form of authentication enabled, it is not possible to
run diagnostics.
Microsoft R Server 8.0.5
Package: RevoScaleR > Distributed Computing
On SLES 11 systems, there have been reports of threading interference between the Boost and MKL
The value of consoleOutput defined in the RxHadoopMR compute context when wait=FALSE determines
whether consoleOutput is displayed when rxGetJobResults is called. The value of consoleOutput in the
latter function is ignored.
When using RxInTeradata , if you encounter an intermittent failure, try resubmitting your R command.
The rxDataStep function does not support the varsToKeep and varsToDrop arguments in RxInTeradata .
The dataPath and outDataPath arguments for the RxHadoopMR compute context are not yet supported.
The rxSetVarInfo function is not supported when accessing xdf files with the RxHadoopMR compute
Package: RevoScaleR > Data Import and Manipulation
Appending to an existing table is not supported when writing to a Teradata database.
When reading VARCHAR columns from a database, white space is trimmed. To prevent this, enclose strings
in non-white-space characters.
When using functions such as rxDataStep to create database tables with VARCHAR columns, the column
width is estimated based on a sample of the data. If the width can vary, it may be necessary to pad all
strings to a common length.
Using a transform to change a variable's data type is not supported when repeated calls to rxImport or
rxTextToXdf are used to import and append rows, combining multiple input files into a single .xdf file.
When importing data from the Hadoop Distributed File System, attempting to interrupt the computation
may result in exiting the software.
Package: RevoScaleR > Analysis Functions
Composite xdf data set columns are removed when running rxPredict(.) with rxDForest(.) in Hadoop
and writing to the input file.
The rxDTree function does not currently support in-formula transformations; in particular, using the F()
syntax for creating factors on the fly is not supported. However, numeric data is automatically binned.
Ordered factors are treated the same as factors in all RevoScaleR analysis functions except rxDTree .
On Linux, if you attempt to change the DeployR RServe port using the , the script
incorrectly updates Tomcat's server.xml file, which prevents Tomcat from starting, and does not
update the necessary the Rserv.conf file. You must revert back to an earlier version of server.xml to
restore service.
Using deployrExternal() on the DeployR Server to reference a file that in a specified folder produces a
‘Connection Error’ due to an improperly defined environment variable. For this reason, you must log
into the Administration Console and go to The Grid tab. In that tab, edit Storage Context value for
each and every node and specify the full path to the external data directory on that node’s machine,
such as <DEPLOYR_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY>/deployr/external/data .
RevoIOQ Package
If the RevoIOQ function is run concurrently in separate processes, some tests may fail.
RevoMods Package
The RevoMods timestamp() function, which masks the standard version from the utils package, is unable to
find the C_addhistory object when running in an Rgui, Rscript, etc. session. If you are calling timestamp() ,
call the utils version directly as utils::timestamp() .
R Base and Recommended Packages
In the nls function, use of the port algorithm occasionally causes the R front end to stop unexpectedly.
The nls help file advises caution when using this algorithm. We recommend avoiding it altogether and
using either the default Gauss-Newton or plinear algorithms.
Deprecated, discontinued, or changed features
6/18/2018 • 4 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server and Microsoft R Server

This article notifies you about pending status changes to features and function libraries, such as deprecated and
discontinued functions in the custom packages and libraries installed with the product.

Machine Learning Server 9.3

There are no announcements for package or function deprecation, discontinuation, or changes to existing
To learn more about this release, see What's New for feature announcements and Known issues for descriptions
and possible workarounds to known problems found in this release.

Machine Learning Server 9.2.1

RevoScaleR Package

RxHadoopMR Deprecated RxSpark

RxHadoopMR-class Deprecated RxSpark-class

RxInTeradata Deprecated None. The only in-database compute

context is SQL Server.

RxInTeradata-class Deprecated None. The only in-database compute

context is SQL Server.

For more information, see discontinued RevoScaleR functions and deprecated RevoScaleR functions.

Microsoft R Server 9.1.0

RevoScaleR Package

rxGetNodes Deprecated rxGetAvailableNodes

RxHpcServer Deprecated RxSpark or RxHadoopMR

rxImportToXdf Deprecated rxImport

rxDataStepXdf Deprecated rxDataStep

rxDataFrameToXdf Deprecated rxDataStep


rxXdfToDataFrame Deprecated rxDataStep

rxSortXdf Deprecated rxSort

rxGetVarInfoXdf Discontinued rxGetVarInfo )

rxGetInfoXdf Discontinued rxGetInfo )

For more information, see discontinued RevoScaleR functions and deprecated RevoScaleR functions.
RevoMods Package
In RevoMods functions are discontinued (all were intended for use solely by the R Productivity Environment
discontinued in Microsoft R Server 8.0.3):
? (use the standard R ? , previously masked)
q (use the standard R q function, previously masked)
quit (use the standard R quit function, previously masked)
revoPlot (use the standard R plot function)
revoSource (use the standard R source function)

Microsoft R Server 9.0.1

Changed in this release
R Server is built on Microsoft R Open 3.3.2 (R 3.3.2).
R packages added to MRO include curl , Jsonlite , and R6 .
R packages added to R Server include mrupdate (for automated update checks) and CompatibilityAPI (to
check for feature compatibility between versions).
DeployR (now referred to as operationalization) no longer supports MongoDB. Use PostGreSQL, SQL Server,
or Azure SQL Database instead.
Deprecated or Discontinued
RevoScaleR deprecated functions:
RxHpcServer(no replacement)
rxReadXdf (use rxImport or rxDataStep )
RevoScaleR discontinued functions:
Bug Fixes
Not available.
Known Issues
See here:

Microsoft R Server 8.0.5

Deprecated or Discontinued
The R Productivity Environment (RPE ) IDE for Revolution R Enterprise:
The RPE is now defunct. We recommend use of R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS ), which provides a
more modern and flexible IDE.
These R packages that support the RPE have been removed: revoIpe , pkgXMLBuilder , XML , and
RevoRpeConnector .
RevoScaleR changes:

These RevoScaleR functions are now deprecated:

(use rxImport )
rxDataStepXdf (use rxDataStep )
rxXdfToDataFrame (use rxDataStep )
rxDataFrameToXdf (use rxDataStep )

These RevoScaleR functions are now defunct:

rxgetvarinfo (use rxGetVarInfo )
rxGetInfoXdf (us rxGetInfo )
the covariance argument (only) to the rxLinMod function
Changed in this release
A new internal variable, .rxPredict is available inside transformation functions to indicate that the data is
being processed from a prediction rather than a model estimation.
Microsoft R documentation has been moved from the product distribution to MSDN. The “doc”
directories in the RevoScaleR and RevoPemaR packages have been removed, as has the top-level R Server
“doc” directory.
Microsoft R licenses and Third Party Notices files are now included in the new MicrosoftR package. The
Revo.home() function now points to the location of this directory, and Revo.home(“licenses”) points to the
“licenses” directory within. The Revo.home(“doc”) component is now defunct.
An opt-in telemetry feature allows you to anonymously help improve Microsoft R Server by enabling us to
gather data on the R Server functions you use, operating system, R version, and RevoScaleR version. Turn
it on using the rxPrivacyControl function in RevoScaleR .

Bug Fixes
rxKmeans now works with an RxHadoopMR compute context and an RxTextData data source.
When writing to an RxTextData data source using rxDataStep , specifying firstRowIsColNames to FALSE in
the output data source will now correctly result in no column names being written.
When writing to an RxTextData data source using rxDataStep , setting quoteMark to "" in the output data
source will now result in no quote marks written around character data.
When writing to an RxTextData data source using rxDataStep , setting missingValueString to "" in the
output data source will now result in empty strings for missing values.
Using rxImport , if quotedDelimiters was set to TRUE , transforms could not be processed.
rxImport of RxTextData now reports a warning instead of an error if mismatched quotes are encountered.
When using rxImport and appending to an .xdf file, a combination of the use of newName and newLevels
for different variables in colInfo could result in newLevels being ignored, resulting in a different set of
factor levels for the appended data.
When using rxPredict , with an in-formula transformation of the dependent variable, an error was given if
the variable used in the transformation was not available in the prediction data set.
Hadoop bug fix for incompatibility when using both HA and Kerberos on HDP.
Deployr default grid node and any additional nodes should have 20 slots by default
DeployR was generating very large (~52GB ) catalina.out log files.
When running scripts in the DeployR Repository Manager's Test tab, any numeric values set to 0 were
ignored and not included as part of the request.
Known Issues
See here:

Microsoft R Server 8.0.0

Known Issues
See here:
Opting out of usage data collection
4/13/2018 • 2 minutes to read • Edit Online

Applies to: Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server 9.x

By default, telemetry data is collected during your usage of Machine Learning Server, Microsoft R Server, and R
Client for the purpose of improving products and services. Anonymous usage data includes device information,
operating system version, regional and language settings, and errors reports. Please see the Microsoft privacy
statement for a detailed explanation.
To turn data collection on or off, use rxPrivacyControl from RevoScaleR on any platform, or rx_privacy_control
from revoscalepy.

Version Requirements
Privacy controls are in newer versions of the server. To verify server version is 9.x or later (or 3.4.x for R Client),
open an R IDE, such the R Console (RGui.exe). The console app reports server version information for Microsoft R
Open, R Client, and R Server. From the console, you can use the print command to return verbose version

> print(Revo.version)

Permission Requirements
Opting out of telemetry requires administrator rights. The instructions below explain how to run console
applications as an administrator.
As an administrator, running the R command rxPrivacyControl(TRUE) will permanently change the setting to
TRUE, and rxPrivacyControl(FALSE) will permanently change the setting to FALSE. There is no user-facing way to
change the setting for a single session.
Without a parameter, running rxPrivacyControl() returns the current setting. Similarly, if you are not an
administrator, rxPrivacyControl() returns just the current setting.

How to opt out (Python)

The revoscalepy package providing rx-privacy-control is installed when you add Python support to Machine
Learning Server:
1. Log on as root: sudo su
2. Start a Python session: mlserver-python
3. Load the library: import revoscalepy
4. Return the current value: revoscalepy.rx_privacy_control()
5. Change the current value: revoscalepy.rx_privacy_control(TRUE) to turn on telemetry data collection.
Otherwise, set it to FALSE.

How to opt out (R)

The RevoScaleR package provides rxPrivacyControl is installed and loaded in both R Client and R Server. To turn
off telemetry data collection, you can use the built-in R console application, which loads RevoScaleR automatically.
On Linux
1. Log on as root: sudo su
2. Start an R session: Revo64
3. Return the current value: rxPrivacyControl
4. Change the current value: rxPrivacyControl(TRUE) to turn on telemetry data collection. Otherwise, set it to
On Windows
1. Log in to the computer as an administrator.
2. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ML Server\R_SERVER\bin\x64.
3. Right-click Rgui.exe and select Run as administrator.
4. Type rxPrivacyControl to return the current value.
5. Type rxPrivacyControl(FALSE) to turn off telemetry data collection.
The rxPrivacyControl command sets the state to be opted-in or out for anonymous usage collection.
Command syntax


This command takes one parameter, optIn , set to either ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’ to opt out. Left unspecified, the
current setting is returned.

How to Contact Us
Please contact Microsoft if you have any questions or concerns.
For general privacy question or a question for the Chief Privacy Officer of Microsoft or want to request
access to your personal information, please contact us by using our Web form.
For technical or general support question, please visit to learn more about
Microsoft Support offerings.
If you have a Microsoft account password question, please visit Microsoft account support.
By mail: Microsoft Privacy, Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 USA
By Phone: 425-882-8080
Additional Resources for Machine Learning Server
and Microsoft R
6/18/2018 • 10 minutes to read • Edit Online

The following resources are available to you:

Blogs and resources

Product web page
Supported platforms
About R
R Language Resources
R Blog
Operationalization Examples
Galaxy classification with neural networks: a data science workflow
Running your R code on Azure with mrsdeploy
Python programming tutorial

User Support Forum

Sample datasets
Sample Dataset Directory
More Data Sources
Blog Post on Data Sources

R Server on Azure
Azure ML Support Forum
Microsoft Azure Blog
R Server VM offers in the Azure Marketplace

R Tools for Visual Studio

R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS )

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Documentation Roadmap
We recommend that you begin with the Quickstarts on this site. After you've completed those tutorials, you'll be
ready start using R for your own purposes. While the tutorials have given you the basic tools to begin exploring,
you may still want more guidance for your specific tasks. Luckily, there is a huge library of Microsoft R, open-
source R, and S documentation that can help you perform almost any task with R. This brief roadmap points you
toward some of the most useful documentation that Microsoft is aware of. (If you find other useful resources,
drop us a line at!)
The obvious place to start is with the rest of the document set, which includes documentation on the RevoScaleR
package for scalable data analysis (on all platforms). You can find this documentation on this site using the table
of contents on this page.
Next, we recommend the R Core Team manuals, which are part of every R distribution, including An Introduction
to R, The R Language Definition, Writing R Extensions. You can access that on the CRAN website or in your R
installation directory.
Beyond the standard R manuals, there are many books available to help you learn R, and to help you use R to do
particular things. The rest of this article helps point you in the right direction.
Introductory Material
New to R?
R for Dummies by Andrie de Vries and Joris Meys
Excellent starting place if you are new to R, filled with examples and tips
R FAQ by Kurt Hornik
An Introduction to R by the R Development Core Team, 2008
Based on “Notes on S -Plus” by Bill Venables and David Smith. Includes an extensive sample session in
Appendix A
Intermediate R Users
O’Reilly’s R Cookbook by Paul Teetor
A book filled with recipes to help you accomplish specific tasks.
The Essential R Reference by Mark Gardener
A dictionary-like reference to more than 400-R commands, including cross-references and examples
For SAS or SPSS Users
R for SAS and SPSS Users by Robert Muenchen
Good starting point for users of SAS or SPSS who are new to R
SAS and R: Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics by Ken Kleinman and Nicholas J. Horton
Analysis of Correlated Data with SAS and R by Mohamed M. Shoukri and Mohammad A. Chaudhary

### Information on Data Analysis and Statistics

A good source of information on introductory data analysis and statistics is Peter Dalgaard’s Introductory
Statistics with R. After a chapter on basic R operations, Dalgaard discusses probability and distributions,
descriptive statistics and graphics, one- and two-sample tests, regression and correlation, ANOVA and Kruskal-
Wallis, tabular data, power and computation of sample size, multiple regression, linear models, logistic regression,
and survival.
For more advanced techniques, the obvious starting point is Modern Applied Statistics with S by Bill Venables
and Brian Ripley. This book starts with four introductory chapters on R, then gets into statistics from univariate
statistics (chapter 5) to optimization (chapter 16). Along the way, the authors touch on many widely used
techniques, including linear models, generalized linear models, clustering, tree-based methods, survival analysis,
and many others.
Rapidly becoming the book for aspiring data scientists is The Elements of Statistical Learning by Trevor Hastie,
Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman. This book covers a variety of statistical techniques important in big data
analysis and machine learning, including various tree-based methods, support vector machines, graphical models,
and more.
Linear models, generalized linear models, and other regression techniques are the subject of a number of texts,
including Frank Harrell’s Regression Modeling Strategies, John Fox’s Applied Regression Analysis and
Generalized Linear Models and his R -specific companion volume, An R and S -PLUS Companion to Applied
Regression, and Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models by Andrew Gelman and
Jennifer Hill.
Other useful books that take you into more advanced statistics are R in Action by Robert I. Kabacoff, A Handbook
of Statistical Analyses Using R by Brian Everitt and Torsten Hothorn, Data Analysis and Graphics Using R by John
Maindonald and John Braun, and The R Book by Michael Crawley.
If you are interested in an overview of the multiple uses of big data analytics, the book Big Data, Big Analytics by
Michael Minelli, Michele Chambers, and Ambiga Dhiraj gives you an excellent start in understanding what big
data is and how it is used in real-world business applications.
Information on Programming with R
The newest book from John M. Chambers, Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R, gives a thorough
description of programming in R, including tips on debugging, writing packages, creating classes and methods,
and interfacing to code in other languages. It also includes a useful chapter describing how R works.
R in a Nutshell by Joseph Adler is unlike most books on R in that it deals with R first and foremost as a
programming language; it does touch on statistical topics, but that is not its main focus.
The book S Programming by Venables and Ripley is a concise, readable guide to programming in the S family of
languages. Most of their advice remains valid, but the book was published when R was still at a pre-release
version (0.90.1), some details have changed over time.
The Blue Book, White Book, and Green Book all have one or more chapters devoted to programming in S, with
different points of emphasis. The Blue Book focuses on basic function writing. The White Book describes the S
Version 3 class system and how to define classes, generic functions, and methods in that system. The Green Book
describes the S Version 4 class system and how to define classes and methods in that system.
The manual Writing R Extensions by the R Core Team describes how to write complete R packages, including
Information on Getting Data Into and Out of R
The manual R Data Import/Export by the R Core Team describes how to read data into R from a variety of
sources using both built-in R tools and additional packages. The book Data Manipulation with R by Phil Spector
includes information on reading and writing data, and also further manipulation within R. Also, be sure to look at
the RevoScaleR User’s Guide for information on data import and export capabilities provided by RevoScaleR.
Information on Creating Graphics with R
All of the references mentioned up to now contain at least some material on graphics, because graphical
exploration is a primary motivation for using R in the first place. The Blue Book, in particular, describes in detail
the “traditional S graphics" framework.
A popular graphics package that is rapidly growing its own complete package ecosystem is Hadley Wickham’s
ggplot2 package, documented in Wickham’s ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. The ggplot2 package
implements in R many of the ideas from Leland Wilkinson’s The Grammar of Graphics.
The ggplot2 package is a high-level graphics package. For lower-level graphics functionality, the definitive
reference is Paul Murrell’s R Graphics, which describes both the traditional S graphics framework (in particular, its
implementation in R by Ross Ihaka) and the grid graphics framework developed by Murrell. It also describes the
lattice system, developed by Deepayan Sarkar, that uses the grid framework to implement the Trellis graphics
system developed by Rick Becker and Bill Cleveland. Serious users of the lattice system also consult Sarkar’s
book, Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R .
Trellis graphics are discussed thoroughly in Cleveland’s Visualizing Data. Cleveland’s earlier book, now its second
edition, The Elements of Graphing Data remains essential reading for anyone interested in data visualization.
Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis by Dianne Cook and Deborah Swayne describes using R
together with the GGobi visualization program for dynamic graphics.
Archived Product Documentation
R Productivity Environment (RPE ) The RPE is an older development tool that is now superseded by [R Tools
for Visual Studio](( RPE documentation can be found at
the following links:
RPE Getting Started
RPE User's Guide
Revolution R Enterprise Docs Prior to Machine Learning Server and Microsoft R Server, the product was
called Revolution R Enterprise (RRE ).
Here is a list of the available archived documentation sets for RRE:
RRE 7.5.0 Docs
RRE 7.4.1 Docs
RRE 7.4.0 Docs
RRE 7.3.0 Docs
RRE 7.2.0 Docs
DeployR 8.x Docs
The documentation for these releases has been archived. See here.
More Books on R
Adler, J. (2010). R in a Nutshell. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M., & Wilks, A. R. (1988). The New S Language: A Programming Environment for
Data Analysis and Graphics. New York: Chapman and Hall.
Chambers, J. M. (1998). Programming with Data: A Guide to the S Language. New York: Springer.
Chambers, J. M. (2008). Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R. New York: Springer.
Chambers, J. M., & Hastie, T. J. (Eds.). (1992). Statistical Models in S. New York: Chapman and Hall.
Cleveland, W. S. (1993). Visualizing Data. Summit, New Jersey: Hobart Press.
Cleveland, W. S. (1994). The Elements of Graphing Data (second ed.). Summit, New Jersey: Hobart Press.
Cook, D., & Swayne, D. F. (2008). Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis: With R and GGobi. New
York: Springer.
Crawley, M. J. (2013). The R Book (Second ed.). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Dalgaard, P. (2002). Introductory Statistics with R. New York: Springer.
de Vries, A., & Meys, J. (2012). R for Dummies. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Everitt, B. S., & Hothorn, T. (2006). A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R. Boca Raton, Florida: Chapman &
Fox, J. (2002). An R and S -PLUS Companion to Applied Regression. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Fox, J. (2008). Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gardener, M. (2013). The Essential R Reference. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons.
Gelman, A., & Hill, J. (2007). Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Goldberg, D. (1991). What every computer scientist should know about floating-point arithmetic. ACM Comput.
Surv., 23(1), 5-48.
Harrell, F. E. (2001). Regression Model Strategies: with applications to linear models, logistic regression, and
survival analysis. New York: Springer.
Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Friedman, J. (2009). The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and
Prediction (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
Ihaka, R., & Gentleman, R. (1996). R: A language for data analysis and graphics. Journal of Computational and
Graphical Statistics, 5(3), 299-314.
Kabacoff, R. I. (2011). R in Action. Shelter Island, NY: Manning.
Kleinman, K., & Horton, N. J. (2010). SAS and R: Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics. Boca
Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Maindonald, J., & Braun, J. (2007). Data Analysis and Graphics Using R: An Example-based Approach (second
ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Matloff, N. (2011). The Art of R Programming. San Francisco: no starch press.
Minelli, M., Chambers, M., & Dhiraj, A. (2013). Big Data, Big Analytics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Muenchen, R. A. (2009). R for SAS and SPSS Users. New York: Springer.
Murrell, P. (2006). R Graphics. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
R Development Core Team. (2008). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna: R
Foundation for Statistical Computing.
R Development Core Team. (2008). An Introduction to R. Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing.
Sarkar, D. (2008). Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R. New York: Springer.
Shoukri, M. M., & Chaudhary, M. A. (2007). Analysis of Correlated Data with SAS and R (third ed.). Boca Raton,
FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Spector, P. (2008). Data Manipulation with R. New York: Springer.
Teetor, P. (2011). R Cookbook. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
Venables, W. N., & Ripley, B. D. (1999). S Programming. New York: Springer.
Venables, W. N., & Ripley, B. D. (2002). Modern Applied Statistics with S (Fourth Edition ed.). New York: Springer.
Wickham, H. (2009). ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. New York: Springer.
Wilkinson, L. (2005). The Grammar of Graphics (second ed.). New York: Springer.
Find additional resources here.

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