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Anggota (Kelas XI - G) :

1. Adam Evan Nabil A (Narator)

2. Danur Dharmagati (Dayang 2)

3. Dhimas Sholahudin (Roro Jonggrang)

4. Hanan Arif Faa Srihan (Jin 2)

5. Luthfi Ammar D (Jin 1)

6. Mohamad Aji Nugroho (Dayang 1)

7. Reyhan Firmansyah (Jin 3)

8. Satria Wahyu T (Prabu Baka)

9. Wahyu Adi P (Bandung Bondowoso)

10. Yasin Nurrohman A (Raja Pengging)


A long time ago, there was a big kingdom called Prambanan. The people who
lived there were very nice and they had a good king named Prabu Baka. He had a
beautiful daughter named Roro Jonggrang. But, in another place, there was a
kingdom called Pengging. King Pengging was cruel, selfish, and arrogant. He had a
son named Bandung bondowoso. He was very strong and powerful. One day, King
Pengging wanted to attack the Prambanan kingdom with his son, because he
wanted to take revenge on the Prambanan kingdom.

King Pengging : My son, come here!!!

Bandung Bondowoso : Yes dad, what is it?

King Pengging : Get ready soon. Just now the royal soldiers gave the news that there
were villagers who were mistreated by the Prambanan royal soldiers

Bandung Bondowoso : Then, what should I do?

King Pengging : We should better set up an attack strategy first. Then tomorrow we
attack the Prambanan kingdom

The next day King Pengging, Bandung bondowoso, and his soldiers departed for
the Prambanan kingdom. When in front of the Prambanan gate.....

Bandung Bondowoso : Hei...Prabu Baka!!! Get out you! Let's fight. We will show who
is the strongest among us
Finally the soldiers of the two kingdoms fought each other. Meanwhile in the
Prambanan kingdom...

Prabu Baka : What's wrong with my kingdom?

Roro jonggrang : Looks like someone attacked our kingdom

Prabu Baka came out to meet the soldiers of the Pengging kingdom.

Prabu Baka : Hei!!! What do you want? Suddenly attacked my kingdom

King Pengging : I will rule over your entire kingdom! So that I become the strongest
and greatest person in all kingdoms! Hahaha

Prabu Baka : Not that easy! If you want to rule my kingdom, you must fight me first

Bandung Bondowoso : I'm not afraid, I will beat you all!! Hahaha

After the war took place. In the end, Prabu Baka's soldiers were defeated. And
Prabu Baka also died during the war. Prambanan kingdom was destroyed. And King
Pengging and his soldiers occupied the kingdom. The soldiers of Pengging kingdom
are having fun on their victory. But in the Prambanan kingdom there is Roro
Jongrang who is sad.

Roro jonggrang : Is it true that my father has died?

Dayang 1 : Yes, it's true princess... The king has died. He was killed by Bandung

Roro jonggrang : Really?

Dayang 1 : Yes, princess... King Pengging and his son, Bandung Bondowoso and his
soldiers have destroyed this Prambanan kingdom.

In the middle of the conversation between Roro Jonggrang and Dayang,

suddenly a young man came in.

Bandung Bondowoso : Apparently there are still people in here.

Roro jonggrang : Who are you?

Dayang 2 : He is Bandung Bondowoso, he who has killed the king

Roro jonggrang : You're so cruel

Bandung Bondowoso : Wow..., You are very beautiful. You deserve to be my queen.

Without saying a word, Roro Jonggrang immediately left Bondowoso because

she was annoyed with Bondowoso who had killed her father. Roro Jonggrang was
still sad about the war that killed his father.

Dayang 1 : Are you still sad?

Roro Jonggrang : Of course, I really hate Bondowoso who killed my father.

Dayang 2 : Does the princess want hot tea? Maybe it can calm the princess down a

Roro jonggrang : Yes, I want

Dayang 2 : Alright, wait a moment princess, I'll make some tea first

The maids went to the palace kitchen to make tea. While he was stirring the tea,
Bandung Bondowoso came to meet Roro Jongrang.

Bandung Bondowoso : Roro jonggrang, why are you alone? Where is your maid?

Roro jonggrang : She's making tea for me.

Bandung Bondowoso : I ask you one more time, will you be my queen?

Roro jonggrang : (silent)

Then came the maid carrying a tray with a cup of tea for Roro Jongrang. He
gave the cup of tea to Roro Jongrang.

Roro jonggrang : What should I do? I'm tired of hearing that question.

Dayang 2 : if I may give a suggestion, the princess should give conditions that are
impossible for his to fulfill. If he fails, he cannot marry the princess

Bandung Bondowoso : How about the princess? Will you be my queen?

Roro jonggrang : Yes, I will. But there are requirements that you must fulfill first

Bandung Bondowoso : What are the requirements?

Roro jonggrang : You have to make 1000 temples and 2 wells. And it must be
finished before sunrise

Bandung Bondowoso : I accept those requirements

After agreeing to the requirements given by Roro Jonggrang, Bandung

Bondowoso immediately approached his father in his room. Bondowoso will ask his
father's help to call the genies to help him fulfill the requirements given by Roro

Bandung Bondowoso : Dad, may I ask for your help?

King Pengging : What help my son?

Bandung Bondowoso : Can you summon some genies for me?

King Pengging : What is the genies for?

Bandung Bondowoso : For help me build 1000 temples and 2 wells. I have to meet
those requirements to be able to marry Roro Jongrang

King Pengging : Alright...I'll call for you, my son

Bandung Bondowoso : Thank you dad

King Pengging also performed several rituals and said a few words to summon
the genies.

Genies 1, 2 & 3 : What need is there to summon us, King?

King Pengging : I call you to help my son to build 1000 temples and 2 wells.

Genie 3 : Allright my lord, we will help you

The genies did the job very quickly. By midnight, half of the temples had been
completed. The dayang who knew that the construction of the temple was almost
finished immediately reported it to Roro Jongrang.

Dayang 1 : My Princess... the construction of 1000 temples is almost complete

Roro jonggrang : Really? I have to prevent it from successfully completing it!

Dayang 2 : Calm down princess.. there must be a solution

Roro jonggrang : All right dayang, let's burn straw and pound rice in a mortar, and
sprinkle fragrant flowers!

Finally they burned straw and pounded rice in a mortar and sprinkled flowers
that smelled good.

Kukuruyuukk kukuruyuukk!!!

Genie 1 : Guys! Looks like the sun is about to rise. See the girls have also started
pounding rice in the mortar. Let's go!

Genie 2 : That's right, plus the cock is already crowing.

Genie 3 : How about this?

Genie 1, 2 : Let's just go

The genies left their jobs. Bandung Bondowoso was very angry and
disappointed because he could not make Roro Jonggrang his queen. he got even
more angry when he found out that it was Roro Jonggrang who had thwarted his

Roro jonggrang : Bandung, has my request been fulfilled?

Bandung Bondowoso : Roro Jongrang, why are you so cunning? You have thwarted
my efforts to realize 1000 temples which is only 1 less because of your cunning and
your ladies! Be you as a statue in the 1000th temple

Finally, Roro Jonggrang became a statue, fulfilling the thousandth temple due to
the promises made and cunning by Roro Jonggrang.

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