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Presented By:
Group four
Levi Strauss
Our members

Agnes Synthia Muhammad Ingga Bumi

Enimawati Ferdy Prakasa Pradipaningrum
2314026057 2314026073 2314026067
01 Who is Levi?
02 Levi Strauss theory
- Structure of language
- Structure of Myth
- Structure of Kinship
This is the point we will discuss this time.
Who is levi
Claude Levi Strauss is a French
anthropologist. Born in Brussels, Belgium,
in 1908. Claude Levi-Strauss was a French
social anthropologist and a leading
exponent of structuralism. Often known as
Claude Levi Strauss
“The Father of Modern Anthropology”, he
The Father of Modern
revolutionized the world of social
anthropology by implementing the
methods of structuralist analysis developed
by Saussuro in the field of cultural relations.
Levi Strauss's
Structuralist Theory
The cultural theory of structuralism by Claude Lévi-
Strauss is an approach in anthropological studies
that emphasizes the analysis of the structural
patterns underlying human culture. He proposed
that behind apparent cultural diversity, there are
universal patterns in the way humans understand
and organize their world.
Structure of language Structure of myth Structure of Kinship

Levi's structuralism
divided into three parts
Structure of
Structure of language is the
language structure used in telling
Language is
stories in a culture. Language
structure can also identify
essentially a
society in a certain period. symbol system
Culture and language according that is
to Levi are two results of the arranged
same activity, namely human arbitrarily.
According to him, there are similarities between
myth and language. The similarities are, first,
language is a means of communication to convey
messages from one individual to another, or one
group to another. Myths themselves are also
conveyed through language and through the
storytelling process, the messages contained in
them can be conveyed. Myths are the result of the
completely free creativity of the human psyche.
Structure of Kinship
Levi Strauss classifies several kinship relationships, one of which is
studied is the relationship between children and their parents. Kinship
is also a communication system, because information or messages are
conveyed by one individual to another individual. Kinship is a
communication system, because clients or families or other social
groups exchange their women. Just as language is exchange,
communication, dialogue, so is kinship.
Basic Assumptions
of Structuralism
In structuralism, ceremonies, THIRD ─
kinship systems, marriage, Following de Saussure's view that
residence patterns, clothing, etc., the meaning of a term depends on
can be considered as language or its relationship at a certain point in
symbols that convey certain time.
SECOND ─ The relationships in the structure
can be simplified into binary
Adherents of structuralism argue
opposition. It is used to analyze the
that all humans have the ability to
meaning of various cultural
create structures or structure the
phenomena and construct
phenomena they face.
Thank You
have a good day!

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