G10 CC Writing Prompt

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AICP Schools

Grade 10
Name :__________________
Comparative Writing
It might be said:


In recent decades, technological advancements have revolutionized nearly every aspect of our lives. From
communication to entertainment, education to healthcare, technology has significantly altered the way we
experience the world. In a well-organized essay, compare and contrast life before and after the widespread
adoption of technology. Explore the changes in communication, work, education, and social interactions.
Consider both the positive and negative aspects of this transformation and discuss how it has shaped our
modern world. Provide specific examples and consider at least TWO following aspects:

1. Communication:
- How did people communicate before the advent of modern technology?
- What are the key differences in communication methods between then and now?
- How has technology affected the speed and reach of communication?

2. Education:
- What were traditional methods of education before the integration of technology?
- How has technology impacted the learning process and access to information?
- What are the benefits and drawbacks of technology in education?

3. Work and Productivity:

- How did people conduct work-related tasks and activities in the pre-digital era?
- What are the significant changes in the workplace due to technological advancements?
- How has technology influenced productivity, efficiency, and work-life balance?

4. Social Interactions:
- How did social interactions and relationships differ before and after the rise of technology?
- What are the effects of social media and online platforms on human relationships and social dynamics?
- Are there any potential drawbacks or challenges associated with digital social interactions?

5. Entertainment and Leisure Activities:

- What forms of entertainment were popular before the digital age?
- How has technology transformed the way people entertain themselves?
- What are the implications of digital entertainment on leisure time and cultural experiences?

6. Health and Well-being:

- How has technology impacted healthcare, both in terms of diagnosis and treatment?
- What are the benefits and drawbacks of technological innovations in the field of health?
- In what ways has technology influenced overall well-being and lifestyle choices?

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