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SIS Palembang

Member of SIS Group of Schools

Chinese Language

Primary 3

Semester Assignment

Semester 1

Academic Year 2023/2024


I. Task Name : Reading Aloud

Description :

Read Aloud the given text.

II. Task Timeline :

Below are due dates for this assignment :

Given : October 9th, 2023

Final Submission : November 3rd, 2023

III. Task Output :

Students read aloud the given text and record it.

IV. Objectives :

Students are able to Read Aloud the given text with proper Chinese
language pronunciation.

V. Steps :

1. Download the given text file on Class Dojo.

2. Recod while students read aloud the given text from beginning until end
of the given text. Before start read aloud, please make simple introduce:
dà jiā hǎo wǒ shì cóng sān bān
大 家 好 !我 是 。。。(your name), 从 P 三 B 班
3. The recording file is into audio file format (recommended in MP3 file
4. Final recording file using MP3 format and file name using the format :
First name-P3B.mp3 (example : Shane-P3B.mp3).
5. Link for upload the file :

VI. Rubrics :

Excellent (5 pts) Good (4 pts) Average (3 pts) Poor (2 pts)

Student’s Student’s Student’s Student’s

pronounciation pronounciation pronounciation pronounciation
was like a was inhibited incomprehensible.
native understandable understanding Tones were
Pronounciation speaker. with some Tones were extremely
Tones were error. partially unclear
clear with few Tones were understandable.
if any clear with
mistakes. several

Student was Student Student took a Student was

able to read was .able to long time to unable to read.
clearly, with read the text produce and
no difficulty. with little respons to
difficulty. read.

Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Did not

confidence much very little demonstrate any
confidence. confidence. confidence.


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