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In this modern age, we constantly witness various factors ascending towards

generating blueprints that are necessary to keep the world revolving. A few of these examples
are the advancement of technology, continuous innovation in the most profound matters, and
even the slightest change among human behaviours. These factors have undeniably
orchestrated the shift of the world in the face of massive alterations that have situated
individuals with different outlooks on life. At times where the spirit of art seems to dull in
spite of these altercations, we manage to distinguish how these various factors would not
have become pervasive if creativity did not exist in the first place. Creativity paved the way
for these aspects to be at their peak of utilization, and mankind would not have progressed if
creativity was a stretch outside of human abilities.
The world has gone through different stages in order to fully evolve into something
tangible that creates the simplest of adjustments to put people on pedestals. What I simply
imply is that, the world is nothing absent the mindfulness of creation that helped the modern
age propel forward; without the creativity these notable people possessed, we would have
gone to nothing. "Creativity is the ability to think in new ways and apply fresh perspectives to
old problems" (Wiley, 2013). A simple quote taken from this can be digested as normally
describing creativity as the basic foundation of a thinking mind's ability to constantly put out
new things that generate innovation. Oftentimes, it is arguable that innovation is the sum of a
perfectly working mind, producing inventions and creations, and creativity is simply the
thinnest layer of these actions. However, I argue that innovation cannot take place without the
creative minds of these people on board. That is to say, in order to arrive at something new,
one has to illustrate every detail effectively, and this can only be fully manifested if we apply
the art and science that is, creativity. This word has overcome different occasions, beginning
in ancient times when people relied solely on their imaginations to make ends meet. This is
true especially for how our ancestors have expressed creativity in the language of art. "Art, in
its many forms, is practised by almost all human cultures and can be regarded as one of the
defining characteristics of the human species. In all societies today, the visual arts are
intimately intertwined with music, dance, and more" (Morriss-Kay, 2010). Based on this
information, we can safely imply how art played a vital role in the early human evolution to
survive, influencing every aspect of their daily lives with only creativity as the most basic
foundation. In all of its glory, creativity is the hindsight that served as an avenue for these
people to flourish, to utilize resources in their environment, to innovate on something that is
beneficial, and to look for something that promotes their origins and culture in stone cold that
even to this day and age, we are able to know and celebrate. "There is no consensus on how
to define art, although most definitions emphasize aesthetics" (Layton, 1991). On this
statement, we can see how art alongside creativity, despite not having a definite shape, have
filled out spaces that nurtured the awakening of mankind towards massive advancement. The
emphasis is placed upon how creativity, in the long run, was and is continuously manifested
in every aspect of human life for the purpose of growing civilization.
Comparably to establishing solid foundations in the development of world’s
advancement, we are in need of materials that could cater all grounds in a long-term basis.
Creativity is simply the manner by which a single person is allowed to express his utmost
imagination and turn them into something tangible that leaves a remarkable impact. What
makes it special is its ability to neutralize a simple thought to something that bridges the gap
between worldwide progression and the prowess to alleviate mankind for social growth.
Creativity vs. Innovation: What’s the Difference? (n.d.). Business News Daily.

Morriss-Kay, G. M. (2010). The evolution of human artistic creativity. Journal of Anatomy,

216(2), 158–176.

Jamieson, M., & Gell, A. (1999). Art and Agency: An Anthropological Theory. Journal of

the Royal Anthropological Institute, 5(4), 672.

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