Royalty Mod Tutorials

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Recommended Companion Mods:

LittlBowBub’s Ye Olde Cookbook
Lumpinou’s Rambunctious Religions:

Video format coming soon.


Monarchs are your main focus in this mod, and you require a Monarch to
use much of the mods features.
Monarchs are responsible for bestowing the in-game traits to other sims,
such as; Crown Royals, Nobles, Heirs, and more.

They work best when paired with another sim who has been given the
‘Royal Advisor’ trait. (More information on Royal Advisors under the ‘Royal
Advisors’ section of this document)

Monarchs also have a small career (a 10am-3pm rabbithole) available to

only them, which can be found under the careers menu.

They also have a cute little custom plumbob with a crown, to make them
feel really special!
All other traits in the mod can be given by the Monarch. With your
Monarch selected, click on the sims you would like to bestow a title on.
Choose ‘Titles’ and here you can choose which trait you would like to give
the sim.
There are several other traits in the mod, including lower members of the
Royal Family and noble titles.
Any royal can be sent to charity event rabbitholes, these provide fame and
reputation (also available to nobility).

These traits can be added as club requirements if you have kept the file in
the ‘Remove From Unwanted’ folder. (Overrides the 'clubs.club_tuning’

On a related note - you can also play through the ‘Missing Princess’
Your sim must meet the aspiration goals, including a few new features:
● 'Convince of Royal Blood' interaction
● Reading the 'Royal Family Lore' book to gain the new skill of the same
● 'Hold a Press Conference' event which will only become available once
your sim is at the final level of the aspiration.
● 'Give Interview' to the journalists who attend the press conference.
● 'Podium of Truth', a new object specifically for the press conference
● 'Announce Self as Missing Royal', a new interaction on the podium of
truth which will complete the events main goal.
● (There is a cheat in the new settings menu to add the aspiration trait,
as if you add the aspiration outside of CAS it doesn't add the
companion trait... I don't know it's set up to work this way but it's very

In the buy menu there is an object called ‘[LN] Book of Bestowing Titles’. By
clicking on this object your sim can choose their own title from dozens of
Please keep in mind that the game can take up to one sim hour to update
a title.
There is also an option to remove titles which can be found on the object.

You can also make your own customizable titles, this is explained further in
the ‘Customizable Titles’ part of this document.
Your Monarch can name an heir by choosing one of their Crown Royals or
Royal Partners and navigating to the titles menu.

To succeed the throne, Heirs must throw a coronation event where they will
be able to accept the crown by using the [LN] Coronation Podium object,
which can be found in buy mode.
If your heir was named as a young adult or older, the Monarch will need to
start the Coronation event.

If your Monarch has died unexpectedly, your Heir can inherit the throne by
talking to the Royal Advisor.
If your Monarch is worried about passing before their heir is of age, they
can entrust the role of regent to someone.
If they do happen to die before their time, the regent will automatically
become active upon their death and have all of the power the Monarch

Once your heir ages up, they can inform the regent that they are ready to
take the throne.
However, if the regent and heir aren't on good terms then the regent may
very well choose to keep the throne for themselves!
Your heir will need to gather the support of the nobility in order to throw a
coronation without the regent interjecting.

Be careful though, as feisty heirs may find themselves in the new tower
object ([LN] Tower in the catalogue), thrown away to rot... or worse, go

Monarchs now have several new interactions on the ‘[LN] Correspondences
Book’, to send Diplomatic letters to other monarchs.
It will take around a day to hear back and have the relationship affected.
These will either be good or bad, and will affect both the Monarch’s
relationship with the other Monarch, plus it will affect the citizens of both
Citizens interacting with a citizen from another world which has a negative
diplomatic relationship with their Monarch will experience a penalty when
trying to build the relationship, making it harder to get along.
On the other hand, a good diplomatic relationship will do the opposite.
Diplomacy relations are on a world by world basis, setting up the mod for
some of the future features.
There are several diplomatic relations stages;
● Great Relations
● Good Relations
● Neutral Relations
● Poor Relations
● Terrible Relations

Royal Advisors are the right-hand sim of your Monarch! They oversee taxes,
abdication, succession & more!
To make a sim a Royal Advisor, your Monarch must choose the ‘Designate
as Advisor’ interaction on the sim they wish to be their Advisor.

Nobles can rise through the ranks of nobility through the reputation
system that comes with Get Famous.
They start at the lowest rank of Baron and climb 2 more ranks to become a
They also have a new career available only to them, ‘Courtier’. This career
has two different branches; Court Spy & Devoted Courtier.
They will need to focus on building their charisma skill & making friends in
order to advance!


Monarchs can now pass laws by navigating to the ‘Laws’ pie menu when
clicking on themselves. This will cause a menu to pop up and you can
choose any law from this menu.
(If playing on a save from before the 2.7.7 patch, you will still see the Law
Enforcer sim in your relationship panel. This sim is no longer used to pass
laws and has no special interactions - they are however still loaded into the
game as removing them would break the save.)

If your sim is caught breaking a law, for example, the ‘Outlaw Witchcraft’ law
is currently in place and your witch sim is caught performing magic, then
they will be reported! After about a day, they will receive their fine, which
they can pay off either in full or partially through the mailbox.

These fines stack! If they are caught breaking the law multiple times, they
will continue to get fined!
**Laws such as Dairy restriction and no magic will not show in the pie menu if you do
not own the Cottage Living or Realm of Magic pack!

Your Monarch now has the option to appoint a sim as a dungeon guard.
You will use this Sim to enact punishments on your prisoner!

You can find this interaction under 'Titles'.

I have liberated the get to work prison cell door in order to use it to create
dungeons. After building your cell, simply click on the door and choose the
sim you wish to imprison! To release the sim, click on the door again and
choose the sim you wish to release.

You can find this object in buy mod, under [LN_RM] Dungeon Door

Your Dungeon Guard has the option of applying a torture device called a
Scold's Bridle to any adult sim of their choice (this interaction can be found
by clicking on the target sim whilst having you guard active, and then
choosing 'Apply Scolds Bridle' under the new 'Torture Devices' pie menu.)

Once the device has been applied to the Sim, they will not be able to talk
or interact with other sims.

To take their punishment up a level, your Dungeon Guard can take them on
a 'Walk of Shame', where the sim will follow wherever the guard goes and will
be laughed at and humiliated by any passer-bys!

In order to stop the Walk of Shame, simply chose the interaction on the
Guard to stop.

With your Guard selected, you can click on the object and choose a sim to
shackle up indefinitely! The Sim will get a sad buff whilst shackled. I've
made a new animation for this, so please tell me if it works correctly!

You can find a new shackles object in buy mod under '[LN_RM] Shackles'.
If cells take up too much space or you just like to spice your dungeon up,
you can also imprison sims in an underground prison!

Simply find the object in buy mode ([LN] Underground Prison) and place it
down, and using your Dungeon Guard, sentence a sim to rot in the cell!

Your Guards can also boil sims to near death in a giant cauldron! Simply
click on the cauldron with your guard selected and choose the sim you
wish to boil! To remove the sim, just click on the cauldron again and
choose the release interaction!

You can find this object in buy mod under '[LN_RM] Torture Cauldron'.


A new death! Both your Dungeon Guard and Monarch can now send a sim
to burn at the stake. Simply click on the object and choose the sim to die.
They will burn for around 30 minutes to an hour before they burn to death.
Sims around the stake will laugh and jeer at the sim, and will also get a
nice 'warm' buff lol.

(I'd suggest burning a witch at the stake too... ;) )

You can find this object in buy mode under '[LN_RM] Stake'.

I have also added an execution event where the main goal is for a sim to be
executed at the stake! This event requires a royal to be present, an
audience, and of course the sim destined to die.

Servants can now be called multiple ways.

Click on your active sim (must be royal or noble) and navigate to the
Royalty Mod pie menu.

From here, click the ‘Servants’ menu and then the ‘Servants Management’

In this menu you will see four different options; maid, chef, gardener and

In each of these options there are three interactions.

Call for New - Calls for a completely new sim to fill the role of that specific
servant. They will be pulled from your sims current home world.

Call for New from Neighbouring Kingdom - Calls a new sim for the role, but
specifically picks sims from other worlds besides the one you currently
reside in.
Call for Existing - Once you call for a new servant and they show up, you
will have the option to pick them to come back to the lot at any time and
re-fill their role as a servant.
This can be handy as the game isn’t designed for these unplayed sims to
stay on your lot forever, so they will eventually leave.
There is also a new option when clicking on other sims to specifically
assign them as servants.
Click on them and navigate to the Royalty Mod pie menu. From here, click
the servants menu and you will see four different options to assign them to
the servant class of your choosing.
After assigning them, you will be able to use the ‘Call for Existing’
interaction mentioned above to call them to work on your lot.

Cooks now have multiple options to create a dish based on what you ask
E.g. If you order a cook to make a grand meal, they will choose a recipe
from random that fits what you asked for, so they may cook a Grand
Breakfast for your sim.
Please note that sometimes the cooks can get distracted in the middle of making wedding
cakes. This is because the process is made up of several separate interactions that are
chained. The ‘Order to Cook’ interaction forces them to make a dish, not continue them, so you
may have to get them to make another cake.
You are now also able to design the servants' everyday clothing and force
them to change into it.

Assigning beds, locking motive decay and ordering them to take care of
certain needs are still available as they were in the 2.7.1 version.
2.7.2 Version

Servants can be called for at any time by clicking on your Royal or Noble
sim and choosing ‘Call for Servants’ from the servant pie menu.
You can assign them to certain tasks such as cooking, cleaning, gardening
or nanny duties.
They can be assigned beds, and forced to do self-care tasks such as using
the toilet and sleeping.

Currently servants are randomly picked by the game, but choosing specific
servants is planned for future updates.

Your Monarch can raise or lower the taxes through their Trusted Advisor.
Raising taxes will give you an immediate payment as well as giving you a
higher weekly payment, but will come at the cost of your Monarch’s
Lowering taxes will lower the amount you get weekly, but will positively
affect your Monarchs reputation.

Taxes can be collected once every Friday from your Trusted Advisor.

If you are playing as a peasant, the lot trait ‘Peasant Home’ will spawn a tax
collector every friday. Your peasant sim can pay him taxes.
(This is currently separate from monarch-raised taxes, but will be
implemented in the future.)
Regional Royals & Nobles
Royals and Nobles will automatically receive a gameplay trait based on
where they live!
This will be built upon in future updates to help the worlds feel more

There are a few events your royals can hold!

Royal Audience - Citizens can come and express their concerns to the

Royal Banquet - A more ‘royal’ way to hold a dinner party!

Coronation - Can be held to have the Heir ascend the throne.

Any sim born to a Royal or Noble will inherit their trait!
Here is a list of the partnerships which automatically pass down traits:

Monarch + Royal Partner = Crown Royal

Monarch + Noble = Crown Royal
Crown Royal + Royal Partner = Crown Royal
Crown Royal + Noble = Noble
Noble + Noble = Noble
Crown Royal + Crown Royal = Crown Royal
Any Royal + Peasant = Illegitimate Royal

Monarchs can enjoy a career open to them only, a small job which allows
them to earn money doing their Monarch-ly duties.
There are several titles you can customize to whatever you’d like!
This is not an in-game process and can be a little confusing for those who
have never modded before, but I have written a tutorial which can be
found here: TUTORIAL

Royal Residence - Sims living on this lot will enjoy a happy buff trait and will
also see tourists snapping pics of their residence from time to time!

No Royals or Nobles Allowed - Pretty self explanatory! Royals and Nobles

will no longer spawn on this lot. (Will not work if they live on said lot).


Any Royal or Noble now has the option to make any Noble sim a
These new sims can be ordered to follow your sims around, do their hair
and makeup, make them tea and coffee, and have several new social
interactions with each other.

To make a sim a Lady-in-Waiting, click on a Noble sim and navigate to the

‘Royalty Mod’ pie menu.
In here you will find the Lady-in-Waiting pie menu where you will see the
interaction to make a sim a Lady-in-Waiting.

To have a Lady-in-Waiting change your sims hair or makeup, you can find a
new seat object in Buy Mod: [LN] Styling Station.
There must be a sim with the Lady-in-Waiting trait on the lot for your sim to
be able to click on the chair and choose the sim they want to perform the

**Do not make a sim a LIW during an event or club gathering.

There are two kinds of Knights; your average knight and your personal
guard knight.
Regular Knights are able to stand guard anywhere you choose, force sims
to leave the lot and take a Squire once they reach level 5 of the
swordsmanship skill.

Personal Guard Knights have all the same interactions as regular knights,
except they are able to follow your sim.

Knights also have the option to put on their armour and helmets at any
point during gameplay.
This can be found by clicking on your knight (with them as the active sim)
and choosing your armour under the ‘Knight Armour’ pie menu.
Swordfighting is a new skill that any sim aged teen and up are able to
It is a 5 level skill with various new interactions unlocked along the way,
such as dueling to the death and taking a squire.
Swordfighting can be practiced on the Buy Mode item, ‘Swordfighting

There is a new item in Buy Mode, ‘[LN] Correspondences Box’.
Your Monarch will receive mail and gifts here once a day which will be sent
to their inventory.
Envelopes in your sims inventory can be clicked on to show the option to
open them.
After opening, your sim can read the letter inside, they will then receive a
notification telling them that they can respond to the correspondence
using the Buy Mode item, ‘[LN] Correspondences Book’.
After writing their reply, another notification will pop up letting you know
that you can give these letters to a Lady-in-Waiting who will then
automatically take them to the mailbox.
You can give them one at a time, or give multiple at once.

Your sim can also write correspondences to specific Nobles or Royals, give
them to a Lady-in-Waiting and receive relationship points with the sim it
was sent to.

Only children and teens can be made into squires by knights.
Child Squires have a 3 stage volunteer role/job that fits around their
school schedule.
Teen squires are able to practice their swordfighting on the Buy Mode item,
‘[LN] Practice Stump’. (This is a looping interaction, meaning there is a bit
of a pause between animations… Animation is not my forte lol)
Child squires also have a rabbithole to watch Knights training!

You can now throw a Debutant Ball as an event!
Female teens and young adults can debut under the Buy Mode item,
‘Debutants Arch’.
By debuting under the arch, they will successfully complete the events
main objective.
They will also receive a happy buff, new friendly relationships with 4
previously unknown Nobles (providing there are enough Nobles in your
save) and a vase of white flowers in their inventory.
The vase has the interaction to reminisce on it, this will also give them a
happy memory buff.
Everyone will attend the event in black or white formal attire.
(If you have custom content outfits that are incorrectly tagged as black or
white, there is a chance sims will come dressed in them.)

You can purchase an apple from Buy Mode called ‘[LN] 'Perfect' Apple’.
This apple will give you the option to poison a noble!
After choosing their target, your sim must order a Lady-in-Waiting to
deliver the apple to the target.
After the target eats the apple, it’s only a matter of time!
At first they will feel fine, until they start to feel sick and dizzy, and then
become covered in spots.
Finally, after several hours they will ‘mysteriously’ die!

Please note the Lady-in-Waiting might take an hour or two to actually give
the target the apple, but you will receive a notification when they eat the
Nobles now have a lot more to do to keep them busy!
There are several new rabbitholes which all give them positive reputation
points and either help them gain skills or fill a need.
These rabbitholes include activities such as gossiping in an apple orchard,
attending court, going hunting, attending afternoon tea, and more.
You can send them to attend these rabbithole by clicking on them while
they are the active sim, and navigating to the ‘Nobility Rabbitholes’ menu.
The ‘Peasant’ trait is automatically given when you load into a low income
lot! There is no need to add it in CAS or through an interaction.
It can also be cheated through the Royalty Mod pie menu.

(In order for the Peasant trait to be added to any sim (including NPCs) you
must enter the lot once. If you are setting up a royal themed save, enter
into every lot you want the trait to apply to - this includes middle class and


You can find a new lot trait, ‘Peasant Home’ in your game.
You must add this if you want the Trader and Tax Collector to come each
Any Royal or Noble will also get an uncomfortable buff when they are on a
peasant lot!


With the Peasant Home lot trait on your lot, you will enable the trader and
tax collector to visit your lot each week.

The tax collector, an old man named Reginald McCrook, will announce his
arrival every Friday morning. Your sim will have an interaction (under the
Royalty Mod pie menu) to pay their taxes.
Taxes will cost them §100, and Reginald will take whatever money they have
if they do not have the full amount!

The trader, Jacques, will come around a few times a week and your sims will
have a chance to sell their crops, woodworking items and hunted meat to
him. They will also be able to buy various things from Jacques.

Both Jaques and Reginald will spawn in medieval clothing.


Your peasant sims have a new rabbithole interaction to go hunting or
This interaction can be found by clicking on them and inside the RM pie
The amount of meat a sim returns from hunting with is dependent on the
season, e.g. a sim will get a lot less meat in the winter compared to the
The meat brought back can be used as an ingredient in meals, a great
addition if you like playing with the simple living lot challenge.
Seasonal hunting loot has also been added to the previously added
Nobilty Hunting rabbithole.


Seasonal Hunting:

Wild Turkeys
Wild Chickens
Small Rabbits
Wild Turkeys
Wild Chickens
Wild Boars
Wild Chicken

All seasons provide a varying amount of packaged red and white meat.

Sims can also go scavenging and can find edible items & seeds.


Royals and nobles will get a disgusted moodlet when around peasants.
But Royals or Nobles with the ‘Good’ trait or ‘Beloved Monarch’ trait will get
a happy buff when around peasants and then a guilty buff after being with

All classes of sims (except other royalty) will react to royalty when near
them. Female sims will curtsy and male sims will salute.
This will only happen once every 4 hours to prevent it getting annoying.

Peasants can no longer just approach a Monarch and introduce

themselves, they have a chance of success based on the Royals mood and
their status.

Sims will now not be able to read by default, they will need to learn to read
by using interactions:
‘Practice Reading' (Adults) You can do this by self-clicking on your illiterate
sim and choosing the practice reading interaction.
Other sims with level 5 of the skill will be able to mentor them by clicking on
them whilst the sim is performing the interaction.

'Practice Reading' (Children) You can buy 'Literacy Book' from any bookcase
just like you can purchase homework.
Kids are able to practice reading with this book and other sims with level 4
of the literacy skill can mentor them.
They can also learn the skill at school.

Sims will gain a reward trait once they learn to read and can then teach
Interactions like reading books, doing anything on a computer that
requires reading, reading notices, ect will be greyed out from the pie menu
until your sim reaches level 5 of the new Literacy skill.

There are several new careers for adult sims and one for children/teens.
Children/Teens can pursue a career in begging.

Adults can choose a new career called ‘Artisan’.

After their first promotion, they can choose which area to specialize in.

The areas include:

Locomotion Smith
Watch Maker

There is also another career for adults who have level 5 in the literacy skill,
called ‘Letter Writer’.

These careers are only available for peasant sims.

Sims teen-elder now have a new skill available, pickpocketing. They can
pickpocket money or food from sims (except royalty) and upon reaching
level 5 of the skill, they can steal food from market stalls.

There are several new rabbitholes for your peasant sims!
Barn Raising
Religious Service (adds Lumpinous Rambunctious Religions skill)
Visit the Town Square
Visit Cobbler (only available when your sims shoes are broken, costs
Visit the Tavern
Visit Butcher (provides packaged meat, costs $20)


Your peasant sims will now have to repair their shoes once a week or so,
they will receive an uncomfortable buff and their shoes will disappear.
To fix them, they can visit the cobbler rabbithole.

You have the option of turning this on or off in the RM pie menu.

Peasants have a chance of getting a happy buff when gardening.
Auto-Classes adjusted to test for net worth and not just property
Peasant + royal = illegitimate royal baby
The Peasant, Middle Class and Gentry trait can now be added
manually through the RM cheat menu.
Royal Social Media - the advisor can run a blog for the Royal Family
under ‘Web’ on the computer.

If you ever need to wipe a sim completely clean of Royalty Mod related
traits, this self-interaction can be used.


Cheats are now available by clicking on your active sim and navigating to
the cheats option in the Royalty Mod pie menu.

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