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C o n v e r s a t i o n guide

Published by:
Editorial Stanley

Illustrated by:
Daniel Redondo

First page design:

Diseno Irunes

© Editorial Stanley
Apdo. 207 - 20302 IRUN - ESPANA
Telf. (943) 64 04 12 - Fax. (943) 64 38 63

ISBN: 84-7873-299-3
Dep. Leg. BI-2634-03

First edition 1996

Reprinted 1997
Reprinted 1998
Reprinted 2003

Imprenta Berekintza

In order to achieve an approximation to the phonetics

of some Spanish words it is necessary to resort to
complicated phonetic symbols; for that reason, the
use of a pocket book such as our Conversation
Guide, would be very restricted. The user would
have first to memorize all the phonetic symbols
before being able to use the book.

Our aim is not, therefore, to teach the traveller

correct pronounciation, but, to attain that, using the
normal English letters, s/he may make himself/
herself understood in any Spanish-speaking country.

In some cases we have preferred to sacrifice the

possibility of a smart Castilian pronounciation for
another, less smart perhaps, but more within reach
of an English-speaking person.
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At the customs 1 At the restaurant 49 At dinner and an invitation
At passport control 2 Vocabulary 50 to dinner 102
Vocabulary 3 Ordering breakfast 51 Vocabulary 104
Hotels &boarding houses. 4 Vocabulary 52 Saying good-bye 106
Vocabulary 5
Ordering dinner 53 Vocabulary 108
General requirements 6
Vocabulary 55
Vocabulary 7
Room service 8 The menu: Starters 55
Vocabulary 9 Typical Spanish dishes.56 Miscellaneous
Paying the bill 10 Soups 57
Countries 109
Vocabulary 12 Omelets 57
Ordinal numbers 109
Money 13 Fish and seafood 58
Vocabulary 14 Meats 60 Cardinal numbers 110
This is how food can be Calendar 110
Travel(l)ing 15
Travel(l)ing by taxi 15 cooked 63 Seasons 111
Vocabulary 16 Poultry and game 63 Dates 111
Travel(l)ing by air 16 Vegetables and legumes .. 65 Days of the week 111
Vocabulary 17 Fruits 66 Warnings/Notices 112
Travelling by train 18 Desserts 67 Usual phrases 113
Vocabulary 19 Drinks 69
Greetings 113
Travelling by bus 20 Asking for the bill 70
Questions 114
Vocabulary 21 Age and jobs 71
Introductions 114
Hiring a car 21 Vocabulary 73
Politeness 114
Vocabulary 23 At the travel agent's 74 Adjectives and
Driving 23 Vocabulary 76 pronouns 114
Vocabulary 24 At the bank 77 Possessive adjectives . 114
At the garage 25 Vocabulary 79 Demonstrative
Vocabulary 26
Buying in a department pronouns 114
Sightseeing 27 Possessive pronouns ..114
store 81
Vocabulary 30
Vocabulary 83 Verb To Be 115~
What time is it? 33
At the doctor's 85 Verb To Be 115
Vocabulary 34
Vocabulary 90 Verb To Have 116
Asking the way 35
Times Differences of
Vocabulary 37 Chemist's /drugstore 93
G.M.T. in relation with
Vocabulary 94
Making a phone 39 other countries 117
Vocabulary 41 Buying in a shop or Money 118
At the police 42 street market 96
Equivalence 118
Vocabulary 44 Vocabulary 98
Distances, measures
At the post office 45 On the beach 99 and weights 119
Vocabulary 48 Vocabulary 100 Map of Spain 121
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At the customs
En la aduana

Have you anything iTiene algo que Tyaynay ahlgoa kay

to declare? declarar? dayklharahr?
I have nothing to No tengo nada Noa tayngoa nahdah
declare, que declarar. kay dayklharahr.
I only have some Solo tengo unos Soaloa tayngoa
presents. regalos. oonoahss raygahloas.
Which is your lug- es su Kwahl ayss soo
gage? equipaje? aykeepahkhay?
How many cases tCuantas maletas Kwahntass mahlaytahs
do you have? tienen ustedes? tyaynayn oostaydhess?
We have three Tenemos tres Taynaymoass trayss
cases. maletas. mahlaytahs.
How many ciga- tCuantos Kwahntoass
rettes? cigarrillos? theegahrreelyoass?
I have two hundred Tengo doscientos Tayngoa
cigarettes. cigarrillos. dosthyayntoass
How many bottles tCuantas botellas Kwahntass
of liquor? de licor? boataylyahss day
I have a bottle of Tengo una botella Tayngoa oonah
brandy and a bottle de conac y una de boataylyah day konyak
of whisky. whisky. ee oonah day weeskee.
Are you on holi- cEsta usted de Aystah oostdayd day
day? vacaciones? bahkahthyonayss?
I'm on business. Estoy en viaje de Aystoy ayn byahkhay
negocios. day naygoathyoass.
You will have to Tendra que pagar Teyndrah kay pahgahr
pay duty on this. aduana por esto. ahdwahnah porr aystoa.
Open this case, Abra esta maleta, Ahbrah aystah
please. por favor. mahlaytah, porr fahbor.
Where's Informa- <j,D6nde esta Doanday aystah
tion? Informaciones? eenformahthyoness?
At the customs - En la aduana 2

My baggage has Mi equipaje no ha Mee aykeepahkhay noa

not arrived. llegado. ah lyaygahdhoa?
One case is miss- Fatta una maleta. Fahltah oonah
ing. mahlaytah.
Where are the lug- <,D6nde esta Doanday aystah
gage lockers? consigna? konseegnah?
Take these cases Lleve estas male- Lyaybay aystahss
to a taxi. tas a un taxi. mahlaytahs ah oon
Where are the bag- <,D6nde estan Doanday aystahn loss
gage trolleys? los carritos del kahrreetoss dayl
equipaje? aykeepahkhay?
Where's the informa- &D6nde esta Doanday aystah
tion bureau? informaciones? eenformahthyoness?

At passport control - En el control de pasaportes

Your passport, Su pasaporte, por Soo pahssahportay,
please. favor. porr fahbhor.
May 1 see your pa- i,Me ensena su May aynsaynyah soo
pers? documentacion? dokoomentahthyon?
Here's my passport. Aqui tiene mi pasa- Ahkee tyaynay mee
porte. pahssahportay.
My wife travels Mi esposa viaja Mee ayspoasah
with me. conmigo. byahkah konmeegoa.
iHow long are you &Cuanto tiempo se Kwantoa tyaynpoa say
staying? va a quedar? bah ah keydahr?
I'll be staying... Me quedare... May keydahreh....
a few days. unos dfas. oonoass deeahss.
two weeks. dos semanas. doss saymahnahss.
I'm travelling Viajo solo. Byahkoh soaloa.
I'm American. Soy norteamericano. Soy
Where are you tDonde se Doanday say
staying? hospeda? ospehdhah?
What's your address &Cual es su Kwahl ayss soo
in...? direccion en...? deeraykthyon ayn...?
Are you together? &Estan ustedes Aystahn oostaydhayss
juntos? hoontoss?
3 At the customs - En la aduana

I'm just passing Estoy de paso. Aystoy day pahssoh.


Vocabulary - Vocabulario

customs aduanas ahdwahnahs

anything algo ahlgoa
bag bolsa bolsah
bottle hotel la boataylyah
trolley carrito kahreetoa
cigarettes cigarrillos theegahrreelyoass
brandy cohac koanyak
to declare declarer dayklahrahr
duty derechos de dayraychoass day
aduana ahdwahnah
papers documentacion dokoomentathyon
luggage equipaje aykeepahkhay
missing falta fahltah
spirits licores leekorayss
suitcase maleta mahlaytah
camera maquina mahkeenah
fotografica foatoagrahfeekah
porter mozo moathoa
nothing nada nahdhah
business negocios naygothyoass
to pay pagar pahgahr
passport pasaporte pahssahportay
gift regalo raygahloa
tobacco tabaco tahbahkoh
holidays vacaciones bahkahthyonayss
to travel viajar byahkar
traveller viajero byahkhayroa

Hotels &
boarding houses
y pensiones

Where is there a ^Donde hay un Doanday igh oon

good hotel? buen hotel? bwayn oatehl?
Is there a boarding c,Hay alguna pen- Igh ahlgoonah payn-
house in this sion en este sitio?
syon ayn aystay
place? sitioa?
Do you have a iTienen ustedes Tyaynayn oostay-
room? una habitacion? dhays oonah
1 want a single Quierp una habita- Kyayroa oonah
room with a shower. cion individual con ahbheetahthyon
ducha. indibidooahl kon
1 want a double Quiero una habita- Kyayroa oonah
room with a bath. cion doble con ahbheetahyon
bano. doablay kon bahnyoa.
We want a room for Queremos una Kayraymoass oohan
three days. habitacion para ahbheetahthyon
tres dias. pahrah trays deeahss.
We've reserved a Hemos reservado Ehmoass rayssayr-
room. una habitacion. bahdhoa oonah
1 want a quiet Quiero una habi- Kyayroa oonah
room. tacion tranquila. ahbheetahthyon
May 1 see the i,Puedo ver la Pwaydhoa behr lah
room? habitacion? ahbheeetahthyon?
Do you have a iTiene usted Tyanynay oostaydh
room on the first alguna habitacion ahlgoonah ahbhee-
floor? en el primer piso? tahthyon ayn ayl
preemayr peessoa?
A room looking on Una habitacion que Oonah
to the sea. de al mar. ahbheetahthyon kay
day ahl mahr.
Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

We want a twin bed- Queremos una Kayraymoass oonah

ded room. habitation con ahbheetahthyon kon
dos camas. doss kahmahss
How much is the iCuanto es la Kwantoa ayss la
room per day? habitation por ahbheetahthyon porr
dia? deeah?
Do you have some- <j,Tiene algo mas Tyaynay ahlgoa mahss
thing cheaper? barato? bahrahtoa?
Are meals tEstan incluidas Aystahn eenklooe-
included? las comidas? dhass lahss
How much is full cCuanto es la pen- Kwantoa ayss lah
board? sion completa? paynsyon konplaytah?
Is there a television/ c,Hay television / Igh taylaybheessyon/
phone in the room? telefono en la taylayfoanoa ayn lah
habitation? ahbheetahthyon?
I want a room with Quiero una habita- Kyayroa oohan
a balcony. tion con balcon. ahbheetahthyon kon
Can we have bed tPodemos tener Poadhaymoass tenerr
and breakfast? habitation con ahbhetahthyon kon
desayuno? daysahyoonoa?
Do you have a room cTiene alguna Tyaynay ahlgoonah
with a better view? habitation con ahbheetahthyon kon
mejor vista? mehkor beestah?
Fill in the registra- Rellene el Raylyenay ayl
tion form. impreso. impresso.
It's too expensive. Es demasiado Ayss daymahssyah-
caro. dhoa kahroa.
Do you want my tQuiere mi Kyaray mee
passport? pasaporte? pahssahportay?

Vocabulary * Vocabulario
per day al dfa ahl deeah
balcony balcon bahlkon
expensive caro kahroa
meal comida koameedhah
too demasiado daymahssyahdhoa
breakfast desayuno dayssahyoonoa
double doble doablay
Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones 6

twin gemela haymaylah

room habitacion ahbheetahthyon
registration form impreso eemprayssoa
included incluido eenklooeedhoa
single individual eendeebeedooahl
cheaper mas barata mahss bahrahtah
boarding house pension paynsyon
full board pension completa paynsyon komplaytah
looking on que de kay day
reserve reservar rayssayrbahrr
quiet tranquila trankeelah
see ve bay

General requirements - Peticiones generates

What's our room cCual es el numero Kwahl ayss ayl noo-
number? de nuestra habita- mayroa day nways-
cion? trah ahbheetahthyon?
Do you have a car <,Tienen ustedes Tyaynayn oostay-
park? aparcamiento? dhays ahparka-
Can 1 have my key, i,Me da mi Have, May dah mee lyah-
please? por favor? bhay, porr fahbhor?
Does the hotel have tTiene garaje el Tyaynay gahrahkhay
a garage? hotel? ayl oatehl?
Can we have the tPodemos tomar Poadhaymoass toa-
meals in the room? las comidas en la mahr lahss koamee-
habitacion? dhahss ayn lah
What time is break- i,A que hora es el Ah kay oorah ayss
fast? desayuno? ayl dayssahyoonoa?
Where's the beauty tDonde esta el Doanday aystah ayl
salon? salon de belleza? sahlon day
Is there a hairdress- cHay peluqueria en Igh paylookayreeah
er's at the hotel? el hotel? ayn ayl oatehl?
Where's the lift? &D6nde esta el Doanday aystah ayl
ascensor? ahsthaynsoar?
7 Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

Is there a toilet on c, Hay servicios en Ihg sayrbeethyoass

this floor? esta planta? ayn aystah plahntah?
Can 1 leave this in iPuedo dejar esto Pwaydhoa daykhar
your safe? en su caja fuerte? aystoa ayn soo
kahkhah fwehrtay?
We need an extra Necesitamos otra Naythayseetahmoass
pillow/blanket. almohada/manta. oatrah ahlmo-
We don't have a No tenemos toalla Noa taynaymoass
bath towel. de bano. toaahlyah day
Where's the dining- t,D6nde esta el co- Doanday aystah ayl
room? medor? koamaydhor?
Is there a telephone cHay telefono en la Igh taylayfoanoa ayn
on the ground floor? planta baja? lah plahntah bahka?
Can we have a iNos pueden man- Noass pwaydhayn
baby-sitter? dar un canguro? mahndahrr oon
Please, wake me up Por favor, despier- Por fahbhor, days-
at... teme a las... pyayrtehmay ah lahs..
1 want to see the Quiero ver al Kyayroa bayr ahl
manager. gerente. khayrayntay.
When will the maid tCuando vendra Kwahndoa bayndrah
come? la sehora de la lah saynyoorah day
limpieza? lah leempyaytha?
1 need a typewriter Necesito una ma- Naythayseetoa oonah
and a tape recorder. quina de escribir y mahkeenah day
una grabadora. ayskreebheer ee
oonah ghrabadoarah.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
pillow almohada ahlmoaahdhah
car park aparcamiento aparkahmyentoa
lift ascensor ahsthaynsoar
safe caja fuerte kahkhah fwehrtay
baby-sitter canguro kangooroa
dining-room comedor koamaydhor
meals comidas koameedhahss
Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones 8

wake me up despierteme dayspyayrtehmay

manager director deerehktoar
blanket manta mahntah
typewriter maquina de mahkeenah day
escribir ayskreebheer
hairdresser's peluquerfa paylookayreeah
floor piso peessoa
beauty salon salon de belleza sahlon day baylaythah
maid senora de la saynyoarah day lah
limpieza leempyaytha
toilet servicios sayrbeethyoass
bath towel toalla de bano toaahlyah day bahnyoa
tape recorder grabadora ghrabadoarah

Room service - Servicio de habitaciones

The television is La television no Lah taylaybheessyon
not working. funciona noa foonthyoanah.
There's no soap. No hay jabon. Noa igh khahbhon.
There's no hot No hay agua Noa igh ahgwah
water. caliente. kahlyayntay.
There's no toilet No hay papel Noa igh pahpehl
paper. higienico. eekhyayneekoa.
There are no towels. No hay toallas. Noa igh toaahlyahss.
The lavatory doesn't La cadena del Lah kahdhaynah dayl
flush. cuarto de bano no kwahrtoa day bahnyoa
funciona. noa foonthyoanah.
There are no ash- No hay ceniceros Noa igh thaynee-
trays in the room. en la habitacion. thayroass ayn lah
The lamp doesn't La lampara no Lah lahmpahrah
work. funciona. noa foonthyoanah.
Do you have laundry cHay servicio de Igh sehrbeethyoa day
service? lavanderia? lahbhahndayreeah?
Can we have break- iPodemos desa- Poadhaymoass
fast in the room? yunar en la habita- dayssahyoonahr ayn
cion? lah ahbheetahthyon?
Can the heating be i,Se puede subir/ Say pwayday
turned up/down? bajar la calefac- soobyrr/bahkhar lah
cion? kahlayfahkthyon?
9 Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

The air conditioning El aire acondiciona- Ayl ighray ahkon-

doesn't work. do no funciona. deethyoanahdhoa
noa foonthyoanah.
May 1 have another cMe da otra manta? May dah oatrah
blanket? mahntah?
How long will the cCuanto tiempo Kwahntoa tyaym-
laundry take? tarda la lavande- poa tahrdah lah
ria? lahbhahndayreeah?
Can I have this suit &Me pueden plan- May pwaydhayn
pressed? char este traje? plahnchahr aystay
Do you have a nee- iTienen aguja e Tyaynayn ahgoo-
dle and thread? hilo? kha ay eeloa?
Give me a call at Llameme a las Lyahmaymay ah
eight o'clock. ocho. lahs oachoa.
My key, please. La Have, por favor. Lah lyahbhay, porr
Are there any letters i Hay cartas para Igh kahrtahs
for me? mi? pahrah mee?
Are there any mes- oHay algun mensa- Igh ahlgoon
sages for me? je para mi? maynssahkay
pahrah mee?
Do you have writing iTienen papel de Tyaynayn pahpehl
paper/stamps / escribir/sellos/ day ayskreebher/
envelopes? sobres? saylyoass/soabrayss?
What time is break- iA que hora es Ah kay oarah ayss
fast/lunch/dinner? el desayuno/la ayl dayssahyoanoa/
comida/la cena? koameedhah/lah

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
needle aguja ahgookha
safe caja fuerte kahkhah fwehrtay
heating calefaccion kahlayfahkthyon
ashtray cenicero thayneethayroa
how long cuanto tiempo kwahntoa tyaympoa
breakfast desayuno dayssahyoonoa
to work funcionar foonthyoanahr
Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones 10

thread hilo eeloa

soap jabon khahbhon
laundry lavanderia lahbhahndayreeah
call llamada lyahmahday
key Have lyahbhay
blanket manta mahntah
messages mensajes maynssahkayss
writing paper papel de escribir pahpehl day ayskreebheer
toilet paper papel higienico pahpehl eekhyayneekoa
to press planchar plahnchahr
lavatory retrete raytraytay
to leave salir sahlyrr
stamps sellos saylyoass
envelopes sobres soabrayss
turn up/ down subir/bajar soobyrr/bahkahr
to take tardar, llevar tahrdahr, lyebahr
towels toallas toaahlyahss

Paying the bill - Pagando la cuenta

We are leaving to- Nos vamos manana Noas bahmoass

morrow morning. por la manana mahnyahnah porr
lah mahnyahnah.
Can I have my bill tMe prepara la May praypahrah lah
ready? cuenta? kwayntah?
What time must we iA que hora debe- Ah kay oarah day-
check out? mos desocupar la baymoass dayssoa-
habitacion? koopahr lah
Is tax included? tEstan incluidos Aystahn eenkloo-
los impuestos? eedhoass loass
Can you call a taxi? tPuede llamar a un Pwayday lyahmahr
taxi? ah oon taksee?
Do you accept credit iAcepta tarjetas de Ahthayptah
cards? credito? tahrkaytahss day
11 Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones

Can I leave the lug- iPuedo dejar el Pwaydoa daykhar

gage here until this equipaje aqui' hasta ayl aykeepahkhay
afternoon? esta tarde? ahkee ahstah aystah
We have had a Hemos tenido una Eymoass tayneedoa
pleasant stay. estancia agradable. oonah aystahnthyah
Is there a reduction cHay algun des- Igh ahlgoon
for children? cuento para los dayskwayntoa
ninos? pahrah loass
I think there's a mis- Creo que hay una Krehoa kay igh
take in the bill. equivocacion en la oonah aykeebhoa-
factura. kahthyon ayn lah
This bill is wrong. Esta factura esta Aystah fahktoorah
equivocada. aystah aykeebhoa-
Can I have my lug- t,Me pueden bajar May pwaydhayn
gage brought down? el equipaje? bahkahr ayl
Can you make the ^Pueden hacer la Pwaydhayn ahthayr
bill in my firm's factura a nombre lah fahktoora ah
name? de mi empresa? noambray day mee
I'm coming back in Vuelvo en febrero. Bwaylboa ayn
February. fehbrehroa.
Can I reserve a room cPuedo reservar Pwaydhoa rayssayr-
for that date? una habitacion bahr oonah ahbhee-
para esa fecha? tahthyon pahrah
aysah faychah.
Can you have my iPueden llevarme Pwaydhayn
luggage taken to a el equipaje a un lyaybnahrmay ayl
taxi? taxi? aykeepahkhay ah
oon tahksee.
Will you accept a tAceptan cheques? Ahthayptahn
check? chaykays?
I don't have enough No tengo bastante Noa tayngoa bahs-
cash. dinero en efectivo. tahntay deenayroa
ayn ayfaykteeboa.
Hotels & boarding houses - Hoteles y pensiones 12

Are all the extras tEstan incluidos Aystahn eenkloo-

included in the en la factura todos
eedhoass ayn lah
bill? los extras? fhactoorah toadhoass
loass ayhkstrahs?
Can you send any <,Puede mandar Pwayday mahndahr
messages to this cualquier mensaje kwahlkyar maynssahkay
address? a esta direccion? ah aystah deerehkthyon?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

to accept aceptar ahthaayptahr

pleasant agradable ahgrahdhahblay
enough bastante bahstahntay
bill cuenta kwayntah
cheque cheque chaykay
address direccion deerehkthyon
cash en efectivo ayn ayfaykteeboa
send enviar aynbeeahr
mistake equivocacion aykeebhoakahthyon
wrong equivocado aykeebhoakahdhoa
stay estancia aystahnthyah
date fecha faychah
tax impuestos eempwaystoass
included incluido eenklooeedhoah
to leave irse eersay
ready listo, preparado leestoa, praypahrahdoa
tomorrow mahana por la mahnyahnah porr lah
morning manana mahnyahnah
to think pensar paynsahr
reduction reduccion raydookthyon
coming back vuelvo bwaylboa


Where's the nearest i,D6nde esta la Doanday aystah lah

exchange office? oficina de cambio oafeetheenah day
mas cercana? kahmbyoa mahss
Is there a bank near c,Hay un banco Igh oon bahnkoa
here? cerca de aquf? thayrkah day ahkee?
Can 1 change ten tPuedo cambiar Pwaydhoa
thousand pesetas diez mil pesetas en kahmbyahr dyayth
into pounds? libras? meel payssaytahss
ayn leebrahss?
Will you take a tAceptan cheques? Ahthaypthan
cheque? chaykays?
Where can I cash iDonde puedo Doanday pwaydoa
this cheque? cobrar este koabrahr aystay
cheque? chaykay?
Will you take my &Aceptan mi tarjeta Ahthayptahn mee
credit card? de credito? tahrkhaytah day
What's the rate of <,A como esta el Ah koamoa aystah
exchange? cambio? ayl kahmbyoa?
I want to open an Quiero abrir una Kyayroa ahbreer
account. cuenta. oonah kwayntah.
May I change this tPodrfa cambiar Poadreeah
into pesetas? esto en pesetas? kambyar aystoa ayn
Money - Dinero 14

Can I cash these i,Puedo cobrar Pwaydoa koabrahr

(revellers' cheques? estos cheques de aystoas chaykays day
viaje? byahkyay?
Go to the cashier. Vaya al cajero. Bahyah ahl
Where do I sign? tDonde firmo? Doanday feermoa?
Sign here, please. Firme aquf, por Feermay ahkee, porr
favor. fahbhor.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
to change cambiar kahmbyar
exchange cambio kahmbyoa
rate of exchange el cambio ayl kahmbyoa
checks cheques chaykays
to cash cobrar koabrahr
how much? icuanto? kwahntoa?
account cuenta kwayntah
dollars dolares doalahrayss
the nearest el mas cercano ayl mahss
pounds libras leebrahss
credit card tarjeta de credito tahrkhaytah day


Travel(l)ing by taxi - Viajando en taxi

Where's the taxi &D6nde esta la Doanday aystah lah
rank? parada de taxis? pahrahdhah day tahksee?
I want to take Quiero coger un Kyayroa koahkayr oon
a taxi. taxi. tahksee.
Are you free? i,Esta usted libre? Aystah oosthaydh leebray?
Take me to this Lleveme a este Lyaybhaymay ah aystay
hotel. hotel. oatehl
Take us to the Llevenos a la Lyaybhaynoass ah lah
station. estacion. aystahthyon.
Can you hurry? cPuede darse Pwaydhay dahrssay
prisa? preessah?
We are late. Vamos tarde. Bahmoass tahrday.
Wait here, Espere aquf, por Ayspayray ahkee, porr
please. favor. fahbhor.
Stop here. Pare aqui. Pahray ahkee
Where can I cDonde puedo Doanday pwaydoa koanseh-
get a taxi? conseguir un taxi? geehr oon tahksee?
Get me a taxi, Consfgame un Koanseehgahmay oon
please. taxi, por favor. tahksee, porr fabhor.
What's the fare tCuanto vale ir Kwahntoa bahlay eehr
to...? a ...? ah...?
Turn left. Gire a la izquierda. Kheeray ah lah eethkyayrdah.
Can you help me tPuede ayudarme Pwayday ahyoodharmay
with the bags? con las bolsas? kon lahs bolsahss?
Go straight Vaya todo derecho. Bahyah toadhoa
ahead. dayraychoa.
Turn right at the Gire a la derecha Kheeray ah lah dayraychah
corner. en la esquina. ayn lah ayskeenah.
Travel(l)ing - Viajando 16

How much do you iCuanto cobran Kwahntoa koabrahn

charge per hour/ por hora / por dfa? porr oarah/porr deeah?
per day?
How much would &Cuanto costan'a Kwahntoa koastahreeah
it cost to go to...? ir a ...? eer ah..?
It's too much. Es demasiado. Ayss daymahssyahdoa.
Vocabulary - Vocabutario
the change el cambio ehl kahmbyoa
near cerca thayrkah
to take coger koahkayrr
how much? icuanto? kwahntoa?
right derecha dayraychah
adress direccion deerehkthyon
wait espere ayspayray
turn gire kheeray
keep guarde gooahrday
left izquierda eethkyayrdah
rank parada pahrahdah
far lejos layhkhoss
free libre leebray
to carry llevar lyebahr
more slowly mas despacio mahss dayspahthyoa
faster mas rapido mahss rahpeedhoa
stop here pare aqui pahray ahkee
hurry prisa preesah
late tarde tahrday
taxi taxi tahksee

Travelling by air - Viajando en avion

At what time are we <j,A que hora despe- Ah kay oarah
taking off? gamos? dayspaygahmoass?
At what time are we £A que hora Ah kay oarah
leaving? salimos? sahleemoass?
When is the next tCuando es el Kwahndoa ayss ayl
plane? proximo avion? prokseemoa ahbyon?
When do I have to tCuando debo Kwahndoa dayboa
check in? presentarme? praysayntahrmay?
17 Travel(l)ing - Viajando

Can I change my iPuedo cambiar el Pwaydoa kahmbyar

ticket? billete? ayl beelyaytay?
When do we arrive? cCuando llegamos? Kwahndoa
At what time are we cA que hora aterri- Ah kay oarah
landing? zamos? ahtayrreethahmoasss?
Is there a flight to i,Hay un vuelo a Igh oon bwayloa ah
New York? Nueva York? Nwaybah Yoark?
What's the flight tCual es el numero Kwahl ayss ayl
number? del vuelo? noomayroa day
I want to book two Quiero reservar Kyayroa rayssayrbahr
seats. dos asientos. doss assyayntoass
How much more will tCuanto mas me Kwahntoa mahss
it cost? costara? may koahstahrah?
I want an open Quiero un billete Kyayroa oon beelyaytay
ticket. abierto. ahbeeayrtoa
Please, cancel my Cancele mi reser- Kahnthayhlay mee
reservation. va, por favor. rayssayrbah, porr
Is there a bus or a c Hay algun autobus Igh ahlgoon owtoa-
train to the city o tren al centra de bhooss oa trayn ahl
center? la ciudad? thayntroa day lah
When does it leave? cCuando sale? Kwahndoa sahlay?
Where's the airline c,D6nde esta la Doanday aystah lah
office? oficina de las oafeetheenah day
Imeas aereas? lahs leenayahs
Stewardess, can you Azafata, ^puede Ahthahfahtah,
bring me a whisky? traerme un whisky? pwayday trahayrmay
oon weeskee?
Vocabulary - Vocabulario
open abierto ahbeeayhrtoa
height altura ahltoorah
seats asientos ahssyayntoass
landing aterrizando ahtayrreethahndoa
plane avion ahbhyon
cancel cancelar/anular kahnthaylahr/ahnoolahr
Travel(l)ing - Viajando 18

taking off despegando dayspaygahndoa

airline Imeas aereas leenayahs ahayrayahs
check in presentarse praysayntahrsay
reservation reserva rayssayrbah
to book reservar rayssayrbahr
to leave salir sahleer
to take tardar tahrdahr
flying volando boahlahndoa
flight vuelo bwayloa

Travel(l)ing by train - Viajando en tren

What time does the &A que hora sale Ah kay oarah sahlay
train leave? el tren? ayl trayn?
Which platform Day kay ahndayn
<,De que anden sale?
does it leave from? sahlay?
What time does it i,A que hora llega? Ah kay oorah
arrive? lyaygah?
When does the iCuando llega el Kwahndoa lyaygah
train from Zaragoza tren de Zaragoza? ayl trayn day
get in? Thahrahgoathah?
At which platform? i,En que anden? Ayn kay ahndayn?
Does the train stop i, Para el tren en Pahrah ayl trayn ayn
at Burgos? Burgos? Boorgoass?
Do I have to iTengo que Tayngoa kay
change? cambiar? kahmbyahr?
Is there a connec- c Hay alguna Igh ahlgoonah
tion to Valencia? combinacion a koambeenahthyon
Valencia? ah Vahlayntheeah?
Where's the railway i,D6nde esta la esta- Doanday aysta lah
station? cion del ferrocarril? aystahthyon dayl
Where's the ticket t,D6nde esta la Doanday aysta lah
office? taquilla? tahkeelyah?
I want a seat in a Quiero un asiento en Kyayroa oon ahssyayn-
non-smoker. un compartimento de toa ayn oon kom-
no fumadores. pahrteemayntoa day
noa foomahdhorayss
19 Travel(l)ing - Viajando

I want a seat in Quiero un asiento Kyayroa oon ahssyayntoa

a smoking com- en un comparti- ayn oon kompahrtee-
partment. mento de fumado- mayntoa day
res. foomahdhorayss.
Is there a restau- cHay un coche Igh oon koachay
rant car on this restaurante en raystowrahntay ayn
train? este tren? aystay trayn?
When is the next tCuando es el Kwahndoa ayss ayl
train to Madrid? proximo tren a prokseemoa trayn ah
Madrid? Mahdreedh.
Is there a through tHay algun tren Igh ahlgoon trayn
train to Sevilla? directo a Sevilla? deerehktoa ah
Is this seat free? 6 Esta libre este Aystah leebray aystay
asiento? ahssyayntoa?
This seat is taken. Este asiento esta Aystay ahssyayntoa aystah
ocupado. oakoopahdhoa
Where's the sleep <,D6nde esta el Doanday aystah ayl
ing car? coche-cama? koachay kahmah?
Which is my tCual es mi litera? Kwahl ayss mee
sleeper? leetayrah?
How long do we tCuanto tiempo Kwahntoa teehaympoa
stop here? paramos aquf? pahrahmoass ahkee?
The heating is La calefaccion Lah kahlayfahkthyon
very low/high. esta muy baja / aystah mwee bahkha/
alta. ahltah

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
platform anden ahndayn
seat asiento ahssyantoa
heating calefaccion kahlayfahkthyon
sleeping car coche-cama koachay kahmah
restaurant car coche restaurante koachay raystowrahntay
compartment compartimento kompahrteemayntoa
baggage equipaje aykeepahkay
register facturar fahktoorahr
sleeper litera leetayrah
later mas tarde mahss tahrday
earlier mas temprano mahss taymprahnoa
Travel(l)ing - Viajando 20

porter mozo moathoa

ticket collector revisor raybeesoar
ticket office taquilla tahkeelyah
train tren trayn
through train tren directo trayn deerehktoa
window ventanilla bayntahneelyah

Travelling by bus - Viajando en autobus

Where's the bus/ tDonde esta la Doanday aysta lah

coach station? estacion de aystahthyon day
autobuses. owtoabhoossayss?
Does the bus stop tPara el autobus Pahrah ayl
here? aquf? owtoaboos ahkee?
The bus to the Center El autobus al Centra Ayl owtoabooss ahl
stops over there. para alii. thayntroa pahra ahlyee.
Which bus goes to i,Que autobus va a Kay owtoaboos bah
the station? la estacion? ah lah aystahthyon?
Where can 1 get a tDonde puedo coger Doanday pwaydhoa
bus to the beach? un autobus a la coakhayrr oon owtoa-
playa? boos ah lah plahyah?
There are buses Hay autobuses cada Igh owtoaboossayss
every 20 minutes. veinte minutos. kahdah bayntay
What's the fare? tCuanto vale el Kwahntoa bahlay
billete? ayl beelyaytay?
Is there a sightsee- cHay algun recorrido Igh ahlgoon
ing tour? turfstico? rayhkoarreedhoa
How long does it tCuanto se tarda? Kwahntoa say
take? tahrdah?
When does the i,Cuando sale el Kwahndoa sahlay
coach leave? autocar? ayl owtoakahr?
What time does i,A que hora llega Ah kay oorah lyay-
the coach get to el autocar a gah ayl owtoakahr
Cambridge? Cambridge? ah Kaymbreech?
What stops does &Que paradas hace? Kay pahrahdahss
it make? ahthay?
21 Travel(l)ing - Viajando

This is a request Esta es una parada Aysta ayss oonah

stop. discrecional. pahrahdah
Does this bus go t,Va este autobus Bah aystay owtoaboos
to the beach? a la playa? ah lah plahyah?
Where can 1 leave tDonde dejo el Doanday dayhkoa ayl
my luggage? equipaje aykeepahkhay?
Is there a toilet on &Hay servicios en Igh sehrbeethyoass
the coach? el autocar? ayn ayl owtoakahr?
Can I smoke on tPuedo fumar en Pwaydhoa foomahr
the coach? el autocar? ayn ayl owtoakahr?
Does this bus stop iPara este autobus Pahrah aystay
at our hotel? en nuestro hotel? owtoaboss ayn
nwasystroa oatehl?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
to get off apearse ahpayahrsay
every cada kahdah
how often? <i,cada cuanto? kahdah kwahntoa?
excursion excursion aykskoorsyon
it runs hace el recorrido ahthay ayl rehkorreedhoa
sightseeing haciendo turismo ahtheeayndoa tooreesmoa
fare importe del billete eempoartay dayl beelyaytay
journey viaje byahkhay
trip viaje byahkhay
tour vuelta bwayltah

Hiring a car - Alquilando un coche

1 want to hire a Quiero alquilar un Kyayro ahlkeelahr oon
car. auto. owtoa.
How much does it cCuanto cuesta por Kwahntoa kwaystah
cost per hour/day? hora/di'a? porr oarah/deeah?
Do you want my tQuiere mi permiso Kyayray mee
driving licence? de conducir? pehrmeessoa day
Is patrol included? cEsta la gasolina Aystah lah
incluida? gahssoaleenah
Travel(l)ing - Viajando 22

Is mileage <,Esta incluido el Aystah eenklooeedhoa

included? kilometraje? ayl keeloamaytrahkhay?
1 want full insur- Quiero seguro a Kyayroa saygooroa ah
ance. todo riesgo. toadhoa ryaysgoa.
Do you have any tTienen tarifas Tyaynayn tahreefahss
special rates? especiales? ayspaythyahlayss?
Is there a midweek i,Hay una tarifa para Igh oonah tahreefah
rate? dfas de labor? pahrah deeahs day
Are there any i,Hay algun arreglo Igh ahlgoon
weekend arrange- para el fin de sema- ahrraygloa pahrah ayl
ments? na? feen day saymahnah?
Can 1 have a big i,Me da un coche May dah oon koachay
car, please? grande, por favor? grahnday, porr fahbhor?
What's the charge? iCuanto cobran? Kwahntoa koabrahn?
Can I leave the car cPuedo dejar el Pwaydhoa daykhar ayl
somewhere in coche en algun sitio koachay ayn ahlgoon
Santander? en Santander? seeteeoa ayn
Can you give me tMe da la direccion May dah lah
the address of your de su agente en...? deerehkthyon day soo
agent in...? ahkhayntay ayn...?
Do you have an iTienen oficina Tyanay oafeetheenah
office in...? en...? ayn...?
1 want a large Quiero un coche Kyayroa oon koachay
automatic car. automatico grande. owtoamahteekoa
Could you show iPodria ensenarme Poadreeah aynsay-
me how to work como funcionan las nyahrmay koamoa
the lights? luces? foontheeoanahn lahs
Show me how the Enseneme como Aynsaynyaymay
reverse gear works. funciona la marcha koamoa foontheeoanah
atras. lah mahrchah ahtrahs.
Where's the horn? tDonde esta la Doanday aysta lah
bocina? boatheenah?
I don't like this car. No me gusta este Noa may goostah
coche. aystay koachay.
Can I have another t,Me da otro coche? May dah oatroa
car? koachay?
I want a bigger/ Quiero un coche Kyayroa oon koachay
smaller car. mas grande/mas mahss grahnday/
pequeno. mahss paykaynyoa.
23 Travel(l)ing - Viajando

Vocabulary • Vocabulario
accelerator acelerador ahthaylayrahdoar
hire, rent alquilar ahlkeelahr
automatic automatico owtoamahteekoa
horn bocina boatheenah
charge cobrar koabrahr
deposit deposito dayppoaseetoa
return devolver dayboalbayr
brakes frenos fraynoass
to work funcionar foonthyonahr
large, big grande grahnday
mileage kilometraje keeloamaytrahkhay
windscreen wipers limpia parabrisas leempyah
lights luces loothays
reverse gear marcha atras mahrchah ahtrahs
windscreen parabrisas pahrahbreessahss
small, little pequeno paykaynyoa
driving licence permiso de condu- pehrmeessoa day
cir kondootheer
insurance seguro saygooroa
wheel volante boalahntay

Driving - Conduciendo
How far is the near- iQue distancia Kay deestahnthyah igh
est petrol station? hay a la proxima ah lah proakseemah
gasolinera? gahssoaleenayrah
Is there a garage iHay un garaje Igh oon gahrahkhay
near here? cerca de aquf? thehrkah day ahkee?
Do you have a road iTiene algun Tyaynay ahlgoon
map? mapa de carrete- mahpah day
ras? cahrraytayrahss?
Fill it up please. Lleno, por favor. Lyaynoa, porr fabhor.
Clean the wind- Limpie el parabri- Leempyay ayl
screen. sas. pahrahbreessahss.
Change the oil. Cambie el aceite. Kahmbyay ayl ahthaytay.
Check the battery. Compruebe la Koamprwaybay lah
baterfa. bahtayreeah.
Travel(l)ing - Viajando 24

What's the speed oCual es el Ifmite Kwahl ays ayl leemeetay

limit? de velocidad? day bayloatheedahdh?
Where is there a tDonde hay un Doanday igh oon
car park? aparcamiento? ahpahrkahmyayntoa?
I've run out of Me he quedado sin May eh kaydahdoa
petrol. gasolina. seen gahssoaleenah.
I've had a break- He tenido una Eh tayneedoa oonah
down. averfa. ahbayreeah.
Can you send a &Puede mandar un Pwaydhay mahndahr
mechanic? mecanico? oon maykahneekoa?
How long will i,Cuanto tardara? Kwahntoa tahrdahrah?
you be?
What time does c,A que hora cierraAh kay oarah thyayrrah
the garage close? el garaje? ayl gahrahkhay.
Where are the {.Deride estan los Doanday aystahn loass
toilets? servicios? sayrbeethyoass.
Have you a break- tHay servicio de Igh sayrbeethyoa day
down service? averfas? ahbayreeahs.
Can you give me a t,Me Neva hasta May lyaybhah ahstah
lift to a telephone? un telefono? oon taylayfoanoa?
My car won't start. No me arranca el Noa may ahrrahnkah
coche. ayl koachay.
I have a flat tyre. Tengo pinchazo. Tayngoa
Where are you? cDonde esta usted? Doanday aystah
Where's your car? cDonde esta su Doanday aystah soo
coche? koachay?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
oil aceite ahthaytay
motorway autopista owtoapeesstah
road carretera kahrraytayrah
check comprobar koamproabahr
diversion desvi'o daysbeeoa
one way street direccion unica deerehkthyon ooneekah
garage garaje gohrahkhay
petrol station gasolinera gahssoaleenayrah
wash lavar lahbahr
keep right mantener la derecha mahntaynayr lah dayraychah
25 Travel(l)ing - Viajando

pedestrians peatones payahtoanays

danger peligro payleegroa
tyre pressure presion de los prayssyon day bass
neumaticos nayomahteekoass
no parking prohibido aparcar proaeebeedoa ahpahrkahr
no entry prohibida la entrada proaeebeedah Ian
fill rellenar raylaynahr
toilets servicios sayrbeethyoass
speed velocidad bayloatheedahdh

At the garage • En el garaje

My car won't start. No me arranca el Noa may ahrrahnkah ayl
coche. koachay.
The engine is El motor funciona Ayl moator foonthee-
firing badly. mal. oanah mahl.
The battery is La bateria esta Lah bahtayreeah aystah
flat. descargada. dayskahrgahdah.
I've lost my car He perdido las Eh payrdeedoa lahs
keys. Haves del coche. lyahbhays dayl koachay.
Can you repair it? cPuede Pwayday
arreglarlo? ahrrayglahrloa?
How much will t cost? tCuanto costara? Kwahntoa koastahrah?
When will the car i,Cuando estara Kwahndoa aystahrah
be ready? listo el coche? leestoa ayl koachay?
Can you rapair the tPuede arreglar Pwaydhay ahrrayglar
flat tyre? la rueda pincha- lah rwaydhah
da? peenchahdah.
We haven't got No tenemos Noa taynaymoass
spares. recambios. raykahmbyoass.
There's something Hay algo que no Igh ahlgoa kay noa bah
wrong with... va bien en... beeayn ayn.
the car. el auto. ayl owtoa.
the brakes. los frenos. loass fraynoass.
the steering wheel. el volante. boahlahntay.
the lights. las luces. lahs loothays.
the clutch. el embrague. ayl aymbrahgay.
the engine. el motor. ayl moator.
the battery. la baterfa. lah bahtayreeah.
Travel(l)ing - Viajando 26

There's a smell of Huele a gasolina. waylay ah

petrol. gahssoaleenah.
The engine is El motor se Ayl moator say
overheating. calienta. kahlyayntah.
It's smoking. Esta sacando Aystah sahkahndoa
humo. oomoa.
Can you repair it tPuede arreglarlo Pwaydhay
temporarily? de momento? ahrrayglahrloa day
You need a new Necesita una Naythayseetah
oil pump. bomba de aceite oonah boambah day
nueva. ahthaytay nwaybah.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
accelerator acelerador ahthaylayrahdoar
anti-freeze anti-congelante ahntee-konkhlaylahntay
battery baterfa bahtayreeah
bulb bombilla boambeelyah
plug buji'a bookheeah
gearbox caja de cambios kahkhah day kahmbyoass
bonnet capot kahpoat
cylinder cilindro ceeleendroa
tank deposito daypoaseetoa
distributor distribuidor deestreebweedoar
clutch embrague aymbrahgay
brakes frenos fraynoass
jack gato gahtoa
indicator intermitente eentayrmeetayntay
lights luces loothays
trunk maletero mahlaytayroa
number plate matricula mahtreekoolah
engine motor moator
door puerta pwayrtah
spares recambios raykahmbyoass
spare wheel rueda de repuesto rwaydah day raypwaystoa
window ventanilla bayntahneelyah
steering wheel volante boahlahntay


Where's the Tourist i,D6nde esta la Doanday aystah lah

Office/Information Oficina de Turismo oafeetheenah day
Centre? tooreesmoa/ayl
/ el Centre de Infor-
macion? thayntroa day
What are the main cDonde estan los Doanday aystahn
points of interest? puntos principales loass poontoass
de interes? preentheepahlays
day eentayrayss?
Where can 1 get in- cDonde puedo Doanday pwaydhoa
formation? conseguir informa- konsaygyr
tion? eenformahthyon?
Is there a good i Hay algun Igh ahlgoon rehko-
sightseeing tour? recorrido tun'stico rredhoa toorees-
bueno? teekoa bwaynoa?
Are there any popu- Hay alguna Igh ahlgoonah
lar excursions? excursion popular? ayskskoorsyon
Is there a map of <,Hay algun mapa Igh ahlgoon
the places to visit? de los lugares que mahpah day loass
visitar? loogahrays kay
Do you have any oTiene alguna guia? Tyaynay ahlgoonah
guidebooks? geeah?
Is there an excursion iHay alguna Igh ahlgoonah
to the castle? excursion al aykskoorsyon ahl
castillo? kahsteelyoa.
Is the gallery open i. Esta abierta la Aystah ahbhyayrtah
on Sundays? galerfa los domin- lah gahlayreeah loass
gos? doameengoass?
Sightseeing - Visita turfstica 28

When does it open? tCuando abre? Kwahndoa ahbray?

How much is the tCuanto es la Kwahntoa ays lah
entrance fee? entrada? ayntrahdah?
Can I buy a cata- iPuedo comprar Pwaydhoa komprahr
logue? un catalogo? oon kahtahloagoa?
Is it all right to take iSe pueden sacar Say pwaydhayn
photographs? fotos? sahkahr foatoass?
Are there reductions & Hay descuento Igh dayskwayntoa
for children? para ninos? pahrah neenyoass?
Where do I buy a tDonde compro la Doanday komproa
ticket? entrada? lah ayntrahdah?
Is admission free? i,Es gratis la Ays grahtees lah
entrada? ayntrahdah?
Is there a catholic/ cHay alguna iglesia Igh ahlgoonah
anglican church catolica/anglicana eeglayssyah
near here? cerca de aqui? kahtoaleekah/
thayrkah day ahkee?
Is there a syna- iHay alguna Igh ahlgoonah see-
gogue/mosque in sinagoga/mezquita nahgoagah/mayth-
this town? en esta ciudad? keetah ayn aystah
At what time is <,A que hora es la Ah kay oorah ays lah
mass? misa? meessah?
I'd like to see the Quisiera ver al Keessyayrah bayr
priest/vicar/rabbi. sacerdote/vicario/ ahl sahthehrdoatay/
rabino. beekaryoa/
What's on at the cQue echan en el Kay aychahn ayn ayl
cinema/theatre cine/teatro esta theenay/tayahtroa
tonight? noche? aystah noachay?
Can you recommend tPuede recomen- Pwaydhay
a revue/musical? darme una revista/ rakoamayndahrmay
un musical? oonah rehbheestah/
oon moosseekahl?
What time does the &A que hora empie- Ah kay oorah
performance begin? za la funcion? aympyathah lah
Who is directing the cQuien dirige la Kyayn deereekhay
orchestra? orquesta? lah oarkaystah?
29 Sightseeing - Visita turfstica

Can I have two seats i,Me da dos May dan doss ayn-
for the matinee? entradas para la trahdhahs pahrah
matinal? lah mahteenahl?
I want a seat in the Quiero una butaca. Kyayroa oonah
stalls. bootahkah.
How much are the &Cuanto valen Kwahntoa bahlayn
tickets in the circle? las entradas de lahs ayntrahdhahs day
anfiteatro? ahnfeetayahtroa?
May I have a pro- i,Me da un progra- May dan oon
gramme, please? ma, por favor? proagrahmah, porr
Where's the Opera ^Donde estaja Doanday aystah la
House/Concert Hall? Casa de la Opera/ kahsah day lah
Sala de Concier- oapayrah/sahlah day
tos? konthyayrtoass?
What's on at the cQue hay en la Kay igh ayn lah
opera tonight? opera esta noche? oapayrah aystah
Is there a concert? tHay un concierto? Igh oon
Who's singing? i,Quien canta? Kyayn kahntah?
Which orchestra is <,Que orquesta Kay oarkaystah
playing? toca? toakah?
Who is the tQuien es el Kyayn ayss ayl
conductor? director? deerayktoar?
Where can we go i,A donde podemos Ah doanday
dancing? ir a bailar? poadhaymoass eer
ah bighlahr?
Is there a discoteque c Hay una discoteca Igh oonah
in town? en la ciudad? deeskoataykah ayn
lah thyoodhahdh?
May I have this 6 Me concede este May konthaydhay
dance? baile? aystay bighlay?
Would you like to £l_e gustarfa bailar? Lay goostahryah
dance? bighlahr?
Is there a jazz club iHay algun club de Igh ahlgoon kloob
here? jazz aqui? day yass ahkee?
Which is the best iCual es la mejor Kwahl ays lah mehkhor
disco in town? discoteca de la deeskoataykah day lah
ciudad? thyoodhahdh?
Sightseeing - Visita turfstica 30

Where's the nearest Donde esta la pista Doanday aystah lah

tennis court / golf de tenis /club de peestah day tayneess /
club? golf mas cercano? kloob day goalf mahss
What's the charge tCuanto cuesta por Kwahntoa kwaystah
per game / per partido /por hora? porr pahrteedhoa/
hour? porr oarah?
Where can we go tAdonde podemos Ah doanday
swimming? ir a nadar? poadhaymoass eer
ah nahdhahr?
Is there a swimming i Hay alguna pisci- Igh ahlgoonah
pool/skating rink? na/pista de patina- peestheenah/
je? peestah day
I'd like to go cross- Me gustaria ir a May goostahreeah
country skiing/to a hacer esqui de eerr ah ahthayr
football match. fondo/a un partido ayskee day foandoa/
de futbol. ah oon pahrteedhoa
day footbol
Where is the race cDonde esta el Donday aystah ayl
course? hipodromo? eepoadroamoa?
Who is the jockey? cQuien es el Kyayn ays ayl
jockey? yoakayy?
What are the odds <,C6mo estan las Koamoa aystahn
on this horse? apuestas en este lahs ahpwaystahs
caballo? ayn aystay

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
admission admision ahdmeessyon
circle anfiteatro ahnfeetayahtroa
odds apuestas ahpwaystahs
to dance bailar bighlahr
dancing baile bighlay
a dance un baile oon bighlay
stall butaca bootahkah
castle Castillo kahsteelyoa
catalogue catalogo kahtahloagoa
catholic catolico kahtoaleekoa
31 Sightseeing - Visita turfstica

golf club club de golf kloob day goalf

jazz club club de jazz kloob day yass
charge cobrar koabrahr
buy comprar komprahr
reduction descuento dayskwayntoa
conductor director deerayktoar
directing dirigiendo deereekhyayndoa
discoteque, disco discoteca deeskoataykah
entrance fee entrada ayntrahdah
skiing esquiar ayskyahr
all right esta bien aystah byayn
excursion excursion aykskoorsyon
photographs fotograffas foatoagrahpheeahss
performance funcion foonthyon
gallery galena gahlayreeah
free gratis grahtees
guidebook gufa geeah
race course hipodromo eepoadroamoa
jockey hockey yoakayy
church iglesia eeglayssyah
information informacion eenformahthyon
interest interes eentayrayss
game juego khwaygoa
places lugares loogahrayss
matinee matinal mahteenahl
mosque mezquita maythkeetah
mass misa meesah
musical musical mooseekahl
swimming natacion nahtahthyon
orchestra orquesta oarkaystah
football match partido de futbol pahrteedhoa day
swimming pool piscina peestheenah
Sightseeing - Visita turfstica 32

skating rink pista de patinaje peestah day

tennis court pista de tenis peestah day
main points principales puntos preentheepahlayss
rabbi rabino rahbheenoa
revue revista rehbheestah
priest sacerdote sahthehrdoatay
sinagogue sinagoga seenahgoagah
tourist turista tooreestah
vicar vicario beekahryo
sightseeing visita turfstica beeseetah
visit visitar beeseetahr
tour vuelta bwayltah

What time is it?

oQue hora es?

What time do you &A que hora sales Ah kay oarah sahlayss
leave work? del trabajo? dayl trahbhakhoa?
What time does the i,A que hora cierra/ Ah kay oarah ahbray/
Post Office close/ abre Correos? theeayrrah korrehoass?
Can you tell me tPuede decirme la Pwayday daytheermay
the time, please? hora, por favor? lah oarah, porr
It is ten o'clock. Son las diez. Son lahs dyayth
It is half past Son las once y Son lahs onthay ee
eleven. media. maydhyah
At a quarter past A las cinco y Ah lahs theenkoa ee
five. cuarto. kwahrtoa
What time was it tQue hora era Kay oarah ayrah
when she came? cuando vino? kwahndoa beenoa?
At what time did it i,A que hora Ah kay oarah
happen? sucedio? soothaydeeoa?
It was very late. Era muy tarde. Ayrah mwee tahrday
It is very early. Es muy temprano. Ayss mwee
It was about mid- Era sobre medio- Ayrah soabray
day/midnight. dfa/medianoche. maydhyoadheeah/
What time is the i,A que hora sale el Ah kay oarah sahlay
train/coach leaving? tren/autocar? ayl trayn/owtoakahr?
What time does the i,A que hora despe- Ah kay oarah dayspay-
plane take off? ga el avion? gah ayl ahbhyon?
What time are we £A que hora Ah kay oarah
arriving? llegamos? lyaygahmoass?
The train is leaving El tren sale dentro Ayl trayn sahlay dayn-
in five minutes. de cinco minutos. troa day theenkoa
What time is it? - <,Qu6 hora es? 34

The plane is tak- El avion despega Ayl ahbhyon dayspaygah

ing off at ten to a las seis menos ah lahs sayss maynoass
six. diez. dyayth.
We are landing in Aterrizamos dentro Athayrreethahmoass
ten minutes. de diez minutos. dayntroa day dyayth
The train is arriv- El tren llega Ayl trayn lyaygah
ing on time. puntual. poontooahl.
What time do the <,A que hora abren Ah kay oarah ahbrayn lahs
shops open? las tiendas? tyayndahs?
They open at nine Abren a las nueve. Ahbrayn ah lahs
o'clock. nwaybhay.
What time do su- &A que hora cie- Ah kay oarah thyeyrrahn
permarkets close rran los supermer- loass soopayrmayr-
here? cados aqui? kahdoass ahkee?
What are your tCuales son sus Kwahlays son soos
opening times? horas de apertura? oarahs day
Today we are clos- Hoy cerramos a Oy thayrrahmoass ah
ing at six thirty. las seis treinta. lahs sayss trayntah.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
open abre ahbray
opening apertura ahpayrtoorah
land on time aterrizamos ahtayrreethahmoass
puntual poontooahl
close cierra thyayrrah
lunch comida koameedhah
post office correos korrehoass
tell me decirme daytheerme
breakfast desayuno dayssahyoonoa
takes off despega dayspaygah
midnight medianoche maydhyahnoachay
midday mediodfa maydhyoadheeah
leaves sale sahlay
happened sucedio soothaydeeoa
late tarde tahrday
early temprano taymprahnoa
shops tiendas tyayndahs
came vino beenoa

the way
el camino

Excuse me, Where's Perdone, &donde Payrdoanay,

the monument? esta el monumento. doanday aystah ayl
Where's the National iDonde esta el Doanday aystah ayl
Theatre, please? Teatro Nacional, tayahtroa
por favor? nahtheeoanahl, porr
Can you tell me the tPuede indicarme Pwaydhay
way to the harbor/ el camino al puerto eendeekahrmay ayl
cathedral/Town / la catedral / el kahmeenoa ahl
Hall? ayuntamiento? pwayrtoa/lah
Where's the tourist i,D6nde esta la Doanday aystah Ian
information centre, Informacion de eenformahthyon day
please? Turismo, por favor? tooreesmoa, porr
How far is it? &A que distancia Ah kay
esta? deestahntheeah
How can I go there? &C6mo puedo ir Koamoa pwaydhoa
alii? eer ahlyee?
Can you tell me the tPuede decirme el Pwaydhay
way? camino? daytheermay ayl
Can you show it to i,Me lo ensena en May loa aynsaynyah
me on the map? el mapa? ayn ayl mahpah?
Could you show me iPodria ensenarme Poadreeah
the way to the cas- el camino al casti- aynsaynyahrmay ayl
tle, please? llo, por favor? kahmeenoa ahl
kahsteelyoa, porr
Asking the way - Preguntando el camino 36

How can we go to i,C6mo podemos ir Koamoa

the fortress? a la fortaleza? poadhaymoass eer
ah lah fortahlaytah?
I'm lost. Where am Ando perdido. Ahndoa
I? & Donde estoy? payrdeedhoa.
Doanday aystay?
Can you tell me on cPodrfa indicarme Poadreeah een-
the map where we en el mapa donde deekahrmay ayn ayl
are? estamos? mahpah doanday
This is Constitution Esta es la Plaza de Aystah ayss lah
Square, but where is la Constitucion, plahthah day lah
it on the map? tpero donde esta konsteetoothyon,
en ei mapa? payroa doanday
aystah ayn ayl
Which is the best <,Cual es la mejor Kwahl ayss lah meh-
way to go to the City forma de ir al khor formah day eer
Centre? Centra de la ahl thayntroa day
Ciudad? lah thyoodhahdh?
Can we drive up to i Podemos ir en Poadaymoass eer
the castle? coche hasta el ayn koachay ahstah
castillo? ayl kahsteelyoa?
Can I drive along iPuedo ir en coche Pwaydhoa eer ayn
this street? por esta calle? koachay porr aystah
Is there a car park in <,Hay un aparca- Igh oon ahpahrkah-
the City Centre? miento en el centra myayntoa ayn ayl
de la ciudad? thayntroa day lah
What's the best way £,Cual es la mejor Kwahl ayss lah
to drive out of town? manera de salir mehkhor mahnayrah
en coche de la day sahleer ayn
ciudad? koachay day lah
Take the second Coja la segunda Koakha lah
turning on the left bocacalle a la iz- saygoondah
and go on for two quierda y siga unos boakahkahlyay ah
hundred meters. doscientos metros. lah eethkyayrdah
ee seegah oonoass
37 Asking the way - Preguntando el camino

Take the third Coja la tercera Koakhah lah tehrthayrah

turning on the bocacalle a la boakahkahlyay ah lah
right and walk for derecha y camine dayraychah ee
about a hundred unos cien metres. kahmeenay oonoass
meters. You'll Llegara a un cine. thyayn maytroass.
come to a cin- Gire a la izquierda Lyaygahrah ah oon
ema. alii. theenay. Kheeray ah lah
Turn left there. eethkyayrdah ahlyee.
Walk along this Camine por esta Kahmeenay porr aystah
avenue until you avenida hasta que ahbhayneedah ahstah
come to the Na- llegue al Teatro kay lyaygay ahl tayah-
tional Theatre. Nacional. AIM' gire a troa nahtheeonal.
Turn left there la izquierda y siga Ahlyee kheeray ah lah
and go on for five unos quinientos eethkyayrdah ee seegah
hundred meters. metros. * oonoass keenyayntoass
Follow this road Siga por esta Seegah porr aystah
until you come to carretera hasta kahrraytayrah ahstah
the traffic lights. que llegue a los kay lyaygay ah loass
Turn right and semaforos. Gire a saymahfoaroass.
drive for about la derecha y siga Kheeray ah lah
four or five hun- conduciendo unos dayraychah ee seegah
dred meters. cuatrocientos o kondoothyayndoa
You'll see a quinientos metros. oonahs kwahtroa
church on the Vera una iglesia a thyayntoass oa
right. la derecha. keenyayntoass
maytroass. Bayrah
oonah eeglayssyah ah
lah dayraychah.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
parking aparcamiento ahpahrkahmyayntoa
Town Hall ayuntamiento ahyoontahmyayntoa
turning bocacalle boakahkahlyay
street calle kahlyay
walk camine kahmeenay
Asking the way - Preguntando el camino 38

way camino kahmeenoa

road carretera kahrraytayrah
castle castillo kahsteelyoa
cathedral catedral kahtaydrahl
take coja koakhah
tell me decirme daytheermay
right derecha dayraychah
distance distancia deestahntheeah
show me ensenarme aynsaynyahrmay
way forma formah
fortress fortaleza fortahlaythah
turn gire kheeray
church iglesia eeglayssyah
show me indicarme eendeekahrmay
show us indicarnos eendeekahrnoass
drive ir en coche eer ayn koachay
left izquierda eethkyayrdah
way manera mahnayrah
map ma pa mahpah
better mejor mehkhor
monument monumento moanoomayntoa
lost perdido payrdeedhoa
excuse me perdone payrdoanay
I can puedo pwaydhoa
port puerto pwayrtoa
traffic lights semaforos saymahfoaroass
go on siga seegah

Making a phone
Haciendo una

Operator, I'd like to Telefonista, Taylayfoaneestah,

make a phone call. quisiera hacer keessyayrah ahthayr
una llamada oonah lyahmahdah
telefonica. taylayfoaneekah
I'd like to speak to Quisiera hablar Keessyayrah ahblahr
Paris, but I don't con Pan's, pero nokon Pahrees, payroa
know the code se el prefijo. noa say ayl
number. prayfeekhoa
Can I make a phone &Puedo llamar a Pwaydhoa lyahmahr
call to London from Londres desde ah Loandrayss
here? aqui? daysday ahkee?
A long distance call Una conferencia Oonah konfayraynthya
to the U.S.A. a los Estados ah loass Aystahdhoass
Unidos. Ooneedhoass
I'd like to make a Me gustarfa hacer May goostahryah ahthar
phone call to New una llamada a oonah lyahmahdhah ah
York, please. Nueva York, por Nooaybah Yoar, porr
favor. fahbhor.
A long distance Una conferencia a Oonah konfayraynthya
collect call to cobro revertido a ah koabroa raybhayr-
Washington. Washington. teedhoa ah Washington.
The number is El numero esta Ayl noomayroa aystah
engaged. comunicando. komooneekahndhoa.
The line is over- La h'nea esta Lah leenayah aystah
loaded. sobrecargada. soabraykahrgahdhah.
Try again later. Pruebe otra vez Prwaybhay ootrah
mas tarde. bayth mahss tahrday.
I'll get you through Le pongo con el Lay poangoa kon ayl
to Sr. Rodriguez. Sr. Rodriguez. saynyor Roadreegueth.
What's your room cCual es el Kwahl ays ayl
number? numero de su noomayroa day soo
habitacion? ahbheetahthyon?
Making a phone call - Haciendo una llamada 40

You can speak now. Pueden hablar Pwaydhayn ahblahr

ahora. ahoarah.
Can I speak to Sr. tPuedo hablar Pwaydhoa ahblahr kon
Gomez, please? con el Sr. Gomez, ayl saynyor Goamayth,
por favor? porr fahbhor.
With the export de- Con el departa- Kon ayl daypahrtah-
partment, please. mento de exporta- maynto day ayks-
cion, por favor. poartahthyon, porr
With Sr. Perez, the Con el Sr. Perez, Kon ayl saynyor
manager, please. el director, por Payrayth, ayl deereayk-
favor. toar, porr fahbhor.
Sr. Benito is on the El Sr. Benito esta Ayl saynyor Baynee-
other line. en la otra h'nea. toah aystah ayn lah
oatrah leenayah
Mr. Cruz is out. He El Sr. Cruz ha Ayl seynyor Crooth ah
won't be back until salido. No sahleedoa. Noa
this afternoon. volvera hasta boalbayrah ahstah
esta tarde. aystah tahrday.
Srta. Alcain is in a La Srta. Alcain Lah saynyoareetah
meeting. Can you esta en una re- Alkine aystah ayn
call again in half union. iPuede oonah rayoonyon.
an hour? llamar dentro de Pwaydhay lyahmahr
media hora? dayntroa day
maydhyah oorah?
There's no answer No responden en Noa rayspoandayn ayn
at Sr. Lucas's office. la oficina del Sr. lah oafeetheenah dayl
Lucas. saynyor Lookahs.
Mr Mendez will call El Sr. Mendez le Ayl saynyor Mayndayth
you back in a few llamara a usted lay lyahmahrah ah
minutes. dentro de unos oostaydh dayntroa day
minutos. oonoass meenootoass.
Srta. Julia is not in. La Srta Julia no Lah saynyoareetah
Can 1 give her a esta. iPuedo Hooleeah noa aystah.
message? darle un mensa- Pwaydhoa dahrlay oon
je? maynsahkhay?
Sr. Alvarez has a El Sr. Alvarez Ayl saynyor Albahrayth
visitor. He'll call you esta con una visi- aystah kon oonah
back in half an hour. ta. El les llamara beeseetah. Ayl lays
dentro de media lyahmahrah dayntroa
hora. day maydhyah oarah.
41 Making a phone call - Haciendo una llamada

Please tell him Dfgale por favor Deegahlay porr fahbhor

that Mr. Rossini que el Sr. Rossini kay ayl saynyor Rossini
has called. ha llamado. ah lyahmahdo.
Tell Sr. Valverde Dfgale al Sr. Deegahlay ahl saynyor
that I am at the Valverde que estoy Balbayrday kay aystoay
Hilton Hotel. en el hotel Hilton. ayn ayl oatehl Hilton.
Can you tell Sr. tPuede decirle al Pwaydhay daytheerlay
Rosser that I'll be Sr. Rosser que es- ahl saynyor Roassayr kay
expecting his call? tare esperando su aystahray ayspayrahn-
llamada? doa soo lyahmahdah.
Tell Srta. Nuria Dfgale a la Srta Deegahlay ah lah say-
that I'll call again Nuria que volvere nyoareetah Nooreeah
in half an hour. a llamar dentro de kay boalbayray ah
media hora. lyahmahr dayntroa day
maydhyah oarah.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
collect call cobro revertido koabroa
engaged comunicando komooneekahndhoa
long distance call conferencia konfayraynlhya
again de nuevo day nwayboa
expecting esperando ayspayrahndoa
export exportacion aykspoartahthyon
out fuera fwayrah
phone call llamada telefonica lyahmahdah
later mas tarde mahss tahrday
message mensaje maynsahkhay
few pocos poakoass
get you through to poner con ponayr kon
code number prefijo prayfeekhoa
try probar, intentar probahr, eentayntahr
answer respuesta rayspwaystah
meeting reunion rayoonyon
overloaded sobrecargado soabraykahrgahdhoa
operator telefonista taylayfoaneestah
visitor visita beeseetah
be back volver boalbayr

At the police
the police
En la comisari'a

I want to report a Quiero informar Kyayroa eenformahr

theft de un robo. day oon roabhoa.
My passport was Me han robado el May ahn roabhahdhoa
stolen. pasaporte. ayl pahssahportay.
Somebody has Alguien me ha Ahlgyayn may ah
stolen my bag. robado el bolso. roabhahdhoa ayl
My case was stolen Me han robado la May ahn roabhahdhoa
in the airport. maleta en el lah mahlaytah ayn ayl
aeropuerto. ahehroapwayrtoa.
I've lost my bag. Se me ha perdido Say may ah pehrdee-
el bolso. dhoa ayl boalsoa.
I've lost my wallet. Se me ha perdido Say may ah
la cartera. pehrdeedhoa lah
We've lost our dog. Se nos ha perdido Say noass ah pehrdee-
el perro. dhoa ayl payrroa.
My car has disap- Mi coche ha Mee koachay ah
peared. desaparecido. daysahpahraytheedhoa.
Where's the nearest i,D6nde esta la Doanday aystah lah
police station? comisan'a mas koameessahreeah
cercana? mahss therkahnah?
I'm looking for a po- Estoy buscando Aystay booskahndoa
liceman. un policfa. oon poaleetheeah.
Can you describe tPuede describir- Pwaydhay dayskree-
the bag? me el bolso? beermay ayl boalsoa?
What colo(u)r is it? cDe que color es? Day kay koaloar ayss?
What does it look i,Que aspecto Kay ahspayktoa
like? tiene? tyaynay?
43 At the police station - En la comisarfa

What make is it? t,De que marca es? Day kay mahrkah ayss?
What breed is it? &De que raza es? Day kay rahthah ayss?
It's brown and Es marron y Ayss mahrron ee
square. cuadrado. kwahdrahdoa.
My wife's passport El pasaporte de mi Ayl pahssahportay day
is inside. mujer esta dentro. mee mookher aystah
It's round and Es redonda y negra. Ayss raydoandah ee
black. nehgrah.
It's a brown leather Es una maleta de Ayss oonah mahlaytah
case. cuero marron. day kwayroa mahrron.
My driving licence Mi permiso de Mee pehrmeessoa day
is inside. conducir esta kondootheer aystah
dentro. dayntroa.
What did you see, tQue ha visto, Kay ah beestoa,
sir? senor? saynyor?
I saw the accident. He visto el acciden- Eh beestoa ayl
te. ahktheedhayntay.
It didn't stop at the No ha parado en el Noa ah pahrahdoa ayn
traffic lights. semaforo. ayl saymahfoaroah.
The little boy ran El nino atraveso la Ayl neenyoa ahtrah-
across the road. carretera corriendo. baysoa lah kahrray-
tayrah korryayndoa.
When I looked, the Cuando mire, el Kwahndhoa meeray,
man was already hombre estaba ya ayl oambray aystahbah
under the car. debajo del coche. yah daybhahkhoa dayl
I heard a noise but Of un ruido pero no Oy oon rweedoa
I didn't see any- vi nada. payroa noa bee
thing. nahdah.
I heard the crash, Of el choque pero Oy ayl choakay payroa
but I didn't see no vi lo que paso. noa bee loa kay
what happened. pahsoa.
I couldn't see any- No pude ver nada Noa poodhay bayr
thing from where I desde donde yo nahdah daysday
was. estaba. doanday yoa
At the police station - En la comisarfa 44

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
accident accidente ahktheedhayntay
airport aeropuerto ahehroapwayrtoa
ran across atraveso corriendo ahtrahbaysoa
bag bolso boalsoa
looking for buscando booskahndoa
wallet cartera kahrtayrah
crash choque choakay
police station comisarfa koameessahreeah
square cuadrado kwahdrahdoa
under debajo daybhahkhoa
inside dentro dayntroa
disappeared desaparecido daysahpahraytheedoa
describe describir dayskreebeer
wife esposa ayspoasah
to report informar eenformahr
what lo que loa kay
case maleta mahlaytah
make marca mahrkah
brown marron mahrron
nearest mas cercana mahss therkahnah
looked mire meeray
didn't stop no paro noa pahroa
I heard 01 oy
passport pasaporte pahssahportay
dog perro payrroa
look like que aspecto kay ahspayktoa
breed raza rahthah
stolen robado roabahdhoa
theft robo roabhoa
noise ruido rweedoa
traffic lights semaforo saymahfoaroah
happened sucedio soothaydyoa
I saw vi bee
already ya yah

T the post office

En correos

Where's the nearest tDonde esta la Doanday aystah lah

post office? oficina de correos oafeetheenah day
mas cercana? korrehoass mahss
Where's the main tDonde esta la Doanday aystah lah
post office? oficina de correos oafeetheenah day
principal? korreoahs
Where's the letter- i,D6nde esta el Doanday aystah ayl
box? buzon? boothon?
What time does the <,A que hora abre Ah kay oarah ahbray
post office open? correos? korrehoass?
Which counter do I &A que mostrador Ah kay moastrahdhor
go to for stamps/ voy a por sellos/ boy ah porr saylyoass/
telegrams/money telegramas/giros taylaygrahmahs/
orders? postales? kheeroass postahlays?
Telegrams at that Los telegramas en Loass taylaygrahmahs
counter. ese mostrador. ayn aysay
Stamps are sold at Los sellos se ven- Loass saylyoass say
that counter. den en aquel mos- bayndayn ayn ahkayl
trador. moastrahdhor.
There's a letter-box Hay un buzon en Igh oon boothon ayn
at the corner of the la esquina de la lah ayskeenah day lah
street. calle. kahlyay
Can I have some i,Me da unos May dah oonoass
stamps, please? sellos, por favor? saylyoass, porr fahbhor?
Give me ten Deme 10 sellos de Daymay dyayth say-
40-peseta. stamps, 40 pesetas, por lyoass day kwahrayntah
please. favor. paysaytahs, porr fahbhor.
At the post office - En correos

Can I have three <•, Me da 3 sellos May dah trayss saylyoass

25-peseta stamps, de 25 pesetas, day baynteetheenkoa
please? por favor? paysaytahs, porr
How many do you iCuantos quiere, Kwahntoass kyayray,
want, sir? senor? saynyor?
Here you are, Aqui tiene, senora, Ahkee tyaynay,
madam. Ten 20- 10 sellos de veinte saynyoarah, dyayth
peseta stamps. 200 pesetas. 200 pese- saylyoass day bayntay
pesetas, please. tas, por favor. paysaytahs. Dossthee-
ayntahs paysaytahs, porr
How much is it to cCuanto vale Kwahntoa bahlay
send a letter sur- enviar una carta aynbeeahr oonah kahr-
face mail? por correo tah porr korrehoa
ordinario? oardeenahryo?
I want to send this Quiero enviar esta Kyayroa aynbeeahr
letter express. carta urgente. aystah kahrtah
I] want to register Quiero mandar Kyayroa mahndahr
this letter. esta carta aystah kahrtah
certificada. thayrteefeekahdah.
What's the postage tCuanto es el Kwahntoa ayss ayl
for a letter to franqueo de una frahnkayoa day oonah
Europe. carta a Europa? kahrtah ah
Which window do I &A que ventanilla Ah kay bayntahneelyah
go to for stamps? voy a por sellos? boy ah porr saylyoass?
Airmail express, Por avion, urgente, Por ahbhyon,
please. How much por favor. cCuanto oorkayntay, porr fabhor,
will it be? sera? kwahntoa sayrah?
Registered mail, Correo certificado, Korreoa
please. por favor. thayrteefeekahdoa,
porr fahbhor.
Postage for surface El franqueo para Ayl frahnkayoa pahrah
mail is 550 pts. el correo ordinario ayl korrehoa
es 550 pesetas. oardeenahryo ayss
47 At the post office - En correos

If you want to reg- Si quiere certificar See kyayray

ister the letter fill la carta rellene thayrteefeekahr lah
in this form. este impreso. kahrtah raylyaynay
aystay eemprayssoa.
The postage to El franqueo a Ayl frahnkayoa ah
England, airmail Inglaterra por Eenglahtayrrah porr
is 150 pts. avion es 150 ahbhyon ayss
pesetas. theeayntoh
You can buy Se pueden comprar Say pwaydhayn
stamps at all these sellos en todas komprarhr saylyoass
windows. esas ventanillas. ayn toadahs aysahs
I want to send a Quiero mandar un Kyayroa mahndahr oon
parcel, express, paquete urgente, pahkaytay oorkhayntay,
please. por favor. porr fabhor.
Can I send this cPuedo enviar este Pwaydhoa aynbeeahr
parcel to paquete a Inglate- oon pahkaytay ah
England? rra? Eenglatayrrah?
Do I need to fill tTengo que relle- Tayngoa kay
in a customs nar un impreso de raylyaynahr oon
declaration? aduanas? eemprayssoa day
I want to register a Quiero mandar un Kyayroa mahndahr oon
parcel. paquete certifica- pahkaytay
do. thayrteefeekahdhoa.
I'd like to send a Quisiera enviar Keessyayrah aynbeeahr
telegram, please. un telegrama, por oon taylaygrahmah,
favor. porr fahbhor.
How much does it cCuanto cuesta por Kwahntoa kwaystah
cost per word? palabra? porr pahlahbra?
May I have a form &Me da un impreso May dah oon
for a telegram? para un telegrama? eemprayssoa pahrah
oon taylaygrahmah?
How long will a iCuanto tardara un Kwahntoa tahrdahrah
cable to London cable a Londres? oon kahblay ah
take? Lohndrays?
I want to send a Quiero enviar Kyayroa aynbeehr oon
cable, it's rather un cable, es muy kahblay, ayss mwee
urgent. urgente. oorkhayntay.
At the post office - En correos 48

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
customs aduanas ahdwahnahs
letter-box buzon boothon
cable cable kahblay
letter carta kahrtah
registered certificado thayrteefeekahdoa
surface mail correo ordinario korrehoa
express correo urgente korrehoa
post office correos korrehoass
how long cuanto tiempo kwahntoa tyaympoa
declaration declaracion daykhlahrahthyon
corner esquina ayskeenah
postage franqueo frahnkayoa
money order giro postal kheeroa postahl
form impreso eemprayssoa
nearest mas cercano mahss therkahnoa
may I have? <,me da...? may dah...?
counter mostrador moastrahdhor
rather muy mwee
urgent urgente oorkhayntay
word palabra pahlahbrah
parcel paquete pahkaytay
airmail por avion porr ahbhyon
main principal preentheepahl
I'd like quisiera keesyayrah
fill in rellenar raylyaynahr
stamps sellos saylyoass
telegrams telegramas taylaygrahmahs
window ventanilla bayntahneelyah

At the restaurant
En el restaurante

Where can we find &D6nde podemos Doanday poadhay-

a good restaurant? encontrar un buen moass aynkontrahr oon
restaurante? bwayn raystowrahntay?
Is there a typical cHay algun restau- Igh ahlgoon
restaurant around rante tipico por raystowrahntay
here? aquf? teepeekoa porr ahkee?
Can you suggest a &Puede recomen- Pwaydhay raykoamayn-
cheap restaurant? darnos un restau- dahrnoass oon raystaw-
rante barato? rahntay bahrahtoa?
A table for two, Una mesa para Oonah mayssah pahrah
please. dos, por favor. doss, porr fahbhor.
I prefer the one by Prefiero la que esta Prayfeeayroa lah kay
the window. junto a la ventana. aystah khoontoa ah lah
Is there a table on cHay una mesa en Igh oonah mayssah ayn
the terrace? la terraza? lah tayrrahthah?
A table in the Una mesa en el Oonah mayssah ayn
corner, please. rincon, por favor. ayl reenkon, porr
Can I have the da el menu? May dah ayl maynoo?
I'd like to book a Quisiera reservar Keessyayrah
table for tonight, una mesa para rayssayrbahr oonah
please. esta noche, por mayssah pahrah aystah
favor. noachay, porr fahbhor.
What time do you i,A que hora empie- Ah kay oorah aympyay-
start serving din- zan a servir las thahn ah sehrbeer lahs
ner? cenas? thaynahs?
Do you have a ta- iTiene mesa para Tyaynay mayssah
ble for eight? ocho? pahrah oachoa?
At the restaurant - En el restaurante 50

Are we too early? ^Venimos dema- Bayneemoass

siado temprano? daymahssyahdhoa
I'd like to book a ta- Quisiera reservar Keessyayrah rayssayr-
ble for Saturday una mesa para el bahr oonah mayssah
night. sabado por la pahrah ayl sahbhadhoa
noche. porr lah noachay.
Will nine o'clock be tEstara bien a las Aystahrah byayn ah
all right? nueve? lahs nwaybhay?
I want to reserve a Quiero reservar Kyayroa rayssayrbahr
table for tonight. una mesa para oonah mayssah
esta noche. pahrah aystah
We'll be here at Estaremos aqui a Aystahraymoass
eight thirty. las ocho y media. ahkee ah lahs oachoa
ee maydhyah
Can I have a table c,Me da una mesa May dah oonah
for this evening? para esta noche? mayssah pahrah
aystah noachay?
What time can we £A que hora veni- Ah kay oarah
come? mos? bayneemoass?
We'll wait in the bar. Esperaremos en el Ayspayrahraymoass
bar. ayn ayl bahr.
Bring us the menu Traiganos el menu Trighahnoass ayl
and two glasses of y dos vasos de maynoo ee doss
wine. vino. bahssoass day
Will you have a ta- tTendra alguna Tayndrah ahlgoonah
ble free soon? mesa libre pronto? mayssah leebray
Do you serve dinners tSirven cenas an- Seerbayn thaynahs
before 8 p.m.? tes de las ocho? ahntays day lahs

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
evening atardecer ahtahrdaythayr
cheap barato bahrahtoa
dinners cenas thaynahs
too early demasiado temprano daymahssyahdhoa
51 At the restaurant - En el restaurants

to start empezar aympaythahr

to find encontrar aynkontrahr
to wait esperar ayspayrahr
tonight esta noche aystah noachay
by the window junto a la ventana khoontoa ah lah
free libres leebrays
night noche noachay
around here por aquf porr ahkee
soon pronto proantoa
to book reservar raysayrbahr
corner rincon reenkon
to serve servir sehrbeer
suggest sugerir sookhayreer
terrace terraza tayrrahtha
to bring traer trahayr
glasses vasos bahssoass
wine vino beenoa

Ordering breakfast - Pidiendo el desayuno

1 want some break- Quiero desayunar, Kyayroa dayssahyoo-
fast, please. por favor. nahr, porr fahbhor.
Can 1 have two <,Me da dos May dah doss way-
boiled eggs? huevos duros? bhoass dooroass?
An orange juice, Un zumo de naran- Don thoomoa day
please. ja, por favor. nahrahnkhah, porr
A glass of grapefruit Un vaso de zumo Oon bahssoa day
juice. de pomelo. thoomoa day
Bacon and eggs. Tocineta y huevos. Toatheenaytah ee
Two scrambled Dos huevos Doss waybhoass
eggs. revueltos. raybhwayltoass.
A black coffee and Un cafe solo y un Oon kahfay soaloa ee
a white coffee. cafe con leche. oon kahfay kon laychay.
A glass of hot milk. Un vaso de leche Oon bahssoa day
caliente. laychay kahlyayntay
At the restaurant - En el restaurante 52

A plate of ham Un plato de jamon Oon plahtoa day

and eggs. con huevos. khahmon kon
A boiled egg. Un huevo cocido. Oon waybhoa
soft/medium/hard. blando/medio/duro. blahndoa / maydeeoa
/ dooroa.
Can I have some iMe da unas May dah oonahss
toast with jam? tostadas con mer- toastahdhahs kon
melada? mehrmaylahdhah?
Some more bread Algo mas de pan y Ahlgoa mahss day
and butter, please. mantequilla, pahn ee mahntay-
por favor. keelyah, porr fahbhor.
A cup of hot choco- Una taza de choco- Oonah tahthah day
late. late caliente. choakoalahtay
Caffein-free coffee, Cafe descafeinado, Kayfay dayskahfayee-
please. por favor. nahdhoa, porr
Can I have honey c,Me da miel en vez May dah myehl ayn
instead of sugar? de azucar? bayth day ahthookahr?
Can we have some cNos da te con le- Noass dah tay kon
tea with milk/lemon? che/limon? laychay/leemon?
I'll have two fried Tomare dos huevos Toamahray doss
eggs with bacon. fritos con tocineta. waybhoass kon
Can we have cham- iNos da champan Noass dah champahn
pagne and cakes? con pasteles? kon pahstaylays?
Do you have a free tTienen buffet Tyaynayn boafayt
buffet? libre? leebray?
Can I have some iMe da unos May dah oonoass
cereal with milk? cereales con thayrayahlayss kon
leche? laychay?

Vocabulary * Vocabulario
soft blando blahndoa
free buffet buffet libre boofayt leebray
black coffee cafe solo kahfay soaloa
white coffee cafe con leche kahfay kon laychay
53 At the restaurant - En el restaurante

champagne champan chahmpahn

boiled cocido koatheedhoa
breakfast desayuno dayssahyoonoa
caffein-free descafeinado dayskahfayeenahdhoa
hard duro dooroa
egg huevo waybhoa
ham jamon khahmon
milk leche laychay
lemon limon leemon
butter mantequilla mahntaykeelyah
medium medio maydeeoa
jam mermelada mehrmaylahdhah
honey miel myehl
bread pan pahn
cakes pasteles pahstaylayss
grapefruit pomelo pomayloa
scrambled revueltos raybhwayltoas
bacon tocineta toatheenaytah
toast tostadas toastahdhahss
juice zumo thoomoa

Ordering dinner - Encargando la comida

1 want soup and Quiero sopa y file- Kyayroa soapah ee

steak, please. te, por favor. feelaytay
A mixed salad for Una ensalada mix- Oonah aynsahlahdhah
two. ta para dos. meehkstah pahrah doss.
Can 1 have trout i,Me trae trucha May trahay troochah
and ham? con jamon? kon khahmon?
Fish soup for me Sopa de pescado Soahpah day
and asparagus for para mi y esparra- payskahdhoa pahrah
my wife. gos para mi mu- mee ee aysparrahgoass
jer. pahrah mee mookher.
A bottle of red wine Una botella de Oonah boataylyah day
and water. vino tinto y agua. beenoa teentoa ee
At the restaurant - En el restaurants 54

A glass of beer and Un vaso de cerve- Don bahssoa day

orange juice. za y zumo thayrbhaythah ee
de naranja. thoomoa day
Meat for me and Carne para mi y Kahrnay pahrah mee ee
fish for my wife. pescado para mi payskahdhoa pahrah
mujer. mee mookhehr.
We'd like some Quisieramos unos Kessyayrahmoass
starters, please. entremeses, por oonoass ayntraymay-
favor. ssayss, porr fahbhor.
What do you recom- <,Que nos reco- Kay noass
mend? miendan? raykomyayndhah?
Can I have a napkin oMe trae una ser- May trahay oonah
and another glass, villeta y otro sehrbeelyaytah ee
please? vaso, por favor? oatroa bahssoa, porr
We don't have an No tenemos ceni- Noa taynaymoass
ashtray. cero. thayneethayroa
Can we smoke in tPodemos fumar Poadaymoass foomahr
the restaurant? en el restaurante? ayn ayl raystowrahntay?
Do you have the tTienen el menu Tyaynayn ayl maynoo
dish of the day? del dfa? dayl deeah?
Do you have any tTienen aves y Tyaynayn ahbhayss ee
poultry and game? caza? kahthah?
I'd like to try the Me gustan'a pro- May goostahryah proa-
seafood. bar el marisco. bahr ayl mahreeskoa.
Do you have cheese? cTienen queso? Tyaynayn kayssoa?
We'd like to have Quisieramos dos Keesyayrahmoass doss
two aperitifs. aperitives. ahpayreeteeboass.
What do you have iQue tienen para Kay tyaynayn pahrah
for dessert? postre? poastray?
I like this sauce. Me gusta esta sal- May goostah aystah
sa. sahlsah
Where's the vinegar i,D6nde esta el vi- Doanday aystah ayl
and the oil? nagre y el aceite? beenahgray ee ayl
Can I have the bill, &Me da la cuenta, May dah lah kwayntah,
please? por favor? porr fahbhor?
Keep the change. Guardese el cam- Gwahrdaysay ayl
bio. kahmbyo
55 At the restaurant - En el restaurante

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
water agua ahgwah
waitress camarera kahmahrayrah
waiter camarero kahmahrayroa
meat carne kahrnay
ashtray cenicero thayneethayroa
beer cerveza thayrbhaytha
spoon cuchara koachahrah
knife cuchillo koocheelyoa
bill cuenta kwayntah
salad ensalada aynsahlahdhah
cloakroom guardarropa gwahrdahrroapah
headwaiter maitre maytray
table cloth mantel mahntayl
mustard mostaza moastahthah
bread pan pahn
fish pescado payskahdhoa
saucer platillo plahteelyoa
plate plato plahtoa
dessert postre poastray
salt sal sahl
sauce salsa sahlsah
napkin servilleta sehrbeelyaytah
fork tenedor taynaydhoar
omelets tortillas toarteelyahs
glass vaso bahssoa
wine vino beenoa

The menu: Starters - El menu: Entremeses

kippered herring arenque ahumado ahrehnkay ahoomahdhoa
tunny in olive atun en aceite de ahtoon ayn athaytay day
oil oliva oaleebhah
canapes canape kahnahpay
lobster cocktail coctel de langosta koaktayl day lahngoastah
At the restaurant - En el restaurante 56

shellfish cocktail coctel de marisco koaktayl day mahreeskoa

croquettes croquetas kroakaytahs
tomato salad ensalada de tomate aynsahlahdhah day
shrimps gambas gahmbahss
York ham jamon de York khakmon day Yoark
oysters ostras ostrahss
salami salchichon sahlsheechoan
smoked salmon salmon ahumado sahlmon ahoomahdoa
smoked trout trucha ahumada troochah ahoomahdah

Typical Spanish dishes - Platos tfpicos espanoles.

paella Valencian paella valenciana pahyelyah

style valenthianah
hake Basque style merluza a la vasca mayrloothaah ah Ian
Asturian fabada fabada asturiana fahbahdah
stew Madrid style cocido madrileno kotheedoh
roast lamb cordero asado kordayroh assahdoh
Segovian sucking cochinillo kochinilyoh
pig segoviano saygohvyahnoh
codfish bacalao bahkahlaow
potatoes Rioja style patatas a la riojana pahtahtahs ah lah
cod in pil pil sauce bacalao al pil-pil bahkahlahoa ahl pill
cod Biscay style bacalao a la bahkahlahoa ah lah
vizcaina beathkynah
57 At the restaurant - En el restaurants

Soups - Sopas
chicken consomme caldo de gallina kahldoa day gahlyeenah
consomme consome konsoamay
consomme with consome al jerez konsoamay ahl kherayth
cream of spinach crema de espina- kraymah day
soup cas ayspeenahkahss
cream of green crema de guisan- kraymah day
pea soup tes geesahntayss
garlic soup sopa de ajo soapah day ahkhoa
pupkin soup sopa de soapah day
calabaza kahlahbahthah
onion soup sopa de cebolla soapah day thayboalyah
a kind of broth sopa de cocido soapah day koatheedoa
noodle soup sopa de fideos soapah day feedhayoass
chicken soup sopa de gallina sopapah day gahlyeenah
aspargus soup sopa de esparra- soapah day
gos ayspahrrahgoass
seafood soup sopa de marisco soapah day mahreeskoa
mussel soup sopa de soapah day
mejillones mehkheelyoanayss
fish soup sopa de pescado soapah day payskahdhoa
oxtail soup sopa de rabo de soapah day rahbhoa day
buey bway
tomato soup sopa de tomate soapah day toamahtay
vegetable soup sopa de verduras soapah day bayrdoorahs

Omelets • Tortillas
fried eggs with huevos a la ameri- waybhoass ah lah
bacon cana ahmayreekahnah
hard-boiled eggs huevos duros waybhoass dooroass
poached eggs huevos escalfados waybhoass
ham and eggs huevos con jamon waybhoass kon
At the restaurant - En el `restaurante 58

bacon and eggs huevos fritos con waybhoass freetoass kon

tocineta toatheenaytah
scrambled eggs huevos revueltos waybhoass
artichoke omelet tortilla de alcacho- toarteelyah day
fas ahlkahchoafahss
cod omelet tortilla de bacalao toarteelyah day
onion omelet tortilla de cebolla toarteelyah day
mushroom omelet tortilla de toarteelyah day
champinones chahmpeenyoanayss
asparagus omelet tortilla de esparra- toarteelyah day
gos ayspahrrahgoass
plain omelet tortilla francesa toarteelyah
ham omelet tortilla de jamon toarteelyah day khamon
omelet with pota- tortilla a la paisana toarteelyah ah lah
toes, peas, etc. paheessahnah
potato omelet tortilla de patatas toarteelyah day
cheese omelet tortilla de queso toarteelyah day kayssoa
mushroom omelet tortilla de setas toarteelyah day saytahss
tomato omelet tortilla de tomate tarteelyah day

Fish and seafood * Pescado y marisco

clams almejas ahlmehkhahss
herring arenques ahrehnkayss
frog's legs ancas de rana ahnkahs day rahnah
eel anguilas ahngeelahs
tunny/tuna atun ahtoon
tuna-fish with tomato atiin con tomate ahtoon kon toamahtay
cod bacalao bahkahlahoa
salt cod in tomato bacalao en salsa bahkahlahoa ayn
sauce de tomate sahlsah day toamahtay
59 At the restaurant - En el restaurants

sea bream besugo bayssoogoa

grilled sea bream besugo a la parrilla bayssogoa ah lah
tunny/tuna bonito boaneetoa
white bait boquerones boakayroanayss
squid calamares kahlahmahrayss
mackerel caballa kahbhahlyah
crab cangrejo kahngrehkhoa
spider crab centollo thayntoalyoa
spider-crabs centollos thayntoalyoass
baby squid chipirones cheepeeroanayss
prawns gambas gahmbahss
lobster langosta lahngoastah
lobster with langosta con lahngoastah kon
mayonnaise mayonesa mahyoanayssah
sole lenguado layngwahdhoa
fillets of sole filetes de lenguado feelaytayss day
fried sole lenguado frito layngwahdhoa
grilled sole lenguado a la layngwahdhoa ah
parrilla lah pahrrelyah
shrimps langostinos lahngoasteenoass
hake merluza mayrloothah
fillets of hake filetes de merluza feelaytayss day
seabass mero mayroa
mussels mejillones mahkheelyoanayss
oysters ostras ostrahss
oysters mornay ostras al graten ostrahss ahl grahtayn
perch perca pehrkah
whiting pescadilla payskahdheelyah
swordfish pez espada payth ayspahdhah
octopus pulpo poolpoa
little shrimps quisquillas keeskeelyahss
monkfish rape rahpay
skate raya rahyah
At the restaurant - En el restaurante 60

turbot rodaballo roadhahbhahlyoa

braised turbot rodaballo estofado roadhahbhahlyoa
salmon salmon sahlmon
red mullet salmonetes sahlmoanaytayss
sardines sardinas sahrdeenahss
fried sardines sardinas fritas sahrdeenahss freetahss
cuttlefish sepia saypeeah
trout truchas troochahs
rainbow trout trucha al arco iris troochah ahl ahrkoa eerees
fried trout trucha frita troochah freetah
trout with ham trucha con jamon troochah kon khamon
trout meuniere trucha a la troochah ah lah
molinera moaleenayrah

Meats - Carne
meatballs albondigas ahlbhoandeegahs
meatballs with albondigas con ahlbhoandeegahs
tomato tomate kon toamahtay
beefsteak bistec beestayk
grilled steak bistec a la parrilla beestayk ah la
ox buey bway
ox-tongue lengua de buey layngwah day bway
oxtail rabo de buey rahbhoa day bway
kid cabrito kahbreetoa
tripe callos kahlyoass
mince meat carne picada kahrnay peekahdhah
mutton cordero koardayroa
roast lamb asado de cordero ahssahdhoa day
mutton stew estofado de cordero aystoafahdhoa day
leg of mutton pierna de cordero pyehrnah day
pork cerdo therdoa
61 At the restaurant - En el restaurante

roast pork asado de cerdo ahssahdhoa day therdoa

pork cutlet chuleta de cerdo choolaytah day therdoa
breaded pork chuleta de cerdo choolaytah day therdoa
chop empanada aympahnahdah
shoulder of pork espaldilla de ayspahdeelyah day
cerdo therdoa
loin of pork solomillo de soaloameelyoa day
cerdo therdoa
sort of salami chorizo choareethoa
chops chuletas choolaytahss
heart corazon koarahthon
lamb cordero koardayroa
roast lamb asado de cordero ahssahdhoa day
grilled lamb chuletillas de choolayteelyahss day
cutlets cordero a la koordayroa ah lah
parrilla pahreelyah
lamb stew estofado de aystoafahdhoa day
cordero koardayroa
sucking pig cochinillo koacheeneelyoa
spicy sausages embutidos aymbooteedhoass
sirloin steak entrecote ayntraykoat
escalope escalope ayskahloapay
stew estofado aystoafahdhoa
black pudding fabada fahbahdah
and bean stew
cold meats fiambres fyahmbrayss
steak filete feelaytay
liver higado eegahdhoa
ham jamon khahmon
ham with spinach jamon con khahmon kon
espinacas ayspeenahkahss
tongue lengua layngwah
young lamb lechazo laychahthoa
loin of pork lomo loamoa
sweetbreads mollejas moalyaykhahss
black pudding morcilla moartheelyah
At the restaurant - En el restaurante 62

ossobuco ossobuco oasoabookoa

feet paletilla pahlayteelyah
shank patas pahtahss
leg pierna pyehrnah
hotpot puchero poochayroa
pudding pudm poodeen
kidneys rinones reenyoanayss
kidneys en rinones en brocheta reenyoanayss ayn
brochette broachaytah
sausages salchichas sahlcheechahss
brains sesos sayssoass
tenderloin solomillo soaloameelyoa
veal ternera thernayrah
roast veal asado ahssahdhoa day
de ternera tehrnayrah
veal cutlet chuleta de ternera choolaytah day
fillet of veal filete de ternera feelaytah day
veal stew guisado de ternera geesahdhoa day
calf's liver hi'gado de ternera eegahdhoa day
calf's kidney rinones de ternera reenyoanayss day
loin of veal solomillo de ternera soalomeelyoa day
bacon tocino toatheenoa
sucking pig toston toastoan
beef vaca bahkah
roast beef asado de vaca ahssahdhoa day
rump-steak bistec de vaca beestayk day bahkah
boiled beef cocido de carne koatheedhoa day
de vaca kahrnay day bahkah
beef stew estofado de vaca aystoafahdhoa day
63 At the restaurant - En el restaurante

This is how food can be cooked - Asi es como se cocina ta carne

baked al horno ahl oarnoa
boiled hervido ayrbeedhoa
braised estofado aystoafahdhoa
flambed flambeado flahmbayahdhoa
fried frito freetoa
grilled a la parrilla ah lah pahreelyah
pot roasted asado en su ahssahdhoa ayn soo
salsa sahlssah
roast asado ahssahdhoa
rare poco hecho poakoa aychoa
sauteed salteado sahltehahdhoa
stewed estofado aystoafahdhoa
well-done muy hecho mwee aychoa
cured curado koorahdhoa
deep fried muy frito mwee freetoa
marinated en escabeche ayn ayskahbhaychay
poached escalfado ayskahlfahdhoa
smoked ahumado ahoomahdhoa
steamed cocido al vapor koatheedhoa ahl bahpor
double saucepan bano Maria ahl bahnyoa mahreeah
cooked in oil and garlic al ajillo ahl ahkheelyoa
barbecued a la barbacoa ah lah bahrbahkoa
home-made casero kahsayroa
raw crudo kroohdhoa
grated gratinado grahteenahdoa
fried in batter rebozado rayboathahdhoa
meat/fish pie pastel de carne pahstayl day kahrnay/
/ pescado payskahdhoa

Poultry and game - Aves y carne de caza

woodcock becada baykahdhah
woodcock pie pastel de becada pahstayl day baykahdhah
capon capon kahpon
deer ciervo, theeayrboa
At the restaurant - En el restaurante 64

quail codorniz koadoarneeth

roast quails codornices asadaskoadoarneethayss
broiled quails codornices a la koadoarneethayss ah lah
parrilla pahrreelyah
quails with codornices con uva koadoarneethayss kon
grapes oobah
rabbit conejo koanyakhoa
roast rabbit conejo asado koanaykhoa ahssahdhoa
jugged rabbit conejo en salmorejo koanaykhoa ayn
deer corzo koarthoa
pheasant faisan fighssahn
pheasant pie pastel de faisan pahstayl day fighssahn
breast of pechuga de faisan paychoogah day
pheasant fighsahn
hen gallina gahlyeenah
goose ganso gahnsoa
roast goose with ganso asado con gahnsoa ahssahdhoa
apple sauce salsa de manzana kon sahlsah day
wild boar jabali khahbhahlee
roast wild boar jabah asado khahbhahlee
jugged wild jabalf en salmorejo khahbahlee ayn
boar sahlmouraykhoa
young wild boar jabato khahbahtoa
hare liebre lyehbray
roast hare liebre asada lyehbray ahssahdhah
fillets of hare filetes de liebre feelaytayss day lyehbray
hare pie pastel de liebre pahstayl day lyehbray
pigeon paloma pahloamah
duck pato pahtoa
roast duck pato asado pahtoa ahssahdhoa
duckling with pato a la naranja pahtoa ah lah
oranges nahrahnkhah
wild duck with pato salvaje a la pahtoa sahlbahkhay ah
oranges naranja lah nahrahnkhah
turkey pavo pahbhoa
65 At the restaurant - En el restaurants

roast turkey pavo asado pahbhoa ahssahdhoa

roast stuffed pavo asado relleno pahbhoa ahssahdhoa
turkey raylyaynoa
breast of turkey pechuga de pavo paychoogah day
partridge perdiz pehrdeeth
breast of pechuga de perdiz paychoogah day
partridge pehrdeeth
pigeon pichon peechoan
chicken polio poalyoa
leg of chicken muslo de polio moosloa day poalyoa
chicken pie pastel de polio pahstayl day poalyoa
breast of chicken pechuga de polio paychoogah day
roast chicken polio asado poalyoa ahssahdhoa
casserole of polio a la cazuela poalyoa ah lah
chicken cahthwaylah
grilled chicken polio a la parrilla poalyoa ah lah
spring chicken polio joven a la poalyoa khobayn ah lah
on the spit brasa brahsah
breast pechuga paychoogah
reindeer reno raynoa
venison venado baynahdhoa
escalope of escalope de ayskahloapay day
venison venado baynahdhoa

Vegetables and legumes • Verduras y legumbres

chicory achicoria ahcheekoaryah
artichoke alcachofa ahlkahchoafah
beans alubias ahloobeeahss
celery apio ahpyoa
aubergine berenjena bayraynkhaynah
cabbage berza bayrthah
onion cebolla thayhboalyah
courgette calabacm kahlahbhatheen
mushrooms champinones champeenyoanayss
parsnips chirivias cheereebheeahss
At the restaurant - En el restaurants 66

Brussels sprouts coles de Bruselas koalayss day

cauliflower coliflor koleeflor
asparagus esparragos ayspahrrahgoass
spinach espinacas ayspeenahkahss
chickpeas garbanzos gahrbahnthoass
peas guisantes geessahntayss
broad bean habas ahbhahss
green beans judias verdes khoodheeahss
lettuce lechuga laychoogah
lentils lentejas layntahkhahss
sweet corn mafz maheeth
potatoes patatas pahtahtahss
gherkins pepinillos paypeeneelyoass
cucumber pepino paypeenoa
parsley perejil payraykheel
pepper pimiento peemyayntoa
sweet red peppers pimientos morrones peemyayntoass
leeks puerros pwayrroass
radishes rabanos rahbhahnoass
beetroot remolacha raymoalahchah
cabbage repollo raypoalyoa
mushrooms setas saytahss
tomatoes tomates toamahtayss
truffles trufas troofahss
carrots zanahorias thahnahoaryahss

Fruits - Frutas
apricots albaricoques ahlbahreekoakayss
almonds almendras ahlmayndrahss
hazelnuts avellanas ahbhaylyahnahss
peanuts cacahuetes kahkahwaytayss
chestnuts castanas kahstahnyahss
cherries cerezas thayraythahss
67 At the restaurant - En el restaurante

cherimoya chirimoya cheereemoayah

plums ciruelas theerwaylahss
prunes ciruelas pasas theerwaylahss
coconut coco koakoa
dates datiles dahteelayss
raspberries frambuesas frahmbwayssahss
strawberries fresas frayssahss
pomegranates granadas grahnahdhahss
figs higos eegoass
lime lima leemah
lemon limon leemon
tangerine mandarina mahndahreenah
apple manzana mahnthahnah
peach melocoton mayloakoaton
melon melon maylon
quince membrillo maynbreelyoa
orange naranja nahrahnkhah
loquat nfspero neespayroa
walnuts nueces nwaythayss
raisins pasas pahssahss
pears peras pehrahss
pineapple pina peenyah
banana platano plahtahnoa
grapefruit pomelo poamayloa
watermelon sandfa sahndeeah
grapes uvas oobhahss

Desserts - Postres
gingerbread alaju ahlahkhoo
rice pudding arroz con leche ahrroth kon laychay
sponge cake bizcocho beethkoachoa
Christmas pudding budm de Navidad boodeen day
At the restaurant - En el restaurante 68

fritters bunuelos boonywayloass

banana fritters bunuelos de platanos boonywayloass day
applesauce compota koampoatah
Bavarian choco- crema bavara de kraymah bahbahrah
late cream chocolate day chokoalahtay
pancake crepe, tortita krayp, torteetah
crepes crepes, tortitas krayps, torteetahss
caramel pudding flan flahn
caramel custard flan al caramelo flahn ahl kahrahmayloa
fritters fritos freetoass
biscuits galletas gahlyaytahss
ice-cream coffee helado de cafe aytahdhoa day kahfay,
chocolate de chocolate, day choakoalahtay,
strawberry de fresa, day frayssah,
whipped-cream de nata, day nantah,
vanifla de vainilla, day bighneelyah,
yogurt de yogur day yoagoor
fruit jelly jalea de fruta khahlayah day frootahss
marzipan mazapan mahthahpahn
chocolate mousse mousse de chocolate mooss day
whipped cream nata batida nahtah bahteedah
Spanish custard natilla nahteelyah
wedding cake pastel de boda pahstayl day boadah
chocolate cake pastel de chocolate pahstayl day
coconut cake pastel de coco pahstayl day koakoa
cheese cake pastel de queso pahstayl day kayssoa
apple pie pastel de manzana pahstayl day
nut cake pastel de nueces pahstayl day
banana flambe platanos flameados plahtahnoass
doughnuts rosquilla roaskeelyah
almond cake tarta de almendra tahrtah day
69 At the restaurant - En el restaurants

cherry tart tarta de cerezas tahrtah day

strawberry cake tarta de fresa tahrtah day frayssah
fruit tart, fruit pie tarta de fruta tahrtah day frootah
ice-cream cake tarta helada tahrtah aylahdhah
apple pie tarta de manzana tahrtah day
whisky cake tarta al whisky tahrtah ahl weeskee
candied egg yolks yemas yaymahss
trifle trifle treeflay
chocolate truffles trufas de chocolate troofahss day

Drinks - Bebidas
water agua ahgwah
mineral water agua mineral ahgwah meenayrahl
coffee cafe kahfay
champagne cava, champan kahbah, chahmpahn
beer cerveza thayrbhaythah
brandy conac koanyahk
lemonade gaseosa, limonada gahsehoasah,
orangeade naranjada nahrahnkhahdhah
gin ginebra kheenaybrah
herb tea infusiones eenfoosyonayss
milk leche laychay
rum ron ron
cider sidra seedrah
tea te tay
tonic water tonica toaneekah
white wine vino bianco beenoa blahnkoa
red wine vino tinto beenoa teentoa
rose wine vino clarete beenoa klahraytay
whisky whisky weeskee
apple juice zumo de manzana thoomoa day
At the restaurant - En el restaurante 70

orange juice zumo de naranja thoomoa day nahrahnkhah

tomato juice zumo de tomate thoomoa day toamahtay
grape juice zumo de uva thoomoa day oobhah

Asking for the bill - Pidiendo la cuenta

The bill, please. La cuenta, por Lah kwayntah, porr
favor. fahbhor
Is tax included? <, Esta incluido el Aystah eenklooeedhoa
IVA? ayl eebah?
What's this amount i,De que es esta Day kay ayss aystah
for? cantidad? kahnteedhahdh?
1 think there's a mis- Creo que hay una Krehoa kay igh oonah
take. equivocacion. aykeebhoakahthyon.
Two separate bills, Dos cuentas sepa- Doss kwayntahss
please. radas, por favor. saypahrahdahss, porr
Do you accept trave 1 cAceptan Athayptahn chaykayss
(l)er's cheques? cheques de viaje? day byahkhay?
That was a very Ha sido una Ah seedhoa oonah
good meal. comida koameedhah
estupenda. aystoopayndah.
We enjoyed the Nos ha gustado Noss ah goostahdhoa
meal, thank you. mucho la comida, moochoa lah
gracias. koomeedhah,
Do you accept this cAceptan esta tar- Ahthayptahn aystah
credit card? jeta de credito? tahrkhaytah day
Keep the change. Guarde el cambio. Gwahrday ayl kahmbyo.

Age and work of

La edad y el
trabajo de
la gente.

How old is that i,Que edad tiene Kay aydhahdh tyaynay

lady? esa senora? aysah saynyoarah?
She's forty-five. Tiene cuarenta y Tyaynay kwahrayntah
cinco anos. ee theenkoa ahnyoass.
How old are you? tCuantos anos Kwahntoass ahnyoass
tiene usted? tyaynay oostaydh?
I'm twenty. Tengo veinte anos. Tayngoa bayeentay
Are you married? &Es usted casado? Ayss oostaydh
Do you have any iTiene usted hijos? Tyaynay oostaydh
children? eekhoass?
How old are tCuantos anos Kwahntoass ahnyoass
they? tienen? tyaynayn?
What do they do? &En que trabajan? Ayn kay trahbahkhahn?
Is Mr Pipe a c,Es el Sr. Pipe Ayss ayl saynyor Pipe
friend of yours? amigo tuyo? ahmeegoa tooyoah?
How old is he? tCuantos anos Kwahntoass ahnyoass
tiene? tyaynay?
Where does he work? i,D6nde trabaja? Doanday trahbahkhah?
What do you do? i,A que se dedica Ah kay say daydeekah
usted? oostaydh?
I'm a carpenter. Soy carpintero. Soay kahrpeentayroa.
I'm a business- Soy empresario. Soay aympraysahryo.
What does he &A que se dedica Ah kay say dahdeekah
do? el? ayl?
He's a doctor. Es medico. Ayss mehdheekoa.
That man is a Ese hombre es Aysay oambray ayss
mechanic. mecanico. maykahneekoa.
Age and work of people - La edad y el trabajo de la gente 72

How old is your iCuantos anos Kwahntoass

mother? tiene tu madre? ahnyoass tyaynay
too mahdray.
Our children are 15 Nuestros hijos tie- Nwaystroass
and 10. nen quince y diez eekhoass tyaynayn
anos. keenthay ee dyayth
How old is the <j,Que edad tiene el Kay aydhahdh
baby? bebe? tyaynay ayl
He's four months Tiene cuatro Tyaynay kwahtroa
old. meses. mayssayss.
How do you earn tComo se gana Koamoa say gahnah
your living? usted la vida? oostaydh lah
I'm a dentist? Soy dentista. Soay daynteestah.
What's your job? tCual es su Kwahl ayss soo
trabajo? trahbahkhoa?
What does your wife i,A que se dedica Ah kay say
do? su esposa? daydeekah soo
My wife works at a Mi mujer trabaja en Mee mookhehr
transport agency. una agencia de trahbahkhah ayn
transposes. oonah ahkhanthyah
day trahnspoartayss.
Where do you work? i,D6nde trabaja Doanday
usted? trahbahkhah
I work in New York. Trabajo en Nueva Trahbahkhoa ayn
York. Nwaybah Yoark.
Where does your son tDonde trabaja su Doanday
work? hijo? trahbahkhah soo
He works at the local Trabaja en la Trahbahkhah ayn
library. biblioteca local. lah beebiyotaykah
73 Age and work of people - La edad y el trabajo de la gente

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
agency agenda ahkhaynthyah
friend amigo ahmeegoa
years anos ahnyoass
baby bebe baybhay
library biblioteca beeblyotaykah
carpenter carpi ntero kahrpeentayroa
married casado kahssahdhoa
dentist dentista daynteestah
age edad aydhahdh
businessman empresario aympraysahryo
wife esposa, mujer ayspoasah, mookhehr
to earn ganar gahnahr
daughter hija eekhah
son hijo eekhoa
children hijos eekhoass
mother madre mahdray
mechanic mecanico maykahneekoa
doctor medico mehdheekoa
months meses mayssayss
your suyo sooyoa
they work trabajan trahbahkhahn
job trabajo trahbahkhoa
transport transporte trahnspoartayss

At the travel
En la agenda de

Can 1 have a sec- i,Me da un billete

May dan oon beelyay-
ond class ticket to de segunda a tay day saygoondah ah
Glasgow, please? Glasgow, por Glahshgow, porr
favor? fahbhor?
1 want two second Quiero dos billetes
Kyayroa doss beelyay-
class returns to de Ida y vuelta, tayss day eedhah ee
New York, please. segunda clase, a bwehltah, saygoondah
Nueva York, por klahssay, ah Nwaybah
favor. Yoark, porr fahbhor.
I'm going to Voy a Bilbao. ^MeBoay ah Beelbahoa.
Bilbao. Can 1 da una litera para
May dah oonah
have a sleeper esta noche? leetayrah pahrah aystah
for tonight? noachay?
Can 1 have a first cMe da un billete May dah oon beelyay-
class single to de primera a tay day preemayrah ah
Mexico? Mexico? Mexico?
1 want a plane Quiero un billete Kyayroa oan beelyaytay
ticket to Buenos de avion a Buenos day ahbhyon ah
Aires, please. Aires, por favor. Booaynoass ighrays,
porr fahbhor.
Are there any <,Hay vuelos a Igh bwayloass ah
flights to Canary Canarias el proxi- Kahnahreeahs ayl
Islands next mo miercoles? prokseemoa
Wednesday? myayrkoaleyss?
Can 1 have two «,Me da dos bille- May dah doss
tickets to Los tes para Los beelyaytayss pahrah
Angeles? Angeles? loass Ahngaylayss?
Can 1 have two re- cMe da dos bille- Mee dah doss beelyay-
turn tickets for tes de Ida y vuelta tayss day eedhah ee
Sunday April 10? para el domingo 10 bwehltah pahrah ayl
de abril? doameengoa dyayth
day ahbreel?
We'd like to go on Quisieramos ir en Kysyayrahmoass eer
a cruise, what do un crucero, &qu£ ayn oan kroothayroa.
you have? tienen? Kay tyaynayn?
75 At the travel agent's - En la agenda de viajes

What cruises do &Que cruceros Kay kroothayroass

you have in Au- tienen en agosto? tyaynayn ayn
gust? ahgoastoa?
Is there a cruise e,Hay algun cruce- Igh ahlgoon kroothayroa
round the Carib- ro por el Caribe en porr ayl kahreebay ayn
bean Sea in June? junio? khoonyoa?
What cruises do &Que cruceros Kay kroohtayroass
you have in May? tienen en mayo? tyaynayn ayn mahyoa?
We are looking for Estamos buscan- Aystahmoass
a little house to do una casita para booskahndoa oonah
hire in July. alquilar en Julio. kahseetah pahrah
ahlkeelahr ayn khoolyoa.
We want to rent a Tambien queremos Tahmbyayn
car too. alquilar un coche. kayraymoass ahlkeelahr
oon koachay.
Do you have an cTiene algun Tyaynay ahlgoon
apartment near apartamento en la ahpahrtahmayntoa ayn
the sea? costa? lah koastah?
Is there a camping 6 Hay algun cam- Igh ahlgoon kahmpeeng
site you can ping que me pueda kay may pwahdhah
recommend? recomendar? raykoamayndahr?
1 want to go on Quiero ir a hacer Kyayroa eer ah ahthayr
a trek to the treking al traykeen ahl
Himalayas. Himalaya. eemahlahyah.
I'd like to cross the Me gustaria cruzar May goostahryah
Sahara on a el Sahara en un kroothahr ayl
camel. camello. Sahkhahrah ayn oon
Is there an excur- c Hay alguna Igh ahlgoonah
sion over the excursion a los aykskoorsyon ah loass
Andes? Andes? Ahndayss.
I'd like to ride a Me gustarfa cruzar May goostahryah
horse across the el pafs a caballo. kroothahr ayl pahees ah
country. kahbahlyoa.
Can 1 have a pam- Me da un folleto May dah oon foalyaytoa
phlet about Paris? sobre Pan's. soabray Pahrees?
Do you have any ^Tiene informacion Tyaynay eenformah-
information about acerca de Marrue- thyon ahthehrkah day
Morocco? cos? mahrrooaykoass?
I'd like to have a Quisiera un folleto Kysyayrah oon
pamphlet about sobre Mejico. foalyaytoa soabray
Mexico. maykheekoa.
At the travel agent's - En la agenda de viajes 76

Can 1 have a guide Me da una gui'a de May dah oonah

on Acapulco's los entretenimien- geeah day loass
entertainment? tos de Acapulco. ayntraytayneemyayntoass
day Ahkahpoolkoa.
Do you have a guide tTiene usted una Tyaynay oostaydh
of the theatres and gui'a de los teatros oonah geeah day
cinemas? y cines? loass tayahtroass ee

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

August agosto ahgoastoa

to hire alquilar ahlkeelahr
apartment apartamento ahpahrtahmayntoa
plane ticket billete de avion beelyaytay day
guided con gui'a kon geeah
cruise crucero kroothayroa
excursion excursion aykskoorsyon
return ida y vuelta eedhah ee bwehltah
June junio khoonyoa
July julio khoolyoa
sleeper litera leetayhrah
can 1 have? c,me da? may dah?
I'd like me gustaria may goostahryah
a second class segunda clase saygoondah klahssay
next week la semana proxima lah saymahnah
spend pasar pahsahr
round por porr
first class primera clase preemayrah klahssay
to travel viajar byahkhahr
flights vuelos bwayloass

At the bank
En el banco

1 want to cash this Quiero cobrar este Kyayroa koabrahr aystay

traveller's cheque/ cheque de viaje, chaykay day byahkhay,
check please. por favor. porr fahbhor.
I'd like to change Quisiera cambiar Keessyayrah kahmbyahr
some pesetas, unas pesetas, por oonahss paysaytahss,
please. favor. porr fahbhor.
We'd like to get Quisieramos Keessyayrahmoass
some pounds. conseguir unas konsaygeer oonahss
libras. leebrahss.
Can 1 have some £Me da unos mar- May dah oonoass
German Marks, cos alemanes, por mahrkoass ahlaymah-
please? favor? nayss, porr fahbhor?
1 want 100 Irish Quiero cien libras Kyayroa thyayn lee-
pounds, please. irlandesas, por brahss erlahndaysahss,
favor. porr fahbhor.
May I have some i,Me da unos dola- May dah oonoass doa-
American dollars, res americanos, lahrayss ahmayreekah-
please? por favor? noass, porr fahbhor?
What's the rate of i,A como esta el Ah koamoa aystah ayl
exchange? cambio? kahmbyoa?
How much do you &Cuanto cobran de Kwahntoa koabrahn day
charge in commis- comision? koameessyon?
How many pesos do &Cuantos pesos Kwahntoass payssoass
I get for a dollar? me dan por un may dahn porr oon
dolar? doalahr?
May I cash this tPuedo hacer Pwaydhoa ahthayr
cheque, please? efectivo este ayfaykteebhoa aystay
cheque, por favor? chaykay, porr fahbhor?
Can you cash a iPuedo hacer Pwaydhoa ahthayr
personal cheque? efectivo un cheque ayfaykteebhoa oon
personal? chaykay pehrsoanahl?
At the bank - En el banco 78

Where can 1 cash <,D6nde puedo Doanday pwaydhoa

these traveller's cobrar estos koabrahr aystoass
cheques? cheques de viaje? chaykayss day
Will you take a per- <i,Cogeran un che-Kokhayrahn oon chay-
sonal cheque? que personal? kay pehrsoanahl?
Please credit this Quiere cargar esteKyayray kahrgahr
cheque to my ac- cheque en mi cuen-aystay chaykay ayn
count. ta, por favor. mee kwaynlay, porr
Sign here, please. Firme aqui, por Feermay ahkee, porr
favor. fahbhor.
The cheque is Este cheque esta Aystay chaykay aystah
crossed, it can't be cruzado, no se pue- kroothahdoa, noa say
cashed. de hacer efectivo. pwaydhay ahthayr
I'd like to get some Quisiera sacar al- Keessyayrah sahkahr
cash with my credit gun dinero con mi ahlgoon deenayroa
card. tarjeta de credito. kon mee tahrkhaytah
day kraydeetoa.
1 need some Necesito algun di- Naythaysseetoa
money. Do you take nero. tCogen mi ahlgoon deenayroa.
my credit card? tarjeta de credito? Kokhayn mee
tahrkhaytah day
May 1 open an ac- i, Puedo abrir una Pwaydhoa ahbreer
count at your bank? cuenta en su oonah kwayntah ayn
banco? soo bahnkoa?
I'd like to open a Quisiera abrir una Keessyayrah ahbreer
current account. cuenta corriente. oonah kwayntah
Could 1 open a de- &Puedo abrir una Pwaydhoa ahbreer
posit account? cartilla de ahorro? oonah kahrteelya day
1 want to open a Quiero abrir una Kyayroa ahbreer
bank account. cuenta bancaria. oonah kwayntah
When can 1 have <,Cuando me daran Kwahndoa may
my chequebook/ el talonario? dahrahn ayl
checkbook? tahloanahryoa?
79 At the bank - En el banco

Can 1 have my <:,Me pueden dar el May pwaydhayn dahr

chequebook/ talonario hoy? ayl tahloanahryoa
checkbook today? oy?
1 arranged for some Estoy esperando Aystoy ayspayrahndoa
money to be trans- una transferencia oonah trahnsfayrayn-
ferred from Lon- de Londres. <,No ha theeah day Lohndrays.
don. Has it llegado todavfa? Noa ah lyaygahdhoa
arrived yet? toadhahbheeah?
I'm expecting some Estoy esperando Aystoy ayspayrahndoa
money from algun dinero de ahlgoon deenayroa
America. Has it America. &No ha day Amayreekah. Noa
arrived yet? llegado todavfa? ah lyaygahdhoa
I'd like to draw up a Quisiera abrir una Keesyayrah ahbreer
letter of credit. carta de credito. oonah kahrtah day
I'm an importer and Soy importador y Soay eempoartahdoar
1 need a letter of necesito una carta eeh naythaysseetoa
credit. de credito. oonah kahrtah day
Can 1 draw up a ^Puedo abrir una Pwaydhoa ahbreer
letter of credit at carta de credito en oonah kahrtah day
this bank? este banco? kraydeetoa ayn aystay
Do you want my iQuiere el numero Kyayray ayl noomayroa
account number? de mi cuenta? day mee kwayntah?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario

change cambiar kahmbyahr

rate of exchange el cambio ayl kahmbyoa
letter of credit carta de credito kahrtah day
deposit account cartilla de ahorros karteelyah day
cheque/check cheque chaykay
traveller's cheques cheques de viaje chaykayss day
At the bank - En el banco 80

cash cobrar koabrahr

charge cobrar koabrahr
commission comision koameessyon
credit credito kraydeetoa
crossed cruzado kroothadoa
account cuenta kwayntah
current account cuenta corriente kwayntah
expect esperar ayspayrahr
exporter exportador aykspoartahdoar
draw up extender, abrir aykstayndayr,
sign firmar feermahr
importer importador eempoartahdoar
arrive llegar lyaygahr
account number el numero de la ayl noomayroa day
cuenta lah kwayntah
chequebook talonario tahloanahryo
credit card tarjeta de credito tahrkhaytah day
transfer transferencia trahnsfayrayntheeah
traveller viajero byahkhayroa

Buying in a
department store
Comprando en unos
grandes almacenes

Where can 1 buy tDonde puedo Doanday pwaydhoa

toys/records? comprar juguetes, komprahr khoogaytays/
discos? deeskoass?
Where can 1 buy i,D6nde puedo Doanday pwaydhoa
a film for my comprar un carrete komprahr oon kahrraytay
camera? para mi camara? pahrah mee kahmahrah?
Where's the tDonde esta la Doanday aystah lah
men's depart- seccion de saykthyon day
ment? caballeros? kabahlyayroass?
Where's the tDonde esta la Doanday aystah lah
music/sports seccion de musica/ saykthyon day moossee-
department? deportes? kah/daypoartayss?
The cosmetics La seccion de Lah saykthyon day
department, cosmetica, por koasmayteekah, porr
please. favor. fahbhor.
The restaurant La planta del Lah plahntah dayl
floor, please. restaurante, por raystowrahntay, porr
favor. fahbhor.
The toys section, La seccion de Lah saykthyon day khoo-
please. juguetes, por favor. gaytayss, porr fahbhor.
I'd like to buy a Quisiera comprar Keessyayrah komprahr
pair of trousers/ un par de pantalo- oon pahr day pahntahloa-
an overcoat. nes/un abrigo. nayss/oon ahbreegoa.
I'd like to see Quisiera ver algu- Keessyayrah bayr
some pullovers, nos jerseys, por ahlgoonoas kharsayss,
please. favor. porr fahbhor.
We'd like to see Quisiera ver las Keesyayrah bayr lahs
the skirts, please. faldas, por favor. fahldahs, porr fahbhor.
I'd like to buy a Me gustaria com- May goostahryah
shirt. prar una camisa. komprahr oonah
Buying in a department store - Comprando en unos grandes almacenes 81

I'd like some writ- Quisiera papel de Keesyayrah pahpehl

ing paper/a road escribir/un mapa day ayskreebheer/oon
map/a pocket dic- de carreteras/un mahpah day
tionary. diccionario de kahrraytayrahss/oon
bolsillo. deekthyoanahryoa day
Do you have a map <,Tiene usted un Tyaynay oostaydh oon
of Madrid/stamps/ mapa de Madrid/ mahpah day
magazines? sellos/revistas? Madreedh/saylyoass/
Can 1 have a ball t,Me da un boligrafo May dah oon boalee-
pen/fountain pen/ /una pluma estilo- grahfoa / oonah ploomah
today's paper? grafica / el aysteeloagrahfeekah/ayl
period ico de hoy? payryodheekoa day oy?
How much is that &Cuanto es ese Kwahntoa ayss aysay
dress/leather bag/ vestido/bolso de baysteedhoa/boalsoa
skirt? cuero/falda? day kwayroa/fahldah?
How much are c,Que valen esos Kay bahlayn aysoass
those shoes/ zapatos/guantes? thahpahtoass/
gloves? gwahntayss?
I like this dress. Me gusta ese May goostah aysay
I'll take it. vestido. Me lo baysteedhoa. May loa
quedo. kaydhoa.
I like those shoes. Me gustan esos May goostahn aysoass
I'll take them. zapatos. Me los thahpahtoass. May
quedo. loass kaydhoa.
Can you show me <,Me ensena esa May aynsaynyah aysah
that bracelet/gold pulsera/cadena de poolsayrah /
chain/silver oro/broche de kahdhaynah day
broach? plata? oaroa/brochay day
I'd like to see that Quisiera ver ese re- Keesyayrah bayr aysay
watch/some rings/a loj/unos anillos/una rehlokh/oonoass
wedding ring. alianza. ahneelyoass/oonah
No, not that one. No, ese no. El que Noa, aysay noa, Ayl
The one next to it/ esta junto a el/El kay aystah khoontoa
the one behind it. que esta detras. ah ayl/Ayl kay aystah
I want the one in Quiero el que esta Kyayroa ayl kay aystah
front/the silver one. delante/el de plata. daylahntay/ayl day
83 Buying in a department store - Comprando en unos grandes almacenes

1 like the blue Me gusta la piedraMay goostah lah

stone/the yellow azul/la amarilla. peeayhdrah ahthool/lah
one. ahmahreelyah.
Give me the thin Deme la pulsera Daymay lah poolsayrah
bracelet/the thick delgada/la gruesa. daylgahdah/lah
one. grwaysah.
Can 1 try on this &Puedo probarme Pwaydhoa proabahrmay
dress/these trou- este vestido/estos aystay baysteedhoa/
sers/this pullover? pantalones/este aystoass pahntahloa-
jersey? nayss/aystay khayrsay?
Where can 1 try iDonde puedo Doanday pwaydoa proa-
on this suit/this probarme este bahrmay aystay trahkhay
dress? traje/este vestido? /aystay baysteedhoa?
Where's the fitting tDonde esta el Doanday aystah ayl
room? probador? proabahdhoar?
Where do I have i,D6nde tengo que Doanday tayngoa kay
to pay? pagar? pahgahr?
Where's the cash tDonde esta la Doanday aystah lah
desk? caja? kahkhah?
Where's the &D6nde esta la Doanday aystah lah
cashier? cajera? kahkhayrah?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
overcoat abrigo ahbreegoa
wedding ring alianza ahleeahnthah
the yellow one la amarilla lah ahmahreelyah
ring anillo ahneelyoa
ball pen bolfgrafo boaleegrahfoa
leather bag bolso de cuero boalsoa day kwayroa
silver broach broche de plata broachay day plahtah
gold chain cadena de oro kahdaynah day oaroa
cash desk caja kahkhah
cashier cajera kahkhayrah
camera camara kahmahrah
shirt camisa kahmeesah
film carrete, pelicula kahrraytay, payleekoolah
cosmetics cosmeticos koasmayteekoass
thin delgado daylgahdoa
Buying in a department store - Comprando en unos grandes almacenes 84

sport deporte daypoartay

pocket dictionary diccionario de bolsillo deekthyoanahryoa day
records discos deeskoass
skirt falda fahldah
thick grueso grwaysoa
gloves guantes gwahntayss
pullover jersey khersay
toys juguetes khoogaytayss
road map mapa de carreteras mahpah day
music musica moosseekah
pay pagar pahgahr
trousers pantalones pahntahloanayss
writing paper papel de escribir pahpehl day
pair par pahr
today's paper periodic© de hoy payryodheekoa day oy
the blue stone la piedra azul lah peeaydrah ahthool
the silver one el de plata ayl day plahtah
fountain pen pluma estilografica ploomah
fitting room probador proabahdhoar
try on probarse proabahrsay
bracelet pulsera poolsayrah
watch reloj rehlokh
magazines revistas raybheestahs
stamps sellos saylyoass
suit traje trahkhay
dress vestido baysteedhoa
shoes zapatos thahpahtoass
the one next to itel que esta junto ayl kay aystah khoontoa
a el ah ayl
the one behind it el que esta detras ayl kay aystah daytrahss
the one in front el que esta delante ayl kay aystah

At the doctor's
En el medico

Can you get me a &Puede llamar al Pwaydhay lyahmahr

doctor? medico? ahl mehdheekoa?
Is there a doctor &Hay algun medico Igh ahlgoon
here? aqui? mehdheekoa ahkee?
1 need a doctor - Necesito un medi- Naythayseetoa oon
quick. co -rapido. mehdheekoa,
Where can I find tDonde puedo Doanday pwaydhoa
a doctor? encontrar un aynkontrahr oon
medico? mehdheekoa?
Where's the cDonde esta la Doonday aystah lah
surgery? consulta? koansooltah?
What are the sur- i,Cuales son las Kwahlayss son lahss
gery hours? horas de consulta? oarahss day koansooltah?
Could the doctor i,Podria venir el Poadreeah bayneer ayl
come to see me? medico a verme? mehdeekoa ah
What time can the i,A que hora puede Ah kay oarah pwaydhay
doctor come? venir el medico? bayneer ayl mehdeekoa?
Can I have an t,Me puede dar May pwaydhay dahr
appointment? hora? oarah?
Good morning, Buenos dfas, Bwaynoass deeahss,
doctor. I don't feel doctor. No me doaktoar. Noa may
well. encuentro bien. aynkwayntroa byayn.
I've got a terrible Tengo un dolor de Tayngoa oon doalor
headache. cabeza terrible. day kahbhaythah
I have a pain here. Tengo un dolor Tayngoa oon doalor
aqui./ (Me duele ahkee. May dwaylay
aqui). ahkee.
I have a pain in Tengo un dolor en Tayngoa oon doalor
my chest. el pecho./ (Me ayn ayl paychoa. May
duele el pecho). dwaylay ayl paychoa.
At the doctor's - En el medico

I've got a stomach- Tengo dolor de Tayngoa doalor day

ache. estomago. aystomahgoa.
I've been vomiting He estado vomitan- Ay aystahdoa boa-
and I feel sick. do y estoy mareado. meetahndoa ee aystoy
I have a cold Tengo catarro. Tayngoa kahtahrroa.
I'm constipated. Estoy estrenido. Aystoy
I've got diarrhoea. Tengo diarrea. Tayngoa dyahrrayah.
Do you have fever/a tTiene usted Tyaynay oostaydh
temperature? fiebre? fyehbray?
Do you have a tTiene usted algun Tyaynay oostaydh
pain? dolor? ahlgoon doalor?
Have you had this i,Ha tenido este Ah tayneedoa aystay
pain before? dolor antes? doalor ahntays?
Have you ever had &Ha tenido algun Ah tayneedoa
a heart attack? infarto alguna vez? ahlgoon eenfahrtoa
ahlgoonah bayth?
Do you have tTiene dificultades Tyaynay deefeekool-
difficulties al respirar? tahdhayss ahl
breathing? rayspeerahr?
Have you been &Esta vacunado Aystah bahkoo-
vaccinated against contra el tetano? nahdoa kontrah ayl
tetanus? taytahnoa?
Where does it hurt? &D6nde le duele? Doanday lay
What kind of pain is &Que clase de Kay klassay day
it? dolor es? doalor ayss?
Is it a dull or sharp &Es un dolor Ays oon doalor
pain? apagado o agudo? ahpahgahdoa oa
Is it a throbbing or t,Es un dolor Ays oon doalor
constant pain? palpitante o pahlpeetahntay oa
constante? konstahntay?
Doctor, I have Doctor, tengo dolo- Doaktoar, tayngoa
period pains. res menstruales. doaloarays
I have a vaginal Tengo una infeccion Taungoa oonah
infection vaginal. eenfaykthyon
I'm on the pill Tomo la pi'ldora. Toamoa lah
87 At the doctor's - En el medico

1 haven't had my Llevo tres meses Lyayboa trayss

period for three sin menstruacion. mayssayss seen
months. maynstrooahthyon.
Doctor, I'm preg- Doctor, estoy emba- Doaktoar, aystoy
nant. razada. aymbahrahthahdhah.
1 have a pain in my Tengo un dolor en Tayngoa oon doalor
left breast. el pecho izquierdo. ayn ayl paychoa
How long have you tCuanto tiempo Ne- Kwahntoa tyaympoa
been feeling like va sintiendose asi? lyaybah seentyayn-
this? doasay ahsee?
Is it the first time &Es la primera vez Ayss lah preemayrah
you've had this? que tiene esto? bayth kay tyaynay
Undress down to the Desnudese hasta Daysnoodaysay ahs-
waist. la cintura. tah lah theentoorah.
Lie down over there. Tumbese ahi. Toombaysay ahee.
Breathe deeply. Respire Rayspeeray
profundamente. proafoondahmayntay.
Does it hurt here? &Le duele aquf? Lay dwaylay ahkee?
I want a specimen Quiero una muestra Kyayroa oonah
of your blood/urine. de su sangre/orina. mwaystrah day soo
I want you to go to Quiero que vaya Kyayroa kay bah-
the hospital for a usted al hospital yah oostaydh ahl
general check-up. para un chequeo. oaspeetahl pahrah
oon chaykayoa.
You'll have to have Tendra que Tayndrah kay
an operation. operarse. oapayrahrsay.
I want you to see a Quiero que vaya Kyayroa kay bahyah
specialist. a ver a un ah bayr ah oon
especialista. ayspaytheeahleestah.
You must stay in bed Debe de quedarse Daybay day kaydahr-
for three days. tres di'as en cama. say trayss deeahss
ayn kahmah.
You have a vaginal Tiene una infeccion Tyaynay oonah
infection. vaginal. eenfaykthyon
Take this prescrip- Lleve esta receta a Lyaybay aystah
tion to the chemist. una farmacia. raythaytah ah oonah
At the doctor's - En el medico

Take these pills Tome Iestas pasti- Toamay aystahss

three times a day. llas tres veces al pahsteelyahss trayss
dfa. baythayss ahl deeah.
I'll give you an in- Le dare una Lay dahray oonah
jection. inyeccion. eenyaykthyon.
I'll put you on a diet. Le pondre a dieta. Lay poandray ah
Come to see me in Venga a verme Vayngah ah bayr-
two days. dentro de dos dias. may dayntroa day
doss deeahss.
You must be X- Debe de hacerse Daybay day
rayed. una placa de rayos ahthayrsay oonah
X. plahkah day
rahyoass aykees.
Stay in bed for a Quedese unos dfas Kaydaysay oonoass
few days. en cama. deeahs ayn kahmah.
Can you give me a i,Me puede dar una May pwaydhay dahr
prescription for this? receta para esto? oonah raythaytah
pahrah aystoa?
Can you prescribe i,Me puede recetar May pwaydhay
me some sleeping unas pildoras para raythaytahr oonahss
pills? dormir? peeldorahss pahrah
This is the usual Esta es la medicina Aystah ayss lah
medicine. normal. maydheetheenah
I'm allergic to antibi- Soy alergico a los Soy ahlehrkheekoa
otics. antibioticos. ah loass
I don't want any- No quiero nada Noa kyayroa nahdah
thing too strong. demasiado fuerte. daymahssyahdhoa
How many times a tCuantas veces Kwahntahs baythayss
day should take it? al dia deberia to- ahl deeah daybay-
marla? reeah toamahrlah?
What treatment are cQue tratamiento Kay trahtahmyayn-
you having? sigue usted? toa seegay oostaydh?
What medicine are &Que medicinas Kay maydeethee-
you taking? esta tomando? nahss aystah
What's your normal oCual es la dosis Kwahl ayss lah
dose? normal? doassees noarmahl?
89 At the doctor's - En el medico

Injection or oral? CJnyecciono vfa Eenyaykthyon oa

oral? beeah oarahl?
Are you allergic c,Es usted alergico Ayss oostaydh
to antibiotics? a los antibioticos? ahlehrkheekoa ah loas
Have you been il_e han operado de Lay ahn oapayrahdoa
operated on for apendicitis? day ahpayndeethee-
appendicitis? tees?
Have you had a &Ha tenido usted Ah tayneedoa
venereal disease? alguna enfermedad oostaydh ahlgoonah
venerea? aynfayrmaydahdh
How much do I tCuanto le debo, Kwahntoa lay
owe you, doctor? doctor? daybhoa, doaktoar?
May I have a <,Me puede dar un May pwaydhay dahr
receipt for my recibo para mi oon raytheeboa
Health Insurance? Seguro de pahrah mee
Enfermedad? saygooroa day
Can I have a cMe da un certifica- May dah oon
medical certifi- do medico? thayrteefeekahdhoa
cate? maydheekoa?
Would you fill in c,Le importaria Lay eempoartahreeah
this health insur- rellenar este impre- raylyaynahr aystay
ance form, please? so del seguro de eemprayssoa dayl
enfermedad? saygooroa day
What are the i,Cuales son las Kwahlayss son lahss
visiting hours? horas de visita? oorahss day
Can I get up? &Puedo levantar- Pwaydhoa
me? laybhantahrmay?
When will the doc- &Cuando vendra el Kwahndoa bayndrah
tor come? medico? ayl maydheekoa?
I'm in pain. Tengo un dolor./ Tayngoa oon doalor/
(Me duele). May dwaylay.
Can I have a pain <,Me da un May dah oon
killer? calmante? kahlmahntay?
Do I need a blood tNecesito una trans Naythayseetoa oona
transfusion? fusion de sangre? trahnsfoosyon day
At the doctor's - En el medico 90

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
sharp agudo ahgoodhoa
allergic alergico ahlehrkheekoa
dull apagado ahpahgahdhoa
constant constante konstahntay
surgery consulta konsooltah
diarrohea diarrea dyahrrayah
diet dieta deeaytah
difficulty dificultad deefeekooltahdh
pain dolor doalor
headache dolor de cabeza doalor day
stomachache dolor de estomago doalor day
period pains dolores doaloarayss
menstruates maynstrooahlayss
to sleep dormir doarmeer
hurts duele dwaylay
to find encontrar aynkontrahr
constipated estrenido aystrehnyeedhoa
chemist's farmacia fahrmahthyah
fever fiebre feeayhbray
appointment hora oarah
heart attack infarto eenfahrtoa
infection infeccion eenfaykthyon
injection inyeccion eenyaykthyon
ointment linimento leeneemayntoa
sick/dizzy mareado mahrayahdhoa
medicine medicina maydeetheenah
doctor medico mehdheekoa
I need necesito naythayseetoa
ointment linimento leeneemayntoa
palpitating palpitante pahlpeetahntay
chest pecho (hombre) paychoa
91 At the doctor's - En el medico

breast pecho (mujer) paychoa

pills pfldoras peeldoarahs
prescription receta raythaytah
to prescribe recetar raythaytahr
breathing respiracion rayspeerahthyon
to feel sentir saynteer
tetanus tetano taytahnoa
vaccinated vacunado bahkoonahdhoa
vaginal vaginal bahkheenahl
vomiting vomitando boameetahndhoa
antibiotics antibioticos ahnteebhyoateekoass
apendicitis apendicitis ahpayndeetheetees
aspirins aspirinas ahspeereenahss
pain-killing calmante kahlmahntay
sweets caramelos kahrahmayloass
cold catarro kahtahrroah
check up chequeo chaykayoa
waist cintura theentoorah
undress desniidese daysnoodaysay
diarrhoea diarrea dyahrrayah
dosis dosis doasees
pregnant embarazada aymbahrahthahdhah
illness enfermedad aynfayrmaydahdh
specialist especialista ayspaytheeahleestah
visiting hours horas de visita oarahss day
get up levantarme laybahntahrmay
sample muestra mwaystrah
to have an operation operarse oapayrahrsay
urine orina oareenah
toothpaste pasta de dientes pahstah day
At the doctor's - En el medico 92

deeply profundamente proafoondahmayntay

to stay quedarse kaydahrsay
breathe respirar rayspeerahr
mint-flavour sabor a menta sahboar ah mayntah
blood sangre sahngray
health insurance seguro de saygooroa day
enfermedad aynfayrmaydahdh
transfusion transfusion trahnsfoosyon
lie down tumbese toombaysay
vagina vagina bahkheenah
venereal venerea baynayrayah

Chemist's /

Can I have some 6Me da unas May dah oonahs

aspirins, please? aspirinas, ahspeereeahs porr
por favor? fahborr?
Give me some Deme unos somni- Denmay oonahs
sleeping pills, feros, por favor. somneeferrohs porr
please. fahborr.
Can I have some £Me da unos May dah oonahs
sweets/candies for caramelos de kahrahmaylohs day
the throat? menta para la mayntah pahrah lah
garganta? gargahntah?
Give me something Deme algo para la Demmay algoh pah-
for diarrhoea. diarrea. rah lah deehrayah.
I'd like to have Me gustarfa tomar May goostahreeah
something for algo para la tos. toamarr algoh pahrah
my cough. lah toss.
Toothpaste, please. Pasta de dientes, Pahstah day deeyen-
por favor. tays porr fahborr.
Can I have some i,Me da linimento? May dah
liniment? leeneementoh?
Where is there a tDonde hay una Doanday I oohan
chemist's? farmacia? farmathyah?
Can you prepare this i,Puede Ud. prepa- Pwayday oostayth
prescription? rar esta receta? prepahrarr aystah
Can I get it without tPuedo obtenerlo Pwaydoh obtaynerloa
prescription? sin receta? sin raythaytah?
Chemist's/drugstore - Farmacia 94

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
cold catarro kahtahrroa
hay fever fiebre del heno fyebray
sickness mareo marayoh
indigestion indisgestion eendeehessteeohn
sun burnt quemaduras de sol kaymahdoorahs day sol
cough tos toss
cotton algodon ahlgoadonn
aspirins aspirinas ahspeereenahs
contraceptives anticonceptivos antikontheypteeboass
desifectants desinfectantes daysinfayctahntays
digestive digestive deehesteeboa
sticking plaster esparadrapo ayspahrahdrahpoa
gargles gargaras gahrgahrahs
gauze gasa gashah
ear-drops gotas para los oidos gohtahs pahrah lohs
eye-drops gotas para los ojos gohtahs pahrah lohs
laxative laxante lahxantay
sanitary towel compresas coampraysahss
cough tablets pastillas para la tos pahstilyahs pahrah lah
sedative sedante saydahntay
slipping pills somniferos somneeferrohs
calcium tablets tabletas de calcio tahblaytahs day
tampons tampones tahmpohnays
plaster tiritas teereetahs
horns callos kahlyohs
bandage venda bayndah
sun oil aceite solar ahthaytay sohlarr
cologne agua de colonia ahgwah day
toothbrush cepillo de dientes thaypeelyoh day
95 Chemist's/drugstore - Farmacia

shaving brush brocha de afeitar brohchah day ahfaytarr

shaving cream crema de afeitar kraymah day ahfaytarr
moisturizing cream crema hidratante kraymah eedrahtahntay
cleansing cream crema limpiadora kraymah leempeeahdohrah
hand cream crema para las kraymah pahrah lahs
manos mahnohs
night cream crema de noche kraymah day nochay
shampoo champu champoo
deodorant desodorante daysohdorahntay
nail varnish esmalte de unas aysmahltay day oonyahs
sponge esponja ayspohnha
safety pins imperdibles eemperdeeblays
soap jabon khahbohn
shaving soap jabon de afeitar khahbohn day ahfaytarr
lipstick lapiz de labios lahpeeth day lahbeeohs
eyebrow pencil lapiz para los lahpeeth pahrah lohs
ojos ohohs
nail file lima de unas leemah day oonyahs
aftershave lotion locion de afeitadolahthyohn day
make up maquillaje mahkheelyakhee
tissues panuelos de papel pahnywayloass day
toilet paper papel higienico pahpayl eekhyayneekoa
toothpaste pasta de dientes pahstah day deeayntays
perfume perfume perfoomay
tweezers pinzas peenthahs
talcum powder polvos de talco pahlbohs day tahlkoh
brilliantine brillantina brylyanteenah
comb peine paynay
hairpin/hair clip horquillas orkilyahs
fixative fijador feehadorr
rollers rulos roolohs
dye tinte teentay
lacquer/hair spray laca lahkak

Buying in a shop
or street market
Comprando en un
mercado callejero

Can I have a loaf i,Me da una barra May dah oonah

of bread? de pan? bahrrah day pahn?
Give me a sack of Deme una bolsa de Daymayh oonah boal-
potatoes. patatas. sah day pahtahtahss.
Can I have a c,Me da una libra de May dah oonah lee-
pound of sugar azucary un paquete brah day ahthookahr
and a packet of de sal? ee oon pahkaytay day
salt? sahl?
Give me a bottle Deme una botella de Daymay oonah boa-
of oil and a can of aceite y un bote de taylyah day ahthaytay
peas. guisantes. ee oon boatay day
A frozen chicken, Un polio congelado, Oon poalyoa konkhay-
please. por favor. lahdhoa, porr fahbhor.
I'd like to see some Quisiera ver algu- Keesyayrah bayr ahl-
antiques, please. nas antigiiedades, goonahss ahntee-
por favor. gwaydhahdhayss, porr
May I see some cMe enseha May aynsaynyah ahl-
old pictures. algunos cuadros goonoass kwahdroass
antiguos? ahnteegwoass?
Have you got any iJiene alguna anti- Tyaynay ahlgoonah
antiques made of giiedad de laton? ahnteegwaydhahdh
brass? day lahtoan?
I'd like to see some Quisiera ver Keesyayrah bayr
candelabra. algunos candela- ahlgoonoass
bros. kahndaylahbroass?
Do you have any cTienen muebles Tyaynayn mwayblayss
old furniture? antiguos? ahnteegwoass?
Have you got any cTiene sillas Luis Tyaynayn seelyahss
Louis XIV chairs? XIV? Looees kahtorthay?
97 Buying in a shop or street market - Comprando en un mercado callejero

I'd like an old Quisiera una anti- Keesyayrah oonah

Persian carpet. gua alfombra persa. ahnteegwah
ahlfoambrah payrsah.
I'd like to develop Quisiera revelar un Keesyayrah raybaylahr
a film. carrete. oon kahrraytay.
Can I have this i Me puede revelar May pwaydhay raybay-
film developed este carrete para lahr aystay kahrraytay
by tomorrow? manana? pahrah mahnyahnah?
When can I have tCuando me puede Kwahndhoa may
this film devel- revelar este pwaydhay rahbahlahr
oped? carrete? aystay kahrraytay?
Can you develop c,Puede revelar Pwaydhay raybaylahr
this film? este carrete? aystay kahrraytah?
Can I have t,Me da otro May dah oatroa
another film? carrete? kahrraytah?
Give me another Deme otro carrete, Daymay oatroa
film, please. por favor. kahrraytay, porr fahbhor.
The price is too El precio es dema- Ayl praytheeoa ays
high for me. I can siado alto para mf. daymahssyadhoa ahltoa
offer you 10.000 Puedo ofrecerle pahrah mee. Pwaydhoa
pesetas. 10.000 pesetas. oafraythayrlay deeayth
meel paysaytahs.
It's too much for Me temo que es May taymoa kay ayss
me, I'm afraid. demasiado para mf. daymahssyahdhoa
pahrah mee.
It's far too much. Es demasiado. Le Ayss daymahssyahdhoa.
I'll give you dare 1.000 pesetas. Lay dahray meel
1.000 pts. paysaytahs.
I'll buy it for 2.000 Se lo compro por Say loa koamproa porr
pesetas. 2.000 pesetas. doass meel paysaytahs.
I can't pay that No puedo pagar Noa pwaydhoa pahgahr
much. What about tanto. iQue tal tahntoa. Kay tahl theen-
5.000 pesetas? 5.000 pesetas? koa meel paysaytahs?
This is my last Este es mi ultimo Aysstay ayss mee
price. precio. oolteemoa praythyoa.
Not a penny more. Ni un peso mas. Nee oon paysoa mahss.
Let's meet half Encontremonos a Aynkontraymoanoass
way. mitad de camino. ah meetahdh day
This is a real bar- Esto es una verda- Aystoa ayss oonah bayr-
gain. dera ganga. dahdayrah gahngah.
That is a giveaway Esto es un precio Aystoa ayss oon pray-
price. regalado. thyoa raygahlahdoa.
Buying in a shop or street market - Comprando en un mercado callejero 98

I'm losing money. Estoy perdiendo Aystoy payrdeeayndoa

dinero. deenayroa.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
oil aceite athaytay
carpet alfombra ahlfoambrah
antiques antigiiedades ahnteegwaydhahdhayss
loaf barra (de pan) bahrrah (day pahn)
can bote boatay
bottle botella boataylyah
candelabra candelabros kahndaylahbroass
bargain chollo choalyoa
frozen congelado konkhaylahdoa
pictures cuadros kwahdroass
too much demasiado daymahssyahdhoa
too high demasiado alto daymahssyahdhoa
let's meet encontremonos aynkontraymoanoass
peas guisantes geessahntayss
brass laton lahtoan
pound libra leebrah
I'm afraid. me temo may taymoa
furniture muebles mwayblayss
offer oferta oafayrtah
packet paquete pahkaytay
film pelfcula, carrete payleekoolah,
losing perdiendo payrdeeayndoa
chicken polio poalyoa
what about? ique hay de? kay igh day?
giveaway regalo raygahloa
develop revelar raybaylahr
sack saco (bolsa) sahkoa (boalsah)
last price ultimo precio oolteemoa

On the beach
En la playa

Is there a quiet i Hay por aquf algu- Jgh porr ahkee

beach near here? na playa tranquila? ahlgoonah plahyah
Which is the best iCual es la mejor iKwahl ayss lah mekhor
beach? playa? plahyah?
Is it safe for swim- cEs seguro para ^Ayss sehgooroa
ming? nadar aquf? pahrah nadahr ahkee?
Is it far to walk? tSe puede ir i,Se pwede eer
andando? ahndahndoa?
Is there a bus to i,Hay autobus a la <i,lgh owtohboos ah lah
the beach? playa? plahyah?
Is it safe for small i,Es seguro para <i,Ayss sehgooroa
children? ninos pequenos? pahrah neenyoass
Are there any dan cHay alguna co- ilgh algoonah korryeyn-
gerous currents? rriente peligrosa? tay payhleegroassah?
There's a strong Aquf hay mucha Ahkee igh moochah
current here corriente. korryayntay.
Is there a <,Hay algun <j,lgh ahlgoon
lifeguard? vigilante? beekheelahntay?
Does it get very tSe pone el mar iSay pohnay ayl mahr
rough? bravo? brahvoa?
What's the tem- tCual es la tempe- iKwahl ayss lah taym-
perature of the ratura del agua? payrahtoorah dayl
water? ahgwah?
What time is high/ i,A que hora es la <i,Ah kay oarah ayss lah
low tide? marea alta/baja? mahrehah ahltah/
Is the water cold? tEsta fn'a el agua? iAysstah freeah ayl
It's warm Esta caliente. Aysstah kahlyayntay.
On the beach - En la playa 100

Are there showers? cHay duchas? £lgh doochahss?

Is the tide rising / tEsta la marea iAysstah lah mahrayah
falling? subiendo/bajando? soobeehendoa/
I want to hire a/an tQuiero alquilar ... Kyayroa ahlkeelahr ...
/some ... - un colchon -oon koalchon
- air mattress neumatico nayoomahteekoa
-bathing hut -una cabina -oonah kahbheenah
-skin-diving - un equipo de -oon aykeepoa day
submarinismo soobmahreeneesmoa
-deck-chair - una tumbona - oonah toomboanah
-sunshade -una sombrilla -oonah soambreelyah
(umbrella) - oonah plahnchah
-surfboard - una plancha de surf day surf
- water-skis -unos esqufes -oonoass ayskeeayss
acuaticos ahkwahteekoass
Are you a strong &Nada usted bien? iNahdah oosstehd
swimmer? byayn?
What's the charge t,Cuanto cobran por ^Kwahntoa koabrahn
per hour? hora? porr oarah?
Is it deep? £,Hay mucha i,lgh moochah
profundidad? proafoondeedadh?
You will be out of No se hace pie. Noa say athay pyay.
your depth.
It's dangerous Es peligroso. Ayss payleehgroasoa.
Where can I rent iDonde puedo <i,Doanday pwaydhoa
a ...? alquilar ..? ahlkeelahr ...?
-canoe - una canoa -oonah kahnoaah
-motorboat - una motora -oonah moatoarah
- rowing-boat - una barca -oonah bahrkah
-sailing-boat - un velero -oon baylehroa

Vocabulary - Vocabuiano
beach playa plahyah
quiet tranquila trankeelah
to swim nadar nahdahr
safe seguro sehgooroa
to walk andar ahndahr
dangerous peligroso payleegroasoa
101 On the beach - En la playa

currents corrientes korryeyntayss

lifeguard vigilante beekheelahntay
rough sea mar picada mahr peehkahdah
high tide marea alta mahrayah ahltah
low tide marea baja mahrayah bahkhah
warm caliente kahlyayntay
cold fn'o freehoa
showers duchas doochahss
to rise subir soobeehr
rising tide subiendo la marea soobeehayndoa lah
to fall caer kahayr
falling tide bajando la marea bahkhandoa lah
to hire alquilar ahlkeelahr
air mattress colchon neumatico koalchoan
bathing hut cabina kahbheenah
skin-diving equipo de aykeepoa day
submarinismo soobmahreeneesmoa
deck-chair tumbona toomboanah
sunshade sombrilla soambreelyah
surfboard plancha de surf plahnchah day soorf
water-skis esqufes acuaticos ayskeeayss
swimmer nadador nahdahdoar
strong swimmer buen nadador booayn nahdahdoar
deep profundidad proafoondeedadh
to charge cobrar koabrahr
depth prof undo proafoondoa
rent alquilar ahlkeelahr
motorboat motora moatoarah
canoe canoa kahnoaah
rowing-boat barca bahrkah
sailing-boat velero baylehroa

At dinner and
an invitation to
invitation para cenar

How nice of you Han sido muy Ahn seedoa mwee ahmah-
to come! amables en venir.blayss ayn bayneer.
How nice to see jCuanto me alegroKwahntoa may ahlaygroa
you again! de verles otra vez!
day bayrlayss oatrah bayth!
Welcome to our Bienvenidos a Beeaynbayneedoass ah
house, come in! nwaystrah kahsah. Pahssayn.
nuestra casa. Pasen.
It's nice to have jCuanto me alegroKwahntoa may ahlaygroa
you here! de tenerles aqui!day taynayrlayss ahkee!
It's wonderful to jEs maravilloso Ayss mahrahbeelyoa-
be here! estar aqui! ssoah aystahr ahkee!
It was very nice Han sido ustedes Ahn seedoa oostaydayss
of you to invite muy amables en mwee ahmahblayss ayn
us! invitarnos. eenbeetahrnoass.
1 appreciate your Agradezco su Ahgrahdaythkoa soo
invitation. invitacion. eenbeetahthyon.
We thank you for Les agradecemos Layss ahgrahdaythay-
your kind invita- su amable moass soo ahmahblay
tion. invitacion. eenbeetahthyon.
You have a very Tienen ustedes una
Tyaynayn oostaydayss
nice house. casa muy bonita. oonah kahsah mwee
It's a wonderful Tienen ustedes un Tyaynayn oostaydayss
place you have sitio maravilloso. oon seeteeoa
here. mahrahbeelyoassoa.
It's a very pleas- Tienen ustedes Tyaynayn oostaydayss
ant house you una casa muy oonah kahsah mwee
have. agradable ahgrahdahblay.
Please, take a Tomen asiento, por Toamayn ahseeayntoa,
seat. favor. porr fahbhor.
You'll be comfort- Estaran comodos Aystahrahn koamoadoass
able in those en esos sillones. ayn ayssoass
armchairs. seelyoahnayss.
103 At dinner an invitation to dinner - En la cena y una invitacion para cenar

Let me have your Denme los abrigos. Daynmay loass

coats. ahbreegoass.
May I offer you Me gustarfa May goostahreeah
something to drink. ofrecerles algo oafraythayrlayss ahlgoa
para tomar. pahrah toamahr.
Would you like to oQuieren tomar Kyayrayn toamahr
have a drink? algo? ahlgoa?
Would you like a iQuieren tomar un Kayrayn toamahr oon
glass of wine? vaso de vino? bahssoa day beenoa?
To your health. A su salud. Ah soo sahloodh.
I toast the success Brindo por el Breendoa porr ayl
of our association. exito de nuestra aykseetoa day nwaystrah
asociacion. ahsoatheeahthyon.
Let's make a toast. Brindemos. Breendaymoass.
Let's drink to our Bebamos por el Baybahmoass porr ayl
company's success. exito de nuestra aykseetoa day nwaystrah
compama. kompahnyeeah.
I'm drinking to Bebo por su exito. Bayboa porr soo
your success. aykseetoa.
Would you like &Le gustarfa tomar Lay goostahreeah
another apperitif? otro aperitivo? toamahr oatroa
Do you prefer a cPrefiere usted un Prayfeeayray oostaydh
champagne coctel de oon koktayl day
cocktail? champagne? chahmpahn?
Do you want a tQuiere una cerve- Kyayray oona
beer, or do you za o prefiere sidra? thayrbhaythah oa
prefer cider? prayfeeayrey seedrah?
What would you cQue le gustarfa, Kay lay goostahreeah,
like, brandy, conac, whisky, o koanyahk, weeskee, oa
whisky, or perhaps quiza algun licor? keethah ahlgoon
a liqueur? leekoar?
Will you have cQuiere algo de Kyayray ahlgoa day
some coffee? cafe? kahfay?
White coffee or tCafe con leche o Kahfay kon laychay oa
black coffee? solo? soaloa?
A glass of orange <j,Un vaso de zumo Oon bahssoa day thoo-
juice, or do you de naranja, o moa day nahrahnkhah,
prefer something prefiere algo mas oa prayfeeayray ahlgoa
stronger? fuerte? mahss fwayrtay?
May I have the t,Me da la salsa/ May dah lah sahlsah/
sauce/salt/vinegar, sal/vinagre, por sahl/beenahgray, porr
please? favor? fahbhor.
At dinner an invitation to dinner - En la cena y una invitacion para cenar 104

Pass me the wa- Paseme el agua/ Pahsaymay ayl ahgwah,

ter/sugar/bread, el azucar/el pan, ayl athookahr, ayl pahn,
please. por favor. porr fahbhor.
May I pass you cQuiere que le Kyayray kay lay pahsay
the asparagus / pase los esparra- loass ayspahrrahgoass/
pepper / mayon- gos/la pimienta/ lah peemyayntah/lah
naise? la mayonesa? mayoanayssah?
Can I have the &Me da la ensala- May dah lah aynsahlah-
salad /wine / cof- da/el vino/el cafe, dhah/ayl beenoa/ayl
fee, please? por favor? kahfay, porr fahbhor?
Have another Tome otro vaso Toamay oatroa bahssoa
glass of wine. de vino. day beenoa.
Would you like cLe apetece otra Lay ahpaytaythay oatrah
another cup of taza de cafe? tahthah day kahfay?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
coats abrigos ahbreegoass
pleasant agradable ahgrahdahblay
water agua ahgwah
something algo ahlgoa
kind amable ahmahblay
aperitif aperitivo ahpayreeteeboa
appreciate apreciar ahpraytheeahr
sugar azucar ahthookahr
let's drink bebamos baybahmoass
to drink beber baybayr
welcome bienvenido beeaynbayneedoa
a toast un brindis oon breendees
I toast brindo breendoa
coffee cafe kahfay
white coffee cafe con leche kahfay kon laychay
black coffee cafe solo kahfay soaloa
dinner cena thaynah
cocktail coctel koaktayl
105 At dinner an invitation to dinner - En la cena y una invitacion para cenar

meal comida koameedah

comfortable comodo koamoadoa
brandy conac koanyahk
enjoy disfrutar deesfrootahr
salad ensalada aynsahlahdah
asparagus esparragos ayspahrrahgoass
it's nice es estupendo ayss aystoopayndoa
success exito aykseetoa
let's make hagamos ahgahmoass
liqueur licor leekoar
wonderful maravilloso mahrahbeelyoassoa
stronger mas fuerte mahss fwayrtay
mayonnaise mayonesa mahyoanayssah
offer ofrecer oafraythayr
bread pan pahn
pepper pimienta peemyayntah
how nice of you que amable de su kay ahmahblay day
parte soo pahrtay
salt sal sahl
sauce salsa sahlsah
health salud sahloodh
cider sidra seedrah
armchairs sillones seelyoanayss
place sitio seeteeoa
take a seat tomen asiento toamayn
evening velada baylahdah
vinegar vinagre beenahgray
wine vino beenoa
juice zumo thoomoa



Thank you for a Gracias por Grahthyahss porr oonah

wonderful dinner. una cena tan thaynah tahn
maravillosa. mahrahbeelyossah.
Dinner was won- La cena ha sido Lah thaynah ah seedoa
derful/delicious. maravillosa/ mahrahbeelyoassah/
deliciosa. dayleetheeoassah.
I really enjoyed Lo he pasado muy Loa ayh pahsahdoa
this evening. bien esta noche. mwee byayn aystah
We must thank you Debemos darle Daybaymoass dahrlay
for such a lovely las gracias por lahss grathyahss porr
evening. una velada tan oonah baylahdah tahn
maravillosa. mahrahbeelyoassah.
It has been a won- Ha sido una vela- Ah seedoa oonah
derful evening. da maravillosa. baylahdah
I must congratulate Debo felicitar al Dayboa fayleetheetahr
the cook. cocinero. ahl koatheenayroa.
Congratulations Felicitaciones a Fayleetheetahthyonayss
to the cook. la cocinera. ah Ian koatheenayrah.
Thank you for the Gracias por estos Grahthyahss porr
wonderful time I dfas tan maravillo-
aystoass deeahss tahn
had in your sos en su pafs. mahrahbeelyoassoass
country. ayn soo pahees.
I really enjoyed Lo he pasado muy Loa ay pahsahdoa
my stay in your bien en su pai's. mwee byayn ayn soo
country. paheess.
I'll never forget my Nunca olvidare Noonkah oalbeedayray
stay with you. mi estancia con mee aystahntheeah kon
ustedes. oostaydhayss.
107 Saying Good-bye - Despidiendose

It's been wonderful Ha sido maravillo- Ah seedoa mahrah-

to stay here with so estar aqiri con beelyoassoa aystahr
you all this time. ustedes todo este ahkee kon oostay-
tiempo. dhayss toadoa aystah
Thank you for your Gracias por su Grahthyahss porr soo
hospitality. hospitalidad. oaspeetahleedhahdh.
I'll be leaving at Me ire a las cinco May eeray ah lahss
five tomorrow. manana. theenkoa mahnyahnah.
My plane is leaving Mi avion sale a las Mee ahbhyon sahlay
at six. seis. ah lahss sayss.
We are leaving Salimos temprano Sahleemoass
early in the por la manana. taymprahnoa porr lah
morning. mahnyahnah.
We should be home Deben'amos llegar Daybayreeahmoass
by lunch time. a casa para la hora lyaygahr ah kahsah
de comer. pahrah lah oarah day
I'm taking the night Cojo el tren de Koakhoa ayl trayn day
train. noche. noachay.
Give me a call when Telefoneame Taylayfoanayahmay
you get home. cuando llegues a kwahndhoa lyaygayss
casa. ah kahsah.
Don't forget to write. No te olvides de Noa lay oalbeedayss
escribir. day ayskreebeer.
Send us a postcard Mandanos una pos- Mahndahnoass oonah
when you get home. tal cuando llegues poastahl kwahdhoa
a casa. lyaygayss ah kahsah.
Have you got my tTienes mi numero Tyaynays mee
telephone number? de telefono? noomayroa day
Give my regards to Da recuerdos a tu Dah raykwayrdoass ah
your wife/parents/ mujer/padres/ too mookhehr/pah-
husband/family. marido/familia. drayss/mahreedhoa/
Give a kiss to the Da un beso a los Dah oon bayssoa ah
children. ninos. loass neenyoass.
It was a wonderful Ha sido una fiesta Ah seedoa oona
party. maravillosa. feeaystah
Saying Good-bye - Despidiendose 108

I really enjoyed Lo he pasado muy Loa ay pahsahdhoa

your party. bien en la fiesta. mwee beeayn ayn lah
The party was La fiesta ha sido Lah feeaystah ah seedoa
wonderful. maravillosa. mahrahbeelyoassah.
Thank you for Gracias por venir. Grahthyahss porr
coming. bayneer.
It was very nice Ha sido usted muy Ah seedoa oostaydh
of you to come. amable en venir. mwee ahmahblay ayn
I'm glad you en- Me alegro que se May ahlaygroa kay say
joyed yourselves. hayan divertido ahyahn deebayrteedhoa
ustedes. oostaydhayss.

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
kiss beso bayssoa
dinner cena thaynah
cook cocinera koatheenayrah
lunch comida koameedah
delicious deliciosa dayleetheeoassah
enjoy disfrutar deesfrootahr
lovely estupenda aystoopayndah
congratulate felicitar fayieetheetahr
hospitality hospitalidad oaspeetahleedhahdh
call llamada lyahmahdhah
wonderful maravillosa mahrahbeelyoassah
forget olvidar oalbeedhahr
country pai's paheess
for coming por venir porr bayneer
stay quedarse kaydharsay
regards recuerdos raykwayrdhoass
leaving saliendo sahleeayndhoa
early temprano taymprahnoa
night train tren de noche trayn day noachay
109 Miscellaneous

Countries - Raises
Africa Africa Ahfreekah Ireland Irlanda Eerlahndah
Asia Asia Ahssyah Israel Israel Eesrahayl
Australia Australia Owstrahlyah Italy Italia Eetahlyah
Europe Europa Ayooroapah Japan Japon Khahpon
North/ America del Ahmayreekah Luxembourg Luxemburgo LDoksaymboorgca
South/ Norte / de daylnoartay/ Morocco Marruecos Mahrrwaykoass
Central Sur/Central dayl soor/ Raises
Netherlands Paheessayss
America thayntrahl Bajos bahkhoass
Algeria Argelia Ahrkhaylyah New Nueva Nwaybhah
Austria Austria Owstryah Zealand Zelanda thaylahndah
Belgium Belgica Baylkheekah Norway Noruega Noarwaygah
Canada Canada Kahnahdhah Portugal Portugal Portoogahl
China China Cheenah Scotland Escocia Ayskoathyah
Denmark Dinamarca Deenahmahrka South Africa Africa del Ahfreekah dayl
Sur soor
England Inglaterra Eenglahtayrrah
Spain Espana Ayspahnyah
Finland Finlandia Feenlahndyah
Sweden Suecia Swaythyah
France Francia Frahnthyah
Switzerland Suiza Sweethah
Germany Alemania Ahlaymahnyah
Tunisia Tiinez Toonayth
Gibraltar Gibraltar Kheebrahltahr
Turkey Turquia Toorkeeah
Great Gran Grahn
Britain Bretana braytahnah United Estados Aystahdhoass
States Unidos ooneedhoass
Greece Grecla Graythyah
Wales Pai's de Paheessday
India India Eendyah Gales gahlayss

Ordinal numbers • Numeros ordinales

first primero preemayroa twice dos veces doss baythayss
second segundo saygoondoa three times tres veces trayss baythayss
third tercero tehrthayroa a half una mitad oonah meetahdh
fourth cuarto kwahrtoa
half a... medio maydhyoa
fifth quinto keentoa
half of... la mitad de lah meetahdh day
sixth sexto saykstoa
half medio maydhyoa
seventh septimo saypteemoa
eighth octavo oaktahbhoa a quarter un cuarto oon kwahrtoa
ninth noveno noabhaynoa one third un tercio oontayrthyoa
tenth decimo daytheemoa a dozen una docena oonah dothaynah
once una vez oonah bayth 3% 3 por ciento trayss porthyayntoa
Cardinal numbers - Numeros cardinales 110
0 cero thayroa 23 veintitres baynteetrayss
1 uno oonoa 24 veinticuatro baynteekwahtroa
2 dos doss 30 treinta trayntah
3 tres trayss 40 cuarenta kwahrahntah
4 cuatro kwahtroa 50 cincuenta theenkwayntah
5 cinco tneenkoa 60 sesenta sayssayntah
70 setenta saytayntah
6 seis sayss
80 ochenta oachayntah
7 siete seeaytay
90 noventa noabhayntah
8 ocho oachoa
100 cien thyayn
9 nueve nwaybhay 200 doscientos dosthyayntoass
10 diez deeayth 300 trescientos trayssthyayntoass
11 once onlhay 400 cuatroclentos kwahtroathyayntoass
12 doce doathay 500 quinientos keenyayntoass
13 trece traythay 600 selscientos saysthyayntoass
14 catorce kahtorthay 700 setecientos saytaythyayntoass
15 quince keenthay 800 ochocientos oachoathyayntoass
16 dieciscis dyaytheessayss 900 novecientos noabhaythyayntoass
17 diecisiete dyaytheessyaytay 1.000 mil meel
18 dieciocho dyaytheeoachoa
19 dieci nueve dyaytheenwaybhay 10.000 diez mil dyayth meel
20 veinte bayeentay 100.000 cien mil thyayn meel
21 veintiuno baynteeoonoa 1.000.000 un millon oon meelyon
22 veintidos baynteedoss mil millones meel meelyoanayss

Calendar - Calendario
January Enero Aynayroa July Julio Khoolyoa
February Febrero Fehbrehroa August Agosto Ahgoastoa
March Marzo Mahrthoa September Septiembre Sehptyaymbray
April Abril Ahbreel October Octubre Oktoobray
May Mayo Mahyoa November Noviembre Noabhyaymbray
June Junio Khoonyoa December Diciembre Deethyaymbray

after June despues de junio dayspwayss day khoonyoa

before July antes de Julio ahntays day khoolyoa
during August durante agosto doorahntay ahgoastoa
in September en septiembre ayn sehptyaymbray

last month el mes pasado ayl mayss pahssahdhoa

next month el mes proximo ayl mayss prokseemoa
the month before el mes anterior ayl mayss ahntehryor
the month after el mes siguiente ayl mayss seegyayntay
111 Miscellaneous
at the beginning of a principios de enero ah preentheepyoassday
January aynayroa
in the middle of february a mediados de febrero ah maydhyahdhoass day
at the end of March a finales demarzo ah feenahlayss day mahrthoa

Seasons - Estaciones
spring laprimavera lah preemahbhayrah
summer el verano ayl bayrahnoa
autumn el otono ayl otoanoa
winter el invierno ayl eenbyaymoa
in spring en primavera ayn preemahbhayrah
high season estacion alta ayslahthyon ahltah
low season estacion baja aystahthyon bahkha

Dates - Fechas
What's the date today? i,Enquefecha aynkayfaychah
estamos? aystahmoass?
When's your birthday? tCuandoessu kwahndoaaysssoo
cumpleahos? koomplayahnyoass?
August 1 sl el uno de agosto ayl oonoaday ahgoastoa
May 10th eldiezdemayo ayl dyayth day mahyoa

Days of the week - Dias de la semana

What day is it today? iQue dfa es hoy? Kaydeeahayssoy?
Sunday domingo doameengoa
Monday lunes loonayss
Tuesday martes mahrtayss
Wednesday miercoles myayrkoalayss
Thursday jueves khwaybhayss
Friday viernes Byaymayss
Saturday sabado Sahbhadhoa
in the morning porlamanana porlahmanyahnah
during the day durante el dfa doorahntay ayl deeah
in the afternoon por la tarde porlahtahrday
in the evening por la tarde porlahtahrday
at night por la noche porlahnoachay

at dawn al amanecer ahlahmahnaythayr

at dusk al anochecer ahl ahnoachaythayr
Miscellaneous 112

yesterday ayer ahyehr

today hoy <¥
tomorrow manana manyahnah
the day before el di'a anterior ayl deeah ahntehryor
the next day eldfasiguiente ayl deeah seegyayntay
two days ago hacedosdfas ahthay doss deeahss
in three days' time en tres dias ayn trayss deeahss
last week la semana pasada lah saymahnah pahssahdhah
next week la semana proxima lah saymahnah prokseemah
in two weeks por una qulncena poroonah keenthehnah
birthday el cumpleanos ayl koomplayahnyoass
the day eldfa ayl deeah
the day off eldialibre ayl deeah leebray
holiday el di'a festivo ayl deeah faysteebhoa
holidays las vacaciones lahss bahkahthyonayss
school holidays lasvacacionesdel lahss bahkahthyonayss dayl
colegio koalekhyoa
week la semana lah saymahnah
weekday el di'a de la semana ayl deeah day lah saymahnah
weekend elf in de semana ayl feen day sahmahnah
working day el di'a laborable ayl deeah lahbhoarahblay

Warnings/Notices - Avisos
Down Abajo ahbahknoa
Open Abierto ahbyayrtoa
Up Arriba ahrreebah
Lift/elevator Ascensor ahsthaynsoar
Out of order Averiado ahbayrahdoa
Gentlemen Caballeros kahbahlyayroass
Cash desk Caja kahkhah
Hot Caliente kahlyayntay
Private road Carretera particular kahrraytayrah pahrteekoolahr
Closed Cerrado thayrrahdhoa
Close the door Cierre la puerta thyayrray lah pwayrtah
No vacancy Completo komplaytoa
Caution Cuidado kweedhahdhoa
Beware of the dog Cuidado con el perro kweedhahdhoa kon ayl pay rroa
Push Empujar aympookhahr
Entrance Entrada ayntrahdhah
Admission free Entrada libre ayntrahdhah leebray
Enter without knocking Entresinllamar ayntray seen lyahmahr
Cold Frfo freeoa
113 Miscellaneous
Vacant Libre leebray
Do not disturb No molestar noamoalaystahr
Do not block entrance No obstruya la entrada noa oabstrooyah lah ayntrahdah
Do not touch No tocar noatoakahr
Occupied Ocupado oakoopahdhoa
Danger Peligro payleegroa
Danger of death Peligro de muerte payleegroa day mwayrtay
Wet paint Pinturafresca peentoorah f rayskah
Private Privado preebahdhoa
No littering Prohibido arrojar proaeebheedhoaahrroakhahr
basuras bahssoorahs
No entry Prohibido entrar proaeebheedhoa ayntrahr
No smoking Prohibido fumar proaeebheedhoafoomahr
No trespassing Prohibida la entrada a proaeebneedhah lah ayntrahdhah ah
personas no autorizadas payrsoanahsnoaowtoareethahdhahss
Sale Rebajas raybahkhahss
Reserved Reservado raysayrbahdhoa
Waiting room Saladeespera sahlah day ayspayrah
Exit Salida sahleedhah
Emergency exit Salida de emergencia sahleedhah dah aymay rkhayntheeah
To let (for rent) Sealquila sayahlkeelah
For sale Se vende saybyanday
Bicycle path Sendero para bicicletas sayndayroa pah rah beetheeklaytahss
Ladies Senoras saynoarahss
Toilets Servicios sehrbeethyoass
Pull Tirar teerahr
Please ring Toque el timbre, por favor toakayaylteembray, porfahbhor

Usual phrases - Prases usuales

Greetings - Saludos
Good morning Buenos dias Bwaynoassdeeahss
Good evening Buenas tardes Bwaynahss tahrdayss
Goodnight Buenas noches Bwaynahs notchayss
Hello! Hi! cQuehay?,i,Quetal? Kayl?Kaytahl?
How are you? tComo esta usted? Komoa aystah oostayd?
Very well, thank you Muy bien, gracias Mwee byayn, grahthyahss
See you tomorrow Hasta manana Ahstah manyahnah
Good bye Adios Ahdyoass
See you soon Hasta pronto Ahstah prontoa
How do you do? Tanto gusto Tantoa goostoa
Questions - Preguntas 114

Do you speak Spanish? i,Habla usted espanol? Ahblah oostayd espanyohl?

Do you understand? tComprende usted? Komprenday oostayd?
What did you say? tComo ha dicho? Komoaahdeechoa?
What are you saying? tQue dice usted? Kay deethay oostayd?
Pardon? tComo dice? Komoadeethay?
Who is it? tQuienes? Kyayn ayss?
What is that? oQueeseso? Kayayssayssoa?
Where are you going? iDonde va usted? Donday van oostayd?
What do you want? i,Que quiere usted? Kay kyayray oostayd?
Are you sure? cEsta usted seguro? Aystah oostayd saygooroa?
Really? i,De veras? Dayverahss?
How much? iCuanto? Kwahntoa?
How many? tCuantos? Kwahntoass?
Here or there? oAquioalla? Ahkeeohalyah?
Why? iPorque? Porrkay?

Introductions - Presentaciones
Let me introduce you to Mr. ... LepresentoalSr... Lay praysayntoa al saynyorr ...
Glad to see you Mucho gusto Moochoa goostoa
My name is Mellamo May lyahmoa
Politeness - Cortesfa
Cheers! Asu salud Ah soo sahlood Thank you Gracias Grahthyahss
With Con mucho Kon moochoa Thank you Muchas Moochahs
pleasure gusto goostoa very much gracias grahthyahss
Excuse me Dispense Despaynsay Sorry Perdon Perrdohn
You are very Es usted muy Ayss oostaid Please Por favor Porrfahvorr
kind amable moyahmahblay Sit down, Sientese, Syentaysay,
please por favor porrfahvorr
Adjectives and pronouns - Adjetivos y pronombres
Possessive adjectives - Adjetivos posesivos
My Mi Mee His/Her/Its Su Soo Your Vuestro Vooaystroa
Your Tu Too Our Nuestro Nooaystroa Their Su Soo

Demonstrative pronouns - Possessive pronouns -

Pronombres demostrativos Pronombres posesivos
This Este Aystay Mine Mio Meeoa
That Ese Ayssay Yours Tuyo Tooyoa
That Aquel Ahkayt His/Hers/Its Suyo Sooyoa
These Estos Aystoass Ours Nuestro Nooaystroa
Those Esos Aysoass Yours Vuestro Vooaystroa
Those Aquellos Ahkaylyoass Theirs Suyo Sooyoa
115 Verb To Be - Verbo Ser
Present Presente Present Perfect Preterite Perfecto
lam Yosoy 1 have been Yo he sido
You are Tu eres You have been Tu has sido
He / She / It is EI/Ella/Ustedes He/She/It has been El / Ella / Usted ha sido
We are Nosotros somos We have been Nosotros hemos sido
You are Vosotros sois You have been Vosotros habeis sido
They are Ellos/Ellas/ They have been Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes han
Ustedes son sido
Past simple Imperfecto Past perfect Pluscuamperfecto
Iwas Yoera 1 had been Yo habfa sido
You were Tu eras You had been Tu habfas sido
He/She/It was EI/Ella/Ustedera He/She/It had been EI/Ella/Usted habfa sido
We were Nosotros eramos We had been Nosotros habfamos sido
You were Vosotros erais You had been Vosotros habfais sido
They were Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes They had been Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
eran habi'an sido

Past simple Indefinido Past perfect Anterior

Iwas Yofui 1 had been Yohubesido
You were Tu fuiste You had been Tu hubiste sido
He/She/It was EI/Ella/Ustedfue He /She/It had been EI/Ella/Usted hubo sido
We were Nosotros fuimos We had been Nosotros hubimos sido
You were Vosotros fuisteis You had been Vosotros hubisteis sido
They were Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes They had been Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
fueron hubieronsido

Future simple Futuro Future perfect Futuro perfecto

I will be Yosere I will have been Yo habre sido
You will be Tu seras You will have been Tu habras sido
He/She/It will be El/ Ella /Usted sera He/She/It will have El /Ella/ Usted habra
We will be Nosotros seremos been sido
You will be Vosotros sereis We will have been Nosotros habremos sido
They will be Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes You will have been Vosotros habreis sido
seran They will have been Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes

Verb To Be - Verbo Estar

Present Presente Present Perfect Preterito Perfecto
lam Yoestoy I have been Yo he estado
You are Tu estas You have been Tu has estado
He /She /It is EI/Ella/Usted esta He/She/It has been IEI/ Ella /Usted ha estado
We are Nosotros estamos We have been Nosotros hemos estado
You are Vosotros estais You have been Vosotros habeis estado
They are Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes They have been Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes han
estan estado
Miscellaneous 116

Past simple Imperfecto Past perfect Pluscuamperfecto

Iwas Yo estaba I had been Yohabiaestado
You were Tu estabas You had been Tu habfas estado
He/She/It was EI/Ella/Usted estaba He/She/It had been EI/Ella/Usted habia estado
We were Nosotros stabamos We had been Nosotros habfamos estado
You were Vosotros estabais You had been Vosotros habiais estado
They were Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes They had been Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes habi'an
estaban estado
Past simple Indelinido Past perfect Anterior
Iwas Yoestuve I had been Yohube estado
You were Tu esluviste You had been Tu hubiste estado
He/She/It was EI/Ella/Ustedestuvo He/ She/It had been El / Ella/ Usted hubo estado
We we re Nosotros estuvimos We had been Nosotros hubimos estado
You were Vosotros estuvisteis You had been Vosotros hubisteis estado
They were Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes They had been Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
estuvieron hubieron estado
Future simple Future Future perfect Futuro perfecto
I will be Yo estare I will have been Yohabre estado
You will be Tu estaras You will have been TO habras estado
He/She/It will be El /Ella /listed He /She /It will EI/Ella/Usted habra
estara have been estado
We will be Nosotros estaremos We will have been Nosotros habremos estado
You will be Vosotros estareis You will have been Vosotros habreis estado
They will be Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes They will have Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes habran
estaran been estado
Verb To Have - Verbo Tener
resent Presente Present perfect Pret. Perfecto
lhave Yotengo 1 have had Yohetenido
Youhave Tu tienes You have had Tu has tenido
He /She /It has EI/Ella/Usted tiene He/She/It has had El /Ella /Usted ha tenido
We have Nosotros tenemos We have had Nosotros hemos tenido
Youhave Vosotros teneis You have had Vosotros habeis tenido
They have Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes They have had Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes han
tienen tenido

Past simple mperfecto Past perfect Pluscuamperfecto

lhad Yotenia I had had Yohabfa tenido
You had Tu ten fas You had had Tuhabias tenido
He/She/It had El /Ella /Usted tenfa He/ She/It had had El / Ella/ Usted habia tenido
We had Nosotros teniamos We had had Nosotros habfamos tenido
You had Vosotros tenfais You had had Vosotros habiais tenido
They had Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes They had had Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes habian
enian tenido
117 Miscellaneous
Past simple Indefinido Past perfect Anterior
lhad Yotuve I had had Yohube tenido
You had Tu tuviste You had had Tuhubiste tenido
He/She/ithad EI/Ella/Ustedtuvo He/She/It had had El /Ella/Usted hubo tenido
We had Nosotros tuvimos We had had Nosotros hubimos tenido
You had Vosotros tuvisteis You had had Vosotros hubisteis tenido
They had Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes They had had Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes
tuvieron hubieron tenido

Future simple Future Future perfect Future perfecto

I will have Yotendre I will have had Yohabre tenido
You will have Tu tendras You will have had Tuhabras tenido
He /She /It will EI/Ella/Usted He /She /It will EI/Ella/Ustedhabra
have tendr£ have had tenido
We will have Nosotros tendremos We will have had Nosotros habremos tenido
You will have Vosotros tendreis You will have had Vosotros habreis tenido
They will have Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes They will have had Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes habran
tendran tenido

Times Differences of G.M.T. in relation with other countries

Aden -1 Congo +1 Irak +3 1/2 Saudi Arabia +3
Afghanistan +4 '/2 (Leopolville) Israel +2 Singapur +5 Vz
Germany +1 Chile -4 Italy +1 South Africa +2
Algeria +1 Costa Rica -6 Jamaica -5 Sweden +1
Argentina -3 Cuba -5 Japan +9 Switzerland +1
Australia +10 Czechoslovakia+1 Kenya -1-3 Syria +2
(Victoria) Denmark +1 Madagascar +3 Tanganika +3
Austria +1 Ecuador -5 Malaya +7 Vz Thailand +7
Belgium +1 Egypt +2 Mexico -6 Trinidad -4
Bermudas -4 Spain +1 Mozambique +2 Turkey +2
Bolivia -4 Philippines +8 New Zealand +12 Uganda +3
Borneo +8 Finland +2 Nigeria +11 Russia +3
Brazil (East) -3 France +1 Norway +1 USA (East) -5
Brazil (West) -4 Great Britain 0 Pakistan +5 USA (Centre) -6
Bulgaria +2 Greece +2 Panama -5 USA (Pacific) -7
Canada -4 Netherlands +1 Paraguay -4
(Atlantic) USA (West -8
Hong-Kong +8 Per u Coast)
Canada -8 Hungary +1
(Pacific) Poland +1 USA (Alaska) -11
In dia +5 1/2
Canarias 0 Portugal +1 USA(Hawai) -10
In do ne si a +71/2
Ceylon +5 1/2 (Java) Rodesia +2 Uruguay -3
Colombia -5 Iran +3 Vz Rumania +2 Venezuela -4 Vz
Miscellaneous 118

Money - Monedas
Argentina peso Rep. Dominicana peso Paraguay guarani
Bolivia boliviano Ecuador sucre Peru sol
Brasil cruzeiro Espana euro
Puerto Rico dolardelos
Guatemala quetzal Estados Unidos
Colombia peso
Honduras lempira
Costa Rica colon El Salvador colon
Mejico peso
Cuba peso Nicaragua cordoba Uruguay peso
Chile peso Panama balboa Venezuela bolfvar

Equivalence - Equivalencia
Measures of surface Measures of weight
1 44 square inches = 1 square foot 437, 7 grains = 1 onza
9 square feet = 1 square yard 16 ounces = 1 libra
30 1 12 square yards = 1 square vara 14 pounds = 1 stone
40 square varas = 1 rood 28 pounds = 1 quarter
4 roo ds =1 a cre
4 quarters = 1 hundredweight
4,840 square yar ds =1 acre
20 hun dred we igh t = 1 ton
340 acres = 1 square mile

Measures of volume Measures of capacity

1 ,728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot 1 fluid dracma = 1 fluid ounce
27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard 5 fluid ounces =1 gill
5,8cubicfeet = 1 bulk barrel 2 gills =1 pint
2 pints =1 quart.
4 quart =1 imperial gallon
2 gallons =1 peck
Volume j, , ,
4 pecks
1 cubic foot = 28,31 dm3 8 bushels =1 quarter
1 dm = 61, 023 cubic inches 36 gallons =1 bulk barrel

Other measures Measures of length

1 ton reg. =1 00 cubic feet 1 2 inches 1 foot
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour 3 feet 1 yard
5 1 12 yards =1 vara
1 nautical mile = 6,080 feet
4 varas = 1 chain
6 feet = 1 fathom
10 chains 1 stadium
1 league =3 nautical miles 8 stadia = 1 mile
119 Miscellaneous
Distances, measures and weights - Distancia medidas y pesos
Kilometres to miles / 1 kilometre (km.) = 0.62 miles

km. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

miles 6 12 19 25 31 37 44 50 56 62 75 81

Miles to kilometres / 1 mile = 1.609 kilometres (km.)

miles 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
km. 16 32 48 64 80 97 113 129 145 161

Measures of liquids / 1 litre (I.) = 0.88 imp. quarts = 1.06 U.S. quarts

1 imp.quart=1.14l./1 U.S.quart = 0.951.71 imp.gallon = 4.55 I. / 1 U.S.gallon = 3.8 I.

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
imp. gal. 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.911.0
U.S. gal. 1.3 2.6 3.9 5.2 6.5 7.8 9.110.411.713.0

Weights and measures / 1 kilogram or kilo (kg.) = 1000 grammes (g.)

100g. = 3.5oz. / 1/2kg. = 1oz. =28.35g. / 1kg. = 2.2lb. / 1 1b. = 453.60g.

Length Capacity
1 inch (pulgada) = 25,4 mm 1 quart (USA) = 0,9463 litres
1 quart (G.B.) = 1,1364 litres
1 foot (pie) = 0,3048 m
1 pint (USA) =0,4731 litres
1 yard (yarda) = 0,9144 m
1 pint (G.B.) = 0,5682 litros
1 mile (milla) = 1,609 km 1 gallon (USA) =3,7853 litros
1 cm = 0,3937 inches = 0,03280 feet 1 gallon (G.B.) =4,546 litros
1 m = 3,2808 feet =1,0936 yards 1 bushel (USA) =35,2382 litros
1 bushel (G.B.) =36,3676 litros
1 km =0,62137 miles
1 litre = 0,212gallonsG.B.
= 0,264 gallons USA
= 1,756 pints G.B.
1 square foot = 0,093m2 Weight
1 pound =0,4536 kg
1 square yard =0,8361 m2
1 pound =0,3732 kg
1 acre = 0,4047 Ha
1 ounce = 28,35 g
= 10,764 square feet 1onza = 31,10g
1 area = 1.076,4 square feet 1kg = 35,274 ounces
= 0,02471 acres 1kg = 2,205 pounds
Miscellaneous 120

Centimetres and inches

To convert centimetres into inches
multiply byO.30
To convert inches into centimetres
multiply by 2,54

inch. ft. yds.

1mm. 0.039 0.003 0.001
1cm. O39 O03 0.01
1dm. 3J94 O32 0.10
1m. 39.40 3.28 1.09

mm. cm. m.
1inch 25.4 2.54 0.025
1foot 304.8 30.48 0.304~
1yard 914.4 91.44 0.914

(32 metres = 35 yards)

To convert Centigrades to
Fahrenheit multiply Centigrades
by 1.8 and add 32.
To convert Farenheit into
Centigrades take 32 from
Fahrenheit and divide by 1.8.


°C = (°F -32) 5/9

°F = 9/5 + 32

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