Cam Unit 12 Yr2 Proposal Template

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Title: Telling the Story Your Way in Video Games

Student Name: Cameron Harper

Assignment Date: 09/11/2023


Choosing what is right for you in Video Games has been crucial for player’s experience since as early
as 1986. I have chosen this topic mainly because it is vague enough of a topic that I can connect it to
a more general audience, as well as it is my favourite aspect of video games and what played a big
part in making me like them in the first place. It has relevance to not only single player games but as
well as the esports industry as many competitive games feature many different styles of gameplay
such as different fighting styles in fighting games or different classes in multiplayer pvps. I aim to
show the importance of free choice within video games and how it can cater to wildly different types
of players.


I aim to cover interactive storytelling games, RPGs (Role Playing Games), adventure games,
multiplayer pvps/pves, etc. I will give an introduction explaining what I mean by a vague topic such
as this, giving history of how free choice has developed within gaming and different examples of how
choice effects gameplay, what technology or coding is involved with making multiple choice/endings
possible, key people that has greatly influenced or impacted this topic, Interviews with those who
share a love for this topic or who are involved spread throughout the video, and a conclusion
evaluating my chosen topic and how it is relevant to the esports industry.

Research Objectives:

I aim to uncover how far back multiple choice/endings go in history and how far they have come to
modern gaming today. I want to show the difference in what and how many techniques and
technology are used from the 1980s to today and the different types of free choice in many different
examples of games from 1986 to the modern times. I also want to find what people had the biggest
parts to play in this topic and how they came across it.


I will conduct primary and secondary research in order to achieve my research objectives. I will
product and conduct interviews from video calls using different apps or face to face through college
production. I will use various editing and camera skills in order to maximise success in this area.

Key Resources:

I will use various sites that have already conducted research on this topic as well as the games I will
be using examples from. I do not have an idea for contacts of experts on this but my best bet is I will

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find those who are passionate about this topic of video games. I will use software such as adobe
express, premiere pro, after effects, and more.


I plan to find those who are passionate about this topic of video games. This would include members
of my own course, including staff as well as students.

Visuals and Footage:

I will use a variety of gameplay, promotional content, stock images and trailers, as well as animations
that relate to whatever I am talking about at that moment in time in the video.

Script Outline:

I will give an introduction to my topic and giving detail about what it is , giving context and history on
how free choice has developed within gaming and different examples of how choice effects
gameplay, what technology or coding is involved with making multiple choice/endings possible, key
people that has greatly influenced or impacted this topic, Interviews with those who share a love for
this topic or who are involved and a conclusion evaluating my chosen topic and how it is relevant to
the esports industry. This is in no particular order so far apart from introduction followed by a
history of the topic at the start and then an evaluation at the end.


I aim to get each milestone such as research and editing done by each week. For example, one week
for research and one week for editing, etc. It is a week maximum as I will try to get it done before
the end of each week.


It has relevance to not only single player games but as well as the esports industry as many
competitive games feature many different styles of gameplay such as different fighting styles in
fighting games or different classes in multiplayer pvps. This is worth pursuing as I will be passionate
researching this subject and it is an easy topic to connect with a lot of people due to how far across
different types of games this topic covers.

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