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Department of Mathomaties and Statisties 1 Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata Mid-Autumn Semester Examination 2019 Subject: Analysis-I (MA2101) ime of Exam: September 19, 2018; 3:00PM Full Marks: 20 Date and 1 Max. ‘Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Instructions: Answer all the questions. The number inside square bracket at the right of each question indicates the marks for that question. The notations lave their usual meanings. All intermediate steps must be shown in order to get full credit. 1. State with justification whether the following statements are true or false.[2 0) ia) Let A and B be two statements, ‘Then the statements (AV (B 4 C)) and (AV B) 4 (AVC) are logteally equivalent. (0) The set of veal numbers $ = (x +2!/*y:2.y € Q) with ordinary addition and anultiplication of real numbers. as the two binary operations, Forms afield (c) The least upper Lound of the set (cnfon +23} me} is (4) Let $ and T be two bounded subsets TR. Then inf ($7) = min {inf (S),in€ (7). (e) Qis complete. Ancwer the following questions (4+2+342=10) (a) Find a fonction f: [0,1] + (0,1), which i a bijection (b) Let fA B have a right inverse /-T: B+ A. Verify whether f-" is injective eel alee (6 Find $5 = GHA mnenp OVORE {d) Check whether or nb/S = {2 € R:cvsz #0} is open, Find the set of intris points of § Mathematical Method-IT (MA2103) b (Qe Mid-Semester Examination reo09 | mark 20 Time: 01 Hour 30. Mins Answer Any Two Questions Show that the Fourier series for the function [6+2+2] f(e) = 2 for -1) (wy The set NU {En € N} is countable, Tou) duu py Beery convergent sequence is Cauchy sequence Sete Every perfect set is compact but a compact set may or may not be perfect 4 ‘Gy Every perfect set is dense in itself but the converse may not always be true 2. Answer the following, (9x2=18] Write any function f : (0,1) -» 8 and verify whether itis surjective yo Evaluate jim, 9 orcad » (0, ta) FLincw}e}s} T ar 7 (G1) OCs} Let WW; and 12 be subspaces of a vector space V. Prove that WW; U Wa is a subspace of V if wi Problem 1 and only if either Wy CW Let Pa(R) denote the vector space of all polynomials of degree at most n. Consider the set Problem 2 S = {(z) € Pn(R) | p(0) = p(t) = p(2) = --- = p(n) = 0}. Show that $ is a subspace and compute its dimension. hv. Nay 7? ahi zp) ohh a, Problem 3 Let V’ bea vector space over a field F. Show the following: (1) Ifa € F,v € V and av = 0, then show that either a = 0 or v = 0. (2) Ifa, 8 € F satisfy af = 0, then either a = 0 or 8 = 0. Problem 4 Prove or disprove: The set Q can be made into a vector space over R. (Note: The usual operation of addition and multiplication would not work. However, some other exotic operations may work. The question is about the existence of such operations.) Problem 5 Show that the set S = {(1,2,1), (3,-3.0), (~2,5, 1)} is linearly dependent. Find three proper subsets of $ that also spans span(S).. worn” yo oe ot aa" of Or abe o” a.(t4y) + an ¢ Qbyx + aby at 7 3 7 Lath) 1% - Problem 1 [143 points} Answer the following: ) Define the sum of two subspaces of a vector space. [You do not have to prove that the sur is a subspace.) Gi) Let Wy and W be subspaces of a finite dimensional vector space V, Prove that ddim(Wy + Wa) = dien(¥¥4) + dim( Wa) — dim(W, We) Problem 2 [2+ points] Answer whether the following are true or false with proper justification. GET), Ua, W ate subspaces of V and Uy + W = Uz + W, then Uy = Us i) IV is a one dimensional vector space over R, then any linear map ’ : V.-» V is of the form 4 ev for some real number ¢. Problem 5 (2+2 points] Answer the following: (Give an example ofa linear map T : R? > R? such that R(T) = N(T). (Show that there sno linear map 7 : RT RY such that R(T) = N(P) Problem ¢ [14+ points] Answer the following: Show hat the map T : Pa(R) -» R° given by TG he ec) Tpke) = (2-1), (0), 0()) 1-2) 7 _Aj Prove that Tis one-to-one and onto. ¢ De MC Problem 5 [243 points) Let -V + W bea linear map. os (Stow thst he map 7 = V/N(T) + RCT). |v] 9 T(wpis a welldetned linear maps (i) Show that Tis oneto one” — 5 pvgeted US Problem 1 [44444 points] The following questions concern basis, soe Patt. Yi ay me (Show thar sr 2 at Pr bata) isa basis for Py he fact that {Lo r.22,....2} is 4 bass for Po (R). ees “et Mt {tare nat mally equal then show dha {(1, 1.1), (abs) (0B2, 2} isa bas f R ET RY —» RY isa lincar map with n distinet eigenvalues with associated eigenvectors "1 the show that (11... tin} isa basis for R". Problem 2 [4+4+4 points] Consider the matrix 1a 21 @ Find its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Gi) Show that A is diagonalizable by exhibiting a basis of orthonormal eigenvectors. Gii) Compute A* for any integer k. Problem 3 [4+4+4 points] Consider V @) Show that (--) is an inner product. Gi) If P is an orthogonal matrix, ic., PP! = In = PtP, then the map ‘My(R) with the operation (A, B) = trace (AB"). Adp : My(R) + My(R), Adp(A) = PAP! > ii) For an arbitrary P © My (i), suppose that the map Adp(A) = Ps orthogonal. "AP! is an isometry. Show that Problem 4 [4+2+2 points] Consider the inner product space P2(R) with wad= [stot Let P : Pu(B) -+ Pa(R) given by Tag + ax + ane? (i Show that T is not self-adjoint as an operator. Gi) W 4 isthe standard basis for Pa(R), then | _Bat bough ‘Ts is selfadjoint, Tis not, Why isthis not a contradiction? Problem {3424445 points] This question concerns linear maps. oalt i) Show that Band C are linearly isomorphic aver R via the map ¢: RY > C. Gi) Given A'© AftR), consider he ineat ap supe RE Cele as tamomita(T) a(t) (8 8)(s ali ” ” ea)ly > Show that ba C4+O 2-2 bw pobaes Mey is Hear, . ii) Find conditions on... such that £4 is C liner. Gv) It is known that if L » © - Cis Clinear, then L(2) az t cacc Lay i€ A satisfies condition (i) above. aie Find such an ov tor ‘Mathematical Method-II (MA2103) Class As 4 Newton-divide swer All) Test-I yirnarn Tirne: O1 Hour id difference formulas to calculate f(2) from the [343] x [0[1 fz) |i) 14] © of f(z) = 4, using the points zo, 21,72 | ep Size in an equidistant table for f(z) = in linear interpolation is <5 x 1077 )? in (0,2), if the error 2 rch Kolkata titute of Science Education and Res Department of Physical Seiences Indian In PHIIOL © Physics F Mud-semester Examination (Autunn 2018) Marks: 20, Duration: 1 hour 1. Compute following, limite: [2+2| (tim SH) jig 2 hie derivative of /Z with respect to x (3) 4, Sketch the area etween two curves yy (1) = sin Bx and a(x) = e022 in the domain [0,47] and then determine the area id] 3] ions sin x and sin 3x are linearly independent. 4. Show that the fi n of the planet Neptune, is tricity of Triton, the largest moon ime f, if the position 5. The orbital eo Jean than 10°4 i.e. the orbit is almost circular. At a given ti vector of Triton in FU) and its orbital speed is v then find its acceleration vector 6) (gmsig? (1s Ko%posa das Quiz 2 Duration: 25 minutes MA 2201: Analysis II ‘Total marks: 15 ae ‘There is one other problem. This problem is not part of the test, This is for interested students. 1. Give an example of i) A differentiable funetion on R. —) ii) A continuous function which is not differentiable only at 1,2,3. a eo +25 =5 marks) 2, (True or False) Justify your answers. i) A differentiable function is always continuous. ii) A differentiable function on any open set in R with derivative identically zero is constant ____(5+5=10 marks) @)l = (OUT Bret rome ues Pork. dey= gen! gods od (ADO-D. ao ky Jord 24 & potpromuia fee ds. ae rotatus of QS fs aluo i, Hrd [OM <4 Otro ctr, Xo thous not digg of nell . ————E | AO thuk eS a -{a) = Hlolo-9 + vi a aor ff dow maton ae fat -HD | zt OWA) 2 oe so" # + « fou fern. for R22, 127 alec, Lm tn eae , oe naka.” : i ver? “hor PERTH) HOY) go ater Bhs aH net dip aretin dn ah yey S , 2) 1) & yy JandAe Hh 4s co Tinors torts |Cn), sartsih 14 0 deff forstiony ot 428. ria {a+ -{@= iis [let pe) ‘] Spa Fs ra ee dansiesasyy eet ain hove 2h. CAD soy ed. cothe 20 (op bentuly Hanae 9 [tew-geadl ce A Analy sabe Buea Us.ak a. (dust -30) perrig fa) ge one ia ets Unworen erbcradiy fea) a4 err usta ath dy mertaatele « ita Tt « ; Deg ssmtiobty 9 Continucns ~~ ee. . open ii) coueider Joa). (OU v4 a diy futy Aun EER . J'CW)=0 Y KES), DIYs «(KER Kaa Comfort) On. ratinank 44 pote. Lote im oupte : : . Ait The open ak Cer wlech Ane clowa of Hrjus depned bea suronro/ D= C&b) Ula, bs) urban |] = f & re(@b,) uta] & xe by) HOU=0 Y xe Cah, ae bi UC, bs) , ye rib ule Aum z oy 4h fee EE OE raw Xo ane 20 Joo he fe) TED 8A esos jon) og { Hose Veen b (Arb, ) db Lek JO) te nitant frecten. & & em, ftry=e (xe ea . (xe. eat.) f WE Cm) a Spring 2020: Mid-semerster examination Maximum marks: ? 20 ‘90 minutes MA 2201: Analysis 1 est. 1 “There is one ‘other problem’. problem is not i. part of the t ested students. ra te owing stems maternal 88° 5) The sequence {Ju}nens In [0,1] = R, does not converse to (0.1) ii) f: (a) > Nore J uniformly on B is not differentiable at 2» € (@.0)- = 4 marks) +2 | (true oF False) Justify your answer (if you tink @ statement is true, give @ ‘if you think a statement is false, give a counterezample) ee 4) The uniform limit of a sequence of on [ou T 4i) The uniform limit of a sequence of diferentiable function on (0,1) is differ- entiable. F hol GG & fo ii) The function f(z) = (z+2) is one one and onto from R to R and the inverse of f is also differentiable. continuous functions on [0,1] és continuous & 4o(8' +343 = 11 marks) “Answer the following questions. ba Fund 1) Find the Taylor series expansion of flr) = 2'|2| up to order k around the s origin. ii) Give an example of a ) in example of a function on R such that the derivative at the origin is positive but the function is not monoton jonotone in any neighbourhood of the o (A few lines of justification is needed.) oa (8+3=6 marks) yt 0 ye a Indian Institute of Scionoe Eulucation and Research Ke Department of Mathematics and Statisties Probability and Statisties (MA2202) Ball maths: 10 Mas. tine. 45 minutes LI the intermediate steps: dye given an its most stumped forms. Th notations haww their usual meaning. 1. Let F-R+Rbea function, Wiite the conditions that F must satisfy in order to be acl 2. Consider the experi of recording the delay that a motorist encounters at s one-way tradic signal. Let N’ be the random variable that represents the delay that motorist . encounters after making the required stop. There is a certain probability that there ‘sil be no opposing traffic so that the mot On the other and, if the motorist hi will be able to proceed with no delay: to wait, he may have to wait for any of the continuum of possible times, The experiment can be modelled by assuming that has the edf F given by 2s 1434 re oom otdiny prohanility fowteon Te 4 Wate Fas a quan end another is continuous cacitate PAD < Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata Department of Mathematics and Statisties Probability 1 (MA2202) Mid-Spring Semester Examination 2020 Date of Examination: 20.02.2020 ‘Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Full Marks: 20 Answer any 4 questions. In case more than 4 questions are attempted, only the first 4 answers will be considered for evaluation. In order to get full credits, all the intermediate steps must be provided and the answers must be. given in its most simplified forms. The notations have their usual meaning. The number inside the parentheses at the right of each question denotes the marks corresponding to this question. 1. (a) Let X bea continuous random variable. Show that, if G(X) exists, then so does (X), (2) (b) Let the joint pdf of two continuous random variables X and Y be given by S(ey) = WeP™; + >0,y>0. Compute B(XIY), V(Y|X) and Cou(X.¥).__ (3) 2. (a) Ifa random variable X be such that (2) Find P(} < X < $|X > 1), (b) For a nonnegative random variable X having cumulative distribution fume- tion (cdf) F, if E (X*) exists for some k 2 1, show that (3) B(x) anf a 4(1— F(a) de. lo 1 1a) Let X be a random variable having pmf fj = P(X = j), for j If it is known that Ga for some constants a and (4 0), find E(X) and YO» terms of o and 6. (3) If two random variables X and ¥ are independent, show that the MGF of X +Y is the product of their individual MGFs. Give a coynterexam e to ‘chow that the converse of the result need not be true always. (2) sat pc +O ) fa) Let X be a continuous random variable with strictly monotone edf F Note that F(X) is a random variable, Derive the distribution function of F(X). (2) (b) Given that X has the moment generating function (3) a) A couple has two children and the older child is a boy. If the probabilities - of having a boy o: a girl are both 0.5. what is the probability that the couple has two boys? (2) (bp At the end of a busy day 50 mothers arrive at kindergarten to pick up their kids. Bach mother picks a child to take home at random. Find the probability that at least one mother picks Ler own child. Assume that each mother has only one child studying in the kindergarten, (3) MA1101-Extra Problems! All the BEST for MidSem September 13, 2018 \ 1, Give an example 6f# relation on a set which is (a) symmetric and transitive but not reflexive; (b) reflexive and symmetric but not transitive; (c) transitive and refleive but not symunet (4) symmetric but neither reflexive nor transitive (e) transitive but neither symmetric nor reflexive; (C) eelexive but nether symmetric nor transitive (g) reflexive, symmetric and transitive Extra, Can you think of some real life examples forall ofthe above rela "nl 4 the function fs one-oue,onto, and the inverse exis Df :B4 Efe) = 22 baron, Wok SLO, WE Uw a)f RR S(z) = GE owe ent not onto, wo Uw by 210.2) 15, /@)=2— 4245 yy ef: RR JG) = pix OMLOnL , WoL Af RR f(z) = x wok ont OR cul ates Po tae BRR SO egal sent, ee Sire 4. effin» onmone function f+ fo), FOO LCD on nd itv anton f NW, Wel se this bn County Yea) eer A be « nonempty set, find an equivalence relation on A which is 0 function from A to A. Is i (dunt on - pn by pouction when byevdye} be a set and let F be a partition on A given by ° {a,b}. (ed), (e}) thea find the equivalance relation on A correspond ing to the partition 2. = [a Uh), H), AD Lee, (ai9,b,0), Cee ted? 1 oe ByA rg is 8) AC Fis Surjctive if it has « Right inverse. 1) It is Injctine Pat has Left inverse. (ttins(a) Try when A and B has 2 of 3 elements) * S} ICA # ABI hen J is ether injective or Surjectve it can't be bijetive function, Where [A] = the munuber of elemeuts in 4 -)cive expe for toring tions De ne mt ager [OT poe se A issrjetive but i vot injective apt wv ane Beam RE ty Ve Rae rea eee Dt gmt by Go ning wt hay wn Fo — 8 ay(B) cB pac ua) ‘gfe sample 3 Pants which ae wa ivene, OH] = 10) 26 metho of induction to prow the following Foye pain sete stat n= yous et ip (n) se eS? + tw = MEN ii) An) 6" — Lis divisible by 5. ix) A(n) sm? > Imfor n > 3 "Gast above one and Induction to pruve, P(x) 3° > w?for n> 1 ted ynfene as for the following tes Fie $= (1.2...20) and define an equivalence relation A on S by Ry Alley) filet S = {1,2,3,4) and define an equivalence relation Ron $ by {0,14 2.2),8.8}.(6094 (8,14), (2.8) 82) Tif baw nay ort op find a mstabe i he eton paper lane cota 6 Seager) Akiak isi a 2 MAMOL End Sem Exam. ‘MA1202 Class Test IT F Answe> any three Fall Marks : 30 ‘Time : 50 minutes xb matrix A has three vigenvalues 01, and 2. Find mumbers a. cn that tid e Awad? sds el Q 2) Find exp (A) for the matrix ( P09. ny fy al aya 2 the set of complex number: for which the Cauehy-RBetnann ieee a ele.y) =e cany MA1202 Mid Semester Examination ‘Total marks: 20 ‘Time: 1 Hour Group A. Answer any two questions Q 1a) We have B = P-1AP where A,B and Pare n xn matrices. ‘The eigenvectors of Bs corresponding to the the eigenvalues Ay where da = —1 and As = 6 are xy, 42 and za, respectively 1 1 a 123 m=(o0]). m=|3 2 and P=) 253 0 0 5 Los Determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A b) Determine Ba (+1) Q 2) a) Prove that the determinant of an orthogonal m watrix is either +1 of «1 orthogonal matrix is 0 Remember, an mie for which the transpose is equal to its inverse, 'b) Show that the product of a matrix and its transpose is symmetric main Does this require the original matrix to be square? (242) Q 3) a) Diagonalize the matrix A= C : ) 1a Remember, diagonalizing a matt 1x A means finding an invertible matrix P ancl diagonal iatris D such that P>tAP = D. 'b) By using the diagonalization or otherwise de ermine A. ain Group B “Answer any one Q.4)a)Determine the LU decomposition af the mas A aad a=|--1 4 1b) What is the determinant of A? ¢) Using this decomposition, solve for 2, tg and ary where An, by with the coluinn sectors b given by “0 Q 5a) Use Gauss-Jontan elimination to solve the set of equetions (473) y-3244t=1 2e-2y+2=- Qn -y-B t=O —6r-+ ly +3: -8t=1 by Find the determinant ofthe matrix gyn vy 2 at 1 ‘) A ee? - gan ‘ A‘, te . 44 i by Gauss elimination. (per 7 , ¢) Are the thee clu vectors yoy _ i 1 1 1 “ 16 1 u linearly dependent or independent? Explain (4x3) wo ALD a3) eee oF 4 6D “4 Cer wee bt og e U7 6 Cgy Ur 0 9 ° loa U4 eee OOM =2 MA1202 Class test 1 Q 1) Calculate the commutator Remember nu (o} a-(° Lio} Na Q 2) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix 6-3 21 Q 3) Find the rank of the matrix of Mather Mathem End semester exam, tien and Statistics, HSER Kolkata ies-I (MA1201) Total Marks: 50, Time: 2.5hrs, Instructor: Shirshe Chowdhury Date: 2nd May, 2019. Question 1, [6+4=10) 7 SIov Font Tore of Cae ~ 4 i Jade, where f(z) = [2], 2 € (1,4) (First Form), Use it to calculate ‘and [x] is the greatest integer not. greater than 2. (b) If f= (0,00) —+ Ris continuous on (0,0¢) and Pe) = [te-o stom 720. ofea) - er ae ion 2. Qypstion 2. how that {7(0y),T(v2)} is a Basis of R? ‘Then show that, = fle) ¥220, (o+4 ar map. Let {u,v} be a Basis of i) Let T : R? + BY be given by T(z,y) = (2,2 + y,y). A;ite sown the mati of with repee wthe bass (1,0) (01)) of? and ax 411.00), (0,0,1),(0,1,0)) of Question 3. Piven oer <1, then shew that 142 deze + + R i " rene ce rye 142434 Question 4. [5-+5=10] Determine for cach of the following sets, whether or not it is countable. Justify your answers (i) The Set S of all functions f : {1,2.3.4,5} > N et of N. (ii) The set J of all two element sul Question 5. (10) Justify True or False, If it is true prove it if not give counter example or proper rea: n {i) Let {a,} be a bounded sequence and {bn} converges to zero. Then {anb,} converge to zero, Let f : [0.1] > R be Riemann integrable on [0,1] and f(x) > 0 ¥ « in (0,1) en is Riemann integrable on (0,1). f (iii) The Power set of N ie P(N) is countable. (iv) If F: RR is such that F(0) = 0 and |F(x) ~ F(y)| = F(z) ——=. = yl then F(x) = 2 or a THE END. 7 Mid semester exean: ALATLOI wis Koikare 17 September 2018 Full Mar} a TIME: 1 HOUR Are A Ban C be subsets of a univer J set sech thar Prove that B=C. wie A = {2.35.67} and p = {1 = 12.2).02 epand pep 4 be a fine non-empty set with n elements ject ve? Justify your answer AH oct using the definitions of integers and miltip son and additinn on Z. eh thet m= p= ap. Then shes thot nr = jon on Mathematics and Statistics, IISER Kolkata Mathematics-IT (MA1201) Mid Semester Examination, Total Marks: 20, Time: 1 hr. Department of N Instructor: Shirshend Chowdhury Date: 23re! February, 2019 (¥d=8) Question 1. (ort 40") (i) IFO O and lin 1a exists then Yay fs convergent Reman Let fg + [OH] 3 for 0S 2 <6 Question 2. [e1414242=8) (i) Define a Basis B of R?. Can (0,0) € B? Check that {(2,0), (0,1)} is @ Basis of R i) Consider the map T : R? —+ R? T(ey) = (ar + by,cx + dy), (9) €R where a, b,c,d are constants. Show that 7 is linear and find the matrix representation of Jrsith regpect to the basis {(0;1),(1,0)} of R Question 3. [24355] IN 2r!32 (i Consider the set D ofall functions f : N+ BY Paternity whether ot not D is i WS fo fo. INTE ip I "i i countable. THEEND. 9 gy). he Aon (i) Define a countable set S. MA1202 End Semester Examination nutes ‘Total marks: 50 ‘Time: 2 Hours 30 Answer Question number 1 and any two from the rest (30 + 10 x 2= 50) Q 1a) Solve any five [6x5 =30) efor the matrix A (; 3 ) find A? and (1 + A)'® where J is the 2x2 identity matrix, 1 6 -5 A Find the LU decomposition for the matrix A= | -2 -5 11 | and c/ 1-15 -10 use it to find det.4®, Remember - we are asking for the LU decomposition, not the PLU decomposition! ee the general and singular solutions of the equation y Solve the equation vu fy 5 yoy SA dx? dx u y(-1) =0. subject to y (1 dz where Cis the circle of radius €) Evaluate the integral f. 7 5 centered at 1+ i, traversed counterclockwise Your friend claims that she hus found an analytic function of 2 =. + iy “aaa veal partis srapltragsy Cut she be correct? Explain. y dale") Coban) ¢ i= &” a Find all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix o100 0010 ooo 1000 Q 3) Use the factorization =i) = fy +1 to solve the differential equation fy ie Fats cose subject to y (0) = y' (0) = 0. Q 4) Evaluate the improper integral dr oo FT EDD using the method of residues. Bowen to a complex integral over a closed contour and evaluate it by the method of residues, Class test 2 USER Kolkata November 9, 201 TIME: 3 Minute: rr 1. What is he minimum amber of students tequited in a mathematis last x will eee the we, Af there ae five possible grades, A Bk CH 4394727467 —1= 0 ito an equation with wa el ven cqation (GV eh et -V 684.5 (241 -45)” (928-2) oy JARM-D +US-Ypy thN 10 ay es an 4( 2-4-3 on) -7 eh &

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