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• MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise) term was introduced by the

Government of India in agreement with the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
Development (MSMED) Act, 2006. MSME is initiated and managed under the
Ministry of MSME (MoMSME) are entities engaged in the production, manufacturing,
processing, or preservation of goods and commodities.


• MSMEs work for the welfare of the workers and artisans. They help them by giving
employment and by providing loans and other services.
• MSMEs provide credit limit or funding support to banks.
• They promote the development of entrepreneurship as well as up-gradation of skills
by launching specialized training centers for the same.
• They support the up-grading of developmental technology, infrastructure
development, and the modernization of the sector as a whole
• MSMEs are known to provide reasonable assistance for improved access to the
domestic as well as export markets.
• They also offer modern testing facilities and quality certification services.


• Udyam registration is the new process for registering MSME (micro, small and
medium enterprises) launched by the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
on July 1, 2020.
• Udyam Registration or MSME Registration is nothing but a government registration
that is provided along with a recognition certificate and a unique number. This
registration is to certify micro/small/medium enterprises.
• Udyam registration is essential for availing the various benefits of schemes or
programs of the Ministry of MSME, such as the Credit Guarantee Scheme, public
procurement policy, additional edge in Government Tenders and protection against
delayed payments, etc.


• Special Preference in Procuring Government Tender
• Udyam registration will help to get the bank loans without Collateral/ Mortgage. 1
percent Exemption on the interest rate on Bank Overdraft (OD)
• There are various tax rebates available for Udyam registered enterprises.
• Higher preference is provided to businesses registered under Udyam for government
license and certification.
• Registered Udyam gets tariff subsidies and tax and capital subsidies
• Concession in Electricity Bills
• It gives protection against the delay in payment from Buyers
• Tax Rebates
• Special 50% discount on Government fees for Trademark and Patent filing
• Fast Resolution of Disputes
• Atal Innovation Mission is a flagship initiative launched to promote the culture of
innovation and entrepreneurship in the country.
• The AIM, in partnership with the Railway Board, Ministry of Drinking Water and
Sanitation, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Ministry of Road Transport
and Highways, and Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, has launched the Atal New
India Challenge.
• The AIM, under the initiative, would invite potential innovators, start-ups and Micro,
Small & Medium Enterprises to innovate, create and design market-ready products
with the help of cutting-edge technologies in 17 pre-identified focus areas.
• Set up by the NITI Aayog in 2016 to promote innovation and entrepreneurship across
the length and breadth of the country.


• The primary aim of the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) is to foster a culture of
innovation, creativity. and entrepreneurship among the vouth of India. It aims to
encourage students, entrepreneurs, and startups to think innovatively, develop
practical solutions to real-world problems, and contribute to the economic and
technological growth of the country. The mission seeks to achieve this aim through
several specific objectives:
• 1. Promoting Innovation Ecosystem: AIM strives to create a robust and inclusive
ecosystem that nurtures innovation at all levels, from schools and colleges to
startups and industries.
• 2. Nurturing Creativity: The mission aims to cultivate creativity, critical thinking,
problem-solving skills, and a proactive mindset among students and young
• 3. Supporting Startups: AIM provides startups and entrepreneurs with essential
resources, mentorship, infrastructure, and funding to help them turn their innovative
ideas into successful businesses.
• 4. Industry-Academia Collaboration: The mission encourages collaboration between
educational institutions, industries, and research organizations, facilitating the
practical application of knowledge and research outcomes.
• 5. Solving Societal Challenges: AIM seeks to address pressing societal and industrial
challenges by inviting innovators and startups to develop practical solutions through
initiatives like the Atal New India Challenges.
• 6. Promoting Research and Development: AIM supports applied research and
innovation proiects through initiatives like Atal Research & Innovation for Small
Enterprises (ARISE), contributing to advancements in technology and industry.
• 7. Entrepreneurial Mindset: The mission aims to instill an entrepreneurial mindset
among students and young individuals, encouraging them to explore innovative
career paths and become job creators.
• 8. Technology Advancement: By promoting innovation, AIM aims to accelerate
technological advancements and ensure that India remains competitive in the global
• 9. Empowering Marginalized Communities: Initiatives like Atal Community Innovation
Centers (ACICs) target underserved and marginalized communities, providing them
with opportunities to innovate and contribute to their own development.
• 10. Creating Jobs: The focus on startups and innovation has the potential to create
new job opportunities, contributing to economic growth and employment


• The Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) has introduced several key initiatives to promote
innovation, entrepreneurship, and practical problem-solving among students,
startups, and communities. As of my last update in September 2021, here are some
of the notable initiatives launched under AIM:
• 1. Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs): These labs are established in schools across India to
provide students with a platform to tinker, experiment, and innovate. ATLs are
equipped with tools, equipment, and resources that encourage hands-on learning
and creativity.
• 2. Atal Incubation Centers (AICs): AICs support startups by providing them with
mentorship, infrastructure, funding, and networking opportunities. These centers
help startups transform their innovative ideas into successful businesses.
• 3. Atal Community Innovation Centers (ACICs): ACICs target underserved and rural
areas, empowering local communities to develop innovative solutions for their
unique challenges. These centers encourage grassroots innovation.
• 4. Atal New India Challenges: These challenges invite innovators, researchers, and
startups to solve specific problems faced by industries or society. Innovators are
encouraged to develop practical solutions that can make a significant impact.
• 5. Atal Research & Innovation for Small Enterprises (ARISE): ARISE supports research
and innovation projects in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It helps SMEs adopt
innovative practices and technologies to enhance their competitiveness.
• 6. Mentor India Network: AIM facilitates mentorship by connecting experienced
professionals and entrepreneurs with students, young innovators, and startups. This
network provides guidance, advice, and support to help nurture innovative ideas.
• 7. Atal Community Innovation Awards: These awards recognize and celebrate
grassroots innovations that have made a positive impact on society. The awards
encourage individuals and communities to develop solutions to local challenges.
• 8. Atal Virtual Incubation: This initiative aims to provide virtual incubation support to
startups and innovators, enabling them to access resources, mentoring, and
networkingopportunities online.
• 9. Atal Hackathon: AIM organizes hackathons on various themes to encourage
participants to develop innovative and practical solutions to challenges faced by
industries or society.
• 10. Atal Grand Challenge: These challenges are designed to push the boundaries of
innovation and invite participants to tackle complex and significant problems.
• the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) is a visionary initiative launched by the
Government of India to instill a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, and practical
problem-solving across the nation.
• Through a variety of initiatives and programs, AIM aims to nurture the creative
potential of students, empower startups, and encourage collaboration between
academia, industry, and government.
• By establishing Atal Tinkering Labs (ATLs) in schools, AIM provides a hands-on
learning environment that fosters curiosity and experimentation. Atal Incubation
Centers (AICs) offer critical support to startups, enabling them to turn innovative
ideas into viable businesses through mentorship, infrastructure, and funding.
• The Atal Community Innovation Centers (ACICs) extend innovation to underserved
areas, ensuring that innovation flourishes at the grassroots level. The Atal New India
Challenges and Atal Research & Innovation for Small Enterprises (ARISE) initiatives
promote innovative solutions to industry and societal challenges while advancing
research and development in small enterprises.
• Overall, the Atal Innovation Mission not only supports economic growth and job
creation but also contributes to India's technological advancement and sustainable
development.As the mission continues to evolve and expand, its impact is likely to be
felt across diverse sectors, fostering a more innovative and forward-thinking India on
the global stage.

Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme

• Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, which was introduced by the Government
of India to promote domestic manufacturing in various sectors.
• The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme is a government initiative aimed at
boosting India's manufacturing capabilities and making the country a global
manufacturing hub. The scheme provides financial incentives to manufacturers
based on their incremental production over a certain base year. These incentives are
designed to encourage investment, increase production, and enhance India's
competitiveness in specific sectors.
• The PLI scheme was initially launched for the electronics manufacturing sector and
later extended to other sectors like pharmaceuticals, textiles, automobiles, High
Efficiency Solar modules, Specialty Steel and many more.
• It aims to make India a global manufacturing hub by encouraging companies to
increase their production capacities.
• The Indian government, led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has approved a
Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for drones and drone components. This
scheme follows the liberalized Drone Rules, 2021 released on August 25, 2021. It
aims to drive significant growth in the emerging drone sector. The total incentive
available is INR 120 crores, with a maximum PLI of INR 30 crores per manufacturer.
• The Objective Of the Scheme is to incentivize the manufacturing of Drones and drone
Components in India to be self sustaining and Globally Competitive


• The PLI will be extended only to companies engaged in the manufacturing of drones
and drone components in India.
• Indian MSMEs and startups manufacturing drones and having annual sales turnover
of Rs 2 crore will be eligible for the scheme. In the case of drone component makers,
the eligibility threshold will be Rs 0.5 crore.
• For Indian non-MSMEs that are into making drones, the annual sales turnover
requirement will be Rs 4 crore for claiming the PLIs. The minimum level will be Rs 1
crore in the case of non-MSME drone component makers, as per the ministry.
• Subject to the norms, developers of software for drones and drone components will
also be eligible for PLI.
If there are no incentives payable in the next year(s), the applicant has to return the
incentive along with interest calculated at 3 years SBI MCLR prevailing on the date of
disbursement, compounded annually, for the number of days of holding the excess
incentive," the ministry said.


• The Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP) is a first of its kind, unified access
portal which brings together women from different parts of India to build a nurturing
ecosystem that enables them to realize their entrepreneurial aspirations.
• The Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP) is an initiative by the Government of
India, launched in March 2018, to support and empower women entrepreneurs in
the country.
• WEP focuses on fostering an environment that encourages women to start and scale
up their businesses.
• Overall, the Women Entrepreneurship Platform plays a crucial role in empowering
women to overcome barriers and succeed in the entrepreneurial landscape of India.
It encourages women to pursue their business aspirations and contribute to
economic growth and development.

• Key features of the Women Entrepreneurship Platform include:

• Networking and Collaboration: WEP provides a digital platform for women
entrepreneurs to connect with mentors, investors, and other entrepreneurs. This
helps in sharing experiences, seeking advice, and forming valuable partnerships.
• Access to Finance: The platform offers information about various funding options
available for women-led businesses, including venture capital, angel funding, and
government schemes.
• Skill Development: WEP conducts training programs, workshops, and webinars to
enhance the skills and knowledge of women entrepreneurs. This helps them develop
key business skills and stay updated with market trends.
• Market Access: The platform provides opportunities for women entrepreneurs to
showcase their products and services, helping them gain visibility and access new
• Knowledge Sharing: WEP offers resources, case studies, and success stories to
inspire and educate women entrepreneurs about best practices and strategies.
• Policy Advocacy: The platform works to address policy-related challenges faced by
women entrepreneurs and advocates for changes that can create a more supportive
business environment.
• Mentorship: WEP facilitates mentorship programs, connecting experienced business
leaders with budding entrepreneurs for guidance and advice.
• Recognition and Awards: The platform recognizes and celebrates the achievements
of women entrepreneurs through various awards and recognition programs.

SATAT SCHEME Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable

The Indian government's SATAT Scheme aims to create a sustainable alternative to
traditional domestic cooking methods by promoting the use of Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG).
1. Energy Consumption
India is the world's third-largest energy consumer, and the demand for energy is expected to
rise rapidly.
2.Traditional Cooking Methods
Most households in India use liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or kerosene for cooking fuel,
which is expensive and contributes to air pollution.
3.Need for Clean Energy
The SATAT Scheme aims to provide a clean and sustainable source of fuel for cooking and
transportation at a lower cost.

Objectives And Targets of the Scheme

Producing CBG
The SATAT scheme aims to produce 15 million metric tonnes of CBG per annum by 2023.
Replacing LPG
It aims to replace about 15% of the total LPG consumption in the country by 2023
Clean Energy
The scheme aims to promote clean energy and reduce carbon emission.

Impact of the Scheme

Establishment of CBG plants has resulted in a 22% reduction in carbon emissions.
Farmers and households are generating additional income through the sale of agricultural
residue and cattle dung.
The SATAT scheme has created about 75,000 direct and indirect jobs in the CBG value chain.

Challenges and Roadblocks Faced During Implementation

Availability of feedstock and its transportation are major challenges in the implementation
of the scheme.
Establishment of CBG plants and distribution network requires significant investment, and
financing is a major roadblock for the scheme.
The government needs to create a favorable regulatory framework for the growth of the
CBG industry.


The subsidies are available to businesses, industries, government bodies, and non-profit
organizations to promote the use of CBG in transportation and cooking.
The Central Government provides up to 75% of the cost on a first-come, first-serve basis,
subject to a maximum of Rs. 30 Crores per project. State governments provide additional
subsidies of up to Rs. 5 Crores per project.
The subsidies are available up to five years from the date of commissioning the CBG plant
and production of biogas.

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