Unit 12 Specialist Case Study Why r6 Is A Good Competitive Game

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Overall rate the student’s specialist subject documentary

Comment on each
YOUR NAME: - Kade Brickhill

DOCUMENTARY NAME: - Why rainbow six siege is a good competitive game

RATING OUT OF 10: - 0.5/10

Presenter engagement: - Presenter didn’t seem engaged in the slightest, he was talking
about unrelated subjects half of the time and there were terms used that only apply to
certain maps in a certain game. I can guarantee that half of the viewers don’t know what
“bakery” or “connector” is.

Quality of audio and voice over: - The audio quality was absolutely abhorrent; it was
monotone and I couldn’t understand a word he said. The only way I was able to understand
anything was using YouTube’s auto-generated captions and they were about 40% accurate.

Quality of editing and resources: - The good note here is that the clips on-screen were
relevant to what he was saying. His voice wasn’t clear at all so the clips on- screen helped a
lot to understand what he was talking about.
Pacing and timing of Documentary: - The pacing and timing was not thought through in the
slightest, you can tell he did this either past or right before the deadline. He talks about
unrelated topics like CSGO and Doom when the topic of the video is purely about esports in
rainbow six siege.

Clarity of information: - The information was terrible to consume, from what words I could
understand, most people couldn’t get it as the terms were way too specific to the game.

Overall, his video subject is too niche.


Introduction to the topic Yes

Brief History of topic Yes

Has technology has influenced your No


Key people in the industry No

Key techniques associated with the No


Interviews with people discussing the Yes


Conclusion that evaluates your No

chosen topic and why it is important to
the esports industry

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