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A group of refugees are trying to flee a violent country.

they are caught they will be killed. A child starts to cry
which would inevitably give up the hiding place of the
group of 10. Do you kill the child to protect the rest of the

You are late for work and are driving much faster than the
speed limit. You look down at the radio to change the
station and you hit something. You hit the brakes suddenly,
which causes a car to crash into you, which results in a pile
up. You get out the car and see that you have hit a man and
he definitely looks dead. A woman comes up to you crying,
saying that she has hit someone. If you let her take the
blame, she could be put into jail for a long time, whereas
you will get let off. What do you do?

There is a murderer who has confessed to the murders of 30 children. However, he won’t tell
the police the location of any of the bodies. A police officer suggests you should torture his
wife who he loves dearly, to get the information out of him. His wife is innocent and knew
nothing of what her husband was doing. You know
that if you do it, he will definitely tell you what
you want to know. What do you do?

You are an inmate

at a concentration camp. A sadistic officer is about to
hang your son who tried to escape. The officer says
you must kick away the chair from underneath him to
kill him. If you don’t, he will kill 20 innocent
inmates. What do you do?
You are at the beach with your daughter and niece. They are
swimming in the sea when you notice they have both got
into trouble. Your niece is the weaker swimmer, however, if
you go to save her first, there is a chance your daughter
could get tired and drown. If you don’t save your nice first,
she will definitely drown. What do you do?

You see a girl steal

an old lady’s
handbag. At that
moment, a car swerves out of control towards them
both. You only have time to save one. What do you

There is a fire in a building. The

two people that are trapped are
your dad and a scientist, who has
found a cure for cancer. You only
have time to save one person.
Who do you save?

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